ESTABLISHED IN 1786 BUSINESS CARDS T. EL Ball. BAIRD & STICEIRRTT, TTORNEYS AND COVNSELLORN Al' LAW, liFourth meet, between Smithfield sad Grhie, Wburgh,JulS ions a Lser mum pran A.; . ATTOFINETO AT LAW, Boum,street ,or Gr ft. Maar ilcrelifely(iiiolicT2tit,Commiseion Merck/Was told Alaiers is Piodace, No. :hi Market suaret ttLshargh. deal nano. LIFAJEIG. BUSILFIELD hLEADER, 'Wholesale dealers is Dry Goode, ,Groceries, Boots, Shoes, rittsba sasouisetoreil articles. Ac., No. Liberty street, Prosborp. /To rano= t t nadtai, asoiros asirrti- BDRAW, lc REITER, Wholes .*. and Retail Drag. guts, earner of Liberty and Si. Clair streets, Pat. burgh, I.a mayLk =Ma a , a, a. aarnal. DROW t i 4- CULBERTSON, Yholesale Greeds, 1.) and c smsobraion ftlerehuds, ;'o. 145, Liberty ilk., Pltistrurab. Pa. Brtlilbir..3TOCK Or. Co, tholemde Mania s tan . Druggists , corner Wood And Yak ins. yyi I.):.idLilY SISIITH, Wholesale Grocers, Itl 11541 J_P 19 Wood street Pittsburgh. 1. rl A. MeAINUL'FY h. Co, Fortruebng and Grari• mignon Merchants, Canal Hu in, Pittsburgh el. Duquesne Spring, Axis,el and Iris Works. II tee fIOLEMAN, • 115.11.51 AN d Co, manufacturermid Coach erud Niptie Smug., hammered Askst, Spring mid Plough Steel, Iron, . Warehouse,* Water and Front rtreets, Pitr.burgh. Also, dation, in,7, Couch Trunmings and Mallealia Castings. oette 4JAROLE WORKS ON LIBERTY ST, OPPOSITE THE HEAD OF WOOH,_prrrsunitai. ErDZIUND WIirECIN Br CONTINUEB to manufacture Monuments, Vents, Totabs, Bead Stones, Mantel Iheces, Cen tro And ,Pier Top of foreign and domestic marble i o..ltt • regular and fast prima Disormgo for monuments, vaults, to. MI ry ed, of any desc:lcm He solicits a share Of pa patronage alora-d WIC 'lant.tatt, /alum 17 as ENOLISki es 'SENNETT, llate English, Gallannee Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Gommnisson and Pot leaning Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Fitlaf burst litanuthentres, Nu. 37 NlTood ai. between a.ta :Id streets. 'A.11.011. E Ct./CHILL:4, Conarnearion and Forwer Merchant., No. _al Wood street. Piumutga. myl RORIE LE AG UR FACTORY. AbIIL'ION STEWART, , ot 'NOY nthartings, Cheeks, !cc., Rebecca !dee., ca . / of Allegheny. novls-dty• 14LEE, Inoceettrph) & V. ~o 1 Dee -41.. or and Coranuesion Meacham, for the .ale of Americas Woolens, Liberty, opposne sth st. fah!? _ PIS-ALD, BaltitnoPc.. a. I..coUtoft, =WAIL° 1,244.1 D, 1 Phu., D. C. NOCA.Z.VO/1, /ODD a. 19.11.0 , 2, HEALD & ItUCKNON, Tobacco Cotnalintion Mere =ants, 41 North IN Eder & 11 North Wharvosi Phila. notrabtl;_ wo. P /ODES lra ARIA, JONES It Co, (so ecensors to n twoOd, JA Jones & Co.) Coingusazon and Forwarding <ir , chants, dealers In ritwborgh Nanufacturod Goo* Pltaibsol, Pa_ meo27 ILIAD DWI= , mny.rr, nr ITBALVII ' ItaI,Y a. Co., Who= GILCTS, ' C ' .:M.-: mission MerelluMA, and dealers in Produce, No•-40 titer, and 107 Pro...meta Pittsburgh. tart I TIL Ce/SFICIaus of ti ' atreu, Übtq) Commit •ioa soul Forma:cum Merchant, and wholesale dealer in Western Ite.r•o Cheese, Bauer, P. OMIT Pearl Ash, and WC.1.171 Produce generally, Waxer; treat, between riouMlie/d and Wood, Putsborgh. JOHN WATT, (successor to k,uraiE a liebbarb . Wholesale (tracer rad Comaossum dealer 111 Produce and Pinsourgh Alan...tures, °Or-, ner!ny and Iltiao nreeso, Pammugh Pa ja8:11 JimEs S Met:CLUE, Pete of Mofirni of AJg. arid; HlCOuire.,)MerChllllt Totior, 84 Charles I 3 inahrgs,l purl smear, 11C.F_WcK;.dnylusbul.11. JAMPS A. tarrcint3or, ac0.—5u.0.... to Lewta it Co y Commiswton Mernbantk, tad Agents of tho et. Loom *team 'Sugar lienverjr. Pic. 0 water .422 front .VEO., Paubargb... JS. DILWORTH G CO., W 1:10.0.1121 orocene, PPrrpp A duce and Conotruceten Merchants, and Ageutv for We Hazard Powder Co. of N. l i., No. 27 Wood se idilLehargh_ /ad JIOIIN D. ?SCUD/S.2i, Wholesale Draggy., Anti deed'. er In Dye dude, Palms, Ode, Varnisons, .o, No. d 1 Wood ureter, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pule janT. J6lll. KEIIII. Co.; ...acc - es.nario Joseph u Slttp Chandlers, 'ad Water street. on3l. OHNII. MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealt:4 in Mu,. odd Musical lostruments, School BooSE, Payer, Slates, Steel Pew, tjwllo , l'nuters' Cantle, and Ellattonary geocrulty,No. el Wood sk, l'nothurgn IVEnteLorcght or unto to trade. sepia JSCll.ooNAllilikat a. Co., V, itotesalo Drugg,•*" • No. 2.1 W ood kt.rect, l'auburah. JOkIN D. UAVIN, nueuoneer, corner Sat nod' Woad streets, l`notburan, ucta JENS TON STOCKIUN, itookaoller,, Protteia nd Paper 3laktufacturere, No. 44 Market at., t'atui- Lt ,h jet' . Jana FLost. Rama. , .&2.13- FLOYD, Wholesale Orseers, lAdttmissoin tf a 31.crettanta, and Deniers to Produce, /Wand Churn lnudings, froanng oo Libeny, Wood and Gib streets, tittaburgh, Pa toys AMES DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Canuntesirdt T Aleinhant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacurres. N 0.24 Water st, Pittsburg - la )aul4 . 17MR & JONEN, Forwarding and Corntalsnon chords, Dealers in Produce and Pi.burgt, mand tseuared Rucks, Canal Dasut, near 7th et_ PENIS CULL, PITTSBURGH, PA. VENNEDY, CHILDS & CO, Manufacturers of ser i superior 4-4 bliesuags, Carpet Chan., C. 4011 Tune and Ilattang. JaN )-1 Y Vesuvius Iron Works. LEWIS, DALZKLI. tr. Co., manufacturers of all al- Lea Bar, Skeet. Boller Iron .ad of the Deal quallry. Warehoura, St water and luS trout af.. L s WATEKSInh, W.lcsale brocer, Fonaant. ivgg and ',.."'" ~P'ron'"ucLh•aan t lk aler ;Zos. Wt P rvi er and c Front e, KENNEDY & SAWYER, lOOKING GLASS Manufacturers, slid Wholesale . dealers in foreign sod domestic V snety kVestern merchants, Podlars and others are maned LO Will and examine the prices and quality of our steed, Al with oar present Increased facilities sit inanufaetat trig and purchasing, we dunk we coo offer as great undactements to buyers as kik) , other house west of we Moismains. was. stmmea t ittoOtos.w. sacsamos, Pittsburgh. 1110 - LLLER RIC ON KETS, owamate tirocers t awd Ml importers of Brandies, Wines and &gars, Not, 170 and 174, catlike . of I...therty aid Irwin suet., Petit numb, Pa .. myM/ Jona )P GILL its. 13. 0`617.1... worries c. Boa ailLittn h AGE, N hotattede (1000005 awl Cotontils. AIL Mon aleraleautm No. 1114 Liberty 51., Pittsburgh MURPHY , WILSON & t'4,lia:e Jones, Murphy & Co.) Wholeaale Dealers in Dry' Deals, No. 413 Wood Meet, rittsbant nov-22 , K. ALLLEZI, ASZX. x.llOl, 'WK. I. lustloo. MALLEV Q. CO., COmminflOri and Forwarding , Merchants, Wnt ater and From stil betwaels d mid Marker 81-1. raoa ' &A AriI:LEW %V suntan and Mu nature Pant- LVL tar. Rams, corner of Post Uthee /die] mai FOgrth . I no, Sumacs o 0 4th near Marker_ dee.3-ta NHouts i SUN, No. f.h Market.., rummy N door trom corner of Fourth, Veal., in Fore4h. and Domestic Bill, of rathange, Ceruticate• of bepota PBank Notes MulSpecle. irrColleationa mod on all the pnneipal entail ronghout the tinned State, deel7 N I.I.IjeKNAIUTIitIL, iimmxma.a.--office, Fourth 4 - ; ,- tiani door above Strunineld, bomb aide. Conveyancing of all kinds done iivitb the greadent. care sea legal accuracy. Titles to heal Eautc examined, tr.e. octal-1y ONOItGIt A10C0011... OFFICE, Fourth street, near Cram, m the rook lately occupied by Alderman 11.1 m, unmodutte opp,uto Kr. Hallowell , . Ile may Lomond m night, I. Nn. 71, St. Charles Hotel. Ault:darn n.T. lioueru, xi. D., (LPTHAI.XIC [SURGEON, wilt anond to the treat ment of Disennes of Eye. . FL hr. been engaged in Una branch of the medi cal profession tor rumen years, and has emolument an ealalrdishronat for the LIVOIMeIIt 01 11.94*.• of the o , c sham for 'Omni. year Orr= and residence, corner of ftndusky at and Strawberry , alley, Allegheny e actin Tina. eniTo/3.Es—No. Ti . 11;01Z1 at, near Wood—All (immune, on rite. and Black Tetra -done op m quarter, half, and ono pound pactog tangoes trout ~o eta. per pound sit jy.i / Aes, rtie:Ss Act. for Ytkla2 tie. igobtaiT &skate., rrn nionensie IirOCC f, ItCClTriing 11 /Renner, fawner an Produce, Plusborgh 111.1615 V. lona _ond all kotd. of Foregin and lAnnestne Wanes wad Liquors, Noll Liberty rireet. 00 bond very falls stock of .oponor old 31onongalield whiskey, which will be told low for cash. nplOnly saiiisiritonmic.," - _ sal... a iloaUcellif. bI4ROktON et Co., Whalcmaic Grocers,. ProduC4 Wad CoMialafiou Mere own, and Lx.talet • Li, Puts. 611 Manufactures, No. itto 1..1.,,rty at., rittatourgh. ja.ala R uaxxr PALZPILL. it Co Wuoiesuli — Vgrouurs, toCosursivuou and Forivardtrig Alerchunts, dealers Product mud Pittsburgh blitaubactures, Liberty in. febbi tniNN/Z46/1),,,/, Nhuloale G..:Tr . jL Dealer 1111'1..1c:cc mud l'i.burgh .51.ufnetpres, Di.. 144 Lalsvrty L. 0. 011 - 3,301.130, L. 10310; 114 EYNOL1)13,10311111:, Forwoudlng and Cemlataaion 11 MMlnont..ter the Aile4heny River 'rrade, deal , Sr.•r•in Groceries, Produce, buatourgh Idanufactutea and Chloride et pale. • .• ..... , Tan highest pinta, in °alit, paid at •ll times for noun ryry C.Gruch of Penn and Irwin sta Ana.l a c. MlACusta . , worn: HACKLETT & WIDTI", Wholesale Dealers It Foreign arid Dolmen , : Dry lioode. N 0.99 Wood , O. febl7lf Wool ble:rehante Dealrt b o in Flom and Ytoduce rot call and Forward i 4 and Commission Mecehanu, 15c,..53 Water at, Pitt& (2)1ITITIL, BAGALEY tr. Co., K holesale Grecersnu . PO Pr:4nm deniers, No.=Uarkel streenbetorecc bib and etts. Nardi side,Yhtindelphin naeß . s. 1= s rrrin.... /oi. uilisuniti & NICOLE, Produce and Liciterni cgs, S missaon facrchwita, No. 17 Liberty sl u t • -nu Linseed end Lard Oil. -- • F. VON BONNIWILIT, ts. Co., Whidessle Ortt• cam Forwarding and Canuaisston Merchant. Dnlrn to Pittabtarth Martnihr..tores attd Western Pro. have matt's.' to their new tranthottse,told stand MS. Corner of Front at. and Chancery La a. C=E T ROTiIt:i•CORT, Wholesale and Retail dealers ill &re,Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, de., S. W. 4th and Smithheid so, Plusburgh, Pa. 3 Ida &Ptti - D - MT, Whoiesalet.i la iorrra and Commie Metekants, and dealers Produce. N. 35 Wood xi... Pittsburg h pag2 & AL ALITCIIbiI.TREE, Wi - uTt Tees) — a - Timms. a Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Isigarh Yefchatits. Also, Importers of Soda AA and Bleach. &n Powder, Ro,D3OLiberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. egya r. . . • :.. • . ;. . • . ',.., 4 1 , .. . . •• - .. ~ .. . . .•- . ~. ; ‘ ... . . . . i. .g. I 7.•,• g. ....s. ;',.• l' • ..•-•• • .. . . .... .. •.. 5••••',. , .. - . . . • 0 • . • I I I .. , t ' . ''', T' ••• . .• . . • • :-... .. ~ . , . • • ~...: , • ~..; , ~..• YAL-k n . :r L .•. , ...', : 11 . , ' 'l' . • 4. 1 ., - .. , ~..:. ..„ ,:., .... ; t,. i • 4 .. _ . 111., I h .. ?.. CARDS. 08.`i DAVID ACC,C01.3215 NV l { , ie b io k %Fl i gl ' e p tir ' G '''' :r;, ` 7o " j iti l t ) ii Commission Merchants dealis In Iron, NuilA'Glass, 1..0u0n Yarns, and Furst:ninth am:facture. r.erally, rosues. of Wood nod Water •trvista. Pittsburgh. WW. WALLACF,MTiItoos. nod Mill Furnish • log ea 1 4 19 1i 911411 0h4 3 N 01144 Liberty et, near the canal. mar/.5 TIT W. WiL`3tiNr,Viatetini,Jeweiiy. Bil6er Vi ero. rJ . and Military Goods. ettrner of Mtuket and 4 , 0 streets. Pntsburgh, Pa. N. IF—Watehes and Cliwks earefully repaired. der , : urEST - BOWE —sr - -sommii,sion ao - d — Forstliiding ry Merchant, No. 90 Front st between Wood and Alorket streets. fehß4 W. tL or b i l .r. UßP . l , i d l i : s i..lit c o . i t e i rin Dry t Itsta ood,, tjrteahlecr.l.l corner of Martel mud Fourth sts. arignl _ . ans. Torino, •• 'n rico. L averts. WM.I - Cit/NR & Co.—Dealtrs in leather hides. An. 143tabirly:st_ ww. X CUTCXISOS. SORT. IeCT - TVIIVO, W. & R. bl‘CitTl3 EON, Vlsole.ale Grocers, dea lers in Produce. IronolNall., Gloss. and Paw. burghManufaetures generally. 114 Liberty tit, Puts bongo. dee./ in Watch..., in welry Wn 57 Mar tot .1 nov7 AV - /ii. — Y OVN & CO. DEALERS IN HIDES .6.N.13 LE/al-A.le, Morocco, Shoe Fualinrs, /cc., No. 443 Ltherly rtveet. have Orm receivrd rhea r.3PRINOfBTOCK Foralv cum proing a hove aneortment of 4 , ICItS to Inca late. to which the atterotou of to invited. mchls PETTIbIt-FaIN & CO., STAM 044 , AT A ti ENTS Oman .11.bVII AI. ALLY, & 120, 00131 Na. 42 Water atreet. INSURANCE. PIKE AND MAKIN it INSURANCE. THE INSCKANCF. CO. a? North America will make permanent and luEirtsit Insmacee on pro. Ciserty ihis eity and ocular, and I n SOLI masts by Rivers, Lake. arid by t Sea. Tut too. cr..* or this Company WC vrell mvestetl. and furnish as nen, able fund for the ample !admiralty of all persons who alestre to he protected by insuilume. myls WM. I'. Jo:. r§l, agent 44 Water mi._ INDEMNITY. The Franklin Fare hsaltrallic Co. of PhdaddpAta. DIRECTORS. - Charles N. taneker, Thom. Hart. Talmo NVagner. Samitettprrim. Jacob IL South, Geo, W Richard, .lifordeent says Lea-, Adolpho K Rorie, David S. Brown, Morrif.Pritterson CnARLY.3 NU flaacasa, President Charles G. Rancher, Seerctaity. Continue to make insuranegg perpetual or Minted, on every deseripuon of roomy is town orcountry, at rates as low as are conststrult wtth secant) To Company have reserved Clare< contineent Fund. which watt their Capital rind Prenalums. safely MYCSI ed, adord ample protection to I;t. assured. The assets of the company, on January lot, ISIO. as publtehed agreeably to art act.cif assemoly. wore as fellows. vim Mortgnge••• . • .Sl 047 43= 41 Reol 1 4 ...tutc. • ...... • ra, Loans I.: $404.44 . ca., 'Z.. SIVN 3' . . Slnce thou tacorporauon, a t Eeriod of 19 years, they have Fund upwards of one rat Men four knandrsd thous and dollars, losses by fire, thertby attlordlng evtdesee of the adv.ta,tres'of 111.2arlatiCe$ I. well as the afifitty and dtsposnron to moot with nrjanputess all ttataittte. J. GARL/Ifit hat tt/FFIN. hcent marl.dly othed etc blitaAVl7AanilLtlTT - UA_Cr,lNEiliii-ANCE CO. P. A. :iLABURA, Agent taiSittsbarga for we De . c Al - cabal &arty hisuNince Coinr.ny co Ph wnr adelpluu Fire Risks upon mid menairotim of every description, and hlrt4ricltiols upon balls or cargoe tessera, Cauca upoh we most avoratac teterms. m OXice m the Warehouse ,frf W B. !Mimes t Bro., N 0.37 Water, near Market strelli, Cittliorgh. N.B.—The success of this Clitopany since the catch. lislitnent of mu Agency. in thin city, with die prompt ucas mid liberality with weadilvery claim upon them for loss km lacer adjusted, all ...Mill hat agent in inviting the conlidence to - Ape nage Cl his friends and the community at large to Liao. Delaware M. Lnsu ranee Company, while Sr has thh additional advantage. as an imatinion among the mo 4 lost risamg bearmg an amok paids7,ri capital. a loch by the operation of i charter is eoristantly increivang, a. reliant to each parson meuref,l th. due shore of the profit.. of Mr conapiwy, wahm4 involving ban in any responsibility whatever. and Merriore a. posseas.iie the Mutual principle divested Pa corny obnoxious 1- tare, and 11l 11. 1110,1 nitreirtive Myna 1.0 , 4 FIRE AND 311AILINIIIINSCULLIECK. TRY. Insurance Company of hiOritt Amenca. tarough as duly authorised Agent 911 sub.entier. nums io make pernimient and latuted insurance on property. IL this ray and as meinity. slupniehts by the Ca nal and !Cants DIII.ESTOEL9. Arthur 6 Corros, ' ; Chum , Tay tor. Sonn'l Ns Jon,,, , Ain bto, NV too, Edward sew 7 J &cot, NI. Tnotunn, John A. Bro<rs.t, =John K. N,a, John Whao,la' Ku' wird 1). NVood. Tbonmu P. Cope, Samuel F Samuel 13ruole, _ . , llama LS Stumm; 5ec'y..,.. 4 This is the ordest Insurauce•Company to the United States, basun; been charmred'in 1103. Cc charter /i perpetual, and from its lugh strraning. long ex pertenee, ample MX/11111, anld asendurg alFsisks 01 an extra ea., ardona chasactet, it may be coVnle red u. edering am ple ueedrily to the public. NV. P. JON no'. At the Commng Room of Atspod..loll,4 Wa ter and Penn; Pittsburs._ mati 1/11: rJUISSCILIJJEEt has heap appointed Agent pro tern. of th e Iniuratice Coingtbray of North America, and will lA.MG Policies astd atittga:l to the other nu,nes. of Me Agency, at the warehoqe of Atwood, Jon,. et C0.0p12 1.%3E:-1' e• e. & COMM I SSION C. IL 1..207..N1V1V1L11., J. CHARLES IL, DANERHOWER ar. CO. TOBACCO CUR 121.18803 IIE6CILASITB, NO. South Wharves, : Nos. Ili South Water at . BEGS tot xiom the croJe oral dealers generally. of Pittsburgh, that they oat. e giatle such arrimg• menu with the Virginia mainifoc.onSra and we Uro•rer• of the NV coL tt eat Indies, and fah& p.aces, a, cm: In. re a large [MC cousrant sups. , ok Inn tollowing dr, nOna of Tobacco, what b ven,:tve mow upon atn.lolll modnung terms as any other 6/u...< an. c.if or else where, and all goods ordered *m them will Lc war. tetanal eystal to representsuou, • Havana; tit. Domsago, 4341.1.; "-) Tara; Porto Bleu, Psynt's.; }Seed Leaf to- Caha, In•tuar, t Fllhrda. ) haat, !MO= ALSO—Broncris eelehraietkvirosnane Stag Caven dish. with a large assortthent PI other popular bran..., and qualities of pounds, ns. er,42, Ins and :a., Lamp,s, 5, ell and 10, Litthe.'7.ll w¢c Vlrginsa 'I anst, tee. sweet and plain ' wholt and half lasers, wood aid togtther with every vddrwt) of erne, be.,,,,g. mg to the rode. lel ad. y ions A. SHAW, PACKER OF PORK,IAND BF.Er . , Commission Itrehant . nd Ponsarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST., CINCANN ATI, OHIO. 117- Particular attention piirl to We purcooning of army err.cio of Produce on i 4. marker. litso w Inc forsetathug of (toads general', yer Hems to Messrs Joan tivra.e y 24.4`,0, Moron & Sto:kte,cill.Catetratua, 0. S. C Parkhurst, Esq. Laanneott .1s Cu. Kier & Jooes, ataburgh, Pa.. Logian tr. Bennett, toar,tihnt_ Mm=z=mazi Commission end Foror4rding Merchant. co. ka WOOD cc., i4 , rruec ri .o ONTINU transact ES cotO tranct a Corriminsion cipcendly in the pur - Cliaac nod cute of Ameri can litanufactures rind Produdii, nod recinving and forwarding Goode consigned wins care. As Agent tar the 3laninactures, tin will Le .iiiistantly Rupplied with the principal article. of PlusbiOgh Mosiunicurre. ut the lowan whoiemalt pnces. Orraers nifa coneignmants nm_rccpcctinlly eohctird. in? Al. trar.s.s. r F. PrraN. am 0. AmassoN. .1 -- EATEIAJN, PITIF:ItiAPiti., FogivAgimiu k uumMli. lON ;MERCHANTS, No. 162 SeeoakM street . , caeh27:dsm , , L , r I OLIS N' l. STADEI ,, , SIttiSTO ,g,,ke.—or. Spades sod Sun • otibli 4u du Manure Forte ' do r.rsin Shoe- ~ Ni do Socket do; Akes, llatcaeit 51ati,c1, ,, and Plet- , .. 1 3810 .., Vies., &,, for sale at' manufacture re rice a ST now 1 , , 41 , 4, rilvii Ft AN, ea tt,,,,,d st PITT2I/RA[4lf . zi'li . .EL VY'tlitlfs AND SPRING AND AXLE EtteT , IF .1 =AC Men, ~. ;Qua C. w 1....., JONES t. IPCUIGO, MABLIFACTURERS of ogling and blister . tell, plough rutel, steel pluega4vings, , oaeh and ri,p2 tic sprums, hammered arou 5..r11,a, an Aral., te meal leable hags. fire cog", larat, and c.a.:, ,runirunge feemeally, cornet of Host .I. 4 Proat 0p,.. Pissmtrga, Pa. 4 . fr If, - e - - - - it.rvekeLlia v a ing lie . l ‘ l il e.:: :::c : :: : : ~,,„ 0. 51.1 fl I•L'lltEN'tNti W.A'fER, IWhich rendeti turbid water purr b 7 Water. Time cO.ctem. water In N. 1, or:. 4(7 1 )0 a , sthbbqh elesS'sold pore to the eyt, yr, ...„..) se. ~, ashen it ousel* ,u, Lour through mia ‘,71....5• /thormg e.kiiehours a Large ileposa impale Apeatcea, worn., Ace. 'Thus is the ease morn or leas with hydrant water. The Re ruble Piitems ct and durable, and is Merolla not attended with the ante M onier:it to other Filtorers, as it ts cleansed wafir et borng detached Irma the water pipe, by comely tosaing the key or handle from one aide to the other. l Liar 0867 process, :he MALMO of water is ebaUged, alI PeelamalaLana Impure lablaaaCee are drivea almost instant !.. without unsorrneing the Fllted o It &so posserres advaratage of being estop 000)d mid as etch in Mr hy cams will vely,convemeni nd acohomteat • Ak • itc. he attached where ta-,,,0 is any prorwore Ittes or low to a cask, tank, tab, 5.4 with earn. To be had tithe sole Agent, a W, W. NVILSON, 0417 corner of first:nth and Market etc I.TR. SALE- 7 A annasonsc granitry Curnagetilsioile or two horses, bunt at Pekladelptua by a cerebra. ted Mama:mita'. 'I Me °erring, Is In every , a first rate article, made-wit& pri the ruccoirn Improve ments, lined with blue viola r aid linLoto in superior manner. It Is Cautery new tihd sold for went or arc. Enquire of A NUEit ts'lrAY, snytn 75 Market in, IN Wierner of the Lit ELMOiril AIANUFACFC• j REVS.—Having mari, langeme ats for a con stant supply of FACTORY F_NDINGS, we wilt sc.l at low prices Calf and Sheep eilec Skins, Lace Lea ther, Pickers, Reeds, Shottlesetnii Twine Trearne, No. 5 to 15 Belt Punches, W T4selms, Stripping Card., In to 15 in, Patent Drester Beitabes Weavers' lirush• a &c. &c. LOGAN, WILSON & CO„ myi l2a N 1,1.0 street. Pnwburgli BENNETT 4 a ROTH ER ; QFErNswARE MANUFACTURERS, ina.instunn, [near 11.1ttatrurgisd Pa. Wafthoust, Na. 13 7 , Wddd street, Pittsburgh. iliwyu,,, Oo stantly keel, on head a good upon mm,, of w iic i of 0,11"i0W11 manufacture, and saperior q ualay. Wholesale and country Ma thew. ere respect - MIS invited to call and ex amine for themselves, as too. are deter:tuned to so' 1 cheaper than Waver before {Teen offered to the pal - tie. My" Orders tent by now,,, e eeWpanied by the rash or ,ir refelellet. WM be 0ff.51P917 I,lflliiini In mV ll xiALF SKINg-3u a. geuutiteFrencb Calf slime. i ...7 too .y 4 e. A fer dozens Ptulattelol,la Skins, from the antattfacterg of H M Cemorford to winch the attention of boormaakera is Invited. i eat received and for sale by ; W YOUNG & Co, ilea ; 143 liberty st F It. H. C ARN AHAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on Fourth street Iselsween Cherry alley and Grant st. ntyLity • WM. TIMBLLN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa SILL also attend to collections and all other bust n'esit entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrone countica,Ftl. Reter to I. is R. Floyd, Liberty st W. W. Wallace, do lames Marshall do Pittsburgh. Ray & Co., Wood st. ) jon7 JFL SWEIT7F.R, Attorney at Law, office :14 at., onposite St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Green counties, P.. • REFER TO Blackstock, Bell & Co., Church & Carothers, I.fhttsburgh. D T.• Morgan, se Llttly EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Counsellor ut Law. . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collectuans in Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner Mr the Rune of Penn sylyasua,. for taking Deposttions, ucknoutieciaments, kce. le. RE.. to—Hon. Wm. Bell k Ben, Curbs, Church tc C.m.hem, Wm. B.ya, Esq.. Willock tc IM Vie. tlln I.IIS DCALOY, HAAS.. TI UNLOP SEWELL, attoroey at Law, (Miens on _LY Smithfield, between 341 and 4th an. JOHN - A TTORBET AT LAW, Fourth *treat, between Sroithfield'and Grout. Jul:I-dean O. It ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, hos re- TV . moved ho , Diner to the Eleanor. Llundotel. SL Clair rt., next door to Alderman /oboe. aol7ly HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. Ill'COßall 6 CO., py 4 (Stmeeseram hrittord & King) Finable/Stable Fla : Corner of WaPd and Fifth Strom. PTICVLAR attention peed to Der Retell Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Firm and Caps from oar eatablahroent of the mar alarm.. and atincatanimm, of the hamar pryt.dra, and at the LOWlarr PRICICS. Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesne, are respectfully invited to Gall and exs.mtne our Start; na we can say with confidence that as regards iyosurr and mica; it wdl not suffer in a corapanson with any hour, in Philadelphia ieltl7 Ct'A.I.IF'ORNIA HATS-12 dos water prno( Callfonua Hata, just received and for sale by firetrliD tr. Co. tebfiT corner sth and Wood ets rtim SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1548 s IWCOHD Cis will introduce on Sam, 111aday, Alarrh th.l. we b , rtng style of HATS. Those in want of a treat an d ' superior hat, art inrite to call at earner of sth and Wood streets. court Q PRINO RONNE:I . RI BRONS, trx.—W R Murphy LI , has non open a supp 'y Aprulg Bonne KlM , ons, of new and handsOme style. salso, near style Cag'd N :tts, Lisle Laces and Edg iles. Linen Edgings; VICIOTIti do, plant Nil.llllll and J aeons.... embroidered :.•'1•11 M.III/a, bemoes large assortment of Sprua troods genern.,y. at north east torn, 4th and Mart , .1 streets. lionm• 111.1 ruse OE2EBI U BEFACI ENT —Hor sea while running tater , /1... in the field, are i.y. apt to bruise and mute themselves in many way.- They are often disabled ag to benseleastor a Inotg time. If Immediate owe eouid be made of B A. l'almestock di Co. s Itubeta• eat, and the raised part well tato:aced, and the remedy-rubbed in, it would give relief and ease the pain No fanner should be without this celehrated nedtedte, at It it alike hooting to man or beast Pre pared and cold 1.1 A FAHNKSTOI . I\ b. Co. cornet of Wood and Ist •is; also. e n rger nn, nod %t and rtlyl7 N,IORUAN'S WORM KI.L.L.KR.—Artother proof of IVJL We triumphant snorer.. of Morgana Vemtifuge ermanraolt, May 10, PAC Mr John D. Morgant.-4f my name is of any usti to the suffering community, in regard to Inc article of Alorcan's.Verrmiuge, you are perfectly welcome ar. It I had two children sorely afflicted wlta worms. I be. exert< alarmed, and very Justly so, when I tried y re.msened Veriutruge. and astontshing to tell, one of balm wan delivered of about hity mortal fifteen mcbes lone. of the moot frtghtlul land, rembltag more toe appearance of ce, The other child was delivered of about tor. The t Mlttren ars now doing fine, y you ma) well be pr nod of your Worm Kl:ler. Yours Ira' it Davcc - Sariss, Wirral/ ale) Prepared and Knit) whiner ale and retell by Jl4H,'s it. Mr .Ftt/ AN, Druggist, Wood street, nor door belcaLir aniad alley. my 14 y UUR MAY BE CUItED A 1-,-, Cart.(34 April 20. 14.49 Mr Seilera Being &Munro tor some amt. wrth cougrt, ythrch was so severe as to malt nan Inc Jury employment Frequent.} alter roughing, I have Leen no Invert exhou•ted. no to he ounged to an town end rest. /leering us' die good odera prodnet.d hy your Cough Syrup, -I concluded to give it btu., and ton happy to say It produced the desired elfeet runty cane After ti•tug one night, the cough was abetted, and 1 ant Aeon perfectly we.' J Alfr, JOIINNOPI Thte pleasant and popular Cough lay rup a pr-paced and sold try RE St-L.L.E.RS, 37 Wood street Sold also by Deuggists generally in the two clues aro! vb Frßuic I.v.tcng t.'S Au.Uu A 411.1., ARTHUR COM N, Yres't AVEID ILEA Vennifuge as the uru• cio. . I..theigth ' .1 Va., Jan..,l - 49 Mr J. ;4. Wilson—Dear t 4 tr. The vial of Sellers' Vern - wog., I bought from you some tune ago. brought I rum my ipri 5 years old, the aalonlabing number 1 5 hundred Worms. I Leith.a the would have i,rea a very short time, btu for this med.upe. W.. Sea . Jr. Pternred and sold by R E SELLERS.,S7IVood eold a.•n I?) . Lb oiglets generally to the iwoeinee at!. IHPORTAI QT TO THE 61171,L1CT Dr. Mosel Celebrated liemediel. TAR. JACOB S ROSE, the th.overer and .tole pro pr,ctur of the.e moat popular and heneficial toed iiand miss • the Inventor of the ceienrated instru ment ler trilluts ng t3e Lungs. in affeettng a ruse of Chronic amens, a. was a student of that cminent yss elan. LkKstor I" syn., a nd in a graduate of toe CM vers. ty of Pennskyilr antes, and Co. thirty years sloe,. ha. heats engaged In thein vealleation of dtsease. and the appd. canon at tem ed ie. thereto. Through luee of his inflating tube. In connection wise, his herph) Met. Syrup and other of hls rcatedicS. be has gal. mu an Duper...lied eminence curmg mom dread tor mit fatal malarben i Tubercular , on sompoon, I ;an eri, Scrofula, trneumatimi, Fever and hgoe., Fevers of all kinds, CRSOnle Erysipr , Ma, and all those obstinate diseases peculiar to femme.. Indeed net .ry fen - m - of disease vaniaties ander the use of hm rem. pima no which humanity is heir—not by the use of On e einmy oorid only, lb( that is liteornputilde with Phy staiogie al Law, but by Me non of his newt - dies, fled m u tid prescribed for each peculiar form of dmeasi. Dr. Itivircbi rook Alterative Pills, when used are re variably ackit at, iedged to be superior to all other. wi a purgative or liver pill, inasmuch as they leave we bowers perfectly fret from costiveness;as also ins D Golden I'. if admitted by the faculty to possess pee. Isar grope rho,. &soled to female diseases, but siring satisfied that a I iare trust to sufficient to establish what has tr<C, ..aut in the minds of the most skeptical. 'rue affiseted a re invited to call upon the agent. and procora ism.) one of the Doetor's pamphlet.i, gevln n g a detained accaa at °leach remedy and tts applicatio. For sale by the fol Owing agora, Eut werl as by most Druggists through out the country: J wctiootunaker A Co, TI Wood street, Pittaburgh, J Townsend. di ruggiet, 43 Market et Lea A 'keenly n, near We P. U. Allegheny cry; jos Barkley. Lk tet•ngton, Beaver county, Pa Jno Elliott, Elision Valley, T Mims, Beaver, novlo-.11 y S• 1.104. Llo.amlnana Co., 0, Apr. 24, 1141. R. D. lAN I hue him—l (eel bound to you J and the allioned nubile, to avail myself of One op peel tonly al ea le put !telly to the extraordinary <Sects to your Epectormit o n myself. Fluting been afilicteu for several years tot to a severe cough, hectic fever mid concomitant di scenes, and seemed only doomed tu linger out a short bit Inleerable existence, until the tail of 16.13), swami, being sno severely attacked, and having resorts:4 to all my for res p ec t ables, arid the pre se repo of tr we of the most esecable physicians in the. neighborto mil %without denving any beriefit, or the cotwoladou of surviving but • fear day. or sweets at far —wad 1 the last gleam of hope wan atone.° a n) tel had recommended to me your Expectorant— an blessed y that liGag who does all things in the use of the mis—aad contrary to the day s of my poisoner end friends, I was in a few days raised from my bud and was enabled by the use of a book, to attend to my busmen, enjoytng since boner health than I bad for den years prevtous. Respectful 'y Sours, lc., d es. &MLA. Far Gale I a Pittsburgh, at the Pubto 'fee Morn 71 Fourth slice L • morel jj /.1 1 15 . t o a r tha ,,p Li s i c ,uf . ch om use . , 41 ‘. 0 . 11 O m V o to . f ano ago . gun, to a tau ol rune, some Be 'ten yrorn old, two Aaspoons mid Wthougo the amount may oppcof largo, Of I iI.MOC no doubt but Mere was upwaras of 000 TUOVlsoun wOaws passed from him, meosunng tom or.* Quarter of an Inch to two mattes long. 0 W HOLLIDAY Roues etook, Carrol co. Tenn , Deo 27, 1,47. ).121 VLII.7•IIFIAJE , IN lai../IWIA.— Coicotscs, .11114 bal. 1,49 gr. R. E..9.l•llerer —Your Vernanage hat .old werl, and bar , been tugh y spoken of by who IleVO u.o“ yFrom the au, trebn litlonding adminurtrahon of our Verunluge in evrry cute 1 have heard of, I am rronlident I ran sell room durndf the eoMillg ..etuon tha..l I did lam I writ be glad to receive another pry of .1 or 5 yrorar. Voura, rerrpectlnay, lEztrurr from letter.l R. CARTER . Prepared hod by 11. E. SELLER:I, 57 Wood id, and void by druggra to generally, in Prltsburgh and Al legluty. l art.: _ ILLILDIOVAL. THIN subtother %as removed Ms Wholesale Goo , ry Store to the corner of Ilancock street and Ai... uneny Whoa nett door to the Petry Hoe. mch:l7.dtf JOHN us --- Foreign and Donavan, Liquors. A CAK,D u,..ortzueltt oi Foreign and 110010610. I .11 peers, alwa)• on kind itnit for sale 10 LIIILLOLLUCIS LO suit purchase P., by blebs to NI MITCHELTREE %Ai g — ltive some Pl3l.Pte, made no sax unproved TV plan, eo us not to (recce in the coldest weather. Persons Wanting such arueles, arc invited to call and ice them at SC AT FE .It ATKINSON'S, tnYXS tst, between Wood Alarket at. LINDItFtS--i4 Ulna No ii Lard, Xdo resineTtiesks 0 Bacon, assorted; 0 bles Flaxseed, it bags do, 4 do Dry reaches, 2. do Featiiers; 0 do Ginseng, io arrive: to sato by DIi..KY,Y to Co. Ju2 From st L.-4t sks Wool; 1 do Feathers, landaus from WE Lane, •nd for rale hy Im JAMES DALZF.I.I. rl: PIIINTEIItr.--Ynnung Ink, from the manufacto ry of J . LP. An:Teary, New York, In cans and ke, fr I. Its. upwards, and from 25 ete. to II per lb. A l. red, blue, green and yellow Inks, tn cans of h lb. to 2 lbs uonstantly for sale. Having used Alr. Allerea ry ik cal our office Mr nine months past, we se arrfult n e q ual to any that 1. made at any other nusnufacory lenha cash. J.OHNSTOIs A STOCISTON 1 sal corner Tbrni and Merketots S UM/RIM-74 owes Como; 24 bob, I 410 I Lard, I bag F Immeed; 2 " Barden Year; D 4 Feathery; 7 Uimang; Wool. NoM Maine. ;from Combo,land, No 2, for tale by ISMALI DICY & Ca., Prom :PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 1849. LAW OFFICES. MEDICAL. Jay , rie •' EipootOrant. Dr. McLane In Teaneeeee COTARTN E RS El IPS, Dlsaoltztl on . • • • TUE co-partnership heretofore ex ninny he' weenthe sabseribers. in thallium of Constaille, liarlre Co. as this day dissolved by mutual conical. Monis Burke re Barnes wall settle ihe tattiness of we MN). acre. for winch purpose they arc authorised to use the name of the concern NATHA:NIF:I. CON:STABLE, F.DMFND Itt RXF., TIKINIAS The andersiiined have this day associated themselves in the name of BURK I & BARNES, for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof `talcs, Vault Bon, he. he., at the stand (-gibe lay- firm of Constable. Burke & Co., where they will he pleased to receive the pa wining* of tae customers piths. house and their ELNIUND BERKE, THOMAS BARNL7I In retiong from the firm of Constable. Mahe In 1 with unease pleasure recommend Ales," Borlso In Barnes to the eonC.dence of my friends nod Me public. Feb. 9,1-49. fehtl-dtf N AT IIA N I E :ST l. CONABLE. DISIibLUTION. irF. partnership of NIURPHY4k LEE t.,hp , .day dt.nolved tuutual conrent. The bu.b.f•l(ll the late arm will be I , ..ttled It. Lee. 5. It. MuarliV, Pulthargh, Jan. to-10 H. LEE NOTICE—Thr u•alers,gnad wdl coounao ILA Wool bast .rot and attend to the role of tVoolen t,i.rols. at toe old stand. I l I In rehnng from the firtri or Moistly S. 1,, I Mkt at pleasure in recommending Mr II Lee to the confidence of my (needy foie the Pittsburgh, Jan 'Pt, 1.411 .1 It. MI:111 . 11V. rinin-: subscribershave Min daY aseoelatnd then, selves together fur the purpose of transacting a WhOfrsale and retail Dm t roods and Grocery business. at No Lint Liberty, opponsta Seventh street. tir the style and firm of US 1111 ELIJ !A nde Y S Pi tt.bergh, January 1,1,149 N. ll—Our old customer,' arid the rutilte ure invited to gIVe 114 n CO—PA RTNISASII IP• EtAYM. B. SeitlFl: and Copt. JAMES ATKINit'ON have entered utto partnersta,p, under 'lot arm of IVE: ATKINs, c‘rr y ,h 0 Tin. Copper. and Sheet Iron Wt rnnuutucway Al&o. Ittarls.nutlutt .11 all it. Oranehe-, at the old stand of Wm. II 5CY.3 , .1.1-t.t street. neat Wood I . IIIIIC Witt 61.1011U(111 y.vur to Awns:, boa,. •,vor 1.12 .1 HAVE this day as.uctaced IA mc 11. Olt w...• sale l.roorr,. l'roduen nt.d CUIRS111),100 to other Jomci.. under 11. farm of J N LJILW tquni MMM=I January 1.1,49. (113—P ART N ERSII IP Vauny i.av,g this %._./ day I.Soettited with hun. John It. ArCunr. ibr we the; bustiresa wi.l nrrraiii, be reudur,,d under fain ul Youi, Jio. Nb1L.1.1201 but NI., jans 11 BOOK TRADE For manyea, eounevled Me..” IVtley Put num. mad Tate Jour N l'orK and LontioL...., 800te11.1./.lt A rt. al all OP ENt,LISFI, FF:I.NCII AND NIA N 114.4)1,,, =!MU! =12921 YI f1:4131. atidi CT English. rn I:,rmart aNd My:annex, a 31,1 Nc wspaprro imported in ordc, pr,r , nt n rosy be ttAccf,llll.6 t. Catalogue" grx,ll Toyol UNCNCIMPF:DIAS AND DICTII.NAIIIIS. lorm• ing qprels. 1.1 o .r. ter. d1.:131w,121.1ird 1,110‘1,1 dcF• ern Brandc, Dirtioutry 41 , ,cience. I. i^ skIW r, Copllod's ,Tl, o: Prue: raturn. • . farmer'. Ear ye!optrilin. ‘,l Oardlring, Loudon Emeyetupre, rt ... : Lion's Cli,-pc.,ol.a.tha n oftoniinoree, .M WI of Cr. • La..iJoiiar, nr, nod Siam... tor?, hoo, mM rdi Lictionar), \ r•toil • lorn.e. Dirtloo.ary. z 1.,.1••, i,nd Paste 1,4 c ye.opecli• I.luinc,lt I: , ouotuy, !Lawn'. C a•t.,ral the Aolizry. - Thee., balk, are full of traornlnuora or rlorbr, 11.1. arranged .14 irrroonterd In oto bent manner For - by ju:11 J rk.lll-LA I) LOC/Mr/OD 0.1 oud are 10mF., ANisLALz—ti,-,0,.; 00,, 00,0,00,, 11 0,0,” Catt , e. tqtce/i Iron, tr) a/ Alarm Dug,. cr.rat earcuun. frr manage r/I,A. Lrecalng. c0r.....c, and prep, rouun tor • probe able intent. Ar-o, tr., Ihora.or, and Rerocdtc, togetner •f., Orrtc,ror.• tor toe munuK , n/ent ur N a I. 12n/0., , 110010rour..11ustrotono , rot .aler /1J J .t$ W1.1111..i uod .1 Ic . " ENV ANI. V \I/CABLE 130/ OK, I —Host/ on Irul , orr A nrtoircourr. bough of tne Bur:don, I:4lMlSlll,eSnwr,ob..ul 11/..tulton by Itotw[l Dolt. In non co. elegantly prlnted, s 11./.1/9110. .1, &or - l•rort sire oi tber.rt 11.—Groon on Br ocrood mule. n/or,cd A tr.nt.te nn x.r.0..N -r•rea, r.ouramm,' Ph on ,o.o' •uo , the ntuk nod treuunco, tho., utterni.Jos ftronciot., trrtrutue Lary ...rK) man • Sort Throat. Scc Ily c lit-or .11 . 1), atc 1•1o11.4 ion.rovcil und rote u,:) K.,: vp. gift Lop., 5:1I , NOW ready. for 410 rda,ou, rev ...4 slid Red. with ndellittn.i...untrlat.oo, hr..", ou *rape Gartlopa, Itur..“ A urr For jA3I.F.S ti.l t.wrri.. For Many yr.!, %I.lry Pumara, int.. Jun . 1 %t r.ry, \r,. 1 tuw. Mr. L. duo .tist rtuar..c..l from 1.11, nr _ILL Life in Like Wooda. I,y T ..tnuf of ‘..usiwnr.,2l nod hip f ,nera , ." etc The Lilt. lVnung. of Ur. Witt I.unbJl. b-y W. Caapl ell. author ot . .lbroer NV attar... Ja. rwc d by JOHNS roN SIO , K lON XTEW BOOK,— A\ Illootrate..l wan 1.L1111,1t. , envo ',it,. on ww“ I a& mos.. The Inc:mt:lon, or furtur , ... of ./. Virg. , xi,: Son by Char,. Revrher I ort \N ayne. 1t1.,1..2. v.[l sip toirodu lory t, Nit , i11i:1,111....en•r,,,e Just roe'd ON JMINNTUN & ,lOck r 0.,. ju7nrner n...111 1 / 1 .:, - I:s Vhamble Books. L ENOLI,II, %%uoiS .trret. brtya,...4 4111a...cid IJilatuo4, hase rece,:rd ha,[^ nt 1 hrob.oct, and o,nrr wotk• miaow: n.b. 4 ate the. fir: M/ncr..aottona c0w.... by I,,tdent How; I. and Gospel. a ` 11 I),q. U 11. of Do WM,' IV,. vtng I,rators at Anlrrn'n. Repuot/ran Cbrlst.umty by Magoon. Man l • rtrtievo: by Ilarna. l ' hrono..g y Mesinerlcol. Ir Kr. N. L. Mace. 1,1 J.; ii11,11,,113. ;1• Import on.l Niodr. t•y 11, cher; Nl,...vria nod L. 11 Mountaans of the 131:..c. by NI FarLan, Mllti..try end thurca I/I Earne.t. by J A. Jun, rit• won:, 4 irk, new Mason omplete. Courper• Ldle end Works of Cowin, F. toms nn Rise anti Fell o: S'etpacs . furreattne, 111. 0.- Cic N ped,a of and Reim,. Au; rn Low s errat.ves al Popery. : nets, Evidence. I.r the Prop,. ;i 1 Cum nil., Alorlern i3cor irty, blotlern Accnnini;;;lment., on Kamn, Ut•ginai Though. nu S.; ripnve by ev;;,. nye, henpu;;;;.;;;41, lure of ro.lui...‘;;laral 11;-;ory Nltthile kingdoms, Le., •‘; ru l'r.gtes.. Beecher. I;1 lid: Difficulty. end ;tome ex;.,• riencr of Lie in the u; r gone., • by 1;e1..13, Cbrev; r. wats oi anther A few cop.;;;. re;;'11 and for i.r I.) my IV ELLA rrr k E.NOLJSII, iii Wood 61 Nevi American Gardener, I) by Tilollll. l: Feevwdrn. M=E=IZIMMIII The Complete Farmer and Rend Ermiolua,q, , , senden. Siodern Domestic Cookery, by Won A ii , rplvr.c.n Ju•l ree'd JU/IN,TON B'I'OPIC If IN, tsivl4 , ottirr alssru et ,n41:1,1 110 E NV RKLI6I,,L'S WORE,-Ilioughis ot. l'utAte Prayur. tob Samuel Min,. Li U.L. L U. houglai on Fundy Worolop, b) J.,mo s and., Just resetvcs: by . _ royl7 JOIINATUN k STOCKTO.N 13(.4A:5—Agnes Alorro., or Lha,llor.b , 0 1 Doincsur Lac thstory of Mug I:Lerles the Second. of haurlawd, Jacob Abbott, Won engrAving. Jum rce by tnyl9 cortier K.l and NI arlt.-t API ENGLISH AND AMICRICAN BOOKS ALES D LOCKWOOD. Dior away years eth,rie,r t.. ed with NI Wiley nod Putnam. mid i .tc Juan Wiley, New lurk and Loisiloaj h•. Doelltaelitug How.. at No. 61 N ood ntert, I,ntSVI en 3.1 and 4th streets. where may inc rou..d VillYlolo CON,-- ofiron STANDARD ENULIsII sad A NIERIVAN A L"r. twits, at prices as low as to die Eastern eater IrrENULISII and CO.N'rINENTAL BOOK,. Re vre s, Maganne.., Newspapers. e. imperiled to order INSI'III.. HON: , mid INCORPOKA'I4.I, Cl ea/ ere enhaled to receive their books duty tree Lrl-.aglt.h and Amerthou Catnip:rues tor... Med e UR to an those wino de.tre them, ul Pent per mad in any addrce• J. H. wntl alwri)e tie happy to ex lime. to lartier and gentlemen his books. nunl thwart to them any la min, tam whir, Inc may lel•Ilee. regarding them int,ill N'‘v AND V ALL'AULE --Ntsrvr.n. ,t 1 its Ket a 1... with tro acroubl on a no the Las/dean l.hrts.rittis of hurdrstaii. tle4l the 1 th co or Denim ...toppers, anal an royalty into, sod acts or , 1 1 / I C/eill A..) rm., by Austen Ilr•r.i) La yard, Lanl , Jrl.l re.. d and fur sa.d by tar? JOILNSTUN 1 r,I'oCKTON D I.OOe\VOOD, dint re!lcr any to porter J of Foreign Books, tKI Wood elf eel. 1434 Oe 1111101 It valuable correction ot surd le um ddiercur departmeat• or ',lemure. K 1..... prepared to .ell as to.n as tar p Celt Ire 01,leillled is ine Eastern earr• k.ngholx and Coutiorntal llooks. Mot.- noes , mid Newormptrn, ouport,l to °Mr.. The pr., of Hoyle, may 1,0 on“. to :.1r I. knyltob and Aotcrrun LlitaiOgyt, Ulf ill•tord M. I. intend...ll...e Ka-vra nu, in a qt., 1, tor days, and will t,c Ikappy In ercru„• any Books, Engrnrrng• or stationrry, at a •mull, a MEW ISULlKS—i,ayhrd 11 wall WI /ACI,OIIIIIOI a awl to uana of Kurth -tan. and the 1",x1.1,-, Of Ot-011-Wol,l4p pers, and au Lnquiry into the nianslarl old lilly 0' 11, AtING/Il Al.yll/111S, With all introductory tle Rolunson auk. oetavo, wah tOurat 110 011,0utton., Ch.ever'. Leciums Ull l'rogrto• vu Itmo. ?nee rtvwc , d U, 81,00. Cinden , Cot,cortlatoce, Macaulay , ll:story or I.nolod It upvr. new rd Iwo vols octarro--large prit.r emrl fine pryer. per vol. 75 yenta. Gesentnn• liebte w and Engtirdt Les mod, aew rd. Improved. For sale by R ItOPKINrt, 4111 rt. near wood , rKlh.St ROOKS' —Caton 01 Cloareil and Sturr. b, JL) Rev R W Noel. The Church in Earnest. by Rev J Angel Jame. Adv., to Young Alen, by T O Arthur. sin " Young Ladies " Essays of Ella—Charles Lamb P.pidernie Cholera. by I . 'ol l'ormptry Cyclopedia 01 Moral and Reng toes A needute• Compete Wort. of Charlotte r.h,11,,}1, with e moir by her husband. d vats, 'IV lot: waled with steel plat.. Oregon and Cabiornia In ler., by Judge Thorosioa. The late Expeditton to the Dead Sea. Proverbs for the People; or Illastr4tioris of Pm, oeal tiodlinees drawn mon the Rook or tv..dool, Magoon. Univerrity Sermon., by Dr Wayland. E ernes. oi IcAcocul,,g), by .1 BrAcitle+by, A, M for Isle by ory7 Acct.,' But Wine, PRIMEVAL. or roc Construuroo coo I . .uw• 1. WO eoutinion of the Homan Itetor A V. , 010 TlO- 1.100 t o . rbeorog!eal Selector, by Joon Horn., Ir Lectures to 1 clung Mon VI/ curious nuponnot rut* jects: by tt NV 13eechrr. Chooning's Works, rumple , : II vol.. Arno The work . r tl Arthur, uttoortu ed. IS vols r Joni reed by tuyll Et HUPIO.NB, 4th st, hear wood HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STRRET BAI:TIMORE rocs ♦ND rirrerro,. nWICEIFMR. comblistunent long ,and widely known am beteg one of the most commodious in tho.eiry of Baitimore. has recently undergtine very exten sive afternoons and i mprovements. An enttre new wing has been added. containing nomerntik and airy sieepilis apartments. and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies department has also been comar . 2 .. reorghnixell d hoed up in a moat unique and. •• fl style. In fuel the whole arrangement of the Hansa has been remodeled, with a single eye on the past of the propneurts. towards the comfort and pleasure of their Gam in, sod which they confniently evert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the utile°. Their table will always be supplied with over,' sob etanlal and luxury which the market odor , * served up in n .opener style; while in the vara y - of Wines, An., they will not lie surpassed. lit conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be Icy undone on their pert, and on die part of their to render this Hotel worthy the continued pationeir of their friends and the public generally. The prices for board hove also hese reduced to the following rates: Ladle , Orobenry, 81,75 per day. ;entl emenb Ise N. B —The Baggage Wagon of the HOllllO will ni t:gap hr found at the Car and Steamboat LatalittgeN whoult teltl convey baggage to and (rm. the Hotel. free _here..._ — C.W,11. Or rlO,l ND Sr. CLAIM M.. FITI".1108, a'rite snh,riher hurt. ••u rd the manag ment or Tht, long ertahlt4lted and popular Hotel, gene announces to Travellers •nd the gene ra..y. that he .111 be nt all untes prepared ton them thtngs desirable to a Well regulnt,d Hot , . The }louse tr now being thoroughly ' , paired throughout and two, Furnaure ndded, and muns r‘,ll le to moke he Exchange one, orate very hest Hotels in the rountry. Turindrr•tgarl rrnrm-rtia:ly coilrog a continuance or h , 'err/ 111,, ral patronage the House has boo:wrote reerived. THOMAS OWSTON, ookrron or r0(1,1 AND A DANT irrr rrrs. lorrserroc. THE subscriber respectfully announcer that he hasnow opened his now en and excellent Hotel tor the arrommoclatton of traveler', boarders, dad the puslie grutrally The house and furniture are entirely new. and no rains or expense have been spared to render a one on the most comfortable and infs.,. Hotels in tine city. 'rta. • t. tlrterrrunrd to denetve, •nd there lore t..l;:ent. o .11nr ,, of pt.t.lic petronne.. ortit,ly JA0,1111011:11. Propnetor. VNITED STATES no'rEL, • • r irrWEIVI FOV KTII AND Fin rrok i.i. r\ 1 5 1 7 (7:1' . 1 3 E75tte klank of the Uthhhal State, I tielphirt M. TOPE MITCHELL, rtuprte tor MISCELLANEOUS Be rip •t Par, TAKEN run CIIICKERING'S PIANOS TT Wood , . e; No -1 Third street. jj. ~, •u an elegant kr. CbtekerinK's no. ”ns4llhr , 1.11 ' , flee, (or Ytti.burgh, Allee r.:^ and Couoty Sono Theycomprise I,ook or vr• . 1,, Mt. rp.g toraket They Are wurrwttad In he equal to a.l) • . l, Welatest improvetuent•, .u.l) 7i• r•TVII . 3, • le Ilas,r.. rn:l prerv.oug to purelmaing an J. nto t,tne tbern eoriv! Knai omerwute. to cadge the goal, !I - NV ',Er n gno ra,,tan, vrl'i I.e 5...., a ilb .arti l'lnnn. en,(lnn, 11, hold,' In. 2r 1, no , r 111 on, ant in- In-nne. i t.. proved .11bn lnant 41• ,rnt lin,erk, t.. .1 ....t . y rc,.4 H X. =EI=I Nhaelilrlt & While, Ift 1:4 , 01),. 11/III:FAS Wntwl •treet, the /ot •ie—^l,,,. • ,etr coek of ANI V:11.1. CA\ AN El F(1)1.11(.11 - iIRI 101 It lUS. 110 W Tc.•eurtglg kl.trvrt :rum I.', ulna., Ftereththe reewm of dorm,( the and t:evaing tear of ;he:t tolention to hi Aue• ne , ae• OF, earl ea:4...0y ar.ore buyer• they nl:t had to Laar .IU-rel. w examine Ibr, .tort • reretvcd. iaTt , alv.dres oftew ..7 1e Drewl 1.0. d., r F. Ca..duere, Cloths. Summer 1.•• , *. 1.4• • ••• Whde Co••••,•, Ir•th Tadors , Tr dum.,•• .1 hrha nul h•rug•h-d STheettn, our bradd. marl Modern and Antique Furniture, " - 3. 1 - .‘t.:slaiss. l'crtsrLit.l. r ,....,i. rsc V .attabln 1in,..1. and prlvair dwel. hoc, ,ro•1• IA rll. , WI band and made le Order. A< prrosr, ...took of hand canna, bc <accosted by any ynalufisclor) ... thr ,us,ra eountry Per conc matslng u. p.,,,nst scoull d. wcll tr, Ove taa n call, lam deTorml.,l my pricc• shall plea ..< Pan of Lac mock ...h. , ,,t. In Feu a Tour. Ootle.l Etatete, Lou.. tit , Claaa, Qta , cll Etucubotb tbs..; 1 ru, T.l '•. I!, • . Un.r. a bl,,,nny llootztrad, Piano 111,41, :a • or,- tt P.a. anal Ilner.clotb bockuu[ 41J •• Far, y rot; our Lnv,ta• pair pl-r Tablr, I , e ti n e , x. .rdro. , cs. Sou.d bunt attae*; nu.r:•!e top watt 4 ,zur 011,11.1, Work St • nd, A •••ry lame out-ortro-nt n( common ctutum and other turnnu, too /....toom to 10,./011 BOYIP (ursuot,d oLI the .honest nta, ei.d pro Elie ale•rt rru.onti.b, 1,111, der o 15 Chocolate, Cocoa, ac. n , a.. and n l'ntreo:ntc. Brnma. Co.•nn Sitriln. r •••d con.u.arr, who v.nnld parrhase prr, ne•• , n•oa. Ire*.nda.tcration, 'flp.• on, P.n... ntre, and qua ,Ly ua•ur pa..e.l. the r arum, ruls the above track,. nua1 , , , .•.1 1,1 LIM, ,1 and.tu rap,d wlth h. name II • Brno. r ,nd n. pa l'n , tr n• de:Lentr. pa,atan:a, end .a wary t • 101 . rnpvitivarcurn. naxer, pro K0un , ..0 .•v r¢nneat phyntr inn, nnpnror p... y vre ~:illll/011, flu Tastuausetarce 4,..1.4•1.y. uke ruo, re a... &nd by thco o Ro•ton MIA • NI Bunt, 11 •• ~ 1 I rn C., N-vr }uric Nom. V nni...ltge, Ha •11134.1, I: 01:1(.1111.1.. 14110 v, run /:.‘ KYR. .•rr For I.y cvlr'll filittALLY &SMITH. AN Wrrovirilit. and Cast Iron lu,hiunah4 (1 , ..,11. lec r I roll ttuOrna tuth for haunt Pr ; cc ... ‘,..1,1J.,{ p,ural re !mod. .ott, ••• r .... cc ' :c c. c 411,, iudge. larotabrd al the ithort a nr..l thr ue.t ntwier. al We corner of raw, uto; flut,reca n rtly. A LAW, & KNOX. ➢lanuhrtured Tobacco. Q BXS (,envy ti Itoloter'n •npertor .sect S lo.; 15 do SI A Butter IS I. Pone k Ilarwood'i s 5 tt 31 do on do 33 dot do Penni At Harwood tt - 3k lb s It do 1 Rata /on S. in do do 3. tot do Wm IXtortton 11 do •1' W ntthl , tin I; A ott-won n do I.T tratie . l do R Sinnott 9 fl do RAlt.l“l J on , , t hott,:ram ...tamer and rowksort and for sale 1,5 IsCekNolt k Co, 41 north water rtt Ind 13 north wharves, re 34 l'htlndelptun A k ` s . ! . . 01 5 LI tII/C. II .070,1.01 super)°, sweet.i. ;Imps •• Ldwrence Lottier I,lllry Itoviorr " &5i Do,o.nt ,sle la Fotre) " 10 McLeod . u Lawrence. Loon, 8.611 plug u•t lavi.oty ,ruot steamer. 5,11 for by II MA 1.1). 111 . I'F\ OA ,Sr. Co, 41 N water At nod 10 N wharves, W. dc .4. GLICAIN, Book Binders. WE aro 1.11 the above hostile., corner t.l Wood aod Thad strocts, hosborrih, where we are preporerl 10110 any work ui our 11110 0111 . 1 des , pa . elt ol,nd to our work p, rsonally, and sun-. 10. 1.011 7 V,;' 17 , L 7,71 to its neatness rLul du ral , Book • ruled to sny pane:a and hound sob •tsotlai.y Hoot, to t unroof . r• or old !rooks boom) eure . or opal of N 7 100 T Flu 00 books on pit letters. Close 111xt 111 our one are tova,l to call. rte. e. low EIMMEI A; IN II oar ell orr kto r GIANT, Wllb a WIN 10 C:0 ti,, 11114 r o , •t1 bllOlllO%, wr.hrrebv r t 11.• poar., ntl our friend. eoLit p.- Ht' W. I'l JCS Dr:x . llm, I'OESDEATER I`, r,n, Aug 4th. 1.-4. L. II GRANT Min rono.aA.ort and flrtw or., l orolotot. No 41 Voter at. kstlt: BELL AND I.:RAtita F'OCSDlili. A FL I.TIt \ , 11 , . and Itra.• Yaandrr, has , ta hula t..11,111111,1/Pli amae.• a: lax tad ,tat t d witcre e. will toe tara.ctl to Ace lice old 1/011.1 t-t• ant! fraatd-. • OW re h. Nr;ulllpoM. itti of cvcry chc, from lc lc 001 eget (Torn 1, - ,llertin o(the nun approv ral lilottr.• ve,runtril In. Of Ilin s. Ml:lr,, It uter Pump...Counter+. liatltnr. hc. • v etyrl ,Itra.s 7•, il ruqut,,,l tur,A , l ml,l 1,. ticitsr.t :uunurr. prop r.cter of I.l.kux,'s Ant-A rrut• cr,1,11.0.1 for the r,duction of kn. ry The Roxr, uuJ ..on.po,Luon :tt n. 11110 . 11 1421/./ A I A • CO. ea Mnni,L.rnn,, Parotkr ~nG oork Shaw.., I/WU, nuo nt .t1;1 reale, ',weed price.. I) nrd oc•I make a. Cl,, ruer Shawl+ an.l el let, tate! fa-Move I,',' VI 4111, end m ?detail la- le anti Mu.itua eed lu ctSi belt t.u..1 et 711 lei; Calicoes at it., Wroueht Vol. • er• et, do Cepea et SI and SP. .err re Itrel.l 14 and 75 eta. ialUVell ut I et. Together WWI 0 genera: [1•*011111 , 111 01 goads, at near ly one 11..11 the aloftlUlU Softies, Cooking Staveo, Grates, \{P. RrillALl, WALLACE k i't , Hound Chureh, illcorm , ' Let and Wood sirceitt. inanulurture otter !or Plunorin, Floor and Counter Scale, 'La, improved ,itruhty, Cooking Move., tor wood uo I con.. 1-:,g Hum, 611 CB, Parlor nod rmntoon Ilchiow W vtrioua are, Se. They alma ornoutuctwe the li,trocu Romp.. which h. gtveu .uch 'tern!,ubninvi,o to u, .e having it in use, to all of Villoo 010/ would renprvtlu:ly invite the atit.notot of the citi7ette, Rod the public generally. Diaphragm Filter, for Ilyetratet Water. Eman- Tlfitt is to ceruty that I have Bpi pointed Lonngaton, Roggen, lc Co. Sole Agcnit for Ma Bole of /eluting's Patent Diarrahem Filter, for the elf ties of n.buriih and Allegheny. 11111.`. G11P.4: /N, Agent, for Waller M Othron, 349 Broadway. N. Y. Oct. 10,18413. We have been unig one of the above articles at Ma name 01 me Novelty Worlis (or three months, on trial. and reel perfectly sanected that it ia a useful urination, and we take plenvare in reeommending.them La a need An article to all who love pure e water. Orders will be tiumihtilY received and promtly extended. oell9 LITINUSTON, ROGGEN & 041 .. MELLANEOUS. PAPEIVHANGINGS. viEssits• JAM. lIOWAIID i 0 0., No. 89 Wood Street, IV(Rico ma the attention of the public to their present stock of Paper Ilunginga widen for va riety, beauty of rudely drumbility end theatwess, is un suryiuserl by any establishment in We Baton Besides 1,4 large and full assorunea of paper of thou wont mannfuctum, they ate now receivinga direct Un portation of Preach and English stylesof Paper Hang togs, purchased by Mr. Loot Howard, one of the Inn, now in•Pttones egessimbig of Panama manufacture, 10,000 pieces Under, do SAM do. Of their own manufacture they have 100,000 pieces Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces satin glazed Window Hlindy ho. Ileum. James Howard Co.& have spared neither expense nor labor in their endeavors to rival the east ern wallmaper einablistunents,hioth In quality of man ufacture and variety of patterm. and they are warrant ed in assuring the public Maths, have succeeded. The whole usortramm, foreign and home insinufac mm, will bo offered onterms aa low SA those of cam era manufnetwera and import* . mela.27:dif \7ENVC6.III3S--41rTEBEL. i KLNSErS, . 47 31144 • ket weer f dos very high bank She., Trek Combs; 3 " medium 2 1 ' low " fi " plain high 1} " narrow headed lop 541 fancy top Burial° lo - plain 11°6 13,14 4 eonn. Horn: 30 dos shell side, assorted sl ams; 30 gross cam horn Side; 3 dos shell dressing do; 12 don Unanio do do; 4 do Imitation do do; f 4) do hest English flown 6 do 8 S S fine Ivory, extra size; MI do S do do, in boxes; 14 gross It fine do do; 1 do comb Cleaners. apla peLnima, menici a Co., (Successors to Hussey Hanna & Co.) - LOA:gift:RS, EXCHANGE 11 . 1tOKERS, .d dealers IP in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Ceruficates of Deposite, Hank Note', and Scie—Fourth street, nearly apposite Me Bank of Putsbu pe rgh. Current mo ney received on deposite—Sight Checks for sale, and collections made on nearly ail the principal points In the United State.. - - . The highest premium paid for Porenrnand American Gold. Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship ped Ent. on Itberal terms. vP 2 GREAT IN VENTIONi—VALRA BLE PISCOVERY! PATIWT BICITII2O Jaaraar Ist, 1649. Patent cm...lever ecctension Table.s, Snjm, 8tt1,11.1.1, Boot Cates, Wrusng Desia. LEVER OP WROUGHT IRON. - - - - - - - MHZ TABLES far Burpassing every other M- I venoon of the kind now extant. They can be ex tended from ten to twenty-hen feet, and when rinsed the leave. are all contained inside; they are made to all saxes and shapes, and are adourably adapted for Steamboat, Hotel, sod Large private families, lana i ing when closed a sampleta centre table. SOFAS AND I:II:ILEALTS—These articles are Inval• liable, particularly in those who wish to econo mise room : and CO/1•011 a sleeping apartment into • parlor or sluing room, as they can be opened and shut at con•entertec, and when shut, the bedding Is enclos ed. A great +norm in room mid rent. All the bed stead. when closed form a beaaufed piece of fumiture Mr • 1 , 22101 . or *flung room. 1100 K CA . ..IR-4—A neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room WRITING DESKS—For law effices,coanung rooms, mid other offices; when opened • MOM ronvement bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone us visible. All these articles needno recommendation: the beauty of the whole is, they are warranted not to get out of repair It will lie for your interests to call and examine the artmles, at the manufactory's stole, No. KS Third street. ['lnshore!, In istldtoon to the above advantages, they are proof agativnt bugs.. .kNIF.S OS' VS' OODW ELL. MR. ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO . DR J A VNE.—'rais certifies. that immediately after atiehiled my brother, who died of consumption in March, 1 43. l was take&sick satth the Consomnon or Liver Complaint, and vet reduced so low withthe disease. that for four year. 1 WI.A.1•1,10 to attend to my bunnies, either at home or abroad, tieing for the moat time confined to my bed. Durtng the above peri od of time, I had expended for medical attendiume o regular Phylnetann and medicines, to the itnionnt of 6.704. without recelvder, any benefit therefrom. In July, 1.43, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's 11Icti.. eine arid Lave taken them more or lees ever since, and believe that it wan by pernevertng to their use, that I can now truly any that I have completely reco.. v. reel my health. I behave that Jayne. Sanative Pill% and ilapcetorant am the bent faintly methetnes now in renide lin Sprusgfield, Otnego county, N. V. and rainy or, a furnace and machine shop in that place, and yin not tnterented In any manner in thewe niche above medicate,, and Mate this MIAMI., for ibe ben chi of those adlictent. ELIJAH EATON. Springfield. N V., Sept_ 16 1648. lad X ANCFACTURED TottAcCo—m sub,liber ALwould call Inc attention of die city trade and dealer.; generally. to the tollovring brands Tobacco, tn emir. and to arrive, which hemp connignote.6. From manota,u tern, he is enabled to soil u. raet. ern Feces: 1.19 I bzs It IV Oros taw Ss. 711 1 Jame. , Madison -I 1 " Larnarnise , TI Mira beau Isothosn As and la, Royal, /c Sewn I .• 4... Burl as, 9 " Johns & Lewis Is; 3 I Warystek, sap, Is: 4%1 " Honey & Jam, 541, Is and Stt ; febll L S WATER:IIIIN , • .. JO/LN WRIGEIT tr. Co., are prepared to build Clotma and Woolen hlaeturter7 of every desenptton, such an Cardmx Machines, Spaltung Frames, Speeders, Drawing I.rames, Railway Heads, Warpera Spoolera Dremong Frames, Looms, Cord Liandura ke. Wrought iron Shalom, turned; all sues of emit Iron. Putties and Hangers of the latest patterns, elide and hand Lathes and toots of all kinds Castings of e•ery descramon furtoshed on snort nonce. Pattern• made to order for Beaune, Iron among. ha. Steam hito for heat. lug Ftlmones. east Iron Waldorf. Sash and fancy Cas. anas ,reherilly Labels len at toe ‘VAltiltno•O of 1. Pnalitt eg. CO., Liberty .tract, will have prompt mien tion. Refer to Blactstork, 801 l & Co., J K. Moorehead & Co . V. E. %Varner, JO. Irwin & Sons, P ttsourxh , G. C. tc J. IL Warner, Steubenville. tonl7 Pavan Machine Shop. wi(a ak rrmAN—Nluiacturer Of all ksndo of cot ten and woollen machinery, Allegheny coy, Pa The above works besng now .0 full and sucees•ful op eration. I amp repared to execute orders with its-patch for ktnds of machinery to mY line. such as ~,,,,,, pickers. spresiders. cards, grinding in runways, drawing Ir mes, speeders, ihrosink., looms, woolen cards. double Of single, for merchant or country work, mules,ine It it, &e.; .;ids and hand loth.. and tools era! All hinds of shafting made to order. or plans gis t, for raring factories or mulls at reasonatile charge. [Ursa xd—Kennedy, Childs & Co, Blaeastocii, & Co., King, Pennock & Cc., J.. A Gray. NIC%V COACH FACTOR-t, I• AL ,L,e w p iniz eL tha c t o ibe; 6 : o t trnt e ell etf . ull , y , Yarn likeock, between Fedeal d Sandusky atrems. 'Miry ure oow making and o r er prepared to receive or for every description or vehicle, Coaces, Chariot' s , D a . roaches. Boggles, l'hmtnns, &c., winch front their long experience in the manufacture of the above work, eon toe lacilmes they have. they tett confaletathey are eon/bled to do work on the most reasonable terms with Wane wenn/Lig /trucks us their line. Paying particular lineation to the selection of mate and having none hut competent workmen, they have no hesitauoti ta warranting their wort. Vie Uthrelore ash toe attenUon of the pistile to this maLtcr. N 11. Rep tog done to the best manner, and on initial must reasonable terms. Alortongahe/a Livery Stable. ROBERT H. eArrnicsos has opened j e , the large stable on Ftrsist. running through . ar k. to Second in, between Wood mid Smithfield a... 111 the rear of the Monongahela House, witho.ll enurely new stock of Horse. end Camas,. of bolt quality and latest styles. Horses kept at Live ry to the best manner.. trod' y I' asewt Gradsusted Gamma Battery mut Pains' Irt.rulatest Poles for Medan"! and other purposes. THIS as the only instrument of the kind that has ever been presented ui this country oc Europa for med al purposes, and is the only one eves known to man, by which the galvanic fluid con he conveyed to the ho me" eye, the ear, the brans, or to any past or the body, either externally or internally, hi a definite geeine wean, without shocks or pain—with packet snlety— and often with the happiest effects. Tina Important apparatus Is now highly approvod of by many of the most eminent physician. of this eosin try and Europe, to whom the afflicted and others whom it may concern can he mitered. kerma. will also be given to many highly respe.etable citizens, who have been cured by suet. of ibis most valuable apparatus of tome of the most inveterate nervous disorder. which could not he removed by any other known means. Anions venous other., it has been proved to he adi rubly adapted for the cure of the following disease., nervous headache and other chmuses of the Malls It is with this apparatus aimm that the operator eon conve the magaeuc datd with ease and safety to the eye, to y restore sight„ or cunt anumems.; to the cur ravtore hearing; to the tour,uo and other organs, to re; st epee.; and to the canons palm ofthe body, toe th ar e c e u/e of chrome 111GLIM1ittalll, asthma, .oralista, or arc dolourens, paralysis, or palsy, Soul, chor.a or Si. Vitirs dance, epilepsy, wet..s from mon., some Mycoses peculiar to female., contraation of tae onus, lockprorieta. eta. Right/ for surrounding counties of Western Pa, old nieces, with the 111.3=6.11, may be purclimicil, usa a.+a tested for the euro of dlsc.c.. Full Instructions will be given for the varlets chemn c.d. to he used for venous titzenaca, and the bast mew m.r far operating fur We mire of those diseases a lit al. so be fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet put tow his hands expressly far,_tliew purposes, e nre. telly prepared by the patmitee. 'Enquire of 0et1.1..11y 4 ‘yILLIA9I9I, VI. st. Pittabusch TUtu il,,, , l o t i r o tizz g or e ttlg a tt . b . lll is real:memo) called to xlit. S. Mamma—Having to a damnify of Gold we,ghod by Your Arcometot, I hod too result proves your Instrument correct; and tecommend use of It sow, wow gowg to California, as the boat moutost for oh. mining We real val. of (MM. Reap. 'sun, J. R. DUNLEVY, Gold Beater. Ft thlturgh, March 9, 1847. Promatomm, &larch 7, 1819. ALa. Eatnnt—llear }tannic exammed tae "Arm, meter f' manufactured at your mama, I do not hemtate to commend it to ma um of those gentlemen who are about removing to California in search of Gold. It glees a close approximation to the specific part ty at metals, and will certainly enable me advent:arra to ascertain When his placer is yi elding Gold, marl:: Yuen, reap's. IG IiIICLINTOCK I N UTA RUDDER CLAJTlllNti—J;scracciveit to her J. California Expedition, a complete as of tram Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from .5.1..:0n to $11.30 for suit of coat, pants and hat For sale at um India Robber Depot, No S Wood st. dectai IA iii PHILLI PS__ t i - VO'Flthg..,l l, l,l-1 —' e twe none of teat° SO Ittt , tY Ll't, Flans, used constantly by Thalberg and deer great performer, together with a large assortnate of rosewood and mahogany, of my owe ma/tweets •J. The above instruments aro warvanted to be perfe.• In every respect, end will be sold tow for cash. F 131.11'.111; daelß - 119 Wood ',tat •loor ream Sth quit; celebrated Heated /Lige Powder, la kegs, belt j„ kegs, quarter, and cans, lot *ale by Ie 1,11 / S Ult. Co, 2lwood st 202 `gin d h , s , jr e rsaters Ivemboc 661 harCIIELTEEE, mcbl3 1811 Liberty - SSP.k.I.) own, and i aale by 14 1 BRAUN cm) Il c Cr Libarty and b% Clair au DRY & VARIETY GOODS. VEn v LOW—M 7 Mrarnr aell I farm rug Summer Goods. at reduced pricer. v. Urea Lawns, Gingthturs, Barn" , Tl•rber. litoua dine., Malrannem, Sommer `Shairls, Scarfs. Boned , Ribbon., Battings, Mena' Ind Rope "Summer Wear, Peraon• vriantrag any above, or any other descrip tion of Dry Goods, will do well to itattrrt northeast corner of th and Market au. l O. WHITE GOODS FOR DRESSgS—W_ ..1 3 -Ard,rP h Y .,Y MS 6 111,66 066016166 61 or abort . (*DOW, U.A. remived, each m plain white Malls, from itievar 7d up to very Sue: plain Swiss da; lasted Swiss do; em broidered do; satin hawed Jae k , krikl fialsbriddw satin stnpud do; and a senaraloarlids is; maus et, Good., such as plain and figured Netts,. Lusk:TS/AP ins.. &a —at northeast earner Mt and Market its. Wholesale R 00613 up stair. JUU4 • - E-OPEN ED—A A.MA.soaACo'..MyGood.Ea -111, tablethment volt be to-opened on Friday. July fall- A of their stock having been marked doyen, alit be offered at the arootert bargain.. Purchasers may de peed upon eeeerine goods at LOWER RATIai than e ver before. - OIL BRUSSELS CARPI TS — largest assortment o Brussels Carpets ever offered in this city, tor sale at the New Carpet Warehonsa of W. fd'Clintock, No 73 Fourth st. comprising the West and richest styles, and at pricer lower than sver offered to the market. All who want Brussels Carpets, should call before parch, : log elsewhere. lots W FRES!" SPRING 000 DB WE are now opening a very large and eholen sorunent el" SPRING AND SUMyIER GOODS selected with more than 0,011 taro during the lest few weeks. in the New York and Philadelphia market., and emerncing a groat vanety of almost every de. wription oldie latest and most fuhionable styles, and a large portion of it havnig been bourn at the EAST ERN A UCTIONS at a great reduction from the rega lia rates, we are enabled to offer great inducements to cash buyers, either by wholesale or retail. We would therefore respectfully invite the attendee of the public to our Stock, feeling coefident of oar ability to suit buyers to almost every wedeln they may wish in our line. To the ladies we would especially commend out stock of 5P1.0 , 0110 Daus Sums, of which we have wvery large and beautiful assortment of the latest styles and most fashionable colors. • • . . Lamm Dams G o ons—hlnoslm de Laines, Poil de Cheevre, nick, linen and mohair Lastres, painted Lawns, gingham Lasalle, Foulards, new style Baregee, English, French and Snatch Bingham., linen Ging ham. in great vanety, to be. Datrams—New style Bonnets, very cheap. Wagon San il.tuaram—Of the latest styles and rope- Dor in quality P.1.1101.5—A Very large and handsome slack of Par asols, of almost every style and quality. Sus wra—A fine assormiefa of spring and summer Shawls, of oil style. and since*. Fermat Currits—A good supply of super French, Eng Ink and American Cloths and Cassimeres. to which we would mane the attenuou of persons !tending each goods. Al—.o—A fall and general supply of Shirting Checks, Ticking., brown and bleached Basin., Table Linens, Sherungs, Drapers, Cambric', Drillings, summer Goods men.. nod boys , wear, Jsmonent, Mall., Swigs, Nan woks, Ntmknis,, Prim, Cintighams, Crape, Crape Lace, Cravats, ()loves, foolery, silk Hdlt IS, Veils, the. !Sc. Persons winking no bay by wholesale, should call and examine our stock, es our prices are cued RA 41 kc thew ill.' rem to bvy. ALEXANDEkt h DAY, 75 Market kl, northwest corner of the Champed AAA. MASON A Co.. No. 66 51aramq$Eeet7, - b . ..;re . on hand the largeet vunety of Vanbroideriea h they have ever offered. Their eon- Jose. 111 part of the followmg good.. vtz 165 rich embroidered Marian Capes, Irons 61.50 to 5,00 Collars " to $O.OO Collars. from 77{ to :5 Inc o 10 Gi purr di to 11 tell Jenny Lend •` dl muslin Habits .VM ;taus rousim Cu,ln • 371 to 62i Also. Mourning Co6ors, from lei to 2.5 e Coil or the ehoop one price store o( A. A. MASON A Co, No 00 Market st_ myl_•' \TRW RIBBONS. BLACK SILKS, BLK. BABA 11 GM fr.c.—W. R. 'IIO.NT h. U.* mornlog re _ . . revved by Expressa lot of builds..lllll4 , colored, greed and blue Bonnet Ribbon, Moo, glorey black "bike for tires.... Valtee, mantillas, &c WHISK GOODS for dresses—such assad.• mull for Nacrook., fr.c Al•o. emarontereswiss d rnattlins tor &twos. a.' at lowest prters, at northeast corner Fourth and Market streets NVaolesule Romms up atm,. myl4 FRENCH LINEN AND LINEN 1:1 - .7:4 Fit It. hi ['RPM bun now open a full se.rtni,t of a •beve article, for &eases arid sacks—among Me let ter are rattle %came color, !well to puck, blue, groce r tr..e • al,. pink. Hue. green, and mode colon ot•Cht, ineicon Lawns., and a large 61.1011.11.11.1 of embroider ed ruu.:iii• and . . W recent purchase tanow all reeetvcd and oven, and persona wanting Dry Good, writ do well to look at hla :arab and freah crwk before purrbasing— at northeast comer Iln and ataret rtr. ‘Vlaolemut Ronal up et - or.. curl A It 11 FICIAL FLOWER:3—.II.nm,, for Flower, .1: Plain lissee paper, spotted 44 Car_ paper for coloring, Pink Saucers, Loaves or eve ry lorrn. bud:, one. awl caaoiva, can I, obtained at F /I EATON & Coo Trimming Store, npl l Cl Fount rt EHROIDERY—Warsnot paver. for mtmatana, Plano Stoats, Tattle Covers, Traveling !lags, with a great variety of small patterns. Also, Worsteds at all colors and shades, by dmponnd. ammo, or Skein for sag by spit H EATON tr. Co, at Fourth at (72 ECONIi SUPPLVT—W li Murphy, 0 nes of 4th and Market streets, has now open his astrarro supply of spring and summer Goods, and Irma a large assortment of Dress Goods of newest styles, and staple Goods of every kind, all of which will be sold I=iMMmi=lEx=eu AA. MAUI k CO., • c.•SII,._s.UNER. d.ND IMPORTERS, 6U Ma&rr Sotto., AA r now Orerting the most extensive and vaned ft. assommnn of Spring and Summer Good. ever exhibited in the Western country, comprising lowest, el Eleven Hundred Cases, pornhased in enure packa ges from them ailitfaemrers, importers, and large auc tion sales, by one oi the firm residing in New tort, whoconstant y rending us the newest most fashionable goods. They urine in peri— l., races nee Spring Strom; 30 cores 111 de Leine; Lawns and illnalinis " comma and linen Loleac,ed Masbneedi Ciingnarna. erai:en, " cord !Aniline; %hating Cheek, end 127 " Mirka. Couonii dnmeldie iiinehains„ ;ides and isurtimer Stain - Brow., Nlttlittie; • A.m. rases and paesages of Bonnets, Flower; La ce.. Ribbons, t‘tiks, Shawl, Betmter. Goods, Mttat:err Article, Cloth. aid Cris:nacres, Linens, sand Wove,. Or Sc. City and country merehants will find their Mock' as large and drstraole •s,Kustern sleeks. and an exams nation of tam, goods and prtees eannot tut to con all that was Weir undeniable advantage. and Glenn:es, they rev compete mum ANT Entrain Joon. This fact has been clearly demonstrated to hundreds of them patrons who formerly purchased Esst. Their mock wt'l always he round complete.- PP", 11E14 6UUDS, 1849. IF.NNEDY SAWYER. corner Wood and Fourth street, are now receivlng direct from fast hands, a large stock of Fancy and Variety Geode, inc.toling Clocks of every vanety, gold anti silver Watches, Jewelry, French Pants. Combs, Rooks and Eyes, Gloves and Hosiery, tsusponderb Gun Caps, and all other articles in their line—all of which having icon purchased personally of the mtenufacturers east. du ring the last winter. expressly for the Spring wade., will he sold wholesale at a small advance on cost. Constantly un hand, all descrtpuous of Looking Glass es, of our own manufacturing. at eastern nriees thhX3 EW AN AND VAltlhr viA/13 h N ULON KINSErS, 67 Market street. • 100 prn fine Chute Vsses, ...'d; 175 Pell twist and at velvet coat Buttons; 10 fine velvet Carpet Bali.; do do seut's traveltug; 100 gross fancy silk Buttons, for drat..., 10 don 'Nail Brushes, tid; 11311gro fine bit Vest Button., taw' d; trat 8o do gilt and plated, do; 05 dos rosewood tints Brashest 4 do Washing - too do; 1 do Barber. do, 3 pro Fish Linos; Fish Hook., LUDO rick. &c JEWELRY, Ice. —3O gold lever Watches. ' SO do de tached lever Wale aes: lirdo Lepine do; 10 fine dia mond Fines, Bins:, 1 do: fine Told Wert and Fob Chains; 2 do do Guards; Breast Fins, Finger Ring., Ear Etna., lon. GLOVES, he.—NU des Ladies Conan Gloves, ims'il; 300 tlo do Lisle Thread, fancy top, ke.; 10 do rants. silk Gloves; 13 do do kid do; 30 do ladies kid, ivied; 10 do do fancy top silk. VA6ll7l'l" GOODS—;s ptys American Pins; 300 boo Cotton Cords; 75 ps Paper Muslin; 5o1,!00 ribbed Percussion Caps; 5100 troths.* Whaleboat do; 100 dos Ivory Combs: Dres,lig Combs, Back Combo, ,kc. Etc. apt. 1 . 7 H. EATON k Gle. nay now opening their S ring p stock of Trimmings, consisuog in part of Man tilla and Wee. Fringe., Comps, black •nd cord Silk Laces, black 11011 rite Lore, Buttons, Hands, Bonnet Tnmoungs, gents, lathes and esildrens ploin and fan cy Hosiery. Shins or men mid hot s, Combs. [Tory and other Sen., lora, Spool Conon, Needles : Tnpes,'Hub bins, Puts, he. he., which icy offer for sale. node wholesale end retail, at dor Trimming Store, CASFourdi street, betweer. Wood and Market. APU Mt' SPRI Nit 0001JS.—, Alrasos m kat 'in. ml Market +tree, are now opening' 40 (300+ and packages of splendid SPRING GOODS. composing I.avem, klustins, Itereges, M de Lotnes, Utiigbant., Prints, French Carnbncs, Linens, Riliboas, Laces, silks, Sprawls, G,oves, Hosiery, and a general .40001- mm/I of Goods. mew: C A.IIPICTS, OIL CLOT hFOE! VED THIS DA V, Carpeting sod 011 Cloths of toe latest and most approved patterns, and at prtces to suit pur<Laae ra t sad cheap as. eon Lc part thased to any of the Eastern elites, comprising tLe fol. louttag sarteuesp— Eztra Royal Velvet Ede Carpets; Aixnutuatet CatTro 4 ; " ream* or Ynoi Tapestry' d tattles. Sop Royal Brats - els do Tapestry stair carpets, Extra sup 3 ply do lhossLela do do Ruporfiao do do Chronic Rags; 14zus stop loncoin do Tuned do Ouperftne do do Ilrutsrls do Vino do do Catcall< Door mats; Common do do Tufted do do 4-4, 3-111 Tapestry Adolasd do do lhonstak do Sharp skin do do A-4, 5-e. Vc• 15-4 Emb'serl Nano covers netters dr. 6-4 do Titil , G do 415,-4 2r.plata do du 6-4 w0,.l du Jo COUY(I Ingram du 0-1 wonted and linen 010 do Ju Voodetma oho Bra. Stair Hods cotoom Drugget; 101.4 wool crumb clothe Id-4 worded du ruair Linen 0.4 do do 0-4 table do Foglisb Table till cloth.; Diaper du Ceronnit do du do do Crash 4-4 Floor 00l cloths, Snow-Drop Napkins; 7.4 do do do Crimson Plush; 6.4 do do do l'urple do 5-4 do do do Maroon do 4-1 do do 010 Carpet Binding; Sheet thl Cloths, of newTrrmsp'ut Window Shad. Taro.try patterns, cut w fit o um above we are constantly term vine OUT Spnng Some of Csrpets, Chl Cloths and Steamboat trimmings ; to winch we moue the attentroo of alf who wish to far. 0rt..11 their houses or steamboats aot will he able to offer goods us low they can be ph we rehased in the Rut, and of the richest and Oates styles. Call mad ex amine our .took before porchaskg ehiewbere. Ware house. No 75 Fourth rt. eseetei W. 61'CfsINTOCK. DAY GOD SHACKLETT Dry Good. Jobbe,re. IV.T SW WOOD al'llklOT—ONcitid call this attention 1g of Merchants to their large stock of Domestic and Phireign Day GOODS, Just receiving from the Im porters and Manilla-rovers, and which they Will sell at Corp low rates for cash or aggnsved OttV.iL Our stoat ts now fuli and complo i e. and wall worth the attention of buyers, as we ass alotottattottt to Sell at *anti extremely low, prier. to cannot fad In make It 'altar-mar CD merchants rio rake • WA with .0014 j • VOL. XVI. NO. 304 MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, ' , LAIL I' at the BALTIMORE. PHILADELPHIA NEW YORE. aosroN aSintsw onwat GENERAL AGENCY ANDCOMAUSSICLNOFFIDIS, Voting 3IEN io wholesale and tetragon% and ether respectable bitslpess,lis set as Book-keepen,Eales men, Porters, liar•keepers, Walters, Partners, Ongal =,i7.TstlltAti/- .V o it,sk b ar ' at all Mimi a larOnanabee a( goodie:wing on bind, winch pay from 900 to . D3,000..per anitinm. Th ase th wain sitottlione of any kind Weald - do We ll to glee in • enli, as we buts agenuild miter ilte Ahern d ries, Which wilt enable as to pludeverg appllenun in a nimbie eititationnt the shortestnotine. ,e have a large seriusintanem.l4 all the about Mimed which we titunWill - triable to to glee Utile einem' • tion to all who may facer =wish a eall. TAYLOR. &,!TAVIdAN, No. SO Second tra, between South and Day. N. 13—Persons living in any isam of the ,IL Blazes, and wishing to obtain • ainuttlan in Baltimore, or ei ther of the above tide., will have their limits Immo- Maui! attended to by'addr•taing boa line. OW-paid/ as by so doing they wiltennwil both trouble and en- Which they otherwise would Lieu by combs& the oily, and see./4n5 matiloyineut for themselves. Addrese, TAYLOR & TAYMAN, lici:6B Second street., !Inflictors, hid agLar.v vou'ettiXPEl4 WE HAVE ABDOMINAL W.ABItEas .4. it. the most approved Ettgliali ;warn, iluAbe.d and recommended hy Thomu 13atearett,Taq, *mid a number of eminent pby sicians; being a sost conveni ent apparelus for the application of 0.3111 orkint wa• ter to the. Dome la, in cam of cramp. in Cheat,. AA every person in subject to sudden attacks, no family should be without at least oda. - • • - SCAIFF. & ATICINBON, First .t. tiemeen Wand it d - Market improvement jn Plancoo THE .bscriber in lest Teeming an Miffassortme.nt ft of .Pianol from the Amory M . N. Clark, N. Y, which for el egance of exterior, begat, of finish and superiority of tone and touch, amps. any thing ever brought to Ibis city. Mr. Clerk, of the shove Gem, long and mold favorably known vs the former foreman to the celebrated Pinto establishment of Broadwood, Landon, has recently improved and per- fected the Primo* of Menne R Clark, N. Y., to tot tent which, unquestiooably, mottles them to the mu tation of being the very best se well as the cheapest Pi.o• to be got in this cottony. The lot tow open ing, comes with the additional recommendation of an improvement in the style end full., which maps them at once the mote elegariteula tasty Wins ever brought our There I lutmcnents,^tagetbar wi ththe stock on hand. form the most extensive. varied and de •irnbletumortment ever offered here; nfarhieh will be sold at manufacturers primes, and on accommoda• flag terms. H. SLEDS& • • at J. W. WocatarelPs s B3 Third .t I. —The subscribeterin be found at the wate.. house from 11 tn A. M , arid 4to3P. AL jug 11. K., .ole Agent for Nowa a. Clark =l:3 FIE subscriber offers for sale a huge and aplendld T assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Piamm, with and without Coleman% celebrated X.ohan Attachment The above imitiumerua are War ranted to tit equal to nay manufactured in tbis'entut• try, and will he gold lower thar nay brought from the F. 1.11.U.11E, Nona wood la, 21:1Arior above Sth door above b... N. 13 —City Senp will betaken. ax4patfar a fear of be above anaonmeni • . my 2 P.ll For Scar Par. JOHN LLOR, B 1 Wood street s fiar4Elerip at par. the fallowing fffillinew amireeend hand Pianos: One tdereat wood *three Pi ano, made by Baker &..Baran, N. Y. ...... • •--$305 a) on. do do e 3 MO 00 Ono rosersoml oeuteli; Gales & Co, N. Y.• • 1176 CU One do 0 do do One mahogany 0 do do nearly new • One ~do 6 do Land " One do sy. do Rosenbaum One do d do Gannon One Jo Si do Rdo l/V Wie Jo 0 du English my 3 . . 11(111N FURSYTII. Merchant Tailor, has romo•o4 t, to No. 31 Market street, one door Torn Second, East side. Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits • continuance of the patronage of his former costumers, and likewise the patronage of as many new ones as are or the right stripe. Orders in the Tailoring hoe executed in the most fashienahle manner, and with dispatch: Also, a fashionable assortment of ready made Clo, thing, of all kinds. Cheap for cash, of canna Gnnlemnts' Furnishing Goods in all their varieties always on hood, sack us Shirts, bosoms, Colon, Dra cula, Stocks. Sena, hosiery, Suspeadera, Pocket Sdk(o, (Doves, Drawers, Umbrellas, ka /kn. tie. nip 21:43.n 4 V 1 : 1041 RIR $ 4 401414 6 41 17- 1. I A N EMINENT and etre' dented Illytlqw, (rem the Eut, of 20 years standing, ode. to treal slimes 3f• Delicate Hamm with prolunnuaand secrecy. iDs success in Dual* and other huge cities has been proverbial. Wm charge, are 3:endemic, sod his '"" Fluor Old cases, of Meet, Stricter', Soto cola, nor lb., It Unmanues s:i lgue,syphills, or any hronic or inveterate c so licited. A cure warranted, or charge refeaded. Orincui, St. Clair suatet 7 11 doors from the Bridge. Teeth Erected. Adnce to the poor pada N. D.—Dr. A. solicits the worst caeca of cey disease in PittA.rsh In ran. ap14.7.1 "WILLIAM muss, Manufacturer of Mural Water Apparatak SIGN of nrl GOLD= X•81.1•XID No- 213 North Second it., abo•o Vine, P/111ADELPHIA. AN experienee of Morettnar; twelve years to the manufacturing of Ittineral Water 1 .1, 7" and the preparation of Auteral caxutd mine, on an extensive trete, 'with a scion the and brae anal knowledge of of bunt branches or bus her with recent irsprovernmiu in the conannenots of the Apparatus and the preparing of the Water, which he has Succeeded in adopting sumo his omit to Paris, and after years of close study and pile/teal tub.- non. as applied to the arts in Mechanics and Chemis t y mallet the subscriber us come before the public Tenth entire confidence, end Mier them the best and most complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of Mie eref in Horde. and Fountains, that tan be tar nished In the United States. He also Clatters !mason that (he enlarged success he hog met mai, arid the ' , regent ft.ensive and deity in reasinx tunouttl or twt business in both the gamin, do partments. turmsbe. ha most entivinr-Ing proof of his m to the ttoperionty of Apparatus over those of all other,. and V the purity and salubrity of the Water prepared therefrom. Persons who order the Apparatus from a distance, may he assured that their initractions shall be faithful ly and co packed as to cony safely enher by land or water to any part of the U. States. ovoid disappointment, it as recommended tritium, who intend supplying thems.elves the approaching sea m... to forward man- onion. at as early a day to coo- ;amoral Water Appal - mat, Genotators, Pampa and yeoman's, omantentsl Urns and Pedestal, for Stands, Counters and liars of notch, for drawing Htdrant Water, together, taint Corking and Tying Machines, and everythung appertalutes- to the above bailee., eonatanny on halal, and for sale no the loarest tarns for cash, apteldecaldat Pfil`gfiT 4- 8 . 0 - Lakt. LAILL tAttlFS—An eaten.% assortment of Cornell. th Co's Calabrated Manu facture, and superior to ell °Mersin use; adapted to churehet, steamboats, factories, dwellings, public and °name halls, and In all °Marna.: where a eleap, safe and brithant light is desirable., ko,fli rtmdoles, Hall Lanteres,Candebabra.(ilob., Shed., Wick., Cluomies,Cans, Thatmers;fte e Alan. Gas'Chuudeltert, from ono to Mar hphts,' dees W W tiMS.SON:IO market et GREAT WESTERN . ADDLE.NAILNESS;TEUNKAND WNW. MN, VFACTORY.—Tbe submriber takes this Method of minimum his friends end the linblki in gramal that he hen the large.. nook of the following &st eles of his own manufacture in Wacky ea, Hat nests, Trunks and Whips, all of whjelLhe.wiltwa n .,, to be made of the ben material and by the best mech anics in Allegheny. manly. Being determined to sell his manufactures something lower than has bed:there tofore sold by any smaller establishconnt in the eily, ho would invite pervert. is need of the Rave named articles to Ins wnrchennie, No. 24 4 Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machine ry. ocatt-ly O.•NERBY.. PITTSBURGH S'Ealitisin II INE second :Mission of this ;ander the 1 care of air. and Moe Gamow; far' the present academic year, mdl commence on the firatof Februa ry nest, to the come buildings, No. sShiberty Street. Arrangemente have been mile by which !key will be able to famish young Indica Retains ta any in the West, for oblations a thorough , Clams, nal, and Ornamental education. Alull contra of 1 . 61+ limplvent and Chemical hectares will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de partments of Vocal and Instrumental Waste ALerlern tem Languages, Drag and Panning, wdleactjhe ender the care ofn competent Professor. fly elesiiattention In the moral and intellectual improvement of Weir pa. pill, the etincipala hope to mesa amonlinuation of the liberal patronage they band hitherto oatoyed. Far terms sea circular or apply to the Principtils. j agn-dtf • ..F.3F . F311/3* EMIS=U=I OIL --Comtism!) , on hand, bleached and M:Reach?. ed Wlnter and wring Sperm, Elephant and Wirth:it/it. Al., heti colored selected jN. W. Coast While Oil, •ti ;tame tor retuing. rENT OIL FOR tiIACHLICERV—The in:Len t:tern are now prepared to prepared supply 'Devito'. Ritmo 011 , in any quantity; aciatoms, musfacturers, &en, are relacAtrd In call audc.tatraLM Um article. terlificaten ofem efficacy and superiority over ad other oils, from nev! of our most cztenetre manufacturers, are nt our rocseetton. ALLEN & Atsts, 2,1 and 10 50010 who've., bear CLestmo aL, fehi..eoalom Philadelphia IT.TST received, a small Meares of VOIDTLAEN IJ DP:R S quite(' woaraNG LNSTAU.NIENTs—, construction. These !news's:Mop pestress prat advantages over all other. ever Made covering 24 me Plain, reducing the uma of truing atoMal . and producing sharper, Cie.:4 and better, cleaned pic ture. Tory, thermore, deierva lie attention of all Ar tists engaged or inieltding to engage in kite biiimeas. Price for toe Tabe n t h A general assortmen ythgtollt jeolly cele brated Inetruatents, of el eizes, we lla aa ;lagoon.- typo Matonals, at tbelovrest valet • • AIR. mutat fo small, the Obi; la ow oo ihoriaed agent r th e sale of the above la•trumenta. A LIE or Pneeecen be obtained by addlassinar,spoat- W. LANOANIIEttfiI, Exchange, Phßalleltlhla, Importers at Degaerrentyn Aleicciele, and General 'Agents for tlac select( Votgllecedor's Optical Lwana c..... mareimadtto than liEvnti LL °GAN, WILSON lc CO., howler. and Willem]. Deuere 1/ardwure, hire dadXcry, No It!, Wood creel, iilve Ftil, ee now In upend very cheap end well selected Derek of..lizsiraorted same the deetine of price, in Europe, and:which they am determined towneorrespondingtylea , klerehants who P.V. been in We habit of going EmstAnsynnieu ,,ly cikli nod look throagh•eur rock, an we em6dentl* believe they Will jam , their ezperteee; TIBIED REEK ROUNDS—Ia stereos &an ito,aad.., you , finn;Ans),Too'd and foredo Oy t , Reef I Al, • ULU= it 111Ca1.5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers