The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 08, 1849, Image 3

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IMPORTED 4OrgLiganAPlltra
PlryBl39llGll DAlL:f:pia
,:t' 1%114DM/111A. Aug. 7.
, . . .
I.,ktgit accoutli from ßaleigh, she. Eighth .Pt,-
':, tslci;date. that ;it the strong I . 3emeersdie iselinEnn
..,. tinvebeen
heard frniti, and-Shut the ehanfen -sit
. iniiily. to fevoOrEtantoy, Whig,oSeriaine,hih
i'. Delinratie opponent. r.,,)„:.,,?'
iiil,rFirth ,D 141661; ve,za.bPP, r"" 2 : 11 °" 1 " , II rt
ei.cid. ::: This wo4pectoi....,:c ~ . -4 ' ,
tizikh. sixth pilsiri v 0114 *tmomt, 6 f ~
1 ~ 7 . ,.. le* Rhii Oinjnrti .6shisil eS9i , This is a suneg
,I*sinilla Disqi El, -.,-..,
i; ,. lishsi: Seven' 7 :et, in Robeson coansy,
'Ali, lleinoersie' 4 5C; Rned, Independent, 5011
"Titekeeticiii;idAih . li generally conceded. Tl 4
*.• :W.4 s hid.ittl itt_ : , ttalii . , :ex. . . 1
Vitt* XiPth Diaries, Ongew i
, Whig, s re.eltes•i
edfit 0 isrge idejOrq,l
iiii . . . . [stionss.nsssisreB4 i
klesund Dibeiry,...Whis, ins bee elected J
ccsisess . : , in the Third Esstesei. North Einginn,bil
; f ' 4O lithiriii• . •.1i
, ,-. , trissisi. ,Disrsrcu„)
. .
. _ hing.
,First Distiicij T. S. Clinician, Whig,
:Clete& • . •
• 1•10 Second Distric4.7. P. Celdwelc whtg, hut
14.4hcned. 1
Oa I . lrird Debsny,. Whig, elected. ,1
Om the Fourth Ikitrict. co returns hoe been
rerived Tite•cableiClh this district is betweeFil
Stitiard red Eetil,
4 . iittittiiFijOilAy#,:kPinnal cud W. J.I
ociiiitembWatdit, ore the eandiiiiici;'and di
1 -4ettklictged thus Militia elected.
delite, is elected;aye,
::#ffa;'l3t;th Panieolo4 •
J4t*giiitinll4l 9 tiiiisi e&deszie-Yeti dyubt
_ . • •
6111,161C9L . : : .
L'lt'ltisiti:pistri4., nit! =dance sesP.
aq itCcry,,sted *hi; who
' , 1!!!: • Crectecitt, /owl.
s,Ktiiitee'eaiel'i,i*iaelcy, cm, precincts,
subiteei (Pe' I#e.4atie3.. itree, far teepee,'
't (W . lsfOl3tt. • ' •
meat I ,. ie 5. reeieete, Stant.'i
51 AiPsfue4,'. 1 ? 9 r.
,sEiteue counly.laiwb preeinete, Stamm had
• .. • amerce j
In Masao eoeseg!keznaelcy, e'e the dm dayj
majority otirlitanton is 187.
- .
1 .14 :OROLERi.+Ri NEW YORK.
Naw You, Aug. 7.
'''--- -- 41oCre were 85 810 of cholera and 41decuU
tr is ryidariageei2f hurt erodintar woo
raiiring itors':indior at noon today th ee.
k i s :2,l, clean qattcd to and two deaths, In this
- ,„ N&W,11:111.$ MILILKET.
- 7,cw Tose, Aug. 7,1819.
..daft ,The . to day is rather . buoyant.
.1 61
13312001' are man at Si 810
10.87; :and atiui¢ Stabs brands at Id 91055 per
Asa notice regular sales of eye Sour
ats3l2perbbl: !
Cote Meal—flee at $312053 25 per bbl.
Oretin-Saleat rolind yellow earn at 62063 m
~ reubdPbita tap; aid of mixed wryer: at
80iper,bst. Ott ate lichee, and sale. moderate,
. Vo.perba. lb Is selling at asessc per bushel.
'Tits receipts ashant are limited, but the demand
la fair, at 060951 for. bes. Ohio.
. : Protisleuia-kair la lower, and a fair business
, isAting.ithltrtroachlb 81 per bbL for Mesa and
119. Sat. prima. 3eet fa 'MO; Lard is inactive et
ifitairhs'j , Batt b mole plenty, with mica at 1100
waste, end 1010 ror Ohio. Cheese ti
•, mamma and votes) tat export.
*Mee no change to the market.
-B r' ;HGlir'4 MAIL
' A slip frOthe Savannah thorgian, ups the .
Ntitncert4tritian„cf Monday, bring" further ht.
migeMimitrei Florida; of the hostilittea of the In
AT,4ittelhike' tunlhcen received that six amines
dfmthe Indian* between Tam.
Pe Pstal,charlOtesgarbor.
4.te . that a Motopaany er troopr m a ne
',llpotrl of the .Tedians, 7porsned them to
the f 1.44 eireitrailrhere the bridge need for
,crotahne:ed. been, deitroyed, and on the oppco
MteVerfdenbeat 100 Itt'dians appeared, mined and.
palntedatthnt the, t4ttr whoop, and darin g the
The wee being elDsll in number, deemed It
pradenlo decline' the !Invitation, and returned to
Tampa} • ~! : '
Gov.doselity bas isMmd a requisition for • large
atif •RlPlRW,etnitrid will misname a war or
rancorsor externMas4on. One company has al
wady I.lTillakmaisec..
Diaassaido or Sm VIZ, IS one of the most com
mon, swell vs the tilt
diseases Itatiord
rlaties.OPtlnielatut:rilt has in ao ease failed to
artraeohe „Me...stigmatic.. from the Faculty in all
quadri Ofthellitiori. 'ball, however, domande an
unallypero.l4 and ithantands more are made • to feel
life Linesman" bT thl. illsemw. The proprietor. of
1111... e. Liver Pillirfeel'eonfident that they offer to
the Mkted a.remody which time boa toned, and ha.
trevefalted of face.. whet o fair trial has is eo gL
wen it Coll one porches* ribox at the Dom Store el
MAPS* ~ ' • 3 1311313 &CO
CD PENN S. rgo. Patent Diamond Pod
ILT yet Pens, dritti and wi th out cue., Awned and
-tor ads bk ' iJOASTON tr. scrOCKTON,
dddner Third end Market US
UNTTUILE DthflTY—W. R. Murphy has recet•
ad it ks , pieces f4t simmer bed quilts, at the
on ies.ettekets 1143
A I.I:IBDUCtID rgws-w. Mutpay Wu au
21.1taiui W AS *69e - told . coieresi ...hick he
will Sase.cluiAt
B4l3ol , e9llillisOklit94 tusks Inn reo'd nue r q ,
gals UT. brig e HARBAUGII
1101117 1100X1a—Sondony , a Common Plan, Dota,
Jtsdisesl by kis can-1c0.141.., John flood If arum, D.D .
Atones- Doom of Julius Caw, .with engravings
awAgee)." ' ,DADDITON &
STD an C d K T h O a N d S sNW' ,car Market T , m
0411, and rdt ki
algist Mans sat Ortualbmsoi,
boa wilt lean* the Diamond m Pittsburgh ovary
dos-roiniroes, for foie by
9 , 17 J DWILM•rq
ED76:FP/4*34- . bnalk — " — }wil reed and for cabs
Dar=e o
, 8 is___ b W
_ tio nA.Bl3A9 ..pec OH
sion;.6o bolfbbls do do; MI bins No do, just reed
and for side by- . , L 9 WATERMAN
filo/1-471,- bra Vs Tobacco, on bane k w
* bretays,nome -of +dant aro choice
brad, And of am* qtallay, reed on consignment
and focide by ;_ jgcb- - L 9 WATERMAN'
OLLAT. -AN D HESKINM—.A. rev Obla 01 once go
0 outland and Mr Pie by .
- -
11EASIti r liriVhit• lleans on -hand
tad for solo . 7 y20 L {VAT KRAILiII •
- -
FAMILY .FLO ' • Was Family Roar, on eon
lianziant and bit tan by
dill . r .•-• REYNOLDS fr. SHER
WILOIS6r•M !AIL Isstiee'd and fm Wei by
j7gs . ~; =, 4 . ARMSTRONG & CROZER
ECAN/ M U Pee= Num son reed and
for sole by -Jy) .' ROBISON. isrz LE it CO
RRF if -.Rooms:Ps AJIMMItIe Vinestir77o
Ptsfireamm, der Aleibiader Col, I sites; fine Retell
-130 2.. 1
Rah*. dear; Rose Sapp; do do Polchaty do; do
•do dot 4,Compostrid ex !Warms; }.ld ree'd
dfor ettl. b 7 ii IS Z *MUM, 57 Weed L
.11"..84EEM &RuMATICii VINIX3/114—The hies
1 7 tainowtyoll2l. ;oxide and torso propertiesofMD.
=Scram to Calegae water Car
the ordinary FONser of the toilet, inswing the lat.
ser intu pertente,Saimaa nod reropoes pimpres,
toter and ikspiiity of nte slunitt wrestles mad who.s
the skin, rendering itect,,sokci smooth, 'ttaarreets tl U.
t.4 l .pf G. r...fin imp ming is Nth
and pleasant Omuta.. and', whitens- the
teeth, and haideus ttairuss 1111
toe ebaro-par
paea, it is abed mitkonite in such t,P3 moray
b. fiiialidit.Diresable.r Br In tislirei n e l d robblrt
It ea use tarole‘a Win 4 1 =" 8 he"athe, /f onfiti
tostaetty to bantrat braise, tt wui erentaatlt otereat
1004iStalien, asssuutes"
free mitiown . ts rstin;:r for pwiti n
. 14 14.,411 arra% Whltsie Itmatitt.
jysi • • Sr .21 Wood
street, Plusinuah
I,ol'arEßV.l.Mities Lily White, it Mon; de
1' oil ; ut, Sad Marrow; do Phllisame; do
Nyeepb Bow 'just reetiteileind rot sale by
JIM - • • R R SkT.LERS
LNOOTMF - Ctir..
.. 11 .cr i r4 0 30.1?! . .4.;ii i atilfrACchnb t fa k and t .a
rS•adilaers .8.1 au., lts." make
• Wiwi and BoArairttir • Jy2 KIER &JONES
fatelilo - pAPki- - 4:00 rma astorteCtor salmi
y y b tut- •I) SCHOONMASER BO •
BLdCICO bbl for rise
' - S ,SCROON bT
PPERASI-.3tthtils la Ind'onfei, Tbr asto Icnr try
JIM , c. • gr;i4flONNA 011 &
.li a rylr '—u" rlgragiria& CO
litEt.oo ON !,F . Norr; foredo by
Mega k CO
o r u
149. ALIIII&1404 I lila Bad
- "U.
d M
"4-Sunday, •
onday, -•
' 1 - Fars ,ditY • •
L. 9 :Tharaclay, •
it! Friday,
- tOmarrine POIVAVO
putts stir. cm WITLIE:
aserzw 0P- Tawl-4
w n O at a
rairrai wsliZiappna -.474-sr
Jh reviewing tbe martazierui oltAaAackelltieiher.
wcil but tiered, we have to oolltoi thtt.**At**
aulidasa which prevailed dietteg .
Nothing of uieten baslialmDifet ishic generallybavr
NM% ors fleeted eitaitMeri, atideplaUttionettare shown_
ver4ition rr6es these la
weaker, for UM Inostpary
di and ac.ii conseqitiiiiiithirliiiituci been- grad.
ally ?Reedier, Mail it is novr.withist few laeltetifirthe
lowest mark, None but the rery hatesfdriteght steam
end feel boats' have i r ebte riiran, - the number of
Which has been area m o rn- ilianiedflelent toilet present
*led amaMis of Untie. ,
dall sattion ilittoilitshas market soli
rogroula, and operation's' undinne teseeeding4 nth;
TIO Co marked change, In Bales have
titian limited at the rotten/sin noottAat rates :—Pearla
dsl; sa <rwastifiPota4lo4l:Bo*hints 2,1021, and
Soda Ash at !Eine 4Tth., 7
modenwisales,weiatay continue OUT
gootallans at ta,60.28,405ak Walked,
the absencia.of R 413,411 from below,
ingplics in °Fawkes kirk been gradually dearest.
atMilsolld,artfirsa,vvew ra - v.
ilier alight Waimea in acme kinds: The sales of Like
wink have been 6f a g,Oadril • ihtneter, and may be
meta at the following rat - ea . :Plain ibinelanad and city
eared Hams ale very good demand at
t Prima bogged Haiti ILTT46O tearer at ;
Of7UMPIT cured einvassig liama . wh)totiee • tate mt.
gdg and a good den:tidal Mei p 7 in tierce. Bales
Of Shoulder!. atilt and Bttie4 ii bia 79 lb.
4pclrxrs AND TUBS—We nc ‘ lice no change in
ginigaticaa The atiutegiirrairiy,iinpplied, arid ea.e•
ggg regatatly erected from .tore at.#1941 , dozen t.•,
Etheimth andlaiso4l) ".lion tberu6.
.ffigitriS—Satea of bettntiality iltre at 70e, and of
ordinary or totted at Opt" hd
DROOMS—Regalar riles from .yore are erected at
cringe of SIX to Vit r ilir#: dor ) tor'etnanion to heat
• • ' 1:
, CREME—Receipts !thre been tlAhh ood
ate het more than sufficient to the ddmmsd. Sake ia
Modur may hire been identedAt pmea nosing f<
fO+;dlrerifit quaidenfrons 5 to 7filb ;kr tb.
• chscscees—A. regular blistneags doing at the to
touthtg quoted ratty
Water Cracker, per bbl • • •
Bellpeoer do " 4
Diole " .t.
Pdol Broad, " ...
,SAssode " tr Ci do
vet..., per lb,
CoITON YARNS—We &tee (in' farther change
IA quotation , . Tim Iblinning to s',"rofreet scale of
NO.II, els , per lb• -17 No. IS Os per lb le
0 14 " to
"7, • " 0 do " " •• •
• •-• •4110 "
/7 " 21
1Y: 17
Wm= ~
No. OW. lo lb • •211 No. f 02-
ocecto per lb.. •• .6}
Ba • ‘• • • r...a
Carper Chala,.•• .. • .... Candleterfok, 17
Croptilet Yarn 21 . Bar t 7
Pr. 110 141, #.49.3,41.'40.0
aberrro r rp,llll4 espkblisted priefi. wblk .1 4 , rt. otr
-- • •
CORDAGE -The follcriiimi la aaiaf , of prices foe the
ennOat articles under thls head : .1", •
.. Manilla rope, by coil, ,
... 15c p Et.
' da . ca.....' .... ;....:,• .10c
' Whits Rope, by c0i1,........ • I.S. • • rde
cat, . L. ••Ine ". .. Tarred Pope, by coil, ' tic " "
coy, . . •••••• 4 • • •12c
- . "
: • ,}.!ro e l 4e, ..... - -u.k.• .10c a -•";
.. do - ..R.MON ..... +•• il. '' "
asacoaan n•
• Man ill a. $ 4,c01#1 5.. 00.2dA, Rip d ß o t rr.
I d mp, 64 PP,50 3 3,23id0n
'' - • de P . er4,-,11/e .I . i. a.
. riziroiraaara .:, • - '
- '. - Manilla. :111. , -.. -
Klaalza4 Con/areit atiM Iflo P. Re
Portami-.form a r prise*, are !Idly =rained, say
LAStaz taPtilliailfliAr., for Mould tapow tok, and for
Gizmo. dipped Slop lb.'. ' f,
COPPER—We patina no yorionok ham tan Gracia
tiOr.n Sales of CHIT All's Copper in Ole and Ingsiu
iliiitlee; of Shonthlnrst 5*.; nod at eopperat ISO
iil}li:D FRUIT—We notice only - 5 a moderate de.
Inlaid in the =alien with Piles of Pettchea at 61,190
lierrrei+ate . .v.awar - kfodluist
DRIED BECF—The market lanolin base .labia sr
lattlit; eatmelltbmili we can report as sales. A good
!an4tenf-lE!stere euradarnithit . .e.adilioonnaandl2lo
Pie D. •
011}.1p9-11te fs4lcninat Is. het cif panes of some-Of
'ciWitie4 prominent a:tido:Sander thirChead: " •
lAtent. lbs. ••-• • • •15019 '1 Riintiton* p 40
*Min e , •• • •••• 410 4 Caruphor e ,ref,• •• •• •ndo4o
',Aostralida. Ihs• • • .I}oo' • Chloride Rine ;a 0
ULM,' Root," •• • -120141 Continent " 1A)01,3
ldtlholc* " c. ••••lop • CdPOnras "•• • .110 0
Litrulrfre, " --4}ool . Liquorice: riaPl• • • 7 0
;Madder Usolmo,lbsl2ol2}l , fl ball u• • • 50229
Om mroibbble,Bl3hrililAS Rel Sale •.;', 0 . • • 404}
qwain., Gine, co mmon '!• • • ilola
#l,ollR—Nothlng of hiterest has ?occurred in ten
Root, Marhet, prices throughont the 'prank remaining
peaty the a.m.. at teatime of warp last weekly It
'tam. Only a few small lilt hare arrifed . , by, river sad
5rakda114,4004,43 bbl. The earna from stare hare
'confined to regular limited lota 454,70, 4,91, nod
$4,11," barrel, aecordinlyto OtaUty: • 49,1 notice retail
Saks Ad R 5,122143 f bid; As tha failiters are note all
raitl)/Arough with their liarrestine, Oise in the river
Anzkinsly looked frr we the Onlyl:e.hrutee for any
' oharlia in prices. We colic. nuoiatinim of Pinsbargb
licatiln the Cu:mimed market ten bbl.
,Fili.7lT—Of Raisins, the Market ii, barn Hates of
Figant 15e; of Almond. #ol9e; of Tante
Callum at €081 e; of Eoliadl•Walonts and Filberts et
poj LT Groundnut. at 620750,9 bn; tif Pecans at Cc;
l?f,o}itneett at 55,00. There'arc
...nolitemtnie iu. the
• '' ;
. .
- 1 1 1170,11.-111 a coadatto oat ilablvia.
+um" 2112, Shad SS, 51aetertilio. 1 $l3 for bid., and
117.(02 talc bbla No 2 .11.1,311'fai MA. 473 for half bbla
riel,st:!pa far bbl,, and 113,23 for half bbla. Paler
at 125,73 bbl., • t
rEiTEMLS—Wa, taii °llia la* Wes of Feath--
tra, and coo only quota la ■ liadtedloray at 31 to 33x
:i £ROGHTS—Riverfrefghti:eosamav high, sod , the
Alaeuta of merchaadise•puling weft is very 11ghi
Fe' ;Og r e pond freights to Clovion at 10125,3 ei
' DI. - The follovvieg 11011 lb CWT. Eau via Penßyl
' n.l4Caoal, for tolls of the pruleipagliniviva . or Ada
uti •
' 1 . Mum, Bacon. Lord ImidTtlllaw• - 4 ' '-tze '
Tobacco Loot, Ohba, fie 100 ' . On
do " Eye: o, " .• 4 - -Mb
Wool, " • fh7fe...,
, * Pats and Pelirlee -. .'• -a- - • 40tie
1 neuni,
Seeds of on hods, 4 • •••:;•••,•• 43c
li niteMil, per 101 S -1 i ' Of.
7100 x, Sur btu- -.... .. ... ..✓. . ....., 70 0
PEED-Wo cocas =doom tales offilran (tan mare
at 11012 e, of Shona ad IC‘and of•Shr*Unifasat 2Cdiftie
, ORMOMI-The Gummy xuarketienesally is on.
absurd lo any kit:onion startle dm, tend prices of ey
my, Odes onder 00. bead ;etnittnitat "Fair firm. N. O.
*gat may be fairly quoted at &On fok Our to prime.
And arm. Seguin' sales of N. O. Manua at Wo2ae,
deeUrding to quality of balm's. Halesin t f Saga House
Idolaamea at 40041 e p gallon. ,Rio Co fiee musts from
Ifitolloalt lb. Sales of Elosarbouso krialaatea in 400
fil , of Loaf Sugar at Ifillik; mu; ot Mee, by. the
',date at de ir eb.
1 GOLIOST-Reeelpia eoutloue light, aid mipplles are'
Fid We may qao.e limited tint hand salts of
at 38010 e, and of Oats at 37 tg. aso v ba. In
bur grain, we beat of nothing wonliouhuiy. '•
M01a.1.93-We =nee 01, thane. / 11 PA.' of Wiml;My
aas: Boles of Cry brandaS by 10, ¢+M% 1 0 by In
04,1,141 S by 111 1117; Patent do 10 by.,4 to 10 by O
610.2 , 0111111 fit box. • '
I rot tbe taxiing rhos Of etro . Jitty Wifidinefalasa.ilM
fifilayring is a regularly eatabUalted-lbo•Mf prices:
6 by lb sus tt :or 1.6•4•.........50s
tri by 11 ..-._...... 3,00 II by 17 _. op
t 0 by le --- -- -VS 12 by 10 .4 1,70
10 by 15 4,50 Id by 11 7 . ........•-4,73 I
10 by 10 - - ...... •• 4,011 re by is :4 sp
tO by .17 - ----:-.4,50 Ite,by , 30 -i.' 7.00
ijOmmr otAss.- - We Ore tbikahminitoopor prise.
far Unite of the snitielpal ankles of - flint Olass, a.
14101foctored and solo be 11th any: I
t1 ..e 1l
d i Tomblets per dos, -,, , 211:M10,0P
o " " r• dna I,td
la i d
- 1 - tor,
11oblens .• •• ,- . 140a 0.0 1 1)
- 1 -eamliiiiSmair : : 14 16 . 0 , 00
li k Le 1 1 'L el r a , '' ' ° ° -i, fra i t
1 / 2 1:
• I -JeJiy on
eull, own -, Ora W h ip
Ii 3MeantaM,
_, filf-d4L, 11°- 'ROI
I I.lirdetted, ," • .larro 0.111
, ,4 0 b e vy Oland, perphlr, S,OOalO,CO
I• °d o bony cot dour, each i 75a t.,50
, 1 :• 4' ,., jr " ga r' " um .' . ' j_ At 31:
.I*., ...,p.:10., ! XI:Mr 41%4 0,00
I • Y:/r7 ant, paa c' e r P ! !7. • ' ' • - ,1,4ra ' 7,:i
Fi lly ittmeatimo &so, per 6avapito,oo
1 1 iht. do .' bowls, per par E 87a 0.00
kn alm° o4 l l l.lta P0:401 :ma 0,00
1 1 mm M OO ° 3IIII aItOtYOMITIJM I - •
i i frm ie l i n„ ~T 'pe, 'dr. , 7 4 °V 3 f s er,
,I . Flemd WOOO. " °••• , - - Attialt,no '
Viocioro=oolitonsi:l. dos Igiol 2 A o '
e 73a SAO
ttalialt-Volilittla lis doing M thilwaffifoles, We
y oats nottallly at ' uam v ibb* the bele.
4Y-Reinter ulaa a good iloultycro erected
oragOst "'Watt 'tea . ~
C0N• 1.01, 9F 0 M Mad lEE 05,i5D10: 4 ,i, is 1
fttt l'olOorstsuselAtil *.keg.
1 1 . 1(0 1,1 oirmalLs-rsaiis of bit 03 at i:lit of
8 oiii it OitrOlort: Itiali id Hills ot arcithasezo
fat ig in dd atirt. 1 : • -,, , '
ylierbit6o.43 0 . gyaa r l ol 1011t4to - or godtiii
otiqem; Yak ,lul 6 l4ittar at 19
aloe, and ot•Butintaresabs at 2101 , 220 fo-b, And very
LUMBEr.-The yard li: ism geteraltr Well,supplied
ligrAh eieri tidog.ander gab Saletol: seasoned
Wards froth Zard at, toi common 811, mol for clear
871 P M (o'4. ' • • .-
LEAD—Sales ad" Pig ai 4034.10 113.
LEAD PIPE 46 sol Cal a range of al ii 121 e per
4 to
6 a
6 1
6 1
5 3
5 4
4 5
7 li
7 10
7 9
7 8
/ 7
7 4
Coot. oreordidg ti size.
- ....W.lir.ratikAP—Siles of dry t rr Glom lir O. end
of pareiln 61-oi sigivc,G2t.
, havaiit;sale. lhabro at t'l3l4je pm.
AaTaTr4bderite ails of Barley Knit rem store
oseirog, - •
7.4TEDAV:3tahearofrrle vales Of Pis, excepting in
tindleo (eta . 4
fanner mac. Moderate tale* irntoom.
T.riarnstoll:-.10.1 resintaziy al Stdl2.7iSiMci par lb.
' 4I MESI-11 , k,...Prir o(l.4naced Ii vary light, with
of No 1 Lard it 550
Crle.'and pf ip 50e lignron
Q,IiTORIIM.-11sel0ng p gal
rod the Mistllare modem., Leaven,'
the !rack kharkci.
RAGS—Rip:dor sales of good elcail ratied from first
hands at 31i*
11 1 21Ar-9irtis of Ratio it 4,124 k, or,' riegmed a toie
TAB—W4:itota nig& of madame quantlie• at 54 44
4 M P barre •
TIIRPENtINE—SaIas at 46a4e.c t gall.
VINECIAII-gale of eisocl elder as 90 , 9ic 9
vARNIstt.,-sw... of Copal at /31.40052 # PH. by
whokssle. •
NVOOI.-11ne following ie a faor exhibit of the re:tea
now paid bp , cur dealer.;
For Coffman
" titrsod
wtiI81: Rl-.trice.
haeo adtruseed, with sales o
Rectified atter tall. Raw 11 - hiskey is very scarce
and is beld.i`2lol.2e ;Perna.
i)u.zamtm,Augoot 13.1349.
B EEYa 4, -The <drain& at the yird were um more
enlEeiißi, to the ditnisni, end prices thoarad no
important my'azion frtmOttet quotatimm, my, for heir
quality 93,244k9r ottUnar7oteomoioo,' p ice Rh
SIIELIC--The market iitaamoilerately auppliett, With
lea IU tialtAo each.
Splrig„ of the Iliononatio illarkatas'
Noituraztattly six Idle.
TIM river ale rapidly son Sotardni and 'Sunday, and
there Ss ROM' water enough for boats of the lergeor
sire. The Talleymnd expected. The river it now
fading eloV,
Cot ton— h market iotree. 110 halea were sold this
morning, at A. lloroiltouts warehouse, la 5G.25. Smal l lot. were el Johnsmi to !Smith's, htestiister's, and
Johnson Zs I,yaverie at lA= and at Yeounou's 1541,15
was pold for choice tot,--(Whig.
• •
Barines threctlar anti of Amerman Securities :
AttleliMM Sia . oks at' Liverpool ore firmly supported,
sad there ara:no considerable rotantides for vale, but
the demand not retire . 204 we bare no ...Meth! 'a .
ration in Chip ocotaticom to notice. EL S. CI per cent.
bonds, 1004199 y; Inseriptious, 14e1; Alabama dollar,
39901: Steril9k,6llol33; hlassachuscas, 1041; Maryland
90, vain. 9dho New YOrk Arcs, or Ohio, for tale;
Penasylvartiaoloevg ex die.; Indlana, 00241, ea div.
Some of the New York gig per cent tram has beetves •
clanged aga)last United States six per coots, molt leer
cert. earoreice, and some considends:a purchase.
have been riSade of Mtvaiorippi Sterling 3 per rent.
bonds at WO? rent. In ot)ior Si ate Soot:maim nothing
doing .1 Imola..
Pot Stara 1i41113 of the lass by the hom
ing of the bciatt, on Sunday mormag
Mary , •• •• • • •St9,ooa Cargo.
San Franomoo- • • Moat. v
Algoma Mile()
Pho.nly .s; 104 KM
Ihawcytte. • • ...
, 6:1.00 6-.fwTotal valice.of boats and cargoes. ••.• • • • • •11148,000
Supposedfitcwout of Issurance on bouts tad
cuegosti.. ...... ....... ..... Sl3lOOO
(St. Louis Republican
Lsois,MoLanc, &nom, Brownseille.
R. Wigblutnn,— , ---.lReKeespart.
PeytonAi—, McKeesport.
Loafs McLane, Bianco. Brownsville.
Wighounn, McKeesport.
Perms; Miteesport.
Ciadrelis, Cincinnati.
Tux Rairre—Then were 17 inches in Ike
channel, Ititnetal mark, hut evening at dusk,
aside a sistld.
Lodi PA4e.tte, 13touns lige, 6 Y. M.
11-Lkir-talt..44:.pankel Gne. e P id
11, e. lbacilt. Co'. Csail Pei.ket,n &clock, p. x.
TE%V LIU:DT—We hate received a lot of Lamps
II Or' , Ferias sizes &ltd . /Linde, ors new coustruction.
that is qabe'Sdmole and Omplete—some ornamental.
Also, the fiddle to been in them called nktotning
Fluid, or OthkterTitl."' It boo tare qualities which
rementeesid'llles the antedion Or steam boatmen, hotel
kecialts, oltentinees. economy,
and ortinaricii term:owes mrty thine portable mw in
ave. Persoiwwho pleats to call on oe will bo shown
the peenhantias 'of this note compound.
A constenrappp of the Field and Lamps kept by
• ' SCAlratt ATKIST.ION, Firm st,
. between Wood and Market
la; pariah,. hip ierruifoin existing under the firm
'or A...t.c , taanurr.v, is dissolved by the deevalut
U. Urißey. The brumes* twit be earriettim by
A. Bradley, irsho will .yu the busiuees of the late
REMOVAi—.A.Sesnsxr has removed his Foundry
Warehouse Nem No. 112 Second creel., to N 0.12
Wood streeoetween Fitat and Second streeu, the
warehouse lastly °mimed by G. A. Berry. where he
will.kcep constantly on hand a general assortment of
Castings. Grip.. .Moms, Cooking Stores, le. )y 1J
TIDE Janie:the', who bits been in busing.*
in the,eame building for the last thirteen years.
011 descriptions of Fine Gold mid
%Vetches, Jewelry, and Silver Wane, at
remd, at the Wiry lowest prices.
Gold and Sliver English Patent Lever Watches.
Gold andiSliver Det tut ;Lever and Lem., Watches.
weld end Sliver Horizontal and rent, Wetcheat
Cold and Silver Independent Second Watme.. for
Cold Near]; feb and vest Chains. Gold Spectacles.
Gold anti Sliver Venetia, Gold Pepe. •
Ladles• God. and Moue Bracelma,
Gold Locket. Gold and Silver Thimbles.
Diamond dings and Pins.
Ladles andNenttemcni. tiremmios,
Sterling Stint, Spoons, Cups, Fates, ac.
Gold Watd)ics as low at 31 to F:23 each.
%Vetches and Jewelry exchanged. •
Spoons arol,Forkeptaten. on oftrumn silver, a h ro ,
article. All Watches warranted to keep good Mae or
the looney reinetied. Jewelry repaired, and Wacbes
cleaned mid tttpuited to die Item manner, at conch 11.41
Itutu,the usual prices GEO. C. ALLEN,
Importer of Watettes and Jewelry. wholesale and
retail; 1.1 %Via street, (up Sinirs,),NEW
En: f it& t i gi l iCS g i ld/ Y I N Pe i c l o N B I F R a i l=
oo h gra,,,,gl 4 7ll=rl. l4 Wrettand. and other
property in lotb's and cot:arse, Insured against loss or
a."...relq.EM, tho lo w est rate of premium.
Mama zOitlitiattCl4.—Thay also laser* Vnsels. Cot , -
' goes andErelglns, kialgitor coastwise, wider opener
special as the assured may desire.
litLeraTtuNitoirurtodt..—They Immo march..
disc trampoiled by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Canal
Dome - andrltelm Matt, no roan and Jokes, on the
'men liberal *Ma • ~'
DIRECTORS—Joseph Peat Edmond A. Sender,
John 0 Dasil,ltoben Dutton, John R Penrose, Santa
'el Edwards, Oho 0 Lciper, Edward Darlington. Isaac
' R 1.1.46, 'William Peirce% John Nesrlin.Dr R M Has.
ton, June.' o:iltutd, Theoharis Paulding, El Janes
Breaks, Henry Moon, gulch Craig, Clemge Senill,
Speocer Mellittln, Charles Kelly, JO Johnson, Wil
l= thy, Mt Thomas, John Sellers, Wt. Eyre, Jr.
' DIRECTORS AT PI rrsaueGis—D. T. Morgan,
Wm- Utighlef,Rtm. T. Leghn.
• , • • WILLIAM MARTIN, President
nrctulthii.'Netraota r recretary.
JD thfich littitt Company, No. 42 Water street,
Pombargh. A. MADEIRA, A gent,
Joanne, Ass/Olean, Post Mercury, Dispates, Chron
ic!. copy. ,
OUBtIAL ey THE 111011,11%
er.Tagseaez oir rrtarraysers,
1 1% , o i l e d . eillit h eLta . ale t t i •Paodi r ca I Tani t Amerhi
mlY Odra:daitirda. It has been rc ea g ' ulaTl7 l istae u' d ' io o r
opurards of sgenly4hree yowl, and I. cartically edited
•bgt coramittof of. scienuaa' gentlemen appointed for
'the Purpose:4 . We Stank tie !esthete
The deserved)) high , repulat.oa, both at home and
leirandortticallin !comae hae acmainnl r d autumn
,ed, hos givenala circulation and exchange Lit of the
best chetracteirwhaelr enable.. the Committee On Pah-
Reatirpt to .tnalta th e boot Internam, (rani Foreign
Jortroals, andlO glad eircillation to original cerement.
citiOne mechanical and scientific subjects and po
llees te' +ear iii*ll.llolls,. nOtices nit the reurintat loon
err •t the Prue* ltfice, Washington City, toe publish
ed in the iourpaJ, togethal;0,11110 largo amoont 0f ,,.
formation On Mechanic, Chemisqty, and Civil Engl.
peering. derlice from the taint and heat authorities.
Thu Juerntif 1. pgthiltlS an the Jilt Dreads month,
each' unarrhei:eontaining at toast sertuly•tuco pages,
toms istro , rolumes manually, of nlmut tin pages
each; glestraiest with tnarevings on copper and on
which require them.
Toe subscription pticali Flea Duller. per annum.
lnyable au tliotompictlorl of the ninth number, snail
srllt befosr#iltd free of ,postege when Cmdollars
ate manned tpihe Actniity ip&taga p.l/. to advance
(ninon:y.oa litaietiption.
CommuniOnnoua and lettere on business mustlin
raitte to tiSelliottnary of,the Franklin Institouk'Shil.
adelphia, Peuggarlaatt,a,” the postage pald.
• 11 . 2Ldlos ~ • Aetuan F. I.
. -
' s4Ovna is,fismroouro, •
SN~a z 9 241.55 and •(1 Paiii Benner , (between
• Futon eej',lnd DertingStip) NEW YORK,
aittee 04 band tn. (Mee; nwrmentar
• • ' . • °Tulsa
*l'o. ina:#,DsrierEs,
tDirrsto to itazsra.
'lnto article 1) litilwrs and °HAW 1111.% wa
• ' #.O in " , ! 11 % vatietY.
".: I ');irill!!itail,s! o el9s . liirkfc . nanpuracuirets at
' • Ulf & 61 h 11 .13 .Cov.trcd fiats ...
..:r4intA - 10;17,4tognetax.:cLorilscp
ofau kind&
.c,indo.aintarino4,seat by . Tnad.... Prd.fni . rpiyr
,it' 6` l" ,
.rroatza roz Tax .rrrrAgniciu Danz grazyrng
ALLY:EMMY Cooney Koarcuttinueßoccrie.—,
The Boned of Manageii of the aboie met
at the Coon noose, on Sa turday ; ttni. 4. „ran
fd 'Ledo Ar, jun., of Peelde - a townahipovaricalledlo,
the Chair, and the toil:lutes of the last disieting
were read and adopted.
The members present weraJohn Murdocki
P. A. Way. James Boyd, 11 selly , /0114 3iott, E,
Cooper, and William Denny.
Mr. Denny read a report, and handed a atonsut
money over to the ereasurer. •
The report of the Committee on eteceintas.son
read and adopted, recommending premiums to be
given:io the Milowing order • •'
Home—Best blooded molls= best.brood [Pare
and colt; best span wort houses; lie St three year
old colt; best two pear old colt; best
. one old
Cattle—Beat bull; beat cow and calf; best now
wilhout calf; best three year old heifer; best two
year old heifer; beat one year old bet4r; best calf.
Sbeep--Beet buck; beet hero ewes' text Ave
ewe lambs.
Swipe-43cm War; beat brood sow.
Paltry—Bea pair live turkeys; best pair live
geese; best pair live dusk's.
Best chee,ae,siot his than 20 Uer,.bezterteter, rot
less thin 5 IM; best box honey; best banded Ildur.
Crops—Beat rise acres wheat, best five acres
oats; beat three acres barley; beet five *creels:int;
best four acres grass, timothy; beat acre pcitaniel;
best acre turnips; beat half sere sugar beetn 6114
acre pumpkins.
Fruits—Beet barrel 01 apple.; beet trample apples
beat bushel peaches; beat buabel poem; best ball
bushel grape.; beat bushel plumbs.
Agricultural IMplemeuta—libau twohorae . plooth;
beat one horse plough; best hill aide plough, best
harrow and cultivator.
Manufacture) etrticiee—Beat tbrathing mactdeq
beta corn and cob dui 'beat two horse wagon, beat
fanning mitt 'best hayrack; beakkotibtr, bat; bent
coverlet, best quilt; but tntir:Wets; best draw
bonnet and bat; beat ehoppiategif: bop, and &old
Committee to procure a alto 6Fti the fair; &Coop
er, B. Kelly, J. Boyle.
No premitimcwill be awarded unless to mem-,
hers of the society.
All manufauttrent ardAtlited to brirg forward
their manufactured wield for exhibition.
Time of exhibition: lint Tueecley end Wednes
day of Omotter.
Society coloareed, to meet on Saturday, the 191 b
Au pet, 1619. Ward of Managers ere all toque*
ed to attend.
At the mutual thectuts • r una
Home Company, held on evening, 4th
list, the following officers were elected for the ea•
suing year:
President— W Gamma.
Vice Premideat—W A Caldwe
Secretary—V. , Wilktumu.
Tressumt-3 Adams Getiy.
Carania—Grome Wthaa.
Lieutenant—R 'Duffy.
Engspeen—lit—D N Lea; 2d—Thomas A Mrs
fy; 3d Samuelßarnes; 4th—John 8 Little.
Item Directors-4 st—Henry Eichbanmi
°bathe W TIM; 3d—George W Lowman; attv.—
Nick Wooderly; sth—Robert McKnight; Bth
John Crceley.
Assistants—Michael Keenan, John Murray,
Adam Redenbuctit, Augustus Barrier '
\V Earl, Quirks Singateister, Richard Bradley, W
' Y Adlington,Tuoryns Fagan, Alexander Limey.
W Bradley, W H Herzog, Joseph &owe John.
W Buerchker, W C Kean, W Ewing, George.
Axe Men—C B Mowry, Alexander Summers.
On motion, the meeting adjcurned, to meetfon
Wednesday evening, Silt inst., at 7 tit:kick.
SWAMSIIIO.-A few days ago, whilst we were
paying n visit to the country, we noticed a mole of
fishing which was, at least, no eel to as. and may be
so to some dour readmit.
Some filly neatens auembeld at between sx
and seven o'clock in the morning on the bloke of
the Yoogiogheuy river, about a mile and a ban;
or two tulles above the town of West Newton, and
divided tato twq { l / 2 arties, one of which bowed luck
a the constructioo of a sort of darn the
river, which, at the point telected, woe not more
t hou knee deep. The other party wretched
several ropes across and commenced interweav
ing branches of trees, keeping the leaves on, with
. them. . As Non ea they hioi,Parraed 1.114 a,
in this manner, extending front chore to shore,
and about two hundred yards in length, they beg n
to drag the brush wood wine down =team,
When the dent was neared, and the struggles of
the Bah imprisoned between a leafy barrier on the
one aide, and • stony ohs, on Ike other, became
visible, the excitement of concerned. was In
tense. and the Reeve was gone animated. At
3 o'clock, the drawing of the net was linishorl,and
the tsh wore lifted out of their native element In
to boats, where they writhed about—perch and
kke, boss and salmon, cat Sala and suckers, in
v aost admired disorder. •.
None of the fish we of a eery great aise;iftfingh
some efthe pike mooldverfighaboutterelvqoeofid , •
Taken altogether, therein" weight of or,
fish - caught upon this ormillon, amoonto to over
one thousand poundi,-)94 It would be difhoult Gir
any aet or men no speit4' it pleasanter time thsn
the fishermen did 'while Catching them. t Lough they .
did not, it most he onfessed, ttfiopt the mamws
of !sank 'Walton, wit a zegard to the mode of the.:
The llitisett navigation of the Yonght.,
sheep, white it will pat a atop to this tualtiod of
ashing aft-itd wont better sport to those whirr
prefer angling with a rod and Hae, to joiiing
In such a marina °billue° as is described above.
MATOL'If OFFICS, Pircssicaan, AtlGrf , f 6 —Three
persons were - brought. bekwo his honor this Morn
ing, charged with drunkenness, and proraltingibei.
Sabbstb by dworderly conduct. Twii gelid dinii
Saes, and the remaining customer was committed
thl•ron's 02P1CT, Ammustrker,'Aelust 7—Five
men and one re nmtut Were brought before Me
Mayor this morning, charged with drunkenness.
Woman corm:dined 'opal' fiot two days, two of the
men far twenty four hours each—rem/dada? .441.
charged on paying their Enee.
Lsensori.—A colored man, whose term of im
prisonment io the Western Penitentiary bad just
expired, named John Smith. alias John Miller
slim John Lea is, Wins John kfatiltrio„, was an:wil
ed at daylight on Saturday moritingj by officer
Coition, on suspicion of larceny. At the time of
his arrest, another colored man,. tamed with •
musket, WWI with him, w?o emaped, Smith 144
a large quantity of better in his poasession, of
which he could give no soSsfectory account, to
caber with tome counterfeit money, and a bunch
of skeleton keys. He MO bees suptod a abort
time licSre, wino a pilloW eamfal of bars of soap,
but dropping the map, made ids escape.
Taesday, Attpsitl-12 o'clock, M.
Gent!met : I have reported to gm for the Int
24 boes, I ease of cholera and I death.
To the Setnitcry Coma Wee.
ttntttn 1.1=03 Suasa.—Prepared by L 19. Kelly
William street, N. V., end tbr isle' Dy A. Jayocs, No.
70 Pou h street.street. This will be Muria a delightful aid
es Of bavarage in families, and • particularly lot get
13ammda Damaa.-410 Improved Chdeolato - prepareu
Uod, bean; a eombinadow eremite libt; IndOpent, In
vigorating :tad palatable, bigtdy recommended panto.
daily for Myelitis. Prepared by W. Valor, Dorebee
ter, Mazy., and for rate by .A...tlAYNDirt -at the Nem
To a Store, No. 70 Fourth at
Fire and Marino inineastae.—TwiTiii.
smut NATIALTIOS AND Fru 123111111D0S CT).14.31. , -
etuurtertu 1x331—c00k.333.0• to 3s.ure upon every de
seripti.3l3 olproPen73 ko,urg".
Vole; No. 33 Alarlict WADI.
Rcieurz FLDNAT, See.y. 393,1313330
Improw•monts In Dentistri.
DR. U. 0. STF RYI.9, humor !Ursula, tr prepared to
tresnufacture and rot Otaci Taal% In whole tadpole
at vets, upon Suction or Atmenpherie Stactlon`Platas.
Too - nue ea mace In rum trunrras, where the nerve Is
exposed Omen and residence neat door to the May
ore Wince, Fourth street, Mubarak.
term To—J. B. ht'Fadden. P. 11.431d0n.. tale
DILL IiF4DS, CARDS, =mins,
Bab Consracts,,Lawdllards.
norm tewa. LAMA, tirAnriCLTIA, cuSCILS.
eournice, etc.
Printed et the shortest notice, ai price., At the
deYJ treserra Omce, Twee , t ar.
W. at. Wright, A. D., Dentist,
c= and
ekepir :n o li o Friarib st,
; hoar" trio. o'clota h ) 111. 4 1'61.!t51
ihrqt 9 o'rld.k Pat!. sotto
Mr• gentlemen of Pnui3nrg!l t who bad lk:leh into
an open cella silo!' the .6 rent I - tre,".-spiolnod hta Wl-`
ela so re re rly that he Was &Wile terefrain. from** ,
tog onewith the polo. A rni w t.orka, hod •beew agog'
IL 6.-Falineehlek & des Kobel/uncut and beroniestred.
Or Rheetaatism, gam him what remohled iq thOlkqulrt,.
sod altboothbta ibab vrte-Orrotlr rwpllen, he W.
, 013112pletely T4llll.ofea , Ul".bollllte In melee boors and
freed ftom pain, Thls Is Om outs of a great number of
ones 'Ouch have come nudes the obverosaiois of the
proprietors. Prepared and cold bs
N. HO •
Rubino Matto, No.
Penasylvarafa. I
i li x ertt. elaaanNia::
61 i SONS,
garke; axe:, eteu lu
rt litefl , k tilnoielses•• I
V eats.
r Exchange bk.. of Vuo•• I
armors Bk.of Va. —• "
Bk. dike Valley,— "
• Bk. of Viralydo....— o
• 111. 6 M. BE, Wheeling 1
N. .NI
Vs— • I
do Wellsburg. —• • I
do Parkersburg.—
Blothrillladelphia• • ...irar
Girard Rang Par
Bank ofllernoutunni -p 1
- " • Chatter Corm'. • •pu
" Delaware Co, • .par
" 1110hignmery Co.--p
Northumberland. •par
Columb a Bridge Co.— par
Dorregthrom Bank. —.pu
"Faratera , Bk. Reading-par
Farogri'llk• Racks Co. par .
Zamora Lith Lafleur/. 1
rancuter Co. ilk,— •Par 1
. L.g . neater Bk. par I
,O Slater Bank.— —.O
'Brotturrille Ilk. par 1
• •Wastußr 11b.• •
Gettri • h
• 'Chambers arg..• .—. • a
Basnaehanni7Co.llth.., 3
'Middletown L
Clarinda •
Erie.. . • • 01.0
gannera , and Dragon'
llu Wayn — esbarg— 1 I
rrarn •• . a
• 1 1
Lebanon •pirr
• .
Wyoming ....... • • .. t 1
lrork:Bk..••• t 1
Werißraneh Ilk I 1
Relict Notes
RR Dk. ;1
:Salp—P ieralleghen b. 20: Coanirgal
Ay, 351
Sine Bk. one Branches 1
IldomatPleaaam ..... •
Diaabenotile--. .. a
BC Clairuille. —— • • a
!Mumma • •
Nowidabon. •
Cinchinati Dante a
Oidambao do.
113k.0f Tennessee. •• • • 6
Far. & bleithqs "
Planters' 8h..----••• —"
north a= Uuu
Hk of Can Fear—. • • •
fderek's Bk.,Nowbero•
dime Bank..
South Carolina
Maiden BY ..... • -
Bk. of Charleston
,Comarereial Bk • • --
M. of Geoaretown.
ULM Manborg..• • • -
Munro &Mena • ak.
Bk. of Booth Caro:Lno • •
Mar yland.
113alumore ...Pet
Belun'a &.0 altar-rip •LO
Combarland Biro( alba_
any .
n....... •• • .
For. Bk. of Maryland • • "
iSarmers , it Blechman °
ilid e 3k. Frederick
donee• o
H fitment! liagerstow k• n
IParso Ilk•—•••• •• • •
1W 61
_C611111 . 1121el • • • • 4°
Bk. of enOlaj •IRt.:••
• of River Baloon—
,kbehicort .•• Co. • 6
'Far. & fdeeleo 8k... •
;WI/COD/11k Tieriley
0.2•310104-••••• • .....
•••••••• “ I
PAW= sc
WOWS.. 701]
idant l / 1 31:1 ••••••••••••••• •••• • 1 I
Sandal/ • •.• ..... 7m
Isals••—• ...... .
Aremora Resone-- "
Franklin irk Columbus "
Efolota•z • - ' a
1410.14, •
FaIIINI D'k Canton—SO
I= lCuttsaky.
Pl 4
All soltflSi7k7 0
illant of England Nous
• ----44 70 plc:.
Gold /14111p•o10 Value.
Napoleons •-3 80
Domini 9 LIB 990
Eagle,old • ••• - 10 00
Eagle, kew •—• • 10 00
Donliloonis,Bpasualt. 16 ao
.Patriot.— • .14130
oerelgna 4 83
Galmeas 0 00
Prederiekadtors. —.es die
Ten Thalers .4. • • • • 7so
Ten GiuMers •• • • • 100
LealePors• • • ... • 160
'NOW York Pus
Philadelphia ... —. ipue
Baltimore •-- •• • pun
a par. Interior Wks.— co
Net t= Bk., E.ll Vet, •
New York... Car U.
CAPITAL $300,000.
J.-Fxsicer, Jr., See'', I R, Jr., Preft
'WM insure against all kinds of ri.ka,
ALleallesi Will he Ilbendly adjusted and promptly
A itiethutke—machured by Directors who are
well known in the commouty, and who are determin
ed by prompters, and liberality to unintaln rho thus
seta wlreh they hue assumed, asoffering the best
protection to those who desire to be Insured.
Deastroas—R. Miller, Jr.. Geo. Black, J W Bader,
N. fiednum. Jr., Win. B. Holmes C. the:i.e.:6 Coo. W.
/mason. "Wm Pt Lyon Jas. Lippincott, Th. K.
Lite*, Jmtes APAaley, Ninnek, Thor. Seem
Ont.= N 0.39 Water leftel, (warehouse of Span,'
a Co., op mirk) Pittabotatt
. call at MASON k CO'S cheap One Pelee Store,
GO Market straet, for beruius. They sell d fast en-
Axed Linens for emus (-ha m do ulo for Inc;n Scotch
Gingham, Woe; fast eol'd Calicoes Bic; fine Merrinsesk
do Be; hest quality do Ilk; rich. 4-4 do, 121 e; Brown
blesehrie Stashes ate; Ofoses4 cents; Muslin and lace
Collars 61 to tire, elegant Mets'iu Copes from 73 ma to
topther with the greatest Vetter), Of Other cheap
goods to ha o=7 in the - Western tourney. -
i'gramb.r numb t.
.A:CULTURE, ea.—Apia:Mao Farmer's leic;
elopedim Bee
yrs - Vegetable Kingdom See.
liners Unworn' on A gtinonuts. ko, lOioo.
ashilmdeti—Thorlsol. Beet. .
=re Agrielltand Chemistry,
Asnerkiat gee Hoot, In Macs mo.
AUeele Antellead Pasta Boa, lAne.
Allen'. Daineetta Animals, 12mo.
Webster k Port'• Domemir Economy, thicz Oro.
fol sale by JAPES 17 LOCKWOOD,
63 Wood in
lAptiElirs oriprinoacp WRITING
LLUtetet dilfer Rom *bleary fah, .aa they straall
Ad,- chemical aerations menaining mo Viscid tattier,
goer:freely front any kind - of pen—tbo dolor deep,
bright and durable. If lucre hare beau better article.
made, / hare neither sea nor beard of them.
pie tottka Oils ba•obtsluad-gralls, by the merchants
.generally, from S. A. • rithoestock & Co. Henry P.
aehrort.c . Allegheny, or of Se OWll2filettllTT. THOS.
K. Driment and Cbmairt, corner of Liber
ty and Smithfield :trams, Mubarak, Ea
N.:ll.—Any bottle oat giving complete amisfaction,
ram be renamed and the pace will be raga:Mad.
iGiOALihrOirgg.:4l - aructva fidlosoptir 01 mem
cal ftawoces do Treatise on Perms Loots on
Pothisby'by' Cowan; hopper'. Medico/ Dictionary;
Duaglesou's de do; Cooper's Surgical der, Cheat.' Sys
tem krtSurgety; laibtest'S do do; Abernetbsts Works,
rots bapartams addle Uterus Hope . an the Hart; Cravetsbier's Amason); Miami en Dotage, of ale
Salo. Pernim's chronic Medico and Teempeuties;
Charlatan cm Eruptive Fevers, do on the Manatee and
Abdominal Vitecre4 iVeoe's Practice at Medicine;
haugle.otis do de; I.:betties do do.
A. a large and fresh aupplY of M•‘11- a. 9, Vpron
09 haarl acid far ....le by
EN61.1 , 11. lrbobtl tr
_ . . .
RROBISON 4110. linear{ THOMAS
.. LITTLE. sr., with atrium In...tees, Rib Me Inge
tiroccry, Produce wid CONN/IMO° business will
continued as usual under the lien of Robison, Lit
tle A. Co.
011ISON. LATLE *. Cu, Nn Ida Whinny nivel,
Pni.innirKti. IVeninnalo Orc , •ro, Yroduee *o
Commission Alisixbauti. atal I'in.lorgli
I,tnar.soanol TIIM LT•Li /AV , - • •••.•••
IVA At IRlNti ice tioniabaa, aia•
V fled anrent: care and Oltettriaii.
in; Ina moil akiirdl and experienced workman m my
emplor, and giving a tatiusau paraninki all-10100
nratieh, 1 eau prtrinian lee L.n as 1 2 10,11411 10 all
. 40 may wine. P..
tV NV IVII.SUN, tVaiett Nlnfirc,
er %1.•••$
'IMIE SA NATirlt a r.•• or - souse an ,r„-
mining teforinetion in regard to the nireaser- of
derahs Wel °ere r m use city archly. the cliatiretereir
Died:messes, vier tag age of the pet.-..,m0u1d t-
laptalli the Ilrysteinn, in rep., in iseie, ut the
Cortonirxe Mena, Uhl Ceti rt Stine, on FTlday evening
,•sei, meek. me .11111 , 1
EE—ilotha, Milano, lava, L.Fpaant,
r Domingo and Bio Coffee'. just tre'd and for
sato g
at tha Pelee Tea Store.7o Fourth at. rerti
ANTED-4WD Beef Bladders, lI
career Fire; and Wood at.
Cheap Dry 00041. ----
WU(7110 AVANTS Masquito B. for CM/ coma
v !Leavy Brown lamina* for 4i
G; "
; Bleached " " 6
hoped, al
^ . l'arlSOlent 113
Callen.* 2
Good qualoy. do - 115 ".•
Moos tie Lau.. 125
Gingham* 0 15
Alpoecam .. Ibi
Ealra do. 13 "
Silk and Wool Ben ig n. " 1211 0
Conon A.. " "' 0 0
bonnet Rlbboi.• 0 "
Godd duals, Kid Gloves" 37 "
Cassitieta lb
Srentd Clotho " Ina) -
A A. MASON k CO, have Goode at prints namild
shove. Call, moon at the only cheep one price *Wm,
4P3 Market street. WM
Dentist. Corner °Mow*
and Doom; between
littrhel and Perry shoots. ,003.11 yin
130aT Tley, — Pietiber Forrester, 11.Widi
Pao rich and dry Gould, Campbell di Coo old
dry Orsti traboanCa 044, Pore le4M Pare Juice par.
dealer Port, Hard. C Sans ' Pons Ailed, threble , doa
ble andaiialo Crapes- .Thimo winos ate all colebra ,
•tod for tbdir medical croportice, and can bo bad *hole
dile or retail at the Wino Stored(
- •, •
WAVCHIErt AND JEWlDAlV.—TErlitibseribiTi
haanoas on hand a fine aunttntent of hest Eng
lishand Geneva Gold and Sliver Patent Lever Watch
es-, at as leas prices as are onired In the Eastern elliesi
all is rood order and warranted.
comer 4tb and Mallon us
- nr MIMPHY Invitee the attention of user
' y chants to the lame supply of new Goods just
opepeslln hls WikolCllld6 Rooms, on Sid story, uoithut
cermet• dth and market .treat. Piusbtugh.
Th Wog his second sop py for this spring he hu
many Weds of good. at reduced priee , and wow
styles sun to be found elsewhere.
Light I Light I 1 Light I II
'TT/initially celebrated /laming fluid eon now be hall
I. at. the lEasiern Lamp Stare, No. fil3 Third street,
between Wood and Martel
For • portable house light it has the preferenee in all
sN the eructs cities, being perfectly o.ufe and clean
void of =mike, grease or any of the disagreeable at
tendants to lights new in common use: also, a bet it/.
-. failtesortmsut of lamps of the latest patterns for born
,• , .,lbuythe BALM r.l
Jidanto Y. J. DAVID.
i DUN M . Nt..,Bl:lfidoeirs Th,. gittveslttlAnlT:7;ittl
hotel, will have tonna on bond • well selected on
Witialletit of the best and reahest. fitedteities, which ho
witl eeo on the must rosette:elite terms. Yllysimabs
seeding orders, will he promptly at ended to, and gap•
biliedcwith articles they may as genuine.
irp Physicians Preseripttonswill be accurately and
nearly prepared from the best oratorio* at any hear of
ha dar or night.
Also for safe, a large atoek of hush and good Perfa
Copartnqrship. -
MBE andiaraltynad hove 'lda day wociAted with lb ana
.1 In haulms" JAWS 1.. faCIIWATIT.Z, sad will eon
dune the bnainen as heretofore, andarlha Ann of
a A. FAHNES rocs{ a.. co.
hilt, IND. •
1713 .
A tp:tuhts tom in a wholesale retail dry goods
wore-=one mquainied with the Ipine., sad can ens*
well recommended. Apply or 02 M....A9 J )* !-
AA BLACKSMITH hapsltin of ramking salt puma, for
grog, and famishing Itch work as is required
*heal Wait Storks, and repairing small steam engines
and Milers
A good situation Is now offered to Josh a person, to
esahlesh himself In insinese where he can employ
iso or three hands. Apply to KIER is JONES, orthe
pubsorThers, near 3 . 1417D110:1, for ferther Inform:ohm.
. &Eno Pole With. Jaly . lS: 1810.
(\.VOAII-1906liit *trimly Om, for mkt by. .
O. a OMNI% No 41 Water K- 0).3.7•Xti-20 bil. •IxoroWNoo. foul: by
S./ 1017 0 . P. VON lIONNUORYfr & CO.
\~ia3ll(l&l.lN4~tV. ¢DSaryhT-taa_rcaeived ~,
~rc~ auta~ a. a .-.. _ .. ...
os. 1144 wtd 010 Liberty twee; near the Canal.
French Barr Mill Stones, of my earn manoraenue,
mule ors new end superior quality of Rleeka Partic
ular cue Is taken to have the Runts mode close. nod
all the blocks Wenn scanner a nitirorm quality. They
an warranted to be equal to any in the eenntr7, and
=Tuner no the great mats allows, whether orlon*
or domestic manufaeture, and mid at the lowest pri
ces. Mill Stones, manarectured in Penner—s gene
ral assortment. as yedneed pricer, airway. on bead.
Gore Hill Mill Stoner., all urea.
Bolting Cloths, anchor Stamp, warranted best anal
d greenly uced anew,
Mill Sp i ndles , Mill Irons, Screws and Pink., PlAu
krm Peale., Corn and COI. Grinden: Grin and /taw.
Mill Castings of all kinds, and Mill Furnishing in gen.
All order* promptly attended to as lid and 240 Lib.;
erty street, max the Canut, Pius Mega.
mvfifhifilm W. W. WALLACE. -
PistobsanklA Steam Usable Works.
NO. 244 LIiJERTr, opposite Smithfield street
Marble Mantles, lifontiments.Tombs,Table
ke., a lame variety of th e mom. beautiful kind, made
of the finesrquality of . lentgn Cod domestic [nitride,
always on hand Or made to order, the old of ma
chinery, tbeshortest notice end at the lowest {tribes.
to. a—The Country Trade fumisbed %sub all hind.
of Marble at the lowest rates. All orderspterimly at
tended to at 244 Liberty, opposite Smithfield of
myfinolfen lV N WALLACF.
. _ _
Nm U'r 11ACH1192:12.
y Patent Stone or Frinelt Herr SMUT MA
CIIINV.--ibt• Lem article of We Ittod in me; they
run light, clean Inst. do the work well, and will lavl a
life time. About Son of them one in me, in the beat
mills in the cookery, and wa nave the strongest testi.
many of competent persons a• Weir superiority 'over
ell other Stunt filacMisen For fordo" particulars, ad
dress the subscriber at nit Liberty st. Pittsburgh.
mykrbdttm W W WALLACE
Cl 7 l'
and other mills, always 02115. d. or made to order
on very short nodes, end so the Lowest priers. All or
ders promptly attended to at nit Liberty street, neat
the Canal. royat W W WALLACE
Lestga Pettis—Forlaud, and other porpotpes
nkrays on handlat Oil Liberty st..
myaSt W N wer.tagn
'Eli 'V DILIWLIC et:5110. han•Cit 491
Ail Many at. my7.t W W WALLACE
band at 214 Liberty Wept.
r _ ...
IT!. with olansare the, the subsenbers
inform the citirstm of l'itteLnegh mid
tinily that they have completed arrange
-471%11:12 :I ' l ' j j tr "'
p p ly m e : tif
.7 ,ee els superior
And will herealicr be kept constantly on
• ' .hand. The areateery and secumly pat
• of and I lb. each,
with their printed csed—ittnaring the keel
of Tee, price, nape of the et:metro Cod
depot in philedelphtn, veldt an Invitation to moans the
Tea, hoot liked:
3uoporder. lOl 15 1A15..... 61L ,611
Gal 75 1,10 1,45
V. Hywo 21 C$ 75 I,no 145 1,50
Blark• •••• • • .........
61Flne .dextru Fine• •Tta lityo ins 1,50
We will warrant all itte •Sfe,tl we self to be equal
to, if not erraatot to any :old tbas eity,, and thould
Wry OW prove acceptable to the taste, they Call be re
turned, and the money will be refunded, es it is only
woh that understanding we Tell.
We a.k n fair trlel, that the public may Ito able to
adgo between Taw Teas and those heretofore mid by
other compentes ill this city.
All lovers of rich, dencio. Rod good flevored TEAS,
ahoeidawe as a call.
For sale by .10R. S. AL. YOUNG & CO.,
N W comer lib and Ferrylnmate. and
cumPtstficula S W earner 51 and Rose atreett
DIL W. 11. DARE,
(Late n uf N Tl evnotk.)
Orrten—Smltbitesa meet, between Sevemb end'
Strawberry •Ilay.
N. U of the inenth, gum. end teeth treated
timmeomatneelly. mdrattn.
At soli erectisr &liana Prize...
A. A. M. & CBl, destroas of redocing and ciesing
out their Sleek preparatory to receiving their
New Foil Goods, will offer greater hadecnnents than
ever. Their intent large parches,* at the New York
Sales, made at each Mullen.° snerifiers from
all be closed oat ILO same ruinous mos. Amongst
the articles recently opened, they mention:
ewes fast colored Ist:rria, at 7 eta
and 81todina, and ile
A largo stock Silks, Shawl. and Irmins, very low.
0 tff et at a.Lamm, 101. .
lot Ranges at one half pries
" rt Ginghnais m WO
Embraidonea very cheap
" Bonnets, half prue
hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Trimmings, be
7 crises Merrimack Collects 161Pc
12e et Calicoes m aft
an mail bales brown and klearbed Madan, cheap.
Irish Linens at 10m LSO. Gisela.. Idle
Bonnet Ribbon 8 and Mei Gloves or de
Wfth an lannetwa variety at (Pods, all of
which mil prove a oaring to purchasers at tram ill to
Super cent. Tim store will rig closed one dny for
marking down and preparing the stork for site ash,
jyff A A .MASON & CO
picuLies, eataseavEs, c
tI7 Front greet, Mew Twit,
ANURACTURERS of every variety of Plekles,
11 Preserves, Jellies, Jams, I:casette, Sauces, Sy
rups, Vinegars. Mastard Ertreem
Oysters, Lobsters, Salmon, Mackerel, Stud, blocs,
Vern-sales, dee.
Importer. of Olivet, Caper., Salad 011 s, Sardines,
East am! West India (-Continents, ltd.
Their stock is more =costae enzaprites a greater
Varie. mod V put op to better 'Ye than that of any
tuber House In Melt business in the Mind Maim , —
Their roods am peeked in all the various piskorms,
Lad in to safe a manner as to beat iransporuninn to
any pan of the mammy.
N. U. Catalogues .may be non at Me office of this
Keats in Button: Silas Peirce & Co. Philadelphia:
. I °.•fi L lL A. Minh Son. gt.Lovis:
Gen, flocMinim & Co. aLsottle. John Forat is Co.
Cihkosatti: Beery UT.
DUFF'S BOOR.Kg/WING.--Illank. for tertehing
:hie wore. with the author.. directions to teach.
era pr on the coven A new supply Jun remit
red iron New York and for sate ray Jun JOHN II .11BLLOR, CI Wood et
.IIcFALL, hese N to infor Nl m T the iLlnhatiltaut,of .
. blush and vicinity,
.thet he ha e ripened the
above establishment, where every aucotion will be
Nod to the cavil= of thou, who ally favor him woh
a coll. Liberty otrect, between Yeventh sod W.A.
lon ern.** and all caher deliettelsa of the stamen.
TilE authorship heretofore imatnins‘ betortako
eel U. Bo.hheW and William a Hays, trailing
ender the firm of DUSUFIELD & 11A YB, his this day
t o n dissolved by Waitron B. Ilium seared his eillite
diterelli in the firm la S. B. Bush v eld. At' neCuillitt
oe the Arta end oe collented •,y ti H. floshfiehl; and
all debts doe by the taut firm to be paid by the utile.
Pittsburgh, Jane Si I.II.7BHFIELD,
IA W. B. . Hard.
no.pARTNEHAIIIP..-8. U. naturist.° bevies J.
day emelt.° with himself HISIIT Lermu, formerly
of Redford, sod reembl of me National Htel,
rat.borgh, cootie. ihe y
late Mere muter the o firm
of ntr.9IIFIELD AIM:ADM. at the old geed Yo. *(b
Liberty arms. a a OLISHifEIIh
nittaborglOrma 22 1E49. IL LEADER.
. Hating re fi xed tram the forum business, I Mks
plsasuro nsenalcuendutg my successors to the pa
tronage of my customers mud the public generaVy.
W. H A Vlt.
pansu 81/lIIItICR 00003.
A LirtSNORE & DAY, " Abaci street, tiontmest
center of the (Helmond, are now opening a choiee
stook of fresh SUMMER GOODS. A large portloo of
these goods have recently been purchased at a great
sacrifine, from the Auction Bale. at the East, and from
the importers and manufacturers. IVe have decided
upon otfrring thin stock of good. at prices so red , ced
as to meet the ipprob man of Cone who do buainess
op the eheaFsh principle.
The Silk enamel t. very extensive, embracing
the didereet oda of dress and muddle Silks, Senn
de Cheat., and Censellon Urn do Raines.
The Shawl Department embrace. o •plemild tom
meat of India Crape Shawls, from the 10.elt ptlees to
the anenmuslithm, eleaantly embroidered.,Also Gee-
nadine, llerage, Mohair, Sett and epteudid figured Silk
SCARFS-131ack .ilk, hems and Grenadine Scarfs,
BERAGE sad other thin DRESS GOODS—Elegant
and novel moles of garages, 91st Times. and other
IMO Grads, worthy of the attention of the ladies.
LAWNS! LA the lawn department, oar
addition, from the Eutern auctions am quite !age,
embracing elegant styles at remarkably /ow prices.
Imported and Gingham.
Prat:sand Minuets, Drown and Bleached Muslin;
'Check, Ticking., Flannels.
Saperior English and French Moths and Caasimeres,
Pattlnets and Jeans, Pantaloon Stripes and Drillings.
All of which Is offered at tech a redaction of prices
that parchason cannot fail to be ricotta.
' CLINTON PAY&M. Stlaialss •
fitilE undersigned hare this day &metaled wades
J. the name of Thompson /Imam & &my for the pur
pose of manufacturing parer, u the Clinton Paper
Mill, ahem they will he phrased to useeirre the patron
afeopfachajrunlie, and Me formermismanara of the le
They will at all tiaras keep on hand • general as.
Fermenta( writing, wrapping, tea end wall p.p..,
bonnet board., blank books, etc etc., which they will
exchange lot clean linen and cotton rags.
Printers and Book Poltisttent can be supplied wills,
every description of printing paper al soon notice, and
at reduced prices. - TI.IOAIPSUN BANN.%
April i. 4D—estrkhdem F.DAIUND R. /lAN
.r(tll toonssof.-2alvalatasol Tiss emcees
V.subserLbers beg to cell the attentiou of Builders,
LL Architects and owner. at Buildings, to the loans
advantages which these plates poetess over all other
metallic substances hitherto aged for roofing, Qv , es
they (tomes at once the lightness of Iron, without In
liability to rust, having now been tested for wyena
yeora to ibis particular, both in tint meetly end in FA.
rope: They ore liable 10 eSpaDolon and GiUllia.C.
boll from suddenge of the untosebere, then ewe.
won tin plates, iron, sone, ninny other 011,11.1 sow %old
for roofing, and coosennently form a much better sod
Ught, root; trquinug hr late frequent repaint, whilst
die first cost to but a uifie snore.
A dolt supply, of all sines, (rots lei to SD W. 0., con.
clay on bond end fur sale by
14 and 16 Beaver street, New York.
The patent ti ht for this article having been seemed
for the United States, all panics lafringing,thereos,
rather try importation or otherwise, will be proseeti
ted. oetilatthoeliT
Atelipase's Nestlee.
oWIIEREAS, Ben .nsiu Smith and George AL John
wriTderchants of the city of Pittsburgh, tradlot
er tar brut of SudW & Johnsen have made to the
subscriber, an assignment of all their Estate far the
tweed of .11 their emoltuts,as shall within two months
from Me date thereat execute and deliver to the *aid
Small & J.bason a ball and Omelets release of ell
men respective claims and demands.
Not.oe t. 4 botchy h given at the agatiatatol and 111.
leauf la now al oar., of the .aosenber oo Fourth
0...1 in the city of eatt.h.otth;',Wrlnapentlott stiSgp
non, with otl whom tt way eanatlll.
hanla.tar , , , • NI:OaNDLESS. tasiandd.
!ilk° Nth.T rimi—whits and colored, a
at Lny flood* Mine or
/110 • N elmuts4thotudiluket me?
IA 0(111 RR V: Bit AnY—rlo eflreql - dOieleb,*
FI) ''Threoree tleoetior," tor thartimmi, werrire,
Tilts roormemend.esubleentersrdiel can be relied open
with eonf.buree. Forgone evirhiair to bly hadLbatur
reit woo. For sere by jytO JACIIII 17.4. VEX, Jr ':.
irThlll.olithk.: orlattr-e4.r.....- •
Elihmbadyfor - Pinsionsta.
-The Bornaof thiaLlnearßlleavo
I/ Rama, Ma Wetter at Mee
UhiO-Oapi, A thmig, Wednesday, atur
Kenutelty-Capt H Praby,Thsalay, r
Losisiana-J P Thompson. Friday, A
Indiana-F. Rummy, Saturday, 4.
Cra4.Sanday. S.
Kentucky-II Traby, /doaday, G.
Lommarus-J P Thompson, Tuesday, 7
Indiana-P Harkey, %redo... Jay. S.
Oblo-Capt,A Cram, Thursday. 9.
Kentucky-41 Tato, Friday, Hi
Loolsians-J P Thompson, Saturday, IL
Indhints-P Bathe}, Sanday, li
Obis-A ends, blonday,l3.
..Eantorky-Csot tr TrabT Thesdal, to,
J.anbriana.-1 P Thompson„-Wednesday,ls7
• F';'' puixpnwis 11, , •
age or D - onanrolai noars,..
9 . igiaM
ma.preell;PaCk t
IL U. PARRS. Beaver, Proprietor.
• .1
I . IHE new (WI elegant PaAwnsor Packets,
NIAGARA, Cant II it Jed:nem
PENNSYLVANIA, . Jll Hoffman:
LA . '• Al Tnthr r • •
LIDEEN CITY, •• .1 AleHailli •
Porialura dolly Lino between Beaver and -Erle, trave
emotneneed tanning, nett COntiflLL. dating the telit
•Osi 40 MAO UlFif ft1•11/Hl trips, leaving , BeaverGr,
The arrival of the morning boat, from Pittsburgh, o
clock, e. I andlL-rive at Erie iu time for parseneeni
Intake the morning boats to Buffalo or uptbo Late.
Tickets through to Erie and all Lakeport*. can be .
had by applies:ma to JOHN A CAROHEYAe
cameral' Water and Solidi hel d sts
ander the 2 2 3 CbarleMlatell
Ivo -tap:M os ■ n n etr E teree l4. sto n tr alm‘
#14,.... em Smithfield greet, tom door. below .
*el . ..Millkstr.s,. en . tl i :e ructien prig tt e l lplei - with - lrbe pa n4
Wel representation of the flannel irtze—restonntr. the:
nein Etas e of the ace.
M IL—Teeth extracted win, or nopitn. '
. Decayed T eeth bXP unt.ettlatt-,
verging the tooth ache, welch Is mach miler t han re..
ring I; Lbosigh ix should be done in fire ligneous, or
even Instantly. • • ...Kay_
If subsorlber has just received arthearptiu Tea
Store, TO Foorth street, a very large and well *a
leeted stock of pate °atm:4 AND BLACK TEAS,
from New York, nit awbien has been received in this
country 11i131. We ant of February lux, consisting of
ail the dillerent gmdes grown ha me Gamma! hiuture.,..
Our stock Leine among the largest in the Wed, are aril
prepared to wholesale, on better term, than any other
house in the city. We invite retad grocers to call end
examine our ambit anitpricea They eau have apace:
ed br k. I, and I lb packages, 5 lb tin canisters, or by
half enc. tr. to suit their convenience.
Oar retail price. vary for Oolong, Blatt Teas from
50 cu. to Bl e d per lb.; MILE Vacua Soarhong. Gar cut;
Congo Ik. and English Breakfast 50, Young Ilysno,,
Gunpowder and Imperrinl, - from 31 eta to SIOPet-.14
Families are mto re quested send and gel , maples .
°font Tata, and try pate before plitchatini. -
juts IB:dkarS• . A. JAYNLM. rti.Fourth anal
Great Itagiltah Etaateely. •
FOR Quiche, Colds. Asthma end Consumption! 'rho
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY kr the career ths
above :diseases, is the iluNGedueN HAL.a.AhI . OF
LlPE,:dimovered by the celebrated Dr. Dachau, of
London, England, and introderedinto the Umpsd States
under the imm edi ate superintendence of the lm ter.
The extraordinary success of this medicine, hitt
cure of Pulmonary diseases, annum. the American
Agent in @aching for treatment the worm possible ea
ses that can be found in the coromsithy—,macs that week
' relief hi sant from any of the common remedial of ths
day, and have been given up by the most MAU:gnashed
physicians as confirmed andinecrable. The Ilastri..
an Balsam has cured, and vrill cure, the meat
of cases. It is no gnu* notes= bet a standlZa k
Bab medicine, of known and established efflosty,,
Every fuWint the United Buster should be supplied
wbb tinctures Hompuien indsam of Life,•not only so
counteract the constunputre tendencies of the Glenna
but to be used test preventive medicine in elf eases of
colds, coughs, gnus of blood, pale in the side and
chest, urination.
a nd WM./ of the lungs, brochituri
difficulty of brcaung, tree& fever, night men, emackf.!
Glen and general dibility, asthma, tngueusa, teopiegr .
slough end creep.
Hold in ItUre, bottles, at VI per bottle, with foll direo
dons G3l' the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, combo* a mass of English and Amerb•
can cenlicates, and odser evidence, slantring the -un
equalled merits of this great entgllsh Remedy may ha
obtained of the Agents, prratidtoudy.
Fer min by B A EARN IWTOCE & Co., comer d
st and Wood and Wood and till, eta ttlus
0180 H.G.EAu.atoa,
No, (6 Itarket street,
HAVING purchased
t u extensive and carefully se..
leafed mock of Spring and Summer Goods, the
sobserilser respectfully informs his friends and - the
public, that he Is now preparing to recetveasui eze
owe their orders with dispatch, and to theijteatest,
most substsatial, and fashionable manner. 'as he Is
determined to do business en the cash system, be flat•
tens himself toot he wall be able to do work as cheap
as It ems be done at any establishment In the country.
His stock is varied, consisting of Cassimerrs,Hroad
cloths, restinp,A.e., which Ids friendaare respectful-
ly butted to examine for themselves.
pr ,VW /I.aulDW *AIM
SIGN trF TUG et.ank; ANS SAW,
78 Wood ti Pittsburgh.
n '
Fl U iri li Fe ß re A ng t ?lind IYaleAse. 175""7Latts.'dliks.,-In
all i. varieties, are now
10 writ- as low scd
or, as resannatalo tones nee. be parrtmeed tem erheic
We eeleet. oar head., and the pebtr. geeetal:7,
Call ami cOarnine cur amok, veleelt ettiMmta a part at
ICNI7M and Ftnlke, ET and PEN
ectsseas, RAZOI73, Hum 7trinni,ings,
such as t.neta, laintte,s, Iljnael and SatreartOlogeltter
CIE every erSele enundly :Kept En Gardileave En.res.
We Invite the agerldeu or 'Caryienterwand trlechanic a
generalky le oa r aasertnicul erfwalt, white have hem
selected arid, great ears, and, welch we are
ed to will an as te awe satisfaction. arrinla f
gne ROB
FR andersld have erected works in the =al
New York, for the purpose Oalsonicrog aU
c *Mon, which it le desirable to PROTECT FROM
RUST sash as Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails,
Weis for Fences, end soy other arliele which may be
required. For Hoops for Caskaow•sahstitute for hale
Rep,; for Clothes Lines, Lighmingßods, mid ghost
othr applicanons, it will-be fogad cheap and durehl c .
They would porlicaltriy SILI•aliall to the Geloastis
red Wire for basal; It moire* no paint, and will not
rasi. Also le stpiku and Bolts, the preaervanfoitssl
Witch is of so mach Importune, that It
itself to the [Mica of all those interested.
OM B. Mont.:Wool) & CO., Pittauless,' . l'
oct2o-4.t.telvT • 14 end is Braver et. N. York
In relation to that unrlealled (*wily Boise,
rparruioNv of * respectable Phyliciao—Re4
the fat:owing, addressed to toy Agent, Itr, F. Me a e.
usresthar, einalanall
Ctooctrakri, Igo. 111, 151 a,
to S al ' I e j' yt " . Va ' t uEzte'tr.P eta ma .
„';g7:,ll,gl i ftingtri!
cry cud all centrum having (or their etiject smiler
twelves—am mach goad from ate 9fing. hf
Palo Irdtera , .-1 am todared to Weiler pat Ala certl6,
rate. have stied nist my fatuity. Jo toy practice, and
watt all the happy 11331 vrooderfatbffeeta that eooLI
11. J. Blom, ht. D.
IM er. b = 1• 6'
the senior partner Cl ltrodle c Lett,
• lopmstnatory Rheumatism,
The following teduntonial cones Agin lartoreada,
edam to may of those travelittli
ua sy, Clem , the seU and r taroraniP amenntkOr .
lrinter of the Ihrheratmra Hotel,. M litethandhh •
ady whose letter t anus.:
asmaao, Va 1849.
To Fleury P
Chemistssati , AprlllHav 3, ing (erg
merly been long Lamest with 'Algot inflaMstaterL,
Rbentrunisin. which appeared so emote sealed awl&
defy all ordinary appliances to ultra 4alia.
&needing 11,1 was indoeed to try pattrralPaln.
Extractor; and it haring efActed, aletato if by tan;:"
tic, an immediate relief, and Mao, to all atisidei
an entire.aad perfart core, I am induced foi the bane..
fit of affair olutliray be afflicted with *mama by
any kind of intlarriumulGe r to write to yr‘ A 'dee/Ming,
that in my pp am, Agitated on actual experience,
your Magical P ain Extractor is the mom valuable dis
covery of the present age fur the immediate extractioe
of bodily pain. It is no almost Inintediota and a per
fect core (or Burns and eaalda, and all external in
Having many acquaintance; formed by Malta
at my basband'a hotel in thin plum, I hard, supposed
by your showing them dusts few lines, itmay possibly
be of benefit both to them and yourself.
entemin the trope that Mrs (Moto ortll pallott the
publty give to hor letter, as voc4l on tbo aeon of
humanity ao alto being the aatest mode of bringing it
to the 119tit0 of her (tiends.•H.
Fekns Cured.
Extract or • loner, rlfued
Nrsullon, Ky Nov. 99,1849 ,
11 (t. Dailey: "Theirs Wed p.m' Pain is 111 Eautisetorgi
• easa of felon, iY ovafaintly which it relic
and oared la a very short nenit.t! lu haste yours re
apectnilly, JIM AL Yaws.
inr Barna and Picalda Piles, gore Nipples, Woken
. Ifluptiolus Sores, Cuts, Wo4nds. end a'l,ln
flantrostlon,yietds readiiy to din wonderful propcnia•
of this unweaned family salve. • Uut„ in the aartm pro
portion that vision! receive henetit froth the,
you will be ildebed-by the deleterious effects of Me
counterfeit ...lees..
CAUTION—IIe tore and sop], onto to dip Loveotor,
H. Ducar, 414 lira='wen New Yort. or:Lo lo
ttu:Thed agents. JOHN D htIDII34N, •••
4.nerl epot,
Weep . P. Setivrafte, Alle ie ghen a y, Arlo; Pittsbori 1
Wheeling, Via; Jame. lit.lobeston; g7.i
P. klerryireather, cinelmuul. General DePot.
N. the severest Dome and &gide it extrsete
the in a few m , -ales—il ele•yer fall.' , iat I'
- -
L•klall41 utteesaik" Pe. bun
ll Jwas Lemon:mu,' 41.1 Wood greet, tile jou
received some eemelfolly orsieseeMed Q-R ATE
APRONS, of • variety of poneraCoM Pt
S, Tissue Paper for orxx•mentint . look ing'
pietare frame, or lampa.,:
No. 65,, CLANG. ALLEY, a
few doors below lad street, to
r • market.
• •• • DLL. BELOlffirigkaming
r • 1.„,; regularly educated to UM Medici
prefeadan, and been for some eln•
in general practice, now, canines
• • • ' his auwittlan to thil treatment of
•• in,ne prime and deliesklg goal
: . plaints far which hi. opporwitleg
• and ex_ pedal - en perallarlymmilty
.• bun. u yawn auldualslY &Stored
to Eta • y • treatment of those etutiglahnsgarMBWlikg
time ho has tursimcnn practice and has eared marble:
twits than csa over fat tome lot of any pilules praa
nth:eery amply situdincs him •to offer asstranees
speedy, yen:unseat, and witisfactory sere to &Salina
with &heal dowswes, and all diseases arislng thank
Dr. litroym sreald lakma those Chided with private
ammet_whig hare become chronic by or ag.
th:ir s" com of p n auts ol can l re'r =7.
ought) cored; he hosing given his careful attention •
the treatment of each swami and succeeded IA AmMiAdll
of Lamm. in caring perms. of indammatiott °fhb'
sleek of the bladder, and kindred diseases which Okla
result from More east, where others have ceaskgned
Simla hopeless dee*. pardealarly Moues such
as have been loci and imsecceasfally teemed by wham
to conudt him, when every sansfacilanwill be given
theat t and their caws treats hi a earathl,theiroagb and
latellsgant gunner, panned snit by . a lon experienee
atadnalsd Lairestgauon, which Ins unpoarible Mr
smogs* In` eneral prowls. of medicine hp giswan
one claimer disease. s. 4,4
inallarala or Ra_ptara-ollmerown also mum ISSN
sows afflicted with Hernia Meal!, as Ito ha
alms mleation to this disease.
CANCERS also cared.
~ . .
aki4 Aseaselq also et 1, Flair 1114, groan Mid
Cttarges,tnty knr.
N. - 11.-Paueutsf U
itialfgeit dhe:u3 &o . weluo6 dim [
AOWS, Via obtain amdletassirillkillotlas - ibr a a ln :
Cantsibi t " Intowa, iglu Wei and
- brae No. CS, DissecoldatUrroppo4uk gas 'nit*
iturinunat.-Dr. Ehtn r lietrly 41sesim=3 1 4 -
' 1,1.7.2."21= 1 . uP"'"'WH
SALL— • •, s l
AIL: VERY dosiniblarestileasaa tik Aker:.
gh atkranetutsteriiiikaininkroka•Pbar
ning, Rnii. Mtn Lai in a Mazer one, Or tkietrirint by
one hundred. andidnety tear deep—Ruh arm! awry .
Brink noose, nreanyiiiins merchant, with wept:lora,
diking room. and 'kitchen an. ilnin Roof --A carriage
boas, stable and groper?. alid Ike tat Indl.C'etiolea
Akin neva all in good order.. Enquaridt ikeaktiseri
bet, Lannbar klarekani,..dlleshenv kit?.
kalßdkinirifT Ero YAITREIRI .
ilk• ..All . SALE—A et Stones (bat boy yes.
body) and Lot, on Robinson street; 'Allegheny,
test old Bridge. Price low and terms easy.—
Inquire or 1721 El SCIIOVER. 110 necoed st
FOUR owe taro story Brick Darelllnie Hnnsey
pig Ittil finished and in notaylverolder ad Centre
venue, or 111,el.rillo. toad, 7th Ward. Poe
!slows siren itmotedlate.y. Bens low. &omits of
.ionN WATT & CO,
•. lyto • earner /.14•Itir Cut H.e.4
j ' 7. Not(liable Baal E.tatiiFpulatal t .,
lit lilt ilahsenber sing L ahtiieilieY gin:wand
1 nnvinAUtebetry.eng,.plemandy sateated an
Ellie Bank Luce, and Cniatins :he Ellie harry den!,
neatly opposite Met pow; el Pltnassirgat LOS bt uu
feet wideoted ellends twos next Lane desktranit
to Ittebeeen 'nee. SLIM! NOS* hoarded by Nat.
on street ou the ;Wt. It none of the !lament
and most desirable lots now *demi for sale .where
1/11 the neighborhood of Allegheny Csly. II Is large
enough to l be subdivided adeatatageously Into Inktaild-
I. g liv• 01 ate astral atm • It le very eatable fora f aft.
ply residence—.• swe had with a %%Vieth , orakolen Frail
'frees in Cull Leaking. 'rim &Pen*is eituVeideal sad
.01113rinbic, and 3!: :1. sort. - n7air -
~ ;rs ... 1 . 56
.4t•eq W , I , •-,' a wert; red passesuon es milliner to sait
• the ttitte..its, t
lot Lean, aphiy an the prena',a ler - '.
'. If itillial . ' ?IlEttni
' • ------
PO ITC Iktat
~.^. ',.."71T sa v e'Vif.f.;,'1": 1 ,1; k :,:,,1..
dry.goods, being a r odstduld for dial bd
(Vice, 3rd sl, over Philo H di —litEoPeo:
11 • a.
Property in &Mgt.*, City
subscribers oner•Cor R DR •
Loti, situnin u, the ttscend. Ward,
C"'V.7ll"l'amitrzy. lagm
• ual Las,
r of JAS ROWNSON. an
etillutlettifY . •
Mk Pl d a t W
A TSRFstore eehog, I
seciod 100 from perm street,
Row, o sueec lomonsliato pone
elvets.. Emmen or DAVID AM:Mt&
Law—dace on Fourth meet, I.wawnen
and Orant meat.
IstPOlllnew two story Linen Owe' .
well Garotted and laigomplete order on Center
tvomm, 7th Want. Po.session gm a Joly Ist.
Rent tow. PA sae qulre l011:9 r . 91011 A,
comer of Lawny NW land sq . _
TO I? A.0.D119 lICS - A 11 — tirlial all agioN.
TukTitr.r:.d.r,zu ew
a an
r 4 1 12" .
excellent Pow ?dirt nearly n, d two .
wi Prams
!louses, one 91 Cent from by 17 back; the o trattoria
front by nt back. Alto, good iiew frame .. thirty
by forty feet The mill and bold are lit/ mil fan
imtles from the Allegheny aver. A groatdealotPlPik:
CP15111)919 oldie best quality, and aiso a en mo quantity
of the very best hemlock. ono acre on thebunk
of the Ariegketiv. ocur t Cava mart odour ly adapt
ed for railing, where lumber cart be ratted It the too
, in winter. and be perfectly sere from all • then,—
Price 87400, or S 5 art acre. Terms my. Will take
a well cleared rattail Una, with good hoe a aqd or
chard ahem it, as part payment, &location souudile,
and.tbe balance in lumber, nr as may be fl
This Is an excellent opportunity for tam Xing/ and
the probribiqty are gat Mat in two or three ears this •
propvny well double its yarn; la cowing's. ace of its
proximity to qv, New York add Erie Rehr- Alta
bevaudiment to some out several sow mill and sev
eral mill sites on the stream which man y through
the ceran, of Um land About Give." ore its raw
No hA to doe a.. hatlling teenier from " to nouyi
?TOM and game in eimodance. Not Garth • r parties
dren, n,(pnwpalda P 11T1931Pt. 0 • 9.
trikwifet "in,. •hi.nrn
Lo4:1114 rut LIMA.
'rue subscribers waft sell nt private aslo, isosstsse
j valuable Lots of Grotoul. situated on Toittakkatsr•
its he Thant %Void of AllegliwtY elift konnit
bent of OU feet. tanning buck It/3 feet In depth to a
fent alley, upon srhicit It built a stone tB by Nis:,
feet, which contains *woe cooti g . to build earns rot
.two couilbitoble do/ennui Ilan. out in it
ITC tbfee shade trees, as years growth, and Pia si3o
walk IA paved with brie!, all whits will be tnid
SMCL Pittsburgh and altesScup, or Comity Herip, •
be tatewin payment
J it PIIII.LIPS;Na tenor or to %VM. BENSON, unineilintely opposite sold lots.
TO i• - eir, ,
TILE Do !ling Haase on Third street, above,
Smithfield, occupied by the Stnily, orino Tata
Dr..A. N. IMM.ktivel Po.seasion given -nu-Um
ut 01y tool.
Also, some bur 'ors of ground in Mos Moth Want,
['obvert> the Firth Ward und CroghansTilin, suitable..
for lumber vials. WM. Si. I.)A RUNG 10N,
nayt.v.altr At R. n,;10p00... ontreete
t i tias - Aig: - -hy., In..
islan., ;row. of StroiLitham. The lot, are fain,
tot! Oo Donate= street , numbered iw F Ihnisonms, plan
75, 77, eO, St nod n'--Lni No 73 fronting YU lotion
ry Ann street 70 feet deep; An other four tat tort (reel
doh, by 60 feet deep.
Tr nos--Greater part at purchase money ma 7 tit
main for di ypart, secured by mang me. For Poidtl 7 ,'
elan, taqaue of sPurKF;S: •
" "-7 116 second in
arum bi• ...Uous anis, wee:, 000r „seapod No:e, at tbigilisittna
A ait
era; ancilyien,aulmin River TIM inn! et
of li. Seiy qaaitty. sear of nxe,..s. Any
ayrylwr of b ore., tort twooty. are to a hnnerwl, rritglit. • .
he P.J.Otta da•l2lOA ,
roll lYA1.1(Ell , IF112:11, on a, pr.,01•”; of
fitAYl.l.ollSee..i t
laatrUtO• .meerolitg the pony
The ero•l7
be sold at a great 'bargain mnikfltial
ritO LET—A. good &Mk nurellers *easy, 00
Rahlamn . li tre -t„ Allegucity. Cequire of „
my IS Mita/MON so , orEtt
. it sAl.i.:tre P FUR •, 1 C RI rot of gram+
, tam on Wcbslter factt erect;
thi feet oa Weitinet. by oh feet to •fi feet alley
—quite close to new - coon house. Praos 611311 Terms,
5.000 cad] In hand; balite.: in one, two, three and font, -
yours nom rho first of April lest
Coiner and City Scrip taken for cash payment- fey,.
%aye Of tot 10 • M .l,lll flniff....ll.ofmndw... •
460 ACCO• twas dog wage I ' l ' l '
.S ITUA the Monongahela riscr,abouelamtlela
from Mtn orgh and 3 mules abovh third boat, is' •
the immediate nelibberbood of MessraLyeirk shorn,
rind Mr. John Ilerron'a Familia.. This , fill• 'body. or
Coal will be sold at the low price oliatipar som—das ,
third in hood, balance In fire wtool annunl payments. ~
writheet interest Title Inilisinitoble. tiaratiter,very.?,.”
good-cannot-be sarpritled. For further paramihm,..,;J •
amn, ai of S. lIIALSLET, who has a draft . 01. aid pro, 1
perry. freilldoncoad at, bolos, Ferry, Mr. Adamstkosir'. t
N. It Tatra is another mem of coal op 'this. tract, ••,‘
about 01/Met above the lower, of eacellont 0 1 •1111,
Vet eatable 426i - 1 - Ming L,aao •
91111.: subscribers are authorised irseiler ar priirate•
hishly favotALIC 111 , 1114 a OUftii•P ,
of vary Velti•hlo huildirog sal., Col.llra4pOr • 'int
pardon or imitt
the 1.0.. marred fit, 01 and-
Woods . Gemini Pine of the Cur of Putsborgth
led at the soma eattwaidl) Corot, of Penn andWayari
streets, Crowing Illtlret nis the
(tower, and astesidutg.,,,•
along the toiler *how Geo few te 1. , ,e Allegheny nvor,
and beinn a pan of dm !teat bum of .the late JaMlOll-11 ,
S. SlilleaS3ll. Esq.,.4eeeurd.
A piao or or the aboveLlHoi id - •••f• T.
mitt' with which it is ar.4.44341 ID "Ell. mar ho. coca
the odic< of the .40.41.1..1 Fourth, het weer filar.
.!tnt wail Fairy ata.. WILLIAM:I A 4014 N.
• V.tafitiaWiltriinciiiitetia '‘ •
BILE following property m the elty Of PittabnYW-
E I,and floor the borough of filaneliesterom the OMM I
ter,offered Mr maim aceurreacidnling tennetic fi - VS , I
L,Oris thetas antkiiYieloxi of loot No .11w ht 01045140
04 the city of Pa/üburnh,l 'whit Ilk feet firOtit•Ort1:":::.
numb spnet,. by 240 faer- to euatrbentaikeyt i. -
ietant tuna: , .. •
one arra Lou fronting on in Avoiney fbes
Wide, molest from Beaver road Uinta Ohio rice.. u'.
"joining Cloth AMU.
-- -. ; For terms, onmaro of lIIIARLVI U. SCULLY,
,or JAMES OHARA, . ,
nodes Sninlinin
,y a oases •
7.1 THE NINTH tVAtiI4 I 4F
1. ere Lots on Ushisriti and Liberty stree lUy
ts, then
Der:Ward, 24 foci tu , end edit:era the ;impose/11
del:iota( the Contrr d. For leans bloom-02 -
merit...ll Ilurkeht Coildine.fth
TWO tiditr9l—riAgo ris *Aurr:
kg, TWO LOTS on Lte-ager Areal. lathe eify , S'
Ea. Allegheny, above the upper klononenht, gni ath.lelt;,!,'
to emeted a (mom betiding, two 100/1011 bleth'saithbhi
for two ataall tenements. The lots ere caner , tglreerte..
feet le front by one hundred feet doep, nod' nut bitill;!"
LLD • street forty teat MM. TOO butidings on Whore;
elites srid pay a very handsome interest ad the
taint, antillooprepertraill be sohl . eheap
1r1y.114,14: - Sproal, Clerk's 11.8.• t •t i•
sees 4 KAY A. Cs.
j wrnd
ACREZ OF LAIvD, roamed In Peebles birsao
ship, on the Monongahela, three mile* from
bargb—in hits to !suit purebasers. For ratios' punted.
elan apply to Henry 140.116:M u, or to • • •
nor'-NAV 4, h , ..tnyeSinii.bfiabAAt:•-•- •
AWA REII-0.713F Foll•SALLYiscauDia'''
eon ibr sale the throb awry brtorWatebobsd:
43 Wood suret, rrecupud by &Tamer Et Co; • -
'T.!? W.V.
tEt :SALE —A 1..0t of Ground situate oft Peep-t. -
'greet, b between Huy .4 Al...bury streets, Witch:nag, •
the Ileum< anti lot Flow onnyted by Richard Ktiurstr4l4,
huhu, front of 1 fent, sod in deptiritin feet'
wit] nu in eofsble t , rins Title unexceptionable.
quir.le 011-4 V f C. O. LOOMIS,thit at, hey Wood.
Vor sale.
DESIRABLE Banding Lut in AllleKtietrye47,:ia.
vornbly [vented, in .to o
. about half aii.stetai,
WM be soul un areonuttodaung terms Inquire
fet4 J wiLitions, 110 vnxid
7A 1 / 4 FOIL
igg Wend givet • • 1819
DELEBB 130$E. •• •
J. G. A G. W. CARR,
tvu Ai:nose, currEa4, AND PLlANHE,ierii t
-- wute,HGAlNer ANa.l DREsSEONH.';---
W E respectfully Hall ltie — atielaion of ilcreenota and
Leasers to its t largest 3.,51 heat yams/ of tha
Obese article. 14 this city, trt 14e loWart•• •
No OS N. atinve Race Weal, adjoining /ha
Eagle Hotel, PinI.AIMI.PHIA. ie17...01er • .
gulp theithey -
.I. - wi.g.: l Z•c.,ounettiott Wel late -
meat Vein now,, tau rootbeste nominee
-terrier removed their elaire to:Bitten to. o w rtj t , s y
iteßttr RP V. in 'jrP my 1.14 alt
" ,
I . 11. I . lobs R. noltert-ArearS:e: I forefoot seltapeoa
del tour Watfal oier to one array ebtaredr..edukdkji;.,',..i.
the alma Ofooe nostril peered tererity
woo* I feet sere tto reeentoesdote peer . ireetellltee ".
as tbeloto ettebeine that eau he weal. ror expellime
weretticl Jean NC:latex. near Neiblestorott. -
Prepared add.rd.Y/ by Vie proprietor...TOßN D. !SOW
.oAN,DeOptio, oue door below laa . teietd altrotr;lVerok"... -
/ 1.11.1 V add Kr; aTtigLoi-liride—Terit;er el
Ilasayertuter a:Art.4m .evreated tor -
leg . snr , ttaztwmcorl';'.lZ:g." . .;'i',";'"- •
SliukcilLii. PT . ete Walla!
DRY . 9
693.0 s J.ciB tatfikglll..r.444. e
j.elitur moot at eoeb pekes , name* falf
ti4fiataa fa - •
?. , tvisr 11;reis '4. are Invited to call acid i 1
.0 1-0 . 14 -c?!Kitack Wt.?
I n :stand 46"
6 tat up for
rs tr.= p to
• Baas.
• rof Mateo
• nuns on thir
i g
will be
Item •Itey