The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 07, 1849, Image 4
...itti t tNßOß E, P /hauls CaStral • ' • ietet 111F.lVER C pt. S knee :woo, ~, v inds, ',ll, nen, . Slrellot rday, and Friday ettrnipaa sr P d ar•isr , at ti tiagatiran newroodhus al iatchrel—returniag, lenses 1 pti p. TdipAlsy, Taoist! , r ti,tl r , hturday estaistg,a at Y. 2.1., r type Inv 11, metalint Lou, ALLEG Origins to Phut urea at • 12 Wane . pitelrok lIAREALVAN. Capt. Doritritig; will leave iliststr.Tuesday, Tbursday and shetirddr, even ingitattgl P. NUMMI, ItSTO Sew Cade, Itiond•r. Wesluasiist , aud Priddy .01'i:zing's at Al. inkq saw nertlagitlithtoe 11.71110,1 Wad lOr...Plttsiatrir,b.. These, pae ;a1 • loafing-4 up in eon:plate le rah') h., daltanx lot takssaugrrs. ethdbsppers Motu I Pnetrodity and greater de'rpmeh tha.h.a4tret its h. ea obtained no lliene •• I FITCH & Co.. Prorniektirs J. J.C.[,dwell. Agent, Pttabrirgls Cidu & urn., Realve-f. LINE& • . A. D.• ,ac Lib!. .. Traingild' . 'yen.. , . k. ~ Fl.. W. C, ,,, ..0....'N1e1. Crial)r. The ttdzont stern., A) L.) t,11 , ...):VC1,1„1"4.1(....11 leave Betters . . 4.4" at p A II . a... 1 Po n tritr,in i., e . 111., eacrting:ln qoustevl..ou ihr LgAiree Liana[..pd.: 184 J., ' , ( • : ' :; ' 1 Eitazi= warsin,,,..d Cleveland Passeallele , ... Ceealll'aekst—SWALLOW. it 9Nterthe above Packets liave Beaver etetr dal (Satelaps excepted) nee nine next, morirlux at Wert when, they eanne a r,o, Utr Ni all Stage: lot Akron a Clevelatte, orrir Intl at each °ldle.° plaer. 1,04.n0 0)1514 Ono at the pucktts leave %% lamp awl) at a P.M, and orrice at uoler in toad to rile us. m orni* k boatkor Pittaburea. - C; 8 I.EFFINGWEIJ. 3. Co, %Torten, t pro. til ,#.TAYLO2 do $ ./010i A PA l:011F.Y Apse. . NO _- - envier What: and 61111041 CW to. . . . . . ateEfl 1849. . ~ . ...,::1 : ' - -i- 'UNION LINE , ' r , , ._ 0>,.i1136 PIiaCIVA AND 01110 ca'zieLs Ca .:wen a C 11.01.43, Ckvelamd,O. 1 - 6,..., . 1/... P..... 3, . heaver, Pat 1 G..'"*" . ITllll$ L.m will be preps ea CM we op.-u1na...11 navy ATllltit U dlrd . „7T3l.t g k i ll^4 4 l), l. t " ,trp:it ' n oo ro the Cade! nod Lake. . . The'eneil.tics oldie, Line ere ansverasee(Mitintnyll, gull Una eawkeity of IM, expertellea retiptaDt and etenerof Agents. One Dont tertave• Ititntbargh lend Cie welmid,detilv. ofitU eatuteetion Inizb rteutne, LAKE ERIK AND DICUIDA.N, DetwOu rinewargls and Ileaver.ungt n 11..1 °OVID rin Stamen, Propellers and Veeecle ern Die (-inky( AGIVXIT—it (i Parke. lka, gr, Jesse Ital.:loin, Voutownwo.totdo., M B Taylor. Warren, Cyrus Prentiss., lloseora., ; 4 Wleeler 14. Co. Akron, Crawford er;Chamherlia, Cloyle:hind, 0 ' Sears & Urilfith. SWUM, N. Y. JOAN A. CAUGILLY,Agent, 01See, coo Water .od Smithfield gm, Pittsburgh. , liter i'ACiCE TS. Steamer IIIICHWAN No. 9—Capt. • LACK Ent!, 02rdiim Mile. above regular and arcil klowun - 9CnTiicl Puck .ll. ink, bare connucuced in. 2 'rig their dailydrips ro and from Beaver, and (yin courciad to tun -between Pitublugh and Bearer regularly during dot ',Costa, as CodoloWi— blialligart No. 9 leases Ciu.burch daily at 9 o'clock, A. ill, and &arc, at 2 o'clock, P. ?I. Lake Faie lama Beaver daily aid o'clock A. N. aid Pittsburgh at 3 olelock, I'. N. 'kite= steamers will no in connection wkli KG Parks' ' , gime. s'acket i due, for Ent' Taylor & Warren Packets; MOO Lbw of Freight Ilona. fur cieselaudi Clarke t.. Co's Pituburgl. and Cleveland Lsdr. Fictgla Etaals; • , Parks dully Now Cattle Packed CLAILU, PARKS & Co, Lk-aver,. - Ageras JOHN A. CAUL:tit:l'. Agent.Pilvtiswigh, - mehal nor Water and 9rnitinCld kis , 1849. AND CLEVEIoitOi • LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA ANIOIIiO al Boats, owned by thteet n seltre. - ntl . ronnuitt EN ' lti Cogs:e n c. uatrwith the steam boats HEAVER ANS VALES CP are enabled to offer ancauslled f.thilities for the tranaponation of freiFia red pasataro•O, on the opeolibx of Canal uangatton, to all points od,the Pena syliralna anti Ohio end N. Ito canals and MC Lakes. K N. PITCH A Co s L'lilreland. EIIIMVYJ Er. uttot LIES, Agents, Ek-soret. • J, C. EIDWELL, Agent, raid Water street, Plasbarsh. EMI Ili 1 W ELL & BROTKER. Forwarding Ilerthant& '::'. BEAVER, P__ .A.. Ageni , for the Pittsburgh ouslarreltorad Ike, Pia,- forigk etezei Eno Line vies Brie, a:turf:Tr earn darns Beaver and Caleb Cope. '''' - Hakturpurehaaed the large and aubstatiO4) Wharf Boat: just built for the blonongultela Paeleta, tore 'rub the allition of a Warehouse, the mold: ample at eakuubodatlorta for reeeivio' g and finlnal46, end pledge these utmost atteuttrr, prompineerl atuilleapateh to ib _liata . autratta to their .o care, and rely oel ., Y . treirirter.ds '''''''' ' 2 "'"_ --F:2..."!..11!""_. RITTISBctiOIit AND MILAN LIN ht. , ESIW= . 3 1849 „ al: ' 'Old }....l.liabed Line. ' ''' c t i ON THE ERIE KN. trz.t , coN (LAN2a. TISE Pmpenwt, or the. wisp [ltem. n no, pf C,,, Beam, is note prepazed to warritent-Tametiem. and pleight to all lemma on the ene EStenston, New. Tort Candle end the Cubes, upon the must (or orable tennis mot with despatch. Thu Line rims to eminent , . with the sitcom boom BRAVKIi nod CALEB CUTE. between Pitt.trersh and)keaver, C M Reed's Ltne of mearn booty awl ve. *clam the lat., nod the Troy and Altallelmi Lear Boat Llne on the New Volt rental. C. M. ;law, Proprietor, EAa, P. 1 Bidwell & Brother, Agents. Heaver W T Mather, Agent u) throeir h aeon's is.. , , ?Odle& Monougnheln Iv no . Potabarge. CONSiGNkitZ—Mi C M.A.., Shamir, 117:t c it I•, l itgrt 'll ylr th e; Wi k ejlc ' t . i ' re u t tr o ,'ltO, t r e11 . 17„7;, , Redrawn; o.•i[ A . Sutton, Bulinlo,• /Amen Cobb. A , Ceg Benduelry; Jai A A rrairong, Detroit, Ruh lend a , Neerberry, Sheboygan; ht Clare & WA/lams, Althea.. I **Plush Morley a Anton Rome; John II !imam, , Malaga; A Wheeler lc Co ' Few York, sp.l P4tabargh wad Illavarallla Packet Moo 1 1849. , / If /E lm 'filg4L 2 fl i t & public .re reapeeinthy inforiattlethitt J AL 1 /MARSHALL & Co have fitted out new and op mete Packet Votes to run timing the Motion i.e. raven Illalrecillo and Vot.tiorc.— he Mimic nil, taw. td by three horse., and ev-e1 .god made-. . memo mediae passengers. - illeameasit—Botos will leave Pitutharili ern, lideltday, Titeadayi - Thorsday and Friday, to .. o'clocs, g.lia k root ,1 Itlatmville every Mends), Wetinciola ivy and Satunia , , at 7 o clock, L. 31 i 1.0 arre tdroahungtt the same May . A ..o Corn ,11ack from arta will Meet the boat at Sal.sburgh bell , on up vtraftl and downward trip—potting pise-Mem through antult.thaa place in one day. Fright for the above Line will be tee 6. ., .1 the house of the Itoattuetra Lino, by Jno. Ferree A Ca_ with are our eutliorised Ageote All freight received hell Wit etrounisaiona J H MARSHALL & CO. JNO FA ftRY.N & eocAgents, Can al Boain. Liberty it, rm./mesh A Melt kaseslitlatrardle for Youngstown on the antral of the boat—returns to boot in tanfidita Fime Rohl Puuhuryb to Youngstown eth-trei-mtted et olliee of Boatmen's Ltne thrnotrh . iwn.ilern PliiffiltiVßlTC - 1 ruavreasa.r. latiaTos ia.7.ia ...,....... ...wt... EggEgilB49. '' , ..-z,- , .-_ - ' 5 1.7- For Lis Trafavanzatron ofFra.gagia daft 0000 PITTSUUBOII. VW I.ASKI.PIIIII.II LVM4)1141.4, N. TOFU), BOSTON, &a ' y . Tool". Wrineur. Pailattelphiu I Tearer. A Otiosetia, guaiburuh. rpold stabtlithed Line being nor irr fell op..a lion. c ti. MP...m.1. prepared Sab limit anal attensive anaugemenui to forwardmemithaultsc, pro deec, An. to and from the above perts,dis astral terms, wish the regulator, despatch and salkty ginealtsir ii, lb& 1:60.10 of transportailtin ea obncine, when Via .Wpm= on the way tie avoided . All mmtatignments by and for this lute relented, chat. grOotisl, atniConvarded m any required dlrecuona free claimer , fat commlasion, advancing or storage. No interest, directly or indirectly, to sMaltuboata AR coonnoulartionsprentmly attended Se 6uspplue thre to the following agent.. , THOS. I.IOIBIISIH 211 Merkel et, 6iladelpluta TAAFFF.& CMONNOR. Canal Wain, riltabergh __TCONNOR & Co, North .1, Baltimore., nachtsl alliM igg).7:,;1.: Billitslllllll3' TILANRPO t Tail...ate/a .. jWo nda 7 c CLU tcd :"'"" tr i n ' stn : P c: P Sob i li n ot7ka T'l ii; ' 3l; I c ili ti7ip A lc. "' t io llti Proprietors of this u d estobluned Lino have put they Hock to the .son comple* ordcr, ~and ive toughly prepared to foreword Predate end Mamba.. shilii to and from the Element doe. tree troll that our long expenence pit the tamping loudness, Moi 1.112.1411 , 1 attention to the hitereins of ear mitten, will occurs to 05 a tontinumac. and toerease crest pattouago hi th erto emended to ktutgtme. Lino r 2:tgeew. Witt citable us to Lorry Freight elP m .:n the atmort desp a tch, and oar one! , MIMI always be as low es the lowest climged by attar re.poestble Ufa& , , We have opened an office to No 18:11 Market stmt, beOroautith and UM sts, ildlottn, (or Ike convenience ofillppent. Treace and blerchatultas wilt be received and (or. L. wedded, Bye and West, walla= itny charge We fur. Winding, ed./ming frclaht storage or coambistoo Yale of Lading foremrded, mid every threaten pramptly wended to. Milton, or apply te WIS. HOUGH& ht. Calmat Basin, nor Litteny & Wayt.e tia, Mitteharata BlZetillfthiS & Docr, I No MB and VG Market art, Phownia hl i JAk:d Wi1...41, Agent, Pb. 102 Nonh. Htr Howard seet,_llalure mo vsll.l.lAnrrlsoki , Ascot, il0b5:1 No 10 1,V, , t FtrLOl.Zirw lock glaiii2ll 1849 ~ . =-4 : 1 -' "'""" ' Blotetmaki.., Triasspurtattoli VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL.. tail ? . ROADS, tp in17,ARL.,4:1114 kt.c....and iEsili;a7lSbeiigStATopen, •od ha good order, Ins ore prepares:l.3o forward .11 ofiserehaudoe audfroduse to PhltaAelphin and Hlatletterte, with prompt. • and dAtriAtelt,' and on of 'libel terms as toy other I..the. C A AleANWatle & Co., _ _C.P' t '!'!i''`l ' '''''2! 4*'"" " gh ' • 4ksmons—Cli#NlESAAY.Nyl,i, !'lift k lpe~i iii4'l Roseniiikiiii:Cie.;ll , iiii.iio're. g asaityfirTualla .Cartal & thatedlload bth 'l preas.Past Packet Gl2iiii, I ilegib ' 1849. .;;;.4.i f- :M . Pito3.l PITTSBLIGH 'TO I'IIIDADVLFHtk k Ilitty- TISIOIItt • ~-•• l . - (Eielasthely for 1...-eil cims) L i IB will aro retheofully infortn2d thit dd. Line i wi eintunence tanning on tbc isth blot, and con. throughout inn Season. The boats are _ new,and orn superier ethis with en `•thiged cabini, hich way give great< r conifers. The • can are the lathst eonstruccon ''i • ..-"' stlekatirilValwayi be in port, andtraielers are re , cithtea Io call and examine them before segagthei per. :istseerhetc. - eerily nine dollar, through.) One (T ri te boil. of • .l ike will leave the landing thruosith V. S. Howl, 1 =Niter ofremistretenad.Cthat , everyinigbt at nine o' 1 clajth 'Tinton dare. For & inforcuatibncepply at th e [ Oleta, bleteingattela Hon s , or to D litlXli Cu.. • arg , i!: isiP4A: i;:-..5,E.: : :::'Lj...;-.? - :- . 1';'''c::; - , , , , , - 5 , :- - J : •, . Z ,- .: - .4 : . F.4:.:;. , EL'- •.., 03 ..-14,--:,-.7.: 7 :::: -2 .t- ...,:-...r.:,i,tiss•gt,i'.til4R;-;-4'.:'' li -,1111,9118110RM10N.-- say.n.l:4ipwriaiwTietoare" • " : ""'""eiiikßa • •rt - A.L4L. • Yee afoilltra Tretyht La . • 1O 1.111 LAOEI.3'III4, 9AI.IIMORSt Nk3V.YORi. 1 I t ell fa r aOhnt tho Ciant bring new gesetr'L;Alß , Proariest4s . of the ni.tee Lae.. v. Tenfult.s. tafereLL, tbe pub li c that Thee el yovpared to creek, atoll fek 7 l ward Freagel avispot •h. aol at twee. ea.ea They w.a.ttalso eau it . .. attelviou of eforper,,l.:oag. wont to the Ant that th la at. codo, ed by theta its trati-por :own', arc 0,01,4.1 L f brie an,l L'0dm...." 6 / . I expetiv..eed <Dinah., ~(1.14,y, is (*la will find h ad vantageois LO slog by Ibiatine, as the sidwcribers wave mode af- Yangensents al Colombia:AD bows tact frelebt for nat. henna dite<dy hum trow., to care, thereby I*. 'Oararebotive.handl. Oreight Ytitladelp a goes clear through in La. No eaa,ge made forrenetviog shipoirrg or advancing charges. . KlitH It t Vk'S Prophetursi .e:Lanal Fe•vvuth street ACIEN72,4ohn A. Simla, Cincinnati, 0; Inn M. C i ,i, a agb A. C 4,1 Italaninac - , /la Steel A Co. Pintiuict. tibia, FrAnclc.,A Tanin4, Caluin.iin. niclat OF,ihpiti:VANlTtlitC ASA Li a IL. Ma i o A lli, 1 1.. „ • • .'" • ' • . 18•lig ‘Cti-v . : inaa;- ......z.. ;• - ..- . It7Stli. EXltatiSS FOT PAChNE LINt; Pu 4rirghw Prilelphia ostel Baltimore.. . 4 ;i T (Exclusively for Passenge ' r.b,ninnt renitetfuly that at o 1, wilt continence moiling on blonder, ISltlt rdartrbi boats of this 1.11.4 .0 of u superior class, with enlarged cabins, vehicle will give greater cannon to passengers : A boatarilValerays 04 in port, arid travelers are r'e • quested to roll nod ezartuneilicin before ctiguting Facet LI tathet WOW. 'kher celli leave the landin_g, ore posite the th F. lintel, garter Penn street sod Quint. every night et V trol•ckt FARM—F.INR I)OLLA ltS THROUG IL '1 Dap. For iraornitalon, smell at the office, Alonong7l43 House, is , Co, Canal Das* N 11.--Ittet proprictraa of the skate Line aro tapit building au addstional 411ie of inn ainhorrit on or about June tat, it&conueetiou With the Fatality!. I yawn Hail Wood fromlt„tai4tOorti in in. that time a pocket every Morning and 0001.• inc. 'rinse tlirougb,Canlaya mOlll6 RELIANCE . POI.I.TABLE BOAT tleib!= 1849, 4ia For the lratsarlalion 01 Menu o.C. SETO/ ICEADVIIILA .F.LIIIA AND PIT e l oorts unrohis /.11 1 0 art Hut ,r.nihippeU betarecii I'ittaburo nod Yhatadelvhi.t. 1.01111 ear ned as four station PoNnlile Das s OVer land and 0,0- ter: —to shibitoi of ccerchondias requiring careall haudittar, this It 111 itaVorlacce. No tharcc wale illy receiving *rain rir fur adv ale oar e Itmrgrs. feb o oda (brvirkiddil with Cisianch, non Ou a• reiauttutite tenet.. o f do , other I..hie. JOON .V'FADEN A.; CsDial Datin, fells Pittebur'gh JAS AI DAVIS & marl 227 Alsitket & W Commerce 01, Phil/ JOON AI4FADEN Cu, Fti onanhag awl Commit. aiou blerchauti, G Daain, Pena a, Pittsburgh. JAlill Al DAVIS 4 Co, Flour Fart/DM Alarchatits, Zl7 Othrket and Sf Commerce 010001, ! Plaludeiplaa marl _la - Ada:dices made , by atelier of tha atanre r, Wool and other nierihandixe COlitiOrd w theoi;for sale. marl:lv AtE t 849, africifrxitaerrfr•AY oIt.IIGIuLIT For Liltanlattle, JaSastoarn, Itolfulayattumh, and . ' all lottylnediain plunge ?VMS Übe will coalmine to scam , all Way airdi with unit, usual aitspatch, and at fair rout of [fright. Aoso - ro—C. A. I.Mik y -VOLTY & Co, loinaborga. it Waltofield,Jobastowo Joho iirtalartara—Jansag Jordon, squib 4 I:Horrid, ltt F Shoeulieradr, B bloom John l`orker, tg F Vita 1.14A114 , hoist zeal, that Laexfr, fr. Co, Jan hrt.i;Jtn i Ijlo.l l'ittaborirb; John latorjr, Sundt, idulltollon a. Hay, 9nu ti wr eo, Wti,.vlllot melte, UMW, PALMA fi r. Oda,. PACKF.TLISIG. i lakINH 3 - 1848. BEAVER AND CLEVELAND LINE. vie %V AIWA Cartel Pvi,bitet-84 , ' ALLOW, Capt. Ford. , , OLEAN, Capt. V, otters. eileE of the above feekcte leave froze y they, (Strodays eecebted) nod tarty...D.4..2mm! to. Warren, sacra Welt oltuneet with tee. hied Stag. for Akron emit Ciovelood,"Arttriror at =eh of the-. pis,* Yftioft• might. Ow of *le Poitou !Mae Warr. drily. at 3 I and arrive : Et heaver to moo to take the mo. wog Stee.BILOIO rittebutge. COTES& wart., „Ptobakra. BE.'AVER ANI* tau E PACKET LI NP. tfiltutaill Tara. WAN 13 rail, [WC. Pael - ct--PEnsvt.vaina, Cain Jellne.; PoOnehi [.lea Pirroate e Brown; ' . Sayer. The abote new and iplein. Paineuvr Peet el. Lave minting !...ween Ilk:A VKR AN!, EttiS, and ran regulai/y danng the eclinin ni.rutg Ilrie every azArtune at t o'clock, and tin. I.4lv imr Heaver every evenste, oantedintety aver We 01-11- .01 to the Atensubant Allen/van nom Pitiebureh. Ti... boot: ere ~ w -nod entneartaldy Itintanne,,end •Pass .00 through tneforty boon. Peatienger. toikat. point. the Lintel., dr to Ntegara Falls, wilt hall.. route the cepa einnainable ktid .peditiona Tick. linaarh tonet port. ttr the Lake este be prorated by We propr tore. *".1"4 NEED, r Jags JUILN Ptllsburp; . cat. Water end Alwl/Weill MIS C Ilkuntrea, Sudety, N C bl Ree3,}lne, Pa. C C Wieg, Greenville Pa; • AlTarlaial and King, Jtg Bend. Pa, they. h Plumb, Sharpkbargh, Pa; • W C Idoitan,Sharon Pa" Deh e ldaniews,Ptilam:khina; R slinidognateh New a... Lane , Pa. jyl D. w. C. MDWIT-1. LOSN`e, LI valise /A WS EAST N.XPELESS FOR cuMne,inaiNv, a.uirimuitE, AND 'I'M EAVIEFLN eITI Fes. 'lt Proprietors &this Line have pat on rear ei,ltek, Imat are peeparg foriatuil package.. of a11.?..te, seripstous .tuly, at Wetmore.: rates. J. C BIDWEL, Agent, Water street, L PootteUgh. ROBINC.UN itoPtilhl, -t, v.. t.are HA DI A (Vs Pasmostager =ad nosmilttasters 00Iva. A/fill/L:4 BOMA CO. coastal. so brat persons Item my pail of Eng Med, tr-butd. Scot/add it Wales, apot4 the most Liberal terms, with then usual paudtuahly awl Mmutina to the wants andg,o. fon of emmigrants , We• do not al;ow our passengsgs io be robbed by the swigdling scamps that infest thmsea , ports, as vie take engrge of them the moment Ilirpte. poll tliefONthre, and see to LOWwell being, and de opateb their, eithooPaity detention try the last virips,- We say Wiz feartesoly, tis we defy nne of our promo. cers to show that they were demisted ti hours bg,. as us Ltverpool, orhibti tilsomands of others were detained tooents, mUI they cOuld toe sent la edam old crab, at • eh; p ram, which loft' frequently pfolGl then etsfatik We tetrad to peetbeso our actutruem bottoroblz,Mon what it May, and 41 act OA seas tile ease last 1L.2...un, wish ether othetliv,--rvelto either pertormed not kit ot when it toiled their pence.Conve Orals drawn at hf any nue (roar Al It. Aitoo, payable at tiny of the provincod Books itt land, England, tbcollhad and Wales. VA RlIIIIIYBON,;•• cEsropean and Oatmeal Agent., rem FRB , Creek row dery i.e... Woes BLIND. WA - Ellt/051. • A. Blltssl - N mould revpett inform tic poithe, bat he tt hand at his sumac/Is the s eof the Lltamotol n city. connome Stuart of liestman illool•; also Ye t Shutters are mole Ito ar t the best style, warinoted I to any !tithe Coned Blares Mods eaa be removed wait he aid of a screw driver. nJeparchased t h a avtock, wood ratite caloitet es- Ihment of Ifiroesyri hi'Clet- I am prepared to natuim old customer, as Well at mu thing itt their no, cet, Pittsburgh. may • J. A. BROWN, pAYErkIiANOI4IGS—I ear nose recetving, ditto (Wasthe mantdaetuter• in Net. York, Yhtlodel phis and naltiatoreca large and well selected assort ment of all the lams& and most improved mytelolum lin, glassht and eoinmon PAPEIL HANGINGS, eon sitting of, • 10,000 piece. of 'Parlor and Fresco; 10,104 "11011 and CalsOltaii PPMGtinn,r-room,chmaLer and- ethos roper—which I would panscularly invite do atmouun Of those having howles to paper, to call and examine, at the l'urier ll'arriotme of O. C. OWL, mkt • 157 woad st I 1 ARBUTHNOT has comma...ell to receive a V. large nasentgent of Pitney VARIETY GOODS, consisung to pan of /toilet&ls, Ribbons, Laeci, Llo- Mery• Glos., Cr• , Leine, Cesahries,Noting,,J.l4-e Veds, Shawls, Yon et llandterebteda gen. Cravats posh= 'sled of i Hsetdlerelnefs, erded Olin', co lug Bile, Them tt a*, Duon, Combo,Jewelry, Cut [try, /se t , ea. Cointry and coy merchants are r e .- peetfullylostted togall and examine his stook,' No tA Woodittfeet, torneX of Diamond allay. mrein V t/ ITRACT OP PMIRE—An article whieli Is ra- Ls' pidly admium tont ate to a witoloosse, nourlonsig ....d de Blow. bererkge. hetog more p1e.31111 and pal. amide Man ernomml Coffee, mid Or cheaper, no a moll paper moms only: ten CCU., Will go os Ist at Ito; pounds of ColrA. IN moretl by • , ,„ JOHN S. MILLEtt, Piusburdh; rt. Fold a 1 wholesale by LI A FAHNE.SEOCK A to earner of First wad sVood and Slith mud IVood•lteCtsl, Ibusborgitl hpill CLircurphiC - atliiift - iritlii- - .1;;77 , ,.. , ,,a, 39 Cunt) utanlgm, 20 ranger roam; 12 pie pallig le papa nett lined Noting Boots; Id Istlitous Ditigs, l water Tanks, 0 aid Id a.ttlons osab; HI ennfeetwil gal an eielst I dor.33nekskon lloney Pelts; I da adad carabtie do dd. Tb) above goods for sale at ihd Usti forum °Mains Fl.tahlithittestt. No 0 Wood et. sortal s, . _ 1a II rlitt.UPS At * WHITED SWIPES—Put up for (amity 0r.e,10 1113 cal.o, stielootOp a oltding lid box, enistatarg . blasta4l, A isp en, elm...l:fon, Binger, Cluresi t Pptte, Warranted pored For WC. nt the new Fined and Smarted Eleutory, spa, r of lorry tr. Li torty stae t 3 flfi 1 _. lOHN D HELL A6o.4.B::=viiioegh, Iron0;411., fronilie'l r anp;i• &net:Alla worlits, warranted; will lie rouslatitty on hand tend sspp.sed In order, by .rti , in..,. ra Willi AN. -on Wood st E u Ata;:itF Au r , soonainewred tapir - Iw. grade of Bolt tar rife Urieh elaY• is .tore and.fur KIER lc JONES hIE W 6 W. Wa . .l#ee having axed • Hearth of Oaqua, quality w,d vattaulfrature far the pa, ezynteeti auf prouoart4ct it azipagor to the Loalthe !law in jalluefal la lib r,;- - A . "image., of orb nwn nuponnuou pet COlTtihetee tram Bordeaux, jaas west and !or sale by 1,4 4 htiLL}:ll a altialtiON g ULU rrcri erd, a daunt. Meta' trot rutlerurne (sold; Vaud Clusins,froan.Sic it *So earl, eastern pnra.. Weis:beryl King. of carat !cult! sus I Niug., Lot itlng• 1.10•001, 1.. ((p itt . vit, W tV WIL,AO4OI, ju:r (lb 4,111 rkiq ArELVETBIBIONS - Just le:erred at ia7usiliii say's. C 7 MeirEtst Wert, wsisailme i r taus u wowed colons • blAel 8 ''.. , a atibraidco Ullup; lap. wide Clain, i 74 rajci.lll (V Wt. , ircsa — tiV - Pir . o:;r ill. L lelnluC a a alpg.spaucal Imo cf P.I Wars, Waugh out Ili*, 11/ uitra Ptarkr, tbslunt. from Wai-liiagtua. U. C. stAlcand wniterial capitals reapectitTaly; tiro cc ttlicra la cacji Siam, as wall akroon. ign appeadt2 of the hailed StatPa and iltitt.b T4rilfa7.;l.4atjtSCNlp9 JUIINSTON /s...STUCKW)N. , e.e0 1 4.?d0d:4 1 / 1 11 i [ ala . S . ELLERS' FAMILY MEDICEVey are the I LID Baocta.s Medici/les a the Otty.' RAT' IT DASHER CHURN'. Gasayt.' • blaster. Ohl. May 45'1419. , or be 11, B Aellers: I Sams it right tor the benefit of other. MAT -11,11 e. , Ile tome feet. iii relation to your excellent nt6ii•lll 011.-11110 a of the public thjo of IY :Medicine. I talliable Churn, which has the admintece of 5 9 I nas,. used your Verrnifnge largely to my own fans- n en in eurnbisting the old and new Invention. to i:y one vial frequently samorerine for erpolling large ges t e r . ins .„, a s t in y r to eon, Weston frost two children. I ' The utility of this invention is apparent as by. aim` Pe used Tone 0 .1 1, L;h011 ,1 ST , 1 1 4 1 in p'e proces , . the air is (arced beneath the dash, and my family, and they kayo In every Arllitallet produced. does wink the hepeasj,y.of mg new the er-rt dmirvet. ' Churn. •a. ea. he applied to any churn is .0 and A. s i t , ,i,gag e d in merchandising. I am able to • for uue dulls, can litre all the improve:neat. a the thathese yet to hear of He first failure where ' combotml with 'hate of gathering the Rutter in y ear metLrmea hare been used in my section of the me ammi,war. country. lu eottetaatoa, I may .ate that they are tie The politic are incited to call and judee for them. medicine. of the day and are remitted to bays a very sel eel betore porehming elsiewher.. at Sly cornet of extensive popularity. You.. respectfully, Mark, I too Fifie tweet., or at MI Diamond alley, he - W. H. Pratostr • : tureen Wood and Market street. Pinsbureb. Prepared and so'd by R. Fo SELLERS. No 51 Wood I ,•m SAME. KROFFEN. .1.1201, 0101 sold by Druggist. generally ia the two ey _ t and vicinity. rev3l ar.i.r CURE OF LIVER COO - PLAINT, by he kJ" original, only true, end gel,. Liver Pill. Snort Cant, Ohio enmity, Va. March :Nib, DNS. S Mr R. P. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I awe to you and in the public gytiera ;y, state that I hoer been athletes! with the lover Complaint for a Hug tone, and to badly that an abet.. Mound and broke. which left me iit a very low state. Having heard of your celebrated Layer Pills bens. for .10 by A. it Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by in, physician. Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to gore them • fair trial. I pinrchased one box, and found them to be just what Stet are recommended, THE 13E•r• LI VER PILL EVER USED; mid after taking four boxes I find He disease has entirely let roc, and I am now perfectly well. Respectfully yours, D COLEMAN. West Wahl Liberty, Mulch --11,1040. I certify that I 11/0 personally acquainted mot Mr Coleman, and east bear testimony to the troth of the above certificate. A R SHARP Tan genuine Liver Pills are prepared and set , . by E SELLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druntisgs la the two eine,. TO THE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gap nine Liver• Pills are prepared by E Set lees, and Metre his oar. stamped inn blank wax apart the lid of cites box, and Ms siguatore on th e outalde wrapper—all others Ore conmertens, or base imitatio , .. E SELLER h, Proprietor_ Lit. JAY IN C ABM IN ATIV BALSAM l' ROM He Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop tiler Clergyman of the Protestant Alptliodiat Church The ands:awed haysne been afilieted during the past veinier with a disease oldie stomach, someone. pro Fleeing great pain in the etcmach for tenor twelve Hew withouttniermission, and after having tried ruriout remedin with little elect. was Weighed with e boots of Dr 1).141 - he's Carminativelltdsam. ibis he used ac cording to the directions, and found invariably that Mir medicine ...smiths pain to abate in three or foot non tuer, and in fifteen or twenty mlnutesevery uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. The thollieltle aril • tenvardsuse.l whenever indkations of the ar proem li Of pun wets pereeivul, and the pain was therely pre VC Ili ad Ile continued to nes the medicine every ehestane, and sOttlatOmell in the morning, and in • few weeks health was ohs far teetered, that the sufferer was relies ed from • large amount Of oppressive pain. From ex „ pc Hence, therefore, he e. couidentlY reeommesd ,b DJajoe's Carunnative Balsam, as a say at • for of the stomach and bowels. A SIIINND AD.:S heny . rsit).l);.l; „ For sale In Pittabargb at the Pb.I.IN tt•A ST Z e t.1 64: 1:15t em r1 . 7 4 W .,z att e. . ,44. 1:1:1 , 1 , 1 hn ,, i 4 t l h ,„ , „Drag • • • - VALUADIAC. DlPSeliVitiCk - (:ONSUiIIrTIVES, RE ON Yu Ult GUARD. DR- SWAVNF2S COMPOUND 811 NP OP WILD CHEERY. TIM 011 LAS aOOOO4 cos Consumption, Coughs, Cold.. Asthma, Urotielinis, l.te• er Complaint, Spnoirg Mood, thfheultv of Mead,. tag, Pam in the Side and Bre.t, Poipititiou of the Heart, litaLcum, Croup, Uroken l'on. exacon, Sore Throt. ty, ti abd thwar a t:so of the Th r um,r Dread nod Loop, die must ef fectualcoil speesly cure ncer known for any of the *lmre disc.. DU. le 5 * T F. ' Compound Syrup of Wild Choker! This medicine is tiO. 10110, samnite„ those of thrombi! auloy. by pnessd away from the ,h us dm:) , launched upon the tide of sper , nioift. tool now ',mods higher to reputation, ands nem:dams mom csicoiir l7 c ...ed than any other preparation 01 medicine r•ei prodaced for the relief of rudenng man. It has been introduced very gruel ally through we flatted States and Ilurope. NUJ there are filar town, of importance but what emit. , rotne croon obit. shes. of its good effects. FM' proof of me 14,•• tome ital.:Mots. &Ind of the value and elbeucy of eto the proprietor will WOW a few of the 11281 f ihou• sand leatimonials which hare been prvuented to oy Mtn of t. first mspectroiltty-,OCO 1010 hone higher cfy uss of moral respousibility an Josue,. a t tsan in eoc ur farts, because vrth a d notherror. sod oesiselee• no injustice. Chub mono.. piores coo elusively. that it. surprising excellence i• hi to intrinsic merit, odd the unquestionable author, ty or pun. or The tn•taittaneou• re:ifs( a nt_ fonts, •od the soothiag influence diffused trimmer o srhola_fraine 01 as am, ,els4l,rs it 010.1 ar,r•h.- remedy for the allteurd. Rg ~.When ahni. acting from conscleritione inipobses, voluntarity bear testimony to the VV. 01 a tome. or patreular er r s uch tertroony , being enoirnry to their touttre . . trod 1mm0.... coerces rosiviroon of tui truth, mad COMIU,IIIII 1.C . 1 in•• special 111,/-110, *OllOOOOl to rredenee.`'--lgtfogsn's ?toe, NM/ MI.. 111./..0 TUE WAD'. CERTWICA Brud. Aao4ofn Cr. or retYLL...T brosegernsa:— There never was a remedy has been socece.ull desperate eases of Consatupuoa, uUr l , Sra)th.'s thromouod If top of Wad Cherry, I, strengthees the Dianna, and appeam to heal the ulcers on the lungs. , treating new mid rich blood power possessed hi no other modicum Crniersx Co, Aprll 13th. Dr. Swami—Dear Sin I verily twiicre lour Com pound Syrup of Wild Chem has Bern :be mean. ut &ovule my life I escort. • orvere void. whie.h yrsde. Lil `e tew won., attended WWI .evere mmg4, duo reswil all die remedies which I had recourse to, mull merearing anal my ease . exhibited all the d)mptoms of Eulmonary Consumption Every thiuty I toed seemed la have na effect. mud my comphunt incrce.sed hopeid tp doss friends a• welt as toy sett, gave up all of my recovery. At this time I ens recommuuded to try your inrhtalisersadilne; did so with Abe most hap py retails. The first bottle Late eerier so-Dialionelse u thv ough, coaling me to expec freely; and by ime !bad used nix Wiles, was entirely mow Ls hearty Wiz M ewer wm ILM, and would be happy to Eire any infurmsUon resyweling my nose, that other innerers May dense web etaaht for Which lam so gratensi the truth of the above etatentertieekr you to Peter Rush, (recent, Winn Chester, raw - bow I yore/rinsed ntedienut 6e•p oily yours, lum. Maass. tfrord.rful Core of a Abliernhag Messner. toe ow yr e- tl. al 3,, I Iro . rdeb, o for 'a,/ Af . -11.4 V Ivl nasty she allrre g. o c Dart xi) lallayi.le tuMlOolly to favor of Jot" rap of Wtld Cherry Some three ye...mac I anee peep violently attacked with cold and trillatuntation of the Loot a, which wa accompanied with a rough, pain tri the bream and head, a very eong q s,,,,. Me discharge of offensive manes from the longs, e pp,„. 4rlllitiTC:o ' s t iff af.o ' o w t my*en%lihtio however r t w sh a g s h p ' rett; wron convinced that I Wok rapidly gong into . op. lion. I grew daily weaker, and at length WI ltafCe rjr able to walk about, or,ol , Perak above whipper, such Vas the ...hag wet:MOM+ 0017 lunge. Durmg time I bad tried •arioue preparations and prewirrptiens, bat Amid no reiref—growing all the men moue . Jan here I mu advised ard persuaded by a de. Upend us Waren:4mmto make trial of tool cup of Wild Cher iry most candela that previonely I hod been prem. dread against patent mat +. and lam gill agates! dmw coming out of the heads of crape ries. brit under ammling your earwax to the profesenou uad practice ol a:millet:le, and kmesug Morten faith in the saying of my friandn, I forthwith purchased o(U,. Straw, our of your agents, a few bottles, and commenced 1. i.e My dia (Map was at that tune of War ea morn.' ousednig, con sequently it leaa deeply seated. I foetid, however, anrouderuble relic( front the one of the first four or bee bottlgs. Bat belng a publLegreater. I foe four at. tempted preach with Oly ylreagth. and thereby raptured those vouch Mat bed already begun to heap in this way, doubtless, my cum was treaty retarded. courreqnenee of meting thins imprudently. I bad to Ise Ylrol•o or fifteen bottler before I wem per• reedy restored. I have no common, a mach smaller au er of bottler would hair made Me armed, but for Me above indlecrcuon. Tim Syrup aria yeti rho feverfver rah habit, took away the dialfrOalog e0,14(b, pat to a ndhscharge ol :name from are long., arid gave them a the Mitif symem good Orulth. tiara drlor. red offering Ms certificate uuul 00w, for the piarpo•a alf rein pperfectly eurpfserl wail the perm...wirer oi M. care, and now Mat fen! perfectly rvell I of, we pleasure. It .1 P. YOKYaa Ilablm coanty, N. C Importang C4saaan—hau n t' Read' Tbrrre is but one scutrinc preparation of trill Cherry, and that ts Dr. Slit •T n i p hist ever offered to the public, which has been sold largely throughout the United Stows end come part. -.1 Kitiopei end pre , partitions called by the simile of Wild c. e , r y heir beenput Out linen this, under cover Cl we deceptive ellllllllStances, in order LO gave currs,icy to their usirs. By a little observatant, pervon need an.tiike the Sant:tine Horn the table. Each bottle of the genuine 1. enveloped with • besuttful steel ens vision, with the likeness o(Wil)inal l'etnt thereon, sleti, lYr.-Swayne's signature; and ufurther security, the portion of Dr. Swayne will he *Wind PLICII.IIOI, _so a. to distinguish Itts preparation front all other. No, it it was hot in, the great enrauve propertie •nd known virtue. of Dr. Swayed's Composted Syrup of Wtid Cherry, person. aroold aot be enaba•Ortaig to give his tine to Weir .fialittOUS bastStitos n by stealing the twine of Wild Cherry. Reseensbas, bear to Muni the some so 14. Sernytte, and be not docetv ed. Drineipal Office, corner of Klghlls nod Race insect., Plolndelptna. Paz sale Wholesale Sad reWl h 7 0111/EN & SNOW DEN, ear sd and Wood sts; LS A k'n FINE:v . I'OCE Co, eor loused Wood, and Gth mud Wood et., 11 111011.14,53 klarket st, S JUNES, lc. Liberty A JONES, nor Head and l'enn eta JOHN arre . ll• ISL.L., Allegheny city, and by all swipe . ..whir dean, lei tondteine. • _ - aTflOfftte btV Iffff..lo: that Dr J rsr.." Agr:TORAIST b superior to ail *ber rmilawslims for Aost., Cortsampttua, nwhma, and Nitta. tsry affectious lethal the of persons who ...mord lb. tea or it to twu yd. sgo soli pr. r all Ater dawdles of the kind, and where air ha.e also try other prerteratono th.y hue alm , st iurariabl, bed Mod re dairies ths benefit which oat twasimabiy I sOlTriahat (tam the bib pada. beidowwil, las( loom orturried to the use of JIMMY . Eitec..l . oll.•tre, as dards that has am! haled ho robe,. rho. and which Preblitly add had it. eal is arresting pulaimary • Prepared ottly by urn. Jane l'boildr.phia, and sold CM Kul d art' *LEY. 1A 70 eourtb al Dr. W. P. lal an s Prein Plnster - . DR'.P. INLAND, of te !timbers! College bf adelphi. cove offers la t he public h. Indian Veg. stable Premium Plaster, the finalities of which, Cm, long and tried experience, has heels solisfactorily rt. u 0r,„1,,d. Talnf I prOPlen Who may lie afflicted with PrOlapda eterla or Pollen Womb, he recommends hi• gloater, guaranteeing a sore nod speedy cure to the therm apace of from Iwo to thee week., if applied with 'earn and reat--thse•nling all the roulette,s and eSpertaiwo bandages to long 111 Ile fee:. eonseientiona in staffing, tfidmueli am he lin• :1131 failed In one cue oat of three hundred and bully-three pa. dean.. Alto for itheamattaro and Weak Dreamt or Dock. at• tended with pain there is nothing to excel tine a in affording 'elicit.' effecting a VIM For sale Pl Loy tte: L wilcol corner of Dotraond and Market et Urawn & Reiter." Liberty and St glut( .t. ==2=2==!! Dr J Surgew par::: ;24 " Dram.n and lhamoult thrming Pt= If•e.I.ELLEII 24 Omit... No 07 Woad 8010 Agent we the ...le of Dr Toorovnnd v .A.,..rgrllgn, ha. sum rocatyrd 21,1, uote.l of It.. Citeat spring ithe ,aelFele Purr hazer , •h0.....1 recoil... thin. U E Se-lien it role ...Anal for Pa...burst., nod L. N therty n.r Allegheny 0114 Tl'kl T I.EVdtWATC/I kj ES —buplet Watebe., to We by the celebretri (Mager of Loudon, M. J. Talmo , of wet - pool, and a large aesortment of detached gold and altar Ulm,. ulnae by the be.t I:eneva lonnufaetwer.. Spectacles. oi all ktnds, corntbunto.. Ware in art., Gold Pen.; Jeue.ry iu large aanet); sslvrr Spoo l , Parka, /Lc. lEcr Watch repairing executed In the belt to.orler W myl9 40. M T %Whet and Oil •,• VIACALLAIN ENGLAND—Harpreo fine ealaTion jyjp. 8 to, pottraits; cloth-I'S feats pvt •olurne For Ws 07 JOHNSTON te. ST(K:IiION„ Faust Ababa and 3i ma mmmmKra rum:. underwaned having been oppointed Agent of the DrLAW...I4.¢ MrfCAL FAIrETT 11.11.1W1 c 0,., eke.% In the place of John Pinney. Jr., :resigned, re. .pectfoliy inform. be public and the friends nod eas terners of t• r Compiner, that be is prepared (f) take Mani, In'. sod Fire risks on liberal terms,. Weir °th e e, No . Water .treet. P. A MADIRRA, Agent jir ust:. leelt to. 3 ply India Rabbet J] llinte—mA received for the Hoiough of blanches ., wines will be held in store for a few days. The 134. no Dennis Company express a strong desire for the fire departments of the Gibes of Patal.argh and Al legheny to midi and examine and make • trial of Mc.. The company ts willing to put them to soy test they think inoper to cone Jude upon . J t H PHILLIPS, g wood st •1 tt , t n . o a r . bit ‘ s iz tt ,n ' . F , tttylfitii:fillloriuli STOCK * 1 f_ none Compauy of Pittsburgh. its opet is the ROOMS of the Board o r m ode, on the lir. Mummy of November next. at 11l I W . os. Lorimer. Jr. RotsertWoodLll ... .. , NVClure, /mean Plummer, S. M. hser. Josiah King, John SIo riff. Ale:. Roseburg, and H. D. King, 11,1001NOVi Commissioner& 4 _ GOLD Ws's — Meas. PAR R Y in. invented a machine for washing , 60:,1. for which he has made applicadon for a pa nu TI- y ere now offered for sale at the ware button of Perry, Scott & Co„ No. HD Wood Maces, Pittsburgh. . Adventurers to Caliterate ate invited to eall and ex amine these laborsaving machines. They are simple in their construction, easily transported on the back of multi. or I orate, weighing eigidy pounds each, and eu rtepal in operation in half no hour They eon be fiord with promote.. It iv the opinion of those who hove seen the trial of one of these machines of =ahem plot, tint two men will Wain the mineral from IW I of wont or earth inn day. without the lOU of a pirticle of tFe miner!. They can be increased in die und worked by water or mole power, if expedient The operators work without going Into the water or bring exposed to wet, and conampientip without ens disncemiie then health. They will require but a Mien stream orwaicr. and can be used the whole season, mid con be put Into operation where there is not lab. ment water to wash In the meal way. Prier ni.niallest sise 135. Orders from slimed, ao rompaided by mash, will be promptly filled. It PARRY, at Parry, Scott fa Co'., fetistsdtf No 103 Wood at, PhOburgh„ , DI &epee & fr If E subscribers ere now deceiving their ea gtoek attic above article., three •essela, vim theism:tate, hied, lion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia and 1:n1111110re, and tarn more, the Stephen Raldwin aad tette. •isortly expemsal; they are, therefore, Pfeamed order,. They will receive Marino the wim Int end spring regular supplies Via New Orleans. outs W d:IR 511TCHELTREE Al 01'\T EA ti LE TRIPOLI—For cleaning win. a..., end lamp st.asses, 'dear plate, !in.., On -1.11.11, inid other , estre. It rapidly lista, oat all spots an ' tad reproduce. the Lem:Will and darabla lustre of ants W.C. Just received and for talc, whoa,- sale and rtta.4l, by JOHN D RIORDAN D141 0 . 1 ._ =TM 1,1 It .1A1 , 11.. II 11A itTAIAN hamar sold his Inter /1/ 0.1 En tar ea.partners4tp of Coleman, Heilman t Co , In the rem ..long partners, has Ws, day retired 0.1111 111.. firm. Febnary 19, 11H9-ti ', 1 I I'l ent. ht. 11 al Ai% i: PA v'6l':B miler onlt• As,•,,t f or the manufacturers, has on band and 4. nhrtsmuy tree:vino Is full Lapel) , of the articles tt,El• l'Ett..l.urgla and ricouty whtah be Oftll for a• in...nen:refs 'anat . % GEO f9DCHRAN . , Yd vrood I Nhlrt It ASTF.-- 1 gross, boraCarrnallildigo 1.. F Car clecaGlll article for rem:tennis boots ...4 •r m pE rf, cry water proof, and *OA as a puree of 4,0• appllcation of tht• paste ta salleLeatt to E•t• m Enoperr,ous to water fox 2 at 1 months, and c,... • •ovet,aol/ • e from the leather enchain. Key tuz •nle ut the 11.dio Rubber Depot, No 5 D'uoti ietott I 1 k II PHILLIPS I=l lea arr•rrancan w A LIAIItIL OD PULE SPIRITS t4drar r I r•+n, and Vtue stream Cancinnad, 0 eil==X= the net Carpet 'l — . IVF-us- iiii:ElVeD a . .eh 1, No. 73 Fourth I.l_ _ 71.471 crabbmw. carer 541.17711171.7 teal:2l.3d do do Table do Flrd 4* do 'du Worotrd'do do do do Borderinr, Blue Ihmook: carpet Bindingsi Berea mercers • _ —Comps (lotbie• Transpornnt ShadeN netiouro Views do do Turin.h do do do Chine. do do do Drapery Chine. do do Moonlight Views do do Londoe-ge do do do 1 Lie , hic• Coro a•te. Cue.. Lon,. .4 Mara, IL.I Rol r Nal* The above Goods it.. of the nekton and neoreat stiies, to which we Invite the attention or our (nerds and etwont,r, and triosvainihnig to furnish or les pettish steam boat. and houses. criar7 W. M'CLINTOCK E.W CA.l.lYt:Td—Keedlmi ads iii - dlreet [iLvat 111 the manoNctorer— New oty, Tapestry 3 ply Calpets, extra moor, do do do d sop,- do Drummle ' atepittlq • do do do do firva44.l4, vary cheap, do nch coon sum; Inaraist 44. 34 a4ld 3, heavy Venel3an All of 'vetch ec 01 I.e sold at a [mall advance, and w,.1 rue tan ler as ,ow a. ran bepecettasad in the east W alll7l.llllTOCK.7sFnilral al MAKING. CO A C H FROM the very liberal encoarags OV,ment the sehuntrer has received sin= =rued m he has ed =remelt in Alleshy, has &adored 610 to take &deem, for • , term of years, on the property be now neeeptes, in files•er Meet, =mediate!) =aide the Presbyter! RO %larch. Peon the Wog experience in the kL 'rye busines• and a desire to please, be bop= to mar . ll aid receive a share or =She patronage. Now o n hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Begs pea, Open and top Hawes, and every desoription of Gernages msde to order, from Sevens diva dollars to wvi.. ssreret Iserslsitfl JOHN SOUTH T k• Allsyyle•ny Cam A T the &renal norther or the Corporates, held on .1%. the Ith MI, the following pIITWM.• Wen 12.111. 41.01.411 y re. ezted Ala:mem for the tuning year: TI 'ONUS ht. HOW E, Pretelatdr Jill IN DIVSELL, J:.CI CA minims, NATIIANIEL.IIIII Alps hCCANI/I.R.SEL Lic 1" "" 4".• JOAN 11. .4110EMILItti • 1 A &l ES R. SPEER, J Frortal, Jr, NT.ormary and Tye onno•I I. anent preowned the .5.. r. of the Company I. •ry prosperous cooditrom Their olrico y in the co t• N •e o 37 W.., *VENITIAN /MINI/ MANUFACTORY Ent Mlle of the Din:nand, Where Vend!. Wiiido of all the different tine* and colors air tem on hand or made to order ada the latnit and most approved Fla.urn full. ions, at the atuntrat uodue and an the mon reasonable terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or spilt Blind Transpa rency and Paper Carton. of all the different sizes and patterns, nn hand and inr rale low foreaah. Old Vent per, mord. panned over and repaired, or taken hi part pa sent for new It hl WESTERVELT, Prcipz, N. B—All we.. done with the best material and work utuothtp, and warranted to prease Me most Me nds.. aught-di y Allegheny city, Aug to, Int& A.Mkligb ri.NTILLEGRAPIICIORIPANt. USMI=EI OM.. al Lb. Exchange, U&lllahore. I) EDUCED R ATEs.—The ammo, lievo beets mass t vett cm nil Messages to or from Baltimore, Pit.- burgh or tVh.•sling, nod a eorresistioiliiig redaction made tilt to kit roplise despatches forwritged from IL,I tunore Wr,i 1,1 l'insinirgh, Y.. lissini.—The charge ;or • tolersaph despsfilti to or from lisiornosr, Pitis4oro heeling, is 45 cents G. site hr.t sou words, asi4 3 coots for eselt WdiYoual worst. ID- Nu charge i. made for the addre.s sod sign. ture. Until tbe enntpletton of the South Weqtarot 1.1. of Telegraph from Alerapbta, Tenn.. to New Oriels., de.- patches eon be tor urded to Metirphis by lists route, and r Ornol.• 1./inram/tamp. A cimsos lit, Ulfl,Ctsk, es. JI/IIN 1 1 7(X)D110USE, 11AV1N , , auy as or tatted Lhemselreto tugetiree to it, rtne r• tout. r the firm end style or A.: J. W loy nlns Intannuf.rture uf l'ArePEll AND Itt • WAKE, on the cornier of Rotolo ou otter I ann.: tin, s nal, In the lot %iiktfii, A 1.L.1.11.1 . ctry, W 1.,, • 10, are prepared no &nosh nu order, seinolenso, P•Jid renunt. oil ItfUCi. no their lice with pnannutues. Foundry t'r:ronn..o, •rd Carpenters' onlen •ro nd which Will reel, Imiprdsutr Ettlrouolt, i'r eny of Fri. • I, 149 —duo. A .NU,'i. 1,1'1.11 '4lw. ••V. ui inn-lionle of Moonney; Gene line.; Vi•la ele Per, e tie I.yen; e Franew Anvergne, The eliou. .. -nonlife tor papering large public rooms 1u• d street ironi raft., and lot rein t o rrlou 44 uf :WO I . 1111.1. 1.111:1, 4" p n a7t a t ' lt I L IT I Z. 041, " IL II 72, n ' end ih.p.i.using entirely with the 1u The h W tAluu Carotin. alter haring bean in Oar &even eors, barn been r Orel/ y ed, without Lie •onlo..•• injury to the labile, sod with. out rennoviii4 din fluor It will full lujore the cloth. Inn tier nitivan y .0i loolllc Nana 25 cents. I.) .1 KVA a. Co, ur woo.' at D iLu(;s_l l , , in r i7 ,.. i d 'otanh, 155 il.llol.nitlet II) po. roipn. Sod, do Nit. 131.13mai do crowd o {Allan do Chloruluno do 113.1 req., vrtl W,l for ma'e by Lox , 0 A FAllNErroci; a Co AYHANI. , —;IO tivl . lC.rvlllo juS . 11 •-s by YON ItUNNH2RST tr. t:10 AIiNESTOCK S CO ~~~~ ~~ - Ex Imtlx-MIUKERI4. 111. ITOILBEIES BC.IIEBs 134 k Wire , 6e• Ere •It • p • , , • sae nuarst NO.Tai. DRAFTS, ACC FIPTAPfLTS, GOLD, B ILY En AM)BA N E NOTES. DOLLECTIONsV—Drafts. Note. and Aceepianees payable in any pan of the Bohm, collected no the most favorable terms. I{XCBANCB on New York, Philadelphia and flat smote, atm, Cincinnati, Lornsvittc, , Saint Louts and New Orleans, constantly for sale. BANK NOT .—Notes on all polecat bank. in the United Buttes dlscoonted nt the lowest rates Alt kinds of Foreign and AmenetorGold and Silver Coin bough , and sold • Klee 'No. 63 Market street, between ad and 4th, PiUsburatt, Ps. occts POELICIGN ICIOHANGIEs DILLS on England. Ireland, and Scotland bought D any mount at am .Carrent Rates of Exchange. Also, Drafts pereable hi any pan of the Old Couistrms, from El to WOl, at the ruse of 35 lb the EFterling, Witham &titmice of dtmount, by JOSHUA ROBIN. SON, Lampoon ano General Agent, °Mee Sib at one door west , of wood. 0ct1.94 iaaasiFa_.L tisavrana Lane & A ANKFJNi AND EXCILiNOK I.I6IOKF.RS, dustless in Foretim and Domestic Bills of Mschnogc, Cer n ustes of I..uosits, Bank Notes sad Coin, ranter of 'ld and Wood Meets, directly oppoane On. Charles Ho tel. taamilly W gaps PUN LOS— Uhindieua, gentacky, ht swan, parebased at Ette lowest Wes., by Bulk NomIN N. HOLMES a SONS, K71:3 33 Market Arcot. _BILLS OP F....comititAl2-7.& g ht Cheek* ou Nary York , Pktlattelpila r and Canstatuly for mil* by N. HOLMES, a SONS. sepl3 Markei BUM. UNC, t!te W 13061Cht FOR SUMAIKR READING.- e—gureka, • glom Norm: or, the rbyAlea . T Po Mataphysizal Univ•rse, by Edgar A. Pon, handsomely printed, 12zoo cloth, 70 cu. 'We Abell be greatly surmised if this mote doe. vat email • profound •011.1.11/01/ among the 'notary and aMetliiu clues ell over Ine Union, nimpinying A. it Unea a reasoning p ower s and grasp of Monet t whirl, canned puttubly fat, to same the •spetial moulder 01 I even the moat eyeless reader , --Exprevv. Nineveh and ate Itemains; with an art rum of a visit In the Chaniatitn CbriStions Koraietan, and 'he Ye -Otis, or Deed Woratupperm and au inontry two the Manner. and arts Or the Medan, A•ry rum, by Maslen Heory Cayard. Fsq , 1/. C. G.; in n volt, with numer ous Illastrations. toe of dam moat remarkable works of the age.'—The Times, (Londou.l Peb. D. The letalamandsq a Leech el Me iron Furnace. of Rockland county, N. V., by E. Oakes [Muth. yeah ti le/tam ion. of Darley; kd r 4. 12nao. cloth, Li an. I. RemelMory Lhaapert 'TIM Spy,' a new and benuti. fat edition, reviled by the author, with new prelacy, ky., to ha followed by me Pam. in the mune • yle The Works of Warkinpon Irmitzt rryisod and en• limpet by the author, to Idelyg ant Mardcesotn volumes; twatatifulty primed In new type, and on superior peter. amdo expressly for the porn., Pot SA. by JAMEe 13 LOCKWOOD. (for many yen. connected with M Wiley & l'untum. and late John Wiley, N V Kt Wood sr. psl3 Mr. L. has Just returned from the Eastern Mites. - • -1 ETA' T3oolS.Siving—Tito Crayon bliscellany--- comprising The 1 . 21131 i.., Abbotsford, Newsmad Abbey. Complete in ono volume—elegantly primed. Curcum—Tbe blonaaltirim Mina Lev., rout vein clastructi A volume alma,. than ordinary interest, a settee or Most curtains and obeli amusing • • • Tie field .eupiell by the ardente to alin.t entirely new.—C.ninercial Adverd.r. A book or gentlemanly, fibers!, schultirly Interest, which reminds is tints little of Eleckford's Spann. E x cursiours, or the yield eastern resetnsennees of Elation. Idiecuny World Cooper—llfiew edition of early workal-7he Spy, brained, do. with new introdurgfon and tea Com. chile in I vol Ur Sena wita /nine, works. fit la. Thy Spy and the Sketch-Wmak were the first Al,Mst can books which w rersally acknowledged to emu.. a pertorm.ce a. well a. a prom. We well remember the enthusiasm with which they were reeri•ed, and the proud expectations which rho) awakened among the labeial minded Wins,d and the patriotic at h ttu. Irving woo soon etlowed n seat I,y the side or Goldsmith and Addison. and Cooper o" itarndalod in retry country of the ...ern where tiny interest es. fell oi • foreign Lieertuer —Literary World. d'or side by d U LUCK WOOLs. iali Nr.W daslMOs-, Complete Work. of Joan M Meson. D D, In 4 vols. Mardi and. Voyage Haber, by Herman Ale/mite. Hank, Warfare ,f Vora, by W W Campue.l Here a Lark .td Them a Lade, by um author of . Lit e upon Line, and Precept upon Precept " Memoir* army Volta be A he Irmarnee Mastro.' Lim of Frankno, part wt.. and for sale by JOINS ON Is STOCKTON, eorarer Third and Market •. Coarturla Work On Kpaleents Lltotent, its History, C.o.s. Patnology too/ trot, 1.1101.1 Philosophy of Religion. by J. Lk itlinerl, A M. Bourne's I.Nthebtorn of ilto Manor Fugue Chamlier's t:yeiopedra of blnaliso Lien. tore. 1 vols. octavo, tine edthion, steel p or lates. Cbautbers' Miscellany Ureful and Etrilartmning Know laleet-10 vnis. Lv too illustrated •delee to Tonna Met, try T. B Anbur, gilb • faring Women. - Momenta of Meteorology, by J. Ilrocklerby, Mt A, engravangs. Proverbs for the People, by Kit. Magoon. Univertilty Bernatenth, l y Dt. Wayluad. French's Rahman Imerest. !or le4o-7 —The bine. of holy rienpuire• for to unfolding lit).lll4bli rife of m I •01, too. No 6 Frurklinl Life, illustraina Received tble day by R HOPKINS. ardi Apollo 4th BtV ! PDRLIC r itIONR--EasnY on the the I:nion 1.1 of Church and Butte by Bandar W Noel. AI A. I vol. An entire editloll of ibis work was .old en one day, on It. publication at London! Levees (nom glargwei South's Journal, to the Pro- Cbee-of linsteherWtia Bay—ACIFO. 1 cot Ilttro. non'. Doeins.—Etketcheataf*Lite and Lturdmalms by Rev. Mph lloy.--Isinr ed. enlarged—earth 11l intro. Cons. lltmo. SLUM A C.amehism of ilia Stearn Erman, illutralive arbor scientific principles upon which it, operation depend., and the orotund detail, of let armature, in its &police.- 60; In PA..., mills, steam navigation. and railways; with vartoos suggestions of ariprovemerth by J Bourne 6E. I with Item 76e. Spit. ..alptly star ischl&dly NMEEENME2MI The comb., a Fatally Malan,. Pan I. lac. Franklin'. Life, illustrated. Put. IV and V. EIC.I ilir.torio% by ProL rear—lftw. For de mobil RIIOPICOIB,4IIISI. CHICKS/ZING'S PIANO PORTSS. TO/IN 11. MELIAIR, No. BI Wool oitZe<l., he. the rJ pleasore of onnounetng the arrival of a new and spleudidweeonment of Pianos. from t h e martufamory of Jona. Metering, Dommt—among them • morm6- tent Rosewood full Grant, Piano Forte. 7 commons. am, • superb square Pomo Forte. 7 oct..e., catvril rosewood, of the style of Louis XIV, with a variPty ol 7, 64 uoteree, to mitten the summon of porchrw. era la rospeenfolly solletted. JOHN 11. hIELLOR, tole Aseot for Chlckering'. Pluto Fortes lot WPM ern Pennsylvania. • nal Role Agesoy for Saisiasariiis Pianos. ofizoJUST RECEIVED and opeatng a wins ibt of elegant Piano. fnim the celebrated factory of Nunn. J. Clark, N. Y., comprising CI, Ise and 7 octave., with important 3 011,10•MICJIt 3 / 4 both in to &Mimi an d exterior, pas-cooed by 110 others. ALTO—A hoe leteettellof Coieketing's Piano., 1100 13 to 7 octaves 11. KLEUER. dole Agent, al J. W. Woodmen'., r 1 Thind at. N. 11. The shore win be sold at tonnu(acturets pri) re., without soy addition for,frright or expos...) merlo Journal and Chretilcle copy PIANOS. fillippA SPLENDID as 611 sortment , Rao? and Rosewood PlO, MAI (i. sshad. These nunnsmonts are made of the latest pattern and best mamma' and Inn be sold low for rush by F. muatE, IL I Wood meet, nil door above Firth. N. R.—Those who are in want or a good instrument, art respeettully insitrd to eSsueme them behave pur ehming elsewhere, so they emitiot ho excelled by any In the eolintry, and will be sold lower than ray brought from the East. Abuitust received, two plan. of Itam- I burgh Manufactom, warranted to ho superior to any ever mid in ii:ia h,3 cmnt . vutilm oetf x.r. F It. MILE oubscriber has melt oppointed note Agent for I the sale of CAIINARrs IMPROVED Att1415115- DNS, m manufactured and sue perfected by Memm. March Vr. Whoa, of einmunati. Ise mum compass I and COMM being but four mime, slmsro Al A W., I in steentd.eo with the general Castro nod Ocimuld, have mended the stale at these. wieuments to if mud Meru 5 octaves, Chas making it pr s eticable to perfurui upon them any [Male written form, t Imo or t.hrso• The exterior, also, has been much unproved by pliong the body of the instruttunit upon at east lean mune beautifully bronted and Ornamented, euderiug it at owe • meth elegant and extremely tleriro b lo mucle. Therm.; input. low a• W bring It within the reach of every one to obtain a perfect animal imummin, and, at the mole time, a mod elegant piece of lure lure for a comparative Hide. At R. KLEUEII, REAT MUSICAL' NOVP.LTV--Ygiiiib.eili,c!r lT bar AM received from Europe, and for sale, an entirelynew imention Nano Forte, called the CAB ,INEIT PLANO FORTE, which plememing more poorer and sweet.o than the Name Plano, occupies but ouu fourth so Much room, and is a much more showy and ihm m doome piepflamiture. It ta partieularly desire -7,1,1t where the saving of space to au object, heard en ' Afeedeltgly oral and rampart, nod occupying no more 'room than a small aide table. The subscriber has in nand a testimonial of Ho mperionty from the eciebra 'led manta, 5/oseheflez, in his two hand wriung,whieh may be inspected. H. KLEIJEII, men At J W Wootheell‘• Chick /ring's Planoi -- . IffroJUST received and for role at man ufacturers prices, reimamt new Pll.llO //ones, <I, 61 and 7 octaves, of use most elegant patterns of furniture, nod with thelate improved scale. Alm on hand and tor sale low, 3 mooed hand Plan ar - /0111 S 11/Oh:LIAM, Sole Agent for Chickering's Psanos for Western Pennsylvania, SI Wood etre.. NEW MUSIC BY HE al NRI I 1 R 2-7 6. Cart Rom of Burnam r L with au introduction and Witham vu. nations for the Piano Pane, as performed 111 all to. coneeris in tan United States by Henn Mrs. NM miry Polka, by Henri lien; Comic Polka, L . Sliver (tell Polka, 0 Julit received and lar sale by mcbl3 JUICY II 2.IELLOR, 81 nod Veva SCRs=lies • • - • - , . . s ND DOLFEAKDOS, wub.u. accompaniment for the 11 Pisuisforte, adapted to the vv.," of private pupae or climate to vocal. Male. &heeled from haulm, Reach site/ lieroom comps n, by Lowell Alawui 76 lama pages of elosely priuted music, esintaiincif Itp exercises ployinimiVely ,rouged. Price 73 emile. Just MosiVed, • supply of the above, direct from the p 1 . 1• 0 12, by JOHN H. NIELLAnt, .01 mod at Iv ill l'E tiE.APie—s bum steali, ;us; tee, to; we Ty sale by 3a1:1 IV & 11. wee roil kE.r4 lIEH ElltiGil--luLl bis Yo craFetts N, to more and nor we low to ckee consign. sweet by Nu DALZKLI, .E eaArz erje, 15 ray has received a sal ply or white and colored Ut aft. and Crape I4..—aano,g the WIC! green 6111.1 other tic.trtble colors. A 1.., ' , Elbe, pmk, Ited blue MIS slid Mob Mood, r‘vlliNl--yyB at Fan.'. 312.1.111.1 lot we by 1.7 U A notognocir& co '''' - ----- ' --- •" ----- `'t -------- ' .; - V..14 . ;;; - :. - e:r a ll.'il - tt:it' -:-.. - ~ ,Ip,e.sri;=,Taii:e—:t.. .2-= .3: • a .., .i.z2 ~ia$112 z 8:1•1 .4- •; • 4-,fal ,- .--,..%1.1-c--.•5-,..' , -' " • _ - ts1:401-gr,1V,.., 2 ,-t;=2 --.-1ai1F..91=:. 1 43 t :4 4 " .'t '''' y 4 .,.. 2' g aZ `CS - -Vil.-1 - p t. - t '-4 i7, 1 :;:1€ 4 :61°--€:ag' `, -4 , - , i4lLitei,.'•”.7 , 1 - Ili1:: %xi :4 = • i g =`4 3 -m ' 3-K"4- ''il 4l' ll i ii3 -2.5 : 3 1- 3 1: ..-: 9:3 t (2 ! - w cp " 3 ' i t t tllagr:ria.'=42l,rl:l;•gti,-2.:4E14,113E. A .11;;.if, - ;,2ar:giril"ty 14 !,' 7 ::: r i ~,,,, z ;:. 1.1. „ 8.y.rif,4,:2:15-2 , !.... g..t. g . .- . 3 . , : a•- , tr-dr: .2 •••= 7 E. , .. 1 - '3 l-' ;A i — .a IL S. e-132 0 .I.47,3i42vitlityg,riliz g .e.gis -t i ? - .7 : :bi. t r.,. - ,i ti' 3 1.;f: 1 ,..qii 1.•`: . ..z.; Z. 7. R.. .I u- •. 1 e 1., -.... - . ._, A E _,= c,- .2....z..---.....' ,4 ft ~.. e.1.7 . 4L./ -.." ....5 — ,..,. , ; •. E. . cc ; E l 4 t•-:=-.7a.7.-et,;.•...:....,,1-.4,2_ v -:. .. " 1-.. : :.-f z -3.1 - 1 - f t v r,.;54 ,:r... '.2 1 = .. 1 g 6 -; -. '6 12 . 1... u.; -- i .':-:rif-i731 ; 1 ' -gi. 6. A >. ;§ -5,24-s li •t t -t, :; 1. 1 2 ' 1: - ; .' 115 :1 f a s TA tztgiillV t :4l;.....lll,ia 0 ..1 ;re Z a as ci-r, C 111 . /11M id as , gi 0.. O.' -• 9%.ezu.17,' - "f-dirfr ai s'.E_ - C,it e ~t'L r - - ieliiitii-asl ER §al b , ith-,E= , 3 .1g1atiu .5 .2 = 4:11 2 ., ..9 co al Et i CO''' . Z iili 4 1 1 yi..4;j4 .1 1;i71e 11 h f-1 ,1 es E .,. AftE..EAt 2g 'A . 6'l l il lila . z. , 7, `;'._ c hnliV'ti t:- ; Pea - ... '"... - - - .1:: - --- 4 , - • ~ .• , ,It - 1g =, - " t 1 -- - = , - ';.... CO i ga - I CC 4 DI co = --- t`Er , f-;.:..-tS..I--.....E. ,, E7,.. - .i' . Et-: t.v..,•.' ra., 7" -. ...t .6 .1,rc - '".;.4.4Y.-3.2- a• - •-• irz , cs ••• 9. e . E .-...9. s':-•:Ey...e---.-s*I""•4 - °7l 'Zi'•'..7..:ii.l - ,MES.ti z e4 4- 2.i J. 201. g 2 .. ~ f-4.e.11,Exp0E.-3,., :.:,: a- a ,I'` 2 ..,: , i4i... 4 ,1.,::,ti1 1 it.3-age-.7E,,,,a;cei...4 :-.7 .4 -, 5 tig i z - -2,!1!-. E . ;,:„1 ..,.3, . 4 1.;11...w... :11 6. 4 . : - .-- , 'El - It':-. - '143.i.E1i5i5 7 .1 2 `, ill 4 ~., 1ii . 35.;.7..1,74734&-..F„:ilg g A co 4 -: l l.;;;:iiiiiirftt.t.:l l ll4 4 :ll 24 . 4 , 2 gile''2 ' S i V . iliiiiEitilg r .f : Tili ; ' . l.ilii" Til l .., O EI : . .;: ,, ,,.. , V...! .. r.t,3:.2 1 ` d 1ZE1:22.E.A'..i:02:1;''2!. .''. -.• .f, •.,.....9..,_ ; :..,.-0,. E .i..... .2 1 e.0117 t .4 15§;-Eg , -- -'' 1 i - P1 4, 4 7 .3a1.111 .8 • 3 !'; -I Tai''' 4 ll.P . 3. o :3 .7-`-lz r g4 C -. I ty .1 iltile.2l 6 .rl-Ig,t-.' e. --,....., E„,,....,. 2c 1 ...,_.. f 4 ,1 CO Dr,1?.41 e11 ) 1 !1. 1 F: I lli :-- iir .4. tz '... - z , si - 41.:!- - giagt.:74 , 3 -•-i, 1,?..,..4.:,,,1-4 ar. 117 - AOVINTII,--Wlki I k CESON, JOHN D. NORMAN, Plusbcrsgh: It•M. CURRY. A Ilethemy Orr MEDICAL INTMENT I aszn i tglys, , CONTAINING NO 31618 E N G PANACE_AI _ IICURY, or other Min .„ fleo THOSE SUFFEELNO WIWI GISSMIxtri t ' LL — lt hatMr "'Ai. 1 I.UNGS.—The unprecedented succors. whlehlthe nut. ell 1 0111P.M. SCROFULOUS nee ded these or a PANACEA ;MOILS, SKIN IDS. ~, vs Ea, POISONOUS • ell out venous forma which trek.. of the limp ah tiuNeas a , al. c h nr ,„„ semen, itas induced the proprietor again to cantata . etridernatten, and b a n I . th" heals dam. WONDEBEI.IL Pi - 7 t ". cr'rry t is rightly termed ri. e amicable weather tol l •S ' ,1 . ,„ FragUrio, foe IROgel 010014 104.1•Ayi 114,0". re a scarcely • die- COLDS AN CD . „,„,„,,1.,.1 „,.,..„, s t, Chess, If neglected, me be. the tee.. It will not benefit. 11 .. 2 . 1 Yeet - sams used RI. the last COS of the chest, layewing Tho uneaten, then, lurw trM aT r inlp the dentiertr en 0a es and respeasibility, and 1 declare Me Ludt how shrill we Sid testa: . of oat meets arid '-.rot- he .0 omit, that net in one casts has II miff aofOM R I tZrthme to the lattltUr n t r 6 THE . Atin'OLtY . V r."I w b'''fir 'l '' ' am Pent wee 'Mthin th ' ' ''.'l' .11 be raimd m the GI — nal, Panatea. d proof *MD Meant. means. I I hove had physicians learned In the proftiden. I we bate from urea to ti m e published the cantle.= of bare toirdsters of the gospel, lodges of the beneh, el- knees of Our best known ettierlaserhtsitavoerel . darer. lea yen, gentlemea of the highest credal., e need its curative powers Ther,will eta. l ln , mid mtiltitedes of the poet use it in every canny of dummy from all parts of the men M way, mot there b been Mu one voice—one universal of MEN OF TIER FIVHEiTANDING, . voice ruying—urd'A.LLlSTEß, YOUR OINTMENT Hinaters of the Glospolare., together enth copings wi t (Ammo, teer from the Is 11. 11E131 ATISM—It remove. elnuret learnedistely JOURNALS OP THE DAY, the indorunieuutt sod swelling, wheo the pain ceases. lee be. embodied m pamphlet form, and tnay be bed i Rasa the (thecae. anituul the be...) emus of any of oar awns duogA m tt the mummy, ate A 0-.1 rliE—'fite eels° has eased persona of the HUNDREDS OP • bee .e. he tit twelve years mulding, end who had It knee been need is this city. r re** ~, week ~, th at, coat tung leek p 1.., &LE- THOUSANDS AND TENS 0 THOUSANDS AC ft i , IIIoTII. ACHE. and AGUE IN THE FACE, throughout the Unned States and Canada, and we eh* ups oe ped wtth hi a k 1100.014 tangs any man te Point Out a I 1. A 1.0 HEAD—We have oared easel that actually SMILE irimsi . icr. doe er, ever) dour known, as well as the ability of ifs a which, when taken according to din:Mims, and he. . c o n meld) doeuoa One man told us be had spent fore the lungs had become fat al ly dleargenteett, It has 1 ts .• on his ehildren ...hoe my benefit, when a feet eves tailed to I tin r el of Ointment clued them. EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. TElVER—Thereat nothing hetit for the ears of Why, then, reed the artieted hesitater Why morel to Tett., the tamer.. austrasety game op by ens ...o.:.4 1 11/.. 6 1 itURES--It Is one of th e best things in the world for oats. Ice the assumed oared of some CO anima pay. Gem. • I steam, and pulled mm namely by certificate. c. pule PILES Thousand , are yearly cured by this Omit I sous equally anatownt Wittig a medicine a ment It v.. tans to giving relief fin doe Mies UNPARef le. lebli EFFICACY lia - Around the boo are directions for vaulg Wel. . to to he bad, whose vouchers are at katie,—oar ode* saver otvett...tfat bcrothk, I.le4tr Complostni, Errefre- hors,--many of wk.& It hag tat, Toter, Chid/am, gerilit Heed, Sere Rim, gamey, SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. mar. Th..,, Vcrterus Aff.,orm Pants. Do. le order that the intriluable medicine amy- tom Platatd 43/11 of the opt. Hood a the, osnono. Deemer.. Cm seer, within the reach of the poor es well the deb, wee havel /hots', Coe. oil &smut , of tee Skits, San /Apr, Pan- Pel ate Price at p.ks. 4-e, Stfellters ef Ote Limb., Sera, Rhoomenne, i ONLY FIFTY CRAnk les.o. so. ce-Ae l'ales, cold Pot. Croup, St.tSmelled r ßthkes Greet; neat IKM one ball the metal cost of cough ~.4p.e to sits Pima /a Ito lot sale by one agents to nearly every town and village LULL/ SltET—ld•er Complaint, pain is the Cheat stem the weal, who ars prepared to gtve fiat i e r gaag , and Stde, falltur off of the ham, or the o th er necompa. son nilatire to it T. SALTER, Propneto r nodcold feet Mlle Ointment la the tree remedy i i t ßroadway.Qua -Ohio ntum-O a a sure math a di.e.e to have mid feel. DtcB P. ti.)-11rAbgNIPS sAR RI SAPALLA—maI CORNS—Ctecemonol us."( the Ointromat will al- _ Omen of Dr. Toenuendis Gennine Sareaparilla, mays keep ear. tram Flamm( People nand never lOM reed and foe rale by R.E SELLERS, 1c troubled te•l. them il ORri use it frequently. 07 Wood st. only Agent for Pluebargh Oct- 'l ti... Chnoncist to good for any part of the body i Jae By et Al CURRY, Agent for Allegheny city _ or Inn. when inflamed. In some cameo tt ahoald be Ifi'DfiePAT/110ESTADLIIIHISE/NY, I spoiled coca. ramursatntoz. IMAMS CO.. Ml, cAU rion—No nustmeet will be genntne unless the pa, ®WARD Amti take. ti d........ t . re _ I name of /Alit LS Mee, LLIsTER re rattan veldt amen , a „,.,,,,,, g h. ,,, ,b.,,,,,.. m 6i. ~.,..4 . ~, the ,..bhc on every label r the exteenve be hue lecesved, and in- For sale by ray Agree In all the tamely& cities and g a .,,,,,,,,,, ~,,.m tha, he ha 1 .,, g ,,,, ...,,,,,,,,,,.,..0 ..,,,.. men. in the Dotted BMWs. wall constructed buditteg, for tie ezMusive purpose. J A AIES IireALUFTFRI of his WATER CURE keTs.LILISIMIENT, at Ms old Sole Proprietor of the ebeve malt.... location, at Phillipaiorch 4 Pa., on the Ohio neer, oppo. tly - Prtnemal Offiee, Net tiNortelluni stereo, Phil- sot the ei eent boulenang at Beaver, where he I. ready Mantua to receive putouts Le boarderl, And tea Mem au By. PRICE rel CENTS PIM BOX. I dmpatha prutelples In addition to his long caned. Actrrt• to Pireattuell—Dritain k Railer, earner of ~,,.. „„d g g , g .,,,,,,.., ,..,,,a,„ t ,.. he ... for . ~- Liberty sod Si Clan so-: and I. aide., Jr, comet of tea d e g t o . g . e. „,, a .„ , fee. „,, ~,‘ „ ,7„,,,g I . h i.';,..,, , Merkel ttt Me/ Me Dainotni, also corner of nth sad 1 he t aw mw the n adiugaat f ge a,g gg . t r ai .,,,d p i ~,,,,,... et a , at,; JII Cassel, corn. of Walton and Peon moon boilable erected for the purpose, elm. eta, ath ward, had cold al Me boteMlare MI Batitalleld ..... “,,.....,„,g..,,, ~0 , 0 „ ,„. . , .„,,, S t ied op Se3d door from Second st in Allegheny a rty by If P ii. er y'„„,„„,..,,, ~,,,..„,,,,,, nor 1,,a,.- and d 1,,,,' " . .L: 1 Sehwens and I Sargent; aI I G swab, W.Va./it ,- term/ the treatment to the mutton ttaterd and comfort megitam, 1/ Necley, East LP:man II Boer dr lac- of ate palienL Pkullipsbeeth is a most del.ghtful sod keeeport, I Aleserader & 5 , 0,, blotto:lsabela Cmcf N healthy allege, easy of me. t by steamboat., and et- 1 II Bowman ..s. Co, end I T Regent, Brownsville; lA. ear& fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker =MIL Darnley, Seater, Pa, are whobaole agents theme elated a m o re who may place theos.Pres un feha.demity — WATER:CVOS Eirraguasuatamp, -- w.f.*. aceameestesaanaice oldie sakaumuul benefit. PHILiPIiBURO, PA. IP Le derived, he muds with marmite. to lid bun ,' tHE rapul dude. leach klydnspaby ha made deeds , who have men semilmentlY Cited at hie aunt. 1 mace ate tittroductten tote tins country—the 0,11. t bestased. 'The Water Cure leaves no bnarlaus eaten. 1 ,,, a , „,,,g ~,,,,,,,.la ag co m a , ar ea ,. et c ow c r aw to behind.. a too ft the ease molt there who have ch‘ ,.., . ad ...,,,,. ~,,,,,,,,,,. „„)„...,.,„0„,,,, d e h er t h e been meat. on the oldaymena It reMovet the d//). method of the summated Pricartits, have foamltivigerelee tire slam., . Pasecte trark lhoifidili•i! the mod of m intelligent and dacertung palsies every , i r. ~. I to 00.101500 01 the weat her, Meal. a natlirel pante. of doubt .o to at. earkep, are gamed. la tun. i and aeon, appetite, and impute Ingot to the digestive Tenet fever ing the Consider ansatialamory read(4 Eawarot. Terms of treatment and boardmg reasonable of rem Iles heretofore mad in the mamma ef eitroMe Fes farther particular. Inquire a the est.lishnunt, or complaints, teamplauns, too, winch am increasing ay. Wren the proprietor at Philllpsbutgb. cry year,) it Meal be a =total wish 10 Ma the laetrile MOM ^” of a method by which so many unfortunate sadness VIC JA.lfiEls Alalttet.alri Vs:. will be freed from their par= and Infirmities. We have been Informed by Min. Rose of acute peer-' I I The mh.rther beanie practised saccesseally dal formed oohed by Dr. Javart , e Algeratlyst, whtelt method im eight years at 1,11. Ilydropathm establish- proves 11l sapenonty aver every other remedy of the an; winch has been conauterabll enlanyedsand ire- Lad She has been alllieted for the last sixteen years proved to all OF pans, and in emery iespeet, is now , Irak ft hEXOSES ot WHITESWELLINGS, manded ready to reem e and accommodate patient. who May MAY ulcerations sad enfoliatien of various hot:made choose to place themselves under his can, sk.M and , ring whicktinte manygutheskeve been discharged from ''' Pl ' ill7p n s e tilug, sauteed open the tell bank of the OM*, ih wlt e li ' l• mil handa a mt ill berth Icfcc.aatern llthymnbuthrlefi opposite tie mouth of the 1110 Maya, te well Imown fira oral tam, sad from the tight knee, beside. pante] for its rewashinr unl salubrunte aunesphate, lb. at- &leers on aluminum of her person, which have Lulled lightful quatne. cud charming natural .tmery,com the aklll ei a amber of the most admen phystmansof tuning every reueusite to reader dm aeloUrn of the in. eau att. —daring most of the time her satiating& have I rand airreesha, mod coeuthuting, not a Lute to recs. boat exerinating and deplorable About three months taidish impaire d and physical mceugth. sm. ate wail Minced to try Dr. Jayne's Alterative. The establishment, the first steeled in the United winch hat bad an satemstunity happy effect upon bu t Storms, 'Same, comm. every thing, both for pleasure and ,Ay remitting all pain m e swellings, and calming La eomtort, of to Insure a speedy and happy ter- simue to heal, well* at the name lump hergeneral health 01110000 of the adrooots of the Potent. bas completely restored,. Mat Ma 6011 Welt Persons ansiong to avail thateaile. of she advents- 1 itt 11.4 morn thee she did befere she commenced the ees here offered, will plea. eddre. the nbeeritor of thi s truly valuable preemie:L—(B.i Eve. Yogi by letter, atom. aald,) Manna M near es Mumble the For further tetemattott,uspatre of Moe. Rose,No. la , nature of their ecumplamts, iu order to decide end a& Paten st, Phlladelphm. vise no Moir fitness and curability by the Ityritopethie , For sale in Pisa:up at the PEKIN TPA STORE, treatment anti asst mbar mill bee maessarT ler Me UP 1 71t Fourth IM. Mar Wood . 114 - - take along, for their especial and personal ass. HDWAROACKEtt, M. D. Proprtetor, Bsraaascan—ifteZ=l; " , Lriss ''"' Ho * l7 Clark, Esq. do; Hon. Thomas Henry, Bearer, Pat Dr. Barker. do; Prof. Ch, l'illsbutgb, Pa; C. Perkins, Bag Ohio; Her. S. H. Sneed, Near Albany; Ite•. M. Abe.,, Pruieetnn, N. J; T L. Stratton &Ns Now York; Ur. Ch. Winter, Philipsburg; Wm. IL Ale- Connel. Esq. Pittsburgh; A. Bidwell, koq., do. PECI.II. STA, 'TOMS OF CONSUMPTION.— C . Outer pale. hacking cough, general weakness, restless sleep, variable appetite, 'oared.: Wolves, pains between the shoulder blades behind limo-tests Frerroas or Commerrio..—Colgithig night and day, flabby muscles, reeved debility, great diem... of breath on going up roes, astendtag • 11.11, or walking but • lade fast, pulse always above old kindred, for week. together, drenching cold eats • totrartl..Olortlitig. Catarrhal Consumption comes on like • common catarrh or cold, but about t h e period when that dia. ease ussmily is expected to subside, ume of the sump toms are aggravated. The cough Is more trouble some, especially wheulyieg down. Terre i• no fixed pain in the, chest, but dithcalt breathing, which isl worst on lying down. The appearance of Ma expo.. turanon, whirls is copious, is changed from a thick yellow mucus, to a thinner substance. Id very on pie and to the patient, sud traits WI unpleasant well When burned. It is of an aniform appearance ' , • probably a Mature Of pin and Metal, all on emzeitall with water part Sinks and part Tide disarm. may rear in any habit or at any age, and is char.• leaned by the peculiarity oldie COnf , i , i. _ The Pubes of I..iverwart effects I cure of this in sidious disease by expectoration, south. heal. the affected lung. It never fails. Wherever this medi cine has been used. we hear of lo alumna. For thir• torn year. it has been before the public, and bag LH,u thornaehly tested for all complaints of the Lunge, and has proved hsolt superior in merit to nay thing to ass. l% • might give hundreds of testimonial. from Arai -6.n.0h0 Press, clergy, and those who have been ea red oat .11 we desire Is to roll the anention at the at. Illetra, and for their own grad they will try it. t-ook nut for counterfeit. /thirty. observe the rip naisre, "Gen Taylor, At D.,. on the engraved label rlepared Om Wholesale lkpot, 73 llneksitari •ile,t, New York. sold lc PateJurgh by D Morgan 33 Wood at; Townsend, 43 gfarkat aG Il Bonsai., cot Market and 3d als; 11 , ..nderuin a Co, 3 Liborty at Price reduced o 1430 per bottle. mari MURUAN'S WORM KILLER Is the best Vending. that any matt eon gismo? ore in his family. ‘VAPIIMITO:ITp., Westmorelaud to. Pa. , Mr John I) Muse., —This sa to certify that I bare her,, dd. your Veindfor for wed time, say about one your—and In that time I have dyer dawn it to to tail in bungle. wormsaway, when the syrapmm. Indicated their prtrenco. I had weldor, to intw Rio two grown up members of my family; I gave each of them one thew. and one Gilbert. pawed 200 and the oat% er er gsto worsts. It Is the best Vermrfago dint any man ran sum in hi. family. L W. Vend. ereparvd mid roll by JNO. D. MORGAN, Dnigitat, one door below _Diamond alley, on Wood st. jud NRIAT.v, Av. - rte.-I'am Red — birk. C oh( tic F7ker, lllodide Potash, Stsychtdoe, Chloride Gold, Liver buThor, White Precipitate, C) motet Potash, jest re ceivied and for sale by Jul 8 BSELLER. Dll0;! DRIAJB!"— Chino. toe, Chloroform, Ext. Bark Pmcip. lodide leo; Nitrate Silver, Oft Copalba, James Powder, Citric Add, Chloride Soda, Chlorin' }Sher, Estrum kbotany. Extract quassia, Just reed and for sal. by a a saLt.p.aa, jolt G 7 Wood st OrMA 110 A OF VII LoOkLIVIS /34.4 DA.—li decomposes the elms or peccant priest pit of .01 cont./pee di.easee. It removes the danger ous effluvia uf stek rooms to. ay Ito cleansing trier. gy it relieves ulcers, and intercoms all tomonialicable diseases, whether fu man or animals, At. Just me/ cod fur .ale by lull IL SELLERS, 07 Wood it 4 T the sign at the Plane and Saw, 7d Wood street (1. a complete as.rtment of Cineionati Cooper. 'fools, fur tale by myld IJAUFNIAN ACAULArri — IIISTOILYOF lees edition, containing ail the rootlet, verbalist et literatim, of Vols. I ands of the Loudon edition, em. belhoned with a portrait of the aelhor-11 Vol.. lo one. Prier, complete, See. A hirge supply of the above re. ceirod end for sale by JOHNIIMEL.I.()R, roehOß el wooden utt u O n7 taLL : t ri i . 'l , ,, l c l o,o ut2o l l V 41. 10 ,1. 1 .1 1 . 0; tho, MA— .B. lSa h lt w erf u s 14 , 1 rae'd sad kw J. at th e Pekin Ten Sion, :a Fourth et.. earn ....unisb—LovansuVa . snyacal owl V V pulverized KorarsOnstritotl water $24 . 17 the bbl or at wa i l , or tee-Pekin Tea Stare, 717 et. ratft REVIVAL UR. TOWNSEND'S SAR B APAHILLA.-60dozen Asa received of Dr. TowssesuPs Sarsaparilla, the most extraordinary medicine in Me world! This fix. D.' tapes apro.qaan haulm Ric six time* cheaper, pleasanter, and enameled 'varier to may sold. It cores divesr veithestveratints, parsing, sickening 01 debilitating thepatlain. Lona 001 wen . rartona.—traprinelpled pc . trgems have copied 001 labels, and pat op medicine to the game shaped book. Sae that each bottle haathe wrimen name of 6. P. Townsend. FL E. 8111.1.66.5, Uniggim, 57 Wood street, between Third and Womb, is Dr. fotonsenita only wholesale and retail agent for Pinabargh, of whom the genuine article oav be had. D. id. Cam has been appointed the solo agent for Allegheny city, of wtiont toe genuine .vela can be apt 11- A. Pansarroca, A. Nets, t- taw U. 1. Pasumenem,lPlnshargh. G. W. Fausarroc, W bolotalo Drag Stars In Um 011, eT Now Yolk. 9111 P. ontionigned ago extensive) , engaged In - the 1 1A helmets Dtag boahren at No. 49 Johnityeet. In Itur etc, og Now Yolk and are prepared to soppy Urnagtels and enritatry Merchants with Ibises, Palma kL. Ilye-watle, repro and AmeriCati Peilamery, lisA its A seem & Mender's Chewiest.; tor their own on or of ace au ether antelel theie nue or brist les& of talkie° toodlr, as low ow they gad helm.. Wawa to lOW at any eaten: MIT. • Yaw Tort. Febig ILA. a ovionmeic k r Dn WrillsoroColibrototr --- C 1101661 AND NUMMI BEDNINEs. rm. ; rvblld are mgplested'So read the following coo -1 tiheate. The medieirie n eXtensivery need in an the noathata and Eastern eines. "Wri do Candy Loins iitcnir, of York, fen, mot antler Ms are mud inanagern.d, on or about Ilse ant of October last, I young min laboring u.der a severe attack of ^Asiatic Cholera." hhat we assn. bed Lite said patient, and fiend him to be in the col lapsed stem, of that Metre, with frequent and copious nee water discharges. nal we priatorween it a case believed genuine Cholera, and declared moreover Inn we believed :be and'palient was beyond the hope of mod lest aid. In fart wa thought the patieut would die, and so declared at the time. We further certify that the said Louis 'Meta pin saed his own mode of treatmeul, and admlulsteacd ms Cholera Remedy, and reenact a cure of thepatesen We Mink in four days the teener the said young men watt at work, autlyterfectly welL Juito C. Dosser, ILL D. T. IL Durator,SL La l certify that I visited a ease of auxrdisdaolata Un der the cue of Dr. LohisWickey, aro? that I believe ... .. . hie medicine relieved him... Sate of tdaryliutd, Weshinston Contitil to tilti I certify that I tun well acquainted with'thesernie. men who hare . signed the within eertilleates el' Dr. , Loots Witikey, and they. are moo of retpeetibility, ltueannamy whereof 1 hereunto tubacnbe my L. a. name, and adtx the mat of ery olkee, this four. - • lOoOth day of November ,_eighteen hundred and , thirty-three. O. U. WILLIAMS; Clerk ' PITTfiEWR.GH GAzEltset • w-htha Comfy- Coon , Minium& ' pomaartll7 DAILY, Trts.wrximy 0, =mum „.1 I ritualised the administration of Dr. Louis Wick-•. I S A lJ A „ a ryritts Ist 4 "k a p a lerri di Ttirkr k ‘e. '' t. Ines, Or least,. ~ -...,...., i era/meant:ion for,Chalent, bishe oese,ef an appeal-' • ~,,,,,,, o f jit i • • . ••,. , „ wa r u" Li> th e plantring business in this town (Hagen. Oman. e) . Ills was %Well masks:4.4ms , ..f.Attiode Cho- Ten iostittions withoutelteratiOne,:a'A'ae-eh4.. .....V. 1,11,, with rice ROW eaaanannua, CAW elauttay akin,, Bute* . ' " " " ....'.e':...•1111_1-, cold to.tene, Arian treausloqspolacu—leonsidered his . Ova Week- ~ .. • - ,'y'l ko ,--- situates. truly crideel and taunting. taaw him pm , Two Weeks " " ' .::::g . ... mos to Dr.. Wlekey, and wasp:remit at the Wallo w • Three :" sa s••• .4 • 3 Off ' 'ration of the Seat data of medtein_ ,e mud oar bins Olf• , ~,.._ ~. ~. ... .44..0 4.1:0" pettedly oaring the attendance of Dr. Winter; he Le. ! 2 . ..r1et elektk, , ... - - •.• 4. , ~ ..... . ..-. roma Ito ea to be fib* to attend 10 aud,wor. .011,* trade nirweelays am um be in k warrel4"3 . " the ineelielne admudeed by Dr. Wiekela..:- Mona. W. D.. 14 M. , The only tree and geed= Dl6 WUZ.M% Cbaetn and Diarrimea kledmine meowed and wld er/mle ule and retail, by /URN 11.1f0110AN, //retrain... nab= one '--- below Diareendel,ey,Wpgi G RATEFUL for du ray dlmmral eneduragOneaLl Mara maimed for w nun! Ton* I' biro dethr mined to. ttli/ITO my badamo anoiderably. Haring 4:= 1..n5d . r . 1 : 4, 7 774 2 , t r*" , and . :d uk an' o ihe ite l vwilliriberti: of l a.boariu:saal7.. Omuta and an.. o ot larige amok of UPOOIATE- Rif GOODS .t.d Bad., Atantassas and Bedding, - Ma ud. m..,41., Dammam and Maroc., Con:does, Mt ,..., bo r dmriap, Taarelt r tplis and Railer lt indm. and allay article assally,kopt lawn assaoltidunont *Lao kin. °Ow respettlay itallelup.l antl prpmptly L iW N. 11.—Carpos made sod pat 0611113. • MI. NOITLR ' I. 4"" keP N * I aril; tor iale. - "-- 111 , 01LLS & ROB-. - II - WED AP/IMF= bull In t = aFa bariate by AP IP sox • 1. • V G-S tu'r I_ i -, . ~,., ..,-....4 :-.‘st..,:a :1; 1.- , .. • . 'lf,. , , .. n4,11 , or ill, • CY4.1 , ,,5' Dr.i zip.,, sad it allprleas. -eviarelovitedtocallinao , -selves, as all wir4Olaill ; f Marti deduction -lAblli - 10 .„ A WiNTORVIII7 • . _tut.l I,li . I 11, vt m aeato <macro! ail taxa Comm', alvvehhats and a eshadrus the above for the wholetale or rebid; had a itoteella parquilera. _aabily • • Motto* to 1017$ bitchy notify oor 11 Ur at • haalwwwl abroad Ltt catogsamwatt, receive w Lich. Newhin Jour- 4 3'1a ai alll — r - OX OLIN 11111.46 VA CO., Oticaelsors to Cobb, linne t!l hency to Co, late /dcrehato Tallow") No. 109 CHESTNUT Suee; • .Love Third, 'Philadelphia, bag leave :to beam that, friends.awtpauuns that._ they hale received the bitevt SIMKO AND SUMM. FASHIONS, with It largo assortment of NawStyle 6000 S; eatoptiaing Cloth., Camas. tae, Vaatinga, &a. of ovary &radiation—oil of which are of do:wawa in,. norlation• haring beta carefully 'actuated of Per* Loadou,aa. . . . lyg• allgera nahing Pldiattelphle, are wake/Sal l ltZtoasill and examine Iheir exmaiive stciet: - mebakdc.m. „ . ,IPUtalCe Vndiao4corAspoiiilinii allt nor; moss frelimAnguuly Baal kw ODES & A60438N. .I. l.l t!Fos i t i f l i ntr . P Ptg l er tn j tircti T or e ec t i tt ;WI; Important to persons that wiab to Id. dont (ea airy LL me= Me loather from oracklog, and will tag 4 over it. For salt it the tads Ratbbdr Deem, o b Wood aunot. mud ,1 k 11R1111.1.1F14 .-uo4rin ao Da 01.11d3111 OW Rlltl THE substeriber, wholesale manuteetererof 'JEW; MEV, ,ovites wholesale dealers and pedlaretra. L. ' eV and uh rod I e V Lo toe 'l T ' ot ° .re cr U Zlr ' y sold 01 the loan= prices for cash or approsadiceept mares. Constantly no land and reartafaeteriegi - If • large asserunem suitable for city or estarag Meer, - E. O. A. BAKER, corner of Fourth and Breach 4414 Rap stairs, ipitbdase Vbdadetallia „ Papaigianatrija s HAVINO porehamd at three at the ties In the East, (Neer York, Philadelphia; and thwintorej a large assortment of Ma nearest and lost improved styles of PAPER tIANGINO3JIOICOEIL% he.. and made arrangements by which I will be mi. bled to protest oil-haw Patterns, straultaneoue WWI their appearance in the &mons market, I arstalkin;il rtm the attention of those desintrg to have Mel. hoesea, papered with the latest. .tyre. of to . 10 - eall Watt h examineray stock, heforp pareliasing elsewhere. , , I hare ' hod/ on thd the . Faro dd,Ottd ilkfteld of Gold, Satin Glared, and commie taper illXIE10". - ri 'which I can sell at pled, ranging (tam lag ctito $2 piece____ umblS ti t: 111f..10 KZ woo:tit Bacon Snook t mC., LTA VINO last completed MC mbus.liairofour meta LI houses, we ale stow prepared is receive meal, seal smoke it in the mestmerchaemba marmot. • ,„ The houses ore fined with all the Modem - trapiO4 , meaty and are capable of conusining (11,1e/(klba,eadr..‹. , .. FilKEt .11/NE., Canal Basin:: at neat'Sesentlftet. eretisienligimP PTlLe)3ll Pi rt? ;- 12: 1 1t ri ve: 18 it. &C P. hartill o e, Pr a emr . otorai will be c a nal:slily '"- ottoptied with all die deferent alter of saymil/44al li ty; so.' which we oiler at the logeet :Cedar priceL • ,„ • REINOLOg•L'SIIge," *. „corner .panct DO4CESNE.WQAKILC nOLEZIAN, lIAILAIANA. CO. ecielinge to nisei. la facture Small Iron, tortes and am. Blistfif Metal Pleuah, Fork stud nee Steel, linen, kirk.' and:Wort • Iron Nuts, all size., it:lo*e/ with • Coach:. and Winne Springs, ht( Pat, Taper and common axles., Having reduced the price of Wrought Iron No engine huilders and ethers using the article, will. fin 4 at to their interest to give this new branch orPittalmmit mandaethres their attention. (loath uimmings tmd.inaleable iron on libend terhilt. . Warehouse on Water _nd Fourth st• febel/t1 SAM'L.. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR;,, BICII•NOZ BUILDING., IT. GLAIR STIZZET, LW MST SITISCCED MOS NEW N'ORK AND PIIILADELP7II-A, And is now revolving • Ent, unortme\t 11:11 CLOTHS, CASSIDECDS AND VIISTINUN, Or THE .mrt• 4CA LITY AND LATEST STYLEA Match he la prepared to iaikd to ordo' INTIM BEST MANNER And in the Intent Fashion, oval° . Head quarters for Boots apt* Siboas' of Fourth azl muitbfichr.trecia, • 1•lriviS01G11, Pa. TCO Fl I lc SCOTT harms eemateucedpa lanail the general hoot rhos tatainers, whoksale lad retail t wean! reepeetnaly ne tut attentien of their friends and theiabila tinily, to the. splendid tam ..tnek, enitsitaug al taw* women.; twyit', tam.. and ettildreas wear at every variety, *unable for the season, awl at prices to slat the times. A splendid article of home made work each as geol:eutelis fino Boots, ladles, atlases sail children, tine wore. Piaase call and to mine tor yourselves. TO(11 . 11 & SCOW, • corner 4th and Smithfield ats N. it —Tra•aling Truoks,earpct Hags, Re. Re., al ways on band cud low for cash Country merchants would find it.terthCir Interest to Ewe its a call when 'wawa the city. m •hl4 s LOGABI, VW h/AshoOl 4 VU. EN/PORTERS and Wimlesale llOttlcrs m POPrigrt aa4 , Lloutcutio. Itardwara, Canary, Eaddlery,lca..,l2ll, wood street, Pittsburgh, ore now fully prepared wilß a recently imported stock of Hardware, entlery;Std- • 'Rory, .tiarcuwers' Tools, ea., to air. h'oryoßoht•Lh• • Mmes.:mats to Weston, llerchsitts, . as ha addit ion 40 the sumo ad•antages hrd by Oar prehtehesson, MOIL L , OR Log. & Kaimesly, we have groan, tacreitaesiallrlii cornice., sod luircksise on oar goods from Brat Linda 1/ 0 on the very beat Itrio& ftirriOr taro:Mum of the firm devote their whole 1 11 . UllOlllO4 salon, and fachug.coofident of Vying 401. isaebria, rOrpeolliillyroulicir a Call tram all Whammy / viaitUus narket mobil 'OA SALE. - 7 11111 E ninlerslgned wine the to a superior &Mehl r, of brick tor building, made by his Steam Pic* improved seaellint, for which he has Manned a patent, Kodak - roes to give pureruners.• written guannutothat they are strungeti sud will resin frost taut. wet sornin or iota imbibe lei moisten ut datopriesstlian aahfgt .. or bock , possestiing treitterisidy nil superior testate and much wo durable to even respect. each brick, beingsabjened re trim ptenune w Wrelfill to., pail . sentry a handsome smooth surface liar even edges, '0 they mine a front ages] tone beet inn brick. They have gored toe greatest spininctitni Wrati VLio] have purchned. A kiln ten be nee at my !haft! gad' specimen at the, invite oifira. , Those Llama supplied themselves for bunatugy, end VABhug handsome front brick, or superb:irk... 0.1.141 wan paving brick, can union Mena V is i ii4G.Gabtffa, , I / n."0 40 2 3 .1 ,12, 1949. IAT vie—iii;iiibli;;l Tame as. et. — sassal Ng ....Ye a r i 1 ablrevesat grades Of clean aboalta:ai wool, by ' Itly:21. II Lbat;.,Labesly i yh:bl isalll6'; COPARTSEItsiIiP-Ibeva No siuY ObNotlaa ' '1 with me In Um witolerate lairtareqa rivdsos it na Com ui..ton •IlanitiesS, Mr. Jobb I.l4l , oa44lntletlbtr'fatill '4 , ofJOllai WAIT & ell. , JULIA .IVATY. , . ._"? ?itibblar . raXJ, 1510. ..?,_ CI. N 1 I 'a (kaolin. o= dc Hearin Ay, d 0 4,. rikle Inm (3 ,HI o.ll9oMatt Pota4olruko 84.veti Caton::4 %Winn of Lend, eldneidn cblone zw.r, on O•ntl and Oa aalsby • 0 - 0.310:14,c 1 74 - 1 is . 1,.. ••••; . ;•-• d*Z A A* cm Longer adrertiremente to soma proporOeu....- 4 .4 One eirere,6 months, without altentionorr 10. Od 4- IS " a a - .. ia100. , 14 Cacti idditionnal lours for' months, ......./:="6"00:ir IS " ...'....*.eiffoO - P One squnre 6 irionliii,tllllllllloile at plemetial, 001.,• i t e. ~ . 0 " ' 10:1 0r. 4 7`. Caen itionalaniare for Insoontio.....4er:atAtig:ls TWo it , 6 mons, re'ershlontlienintre,6o 66 -0; Knob lional actare,6 menthe; . 1 ,,, - _ft " :'',., vai is ea :at -wsziais lir nowt -,.? , --.7. •1; Otte sqn .3 Insertions, :-.. i. 4..i. ,,, . - ... .r.-,;- , .....,i tub odditionatMortithit,;", .'.i 4,..,.. - auscuss. cows,— - . i nee lines or leis, one year, -,....i. -.- .. , -. " "A , 0 I,! , ni0nthe,.....c...._ - , .:',, 0 . p:`, 0 • one yelth.,dOlif f.: - . .-.: -- • '.f., , ' ~ , r 4i! n els month! +' , . . -;... astrAkivrocuros nt irszt rat LI 19kest,wriessriatertuarIV-.. . ~, . . ~4 ..Two,,. ,' , ',Ar A .i4r , .° .!' rtnitilling6.4 .. 1