The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 30, 1849, Image 4

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Yonnptowa and:sew Castle Can al
4" • t
rrliE packet IP 'AVER. Copt. Satiny, II leave
I Beaver reovnittriyon Mend... tb-diievdtly alto
Friday areal., al 6 P. M.. and ar•tee at l'oativatoorn
next morning allo'cioe6--returi tug, leace• 1 oauga
town Tueulay, Thursday iii•ul sow/day , 1,T.111,,,11. 4
P. M... and roach Revue, in urne lor a.- mon,* boat.
ALLEGHENY CLIPPEit, arriving at P.ttstourgb at
11 o'clock.
Th. packet RARK.AWAV. Capt. Downing. will
lib re Bearer Tat inlay. Tutiravitty a. d suturent even.
In ate P. M., retar-ling ;Sew t %tre, Mond.,
Wednesday and F veru
nd•y engs at 6 P. ^ .11. 1.00 fon.
no, U , -g vv.h tae morning t.oat for Piroburgh.
Thew v.. ei v are fitted up rt comp ie te ..rder. bay
ing fine vecarnm , luitn.s for p0.....grr. sun •lupper•
to, rely of more r unetttAity nod greater ...patch'
Ulan has,ooro ii , tet, obtained nu th••••• rne, •
.., PITCH& Ca. Proimtora.
Age, Pittob. rgh.
& tiro., " Benner .
A n nenlio. Youngotovarn.
B. W. Cu , tangbarn, - New
The eleepla stentner, A 1.1.1 Gllt N N' CLI PP F.H., nRI
leave Boairer. dolly of, A. NI. a d Pins'airgh al l P.
routing in connection wall the above boats. • full
Warren mead Closrelsexid Pepaenger LlAte•
Canal Packet—SWALLOW.
NB of the above Packers leave Beaver every day
ISundaya excepted) arid arrive next morning ai
amen, when they connect w th the Sled Stages for
Akron and Cleveland. arrietrm at each of tbe , e planer
before night- One at tae packets leave Warren daily
at 5 P. SL„ and arrive at Beaver tn hem to take the
morning boat for Plustirgh.
N1:43 eesee eWaterand Frattitheld tits_
Cutworm CrIANT , VIPT u . Cle rrlund , a
RG. Pangs, Itenver c' P ' a r .4
l io , , to ~
Linew , Ul n ti: prep.:l . rd 011 the opening of navi
port freight and Passenger, from
PITf -SCRLiti and CLEVELAND, to any pram on
the Canal and Lobel.
Tbe-facil tire of the tine are unsarpe..ed in number,
vainy aid capacity of Boats, experience it captain ,
and efficiency of Agents.
One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily. rain
sting in connection with the strainers
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver. nod a lute of first els.
Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes.
AGIAID—K G Parks, Beaver. Pa.
Jesse Baldwin. oungstown, Ohio.
hl H Taylor. Wareen,
Cyaneele P r 'n & ‘
Co, "' Akron.
Crawford A Chamberltn, Cleveland, 0
Seairs & Grilbth.Buffalo N. V.
JOLLY A. CA ' UtillET, Agent,
Mee, cor 'Vicar and Southfield sta. Puisbargh.
Steamer MICHIGAN No. :—Copt.
" LAKE ERIE, Gordon.
Till , : above regular and Inc!! known licence Pork•
cis, hnve. commenced mak.: their lady trips to
and from Beaver, and cid" continue to rue between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the stuson, as
Michigan No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh daily at P o'clock,
A. and Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. M. t-ake Etc
Beaver daily 0.15 o'clock A. EL, and Piitsbu:gli
at 3 o'clock,
These sutamers will ran in connection with
ft G Parks' Express docket Line, for Eote
Taylor & LetEingwell's Warren Packet.,
Paton Woe of Freight Boats for Cleveland'
Clarke & Co's ht.:int-el and Clevetand Lane limit:lit
II G Parks daily Nets , Caztle Packet, •
CLARKE, PARKS & Co, Iknvet, , ik.geat,
JOHN A. CALitillEr. Agent. Pinsiturgn.
mch3t g o, Wfiont and Sinakfinld .
THE Propnators of tins ted.est, an,l pnpu .r
daily line. eOnaistiohr 01 :;IXTII4-...5. mei,. Cant;
Boats. owned by teem.. rtir.ll , ll, Itl
Linn with the Stearn &ND CALF!!
I.XWE.are enabled in etter uncoil st.rtl fae.turt Inc
the transportation of irr,i,h; and pa , r^t,get, oh Lhc
opcnins of Cwial ni. qqrriaon, in a,i points Oil tar I.r
agleam,/ mid Ohio and , 1 ritit mis and tits
& Clevelano.
&acne, aver.
C. Bit/WT.IA., As fill.
mart Water etrert, ittneilursh.
1. c nunccu-, u. vV C
Forwarding Merchants,
Agent, for the Pituburgiscutaiterrlttarl 1.411,, Put.
burgh ...I Eng, Luse rta Erse, and for run,
boats Boot," and Caleb Cope.
Having parehaand.the large and substantial Waa-
Boat met built for the Monongahela Pacatim. hat
with the cidition of a Warchoam, the alert ample u.
commodationt for receiving and forwarding, ao:
pledge their utmost attention, prompsnesa and derhass
to their care. and rely on their (nen.,
for t tnel. mard-ti y it. X BRO
aila 1849.
Old F.stahlisherl Line.
TH Boats.. E Plerried
now ot ol
paredrea ll known Isne
Possenes of Canal
in teapport i •
and F•eight to all points on the bele Exiensiori, New
York Canals and the Lakes ; upon the mast favorable
terms and with despatch'.
This Lltle runs in connection with the steam bows
BEAVER and CALEB COPE, •between Pittsburg,
and Beaver, C M Line of steam boats and yr.
aids on the Lakes, and the Troy and Michigan Luke
i'Boat Line on the Now York mum;
C. M REED, Proprietor, Ede, Fa_
Bidwell & Brother, Aecinm, Beaver.
T Mother. Agent at J Mesk men's Passsriger
Oiler, Monongahela House Pl...ratan
CONSIGNI , ES—W C shame, J E & S Dui .
Sharpahurg; Smith ie. Downing. do. I 11 Plurninei
West Greennlim Wirt, Act re & Co. do, Wm Henry
IidoIIOONATrA DAvils& Stamm. Buffalo; Barnes. Gthh- &
Co; Sandusky; Sas A Armstrong. Loki:old A
Newberry, Sheboygan; Al clue • & WJ ues, Milwati.
km; Snap, Minder A Dutton, Racine. Joan H Riegle
Coinage.: A Wheeler &Co Is eve Ark art
Pittsburgh and Blairsville Packet Line
1649. • •
ty , —rweie-yaserteMr 7 r.
ni.'P l MARS H ALL ' 2l l l - ,v 'l• E ' d n' ied " ciii " t 'a n t creir ' noel
splendid Packet Boats to roe during LAO
be , be
tween Blairsville and Pitmourgin—the boats io tow
ed by three horses, and every effort made to armour
earreate poseengcrw
DaP&IIIIIUMIS.—BoaIa will leave Pittsburgh every
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,&ries),
r. From Blairsville every Monday, Wednesday
Thursday and Saturdio, at o'cloc • a g..,rand arrive
at Pittsburgh the same day. A two liorso 'Hack fruit,
Indiana will meet the boat at Salmimegh. both on up
ward and downward trip—patting passengers through
from that place in one day.
Freight for the above Lille will be received at the
house Of the Boatmen's Line, by Inn. Farreti ft Co..
who are one authorised Agents Ail freight received
free at commi.on. JAI Al ARSHALL & Co.
JNO FARRE.N & Co, A gents,
Canal Liattiii, Liberty at, Flitsbargb
A Hack leaves Blstownlie for Yin..Cwown on the
arrisal of die boat— returns to boat tit mitrotttg. Fare
from Pittsburati to Youngstown?!—reeetreit at orbcte
of Hosunenbi Line (brooch son:ditto
POILTAISLE. !WA 11.12 iii.
For ate Trer.s.protagion of reig,fa to cowl fru.
pn-rsitunori. riPLADELPIII A. HALTIHUFIE, N.
T&LITL & O'Cosuon Bina/tam&
Tms old astablished Lana betng now mi fall opera
tion, the propnetom ate prepared wan their meal
extensive alrlillgenlente to forward roma menthe. pro.
dime, /se to end from the above port, on liberal tc roe.
watt the regWnrity, despaletk and astrety ; paellas
their sonde of transportation to obvious, when tran
shipment oh the way Is avoided.
All cohaignmento by and for this line reomved, char
paid, and forwarded in any required direction. (ree
OCharge for contrawsion advent-mg VI Nonage.
No interest,
Directly ractly or Indirectly, to .teinentats.
All comatunimmons promptly Attended t; 0a &pone e.
tion to the follewing agents:
_BORktlinth 27C Markel le, Phinidelphia
TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Canal Bann, Pittsburgh.
O'CONNOR & Co, North r, Raltimora me gel
s" ant raelisPo • TATIUDIA. 0.
.10112181%6111.k1, -TITOX.
V 81X2110%, Jac , . 13,..
CoUldUtted on :viol Sabbath-k. ping prlnciples.
TIIE Proprietor. of tin. 01U e.tabli.iteti LI ne ha,
ot their *took in the leorotart , onter, and a•
oughly prepared to forward Produce and hiercha:t
disc to and Path the F.a.trro rine.
We trust that our Icon ripener) , in Inc enrry:ne
business, and =darn attention to tic Interests of co,
toners, will secure to us a cononanucc and inercasii
of the patronage hitherto extended to iisignard's Lino
Our arrangements wilt enable us to carry Fretcht
witlithe utmost despatch, and °Lir prierstall a ,car.
be as low as the lamest charred ay odic r respoosibts
We have opened an office in So /33 Meeker Mien,
between 4th and sth au, ?hilted:l, for the convents:lei.
of eh poet,
Produce and Merchandise will be received and for
warded, East and West, without any ,harsh (or for.
warding, advancing freight. storage or commis-ion.
Bills of Luling forwarded, and every direction
promptly attended to.
Addreag or ripply to WM. HINGHAM,
Canal Basin, eor Liberty & Wayne sis,
/a Entobarsti
No LO and Tin Market street, Phi nola
.1.1.751Fd4 Age.,
No t North Howard street. 13alturtore
IS'ILLIASI elitS. Agent,
meh2l No to West street, New I ork
z:==. 1849.
4larchtsifoi, TranniportsUoli Line.
to rriII...I3LE.PEILi. BALTINroci.
THE Canals and• Rail Roads being now open, and
in good order, we are prepared to forward sti
kinds of merchandise and prodace to Philadelphia and
Baltimore, with promptness and despatch, and on es
good terms ea Cuy other Line.
Canal Basin, Penn si, Pittsburgh.
Aosars—CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia
mr27 ROSE itIORIIILL & Co, Baltimore.
came Mord Is
presaFast Packet Line,
ilegiM 1849.
FROM Firrasucal TO
(Exclusively for PalelengerS.l
frHE public ere respectfully informed tLetthis Lane
will commence running on the tflth lost, and eon.
tintge throughout the tielltoan.
The boats are new, mad Of a superior clam, with en
larged cabins, which will give greater comfort. The
can are the latest construction.
A boat will always be in port, and travelers ere
quested local] and examine them befole engaging pas
sage elsewhere.
thLPani *nip nine dollar ttunmik.) One of the boars of
Line soil leave, the landing (epistolic U.S. Betel,
earner tilPerin street and Canal, erery metre at
Meek lime.9l days. For informatio, +!pstry at
Muer 14000Sqjahel. House, or us DL o fa Co
' • • •_-
4 7:' -
er.r the Clil9-po tap. I. 0. 1-meet, tr.
I . )L'tNl.yb on the Ca.oal . teing a r w resumed. the
1.) Prorrodors or the at.ook:
the pub!. rhat the • are p porco w rreeire and. for
ward Fred( c. With deltrltteki...l at lowest rate..
They wood at.o call the Ctrentrort of sm.." East
ward the fact that the ffelate ed - " .a b y the ' In
roii , por atian, are owned b arcla and commanded by
oxperterreed cairns., A
:ripper. of Meat in fitilreiertil find it advanMarwas
to snip by this lone, no the is made it•
rangeinrnin nt Colombia to have ouch freiete for Bai
ornore hooded direr by fret:4;3.lllst.. care, therroy *a.
yrng s aretroune hordli,e
Freight to Padaderptua floes clear throagh in the
charge wade ( or receiing shipping or advancing
ventb Ftreet_
AGF.NTS-,John A. Shn.il7wmm o;„0 Mr
Cal.otigh & Co IMltimore; Steel & P.lila.l-
1/111.; Fran , . A Thom.. (*.nom moh3l
1840. ftitia,
EXPFtb2 , :S FACT.lYittln E.T U.
Ptutburghto Piitietiftiphin anti Hakinurre.
Eac,eisi rely (di
THwEllrLebol:ri'mTnee'rTinc4 . o'n":',l . co'n'dne"v '1'111'; this
a L r i e7
The boats of this Line .te of ....rector else.. with
enlarged cabins, which wig give greater comfort to
41 boat will always be In4art. and travelers are
quoted to to call and egitraintlinon
sage by other routes.
will leave the hindine• op
posite We U. P. Hotel, eoragr Penn street and Canal.
every night at 9 o'cl , .ek.
Ttrize—,ll Days.
For inronnation, apply a 4 ~ffiee, Monongahela
!Jou., or to U I.acil 1 Co. Cann. Basin.
N proprietor. tee rc »once lane are 110ili
building an adddwnal Idne,rd to run au above
on or nuoat June let, w col,neroon won the Perinoy!
roma Rau Road (row LorWi•wo•u° to l'w.adelp• la At
that tone a °octet 1.0; ~ err morninganaaaeu
log Tone througis. 2i dub. went°
1841 ,3
I'm - lite 01 A..r,u.".24,,,,
it/CIDS earned on 114 Lop. at. not transhipped
j between Pittsburgh olio Philadelphia, being car
ried in four section i'ortalors Ern. sO
vor and and •-
ter —to shipporS of mer4suothr. requirlng rasefui
handling, Wu Is of tniporypier No rinrge male for
or slilpping, or Sic ail slim? An
goods forwarded with oini4itels. and on as reasonani
tortes as hy any miler Lop,
tarsi Swazi, Penn at. l'lnshurgh
ki JAS M DAVIS 01 Co
mart MarkriA 04 Commerce st,
JVLiY itIeFADVIN Forwarding . and Comnna
shoo Merchants, ('anal 1140. loin ilittsharch.
JAMES M DAVIS & CP; F%cazr Fa-or, and Comjnis
sion r< hmad, 227 dlarlOt and SI Commrter oreet
Plabadeipbm. marl
Std ;s made i .51! 1c: tO3
wi and older conatß
them iu
tale L,rdl
, , v ~ - • .zzonma
:-.. , -,...e.- hy„.4. :-). r......P.m1... -- se.
1:111CallAtARI el' WNI Ft1.11.14..1.11 larsh..
For Wolfe% Ilk .10h.4•11 1101 .d.).uurgh, aost
• I Loterno4ll.e mecca
TIUS /..I,le ATM COollOtie m ccary o:1 Way Goo.
with me.)r esual desp?.tea. and at fatr rates
AGLN - n—C. A. APANITV & CO. Pittsburgh..
1)11 Waksftel
1113 .—Jrunt• J((don. ',man 6. tnthlmr. F
Shnenoorgcr. Moore . l'hrker. Von
I 0
borm.k. Co, % . 1m Lehroch& Co. /no NhDrv,.. rc.
R1D.M..r5 . ; John Ivor). 'lrrov..ll,:lhohoh (try. R/no (irof &L.°. Bla,rtyz!lr Tociva
Coral P.seket.—V ALLOW. Ford.
ea,: 55
INV. of it. Wove l'uclA, :cure Ben., ,ry ,
‘J .t4liudaya arr., tnork:ur
Warm. ,v;te re thr y ..".agr-
Arcroll tu.d C.cveutdd. arroc...g e1..,,Le-e ,''a ,
Our of me 7 ...<l...luvr ar rr,. JAL
: L. and art Arr
tur...lng -lc-In/bow. for Nit.oe re,.
0n...* LL:1.1.17, , TWE1.1., V 1 rrrro. t
,ti 1.1 TAYLOR, Prawn:AA.
-1,1L0.3,1 it. CV C 4.42.6 .101 HO(
~anal Packet—P.s:l Sr
" -
.." FAletidON. ~ sr
The above new and spit Pua..enc,
r o d
betvenno lltbA V AND t R.l,
and w II run regularly itur...F ecu,o.. one boa:
leasing Eric every tuornAls us r oc•.ed.d
he a ver every evenint innuedi+o., a.'er .05 utr
•,1.1 the steamboat .111dAmsn num
T, . boats me new attie comfort:L..) lure3i•lorld, s..e
Iv. through 10h) bourn Peo.sen rs
"In to net
point on the Lates, or Nimtara Ps, aa/ Mot thd.
roam the most conmortabir and rsped.bou,
throurn to nil pot, on tire LoYe can or proeured
a,plyteg to the propnetoM.
RRED. PARRS& Co. Licaver.
-JOHN A. CAd:t;111..1". opt Pittsburgh.
cob IVater ruel vu,
C Itarann. Ilu ru.o. N 1".
C H Reed. Ejle, Pa_
C C %Vick, Weaned., Pa;
Irrartund end limy,. Cad Eknd..Pa,
Hays !... h
narpm et
argh, P,
C Mabstiy...inron. Pa,
D C Pa,
It IV Cminti.iMam, Now Castle. Pa ,y 1
111715111. E & FAST EX_PRE.SS
FOR C1.71.1.1iAt0-A Nii4 ont. 1 i...l)itt, AND THE
Proprletors of ail? Lau- Alter pot on New r3torl,
and are prepared riaforward package, cd aJI
seriptions daily, at the ewe,: ra:er..
J C till./WKLL Agem,
• V; n et, PltErhureh
,F./1 NI,
oral glleoutr. , harleA , I ht.,Lnore
Passages and'. Remittance Offleo.
IIANRDEI 44 d L:4l/. con:floe 10 be,ng pe r „,,•
from any part sq.Enotand. lr ',and Seotfal,fl OF
Wale.. upon Mt radst dheraf W.ltl Men
usual punctuality and gin - noon to tee want. and con,
fort of ememarants We du twnanove our fraweny s ers
be robbed by the awfcchtne scamp, fufest tat KU,
pods. 11.• we Lair c flared en tbs , n ntd they re
port themselves, and sae m Luauey
In and de.
spn them without any fletennuff by :be heel hoops). -
We toy ram feuiesaly,ias we defy Om of our passez.
gars to show toot obey "err detanfed 40 tours by ft , J.
Liverpool, whilst thnuaauds of other. wore detannutal
mootas, until they coule4be watt LA some 02d atoll- at a
ell p rate, W 41.11.00 freAuenny proved Men cothna
We tntebd to pt . -ennui:du , connects uoneralny,
what It may, .41 not f?.,1 as was the ease fast fwbeoc..
ether offteews—vehlY calker performed lot rot, of
when it suited their conWeetence.
Uralta drawn it rottnargh for any mon from SI tc
payable at any 4, , f the provmenn Banks m Ire.
land, England, Scotiond , and
EnlOpem and Lrenerar A{C.l.
fat, Firth sin,. ene dew, rte no Wwel.
A 11R1 wY woWd rerfwet.
ly inform tho tuhhe, that he
pp. oo he: at w wand oh the
p &Co of tl.e thontond, AUC.
eny city, a comp'em miser.
nt of lir IMMO alto Cc
!alt Shutter& are made to
the UR. warramed
In, to any mine Golfed State..
Itilnd. can he removed with
thr .td of a acr , w dnver.
ring purehrwed th e ataxic,
dr. and wood of tor cableet or
-3;11.11111elli of It amouy & Girl
latltl, ant prepared to turmoil
thilr old ettriornera no we:: RI
the puoltr et large. vetth'.ey^rY tholg In their um
Agent y, Na a Wood atreet. Palm/Lag&
ehl.l / A BROWN
TIAPEIIIIANGIN(4: - ant - tines rt ,, elvt/ig, dare
1 from the manufacnirers In New Vork,
pals and ilaltintore..a [nage nod well 'elected attort
tnent of all the Intlmoot tro,:roccd .tyles %R
-un. glared and comitati PAPIoIt
plecer of PottOr and Fresco;
10,0110 .• Hark:and Go unto,
10.010 " Ihaig-room, , tta other and ofh,
Paper—which I wattld*al lculary w. orettiod
of Wow- having houreato pap-r, to call :Ltd CIREIWIL,
at the Paper Warrbo4 a. 1: 1111.1-
wood at
,4. 1 . tn
large d..0H0 fl 5c ,
coast/tuns 1.1 putt of ,Cri•to , o , .. ",
Wry. I,;nve., Crape Canc.; 1 ,. ••
lngSOk.Thra,so ,Cu ,1,4k1,trt.•.
ec e4co 0 ~hant• ar
r rr. s.
pe,afuily Invited ttlt
-a•..1 11.1/ su.dc.
Vinod sire, corner 13(4,..m0nd me 4:xl
Ex'rRACT OF COOVEY:— An nrUcie whwl: ra•
....n< a wiloir•ome. nourix.T.
ote ociaita to a[ .rl.; toortao•os,ot wool ra.•
stabletolaol Common CO4oret, a.d to o hrnpr , , R12:1
pap,co.t.solog coolly lono re Wll, il• ne Inur
you of Coder. hl arioi•anwed
it lir , . 11.1.1 in Plitgliuren. Pa.
Sold at wholesale by U A F oOl‘ti•Olkt , K oo
earner of [Cid Woad end oath 11141 %Doi lame.,
Pittsburgh opal
• • i •
lALIFORNIA RCWIFIR 1,001),-- Juitt recelvcd,
k., 1t• Camp Blank etit;im officer routs, In prs Punts,
IN pairs nett lined prinFig Boot.. It! !Kaunas Pugs; J
water 'ranks, 0 and IP g Md.. raril; , to eni.nacaSi i
gal on each; I don litrolt•k n Money bell, I do ruled
cambric do do. The above goods for sole at the Cali.
to to Cud/IMM Estatillinment. No 5 Wood •1
mehldl 7 I 14 if PHILLIPS
it SPORTILD SPICK .---.llitil up for famt:y um 111 1111
A tuns, encl,,wed I/1 u. cidinin ill! I ' oo . g"lt.'llog
Mustard. .! s i/VC,,
(an nn, ' (sme, r.
,_.' Prtiter,
Vtrarrintpd pure For sale at Lae new Spree and
31r/stand Factory, cocas of Fen . , h. l.r.erty 010.
A N VII—. rough( mu AIM!, Iron, 11,0 'temper..
tsLW ' 1
A ancesille works. r arranted. will In constantly
on hand and supplied ai mid, r. by
tny2ll zy? 1 CS ttlfl RA N. 45 Wood 'I
vNE NH -NAG}; If IiAB rue manic natured , rian a
supe4lss arne/e q Hollins }ire linek rnn y in
store and for sale by i KIER A JONES
Ali W. W. Walliwe.gaving need a Ilearil, of same,
quality and manufactinin for the pain enoteen mo
pronounces it supertorh, the hcastas now n grhcral
{II4IC /111 lfi
F. COGNAC 13 - WAN hal( fop., vartoua
yrntana, n( our oj;,io trOportAt/M1 per Commerce
fro. ' , 0rd....A. rcp, , O and •o• talc by
ja4 111•/1.Eit & RI CK.KrsoN
0i.u1.34in0i,-1-4, rucerv• al, a 1.-autttut vs.°,
moot of lathes . 0.1 , 0 gl-11 1 / 1 ,11 , 111• Gard I,uard
Cllalca. from 510 to SL's roe ramr 111 price• Al.,,
Weochog R.lttir• of 72 carat yd gold •
P, nctla. Ftogr r
sing.. Erne Fungi, I.lretiflt rms. br 1,0 d Pct..
Wait he., he. (1' WI
)uSeorn . er 4th n•td ,i Mnrit..l
VVELVET'RIT4PON:4; Just re.,•cd at Le,aio. eutt
ey'l:l97 Market tire,
au pa colored Velvet Rahboa. assorted eolora,
3U • black "..
callimideu qlmp; 10 NI Nrstic r!ain, A.c
• k.'n I'ACCL.F. OF rtt,r Ut
j tattling an alphabetical oat cit.,. 1 . /three through
out the United Stole.. dotance. from %%
atate and tercacmailleapitala respeetany. no.
hibiting the Pont offiend each Cl.ate, no t nod as coun
ty, arab an appendlrotthe .Unned Mat- and llonlab
Tarifa. Jest reed by ; 011NSTON & dTvCKTON,
soyll earner 3d and imam ate
CI Medicines 01 the day'
banana tereroth, Ohio. May 5,5 i. Idly.
R. F...'.Eielters.. I wmk it meiht nor the benefit of others
to ensue some facts in relation to year eseetlent
ly Me Mines.
I nave on. ylour Vermillige largely in my own rth,
y one vial finquent , , anis wennt for expelling large
..42an141.e. in.); to cool worms from two children. I
ha . e tow unto your Liver Pills arid Amialk Syrup In
no faintly. and they have in every inetance produced
to. etitot cleclired.
am engaged in merchandising. I am able to
state that I have yet to henr of the first 1 . 11.1 , are where
our medicines have been used In my wanton of the
e. unto In conclusion. I may state that Lacy are at.
ineclonnen rt the day. and are demoted to have a vary
extensive popefflitty. Yours. reapeetfuity,
\% H Pirormi
Prepared and sold by FL E. SEI,,LERS. No 57 Wood
• wean. and nob/ by Draggle. geuetaLy to the two et
and vieintit. riofil
Of original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill.
Sorer Cone. Ohio county, V.
March clath, 1549.
Me R Sellers: Dear Sir—l mink it • duty I owe
to you and to the public gmera ly, to state that I have
been afflicted with the Liver Complaint for a long
time, and ort.dly that en shyness formed and broke,
which lent me 111 a very low state. Having heard of
Your relebrated Liver Pubs taring for sale by A R
ntharp, in West Liberty, and reeommended to are by
ms pity noc,an. Dr. E. Smith. I conclunied to give them
ala 'r trial. I purchased one box, and found them to
he pant what they are recommended. THE BES I' LI
VER PILL EVER USED, and after aka g four boxer
I find the dinease has entirely left me, .d I am now
perfbctly well. Respectfully you'll,
Went Ltherty, March 4,1000.
I certify that I am personally acquainted wito Mr
Coleman, mu can bear tostemony to the truth of the
nthave certificate. A R SHARP
Tue genuine Liver pin. are prepared and sold by
R E SELLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
int the two env..
TO THE VCI3LIC.—The original• only true and gen
alne hoer Pill. are prepared by E Sellers. nod bane
Ws name stumped in Meek tang upon the lid of each
In. and his inanimate ou weeutside wrapper—all
others nre counterrent., or base mit.° -a
i ft E SELLER'', Proprietor
L , ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, et well known end poi
P nine Cleric - mtnn of the Proteetant slethodist Chord
The undersigned having been afflicted during the pill'
winter with n dtsoaee ot the stomach, suincomcs pro
during great pain in the stomach for tenor tor, Ice hone
rittonission, andnano, otter having trend •1111,11
nemednet writ little effect. was furnished with a bonus
yalr U Jayne'. CerinatetlVe BeiSelr. This he aced ac
iording to the directions, and found invariably than thir
medwine caueed the pain to ahem in three or tour mm
ntes, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every une.l
'emanation wasenurely quieted. The medicine Ca , at
terwardn used whenever indicattonsol the aypionch of
pain were perceived and the pain was thereby prevent.
ed lie conunaed to use the medicine every
and sometimes in the morning. and in a mw wexkr
health win so tar restored. tom the sußcrer won relie•
ed from a large amount of oppreesive p.n. From so
p.n.., therefore, he can confidently rec.:one id I"
D I•yne's Can:Lim:the Balsam. as a aniutary medic ie
for discasea of the stomach and bowels. A Sii NL'
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PERI Pi TEA STOR
Pb Fourth street. near Wood. and inith it inelirurs
„r ti astir w T
n'Z 'ern' tree ,
—ant _
veI.UAIbLE cascovEart
TIMOREar allarinT rep
Coutiumpuon, Coaahs. Colds. Asthma, Dronchtu.l.lo.
et Complaint, Spitting Blood. Difficulty Of littetr
e heart.
.„tutlon. Sore Throat. Nervous Debili
ty, said Disc...ea at the 'mron,
Breast rind Lungs•
the roost ef
fectual and speed) cure
ever knownfor any of
the above digital ,
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry!
Thin Itnetitelne to ionger among those of doutetrifi
oi.lllo. It has pasaed away from the thorlas.•l• daily
' , genetical upon vac 14.10 tit e,potrttnet,t. s,ttl Itavot
Itlaber reputation. and is Occomlng me, eetena i ve.
'y used than airy other prepdration of medic lie over
ortff iced for the relief of suffering man
It has been Introduced very generLly throurth ttie
Crated States and Europe, and there are few tow., ,it
ltrlnt-tartre 1,1 what cont am retuarkat , rrt
let el of r.o gnat efferts. Far root of the
gateinenta. and of the amine and efficacy o r th • meth.
i.e. the proprietor will insert a few of the r mai • than.
metal Itatetnentale WhiCh bps been preaented
lien et tar - met. vet,' I t tlt
7,1 alma. te•pnuetitt•ttr a.rd to•tier. Kt rt.. ,
ely u WI, bel t ad, It avid do another a (Ave, void
it o . no ittplotece letAttno,c, ot,
• usivo.)un/name esc• t•
• its ietemsie inerila. and the unitue-tm , au , nor,
rit pub , opinion Thr .1 to a.' ,o. r e „e
and Inc outfit.. I.ldUrnee diffr.•edthrough the
a bole Diane ••• u•c. readers it a most natree.i. -
remedy for ine afft.eTti
I- When men. Art:, trate cnt,rtenttoue
toluntartly bear teattino..) to the truth cr . a Dille or
parlle via, !art •itee toe., vinare ra
wortd.y tatt.l purpo•rs everre•
tts train. and commend. tler II sit 41,0101 rettlitter
11111Sereul credence -trr Hogan , Moral
711h:110)1h. cr.:llll=lCA ft.- ,
Stitt A vottiez Cues or t,Olssnirtrtotvt
riiherr never was retard) Mai has been a• suet...vita
desperate rate. COnsucnotton, es Dr 6 1 ,..,„,„
olnyoutid Syrup lit lCild Cherry, It atrength•ii. ti ir
and appears to net - the uicer• 0/1 tile lune ,
mating new and rich blood, power posvosivid by 110
miler medicine
Crtlavira Co-. Apr.: 23111.
pr Sarayne—Dear Sir. I verily beneve your Com•
oound Syrup of bVtld Cheri , as het, the 111C11.11A of
4,1V1M, my ,tte. I cauxht a severe Aid orbtet grm:,
yerevy worse, attended <nth a
covuti. 11,11
masted Mt the remedies ‘vb,ch I had recourse to. st,,,
increasunt unitl my ease exhibited all the symptoms it:
1.11111101141 y C011.111P1106 Every thing I tried seemed
to have no effect. and my COMplilf,ttrcrev,d
!y that irtenda as Well as to) srlt, cave up hope.
t of
toy" recovery Al this time I sass recommended try
your iiivaluable rnedm:ne, I did so w,th the o
most hap
py revolts. The heel bottle had the effect to loosen the
rough. eanaung me to <Spec...Pram treaty;
ame I had daubaoc ottlsl taus entirety aro:, an nd d
000 15 aaalzy a tr. Y. as WS• tr. e.y life, mid
would be happy to Kite any infmadadon respect:in; sty
:ALS, that other sufferers may derre the berett for
sylatett lam so grateful For the truth of the above
tateinenL I of
you to 1, Re•h, brocer, Nee,
Hp., of you
I purchased the medicate
Ileapetnifithy Tow., Jut. Mona...
IS'iidiiw - fni Cure of a litakadia Ents. l l - .
Dr Svrayno- Dear per. I feel n debt &gratitude due
you—chu a dory to the allicted gene rany, to oar,
my humble testinteny til favor of your Compound Sy
rap of Wi.d l'hern . . Some three years sance I vvits
violently attacked with cold :flarsciatain of nit:
Lungs, which was itheumpanied o th a &titer...n.4
cough, posn In the breast and bead very consider¢
discharge of °fleas,. utueuo irom the tang, es p„.
upod change ot weairtcr hew :err el.ght At
arc I (titre alarm shoot my eoudtu n. but Was porgy
soon ronvniced that I woo rapidly going tote ronitar.;,-
UM I grew doily wear, and at length was scary,
:y able to walk about, or speak above a whisper, sorb
we. the exec:rearm weakness of my lung" . Doring this
dine I had used yawna preparations ad press. npuo ns,
bra found no relief—grown:, oil the urne worse j ust
here was advised and persuaded by a dear friend to
Wilmington to make Mal of your Syrup oi Wild Cher
-Irymoot confess that prernounly I ond been pred,
dead aganast patent medicine.. and am sun against
hose coating out of the hands of emperks, tder.
standing your claims to the p fanh rofession thc and procure of
medicine,medicine,and having impliett sayin o g of my
ienda, I forthwith porches:led of Dr. Shaw. one of your
agents, a few bottles. and commenced:las use. My
mule was at ISM hone of 20 or 2.5 mouths', con
sequently it was deeply seated. I foand. however.
comudevoble relief from the use of the first four or five
botties. But beset a public speaker. I frequenuy at.
tempted p r eimb with my strength, and
thereby motored those vesoels that had already occult
heal, in this way. doubtless, my cure , ao Iy
tenanted. It, consequence of wrung thus impriadentiy
I had to urn teeter or fifteen bottles before I was per.
fectly reztored. I have no question, a math smaller
number of born., morbid have mode,
me sonad, but for
the above indiseretain. The Syrup &bayed the fever
oh harm, took rtivat the dlstre•Aing 00[10. put • Cop
VP the discharge of matter from the iungs, and gave
them and the entlre•yinem good health. I have den,
reJ catering this nen:flea, until now, for the purpoad
of betigi perfectly wrath the ,ertuanenCy or the
itnd now that I feel perfectly welt I rbuo roe offer It watt
ROY. J. P. Joanna.
Dutiful county, S C
La:portant Cannon—R.4! R.
There It bet One genuine preparation of W,,d Cherry.
sod that Is Ur tnogrges, the brat ever offennl to the
which has been sold torte.) tiiroughout the
United States and some ports ol Korot, and an pr
paration* called by the name of Wild Cherry hoot
been pat out so lee Into, Under cover of .ore
cireumatonees. in order to (toe currency to Ilialr unc,t,
ljp oneervottoti. no rson tired mistake me
Canon. from the !nine. Earn nottle t el tor eenot,,,
enveloped .elth a beauutal alert ens
o. wite Inc
Otettess Of
:and 1 . ,111 ,hereop. also. lir cOantyne
rig nature: and eu further security, :An ' , when tI Or
-peep he added bereoltes, so as to distinguish
aranon from alto thers :Now, It it was not lot
the great enrollee properties sod know. vtriues Jr.
Sway ne'r Lootimund tlyrup of Wild Cherry, per. ..-
would not Is entlea•onng to givetetoty to their
-Ikon.. nostrum.... by steattng we i r ano, of V. lid
Corer) Remember, hello 011110 the name
nUr :Wee, talcs, rott tleePtved
rut alp
curlier el Eighth •nd Rate steceta,
snie woolcoale and retell ti 7 tr..1..N0n.V.
coo rind Wooti sts. hl A FAHNI . I. , TMA re
jo, cur lot and Woo and tith and W ood ets, Ve Al
HUHN, 33 Markel Si.t 7+ /ON led rotten)
I t /An
A 111 NF,. ., atm Ile.] 1:1.1 1 , 11, 510. itItIN
Allegheny say, nod by opecialde dealer.
medicine. -
_ . _
STICUNO the, Ur .1 • b e.'•
.\es ouperso, to • other remedies - lb;
thharovraphott,Br.ehaes, neat.... sod other P
,wry tifeehorte, ts that the sorue pe rums ether coanneteeet, th.
IN 01 II the.? Iterhioee tee years ego MI, IR•Igl it to all
.therre [bathe. of the knit.. wadhere a., rutl.e.l
try other prepay.... they have sanolt evahalmy trace
Implant:teed m reee.eing the bench rehsch het re...hi,
.1. atpate4 (r.saa the nigh provers bestowed by the sruprreh,ra,
lad Leave returned to tat tte.• or /aeries' Le ractolve NT,
a remedy that ha tees; reeled to (111.••• thee. cad or 4.e1.
rrrehably Dewar had rte eq., m sr reehog pole ...try 01.easra
Prepared .ly D. Jayne A
LEX e ladelphte, ortW oo
41..1 b 7 / 1 NM..
dtheatJd.basrf fourth at
Dr.W. P• Premium Planter.
DR. W P. INLAND. of the hlediral Ceglege bf Pint.
adelphia now offer. to ths publie Indian Per.
amble Premium Plaster, the thIllt:11, 0 h. after
tong and tried experience, has been aunster,rity e—
tablished To ail women who may be IlithlC.ll with
Prolapeus Utena or Failen Womb, he recommends 11111
Outer, guaranteeing a sure and speedy cure in the
.hart space of from two to thce wee., if applied with
care arid rest—dtuoirding all the countless inst
and expensive bandages so long in use. Th.f. he feel,.
conscientious in manna, inasmuch me he Mir not failed
In one ease out of direo hundred and finyorime pa
• • •
Al. for Ahearn... and Weak Breast or Back, at
tended wits pain, there is nothing to,hacel this Plaster
to affording relief or erketing a cure. For sale by
1.• Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market st
Braun .4. Reiter," liberty and St. Clan; sts
DI 1 Sargem Federal an and Diamond, Alle
ghny city
lamp+. fr. Co, " Denman and Diamond Rirtaing-
13. L. 7 3,ELLiTt. Thu gr, No 57 wood
Sole Agent - ror lbetale '' of Tourn"
sloe Sarsaparilla, hos put received dozen " Gen. this
()rear Surto! and SurnEer Medicine.
Purcher.ers should reeorlect !her ft E Sellers is sole
agent for Parsburgb, and 1151 Curry for Allegheny
oily isps
G f
ma ' de b th e e
Cooper o I tolon, 1 Tub.. of y livrpoo "lob al
1, %
large asonrlment of detached rcnd and athrar Lover.,
made try tue i.e.Lt.oneva maunfactorara.
Spectac,s ot all Kind., Communion Ware n 1 seta,
Gold Prna; Jewelry tn large van.y; Silvcr
Fora., fee.
. .
irc Watch repairing executed in the best manner.
myth earner Market and Sib its
MecAutArs F.NOLAND—iI viper's Eine edition,
va., with poroluts; cloth 73 cants per volume.
For We by JuliNisToN h isTocksork.,
a77utimer Markin aid al au
mtrri D ooK,B
no aas mon. ozo sorl (1 ILIS,IIII
11 t nit-ntion of the that•cd to tmo. •ery
I valuable Churn. which ha. the 1.14 . 11, .ge 0 1 ad
o• em In combining the old and nem invenuomt to
The oultrypr thy. Invention ta apparent. as by a arm
p e pence*s lbw air ts (netted beneath the tta•a. at!
does away midi the nece.arty of purohsa‘ing a new
Churn. a. ca easte applied to any churn tn nee. and
for one dol:ar ea !ive 101 the In/ prorrtnrnt. or the
at, ronthetted lane those of gathering the Batter IT
the usual Way
The public are muted to call and mdan for them-
Mye, before purettwonk elaewhere. a: 87, corner 01
arket and Flfh•tree , r, or at 61 Diamond alley, be
twoen Wood and Market street.,
sny2) SAM. Kftt,F.F.N
THE an derourned having hero appointed Agent o.
the Druavrs az Mv - roah PVT,. NCR COY
PANT, to the place of John Finney. Jr., reaigheil, re
spectfuny tnforms the public and the friends and rus•
tomer, of P e Company, that he it prepared to tare
Marine. 'n'a. d and Fire rialto on liberal term., at
other. No 37 Water street. P A MADEIRA.
mi AgeoL
g th.E . fitt,E•—lono tent x in. Il ply Intim Rubber
jj tiose--,net recetved for the Borough of Marlene,
ter. which will tic held to store fora tea day,. The
Boson Company express • strong desire for
the fire deparnmenta tbe en., of fbnaburgh end Al
legheny to call and erartune and make a trtal of then,
The company is woltng to put theta to troy test the)
think proper to conclude upon
toyltr Fe II PHILLIP:4.S mood et
1)001a+ Etill TIIE KitszctitiPeritiN cif - STocic
I) in the Citizen, haws:ice Company of Pittsburgh
will lie opened to the Ram. of the Board of Trade, on
We fintt Monday of' November next. et to o'clock, a.O.
Oh m. Lorimer, Jr. Robert Woods,
Ohm. It. NUClare, Joseph Plummer,
R M. Ka,. Jonah King,
John Rh. rid. Alex. Ro.ehurg,
and H. D. King.
HH. •
PARRY ha. invented a 121.1 i for washing
e Gold. for which he has in•de appiteatiou for a
puteot. are now offered for Bale •t the war
botw of Parry. Scott & Co, No. 103 Wood etre..
Adventurers to California are iiimted Mend and el•
entitle these labor-sating machine* They arc simpit
in their construction. easily transported on the bock o
mums or horses, weighing eighty 'Marini each, ani
can i.e pot in °prattled,' half an hour. They can he
51 ell with pro minouv It is the opinion of those whet
have wen the trial at one of these machines 01 ansimil
hat two mei, Will wean the alt..em. Iron Irkt
bushels of aainl or earth in a day, without tire Ira of t.
particleof the mineral. They can he increased in 01
and worked by water or mule power, if elpediert.
The operators work without genic Into the tamer ot
beihg egposesl to wet, and conveutiently without en
dangertim health. They will require but a smali
stream of water. and ran lie used the whole maami
and ean be put I operanoti where there dLot suit.
Clain water to wa.h n in the umal way.
Pace of smartest a e Orders from abroad, ac
companied by at., a 11l lan promptly fitted.
H. PARRY. at Parry, Seen Zs Co'.,
fetid-MI No 1101 Wood stn Yntalmryrh.
uspratt Or, hone god. k•h.
subscrtheni are now receiving their Fall stock
of the above article. three teasels, vir the Jamara
Nlodallion and I.ydt a. having arrived et Phtladelphir
Lnd Baltimore. and :we more, the Stephen Baldwin and
ei:a. snort t erns...tea, they are. therefore, prepared
to rare orders They wit/ rccewe during the Ono.
ter and erring 5019.10% ma New Oar..
11111 ZtlT I N C.ktll.k: TRIPOLI—For cleaning win
lows and lamp st aaaaa plate, brass, Eta
to ima. and other ware It rapidly takes out all spots
and stasis, hid reproducer the heautitul and durnbl•
lustre of new w. Jura received and for mac. whom ,
sale and retell. by are
*{R 11 HARTMAN having st.MI hes Inter.
111 1 the ro partnership of Coleman. Hallman A
Co , to the rematiung pm.nem hoe this day retlrett
(rote •he firm February 111. 1e.19,
Dirt hitt Mat OIA NI FAlitßk , The under,
mgned. A cent tor then anufacturers. hoe on halm
and romtm.: y rreetvula a fut. scot., ante artimee
toed,. I . .twl,ut t th old victnity which he otter. for
to e nimlb,rturers pores GEO COCHRAN.
mwood et
Alt lift ER PASTE I aroma bottles India R.
...X hew artsele lor renderlng how
ot . • fet.7 waser prooC rod soon sa a ' , tree o
e ..po,ratlon of papla aufftc.ent
mat , ti.ern water 101 ti or 3 triOntlk,
a 1,, te.sit.e front the I..arhar eraekin
Rrr'o .air al the 1,110 110 , 1,r 1 1 .1.01 No
77,, et Irill3 J d li PHILLIPS
X• r•CT:11.
Corucr Fro, ~,. Vie ..nets, Cri.cinnau, 0
"^" a"
: ::r e:f, A iji is 111314.1.
pla 11 _
• ,
.-1- 42 44 60 !-- •
Er flrdrr. fr. m rvl for Alcohol Pm. Sp%
a. Saw or Re,, ,d t 1 hl.kry. oral be 0r,0r,.., e•.e.
do , ,rtft ro,ll.sdiy
j" F L LIL rir - WV.
Il 000. , No '5 Four, e,—
Meo cm , .0.,d coy.- r• Ptain Tullio) rod Cho.
do do Ta• Ic do do
Wor•ted do do do I do IlOrderm.
To:/..•h d.
Drap,ry Clone. do
Moos, ..hi V/ews
1,1,!•. - dO
T 4.ottoc•
Cord and 'ru.. , ., Rolfrs and N•tit Raek Pug]
o.•r ki,di
The .Love .mod. 4.. of the naheat and near,.
4,1,e4. to whl. a... tae atleat.on or nur
on.l ousorourr• a: d artsiong lorukah or r
p!eoish end am"e.
lirar,ed thu day fro
New sly, lapo4try J po . Carpe., core auper;
do do do do 4oper.
no Ilrus.e',s. very en , tr.
donett rotors sup, Ingrain
4-4. 1-4 and tsc•r, Venetion
A.. of ono, !ft , aniff al a fonall acla•nre.
arflf ruaran.c •• 10v• es oaf. Ourchaaod in the ea
•ooZ , nIC K. F mirth at
FROM the eery encoarags
•ga mew the ontraeritier has received sine.
•f, he b. lewaird himself in Allegheni
Itas educed him to take a lease, for
term of year. on the property be no•
',op es. in Deaver street. .mtnedirttely beside tb ,
l'reabyterian (Teach From the long experienceto
toe boainess and a dealt, to please, he hopes to mer
It Ltd rece re a share of pobl.c patronage .
Now 0 r.1.L.1.1 and Einxhing to order, Rock away Bop
sic,* open and top Bugg, . arid ev•ry deseripiton
'.:strriages made to order, from seventy dye dollars u
chi ns. amt. I senl.-dtf I 1011• S POUTS,
Th• Allegheny Ca m•tary,
AT the at roar toecung of the Corporator. held r
A the tilt M., the follow:me peroona Were auoto
tootaty te.e.eeted Manager. :or the ensoitl year:
TIIOAIAS Al. HOWL, l'twazeoL
.1 :,. .S I.: CA RC/TIFF:CS,
Wlt.t , 4)lS NITA A. 1.1.1:ISS,
JOHN II .41101.1.110.11 GER.,
1 FIXN., Jr.. Secretary and Treasurer.
The annual ...element presented the affalra of th.
Company in a very prosperous Condition. Their Oak ,
111 the city in No 77 Wa:er creel 1012
East nide of the Ihennontl. where Venni.'
111tods of nd the do:re:rem sue* and color
are kept 011 band or made to order ant:
the latent and Moat approved Lantern foot:
on. at the nhorteat nottet and oar the moo
rerumnable term.
- - . - -
Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Tran.p
ney and Paper Curtains of all thr different met
patterns, on hand and for Bale low for rash Old Vett
tine Blind. painted over Aimd reparreal, or taken In pa
payment ler new R w E.s . renv E:LT, Pro pr
N U —Ad wet. doll with the beat mnterial
worlim.nalup, and warranted to please we moot la
adtous engin-dip
Allegheny city, Aar. 10. I 4.1 R•
11,..}1.100aat, rlrrle.... AND WHIRL..
Ocoee at the Exchange, Baltimore.
R. F. r i' a i d .( Z i a ) lJ ß' l ' lt r .. t faa;.: 1 1.117 ii ibtietta n r<du
..urdi or Wm.,ine, 3..4.4 corrc.por,dm., rt.durto,
made cm ell tirgp..,rtr• LorwardCd from IL.,
I,ll‘uurg Pk.
RAT n telegraph despoteb to o
(Toni and 11 batting, a c,,JI
for the firm leo word., and 3 tenor• lot eucti addit,o,
Cr No charge is mad< for the udder, mid Itigitri
tu Until the eorripbetiou of the South Wroncrii Liric •
relrg raph ironer Niemphig, Ttno.. New Orman., de•
tomett,. car, to Inc-Nettled to SL-mptiiii by Liu. route, as.
HAVING , this onyns °elated ilieno.elvea together
in purot,..h.o and. r tire Ism and ary le of A. A J.
Woo DPOUSIG 10t • 11 0. niamitt.4eturr. uf IIN. COPPER
AP. I) ,111,,ET.Ilit , N WARE., on the corner ml Kohut.
son atrret nod the k unal. in the Ist Ward. A11...i.10C1
CITY, Where 'hey are prepared to furnt-ti to order,
whole•roe mind reind, all orioles in their nine with
Foundry rronminga, and Carpenter.' orders tire 50.
netted wnich will receive totrarilinte ancnUon.
City of Allegheny, Feb. I, PAU —Jilin
met.t. a view of ire Rattle of Mor.terey;
I r l.ordo
II r i a VIC.II.
I •• Fels de Pans,
I " - - Chase de Lyon;
I • •• (ionic Frances;
I •• Col 1; Auvergne;
The above ir suitable for papering leers public
moms Joel reed direct from Paris, and for 'tale at
'he utarehnuiul of apt A C BILL
Io F th A•II c I . :J O,. I . Y; =Lb em p
i te n l an l. ; : f ii f iu r
r arzti g
saying Witte. labor and dispetmoig entirely "nib the
a•rmhuoard. The finest Wolcott Carpet. aner hawing
licen in tom eleven f ears, have been perfectly restor
ed, without toe slmhtestonury to the (abr., and win,
out removing oval the Anne. It will not injure the
cloth. threctioos uccompanytng each bottle Pore
cents. For sale by 1 St.:IIOONMAKEJI ACo
prof 14 wood in
DRUltB—Chlorate Holub, in lb bottles;
Cane Acid do
hypo. Sulph Soda do
Sub Nth Loma. do
Creosote do
O t Lotion do
Chloroform do
Just reeetvea auJ tor sale by
HAY RAKi.,-34. , don io r sale by
foe - 8 VON 110:ANHORST dr CO
L , LAXBEHD-4 Calls ; from steamer Cam
JC berlaad sad for sale
Bankers, Exchange Broker.
D RANK N ote. t
COLLECTIONS—Drat, N srot A,pep•apr,
payable in any part of the Union-cot ected on the 0,0
favorable term ,
tacit A Nlil.l on New fork. Phdatledight• and Its
iimore, also. Cinchinuit Lonisedie. :taint LOY.
New t trican•. ronstantiy 'or taie
BANK worbrra —Nolc, of , nil • lIV,II bank. in th•
Untied :dater digeounied al ihe daw .ghates A:.
ill Foreign and Ameriean Cdpd and SO.:, Coin hob G!
ind gold.
Ogee No. 55 Market street, het ween 5d and 4u
Pittsburgh. Pa or c... 5
- - -
DILLS on Fnciand. Ireland. and Scotland bought
any at the Current Rams of Exchange.
Also, Drafts parable in any part or the fild Countric
from LI to £lOOO, at the rate of 55 to tSr I sunlit..,
without deducuon or dneount. by J 051112.1 HUHi N.
SON, European ana General Agent, office sth ht one
door west of wood.' Donn,
t!-ANKERS AND EXCHANGE likt IHERs, desists
in Foreign and Domes. Dills of F.:chance. Ccr•
A 3 catc. of Deposite, Bank Notes nod eta) roman o•
tl and Wood gtreets, directly oppecdte Charirs
nsay2.-111 .
he h
purchased at the lowest rates, try.
N. 11OLATE/4 h SONS.
sepl3 35 Market street.
B ILLS OP EXCHANGE—Wight Chccke on
New York,
Philadelphia. end
Constantly for sale by N. HULA/E1 fn SONS.
ftpl3 35 Market at.
11UUK6. LJIL, S:,c„
F.VL I o. 110( E ) u ly , „
A. oar .r
a .d Nlct , pn).lcal Univer..e. A
.I.ll.l . Tome'y prnartl. 11000 rl th
•%Ve •hu“ be Krentiy .orittittett MIA work tlo. • no.
eat I pro , ott,i 1,11.110 ainotag toe I:.•rhr.
c 4 , 1 over me Cum.. 1.1,..,!. tt ••.
F., re11..0 I p Kr.n.o of tholght blee
beat po..tb ) lab to carat. ate t.rt, OVOIId ,
en the roo‘t . arrles• read, tad its Remain., with an actount or a vt•tt
eCh ittla• 41 I C 1,,,, n 1 kurtn•t•to ar.d t , "
o• Dry,. 0rt., , p0. rt a , ..1 rot . 1. part 1/..0 the
aid art. ot Air,,',,, Ant, min.. I,
rory L). C. L, la Wala a. ~ter
• 111.1,11.4,0112 t
.110, of the 10011 remarkable works of rho age '—Tbe
Noe, 1 London.) Feb 9
Tar ,a,atnai3..r, Lt . ,. a Ihr h MI Faros,. ,• iand eobatr, N E Oaken w.ta
~•tre Jot. rti NMI/ r.oth,
Jlore Cooper il'he gip.,nod
.01 rev, mine
i 0 10.100ied y e in •ftuir ,
The Woriis gion . revited 1.10!•11.
larFed. 11, sainor,l” eirgai.t
ri duodecimo viuriteii,
prii..e,llo new , ..operiiir
exprnaly Ivr 110 purpe,
For 1111 F., 11 l.10:FINVI)1/11. liar inni . )
wish Ati-ritre i!riy Pi Pis wain und
air no wry, 0,1
11r I. rcluriird from in, E.o..te
VEW 1009 : , —Irving—rhe Crayon Nti0,.1.0ny—
,.•1 linprioiig Toe l'ruoiri. co
C". 4,00. in , ne
Cur eon=fhe .Slonnstorica 01100 ',yam. Po. -0,
Avolume Of wort tt,ln ordenary ,sere.:. re!atln,
mpg , curious nod oft, unnuswg ne adv., lore
• • I he fie, uerupted the v.,,ut ts •tucset
I,,urriy I,ew — 4 ommerem. Adverueer
olt "f eels tierne, .rnu;arly
Itlea rermod• us not• Utile of Beek Spanl•L F 1-
urslons, a: lac vl v caster u rertual.•ceneels ol
Ldteraey .!
Pamper--INew edtOnn earn' wort• Wo,
ev , •ed, wnn new .ntroduc•lon aod roue,
The Soy and the aketelt.klook were f:ritt Amen
•an 1,441 at 4, were uh.ver•ad) urkaoJ
oatato a pe•larmanee a• a. a pr omi•c We
aro ronteroher tee enthu•Jaant won widoit :ney sever
t0..•1 Inc proud cip- ,• wll,ll •he,
waYe,ed .1110” the doer:, rton•ed Ithro.d tind
,a,r.otte at le cm Imp won cil a aeat h)
•dic r.. to , d , n , th.a , ofoaro. c
and Cooper wa•
o•dtted ev , , outor. of the ro..Lne r ••••e
.n, t.dere•t • :ort:g
a -I d rd:a
Aced Far Fall ta lb,
N or,. 0: John A.,,con.
V vrCr 11ltl,r I, Herman 11 e.v .
go.- of \ ll.i , %%
lierr 1.1,- .41 Ihra a Li. r. tor . :.I IA e I Joe I'nt'ro.Pterrio
Niro 01, .1. to)ou a. o
loo•trao, Lot ot f tosr. -h r.
aa.c \ art..' \
r“rlic-1 I n• 1
R. union J I) A NI
t e • thrin I,`
• F•a[ro r• • •••, oproot • a L,
Cht.11117 , 17. ,0 I .t•
vI mu I'.,•un•eu
Adv,r \lvo •A T Ar
vrlr• ut Alciervuurtro. by i iiroclrrer
rkg . ravl , u,
Proverkr• Tor Are P1.11,11e tr• Nlarroon
ri.vv••., ,vrlutrit, :r) lu
Frr, •rrul Ireczurv• ruler 7
)1 11.1 t •p.
•uerk I
No A Fr4r.k.:111.1.1t0.../uxtrolod
!Lore veu y
o of .1,1, It and :‘ ,, nl Hart.:
.stos so .t nos t•ev. cot os to.aots.ot,o• Issott ~,,,
tses••• rro.of M.irststro • lot, mot, to s I•st.
'Jos, f isas tt soo tts,:snout
00! 120,
Hoyt o —,sotroes ot lots aots I.lindscoo<
Nati , St Iloyt —new ed emarosof —WOO t..ustr •
os Imo. bl.OO
A Ciller 11,111 Of Ine Strom EoKine.tjusTrative of
•. %he priortolo• uroot which ins op,ranoo tis,set,es
•Tol procurat Orton!. of os structure, I tts uffO .01
.tom to eni.r, tnois, •tru.lo oortsooon. stol rattosas •
nn •nsious
I toro.sorm• o!lntrroortnrot • lq SOW,
i To. lLoo 7:se
Tltc Club. a. s
Fun, I,ture I I,
lu.tre:rd Vat, IV 3: J V
.00nr, Pro: Tycr—l,no For
lur n 1 ,4 111,1 . kiN5.1•.1 sz.
~~ ,
tN~L&i"t reM~~
11 u tr. l ar7K
101 IN II 51F.1.1.. , h. No -1 ,‘ or. I .lerrt. ho• 11. r
p rase. , soolount•ole tll,
of II ore.
•p , roOPI alwortinero of .Sahoo. !icon the 111111/1U nr•o ,
• lotto• elk,. 11,111, Inctn a tole 1 1.
rot Itosownool to d I.rtiod I•inno POll, 7 o• to,.
V• 0. • • •ttp,t, •quare I'm:. orte. 7 oc:avr, o•Arv.
n.ewnod o le 0 , 1.0. 4 XIV. with
oritivr•. .0 . 1000. Ilhe 1010000 h UI putcha
A(1,11 (or Chireenng • Plano •or
Solo Agency for Nun - n• & Chiller Pianos
11,..."1 RECF.:I% Ell nodprlg. .
new iot of ri• g ant 1%,....0, irom :t •
r.lebrate.l forto77 of N owls & cr..,
Y.. aolnprislag 6 iti and (Kin..,
...:lamportan.l troprovemcnts both to tocenn...stu u.
-rtrelst, p0.,....ed 1.7 on others.
A A lino selccAion of Chickerturs troin
o to 7 octaves ~ o le Agent.
nt J W Woodweirs.,lThiril st
N B. The RboYe w,ll he gold ni ntanulhourt-rx
•ey. without en) addiunt. (or (rriFht or ,spenre...l
marlo Journal and Chrnacle copy
?Hill A -
trod se
SPLENDID asaortmetir
ood Plano,
gaol, rum! fi..
Imbed. Thrae ormtrurnenorarr [adder,
weld.," p.rrir and Lest maarrlal
and will Ire mold low for ravh by
ttd door aloes, l'otlto
N.l3.—Those who arr m want of oo good oototruontono
aro reopeettully onvoto•d eremotto the. torlorr par
hooong ro•• who... they cahoot hr eleroorol tot 1111)
,he cotootry. end hr sold loVoorr ooloy lorouotto
root Or F. .111otost rrerwed, two piano. too linm•
ergot onotouractoorr. warranted to tor rutorroor to too:,
tort Auld rout., cue.]
I 'IIE •ut,ctllo, oast., ea apno,,etl !Soto Agent lc
I the /talc ol l'A BIIA 1:111 nOVF:f) M)-;1,411/1.
leananArlored and a., , erfeeted 1.) NooL•r.
llurch k th lu.l , al Cl/lc/anal • cu•Laa.
and ritrul 1,1.1; !tut !bar oetnve•, Nlrs. ra 11 .1. 11
.a accordance on the genera. • ~re Jun! .16.,
nave ex L. ti,rd the neule of tueAr . woe,. ko
,vrn S tavr , , thus g It 11, • d alne to octn.rn
done these an) nitt-to Wrltten for 111 nine o I 11,1,1
11, valence' nos l,en n':avcd n)
ne he) of lite .11,rusrItt a•I ouo Iran:
o•auolulsy lirodeed end s , ronntennol, rterg it
bt mu" neat6iii ut.d r.ttr , .• y oL•ircnir uroco
I price n. pa' •lnw al to e o nno
.1 rvrry per.crt
at the some urn, wo•1 aleg.u.t fit fura.
Oar for u comparauve Mae. 4.1
J \V Oh
has tart rocmved from Europe. ylld for with., .1,
,murel) aew mvoanon of £lOllO Forte. eullUd I.AII
E Flit rE. what po . .. mg more pitwvl
and .. than the square Putoo, °couple. tool
.ou.nw eelaeh as much room, and t•Much 1110, sflO..N
aamlsorne plc of turailure It is par arty desfru
ule whore um utving of space Is au °Wert, IPcmg r.t
e-rthmrly twat aml c.,mpaet. nod orrop)1:4 110 illor•
room than a small Mile fable The .kil..crll•er
mind a tenutuorstal 01 Its superiora) iroul
led malt., Mo.cheller, in his own hah.l wrlon.•wau.
may he mapected. 11. KU:Br , at,
',fillip ' JI.,T rrcetveo end tor %ale at man.
ror ' e " :7,.tirs ' Z ' 7 r o n iTay .'" ea,
elegant pan.o of fornnure and woe
toe late naprovral scale.
Aka on hand and ;or sole low. 3 .erond hned l'lsn•
. JOHN II .111- . .1.1.1/IC,
Sale Agent for Culockerg • PIOIIOII lor % , ,,,tert:
l'ennsylvannt, wl Wood .treet mar,
HENRI lIERZ—The Last Roar
11 of Snnuncr, wall an introtturiton and hilt/tont vu.
rtattons for the Piano Forte. as pertorinedci his
concerts in the United Stales by Herm Herz
Mt!nary Polka, by Ilene, Ilerz;
Comic Polka,
!diver Ucll Polka,
Ju.i received and for sale by
JOHN II mr.i.Loi3, Si wood itt
Vocal Examlae•
- •
A ND t 4 OLFEr..I.IOB, with an accompamment for ttre
Purrs-forte, adapted to the wants or prgvalr prim,
or classes rot calmvo oan. beleeted from ill:1114,1
FTCSICII stud berm. compomrs, by Lowell AiS,Oll: a
in roe pages of closely printed musk, co.darrung 105
excretion progrevively arranged. Price cretui
Just received, a supply alias above, darcl trout the
publtihers, by II I,OR.
WlllTh:bk..A.Nr--tr 61. .mail ,14, 1,111 sal .ylf
Ty sale by 1013 1 1 . S. kal 'CL'l'Clit [ix
No IHerristp
11 rd, tu store tad tor nate low to ctn.< CO .1•1K1/•
try lull JAAIE,I ISA L.,Zr 11 . s3ct st
_ .
.h.‘ll CRAPE, Alrll-
kJ rill has re red a supply of while and colored
I-. apes and Crape Loic--1.10111 the latter green and
OLLer Moor bin colors. Also, whim, pink, and blur
bilk and Sb arb Moeda
d'AulNuyv,—loo.. Fare's, just roe%d for sarre by
RA 7 11 • Faurtaartuva a ‘..x)
.• •
I;7ift.r.f - :17
": 2 PPPP Thq . lill
= • 0
CO i t
scc 7."
62 C 5 g -I'l 1-'7l
Z a re
= W Fq
ce n
116 ''' o
......... ....,....-- ~ ...,
C 5 O .14 O - -2.15. -- et%.,: , it,,:.5. ,,
P., , -, rtri.,:t. , l , iZ - 7,i '..•i-,. , ' -
g5e• , ' , ...:,..9.6. - ;:.,..,- 1• 1 -
' (1) c, ' - ='-' , .- - .:... tr..."“ - -7.= 5 ;'. • t;,:'
C., ,i itl ' ! ;.. 4 i ' i= :,,•:,i ‘ ; . ..F,2 ,' :::;7: . -%,-i 7 g ° -' s r i::. - _ - _ , : k . l ,'1 7 , ,
= --; - al fE.• „ ;7 , 3 8: = .1 2 t,g-L , 71 , 8.17: ..1 -, : :-... , .. 4 - tzz_sPie:
)g 2- 4=g-;t:i-5tA E:-=zE. :. .. 1 7 i`ii?..i - ,.2jig;;t:i4 :' 'li3
0 p w 1Z. , ... - t:°= - ,<.;4 5...% , .. ; :rz. z . 3..........: ---, = ,--, 1114L-- 5 -2.f51i;.;.,g,...z,(..E.'i—T.1:-
I,, D A LL -;:,....i.4E.12.- - E - a 2,- - ' r: c- , -.:. , '“.t.:: - :-.a"7:."; ;-:. T.".l . l';ci.- ..„, - ..5.'5.-:-.:.-E 1,;,' 8. 4
a . Ci . ZZ -7 2 - t ! & ! i.f. ' ' .' '' f ,- ': - -t - i3; . '7::':.. ,-- tiii:. 'F.' . :-) ..•t: 7 :" .. "- -- i'',Y. 2 . -- ,41'.7' -it, t: .Z .
..,-7f, tit 8 , ':::...... - :7-.."i_;';' , -3 .g.'i7 2- g.."! 1 ' 12 1, - C':.."47:'Y;. -- .-Y ; •' , " ; " . . - : , t rt
..,.. :.;..•;", ,'".-:, -.,- = 7 ,...f.4.1 - .- zii
0 '' 4 4 :FIZ4-i.; - !';iE,...:::-t - 2 . 7.2 . i . ;;. , '' "is' '. - 1: E: -3- 1 `;'' "' 1 '' • "V;g' . '- '.-
-5z , ,..4.i-7.:::.....1. —• .-
•,. <G4 !.. , .;1,! a„ , -S - '2 , 4 - : - .7. -- g , ' ..-3.:;.-..,- lEs! - 7,6 - 7.5.—' 9- CT4 - - .f:- . ..- -2 ....:-:= -CO c:4
0 -.,:f.., - -.1;4..44=-!..4.f.i.: - --•:,;si.: -- -i.cge: a !.......'=' , ..i......'.:_..i.. , .-7-A•7 - t - .. - :.- 7., E. -.
4 1 ' ; —.7, .4 - - i" •,' r 1-' s :.—f. -- -" , :':r -.7 ,- -•_ 3,-- : ::-. ißeltß , ;.S.a" - g , g;' - 2.' . "o:r:riz.R. -'z'
(. -- r- Aria. NT al— WM I , , 10 , 0 , 1 .10I1N I) All - Mr:AN Pfuohlrgh I) M CPRRY Allegheny City; A PATTERSON, Birmingham. lig lmg
~-4.5..ear.N.,..,_ CONTAINING N O
. - glts/Wr.., AIF.R.GURV.or other Min
N. dpiA7r / - -,, i4 eral.— It h. power to
.?•-•` `l7 , ,-.IT-4.0 ca.e. all EXTERNAL
... t t: , 74....T.„ :soli ES. sCßOFl'Llit.ti
.., .., ......51 lIUMOR. e‘K IN liixt
. ".- ' E A . F. K. I' 1.0 N( ' , X
ili _ 4 AOf NUS to dineharge
. • - ...i. , , r.,. .7 their putrid rnatlelK, and
, :7 --,_ 4 then , hen. them.
.... , 'r
. . --- 4 7 Z .:. I is rtcbtly
: termed
-n .o . :', ,
..„ -. . AI.I. - !MALIN!, for
~kr ' , 7 .‘-'.X• there is .earee,y a dlr.-
' .4 - 4'.7::e . :1 ' '''!;,. • '_'. a.c external or L.ltrnal,
••4‘,„ , , -..::,'-dX , Glut it w.,1 nut benefit.
' ' , -liik - `. -•-•.- ...t . ''''' I have teed it for die 1.1
e.rtner , ” , 1,. for all Meows.. the chest, involving
dander and responsibunly, and Ideclare
and mart, Thor not in one case has it
faded to ht.!, when the patient wan when the reach
. , •1 • •-rce.nas learned in the profewon. I
h.- n• :• • .• , ..• c.pel, jpiles of the Loon.. al.
d, rn •• —v..- rs rendemen of the highest ( erudition.
and tt,i., ro , !,•• -.1 the poor rise it in every variety .
way, and In re hat been I al one voice—One UniVerma
r en .c-.- - M'AI..I.I.,TER, YOUR OINTMENT
IS Gi a , lt''
II HITMATISAI-11 removes almost Imixtedrately
the Ir deem - c.cs and, when the pa= ceases.
• It-e the direenons arousal the trot I
I • t.MACI - I).—'rhe salve bun cured persons of the
h• % , he of twelve years standing, and who had it
r. , . • . eye, week 01 rho: vorruung took place. FAR-
...• ..• ,•ed with keeneress. .
11-• - , a.,• snow, as ss•er, &Attie alalsty or
wo „ty ~ odors. Ono raasi tool us Ile had spent
1 s oLuidrst, ',thou any ber.rfit, when a few
• , of :Lem
. rrut— a m.a bs , ttr, for the cora of
!: it onc or Lle Oen thingrt to the SVOr id for
l'11.1:: 1 -- , torlsnlAs arr. yrney turrd by th:x oalo
mem it NO .1 . 68 la:, 1,, rr,iylivg ryltef for lb, Pars.
Ar bra nrr d. 11,110114 for wring M Al:
.crn/trin Leer , Cusinpiaint. Erytrpr.-
11r. n. Seosti Head So , ' F.yrr. cbrtnry,
Trarve., Sr neArlnl. SerTl, l ll fr.,. Paola Ibs
n., of e ' , pone mole. dv,nmA Denrne..” For nob,
e 1 , 5f0. , r of for SkA.. Sort LAI, I,m
-1,, pc 1/14 l.rrn, bey., /L.errrnasirtn.
Ppla. Oil Err/ rborr,. Bro,en Brea., Tooft
.Arue rn tAr Fort itA r.
I).nillt. p 1... in it, Chest
11,11,de ta..,..G 0:1 r • :lir ~,ur or othr aernmpir
••••• . for r 11{1L,Ille S., 10 the 11,e rcihr.tly 1 It
111 .0 , •11, of br bay, crYcl ft,
r. .1.1.:5b
nl gAra al,Want Will te
ja . raa.. frog, rg . tag Pr.,' •
^ra••ard neglar
Lea •al lata ;arm al g Irtaguesalay
cl“.lln,lttrnwor up,rs•thc
vm , ...:11 NV,.n a pen
n ..: F::~. r. 0... .~~
Sole 14optletor o. the above iretliete.
La" l'rnt Othee :No Not. Third ctrtet, 1%.
XG11 , 1 . 11 hir• 4C1i.11-..-141.1111 a R,ier, corm
I. t' ,r .n.l 1...% I.l'ol. Jr. ettrilt,
.In• i‘ nottt euttter ot .1111 1.1
t .rtt- tr corner of V, sum: , ,td
ti,: sold at tr.,t ttootisto-c In krntuthrt.l
•t,:tt r tt ,t•rtttal tt, to A trlltc•t) , J 1 II
tttaarit nL J ,intrh Ikrt,gt•t.
tro..otant It Nett., • Ikrt i.trtt 111. Rowtkttl. Mr•
J rlatttlrt Sttrt, Nlrtototriltetta , '.-p.
mu sta. r.. At. andl I Ritrets, 1311.cktttrville. Jut.n
- -
'IIFIF. rapol 14.11114, ,iorblt °pott, has mod.
olio rounary-111, t.ra.-
11,0 and 10 4 10/14• 4 411144 ruren,vo a, coati water
4 hro.p.: x.ol acme claw ooca. r moo, ell for
o..rirol Prm.a:ots.lov , rrauovral "'oak
a,o- laoJ d 111111( ou.:, cora,
,•21 , a. • etheary. anal moaned In 41111-
... 4,14. d., •ar. ~,,, , tr. ato,rottOrtent of cl:T000•
)..or .1 • 114,114 d: Art,hl.l.• ce.
ci od I)ana tunny untorturnta• lauttcreta
.• P rrcl oao, n'f
pro!, tst Iv' ptrt.s. acd In •,stst!, sesssresCr. In liver
assd ,ssnks:s.lalc jsalclstc who May
elscso•c tss
paw c tlicuis‘circa Under site care. 01[111 and
In pnera ,unted uoon the left bank of the Mo,
ottgo,tr tto. •nottllt :no Hid Reav,r, I. wed known
...r •• , rtrr ta..g ard •aluuriou. nanonVare. de
clot, guirtor•. nad caurunna ontura,retary. ,retary.corn
ery ... r render LI, sojourn of the no
....Itl rt.Tren r and contributing not a rattle to re-ca
.. •J• lutt•nt•col h Stab .11,1 mength.
.teee• :•11inen•inn firnt >lnetrnln inn United
coute...• eve, o but Sot p.c.., and
•• in ot, 001001,0 10 in.., n speed) nnn happy ter
annui , inn ansncian othe Patient
. .
vet•lnas to oval thee - wolves of the adv.:lt.
gr• nde7r.l, x ptra.e addrcart the
ttar. ,po•1 pnot.i statlng kg Otos as osail,le
..4turs r rnroptomt, order to dor l. nlo and ad
r ruln:ii) 1,) the 11)11tonathr,
•rn, no, and n,o what will noce•sury (or loom to
n. a e wung. for their e•pental and personal use.
ED V. A UA , KhK. NI. I) Propnotor.
Phi :p•lnlrg Hearer county, Pa.
pv ArmaLrong: Y D.
t• lion Thomas henry,tteavor. Y. DT.
Prot Lh Plusburgn, L. C.
Ohm Rev S ' , nerd. New Albany,
Nr v A I Prtneeton, N d. T 1.. Slain:en, Kem
N• x Yr, I r I'4 1l enter, rholpsburg Wen. H. M -
Isq Prlbburktr. A. Bidwell. , do.
4u.,, pub u, hactin4 couiek, gener•l weiikne•s,
ap,ettie, errecul as bowels,
beivreo , r tt
•ou , der blades behind
iITALLIPLE Semen". or Cymru:iv:oP —Coughing
meat and day.
flabby mown-, general debit/Iy. great
shortness oi breath on gotug up stairs. as ending a
h tl, Stile but a hole Taut- pulse always above
iine Imodrod for weeks together, drenching cold
sweats la-attie mamma.
tartLai Consumption corona on like a common
risturia or cold. but about the period when that dia.
raw ums ty i• rapt-et-A to subside. mine of the symp
01111i are a t ;grav awe T. rough Ismore Would,
.oine. e•pectaily when lying down. Torre is no fixed
pain in the ch•st, but difficult breathing, which m
worst on I yoic down The appear enee of the espe,
locum". it copious, 15 'climaxed from a thick
',how nitten, to a thinner •utistanco. It ts wiry un
n,yitnaitt to the patient, and emits an unpleasant smell
mirned It /14 or an UnIMII33 appearance,. ancys
prountil) a mixture. of pus and mucus, as oil nulags.
lin Wulff pall ttllkii and part swims. Tlia. drag
nayever in any habit or at any age, and is chant°.
I , y the pettliiirl, of the congh.
talcum of 1.-terrwort effects the cure of this in.
.itilious discs., by capeetoriklion, combs and heals the
:Merited Imigt It neuer fails ‘Vberaver tits rued!.
slit.- has b. en used, we h, or of v. success For IF.,
teen yours it has been before the public, and has been
•horn.•chly te•ted for ail complaints of the Lungs, and
^roved p.m( siipertor merit to mt) Mtn,
%V, h: glue Imintrmis lestiamitinis from pity..
owclergy, and Mow who have beencu.
ail we a de-Ira is to call ti ie attention of Me al
di.l, nod fn. their own good they try it.
1.• is out tor roma:erre. ! Alwayso'-,rve the 41,.
"I•ro Taylor, M D." 011 the engraved
n ,wil ni the Wholesale Uepot, P 1 Beekman
- r^ dew York.
Pitisimigh by J D Morgan 93 tWood J
frirt,siimd..l.l Mart el it, H Souse,. cot Market and
Id •ti. Co, 3 Lm&rrty at Price reduced
o I N'T horde. mar:
1,/ ORGAN'S \Vi IRNI KILLER Is Or Viral Vrroll'Ogi.
.V 1 'a itus,' cll.l er , re or use to his family
••1111“.10% ro Pa
Ji•an ❑ .11, ca., Ibis is to rem y ✓at I have
rr year rinnloge Mr I I OIIIC tube sny
ma. yelr— mot t w tour I have orv, to
ter moon. away, witch the s)mpton,
til th,r eseetce bad ocertquoi gtve
two grown uo no•mbors o tannin, I gav,. each n,
thin,too. dtov .‘o ono of 'hem paaard al° Pool tlo
tn. otuba Lent Veronfugc that any
rot, rot IJ , e to !moldy, J. %% Yot,o.
1.0 ..old by JNO. D. MORri.nN, DrogV•l,
on, door hrlow. Diamond alley, oh Wood at. tan
kill_ _ e
I. a c —pore Fled Rork. Chlettc Ether,
J ludttl. Pop.h. Stryr ono., l'hiorade
White ProcEpoatc. Cyanurel ',tot re
cep cot :And fot h) jut! It I: SELLER.,
)Rum"! Dituos!!—
_u ch... Egan, Chttrotorra,
Ext. Bart ['melt, lulan Iron,
Itit !rale S ye, Copattaa,
James Powder, Corte (taut,
Chic, tde Soda, Caloric' Ether,
Extract Rheumy. Extract Quasars
Joel ree'd and for rate by It E SELLEItS,
toll '57 Woad at
I \ 17.0.1'1,1 'Nu tiot,L. 111r,.'LH .014.11.4.:40.
decnotoo.e• the virus or pecenct prtnet
, o f a l cent,,cteu. rt • It reran,. the doom ,
Olt • ell!e•.0 •tc I rooter, &c. By tin elenneteg ener
c) rt. he v.•. tnerr•. end Intaroeptc all COMMLlfileabla
apa . a.ea. v-littler inman or mantis, to Just teed.
nod bit Cr by toll H. es SELLERS, 37 Wood st
- .
1 T t h e so, to Mc Plane and Sew, 7n Wood meetn romp ete assortment of Cincinnati coop.r
sa, by inyl6 NUMB. & LAUFMAN
eilinon, containing. all the matter. verbatim
et Mention. of Vol.. 1 and 2 of the London edition,
nonislmd with a portrait of the author-2 Vols in enc.
Price. complete. UM. A larre &apply of the above re.
reined and for tare by JOHN H HELLOS,
mph2l el wood at
I 11It• Ct/COA AND lIROMA —Baker s
li Worn, N 4 I Chocolate and Cocoa. able, Behmaa
t 9ce , d Chocolate, iunt tee d and (or male at tne
I i ie Te• 9.nre, 71, Foarh •t arrEd
V V polvormed Sugars, prat roo'd and for rale by Me
bbl or at retatl, at the Polon Tea Store, 70 Fourth tr.
lil E DI U A L.
r 1 toit
ou I
rnv Aret:t4,l a., the prlnctpai cluel and
anv.r.g pre.e.4
ilt• .id
• von-Ideral..y cniar,eil and irn
1! !
1r; tg
,72 - .,lfiti•
-71ila!Z!.gAiiUt 3 -4!- Ti it; ill
7 y
g j ;'11; . /.! - gi93.;:ii•=tr.-...r,-E- 0.f..1
I.UNGS —The unprecedented success which ha.
I,rded lee u•e of the
- -
x.i she ennous forma watt h trntatson of Oolongs
rum,, has induced the propnetor ague to call alien
.ion to this
- .
fhe eliangab
leweatherr whieh marks our 1111
vaiter mouths...lp always a fruitful source of
rhese, tf neglected, are but the precursors of that fell
• •--
rh< quertion, then. how shun we nip the destroyer
e bed? how 'hull we gut alone of our ooughs nod
olds+ is of vitn..nwortanee so Use pobise.
+ill he found in the Gtoseng Panacea_ In pr.:Wet this
an hare from tune to time publlsherl the certificates of
lorens of our known ell-trans, who hay. rieeri
-nced Its curanve , powers. These, with a masa of lea
umotiy from all pans of the country,—from
Hammen of the Gospel, !cc., together with cordons not
ices from the
pe have embodied in pamphlet form. and may be nee
alm of any of our agents throughout the country.
have been used In Sim city.
Aroucbout the United Stnun and Canada, and me ens
edge Any man to point out a
wrnen, when taken ne'eordmg to directions, lad be
fore t h. lungy had become fatally theargaoucd, h hos
rter farad
Why, Men need the afflicted hemline? by resoil
tee rnis-rahie nostrum, gotten op by.« own individ•
neat ti let the assumed name of some ce throned phy.
sietan, And puded tow notoriety by certificates r 1 puts
tone equally unknown' Whilst a medicine of
Ls to be hod. whooe vouchers ors at homey—oar WO,
wat,—many of whom a hat _
In order that ties thealuable thetheine maT be placed
,Ltlen the reach of the poor a well the rich, we have
!.al the place at
. .
not one half the usual cost of cough medicines. at is
for sale by our agents to nearly every . town and village
IVer the meet. who are prepared to stye fail Informs
relative to it. T. ttitl,TlM, Propnetor,
Etroadvanc.ttineinnott. Ohio
r V Artl
If Ooze n of Dr. Townsend's Geoutue Sarsaparilla,
for Pale y R E SELLEItirt,
57 Wood st. only Agent for INl"burgh.
jut fly Agent for Allegheny ctty
nEDWARD ACKER, takes thta means of re
ursunc lam thanks to his (need. and the public
t ss s th e citrnscse patronanc he has reerlred, an a
d of in.
forrtnng them that ba Inth lately erected a large nd
constracted budding. for toe exe.usive purposes
nt Ins 'V ATER CURE FthTAISLISHNIENT, at his old
eat,tht. at I'm blpsith gh, Pa., on the Ohio nver, ono, the steamnont thoding at Beaver, where he is read)
recro, pant,. aa insider, and treat al= on Hy orthrth!cs. In addition to hie longexper,
and...le rent oucecis watch nes heretofore at
e tho On panenu cmitted ts his care,
he .1..10W the additional factln committed
adbrded by an erd
re Ittittumg erected elprewly (or the purpose., con
tatititg conattiodious and airy rooms, and fitted up with
evitry neccosary apparatus for bathing, and dttratins.
ter: tg the tie atmeni to the utmost benefit and comfOn
unt. anent. Ytolitpittoreh ts a most delightful and
heaany vtdaze, easy of access by steamboats, and If
birds fine and wholesome water. Dr. Anker auttres
thane tatorted persons who may place themselves an
der los care, that every attention shall be paid to their
ronoort; and as no assurance o(the sabstannal benefits
to he dented, he petals with confidence to the ban
tire& who have been permanently eared at Lt. estabo The Water Cure leas.. no tepid.. effects
henottl. as to ta. orlen the case with those who tots,
teen traced on me old •)stem. It removes the &s
-core t torates the nystent, protects from the dangors
mettlent to flalligel of the weather, creates a natural
and active %private, and Imparts vigor to the digesuve
powers. Te rm• of treatment and bearding reasonable.
Por farther panteumrs 1111411/rt at the establishaten; or
address :tie proprtetor at Philltptsborgh.
.tic ha. C Leach Informed by Mrs. Rase of a cure per.
teamed on her by Dr. Jaynea Alterative, anuola
houves soperronty over every other remedy of the
kind She net. reel atlitcted for the last strtnen years
,vita NECtittSE.O. or WHITE SW ELLIAUS, attended
ring-nthMeer, and enfolation of venous bones, do
nwinch:tote malty pieces have been dose:fumed from
.atnial tvtne
or the crantorn, from both her arms,
write And nattd•, and :roe, both legs, and from the left
;0.1 pro/ bone. and from rho right knee, braider painful
u ten • on other ports of her person, winch hove ballad
J.: skin or a hummer of the most ematent phystchauch
ua . —Out .11a most of the time her sulTenngs have
been e Cr I: .n . and deplorable About three months
•th she was induced to try Dr.layne's Alterative
acs ued an astoastungly happy effect upon her,
remov tug all pain and svreiltags., and caustlig the
tracts to he a., wh tle at the same UM< her general health
ran become comptctely re•tored, so that she now weighs
Fat as morn than she did uefore she commenced the 111.
Or this truly valuable prepahon.—(eat Eve. POOL
For funorr IntonnatiOn, inquire of Mrs. Rose, No.
Flacrt et, I•ll,adelphta
For nale in Yittaborgh, at rho PEKIN , TEA FIORE,
Fourta .1 Lear Wood. /Y 5
yJ ant received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the
most extraordinary medicate in the world! This Es
t• act is put up in quart total.. it to six times cheaper,
plea:tamer, and warranted superior to any sold. It
ewes date., without auditing, corking, sickening or
Xebtlanting the patient_
Loos ace von berrAnom—Unprineipled pentane have
copied our labels, and pat up medicine in the someshaped bottle. See that each bottle h. the wraten
nature of S. P Townsend.
R. E. SELLERS, Dregglat, 67 Wood meet, between
Fiord egad Frurth, w Dr. Towneend's onty wholesale
end rem, erent tor Paubrugh, of whore the gentune
1 eruct, ran I.e bed.
u. M. Curry Um been appointed be solen i for
, i.l . leglieny city, of mama the frontline article ean be
d A F•trierroca, ATirriTeru.., N. 1. Lily
U. 1 , ......f pilairroca,}thmabnest,
i/V brit:•:l7riag Sforo to the Olt, of
Now Tort.
I , IIF. undertlgned are extensively engaged in the
holesalc Dreg business at No. 40 Jobe street, in
hit city of New Itork,!and are prepared to ea ply
Ilrue rats sc.d country Iderchrmis with Dnets, Paints,
itia Dye-culla Darryl and American Perfumery,
dun or, A toter k Dander's Chemicals, lof their WWII
ne et:lnce) all other articles In their line of buni
on. ot a sapatio ..zanity as low as they can be per
mit anti in this or any eastern oily.
' Now Vera Fehla II A. FALD , &ITOCit ar.
Dr. Wickes,'. Celebrated
public ere renteeted to read the following eel ,
I I Uficalcs Thus medicine is extenstvely need In
. all the Soulhern and East ra cities.
We do certay that Dr. LOOTS W 1.., Of York, Pt,
not under Al. core and managemeab or about the
last of Ortober last, a young man laboring ..der •
wvere olotelc of "Agitate Choler." That we exam
' ee the stud put out. and round turn to be in the col
lapsed state, of that ihmase, with frequent and copious
race water Jamborees. That we pronouneed at a ease
0!R etoorro. and declared moreover 'not wc
britcv,O ."id pauent was beyond the hope of end
teal n,d L. ist we thought the patient would die,
and oo declared al We time.
:Vc lecher cently that the stud Louis Wiclrey pea
on, Inn own mod.. of treatment sod ealtnlntetered his
Choir. Remedy, sod effected a care of the pattern.
We .nnt 1.1 four days el. ma lice the said young man
was at wort, nod perfectly well.
Joe,. C Doan, hi. B.
T. B. Donau, M. n
I ecru ft' that I vinited a ranee( modified Cholera un
der the care of Dr. Loma Wtekey, and that I believe
1.• meth, .o relieved him.
:iota° of Maryland. Witvlongton County. to Wit
I realty that I am well acquainted with the gantle
t-rum who hove s.gned the Wittun certificate. of Dr.
Louis Wiekey, 1.110 they are men o( respee ability.
In tevtunony whereof I hereunto (absurd., my
L. a moue. and Aix tne seal of my other, thn (mu
m/min day of November, eighteen hundred and
thirty-three. UII. \VILLA/01S, Clerk
I witneafted the admintatranon of Dr. Louie Wick
r roparnion for Cholera, in the ease of at appret.
be to the plastattng bounces in this town (Hagn
tow., Ilis was a well marked case of Cho
le-n, with rice water eviWastiOnt, cola clammy WEL,
cold toigue, small tremulous pulse.-1 considered hie
situation truly enuced and alarming. I MP h 1132 pre
vious to Dr IN'ickey, and waxpresent at the admuus
tnumn of the first close of medicine, and saw him re
peatedly durum the attendance of Dr. Wicket', he re
covered so as to he able to attend to and wont at lus
trade in a few days. I am sure he took none other but
the medicine a:hammed by Dr. Wickey.
Minolta W. DAVIS, M. D.
The only true and genuine D. %Trust'. Clielo.
and Diarrhoea Med eine to prepared and mid wtolo
stile unto moot. by JOHN D. kiItHIGAIS, Drakettt
1u6312m one door below. Diamond atey.Wbt!dla
ei RATE:PIM for th e ve r y ;Merril encouragement I
k.,T have. received for so maity ye a
rs. have dater.
tented to enlarge my bonne. c oosiderably. Banns
engaged a competent Foreman, I will be coati/ad to
fill ell orders promptly, and do die work m oar usual
style and at nit pricer, and net the attention 01( mor
ello!. and C 11.11,011111.0 UPHOLSTE
RY BOORS and Rads. and Bedding, Car-
Laid Materials. Damasks *oil Mertens, Cornice*, Frio.
ger, Soidertngs, Tassls.. Split and Relies LI fads. and
every article initially kept man eatablistiment of Ste
kind. Order. respectlally solicited and promptly at.
landed to.
N. H.—Carpets made and put down.
• (or c am
L A i le kci. & 1101?•
DRIED APPLS*-400 bush In met for do by
)7. a Mg
- 8
fv 11 E ircatestand beat variety eve r offered In WS tut,
1 before—made on the most approved Eastern plans—
tad most fastuonable &mein patterns mideolons. Abe
111 E CHEAP ROLL, or BOSI'ON BLIND, on !mad
,r made to order of all sizes, and at ail penal.
Gountn . hlerchimts and oilier. are ,orited to call and
essunaus the above for themselves, as all will be mold
shoieule or retail, and a liberal dedaction zdado to
wholesale, purchasers.
Notle• to the Public.
VIVE hereby notary our (Wends andcorrespondeans
at home and abroad., that we will not, nalWal
Crr eigetrKeranC92l, Teem, freight from, any at for
which J. Newton Jones is prem.
gOHN HFI rV A CO., Isoccessors Hobbi,Wlste
brezer es Co., late Marchmt Toilers,) o. Ithl
CILIGSTNUT Street, above Third, Philadelp beg
move to inform their friends and patrons that they
have received Me latest SPRING AND SUISURS.
FASHIONS, with a large assortment of Now Style
GOODS; comprising. Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesungs, to.
of every description—oil of which are of their own im
uirtatlon. having been carefully selected ta Faris,
Landon, be.
. _
IJ - evangel-. visaing Philadeipkim ate respect
ly invited to call and examine their extensive stoet
. I p 2:t rio re , ceiviftz 2 gross
onportaht w persons that wish to keep their 7oest dry.
It prevents the feather from eraeknig, and will take s
W over is For side at the Indio Rubber Dorm,
No 5 Wood street mars 1 t H MULLIN
subscriber, wnolosalo mannfactures of SEW
MALY, wholesale dealers and pedlars Ira
ling Saudi and Wen--also, omain store cecpep
and examine ht. PIDC It of Jewelry, which wtd ba
mid at the lowest prices for cash or approved aecelp.
tam.. Constantly on halm and numisfactunog,
large assortment notable for city or rountr7 trade.
E. CS. A.
corner of Fourth and Branch sty '
op stain,
aplthdran _ Pinha4.lnld.
_ . . .
Paper Hanging
Ur AVM/0 purchased nt hrtcal the largest Paolo
ries in the East, (New York, Philadelphia ea
d traorej a large assortment of the newest and moat
Improved styles of PAPER HANGIINGS, BORDERS,
sc., and Made arrangements by which I willl be ena
bled to procure ell new Pattern., rimoltandons With
beer appearance to the &sacra matkek, I would to
me the attention of those desiong to have their houses
papered with the latest styles of paper, toned and
connuite my stock, before parrhasing elsewhere.
I bare now on the way from the Lest, tot,RS pieces
of (Sold Sarin tilased, sod coati:ape roper Hangings,
which can sell at pores ranging Goat 111 els to
piece. mobil S G HILL hi wood at
Bacon Smoking.
HAVING Jest completed the rebuilding of our .meta
Lg. houses, we are uow prepared to receive meat,
and smoke it in the most merchantable manner.
--•••- • - .. • .
The houses arc fined arid, all We modern Improve
ments, and are capable of eonnuning 3130,000 lb.. each.
KIER tr. JUNF...i., Canal liaala,
24 near Seventh st
PfuNfisirpiipEß:Libisiini the exclusive' ageist
E fat the sale, of the Alia Grose Printing Payer, (9.
B. & C P. Markle, Proprletors,) we Null: be constantly
suppuhr with all the durerent Ames of stiperiorgasllty.,
which Ate offer at the lowest regular prices.
feb24 corner Penn and Irwin ate
COLEMAN, HAIL.MAN ACO counnue to taann
facture Small Iron, Spring and Am. Blotter gkel,
Plough, Fork end Hoe Sloe! , RJOGL., Spikes and NVTo't
trop Not, all noes, together with Coach and Eltptla
Springs. 11.1( Pat, Taper and common &ilea
Having roduced the price of Wrong= Iron Nuts,
engine liciildient and others aging the article, will find
to their interest to give this new branch orPinsbargh
otenufacturts their attention.
Loath triniznind and maleabla iron on liberal terms.
Warehouse on Water and Fourth eta Erbil
as. Jun MVO= nal(
And is now receiving a fine assortment of
Which he is prepared to make . m orde'
And an the I•te•t Fa•htoo•
Heed %xierten. for Boot., and H 80...
Warner of Fourth end ricruditield streets,
Prrnenaoe, Pa.
th T ,, SLO o TT ,
... kirm , como u. siczt i ft
raarhot'eaale and mail, would respect/ally
inVi.n Led auennon of their friends and entrant gen,
orally, to their .plendid new stock, couidaung of many
w boys', masses' and etuldreas wan of every
nriinto, inhabit for the season, and at prices to tote
the notes. A splendid eructs of home made work,
such as gentlemenhe fine Hoots, ladies, !Males and
etuldrens fine work. Please call and examtme for
yoursseireS. TRUTH & ntxyrr.
eareet 4th and rimithfield
N. B.—Traveling Trunk., Carpet Bags, frx....te.,
ways on hand and low for cash
Country merchants would find it to their teleran to
five us a call when .totting the any. m hl4
3IPORTFMS and Wholesale Dealer. Os Foreign an
J. Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, ,11111nry, aa , 129,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, are now fully prepared with
a recently Imported stock of hardware, Cutlery, Sad
dlery, Carpenters' Tools, tee., to offer very gyeat
ducemenu to Western Merchant., as to addition to
the many sdruntsges had by our predecessors, !dee
m. Logan ot Kennedy, we have greatly Increased oar.
foeshues, mud purchase a/1 our goads from first hands
ou the very best terms.
Tee junior members of the firm devote their whole
lutentonn to sales, and feeling confident of Frahm sat
mfaeuon, retpecanlly when . call from all who may
rout this Market,: =kV
TILE undersigned seers for sato a imperforate:Mt
of bncis for building, made by his Steam Press,
improved machine, for which he has obtained a patent,
to rivepielehesenf written fluaralitee that
they are stronger, and nil mut frost end wet wesitibt
er and imbibe Mss manure or dampness than any My
er brick, powcsatng greater body and sanctum lacuna:
and mush more durable in every respect, each bat'
being subjected to a pressure of several tons, and "M
-iming handsome smooth unlace and even edges,
they make a trout equal to the treat front buck.
They have men the greet.% eallaintelop Wail what
have purchased. A kill, can be seen at my works, and
SPCCIAICII ULM lia.setle office.
Throe having supplied themselves tor their butldi
and ensiling handsome front bock, or impenor hard
and sohd paving bock, can oho= tnem.
12tiretiengharn, June 12, lEstb.
WooL—'fbe 1, hest pnc a at cash
dafereet grades of clean weaned wean., by
m/51 H LEb;Lsberitsi
flOpAßTNP.ithirlP-I have thts dsy
tJ tu the wholesale Urocery, Prods , / t ans
CoMmastoll Mr. John Wileou, wiles th, hula
of JOHN WATS' CU. jo iLs %%Arr.
Pittsburgh, April 30, 18.49.
`m.ea e( iamm„~ o=.dc O P o, Ymnc Acrd, C¢-
V ram o Iron, Oi C.r 000 c of Yeu.h, Nura
5, Vcc Culom<l, 2o~iao 0(1.°u4 Cblorlde of Soda and
Chlono Ether , Oc oaud cc,! gar "l` ay
Ir+ . Smn a Co.
di Me Gozdt. Bait oto, 3d rt. Itieri.th4 Port Wa.
One iruse nicp. of 11.14n05, or len 430
T wo „,,nons withoutolterattorm,..... ..... 0 78
taco " .......... 100
One Week
r... vve• •
Joe Month,
1 , ..
Chose ..
cr Longer advertisements Is same presorting.
one squum,6 months, without alteration,... 10 00
'Each additional square for 6 months 5 00
~ 14 12 " 10 OD
One square, 5 sionths,renegable at pleasure, 15 00
‘, IS 14 II ,20 o ci
Each additielal square for IS 10 00
aquarei;E mouths, re'grable at pleasure, 30 00
Each additional square, 6 months, 2,400
1124E44 OR 21-1/21121 t 1 DAS LI 1 2 / 2 112.
One square. S iawrtione, 51 00 "
each schirtioun 37
nosnrus cmizs
Flee tines or less, one year. . .... 6 00
" six months 500
one year, daily & weekly, 10 00
tit months " " 00
AnyrkTigitigwrs tz irons ways.
for 12 Ones, or Jess, One insertion, 53
h Two, " 013
" ttoo e 100
o x w pine 1195155# n.s oar Opp
1 50
»........ ". fil
.. ..... ... 400
6 00
...... -.. 7 60