REPORTED & TELEOR/11.1110, FOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE. AWPIII. CONDITION OP SANDUSKY RAVAGES OF CHOLERA TEE CITY DESERTED !I POST OFFICE AND HOTELS CLOSED!! SANSIMICIr CrCY, July 30 The condition of this city at the present time is most fearful and heart rending (tom the effects of cholera. For same days past, the epidemic has been making maid strides here, and it has now reached a aisle Thick threatens to involve the moat went eonseqnences. Oat o r a population'of three thousand, theist are not to day more thou seven hundred persons re. maiming. The deaths daring the last two dayli amount to about one hundred. Moto( the inhabitants who have eseepadlick. nen UP to this period, have tell the city in dia Basins, of every description Is entirely sm. pemded. The post office, theyhdtels, and stares am all closed. Many physicians have;iteady fallen victims to this dextral disease, those who have escaped the malady have precipludely lied from the midst of death. The sick are antrerins dreadfully from want of medical - end other care—the living not only being unabier Mattel:o to.theit wants, but even to bury Atie can be found either to dig graves or to . - The merkets are entirely deserted; and the re it, retaining Inhabltanii ere under the necessity of sending to Cleveland and otherixotaon the lake (or provisions and medical assirdence. LATE AND INTERESTING FROM CALIFORNIA I ARRIVAL OF THE GREAT WESTERN, Pnriannents, July V. By the arrival of the steamer Greet, Western at Mobile, (tom Vera Croz, the New York Herald to n the receipt of letters from California, by the overlaid route. By theseliee3llllUN which are the West that have been received, it appears that, if we are to believe the reportapf our citizens who left for Cahfomia and b:lave been unable to return, the Placers are at Rex entin a mite of the greatest misery. decordiug to their account, there were not (era thaw 50,00 D people, principally Spanish, at the Stanhdaus placer, . the greater number of whom are cruelly suffering from famine, and literally work fiti =thing. Another letter flora the Placer &anishies, says : -- 4 1 am working from morning till night,witherow bar In hand, without obtaining enough to pay (or my samy bad dinner. You can have no idea of my Mirmimm, as the hest during the day in in.. tame, and the nights very cold I cannot demob° to you bow deceived we have been with regard, to the country. There is as great a difference be [Wien the description and the reality, 43 there is ber.inawday and night. It Is rattly heart rending to seo so many young moo, who have done well at titionei*sish here from want nod misery. The accents of the abundance of gold publish. ed inCalifornia and Mexican prqer, is the work Of designing - speculators. The fetters represent , all Who have means, as returning Fiume.r TERRIBLE FIRE AT ALBANY. Nsw Yalta, July 30. A large Are broke out in Albany this morning, Arid was still urging to an alarming extent, at the time the despatch lel Teo to fifteen hboaes had Wien vichima; to the devouring flames. Alto an Momenta quantity of lumber. CHOLERA IN NEW YORK. July 30 Doling the 48 hot". ending at noon to-day,thetet mere • 343 casea of cholera. and 132 deaths, in City. CHOLERA IN PHILATHELPIII6- city,Pxsgtqalleals,l o l3' 30 . , Thera mere, — dtia daring" the 48 hours ending at noon to-day, 100 eases of Cholera, and 94 deaths. CHOLERA IN CINCINNATL Crumran, July 30. Yesterday there were 16 interments from Chef •era, and 23 from other diseases. Toiday thertieere 9 cholera interments and 25 rom other diseases. New Yuan, July 30 5..m..= The markets generally are without change PERLADELPHId MARKET PlniAnsisma, July 30. Flour—Holders to day are asking S 5 per bbl, for fresh ground, and 51,7503r1,571 for old• stock, with limited business. Eye Flour is in fair demand at S 3 per bbl. Corn Meal—The demand for meal is limited at E2,51102,87l per bid. Wilma is scarce, with very little coming in. No sales are reported. Rye—Small 10/3 of prime Eye have been sold at '5BO per by. 'Whiskey is in fair demand at 244 c in bbla. Corn—We note sales of yellow at 50c per ha, of 59 lbs.. NEW YORK MARKET New Yoga, July 30. .2Latir--No: alterations reportable in :the mark et io day, if we except that lower grades are a Rigid heavier than fart gib:nations. Common State bmndk.may be quoted at from 54,730501 per Lb idraigh t broads tit $4,04a0.5, and Genesee at - $3,00354181 pee bbl. Wheat—la Wheat there is nothing doing. Corn—ls somewhat scarce in the market, and xouad Yeilaw b in fair demand at 60, per ha., and Western mixed at feleatiSe per ho. Provisions—There La but little doing in provi wian, and the market generally ta without change- Cotton coatinuec firm at 10. on Saturday's rates. Stock *redull, and a little on the decline. 10770101(17T 07 VELUM, to one of MO most cam. E/014 Hann as the most formidable diseases known aerdluotican physicians. It hes in no one, faded to =Met the Omen attention 0010 the Faculty in all you •ere of the Union.. dial, however, thousand. 20- - nnally perish, and thousands more are made to feel Ws burdensome by this disease. The proprietors of " .firbenefit Liver Pills feel confident that they offer to the litfileted • remedy which time Wm tested, and has -never failed of success when a fair trial has been xi. •overtlt. Call surfiparfittase t box at the Droz Store of • juk4nifirwB KIDD & CO .. LPOLLO HALL I .. _ . IEyrIII.IO7EEK TILE EMPIRE MINSTRELS! fpf.IES2IPIRR MINSTRELS beg leave tOILIIISOUnee 11 ems ie consequenee of the mcristcommerro memo unei,d,;ng their Concerts dining the _past tour wedgy, they sum reduced to announce their FIFTH SERIES, OOOLIDOILOOL Nn y evening Stay 30th, Arid eolsinothi every aveninedurints the week. ?dr. Itiliter will nightly introtlnee hlr much edernred Dances. Chance Of POO.TOOIMC every evening. flor'llateu, 25 cents. anirDoeraopett at kk o'clock: Concert to commence IR& iIY3O BESII ABRIVAL—Of sows sap 3 ply Tmieris.l (.spot s a,..eralos of those wishing to famish ste s ;:t ow!: Of hou s e 4 to call and es:swine our exteurve stock be fonoccuing esewhere. jyle .11 / 70 ta,All lugs No 3 Mackerel, hisueeltesetts imsectlen, Utoelsing from easel and for sh.le by Iyl6Lutes HurculsoN &co mc‘cre.A.wcia. • rt . DELAWARE 'MUTUAL SAFETY INSIJ RANCE COMPAA - y--.o.o,ea,Noith Room of the EXeltange, Third tarty ph.4d4Pal. Fas lasentanca.Realai ng . ' : ;forehands/9 and other property.ln marl, and <every', L wored against loan or slamege by fim at the lowest rat Pe.mfon• Mantas al so i n . . Vessels, Car, god and Freights, foreign or eeastsu e , wader opener 'Special policies, us the assured may deslr.l - also tnaare'men'hnn dlso transported by Wagons, Railroad tb t ti C. 1.031 Hoots and Stearn Boats, on neer. and late , on the ' IDOSt liberal terms. ...IHRECTOIB-Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A. gou oR jet, jo.‘ll 0 Dana, Robert Burton, John II Penrose, .rEetwards, Geo 0 Leiper, Edward Darlington. saac. R is, Falwell, John Newlin, Dr R tots, JuW C Hand, Theophnus Padding, 11 - ,Sloan, /lush Crag, George Send B one ; Henry l.4ol.lvam, Charms Keily J 0 Johnson, Wil. harppt 9 Thomas, John Sellers, Er., Jr. DinEdl . olU AT PI VTSBURGH--D. T. organ, Wta mo n k, Jim. T. LOgln. WWI. , a IBEIARTIN, President. lb rum , 564, •sorsoLD, Secretary. hce I,,a' if P. A. Company,. No. 42 Water street, MADEIRA,, Agent. =Aineriesn, Tort, Mercury, Dispute., Chron- Jnls copy. uotrr— we Tit re reserved a 'lot of Lampe .I,llollrprieaa urns aid kind*, ore new COLISMICtIOn, nal is Wu, aimpto and commicte—coose ornamental. Also, the article to born Sri them qualitiesmy fluid, or &herrn( OIL" It ha. , rare which recommend it to the attention .I.'ateron boatmen, hotel keteimni mid-house keepers, Mr clennlincss,neoaceny, wed brilliancy, surpasses any MOS portable now to Itars Perm= who boos to can of nostril] be shown the Pecallanties of this newel:ow:me. • A emu= moldy of the Fluid and '.!Am_ps kept by BCAIFE & ATICINBOII, Fir. , at, . Pen between Wood tea Market COMMEROI, AL2aBFAO. Sun Sun I :rises. itels. rtri.y . ;::euo 1:8 Satin:l - j V 9•• Snada;, ..... 33 ' Monday,— 31 'Tuesday I , 'Wednesday 3 :71tand0.7, 3, Friday, Pyrreoraton Bosan comairrrEs FOR rut' rraucc. - /39. Loflfl. In addition to the article which npfiliared in our piper of yesterday, in reply to ao , unfounded chaigo made by the Jciurnel, of our ifabricating a telegtaprdc report of the New York t4artet, of the 2114 icutt„ we are able to lay before oil'ir readers the St*wing despatch, received by telemph from our eahfern correspondent, at a late hour Liu evening "Pattsmarmn, 4:4 90,1040. "When year Market Report was arm Orp Friday, the 54 lust., the announcement of the arriril of the Cale daicm, was not merle public at New York, noriivas it known in Philada , plua, till 0 ofeloek, Saul, daprionUng." WA have no desire Ito reek a quarrel with the Jot:renal, ' especially on grounds of; this kind, whkh are strictly of a Private character i but we mull hay If the Journal Possesses rme spark of either truthfulness or honor, it ?Itinuee retract thei - imputation ft hne so, 'unjustly teat upon or, nos s that evidence of the meat constificing ehnrs actor ban been produced to show tlia4uer falsity - of lls charge. Whether the Journal tifielmathia otutzt; We' fuel , perfectly hale in the hands of 4nr renders We are induced to give the above despatch, and comments, from the faCt tbai We, alorPi have been maga to bear all the odium attempted to be cast upotthe Gazette by the Editor of the:Cornell. orncr, Prrranction Cazarrs. Tuesday Mondeg. inly 1e49. The weather yesterday:wet oppreasiveti wane, not ithithmiling the (reacted showers of raii which fell whit the day. I,t the army of business, we have nothing new to tined .Every thing, it mnv.belsernarked,iathi a consplet statlltin, and sales generally are confineiitolienned reto.l) trorts.tions. .FLOUR—We have hatinakeoeipts of thStar; .applies sounequently, are gradually di ainishingstbd lusher fig arse are asked by holders: .intes from atgki in regal• drall,load lots, are reported is as at 84,7504, , 1, .um. [(alders demanding 35 $ bbl. 6e Bale , luirvver, is d . lag in the market, that it IS damn!t to give . barreet quo ta:lokm HYE FLOUR—Salsa from more in If/kilted lots at 62,0402,75 IP' Ltd, as in quality. PROVISIONS—Very Hula. if doing in7the Morten firitOhe exception of Bacon, which continues very firm at former ;loot:atone-48y for plain halts, amnia nati and city cured 806 et; for shoulders: 51051, and for aide. 5105ic A. Sugar cored mitt coxed trams Caitlin= quite firm at 91010 k, by the ttern . a. GROCERIES—The market Is tmehange3l in any 'r epeat.. Sale@ of IV 0 Sugar. In lots of fiarrto hlids, axe tilularly effected at 5.0530 fora fair . artiele. nod Siefffille for prime. Sales of N 0 Molasses'Sit, 171021 , e, of Sticarhottse Molasses at 400 . 44 c, and 6f.ftin Coffee at a bulge of 7 to Sc P lidthange to nonce in the =Act gtmeirOy. pplzit of the DOmeette 211ax)tets , • Se. Lot* July d7. Tebtee&—No pereetitiblo eilange in eithet 4lemand or prier!., sales ax the Planteto' Warehouse or= hhns, as (odor'. e 3 laces =Awed at V 03.33, 1 at 3,1 5 / 3 kind para. ed at 1rJ,30, lat 4,60, lat 443, lor 4,20, I at 4p, lat 4.65, fel 1 at 4i.SO, I at 4,63, 2 a 14,9 ,110 5 2 at 5,, I at .5 I at 5 33 00 Ito Lead--None of consequence xeceivett, litd no salts repoiiiid. We quote uppee mines in rotindqate at $4.10 P 14th. • Natio—There is a andhle improvement the mar ket, mill sales to-day of all bandies loos, alet 15,a Lill. balelifair to good, at 51404t1at . 611 Mlles prime at 519:3; and hind: lot (7 bales) priment Stal. Wequote SUS ildlLZats the extremes for mond:low of hifegtor to prime dew }:fitted Platipc—There ants very, little on sale, 41 Iran...t umor/were in consequence quite light. Tneinautet has undeitette no Change. Sales of ...019 bbls good country brandii at 84,20&1,28, 1143 Skis second hand fitty at et - Mkt lad 130 bbls fine nt 53,259 hlit. We quote COM mon 26 good country brands! at 84,1034. e bbl. Wieul—Stock on sale light, and no change In once. and ceknand Sales todardid not exceed AS/sacks us folio*. 34 sacks poorat , ',..loc, r.l sacks mixed at 72c; 170 sacks at 75c; 1511 sacks ' et 35gc; 106 moats, 30 bid. fair Id 80c; 94 sinks prime at 85e; and 65 arks choice at 871 i p La, sacks retained.—ftlepobllcanc Lortsvrtax,l July 25. Theke is a fair demand far bagging and rope, and we hear 111 sales of 545 piecei and 588 coil. at 19 nod sc; and ettles of 175 pieces and 974 eons at 163101, sod 7/ Coitzei Is firm at G 9; le for eimrcon to fuli qualities, with a light stock. Thitrkeceipts of floor are yule meagre, ant] sales for cansaterption contirme firm at 85..7.5439,99 (food wheat corturiands 90e at the milli with very light arrivals. Corn, ,Wa snore 3933&. GrOCertes are more active and prices - pm. We quota* sale of 1 , 11 X) hags Rio coffee on pristine terms. rig tittio,f4.l74 ^D hhde ache „tw i t , fi,r.% and we Prilvisiorw are firm. and we attote light slice . of pork 01 SOO for M. O. and 09,SUfor laws. Bacon emninues search and anto, soil the receipts' from the ciuntry ere very Ihnited. Prices from stores firm for beetle at ave Co (aryl!. ode., 4105Dfic for shoulders, anektette for barge& andgar cored ham.. Sales of ".4.1.1/0 eon. mon hams at 4f:, and 1,203 bagged hams otAlic La rd bbl. sal su 303 her at 7c, 100 kegi at Ogc, su Wllikey has further advanced, and we - Orate Wes of raw at the levee at 2002/4 , ci sales of rectified from stores in 114919ic.—(Journal. • Pmbrurt..mnsuly Thcforeign tuisices received by the Compirlutve had veryll the effect on the marketihnidem of tletir are hrtn cotth (hither salmi of about ICOO hbls at 11.1,13, for fumed Permajlminia and Weaternt and 85.00 for excka brandr. Fresh ground is scarce, and held at the Muck ptice. Conk Meal—The market is very bare. not Penury!. vartinda held at ?.k.e...471. Rya:Flour is plead) , at 83,00 bbl. Wheat continuer in good daubed, but veby scarce, nod a farther sale of white was mode at tl Corti is without change, and 2000 bo Southr'en yellow brought Mc, . • Oais—A cargo of good Delaware sold at le CattOn ta held more firmly since the new and 250 boles, mostly New ()Hems. cold at full puma. Plaslet—A cargo sold at 152,124. 1 1Thirotriarket tot Sugar is ruiner, but without moth moveritent to-day. Provisions—Bacon contintice in good dimmd et steadreates. Whiskey—Barrels doll, and nominally bOld at 25c, eh& aft Belling at 24e. Cattle Markets. • lit.u.nßeena, July 2.5, 1519. Cantle—There was quite a large supply of Neeve. al the scales on Monday, and prima declined ;The ode, ings reintred 1050 head, of width 615 wen,. mid. ;.05 were driven to Philadelphia, and 100 remameli over sold. Price. ranged from 22,25441.00 on the goof, equal to 14A005.75 nett, and averaka4l2l,7s mom. Hop—Are scarce and in be”klemand .t el_soes,oci • PanArrimems,, nly 27 At niarket 1200 head of Dmerbetths, incendong 100 head driven to New York; 200 Cows and Calves, 450 110, Odd 1700 Sheep and Lambs. Pncalie-Beeves no change, skid shoot 7/ea l d sold Nltftnvlrr ° y 4P .l l l 4 .4.2 ' d fo C r o Springe C eV an ." d r fitcBArls 7 fo °6 l. fresh Cows. Hag. dull, md tha sales' wee in -W) at 51.500.11,624 P Ms Sheep and Labs—Sale. ranged:et 111,5005.00 each, according toyualDy. Hayj-Abontstationam with solos of old Timothy at 6508004 find new Cl 500000 p cwt. MAW brings 245,011011,00 p 100 boodles. Oil Market. New Banvoina, July 1841 J erlllc.—Conurnacs in good - demod, and prfees have farther Advanced. Seca 5:29 bbl at MSc, and NM blds at 105 c Nub. • • • Whale—Market firm, with a good demand. :Pales in etude about 40170 bbl.., u follbonu 2O bOls Rood ground tier at 30c. 2= tibia N W Coast at 40c, and i r is hbls do. or , Private terms. .•••• Whelebone-e•There has been tome activiry in the market-aince• our last,nod .104 Of about lOU OW E. have been made at an ad ranee oniorevious rakes. The transaerlons ineinde 37,710 the N W Cow, at Oe; GIGO 'Tim at . 4)kc; lONS lb. at 30e. anclo4o) lb. cr4 pron. tem.-vibe market eloamg firmly,. , North none Orobably to he obtained at the hut muted price. •Candies—finies n(203 born sperm nt nab; and 10d:bores ararte, 4 mos.. ~. OIL nap Bo,—The following is it aisiliement eif Sturm and Whale Oil and Wbalaboee Into the UnitedSrawa i for the Wank ending Joly 23, in4O, bi. air.' labia wn i none NaElnenet, IlinD WOO zono Faiihirynni 800 MO '5OOO liagliarbar, V4O {hen 50100 ---- TAillir :twl moo • ULM/ Previously, 75,051 920,11.3 4.2,41.G1U From Jktl. 1 to date, 77.01 221.515 u,23.i,71 Tnopn or AXES:CAS Ivathror.— Panne Pie past week We hare hod our attention railed to •nikher tn• omph of. American mmufactrire, that of pipdoeing French bitreges. Far the entire season otiOauction room. Rate been crowded with these goal.. All thought:Abut the Frenchman had catered wonderfully in duvets, pheuliarly suited to the American elate as well antes the prevailing whims, Until one of majobbers called upon an importer of whom ke had purekased a coach( Usegmi in tignyci n lits design was th inform him if not delivered soon he would withdraw front the purcheaK The importer was oat, and the seiesinan, who Wagrint so well posted ay td the import:Wen. in formed We jobber that hey would goon be forthhonting, as his elPployer was then shiner at the print; works, o ,r ,ex, tip i the r. w . e o x rk p ... e l!rie oe thr . iv ,. a . s the acerq of um were imp ted in the gray; and with the names came o working naii an• eastatneal to die preparatien el colors for this4loil of work. bargain was intmeritintir truck' s TIM the celebrated printers, Mawr*. Dutinell it Co an . all the barogesWhich have paid a pro6l to the producer are Yankee printing on imported Clothe —(H. Y. Ik2 Good. Ito ganef. Isight I Light. 11 Light ll t SrILE Justly celebrated banring Bald can had at the Ela.stera Lamp Stole, No. E 6 Thud street. betureed Wood and Market. For • portable house light it hail the preferenCe iri all of the eastern cities, being perfeettp safe Lind cheap void of Oroke, grease or any of the disagreeelle at. , o gus t rs!pr !Wets now in common toe; also, a beam,. fJ auortmeni of lamps et . the .latest platers. for burn. see the .illl4. }ratdiledp V. J. DAVID. DR. riTniggl., Corner orrourth and Deeatnr, between pery eer:o . J . To_ Compbc C$ . old dry 18 Y 8- ±O.bottrn'. 1893; Par ' e 1E140: Puns Julie oar "c.". Harris & Sons, Pare Juke, threbis, ble and *Tie n o ne wines ore .11 OOlehre ted for their medical noopordeS, be tusqvho,e sole or ,shtall el the Wino Moro of JACO JOIIPI ;M. TOWSiziESID, Initgest .14 ApotLeca rp No. Mark inante doora above Maid st. Pi burgh, will have enastandy °ahead a well snieeted tormented stia ben and freshest hiedielnenh which hi will **Won the Man TraumulAo ten.. Phitsicians sending Wars, will be prompay_atteesied to, and sup. plied with mkteo n they ti r isely hoop na gens4re. QT ria -W 1. Pieta syi will be neenratidy end aliateAy/Yln•Pare•brht.kale the Catiabdt, at any;lons o h * Ain Or Mk; • hurl flock Of trun ad gooiPesila: lab? RECORD. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. ARERIVF9• Atlantic, Parkinson, .Brownsville. L 01313 McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. TUSGSYCH •••••, Beaver. Exchanse,Snowdon, ancitunni. la cobs, Brownsville. • ' DEPARTED. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Tuscarora, —, Boaver. Baulk, Jacob, Brownsville. 11 S 1 7 19 iI 51 I 7 16 55 7 17 91 SG 7 16 41 57 I 7 15 59 7 11 45,1 713 Tan g r vaa,—Tkiere were 201 Incase iu the channel, by metal mark, last evening at duck, having swelled about an inch and a hall during the lust 24 houns. BOATS LEAVING THIS BAY. Brownsville Packets, 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. FOR PECILADELPIII., D. Leech dc co's, packet line. 9 P M 703 12.8.C.10ET. R, St RM . ( & CO'S Canal Packet, 7{ o'clock. r. JOURNAL OF TIIR FRAALLIN INSTITUTE OF 1111, RATS 01/ PI2IIIIMTLVAJILL, FOR TIER PROMOTIONotont BEECRANIC ARTS. T llE ., o l l . deat b f ! leiZnalic Periodical i, Tani !p . Ante t t;:- city o hon e se Zen ' repilLry n issid ' e n d for upwardsupwards oftwent-e:ar, and is carefully edited by a chmmince of acienufic gentlemen appointed for the potion., by the Franklin Inednate. The deservedly high repatauon, both at home and abroad, which thin Journal has acquired andsuntan ed, has given In circulation and exchange fatof the best character, which enables the Committee CM Fab. licetioi.• to make the best selections from Foreign Journola, and to give circulation to °runnel commum canonised meehanical and scientific subjects, and no tices edam inventions; notices ol all the Patents Issu ed in the Patent flake, Washing ton City, are publish ed In the Journal, together watt a large amount of in fonnatiou on Mechanics, Chemistry., and Civil Engi neering, derived from the latest and best anthoritles. , This Journal is published tut the first of each month, each number containing at least seventy-rwo pages and forma two volumes mmunly of about 4MI pages each, tllastrnted with eugravonri on copper and oa wood of Woes sub ject. which require them. The subscript on pine is Fin Dollars per 1117.1:12, payable on the completton of the sixth number, and it will be forwarded free of postage when five dollars are remitted to the Actuary (posulge paid) in advance for one year'. eubseriptiou. Communutadona and attars on haul:len most be di rected to ••the Actuary of the Franklin Institute, Phil adelphia, Peonsylvauta," the pontige paid. HAMILTON, Actuary F. l. UGARS—N. °nen., , Ratans, Loaf, Crash ed and Palvertzed, for sale by 1717 .l D WILLIAMS 10AlS1N8-1 e.Dee.llesN ISO lbs Layer; 28 }boo YAI 5; 20 l do do, for sale by /Yl 7 JD WILLIAMS BCIiOCO,LATE., &c.-181 b. Baker. Br o-1131: 30 do 'to N0..1 Chocolate; 10 do do Cocoa; 30 do Aufelb Co Chocolate, receiving to-day and for sale by %WALES & SMITH, 1017 18 ant/ %) Wood st AXTIETE HAVAZIA SUGAR-40 bzs topenoHrqu Y I y, for sale by 13 , 17 BAGALEY kamral THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm o et. C BRADLEY", ts dissolved by the decease of Mr. C. Bradley. The bosioess red! hotearried on by A. Bradley, who will settle the business of the lam firm. RENIOVAL.—A. B.DIJIT hes removed his Foundry Waren.. from No. 119 Second street, to N 0.19 Wood street, between First and Second streets, .o the warehouse I alely oecupied by C. A. Berry, where be will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Casungs. Grates, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, he. fyl3 CIGAR.. ---Imported Principes and Novenas, of all sixes and colors, of the most approved brAnds, for sale cheap by jylo JACOH WEAVER, Jr POTASH - 19 casks Potash , landing per canal boat J I Bennett, and for sale low to dote b 13 1 3 JAS DALZELL,Water st PECAN NUTS--I 0 bids Pee. Nuts, Just reed on consignment and for sale by Hqb MILLER & RICKETSON W. IL CHEFSE-57 bas prima W R land tog land by Lake Erie and M Lino, and for sale lose by /513 - JAAIES DALZELL iACON- casks clear Sides in atom; for sale by IYIJ ISAIAH DICKEY i CO, Front st OGS HEAT S-9 asks, 6 bbls in stoke; for solo by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO COTTON -1J bales now landinr, for sale by /YI 3 ISAIAH DICKEY dr. CO f`i LASS-100 bre tixlu Window'GWa4 75 do 10012 J Jo, 2S do 1011 , 1 do; 10 do 709 do received end for LL RIIEY, MATTHEW:4 . k CO, 103 Water st 13R0oNIS-30 doe uura. Corn Brooms, reed and (or Fab. by jyt3 HUEY, MATTHEWS kCO BACON-1500 lb. Sides and Stntaddera roe'd .d for II sale by iyl3 RHEY. MATTHEWS &CO CIOTTON-105 bolas Cows, store nod for sale by Hl3 RIIEY, MATTHEWo & CO 7) EACH BRANDY—aI bbla truce ycnr *la reactr 1 Brandy, reed on conallenment and for sale by lyu TASSEY A DE B T r`TANIARI SEED-4001ns reed and or sale by sea+ MAU'S & RE/TER - 4.1u - P. , TrsTzliiTait — ,,sralca; Lind will 1/...1 (or sada by LIY , I J. KIDD & CO UNI'rED STATES WHOLESALE CLOTHIAG WAREHOUSE! LEWIS. lIANFOB.D, Noe. 232, 231, la: and Via AuanStairryjbetween ratan Wand Thatling'Slip,) NEWS - ORK, Have on hand the largest asnorintent of CLOTHING IN THEtNITED STATat &Dan. TO OLLYILMCLITS. article of 191FMIT9 and DRAWERS, ora keep an endless vartety . Also the moat amenstre manufacturers of OH Clothing and Covered Lints In the world. PLAIN AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING Catalogues of stock sent by snail. promptly filled I.EW 1.7 & RAN FORD, rii7;; N.. 252, 254,:eat, and 200 Years st. N Y. Q A LERATCS--100 bze No 1, for sore by JPI 7 IJADALEN .4 SMITH MACKEREL -150 bbl. No 3, Mass inspection, IMO 71.1h1 do do lust received and for bale by MILLER & RICKFTSON. /71 6 172 and 174 Liberty st .411aCtldcr• and Sides, on consign ') merit and for sale by HAG MILLER b. RICKETSON A...ERATI.O/ bus Salariaus. past reed and for 0 sale by IVO • MILLER & RICK SON - FLANTY.TiciN NrOLAR 1,7 SES-300 tible sap. Planumoo Molasses, on do do sugar house do. in store and for sale by lytd MILLER & RICKETSON 00AP-150 his Lrovo Clillionle Soap; 100 bas L. Ido do. In sine store and for sale by IYI 6 MILLER & lIICKF.TSON Copaortsitarah — - THE anderalgned EMI! nue day aascmlated with men, in bound.* JACOB L. SCHWA RTZ, and will con tinue the box:neve as heretofore, under the firm of Juir R 15-19. R. A. PA/Mb:STOCK & CO 171 j Scol CH ALK-50 don pints, fre,n onpostation, to arrive in a day or so. r•ale by H J 1 0 ACOB WEAVF.R. Jr • AcialcturCßE. dening. Ac. Bien; do Cottage Stesidences, deo; on Fru. of Al:l<ne I. Unto; do do do. colored plum eves London Gon nog for Ladies, lihno; The Rose, its culture. An. Biro, by Parsons, Allen on the Grape, no; Piece's l'onsolog.cut Manual, Poo; do on the Grape, Bvo, London A rricuitore. thick i!vni do Cianlnking thick `lon, do Tr,its and. Shrubs, thick Bvn; Ihrontne's florticultarisb Oro; Amencen Agriculturist, SvO. For side by J D LOCK WOOD, 63 Wood st DERFCNIERY—Himers Lily White, if sixes, do 1 Bear's (Al, do Beef Marrow; do Yhilieome; do Nymph hoop, foal received and for sale by /Yl 6 R E SELLERS RIOE,--1.5 tierces Corollas, 1,0 arms; for Pale 0y C. H. (.RANI. 1 EAD—ltih piss Galenalend, in store and for sore by ry lb JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO &egs assorted hbot, for - sale by 131 6 0 J AbIES A HUTCHISON & CO Tj f• 31P —136 bales &besot's, Hemp, for sale by jl JYI6 JAMES A HUCCHISON & CO iLI - 01 , 6E.AUSVREP=10 bbls and bbls, and 10 Fol. kJ lon kegs.- for solo by JAMES A HUTC.IIISON & CO, ryto Agents for St Louie Steam Sugar Refinery SVGA ft 110 - 118fi ItifiChhhc.*S-10 bole SI Loots So. Far house Molasses, for sale by JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO REFI. ED Stir/AR -10 W Vile loaf, crumbed, pow dered, and clarified Snare, fur wile by JAMEY A HUTCHISON b. CO, /YI O Agar SI Lours Swain Sugar Refinery . A MERICAN VERMILLION—t caw Jun reed and A for wile by jyll R E SELLERS Slll TVRPENTINE AND TANNERS' 011,L:5bbla üb,pcs received aud for sale by 11 1 1 R E SELLERS 100PER'S tics jnetreed _sale by 411 R E SELLERS SU4AR3--e'er tale wholesale ao3 r retail, all grad., by Yl9 JACOB WEAVER. Jr l r- 1 , I 1 .,, EC ,, A k 1 , , w 1 Ft.) ,. R.V r..1 A A n fii , D . it El nd ll y N m 'E u ll n t i t „ .- i /le e By FM." Parionun, Jr.. with it:dation°. by Mar ley. In one not. Idaw. For axle by /Y , JAMES LOCKWOOD _ _ EIUSEICK CCIAAIPABNE WINE-15 unsliCia 1.1 ; pinto and quarts ado. celebrated Wine, suet to band sold sor tale J ACOB WEAVER- Jr bb(. tine Piour, an excellent arnele, in good order; SO do do do common, for sale by SELLERS NICOI.S 13 A ' Y C U USC=4 0 tants Sides; 2I) do Sslouldera N do Hams, so store and for ode by Dr , SELLERS k NICOLE nut) ANDTINRIXIS ILI. - NZ 1 i 0 I_l Lard 00; Id do Linseed 011, for sale by /TO SELLERS k NICOLE IWIG trine ANCIUNT +lr 1110(oG Y.--oreciaTt 11 and Romeo Mythology, for colleges end Schools, by M. A. Dwwht; with 'Aelttteert illustrations in out line. Ithno. Just received and (or sale by 1/ .9 JAM/63 13 LOCK WOOD. 67 Wood st MT !STAR'S BALSOM-13 do. on hand and tor sale V V by RID I. - KIDD & I j IVERY PPRCHASER OP DRY OOCTDS oho - ia .E. 4 call al SIXSON te CO'S cheap One Price Store, Go Market sweet, for bargains. They sell good fast co lored Linens for e cents; Org.ndie do for 10e; Scotch thoghams 10e; fast cord Calicoes ale; fine Hammack do se; best quality do tOe; nob 4.4 do, Itlfej Brown & blemished Mushas 41e; Gloves 4 cents: Aluslm and lane Collars Of to elegant Aluslin Capes front 73 ow to *1(01, .ogether with thsgreatest variety of other cheap goods to be found in the \Vestern country. Remember the number, 60 Market O. ;711 A it M AGRICULTURE, Ttc.—Amencan Farm cr's cis/podia, Coo .Lindley's Vegetable Kingdom, Bro. Davy's Discourses on Agriculture, ke, ltmo. riot/ord.—The Plato, bro. Liebig's Agricultural Chemiatry, lamp Minor's American Doe B.*, 12 am. Allen's American Parra flook, Moo Allea's Domestic. Animals, 12mo. IVcbster & Part's Domestic Economy, thlct 9vo. For sale by JAmpz D LOIOCWOOD, at TA dll- 19 czak&gootl P0:1 - Wijit nom. 03 Wood P ,yd FPGILLS & ROE TWO LINEN —A few pieces country Tow Linen, in stare; far sale. ty6 AVGILLS &ROE LINTATION MOLASSES-40uburet/ In pn P . packageq alio, 100 ht 7 1 MALLS & 1108 The country, all around, is a very fertile ace and we should say, from examination,- that the yield of oats, and hay has been very heavy this year, though the wheat crop has been somewhat injured by the rust. We were delighted :with our ride from Monongahela City to Browns.lbi, though we missed the way, and spent some 11111113innger on the road than we would have done were it not be this accident. At the distance of about three miles from tot, town, the view of the mountmes truly magnificent. The son was setting as W 41.1 ap proached it, and we could see his rays reflected from the windows of name booms about I 5 miles distant, gleaming like burnished gold. The dark MUMS of foliage crowning the summit of the mountains and clothing their aides. agreeably re. keyed by the golden hue of the crops on the clean ed portions, together made a smite of beauty well worthy the pencil of the painter. The buay lawn of Brownsville, with its mope and smoke, always, appears to us bke a miniature Pittsburgh. The buildings of which the town composed, are very much scattered, though fast h ling up, and assuming that somoirr of appear ance so indicative of a thriving business town: The daily line of steam boats between Bream. vtlle and this place bring them within a few hours travel of each other, and the morning papers of Pittsburgh are sold in Brownsville tu thy after noon. We were glad to see in moot of the form houses on our mute that the "Gazette" was taken, and properly appreciated. It has a large circula tion in this region. . . . DRY Wumax—The present month has been one of the direst me hove experienced for several years, es, from the drat to the tinny best, only one Inch of rein has nillen, as follows Name's OPTICC, ALLIGUENY, Jour 30 —A eon aiderable number:of doggery house keepers were brought up this morning, charged with selling 11- auoiroe the Sabbath, stud were bound erreelitr . er pear at the next term of the Court of Quarter See eons. Potrce Omens—Nothing of importance has been smog on to day m any of the Pittsburgh dr Allegheny Police °them Ltaterrtria.—The lightnicg yesterday afternoon, struck the budding lately occupied by the Messrs. Holdship, all a drying loft, but mom recently, di vided into darelhog houses. It tore to pieces ti.e whole building frum top to bottom, hot, though the house was filled with people, I t did no further damage. or.di k Inds. rhts body met last night at the vans; hour, the President, El/MUM Dram Eso.on the Chair A petition for a gun lamp at the corner of Wood street, Fifth street, and Vu-gin Alley, whicti,lit Com mon Council, was referred to a committee on gas lighting, was read and concurred in. A resolution relative to a plank nand on Bedford street, rend and adopted in C. Council, wee con- carred in. A resolution relative to Cherry Alley, read in C Conned and refereed to Street Commiitee, was taken up and concurred in. An ordinance passed in Common Conned chan ging the place of holding electionn in the 4th ward was concurred in. A resolution referring io abutment ou Duquesne way, which, in C. Council, was referred to com mittee on Allegheny wharf and City CollerlinflVe, read and concurred in. A resolution empowering the street C—namts sioner of the 2d District to expend $5O, which, in Common Council, was referred to the street coto• allttne, with power to act, was read . action eon - curled in. A petition relative to Pine street was ordered lie on the table. The action of C. Council ii relerence to a water pipe in Caldwell at. 4 concurred in.; A communication from the Mayor. relative to [tract preaching, which, by C. Council, wee refer red to Pollee committee, waa read, and amen con- A petition relative to Strawberry A lley, referred to:Street Committee. A petition as to drainage, which by C. Council, was referred to street committee, was read; ammo concurred in. A petition relative to a water pipe wax ordered to he on the table. A petition relative to the condition of Grant St , referred to Street Committee. Report of Water Committee with resolution, which on tab of June was laid over, and gizmo by Common Council was referred book lo Commit tee, was laid on the table. A resolution relative to a lost warrant, adopted 'n Common Council, was concurred in. Iteeolution as to gas light in Mulberry Alley, was by C. C. referred to nor:manse on gas lights, salon concurred in. A communication from the Finance Committee, in reference to the negotiation of o loan was read , and further time allowed fur the performance of the Committee's duty. A resolution from the water committee ordering that a surplus of the loan recently obtained Mr the redemption of scrip, should be appro priated for the payment of contracts made payable is scrip—postponed for the present A resolution of street et:tamale° authorizing the Mayor to itmuto warrant. (or the indetnroGention.of Mr. W. Alexander, way read and laid over for fur- they consideration A communicattue was read flees the City Solis A resolution furnished by a minority of the street committee, relative to the tumor; of Rosa street, was read and diseuesed, at last was referred back. to street committee, with orders to report on Wed. nesday evening. Mr. Shipton offered a resolution authorizing the water committee to arrange water`pipes in 6th and Grant ate.—read three mines and adopted. Report of Committee on Fire Engines, ltc-, to the effect that the expenses or the Committee exceed the sum appropriated by a sum of nearly 55,000. This report was accompanied by a read• lotion requesting tba Committee on water works, to carry out the action of Councils about increasing the number of fire plugs; report was received and resolution was three times adopted. r3=l There was another resolution authorising the addition of $3,000 to the appropriation for the nft Engines and Hose Companies. This eras ;read three times and passed. Several accounts and claims were received and resolationr accompanying them were adopted. LOCAL MATTERS, ►OH TEI ►QL2HDHOIt DAILY GAZITIZ Trip to the Country Po. I We determined last week to breathe, for a few hours at least, the pure air of the country, no, leaving Pittsburgh, we rode via Birmingham and; Street's Run, to West Elizabeth. The ride was a very pleasant one, since we passed through a eectioa of country as much favored by nature, in regard to beautiful scenery, as any other with which we are acquainted. We saw, on all sides, numerous indicitions of the prosperity of that most estimable class of our citixena, the farmers, in the shape of well flied barns—neat dwelling houses—fine orchards--weli tilled and fertile fields, and stock of the very beet descripuone. West Elizabeth is a pretty little town, inhabited by a thriving population, whose , chief buameas is coal boating. The bill of one foot Olney w ship, coal to New Orleans, wan MOO in six month, for cores furnished to the crews of their boats. The business like town of Elizabeth is opposite to this place, and is particularly noted for the excellence of the steam boats built in its bent yards. This branch of business, which hat been rather doll far some time past, is now rapidly revising, and will, we hope, be shortly as flourish- log as ever. Three or four very fine boats, are now on hand in the various yards. The flouring mill of the Z.. Coors. Applegate is doing a good buil mess, and the numerous saw mills around seem t 4 prosper. The Mansion Hoare kept by Mr. Jamefi Mtllikin, is an excellent hotel, and one which wd can conscientiously, judging from personal expe. Hence, recommend to our friends. The Exclumgd Hotel, Mr. D. Sarver Proprietor, is also deserving the attention of travellersosince its landlord is a very worthy and polite gentleman. pietist ride brought us to Monongahela City cf= saes from Elizabeth. This town is a vary thriving one,—well built, and rapidly growing into an important place. The numerous gins works, Foundries, dour, nod saw mills, lan yards, and the fine woolen manufactory now in process of erec tion, all indicate that it is inhabited by an industri ous population. We will to morrow give a desermtion of our iait to Uniontown and Fayeue Spring, On the 6th of July, 7th " 20th `• 2.5 th Se/eot Counel/ ANTIELISONTO !LSD WHIG TICKET =UTZ, WILLIAM HASLETT, of Butler County. Anonutia, ROBT. C. WALICF:H., of h:Ouuhoth Borough J 011 1 ,7 MILLER, of Sharpsborgb CALF.I3 LEE, of l'otaborott. WM. ESPY, or Lose,. St Clan sax 7T, CARTER CURTIS, of Pinsbargb raoranscrreer, S. HAYS, of Upper St. Clan lIIIWSPE., JOHN hIOHRISON, of Allegheny nounisstomr. JAS. MITCILELL, of Peebk, WM. M. A RTHUFM. of Dituburgh. ororron. JOHN DYERS of Fiat!loy. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER ~,rs • ME subscriber, who ban been in /manes. # in the same huildtng for the last thirteen years, is seiner at/ deacriyalons of Fine Gold and Si!. vet %Vetches, Jewelry. and Silver Ware, at triad, at the very lowest prices. Gold 01,0 Silver English Patent Lever Watches. Gold and Silver Doi hd Lever and Lep.. Watches. Gold and Silver llorixonhxl owl verge Watches. Gold and Silver Independent Second Watches for timing hones. Gold Guard, fah and vest l chatns. Gold Spectacles. Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pew. Ladies' Gold and SlOue Bracelets. Gold Lockets. Gold and Silver 'Humbles. Desmond /Lap and Pins. Ladies' and Gmatemens' BMW tplll3. Sterling Silver Spoons, Caps, Forks, eke. Gold Watches as low as In to St/ each. %% l atches and Jewelry exchanged. Spoons and Fors plated on li to fim article. All watch k es warranted to keep good , time or the money retur,d Jewelry repaired, and Watches cleated and repared in the bast manner, at much less than the usual rnes GEG. C. ALLEN, I e porter of Wt.-h e s and Jewelryho . wlesdle and, rotnlop NLW YORh. fa h:di:ma WESTERN ItISURAYCII CiIAIPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. J. Plant,. Jr.. eee-y. I R Miaow, Jr., Prest Will insure against all kinds or reeks, FIRE AND MARINE. 4 LL losses will be liberally anausied and promptly 11 paid. A borne instautiou—managed try Ihrocront who are Well known ni the communaty, and who are determin ed I.y promptness mulliherality to maintnin the char acter wh.rh They have assumed. asoffering the ben protection to those who dewro to be Insured Lintac - rotts--R. Miller. Jr., Geo. Black, J. W Butler, N. Holmes, Jr, Wm. 11. Holmes, C. Ihmsen, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. 111. Lynn, i.e. Lappincen, Thos. K. then, James Al'Ati:ey. Moe. Nintick, Thos. aeon_ ( Isnot, No..A Water street, (warehouse °I Spang Jc Co.. up •3411.0 Pnaeberah. mildly J. T. DE:CI:ERR & ROMINSON, noiLosatt, or LIGHTNING RODS, 03 A taG3TIVIC. earacustm Orders left Si the Post t ghee. or at Jars. Erwin's, on Fourth se, between Market and Ferry, wail receive prompt 11.11V011. Rurstumem.—Prol. Horace Webster. Geneva, N. Y.; Prof. Chest, Dewey. D 11. 51 D., Rochester. N. 1 . J. L. Cameo, and ilarnlltoa L Smuts. Cleveland G.; G. K. Shoenberger, J. Ilawthurn. Michael Joueo, J . C. Williams. and Capt. Good, Can:moan tulnaltf JCOI( WFA V ER, Jo, Wholesale end Retort Deo'. ler to Foreign Wines and Liquors. and old Morton robelo Rye Whiskeys. corner First and it arket sis. in Both& 1100Kts!'—Layolo JernitirM n its Ku damns.; by Isaac Taylor, author of Natural Dm toes of Enthusiasm." Sketches of Scottish ("Stitch History, by 51`Crie. Memoirs of the Rev Thomas 11alyberion. with an appendix, embraeing an account of th e Church of Scot land dociog his 11.1' Thy I.lfe of 10. 0 Johnson, 1)y the Rev. J F English edition. • a ß Strzo *‘' ; '"d4 e "4th t 'i re ' g . 7 h Throe . O l .iev.lo;geVtt lt7ry 11:C -frland, D ). lilmmal Preabytery. by S. Nltller. D. D., with an appeindu, by the Rev. J. G. Latimer. A Doctrinal. Expert:not/tat and Practical Treatise Cm Effectual J Poole. M Poem. by AmeltA Gn band and (or sale hy jed ut.uorr & ENGLISH. %Vood st L‘ORIDILPA: AND DOMESTIC LIQUOItti--A gene X oral nmortincut always band and for sale by 'Haut) IV A. AI MITCHELTHEE SODA ASH—In casks and barrnla. Warranted beat quality, tor tale by JOHN APEADEN A Co. J ool Canal Damn - 141 - TiritiraTTs HUM WRITING !HUBERT'S SUPERIOR RED INK. HIRBERTS NIACIIINTE COPY INK. /ILL these differ from ordinary Ink, as they are all chemical vcdutionk containing no *tad Mauer. freely from any kind of pen—the color deep, bright and durable. If them have been better articles made, I have nallhef seen ror heard of them. Sorn- Ple bottles Call be 041.41114 d gratis. by the inerehim. generally, from R. A. Faber...rt. fc Co, Henry P. giti.smrta, Allegheny, or En the manufacturer, THO'B. C.IIIIIHERT. Druggist and eh,m,gt, corner of ilk, ty and Rmithbetd streets, I . ..burgh, Pa. -PLB —Any lionni 11. giving complete eatisfnetion, tan be returned and the pone vr.l be refunded. Ptfact slalLitaCtniivrvrtrvE incites. 1-ID .!-I0 4-10 3 ID rex mtn.n, 0.0 aa.t.remorm ELLico rrs NM.) POST-OFFICE. rots.GorioN or .lira. Lincoln Phelps Ansi4ted by many able ProjeaJoru and TeLker. LI AL Lf e stA 243 . n 4, 13147, yror °fa th . o 35th the new year c. accortulakbaZed ann . ; line vane. tun wnth hoard at :he Imolatie , wider prop, roper v./. or Inslmmon. 'farm, 82.1 a, 'or board and ail aceeasattes conneeied WWI it. and for F:ntelnh educe 'Awn for the neloolaatic ) ear of turtv•four week.. Ao. cornphahmeata. Languacea. ,c ante board to coca vont. antra charges. For beatthinine. of lota., (4/wawd to a hieh and salubrionii renntanso n'eaucy of •renery, andlarndtp on acres' , nor trare/Icr. Ihr Putnp,o onstar pans& 71131 ll} nov e leo Leon...rine Inner-al .‘ , a d ne,n n op nn,...1 n'.l4 , ..t'ian. are On the p k., tad I.y pet, n.,1 No•citt prorperity in,T..13.60rr--ilialc A VA LA (41:.E FARM r;l , l,ANdd, i o Low /A. Cr l'ln.r taw nanny. I.eraln y coo. on nunnla ONE II VN DK I. It AND TW ...TY ONE wob Danihn; Ilona, Horn. Ate, thereon. q nalny a .and a rfe.:lens. and It. ronycni .4.4 In um r.Lrlle,r4b, lo.,tion. It .1 told pre V.Oll. 10 th , 24.1 h ~. ,..rmbrt. 1,49. II wol ,614 on we prercuists, al n'c:ork. I' :11 For term. enTddre. 11( JOSEPH I3(D, Moon towns/up Ai ro y 4,ory. or IM , . M. MA 11 , 11.A1.1.. Anorr,y fl In 1,00 hat: .1, Pat.loorzh. DELI SSI/lONE. J. G. & G. W. CARR, WHAL:RONK CUTTER , . AND MAN C rAcTu RI.RS OF PAR cn NE. {VIII I'. BONNET AND DRE_R, RUNE:. T E r,—r.cuultv caN the to.etoon Me ee V Y Dealersto the .ore,st nod Le•O raritycm the aliqvo oroelna Ito. cay, lt• the .uwe.t ..\o. Ids N. 'nerd clone Race, kolgoning the Elagth Ithtel. VIII LAW:IA.IIIA. ;yl7:enolm Assignee's Notio•. IITHEREAS. Breland° South lied t.eoree A John- Tv soii, Merchanta of the eity of rißstiargh. tradhig Wale, the firm of Smith & Johnson have made to the nth:crib., on assigement of all their Estate for the benefit of all their creditor,at shrill within two months from the data thereof e.rove and dollar, to the said Smith & .I.lnoon a lenrelrare of Ull their respechve demi- add deemed. Nonce Ls itereby given that the unstrionent and re- I lea , is now hi the office Cl the suitsertner. on Fourth I ctreet, to tor city of Pittnburgh, In inspection and sac , tiaiure atilt, all whom it may concern. • tytlalttnio Wll. Met:ANL/LESS, Assignee. At Usc.4l I Nl . :l7lfCri—lVbite aod restored, a lift sup,tly n at Ory lsood• Houne of W rilk.lll PUY, 100 N E corner 4th And Markel Bn'otiliV-20 c.c Ino 17, l. Airman's Superinr,..lor Diarrhata, &c.. to o ar c ri c vet. Thin commended oarn•eent cordial can he relied upon con/idenee. Per•ons "clotting to buy had better cut. soon. For nate by ,1 10 JAC.OII WEANrga, 111LORIDE OF IA NIF,—On bond sod for num by %.-/ J. & co r la ,n lzt . Co o !: Phihisis, by Cowan, llotnitern Medico! bletionaryt Dungleutnht do dot Cooper'. Surwal El, (I:belt...Sys ent of Surgery, lithson , do do, Abernetny'm Wart., 2 vnit, Inuparet t un 011 the Cieron, 11one on the Heart, _Novcimhier's Anutotny, Wilnoa ats I/locomen of the Stun Pereira', ,Mote nn Met,. and Therapeutic, Chapatoin on Eruptive rectos, do on the Thornier and Ahd v an nu i Vincerat Wood's 1d,,. 01 Medicine; Dunctenost, du do. it:her:ten do do. Also, a I,lrce and frrsh supply of Mass. $. 8. 1:111011 Boats, on aro.d and inr by J n ELL. i urr h I- (il.lqll. 79 Wood et API IU I Ins, onna) . ; : a /kr i s „ Lor & s.%,..,y 14 , U f U(•k:H CHOLERA Al EDICI kji t, , i n no lotad and D 1 0 1 . ) ACW%—,1.10.1, Shoulders •Il mon, In smoke and for tale by _Jr.: lElt h /ONES WASTED A yowl' iron ton wholesale and retrul dry good. store—one ecqungoted way the busmen*. nod t•ro cone well recomotruded Apply nt 6'2Nln•ket •t. jyt.::tr }it }f„"..1"1:,"‘" I .4 °‘ C ' l7 l" 3AMP totr:d wr •rde. t.y ./ /Yl2 J ! , .I'l!fit ,,, NlA/ZrK h rtl C O , P y l;t : ILA S —3O bid 11 5 11 , 7 s i.; 1 , 1! 1 1 ( y IAHII 61 1 ,7 ft, td,:, qunlay, for ..ahr .4 l 2 1 & CO cask, Blear Soles /ti •tore, tor . oale /Yl , , 1 , 01011 ''' •—• ""N" 7;: ' .11/\ ' 1 . 1 k CO Ncwx, for onlini74Z lilt J SI2III•ONM.,Ith:hII2 & CO, N %rood et rJt.l WI) a )OFINt. guporlor (parity, , i7r .al.- J ;WM VI AhE.ll& 4 . 4) IVAToii Es AND J'F,a —The, .” I .crtlior hla how cn: .t 1 n fine ~....ortro,tt of Eng• 111/11i r•c.eva 1:not a4td raw. lxver Watch ..., al pow-, a. ar• fdlerrd ;LI ad la Food order 611 , 1 warraiiled \ VI (.r r ket al% CARO. • 1.11-ruk....,r.. with them to holc• lair tiroceo, ?mat,. Cg , 1111111%4111111 bar.ll,,e vile be roe...led us LIALI:11 Ulmer Ole tutu 01 floboooa Lu tie :4 Co. LI Prix Co P'" :o . ;: " l ', :rc ‘ r ' in h :s 7. o .'l .::41 dca,r4 rn I . IItAL 7 urgil blnitufa•qurc«. 903T.11081no,Ttlo• 1.,11. SA, 9 noeu.n. It KPAIRINI. Ilt am W Oraur9PF. car. tied on with rperinl darr nod eltrglion. Hay loft the most ekillal and experiettord workmen In my employ, nod givIIF o ono , tht perannal attention to Hits braurli, I cam promhdf dir hest sa 18190301110 all who may lava, me wills the. work. lV W WILSON, Watea Maker, ,YII 07 Mark, rt 'lr. lIJH r CUMMI I I tld•inth• cth thld,r, Inlarmalind Ld regard to the pher of doa at cur .o toe oily weekly. the character of Me md the uge ot the pormira, would respect e-que rt the Old to report to them at the Comm Atee ttooa, Old Court II rote. on Friday evemog or earl, week 100 JOHN at1711..L. Ch' to VINE :tI , F HES—Mc/elm. Airman, Java, Layuttn, St Do:unapt and Um Coffctu. lust reed and for Wain at Ihr 1N.4,11 Tee Store. 70 Fourth al. totrit2 AiSINS ltNftcluttlt ui. prime Wu 00 all drums fresa Ftga, lust reetatve-d Ind :or sale at the Yektu Tea Otore, 70 Fourth street. mr.t2 MISCELLANEOUS, W. W. IA PITTSBURGH PRIFINCH RUHR MILL STONE and MILL FURNISHING ISTARLISELNLENT, Non. 244 and 246 Libeny wee, near the Canal. French Rare gtones, of my own manufactare, made of • new nod superior quality of Blocky, partic ular one at taken to have the joints made elan, and all the blocks In each stone of a uniform quality. They are warranted to be equal to soy in the country, and superior to the great man of Barra, whether of foreign or dorneeue munutactura and .old at the lowest pri ces. Mill Stoats, manufattured in Pounce—a gene- Lauret H ill ral arson:nen, Mill Stones, •Il reduced always on hand. Belong Cloths, Anchor Stamp, warranted best quid tip, nod at nratlY reduced price. Mill Spindle, Mill Irons, Screw, and Picks, Plat form Seal., Corn and Cob Grinders; Grist and Saw Mill clastingr of all kinds, and Mill Ftimisiung in gen era]. All orders promptly attended to at 214 and 248 Lib erty street. near the Canal, Pittsburgb. W. W. WALLACE. Pittsburgh Stearn Marble Works. ATO. 244 LIbEETY, opposite Suuthfield tireet.— 11 Marble Mantles, Monomebt,Tomb,Table Top, k.c.. a large variety of the most beautiful kind, ramie of the finest quality of foreten and domestic marble, always au bind or made to order, by the aid of ma chinery, on the shortest notice and at the lowest prise.. N. 11.—The Country Trade furnished with all kinds of Marble at the lowest rates. All orden promptly at tended to at 144 Liberty, opposite Smithfield at mySikdem W W WALLACE SIM UT ZIA OHIBLEGS. T ELL'S Pamnt Stone or Froimh Darr SMUT MA .11 CHlNE—the best article of the kind in nac; they run light, clean fast, do the work well, and will lam Jae tune. About fun of them we in use, to the best mills in the country, and we nave the s trongest testi mony of competent persona as their superiority over all other Smut Machines. For further particulars, ad dress the subscriber at g 44 Liberty st. Pittsburgh. myilithdam W W WALLA DE Qi TEAM ENGINES AND BOILERD—For dnst, saw 1/9 and other mills, always on hand, or made to order on very short nodes, and at the lowest prices. All or ders promptly attended to at 244 Liberty street, near the thmal. myna W W WALLA," PLASTERw,ayonPit.Rolda t did ts , n b L y alr . E other purposes, t. my 39 W W WALLACE n - Ylnatlrre — C , EMMilivay. on hand, at - 344 Liberty at. my3o W W WALLACE G EINDSTONEY—AOI otoo and grits, always hand at 044 Liberty street. on royjn TEASI TICA.I9II TRAM!!! IT is with pleasure that the subscribers inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and vi r-r, tinny that they have completed arrange menu with Messrs. J. C. Jenkins Cc Co., of Philadelphia, to receive their superior PACKED TEAK, And will hereafter be kept constantly on hand. They arc neatly end securely put up in metallic packs of 1, and I lb. each, wfth then pnntr.d card—showing the kind --_ of Tea, pnce, neat, of the concern and depot in tuladelphta, with an ingllnnon to velum the Tea, if not liked. 1 GGunpowder• ••• • • •G2l 75 1,00 0,25 1,50 0 si Imperial 30 75 1,110 1.13 1,50 ull yson 50 611 75 1,00 1,25 IV. liyaon 50 621 73 1,101 1,251,50 ~.. j Black 371 50I" 5 Fine and ea tra Fine. .75 1,00 1.23 1,30 We will warrant all the T1:1,8 we sell to be equal to, if not suessma to any sold in this city, and should MeV not prove acceptable to the thole, the; min be re turned, and the money will be refunded, as it in only with that understanding we sell We a•k a fair trial, that the public moy be able is 'edge between oar Teas and those heretofore sold by other companies in this city. All loners of rich, delicious and good flavored TEAeI, should give us u call. For sale by N W cornet 441 and Ferry ueen. and E. YOLNG & CO, S YY corner 3d and Ron etre-rts =l= DD. W. H. DANE, - DENTIST, le. (Late or New York.) Orme—Smithfield meet, between Seventh and Strawberry alley. N. B.—Dtseame attic, mouth, gums and teeth treated Hompoptuiteally. jefiatku --- CONTINUATION OF THE GREAT DALE AT A. A. SEASON it. CO'S ONE PRICE STORE, Al ml! greater Redsired 'Pricer. A. M. On CO. deldroucpf reducing and ciceing out Melt Stock preparstary to receiving their New Fall Goods, will offer greater inducements thou ever. Tbeir recent large purchase. et the New York Sales, made at each immense sneribees from cost,will all be closed out the same mlnons rules. Amongst the articles recently ripened. they mention: 6 cases fast colored lawns, at 7 ets " ' " and Muslim, I and 9c A large stork Silks. Shawls and Visors, very low. et hi de Lames 12/c lot Be SS at one ball once t Cringhasas sr the " a Fhobroldenes, very cheap " " Bonnets, half pnee " Genet y, Gloves, Laces, Tnrarturtge, he 7 cases Merrimack Calicoes, at fic 5 ISlet Calicoes to nip 20 " and bales brown and bleat-heal blatant. cheap. Irish Linens et IGe; Linen Grouter. trae Bonnet Ribbon 9 and RS.; (doves st to %Yoh an tenniense variety or other Goads, all of winch will prove a easing to purchasers or from 25 to 50 per cent. 'pee store will be closed one day for marking down and preparing the stock for the sale 19 7 A A MASON h CV PICKLE.S, rati.SlaatVEs, &a. WELLS, MILLER & PROVOST 217 liront arra, New York, ATANUFACTUREIO. , of .very variety of LU. Prearmer, Jellies; Jams, Cateope, Sauces, Sy - mita, Vinegar„ Mustard, Spleva, Extrhrts PATE:NI' PU.LSERVF.D PROVISION 4, tech a Oysters Lobsters, S2iIIIOII, Mretteref, Shad, Moat s ' ingpirtfirtnsPiThrilteiretir., - 1411ad Olts, birth*. enVtir Iret4 Conthmente, mt. Their stock Is more eXtenatve,ampses e greater variety, and is put tip In better style than that of any other House In their business in the Iluneti States.— Their goods are packed in all the various packages, and in so safe a manner as to bear trentsportatiou to any part of the country. N. LI. ematogues may be seen at the office of this Paper. enLs in Boston. Silas & Co. Pailaaelphise Jos Li Bussisr lialumor, A ;fart &Son. SI. I.e. lhicitanau dr. Co Losisvlns: John Fonda a Co, ClA.eltinitl. Henry IlsoFhinan ja:3l.kattos Oen(lements Furnishing Warehouse. ERRICK 1c SCUDDER, 9.5 William street, New York, MANLIPACTURERS. Importers. wd Dealers in SHIRTS, DRPISSING ROLIE.S., LINEN COL LA SS, STOCKS, SHOULDER MACES, CRAVATS, oPERA 'VIES. SCARFS, NIONEY BELTS, L'N UER I; AMR ENTS, OLOVt et, s Art Ns. LINEN BOSOMS, HAP:Ugh:RC/II EFS, HOSIERY, IieCKLLS, SLIs- FENDER:3, BOMBAZINES, ice lee. The above stock will. on exarratiwon, be fount not only attractive extensive and (WI, but Cheap.' Our long experience in the bonne. and Knowledge of inanufactunug. with the fecibties of puichasing, are such OKI We me Confident we can otter 1114ueernelill that cannot he surpwsed by any House in the city. Particular attention paid to enters and the packing of goods. 95 & SCUDDER, 95 William at, prolate Platt, New VOA. DAVID l. 1.2131 C(. =SALw. ACIIIIIICSA jutted:lw w tua t e e . n h e o t : n U th F i L e *l t ' uo lir 11 °UF-6F.F:PlN(:—t3lnnk. for , us printed on the rovers. A steer supply jult rune, rad tram New York, owl for elle by Juln JOHN MELLOR, 61 Wood et ATIIENIIIaI SALOON, AND BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. LL, Lege to inform the inhabitants of Pitt. burgh and victmly, that he has opened the above establivomcnt. where every attention will be pang to Lye comfort of those who may favor hint with call. Lawny etreet, between venh and Wood. tee Creams end all other delic S a e ctea t of the season. luth:dly DISSOLiTION THE partnership heretofore existing between Sam uel B. Bushfield end William B. Hays, trading under the bran of 13C.SHFIF.L.D& HAY'S, has this day le a chest:dyed by AVilimm B. Hays selling . his entire interest In the firm to S.ll. Bushfield. Alt nceoutt. due the firm Wai Ort collected by a B. Iturthfseld, and all debts due by the late Arm to be plod by the same. W. 11. 11,3113. Piu•burv,,h, Jame 41.30. CO-PA RTNEILSNIP.--S. D. Illummirmt having this day associated with himself Drat Limn., formerly Pa., and recently of the National Hot.l, I t awburgh, will continue the business under the inn of 1.11.16111 , 11.1LD ft LEADER, at the old stand, No 2,M Liberty street. S. 11. BUSHY:ELI), • rittsburgh, June oa. ISM. 11. LEADER. Ilavenfr retired from the former box:flees, I take pleaueuro n, recommendeng my suceeokor. to the pa rostmee of my customer. and We publicFee:orally. :127 . :1 VI A SH SUMMER GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. ALEX AN DER A DA V, :a Market street, northwest corner of the Diamond, are now opening a choice thick of nosh SUMMER EttODS. A large porno', of these, goods hove recently been purchased at a peat snenlicc, Aim the Auction Sales at the East, and frmn the icininters and manufacturers. %Ye have titteided upon utlenng this %lock or good. at pnces so red. , ced vs to meet me approlistion of those who do business on the cheap cash ponciple. The Silk Dephrouent la very extennve, embracing the different kinds of dress and inanulla Sat. de Chen., and Can . /ell:so Urn de Illones. rhe Shawl Department embraces o splendid assort mem of India Crape Shawls, from the lowest ptis. the hoc. qualities, elegantly embroldc red. Alto. ce fire• nubile, Remise, Mohair, Nett mid spleudal figured Silk Shawls. SCARFS—BIack silk, berage and Ciraimillue Scarfs. BERAUK and other thin DRESS GUODS---E,eigont and none .tale. of Damen, Via Tmears. mu! taller Uresp. Gonda, wpltity of the a tiennou of the ladies. LAWNS! LAW Nti:t —ln the Laws, department, oo r : addttions nom the En:stern :summits are quite large e embracing elegant 5, yle• at ccin ark I'l4 low prices. Imported and Donn,. I.:tugboats. Prints and Chnitses, Drown and Bleached Marlins, Cheeky,'l',r tog., Flannel.. Superior English and Freed, Cloths and Catislmeres, Santee. mid /ran, Pantaloon Stripes 0.11 All of which in oifercd at such a 'eduction of prier.. that purchasers cannot fail to be pleased. )y. ALLX ANDER A DAY CLINTON k•Aph,aL DILLE_ Tiz L0;:f.,,F1 peso of lounuiectvrolig pa. Cr, p.on at the Cation rnper Mill, where they will be pleased to roc., c we patron. age of the public, hind the fonuer C11.1131113r5 Of we 'm oult. partite, They will at all tone, keep on baud a general us soruneul of otztung wrapping, tea and wall aers, bonnet boards, bliwk book, etc. etc., winch bo p ywill r rdltanae tor clean Intro and count, .14,. Printers tpd lbaok Publishers cwt be supplied with every deee riptioll of pnnung t,.per at short notiot and at reduced pricks. THOMPSON lEANNA 01,011 I. 4t ,, stivkthdßin EDMUND S. HON • TThiflj ii. 00431 ge...0./I.IakIIIIKI Tlll Pie Le.. MlEimbse ribers beg to call the attention of Builders, Architects and owners of Budding., to the mon) . I , l.talager tvhLrL the, plates possess over all other they .thitaneee hitherto abed for rooting, A.c , as . they ')11i.40.5 at once the Ilghtneos of Iran, voitLoat us lissuitny to rust, Laving uow beta mated for several years this partleniar. both In this country and to Cu rope. They aro loss liable to expansion and canine tutu from sudden change of the atmosphere, than com mon nu plates, trait, sine, or any other metal now used far roofing, and consoqueinly form a ;noel, better and ughter roof requiring (or les. troquclit reps, re, whilst rho first cost la but a vole morn A full supply, of all si rot, iron. 16 to 30 W. G., eons Molly oh hood owl for rule by GEr/. B. MOHEWOOD & CO., IJ and to Itcwrer street, New York. The patent nal. for tttu article having boon secured for the liana' Stales. all pollees estranging thatcon, either by talportalloil or otherwise, will be prosecu ted. octal-A/twill nLARI:t 1101TLKS-121.1 gross in Ilsicaperd, Claret Bottles, for solo by /Yl 3 n\' AL PII.I.IItME stS-3 csks ju reo'd audfor sale 1.1 by jyiL Ft E SELLEEW TRANSPORTATION L. R.T.Pl2.u5s PACFLNT LIME, FOR PRILADELPRIA AND RALTLMORE., EZeicuively for Passeng,era. , Boats of ?MS Line Leave as follows, at SlsSelock at night: Kentucky . —Capt R why, hloaday, July 16. Louisiana-3 ?Thompson, Tuesday, July lihana—P Rarely, Wednesday, la Ohio—A Craig Thursday, 19. Kentnety—H TrabY, Findity, 29. Lomniana—J P Thoomison, natorday, InMana—P Darkey, Sunday, 91 Ohio—Copt. A Craig, Monday, Zl, Kentucky-11 Truby, Tuesday, 21, Louisinna—J P Thompson, Wednesday, 25, Indians—P Harkey Thursday, 29. Ohio—A Craig, Friday, 27. Kentucky—Cap u t R Trilby, Saturday, July Louisiana -1 P Thompson, Sunday, 29. Indiana—P Battey, Monday, 31. Olio--A Craig, Tuesday, 31 For passage apply 10 • 1849. • eeeee and Erie Express Packet Lane. R. R. PARKS, Beaver, Proprietor. rpm new and elegant Passenger Packets, 1 NIAGARA, V Cant if R Jeffries; PENNSYLANIA, . /If Hoffman; LAKE ERIE, u M Trithy; GUEETY, Forming d aily dl Lint between Heaver and Erie, have commenced running, and will continneduring the sea son to make their rernlar trip., leaving Beaver after the arrival of the morning bout from Pittsburgh, ft o'- clock, r. a ) and arrive nt Elie to time for passengers to take the morning boats to Buffalo or up the Lake. Tickets through to Erie and ell Lake ports, eon be had by application to JOHN A CAUCHLEY, Act, corner of Water and Smithfield ma OT G EU RGEICEC Hot r ender the St Charles Hotel 6 .W: - BIDDLIE;Dent • REMOVE:Dm a new three story Wick on Smithfield street, one door below Sixth street. Teeth ansertai from one to en entire sec on the ruction principle, with a bean. UN! representation of the natural gum—restoring the original - shape of the face. PI. 13.—Teeth ennicted with little or no palm Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plogglng, pre. Po nting the tooth ache, which Is mach better than co ring it, though it should be dant in five minutes, or even Instantly. tenfitlY WW WALLACE TPERIN AHE subscriber has ju T st E rec STOß eived aE.. t the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth street. A very large and well se lected stock of pare GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from New York, all of which has been received in this country since the first of February last. consisting of all the different grades grown In the Celestial Emptre. Our stock being among the largest in the West, we are prepared to wholesale , on better terms then any other house an the city. We invite retail grocers to call and examine our stock and peaces. They ran have it pack balf ed in 1,1, and I re packages, 5 th tin cannisters, or b y chests, chests, to suit atm, conventcone. Our retail prices vary for Oolong, Black Teas from MI eta to 13130 per lb., Ning Young Souebong, on eta; Congo 50. and En glish Breakfast 50, Young Dyson,' Gunpowder and Imperial. from 35 ctn. to 8145 per lb. Families are requested to send and get samples of of oar Teas, and try them before purchuing. rn•lnut.kivis A. IA YNFV. 70 Fourth street Groat. kaignals lienesty. TIOR Coushs. Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The GREA - I AND ONLY REMEDY forth° ease of dm above diseases, in the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE., discovered by the celebrated Dr. Blichan, of London, England, and introduced into the United States under the immediate superintendence tithe Inventor. The estraordinary success of this medicine, in de, cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible ea ses that can be found in the community—cases that seek relief in vain from any . of the common remedies of the day, and hove been g iven up by the most distinguished physicians as confie ndd a {nem-a, the most desble. The Hunguri an Balsam has cure rm d, and will cure of cases. - It is no quack nostrum, but a state! Eig hth medicine, of known and established efficacy, Every family in the United States should be supplied with Buchm's Iftuigatim Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumpure tendencies of the climate, bat to be used RS a preventive medicine in all eases of eoldy cough., spitting of blood, pain in the side and chest, Irritation and soreness of the hangs, breaking, difficulty of bleating, hectic fever night sweats, commis *Ron and geneml debility, asthma!, influenza, whooping cough and croup. . Sold in large bottles, at SI per bottle, with fall &rer dons for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a me. of English sad certificates, and other evidence, showing the tra mmelled 1.61-1 of this great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents. gratuitously. For sale by U A FAHNESTOCK A Co., mimes of rt and Wood and Wood and csli are. juDdisveS GEORGE AR Mon, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market street, trA VOW purchased an extensive and carefully Be lli._ Mated stock of Sprig! and Summer Goods, the subscriber respectfully "dorms his friends and the public, that he is now preparing to receive and exe cute their orders with dispatch, and in the neatest, most substandal, and fashionable manner As he is dClTinllJlrti to do business on the cash system, ho nat ters himself Mat he will be able to du work as cheap as it can he ilotie at any establishment In the commit. Ills stock t. varied, consisting of cousimeres, Be, cloths, Vesting', &ie.. which his friends 11211 respectful, ly tallied to examine forshemselves. •' • • thytinitf GEORGE ARMOR. _ arv. w FIARDW stab: tiTOttE. SCA Oft THE PLANE AND SAW, /So. 7ti Wood surest. Pittsburgh. ' 17 URFA( AND LA UFNIAN. !repos...try and dealers Cl in Ferateu end Domestic ci s in nil I vane:seat are now prepared to Pell as low .I=l on su reasonable .1110. accou be parchasuledulibtrt. We stilton nor tnends, and thepublic genige_ lyito call and examine oar stock, wale:, constattth SRO( ENIYL7.3 and FORKS, POCKET and SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, liaise P red, as Locks, Lacher, Hinges end Senstrth tofolO.r: PVltit every article usually kept du ltatlware btores.' We Invite We atiruwo of Cartemers susittileobanica geozp,,l) oat wormokkoCrogla.wlibifibue boon selected taidePtateetra:sistiabiebty/40 deknal.. eil b sun so ;is to glee satisitaetillavr Taatorino fir 1;42.1 1, 4 . e11 , 112:1 h ha d o pre yvrre rec ..s te.4 zellirks ss. y of . Cl.lcaol Iron, which It esirableto PROTEC4 FROM RUST. •och as Telegraph Wire, Bolts, spikes, Wtre for Fences, and any other article urltich may be required. For floor. fur Cask,, aa a .bitt rote for bale Rap, for Clothe. Litter, Lightninc Koch, and a ballot Tother e;, t: will be to. c co. and duroblc. icy would particularly call attenuant to the Gale.. zed Wire for fence.; It require. , no paint, end will not rust. A 1,,, to Spikes end Brit, the preservation of which is of so mach Importance, t h at it will commend noel( to the notice of all those interthted. 6EO. B. MOREWOOU A CO., Pateutees, oct2n.lo wIYT 14 and la [haver rt. Id; York. Pacts for theoPulille s In relation to mu unrivalled firmly Salvo, Dibt,EY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. fIiFDTIMONY of a respectable Physician—Rend the following, addressed to my Anew, Mr. F. Mer l., weather, Clacoutau : ernernacrt, /ela. 12, 1949- Sin A valise of duty compels me to give my tribute to Dailey'', Pam EltraCtOr Being. opposed to quaek cry and all nostrum.; having for Men - object canister 'WAIVE, —but realicang much goad trio the uhing of Paio Kiders"—l am induced to tender you Ibis tertitl cat. I have used it In my family, in my pram:lea, and with all Umima happy sod wouderlul elfecu that could posetbly Ire gined. /I. 1 . Ileonte, S 1.1). Dr. While to the senior partner of 13ruche it Levi, Dreggis.. Inflammatory Rhelmatimu. The ro;:orrlng testimonial comes nom a scarce fa rantar to many of those 1 traVelll d lg on our Western wa ters Mlu m" r. G, the well au - favorably kaolin: pro prietor of the Parkerstmeg Hate:, Is 1.1/ 441.1 ISS the lady whose letter I annex : a , April 13, lel). To Hoary Dailey. Chemist, V fr.c—Sirt Having for merly been long afflicted with violent inflammatory Rheumatism. which appeared so firmly seated as to defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe isttin attending it, I was induced to try your Magical Pain Extractor; and it having ciliated, almost as if Sy ma gic, rut immediate relict, and alga, to all appearances an enure and perfect care. 1 am induced, fin the bene fit of others who may ha alllimpd withipain,claged by any kind of infturniassiou, to write to you,. declaring thatin my opinion foanded on actual uperience, your Magical Pain Extractor Is the most valuable dis covery of the present age for the immediate extraction of bodily pain. It is on adrenal Immediate and a per fect care fur Borns and ccalds, o)td ullacternal flammatton. Having many nequalot.cas formed by their Timis at my husband's hotel in this place, sl have atipposed by your shown. mem the. Paw lines, it map possibly be of beucht both to them and yourselx. liumarns Gum. enteruun the hope Mat Mrs. Clime will pardon the publicity I In we to her letter, as well on the score of humanity as of o. hems the surest mode of brimung It to the sweet of her mends. ti. Gau.n.) Priam Cured Extract or a letter, dated batarorr. Ky. Nov. rM, Mr. H. o.Lley, *I have meted pier Yaiu Extractor in a care of felon, in my own family, which it relieved and cured in a very Mon nine." In haste, your. re spectfully, J.. N. of ID" Borne and tlenlds, riles, Sore Nipples, Broken Breast, Eruption., Sores. Cuts, Wortids, arid nil in fierninebon. yields readily to the wonderful properties of thin f.tonly salve. lint, in the same pna poruon Met you will receive benefit from the genuine, you will be injured by the dclateriou• cifecis of the °manacled nacres. CA CTION —He FUIT and apply only to the inventor, H, 415 Hruatheay, New lark, or to hut au- Iltortaed agent.. JOHN 0 NIORG A N. fienerul Lrpol, Pumturch. Henry Schivaris, Alaegnelly. Agent; J Baiter, \Vhc,,:ng. Va James IV Johnston, Maysville. Ky.: Ntrrrymemiter, Cincitiunti, Gencrel Depot. N II —ln the sest Burns and Scalds it extracts the p.lll in :etc atinit vere ie• :weer fans: toll & SUIPUICAL OPi'lcilitn, No. 05, 1.:AMONI) ALLEY, ■ few doors below Wood street, to t market. 1311.0W1*, hanue heap reitidarir iwarated to tr.c medic. 't.-• profesicton for same t to,. in general practice, now confirms his aStranion to the treatmentct .p 44 these prrmte and deftest., cane . plaints :or wit:co his opporramu c e L and experience peculiarly tiauJirs 7 5 1 ;-;,, • • ; tl years ankdooraly devoted to rt. y • treatment of thoie complaintaddunnitcaqueS time he has had mornywai:ltce and has eared m art lient• than Can ever fall to the lot of any private pram: Wiener) amply qualifies hita to offer rumuranres oi s p en d, and satoithetory cure to nit afflicted with delleate giant, and u.I dixem.ds arteing inert, from. Dr. Brown would inform llama olLieutO wan privoni diseases which hove become chronic by tine or as groveled by the oat of any of the eterttrten noitrvizne of the day, that their compliant... be radically and then oustily cured; he Imams sr:millie careful tilleullue to the reconnect of such east., and meeceded 01 hundreds in instances Inswing petumns of Inflatnnuit t on of the neck of the bladder, and kindred divevues which often Metal from their eases whore other% have eonithoed them to hopeless despair. it intrueularly invite+ deb as hove Leon lone and unime-iisalittly ...atoll by ethers toeonsult him, when every terytteitiott will be . gurce them, and their ease« trestetl in n careful, titorousa and Intelligent manner, pointed out by a long experience teddy, and 1110callentiOtt, lettleh It I. tinputintile (or that engaged to seuerni practice of medicine to pre so one elites of disease. lrrllertito or Ruptures—Dr. Brown also Itielitte no; soon alffieted with Hernia to call. as ha has pond paruo ottention to this disease. CANCERS also cared. - Skin diseases, also Pi! ',Palsy, etc., speedily mired Charges very low. N. 11.—Prinents of nth mg living 11i . distance, by name their disense in writing, giving all Me .yard 101113, eon obtain medicines with d4rections for me, by eddressing T. DROWN, DL D., poor paid, and not.., ing n fee. • Office No, CS, IKneciond alley, opposite the seer], Notm. Ibunt usnasx.— Dr. Brown's newly discovered ream% dy for ithenmatism is a speedy and certain remedy ICU, that pantie' trouble. It never fads. (Ace and Private Coosultlng. Rooms, No. tI.S Dias montialley, PUtabrugh, Ps. The Doctor ts always at horn. ICJ' No cora nono. yos gAUTtleffi. oßNAste..'s ra runt r•Ansdni......- Jars. D. Loczwooo, 6,1 Wood erem, : his Just. received some beautifully ornamented tr.RATE APItuNS, of a variety af pasterns and emlismr abu rut riuns Paper for ornmneuting touting %Mils picurre tramcsi or lamps. W SIJTCH, Monongahela ome, or I) LEECH & Co. Canal Basin E D GAZE AAL OSee, Ord et, over Philo Hall-012ft hours from to 12 • sc /112 — PM AL SALE, A VERY desirable residence In the bag rough of blaneheater, adioisting John Dow ning, IFloq. The Loll, &Darner one, day feet frOLD4L ODD hundred and ninety feet deep—ed. a two stOtr Brick House, nattily-five feet frmn, with two parlors, dining mom, end kitchen on fine floor. A carriage house, stable sad grapery, god the lot fall of choice fruit neva, all le good order. }..quirts of the Kabuli ber, Lembo,. Merchant, Allegheny any. lolfhdhertf T /NO. PATTERSON. Property ts---ipgratasky City for sue. TxE subsonbers oder for sale a number of choice Lou, situate in the &mond Wani t fronting on tin Common ground, on easy terms. Impure of W. O'lf. ROBINSON, Any at Lair, St Chgr u or of I AS ROBINSON. on theoremises. myl7l4&een'T A THREE storied Dwelling House, being the second house horn Penn street, In Snyder% Row, on Hay street Immediate possession will be given. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney at Law—office on Fourth street, between Cherry allay and Grata street. jallndsf won It FOUR new two story Brick Dwelling Rouses, well finished and in complebs order, Oh Center Avenue, 7th Ward. Posaeadort given July lot ßoot low. Enquire of JOHN WATT& CO, jug eorner ofLiberty and Hand is TO AND . 11 sUaIDSOILliestels TILE understgued mien for sale la hltEcan county, Pa., Pone acres of well tin:Morel LAND, with as excellent Saw Mill nearly new, and two new Frame Houses, one 41 feet front by 47 back) the other .TJ feet front by 111 back. Also, good new frame Barn, thirty by forty feet. The mill and Landers gamed four miles from the Allegheny river. A prudent of PINE TIMBER of the best quality, and also a attstquaraltp . of the very-best hemlock. Also, one acre on the bank of the Allegheny, near is cove, most admirably adapt ed for rafting, where lumber eau be rafted on the see in winter, and be perfectly safe frouVall (reacts.— Flied hhOOO, or BS au core. Tams easy. WI take a well cleared small farm, With good hone and or chard upon it, as part paymora, locationie etdtable, end the balance in lumber, or as may be agreed on. This Is an exeellent opportunity Air lambi:limn and the probability is great that intwo or three peen thls' property well doable its value, In consequence of ha proximal , to the New York and Erie Railroad. rime her sufficient to weer out several saw mille—and SOT end mill sites on the stream which ransom:ly through eke centre of the land. About fifteen totes In grow. No hilt to rise la hauling lumber from mlll to twee. Trout and game in abundance. For further partien lims zd drzetelPow - Paid,/ P. &TEMPLETON, mvaLdfcwtPs Gazette office. Pittsburgh. Twe bogs !or Bale. THE subsenhers will sell arpnvate sale- tame two valuable Lou of around, Mooted on Tomato et, in the Third Ward of Allegheny City, each having • feefromofdack IU) feet In depth toadD feet alley, upon which Is built a stone S bMt feet, which contains stone enough to build ' cellars for two comfortable dwelling booms, and in front there are three shade trees, of year, growth, and the side walk is_paved smilt brink, all of which will be sold at $9OO. Pinshargh nod Allegheny, or County Scrip, will be taken in paymenc J & LI PHI:3,ND or to WNI..BkINSI/14, immediate LLlP ly opposite 5 Wood rarn • • TO I. T, TlLEDerelling Rouse on Thinlinnet, above Smithfield, occupied by the badly of tee lam Or. A. N. .5.1'800m Ponemion given on the list of July nee. Also, some large lotaofghbond in the Ninth, between the Finn Wart 11/11/- CroghtinstrEle, egitalle for hunter part* , WM. mpaauaseTN, , mr3biltf. .. At Darlitiontls, Eoerth . I .44ive lots eligibly enamect m the any(. F Birmingham. Tim lOW ate via*. teg ori DeomMtalrect, numbered is P llonaman‘a plan '4,19,80,bt end dd--irat No 75 frostingdirfortt ttrAin stree4l9 feet deep, the other lour 20 Cher Croat oaak, 6y.50 fees deep. iC.Terms—Greater part of 'rename madhy may Tel min fat sit year., aerated by mortgage. Florfparbal Mao; trigette of A 601.11)YEE4 I.lo'seetinair Valii.abritand for Sale: -thesea, Nn.9, at*. comb , then , . The.. Own Is asx4_ l yoitatilkitagar,ivoess:jtday number oi arm% hem yeekity-6.10 tit ...mitla4latest be obtained. Persona dreamer of parcimaingir Dan roll . WALKER REED, en the eremite's, or Wm. itred. opposite the Post othee,orbo will give any lona:mon concerning the property. The above Will be suit at it great bargain, istraallina 110 LL - T—A gnat brick Dwelling Hansa, attune on Rubinson street, Allegevy. Enquire of L , C ," 11 1- 7.ILE CUBA I. FOI:4 ° CTI M P— " A lot H ol °l 4 E ram il 4' situate on Webster street, feet trom atrnet; 'XI feet front o f Webster, by W 3 feet to a five eat allay —quilt close to Jew Price $O5O. Terms, $354 , relax to band; balance out, two, atm alai fear years loom the first of April last. County nod City Scrip token for each payment Lc myla ti rI.IIIOITiEL 114 second U sllllO Acres (ions smears Or Mun e iTuAreu on the hlononnhabsrliter,about len:Urn; 0 Irma on argh and 9 [alias abovd third Lock, the wintertime neigh - bothers] of hlessra.Lyea & Short., and Mr. John Iterron's parch.. This fine body of Coal will be Sold at the low price of =per acre—pap third t o hand, balance in five equal an payments, without interval Tide indisputable. Lhcation very Cowl---cnnot be sorpawed. For furtherpardcalare C of S. LIALIitIY, who has a draft of said pro perty. liesatenee 'AI at, below Ferry, /.r. AtilartiV stow, N. B There ts another seam of coed on this train, about 40 feet afore We tower, of arcelleat quality &truth/ . Vala - n - 61e Beitldlug Lots for Solo s Tilt; yalagerlberil aro autitorued Wooer as private tale, end upon itifhly favorable terms, a number of Iraq valuable Itwidta s Lots, comprising a herr portion of it. Lou ritteloered 07, Gi, 59 and to, in %Vocals' General Plan of the City of Pittsburgb l tinse led at the strum ea.twardly corner of Penn and payee streets, fronting 250 feet on the former, end extending clone the falter about 690 feat to tips Allegheny river, sod hang a part of the Real Estate of the late James rt. cite vcnson, Esc., deceased. A plan or sonata - Wm of the above Lora, In confor mity with which it is proposed to Belk may be seers at the 015C6 of tea lladarallpled, on Fourth between Mer l...Al Ferry sta. WILLIAAS /c KU4N. asy3 Valuatde Real Relate tuella/IP THE foilowing property in the city of Pittsburgh, j„ and near the borough of hisneltester, on the Ohre aver, la offered for sale on aecomermhuing tenor a Loutbeing .autpdivision of Lot No .40 in tbetplen of the ally of Finsburgb,) having. 20 feet front on Se venth street, by 240 feet to Strawberry alley . racr Grant street. wide,one turn Lou fronting on an Avenue, 01. kin running from .Beaver rood to the Ohio n oon 54, muting Phillipert Oil Cloth Factory. For terms, 01109110 of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or /AMIN OMAHA, febt-dtf Mute% Hitadinit, 4th R. Property forilr” y N 'CUR NINTH.WARD OF I'iTTSBU 11.-13cv. 1 Cent Lote on Haldwin and Liberty itnsets, lathe Inn Ward, 24 feet by and &diligent theaweed depot of the Central Railroad- kb, terms " IS 01 •ClidltLE2ll3. 8 PI. or JANIM MULL, Borke's Bending, ihhtd TWO'II6 - trB69 AND GOTS Volt ALM Mi. Tll/0 LOT n 11027 E( meet, in the any o Allegheny, above the upper Conimane, on which erneted a (name trending, two mules high, Bailable fur two moll tenemenw. The lota are each twenty (Inc ul front by one hundred rCOL deep, and MA batik toe street forty feet wide. The ttnildthga Ort thei pro. wul pay a very haudsooto on the Invetu, W and the propeny sant be cold cheap for cash. Apply to It. Spoier, Cler:lt'h office; 43.erto no KAY tG icotah Bottom Load for Erste. 'PEN ACRE:4 OF' , LAND., situated In Peebles trnn 1. : Quit, on thn Aloncutgaltcla, akree miles Gam Pitts nurgh—in lots to mit pgreba.era. FOf ROIL. utar4 'apply to Itanry Woods, ltd 21. or to A WASH NGTON, n0.12-thr 411, above &SOSaid at _ w A ICKHOUSE FOR SALE..—The ectitcaiber oleo. (et sole the three store brick Warekonsa Ott Weal street, occupied by R. Tracer lk Co. apt/ WM. WILSON, Jr. VALL/ n it 1 , -t I. EIYAIIt ON PENN STREET Fttit N A I.E —A Lot of (ironed moats on Penn ettret. ,Iny and Alubury treets, ildloming tun house lot now occupied Ly Riehited Etlarartle, hnving tro , tl 01 Z 5 feet, and in depth ISO feet, ell ou is„vort,ile Tido noczeeptitittable. Fu - quire of O. LOOMIS, Ilh as, near Wood. oecii.lif • For Bale. AD tlailillau Lot in Alfeetatay city, 4. vorsbly loafed, in sixe eh half an sere, andd will he sold on se&mutodautta tern.. Inquire of re& • J D WILLIAMS, Lle wood at itFoil REINT—..% eTetti tial smiontisterTW, ...41 Wood .iras ialSr • W. SMITE( & jNFORM _their friends and illepublis Matt:glum no longrr any COSlnnellOn nra4 ;WO 14.3 6.04141 k 'nem In Penn mu.", tflOnrn des hay removed their cotta business in the POINT nits:ins:sr V. in 1.11 - wont moitiLt NVORSI I( p ILLTIL ..4 Jane Al, John D. Murrtn—Lcar Sir: I gureone teaspoon Nit of your %Vain IC.llet to oar Grail children, and In the shun tune in cur nal( hour it !posted twenty large worms I tee!lode in recommending your Verint(age the beet medicine that ran On need (or expelling wow.. Joan Ntokossi near Noblestown Prepared and sold by the proprister,JOHN D. MOIL GAN, flnagglst, nun door below. Illastond alley, Weal late DIIY 00008 AT TVEIDLIIISALIL UT IL MURPHY invites the ritterldOn Of OW , chants to the lame supply o( new Geode Jail 0(1 , 1.1E41 in oar wholesale Rooms, un moiy, northeast corner tut land market streets, Pittsburgh. This being his second supply OM this ape's he has many ktude-of pods at reduced prices, ' _and some out to he found elsewhere. tevRAA.arT N MASSED Hillta-10 Web raikrweiannassad ll llama, winter brand, In store sod for Web" , lid • • SELLERS A NICOL., SIULOKLICTT 411; WM' 13. RY , GOODS JOBB 99 WOOD STREET, RE now ;coo-Wing n very lam woe Oxids, of recant peachne sad imparti et. the Inas a s such priers as In give eadreaafisaction. City asatEssairTMetchasts are In vbed eilfilugl examina - ctikrtioettieforo massing' elsgratam ~~~ RUSES, LOTS, FARES, &. Desirable Suburbanite*librisisa ter Baal. TIDE anixseriber, intending to mama from MM.. .Vhsugh,oders Car rent his ruidenee at Oakland The grosmds, embracing twenty amen, are handsome ly Improved, and the place well meekest Irish choice and valuable trots, many of which are produced In considerable quantities. The location Is dellightfol and healthy. Any persons miahlstato rem may view the premises:—session will be givent i ti Ni = B. p tember. /Ydl S. FAY "FOR BALK—A Brick House, (but one year non,) .d Lot, on Robinson street, Allegheny, ear old Bridge. Price low and term easy.— lecture of jpll 8 BCHOVER,IIO Secandot FORREST, imes FOUR new two story Rrick Dwelling M, MLR finished and in complete order, on Centre venue, or hlincoville road, 7th Wad. Po* lemon given immediately. Rent low. &melte - Of JOHN WATT & CO, 1717 corner Liberty and Hand sta Valuable Real Er for Salo. .t not THE subscriber offers for sale her House and Lot id Allegheny City, pleasanlnated on n Bank Lane, u d fronting the A llegh eny nearly opposite the point of Pittsburgh. The Lot teen feet wide, and emends from Bank Lane on the South to Race. street en the North, be also by Nei .litnt Street on th e WeeL It is One o ft he handsomest and most desirable lots now offered termite anywhere in the twashborbood of Allegheny City. It ts , lar enough to to sabdrsided advaritagemudy into IDbnitd i lota of the meal site, It is very mutable for a nue• ly residence—is stocked with a variety of choice Filet Tree. in foil bearing The dwelling is convenient and einniOrtable, and all in good repair. A warrantee deed wall be given , and poseetcom at any tit= to salt the purchaser. For terms., apply on the premises to Hltaidtm PURSE SAVORY. • FOE REST A large stare ou Ma eth Z, finizbed sad rket handsom e l st, batsmen &dead y fitted up far , ry l goods, being a kw* mad far that basineee.
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