DIE PITTSBURGH '''PrAZETTE. ===ESMI PITTBDUROjEIIs T[TESUAY• MORNING, JITLY 31, ISO . . eyMPErraresea Week ly . -4h OlSYirrri Is p bliMed -Wcekly,and Weekly.-4he Daily Is Seven Ilan pet alinum; the Trl , Weeklyls Five Dollars per yralitam; UR, Weekly (.Two DoLlatajler =sum, strictly sa adman. . Armintrmaa, to eamesuy fequeszed to hand in .hot. before sr. a. , and to early In the daT nt [mei:feeble. Advertisements 1101 inserted for a specie Red time will invariably be charted until ordered out '.PHILADELPHIA NORICitt AMERICAS. AtiVectlrementa and trobectiptlontto the Nonh Amer :`.fermand Vatted Owes Gazette, Philadelphia, receive, and formcnkd from thlo office. • ay tine President of the: tatted States. A RECOMMENDATION. , At are whew the Provide ea of God has ~- t nanifehted iLtell in the visitation.of a fearful pets , tilenee, which is lipreading its Mirages throughout the land, ft is fining that wpeople, whose; reliance tea ever been on Hie Protection; should humble - thenteelves before Ms thittll 104, while acknowl. 44 gi n g P"itraßagreaudaault tutklii continuance of 1 Divine - mercy. ! It . is, therefore, earnestly receinmendod that the '' Mit Friar.) , in Atincet be °hawked throughout the Uallid Slates, a day of kitting; humiliation anti • karat. All b ese will be seppended in the ea ; /boa branches f the public' sealaa on th at day; • spilt Lute= ended to peradat of nil 'him" detiocometi , mas abstain, as heal practicable,from ' ationlar occu •um end totuiSpalala in their re. r i ,, Te VII of public worslt*to acknowledge matte nese which klut thatched over our - ethane* as a nation, sad iteiliing crowned Mt With thhiliElld lessings; and q, ,:implore the Al ‘.. Willil4Y,in His WM good unie stay the de =vying band Mob is now licteit no against us. ~..:: Z TAYLOR. For Local Natter. eia'!"itiext page. scoxf, pogo for Telegraphic Nears TreiIITEAL SONWLeCiWT7f OF TUE POPe-- 4 . We promised, some daps agredagain to notice agtiilla of "The Pittsburgh ipatholle," on the l utefirrelarrieereignty of the. Bettie, and we should '.Lave dope. so before this, haOre not awaited to nent'erhar farther it might iinaie to say upon the =Wool. An nothing more..aelpeara io ho fonlit ' imago', me proceed to redeern: our promise. hi doing so, however, we again r r epeat, that we have nothing to do with the religiotts opinions of iiThe CUMlie," or these it remesentit except so far as ,they assume a political aspect: . It is the claim of Arbil to rule, temporally, without the consent of the-people, that provokes our Censure. Bane proceeding with the loam question, how ovarslmre in one thing upon v. hick we desire to ori x word of explanation. The editor of "The Citholie" complains bitterly of the want of COOltelly with which he has been treated; and out language may very possibly bnve seemed to him extremely Irreverent. Our ohly excuse is, that it is oar habit to treat men sit w Gad them. Coar test' fler the courteous; shaTi words for slzei!or and cigyrip. T;tifiv cave, weipund ourself charged with htciallem, and - the breve defenders of Remy widest the most iUfgaitous rail:ink which has ever disgraced civilized blistery, rote sweepingly in cluded in the same slender: rids, wish 'ouch rock- lee assertions as that thereliaa as much civil • . and 'religious liberty under the Popes es ;n any i t Protestant country, and politidra . doctrine generally very hateful to as, toe codfdo provoked us to a style of retort, which, hovveiMe deserved, it is never pleasant to use. If it love led oar reverend opponent to greater ,ehaetty for the mo tives and character of othe4li to greater regale the the truth of waist he marnsvert, it will have - answered a good purpose. anil'sve are ott wlthout Dopes that it may have dour Having than made the grnektilf for the roughneas Of one language, we hope aeliefactowily, we deed with our purpose. ."The Catholic" defies as to drove from the pages otits paper that as sentiments tore not only loon eichicalbut abjectly SO," and Lags, eve tie. and you will -prove by the samei: ratiocination that white is Hick.' Pout WWll:nal, we canny: draw back' from a , • legit .attempting the proof : kik for oar readers to p pdge w fat we succeed ' We have bat a lew of‘Thp Catholic' by 4,but amongst 'help *tali one which we think iefficient for the par , eitstatiele in "TheCathcilie," of the 30th June. we Ind the faetates passagit "WW do. not wish just rIOWIiCI dismiss the Intetty iiiiatioritilltirCetstdrtions :omit °tithed, of rightly -resisting motutrnhasslia bereastrd': tyrants and via lot. the Weser justice sod of , itteir realms Cares ale thedory hat a soltstuas arJl4, Inermellously feivntfrinti the bass iren.getegf:of jediticed declaim ers; bet It is Clot necessary to Tank purposes to bring it forward here. It is enough' to my that the eer itwhich has gone abroad neOwen propagated ip Europe by Freemasons and tbeir dopes to the ef &et that TIM pair= are the aim ate and supreme same °retail government, Mid that they have a right to change the constitation a of eatehhehee govenunents at their will, hiCepthout doubt fur nished the precedes , and priJfeiple which, supply Vaned . out and developed, has'. deded by amoutag the highest and most august throne and monarchy on earth." We do not know why . tbis. Freemasons are made responsible for the Memulgation of these doctrineatahich "The Catholic:" deems ao atrocious, for they are held by free men , `;,every where, even by monwthists, who are not N . + Veally They were Meted upon by the petiplit of 'England who deposed James, who thought ns had a right di vine to role, and crowned ljrilliam, who was content to derive his power ID-rule from the con tent of the mimed. All eitustitutiorial monar chies, if we mistake not, are tweed upon this Idea; at all events, It is the very essence, the touch state of republicanism, and it la the veriest mock cry to pretend that he who hblde that tho people tume.not the right "to cloak the constitutions of established governments at tlleir will" as a repub lican. . "The Catholic,' in the above guotation, acknow. ledges that the recent re votuiten in Rome LII the principle of the right of the people to change their gownoment 4 sinsply acted ouireout docclopecl." doobt of it. Thee truth willri'dn crone enamioo tine, oocasioually leak out, eget° born an °naut ili:rig witness. But the Aired - olf this incileotal ad mission, to irresistible to an !American public, G. elsewhere sedulously sought to be weakened, by denying that the present wiling government of Prune fairly represents the penple. To be consis tent. The Catholic" should be( 'little solicitous on this headigince, according to 3t, the people have noright to chive any bow. But we have every deg farther proof that it is thei people who e Tee:- ed the tetolutinn an,q howl' defended Rome.— Ceititia Eagle; of the Vatted States steamer Prinnetoti It's been In Italy Oem the commence. Meet Of the late troubles, add probably comae could given better account otthe state of affairs there, He, with several of lila officers, were Boom fir eleven days after thk commencement of hostilities with the French. ire witnessed from the top of St. Peters, the ArA battles, and bays Olathe Homan, fought with great bravery and deterrisination. Ai to the atoll that the inhale- tants saunas:glen: of foreiglera in the city, he sap that nothing can be mortuntino. To a man, the Romans are opposed to tbb return of the Pope as a temporal prince, or of thi role of oedema,- ties in any form whatever. We think it will be acknorshedged that the quo . titian we have given above, 4oixt ..The Catholic," sinfileiently shows that its sentiments are not only "'monarchical, but abjectly a of and that it has not been quite 's° difficult to pets m that "white in *ha." But we cannot refrain from adding a little more ofthe same stamp; coined is the same mint. kis the sine number of "The Catholic" is the Cul . Qrsrl,rlay not the Pope be considered as absolutely the owner and rightful possessor of hie own territories, whereas other sovereigns ore placed over the possessions of the nations whom ;I!ify respectively govern, as the guardians in pro „terixors? , ll"..rekte Pope, for the tints being, is even and absolutely land rightfully the owner .7- lightiklelkoktor of the States orthe Church as is hey Thileirgesitleman the Owner artd possessor of the lab gist estates that have wine doors to Kim by lineal entail from an immemorial length of ancestry. Other sosovigas are to be =warred according to the amstiihdiceas and kilaarics of eh. 6, carmine” and faircilus." We are- et a lass to kociv . whet ie precisely meant by the Pope being thO (Owner nod posses ger of the States of the clit(rgh as is any living grandam= orhis lands and senates. Is It meant IMO the Ovate occupiers of lied are merely ten onyg ro erill of the Pope, Or in it meant that thews milled owners hold subject to [the despotic power - ergo Papa LD condseata whenever he shell see piper, The distinction Welt lbetween the Pope, and other sotareigns".. nron i i4liem to warrant one . of these conclusions. Oldie we ate willing to aditiit that the right ol the Pope to his temporal Idtirninlons is just an alegltlmate ° u that Ormust ?Ow/Units, Emperor., and Automata, we deny ttutt *l3 any better, and ir ...I.i us sohjects have MO as m ch r ln right to provide far their own magere and , governMent as our 2attoestors had when the so le i pty of theßritish ..:' monarch was thrown off; . *iihrio . snore reason PT the &nap ; 1 : 4- ~;,`,J - ,' , i N ) the , St4lerfigns,"saye•Ths Coikoh . e' are to be conaidered it .. et:Orlin:l; to the constitutions and his tories of thig whuntries and 13 not very difftett* understand this, when viewed . is the light of What precedes and follows it. The Rittman revYtitfon, says our sothority, differs from the French in this, that the Fronvii overthrow a prince 'Whet:hid been elected by a mob, while the Boman Royi?liitioo, on the contrary, dethrones a prince erbc4iiiel been elected according to th no cleat and siisf;i4 was of the Roman States. ifere webs's° ILI; then of legitimacy," of hereditary right to ruliilanly, developed. Louis Plaillippe was not h ,, , ,,k.4timate king, hence his overthrow was c s c ual4 The history of lon family," and the ancienriAtitution of the country gave the legol right lg (guides the Xth. The constitution of Russia, and!:ilier history of his family, give despotic power to Fkphdlas. Now, %abatis the remedy for fhb, so margeffously different from the loose lan garage of petititiat declaimers," which our authorit y says that 4:fa: thralic %theology" has in store. Not. withstanding, tie says, it is . not necessary to bring thin remedy g'iMera . rd—it, nevertheless, after a few paragraphs Hlps out, as follows: "When a ta:teratgidual member of a nation esteems as grievaols whet the constitution of the nation does not so;,eSteem, his bent plan, if he cannot mete up hit Mind to endure the,tore of affairs, May be to * tAlsewhere. It the grievancek are real, that isOlthey are in opposition to the funda mental andpotmal constitution of his country, the true course,og the good muren is by petition, re monstrance: de ergument with the ruling power to seek the rethoital of grievances. When this seems to prove inetrectual, patience and perseverance in the Way I:*asen and Justice are the virtues to be practisa. g More extreme measures are for extreme ca„,aenli and must be considered according to the special tlind various conditions Meech.' We min iiioer nothing- from all this,but the right tb rate desfintally, (provided that despotism he according in ate settled order.) on the one dined; and the duty 'of crissive obedience on the other. If such be _4olic Theoley, we cannot wonder that kings .a.ndipringes,for the most parthavegiven it a willinKeai; mid at a time when Protestanism was profeimyargely by thy people in almost en. ery countq in;;Earope, combined for the purpose of extermictatineit, and to a great extent by the most ruthless pi.frseieution succeeded m doing so. The edtior'eof the "Cathalsr' amuses himself with our pleshmed ignorance of the history of the Roman PO:Attire. We make no great pretensions 011 that se:Oeiaknd cannot be supposed to know as much on lhe subject as a Roman Priest. We, know, hoWeVjr, more than the • Catholic" might feel quite iFili(ug tar on to tell. We know general ly that the temporal independence of the Popes erns not ettaiaed until after several cen:uries ol sobjectiaa,totte civil power, and that its tempo ral detail:4ton vas extended by fraud, war, num, anti unjuit aggroyalon. The Pnpos, woo have been mot; aprious-abnut the temporal power, were the snit that have ere, re:gned. To enu merate in)tatoes, would be tc write a loch, miler than a neWviaper and :01.1j we ieid se lected sotie,iwe are con:ye:led, tsy oar l'auaed space, to [o4o them. In conelnsfen, as a Protestant, we , :41 have no objection.to tae temporal sovereXy el:aced.— In the enNersiget, though sometti of 111 1‘ming service tif oathoi,,,m, it was on the wh - le mumbling;ibl*k. and the principal cause of ed is tnisfortuniT.fin our own aoc , the T.-I:nanny with which theiqn.int to tempera] and even Irresponsible lierriporni 4114 is pers.rrci , must reuse eneaUcs the voraorbesii shrot.r, of every mode of livivcr, vr irss hearts, C,% ,. ..para, a. 1: a every who panting Isk &rc inetiiiitocis It ct only bp plc:ding that the PapSk.y can be saved. Wile , iter it ix.. 1171, , libri:C.*:l3oool to do so. remains to be seen FOT the Pat:burgh Gazette AI4..E.GRENY POOR 7101:5111 The poirplC of Allegheny,at grtu expense, have parchmse.4 extensive grounds, and erected buld. lags there§n sulEmeolly large rail commodious tor the accoaltualatlori of the poor and destilote of their citg;''. The whole arrangement, indeed, or the purpoie intended, is highly ereditahlr, nod has met the Phblic approval from ad quarters. The buildings tieing larger than vas needed for their ,own poor';nt I rmat.as NV ore extended to the neiglifOrmg districts of the county, many were talatto RS bOarzilerS, at an expense which wa• atesp to tose who bad the expanses to bear; and at the rube time, more than paid a proportionate 'part of the; expense of mamtaining' the establish ,theat. 9rf far then es lam acquainted with the general 4ministration of its affairs, the manage ment tat keen sufficiently Judicious and economi cal, and Iry t4ey shwa/ sea. It - Is not likely, however;that that will be the ruse, no onstage meats, I enderstand, are now making for the en largemenhafthe buildings, at considerable expense, so as to eke our Insane Asylum for that portion of oar unfOrtumte fehow creatures, who may seek adinession4rom other portions of the State. Tot., I believe, eras no part of the orig nal design, nor should it b 3 permitted that the establishment slould ever be el:mended beyond the wants or our own • Many roamns could be urged in favor of this rentxietiore : were It necessary to eaumerate , thein at this Limb. My purpose now, however, in re ferring te the subject, has been influenced by con siderations like these:—That our poor house has cost as a :large sum of mousy; it is found to an swer the purpose intended, and so long as the original purpose is kept in view, nothing need occur, under the present arrangement, to lessen the conifer of those who mny become its inmates, and the pipetsse of their main:ennoce will be comparatitrely small, compared with the exp..ee of our oldifystern. Any addition to use buildings already erected will only add to the difficulty of manntring l its aiTairs, sad greatly tend to.lesxn :the nonstop of those for whose benefit the insu lation map established. Furthermore this is not the time % r increased taxation for purposes not absolutely - ;required, nor shcrold one Directors of the POOrcogage in the proposed enlargement unnl the peoph4 whom they represent in the business, shall have been consulted, no matter how much profit marte shown to the distance. ' The estAbilahmnat was a .1 designed or erected far purp qies of that kind, it was to afford a cheap, and at ti* same time a suitable asylum for the poor andestitute of the City of Allegheny. It Is r ;Re hoped the people of Allegheny will Ore this biEct their serious attention, and that out. worth Dictums may yet see tlso propriety of changing &heir present intention of emtablathing an Insane Lioipttnl m connexion with our Poor House. A TAX PAYER. F.' FRO:11 NEW YORK. Corre , en•mata‘e of the Pa.burgh Gazette NEV . Yorzn., July 2 . ;. ISV4 The geicral committee of Tammany Hail ass been in 1141 h conclave for many evenings, and we shall sootihave a voice from the old wigwam. to indicate die:, kind of compromise to be enected at the Romkeonvention. The old Hunkers in this city are to an overrhelrninn majority, and the resolution will take strong ground on the ;subtext of slavery" They will assert the right of Con gress to lqielate for the territories on the ques tiob, and igtrm the riTht of the ::.7.21.ea to regulate the curse Within their own boundaries, unchecked by Coug*-v. The Sub Trensury will be cum• mended, to well as the tariff, and the whole politi cal life of7he late administration be praised and held up ha u model of excellence. Thin is the temper of,the city "democrary," sad hopes to control thiiState. The Hord of Health, excited at the large re port of the` City Inspector, has pat in force the most stringent regulations in reference to reports by physicians of cholera. The penalty for not re porting dr4ly is a fine of one thoanand dollars or ImpriwitiOSol 000 year, and they will enforce it Ho. So in.irty astringents have been taken to pre vent the appearance of and to cbecs the first syniptomS;sof cholera, that the disease has now taken the nharacter of billions durrhum, which is the leadiniteature. So eatiefied are people that preventiv4 measures are desirable, that Innen has been cauetd by disarranging the system to check the client*. The report to day, If=o cases—;A deaths, shiese the effect of a full report. A good t` has been given by the foreign news pubrished this morning. In no respect is it bid for (Ins United States. The manufffettuing districts oßEngland are io a healthy stale, and twosome 14rgely of oar cotton at a farther ad 'wince, and require a large amount of bread stuffs at rernunetativ rates. The continued rise In cot ton will *''of =tense value to the trade of the United &S lice, as it will enable the South to meet its liabilitiit3 to the northern cities, which are now large credirore of the South. Had prices ruled as low as 101 l season, Southern merchants' credit would hags _suffered in the estimation of mer chants at the North, who have granted extentione so often. ;i The Damara Hudson Canal Company have notified Me Comptroller of the the State of its in. mention to Fay the $300,000 of bonds doe in. 1849, which will; throw cumber large sum of money on a marlirfit now supplied to repletion. Foot per cent. is taiMn often for klllle, and au. per tont. considereean extra operation. In the face of this abundince of money, stacks aro dead enough —at least ifil that have the reputation as fancies.— Long 'labia sells at $lO per share—a price that makes the iron and apparatus of more value than the stock. ;.;.Various feeders to the Ems road aro being 601141 the present cheap rate of money, .and by Nekembar, not only will the coal fields of Pennsylvithia be tapped, but the great central line of New YniktraveL So email is the travel on the .Long Island road that it does not earn its expen ses. Amusements have been killed by the epideme, rind two small Minkel comprise oar stock in Oda way. 'lO . both of Mem aro devoted to Mo. mos, they are rather beneficial just now, as the means of diverting the attention of people from the si;ekneas to dreaded A calm mind is one of the real specifies, and added to temperance in all things, a sovereign preventative. The rush of Irish funerahs v so great at some of our ferries that policemen are on duty to keep the processions from quarelling far precedence, and through some of the streets of Willminsburgh hearses pass with the frequency of the ranges in Broadway. These are the wont features that meet the public eye. and apart from these, not a sign is apparent of our great mortality. Importing merchants ore busy as usually at this reason, and the quantity of :goods going into the jobbing stores is very large indeed— ; There is an energy in trade throtighout the world that gives life to a city, though the plague and atl the other ills of humanity were there at once.— ' Strangers say, Well I have summoned courage to come, but we think it dangerous at our town. If nay onuhas business here let him come, and he will find as cheerful faces to greet him as he will meet on his return from our city,which is not quite depopulated yet. C. STEADIER. EUROPA. The atearuer Europa arrived off the Hook this °rung holy 27.) at 4 o'clock, and at her dock at quarter after 7 o'clock. Correspondence of the N. V. Commercial Ail yea-11.er Le . XDON, July 13, 1849. The events of this week have not been very ex citing. W/th the exception of a severe engage meat between the allied Russian and Austrian armies and the Hungarians, which resulted to the advantage of the latter, there has been nothing of insportanee - from the continent, and at home there Is DO abatement of the hatleamess which has to has prevailed both in politics and business. Al the details of the French occupation of Rome are now given from day to day in the correspond ence of the various paper*, but the whole iniquity has been each that to one can have patience to dwell on any thing connected with it, the know ledge of which may not be absolutely ilasential. it therefore to say, that immediately on bin entry, oudinot issued a proclamation that his army had come to re-establish order, agreeably to the wish of the population; that it the stud population manifested any other feeling than that of sane• faction a: their arrival, it should instantly be re premed and vigorously puaished; that the friends of freedom were consequently to take confidence; that all power wan provinionally to be concentred in the French soldiery; that every political auoci noon was to be extinguished; that nothing was to be allowed to ;Rolle tram the press except under military approval; and that one Fianna general was to be named Governor of Rome, and another commandant of the city. Along with thin fraternal address Ondinot issued directions to his soldier, to cut down the emblems the republic wherever they might le found. lie also indicated that those only who should mealiest sympathy for his precemlings were to be consider ed as "the real Roman people," mad that all the others were to be regarded as n `foreign faction." It roust likewise be recorded that immediately on the reign of order being thus estabihsed, the city was declared in a state of were—a step Which, according to Parisian idrea. is an ensitinal or e,intlantrrienr of simultnn e onale with the reports of these trans actions the French j num,. :mire been tilled with deliberate and inaln•lous n i ventione seenrc h eg t h e a.itrit of the Triumvirs and the existence of di vireo, among the Pomona . According to these, which ha,e also been eagerly copied by a portion of the prey in Englard, Islararn ceased himself to be named dictator during .lie two or tl—eo dam %vomit preceded the occupation of the mit.. whin. in order to prevent the success of moderate council:, to cost has two coleaspes onto dungeons and estatiliahed a rule of terror. In rhni , way every engine of the Government of Loma Nate cog is employed to excite batted against those who lir their logical, uncomproinnine Lim nos* have stamped France with as infamy wit. I. will cling to Ler for ever. The fact. howeszr. is that pernict harmony pre verhe.d among threleteeders of the coy up ts the lest innetert. Ine Trintnytre only resigned their au.hrniy when rt we. b oily o t n'! • des that fanner defence was icip,asobie. and that the National Assenildy r.o.i.ony continued as bitting, until it tr., V. ...eddy dissolved by the liberuting invader. alleged to have lest with fin English passport, and Ave...with an Amencan one, but I believe te'l be maid that they both -remain the city, and are regarded with locreitited eiontinenee and respect. Garrinahli sallied out with 1000 at 5000 Italian followers. and is reported to have gone in the direction of Terractna, with the idea of thrastung the cowardly Spaniards as. sembled there in the tame way ea he ttirashl the Neapolitan, li• has, however, been panned, as n matter of course, by a detachment of the French army, to whom, on account of his dashing bravery, his contempt for their allies and his own through republicanism, he seems to he especially obnoxious. la has been alleged by the Contemporanco, man newspaper. m reply to the French itivirotitu mat the resonanceof Rome was canted the pretence of foreignerr, that the number of (artist:L en to the unto, engaged in the defence. was '26S, and that of Inn Italian population the number who were natives of other than the Roman slates did not exceed 3002 In the proclamation to the Romans by which the Triumvirs announced their reoguation they ecmgratalste the people no having inscribed is hi.- eery a page of which no force es* bereave them. -You have not." they said, "experienced it defeat; it is a victory like that of martyrs They added alai, that if the people shall persevere in maintaining their rights, the dark cloud which had intervened to obscure their future prospects would soon inevitably disappear. 'When the star of your resurrection shall arise"—stieh was the tinai appeal—"when the price of the sacrifice you have made with alacrity and honor shall be sown paid to you, may you renrember the men who during enure mouths partook of your toils, fatigues, and sufferings, and who will be ready to morrow, if necessary, to tight agate in your ranks for the emancipation of Italy." Oa ine same day a not:- fication published by Garabaldi contained the fol. lowing..--" America paid yetierday her tribute Cl blood to the Italian cause. tine of the brevest children, Andrew Aghiar, fell behind the breach— an example of the affection of the freemen of every country for our noble and unfortunate Italy." One of the last nets of the National Assembly was a unanimous vole for the continuance oh the Repub he, followed by a declaration that the Triumvirs, Armellini, Meuxial, and Saint had deserved well Milieu country. It is now confidently and even proudly affirmed that France la in perfect aceorsi with Austria, and that the restoration of the Pope will be arrenged to the mutual imtudaction of both powers. la thin, perhaps. there will he little immediate difficulty,as the priests sad the connexions most still constitute a sufficiently numerous party to make all such nionstrations toward reaction as the Government ut the French Republic, may consider desirable Amstria at the same time will doubtless consent to the introduction of constitutional forma, on the un derstanding that they shall never be adhered to Meanwhile the Austrian occupation of Bologon and Ancona, to jest much as wee anticipated— No persons are allowed to appear In the streets af ter 10 o'clock at night; all "insultanto the "notary patrols are to be punished with shooting; the liber ty of the press is suspended; the National Gunrd is ibsbandcd,pMitical societies are suppressed, and imbue meeu rigs are prohibited. Of the war in Hungary the only accounts re ceived during the part week have been from Au.- Ulna :mum., yet these are sufficient to .ndicate to nil who are enticement with the reel !node of in terpreting the imperialist bullet.os than the Hun• trarians have inflicted upon their enemies a ne and most doo:Prone check. Alter the occupation w of Raab the Imperialists, 70,000 strong, advanced toward Comore, where their arm., the Danube Wan opposed by then. Georgey, who, after an 8 hours battle, forced :nein to retreat. The porn.: no the aide of the Hungarians was 40000. Gen. Schlick, advancing la the same distract a: the head of 10,000 Avenue., was also driven bank.— After this toe whole of the Imperialist army wore forced to reconcentratc themselves at Roab, and the Emperor, who had participated in the advance found it expedient to return to View., In descri bing their emelt upon Georgey the Imperialists say that they rook 200 pnenters and 500 Hungarians were lett upon the held, while their own loss was "comparatively smell." UnConuaately fur them, however, a subsequent official sunotineernent mentions that C.ioo wounded Austriem and Ras vans had arrived at Vienna—rifler which suggests that the hospitals at Raab and Presbnrg woe have been previously toed. From the South the ;moon., are that Jellachich is again lorced to re treat, and that the Austrian garrison of the impors taut fortress of Arne had been at length compelled to surrender to the Hungarians. Although the Russian and Austrians have been thus again unaucceasful in the field, they are as great as ever in their seventies upon those who 'have no power to resist. General Hainan has is sued a proclamation rivalling the old master pieces of Windischgrntx and Welders. Death by rope or ballet and confiscation of property are declared against all who shall "evince disloyalty.' to the Im perial house. All places ...ring the Hungarians ore to lie burned, and in accordance with this order two villages hove been reduced to ashes. The Austrians are likewise adroitly following the example set by the French Government in the case of the Romans, by circulating all sorts of mi nute derails regarding reactionary movements at Perth, and disunion among the Hungarian gene. rale. Your renders therefore Mat not place the slightest faith in any of the various tales Ike) , will ob.erve In our paper. to that effect. A renegade Hungarian has within the last day or two publish ed a long letter in The Tamar filled with maniacal abase against Kossuth and expressing a coamoton that ono cause of the reverses of the Imperialists is to be found is their not having exercised suffi. cieu: severity. With regard to his eponymous in- 1 sinuations against the character of Kossuth two I !longer= gentlemen in London have replied by inviting him to corroborate his assertions with his name, .and by quoting a single deed or speech which can Ins proved against that personage. Venice Min holds oat. The last offers of the At m• Irian. were declined by the Assembly, 105 mem bers out of Itti voting to that effect. The nototh cons treachery of Austria, and the utter impute. bility of trusting to her good faith in anything, were the cause of this result. The Assembly say that tt wan their sincere inteahon to arrive at a pacific arrangement, but that its the so called offer, of Austria conststed of "mere promises, without any guarantee," ttiey prefer to continue in their present position, and racy Europe to judge of the justice of their cause. The two years war with Denmark instill as fresh as ever, and the Germans have recent!? sustained a *COMM disaster by a vigorous sally of the Danes Gott thetas: as Fredriric Their loss in killed, wounded, and captured, isstated at 60 officers and 30.10 non commissioned officers and privates. Os the other hand the Danes have paid dearly forth= sucteear s and have buried 1500. THE GEAND DOUCTIT OF BADE, It is said that to the recent fights to Baden the loss of Prrwians was not less than 600, and that of the insurgents 3000 men. The remains of the revolutionary army are now holding out, ander bombardment, at Rastadt. The affair however is eertsm to be bombed to the coarse of a few days. The elections at Berlin ore fixed for the 27th of July. It m said that the liberals will refuse to take any part in them, as under the new electoral law the mass of the people will be excluded front any thing more than a nominal share to the suffrage. In the House of Commons a motion by Mr. DI. radii, on behalf of the tory protectionists, for a toin rniuee to consider the state of the nati..n, has been rejected by a majority of 295 against 156. d. mo tion to consider the present state of the temporali ties of the Irish Chorcli has been rejected by 170 against 103, the present Minister, to whom in their opposition days this question used to famish pole cat capital, being now opposed to its diacussion.— The second report of the select committee on the slave trade has made its appearance, and Is u•fa vocable to a continuance of the attempts to put down that trade by the maintenance of a naval force. Farther delinquencies continue to transpire against Mr. Hudson, and a second case, in which having purchased shares on behalf of a company 01 which he was Chairman, be received three thousand pounds more than be paid for them, has jute-been made public by a Committee of Investi gation. He still, however, retains his scat in the House of Commons, although he does not make his appearance there. Consols, which at the net date were 92i, are now at 931. Money is more abundant than ever, and can be obtained at 11 per cent, oe the eeee6t9 of stock, and I 1 percent, upon the best bills. The steadiness In the grain market still continue. The weather has been uninterruptedly fine, with a very high general temperature, and the amounts of the crops both in England and the continent are thus far very favorable. SPECTATOR. - - - - P. S. The Berlin letters received thin aflame:in any it is understood on the beet authority that au armistice between Prussia and Denmark is about to he concluded immediately, and that the blockade will ht removed on the 15th inst. Thin take, how ever, has been:sold so often, that nothing but an of finial announcement will now be believed. P,rom Terns By the arrival of the steamer Pehoeuo at New Orleans from Galveston, the Picayune has dates from that place to the 12th inst.: "Dr. J. S. l'ord has made a report of his expedi tion from Auitin to El Paso. Ile made the tour ney in 22 days. The distance made by the near. est road he computes at 559 miles. They went out by some Indian camps on the Colorado end followed op Brady's Creek a westerly course toils need, cro..ed lathe South Concho, thence crossing its tributaries to the main Concho, or blue river, toence'to* Pecos, which they followed op for twenty eigM ;Missend struck off S. 45 W., when, at forty sigh miles, they made the Toyah, a swift stream lorty test wide and eighteen inches deep. The party travelled thence by the northern end or P.1..e7.01. to PIStrlD Castl.o, upwards of stn. ty mdes. before reaching oermanent water; thence tarty nr`-. io C.cl.rad Poe., which is fincen miles !mot t, Grande, and one hundred miles tom El Poe !•r • '.n l ot, aati n sub,eription has been open,: a. Tex.', or clearing out the •>r.hn„•.aver a,..iltrink -. .zgit navigable for mearubonts All Cier rooroy of tonegraptheal engineers has by Gen liareey to explore the route to El Paso by the head of the San Saba. A pent :email informs the Galveston News that o man by t°, name of Itosta-trk wee killed to La Grange on the '7lll, by Gen. Mayfield. The dttfi ••l sporoats to have ari.wn Out or a special elec. tiou for Coneroll. Bow:root threatened re take Gen. Nlxcfiroc . • :ooe. A earned, and the par. tea were earated. Itorawook then atm for arms, to execu t e hos threat. sod General Mayfield accordingly armed in self defence; and having done no. he walked out on ;he open common, when Llustaick atm-hedged his gun at him, but without elicit General Mayfield returned hit fire with a load of buck shot, one of which took ef fect in the neck of flastwtek, who tell. Gen. M. then approached nearer, and discharged the con tents of another barrel into Boatwick's breast, who died imnoedtately. flea, M. then delivered him self in the authorities. tilMr. Rufus Chandler was killed on Sunday morn ing, the 10th last, the loam of Rusk, by Gee. Jos. L Hogg. The lifts!: Pioneer furnishes the following account of this lameritnbie tragedy'. Some Eve or sit months ago, a difficulty nes:er red here between these two men, which then came near rransitieg fatally. From that time until the t ime of the killing, Gen. Hogg seas not known to make his appearance in town. On Sunday morn ag. Jost after manse, Mr. Chandler was passing from her office to the tavern.; in doing which he had to pass at a right angle with a long raw of build ings on the street; just as he parsed the back end of these ballsitega, from a distance of about, thirly atepu. Gen. Hogg fired upon him with a double barrelled shot gun, which felled him to Ilse' ground, three other shots were then tired at him as he lay —laterally tearing him to pieces. Gen. Hogg, with two or tare other men, armed with double barrel led shot guns, and who were with him at the time ratite tiring, Immediately left town. lie has sines, sent ward into town that ho was willing to give himself tip and submit to the law ' provided his person could he secure from a mob The Western (Tenn) Star recently pubbsbed an account of a company !ruin Red River moray and the upper Trimly counties having gone to the Washita MOLIIIIA:(1* in search of sold, reported to exist there to abundance. The Rusk Pioneer has recently learned, from a gentleman from Hender son county, that n considerable number of this company have returned, and report that gold is to be found in those mountains in abundance. Many of them have gone back to the mines, and taken with teem large forces from their plantations. Destructive Vire lu Chlosiro—Thirty On Saturday evening last,just as the nine o'clock bed was being tolled, a fire broke out in the stable .1 the Tremont Hotel in this city; it ia thought caused by the ctualuaness of persons in the stable. The flames immediately spread is every direction, there being a number of wooden buildings to the neighborhood. The Tremont House was woo in flames, as wore also the buildings east, between it and the fire-proof brick block known . the Com [normal But.dags. The flames also threatened the Maranon House and buildings on the opposite side of the street, we hien were for some time in immi nent danger. Sono after the fire broke out, the wind changed, and swept the flumes in an oppo aim direction, south towards Randolph street.— Soon the dwelling houses south of the Tremont, on Dearborn street, caught; also the 'every stable of Gray and Butler, which was quickly consumed. The fire still swept on, and bernt all the buildings on Dearborn street, between the Tremont house and Raedolph, inetudiva the Cornucopia, several stores, &a. At ties point, they were prevented creasing the siren by the ex. moos of the firemen, which weed the theatre, at one time in imminent danger. In the meantime, the flames raged on Lake street, communicating to the fire proof block; the two western buildings of which were entirely con 'dined. The remaining four buildings were saved, but were much damaged, the fire having swept away all the ,addcngs .n the rear of them. The livery stable of Mr. Webster, on State street, was next destroyed, while the fireproof build ings owned by George Smith St. Co., opposite the City Hall, were oily saved by the grea-eat exer tion., after the rear windows hod bees burned out. If these buildings had burned, it wouhl have been a difficult matter to save the City Hall, which, at oue tone was ...abider...l in great danger. Thus the greater part of the whole block in the centre of the city, has been et:direly destroyed, in the abort spore crone hour and thirty Minutes. The sireets were tilled with goods taken from the stores, those of every house in the block har ing been recanted. There must have been a large quantity of gents Wan, as the utmost confusion prevailed, and pil ferers were busy carrying off what they could lay their hands on. The firemen worked with indomitable spirit aad perseverance, and had a very laborious lime of it. IVe are sorry to soy that their efforts were not se conded at all as they should have been by the citi ,zens, thousands of whom stood looking on abe fire, without inalung an eller( to save the property The .engines were conisequently badly manned, and the firemen hld to stand to the brakes during the whole progeny. of the fire. The whole lona i. estanatsd at from 45 to 850,600 i and the lire to the most destructive one• that the city has ever ex pe rteseed. Coots,. to Ilutipato., N. Y.—At ButTalo, the Dowd of Health report 103 an., and 32 deaths, for the 24 hours coding at 11 o'clock A. M., on Tuesday last The first ease of Cholera in Buffa lo wan that of Mr. Hastings, of the meant propeller General Taylor, and occurred on the 30th May.— From that lime to tha 19th inst., the progress of the diemre won as follows. Week ending June 8. 5 cases, 1 death. " 15 26 " 11 " " 22 13 " 9 " " 29 46 " 17 " • July 7 109 " 31 " " ld 22/ " GO Five days ending " 19 197 " 55 " APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT Henry Asbury, of Illinois, to be Register of tie Laud Office at Quincy, Illinois, vice Samuel Holmes, removed. . . Henry V. Sullivan, of Illinois, to be Receiver of Petfilia Moneys at Quincy, Wino* vice Hiram Ho gers. removed. Jefferson F. Jackson, of Alabama to be Aim,. airy oldie Ualted States kir the northern district of Alabama, vice Joseph A.S. Acklia, removed. APPOINTMENTS BY THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOEL Orceabury Dorsey, oC New Orleans, to be Pen• Ilion Agent at the place, vice Charles Fitz, who declines the oaten. Wm. It Nell, of bllisalasippt, to be Indian sub Agent at the Ott* subagency, vice John M Mimosas llorrnia. Rioinnsn.—Tho third ma nual report Of the Directors of this Road, just pub. fished at Detroit, given a very satisfitetory account dint business. The entire number of through passengers for the year ending 30th May last, wan 17,845; entire number of way passengers, 74,255; total number of passengers 96,070. Among the freighting of the year, was dour and wheat, equi valent, when reduced, to 345,356 bbls of Flour. The entire receipts of the Road, for passengers. freigh:s, "mails and miscellanies," wits $427,429,. 53. Operating expenses, "including a large amount of work done in aid of construction, and under all the disadvantages of running the can un intemaptedly during the process of re-coructroc tient," 8239,233,76. Net mrnings, 3135,195,T7. The cost of this road was 622,040 per mile. DISTRIBUTION Or THE LOSS AND The Pennsylvanian assails the State Administra tion because the pamphlet laws and journals of the Legislature have not been distributed. The fol , lowing facts will show where the blame rests, if ti attaches to any one, which, if it is disporasd to do Justice, that paper will copy for the h , detit of its renders: The Pamphlet Laws, in English, of the last ses sion, wens not received from the State Printer un til the oth day of July, on which day toe last were delivered, and a receipt given (or the whole. The Pamphlet Laws, in German, have not yet been received. The German Journals and Exec. nitre Documents were not received until Tues day, the 17th instant, on which day the packing in boxes for distribution was commenced, and com pleted on Friday, the 20th inst. The boxes have since heed delivered to the contractors (or the sev eral district.. The Alimusers,tv• of the Laws were furnished to the State Primer as rapidly as they could be set up in type. No delay of any kind, or at any time, has been oceasi need by toe State Department; nod when the feel. is taken into consideration, that the work has been one-third heavier than usual, (the English elope weighing over 7 Mend any one at all disposed to do Justice to others, must admit that more than ordinary despatch has, tots year, attended their printing and distribution. Tat TII.641:1DOINI Furoo.—A Cloms po e ot.tte Sterling Why•, writing from Licions.Stadon, Morganoounty, K y., under dote of the 13th inet., says: "I write to inform you of the terrible destruc tion of the property., etc_ by the late flood in this neighborhood, whic h woo almost entirely °Defined to two creeks the ,Mtddlo and Johnson's Cork of Licking river. The farms are literally torn up, fencing 'all gone Ca the bottoms, houses washed away, horses, cattle, swine, ace., drowned, and the inhabitants 12 arely escaping with their lives, some by swimmitag ashore, and others by clinging to the tops 01 their houses. So far as so heard from, DO person drowned. Never, in the mantle., tin of the oldest inhabitant, has this section been visaed with such a tremendous Hood. The whole country , on these croaks is one continual scene of desolation, and the inhabitants look like spectres among the ruins. The crops, that looked so fine and promising, are all swept away, nod the wont and destitution will be severely fc.t.." Faun Cams.—Tee hochester Amerman pub lichen n letter from a missionary at Canton, dated Aped 14, which mentions the probability of a war between the English and the Chinese. The letter to the American says that Mr. Bonbons, the Eng lish Governor, requested an interview with Sue, tee Chinese Governor. At this interview Sue de. clued' that be could not comply with tee condi outs of thu treaty, u uless be had positive intone. Lusts 0061 the Emperor. The matter Was referred to Pekin. The rescript of the Emperor was "com passionate with keefings of the people," making no reference to existing treaties. Sue nneounced to Boniain that the Emperor vem opposed to hie going intotbe city. The Chinese made largo prepare_ 11001 for defense, 13$1th Chinese and Foreigners were in a state of great excitement till the 4th, when a circular Sena issued by Bonham, notlfylnz all English subjects to make no attempt for the pres ent to enter the city. The Chinese think they have frightened the ED/I• lish—the result, no doubt, will ba to make them more insolent and exacting. Thereorresrandent of the American, goes on to say, that: Dr. Bowring, lately appointed Edglish consul at Canton, arrived by the 11181 eteamer. It having been timid for the Chinese Government to grant Eng lish and. Amen.no consuls an interview, and re ceive their credential. Bowriog demanded a like kterviem. It has been denied him, Sue saying that he will send a mandarin to receive his crellen. tabs - The whole matter I. in abeyance. The aver is swanning with pirates, which makes travelling hazardous, except in armed VC.I. eels. Go into the streets, some half naked Chinese will greet you with a threat .to cot off that foreign bead.. There is but one opinion here, that tLelenglialt Goverenien . t sead otos, force ! to China next fall, if the state of Europe will justify them in withdrawing troops from home. Pavlcx LIMO" SCGAll—Prepared by J. W. Kelly William street, N. Y. and for sale by A. Jaynes, No. rourin meet. lins midi be found a delighthil arti cle of beverage in families, and particularly for luck morns Etaltan's Baox.x.—An Improved Chocolate: prepael non. being a veg.:nil:win/a 0 Cricoa nun innocent. tn. • riorating and palatable, bighiy recommended peen, atlarly for invalid.. Prepared by IV flaked. Dorenea ter, Ala.., and for axle by A. JAV:iP, at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 70 FOIITUI at naehl4 Piro mad Maxine 122strieseoe..—Toe Prrys •Ultaft N•rtatalol silo Fin batlll,loll Caltraalf— cultured I.l2N—cootionez to imam opoo every de •enpeon of properly, al Ins karat rata. Orslya, No. 21 Alerket street 810.111 EL GORMLV, Pree'L Roma. Finernry, Seey. my 52111.2 Improveneente In Dentistry. DR. G. 0. STF.ARNS, late of Boston, is prepared to miannfactsive and set klhoce TRTII in whole and parts of sou, upon SUOLiell or Atmosphere 14.<mm Plates.— TootatonsrllEZO 1111 rive eleven, where the nerve is exposed. Offtee and residence neat door to the May or name, Fourth 41.17,e1, Pittsburgh.. Ram To—J. B. M'Fnldnn, P. 11. Eaton. Isle JOB PRINTING RILL READS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, nratfins, Bay Lading, Contracts, Lase Biw:, RANO 91111, LA11.1., CLIMIPICILTP, CHSCIS, Pnntell at the sitortec mace, al low prices, stole 469 GAzirrra Om.; irman rrnm. W. M. Wright, M. D., Dentist, °once and residence on Fourth mt., ophosne the Pittsburgh Bulk. Offite hoursl' , 7 c oL k o U o:clt;c f ! . t i lt .. Id . A , I -t .and from 2 fir A gentleman of Pittsburgh, who bad fallen Into an open cellar allot the "Great Fire, " spralued his an. tie so semi) , that he was unable to refrain front cry oig out with the pain. A friend who had been aging 11 A. Fahnestoek k. Co's Rubefacient and been cured of Rheumatism, gave him what remained lit the bottle. and although his limb was greatly swollen, he was completely restored to health in twelve hours and treed from pain. This Is but one of a great number of cases which have come under the observation of Nn proprietors. Prepared and sod by fl A FAIINESTOCK & Co, corner let and Wood; also, corner nth and ‘Vood sts o Weases.—As this Is the season of the year when wones aro most formidable among children,the propri• caws of 211`Lane's Vermifuge beg leave to call upon pare. Is, soliciting their attention to its virtues fru the expelling of.ilicse annoying and of, en fatal enemies of children. Their invention is by a physician of greet e rpenence to Virginia, and after using it for several nehrs lus own pructice, an d d fining Its success so not renal, he has Lem. induced at last to offer it tothe publlc as a cheap but certain and excellent medicine. Calla= r. chose oat the Drug store of . KIDD Co. NI Atilt! ED, At Nlnk. Haven, Conn. on Thursilny mos - 11w, ifeilt hly, by the Key Mr. Cook of St. Paul's Church, As. I). V ml. of Pittsburgh, to !dins M.non N. Wen of . Illindielown, Conn. On Thareday, the :Mat tom., at the residence of his mother, to Nest Liberty, Mr. .1 um LC“, late of the fine of Milliken, Leek d. Co, new Orleamt, aged 30 years. li' New Oilcan, Plenyttne and Bulletin pleatut en A L RGE CALLE for n s te A ltrlLl. A ,, , n r nEl l zz N,.. .17 3, Fll3l nt, between Wood and Market 'DEA/IL ASH-16 casks (A.m.') Nan Ash, aspnr quality. handing this day by Laka Eiin stud Mich is. sArat, mud lot ~le by - - jy3l J h R FLOYD MA I NU r, FA . C . TURF3) , TOBACCO-30 bze Ye, ‘nd S'e 411 5317 lilt TI T A eO , Front „ CREI3E-43 to. now Inadtng, for main by IY& ISAIAH DIC KE Y & CO CI LITTLE LE GIRL, to to El years old, would . be employed in a WWI family, comer of Flobtn son and Federal streets. Lagarre Au Mrs. HART. jy . 3l id:no CLIEESE-115 ta. for solo by Nat 8 VON 111/W.:HORST aCO QALERATLB-scsks for sale Ily 0 /131 ll F VON lIONNIIORST & CO D YE FLOOR—e bbls for sale by jti /731 F F VON ItONNHORST & co AUCHITECTS—Just received, The Builders 1 Guide, oi:practical treatise on bimetal, and Roman Architect, by Chesterlls, practical Architect, rent.. and House Architecture, by IL Austin, Architect. The American Arekiteet,compriateg original designs ur recap country and village realdenees, with detail'', 'pacification*, piens, &a. The designs by Ina. W. Hsieh, Architect. JOHNSTON t STOCKTON, .IYal come! 3d and Markel as Wholesale Drug glare for gale. TAE subscribers, desirous of retiring hem the Drag business, offer their well selected stook of Dona Medicines, etc., Tor sale. Theestablishment Is among the most eligible in the West, .having an 0.111311496 nod lucrative custom siren, dy establishment. The moo sittisfneteW haronu mo. relative to the profits of alp establishment, nod the masons foe quit bog business, can be given by addipaitug the subsen. hers, No. 164 Market stout, Wheelmg, Va. PRYOR. & rAtrw... a-MAlM—Wheeling Oaz. FUdE-40,DUiricaiidi.lagung. AICO oq 01 J B wiLwollas co powl.W.ll-2000 keg. Blasting Powder, sa. quality MU do Brae do . do do 400 In do do do do do too qr do do ao t p do tomanna., and deliverable a, any boar donna ma day. 11 4 4 J S DILWORTH & CO CHEESE -✓30 boxes Cbeese, roster. •nd for sale by 8 DILWORTH & CO PLOI:111-350 bbla Floor, superior quality, for sal by jy% J 9 DILWORTFI a co ACKEELEL-50 bbl, No 3 large Mackerel, 1 A 9, i&et landing end for ule by 19 DILWORTH & CO VirANTED—tedAl Beef Bladders, by B A FAIINENTOCI: & Co, _ /Y2O corner First and Wood au WINnOW GLASS-150 boxes, assorted rizes, for V V9nle by WESTON BOWEN, 90 Front meet. . - 0. SU O AR—IS blade prime Sugar, for sale by .11 • WESION DO %'v VINE OLDBRANDY—One octave cock, INS, Vie.[ Cotner. Jut received end for eels by the demifon or bottle, by Jan. _ _ JACOB WEAVER, Jr. Lo„ PRICEi ) KBANBIBS—High Pr.( French Brandies, of all colors and grades. for sale whole sale and retail, by .016 JACOB WEAVER, Jr. Prentsvarns, Juoe 20th, 1.948. Mn. S. K. Ifutioni—Sir I take vent pleasure in re commending your INKS, to the notice of the public. In my business. I hove used a great quantity f Ink, and I give yoors the preference Over all others I hate Ined. Harrison's Ink is gaol; . 0 b. Aruold's; but I prefer yours as it does not mould, nor get thick by be ing exposed:sad becomes black in • few minutes after it is on the paper. \Viable; you every soccess in your business. I am yours. very respeofelty, JOHN FLEMING. City Accountant. For sale by B. A. Fatinamock & Co.. Pittsburgh; H. P. Schwartz, Allegheny city; and by the manufacturer. Thomas K. 'libber!. Druggist and Chemist, corner of LJberty and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Iyl7-ithir Ii s TEW AND VALUABLE WORKS JUST PUB -1.11 LISHED.—A Compendium of Ecclesiastical His tory, by Dr. John C. L. Gieseler. Con[i•LOTllli Counsel lor and Ordinary Professor of Theology in Gottingen; from the (comb edition, revised and amended. Trans. lined from the German. by Samuel Davidson, L. L. D A History of the United Stales of America, from mo discovery of the Continent to the organisation of Gov innment under the Federal Constitution, by Richard Wirth Just received and felt rile by JOHNSTON k STOCKTON, earner Market and Third sr& Hatters , Trimmings Cheap for Cash. advertiser is now opening, at 171 NYanir street, 1. New York, a complete assortment of HATTERS' TRIMMINGS, selected by himself from Ile cornufac• tones la Fiance and Germany, which will be sold low for cash. Please call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. syd7-dlui New Yam July, 1840. • T ADD OIL-10 bbl.. No. I Lard Oil; and,llo bbla J N0..1 do.; in store and for sale by JAMES DALZELL, No. 24 Wale - 1 . St. BUCKETS—YS dna. Dockets, lending per keel boat Jack Ogle, and for sale by JAMES DALZELL. A . C .c g h t u : R . E ., 1.. 7n 1 , 00tb u 1 0 5. , :ft1 i :...3 1 1 i 1: ante , r c el., 1841 nal, 211: r . tale by VA /AA& DALZELI.. • POT ASII —3 conks, supenor, sale by jy27 F VON DONNHORST tc CO. ripounecos—Ki pegs. manufactured Tobaccos, o 1 vermeil quahut a, 'Or sale by .11 1 n 8. F VON BONNHORST k CO. Q AS 8—...8100 lighis for oble by 0 Ma S. F. VON BONNHOBBT & CO. PEPPER—tu b•prr for lisle by 1) . ..7 S. F. VON LIONNHOBST & CO. BUTTER -25 bbl . parked Batter, foitakt by /11.1 8. F. VOBl SONNHOREFT & CO. W IN DOW GLASS—S.SO boles az10; 1001 Go 10014; 40 " 710; 10 " Sheet Olas&for nab S. F. VON BONN HORST & CO. by I , Y2n D R j:11"" 6- 1.1.'bZOIAMouBr&Co. IJus"AßLTPt47lggarli=" wrE FlSH—Pr.me, taspeczed, ia bblis and half I.bls , (or sale by i➢ S. F. VON SONNFIORST .4. CO Rhino or Rook Wine.. S PARKLING Moselle . , Crown Lund; flock of lioekbeim, Coblentre; 81111 tiockbeimer, 1832, Atanno & Co; 1842 Ilenkell & Co; Giesenbeimer, 1944, do " Mosel Marauel, 1811, do " Johannisberg, f eMI, Ebeling & birder; Radedwinier, 1831, Stumm & Co; Also. Hew &interne, 1840 and in Mid. These Wines are from the most celebrated Graperte• Wong the Rhine. In store .nd for .ale by mu. of oast doe each, or by the single bottle, by /12 7 JACOU WF.AVER Jr. Champagne Wine.. Mumlrs Anchor, Putts and Quetta; " If ...loess. k, Oeil de Perdrix. Partridge Bye, or Ilarp Brand. gta; hey, Brand, Q.; Ducal Grape, Qts and Po; pollingu Anchor. cps; Tri Co l o r Charte de id.W, Qts and Pis; These ‘Vines are offered to tho trade, wholesale and retail. reasonably. JACOB WEAVER, Jr. IOFFEE-' .-203 bags reed a d for sale by lJ 0 1, 0 BROWN k CULBERTSON. EVNOLDS h BRO-S Improved Safety Fuse ---1 It supply last reed and for wale by jyJ 7 BROWN k CULBERTSON. ITIOttACCO-2011 bases "W. 11. Grazes? and ode .1 choice brands, ea band and to anise, (be sale by BROWN It, CITLISBILTPON. fOWDER-131aming and Ride Powder , kept eon nasally on hand, and for mile by 2T 27 BROWN & CULBERTSON. MACKEREL -A Ripply of Nos. 2 and 3 Mackerel, daily expeeted from the eau. wafer aide hy ist DROWN tr. CU,LEIEUSSON. soW MRCS SOOSts—MS <Smits lam*: fOrCsigs XS 1Y27 8. F VON IiONNS BST &Co. F LOUR bbl p s. h pib u bs , i f ez or trA reed pc ipt7 ARMSTRONG & CROZER. OA RMIT.—The Three star, Brink DwellingF House. on Liberty, between 'Hay and Marburg streets, now .copied by W. Graiing, Jr. Possession given immediately. Enquire of Wm. Graham, or at tho Bookstore of JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, corner Markel tad Third streets Bagtaee for Sale ONE PAIR PECVIND RAND ENGINES, 10 inch cylitidera, 4 feet emits; a 'Bailers, 20 feet Long, 11 inches in diameter, all in good order, will be sold at a bargain, if application be made soon. They have only been In nee abollt 19 0011 tin. Poi particulars, impure of lyllidif R lIA%S, Gazette office FORGE GUM, by calling at my office and pay ll um charges, soli/ receive a Box containing vale abialdedicines, Books, Re....tc. - GEORGE B. MILTENBERGER, Jr% No. 87 Front a. L)(1 MILS. beat double rellued Winter Strained Lard VV Oil, received and for sale by W. & A. M'CIUTCIIEON, No. 152 Liberty mem. FOR 011.101111NWOOD 011.RDRO8. The steam boat A. MASON 4 now runs from the Point, foot of Liberty street to the Ow en—leaving at 9 o'clock, A. and at the beghming of each hour undl 9 P. M. Vialtem may rely on finding the boat at the hour. She leaves the Garden, the last up trip, at 10 o'clock. The season Is fast advancing, and those swishing to visit this dellghtol.l retreat, now be the date to spend a few hones, oat In the smoke and dun of the city, but In flo pure atmosphere, perfumed with the fragrance of wers. All kinds of refreshments, except intoxicating drinks, me kept on the premise. Greenhouse Plutts, and Gouquets of choice dowers for sale. Closed on Pun dit 1Y 26 JANMS MIZAIN. Oa-Change of landing made on acce.t of low wa ter. Cheap Dry Geode. I,A7' HO WANTS Mosquito Ba ro rs for Chlt cents. V 1 Heavy Brown Muslina for Extra - " " 61. " i Bleached n n 3 " superior rar.oletts Calicoes Good quality, do. Mons de Lamm Gingham, Nonce. Rum do. -- Silk and Wool Bemges '‘ 17f Cotten & ° ... " 1:./ Bonnet Hibbor n Good quality Bid Gloves" 37 " Cassinets IS " Broad Cloths " 81,23 A. A. MASON & CO. Care Goods at prices named enure. Call POOO at the only cheap one price store, GO Market street. Brti I\TEW BOOKB.--Sonthey's Demme° Place Book, IA edited by her son-in -haw, Johe Hood Herten, D. D. Abbott'. History of Adios Cent., with engravinirs. Just received at JOHNSTON & SITOCHT(I7 , I , B, cor Market and Third sts. &MEW NEW NOVEL.—The Woodman: A flo. 43 mane of the limes of Richard 111 , by O. P. R. Pig. Just received by JOHNSTON & STOCRTON, roe Market and Third gm D - 1 3 1 - 43odtosst Literature. I. The London Quarterly Review, I hs Edinburgh Review, Quarterly-. 'I he Westminster Review, 4. 'I he North British Review, I. !Packwood** Edinburgh filagasine—Mouthly. The shove Periodicals are reprinted in New York, immediately on Moir arrival by the British steamers, in a imaingul elver type, on fine white paper, and are faithful copies of the originals.—lllackwood's Magaxiim being an exact fae-sionte of the Edinburgh edition. The prices of the mon.; ore less than one third of tho.e_of the foreign copier, and while they ore equally weli executed, Mei afford till that advantage to the A tomic. over the English reader. Trace--(Paymentio be made in advance.) Foe any one of the four nevleM, - 33 00 per Fo, any two do 3 00 Poe any three do - 700 For all tour of tbe R 841888%, • 800 For Riaikwood's Ungava., . 000 For !Rockwood and the foot Reviews, 10 00 The above promptly supplied by lANIES A LOCKWCKM., Donaseller arid Importer of Fortiori Books, I Wood tn. fla`lllarbcrooare bloganne, for /rah has ban been received, and ItlrtY be bad tr. abcrvo. FANCY 11A1118-69 tea F.astpluslia Hams; 121 do 'l'nylor* Cots clgor cored do; 23 do Lee& & Eton do, 10 do Mier, Brown & Ilawkoto , do do do, all can v eased and yellow washed, lo store and for Leo by /Y 0 SELLERS & NICOLS FAMILY FLOCK- 3:lFnnily cloy ; oti runtff,detg '/I.EYNOLDS &SAKE FLOUR -20 bbls:put rood and (ay .ale by I/it /9M_ ARMSTRONG t CROZERZ WIC 11. MAUR 1•11311orcootost. SOAIPICI i ATKINSON Roar or- =mom Woos iI.ND Musa on, CNTINUE; to omonfactuen ill kioAs 'or !. af ra PEß, TEN AND SHEET i&014 WADE. Also, Black. moth Work. Steam Boatsit in order. co,. avo on hand. gan e assorunentt""' wort. h Copper and ilnuts Kettles, Tin :n &o. Steamboatokirtg Stoves, Portable Forges, various sizes—a vary convenient ar ticle for steamboats, California emigrant,, or rail road " Wesvrold respectfully Inane steam boat men and others to call and sea our articles and once; before perchuins elsewhere. 717 PSCAN NUTS-411Nr..Pegb,w Mt reed and for redo by ' UMN. LrriLE 4 CO PEIWiIBIERY-Ilaussah Anatolia .. r. oo p, d o Phi4come; Aloibtado Od,n„. p. e n. in; EM do do Hum Soap; do do Palonoly do do do Bogue* do; do Compound OX Manor.; Ist reed sad far sale by tyle R E AUCTION SALES, By John D. Doris. Auctioneer. Staple and Fancy Dry Goats, On Thurrday morning, Aug. MI, at 10 o'clock, at the Commormal Sales Rooms, conker or Wood nod Fifth strews, will be sold, tambour reserve, for rash currency, on account of whom It may roneern, n ierat assortment of forerun and domes to Dry ti00d5.,,,,t,„„. crag nearly allt he turnery usually kept in an extensive dry goods store. • At 2 o'clock, Groceries, Queensware, Furniture, Sc. "Young Ilyson and Imperial tea. Va manufactured tobacco, madder, No 1 palm soap, shovels, spade.. (orb, axes, hatchet.. smiting and wrapptng paper, transparent window tly nets, mantel clock, mantel lamps, look/rig glasses, capeung, feather beds, &es. A large and general assortment of new and second hand honschold furniture, Au IatZEICI Fashionable ready mode clothing, embraciug n hand some assortment of shirrs, boots and shoes, leather trunks, saddles, whips, fine table and postal cutlery. double and alright barrel shot guna, pistols, gold and silver snitches, variety goods, &e. iY3I Purattnre at Aviation. SHE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of B. A. Fabrics took, Esq., win be sold on Tuesday, August 11h, at 10 o'cloek, A. M., et his rewdencain Oakland, as he ibtends removing from the city: being an ensconce and valuabls lot of elegant Farniture. a large portion of which is neatly new, having been but little used, consisting in part of the following, vii Saxony. Brussels and Ingrain Carpeting; 2 elegant Pier Tables, marble tops; Several very lots.. Mirrors; 5 Mahogany Rocking Chairs; 2 mab•gy Sofas: do Brans; Y do Curd Tables; I do Centre Tat•le; I do nal Table; do Dining Table.; 2 sets do Chairs; do Work Tables; Y fine Mantel Clocks; I magnificent cabinet !florins Shells, embracing a beautiful and nob collection orate most rare and val uable foreign species. in it large mahogany case. Oil Paintings; 2 splendid Wardrobes: 3 fine mahogany Dtessing Bureau% do do Bedsteads; Fine maple, cherry and other Bedsteads; 3 do Boma.; 3 do mahogany Wash Stands,' Bathing Tuba; barnothed Copper Coal Boards; Parlor and Chamber Chairs, together with a great variety of other Famitare. 1 fine and enbatential eastern bath Carnage, bat lit • Ile worn; I Baconehe (or I or 2 banes; I fine Buggy. nearly nerve invert sett of good harness; 1 two liana Wagon; I Cart, l hay ladder, Plow, Harrow, and mr mlog andgardening utensil., 2 fine milk Cowa. tr, • largo quantity of good timothy hay, &m. Ac. raw made known on the day of male. Iy3l lOEIN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. WHAP6 PA 8 - 800 reams in atom and for Pjl4 sale ' J 8 DU:WORTH & CO 110TAMSL- 4 4 Hams, now ready For takingAusa the 11 emote house, for aide Ay jy2l Wb. R Zll - YCHEON. 1.2.1 Liberty et QIWITLDERS-4000 Pee Shoulder, in smoke house land for sale by jy2-1 W 1 R MiCUTCHEON T„.., , XTRA FAMILY FLOUR-30 bids just ree'il and X/ (or sale by jyl4 ARMSTRONG L C HOZ GR. THREE SECOND HAND PIANOS, either for sale or rent.—One of iho above Piano Fonts will be exchanged loom. originally WV.) for a lot of ground, or merchandise at a fair valuation. )y24 JOAN H MELLOR, El Wood st TUNLATTA BLOOMS-45 Lona in large and for LI by KIER A. J0NE....., /9 23 Canal Barbi, near 71b .t CREAM TA RTAR—driAoi=l:“4 r by 1)23 rr4t„Woi TTNIBER—I bbl mai reed add for sale by Pir• R SELLERS Gsal fieLby BNU i F y l a -1 berce Jo . t ma'J and far LIQUORICF-ROOT4OO lb. prime mond. just reed and for sale by JV R F. SELLERS WISS MUSLINS--W. It. Murphy has receiver. t. 3 fresh supply for dresses, very cheap. Also. em broidered Alsatian, plain Mull Muslin. and blared Jaconets, low priced and Gne; at northeast corner 4th and Market eta. ir4 FURNITURE DIMITY—W. It Murphy has reeeie ved a few pieces for summer bed gads. el the low price of IYh eta per yd. tY:D i REDUCED PRICES —W R. Murphy has art hand a few rebus and colored malt*, which he will Mate our at low prices. Jr:a 'VOTIVE TS HEREBY OTVEN to those who know themselves indebted to the Estate of JOHN WHITTEN, dec'di Han, of Pittsburg ho that they are requested to call tent= delay and settle their accounts with Richard Floyd, at the Warehouse of &R. Floyd, Ilrmnd Church Buildings, Liberty street Those strglecting WA make, lodger then thirty drys, may expect that their accounts will then be in the hands of a proper officer for collection. MARGARET WHITTEN, } jr,H:d2m RICHARD FLOYD, Adult. . . 'Mr 00L—The highest market price to cash, mill be fyy pold forum different grades of Wool, by 8 ft. W HARRAUGH, /T'2ol No Si Water and 101 Front st S ODSCSH—PS csks Foda keb, reed and for sale by 8 A W HARD.ALIGII BACON SHOULDE R S-4 cuts loot reed madras. . sale by • jr2 13 & IV, HARRADGH CIIEE -oE—Sil boxes yrnme Cream Cheese, Justrie.Al and for sale by OTtO SAW HARRAH° li R 0 311 97 SEL'S,,AtthlnToll3.KdV.l,i,ll.c.W.A.ll.—raThe. of render it far superior to Cologne p ro pe rties for the ordinary purposes ef the toilet, surpassing , the lat ter in its per&me. it prevents and removes pimples, tatter and serenity of the skin, it refreshes co rrects the skin, rendering it son and smooth. It corrects the claming and bitter taste of we mouth. impacting fresh end pleasant breath- It ejonoors sod whiten, the teeth, atol hardens the guns. For all tho .above par be is used with water in such Proportion' as zany be foot agreeable. BY labeling it azd tabblet it . on the tunnies, it will remove headache. If applied instantly, toe burn or bruise, it will eventaalty prevent mortificatlon.. It eorreets vitiated air, and guaranties Ironic • •a;it ix therefo L ret very useitafeepatiAng llELl.l3B.47 : Ne gW deWlgigit, 4.21 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh • kA/ li MAKI —Med Mils WhiskurTiOie KIT YV sale by 3000 W & lli SEITCHELTREE BLACK:WObSSEIAGTAZINE FOR JULY.— Co:mum—Dies Dorentes. No. S Christopher un der Cunvue The'latand of Sardinia,, The Curonw,- part XIV; . The Game Laws in Scothand; Dominigac,• Pestalimusina; The Crowning of the Column , gnd Crushing of the PedestaL This de" recelvedi for tale singly, or entimilptions taken at S 3 per year. JAMES, D. LOCKWOOD, CS Wood et, Agent fur Publiahen Ntilittliceoftßantbuxes, ON TILE LAWRF.NCEVILLE ROAD.—An Omm• bus will leave the Diamond in Pittsbargh every evening at 8, 9 and t 0 o'clock. Leave. Lawrenceville at 8 and 9 P. M. M. A J. BRIUDENTRAL. iy4Ddilty GOOD BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING. Tanou—Notes from Life. —Note, from Bonk.. GmociStory of Battle of Waterloo. New 'ninon. Firusirron—Grantley Manor. '—Elite Middleton. Owl Creek Leder,. Merry Mount. Serra—The Salamander. AlllJOTTS—Summer in Scotland, etc. etc. For tale by JAMES IL LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood st CINCINNATI SOAP-75 his received and for sale by S & W BARBADOS, by e 51 Water et 'XITINDOW GLASS—IOO bee need aims, rrc'd and yy foe .1, by jyrpo Bre ILAREAUGII DRIED PEACHES-189 heal= reed and ft r sale by /1 2 0 S & tV HAREAUGII Tlitai LINEN Ll.tit.E.,s_w„ RTlifosy,,y. s ,t negth ease earner of Market and Fourth irta, has open this morning a few pieces of dark Linen Lustre., a scares article—lor sacks and dresses Also . Paa..—Green silt and Tura main, fringed and plain—a few... Kale latter of Tare satin and handsome finish. Alio Furs. Lianas, or a detistable shade and qualtry,and ?,Itrigmro Num —Whiteirbarred and colored. Wholesale Rooms op stairs, Where goods ore offer• ed ro dealers extremely low. 1117 DHOOMS-1.1) dos Pomeroy's, for saie by I) /vI7 l D WILLIA hL9 DRIE D APPLES-PD bush just ree'd and for sale by /VD S&WHARBAEGH D o - 3rd ta — e - r — e/ - siia niI:WC: .1' non; Si half bbls do do; SO bbls No 1 do,juat rechi and for solo by ty9/1 L 9 WATERMAN T CP ar ß ge e rs ( " ow h d i a . ys, o'. so l Za " o ' f c Wl/7c n h b o an re d s ctlc t e o brands and of superior quality, rec'd on consign/3.0t and for wale by Irsu L S WATER:I4N on iIETRNTi—A ten , bOls of coa ye 10 on band and for sale by tY9O L 8 WATERMAN . • . Wrlflrg - BLFITWiIIe Rein . a, on hand TV and for sale by lytta L 9 IVATER3IAN LARD-25 s c oots, a superior article for family use, just received and for node by L 8 WATEILMAN “Agriculture is the moot healthy , most useful , oast no ble emplaymmt of man. '—Wasurnotoo. TFIE AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST nod FARM ER'S CABINET—Is published on the firm °feve r; month. • - Terms i One dollar a Year in advance: Three copies one year, Or out copy Three yea., (Lk Eifl; copies bee year (if seat to one address) Si, Twenty copies, Sl2. New subscribers witl be furbished with the hook numbers of ail or any of the volume. Seven volumes Rbor published. • Bound volumes i lp complete mts. or in ...peyote vol umes, famished One Dollar and Tmonty-five evnta each .I.I.IXES D LOCKWOOD, /13 63 Wood G REEN SATIN PAROSOLS—W. IL Murphy not Inset:red n few of the above, of Mc sass , nol!h, 11.01 triage, med . very superior qnnliiT. jy (AIL-1200 sal. bleached Sperm OM cefornd ll do do; 1006 do brown Toone,,' Oil; 10 bble Stren, do do; 1000 runs blnauhed m N et Whole Oil, in on. and for rule by jyte M ILLER a MORRISON hostel.. nice Salad - Chlr&rfehl and for sale by Jyl6 MILLER St RICK 16 QTARCH36 Lawton's nod 1.3 Starch, in store and for mho by MILLER & RICKETSON BU C / - do: Bearer Buckets; ado do Tabs, in I) store nod for gale by IYI6 MILLEfk do RICK-6780N SWEET AND DRY MALAGA WINES-40 to asks Sweet Malaga Win& ns Indian bbls dry do do jolt received and for sale by ill o : MILLER & RICKEEPO, ,_ SIitNIGLVS-2t3 M French Crrek tlhlna coo - .Ignment and On Ada by iyl6 AMLER & RICKMON ASTROL OGY. Pr* t; the oity Cor a bb.+ time, acni may be t consulted on et , too &Qin Of Kaman life, at No 40, St Clair et. Auendance from 3toB r. z Pee furry 50a to 8 ,4 Mr Lorenzo is the only penmen who predicted oorr,,t ly the marriage Of Queen Vittoria, and desedt , t , l her husband, two year. before it took place. P. S.—Bring tim umm oflirth wall you. .15 1 1 , :d* .. ' _ . IL CLOTILS—On ham) and for tate. by AV: El c inarb• tOc4, Kt hie Carpet Wareh0em,_,.....g.... et?: tonsive biyatttoept oi On cloths, va.ryo.s •, ches to 24 (eel wide, cut to sun a. 7 of yOU3i4O. The lalaortnieril consists at. tha Lates t and most approved styles and colon weuvrotx 1118 BOITLE CORKS-9 WO% Fortes, Iccg myt Just received and reiT . ' s g amtat 411 • BOxE9G7 Pm= Ctscri of a Itiiire sad for Nlo DYw. R.:APCIIICirEON, ir4 N0.15A Liberty street- WAPilrffiD—A good composhoztll Oils office jr.l-11.4 110A.P.—.150 hRL. strioUy prime, for nolo— by • ' C. it GRANT. No. 41 Nate MACKERIZ-.400 bbla Largo N 0.3, ALorsochvarta hIIIyIKLA; b arrive; for 8130 by Jigs C. FL GRANT. POTAT O Wile-15 bbLs this day received frond Galli pont, and ray We by ABIIII3PIRONG & CROZIM 'STEAM BOATS. - i: FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. 1.0t3/ ..." ^cc-- pa Thr splendid fig.., ornucht Ilemer I. N DIA C1.D.1-LNI„ ,N c R 9I num,. tonna,.:wil wilt P ; ge for the shove and all inted,/ . , pon. Ibi. di'' , tee alai, sr IS o'clock, A. kJ. • .i, ~,- _For leeteht , r paean . , attely_ft b0.c1.._ f - yt oVirciNtsrivri & PITT/MUT:L4 tr— x.--,,,,--,.. .--• I . ji .. k ! ' - i ' ..• ' : .. '' • c,.."..-7,:,- ~,, :. 1,0 k,,,,,e,- - Z,„14,,,,,/ - • • ISO, D-AILV PACKET LI t. mIiTS well known line of splendid posse i Vteers. 1 cr. w now °cont.ed of the bante,r hes ihed and furnished, end most powerful to . the orator. of the Weal Every leretatelOttattei peers fon teat money .II procure, hes beeuprovi • 411 t. pee. sengers. The Lane has been m opemboa for ilts„)•esue —has earned n million of people wilboul the elk jej.. ry to then persons. The boats will be et itt•j4ro. 1. ef Wood newt the day previous to aterlistk, for IS:I4CM. tint of freqht end the envy of passengers= InOregts• ler. In all onus the passage money arastElima la advance. 2,, .. .... .. SUNDAY PACKET. PACKET. .• Hoak; The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Healit wil awryleave Pittsburgh mo rn ing at lea; Wheeling every Sunday evening at la a Y. :ilay 1.9, It - 47. 1110Piliiils - A - 153.R.T 5 . t , .. ,,,thi . ,,, b. n r ,„,IIIO e ,, I Nt i NGALIF T .. .L. mu t,Ca 4 p a t. , l , 3 l r ....ki lei, t,t,,,. every Monday evesangot 10 P. EL 4',.....i t tikTs - Dirir - P - Xeilifit; 0, ~: .3 The HIBERNIA NO. 2, Capt. J. KlJazittrig - wgi leave Pittsbu r gh even Teeedayritiotir Ulf. Meeting ~,,- Tee.aftw even' Sat e.....c l itO N'ti WEDiligl.:DAle 217Cil C..l5T;r: The NEW EIs:GLAND No.;11, Capt. g. Da Fell leave Pittsburgh every WedasheittY :leta.ra_ 'l4l it o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday even a a TUUR.gblininfiltrYre . ,• ~ . 64 bk The BRILLIANT, Capt. GRAM Will 4 W.,..itta• berth every Thursday morning at ld Wel nelielin every Thursday evening at 10 p. to. SItil3;01 - 1 1 Ailii. ic ~.... The CLIPPER No. 2, Capt. Pima Dora* , . Pitutbaigh every Friday morning at 111 oscloo 4. i be• every Friday evening at 10 IP. a. - ':.:-.- ...P., Wigiai6 ll l ata4a4 7l' BUIIIDIED. ARRANGIO#VENTS ta4! digs • AIONONO.III*T E UTE., , -1j 1-. Vialici . Wilseilletd 2 Cutabetliuldle a 'lLlA and • Philadelphia:.' • , 1 / 4 44:.",.„. . Till' splendid mut fast runrangll Ft 51 t ai Vr• ATLANTIC, Capt J Parkinson; It . ! lot A Jacobs . LOUIS MANE, Clot E Beau, - :n ow tuaklni , dorthle daily tripe between 5t.,..:, ITPSBURGII AND LIROWNSVIL i . t . The morning boat will leave the Me 06ela Wharf, above the Bridge,, daily at 8 &clock , . M. Passengers win take SUPERB CO let . :lie at 3 o'clock, P. M., and the splendid ae -I:4t the Baltimore d Ohio Railroad, at Cumber/ !KV alB o'clock, A. U., end arrive in Baltimore Most: Kneen. Ina, in time for the evening line to Philadat.bl and Washinrnon city. ~ , .,1- y A From Pittsburgh to IleliesPre, 0tt1Y321010.9 - Fare + ...... • • • • • • •11100 b• Pm Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 415 /Was% Fare ez,co::* 5.• The evening boat will leave .10 o'cloc k, Ban day evenings. Passengers by au boat •wi1.,4 ea belle in comfortable State Rooms the first Wayne" over the mown...ins the following day . In . • /*built 1 Coaches, stud lodge the second night In Craw jOited. . R o i ri " be n naTen hav galli h m ai o c re e 7acergintri,V . E.,= l privilege of stopping at Cumberland and aniqtacteZ and resuming thew seats at pleasure. Coat,..ipdathar terea to parties to travel as thol , please. ig, 0 We mate up the Mad s pod way bill. forNmh. es in the Pittsburgh offices, (in order la aav ea arriving at Brownswile.) it is therefore I t for passengers to get their tickets befors going'. Card of the boat, at oar o ffi ce, Monormahcht Hoe . ..,!fietrir street, or St Charles Hotel, Wood st, Pinata . •••' aph."-dCtm J. htESIDATIA , tit Vireiiksursh i. Loutiville Peantug, , s;,- • . FOR CINCINNATIAN° LOUISVIAP.A. , .. ~.,;... • ~ The sW o rt i es t kr nes t er tr. Hinder', master, will leaSsihava d unermedlate porta aigueo. day. th i e m l i / s tli t in . st, Li 10 o'clock . o s. u m.., _, i t , , :. r" " P lIMBE'ITGELc:vipLIS. It- 5 GEO B SILLT RGE I ... PITTSBURG/LAND LOUISVILLE - PACT.., L A. - MIR The new and !splendid 104... t .. • gee packet, ; . ....,.. i,A,*4-4. TELEGRA.P.II No . .C. , - • ..i'5.. ,,, .-Z-. Masan, master s trikleave IW4hein• anti and Louisville on Thursday, the .11 cliti,...oit 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage applyldirmard, to BURRRIDOE, WILSON A. -304 r GEO B MILTENISERWRU . ' ',..„ nry2 13 4. Lentirellle and St. Loofa Pi Ikdti tins. 1849. - '11.640. REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR Ski - MUIR ~,-„,...- The Env fast sandal L•htsl-Te..rige.. . f , _. ... stewiter 'A'PLANT/S, .:, .11 - - eszls,,7,` ;,..z Geo. IV. Wicks, master, "410:leave ~,,,,s - r ti+.4..--• for the above and latennedlialerPort• every Tuesday,-al 10 o'clock s.. ea..... , .. For freight or passage apply on board. Or to : . : F. C. KIN , No. 153 Coca: RA,. , ' . Louie - Me. ~. , ratuS.dsm - RRGULAR SATURDAY' PACKET FOR EIT,AOUIS apja4ll The fine font rtnrl i : nnger .reamer nu GEN. - LA, :_... 'A. McPberilmontater, wt k for lau...bove and unennedinto prollt eve ry (3sunslay, 11. to o'clock, r. x. 1; . - For freight or ptutune npply on baud, or toga ' - R. C. WIG, N 0153 Com. Rt . l* rnar.s.dern , Leoimla NUR W DEELINU AND DIU trelt The new .d suhstandkl**er LIUDSON, Mehlillen inootor, will iistibtii mo d., trips botween•POßturgh ri4epOrt. She will learn lihlOLign ..Avektultwinyancl VaniAny.. ' For freight - err prssage,lspplion roliNviitecc ANDS, on. fin. steamer CINDERELLA, 14. c iai tsi pe r x .,.. Calhion, master, ,w 1 .1... Mondays md Th:rsdnyo, .•!.,r—dud° For freight or passage, apply on boos& 4..017 . _ - iirbRAVEIE The U. 9, Moil steamer No. 2, will leave the lancling . oepooi to the Slonongaholn Honse,•evenf Son y mornhor nt 9 o'clock, for AU... Returning, will ornvo at 5 cOclrtek,.V..sl. Fore to Denver and back, Twenty-five Oentik; wy2s BUNI/AY TRIPS - TO HEAVER. ~.. The lactuner BEAVER 'AI ave the wharf, opPorao U hetet House, every Sandoz . a i rvong t o'k, r. Bet.,#alotr, will . leave Beaver at Icloc o'clock. for P. Be M ave ., toad atria* at 4 o'clock. Fare, Twerar.five Cents. 68.0 IL IMILTENDEraIIiZa. " REMOVAL. • '•-•:'4' S. D. AGENT, tit Forwarding and Cornrows/cm 'Mer chant, hes removed to No. ti 7 Fmnt, bele/Were co and Smithfield sweet, j iYll.Biktiv-artiroT,' 6ci - AL—Th, Watt ~ f- i- •,,, kif Coal—The geographical eon/ geological be: non arid/rend comoustibles or fossil fuel, tp , r "i„,„ Aka the yarn,. mineral bituminous joboty . ~,..„. phwod in mu and iatinofretnres, ilhisznaf o i„ ~,." mad diognirnsi embracing from otbrini if p or a,, , . ~6 cosl.producum countries, the reonxcik , ' a "Inv= of their production, consumption and our ..,,,,i,,,,th m .i . Lotion, in all pane of the world pr., b „ ri,....,, i n Cowling Taylor, in one val. 80 0 . . v.,,..., L iVr . i 520 JAS -D En, oo G 3 Niricod .1 131,,icic sit. ii PiiikkirA..-..-.7 g . hi,,,, t 1 ~ 1) mitred e lot of shone awls., r ',gg, Jaolt e atle are of an extra saga _ -- 19 -- efer - iclar ~.d . - WTITANTED-An ANTED -.Ana need Salesman li:ilio Dry y Goode home... N ~,,,, other ne,r ~,,,,rx, ITlSultf W. 11 GARRARD, 79 Maratlst sii k 7BW STYLE CARY Eu,,,,t,,,,t1y I,,tUriTg 711 ill tho Carpet Ware'A me of W. ILPCLITO&B.Nd. 75 Fourth sheet, sy per ' fine and fine ha s Oarpent, rub lo e °1 .... , ',Cargo, to which we havhdlhe at tentioc of purchs,,,„,, _________, wiiiwigi--., .. ~.;.., A DL ACK:AMITII capable of making ardtpfigcs,.fiar ii. gin s . and famishing ouch work as la ;Mowed .b.. Ssdi 'Works, nod repotting mull steam / 0 01ns audlrct,r e , 2 , - A. good sit:cation is now offered to such a peahan, to • establish himself is business where he enn 4110 M two or three hands. Apply to KIER & JON_ the Y subsetibers, near Tammany .for runner Infal%ano, n. THOMAS KIS .4 . _ LEW Saline Salt 'Works, July 19, 11349. • IS PEP X e-: - BATHING. L'IIGHT BATHS FOR ONE DOLLAR, or &Illy 124 Bath for fifteen coots. Ladies Department open from 9 to II o'elihelVg, m, and S to 5 Weiner, P. 51. Atheuroom Saloon wad Bathing Eiriablir,tiro • r jy IC , T. SUFALL.,pro ' , e /715L 1 FFEE-450 bags MO Coifee jo,o re w d ; 'Od for innfr by ROBISO Lx,rat. a/4 kV,. * f lah r LibeWst A,l uL A, zi.cßii-fo.stiula N-0-IFS l U l s — e - a . ; - 10 - rroXil der, I.T.L in store and for sale.by tylB ROBISON, um „Aia - 0 0 sole by 41.2 HOWSON°, uzlrcasmaiot NAILS, Au.-he.--:no kegs Naga, asablairaa; 00.dragn,. o't Sinkea, 10 tuna smarmed Oar Iron,' (druid-NY. i y tn2I 9H2SON,LITTLIC 0..c.-1410 bales .?1, - 1;s1god Ignt fib Condlennek; tkal lbs Ogginn Yarn Air og h 1 . jylB BArCC'col r:a-nt:se:FPln”, ILT'den mr , - fors ; , ;:h7 ,iylB R01.11...ZN, LI ENP-9m EO .13 Amiga, for Mb, by iyln Rf3PI3OY urrrall4.l? •1)9 M for sale by )).10 ROLlisigg, L.L O G I '4, S r - or slie b :T i t=;%7,LT , rd.r4 t , 110, - Aptte_t..o A. lad for sale ii~~ha es INIOS - a - aaN. atilirrin,,, I„) and b Loaf, do, Inc .44 , 9' /Yl.O HuBISON, LITYLEk, co o,:itaW'No 3 2 „anT"-. -- ' do No I.VibbiHenig ro ! _. , Fielded No I Sablocll/ 1 4 1 , by _ largo No I,lanadn Mf )08 ad 29 WaR at ist kori-2.73 un. Pig Iron, r r for same by jyle 11011WoN, LITTLE (hCO TAR—Z . l4gs Tar, IVO 1739 RUE' e, S tAITLIRIrd kCO r' - .A13 -613 pi g s Lead We'd and for 5 - 1; - 17 iyld HU Er, marrti6vtit.co iRHSi ITOTABVILLV: iteararr Lydia' Collins; too rain by Pat CH GRANT, 41 Wail; -st .1.\111,1" 2.9 do 3.1 Moores, to-day reed and far •alerly /YI 7 ARMSTRONG k CHOP 'H -W aal:QC - ound . Z.ll hear, miiiiiiirarl. COlll (I hear, cud judge it gently— The Dr one at:Aisne: and illOsirthe Verse, le; Of I IS, the arils of Dentley.”—Dm, . , , • BLVI7...EY'S MISCELL.A.PiY.—Ju. Ala p o 63 %Wood - street, has for sale a complete setptale celebrated work, edited by Charles Dickens mult i _ worth, with illustrations by Craikattaxik. 1 1 , 11011ANDL:- - 1600 - lbs extra eure fe — _ , sale ~ -11-L 13 , 17 J D WILLIAMS, 110 W at CAER.IIAN-CUY:=o)—eifirree ay . 1,3" sale by tyl2 • VLSSEr ,lk DI f P 4.NU .T.S- 300 btuth in atom and for stireW..:, jyl2 TAASKYt alcirr k ynaituk-1 , 1 ba l e, c,.,,..,Th, b: ,... N . 12ig . T2 ,b,tY Feathe r mAtrigiritk reo, Ptsyk , St OLlPltilirt—blli—PlO-1-I..aTri; lemks- 13 CliCe - Tiiiii t.3 . easera. 4 bass Ginseng; tO do Pemba/20ml. landing from steamer CitizeN for sale by :. _/YIK ISAIAH DICKEY dit.. . -noTesli—iks fin—ifiar4 I - kru • REIM)I49 is 841
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers