The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 07, 1849, Image 3
2 BY MAGI*: IC TELEGRAP airmoUT • TztazonA eat THE PITTEBEEGH bAILY GAZETTE k IM ,( cnimisais PatirDsuqua, Aug• 6 FdANC One day later intelliOence received at Liverpool, states that the arrest ; of Prince Cassino, and the detertnitialion to intpriihrt h to in the evade villain, thial caused no little ncaprise anion' the Wahine. Later advice, from UT* confirm the previous romth, that a-another Vii" the French soldiery bad s in a ream unwonted 114 cpreheaeltile manner, Pulvtied4Wo l refugers !hag .. r c6ii i ,.... 4 i h e i • Crtti 1 bit wife and wound ed one Orbit oe/rip:its ;1 Consui very properly struck Ithe /lag and grillidre 4 , e house of the/ meld . the (3,3verp'or #nicied will, o dear, give _to the ielaredSloasul 'hill astilifaction for this co rage,—iall 14rbttilkii-delitqarp.l",to the coedigla put/kora "kbletribey deirrig. • 1 - 11.14LIAILY. Konntlefirtealtithation to the people is tAng folly cad put. The Hungarians have hooted dote ottu card provlainni, and driven their hones angle zeal* mooutalos. ICossutia hoot returned to Pesth, amid much en -throne= ou the part alba people.. Ptin.sradzeia, Aug. G. Presides! Tsylos, it L said, snit visit Lancaster on the 10th inv., and be at Pitutburgh or the 15th Instant -MURDER. A l' PA LAIY RA . Sr. Leans, Aug. EL* TYmmaiElltirit lhie"cityrvaa kntea ill*M- - myta, ou Tcurreley ; iest; by piceno Wise, clerk to the Post Once, ire 04 rely—mune, Improper int.- macs bMilegultort,aurt Wize's wife. 4:ftilTE-FECIaI : SANTA FE.' -' = .. 72 ! We 44 . !'doiiii-ftdat.§ante Fa to :be eth or A lareiitamber - r At thd_ddizens of SazdiTo hod . - left 6r- Joseph lane, erMisal„eri. was murdered re San •MiglinlAlltohert. Fhatek . .ld. Scene idmixtetiteruaging 101 pluiries. tined Coe .Orditinge, wider green Marihall, were murdered, oat Ate 2U,L oC Mira. They, ware at tacked O r Py of 2i2 Apache Indiana, on the ItAn Oita. Tie); en Ceeded to killing 2 or 30 of the Indiana, when thei nernatoder evl. Mr. Mae atudi and Timber,. Ward iiiere Iheralty eut'to Ogee; but managed ip aive abeir Lives, and reach Goa. tam. They schemed Ihr foortetu days on what they conktidelnup on the road. FZILT EILLINZT, JIIOO 23. The tills of emi,leutiott has principally passed this polo'. fdway of the compiuies were scantily supplied with provisions: !duel tiCkliell has prevniled z antong the emi grants, =4 'many have died. The nada leading. to the Gunners are literally lined with graves, George . Nark:mei , . tlf liatillen, Maine, and John Near, of 131sitaville, Pa., have both been st , tiously Wounded by the premature discharge of a gun. - Caps Btaidtbury and Lim. Gapisau, charge de:email party. Passed the for. yesterday. LATE FROM THE SALT LAKE-EHOLERA 'AMONG THE PAWNEES. Ste Lams, MIL B. The chtilara has madC its appeaiaaceiuiboig the Pawnees, and carried ell quite a clamber of that tribe. - The !liseare has brckta on; among the Osage Ladino*, malls atao preakiling among. the Creeks at Fon siaith. • KENTUCKY ELECTIF . . Loutstrimx, A ug 8. On the first sky of the election, the proalevery tietet ft4‘.l.lSeLej(islaiore we, 150 ahead. Marshall, (N'S!Ills) for Cangrem-wu 200 ahead °Mane, (Dem) FIRE IN. CLEVELAND—SAINT PAUL'S CHURCH BURNED. Cutruartn, Aug. 6 About, one p'eticlc, on Friday, St. Paul's Cborob was discovered to lin on fire thmtuthout the wheele and4llswes bursting though the root The church ,utas Unly partly finished. The loauto the society is Sparks in* the .Chs.reh lodged in the bamsoy Mews= G: A. fiktredßikandP. Rudy; which wem instantly in fia . tniu. and thils two distinct fires were Darning at once. Montt:442 baillags were tune ' PUECIIASE OF FORT LARAMIE Es. Lams, Angulo 6. We learn'that Major Sanderson hay purehased Fait Larimie Or the our or Government. paying 97690 fat it to the Tratieta. • CHOLERA. IN CINCINNATL CutcumiTi, Acl 6 For t h e 46. hoursopliok M moo folds'', there mime 18 itarrinienii from Citoleri, sod 1 I rosn colo , diseasm. 'eIEtaLEICA. Ur - NEW YORK. Num YORK, Aug. 6. Dutingthe 48 hours ending at anon today era 161 cases of Cholera and 77 ileatlin in this CHOLERA IN PHILADELPHIA. iptIADIUZILIA, Avg. 8' Reports give' 8 eases and 5 deaths us this city og the 49 hours ending at noes 1.044 Y. .HEALTH OF°ST. LOMS. Loa*, Aoga.t The (emend health of the city at omit( i.-very • • • Ditnikeths have hti r ea .reported At, the Ter. • htee days• . • -• '; The gumming, ergulatians, ,which vete earned daring the. prevalence of the Choient, mbeeddlecontinued. . Tboandiot: - )Meentieelrlillsoppeantd from mw the towns on the oppei titers. NEWYORK 52dARKET. illsw Your., Aug. 6 Ficrar—We. notice no *use th the motet. er Paid are heavy at . I:emotions rams, while t net grades ... ale marelnq4uerl for. Comconsaend Vestern *ad State breads ore quoted at sl,Bll ® 1,95 perbarral, straight Siete brand. at 51,90 0 and pro Genesee at 115,00 0 55,2 per nfo, Grain—Wheat is quiet, with ao perceptible hauge In gustation. Rya is selling at 2.9 emus btlabeL Yellow Corn is scarce. with sale. at 1 082 cents per bosheL Sees of White ai 60 et, • a mixed Western at 57$ a 2 9 1 n• Cotton—Holden are aa , olt 1 c. advance on Provisione—ldesa is heavy. and sales moderate Cut•meata are held shove the view. of per., consequently' we Cie repro no calm. Whiater—Sales regrdirty at 21 cents per gat. PIiSADELPSIt DditikET: PirII4I3ICLP BM Aug. 6. The Futtek generally La ;very quiet. The rainy • • bus eaitsed • of almost all door I . o slaess• • Float—The demand continue* quite !united, d the sales are r 0-.11.e / to a its. buitdred barrels city .ennsumption. or .took is quoted at '753 SC 81 per bbl i fresh ground, ,S.S. and extra •de at Maher Ggruen. I i vary i. e 11--The receipt* of wheat combine b;• and the ankle ts ID b wanted, both tat •Ohl and ebtputest e ward. Sales or SOU bola good red et 1104er bit. were effected en we beet) I further bn. ;firm —deMigis, .. Wm:a n remad. )rtoo Iktonpli,igonaPion„, 'Sonoma', fao, isrobDo_Lo Mon&Doved, Orem I:l9lltitkltil ~Sovamiab,.G.L., *joy at hlsibiti`rihnoted: ohn 13Clark; liar: Ir., lobe Elm Auditor Ora. =rl; ,, !ife . .Y?fi? - ; P*ol4, a Alnarroottortittsbltigh, who hod &den into •-A cellar ifter ItiO"Urr Pere," splll.loli Su ani se sererly!thaThevtits mutar m reBrsto from cry oat with tll,:r pain. , A•friena who had been Wog FILIIO.IBCIii A Co's RaWseteat and been eared _,... * ___,.Oxirserritint what rstashied in uos-bottle, L 0....0. , e5,0 ...limb grOstly Aoollen, be Mlle Ndetoly. , rellared to health to metes hours and ro front Vitt., " Th is to bat ape of • great number of . 1 1 , 4 Mae under the ob,rerrautoo of the . riletor. l4 ' P*Attrad and sold by Mei ,i 1 e PAIINLNTOCIi & Co. Omer date and Wood st. !, , soltettre went laves; to one eTtee m ot corn "U"Winnet , lontelslab/0 hum. . s. t" Pb,Jejekinte:. It hem in no cot 614.1 to 'mat attention Ira% the Eseelty In an 1 01011:' , tin, however, thevesotl. an '74 lhaesatutil etvre ore made to feel . V.lttiaveketae. The proprestorrot Ai feet itenhdeut. that 'they offer ID 5e44 erhlth thee has tested, and ha. MIS Whtnifair:trial bits Wen • at the Mae Store 01 ?,{3 J'XlDlrettrov • Vateoi Otos* d Minted litirtdicast cps es. /VA t...e.latut ~ii.nOPETOI.4, ,44 . 414 t 1111ld XIIIIIIII 111 • r • -; - ECORD. _ r "..w m ooAno Op s rezog COMMITTEE FOR AMU , raillita v. aro. Ism-Kalt. tuts twculku... 81%. .4IENT.I OF THE OCEA.N STE.A.MEIL•3. TIME or astuurn nto* Ur .rarktoston -Caieston!a-Douglars l2 .ll7. Fat Near York-Eoropa-Lou,-.lnly I Iroi•Bost.o,...Cambria-Leitabi Joly Near Y ork-Shatm.o. Jytly • SLIM Olt SAlLlita Ilia If elltal.1". rfiqa NeW York, Niagara, July . ..Zth. rruto Bona; COled,onia, August Ist.. Fri* New -York, Europa, August Btb.-1 • • RUM Boston, Calabria, /wenn Idtb-__ - • }efts New York, AmeriesiAllgost toof.. LINATO SOUTHAMPTON:OD Ufly:. lligN.-The steamers of IP CornpitY ;.will tail'. , F4ulnriy tines a month, a* -PROW NEW -YORK. 4u Vtalngtots, Capt. Ployd,akk July. . •. 1,11113, Capt. Crabir-e;VOtIt August . ' Vlfpihington, Caps-Floyd, Otkstaetn. . YROU BBINE.N. y fletnlann. Capt. Crabtree, ILtb July," • , ba'olk D ontion. Capt ord lath Augost.:l-- rotann, Ctpt Crabtree: 1111h.Seplesulior. FROM 80.1TrUAMPTON. ' Netintota, t.sapt. Crabtree, tletlfJuly. WttOiLtigton, Capt. Floyd:2db August. I(epalanut, Capt. Crabtree-, 217Ift'Septetober. Ortecs, Pier101:11.1g o,4zrrrz, ii :1 J. T uesday Altoroiag; Attgaw.7,3h4o. f Nrillehittge• of iwportaare were taaziferwei its •Le markitt,*wnentey ; every 111.14 wan very:gwet, pad olcel re*. - ery respeohwen, &boat the sari az at the tune'af 62r h. twee. Total vtEilther cootteues scum ltd dry, wit . ) the rive eontihoeitratleally to recede, with some If weber i the ehatjupl. PLICILTA—We can notice nothing new CA the dour markiiii piton, is arriviog from below, and, is a tense. quenee,aupplim are falling of. Soles hae4. oen pri it. eipallY mdefinsd to named lots from store at 11,1,7591.57; and 09341 by retail Small Ices are regVerly told from tlY4tint at 6t,Gb94,61 • bbl. Olatiril—neeeima condone very light, abl we bear Ottroia4l. of coasematrama—Pnxo , fizar , biliode-Corti may be fairly quoted at 374.140 e, rat thatsatic , l7l93de ha. No Ades of other vadat!. RYE FLOUR—Moderate mini ore 01101. e from wag. aid u 1it,66e2 Cit, and from note 11 . 2.1332,PV3 dr tad. SuppliC# are light OncilMikiMl—There is a Udall) desiand .. pit the mar. Yet atifiskct qu.ted rates, ..y. forty tbt sagailsO3fc (4 'fur tapir& in aids. Sala. of.LOat Sugar a range rifd Min:dia . D. Malaise. reiordoi firm atlaiiMe See at Ig69e, and Brea at 4;04 p !b. NKr:MONS — W. btma rtO Malarial ettatgra to no bs'. Maid Ws bead. • Bacon ecratinues ye.y firin at ytagg-Argitaia llama, gk far priihdlitigaml, aitit tbie f or sugar slated canvassed H 10211....: 9.4,1 Or Sao dem at Si, met oPoiiirs at Sic fr , et Dried Beef veiry se•ree . and witaid,eammandlne 7 4dothitig irtribilig to Lard_; game atiminally t« PrPATOES —palm from mOteat DUD Sp. bbl LiVlA . .l)7ySislea In a regblar.OritY diali f4r Pig, and Odd; ar,Bar.• HERS—We bear °lmmgrate antes ginlT, from More, at siO3:le p tb. 0176—Not mud, is dnieg fo Oil. tilsy quote eerszeoris feLows :—Linseed LatSl 60,01Stie• Cavoi Oh 1303136 e p gall. on! *lnner's a1:8549 p . - _ CattleßliM4F4o. Pr111,0[1.41 . 1114 Asir - 042, l&* aleSstreriogs comprised 1000Lcad.of BeetECasle. of whickisoo wars dr,ven to Piese Vorl; 3 0 tows end Calwesir sod Muo Edmip!SM'Lansei, Beef Caloc—Are moderdte tateud, undadsom sty .hest itfsos7,so p 100 •• illOCeirs mago - from Sig to 14 , k'Springet , , al3 to eV. KM! bey Cows $7 to Sls each. flo --41 a doll, sod sell sloorlySn 61,%111i321 fp Icsi 4=its:ll Lambs rune tom $1,44 :o teresch se• ii, quality. • 'F..-, ELatlaciat, Aocustl.t, 113.19 Cottle.-441tt +ha wales,oa Mottday, Iltero ewer,. cdarrd 91st head g beeves, of vabielt Oki wear aol4, mod vt.o wave ditraii to Ptoladalptua. Moe. vangrd hoist * to 23 Ilikix ii ili the hew% ekleal to 240 2 t 1 8 net; jo. aver, oCittg 44 1 MM.* . i dogs—. r quota from 8t,15.095A9. . • • . New ittiitionD, July 30, 1.00. ttpeentAitfo change. The wler',./nolode f4J httle ut otokatt Gbh on pivot. Teton • "%Vital .:e••lacl'utirtes in fur retattelt, sod the Oct , . ut vane* is Well sosoined. Sala of th:o Was *sub o,e, •1190, initt3s.obbls N thsest in whets siAlth• ewla - .Whalebano—A sale of 10,500 lbs N C‘hat ILIA s &mat 3 cetuth. Condleth.lfoles of 51 boxes :sperm st .3.13,5••5h till onAtVooo—Thore was Intoned tract telittited Sac«, dar.tts the week swims , 20th 1410 huwls %am; 7.u741 htils Whales Oil, and 10,010 fb. :•.• (Stopple Loot ssilsof fano Dosotswila .31suelrOts Betio;Angola:l.lSM. 'Corwot•The odsonee noticed list wrek gulp -Ith:int.-pa finn. The ditannd, httweYer. ts for small lat s , sital we have only to nooee wles otsoo hales sines ottr 1440 at Ottotet/ laden for theiditrareur Mints. Armed since oor t - --• Fresto•Ne*Orlestos, boles -48? Thn 1.041 Teratrt, of Cotton al,thirlitierstil.ports of the cootottOrtitot dept.' I, 18.1..1 t to ;Otos* asterism t•- Mani" • 4 .= Suite:dim hat yosti The have been • . To Croilßritsitt • Eniiieo; Enhdr - fat'o‘a wrts • •••• ... ..... -"PaV7Sit — ti,751.6,4 Sloth/. tin hood •• • 351,017 t 213,036 Dosoritit•--W, sonic.. fair deittardwif hotat eisange [apacts. • Md. /if.* out &at • perls,,baJe• and entios,..... Sinhitlanusry 1 TOW 184.9-4. ° 'v:-. PIC „:1,2tC,61.2 3311.477 INA% L. 34,3,63 engctl34ll. A ugaat 0 1241. _ Foil and (:rain—Owing tu the small qua nay elf,- ed, the maskat was gain to-day. Oat basset.. d rms.- no 's wits obearrable on the pastor bottles. the .ilea heard of were 130 labia Slow from Canal at &Mit Italdb from start it ISMS, and 100 dO Pito:4l;h brand at 415 „let gralst there have beets uo tralsietecro siaasno of non. Vla:sereipts of wheat are lunoustderllols. auJ Ptiaa• traletaninally Salriflotle. • s Prowlahistr—'oe notina sales to-def of 11004011 700 pe• jallootte•ablat mama. bataaat De. plf;:12 hhda is shoalde it 41e, an , d $1 for hitsl.; F 0 halo mesa posh at !Mo i st &11l boll, no 1 Lard at Ofd. 1 las er—the demand has been goad toilay. and pstras ,co iltt steady at last gootatiOaa Solos of 71, 5713 and 42 this from rives at 1710. 145 bbl. front ea sel at I,tAesand 3/ and 71 bld, Imre do at Ills} Lloatt•-111ales of to WlOl4ll, •t 155,111, .sal 5 Ntble fair, and 45 111/Blood iais at s}e cosi, 4 Tab ( o--* sal. of 40 t•ga NO o., A gnod Lento- I y. at 51e. il .! 3 eleterAttati-- I, sale of I.lkushisii . ,Ae. Ltsalt4tii.lo of Wear& Chestnut Ott, Cris boot, AM mil alsll • Bair r m tr ieolift —The - folloieltije to tha inn out, ia vale 'aft/p.ona the port al irshimoie to to. • =A. Po ' , for the mouth of istyoB4l. 0 ; lea. : obi Dom,t. *prbdate, retgaWschutdise duhrusts 54,7G0 t 4 Asia %au s rig ca AC, i.. , ' file . a:751,.": a... 41 , ; s Bah. ConiPlane, A 30111[116 til 1 ;e . Iti iiti-BAlSLYo3ll,lcOPtsquil• Donis 1411..1410•D COMPAST —W. MILIe a.. -.Cul a y lest, by I truisms,. tat to the. Treasurer of hlisyttinA MAL Thle. sd , ed to the prowled. amount now sod. makes EWA I) paid this year for arrears at interest. • , Walt. Coo.t.lour. File*Ls-os Mahn.. so—The Treasurer Mary dared Multpie t pay ne a ponies °Me Public Peb.. un the Mt GI October me,. 1, .111 be rermattseMd that whets theiSiaze revalued We paresellt of the its Public Debt. the amours of Interest unpatd were faVddi aleki per scot payable annually, redeFenn•ble u the pleMare of the fltate. ,Toss funded d. W 04104.- ed - a 0been41363 WO, and dm oat fourth of the Ono. soy /11117,100,:thid We Treasurer 11014, propoks to pely oti thlt dul INpf -December, 15.113,11,4 beleurplufbm the sr Treasory-as ersuoooo The. reedpub LIM WuTree— or( bevel been greatly increased !Malmo, antikho net aospla. on AB 1.t.0f Donomber, WA will be: much mom than the above soot This truly, grmjfy,,g bn ddion of:the monetary affaus of inaryland, ee/1. eta great credd,nla the pulgraent and pradonee of the Trea surer, Dr, 11.1:.1* Amensim. . . ST I.4trieSee Citannathi SM. CA'N•L A meatinOirite held it Montreal, oohs filth t., at which re/ohtdow ware owed *lraqi). in &sof, of the cousin:wiles of this 1.00 pledging the co4pers- Uotior the rpm:mg with the ditirens Of stew Yott havis mooed la the matter. A COSailittlo I.l•lpOniutstl to meet die Tr.). committee, and torsisit and earner tho dm o the proposed cans I.—Wilt. America+, . - Lust latot —We hare bad itraications. at sum. note, Mat the in odecilon of Lead from the cuittetOst mat mammy bas run Increased to any thing litre the inatem ad demand Or current me. of g rapidly Increasing pup. otubn, or the new impvernents le.themecnattlic art, enlarging;tniinumber o f user to labial) lend bad Leta hpplled. ; , i, addition; Mate bat been lho inerOw , r water works • ( r t ores, and the very great additional ceramod fat pipe, to supply this Illtltillcohhisl,l.:, The nmlt of W; this is, that The consomptlia is gelato; ra MOM wee* the suppry i 'arid enc.. hire, for Ave at pears, bean adrauesag. IVe carnal tow atlhrOtimee for ataletical Fitleteuce, and elm smutty note the lam that Ire °tee lour ream the price ha# tier. root b g op. tight now ja his reached the" highest polo:, (or en hem, Fn or y.., ) , te the price was about ti —Lhiree iy can I le''''' , . , Years uLL. and now it is a lno. r We amjectirmed tbaciu conammenee of tine ;trade I advance (ette pries or teal. um ma o f-imbibe. ot white Ma hint the biome. hoproAtable sure have be ay' en d nati.the necessity of advancing the price of their man fieture.--(Cia. liar. ~ . t.• TORN - .6crieetl3EdD, Dingle; and beename r. 0 Na. alga:kat tbree.doors .btrra Tblrl YW: burst, will hey* comma/My op hand well enyuaent of the ben arid fterhedl bledublea, wide!, b: will sell as-the pest reasonable MIMI. Ply foment. 'sandbag olde . l, will be promptly at ended to, arm tap ; plied they erey rely sport a. ego Physician.. Ereservuom will be accurately and due de y prepared Gem the best material; Cl any hear of r OA niAIL Also bird a largo slack of (cab and prod Pena Mud b tfie — partnatilalp. akrigned hare thirdly aeserileed *id Item nee, JAMMU SCHIVAAIT4, and vrtil I on *en as heretofore, ender We Gme A. PAIINES roots WIHE apt e in th b elb Dentist-Corner aria:twit. and Decants, hauteur, ltarVat and Oar ii, skeet . "1 4- a ti7iii PCatt Wifilt--4:biley, — WelibeTif Ftirretter . ..',..1R14; Pare etch Ind dry. Goted, thinphell & vo , a old dry t BlB PACiarit c a 0161, rata tt - 40' Pure /sleeper dwelt, Port, Harris k Boni, rare Juke. ihre . afettlee. his tad *Walt • Geve. There .eriadS'ate ail cergbra. ted tor their &i field propel and;aan bo had V 010"! sale or reiallAt the Wins Stole of ' : iy4 , W -., J ACOifitiLit 1 lifta r . AYCJIk.94 iNii — liiir — ,ELFlTCZ.Tne sah - taleihe - ; has 'toed ort hand a Boa as.,ortinent of basil:off ish and lie...with Gold and Stir. Patent Lerer Watch es, at as to juke*. are offered to the I:astern deer all ingeod Oder awl warranted. . . • _jyst . tv tif Myji...siolsi:, . 3 M. , oth and Blarlet au • _ . D111t091011:011 AT w uo4iirefamr..i ' ' fir R: !aII.IRPIIV inviter theattention of ther. vy . .hood to. the lame aapplystf,lloW GODS*: itS•l I opened Lek nisiattaderalisltooms, as Id story, utellie e .“ corner 411 imisarket streets, PlashatO -This' twilit itiasecsd MA, rat thl+ spring. tir!lnt. away 0,4100 Sarsroods itt'redased- Nike, set etyys no.thljelielext . eteeithyrt,ii_ellOtyil i.. nritsrirdia.3 or, 44 ..4 1.0.,17, VV in " UM Ji,:LIDD k 17,101. ..., MUM! VEIL Lonia McLane, Bennett, BrOWIIPPIO. ll .Kees's°. t. Mucha PileKeesport- DEPAKTED. ' , mitt McLane, Bennett. Brownsville. FL Wightman. hicKeenpost. Chieltaitt, MlCeesport. Tar Fizatt.—Tnere were 17 inches in the channel, by metal mark, I avt evening at ti 'and railing lama, ly. LEANING IS BA) 4 / 4 43i1i AQUI:Ii; ilrow*Arille; 6 P. M. Gentvtitthitulatl: ' poi rtiti4laqui .. _p r _. . . .IN - ,,,, - ,.,ll).._ripechS: cr.;., pavket Lae. 9 P M. ,:.„.'::;:....f,ii, roa-tr"sztvirt. ',..,R,:ii.: TuitiA co , . Caul Parrot. 71 ter. 'oc /r. r v . . • ilkiEsV-I.l(iitir-%Vitullore. • toe u. Itvp• of variowt etkett,Fithith thde, 111 • new collo cocoon. et is Quito sictlititt tOmplem--some thgard-lcpl heir, of them estllcd •• Bottling OiL" It hes tare gon,mr• which .reeifititnemril to the Igtlftildnu of wain boil then. hotel keeper... nretl house ktmINITIL tot elmotltller, economy. 404121111 t 0 MT.Mtrplvves R.? Wont portable now m n. Pet.ont who pirate or coil oh us will .te .hawst the peculturttle• tbs. a<w ,mnpouml. A coustattlompply the Fluid and Lames kept by St:&WFEh ikTti I t vell:k. hot between st , o , .Martel BIOTIC partneretlit Itkretothre exlanni, under the lam & C. BRA BL.EV, 11 dirwilved by the deer pee of Tify. C. Bradley. The bukuorkii but.wil be earni.d A la by A. Bradl e y, wh o will kettle the inek. uf the e • •. - Ii EMOVAI. —A. 11r.a.Ma.r has removed his round, Warehouse tram N... IV Seedad weer. WOW etre, betcroeu rim awl :t r oad streets, th e warehouse lately aceurued by lA. A. Hurry. where he Intl keep emmtantly ou Willa a Kellefal 2 1 4.1r1a1C111 of CaMugs.,kttuves. Cookie* $10.e.. A e iH Iron A, reran.. and 1115/1 Property . for Sale. WISH ta - rell my Fall,. property. containing p osed with 0, 11.0 d aimingland, nearly all enclosed with 'good (mote, nod! in rt rood stair of cutti••uo.— on hich ts emoted a Furnace, Fume, nod Grist Mill nob 4 pr. riskilso, ealenlan4l toil° h i s: h oirrdha n t and country worki and R Saw hhII, ail lately put in good " Valocatinit is unoqualled, has iog a home market far r eery thing mono rumored. Pig will commend rittstrorgh and rimming honk prices, with the &minion of height. 7 La contemplated Ran iloid tram Zincrville b Ci orpb.,..l. p..• 1,17 tlell the Work•—vetneb ad very u uch in procuring stuck Cram distance. equired. The Furnace and Forge are on one aide of lacking creek, and the Milts on Mc other, connected by a good sulicsubut bridges with stone piers and abutments. Theta lea natural wider fall of le fent lo inches, over a solid rock luaiidatam. sad ,. considered one of the best scumr saes, or utanufactuncg purposes, In the waiters. counter. I will sell all ;number, or let the creek divide, and dispose of tha Milo. with a outficiency of land on one side, and the Iron WI:1144os, be If not sold by the first of October neat. I will then ma the whole together, or spar n•ann•e. In limns', enter, ~,, men, di ate,m property bulls nut very daft:rots prospects. bils age admonishes me that a /a quite Lime In with draw myself (toe, settee butanes,. I therenne oiler the w bole of thin errs' iraluaian property, very re•. sonatas. and acconittindaufie terms. A smell part on, woold Lie requirM ai hand, Me inducer ou emended ante, DI 1.44 tug %Via/ s. 4 cud. front Za JOIIN tiesvd:e.LLAJX, Sr. jyt , - , Vit?e/hcilAtu British Periodical Literature. I. The Lon too Q“ , rterry Roth., Th • Ihdothurgu.lioview, .1. The IVestottrotter •view, ( itor , r , I 4. The Nor*. British Sevo•••• • S. .11:ackart.uat'N F:dinburrro Mu:dune- Nloothlr The above Petro Deal. ore reproth•rt to New York, intaordintely on thetr arrival by the Drina I •Pl“ter., 1/1 benantal el. •r type. on Gee whd • par.,. •Lea fadhrat eopter oral. originalw-1.14.0k wood • :11ogadtoe being a • cone. fee.••inate of t. KJlnhurhb etlittort The prtre• or the repro...a t. th tsor third ni tho.•• Cle iareisu eerie., and while iLey r • all well exeruted, th adLdd Ur. ad,vantage to the A. mcto,. over the E.,0gl ch rrad. r Tl•atos—{l'aynteru be wade advance Fo.. any ono of the fogy Devnten, - the per an F., :Any tern do - 490 For nay doe* dd • 7DO Fur •Alluar alit° Revier. e y on For Mack venaul'r Maerunt, lA., Ouck wool a •J tb, four Review', In to The Wove phutoinly eLpplacal by JnFl E'-3 D. LOCKWOOD, Ho kieller and lati.onoi of Fore.ern Hoch, Jr"-, 03 Woad m ir !Smelt vroutry; for July, Las Jo" Imes r,ri•rd. and rat-y he hod a. about,. IsoOlcs •—Loyoln and in u. Re j ) atmenitt; I,an Ta: ior. author at Naturo: tory al Enttar.Moun." of Knit:Kb C'rtnr.p ifignry, b M'Crie. hirtroirs'of rye EL•. Halyburron.w.ilr en lapendri, ernirrat-nt, acer•uni ur Chun. bof Sr-bt• land during El. tirn, MM= Pix•i•itin in *Wand Swing the Ithh eenlary, with three Sermons by fle, Grote, NVtutheti.t: fl MU' (*rtes!. D. U. Manuel of t`yeyhvbery, by Ali:ter. a I), yroL appendiS, by the 6e• ) G. L.ittlel A Doctrinal. ilrperbb-am! and Pereberd Trearae • R.GeLnal thrillay. by 3 fame. A ‘I I teems by &delta. 1 / a bum! AM a.-raft. by tr. 4 ELLIO ee 1:\& 1.1.11 70 Wood Light I Lech/ 11 Light I I TEjor.lo celeb ra ted Lotions fluid eon noes be bad at the LorIV Snnre , No. be Thin/ street, ranee. Wood Siel Abirtec FO , • POlDtblf•l•sefe Drat it kno the preference Stoll of Die e.t.a Chit, 40 4 cheap void of piciokerareaDo-or my of the disseieesolo ot ter:duds to lights now 1:1 comcmts use;, 1.200:213Cill 01 lamps of hi Lt.o patterns for but-o hm the name. lftanro V. J. DAVID. WATCHED, JCWI tilt Y, AND AIL IrEit W A It 6. •-• TIIE ttlwaritoor, iCtild boo been in butinata 4in ,17roebuildln4 tar the last !Written }ears, .•.. rel.ontltldes,netitnrs nt (iol.l .4•1 ray tt,. aloha., Jewelry, and ,ilver Warr, at rota., at the very Inate.l price.. Gold nod Silver F.ngtith "ate,. Let tr , Vttchns („,,,,./1 and travar Dar Lel Le tar and Lep.,,e Wale hes bold and Myer llormontal and rare. wen,. • (laid tedrat in d ependent Ntrond Waterer (or Untie); noid:s. Gold board; IA and vest Chains 1101,1 al retaeles Bald and *Vat Prnadt. Gold Yen. Uttni sin! :Rona Ettorelets. • .191,714 PPUIX lw.i tiobil Loci:etc field and Bileer 3.luwand HMO and Cat., Ledo.? wad I:emir:nen*. arrow:sins. Sloelino . qetSpooue, Car., Fork., he Geld Watch.. or tow Eis lu tir2U rare h. {Vetch,. sue Jewelry cldhanged • ' a l...t• and rad" plated s.. mtt u !Our'', • ant Artie, All walthee warraltted to keep good now of the money rctor Ad. Jewelry rep need , mod 19a elms elrened end rrpoiwd in the 6.1 .1,211114,, as much In. Won nor Aqua pewee I.CA C. /11.1. EN, Importer o( { Valchew and Jew. try, a hole•oic And retail, dl W•llinrec,, NEW' itrtS dam. ANCIIITFR: I B—Juor reesteed, The limodera . Coale, p rait.eal treataw ran twee.. ...d Ream.. Ando em. by CHtster 11,11., praetors, .srehisecr, rem. ed and ionstrovred,o won, adarbous or und !giro°, firmse bream...tote, by I/. Austin. Ar occ, Tue Amerman A rebus., romp ~,,, of cheep eu.,criltnd s,lly fd rewdeosees, with ammo., speerfieaurow, p.fisw, aro. 11:e dengors hy Jr.o. Ruch Arclower.l JUIINSfIaN at C ( OCIL - 11/No. 1.30 norr 31 mod Alsrkel sta rl/11.: DELA% ARC. .11 Itt AL SAFETY INSU. I RANCE CU PAN) —Damn, None Room of the Esch Inge. Thirdo4treeL Ptulsdelnl o y a . FM.Merehandl.c and other property on grocen;coll romertr, tonsured Agronsl ouss or dratuage by fire mg. lowest Irate of premium. ALtorga 131,64 XIC/..—Th.ry nit* Insure Verwel.,Car goes rand. Fromm.; footage, ander opgn air special policies, ag the asAure•lluo, dentin. lan-sso Tatarrarolins Volt. —the r al.ts Hoare onereihan• disc transported ohy hoagorr, Railroad Car., 0131111' floats and &cam 113041, an tigers and lakes, oil the Most liberal to rats! lalßEClVlttr—goarrph 11. Sear, Edmund A. Bonder, John C Davo., Itutlert Ronan, John It Penrose, Patna el Edwards, /Leo U lower, Edward lomrtlegion. Naar R Davos. WilloaniForwell,Jol l .l New lot, Ur R AI lie,- ton, linnet C IL — old. Theophitus Paulatug, Fl Dore. Llowuts, Henry Moran, Most Craig, Gewge lapencer ?Reheard, Cunt es J U Jobufgon, %Vol ham llay , .Oe S thnmaa, John Hollers, Woo Eyre, Jr DI litoktTOLlS 4T PI rrstitatali- D. T filorgan, Wee. Llagaley, Juti, [argon, IIAVILUALLI MARTIN, President RICI.Ar. 8 Nficrom.u.Seerglary. Err thrice of slid Company. No. 12 Water sneer. muahorgs. to Lfiallf P. A. Journal. An:rennin, Posr, Mercury, Do.protes, t:hron- Rae copy. JOUIiNAL 1'13'1111;TE, av ItHO rags or rtgbarr.varota, FOR TII6 P R6.IRi rioN or tom fiII:CHAN:It! ART'S Till:olden Mee:imams! Periudotal extant in Amen ea, la potdrah(d or, the brit of rant 111011111 on the city so , eh:laden:obis II hr. been regularly renrea for upwards of toreary.lbree years, and is carefo's) edited by a omomiutemfßeirorrhe gentlemen appointed (or the poipo.. by Ille , Vrual H., Institute Toe ...wrote:lly bight repuml on, both at home and abroad, which ihripo orlon lib. acquired nod *outrun ed, ha. raven It blenvolatina sod etcher...H . her AC Inc 0,, ee.,eoeteeplokitzell enardcs the Curare, lire on Pub. licanoors to nualrire lost atcortiobs 170,1, Corms. nrual Jua, rand to r, rirenlatibn ungmal rout nob! cons on orreclialtLerd and imienrific bubo co., anal n• tiers 4•• • al s U • . totebl 0r all Ike Pnle.ll4 moo ed at rue PatentriLtree, Washilarton Cory. me auroltsro. ed in dim Jou, urtl o tlgathoor with a large IIII3M I / 1 1 le. lornosorun on Mgebdums, Chula. ry, and tHvir Engl steering. demoted 4 . 4 n tore (au at arid to rot authormra. Thu Journal is inibr oohed ourtly firm rat enm month, each number eduldurlng at lean sevesory•tero page., rid farm. two sequin," annually of about 4 et yage• caelro dlannaLeil 'garb eurering•ou copper and on WnOtl of that. id .4 is WiLletl jegUl re: therm. Toe aabseroprinto o lrolee la Five Dollars per annum rubric on the cajev..u.. oldie slaalam: 11 wail loc forwanlydAec of pa. as • ono, I re ourrarn ore mooned to Joe tremor) tpuotaa bowl, ad vane r tar 1.11. year ' .ol4i4f,ll/11011. • o,l2llllooPlilidll. arid 113era.olt bamorat must be 6. lepled to r tha A.* pot ohs Erankloo 10.ntuw, rho. .hoc: j •to., Pentwylierin a,'• one II .rage paid. WILCIAAt IlAgall,TOW, lb , rol.sue —Tbe house of Mr. Lc vi Mosler, lu Jay Aliey, Allegheny, wan sedated on Monday gnE,ln by some lb eyes. One trunk was Woken' open, mina idled. and another was taken away Ike. yeller. Mr. Wed, 1.14 a moved into :own trbou Wa•hangtou county, and had nut begun to WHOIASALItIaep the house. ''CLOTIIING IIIKE1101.1SE: IiSIITED STATBS LEI/I"lSit IJANFOILD, rat, (beiwee Fbtlou • " 11 0,1" 11 0,1,) 'S irr Yung, Ilt.o 0.1 1.1./ liist.l•rgest tworonogit of di, T 11l y 0 IN l'o7. VNITF.O KrATt9, •oxr EA. 4/.1E1,1. I 3 I II ilex or „ IRTN and URA IN V.llB, tv, Ltifkau colifoms varlet), Also he thew E:Ce.stetonve ossuufactotor% of Uil UlalUing and Covend Ras to the world. PLAIN AND 41iAS11IUNAIILF: CLOTHING ell klu4s. C.tisslogoee of 016 . ,i1 p.m by mill. (Wu, prompt! Grect. LEtYIn & HAN 'we/ Nu, 24, :IA P , art *i. N. I'. ALERATUS ..icebv jo.l rceJ an 1101 *.t:r Ly S I. tar/ J b.•ANI-11-.1.11 NACKEREIe-406 hatie No 3, Ila.rugliciaatt Itspeetrca, trplirrive: for lale by .iY C. IL GRANT. ta TOD WV Ftlf;rT ATM, uY,.uperier qua:ny. kale by ..I#l , J SWIU4J iAKEU &Go fllll6-43bn:44 uperlbt dfliet.j for (may un. 2.4)Witivebbiell VW for ale by 17 r • 11.: L S WATERALAN LOCAL MATTE S,, ANI.3IITED YuB Tali PIT [4:71112I1 DAILY G Z 6ITD Ratiourticew.—The Unifying am the resons-. ;ions which were pawed nt the meeting 01 the , friends of German end Italian Kerry, on Salta- \Voeec s, It is right, and becoming the char.- tor of the tree people of America, upon whom an ell-mite Providence has conferred the priceless boon of liberty, to express their sympathy for their fellow men in other parts of the world whr, 13112 wruggling to obtain the same blessing; end where as, the people in many p.n.s of the world are now In the set of asserung their 'inalienable rights" to freedom—Therefore, be it Ruoited, That we, the free people of America, *end the Warm wympathl , of brother. to the people of Europe, LIOW contending fur their natural and pcdttived net.. L'esolird. TOnt the canoe of libetly it our ,lau.e —the cause of universal Im:outlay, and its friends and supporters the world over, war regard as our fnends, and we tender thew our earnest wishes for their stiene, Fvsolred, That in the struggle of the people of Enrope, we behold the eller; y of the Divine Spurt Of Istbertr, aroueing the *lumbering nation., to the terror of despots, and the destruction of the "!',- vine Mehl of Kings." Raolued, Th aslinire the noble and exalt ed pntrionsru nod valor of the Hungarians, in ri - meting the combined home of despotism ; and we "cloy the Almighty Leader of Annie. nod toed of Vtetories” to give them mincer-as. R.w/red, Tbat we look upon Louis, Napoleon Bonaparte, as the betrayer of tlie liberty or the pet ph, of France; and we bald bin conduct to be 911- 1 . 3,111...1, and deseretug the execration of every true friend ot the roe hiti of man. Rewired, That we admire the patriotism, zed will cher.h the memory of the Iteliau palms; while we will hull in lasting detestation the name of Louts Napoleon Bonaparte, the bribed and wilt tne tool of R lawn ouch Atoono. That we behold with indignation the kvoist swarms, from that .tioary old deapotiam" of Russia, marching to crush the spirit of liberty is Europe. Rii.seivel, That we call upon the chivalrous peo ple of liberty-loving Filmes% to remove that tool of despots from their head, and assert the power of tort freedom they hove achieved for them selves, to driving lath theve minions of despot ism to the regions of barbarism, whence they Rzsolmi, Thai, although the friends of (betty should be for a lime overcome by Colas force, the heaven burn principles of freedom cannot be ex tinguished:and we behold in the haute the certain triamph of the government of moon over thee°, ernmeot of force, because It is the foaling of the ireerist.s34 misdott of Chroutatatty—becaus, it ts the %toll of God. Rrsolord, That the time hes arts red, in the his- tory ofthe world, when the true political principle ' , that man is capable of hell government, and that all political power of right belong. to the people" ought to he universally acknowledged and main. tamed. itwal,a, That as the de.pots of Europe have united to crush liberty, the friends of tireilom ofm countries ought to unite in sustaining its patnotic supporter, Resolved, That while we recognise men as our brother, and the friends of liberty as our friends, we hold the toes of freedom as the laws of ;satinaa ho's] pirates—ibis enemies of all mankind ss Rem:rived, That we fool• upon the insist= of I Rome by the French army, as an not of perfidy to the constitution and liberty of the people of Frame, and to ell free governments, and to tae friends vet freedom in the civilized world; and are hold that the history of mankind does not furnish an Instance of more barefaced and atrocious Whoa?. Resolved, That thn project. scarcely disguised, of re-establishing an Imperial Government to Francs., with Louis Napoleon at its head, deserves too esecration of all friends at libeny throught the Globe. Retartwf, That the French people owe it io there lees, to their republican brethren in AIIICTICA, n d the cause of Medi:anon ard freedom, t i di.- claim the perfidy of their government, towards the republic of Rome, and to denounce the traitors, by whom this great crime against humanity has born perpetrated._ Resalrp./,:rhai as the people or the United Slab were the ant to appathise with the people of France, in their Late revolution. and the nrat, to welcome them into the great family of nattoris, they claim the right. and feel it to be their only to testify to the world, their abhorrence of the Lite attack upon the freedom of Italy; and to express their to •tenation sgsinat the project, too palpable to be mistaken, of estabhahing the old despotism in France R-vlrtd, That the welfare ofthe ctyiJioed World, for fear. to come, If not fur reutunes, depends arm the issue of the amoggle in Hungary, and 0 becomes the (rind. of Milos', liberty sad of republican goy urnmout ',army where, to expresa, in the strongest =lnner Ihrit tadranaiim against the tyrants who brutally, waste , hr;r country, and murder their people; arid to applaud sae cheer her patnotie de feedrrr. Retalth,/, 'net the "Legitimacy" is engaged in a death strusgle with epalar rights end etereed tenth, and that the people of America are the natural ally cf the one and the natural load' the other; and as the despots of Europe have united in a crusade against liberty to Europe; should they be to rzeintful, we see no reason why they tiny not extend their operettrons to nor own eccrotret - ' - Armload, That the Menke of the to be ten dered to thole American Editors who More boldly and manfully denounced the conduct of Louis Napoleoo, in his piratical treasion of Italian free dom; and who have faithfully uttered the true American feeling, In behalf of oppressed humanity in Europe. 124.41m1, That the silence of certain American ed,tors, or not an index of popular feeling on this subject it is time, therefore, that the people to their origiasl majesty should proclaim their seuticoents; el the American ores, were faithful to that sent. meat, the voice of the American people would DO beeeJ in Europe, and would silence the apologists of despotism at home. The to:kramy Letters were read from Ilea A. W I.00tto•, ond CoL Wilma &Mead:ley, Egg: • _ - G.ntlemin t—Ttue oppreased of Europe, Inoue smog olio, 'or freedom, eminently dermm the trimpathissot the rit.7e4e of We free and happy Rapobha. I parttetpate in the emoutio which prompted the call we inreong to Which your communisation of ml. date refer., but my eneacemeulr will rim perm., me to be press.l upon that oetaidea. Plea.e accept my thaut a for the Woo, of the Invitation contained la your letter. Very re-peetfully, A. L Ilea.. Howard. K. Gross and }lota l son ooms. On ntnnon. we iunowaq revolnuont were wlopr•d Resolved, That the lottery of A. W Loomis, land Col Aireand.ess Ire published a tth the l roceen. .n?sot 11141,11. K Resolved. Thst .tre different papers of this city and cm, r met ~• • bre testi , bled to puhli.b the proecedtse• of itts • ALLO,VII.I,. SHorls), Aug IMP T iluw•nl, C Kuhn, A. H. C..... and U Fmk C.rotierrocii: —Nothing' in thus eventful political rpocl.. c - mt•lhated more in eat.. the patno El I O. of Loth the ,a, v. and adopted enizeus us die I iled +tate, .use the ilutionou warfare It, Mao •inkr I.rr Fmtarex. sod tumuli:that, It • Ime,d oe to Cline eiidoin. I they tint yetio.ited to L.. come poldq•olly ell/tilt like lb. ?Joe • • • ro Iha y ere Cru•g4n, a. mess never arzg led Wore and have. o parad ri al oa you our sacco,solda C0111”1. May n,ot prn•per them in their uneiptill w the homer mini, of Austria and Ramis. • nd thin, to e•taliiish their ne w Republic, upou a foisi.da. non •• 'peent as that upon which. hundred ye,n •ds. the thron rman e s.l the Gra, was saproSteet Ise bawd. I leave Mane. eentlernen, on Monday Morning, on • profewinnal visit to an veil pre el:ruty. and ray CM gagenten, 'hi. eremite. verl pre•ent the ac irritant• of our U•tterritts itimtmon to 'meat • your 0(0111E1e e•rne, tor die twee,people of Ibirape. litlntng (or their Idioms,. ineloil ng itte in. dionnutste Ila sum , lane, the noble Romans, and the gen run, Republicans of France, I hove the honor to be, 'Very tr.pretfoily. I'oor 01 edtent ser•aot, WI t.t.tON hit OA blavoit's O,FICE A i.z.v.mcnir, August 6 —Three Rat:ll and one woman were brought bet:,re the Mayer this thorning, charged with drunkenness, and disorderly conduct on the Sabbath. Uue pro, ed his Innocence, and was discharged. The we luau was seuunced to pay a One of six dollars and c'str, and the remainder was discharged on pay ing the usual Gee. vlr, —We see that Mr. Thomas Rowley, oar of the street Commissioners has his men en gaged ai repaving. Cherry Alley. Nox Wean.—fil re. bl . Kenna of the Sixth Ward, entered a complaint yesterday, below Alder man Major against her husband, wbu only gut out of j 01, whore he had Lunn lawns toed o t a charge of druutennetis. last week, charging him with re fusing ton ork. F..: the pest toe mouths, Le has hero n tax on the industry of his wile, and Las done nothing for himself. the Alderman adtriaed her to apply to the Guardian. of the Poor. =tiel U hot... aaport Manus, A 11134104 6. 1 . 4.11..6N—1 have bat/taro Cate. Cholera ft. ported to we to the at 4S hours, ending at mat a to day N.. 1 Cet rettpectittoy, Si. hut .1 Ctmalaittee CILOP I —la , the Atlantic Suites, generally, Iha wheat mop tures out large end eget:Hoot. In the s iii.born part of Ohio, 1ad..., and Illinois, tLe chip,. represented, as a failure. From Michigan. Wtereousin, and deortLerti Lhuuu , tba reports art highly &actinide. There have trven three UntlUlltli (Ong recommend ed by Cougrert, and directed by the Presidents beside• that which has been recently recontmette ml by President Tnyhir. Tee tine was in 18:2, on the third Thursday in Asicast; the ...roue w. in 1813, on the second Thursday in September. .Tha third wit 4 in 1515, onChe sammd Thursday io January. EYeiranga 874gkers, No. liii Market streel, near lut 0 Paratanybrasola. leadiamds. Bank ofeiushurott • —Par,State Lek &Branches I 1 Vai l m ,. ticktk u..k . I p ir r iS•atelScrip • _,, .. Vlrgissla. likaal Pittladeltnna• • • -Pimlßschange Ltk. of Va • • 1 Girard Bank par farmer. Ilk. of Va. --• " 1 Ibu%o t t Germantown •pa /Ik. at the Valley,--- " " ester County • ••par Bk. of Virginia Delaware C. • •p 0 M.& M. Bk., Wheeling 1 " Sloittnatnel7 Co.. •par do Morgantown• •• • 1 " Northomberland• •par N. W. Bank Va.•—• I Coktatnaßridge Co.- • par do WelUharg• —• • 1 Onylomorn Bank. •-••par do Parkersourg.-.- Fannetsgilk. lleadiag•par Tiegassitemea., Fornire'Bk. Bock. C.O. par Bk. of Tennemee • •• • • 6 Farmers U'k Laramie', parlear. k /derch'ts Ilk • " Lancaster Cp. Bk.• • • •par , elauters' 10.• -- •• • • " Lancaster 8k...... par Union Ilk. ..... --•— • " U.Stlittoe Bonk. -.•-. 1 ,33 Missouri . Bandurae Ilk. ..... ••par State Ilk of filasouri.— I Waskingtou 8k....--- •.1 Worth Carona*. Gettrantrob Mt.—. -. I Bk. or Cape Poor V clooborolcm. . .-. • . 0 Merck's Bk., Newaera• I Somerhanna Co. 10.• 3 dude Sulk 2 Lewittown-..... - South Carolina. Middletown Carlisle ....... ... •• • " 1 81, of Charloston••• • • I BM Ba••••••••• • 0111 0 Commercial 11k..... a Faiyoors' nod Drovong ,Bk. of Geonreumen.—. I Bank, Waynesburg- I 414r.0t Bassikorg••• • • • I Harristiung " Alerchams B.•-. 2 lyoneodalo.----.... I 'elangate &Meet.. s Itk • I Lebanon ••-•• • ...... par,llll. of South Uarodna. • 2 eonsalllc-•-• • • .. " ' Maryland. Womi Yor y k B t •• i 'Baltimore Mc ..... • • •par I 'Llaltuee .k.O R Rtierip •10 WestDranch Bk I iComberland.lla ot Alle- Italie( Note. --- t ghaoy ........ •• -• 1 Al.k.' 1 Ilk. Pais. de, 0 ;For. Bk. of Marylugd• • " Sorly-.-Pitti.h. 2 0. Cuoinyta,rarniers' 6. lesthanies " A I i la g i r o a!, 16, ID. Fredemok !Frederick Co. 10.•—• • " Strata Bk. and Brandies 1 'Hagerstown ilk •• •• • 0 / 11 = t rieasant•-•-• • • " 'Mineral ilk • • --- • --- t ' I tl i t. adi u rsA:7 - ............. . g . sra: wo " E li ft _, , I , Mantle ••••••••—• -- " W - esuninstar •• .. ‘• Plea( 'shun- ...._,. a ! Illohlgau. Cincinnati Lanka ii Bk of tit Chu,- -- 00Intainis do.. o ' Ilk. of River ildtageo•-•- Cmaletille....-- . ... " 'Michigan Ins. Co• • •• a zaueariUo •-•.— o ;Fax. a. Mech.. Bk a pima, •---.—... . iWlsconsln To rrlt'y. Wooster -_ _. Thkim.AFireln.Co.hillatr's 4 Maud!. —.— • I, 43anadas.. dandult, ••..--. .... 30;0.11 snivel:oo.k,, V Gaup ••• . - • • •• • 1 'Ban& of Englarfil Noma Nome& • . mil --MI 70. I sa. Clovelond.— —.— • i 410/d & lips els Valise. Keniat•-•--- -- . . " INapoleocm ;03 0 14 0 a la fs I t=il';;;;;;;::::: : Ealia",ata • - • 10 ea Frank 4 Mr Colambas " ; Eagle, nom •• - • le 00 Chillicothe —.......— " inciabloons,Spaniab 14 0 Lake Etzi.•.• • -.• • • .. . Do-Patna% • 16 56 &Mots- '• -. " 'Sovereigns 4 Elf El l'a egr tilM. • •77 .77. -- 71 g 'f=rin ” lged:Ors . •••-•-•:. 14 : GrarArßla_, 40 ilea Thaler, .....7 00 Flinn* WY Ca - non --0 rren . 4linldeta •• • • 340 Urbank • • «.•.•. - -.-60 ilmaisd'ors• • •• • • 4 14 ,iosultacky. ' le ..... me. Bk of Lentackr 1 New York 100 111. of Louisville ." !Philadelphia .•. • -. prat Norigetn Bk. )(en to y• 0 Baltimore •-• • • • . porn Maw York--Ilin Banks, par. Interior 11. ks •• WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL $300,000. .1 Nasal. Jr. Seep I Ft blii.tas../r nee( Insure against all 1 lode of rub*, FIRE AND !dARINK A I L !inert will be Liberafly lofueted promptly /1.. paid. A beano Irulitution—tnanuee•l Ly Directors who are well known in the einntookuly, and who are determin ed be Ptonarintros on.> Ilher•lny to tnanitatn rho etinr• Meter Winch they hare at,tornod, • rnlertne the best probation to teese who deem lo he InnureJ Inesetonn—A. elilhyr, Jr, Geo. Mack,/ IV Butlor, N. Holmes. Jr., Wm. 11 11nhera. C Ihnoton, /weed:, Wet M Lyon, jo• lu pp ineou , r rt,. R. 1 . 1 . 4 1 Jane. BPAbley. Ale.. reistitek, Tho. Peon OntiVe.No. ee Water en el, Oneret•cuac of Spring Cuo be nhatra,lPieNtntree oul.d1) EVERY PURCHASER OF I)RV GtiOLPS 0:n.14 ra all at MASON & Co , c Len, Peter 4 , 0 MIAMI meet. for lo,rptio.. volt pen..... 1 :non co. lance UCtelti for e t/rean.lto do fog Inc, ...writ 64 4 44 = 1 W; fast road Culavor, life; floe Mot • •lAI,It dn bet Leas quality de roe. rich .4 do lei, & bleaolord Must ns (!e, Wore. 4 C.., u• and tot, Callas. to cloven , Mu. n Caiws 1140.1 rs. Saaal, bitchier watt the rrecest sr ioty o. other obeop d. to be feetud Iu tote %Yenta.. country Remember the ninth., to Market id. gyl4 A A MA PtOf It CO AGRICULTURE. I.c —American Fainter. l'ney eropedot, non Landlcyle vegetable rengJutn. qv. Deers Lbsen ..... on Anttculture he. 11.4.3. &bleu:bin—Tin Plant, ern. • • Lactates Agrsceitarat Chet:glory. iluot. Mien't Arnerseao 11,11 Book, •: nn •• . . Alice's American Fano Moe. Ibtab AUss's Doattml, Awmal, Masa Webster & Mimeos). Erobesay, ILget era Fur We by JA 11F,; U 4l Wood 1 , 1 niecistrrs CUIOMICAL wairtriu SLYPELLIOR EMU INK. HIIIILEILTI) MACHINE OOP V INC A • • m LL Memo differ from ord.ustm ha. 'MY are all ehenhkel pAstliocs central - an, no visme matter; gam freely from tiny kmu of pro- the color deep. Fright audio/able. 11 titers have t.stutt boom &metes weds., I 101 10 neither seen nor beard of times. Seth pie bottleatte be b wn d grans, by aro mereb,mis neally, from B. A. lehtiminelr & Co, Henry P. Outsmarts, Ailembeny, or or the manutamArer, THOS. 1111411 T. 'Ltnaggist and Chemist, corner of Liber ty and Ituidtffiebt 'trees, Patsburgh, Pe. N. 11.—Ally bottle noapeopg complete eatkinetlon, can be returned swathe price mill be reloaded. m ithrleas StEttiad 24l ool l L*—borstertht Plumsopny eel Neseneac daTreatise ea VOWS; Lee. on Pawner, by Cowen; Hooper's blestiesd Diehonery; Dattglemm*s do du, !Asepses Henkel.* Otenott , eure• sain.44firm ," - tribune/ Ma sets Maersmolsie , 'West*, Y eel. ' are on tsa Hope no the Iles .. F.lrtrAesrlthier's AA - tale - mgr. IV M ilaoo ors Dosses. of the st Pereira's Muter. oshe* and Therspeaticai (Zeroes. ma ProplAse Fever.; do on om 1 bar a.ce arid tt'uouts Prams., of Medicine; Dasetesoo s do do. Elerhe'a do du. Ahoo. a :afire •ul fresh supply of Mao. m. Y UlllO4 Peaks, et baud sod for sale ay )YII r L , o , rics for Ml< by J /OM, • kell.N—+..r' • EglaukilJer. ••,••I • •$. •••• 1.0 awl ior cby j)I Klb:rt RA YPINLi PAPER- ZAki ode low by )7' IR I 0..0r Ci) A kit' LILACi bbla e () ) " Tit 'itA6-3°bbU.", J 4 a4ll7;;:;!f /44 4 a r K . Z1; . .i "7 ,, "1 AFll46ll.—lti 61,1. qoal.ty. fur .ale ha Irl4 J lellfa4aiA a Elf a. CO L ARD- 12 -lUULetfla No 1 in a r fr A fo e t i . 14 PRINTING INK—Book and Near., 4,, sale at 11144 alartuten acmes f% la J k RPR A 4'O al Wn- , .t Prrrsaracro, Aug= 4. LBl9. n . ROBISON h. CO a•oortatrd ritom As with ibven 11' bole • • • • sale Grocery, Yroduce cad CoMtbigolon be ronboutol no usual 11/11., W. fo•41 of L.o. tie A. Cu. 11 011 , 1 , tt ; LITTLE' lef.ll., o liia 191 yeerty suet Commusten &rebate.: tad dea:Le ' l ' il " lo " ttoot .41) ttinnothle LLLLL . 197 Roar. 0.000,03. .0. YU, 10.110..0 WWATCHal.:v*lBmb , In Ot, u urenches, oar. ned nn with special care tad nitration. Han. tog the mom oilitlfut and experienced works:me on my emp:ny, and giving a Constant pervoiml etemoim Mt. Maned, I Call promise the Imet se iefactsmo to on who May tarot me ernn Vara W W W1L.` , 1•4 Ws xn Mater, 17 hi , frIE, tiiiSiittu.ii - .ii:. -- ii77 - u -- ...1 - .Tu- uu, L battling tuforroatron to regard to the number of deaths loot occur to the city wrelly, the character al the and the age cdthe would respect fully request the Pystetan. in report la. heat at 16e Ounmittee Hmus (Ad Coup II mse. on Vrrday eveuiog ng nth week. ma It ;IS N AI VLII.I. Ct.'. .._ FINK COFFEI:3- • Mochn„ Aline.. Inc.. loyillr• s . e‘ Domingo and Rio Coasts, ;um tee d sod tor gale at the Pekin Tea Strom. 7u roucth st ~11 V I:l—ttiii--W—F is ed,l l : lll - ieTy ' l l• n — c --- E A. r„ . T 23 cu ter VIM, and 11oml Imo I§ T `Sc.":! — ,:Oraht7e"antidleo;Ze I d s; • ''' d''''' I' .' lye . SISI.I.ERS it NICOLA --- A N _. Lard I...l.Nr•iihis .11t.--/u hits Nd I and II LLard Orli IV do Labsced lbl, for gale try ..._tylllo. - .1.1.1 , .N54 A NICOI.SI 11 ,, , , „.„, , c, n Ma:112,4 I' MI rlitlldli/ V—O.ecian .d Boman Mythology. for eu.lege• nod Sl.M.soir, by M. A Darren, atmb seventeen tllustrmionslt. out liue. Ma. Jtl.l received Mold lor sale by ;y0 I AM N. 1./.10k.!K tart.dlD. WI 1‘'..1 s. [IOTA •ll.—ln rna/s guard P0t.... to at I Iva iv o t LL' a, P o I.: 1.1 7v LAI—A ivw ',servo rountry Tow LsovV. sO 1 oorr, toe volo.lva AIMILLS .t /WE u r LAN rA . rto.• shit r,:ait.:4—itto is. pun L v•Ococeo, O'sJ, IllU ni Lon no. sr/ All'ilLLVl A 1101: PEIIFUNIFRY-11. , r• L,i Wlsor, V site, do lie•e. Utli do 11,1 Alarr.tor; do Ithdteuive; do N, mph 8.. E; lose rervived and for .010 lip Ii E r%E1.1./11,1 W e i 1 ) ,. , — , 13 tierces Carul,i.a, DRCAN NU(S—tat htda recta Na,.. roar roe, un aolistgrinarszt and lot PM° by MILLER S 111(1(brrsov I/floral*, Brazil, (lava La, Loaf, Crush. ed and l'uleemrad, (Jr ru:e by JYI 7 J IJ Wind/IMS 1:u /b. Layer, T } R, 30 Ida do, for sale by 1 !TOM A. I.7I . WeiI.ATK, hr. boa Iraiicr •Um 1,3 tn.; 30 do do Pro. I Cliocolirta, II dr du Cneari: :tU do Aofclh Co Chocolate. rereiarog 10-Jay and for rale by RADA LEY Jr SMITH, jal7 In ow( al Wood ri 14/111TE ILO/ANS ".1 .(AA It-10 bye ~.!. ny, for sale 1.7 pl 5 11AI: ALEN" & 111/ . . totlEP MAN CLAY- 110 r..ks reestl tins day •In.l Iyl2 TASSL I A 111:S r NUT..4--31i012•11111 store and tut sole, ay 1712 It1;41 . Lae. unto., V l•DIA S bags rs, arrtve, for rale I.y 11 11 All DIVKKV Cn. Fro., h &v . - - 1:o 1 / 1 ,.e• .No 1.111/ it do thuiditarock, 0 MU tor •mt • /110 11011140 N, 1.1 r rt.c A Cl. h , • 'P . N U "r d It ' rs*lor ‘ ;ll liro I '' i Mewled " Puponot l'or asuleini tiowl quasi y. do Mou. or I.tunr• I litiiihnm• • A:pefellsrv l d.. 2, Silt at nil Wool Britt/. 11 • WST. MeK. I'INKG A :s1 I.fniinrt Good yu Llay Kid GI,. v.. Diann Vino,. I.f A .t MAStIX Y 1 11 Avr Guam!. It praer. ninfird •bnne. Coll non nI in, only ,lienp u.« prier .win, Alarlei •Ireni I il•sieus Lrn in .lore and u.. ..le by 416 JA ‘I LI A 110 I e.,,,uN ACll 4.; kegs gm mrinil Stint. for sole by nrie JA Al SSI A littrlIIIIS()N A ('AI ar_IOI..PEN sy CUP—la bbin nn hf Lb'.. land In go 1„,11Iqa le g.. for+tle by J AAI ES A lllJTClllitry & CO, Jild Ai trail for St LAM. Sttonl !togaf ilefltarY - === HOLM S & SONS, D et, punt d ots she ...vers. A tw.• •upply lust teed bum New lost. a.. for ease by JOIIN tutiEl.emil. et V."..0.1 • ATIIEN.ELN SILOOA, AND ESTAOLISIIIttIeNT. ri , MerALI.. bees to inform tue usenbstentsuf Pau, I • burgh 0,1 vicouty, ate. Ise hut aryrusehe alroee whet. every totessuors will t 1.. - I paul w 1.2 comfort of Vuuse who to ty favor bon with ' • colt I Abets) street. between Seven& soul %Vaud Ice Creams sod all whet sleiseaese• of the 010-on. sule..ll) PRESII MUDDIER GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. LF—S ANDER &UA V. Market s trent, northwest earner of the fhnindicl, s now opentng a choice nuelr of fresh 01 . 51 MER tit oUt.U. A Mgr i.nton oi Mew coeds have recently lino prchased at um unifier, Mon the Aim." So e.. the Fin g and f t, arom the important and macconciurrra. We hive dended upon offering that Mock of goods prices so red cad es to inset the approb AIM, 0( C.OOOl do bunter. on Me minty cub primitpfe. The Silk Department la very 'neuter, embracing the dtlerent kind. of dreu and munutt• Sags, Salm de CU., and C• 11020011 Dm de R 11101.4 . _ The Shawl Deitartwent sm , rttees • +splendid assort ment of India Craps, Shawl.. from the loap rice. to the html• qualitte•, eleaantly etnirrold r red Also. lir,. nadunt, Lterage, Nlobtur, Nett and rplet.ttat figurer] S.M. Shawls. SCARFS—BIack silk, Nene and tiran.line Seoul's. HER Ablli and other thin 1155:55 titxtlys—au c un t and mit.el .refer of iteraaer, Silt Trirthes. and other torn wet. dondv, worthy or the attention of tire lathe.. 1..1 IVisiS! LA Wislita!'—la the 1A...11 department, oar addithisis noel the rtr i •srn aurbons rite torte taut, cothrocinc cloying stiles at rpmnt kaki) low vireo_ Imported and lroninnite litagninto / P ~ U ion and rints nod Chun bleached Men ion, eines, Trekinen, Flaw. • Sop. nor F.:latish tinti I , eneh "loth, and Csetlineres, aatti ,tir and Jeans. Pan loan Amite. and Drillings. All of which is offered otawth a Rthlrholl oh prows that purchasers control 140 to h,•plrosed. 1)4 A LEX A silitiß Sr nA v pLINTUrI it• APICAL 5111.1. rrithiv . .,°,,".";::::g,"...,b:: r.V.':::.'"l,77,',.',:r°`L"pdeerr pone of roarrufartin in g aver. at 11. 0111.1 Paper Mill, where they wilt he !ragged to receive rho patron elle of the public, aad di toroth, costumers of the .e tow 11.11,14 r, i They will at ail times keep on hand a general or novicent of writtug, wr aping, tea and won paper, boonet troards, blank ke, etc etc, winch they will carlionge for clean linen end cotton rage. Printers and Hook l'iiitliwber• .11 he supplied with every description of printing tt•per . shun stoner, and at redared price.. ‘ TIIOMPSON HANNA NA I. 4P—orrtirkilanv EMIIIP:11 el !lAN: Harsrlaragre.GsilveaTlaerl and a a rnll}tnh.onben beg t/ call the attnnt .. u(Uun,lee., dventaget winch there plates posses, over ell ono r e., m the musty metallic substances hitherto toted fur magus , , ‘ll they possess at once the lightness of iron, sentient I•• Lenin). M turn, havtag now Leen tested for ievertil roar. to this Nielson:or, both us thus country and In Ku loPe• Tito 7 Ire la.* tu eapanmose and contra, II tn m sadden elianceof the attauspherr, cull,. Mod all plater, iron, sine, or any other metal now a., d fur roofing, and oonsequently facto a ranch Linter yid turhter root requiring fir less 11.oquarti repairs, wLsht the tart coil is butn !ride more. A fullrupp.y I u , . all (root 16 to 30 W. , con stoutly on hand and far Ly :Et • U. 610REWOriD a est., 14 and IC Llcaver nreet, New Vol 1. The patent right fur Mir article having been recurs.' for the United States, all pat°es irafrunriog tile:tut , either by ouponnUOrk or otheriviwe, will be proseea led .1011/..4ta A estffelee.• N 040 0 ,1, ni f i , n „ r o n , , e a ri t i e h vler Ow bon of .4 Johnson Love made to the setwerilwr. nn *worm.. of all their I:4are for in* ',nth of ail then creation, as shall wiihin two months loon the date thereof er•row and deliver to We said Sandi .4 1 klinutt ;I rod and &beeline release ul ad their neereetive ~Icon. wad dein•isds. Nolte iv hereby green diet ilea aysigninern and re. leave is now at rw name of the enrweriber, on I . 'nerth owner In the city of Ihrt,hu rah, fur Itstipectaen .04 vitg• with ail when tt may r ott^ent.l )~. nn %Val. Al _CA NI/LESS, Asei Knee USQL ITO N —White gad cidataj, /J.L. roPtd r..'- ns. Ory f.ooda /I.uaa of W t MURTIIY, 17 1 a N corner 4th and Mullet ma Itlll MILANO y—ito curet, rdos each, 13 • Al riserr'• rotor rior,' Int Lharrhwa, Ica , to settee. 31.10 cow:needed astringent cordial can he relied span north cantitienve Yemen. erwhlng to hay had better tall wan. Far 'ale by 17to JACIIII WEAVER, Jr DE Di , 1.110,--on _ Jl3 (ILIA/ CitAlritart--60 lb.: on 100011 and for axle by 1.2 )9 2 J. KIM • ew W. W. NS A_LL kelt, MiIITTSUURULI PIiF.NCII BURR RILL STONE and MILL FURNISHING ESTABLIStiaI.RNT, No. dad mid thid Ltherty anent, near the Canal. French Ihtrr Mill Stones, of ruy own inanofiselara, mtWe of • and sirdettur quality of Bloch.. Panic' ular care i. taken to Lore the Jowls made closet, and all the blocks to earth atone of • untiorre qualttY• They are warranted to In^ equal 1, , any to the country. and torten°, In the great mass of Burr, whether or toresgn Of domestic. manutmeture. and sold at the lowest pri ce*. Mill Stones, mulufactured to Frunee—a gene ral asanrunent. at reduced pricey, always on Land. 'Aare! 11111 SI ill mon., all enes. Rotund clothe, Anchor Stamp, wartamea l inln CNC - ity, and at greatly reduced pricer. hltll Spindler, 01111 Irons. Screws and Parks, Plat. fond Seale, Corn and Cob Grinder, Gri.d and .taw NI ill t &sump of all kinda, and Atilt Furni•htna in gen. erat. order/. prompt!). ottterul,l to at 214 1,11.1 216 La: cup greet nenr we Oapol, PII.IIIIMIVVI tIVCP:dViIII VV. W. WALLA CE. Pittsburgh Steam Marble Work sr Nu. *44 LlnKirrv, opponte snotbboto nt, -- II Marble Mantte, !Monument. 'roinbt.'rubbt op*. Ac., a largo variety . of the men t ...maul tont mu& or lire attest quality .1 temp, wet dontai, bt.stltt, a/at ay• a 1/%1.1 or RHO,. ord.,. by the not nr . ma ebtotery, on the Morten near, nod tat the !parcel vie,. Al. A —'lime Count y Trade furnished withalLitttli of Marble •I the , ovren Mao All order% Flamm I .r tended to et VHI Liberty. WNW , . I. eralrfi. -, d 91 :Firdrire _ W W %V A I.'F. . _ - actor RIACHIN/cl4. ULL'S l'attint Stone or Stettelt Barr SMUT MA 11111NR-rlo• betd attiele 111 the kind in ure; they run lipid, clean 19, dis '3O work wet', and twill lan ti lite time. A Lout 'dig of them are use, in the IKnI mill. In the uoutitry, and we ItaTe tho lArpAll•At testi mony at competent portions aa usenr itoportonty over all other Smut tilaeboter. l'or further r etrucula r., ad dre.. the •ukienLel. at 1.14 Lit.Lrty al. Pittsburgh rnyhrtlitnt W W NV Al-LACE QIi , LIAI klNlT.ini›. nti 6 littilt:kitS-For arm, itativ 1..7 lOW other mills. always on baud, or made In order an very &hart noure. cant lin the Avert one,. All or drs piomptly •ttended to at tat Idlierty tore.. near lb.. Canal. 01y-tu NV %V WALLACE YLa s rEli PA 111:4-For land, tither purpoilev, always on hand at 111 ldbarty st. yio %V W WAI.LACE tilorly. • an hand. at 144 Liberty a t. my3o W %V A LLAI:E GRINDSTONES -All SIM. and grits, always ao band at 441 [.utterly PirOCL. trty3ll iIIT is with olensare that the subscribe. Inform tke f ithelld of Pitthburah and vi• tinny that they have completed arnotre• omits With Messrs. J C Jenkitiv et Co, of Philadelphia, to receive their superior PACKYJJ TEAS, And will hereafter be kept constudy on bend. Thal are neatly and securely pat OP lk metallic pithke of I. I midi lb. each, with their 'mated card—showing the kind of Tee, prtee, name of the content a n d depot in Philadelphia, with an invitation to return the Tea, if uot liked. 0 1 G onpowt,let 0.14 75 1,105 1,23 1'43 ,•Imperial 30 75 1.00 1.• lA/ ~ 4 Hylton .50 65 4 7* 1,101 1,25 . Y. 31 , , , 00 50 621 .0 IA 1,25 1,50 111.. c Block ...... • •• • • • • .37k 50 IFltme and ertra Fine. •70 1,00 L 23 1,5'1 We Will warrant •11 the TRAM , rri. ken to Ire equal to, If lied tr.rcatno to any .4141 in 004 env. awl .60014 they 1,01 71000 tweet - 6..61e to the Uwe. they 0•11 lie re- Wrileil, ar01113.. Mrillay Will he re 61114.4, at st ts only I wilt, that uodenottoliitie we telt lVe a•dt a fair !nal. that I. • poetic may be able• to dga between our Tr. and tiro. bet...Arra *old by • ther OC.111•11111/NI tu thus city. AU lover. of rtch, eleholoos sod rood 'Savored TEAS, hoo.d a• a VOL For wale by S M. VOUISIII a CO. N W corn, 4th and Ferry loreeo. and Vol.)Nli & Cll., otvlo:drmi• A W rorxer and Rosa stre,o Otitr it DK ' (Law ur New S 04 I Ihrytat—tienithtialtl theft. I..ctweris ScYcnth and Strawber, alley. N. II —1...m.0r of the month, gums wad Iretb lrealcd llooltropatßocally. CONTINUATION G [(KAT A r I=l ONE PRICE STORE, At atoll great, Rent-et Pr., A A h. deturou• ...dooms •ott stog . out rear preporao.ty to r-ororists how Fall will Wirt attest Ind.rwrot• thew yorr Ttletr •oreni ~ no, punrttuv. sl ilot how furl t.alc•. mode et ouch mown ait . tortfieetottuot otwi,l9ll. .0 lot rtuoctl oto Oto roknouot ttorti. AIL tLe nn r. recoory .•poted. they vionitow • • • r• e. la.t enlaced I.awita, at 7 et. " ande apt. pr I.raie stock 'Wks. Shawl. an I Viyots, err ri tin Lai. , r• /Vic Inn lieceae,. at one pctee • " • if•A t l.t 16 at I . :F. Koolinaidarie. ery elieup Itonne.. ball price p i (:love. ...ace.. Trimming.. AC 7 crie• Merrimack Cancan. 10 GC Ili et Cals....lea at bie 10 booes brown awl bleached cbaap. lush Loners. at 10e; Loon Gibaliants 12i1 Moine. Ribbou n and 10, tituvrir et lc With •n .133[0..31re ••rinty n 1 oilier all &ditch will prove a *ay.... puietia.era ollron lo 60 per raw Tun.tore wit on r00.a,1 WIC lb, for marking down sod prepArt.ig Ihnint till 11.1 C A A 11 A .t Cu& PICKLES. WELLS, MILLER & PROVOST ?,I7 Front street, Mew To:k, • nips, Vinegara enn llostarti Moue., t , .etrnetit * * I'ATEN PHESEtt VElk sash a. Oysters I.olistere, Illarkerel, Shad, Meals Vegetable*, die. Importer. nr Olive.. Caper. Salad Utlr , Sardinos List and Weal lode. Cundinuatits, eta. naurstiack a* mn.e ulAr4l , ll,ll.'PasupdAtti aactateg variety. •••.110 put up in bettor a yl. Mon that or any other lloase to their hostile. in ate Untied Mama,— Their goods are packed in all the ttarlatis package*, so eafe a as to bear timmpartaiiint p•rt orate count:, N. Il Catslogues may be seen at the glue of this paper. A -eat* In Site,. Peirce co. 1 , 6,1.41,10m M it.. homier thitiutimite A team • Sun. Si I.e.absi Itoekankii de C I u us. hi John Pinid •di Cu e.simao (leery Itraehmam. =MOM , 11 , 11 E partne•idon heretofore esl.ting between Nem ul and W Hem trailin umkr e the Ilrin of 111:SlIFIELI/illiam 11.‘ LI VS, has Ibis da y n dis•uteed I.y William 11. y • selltog hi. roam th'ethat in th e arm 0 llu•tAc'd AU iteeouintit due the (11. Ind to. coils , :ad Ny Doh hl. mod all debt. due by Uhl lute tam to be pond by the mate, in 11. U1' , 41111 , .1.1), Pittsburgh, June 71. W 11A VS r.X.)-YARTNF.R. , lIP --R. if LiL,4lllllC{.n havong thu day varaciated with hau.ell Ham. LIRA oat, rormerly Eledfdyd, Pa., aid rntly La the NationalNational Hotel, Patrbury it, s a l routim ece te 1411111 Vii audrr the firm DeVaiRIEL.I) h LEADEIt, at the old sta.!. Na Yeu Laerty etre. S. It HI.;dIIFIEL.D. ?auburn, June Za. Is IV. II Li.:ADEa. !lasing retired limo the ioniser Lioaineea I rake piaa•ore in re eioninetrding soy our 'ea. , * to the pa. tituillge of tap cu.wtuery and the pieilie genet•l y 007 V. II 11A VS TRANSPORTATION 810 MEM • FUR PHlLADiasnillit,AND Ii A LTim oRE, gte1" 1 .47 km P.m:lgen. .15.22—The Nom sYthii Linn onll leave or follostr, a s detect at otgitat /Alio—Copt A Cfnill, Id I A ,I4I IT. 1.1, ..otool/)Co (*ruby, Thtt.r.t.y. houttotann—.) P Thompson. Fndry, I niltana—P Horsey, gutarday.l. • Ohio—A envo Sunday. 9. Rework Traby, Monday, 6. lAttottuttat--1 P Itoattnou, ruooday, 11.1.11nt.1.—P Burkey, Wedne...l99, 9. Uloo—!;apt. A Croig, Thossray. 9. I , Z , loocity-11 Tnthy, Rrittnt 10- Thotoprion, Saturday, 11. lothava—P Harkey, nroasy, 'MoTA Crag, Alootitty. 13.Kamvet v•—cool 11 Travi s Tueiday, o mt. -1 Thompson, NVmlnoselsy, 15 For ptoooy, two:, to W eIUTCII, Moutiotrahela Douse, ets,sl ur D LEECII b ea ennal Uaain 18-19. I ?eklai and Erl• Klpromie Pao/get Llat. It. U. PARICO, Rehr, Peoprteter. NO KA. P''re7,77,t;'J'elVt're; PEN hiSVLWANIA. •• 111 Ilodmaft; f• Trip tiIIEEN ern'. " Formieg daily Co.. between Bever and fine. hare room... Led rooftiog, and eastioftor durum the sea oott to mute thrsr ...fele, trips, miter the of rtval of cute. ? ! hoot from thit.l.llr at, o'. rioct, r. el tool arrfre at ton, ha yo.acrhgers to tete the funreose boats tO thstfolo on the Lott Ttrkets throul t h LJ Eno sod all Lake port, elm 1., had by 4mlie•4oo to JOIN A 11,11.4:11ES. Aet comer of %Vxtri-and S.otthhol,l eta sr (JD /11(in KEI:lf, ender C. f , ..3.0th... 1t...1 •or . _ 0. W. BIDDL it. Da o tla It KNIOVF:I) too new three awry brivk no Ztniithlteld street, oil. door betow Binh street T r i o . tit seflefi 4014 One to to entire set, en the ro Itt ple, With a beat, Wel representation of the /intern! gook—rostorrog We original shape of the kee. N. 11.—Teeth extracted with hole or no pain. Dora) ed Tootli permaneyd ••ved by pitiegor, p rentint We tooth ache, wideh touch better dun co rind tt, though It mou ld be done lu flee minx lee, or arra oi.oantly. aptSIAT PEKIN TEA 87'45-8.1r.. prig subscriber hes just.-received al the Pekin Tea j„ Store, St Fourth <tree!,ft very large and well se . tutted stock of pare (OIf:EN AND 1.11.,%C1i tr.ns, from New York, all of which has been recelved in this country wnee the first of F,ebroary con .ins et all be dillereut grades grotto in the Celestial Empire, Our stock being among the largest in the Wert, we are prepared to wholesale, on better terms than any othms Louse m the city.. We invite retail grooms to call and examine Oaf stock and proles. They Can have spar Its ed in and I b packages, blb tin carmine., or by benches., to soil their conventence. Our retail prices very lot Oolong, Blast Teas (rem Mt Ma to di*. per 11, Ning Young Soturhong. Wenn Congo 511, and finaftsh Steak fso bu, Young Ilyson, Gunpowder and I rortertan'frout XS ma. 4141,3 per lb. Fennhes are resersted to scud and get sample• of aloes Trio, and try them before purchasing. _ntylltetotrS A. 111 YN ES. 70 Fourth street Cire•t Rairded Remedy. FOR Couvhs. Cold., Asthma and Consumptintn TIN CatEAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of lb. above diseases, ts the HUNGARIAN BALI CAM OF LIFE, discovered by Utr,sselelituted lir. Boehm, w London, Fdigittuid, mud introdoeed into the United Poste. nodes the tamed.. superintendence of the inverar. The ertraurdotnet snecess of this medicine, In the N !1 of Pennon eiseases, seafronts the American Agent I. soliciting fur treanuent the worst po.thle eeo SCA that run be found to the community —cows shot seek relief ill VII.III from auxin the eonnittou remedies of Ilia doy, and have been given op by he most distinguahed ph yelitions confirmed and usetikriblu. The 'Weyer. nit Balsam Wu cured, and will cure, the moot desperets or eases It is lie quack 00.1711/4. but a standard Eog. Itch metheine, ot knew° and estahliehetleilleney s Every fondly in the United Plates 111.110141 d be minified with Lbacbsut's II aneurism Balsam of tare, not only te eollev•reci the consumptive tendencies of the climate, hut to he used a n plevenove medicine I. all ens. to colds, coughs, span.: of bled.. pun in the side unit chew, irritation and soreness ulte lgr, bsochilm. didleulty breetioy, heitili fever tel. s tM weats, comet. atiun and goilestal debility, &stit., Vicars, whooping cough nrd etow. Hold Lo large twilit., al El pct thres• 01 LOY/111.. Pamphlets. contarow• • mina( hbrattsb and Amen. eon Certificates, awl whet evidence, 4hoonns Mc we r equalled meth* of the sham kbattish Remedy, may be olden:red of the Adam, eraroiloafry For to by LI d FAIINFtSTOCR lo Ow.. corder ul st and Wood owl Wood awl alb ?i,tAtA veS MOLLOR, A IL'idt i• , MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 iitutet street, llr V u l in i s r i ' oe " VOlTtlf " La Ttrti v e c u:a ' reV e r ....1 " ,‘, ' ‘17.; rrapectielly o lora, h,. ttlead. Awl the. petal, thal he to now pa,. tors to recta v c au.l ,r -rate Ord •t. u di.tapcm„pad 141: taunt suh.tare ti. nit.l I.tanionuhl.l teautter A. he I. rlnterotra , tl La eat t h e .10.105, be Na,. hitarani Mat be 00111 be able lo do sort an cheap u. ,m he Quite ni entobitthternt in the country. Hat sleek I. warted, ...sawing of Catanueret. Mesa. Veat.,,,,, , whorl h..'lced. are zespar tfoi. ry In 1,61 I,lllMar theamel yea tnyl4 dL 1111/4_411V..1/01 lIR Il — it tv ,111 •t UAVAIL 14 • 'l' ILK. SINN oF PLANR "Pall si vO, o. '!Y Wood 1. 1 .1 Itatargsh. t 1 , 111.:11 N LA h 4 , 1 AN. iagiorte r . nad deo len 11.nNnret.t, th.nreure tri St d St. it w 1.4 all Li. vanctie, .re non prepare ar Ins, tool do as reason.. We terms's. cr Le 1.4,1 here. We molica oar Irtt.eks, and the poLlte Vt.:roily, to rail made imatite our ‘..a, vrtneh mutants in part la I v and IPUIt KS, NAOS PT sad ItILY KNIVES, etltstSol/14, 141 I EARS, 11,1,21)14a. Itoow lluoutiogs, sorb as lambs, Latatow, ltregre soot Screws, tarther with ever) antelo asoally.4l,o I/4 Ilarderare sours.. We made the anoints., of it:repeaters trawl blechnere. R nerally re oar im , rortrosid of Tools, which have Lees, maimed 500 irmat Care, and which me ate deterrnia ed to mr.l so 11• to mar wursafactino. istM .1 V wr sitrerprrosrls7 THE anderequed havepted work* to the Iv 01 New Vork, for tbepo eof G•l7abliantg med. ere. of Iron, which it is d [ablate PR01747 PROM Huse, such am Volograph Wiro, dolls, Spiltetr, Nails, Ranfor Peones lad may other article which moo be rammed. Per 1 Imps far Cask., as• aubatitute for bole Rope; or Plea. Lirre., Lightning Rods, mat • hum of ,her applienthat., it sill Ix found cheap and duratdh. 11, cy oolu portientorly4ll nitration to , he Oat ro.nrk PAI Wire for truce, it vire. no Pawl, end will est non. A 1... lo . And Boltz, the preicr•ation hf orrireh or el .0 S pi te. poa, that rt will eelleallesto itself to the notice of all those latetented. 1.1.:0 11. MORI:WOOD & CU., Patentee., eel rthdA arta? 14 And le Heaver .t. N. York la relation to Mat unitvalled family Salve, ORLEY'S CIGNA!. ?All EXTRACTOR. az a resilentalde Phywera n —Read I the addreszad to my Agent Si, F. ry vrenalirr, Curestroun C1MC1371.,11, Stri A ream. o( duty ermayMa we to gima try tribute to Dailey'. l'utti l i hrtrlctor Den: oN...rt.] to ouuet ery and sit 133.1, UM" boot Gt. theif eib,cct itumer terutre. out teiatt•tot tour". KmAl Dom " KtoK 0( L i mo Ku out ' tout ctl o tettiler litio tett fi. cute. I have tt ut my mildly, io my ionteried, utul will all the happy 1.114 pouderfial et.. that tout! posailtiy be ItungtordAl. IA Ur. 81,1i0 1. Ibe ...MAY pArtr Of & uggurts. • byfamnat.a7 Rifsisofoliaist. The (Mowing tosfoiscosial eisoics groin a wares (a- MOM/ In many of lbolo rrayolinfk on our eVe•lrrti Wa ters Mr. Woos, oiollaiol favorably koorril pro prietor of the Parke:olio/ Hotel, is liustiaosi to um lady whose loner I aims.. Va , April IMP. To lienry Cacti:tin, An —Sir; limning me. gnarly been long winvie totlaternalory itArmeetioin which apocatiad brael . Sealed - 1g In, defy ail ordinary appliance. to It the sorer! paint attending it, I wa• Induced to try pmr Magical Pain Pairactur; alai bit•tnir elfreted, dimdat to if by ma. fie, an immediate relict, and also, la all appeacancim i t entire and parkin cures I am induced to She Vane. fit of inner* who may La t o with pain - , matted Ly toy kind of littlomomuu tt , to write to you, 13eCittring Mat in my vitntion, fountletl on actual aspartame. your Magical Pont Ka tractor to the moot valuable die. cover y ado, prement age (or Me immedtate extraction of bodily pmn. It to an aim.. Itumediute and ...r -ivet cure for Boma and,yaldo, and ell extenial in. domination Oar unt mony sevuutottvv. forayed by their visits on my husbmot's hotel in Mir place, I hare toppmted by your .Lowing teem Misc. Me, hoer, it may ....ably Le al Leoret Low to theta apt! yea nest. Ku.elint Gum fl entertein the hope tleti Mn. Lilithe will para., the pahhetty I give to lief letter. at well ou the score of Leman") , mte or ite sting the/ toode of Littogitig ti to the notice of bet freenda 14t.t.s• Felon Cuted. Rattail of a letter, dated : .. Ildr.mi-wr, Ily Nov M, lAtt Mr II ntlley "I hare iced >um ram klatearter .n a rare of felon, in ray owe family, whica it relieved rind cured nr a very >h em time „ in 111.1., your% re• imeelfully, Jot. M. Yontru tcr Barna and Nenl.l+, l i lies, Sole Nipple.. Ittoken !!rant, Krum..., WorewiCuu. Wounds. an I a i re lianamatrom, t told. re . ..111011u rho wonderful propein . ea ord. unrivalled far., oral re. 1., in t h e amine. pen. imirtion Wei you wig weeive Lerrent (run me Irma:ire, you will be rsoured Ly the Mimic.. i demo id t h e enunter ten mire, 'l tiAUTION—IIte sure Rod apply .I.lg to the hp/cuter, II, ire Llreudwr). New lurk, or tit lilt Cu.rhorixed seat. JUMA: U MlllariAN, Meneral Drcriol. Plik•bilfait. lien,' y .I'. lied ream. Al , dmltetts. Afrol; J Halter. Wheeling. V n . Junto. Iti g .liild..tint, Ilavvivillt, Ky., r Nit In nelliher. Cute.... it , treater?! Merin. N. II —ln Ine 'ever... llama and near+. tie • • ere p.iin ot a Liar reiminw—di in v. fail. , mi 1 11,1,71611 r Li. le• 1 ry117 . .. I) J...xx. D. I....mivonok CI W.d err et. ha. Atom received sortie Leauleuify Oreamented t. IL A I' E A PRI/NS, ef a variety id 'tette.. and refer.: Min, em noun Yap., fur ornamenting' luokrnt ailn•ici, immure (mote. nr lamp. min 2IACLi titla. dia si tiILICIC AL. tUIVIVIC IC, ~it„..r,, No.„015, DL4MOND . ALLRY, • ..., fetie agora below l• nod street, Ur l. ... * .:•-' - . : fil a marteL .....: 1.24 oil, BROWN, Rasing esea ".1 .:,-..,....; ~ V -; _, ,' l'exelniiy caromed red l'''te',;'4 , P , flieitticia, and beer Mr auttle . 0 .... •... n ... a . 'l l. to general pramme, now tonna. s -. ~-' • ' hit al snobs to Me if entilielil of loose vale atal delteate romp ,-,• .11k % r , u .,,, fur wlitell his iipporamitu e :i-•,.. ,, - . ••• and ripe cream occulted) , dealt'', ''"' ''. s Lem II years assalunasty deputed io tiled,' ..M. Treatment el ilioan cu ed'eumplamtsdita t i ward. laine ho ba, h i d more pr.iiilive and be. lnure pia. bents than Out over fall white tut of any pm... pracm ...I amply qaattne.' him to oler assurances of SPl•tdy.yortuititeut, coal sallehietory cure to all aiiiiedril with delicate diseases, and all disermea Raising Ilieral from. Dr, Drown would Maim those afflicted with privets diseases emush have inlet.e chrome by ti:llq or rat{ groomed by the aye of any of the comm.. floors., of the day, Mot their compinsuts nem be radically itict theta mighty cored; he having given his carotoi mt..= We lrealuirol of sorb cone y s, moo anceemlad hishdreila of nistances iu riming pnaanis stf Milaifflnaloilt tine of rig bliphicy, usblttuslicil liNelaneil "Mich alter II:noir from thaw eases where oiherr have consigned them In ttopektss de.plir lie partmularly invitee such or here bran lung and onetiocossfilly treated by ether. to editsult loin, when every wisdom.a will be glare theia, nod Weir e•fell treated in a careful, thorough and Intelligent manner, pouted out by a long op noses study, end investignueoenehich it is impiamiLle bar than engaged in geneml practice of medicine to give au our Mom of disease. Mrllernia or flupture..-Dr. Drown alm Welles per eons afflicted with hernia to coil, as he htsp...4 µArtie lilac attention to this disease. CANCIiRS Woo cqrvd. 1 1 1 L 1 dlse•e r - 4 S. Palsy, eta, upsedily carol C rIA. I -7 i7 I . l " nrs . of lab use living at • dOistnes,4l slllDillf their distase , reeitog, eortng tba sy ems, elm obtain olc.tleibeigsfut direnuons for use, by itedreattne T. BROWN, M. D., Feat p•l4, 6.1 log n tee. 11es No ed, Diamond alley, appetite lb. weinip !louse. Ittlsow‘rewt —Dr. Brown , . newly dlfeevernd rem,. Ay Cot Ilheumetwm w . Ipewly ILA rennin tewbAy Uwi painful anwtde. It tweet (tile. Lace and POVILIe Coasoltleyei Ne.:45 MI:- 143,14 J alley, Nu.; itb r Till Onto? 4 *4i!nyi et; ROMER lAYN, FARMR. FOR HALL A VERY destrable retudenee in the gh of Browbeater, odknining Johu Dag. fun . t .q. The Let is a emner one. MI feet 60.1 by one hundred and ninety feet deep—mu a two niofy 11, Is House, twenty-gee sett front, ands two parlors, inning Mona. Anti kitchen on fins loot A camt.vge home, stable and !napery, and the lot hail of choice Han trees, all In good order. thsquins el the sobra-al, Om, Lumber Merchant, Allegheny city. JHO. PATTERSON," tiFOR SALE—A Brice Sums. (bur one year buili,) and Lot, On Robinson weer, 4Begßellge liesr Oei Bridge. Briee low and Weil easy Inquire of rydd 8 SCIIOVER, Ito Sedond . you HEST. FOUR new two story Brick Dwadling veR fintitied and in complain order on Centro vene, or Me ei. ruin toad, 71.ttWard. Pitt tenion tr , geren loam:4111.1,y. Rent law. Enquire of J. MN WATT CO, trio ram, liberty ana hood ete Amble Ran/ Eetete for Bale. TIIII subscriber wirers toes her !loose and lot iu Allegheny City, pleuently situated on lieult Lane and frontier the AlleslbenY river, neasiy opposite the potrd e: Pl , talturst. the Lot is VU feet wide, and emend, Asa Dane Lane on the South to RebeeOn Utoot se the NOrth, bounded Limo by No/. naceeloo rho U . S.A. Il t. a of the handsOltieSK and most d e si r a bl e lots now offered tor Fes Loy wbeeL , la the nelebbisrliotal or Allegheny City. it le kegs enough to be subdivided advausly LBW 10 bultd• Iqg Iwo of ihe usual size It v e rysuitable for a lam dr residenee -i• witched welt • variety of choice Fran Tree. 1 , , lull Lean n e The &selling ts eutmealent And nail a. nod L • en air sane •ln,nl rig, and pu0,...-1011 azan, Lett lekvait nnt• Fla lent, apj., on ll,e r rem , rutan: sAvuay. _ F . Oll •Ity plat., bring It F otl s.autt tar that htnattea. F. D OAZZ . 14, urpr Phtlo trourtf 1...! . v. • Property In OLlleglaant Oats for -8 4 ul•••••riLer• color for arra anzabvrof Lot, whore in the Second CJOUsino groorol no only tents. Inspi re Of W. If 110111 NSON. A tly at Loa'', 81 • or of JAS KiIIIINSON. un tkoprearistor alrl7:46ortfT --- P - dit — lCA - I. ng 4 in . A TlIR'll: stone d Dwelli Flour, bet eromil toutos from Peon street, an kin flos, on Ildy street. Immediate pewee... ,iaalt. 1,1111111/13 of DAVID RIP( HO; Aileen • Low—mheit . Fuerth street, between Cherry and lvt am olfret. lailkd von [Lelia IP _ ...__ 2 FI7UR new two story Bnci Dwelling Ito well G•nshed and In complete order, on A veuaa, 7th Ward. Possession given Jai Rem low. Enquire of 1011.11 IVA rr it CO _ lull cornet of laherly and Bead TO i , Alt 11l a:HOC - AA 1:1 t.II ettirctilific - limit.: Undevsigaml MI., for vale in 51 1 11 , 1 a emu ay, I. Pa., 1,110 arr.:. of well unniere I LAM I, whiz am elteellent Saw Mill nest new; and two new F . e 111311/IC., one II feet wont by 17 back; the other 32 feel front by 21 back Also, good twee (rude Ilarn. WM by forty feet The mill awl /and are allowed (alit lades from the Allegheny rivet A. gr." deal Of PINE TIMLIER of Me ben quality, mu! mope Vast qoentily• (the very best hemlock. A I so. mie statism thebank Of the Allegheny. near • cove, usual admlrably Olaf. ' ed for rafting, where hoarier can lie rafted no the lan lo 'mower. and to• perfevtly soin from all freshets.-- Price thelltAl, ur S 5 an acre. Terms easy. Will take a well cleared smell feria, with good !mane Mai or• etnuel upoa it, on part payment... if lovarion is tunable, nod :be !malaise." in lumbar, or N. may he agreind On. .n. ~, an excellent oppormotty 'for lumbenn add the probaldtim is errat that 111 two or three years this property will doante it. Imbue, in consroumwe of its pioduntM in he New Vert 11101 Eno Railroad. Tim ber sufficient tow ear nut severti saw wills—and sev eral mill 1111 , •• lin the stream which runs nearly tbrotten the centre of the land Anonl fifteen acre, la rasa No bill ton/1, 1.. bunlirt! turnner irom mill to river. Trout mad game 111 annelionee. For lankier particu lars, address, tooto•paid,i P ii TV.IIPI,I I 7TON, invel:,lkw:ts 13141 , 11 , offlow. Pitivionnvb Two Lots toe Sale. --- riff: milmermeio will vell at prmate Cale, Move rwo ' j., v,ituanlrs tuts of t/ronoid, ahltatall Olt Tont ani'sb, in the Third Wont of Alleeheil; OW, each busing a Joint of 'in feet, tootling buck lon tem in depth maia . not mivy mom which iv bunt a 4t0.4,1 w.all, 25 by 11,0 fret, v. hie!, comai ov .11141.• etindxa to Imild lie u, r I veil comfortable dwellnie lion ev, +oil iii f ~,,, , ibe are lyres all hie 11,, 01, ye in erivonn. and the ..n1 ws.ll It staved . vols Logo, all of which will be anti" al VAR. Piltdmigb and Alleghen). or Cooney :wry, Ism La taken to payment. J a 11 PIEILI.Ii'S, No 5 Wood at., or to WM. EIR.N.SLIN, immediately opposite void lots. m;'9 ' TO LaiT, jui.'nth: Dwellmg 1 - 10.111, on Third attest, above Smithlirld. oweopien by tho bony in we lam Ile O N. high/wen. Poawssidn given on the lo t o f duly nekh. r - Ai., vim.. rarer in.. , ofttttt .11 to the Ninth %V Afti, UCIWVeIi the Fmit Ward nod Crghtlitsvilto, • mmtile for yard*. 'Vhf. H I/AM.:NO ((IN, ruaudit Al 11. 1 1 .rtitigtrin's. Fourth at Lilt SAM'. Alva Wi. .Iy Pa +int:mar - 7n ilia [Wai t' labia., oi Llatutlit,Aato. The lore aril utW. Nil 00 Iw.on ao .Iferl. nalirlbrlrd t.l F 13auansao 1 / 4 ptaa 770. •all, -1 .m 1 No 75 frnollite thereat Ala. y A •ii tart ileac, the, other four 21 (Cat from mirk. by fort deep ell T. nu.—rite..., pall of purchase money may eel main tor air year., sevor.N.l by inotlgagel. For parual alma, iiittritre 4.1 f t() VEIL Mara, accolui at reason to ammo. 4 SUL/ r foe , tunes ehove Lo->k No. Y, at the mouth ••( dionongnhela niver. The 'Coed to /cry , too, tonlity, end easyneva,. mi Any timulow aeres. INa/11i-fore t o a hundred, ght to uinvin./1 thwv.ow tinrdrwt. of pus has eau 0/1 t%* A tdi felt on OW tur, of tVm IFL./e/: /do/ we the poet wu9 will et ye env iu in04..u.1t./on onc./route the proneity. Tim ahore wdl Inl a trargaiu. 'or_! oldm rr..,...,,,,..,,,z.,t,4,,,„,;,,,,,trr011),:zy1i.nyiv;,1,1,10utrar.,..f.ttiat, nit OH SALE elltiriFYUN. fin ground . qu ru f t n om on Webster street. 05 ren tium et 191 feet ni o %Vet/vie, by utl feet to et Ewe alley --yuite clove In new court house l'nee ellsU. Tenon, 111449 root In hood; hal anee lo ono, two, that and Nut yea; Irmo the first of April hum enuely and Ott' Scrip taken for cash payment. In , Vint. DI my SI , sfll t VUR. lin .r 00* Aar.. toss t/ .. o L u , th u a , .:/ , l ,, orrtip mil teit i t . ri v v:r ;k = t ur he 111111/Cl.lll/111 ite4Lborhood of Metter. Lyon it ShZtk. and Air. Joh. Ileironht intrehase. The find hotly ei Coal will Ire sold at the low price oft relper 4410 111 hand, iwitutre to bee equel mutual par/Mettle. wiLhout interest Title bulisputoble. Location vary toad—enridot ho •arp,ssed. Pot further particulars enquire 0(0 11.11/St/AY, *Pc tea a draft of raid pre rnany.ltevideoeld et, belcw Ferry, r. Adartho Hots. N. The're is nnother v emu of evutl op this abotll ti) foes above th e lower, of eacellem qual treat, oy. Irldsltf . it, Vol lain4l. Oulidina A.:Ota So4o. r s t pa l son/ 5 t, 7 1 3 ,1 ;11:0 0 rt ,, r , e 4 ,1 c. to to o r :ler at private ot Se.) valustne Lio;,ar, Low cOmpng Ittrl In enlrllo‘. or the Lou :mothered 67, hn, 1,9 and 711, , V t mols' pi o n of the City of l'iltsburgb, stea• ill the •euto euuw.ndlys/orater ol Penn n,d t %Tapia erpcla, rro/111/1, Sin m et on she runner, awl elder/duo/ ably he loner Goo le.el In SIC Allegheny river, and being pon of Me Kna.l Smote thc trio Sin ve tuon, Es/1 deceaned A plan or rnbM•islon 1,,0te, in con Ppr. may nu. whieb Is. pre/pone/1m may he seen al the utee of the under/qv:el:on Fourth, between him to and Ferry as. .IVILLIXNTS d KUHN. t0,.1 • • Valasibta Mead Eearate Saline grill; fa:lowing property in the city of YittabitiFitt near the inirongh Or - hdYnCLCInIt to tbe Oleo river. is offered for .1., on - iesenunonalli I=l.l Oi-Low {being •¢b -division a Lot N'. .4 in the plan af the city of HUAburg4,l having :al Inet Ilion on Se venth atter., by tils feet to Strawberry allay . era. Grant street. 1.0 one tore Lola fronting on an AVenne,. GI feet wide, tanning from Beaver rued t o the Oldo Geer-a& rointrwr Oil Cl.uti Factory. - For term., *moue of CHARL69II. 'MULLS!, fablittf orJAMES O'GARA, - aurae , . Building. nib at . lo en D . u t! ,l F 1 17 'FregirG KO if — ln Se:• lob Ward . , VI tel b• and ailjetent ty I=Potool 46 2' 0 1 of Gio Cent.' %slimed. For terms inneire•ol .C.l A ItLES IL SCOLLY, or JAMINtritAIIA, cowl/ tl Serlic'e Glaildine. In. es Two LU Putt sA,..s. /ea TWO I.Ol'A on !leaver street, iu Pie y A l tiatieny, above the din'', cit ich ti c , ertedn ui lJ inri, 'co slants Lch, se.tabisi for mu am .11 tenemeeta. rue lob arc earl tereuty em w waist by one hundred rent deep, end ran bile& to a .kann, forty feet wide, The tnolattes on the Ina. mine- m id pa ill y•yeti heisdi.oine inierensi on the ioireini: anti tw •nid cheap kw earth. Apply to R. Sproul, CleriCe nffieet U. &Ono itnor..7 KAY & Co aoa¢ f.wo3 fork etaiN arR I.`,i L A Ark .nudt , d Peel.lca tom. Gull, On Ge MOnongnitent, three mile, from l'ittn. nu Inatoi• For twtherparhc... „tlers apply to (Ivory %Feuds, JJ ta.. or to • • A W a3UIN('TON, nov 40, Above .., grtillat.hl•l IliV., A lii.:ll6Usll Fr.itz'A —17;;;;E;c7.57i oLro f • for auk' the tbtv. , wrr hrtui Warettolle IV ~o 4 darrec, ncrupmd b N . i L atuh .vi c ,si % apt? ITALU A 91. 1 ,. era I. Fdl TI:1 P Knipt STILEET et Pit ttt/iltE lott of firottoti Ott Penn • tfrtet, tiny atol Alttrltttry Street*, Iti4tollllb4 the Itotear .no tot now otteurt.-1 by %chant ,}l,V•Pflit, hateittg a Irobt 14,1 fnet, att.( to depth ISa fAet , tall .11.1 on favorable tnrt.. rttle utteleoptoOnaitto t Rn• vorr of e t, Imo NW., 4th on, soar Wood. rot. bate, DESIR.IIII.F: Itw /.111K Lot ,0 All,wheay cny , ft.. lov.iied, in tau tatons hall an ace., and lir lu idii...,,0M.i111041.11, 6,r.. Inquire of J D wil .1 .1 A. MS, till ...a a . Fut? kkiiiT-A renal in 111G11,1:11174ry . I`..* - _ J. G. 4 G. W. CARR, Vl'll,ll.lll.PiE eurnia, , , AND atANurAv- Rek,.; 01, orPARASOL. CANE, WIII P, BON NET AND LAMPS 120Nr, W I: r-sprrii,sPy th. sn,lttloo hf Mfochnots andlfrn rn , to vh, 1,4 belt vanely of iLa tht• ,IT, nt V.< /0100.'11 prlr.ra. Th•ra •krove I: .t sue., odimotoz Eaglo llotri, 14111,A DP14 . 111 1. ,al .rotS/VN. 010. W. ISHII/ . & CO, r Nl'l3lllll tied, fiends and the public thottheyksvil L ilugre any tumacetruce with their hitt estataisda nen! in str,,,, av rtilehdrgh dreams. nave& seereseJ sinus teens. business us tba tIIIEWER te P 1,1,4 u 44 tti'i/tt'd ICI I ER 'non, June 111. 1914. U m er e s e -• Dear i,.c I r:lve one teaspoon foil of r , ‘„ , Ot ter rii ri( ter Children, au4 the short un, et 1.-ito haw, it posue.l twenty Itehg d u , "te. rreuuuricturinu toot Verddistree atm Le l st ttettneett.' etas else Ise tsetni for CEPG/liilf 0rt136. J str 3LN:tau V, neer Notslestu ess .. Pr^pared and sOl,l try ilse irreprxelot, JUAN 0..M.,gt ! (JAN. DruxLi., one stool beds" Dtunsand ding. Wood - o!. ° Crib ,UOt• gam., situate is,ustS, w sal e stud tor SEIsIeNRS. & &PAK in Ate ,err a ityjuvric, . DRY GOODS JOBBERS; kk WOOD STHEEr, ARR now reccivitit a very Otto Cook Cr Deck . OwAs, or recent pawl..a cad iropottaDoetetki& Will Pell 41 tke Wade at tuck Niece es eateeD fait uvc ttaire .2111,61Clintl. COI owl Country 141<r, tot In are 4%111.1'10 examine our cock beCro iWtrhaiting Irvin - ,atir.n : tnialokrits FL("nD°Li • 90%stie-+!7r r'" *out , - '311‘1"2 w u,l ^ 4 from o to II • .. -,, ,:.e51,7-FtP . Zn. _f,• 3 :i -- , 1 : ~7 :-i".ilt•