The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 26, 1849, Image 1
ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. T 6 • 11.. BAUM G STUIRRIRTT, TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS er RAW, AFounh meet, between Smithfield And •Guslt, sburigh Pa. /MA IL LAIO4- •• tenor...a ranianD, ? ATTOFlNtiliti AT LAW,Fourth street, resitrant 1% . 411q - • — --- AIiiISITONO lc CROZER, Commission Metoharlill and Ikalera in.Plodhces No. 22 hlarket; suset Yltlshurti.. p ' dee , a a Boarlll.W. . 00.1 LIADSI.7 T)I.IStIFIELD tr.. LEADE£4, Wholesale dreamy to 1) Dry Um* Oroeerlee, Boots., Shoes, riatbargh ratintOrkeltired ardeles, he, No. It2o Llberry talteAftj ptaabo_Th. rar.usho z t tha - th, - osoacre sirsza: _ 1.) RALIt, it .11E11 ER, Wh;esale and Etetait Dror guts, I.) gu, zanier of Liberty' d Si... Chair streets, Mae burgh, Pa• . h10 714- ' 'MUNI 12141:4 X. h. aoaraii. , Lnow] I 4 , CULBERTSON, Wholesale Worm, and t emelssloo Merchants, No. 145, Libt`rty ol.j una h. Pa dallly.. AIi&ESTOCX & Co., Wholesale and Re• .Druftiaty_Forner Wood and 6th at si:arn, Wholesale GroperS,:l3 Mid 0.1 Wood street Pittsburgh.' 1 A. MeANULTY & Co., Forwarding .3 - co. Mission Merchants, Canal Basin, Paulin:4l6 Pei mad Duquesne Spring, Axle, Steal and, Iran Works. OLP3LftN, HAILIIAN & Co, martuhetalrers Of C Coach and Eliptle Springs, Hammered ;Axle', Spring end Plough Steel, iron, &e. Warehouse do Water and From streets, Pittsburgh. Also, dealers is. Coach Trimmings and Malleable Castings.• MARBLE WORKS ON LIBERTY ST OPINISIFE /11 , ..a1) OF PaXiD,PITTS/1111bB D RA& VND AV LAUDS, .4 CNTfNUF. to manufacture inonunterns, Bin* Vaults, Tombs, llead Stones, Mantel Pte.*, Con tra and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic mabble, a reguiar and Our price. N. S.—Drawings for monuments, vaults, &c. furnish ed, of any description. He isalleits• shall, of public marionette amill)1111: WY. b. . i MiIAS/1 to 11E7 , 1P/I:TT, (Into kinglish, Onllngbet XI di Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Communion arid Fot wording Merchants, and.dcaltirs to Produce and Pat. burgh Monufhotores, No. 37 Wood at, betsreenthd and 3d streets. r -• • MO, t.ultb.E. C4JUICILIIN, tWurzurasion mud Forruda; r blerehanc WOOdstIVEL PiUsburgh.: my RORIE LRACIUN. FACTORY,: . "rj Afult.l ON STEWART, tuossineturer of !Wait rl Its, t ni t ,p, Ch e ek, &s., Rebecca elleC ;my , of Aseghesy. novl3-4R.Y. 7A L&E, ttwecettot toMurphy & Wool Deal -11 sad Cossaustios Rerebaat, for the }ale .of lunettes:ln Woolens, Latterly, oppottut bth CO. WY. lIYII.a, Italumore. J. BcceDol, =We. D. C. feceiLlEo3, /CUD a. Welles; EALD & BUCKNOR, Tobacco C,ocurthuloi Mer- AUL emuna,lll North Water at, ta 10 North WIWI-ref, aos:Wtf-,•, . 11 AHOY, JONES k Co., (aneetwors a atorool, .11 Jones Jr Co.) Couuniasuon and Forwarding Mol chants, dank.. in Pittsburgh Illanufacuired Gouda,. Mutatall, Pa. ___—_—_ mom WWI DIC.I, RO3 mom, 18, • S&LA.II DICKEY & Co, Wholesale Grams* Corn: evasion Merchants, and dealers in Prodoce r Nostid I end lig Front sum., Pittsburgh. 'aos9 JB. CANFIRLD, (late of Warren, Ohio,) Commits. shad and Forvisnming Mirthant, add ovheldsula dealer in Wutern Reserve Cheese, Boner, For and Pearl &oh, dad Western Produce getierally, Watof treet, between emitbleld and Wood, Pittsburgh. ap3 JOHIO WATT, (successor In Fatah & Gebbart4 Wholesale Grocer and Commission MeachanO dealer In Produce and Patannigh hlanumeduino eat! der of Liberty and Hand streets, Pittsburg-II Pa.:lint/3- , Ald..kZ S AIcGUIRE, limn of thefiTm of ditto add MsOlaire,) Merchant Talkir, Sr. Charles Boßantlll, Thud str_s!42mor Wood, Pittsburgh. 7 AMES A. "AITCHISON, A C.3.—Succesabra to it Lewis Hutchison t. Co., Counaission March.* and Ago of tho Si. Lou. Steam Sugar It<arkory. No. 43 water and ita front strum, Pinaburgh. 4. duce o, Wholesale Groet.4, i'ro for the Ille " lLssn ' lP c = " of cod ` 4.4" Pivaburgt. Co. o N. Y., No. 27.14Z0d J Wood street, ono door South of Diamond ..sliery, Puts. burgh.___ Sant • 1 AMES Mtn, Jr., Zs Co, (suecessor to Joseph (t Davis,) Shlp Chandlers, 30 Water street. 70e.31 JOliN H. AIELLOR, WholnaieTsidfi;usTi7,liSle; at Alamo and Sinucal Instruments, Sehoottoons, Soper, Slams, Steel Pens, (teals, Pruners' Cards, and Stationary gm:orally, No. di Wood st, Pittsburgh- Kr Rege bought or taken is trade. sepia 1 13CHOONMAKETt tr. Co.; Whotesnle No. al Wood street, Pardrurgh. OHN D. DAVIS, doetrocteer, comer sth and Wood 1.) streets, Pittsburgh. *elf% .; WINSTON tr. sTOCKTUN, Bookseller., Primer! 43 and Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market st, burgh. jes Rosa . ktxuasis nor& _" J 1 &a. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, tkaitanillio2l Mem:lnnis, and Dealers in Produce ' Hound ribuxh naildings, fronting on Liberty, Wood and nth streets, 1 11.3baret., Pa voyB JAALES DALZELL, Wholesale (; rover, Cemudssloa Meschnot, and dealer is Produce and Phisburgh blanalueurres. ti 0.51 4 tVatcr ss, Ptusborgh. joale n. lEft & JONLS, Forwarding eked Gorornisanne bur ehruns, Dealers in Produce mdritutbargerzonnil. G.enered !uncles, Cennl ilnain, near 7th et. Pliri el:1111461. ENNEIA, CHILDS a. iXt., faanufauurerr of verl „11. supenor 4-4 beneungs, Carpet Learn .Cotton Iwine and Bailing. Vesuvius Iron Work.. T ENV'S, DAI.Y.F.I.L e. Co, manufacturers of an zes Dnr, Eibeei,l3orler Iron and Nails of the licift quality. Warehouse, water and lUS front sr. r.• • mtlr 1 B WATER., AN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward ingg and Coleatutston Merchwtt, Dealer itt Putti. burgh Manufactures and Produce, NO,. 31 Water 61., and or Front C. SLOW.. 11.11.1151. 1 7, IL 1,111141.1.W1L KILN II /LOY & SAWYER, IOOKIN4 (SLASO Manufacturers, one tViolmola A dealers in locmgn and domestic Variety .Aroodis essen: merchants, Pedlars and others art.:lnvited to emit and esormue the Fouts and quality of out stock, with oar present Increased facintres m manrt(atmt• It g and purebeumgove ttuolr ere can oder tie grail inducemetrus to buyer" as any other louse weir o( IM Aimmuuns. IaLLI7 WM. 111.11-1./.., YII/104111. C. W. ILICILLII/01S, 4 . l.CibllllgL; 11..LF.kt a. RICK ETEIOhI, V. notesale Urethra, and 111. importers tit !hoorahs, Vliu.s sad &glus, him 112 and 174, corner of Liberty ot.d Irwin sheet, PIMP rurf,h, Pa • • IeGLI.L. IAI D. M . G.- watiotE.F. /WA. etiILLS & ROE, . Wbotet.ate Greece, tuteNla . remin_ Jll. aioa Mereltatns, 114 Latterly st., Pu.lateuglt. St 6 URPHY, WILSON & CO., (late Jones, Morety tr. co.) whoiesalo Dealers .0 Dry Hoods, N0... 1 411 Wuad street., kwaburgh. • • N. ALLEN, 4.121. 147 --- 736Ci7f It 4 ALLEN & Co., Comnussion and Yosswastlinar blerettants, Water and Front sta., batweaL 11 and and Market 41.11. mC ft,. ATI' eortrutand alintarrirePaln• /1.1 ter. Rooms, corner m Post °trace n. 107 lAil Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Market. dect-d2 HOL,NIEM — ii — tION, No. 54 Market 04 sectdid door trout corner of Fourth, dealer* inyordiej Ilornestte Sills of Farhat e, Cerultcnten Depaft, it, Hoak Notes nod Specie. MD - Cohlteettout mad on nil the principdl cute. t troughout the United titntes. ;,docl. thlotma•sr—f lace, Skunk sky N third door shove Smithfield, south elde.:: Conveyanung of all kinds done 'lntik • the ipeateStt care and legal accuracy. Thies to 'Heal Pilate examined, &r. DII, GEORGE IIIoCOOK. • nFFICE, fourth street, near Grant, in Me mein aj lately oicupied by Alderman !Miler, ttataethate Iy opttome Alt. SakoorelPo. Ito may names:4 at rMstit I. No. 71, St. Chuiten Howl. joliDdOm - - H. Ts Ito netiito:BSTD., gAPTLIALMIC 13UK4hA.IN, will attend torte mtfit ment of Menses of the Eye. r. R. has been engaged to this branch of tlor medi cal proforma/1 for sateen years, end b.s conducted en establishment for the vestment of di•014.11 of the eite alone 101:•C•i0g 0,0100 and resiecnos, corner of Sandusky at hod S:rawberry alley, Allegheny city. ; seta Lit rundus Tze Fmrstit it., near Wood—All mummies of Green And Black Tom, done op m quarter, 11014 and one proms packages, ranging from du cut. per podint Sl,no. jy.t. A. JAI NES, Am. for Pekin Lea . ____. It) takielgg ALUDHE, W tonesam Wooer, itiecialylog J.ll. Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pinsburgh Elsondise. titres, and nili Yantis of Forman and Domestic Wines and LlqlkOra, NO. II laberty s • et. 0. 1161114 I very I urge stock of superms old Monongahela whiskey, which will 6e, sold low fur rash. . tgillety: . aosarliThesstio, unworn a. itosudgils — . 1 . ,y MODINSON & Co., Wholesale tirocers,Prodace JA, and Commission Itlcrettams, and DealesS in Pap burgh Alannlacuirea, No. Lle Libeny st., Pettsbnitn Pa. Lpuis 'WY DdisZELL & Co y Wholesale :Grow* COrlifl4llloo and Forwarding 'Libertya in Produce and Pittsburgh Alaindseurtes, at Pittsliwo, Ya i fetal Oltr. - A. ctiNNlNCillela, %Vhotusalet Oroctr it Dealer in Pialuec and PillsbUrgh hlextilfactiffts, No. 144 LiberVy O. RZIMOI44, 1. to SIC= EYNOLDS & Forwarding and CatrunistiOn l ily Merchants, thr the All ith h e ep !river Trade, deal er+ m Groceries, Prodae g , p„, 4 l„ a6 h gi a thitheinre a and Ghlonde of Lathe. The highest puce•on coah, mid 1,11 times - tor coan :NT. Corner of Yenn and Irwin gm .0.41 D. m satACscrrti nos. m , Wllltrt- H.AcKLE77 k WHITE, whok.,,i c Kkalerllll. § Foreljyrk and Domestic Dry tioocts. N0.99 - Wood lt. Imuurgh, t . e.bl7lX ---- Ti o W. lIARDAUGH, W.l 11.1c - c - iiir.i, - Is, - Deal;er. O. to Fl a mid Produce genetally, emit Criew.nljng .i c o m:11:4. Merchants, No. 62 Wmerst,Fitti. Loryt6 . =—.. _._... , - pd ITAGALEif & Co, Wlaulesale QI Produce deniers, No.Z el erect streci,betareenliti and eta North aide, Philadelphia. narfi .rcrraman. )mir mcvole,riLmi.b. ELLE; b. N1C0L.9 7 Produce and General coal. 13 mission Merchania, No. 17 Liberty Zittsbriret. !Terre, Linseed and Lard Oda. • - • . . Q F. YON BONNHORST, Co., .Vhotesato.tiret eerar Fonehrdinc and Commission hlercluints, niersin Phtsbnr;h Manufactures wed Wtenern Pro duce, hue. removed to their new WILILIIDUIHNSOILI Inab4) No. :13, corner of Front it and Chancery Lana. • _ or. r. eaom. scan. TRUTH& SCOTT, Wholesale and RetnlL-dealeii in Beets, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, 6.c., 8:W, rner of Sib and Smithfield Ell,. Pinstiargli,a.... -74811 Merchants, l',7 Grocersrs Q-Ca/a sinMerchants, and deniers in Produc". Wood Pittsburgh. po LSe•ld. 1511TCHELTr2.MWholesalri Rmifling Distillers, and Wine stid Liquo, ams,. Also, Importers of Soda Ash and Blotch ing Powder, No. 460 Un.rty street, Prusbursh, Ps. Li, 'spa , .., . • ~.. - ~..- ' : ,s. r,.3• ---'''''.;4 . . , 5 ' i • ' • . i ', 1 ) ' 3 - •. . . ._. .. . • . .. CARI)B. DAVID 1CC.11.3211X611 SITICK &PII&NDI.M.SS (saeoessors to L & J. D. yy Wick,) Wholoiale Gtoeers, Forwarding arid Cornmission Merchants, dqlers ut Iron, Nails, Glass, 1.000,1 Varna, and,Pittsbrirg Manntactares generally, • of Wood andVater,iitreets, Pittsburg-IL ur W. WALLACE, aurae and Alin Foresail a ing earalObereer, SU Liberty at., near the mares VirrW 7 Wll:ssrWittceo — ne ry - 13, . and Military Goode,;comee of Alarket and 4th greet., Pittabsughi IclL T Warches and Clocks carefully mowed. dec4 . yfirD3T 110Vilkuakie. arid Forciardlog Pderehent, N 0.941 Ftopt .. between Wood l and arket strata 1 teni ~' W. Porggn il er bOi - I;...i;tre llrr 11' nord=t corner of Market and Fannk Pa B.4ra WAIL 70111113, . MD. IL IrCtrlll. ITM. YOUNG—DeVers In leather hides, tn. VT 143 Liberty mt. ~. N ,..1 . .._ _ orx. rierrenzrrn sour. Warne::Or 114 7 6 UTC HEOPC; Wholesale Grocer*, len to Protium Iran Nails, Ginrs, and Pitts. buburgh . lilmufnetures generally, 1.52 Liberty st, Pitts rgh. • 4! W WILSON, De tin Watches, Jewelry yr , Ware, MS** Goods, &e., No. h"/ Mar tad at nov7 - UW) Crilnal it CO., EALETIS IN HIDER AVID LEATHER,. Morocco,. u.l m edinv , P . lrtdingll p c iti llo 6 143 Llr o l" BLITT ; have . prising • largo wirorlment Onnicles their hoc, r to which the suentien pinch : Leen is invited. mobil -Iv - s ~ STRAW:IIO.AT AO ENTS omorAsoviClLL. Ammo& Co, owal No.*Wator street limmaiil VIRE AND MAHON INSIINANCE. rINIE INSURANCE C0:741 North America will make pennsment and -limited Insurance on pro perty In this city and Yining, and t n shipments by Canal, Rivera, Lakes, and S ea. The properties of this Company Ise well invested, andfurnish an avail able fund for the staple indemnity of all (croons who desire to be inThrunce. mylB )0.1.0*3, Agent, 44 Water it. • The Fran.ldin Piro lasue4nre Co. of lailadeVaa. DIRECTORS. -Charles 1. Dancker Thomas Haw, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, - Jacob IL Smith, Oen. W Ric/Innis, kiOrdecal D. Lewis, Adolpho E. Boras, David S. Mown, Mfrs Patterson. Etscc .aua, President. Charles D. Banker, Se nitary. Continue to make insuraSee, perpetual or limited, on every description Of prolny to town or country, at rates as low as are eons/ ( of with tactility. To Company have rare, • large contingent Food, wWeb with their Capital and Premiums, wifely invest cd afford ample protection id the arsured. The suet. or Me company, on Jammu tat, 1849, as published agreeably to an act of Anembly, were as fellows . el:: 11,047,438 41 Rau Estate - 94,724 83 Temporary liana 96,104 85 Sines. . 61,338 :13 Cush, a.c. 38,8111 37 • 111,18,492 71 Since their incotpOrationia period of 10 years, they have paid upwards none Million roar huroiredthoon imd dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence cf the advantages of inseranne, as well ail the ability and disposition to meet witproraptaeas all liabilities. J. GAILDMER COFFIN, Agent, marl-dly Office N planer Wood and 3d eta De./..sw — aelniitiTilizaafstfruairibmoo. A. MADEIRA, Ageritilt Pittsburgh for the Dela ware lilumalSelety Intim..Company of Phial adelphis_ Fire Make upon buildings and merchandise of every deacriptioui. and 4arine Rieke upon hulls or cargoes of vusela, takes !spoil the moist favorable terms. R? Office in the Warihouge of W. B. Ham. & Rm., N 0.37 Water, et/Mb:Whet street, Pittsburgh. N. B—The suetenet thia;Comp.y since the estab lishment of the dgeimy inthis mty, With the prompt ness and liberality wilh width every claim upon them for loss hm been- aditimed,rially warrant the agent in Inviting the confidante and parsonage of his friends .11 the eart.uniry attarge to the Delaware M. S. Insu rance Conmany, while it has the antlitional advantages as an institution among the Most flourishing m Philadel phia—os haring an ample prad-in capital, which bythe operation of its ...ter ta.Notisnuitly increasing, es yielding to each perion moored his doe share of the profits of the .mpatiy, witliout involving him in any rerpo.ibilitywhneter, ay therefore es possessing the Mutual pnnecile dives of every obnoxious fea ture, and in ite mast nuraettare form. nov4 145 Insurancoconmany,elNorth Amenea, enough Its duly authorised Age., the subscriber, oder, to make permanent and limited Maumee on property, in this city and its vicinity, are& on shipments by the Ca. .1 and Rivera DLREC'TOR.S. Arthur G Coffin, Charles Tayior, Semi W. Jones, -.!` Ambrose White, Edward Smith Jacob Thomas, Jo. A. Brown, Jahn R- Neff, John P. Richard D. Wood, Thora. P. tape, Wm. Welsh, Satinet F. Smr.h., • - Frani. }loner Samuel Braiks, 8 Austin AJhbone, ARTNUR O. COFFIN, Pres't HIM D. SHMISID, 800 y. This is thenideat Insurance Company In the United antes, having been ehanciedin Int Its charter is perpetual, andfrom Its high standing, long experience, ample means, and asoidinaciali risks of on extra has- Arden, character, it any lie:considered as Gaining am ple *earl*. to the public.. W. P. JON IZ. At the Counting R6om orriu,m4 Jones & Co, rrri Stff3t , Clituilfit hosamen appointed Agent pro tem. of the Inattrasthe C$ pan). of North Antenna, and will lame Policies sod attend to the other business of the Agency, at the wareSonse of Atwood, Jones 3 Co. spit tlthl. P. JONES, wiser at FORWAR.DIN & COMMISSION. a. ➢AIILTBOWSa. ; 4 1. 1[1134.1 CLIABLEGIS a..DA.EZiIitOWELL & CO. . . TO---- - C - 14111111 - isiO - N MBECIIIRTS, No. 59 South Wlntreals ai:9 No. IiLL 117 South Water n. 'PIiILAItV.LI . EG9 to lath= the train and dealers generally, of B Pit s Mnrehqltat they 4ie made such arrangements or - oli the Vo•ploia niduntadinrers sad the Growers of the West, %San Indies, andbdier places, m wtll insure a large and constant auppli of the follovring desenp. tiori of Tobacco, which adio be arum accom modating Lerma as any otit6r house in this coy or disc where, sad all goods:ordered from them will be war ranted eqiul to representatirim Havana.; St. Domingo, Com, Yara; Pam Biro; Peruess, }Semi Leaf to- Cana; Iguich Florida: Mean; ALSO—Branch's Celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with a largeraisormtedt of ether popular brand', and qualities of pounds, L tn We, 16a and Mas, Lump; ss, 6, ha and 10a PluiG a' Twist; Virginia Twist, de, meet and plain, in w ho le sad half boxes, wood and no together with awed va ri ety of article belong ing to Me trade. • jeledly t=I;KACUI;/, PACKER. OF PORK AND BEEF, Camminsion Biretta% and Porwarder, N 0.4 CANAL IST,, CINCINNATI, 01410. ( Or hammier altenuoti; paid to Me puretuulttg of o any article or grottoee i§ this market. Also to the formardsng of liooda generally. Refer to Aleuts. John Borasey, Jc Co, C uania& IStonktrelt}Cincionad, 0. B. . Parithmit, Ewa', Lippincott* 00. Kier & t }Pittsburgh, P. EogUoh Bennett, martimiget . _ Commission and gesiorar ding dteretasint. • no. di Woes fry rrressinion, IONTINUES to littinsacUit general Commission tan k/ new, especially in the purchase luad sale of Assisi can libuitufastures and IProilaca and io receiving and foranuding Goods consigned to gare., As Agent for the Manu f actures, he wilties conlianly .applied with the pritietkml artiOla of Pittstmrgh Manufiwtare at the lowest wholesale Pticeart'Orders and consignments are rex. etfuli winched.: i 97 nianu.if:_ Yl. F. Pi 1721•11. aso. L Toartsux. TICA'MAII, PITTMAN & Co., 1/0111110111111:,G00111188101 1 1 MERCHANTS, No. 161 BoOorid straet mek..47103m.: - : •"' ST. LOOS, MO. t...! FADES, SIMMS, A —6O do Spades . and -Sho -10 ats, vets; 40 do Amato F • 20 do Grain Shovelm 60 do Socket do; Ales, II ma Mattocks and Pick., Bellows, %%cc*, &c.,fer • at manufacturers prices by noyili :: HRH COCHRAN. 2G wood H PITTSBURGH • STEEL. 'e , NORKS AND SPRING AND AYLFO FACTORY. . . . MAD :011121, 101ef F. Quiet. noura ITALNUFACTURE.E' .9 pY taring and blister meal, DLL plough steel, steel piltrugh vine, coach and alipj no somas, hammered bed axles, andAnalem N mal !cable catnap, fire tegiaeatunpa and couch trimmings generally, caner etßoss - juad Fma% na. , Patsburgh, Pa. febg noveisible Paltering Cook, • FUR PURIFYING WATER, - Which iyers nubld water pare by removing mbstances not wiloble to sp - wake. ' crown water in N. York, 4 • althea* and pare to the eye, yet 1/ j when it posseswt hour throosh this Witting clihk,, shows a large aeposit Winne stastanees, worms, &a not is the t ee e, more oriels with all hydrant water. The Reversible Plltereras neat end durable, and Is not attended with the inedriverdestee incident to other Falterers, as it is cleansed ,Without being detached from Me water pipe, brtaerelf taming the key or handl. from one sole to the. other. tip Ma easy proem, Ma motor of water Is Outsell, and all accumidations fo Impure substance.. are &wen off almost instantly, without unscrewin g the Valet. It also possesses dm advantage of beinta stop toek,amd as mob In many cases wall be very convelient and economleat. It can be attached where, there Is any prams high or low to • cask, tank, OS ite. with Wise. To be had of the sole Agent, W, W. WILSON, outs? -nornervof Ranh and Market ats FAA - hand.Me Family Carnage, for one or two borsts,Trailt bb Philadelphia by a celcbra ted manufamarer. This tmliage is In every respect • firstvate article„.madelkith all the modem improve sunny lined with blue cOoth and finished In superior manner. It is endiely I,AT, and sold (or want of use. Enquire of ' A LEXANDER & LAY, mySt 75 Market st„ff W corner at the Diamond ill° CO - 111M AND :WOOLEN ALOTI.TFAC'TV. 1 (CEEB.-11aSing made armingemeats fora con mypt apply of: PACTOHY FINDINGS, we will .11 low prises Cairtod Stiep Roles Skins, Lace Lea, Met, rickars, Ikeda, Shaine', Hemp Twine Treadles' No .3 So vs lieltPimeheitYkrenches, Stripping elude, tom la in; Patent Dresser Urusties, Weavers' Drell. k e . 1...0GAN, WILSON & CO., OS Wee street, Pittsburgh. BENNETTA, BROTHER, cut EN sv A RE Id ANUPACTURERS, Biaserssersars,frolsur Plttsburiga4) Pa. Warehouse, N o ;• 131. Wood aired, Pittsburgh. WWlLLieenitsralil keep on hand tr d l" net. went of War. at our 01 ,, 11 man Ware, and "Prifoslanlar.. , Wholesale and eonntry hk,. ehants'artrrespeei Any invited CO c all ~ di "UM; for Medlreiree, in we are determined to 6011 cheaper than hazer er Wore been offered to the pub. LIC. • i , S' Orders sent to math accompanied by 'though or ar reference. ledl be nf omo o, o „ otto o to. moo jAV S K E" —AI d'U/1..<44C rmna Calf tains, a rery fine ardele.;;A fare &s e e. prewle r lchia Slrins, Gam. dm • mfmatAr•lorr of II Of Crnwfo in which the attention of boot makers Is Melted nst j > and toe war bt.; • W YOUNG & Co, 143 liberty at EL B. CAIELNALHAN, ATTORNEY KT LAW. 'Office on Fourth .trees, between Cherry alley and Grant st. rnyldly WM. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butter, Pa Miltalso attend to collections mad all other host s. entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong cantles, Pl. Refer to • J. & R. Floyd, Liberty st. W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pittsburgh. dly Kay & Co., Wood at. ) Jan 7 T B. BWEITgra, Attorney at Law, dace ad at., t./ s oppoute Et Cherie. Hotel, Pittsburgh, will alio attead prontpdy to Collections, In %Wallington, Paged* and Green °multi., P. REFER TO Bleeknock, Bell & Co., Church & Caruthers, }Putsburglt. p. T. Morgan, eeladly y and Comaellor at Law, . d alia in ." al a ta n, tl l ,:titi a A a i u 7 K Cill m ea , 67 pro in m Soa ry th . era .d_c O e b n. lo: tally attended ta. Come.' skater far th a k.o tat wi a ,dm ot cylvruria, for taking " de. Haig To—Hon wm. B 11 & Bon, Carta., Church & Carothers, Wm. Hoyn, Esq., Willl,ek & Dan.. aZ I• 1110 nownoe I. HAMS= MAMA DUNLOP at SEVinZLIVIOrttny Law, Mena on Smithfield, between and 4th am. ATTOANEY AT LAW, Fourth street, between Smithfield and Grant mtil-dam 0. H. ROBINSON, Attorney al Ler, has re . moved his °face to the Exchange rt. beat door to Alderman Johns. ap IN;Itly BATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. WCORD i CO, 4 (Gneeessers to &Mord & nag) 4/0 6 Pamatonable flatter's,. Corner otWoosi nerd FJA Streets. Prricutes attention paid to ear Retail Trade. Gentlemen eau rely upon getting their 11. and Caps from oar establishment of the MT xamenses and womnasexescr, of the 1...1,21i MUM, and at the LOW= amts. Country Merchants, purehaaing by wholesale, are mi.-cad!) , invited w .11 and exanune OW Stook . as we can say with confidence that as regards qualm and rotes, it will not antler Ina connaarlson with any house le Yhiladelpala CALIFORNIA HATS-12 dos water proof California Hats, just received end for sale by IfrCoRD & Co, teb27 corner eth and Wood sts fa SPRING FASHIONS Bob 1849. ?Wealth a. Co. real introduce an Smut.- ..41d March :Id the Sing style of ATS. Thorn in ay s want of a neat an d superior hat, H are tort to call at corner of sth and Wood streets. marl SPRING BONNET RIBBONS, iko.—W R Murphy boa now open a mpply of spring Bona. Ribbons, of new and bandsman styles. Also, new style figs! Neum Lisle Lanes and Edg bogs; Ltaen Edging.; Yietelril dm plaid Muslin, and Jaeonets, embroidered Swiss Meals., &e.; beside. large assartment of Spring. Good. generally, at north east corner 4th and Natant street.. Wnnlnowl. Seems an at•lrc • and • Ri t io BB 2 fields . re b n' rLse and iNur themselves in many ways. They are often disabled so as to be useless fora long ume. If immediate are could be made of R A. Fahnestock & Co.' Rubefa cient, and Me trained part well saturated, and the remedy rubbed in It would give relief and nun the pain No farmer should be without this celebrated medicine, as it ls alike healing to roan or beast Pre pared andsold by II FARIVkTOCK Pc Co, comer 'of Wood and in stm also, corner eth and Wood. myl7 MORGAN'S WORM KlLLER—Another proof of the triamphant 1111torll• of Morgan's Yen:tillage. Prnistriguan, May 10, IS Mr. John D. Morgan—lf my name l• of any use to the surering community, in regard to the article of rarrwo 'eN :kri u'v-° aarrurterd r e-l'l'wt`m°°!lten: came unarmed, and very }doily to, when I tricot your renowned Yerriuturre, and astornahing to tell, one of them was delivered of about fifty worms ifteesitoches long, of the most frightful kind, resembling more the appearance of eel... The other child was delivered of alscad 2tl. The children are now doing finely. You may well be proud of your Worm Miler. Yours truly Dram Sagas, Virgin alley. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by JOIIN MORGAN, Druggist, Wood street, one door below Di amond alley. milt 17 • OUR COUGH MAY BE CURED. Aissornery Crrr,l3d Weed,) April 20, 1545. $ Mr. R. E. Sellers: Being afflicted for some time with cough, which was so severe io to unfit me for my daily employment. Frequently after coughing, I have been so much exhausted, en to be obliged to sit down arid rest. Hearing of the good erects produced by . your Cough Syrup. I concluded to give it a trial, and aro happy to mhos produced the desired effect my ease. Afte It one night, th e cough was abated, and I am now perfectly well. ham Joann. This pleasant and popular Cough Syrup is prepared and sold be It ESfriLLERS, 17 Wood street. Sold also by Drug - gime generally in the Iwo cities and irony. mill SAVED II Ell. LlFE—Sellers' Vennifuge is the aiti elm. Luang/tom,Jan 83, 1841). Mr. L. M. Wilsun—Dear Si,: The vial of Vert:tillage 1 bought from you some time ago, brought from Ely gal s old, the muntatung number of 5 hundred Wo rm.l belay. es she vrould have Lived a very stunt time, but for this enedietue.. %Vet. Smear, Jr. Pr pared rind sold by A E SELLERS, 57 Wood st; sold elan er Druggists generally in the two eines. and IMPOILTAST TO THE AFFLICTED. . . . Dr. Kost's Celebrated Kemedia. IR.:JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro prietor of these meat popular and beneficial reed .ls, and also the inventor of the celebrated maim meet (or inflating the Long., ineffeeung a cure of Chrome diseases, was a student of Mot eminent phym utast, Doctor Pique, and Ls a graduate of the Universi ty or Pennsylvania, and for thirty yearn since boo been engaged In the Invmugation of disease, and the spot,- mason of remedies thereto. Through theme of his inflating tube, in connection with hid Prophylactic Syrup and other of his remedies, he has gained an unparalelled eminence in- coring thong dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con sumption Connote , Scrofula, Illicumatimu, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Fevers of all hinds, Chronic Erystp, las, and all those obstinate diseases pecithar to females. Indeed every form of disease vanishes ender the use of his remedies, to which humanity I. heir—not by the use Of one compound only, for that I. meompauble with Physiologieal lsriv, but by the use of his reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form of disme. Dr. 805 e.% Tonle Alterative Pills, when used are in variably acknowledged to be supenor to all other, as •purgativ e perfectly free or hoer pill, Inasmuch as they leave the bowels from eostivenemn 33.• also his Golden Pah to admitted by the faculty to possess pcca. hat properties adapted to female diseases, but being mashed that a bare trial at sufficient to establish :hat has been said in the minds of the most skeptical. The alined are tended to call upon the agent, and procura(gmits) one of the Doctor's pamphlets, giving • detailed account of each remedy and Its application. For hale by the blowing agents, as well as by most Dry/Mists throughout the country: J delthonataker A Co, 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh; J MTowaseed, damps; 43 Market st Lea A Beckham - near the P.O. Allegheny c Jos Barkley, Da r city, linon, Beaver meow, 'no Enna Valley, . T Adams, Beaver, north-41y iftwo: , Lwr Bs e v. Columbiana co., 0., Apr. 04, 1841. Dll. D. JAYNES: Dm Btu: —l feel bound to you and the :aimed public, to avail myself of this op ponualgiving publmity to the extraordinary effects of your Expectorant on myselL Llav2been afflicted for sever years WWI a severe ran hectic. fever and its Concomitant diseases, mid see only doomed to linger outs shon but miserable existince, mull the (all of IKI3, when, being more severely attacked, and having resorted toall my former remedies, and the pre seriph°. of two of the most rexpe ctable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of surviving but a few days or weeks at farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to vatunhO bed recommended to me your Expectorant— and blessed by that Being who doe• all things in the use of the means--sail contrary to the Expectations of my physicians and friends:o was In a few days raised from my bed, arid was enabled by the use of • bottle, to attend to my bemires, emaying unce better health than I had for ten years previous. ReSpectfully yourn to., Jae. W. Emu. Fat sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea More, 79 Fourth street. mend/ Dr. McLane in Tenn I , HIS in to certify tlmt 1 purchased one vial of Dr. MoLane's Worm Specifte, soma two 111011til, ago and gave to i sou of mine some seven years old, two =spoons fdl, and although the ammo moy appear Largo, yet I have no doubt bat there MU upwards of two ,raeasarra worsts passed from h o, Ineasaong hum one quarter of an Mob to two man er long. 0 W HOLLIDAY. • Itotev en*lt, aural co. Tenn., No 1 - 1;47 . ja..14 1.A... O Courascs, /an. EW, 1E49. Mr. E- E. Bellerw—Your Venallego has mud well as , gad dbeen high y spoken of by ail Who have used Froth the sheen .Cllang the adounistration of you e Vermifuge in every ease I have heard or, I am cowl dent I can sell more daring the coming season than I did last. I will be glul w receive another sup ply . 1 . . 4 or gr°" " Y"L'ir from letteri R. CARTER an p dZld by d lVat ' s m ts b g y enevirii - y, in Pinar, ' a b ri;: v and AI legkincri legit . _ %IRE subscriber has re; noved tos Wholesale Goo ey W Store to next the Cornet of Ilanenek street and rine attent harf; dear o the Perry House. rech27:dtf JOHN F. FERRY. • Foreign and Domestic Liquors. A GOOD assortment of Foreign aM lanesuo U. -D1 surn, always on b and and (or ode in qusucities to still poncho son, by Wen W k ht MITCIIELTREE E havi,some PUMPS, made on m improved pima, so Ss oat to free= m the coldest woodier. Persons No sung such articles, an invited in call and see them at SCAIFe &ATKINCON'S, la nommen Wood Market es SLINDRA Hot Lard; 2do strange; a esks Bacon, assorted; 6 bbls Flaxseed; 9 bogs do; 4 do Dry Peacb oi 4a do Fe.ttherst do litaseits, to i re, for mile b!, -18e1AR DIUKEY & Co, ax Front sr WOOL elm Wool, Ido Feathers, landing from TT Lk. Id Line, and for oak; by lag JAMES DALZELL TutO PRlNTERS—Printing Ink, l'rorn Me manufacto ry of J. U. kl , Creary, New 1 °Lk, in cans and kegs, ak lb. upwards, and (Corn 25 eta to al per lb. Al. so veil, blue, green and yellow lots, Ls eons of k lb. to lbsi eons - tautly for Gam. Having ale d Mr. Ill'Crea. 17's ink in our office for nine months pain, we warrant 10 MAIal to any that Is made at any other amonNeotT. Terms Cub. JOHNSTON k rOC.KTON jatgb corner Third and M arhat,,al" uNt iiMES-74 bores Cotton; IJ I 21 Md. No I Lard; • 1 bag Fituotesi 2 " liarden rear. 64 " Fraditersi 7 " litnsang; " Wool. Now Waigg from Camberitad, No 2, for We by JO ISAIAH DICKEY & Co., Front si •: 1 ' . HUR§ iAY MORNING. JULY 26, 1849. LAW OFFICES. MEDICAL. =2ll=ol REM OVAL COPARTNERSHIPS. Dlesolutlos4 HE co-partnership heretofore elssting between the T subscribefs, In the Moue of Constable, Burke tr. Co., is this day dissolved by mutual Cl:onsets "lean. Burke tr. Humes will settle the business of the COOL cern, fqr which purpose they arc authorised to use the name Of the concen. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day associated themselves in the name or BURKE es BARNES, for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, he. !cc., at the stand the late no Of Constable, Rorke & Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the custome,of that tense and their friends. . EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNBAL In retiring (torn the firm of Constable, Burke & CO, I with sincere pleasure recommend Metals. Burke & Dames to the confidence of my friends and the public. Feb. 9, Urn. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. DISSOLUTION. lIE parmershlp of DIURPRY lc LEE is this day dissolved by mutual eouseaL The business of the late firm will ha settled H. Lee. J. R. MURPHY, Pittsburgh, Jan. MX, 1b49. H. LEE. NOTICE—The undersigned will continue the Wool baldness and attend to the We of Woolen Goodket the old stand. H. In retiring from the firm of Marphy& Lee, I take gwat pleasure in recommending Mr. H. Lee to the confidence of my friends end the public. Pinaburgh, J. R. MURPHY. TDubai:Where liaviiilniifay - associated theni wives together for the purpose of transuding a wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocerybusiness, at No WO Liberty, opposite Seventh street, ender the style and firm of DUBIiFIELD A HAY'S. old i us ' e u" t e T ol i rs B tad the public an invited Tithe at a coll. 1. 5 ___— 00-PARTNEMISHIP. M. B. BCAIFE and Capt. JAMES ATKINSON St/IFlblTlEl d N i Zrenrs h itiTe:r n ty d' O th the Tin, ' B+m of Copper, and Also, t h .f..b,, b oot;;:l7.`iff, u 6 'l'7,. the old sited of Wm. B. Senile, Fleet ' street, n e ar W ood. at Particular auenuon given to steamboat work. HAVE this day assoolated with me in the whole. I sole Grocery, Prodnes and Commission business, my birches Joseph, under the (Inn of J. DILWORTH & G. J. B. DILWORTH. January 41849. n 0-PARTNERSHIP-AV:a. Yowls howling thin doy associated with hint, John R. hi`Cane, - theleal dm. Inniincas will lima/tot be conducted ander the firm of Wax Yowl & Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, lan3 IMO. R. &MUNE. BOOK TRADE. JAMICS D. LOCKWOOD, V': 1r fr..i.M7stl,,wrlA-omdra ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN BOOKS, N 0.63 Woos. iblearly opposite the Si. Charles Hotel ,1 P1TT13141.1 RGI.I. g 7 English, Prerieb, and Germ. Reeds:ors and Magazines, and Newspahwn imported to order, prices of which may be 'ascertained on application to Mr. L. Catslogons gratis. emit tt . NCYCLOPEDIAS AND C orm- J II mg special and independent works, edited by wri ters distinguished In the canoes departments.'s Dictionary of Science, L'teratore and Arts Copland , . D,ctiontry of Practical Medicine; Johnson's Farmer's Eneyeloptedia; Lpodonls Encyclopedia of Gardloing; Leuden's Eneyelopsedia of Pluds; Loa don's Encyclopedia of '1 rees; Dictionary of Commerce; tiPCalliwb's Dictionary of Geography; Urns Dictionary of ens and filannfaetareet hoopoes Medical Dictionary, Watereton's Cyelopmdla of Corn-• meree; Political Dictionary, 2 rola. evoc Webster and Parks' Encyclopedia Domestic Economy; Azoliouls Cassical Dichotomy. -These books 1110 fall of Informatloa of the best kind, arranged and presented in the best manner. For sale by 100 JAMES D LOCKWOOD. 63 Wood at 1 - 16/41 - ESTIC ANlALSLit—litstory and ption 1/ of the Horse, &tole, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poul try. and Farm Dogs, betth direetiorm for their manage meat, breedtog, m ar ke t ., feeding, and prepa ration for • profitabAlso, their Diseues and Remedies, together with full dirtier.os foe the management of the Duey. Hy R L Allan. 12rao,mith numerous illestgadorus For sale by JAR D LOCKWOOD,S3 Wood at NEW AND VALCATILE ROOKR.— 1.-IBnts on Public Arekneeture, prepared, on behalf of the Building Committee of rite Dinithsonlan Luticanon, by Robert Dale Owen. in largo guar*, elegancy printed, with 113 illastrittions in the but sole of the art IL—Green on Branching, second VINOD, IVIVIJC4 and enlarged A treatise on diseases of the air-pas sages; comprising an inquiry into the tummy, cannt4 and treatment of those affections of the throat, ended Bronehnis, Chronic Laryngitis, Clergyman'. Sore Throat, tee. Ac. By Horace Green, A. fd., M. D., An. Plates improved and carefully colored. Royal Fro, gilt tom 63,00. 111.— Now ready, the 4th edition, revised and enters ged, with additional tllutrations, A Treatise on Land scape Gardening and Rural Architecture. For sale by .1A3.1F.6 D. LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood street, For many years connected with Messrs. Wiley A Putnam, and late John Wisc.', New York. Air. 1.. has tut returned from the Eastern chick rill I ritIADLEY'S NEW - Witilif—The Aticrsuritank,,or Life in the Woods, by .I. T. ileeley, author of 1 -Wubloguut and ha Generals," etc. The Life and WriCrtgs of De Witt Clinton, by W. W. Campbell, author of -.Border Warfare." Jost reed by lu7 JOHNSTON A STOCK rON XTEW BOOKS--A - History of Wonderful love:mons, II illustrated with numerous engraircaga on wood; •ol mustm. The luearnaco, oe plc.:urea of the Virgin and her Son, by Chart. Beecher, Fort Wayne, Indiana, with on Introductory essay, by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. .11.411 reed by JOIINnTON b. SIGCKTON, sur corner 34 nod Market sin Valuable Hooka. ELLIOTT A tiNGLIcH, 710 Wood street, between 4. and Diamond alley, have received s large supply of 'Theological and oilier works, among wb.eb ain the following, via: blimelnaneons Essays and Dot courses. by President Hopkim; Chris. is AIL, Law nod Gospel, by S. H. Tyug, D. 0 Life of Do Witt Clinton, Living Orators of ASEMIICA, Republiem Christioniry by Magoon, Man. Primeval by Hams, Phrotology and Mesmcrism, by Rev. N. L. Rine, D. D 4 baptism, tta Import and Mode, by Llorelteri Ninewth and Be rnal.; Moormanm of the Bible, by M`Forlane; Emmest Ministry and Charnel fn Eames., by J. A. Jamem Ed ward.' works, 4 cols, now edition; J.M. Mason's wort complete; Cowper's Life and Worm. of Cowper, Fle ming on RI, and Fall o' Papacy,• Turreibluebi Theal. ogy, Cyclopedia of Moral and Religious mbecdotes, Furst • Nairauves a! Popery, Christ Receiving Sin ners, Bible Evidences fir the People . , , by J. Cumming; Modem Society. Modern Actionspl, ' , MA, Haldane on Romans, Origami Though. on Scripture, by Cecil, now best pubb•hed; Life of Pollak, Natural History of Enthuaiasm, Middle Kingdoms, Lecture. on Pilgrims Progress, Beecher. BY ES PRESS—The Rill INtliculty, and soma epee. Menne* of Life in the plains of Ease, with other Alle gories, by George B. Cheever, D. D., with Portrait of anther A few copie• reed and for sale by my lb ELLBITT & ENGLISH, W Woodni BOOKS!`.-ZTl.Nesiiiimeric. Gardener, _UM by Thomas Li Fesseuden. The Now American Orchardist, by Wm. Kentick. The Complain Farmer and Rural kierniocust, by Fan mode.. Modern Domeade Cookery, by Wm A liendersom Just reed by JOHNSTON b. STOCKTON, my 14 corner market nod 3d so NEw RELIGIOUS WORKS—Thotiglits on Public Prayer, by Samuel Miller, D. D., L. L. U. Tbought. on Family Worstup, by Jame. W. Alex. ander. Just received by myt7 JOHNSTON k STOCKTON 1A.9 - 11Goitigeteiristrirris, — or the Heroine of Domestic Lae. History of King Charles the Second, of England, by Jacob Abbott, with engravings. Just meld by JOHNSTON & S MORTON, naylo corner 3:1 and Market ala SA I AMES D. LOCKWOOD, (for many years connect s, ed with hleesrs. Whey and Putnam, mad late John Wiley, New York and London,) has established a Boeksellmg lions. at N 0.33 Wood meet, between 3d and 4th streets, where may be found a valuable collec tion of STANDARD ENOLISH and AMERICAN •UTHORS, at prices as low es in the Eastern ces. ILTENOLIttiI and CONTINENTAL BOOKS, Re. views !Magazines, Newspapers, &e., imported to order. I,a 2 II4IeiTrUTIONS and INCORPORATED SO. CIETIES are entitled to receive their books day t free. lErEnglish and American Catalogues por edfamish gra tis to all those who dealt . a them, or um taml to anyaddl.... J. D. L will alwaye behappy to he to ladies and gentlemen hie books, and impart to them any intorno. non which he may posse- regarding HI NEW AND VALUABLE WORE.—Nmerea, and its Remain!, with an account of • visit to the Chaldean Chriattans of Kardlstan, and the Yemdts, or Devil Worahippers, and an inquiry into the manner. end acts of the ancient Mayo.', by Austen Henry Liiyard, Esq., D. C. D. Just rewd and for sale by at, 7 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON Ajt f lt:l2. g l.AM n Etx - 717C1e. ter andll:por , t i ts valuable coliconou of English and Hooka k 3 Wood Le a lc o an n ;31311 in the different departments of Literature, which ho I prepaied to sell as low as they Cla be obtained la th • Eastern cities. Enginh and ConUnental Hooka, Review., Maga zine. and Neenspapers, imported to order. The price of nor Review,. Magazine or Newepaper, may ...ermined Go application to Mr 1.. Lngtish and American Ltaudogites furnished ratio. Mr. L. intends to omit the Hll.aern clUel In a mar day., and wilt be happy to execute any orders for Hooks, Engravings or Metionery, m a &mall advance on the cos. SiLW BOOKS—LayardN Nineveh area to liomuna, with on account of • visit to the Chaldean Chyle- Ilanl of Kurdi•thu, end the Yenial., or Devil , WoNlitiv pert, and an mouthy into the manners and area of th e Ancient Assyrunns, with an introductory letter by D. itolituson. V vola,octuvo, with about lUtillinstrattona. Cheever's Lectures on the Pilgtuithi Progress. I not, 14mo. Prlco reduced to CA. Crudes'. Concordance, condensed: reduced to 81.50. Macaulay'. History of Englund, Harper's newed, two vols. octavo—large prult and fine paper, per vol. 75 Celill. OCeenins' Retire, and EngFah Leiieon• new ed. improved. For &ale by R HOPKINS, myll 42h et, near wood DOORS! BOOKSP..—Untoo of Church and State, by Rev B W NoeL The Caorch In Earnest, by Res J Angel James Advice to Young Men, by T 8 Arthur, gilt. Young Ladies a Essays of hlia—Cliarles Lamb. Epidemic Cholera, by Prof Coventry. Cyclopedia of blond and Religious Anecdotes. Complete Work• of Charlotte Elisabeth, with me. emir by bar hpaband. 2 vole, 8 no. Illustrated with . steel plates. Oregon and Callfonda In ISSS by NidGerhonanab The late Expedition to the Dead Bea. Proverbs for the People, or lll.trations of Practical Gallons* drawn irons the Book of Wisdom, by E L Magoon. University Sermons, by Dr Wayland. Elements of Meteorology, by J Brocklesby, A. AL For sale by R HOPKINS, my, Apollo Budding, it a( TaAlfFitiffiktralizOrinTllonsuutuott and ?rum -1.1./ uve et/mutton of the Human Heins. A contribu tion to Theological !Science, by Jahn Hants, D. D. Lectures to Young Men on semen important sub jects: by H W Beecher. Charibingla Works, complete, 6 vats, Unto. The looms afT 8 Antics, uniform ed. 16 vols. Just reed by styli It HOPKINS, lth st. near mood HOTELS POIINTAIIR HOTEL ==Mall=o= ouzo AND TIMIISTOiI, PROPRIZTOITS. • • .. .•_ • jaTHL9 establishment long and widely known as being one of the mast commodious in the city of Mammy, has recently undergone very exten sive altemtione and improvements. An enure new wing . has been added, containing immerses and airy sleepmg apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies" department has also been completely reorganized and fitted up in a mass unique and benuti hal style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye on the pqrt of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleudfe of their Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every Bah amans' and luxury which the market affords, served oD in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, &e., they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the pmprietors beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the part of their armistantsoo render this Hotel worthy the mentioned patronage of their friends and the public generally. The pnees for board have also been reduced to the following rates: Ladies' Ordinary, 51.75 per day. Gentlemen'. a 1,50 N. EL—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways bo found at the Car and Smambar. Landings, which will convey baggage to and from tha Hotel, free of eh ten XCULNOE HOTEL( CO:LITft os num I.2xe er. arra an, errnmenun, Vu. ElThe subscriber having assumed the manage.. mem of *Ma long established and popular Hotel, respeethdly announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that he will he at all times prepared to accommodate theta in all things desirable In a well regulated Hotel The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughoet, and new Furniture added, and no pains wntl Ib to make the Exchange one of the very best HOtil, In the country. The underkgried respectfull llens a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, fehadtf Proprietor. A 7 AATINE HOUSE. MINIM 07 107•70 AND GRANT 777.17[7. 71 . 7777710.1 THE' tuabseriber respectfully that he has now.opened his new and excellent Hotel for the:accommodation of travelers, heavier', and the put& generally. The house, and (endear, am entirely new, and no palm, or expense have bees spared to render It one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city. The subseriber ls determined to deserve, sod there fore solicits, a share of pnblinpatronage. 0ct14411 JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor. strTiks doer a, II ROMA 11 . 041111 AIM NTS an nAPPOSTTE We Dank of the United States, Phila• M. POPE MITCHELL, marYti Proprietor. lawrinTrai Scrip it Per. TAKEN FOR CHICKERINGS PIANOS. HHKLEDER., at WoodwelPs, No NI Third street, a offers for sa43 as elegant lot Chirkeriers Pia nos, (Boston) at the lowest cask price, for Pirmtrtugh, Allegheny city, and County Scrip. They comprise from 6to 7 octaves, and were selected by Mr. Chick. ming for this market. Theyare warranted to be equal to any to the city, having all the latest Improvements, each as ciroular male, etc. Boyars , and, inetted to call previous to porehiming elm:lettere., mid, also, to brine with them some good Judge, protamonal or otherwise, to lodge of quah- IT of the above instruments. N. IL—Written goararnees will be given with eae b Piano, cladding the holder to egehhoge in ease the lo aner= be proved in the lean degree imperfect, or (malty. m74 K. IPRI4SH SPRING GOODS. iShieklalt k White, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 99 *cod meet, uk the attention at Merchants to their stook of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY 0001)3, now receiving direct from tiro, hen& Receiving regular supplies of first goods daring the season, Led devoting a large share of their attendee to &Went Auction sales, they can eonhdently secure buyers they will find It to their Interest to examine their stock. Jut received, lairs invoice, of new style Dress Cards, Fancy Priors, Caul:news, Cloths, Sommer Goods, Lan NVbrie Goods, Irish Linens, Tailors' . 11 . 1=s ... an brown and bleached Shallop of van. man JLUE W. WOODWELL, Indent and Antique Furniture, 83, Turn Srazer, Ihrrstraua. 2IEA large and aplendid . ,s. ..kcs..sss... rumormient of Furniture, 771 4 :' , ,,,1 ,,, - -4 ;44 nimble for Steamboats, ~--:-. 4 ''' - '7,... Hotels and private demi lino, mammals . on hand end mode to order. The present nook on hand cannot be exceeded by any sournalactory In the western Country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give me a. call, as lam determined my pricer shall please. Port of the met consists in— . . . .. _ .. Teta a Tetei . . Buffet Emulate. Lends xnz Chan; queen Elisab eth chain; Tea Pol'll f , ntii Tables; Toilet Tab em Lod. XV Commoder, French lashoganyißedsteads; Piano Stools; 50 sofas wlth Plash and Hair-cloth meats SO Mahogany Basking Chains; 40 dal Parlor do 311 " Panay do 25 Cave Tables; SO pair Divans; 4 pale pies Table; IS Marble top Dreassne krareamer B robes, _rd W B Dearman. avi Book eases; 20 r ble top Wash Stands; 4 rQttomme, B e r Bunt , Weft - Stands; A tresylargestmonatent of common chain and other , rnituno,so twescros to mantra,. [l:r Steam Boss tarnished on the shortest notice, .d On the most reasonable terms. deels Chocolate, Coco", so. W. Baker's American and Fronds Cliemolate, Prepar ed Coeoa;Coeoa Paste, Orman, Cocoa Mein , . he. TOmerchants and consumers, who would purchase the bent products of Cocoa, free nom adulteratmn, rimy nutrithoy than tea or code, and in quaff ty unmr puled, the iubscnber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himself, and stamped with his name_ His Drama and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable, and salutary dunks for invalid., convalescents, and others, are pronounced by the moat moment phystetans supertor to any other preparations. Ilts manufactures are always on sale, to any quantity, by the most re spectable grocers in the eastern Caine., and by then agents, Hawes-Gray hco of Boston; Jame. ]I Bunco & no, Hartford, Conn; Hussey & Murray, New York; Grunt & Stone, Philadelptua; roomy v Brunthae, Bal timore; and Kellogg & Bennett, Cinemnau, Ohio. AL11•111 BAKER, Dorchester Mass. For sale by aug3l BADALEY & Agit; Wrought and Cast Iron Railing. TE subscriber bell leave to inform the public that they have obtained from the Feast all the late and fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both for houses emu cemeteries Persons wishing to procure hand some pattern. will please call and examine, and judge for themselves Ruling will be furnished at the short- eat notice, and in the beet manner, at the corner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. angoN-dtt A. LAMONT A KNOX_ AlO I Gentry & Rayner'. superior sweet 3 IN; "I . ° 25 do hl A Butler's " " I 19 If do Price & Harwood's " 21 do do do " "1 " 25 do do Pearl & Harwood " " 6&lb " 14 J Robinson " " I s " 57 bf do do " " " 10 do do Wm Dawson " • " 51 do T Wright's 37 do 13 Anderson 9 do L T Darlels 6 do It Macort's 9 do Broad " " i " Jost landing from ateamer and packets, and IM tale by HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41 north water at and 16 north wharves, • Jenl MANUFACTURED TOBACCO-20 bx q4aca fr. Scan mporior sweet lb lamps. 'l3 73 half bra Webster Old super... sweat 53 lamp. " Lawrence LaMar " 61 " Gentry & &weer " 8.36." 20 " Dupont (do la Euro) " 6, " 10" BleLeod ' 8. 25 " Lawrence Latter "as &ea plug Just landing from ateamer, and for sale by HEALD, BUCKNOR 3 Co, 41 N motor st and 10 N wharves, my3l Philadelphia: W. & J. °LUNN. Book Binders. UTE are cull engaged in the above business, CUTOUT of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work in OUT line with des pateh. We attend to our work personally, and ng faction will be given In regard to its acumen andtadu rability. Blank Books rated to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Books in numbers or old books bound care fully or repaired. Names put on books In gilt letters. Those that have work in out line are Invited to call. Price. low. roygthif gAVINO sold our cadre mock to C. If. Outer, with • view to epilog oar old busittes., we hereby no (or him the patronage of all our Mends and ens. MUM.. RO. W. POINDEXTER, THE. POINDEXTER. - Pittsburgh, Aug. 411,1849. CH. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commisalon Forwanhug Merchant, No. 41 Water sr. .0111_ BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. AA FIJLTON,BeII and Brass Founder, hem re eunrand commenced bottle.* at his old stand where he will he pleased to see his old custom no. and friutda. . . ChulrehAteambost,nnd Bells of every site, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approv ed models, and warranted ts ba of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, fix., toge ther *lth every sanely of Brass Castings, it required, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. P. the sole propnetor or Ilsserr's Awn-Arred uon Insect., so Justly celebrated for the reducuou of friction in machinery. The Boxes and Composition ,an be had of lam at all times. puAtly - - _ A A l . og hltißON . ik k T i , s n , ltt i r . k , " , :tl , 7eiL „ stv L o . iTer; and *Muslia'ry'llt noel greater radii: au ' prTe ' es . : l ' ya u ru wide bell{ make black hilts at cis; summer Shawls at 76 and SLOB, most fashionable Visas and blantil bw 0.5 416, Lawns and Maslowand els; beet hlctrimaak Calicoes at el., usually 161; C.c.s at et cds; Wrought Collars 8 eon; do Capes at SI and fir, Florence Braid Bonnet., 02 and 75 cm. (Bores at ear. Together with a general as a( good., at nose ly one half the usual rates la Scales, Cooking Stoves, 0 r Sc. itg ARSHALL, WALLACE ,A.eo., Round Church, in corner Liberty and Wood streets, munufactuie and offer (or sale Platform, Floor mud Counter Scales, of tha most improved qualiry; Cooking Stoves. for wool) and coal; Egg Stove. of various a 5..., rector and common Crates, Hollow Ware, &C. ho. They else manufacture the Kitchen Range. which has given such general sausfacuon to those having it in use, to all ci which they would reapectfully torte the %neutron 01 the ciriccus and the subtle generally. oev/7-dif Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water. * min THIS Is to certify that I have apj pointed LOlngston, Roggen & Co. `.,lc Agents for die sale of ironing , . Patent Dtapraltgui Filter, for the ell tieirof Pittsburgh end Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, • for Walter M (iilwon, 349 /Headway N. Yi Oct. 10, 1848. We have bean using one of the above antebis at the ntkie of the Novelty Works far three smooths, on trial, and feel perfectly Walked that it is a awful tnvenuon, It we take pleasant lo recommending them a • two, flu article to all who love pore water. Union will be thankfully received anglynimptly executed. milk LINWiGSTON,II.O6GEN k Co MISCELIANEOUS: PAPER HANGINGS. kIESSELS• Jag - . n0wA1&u:46:.90": No. Bi- Wood Farteli..Pyc • • itrouLD call the attention of the public to their present moat of - Paperilauginga, which for Ira luny, Lroatity of anish,daraturnYand ennaPna") 4 27 surnesol by any establirldroant in the Won. Besides o largo and 011 duartmear of paper of theft ORM manufacture, din are now receiving a ithieet bat portatiob of French and English styles of - Paperliangaz ittes,purehased by Mr. Loot Howard, on° Erit. now in Europe, consisting of Parisian manufaanue,. 104:0 3 .Pgets, - London do 6,0 0 0 do Of their own onumfartme they havalAoo= Wall l raper, artd 12,000 pleeesstuin &c. Merin. James Howard & Co. have wiled neither, expense nor labor In their endeavors to Mal the east.' ern wall paper establishment., both to gtollitferlitsa ufacture and variety of pattern; and thetartSwatraitt•' ed in assuring the public that they have stteellededi, -• The whole assortment, foreign and home fttrintifitev lure, will be offered on terms as low as those at visa: ern manufacturers and =porters. Meb97altf NEW COPTISS—AI ZEJ3ULON liiNBkirld 07 Mar ket street doe very high back Shen Tuck Combs; 3 medium u u u 9 a low " " 21 plain high u 14 " narrow beaded top u u 60 ° fancy top Build° to u pleb, 20 gross com. Horn; 30 do: shell side, mutated 44. ser, 30 gross corn hors Side; 3 doe shell dressing dot 19 dos Buffalo an doi 4 do irctit' bon do do; ¢0 do best English Horn; It do 899 fine Ivory, extra size; 19 do 3 8 do do, In boxes; 111 gross El fine do do; 1 do comb Cleaner,. aplit PAL . IIIEII, HANNA •. CO, (Successor* to Hussey, Hanna & Co.) I) ANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposita, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Hank - of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney received on deposits—Sight Checks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points In the United States. The highest premien:4*d Ger Foreign and /merit. Gold. Advancermude on consignments of Produce, ship. iced Fame on liberal terms. • yd GREAT IN VEN!-VALUABLE PISCOVERVI o=2=:=C2l Patent errosamer extmaion Tata, Sofa', .13orraus, Boa. Cams, venting LEVER OF WROUG n IRON. rPHE TABLES far surpassing every other m -1 vention of the hind now extant. They nun be caz • tended ill= ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves are all contained inside; they are made to all sues and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and large private Sinn ing when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—Three articles aim inval uable, particularly to those who wish to ecouo mire room, and convert a sleeping apartment Into a parlor or sluing room, as they can be opened and shut at convenience, and when shot, the bedding is enclos ed. A vent envies in room and rent. All the bed steads when closed form a beautiful piece of fernltrue for a parlor or sluing room. BOOK CASES -A neat and usefel article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms, and other aces; when opened a mosteonvenient bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. All these articles need no recommendation: the beauty of the whole Is, they are warranted not to get oat of repair. It will be for your interests to call and examine the article,, at the manufacturer's store, No. ea Third street, Pituburch. In addition to the above advantages, they are pro3f 4 m i Tt bog. amble , W WOODWELL "kr. E . L.1JA.14 EATON'S cERTIPICATE To DR kg JAI NE.—Thn certifies, that Immediately *free ha. ng attended my brother, who died of consumption In March, 1841, I was taken sick with the Consumption dr Liver Complaint, and was reduced to low with the isease, that (or four years I was enable to Knead to my business, either at home or abroad, being for the most time confined to my bed. During the above peri od of time, I had expended for medical attendance a regular Physicians and medicines, to the amount of Wok without receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, 1143, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne% Medi cines, and have taken them more or len ever since, nid believe that it was by persevering in their use, that I can now truly say that I have eompletely Teen-. veted my health. I believe that Jayne% Sanative Pills and Expectorant are the best faintly medicines now In use. I reside in Springfield, Otsego minty, N. Y., and carry on • furnace and machine shop In that plaza, and am not Interested In any manner in the sale of the above medicines. and make that certificate for the ben efit of those adlicied. ELLIAH EATON. _ Sprutgaeld, N, Y., Sept. 16 1848. la Vg ANL! Eat:TT:RED TOIIACC - The si&wittror Jjwould call the attention of the city trade and dealers generally, to the followle; brands Tobsocos, in store and to arrive, which being constinnwats at rectrfo nanufacturers, be is enabled to sell at east ' R W Crenshaw sa; 10 I '' Jades Madison 51; St " Lansarune 5.; " Attrabeas 5.; 21 f " Putnam S. and Is; LS 1 " Roberts & Sisson 5.; F 1 " Oscar Burl ss; IS I " Johns & Levels I.; 3I " Warwick, saps Is 40 I " Henry & Janua hs, Ls and es feb2l L 8 WATERSLAH 7 Pau IlaeLane 1 Narks aod—riraTaiadry7— I)I)O HN WRIGHT & Co., are prepared to build Cott= and Woolen Machinery Of every description, such as Ceßding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Rativray Rends, Warpera,Spoolers, Dremung Frame', LAMS, Card Grinders, &r. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all stars of Cast Iron, Punt= and Hangers of Me latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings or every description Connoted on short cadre.. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing,.&c. Steam Pipe for heal ing Factories. Coot Iron Window Sash and fancy Ca nn;. generally. Orders letl at the Warehouse of J. Palmer & Co, Liberty street, will have prompt =en- U 1341. Refer to Mackstock, Bell & Co, 7. K. Moorehead ft Co., B. E. Warner, John Irwin & bons, Pdtsborgh ; G. C. &J. If Warner, Steubenville. ;amid Penn WlGllTMAN—Manufaeturer of all kinds of col 1-1s ton antl woollen machinery, Allegheny coy, Pa The above works bring now in fun and successful op fratton, I 11.111 prepared to execute orders with dispatch or all kinds of machinery in my lute, such as pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding machines, railways, drawteg frames, spe , edera, throsstls, looms, woolen cardwdouble or mega:, for merrhant or eouittry work, mulmbiacks.tre.; slide and hand lathes and tools in gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to order or plausgiv.. en for gearing (octanes or mills at reasonable charge. Rxrxx to—Kennedy, & Co., Blankstock, Bell A Co., King, Pennock & Co., Jae A. Bray. COACH PAKeTtilti k.i.t.e".,"1,T! t—COal, - ht'vreMl'du I att ' OßT cock, between Federal at d Sandusky streets. The; ere 00e makineand are prepared to receive orders for every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Fta. roaches, Buggies, Plume. &c., &e., which from their long experience to dm manufacture of the above work, and the (actin., they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable hulas with these wanting articles in their line. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate . vials, and Imams none but competent workmen, they have no bean..n in warranting lbw. work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this mum, N. B. Repairing done in the best moaner, and on the most reasonable terms. Jsuatf Thlionongrahela Livery Stable. ROBERT H. PATI , MSON has opened the large stable on First at, running through S PA to Second at, between Wood and Smithfield in the rear of the Monongahela Howe, with so entirely new stook of Horses and Carriages of the bet quality and latest styles. Horses kept to hve ie the manner. Parma Graded:ea Galvanic Away and Pain' Insulated Poinfix Micheal and ocher rrillB Is the only instrament of the kind 0,e7 been presented in We nosintv or Ehrorne tot med ical parporns, and is the only one ever known to than, by which the galvanic fluid can be conveyed to the h.; man aye, the ear, the brain, or to any cart of the bod send,either externally or internally, to • definite send, stream, antliont Cloaks or pain--with perfect satety— and often with the happiest ,accts. This important appertain Is now highly by many of the most eminent phyaicians 01 " E " c,=. f try end Rorope, to whom the aMeted and others whom it may concern can be referred. Reference will, also be given to many highly respectable cithrea, whohave been cured by means of this most valuable apparatus of some of the most inveterate nervous disorders which could not be removed by any other known mans. Among vuious others, it has been proved to be ad mi rah ly adapted for the cure of the following diseases, vt.r nervous headache ad other diseases of the brain. It is with tins apparatus alone that the °pastor can convey the magnetos dald with ease and safety to the eye, to restore sight,, or ogre anraurousi to the eat to restore heanngi to the tongue and other organs, to re, more speech, and to the venoms pans of the body, 4:r the cure of chrome rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or uc doh:weak, paralysis, or palsy, gout, chorea or it. Vim's dance, epilepsy, wealuess from sprains, some theca.* occultist to f emalu, contraction of the limbs, lockjaw, etc. etc. Rights for surrounding counties of Western Pa, and privileges, with the Iristrriniellt, may be purchsgivil,alla so tested for the Care of (basalts.. ' Full Jeannette. wilt be given for the various aeon- ====ll ncr for operating for the cure of those diseases end al so be fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet put into his hands expressly for then purposes, care• yprepared by the potentee. Enquire of . rietlo.4ly WILLIAMS, Vine 01, Nutiord. /FIFE numitien orate piddle lo respectrtury called to j. the tollowlng earttheateic AN. S. Essuis--klaving tested • quantity of Gold weighed by yiur Areometer, I And the result proves your instrument correct; and recommend tha use Of it Mose going to Cadfonitc as the best method for ob. Imams the red value of Gold. Heap. yours, ' J. B. DUNLEVY, (fold Beatcr. Pittsburgh, Much 0,1&10, RlSTlBlttlett, March s , IRO. •Ma Eamon—Dear Sir: Hamm; examined th' Arco. motor," miumiamared at soar rooms, I do not hen.te to commend it to this our of thous gentlemen who WO about removing to California in 'march of Gold. It give. a close approximation to the specificvial ty or metals, and will oertsunly enable the adventurer to ascertain warn has placer is yielding GoLl. mart/ Your., letip l Y. I. H. bPCLINTOCIL N DI A RUBBER CLOTHING —J unt reeetved too thel C.Mixonta Xl:podiums, a complete oneorunent of Loom Elastic Clothing, at prima ranging from &Lb° hr 611 ',:so for suit of coat, pants and hat. For sale at the linha Rubber Depot, No b Wood el 11. H PHILLIPS usT Fll,--" en free more of m; so JawlY I, celebrated ilnenumdh Plattos, aged instantly by Taaluerg and me Sr great rserfor rar together Olin a large asumnat. rosewood mahogany, of my on manuntrit •d. The above mstrements aro warranted as be perm.: to every realm., and will be sold law for calla. F • . . deelP No rig WnM od door from fith For TfF. celebrated Hamra Rifle Powder, 10 kegs, ball keg., glances mud cane. tor •alc by tchl3 .1 $ I.IIL 011TII & .37w1m4 el Pliiipratv• ra.tent 20 2 CAO.hd lust rrcolved per steamers Ivanhoe and St Cloud, and for sale by tY g. ICIIELTREE., Mehl3 feu Liberty at L INSEKD OIIriU b o i rro urit for sale b i t , mill a er Lawly aad 8t Clair Ws DRY /4 VARIETY GOODS. • - - VERY LOW—W. H. Motion OAR fall ito, V =is doinmes Goods, as reduced pnou son Tress LawchOinstuuns, Bistodrolsisios, Oren. taws, Rahnsinsii, Sbasesi cods. Bonnet -Ribbons, &lap. dlonstopi ddiutq Warr, &e. Piusons wanting =7, above, or any other tit% • t o m, - Goods, swill 4q nrollin 41,,n0 co 4of 411. and Market ids: . . Firm booixii rOlt Dll.ftirE;3 , -*AttiTiglV iisertmesu or , Ire. Cit. ticr-Ive, inch ssliolo.widte, Aln)*l * iop p veff• tart platal3wiss44olamd Sid C .i kk ' lucalered4cc , uft bi.trod lae.WeWs4.ll fiat dis, isila striped doissxo Altar* utortment-at te, Goody nab as. pIaTS iumiiiirtgea , N ..eWLiceit , .. ingwist rat nonheancortion4ll) mad Mlnot.sul , • , Wholeplo Itpotas.upildne. ,_ . . illtk I.=" - i A.. MK* At arsmitaiii ' „tab lid bet to:pponea oft Fdarfaalyillb. 'igik drtkit =di haviArblitecanikor dallmilmU bea I 6E014 i. ilto guiat4n twititta:- Podiums *pi*: Peso upda seelaugroods is LOWEIMATIOLika. D 'mama OARPETS,trise Cuteetat **natant. a .La Densele elevate eves agorae ill 4ty, far gale at the Nete:Ca i pet 194roteeula 174bitaateek,' UM* ektaceprtanittui Mese and MAP* alatteleelowee than ever offered. is the market. teho artua,lttaitsele Carps % that! eatt Deane cateltseineeseatete: WCIANTOCK , isipatißailtd adopt. W E are now.opetting ailritry terM mid doles U. sertmerit of SPRING AND BUM MR GOODS, Wanted with moron:ln aural eanctlating the last few weeks, is the New Tart and Yldladelphis IMAM, larlutbracing a great larlets4l( 10.00eL every do met the lama and omen teshltinable styles, and portion of it having Men= trithe .I . IAST , MW' AUCTIONS at a greet from the reg. ler ratee,me . are enabled to 0fixr.%114= 5 .,t1 VaL"rif eitherdi Irl""the, tE IO wee re ore respee le ellori on 0 pa . blio to mar Stock, feeling confide= rem ability to buyers in =moss every krithlin they May Mar line. To the ladiMerneftnat7 commend tair =oak of Stu mm Dam SUM, et *des we hare a red large and beaver= emerune= of the Mon style; and most fultionablaselers. Lunn Dans Goom—httetalln de Lehies,Poill 'do. Chosen, silk, linen and mohair tostresuliabOod. Lawns, gingham insures, EmllordtbaritT styles English, French and Sea eh %whams, /[nee-, hums in great variety, Be. &e. Beams New style Bonnets, very cheap. Blazon 13D Fiminem—Of the latest.l7l , H and ate* rlor in quallty. PaassoLs—A very large sad haaboutentoolt ofPus mots, of almost every style end Sziewm—A due &swarm.= of spring and arezolaer Shawls, of all styles and prices. Ferran Currits—A good supply of super • French, English and American Climbs end to which we would Invite the attention of persom such goods. ALSO—A fell andgenerel supply offihMing Cheeks, Malang., broom mai - bleached Unties, Table Linens, Sheeting*, Diapers, Conbries,thillings, mom= Quads teens , and boys , wear, /saunas, Millar Sadist No , ' soots, Nankin, Prints, Menke:as, Crape, Cline LoMer Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, .11k HMIs, yells, tG it. Persons wishing to buy by wholesale, shoed call and examine oar *lock, as our prime me each as to - make It their interest to buy. ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 Market st, anal northwest comer of the Diamond EMEEM3 A. MASON & Oa, No. MI Market street, have on hand the largest variety of Ratbroideries which they have ever ofermi. Their assortmeni con sists In pan of the following goods, vim r.- 182 rich embroidered Moshe Cep., fro= 112.500. 5, 0 0 850 " " Co 1711051,00 503 crochet Collars, from 375 to 75 350 Lace " " Bto 125 700 Gimpttre" eli to 125 150 Jermy Lind " 625 to 1,00 180 moshn Habit& 50 to 1,50 WO pairs =alio " 371 to 624 A 1.., Mourning Col from LSI to 21c. Call at tho cheap one price store of A. A. MASON & Co, No 00 Market st. NEW RIBBONS iI 2 +a—W. B. • BLAME SILKS, BM. HAM , R. Moarny'hss thls enorninir ro- Jeived by Express a lot of handsome awe calmed, Breen and blot Bonnet Ribbons. Also, Mosey bisek &Ms for dresses Vuites, par4lll., Sus LL-Es—A largo assothnent lateht recei ved Won: Goons for dresses—theh as swiss and moll muslina, Nammoks, e.e. Also, embroidered muslins for dresses, all at lowest prices, at northeast earner Fourth and Market streets. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. mr4 %En i.INEN busTio&--W FLINEN . AND : W; r MUNIRIT how open a fall, assortment of . above article., for dresses and caeki—among the lat ter are some name colon, such as pink, blue, green, also, pink, blue, green, and mode colon of Cha meleon Law., end a large of eredirolale. ed muslin, and Law.. W. R. M.'s recant purchase is now .1 received and opem and persons wanting Dry Goods will do well to look at lus large and fresh stock before purchasing— . northeast corner 4th and market sta Wholesale Rooms up aura A RTIFICIAL FLOWERS—di miens!. for dtrufietal A Flowers, viz Nun tisane paper, spotted4o, Car mine paper for cabling, Pink Saucers, Leavel of eve ry term, bads, rip., and callow., eau be obtained at F 0 EATON fr. ColTrimmirtg_Rlolo, a. 14 OS Fourth at EfifiralEßT—Worated paueres for tittomans, Piano Stools, Table Covers, Travelini_liadsonth a great variety of small patterns. Also, Worsteds of ail colors and shades, b k r the pound, mate, Or dein for gale by 1914 F EAT O N a, Co, 6i Fourth S&CORD SUPPLY—SY R Murphy, at noralteast eor nor of 4th and Market .t•• 311, hat bagmen his seed= supply of seeing and smarms Gorrh, sad t”.• • large assortment of Dress Goods of newest styles, and staide Goods of every kind, all of which Mil he sold lour: aP27 - _ . W I/ oYgti A Li Si Al t 6 1' GOODS. A A. MASOA & CO, , Cft3131.613.4)NERS AND 1311 . 01iTEItS, 60 Maim Snout, eI)RE miss opening the most ex tensive and varied assortment of Spring and Sommer Goods ewer .ht lilted in the Western comm . ), comprising upwards of Kievan Handled C0,..1.3, purchased tq entire pucka. ges Dons the manafactemrs, importenti . and hew artn tiou sales, by one of the finn residing in New l'prk, who is constantly sending us the newest and most fashionable goods. They tom. in Pan -100 eases rich Spring Prints; 3O eases id de Lain " Lawns imdliluslitts 35 "- cotton and Linen 120 " bleached Musilittsodl(" Ingham, grades; 30 " col'd Muslinsc 40 " shirting Checks tindl 27 " llipkas Conon. domestic fiinghams; Ides and summer Pamirs ILSO Brown Booboo cases and packages of Bonnets, Flowers, La ce., Ribbon, bilk a Shawls, Barnum Whltn - Coods, Millinery Articles, Cloths mad Cesium:mg, Linens, 'Ho siery nod Woven, an. tsc: Cny and conntry merchants will find their stunk as large and desirable ao Eutern stocks, and an 011011. nation of theirgoods and prices cannot fail to con omen all th at Kith their undeniable -advantages and factlittes, they can compete versa ol,rt &areas Juana This fact has been clearly demonstrated to hundreds of their patrons who formerly purchased Ent Their stock .111 always be found complete. so, fin UOUDS, 1849 TENNEDY & s ewygn, corner Wood and Fourth street, nre now receiving direct f ro m first hands, a large stock of Fancy sod Variety flood,, in" iadier Clocks of every vanety, gold and silver Watches, Jewelry, French Prim a anotha Hooks and Eye!, Gloves and Hosiery, Suspenders Gun Caps, and all other ankles in thou line—all of ivhich having nova purehased personally of the tnanuthenners east, do. nngthe last 'miter, expreasly for . s.he Spring trade, wiltbe sold wholesale at a small adVanee on coat. Conatantly °attend, all deserionoa• of Looking Glow. es, of oar own orannfactaring, Stamen oriOes mhl3 E W FANCY AND VALLIDIO I.A.I4JU*-4132/14t1 N ULON IONSEVV, 07 Market onset. ICOprs fine China Vases, ass'd; 175 acts twist and cut velvet coat Buttons 10 One velvet Carpet Baltui do do genes traveling; 100 groan Bossy Mk Bottom, for dresses 10 dos Nall Brushes, subl; 100Ero tine blk Vest Buttons, sued; 353 do do gilt and planed, do; 25 doe rosewood Hair Brushes 4 do Witshliglou do; I do Barbers do, 3 gro Fish Lines Fish Hoek., Llnus rick, No JEWELRY, tee —5O gold loser Watches 50 do de tached lever Walton% 10 do Louise doi 10 fine dig mood Fmger Bingr, 1 dos fine gold Vcat and Fob ChUns, I do do Clouds Breut Pons, Finger Mop, E U,C/ Ri M h. tre ' .-400 dos Ladles Cotton Mous, ants; 300 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, tcor 10 do gents , Mk Cloves; 19 do do kld 50 do ladles kid, smi.d; 10 do do fancy top silk. VARIETY GOODS-75 pkgs American Plus Re. boo Cotton CAMis 75 pa Paper Mute; 500C(Dribbed Percussion Cum 200 ikro dress Whalebone dm 100doa Iyoty Combs Droning Combs, Book Combsltc. to. Two g• N. EATON a. CU. are now opening tam npring • stock of Trimmings, COugitml; lr P.l l Pf Mu? . r and Dress Fringes, limps, black and cad 811 k black Flames Lace, Button, Brids, Boma Tnromlngs, gents, Wiles and children@ plain Isrid rm. Dosiery, Shins for men and bo)s,Corabs,lvort and other F. Yam, Spool C o n n, Nee. Tapes, Bob. bins, Pins, Esc. dn., winch they offer for s ale, bo th wholesale and retell at Cur TrnamingStare,d2Fenrth street, between Wed] and Market. y, soil N16. - S - FtflING 000Lk11.—A. A. Stecos , g;(..e?, 60 CV Illyket meet, are now opening 40 eases end packages of cplondid ctoeapcial.g PLayton, tducline, Bereges, IC de Leine., Oinghams, ute, French Cambrice, Ribbons, !ACM., Shawls, Ellovu, Hosiery, and a general mom inerft of Goods. metal OA /WETS,' OIL OLOTI18) ' DECEIVED THIS DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloths of the latest and most approved pettems, and at price. to wait purchasers, and cheap a, can be pm , chosed In any of the Eastem clues, cotarhi g the fol lowing vanenew atm Royal Velvet Plle CarpOtal iiirminator Carpets, Rise hall 1 . 9040100 Tulastry do libelee. Sup Royal Brussels do Tapestry stair ours; Extra sup 3 ply do Brussel. do Superfine do do Chemed° Rum Extra sup Ingrain do Tufted do - Superfine .do do Brussels do Flog do do Chenille Doormats Common do do Tufted do t„. do ' & I Tspe.trY Adelaid do ,do • Damao be She akin do do 4-4, a..( 1t i .I , l'd Vs- de 6-4 144 Em dosedTabl Plano do e Covers aeum 4-4,3-4 b. plain do do 64 wool do UN: Cotton ingrain do 6-4 worsted and linen diklo do Venedina do Brass Stair Rods wo ol do IS-4 wool en cumb cloths 111-4 woolen do Stair l i in 6.4 do do 64 table do English Table Oil cloths; Diaper do Getman do do do do Creak 0.4 Floor Oil cloths; linow.Droji hisphkll4 7.4 do CIO do Oil3Uoll Fiwtitt Y 4 do do do Purple do 4 do do do Maroon do 4-4 do do do Carpet Binding-, Sheet 0,1 Cloths, of oowtoooop'ot Window Shades Tuitry patterns, cut to fit SLi"' the shove we are constantly receiving_maSeßng took of C. rpets, Oil Cloths end Steamboat Triawarags, to which we moue the attention of all who swish to Ga. their houses or steamboats as we will be able ID er good. os low as they can be purchased in the East, and of - the richest and lams . styles. Call and so unde our cock before purchaidtg ems - where Ware house, No 75 Foorth st: mann W. M'CLINTOOK. - - • - • • - DRY GOODS C SHA KLETT Jo & k W b HITE. Dry Good• •r •, 0. PdWOOD STREET—Wonid colt the eltrentlen N of Merchants to lbw forge sweit of Domelalo laud Foreign DRY GOODS, Just receivintiVore ther m . porters ace Slianorscuarers, and which therWill sell at very low rases for cash or approved etedlt`'i? • • Oar .rcett is Ow (alt and complete, ,el4Well'eforth the attention ofyero, es we are detormloort.4o 411 et math extremely low prices se outwit liallOYillce It .0 IW! t snasideman kg stathanta N tioketbylyoryti cu. . VOL. XVI. NO. 300. MISCELLANEOUS. W ASTRID, OILY at the BALTIMORE, PHILADELFMIA D, , NEW TORR. BOS CON ANDNEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, Yowls' MEN In wholesale and entail stores, and other respectable badness, to am es Book-keepers, Sales men, Porten,,Bapkeepers, Waiters, Emu.; Cormh men, Cu Agents, Book sad Map Agents, C 011...., Overseers in all branches of business, e.e." We have at all times alarge number of good situations on hand,' Which pay from MO to &LIMO per annum. Those in erant of alumna. of Mad mould do well to give utai, ea we have agents in each of the above ci-, *Or which will enable es to place every applicant in 1 1Calitable situation at the demth eaned.* We have a enenain in all e alio. named nines,. wince we trust tanc will e cambia as ter give entire saber. - IVO Wall who may favor ea with a eall: : v TAYLOR & TAYIMAN, No. SP Second between South and Gay. ' 14.11—Feraons living in any part of the U. States, and wishing to °Mania damson in Baltimore, or el ther a lit e ems'o cities, will have their warns lmme diamly attended to by addles... a line, (post-paid) as by so doing they will eanaiFboth trouble and ea, pawn, which May otheransetwoald incur by coining the city, and acckial t utlegment (or themselves, Addoess,AYLORA TAYMAN, • Tio.6b Second street, myVialtf Baltimore, Md WaLigi? MOS caaltPii. WE HAVE ABDOMINAL WAIthlEll3 mado from IT the most appromA - English pantie, tt famished and reeommeeded by Thomas agewell,m4., and umber of eminent physician& being Iln"t emeent era apparatus for the, appLiestloo of .warm qe hot am. ter to the bowels, in cue of cramps ih Cholera. As Avery person is subject to saddens attacks, - no falsity should be without at least mos &CAME & ATICfNSOI% Jtd First sr, between Woodhad ?UMW Lusproveinent tu-PlasuisZ• • THU subscriber is. lust receiving an. usortment of Pianos from ther factory orNahns & Clark. N. Y, wadi rarer. evince of exterior, beatoy of Walt 3Ad;uperionty ortohe and torch. iuryass any thing' edict brought to .144. city. hir.Clarky of the above funns, long and most favorably known as the rummy . format; to the celebrated Piano establishment of Broiulwaud, Landon, has recently ltaproved =apex, reeled tbeTtanos of Minna& Clark, to sot ex- ' tonewhiabOnatiestionallyjenthlea thew tb the' repo... DORM of beMg tha very brows emit as the. cheapcon.l Pistiorto be got in hill country. no lot now opeo- Ing,'Amuca ornb. the additional reemnaiendation of an improve:me. nt ,in tho,rayle mid Ant*, watch -snakes them at. onee the 'most elegant and tut thing snot brought. Oat. , Tbeso.instnentents, together swim the = noel on band, [anathemostemintsive,vaned and de- - "treble assOitoirtnt enrer otreted dem, • all ortchlaWarill he Wild maasCuttamis p&p, end on attmatt ihag - tenns. 11.1.L6fIER. atj. WocslwelPs, ea nirdst N. B.—Tbe subscriber will be fond .at aim wag,. Wane fromll toll A. hi, and 4 to 5 P.M. Jue • EL IL, seta dgenttar Nana de_Clarlr PIANOS! fiNIE subscriber offers for sale large and ' ' Aassortmeut of rowerood and mahogany grand M. iron Pianos, with and without Coleman% celebnued Malian Attentoncet The stems i125t1112126121.E ars war ranted to be equal to any manufactnrcd in this carte- U7,und will be sold lower than any broaigin from the East F. Emirs% 112 wood st, .9:d door abuse 6th N. 11.--City Bektp will be taken al per for a few of ha above assorunant. mpg F. IL Paz Beep Al. Paz.. maim.JOHN IL Mir l o oo ,l3 l Wood street, will sell gm Perin at pat*, figlowlng rnnew and second band Pianos • One elegant rosewood 66 octave Pl ano, made by Baker & Raven, N. Y. ... .. • • —11:12$ 00 Oho do do Of octave •——• • .90 CO One rosewood octave, Gales & Co, N. Y.. • 275' 00 .One do 6. do do . do• •-- 250 CO. , One mahogany 6 do do marry now• • 200 00 One' do 6 do Land 0 • • 55:5 00 One do 66 •do Rosenbaum 100 00 One do 6 do Gannon •• • ....... • 50 00 One do 61 do R &AV Norm. •• .. ... 6000 One do 5 do English 30 00 sty 3 TORN FORSYTH, Moreharrt/Tailor, has moored to No. 3.1 Market street, ono door from Second, East aide. Thankfel for past farm, he narpectfallY .imita a conthmarteenf the patronage of his former customers, and likewise thapatronage of as many new ones as an °Nisi right stripe. . Orders in the Tailoring line execated in the must fashionable manner, and with dispatch. Also, a fashionable assortment of, ready made Clo; thing, of all kind& Cheap (or cash, amine. Gentlemen. , Pang Gads in all their naiades always on hand, sach a thirty Bosoms, Collars, Cm. vats, Steclra, Scarfs, Hosiery, antwoders, Pocket HMOs, Gloves, Drawers, Umbtyllas, &a Ea. Ike. mydiniato A tismumirr V'ti,,ysi'mart ' fro;A ' Rith o ` ftte L lta o ie 71.TITs ' et ` il t''i t ''iMs ' pTn plress:ll7l 2ll"'es 111. esteem. in Bands, and other large cities has beeh proverbial. His charges aro moderate, and his auras permanent Old 'eases of Gloat, Stricture, Scro fula, Fluor tabus, Rhaumailsra, Ague, Syphilis, or arty chrorda or invetarate eases solicited. A care warranteti, or chatggee eliutdeoL from the B idge. ?o r TlVr l ieted. Advice to the poor g aol, N. R—Dr. A. solicits the worst eases or anp discos, in Plusbonth to-oall. apt4:dly WILLIAM moose, flatudeettner of Mural Water ippazatoz, can 0. zez OOLDIZS WILX AND /0 No. 913 NOrth Bettered et. ab= l ifine . , PHILADELPHIe. AN experience of more than twelve years In the manafacturing of Mineral Witten._ Appatants, end the preparation of bimetal Watarinßoules and Foun tain', on en extensive scale, with a scientific and prac tical knowledge of of both branches of business, toge ther with recent improvements In the construtilen of the Apparatus and the preparing of the Water, winch he has succeeded In adopting silted hL vhdt to Faris, and after yew. <Kelt:tee study and practical applica tions en applied to the arts in Mechanics and Mends. try, enables the subscriber to come before the public with entire confidence, and offer them the best and most complete Apparatus, for the numfacture of Min eral Water in Senile. and Feminine, that can be fur nished to the United States. He also flatters Mown that the enlarged success he bit met with, end the prent extensive and daily in creasing amount ofbis, beldam in both the above do pammerus, farnishee the most coirrincing proof of his claim to the superiority of Apparatus over thew clan others, and of the minty and salubrity of the Wares prepared therefrom. Persons who order the Apparatus tram a distance, may be summed that their Warmth:mu shall be falthfhl.; ly cosopded with, and so packed as to oarry safely either by Land or water to any part of the U. States. To avoid disappeommern, his recommended to those who intend sopplytng themseloe. Ma approaching sea son. to forward their orders at as early a day as con venient. hound Water Apparatus, Genaraum, Pumps and Fountains, Ornament,' Ums and Pedestals (or Stands, Counters and Bars of Hotels, for, drawing H ydra al Water, together with Corking and Tying blan !tines, and eurydring appertaining to the above business, constantly an baud, and for sale on the loweit terms for euh, • ssAcod&a irAYENT. SWAB. I...S.UPS,—en annum" • asuirtment of Cornelius & Co's celebrated mult iuse, and superior to all taws in par, adapted to elnarebn, (tambour, factories, dwelling* publie and private halls, and to all other usesUhere is cheap, asfb and brilliant light Is desirable. • Also,Oirandoles, !fall Lanterns,Condelabrulabori Shades, Wicks, oftimules, Cans, Thum .%ne. Gan Chabdellers, from onou four is. deed W W WILSON Id market st . T • ' ESTEEM ADDLE HAMM% ?HUNK AND WHIP KAN § . urAmvii.v.—mos mbseriber takes thls method o informing his ideas and the} übbe in general that he has the hugest Meek of the Wowing nested ani. saes of his own eranuthature la this eity—iladdles, Har eem, Trunks and Whips, all of widish he will warrent to be mule of the best material and by the but mech. ink. gme r h, hi y county. Being determined to sell his nuumfattares something tower than has bsenberes wa r m 1014 by any similar establishment in the ebb he world woo persons in need of the above named artietes to his warehouse, N 0.544 Liberty strew, oom ph. ppyospa -Alto, bands made to atter for =shire. 17. omiksly G. KIDIBY. TlTTibbitlialriTEDlALll4 liltlyrraPrN. NB Second Souk, of this Inialunion, under. th oo or Mr. and Mr. Gathers, for the present academie year, wUI commence on the dna of Februa ry =non the same baildings, No. SilLibemy stmt. Arrangenteou have been made by which they will be able to furnish young ladles halides egeal to any in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, .Clwir cal, and Ctmamental education. A fa ems. of Phi. lisophical and Mammal Leeurres will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de- Ins Voc al and laummtultal Music, Modern Lnndnagns, Drawing and Punting, will eachbe e4es the ewe of. competent Professor. By close attend= to the moral and intellectual intercom:tent of their pia , the Principals hope to atertra continuation of the liberal parronsge they have hitherto enjoyed, For terms, tee cinder pr apply to the Pruimpals.„ TANNERS , OIL. . . . . . 400 13BLS. bun's. TANNERS' ally in harden= titan 014—C.onstandy oniated, bleached a enbleacii3 ed winter sod spring Sperm, Elephant and Whale Oils. Also, light colored selected N. W. Coma Whale suitable A. rellailLt. PATENT OIL POR MACHINERY—Mho named. hers are now prepared he supply 'llevlan's Pewit OW io any quantity; machinists, manufacturers, /se-, aro nut anted to call and examine the article. ceiti,ficates of tts edieney sad superiority over utl other oil. , from several of oar most extensive manufacturer., are la oar ;emulsion. ALLEN & NEEDLIiS„ Agw, • 12 and south wharves, near Chmartat fable-eodGm Philadelphia 2, Tu rgo"ce toD'S' scost I c_enls -P24 DEItIi'iQUICK oic W OIIIII ZIGI - LNST,RUMENTIS—: new coostramthe. These InstromenLs points great advantages over all others ever made, covering, a :14 lase Plate, redocing the time of sitting one•hatf, and .. prodoesng a sharper, clearer and better defined pie r tee.. They, thermos's, deserve the auenthth of all-str aceengaged or Intending to eunge to the basineas. pricefor the Tem A. general astiortmenlit(Volgtinender's justly:tele-. basted lustrnments, of all sixes, u veil u itagnerrests grtg-neg,ll,4l4=ccion."Tti, Cibbs, s • is car ha thonhad ages% for the salts a the - above lastromenu. A WI ot Yneeecan be obtained by addressing POW. W. IP-I•ANGLiNkIEALs., Bxehliage;'Philadelftbsa t Importers of Durnerreorgpo Materials, and liceeral - Agents fat the sale of Vongtigmgeste Optical Inure meas. Hardly - aro...Cheaper than Hirert T O( *N, & CO., importers and.Wbohials LA Dealers in Hardware, Ceder): and filmkildOs`N-9' 121 Wood Street, above Flftb, bare now in atareaNcry, cheap and well selected stook of HirdisakeibaDOkted glace the decline of swim it, Haroye, and whtoh they , are deterodnednow..ll.corresporubserloro,lberebidost who have been in the habit arsolag East,wpartieos, larly mowed to call and look throollbmic isoctour . , wo confidently believe they will save thew exyacces; 'oet.4 ItRIED DEW ROENDS4RI. , Acmes Ned Be( BALUld11; nroluelavil "reetibtfor isle by a • SELLERS k IGEOLS