The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 07, 1849, Image 2
PITTSBURGH G 4ZEtrE, I=nMl PITTYBUBOII, 'TUESDAY MORNING, AI:CaIST 7,1601. 81•%1*,llll U&ILT IS pablistied XVlcoltjhaad_Werekty.—Tbe Dolly is,voll man par ansorra;the Ter Weekly t. Five Dollarsper ass= Weakly Is Too Dollars per %MU" Oka, Z ' ADVlrrisk. ate eitill.lly requested to WO/ in VM Won. 6 r, - v., and as early in ibeditt at raetivable. Aslrenlauutepts net inserted fora, swear led dada will taratipbly be eharerd omit orktri on, vanakumpiam NORTH AMEMIOAN. Adiretilsemerillt sot; lob.cliptlons to the Non Afo.t lesn indifttitodßtotoolisv.tte, Holodelphia, sad VaniNuiled from Ita. cam, aarrusilsoslic afro wino 1.14:44p g. WILLIAM HASLETT, of gutter CowAy. •11,:11.1. EMT. C. WALKEIt, n n , Bon.diF. JOON 1111.1.118, at Sharprleargh CALEB LEE, of Pittsburgh. WIIkESPY, of Lower St Clair ffl!Ml MITER CURTIS, of Pima, ' re, ' •. . PILOTHORO. It, of Upper Sr Clair kl - a HA VSr i T.ZAVIREK,;: 101iN MORRISON, or AllepOror corrausatooail. JAM MITT H W., of Problcs COCORZI, Wit 37. ARTHUIL3, of iimOursO 301iN BYERS of PlndlaT• Pox-Local Ma ..... wee next pewee, Se• ..t page for TelegraplXio Mews al Gazi• rat Ts yldi We We, aa yet, peen ho movement toiftudt Making prepontione for the reerptbri of the n preti. dear and Governor. We thine it ,houtd udt.tet too loos delayed. if la desired iv do ❑ himdsysn..l7 sad obviate evolution. W. once that the l'residebi, u...v....noptaked by Cialrer4o, 10/14.T0N. pod blbtr spend Friday night at Greentboren, red .leave esq on Saturday moraine, the loth, fi4 Ilift; where he will *ewe Irmo time between to and aiztu the afternoon. Ile will remain 'screaming Sunday and Mayday, mod leave on Tu'eseay esokairis Lr Now York, by way of the Lakes:. The mate, try the Lethal, we have cot )et learned. Wotroold again young the propriety of Oniony a*O,ll mooting, witimot d stinettuu of Wtity, to mat Abe neo.uary arrtavrnecito, etli tai made immediately. Forel g a Dlteeet tan y thlrias these rather Au!! times, we c !anal oiler oar Waders a Mare interesting treat, than late GA lowing basi, prepared ropcoally In , the Oarerr., from a miss of Curial! papers. Tnrjr wtll and It palatsade, nutritious, and easy or dlestion. Wr propose to repeat the dint, out of new materials oaeasiott may require. A great deal of interest has been ezeitedla Lon don by o trial in one of the 0:d Bailey courts. aeon a charge of violatiog the neutrality Iniva of the kingdom. The parties were the Prince ti?anatelli Esti Sormor Scalia, who were loilloted Cot Muer gut &Mesmer in a British port to go to the aid of theiCicillans, during their late contest with "King Bombiude," is his Neapolitan Majesty bas been called since the bombardment, by bin order, of Messina and Palermo. The ease was sib d, in deed..K.lne Bombe's" and the s ympothirit of the liberal press were excited to a very livelf ; degree. Alger I protected trod, during which lite court 10001 was crowded, the defendants were acquitted. and "King Bombs" was defeated. Bet {tae trial killed the judge, Justice Coltman. Ile Suffered great fatigue from too close application during the trial, toe appro.:meet being ventilated on the prin. elplis of keeptug the air 'out, sad the next nay but• =defter the close of the ease. he was Munched with cholera, which preyed fatal in ten heals The steam ship company which has its principal station at Socubamptoa, where the New York and Sieben packets land, is one of the greatest asso ciatiens of capitalists in the world. They carry the British mails to and from Southampton unthe Boat and West ladies, to and from the Mediterranean, South America, Spain, and Portugal. They te epee Om the government 32,260,000 .:,;ear kir the Mail service they render, but their. , expend cleesSairS4o o 9oA o 9, the kallautlibehtliM 94l9 -up try pthstreterli stud • - ' They here lam meauraMper paid of which is fifty tbornmed pounds. Tlte4,4aleoi.l' of their steam verse's algae beetle is stopoopog and they employ a ran number of sallieit vowels In carrying coal to their various detsss. They have sixty loreign civil stations, at each ibf which there is • number of employees Ten!lbousand people at Southampton sr . more or b 4 4lep , od ant upon the company. That town is glendy as , Wed, bemuse an eifort is expected to Ohmura a ehaitge of depot to tome other pert. It ironed thi-t the immense operation. of the compeny have caused lands, before worthless, to be ya'ned at 112.000 per acre. The will of a gentleman wag lately !minuted in the prerogative coon, on the ground oeinseniry. It was proved that the father of the !relator, and hoar of his blethers en I sisters hod dieSl by itteir own flaudAln fitter derange/m=4.d that soother sister had died ia a mad house. A member of Parliament, John Belli tsrl— hes been lately acting very extraragaralyi, Ile was therefore turned over to a commission 4e lumma, inquinzade, who brought him in mad as a march hate. It was thought by some, tharathe lone speeches in general to which he was colts polled to listen had erased the poor man; Other' Saki it was lag speech for the recoration Of the Core Laws, that finished him. Os the 9th July there was a very Into resting debate in the 'louse of Commons, upon Bail Road nattier& The Chancellor of the Excherytler moved for • grant of 62,500.000 no be appliedthe con eaction of a rail road in Ireland. It Ivan voted. la the course of the dise.ussion, maat , ralealite returns of rail toad moieties epos thebominent, were exhibited and analyzed. It appeared that la Prussia, previous to 1945, a conttPrehensive efillens of lines was traced out, eoveridethe kiss darn, and embracing 3200 miles al Mil Up to the end of that lest, MO miles had been buil!, at an aggregate cost o(1135,000,000, and its east per mile of 350070. la the smaller Ger Man Slates I Ore hundred and 'Orly one miles had.heen con- 'Watered, at so g11P9,9t9 of St7,ooo,ooo,rlte average amt per -mile being about $93,000. Allatrie had hoar hundred and ninety Lau miles, Which had total $24"00 0 , or about forty eight, thousand dallier a mile. Parliament had previiiimly passed bills autivartalng the construction or:Seventeen hundred miles of rad road .n !relent,: Only 450 "Idle* had been completed, or were Ia progress towards completion. There hod heed spent in England, on the numerous and well balls lines of her roads, 5915,000500. The expeese of the English roads is usually more mina per mile than that of ours a d• llars. It cwt one Lee $70,000 per toile, merely to get Its bills through Parliamew, and the total cost of tint road was 84 0 % 000 per mile. Other roads have cost SlOOOOO per code; and yet they pati3nod divi der-do generally. 'rbil English appear to be eery CfpWilllng to ehanaon the stories of gold mince m Pee , South Wake, but the proof Is ample that My reports of the disecieeries of the real yellow dust hied no good foundation. The deaths from cholera sod the salts class Of dineasss, for the week ending the 11)h of July, were three bemired and "mere-three. 'Daring the aameweek there were seven hundred 4lcaths from other macs. Cholera camel hod bemi:lnerniaing la Landon, at the rate of filly a week -eir several wick! previously. Average length of - Mucks of chalets appears to I.e ideal fifteen h. tni. Mataarile Scrag (hat wet twenty trellis ago the Beanies' Rossi, that as, hse returned ttr, the elate. slse tity birth • Prussian, hot nuurierlbn Italian Count, whose fortune how been awallesed up in be political coeval:lions of lea coma/to r , - Her drat ritiraranee in England Was. In I telitl.:•:when she *At the part of Boehm in the Barber of Seville, In whirlishe carried Me town by storm. f•-She reap. petrel in the pm al the Queen's theaite, on the leth ofJolgoind.exgited the greatest enthusiasm. - laiiitxrday,or rather In her youth, 54 ilibran bore &impala' frousSantag, but she is notid,i, without a rireL • She goal to France in November-, nod probably idler the cholera shall have litheadded In • the Mated Steles, as she desires te';repair the welted kethica abet lord, she will.thake us • prolet4ional , riots '.fhietrftitti _taint curious libel suits; f nor day his **lily „taken place in EaglattA: The kix Dakeii.f:Ornesigick, Knot him Whiittl Bylaws • verse haitegade - Agamortal, in that gratiA and pa, theile passage, alluding to his death ate; Waterloo, and tint of ais father 14.1ean, has hee d',,4 refugee' , 111=4=0 for 13100tal pairs, having 'ego txpell. ia foot NiOulteik* in I 631:._,1505t pat. ralfrotts tyranny and oppr4tion, diagracefal to him alike its **ovarian ner42 man: , Whetrdriven Wiper Ins dominions by his cansperated statireT°. the'lnadon Sendai Dispatia„ealled bite uoirretch" and • r monster:" Wlui Lad irell deseived that and a mach worse fate, The Ex Duke wrote the edi. tor • letter, remonitratingWith him, and tin derteft• tog to eorrect him fn hlg . Satementt'. He said H was true he had left in • hurry, sad his subjects. had matte a bonfire cibia likes, but th.t was Lc- cause they wished to shop their regret to ku de"' parttire, nod tolls ht him od his way. in that saute , letter he commented most severely on the coupe. of George the North, why he maid had been at tempting to deprive him IA his laheritatire ever attire the death °flea beloved fattier at Waterloo, and had at length secceeded. The matter slept . fur seventeen years, but Something happened to bring up the Date's condi& again 111 1417 and '45, when the Dviwtch again tainted bun over the coals:' and specified several acmf , ol despotism nod balm:: o ras which he had cortimitled against ate rights of subjects, among tlier thifigs stating that Le had slopped and °Weed prtrite letters, taken jewels from them,&e. dce. ThAMke seised upon these - articles, as a tied send, arid brought hie action for declanng open the Iniginal alleged libelloon et tide of 1530, and bringing In those of 1544 td, ereagthen his maim. Ru:Es-Highness conducted his own cause In perms, .;and realty showed that i he had been employing the period of adversity, and obscurity, much beuei than he did that of his reign, that is, he had broil ' making hirnselt a run ning lawyer. r Ho was opposed by the 404/tt rmi scot of the Litithin bar, aMotte, others by 5/0100111 Telford, the author oftog Hut he beat then, all: 'the Judge austalned in hi. Item the assertion of the mortal tons principle, that no lapse oh tune eould outlaw a libel. It was but .mmutemrd that the language heldl.y the ethiir 14 1.419 wAtt unless evonected with tire esph,ssed eighteen yei4• brlme to 1830, so tat 1110 acti.m rested ou a 111,01 411cge/110 have beet; mitred ii/Orterii yenta b,fott.t. t. T.e &leo., alleged twit cbc I WWI II public Om. acir t, twat a. 154C6,111. 1.110a11.1 W. opts to er.hrisut and pubi'Le con4lre. Moreover, be hirl .rare Sill to S2O. I Lea a matt pointed out to me waived the right to soe'ion the alleged lihellotta I X: be d r ' Mdlus & 4 , " ' a t' dfly,er of Me''n pe twitter 0i1b313, by to it at the nine. The ; mo .rt, 1,;;‘• receives ,unrel said teat to his )otter to the editor, of Chat Denier torte nor wagon. “ Ilo w utie bt s n a h n e rl I l u ot r a n' he '- - auJ rentiug at the mu., rzortitaii year, he had stahkred and lihrlied George • s elitatt prien. Oar hundred dull Ai r, a month fur a ategi• the Fount, and that litit uript pow nairolly 'newt by ,Litet, aver it Sad slumbered u/ iwieeo pr. " re n . 1 5 0 1 ' .1 '-' er o afc d t in o7 y sel• ri' pOirtt A ed w o ' u ' i d lu ' 10 ' :1 years. , :. ' day, .tact by Mr. Phone, of New Urtnons. which I beculd say contained about Gum a nall rams The .114 e, Led DeriMan, sad iti it the hrstii. He informed tne that II gamble had ollered to ten; bet was not outlawed bi the statute of tint:manna, ; j . , , L , 590 ~ n o , ro advance 5 5 0 00 nosh or, hit rent, because the dist:mount:fp condant Imputed It, the , and of boon as that amount should be absorbed to Duke, in the rematka oI,IBIS, illustrated won, was l ailyance on the first clench month the rent for the meant by Alie terms oval in 1930,0 t '•wretch" and , month, or, in other words, to' rent the house at the r a te rd 531 0011, . year. II evn, refused The hotel • mutterer," and among rrther charger was one like , I here, a wooden house of ottlivary size, rents at the this—that!the Duke had, tolzen a cold chain 0001 a I tale o/ 5132,000 . per annutu. The gamblers are le men ill wealth tu Inn. country. oust you bun firlltßlC litter he hod opened, and gll/013 010 one ' , t hem wo ih., tables m th.,„,,L,,... .b.dan,„; l or his mistreste, But Led I:1,1001111, wade be . Every body here oi inalong a lawn. and we have charged strongly fur the plaintiff as against the men owning a whole ray, and quarreling mounts educe, censured the Dike in the strongest terms fur the libel which he had perpetrated sob out the tdess.d memory of lieoige the Fourth. The result was inevitable user 4is charge upon the law points, Mad the special jury brought in a verifier lor his Ex-Royal Highness of 82,500. The Times,jof the 10th July, has a fu. rious article on the lati repudiating speech elate Senator ielferron Davis, of hl ississippi. But, se. vere as it it, no candid person, even among oor countrymen, can deny Oat it is just and deserved. The Times gives, in a rm.( space, the opt repeated history of Mississippi repudiation. It phew* that in I S3S, the State solenialy voted with gat the con stitutional gam)/ to earth State bonds for 55,000,000, for the establishment Of the Union Bank. They were issued and suldi !rci Mr. Bid. le, as the Agent of the Sank of Vie iltited States, and by that tu- .. sea This state of tbrona compel.; every titan to gnomon were rent to Englood and add again:— [ a getitleman *Ay the other 0 v ill.. he met a work Li himself a. much a• laarobk. , , and I hear: Tae State 01 Mississippi received the proceeds, . _,. 1 pi t y of men haulag their °mu cart Up to the and the Union Bank Went tom operation. The mt , m „ . . , Legislature examined atm matter, and voted the . This ~, mot a very g sttenog ~,,,tot., trot We beget' a good and adlantagetrusone Co the Slate. hope the friend, of law and order will ..-on Ire in Some time lifter, 32000,000 more of bonds Will is- th e majority. ' • sued, m order to estaklish the Planters' Ronk.— i n regard t o G o ld so d th e Gad rag ion, t h e „.„. s , Bath Hooks, in a shortlitne, exploded. wad the re- it e m, of interest is the eyes of wort tolhs, we take apemiable McNutt advised that the bond, altarthe foll o wing e steem...— foe wane. the 5 5000 ^. he promptly rePadidted. t ' The gold here instill abundant. though the av e as he old they bad bre n waned', violet-ate id' the 1 rage yield of a single man , inter per us', a moo tiler thin when the deeesiet Were ant Ms. Conettettioa, and not In conCarrnity today. The i ~..m o vereil. We hear daily or mean of extra- Leitieleitare resolved (hat Il .•• a Jibe tafamr.!he ' ordinary sUeLY.4I among a tew todssidueln, but State to =wet that shturoold evegrepadiate those .we hear of many larraneell at the same time at w i eccar e g i..i . B,,npm,rp*s . ,,w,,,pj l IttIlltp11?111 . 1I0eIli v ill:d distress. And enemy Maumee* to pay Principe eiteikrreas..and "ot-a.miGitii--,w i lw o w atga t t .7. eT ' u t i o l ° 2= "." Tatar.' the, has twee paid. da ISI2, I think it is .tired, 'The labor of &erns gold is represented hs being the Legtslatote was Wrought upoa to do What • Melt severe. Street old cane! 4.geers and earl ram McNutt recommendr&, and dal repodiore the r ""' To r* th c rs v ' t . e l' ar n' o 'i th t :eirseri ' t n i b s y tis "f be Lb : . trretlet " ; 3•00,1,000 of bonds Drat issued. They have el- 11.01 s o many be..ken down gentlemen and wee ways admitted that the bond, fur the Planters''', y oung men should nave emigrated to this country Rank stem valid, and:noght to' s paid bat not a ' They toe entirely useless here to themselves or the ro timonitv Mrehanies one labom ro are ill. eent Aar bees paid noi.a rdl er ol Mae. re'. die , .,., . ~., .ran t.. , ,„„,., ~,, , ..„ principal or Interest. . So that se the * i i mos err) I re •thoura of rut.: .afeh wol ho dog floa year pointedly 'mask., the de.tinction ts larnentahly i el variously estimated here; but the setter.d.loolon emoting in a tllfferenco kas aut &toed that the ,a' ter a a tLc . ...4%.: 1 1 .. i : 7.., , ,,-; , ,,..., d .. ., .... , ‘ . t . „, : t: : :, State received the money, bat the, unprincipled i which hove been made are on the southern branch. 1 deinagOgnel; of the Slate pentode the people to ies o f the San donate. and all of the latter Mr- I take 'dentine of their own neglect and serous. i t , traerfea tend ia Ow dtrealiou. tisfied Perish, and mans , litre concur and repueliair. And SA ear Jefferson Dams la I ~,i i ram ,b:%. thislwhole co try, from the head one of those to come fdrerted curl de sad enelt eon' water* of Cu e Sacramento to ' M a e km Grin, and on dart. It is one of the, moat dep:orable katurea of bath aides .-(the Sierra Nevada, a one greed de. posit of geld, but only ot settleient eicheess in par ',the whole busmen, lurk as it la, that be. a Sena- ? p to of the United States, should toted this positsua 'h a u lmt,c ledm i several e l . n ' n ' tlea lIII M itTE: n l ' O n it ' rlo l , ' i l' ftlol t 7i: to the face of the civilized world. 1 Diego, an also not tar from Los A- stela. dust be _ tire our own bead quarters here I now en !mime --- -!Tetew ---- m ot h... k r, makotio,, (or J o i n ~,,,,. beta ... ..13 the Seedily hetore last tenth met (min den whorl. he scraped up from the street in his liaises fifty ready repainted a '4 er ' untr y . " 4 i s i on oar "' '' eeoth' uhurth rat gold dust us toe spare at ha an hle It tablet of Caelealti are unnsustly totetesta i hoar. hl'. Harrison, the eOll-clnr,u how de, ago I pelted out of rata of the aria. of the omtain hsts.e. I tag. This cumber e.4llo3.eneeS a new volume. rd. P. Morse. Agent. Cm tollbooth, who has the woriel Libthams,anr:,ite'77‘...;:olitt7,:a,atfo'rihri."l,7notsamuse or sale. r , ' nient. The budding a ,boot fifteen year. old." Hanle ;' alagartne. for August, it on The tame writer say., t tat the market for ire. trend, replete. as la•mcks, With club .inne artleles au ; ported goods csnoot long wand the lotto. A to - virioutimbreets of dance and cornmeree,ttsuar- , 1 meadows crash aea rig tome people. The dealers twat tables, commercMl iotelligence, tke. is dry got:visaed salt provisions are aiready og to wailer. Ready made clathing :coarse arc. The Wilmington Chionirle stales that Dr. De Ito'. clesi are now almost as _heap as in New York; and set, of that town, who went to England Fur the: when the market is overstocked, and it most be potTaas of purchasing T ir..n to relay the track ai'; by the large shipments which me known to be tbs Wilmington and Raleigh railroad, has succeed- afloat far that place, dry goods will sell cheaper eJ in a rittectingoo favorable. terms, for 6000 tons, t h ere t h a n i n N ew York. enough I s iron atio4 one Istrodred miles of rood, Labor is an high, and the didlulties of died:erg le be paid 114 1', fur , he 2 • Pse.ces , so Wm/• of the °es's - tag cargoes so great, that nearly every vessel poop, secured Sy a Mortgage on the road and to which has arrived, hut sunk her bright money In appurtenances._ unloading. OJe vowel tailed out of the harbor, . _ Flea LS TOO Foirkra—The Pottl•nd Adverb- some (toys since, 5500 thou she was befoic she uodertook her voyage. sdr says, that the firelia the swamp beyond the Anew town. called Benicia, has beep laid out swims! bridge, neanithat place, has exteuded'a in ,.. ytb by a mile io wlytih. _ on the straits of Camoin as, between the bays of space of two m]es It has effetely (-mistimed large tracts of stainable S" P4bi°"d is d".thhd to be, in the , opinion of some corre,pondeots, the commercial woods, and threatentiou it more extensive dam age. The mar of Ste names, as they loop from "Y of this country. Ships or the largest class CIO be moored close in shore. It is protected tree to tree, end. frotti bush to bush, „woad* like , the roar of the ocean: 'Tee people in the vicinity from winds; is open to • good fertile back country, and the site itself well suited fora city. bare been busily attested io ploughing and ditcte., -- tog in order In beneolf the the progress of The Albany tapirs. say. the Germ.° penal& doves, but thus far Wltki I.ttle success. A compeny hu been chenered ip 1111eoto, In ',War:Moven= Casey, Governor Hermlds, doe.. are interested, for the purpose of mining hitomi polls coal, w blob haereceotly been discovered at Caseysille, Illinois, eil/lit miles east of the Mimi.- . YO. . The mice *raises to prove of immenial vele. to that section Pf the mouittry. A railrost is to be built to Brailaya, opp mite St. L vols. The ouosamptlon of coal IS three mi of boatels ie St. leittis clone; amt . the boats will stool 'dog this fuel,le prefereoce s to wood, as thereby a laving of 630 to SIhO per day coo be made. Too WORST r v Snore —A correspondent of a i paper, writing from Tecumseh, Mich the fiillowing: "What won't aver3ee dot Near this village • the bonowtead of Ortch farmer. whn cuonu his sans Awsdred oems, aliathi all under improvement with fine bullring.. He boo his pockare of bonds and mortgage., for loans to his poorer friend,— All competence is suPplied. He is a hard work er, sod his children dm "well to du" by their own industry. Califor eird gal has acirad tom, Mott' sixty five peon of Lid for loco, h., itht his thjret 'Meant. It he• told hi• trio Year'. mop flap cover 813,000. ego It 1: tom y. !hoe boy., and started with his teanifor the valley of the Seem manta, leaving all hhtendtrannente 10 toll world,- , for the hopetir eddiet to hie already perplexing pe of dollar ." Cinema to Liittarii) It.• The peetilen Y cc:1101=1es very had in Lexingt4l3, Kentucky. The 1.0131.. wlle Journal pablishis the followiog tolevaphle despatch: Laptintrtoe, July 31, 10 P. M. .. Oa Sattirday, the, sllnwlng whlle Reraoni d cd Mrs. Elizabeth Fitmail, C. Maw, child or C. Ed. mac. WM. H. Bogert coach maker, Mrs Axe?, and talme other. nigtie/aimed, waking to all a.— Oa Sunday, 16 death occurred, among Jinni mere Mired Raw, two daughters of C. Fll/911/3. Wm. Newham", N. P. , Beau& Mn.. Emma Walker. James Wino, aid Mr Baxter. Oa Monday 9, deadly weaned. among them. Mr J. S. D3Oly am! wite,soo Of. C. FMK, and Mr. Adkins. Taaday; op to 9 P. fithate hue twin 11 deaths. wiz: JO. mph giliaLl l 4(asteriree Frances Monks, and lutm PrailOosi:- . ltekinile'deatke sinee'Saterdie mo • tag urlierrEeektole4o,.. ' T here are many eau/. -everviverrlevetirra OaArreolitemew4oo` Lettersetlnn from California. L. The V7rs'fington RepoWm, pedgishesSome very .igereititi't Culifeinta correspondence, knit which itatigh infrinnatiOnin be gathered. froinilds correspondence, that phbliei itentiarehlibere,,,lsaireng'y neer orate intreedi.: sue funtrabon of h state government, but that there is a clique in San Fraocusco which interposes all the opposition in its pJwer to any movement for such a purpose. A correspondent says. "The newspaper published here. the "Alta Cob ' fern io," is wholly under the control of a few nob ! boons and land speculators, whore interests Ile ! exclusively in ibis town; but many of whom ore generally. if not favorably known to the United Stares. Mart of them are members of the 'Lev,- ive Assembly" alibis district, and hove been the 11t.11414.35s of the 11011111 es here with General Riley. They control the only presses in this country, and will not permit any thing to be publ.ehed which in the slightest degree with their own notions of pobcy, or their own interest, Genteel SllllO, (Or Inlannee, played o copy treaty with Merit,' in the heads of the editor, some two or three months aso, for the purpose 01 having a uumber struck od in Spanish for the lower country. But because, h does not butt their notions, they halve declined to publish it up to this date upon the mint frivolous coronet The whole proceeding eI Ibis "Legislative Awieinbly"—and it to, of course, sustained and painted up by this paper--hras been without law, wi th out( the wishes of toe best dope. edlllitigen., nod wholly uncalled for by the want. of the people. It has been gotten up fur the most corrupt purposes. and has been sloths of 1141 matt Odd/Wua practicer, granting, in the most arbitrary moaner, tlUes to loads already churned by other, i Arsons under Mentions laws, or, In •Ober wordy,: ating itself up as on intitroineat to legato., ihr ado. •peeo hover and smolder.. They hove been saltily oldie in c01111:cl wan the laws of oat oar, and with the root of the COur111.1111,10." Here 10ItOWS 111 nitimttat of matte., wager, mints, Stc-, this extravagant rate to w lush s ill make in re pilor than the gold makes rich: "The extraordinary state of the market thin country, as reported in toe newspaper. lief ,ce 1 nth, soil exists. I sail, mention a :e.,' dirj armed io lances. A irrn.ol showed nit a kw days aro a bushel of omens, of the ordinary • z 2, cur which prod S3U, sod wnieli lie was retailing at a *W ho.; a piece. Board at the principal hotel here Is OD per Pay, Sot per week, and 5.4 per month. SclValits lore for SIOU t I, IN) per mouth LI -60,,r• tram it $.O a day. aaJ mechanics each other as in which will be the greatest eily Beoinia. New Yarn on the Pantie. Siooktoo, Sacrarneutocity.Settenville. Se., arc all, is gie opinion of their respective owners, to be areal wiles at some future day. The wild spirit el speculation which ran over the United Suites an '3O ammonite have sprung into existence on hit ,side of the ktsxby Sonataius. Lott. la these Imo 'ainary cities, sell at the most exorbitant prices-- running from $3OO to 51000. A man related 573,000 fur a lot of fifty varas, lust to trout a' Geu. South'. quarters. This is a lasi country. Sc white man but the President t f the United &atm ,can live detmotly m VOA c. , ontry On lila Dr. the army, paid 5:00 a month for an al 'ley 10 feet wide between two houses, which was covered seer and mane habositge. A blacksmith charged one of the L' S. officers Si) fin , the put -014 a shoe on his bards toot. $5 tor earning up Wirt:lnk tram the river to a residence is town.— Wood sells here, when delivered,xet the rate oi I Stilt a cord. Washing 57 per mouth in Inoue ca. lion of that city is rapidly increasing, and Mere are several street• in the southern sections of the city where the Eaglisb language is comparatively an unknown tongue CIIOLri• VIC CIIIR —Most truly do we refret to !earn test Joshua Melt:tot, of Newark. Otoo, late member of Congress. nod a moat mottneble end worthy clime, tiled of Cholera oo Monday. He ha I just returned (rum the Tomporafice Coerce ,o al Cleveland. by wan of Ssnclusky. Cyrus W.lllams, Cruet Eounret on the Ii grerlhray died oulay night —Cinreo• roll Gooat.. Come, Let ee,i wilt le iootbow 1.1,t ar Jettowatre throne, In pendennal /wt., and low, Our vaned .in• to Own; A Is illy pane, itnposlognyttn, In abut e'ett awls want Jelught. Let milers in their stations high, Tho' coronets they weer, (Yet their trsnegressions deeply stet, Contessittg or hat they are. Here let th. or mule Le freak iota lice Nur h qse Intl 10 the Gospel set. With ruler* let the people hoed, PeriOrming each their pane. And to the Ring akin. reveal The burden of the., hearts; While m their dire and preitoing need For mercy thry like Jacob plead. Otte public woo like mouut.ioa For retrituaiuu coil; Fur thew let teen sutitiee our While Gann. our heart* •ppal. ill peanuts let o. deeoly mourn— Am amnions to our Ood return NO, priral!, in iet us rarlkel, Whilr Ur the prat run o'er, Pilling ihr deep rrgret Lot no the hoed adore' 'Mal 'with bn. prdorneneoletVl4.l. bleed To prove Win 401 our Forme, Fneod inceams to the Lod of,, emd pryer} prevail, H,. wader 'pap lihre• ro rmWr, .To creatures fallea r fr.nt; • That o'er our free and vast domain • pc014 , ..7.40 morenaY,felin• The Defhle'aelon of KIN Denby ,„Thz_defalzationuf this offipazoOdse late admia .4.6*• attracquicontaftaobWaiteotion. Mr. - mil anbyialis appoitifed NaltiAtratitin the Mediter 'Osman.* the lite Bftrettayorthell•vy, •nd has Wiz proved fa be a defaulter to the amount of Si 55 50S 48. He w-an kirmerir a citizen of ft.& moud,uad there are several peculiar eamtremante• connected with it, which are referred to by the Whiz, oe follows ' As we hear, Mr. IMoby was appointed Navy Agent, and required to give security to the amount of 5200 WO. He was ucab eof himself to give the bond. Mr. C. F. Osborne, of this coy, under took to give the security.berominst one himwilf, on condition that he was to be Mr. Denby'. agent in thin country—to draw all the money himaelC and L. have the use of it Wall called for by the want. of the public service. Rut whether them was such 1111 express condition or not.,Mr. OA:woe did act a. Mr. Denby's agent—he Dew the money, and we understand that in his atatement to the Impartment he admit. that be did use about 5131,000 ot the public. money, which he is not now able to repay. The Republic gives the entire deficit at 5155,501 ; de, about 524,000 more than Mr. Osborne con. cedes on his own account. That eleven, we sup. po.e, Mr. Denby is accountable for. 'Sun has beau instituted by the Government on the bond, add it is said, that only one of the parties to a is responsib'e, and that he denies his signa ture." Mr. Osborne publishes • card, in reply to the statement of the Whig, in which he acknowledges himself to be ruined and Intl destitute by the fail ure of European houses, in whose hands his own fortune and the moneys of the government were placed—but still hope:, if his life is prolonged, to to discharge all his indebtednesa lie also assent that Secretary "uaen Is in no way implicated in these matters, and that he has submitted all his documents to friends and opponent., and is ready to submit them to any tribunal, with ■ perk-et con fidence that his integrity can in no wise be on. aligned by honest Judges. With regard to one of Mr. Denby's sureties de • eying his signature, Mr. Osborne says it is a mat. ter of no tmportance, as he has long since been insolvent. Mr. it. also states Ilia on ascertaining that he could oat save himself from ruin, returned to the Secretary of the Navy 550,000 of the gov ernment rands that ho then had in hand. We learn from Ole Philadelphia Pennaylv ales, that Mt. Denby is now in the Moyemetieing prison, sod up to Wednesday had refused to em ploy counsel, when B. Gerard, Flay., volunteered to become his Attorney. The C.C. was op IseL.ire Judge Grier at Philadelphia, on Wednesday, when the Pennsylvanian states, Mr. Ashmead, the U. S. District Attorney, admitted belere the court Brat he did pot believe Mx. Denby had ever received attest of the missing money, and asserted belie( in his complete innocence. In regard to Mr. Aahmead's opinion, the Waal, Moan ILepublic, of Friday, says : 'lt is very pr,bable the case, as is said to have beeo elated try Mr. Aahmead, that the missing money never came into the bands of Mr. Denby. It came into the hand of his agent, who but It in commercial speculation. Whether or not Mr. Den. by received the money is a manor of vary bide consequence. It is not the guilt or innacence Mr. Dehbv that is at issue in this matter. The important ouraison is How happens it that, with all the siring: at provisions of the Sub-treasury law to protect them. (he lore AdsnatiMmaion teat, ris Jingle tranJorlson, $155,000. fbe issue we make is not with Mr. Denby, nor with his agent, Mr. Osborne. The money la lust. Whet ba• ;be late head of the Navy Department to say to it len possible that, after all that Mr. Polk .d Mr. Walker have told no of the safety of the public money under Ito Sub-treasury system, it was still liable to be squandered in commercial speculations with various European ur American houses The Rtehmund Time', to to tbll clefs' •It was known here, IT far back as last May twelve month. It war known at Hank hull Aug ust. We beard it as no secret in September—ta December we beard it discussed on the snivels.— Mr Denby, who resides m Philadelphia, and who, we hear, denies that he w is dohstiii, except through Mr. Osborne, has made it los booties., bar twelve mouthy, to narrate all the particulars of the cane to every amtanowl man ha could see." piton NEW 'YORK. Vonciipoodetioe of the Pittrbargh thrtetto New Vona, Aug. 2, 11119. The amount of news, interesting beyond the city limit., in very small. and ran soon be reeoiti ed. The Court., the Common CounctL. , tad the Churches, to a areal extent, have been *Apemen nail September, leavleg public business a blank The Common Council, as • final act, have given the Hudson River Rail Road privileges that will swam atteation with you to Pittsburgh, who are ie-Slit.ixiStatry of g•i.l.routle.,....kna bees allowed a> rad' ft, today lava tJ Chaillibereitteet -10 the rear of the Irving House, the present .Ido aoueabela • of Nem York,anit paseerigent fot Eel- Io will not need the aid of a Itechman to traos port their baggage. la all likelihood the road will he allowed to make another cater:mon that will tears traveller. .ol sill L i med. way. Ir it is g ,d hew r ad Inn Harlem wad shows, the tae., it cer Lindy will to. in Pill. burgh. Mr. Clat's orient at Saratoga hos act I his trends here to motion towards the Spa, and we shall no doubt hive the noble old moo among no once more, to afford the Whigs ,1 New Vork an opport unity to show him that. rank is Lot the igettlea's starnp".the man's • man tar a' that , ^ and that, to the shade. of private life, he as fully commands the admiration of a nation of tr,etuen, as Omega he graced the Presidential office. tine man n one h•• the power of ar tieing at unit the ant hu.dasm olds, Amaliean parole, ono that is the gallant "H arty of the West,' a name to 'self the fullest hider) , of an accomplished stateionan,and that noblest wet It—an honed man. As the national fast occurs to morrow, two days' 'Justness in sit imattetal driers ere thrown tau' one, and, In many caste, four—as people choose to go out if town and remain .oath Monday, to pet a bole nhatore of su and escape the eholen, The number of foal cases to d.y is 67, and of new reports, trot, which is a degrease.. No city, one indeed nay watering place, has now mature any. orating atmosphere than New York, and shoold net tintappear ispeeddy, It must be dossed arocseg the Incurable diseases. Sq. Do Elegies, the Name. singer, and one of on' leaning physicians. Dr. Hunter, died yesterday, bat the former was not wholly a cholera ease.— Had he mode the acounintance of Father Matthew, at an early portal of ms Me, he would hare had a wronger C,aataatiall now. The herr hens Lave !suffered terribly—a fact that survivors mud not forget. There is a small unprovemeut In the demnad tbr money, caused by the. resumption of baseness, hot there is no advance to the mte of totems!, which stands from 4 to 6 per cent ,as the paper runs Stocks ore held with morn Grin/teas, and a feeling generally prevails that We return of health to the city must give renewed vigor to that most desperate class in canes, known Ininancy stocky." The Iralernity of OJd Fellow* are holding their annual session in this city, and will elect as their Grand Master. S. S. Post, Asaistaot Engineer of the Erie Rail Itond Company. The attendance is, large, and the upholders of the motto of "Friend ship, Love, and Truth." scent nourishing. The c "outland to visit the wok and bury the dent has come with feartul tiegnency Opus the fraternity lately, but it is yet to be said that a desire, has been turned to the ern of the widow not! orphan. The tank the Order an. assumed to no mean one, but soccer. has been ;reared thus tar. It has stood the test of are, •• Pittsburgh will remember, and Is now under another test. O. From tbe Neiruunl Intelligemerr. Th e a r t pi i owene ertabliabing the SWAMIOttie an Inattlut on provider mat -the Pt...dent and Vice l're.ale.4l 4.111. e Unded Stat., the 13 doetary or Stale Ihe 6 rellAry of the Treanor, the &cm Mry of Wet, ihr Secretary of the Navy, the Post Miser t :ererM. the Attorney General the Chief col t'de Gonniirsinner sal the Patent Mee, of the United z!I itee, and the Mayor of the city or Wenhlnglon, during the time or which they shall' hold their re-p-once, 111,445. and such other per.. am. on they tan, 0101.1 hlOcenfenty Itieo.ll.leite, he end! they ate di)t.listed an . ratablishreeni,' by ! the tome en nee Stniiheonton Itodttution: Me.; sad taro the, gee innetraimelli bad honorary camber* of said Inot,tutot may held timed epeedal ineetlainkr r the foinervn•lou of the altous of mid Mod:titian nod the advice and inorertion et the Bend of ltegehot, to he wined in the mantle, provided for Inc 0)4, 0. d. raid Insutnuon, at which the Pterolt to. .a his nh44•olll.lhe Vice Prairie,* of the Unaled 1.4..41ee •0.414 pterdle. A g worehly to Th ••• the kV. o.[Deol - 01 the .euublu.h torte WOO behl on Wednesday 1,4 al 5 o'elOdlt, M. to the Suns henu n ti,e l Ins wceltng was called at the reque, I .4 the Regents anti by the order of the I'resoten! (tithe Ineituttipu. Zachary Taylor. President of the United States, au I ex./:coo Po.a dent of the Institution. Chart oe, Secretary of Stine. W. M hicreJth i. cretary of the Treasury. Jacob Coearner, Postmaster General: Thome; 1.!:..s la tub. liommmeioner of Potent& W. W &awe, Mayor ot Washnigiou. Joseph Hoary, L L D, Secretary of the Smill seouto lesetehon. The Presuie,u loth the chair. The being the lint meeting nf the e2tabli.iiinent the Secretary gave an account of the Insitiottou, the plan Of tteitat,osation athitted by the Board of itege3343. nod al the ito,tress made in earrytag the . sclera: part. Into ipere . tun. The chairman Of the Executive Committee. Mr. _Seaton, gave 43 the Melting on itC0.01.1121 of the dn hur,emrot. of the inahtuttun mad the Mato - 01 ll• - The 1..4.,0 , mg seLllerocrn.her , er.l.. r t . re. umtoeu• ded by,he Ithlieots CHILIrre - or ttre gad being may L7onidder . cd by ails lueeung, were, OffigESES oa =Cori of Mr. Meredith, uosiistossfy elect ed.kbaserszy ;flambee' of the anftbsoaian Instr. tenon, y.bit r ' • '• 7 Dr, IfSbeit Hare, of Penuirylvanla, :AlbettOillatin, of New York. • - Dr. Eterdeobt Esidaran, of C...arteetieut. Nastittreoo beteg, of New York. Oa Motion of Mr. Clayton, it was, Respired, That a rommittee of three he appointed to dessert andreport by-laws and regulations for the future meeting' of the fttablishment. Whereupon the Preanlent appointed Mr. Cloy too, Mr. Meredith, and Mr. Secant the commit- On motion of Mr. CoHamer, the Secretary of the !extent:in won odded to the said a...alley. On motion, the meeting then adjourned, to meet gram on the call of the President. Laos Soda.—Prepared by I. W. Kelly street, N. V., and for *ale by A. Jayne*, No. 70 young, utter This sill be found a delightful aro. ere of beverage in (amuses, and particularly for sick itez Bausta.—An improved Chnerda to prepara• thaa, being • esatbinatioa of Cocoa 11111, 111110,111. H 1• vivo...snag and palatable, highly ma...amended pert.e• alarly for issvaltdc Prepared by W. Raker. DOiehe.. ler, Mull., and forsals by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin Tel Stare. No. 70 Fourth at mebli Firs and Matinslnsurance.- Tat Pim iSl, MI/AUX an Pin IsseitaAca chartered IfCM--eontinacs m ineure, upon vvery de. emptiest of properly, at the lamest man. urnca, No. St Market street. SAMUEL UoRMLY, Steel. Roster Flmlrr, Seep. tnys:dbm Isaprarvomeoto to DOMIStry IL O. 0. STEARNS, hate of laaaslon, as prepared nai nanicture and set Mom Teas - in aquae and parts of sots, upon &tenon or Atmospheric Suction Plate,— TOO rtl Anna etWID IN VIVX grams., where the net,' is aroused (ghee and reatdeasee nett door to the May to. office, Fourth street Pittsburgh. Rant/ hrFadden. F. 11. Eaton toll -- JOD PILINTIIIII3. DILL lIKA.DS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Ilianifrstr, Dills lading, Coloinza3 Lore Insult, flat LILL', uew, CIICKTIVCATie, num., potion, ke. 6.e., Printed at the shorten :totter at low price., to the Jed) Gaerers Oartes. Than rearm W. Wright, A. D., Dentist, Owes and residence nn Fourth st.. opposite tee Plitshumh Hank. Odic , •11.1 i 1. rons " ;i7lnc 9 lr r, 51 1 3 .' 1. " seAnMl4.-174 Cr Kern-. , ar ;Oa Sate I/mean -JONES'S Ital ian Chemleal Soap eau.* a ire° harrowed.. and ut the saint urt< rtiolifie., softer., and arhlter• Ih•• .110, ggeina a the texture and lirraty of n ScCary, Sitar Btlarw •XID Sun., are Horan not only healed. hat eared by as use, as at kart seven Pt..- cams ix New York know. who use It in such rasa, and and It ;whining - a` also to Maus, Morena, SILIVILLPS. Or a olher &YIP de mise. The reader to aisuned that 01. I. nO paded nostrum, as INte trial will prove I eauld eau. ;aerate at least So persons ear d of Snag Iles., Soma •NO Peas Blau -Buy it. and use it. and the •eader t. again airuted I str.ild of eraelly sell It for the above unlesi I knew it to hr all I wale Thew., who are liable to - - Cl.aa.E. a Canto FLcill. Will Lind line a ease. Aar one afflicted with any of the above. or sitn• Ustr diseases. will had this all and even more ( blst in it. properties) than 1 •tste. Bat, reader, the stores no. flood d with tantstions. and be sine yen ask for JONKS'S halm. Cbeureal Soap Sold by WIT JACKSON. in Lawny street Pittsburgh. saga d&vrT ALL 0000 ma - rm. ore honorably aaeured that following are the aelisai qualities of. 3, bottle oi Joalles Coral Hair Iteradialive If {Ley .1004 i our word, they cannot these lushly tespeciable caucus, who base tried tli— . . Mr. (leo. Ree.e4, 41 Dm M. New York. Mrs hletildn Reeve•. Myrt , e •v. Brook,ye • Mr. Wm. Toniplilua. At King st, New York. Mr. Th. Jackson, hi' moor. fraud, aver Pittsburgh E. Cullen, late barber rtennikmt Malefic. And more than a hundred others Mate, though lb.. most unlike, that tt mill force the hair to grim. on the heed or face. atop it (idling od strengthen the room, removing at urf and duals:4ocm the roam. talkie, lige. red. or gray hair weenie a bur dark and keeping dry., banal or miry heir motet, rte in end beautiful a Very, gee l ong time. Sold by the Arent, CI. J ACKSON, E 9 I alii•rty s., Pitmburgh. Price MT 50 crate, Rol one dollar. inalkdilmT Err r 0111,1436 o • 1111.• RE,TILII is not more repul sive Mail a bed, putrid breath, or date. ye .low a.a•- ed teeth. If peraune have these It It their own fault— they can, for two shilling, boy an article that will make their breath pure and sweet as dr Spa, Are a Atehia It cares dt .easers of the Gums, spelOgy or Merntvd, and for the Teeth it is unequalled, removing the taunt, fastening the teeth in th• out.. and clean them as while as the snore of Mt p.m Nora Such, reader...are the properties of Jones's Amber Tomb Note, mad. a ithont praising it omelet.. hear what one of oar moot respectable end stlattlifit Mr. Feld. of New York. Imes: • • .. • ... • •. • . -I bass both used sud analisert this beao•ilul sod im palateable article, (Jones. droner Toot!, Pane r and mut recommend It as possestitte ail the geniuses claim ed for it^ Render. we can say no more to courtnee. only that if you try Ibis once you wilt ne well p'en.ed It u pot up In beautiful Roulah Chin• P. to. for dd cents. Sold by the Agent, \V M. JACKSON. F 9 Liber ty street, Pittsburgh. axe:drew-I' rr ItApIM AHM. 911.1.TIONED ..\ - 6 A tics? ffiNO COMMON PREPARKU CHALK - - They mu not aware bow frehlui ly Imelda:is it it to the elan! how coarse. bow youth, how t il low- yet ow, and unhealthy the. •Lut op pe aderawag prepared .hail . Ite nide* it is leturiout, cuctaii log a _ lame quanuty of Laud We halm prepared a beautiful vegoottte arGeis, whkeli call JON PM' SP ANIS!! It. wilar. It is perfectly !nutmeat, beam pc ttfieJ of all delete ri• out qualarea and a Imams to me Wm a ttatumt, heat. thy, alabtmler, Meat, living astute, at the same Mac amuse as COSIIIeIie 1111 the skin. making It soft tool smooth. Sold by ihe . oFent, WM. JACI:SMN, ett arty n, Pillabanh. l'nea 5, cents. aug7aMwT ri TUFA LADLIFS,AmI Revived. a tall ueorttse ,, t 1. tol4isod.Airssiliesed,.Cool and, Braid: attn. paoglea and Hellion, for entbroidoring an ;Other or , mammon! wort. Also, gold and silver Tassels, losinge, and Lase Jewelry of the !uteri fashions. io groat variety. Watches of superior quality and heaulah , rattents, sod Ist tale at Eastern wires, W%V WI LoON. noo7 corner Market and Fourth tte bbl•, 23) hi' bids lame new Nn 3 Mar kern do Nos Jo.r reed nod inr by ano,7 N1C01.4 ICE-10 tierces prime (mob Rice, Jail reed and for cite by nue gELLsits a Nienis SIAMB CtllitED t:etcts“Nylor & G, . sugar cared Iladag, la Store and for sale by au77 SELLERSi NICOLS OLASSM4—ISO bbl. N 0 Molasses. an soot obit, and tar sale by aug7 SELLERS t Nlern..l lk/1103GIVITONbITTINC , --Wlse, green .61 barred, 114.1. • rani.: supply Mccived at the airy seeds boas, of 1D R blUltetlY, owe N E earner lth and Market 6a. OWCHONG TEA-13 bf chests suyertor, 116 P papers, lust re,'d sod fur sale by sag? t' II UIIANT, II Water et I)OTASII—zu esk• tor We by / J CANFIELD tor •.Ir I•y wt; 1 6 CANI Fl KM/ IRRAM eIIEESE—!.O bz. just r j oe n 'd e ln A F f l oir u, os le bl 2"4,' ACKV.IIV34-10U Ws large No 3 !lackeyed. no' tai tereived and (or sate by J A tint A HUTCHISON A CO IC . F . --20 tierce. D i ta vl i rc i or i e n rd fo i r s tjl4l L a y co f• IRISH LIN ENVI AND SHEETING MUSLINS-A' Alcorn lit•itt• the IMVIIIII2II of bane, to hi. torment at the above good.. taapanor I.lg clalk Fairtitigs at 12je; beeidet the very best make of the lower and higher tittanuea. The linen. wet nuked ull Sax, and hating been bought from the amaufactarer's agents, c• 11 .o'4 at lowest p0.1,5:a rent Alto, 1. n,o and Seething.. in all we dillarem Width, Pointe ease Linen* and D.Lit., ke , at vt ry low pt,- ~11 %Val,!villa Rooms op •airs, warre rnerclowila will always find a full anortment, at low ea•l• ptieee. U 7 N. WANT-01 WIG WANT A 0000 SCHOOL! Wbat things are accetavry in hay tag a grad achuel! We are sore Mime ae five— rad location—rood abool room—good patr ons—good leather,. and plenty of scuolara. The Female Imitation on Grant Street has lour uf them goal numbnes s and mill soon have the Elhh. The second Term la to commence the 3.1 dry or Sep towhee: Prices of Will.] ate eel y moderate—lor ws city they are low, elm Spelling, R-ndlng and Writing, • SO Ull pit yr GeographT, Grammar A nihmetic, Rhe torical Reading, Natural Philosophy, Uni• tad Mawr History and FUnbroldcry, Coot. po•Jtious t nd Applicauous 4 tat llishrst coorgo—Chnolatry, Ilmasty, oloF7 . Moral beicnce, ao. a.e ....... • • • • G kalfUt Moot •—there lawn day. rn ata went 111.1 Spaupth Guitar U 4.0 rainUrig Lefton 3 00 Mite. HEED'S cause ma 1 each< r thoruugh. nag :02,N YOUNG LADIES SEMINARY, ALES .11M. THE AUTUMN 813 , 810td of this Iootitot•on wt.! • o atorence on the first Monday itt e.ptember Roam. ort Federal Street. In -wlonode Row,' fit door from the bridge, Ram as tan on rna maw r or ma Mown,. Ruttish Department, "ninth. Readout. tlnhopts. pity and Defining, Wniing, English Grattimsr, Ras o• Mc. I oste , anglisit voccipositioa and Criticism, Gen graph,. !Immo, Arithmetic cod the hiftist brancto s of Mathematic*, Natural Philosophy. Ishemtatry. Ac ttOnmuY. ktoUtny, Pliyalology, Geology, Inteltentom end Morol Science, and ail other branches requisite to at 6 rmsh Vantilek £duestinu - • - Cm -col Depanitieni,Loclodito" :ha Louts and Circa Lloguai. ii . each • - - • - a G Fioneb t SW to t•erman, SIC tat Tar cervices of competent tench.. are secured for such os deity.. supyretion In French and (iceman. and also in Warring, Painting and Ahmic. ft hi desirable that pupils enter at the commence. Mein or a session, ye. they meter:rived us any woe, and are charged at the above num horn the hum of Plummer. No deductions are matte for absences, es • rept w eases et nmtraeted Furth. , nuatios may be obtained. and app•ica lions Mad, hi calling upon the Principal. at hi. rooms on Federal street, or at his ledgmge -Irwin'. Row,* Liberty street. Pittsburgh, between 7d attn streets; or by addrealiug, through the Pittsburgh Poo Office, the Principal. N. W. METCALF. idprheiiy. Amt. 7. 1949. dl; (45. A RAI' hloII•F., eryeot ,) eno old, per• fool, gentle in harm.. -is 1111 execlirtil And we family hoot. Ile may be .-oo itt MN. CHARLYS' Livery Stehle, entidushy street, t•elove utno st, Allegheny. l'rtce ttleth utl7.,ller -... I'NIPTY OIL AND TURPENTINE BARRELS for A tale by ango R K NELLERS, CO Wcw.l.l • PATENI' PAINT-4 lybla Drab corer; ddo Sidbop , ny .acetvtd on nonsitraoqut and lot sole by gy,pl AIII.TK 11.440E11, b 7 Front ot AIN rill! and others VrIVIIIIg o camp and dun, Y bla Paint. will call and we wi•eannus at lac •111.- atribeni, who will be aleeels euppllee with datenrot ad or.. au oa GEO .ta.r,v •rit,Elt OCIPIL & BAJEYPOOLE, FOIIWARDIMA 1 OUStrathSION .11EktClIANTS, And dealer. in White Lead. Window Glees, ere ' Mc Second sweet, Phisborga, Pa. Will •tiend promptly to the ante of artie,er entrunal 113=ICID -.Dart& io—Dagaley & Badth. Teener Co . & Barbsese, Na) /F. Co, Murphy, ,1 Axon & Co, ,hileburen. Ilennan, Glen= & Co., and the mer elle,* generally, New !Ashen, 0. D. &D. AFDonald &Co., Ueo. %Veda, %VelLralle, U. Josepla Watroo, U. J Weser k Co , Fenner it Al' Mitten, blaugloo, 0 iloanett, Asanln & Co, Weaver 'Faylor & Co., John H.•llroorn &Co Phlledelplua. e. O. Itiehardeon • 12., „Groff, Mime. & Co, Cincinnati, 0 1 . John F. .How rd, John Send& Near ' Handy k. Henn., Cleveland, 0. A. J. Endley, Mans• field, 0, Clark, Puts er. Co., Waver, Va. :APOLLO lIALL'I SIXTH-WRMOF:TFIE-MME /lanflUrr.s . illiwzarsramsnals bet kom.igatobAct 00 in qwttectitnie of the tr*mtft.ol2=ttwertii ottoodingthett 0031Mts dadaist the' poet Soo mop tee indot,d to ontootoco their 81X111 BERM% coattnettelog . • , ilfaadav cannot, djalg eta, And continviee reel) reentng &Inn, the +eel hir. FL tl diner +ill Jughtly ultrodnee It+ much &nited Dante. Cloange of Prorramme every everOng. IK : lZo k r 6 :4. 2 n s :l ' ; ' l " o'clocs: Coneerf w commence • • •-• • - al e. • sago ITOR ORIGINAL AND INIMI+ATILT: RETZSCII. —lt rt vacti• Sokastraant GaLLrn6— oll alUl. Lama c Eorrirm.—Remsch's Glittery to Shaltapeareht Dramatic Work/. in tO monthly pans, each MUT mill cotton', sax or more beautiful eurtavmes, with expla natory letter press English and Oennan, neatly dears up in f fancy covers, and will he umpired to sulascri. tr the whole series, at the extremely lota PTidt of talky cent. a par• The tut...niter is eonftdent, from the universal re- IrLtity of the devoiner of Omer tiles rations, that tio .le roil. be commensurate with the internal worth of the ork. nod from the fact of the whole serbas of <wt. play., when complete being edited for the Poe of two of the annual German tidbit:him. T ,e work will be committed in In pans, witted on the at and thib of every month, and snit comma Ham let. 7 plat; king Lear, IV pits; Macbeth, II plea; Tar, Ti • pest, td phi: Othello. to Romeo and Jailer, IY 'u; Merry Wig. of Wind, pl.; Flog Remy earth, pans I and 11, Id a. F r number. of the above are •Itredy published, viz. Past I to 11l of Remick pan TV Macbeth W.Liscrrber• names received and .:ogle numbers In sal by JAMES D LOCKWORIII nand Rookwittet. 'meow,. de Woods NOTICE fit 109. BAKEW ELL, J. P. Pears, and Real. P. 1 Balrewell, having aseoeiwed WM. C PEARS in badness watt then, will COOLIMIY to proseeme the manufacture and sale of FLINT GLASS, at their watts. coiner of Grant and leader streets, and al their more, ear lief of Second and Wood etreets, under the firm of RAIMWELL. PEARS & CO., who tee deli authorwed t 4 adjust all the steeoanw of the isle eon. earn. niatLdlt Post mud Journsl copy. Parwrzzos Liza?. . . . . . . ... Milt: undernamed, Assignee of Simnel Hill, fits, .I. will offer at public vendor or outory, at the public houte of Fleury Wilson, in Monongahela City, ow Ike 14th of ntlUtlisT, 11140 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day. A It It ACT OF LAND, cos...nor about two hundml acres, situate en the Ildoliongabela fiver. In Washington county, about me mile above Mononga hela City: about 15ff acres of which are cleared— There is a limas of sit feet of Coal under the whole teem. equal to any on the Liver, and so convenient to the ester that it costs hat a aide to remove It from the ban* o t d the boats. Ihe Laud is of the best fata li ty, and c ritein• en inerhaustible quantity of Limestone. The aro two mall Deo...tint Holmes no the pmesi .le. Ih. tract veld be wild in whole, or past, to &c -oma so purchaser, 111 se wishing fur further i iformation, axe re 'erred mJu go Ilil, reeding an the peomises,. Samuel Beck et. reiuditie near the lend, and Daniel Long, lakeepor, 1 Cincinnuit. Ohio. • • • The taints will be made known on the day of sale JOSEPH lIKNDERRON. Aenztwei. W.*Lumen, t'a Aug 0, 1819.—d3bletarthT DIAIIOCIANY lIA WES GRAHAM are pleased to inform their erimmers and the public at huge, that they have on Mind Very eX,12.1. sl.k of MAHOGANY. and au other %evil usually kept by the trade, which they oder at the following unusual lot poem, viz: nntatit tt of Crotch Veneers. fromto 31 ells, per ft. Boards and Plank of all thisketess, well seasoned. • • ••• 140itu •• ...?ttt . cd Wood Veneers, from I w3* I. per foot. 5.500 ft 01 the mart rows., moiled Me harms &rev offried in i;us 6.0001, Rose wood_Veorers, from 4 to 5 ets. • • • • • • QS ISM 11. While folly, of a'l thiekuem We feel confident from oar long caperienee, tha ad- V•illare• we have In importing and asseirig. that we alttoll attempt, WI enabled tp Iterso on hand a mock of the onort kuperlor quality and finely figared wood, (as the Very 10 , r, market priemr • ed to the WU 0( tit•unost lastittouar. that may be pleased to favor us wlth Mr or oanonago• All orders promptly filled and carefullycked. HAt(K9 a GRA HAM. =r:=:=l,:xl - • een:dime N k.W YORK. St'iiool. BOOKS—Brook .'s Monmorphosee, do Co!McLane& Eyelikelies; do Greek Lessons; do Laws do; Clark'. Practical Greene.. In which word., Id:rases and sentence..ars elaesified and illustrated, ep cue spumedia of gram*. Elements of Yet.. table a n d Animal Physiology. by G. liamltion, E. D. Etements of Zaolege by ft M. Reese, 1.. L D; Past , tleology, edited by D. N. Reese, L L It; Elements of Cheronai and Electnrits. in two pans—part let by R. D Reid. M. D.; part lid by A. Oath; Elemento of Natural Pidlneopby, m 3 parts—in. Lows of Matto, and motion; 23, Mecbanier, 3d. Hydroetanes, Hydrae lic• end Pommes:lbs. by W. & R Chat:abets. Parker's School Compendium of Nwurel and dupe rinomial Philosophy, with • description of the /Resta and Loccmouve Engine.. Parker'. Di Less°. in :lateral PLilosophy. Patton's & F. 1.119•13.• Book Keeping. Also, the nrbole of Davies Mathematical Laud d for tele by Eta.pirr ENGLISH, suge to Wood VONI nrs UNIVERgALGUIDFITOBEAI.Tt. LI AND LONG LIFE—Or what to gat. Drink and Avotd; what raercire to take; Cow to Control and ll•culatc lhe Pulaiont and Appetites; and on the Coo erAl Coonuct on Life wheregy Routh may be secured, eon a happy and coimfortable Old Age attained; that at last, when our career is concluded, we may -lite ripe fruit, drop Into our Modistes lap, or be with ea. Gathenol, not harshly plucked...--Alltwe The ,hove valuable wort Is published and sold, wholesale and retail. by aoet JAMErL D LOCKWOOD. 63 Wood st ETZCIUS ILLUSTRATIONS ow SHAKSPEARK CL Thew beautiful llbasic...nos ate now being pubs :abed in parts-two parts appearing motoltly -to be completed in sixteen umbers, each with olgs and explanatious. The subaeribers are We stems for the work. of wham it coo he procured at the peblisherbi pace, SO tropr part. ELLIOTT It ENGLISH, 59 Wood Wrote. Pittabargh KIARTRT FLOUR-10 barrel. fresh round, Whits • wheat; 35 do extra family, ter rude by e VON BONNHORST at CO - 13owc11or10 TF.h-~Olaif ebhu, 66tudtoOtt }. J. lb. papers, foe sale by .ogl C H GRANT, 4t Water A MITY FLOUR-40 hbl. of tate remit:lr article A Ihrst to market, of Family Flour. tort reed o.r.d 1. , role by our/Ater JOHN AUFALII=I It CO 'moue, UST received at the GREAT WE TERN FEED J II STORE, corner of Penn and St. Clubs streets, n-lot of "R. C. Helmer' A No. 1 brand, Spear's Mill,. fresh round. 'The tubsenber would Myles the particular attention Mintliep to this article, as he ean safely recommend 11 as the von one Puma that is 'brought to kw city. Also. family Groceries of all kinds kept constantly on Land. aurbdt.M. JA NET DONA LLISON. JrAW MUSKET-4k bib New Whiskey, lee alße by Raul JACOB WEAVER, etHEFSK —AO b. just reel and for sale by J Sara J B CANFIELD lOLIN STRINGS— SOO bundles find quality Ens lishh and Indian Virnin Strings, dime t from the manufacturers, and for cal. wholesale and mail by ang2 JOHN H AIEJ.LOR. 81 Wood st ItlC. tierces just received, for sale by an. J D WILLIAMS,IIO Wood st IHRESE—MI bus Cream, for sale by I aingtl J U WILLIAMS OCOA—t biz extra No I; 9do Bator'. Broom; 6 C do dotltr000lloo; for rale by . . nAIRY SALT-40 sk. kiln dried, kr erdii .1.1 siorl 1 D lULLJAMS CI ilUrdibi - DWf chime extre,__Diriale by %,.., aare JDWILLLUIS HAMS3ThiXi a atm curta, for sail boi sod wiLuArds SP. WHITIND—to bbls ion reo , d and for solo b sewE SELLERS, 37 Wood ot R ED PRECIPITATE-21 Rs lost R R SELLE reed sad forRS Ws y CRLORIC E riiilt—u lba just reed and for nal* by aura R EC SULLERB 1A i t r ACID—IOO nisi geed ar:i1:: : o4; : tf 1 1 4 `LOWE104111:1VZ001--.0 of Jul" reed and lorle 11 R SKLLEHS da A FR , CAN CAYENNti-5 boxes lost reed and for by apa2 lt R SELLNRB 1 4 , N1iLL1/1 CUARCOAL—Just ree sr 'd and fm sale by sr ay. • UA l'-1W boxe+ - Cive.uuatl Boat% In atura and Tor 1 sale by nu gt IA At DIG 1RONL::11.0 tons /.1, ra'e ItY mop J 8 DILWORTH Jr. CO , I , EA.±-131. , hi chc•ta Y H., U. P. and Imperial; coddle• do dal do, in store tid ;1 18 DILWORTH tr. CO FPOUACCU-100 bum] lb, Yu, ITN and la's; I I IU son aured Natural Lancia stare aturt J 8 DILVVOUTII & CO ‘OFFEE—INI boar llioi le do Java- in store. atigl Jll DILWORTH k CO TA 1 , 10 bbl. N. C. m awe. at.l I 8 OIL WORTH ex. CO `ilA B—Mm bre Rosin. in more 1 ) anal 8 DILWORTH kCO ESTERN RESERVE CHEESE-80 bas W. R timeteoust received and kit ale by WICK k ADCANDLEDIS, auel corner Wood and Water MS , A LA ROE CA tILK lAe e t 4l .: e A c i to , .. A llng s to , ))11 Fiat et, between Wood and Market 1,0.11 A 911—13 casks I/Wants') Pearl Ash, gaper tlending is day by Lake Erma and Mich I all lan., and (or sl li e by iyal J A 8 FLOIiD r . r u m i lylr . , f la stars anal soot AM E. DALT/. ht. Water et NAA NI:FA eTtifT Tutu e )-31, bre 6's and 84 TJ L.tanpr, on conrioosent, to arrive; far sale by !BAIA II DICKEY /a CO, Fran at C H tiBNE—.l:l now landing, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO - 111 Ed NI CIIF.E.SE-85 llnn for .ale hi NJ ir3l 8 I' VON EIONNHORST,A CO - - A , s LEI 4 AT u s—be f sk ; o • b y VU al' NIIINISMORST h. CO - - RYE FLOEII—S Lbls for able by 101 tO F VON I.IOIOIIIORST k. CO SAFETY FUSE-30.0M feet for blasting, fisr mile by litt J 8 WIL.WOISTaI tOO r oWDEß—lhltro kegs Blount Powder, sot . quality ISM do Ilide de do do Om hr d., do do do do I 101 qr do do do do do , lut.r.l/.. and deliverable at env hour dosing the .1 fi DILWOItTIi & CU " /TO dfl IL CLuTtlll—On hood and for trate, by W. &Min lj lock, Cl Ws Carpet Ws•chonse, a law and es tettrive ar•ontseut of Oil Cloths, •arylog (root V bp. Ch. , 10 .24 feel wide, 00110 stilt may size hall, room Of ve.tthisle The assortment consists of the latest and mart approved styles and colon. /VIZ 1.10 rrLE et)1110-5 baits porter, lons and siwrt, ) reit received nod for cab. by R I; SELLERS, 57 Wood n 67 t'f." 4 ,.1'7,' iol.'hVyk.'; —4 l '"d Na.jyev i Many meet. ova 6 6.11 i ILK= ATIMBOX. SCAIVE & ATECIiIISOX Flu, , pc-17, cut Wool) Alb 11 , 1411.11 VMS= it!NTIN U 1.. to manometer* kinds 'of COPPER, SlflNi TIN AND rr IRON WARE. AI Allek: Sinai Boot. built to ord.. Special ovieniiontea Mate= beat Have on hands a a anaqinnewalCapper and Brats Kettles, 'Tin l n, r. 3e. SterialbOal e•nktal BMW, Poiliible Forge., envie.. Tell Caavattleca ae. ' tirle Californiaor mil rad. ronnona.. le uald I...peofully innate Wu* boil wan and \ no,nta i 0 rail .0J *ea out ankle, and price. Deans psnehainne then hue. a1f.17 AUCTION BALES. -•1 J• bun D. Davis, Aii*Dainee,.,,, ..ra.qt and Stall. Dr* Gait, Oo Tbursitty mauling, neg.thlt, at ID ciVete.2,7S4 Commeretal gain Moms, toszteet.ol WPM We 4. Filth meets, will be told. *ohm! teintive- 4 A twin tasorlaCient Cakeika_kald_ dOaltaftit. DR Goods twang ranch treoapolißise elottat,"esSillieem, tweed., leant , tortOnadas, driltag., belting, chocks, gingham., splendid lawns, ealiCaba, de bulk., balaa flues, alpmes. black =au. drat* pill, blearbtal aril brown mulls., hosiery, panes, shawls, inik wabt-i. Isteparwow, bonnets, bat., esp., linen astaatt table cloths, Ike. At del'Oek gaeen•wase, Fotrniturr, he Cooed Hyorks ank haprriat tea, 8 bb.. No a araoltet I, has Vs inanalacionid tobacco, rdoNo I palm op, shovels, spud., (wk., axe.. hatchets, sirrliing •G papwrorsksp rapt wiastoor 1.1u45, Ay t. mantel docks, Imps, lookini carpeting, loves, kr. AI. andgenemtluttsuritoeut of new and second band houaeliald furniture, At. At tre'eloet, . • Hardware, cotlary, sica gm" smokes, de, a quan tity o handsome fi es; blactsmitigs , rasps w/ twee and Ws, knives and lofts, pen wd poste% knives, se moil, rar.oll., spectacles, spy glasses, ate reltdy made c owing, Tway tar Splendid Furniture al Auction. HE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of R. A. Felines lock, ,Kw.. v/411130 sold on Towday, August at ICI &clack. ci his madams tu Oat laud, ss ha Intends retnotlng from the ohy: being . eaen•iee a nd valuable lot of elegant Faroltute, a huge portion of which Is nearly new, betting been but bale a teal, eenalsting In part or thirfolkewtag. Braa.eta and Ingram Carpeting; aorgam Pier Tonle*, marble tope; ,everal very large Mirrors Mahogany Rooting Chain; 9 asab'gy Sot.. do Dhow, .• *- do third Tables; do Castro TIMM; 1 do Elm Table; • do Dialog Tables; , do Chang do Work 'Mimi 2 fl ee 111.1. el Clocks ammacent cabinet Marine Bb.llr embracing a beautiral o.d rich oolloonon Mike m.l ram and viable forelgoineelln large mahogany eau, °il P 9 i° 39 lli; 9 eadid Wardrobe-1g 4ee mar l Etoyeamg 1 do • HedMeadm Floe maple, cherry and other Bedsteads; 3 d° Bums.: 3 do mahogany Wean Stands Bathing Tobm banished Copper Coal Booker*: Parlor and Cbambeeraboira, together vrith i grmth variety al other Famiterm I ins end eastern brlll Carriage, 111 1 114 • de worn; 1 Huambo for 1 an bones: 1 ago Boggy, nearly new; severer, ems of goad a,,,,,,wag 1 two hone Wagon; tears, t hay ladder, ' Plow, Barrow, and Mr. ming and gardenbly menage, Ilia. mdlc-Cosie. Also, a large ocularly et good timothy hay, id grd: Terme made known an Ma day of ma._ il3l .1911N D. DAVIS. LIIC.IIOIICet.- POLL stazzersvooe of The Want boo A. MASON v at now ms from the Point, font of Liberty . street. to du Gar."4l7 ea—learutg at 9 o'clect, A. M., at the beginning of esch boor oto l D P. M. Visiters LOOT rely on finding Stelae.' at the boar. She leaves the Garden, the lest up trip, at 10 o'clock. The reason is fast IP/eating, and those wishing In visit this delighthil retreat, now is Sr few boon, not in the mike and des, dpure atmosphere, perfumed a tlb it, ••: owers. All kin/sof refreehmanmyescepi I• _ are kept on the premises. Greer _ •. Bouquets of choice lowers for sal! day. , Ja510.4 , t 1 t. gr• Change of landing made on :r t. L'OR RENT.—The three mory Brick Dwelling] illotme, ore Uhtrly, 1.11.04,811 Hay and ldarbarr ament, note aecupied by W. Graham, Jr. nauseam given immediately. Enquire of Wm. Graham, or az the Bookatore . litiggissii for Salo ORE PAIR SECOND HAND ENGINER, 10 use cylinders, 4 Rat stroke; g Boilers, SG feet lost, 31% incites in diameter, ail in good order, will be sold gd a bargain, if ayOleation be made soon. They hake only been In use &boot tti months. For particalare,impaire of jyagolif IL RAY'S, Gouge °Lee (11 WIWI?. HUHN, by calling at my ewe and pay Ing charges, will receive a Dog containing val a able kleilicines, Books, A.. &C. HEllittiE B. MILTRILTROFJI. BBL 3 best Jos bix7 ,4 1 , rr bY cKFREI IT.I tug% l'andit; Jrst ww,7,." N. Q y 81..101.11,-.: -• n• 1 J 2 Vieux Coeur . domijon or boil* '-'. ."." ‘."*"' Dr '3* Lowlavilao and St. Lome Eackot Mow, JACOB WEAyE.R, Jr,_lB4 0. 11140. 11LAIt TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST. LAWN TOW PRICED BRANDIMA—IIigh , Proof Freneh Th. f,,, f . , j a j m , p......g. Ja BrOOdOON Or Oil eolorr and Frader. lbr tale whole- , , steamer ATLANTIS, tale and rethil, - by • Oro. W, Winks, 11.1.11Vr, win leave /123_ .FACOD WEAVER. Jr r the &hero and par onedtare ports - - - - - C.VC7I Tneennyou to o'eloet ,a. IL For freight or intreaso on ,/r on 1.1.01, or lo - • E. C. EMU, No. 153 Cow. Bow, Lottirrille. Pernmusta t YoungOrth, IMO.' Ma. S. K. Mantel—Air: I take peal pteerAnt in to. commending your INKS, to the nentee.n the ) sal t:, In my bantess, I ha nod I give your. sh. • Frier your.. to it ,•-• s 114 en...5d, Iliad bc.,re,•.les . • It al on the turret • 4.. n. • . . your bumping", I rrni y.. r• • • For sate by IL VAL , - P. Pcherinna, Allen: • r Thomas K. labber , ...• eU • ikTril. .040 VA.IB - 191:11111ift lturr taro, LlSttelfr- , A Compendium of Eehlesiestieel M. tory, by Otago CA& Oisteder, Coosistorial C0.111C1.. ti;rel Ordinary !rotator ol Theology is Clottauttur, the fourth edaleo, &triad and amended. Trans ! Sated Om the Semen, by Smut Daslasea, L.. L:D. Illatory of the MtifW Melee of tketetial, trom the tharevery of the COpnottrt be the orkenitanon of Om nutmeat ander the Federal Canadian., by [Bedard Itildreth. Jost received and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, _ IYS7 earner Market and Third eta Trfteuntags Clump for Club.-- gnu: advertiser le now opening. es 171 Water euset, I No Vork,a complete aasosuaest ol fIATTE4UP 1111111LING3, selected - by himself from the aseiettfee• fortes in France and Germany, which will be "old low for cash Please call sod examine b.fore perchaaiog elsewhere.- jt474lllsi filar Yoas. Jody, IMO. LRO 011.-10 bbl.. No. t Lard Oil; and ~.11 bbl.. N¢9 40.. in •LOTO and for we by isF J N 0.94 Water at. 11.)UL1C1ET3 7 4.1 doe. Bocketa, landiiK peThool tereei J_) Jaelp. Oslo, and far_ axle by irrr JAMES DitLTVLL. ACKEREL—tuu bbl. Na 3 31...kere..043;:ii., illeachuetta Inspection, landing per cunt. and fin nide by [}7121 JAIIFS DALZELL DOT Al3ll-4 casks, superior, for male by jyr , B. F. VON DANNHORST & CO. rfIOBACCOWLYu pkgs. In.ufacEured Tobaccos, of I. • lull.. quad., for We by lye: S. F. VON IiONNIIORST & CO. Al5ll-2XO lights tor sale by 0 WV S. 8. VON BONNHORST & CO. EPPF3-41b bags for sale b f P1)27 ' S. F. VON MNNIIORST & CO. EC==l AV APP L../N-15 Mils. (be late by D tYI 2 B. F. VON SONNBOII= L CO. DurrEst—Z - bbla. peeked Mahar, Car aelti by F. VON DONNHOR..n k CO. W IN Dpw - ca, bow &VA 17.5 IQI/ 10.04; 40 " 79 10 " Sheet GlataJoreale 1 : W . y_ 1,52 ) 8. F. VON BONNHORS & CO. ith% FISH—Pme, baspeetatT G 6 — bia. and ittaf bbia , ule by Pp - _ 8. P. VON BONNUORST & CO. _ _ ikAlou or Hook Wtoos. - SPARKLING Hoene, Croarn brand: Hook of Hookbrioa, Cob!antra; Still Hoakhouster.l/49, Mamas & Co; Henkell Ca; • Giesanheimar, ISM do " Hosed Masontsl, Intl, do " Johannisberg, E beling k. Maier Radeshaboar, 18.11, Homo A Co; Also, Haat Sastanie, mut and in bbd.. Tbesa Viloss are from the most celebrated Grapari.a along the Rkfca. In nom and for sale by assault coo dox each, of by the ida dla yloban by } ) sa JA(XIO WEAVER Jr_ Cbtasksosysis Vl7lstos. MUMPS lioldbbt, nos .ad 4.,rui " Balm . Heidosiek, . Cell de Perdris, Partridge Eye, or Harp Brood, qts; toy, Broad, Qtr; Doord Ong, 's and io; - 7 13 = Chart:T:lBV Qie and Pts; , These Winos so, awed to the trade, wholesale and null, rassestably. 818 JACOB WEAVER, Jr. 6 _ ._ 0 - 114%- , SWlTSis — rioNractd - ArTsa.ll by i)2 7 BROWN fr. CULBERTSON. D EYNOLD43 k 81t0 , 19 Improved Reap ` Paso --a It sen, lost ree'dand - for sale by JOr DROWN A aULDERTSON. frORACCO-4101:0 boxes 4 W. IL Orairk" and other I Oaten brands, oa !wind and to arts~vee,, kw sate by ITer BROWN k CULRFAITgoN. POWDER—Blagaing and Ride Powder., kept son Handy an hand. and Gar sate hy IY O BROWN & COLBHRTSON. M . ACL—A Lapp y tires.. and 3 Mackezy4 KERE daily expected from Lbe tast, 'tut Ihr pee by BROWN E CULBERTSON. ROONtz--e. dna. last landing, Om sal. by JYY , 8 P VON IDONNUOOST t Co. F1.01111,-7/ (Gibbel qua) he'd pe keel boat Josephine, end Are sale by 171 7 ARMSTRONG & CHORE& JAMES' NEW NOVEL.—The Woodman! A it. annae of the times of Blehard IN, by 0. P. R June., Ern Jan reoelved - by JOHNNYMN Jr STOCETON • ) 45 cor Market en& " WRAPPINti PAPER-600 nabs. stone awl tar male by j 4 .1 8 DIL.W4IBIII tCU Hflaw, roma ready for Wang iltwoth; moire boo., for male by jytat W i. IS lIV-TIMCHFMN.I2ILIberg or . {ZHOULDEII4,--4000 pes Sbouldero, in amok* boort tl an te d for pale by 1134 WA it IMIITCIIKON 131TEIA FAMILY FLOUR 70 bbl* jut raes3 Pai J for rata by Oil AILM:SPIIONO osOADII4 , THREE SECOND HAND PIANOS, of boo for Igo . 1 or root—One of the above Piano Forum aPIU .k ...robartgod trod oriainally SSD%) fora lot af ,grolad, or roarchandire at a fair vahiailon ". Iyr4 JOHN II arELLOZ, 8t wica ii • I=3 I Üb7 NIAT CA .EIIAIOSIN-13 b V oo In wore JONFS, and for soh IM & _ WAb.IuNIt :Shot (\RNA ALTAR CAII,-3 bbt.o.l les slut r •by 9 S -SLLEa9,4S7-Wood TT ilia-7113Di Jasi Adand On ails by- • kra . - E draaxii GAilltsrrs sztun —1 ti!, , t(e Tewd kw. SAM to Ira R EsELLEArs: •t~ii. are ~_ C 42 19 , 91—W. 117.M -1m144 a i e l fe4ao4 - litiedllaVesiEnt; gain- Stil e ltlains: sialtZt Juana% bar prised and ai alanhaut Cann Itb lualit 11113 CILSZE3 72, ; ?-OSTBAII BOATS. ." ,::.....;: ',..„ FOR CINCINNATI. in a ritaLtd_ 'the ..plc ,... ndid lifan dravekt .1.. Inuttrtglu:A, thlai,ll, mote r . ar•II lease fae-e . • all tiltermecLate pmt. - 4 ....,,,,,,,,k..,./.. M. -.....e1e.t ar paarare. •nply oft boar FOR rINCINNATI. - a,: AC "lee .pkodi4 fact V' RV/ , tate.tAsiaer, mil , ' 0 1. . 1 :: . . s . '" I AAIMaii. --- g O " : 4- 0 ILR I -7 : d t„ * r 1 ..? .: II IDAILv •PACK • T n ILLS well known lixte.of era an non - xes - ;'zsed .fithed and farmitted, and mow,,, waits of the Weel... Every neetnh—, (on dam money 'e etoente, has bee. wagers, The Line boa , been in etweelon for five )psis r —kes carried a million of pea* without the talistiia , - ry to dteirpenous. The boat* 6. at the Nt at W o od street the day previotte to starting, for the , i/..M of freight and entry' of passenger. en the tea In all eases the plumage money teem be is adtanen. SUNDAY PAGILJet One ISAAC NEWTON, Capi. I IMMO Pgistmgh every Sunday initrun Wheeling every Sunday evening at ID &MY e. tEnT. noiftrAClTAZhaes.. Th. hIONONG A HELA, • '" Pl. .• burgh every 3.l=dal' Morning AI 1.011:q al veva bloadar eveaatar at to F. K. . From Pittsburgh to PhtheLelptomem Pan The evening boat will leave at 6 oicloek L ezeept Sun day ovenware Pasalingere thls boat will lodge on board in comfortable Slate Booms the firm night, peas" over the ovallla the folbwing day in &ISOM Mtn Casabas, and lodge the wood night m Cumberlaad. Peasengers have choir: of either Steamboat at Rail god becomes ttaltimme and Philadelphia, and ma ptivilege of-stopping m Camberlantl and Baltimore, •nd resenting their MIL 1.1 palmier. C04.13ba. char orzli to panics to travel as they please. Wound., up the loud and way bill. fordo Cana, es lathe Pitudiargh rams, list order to sere date no arriving at t o get at is teen:rota t.eilmeteel for p a ueogem get their tickets before gong ott board of the boat, at our °dire, Monongahela HozOillrel street, or St Charles gout, Wood sr, flush zpldGoa idakKIMPiN, Nagar • JOHNSTON /a STOCKTON. corner Market and Third streets ~'',"~ ~:.:.: ~ < Q .. • 4 .. 7 " _ • z_ „ s "A, 4 t. , , t't Teplat min iwren Plusbergtt Wheeling and Brdgeport • She sell) leave Pittsburgh on Wednesday 0 04 siateresy. Far freight 41, - IWistne i mppl en wa r d. FOX Wiitt - E4SO AND SUNPISIL =BE MEMO! matt. The fine mane, • CINDEIIELLA, • (hoz Calhoun, truster leave or re and klirMtelale plena cm treadaym tadTburadeye, alas et For trelglic or pvmmav, epplycce board. . . The V.F. Mail reamer MICHIOLN No, I, will leave the lauding appear* • the Monongahela !loose, eve!, Sea n ram' or at 9 o'clock, for Seaver. litsiorning, will aril,' at 3 o'clock, i'. M. Fate to-Bea:cc rod bark, Tomato-4v* Ceara. cort.s sUNtairtfufs - To'BEkrstt: — • The clamor seeLv tat ortll leave dm wharf, owls. lho Ala bola House, crery ,S'anday c ' rcrn ' slZ II clock 1., irAtainning, nil, Leave Bearer a: I o, P. awl *army at 11 - 3'clock. Parr Twenty-fire Can.. roa2l REMOVAL. - ED 11.111.1GTENDEZXIMMI & IL Acatxr, Ponrardlmr and Commmalon Mee. chant, ho mm•da t. No. 87 Front, busmen Wood and Smithfield creel... UHNITUR6 DIAIITY—W. B. lilorphy . has ?real wed ds few ',Jere. lot •Lannat, bed qaum, 41 ate loot OA. of I I o , • Pot VI T tall/LICKLI PILICKS—w. it. Alarpby ban ea A band a few white and eoltded galley which be will elm, inn el low pine. BAVIN 811081.88.118-1 cask. Rot recd loot Tor sale by JIITJ & HABITAT:A.IH CtiBl.-3116-o-zesrnitte gmext.,f psi Iroe'd for "de by r 2!) 8& W IiEINI 1300K9.--Stsuatey's common Place Book, edited by Ins ston•lu-larr, /otos HoodUinta, R.D. bbon's Htstory of Jultus Cosa:, with 'engradag!... Just received at JOHNSTON t STOCKTON'S,. • /725 eor Market and Thlzil eta. I)OTATOKS-:15 bbbi thi r day reeeiTed from Oa /polo, and 'or rale ay 025 ARMS raoNo cßoziat • 61~6s Ltm~ofOmatbai~~~ /MV THE. LA WEIENCI:VILLE )10AD„...A A lnis will leave the Diamond in PLaborgh ervary evenlan nt 8, 9 and 10 n'elork. Lawrancevale al 8 ana v P. M. k J. sumiDENTitai. Ivan:l3lr Blt 00 Al :2,-20 dot Pomeroy's, for sale bv nil . J 0 WiI.LJAMS . r \ RIED APPLIZa--YOO bask :last res'd sad Cot sate I/ by lal 8a V 1141171171titift. LI'S 11:-Ilkihb IS I islelNO - 3 - 11 irigne Itailo a TisspeOZ E dote CD half bblds ..4. a; .50 bbl• No 9 doi ia.l Ned and fbr iala by L 13 WALTKEMAN rrOI3ACCO—Sia Isii .s`i — T,iiSateTs, oir tadika 7,7, j arrive/a a few days, some of width are . tiSigas brands sod of .open, ttruaity,svo'd on tannektoatat ant for sale by fyta 'I. d wA7IT.ex QVAD AND IiERKINII.AIinir bills on band and 63r sale by • -"' YYSIO • 14 B WjerEabuod Wrrffirig—aobsrivtat• — .3l".l.77, - Ftwiro and for sate by iygn Lt> WaTKRITAN FAMILY PLOUD- - 1 - 3 h - EX. F. 7.44, silmneid and for gala by D lIMNOLD.9 - fi gift MILCDTB-720 bbla Jut reed and Co, %ate by 1723 AIIIISTIIONU k ECAN NUM-4 bblt Asian . Nuut. tan rev'd 4 0, 4 for yak, .18 Romeng. 147.1,g &CO rtiktrUkialla Ras imps Isotonic Vinosity: do • Philteoros; do Alsitinde 011, 5. alum doe figull-.A lug Salts; ds do Rom Soop; desist ' , mohair • do; do do Began do; do Compound 0.5 .. Norm.. •i•ir-` • c stld for ode by U ; . 0 89 ' '8 4.. • s; • ly sanatory F-• .fdlvo'f= ri tor in it, pa . t. prevents lit rantionsa plingpfma, toner and wanly of the skin, it rakiethits and nokikeiii tho akin, modnring it sok and monk: ft cOOOOllllOll clumpy and bitter taste orkw nnottikitapariins o l spg,k • and pleasant breaks - 1, .k 6 _ 666 11 ZE.d minions tho teeth, and bowknots. Pm.* tvi 1116 *NM Par' ais u .s .thp Inner in ankh 'rapt:inks' um. , " IT.i.:l6imait By inhaling n and tabbing 1 , . 3 , umpte., it will mason headache, •itapplien • Innasny to a tam or braise, it Will evenittally permit Req.M.ol nit . fundatt., gwande .. Gem ospts i s in; it if tot tot e eery usef.Var parifd.l and we 'Nana( latlttnetiii." • rot 'slabs kusEuxas, Whole...To iyik 61 Wood street, ' vv p ireVZ6l - 10 - 13alit - Wroikri, nom id 4r, feir W n &I IitTCHP'SfiItER, CTEWOOISSaIatiitsZINirrIZTEERN. •-• .5111 Coarricia-sike. nominee. No. n Christopher as derallinforinsi "Tim bland of Sardinia; Tle Caguinfr- • tan RiVrThoOstoo Lawn In Sontitini; "Dinninifilrs : •raikasktiatuy Crowning of the Colnoto,•,aidi • aktilimg of the rodents! Thu dzy retelniedt" kir sipsig, or sulweriptions alma at n't per yeas t _ JAILLKY Is LOCKWOOD. ea1X0171314 •_JYJI• IA A ISITZD A. young man In a mbnleaale and rasa dry goods $101V%.011.5 Reqo•l[llta VIM tba bu,inass,andmuluanis well nmainn2ended. Apply al Ma Maxim nL.. MAUI ' A BLACKSMITH capable urn- 7S‘ '7.4,, 4, ttr,r.. 11 ging, and rannanins Inch mbontdatillretka,and repakimg • • CM Wan A gbod rituadoo 11 now *feted re. in • abbsh Weasel in businum an, .., .an nyiey: ;Minot dim hands. Apply to 53,04.' " &,-. 4-,".'!. e 4,44, idumtinens, Wit Tafel:MX, for /ale TH.11.1%,i , .V£.+1, • . LA:rtre'‘9l-7.:4' • • • 'tan Salt WOTILL July-18,48W- . sl,Vl — i""fte'tBl o '"ANT,' ____!lS. -1 7 , -