H1T15151 Klitl -6AZET 6 MMEME PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 2 - 4 040" T n. Dina uasa-rta 4x poOlisEed Daily, TrsWeekly. and Werkty.—Thely Is Seven Dollars per annum; the TS.Weekly ill Five Dollar. per annum; the Weekly Is Tso Dollars per annum, seictly f1,46,,(111.1. . . . irrA...... are earrienuy rtmuestell to hand In . .be4 von before 3 r. at., and an early in Me day at p cable. Advertisements not abseiled 'tar a specie led time will Invariably be charged until ordered out PIFITDELPHIA P.ORTII APtk:III43AN. Mr nisementa and nubseriptions to the North Amer ' Wan d United States Gazette, Philadelphia, receive, and forwarded front them office. 1 . ... . . By the President of the United !totes. A RECOMM NDATION; : - At a season when the rovidence of God has manifested itself in the natation of a fearful pes tilence, which is spread ng its ravages throughout the land, It is fitting th n people, whose reliance has ever been on Hi. tection, should bumble themselves before His oe; and, while achnowl• edging past transgressinns, nab a continuance of Divine mercy. ! It is, therefore, earnestly recommended that the brat Friday to August observed threageout the United Stems, as a dsV of luting. keetheithth nap prayer. All busineld will be suspended le the we dot. branches of the{ public service en that day; and it is reeommenddd to pereone of all religions denominations to abstain, as to as practicable.from secular oceopatterts, and to assemba.in their re• ipeed , . places of politic worship, to acknowledge the infinite goodnem which has watched over oar evidence as a nation, and so long !crowned as with manifold bitten:p • ' and to inetdore the Al mighty, in His own good time, to day the de stroying hand which is now lifted op against at. z. TAYLOR. per Loeal Patters see neit . pagle. Mew next page for Telegraphic News Two ANFACILS OF Euaorx—From Jhe last ac counts, it appears that the French d@ hot enter Rome without hard fighting - , and thatihe Romeo, only =cc-limbed to superior power.. Their sur render, also, appears to have been made with be. coming dignity, and without any matilfeoation of fey or disorder. The assembly maintained its sittings, and the Tritiatvirs the Executive power. What will France do under these citicunistrinces ? Will she lay violent hands on the -Government elected by the people, and abolish it; and restore the Pope to despotic power? She will hardly dare to do that. It would be an inconsistency so gross, a stretch' of power so shameful, the, Louis Na poleon, although a despot at heart, will hardly venture on such extreme measure. Bat will the•Roly Father consent, to return to Rome on any other conditions , The French wil doubtless attempt to bring about a reconciliation and an amicable arrangement, by which the Pops can again become the chief execute officer, bci still subject to the constitution, and Orertung con jointly with the Assembly. But the Pope, hay tug in a solemn official address pa nennred ti Republicans of Ro ie , newer hy of the confident, of God or man, as a few strr.nrers pjattisig again. religion Bed tee pence of ea,ety, any consistency, to-o.t, of ir d ternat'Telaio), H:r supporters nave til4o, troll io tuts cfsall Wry in Europe. u,.1 r ten., nelbekiiiy In h office a, head of t, to bef uacontroded ..ac F him fin, lei ',LC pi ;sl4 0.1 WOO unirq, tam rt. once.urr rnitallaiso“. rigsif France mkt proverd In her t? garcetui wail: and ear,, nn,ate aer'ect•o , t,, ery po,ee nrl by reytortog Ire I to oacondneott.i , y a•peop•e • eaoerrned, the H o .v d cue the mere toul ot FP drier, ...11.1,0 P) Frenrn ht. onels, and hated by his . wo be, to this condition, a free tags. i Earh n - e also, would awaken the all th. C., • - he despots of Europe Austria. Sturm. non - plea would demur to such an arrangement, al. the Pope would be in There are rumors that the Pone L. resolved tar to accept of French intervention, but that the cot • establish his Court at Bologna, and !will place him sell under Austrian proteckum, until he can enter Some unfettered by French strpnlations would not surprise us if this rumor should provr to be true, as 'here call be no doubt, that the P. Pope and his Cardinals are cxceedipgly averse to French influences . . Should the Pope play this game, France will base disgraced herself for nothing.; She will then ha compelled to acknowledge the Republican Goveelusient of Rome, or keep polisession of the conquered city which latter policj she would hardly dare to idetpt. • Inevery view of the subject, Firacee is in an awkward position--the consequence of the *pi& ity,of engaging in a crusade without any definite purpose, any plea by which she could justify her self to the world, and any settled r;lan of action in the event of probable eontingenere* , She had no cause of quarrel with Rome, she had received no injury at the hands of its covenant*, aor had any portion of its people asked for their;intervention.— She cannot, therefore, get out of. the serape in which her government has placed her, without dishonor. In the meantime we fear for the 'Refety of Mar. sink. His loss to the cause of Italian freedom would be almost irreparable. We...pray most sio. cerely that hie useful life may be Oared, and that he may live to see {his country, Midis more free, take liar atand among the independetil nations of the earth. • While France is thee disgracing :herself abroad, every thing at home is fast sinking , into a state of despotism. Louis Fbillippe's Government was liberal, corn_ pared with Louis Napoleon . .. The. latter has beep guilty of mu which the former would not have dared to attempt. At the present moment, liberty exists in France but in name. Paris hi in a awe of sieve, and every free sentiment is cradled by the power of the sword. The liberty of the prep is entirely destroyed. All the Janina's opposed to the government have been euppreared--timir of Nita mixed, and their editors imprisoned. The present journals in Paris dare not publish any thing, Weever tree, which militates against the government, or atter a dissent to the will of the majority in the Assembly, or the President and his Ministry. The Legitimists the Assemb,y which number about two hundred, second the government party, in all their tyrannical aria. as having the way to the developen4nt of their own schemes for the return of the old regime. Commis. series of the police eon upon editors to warn their friends to be careful of what they ''Now more than ever say. the Nomoradd, "a seal to set moor lips We .hull, hew .rd leave 10 the Constitettcon fal he ',Assembled Na mara/s. and omit poriials tee lasi( 01 01,a:easing toe stela of the le,unun , ve and elueutive powers We shall e , mh.e ourselves to 11:14.10,Ai or mere, parrot us w..at tatted piece. In eettlecaltleriec, it,. 11111 l ant will noir have notrutrg ho. .'on orui m wen el 000 tuna on the outer ode. Thought 1, no kug,,, Tula t.uttc ~ 1 .trati cannot long Avg: A N— ana tn. voacnt ne.rucutte, 4.11 nib suaodal Fre< n.on wily 4o broon u rtc, putthena dee.cettatral.tatre than a rcantaretwal—ette tyranny GI a President, avert- quietly than that La a Lug Louie Napoleoa win, atattalcoe, reap the bitter reward of ireuenery to liberty, and pa., alto merited oblivion wltboui meeting w,tb toe .ymp.- thy which Is generally awarded to the LI nitalo awe. The &flowing appear. In the Commercial Jour nal Of - yesterday, in a comment Oil a similar in sinuation in the Post: "We find the above In the Poiit of yesterday, it's a clincher. The report representing to be the New York Market on Someday, at 10 A. M., was made op out and ont (or the special use of the Gazette, the Mercury was too atiarp to be caught, and didn't publish it." The ilinendo contained in this paragraph, that we had manufactured a report of the New York Market, is as false as it is maliciotia We are pleased to leans from the Lexington (Iy.) Observer, of the 18th inst., thai the Rev. Dr. Bascom, whose death had been animal:iced by the Danville Tribune, is still alive, and expected to recover. The Observer says: "We are gratified to be able to• stale that the annunciation of the death of!), Bascom is oaf:mutt. ed. Dr. Bascom has been gnat ill hr several days, and serious fears went entertained during lest week for his recovery. But he, is now much better, and is believed to be entirely out of dan ger. A correapandeat of tb• Philadelphia Inquirer, writing fram Washington, by telegraph, wider dale of July 22 , grY.: 4 Wm. Carey Jones, whose resignation as Sec retary o( the Board or ble?doall COl4O bag 00 ere has beep previotudy animal:iced, will leave this city In a few days for California, with moat important des \ patches to General Persifer F. Smith, in relation to \ the figure Government of the country, as Presi \ debt Taylor has determined to take all needful res. \ panathility in our unorganized territories, Mr the \rsil • preservation o o f order. .501003 charge has been brought gust Dr. Cedilla, the Fiat Audi th r : firt frequent- Icing alma from hie post and; Leaving signed ' cotes in blank for-his clerks Or Any one sloe to with what amounts they pleased. The caused considerable exatannent y and . I la to =doge a rigi4.lo , oo*fion. .-------,-'-''' -- - -- ,'?'-'.';.."-.1 - ..., ..- '.- . -Q•1:".. 1, ....14i. ...::,_ Desalts of slisidge - salary. The veneriado Elois. Elesav died at his refidence in Beavei-lon - Friday, tau 20th mat, the 89th year of his lige. "lewtil doubtless gratify a large portion of riOr more aged readers to nee the following acemfit of his useful life, which we take from the BecrorrfArger' On the preceding ~.'Friday, he felt a little unwell, L and on Saturday wits attacked by the prevailing disease, diarrhol gri Monday his disease chang ed to dm : u m , 00 dux,) and be commenced making, Notwithentadiog the skill of the excellent phyaictana, its progrnas could not be arrested, and . or the followieg Frigy he sunk beneath its power. Though lethargic dung a portion of the time, he retained his facultierrnotil the morning of the last day, and could be aroused to consciousness. In all bin former attacks, he had experienced much pain of body, and tome anxiety of mind; but in this, his last, he auffered little pain and enjoyed peace and serenity. Thomas Henry was born in Ireland, in the month of May, 1781; William Henry, his father, emigrated to the United States In the year 1783. about the close oflthe Revolutionary war, and first settled in Marykrid, not far from Havre de Grace. He removed thence to Beaver, (then Al legheny,/ county, in the year 1787, and commen ced' an actunl sottleinent On the easterly side of the Big Beaver. '4lte country was then a tad. demises. The Mufti Of peace, concluded with the Indians, by Gen.- - .Wayne, at Fort Greenville August 3d, 1795, ratified in the following Del comber, having opened the way, the tide of em. grunion from the back settlemeuta act in, in the year 1796. Judge:Henri was then In his 16th year. He wes thetefore identified with all the hardahipa, privations, interests, and feelings of the early settlers and pioneers of the county. In the year 1802,he came to the town of Beaver, to engage in working at his trade, with his elder brother. Possessing naturally a vigorous mind, and a bold and energetic disposition, he soon began to take part in political affair. On the 24th De cember, 1803, he was appointed n 3 ashen of the Peace, by Simon Sitifder. In 1810, he sew elected a County Comminitiner. la the fall of 1512, he was elected Captain. of one of the companies draft ed from this enemy ; to protect the shore. of Lake Erie against an insertion of the British; supposed to be intended to .be made during the following winter. He marched with his company and wintered near the, Lake shore. Here his com pany suffered much from sickness, and the severity of the cold; and he himself labored under a severe and lingering attach of the Typua veva+. It was during this campaign Judge Henry laid the foun dation of-many warm friendships, as 'ashen as the lives of those who became his hiends, and come still are living who iwill ever remember him with deep regard. In 1815, he was elected a member of the Legie lature, and in 1818 appointed Prothonotary and Clink of the several Courte of the county, which post be retained until thelell of 1821, when elected Sheriff by the PeoPle. In the year 1825. he be came the proprietor and editor of the Western Argus, a newspaper eatabliahed originally by the late James Logan,Esq. He continued in this vo. ration until the year 1831, when the paper passed nto the hands of his son, the present editor. In 4 , 28 and 1829, he tilled the office of Treasurer of the county. In 1831, he woe appointed lir Gov. Wolf an Associate Judge. This Often he fit aJ with mach eredit,inad ea independence seldom exhibited by Mienbietee; DO , hesitating. on priviiivr weaSloll9 to Maintain hie °wahine with dtic:•inn tad firmness, and with a knowleder and it titter danding ripened by a familiar . aiidtinititit nee w In edictal bustnev. 800 m. in - meanie n to Con ireas, he rice4ned hie judie.al cote ITI,NIOII. and ne fall of I b3t3 wsil elected to a seat in ("al hotly V a handsome mei ty over a gentleman ml no ,iiittvledyed worthiand gtvini hv acing idretigjh adinite (he beanie who-h Itta pc...tonal He inittles had cont.ntry lenot,l ~r e-eleelvd iv 103 a, coo-i, I . .,10 in ea, stance by Salt- r-cc la wen tin:valve popttlar coo linter. Web the eltwat. Co nn! larrn, i. -43 eut4l the ariivvi o e. 0' n,. =ME i-Po y eifte_c, Ileto A- .1 p : oth -e. woo woo the co,dop of ate CUM/MCC,. I &mural, wear cc., poito,o-cd boo'er on 0 , - ; piety, it wt. cult rritnr• Cra , d hrr.noent g.eiles•..lheact: and to h e rentmai tne reppect of Vito rigor rotc ne v.•d'him lu ercpr As a W 11.1,111. I •ch it must Fe conceded hewa. for many years • ors long sod useful hf..l.e always ,wcuowd P.d well goown gr..u.id Never trimming to the • polar breeze. his ene-gy cbaropoec fearless , boldness of action and independence of nought, caused him rather to lead than to follow public opinion. While the prominence of bin puldic life seems naturally to fill the foreground of nerertptton. the virtues which adorned his private character of it may be so diatingttsbed.l cannot pass unnoticed. They, Inn, occupy large portion of the picture.— Pwrsuing the (Maim( bat forefathers, be became a follrarer of Christ and as early ;perhaps as the year 1818 connected :himself with the Presbyterian. Church. In:IS - 4. he was chosen on elder. la this position, no tele!l others of his lac, he exerted a marked infleence. At his house he Minister of God always found a welcome and a home, while his three,his servicesland his substaoce were freely devoted to aid the Church of his choice nod build up the interest of religion. As a neighbor, he was obliging and kind, as i . Wend constantand unwavering. as a enaen useful, as a citriatlan exemplary, and in hit domestic zeta. Uons, the attachment of his family terrostims the strongest proof of how much he seas loved and respected. He lived to a good old age. reached almost the hmita assigned to; human life, nod &ad fug about the period when activity would have ceased. He did not outlive his usefulness; he had not felt the depressing weight of dechning years; he bad not become a burden: upon the world, or an object of pity; too word, he lived until tie had accomplished all worth living 'for, and yet escaped the ids of senility. Having than departed, and *hove all. cheered and supphrted by that faith which tins the veil of futurity and gathers in the pure tight of the Christian's hope, nothing is vrontug to calm the hearts of those who survive him, and to produce in them perfect • resignation to the will of Heas Yen. From the Colman. Gazette Penally Poisoned On Friday everang last, eight persons in the family of Capt. glair Summons, an old, respected, and wealthy citilen, proprietor in the Louisville has of steam bags, were poisoned by arsenic, which, it warisopposed on good grounds, was put into the tea kettle by James Summons, son of Gramm J. B. l i lmmeratitely after supper, all who drank ten were seized with violent retching., which continued daring the night. The persons poisoned were— ). B. Snmmoo father; Mrs. Summons, mother, Mfg: Reeves, acquaintance; Robert Armstrong, brother in law; Mrs. Mary Jane Armstrong, sister, Son of do., Soar or five years old; WM. Summons, brother; Paul Hot:talon, cousin. Mrs Reeves died at half past nine o'clock on Saturday mornino. At the present taridag (Saturday evening) the others are lying very low, and it is not Itlely all will recover. Suspicions resting on J M. Summons. es the perpetratot of thin attempt to destroy no entire fittntly, he was. :arrested by officer Dalreil. on Saturday morning, taken before Squire Snellbaker, and commutd rot exernmatton on Tuesday after noon. IL was prwiren,Shat,,on Friday evening he per. chased trim rents worth of arsenic, nt the Drug St re of Dr. llockhuty on the curlier of Seventh and Math streets. 1111 stated that he wished It In hill rata. The paper in which it was psi up was .usrked ..poison." He visited the eery.' girl in the treehen. who was suffenng fresh having stepped upon a nail and awed her foot. End ad wired :0 get a Wet, .4" ha , s and put upon the sore. She tooth.. advice and mimed w gO for the baron—heard, on she ,a,,,,,gar tha ah ret in the ten kettle tailing over. returned bouer.han SOllllllO., eloected. sad facial him stialit* the , ellte...e one ask-r 1 h v.,t he was dei , ng Ile retied mitt the Later ea. had.nghidhe iii rite of toe No tsomelon-~btil Irat ht. WOO ,^', no the truth •ere and et the Crlbc; nut wn •n all wLe had drank I me tea were taken nek it w tineiyzed, end found.r. be bte , neiy im,rrerrnated V7:1.11 .1. M. Summottopts for some rmr been very in temperate—tot uittot so that h. long .nee earned the repntar•on "Can anatid.tnen sot —rod lost the tnitflitener of Ai It en is. bat want num, r:ould have indsiced so deltherately to attempt the litres or all bra theee bounebold, remain !uddea in his own borsoith. . - Sunday Evettlitg.—Tbe only death that bed oc curred wee that 41 . hint. Reeves; the others were all lying very It*, but there were reasonable hopes that no mOge would be last. The. Hon. Trujnan Smith has the menu of being the "heat ab.ed,mati" in the Whig party, with the exception of Geniml Taylor. the unflinching de votion to the good use, his untiring industry in spreading information before the people, ho Fian cees in promoting harmony and concert of action in the Whig ranks, have brought down upon ham the hatred of nil Itie enemies of good government, the abase of such as regard it a species of treason to :circulate vehtilesome documents amongst the masses, and the scurrility of those who have, by his labors, been baffled in their efforts to sow dies senaions In one, ranks. For this his public acts here not only bide assailed, bat his private for tunes have beennppralaed by partisan spies, to fur niah material fora calumnious paragraph, or a de liberate slander Pp , oo his personal honor. If we may Judge from what is said of him in the opposition press,fris way is beset by salaried tale bearers, and hislincka are dogged by hued infor mers. Such peoPle Will not lose their wages by lack of newel and in default of finding out any thing to his disadtimtage, they fabricate the most egregious h.j.eMbds, which are caught up by his detainers and spread before the country with such emendations and:additions as the Ingenuity of mal ice may invent. ''..The libels which continually ap pear against tiiintime so many- testimonials of the dread in whiCh he Is held by his enemies Their endeavors to meet his arguments are confined to the easier and mpie congenial task of defaming his character. In these miscible essays to resist an adversary by fulminating calttinnies against his private repo. bation, the peophl*ogaize the homage which bad men pay to the supporter of a good cause. They will find their taiics of as tittle avail in. injuring Mr. Elmiett or the. ;Whig party, as would be the at tempt to stop the:Mountain torrent by scattering dirt opoi itstarrk*—Firshiiic. Foreign news by the Surepa "Dying to some cease ttot yet explained, our eastera despatches failed to - reach as on Wednee day evening. Some of the roorenag papers 11,Cel, soil the following dapatch. A more Cull and in. tetestlng account will however, be found rode( the telegraphic head. Sr. JOHN!), Wednesday, 1 o'clock, July 25, Isis. The Cunard steamer Europa, arrived at Halifax last evening, bringing Liverpool dates to the lath July inst. The Europa brings 123 passengers. LIVERPOOL. July 14th. The tone of business has continued active and vigorous. The hlancGtcturing Districts continue to give assurances of a healthy state of atrairs,with a gradual extension of operations and a restoration of confidence. The English funds have steadily advanced du. ring the week. Yesterday (July 13,1 consols ranged from 921a93 on trans fe r. Bank shares 1984. Exchequer into 48a51 premium. The mo. ney market continues remarkable easy. Corron.—The sales of a week• foot up the large figure of 92,520 bales at a further advance of an eighth of a penny per pound, of which 27.000 bales were taken on speculauon, and 49,000 for export. At the close of the_ market pester:lay the quota tion. were for Fair Upland and Mobile sd: for fair New Orleans, 54d. Of the' American desenptions sold during the week, there were 21,000 bales, Upland. at 4afrid; 32,000 New Orleans, at daBtd; 12,000 Alabama and Mobile at 9astd. The otienngs yesterday were not so large, but the advance was firmly maintained. limrsorri'vra—The market generally is dull, and last week's prices were barely maintained.— Indian Corn has experienced a further decline of 6d, to Is. per quarter. Flour—The quotations were far Ohio 253..253 6d; for western Canal 23a 2.55; Philadelphia 23.6 d. Baltimore, 26.a26.64. Wheat in unchanged. The price of Indian Corn is nominally 31.3.511. per quarter. Sales, however, have beau made to ar rive nt 23a205. per quarter. Paomsioes—There is no alteration in Beef Western Western Pork meets with fair sales at last quota - lion. Bacon—Having submitted to a reduction of fully 2.5. per cwt. is in extensive demand.— Western Curing has been sold freely, and a better demand is felt for Shoulders. lane—The trade is doll, dealers insisting on lower rates before they will operate. It has been excessively hot in London and Liv- arpool, and the Cholera appears to be steadily on the increase in London. Last week there were 152 deaths there from that disease. In Liverpool The epidemic has broken out to a very fatal form in Southampton and seems to infest the en tire Southern coast of Eughul. . . The Potato disease has manifested itself in a number of pia., is Ireland, but with this excep tion,the crops generally were highly promising, throughout both England and Ireland. The Irish papers contain the most distrcaing accounts of intense sutfertng in that country, par ticularly in the South Western districts. The Workhouses ure filled to repletion. and thousands of persona appear to be actually withool the means of keeping body and soul together. On Mondav,Stnitb O'Brten, Meagher. McNuna and o"Donahue were embarked on board the schooner Swift, which sailed immediately for Van Du-mni.'s Land. Previous to their departure they placed In the hand. of mutual frtends an address to the., countrymen of which the Loden Times most he ad ni ated us tune n unchjec ti.tuab e, nl,, trune m nicrate than could h. 'expected front men. the vrt co,. tenor ill Oh re ••prevlntin 1eke,..11, favored the Anton:button teal thou •ele nrtme not an free agents.hot the nnme unknown 'pr.-en of tiowionehl Atro.," E entente to till thirty five Val•liDe M thr.Freot h As:tett - Ihly are e‘tant :••n.,rd quietty. an. the re-u et.pear to tend an laver of the mod-rate rat.- den., 111 Parr. 'he ontorterial candidates were all re. turned In .he Provinces Loam/and, and a few t.i nr re, :he G snahrts secure . their election. 0 t Tnortufav trtir , there ,ca. rumor ,o Purls a fenny hAviog occurred in Ire utrft.nv , he affair. (A Rome. and it ot 11l that (httl..ct filr,tt and Dqlour aul rrtue. 1.300ut. Wer, expreaned wh,ner England had OM , a,.wa , rriruted remourtrated won Frrn , e on mr rublect ut Roman ndatrr. fl. • II 1 n• ,•ur tit l>•I., ha. liven desp....l dnr Estraordinnry to the Court oi St vrrn rumen apparent oast, with the object. as has been conjectured, tonetstrad, Lord Palnacrsten • de etded or apprehended tutervenuon arab Franey in favor ittf the R 'mate, Regarding au , .titti -et. the Landon San, says `The Martinis of Nwmanby ha. prenewed a note to the Freileh Government, from Lord Palmerston, demanding explicit declaration, na to the intentions of France with regard to Rome—bow king it is In tended to occupy tile Roman territory, and whether it iv teectlyed to vapyort the Pope' The Letzwinist and Jesuit . 1 tuned, we setting op cry for the abitolute and uoconditiona: reatoratton or the Pope." Rut tne correapondent w the Titan. says "no such folly is intended be the French Government." Several °committees of the Legislative Assembly have suggested a prorogation of that l.dy (aim the 15th August to the Ist October a• practicshie without detriment to the outdo- business A com mission was appointed forthwith to consider the Pml'ili d7lL Theculties which continue to beset the French Government. particularly sett regard to the Italian question, oitwu.a great doctuations is the French funds. The 'alloauctir contains a despatch fromitjenetai Oudinot, which gives an—etahorate nod detsoed de scription of the haul assault upon Rome, made on the 29th June. The brave Romans fought desperately. wving four hundred of their email number killed, and one hundred and twenty five prisoners. The French account acknowledges only hine killed on their side, and one hundred 101 l ten taken prison ers. In corliMplerle< of the surrender of Rome, the orders that had been despatched to Toulon for embarking the retrikircerneras, were countermand• ed. and the steamer already at sea will he caged back. Ledra Rollins movements are at length traced. He had been until recently secreted in Paris.— Ho reached London on Wednesday lion He!glom. in company with Mean,. Bernard, Aragu, and Bonhot. The present aspect et Cholera ;a Paris is favor able. The deaths were dm/rushed to thirty per day. The total number of deaths us Pans and the soburbs, since the commencement of toe disease, have excesded 30.040• Corresponden:c sI t9e H Y Comrwt,lo. Advem.er L. 31.03, Rnme has surrendered and consequently one net of the European drama is nt length completed. In other respects there is this Week little news of Interest. The termintaion of the Roman strugale look place on the 30th of June, when it was nunouneed by felegsaph to the French ministry. The inwiii gence having been communicated in tills way, we are. of mum, without any roll details_ All that u known is that the Roman Assembly notified the fact by the leilowirig resolution, and that a won!. mita' deputation forthwith proceeded to the camp of Oudinot to arrange terms. -The Assembly"--such was the announce-. ment—"een.s a defence who'll has become Mt pußslble, and rrinsinn at ta post. It charge. the Triumvirate with the eSentition o( the present de- Infamous as the whole affair ham been lor France there a., few who Jo not r..) we hat we paled or hut,er rennaanea has been abm,nme.l It lIJAI remain. I) be menu ‘v,icitier. no w main true to their leadcrn, or w brain, Outttnot nod hut counxcllors will ttoccecd by tutri,utt tte•triqlog their power •nd urteur nreartoc in incur of the prtrattt From 1,1.1111 r, and rape ut•lor Italians of tha R.,man Swett, We mom no. expect much. Should the Tnumvve, howeybr ~,,, be able to command general support. Inv cul lea of the French lA , 411 ! , e of the wool remarks tile ob•racter. Meanwhile every engine IC act in motion to tow Msg.:newn b twami Maggint and nis colleague.. and to dathavr flees among the p-ople whom thy have elevated and pre.erv. ad. The French limes seduiously repre.ent snout as a faction, riding over the loyal withar, of me pope uaoon, walle tllO lead.aa newspapers work indeldttimbly vi Inc conic by detioununt, Went an ....M.jorat sea and "no that ate." On the events which preceded the eaptillatton. those which have oven narrated up to the present erne, do not appear to have been very tinportaut. The incite works sit ()odium were carried on with the tienust caution, and so great at last became the impatience of the Preach Government nt being kept from their prey, that General Redoau was de spatched from Pan, to urge matters to a rooric. sloe, U . necessary, to supereede Ouihnot in the command. Soon slier hi. departure, however, the capitulation was announced, and he was con sequently recalled. While the siege woe proceed ing, lettere were nubile/led in some of the French pipers, purporting to have been written by officers high in Oudinot's camp, to the effect that the loss already sustained was at least 1200 men, and that it would take, under the present mode of progress, at least 50 day. more before the final ntsuult on the city could be achieved. It seems, however, that a pontoon was at length gained, which consid erably increased the power of the besiegers, and that 200 Romans were killed end wounded on the occasion. Another inducement toward the capitu lation was furnished by the return to Rome of M. Accnrsi, the Roman deputy who had accompa nied I..sseps LO Pans, and who was now furnish ed by the French Government with DU authority to pass through Chtdinot's line., and to enter the city, to order, doubtless, that be might comment. cute the fate of the outbreak to Paris on the 13th of lone, and the way In which it had strengthened the Ministry, an us to leave them free to pursue their iniquitous course without opposition. Pro bably, akso, M. Annelle was the bearer of some Mau or promises from Odillon BEttiOt, of a favora ble kind. The friends of Hungary take up the newspa pers each day with a nervous band, dreading to meet some account of a pitched battle which shall have sealed the deatructimi of that country. Up to the present time, however, nothing very fatal has transpired, although the plans of Russia are spun a scale which continues to denote that the Hungarians are to be hooted and aubjugated like the Poles. All the accounts received during the parr week, coma from Austrian sourres ' and are therefore deserving of little credit; but the .11us- Mane ere, by their immense numbers, encircling Hangary to a net, and it is quite certain that the wallet is every day Resuming more and more the character of a tremendous death snuggle. Among recent sticixsees, the Austrians report that no the 16th of June, Jellachich attacked and defeated the Hungarians under Perezel. at a place called Tornash, Jellathich losing 1000 men, and the Hun garians 2000 killed and wounded. and 2000'prmon era, as well in their artillery, inns, ammunition and baggage. They also say that at a *recalled Szeben, the Hungarians were overpowered with the supenor numbers of the Russians, and lost 300 men; and, foully, it appears that, on the 28th of June, the Amanitas and Russian' captured Raab, end that the Emperor entered the conquer ed city. There are likewise rumors of a battle with the Hungarians, beaded by Bent, in Tram". vania. With regard to these several amounts, it Is to be mentioned, first, that Jellachich is notorious, eves among the Austrians, gar the utter reckless ness of his bulletins, and that he never yet suffer ed a defeat on which he did not announce forth with the annihilation of the enemy; next, that the battle at Sgeben, in which the Hungarians are re ported to have sustained-a loss of only 300 men, will most likely, from the moderate figures with which the Austrians have here on:dented them selves, torn out to have been disastrous to the Im perialists; thirdly, that the capture of Raab was nothing more than the occupation of that place af ter a nominal resistance on the part of the Hong& rises, in pursuance of their old plan of retiring be fore their enemies; upon whom they inflicted some damage, while they themselves sustained scarcely any loss; and, finally, that the fact of there being rumors of n battle with Bent. while nothing is said of his having been utterly routed, which would have been the most moderate report of the Aus trians, even if he had merely suffered the slightest check. suggests strongly the possibility that he may really have gained a great success. Still we mast not let our loathing of the cow- ardly oppressors blind us to the immense nature of their resources and the critical prospects of the Hungarians It may be that the penalties is stare for Austria and Flossie are destined by Providence to take their origin front the success of the present devices. When Poland was crushed the obsolu• Lists throughout Europe thought themselves se cure, and yet it is to this very circumstance they now owe the perils which at all times environ them Wherever an outbreak occon a band of homeless Poles are ready to give it force and or. ganisation. Let the same work be repeated with Hungary,and a band of man will be created whose influence in futtue emergencies will be fatal and irresistible. The minor points of news from Austria contin• ue to be perfectly characteristic. One amsß town which recently gave succor to the Hungarbuts,hee, by the order of General Haynau, been burnt to ash es, on a deliberate punishment far the inhabitants. At Vienna a young soldier has been shot for cih culating unauthorised news from the army, and for speaking slightly of the rewards distributed to the military, whereby, it was inferred, he wished to incite his comrades to desert. At Prague in in Bohemia a young student was recently mat down by the military in the streets, and almost the enure populauon attended at his funeral, this be ing the only means, (the state of siege Lin prestrd ling.) of manifesting their feeling at the outrage. All these things, however, ail to draw a single word of disapproval from the English conserva tive press lniked In the narration of them every endeavor is made to cause them to appear perfect ly legiiimate occurrences. Sad as this seems It is nevertheless possible to see that It has led to much good, despite the spirit by which Ma prompt ed. Had the English people been stirred by cor rect repreeentetions of what has taken place both in Hungary and in Remo, and by powerful appeals to !bro stt foray bV oft the pen of the press seneral ly they would probably before this here emorotled theowelve• by iitterfereocc. Such a CI,OIIIG would nave been downtrou• tor the ultimate ',betties of Euro,. We are now gaining strength by prove. wo•Pb when th dwelollned races ensue as, or tra.lpd ny there mutual contests. shall have he n nu. ar-Pr n.ln •docieity, will enable o. to cx. en a lie.ng influence for their advanielo_ The ex actions of Ad-trw hare interrupted the neanta , on. I, peace until Sat ma, who'll, were oat sit noosed to hare been completed. Among t,, en. they are sat , to have demanded an .nce qt.-nue. and defensive, and a coehrtment or 211000 men, to atilt them against Holiday. Now , hat the Frosch ate in Fosse, stun el , kOrflr. to •v pern•ps windily tacit lone. Hen I ne. have nee, reeominenced against hen r, hot t notholly noldF out. Tne Ventliana. moreover. Ore "aid 1,. have made a successful sonic and io have csiau red Iwo Anainao generals The German [won noe.tn n is not lunch nearer to •olunon True to her character, some of the hinge take advantage of the present lull to attempt to replatitete their recent concessions. Hanover hoe issued a circular declaring that she took par to the recent draft of the central conettutton :noon front Berlin, -from a teeling of imminent danger," but that it contains paragraphs of much too central izing a nature. Saxony, the other power which assisted to the preparauon of the draft, now also interposes obstacles. A meeting. however, has taken place at Gotha, of the moat influential members of the late Germ. parliament, known as the Gragern party, which may do gond. About 160 attended, and they came In a tcaolunon to recognize unreservedly the plan for a constitution as contained In the Perim draft. At Berlin. it is nononnemi, the of mire to cease on the . .Ah instant. From Baden the accounts show Out the Prussian troops have succeeded in potting down the teams rectumn. There have been akw farther fights, bat the remnants of the Insurgents are now 'hat op m the iortress Rasesdt, where they are negouating he a espluilation. the whole affair is, therefore, virtually si.ea cod Wats regard to dm tutelligenrur [nun C24310¢611 1 . boned to my tart, of the Empert, bating flgaggii, to comply with the stpalaton by which Os gib* of the env of Canton mem to be mmutegyppern eii to foreigners on the GO & April, it a art tbat our Government have rewired not bolehßeebii right by a direct resort to tuataitiea. 1 eight fa roll maintained, but the plea of the Emfiltot, *al he !S unable to grant it at thepue=olzteat. without danger. with has met nomad agui has been resolved to allow him some (bet time before prueeelhog to curtail:ie. In London the subtext of excitement dhsina the present week hit been the re-election of Moon Rothschild It was supposed that be Would walk over the course. but at the eleventh belly a young tory nobleman, Lord John Manners, Unagern of the Duke of Rutland, appeared as a maddens. He was proposed by Me. Thomas Banngiand arm supported by the conservative party, bait nothing could have been more total than histr. He polled only 2914 votes, while for hild the number was 6017, giving a minority 0(8203. The defeated candidate was known chiefly his mon• huh or Puseynish tendencies, and a k of po ems, which he was silly enough to pa h about 9 years back, gave his opponents an mtrable means of element the nature of hi. quidificationa to represent the commercial ecoporltnn of the world. floc couplet, of which they made adroit 100, by quoung it on all poselble oceasicats, ran as milowa— I, lava and learnimr, 'wealth and eammdtve OLla But Icave as mill our oLf wthaltp • It is true that, sorely pressed by tho damage than indicted on Wm, he professed that bathed now modified his view., bat a Mauna retardation, like a death bed repentance, is alwaya'doubted,• and a was seen moreover that a man, who could at any time have perpetrated such degrading treat, must have disqualified himself for ever from rep resenting any act of human beings witble the pale of ordinary enlightenment. la Parliament there boa been nothiniy of inter est. Feargus O'Connor'. motion for the people'. Charter, namely, annual elections, vote by ballet, equal electoral disortets, no property qualification. and payment f members, has been osagonved by 2 . 27 mgetnt. :3. lim wili receive by the p.eiret a dreadful ats,. COURi of the sinking or the American barque Charles Bartlett, in n collision with the Europa steamer, about 700 mace West of Cape Clear. It irl.i pipe, an the 47th of June, at hillf•past 3 in the afternoon. The Europe was malting 12 hoots an hour, in a heavy fog, end she came Pima the Charles Bartlett in less than a minute afler abe wn• observed. In three minutes tram lite time of the collision, the Charles Bartlett went down and ot 177 on h ard only 42 were rescued: Meat of the pa-scncers were emigrant. of the better claw mien po , trvelttt,r *tone little property, rariging Rom i...fi it , ill, in one cane. 1000. The ...ma will he conveye grstuitoon.ly to the . Bolted State , by this and the nett steamer. Tbo accident a admit,il of have icon llllVltatile, buteb azuro, ety in inende.it.d tor same method of iittilnit dun.; two, Heil. o, are of hide use. P bly the tr etertne light, when it shall have been perfected, will afford ore means among others. Action will be brought against the Cunard company by the own ers of tne Chariot Bartlett, for the recovery of the entire value, both of ves.l and cargo. I=l Thy followlcg te a full account of the late eau mettle collision at sea, by which an American vessel and a large number of her passengers were lost. It is copied from the Liverpool Times: 'The steam ship Europa. Captain Loll, arrived here on Sunday morning last, after an extraordin ary passage of tea days eighteen boars from Boston to this port. On hoard the Europa wears grieved le find that ohs had forty three perscam, the sun uvore of the passengers and crew el the American barque Charles Bartlett, which vessel the Europa ran down at sea on the Pith ult., about '7OO miles to the westward of Cape Clear, causing the loss of one hundred and thirty four lives. The Charles Bartlett, Capt. Bartlett, was an American ship of four hundred tons burden, chiefly loaded with lend and chalk, and having one hundred and sixty two steerage passenger., one cabin passenger, nod a crew of fourteen men, outward bound for New York, and at the time of the collision Was going at the rate of tire knots no hour, close hauled on the wind. The Europa was selling at the rate of Ile or 12 knots per hoar. At the time of the col lision both vessels were enveloped In a dense fog, which prevented those on board of eahm vessel seeing beyond a few yards. At about half past three o'clock the look out of the Europa suddenly perceived the ship through the mist, and had Jost time to announce the discovery when a dreadful collision:took place, the Europa striking the Charles Bartlett amidships, and cutting an awfulehasm in her rade, billing uvenal persona on board. The barque 'immediately began to settle down, and in a few minutes sunk. The scene during those few minutes WO appatiog in the extreme.. A crowd of soltbring pusengers maimed and broken by the colibilon, lay dead or dying= the spot where the bows of the Europa had entered. &tine of the individiude who crowded 'the dab appeared panic airtime, others.ma shrialthlit to and fro in despair, while some rushed forarati end eagerly seised upon the opportunities which Were present. ed for giving them a chance aturety. The most Malone exertion Were =de on the instant, by all op - • • the Europa. for Mee*, from the immfn.et Peril which pressed upon them rts many individuals SA possible Hand buoys and topes were thrown over, boats were lowered, and every man was busied in those flewfearful minutes in rescuing thestruggling sufferersfrom the waves. Eel, with all the exertions that could be used, only forty three individuals were saved ow• of one hundred and seventy seven,wbo had recently been alive on board the unfortunate ship. Amongst those preserved were the Captaia,Charlea Bartlett, the second mate, and seven seamen. Of flirty wo men who was on board only one ma. rescued.— It is a remarkable circumstance that the second mate of the Charles Bartlett, and all the men of his watch, who were below at the time of the collis ion, were saved, whilst the whole of the watch on deck, with two exceptions perished. The boats of the Europa, which had been lowered - immediately an the colli si on taking place, and which had been actively engaged in picking up the unfortranate sufferers, were near being engnlphed in the vortex which the sinking of the barque erected, No blame whatever can be imputed to those in charge of the Europa. The collision was purely accidental; no human foresight or prudence could have prevented it; and on the unfortunate circumstance taking place, every exertion was made to save the crew and passengers of the sunken vessen. The dam age sustained by the Europa was very trifling. Immediately after the accident a committee w•as formed, electing Mr. Bates as its chairman, and Mr Peabody secretary, for the purpose of giving tangible form to the benevolence of the gentlemen and ladies on board. &bac:prig:ins to the amount of .1:362 5s were collected on the instant. We may bare observe that, at one of the com mittee meetlegy on board the Europa, the follow ing resolution passed unanimously: "That we have witnessed, with feelings of in tense interest, the bold and rapid movements of Captain It. B. Forbes of Boston; that hie self sacri ficing and daring leap into the sea to save the pas. imagers of the Charles Bartlett, commands our ad. miration, and we rejoice that there deeds were performed by the missionary of the Jamestown." Captain Bartlett, after giving an account of the weather, fog, &0,, thus describes the collision. Al 3 o'clock, ordered a good look-out from the topgallant forecastle; also directed the man at the wheel to look sharp to windward. At 330 P. M., being on the weather aide of the poop deck, heard a rumbling to windward like distant thunder; turn ed my ear to windward, and my eye to the hon. son. The man at the wheel noticing that I was listening, looked to windward and cried "sail ho'"— I at once saw what I supposed was a ship, about one point forward of our beam, about one hun dred yards distant. I ordered the helm up, think• ing she did not discover us, and that we should have time to clear her before she could come in contact. All hands shmted at the mime time to slam the ship, and ordered the bell to be rung, and called to the ship to "port her helm," as I saw that was . the only chance of escape. There was nearly one hundred passengers on the deck at the time. All was of no avail, for in one mini site from the time we saw the ship. she was upon us, going at the rate of twelve knots, striking us abreast of the after main shined*. The crash and the terrible scene which ensued, I am not adequate to describe. I was knocked to leeward with the man at the wheel. I recovered myself in n mo ment, shoatiog to every one to cling to the steam er as their only hope; 1 caught hold of a broken chain on the bow, and hauled myself up. shunt. log at the tame time to the crew nod passengers to follow, I had barely time to get on the steam er's bow, and while getting up. I noticed that her I.w was into the snip, wlttina a foot of the after hatch. and that she was stove clear to the Ire •,d 6 . and that full twenty feet of her side mm stove te. There must bane been nearly fitly pi , rters ICI kvl ed by the collisiou. Every exertion wan made by Capt Lon, his officers and crew, nun the ohs setigers no boar-1 the %WARMr. The bents inert Unfo.th na tely. oo- le ten mere saves by the boats. the balance, mak ing thirty three more or less saved themselves by heaves to the tom The steamer lay by me r 'ea ts hang an mere mast any hope at raving say." The committee appointed to require into and report on the circumstances ot the collision, after • refereace to Captain Bartien's statement son the log of the Europe, thus express tnemsetves 'lt appears tram the evidence tendered tort the officers and look-outs were at lame poets. and the committee tee saustied that all prof er vgnanre and scantly were awed th this sudden emergency on the part of the steamer. The committee ha•- iog weighed all the eircnai•tances of this painful and tmpsralleled disaster, whereby about one tutu. deed and thirty six souls found an untimely grave, feel hound to report that no blame can be attacn ed to either party They feel convinced that ev ery thing was done by the mtimandcr, the oth- nen, mad the crew of the Europa to prevent tee lamentable dieter, and creel thing tried idler as occurrence to save the lives and to minister to the cements of the airman." Pinneynon, June sub. ledu Mx S. F fintestr—Ehr. . I take great pleesure to re commending your INKS to the nonce or the public In my hatiuma, I have used a great quantity of Ink. and I give your. the preference over all at Inn 1 have tned Haremon's Ink to good; so Is An v il I's but I prefer yoart, aa does not mould, nor tet 'wet by ta lag erpoaed, and becomes black ina tear minutes an, II to on the paper Wmtung you every sacers• to your business. I am runt, very reapectfully. JOUN FLP-MING Pity Arrouniant For oils by It A Foliar... kA. Co. Pottiburr It. P. Pettwartz, Alice's:lv ea), and by the manotarturer ?booms K. Iltbberi, Druggist and cberuitt, corns, Liberty and Soutlifield streets. Pittsburgh, P. tyliDrlttsr • YALU Int ,•!, 1:111-RIO j\ —lll .—A. • -letoe• of Eat leteutlesl tory. blp D r. Jobb C. Loicadaat. cumin:nig c0m..1- ot and Daman Przothmoted Theology lb °MARV" from the berth edition, mimed end sammle.L Thew lame Dam Dro Obe brfbrarattl Dayldiboo, 1,. L D A History of the M. , OIIINIZi Abontes, frog:alba cb.s.ovary of the Cent: Meaty the ormorfrem ten °War man:cot ender the Folderol Comlitaltoo, b 1 Richard Hildreth but recattred Ind kr ode try JOHNSTON 'A STOCKTON, wok Matter araTitird Its HAM Illnumd.,lls.43lllstyp far 08421. • ril,Nadvenisem Is arm ,at 171 Water Imo, New 'Auk,. eoeapLrtd unam= et HATTERS GS, by himself hem tbe animism urzleattFranze aadOelmaa),wkfel erBt he sold low fat cask, Please call lad awnine litatirtoperellazzag atnambsta rril-dtm New Salm Ja', NO. LARD 0u..-10 bbla. No. I Lud Oil kod 9 3 bblk. Na 2 d 0..., lo atm and (or oafs by "V IstilliB D.61-?fL„ No Ft Waltz st. - BVCIZIRI—St du. Duckett, Widths par keel boat ~ock Clolf, and for tale by 1 116FACKERELp-to) No-S - Usitkimel, 1042. bias = ..dom= laliastir pot coal. and (or gale by JAMS-DALZELL. OT Al3ll-3 Calks. amenor foe seta br • _ VoN LONNUOnST &CO. rpoaeccos i -ix) pkgs. msoulketantil 'Tobaccos, of nO4l. onalltles, itor sale .)rq_ B. P. VON VONNI.IOIIST fr. CO. ABll-4:00 kg ma* by o_// 27 EL P. VON UONNIIMIT h. co EPPER-16 bags for sale t ry P 11275. P. VON BONVIROBST & CO. UITEB.—ti bble. patted Banat, for .11. by B ir 27 K. P. VON ItONNHORBT & CO WINDOW OLABS-6.10 bons ell% 175 " I.ozOt, 40 " 741}, to " Shan Olabs.for male by Dy97l S. F. VON tONNNOIdr & CO 1 IRV APPL.O3-15 bbly. R. male Li /IV S. F. VON sommossr &co. j OAF BVOARB-20 Obi. mortal Ncia for aab , by /4 OW 8 P. VON BONNIUMISTA CO. WHITS FISH—Pr me, Inspected, in bbla and bbl. , for s•le by 1/17 S. P VOV DONIIHOILST tr. CO Khios or Hook Waste. S PA RKLINU Cow brawl, Boa of Hoottbram, Coblenire; Nil II lioakbeamer, leeD, Ylumm St Co, 1448 Henkel] & 0.; Gleranl , ennar. 1844, do Mosel blneinnel, 1i144, do Johanolaberg, IPA Ebeling & 111•ier; ' Itadeshenner, ItQ4, &Wpm & Also, Haw Sauterne 1140; and to Nla. T bean Wide* aro fro m the most on:canted Otaperica soon, the lo none end for rale by ease. or nue doe each, or by, d, aingle bogie, by JACOB Jr. 06iinapairese Wines, tuf AMAPA Anetnn, Pints and Qom... LVI elne,y , lleldaalnt, .. Oen de Perdrli, Partridge Eye, or Uarp Brand, qua hey, Braaditk J.koallitealloo,o3.l4ol9tl; liot inouer's Anchor. Citai Tn Color Chan. de tem, Qts ood ; These Wines ore offered to the tree, wholesain onff retail, reasonably. Jyr_ JACOB WEAVER, Jr. —— - - 10PF ER-120D bars reo'd and for moo by L )12 7 BROWN k CIFLRERTSON. EYNOLD'S k BRO S' improved Safety Friec--a eapply juin recd aad for eale by BROWN b. CULBERTSON. rpOBACCO—XIXI boxes .11' It Or t on'.," and other I choice breeds, op band and to arrive, for lode by tYr BROV4'N & CULBERTSON POWDER—Blumand Rice Powder., kep, eo; manly on bud, and for sale by JyW BROWN tr. CULBERTNON. MAOKEREL—A supply of Not 2 .d 3 blocketel duly expected from the eest, end tor bale by 17 27 BROW.' & CULEIKKTSON. TUE EMPI&EB IN WHITE AGAIN AT the request of amanita. Ladies .1 who were unable to attand the Ant 'hne Con cert of the Entpyrettliy respectfully beg leiV2 to an nounce that th ey w peas thin Fnday evpdfog, July 27th, with ACES, open which occasion they will cepa.' the - Doak:atm Glee," "be kind to the loved ones' at home." Foster's Pathetic Ballad of "Nally {Von o Lady," will be repeated, by pasted's, salaam. ekets, 213 centa. .Fooss open at 74 o'clock: Concert to commence DY27 Desirable Property far Sale. IRAT beautiful, well known and healthy residence, (late)y occupied by Mrs. E. S. Merest", deed,) on top of the hill west of Steubenville, It., and adjoin. log the Steubenville and Cambridge road. The lot minutiae about eight acres, OM smedesr, and under = fence. The improvements are a two Wan , Brick Ilouscand Kitchen, brick snub house, and chicken house, a good frame amble, ac. There is a variety of fruit tom and shmbbedy, but e full deserip • Son of day well known property le deemed unneces sary. It la one of the mom beaunild rural retreats to the vicinity of Steubenville, and Is perbepe one or the most healthy,--combitung the malty advantages of town and country, with few of the inconveniences of either. The dile le unitueptionable. Possession can be given on the first of November. For (hither par ticular., apply throogh the Post Other, address the subscribes, Edlourryille, Jetlerson county. 0.. or at his maidence on the bank of the Ottio,oppoalteldew Cam berland, V.. JAMES R. Dr. STEWART, 14117.w2m8 Ea'r of Alex. Stewart, deed. VOUND—A mall leather Pane, coma: ing • smell I . um of money, which the owner can hare by paTiVir fin thla &Overtime:eat. Apply at thle olLre. jyrklte BROOM 13-113 dos. just landing, for sale by )0 7 8. F. VON MONNHORST & Co. F 141114.9 4 , ObtLlGlbtle , cm.o lerdzy IWilver : ,keitl boat .Toseoldneourfar Wet/ in? - • - ARMSTRONGtr.CROZEIL VOW RENT!-The three Voir Met Direale Rao.. anl.4 , ertr, berm. Rey end martian . sYeet., now penciled by W. Graham, Jr. Possession Men isonlesliekely. Enquire of Wm. Graham, or of the Bookstore of JOHNSTCIN & STOCKTON, earner Market aa Thhal meets Bugloss tor Sale (IN E PAIR SECOND HAND ENGINES, 10 ineh 1-1 e>limier', 4 lam stroke; I Boilers, 20 feet 10,4, 311 Inches in diameter, all its good older, .6" be sold at a been i 0 be made soon. They have only about 19 mouths. For prattientars,loquire 11727:dtf R. NAYS, Gazette °Mee GEORGE HUHN, by raying at my office and pay I ng charges- ratil remise Box containing vain able Medicines, Books, Ite., GEORGE B. MILTENBERGER, irttl No. 87 Front st, n BfiLF. ben double refined winter Steained Lard ailJ OU, received and for sale by & 8. ItIVUTCHEON, Y: 1 !' N 0.152 Liberty meet. I,^l BOXES Prone Cheese, of a Mahe size, received V and for sale by W. m R.. Iit'COTCHEON, /TM No 1 . 52 Liherty street. WNTF.D—A rood compositor at this affiee. V V Irlaslif SUGAR -150 bads. ruietly (or sale by Jy2G C. H. GRANT, No. 41 Water rt. It 4 ACKEREL,-1011. bbls. Large Go. 3, Manahan/la 0/ Inspection, to arrive; for sale by _Hrtelt POLL O ):LEIS I NWOODGA.BrIDSHIEIs The steam boat A. MASON now mu from the Point, foot of Liberty street. to Ma Gar. n—leaving at 9 o'clock, A. M, and atthe beginning of each boor until 9 P. M. Viaitent rnaprely on finding the boat at the hour. She leaves the Garden, the last up trip, at 10 o'clock. The mason is fast advancing, and those wishing to visit thie delightful retreat, now Is the time to spend a few home, not in the smoke and duet of the eiry, but in pure atmosphere, perfumed with the !Mignon of dowers. All kinds of rofieshruenta, except Intoxicating drinks, are kept on the premises. Greenhouse Plante, and Bouquets of choice flowers for sale. Closed on Ran day. iY 9 II JAMES M'KAIN. (tlgf-Change of landing nude on account of be ma- Cheap ry Goods. XX7 HO WANTS Tifiequito Bare Gst 624 teats. V V Heavy Moven Muslims for 44 Extra " " 61 i Bleuebed 5 Superior " Perasoietts 23 Celocues 3 " Good quality, do. u Mous de Lames 1. 12 ": Gingham* " 10 Alpaceas " 101 " Fa-tra do. -.M " Silk and Wool &rages " IE4 - Conon /c. " " -- " 12* }Monet Ribbons 61 Good gutting Rid Gloves. ' 37 . Cllntlitllll4 IE4 " Broad Cloths " 111,Z A. A. MASON & CO. have Goods to prices named above Call soca at the only cheap one price atom 00 !Market .vent. irit, ___ nnoKs.—Soothey's Common Place Book, edited Ly lu. sonetn-taar, John Rood Hann. D. D. Abbott's History of Julius Cesar, with engravings. Jost received at JOHNSTON & STOCKTON'S, cof Market mad Third its. A ItIF.S' NEW NOVF,L.—The Woodman! A R. • ma , •ee of the times of Rtchard ,byG.P. R. James, Esq. Just received by JOHNSTON & STOORTON, _, coo Market and Th i. ird sU 13 rittifi — l , orloSilloal Isltorstotro. 'lt.: London Quarterly Reviews, . h'sluihorgh Review, Quarterly. e Westmosster Review, a 7oe Novi , Delilah Review, 5 : .okw od's Edinburgh Magimine--Monthly 'I ,bore Personnel. are rerrinted in New York, • lately on their arrival by the steamer., in • eao , trul el sr type, on fine whit • paaer. and are fa. 3. eop.e• of I h ginala—Blackwood s M exam hae•runile of the halinbargh edi eV " . . 11, Priem of •be eopnn,. are less Than one third of Ito e of the formign comes. and while they are equally web executed. th vy afford CI that advantage to the A meriere over the Ensi HI reader ' T. ass—i Payment to be mule In advance For any of the Mar Remenrs, - $3 OD per an. Foy •ny two . 5 00 Foe any three do • 700 For ail roar of the Reviews, 9 00 For Fbarkworill's Maramne, • 3 51 For Blackwood n d the four Reviews, 10 MI The shove promptly...plied b JAMES b LOCKWOOD, DmAseller and Importer of Foreign Books, 17'4 • 61 Wood et irr 131. c twood's Magazine, for /air, has lost be, .rd. and ms-r bo bud a. above. j)OTATCWS-1.5 bbls this day red from Celli j polol, and for sale by IT 25 A RMSTRONG & CROZER. 1.71.017R—R0 bids. just reed and for sale by A RAISTRANO k CROZER. - - Wholesale Drag Dior. for gale. 1 , 1111 subleriberie, desirous of retiring from the D.ui holiness, offer Mew well selected stook of Drug.. Aledieines, ete • for ode. The establlshmetu Is among the most ellgtble to the West, ha elm, an evens... and lucrative custom alrea dy establishment. The most satisfamory information relmive to the profits of the establishment, and the reasons for gob ung busmen, can ba given by addressing the subset. Lem (o Uti Matta* greet ltilimihng, Va. PRYOR i PAULL, i rt4 alm—wheel vs ca:. N U AR r;..TY FUS E--30 . 000 re; t s rle by PEnvDER, tvgPoark-w-qlolirY 4M bf do do • . IW qr do do do do do In .141.7.... awl deliverable at any hoot daana the dax, J Dl3 4 }Y..lApi la co ntretw,--crisariefticie; Initare Rata gale by jrl J DII4WOIIIII &CO VLOUR-35a bbl. Float, superior qulty, for male E by iy24 J S DILWORTH. I CO_ itx ACKEHRL-50 bbh No 3 largo 211Ockezel, 1949, .11,1 Am loading 0.1 for Jude by Jr.ti T S DILWORTH & CO PAPRO--SCO teasn In More and flar Vy ule try JrAi .1 DILWORTH& CO Tr AMR—SW.I , fosale rum ready *misting Non the JUL smoke houser by sylli AV to IX AP.IL'TCREON, IWLI I:Tmst MOULDERS-40W pee Shoulders, in stooks, boast and for sale by lynl Wt R M'CDTCHEON "ENXTRA FAMILY FLOUR-30 bbl, just meld and ,„Ce for gale hi_ net ARAD3TRONO t CROZER VrIIREE SECOND HAND PIANOS, either Mr sale OT rem 00e of the above Piano Font* will be exchanged least origmally lINVO for a lot of round, or nterehandire at stair releution. )1 ,4 yUNIATFA BLOOMS -mss tarts lo nom and far We br *IE6 . & mut if gi=l=l CREAUWARTAJI-3jun LLERS ree'd and for soh: by lyd3 E SE, 67 Wood UMBER—I bbl lasl reed and Ibr gab, by 1912 R S SELLERS MIRIEN;1!BM IQVORICE ROOT-4100 lbs prime sound, just read and for Web EES • T-V124 SWIS MUSLIMS—W. It Niarphy kasreseived • fresh Bupply for dresses, very cheap. ALlo w est. braidered Muslin; plain Moli WWI., and barred !anoints, km priced and line; as nonnaan came, 4th and Market eta F URNITURE. _ _ _ - W. Murphy has rani. _ ved taw pleat. for wimlner bed qadia, the low pride of lei els per yd. 1111:3 TTREDUC PH CP.13.-- VI. K. Mury•7 n hand a few ohm, and colored quilts, which ho onll clown oat at low • elect JYIG TS HEREBY GIVEN 10 thane who kitow themwlyet indebted to the Entnita of JOAN WHITTEN, deed, lieu. of Ptitabartrh,) that they are redeemed to call without delay and fettle their account. with Richard Floyd. at the Warehoese of J & R. Floyd, Round Church Laildlny., Liberty street Those argleating Au. twice lawn than thirty days, may expect that twat acrau.,ta will then .4 in the hands of a Nom dltker for collection. MARGARETWMTTEN,!„., )7f4nlllw o RICHARD FLAYD, Wan,— The highen market picot M mint, will ba paid for the different grade. of Wool, by & W HARBAUttH, 1753 N 053 Water and 101 Font at ! ,a ODA ASH--25 usks Sods Mb, reed and for sale by Li "1 S tr. W HARBAUGH B AZeNbVIO Jyll ULDERS--1 cs ei rtr t hr=r j ud e for CHEF !?6-:-.5t gat. pnmlieream Cheese, Jot teed pod fax odd by ipt3 S& W RAAUGH I L t y A tt o M A D nlsamio an K d VJ , N ul kli o A . R. p. — di Th es e e pg . - I ?tear,e , tender 'afar lopetier to Corolgoa water , the Winn terßeles 01 4014 lb; Icy . iiiiteventete. It prevents ea t eiluditY Of th e Qtly whines oh wiumits shal sir rendering it soft and smooth. It corrects the clammy and hitter taste of the mouth, Imparting • fresh and pleasant breath. It cleanses and whitens the teeth and hardens the gums. Foe all the above per pose 4, it is used with k Water in i nche aropordon as may be On. ad most agreeable. ay nhaling It and rabbis it on the temples, it will Terence headache. If applied insbottly in a burn or bruise, it will eventually prevent mortification. It cornea vitiated air, and guaranties from contagion; it is therefore very useful for purl/ling and perfuming apartments. For sale by It I, SELLERS, Wholesale /Nur, y2i 57 Wood street, Pit urgh Ttieieaid — ro sale by 1 W tr. 111 aftTettELTREE 11.ierAV003rkt - 13AZ7FCi . JULVT c.n,. iie.o.or?.No. a Christopher en. der Caton. e The Island of Sardinia.; The Ca-Mae— part XIV; The game Laws in Scotland; Dominique,• Pesodorziamt; The Crowning of the Comm,, , and Cruslong of the Pedestal. Thu day received; for sae solely, or suli.elipttons token al fO per year. J AMES D. LOCK W OOD, WI Wood JYJI Atent for Publishers Night Line of Omnibuses, ( ri THE LAWRENCEVILLE ROAD.—Art 0031u bus will leave the Diamond m Pittsburgh arm everm.g at 4, V and 10 o'clock. Leaves Lawreneevfile at n and a P. hL Al. it d. BREIDENTHAL. , G oon nooks - Ftwa ausnaut BEXTi NO. TAYLOR—Notes from Life.. —Noma from Book.. Game —Story of Battle of Waterloo. New Tuom . Feumeren—Gtentley Manor. —Ellen Middleton. =rIMI 1;1 a rr• 1412m1t. 126%M1l - - - . A 1180TV8-,-Bianimer In Beolland, etc. etc. For male by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, hr.!! CI Wood fit CINCINNATI SOAP-73 bra received sad for sale by 8 & W HARDAUC/11, 1.8:I dl Water at VVNDOW OLAM-100 bz. ala'd rims, rro'd and (or sale by )71,1 D S k IV HAB.BLUGH DHIED PEACHES-1.9 9 bxs Just reed and fee b 7. i 720 d: HARBAUGH 17N - ENTTikrkft. H.Mnrphy,atnmt6 east earner of Marker and Fourth au, nu open this mamma a fear Pieces of dark Loan LOAM, • Beare° amnia—for sacks and dresses. Also u 301.5 —Gretn silk and Tore win, fringed and plain—a few a/the latter of Tare satin and handsome finish. Also Felucca Looms, of a desirable shade and qtrahmand lilosdusro Nam—White, barred and colored Wholesale Ames op main, when goods are rani• ed . to dealers egtrensely RoO6lB-20 dos Posoorors, for sale A ware B /71 7 ;JD AUCTION . laArißk.M;:f--..; By Juba D. Davits. Auctui Su* gmel FinsetDry Gana, On Monday 0mming6430114.11-10 eigieek, at the Commeresal Balm comer of Woodnad Fifth streets, will be sold, issthout stwirro— • ik large sm.:ailment of foreign and dangle .ririr Goods, among which ...opera= Moths, tassimeres, unions; tweeds, splendid lawns, baliaresee,ki um g, detains, super prints, French nod Idanekiwter env tunny shawls, sdk hdlg; hosiery. glows>, lecher. ..I braid bonnets, parasols, umbsellas, sable eke t k. skirtings, 'swilled manmades, raison= and satin seeing., ax. At 2 (Mock, Groceries, Qaeemeare, Famitare, &e. 0 bedlam, Yonne fiyvn bra, 14 caddy bom penal tea, Va mannastared tobacco. No 1 palti .oap, 0 bbls Vinegar, shovels, spades, barks, AM, batebeu, angers, cora and grass sorbea, brace blls, dy runs, carpeting Wiling and vmspplag paper, window blinds, mantetelocka, lam" 100 to tra. At 8 O'clock Fashionable ready wade clothing, boot and shom leather wanks, double and single barrel shot googols. toles, line cutlery, o w and second hard gold and wirer watches, variety goods, &o. /YD.. • Bob, /Vardar, shoe Owls, ref.. On Saturday evening, July 28111, at g o'clock, at the Commercial gales BOOMS, center of Wood and Elith streets, grill be sold, without reserre— . A huge collection of rateable miatellattedum rd'bOoks, among grhlch are grandard library editions elides works, featly and pocket bibles, blank books, loner and ca ground paper, de. 2 bo o jegrelW detached lever gold wattling 3 "al.er doable back parent vented] Double and single barrelled shot guns, pistols, gold penal's, lee. ire JOHN D DAVIS, duet sh DRIED APPLES-900 boob Jim no' and for salb by i l9o • 9 & W HARBAIIGH FISH—INI bbla /arse No 3 Mackerel, Boasu loom don; 50 - half bbls do do; 60 bbl, No 3 do,. ne•Sd and for sale by ailti L S WATEMA,N rpoßecw-470 bis 9s Tobadeo, on band. and 40. J. arrive In • few day., come of radish ore ebotee brands and of aripersor quality, reed on conalittsurent and for Bala by brlo L S W.& sTMMAN SRAD AND HERRING —A tenr bbl. of earl. ye on hawk end isr salaby 13.26 EMANB-30 bbl* Mita Beans, on hand 1 07 1 .11,1 fin sale by 1110 L B WATERMAN LT AHD -25 'crooks, scgarlor wiles for family oso, jort rturdwed and for sale by Jl2 O L B WATERMAN 6 •Agriettlrma is the most healthy, mom use td, nomt no ,,siEtsble employment of man.n—Wassloorron. AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST and FARM- T ERIS CABINET—Is published on the first otos. ry month. Terms One dollar a year in advent% Three copies one year, or one copy Three pears, f?, Eight copies ne *lt year (if sent to oneaddress) (IN Twenty copies, New subscribers will be furnished with the bar-k numbers of all or anyspf the volume. Seven volumes sow published. Booed volumes in complete sem, or in ultimate vol umes, furnished at One Dollar and Twenty-five mots each. JAMES D LOCKWOOD, 17 20 . 63 Woodni GREEN SATIN PASOSOLS—W. B. Murphy has received a few of the above, of the neer, finish, seldom fringe, and very superior quality. Jytil nIL—I2OO rals bleiehed Sperm Oil; tI500 do colored. NJ do do; iooodo brown Tamers' Oil; 16 bbls Strut's do do ENO walls blesehed'iMuter Whale Oil, In store and for sale b 6 MILLER la .RICKETSON SALAD OIL-40 baskets nice Salad Oil, e x i4 w ire t e i bl and Isar sale by lyle MILLER t RIC • STA RC 15-30 bxs Bortblight , s, Latorsotes exit Btrab's Purely In store and for We by /9 16 MILL= & RICERTSON IIUCKETS—a dal Beaver Rackaba d do do Tabs, in stux and for Isla by ire MILLER & RICEPTSON SWERE AND DRY MALAGA WINES-40 qt elks Sweet Maims Wine; 33 Indian bbls dry do do DIM received and for salelz uxtt }yid It RICRETHON HINGLMI . -413 ..23 dgnment B....sida iytn MILLER l ILICIIETSON ASTROLOGY. MiL. LORENZO, the celebrated PhiloMaher, Presi. der tof the AstroLaciest Society, will remain in the airy fora short time, and may be eansalted on all the affairs of human life, at No 40, St Clair w e theadanee from 3to 8 • IC Fee from 600 to WO. Mr Laze= Mahe only-person whorewlicted cement. ly the marriage of gmen Victoria, and deacribed her husband, two years before it took platen P the time of birth with yea. lyleisiter• OIL CLOTHS—On bend and for tole, by W tech, at tile Carpet Wasebonse, a large and ex tensive assortmezu of Oil Cloths, varying - froth 27 In. thee to 24 feet wide, cat to snit any site hall, room or vestibule . The immanent consbite of the latest and most approved - styles and colors. W 11PCLINTOCK VILESH ARRIVAL--Of extra osp 3 pty tmgri p. al E Carpets,. of now and dab wyles, a 1 the Warehouse of W. lirClrltrrOCK., to which we invite the encrulon of those 'wishing to Wahl steam bolus or banana, to ash and onnodne ousextututee stock be fore parohadng elsewhere .19th• GMEAT WORK ON COAL.—Taylorbi Statisties on Coat—The geographical and geological distribu tion of mineral nombastibles or fossil fuel, including, also, the yarrow mineral bilascdnous subsumes ore ploycd In am and mannfietares,_ Ringwood by maps and diagraram embraclarfrem OEI6II reports of the coal-producing countries, the respective ammous of tbs.. r rodnction, consumption and encumercial distri bution, in all parts of the world; prepared by Richard Cowling Taylor, in one vet. tityn. For sale by /PM 2AB D LOCKWOOD, 03 Wool se WK SRA( PA rts°4llsl—W. R. Alums bait re eived a tot of Cao.o ardele, some of web are of im extia sisa. 1719 do do do =E==3 IgITTANTRE3—An at perfumed liken= in the Dry yy Goads bisseultss. Nano other needly. irleuhf W. H. GAILIZANIN 73 a. ritet st lar kIW 61 . 11.4 ashiPKM—Gt . nutter receiving a 1.11 tho Carper Wareham, OS W. Id'CLINTOCX, No. 73 north street, superfine cad Sea Ingrain C.arpout, rich in colors and &wan, to 'labia we tuella the at, wunion of purchasers. ire A BLACKSAIITH espabte al:taking marinas, Gar b& ea t and &raiding each work eats minima bout ishaVforks, andispairlag amen - atm emend sad A good du:cation Is Dow off otedl to mei a person, to eiriablisb himself la badmen where be can employ taro or time haat Apply to KIER & /ONES, or the subscribers, near Taretnam, for ?Anther Inforabuion. TN2IFFELON Saline Salt Works, July IS, LBW, tIIGITT BATHS FOE ONE DOLLAR, or ■ tingle Et Beth for flOoms cents. Ladles Department open from a to 11 o'clock, A." ,L, and 2 to 2 o'clock, P. AL Athol:mum Saloon and Barbing EarMalainnent. /PHI T. M'FLLI. Premrlolo, 01 , 711E-1/0 nap Rlo Coffft, Ina mod and for C ado by EDEILSON,LITTIX & CO, 1719 In Liberty at VtOLTSSiar--185b1da TI 0 !alum; ulailiWebis In in store and for tale by 18 ROBISON, LTITLE k CO LI. U . —LSO b. o. 1 Cul. tosp, jog ree'd • 0 yea try jytil RCB/SON, LrITLE a co NAILS, &e.-360 kegs Nails, smoii sizes; 60downdt Spiking 10 tons assorted Bar Iron for axle by j 7 8 HOBISON, LITTLE & CO ILSATEINI2, &e.-151 bales Nos 1 and 1 Balling; 00 D do CandJewielr, 11000 Cotton Para, for sale by ylB ROBISON LIWLE & CO oaks rime 62 to saw en . Mt canvassed jest real and for sale by _ Jyria BISON Ll ITLB & CO BEEF-21:0 bush ierl Pe Appiza, for as by lb RORISON rl6B-3 W. Pome, ■ prime ardeltk od 11 nd for axle by J7lB ROBISON, LITT LABS-413 boxectlila W Olaar, IN de aced dm So, for sale by jylß ROBISON, LITTLE tc CO Misd for sate na.l3ual• Retry , Paper ,just reel ‘Ol.ll IV, L-E'fr. Co 8.9.—W s • , b • Nos 6,6, 7 L 7 and b Loaf do; for oilo by lyre , ROBISON, LITTLE/be° FLOII-30 bbl. largo nays No 3 Mackerel; 30 do de No 1 Otbid Haningio • 10 da Pickled No 18alsoon,Inabssaa0d for pia by DIP JOHN WATT k. CO I'lsll - 4 o bbliTssia — Nr4Eriaiiisita — h - iiiiFtro tatiseetton, resolved this day for ss a by REMY, hia+nnsvas & CO, lyre W tied 29 Water st DIG IRON-230 tons PI/ lean, pare aefutenib,.kyr, fat ale by "AS ECIELION, LIME &CO iiTay t teed and for sale by MB Rwr i ttaiTagwa & co e+ll3-613 pigs Leaslreaki and for safe by Ill! REIET, MAHEWS le CO VISVICLE LIME-100 bbls nun reed M LO eteameLL74loalllns; tee sale by _ENV C H GRANT, 41 Waiei st nesrnx FLVllll3.BobllllFonota & likes bread; .W) M Motive% to-4 neAl andriersaisb . . 191 7 • • r. , r war r "Come mad aod hear se my public dear, Come trea, and lOdJ e t 6= o 7 The otos,' so terse, toe t l wing verse, Oros, the wits of Bea ey. . 13 ENTLEVEI . p I l ). Loorwooe, 63 Wood wet hu for salm eelebramd work, eCed by Cha rles Mete= int Llid of QM i. worth, with Illustrations by Cmikahaak. J 17 AMB-0:07 lbs aura eared, Serials by H 1717 J D WILLIAMS, Do Wood st ClERMArreprit-2157as tee s. ay 4 ur sale by 1714 TAMS , t BEST 'DEA NUTE4-301) bush instant and kr rah, by I - /YU T4SBEY 4 BEd? dUtiIOIII"ES-11 bares' Conti a Ws MillaWT.9 jjs l FeEllu Ng=ilraY ie l Y • Pt= at UNDRM-4 Obis No ILard; 9 esks 13aeoto 2 ;es 91.11 Beeswax; 4 bap Oblsens 10 do Feathers; now lamding from newer Cl ''sea, for Wide b 7•-• . _1719 MAIM, DIM= W Co rims BANATOav COMrurrK6 desuotts - of ' ot; minims teformatietr In regard to the amber of death. Mat MOUT to the ctry weekly,. the cheroot., of OA Macau" and the ode of the,peracma, would respect. fully mama the Phisielaas to report,to them at the Committee Room, Old CourtHatice, ea Friday evening of each meek. lu2 . JOHN MOIL. Mtn A Partner Wanted, 40 Vivro ill take an WAITE{ of enUddrd talks Cap'. tal Stock of a Mercantile arm doing ll goal b 4- nets, which can be increased, or will Vas interest of one of the arm, whose health will , not penult of ao live earned A person wishing to omen a naafi cap ital, will find this a timetable onormell7 101,e met with. Ftn tanker .nformte, Adana BOZ 225; Poet Odlee,with reel name. All rouuroteleations Con fidential. ROAMS s AVE/EINDON Paw ~rs sznanoet wove arm firalint, CONTINUR re r IRON osourecturo WAN. Y S of COPPER, Ranh Work. TIN AND MEETI Also, .131sek- Steam Does bate to order. givatt tDtlr.lltl boat work. a Cm surosteat Of Omer sad arm Rattles, Yla are, to. rte.. Stworbott Cooking Stoves, p en al. parses, 1/117100511111111.. very eoureolent ar• pole for steamboats, Cellnuals =lmmo, or roll mad n i r%l respectlliDykrnta stem boo =CD sod others ro aaBimel see out arioles sad prlees before parehagas alsawheze. jy.l7 PECAN NEM3-411 bbli Pecan Nate, tau reo'd sad forsale try jytS ROBISON, LIIRLE CO rUICIERY—ModisoPs -Armada' 1714egan . do Pldbecdne; do Wads& Cld; dooladan- Sala; do ado Rose doapi do do Paodudy do deo Bogue deg Compound Ox Minoan pig ise'd gad flkslge try Old R EHELLERSOR Wood II STEAM BOATS. td~.cet.).rwsr3a~ylt~inas:l Jai Zia .1/4Eat l. L-Y • P:AV IC-E.T LINE. I L ' EOrS ,sell bump tine of splendidsplendid pa/mom Mum. a Wane; compered of thos largest, .oaten, bee 4, flnithed, and moat amatverfttl. boats ea the water, or West. Every accommodation sad emu 7,4 tort that ibeory eau proulei has bearer provided for par ~ fb, Lindltal been itt *penmen for five years Ot a sw.llion peOple without the lout late. mto their persona: The WU! wilt be at the from of Wood urea the dzi preeirrat to starting, for the oreup• tha of 40' rand the Ortbar of Peauedere on the tot in 11.11 - theinfaigo money mart be path tO edeatee, •. ~ SUNDAY PAOICZY: . ~, 4 . The ISAAC NEIVTON, . O p * , HHu t, - - r -: leave Pargbar g h mrry.Bo47 morning at 0 Weloeki .f. W AT.M B 7 fbanday Mao! AI IS P. ia. ~, 111 0Elthilri — vsttiklirr. The BIONONGARIZA,Cant.Sron,yriII leave Pate burgh every Akrelay teeming et IQ oWerA Wheeheil every Monday crater" 1110 r. TritliTalrtrarial* The HIBERNIA MA Q, Capt. Kialstarea, will hum Eitubergh every Teeattey =e t as ea to daxt; Wheelhag every Tae*Atv Melte atiO u. WEDgiIeiDAY PABlogsr. The NEW - ENGLAND No• R 1 ,I 43. DI A, win Z . leave Pinabarah every Wedevvday uprusa 'et le „eel.* Wheeling ever}Redneedavaienlaga ey II The 1311ILLIANTs GePt OAK% VIM, leave Moe• `v • bargbeveryThurs4al atornhst 1110 okleue wt...guy every Thursday ev.mng at 10 x ' Fai:TrarrivklThrst - r& The CLIPPER Nd. Capt. Pals Dave, Pituburgh every Friday taorninans tiro:Week wa.:7 ti lint every Friday evening 1110 r. sultan:A imseitatinnwrit Yap is 9. 11.0NONGABELA BOUM only 9'B liffik 1 IV Stosgring. Via Brownsville and IMmberitted Wdmom and Plladelptda, rspleridld and fart running 17 S' Sail steamers -T ATLANTIC,_Capt :Ptak - Mien; m i na, awl A Eche; ,I.OliffilerLANE, Capt.E Bennett, are now makinM i la ßu da ß lM Bata, . 31, fi za ?Li The .aierniag -boat will ;leant the Monaelrahala Vnuirf, above the Bridge, diollmst O'clock Precisely, Passengers will take SUPLEJIBCOAPHEBInBrowne viIIa, at Solelosk.P. hi, and euk 11Wellateani et the ;'.% Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at. Cundombuul, at 8 dank /k. IL; s i t mint In ?ern fito sane ea= Win Ante fo eity. :2 , From tubule' to Baltintoni, eddy gam. Fars 910,W Prom Pittsburgh to Philadeindo.,rinty-40 Imam Pam SAW The evening boat will leave at 6'ooo9;e:cep' Sus. .1•T; • y evenings. Passenger by this boat Twill lodge on • • •In comfortable edam Room *clam night, gam aver the moontains the following day in ffiestem Coaches, bad lodge the second night inednitiniand. •••• PAciongeas hove choice of either Steamboat or Boil Road between Baltimore and Philahlo, and the privilege of stopping at Cumberbuld'and B.,lt=rs, ;I; sad reaumloy they seats at pleasure.' Coaches char. 1. tared to parues to travel as they pleass. - We make up the loads and way billsilbr the Coselc es in the Pinsbargia offices, tin orderukalwa time 011 arriving at Brown... Moot ie Merano* , important for peosengers to get their name before ; gang en board of th e boat, at one office, klooomohals Hough Wm, meet, or &Chute* Bowl, Wood st, Pltudieradt. apffideles J. UPIBIIIMEN, • - . I=l Plata . arab 4 Lentliville Pocket Laos 1 FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE -. TheV ua ldbln i ev a tes z m ic ar i. 4 nuarp,....".inka. for above -.-: tedermadlase wog as Vradaer ~ day the 41, hot, al IV o'clock a. s. 1 . . I: For breht or i peamaglj o aa o v e=r ri te a 0.. .. la CEO II HILANOERGEIL 4: PITTSBURGH AND LOUDIVILLEP#CKET LINE - . • The turd and spionufid - Gutmann. iii m aIL e 7 k ikFIGHAPE,do. t, ... n, moue . wilt leave -GA i. ChM/. t red cut Lotdavillo on TharstitY r the -ad tn"tr la .i o'clock, A. M. For fraigM °romm : l . qt) , on ant, t, GEO B JG to BUB.BMG,___ & Co, of 41 GIFIEEdiEB. gtri2 Louisville and Bt. Londe Pocket Lime. „,e. 11149. • . 'I 1.849.,„ REVULAI TUESDAY PACKET FOR- ST. LOUIS .. , ..1., The fine fait sutures penults ~.. steamer • ATLANTIS 4 Out W. Wicks, nuster,will leave_', the abate endlnanstedlate pone , m every Turner, at IQ otelocki a . . n Pm frelght or parsaffe esp on bnird of to ..t . surt-dOnt E. C. KLN ,N0.163 . = , 1% ..t REGULAR SATURDAY PACKSTFORS47.I/dUISre The few Cast nsm i pnsertsaei', EMlef GEN. A A . MentersOa r ekaSletOril leave for , '`; a above and Inteneyellkte ports eve- , c „. rl, Sa r ti in 10 o'clock, e. al. ', -;" Po freight or parg agAtin lit er to ...., marSdlka Louisville FOE WiseELlNti AND . UMW,likkler. "•'; The real. and tulnundial ataamar4 , HUDSON m alt i lleklMen, mason, peries maim tripe • -betwoin MARIO , Wheeling and Bridgepon. She w.D leave rittenuigk. , en Wednesday. andleanuday. For Laical or paasap, appD , bona. a*Li .POTTeiiiKELITY6 alilatTlikWil. • The floe reamer _ Geezi m enibeenrenorter, will leave,' wad intb W eendlate pens os' Meads gi tu nilluiniatee, ail, a is. _ For er Paned% appip an kelini."' aPI 7 Th 817.11414 annunerhfiniTillane: Rae, are! Mate the landing sepones,„7 the Monongahela Hesse, evn ay =Mita! at 9 delve:ken Beaver,,, Rat.tntiag,_Witt Wriaa at 6 oTesek, Vat Pare SO Beaver and bank, Tenn, mess u. sureay Tiairkril - makitil. - -_„' e Wewner . BRAYER" will leaveF , had, maws Alkoflitotumoz4 ,the l. treks Howie, at -nr Stodgy ow 14 o'clock, for Boson. Aketarelog , Will' teats Beate* at 1 o"eloelr, l'AL,:wid arrive try 4 o'clock:. Fate, Tweaty-ate Coats. l am"( ''':7 . . BE RO.at. • ' so namentarszaanyiv 8.-R AGENT, •,r Forwarding and tOnsankarin, ater chant, hu =Loved to. No. 87 Eont, Wird= Wood 4 ,; and Soatree t WANTED •r . ' - . .7: A naafi nun in ii.viholesale'and retail dry gooli veil acrie—aws =gagmen with the businessoild can eanso rocammcnded. Apply .162 Mniiteoir iYttit PING PAPER—SOO yroso ot A i nts c a for ule leant i by 412 I BCH LAICIP , BLACK-33 bbla for ale • 1712 J SCHOONUILKEIL P. CO , nOPPERAS-30 bbla fiaeolder tin sale low bf,.- 1, 1 scuoonimesEß a CO 011-10 Dbl. best qUeUMfor Aria L. 712 J BCHOONMAIC &CO BACON --6 cacti clear Sides in 'gore; for sale iYi 2 ISAIAH DICICEY CO IWO bb rio in suw err elle tiv 17«cmieu Dicatgy a co PRINTING INK—Hoak and haws, far !ale at maat'i afaeturers prices Dyy• 3719. ItSCHOON3XAKER& fl:Wao.3 IMD by ßCKWlZlP 4 S . ;tit c , i 4S r me i rr i l m l a t a re4 ITATORES AND JPAVELll.Y—The'sabscribsr: bas now on hand a fine assortmenl ef best Eng- t' fish and Gamma Gold Lad eltiver Psulotterer Watch::: os,st as low pude. I. ere offered la the Eastern ctuasi , .;: allill good most and warranted. W-WAOLSON, iTII corner ath and Market es DAIII)a"7 Di ROBISON CO. harms assoclediTßOSZS EL, LITTLE, dr., urlth rhombi, m.saithe W . ukle . Orecery, Producn and Com. butane w1:0"? ba condoned as anal anger the limn .01 Hooisou„ Lit< do it Clo. oaisoN, LaTtLE 4 co, NaOolitiosy .nee ,Pittanargh, Whidssalo Omura, Producee Commotion Sterabsua, and dealers in Plustweita.; , Zdartfeeorres. 171 var. 10 8 / 1 03. TM& una.s. sasa,rosourtua rr; Asatemeert •Stottae. EragilEftSt Banta= Smith and George A. JoholV son, Merchants of the eiry of Plustenet, cradiastj the Hon of Smith& Johnson !montane to drat• intmiber, an aselinment of all their Prato for 'Wt( beneft of an adz creation, se shall outdo taro rossolutt2. froreolte daze thereof excente and detiverre the auk Smith A. Janson a fall end absolute: ratan of .1W then respective claims and demands._ Notice to hereby given that the aanpunoni sad re-c tem le new at the Witco of,the mot . ,rtbor on Foortht., street in the city of for inapeettentM oaten witholl whom it may bed2m* wat. MeCANDIEWAragme. suppMhet'airat Dry Cloode • .1,16 IaSLACXBERRY 13 frr chiesi u hlishm's Superior, " for. Thslilicti 0t.0., so IRdoo.' This vatrunandai astrlaelat eggilisloszeiissektd upi*, With taaglettelt. PemollimlishAng fa Wiz/tad bettert.7 mill moo. For jyttlahool3 WE.01311, ar IHLORIDE 0P . 1.Mr.-41tautad and /93 vino co. i 7; MEDICAL HOGlLl—EattlecOr EbOur* bY ontsda.t eal Sciences; da 'Preens os `Fs Tent _Lomb os7tl !Wags, by Cowan; Hoopoes bOdOlat •Diebanaryt/ ; DungtesasOs do; Et.sperb dal Wm of Surgery; Glbtszai do do; AbOtnalby's WoriosPz. *ls; Oupareqsa as tbs Mown gape op th e Crusslstuers Amason wiloo& ofPIAM;oft of Skin; Penises Pitted* RledleaAaw, Tbarap-m.; (Zs pm., Fo•drr, do csalbeTbstales askg Abdo VlsssuG. Wood" PT& T 4b, aledleinsb7; Duagldwata So T 2 l/4e's do da: ) • J a w, a 1.4 e and fr esh supply of M00..8.5. L sin' Boots, as /mad and Or Ws by • ELLIOTT &ENGLISH.* Wood as G "cipiPliC g t—Guo lb.. on bon./'° Tool ' " th ' m.' • "J. JUDD a co, ‘:• hood r far Ws by ' rup y;.lallala co: BACON—We•rislolue.c. cud Elves , ta maks.; bolus; and tarsals by Oa liSERts JONES Nis 011 FEY.1031-41ocbs ; 41,0dastailars, ; Domini* and‘,SbapOlFees,tusa .Jas and Co 11 We Polon Tea Saws, 70 Pours/Las, : E.C lB MANtiFluS—tece vignat.,br am, sad 60 mall dtuma, inn ) ut m.iT.ot , i; :tot ado at Os Pada Ten siov,il; mr4 WATOHE3, JEWELRY, AND irmvicia4: THE subscriber, who batten la Casings In We same Imilding for the last thinmo f Is ad descriptions arm* Gold and mu. - ver Watches, Jewelry, and auvo Ware, atdA, rein; at the very lowest prices-- - • Gold and Saver English Patent Lever Witches Gold and Sliver Dateid UM' sad Lephin Wareham[: Gold andßilver Elarizornal and nits Witches Gold and Sinn Independent Becdud Warren • Rea timing bones Gold Gesord,lob and vent Gname: 'Onld fipeetaelnii • Gold and Silver Pmellsjecla.Pens. - ion -iss , Gold and Moue BranJe. Gold Loners Gold sad - Silver Thimble*. Diantran nn gad Lunde end &i w.l••• ==lo BM- 21 44M' Sterling (Silver Snow GdPs.Forksslke.- • Geld Watches ..low an Si bxe2S.esehJ Watches and .ipselry- e+ ehessrs - , Spoons and Fartsplaten an Illartnist (Myer. a article. All watches wartuatedlo .Peeplbed dna or . : the money maned. Strignlrtrepaok w„,„ . h y d. cleaned and nailedia On ben manner, *Oman than' suntal_p_noes. GEIX.I2 /PM RN, ~Zrl t e‘oLWa na re t eilv a ri g li at mi4 el ti ge v ir s trial . a an% 11124401114 .o• . • , talc . Li, ATU ;, • "f. • - a . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers