=-TRAMPORTATION _ -- --- . Founaiteire find New Cantle Cameil Packet... 0 . cliSiCaPr., ..,..I*3-,-P , ,Y.:: , • T,IM packet nrAvER, Capt. Stanley, will lease Beaver regulatiy on Monday, Wednesday and gamy evening. at G P-M., and sense at... Youngstown pm mornlng,al,Bo'clock—resuruing„loves 1 00005- kraut Taanday,Thorsday and Saturday evenings at 4 P.M., and teach Hussey to time for the morning boss, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, arriving of Pinsburgikat 12 o'clock. The packet LIAR AWAY, Card. D. , ...g.. ,fill Mare Heaver Tuesday, Thursday and tinturday even-. kAa at 6P. M.., returning, leave New Castie, Monday, Wednesdey and Friday g• al C. I'. M. also con necting Imitate. =Ming boat fir Pawl..ire, Thescpac Lets are fitted up In complete order, hav ing fine accommodations for passengers, and shippeni May rely ea more punctuality and greater despatch then bu.bal,rc been obtained on these routes. I . M. PITCH in Co.. Propnetors. J. C. r laurel!. Agent, Pittsburgh. Indwell to Bee., '. Heaver. A. 0 .acobs, 0 loiangcomn. IL W. Curninham,"New t..aulet. The elegant steamer, ALLEG ENY CLIPPEEiwiII lave Beaver{ dully nt 5 A. M.. rd Pittsburgh ut a P. .M., mania , in conneetton with lllllhhhhhaaeae Mare boats. jolt. 1849. vw...... and Cleve/anPaeseteger Wee. . Canal Packet —BWAL W. 4:1 —OCEAN i i . NB albs above Packets I ave Beaver every day (Sandal , excepted/ and *rive next morning at urea, when they connect Oh th e !leis Stages for Akron and Cleveland, :Lynam at earth of these places before Milo. Ono of the pack at, lease Warren daily at 6 P. It, and arrive a) Beaver in Lime to take the Morning boat for Pittsburgh. C E 8 LEFFINGWELL A Co, Warren, / r m. M. B TAYLOR, do 1 JOHN A CACGIIEY, Agent, alki.3 ~ti~~, UNION LINE, ON TUN InCtiaßA. /lAD OEIIO CANALS., Czawiroan & Criasurcarso,Cleveland,O. B. G. P. • Beaver, Pa. pats Line will be prepared on the operator fa tram of nevi itivrixrA.l,4lufligo,Pl-0 any poltn on the Canal and Lakes,. The facilities of the Line are - ansurprosed in number, quality and capacity of Boats, apenenee of captains, and efficiency of Agents. One Boat ie.'. Piasbergh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with Inas e F LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh and Beaver. nod a line of Om class litestmers, Propeller. and Vessels on the Lakes. Aosari—Li G Perk., Beaver, In. Jonie Baldwin, Monocassm, Ohio. ALB Taylor, \Verret', Cyrea Prentiss, Ravenna, " Wheeler & Co, Akron, - - Crawford & Chareberlsn Clevelando Bears a. Oriffith. Buffalo, N. V. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agee.:. ._o3lea, COT Water .d Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh. mehally It PITOTCUT R. Steamer MICHIG EARIE, N No. S.--Caps. LAKE " Gordon. THE above regular arid well known Beaver Pack ' eta, have commenced mating their daily trio: to and from Beaver, and will continue to run between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the semen, es follows: Michigan No. 3 leaves Pittsburgh daily a 1 9 O'clock, A. Id., and Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily at 9 o'clock, A. M., and Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock, P. M. These steamen will run In eonnection wi R Parks' Expects eacket Llne, for Erie; Taylor & Leffitagirell's Warren Packets; Union Linea( Freight Bouts for Cleveland; Clarke &Co% Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lino Fraiel , C. Boats. R O Parks daffy New Castle Packets. CLARKF, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh. mett3l cur Water and Smithfield vas D al. 1849. PITTSBURGH AID CLEVELAND LINE , ON THE PMINDYLVAICLA AND OITIO TILE, Proprietors of hoe old estalitish,i and poptimr daily line, consisting of SIXTEEN :lest el ass Wean, owned by themselves and tniutmg non veldt the steam boots BEAVER AND :CALI:11 COPE, aro ena b led to offer unmanned (Maims for the uvinsportation of frei;ht and passengervi on the apeni.xf Cartel norigauon, in ell pointo Donee Penn. sylv trod Ohio and N. 'cork eons!, and the. Lakes. E. M. FITCH et Co Cletelanel. BIDWELL & BRdrtirat, Agents, Bremer. J. C. B/DWELL... Arent, Water ..rtri-et, Pittsburgh. 111=2 /. C. iraiSPRI.4 u.CV G. D10NV1.... Pittabargh BIDWELL . & BROTHER. • Forwarding Merchants, HEAVER, PA.. Agenu for the Pittsburgh andelerriand Lute, Pitt, burgh and Brie Live is Erie, Iva for ,team logs Bracer and Cald cope. Hvylng parchwted the large and anberantral rf Boal just built for the Monongahela Pri.oltl3. bare with the addition of a Warehouse, the wort insole - comouatrailma for receiving nod forwarding.cud pledge theirannoar natention, prom and•de rpm,. h to conalgrunenta to their care, and rely ou their friends for a trial mart -dly ll.* hitt _ piTTsutriten AND BLUE LIN 1849. '- • - OM EstahliailetiLine. :ON THE ERIE EXTE2iSION CANAL. RIVE Proprieter of this well sloven Lee of Canal; jE,Dants; is or prepared to transport Pllddird cc. and A ighttoaili poinuren the Erie Extension, New . York Congas pod : the Lakes, upon the most favorable tertalltrla with ILNVIOL 'nu Line runs in coomeeuon vrith the steam bows DEANER sad CALEB COPE, bull,. •Pinsbured and BesveriOlditnedlt•Lter. of steam beau - anti yeti selson the Lakes, and the.Tnoi and Michigan Lake Boat Line co the ew N York canal. C. M. REED, Proprietor, Erie, Pa. Bidwell &DiMier:Agents, Beaver. W T Mather, Agent at .T . Meskimen , s P.seneer Ofliecid onongakeln Room ?inseam . Sharon h. CONSIGNE—W C Malan; J E & S Shamsbarg; Smith & Downing, do; J B Plummet. West Greenville; Wick, Achre & Co, do, Wm Henri, nartatovarr, Davis & Button, Buffalo; Barney, Co; Sariduaky; too A Armstrong, Detroit; Kirkland Newbury, Sheboygan; al 'Clore & W II anis, IV 'twos him. Rasp, Marley & Dutton, Ritchie; John Mune, ! Chicago; A iVbeeler & Co, New York. • sp3 PlAtabvirtli Sand Hlairavilla Isiiiiket. Lion allami 1849. .Mr i g_ splendid rocked Bona to ma dutiod the season, be- Moen Blairsville and ev ery boatel° be tow ed by three bor o n, and every effort nuadri ,to accom modate passengers. Diaasa - saxa—flaars will leave Pittsburgh every Monday,Tuesdny, Thursday arid Friday, 7 o'clock, V. 1.. From Blauraille every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Stnaniar, at 7 o'clock, 1. 1111.4 and arrive al Pittsburgh the same day. A two homer'llnek from Indiana will meetthe boat at Saltsborgh, both on up. wand and downward nip—patting passengers through from that place in one dap. Freight for the above boo will he . *calved at the bowie of the Boatmen's Line, by /no. Ferree & who are - oar mtiotiseil Agents. All freight receive , ' free 01 ebramissioa, J bl MARSHALL & Co. JNO FABREN & Co,:Agent, Canal Dania, Liberty st, Pittsburgh A Hack leaves Blaaavllle far Youngstosan en the arrival oldie boat—returns to boat in moining. Fare front Pittabiugh to Yiningstown s. 2— received at office Boatteen?s"Line through. minalrim 'ATTER/Coati POlStrAssi. nod's' lAA& IMMI 1849. For ThenarPortaeura of regla to and from .PITTBB ROIL PtiILADELPIIIA, litalthlOßE, N. Thou. Boum:cos, Philwiehtuu- TA erre O'Cou.sos, Pittsburgh rpSts Old eatabitsbed Lim beteg now irt fall °pers .,. tion,,thegropnetors nth prepared winh their usual extemeiee totllDeleine-DIS Co forward merchandise, pro. dace, tee and from the above pens, on Rberat term., with the ngtdatiry, despatch and seamy peculiar to their Mode of maspormnon so Memo, when tran shipment on ea wayla ocolded• All consignments by and for thin hue ote.tye,t, oftraliarind forwarded in any required directions free Mage for elimadenlon, advonean or Marne No interest, directly or indirectly, m steamboat* All tonunanienuonepromptly attended to on &wales tion to the follow - lA' agents: TROI3. BORBIDOE re blether et, noindelphie. TIULCFE& O'CONNOR, Canal ThlainiPillaburgh O'CONNOR &Co, North et, Italumore. mets 24 18 49 , ''''''' BIZIGUA.I2IW TRABISPOItvrAi U • m it it. PiDnurrons, - Ta.. Pnvou.4 J•G111 DOC, Conducted on grim Sabbath-keeping fl ock. mica. 11 . 1:Proptietors of this old established Line hove pillion stock In Lbe most complete order, and are Ody prepared to forward Produce and Merchan dise to and from the Eastern rites.! We traSettin oar lone experience id the carrying businAm,and.zenlans anenuou to the interests of ens, [Omani will secure to as a continuance , and increase of the patronage hitherto extended to lhintham's Line. One arrangemons will enable us to carry Freight with the ounost.denatch, and our prices shall alwats be as kW es the lowest charged by other responsible Lines We have opened an office in No 1133 Market street, between lth and sth sts, Philada, for the convenience Of shippers. Produce and Merchandise will be received arid for warded, Emu and West, without any charge fur for. warding, advancing freight, stomps or dommia,,ion. Bills of Lading forwarded, aud direction promptly attended to. Addren, or appl kr to WM. BINGHAM, Canal Basin, cOr Liberty A. Wayne sts, Pittsbargh lIINGHAMS k DOCK No 1.83 and 27e klarket street, k nihula //Oda , : WILSON, Aeon,. IQOIII2 N iL orth L.IAM TY st SON, A Howard reet, Ltangent,truora W No ID West street, New York 1849. =:7: ! /11ovelmisaut t Trmatieltstatisitsa gisMe. VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL & RAIL ROADS, irovmLaDat.rms Sao astimaiiimA. rCanals and Bail Roads bang new open, and In good order we are prep to forward an ofraerchardtze and produce to ?Wade:phis and Baltimore, with promptness and clespatO, and on its good 41.13 at imy other Line. 0 A ItIeANULTY & Co., Canal Basin, Penn at, Pittsburgh. Aommisi—CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia InrA2 ROSE MORRILL & Co, Ilaltimore. kam&Bylwaula Caaal Q. Haig triet - 1 pressysst Packet Line, ea= 1849. FROM IT/TOUGH M TO PRIDADELPHLA A DA. ORE, L (31eIrtlisely for Passengers.) =Wean respietfally informed that this Line w E ilteaternanee raining on the leth inst., and eon - throughout the Season. The heats are new, and ors superior ms, with en larged cables, which will give greater comfort. The ears are the latest construction. A boinwill always be In port, and travelers are re questedlocall and examine there belotitengaging pos. only nine den= through.) One ofthe boom of - acei will leave the landing toppoidte U. S. Elate!, torner'orPenn Amerind Can ,e - every eight at rate 0 , dock. Time gidaye. rbr thrormationi apply et the cteteeitifonosigshela House, or to Bi LEECH& Ca-;" •••• .11411 1 81VIttATION; . /03:12115M.T.111.14d80AT LIMN. atE=ll ' For lbe l lintaletTl m .h o mg Ito TO PRILADEL RE tc NEW YORK 10PUEI-NtSS e at Wing now 1,1 Proprimats ot abovtaane respectllY n , fortl , the maim that their ore prepared to receive and for ward Freight eclat denpateb,nod at harem Tates. They wouldla1•0 call the aPotmon of stoppers Eoot word to the hat gnat the Flats employed by them in transponation t ant earned ht.:pent and commanded by xp eerienced chplaitia. Shipper, of Neat In Dolk stSGI hod it adnintraconv to ship by thitaLine, as the snbsenbers nave made ar rangements al'ectleatbia to tave such freight for Hol um:a handed ilifeedy (fOO2 10113.5 IC ear*, thereby so , ving storehouse handling. hreight to Philadelphia es clear tbrongh in the boats. No charge Made for receit;frig shipping Or adVarteing charges. MEE gli!JaN ES, Fropnetors, Cunt 'Ravin, Seventh street. AGENTS—John A. Shava4lncinnati, 0; /no Me. Cal I Sas Steel X. Co Pbiladel phis; FrlleelAA 11410111111:C0101hia. radial PiCagriii:YitvYAN 4.1 Ai. AK. 110.1.D.5, Ewa 1849. An..Sak RACKET LINE, twat Putsksigh.to Philarle4.iitia land Itintore. lisalasi , cly for Passenger.) THE public aro respectfully informed that this Line will commence running:gm &Janda), 19th March. The boats of this- Line arelof o superior elan, with enlarged cabins, which rive greater comfort to passenger. A Lank will always be in Port, end travelers am re quested Co call and c.smineiticto before engaging Ihs. !sage by ogle( routes. The They. leave the landing, op posits Me U.N. lintel, mortar Penn street and email, erery night al 9 O'clock. FARE—NINE DOLLARS THROUGH. Tate-3i Days. For information, apply eiti, the office, Monongahela Douse, i#to D. LEECH A Co, Canal Bram. N. EL—.The proprietors of the above Line are now building an additional Line Of racket. to run as above no or about June in connection with the reansy vain. Rail Road from Lewistown to Philadelphia. At that time a picket will teneh even - morning and even ing. 'rime through, 21 days. ILELIANCtif POIITA7ILT tioAv apkiial 1849. Mttlar For tbeArtinsportatißn of Meow:mm.l.o, BETWEEN PHILADF:LI*IA AND rrrysßUitui I /1 be tarifa! on thi4Line arr not tranchipped kj tween Phisbutgh eon Philadelphia, being car ried in four sectinn Portntilki Penis over laud and wa ter —to shippets of inerctandixe requiring easeful handling. thlg I 6 Of import:Once No charge mode (or ire-arising of chipping, or 101 advancing <barges. All goals forwarded with dispoch, and on a' reasonable tempt ac by ail tithes Lino, JPIIN NPFADI:N & Co, Canal lAasin. Piton gt. Pittsburgh . CAS SI DA VIS marl 227 Market & M Commerce Phila.. JOll N Me• FADT.N ....;; -- ii'orertitdiag and COMIIII! Won Merehants, Canal Basin, Prim et. Pittsburgh. JAMES M DAVIS Ja Co y Flour Factors nod Commie 'on Merchmas, Alortm mod .5.j Commerce mram, Phtladolphiu. marl 11:7 - Advanc6aMade b74:ithor the above on Flom. Wool and Mbar morchallAte comogned to them for salt. marlJ 10uti A 4 n 01P-2icltAwris' WAN FREIGHT For Blairsville, m Jolinstogtn, Holliday sbargh, and all termgiliate places THIS Line will contioni to carry ell Way Goods with their Usual despatch, and at Mir rates of Creight.• WANULTY & Co, Pittsburgh. D Wakefield, Johnstown. " John Miller, Holhdaysburgit. Rsiontmcontr-James Je*don, Smith a. Sinelau, Shoenberger,4lMoore, Aim Parker. SF Fonione horst & Co, SVm Ighmetig. Co, Joe M`Devitt & Bre, Pitobargh; Minn Ivory, Bnoill, Mu lholls.n & Ray, Jno Graf, Co. Rlblrsiillle. me 1197 REED, PABLIEB & Co's. PACKET LIRE. L ißso. 1848 - • BEAVER CLF-VELA_ND LINE. WARREN Canal Pagket—SWAtLOW. Capt. Fora. . t iSR OCI-N. Capt. Or otters. ONE orthe above Paegeo (pave Beaver ever,' day (Sundays ereeineiVend 'arrive nilit morning a R toren, *here they congeet mill the Mail Stages fa Akron and Cleveland. mooing at Munro( these place online night. One Milo Pat. kry• boar VNt1...7., daily at 5 P. 51.1 and arrive at "Beaver muMe to sake w. ma tong steamboat for ra.. b g h. CttFES LEFFIN uw ELL, w B TAYLOR, BEAVER AND ERIS PACKET LINK. Thar Mos TO TIVILILAST. rusty HOT.. sand I'aeltet—PimnTrl.Vl.lsl.l, Capt. lanes; " • ° Tishri;Turd, •• Potluck; Lax*.Earm, Troby; v Porronta. " Broom, 0 ° PauStro,, " Sayer. T....ave act. amt .PlOndod Passenger ?Kelm. have commenced runiung beta-ern BEd Y.ll. AND r-Rll- , toil w• 11 no tegularly•sturtng the season—rare hoot leaving ene.erery morning et S Mc and one re, tar Hoover every cvemr4, Immethately and the tor— ero so the steamboat Mrcriugan from Pmahargh. boars arenew .08 comfortably furnished, and vat son through to lorly hews. Passengers to an,. point en the Lakes. er Numora Pa.ls, finfl this route he rood connorußde and experlomms. Tickets tbreneh to all•polw on Me Late' ran hePtocarrd b . ; ',mum; to Bit propnetSra. hIED, PARKS tr. Ce• &TATO, RN JO .edlit:HEY, Pll. ['OWL . COT. Water and Sot thflohl •OT PR—Jas C Harrison., Bußare, N Y. C hi Berri. Plse, Pa. ' C C Pal 111Tralonfitiard King, Big Bend. Peg Days k 1 1 1• Rob, Shorpsburgt., Pss; , W C Maia.4homron. Pe; • • DC 111mIrtio, Pulealo, Paj 1H Wt...remblvarn , New Castle, Pa. jyl BURK% & CUTS FAST EXPRESS FOR CDAIIiF.D.L AND,- EIAJ, IIaIUELE, AND TIN ERN TSfroprieruns of RAD lane 'levee= en New and ere repared,ea forward packages of all dr ocripuolla dolly, at theft:meat rate,. ?i J. C. DIDWFIL Agent, Water street, Ftittst,urgh. RODIN:S.ON A. BOEHM, oet2l 91;Se...it Charles at, Baluseore COs - - - Paabeagar and Ranalttanea 06los. jaticiAli EDEN daZO. continue bong persona tom any pan fif England, bland. Scotland fir Wines, upon the most liberal terms, with their usual penetanlity and 'law-anon to the wants and com fort of entralgirnins We do not allow our passengers to be robbed by the sanedllng scamps that infest the sea. pans,. SIM take charte of them the moment they n.- port themseltea, and one to their well being, and de snatch theca with of aitr detenuun by the first snips.— u L y we defy one of out passen geos sboW that theY.keere detained 42 hours by us in Laverpdoy.Whilsi diogsands of others were detained months, until they coed La sent In wind old Craft, Si • chuteram, <via ch too Prepuently proved their coffins. intend to perforifik our contracts honorably, cost what it may, and not het as wan the case hut season, with ether .officers,—albo etcher performed not all, or when it salted their enftventence. Drafts drawn at Rinsburgh for any Peel from to Llooo,payable at any-of the provincial Banks m land, Oakland, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Entopean and General Agent, fahl FlakMrect, nos dorm Mines Womt. ALLEGMENI.ITEI4ITIAN BLIND, - — MET WAPEROOM. A. BRUWN would respect infonio the' public, that be 3 on hand at his sand on the side of the Diamond, elle ty any, a complete elision . of Vconinliliods; also Ye- Shutters are made to or the best style, vrarranted .1 to any an the United Slates. Blinds can be removed with the aid of a screw driver. log purchased the stock, , and wood of the cabinet es thment of Ramsay & 1•Clel- I run prepared to furnish old customers, aa well as eery thing in their PatsourgiL 1. A. BROWN. TIOAPEIt-HA.NOIN4g--1 am now recesmag, direr frookthe manufattorers Na w York , Philadel phia dad Baltimore, IC:large mid well selected assort ment Of all the latest ind most improved style. on tin, glazed and coMemo PAPER HANGINGS, con sisting as, • 12,000 pieces of Pkrlor and Fresco; 10,000 Hill and Column:, 10.000 u Biting-room, chamber and office Popet—which I woulii particularly mime the attention of Mote baying hoomoi to paper, to roll and egannee, at Ma Pap= WomtiOnse. of O. C. HILL, ap2 i. • . 07 wood at (IARBUTIIND—Itb rn as comeneed tv reece %J• large assortmept of Fairy VARIETY GOODS, consisong in part of . Artificials, Rlbbons. Laces, Ho no Clone. Crapegeelefe.Carnbrlea, Netungs, Lace Vent, Stmorls, Pollans Ilandkc motels, gen. Cravats, gumboot: mod cottors, Handkerchiefs carded Sktrts, honing Tbroaa, Bono.. Combs, lateJewet ery,. at. to Canary and coy merchants Cr,. pfctroll3' inroad to oaf and examine his stock, Noel Wood street, cornerlif Diamond alley. coda/ EXTRACT OF '-"--v-FFEE—An article which is es- DD dl commit too use as a wholesome, uourialang and delimous beat:rasa. bring more pleasant and psi• amala than common Coffee, and use cheaper, as a •mall paper oosttng only :tr n rent, vitt Ss an far as rent pounds of Cofteo. li.tnnufacto red by JOUN S. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold at wholmalit by 1.1 A YARN k. - 1121CK & co, corner of First and Wood arid Muth and Wood streets, Pitteborghspot kLISMINIAREBBERT—GOUDS—Just received, C Comp Blankets, 20 officer coats 12 pm Panto; td pairs nett lined hlning Hoots; 12 isthmus Bags; 2 water Tdriks, a an 3 11l ssllooo each; 50 canteens, gal On each; 1 don garkak.); Money Bells, I do oiled cambrld do do. Tho above goods for mile at Om Can forois Guifitiog Eatabbsament. No S Wood at. mch2l J k II PHILLIPS AssoWr Kt. SPlDUS—Ptiltiii for family use, in to LA cans, enclosed I n a sliding lid box. cautioning Mustard, A Ispice, • Cionturfon, Ginger, Closes Pepper, Warranted pure. For rale at the new Spice and Manned factory, corner of Ferry ik Liberty sls. nlytgJOHN It BELL ANV! LB- - - - Wroultit iron Anolls, from bite art.:mile clot weirrenv_ii, will be constantly on hand and suppliGli to order, oy MYRA. 7 GEO COCHRAN Di Wood rt ONEsu RVIENSCWHEARTII, clonniactured Rom a superior arnetri of Rohrer Fire Beek Clay. in store and for saki try KIER Or JONES Mr. W. W. Wanese having used a Hearth of some, quality and martutsteture for the past eigineen month., pronomiees it saperior to the hearths now in arners.l ore my to - 1 - 1., riTEOGNAc NEANDIRS—T7 half pMe. viSirlitijr _IL` vintage., of ont . owo imponatinn per Cosnmered from BOrdeaux,joelyee'd and Er ..aie by job s. MILLER & RICKETSON .., ._ . .. . VE:1) CHAIN rt....-lort received, a Sivaitidal &somn olent of ladiis and gentlemen.' Gold Guard hiring, kora GE tre - SSO each, einunn prices. Also, Waodong Rings of 412 carat gold, gold Pencils, Finger Riolisr.krre 44E8., Mean Ens, Ltrocelet, Gold Pens, Walchc., &c. " W W WILSON, ES ..;) corner 41 1. nnd Market mos ~. ... . yri•YEFillßrtr—Just iceeivedielnlioo Kno .9. , :5, 67 bi l , R. t .seer,. ifili - eaoilarigvniii " btion, assorted erelong DS", bluk " embroiddil Omni IQ pa wide Plain, tsc. deed 1 IItEidAYDiFsU3LF , OF POST OFFICES, con taDtlog an alpthbeucal tutor Post Offlcesthroagh. Out ' the Muted Swam; distances from Washington, D. C' stay" arid terni.drial capitals respectively; also es• hib ., lthig the Post Ort‘ces in each Suite, as wel l as c ann. ty,arith an append/I of the United States and British Takiffi, Jan rte' by JOHNSTON di STOCKTON, • ,dark it: coma 3.1 sad mama -MEDICAL ELLERS' FAMILY MEDICLNIIS—t.They ate Ls 1.7 Medicines of the day." Gsairssis Oesoos, Ohio, hlity 45,1819. It E. Sellers: I think it right (lathe beaat of others to rate some (acts in relation to your excellent Fatal- ly Medicines. I have sand your Vermifoge largely in my own lam ily. one vial frequently answering for expelling large quaint... (say I to 2001 worms from two children. I have also used your Liver Pills and cough Syrup In mr-family, and they have in every 1602=0 produced the effect desired. As I maged'a in merchandising, I ant able to state that I have yet to hear of the first failure where your medicines have been axed in my motion of the country. In conclusion, I may slate that they are oat medicines of the day. and are destined to have a very extensive popularity. Yours, respectfully, ' W. H. Pnver.d. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, No 57 Wood Street, and sold by Druggists generally in the two ci ties end vicinity. meal (711:11 trofft , L.:CM 6 _ by lT original, only true, and genuine Liver Fill. tt Sonar Cato, Ohio countuty, V. March Si Mr. R. E. Salient: Dear Sir-1 think it a duty I owe to you and to the public viten. ly, to stale that I long tune, afflicted with the Liver Complaint for a long tune, and so badly that an atones. formed and broke, which le ft me in n very low state. Having beard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A R Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended in me by my physician I Dr. E. Smith, one box, c and I conluded to give them a ftur awl purchased found them to be lust what they are recommended, THE BEST LI VER PILL EVER USED . , and after taking four boxes I find the disease has entirely left me, and I am now perfectly well. Respect/41Y yonrs, D H COLEMAN. West Liberty, March 20,Lt141/. I certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr Coleman, and can beer testimony to the truth of the above certificate. A 1/ SHARP Tao genuine Liver Pin• are prepared and soid by R E SELLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists iu the two Chien. TO THE PUBLIC.—The original, only uve and gen uffte Liver Pills are prepared by R E Sellers, and have his Banta stamped in black wax upon the Ltd of each box, and his signatare on the outside wrapper—all others are counterfeit., or base mutations. splft R E SELLERS, Proprjelor JAYRE,S BALIII4III RUM the Rev ASA SHIN N, a well Mayen and pop Ins Clergyman of the Protestrint Methodist Church The undersigned having been afflicted during the part winter with arain.C.G of the stomach, sometimes pro. facing moat pain in the stomach for tenor twelve liven without tracrrairation, and after baying tried various medics with illtleCithel,,VaS tarnished with a of Dr I) Jayne's Carminative Balsam. Thu he used ac. cording to the directions, and found invariably that tins medicine sensed the pain to abate he three or four m:o. ate 4, and in fifteen on twenty Tanta, every an ens 11011 was entirely quieted. The medicine was at terwardsuscd whenever indicauonenf the approach of paw were perceived, and the p ain was thereby eft:VC ltt• W He continued to use the medicine every evening and sometimes in the morning, and in a few weeks I d from a large &MOW Of OpprESIOVh palt, From e perience, therefore, he can confidently recommend LI It Jayne's Carminative Balsam, as a salutary medic hr for diseases of the gement: and bowels. A SII IN N D Allegheny For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA 51011 71 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at thenrug H P SCHWARTZ. Federal tweet. Allevs, • _ _ CONSUMPTIVES, BE ON YOUR GUARD. DR. SWAYNF'S COMPOUND SIRUP OP WILD CHEERY. TO' 105 CoMIIIIIOIOII, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Lie CT Comphosit. bpitung Blood. Difficulty of Breath ing, Pain to the Bide and Breast. Palpitation of the Ream Influenia, Croup, Broken Con. ti adruon, Bore Throw. Nervous Dena,- ts and all Diseases of the Throat, breast and Longs, the most ef fectual and speedy cure ever known for any of the above Macra e., is DR.fi AtiNF'S Compound Syrup of Wild Chorryt Tins meZiethe ts no longer Among those of doubtful It Woo mimed away from the thousand.. daily launchedupon the ode of experiment, and now stand. higher torepotamin, mid 15 becoming more ern-wove ly used than oily other preparation o f medicine ever produced for the relief of suffrering m. It lina been thwiduced very generally through the United States end &trope- and LLCM arc few towns of impost/Ince but what contain some remarkable en, Bence of its geed effects For pints of the foregoing statements, an of the valor and efficacy of th • mech. Trxi the penpriomt J.trasenbalr'preofst: - .,e7.` , th mob"; men .tike first respectabilay—men who nave r mar. of moral respoithibtlity, and ppm., that, to re , . iffy in facts, because it will do another a favor, and i h e mweives no mastic. ouch testimony proves eon elusively that 1. surprising excellence p roves ,thed ny its intrinsic merits, and the unquestionable authori ty of public optnion The instantaneous relief it at fords, and the soothing ditTuied through the whole frame try tithing use, readers molt agreeable rented, for a. othieted R F.AtlitEß` "When men, acting from corsair/nue. impel.. parneula voloutan bear testimony to the truth of a thing, or rfact.such tea imony, being contrary to their worldly interest. and purpose., coercea conviction of truth, and onnmends Itself in a special matins to antversal credence s Moral %lamina READ nt CEFLTIFICATES Snu ANCTTUITT. Cuts or VITI.J.TTAT COTSITAILMOV— There never was a remedy that has been os successful Cdesperate eases of Consumption, as Dr Sway the Compound ' , pop of Wild Cberry, It streng/he. •ymem, and appears to heal the ulcers on the lungs, creating new and rich blood; power Ponseswd by no other media.. Cul:arra Co- April 1518, Dv-Dwayne—Dear. Sir I verily believe your Com pound :Syrup of Wild Cheer, has been the t 0..., o r wring my life. I eaucht a revere cold, whirl, gradu at ally pew wane, attended watt SeVere cough, th restated all We remedies which I had recourse to, mitt memsaing until my ca. eshibited all the symptoms of Pulmonary Centuunpuort. Every thing I tried acenred to have no effect, and my conaplaint increased so rapid ly that fetends as well as myself, cave up all hopes of My recovery. At this twee I Wee recommended to try your invaluable dico., had so with the most hap py resulta. The heel borde We effect to loosen We cough, cleanse me to elpeelOrate freely; and by the time I had used ats. bottles, I was entirely well, and run now ea heavy men as I ever was in my tzfe, and would be happy awe amp utfortnation respecttng ruy tale, Wm other 'sufferers may derive We benefit for whtcla Imu so grateful. For the truth of the above statement, 1 refer you to Peter Raab, Grocer, IA ern Cheater, whom purchased the medleale. Re ally Tear., th e Meaum -Wonder/u/ Core of a ItlataadLd Ali:ur...7. Dr, Swayr.e—Dear Sir. I fee i a debt of gratitude doe a yooand a duty to the atheted generally, In g iv er my humble testimony in favor of your Compound By ron of Wild Cherry. Porno three years since I was Lu ngs, rause eked with cold and Inflarnmauon of the Lungs, which was accompanied. with • distriossing ,nity.., — .nov‘oeffb , ./T , . ‘.." mot :tom * v g2 t I ang em Z ! ' ,p, ' civilly upon change of weather, however slight A; firstl fear° alarm about my condition, bat was pretty soon convineoil that I arms rapidly aquitg into consomp tion- I grew daily weaker, and at length war scare, ty able to walk about, or speak above a whispey, curb eras the exceeding Vfoll.kllM of my lungs. D:11111A this dine I had tried various preparauons and prescriptions, hot found no relief—curvng WI the time worse. la. here I was advised and p ensuaded by • dear friend in Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I mad confess that previously l' had been prem. diced against parent medicates, and I ern still agarnst those coming out of the hands of emperies, but under standing your claim to the professors and practice of medicine, and keying tmplictt faith in the saying of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents, g tow bottles, and commenced in ear. My dis ease was at that time of Woe 25 months' standing, con seqUently It wu deeply oozed.se I found, however, considerable relief from the of the brat fora or five bottles. But being a public speaker, I frequently at tempted us preach with my mareasinestrength, and I n raptured those vessels that had already begun to heal• in this way, doubtless, my cure was greatly I 111 COnseynonet of acting thus imprudently, I had in use twelve or fatten bottles before I was per_ reedy restore& I have no question, a much smaller nuMber of bottles would have mar me sound, but for the above indmeretton. The Syrup allayed the fever oh habit, took away the distrearung cough, put a no to dm disobarge.of matter from the Inuits, and gate them and the eitOre optlesO geed health. I have defer• red offering thou ceruficate mad now, for the purposa of being perfectly satisfied Wattle permanency 01 the MO, and mar that I feel perfectly well I offer it with pleiaara ILLY. J. P. !0.,. Dublin county, N. C. , Important Ca-Lawn—Read!Reiser There is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, anJ that is Dr. SWATI.III . II., the first aver of to EL, public which has been sold largely throughout the United Stares and some pens of E urope; and all pre parade. called by thename of Wild Cheery deceptive have been put out since this, under cover of som circumstances, in order to give currency to their soles. dustaire the Ego little observation, no preset tired to genuine from the false. Encla bottle of the genuine enveloped with a beautiful steel engrunng, with the likeness of William Penn thereon; also, Dr Swayne's signature: and as further secunty, the portrait of Dr. Swayne mill be added herealter,se as to disunguish his preparation from all others. NOW, 11 t wos not for the greet curative properties and known virtues 01 Dr. SWOyIIOI9 Compoand Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons Would not be efideavonng to glee currency to their "fictittous nostrum." by stealing the name of Wild Cherry. Remember, deceived bear in mind the name of DT. Swayne,.d be not . principal Office, corner of Eighth and Race steeets, Philadelphia. ParShan/Ale esale and retell by OGDEN b. SNOW DEN, nor d Wood es; D A FAHNESTOCK CCoo,, cur let anJ Wood, nOjiS Sin lit a , 7ve d =t o y ' uI JAS TIIORN, S 1 Market at: A /ONES, nor ti and and Penn ant; JOON MITCH ELL„ Allegheny city, and by all rewectable de ctl3 alers usedicint u A OTRONti at EVIDENCE th PECTORANT is topermy all Miter rot-molt. Gr Caniumption Droneltitto,„Arthma., and other Pall. erections, ia that sumo permom who commenced th. my of It in there frodbm ten years ego. Mall prefer It to all ether remedies of Ma load; .ad whet. any hoes Irmo todocoot to try other yreyearatons they twee alum iumnably bona h2l.praited on receiving the heitello which was reasonably inizapated Gam the hzgh prasees bestowed by the proprietors, Lad have returned to the ems of J • Erneroamer, al a remedy that haa rour failed to rename them, and which probably norm had its ague! In strewing putemary Profound only by Dr D. Jape Phsladelphon sod sold on ALEX. JO'. NM amp far nary Ist Fourth at Pr. W. P. Isalundia Premium PL•Cater. r% R. W. P. INLAND, oldie Medical College Ist Phil- JO wkly./11a, now offers to the pub. Ins Indlan Veg etable Premlart Fluter, the tontines of which, alter Veg etable and tried experience, has been utittfacionly tablished. To all women who my he mineted wtth Prolapstui Uteri& or Fallen Womb, he recommends his plaster, gstaranteetag a sure lied speedy cure In the abort apace of from two to Moe wrens, of applied with tare and ran—discarding all the countless instrUflletits and expetuiee bandages so long in um. Thu be feels comienuous in Muting, Inasmuch as he has no faded in one came oat of three hundred and fifty-three pa -1 dents. Also Yu Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Back, at tended tints pin„ there to nothlng to excel this Plaster affording relief or effecting a cure. For sale by L Wilcox, earner of Diamond and Market at Braun Si. Reiter," Liberty and St. Clair BIN Dr J Sargent " Federal at and Dimond, Alle- Ja g crirjo lt ch Zo, Dem. and Diamond Blrmlug. bms, lea T) E. SELLERS, Druggist, No 57 Wood street, 11„ Sole Agent for the side of Dr. Towneend's Gen• aloe Fad antl has just received MO dozen of thls Great Spring anda, just Medicine. rurchazers should recollect that R E Sellers is sole agent for ?Dube:rah, and D M Curry for Allegheny city aps _ • G O I7s L le i, IL I V v E . R a, P e A T m CIN: a b L y EV ,h r ; ll , W e A b TC r. l , 4 4 - 1 Cooper of London M. I.4obias of Liverpool, and a large assortroeut of detached gold and sliver Lever., made by the beet Geneva manufacturers. Spectacles of all kindei Communion Were in sets, Gold Pena; Jewelry to large variety; Silver Spoous, Forks, ice. Er Watch maturing executed in the best manner W W WILSON, m 19 corner Market and 4th an MACAUtArsINGL . A.Nt - liarpers flneelito¢, SYo.ith. T—larrv;7POT ba• y JONIONI taVi rumor Market and 3d au MISCULANEOIa PATENT DASHER CHURN ern r ,..nra PHOM.D ia 5 or 10 M.,. IMOY anention of the public Is invited to Lbw very 1 valuable Churn, which has the ads.antage of all .•• ers in combining the old and now inventions to- gether. The utility of this .vcntion is apparent, ashy a aim! pie process the air as forced beneath the dash, and does away with the necessity of purchasing a new Churn, as a can be applied to any churn in use, and (or one dollar can have all the improvements of the age combined with those of gathering the Butter in the usual way. The public are invited to call and judge for them select before purchasing elsewhere, at 87 t corner of Martel and Fifth streets, or at 133 Diamond alley, be tween Wood and Market stretta, Pittsburgh_ my 29 SAME KROEttEhi. THE undersigned baring been appointed Agent of the Dataws. Motu:. Saeger Ireerassem Co, cagy, in the place of John Finney. Jr, resigned, re spectfully informs the public and the friends and cmi. lumenarine of Ore Company, that he is prepared to take M. !Ward and Fire risks on liberal !ems, at their office, N 0.17 Water street. P. A. kI.ADMIIA, coy I++ Agent. _ . 111.. Hit.... HOOF:3-IMM leerm. 3 ply India Rubber ja Hose—met received for the Borough of slanelies ter, which will be held in store for a few days. The Boson Belting Company express • strong desire for the fire departments of the come of Pittsburgh and Al legheny to coil and examine and make • trial of them. The company is willing to pot them to any test they think proper in eouclude upon. mylii I H PHILLIPS, 5 wood et 1_301./KS Putt TH E L.FOISSCRiPIiON in the Citizen.' Inm:trance Company of Pittsburgh. will be opened in the Roams of the Board of Trude, on the first Monday of November next, at LOo'clock, Wm. Lorimer. Jr Robert Weeds, Wem B. M'Clute, Joseph Plummer, S. Al. Kier, Josiah Ring, John Sheriff. Alex. Roseburg, H. D. King, Commismonera ooLu "wweas H. PARRY has invented a =chin for washing Gold. for which he has made application for a patent They are now offered for side at the ware house of Parry, Scott k Co., No. 103 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Adventurers to California are invited to call and ex. ine these Is bor-saving machines They an simple am their construction, easily transported on the back of mules of horses, weighing eighty pounds each. end ran be pm nit operation in half an hour. They can be tiled with provisions. It is the opinion of those who have seen the trial of one of these machines of smallest, silo, that two men will want the nutteral from MU bushels of sand or earth in a day, without the loss of a pnruele of the mineral. They can be increased in KZe and worked by waxer or mole power, if enpenient. The operators work without going Into the water or being exposed to wet, ;Led coneguently without en dangering their health. They will require bat • small stream of water, and can he used the whole season, and can be pot into operation where there is not suffi cient water to wash in the usual way. Pnce of smallest site 635. Orders from abroad, an computed by cash, will be promptly filled. LL PARRY, at Parry, Scott k Cofs, felseklff No ICU Wood et, Pittsburgh,. Al ow rpUE subscnbers are now receiving their Fall stock I of the above article, three vesses, the /mama, kledalllon and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia end noinincire. elidYwo mom, the Stephen Baldry. and Leiln..honly expected; they are, the prepared in r«e«e order. They will receive during the win ter and spring regular supplies via New Orleans. novit W d M MITCHELTItEF. OL'NT EAGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning url dove. and lump glasses, SWIM' plate, brass, H th note, and other ware. It rapidly takes oat all ape and .nun., and reproduces the beautiful and dumb lus of new ware. Just received and for sale,whoi sale tre and retail, by JOHN I) MORGAN, pe.:3 Drirs, ist. ECIZE3 MSAMEH. HARTINAIS henna sold hts ruts, est In the eo.partnerstup of Coleman, Hallman tb. Co , to the remnuung partners, has this day retired from the firm. February 19, 18494 • 17u - li lit AN PAG'f ifVIE'S. signed, A cent for the manufacturers, has on band end t, fot..initOy reeeternii full supply of the articles made /II P , ostiurch end vicinity, which ho offers for sate indouoictureni pnces. GEO COCHRAN, le111:111 23 wood at N inn recill4Eß PASTE —I pros. bottles India Rah- I Trot l'ax••• An excellent article for rendering boots no ,o d shoos perfectly water proof, and soft as a piece of t , , appitration of flits pasta Is sufficient to make them itopervions to winter for 2 or 3 months, and a ferret prevontative from the leather erecting. Reed rind for tale at the India Robber Depot, No 5 Wood af. fe1,23 J k If PHILLIPS _ LOWE IL. I. FLETCIIER, lig,n7vAcirrn 01/ LCOIIDL AND PURR DPISIT Comer Prom and Vine sunet., Cinri - n”.0., 0 dea la at loavela market pnee. h. 15 V.e411 si kAV. al house, No 73 Fourth street— Rich enaboued Pll.llO rovers I Plain Turkey rd Chin do dn Table do Fig'd do do Worsted do do do do Bordennr Blue thimn+ln Carper Bindings; flrcen mourn ALtso—Campe liothioe Transparent 8k. 1,4 1 Sr firms,. Vicars do do Turkuth do do do Ph roves do do do Drapery Chines, do do • bloonheht Views do do Landscape do do do T Gothic. do do Cord and Tassel, Bolen and Slats, Rack Ponies, Soler Ends. The above Goods ate of the richest and newest sty lea, to which we minre the attention of our Mends and customer , , and those wishing to furnish or re plenish steam boats and houses. mart W. 11PCLINTOCE X 1 ENV GA RPETS—Recelved this day divert nom 1111 the manufacturer-- New style Tapestry .1 ply Carpets, extra super, do do do do supen do do Brussels Carpets do Brussels, very cheap, do do nob rotors super Ingrain do 4-4, 3-4 and 5-1 heavy Venetian do 44 3--4 and tl- 4 1 comment do do All of which will be sold at a small advance, and will guanuntre as low as etut be purchased in the east •ec2s W bI'CLINTOCIL 75 Fourth al COACH MAKING FROM the smog very encoge meats the rabscriber hasliberal received moos s., ts 2 ., he h. Itwated himself la Allegheny, "fitagigL , lt has induced him to take a lease, for a term of yearn, on the property he now occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside th Presbyterian Church. From the long experience an th • shove business and • desire us please, he hopes to mer it and rece,ve a share of public patronage. Now on band and finishing to order, Rockaway Bug ties, open and top Bungles, and every description o Carnage , male to order, from seveary-five dollars • nista boners? Isea.l-dtfl JOHN SOUTH. The Allegheny Cemetery. the at: noel meeting of the Coopera tors, held lot T the tth mit, the following persona were tinan mutily reo.nanted Managers for the combs Tear THOMAS M. HOWE, Prendent JOHN BISSELL, JI - J3SII CAROTHERS, NATHANIEL , WILSON IECANDLESIIOI.IIIESS, JOHN H. SHOMBERGER, JAMES R. SPEER, J. Flom., Jr Secretary and Treasuier. The annual statement presented the affair. of th , Company In a very prosperous eondltion. Their of6c , in the city is No. 37 Water Street TILE ITITAXI. OF TILE WEST )40... VEIN ECIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY East side of the Diamond, wham Vanilla. Hinds of all the different sizes and color are kept alt hand or mode to order afte the latest and most approved Eastern (ash ions, at Ma shortest notice sod on the mos easonable . . . Also, the cheap Benton roll or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper Cartams or all the different saes and patterns, en hand and for Inds low for cash. Old Vent. win Blinds painted over andrepaired, or taken in pan payment Mr new 11 VV&tTERV ELT, Preepr, N. B —All wor_ done with the best material nod workmanship, and warranted to please the moat (Ba nanas. auglo-dly Allegheny city, At:K.lo,lBa AMESICAF TRIGIEGRAIiiiCCiMPANY 1T1,11111.11 WESTERN LINK. OM., at the Exchange, Baltimore. EDUCED RA Tr.s.—The charge have beenredo lA, cad on all Nlessages to or from Balumore, Pitts burgh or Wheeltitg. and a correspondmg reduction made on all telegraph.c despatches forwarded from Bal urnore West of Pittsburgh, Pa. !taro.—The charge tor a telegraph despatch to or Bora Baltimore,ittshargii mid Wheeling, ts 15 cents (or the first ten words, and 3 cents for each additional word. . • pa- No charge is made for the address and stun. ture. Until the completion of the South Western Line of Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn., to New Orleans, des patches coo tic corivenlcil to hloliphis by this route, and in•ded for N.,. (1,1,4.1%. fell =llO7 ACHIMON WOODHOUSE & JOHN WOODHOUHE, lIAVINU this day on 'omitted th emselvea together in partnership, uncle r the hem and style or A. A J. Wovottocsa, for the meoufecture of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-1 itoN WARE, on the corner of Robin. eon Deem and the Canal, in the let Ward, Ahheaustry errs, where they arc prepared to furnish to order, wholesale end retail, all erodes tit their hoe with prompt... Foundry rrimmings, and Carpenter.' orders are sm Betted, which will receive immediate attention. Cat of Allegbetty,Feb.l, In4ll.—arm ANDS . CAPI - , PAPER -I_,/ 1 net, view of the nattle of Monterey, C,rto Uordn; 1 " " " buena Vo.a, 1 Fels de Fang Chase de Lyoa; Harde Francais., 1 " " Col C Auvergne; The above I suitable for papering large pabhe rooms. Just reed direct from Pans, and for sale at the warehousd of apaS C HILL_ sso A AtS—Chemical Liquid for washing clothes, carpets, slits, punt and hot furniture— saving Latrine laoor and disponang courtly arab the washuoard The finest Wtlnat carpets, atter having neon to use e:even years, have been perfectly restor ed, without lie slightest anury to the fabric., and with. oat removing Isom the nOOE. It will not Injure tee cloth. Directions accompanying each bottle. Price 25 cents. For sale by J lACHIX.INMAHER & Crs, asyd 24 wood so DHUGH—Cidorate Potash, in lb. bottles, Citrie Acid do Hypo. Snipe. Soda do Sob Nit tliscauta do Crandon , do Oranville Lotion do Chloroform do Jost received and for sal e by my 3 B A EAHNESTOCY h Co jj jun S F VON HO NHOBST te CO 1 ,LAXnEto.D-4 essts E bertand and for sale 11.17 EXCHANGE-BRO at. liox,roces,a. sons, Hankers, Exabsnge Broker•, NOTES, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES, GOLD, SIEVED AND DANK NOTES. • COLLECTIONS,--Drafts, Notes and •Accepncet payable in any part of the Unio, csillected on me mote favorable terms. . EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal titoore 2 . also, Cincinnati. Loutsville, Saint Louis sun New [Means, coast:stilly for sale. BANK NOTE S .—Notes on all solvent banks in the United States discounted at the lowest rates. All kind, of Foreign and Amerw en Gold and Silver Cain hough. Office No. 53 Market street, between 3d and Ith Pluaburgh, Pa FOREIGN EXCHANGE DELI-9 on England, Ireland, and Scotland bonen JUIP any amount at the Current hates of Exchtuage. Also, Drafts payable in any part of the Old Conntnes, from £1 to £lOOO, at the rate of S 5 to the .f. Starling, without deduction or dtscount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European and General Agent, once 6th st one door west of wood. octlEdt 5um,161,W1510 nun K I FLA 'WPM 4 RAIIM ANKERS AND EXCHANGE. BROKERS, dealers In Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cr eater of Lposite, Bank Notes and Coin, corner of 34 and Wood streets, directly oppome St. Charles • maytt•slly li iewrionst FUNDS— -' Oho I Mans, Kerituek Bank Notes; purchased at the kmest rates, by N. HOL.B. &SUNS, sepl3 35 Market street. BILLS OF EXOlikti k--L4ght Weeki ou New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, Const.tly for sale by N. HOLJAF., & 8 NS. sepl3 35 Mar ctn. - "ÜblC, I\TEW BOOKS RIM SUMMER READING. , — Pon—Eureka, u Prone Poem: or, the and Metaphylocal Univarve, by Fh.lgttr A Poc. Esti I hconkomely pontcd. Nolo. cloth. 73 cob •We shall be greatly surprmcd if this work does not crcnil a profound sensauon among the literary st.tl sciedufic classes ull over the Union, dmplayttig as it doe. a reason mg power and grasp of thought tablet cannot possibly fail to excite the 'special wonder' of even the toot careless tendert—l.:gyres. Nineveh and its Rem with an account of a mst r to the Chalfluenn Christrum ains; of Kurdistan, and the Yet nem, or Devil Worshippers; and an inquiry into the manners and arts of the Ancient Assynans, by ...Lunen Henry Layard. Esq.. D. C. L.; in 2 vole, with fanner, our illustrisuons. 'One of the most remarkable works of the age.'—The Times (London.) Feb. Li. The Salamander, a Legron of the Iron Furnaces oe Rockland county, N. Y , by F.. Oakes Smith, with tlj luatrulons of Darien; 9d ed. 12mo. cloth, 73 eta. - •, • . J. Fennimore Cooper . . .The Spy, e new and hcaut, fol edition, revised by the author, with new preface, &c., to be followed by the Pilot, In the came . yle. The Works of Waffitangion Irving; revised and forged by the author, in la elegant duodecimo volumes) beautifully printed In new type, and on superior paper, made expressly for the purpose. For sate by JAMbb I) LOCTRIV001). ffor mnn yi years connected with Messrs. Wiley & Putnam. and late John Wiley, N Y ).63 Wood rt. Jult Me. L has loot returned from the Ensiern rine, 7~7EW ISUOlLS—lrving—The Crayon Miseellitny•-• comprwing The Prairie, A bboutiord, News-toad Abbey Complete in one volume—elegantly printed, Carron—The Monastertes of the Levemt Post Ovof illustrated A veinal! of 190113 than ordinary Interest, relating a sencs of most canons and often amusing adventure. • • • The field occupied by tee volume in almoat entirely new.—Comenercial Advertiser. A book of gentlemanly, liberal, scholarly Interest, which reminds un not • little of Ileckford's Spatulas lie. minions. or the vivid eastern rettimsdences of Bother} Lltentry World Cooper—(New edition of early works'n-Tlia Spy. revised, he . with new Introduction and notes. Cool plete tot vol. IJriform seta living. works. 11.2.3.. The Spy and the Sketch-Book were the first Antler/. mot books which were universally acknowledged tb contatn a performance an well as a promise. We well remember the enthusiasm with which they were recesved, and the proud expectattons sableh they weakened among the liberal sanded abroad and the pntnoue et h me. Irvin,: was loon chewed a seat by the side nf Gold:south out Addis°, and Cooper mu+ translated in every country of the coatment where sue interest was felt in a foreign Inersoure.—Literary World. For sale by J 13 LOCK WOOL, 101 l og Wet st tiOoKS—Completo Works of John Al hiasoln D D, in 4 vols. :Barth and a Voyage Hither, by Ilene. Melville_ Border Warfare of N York, by W W Campbell. ' Here a lions and There a Little, by the tkath.r I "Lite upon Line, and Precept upon Precept." Memotn. army Youth. by A De Iramartinc. Illuntrnien Loa co Franklin, pun tithe rum ICOC[Tflt and for sale by JOHNSTON ik STOCKTON, • Ever corner Third raid Market its BOURS—Dr. Coventry's %Pork o 0 Epidemic Cholera, its History, Causes, P ethology and trey meal. , Philosophy of Religion, by J. D. :doted, A.lll Bourne's Catechism of the Steam Engine. Chamber's Cyclopedia of Ettglun Literature, 2 vole. octavo, fine edition, steel plates. Chamber.' Misceliany of Useful. nod Entertaining Knowledge-1U vc la, It Eno [Oust rated. Advme to Young Men, by T. S. tatheir, - Young women, Element. of Meteorology, by J. Broelrlesby, At. A- ' Tr rn orert. the People. by E. A Megodo. Culver.) Sermons. by Dr. Way land. Free en's Hulcesn Lecture•. for I r46-7.—"The fano.. of Holy Set tonnes for unfolding the attintual life ad aten.' To, .ttro. No. fi Frani, tufa life, Illustrated. Received this day by R HOPKINS, apti Apollo lbsiidings, h et 'MEW PUBLIC - ATIoNALEssay on the the L'omn 1.1 of Chureb and State, by Rept. IV Noel, M. A. 1rr00.—5.1.25. An enure edstion of this wall: was sold in one day, on us publication in London! t Lean, from Margaret Smith's Journal. in lie FM - ranee of Mee.rienusetts Day—ld7-0. I vol. Cams 7.1 r. Hvy is Poems.—Skembet of Life and Landscape. by Rev. Ralph Hoyt—new ed. enlarged—with ilium. boats Plmo. SLOti. A Catechism of the Steam Erigme, P,l ustratirs of the selstitthc prlnciples upon which its op oration depends. and the praencal Octane of its structure, in Its applica tion to motes, mills, steam na,lgetion, dad railway.. With ••notis suggestions of tmprovem sou by J Bourne C. E rot. 12mo. 700. Ctrerver , Lectures on the Pilemn's PrOgross—new std. itmo, Pitee reduced to 31.00 The Carted:, a Family Picture Part I. 1,. Franklnes Life, Illustrated. Parts IV and V. FRCS Taeinr•' !Astor In; by Prof. Ty , cr- -Ph bo. For ...die by mch4 R 41h or. _ . : -;,-.. , .." oltr ..'!., ?. , 5a ..,...-,,,,. - ,;7.7...x, i % , Lf!,7:4 - ,v,..,._... - _ At) . .._-- 7 ~v‘ r tili lili t ir .. , tr.oxe r ,i47,l!!_c 'N,•,.• v• - 111kr _ CfIICKENING'S PI A NO FORTES. TOHN H. MELLOR, No. SI Wood street, bus the /./ pleasure of announeir4 the arrival of a new and splendid emortment of Piar os, from the manufactory of Jonas Chietenng, 13ome n—among them a moginb tent Rosewood full Ortrad Piano Forte, 7 oetsves. Also, a superb square Pi alto Forte, 7 octaves, mated roserwood, of the style of Louis XIV, with a varsity ot 7, mid fl octaves, to 'Mitch the attention of purchas ers is respectfully solicited. JOHN 11. NIELLOR, Role Agent for Clr.okerines Plano Fortes trir West on, Peonsylvmm Sole Agency for !inane& Clark , • Pianos. OMRJUST RECEIVED and opening, lot of elegant Piano., tram the new aelebransd factory of NOM. ak. Clara. N. V., comprising G. GI and 7 octaves, with important improvements, both in mechanism and exterior, ponsussed by no others. ALSO—A fine .election of ChlCkerillo Pianos, team 6 to 7 octavo, H. KLEBER, iatole Agent, . . . - at J. NN . \Voodwclhn, b 3 Third st. N. 13. The above will b.i .old at mannfactuross pit ces, without any addition for freiflit or expenses.] inarld Joarbal anal Chronicle copy. fonA SPLENDID assortment gamy and Rosewood Pianos. just 11,. milled These insumnents are made 0 the latest pattern and best matenal and will be Fold low for c ash b F. liEll 3,113 112 Wood street, door above Fl3ll. N.B.—Those who are in want of a good bastrumen are respectfully Invitrd to examine these before pus chasiug elsesyhere, as they c tot be excelled by any to the country, sud will be sold lower than any brough from the I:aim tilsolust received, two pianos or Mint buret manufacture, oramsnted to he superior to any ever sold in this comer), oct23 F. 11. DR subscriber has oven appunted Sole Mont for T the sale of CARHART'S 1511'ROYED AIk.LOOF.- °NS, es manufactured and sat perfected by Messrs. March tr. W , of Cincinnati. Ihe usual comports and extent being but four octave.. Nleaan. M. occordonce with the general oproire demand, have extended the scale of then thenumento to 44 and even 5 octaves, thuarriaknig it prsencable to perform upon them any midis written for Lae. i r Organ, Theextenor also, has been much LAyroved by l'inci”s the body of the matruntent upon acost iron Paine beautifully bronzed and ornamental, rendering It at once most elegant and extremely desirable artiele 'rho price to put on low as to bung it WI/b3b Ibb reach of every our to slow a perfect ironical monument, and, nt the name ume, a mast elegant pterte of burro tare fora aimpnauva trifle. IL K.LEBER, At J W Woodwell's GREAT MUSICAL - NOVELTY — , The — su - boilher hoz rust received from Europe, and for sale,no enure 'y new mvention of Plano Forth, called the AB INET PIANO FORTE, which posse tang more power and sweetmeat thatthe square Pian occupies but one fourth es much room, and is a roach o, more showy mid handsome piece;of furniture. It to particularly desira ble where the saving of spate is an ohne; being eo ceednigly neat and compact, and occupying no morn room than a small tide table. The eubscrther has to hand a tosuroonial of to superiority from the celebra• trd pronist,hlorchelleo, to kis awn hand wrthog,which may he inspected. 11. KLEBER, wenAt J W Woodwell's • Ohloterg Pianos. iffil l JUST received and for sale at man- Mummers prices, entomb new Plane Fortes, It, ei and I octave., of the mom elegant patterns of fantiturc, and with the late Improved mete. Also on hood and for sale low, 3 second hand Plan- es JOHN II mELLoa, Bole Agent for Cluckenng's Pianos for Western Ferunyivania, al Weed street. marl NEW MUSIC BY HENRI If rut Rose MUSIC of Summer, with an introduction and William on , notions for the Piano Form, as performed ue all Lis can in the United States by /lean. Hen. Military Polka, by Henn Her; Comte Pmka Clive( Bell Polka, "0 Just received and for sale by mchl.l JOHN If MELLOR, ll wood .1 Vocal Ezeralm A ND SOLFEGGIOS, aceotaptimment for the A Pial6forte, adopted to the wane of private pupile, or classes in vocal mule. /elected from Italian, French and German composers, by Lowell Mason: 16 [urge pages of closely pruned mum, containing 106 elernses progressively arranged. Price 73 cents. Jut received, a supply of the above direct from the publuthera, by JOHN iL. mELLon, meht3_ _ aced Cl IATIf. v 'b U T E "I N J*I3II tn i itHATC ` Viittr;1 0` Ha: " . N . ° Lore —l - lOr No sil l io rn w r r.lo " se d c o ons74 " l: ment by 101 l JAMS DALZELL, Water st kt.EEN CRAPE: AND CRAPE Lffre.-Wkr. Mu/t -rim has riteetited a supply of white and colored UnsPos and Crape Luse—sarong the latter green and other desirable colors. Also, white, pick, and bite Silk and Wart, Blonde. Jell MEM=:22 UINUNIE-150 ta Farr% put mot and lot salt tTi 14 B A FAHNESTOCK k CO AIINVMCK it CO • . ... .....,...41—vgt...- gal.—et= zg.,..a4=z-i---,.. I's '7!ci'EV-o.Aate-4t2E-A'.--;..=Z t.tit-rl-'4---- -----1g#:4,14-7.2.4 '4 • p,.1.74 .11111Eilli=,Vglii.:'.,!..;isW411 ..: . . •gli's.:;4l-4-ii!Aill -1.4. =•ei 1 ele4r-011.-f-f4 t1H1V1.1,2•27;:5:5;7Li 74 .4z55:41171E4,E.1•1=19.::: ~, CZ LLI 4itri-gge:riwtilligittl43!",.=r-Vl,l° ;. v: 1 .1.. , 2g . ;. E t 1 -irst -.-:. ;ie.; o. 4 ~1 ~0.:;;;;:zEvq-i-ella•-i. --1 :-- .::. iii 2 41 r. i' § i44'e:__,Ti.g3„l, 11113-±NrollF.3,l,:i.:,ig-rii-E-, .) tPli...-I:z.,:g. . . 5..,.r.t_L......._ ..= .1 , -;1. - g EAIII - , 2- Em" Z.. i ! 2 44 4 : . . 1 i <l2-5--;:-..?..-1:-Li.:;L:..0—, 'liff.tl-ors:;lrs'it'z' Lt . .4''' z .. 2 [5l :' 114141Tit.174,tl .z....ii --3 .-_•;;;,-, 7. ~5":,!,i„,1•:4,7,1C11ed!' ii:: l'4 , =_, 1:..,•?E Afillili.„,7."E.ti--....„0-,.:,J-i' .'• `-f -,: I'S E.F., :Li '''''' .A -:-' l, ' -s-= !, 1 ; 'lli% /ch ;; CI if ) r ____...„. ~.. .....7...,.1.,.,z,:... -„..,.." 0 ,14_, ..-5...,1 '''— 4.i ''','6:11. , ...? - - ..! 1-I!P_--1 , -gt..e - ir a fk.. a !•.,-,;.. . - I , :i. .-.;---,. -.11 - r -2. 7, 1-7 :NI 6i, ,; t. 4 cil.:,:l-:R..-..f;.tt.i..-g.:,-,1,--.;i. 13 ..; , ''''' e.sg ?.,-.;,..-4-3-2-1.111-;.E.t.-:;!='.l.i;m!' 7:r. 4? -'------°40...z., f v , ...,!...: - ie .-•- •jnegi'e - 3.5 - e19.t 7 . ss•:., ff. di .0: *Lt 1 45; i - a&e. % g74Ti - -'4l .4 GO i 4. 5 - ~..%,-h ,...7,,, ,: ' 17 .-- i x 3 6.1 zi CS ":**‘-• ' E' ' 's • = z3 :..i lZ i -.E - 1 • Ti . r i .; i iii.tg In : -L' 1.27 . i mti 1 1i ,,.r• ;i1;...0 b.111fi ' • &:. f." ! 3 I.lll' '' t. , l 5 g „ni g H I re 1 'l ' l ?" 7: 2 , 1 4 ':, t L'i l '' ': ;-; gi int a. ,§ •7: ~....'t4l;ft i Es iaztar. ~, -fl i ;.-. _;i:, 7: -,.. ‘ - .2 ~ rti ',': i l.!.f.i.li .;: rz 1. f....:,; ; 1:,."-Zi t i, 0 a 1 t. 4 ) f ..,:- -4 _: - .i l Z -62, 1 - 2 .1 . -- V''-i- 2 4i.;' - ' irl .ii aa i! PI q i; 1 3 -E. ';..' 34 . :1 ' 1 4 - 9:::""zi•=.81 ...1::, p:ili-' - i!, tli,'-: P ..,. ±-,,, ..,:-,,-, ! , , ,, ?..,.5...1.2;:,. L . F ,42, 1 ,, TE ' ' ..: = : .:....1.24 . . 2 5.'tj, ~,,,, , ..,1 5 . ,E.f . , n — .2..n_ilEgt . " -2 0 4 .Z 7.: 7°- eg <4 re': 5, -7 ::.' . 1, 1 =1,1 7 .. S. t, I'A ti F. 4 FP' . - .14 - i f.0';:q111:1t, ..?.. •-•.. I tg.P.'-ii; -1 , -.2 r-: 1 i:ii . --,.!:;-i §-.-r-.. rn. es. - 7 - itt!! ; ,.-1 g,*,. _ Z 4 1?" iz.zqiiiiii - 11''.Eiin.-11i'ilit -- 2 '. ii!lv,'- - iil-cl'in;.t:i' 4s. Uz• t R ' - '-: .. :T.i - ft-q:o._. - 3; . 11,2 -2. 2 i 2 , Ei .. 6 ...H. T . 42 41 . 7 1 -;;1.A.A . 1il zi t , co 4 ..,,v_p; 1, - .T.E..1,4.5:14E:E:a :-, •-) 1 , -:'- 5 - , `lii-t - z-5:::b.::?,T; 5 3 1 :“ ill - 0 g ? 12rir , i'''§ES'r ; :i l ite!-li. - s . °`:g . - 1 - z .2 -' l n 7..] - i , q. " "':• - x•V?i-t'S qi . ir: 7-1 tt •: :^ 1•2 - . `4 - 1:. aw O `,.,3,i2.14',e.: ;11,1i*:.]: ;=_,l; F . , ' t:1 -, ;113 :-,<-:;i°,ti :.7j. ;t, vg F;.saOrg,ol:;t,'4l, ti ,L° 4 lex ... n..t.y...Z, ~-onv . .. - h v j - “ - .t"..t.gif:JO C. ..z.rj..15211;&,,nixi...,:,h....55t.“A 1... 44 11....'Z1:x,r.gV1•111-ik2-2'.:•-'l.!'-'':717.41:. f .IC :. - 0.! "-• z. I g• -,7 %C. 4.4 ....IL • O c xis Al CO Fi ,;• ; •;- 0. -"•7•-•' ii -4 ;xi0 g--- ,:.f.Z‘Lf,: .. : 4 7:E?:tt, - ' ,, 1 2 ...:ir.t7-.....-c•v:t...F.e.5.1,....,,5;.. g_i_it.-a3f.;,:—.1.a.,18.; 2.; - ;.. 1 S''."264'l';'.ll7,7lrsiv:'; 2.1-.-4,;;;z2:21',. - L.....1c.)0.:?.5iz..: - TD -- - Kau NTs,-NM JACKSON, JOHN D. MORGAN. Pittsburgh: D. M. CURRY. Allegheny City; A. onTrEasori, Biniaißlibuii. ___ ...a 1y18. 1 0 24 , Ili- 1- ea ,i .04 a l CC 4 1•••• i 0 La Li. 'OUNI:n+ to discharge -lr putrid' matters, and 0 heals them. it is rightly termed L L•Hid/WING, for tre is scarcely a di se external or internal, on it will not benefit. . have used it for the net , of the chest, Involving -responsibility, and l declare d.,..eaven and that not in oneease has it ailed to benefit when the man, patient was widen the reach of mortal moans. I have heel physicians learned in the profession. I have men.tere of the gospel, Judges of the bench, al dermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes of the poor use it in every variety of way, and there hos been but one voice—one universal vas raying—"M'ALLIRTEI YOUR OINTMENT • IS filOnlVi REIELTNIATISM—It removes almost itrsteslivi.ly the inflammation and swelling, when the pain Ceases (Rev the directions around the boil 1.. AU-ACHE—The salve has eared persons of the bee 'i-vehe of twelve years standing, and who Mid n it.l. every week so that vomiting took place. EAR i I I ,TOOTII-ACHE, rind AGUE IN THE FACE, - areped arith like 119[Cel.. St A LD IIEAD—We have eared cases thrit actually do' ea twenty eg bas well tolesability of actually o doctorsn man he had spent on hn children siothou any benefit, when a few Ur res.( Ointment cured mean. 'FETTER—There is nothing better for the core of Telt, lit.;lo7B—lt is one of tte but things to the world for PlLE....—Thoasands are yeerly mired by this Om mew. It name fads m giving relief for the Piles. irr Around the box are directions for usiug Al ginuneio for berefuth, Lead Complain, Damps kw, Trier, Ckdbiron, Scold SW'. EY. , Cierinelii r o f f Sore Throat, Brand. , Novo. Affection+, P 111213, ffis SPensi Goad acts, a S A .m., Ear ache, Burnt, Co rn s, ail Dowel of rho kin. Sore Pim ples, , Swelling of the Linda, Swo, RAthenarism, Pik, add Fol. Croup, Swelled* , Broken Bread, Tooth ads, Ague its as Eats 4-e. te. COLD FEET—Liver Complain, pain In the Cheat and Side, fallthl o Ointment of the hair, or the other Remains nice cold feet. Thin is the true remedy.) It Is • PUT sign o disease to hove cold feet. r % IL S. P. - IOWNsENDS sallstAramidds—ai COlL.hicasional me of the Ointment will al- JJ &den of Dr. Townsend's Generate Sarsaparilla, ways keep torus from 'growing. People need never I loot reed and for sale by R E SELLERS, be troubled with them if they use it frequently.s7 Wood et only Agent for Ptitsburgh. a. - This Ointment is good for tiny patio( the body jug By DM CURRY, Agent for Allegheny city or hobs oft when inflamed. In come races V should bc _jog EST is.BLISELMICINT; twilled en. rtnattrimieroatt., aeon. en, rut. CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine unless the TR. EDWARD ACKM, Mkes elite meal., of re name of JAMES MeALLIsTER is verities with a pen • j_J turning hie thanks to his friendv and the public out every label. for the extensive patronage he has received, and of tar For sale by my Agents in an the principal eitier and forming sheet that he kris Wuly erected n large and towns ut the tinned States. --ell constructed budding, far the exclusive purposes JAMES McALLISTER, of his WATER CURE ESTABLSMENT, at fits old Sole Proprietorof the above medicine. . location, at Piallipshurgh, Pa., on the Ohio river, opno. thee, No North Third street, ana receive r. ta ,i t . lan . dn ,,o tt %t r he , a c y d r ie t: e h t ere . adciphia PRICE 25 CENITY , PER BOK. he is ready dropallite umples In addition to his long expeli diom. P1115..14 . 81 , the & corner of rime, and the goon three. which has heretofore at- Liberty and Si Clair sot; and It Wilcox, Jr, corner of a d es ! nit treatment of amienta libitlimtret Market st oil the Diamond, also corner of eth and lie has now the addition ' . facilities afforded by an ex- Smithfield JII Causes, corner Peon mauve litoloinaeretted expressly for the pexpone, can- SI!, sth ward ; and sold at the bookstore in Smithfield thining conunothous and airy rooms, and fitthd lip with it, 3d door from Second st in Allegheny city by H P every necessary apparatus for bathing, end &laded hwena and J Sarßent: by =Moth , Druggist. Btr• tering th e treatment to the utmost benefit mid comfort mitighatu; U Negiry, Foot taberly, Realm & lac- of the lance, Phillipthorgli is a most delightful and licesPort J Aicronder A yon, Mon.Mignbela CBE N healthy easy of access by steamboats, and of Bowman A Co, and J'r Recces, Brownsville, John rotas fine ant soh...scene water. Dr. /taker assures Bart iey. Beaver, Pa; are wholesale agents. those iItILCISII palmns who may pinch themselves un iceill dewily WATED-DUD-rs. ESTABlslaltallasT, comfort andas en u.sthrtmee of the substantial benefits PHILIPtBURO, PA. . to be derived, he points with Confidence to the h.,- ptiF rapid modes which Hydoopathy has made dreds who have been permanently cured at his vote. smee to unraluction use th. country—the bill . nehmen,. The Water or leaves no injurious effects is o f and astonishing curative dicete of cold water in below, no te 100 often the cam with them who have chronic told acute ddcases, when employed after Me been treeded en the old erstem. It removes the &s -ear thcal of Inc celeh in roted - Prleattita•heae removed front eoite, invigo rates the system, protect. from the dangers the mind co all intelligent and dithenong public e•eyy Incident In Ch 31.1403 of the weather, creates a natural partm le of doubt as to ire efficacy, and ginned it eta- nod =nye appetite, anal im9mßoY.,hr" to am dirnarr , o yeraal tenter COnfldefing the uusetwitictory results powers Terms of treatment en d ociaraing reasonable. Si recited.es heretofore used in Mc treatment of cl; tonic Fur further paruculare inquire at the establishment, or complain., (complaints, too, which are mereasnig ev- address the proprietor at Phillipliburgh. cry ye.,) a tenet be • wound wish to me the soonest outcAld. of a metnod by which so many unfortunate sufferers • Lou. JAYNE'. AiirkatAtiix. will be freed from their pains and infirmities. We have been informed by Mrs. Rose of acute per. Thesubscriber tacit. practised theeethfially this formed on ter by Dr. Jaynora Alteratlye s which method for eight years at his Hydropathic witablish- grovel to superiority over every other remedy of the men, which has been considerably enlarged and im- kind. She has been afflicted for the leak sixteen peers proved in all its parts, and to every 'reenact, is now wall NECItOdC.d or W HITE SWELLINGS, mended ready to thee.. and at-common.° his who inay with ulcerations and ertfolaitton of various bones, de. choose to place themselves under his care, nail and • ring which nine many pieces have been &schemed from the rental hone of tut craw., from both her arms, '' rtiill ' fi n sb ' teg, snowed upon the loft bank of the Ohio, wrists and hands, and from both legs, and from the left opposite the of the Mg Heaver. is well known fed oral bone, and iron, the rigto knee, besides palatal fur no refreshing told salubrious annospliere, its do. ulcers on other parts of her pethon, which have bulled light.' quiet.. arid charming natural scenery, cam- the skill of o number of the roost eminent phyaicia. ot bluing every requisite to rendt ( the swourn of rho in- oar not —during most of tbe time her sufferings te have valid ~grceabu, fdall'nenbityleTstarclinng7.ht.o sine n e c ill ' e 'u s ' s . . n t r e ' sru d e!? l to trytr.Jag t eit th 2l ' teratree, ' ta Tbe establiehm Imparcd ent, the first started to the United which has had en astonishingly happy effect upon her, States, romans every thing, both for pleasure and by removing all pain arid swellings, and ceasing the comtort, ealcateded to insure a speedy and happy ter- niters to heal, while at the same time her generalkstalth IIIIII&11011 of the effluents of the Patient. has beconaccompletely reamed.. that Me now weigh. Persons Melting to avail themthlves of the advantri- •15 lb. more than she did become. commenced the tide ges here offered, will pleese address the subscriber I of dos truly valuable nrepation.—{9.. Eve. Po st. by letter. Ipost-paid,) stating es near . pomade tho For farther utforrealtaMingmto of Mn. Rose, No. 1:99 ne er. of their complaints, in order to decide and ad- i Eilhort s, Yrdladelpkta. Ylle Olt their fitness and curability by the Ilydropethic For sale in Phisbargh, at the PFSIN TEA STORE, treatment, and also what wilt be necessary for 111e92 to 72 Fonrth st. near Wood. . ;11,5 take along, for their especial end personal use. •IIThIL TOWNSEND'S SARS.A.PARILLA..—fin doxen EDWARD ACKER, M. D. ropnator. 1.0 joss received of Dr. Towasend's Saraparilth, the Pbkh.P.Vmeffi county , Pa. mon extraordinary Medicine in the world: This Ex- RIMECIMMA—Rev.d. Arllletrehr, Y. D. u set is pat up in quart bottles. It is six dram cheaper Clark, Esq. do; Hon, Thomas Henry, Beaver, Pa. Dr. now. It Barker, do; Prof. Ch Elliot, Prasborgh, Pa; L. C. . Perkins, Fsq• Ohio; Rev. S. H. Sneed, New Albany; ppa me`c•nmff or Rev. M Ajmt, Princeton, N. J.; T. I- Swain, ! New York; Dr. Ch. Winter, Philipsburg;W i copied oar labels, and pat op macula' Me same Comte, Eth. Pittsburgh; A. Bidwell, E.g., do. thaped bottles See that eech haute has the written aigh etch .lit of EL P. Townsend- B- E. SELLERS,Draggist,57 Wood street, between Third and Fturth, is Dr. Townsend's only wholesale and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine article can be hail_ D. M. Curry has been appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine article can be haduPd 10MiMaUMLUit MEDICAL. INTMENT CONTAINING N :ItCCßV,orotber Min —nt b aIGIVAT areei RFS. RCROFULOUS :IVES, SKIN MS ES. POISONOUS PFCIAI. SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION.— ° Quick pulse, hacking cough, general weakness, restless sleep, variable appetite, irregular boatels, pains between the shoulder blades behind. larsxunts Snerroas no Consournors—Coughing night and day, flabby muscles, general debility, great shortne. of breathon going ap Pain, ascending a hill, or walking bet a little fast, pulse always above one hundred. for weeks together, drenching cold sweats grenade morning. Catarrhal Consumption comes on like a common camrrh or cold, but about the period when that dis• ease usually as expected to subside, some of the symp toms am aggravated. The cough Is more trouble some, especially when lying down. There is no fixed pain in the chest, but difficult breathing, which is worst on lying down. The appearence of the expee mration. which is repine., is changed from a thick yellow muctn, to n thinner rebalance. It is very un- Neaten% to the patient, and emits an tantalum= smell when burned. It fie of an uniform appearance s and:is probably a mixture apes and mucus, a. Ott ntexinglit with cater pan sinks and part swims. This disease may _emir in nay hairnet at any ago, and te champ (erupt by the peculiarity of the cough. The nnitant of Liverwort effects the cure elide in vitees disease by expecteration, soothe sad heals the affected lungs. It never fail. Wherever this medi cine has been used, we hear of in success. For thir teen years It has been before the public, and has been thorongbly tested for ell compltants of the Lung., and he• proved itself mperier in merit to any thing to use. We might pre hundreds of testimonials from physt pan% the press, clergy, and those who have been eu ' red but all we desire is to call the attention of the af• Dieted, and for their 0.11 gd they will try it. Look out for counterfeits' Always observe the sig n. tore. "Geo. Taylor, M. D.,'. on the engraved label, nee orepered at the Wholesale Depot, 73 Heeluntat street, New York. mad lit Pagaturat by J D Morgan D 3 Wood st; J Townsend, 45 ',lnsist at; H :geyser, co r Market and 3d mg Henderson Co, 6 Liberty st Price reduced o $1,40 per bottle. marl A ORGAN'S WORM KILLER le the hest Veraufuga LVI that tiny roan con give or use in his family. WAIMIMISOOTp., Westmoreland co. Pa. Mr. John I) Morgan: —Thni to to certify that I have bean selling your Vermlfage for some time, say about one year—end In that time I have never known it to fail in braimng wormsaway, when the symptoms indicated their prenenee. 1 had occasion to give 11 to twit grown op members of my family; 1 gone each of them one dine, end one of them passed:WO and the nth. er over 25u worm.. It le the best Vertnifoge that any ulna ran min In lilt !stall)) . J. \V. Yorao. Xrcpared anti sold by INO. D. MORGAN, Druggist, one door below Dtamond alley, on Wotal at. job DRIJrIS. fre.—Pure Redßark. Cbldnic Ether, lodide Potash. Strychnine, Chloride Gold, Liver sutphor, White Priem - tame, Cyarturet Potash, just re ceived and for sale by ju2 it E SELLER: TIRIKIK! Cinnolditte, Cbioroform, Eat. Bark Precip. lodide Iron, Nitrate Silver, Oil Coptubn, James Powder, Citric Acid, Chloride Soda, Chlorin Ether. Extract Rhotimy, Extract Qll.lk. Just reed and (or sale by Jt E SELLERS, 101 l 57 Wood or lybiNvEu It N(. 601..1iT10N OF cif WM/J. SO. DA.--li decomposes the TIMI or peccant priori pie of all contafflous disenses. It removes the danger -0111. effluvia of sick rooms, Ac. By is cleansing ener gy it tebeves Wyatt, and intercepts ail communicable Inseams. h Mull 111 man animal., &e. Just ree'd and for sale by Bill R or SEL.LERS, 67 Wood at AT the loge of the Plane and Saw, 76 Wood Street a complete assortment of Cincinnati Cooper. Tools, for sale by rapid HUBER & LAWMAN SACAULAY'S HISTORY - ORgt(OLANTI7-13iii. 'el leis edition, containing all the matter, verbatim et itterntim, of Vols.l and a of the London edition, cm bellisbed" with a portrait of the author-2 Vols. In one. Price, complete, 60e. A large supply of the above re ceived and for sale by JOIIN H DIP -OR, rech29 Hlmood n /11,10i.n.)LaIll, COCOA AND BROMA—Baker. Droma,No 1 Chocolate and Cocoa: also, Sells:Wu sweet spiced Chocolate, just reed and for sale at th e Pekin 7 ea Store, 70 Fourth ss. my''ht n. c 1 tsgel• Y pulverized Sugars, just reed end for role by the bbl or at retail, at the Palo Tee Store, 70 Fourth or torn MEDICAL. SALTER'S QINSENG PANACEA! 110 THOSE SUFFERING wrria DISEASED LUNGS.—The unpreeedented success which has uended the use of the GINSENG PANACEA G 1 the cartons forms which Irritation of the hum m e:MG*, has induced the proprietor again to call sum eon to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. Hie enangable weather which marks our fall and cutter month C OLDS ys a fruitful SOUTee of AND COUGHS. These, If neglected, are but the precursors of that fail destroyer, COSUMPTION. The question, then, bow shall we nip the destroyer m the bud? how shall we getclear of our coughs and olds? is of vital importance to the pablic, THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be forind an the Ginseng Panacea. In pros( of thin we have from ume to nine published the certifirates of 102. e.• of our best known citizens, who have experi enced Its curative powers. These, with a mass of Ms molly from all pane of the counuyr_-_from MEDICAL MIhN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Ministers of the Gospel, de., together with copious r 4 tees from the JOURNALS. OF THE DAY, we have embodied pamphlet form, and may be hat . gratis of any e i gu i g ) Airgs , t 3 h i r 0 . 1 . 111rounfill• have been used in this clry. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, and we cho lenge my man to point Out SINGLE INSTANCE o which, when taken according to directions, and be." fort the longs bad become fatally alaorgentred, Is has I ever failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, need she aillieutd hesitate .11thy resort to the ctn.-rabic nostrums, gotten up by ms owns indlvid• eels tt, ler the assumed name of some no eirrated.phyv_ skim, and puffed Into notoriety by certificates ti.piw- Kira equally mknown? WhiLst &medicine of • tprpgar sit.riT ED. EFFICACY ,isto be had, whose voachers meat homer-ear asighi hors,—many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. In order that this invaluable medicine may template within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have pat Me price nt ONLY VIN'eII'OICEINda ioat one half the astral &oat of cough medicines. ts tot wile by oar agents in nearly ev ery town and village over the west, who are prepared to give full Informs. don relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor, ltroadway.-Cincinnutl, Ohl* A. Fettrillarroca, A. it. tt au,N. • t.t•Ti U. L. Fansturrocs,}Pittsburgh. G. W. Fattefturrar, W hialaaale Drug Store in the Clay of New York. TllVT4iYoled=rul.gai:teas tn xteoaaoU e TdaTsitreinet,°ine Pie etty of New 1 otk,and ere prepared to. supply Druggists and teach( hiercbtutis with Drugs, Pemba} Ine•sinda, Fisregn and American Perfumery, vlen...er, 4'mm: Mander's Chemicals, (of their own nitentdon) egg all other articles in their line of hosi ng., at a 'lrpcips4atailly ea loaf they can be puts that& In thin or wry eaatern city._ %ow York. Fable 0. A. FaLLNESTOCI h r Dr. Wlehern Celebratud CDOLBRA AND DIARREDEA MEDICINES,. ri nig public are requested to rend the tenoning 7 dficates This medicine ts ext.:naively used in all the Southern and Eastern einem We do certify tidal), Loots Wien., of York, mire ayid mantmemeat, on or about the g est of 0 0 , 0 h, lent, a Tonna ,man laboring u..der se a vere attack of "Asiatic Choleric." That we exam med the said patient, and found him to be In the eats lapsed .late, of that disease, with frequent end copious rice water discharges. That we pronounced it a case of genuine Cholera., and declated moreover that we believed the acid panel:a.m.. beyond the hope Of reed Ice! aid. to fact we thimight the patient would me, and so declared at the tune. We further certify that the said Louis Wteley put soca ht• own made of treatment, amt administered his Cholera Remedy, and effected a cure of, the patient. We Mink in four days thereafter the Arad Young man was at work, and perfectly well. Jima C. DOSSIT, T. B. Daman, N. /1 I certify that I vatted a cate.of marrfied Cbolera un der the cart or ➢r. Loni. IVickoy, and ¢olieve ha medicine re/tared him. State of hiaryland, Washington County, to wit: cenity that I am wait acquainted an% the gentle men who have s;svcd 1210 within certificates of Dr. Louis Wickey, and they are men of respectability. In testimony whereof I hereunto subscribe my L B . name, and ab.n the seal of , ray °Mee, this four. teendk day of November, eiglitterliitodrid thirty-three. 0- 11.W11.1..1A3.2. Clerk Washrrnron County Court. Maryland. I witnessed the administration of Dr. Louis Wink. eyts preparunon for Cholera, in the cue of 1111 •ppree nee to the plastering business in this town (Hagen town.) Ills was a well marked cue of Asiatic lent, with rice water evacuations, cold clammy skid, cold nugue, mull tremulous pulses.-4 considered his Unman truly Critical AIM +Li...4n. I sow him Pr. , nine. 141 Dr. hVickey, and was present UAW.) 601061.16- tm60.6 of the first dose of medicine, and now him re peatedly mein the attendance of Dr. %Vickey; he re covered so as to be 61)10 to tweed to and wort at his trade in a few days. lem sure Iry took none ether but du medicine admutnied by Dr. Wlckey. Rica.° . DAV% a D. The only true and-genuine Da. Wirt.* Cholera and Diarrhea Medicine is prepared and sold whole sale and 61106)1, by JOHN D MORDAN, sold ludenra one door below . Diutond s4ay, ‘"sal OMLD. G a h A ave receiverdefthoresov"Y ra j 'lnTsler4destri nuned to enlarge my tinniness comaderably. !Rata; engaged a competent Foment', I will be, enabled to ID all at .d er . prnmpft, and de Na work in our natal aty l a Lad fait pric,, and ask Om attention of met ahem., and citizen. to m 1 large ogmkeniP/IOL.S ay uooDs so d Bodo, alattranca Ihnti Bedding, Cur tain Materials, Damasks and Moments, Cornices,, Frit. gee , tar i at‘aga , Tsasels, t3plit and Ro ll er Minds. and every article email,' kept in ant esmblishment of the kind. Ceders respectfelly solicited and promptly at tended to. N . D.__Deapetz made and put down. war. A an—to r - /16 , _ hVGILI.I3 & ROB _ D MED APPIAI 7 3OO bush rk4sj i t i f i oL web,y MISGELLAIIEOIIB, j - 41,411;^ VEBEZMULIF EILYNDS. T . 11E greatestand bean earitny everoffered In tkii eiwy before—ma le on the nem approredEasternplista— anti most fashionable Eastern patterns =declare. Also THE °HEAP ROLL, or BOSTON BLIND, an hand or mane to order of all tires, and at all pricer Country Merchants and whom ornament:4 to eon and examine the ahove for themselves as all will ha wald wholesale or retail, and a liberal detlantlon tandirto wholesale purchasers,. Imlay A ‘VNBITERVEL7 — Notice t he Publle. 'WE hereby notify our friends end aorreopondoets Ty at home and Abroad, that wo seal nOT, UM. Auer CrICOIOI2/SICIM reecho fretght Romany Boat Ro which . Newton Somas is agent. • pit RI3ODES h ALCORN. JOHN KELLY k. CO., Imeemems to liebbVillao bream k Co., Into Merchant Tatiana Pio, IN COUITNOT Street, above Taira, Pidladelphlis, beet leave to (alone their friends and pumas .thr i = have received !fie latest SPHLNO AND SU FASHIONS, with a lame assortment of New Style GOODS; econpriting Cie Cashmeres. Vesdrip, ke. of every description e el o which are of their ownia. Donation, having been carefully selected m Pula, Leladcm, hrs. 101.- stranger* Maid,* Philadelphia, are respectfali • Iy - invited b call and examine thou extensive reek. . mcbSeuLftra . . . INDIA RUBBER PASTE—Jost to INDIA Szbeer Pasta, a suporierVolLt= ill l Pclutw person thatwish to hoop that day. It prevents the lestlior from arsalshag, and wildtakis • polish over It Foi aato,at the lidos Huber Depdt, NoG Wood meet. . mud. J.& PPIILLIPA GOLD: GOLD: firOLDI:I LitAtti_ THE subscriber, wholesale mittencurnst of XEM SLILY, manes wholesale dealers and pedlars tra ding Sonth and West--n so, country , Mom keeper* t calf and cf.:mane hit mock of Jewelry, arlinti will be sold or the lowed prices for oath or approved scents tame. Command,' op hand, and marinfuntring, lams assortment Imithbltt for city or comp la • E.G. B corner of Fourth and Branch sts, np maim apttedem Philadelphia Paper nataggissigs. ' AVING purloined at ihreent - the lamest Patna. H nes In the East, (blew. York, Philadelphia and Baliimore l ) a large assortment of the newest tad iltrial improved styles of PAPER.IIPINGINGSfBOIWEES, fte., and made arrangements by which I will be cue. bled to procure all new Pattern., eirnaltantwas with then appearance in the EaKeTll marked, twendd la eta the attention of those attune to have LIM; bons. papered Nrlth the latest etyma of paper, 'tonal' sad ezemine my . -stock, before porelluingedsewhens I have now on the way from the Posy la ado taut i Ogees of Gold, Satin Glazed, tad common •Paic which I Man sell at prices ranging from Oslo [ piece. meta.S - 0 L.: HILL. woad . et _____ _____ _, Elation Smeking. , HAVING jam completed the rebauditecofimr =eke tionr,a, we are now prepared to receive sweat, 41/1060 it in th re e moat merchantable none:.,Ta„ . The houses a fitted with all the modern improve meats, and are capable of containirg OO,U Iteacach. IGER drIONEs, CanatGaair l / 2 al neu Seventh' it rIFUNTING FAPERl•TrilGaexi.roAie rrges7o7 fa the male of the Mill Grove 'PrirdlerPapet, (S. Q. P. Markle, Proprietora) woven be =guar topplied wah all the diderent mei erstiparinetkilelitT, whmh we oder at Ike lowed manias' ptioes. - REYNOLDS..•SIirEro fehhi , corner Penn midlrwiii sin DIN,VERNE - nOLEMAN, HAILMAN & CO. condone to =nu t,/ facture Small flan t Spring and A. Blister Steel, Plough, Pont and lice Steel, Rivets, Spikes and Wrol Iron Nina, all aires, together with Coach and Ethnic Spastics, Olt Pat, Tnker and common/ ilea. Hama reduced I the price of Wronht Iron Nom, engine builders and others using the uncle, will 'find it 10 Me, interest be give this now tinsneh of Pinahergh manulantures. their attention. Coach trimmings and amicable (ninon Shore torn. Warehoase oa to tone and.Foarth st. fettao4 SA:M'L. GRAY, NERCILINT TAILOR, ZICIIANGI■ BUILDI7IOB. BT. CLAIR "MEET, PItTBI3I7IIO/1, 11.4 mrr aroLn nax NEW YORE AND paLLApEzajtke, And u now r eceiving fine anoortmost of CLOTIIB, GAGNIMEBEN AID VEST'S% OF THE BEST CLIUALITY AND LATESTSTYLES, Which beds prepared to make In bide' . IN +RE BEST MANNER And in the latest Fashions. meet 11 Head guarlleers for Hoots ilusd - Slsorlwe, Corner of '43ttrth and Smithfield meet% . • .4 ?mum% n ,V 1 TROTHM SCOTThann; twmmuncedpti I , the generit Boot mad Shoe busmen, 'electorate hod retail wordd respectfully invue tee attenuqn of their Wends and thapublic ter, .4 cosily, to their rytendld sew Mock, consisumr crowns, lament', beryl', misses' and cauldrons Rear Merl variety, mutable for the scant; and at pricer trona • the does., srdendid article prim= made/ weirk, rock gentlemen'e hoe ijooll, Ladino,. raises cla d eltildrens hoe work. Plena call and ontutilne for younalves. TROTH 'tretlCOTTi comer *Rand Smithfield N. B.—TravelltiS Truaks'll Rae, Re. An, al mays on hand and low for•osakt • - • Gratuity =Tannin would Rod R to Rtelf tolocust, m vve es n call VV. II visiting the city. m .hl4 • Lciti 7, WILSON & 00, ' IMPORTERS awl Wholeta Defilers InForsivs and t Domestic Hardman, catlery,,Saddlery, Wood icreet, Pluibittgli, are toot filly prepand with a recently ampottedistoalatothlim!lmate,Patient hied - 04 then, Cal - pawed' Tooladge.,to oner very great in- daeemonts to WeatettilierehantS,lts• it&tdon to the many advantage. led by our predece.Ore,llel.- MeLog. to Korey, are have ready Increased One thuen,, and pa clime all our goods Mai fine aanda ; on the. very bell terms., Tnejuntor member of the firm devote, their mhole ( attenuon to salea, and (ening confident of:giving sat- Wantn:l, respectfully &Delta call Crain all Who may riaitthis mane Mdb.93 H CtikVoa Lu x. li undersigned offers for sale a supeabm itittere Tof bask foi building, made by Meeker= Press, improved machine, for which he has obtainiadapaterd, and Wee,. to Ili* , parchment a anima guarantairthin N. they are stronger, and mill resist frost and Ann - mead. yr and imbibe less moisture or dampness than any oth er brick, possessing greeter body and *ambler teMare and urine more i durable in every respee4 each brick. being subjected to aptessuro,of several tanicandpini thsearing a lituidsonie - stimoth surface end even. edges, ey make a front coital tattle best Itontbrtok:' , • They have gramme gressestsadstiuntoe Wet who have purchased. A Milieu, be seen at my werkih sad s. specimen et the Gamut: office.- . Those having supplied themselves for their baildings,' - xer and distung handiome front brick, or. espetiek hard and solid paving back, can obtain them. ISAAC CrigaW Ilinniughain June 12, le.la VVISO -" LlifO tughoU once to outb pud los An do decent proles of clout uddltd wod‘br - myet Bibmm u, opputits O fa CPAFfTeigliiiiiP:-4 have dos ur with me milt° wholeude (inner). I"d"..lkad Comonduon basin ess,.ll.x. John %Vilsoo.onadflrdt of .10101 WATT& CO. JOHN W ag. Pittsburgh, Atril g), 1840. of gigolo , . " •- • SULT'II oi - tbiintne: °auto ofTto,,,rniato data, cu. raw ol Iro/, Lii Carbonate a rousli; Niusto a • L.ver, Calorneli Zoline of Leed. CblnT4ll of Sod* and Manna &her, on ba..l and for axle by . •, • , ~ )sri J. RIDD &c 0 -- ' 1 PITTS: URGII GAZETTC puilLibilui eILY, TRI.WEEILLY it. WEEKLY dT OA unewie aeditiosea Miss., wear Os Pau •ei. - RATE'S OF L. 6. DV - EV.l'lOlNa. Ono insertion of ittinos, or less $ 0 Two inzertiotarrhiloataltorstionn,.......... 0 'Fa 0.0 Week .. " ..... 6fi, /N.. Works I„FJ lhroo ” " 300 , One IFlogth, 1 w 400 'Two r. ...... 600 Thine " " ee 760 i t : iG — Longer edForttserwrits to EMI pirrpi:; 4l,o7 ' One sqtare 6 mouths, withoatalteration,... 10 00,;.' , 116 00 Each edditionaal erinane for 6 m0ntha,...... 5 OQ -00-,t One eqoare i 6 monthe,tencwable et plellallse 40 Or each additional equarefor lltatrathe.. .... 10 . 0 r Two aquaree, 6 months, re'wabloat plealarer, 30 Oil Each additional Amara, 6 months, • ..... WIZ ILLY an var-lemivar 1111(1 1 " 11 RAIMar. One square,' insertions, ....... . . . 6 1 / 4 1 f each additional Insertace,.....kF. 19, lIIMILIZU CLAWS. 4 Five WM! Of leaf, one yes!, ••••'•••• ,6 " " " sth months,. one year, (holy & oorkly, 10 V " " sir months " " • ADTXIITISX/IXIXTS IX AM= PAM.' For IS lines, or len, Odolosertion, Too, Throe, C Vail 1 00 0010 4 :mi.(' 0 f ; . 4~ • 1 ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers