THE eITTSBIIIIGIE ===l FIT TB 17 ~ . Daffy,'l lialol' ddi ilTiE^Td We 7,401.1 Wee! ly:-. 1 1"be Dany.l4 . 3trwen ._ .. Maus pvt annmAttie Tn-Weekly y Fivelidllidd pc, " -- -cur• - =4ll:vi4eo:wiz Tiro Delta:raver antraPiiettitalt / -‘• ' * ,*, ,I. '...«,... ! AridldrlMUsturrearnonly Tequancd tgand kn tirvon befall, Dr. Y., and td .. ,4 1 1 n err" practicable- Attdrattseraeou nal imam itetti specie II adapt till inva ri ably kir cbarged until ittPpreill ow NORTH AffiEttiO4N. Adarerthieiftenta *ad eabsettpcions to the Mirth Amer fern sad 'Jolted Sales Game, PhilsdelptdOeeeive, and forwarded (raw this office. A! JUMIMSONIO AND WH incurs, 0 WILLIAM HASLETT, of Butler (*lv. asentevr, ROST. C. WALWV.,H, of Efi:Uletb Bor4figh. ^ JOHN MI.L.UR, of stmrpsbureb CALEB LES, of 'Paubonch. OIL ESPY, of Lower St. Cf . ammo, CARTER OUST'S, of Piusborgb I roarriooarart, Li 0130. S. HAYS, of Upper St. Clw.t. ros•orrooo,t JOHN tioßrastrs, of Allegheny ; E. . JO. ZdITCLIFJ.J., 4( Fe..,17' ,r 3 WM. H. entrug& of n'Obunth • tri JOHN HV'EIHS or Findley. Pea yeast !fetters see next ii4gis. See seas peigetine Talairsegatiao ewe. Oar readers will be amused, if not ii4eled, by the letter Oft •Reinityllania 110t r ics, from Bedford Springs, to. the Wllitt . lhalOkizitublic- The writer has ho alight tnoilddtetifie politics h y the Old Sergourb bus we think' he nits . in suct ioning that Gov. Icanoroa will not @Nit next Whdgeartdiiste. We should regret thOny thing *twilit! prevent his leading tho WhirNsts at thy next Gubernatorial contest. —4. i E „ While the Locofoco leaders are arrnitgung about the offices of the' Commonweeitht.A Bedford Spring, WI if they had n sort of presfrYhtive right ' to their ehjoyaseacthe Whig party to calmly on, quietly biding the time of condihii They ore not the lets tendy because they makeMle ado and noise. They have Mate, yea, new, djenhoesed the Locokicenef the Keystone in a feir : hglit,. in a re-. ginsrly pitched battle, and they are 1407 to buckle o n their camm,und•rry it scum. I;prenever our 'standard bearer is gamed, the cohlfel wilt com mence id good earnest, and we ph* 010 . Alle gheny county fu her accustomed Vrarhelming Whig =pimal. The. Pinthurgli G=ene; n %trans- ernfiVgnicsi an.. 3 paper, say• There rtayer. erne cc one PD.:m.410 General in ertne, nines the,fortpancto the Bowe -0 erne en dentoodhla dray perfectly (.road dracha-0 in fearless- TY, and that was Juno% t h at This cou p on that compares iddly the ibireC Me Kendal but a (I year, MOVE. np man democratic party reci :red edaa larger amotuo of Immure. They near aanoiOndge hie bonb ufy and cardiejly. Juane. is •etter thkp never reurgatainot (Ohl.) Repubi+4li, Set a lie a going among the Loco presses, arid it will never Mop. We look 01**012,5 week dr more ago, to deny absolutely tba(loe Pittsburgh Gazette ever need the language ittiti . it4,l to it, in the above paragraph; and yet hokia pn edllor Rho receives. our Daily regularly,*eiuting the fake statement. Will he make 114iticeisary rot . femme? The Ron. Mo nT CLAY and his Sriu arrived at Sandusky (o.)rsia Saturday last, etlil, 10l that port Car Beale (N. Y) on the same de i.ll The Le:x i:pan °begrime of the Stet thee einounees the departure of Mr. Cley . ,Jitetior, (ram kilime: .oorGiKow-citizen, IA It. C4iXsq . Cheape d'Affaires to the . Kingdom of PoOtipil, 101 l Usti cabana )mpottied_by nis 04,6 Wednesday Burt. -11 e, will spend a &so dayitf:tb Lolmaydle, themes kamill:peoneed W Washidglbo,- and will leitrittKitinfted §toes fur LasbodAtiont the Ist of SeigeOber." - • The Niasileyton Repahtic surieji that prompt been . taboo by tilo Secretary ct lirsaiD • bold: several compotes :trij readiness to i eseseed is:-ts , motesisthriiiiintny riblicirce the teteye hole et Florida. skald it apkib* that the cm dues orate kyr Indians:who morderel hfirßariter,in itetaetteet o 4 harm river, Eriar altparisucsureed by the mall mitre!' the Semineraii lobs din TIY Main In Florida, There is co reit;4e,it is ashicd, 20 suppose, towever, that this rfe r te . eutraje Of *afar indium?' " either the tosl.oy ot portage et the lam. ' ' :1; The .W itlgt b Udon , R Cali tim on. Tillman • ' I. oardth, Visited teistew..73neetuf ROW Connecticut, •..thettroielea.ncumeg Senator.'" ..•# yrt ter Isole eaves of the democracy' orating , rut decency. 'There M torirtper o3i oc luit or ex,. champs which so habitaafty forgOiltbe emertines of the press, in the bitter itiodictinestiess of us party tactics —Baltinws Su.. . There is note seitpemnble or is44id journal from the Ayostook - to the Rio GMille4fat, if disposed .ps speak the truth, could hesitatelkreetto the senti ment abate expressed by th.p &anus Goviamercn Licralltitia —The Waal. ington Repilblit, emu— "It is slow out.paintel duty to,iiicoyd the defal cation of Nattinniel Denby, late letaporary 'navy win of tip: trailed Swea, at IWitui4lles, ta Fotnee. Re is a defaulter to the tone of $1'4501 4bl,tolod wait %II; been commenced egantyl him Mr' the amount.° •,.!; The Mloiring very proper relit* bean email tithed at the Treasury Departme It will doubt less be attithded with the bes t &,iieteeneev— • TILCASUIS Pieus i Thvaivirr. &wad Auditor's Office, 1550.5 Owing to the numeront spplf alions and com plaint* ofchtimunte that agents mid attorneys have failed tit vaporer their duos vi brio collected, this olSce hay established a rule ttiatico money will bp_ paid upon • power of attorney ta. An y . agent a, al tomey who has been chttgeilmollCi circumstances to warrant belle& with withbold4 money due to • claimant: P. oLn.rtuN, stoma Auditor. , . ft Ot.. iecoviltr .tx ItanalW.The lamer. Cu fulfttf,:z ~,t,,,, 44.11Mi11r vMlliefwere dotitd.. . law to . ,;''. %'.... *the newriiffhich we publish adl 9° .. 1 -. 7 '"7i.:4i, g-Pe'veri..oom qr late se vers aiow .•.',.,.,..,... 4415f0nti . 10. A: rreapon , dent ofthWiletettlxilerrild dietea follovrieg mention offair'eise:. , f‘.l :-' "Madame Laborde. the ope , . waxer, waa not expected to iltre on Saturdayjdiving been given op by the ptraleion.s. She total since, however, -mon mimeo! iXtly recovered,oWlh.g, it to wild to a tteor:diaCoVerp made by n Freda doctor at Que.. I'd,.Ct txdtlied,hg.hire with greitkiticeers. Ii coo :ADMS in giving' the patient ofmutate . -Add or ammo' of iron, or heeirt' the Co:lapsed state. Sorest wax_ the etfeaW it on Madame Laborde, thgttwo botua alter itt".iiitil been adasinie tend she, wets enabled to lit ofef_li ... For the Ptri4orgA arrettr. F. 0 11 0 Oh Bobo live. among did .06 ' Alnerry llle bath I&'t, TO every voice his horii4ir 6ti• And move:• cbeetV; Oh Echo' %she, Asked it of I , To show wich aptEM glee! • Its loi:y lora maiden tiiikb. rock • Tharivertiange 9idgr—and her wog inVoirrtbre mock lo loW beyood becikilo on Echo! wWf. Asked trio of KO To Wag her wog ertrda The hunter on the mousC4in Lamar Beneath the trystiesithorn, Loud sounds his bugle 001 and clear Free Ip the early digue : Ott Echo! Noldo Asked this of' 0:0 To windeigala tbelihrn, The. Seitool boy late silo. play Comes strand'ring *nigh the wood, Aid beat to cheer Ens 4inly way Pipes in the solitndfi Oti Echo! whia'; Asked this To whistle tinswer3lde The boatman node:neslS the cliff Shoves ant his batte . troat shore, pe bounding billows War his skiff Fast as e bird addli,t4visiz; Oh Echo' cotis, ; Asked it of yfvd— To ttly the trantio-liiar Llte owl tbst qtatbristk . *pill the eventilay, Perched an.the tree twOtte the hook, Moats out his dolt!g44 ' • OtrEeho ' thfiforpu— " . ,To mock the osiktveY l Oh Echo lives smog* hills, ' • 6 04. anew= chlientYrrt' , :t Oh Echo! ••.• !Liked it of chk••• • To sikw such sinieSitgletr4 - 4-• - •• • . • •••• 'F•MAROArAIg-COURWEIr' ppir , ;AVatrikT Irgar.tillostri , "k 4e - 40:Indebted to bar Niiiir;"fott Tr*ii* T. the fulb*ing brief suctintkigib, <ahrbit Of the puadirdn'fril the:carman ii be sews/ States to I which elentiona mill be heat These electlatm ore llMportanras deendingthel*pletron of the acct , House of Representativea—L. Notaret CrotrootA.,—Kinn Thursday, August 1 9th—for Menabora of C o nreaa and Clerks GI Courts only. Oindhiaten Cur Congto , : — that Wion. Taylor'. vote ...!/:oeefono C a m's Vme / L Merman, .5475 po natubd s u'l 2 Jos'h P Culdwell.•. •sod 6 r4o. do. . .Z.WI 3 Edmund D e t,,,y,• •t 613 Green 'W. Caldwell . 479 4 •Ang. H Sheppard, -.5.rt T4tDma! W. Keene 2. 45 5 Henry K. N o sh, • • -4V9 •Ab Venable •• • •4410 'l4 (No Whig Clod) -3 1 3 3 . • , / v a m ho i tt c Lrel s•ec 7 (No Whig Caml I lifgantat,7%,:fnted_ 8 Edward Stanly, ...4997 Wm. 13 Lune • .:See , . 9 •Dand orataal • • .4030 f /he 4 Thle m ast aHouse.Pars Id .4972 • Members rf teed, It land be borne in mind that Gen. Taylor ran largely ahead of the Wbig: streogth, ao that the rate above given is not a );liable test. Tne oth DiStrict to doubtful; perhaka the 9th also. We mould like to add the sth urthe hat. ALaaage.—The Election in this State takes place on the 6th. As yet, Henry W. Collier. co) is the only candidate, Cul. .1. E Balser (Tay lor) who was urged to con,having declined. Mem. hers of the Legislature and Tax Collectors are ale. to be choren: the Legislature will have two U. S. Senators to chowle.' The candidates for Congress are,— Ta iT . II Di. Whig cand. votr. .r.!Ga , k , Caw'. •04.1 William i .•.5,/39 talvm C. :kW/ 2 .ne.rY «Hilllanl 7o,4 00 I,co lined I .4:tro - . . J•211G11 1. Punt. Ind 1 John 8 Iltodar • .. .fl9ttoto,, w 4 'Joseph 0 Itt .440 !Samuel W Inge •.A4t. Witham B Wood• • .3027 Payld Hubbard. • •44 , 1 It A O'Ne.! 5 (No Whig egad )• • .13-.••4W It w 4:014 Vera ellarnseta. ' J F Bradford tF7tt W Bosril , n 592 Thu vote of the State tag November mu., lot 'aylor 30152; Cam 31,34,0; Cass's majority 918 The average Loeoloco mhority is about 6.090 -- We trust Alston, Rillinn3 A and Baldwia will be elected: Hunter may be:lnnt we think will not. is idle to hope for any Onere. Tictrrassez.—The rival' candidata for Gover nor are Ned S Brown, the Whig inctimhent, and Gen. William Temiadale, "the hero of Three Wars, who a expected 4e run into the Whin In dian hters audhlexicantoluateers rather aerator, ly. We do not think Inc can bent Gov. Brown, though he might have rinne it if he had kept en tirely oil the stump. ICJ,. palate, is to be chor ten this year, but therets no U. S. Senator de pending. The candidates for Congress, so far ns we hove been able to risliertain them, 111 c DiaL \V. Cand. Taylor's VA.oep Cana Case's Vote. I. Nathl IL Taylor • 1153 And Johnson • • • 41•401 Dr Jet Powell (loro);, Brookins Can - tuber 3. Witham MCoeke INO Loco Cara.) • • -3,41 ' Albert ti Watkins '7 3 JosieMNlAnderaon743} Tho. C 14 0 . " - • 5135 4 John It Rohyera Wait Samuel Turnny • .574: '• John B Savage ..... W Jones C. Frank Buchanan 5031; •Jess II Thomas 31121 7 .11 P Unruly ~•6021 (No Loco Cand b Wm Cullorn• ... 4/000 And , sr Ilated 46u7 y— •• • .504344shana ri Hems • -54.0 to John W lianas call °Fred P Stanton ..... (OLP' iIC II NTLlanas• .•72.47 -- • • -4V9 Krvincer —jiere there as to be chosen. beside nonusers of Congress had a Legislature, (hut of the Senate excepted) Delegates to a Convention to revise the State Colistitution. The constitu tional canvass over rides all others, and is evlderd. iv damaging the Whigs by arrayusg the ultra Slavery interest again& them. -The Whigt are divided with regard tQ Emancipative; the Loco Pouts with tem and unobserved exceptions,'goin . strong for Siavery—bo4 tie extension and its per petaation They are siegy likely to defeat Ayletf Buckneg's return to Congress, because he made a sarong speech last winter, in support of the Wil— mot Proviso principle,Ahough he was ultithately dragooned into Vtaing.Or the Walker amendment. The Locos are preming,CoL Malaita)] in the Int, settle Dunnct won't declare.spinst Emancipation, as their Candidate (Lane) savagely does. They hoped to yen their men in the Vlth District in between two Whigs, on the sliest - mg dodge, as they did foirr years ago, but the Whig differences in this district have been adjusted by the withdrawal of Col. Addison White. thins lea, log Judge meek clear field. The Whigs, ought in justice to gaitr two members iu Kentucky' slot allowing for con4itencies, hot we fear they will not—die rival rimbilates, according to the latest advice*, are en Wows: Dist rand. Pa, tori:ry. Lee.," Cana Cos.'s V 1. John hl John••on..7lli •Lonn Boyd • • • .51.5 2..1 L. Johnston. • •701 • No Loco nand • 1500 Froorit Peyluu. I.& 2. Finis E MOLean•oosl Flloalt Ift-• -.1014 4 • A yle, 8e40er•6302 G. All Caldiroll '1605 5 •J. & Thetropinia•o79 - - ...... • .5116 6 'Dant& Brens• • • -6'550 John P Meurun • • • 149:1 7 H. 11a2A111 .• 1)( Newton Lour • - .6130 •.C. S Morel .d SP J Vrobeata, C. 4HI oJ P Houston . • •05 , 01 John C Alnion • • •4•01 10. *J. P. 17 vst , • • • 7#ll R. H. Stanton .. 7331 TaLtaXa.—The election here for Governor, Lient. Governor, Members Cf Coonreaa, a Lei isletu re (accept part of a Soothe). There are three sets ce tickets for Governor and Lieutenant, and ns the vote go President stood—Taylor, 69,907; Vea, tigulez,B,loo; Cass,74,lis=it etroogly protiable that Joseph A. Wright, Lace, will' he the next Governor. The Legislature is far more doubtful. The Gimgremional custom noes not at this distance look so well as en anyld trot. We abaft be ;and to heat that it brightens by approximation. The rival eandidaies Thcr Whig. 'Faydre Yote. Loco. Caro. Vote V B 1 •ElichaEnahree• • •t 42.3 Nadel Alb.rioou 7-33 IN 2Wm M. Dunn .463 Cyril L Dinthani944. 353 3 Joseph Robirdoo• • .614 J I. Robidionicrdi Gen I Saar. (V. Porter .S.FCE er. gh . 5 tti ham • • :5144 'Cc, .1 Brow, 4 WS 6 J 6 60 6. w 6 e. 4 .... Ii• A tiondin Rad 2 7.F.. W. McGauchey 11121' C Novo. I m1NV5741 - 9 'Henry 9 Lan t 7 it4 Jo. F.. sue Donald (87 711 at I?" 1)0344 0 1N; e ri 7h . 7; 1 1_ 114 , Arnhem 7 ,.. 1 1 ;a v r e htn.7: 4 , .. ; 414 , • • diensher , 04 the Ina 800,- I Free Sailers, out el:wetted as alr,c lowa -The electinn jAng. 6th) in thia4iiatr is for a Board of Pahl* Works only, Menthe's of Congreas having been chosen last year, Owo ono, hot the seat of one contested by a Whig A Legislature is mho to,be shown, but no U. S Sen ator is depending. The Loccdoeo party here hay ing taken Gen. Cast's ground respecting Slavery the Free . Soilem incline to the Whig side winch gives prop Lae of n wilotary change in the Pathod complenlim of the Suite. TiAss.—Tbe Contressional election in this ultra Loco State (Augis warmly contested in the Western (lid) District, when the late member, Timothy Pillsbury f 4 opposed by Votary E linw ned and Hugh McLiod. Casa' nonjority wos 3,031. No opposition of codoequenat has yet been mani fested againt David S. Kaufman, the old member from the let Distric - prid at Cams had a mujonty of 2.106, there is no doilid. of Ens no-election. Gee. T Wood ( resent incttnnbent) and P. H. Bell are the primipal candidatetTor Governor. For Liem.Gov. John A..Grecr, Middleton T. Johnson nod Junes W. Henderson have-been propound, who were at the boost dates eani4asoingtbe State. George W. Smyth it oho leading caodidede for Commiiwioner of the General Lan&Office. Allthe counties heard from last Fall in Licit to he canvassed gave Gen. Taylor 4,509 and Cuts 10,689, showing a Locrific. co insionty of 6,5114' The goutmaof the election of Judges by popular vote will he enbmided tothe people at the Augup election. 61111KM111.—The election here ( Aug. 6 h.) is mainly interesting an .count of Col. Benton.— There are no members of Congress to be chosen this year by the Pe4ple, hut the Legislature about Li hr c erteil will intuvu or sopereetle the 'Father of the)note," nor his fight with the Slavery Ex tensionists to mant.Glitly a warm one We think be will be re-eleked male!. the Entenconists Should prefer a Whig 11. S. Senator to bun, which is not unlikely. Tke Senatorial struggle overrules every other. lr• Raves Istssu An election is to be held, Aug Bth, in theald District to 111 the vacancy vied by a Dilnin tist elect at the April State Election. The candid then then were Sylvester G. Skleinum , Whig, genj. B. Thurston, Loco, (Int met:abort) ot - whom the latter received a few the most votes. The Whigs have at least 50 ma jority in the Diatria, yet apathy and rends render the result doultscul.:,, The Whigs ecebtuly ought to gain 011 P mem ber each ill Kente Lky, Tennessee, mid Alabama, though um do not expect them to cony nil of (ten Taylor's vote in those States. They must expect to lase one in Indiikna, and possibly another (need• leggy) la North Cirolinn. With l e cane. bons in the States-now about to choose Members, • Whist organization of the Nouse, may be placed beyond reasonable doubt. Cite Stan .—We learn wob great gratification that Sohn F. Shioder, Esg , the States 'freanarer of Lancaster county, amend io this city yesterday, brifiging with him the large cum of seventy-nine thatuiand dollars. which, on the are. val of the, State Treasurer, Mr. Bali. he will pay over as that Cougty's quoin of the State Tax.— When it is known: , that the whole amount to be paid by Lancaster . SSS,OOO, and that an' the same aeseasmeet bat $75,000 were collected last year, the orwhhnt result reflects the highest credit upon the energy arid ability of Mr. Slimier. A smiler spirit eigitrited in every county, would do away at occeand forever with whatever lin gering tear may no remain. either abroad or at home, that the honor or the State will not be main tained.—Norti Ants, flmotusa Paortracr.—Larensu Dow, of eccen trio memory, wasto posttetcon of a German work on the Propheclei, which ho rained highly and frequently made Ettnotatioos from. Among other remarkable sayllitia of the author were tbeee: would not tin a king In 1848." "1 would not t a grave digger In 1819.' .1 would not ha a soldier in 1850." • "1 would not 1$ either in 1851." The work alluded to woe written about 200 Yearaattm It certainly possemea an mterest kr the curtutar. Ho* frail the tenure by which Mop bold their crowskiJa 1848' Who would Ike the office of a kraosligger In 1519, unless he was solely mercenary? How more than txusumilde le it that the militroy men of the earth will cab tributreamltitodcain 1850, to fill a wide and qnUt grave! And wiihope, at least, in 1851, kir the fair harbinger wbicu promise 'peace on earth and •:$04.,011 ,rheii,--Jour. of COM. gy,The'worda Agapailly and Hotwpathy 6%4 .1101*114 V fraltili Ilea, a kaOalladjp, Or their true prh.¢mefetbicattrot but be interesting tb the mi. trill bit seen as ibUoanr—ibi accent be ithnOuliti rjettblet, Al-hyputby-'-gom-op From the Ret ' PidalstryLvsaiwieciLrnes.'• Bemoan SMIMMIs, .114 y 27;i810. There is gotta a stir just ihrit lir the ;wake tit Pennsylvania, on the locrofactielde• and, Wen from the number of nen-ants for dee and hums who are here. dna ;seems to Les the gathering point of the various interests. Gen. Cameron left a few days store; but Mr. Buchanan, whose aretVfil the newspapers chronicled about the same time, still holds on, miring, it I. behaved. hie political m uch more carefully than his physical health. With hum are Cul. Soranel W. Black, of Putrottrgh, a candidate for governor in expectancy, who won some distitionon in the war with Mexico, Henry S. Megraw, also of Patsborgh; Judge Koos, of the Westmoreland district, and Alfred Gilmore, the member elect to the 31 at Congress from Armstrong district. Another candidate for gubernatorial honors, Judge Jeremiah S Black, of Somerset, was here also a few days, !Among the efficacy of these medlclnal water.. Imprimis of them all, however, I is the late Secretary of State, who looks (award, doubtlem to a higher position in the government. I He a ue ruling sutra of his party, and may per haps, auceced in maturing the arrangements which he or his friends regard as necessary to secure I him a Presidential noadoenlon in 181.4 His first play has beta successful, as it is well understood that the nomination of John A. CI-amble of Ly cOnottig county, as the Lacofeco candidate tor Canal Comenlesiouer, was made for the benefit of "the House of Lancaster." There was a very strong nonunion to him, and but for Mr. Buchan- I an'. influence he would have been defeated. Hsi elesmon, ICU can be elected at all, will give the Loeolocos full swing with the patronage of the I public works. This in times past has been to , them an endless source of power, and of cutup- I lien Pio. Wielded by a man of Mr. Buchuan's siretray and adroitness, it cannot fail to place the younger and leaner men of his party completely' at I his mere The Whigs will most probably nominate Henry I M. Fuller, of Lurerne county, as their candidate, I in oppos it ion to Mr. Gamble. He is a man of fine Itense end, I should think of rare merit. He' certainty is very popular among hi. own people, else he could never have obtained a seat to the Legislature, is the face of a uniform mammy 01 nine htodred Mr the Locofocas m hie county. He will, in the event of his nomination, canvass the whole State; and, if the Inends of the Admtnistre nun will unite lnearnest, determined to main tato the proud position they occupy before the country, he will be elected. Mr. Buchanan, whose opinion in such matters, notwithstanding the man ner in which he blundered about Pennsylvania et year ago, may be worth something, a of a very different opinion. He thinks the State is thorough ly Locolimao, and predicts that Gamble's maionty will outstrip twenty thousand. Another most, of the ha Premier is to make William Bigler, of Clearheld .unty, the candidate lor Governor. In this the elements of opposition are more powerful and more resolute than in the matter of canal commirsioner. Then the “young Democracy" were no, exactly aware of the toils into which they were to be entrapped, and fell of course an easy prey to the wily Old Hunkers. Now, they are wide awake, and disposed to make a bold, revengeful fight linowingthis, and some what fearful withal of the result, Mr. Buchanan has stepped out in person into the pellucid ring . Tho work is too important, and the hazard too great to leave all to his managers and wire pullers. Hence he labors at the oar himself as lustily as the stoutest of his boat's crew. His policy is to induce Judge Black, whom he looks upon ne V e moat formidable rival of his candidate, Mr. Bigler, to withdraw from the hats, and put himself m treun ing as the successor of Mr. Sturgeon in the United States Senate in Judge Black you will re member no a strong competitor for the nomination against Morris Longstreth, The fort that he was pushed aside thee, and the detest of Loagstreth by Governor Johnston, hap increased Ins chances of macaw wall needier Lomfoco Convention. It he can, therefore, be quieted now, and hts friends, batted with the promise of a higher reward in perspective for, their favorite, be brought to the support of Bailer, all serious opposition to his nomination by the Luccfocos of the west, where Judge Blacks strength is, will be effectual) , pro aided against. So you see Mr. Btletratl6ll krlM7l what he is about, end where danger lies His plane, too are well laid, bat them suzcess as yet cannot he relied on as a "fixed fact' Even it this pro posed arrangement( be effected, there is no guaran ty that all will then go merry as a marriage bell The fierce, impetaous young Democracy of the State have their ambition. longuip, end yearn to rise upward, as well as Mr. Buchanan. They will submit to no nrrangement which is to keep them under, and if Mr. Buchanan gets Judge Black out of Bigler. way, he will find another of the same name Col. Samuel W. Blatt, if I am not misfn @rmed, folly es ugly a customer. Be is n man of handsome talents. of good address, sod every way o boon companion, whether at foray or (robe And unless things take a singular turn, he wdl not be whistled down the wind, although quite a young man, se readily ea his namesake has been, or is to be, with conungent promore of prefer ment. Again, it is doubtful where Gen. Came ron, by no means powerless as yet, win tat, his stand. He most be saved from obscurity, and does not mew to be shoved from the platform its gractoristy. To perfect his plus ' Mr . Buchan. will be compelled, before be gets through, to at ych him in some way to his firnanes. And, how ever it may be, the ex Senator, why lass cunning, had gdots and cOunterplots as tilnalkly.lts the es- Secretary, will get the better, In bargain. Even now, it is rumored, be is ready tor outcry end re bellions it will take something nubstannal, then, something Mr. Buchanan can neither give nor protest, to bang Geatral Cameron into useful rob ordination. The Whig candidate, if Gov. Johnston should. as some suppose, decline a renomination, will likely be the Hon. James Pollock, so long and favorably known as the reprcsentat ve of the Norihnuther land &atria in Coupe,. Ile to fen strong man in his section of the State, and would rue as well. perhaps, as the best. Whether he be nominated or not, the candidate should—as he may nib Onion and harmony of noon—be triumphantly elected la that event, even if h.a own party have not man buss and vigor enough to rut oat the maid pad which the manager. desire them to play with, Mr . Buchanan will have his game beaten by the pees. pie. Since writing the above, two other prominent I exhorters of the Leicoloco school have arrived -- Really, these soling. MUM have a wonderful 'oath. lag effect upon the system of these political writ. This last brace consists of A. B. Cummings, of Philadelphia., and Gen. J. K. Morehead, of Pats borgh; one the eastern and the other the western representative of the otue omnipotent but now &Uttered Porter dynasty. They were onginal supporters of Gen. Lass, in opposition to the "fa vorite son of the old Keystone State." The con dition of their health is not precisely known, but is shrewdly suspected that they are still in the interest of the "hero at Holes surrender." I knee we may account in some measure for their pres ence here. Tbey are not hardened sinners, to he shut out entirely from grace and forgiveness, and may be that they are somewhat sinning, Dugeld EintEttetty like, to collet wherever the provauot seems ;wheat and most abundant. It were not emptier In this view of the case, if Mr. Ilechanan should, accidentally of course, pick up new sub jects, none of your regular fists this ugh, for hie mesmeric expenments. I have already covered so much space, that I camatitcsay much about the springs as a resort for comfort and health. There are at pre .eat some 2.50 slithers, who have to rough it souse, notwithstand tog the desire of the propneter to minister to every one% wants, nod render all satisfied and contented. Col. W. W. Dts, for several years the industrious and gentlemanly proprietor of ao adm i rably kept house, the Fountain Inn, Baltimore, ta the heed manager, and is most assiduous in his efforts to please. MARYLANDER. - - Thillsll In California—Sot so 0111TVISta The Nemari. Adorishirr publish. • letter from Beth Bryden who wont with a potty from that place. According to Mr. B. gold digging is not al, ways no prifitzble a business no it hot been sup. posed. We copy the best of the letter. COUNA, Bev Mill Valley, Oraarintrire., "We reached the valley of Suiler's Mill at 9 o'clock, A.M. April 15. Put op our tent, packed away oar baggage, and abi et 4 o'clock went to the diggings below the saw mill with our wasn pans and washed out a few grains of the gold On On Monday, the 16th, we went to the diggings, gathered all the informative we could from the people we found at work there, and washed out 3or 3t dollar. worth of gold. Oa Tuesday, I put the washer together while the others went to dig and prepare the dirt to wash. In the afternoon we washed out 510 worth, or the weight of an ea gle. Wednesday 17th, Mr. Davenport inlayed ist the tent white the other five washed all day, and obtained $27,50. Thursday 18th, all hands together washed out 57 2.50. Friday 19th, obtained 501 worth of gold, and on Saturday 20th, 52,50 worth, having attack a good bed of alluvial dirt, which we had to carry about 90 yards to the water. On Monday, 22d, collected 567; Tuesdev, 211 563,50; Wednesday, i 05,50; Thursday, 550; Fri day, 653,50; 15aturday,111 5 0. On Sunday we stay. at the tent; washed up and made a dividend of fire ounces of gold to each person, leaving MX pen ny weights in the treasury. This is not up to what it was represented, being not over 59 per day, and our expenses are enormous. It warns strange, that after all that has been sald with regard to this wows!, no correct idea ord has been conveyed. When a person arrives at San Francisco the journey ts not half performed—the labor, fatigue and pnvatton then commences. A person may go (tom Son Frani:no on the deck of a small vessel, and ride annum the prunes in an ox wagon, but no person would risk ruldits up and down the mountains to r 8,11, .F. 541 . Maid thence aficen miles to the Spanish bar on the middle branch of the American fork, the nearest mine that yield sufficient to pay for working. A good horse will carry about 101104). sense the mount:dna, at an expense of about fiTty cents ape- pound; from that a person must take his blanket, tools and vic • tugs on his own back and climb his way when ever he goes. Ton may wonder why we hare stayed here so long- The reason ls, that the wateria so MO that the minendo not armkJusd It will exceed sixweeka linger on account of snow melting on the moms. Uncut The river here is high, and it has risen some three fret since we began to work, driving as from the beat diggiega This Over is about , seventy five yards wide, and from five to ten yards deep OlkA descent nom two to three or hilt kat -10.016 hundred, and run like a train of cars over tt =ma,/asking tea times aloe 0,3411. 7 Fa person commencing to dig, selects bii clears sway • bed of rock and gravel of all sizes, and of all depths, nuns one to six (Cot, till he come. to a bed of yellowish eluvial sand, • few inches Nok, and sometimes • foot of this contains the :gold in inium. or idia tirsuit.ities. This is to ihh;!&in l „ ! ,., aluilitilattihai3yuslding a few sttoirl or pan fail. we- I illrikoadt,ltta ieeilde Ofit rock, or pocket ilitSe - !tackNareiMake a goOdials work; but ifyonaldle plitelt that had no ahem?, when the gold and 1 yellow sand was washed down we,g_et nothing. This•fillie character of'all elutes, air& ail can learn; in the mho or rivers; and-that the 1 gold Is cittiiersally spread oierihecdtmlry, is ac knowledged by all miners., many of whom have made large sums by good lutZ saying nothing of ht.ndreds that have not made their expense, I have seen many returning - poor. An Inahman re , turning from the minim to San Frandsen, said he got only $l9. I naked him the reason, md lie said he could not find a good place. One other man said he never made less than $2O per day, having obtained in all $3OOOO. Below the mill where the gold was first discov ered, there is a bend in the river, which bag won away to the foot of the mountain, some 150 yards from its original bed, which is the place in winch we dtg for gold. It appears to me that some thousands of years ago come heavy flood brought down the alluvial soil and gold from tho moun tains. Then other floods have brought rocks of all saes, from half ■ ton weight to gravel, and covenng end mixing It with timber, &e. Remov ingthis to And gold, and washing it out, is the hea. yield work a nine can do. I learn from the miners not one ID one hundred would have come, if they had seen as much as I have, and three out of fear that have come, would not work at it lithe mines were In Bergen. I think we shall go to the mid• die branch of the American Fork, instead of the north branch, though It fact no use to go there un til the water falls. California Eleettolleirtiln, Gold, and GambUng The Evening Vogt has a later from a person who came down to Panama in the last steamer from San Francisco, from which we mate on ex tract:— The steamer stopped on her way down al Mon. terey, St. Lhetpi, Masaiten and St. Bloc. Colonel Fremont and his family came 'ea paseengemlo Monterey. The Colonel is spoken of an a probable candidate for the Governorship of the State ie forisrillot Celtforma, and report says that he In now on an electioneering tour. At St. Blax-the steam-, er took in cool and provisions, and was in cense qoenee detained there a couple of days. In this latter place there were some 150 persons from the United States, who bed come norms Merl:leo, and were awaiting the steamer for San - Princisco. Among them there was some thing of a notability of the name of Green, with the title of General; there was some discussion as to whether this was the well known Duff Green, but it was fousity ascertained that it was a military hero of Texas . celebrity, and not the pre-eminent Doff. Among the passengers there are six disappointed gold seeker?, a highly distinguished and well .aloe. fled getable?, who shows ostentatiously some thirty thouiand dollars worth of gold dust, the result of', three months' finaamering. in faro and monte, at the Parker Hotel, in San Francisco; several cap tains and supercargoes, who had the good luck Io strive m Caltloinia et the nick of time, and can boast of their successful venture., and their 300 • • per cent. prcht in lumber, bmudies, pickles, and what not. Thera are some miners too, Who have their well earned saving' in bags of gold dour, ' varying from a thousand to Emu thousand dollars. There ts probabably a hundred thousand dollars, or more, worth of gold dust, distributed among the venous passengers, of which the ship has no note, and which would make the probable amount of the gold duet brought by the Panama, half a mil lion; of thm. it is ascertained that sixty thousand dollar, are demuned for Lima, and some doubtless for England. There are six men who reached St. Bind in the 1 &lakes., in.u, ?misc., who aro working their passage In tue steamer, in various capacit Mors, coal beavers, cooks' aids ie the galley, and waiters. There men, after My five days of severe suffering from want of water and of food, untamed in a vessel thronged like a slave ship, and scorched by the baramg nest of the troptcs during Lang calms, arrived at Si. Bias, and thence have ship ped themselves to perform the hardest and most menial dunce on board the steamer until her re turn to Si- Franstsco—all this without a shilling of wages, in order to reach the land of premix. When the Panama left San Deign, June 23, the Maxman Commissioners for the Boundary Survey had not yet arrived. ♦ Journey from Liege to Alt I• Cho A DILIGENCE SELONGLID TO THE TB,OAELLN I arrived at the coach office just es they were patting [heir horses to, procured my tfrhit, and was pulling it in my pocket, when • by stander rather siguificantly used," you had better read it, sir." I took his advice. These tickets, for the coavenience of travellers were printed to Getman and French. I Cooed I was to occupy the fourth seat in the vehicle, and was strictly forbiddento change placca with icy fellow trace/km even if seen aa arrangement should be agreeable to all parties. This despotic mditery direlpitne was a sufficient indication of our nearing the territories of his Prussian majesty, Frederick William. How ever, when once snugly ensconced in my Water, the tyresesy of his majesty gave me but little concern; I *II fast asfeep, and enjoyed as round ft , nap an could Caleiditre TOO( aey Mau in • .I,W of perfect liberty. It wee about three o'clock in the h is to soy day break—when I awoke; the = of the—So soothing to the draws ceased, end my slumbers were broken. At flat I anompated some eril—the loss of n whes47a horadfallen down, or mime unfortunate entitle:at. I advanced my head to the carriage window all was right; there we were, alone; brought jo a stand or ore 01 lee most beautiful road. I Oyer rtsc. I took my ticket from turptacket, to arm if I could gain infirrnauou as to this rather nausual method of travelling. Not a word ; hat as them was no prohibition to my holding conversation du ring the journey, why, I turned to my neighbor, and asked him if we had been thus stationary, for any length tame. "About twenty minutes," was the reply. "twenty mistime I exclaimed. 'Tray, sir, may I, without indiscretion, ask wbat we are do. ing here ?" We are wetting." "Oa! we are waiting. And pray what see we waiting for." "The bons." "What boar?" "The hour when, by right, we enter the town.° "Is there,then, a fixed how , "Every thing is fixed la Prussia." 'But sopposatg we happened to arrive balm the hang" 'The conductor would be punished." "And if atm+ " "Punished the same." "That's well looked to at any rate," was my oh " Every thing is well looked to in Prussia," re sponded my neighbor. bowed my head in assent. Not for wcylds would I have differed from a gentleman who was so thoroughly impressed with the auperi , wity of the laws and ordinances of his country; indepen dent of which, be hod been a* complaistua in answering my many questions to admit of •my wounding his feeling of amour Frame. I sawitiat my adept acquiescence to his opinion had gratified lure; so I ventured to resume the conversa tion by inquiring the precise hoar at which alone we had the privilege of entering Ail la Chapelle. "Thirty five minutes pant (our in the morning." "But d the watches and clocks don't agree?" " Watches and clocks always agree in Pros. sia." There tout be come thing more than meets the eye, thought I, in this said kingdom of Pratt* when even time seems regulated by dictatorial edict Really puzzled, I begged an explaoatitn. .The conductor• " eontinued my coMpanion, "have a note poet inured totem them in the cabri olet, which N mired by a padlock, to prevented; touching el the work., to snit their convenionse. Tame are regulated by the clinks of the Millea genes, and by them the moment of arrival Meech town and village is ascertained, to our final taws at Aix-lasOhapelle." , With all these precautions, how happens k," I continued, "that we are obliged to be waiting tune on this bowling green of a remit" "I supmne the conductor, like purser; air, fell asleep, and during the time the postillion platted on at tca, great o speed, and cow they have topsy for time overspent 'Oh! if the the cake, I will profit by the halt,ght out of the carriage, and look about me a little.' -Yon cannot get out of a diligence in Punk* till the end of your journey." I was nearly tempted to utter • deop and bitter imprecation against Prussia and all whit bekirged to IL I, however, suppressed my anger, nod beg ged to know what were those rains I saw at a little distanve. • It is the castle of Ecomsburgb." ' And what is the castle of hmemburght" "it was there that the adventare of Eltfillissli and Emma took place." "Indeed' Ito, 'nay, have the kindness to change places with me fora few minute", so that, at least, I may view it (gem the Window. "With great pleasure would I comply with your request, but we are forbidden to change planes in a public carriage to Prussia." "Confound Prussia'" I exclaimed, my patience completely wore out. I instantly recollected my aelfand apologised for my indiacretlon. "On' dove Preach men always chimer, chatter— dere tongue limber still," growled forth a fat Ger man. without unclesesq h,a nor; and these were the first words be hod thawed since we started. "What is that you say, ant"' I asked, ant half plumed at his observation. "I did say—Oa' among, noting." "You had much better go to sleep again, sir," I said to him, "and if it is your habit to dream laud,- I recommend its being in your mother tongue." The German began to snore. "Postillions' vorwarts--vorwans "' cried the conductor. Crack went the whips, at full gallop the brawls. I tried to catch a peep at the poetical rano, Mita sadden torn of the road out off all view. At thirty five minutes pas (our, to a second, we drone into the court of the at Ala-la- Chapelle, QT A gentleman of Pittsburgh, whio kid !silent:no an open cellar after the .Great Vac," sprained bid an• cle so weeny that be was unable to reltaln from cry. lag oat with tbepalm A friend who bad boon using B. A. Fattuestock a Co. itubefaricat end been eared of itheartallem, gene him orbit remained In the bonle, and altboughtis limb was rally swollen, be was opgrpietety reamred to -health in twelwaboara freenclanwpakh-Thiois but one of upset agrabbr of trues which bate come ander the observatiob of the proprietors. Prepared uld so th y D e r A FAH Id NEBTOCK tcPe r cornet Ist and Wood; also, comer lith and Wood oi je 9 14:1 gi'PrdPF-A.,,e ti Jigs i. 40 32• _, which: - turrivo. On 'this 2llF .. liateht,tie have received fileit of thaTtgy ' besisit,ttp to'fiday - There is natant. The Hannigan LL-;anne assembled at Mams. 34th ApriLettg_atifouracd..without transacting any business, to meet again in April .1555, ilfmotvallmer assembled by the dilag. The Palyneitaa until filled with official advertmemeati of persons about to leave the kingdom for Callers flooombte AnthoofTen Wet came passe ogee" in theitaies Monroe. He is to be said on hs way to the Halted States. We leant, verbally, that the publication of the Sandwich Island News has been suspended: corusequently, the troubled waters have subsided. The few remarks we thought to make some months ante relative to Hawimn pol ities, seemed to be considered as quite unjust by by both parties interested. When we have more time and room, hereafter, we will eodeevar to ohms this matter again before oar readers, that they may judge ter themselves The American ship Leland bad recently arrived at Honolulu from Boson, but brought on dates so late an We have already received per steamer. The largest por. nos of the foreigners had already lett for Calif., nia, and many of the natives, and more were doily preparing to embark. Married, at Honolulu, on board the American ably Leland, b y Rev, Samuel C Damon, on the UM instant,Hon. Wiiiingl 1... Lee. formerly al Sandy HAI, State of New York, to MIES Catherine E. Newton, at the city of Albany, New York. Tex 13irnans. Etivcacx CASE.—We we it stoted, on what we deem good authority, that the terms of a divorce have been agreed upon by the counsel in the ease of Pierce Butler 4/. Fanny Ramble Butler, satisfactory to both particis. The principal condi tions are, that Mr. Butler is to allow Mrs. Butler 31,500 annually, he is to retain possession of tberr children, (two daughters) excepting two months in eock year, which they are to spend with their mo ther. The arrangement woo agreed to some months since—both preferring it to a further con test before the courts—and the daughters are now with their mother in Mpaachusetts, where she Forposes tatting up her residenee.—Pkawb/plim /trove Tun U. S. Braemar ALLEGICENV.—We leant from an old tar, who arrived at Boston on board the U. S. steamer l'alanotou, that mine teem are entertained for the safety of the U. S. scorner Al degheny, The Princeton left the metro( Gibriltar at 2o'clock on the morning of the 26th ult., bound be Beaton, where she arrived tea days sin.. The Allegheny was preparing to start, and ttoobtloso did sail a (ow boars after, Lieutenant floater tell ing Commander Eagle that he would be in Wash ington befcrre he reached Bowan. On the 7th ahoydy after leaving Fayal, the Princeton en countered what is called the `•tail end" of a tumble storm, in which, it is feared, the Allegheny was involved. if she sailed, ae Lieut. Floater intend ed, on the 26M alt., there may be some ground for these lean, especially If she encountered the storm of the 6th out., off FayaL—Bolt. Sun APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. COILZOTORS OP TOE CUSTOMS.. Jefferson Minor, Tappahanneek, Virginia, vice I. A. Parker, removed. James Gregory, Marblehead, Mnassehuseits, vice P. May, removed. James D. Thompson, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey, vice S. Willem, removed. John Larzelere, Burlington, New Jerxy, vise G. Mott, removed. G.M. Smith, Perth Amboy, New Jersey, v A. Nichol'', removed. Wm. W. Baldwin, Newark, New York, vice IL Hellion, removed. Franklin Spalding, Niagara, New 'Jersey. vice H. Boaghlon,retriaved. James C Barter, Oswegatehie, New York, vice T. Bacon, removed. ICUIVISIOII.9 Or TIER CUSTOMS. T. B. Bagwell, Accomack, Virginia, vice S. removed. Wm. W. Greene, S 4— Louis, Missouri, ewe Thomas Gray, removed. AdaMANI TELTAatI62- Louis d Labeaurne,to be Assistant Treasurer at S. Louis, vice George Penn, removed. worn—Au this Is the season of the yew when worms are most formidable among children the orouri• sines of BPLane's Vermifoge beg leave to rani noun pacers, soliciting their attention to its eirlUe. far Lae expelling of these annoying and often fatal enemies of ehildron. Their Invent= is by n physician or crest experience to Virginia, and after lain& it for antral yews In his own pracnee, and finding its 'wee. au hs tow been induced at last to oilerinn gablic w • cheap but certain and excellent medicine. Call and purchase so WO Drug store of mgbditirT. J. KIDDk CO. Laves BOClA.—Preparod by J. W. Kelly William street, N. Y., and for sale by A. Jaye., No. 70 Fourth sueet. Ttua will be foand ► delightfui aru o of beverage in families, and particularly for rick ROOM Uratit's B90?“--An improved ChacoLue prepara tion, being a sombinatios of Cocoa not, innocent, in vigonuing and palatable, highly re-sous...led pants olarly for invalids. Prepared by W. Baker, Dorcheo. tor, Maas., and for sale by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin T. Store, Na. 70 Fcrarib st mebl4 Mrs wad Rfariste nasstranee.—Tes Ptttc alma 3YAV1R•71.33 .4.311, Fula 1.112,res ernarss2-- •=U323..-C60.1121:411lt , upon every tie t t&reiVelly the lowrat tkMar ea.OVEL GORALLY. Preet ilowrf nosy, HWY- Isetprevemazitis to Dantlntry DLO. 0. STEARNS, late of Boston, la prepared to ...facture sad set Outs TESTEI in wham and harts of sat. upon Suction= Atmospheric Suction Ptute,— Toornaeutt MELD 111 tin ttllraiil, where the ner ve as Woe.. Otago and residence next door to tho May ors elhee, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. linna ross-J. B. httFadde. H. Extort ).19 JOB PIIIINTING. HILL llEArti, CARDS, CIRCULAIM Mzmifests, Bella Laiang, Coastnacu, lash &mil I, ..fro erase, unalta, errruricarrs, elm - mat mucus, he. &e., Primed at the shortest notitte, at low prieel, at!th del9 Gazarra Omens. Tara smarm. W. DI. Wriffht, DI. D., Oculist, OM= rennden, on Fourth - oppashe the Phtutburgh Bank. (ant if, toots 2 f o to , lt w O ktEopk. RZLIMOLS Nonni.—The Mtellllg house of the titan! Street Baptist Church, (Rev. Mr. Teacticles,l war comer Cl Sixth and Grant streets, hnving tt e e, tho. roughly renovated and elegantly hoed up, wiil he ded icated anew to the worship of God, next Sunday morn. tog. at 10i o'clock. The sermon on the occamon snit ' be preached by the Rev. Dr. deter of Richmond. or by the pastor of the Church. augi COMDE'S UNIVERSAL GUIDE. TO H EALTII 1.1 AND LONG LIFE—Or what to Eat, Drink and Avoid; what Exercise to take; Dow to Control and Heade. the ?assume and Appeutes; and oat the Gen erel Condom of Life. whereby Health may ereured , and a happy and comfortable Old Age mooned, au. at lost, when our career Is concluded, we may -Like ripe fruit, drop Into Our Mothers lap, Or be wilt rase (lathered, not harshly plucked'—!Anton The eeale ab rate ove and retail, b able y workputilished and soul. ol earl JAAWS I) LOCKWOOD, RI Wool v. ETZCIUS liThese be l a L u LU f T l ß lu A c T ra l n O o N n S . oa x rSnllo AwSPinEsL S I [ed to parts—taro parts appcarms monthly —la Iv Vlan sixteen numbers, each with ass ands vidtts and explanations. The eubserihers aro sole arena for the work, of whom it can be procured at the pal:dasher's price. .at cents per pan. ELLIO rr au, 79 Wood street, Ilitoburth_ rt_OLD PENS—IS S. Pifo's Potent Dtansostl Pointed %Jr Gold Pena with ond without coach Ust r,c .11 .ncl for solo by JOHNSTON to STOCKTON, ang4 corder Third and Market sts ---- -- SCHOOL HOOKS—Brook's Orofs iletamoryomseri do Colleetanea Evangelica; do Greek Lesson, do Latin do; Clark's Practical Grammar. in winch erool•, phrases end VlVltent . ” UV classified tool illustmted. by a complete system of Elements el Vent.- table sod Animal Physiology. by G. Hamilton, M D Elements of Zoology , by - b. hl. Rae., L. L Pane., Geology, cancel by D. M. Reese, L. L. D.; Elements of Chemistry and Electrretty, in two pans—part In by D. D. Reid, M. D 4 port 2d by A. Rain; Limonite, fa' Natant Paikroophy, to 3 pans--Ist. Lusts or Matter and Motion; rid, Alechauttes; 3d. Hydro.tanes, Hydrae. Re. nod Pneomaties, by W. h R Chmtbe ca. Parker's School Compendium of Natural and rintemtal Philosophy, wish a desc t union of the Steam and Locomotive Engines. Parker. lot Leasoas In Natural Philosophy. Fulton's ,k Eassussen'a Book Rooping Also, the whole GU:Wales Maihnonsur al sou rot., on hand Intl for sale by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH. 3.11(4 'in Wood . _ 'CIASTIMPLOLrit-1 0 barrels tycsh grmaltd, 1 - wheat . , 35 do ems fluolly. for sale by nowt B F , VON 1101,11 , 1111111441 . & Co IDOWCHONU het chests, o h.dsonac 1 lb. papers, for sale by tote C U GRANT, 41 Wtttes st Et=tl2l2 V A SH I LUABLE P, GUERNSEY PROPERTY IN Y, G WRIGH IG T TOWN- U woo ACRES GP LAND, in excellent farming or. der—Wall watered- SIOITO CIOSIStiIY Or prime meadow Land and buildings necessary for a farm. The wood land colorists of about lOU Acme, MAO umber of rood quality. TiJe indisputable. A GRIST AND SAW MILL, on Lemberwood Creek—one mile distant from the above farm—with six um. or Land; two Virtue Dwellings; Stable, Smoke Hon., Orden nod goal well. The MIL, a two and EL half . story frame, 1. n, good math - , baa one pale of burrs, and one noire( corn stones; turns out good merchant wort. The Saw Mill in equal to the best In Guernsey county. Water-right weured. The above property will be sold very low fur cash, on part woe, If an application is made soon. 11.'r I have also for sale, several valuable Farms in cllttngton county. Ohio not fat from the Ohm nye, CIaRLES HEIDELRAC /1, 11 ! Now Gottingen, Guernsey Co. G. - - - Stray Ball. g taw to the plantation of the subsert -1—c3,b.,, living in Peebles township, Allepbo ,111:111147ty, on the 19th of July, a datir Jua supposed to ho shout four 700ra en.. no owner desired to 00(00 forward, p,ve property, and take said bull away, or he will he sold aeumling to law. JO/11.1 wi l t ODER. earl:140B AMITY FLOUR-40 btOtoM7lUfirsoperior .rude (beat In market) or Family Flour, um you'd and lot mlo by erig2..drvr JOHN DPPADEN A. Co • EXTRA. FAMILY FLOOD.) JUST retelyrd at the GREAT WESTERN FEED STORE, corner of Peon and St. Clair streets, a lot of "IL C. Holmes' A No.l brand, Spear's BUIL ^ tress ground. The subieriber amid MMus the particular attention of families to this article, as he ran safely recommend the We emir Ewea that is brought to hie any Also, family Groceries of all kinds Itent.constantly on hand, angtdrOt• JAMES DONALDSON RAW WIGSEEY- 41 tibia New Whiskey, ler 92 V by itiNo JACOB WEAVER. h setznArus-o tee'd .113 , J ivy sale by J LiCANFIELD ringEgE-130 jasTroe'd atol forallo by' aryN N 1 C ANPIELD STIOLINUS— WO boodle* ['rat cluallty Eng• Y lisp sad 'tali. Violin Strings, _dtrec t (,m the raanzfutnarra, and for sale arbokwala and nand lir curl JOAN /I MELLOR. (II Wood rt.; - 4 . 1 kr:II - 114 44 , Pattnlire at 1.ta1169 Labertystr . 4 ltetal3t • - Ic2 titre. ittalteivad, (arzale lar_L Atari • W114,1018, ilo Wood m br_s Criarrt, for mile by r oog2 J D WILLIAMS COCOA -2 bs. CZIIII No 1; 2do Baker's Broma; 5 do - do Chocolate: for .alb by 'sulrs J D WILLIAMS TIMM . SALT-- , 20 sks SAID 0101..V.; 7 4 0 arAms CLIMAIS THes—D; half ehtets extra, for rale by aunt 1 D WILLI &M 8 Ef. A.e u atm cured, for gall bjulutimjs QP. NVIITTING-10 bbis Ana for =le by C uuFY R E SELLERS, 57 W° 64 " hPRECIPITATE—Ia lb. nut nrr'd and for sale try nail R E SELLERS (AMA/FM ETHEL:R-1n lb. tart reed and for I . l e ll by u R SRLLEBS ' , ART. ACID-1,110 Ilbs just reed and for sale by yup E SSLLEES r' iA) BENZOIN-40 )(Ist reed and for sale _ at/0 FL E SEL.LEELS 4 FR , CAIN CA VENNE-3 Loren non outotd and for 1% sale. by A da 2 R E SELLERS 1 4 ., NG LISH CHARCOAL—Just reed and for isdotry i.l miga REt _ SELLERS L 2 IiAP—ICO haze. Cincinnati Snap in mote and (Or al ink, I.y augl SAN" DALZELL PIG IRON—You tons for role by ougl S DILWORTH & CO TEIA---1.10 ceeet• si H., O. P. and DaMOO; :I/toddies do do do, to to ougt 7 d DILWORTH& CO TOBACCO—MU las I Ih, Ws, 1.2• • cud 16's I U eon cured Natural Leaf Is sic !mg! s Damoirtd& co IOFFEH.-150 bag. Rao; 10 do Java in siore. ll angl J _B DILWORTH & CO 91&11-40 bbls N. C in store. I sue J S DILWORTH & CO SOA .g P .T j 200 bog Rosin, In stow. inworr in. co \ l f receVtyed. Cati l ''S d for We bas W e by WICK & APCLNDIESS, corner wood and Water sit IT to AA I, Rtai CAULE.for " Bt 1 '`F° A Vic't N , I -31 Font betwers, Wpcd np Mark e t P '4'2l!tril= Mlch Linn, and for sale by ' rr FtRRINGS-.l' toss Scaled Homage, In store and 11. for sole low to close constgumans, by !“±g, JAMES 151-LZEI:L, Weser st APOLLO HALL 1 rirTit WEER Or VIE EMPIRE MINSTRELS! split.: I.:AIt.:RE MINSTRELS beg leave to announce that to convequeriec of die UNP1TT1193.117., ZreCISS [Wending their Cancerte during the past four weeks, they are induced to announce their FIFTH-SERIES, counnunculko ray July 30th, And continuing every evening during . the week. .Mr. R. R. Sine, vein nightly introduce Ins much adm ired Vence, ("hangs of Programme every evening. Itj-Tirksts, 25 cents. li7j - Doors upon at 71 o'clock: Colleen to commence at til2s INI ME , D v TORA , C . OO-3 . b t u . ; :5 I SAIAHIJICRET &CO, Front st E-43 b.te now jt CO O[IF:A NI CHI-MM.-23 bx• for sale Dy j - F3I BFVO.. BONN HORST 2r, CO Q AL KEIATUS-5 calo for Jude by Jill S F YON BONNHORST & CO 1), FIA)UR--8 bbla for sale by y3l S It VON IIONNHORST lc CO .• _ rfo o un, FLC, rheri Th4ondßitilders rchitect, by Cherie, Hills, practical Arebitect, routs ed and iscproccd, crab addino. of Villa and !School 'louse Architecture, by 11. Austin, Archttcct Toe A rchnec 4 comprising ongival design. of cheap country and vlllage residenccit, w h dch.ipt, irt:lt fi .=4 ' i lm n Nth SIITZN4nToazg- W. 1341 corner 11 and Market au Wholleinics Drug Store fez Bate mil F. sobseribers, desirous of retain; from the Drug I_ I/us/mess, oder thole well selected stock of Drags, aledselnea etc.. for sale. • , .• . The eateblishment is among the most eligible to the Wont. having an eXtensi, and Itteillilre COSIOM alrea dy ertehltsbatent. The most satisfeetory information relative to the prefu of the eintibliatunent, and the reasons for quit • ca bornnevt, can be gtven by srldressiag the cabaret bete, No 144 Market street, Wheeling, Va. PRYOR PAULL. !) attire—Wheeling Gee- ArETS . FLISE-30,41 . feei for bleating{ ter 4.leFf Li y2l J WILWORTII re CO p owDER--= B do leating Pozder, qa do tily 410/ Id do do do tin do . . .. UM qr odo do do do 6, 1 a muganma, and denrerable at my Mar 4aring the 1 If2l J S HILWORTIIA CO OIL CLOTHS—CM hand and for sale, by W.:ll,Clin lock, at his Carpet NVarebouse, a Mtge and m tensive Mira( Meat of Oil Cloths, Ir,lryiilg from 27 111- cll.s 10 21 feet wide, cat to sun any sine hill,_ too" or veMtnnt Toe mmrtment consist. of Um later and rllOll approved styles and colon. iYI9 W ATCLINTOCK jaiurrix LbRKS--41relos pont% long and abort, JJ lnN acceivcd and for !We by If 11 R K SELLER,S7 Wood st scravA Pos. Ch.loa, of a lamllsl4sr.acive4 11 and far sale an W. dIL )1 ,1 1 No. 154 Liberty et-tett I. SCAM IL IFEI & ATKIN/ASONIM AXACOOM. SCA Filen rr., nrrnienn Wool, ARID Nana, 61AIMI CIONTINCE 10 traincifactuni kinds of COPPER, TIN &NOR' - WM IRON WARE. Alma, Blank /min Wink. • • . Steruu Boats built to order. Pprinel allentinelp4VT steam bold work. 'lure on hall(' 11.08.81/21:11101 Cep./ end ante Wale, kr. h‘e• (vmmboat Cooking Stance, l'onabie F9trg VOSIOes sits. —ll. ea.einerkt an Ude for mambo ee, -sta. Califoroik emigrants, or nail rood ciinpaniea We mall reapeetfully ironer Stearn boat men and other, to call and sea our artales and prices before purchasing elsewhere. 4 , 17 _ •• • - - FOR caita.EN WOOD GARDENS. The steam boat A. MAgf,IN now nuts from the Point, foot of Liberty street. to the Gar 4 en—leavieg et 9 o'clock,4. AL, and at the Legman.; of each Lour until 9 P. M. Thaw they rely on finding the boat at the hour. She lerres the se the last up trip, at 10 o'clock. The season is fast advancing, and those wishing to visit this delightful retreat. now is the time to spend a few hoofs, no: in the smoke end Mut of the city, but in a pure atmosphere, perfumed with the fragrance of flowers. . kinds of refreshments, except intozientlng drink are kept on the premise. Greenhouse Plants, ••1 Bouquet, crenate.: flowers fox sale. Closed on Ron day. lan d ing JAMES M'KAIN. IV-Change of landing made on acconta of lop wo er. FOR RENl'.—Thd three Wiry_ Briok Dwelling Douse, on Liberty, between Bay and fdarbury now oeeepied by W. Graham, Jr. Proase“ion gi•cn immedtately. F.nquire of Wm. Graham, or at the Bookstore of . JOHNSTON is STOCK ON. earner Market and Third streets. Engines for Miele INR PAIR SECOND HAND ENGINIS, 10 in, cyllnaern, 4 feet stroke; 9 Boilers, 51 feet laLlti 3 niche• in diameter, ell In good order, will be sold at r bargain, if application be envie soon. They Daze onl .... :a One snout It months. For partienthes,intoi of jpi7 111 IL Gazette arm pay ,hEvulGlGNAiby„cenitlvi:galmxy o , (B . l7 .ea n: g d G able i.; ?: 7 l ' eLlictne:, ' B w ookt. r &c., &c. GEORGE B. MILTENBERGFM, jygt No. 87 Front in, Of BBL& hem doable refined Winter Strained Lard Od, received and for vole by W. a R. DIVUTCHEON, ,v 26 N 0.132 Liberty meet. OH EESD-30 !rose. Cheese; In corn and for InieTy 11-14 1 S DILWORTH it CO FLOUR -360 bWa floor, supertet quality, Cm ants b y IT 2I .1 S DILWORTH te CO M A. ,. (: , !1;: a R , FZ, 4 4. , ,, 0 nd b i 1..2 , ..133 b 1erge Mackerel, 1949, .o'2l 1 S y DiLWORTH It, CO v GLASS—ISO boxes, ast r i i orted v ilsos, r 00 Front street. N. 0 i . y ..21 AR-15 Idols priae v =oole v a 1 OLD BRANDY—Une culture cut, 1605, Vieux Cogune, just received end for sale by the dr mtiou or bottle, by Juu2•l T - UW PRICED BRANDIF--Iligh MO( french I.s Brandies whole. , of all colors and grades. fortale ts find retail, by JACOB WEAVER, Jr._ Prrraseacc, June 20th, 1849. Ala a. K. Iltessav—Sir: 1 take great pleasant, in re. commanding your INKS, to the tiers., of the public. In my business. I have used a great it . narnity of Ink, and I give your. the prearenee over all others I have ilarnson's Ink Is good; so is Arnold's: but I prefer yours, as it dries not mould, nor get thick by be ing exposed, and becomes blaelein a (mg inmates allog it Is on the paper. Wishing you every success in your business, I am yours, very respectfully, JOllO4 FIskiAIING, City Aecountent. For sale by B A. rahnestock is Co., Pittsburgh; R. I'. Schwartz, Allegheny city; and by the tusnufacturer, 'riornas K Droggist and Chentlel L toner 01 and l. , inolibeld streets, Plttsburgh, Pat y27.412n, I,TEW AND VALUABLE WORMS JUST PUB LISHED.— Compendium of Eeelesiamieal nr Ur. John C. Oienslor. Ministerial Counsel lor end ttrdlnary r oan a TheeleaT to 0 00,0 6. 0 ; !tom the Caudle ednyent, rra aud amended. Trans la ed from Me Gentled, by Samuel Davidson, L. L. D. A History of Me United States of Amen., from the er y of the Continent le the orgrusintilon Orchard ernmeut under the Federal Constitution, by Richard llodruth. Just received and for %ale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, earner Market and Third at, 'flatters , Trimming. Chimp for Cub,. 9 , 11 F , adymrll cur la now opening. at t7I Waxer atree ' 1 New York. a complme informant of 11.0TERI3 RIMMING:, 'elected Dr Dinlaell . from the u nee to Proe. and Germany, winch will be mid lour lermine une call and okamme before purohaalog cae where. Jydtullna Now Yoga. July, 1801. LAUD OIL—IO bbl.. No. 1 Lard oi4 and 20 bbl No. 1 do , is more and for sale by yp JAMES DALZELL, N 0.41 Wales sI. ririrdrni perke el 27 JAM DALZKLL. . te.K bt ß ae i ttokee °3 bb u l oq N ll34 Al l7: l anA 'l(49 O . od to; onto by (Mil .1a.a.r.9 DAL.cbILL T)OT ASII--3 cask, Illiperar, for oole by r )y27 S. F. VON BONNUORSTA CO. rrotlACif ct pkgsr m.ractured cos, of vormus qualities, for sae by jr/7 S. F. VON BONNNORST is. CO. QA,SII —WOO llgkia for ooto h y_y .P. VON BON NIIORST k CO. T) F.P ble for "I° by Ira •• • : VON RONNILORST kOO nHy A VI'LF-9-151 , 1 , 1• for •nto try S. F VON BaNNHORST & SUC..AitS- 415 bhl.oosorroal Noraor oarielij 11-V, S. F. VON BONNUORfn k CO. By woks Eli! ! lljaaileigg Ale Seigalak. T=N' , 11 raw agtortidl;kiaiia On Monday roornins=l4 . Mb, al lti o o k ' tha CommeresaL Salts ,nctucer Fifth streets, will be sold, anthem reserve, for cub currency, eleven packages foreign • and demesne plc arid fancy dry goods, einbraellte 1s haildsunid l Z sornnent of reasoneble merchandise. At II °NIRO, Groneiles, Qtreensarnre, Furriltstie:,' We. '- Young Hylton , and;lusperisl tea,. Va manufactured utbacca, madder,- lad l'palm soap, shovels, spades. forks, area , hatchets, writing and wrapping peMor, tranaparent window blinds, fly seta usa clocks, looking !lama, earpenng, frather beds, motes, patent Wooers, &a. A large nod general assortment of new and second band household trinumre, de. At 8 o'clock, Fashionable ready made eletbrieg, boots and shoes, trunks, a addle% vrtups, fineable sun pocket,' entlery. double and single barrel shot gnus, ptstols, gold and , giver watches, variety goods, dc. ampl On Saturday everting, •fichisCal S 'o'clock, it the Commercial dales Rooms, comer of Wood, and Filth sta, will be wed— A large collection of valuable oilecellaniMut hooka, • In the venom departments of Sweatt= and mitts., among which are standard library , - edltions of choice works, fondly aod, pocket bibles,. Wank boas, letter and my writuutpapet,millls, steel pens, Also, a quantity of recond hand books. from le veto library. magi JOHN.D DAVIS, Aml Spleadld Furnitirre at Alacteolas TBE BODSRHOLD FURNITBRBof 8. AA'ithites; lock, Esq., wilt be sold oa Titewilat Aetnet at 10 o'clock, A. N., a Ids Kudzu:tete itt-Oktlated. eat.' intend; removing from the city: belitg anoxterulve and valuable lot of elegant Fernitnns, • hpRO pombn of which is nerdy new, having been hor'hdta consisting - thwart efrbe follewftg; NKr • , Saxony, Brussels and Ingrain o.arpeting; 9 elegant +ger Tablary9aarblotops; enteral very Large Mirrors,. -• ' • 6 hlehogany Boating Chairs; 2 =Wiry 'Bo • do Demist - .9 •do Card ter,. - : do Centre Tablet,- -I do •Hmt Table; 2 do DirdagTahle 9 netedo Chairs; . do Wmk Tabler, 8 fine Mantel , • . 1 megallecat cabing Alarims embia.cing bearilifill and rich col/mime-of the mod TWO and val uable foreign suecieala alarga teatuntoesPFese.• _ oil P... 1 .41L 2 I.l ,r ild Ina mahogany Bacesaince-----sr • 2 do .„ , Vote maple, cherry and otheeßedoeads; 3 do Bureaus; 3 tlo r ehman' y Wash Bathing Tubs; .bu lshq l -Coppay C443, lh rharqetr,. • Peeler and Chamber Chain, mgetket WWI et Sum vuriety of other Furniture. I fine atereabetendal ea.stem beilt.Cherrtegat, tan fit. tie wore, 1 floroucho for or dorms; 1 fide *ir nearly near, several seta ofgood bunter. 1 tee.p -bogy Warm, 1 Cart, 1 bay ladder, Flew, !know,, and far ming and gardening Mend's, 9 flue milk Coke Aleo, a lame quantity of good timothy hay, •Itc,,ko, Terms made known on the day. Mule. jy3l • • Jonwn. DAVIS, Amtionem. 6blsTgitßl:tuTiet76riaray ITV S. Y. VON BONNIICIBS:Fit. CO. ••• VilijrniDow - GLAss=ssoW6Utilk _ ris . • • GO 111914; 40 " 799 . 10 " ShentOfitis,for t 4. y. vox uoriNnonsr dko CO. es FlSll—Vnene, invented, bids., for sale b S. 1.. VON Boronioin — a cO. • DM] S I r* r .... . SPARKLING filoooPe,erown brand; Hoek or Itockhelm, - Cobtontou; Bull Hoekbounor, 183, Mama A Co; ' • I . ' 1641 HeaKell & CO; " Giesenheinter, 1844, do " Mosel Muscatel, ISO, der Johannisben,lB32, Ebeling & Maier, ' • Rudesheimer;lB3t; Mmeniren Oen Also, Haut Sauterne, 151 Ce, and in Ithda These Wines are from the most celebrated OraMuries along the Rhine: to SILO and fee saloitiyesies of one dot each, or by the single horde, er - 027 JACOB WEAVER, Jr_ - , Cluinapa4ll! Vi ln a °. • ' XX LUAU'SAaehar, *tints and Quarts; .191 " hvy. " • " • • • Heidaniek, " . " - . • • Oeil de Plirdril, • Partridga,E74, di . . ..,d,qtg Key, Brand, Qp; Ducal °taps, q. and Ptai , Bollingner's Anchor, Qui; , l`n Color Courts do litiq (pi sad gtr; . These Wines are offered is din itiWa, orlitilaaide and, retail, reasonably.. ir 27 " .JACOB WEAVER, .Tr: -- OFIFF,E-403 bags Taled sad .for ogle C /Tir7 Rerricazre & Baas ionativo4, Wily Vole— oPPlJ Just reed and for ssistby BaMirrl & aIIstaRTIOIC .Baooo-110 boxds "W IL Einatt*.•'*.td ipthe choine•brands, on !landlord to arrive; ftkath) 12110Wri &VIII.RF.RTI4IX 130WDER—Illaning and Bide Powders. kept '.con steady ort hued, 114i1 rot Irak , by. ... • . .11g 7 DROWN Os CULBERTSON, . Ar AciarßEL—A supply of Ni. Tioul3.3lneketic IVA dolly exymed from the cost, and Tor ale by 11 27 - • DROWNATCOLIONI.TSON. R00M.... , —Z dos. just binding, Or 1.1 - 2 7 . 8.. P. VON LIONNHORSTA- Co- ZILOUR-74 Role (Glbbe-eitre) to-dsy'rtcla P. E keel boat Josephine, and tee see ' • • /Yr AIt3LSTI,tONO & CROZIM. J A ' s NRW NOVEL.—Tbo Woodmark.l, A Ro an mce of the flout of Rlchard 111. h 6. P-• J...., 149. Jag recetycd by Joimstorg & spatial: o 1125 cor biarlmt oaCTit • NOTIONS IS HEREBY GIVEN to those who kw theatreliOs indebted to the rotate of JOHN W.IIITTEHoIaoA Oat. of Prusbnogita that thettAxo xenuestott !loon waitron delay ana aeolnalta . ...A., ...,.. ..." Flovol t at rho Wareheantal , tr..t. a a ~ .-10)..., y:, ....-e, Church Bonding',- latuty,-zr.olrt. - -Vrtetr. ae1,,...... this oodeo longer. than thlity,Yerag. an, .....4.7,10 , 1 t,.., their accounts will th en Int it. ::..a 0.,.,, , 5--or ,3...%:,..; rater fot collection. A IHAROAREt ~ iI:TTE:, , ....... .tyßataAy. RICHARD g" ``""' t — • NO W..efele by gya4 -. ••. -. -.': ' 'o 'a -. 'A <,. ; fra- ~ , • --. 4 . ' " . • -.- '''', Mt alti 5181 Muni, nori o,:y. tr., , ~- ir....... pe 11,...••• •, • . ~ ~.:p :. : , ,, ,, , i: ~}..,,.. to ... , Arr?, - 11 _„„ .4 "" h ‘ n ,r2 i rs "" , ~,,,,I Y , '. •. - • ..' ', "'. : ,'" ..; " ' 4 .i. , 7r...,1 ' ,, ':. ' 7 :. ..".1.4 '" . Jpn _ • ... a ..... t... 0, -:...4 _ . 4.- ...;,••... 1., !.,. ~ , , r. . .t. , • I, i, , • .., SHOULDER - 000 pet S#Z4T - r.76 - 7rnahe hottin gg . go ter g ,,,d g l: 6 .,,,,k7 ig irt g , ig ,T4 ... e h r ia ;. 1 otoilor to'. h 7 /1 21 -W-k-a-bi'CUW. l " ) b • coatfattath (Or furnishing Ilt• ale • scopUip the 'VITRA FAMILY FLol.lll.Ntdalnit teed • and whale Polled of the SloSO"ltikhooh . JC.r for rode by ' tyht - hith1.91140,3(0 - 1E CROZER • raid bidder dr braderar andrhla °rem. , !TIMMS SECOND RAINIEPIANOS, either fpr Ilan =mit trnited d a llta K te r l.,rd, 7 lll%l, of 6,,, Zily -P" ije: 1 or rent --One of IhrtaboTerriano Fones , will I,e . pmutrul,.itl an action al dobt wand chitchat hit of exchanged moat originally Enda fox a lot of ground, sad manna,. ... _ Imtg.danatiLar_ • or mernhandho at • fair valoutton, ' , jyt4 JOHN Hammon, et Wioa a - Vratlalaitaa•• mie4B2m Jatr Alga., 4;$N Ota,•Politioll of Honey ,Thardarb orb I. York, year ,It lot theirtanblon - or a paysilktont ,go ggo gal yleary - Rnolen for An HOP OH: Lo Horre4ltoos; nr rayon year. Irian &eat . of .atbrrotonibyhjOrt I,t4ti pyre!, on thtl:p.l: .. .., No ''"l44-big4o4rtha'l"ted (ho bo' ai Itothlnhietal 54* . 1 the Pturnr Oftichno' Monday In .aol o Tt a ' at 'llthloetll4 - cnd et•MillUelat ' ar ' lillallbOw canoe, if any they Imo, arhrtalliE on , !it' l l:t a r . he grttt ..4 * 4,.. - , lii. '“ -- wa r ". l i i 1 .. ottligeneor;tOtfablion tl att: 'iS --- ' North ithletilllPOld. Gazetter Phil a.6lblpliii he :NM. r.- Yoe 1,124, L.ll-W/tig. TroY, Now York;.DOY ._ Palr• .torn. r*, Ibunnurgb. Par: Doily Allas, .aneon.areek far throe moopariontareala,p . to Atur hoot. today In.Oolabarnatt, . _,. -, . , • . THOS. E, _ Oman:4ov= a Rathrith BLOOMS-0 um it r ea ..... t r oN d E4 o.4.o .. ; Py jrn Canal M REAM TARTAR.--1 bbl. Wel reed cuerferialleby C IVZ R E SMLERS; 67 Wood MBER--1 bbl just 'Walla:al Ws Belei,' U. R E SELLERS: ljn AIPIETT'S 13N11/4 —1 gem Lai sale by . g SF 'QUORUM ROOT—OXlitoryriare loroolJust reOS4 Lirx3 and for sale br 88M4.1.0113. 1 NAPS 111174LINS—W. B. DtrOpil ),dsee . ' . 4l .7- I . a 17 fresh sopplr for dresses, sery_ehosli.. AISQI hnsidered Mulls% pan Map lanrriblo, isconets; low midsd and - 8114 , 11. warily:sat corms 4l and Market stn. • 11/3 F UI Mo. RE p = to- Ace perid.',, • ,• r on ATIT:YfwEDwhrteIIIMUS/Itr4 h wllt dose out at 10. ptlebs. - 101,ACON SBOULLI6BS-4 easa just we'd 11,17 or sale by 1r23 & W HABBAUXIII •• HE62E-5$ hero,cre 4 —" Meeseloo t rir C ..d rot Prima fIABILUGia eby i 3 ,23 W . MEW BOOKlL—Boutherwecnoment. , Pbaos , Boot, 11 edited by hi, abo-4.4.9,,J0bt, Hood Ram., Bak Abbott. litoory of Jars Besot, with , Snot meired or JoHN*ros a 87'amore5, ats Got Market ead.Third su. p0TA1'01.51.67 - da — dif reeifFeetnii - Oolli. and for Onto bY '• • ABBISTRONCY&ZROBBIL flight Limo ot'Onfinthuttiri TEP LAWRENC/rliht:g omit; ia bus witness. theißliabrol,uterot7 r ereeio at IA and Wl:hide& -tossed ussr contb, at sua 9P. M.&..I..BBEIDENTHAL. Boo,rds-2o dot Pomeroy% f0t.1. 4 ,! . a ciAms tLq___ • TNRIED APPLR6-400 17.29_ bruO 8 1tr oiv ti ll T ua odZo t i o ndo il by LTilii4o No MAKtirel, Ecra4, -- Eirup - V. 12 tion . 50 half bbls do do; 60 bbls No 5146, just root d for l yso L 8 WATERMAN rrODACCO-4/6Ot,Tobsouvorr Muid.gald b‘ V h n o d f 0 1 " Po t 1 1,ruuttiel, , ,r F ewoet °l6t" and for sale by ' /Y. L SWATERMAN grfilllNfil4 low beta of ea* yo , on bawd awl G/T * • LS WATEMMiaI 11 - Ipfy r 0 F.6 . 4 - '1 1, 11.1t0 :Rein., 001 Maid end Gn sale by , 420 SWATEIIIIIAIi -kitTellLY FLOUR-35 60111'NA:oily '.Flour, o 4 coo• startroant glad for sale by.. lilt REYZiaLIa - " ' JACOB WEAVER,Js. TnoUR-40 jusw i l s rl forirrf l ; r Jr2s Rosh t var. - - , DECAN NUTS-6 Ptciat Nuts, — fus and toz sale by jylB 11011(SON,14r; GO PPIRKIMERY—RememeI'a Aromantba Vitmaids, do I Philtcome; do Media& Oml, I sinew boo Odell- ' ins Saha; do do Rom Soap; do do. Rudolf), do do do &Noel do do Onspoond Os Marrono-loat.' .(,,, , ,A and for sttiolloo ft It SELLRBS L ar;44 i s D 0 lIIM fatls - 11OKITINE : 064,,Th. IW. La, ly sanatori ‘ bdetundo and tordel mpe n,,M. : Vulogar reader it far aupettorto c o k s , : realer (,),. the ordinary purposes of the allay copeaeing Rafe + tar to its pedants It prelrado sad mum* plutplely %.,,„ ~,,,,t asperity of Clltitaln,lllefreldel6o6 midland the skin, rendering It med and smooth.hemmedtha dummy and bitter date of tho mouth, Impastfagn Butt and absentia death. It delude* and whlternr - the teeth, and hardens the Boman - Vor sit tha abo ve pan Clt la food w t lt. ardor diath ptcorilott Rs day be found dint ttgfeettli t lf, ity landlor It ea r :to it oft the tedplel, It la tedole"headaeltS If roundly to a buys or raise, It din qtrenhiallY red.nt monffiela . ),t Co;Pnlk v4atcd aIS - tad des Rom oon ;ll la then:foto may' uselti,l map - 6 ponod If mrlanderite. Po matlety I It EMI R ' 9, Whalso iyal •47 - Wand rtnmes, Pins . VeKV—W-liIE/FW e ' store and for WO . Ifugl W Iff TORRI. - 6D107rW001141111,0 REORBT.V. - ' 1.11 • Coavorne—Disa Demonism. No. a etufloV6er '.. der C.VIUM The blend of Bardiolm. TO. Gastenn-- . non UR . The Game Laid In Beaumont Dfoint'6 l l Pestelortumna; Me croinini , af= *A:Pht en Crashing ditto Redesua, Tpre do_y Z00...di Illbe, singly, or subse4ona Ida' at 83 tallts. i 4 aI,4CZNVOOLN 9, /I ' •• • sire for WWI had *Ammo: A young man In a arbakink and+ll46t. autc—one acquainted will lonia well renonananded. 2:4 H69'Mn]ie[at, tiled • • ;ter • lire. , BLACKS {uTTILIVi I i=OVIIII P ZA T i I 10Works, and reSalkillgarliff item rap , and boner!' a A mood flotation is effensd to ;od a Ser „...„blb,h_Airasalf kw 3air }redness wham' to car ,4. IWO or ere Imat,••• Apply. sakrorlloosi l aear TasseakrA , Coals Sallee Salt Works, abala c slall.lp A rrA, T rArk r ay Tur.r.,ollo‘o274difina ND., BEEP A.ND POEM won 1880. In E , Das Ronan, • Raman of PIOTIVOIII and C July 24, 1e.42. .Q.A.LED PROPOSALS -Proposal. for • 1.7 130.4" "Propos... Or Pokk," rrT ror • sil b. rearmed at elm °lrmo tunal 3 o dont P. M -OnElnudzite 27 om th day of Angast nes, for Cursuab• 1141,. us& Us..of all it,. and salsa the Ow- ... t.... Wakes- , ro ., itad , c d , bon.d. of neaT bet ( . • 1111. a wi&oldr bikeiel. of owo ns7 port: k, Ehw barrel to contain tan leW than Ihandred -,' • nab-Rd:lit Of...bealrist. poi .no 0z.... of .ai ht' .iihrr article will be p id Tor .' To be deli,- ' 4 ,i ' l"? i.l' , ca.l*7'7ard Banela as "'vows: port At Charlestown, Maass —• •l= r im. AS MOO k tr. \ p . y ......... .1 lOC I - AtGWpertr lb 09 ....SAO Said beef and perk must be a/livered, one half H- I, mean the first day of January , ' and the arm day • of Apriii,,lB3N end the other hal between the Ism day of Apra. IBA tad the tent day Juno, 1.900, adea -Helier deltyariee Head be aired by the chief of this Berea. Offers UAW be um 0 COX eachltalf eepts raelrend dlelinetly: rhea is, the hall deliverable between the let of P6l66rT Ilroll6s Lt . of April , and for the half deliremble between the 131 k of April siteftre I.loh of June, 1593 Papal= f m the d e n hilt made mi t t tidewaters after .dellikertNri for We 'deal half an thirty date Idler me lea r Jam, too. - , . \ - The beef most be fro m well fattened : o4, 0,,,,,,ec ered between the tat day of November, Mb, and t e e let deforFebmary, Id% and weighing not Wet than elshaadted poundal ilcit ,ol l l6 / . 6 . 1 .• lles lep and . ' 'beg rands daps Med marten; and lhu ebb. ub shoal der clods,soda,/east eight 11°1° 6 ° ll ° ll cod breach 1063,quarter, or 166 parts etarhes Nos I,a,ead 3, onvhe Atiraing or daftneastan of a fore and Wad quieter. of-an ea, whack will be abed to and farm apart of the contract, ulna be w y eaCludgd (men eachharrel and half boredt, end 11 remainder of the carcass mast kin pleura p TIM te.! laip Meat pounds each. The pork dna be parked fete e nr..fitd, ere lt.. fence ed hogs, slaughtered between ther na day of Nevem:i f:4A sod the ant day , of obnterr, , 3 0, odd nor lees than two It us,e 1, az "c ga be Joles, netts, den, hams, legs, C 4 4 .2 . 1 1 4411.11 0gir ;‘4 p Int u s 4 4` n-andnrger. "" m ame. " 7lt:beetTu l t i o footle musl o iral with at least one abituta bushel of l'artr's Is land. M a Slt ay, or St . Mate elk and the beef must hare vd•enteetrof fine pilveriad azdtpetre to earl barrel, exelesive of a pickle, to be male Itotn,fresh water, alarms H salt will nutlet If. The barrels most be made af the best weaned white horror White ash awes and heading at of the Anna n', taint aortas then three.feraoha of HMO Mid; If of the lattencloSts =rim thweadnel thick; and to ha beeped at taut threrafinuths.ever with the boat, white ma er kaaltyloopa. _ -..., , ~ . Keels tenni arena be .brapden an its bea9,•hlavY Beef or "Nevi Petrie, ° as the CUP trl*Sq_ . with tkll CoarantOrbi =mend the Ica when P.r 3 rlr. Ten-beef and. pat will, maces otherwise dirated bribe thief of tine Bare. be lON/661a kJ the 'la apectlftg dicer at the respe ctive navy yards afaremud, 'fy emus' "sworn inspector o 1001 proyisions,” i b will i.seyotrd by the rap Wive' taraelauldmg 9 w ificersihd that china for re %crease inna be Perd.PY the resifootive contractor who Must Devise have ther barrels pat In good sh ping orderie the malefaction of the commandants the respeeftre 6. 'rt Sardf sarresald, after leveed+) , and at . their own la"26* ~.„, dder, nuustemify their pnee separately adds. dleoUl le aepuate °Ars roobo Ile rand for Me pert, mailer each of the Pdoeird del cry, caraSeg all charges. • =ir one - hal ff the meant o the we needle cn eeds will be actin& and mope cannon to addle, Wilt be withheld hem the amount each puptlaus to 'be Mob, so ailment seetzity the doe antifitinded performance of their respective c retracts, which wilt on no account be.paid strait the so to era complied With hi all mamma, nod ill tel b e felted 16 the Unites Patmain the event of failure to Ca plate tae 6411°11.1 withm the mescrlbed. periods. In ease of (Whine on I the vat of the container. to deliver all or soy of the r host or pert above meentooed, of the quality, end at the mace and _places above proted, Me encuractor MAI ktefilinael psy 19 the United rotes, es Miltidatwe nemeses, a sum or Wasp equal , ~ me* dat,11166411/ It i tbe con a lr=pri w ello h te g r a lL d a da s ma s e r of ... the.;,eo be tn:l .. eres ' af4n Mae to ume as they accrue. payment will be Wade by the Untied Soda lathe perbde above seedfled,leicepting theta per denture to be withheld until the coniplethin of the contntets, as beforestated,l 'adtartha said bed and park shell tome been _ 115.56164 end reeeived,oud bills far the .sotro shall e 9 been yassonted. to the navy agents aspeatiselYs. all .4 1 - proved by.sho ccanoutedunts .of the leap nevi yards,oceadinSta that-ter= of the contracts., . The parte of the beef to beers-laded will be portico. laoy di:agnate& to Ike engraving ter be aahe4 to the earalets., Yemeni tolerated cat Halt %heron &p -i ;Algal.= artble office: , • . . , ,' gliders wheat pelposalt are aocepted (irtd,ncine oth• ' ea, lthe forth notified:and WI early 63,- eable wit centrat and bond will bemartandted tdpracti dace for caseation; which antrum and bead Meath." re utrued-to theNerece within ten days, exehedve of the 1 rims required Co, the regal. Meamlaion of the mail. - , Every,ofer made must be mmomanted (OA directed. in thb lamellas of the eel of. Caterers Mains ap- Mariano= Mr the naval service for Ms-7, WWI. 64 . Lq. Anima, Ifitik , py of which ls sebidped) by q.w4ttep stiaranty, e by one at mono responsible Hams, to the tacit at he adds, eadermqeMst the ;bidder or bidders wilt, if his Of add bid be neeepueL, eamerinto an.abliamon within leo days, whil . Vd." And alfichian surefire. to nourish the erodes ova. ' Itilf retreat* mamba aetampintlediy the rtia eau, albeit:Mired Sures tEstrietiudge, Bette dbvt. Mara attorney, navy agout i ar some whir of th e 436116611 00.611136016, or individual kaant yc le en ran, that the season:aware able to make ism, , No prepad will be conaldered anima ae:aanitysnied ‘ a c ici= i iime end ' residence: and thsmarte of each member at n firm, Vlbatite company offer), should ba dlemetly stated. _ , , ~ Estate frea the Actor Miasmas, aitirweS 4,eguel 10, NAM ogee.:43..And be is firehmeenneted, nail-li= and tall tha mote of thle arc premien fo,anal neppliea inlaid by the Secret: ay af the. Nati, ander the panda a theSencanaillnqanlia.b lll6l 4 o . 4 " vy, approved dual third, eighteee handreesendforty- Metrtle - iescutpanretr lt slur ftrafilauraury, ~ . ..F'4l , . V4S94!"!t! , CAPPM 4 j avo bi Why of nr elf ale fiall . "dO.. ^,...:4 , 1.,, ,• ,; , ..5.2 ;616 . ..., 16-- ~ ra„; ~, . .3:., e ,t.f.dr4 10 - t 5- ..• ' l-- •°"' ~ i•'" : 1 -t• Y. - ,•'. ~.., . ........,, . ^, , ic:i.r 6f.f. ..,.,,,,,, r,..-, 7 ....-,-...,,e: " ,,, :,,, , ocop.s4l . .....,21P. , 011 . .4,. • ii,.. Boab.' Boatit.' • United Iguana Paten •• Jou. 23,1942, PolDiels,of John Elgar, of Batripsoro,! Wry- R.°,? Orirnoicni of .IsistonA vaar toarua,Jrdnl .VVr, for no untllworoolgan7 1 for transporting goods on cartils and ' for seem years frost theezporstien , ) of said pateng. Ica thittPortVatt7ll4,ihlpettlolrfteXille Pa tent Offlhn'on ltlonuayinOctollernell, at 12 o'lock A 1.4 and 1I persons en Dodged treippoor and stow emus, if any th ey harts, why saddisentisin cash: not r d toe granted. - • Ordor also, (hate& mice be pobllakedrlorabo In telligences% Repahlie, sad Union, Wastdoltnny Anseri owe; s;sedroorra North mastic:an savi Galattadn dalphsai Gazette, Pinsbargir, Pal Tribrusts. Neil York; ZW-s Boaloo,.casee a wtekilm; -•lniceessros trTropteriouslo Uto Ann /donde,' LA .10' ext. 1110 S. NK, /1 7 28-dicrs 3 O l tnoinlitainne - o • • *A - Vitae* sanaritaux, Astio.siwrzli - "TliEvutrietibt N• 116 hastreen in tarl.o ooo . 7 41 4 ther . rama brtddiag FuraholaGthlttrap, der:Apr=2 of robed Sal , • era Wattles, Jewelry. and Buena are, ea*, zeral/..,at Ito very lomat Oct. . . Gold, tand Rarer Eagllalt itilauljaver Walther Geldand Sibatr Dead Lorre and Pagati...ll.7" ;althea (Rad end Silva Guristratat, and rargo Wet h ry Gold sad SiivEr ludepaudent &NMI f o r lapazat kaoc/eS.• e G ' °l49 " l i""""'W Golntud P eer l'sraula L P ear, . • L‘d , Gald aud Stoat) /310,34.1, • 1, Guldartd, gam 'b e& MAMMA Biagi sad Pima. T .. n 4 Ladle.' and ftedUrattutan/ r Starlit it Eltter Sluxrult -;l4',dx ' Gold Waldhes tubs* e 'Aratqltel arid Isattld , r- r, PgiktY ,,„, ,uirui, OA to MAD/ fine .." AllrliPled to korp good lima or the Jerralry rapuiradoutaNtatebra 0 Oa beat manner. . i jim ulteh less than I.le* awe A nc ., l4 . OF, , Watchas and lawn who WWI sure; tap rainy) HEW YOBS, .r.d4mta ASTERN INMIAINVE: ENtti 1 I OF FITTOBURatC".4 UJTMi $:00,00 0, - .I—Futur A ft., fiecl. R4ta•Lrt ri pu`nr."‘ Will insure nginut tirkind , 11 Y - • FIR& AND NAlN:tir. -, LL lotties will be bbaroDT!4° ,I kAIDICIPD.W booto Insulation --trom.Yed bY . Dizeg well known in the nonnannny, and deter 61 by pompoms cod bPorl!4rX ‘Dl*Dbt{4 - tbo • At . i . moor loblch ttroyb....., PPP•cdreffiklt , betl prothettOo to Inolgri.f!..l#W,Untr..lllpellr. Dlancloa•—g. Bier, N. liolms,D, _P• .. , c; ll2 4 l D,dr. A w. Jackson, w..• ..4 06 , MM.. Et: — now; IL poly JoaroexPAully, jlle,encil no* o ul a, Nn. 39 w.itset Omni .Dr C0,,0A Ift , !*o.Pitabbegb. • , ,f,Z,1 3 1""s Jol3lllli . Or TICE'YLWALIII, ),tatiTTß, " ."orvicii swans rs4itirrsv FOIL ViddiP*o3loTiONor T IM obi= P bitraff & en the _- 'l4 14 k'atannt r h i ee • /IX= earelraind Fl ' ; by • ecunnilttee o se en • ti gyi, ...ti. i .m.ggeslitted fin the.pozpoo the Ftlr Airs institute. I r, daserredly rig alstioi,i, both aii and ithroadorhich this Jere 47 . ed, has given it a eh' e g.h Sago 04 Of the bust character, void , e go.. CeteittiOeh;AU Pub. lieenen e •to Ma he Seri r eieetions fisurt,,,Poreirin emission to übi -cub e,minn deal raid srievidfle unierVilind no et""lltAgieeet of all doe Palette bru- t-1 ed at the Pal , o a k . , Ng u igi ns t i es Cirt,.‘arir ""k en In the i 'dittn sl, tosetheralllT." , olut of wit iiiti k e , r edid. Civil Engi !need'. red front dur Welk Om nulluitfitie• itTelit Jam al is publirturf t,:herfirsi ofratek.scronth. rich groat s e ronining , rd lean reirlattYrtwo paps, grid format; wt. 1 009Ltit Ppm ailed enjirstudgnoll COPPr end ' l=h el l er SuSieetibbrit vbitl/Fr ';t:f • =3 nee Denant JMZUM.' sari ripdoat>ro, ll ..d - - 0 1° A 9111- 4 ,47 a -, k ,..." ; 4 1 00,4ttur4 • titranitlail 4.'oneet •'• • Cartuniud cations sad letters on huinekitittort be di- tk, reeved 4 it. Amery falba Franklin itualtato, Phil ndeiraih. wm"N"fiLe rVtin i rletill.TON, , 11 . 1t4 Ulm') P, L =IBMS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers