ESTABLIS SED BUSINESS CARDS. AIRD& STIdaItRWT,, .4„ B .... 4 ITORPIk.N.3 AND COUNI ELLOIIB . A r LAW, p„,„-Atc. ure t, betsreut nadadicld and Want, Swab, rd.! - • ial6 1411/oe, PRIE2IS);', 1 - TORNLYS LAW,Fouria att , eijneszOrsta. • ialktf 1 . ..0,.....e,.. H , mi zigc „ ! ker. LA Prod Ac i 1 c, 4 • • TrILVIELD & LEM • '4N7 Goidas, Groceries - l ' , .,••:&sottle.e&gred arUaies, 11 orgh. IA *LIMA . A 14.1 0 a imam, It, guncr of Übe, • IL;ftt MOWN. • ilOvcovwLi 4 cuLßEriTsori, Wbolciale Grocers, Commlsrlac 31erehants,l'io. 14kLiben7 r••• • ruisirtm b. Pa. da3lly. - !..111, • & FAH & Co . , Wholesale and +l7' !tail .Draggls earner Wood and 6th kg. I.)i *(11A liY & I7A11:114, Wtoolosala liranots,, lo and , dO,Weadaareet Pinabonsit. )16 - 6NULTV i t Co., Forgrardiat and air anonadon Morahan!" Caoal Basin,'Wobarak Pa. SiteaC And 1;oA - Vrvbpsmax, ituutd&N. & c°;'stilinietietarers et -iALX.Poleeb mud Speinga,--flammexed Axles, Sprat . and Plough Meet, Ire., &A.-: Wlitetanase oe Water and Front streets, Pitubergy.. t AV* , dealer* - la; Celesta Trim/mega a* Malleable _ AAWLII.WOIIIIIIO-O.IsI.I.I.IIEuTY ST.4,OPPO9tTE 11.11EPEAM OP WOOL, PiTrdBUKK H. .• • ,• •KAIZOND . jrIONTINUtz ta inanufamunti Menu:tights, Buie :Ngalw,. Tomb", Hata Stones,•Blankl•bents, Ceti atta Fiat Tnprotaotrlga and damenK9.lll.l., at • •.1f.1.1 and fair •••••• ,; • • L K.—Thawing' for utonnuterns, Oa , mr , ga• • or; an/ ..0. 1 4.11114 II not:tots a ittata of path' . augn.dtt" tan= i; nsannsl. O')7,t1ZIOLISII t warrarrr, oau, Gail.dhr - :Co.) 'Wholesale Grocers, Cooncluinannd For ?: Inuning 2derchwn; and dealers in .Prodento. and Plps .- butt No. 37 Wfund 11.4 benFr4.. l " sird o 44. . . nett :arum's clutmu. luolondation itawnrumg IceorehacarDio;lo Wood itroot.Tiusboio. myl) . - - lEr: minim LEAGIUM,FActsIxTO.Y. umoN STEWART, musmsr.:6l . Heavy .diardpis, Chcr.44.*.c., fiebeevi street, cny oi nor.l6:aly• USE, (successor W hlerphy to Lee,) Wool Deal. tl o,:er and threassission biercesuas, for she sale of Itraohosaa IV/salsas, Liberty. opposite fah at, fear • —,-- Ina asatoithihimore. ; • a,S IMMO, IDIVAZD treara, t p b d,„j. , •, mcroessurors, roan a. aratttler,, IUCKNOI3, Tame= Careaaisiers Bier 'abeam, $1 North Water at, &10 nortq Wharves, e e.;17. • . e. %Aude•la Piltartugh ramfac rarw hosetl . • 11 ,....L—** h Yu. • inabw • J AboarrEczar, I,lo4kft DI.CILEY cx., Wholinces G • Annum Merchants, aid de l i= in Prodom— °LSO • And lu7.From ntinetnYinall • • I nosB • • • •• 13,.14F1EL1), lade of Warren, Ottiej;Cosmala a aid d - Yotertuving Alltrettazu, and itlutdaeale - dealer ad t astern Reserve Chem., BanerP,lket and -- Peiert.ittatr,llllo - Wrecill PrOdYloo gene:illy Water ,inst,lstra.en itimlthlield and Wood, Yung a 4,.. Jtit3 47W/LIIT. (atisegstwr to reran it ;(ietottartj -- t , Wkidlreale (taxer and Catiumaatdnal Attalla:a', itt Produce mg rtatbargttldandiaatarda, ece , Der litteny and Iland streets, I . :unbars:l jade .31 . 415LUS $ DIaBUIII.I4 :late of the Atlled . Itllll NI auE•dire,)/larehant Tallorph. Cluutes Witt l A. near IV • Pit taint . h. I JAAIEB 1 LiCo.—summon to !Lama Ilitteblion co.,, ' Commiseion , Merthimas, add - Azeilto• of the & Lows tteam tlagzt AcAncry. N0:46 - traserandAA from streets, l'iu.bamtu Taal. li.:' IPLLWOWIII & Wholesale Grocers, 2ro lb d Corroniulott "Merchants, end agents 1 24 e Ilktud Porde, Ce. of ay. Y., No. 27 Wood it, j'illebtug • Ana atir4 ID. - 1101ittiAN, Witoterain length, and &el se er .to aye fiddlG,.l.lurde, Oils, %we N 0.03 `Woe& osuadoorSouilt Diantotel alley ries btu* 1., . ~ .-118.6111SINJUJI, Jr., t Co.:•.(sueeessor to Joseph li. - ,V- Daa.,}Ship Chandlets,3ll.. , Water sup% - - oat i:; . .:: ii tit1.N7.1411 - ft, wk7;rip. f and aiCaaacilii .iza,Mlwscaultdnaical liistrtHlents, School loots, ape.Y . ,Shstea, Steel Penij 44.a115, Printers' Cards, and r. hstionertgenerallya'io. 81 Wood st.,, I . ..berth. ~..." .: ...47 . 11 D4rabottglst or taken hi trade. i Sepia - ,!.11, 113CIIDONAL&S.LS.' 4t...t.:0., Wholesale Dr eons, ~ Sirel NM 4i Wood street, Pittsbargh. • , lm !p. AtllAtieureers, center &I aid,Woal e r • & tati.:l4llltt, iroMueller!, ' r=ri EA riper Minerierer pi0...44 'SWIM 0 . 4:1411...., , . ,Isargb. q! • • 401 * } 4 0 TD. mow Awn. twii a nd Deplore . ist Freer= ..Ermad WWI; ritellearti;T w o, th's Se *4 : I ' Ab4rri ' . efis a l 6th [t. , . 7 " r %Vbalconl• tiro.; Cdtutztisute uh &LietoLud - Idealers,brrrrothsei.erei Piusbergh Nast WE.r.a,pi.uaborgli,laril6 '; TACOBVEAVER, 321.; Whalusule and ter us rareign Wines U. Liquors. suuSuicl &us.- .4scluths Rye Wluakeirs, emu. Punt .d Markeks.. I ten ag ONES,For and t3onvmsann• Af er &In* Ikalers in trtpdnee and Pinabnigh mama slated' artle Canal Ltaiin, near 7th .44 .• • II Ai • 7.2. ..VP.CIBTJUAL4II, Pa. ciaiar4k. CO., bianninetorers of very 11001 . 44. Sbrstings, Cnrpot Chwit 'Cotton 'and in:64, ; stalrou Works. —7 • 7— ir LZELL as Co., muouixturers aria si ass liar, !we, Urger Iron and Nails of the Les Veal. Warehouse, cot under end IU3 (rout et: , --- 47" - wAzp.,.mA , „ WholesaloAiroecr, Fanurnor • oh s dad Commission Lderchoot, Dealer in; Pit • argil ksoccisciares odd Produce, Noe 31 We=st trad - Ot Froths- r./V 211eataalallariaT. ra. roue al. alwll . irasincedy 1121.1ATTED, • T492thi c G inanaractasers, 4.1 Maass!. is in 621CIETI and domestic Variety (Stood,. I,ilOreitallta, „finnan, and others are elf - ilea Wean and'eXamlne thipricesunt qaality of oat steak, as with sae preset ilOreaved inanees in manulakia, alt . d leareliasing,-we think we cm offer as, /MY t .4 to boyerptaa say other house west Of the 1, kloantaina • ww.lo.l.l.24,Yliiiattea C. IMAM HICKETSUPI, S1(1411.410 Lizocent,aad AIL imponers of.lSilendies, Wiiies and Regal", Nth. in 1B an P d/741 comer sr Liberty aka la Irwin meets, p, Pius ?in C • somet J4l, D. KV= gals. 4. lei ItiefllGLl3 k-110,4 Wholorale.Groceni and Ccutimis rrn 11 . 1ire1aT,...N0..154 Liberty at, Piustreirsk M it "CoßrtAljall4,...i—N. Mt; (41.0 Jones, Bung, a Wc'ed /14;5 11. FLU. 11IY3C{, wx. fs 7 " . - .. • ForviritArn r and Prom ma., beaten . JO4l. jug aIIAV WON, FoOnut ono hinaintrokein• 171 Aar. liken:os homer of Feel Attlee A110y.. - Auld Tonnhintert, entlanee on 4th near Uinta. SON, Nei 45 !gnaw in., refund jot irdeor from alarm of Fourth, denten in Foreign and DOseeetie WI. of Exchangn, Gernheauntof Deposi t", Batik Metes wig %loan - It Drt Colinctioni mu/ on 'all the principal' titer !steenglootlthe Unbent &ales: deel7 8174310445TER, At f ouxitn—Olher., Fec4st., *44'deotabove Southfield, month Coniegaheing of all kinds done wtth the teeniest e Styrj=l7,fli g mi n i e d, gee. t3O4Y Mak 089110/1 DIeCOOK. ~ OFfic% nigt th tine [; near CI Milt,' ill the .room land) eppled by Alderman Miller, imundials ly maxim MoltakewelPs, Its may nenlianllataigla Is ria4l, Ili. Marin Hotel. jallidelne 2'. Deberty. 211. D., qtituifo suieuEoriethl spend Mile treat ' stern eif . Messes Mee. • . .2. nal Veen engaged in branch of the eariii esd proteulill fat sixteen gear % and has emidaetedan estanlishineml for Um treaunens of disease. of ;Um eye Pi Monis for igear al lean, ' .., On: arld tesidenne, corner of Hmulasiti A:Cm' Slawbenpisiley, Allegheny Any. .iiella siti.s..., TIMMIPSOIL.E..' —ha 74 Fourth _Mit= Wood—All fitenteies of Illreen• 'and Black Teas, done rap In meaner, half,'.iut• i also Pliild Slagle., mdrurt ( mean eta per pound; 'AD •: ' .ive ''.o.. la% NM, • t. for Pekin Ina Co: ~ ''.. 0 . Waif. hoiessle tinier', Reentgew Duni..dsalar /A 'Produce, Pittsburgh Alatinfao. \ :end! " kinds of Foreign and Demeans Wines a to No, ii Men). "tree'. Os hand a tag lathe _awe ;Of :super:Mt old flonangahein whiskey, wlreettar mill imifor cash. atiMil . . , muscat , a antitient. lc kCa.,Witellemlelitocars,Prierace r arli Marcher:lla stidliealersinkin. elf ! etefes.. 4'0.1E2 Liberty st., Pitlebizak. 1.0 4 ,1 aisle esettyrrrtZelitile rk., Wholesale (Leeds, I.;OnsaMihieti 'tell Foris.ll. Intrehatils, dealer. ..,o„m,p,v.aburgti linunifamires, Lilitig. Fittsbargiglw. '• ' ' • ' : Ie Vil CUNIWNOItAed, Wholesale .1 1 2rfeer hai r ill !endues and Pituburs• gy...r.earna, aildffertPllt ' I DO . . . • M . ' ...I. 1... 'sari lrairrifilah ` 47. l 3HEE, Forwarding : and o mi i..ini... Ag. Deretulls,for. tho Alleglemy Wiser Ti.d.,404. an I. .G.nienes,. Produce, Piustiogb illaMiNdonts and atlontDril D 2.g.kieempideesiin rub, paid al arlimesin idea.' yogi. -.OOM' er Of Penn and Irwin Ma .. _tli .... _xim '''... 11.3T1Ind. lir. A. KIT , WIIITF., Wholesale Dealers. m and Domestic Dry Goods. No. f f Woods. HAILHAVOIi, Wool Metal:ma : asks. er and Prodeeo generally, and Forwarding , Mimi Moretiants, Na. Al Water ; it, ri, J. 1111 L— . SHACK]. ralltoitrgit L - elk{ P t La Ed tangy, c o Maw ,RAQ.,sizy do Co, %%Umlaute Grote* ;i d fif. Peadtiedesders,Na= Market nreet,Lasereas beh. and Nat trail., side, Philadelphia. • ' DINS s = ma I: ----. Tdir — tiiiniiaii. Kam e exams, su:asiiii. LI aL" IdICOLS, Pralase and .Genetal Cos. SZ sdeald * Neretutats, No. 17 - Liberty . r., Plusli,alo. sperm:, Liet and. Lard Oils. :.. — IC ' - zoNNEelisT, a Ca., Nlikolamid Gno• LeFinForosiding and Cnonadzslan Menelnintsi =fh. Kaaaractsien and Westom.rto. airs to their neg. wareacnasedold No. corns On's= la awl C6aacer7 lens, 11r ,awiuk SCOTr vm \Vholessle sad Rata dfalerain s e Mst r 4, fr ifi I L A V ' 1 61 „1MSZ . css_O rasa% Sad.tulers is Produce.: Na 57 Tra""Zhe' : rti • • .44Cie , 124r4V421' ',! ..,... - .4, , r - : : '• ; , ~ . ' '';--- . -, ' , "--; - - - ...----y,..- . .k , " "-"L ' ' . -,-' - 2. '- 4::., - . .. , ...f - ~; • ~ . --?,.. ~- .;- '-. :. - ''' -'..'':, ' - :,' , ' ,' - - ~.'' • '- .' ' .- , - ~ , ••,, ' , 1 ...... _ : • • ' , <' • ~ f. ''.IL,T. -—, -- 1. ora.r.., -...1....k.-,...•-. = ..,..........,.-.. 4 ....,.....___,_.. .... , ;: -_-.C.. i ' ... ''' .. " = . ~, ~..,,7 '''''', ..„ c . _ ~ , ::i___ . . , , -. ' ' ,-.-,, ,' . ~...."--:, -.., 7° - ~ ..• ~ . :,,.. --,-., '., _<:' 3` ' l ' j :. 6 -.1 , ''; ''•:, -:.„., ....i_::: . . • ~ .....*, ' ' ..-.. •, . ~,...* . 1 '''.;- '' " •' ~ _I - 41 1 .n . . . , P '; '''. 1:' 1 1' 16 . .. ::. ''''-; . -1 .': ''.• .. • . '''4 !: i • , —. . ' ....,:• -•,-.,• ~... , t. , ot ~ , . 1 • - ~ .: '- ' 4 • '. ' , ' -' • • P D .... ~,..:., _. __.. . ‘• . ____ _ __ IN 1786 : PITTSBIIIIGIL WED•NESDA MORNING, AU 8 1849 --:--',..'-. " -, f 7 ''-'-..i-';' ,42 d , i)v , -, -- i ..,--- „.,.., .....:-._ _ , .-i•-- ,,, ,:.-.,-:-..--.„.. - ,--- -- OARDS. - _.', • 1 - ' --- ~ , . ...,,:i 4. ~..; ....," t, N ,-,. .- 0 ‘4 ,4- '-it , t''.?-,5r.,-''' roam W,tct, •_ ,Daata IirCOEUZ. CIE /4. NIVANDISSS, (=acclaims IA Wit J. D. Co WWllesale • Grocara , Ferveardiae and mialislon Tdereuna, dealers ,ta /ma, Lea,/ fissna eadTinsbargh Elanufactures gentralty ''' , remie, Woad and tea., •treata. Pittaburtita. Mrl=l w w:, yti eauth •41 I.ll,Commisattos Maretunto co, No. *4 Market meet tf.'• de,3 silver and 1411Iutry Goode, corner of thicket nod 44li etreeterAPitteborgbi P. N. 11--Wotebes. mittplocke carefully repaired, deb ONT TiV 7 TlNforoirosslon and, rFirrarilLog two. Merchant, ,90 From at between Wood and 5 tract 'stmt.,. • _ d ifeieS" WeWierin v • odtv.du Lod irontesue Dry Goode, aorta earl coriter,g Market OW Friona ata. wir2, - ana. iinilla; • MO. U. I•VC:44 unc , voimo lago.—Dealer• in !ember bideili &O , g 5, 143 Liberty ag Lltdr —7 77 - nry - SecTnie 1411 r 'till% S PDVITCHEON, %Indies:do Groceri-dea- T • lira in Produce, lroo, .Naile, Gloss, Ited:tiit. burgh Manufactured . generally, Liberty, 04: borer I Vf.W/L4l, Dealer In Watobes, , Jearelry .:Slrer Want, Military r Gotida,fee.,o-67;Ala tern— honor lffgWboleenle Steed's. VI . gictifyiog wid Wine and Idquo, gerehuSs. Also porreta of Soda Alai cod Bloch, 1 ig Powder, -NrailEaL4liertyntreet, • - _ - tWiEf. f riiirtferelfti;;" IREALATIS IN Nynrs AND LNATREll,'Morelyee, Shoe , Flndlnge:nte,No. 143 Liberty stft•i,hzve leeched their ammo STOCK of anode. none. , .pr slag o lotge assortmentof orfelei .1n their line, to winch tbOartendon tit Yorchasere la invited. riocitl3 ER, CS'holnsiner ."Aiente;s in Doom Shoes,'.rtestertgb 14 No. WO Litlitirf street, aragiiit =rim • olessle and-Retail Drag .d St. Galt wren, Pm* :4' mayl4 PETTlCtifEitr isaiIITEA.M. BOAT AtiEN ZS 'Onus Azov& M. sus, ?Geo. sem bi0.4:1 Water streOL FIRE AND lARIMIE INEICTILAISCEit TLIE INSUHANC CO. of Mirth America will malteiparmyar and limited Insurance on are petty thU city andl!yleinlty, and r n wenn, by Crum!, Rivera Latest; and by Sea The rnoyr rtiril bi this any are well inverted, and Waal an .211- able foutFibr Ore ample indemnity of all persons %dim desare to be protetreti by insurance. wm. A aent; 4 4 Waters!, The Fran lin Firs ,lasurauee Co. of Pkitalle434n. lIRECApHS.—Charles N. Stancher, MM.. Iran, .11_1 Tobias AVagner4r e l Grant, Jacohit. Stahl, (see. Riehruds, Id eat Ll. Lewis, Adolpho. , ,r- Bone, Llayid S. Bro Morris Patteraon. Cnasaas lisacsrA President. Charles O. Bench', :Secretary. • . Continue to make *stance, perpetual or lindred, OA every description , property 41 town or COUIL67, at rates 04 lint as are aonsistent with security. To Company have reserved a lame contingent FriOd, which with:their Capital and Premiums, safely moot ed, afford maple prometion to the assured. Theunit or the company, on larntarY lots 18W, ns ptiblish ' ed . :streeahly 41, an =I of Assembly, ware as ym, tar., Temporary Lords - Stoat • • • •••&• Cashote. • • 71 : Sumo Stall iheorporitiom a period of IP years, they hare paid 'errands Mime • million fear hundred thous. and delthus, , thoses by fide, Mereby affording evidence LI the advantages of inguroneo, as well as the ability and disposniOn to tneeOvith promptness an iiabinuet. GARDIft kat t...OFFIN, Age • omth-dly.q. Office - IS E earner Wood usuf Idstd I)AA iSTSCOXesil.lNSUlffillsftletCi s pIiIdiDEIRA; Agent et Pittiburgh for the Dela. • ware hlitteolSafmy hmtratteeComparty of adelphic 'Finalists upon buildings stud exerehindite Of every description, end Marine Blab upon halls or Cargoes of yeuels, taken upon the most formable terms. ' Mee to Virarehmase of W. ILltolnies /k. rio. 37 Water, near Idinlet mem, Pinthenth. • N. Et..-Thentetess oft.his Company semen Me eats& lislunent Of the. Sneer to this any, with the, prompt.. nest and libtrolity - witli!arhich every claim upon theta for lose hoeheati adjaSed, fully warrant the avid ib inviting the COulidence andpeitroeage of his friends trod the -commauity at large to the Delaware AL S. buds ranee Company, whilethints the mblitional edvantages 40 instilltd4al among the anothflourishing Ittniadei.: phi'—ea haring- au tormlepaill-in capstel, vrtuch.-Ly tlte operatiOn of aart4 cOnataully ulcreasitig, yielding to seat personiimured his duo share. of profits of the cotnpanycarithout involrrog •Wm to ally responsibility:whateverr; and th erefore as pouesung the Mutual principle divested of e re ohm:aloes kn. tare ! mallet Ili most at Cnietive foyer ' nov4 Pi I I .V.; 74I SP - iiLearytir, - fivintkAutga.,, HE insuronee Compfuty of North Arnenea, tanYti THE im duly authorized Street, the subscriber; oilers to make permute= and lirc4ted Insurance on property, bt. this city and Ats vicinity:and on shipments by the Ci nal and Siren. • D(CroRB Arthur G Charles Taylor, W. Jonas, Ambrose Whoa, Edward titaith . Jacob ALM:mums, John A. Brow*. 5 njchl, Jan R. Ned, - Thant. Joan KI P. Culp., Wm. Welch, Samara P. Sundt, Franks Hastens, Samueliknoks, • Attstirt Alliboue eitrttuß G. COFFIN, BOXVO D. Gammas ....510 Preslc Thhinrsboakktmalisainiae. l-. Cleoninsny in the Vniteti Sales, beside, been ell . .,'lrttered MI. haeharter is perpetual, and - Grant its MO standing, long expestencei =rim e aua'and arohlinn wt risk. of ex t ra hitz.4 horootbr mop considered os °Hertel now pie security tothit ppuuhkc . . W. P. JUNES. At the Cornicing Adorn 111 Alvatod, Jones h. Co. , K'.. ter mid Front streets Pinntinrch. rr not _ ri hpe been appointed Agent pra , 1 WEL thelatorbucer,Cosaymty of North Amerteoi . - arid Will hune:folleies utetid to the other bwittook of the Agency" al the vnfiebouole of Atwood, /toles k . co. %de, Wad_ P. Jtibibb+, water ot EulmiltiTffll/17,4ami1l • . L ..191151.101117,2: 1 . RIGULDOII.43IO_ CU DAILLES ASEIII/101ArEll. rin. Co. TOBACCO', CUffiIIIiiii3ON•SERCILIIIT4 N. 59 Sonja Wharves, No. 117 South Water st; •‘: 141.1LA , E1.1 7 / 1 1A. IDEGS to inform the anon and dealers generally, of. J 7 Fittewirgbi dun they tiure made soon riwange meow with the Virginia ,taanumeturen and the Growers of, the Wes; Weli Indies; tiro other planes, im wtll itoure; . ; tiona of large T0b•312/0 suptly of the following descrip.7 • acc Coill be sold upon es areono• modaniag Lerma o, as any ° which:yeVier ti beam in this city or else% where, and aLtgoods ordered from them will be oat-1 reined equal to irepresenninter Havana; St.ll.loantigoi% Cont.; Yang Polio Rico; Pewee.; }Seed .Leaf to-7' (hnia; Florida; • lucre; ALSO—Brunch% oeletithted Aromatic Stag Coven-. dish, with a large essonntent of ether popular brands, and qualities of pounds, Slit Ss, 100, 163 and an, Lomp; • 63, 6, es and les Ping; Galas' Twin; Virginia Tarts; Sc., sweet onsliplant, in whole and holt Loses, 'wood; and tin, together with Grog variety of article beloupl• Ing nie IrVat, jet6dly .40113 A. /MAW • PACK Rif.'oF. YOILK AND , REEF, • Commissionlefttaim and Forwarder, No. 4 CANAL St, CINCINNATI, 01110..' 'ar r a; arti n ct u o f eP. l rlc ti tle Phis t ma i r b k . ei " TIT* to forwardirqr of 06ods geneptily. Refer to dieser. Jiihrf - Sersser & Ca, & RttiebvelllCinelonsul, 0. 8, C. l'arYtruest, Esgj Lippineeit; Rler & Jqrtei k , Eriellah &Rennet; 0 • Co mailaslonfabel Vragwardlng Merchant. ECE.:7O WOOD lg., terl32o3Aatt, fIONTINUPEOIo traniseqs general Commission bul k" new espechiligla the mire/mut and .mle of Anteri. eon hlirittlEtettlfiti and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding tick* tonsigne fl to his care. Al Agent for the hianafacnians, he will [ut constantly supplied with the principal articles of Piusburgh fklannEseinre pt the lowest wholesile pnces. !'Orciers and consignments are respeetnill WA a. 171111A.7.t 7. 1 - 121 - aete ogo. a.loamacrik TEATIS4ISI, PIWTAIAIII a. co., FORWIUDINO,III,COIIIHiSiON BERCIJANTS, No. 43.1 8.404 Ottani, tne727:40111,9 - IS sr, Louts, MO, I'AMIcSIttiVELB — ,. dos Spades and She fa re* Sado Mantua Fogrr. On do Winn 51ic. 0, 4 4 do Socket din AXes, natant., /Mattocks and Picks, pellets% Vices for sets at manufacture re prices h,. tot 1 7 , 077....! et/CHUAN, OD lenoef Trrsuuutat tri AND R. AILEAFACTORY. SLID nem, oi /U 1 WM,' otONE9 qtrIGO, VrANUFACTURERS of: spring end blister steel, au plough sleet steel plobgh erings,coach and stip) tie spoassi humr.letettkon :axles, and dealers in mut leable emblem fire engine rimipaand coach trimmings gerterallhoornar, ofil.ssO Ond From sts., Plusburet, • rebi, flemrairralbla DiNearing Conk, , FOR PURIFIINO WATER, 1,..i Which renßere turbid water pure by ..,..• Numertn,* ail substance. not gullible m ( -c: 1 •• .. Ph - re:act ennui smer in N. loth, , iiae . ...;)ik .., Weigh el ur and pane to rho ay., yet .-, , t, ~,, i when It posies an hoar through tide ......- = r ag dada, shows a large Ultima eibtsaomworms, &a. This is the ca* =Men ate arl4l all hydrant emu: The Rerretablegillorce I i neat and datable, and to Mg lattildal with the •Lacevratienea 'Jidda= la mho Filtarma, as it tdolcaused evEhout being detached Lac the ink . * pipe, ,b, *nerd, arcing the ley or handl, franl ejtglatde tWOLO other. Slip tha easy purees, the aoursootarateclitcharigedomt all scumualsidocs & lammurubstanus are do en og &Imola Instantly, without sunitreerhig the & .It also possesus the it advantage arbutus astop , and as such In mug CUES IN.! be yore= and sconomical. Hun by attached *bum Raw* is any ',rescue high or law to a cut, tank, tab, ero. with cue. To ba hee of the soda Agent, r W, W. WILSON, octu , carnet of Furth and Market ma tija tiALb—A. Undone., Mutuly Carling°, for one ar two hones, butt at ghilitdalphus by a celebra ted minufactutar. Thy WA:iv lit In every respect • Ent late Itttieli, I `EA wee , 0 d.,..,,,,,,, e . luau, hoed ..`•" ' 1e4.111 superior . for Want crime. Eta & DAY, 'the Diamond "Alt wind fitteeOloler. - 81c 0 W lr i titt.da,l3buttlgh Hemp Twihe Trendlee W . /.14:104,1%n"ntael"lruiPPIC""' is de. de, A mj„ , 4,4 %. 8,9 1 41,eti1t. treet.-Plusbas/h. - EN N eTT . :* retftillEß 14,E zEth s IvAlul.KAtiinucrintERs, 1 nirsigaillim,Lasee PAtublizeb,ll46, Warehowt, No. 137, ‘Vood :Mal, Pittsburgh. W/LLcorisnaily Veep ect r .iwi ne d 1..„4 mem of Wani of 4 in ( mu anuaraciam.ain aupnknquakty. -o cadcoaany Wi ckman tropezpootrally Mritt4lo can and. vs. likas for.theautblvey,.co !ono aredeten,:ined mil etnapar iblultof*berOli beca oftnPkk n! pate, 11716rderi le*M heaMpazded by theteadi ov niferollo4,V,l,ll szOiatetiff, ffZE - - CI?, Mill stone and .111111 es, N0.:44-Llberry et, nintr the INSURANCE, 31,047,43 a 4 %VA bJ 91.1,1X1 'l4 • 61,:d1:1 3/,8154 7.1 MORGAN't WOKM KlLLER.—Another proof of alp triumphant success of Mingattes Vermituge. Ptresticaoh, May 10, 1519. Mr. John Ti. Mamoru—lf my :mote I. of any use. to' the coffering community, in regard to the article of gin Vemdfuge., you are perfectly welcome 1211 I had mei, children sorely Maimed with worm. / ho. came alarmed, and Vet"' Justly so, when I tried your ' renowned Vermouge, nod woonlsbing to tell, oue of them wee detivered of nhoth fifty worms fifteen inches long, of toll:DOD, frightful bind, resembling Mere The appearance of eels The other child was delivered of about rt. 'Ube chi/Oren ore once doing finely. You may well he proud of yoor Worm Filler. Yours trwy DAVID Stle.ll, Virgin alley. MO Pr R e G a A t N D and u nmkid; aWrb o a l n c d s a sheet, i n e e t du o , . W o o lw LD nmond alloy. 0011 Y 0111 COUGH MAY LIE CURED. Atalmother C1T7,13d Aped do, 11341).• I Mr. Sellerm lleing afbietee tor ovate Once With 2 2211fitt021211111 22Vete .10 alit me lot my daily employment. Frequently aver ettpublue, I hare been e 0 torteh caltanated, as to re °tonged is sit down and rest Hearing Of Me good edema Prodtrettd by your Cotigh Symp. I cline/ode./ to glee it a trial, and am happ) to say It produced the dewed eifeet to my ease. Alter pion it one night, the conch seni abated, and f now perMcd y wed. Jame JOIDIHIN. This plOO4OOl and popalor Cough Syrup is prepared mid sold by # 8561.4..h1t-S; 67 Woad street. Sold algOhyAruggista_zeusrstly.Antbas tare,oo44and myil Q ii the toll ° el. Meteor:oh Va., Jan. 20, 1649. !Ir.!. M. Wilson—De n Ofe; of Venettogib . I bought from you same time ago, brought f r= girl 5 years old, the *swabbing number of 5 Worms, I belie, she would bane heed a cozy abort Lime, bet for Ms menicitte. W2l. Fri Air, Prepared and sold try, E SELLERS, 5: Wood Jr. sr, sold alas by Druggist. generally in the vas lELPORTANT TU THAI AFFLICTED. lit. Rose's Celebrated Remedies. DR. JACOB S. ROSE. the discoverer sad .ele pro pnetor of these Mort popular uad beneficial med icines, mid also the inyetior of the celebrated ;muu muu for inflating the Lanka ill the eure of Chronic diseases. was u saidcal of that Mille-11i ps, elan, lloctur Physic, and a a graduate of the Ulllnfeayrsi trof Pennsylvania, and for - dotty years since has been • engaged in the tuyestreatioe of disease, and the appls cahon or remedies thereto. Through the use of lus tainting tube, in connection arab tits Prophylaelte sgrOpialld othcr ortoo reowdloo, he has gamed unparahtled ochre:lee tunas those dreadfal and fatal unikalies., Tubercular Furs sumprion,:trancenr, Ocrofula gheamaturm, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Ferr is of of kinds, Chrome Ery Sipe /..., and all those obstinate disease. pecul nu to reroute.. Indeed every Meat Of discsasmarroMes ander Mc use ra of his remedies, rihieh 1 1 13111.111) is bar-.tot by the Use Of out Cusupeaud only, Si that is incompatible with Pliyelological Law, but lg the use of las rent, die., adopted to arid preacnbal tar each peculiar form of disease.: "suaDy.ltosista Toole Alterative Pita when oth er , in. bly otknowledd to be saa-nur to all er as • purgatlif or liver pill ? inawatith ea they leave the boweis fectly lice ram eosUresses% as also Lel Golden 'ill. u admitted by the (aunty In possess pecu liar properties adapted to female Unease., but wing satisfied that • bare trial is surkeien to estableals what has been stud in the minds of the mitt atiepitcw . The adliated are invited to call open the agent, and procure rads) one of We DOelor'S tamishlele, givtog • tietalle lei:Mini preach remedy aid Its applicalaou. Porsale by the folthanng , gems, &swell as by maw 'Druggists throughout that:notary: J Pleitooallaa&CT &Co, Si Wood sires; PUtsbancla, J bl Townsend, druggl.t , 45 Market n Lea A Peckham, near the P. 0. allegheby city; Jos ilurkleY, Darling - too, Beaver canny, Pa Jun Dhoti, EllllOll Valley, " u T Adams, Beaver, tnivid-dly a a a • . J 117 1 ,4• •• Espeetorans. Ss.LlOl., Columbiana co., 0., Au. 01, thkj. Y Nk.S. rk IL D. JA, Dean tat—l feel band to you 11 and the afflicted public, to avail ofryodi of ihi k portunity of mottle pa bheit y to the 'extrahritomy c nk. eu Of your Expeetoraut on myself. Loving lieu eadj„,, c d for several yean mob • se•ere cough, .emjc lover and to concomitant diseases, and seemed ady doomed 'to linger out a short but nusemble existent, emu the fall of Icily, when, being mote severely ateek e .,j, laving mooned to all thy former remedies, anal 010 pre .oeripuoos of two of the most respectable phyk.unu its the hetet/mama without deriving any bear., or Use reollsolallouTPC allreiving but a few days or Weeks ut furthest—when the last gleam of hope wataliout „amidst., 1. had recommended to me your Expekormit— kind blesied by that Being who. does all thing in the nre of the contrary to We sapections of toy physicians and !head., I wits in • few day , tas.rd Thou my bed, and was enabled by the ascot si tern, he 4itteral to my. busters., enjoying 111100 better heat tam, had for ten yean prevents. geweettally loon, ne., Ju. W FFur sate lu Pittsburgh, at the Pekla Tee Enke, 7d ourth street. mart • Dr. 31eLease in Tennessee. ‘, 1. IDI9. la 10 ,cerhly that I purchased one vial d Br. 11,..,Lp e mfs Worm idpectfie, some two mounisage :end flea 141 a son 01 . mine, /0910 101 , C11 yean ssurynana fall, and although the amount may ell ~ natio, yin Chase ho doubt btu them was upwurd WISOZOLics. Wuntelt passed from him, messulh g 'Lyomoia. 40411101 o 1 allt Inch to two inches long. U W HOLLIDAY. Reg" r:rock, Carrel eo. Tenn ,Dec 07, Intl. led. kfLEBBBI YEithilFLitiE Counters, Jan. tith, 1049. ; Me.R. &Banana—Year Vent/tinge has sold weir And has been high y spoken of by alt who ham, use Li. From the Infects, attending the udohoiturstion o 'your Yernalligo In every mike I have heard of, I aur efkii§dent. I tan sell more during the roinutg *eosin. thou. I did.laat. I will be glad to receive another sup' 'ply oft or kroas. leoam, reeimatit .Iy, [Extract from lelter.j H. CARTER , Penpared and sold by It. B. sEuxus, 77 W oral at, tad sold by druggists generally, to Pittsburgh and Al I56 h PY* laud } u Pivaborgt,PdG,,, 7 ' . 'IIEGICIOVA.L. J. .., ME robveriber has removed h. Wholesale Gr.. ,ty Stale 10 the tattier of Llaucock 011vel mud Al.e. It coy What 44 next door to the Pony Hour, • ,-. snebilmlt( _ _ _ • J 0111.4 N. l'Efill.Y. Foreign end Domestic . L iquors. GOOD sum:omen, of Foreign and Donreslie 1.1. At& spoora,,alway• on hand add for sale ry queottlitra local pato/talon, by ntrla W k M MITCIIELTREE WEhire some PUMPS, made on Improved plan, ro no not to (mom in the coldest weather. F 0 !Chas wanting such articles, are lavitetilo Call dad 4th, them at SCAIFE, a. ATKINSON'S, ntra l.l. Lamson Wood Math. at. lUNDßnitt3:44 — blAi Gat., aasonsd, 6 bids Flaxseed; 0 oug. do. 4 do 22 7 p.a. ; 2s do ' , fathom, 0 do thuerug, l , o!in v e,• Soo sale by I 6 tat l4 INACT - in .uls Alt a wa• slts ool,• Iglu Feathers, lauding Own NVOO_ _l—a tC L Etc Ist Llfie, and for sato by jab /AMIN DALXI:I.L f t 0 llLlNTlMlld—Printing Ink, from this manunieto. ...ry of). D. fdlereary, New lark, In caw mod kegs, Ilan I lb. upwards, and Min US cts. to fl per ad rad, Liu., green and yellow Inky, In cane of I lb. to arllnCeonalowly for oar. Ilaviug wed Mr. Ill'erea. 'if. ink in cur.:db.,' far One month. , post, we o arrant 11.1, equal to any that is made at any ..wer utandiptuns y JOHNNTON a.N MCKTON c o rn ea rn,ed and Nl..raet, al, 4Nuttll 4S I '' ,77 l 4 ll:l ' s . ti it i 1. Lag Flasacedj 2 4 " ltanien Pet% . 54 u• realh.rg; 7 ". Ginsanc , , .11 " WooL LNow (rms. Carobetl.d, No for vie Ly LULU! DICKEY a p?..; From ! • , LAW OFFICE& IL B. CAttNAIIAN, .I:I.9TORNEY Ar LAW. Ofiice en Fourth street, between Mayer Alley and Grant to. my VS I y WM. TIMDLIN. ATTOBISEY AT LAW, lhaleT, Po WILL also attend to.collections and all other busl nnis entrusted to Win in Boller ttad Amato:tug counties, Ps. Refer t, J. & R Floyd, Liberty sr W. W. Welfare, do • James Maraha Piattburgh. gly Kny A Pa, Wood arm D. SWEITZEft. Attorney at Low, othec ad n., oppmato Ss Chnrles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will alma attend promptly to Collection., in Wuhington, Fayette and Omen counties, Pa_ REFER TO Filack.toel, Bell A. Co., Chore?, it Oarothars, Pitoburgh. T:Morgan t_. EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Councellor so La . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collectioiti in Southern Oh, and in 'lndiana, sod In Kentucky, promptly and cart Satylattended to. • Commisitioner ha the State of Penn sylvania, for taking Depoutions, imknowledgment e ete. de. tro—Ron.. Wm. Rail, A Sort, Cords, Church A C!''s9""l4 lPat hays, Esq. Willock 4c Dusts. tad /SAMS linnitni., TicataW,i. SOWOLL TIUNLOP & SEWELL, attorney at Law, Ornres m, Smithfaeld, between lid and 4th vs. 3(jHB T. 0710 au r A ff; - , ATTORNEY Al' LAW, Fourth street, bower Smithfield and Grant pal l ,d6m BINSONTAto,--- -- t x r 0. 0. ROBINS4)N, Atzoroey at I,l;sa,.ha a . moved his office lo the Ezehmogn Builthoro.3l. Chur ot., um door to ILldena. Johns. sootily WiTS, - 41),S AND BONNETS. • 111 9 C01/1) CO" (Recces/tars to ISlCard & glag) .Iraahlott•bl• %%%%%%% r t Corsurr of Wood and Fifik Stress. IpARTICCLAR attention n paid to . oar Retail Trade. A Oentlercen can rely upon geUing their Haw and Cups (tour our establlahment of the nen atatxuats and w.haratvormr., of the Lanerr aims; and at the worm Cotunry Merchant; purchasing by wholesale, are respeelfally invited to call and examine oar Stock; as WO can say with confidence that as regards QUALM and rams, it will not seder In a comparison with any house in Philadelphia. febl7 ern, • CALIFORNIA RATS—I 2 dor water prdof got theiromia math, lust received and for sale by hI'CuRD & • corner .sth and iVoc' 'UFO hitHP)IMMO FASHIONS FOIL 1849.4 •AItCORD It Co. will introduce on Stour dpyt Alnreh Al, the Smog style of HATS. Those in Want of n neat and superior hat, are invite to anti Al corner of dth and Wood streets. wait el- - - BRING BONNET RIBBONS, Ice—lV It Motility hiuneorrtod note open a =poly of spring Bonnet Ribbonsßibbonsof hanchstyle. Alsooteor style Beßed Nen.; Lisle Limes and Edg ings; litame Edgangp; Victoria do; plaid Marlins and Jiteonets, embroidered Swett ?destine, &ad besides • large 68601111lerlt of Spring Coale generally, at north east coiner 4th sad Market streets. Wholesale Rome an stair, MEDICAL 701311EFACIMNT.—Horses while running asleep, Il i in-she fields are eery apt to brniso andittlare themselves In many way.. They are °Pen disabled so 1101.36e211,410110 fora 1041 time. If illaiedipt4 use could hr made of H. 4- FiIatICSIOCk ef CO.!. 13 übefa clew, dnd the Intised part well saturated, atw the remedy,. rubbed in, it would giscLeellef end ease the pain do firmer should Ise without.ibia celebrated medicine, as it is shke healing to man or Genet Pre pared altd sold by It it. FAIIINLITOCK it Co, comet of IN'oml and tat of s; also, earner eta sod Wood. ; Myl7 caParfMmis . . . DI apolu;lcus.. ! e.r.fiiichhig here toil ;MIPS between aotenbank, e name of Conuibto, 'Bak Cu, la dater/ay diouolveil by Mutant consanr- -- Me Burke tr. Ram. Anil settle. tttelhosiness er the rn, for which purpoee they aro atntriwitted to ark n. au. roucerre NATHANIEL CONSTAII 11DAIIIND _PURIM THOAIAS BARNES. The undersigned have thts day wetteteiated thettael In der name of BURKE ARPIES, tor Ore PurP•. of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes t Vault Door., A c. , at the stand of the late arm of Cattalo/A& Ud & Co, where they will be p!cored to receive the t, voltage of the customers of that house and their !Sent, El/MI.IND BURR'', , 1 • . THObL&U I n'rerinng from the twat of Centlliac, Rorke C. I with suicen- pleasure • recommend 6leaan . Curt Camel 10 the confidence of my friends and the truh Fels 0, 1619. CONSTMILE. (chi :Wit DLEISOLUTI.IST --- 7; Finn: partnership of NI TIRI.I Y ,k LEE is ti ,, l 431. j distathred by mutual consent. The business Ili late fine will be settled It Lee. J. R. munvirr,, husbursrh, Jan. OU, 1040. IL•LEE. • NOTICE—Tee tootereoped aria. continue the W. 8111 , 1010. 000 000111110 the tale of Woolcolblooda, the old nand. H. LEE.. In retiring from the firm of Ildurpby & Leryt ! ' great pleasure to recommending Id. LI. - Less•l4 confidence of my frlesda mid the public.. Ploabergh, Jan. he, 1849. J. a. riIIiRPIV . stielay4 . ll" ,. • selves together for the phrpose of 1f.8001.101011 wholesale nod retell Dry Goode end Grocery hes at No 210 Ldberty, opposite Seventh street; uttdttt style and firm of BUB/WIELD & HAYS. Pittsburgh, January 1,1949. N. it —Our old customer' and Me:public are In to give Os a ' CO . PARTNICABEIII I . -- Nht. B. SCAJFE and Cape JAMES ATKIN, 1• have entered truepartnership, under the Gran IFI,I fr. ATh'INSON, and will carry on the Sir • Copper, and Sheet Iron Woos manufactory.' Also, Inneastnittona In all its branches, as the of Wm- B. Senile, First street, teat Wood. Particular attention given to meambotrasork:' nett • - BA ‘;rfru..: SMlastacianted with me to tine ar sole tirocery, Produce nod Commisston Loeb& toy Wetter Joxephi under the Gun of J. B D/LWUIP & CO. J. 8 , Dli.,wcurr January 1, ISO. I ' - . C neAlMuffeltSthill,P—.lol.lZli!lVe.."°4r titer boldness will hereolter be eonducied ohf Elm et Wro. 'goon& & Co. WILLIAM , 100.5 JNtl. E. 11PCUNG. BOOK THAD& ----------- li JA.Aflifi D. I . O aJECWOIJD. i For Plally years connected with Meson. Wiley .IE, Putnam, and late John Waley, N. Verb and Lundatr4 neenteCLlAll A. INTO or .- ENGLISH, FRENCH AND IDER Sitew MA N ROOKS, '. N 0.63 Woolisrasar, (Nearly Opposite the Ott motto. wool Pirrsitti6c.H. 0- English, French, and German Sevieees mink Altigarjun, and Newspapers troponed to elder, pores of which may be ascertamed on application to Mr. I.: Catalogue* gratis. mYXI f,ll , fd V ca• Ix) P krill's AND DlctioSi&inks, &. m . .C 1 mg special sod independent works, edited or ook. ten drsungamhed in toe iron. departments. Limoite's I/tenantry of Screace, Llermum, and Ark Copland's Delmont" of l'ranic al kledienre, Joanna's Fanner% F.cloealta, Loudon's FareyclopaLlla of Gardk nog; La u do n , Encycloponha of FlauraLlAlis con's Encyclopedia of I retro M'Collo h's lectturimy. of Commerce; M'Calloch's Dretionary of Geogrltphyl Use a jAtuouriay or AeW and 11,1..f.nares; trooper's Medical inctrouary, Watersten's Grelfintmtna of 1 )0 2 /• • Inhere,' Political Dictionary, Ii eels. dent Webster andt Parks Encyclopedia Dome. Is Economy( Ainbon'l Gannett thetionary. - There banners fall of informal/. of the ben kind: . arranged and presented in Me boa =DOLT. For * by Jt23 JAAIEN I) LOCK WOOD. 63 Wood at, Dtiml--Tric ANIMAJ.ll,—Enlasy atoll Desarlptl 04 the Horse, Mate. Cann, Sheep,. Horne, ie try, and Faros Dogs, with dire...fur their :tunege moat, breeding, craning, fennel, feeding, and prepa. ratiou for • profitable market Also, their Dram. and Inutedma, together annt full direction be the management Cl Mc Dairy. By It I. Allen. 12ortherit' nutrient. Blntrettons. For sale by 110 JAR I) LOCK %V0011,C.3 Wc ICL:tV AN A LIIABLE 13001i5.- -- LI Y—llint. on Pablie Arehirecture, preparekork banal( of the Banding committee of the Sentrint79 Institution, by Robert hale Owen. In tarp gall elegantly pntued, win 113 illannuiona in the best myle of the an IL—Green on Brunch:ln, second edition, revj sod eidarged A IFsense on dueling or the lif-Pcx rages; comprislngsan /equity 100 the history, noses and Imam:cut af Mose adecoons of OW 1011421, Cade i Brunchnis, Chrome Lary moil. Clergyman's Sorel Throat,By Horace Linen A. al., AL 0r • 1 Plate. improved and carefully Colored. Rona ..•i; "fti.TYltLdy, the 4tb edition, revised and cObit ged, inch addinori.l illustraenem, 4 Traatim au Lroal.. nape (isidentng nod Rural Architecture :. For sale by JAMES.D.LtICKWOOD t . • ' 13 Wend 413.1, • Fat aniryiettn_nillnec t UPl Wilk NO.SH.FAY.LI6,IC Fuaant, mid lam Jahn WlleYrEreer Turk. • •• Mr. L. has just renter.ed from the Ent!. chin. • ;all iii: - DL,It VS NEW WORK—T. Adtranbael7rn a Life in the Wood., by J, T. Illtmdley, author of .. tFastungton and his Conceal.," eta. The Lab rind Writings of De Win Clinton, by W. W. Campbell, .Maur of "Holler Wenn," Jam rer d' by ru7 JOILNSTON & STOCIII.ON • I 1\ ,TEW 12 1 Cn1ES7-7111.tury ofWl:l.cent lanntion — s, 11 um orate.; isdh enlantrone ougraemg. 04 wood, I vol norlin. • ' • The lire...non, or proures of the %%ran and her Po 1 L; La..., Beecher, lon Wayne, indhana, with au introit. oa L. t ...ny, , Mr.. /Owner Benner Stowe. Just reed 1..) IttiirroTOPl & Si (Yeti YON, lay corner ad and Market Ms V Is/ stable DoOkeT - -- - iSLIAOTY & ENtaLloil, :V Wood street, bm.••• ,E. 40 and thomond alley, bare received • large .apply of 'theological and mho, works ? among which are the followaig, via: horny* and la. courses by Fres/dem Hopkins; Christ Is All. Law mid (Rove!, by r. 11. Ty irg, V. DT Life of De Wit Clinton: Lim.; Ont.. of AMerlea., Republic. Christianity by klegoon, Alan I . n/rural by knurl ' Pligunolagy and liesmeririm, Caeca ti 1.1 L. Rice, ..D., Daptum, is Iniport• and y Beecher, Nineveh and as Re. mums; Mona.. of me Lill., try IVForrianst Earnest &binary and Chorea la Earnest, by J. A. Jame, Ed ward., isnr,, 4 vole, new editton; J. 31 A 1... Nurse venurit le. Cowper. Idle nod Worts of Cowper; Me more on Iti r and Fall ot Papacy, Turrethine'. Tk.ot. oily, Cyeionedm of AlO/ . 11 bud Religious Aneenon44. bragar . Na, nil en of Popery, Christ Recerving 0.• nee., Bible Lenience. f e the People. by J. Cutrunragt Ainierri Soen-iy, Modern Accompirshments, -Haldane 011 tial••ll4 . , Or Sind Thoughts cm Senpune, by Cecil, 1101 W 11,1 pubmilirdi Lite at Polak, Neutral Ilulory al Enthuanur M... kingdoms, Lectures ua rtigneni ''krat!i7g'..,:... - I:T b c 11111 Ddliculty, and mute' kos nen.. or Life in the plain. of Flue, with orrierAlle sone.. by Leone ,11. Cheerer, D. D., with IN.,nratt of anther. A law cop es reel and tor gabs by my IV kazityrr A FLYGLISIII, 22 Wood" l Irff r .:"-., nu - IWe.. AmericaiGardenei ri Ly to l T ' homaX O Fenendan. ' The New American Orehanisl, by Wm Rennet 1 he Complete Fanner and Buell Econontra, by Fes sauden. Modern Domestic cookery, or Win A Hendehon. Just ego's by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, myll comer market and 3d nit NLWit&Licnous WORKS—ThoughtionPublie Prayer, by Serene/ Miller, L. I bought. on Family Wanton, by Job its, W. Alex ander Just received by myl7 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON Nr..lV Btfo r ETLA - gues Morris, or the Heroine of Domes. Lae. 11w/dry of King Charles the Second, of England, by Jacob Annuli, wirh engravnig. Just recd by JOHNSTON It 8 TOCKTON, enyl9 CODnee 341 5,01 blanket 4,4 ENGL INF! AND A/HEED/CAN HOOKS 1 AAI Lel li LOCK W 01.44, ifor many year. conneet. L. ed with Wiley and Putnam, and Lat. John It dry, New 2 ork Londona M eet ,tablised 0 11.1: nth. House at No. 63 Wood between 3d and 4th meet., where may be found • vocable coll.. uonof SPANDAU() E.NOLIIII/1 and AKERIC&N •urkious, alpine. al lawns in the Eastern 08. IrrENULI2III and CONTINENTAL ROOKS, Re. views, Alagiumei,Plerwapapen, &c.,lmported to order. IrrINSITI LIMNS and INCORPORATED SO. CILTIELs ere emitted to receive thelr books dirty free u_r Eo g o,,k and Amookoac&toro g oko luenlithan vs- Us to ati those who desire them, or nut p.m. to any address. J. L. L. will always be happy to exhibit to ladies and feral, men his boo., midi/Mean to them airy hr onus bon whien he may pout.. regarding Them, myth N . T . )Tri AND VALUABLE Vir 011ii..—Niatexu, end its Remain., with an .count of a 00111 10 the engine./ Chili:beim of Kurdwaii, and the Venn., ur Da. WorsUppcss, and no inquiry lino the manners and lets at the ancient Assyrians( by Austen Ilene) Layne: En., II C . D . Just reed mid for sale b' __ m . f JotimoruN &0,..."•" IN L bllZZblit/N d - - its D. IA..icKIVi U, liuo~e•ile -Tu or Foreign Honks, oU Wood glleel.,Alk• on hand vklu•ble ooltaction of' Engliffh On American Book It/the darcrefit depart:fu:o of Lacroturc, which ho 0 p cpafed to sell as low so Lacy can 00 natalned in the Aol<fra _ • . /...nirlodi and Continental Books, Barlow., Mega :no.. mod Newspapers, imported to order. Toe price of tiny Review t ILlapizino or Nowapaper, ,inuy be nrcertonted on applicadion to MT L. and American Cotologres forniabod patin io ciao the Lortern elLica to a www. lay., and will be happy to citrate any ordera for looks, Engraving . or taitioirery, al It =SW -11:d Vallee n the Coo_ EIV 111.1(2HO—Layartes elinavan ado 11.• Itesnauts, • with on account of a .tall to dia tthattletut • of Kurd-tau t and the Yt.elnis, or DuviLlVonthip ,on• ed an inquiry into the manner. and arts of use 'Wond Ably you with an tutroduetory letter by U. Ittooote. 2 vol., octavo, with about tboillestrauone. 'hoover'. Lectures on the Pilailruht PrOiteiL 1 .01, Pruto reduced to 34 0 0 111/len ConcordanCe, condense& nett:eel] to $l,OO. lll.tory of Eititand, Moor's now cil; ocurro--lurga pout and One paper, per yOL; 26 eat.. Gunn.' licbren. and Enal!sh ed. unlnaad. For sale by R NUYRINS, .1/ I 4th at. near wood I.ll4l{td 14001&'.—union ui Cher.. and St.go. 1.1 ev u ni Noel TbChurch iu E.,rneat, by Rev 1 Angel James. Adte to 1000 e Men. by n Arthur, . . —Union „t Church&lid 14.4°,1)3: . • 1.4.1. es of };ltn—Gland• Lemb. Cholera, I.y 1 ., 0/ Coventry. e/olVetli.. of Moral and Helirpoti• Anecdotes. ‘‘ wk. of Charlotte Elslabeth, o r ,a, , son., ~V ber hualantid. / vole, 8 roe Idissuitted with steel pi,. Orogo•od CaWarmth I n by Ju05411, 0 ,..„. n. Thn i. iapoo4uon to the Dead Se., - - . . Provci. 'or the reop,... or Illartrationa of Practical Go.lisnex9 r •wo tore the Hook of Wie./eus, by 1r'.4., 31ay.00 , ,. L lilac ray Sermonr, by Dr Wayland. Ocruenfof Megeoroloy),t/ J umekleAby. A. by 1 et ealoy /A. BOVICIN S. toy 7 , ±pollol_.l.ailaina, i i i AN A:NiI:VAL.: o,l'o. Vonatitut...o and Erna!, 1 .I. live quillun of lite Human Being.. /tea:unite deo to Theizicel Selenee, by Jobu Barth, D. a Lc.a.rc. , Young eh au .vienoas Inapormi i ~ .b. iatia‘ by If Beecher. .... . . I:bombing vorke, complete; 4 vgtll4llo., ., ..... The vror (TS Arthur, un•romi LS 44—him rec'd by 1 a Lana/a% 414 si, w 'Nom,' HOTELS FOUNTAIN IIIOTTG LT L. WORT STREET lIAIMORE. ram AND 1110.100, rearm:man 2TRIS establishment lona and widely known briny one of the most Me city of Ika;umore, has recently undergonevery eaten sive .alteratlons and Inter...m.o. An entire new wing hes been added, coma/ulna numerous end airy Weeping apartments, and filet.. bathing moms. Toe Ladles' department has also been completely madam:ad and tined op in a moat unique and beauti ful styht. In Mot the wry le erra•Ternent or the linu. b. been remodeled, with a *lngle eye on the part of the amarielm. 'awards the comfon and pleasure of their Guests, end which they confidently arson will challenge compertson with any Hotel In the Unlmn Their table will alWays be supplied with everyaitb. Ward. and , Mammy arbleb the market - afford., served up in a,superior style; while In the way of Wince, kn., they will not be surpassed. In eonelerion the nronrieuns began mayethat nothing will be len undone on their part, and on the part of their assiNanni, to- render thin Hotel worthy the connected patronage damn. Glenda and the public generally. , Theyncea Mr board have also been reduced to the Tollowmg tate. Ladies' Ordinary, $1,75 per day, Gentlemen's N. IL—The Baggage Wagon of the Hamm will al. !Twaya be fond at the Car and Mambos: Landinp, Ilch will convey baggage to and fms the Hotel, free kif ch I EXIMANGEI HOTEL. • MID= or .me. on sr. examen., ItrinntnnlE r ri. r The salweriber heaths assumed the manage. r mentor thls long established and popular lintel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the dbileigunelally i that he will be su all times prepared' 1 accommodate them In all things desirable in a well Vicalated'HoteL 'no House i• now being thoroughly vatted throughout, and new Furniture added, and no Cana will hewar -W to make the Exchange one Mbe yen. best novels In the ommtry. oTtgee n u o n sy der t e l l b = p re . stribilll eo i llits a eerie= /delved. u. ' EfOgletS irfIYSTOT, r* 'kJ:OW Prapt etor. • LABLUCTINIE HOUSE. 'COMM 0 , 11 . 1/01.111 MID SUM Rterl3, PITTUVIOIL TiIE anincriber respectfully annouces, that he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel Bur the accommodation of travelers, boaniete,• and the labile generally. The house and furniture are entirely new, and no pains or expense hese bees spared to render it one of the most comfortable and ;gleam= Hotels in the shy. The aubseriber Is determined to deserve, and there. fan solicits, a share of public patronage. _netts-dly JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor. 1121,1.21 Ml= AND /UM/ ail nMgrrE Isis Bank of the United States, Phila. V &Italia Pl. POPE MiTCHELL, .yttur2lf Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS „ Scrip at Par. . TAKEN FOR CHICKFIRINO'S PIANOS. 111 KLERER, at Woodurel.'s, No F 3 Third meet, No offers for to a en elegant lot Citiekortora Pia. stl4(Boston) at the lowmit cash price for Pitt.butgb, Allegheny coy, arid Caunty Scrip. They comprise thug° to 7 octaves, and were selemed by hlr mile foe this market. Theywarranted to be equal malty in the city, having all tho improvements, CS mi circular se•le, etc. }Wars are Invited to roll previout to purchasing sitittritere., and, alas, to bring with themwine goad joke, profesuorial or otherwtse, to judge of the qua& lye the above instruments B.—Wt nen guarantee, will be given with each pistoomtitling the holder to exchange in ease the in -611211112111 be proved In the least 'dere° imperfect, or tangy. rey4H . K. SPRAIN° GOODS. Bheeklett & White, MGOODS JOBBERS, El Wood meet, ask the ention of Merchants to their Una of AMER!. CANAND.FUItE3ON DRY 000113, now recenving dlogt from U.( bands. Reicint regular suppliea of Mut goods daring the stelae, devoting a large share of their attention to Wien! Auction sales, they can ronfidcaO7 tta`suu barna tDock. they will And it to their 'merest to examine the ,fhti received, large invokes of uew sprit. Deem 'Goods, Fumy Pettus, Quirama, Cloths, Sommer 41jkOds, Lore,, White Goads, Irlab Linens, Tabor. 'Trintilling• and Litman and bleached Sheetirip of van. atiLoinds. mull JAMES W. WOODWEIOL, Modern and Antique Furniture, 23, Tom &rant, Prersetraon. jje large and spleadid assommein of Parnbure, • suitable far Strambeate ' Motelnand prin. dere. "- apastantly on Inuid and matte to order. Nti Present stock on hand earami he exceeded by ' altrallitlfactor) in thewestern country. Penton. wrishlng to purchase would do well to give sae a es/1, I.4.esTlfki,..odeteratit:,...ue._d pn ft eca n s t hall tuq pieuee ,i; . Part of TeleaTetm Louie 111, Churn Queen Elisabeth dieing Prim Tables; .TeiletTableig Louie rlVCommoder; French Mahogany Redelsadir; Pla. Steals, 40 mt. with Plash and ktalr.cloth eoverg '4O , dO dat Alaboginly Reeking Cr, hai eD' do . Finley do Siamithe Su bsea; -elllyear 4 pair pies Tablm lk Marble top Dresaleg Oman.: liVardrobes, 8 Secretaries and Book mum *marble top Wash Stands, '4 pair Otto:minx Pfeil fancy Work Stand.; A 'reliance assortment aroma,. Chiles and other fermi eft lea namenms to mention . 11:1"'Sloata Ikons fornsatied on notice, and °dike Moat reasonable Lermathe sternum drelb _ Cbocolatie, Cocoa, else. W. flaktes American and French taiocolate, Prepay. eel Coma, Coma Paste, Ilroota., Cocoa Shells, de . TIO tetras.n and consnmen, who would purchase the ben products of Voce., fret trout ulultemtant, more mum.. scrib than tea er wire, and au quahty unser pasted, Ihrt suber resommenee the above esneley, reanufactived by himself and stamped with his nuts. Ens Bream and Cocoa Paite, as delicate, palatable, and Bahsa? . &mks for Invalids eonvaleecents, and where, emprertouneed by the moat eminent phymactens supenor Many other preparation., llta manuteetures are always on tale, in any quauuty, by the moat re. speetable grocers to the eacern Wink and by then agenta, Mama Gray & co , of 80.w,q James hi Bunter A co, Hanford, Cana, Massey A Murray, New fora, Groot& thane, Phatadelplus, Teem.. V klrembee, ttal thmue: and 'Kellum! A ilsonen,Cineuinati. moo WAL/}.ll BA IC kal, Dorchester Masa Pier .ale by attgl DAGALEY a SAM Ag. - - Wrought mad Carat Iron Mailbag. TUE subscriber. beg Ware to the public that they have ob. oed i'tona the Iran all the late and IhrthionaLle deartna tor Iron Railing. Lath for houses am , remittent:a Persons tenth/tie to pulsar. hand .tPlVlns plea., call and examine, and 'yd.!. for themselers. limliag will be funnel:al at the short est notice,ited 111 me best Manner, at the Corner of Craig and Roberta streets, Allegheny city. aux2l-dif A. LAMONT dc llo2uflacelletts Tobastess. A Q HXBoeutry & Itoyster'o 'spark.' sweet 31ps; 23 do AI A fratler's ' 10 ht do Price & Harstrood'a " " 5 lb " 21 dodo do 25 dodo Pearl & Harwood " "6 & lb" 14 doJ Robinaou " " 16. 57 Of do do " " 6 " 93 dodo-Wm Dawson " " 5 " 33 I' Wriens V 40 And 0 T Linde's •• 'ts 6 dollslncou's " do. }iambi( " " lb " Jest landing from steamer and packets, and for sale by 1111:11LID, UUCRNOII & Co, 41 north orator stand 16 north wbarves, 1,91 Phtlatle(phla titiii94oiCeli tiff) TO bf 0 al otiii A Hotel superior sweet lb lamps. 75 /taints. Webster Old aupertor sweet 56 lumps 36 " Lawrence Lanier" 5s " & Hoover " 355.6 a 20 " Dupont (de I. Euro( " Sa 10 . McLeod " ea a Lawrence Lotner "5. & plug Just landing from stearnar, and for tale by 1111.3 LL BUCKNOR & Co, .41 N wale, at and 16 N wharleo, W. El. GILENN. Book Binders. i• are WI engaged in the shore hairiness, come; Niof Wood and Third sweets, Pittsburgh, where we ere Mettle/ to do any work in our line watt des pitch. ITe attend moor work personalty, and units Union oral begtven in regard to its .ii.moll sad Me. rubility, Munk Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub tatidatlY• Woke in numbers or old books boiled care- WIT or repaired. Names put on books iti gilt letters. Those that tome work in our boa ere Invited to call. Prices low. otp2Chtf • : l dew to • AVINO sold oar andre amok to O. H. (bun t with to closing our old business. we hereby so il for him the pairotutgo of all our friends and cati o:tees. NO. Gr. PGINGEXTER, rem Put NDEXTEL Putsbemei Stag. eth,1849. C EL GRANT, Whole.. e °meet, Commurskm and Forwarding Merchant, No 41 Water.,. null' 'JELL, ABI) 'SILAS.% Pt' UN Dlt Ir. AA FULTON, lied and Dross Founder, has re r "bo il , and tomMeneed bastneas at Ids Did caud, . where bolsi! l be pleased to me his old commit era and friend.. Church,etessahOm,„ and Belle of every size, from Is mliGnie poundsieest from patterns lathe moil approv ed models, and ,anuranted he he of Ma heat malaria's. luin etaf wake ?amps, ententtri, Railing, Ac., torn. ther wleterely 'ninety of Reno Cantata, if regnard, t.,,,,,,r. ote, thanked in the neaten dimmer. A. F, le theriole preprint'? of Brand", Aarrs•Arrzt. own larratoro 'ugly celebrated for the redaction of unction in machinery. The Bore. and Composition em be had of M_ ha it all timei. ja . Blt I V . A. blotillNat CO ,80 ?dulcet shoat, are pact .g 8 1. .. frig their dock of Silks, !Shawl., Viato, Lawns , and Aturlins, ~at Mill greater reduced prices. I yard ' wide best makithlilea Silks at ass els; rummer Shawls at IM and elptr, INF, matt fashionable Visit. and Stood.Stood.lna at Ilt3 lb Lamp and !llama'. a and to e L Itc.rrittiaak Cidlrees all" cis, usually is!, Calic ts; oes ee . e a t d} 61 etsilirlreagla Callitt. 8 el.; do Cape" la elands, Plereneo rdsidnonnelo at and 74 eta, Gloves at 4 eta Togmbet With Iltenatlll assortment of goods, •t near ly one . bag MattAnittratar. taw Nettles, Cooking Stoves, Gratis., Sao. tiif AILIIIAL4 WALLACE It CO, Round Cherub, corner Libettr and Wood .freals, emu &atom OW/ offer for RIO Piµfonly Floorand Counter Soule. Of the morttmproredquatipi Cooklng &ova', for 0 . 004 1441 _,.." 11 LEgg Minims of eettious sue., Parlor sod c o d roil' ' units, fjelloor.lNom &e. &e. 'rtrey afro ihnlllatture the Klioheo Rouge. arhoeft has given each genet.' 500.f..g00 w thou, oaring It iu 000, 11.. all o' which they 44ei fine:Won of the C 111.111.4 ano Wa pathe conceal!), ocol7<ftf Diaphragm VlCter, far Elydra•t. Water. is to array that I haao aq Pointed Livingston, Wawa G UN Agents for the loth ofJanettog , ;s a Eaten( thaprobgm fur the ay of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOHN GILIiIIJN, Agent, ter liValter M Gibson, 249 Urokkilway 'We here beeq j;l2L 20. MEL oral, above struck. at tha D and ele Li — - Worts for throe 0301211., Du Mal, and we ;;;;..'.41128ed that It is • awful tuvrinthii, reeoznatenalw 19493 as • ore. lhankOtlly pag uy wa:ar .. ...D .L niers ba OW. limn% ROGGEN A CO Lt mat ler k.ftt' irtp-W+:4'.i4 ualt uthalc. ti. 9 r . P APt E It B..‘Alki tiost4ittkifq4,^l.".D., w OULD tsr_4o - 4111sitlorustge iibtei t et a itt nuy,e;::l7.l3 VlZlorAtirgetillsgr' r rativr4 by nor oitnhlishestuf ittihr.Uoiru. flunks a torttehnd ff3 ll .4.anattuku4.o own roanottelato•o3otra'itorechWnlan of rrettall'and %lost miss' otoe Put', MrHavrord l intrurthelus.. now lurope.s'ortststinCof, lOtoOplotee.„,,- • London - OPti • Of the/rens cumilketure they hase&tlfettoltk • Wall Paper s site LIM &cumin gl -TV rtdow-, ko. • . • , • . • , e , 1. 1. t . ' Messrs. Yonteg troosid.t. Co. hswo 'Pared lietalltt expense nor latnir their el to Oil the tan, en, Wall paper ethtbllshments, bothin goatity dowse Wall and Utility Or warn; and she,' are worunt in ..orialriklaablictlail they luta succeeded.' The Whole luortasent, Consign ung tome tunnies. tare, will be offered on 'caress as low u those of crob, ern manothe tours tot ttnpenenLhMotr'' NEW cdifilitEaULON' ket sheer- 4 11:t1Fps, 0,14P' dos very Mit boot u medistu " 2 " low 11211"1.4.4 " ID " ' iliFLl7r lata • " . . 4* O COM. p ßom; 80 dos eltellaide, atsoeted4- Miro., coon hors Bldeo 3 dot Ala Arassitoy 13 oz./desk do do. 4 do lodtalondoi - do(10 English Horn; e do it 8 9 Boa Ivory, 'cite'8444,494/0 Bfd do dayin boxer, IV grove 9 Sao de d 0; do rote, Cloonan& • • vote rogislauls t11.1•11.l. Zasliggarsares. WY: r. taw PALMER" JIAIINA SI Cote (Raconteurs at Hussey, • Illitnut Lbj D ANKERS, EXCHANGE MIZONCII4I, sad osiers 11 In Foreign and Domestie s Exchangs, Certificates of Deposits Hank Notes, and Speck, - Petah Amen, neraly opp/rite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Curmut mo ney received on deposite-1916ht Cheeks far We t and collections swim on nenig . all the principal points in the United tannic • •• • The edema •• prep:bun paid for Foreign and American Gold. !iMM4=I DREAT DIVES nom— VALUABLE 1 1 1SCOVkadri paera ~I =xcuarti Jaersz . likr) ju..4 LE Ike4 VER C OT WROUGHT IRON. T HE T A HILES far surpassing everY other 1. - motion ot the kind now extant They can be wadedtenet m twenty-five Mot, and when emend ex the leave. are all contained inside; th ey are made tc, MI slam andshipes, and axe admirably adapted for. Btemnboant Hotels, and huge private families, Mou thy when eloted a complete centre table. NOVAS AND BUREAUS—Theta Wee* eon level sable, particularly to these who wish to ceme ntite room, and convert a sleeping apartment into - . parlor or oaths room, an th ey un ho opened and shut t convenience, and when slim, the bedding is encl.. ed. A great thving in room and rent. All the hod. steads when closed torte • • beandftd piece of furniture for a parlor or sitting room. BOOK CANES-‘A neat and useful article for parlor or drawthe mom. W EJTINti lik.NES—Forlaw oftices,emmticur room., and other office., when opengla moneouverneni bed tnead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone le 'bible. AU themarticles need no recommendation, the beauty of th e whole is, thlty are warranted not ha sea out of repair. It will be ter your hunting to call and examine the articles, et the mannfactaree. mom, No. na Third •thel, Plutherch In addition to the above advantage., they are proof itgainlt huge mettle JAM eH W WOODWELL ti tigtetfivrarotaT4. Lig, J AYNE.—Tbi. cerufies, that immediately Kam having attended my brother, who died of consumption in Much, lois, I was when aick with the Clommthlion. or Liver Complaint, and was reamed an low with the disethe that Mr tour years I wtn enable to attend to my beetles*, either at home or mimed, twins for the molt time confioed to my hod. During die above pert. al of time, I had expended for medical attendance e bmilar Pltmicisal and medicines, to the amount of , an, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, luta, 1 eometethed ) taking Dr. JaynehrMedl eines, and have taken them waren! , leather 'eine., and believe that it ism. by pcnovering ate/ me, that I can now truly my that have completely MO, vered my health. I believe that Jayne's Sanative Pala and Expectorant are the best family medicine. now in I made in Netnngfield. Otsego enemy, N, and carry on a furnace end coach.. shop lit that place and am not interested in any manner. the sate of the above medicine., and mute this certificate forth., ban ana( those tamed. . Ewen EATON. Sprtogfield. r, &pi. le Itati jai • M 1.1 ACT U 0.21 TOGA Ct its in would call the attention of thecity etude sad dealers generally, to dm following blinds Tobaccos, in store and to aeries, which beingconsignments di rect from manufac.users, he is enabl ed to sell at caat ent 130 lan mas Crenshaw Sc 70 blathaon f " lannasilue SA, 33 " filiralmou 5, " Patna= Ss and la, IS " Robens t /Munn 54 “ Oscar Bail 0" Johns Lewis IX, 3 4 WILMICk JE , IN4FI IS Beam / " Beam ' 61, 0114014_ Rya...- *- EmarAlf pitiaf7l - , as " sr • --rrTtrrm ewsureanio n re. TOYIN WRIURT &Co., ere emptied to WM Cotten if and Woolen Machinery . otarery description, each as Carding Machines, Spouting praxis., Speeders, Dnsarlng I , ramcs, Railway Reads poo Dressing Frames, Looms, fierdOrtridera, &. Wrought Iron shafti ng owned; all sixes of Can Iron, Psalms and titulars of Me lam.t patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Cutter, of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order Mr Mill Gearing, Iron Knifing, be. Steam Pipe for heat ing Issetoriea. Cut Iron Window Sash and fancy Cu. Onirs generally. Orders led et the Warehouse of/. Palmer tr. Co., Liberty street, will have prompt atten tion. Refer to Blackstock, Dell &Co., J. R. Moorehead k Co., 0. F.. Warner, John Irwin tx Sons, P.ltsbargh; O. C. tr. J. II Wanner, Steubenville. Welt Pena W lit HTMAN-Alattufacturr r or all kinds eteet. Lin on and woollen machinery, AllegbenY city, Pa The emirs works being now ut toll and reecessiel op. erati rm , ten prepared to execute orders with dispatch for all kinde of machinery in my Into, aaaa OA wallow, pickers, spreaders, cards, pinning machines. railway., drawing frames, speeders, throuihr, ~ r woolen cards. double or Nagle, for merchant or county work, melee lacks Re.: Mile and hand lathes and toola in gen eral A:1 It inds of shafting made to enter. ur plans en for reining factories or milts al reasonable chorge. Rv, ro-Kennsdy, Childs b. Co., Illatkatnek, dell co, Kum, Pemoirk fs.Co., Jae A. limy. - WSW COACH -S9CCTDTEVT-- auxonenr. vf A. WHITE tr. CO, would respectillly Marna .L.U. • the public thet Way hare erected obey aka Lmenek, between Federal ai d Banalaacy 01,0010. Tltey are now making and are ptepered to receive onion for e n Leg , lizsnption of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, _Da, Boggles, acebal.,ll4,, ke., which from thew long experience le the manufacture of the above work, and the Meanies they have, they feel coaftilent they am enabled to dowork on the moat reasonable terms with those wanting articles In their Una. Paying particular amnion to the selenium of mate, dais, and barrios none buteotimetent workmen, they have no healtalme In warranting their work. We therethre ask the attention otthe public to dds maner. N. IL Repairing done In the best manor, and oil the most reasonable tame indict - Fa Rie tti a lttr keg CIL i t' ‘ f Tit .opeiied the large stable on Ron st, menial thr.u t i • 11°2& s i' llr ' r 'd be g r ' ea b' r ' of the ‘Lonongall'eLellmso,' with an entirely dere Mock of Ron. and Carriages of the best quality and latest atyles. }forms kept at hue, ritiithribwat =ruble,: Palau Greduated Galoanse Bouvet and New& lundated Plias fur Medical auttother nriosa. TuIS is the only testrument tithe kited that kas eVel been preasiatedin Mia country or Swope kir med ical purpose., and Is the only one ever ktrn.l3 to man, by which the galvanic field can be conveyed to the ha. Weeye, the ear, the ) brain, or to any Pin of the Imo % externally or ateeh wakenssin a definite dentin often with the tmany shocks or. pat.-with perfect emelt the hippest cleats. This important apparent, le now 61 4dtroved of by Many of Ike most eminent PhYlittane Of imp Ads spew try mod Harem°, to whom the attlieted and others whom be in mop concern can be referresL Reference will elsa (item to tinny highly respectable elliZenli, who bee, been eared by meant. of Inseam valtrebie apparates of emu of the mod inveterate uersoosillwardore which could tent Ina removed by soy other known mea ns , A =we. anon. inhere, il hile been proved to be ad. mwadny aped fur Use cora a 1 the 10110011,4 diseases, vim nerve. headache and other dise or the brain. It Is wills ibm epperel. flume that the n ope o ean convey the " truagneutt Auld *oh cue end Gaiety lo the eye, to realm rughto ter Cara aina.llola% 10 the ear to to the odor. and other o 10 re, enure speech; and to the cornea/limn s or the sis, bcdy, for the ewe of chrome rhougontomb otorolgia, or tic doloureux, pond, sm. or palry gout, ehntea git Vitus donee, epitepsy, weakness nom WWI% ONI M diseuis peeutter Maas., connection of tau dus.,. lockmar, etc. Cal Right for surreendlng eremites of Western Pa, and privileges, with the instrument, may be purchased, en: nee wined for the sum on diseases. • Poll instrueno. will I/0 given for the ventsos chem.- talons be acrd venous diseases, and the loci anti - tier for operating kw the cure of those diseases will al. so be (ally explained purchaser, and a palolllllol pat IMO his hands expressly for dews purposes fullyip moored by the puternea. Enquire of , ewe:- thAll , 8 WILLIAMS, Vino s 4 Pittsharsh : -7-111117r-Aligoon.ou w Jan T.lreat'otteniZreethm*re li. . ALL S. E,sturts-tiestrig tested. a quentltry of Gold Jong ins weighed by your Armament', fi nd - tbri,•reautt pooch le elm trument correct; awl recommend W ite use of Pan le California, is the for ob. ben Method Wiring the taivelem ofldold..LEßesvpv.,:tr.u: Pittsburgh. Much A, ISO.uN • • Nunn.; Hardt 7 ,18451. Ma. Eange—Dear Bkr: Having examined Me "km, meter," manofactured at your rooms, Ido not h ot ate to eennommt it le the w a s of those gretatentort o are Batta removing to (Italia rola ill Scowl of Rol& gves a close approximation to the spoollio growl ty of tomato; and well contanly enable me adv.:atone ' n'rarTtju' ' ‘Pu o u n rx hi. ra P ap f* T. to r"lltthfikLoll4TOCK 'j N r o lkkijatigit CIAI rill N 6 --.1.1751 reeZretTrWlt7itTe .1. C illf cora. Capealtuott, a complete aworroeut of lletal Chun, Clothing, at once • ronetng from 111530 to 1 50,80 for sett of coat, panto and bah For sale at the dn" . ..t Intim . Rubber bepot, No 4 Wood .t • iti..„., ii.,,,.;mwe....7 .1.i If PHILLIPS cola:mad Iltambraeit Pianos, used conetaMly by List, Tbatner e and oh sr great perrostoor; together_ ebb a largo ...mart of romwood and mahogany, of my ova Malsefuel‘ .J. Tips abort. awlsot. aro Warruoted as be Prrin • in mar) resPect, a nd w til L... told tow for cash F tlLU'tt.; derte eln. I Se 'Wooer at, .. Po. baii,l7.-.1-i; 7 77,, 'mu celebrated teseard Sato Powder, an aega, Lin.l4 I beg, loaner. nod cans, for rale by Gabld 1 o 1/11.1111/Rlll & Co, trAtracalol yigugpewlebt - PrTa — t.l.4—ir.iii si-E ciao o.iskS tori ' , Mattel per mean,. jyyydhp. 4/ and St 0004, and for aale by - , Wk ld fdIr CHELTREE, ' ' • . Ida Liberty W LlNAgiiirtle 7 :l;l: IOY/i C a 41411117 ' OMIT*: 1 fir.r*.;•..vh ,, r' - ' XTETTVOQuo,, , - pottiowi.: , r. ~..20,,, , , , ,...4,,,anith..4...,,A...iAigni=w, ,, „a.. , , , ....4.. u.... , ,... 43eurtylkmiket '''''''''''''' ' ' ''' "' ' : e •aorcker Wens. .::toriemi erberjv say .abovo,-o4 ' . . 11( 1 , 1 :Jr:art Cloak bell - do well tor ‘ mbor demerip -beduirefelb ribd Markel 15.. , :" , ' ' 'l. to pordpsi Win 7 . 1 1 1 90011. 3 VIM DttE9329 , — , 1 :4:: . Ateti . a large rumorionni of above . ' rphY ' neared, voibes . plpin white htulth from lAN tolY , Vere . ton , eybdidabi Bei. rid; bond Swim - 10$ 'boriagroq.o.4 1 .1. 1 b-hdrsdi bekidem: vat Abr,lif elgeldrillo•lS do; bad ' tigenoral autorictent.,ar { . .o)ool4'iter.w plaki add Iltived'brofro;. Lucia, E 4, Anita . 1 4 ,';'.• ,11,0 00.1..L. , ;Andb } tb !Ord M arkey .u. ‘ oymotald Roods 'up itrini. latt 4 #44,85titii...„Ai.x..x,,,,..ii.6... my tara. r:- toronfaumwri Nl* rbetioned en Friday. hay CM. etdvolosmek bovirtebove muted down, 'will be I d v the Ewell. porgirr. Pivelwer. may ' l '- Z" Ic'elislOr'ididde et I..OWEIt RAT t Mon Itilyittar q Lingts occonsocitt o liroccdc aupetc otict oderpi to this city. lot .co 411196,1941* Outspet. MrarabOtArdt WARN,Zbitoek, No I.lLiqtartli. cocopriskr..theispit .04 ricJittn. sty Ica. - ana cipiteceovnirr this ecterisatrell is 'the woke,. MI nem- wan Mussels before Vatclurizigesewlierii. futC,Alit p -- - ... , !:intelit 4 spitEscriiidobs- - , i • ' 1911THwe new oPettlistr 4 marl. /Alaw andedwietl..- ... ,s..sioriesent of SPRING AN.D.I3I3INERGODS, • trawled with atom Riau meal lore/Wing _the heal fnit ylraeka. its the New York atitifi.Ptillatl e lOW•koaricers. la enibotelay/ • greedier/lay yfiLalesoat , , every do sedOm of the /atm and - du:Kt faNdotrable styla4 and a large portion of it having beentmgadat dna ArIST.7 . ERN AUCTIONS at a gross radar-Rod flora the AO law rates, we yea enabled. to Offer IrodEisulatat to Ca. boyars,. either , by -arbalevaln orActnil. i We. would dusreßre respectfully Mlle. the aversion of the • public to our Stock, feeling confident of: our bbilityuto. suit buyers in ahrutsf every article Stay 'My - wish in Crtir al. TO the ladle awe maid especially cownterad our stock of Art.annin Dina Sags, of Which we have b very large and beautiful assortment of the ducat stylectod , most Grhienatle colon. Lances Dm, Coons—ftionslin de !Allies, Pod Cbeevre, silk, linen and mohair Lustre.,paid . - Lawns, gingham Lawns., Foulard Anew arylßarnes, Flnglialt, Freuch and &web timikaos, linen Glut hams in great variety, de. de. Boaarrs—NelestYle Bonnets, very ca — Oaf. . , . :fitomadasuir Fsomas—Olche latest stye* sad carte -1 dor in quality. fag sarda—A very Isms end hindionse susek of Par asols, of shoos, eserratyle and quality. Saone--A duo assortment of spring tind•statortor. Shawls, of all styles and prices. -Farm= Ctsrrns—A good supply' of wiper French, &With mud American UAW!. and Cauiroores. toer lett Ise would'invitts the Waal of pergola needing. h AL —A falland general supply of Shirting Cl 4 ka, t Ticking., brown and_bleached Alesibts, - Table Linens, • Shectiums,Dispers,Cnothries,DrtningtomounsrGoods law aa boys , weal, .14COPCia, Malls, Swiss, Nan-, woke, Nanklns, Prima, Gingham, Cre i o, Crape' Isiah, Crones, Watery) Elk Had', Veils, de. de, Persona wishing to buy by. weiro'csale, should OW and ezandria ear steekresonti miens arirsuetr)otln make it ulty.telatomtiohoT• L • '' ' 'A .- AL.Exeron e. t DAY, 73 Markets! aptl . '-northwest comerof tbeDlamond ' i AzfdASON is Co, No. 60 Me.reetayeet, have on band the largest Tarim/. of Borbroidelies which they have ever offered. Their issionment eon- Mae IA pill Of the (0111,11 , 61 . 11001t1, alt 185 doh embroidered Masao Capes, from 51.,50 to 5,00 8M o Collar. o $l,OO • 600 ernelost Collars, froin.32l to :5 350 loco 1 8 to lat 700 Ulinstre a+ to 1d ;A 150 Jenny Lied " Mil to I,IM /80 alosoll Halms, " 50 to 1,50 • 500 palm muslin Cora " 371. Oli Able, Moomwg Col lin, frets 1811 to rr. Call at oho cheap oriaprice store of A. A. MASON fr. Co, No 60 Market st. • ooll* "NrEW RIUBONS, BLACK SILKS, LILL BABA.. /V 003, A4,--W. R. Mulvey boO this moraine 10. noised by Express a lot of handsome mum adored; green and bleu Bonnet Ribbons. Also, glomy 04,11.. k duke for dramas, Vu., mahnilit4e.e. Bt..= 5i 1 44....X.-rA large asaartmcnt „lately roses. ed. Warr" GOODS for dresea—tech no serlarand mull Nanmooks, ike. Also, embroiddsed.amOns for dresses, all at lowest prices, at northeast Corner Fount and Market aroma. • Wholesale Room. mll4 ERENCII LINEN. AND LINENLuA tiVr R. Meant. humour open a fell ...orient of a. so articles, for drama and seeks—mar the .1"1-. ter are tome souse = so don, rb is pink,. lee, green, ke.4 also, pink, bine, OM; and, mode eel Of lata mefeon Lawns and a large 'marten= ef,end.roldeo.. .ed amain* and Lawns. AV. D. ALI recent parch.. Meow all reeeive.tand open, and person. wanting Dry Good. will do well to look at kla largo and fresh stock before perchssing. at nonnemteorner 4th and Karim au. Wholesale Rooms op stales. win ARTIFICIAL FLOWERE—llatonals lot Aruba,. Flowers, viz, Plain aissaopaper, vponed dating.- ..I paper Forcetaring, Fink B.IV-Cra, Leaves orrive• ry form, troll Opt, and eallows, 'ten obtained at II ELTON & Co's Ithaming , 89 Founk .t E aple • MEIROLDERY—Wormed patterns fot ummeeria, Phut" Stooks, Table Covers, Traveling Sags with Wenteg vutiety of emaltpatteras. AU*, Wore ads of (tweeter try - awl i and *trace, by the pound, ounce or skein r - PSURATON A - Civet - Hattie in • Sltinurphy, at hottheattleow oar of 4th and Market tweets, hollow opal/ids arose sopply arming and redone, Goods, and has a Large essortment of Dress Goo& of newest .tyres, and wapiti Goods of every kind, ell of which will Ms sold ener 11 . 0/1. Lad UK GOODIs. . .1 A. 1 1 / 8 06 I; CO, Cr.2l .-11,t/NERS AND /IMPORTERS, au Masts: Statat, A de. now opening the moat eZtensieel sod faried aseonment of Sprhm end Semmes Good ever etnbited in the _Western 00 =17,cm...wising urrerantis of Eleven Rendre,' Cues, purchased in enure puck. nas nom the manufacturer., imparters, and huge ate on tales, by ono of the Una resaling in Nowa:York, who is constantly sending us the newest sad must hathionabia goods. They name in pall— HE eases rich Spring Prints; 20 cases hl de Lain ,e• 21 " Lawns and illuslins 22 o mgt.: rand linen 110 " bleached Muslinsodl Oinglianun grades; e' 40 " shinin g Cheeks smd 127 " ulil Conan. domestie odes and rummer Statelli " Brown nslittap Also, eases and paektgee of Bonnets, FlovriA . La e., Kibbe., Silks, Shawls, Rennes.. Whinkr"."+., Millinery Arnelee„Cledu nod Crieslausres,LinEde,ll. siery and Gkrres, So. de • City and country Merchants will 41311 their mock no large and desifable as Enure stocks, awl on exam.- natlen of Writ goods-and prier.. cannot fail to con. vine all that truth Whit, undeniable edvautagers• and facilities, they can enalpele woes any Raman Amon. •, Thu Wel has been clearly! demohstrated to hundreds !.heir patterns who formerly purchesed Ent. Their mock will alwayrbi'dmird complete. any 1111 W lialllll, 1849. VESINEDY k9)IAVVER, earner Wind rind Fount, JCL street, an nosarteeirlog direct from first hands, large stock of Farley and Variety Goods ? . ika.ading Clook• of every .suety, gold awl Hoer Wbrehes, Jewelry, .Freneh Prints, Comb. , nooks end. Eyes. Gloves sod_ Ifosiery, Suspender., Onn,Casky and all other oracle,a in iltelrline—all or widen' banal nein eurobond personaLy of the ottonfontarersVean, do. &yoke lass winter, expressly for ma Sprnity trade, will be sold wholesale at • small •advenea an eost. Cannons , on kand,.all 40v:tandems of Looking Glair es, afour own atattaraetenna. at entrm total EW• Fa NCV 'AND Va ataxy latJUU.s—rlgggitl N ULON4I.ISHIPd. 67 Marketstreet • ICC prs fine Chloe Vases, add; ,173 seta twist and eat inbred eoatljtittonv (Vane ve lvet Carpet Bass; 21:1 do do gent'. tracgior, 100 gross (obey suk Ireton; for dresser, 10 du hall Brushes, saed; 10agro floe WO Vest Bairmasurred4 , lstt 06 do tut and plated, do; 1 dos rosewood Alan , llpulltes; 140,1tValbinvo do; 1 do !return do, 3 gro Pisa ttfura Whit Hoop, fan. risk ire JEWI.I,RY,fte --SO gold Lever Wsdehes; SO do de tached hoer Mitoses; to do Lepine do; ID fine din mood Finger R 111.1,14 I dos fine gold Vest and Fob Chainoi ado do Ottardk Breast Puts, Finger Etats, Ear •Runs, an. • OLUVErt, &e.-1.117 dos Ladies Cotton dem ated: atti do do Lisle Thread, fare, top, ice.; 10 - do ge.ta! sllk Glov e s; It do do god do; bdo ladies kid, asi'd; 10 do do fancy top 111 k. VARIETY GOOD 3-73 ply, AroesiearsVPins; 3Dtl ban Cotton Cords, 73 ps Paper AI.lio; 50110Uti ribbed Peter/sal. Caps; 1140 gradresa Witeleboneds; 100 dos Ivory Combs; Dressaig Combs, Hoek Comas, de. ke. L l- 1(..1$411):11.% W. are now opening weir opti;ii . stock of Tr . iensuega, conairung in part of Man. nilla and Dress Prines, wines, black and cord Silk Lac., black Mance Lace, Buttons, !Bride, llonnet Tmerning., grow, !,dice and ekildrees plain end nin e! lielderi, Shins for asenand but e, Comb s, l‘orp and other Pans, ram Speed Colton, We*, Hob; bins, Pins, /se. i w ortach that 'diet 'lnk Wile, had, whelesale and ,at Our Trimming slore, Foacitt streey.betweee W ind Marko; NELV 81.1iiNU ut.N/Us.—A. A. tCo., Au. On Market Wert, are now openinq w entra and package, of splendid BPItINEI 600115, compriaini Layne, Moulins, Hemp; U de Lainei, Gioakacis, Prom, Planck Cambrian, lamas, Laces, Bilks, Shawls, Olovepritatiety. and akte ¢1 , 11Ort• mem of Uoods- CASPETB..OIL CLOTI/04 doe. RECM PM/ TinsElBY Carpeting and Oil Cloths oldie latest add cams approved patterns, and it prices w suit purchasers, and. heap as non be. pur chased in any ado" Eastern china, lo m priamg.the 1 0/r. lo wing 'ask * ew, Estra Royal Velvet Pile Corpatat ikk ,• • - Alzitiiinster Chirpet.% any site rod4a or rest Tapes's,- do- tibulea Sop Royal [trammels do Tapestry audr.oarpens; •, • Fairs ado a ply do ltras.el. do do .• auretan6 dD do le RUN Extra sap ingrain do TO do naperginir do do, Brinwels do Pow. do • .dtk , Ct.:mita Door.ernitE Couttoon do do Tolled .. do , 44, 34 6.llTepeiltry ' Atteleid •do . do Dut¢aok . do • Sheep akftralo Al ski I 44, 3.4k a torl`d Ve- 10-4 Ettiblsed Plano coiroti, 4-4, nett/a • 64 do 34 de f plaln do do o.4 Tillie do wool do do Coo Ingrain do 6-1 worsted and /Wanda do do Venetian do lirood Stair Rods a-4 cotton Brugge% 104 wool crumb ehathl 124 woolen do aunt Linon 4:1-4 do do 6-4 table do Estglish Table (11l cloths; limper do German do do do do. Crash 04 Flour Oil oldish% Snow-prop Napking 54 do 00 do Crinuon fluid% 4.1 do do do Purple do L A 5.4 do do do Maroon , ' do • 4-1 du .do do Carpet Bindinc Shaw WI Cloth., IP( no.Trunap'm Window nada. Tapeatra panes.% out a, fi t 1,10 the sine we are Constantly (miTiO&OUTPOrMit Stool, of C.rpot., Chinn and blemboaCTri =mom Co winch are mane the attention of all who with to fer. mat than. ko.ea neamboata its we will be able to. tier toads a* low as they Gni ho ptlrchlsea in dm East, and °ribs notten and,laseststylern Width.; ammo our stook bolero purrhasit o:sew Ware, bow., No t 4 Votoill st n .nietdi W. AFC tuTtycx Dar Goo StiACKLETT & vvrtiTg. • g) ir Qood• Jebbovr•. D. •,-* 111 WOW, SCUM:X.-Would call. the *ltalian . of Verelitut. ro thaii hugs abet 01 . bookitle, au FOYn DRY titankrdttstreiviehig frost the lon porkrsool74moftiirenk and Wit/46'0 will sell very low rates for cub at .pptave,l Oa, sloth ra .Q.!thil sad coloplati,to.l Wortb• the ancolionO Malari a to !We, 44etdned,lo ho at, nttliatittaitly !oar 'moo ettrokaaattilt; trltitta .odnrr,tig 'il44Cett4C*F.lS,t4itklicatalts •. , - , ;-_ , .._lBBaElUo3otar , -,, wewrao; • = DAILY_st th i MigagArtg at iVa ' I364PATMEISGY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, .Y.i. : , ..:,,1r r 1e i r : ,, ,,, „ 7,.....:,,,,-- te ,... l ,Fi c ,'d m a A ,,,: p /k0t'1 , 1 46 7ket7 ...,ce cMd e . c. 811:24: : licence', In all priaretuta of, . 4, We have at 1111 lithe* A to StaletrOf goad satipitiqrts entutad, attach pity.frato meta "MOD-per can= Those la , ~,,,,p7 na l :. s 4lll : : : :j et net : l l: : .7i m i l l' A c i l baltu las ix ..l4la7 l4"m ati:l i t ...l o tw" L i zi: ! f e rfi l a"7 ::: : :4 l 7i . ..- P: :. it t0n i"7 ;„ , *_, : :. ,73.7 7. 7 4 ,e. :11. r. , ,:: : :: ,, :e gir ed .y1 e r v: 1 ; o . fl it.A.penione Ilitiu:q i n t ffn m u. ~ te, or. hero v, ob-P - Will haat, their wants Mame alely t*,,,, ,n, 4 ,71,1,3,.. s is I(Wkailh__, . et by so d „," , :,,•‘,lll ,p r ag both Irmo. eee ..... l'" ,r,'„,.. whe '''' 'infantries VD 114 lIKUt. Di 01),, liNt ' -....r. 114 ' MI" adlioatat eICM.4OeI Add's". ISYI • g VAYSIAN. ' Yer " la "' ~\F+ ,f,"•TV4Asior.. Nd • !ECUS:IP-le, ciallipMe="-- , vy..„...-- --Ts, 'WARMERS nialtifilea 2 \ ....,$ 11 9.1,911 , 70V0., .. liiii vagenu'ilittedllatC4 an reemnote,ltled by,,Th. , ,i,„,,,,n, E.g., and a namberof E . ' nesteirest owned. , eat apparent's for the acetic on W 5.... ne,hot Wie• , term the bearehrOttkosso be ire itictlileta. At, .ry mr'am , t* I.l l tipet Inv ddeu a ski, no family should be mutant spleen et ' ' ' '' ' v . tligi lw „pa lispeavemelt 4,1M-IP.fiaiiille'V4i -. • THE sob nuer it latt.teecsalosetta. assonetrut 'l t terestfroot thereletwe 9 :r4 fi .g ,, , , ??,r. nor beatsr • of, i tt 1 .. end aapotiertap atone 1:1M. • a Ilankiaint ever btaught to this city, Al.r.Clitrk., of, 41n. above at , e, boat and won Si Ip aeq. :ti .t . foreman In th e celebrated Plans. _aatfiblirlstatrat of ' liroadwood, London, batre eullZigtOrn...„}dica4M,' famed tne PLUM al Muth Clark; N. k., to an ca w= mhich, on inettionahly, triglealltem• to thereapo. MI. of Pianos Is he twine OD very be a* wells. 4.. Cheapest got In this men : . The lot now open-, Jog, comes with thiskidolOn reemateeddation eon treproverneor In the .4 le 4 fluir,ki .Y. 4 ,4,0 ,.. main. them at ones the most ode* In and war' th i ng ever brought out Theta itt-Ir• eta, Membor - . 10 , 41, the stock on kan4, (.Itl Pte most rtenstve, Varleint at traWa assortment ever octet bore; iltoratue 'will be sold at oranufae.uren pHm and on anetiennoda tang terms A. iti.E.BER, at J. W. • oodwella, Mleita. at N D —The subsenber will •e. fonnd at gnomon. bons. feceadlio le A. NI , and 4 to SP. M. • m H K., into A • Inc Nuttne.leChtlk PLAN I L, •,,, i ritilE sabsonber etre,. bar sale a largnandoletpdld .i. assortment of rosewood and mahegatturaoCh t s. lion Psalms, with aid without Colernaree' celebrated ,Eollan Atteehment, The above Inatome= arming , nutted to be equal to any mmenfletored 'Wed. coo.• try, sod will be sold lower time oar amen Ora the East F. BlAlel2, No I le ataM, en. Edshoreeth N. B --City Senn wilt be taken 00 ,ent. door Ca Masse of be above assortment. et ` 4, - T. . . War Strip at Per, - . .10111 N IL BlELLOROVileiininot, Mililipiwill sell for earip as pantile. fralmatne nom and Setand hand runt:: Ono elegant rusevatiod- dr oc hre' Pl. .no, mode hy - Raher k. Ra ton, N. x - • crts tai One do do Of octavo .. , ,aoo GI . One rosewood d octavo, Gahm& Co, WV.V . ..470 00 — Otte do 0 do do . Ono mahogany ft do do notaly new • • 1:'00 00 Ono do 6 do Loud" • •••• .• • 235 00 Ono do 51 do Rosenbaum . ' .104 CO • One , - do It do Gentian. -• • . t- •. ,---• 50 CO oto do 5} do G & ‘ , lt h1einn5.....t.... - 0 0 ou on. •do 5 do Itlt tg Rah ..... •• t• ..... ..'OO 00 ~.1.01 • I, 7 E Arta " ; TOITN FORS VTII, Merchant Tailor , pan, roapite4 to No. 11 Market event, one • doorfrota Second, EMI nide. Thankful for past fascia, he reapecifulip ao6clui a enntinuanne of theyatronage of bis•fonner tecatpinds, and likeuriae the pronagn of. as moor nowanitekai are of the right stripe.' Orders in the Tailoring lino !scented . .in tyintest thahlratattle maner, and With dispatch. • • Also, o fattbionanie asaortmllo of reedy tstadoo, thing. or all kind, Chop for cash, of conetili,.','.._-- tientinsnens' Purantlang Cioads in all • theirinagth . ra always en hand, ash 03‘,Sintil,BOSDatIke0011114(411. Melaka worts, Ifanirry, Suspenders, YoCk., lidkfe, Moe., Drawers. UmbrallatitznAke:tia, • R''t i:4 l N 1 t, r t aF ; p : , _ ' 4 l -1 111 intald! i tfll 7,11" L" A N EIIDNENT and experleneddl'hysletan reinistlie East, of OS years smadinx, oilers to treat - all oases Sala Delicate Nature aittinremptness and secrecy._ is maracas ,its.ditorsks-asetoelterlaranr been proverbial.. His charges are moderate, and is cares permanent. Old enact Of Meet, ifirientre,Defris. rata, Fluor Sans, !the omouism, tAuc. 9yphtllsi orals, ehronie or inveterate eases solicited. A cure warranted, or charge reloaded. Oman, St Clair street ilactrairomsberacidge.,', • Teeth Extracted. Advice to the pour „, .. Ils—Dr. A. solicits the Worst Caere of any illfks• In Fitishnreh to esti. ... _ _ wee. Lean k 7, .. ~,,, t 11l 1W 1 A ' ''''. Manufacturer o Dern a et, pparalns, - . ftilan or Mx neiLlitin CootX italticorrtroln e. ...„. N 0.4113 North Second at. ; •bose Vflii. PIULADELFILIA. A N experience of More then twelve peva la thih thewutnufacturiny of Mineral Water Apparael en p Preparation of Muteral Water halettiee end- earn Mina. an an eXtensive noJe, with a Seleitilfis endplay, neat knowledge 0( 01 both branch. of beanie's.. *e ther with reeeht improvement. In the coumnsolletrt at the with and the prenarlnc of tee Writer, which he has succeeded in adopting eines his vial to Parii,' and after yeah of close study and niactical-anplieee dons taw:pima to the arts In Alechardes onto Chem., try, enables the thbsetiher to ...whore* the patine cub entire coaDdenee, and oder them Mahatma* ri,..,,,,,,,,,1.1„ Apparatut, for the coactifnettirenf Min ernl Water in Bottles nod Founlenw o that car homer: sashed In the United States. Re also flatters himself that the eiittrgefi sudeesitti btu met with, and . ho present emmusivo .11.MM/tin, ensuing amount of his hiplines. in Loth the abort de, pertinent., (.meshes dm most consineing proof or hie' etalm to the superiority of A pparatilociver.thexe dale , 0,b.,,,,, end of the runty end talubrity of tho • MI. . . prepared thereerota. . peveono who oilier the Apparattll from ae.dietellety may lie awaited that their imitruetions shall be faithfir. p complied ooh.wi and Po paekeePas to-rern':itlfelys either by land ir lei any port of the U. koacit e , .., . T. avoid dinappentlatent, It le feenannetufed to team who Intend ....lying Memo:laced= approailly~, .do t to fOrirard then. order. at . early 41. day .. .Coil. cement . itirtnerol Water Apparatus, Generates, Pattliantid ' Fountains, Ornament. I Grua and Pedestalafor Stiatiat.. Counters and Item or Hondo, for drawing liyilhtut - Water, together, with Corking .and Tying hfectnneS,, ind . ovarming - tippemtaini ng to Me above bemithes,, constantly on band, RS * . aaJo on . the lowatriehrl. for cash, • ". nerailessifint, ;',. 6 i , j riV , gST r• YO C ir T"---"-- .,, „6 .1, 1 4 ( r t—,Ve& im 0 .'. facture, and superior to all otherain arm , adapted to ' ...whet, steamboat., factories; dwellings,. publidand .. private halls, nod to all other Lutes where. achespoita and brilliant light la desitabla ~ Ahro,Uirondolem, Null tentetnaedMielibris,Oloas,. Shade., Wicks, Chianti., Cana, Trimmers, itn. - AIM.' Gas Chandeliers, bona one to four Ilene. .--. ~. W W WILSON dd lia . It ' deed. r !Ist 8 411LAGAT Ni r kflo. ADDLE, RAILS ES9, TRUNK A.VD ATIIIRAViiihe j tIYAUTORV.oho l• be tooloscriber take. this Metlitif of tufo... his frocue• mod the paid. la . gertairal 0.1: , he h oe th e yegeto .trek of the following nomod astir cies of his own iminutiocture on this elty: -, :derfolfda, Par: /I[lll, Trunks and Wodys. oil of whiebiset will %Orfila ' to be mode orate hest onmerin/ and by Rio heft mesh., : , nie. no Allegheny county. tieing deturukinedleold* ' hy ...(octures something heendoetm o h Isidore told by holy similar eatablioloment is Lkeicity, - . - . be V 00404 !Iloilo potato, to yoool or berg ilfitned--. Ortrelea tp his worehnuoe, No. ell letherly,strooikopposr:,e tits dovebtA Aloe, bends made to order An. grachint:, . oedl. i y 1 0.011dV: 1 .2 ' PlTTSBttlifill PliliiAl. — . -- E, -- 1 ---- ---umwrz..Farirgm-•• riling Seeoud Session of tins lo.titation, anderArrei ~, i can of bir. and Mr. Onsnorago follte_preine academie year, will commence on the Grate( Febytap - -- , l ry nen, in the lame buildings; No. dd Ll4O tty Atm t. ~ ...)e- n A...gement% have heca moole - brwhich ldet ii UV: - b..b le to fotinisl young ladies facilities e9.o:zi'%., in the' for obtaining a Morongh &clash, CI - ~r, • eat, and Ornamental =Newton. A tar cockle -- ' 0 ' lisophicol and Chemical Lector . . .will, be ttelittltEri, rf. , l dating the Whom, illuoiated by appanuia .1.710 dekl., ['laments of Vocal and Instrur nental - Mtbsid.`tlifelfekm : ,* 4rtageaget,. Druunng• nod Painting, will each tottitidga, nor care bin eonmetent Proresior. Llf ifrite line3lol4, m the moral and i n tellectual haprogemeta of thetrynyi ..• pri t , the principals krt. to moot a.eoliiistuntlon of.thgt.Dlit-: liberal palmosioo they have hit latrgo"clAJoyett. ,, For,. torma, too cit9olor or apply to rho Prinetpay.f..,..., 0'.., o tr , is*l-.01 TANNEGits, ot — '''''' -- •• --. ` - j - -••• , --- , ...---.....-_,.. ' • '.,-.' 400 pa r ...I , FANNERS, 014 , Id oUbisten , o 3: .., „ ... 4 44, • 01 1,-C.Onbtently on hand, Wendtid and en,hteereA4ll. ed Semler:toll spnng Onenl.l. InephaufarnflATtrele ChM . Alen. light entered beleeteal N. W. Coots' WhalneaP.o..-'4l stritabto 1,,t reboliut.' . L ..eAttrer OIL Frill Al ACRINERY,Vhe habi'qv/L:l,li t, ben are LOW Orr pared to supply •Devlan's n. , any ge.sttili machine., manuf.getoreN toe., are ' ' " regetobrol to call and examine the article..- ....ertifioatie, of tut reencq abil unperson : 4r orer.a:tother oat, Aftestrlbt" , eaVerot of nor man ealenstat; raJavfiegatr itnt iii•l'lf.'' ant ro•rersennt. A I.t.P.N it Nba:OLKI, Al,,g .' ,,, ." , e , .L • wan.) til south witurun, non;, iteg frlsta roodelso C- '„ elwadatplawr"l --v.iiii. tia ...g.s — Tire. - 7q--- m i iiiiii.,.--, ,, w0k, Tun. reeett•ert It Avon invoke at 1fti1an4}.2 1 .4 4-4 ` ' el; 1W.11•15 quicooNoulubiti iningtrAinpng-...,. nor/ tOnslillolinA. The.e Inotruneents • Douro* freaT".'"'" adVintltgr. over al why,. ever IllisiO, yo , yeftlealf 0 urea l'Abe , reducing the - unto or dittihe one.heu . , end , rroduesnr a alvlrpor. clearer And boil/ tfefieoefllfe..••• lore. They, ther , lore.sf oerea:the alb. awe oLog Dols, ellOngod or Inlendlng lo Ontotioln the l 'Lnoulay#,, Pune forum rube et:3. A 'panted nworunrol of Veugthunderl ti jeltlx,eek, „„, , bralrd Inrinoenlr,al .11 darn. .a sell es •Dageorreo. .„ 'Yglii7Vat•Vli ; " ‘l ' r ' r t s ' o. ' (.?,. ' .f: ` ,: " .,. Ohio,' I,..cnar pi-. 3.4„, thornuol Kg at for Om 114111 of the aboie•fristrunteme: dl A Ups or Prtere ea° Ise ohboused br ~ a 0 r i.0r....pka1.., ~,,, , midi w & F."./11,4fg, ~o . Attvt ' L'lteebtere, Plutneitruust, • • , lutpontri of Doxuelovorypo ItlntersiKs. and GenelSl r `.. Agent. for Ito- alio ot Volotiorurfor.: QP ,M.1 4M1 , 1 I -l' Olson. . -7-lieira si . Crelaciii - res - TCHor — T - geerr i e,...... tx.L&N, %%1L...0v & CO , Importer* atti11 1 f4104,,,,..e...:e..` ~ 41.2 Dealer* ta Hardware, wary and asiddletWrire'" ,"'" • 1 , 41 typ, d ~,,l , anave Eillts, hors:timer in.skftreffiesabea ehett# end welt oetr,bril *lock of HardTaremapo r ,;-.. , ' airtee,the decbue ocproos- in Curuperitretvtudiobt.•4 (. ~ Illedetertnlnral la yell rorrorromlloo4l/W111,40,,,,,,, who have*. In he helm or - cuing prot.,orn . lady reauelled, Weal, azal-hvklktuathqulelHadNi!.l*l we ~ „ C deutli. Wll,‘' 41.7, ."Mt i .P 1 'vir-.M. 4 ii , ti. " 41 ji.t.LF 33-61 10e — gerariria — vir te 4y ~ 'l'''4 ''4 t' Al Ok , " raw ._emaie- 1 ,, k01,1 dolivi....fftelitageo_44l v 4 eftippi Rd* 1.4.4 katnutortnrt *Jr „.414E.,-1.1,1, ,tom erfuelk 11Foiseuentwo onnoot makeriisitleft&L" :i t 7,7'0 teesivediuid tar sidgkr. . 1.--..... - -c-- •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers