The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 27, 1849, Image 1

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"ntursilier. nriciatzpr :
Foun t, 0 , , ,,0, between Smithfield and Graid:
, Pa. : .
man I.—Lisma• via a MUD!
/Wale& & FILIESD,
TroßresTS AT LAW,Finirth aueed,near GranL
, • Gitt ,-
111 — ISTRONG C: ZER,Coommision
and 'sled In Prodnes, No. Pi Markel stria
LL sralnua.
UI3IIFIELD & LEADER, • °tamale dealers lb
Goods, Groceries, •• • &bees, rivabargti
ssanufactured articles, to., No glo Merry
lY woe,
• • I aroma sarcni
etTa„ wto + iind Retail DM.
mof Liberty mi t. Clair meets, Ptur
N. B. nowt. .
CIII.IIERTSON,) Wholesale Grocers,
and C atailerann Iterehants, No. 145, Liberty et,
rib. P a dal ty.
& 8111 all,
b Whole:saki Eirocenl, 1.8 and
go Wood street Piusurgh.
Itstdaussrei tipring, kale, Steed add Ire**
1 - 10LEILISN,' liAll2dittl es. Co, manufacturers: at
%if Coach and Etipde Springs, Ilammered
=gand Ploush Steel, Iron, tea. Warehouse .on
m a= Front streets, Phut:moth.
Also, dealt= in; Coach Trimmings and maumble
Castings, *can
CONTESUIdi to sumufacmro Ittonumemts, Btu%
'Wahl, Tombs, lie= Stouts, Nan= Piece., Corr
tts and Piot Tops of forelyn and domestic ntartiki
a regain and Gut Nita
N.lL—Sravrings for mantanema, vaults, he. Wash.
od, of any desrdption. Ho minas a sham of poetic
patronage. atu6a-dtl
WX. D. =masa, /AIM 7. 132,012 T:
& BENNETT, Gans English, Gallagher
E +Go.) Wholesale Grocers, Consestwion and Far:
wsxdmg and dealers la gaschnse and Pita,
IMO GA=o l =l"..l l / 2 01 0.. 17 Weed rb, between ad inall
.Sistreets. oat
. .
tit ALUatilifXl2loltabl, Comaussion Lad Fo
Merchant, No. 20 Wood Meet. Pitisburgi.
ettuAON STEWART, saanigactorer at Han
Stilstings, Cheeks; la, Rebecca stmea—, city , of
LIZ," Meeeemor to Murphy &Lee,) Wool Deal
. ex and Comanimien Merchant, for the sale `of
American Woolens, Llberty, opposite 6th n. &Ma
- 1011. - 211.A.LD, - Baltimore. . •.
A. I. soccaol, =maw uccus,
zonc A. svcxecce, s
HBALD*. BUCUsIOII., Tobacco Com.ognian Mess
Mats, 41 Norsk Water a 4 & la NorthWhaxces,
44b An. MIL P. JOT=
- . .
HABBY, JON ES & Co., (successors to &mood,
JLL Jones & Co.) Comaosston snd Forowding Mott
o.koals, deem. In Padargh Idonataomred tioW.ll,
Pa mch27 ^ ,
.11/.11 • . .• • . lesale ,
minion Marchand', and dealer. Procto. "' n, Zoindt
' afar, and 107 Ptoal streets. Plana• • n 0.13
tIANFIEL.II, (Its of %man, Otkiej
ilea and Foraraming Blercherth and Trholessl4
in Wes= Rimerve 'Cheese, file i nn Pot waif
Pearl Ash, and Western Preclude kende— aily, Water
treat, beiwnee Smithfield and Wood, Pinethugh. aka
JOfiN WATT, (successor to Llctutt Gebbart,)
Wholesale Grocer and Commission blerettanld
dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh Alannicentres, cor
ner of Mem end Hand streets, Pittsbargh Pa. Lo
I.A.OLES . fino of fin fins of /Onto and
Ifientho,) Zderebnat Tabor, St. Omits Bmldiop,
Stud mune non Wood Pins!) • ,
lams d EtuTcHisuN, & Co.—Successors to
1111 - Lairis Iturehriou Co., Camilasion alcrchunts,
mad Amu at the Sc Lotus Steam Boor Ballocer
Na 4.5 wooer sued US Croat streataMttsburgh-
1 & DILWORTH & Co, Who Mode Grocery •
V • dam Ind Chtmodesion hlorthants, and Agouti
for tttsboxgh. he linzazd Poe Powder Co. of N. Y, No. 92 Wood M
'Fi Jaz •
101 IN. D. MORD.A.N, Wholesale Dreglisyani deal
erz in Dye Stuira Paula, Gila, Varnish., drh-, rio-93
Wood rum, am door Son* of Diaminul Alley, Axis-
TAME & Co., kraccessar to Joseph
U Darla) Bhtp Chandlera i 3o Water street oc3l.
u Made and Mask* Lestrornenta Schosurd
ol 800.
Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Pruners' Cards, and
Stade:tarp gauerully,No. el Wood at, Pitsstrargh.
~Snga bought or taken is trade. seek
JtICHOONMAKEIL• tr. Co, Whole d* Druggiits,
• No. Y 4 Wood sum; Pittsburgh.
1 OLEN A DAVIS, Ilucoonear, ccrmez b•th awl V 6 odd
U areas, Ilttsburgh. • 0(15
To - LINStON & STOCKTON, Bookseller., Primers
Vand 'Paper Manufazturers, N 0.44 Market st., pits-
WIN • D. •
T Horn -
dc H. FLOYD, Whahhada Grocers, Commlahian
tIP hlerenhata, mad Dalian in Pittance, Bound
March ihaldaga, twilling cat Liberty, IN had end nth
wears, Finabugh, Pa. DV •
LDiri c eJ:it DA 1 . 7 .4. 1 , Whakola Oro.; Coots.Or
atua, and doter LW Produce aad PittrbtagaL
taro. N 0.% Woo st, ratObunt. join!
Kt /a JONES, Forwanling and Canindsclan
nta, IkalessinProdosa and iquablugh manes
uncles, Canal Basin, near 70 at. did
ENNEDY, CHILDS CO., Idancrosuarera of Tery
sapotior 4-4 Sheoungs, Calpot 01.41 c, Comm
cod Hating. 4.304
17 v u • • W •
LEMS, DA.1.21.1.& & Co., manafactararo of all fil
sea Bar, Sheet, Boller lma anti Nails of the lova
quality. .Warehanse, 66 'mar aatll.o3 front at.
lough .
TT L WATEIIIII.OI, Wholesale Cimer, Forward
. (Ls . arta Coaltaisaioa Bleretuur, Dealer In Pius-
Maavtaeuzrea mad Produce, Boa. 31 Waal sly
Fnmat /27
111011 All 1112 REM, in. MIA Z. LIWIEZ
I,ooloSiti GLASS Atannfae.turers, and Wholesale
dealers In foreign and domesuc Variety Goods.
sate= mrsehatus Pedlars and others are Invited
to call and examine 65pricesand (many of oar sank;
Si Waken,' present their-Len beanies to nnntlnCtnr.
log sad purchasing. we Ur& we eau oder as peas
indesernettla to lagers as say other tome west of the
Eloantairts. *l'.-/Y
wt len.Lsts, naiads. c. w. alcurnsos,
la LUX& 3 RICILETSON, Vtt le Grocers, nut
AIL{ ama= rs Brandies, Wines and &gars, Nos:
1711 sad 174, corner of Liberty and Irwi¢ streets, Pimp.
•..b Pa m 2:3
anal raw. JO. D. W... AUX= C. Lai
eel.LLSle ROE, Wholesale Gm.= and Cason*
MI den Iderehanu, No. W 4 Lamm at., Piustarsh.
'Rfi URPHY, WILSON lc CO Nato /ones, hlorphy &
ALL Co .( Wholesale Dealers 1n Dry Goods, No. 48.
Wood stress, Slusborgh. nov:l2 . •
ALUM, AlasL =Cry UM. Z. 121111.7-
sod ALLEN .&
Co., Coanisixdon cad Forwarding
Merchants, %Vases and Frans 9:a, berassal
d and Market sr. Joon
RA AZPIIPAY WILSON Penton and alitaanroPein-
ATJ. ter. 100 1, earner Of Post Ofa. Alloy end
Ponithstrect, entrance on etti near Market
W t
& SON, No. da hlarket N, second
door from comer et Fourth, dealers nt Foreign
end Dmat- tie Bills of Elehange, Offehentes of Depoel
st., Bank Notes and Specie.
iffirr Collections coed on all the prinapal chick
Waukee% the United dames decl7
BIJCKMASTY.R., Ausamari—Ortee, Fourth et,
WI • thud door above Staiterteld, south as
armayansing or all kinda done with the mutat
-cam sad legal aeminey.
to kteal Ennio examined, &a, 0e120.17
OkrICE, Fourth meet, near Guam, in th e room
lately occupied Op Aiderman &Idles; immodiam
/7 moults Mt. BakearciPa he may Oa wand at eight
in Pia 71. Sc. Marius Hawk Ma:Mu
si. T. libbers,' .111. D., ..
q7l3n.Lblie SURGEON will ethane to the tintu.
meat of Diseases of the t a n
•D. has been engssee in s brunch of the medb
i tV i ression for Drumm yews, and has conducted as
tislonent for the treaimem of diseases of the eye
alone for several yews.
Orn3 sad residence, eon= of Sandusky st end
Strimbirry Clay JUDOeo city. oenn
la• /441.101 A S ct. Ti F•
M., near Wood--All qumitiiimi Of Gm= • . •
BLack Teat' done op in ottartor, hatf t .•• •
Am poring packages, ranging from 40 cta. per
, LAO: •. )It A -Jet Air:Pekin Tea Co.
RCS/3Ela MmOkike, W Limonite Wooer, kactifyitt
Distiller, dealer is Produce, Pittsburgh Mauch
kallts . and all kinds of Foreign =I Domestic Wilms
ilgarLibpsors, No. U Liberty street On head .• very
bugs stock of espertor old Mancutgattela scbiskey,
which will be wad low for cash. likly
mows zauseas,_ . wroii. a aoacerkst.
ROBINSON k Co., Wholesato Grocers, Prods=
sad Cormanabou Merchants, and Dealers in MU,
bleaufectscres, No. 150 Libeny an, ratsburgh,
Pm. AMU,
5 t .. 4 .1 %Ear DdLZELL & Whaleaala Grocerai
Commission arid Forwanting idaichanta dealt.
Plit.argb Idaaufactar., Liberty.
feb/4 •
7yIOISP. e.. CUNDIIPiGH.A.I II , Wholesale r
Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh Dianufeceetes,
144 Liberty ty
L. 0. 111111101.1* —1
ViEYNOLJXS a. gni* gorwardial and L.. CM
Ay Merchants, fat the Anagheny BIM C = 6 _ ~_
'en in Groccnos, Produce, Piusbingh ,Miumll.lin 2 . •
and Chloride of akin - •
The MOW Irk in nub, paid at In ti.072.11f0; cq4o. ,
raga. C nnor of Pena and Irwin on' Jan=
iit.C.• SI .IF-nirrrt
i 71:%. WHITE, Wlio= i iiie=lhi
end Dowellin Dry Good.. ricilie Wood ni:, ,
. felielif , i
-ff—E—w. KASHA ion, wool Mercklints, Deiiiiiii',
4 In Fleur and Pnxinee denerady, and Forwarding',
tal COMIXISitgen Merchants, No. 43 Water st., Mk . '
([MEIN, BiliiiALE4 lc irio:, Mensal° Grocersaa4l
PIO. PrOftell thWerS, N 0.423 Markel atreet,betweenGini
and in, North aide, Philadr,rphia. - *or •.
1: 11= s 1 C 01.r11110171 icau
duea and , incgois,
COL; Pro - Gann!
Mantuals; No. 17 Marty It; riusban3.
vo lt. UON . Yo3 . o . ll3 l T do =ho;rle 9ro•
in Piusbarit Itinafactures sad Western Pro
thro remove to Uteri new warehonsa(old swt)
Eta earner of Front st. end Chancery Lena.
'TROTH &SCOW, WholesoloAnd Retail dealers in
A.tri.stArztcar.B.g. , &k. si...w'
.., u=o,, r
I ta llnerettanti, :1 116 dcalersin ".
Wood an Pittabanik. pio2
7-- "narCLIELTREE, - Wholesale (Imo*
• &keing Distllless, . and WiDe sod Ll6lllO,
Ws. Also, hapostehkor Soda Ash and Bleaill
lOg Poordot, No. 60 Marty sorest, Piuslosr6h,%llo
. „ . .
- , .4 :.' • : , ' - ' ... . . . ...,..
. E ,..„ ..
. • ,f,,,.. t . ~,a
:,, ...n,.., • ..
. ..:
,:. , .. ..,. 0., ~...• ..
„ill •,, ':. .4 4. - ~.I. ' 1. ....
iii , .1 A
42 f• -- . .
MICR & BPCANDLIDIS, (akeeessow m 1. & J. D.
yy Wiek,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
Dianzoisdan Merchants, dealeiatin Don, Roils, Glan,
WWI Yams, and Pittsburgh Elanahserures generally,
eon.. ntWood sad Water •traits. Ping:ugh.
W. WALLACE, Mill ate= and Mill numb
' big establishmeta, No. 943 Liberty at, rear the
TilitfAVlMlSNTiVetehes,ievreiry, Sliver Wir — e,
V T • and Military Good., earner of Market and 4elt
wr.n•Arinaborgb, F. N. 13.iy.eWatehes and Clocks
earcf y repaired. i„_ dec4
kbr BOWEN—Cenaratiloe Fo
h Merchant, N 0.40 Front It. between NV=
. multpny...Wltolesanditet aig.FG
•Tortilla end poinertie Dry Gooch, north tut
corner of Market and Fourth all: Jergs
WyYOUNG kCo.,—Dadoti in leather kid., a"
1413 Liberty
leancolus. • lour. Werreunon
& R. hPCUTCAEON, nolesalc Grocersoleu
len in Produce, Iron, 1 , 414, Glass, and Pate.
burgh blanufactures genendly4l2 Liberty mt, Pitts
: • burgh. deed
UT W WILSON, Dealer;'l Watches, Jewelry
VI , a Sitar Ware, hrtlitarrirpods, &o, No. 0 Mar
tet nov7
Shoo Findings, tee., No. U 3 Liberty street, have
Just received their SPRING STOCK of
prising • lam astoruient of Oki. in tget,'ltne, to
which the attention of putehns2Yy is invited.
PETTI ; Vir 414, Oa,
Om. AnOtoo M. Art.. & Co,
own No. 42 Water nreet.
TOLE LNSUXANCE CO. oli; North America will
1 mete permanent, and Waled Insurance on pro.
party in Min city and yleittirytd en •hipmeau by
Canal, Elvers, Lakes, and by ' The properties Of
this Compmy me well inseam a nd tarnish an avail
able fend for th e a.* indent= " of all persons who
drairern be promoted by Maumee.
m7lB WAL 'P. JONER Agent, 44 Water at
• - -
Tiss FranthMs Fm J P . ssnreed,Co. of Philadelphia
'T - IRECTORS.—ChasIes N. Baneker, Thom.. Hart,
Tobiu Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Bmitti,
Geo. W Diehards Mordecai Lewis, Adolphe E.
Bute, David S. Ferman, Morris . Pauerson.
CRAMS. Ni:Drzterm, President
Charles G. Danaher, Seerverry.
Continue to•make ilrittritneqperpetutl or limited,
oa every description of property to mom or country,
u rates as low as are conalstentvith security.
• To Company have reserved wlarge eontingentFand,
which with their Capital mid Premiums, safely ms , invest
ed, afford ample protection to MeasstuuL
The assets of the company, on,Junary 1.1,1916, as
pablished agreeably to an act Asse mb ly, were as
mows: I
• - 4.....51,047,432 41
Rat= , •• • 04,721 Kt
Temgrau Loans 96,00 t
it • 31,5.Z1 23
Cash, &a 2_4,904 37
&nee their incorporation, a period of le years, they
have paid upwards of one million four hundred thous
and dollars, losses by 'fire, therebx affording evidence
cf the advantages of inettranee t ee well oe the ability
ind disposition to meet with preemmess all liabilitica
marl-di,y Mee N.F. earner Wood and 3d am
15ILL..MaMlttifsillAiMarituff.e - tow bo.
A. MADEIRA, Agent at - 1 insbuzgh for the Dela-
. Wl= Mineral Safety insarance Compttn
m ery of Phial. 3 his- Fins Risk' upon buildiap and chandise
. • f every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or
',tureen of vessels, taken upon. the moot favorable
its Mce in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes & Bee.,
0.37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh.
N. B.,—The success of this CoMpany mere the easels
...fishmeal of the Agency in thinetty, with the prompt-
Ilea mud liberality with which eskery claim upon them
tr loss hoe been adjusted, fully,pwarrazu the agent in
riting the confidence and warpage of his friends mid
Vie community at large to the' Delaware M. S. Inst..
•tance Company, while it has the Lido:meal udvantages
-Is an bmitaion angstigthe mosttomiahing in Fhiladel-
Phin—aa having an'ample paid-hi capital, which by the
Operation of Its chimer to constantly increasing, vs
yielding to each pertion mated Ins due share of the
omen:a of the company, without !involving tam in any
rtesponaibility whatever, and therefore as possessing
the Mutual p . rinentlearrested of :trim obnoxious fee
tare, and in its min attmative thorn. nov4
- - - - - -.. •
rpia. Insurance Company of North Antenna, enough
..1. Its duly authotued.dgent, the sobeenber, odors to
make permanent ong . lunited Insurance on property. in
this city end its smarty, and on shipments by the Ca
nal and Moen.
Arthur 0 Coffin, ~. erica Taylor,
Bang W. Jones, • rose White,
Edancrd Smith : acob N. Thomas,
John A. Brown, Sohn FL Ned
John White, Diehard D. Wood,
Thomas P. Cope, "Wm. Welsh, -
Samuel P.Bututh, Irani.% Hoskemi,
Samuel Brook., , IA Austin Allibone,
Mum D. Serceatacm Soc,y. Co%-
This is the oldest Insurance COMpszty in the United
States, hae ia chart-end hi 1794. Its chimer is
porpetna/ r and 4 . om.iis high standing, long expenenee,
ample means, and isbidlng all Sisk, of so extra, has
character, it may be codaidared aa offering am.
ple security to the_publie. , ..• ' W. P. JUMPS.
At the Coontingßoom of Ararei,:d, Jones A Co., We
ter and Prom streets Pitman in. -
MBE 811118CRILIER • beat; eppouttext /wet pro
tem. orate Insantnee Comppy of Nonh Amenea,
&Morin issde Polities Lad attend•to the other business
of the Agency, at the warehousio:of .Atwood, Jones fr.
Co. apl2 WM.A. JON}.., water st
' 1. ILS-4.1.11•0 San.
DA.NENtovvr.B. s co. ,
N 0.59 Soak %Marta; and No. 117 South Water at.
BEGS to inform the Wale argralealers generally, of
rittsburgh,thatthoy have mode sorb arrangements
with the 1 11 1 9 a ontrnalacturert and the Growers of
We West, % est Indiesond other plares, as will Maitre
a large and constant supply of; the following.descrip
tions of Tobacco, Which will bn4sold upon as sec«.
modanng terms as any other heavein this city or else
where, sod all goods ordered fibre them will be war
ranted equal to represeutauton
Havana; St Domingo; Conn;
Yam; Porto Pena's.; /Seed Leaf to
e.* 4 1 6. 1 . & Pled* bocce;
ALSO—Branch's - celebrated .44cimatie8tng Caven
dish, with a large auorement of tither popular brands,
end qualities of pounds,A Bs, 13G, 16a and au, Lump;
pa, 6, Es and Ws Plug; Ladles . D.w; virt o mi. r s, z
Ac., sweet and plain, In wholeand half w
and tin, together with every variety of article belong
ing to the trade. . 4 jelediy
Commission Waimea and Forwarder,
oFoo; P onc e
el of Poiabieo atteanoo P itel " to the ggor
&marling of Goodil generally. ikaio, to
Memo. JohaSorasoy C di,
Martin &StookortißlQueinnall, 0.
S. C. Pad t
t Co.
Me, & Soma, 14:ittalaugh, Pa
English & Bca marl3:dect
Corm&llpalota arid Porwratianli dlareherat.
ELIO-won sr., rrltestiusn.
CONTINVES toeronsact a gengral Cnyind w d o . kw_
nen especia ll y in the pareliale and sale of Ameri
cana Man ufactures and Preatuce,:tuut in receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned to Us earn 4.11 Agent for
the Manufactures, he will ba eUronantly supplied with
the principal articles of Pittsburgh hianufactere at the
lowest wholesale prices. Ordet, and eonsigrunents
are respectibLlELLollAicd.
, I , _ Or
rrrnh er
JAL lt. mantas. - n- g. • ohs. a. acitunsom.
No. ISO Seeoaill:atreet,
me.b.17n16.m. ST. LOUIS, MO.
a:IV/LOBS, ISHOVEI;I3 Spades and She
yelN 4o flo Manure Forte; Vide Grain Shovels; LO
do Boatel do; Axes, Hatebsuelktameke and Picky,
V 1262, ie., for sale at .manufacture re once,
by • eoyifl RAN, 26 wood al'
111.40 /OWN P. 4191.1.
& c 4 100,
1/DININACTUB.E.B.S of spridg sled blister steel,
.IL plough steel, steel plough srngs, conch and clip:
l .carg="m'",,,fin," 4°,:.l7"...'lt d .`l7! i '
Kenerally, comer of Ross and • rront sta., Pittsberen,
Raversable ' Mat • a Clock.
FOR Pußtielriacio wATER,
Which tender*, totlud water pure by
resnovitiF all Ohtrunces not soluble in
Minn water In N. York
1 4, though Meal fted 1..9 to the eye, yet
VAtt .ir i i t c P c =ten ,.. rt . nr through that
Wee deposit
imp= subsuume.,
Ls the case more or less with Whydrant water.
The Reversible Filterer is oak
to and durable, and is
not attended with the inprrive nee Incident other
Mtwara, as it is cleansed with t being detached from
the 11/11C1 pipe, by merely turMrg the key or handl,
from One to the ether. BY .lists easy proems, dm
rine of water la changed, and; all accumulations to
wil=substances am cinven .off almost insatuty,
t =crewing the Filter,: It also pommel itts
advantage of being a slop cochlind as star.h In many
cum ICI be vary conveninntitoid econcurricaL
Rears be attached where theta is any prcasurs high
or low to a cask, tank, tab, &Of With case. To be hag
of the sole Agent, - •t• L W, W. WILSON,
octl7 comer of FUttll±l and Market it.
tin.Lb—A bandoome .•ily Carnage, or one
X or two berses,.lntilt at Philadelphia by a celebra
ted manufacturer. Thia cantina is itt every respect
a fort Tam article made with Ni the modern Improve
menu, lined - WinAlso cloth and finished In superior
manner. It catnap itt:f sold for want of ose.
Enquire of L '.A.NDEII. & DAY.
mrl l 7$ Market at, N WatircerofLhe Etsa.mond
CarrlVN AND WO O LEN num vixTir
_made ligi_ngeFenta fora eon
mot gappty of. FACTORY FLIWI.NGS, we will sell
prket Calf todSheep Skins, re
I n heri . Pickers, Reeds, Sbuuksi;ilemy Twine Treadles ,
rk . 6t6 Balt - Pjulehes, Wrenches, Stripping Cards,
10 to 16 III; Palest Dimmer &balm, Wearers , Small..
my 4 . Wdo street, Pittsburgh,.
BEN - NETT 11 , aaorm ER;
RPErNswARE maVreartatEas,
211rmtotgentirti Praha' rlttsbnzgh,) Pee
Warehouse, N 0,137, Wohli greet, Pittsburgh.
i rwuz.on grodi ,tekomimad
at Want; at OUT run name, and
evhenterinsality. Migraine unicountry Mer.
chants era reueetfallrinvind to call and ex
amine for thunach uwf are determined to cell
down than haunt 1.04 oirerad to the imb
LEP Orden scut by and4acconpanied by the each or
1T reference. vrtll be topettnl attended to. myl6
BICLN*- " M avtite French CatriikUll,
( e,
_l' 34 "' Me ` Alkle dozens Philadelphia
they Inebethentrk, of At M Crerford, to
vrttiob the attention of boot inaken is tutted. Yost
J India althiby , W YOMlG libe itt 00,
a 7 /4.7 rty et
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Foarth street,
between AT
alley and Grant st mytaly
Buda., Pa
WU.ho attend to collections and all other bast
las eatrasted to him in Baler and Armstrong
countim,Pa. Refer to
J. It R. Floyd, Liberty It
. W. W. Walla., do
James Marshall do Pittsburgh.
dly Kay k. Co., Wood .t. }an?
JB. FEWEITzEIt, Attorney at Lear, °the 3d 111,
opt:Waltz St. Charles Hotel, Piusbargb, wilt also
attend P , ollrPtly to Collections, in Waahinvon, Fayette
and Green counties, Pa.
Mattock, Bell & R Co EFER
Chula & Carothers., }Pittsburgh.
D. T. hinrg
EL BMRY, Anomey and Councellor at Law,
s Cincinnati, Ohlo. Collections in &Kalinin Ohio,
and in Indinia, uld in Kentucky, promptly eind'eara
fully attended to. Commissioner far the Bute of Pena
rylrunia, for taking Depositkeis, acknowledgments,
Thesit To—Hon. Wm Ita & Son, Canis, Chureb &
Cuntlen, Wm flays, Eq., Willock & Davis. a. 25
WM minor, ' 1. 11.11.1V1 11.W111.1..
DENLOP & SEWELL, attorney at Law, Offices on
Smithfield, between 31,1 and 4th sta.
.1 - 45skT COOnIIANT
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street, between
Smithfield and Grunt pll2-datu
O. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at LaNW, r,
. moved hie often to the Exchange Buildings, St.
st., neat door to Alderman Johns. apOly
(Suerenorm to ?Mord & King)
Fashionable Hatter's,'
Corner of Wood and INfal Strati.
MenIITICULAR attention paid to oar Renfl Trade.
Gentlemen eon rely upon getting their Hata and
Caps from oar eirtablishinent of the am atamiliale and
vrtionaunumr, of the terser &rum, and at On Lamar
Country Merchants, puTahaslag by wholesale, are
respectfully incited to tall and examine oar Stook; as
we can say with confidence that as regards triiirr
and rues, a wilt not suffer in a companson 'nth any
house in Philadelphia. febl7
CALIFORNIA HATS-19 dos water proof
Hatt' but received and for sale by
M'CuRD & Co,
teb27 comer sth and Wood sts
htCORD & Co. will introduce on Satur
day, March ad, the Spring style of HATS.
Those in want of a neat and superior hat., are invite
to cell at corner of ith and Wood streets. man
0 has nine open o supply of spring Bonnet Ribbon.,
of nom mud handsome styles.
Also, mw style filed Netts; Luna Laces and Edg
ings; Linen Edgings; Victona do; plaid Muslin. and
Jam:llmts* embroidered Swiss Muslim, he.; besides a
large assortment of § p nag Good. generally, at north
eart corner 4th and Market nreets.
wholesale Rooms up stoics ap6
HEFACIENT.—Hurses whde restrang at large
in the fields are very apt to brute and injure
themselves in many way. They are otlen dmatiled
so .to be aimless for a loos time. if immediate use
could be made of a A- Faimestock & Co.'s Hubcfu
elem., and the iratesd pan well saturated, and the
remedy rubbed ta, it would give retie( and ease the
pain No.farrucr should be without this celebrated
medicine, as it a altke healing to man or beam Pre
pared and sold by H A FAUNESTOCK & Co,
corner of Wood and Mt sou; also, corner nth and
Wood. myt7
NAORGAN'S WORM KlLLlOL—Another proof of
the trliamptuod semen of :dom.', Vertnifuge.
Plrmareart, May 10, teed.
Mr. John D. Mergent—lf any name la of any ma PO
the suffering community, In regard to the whole of
Morgan , a'elrinfuge, you are . perfectly welcome as at
childrenl had two mrety afflicted with worms; I be.
came alarmed, and very Justly so, when I tried your
renowned Vermsfuge and astontskung to tell,, o r of
them weanelivered ca ' f about fifty worms fifteen inches
long, of the most frightful kind, resembling more the
appearance of eels. The other child was delivered of
bout 70. , The children are now doing finely. You
may well be proud of your Worm Killer.
Your/ truly Deem SIMI, Virgin alley.
Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by JOHN D.
MORGAN, Druggist, Wood sore; one dew below Di
amond alley. myl4
umucrr ,
Apt"' OF IMO.
Mr. R. E. Sellenc Being afflicted for mme time with
migh, which was PO severe ea to unfit me for my
deny employment. Frequently after coughang,l have
been so much exhansted, as to be obliged to alt down
sad rent. Fleeting of the good effects produced by
year Cough Symp. I concluded to give it a vial, and
am hem to say it produced the desired affect to my
ease. Alter using it one aught, the rough woo taloned,
end I am now perfectly well. Lan .10ENION.
This paemant and popular Cough Syrup is prepared
and sold by R E SELLERS, 57 Wood street. Sold
aloe by Mangum; generally et the two mica and vs
unity. myll
SAVED HER Vcrmtfuge Is the and
ele. LArmerro", Va., hoL2O, 149.
Agr..L AL Wilmot—De. Btro The .t. of ateliers'
Vermlfuge I bought from you some Mae age, brougn
from my girl S years old, the meainung lumber of 5
hand r- %Vanes. I beben aka mould IS' lived •
very Man Mae, hat for this medicine..
W. Staw, Jr '
Prepared and sold by R E BELLERd, 57 Wood IN
sold also by Drnirgiats generally in the tare eider antn
Dr. Dose's Celebrated Remedies.
R. D {ACO.I3 1109 E, the discoserer and sole pro
pnetor of these most tabular and beneficial mad
iemes, aid also the inseams of the celebrated instru
ment for Inflating the Lange, in effecting a cure of
Cfironit disease, was a student of that .11111. t phyla
to y r i r , hysic te rid a : Lgrada y re of . tiz o lt h eLverst bee. -
engaged in the invesngation t o lean
and the apph
puma of remedies thereto.
Through the use of hi. Inflating tube, in connection
wide his Prophylactic dyrop and other of his remedies,
he hu gained an unparalelled eminence in curing
Mows droulfei and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con
surupdon, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheum:mom, Asthma,
Fever and.figne, Severe of nil kinds. Chronic Erympe
and all those obstinate dioeues peculiar to females.
Indeed every form of ch...e vanishes under the use
of Ida remedue, to which humanity le hem—not by the
use of one compound only, for Mat m incompatible
with Phytionngual Law, but ky the awe of his rum
dies, adapted to and prescriboEfor each peculiar form
of Macau:
Dr. Row's Tonle Alterative Pills, when used are hi
vanably acknowledged to be superior to all other, as
a purgative or liver pill, inasmuch as they leave the
bowels perfectly free (rota costivenes& as also his
Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty to posse. peen
liar properties adapted to female diseases, but tieing
voided that a bare trial is sufficient to establish what
has been said in the minds of the most skeptical.
The afflicted are Invited to call upon the agent, and
procure Wads) one of the DOClOr'll pamphlets, giving
• detailed account of each remedy and its application.
For sale by the following agents, as well as by most
Druggists throughout the country:
; School:maker & Co, 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh;
J M ToWnthud, Hinsgglo, 44 Market st
Lea A 13eckbam, nea'the P. O. Allegheny city;
Jos Barkley, Darlington, Deaver county, Pat
Jno {won Valley, a
T Adams, Beaver,
a a
Jaynes , £xpaetorwat.
em.r.a., Columbiana c0.,0., Apr. 24, 1641.
DR. D. JAYNES: Data gran--I feel bound to you
and the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op
portunity of giving publicity to the extraordinary effects
of your Repeetorant on myself. Moving been afflicted
for several years with a severe cough, hectic fever
and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed
to linger out a then bin miserable existence, until the
fall of MD, when, being more severely snacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre
scriptions of two of the most respectable physicians in
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
consolation of surviving but • few days or weeks at
farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to
vanish, I bad recommended to me your Expectorant—
mid blessed by that Bong who does all things In the
use of the means—and contrary to the expee.uons of
my physicians and friends, 1 was in a few days raised
from my bed, d was enabled by the use of a bottle, to
attend to my b an usiness, enjoying once better health than
I bad for tee years preview,.
Respectfully yours, &c., Jax. W. Fortis.
For sato, is Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, TS
Fourth street- marl
Dr. /McLane In Tenn
lis to certify Mat I purchased one vial of Dr.
McLane's Worm Specific, some two month. ago
and pre to a son of tune, some seven years old, two
taupe/au fall, and although the amount may appear
large, yirt 1 have no doubt bat there was upwards of
two 161.001•Ke wow passed from Wat measuring
hom OMB gainer of an inch to two mebes lons.
Rosses Creek. Cerro) en. Tenn., Dee 117, lett. putt
VkataiPiJoE, IV tiWatitn.—
Cotxatsos, Jan. bth, I ble.
hie. R. E. &Dorm—Your Vertutfuge has gold well,
and has been high y spoken of by au who have used
it. Front the success attending the ailtnoustra it on of
your Vont:aloha in every ease 1 have heard of I are
confident I can sell more dunes the coming season
than I did last. I will be glad to receive another sup
ply of tof Igoe.. Your, respectfully,
LErtnict from letter.] It. CARTER.
Prepartil and sold by IL F. SELLERS, 57 Wood it,
and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al
legluty. hart
TIRE subscriber has removed hi. Wholesale Croce
ry Rine to the corner of Hancock street and Alm
sheny Wharf next door to the Perry Houser.
mchfltdtf JOHN F. PERRY.
lkireign .nd Domestic. Liquors.
AGOOD assortment of For m an and bomeaue Li
goon, ilarays on band and for sale lo quansidea
to suit porthasers, by
WE. - have some PUMPS, made on an Improved
plan,.n as not to freeze CO the coldest weather.
Persons wanting such articles, are Invited to call and
see them at SCAIFE & ATKINSON'ti,
In, botlrd Wood Idorket •fill
STINDBIFS-14 bbis No iiiird; 2 do urea.; 0 eats
Deem, !molted; 0 MA* Flaiseedi 0 bars do, 4 do
Dry Peaches; 29 do Feathers; 0 do Ganseng, to srnTe;
for sale by 113e1All DIUNEY ts Co,
002 Ftoot it
WOOL--3 wk. Wool; 1 do Feathers, landing from
LIE tr. Id Line, and far sale by
IrPßlNTEßS—Printing from the manufacto
ry of J. D. M'Creary, New York, in cans and keg.,
from I lb. upwards, and from 25 eta. to St per lb. Al
so red, blue, green and yellow lobs, In cans of lb. to
2 lbs. emmantly for sale. Having used Mr. hi'Crm
ry's ink In our office for nine mouths p.m we warrant
It equal to my that is made at any other manufaeory.
IWO corner Third and MarketAsts
bag Flesaced;
2" Gordon Pow;
51 " Feashetc
7 " I.linosagi
" Wool.
Now Laing from Cinabodand, No 2, for We by
MUM DICUY A. Co., From
PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY 1 1 101tNINg.. 31)11 , r§r1,:.`1,340.
. . _
HE co-permerehip heretofore existing between the
1 subscribers, in the name of Constable, Bade ee
Co. is thi. day dissolved by atunial cowman Newt.
Burke is Barnes will settle the business of the con
cern. for which purpose they are authorised to use the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned have this day toimoisted themselves
in the name of BURKE ee BARNES, for the purpose
of mannfseturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, Iso
A e., at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burke
Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa
tronage of the customers of that house and their friends.
In retiring from We firm of Constable, Burke & Co.,
I with sincere pleasure recommend Menem Burke &
Dames to the confidence of my friends and the pnMto.
%WE partnership of MURPHY & LEE is this day
dissolved by mutual coolant. The business of the
late firm will be settled H. Lee. J. FL MURPHY,
Pittsburgh, Jan. 30, Intl. H. LEE.
NOTICE—The undersigned will continue the Wool
business end attend to the site of Woolen Goody at
the old stand. fl. LEI.
In retiring from the firm of Murphy k Lee; flake
great pleasure in re.mmending Mr. H. Lee ip the
confidence of my friends and the public.
Pittsburgh, J.. 30, IB4i. J. K. nicatpliv.
Tsubsc — ribere have Thiniay associated •Ilieun
1. selves together . for the purpose of vansuelPtlt •
wholesale and re.' Dry Goods and Grocery business,
at No DO Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the
style and firm of BUSHFIELD k HAYS.
N. IL-Our ld I rs and the public are Invited
bo give us a calL
have entered into partnership, under the Slut of
S IPE & ATKINSON. , end enrry on the Tle,
Copper, and Sheet Iron %Fare manufactory.
Also, Blaeksmilb.g in all Its branches. at the old
stand of Wm. B. &site, First street, near Wood.
Particulnr attention given to steamboat:work.
IHAVE this day usociated with me in 1 - ecT01.7..
sale Grocery, Produce and fiommlssion business,
my bla th er Joseph, under the firm of J. S DILWORTB
Ce. J. 5. 1111.WOR.Tkl.
January I. DM O.
CO-PARTNERSHIP—Wm. Young hoeing thin
day euseciated with him, John IL hl'Cuoe, Melee-
Cher heatless will hereafter be conducted under the
Grin of Wm. Young fr. Co. WILLIAM YOUNG,
For many years connected tallit Messrs. Wage] &
utnako, and late Jotta ‘Vitey, N. York Avid Londono
No. CU woos urazar,
(Nearly opposite the St. Chan. Hotel
Engitsh, French, and German Rome,. mtd
agazine, and Newspapers imported to °Myr, prwes
of which may be aseertamed on appllcatton to Mr_ L.
Catalogues gran. my2l
EMg special and independent works, eduud
tets dmingumbed to um tartars departments_
Ilrande's Dictionary of Science, L ;crenate. end Art;
Copland's Detioartry of Practical Medicine, J onnson's
Farmer'. Eneymornedta; London's Encyclopedia of
Gardkring; Loudon. Ene7cloprodta of Plante, Lou
don's Encyc/opredin 04 I men; M'Cullo-h'. Idtcnonary
of Commerce; NPCalloctis thmanartry of Geography;
Urr's Et • 110111117 of Are end Manufactures; Pooper's
Medical Dm/statuary, %Vaserston's Cselopmme of Com
merce; Political Lhenonary, 2 vol.. deo., Webster and
Parks' L:nryclopedts Domeare Economy, Anthoo's
Conical Uscuostary.
-These bo A. are fall of informabor. of the be•t kind,
arranged sad presented in the be r manner For sale
by mtlb JAM E! , D lAXIKWVOLI Si Wood at
DOMESTIC ANIMAL-S—titroory and Devenpuon
of the Horse. Mule, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poul
try, and Farm Dogs, with titres-hone for tars: manage
ment, bre eunng, e masa:or, renting, fending- and P"Ha.
rattan for a profitable toarTet. Also, toeir Diareaes
and Remedtes. together with fall dtreenon• for the
management at the Dairy. fly 11 I. Allen. Chatto,lnth
numerous ulustalsuous. For sale by
lTd I Alt D OCR WI OD, 63 Wood at
.z aYArelntectr, prepared. on
Penal( of the Buthllng COMM UK of the
qu ash
Inatirunon, by Robert Dale (men. In large quarto,
elegantly pruned, with 113 m the beat
style of the an
IL—Green on Bronchi., second edits., revised
sad enlarged A treause cos ducases or the sir-pas
tyres, compriein thos enain. nava the hstory, CA..,
and mean:nerd or directs°. or the throat, Coiled
Bronchsus, Chrome Laryngitis, Clergyman's Rom
Throw., he. he. By lioraee Green. A ALtd-D, tn.
Plates =proved and cmvAilly colored. Royal ters.,
gilt tops, 63.00.
111.—Now ready, the Itia edition, ern/liked end enlar
red, with *4lctonal 41uttentloutt A Trcatiec uu 1.4.1
*cape (Jude/nag and Rural Architecture
. • • _
For sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD.
Wood strcet,
Far many yea. eonneried wr h Measni. Riley a
Pontoon and lair John Wiley, New Tart.
Mx. L. hu just roomed ham tan Eezinrn tines.
AA. We to the Woods., by J. T. Jleadtoy, author of
"Witatungton arid his Henanla," etc.
The Lite and Writing. of Da Witt Clinton. by W.
W. Campbelll author or-Border Warfare." Just recd
jr illastrated watt tine:crow. crigranage on wood;
Tko loearnation, or picot.. ttio Virgin and her
Keg by Charles Beecher, Fort Wayne, ludlans,rrW
an tatrodsmtory essay, by Alto Harriet Beecher Stove.
Just reed by JOHNSTON te STOCKTON,
ju:corner 34 and Market .t.
Volusbl• Books.
ELLIOTT & ENDLISH, 11 Wood one., between
lth and lhanoond alley have received • large
bupply of Theological and ether otrork. among which
are the following, win Miseslran.. Freya .yd D..
tours.. by Prendent Hopkins; Chnot is Alt. Law and
Gospel, by S. IL Tynm a. ; Life of Da Win Clinton.
Living Orators al America. Republican Christianity
by Magoon. Al. Pnimrsal by Darns, Phrenology mid
Mesmerism, by Roy. 111 L. Bice, D. D.; Baptism, its
Import and Mode, by Beecher; Nineveh and :to Co
noarts; Mountain. of the Bible, by Nrrarlatiet. Earncot
Minottry and Church In Earnest, by J. A. June% 61-
Ch urch new edition; J. n ot lasioun worim
complete; Coerpern Luc nd Worli Cowper; ros
ining on Rt. and Fall of Papacy, 7urrethine s . Tbs.-
op, Cyclopedia of Moral and Religion. Aneedoina,
Fstg Narratives of Popery, Chrin Receiving Sin
ners, Bible Evidentes far the People, by J Cumming;
Modern Society Modern. Accomplishment., Maids.
on Raman., Original Thoughts on Sensate, by Cecil,
now hest plahllehed; Life of Polio., Natural 'homey of
Entheztasm Atiddic kingdom', Lectures on Plignens
Progress, Beecher.
EXPRLOS—The Hill Difficulty, and some exp..
Senors of Life in the plat of Late, erne inner A Be
gone.. by George B. Cheese', D. D., usim Portrait of
stab. A low cope. we'd and for rale by
:ay 10 ELLiarr & ENGLISH. no Wood at
T.,T.kiitetaiLiCti!!—Th. New American hardener,
.1..) by Thorns. U ressenden.
The New American Orcbardin, by Wm. Rennet.
The Complain Farmer and Rural Economia, by Fe.
Modern Domestic Cookery, by Wm A Henderson.
Jost ree'it by JOHN sTos & sTocicruN,
ntyl4 corner market and 3d sta
AJEVPii - PLIGIcrUS WollKs—Thanghta on Pubbe
.1.1 Prayer, by Samuel Mrll.r , U. U. L. L D.
Thoughts on Fatuity Wotstup, by thanes Vt . ' Alsz
seder. Just reestred by
NtsW 11000.LAKeee Morris - , or the Heroine of
Domes. Life.
History of King . Charles the Second, 'sr Klatid,l/y
Jacob Abbott, with engravings. Just reed by
myl9 corner . 3d and Nartrt stn
- 101.11111.110 AN
AkhliS U. LOOK WOOL; ,for many year. connect
k, ed with Messrs. Wiley and Penmen, a,al late Jobe
Wiley, New York and Londory has estalrhslied it
Llookselling 1101.11 ht trio. 63 Wood street, between 3d
and 4th streets, whore may be round a vainsrbie collec
• trriloas, at price. as low as in the Eastern eines
view., Megaliths., Newspapers, Ac, tinprirterd to order.
GIETIES are entitled to receive their nooks dim free.
ILrEngillh and Antelleellt-Jeleingllne Ittlittened gos•
lie to all (hose who denies, them, or sent per moil to
any address.
J. Li L. will Always he happy to ell t nit to krill es and
gentleman his books, and impart to them nny tn.onna
tient whim. he may po A ssew4fyiudlng them. tollll
A w l s
n i h l
lieldteb.ooWooo.lllltc.,--f-aNinvinvsittn,... ittu:d lts e
Choldean Christians of Kurdmtan, and we Vtisnals, at
Davit Womhippern, and an bigotry two the
and nem of the ancient Annyrtanni by Austen Let. Lapsed, Eng., D. C. Li. Just ire d and lot safe by
f 7 JOH NsTuN a ocicroN
D. LUC - Iff IfoTiir.zeller tot d Imposter
of Foreign Boots, MI Wood street, hos an Mend n
valuable colic:coon ot English and American Books
in the different departments of Ltlerniure, which be is
prepared to sells. low as they can he arta, mid to the
Eastern chins.
. .
Enslnk and Continental Books, Reviews, Maga
zines and Newspapers, Imported to nines.
The prise of any Review, Magazine or Newspaper,
may be ascertained on apponnon to Mr
English and American Catalogues tarnished grans
Mr. L. intend. to visit the Eastern eines in n tew
days, and will be happy to execute any orders for
Books, Engravinge or Sumonery, at a small a dveinee
ou the con. n oy9
NEW flUOlC3—Layard's Nineveh sum us Remount,
with an account of • visit to We Chaldean Chris
maw of litirdl.ton, and the Vend., or Lovll.Wtsranto.
pen and an Inquiry Into the rammer. , and 11113 of the
Ancient Anglia., with an introductory toiler by L.
Hohmann. it vole, octavo, with atmut 11.0 Musty VIPS,
O...STU'S Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress. 1 vol,
PTiCO reduced to 81,00.
Cruden4, condensed: seduced to 81,50.
Itlaennlayls History of Fai,land, Harper's now scl,
Iwo vols. octavo—large print and fine paper, pc, vol.
73 coot.
Gerenine` Hebrew and Englleh Lexicon; new cd
iorproved. For wit by It lIG'KINS,
myll 4M sr, near wood
BOORS! BOOKS . .!—Union of Chard, aird sute, by
jJI Rev B W Noel.
The Church in harvest, by Rev .1 Angel James.
Adele. to Young Men, by T 8 Arthur,' gilt.
Young Ladies " "
Rungs of P.l.—Charle• Lamb.
Epidemic Cholera, by Prof Coventry.
Cyclopedia of Moral and Religious Anecdotes.
Complete Work• of Chariot. Elizabeth, mint..m.
inn. by her husband. 2 rola, B vo. Illustrated wait
steel p ate..
Oregon and California In ISIS, by Judge Thorn ton.
The late Expedidon to the Dead Sea.
Proverb. for the People . or Ulm motions of Prociluil
Godliness drawn from M. ' s Book of Wisdom, by E
lioureroity Sermons, by Dr Wa , rland.
Elements of Meteorology, by .1 Urooklesby,
For sale by R HOPKINSI,
toy 7 Ap olio Building, 4..71
M — AP PRLMEWor The Co nonunion .nu/Tram
live condition of the Haman Being: A contrib.
tion to Theological Science, by John Muria D. D.
Lacunas to Young Men on various trupoetion sob
jectx by H W Beecher.
Channingt• Works, complete: 6 yob, Mso.
The works of T/3 Author, conformed. le nshs. Just
nal by myU LIOYKLNA th a 4 uaa f wind
- • - -
ride AND vaminttia, Piedra/Eros&
THIS estabilihteent tong MA widely known an
being into &the mold etnmnodiotts in the city of
hoe recent , ' eadenthe ..arykaum
-6.e alterations and trimmvetneata,42l =UM- new
wing has been added, containing.gemerotta andian
sleeping apanments and eatensive . bithing Mot=
The Ladies' department has also been eottiplea
rreorganised and fitted tip ill MOO{ unique and be,
fnl style. In fact the whole arrangement of the -Hebb_
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the past of
the proprietary, towards the comfort and plortrurnef
their Guests, and which they confidently Matti will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Unlott.' -
Their table will always be supplied with even sob
stanial and luxury which the market affordn aerved
up in a superior style; while in the way of Wmes,
they will not be narrowed.
In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing
will be tell undone on their part, and on the part of their
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the mmtinned
patronage admit- friends end the public generally.
The pnees for board have also been reduced to the
following rates:
Ladies' Ordinary, $1,75 per day.
Gentlemen's " 1,60
N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Haase will al
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of eh
coax= or MIX AM) R. arra FR, orrrsamtall,
The sohnoriber having assumed the manage
ment of this long established and popular lintel,
respectfully announces to Travellers and the
Public generally, that be will he at all times prepared
to accommodate them in all things desirable In a well
regulated Hotel. The House in now Wang thoroughly
repaired throughout, and new Punneure added, and no
Pains will he spared to make the Exchange one of the
very best Hooris in the country.
The undersigned renpectfully solicits continuance
of the very liberal patronage the House ha. heretofore
received. THOMAS ONSTON,
COMM 01 100E10 770 01711 . 111111.71, errnortreort.
THE eubsenber respectfully announces that
111 ., 31e has now opened hie uew end excellent Hotel
or the accommodation of traveler', botirdere,
and the public generally. The house and furniture
am entirely new, and no pains or expense hove been
'omega to render it one of the most comfortable sad
Ares nt Hotels in the city.
- The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits, • share of public petronngc.
eel./ 4-dly JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor.
UNITED EVlCA'lllkti 110T81.,
PFOMTE late Dank of Om United Sweit, Piola
detplua M. POPE 11.EITCHELL,
triarttf Proprietor.
Scrip at Pwr,
lls KLEBER. at Woodwel , a, KI Third street,
11 offers for .ate an elegant lot Chlrkering's Pia
nos. (Roston) at the lowest cash pace, foe Pittsburgh.
Allegheny any, and County Senn. They comprise
from &to 7 octane, and were selected by ALt. Chick
enng for this market- They are warranted to be equal
to any in the city, haying an the latest Improvements,
men a. medlar settle. etc.
• • • . •
Buyers are invited to roll prevtou• to purchasing
elresshern and. also, to bring with therm rotor good
Judge. professional or otherwise, to Judge of the quah•
ty of bac above instruments
N B.—Ranch guarantee. orlll be given with each
P 13.10. 1 . 11,111111 . the holder to exeh 3 o, In ~.. the , o .
moment he proved ;a the least degree tarperfect, or
lau:ty. my.' H. K.
Shaeklett & While,
DR GOODS JOBBERS, IN Wood street. ask the
1,/ att.:loon of Merchants to thou stock of AMERI
CAN AND FOIWDN DRY GOODS, flaw rem -4111/e
direct (row Grit bands.
Reroteiv regular supplies of first goals dartng the
season, and - devoting a laogu share of their attention
to Eaatern ...xenon sale, they ran emifidently assure
I.ayera uit' will find it to their interest to examine
het stunt
Just rceenved. large invo:cca of n style Dress
Goods, Fnncy Prints, Cmsstmeres Cloths,
hs, Summer
Goods. Lace.
Whitshoods. Goods, Inall Linens, Tailors'
Tvientrungs and brown and blenched Shoeungs of Yan•
onstatials. mar 3
liodern and Antique Furniture,
Tune Prressroun.
"' omit% ol7l:7 d FuT i t ' llre,
•,, Imitable for Steamboats,
Hombrond ;men.. dwel
ling% constantly on bandand made to order.
The present <tort on hand cannel be exceeded by
any manufactory In for s-morrn country. Persons
weighing to purchase scoold do well to Mee me n call.
oai w drtormtned toy pores Port of
the Mock ronamta in--
Tote a Telco EMS, F.M.yelel
Lords xry Chars; Quern 9:ll7abieth chairs;
Tea Porw; Fruit Tubb,
Tonet Tables; Loot. XV Commoner,
French Mahogany Bedsteads. Plant anon*
60 sofas with Blush aid Mar-cloth costing
60 Mahogany Hemll.4 Choirs,
40 6. Parlor do
Fare! GO
Vs eel, Tiis
par thvaria, 4 par pier Tables;
mare;! op Dressing Buren:a;
s Wardrobes Fic-creturier and Book eases,
19) marble top Wash Moods;
vit pair °summon '
9 par hairy Work Buteehli
A very large assortment of common chain and other
furrutum too numerous to mention.
ED— Steam Bost* furnished on the shortest nottee,
ems on the most reasonable terms derl6
W. Baker's Amenem and French Chocolate, Prepay ,
ed Cocoa, Cocoa facie, Broma Cocoa Shells be
Tonerellants and consumers, who would purchase
X the best products of Comm, free from adulteration,
nuns nutritious trial as or coffee, and an quality lamer
psased, the •Miscrther rcron:LMMMIIS tine above articles,
manalactured by himself, arid camped with to. name.
Him Brenta and Cocoa Paste. w delleaM, palatable,
and salotary drink• for Invalids, convalescent. and
other. ore pronounced he the most eminent physicians
'apart°, to any other preparations tits mafactures
are always CM •mir. In any quantity, by th nu e most re.
Erectable armee. in the easteat einem. and by then
manta, Hawee,Gray & co.. of Lkisioni James hi Bunco
b. an. 11.110111, /lU•IMT & Murray, New York:
Grant& .torts, Fhtiadelphus, rnotnus V Ilrundige, Bal
timore, and helloic I Bennett, Cincinnati. ultra
WALL rER BAKER. Dorchester Maas.
Foe mole by aualll BACIALEY &lINI.IIII, Aga
Wrought and Cast Iron Railing
.subsenbers beg leave in inform the public that
1 they have obtained from the Eoal al) ihr late and
ram/nimble ihnigns no Iron Railing, both for boson
sod cemeteries Person wishing to procure hand.
some pattern will please ea:: and nionine. mid Judge
for themselves. Railing trill ha furmshed 51 the short
est notice, and in toe best immner, at the corner of
Craig end Rebecca streets. Allegheny lit))
nogntsnttf A- LAMONT Pc 10.40.1.
Manufactured Tobacco
,4Q ILXLS Gentry & Roysior's sopertor sweet 5 Ipc
15 do M A Ratio'', " "Ib
hf do Ps. A Harwood's " ••
21 do do
Si do do Pearl & Harwood SA lb.
14 do J Sotnnwn " 1 • "
bf do do
. .r3 do do Wm Unworn
31 do T Wnaht ,
37 do (3 Ander"on
9 do L T Dade, "
5 do It Marou's
9 do Ratel)ff " " I
Just Landing from Enamor and packets, and for tale
41 north water it and IC north wbarves,
feM Philadelphia
.ANCFACII:IIED TOBACC(h-01 ba hf 9 sinner
jU, &Son's superior sweet lb lumps.
73 half ba• tt etoter Old Emenor sweet 6. lamps
30 " Lawrence LAttirr 5. °
23 " Gentry te Ravi ne "3s Abe "
20 " Dupont (de la Rare) " 34 "
10 " McLeod •s "
'25 " Lawrence Lanier " 34 &es plug
Jost landing from Eeamer. and for 'tale by
41 N water Cl nod 16 N wharves,
my3l Phtladelplita,
W.4. - J. GLENN, hook Hinders
wE ere engnged in the above bustincas, corner
of Wonti and Tlttrd streets, Plusburgli, where
we are prepared io do any work in our hoe with des
patch We attend to our work personally. and 1.01,4-
tactwo bc vv. in regard to ita neat/mew and du
Blank Book% ruled to any pattern and booed out , -
stentint ty Books in numbers or old books bound core
tally or renewed. Nantes put on book. in gilt lettere.
Thus° that have work tit our line arc invited to can.
['twee low. mygletf
HAVING 110 id OUT cadre mock to C Gus, wall
a view Lu closing our old inINIICIM, we hereby IRO
holl for ham the paKronagc of all our Mend. •nd our
tomcr, ItO. W. POINDF:XTER.,
rltu4urg4, Aug 4th, lAB.
rl 11. GRANT, Wholeottle (;-over, Commiwon and
•-/ • Forrenrdlog Merchant, No. 41 Water FL .012
AA A FULT() N, licit add lirmt• Follafiet, 11.
b uilt r
and commenced ia. e. iacnn at h tad stand,
vttere he will he pleased to Reg] 101 , old custont•
Church, Steamboat, arti Bolls of every sire, firm 11l
to 10,U00 pounds,oosl Bola patterns of the tnost lirrfOV-
Illcd Inmlels, and warranted to he of the best materna..
omro.l Water Pump., Counter., Hailing, Ac., toge
ther with emery annety of (rasa Carnage, il rembmil,
turned and attmlied in the neatest manner.
A F. In the solo proprtetor of Ltairetr's Arert.Airsu•
7100 Alrrm., so Justly celebrated for the reduction of
frtenott in machinery. The Boxes. and Coolpo.llloll
an be had of 11110 al all times. tatiO: I v
A A. MASON &co , Gtr Market etteet, are Mier-
Ing their stock of Sake, Shawls, VIIK•t10,1.:01,5
and M4I4iIIIMI, at still greater reduced prices. I yard
wide best make black Silks a, 1)0 Os, mummer Shawls
t7u and 61 lm; moot fashionable Vontis and Mantil
las at 55 to an, Lawns awl Mushnm it and LU eta; best
Merrimack CIIIICOOd at V eta, usually 121; Calicoes at
et au; Wrought Collars tl cmi do Capes at
and SU;
Florence Braid Iktnnets, 62 and 75 cm. Gloves at 4 ear.
Thgether with a general arsortinent of goods, at near
ly one half the 11.61 rates. tultt
- -
Stales, Cooking Stoves, Grates, ace.
Al. corner Liberty and Wood streets, manufacture
and offer for rule Platform, Floor and Counter Seale*,
of the most Improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood
and coal; Egg Stoves of vartous stars, Parlor end
common Grates, Hollow Ware, Re, he. They also
manufactures the Kitchen Range, which has given sudb
general satisfaction to those having it in use, to all of
which they would respectfully invite the attention nt
site citizens and the public generally. oc 117.41 if
Ddaphragm Irtnor, for Hydrant Water.
THIS Is to certify that I have art'
primed Livingston, Roggen A. Co,
Sole Agents ler the mile of Jenntngts
Patent Bloomlig. Filter, for the cli
tics of Pittsburgh end Allegheny.
for Walter hi Gibson, 149 Broadway
N. Yl •
• Oct 10,1 949 .
We have boon using .0 of the above articles at the
othce of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial,
and feel perfectly satisfied that it Is a useful invention,
and we take pleasure In recommending them to a usci
fat 'vilely to all seta love pure water. 016511 will be
thankfially received and promptly executed.
lizsßas. Jae. sow &RP & 00.,
. . .
flo. , Bl , lVeod Street,
TITOLILD col the attention of the public to their
r present Rock <draper Hangiblp, which•for va
rtety > beaat7 of fatish,dorability and cheapness, iatitt
suficivit b3'.14 , 1 establishment in the Halm.
Bolden n large and fall assortment of paper of their
awn Coorinfactam, &foyer& mint reoehilaty dimes tan-. pertatiannitFrenelt and Enttlle style-sof ropegYsng•
Indstrireksised by Mr. Lem Howard, one onto
kl9vir in EuroPc, Cinuliting of
• • Una '
Of their =
onin mannfac do utre they i h l lr e 7i P oo s4 ,to ''L pieCes .
Wall Paper, arta LIAO pieces satin gland Wutdow -
Messrs ite . lames Howard & Co-have spared neither
expense nor labor In their endeavors to rival the east
ern wall paper establishments, both in await, of man
stamens and variety of pattern ; • and they are warrant
ed In assuring the pabliethat they have nreceedest
The whole assortment, foreign and home manatee
tore, will be offered on tenon ea low on thou of east
ern manufacturers tad lintiortera rech27:dtf
ket meet
* dos yen' high back Shell Tuck Combs;
3 " medium " u
2 Low
tu htgh f "
to, "
68 "
to blain fano, top adoado
20 gross cons Lionn.36 dos shell side, assorted si
ts gross coot bora Sidei.3 dos shell dressing doi
l 6 dos Buffalo do dm 4 do imitation do do; 60 do beat
English Horn; 6 do 8 8 8 ami Ivory, extra size; 18 do
8 SI dodo, In boles; 12 gross 8 Eno do do; 1 do comb
Cleaners. apl6
(Successors to Hassey, Minna ft Co,
in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, C
of Deposits, Bank NOM.% ondßpeele—Fourh street,
nearly opposite the Bank of Pitisburgh. Current mo
ney reserved on deposits—Sight Cheeks for sale, and
tolleen°. made on nearly all the principal points in
he United States.
The highest premium paid for Foreign and American
Advance. made an consignments of Peoduce, ahip•
pad co" on liberal ten= aga
Patent crosa-tersr crtrarzon Tables, Sofa, Bu,
C. Wruing Desks.
rrIBE TABLES far simonizing every other in
vention of the kind now extant. They cnn ho ex
tended horn ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed
the leaves are all contained inside; they are made to
all sixes and shapes, and are admirably adapted for
Steamboats, lintels, and large private (=Ales, ferns
ing when closed a complete centre table.
OOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval
uable, panieularly„, to those who wish to econo
mise room, and conven a sleeping apartment Into a
parlor dr sling roam, as they ran be opened and shut
at convenience, and when shut, the bedding is enclos
ed. A great navino in room and rent. All the bed.
steads when closed form a beautiful piece of furniture
for a parlor or kitting room.
BOOK CASE3—A neat and useful article for parlor
or dravetng room.
WRITLNO DSKSFor law officel, counting rooms,
and other offices; when opened a most convenient bed
clui when closed • perfect Desk and Library alone
All them articles need no recommendation: the
beauty oldie whole is, they are warranted not to get
out of repair. it will he for year interests to call and
ciarnille the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No.
tin Third street. Pnwhurgh. In addition to the above
W vantages, they are proof against bags.
Al JAINE.—Thm cenifie, that Immediately after
havlng attended my brother, who died of consumption
in March, Istg. I was taken sick wnli the Consumption
diUtter Complaint, said was reduced so low with the
sease. that for tour years I was unable to attend to
my business, either at home or abroad, being for the
most tune confined to my bed. Dunn; the above peri
od of time, I expended for medical attendance o
ennui Ph:yak:tans and medicines, to the amount of
faun without receiving my benefit therefrom. in
Jury. I 54.1, I rommenced taking Dr. Jayne's Med,
eines. and have taken them more or less ever since,
and inhere that it was by persesenng in their tae,
that I can now truly say that I have completely men-.
erred my health. I believe that Jayne's Smatrve Pills
and Expectorant are the best (amity medicines now to
I reside in Springfield. Otsego county, N. Y., and
corny on a tumace and machine shop in that place,
an a d ant not interacted In any manner to the tale the
above cp, make this certificate tor tbe ben
efit of those animun. ELIJA/1 EATON.
Springite:d, \V., Sept. 1K19..
ja4 _ •
the e
u tt ott a A
o C t. C6--- tb TOBACCO—'I'4e
t e r s o u n - be r
I'lnic nM
dr.a enersity. to the following bra e
nds Tobaccos,
In 'tore and cnnee. which Leto; contaminants di
mrt from nanotselurers, he is enabled to pea et east
ern pneer
IX , I bm. R LC Crenahttor 5.;
I Junes Matltson St;
.14 lamanrtatte
111 " PlWam fif i 1.124 I;
15 I " Roberix &Sisson ss;
t , 4 •• Ilteat Burl 5.;
I " Jonnaa LeWl•
3 I Warwick, stir lc;
- Henry & James sa, 14 and kik
Pitt dinehimtWeiki and
JOHN WRIGHT & Co, ere prepared to bulk, Cell.
uld Woolen bliraishiery ofavers dews - quash, such
DCutting Harauncs, Spiraling Frames, Speedos,
awmg Frames. Railway Heads, Warpers,Spoolers,
Dressing Prunes. Looms, Curd Camden. &e. Wrought
Iron Shallots turned; all sites of Cast Iron, rallies and
Hangers of she latest pattern, Hide and hood lashes,
and tools of al kinds. Cuttugs of every desenption
furrashed on snort notice. Patterns made to order for
lull Geenua Iron Railing. &e. the= fip, for heat
ing Facially, Cast Iron Window Sash ar4 fancy Cas
tings generally. Order, left at the Warehouse of J.
Fulmer & Co., Liberty street, twill have prompt rate.
Refer to (R.l.:mit, Bell & Co, J. A. 21loorehead Xs
C 9., F. Warner, John Irwin Se Sons, Pittsburgh; B.
C J. 11. Warner, Steubenville. lanl9
Pena - 111.e. Mem - Shop.
WIGHTMAN--Zil.afaztarer or kinds of cot.
la. ton and 990119 n 1 . 131..911GrY • Allegheny eny, Pa.
The above works being now in toll and successful op
<rattan, I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery to my km, ouch a, willow.,
pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding machines, ran
dreamt. frames, speeders, throsaila. 10019/1, wnT' l
cards, double or single. for merchant or country work,
mules,jack he.; slide and hand lathes and tools to gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plan. elv
en for 'rearing factories or mills at reasonable charge.
R.. to—Kennedy, Childs & Co., Blackstock, Ball
& Co., King, Pennock .198..9... Crop.
A. WHITE h Ca would respectfully inform
the public that they have erected v shop on
Lacock, between Federal ard Sandusky streets. They
are now limiting and are prepared to receive orders for
every descnpuon of valueles, thusches, Chariot's, BA.
mamma, Buggies, numons, &c., Ac., winch from their
long experience In the manufacture or the above work,
and the (actinism they have, they feel confident they pre
rumbled to do work on the tab.t reasonable terms with
show wasting articles to their line.
parecul•r alicetao3l le the selectee of mate
and basing none but competent arerkmett, they
have no heintatma m warra:fg their work. We
therefore ask the attention of th public to this matter.
N. IL Itepwring done in the t manner, and on the
most reasonable terms jtuJ:tf
- --
Bloaongahels Livery Eltabla. ----
aElitAtEla H. PATTh:H.SON has opened
the large stable on First at, running through
to Second at, between Wood and Smithfield
sta.. in the rear of the Slofformaheln House,
wain an entirely new stork of Horses and Carriages of
the beat quality and latest styles. Homes kept at live
ry in the best manner.
Patent Graduated Cialsairise Battery and Patenl
li o_reilatad Polesfor Medical ma:Joao. pruipates,
LI'S a the only tostruideat of the kind that has ever
been presented in thin country or Europe for med
ic I purposes, and Is the only one ever known to man,
b which the galvanth fluid can be conveyed to the he
n , ~ y,„, the ear, the brain, or to any part of the body,
either externally or Internally, in a detlolto gendi
stream, without shooks or pain—with perfect met).—
and Muni with the happiest effects.
This important apparatas is new highly approved of
by many of the moat </moan% physicians or this coun
try and Europe, to whom the afflicted and others whom
mop concern can Pe referred. Reference wtll also
be given to many highly respectable caisens, who have
been cured by means of this most valuable appumtes
of some of the most inveterate nervous disorders which
could not he removed by any other known mean..
Amen enema, others, it has beenproved to he ad
mirably adapted los the Care GI the following diseases,
vizi nervous headache and other dteenses of the limn.
It is with this apparatus alone that the oramtrir can
convey the magnetic Maid with ease and safety to the
eye, to restore stght., or mire ernaurosasi to the ear to
restore hearing; to the Inikuu slid Other organs, in re.
store speech; and to the Valitnoll parts or the body, for
the cure of chrome rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or
no doloureux, paralysis, or palsy, gout, chorea or St.
Vila'. dance, eptiepsy, weakness Irene sprain some
disewice peculiar to inmates, contraction of Lae s,
Its . Ist a sr , etc. me.
. .
for surrounding counties of Western P., end
prriteges, wtth the instrument, mny be purchase., oral
Islw tested for the cure of Mantises.
Full Instructions will be riven for the various chemi
cal. in be used for venous diseases, and the best man
ner for °penning for the curt of those diseases will al
oe be fatly cupiratied to the purchaser, and a pamphlet
put 11110 his bend. expressly for these purposes, care
luny prepared by the patentee. Enquire of
oetlJ-dly N WILLIAMS, Vine in, Pittsburgh
111 Aitiaomwricit
9111 F. mention of the public is respecunny called to
I me 'chewing certificates,
9. Esama—ilaving tasted a quantity of Gold
weighed by your Arcometer, I find the insult prunes
your 'imminent correct" and recommend the use of it
to them going to Collfamia, no the best method fur at.
taint. the real val. of (lola. Rospyoors,
J. B. DUNLEVI, Gold Beater .
Pi.borgh, March 9, 1810.
Prrnsircrav, March 7,1249.
Ma fluxual--Dear Sin Having examined the "Arco.
Meter," manniactUroil et your rooms, I do not herniate
tweolumend it to the me of those gontleruen who are
shout removing to California in march of Goid.
. •
It gives a clone approxiseetton to t he speerne geed
end well certainly enable we adventurer
to ascerlam when ha planer L yielding Gold.
marld Soon, wispy , . J.B llPCLlisrroolL.
N IMA RUBBER CLOTHINIi—Just received for the
Calabresi Eipeditloo, a complete aJmortment 0(
bum Elastic Clouung, at prices mnglug trota es.a, to
511,60 for cult of roal, pants and hat. For sale at the
India Rubber Depot, No 6 Wood at.
decela Jiro II PHILLIPS
e) UST tel . A. b Eft— nrenoiiiiithow so ley
et.loblll.l Netsubsadh Plarlos, used conatantly by
Idst,Thalberg and modr great performers, together
with a large uwarunr. of rosewood and mahogany,
of my own manafnett • h The above nattruracnts are
warranted to be perfero In perry respect, and will be
sold low for cash. I LILILT I 'LIE,
doelP No tug Wood to. WI door front Stb
_ .
- Vor California
HE celebrated Hazard Ws Powder, is kegs, ball
kegs, gunners and eons, for sale by
ebla J rt IHI.WORTII Jr. Co, 27w00d st
PaiiitWilisaTs Aifi. --
202wd 5t Cloud, and for sale by
mebl3 IGO Liberty st
tiNbEED Ull.—M b Ls Us moos and for sale by
BRAUN 3 RErrEli,
myU e OrLibarq end St Mar Os
trer Low—w_rottnon: me .
mg Summer Goods, al rodleed Prim, Ins:
as Lawns, Gingham, Boraces, 'Muses, Oren..
dirks, Halrarioes, 'th=r Shawls, Scarfs, Bennet
Ribbons, Belting% Mn'as and BOW 5a1... , Wear.
Persons waatiag any above, Of any o th er Oeserip•
don of Dry_Gooda will do well to call , at northeast
r unner of till and Market au. 100
'hair a large assortment of above 0 0 04 1 .°4
received, mob as plain sxbits Malls, Mu* 120 irer
1, 7 re , "et) Rae; plain Swiss do,• .barredStsiss do; em
broidered do; satin barred Itekoneta; son finished do;
main striped do; and n general assortment. of Whim
Goods, arta as plain sod figured Netts; Laces, Edic
' hips t--at --at northeast corner 4th awl Maikst
Wholesale Rooms up maim. heN
A. Kum Co'.. Co' Thi Goads Fr
'tableau:tent will be re-epenedon Fri d ay, July . ett.
A of their stock baying been marked down, ani be
offered at the greatest bargains. Parehaiers real' de•
Pend upon secant's goods as LOWER //ATV. than
ever berme. ! Br. '
RUSSELS CARPETS—Mut largest rtsaent o
BBrussels Carpets ever offered in thi s 4 , , for sale
alba New Carpet Warehouse of W. Id Hawk, No
73 Fourth st, comprising thejatest end - elheat style.,
and el pnees lower than eVer bdbred inj the seertel. .
All who want Brussels Carpets, should Call before
purchasing elsewhere. jute W hIK/LINTOCK ,
.tiro now opta i Ns G srm o ltzefluAl s a;
selected X n a re Man usual durin the lam few
weeks, in the Neve York and MAUI a market",
and embracing a great Taney of every do.
seription of the latest and most fashioneble styles, and
a large portion of it having been bought el the EAST
ERN Aucnoris at a great reduction flan the Lego-.
Im rates, we am enabled to ear meatlindneements
to cash buyers, either by wholesale, retail; We
would therefore respectfully invite the act the
publk , m our Stock, teeing confident of vs abifity to
snit buyers in elnumnevery ardeldthey y wish be
our Ike. To the ladles we would y command
out mock of
SrLasem Dun &bp, of which Wes hulls a say
large and beautiful assortment of the latest rules and
most fashionable colons
Lamm Du. Goare—rldrmslln de=, Foil de
Cheevre, silk, linen end mohair pointed
Lawns, gingham Lawns, Foulard., new atria
English, French and Scotch Cibightuns. lino=
hams in great variety, Re. Re-
Bommrs—New style Bonnets, very chow
Rise., axe FLowsrai—Of the Imesistscicoanisape
nor in qaality.
Faluscas—A very large and handsomeestoek of Par
asols, of almost every style . and quare.,.
Susvrte—A fine ossortment of spring and summer
Shawls, of all styles end prices.
Fusco Curran—A goodsupply of sitper French,
English and American Cloths andCusimlnrei L to which
we would invite the attention of persons ItelnS seen
r oods.
ALSO—A fall and general supply of Shining Cheeks,
Ticking., brown and bleached Muslins,; .3 Ml:s Linens,
Sheeg., Diapers, Cambric., Drillings, OTOood.
mem , and boys , wear, Sneonets, Molls" Swim, Noe
gooks, Nanking, Prints, Gingham., Crape, CrumLee.,
enlists, Wore., Hosiery, silk Heats, Yells, Re. tec.
Persons washing to bay by wholesale, should call
and crooner our stock, es mu prices ere such as W
make it their illtet[Sl 10 bey.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 Market at,
spEt northwest comer alike Diamond
A. MASON A. Co., No. CO Markairect, have
ill, on hand the largest variety of. brotderies
which they have ever offered. Their natant con
sists un part of the following goods, vim
185 rich embroidered Capes, from 81,50 to 5,00
850 Collars " 375 to 8100
SN. crochet Collars, from 37e to 75
110 Mee " " 8 to 12*
700 (i mpure" " 6} to 17k
160 Jenny Land " " 721. to 1,00 I.
leo mann Habits, " 70 to 1,70
590 owl mtudm Cuffs, " 371 to 'll2i
Also, gloaming Collars, from 1.81 to 27f.
Call at the eheag one price more' of 4. &MASON
& Co, No 00 &lark. lit- ; mYI2
GES, &e.—W. R Alcamo has thig morning re.
ceired by Express a lot of haodsome sgate eolargd,
g . reen and bine Bonnet Ribbon.. Also,. glossy black
Silks for dresses, Vuites, mantillas, An.
BLace Sum Lames—A large assortment lately reein
iVarrs Gann for dresses—such as noise and mall
senslms, Nansooks, ke. Also, embroidered mutates
for dresses, all at lowest prices, at northesat corner
Fourth and Market streets.
Wholesale Rooms up mum myl4
FL hlvarar has now open a full assortment of-a=
more articles, for dresses and saeks—ainong the lit
ter are some scarce colors, such as pink, blue, green,
de.; also, pink, blue, green, and mode colors of Cha
meleon Lawns, and a large assortment of embroider
ed muslin. and Lawns.
. . .
W. K M.'s recent purchase is now all received and
open and persons venting Dry Goods ssall do well lo
look at his image and fresh stoel before purclossing—
nottheast corner 4th and storks's Its
Wholesale Rooms op •ulr.. my 2 .
Karin6lAL FLOWERS,—.llateriala for ArunCl ,
Flowers, sir, Plain tissue paper, manned do, Car
le paper for coloring, Pink Saucers, lies C.S of mos.
ry tons; toid
P r ti n nsed ;Trios, lan bri obtrocil at
.pl 4 T=W ari B o rrth'st
VMEIROIDERY-Worsied pauenn tor ottomans,
I.'. Piano Stools, Table Coven, Traveling begs, with
• great variety of small panerns. Also„ Worsteds of
all colors and shades, by the and, ounce,_ or skews
for sale by apl4 Fff EATON & Co, trt Foarth st
SECOND SUPPLY —W E &trophy, at prirthenst ear
net of 4th ood Market streets, has oo open his
sancoro sapply of spring andwormsnerrGessdsw 11.4 bas •
large assortment o( Dress G r OisiS of 115751 Styles, and
(woods of every kind, all of sable will be sold
bsw. 5P 9 . 7
171 1 110LSO•LkG DAY GOODS.
60 MAU= &ma, •
ARN now opening the most extensive iind varied
assortment of Spring and Same* Gemds ever
exhibited in the Western emintry,comprlsing upwards
sf &even Hnadred Co,,as purchased m 1512131111 pcusks
ges from the manufacturers, Importers, cad large ace.
uon sal., by one of the Ann residing in Near York,
who is constantly sending on the newest and most
fashionable goods. They name in pare--
100 eases rich Spring Pnour, 30 nuns Mde Leine;
- Lawns andlidaslim 33 " cotton and linen
120 bleached Mostins,all
30 G collqrtusinig
in shig d e7Cheeks and 27 !Mph. Conn.
domesue Gi.nghruns; ades and slimmer Suds
250 Brown Zilans;
Also, ease. and packages of Bonnets, Flowers, Le
er*. Ribbons, Silks, Shawls, Bereges, White Goods,
Millinery Articles, Cloths and Caasimerea Linens, Ho
siery and Gloves, &e. Rn.
City nail country merchants will find their stock as
large and desirable as Eastern stocks, and an exami
nation of their seeds and prices cannot fall tozon
nutce all that with their undeniable advantages and
facilities, they can compete Norm airs Eurrrart lone=
This fact has been clearly demonstrated to hundreds
of their parsons who foraerly purchased East. Their
stock will always be found complete. an?
Tr ENNEDY & SAW ,ER, corner Wood ,ltd Fourth
fl street, are now receiving direct from first bands,
tore stock of Fancy and Varier, Goods, including
Clocks of every vartety, gold sad Olver Watches,
Jewelry, French Prints, C o mbs, Phdoks and Eyes,
Gloves and Hosiery, Suspenders, Gun Caps, and nil
other articles in their of which having teen
purchased personally of the mfttufacturern east‘tiu
nng the last winter, expressly for the timing trade,
will be sold 'wholesale at a small advance on .00SL
Constantly on hand, all descriptions of Looking Glass
es, of oar own manufacturing, at eastern mice. mho3
ULON KINSEY'S, 67 Market street.
pee fine China Vuek.ass`d 170 ants twin and,
.t velvet coat Buttons; 40 floe v elvet Carpet Bag
do do gent's traveling; 100 gross fancy sulk Buttons,
for dresses; 10 doz Nail Brushes, ass'd; 100 gee fine
blk Von Buttons, asif'd; 750 do do gilt and plated, do;
:0 dos rosewood Hair Brushes; 4 do Wisshnigion do;
1 do Barbers do, 3 gre Fish Linea; froth Hooks, Lime
rick, to
JEWELRY. to —5O gold lever Watches; 50 do de
tached lever Wale nee; 10 do Lepine do,• 10 fine dia
mond Fins. Rings doz fine gold Vest and Fob
Chains; 2 do do Gunn* Breast Fuss, finger Rings,
Ear Rings, Ac.
GLOVES, 6c.-200 dos Ladies Cotton Gloves, ess'd;
30D flo do Lisle Thread, fancy top, rm.; ID do gents'
silk Gloves; I) do do kid do; 60 do4adies kid, aae'd; 10
do do fancy top silk.
VARIETY GOODS-75 pkg. American Pins; 300
boo Cotton Cords; lope Paper 5011.000 ribbed
Percussion Caps; Din gro dross Whalebone do; WO dos
Ivory Combs; Dresstag Combs, Back Combs, to. to.
UI 11. BATON k. CU. are now operant thelr Nonni
r stank of Trimmings, coralstant in part of Man
tilla and Drees Fringes, Gimp., black and coltd Silk
',aces, black Flounce Lace, Buttons, Buhl., Bonnet
Trtmminga, gents, ladles end children. plant and tan
sy Hosiery, Phins /or men and 60)0,0.M, Ivory nod
other Fan., Yarn. Spool Conon, Needles, Tape., nub
bin., Pins, Sc. winch tiler offer forrole both
orholetale and retail 04 Ulu Trimming t?!.tre, 62 "....b
street, between Worat and Mirk., ..14
*TRW , 014ww a. Co, No.
VI Co Market AIRCI, are now opening 40 caws and
packages of tplandsd 'SPRING GOODS, wiraprising
LIIVVIIt, Muslin*, Dcrefces, 01. do Lurie. Ginchems,
Prm, French Cambnes, Lioeno, Ribbons, - Laces,
Sdks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, sad a general assort
ment of Goods. moicH
ECEIVF.D TIES DAV, Conning and Oil Cloths
1.1 of the intent sod moot approved patterms, rmd at
prices to suit purchasers, and sheaf , as cos Im pur
chased in any of the Eastern clues, composing the fol
lowing varieties:—
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets;
Aixmhustor Carpets; tmy size hall rooms or veal
Topestry do tiboles.
Sup Royal Drawls do Tapestry stair carpets;
Extra sup 3 ply do Erussols do do
Superfine do do Chemile Rags;
Extra sup Ingrain do Tufted do
Superfine do do Brunetti do
Fine do do Chernile Door mats
Cowmen do do Tolled do do
4-4, 3-4 & apestry Adelold do do
Lhmink'T do Sheep akin do do
3.4 & twPd V,
de &-4 do 111-41 Emb'sed Pian o
o coven
c la ast•
3_4 tr. I plain do do 6-4 wool
do do
Cotton Ingrain do 6-4 wonted and linen do do
do Veneuaa do Brass Stair Rods
Fi cotton Draggeg
12-1 wo olen do
64 table do
Isiwriiiih Table Oil elotbsi Diaper do
do do do do Crash
S-4 Floor Oil cloth.; Snow-Drop NapthuN
7.4 do do do Crimson Pluehi
e-4 do do do Purple do
5-4 do do do Maroon do
4-4 do do do Carpet Binding;
Sheet Od Cloth., of neorTransrat Window Shades
Tapestry pimento, eat to Gt
the above we are mongol receiving oar Spring
Start of Carpets . , Oil Clothsand :compost Trimmings,
which we invite the attention of all who wish to far
lush their houses or steamboats as we will be able to
offer goods aa low es they can be purchased In the
Fitt, and of the richest and latest style.. Call and ex
amine oar stock before porehnsiggelsewherr- Ware
house, lia7s !Mirth st. moh:23 W.APCIANTOCIL
011Y - 60008a ,
Dry Goode Jobber•,
NO. 59 WOOD STREET-Would eall the ar.ertilon
of Merchants to their large stock of Domenic
and Foreign DRY GOODSOasfruelving from the Ins
porters and Marafruttaten, .4 whkh they will sell
at very low Wearer Cash or approved credit.
Om stock Is now Mt and complete, and veil worth
the attention MUD," cm we are determined to gall
at meh extremely low penes sananacn Cad to make it.
a:areng Asdainstair suirdaats to makesbawl%
VOL. XYL NO. 301.
Young MEN In wholesale and retell worm, and other
respectable basintas, ta set as Hoorikeepers, Sale.
men, Porters, Bar-keepers. Walters, Farmers, Coach
men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, Collector.,
Overseers in all branches of busineas, to We have
at all times a large number of good skeanens on hand,
whtch pay from 300 to Vi,ooo per annum. Thom In
want of situations of any tied would do well to give
us et call, u tee hove agents in each of die Wave ci
ties, which will enable us to place every applicant in
a suitable situation at the shortest nodes. We have a
large =plutonium in all the above named cities,
which we trust will enable as to give entire sanest -
tion w •11 who may favor us with a call.
TAYLOR & TAYMAN, No. VD fleeced at.,
etweeo South and Gay.
N.B —Tempo liviog in any past of the IL Slates,
and wishing to obtain a situation in ilaltimot=i
tor of the, above cities, wilt have their wan
distal, attended to by addressum finer(fTrid)
as by so doirtilltel will'earlMibOth tmab
pease ' which they otherariee Woold - Inchr by ooming
todmeltY, andlleaking erOPlOyMent iffthemseivaa
Second erect,
my2.sdtf Baltimore, bid
VV. Mc MOM approved English pnUem, banished
•itnit recommended by Thomas Oskessch,Ewa., ssid
uninber of eminent physiciensi being a most conveni
ent simaranutfor thes application of alum or hot-wa
ter to the bowels, In ease of cramps in Choler. As
every person is subject to enddonanneks, no amity
shonld be without of least one.
joy . rust rt. botenien Wood and Market
Improvement In Pim= "
TEllieubscriber renewing en
woottlitent of Pianos from the factory
OrNtuutl A Clark, N. Y., which the dI
uttne or exterior, beauty of finish
and ouperionty atone and touch. surpass any thing
ever brought to this city. Mn. Clark,. of the above
firm, long and . moo favorably known
as the former
foreman in the celebrated Piano establishment of
Broutiwood, London, has recently Improved and per
fected the Pinnee of Nunn. & Clark, N. y., to an ex
tent which,unguestlenably, entitleathent to the repu
tation of be ing the very best as wallas the cheOest
PiOSIOS to be get In this coanny. The lot now cowl
ing, comes with the additional recommendation or an
Improvement in the style and Knish, Which makes
them az once the most elegant aid tam thing ever
brought out. These instruments, together with the
stock on band, form the most extensive, veriest and de
sirable assornnent ever offered hers; all ofwhibk wW
be sold at manufacterers prices, and on accommoda
ting terms. H. KL.E.BER,
at i, W.WoodwelPs, 53 Third st
N. B.—The subscriber will be found at the ware.
Imam from 11 to to A. hi and 4 to SP. M.
jot Ht K., sole Agent for Nunes & Clark
THE subscriber odors for..lna large and splendid
moment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac
tion Pimps, with and without Coleman's celebrated
Saban attachment The above instmaterne are war-
rented to be equal to any manetraemred -to this coun
try, and mill be sold lower that any brought front the
East. F. BLUNEE, No tl.s srood st,
2d door abbye dth
ITor Scrip at Par.
iffinJOHN aMELLOR, gl Wood Meet,
will fot Scrip at par, the following
new and second hand Piano=
One elegant rosewood Cl oeuvre Pi
ano, made by Linker & ammo, N. Y V= 00
One do do 64 octave • —• • • —••—• • -. DEO 00
Ono rosewood 6 octave, Gales & Co, N. Y.• • 27.5 00
Ono do 6 do do
One mahogany 6 do do nearly new• •MO OD
One • de 6 do Lod " • " • • 715 00
One do 61 do Rosenbaum • --• 100 DO
000 do 6 do Gelman •• • • ....... 60 CO
One do 51. do II it %V Nome
One do 5 do English
m 53
J -
OHN FORSYTH, fdereham Tnilot r lies removed
to No. 34 Market street, arm door from Second,
East side.
Thankful for past favors, ha respealfanY =twin •
eontinnance of the patronsga of his Amp= ensanness,
and likewise the patronage of no many new can as
are of the right stripe.
Orders in the Tailoring line executed la the aunt
fashiunnble manner, arid with dispatch.
A 1.., • fashionable assortment of ready rosizato;
thing, efll kin.. Cheap for cash, of comae.
°embalm. Furnishing Goods In all their Mien.
always on hand, sich as Shins, Bosoms, Collars, Cro
vats, Storks, Scarfs, Hosiery, Saspenderrs, Pocket
Gloves, Drawers, Umbrellas, hr. fte.
, • ;:tw - 1 6 7 - Fil --- ;? , 11.i fir •
‘' l , ll+,fmky
- _
A DISHINENT and'experleneed Thysienan from the
71. East, of SD Years atandlng, offers - to total yl eases
of a Delicate Name with prompt:rim and secrecy._
His fuzee . in Belisle end ether large eltleit has
been proem at His charges are moderate, and his
cures permanent. Old eases of Gleet„ 81211TIZO, Sem
fula, Fluor Albus, Rhaumatista r ligue, Syphilis, or any
chronic, or Inveterate cases whetted.
A cure warranted, or charge stranded.
St (Beira/vet, 2doers from - the Bridge.
Teeth Eruncted. Advice to the port; grunt.
N. H—Dr. A. solicits the worst cases of any disease
in Pinsbarsi, to call. a • tentf
WILLaLIAZI • ,- .11131,
tiannfeetnret-ol inn eral Wulff • Apparahn,
man as mat uoinsn nos inn
No. 213 North Second st.
aliove las t
AN experience of MOM than twelve years In the
manufacturing of linters! Mite! . Apparatus, and
the preparation of ?amend Wm:Erin Bowles out Palm
tains, on en extensive scale, with &scientific and pree
ned knowledge of of both branches of badness, tone.
they with recent improvements in the commotion of
the Apparatus and the_pmporimr of the Weser, widish
he has succeeded in tipting lime° hie Visit to Aria,
and after years of close study and practical applica
dons as applied to the ens in htechseios and Chemis
try, enables the subscriber to came before the publle
with entire confidence, and offer them die best and
most complete Apparent', for the matinfacene of Arm
en' Waxer in Bottles and Fountains, that can be far
sashed in the United States
He also flatten tumsen that the enlarged success he
has met with, and the present extensive and daily in
creasing amount of his liosinus in both t h e above &-
panic:mina furnishes the most convincing proof of his
claim to the !superiority of Apparelma over those ofall
others, and or the purity and aahibrity of the Water
prepared there-fro.
Persons who miler the Apparatus from a distance,
may be assured that their instructions shell be faithful
ly -complied with, caul so packed as to carry safely
either by land or water to any part of the U. States.
To avoid disappointment, it is retommended to those
who intend supplying thernsetrea the appromidng wa
gon. to forward their orders at as early a day as con
mineral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and
Fountams, Ornamenbq limo and Pedestal. for Mandy
Connters and Bars of Hotels, for drawing Hydrant
Water, together with Carting and Tying Machines,
and everything appertnimug to the above business,
constantly on hand, and for stile on the lowan tonms
(or cash, apteitdeodem
PTENT SOLAR L....R.44..0128-Am eite.ive
assortment of Conaelius It Cots celebrated moon.
facture, and superior to all other, In use. adapted to
churches, steamboats, (=tortes, dwellirgri, public and
private halls, and to all other uses where a cheap, safe
and brilliant light is deatrahle.
Also,Girandoles, Hall Lonterni,Cindelabrar,Olobes,
Shades, Wicks, 0/3111Miel, Cans, Tr.tmmers, Mw. G. Chandeliers, from one to fair I t
dees W W WILSON, GI market at
~ti:'l. i~M~nY~l~ii;'
UFACTORy.—The subscriber takes tins medical
f m e
his friends and the public general Slat
he has - the largeststoct of the following named rut -
cies of his own manufacture In this cily—Saddles,
nen, Trunks and Whips, el of which he will warrant
to be made of the Ina material and by the best ench
ain. in Allegheny <aunty. Being determined to sell
his 1:13.1101. 11 V• something lovret than has been here
tenni sold by any snitar establishment in the city,
he would Melts persons in need of the above named
articles to his warehouse, N 0.214 Liberty street, oppo•
sits Seventh. Also, bands nun to order for machine
oet3b-ly O. KERBY.
T H e E are Se orZtr. Se a " nr roaf
r "' the 'd ;re. '
academic year, will rommence ort the first of Februa
ry next, in the same buildings, No, liberty weer,
Anangeinclits ban been made by which they
be able to furnish young ladies faculties egnal teeny
in the West, Inc ontaming a thorough English, Classil
mil, and Ornamental education. A fall coarse of Phi-
Innaphical and Chemical Levens will be delivered
during the winter, illustrated by appararna. The de
pertain. of Vocal and Instrumental Masi; Modern
Languages, Drawing and Panning, will each be wader
the are of a competent Professor. By close attention
to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pe
p., the Principals hope to :unite condnuation of the
liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For
terms. see circular or apply to the Principals.
400 1111 , t. h r
A NNE:RS' OIL, in butdpitme small
OIL.--Coustsatly an hand, bleached and unbleanbl
ed winter and spring Sperm, Elephant and Whale Oda.
Also, light colored selected N. W. Coast Whale Oil,
sulteble for retailin g ;.
bers are oem prepared to supply , Dicalrm's Patent Oil'
in any quantity; machinists, manufacturers, ha. , are
requested to'eall and examinathe article. certificates
of its efllcaoy and gnperiortry over all other oils, from
several of our most extensive manufacturers are in
our rogression. ALLEN NEEDLFS, Asir,
21 and VA south wharves, near Chestnut so.,
febta-erelem Philadelphia
— Thiritters to Dago ype steltlita.
"[UST received, n mall invotceof VOIOTLAEN
neer construcuon. These Instruments ponces great
advantages over all others ever made, covering • 8-3
sue Plate, reducing the time of sitting ortohad, and
producing a sharper, clearer and better defined pic
ture. They, Mercian', deserve ilusattention of all Ar
tistsngaged, or intending to engage In the business.
Pnee for tae Tube 8175.
A general assonntent of Volga:tender's justly cele
brated lestruntenis„of all aises, as well as Dagnerreo
431a?'!IPat rm - pl,l7C"mtciannit,.olllo, is our te
thotised agent for the nloof the above Instrumenta.
A Lest of Pncrecan be obtained by addressing, post
Exchange, 'Phadelphla,
Importers of DagnerreotyperAlaterlals,
.and General
Agrees for the sale of Volellaceo"o• UpUcal Instru
ments. mankeodem
Iturdwire—Cheapet Malt Evert
T OGAN, WILSON Is CO, Importers and Wholesale
.14 Dealers ha Hardware, CatlEry and , Saddlery, No
WS Wood arca, shows Mb, hovemorwln wont a verr
cheap and well ok to cied gawk of liardtrare, leepeepl
since the decline apricot in Escropeosmi walla ra7
we determined tong correspondingly lota ,Idemaaa
who have been In Mei habit of going paw, ante,aaa
larly requested to call andloorthrorrgb
_emir "", aa.
Ins enadctuly belie.. shay will sate their•oaamms
alrl4=-17.1'DN4, 1r. "1-