The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 27, 1849, Image 4

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    a:9'fyhl i(i)~' Al~i.l
Yousigatoarai sad Rear Cal Ella Game Packets.
10 1 a
• .
r io TE packet BEAVER, Capt. Seanley, adil leave
• Beaver malady an Monday: Wednesday and
evenings at 6 P. M., and anti . ° at Youngruiwn
"• - fiuttialtig ut 8 o'clock— retur evenings' leaves '1 mugs
' • • Th midar and Saturday evenin at 4
K. arid mach Beaver in time (or the cawing boat,
ALLF/111ENY CLIPPER, arrivine at. Pins urgh at
to enkick.
"Itne.picket HARKAWAY, Carte'. Downing, will
leave Beaver Tuesday, Tauay .a Saturday even
at 6P.M., retuning, leave Beta Castle, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday evenings aid P. M. also con
- • weethlg arith the morning boat for Pittsburgh.
Tbesiopae seta are fitted up in cadmic - to order hay.
img tine accommodallons for passengers, and shippers
may relics mom punctuality and igreatir despatch
WM has bebre been obtained en thehe mama
• F. ht. FITCH & Ca., Proprietors.
J. C. twwcii, Apia, Pitub.rgh.
. Bidwell & Bro., g Beaver.
A. D Jacobs, Yitangstown.
IL W. CorninghadseNew Castle.
'ne elegant steamer, ALLEGHENY CL I PPER ,aifl
leave Beaver, daily at 8 A. M., and 'Pittsburgh at 3 P.
• ' BE; Martini in connedtion with the above boats. path
' l ait y 1849. a i m . Palliest/ger Lanes
. Canal Patter • WALLOW. '
Nn Draw abov Packets leave Deaver every day
W V (Sundays ex ted) and arrive neXt neernlng at
turer4 when they connect with the Alan Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places
before night. One of the packets rove Warren daily
at SP. and arrive at Beaver la time to take the
morning Waller Pi burgh.
S LESTI L t Co, W. n .4 t Pro.
0 13 earner Water add Smtthfield an
abigm 1849:
.I „Hit
CA,Areme A v, Cleveland, O. j
E.G. Palm, Beaver. Pa. S r"r'r
71111113 Lute will be ptepn cd on the opening of navi
gation, to trans transport freight and Passengers from
TTSBURGR and CLEVELAND, to any point on
the Canal and Lakes.
The faeittles of the Line are onstapassed in number,
qualt e tyr capaciry of Baas, expedience of captains,
115 'eney at Agents.
a! Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run
ning In
with the steamers
. _
Between Pinslaugh and Beaver, wan lino of first class
Simmers, Propellers and Vessels onlhe Lake.
Aersirts--11 0 Parks, Beaver. Pa..
Jesse Baldwin, Voungsiown, Ohio.
hl B Taylor, Warren, "
Cyrus Prenuss, Ravenna., "
Wheeler & Co, Akron, .
Crawford & Chandierlm, Cleveland, 0
actfill .. _N.Y
- 10 " 11}tratialiElt, Agent,
Office, eor Water and Smithfield U, i Pittsburgh.
Steamer MICHIGAN No. 2—Cap. Gilson.
• LAKE EILIE. ° Gordon.
rpm above regular and well known Heaver Pea
eta, havecommenced making Emir daily tripe to
and from Beare; and will continue to tan between
Pittsburgh and Mares regularly dating the season, no
Michigan No. 2 leaves Pinsburghidaily at 9 o'clock,
A. ML, and Beaver at 2o 'clock, .P. Laka Erie
/eaves Beaver daily ail o' cl oc k, and Pinshargh
u 9 o'clock, P. M.
Theft steamers will mu in co:Meath= with
8.6 Parks' Express ?ticked Line, for Erie;
Taylor /a LetaingwelPs Warren Packats,•
Union Linn of Freight Boats for Cleveland.
Clarke &edit Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lisle Freight
R O Auks daily Ne, Castle Packets.
CLARKE, PARKS tc. Co, Lianas; Agents.
JOHN A. CAUGHEIi, Agent. Pittsburgh,
am= ear Water sad Srolthfuld sts
w ail 1849.
THE Proprietor. of this old established and popular
daily line, consisting o (SIXTEEN first eines Cansl
Boats, owned by themselves and retuning in eonnee-
Man with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, am enabled to offer uneonelled facilities for
the transportation of freight and passenger., on the
opeming of Carnal narigauon, to all points on the Penn
syhranliend Ohio and N. York camas and the Luau.
E. M. FETCH Co, Cleveland.
Agents, Beaver.
maxi J. C. BIDWELL, Agent„
Water sweet, Pittsburgh.
L C amormtr..,
D. W. C. if IDWILT,
,t Beaver.,
Forwarding Diurnal:its,
Apnea for the Pittsburgh andCtevekinif Lane, Pins
burg A and Erie Line via Erie, and for stenos
bah Beats and OW Cope.
Ilayingparcitased the large ond • aabstantial Wharf
Boat Pill built for tho Monongahela Packets, have
rothrtith addition of a Waxhonse, the mast ample sr
odattions for receiving end. forwarding, and
pledgatheir utmost attention, prampineas and deepateb
10 catigignmonut to their care, and ro,ly on theta:lends
fora laid. mart-dly B. & BRO.
14ci , a-t:lo:tm.-10071m:+ 1 4.1 1 44
jem= 1849. •
Old Established Line.'
rpm Proprietor of this well known Line of Canal
.1 . Boats, to now prepared to transport Pnntenggcc.
and F. eight to all points on the brie Extension, New
York Canals and the Lakes, upon gm most favorable
terms and with despatch.
This Lute runs in ernmeetton with the steam boats
BEAVER and CALEB COPE, butween Pittsburgh
and Beaver, C Reed's linenf steam boats and Tr.
seism the Lakes, and the Troy an Michigan Lake
Boat LIDO on the New York canal.
C. M. REED, Proprietor, Ede, Pa.
Bidwell A Brother, Agent.. Beaver.
W T Masher, Agent at .1 Mesiimves Passenger
Ofßee,_Alonongukela House, Pitaburga.
CONSiGNBIZ—W C Sharon J E A SllOll,
Slarpsburg; Smith A Downing, do; 1 B Plummer,
West Greenville; Wick, Acorn & Co. do; Wm Henry,
Nauman; Dant, A Sutton, Buffalo; Barney, Gibbs &
Co; Sandusky, Jas A Armstrong, Datroit; Kirkland &
Newberry, Sheboygan; inClure A Wiltame Milwatt.
Me; Reap, Morley & Dation, Racine; John H Kinve,
Chicago; A Wheeler & Co. New York. spa
Pllttlarlirffh rind Blot rsotMle Prieket Lissa
1849. ;
11 1kikl sunlit. era respectfully (Armed th at 1 ?if.
MARSHALL A CO. have tied out new and
sp entlid Packet Bents to ran during the season, be
tween Blairsville and Pittsbargu—The boats to be tow.
ad by three hones, and every effort ,made to accord.
tomlabs passengers.
Derammismat—Boam will leave :Pittsburgh every
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, at 7 o'clock,
P.M. Prom lllatraville every Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, 41. aL, and arrive
at Pittsburgh the ....lay. P o hoist, Huck from
Indiana will meet the boat at Sal:shoran, both on up•
Ward and downward top—puulng passengen through
from that place in one day.
Freight (or the above Line will be received at the
MUG of the Boatmen's.Line, by .Ino. Parrett A Co.,
who are oar authorised Agents. All freight received
free at commissions. J M MARSHALL A Co.
JNO FARREN A Co, Agents;
Canal Basin, Ltherly rt, Pittsburgh
A flak leaves Blansmllefor Ydartgatoarn on the
arrival of the host—returos to boat itt morning. Farr
from Pittsburgh_ tri Youngstown s.2...sreeetved at office
Of Bostoron's Line through. • anti:dem
In TI Wien POISTIUsZka nuivr 4/1/1/13.
ankigallB49 AIM
I , I46I.II;GH,ET'D elp laft ATLMI. o t4 if
F .. . .
Tmas Boxemr.z.
. •
Tassar. & O'Consoh, Pittsburgh.
rEold established Line being now in fall opem
t, the proprietors are prepared with their asual
extensive errangements to forward merchandise, pre.
data ke. to and from the above ports, on liberal tenna
with the regularity, despatch and safety peenliar to
their made of transportation so obvious, when tran
shipment on the stay ur avoided.
All cotudgumente by and for this line receives!, char
ofphi, and forwarded in any requited directions free
ftraw for crornaissioa advancing or storage.
No Interest, directly or indirectly, in steamboat..
All etemnurucationsprommly attended to on applies.
Hon to the following vents:
THOS. BORBIDCL 478 Market at, Philadelphia
TAAFFE k CYCONNOR, Cartel Basin, Pinsburgh.
O'CONNOR k Co, North et, Baltimore. suchga
Regan 1849,
TRAHBPOSr tauis.
/can Branson,- -
Tues. nniOna-U,
MIL Brennan, JACO. D.
- Conducted on strict Sabbath-keeping principle&
Proprietors of this old established Line have
put their stock in the most urondete order, and are
hl3 , prepared to forwent Profirice and Merchan
dise to and from the Eastern cities. • .
_ .
We trait that our long experienee in the carrying
holiness, and zealous attention to the Interests of en.
ttOZOII4 will secure to us a continuance and increase
of the patronage hitherto extended to Bingham's Linn
Oar ammgements will enable cm, to carry Freight
with the utmost despatch, and our inures shall always
be as low as the lowest charged by :other responsible
We have opened an office in No D Market Meet,
between 4th and 6th its, Phdeda, fot the converdimee
Freda. and Merchtmdise will bereceived sod for.
lauded, East and West, without soy chug* for for-
warding, advancing freight. storage or commission.
Bills of Lading forwarded, and every direction
pr.:milt ... acceded to.
Canal cos LibOrt7
Na MI sad 1:76 Market street, FM a.
No UM North Howard street, Calumets
meld% No 10 West Oren ,New York
Nagai 1849 ataE2
moirehants , TranspOrtation Line.
roCanals and Rail Roads being now open, and
in good order, we. am prepared to forward all
rmarehandue and produce to Philadelphia and
Baltimore, with promptness and delpatch, and on as
Revd tarma as any other Line.
CI A bleAlicLTY A Co.,
Canal Basin, Penn st, Pittsburgh:
Aasons—CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia
roa7 ROSEMORRILL A Co, Baliimora
Panasylvards Canal f.all,oed
premsysat Packet:Line,
igigliMA lB49. llß llll k
(Exclusively for Pasaingers.)
galolla are respectadly informed that this Line
eomiaence running on the 19th Rut, and con
-e for class, with en-
Infer comfort. The
airtrunvelers are tee
11213. of the boats of
oPpollte IL S. Hotel,
ifery night as nine o'
triftsiuWiliplyts the.
For the TrOß LA tuaponatunt ot reigns to
TO PIKLADEL aturtedoxy. & sEw YORE
USIRESS oil the Canal being Beer resumed, the
Proprietors Of the above Line respectfally inform
the pubic thee they see prepared to receive and for
ward Freight with despatch, and at lowest mint
They weld alito call the anention of shippers East
ward to the fact that the Brats employed by them in
Mthalihttlation, ant owned by them and commanded by
experienced captains.
Shippers Of Ml* in Sulk will find it advantageous
to abla by this Lie, as the subscribers have ma& at
=gement, at oMttmbia to have such freight for Bal
timore handed Meetly from boats to cars, thereby aig.
011 "lir
_3 ehon. handling.
Might to Philadelphm goes clear through in the
No charge mad?' for receiving shipping or advancing
charges. KIKR ES, Proprietors,
Canal Basin, Seventh street.
AGENTS—John A. Shaer, Cinemnati, 04 lon Mc-
Cullough & CO. BilitlMOTOi las Steel & Co., Nuladel-
F ogy franels A Thomas Columbia. meh3l
elansorLvlA OAbAL & S. ROADS,.
la llpll
Patstioglsto Philadelphia and Ba!Masora.
(Exclusively for Passengers)
rPHS JOH° Ar6l,respatiolly Infofated that this Line
1. will commence running on Monday, 11th March.
The bozos of chit Line are of a superior elms, with
enlarged cabins,; which will give greater comfort to
A boat will al-Witys be in port, and travelers are re
quested to call sate examine them before engaging pas
sage by other roams. They will leave the landing, op
posun the U. S. HALeI, corner Penn street and Canal.
every eight at tVel,k.
'Dime-3k Days.
For information, spill) , at the office, Monongahela
House, of to D. LEECH & Co, Canal Swim.
N. 13,-11m proprietors of the above Line are now
building an adittOnal Line of Packets, to run as above
on or about Jmelst, bt conneetion with the Pennsyl
vania Rail Road from Lewistown to Philadelptia. At
that time a pockeAwill leave every morning and even
ing.' Time Hiroo , diva. iticoll
aitiaml 1849.
For the Ifsinsportation of
rt CODS carried on this Line are not transhipped
between Piplburgh and Philadelphia, being cor
ned in four section Portable Boas over land and wa
ter—to shippers of merchandise requiring careful
handling, this Is Of importance. No chnrge made for
receiving or shipping, or for advancing charges. Ali
goods forwarded with dispatch, and on as reasonable
terms as by any bitter Linn
' Canal basin, Penn at, Pittsburgh
marl 227 Barker & 54 Commerce It, Phila.
JOHN MeFADEN & Co, Forwarding end COlllllll4
Lion Moro/ant., co oat Huth, rano Pluaborgh.
JAMES M DAVIS & Co, Flour Factors and Commtv
sion Merchants, 227 Market and 54 Commoree street,
Philadelphia. • marl
leAdvances madlt by either of the above on Floor,
hl . and other aterchandive conasgoed to them lot
aala ontrlit
Ea= 1849
DiIitiVLIAAM , WAY 1711E14..L1T
For Bluirsedle, Johnstown, lioiltdaysburgh, and
all intermediate places
T HIS Line will continue to carry all Way Goods
gigb with th eir usual despatch, and at fair rates of
ass --C. A. lIPANITLTY & Co, Piusburgh.
D B Wakefield, Johnstown.
Joh/I.llllller. klellitlayshurgh.
Rustamess—Mmes Jordon, rhendt a Sinclair, Dr F
Shoenberger, Moore,John Parker, S F Von Bann.
horst & Co, Wm Lehaer & Co. Jae firDentt & Bros,
Pittsburgh; John.ivery, Sactit, rdalholltut & Ray, Jon
Graff & Co, Blairkville. ruche?
a k AM' 1848. jai
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford.
4 , OCEAN, Capt NI , tutors.
.f)NE of the stove Panken leave Beaver every day,
(Sundays eXceptedl and arrive next monong
617G11., where they connect with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of‘heac places
odium bight. One tithe rllCKete leave Warren d,hly,
at 5 P. M., and eve at Beaver in ume m take the
mo.ang, steamboat for Plusburgh.
a B TAFLOR., r,opnt'ra.
' Teaocioa TO nil Lae. ut roes, nob..
..anal Packqt—Pmsitm.vairts, Cept. Jeffries;
Taksesarn, Pollock;
'Laze Rate, " Troby;
u Parrona, " Brown;
FALtmon, " 'Bayer.
The above new.. thd d splen Passenger Park etr have
commenced martins between BEAVER AND. ERIE,
and veil run retalorly during the sea_wik—one boat
leaving Erie ev.y morning u± o'clock, and one May
tag Beaver evert evening. Immediately after the arri
val 01 the stcausqoat Michigan from Pittsburgh. •
11,,. boats are Lew and comfortably furnished, and
arm sun throug4 in forty hours. Passengers to any
point. the L OT to Niagara Fails, will find this
route the most iiimfortable and or.pcdluoult. Tickets
throurh to all port. on the Lake can be procured by
appiprig to the proprietors.
REED, PARES & CoOleaver.
JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agt Pittsburgh,
nor. Water and Smithfield sm.
Mt—J.o Harrison, Beale, N Y.
dlll Reed, Este, Pa.
0 C Wick, Greenville, Pa;
APFirland and Ring, Big Rend Pm
luye t . Plumb, Shaspburgh, Pa;
C kelt: ' Sh rolask • Vs;
Ws- N ew Castle, Pa. j
proprietorsof this Line have pm on New Stock,
are prepared to forward paelagas of all do
seripttops Aatlyi at the lowest Btu,
J. C. BIDWELL, Agent,
Water Brest, Pawn] rg h.
°call 92 South Charter st„ Itiatttmore.
4L'aft.tillEN a CO'.
Passenge4 and Remittance Office.
iv,-Natir&N a CO. commie to bring persons
root an part of England, Ir-land. Scotland or
bon the most liberal terms, with Ilea
usual pitillellifflitt andattention LO th e wanes and corn.
(on of “.0.6-yali We do not allow our pnanenasra to
be robbed by thelioncdling .amps that infest the xia
' ports, as are tako , ,Sharge of them the moment they en
port themselves, Sod see to their well being, and de
apareh them oratidut any downs:in by the first amps.—
We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our rms.on
gen. show that th ey were detained in boon by us to
Liverpool, whilst' thousands of others were donate-el
months, until they could be sent no some old emit. at a
eh p ran, Whiehltoo frequently prosed their Coffins.
We intend in pgriorm our <thoraces honorably. cog
whoa it may, and not act as was the earn last bennun,
with ether othces.,—who either performed not all, or
when it sailed their eonventence.
IYrilla drawn it Pittaborrb for Loy SIM (rm. 11 to
LlWn t t l y= r/o u nf a c.. ,,, f %k i tO - , mr s ineai Banal In ire-
European and General Agent.
real .IFI BI street. one dant Wor.d.
AND 4t7iSINET WA. ERtgl3l.
' A. BRoWN would respect
inform the public, that he
rpm on band at am stand on the
a ante of the &humped, Atte.
my crty, a col:op/etc assort.
it of Yeoman Blinds; also Ve.
tan Shutters are made to or.
in the hest style, warranted
tat to any la the linnet State..
Muds ran oe removed
the aid of a screw driver.
log purchased the stock,
rte, and wood of the ea bthet es.
'Pamela of Ramsay A 31'Clel-
I am prepared to furnish
old e us well as
every dung inurtomers,
then tine.
street, Pittatirgh.
= •
IXPER - Thi,l 4 . - H am NGS—i now receivthg, dtr re
Gam the manufacturers in New York, Phliadel•
phis and Baltirnoe, a large and well relected assort
ment of all the latest and most Improved styles of sa•
its, glazed and common PAPER HANGINGS, coy
alsting ~„,
HOBO pieessigtf Parlor and Fresco;
10,000 " Hall and Column;
1 . Dininprcom, chamber and office
Paper -which I siveuld parucularly invite the artenuon
Or these having hawses to paper, to call and e.0.m..,
at the Paper Warehouse of S. C. HIL.L,
g 7 wood st
ARBUTHNOT has commenced to receive
C 1....) • large assoCatera of Fancy VAllll.7l' GOODS,
conslatmg in pagfof
H Laces, HO-
Hari, Glove.. Crepe, Leis., Oc:mbries, Netting., Lace
Vet's, Shawls, Pongee Handkerchiefs, gent. CreVals,
gingham and entton Handkerchiefs, carded Skirts,
Sewing Silk, Thread., Buttons, Combs, Jewelry, Cat
lerY, lac, he. Country and city merchant. are res.
ppelflllly invited to call and examine his stock. No 54
Wood street, corner of Diamond alley. nach2o
L'XTRACT OF COPPEE—An oracle winch is m
ild pldly eomingitoto use as a wholesome, noonstung
anW dalleioUs baseman, being more pleasant and pal
atable than eommetn Coffee, and far cheaper, as a small
paper costing ottiy tett cents, will go as far as four
Pounds of Coffee. • Manufactured h
JOHN 8. MlLLEK l4 Pittsborgh, Pa.
Sold at wboleiale by H A FAH EITOCK te. Co,
cornet of Mu and Wood and Sixth roil Wood streets,
Pittatitagh op2l
38 Camp Blitaketsi 20 officer 'coats; 12 prs Pants;
le pear. nen lined. Mining Boots; 12 Istlamnv Bags; 3
wool Tanks, 6 and 12 gallons e.h; 50 canteens, ,1
gallon each; Idm Bucksk.o Money Belle; I do oiled
cambric do do. .The above goods for sale at the Cali.
tonna Outing Establishment No 5 Wood at.
meb24 .1 & H PHILLIPS
ASSORTED SPICES—Put op for family e., in tin
cans, eneloSed in a eliding lid box. containing
Mustard, A Isplce,
Cinnamon; Ginger,
Cloves, Pepper,
Warranted pure. Pot rale at the new Spice' .d
Moaned Fittoryi come r of Ferry & Liberty S.
AITV ILS—WrOught Iron Anvils, from the Temper.
=weenie wgrks, warranted; will be co.stayly
on hand and eupplied to order, by
mp2o • GEO COCHRAN. a 3 Wooden
kJRE FURNACE HEARTH, manufactured from a
auperior enrol° of Bolivar Fire Brick Croy in
store and for sahrity ' KIER & JONRS
ter. W. W. Wallace having need a Hearth of same;
quality and manufacture for the past eigateen
roa.tas t
pronounceslt superior to the hearths now in general
aro mylo
COGNAtBILANDIES-27 half pipes varantro
vintages, of Our own impartation per Commerce
(from Dorneaax, jest rend and for safe by
ACilialltnliAlN mt kCeitTed, a bewurfal assort - .
tJ man; of finites and (cancerous' Gold Guard
Chains, from 810 to NO each, eastern priers. Alto,
Wedding Ringatalta carat gold, gold
, Perielta, Finger
tVatZ, r k! .l .'!' °'''' fi krU ' int . :(l,r,. -
:4. comer 4th and Market .t.
TrEkINETRARONS—Just received en Ze union KILI.
- seyis,67 Market street,
30 pa coloredYelvet Ribbon, assorted colors;
30 'black •t• "
4 8 " embroidery Olmyi 10 p. wide Piero, tr.e.
tit.GIDAY nikls.TAlthe. Ur POST PI Chid, con
tainhig analilhaheucal list of Post Offices through.
Amtlba_Untled fitblas; distances from Washington, D.
0,4 state and to oriel capitals respecovely, alesex
hibiting the Post Officea to each Plate, as well as c
=put appall: of the United Sows and trriueh
- - corner MI and market us
Mediecnes of the day."
tinsitsais Sescrs. Ohio, May 25.1819.
R. E. Sellers : I dunk n mkt fertile benefit of others
state come facts in relation to your excellent Pam.
ly Medicines.
I have used your Vermifoge largely io my own fam
ily, one vial frequently ansererime (be expelling large
quantities may Ito ma/1 worms from two children. I
have also used your Liver r s and tiough Syrup In
my family. and they have In erg instance produced
the effect desired.
As I not engaged in march icing, lam able to
state that I have yet to hear of the first failure where
your medicines have been used in my section of the
country. In cone..., I may state that they are Me
medicines of the day, and are destined tol,fiave a very
extensive popularity. YOUII, respectfully,
. . .
Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, No 27 Wood
street, and wild by Druggists generally m the two si
nes and vicinity._mr2l
oGRIdAT CUREtsvmapaPLAINT by he
rigami, only true, and genuine Liver ,
Boot Cana, Ohio county, Va.
March 36th, 1849.
Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe
to you and to the public rnera Co ot to stain that I have
been afflicted with the Liver plaint for a long
ume, and so badly that an almeas formed and broke,
which left me in o very low tante. Having heard of
your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A R
Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my physkcinn, Dr. E. Smut, I concluded topva them
a fair trial. I pi:reheard one box, and found them to
be lust what they are rearnmended, THE BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED; and after taking four boxes
I find the dinense has entirely lett me, =Oil not now
perfbetly well. Eespeetfully
Wen Liberty, ldnrdh 26,1449,
I certify that I am personally anilasanid with hie
Coleman, and C. bear toorimony 14 Rie nth of the
above certificate. A SHA
Toe rename Liver ma are prepared and so by
E ShLLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by drat sat
in the two eillet.
TO THE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and ca
nine Liver Pills are prepared by R E Sellers., and aye
his name stamped in black wax upon the lid or each
box, and his signature on the outside wrapper—ell
others are counterfens, or base imitations.
awl) • R E SELLER 3, Proprietor
ROM the Rev AS.4, SHINN, a well known and pop
I al. Clergvman office Protestant Methodist Church
The undersigned having been &filleted during the pas:
winter with n disease oldie stomach, sometimes pro
ducing great pain in the stomach for tenor twelve boars
without intermission, and after having tried cations
remedics with little effect, was furnished with a bottle
of Dr D Jayne's Carminative Balsam. Thu+ he used at.
cording to the directions, and found invariably that this caused the pain to abate in three or four min
ates, and in fifteen or twenty minuteserery any.,
sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was at
onwards used whenever indications of the approach or
painre perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent
ed. He continued to ass the medicine every evening
and sometimes in the morning. and in a few weeks
health was so far restored, that the sufferer was setter
ed from a large amount of oppressive pain. • From ca
perience. therefore, he can confidently recomme..d
D Jaynels Carminative Balsam, ae • salutary medic in
for diseases of the comas h.d bowels. A SHIN ND
Allegheny TO R tty.
For sale in Pluatoargh at the PEKIN TEL S
72 F e unh street, near Wood, and .teen a t rheDrug
sior of H SCIIW RTZ Ferie. I .treet. Alleg
me Gana,' ISZYStOT /Olt
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchi.,
or Compliant, Spitting Blood. Difficulty of Breath
ing, 'bun in the Side and Breast, palpitation of
the Heart, Influent. Na
Broken Con
on t B utton. Sore Throat, Nervous Debili
ty, and all Dwelt. , of the Throrew. and Lu at,
ngs; the most of
end speedy cure
ever known for any of
the above dimm
s, is
Compound Syrup ofWild Chorryl
This medicine to no longer among those of doubtful
utility. It nes passed away from the thousands dolly
launched upon the ode or expenment, fund now stands
higher in reputation, nod is becoming more extensive
ly tuned than any other preparanon of medicine ever
produced for the render softening man.
It has been introduced very generally through the
United Staten and Curope, and there are few towns of
impormce out what contain some remerkable evi
dence of its good effects. For proof of the foregoing
statements. and of the value and efficacy of this medi
cine, the proprietor will insert a few of the mu .y thou
mnd testimonials which have been presented to him by
men of the first respectabslity—men who have higher
vice. of moral responslbtlay mod tunnel, than to eel.
off to facts, because nt win do another a favor, and
t he
no noniron , Such msumony proves con
elusively, that its surpruung exceilence esnainshed
by its intrinsic ments, and the unquesuonable author,
y of public opinion. The Instpultaheoult relief it at
fonts, and the sorulung toduence diffused through the
whole frame by tin am, readers it a most agreeable
remedy for the istfitemd.
"When men, stung from consetentmes impulses
voluntarily bear testimony to the truth of a thing or
particular feet. such tesurriony. being contrary to their
worldly interests and purpose, eoerces ei3u ,, c .0„,„ of
its troth. and commends itself in a special manner to
universal credence "—O'Hosran's Moral Maxima
There never was aremedy that bus been as successful
in desperate rases of Consumption, 03 Swayue's
Compound Syrup of Wad Cherry, It strengthens the
system, and appears In heal the ulcers on the lun
creating new and nett blood; power possessed bgs.,
y no
other medicine.
Camera Co. April Zds,
Dr. Sward—Dear Sir. I verily believesr Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cberr) has en mesas of
saving my Ide. I caught a severe cold, whirl. gradu
ally grew worse, attended with • severe cough, that
red 11l the remedies which I bad recourse to, sull
increasing until my case exhibited all the symptoms of
Pulmonary Consampuon. Every thing I tiled seemed
to-have tie effect, and my compitunt Increased SO rapid
ly that friends es well as myself, gave up all hopes of
my recovery. At this ume I wax recommended to try
your Invaluable medicine: I dal so with the most hap
py results. The first bodle haste effect to loosed the
tough, cussing me to expec freely; and by the
time I had limed six boides,l arms cautery wel t . and am
now so hearty PI to I [Ter WM to my lee, and
would be happy to glee gray tniomianon respecting
ease, that other sufferers may dance die benefit for
which lOM so glateful. For the tenth of the .mart
anted:tent I refer you to Peter Rush, Grocer, Wert
Chester '
* of whom I purchased th
Jutzt e metheine.
Res ally yours,
Wonaktful Curs of a SkittAmfixt
Dr Sweyne- Dear Sin I (eel • debt of gratitude due
• you—end a duty to the afflicted generally, to oiler
my hornlike tesumony in favor of your Compou
some I nd Sy
rup of NVIld Cherry. Some three years was
violently attacked with cold and inflammation of tho
Langa which was aceompanied with a distressing
:ough, pun In the breast and head. • very consudera
ale thuhurge of offensive mucus from the lungs, cape
:telly apon change or weather, however shght. At
first I retro alarm about my condition, but was pretty
soon couvlnce4 that I was rapidly going Into eons,
:lon. I grew daily weaker. and at length was scarce , .
7 able to walk about, or speak above a sell:sou, such
was the exceeding we of my lungs. During troy
thee I had tned various preparations um! preveriptions,
out foand no relief—growing all me time worse Just
hall I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in
Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher
ry. I must centre. that prenousiy I had been arms,
diced agrunst patent medietnes. and I mu ftar. aganial
Lb.< corning out of the bends of ewer., hut widen
standing your elalfax to the profession and practice ol
medicine, and having implicit faith to the saying of my
haCll2ll, I forthwith purehesed of Dr Shaw, one of your
agents. • few bottles, and commenced its ore. Sly dis.
cue was at that tune ot ati or' .5 months standing, con
sequently it was deopiy seated I Bound, however.
conaidembierelief from the use of the first four or her
moues. But hoeing f a public speaker I frequency
tempted to preach with my increasing strength, end
mereby ruptured those vessels that had already been.
o hear, ot this way, doubtless, my care w
t grub,
retarded. lu VallacyttcheC of acting thus icaprodchtly.
I had to a. twelve or fifteen bottles before I was per
fectly restored. I hove no question, a much smaller
number of bottles would have made me wood, !nit for
the above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed the fever
uth helot, took sway the distreumg cough. put a stop
to the discharge of matter from the lungs, and Kane
them and the enure 'riven: good health. I have de!cr
red offertng dos CerllLeate until none, tor the porpo•4
at being perfectly saushed with the permanency of the
:ore, and now that I feel perfectly weli I infer it with
pleuu ro. Bev P Jottn.s.
Dublin county, N. C.
Important Carman—Reea' Rewl!
There is Let one genuine preparnuon of Wild Cherry,
and that is Ur Swarma's, the first ever efferent to tee
public, which has Leen sold largely throughout the
United States and souse parts of Europe; and aft pre
taped by the nail. of Wild Cherry have
even put out sitter this, under cover of some decepnve
circumstances, in order tog.e currency to their sales.
By a little observanon, no person need mistake the
Cenaine from the Id.. Each bottle of the genuine
enveloped with a beautiful steel ettgra•mg, with the
bten.s of William Penn thereon, also, Dr. B...Lynes
signature: and as further security, the portrait of Dr.
Swayne will Lc added hereaiter, so as to distinguish
Ins preparation from all othen Now, if it was not tor
the peat curauve properties and known virtues of Dr,
Swaynelt Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons
would not be endeavoring to glee currency to then
"ficuuous nostrum." by stealing the came of Wild
Cherry. Remember, always bear in mind the name
of Dr. B...sync, and be not deceived.
Principal Office, corner of Eighth and Race streets,
Pot sale wholesale and retail by OODF.N k SNOW
DEN, con YA and Wood sts/3 A FAHNESTOCK
Co, cor lot and Wood, and ' oth end Wood ion; wm
mints, 5J Market st; 8 /ONES, Ott Litonty st, JAS
A JONES, one Hasid and Penn sts; JOHN 511011-
ELL, Allegheny city, and by ell respectable dealers in
medrcine. _ 0013
rEcTon.ANTT is mpenor to .01 other remedies for
...ugh', Consumption, Broachins, abma, nal other Put am
sag siftetious, is Mat the MIMI persons who commented the
Mal of tt in their Inmates can yea ago dill prefer it to all
other remains of the kind; and where any hare been induced
to try other maparsuons they hare almost ,treariably been
inapponated in rennin the benefit which an reasonably
Intatipated from the high Frames bestowed by the propr,ela
sual ban reamed to the on of her.' Estee - texas - I-, es
a remedy that has norm failed to relies. them, and whin
probably own bad iu equal to attesting pulmonary thee..
Prepared only by Dr D. Jayne Phindelphie, and sold oo
deAtearlf 71 Fourth st
Dr. W. P. lutandie Premium Plastei7
R. W. P. LNLAND, of the Aledical College bf Phil
adelphia,, now offers to the public his Indian Veg.
enable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, after
long and tiled experience, has been sausfactonly es
tablished. To all women who may be tattled with
Prolaps. Uteri& or Fallen Womb, he recommend, his
plaster, guaranteeing n sore and speedy cure In the
short space of from two to thee weeks if applied with
care and rest—dlsearding all the countless instruments
and expensive bandages so long in use: Tlus be feels
conscientious in stating, Inasmuch 11l be has not failed
in one ease,etti of three hundred and fifty-three pa
Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Back, at
tended with pain, them is nothing to excel this Plaster
in affording relief or effecting a cure. For sale by
I s Wilcox, comer of Diamond and Market at
Braun & Reiter, Liberty and St. Clair rts
Be J Sargent Federal at and Diamond, Alle
gheny city
Jacque. It Co, " Denman and Diamond Birming
n s E. SELLERS, Druggist, No a 7 Waiul .trees,
Sole Agent for the sale of Dr. Toornsend's Gen
uine Sarsaparilla, ha. plat received 200 dozen of this
Great Spring and Such Ear Medicine.
Purekiniers.ahould recollect that R E Seller, is tale
agent for Piwl•urgh, and I) Al Curry (or Allegheny
city aps
LS—ND EN d l . -
Cooper of London, M. I. r ' 4oLTi A ns of Liverpoo by the '°l l, not d a
large 6.olllllent of detached gold and silver Levers,
aside by nur best Geneva manufacturers.
Spectacles of all kinds, Communion Ware in sets'
(told Pens; Jewelry to huge variety; Silver spoon,
Forks, &c.
LIX Watch repairing executed in the best manner.
myl9 corner Market and gth
MACAULAY'S ENGLAND—Harperls fine edition,
8 yo., with porumuu cloth -73 eenu per volume.
comer Marko and ad its
.'1 WA M A AA a Kam
EtIIILD - 001V8 -
3.1 r. 1.1 DI iROCGRIP 121 sor 10 iarm in
V attention of the public is invited to this very
valuable Churn, which hiss the advanuga of all
en In combining the old and new inventions to
The utility of this invention is apparent, as by a dm7
pie protest the atr is forced beneath the dash, and
dors away with the =emit) of pureharing a new
Churn, as it can be applied to any chum Intwe, and
for one dollar can have all the improvements of the
age combtned with those of gathering the Butter in
the usual way.
The public are invited to call land judge ger them-
wives before purchasing elsewhere, at 19 7, corner of
Market and Fifth creels, or at 63 Diamond alley, be
tween Wood and Market ttrestli, PinibUrgb.
rpHE undersigned having been appointed Agent of
the Det.swatos Moroar. Swart lasexano Cos-
P•3l, in the place of John Finney, Jr., resigned, re
spectfully informs the pnblie and the friends and eas
terners of the Company, that he is prepared to take
Manor,ln:and and Fire risks on liberal terms so their
office, ri. 37 Water street. P. MADEIRA,
mylP Agent.
LIrOSEI HUSE 7 I-1000 teat Y tn. Ritif India Rubber
Mit Hose—min reeeived for the Borough of Manches
ter, whirl will be held in store for a few days. The
Boston Belting Company express a strong desire for
the fire departments of the mums of Pittsburgh snd Al
legheny to call and examine and make atrial of them.
The company is willing to put them to any test they
think proper to conclude upon.
myth J & H PHILLIPS, 5 limed at
U in the Citiuns' Ituntranee Company of Pittsburgh,
will be opened in the Rooms of the Board of Trade, On
therirst Monday of November next, at 11/o'clock,
Wm. Le/liner, Jr. Ruben Woods,
Wm. B. M'Clure, Joseph Plummer,
S. M. Kier, Josiah Meg,
John Sherif f Alex. Rosiburg,
and H. D. Kull,
GOLD W trims.
HePARRY has invented . machine for washing
Gold, for arhieh he has made application for a
parent. They are now offered for sale at the ware
house of Parry, Scott & Co., No. 1103 Wood atreet,
Adventurers to California are invited to call and ex
amine these labor-saving machines. They are simple
in their construction, cosily transported on the back of
mules or horses, 'metering eighty pounds each, and
can be pot in operation in half . hour. They cm be
filed mini provtuorm It is the opinion of those who
have teen the vial of one of these machines of smallest
bushthat two men will "'rase the mineral from Me
els of sand or earth in a day, without the loss of a
particle of the mineral. They can be increased in nine
and worked by water or mole power, if expedleeL
The operators work without going Into the water or
being exposed to wet, and consequently without en
dmigenng their health. They will require but a small
stream of water, and cm be ased the whole season,
and can be put into operation where there is not ma
cleat water to wash in the usual way.
Price of mealiest si.e WS. Orders from abroad, an
coMpained by rash, will be promptly filled.
R. PARRY, at Parry, Peon ft Co's,
febddtf No 103 Wood at, Pittst_2_*_
B 1 na prate & iIC
THE subscribers are now receiving their Pall stock
of the above article, three vessels, rim the mama.,
Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia
and Baltimore. and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
Leila, shortly expected; they are, thertfone, prepared
to receive orders. They will receive during the win
ter and spring regular supplies during
novl3 W t to MITCHELTRES
EAGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning wilt
__ dews and lamp glasses, silver plate, brass, En
tannin, and other were. It rapidly name out all spots
towl stains, and reproduces the beautiful and durable
lustre of new ware. Just received and for sale, whole
sale and retail, by JOHN D bIORGAN,
R SAML. H. ElAl2TMAti7h_avozzid_ hia Inter-
c''"U'n't"P of
d 1 ,41 rooted
Co, to the temnining P . MMT. , ,, ebm 1a4 , 4 ,.
from M. firm.
- Din :Seth Mat ANEFACTURES —T.e
sieved, Agent for the manufacture. hu on hand
and la constantly recetvms a full supply of We .tteles
made /II Pittsburgh and •intuty. attach be offers for
sale nt manufacturers prices. GEO COCHRAN,
ietcrto 25 wood st
IN DIA RCHBKR PASTE—I gross bottles Lai. Rah
' her Paste. an excellent article forrendertnti boots
and +h.. perfectly water proof, and sob as a place of
clot,. one apphcation of tills pasts t. sufSetent to
make them =pennons to water for 2 or 3 months, and
pertert proventause from the kathercraeleing.
Rec'd and fur sale at the huhu Rubber Depot, Sto 5
Wood st, fehlY3 .1 & H PHILLIPS
Corner From and Vine streets, Cincinnati, O.
. the new
ded w at lowest market price:
ElVe D TAI DAY, al
11. house. No. 75 Fentrth stet
Flick einbckssed Plano ceSera Plain 'flukey tat Minks
do do Table do Plg'd do do do
Worsted do do do do Beidasini ;
blue Damask; Carpet Bindings;
Green moreen
ALSO—Camps Gothica Trusupvent Shaded,
t‘e ripzu re Vicars do do
Tv rklah do do do
Camelia do do do
Drapery Chinese do do
Meronliaht Vicars, do do
Landscape do do do
T Godues do do
Cord and Tassels, Soler. and Slats, Rook ?dies,
Soler Ends.
The •trove Goods sire of the richest and newest
styles, to which we in•tte the 'Mention of oar friends
and customers, lard those wishing to furnish or re
plenish swam heats and houses.
I\ 3 EW CAR PKl'B—Reeerved thu day threat tram
the manufacturer—
Neu` style Tapestry 3 ply Carpets, extra surser
do do do do super,
do do Brussels Carpets;
do Brussels, very cheap, do
de nee colors super Inv.. do
4-4. .4-4 and .5-tr heavy Venetian do
4-4 3-4 snd 3 , - common do do
A:i of whieh will be sold at asmell advance, and
w'dlgw•rentet at ioiar as can be purehued in the eul
W hIiCLINTOCK.73 Fourth et
FROM the very liberal encourage
meat the imbseriber has received saner
he has located himself in Allegheny
has !educed hue to take a 1ea..., for •
term of years, on the property hell°.
Prespies, to Beaver street, immediately betide the
byterian Church From the long experience to the
abate has:nosy and a desire NI please, he hopes to mar.
a tad mac. re ii share of public patronage.
Now on hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Rug
gles, open and top Bowes, and every descripuon of
Carnage. made to order from seventy.hve dollar. to
eight nonaret Iseph-dell JOHN SOUTH.
' -
The All•gheny Oem•cary.
AT the •ncual coaling of the Corporator., held a
the tIA 111.L0116 following portent were anew
moray re-awned Eeriest'n for the toning year:
THOMAS X. HOWE, Frog/geol.
W I LSON APCAN bl,h2lg kia, 11.' " *".
JOHN li. 81101.7 ti HERO
J. Fleol7, Jr.. Secretary and Treas.
The annual statement presented ibt
Company 111 a very prosperous eondltio
111 the city /4 No 37 Water street
Elul aide of the Diamond, where Vensu.
Blinds of all the different lice. and colers
are kept on hand or made to order arle
the latest .d MOlnapprosed Eastern (ash
ions, at the akortast notice end on the mob
reasonable terms.
Also, the cheap Boston roll or spilt Blind Transpa
many and Paper Cannon, of all the different sires and
patterns, on hand and for sale low for cash. Old Vont.
unn Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken to part
payment ler new Rhl WESTER ELT, Protpr.
N. —All arms dorm with the hest material and
workmanship, and warranted to pleaw the most fats.
Odious. auglo-illy
A,legheny city, Aog. 10, 1848.
11.. wi1
Oalee stthe Exehanire,Baltlmoro.
'DEDUCED RATES.—The charges have been redn-
JA, ced on all Messages to or from Dalintoore
burgh or Wheeling, and • corresponding reduction
made on al/ telegrap hi c despatches forwarded Dena J3al-
Linton, West of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Flerma—Tbe charge (or a telegraph despatch to or
from Baltimore, Pin/inure/ and Wheeling, is 45 rents
for the first ten worda, and 3 cent. for each additional
ET No charge Ls made for the address and signa
Unttl the completton of the South Western Lino of
Telegraph from . bleesphis, Tenn., to New Orleans, des
patches can tte forwarded m bledtplus by this room, and
•nr New Orleans. 101 l
- •
A VINO this any i.soctated themselves together
II to parmershtp, and, r the firm and style of A. ec J.
WOODIIOUVI, for tee manufacture of TIN, COPPER
AND NHEKT•I RON WARE, on the corner of Robin
son street and the Canal, in the Ist Ward, ALLION2III
erre, where they are prepared to furnish to order,
wholesale and retail, all articles In their line with
Foundry 'Trimmings, and Carpenters' orders ans
Ironed, which will receive tramediaie anent..
City of Allegheny, Feb. I, 1e49.-40m
-1 set, a view of the Battle of Monterey;
I " •• Cerro ijonlol
" " " Buena Vista;
I " " Feta de Parts;
I " " Chase de Lyieir
, " " Garde FrancaLi;
1 " " Col C Auvergne;
The above is suitable for papering large public
rooms. Just reo'd direct from Perth, and for sale at
the wareherad of apil 8 C HILL
I FAAII L. I el—Chemical Liqind for 'cubing
j clothes, carpels, silks, paint and line furniture—
saving WW Ifs, labor and dispensing entirely with the
washboard. The finest Wilton carpets, after having
been to use eleven years, have been perfectly rectors
ed, without toe slightest uoury to the fabric, and with
out removing Bum the Boor. It will not injure the
cloth. Directions accompanying each bottle. Price
18 cents. For sale by J BLIIIOONMAKER CO,
tori wood st
DRUOS—Cblomie Potash, 111 lb. bottle.;
CIITIC /Cid do
Hypo. Snip& Soda do
Sub NIL iimanali do
Cream:no do
Cirem•alle Lonon do
loroform do
Jam received and for ..lo by
my] 0 A FA HNESTOCZ & Co
HAS'FtA~b Ups tor e.y
'LrLe....v.elibli.-4 casts from steamer Cara
berland saul for sale
R. 110LBULI s SONg,
Banker?, Itzehange Broker•,
.—Drafta, Notes and Acceptances
mule In any part of the Union, collected on the most
favorable term.
EXCHANGE on Now York, Philadelphiaand 80l
dimmer also, Saint Louis and
New OrleanA constantly for sale.
BANK NM•q.—Notes on all solvent hanks in the
United States diaconened at the lamest rates. All kinds
of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin bought
and void.
Office No. 55 Muket street, between 3d and 4th.
Pittaborgb, P. 0
BILLS on England t IreJarift and Scotland bought
any amount at the CLUIVIII Rates of Eschew.
Also, Drafts payable in imy part of the Old Countries,
from 11 to £lOOO, at the rate of S 3 to the 1 fkerling,
without deduction or dumount, by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON,Soropean and General Agent, office sth n ono
door west of wood. .118 u
'u.= CLLlllMlLiatjunta -- troausD LIN
in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Embrace, Cer
tificates of Deposita, Bank Notes and Coin, coiner of
3EI and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charles Ho
wzrriaps li^ UNDO—
Bank Notes;
purchased at the lowest ratea, by
aepl3 33 Market meet_
New York,
Philadelphia, ro d
Constantly for sale by N. HOLAIFS & SONS.
sepl3 35 Market st.
N- --v-----
Pos—Eureka, a Prose Poem; or, the rhymes!
and Metaphysical Dwyer., by Edgar A. Poe, F 44
handsomely printed, Maio cloth, 7., cu.
•We sh allbe greatly surprised if this work does not
errant a profound
among the literary and
sciedtlfic classes all over the Union, displayin a ns it
doe. a reasoning plater and grasp of thought which
cannot possibly fall to &scan the 'special wonder' of
even the most eareleam reader.'—Fapreu.
Nineveh and as Remains; with an recount of a visit
to the Chaidacan Christ ans of Kurdistan, and the Ye
:leis, or Devil Worshippers; and ma inquiry into the
manners and arta of the Ancient Assynans, by Austen
our d ry Hen Layations .rd, Esq., D. C. 1...; in 2 vela, with nutter
`One of the most remarkable works of the age:—The
T 6 .2 3, (London) Feb. 9.
The Salamander; a Legion of the Iron Furnaces of
Rockland county, N. Y., by K °eke. Smith, with il-
Insult ions of Doyley; 2d ed. limo. cloth, 73 cts.,
J. Fennimore Cooper: :The Spy,' a new and liesoti.
fa! edition, revised by the author, with new preface,
An, to be followed ny the Pilot, in the same • yle
The Work. of Washington Irving; revved and en
larged by the author, in IS elegant duodecimo volumes,
beautifulty printed in new type, and on superior paper,
made expressly for the purpose.
For sale by JAIVIk. D LOCKWOOD, (for many
years connected with Messrs. Wiley rr. Poularn. and
/ate John Wiley, N. Y) 03 Wood .t. , jul3
Mr. L has just returned from the Pastern cities.
11,1 - EW DOOKS—lrring—The Crayon Miscerlany—
el comprising The Prarrie, Abbotsford, Newstesd
Abbey. Complete in one voluroo--elegantly printed.
Canon—The hlonastenes of the Levan Post Pee;
A volume of more than ordinary interest, M1...6 a
series of most canons and often amusing adventure.
• •
• The field occupied by the volume I. almost
entirely neis.--Commercial Advertiser.
A book of sentlemaniy, libenol, scholmly interest,
which reminds m not a little of Beekford's 'Apeman Ex
curatons, or the vivid eastern reminiscences of Enthen.
Literary World
Cooper—(New edition of early works.)—Th• Spy.
revised, Icewith new introduction and notes. Com
plrte in I vo n. Uriform with Irvine. works. 51.25.
The Spy and the Sketch-Book were the first AMers
can books which were universally acknowledged to
contain a performance as well hs a promise. We
well remember the enthusiasm with which Limy were
received, and the proud expectations which they
awakened among the liberal minded abroad and the
patriotic at h• me. Irving was soon allowed a seat by
the side of Goldamith and Addison, and Cooper was
translated in every country of the continent where
any interest mu felt In a foreign literature.—Literary
World. For tale by • J 1) LOCK WOOL.,
1014 Wo• d st
NKOOKS—Complete Works of John M Mason,
1) I), in i vols.
Mardi and • Voyage Hither, by Herman Melville.
Border Warfare of ,N York, by W W Campbell.
Here • Little and There • Little, by the author of
“Line upon Line, end Precept upon Precept."
Memoirs of my Youth. by A He Lmoarune.
Illustrated Lem of Franiiin, part ME, lost received
and for sale by JOHNSTON it STOCKTON,
aptlf corner Third and Market sts
NEW HOOKS—Dr. Coventry's Work on Epidemi c
Cholera, its History, Censes, Pathology crud treat
Philosophy of Religion, by J. D. -Moron, A. M.
Bounte's Catechism of the Steam Engine.
Chamber'. Cyclopedia of Englan Liwre lure, 9 vols.
octavo, fine edition, steel plates.
Chambers' Illiscelt=y of Useful and Entertaining
Knowledge -10 vole, 19 mo. Illustrated.
Advice to Young Men, by T. S. Arthur,
" Young Women,
Elements of Meteorology, by J. Brocklesby, M. A,
Provyrbe for the People, by E S. Ilaioon.
University germane, by Dr. Wayland.
French's Holman Lecturer, for 1.6-7 fitnew
of Holy Scripture. for =folding the spintaal life of
men.' 1 vol, eve.
No. 0 Franklin's Life, illustrated.
Received this day by R HOPKINS,
ar.4 Apollo Ilinldinga, 4th st
NEW PUBLICATIONS — Essay on the the Union
•f Church and State: by Baptist W Noel, hl. A.
vol. llatio.-191,93. An entire edition of tn. work
mue sold in one day, on Its publication in London!
Leavet (cora Margaret Smith's Jounisd,,the Pro
',Mee of Mr gar -1618-9. I eat. 19mo Me.
Hoyt's Poems.—Sketches of Life and Landscape, by
Rev. Ralph Hoyt—new ed. enlarged—with illaetra
none. 12mo, 111,00.
A Catechism of the Steam alit., Illustrative of the
scientific principles upon which its operation depends,
and the practice/ details of its 'intently, to io applica
boa to =ties, mills, steam navigation, and railways;
with various =green°. of improvement: by .1 Boor.
C. E I vol. Limo. 7..
Cheever's L.ectstre• on the Pilgrim's Progress—new
ed. litmo, Pnce reduced to SLIP.
The Cartons, • Funny Pieter, Part I. Ifie.
Fratikluee Lifc, illastrated. Pane IV and V. EA,.
Paellas' Histories; by Prof. Ty'cr-12mo. For tale
by =621 R HOPKINS, 411 et
Jplatters of announcing the arrival of it new and
iplerwild .enactment of Pusan., from the manufactory
of Jonas Chickering Boston— am them a rnagn.h.
cent Rosewood full ' Grand Piano Forte. 7 octave..
&lon, superb &Inane Piano Forte, 7 rmtaven, carvcil
rol.ogrood, oldie style of Loam XI V, with itvariety of
and 6 octaves, to which the attention of purchae
tea is reapectfully sohmtcd.
Solo Arent for Chiekering's Pt.° Fortes for Hest
Sofa *gene y Corr N maims It Clark's P 11.30.
fm,JUST RELMVEDnnd opening, a
new lot of elegant Pianos., from the
telebramel factory of Nunns re Clark,
N. Y., comprising 6.6 e and 7 oetnyr,
with important Improvements, both in mechanism and
namnor, youessed by no others.
ALSO —A dm selection of Cale kering'. Pianos, no.,
diol.mcen. 11. KI.P.IIER, Sole Agent,
at J. W. Woothrell's, n 1 laird i_
. . . • -
N. B. The above veal be acrid at maaafacturevr pn
rex, wlthout any addluon for (Ivied or expcoyocs.,
marto Journal and CbroLucla copy.
•e stairs of th
• • Their °Me.
tel 7
A SPLENDID owortment
gany and Rowwood Plano lust
imbed. These instruments ere mods of
the latest pattern and best material
wiltbe sold low for cash by
F. BLUME, 112 Wood street,
. Oil door above Filth.
N. E.—Those who are in want of a good Instrument,
are respectfully invited to carmine these before pur
chamng elsewhere, ail they cannot be excelled by any
tn the country, nod will be sold lower than any brought
from the East. Alsolust received, two pianos of 11.11.
burghmanufactory, warranted to be imprison to any
ever sold in this country. octal F. D.
rime sub•enber has peen tippet iced Sole Agent for
the sale of CAR-LURCH nOVED
uNS, as manufactured and ELM rrrfected by Me.,.
Minch it, White, of Cincinnati. ise usual compass
and extent being but four enter!, Messrs. M. d W.,
to accordance with the general n iiita mid demand,
have extended the scale at these 11.111 um:nu, to 44 and
even 5 octaves, thus making it pri •iniable to perform
;re exterior
con them
so7: l as c' h7;nn muchitten for tat+ r lane
by o' placing
the body of the Insuument upon u east Iron frame
beaaufully bronzed and ornamented, rendering it at
once a moot elegant and extremely desirable article.
The price is pat so low as to bring it within the reach
ofevery one to obtain perfect musical instrument,
and, at the same time, a most elegant piece of
fora comparative trifle. J o H. KLEHER,
ELYJ %V Woodweirs
la has just received from. Europe, and for sale, au
entirely new invention of Piano Forte, called the CAB
INET PIANO FORTE, which possesung more power
and sweetness than the square ilium, occupies but one
fourth as much room( and is a much more showy and
hand.= piece:of funntam. It is particularly desira
ble where Um saving of space is an einem, being ex
ceedingly neat and compact, and occupying no more
room than a small side table. The subscnber heat in
hand a testimonial of its superiority from the celebra
ted plumy Moschelles, in his own hand writing which
may be inspected. H. KLEHgR,
oonl7 All NV Woodweills
Chlekeirllngra Plana&
MNJUST received and for sale at 01.1-
ufacturers prices, minaret new route
Pones, 0,0) and 7 octaves, of the most
elegant patterns of furnliore, and with
lb.l to
lon band for c
Aso sale 10w,3 second hand Pian
Solo Agent for Cluckerlng's Pianos for Western
Pennsylvania, 81 Wood strew. marB
of Summer, with an Intraitterion and brilliant vs.
rumbas for the Plano Form, as performed in all his
concerts In the United SWAM by Henri Hers.
Millar, Polka, by Henri Her;
Comic Polka,
Sliver Dell Polka, u u
Jam received and for sole b
mohl3 JOHN 111
_HALLOS, 81 wood et
— Vatial EXAM/San
AND SOLFEGGIOS, With an imcompanimeni for the
Plan forte, adapted to the wants of private pupils,
or chime/ In vocal musk. Selected from hall.,
French and German composers, by Lowell Mason: 71
l aw p.r. or closely printed mast ,e esurtahmig 100
exercises progressively arranged. Price 71 reels.
Jest received, • supply of the above, direct from the
publishers, by JOHN H. MELLOR.,
enchll3 St wood is
INT HITE LSEA/SlB-0 bbb..baall, just rears no o r
Ty sale by jula Y Well rClikON
HINS - 1-2bb biz No 1 kletrings, Dm do %ral
ed, in stow and lot We low to dose eonelio•
town by boll /AMEN DALZbLL, Water at
i t ItNAN CHASE AND Cline/. 1-114v,—tt, N. hi Ull
kj rive has received • pply of white and colored
Ltinnts and Cup. Live--voining the latter green uld
other desirable colors. Also, white, pink, and blue
Bilk and Warb Bloods.
fIUININE-160 cos Pan's, JUL rccod awl for ma by
, <-• ritrlitilattial.4?l:l :ii 11 iE,
t a gai-ttzgßll
t ty?.= &-ii 1.C.2.. C . 2.
2 2 , i ilfAt:LI N • r -VV2 tr Ah %+"C.
?-I .PiZti-2
ta.tre . B7; t723 - i: l ye tr r. qt ,11,
5 -1g.;1 1 :12 4. il-5.4..:4 El hum' z
_ 7 2 4 0 11:21;4 kes7.o kilts. rh it t 8 ;. .
2 ~,, `, - ,;11.7:41 1 2 15ie!=.31i le EW 1 lhil
q E-.. --t.:...-ti::-N-.53:: -. .v-t :1411 .5 . .:
E- 4 , e 1 a :4:l' ti. Poles "....... „ at;
•-I.' .al •. 7 g . 7 . I
o e 0 CL.:,E...t-5i1c...9..921ri-t,"s° 2 ; Bl-1-5 r 1 4 ';
~ , .54 o . 2i2 1 ,, 5 , : i., ,vag-,1::! 1" - - 1 E] = h.";
0 0. _ 9, Ets gl ,ha i i p.... V 3 t• 221't
Q cif ti 5: 35 1 g•Z-t.9 , eBt - 4.7.1-s,gri.r 14 . 3 ?,'
-a ,s ell 14- te11.7 . "4:irv.. 1 .5p• aa, tco g ,7 1
E a gacts ams.l.:'_: IT2 4t Is ':;°' 1 1 .
4co v: , z i' . . 2 .,: :5. 51 , E i:4 lg 45:04 113 gr it
5 a 5 "' 1.11.19i - 0-2V1 2 i1 arli g a
. 1. 4.
- g A .§'" T .4 1 - 0., 1 36- 27 5:1P4 , 4 1.2 ia 4 11 1 it
j-.1,3i . T... 1 h61 1 - 11 1 1111ilit111,4 , 31!
, g ,?..15V:W'alr bt
CI 0 4 2 [4 iv' ,t,6,1-P 2 ':_e-itz "ii.;.c 4 o ' 3 ' l V ° l:
...1 . , 1 1. , . 9 ...tif.rf, 21 912 - ii> 2 l . kolf 2.! PT, b ` r g il
4 '"_. .--liel ' 2 2.2 ''' 1: - 5.11.1:5P 2 el? -:1.:::V .32i iis ia
77'.4.,..= • Eliitiliii„ii:g.eilliiiL= r•-&--.41, I.E. 4 ....Ai g..,:v.. 1 4a g r,02 . 2.9,1. s a "rt . : .t ° x
I rl 'i = 4 ° ta.4 . t 11.115.1 C.." ° gf. 12--:Ati<2 l ,,..s aE. 0 1 :.7, riej4ri:taZ t.; • tilf•D;t o ' ..e
~i4.,,,„.„.,,,-_,,:t.,,,1.,g, : :1 ,3 23 ,r, 4g,. ji 231; E Z gi"1131 ff-27.31grAwi r..6.`'"-'gr.oid I
O- ,5 g -.: a ° : 2 -e . g• - 1gr ,, 0 1 0 --;t. ;:-...e,. 'g r 1 , <2.• -g-a•
, 4:: ..,,t.,, g t7tr, t: 414.-. 1 3;,35E•0g.11 1 cj t.ff r1 .. t g2;•1_„..2-g,g . /1 ,0 , 4114, I
1 ..--- :` m ots - 10 g12:3-0- 0 , 2-st.. ._.>.-• , .31..--;- 3 1" g s2.-mi A.
d rill'4llJlislia.'Agal. 4 .lgb•P‘tEriill 2 7 .: 21 4 i 914 3 1 4 1 -4 1 .a iga it '
freTgVi 42 l 4 ;;lli''l - 0 , !°;`E.§:5.. 3 ,1 7 5 . ;100:411:3. 4 1:i.D.-Eis . g.i
44 - .44e, it .qet-112..2:1-I11:01-420; °. z . t .1:t.,-.4,01,te Ze;tri r , 21 =,
...10 . 2 1. 50 13 .t:1,- - ar.: 4 ,,t... L .:g_ ;.s,
'Gtir,.r . Pli.i.E.A'arf.liegfg<ll.olatz.i. b .. 404 ' 85 1 2 :. ' t ° E , 3 . 4.... 2 1 , 2Z°::'E 14 41'
64i. ' 430 .-5 4gitAil 4 :07-ti P,';..742 ,. .4A' 21 ' I 2 .4.I I 3O4 I ZI r 'SZSZS:42 i.g.'"-it - . 1' ;
Ty— AGE Irre.-WM i keRSON,JOFIN A MORGAN, Pittsburgh: DM. CURRY, AnetiAnr can A. P./armor , '" oronlorrb•o• . . Oirvuor ,',"
CO) 4
.., 0
to. 4
of fl;eehe;,7n7aii7ii
responsibility, and I declare
tu.fno- heaven and man, that net in one ease has it
failed to benefit when the patient wets within the teeth
°linens! me...
I have had physicians learned in the professton. I
hove ministers oldie gospel, lodges of the bench, al.
dent en. lawyers, genUemen of the highest erudition,
and multaudes of the poor use it to every vartety of
way, end there has been but one voice—one universal
RHEUMATISM—It remares almost immediately
the nifiarnmauon and swelling, when the gain ceases.
r? the directions around the box.)
It. AD-ACHE—The salve has eared persona of the
her sche of twelve year. standing, and who had it
re '
• • ry week so that 'omitting took ht.. FAR-
ped with like success.
A LD HEAD—We have eared MCI that .tnally
d every thing known, as well a. the ability of If
•io twenty doctors. ote men told a. he had spent
a non his children withou any benefit, when a few
7 . 1$ of Ointment cured them.
TrlTEß—There is nothing better for the cure of
Tett , r
BURNS—It to one of the best things in the world for
PlLES—Thousands are yearly eared by this Oime
meet It Novae fails in giving relief. the
Ija . Aron. the box are directions for USlllf
Buses Ointount for ScrafuktLiew Complaint, Evvo
ia., Tllter, CZtableot Road Haut, Bow Eya, Quincy,
Sc,. Bro./tiler, Now. Affeerons. Poibts. Du
la. of th e Spout Hoed are ., althea ,
~a sei, Ear oths,
Burns, Coe.. ell Damao qf as Ski Sere Lips,
pies, 4-e., Stealteg of she Limb., Sera, RAntomarm,
Paw, mid F., Croup, Statawl or Broken Brazil, Thoth
w.A.14 Lgus in as Fers., tc.
COLD FEET—Liver Complaint, pain In the Chest
and Side, falling off of the hair, orthe other .earope.
ales cold feet. tn. Ointment is the true remedy.) It
Is a sore sign of disease to have cold feet.
COlLNS—Occasiatial nos of the Ointment will al
ways keep corns from growing. People need never
be troubled with them if they use it frequently.
Or,- This Oteunent to good for any part of the body
or Ilmits when inflamed. In some eases it should be
applied often.
CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine unless the
name of JAMES McALLISTER is armee with a pen
on every label.
For sale by my Agents in all the principal cities and
towns in the United - Fixate..
Sole Proprietor of the above medicine.
QT Prutelpal Oth., Both Ns - th Third street, Phil
Somers nr Prersuction—Bran k Heuer, corner of
Litserry and St Clair sue and L Wneoz, Jr,corner of
Market st and the Diamond, also comer of 4th mead
Smithfield sts; J II Cassel, comer of Walnut and Penn.
sts, Sib ward; and sold at the bookstore in Smithfield
sr, 3 , 1 door from Second se in Allegheny city by H P
Schwartz and 1 Sargmd; by J Smith, Druggist, Bir
mingham; D Negley, East Liberty; H Rowfame Ale-
Kersporg I Marauder & Son, Monongahela CUT, N
U Bowman A. Co, and I T Rogers, Broworrillq John
Barkley, Seaver, Pa; are wholesale agents.
+HE rapid strides which Hydropathy has made
J. since us intr.:Wawa into this country . —the bril
liant and astonishing ceranve effecto et col d water in
chronic and acute diseases, when employed after the
method of the celebrated Pnesnus,have removed from
the nand of an intelligent and discerning public every
particle of doubt as to its calestay, and gained it am
•ersal favor_ Considering the unsatisiactotg rerults
of remedies heretofore used In the treatment of chronic
complaints, 'complaints, law, which are inercaaing ev
ery year,) 11 most be a natural wish to see the success
of a method by which so many unfortunate sulk.
will be freed from their paws and marmites.
The subscriber having practised succeultily this
method wr eight years at his Hydropathie eatablith
meat, which ha. been comudenibly enlarged and im
proved in all at. ports, and in every respect, is now
ready to receive and accommodate patients who may
choose to place themselves ander his cam,skill and
nape tenet.
Philipsburg situated apon the left bank of the Ohio,
opposite the mouth of the Big Bearer, is well known
(or its refreshing and salubrious atmosphere, us de.
beau. quietness and charming natural scenery, corn
hunsic every requisite to render the ao/ourn of the in
valid agreeabn, and contrtbuting not a little to re-C11.•
tau,. Impstred health nod physical strength.
The 10.11.i114bMGIIi, the first started in the United
States, conthas every thing, both for pleurae and
wrount, calculated to insure • speedy and happy ten
uneaten of the ailments of the Patient
•-•- • _
Pe nines wishing to avail themselves of the advanta
ges acre oaered, wlli please address the subsorioier
by 11,107, tpost-pold,istatiog as near d e cideble the
nature of th eir complaints, in order tand ad
vise on these fitness and curability by the Hydropaihie
treatment, Wad also what will be sees for them to
take along, for their especialand personal ose.
EDWARD ACKER, teL D. Propnetor,
Philipsburg, Beaver county, Pa.
Rirrsznacas.—Rev'd. Rillikelly, Armstrong-, Y. D
Clark, Esq. do; Hon. Thomas Henry, Beaver, P.; Dr
klarker, do; Prot . Ch Pittsburgh, PC; L. C
Perkins, Esq. Ohio; Rev. S. H. Sneed, New Albany
Rev. lit Alen, Princeton, N. J.,. T. L. Station, Esq
New York; Dr. Ch. Winter, Philipsbrg-, Wm. H. Me-
Cannel. Esq. Pittsburgh, A. Bidwell, Esq., do.
Quirk pulse, hacking cough, general. arealtneu,
re'nlir". sleep, variable appetite, irregular boatels,
puns between the shoulder blades bodied.
ler Aura. Sra elvers or Como:pron.—Coughing
night and day, flabby muscles, general debility, great
'hornless of breath on going op stairs, ascending
hdl, or walking but a hula feet, pulse always above
one hundred. for weeks together; drenching cold
sweats toward. morning.
Catarrhal Consumpuon come. on Ilk. a common
catarrh or cold, but about the period when that db.
coal, usually In expected to .UWll4O,llO=l tiff the symp
tome are aggravated. The cough I. more trouble
some, especially when lying down. There is no fixed
pain in the chest, but breathing, which is
worst on lying down. The appearance Of the expos
toranon, which is copious, is changed from a tWek
yellow mucus, to a th rone, substance. It Is very un
pleasant to the pattern, and Cattle an unpleasant smell
when bunted
at It le of an uniform appearance s
probably a tStere of pus and =mos ; 611 on t
with Water part sinks and part swims. This disease
moy emir minty habit or at any age, and Is char..
tanned by the pccolinrity of the cough.
The Balsam of Liverwort effects the cure of this In
sidious disease by expectoration, soothe and heals the
affected lungs. It never fails. Wherever tios medi
cine has been need, we hear of its success. For thir
teen yearn it has been before this public, and hos been
thorndahly tested for all complaints of the Lange, and
has proved itself superior in merit m any thing In use.
We might give hundreds of testinuraialtrfrom physi
elan% the press, clergy, and those who have been ea
red tint all we desire mto call the attention of the af
fhei—i, and for their own good they will try in
I .00k out for counterfeits Always observe the sig
ns glee, "Geo. Taylor, M D.,. on the engraved label,
and :impaled at the Wholesale Depot, 73 Beekman
etreet, flew Tort.
.cord in Prosburgh by J I) Morgan 93 Wood sn I
Townsend, 45 Alarket st; Smyser, cur Market and
3d ste; Henderson lt Co, A Liberty st Price reduced
o 111,50 per bottle. may
it ORGAN'S WORM KILLER Ii the beet Yeamifuge
LY.L that any man can give or sue in his family.
Wmounovon 'Pp, Westmoreland co. P.
Mr. John D. litorgam—Thie is to certify that I have
been selling your YermiOnte for some time, say about
one year—and in that time I have never known It to
to tail in bringing worms away, when th e symptoms
initicnted their presence. I had occasion to give it to
two grown up members of my family; I gave each of
them one dose, and one of them paned Ma and the oth
er 250 warms. Is is the best Vern:Rosa that any
man can use in his family. J. W. Tomas.
Prepared and sold by JNO. A MORGAN, Druggist,
one door below Diamond alley, on Wood sL yms
RUGS, teit. inc.—Pure Red Bark, C 1177,
lodide Potash, Strychnine, Chloride Gold, Liver
Suiptinr, White Precipitant, Cymturet Potash, jam se
ceiveil kind for sale by Mil R E SELLEIts
Chinoirine, Chloroform,
Ext. Bark Precip. lodide Iron,
Nitrate Silver, Oil Copaibs,
James Powder, Citric Acid,
Chloride Soda, Chlorie Ether,
Extract Rheumy, Extract Quassia.
Jostreed and for sale by 15 E SELLERS,
ion 57 Wood st
_ .
g DA.—it &compotes the vim or peccant prinel
pie of all contagious &usual. It removes the clamor
ous edlovia of sick rooms, to. By Its cleansing eqer
ay it relieves ulcers , and intercepts all communica ble
diseases, diseases, whether In man or animals, t o. Intl rec'd
nod for tale by jull ft E SELLERS, 67 Wood at
T the sign of the Plane and Saw 7g Wood Creel
a complete sasortment of Cincinnati Coopera
Tools, for tale by myl6 HUBER & LACPMAN
F. Cd ULA N - 13 - 11 ISTdRYOP
ter's edition, containing all the matter, verbatim
hteratim, of Vol.. 1 and 2 of the London edition, em
bellished with a portrait of the author-2 Vols in one.
Price, complete, 60e. A large supply alba &Wye re
mired and for sale by JOHN H Hos r OR,
meh23 al wood at
nit.ATE, COCOA AND LlROAlA—liakora
V./ Dronna No t Chocolate and Cocoa; also, Beheads
rereet nee,' Chocolate, last seed and for solo at the
Pekin Tea Stem 70 Fourth 4 erred
J,tar an, • 1.4•,/iitea • mud
V Y polvedrod Sugars, tart reel and for tale by tea
bbl or as mall, at do) PO . la Tea Etude, 70 north 10.
alt 4 11111 41 n
,!.I . l.llljaf.
43.414..1. 0m ;
on4 , siewiitl2.9. 2 7:MtAr -g: s iv
MERCURY, or other ?din
end It hae_ poares to
tense .
all NAL
'KINDS to dacha-me
r putrid matters, and
heals them.
i rlttt N G ' , "'ed
. I rfor
re I. scarcely n dis
t external or Internal,
it will not benefit.
tva oseti it for the lot
LUNHIL—The uspnettlenstel =CCM which hat
vended the tlllO of the
o W the 'meow forma which Initailon DM, husirtas•
=me., hes induced the proprletat gala to call ititen.,
clan to this
WONDERFUL lqmpinerioN.
The changshle washer which marts ems tall and
winter months; is alwArs a &ORM S.W.' Of
The question, then, how then ntp the desttorma
the bud! how shall we get dear of OW wombs and
olds? Is of vital leoportanee to the nubile.
will be found etleCluseng farm . fof this
we have from ume to woe published the certifies:es of
dozens of our best known ettizona, who have
eneed its ourariSe poster& 'These, with a reau ' lt
tim aD f r ' CA.L oil bVo o F f 'h TllB oom Fg.,& —ft titT m AlNTDllll3,
attesters of the Gaped, &c., together with.eoplewl col
Ices from the
lee have embodied o pamphlet form, and may bathed
grans a any ofHUND our ii 7mta oF !the:76 .lm the eacustrr.
have been used In ibis city.
thrmkgbant the Untied Sums and Canada, and we eba
temp any man to point out
which, when taken according to dinserions, and be
fore the leap had beton. Anal diaorgardaad, rt has
aver Wed to
Wiry, then, need the afflicted hesitate! Why ream to
the nabierable nestrumtb sawn up by gm • eon ladhid.
all. ■ ler the assumed name of scene ee Ibretett phy.
Mean, and puffed into nmorimy by certificate. et pm.
sons equally unknownt Whilst a medicine of
I. to be hut, whale vouchers an at hcone,—our Emig*
turs,—ritany of waren h has
In order that this lava/gable medicine may be placed
within the reach of the poor a. well the roils, we have
pot the price at
loot one half the uml cost of cough modiminca nto
for role by oar agents In nearly every burn and village
over the wen, who ore prepared b give full Won..
don relative to it. T. BALTER , Proprietor,
Broadway. Cincinnati. (role
PIL S. P. TOWN3S.ISNLPS rkeAsAre.Hll4...n.—.4l
dozen of Dr. Toarnsend's Genatne Bersaparilla,
t reed and for stale by R E BELLF.HS,
57 Wood st, only Agent for Pittabund
ma By DAt CURRY, Agent (or Allegheny elm
TR. EDWARD AC. 4l" talres m c &a P'L means of te.
J.J tundng iv thanks7tr as friends and the Imbito
for the extensive patronage he has reamed, and of in.
fonnum them that be has lately erected sr large and
cell conetrueted buildmg, for t h e exclusive p
Ideation, at Philhpshargh, Pa., on the Ohio river, em.
she the steamboat landing. at Bmiver,whese hethready
to receive patients as beanie% and tem them on Ily
dropathic pnectplm. In addition to his Moor expeti
ence, and the great MCCAW, which has heretofore al.
tended his treatment of patients committed ts his can,
he has now the addittonal facilities landed by an ex-
Missive bu il ding emoted expressly (or the purpose, coo.
taining comosts and airy tooth; and fined app
every =smeary apparams for tag, end
teeing the
to the snotort •-batefir end comfort
of the parent. Phdlimbenth is • most dellghtlhl and
healthy village, eavy of urea by steamboats, and af
fords, fine and wbam water. Dr. Acker assures
foe, afflicted pennons who may place themseivea an
, der his care, that every ationtion shall be paid to their
comforn and ate as usmance oftessabstantial benefits
to be derived, be penes with canfidame to the hun
dreds who have been permanently clued at his mat.
balusseat. The Water Care le.vesno lopmeto areas
behind, as is too often the ease with those who have
been treated on the old system. It removes the dl..
c nr i .n ' t y re r r . ' l e o? the n' wt " Zer cts gat m es th'
d active appear, end imparts vier , to dna timmtive
powers. Termsof treatment and beard reasonable
For further paruculars inquire at the t, or
add.= the proprietor at Phlllipabungh.
a 64 •
. • .
We have been Informed by film Rose of a cure por.
formed on her by Dr. Jaynes Altarativi4grbleb
proves 112 superiority er•er every other rentedy.of the
kind. She bee been afflicted for the last sixteen years
with NkMROSES or WHITE 5W121...141205, encoded
with ulcerations and =foliation of various bones.
ring which time many pieces have been discharged from
the irontal hone or the cranium, from both her urns,
wrists and hands, and from both legs, and from the led
fur.orel bone, and from the right knee, besides painfal
ulcers an other parts of het person, which have baffled
the skill or a =mbar of the lIVY4 eminent phytticiansot
our city—dorms most of the time herauffenngs have
Dieu exemimum and deplorable. About three months
since she was induced to try Dr. Jayne's Anemia.
which has had an asteMabilley happy effect upon her,
by remOving plan nod swellings, add =amp th e
Meets to herd, eth, attbe same time her general health
has become completely restated, m that she mer weighs
lbs more than she did before she commenced the use
of this truly valuable prepanon.—(Sat. Eva. Yost.
For further information, Monne of hire. Sou, No. 153
Filben Pbßadittlph.
For sale in Plubugh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
79 Fourth et near Wood.
just received of Dr. Townsend", Sarsaparilla, the
most extimardirtary medicine in the world: This En
, s pot op in quart bottle& II is sin boas cheaper,
pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. it
eons dise ase trithetst round* pmirths, olokoolod or
debilitating the patient
tool our vox laaravirma—Unpvinelpled moons hare
copiedour labels, and put op meddebas In the same
shaped bottle. See that seal! bottle has the mitten µT
uatara of S. P. Townsend.
- DraW sr, 67 Wood street, between
rd and Dr. TownsomPa mar wholesale
mall and m' = lo
or Pirmborgh, of whom the genuine
article can be had.
D. ht. Cum has been appoinuad the Ede age* for
Allegheny city, of whore the genuine article
ape earl be
BA. Perrinertoet, A. D. lluza o r.Luy
WW. F FannsurEl2l oct.}Pittabsugh.
0. A
Wbateaalag Store in Ms Orly ot
. . Now Tort.
PUB andentaned are estensively earned in th,,
Wholesale - Bij bushaess at No. oJan greet, in
the city or Now Ws, and are prepared to =
Urisseste sad main llareharas with Drone,
Dyortairs, Amiss and American Poem:tory,
dairies., Wean: Mangart Chemical., (Other'. on or
saponatioal ow/ on othar ordoles in their Liu or had
teas, of • ealorio roality ao lOW Go. dm eon be ptie•
Wised la Ward any eastern oit tousmex
%tow York. Pleble 11 A. P &
Dr. Dflek•r• oalabrrtad
TH& imbibe are recteested to read the following err
&mates. Ws medicine ts extermively need in
all the Southern and Butt= cities.
W e d o rectify that Dr. 1.. Wren., of .Yert,
took ender his care au management, on or abbot the
fire of October last, • young man laboring uuder a
severe attack at *Admits Cholera) , That we exam.
cued the .old patient, and found him to be in the col
lapsed state, of that &Inoue, with frognent and copious
nee water discharge.. That we pronouneed it a cue
of genuine Cholera, and declared moreover that we
believed the said patient was beyond the hope of med
Mal tad. In fact we thought the patient would die,
end to declared at the time.
We lumber certify that the said Leads Wtekey
mom his own mode of treatment, and administered Ms
Chelan Remedy, and effected a cant of the patient.
We :hink in fear days thereafter the said yomm mart
was ai work, and perfectly orelL
Jona C. Donn, hi. D.
T. B. Dacus:, AL D.
I certify that I visited . (mod. der the care of Dr. Gauls Wickey, and Mel I Wine
Ws medicine relieved him.
Bum of Maryland, Washington Coml, to wit t
I certify that I am well acquainted vnth dm guide.
men who have signed the within certificates of A.
Louis Wiekey and they are men of ntspec, ability
In testimony whereof I hereunto subscribe my
u a. name, and affix the eeelvf m> office, this thus.
teentit day of November, el teen hundred and
thirty-three. 0. H. Clerk
Washington County Coon, lend, •
I Witnessed the administration of Dr. Lords %VIA.
ey's pleura:ion for Cholum in the else of
tire to the ylamerbm busmen in this town
town.) Ho was a well marked cue of Asiatic Chi.
len, with nee water evacuations, cold Mammy akin,
cold Josue, small tremulous oLsoa-1 considered his
gunmen tmly_eritiesi and alarming- I saw him pre
too to Dr. %Viekay, and was plum at the ads:lnds I
nation of the Ina dose of = th etas, and saw him to. 1
=curlew the attendanceWlekeyi he iv*
so uto be able to attend to and wort at his
trade In a few da s. lam sum be took none mbar bat
the medicine ad by Dr. Mehl.
&cam W. Dann D,
The way true and genulao Do. WRIMIII Cholera
and Mara Medicine is premed and wild whole
sale and rural), by wing D. SICHUAN,
latiuditto one door below Diamond alley, Wood at
A mp.
OTE m PUL far the very va atonal encraiNgemant I
have marred far so many years, I have Maa r .
to enlarge myantstness considerably: Ham
ream, I Win be enabled to
Mr l a e r. m p . r ; ""7, Fe and do the mark In ma usual
style and at Mir pm.; end ask Na menden of me
charm and Mdseae to mtMrgoateek of UPHOL BTE
RV GOODS and Bed., alleurramat_ tad Bedding, Clu ,
uda pu teT i n l y Des sadasorama, Cornice. Fria.
Era, Bordering., Tune* Baltsaag Raw
every artiste small) Ite.Pnenas establishment of the
kind. Ordeal ,=peat=> eolinited and promptly
tended to.
N.B.—C=l*s made Mid madmen.
r &RD-4o kegs NO 1 LAM, for sale. '
JP RIED'ArPidEkT2XI bask n
a da s far sale by
,t; •Ito•
an ibigi.tiy
behorte-made on the aunt approvedmama plane.-
and mOet fashionable Eastern patterasandeolnre.
or made to order of all stree,and '
Orontry /florae= and othe are loaned too
=mine the above others
Orr themselves,
_as all will be held
wholesale or renul, and • Mena (Wad= audit ts
which:sale oracle/whs. , •
aoldly A wtsreirvWe.
Blotto* to the ' . n • • , •
Nrhiretry malty ow friends •nd conat i liwts
as Immo and abroad , the we will 110 021011
&Al CUICIAULASICAZ, receive Erwslit from any ~....
which I. Marton loses is .•• t.
spa : , • op, . . •• :i' ,
TORN YSI.GY & CO, isacemuors to Robb, WOW
V brasier & Co , late Ti n = No. - pi
CHIMTNUT Street, above •Tbi4 n,
leave to inform Moir Steads and. pairona o f 7
have received the West SPRING AND SU
FASHIONS, wittvw tarsi worm= of Now is
GOODS; comprising CM C.assimeres, V
of every deveripden—wil which are of their owiklter•
Donatiothongbeen careftily mimed ai Pug*
Landon, km
upi- otraloters 'lotting Phi"'delft* and ro
o speakili
Invited' to call and azatninn their aztonsivzostoo;.
DLtt RUBBER PASTZ—Jut It h lza
bottles of Rubber Patters superior
import= to persons that what to keep — 11;47 Ist
It prevents the leather from eraelling, wad' will taßba
No Wood ti Lll
pohab over
streeL =75 For sale at the
.11k H Bober DAN;
60141111 GOLDIII
HE antmeriber,ornelesne Ettonaraemner•
f f.I4W
FLAY, ;writes whole:tab dealer madpedlusina.
V2anßoduerth and'
d n W e I =ol ° , - 9r, - , r ttrit:
.old at the lowest prices
cash or approaed
manes. Conatarnly . on hand run manotastan4 4 " •
Large assortment mutable for airy or man tradn,
E. G. A. 14
corner of Fourth and Branch ap staW.]
apitt-dent philadelohb,
Piape,r Hangings._
IDrAVING purchased at three of the Wpm Piato
nos ill Ill* Btu, (Nev Yort,:rhiladelphla,add
Istainmore,) a lam assortment of the newest and imnst
improved styles of PAVER RANUINGSMORDEAS,
do, and made arrangements by whichl will be rya: bled to procure all now Feuer., eenalmagetweehit_
their appearance ht the &Lem rket, would 7in.
vise the at of those &ohm to have theltddsams
papered with the latest gyms of paper, to call and
6.7.10 my meek, be rpos
fore etuksing elsetehent.'
1 b rav e now on the way 4 . = Me East, Sil„000 pfitera
of Gold Satin Glazed and COMMOD Papm Han
I gmlyie
which can sell at ranging from Illests to 611,
place. mehl 19 0 BILL, 67 woott at
Bacon Elnuilabsyg.
lIAVINO jest completelithe tetuun li ngecer minks
houses, we am now prepared to receive a . . 54
and .mote it to the moot merchantable manner. p
The houses are fined with all the modern Impenve.
menu, and are capable of containing 3:4000 as. andh.
KIER &JONES. Canal Bp•lni . •
a 4 nea{geveat trat
PM — Th.IbPDIAt,--fievung exchniviiTgißtry
fm the sale of the Mill Grove Printing Pape" et.
B.Marke, Preprint:am) we win be c
Copp with all the dlfferem Asn °filmsetter qua. ,
which we offer at the lowest regular prices. tl
aIf.YMOL.BO 4 918:F.A
feb24 comer Peat and /redo . ht'
----- zruizritissz vvOruss., , X.!'
17LE2dAli, kIaILMAN & CO. coatinue ler min.
lacturc Small 800 Speleg and Am. Enter SPA,
Pork and Boa ktcei, En ay Spikes and
I P IZIS h ina all sizes, together wit; Catch and EM
Elpringa MC Pat, Tapes and common Axles.. ,-
Having reduced the Pride of Wmilltn Iron 11A
Twine builders and other lasing the ameba will '
n to Ben Intarest te give thls rum breath offittattet4h
Enanufaenqes their attention. .:P
Coath nammuns and makable iron on llberal bL tins.
Warehouse an Water and Fount' ate. fe if
HU =SS 111.2TVISED lltoll
AM is now reselling-a fine 1111StortiliptOr
Width ha is proposed to snake toe&
And in the latest Fasktoni.-: ,
Bead — quarters for BOOLlFtlailkloll4
corner aloud, and Smith/told strenta ~..„;
FitTROTH k. SCOTT heater ociumearmi
the general (foot and Otbro butler-4$
witaleule and mall, "would respectfully -
tact,, me attention of their (Heade and the pabli. ea.
crafty, to their splendid new sleek, conslatingf . es,
women'', boys' misses' and etaldrens atltr al d i
.varlety, soltabli for the wawa, sad it' prices tir idol
the atm. A splendid twitch:lo(l,mo u su2.,itark,
Inchgentlemen's fine Roots, ladles, nod
ehildrens fine work. Please eall rind atamlnkl , for
yourselves. . TROTH itlCUTifir
corner ith and Smithfield 130
N. 11..‘.-Travellady Tooth, Carpet Bags, an. /Lei, ad
amps on hand and low for cash
Country merchants maid find it to theirinterefl to .
grre RI I Cali when ' , Whin. the ei . ' 'et •ht .
. •
-- Loa - An, wiLson
IMPORTERS and Wholesale DealerutriFothigtflend
Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, iStuidlery,.&a.,lll9,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, aro now fully prepared. fth
• recently imported week of liardenue, Cutlery Mid
dlery, Carpenters' Tools, to., to offer very freer 'in
ducements to Western Merchants, as In„,sftliqii to
the marry advantages had'lry Ithr Vv . :dem:awry gm.
no. Leg= & Kennedy, ere have gniuly Merturseirour
fee/hues, end purchase a ll oar goods . &DM 'firm ligmla
au the very ben terms. .;
Tecjanior members of the Arm s devote their Wilde
muinuea to sides, and feeding atitradeut of gthring.dtaio
isthmian, respeelly Wick • •• 31 from 01 . *••T
visit this market.
13.1110 K VOR. Iffarrida •
THE anderaigned offer s for sale a seliertor
of bock for _braiding, aradtetryldotiteini Oda%
improved mad:limiter Ludt he has obtained apd u,
and agrees to give purchaser. a written guarintevOliar
they are r, and will resist tem lad wet weath
er and Imbibe moisture or datatutoM Mawr Oth
er brick, Pcesewing Prater bodY•l44.*atid"
and mod more durable in aver:reaper. each 6T:
being subjected to & ptesaure of several tout,
among a handsome =moth surfatelinti evea abas e
they make a front equal lathe besh_Octithrialli
They lave glum Me greatest amisfattieff Walla:he
have purchased. A kiln can be sennateay Ferlrlafead
specimen at the Gazette aka , •:, 1 5*
Those having supplied themselveifor Melt
and wiahlag handsome front brick, f sepetio
and solid paving brick, can obtain them, •
tdtheCl airatm
anntingham, 1une14,1848. .tf . •
Wall.,=ffba tughmt porta nt cook pan&
different grades oleic. washed Wont
my3l, Et LEE, Liberty - le, DePleum not
VoPeiRTNEBI3IIIP-1 have do day attatabTa
with me in the wholesale Odor vor -Preface mind
Cormmuson Business, 31mtotto Wilacmotadeethet dna
of JOEIN VVATT it ea Jopi.V4t.l%
PitsburghlApril 30, 1843, " ' ' ' ,•••
Q ULPH of Quinine. Oxide of IM,,Prnsitt
rare 01 Iron, all Careaelte of rent*, Nitsep of
Sever Calomel, Zeziao of Load, Chloride o(B odtkyd
Cttlot~e Ether, on nand and (or side •• • '
/21 • • ':11.11:Pl.tP,&
PUOLISHED DAK,v,lat-vnlasux tqwEract
Ai glainwalhaigemadsgesestuFeeteps4.
One Insertion of e
manes or
Thre" "
One Week" ' '
• '
14,0 Weeks "
thief) 7,, eerr.......... ---
le , re
....,...,,,, MOO
One Month,
4 ' ......w.... .6)00
rwo , s !I • '
*ilia ...
Mee ~ ” , ' '..... ,. i. T t lo
Er Longer advertisements In netnrcnntittitsc%'
One aquaze,6 months, without alberalioiars.. W • MOO
0.4, IS .r. ~ -f• ..00
Bath additionaid erre for 6 nrentlus, ...i.. f
t 4
o Xi
, If ' "li '
One squarel 2 6 nionths,rattemable at pleileße, 1..00
411 II II If It I , _ 4
Each additionidqparetor 12 inaniits.,ss ~... 00
No aquares,6 albaths, rehiraWs at filse, Id 00
Each additional suare,6 months, .....:.... 5 GO
WIMILLT ea itar-witanna rir apc:lT /Alp)* I.
One maitre. 3 insertions, tt 00
each additionallaserlielfo.4:.6. ;:!.. I?
strmizis eesee. •
Pin lines or lea, ono you. •••!.....!"•,••• X l . OO
" " fil MOAthijo. ...... • 4,4 0 0
one year, daily er. weedy, 00
tl ea .1, ed. mositut .:.t , 00
LB • stay tanaallTll TN 1121101111 , 1101002.?
for 12 Ilnei, or lea, Oslo iaseAtte, • ' ZO
cc Two, "
Thin; " - DO 00