The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 25, 1849, Image 4
BORTAMON- •-•-- .._...., -- --- Yo takeferw a va n / nrovle4Zoitilltlialkil.,` - kOto. . .7"......... AM= P HE picket HPAVER, Capt. Swnley,' will have T Beaver rryalady on Monday, Wrencadayi9trd Friday evenings et 6 P. 3.1., and arrivewr Youngeown next morrdwp at 13 o'clock—returning, leave. Icings- town Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings at I P. M. and reach Beaver to time for d. mornitiglmm, ALLEGHEHy :CLIPPER, arrinug at Pittsburgh ni 11 o'clock. J. • The punter HARKAWAY. Capt. Downing.; will leave Beaver Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even. Inas at 6P. rewriting, leave New Castle, Mobday, Wednesday lad Friday everdngs at 6 P. NI. wed eon. sleeting Isiihtne morning boat Coo Pittsburgh. - These Mae Jett arettted up in complete order; bay. lug At.. 1e00111102 , 14111.. for passengers, and stunners may rely ric more punctuality and grower dmpatch ire beetrbtaincd on these root,. Ptt . FITCH &Co., Proprietori. J. C. ridurell, Agent, Patabargh. Ibdweil& Bro., " Beaver. A. D jnevbs, " Youngstown. R. W. Carmingham,"New Cwitle. - The elegant steamer, ALLEGIIKNY C LI PP rtt,wilt brave BeaVer,daily et 8 A. M., uld Pittsburgh ht 3 M., mining bu connection with the above boats.: niio 4.1= 1849. m a im w '111111111 : darr Cleveland Passenger Luse: Canal 'Packet—SWALLOW. 1" —OCEAN. 9NH of tbeebore Packets +re Beaver °veil . day (flunday•excepted) and arrive [Mil roosting a: asreniarliientihey connect Teilh the elan Stages for : ednm• a d ellrfeieen, nviornt la each of thee° places before right. bne of the packers loser, Warren daily MIS P. K., end arrive at Beater in [into to mkt, the mercies txiat for Piusbarrb. Wrr , mui CE B LEPFINOIAN.LL Co, ?it 13 TAYLOR, do • JOON A Cfi el d t, sP/3 c o mer r a m d Smithfield au aft= 1849 VNION L NE , ON TON PRIBIBPA AND 01110 02L.X.LS. Cuerruxo es Cnasaxatm,Cleveland,O. IL G. Pails, Heaver, Pa plus Ltual l HlV3PrePeredonihe °Peeing . of 1151 J• higl i ir/ef;l i l r rnegl. f .iiVlLl A D, P ttran " y 6'''' poit r a ' a m n the Canaland.Lakei. The failitleipftheflue are unsurpassed in number, Qualiry and capacity of Beaus, expend,. of eaptalni, and dfiriency of Agents. One Boat leavegPinsburgh and Cleveland daily, run. dog hidonneetion with me steamers LAKE. ERIK AND MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh and Heaver. and a line orfirst class Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakea Astanr•-fr 0 Parks, Beane; Pa - Jesse Baldwin, a M Youngstown, Ohio. ,Acumen, iel" . err _us re Wheeler & Co, Akron Crawford it Chamberlin, Clevelaro, 0 Bean & Griffith Buffalo N. V, JO Rig A. cetiu HEY, Agent, Office, ear Water and Smithfield Mr, Plusbungt.` rnehdl:ly .1147V - M.IT - PACKkJTS. Sumner MICHIGAN No. n--Cape. Gilson. LAKE ERIE, " Gordon. ' ' • THE above regular and well known Beaver Pock ets, havoc orartameed making their dull triad to and from Beaver, and will continue to run _between Pittsburgh end Beaver regularly during the sitoion, as -railway- • Michigan No. 2 leas. Pittsburgh daily a 0 o'clock, A. N., and Beaver at, 2 o'clock, P. .11. Lake Erie Beaver daily EnEl o'clock, A. P. and Pittebarith al 3 &cloak,. p. ta, These steamer. will rim in oormeetion 4th= G Parke' Rapress s'acket Li., for End, Taylor A LeffungwelPs Warren Packets „ - • UnionLlne of Preight.Boars for Clevelan* - Clarke &Co's Pittsbargh and CleeelancLintsPrttied Boars.• R 0 Parke daily New Castle Packets. CLARKE, PARKS & Co, Heaver, ?Agenta. JOHN A. °AUGURY, Agent. Pittsburgh, _ mehM cot Water and Sonteeld sts 1849. m4ia PII7BBOIGII AND GUY h4Arip LINE, ON THE PMsINSYLVANIA. AND OHIO THE Proprietors of this old estoblisbed oral dairy Bee, emulating of SIATEEN fast crass . al Boats, owned by themselves md running e 'kee n= withaheaseam boats BEAVER AND COPE, are enabled to oar linequalled fao,.lits. fin the transportation of freight and possengess, c* m Abe opeainsr of Canal navigation, to all point" urste Pa. sylvamaand Ohio and N. York ewes md e Lakes. E. U. FITCH Co, CI veladd. _ . BIDWELL & BROTHER, - Agents, kIeYVV4. J. C. DIDWF:I.L., Ascot, Water street, PTabelfll. C. =WEL, D. TA. C`..6, Pinab. Deriver. BID D WELL BROT HER: Forwarding Merchants, HEAVER, PA..; . Agents far the PittsburgA atulC/evrtand .63ne, burgh. and Err, %iu via En'h, aluiVor gem= brats Dinar and Caleb Cope. Having peraltssail the Wye and anbatatitird Wharf Boat just built for tlw. Monongahela Paixetg, have with the addition of a 'Warehouse, the most norple ae eontritodatiens for receiving and fortruidine and pledge thirirromet ertention, prom pin ern avid despatch to constipate= to their care, and rely on their Mends Car a trial. • Inarg•diy n E H RO. 0p:414114 , 51,4A naM 1849 . ta;is 'Old Established Line. ON TREERIVEXTENSION CASAL,'. THE Proprietor of this well known Lan:,of . Canal Bost. is now prepared to transportlpassensers and Fseight to all pans. on the brie Extension, New York Canals and the Lakes ; upon the mod favorable terms and with despatch. This in tOrtileCtiort with the seam boats BEAVER and CALEB COPE, between? Pittsburgh and Beetle?, Ckl Reed's Line of steam boats and yrs seta on the takes, and the Troy and bließimdr!.Lake Boat Linn on the New York canal. - C_ AL HEED, ProprietoriErie, Bidwell* Brother, Agents, prover .: • W T Mather Agent nt I . lsleskimen4 Passenger Office, Mon a House, Patsburen. CONBIGNbES—W C Malan, Sharon; S E 5.9 Hal', Stusrpsburg, Smith A Downing, do; JPlarnmer, West Greenville, Wick. Aware& Co, do; Arm ticorY, Hartatoron; Doom S Smog. Doilolo; Dart Gibbs & Cer, Bandasky; Jos Ar Armstrong, Detroit K irkland & Newberry, Sheboygan; & WildaMs, Nitwits- We; Keep, Morley & Dutton, Racine; Jon Chicago; ,A Wheeler & Co, New York. I ,trp3 Plgrabliesh and Illalravtll• Pealiat - Mize alia§M 1849.1 MARSHALL. d: CO, have bued 4llOOl now and sp erund Picket Boats to inn during' the ,senitoti, be tween Blairsville and Pittsburgh—Me boats to be tow ed by three horses, and every effort made trnecon , moor. passenger. Dersartrus.—Boals will leave Pittsburgh every Monday,Toesday, Thursday mid Friday; at 7 o , elock, r. a. From Blairsville every Monday, .Wednesday, Thursday and Sounds , nt7 W., sitid at Pittsburgh the same day. A two horror Hack from ( ll meet Me boat at Sahib urghs! both on up ward and doaraward trip —paning passengers Ihroogb from that place in one day. Freight for th e above Line will be reeelved at the house of the Boatmen's Line, by Jr. F,arrint & Ca.. who are our authorised Agents. All freight-received free of commissions. J M MAIISHALL A Co. IND FARRFN fr. Cti, Agents, Canal Basin, Liberty st,, Pinsbargh A Hock teases Blairsville for Youngstown on the arrival of the hoes—returns to boat in morning.' Fare from Pittabem laLliw m,YrnuigstawnE. , -reeedved_at office, of Bowmen's ardkaara .11V111402t.... PiTTIMUILIMA IfilAtt'f/LESAJA , ssteAllta.srab. abiffiklB49. Fa" tko pramtortMons of rezerkt anSpeas PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA. RALTMEIRE, N. VORY,EOSTON.A. Tamusßormutes. Philottlelphia 'NAM& O'Coorros, Pdubutgh. THIS old eitabiished Line being now itti MIL opera • deurhe proprietors areprepared with *Jr usual extensive arrangentente to forward merthaedisc, pro duce, At • toand from the above porta on liberal terms, with the regularity, despatch and safety. patellar to their mode of trattognation so °batons, when tract, shiptuent at thews y volpied. - All consigninenta by and for Mts line reeersga, ehas. gespasdodulGartrarded in any required Peelle. free of obargeltsr eommission, advanemg or;mange. No Interest, directly orindirectly, m efearabonut. Al] ettourrtmleVionepromptlY attended bo tritapplictc Ran to tha foileirmg wow THOS. BORIC IDih en bimetal It, Philadelphia. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Cenral EiesM, Mt/Sheryl, On:CONNOR & Co, North st, Ralthmtep. ± trsebet Eigai 1849. BINMLLAIROVVMALINIPOIAWA. • PluoTatrlu2s, " toms Theatuat, Tiros: Buiettax, Wa. Ilmenan, !soot Duca; Condneted an strict S.abbath-lreeptng principles. pet TIIP. Proprietors of this old established Line have them mock in the most complete order arc Moe to rom and foam the E n el eldy prepared ro forward ms. Produce andhlerehan. aster • We trust thatour [mg experience in the tarrying Oneineu, and zealous aueraion•to we Interests 01c-tu tor:tem, will secure to us 6 continonneO endetnerease of the patronage hitherto extended to Binm's Line. Oar prnusgements will enable rim to" carry gh . Freight with the utmost despatch, end our prices 'hall aliver • be sus lowa' 11.10 lowest charged by miter breponstitle Linea' We have opened an office to No :63 :Market street, between 41th and 6th as, Ph/16111, for the conveeuanee of al:ogler& I.zacet and Merchandise will be received and for. worded, Cut sad West, without any (Margo for tor. wrestling, advancing freight, storage ormomnuesion. Bills of fading forwarded, and every: direction promptly attended to. Addroos, or apply to Whl. Canal Seam, cos Liberty S. Wayne ma Milsborgh. lIINU HAMS ti-DOCh, No Wand27o Markel Weer, Plii•wia. /A-BUM WILSON. Age", - No 12:1 North Howard street, Baltimore WILLIAM TYlljUN,_ . Agent, No 10 West street, New York 1849 Testniearrtaittorailstue. VIA PENNSYLVANIA . CANAL L NAIL - ROADS, Canalo and End Roads beton now open, and good order, on are prepared to forward alt hind. of meechandma and pr..° to Muladliphia end Bahlamos, with prompmers and despatch, .4 on to good larais as any other Line. C A McANLILTY a Co, Carroalasln, Fermat, k.litsbragh. • AwRIM—CHARLES RAYNOR, raiudepk.. mat MAE MORRILL a Co, Baltimore. & 11a1114ind preanyast. Packet L nOc.. neat 1849 . PROM PVIPIII3ECTO ITIDADELPIALA a BAL. Timoam, eiticluslvely for Passengin.) ~:• t d+a3 and Line rwr i'" = ', 4 ll . , :ra throughout the Season. The boats we sto,w, and of a super.. dies, with et. lug. cobras, which will Situ great. comfort The can are the Wert cererMMcmdt A hound! gamy. be In mil, an so imolai to call and charelne Mein before chiming pas. lawnap there. • . • • • anly Mnedollars through) 'One *fete Mama Brae volllcage Me Melding toposkto 11. 8. Howl, worms ollPeon street and.Canat every rughr at Mae o' clock Time Se - daya. For informatlonr_aPply WM° °Rear edondlligahelajtonsei or tO• D LLTBII Co &Rh laminotranar-- illaMEAMniiat Foe the 'fr.epo!tatien a kidtgat to TO PRIL&RELPItIA, BALTITWRE & NIKAV YORE 'IIVitINE - p on the Canal being now resumed. the Propneton of the above Line n -speetfolly inform -Lan pubbc that that non pteitareti to m eeive end (or hoed Freight 'atm despatch, aid at lowest ram, They would the attention of shipper, East- Ward to the faitihat. the Beef. employed by them in 'trmuponanon,hre ownid by Them and commanded by eipepeneed captains. • blooper. of Mee{ fu B o ns will find it advantageous to ship by this Line, as the saltsenbers have made ar rangements at Columbia to hann t'unh ffnieh , foe Bal timore handed dtrectifftorn fiat"s C. tart, thereby to' Vin nathema hendlial. }relight to Yailadeiplue goes clear through In the . r bo No charge madt rot Teta shipping OT tdvancing nbit!Bnt, ICIE R& Propnetors, C astn, Seventh Meet. AG ENTs—lotot Shaw ,tedocineati, 04 100 hic• Colloab de Co. Baltimore; & Co, l'nGadel phia; Francis A Thome., Co robta mob&I pgagBYLVAI[}A CA AL ita IL. BOADS, abiEgl.lB4. • EX.y1t...3 FAST rAcka , :r LANE, Patstatrgh to Pkilaxklpkixt and Baltimore. (Exclusively for Pnwengers.) THE public are resPeetfui4 informed that this Linn will commence nu - ming-en Moinlay, linh March. The boats of thin Lite are l(a superior class, with enlarged cabins, whioh oil give greater comfort to passengers. A boat will always toe in examine and travelers are re - queued to call and examine them before engaging pain sage by other rotors. They Will leave the landing, op. pouts the U. S. Hotel, cornikr Penn street and Canal. crack/ night at 0 o'elnkii. FARE—NINE DOLGA' RS THROW:HI. Timm-3 Day. For In(ormation, apply ac.the office, Monongahela House, ON t, I). Li‘:.Cll.b. Co, Canal Dawn N. ll.—Tne proprietors of- tie above Line are now building an addluonal Linen] . Pocket, tartly us above on or about June let, inconfection with the Penns) , I. each Rail Rood from Lewistown to Philadelphia. At that time a packet will lea 4 every morning and even. ing. Time through, 11 Jaya menl6 pouT &fit BOAT LIFE, MEOWS°. Mia k or the traltor . tatkOn of Inerenduaitc, BETWEEN PHIL LI.PiIIA AND ROIL OODS carried on this. Line are not truu,hyped k_T between Pittsburgh an 4 Philadelphia being car ried in four lentil:in Poi - tait Floo's over land and oa ten—to shippers of Ineret,andise requiring careful handbag, this is of importikee. No chorea male for receiving or shipping, or fogadvancing c barges. All goods forwarded swab disliStch, and on a. reasonable terms as by any other Lit'FSHN M'FADEN & Co, alwi - Pr Pittsburgh 'IS k Co, cc st, Ph la and Corumis• aPburgh. JAMES M DILVIB frt. Co,iFLour Factor. and Commis sion Merchants, Ma It arkal and fr-t Commerce etre, Ptuladelpht. a mart Frfrilvancee made by ((then of the above on Flour, Wool and other unirelosititse COHS: a ocd to them for . sale. ; marld _ . '''''...... 116gelff§/ 1 189 0 ' '' '''' .4--- ' - ' — ' - ` : ElletiG *JAIN Ta , WA Y .- RIK. lat El T LINN. Foe 13;ainville, Rihnstiorn, limittlaythurgh, and all intermetillate planes. THIS Line will eV:intim:a to carry all Way Goods with them usual despatch, and at fair mites c, treight. Aostsrs—C. A. APAINitt,TY & Co, Pinsburgh. IMZ=I John Miller, qollidnyvbragh. Rarnannenn--J sone. lotion. einrialr. Pr F Shoenberger, R Moore, JOhn Pork , . S Von Bonn horst & Co, W Letunet& Co, Jun & Pro, Pittsburgh; John Ivory, Swint. Mulhollon k Ray. !no Rind Is Co , mehi.7 11.8.,ED,, PAULI:LH 6 Co'.. PACKET LINE. 1148. slain BEAVER dN D CLIWEL/AN D tIN E. ate W A RNE-N. Caen! Paetet—NWAILOW, mitt. Ford. " OCEATi, Cana }le anent. E of the above Paciets leave Deliver every day, iNundays exeemedr•dapit amve nest mortung at Warren, where - they ernufeet with the Mail :Nimes for Akron and ClevelMd, artrann; at each Wa rr en pine, oefure ntght. One of the .Paekt., lea, daily, at .5 P. M., and arrive at tHeaver Ml.e to take the olo.nina steamboat for Pittstium.h. CiJl E S & LBTFINciIvELL a Fropnt`ts. rd B BEAVER AND Lim.: PACEET Lt, F. . TIMM. to Tllgl-0.1 , M I ,, tat nor as. ..anal Packct- u, Capt. Tkr-Surkt, •• Pottocki Laktai.Eata, U Tony; "PurrOata., Brown; FALCMON, r. Saye The above new aud sptt4Mtd Passenger Pack eI4 Lave comp:armed running I•crWeett BEAVER AND ,K.lti b. and vt , ll rnn, reginarly,Ounng We .caul —OIIC boat :caving Erie every morMug aro o clock, and one lek, tar Braver eve unewerhately niter the ern -0.1 ot the a , ALMtm,rau from Pmetwrgh. Ti.., bonus ate new a, comfortably 'unlaced, and low fun Was& lusty hour. P.a.:w to any penmen the Lakes, or lo Niagara Falls, retli ere End tots route the most comforuiWe and expedmoua Tickets /Monett to ail ports on gm Lake can be roeured by dawn's to the propnetoks. NEPA PARKS fr. Co. Beaver. • NiHN A. CAlitr HET, A gt. Pttwourgh, eAr_ Wm. ma Soon/no:a six PSt—ltts C Nartiklon, Buffalo. N k. C M Reed arm, IS. C C WlMlGteenattle, P • • tit'Flrlan End iGng,Blg Bend, Pa: Hay; Plrattb, Sharrstotrgh, W C Itaht.o Sharon, Pa; C AlatheVa Paltmin• Put Wearuntfi. • •• :few Coed Pa. 1 DIME= & COs PAST EXPRESS FOR CIIINIDLitLAIVAr, LIALMIORE, AND THE • EASTEFLN CITIh3. rplIE Proprietors of thhs Line have pm on New Stock, and are prepared grward packages of all de scriptions daily; ILI the. 31 rater, J. C. BILW ELL, Age, •• Water meet, Agent, R0L:L.N . .30,. A 13,1EiCt1, oetal 93South Charles st, Hanrinore. FIARii:DEN & CO Passenger Remittance Offices kIA.NRDEN as ).O eon:mite to bang person from any pan of England- Ireland, Scotland or Wales, upon the most lateral terms, with then tonal punettathty and intention to the moo end com fort Of =migrants We do not allow our passengers to Le robbed by the natmlling scamps Mat infest the sea orts, as we lake change of them the moment they re. port themselves, and see to their well being, and de spatch them without arly demmant by the first ships.— We...ratite fearleaslW, as we defy one of oar passen gers to show that they mere detained do boors by us ID Livel, whilst tholisanda of others were doomed mouths,until they mond be sent to some old man, at • eh p rate, which too frequently proved Olen con.. We intend to perforia oar contracts honorably. cost what it may, mid nomeet as was the ease ',ant mines,. with ether olbeemettnei ersber performed no: ail, or when it salted their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from fl to tIMO, payable at inlet the prominent! Banks in Ire land, Rtgland, Modal*. and Wale. 'et 10s110A ROBINSON, l*Faropean and lieueral Ageu, . alr..rt.nne Ann. Wnod. ALiscirtsair VENITIAN BLEND, AND CA2S , Di ET WA.' ERUOM A. BM oWN would reipert. inform the public, that he on hand at his stand on the side of the Diamond. Alle y city, a compiete or Wands, also Ye ehuiters are made to or , t the beet mph', warrmited .1 to any in the United States. Blind.. can or removed with me aid of n screw driver. log purcased sloes, , ma wood oldie cabinet es thmout of Ramsay o. :WC:JeI -1 ma prepared to furnish old customers, as well as eery thing in their line. Cey Pittsaurgh. J. A. BROIVIS. P _ AFERI-FANUINViI em now receivtng, 'three from the Inanolehturers in New York, Philadel phia and Baltimore, a large and well 'elected msort went of aUthe latestim4 most tnaproved styles of sa tin. Fisted and common PAPER HANGD.G.S, con seating of -10,000 Metes of Parlor and Fresco; 10,000 " Hall and Column; 10,1200 Dining-room, chamber and office Paper—which I 'avoid particularly invite the [trent.. .of those having houSes to paper, to call and examine., at the Paper WareltOuw M S. C. HILL, two , eta wood st 1 - 1 ARBIAHNoI I , hoe commenced to receive . 9.J., largo assortamnt of Fancy V A RIKIN HOODS. eonsisuntlntrin ofcAnibmats, Ribbons, lAces, Ho iert. Olaves, CrapefilLel•M, Cambric., Netungs, Lace Veda, Shawls, Poore.. Handkerchief', gents Cravats, gingham and eottoill Handkerchief:, corded Skins, searing Silk, Threadi, Hutton., Combs, Jewelry, Cut lery, te. Str. Cori:lry and city Intrebrinin are reA pectfally invited to :all and examine his stock, No 64 Wood •Maet.tornempliamond alley. raeb2o EXTRACT OF d/FFE.F.—.An article which is ra pidly coming oals use as a arboiclloaM, and dtrielocisi beverage, r•mi.g mole pleasant and pal. amble th an abut:non Coffee, and far cheaper, as a anaall paper comidg only..len cents, will go nr. far ni four pound. of Collie. Minufactimed by JOHN S. MILLER. Fittiibureli, Pa Sold at wholesaltr by II A FAIINFtrITOCK A. Co, COMM' of rum and Wood and Sixth and Wood nreets, Pittsburgh • ppJl I;s7LiFOßfiiA AMISS* iloCrOs...—Just received, V 39 Camp Blank:As, 20 °doer coats; I: pr. Punts, le pairs nem - lined finning Hoots; la Isthmus Ut4i.; water Tanks, 6 mid la a alio.. each; 40 a 1 taCllB, I galion each,. I do: Nuoksk.o Nancy Belts; do oiled cambrie do do. ThrFabove goo& Inc sale at the Cali fornia Malang Eataldisnment. No 5 Wood st Me kat • J A II PHILLIPS ASSORTVID SPICES —Ptit - up for family use, in on cans, enelosetriti a sliding lid box. containing Mustard; Alsplee, Cinuanilm, Ginger, Cloves, Pepper, Warranted pans.' For sale at the new Spice and ;dimmed Factory, Odra:, of Ferry fr. Li - arty sis JOHN 11 HELL Apivi LS.—Wrought Iron Anvils, Irmo the Temper uncaring works, warranted; will be coninantly or, handatt4aapplifd to order, by rayed . 060 COCHRAN. 25 Wood st PURNAUWIIIKARTH, wanultwtured from a 1,1 superior smelts or UoI tar Ftra Busk Clay. in store mold for sato KIF:K & JON ES Mr. W. W. Wallithe haying used a Hearth of same, qtislity and tustnahtitture for tha past eigntren 'north, pivotal:sers it supatiof to the hearths now to renenst myld 1 1. 11N11 COGNAChIRANDIFIS-27 half pipes .anon, • vintages, of oMr own imponanon per Commerce (rsm Ronlearta, lord: reed and or sale by t j. 4 ••• MILLER, & RICET2O 3411.1Ntn-Just reed-T.17- K 12 a beaminia d nor 44 mart of ladle. and gentlemen.' (bold Guard Chains, from 1510 an 850 earn, eastern pones. Alm, 12eadm6 Rings of 22 corm gold gold relied., Finger Rine, bar Rings, Brent Pots, liracem, Gold p en , Wanalrei, ke. W W WILvON, Ina t corner lib and )Market sts Verßll3B4lNS—Jtratr enured at Zeuulon Iwo y'.,67 Marta( street, 30 pa eadored Velvet Ribbon, assorted colors; 30 . 4 ,l2ack " " • 13 " eMbnablorY Glmpi 10 pa wide Flom, &a. ;deed , • _ • I •Itbdisaa eswe urf oPPuST OFFICES, reelt~ tairtintan alphabaucal list of Post Ufrees th - ronglia oat the Meted Searle distances- from Wa.itington, CL; glal4 and Leslie:alai capitals respectively, also ex hibhing the Past Wham to each Sete, out veil as coon =els:appendix of the United Steles and British ; /61,JOUNSTON Es STOCKTON, TWA ,- comer 3d sad 'tartan oz. SPA.MILV MEDICINES—"They are the . RII ELDI3IO • 1 Medicines of the day." PATF NT DASHER CHURN. st - s Ho t, Obi.. May ee Hon ... to xrkoccarner &Or 10 wassras alma R. E. c ome I dunk u right for the benefice( others •" to came facts In relation to your excellent Famie 1 11 attention of the poblie is iuirited to this vew ly M.-betties. 1 valuable Churn, which has Me advantage of all 1111.00 used your Vermillige largely Infix, Own rim- pit era in combining the old artd new inventiona ro ily, out Mal frequendy answering for expelling larger I rth er . quantities may Ito OA) worms from two efuldreliC I 1 . The utility of thin invention is apparent, as by a dm' have also used your Liver Pills and tough Syrup IX plc proses. the at ts forced beneath the dash, and my iamb% and they have Ili every instance prodac.i ' does away with the tie wady of purchasing a new the effect desired. Churn, as tt ran be applied to any eborn in use. and As lam engaged in merchandising, 1 ant able to fbr one dollar can have all the imorovements of the mate that I have yet to hear of they nit(ailure where 'l.. e of gathering th e Rutter to your medicines have been used in my 'section of i the usual way. country. In ecnelorma, may state that the) , am. 141 The public are invited to call and indite for them medicate. of the day. and are destined have o very selves before parchasing elsescherr, at S 7, corner of extensive 1,0110111.e11y. YOllll. roppeCtfilliy, ' Market and Fifth streets, Of at 63 Diamond alley, be. W. 11. P 3 , 3 13-1• Mreen Wood and Market streets, Plus - burgh. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS. No 67 Wood mr 2 D SAML. KROF2EN. meet, and sold by DTurpgists generally to the two cc. LOS and victaity. meat i'filk,,T,FCLflig OP 12 1 11,1KCOAIPLAINI, ha Uoriginal, only true. and genuine Liver PIIL Smoak Camas, Dino county:. t March 26th lb 4v. Mr /iLSelene Dear Sir-1 Mint it a duty I owe to you eirld to the public genera ly, to stem that I hone been afflicted with the Laver Complaint Inc a long time, and so badly that an abcess formed and broke, which left me inn very low state. Having beard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A R Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by my physitian. Dr. E. Smith, l'eonclucied to Kim. Mem fate trial. I purchased one box, and found them to be just what they are recommended, THE REST LI VER MU- EVER USED; and after taking fear box. I find Die disease has entirely lett me, find I .am now perfectly well. Reepecthilly yours, 1) COLMAN. Wevt Liberty, March 16, INS I certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr Colima., and cur bear testimony to the truth of the above certificate. A R SHARP Toe Fermi. Liver Eau are prepared and sold by R t bk.LLERS, No 57 Wood street. and by druggists in the two cities. TO TIIE RI7IILIC.—The original, only true and gen uine Liver Pills are prepared by I-I:Miler, and hive his name stamped in black wax upon the lid of each box, and ids 'kg-nature on the smside wrapper—ail others are counterfeits, or base imitano.. „ twin R E SELLER+, Proprietor_ VM - lk NE'S CA.B.llllffl ATI tiIaSAIM (U ROM Um Rev ASA SHINN, a well known sAd poy i" tiler .ClerVOrtna of the Promstantblethod...t Chore!. The undersigned imitate been afflicted during-the past ',tote with a disease of the stomach, sometimes pro ducing gicat onto In the stomach fortca or twePrettenny without Intermission, and after having tried •al inw remedies with hula affect . ovas furnished with a bouts of Dr U J ayne , s Carminative Return. This he used ac cording to the directions, and found Invariably that Ma medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four min aces, and in fifteen or twenty minutesevery uneasy sensation was entirely quitted. The medicine was of terwo rds used whenever indications of the Reproach of p rdu were perceived, iodate pain was thereby prevent• td lie continued te nee the medicine every evening and sometimes In the morainic, and in a few week. health ions so for restored, Mat the whiter was reli o. c. eil from 1“110Ortt Of oppressive peon. FrOtle perience,therefOre, Ito COO confidently recommend p lo Javnit's Carminative Dais., as a salutary me-diets for diseases orate stomach and b0z . 7 , 15. b,,, A SHINN]) For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN T T E;t ") S4'4II Fourth street ricer Wood, and ids° at thelleug ;.‘ f ee of II tf W RTZ Velem ttreet.. A Ileg VALUABLE DISCOVERY? CONSUAIPTIVES, RE ON YOUR GUARD. DEL SW AVN ES COMPOUND 011111 OF WILD CDERFLY, roe 000.00 11101007 FOR Consumpuon, Coughs, Colds. Asthma Bronchlus, iv cr Complaint, Sputing Blood, Dolficulur of Breath- FiLe"ai'"rt.'lncflViednesan."C''roreur. 4LtrPo'k:n'"Co'T-of striation. tore Throat Nervous Detalt ty, mid all rhe,...• o ft e T hr oat. Breast and Lungs, t o fec and speey cure ever known for d any of the above diseas es, is DR. SWATN r. •s- Compound Syrup of Wild Cherryl This medicine Is no longer nmong those of doubtful aura), the away from the thonsands daily launched upon the ude or expertment. and now stands higher in repularlott, and is becoming more extenuve• y used than any other preparatton of medietne tyre duced for the relief suffernig man. It ho been mtroduccd very generally through the Coined States and Europe, and there are few towns of importance but what contain some remarkable em- Mute of us good effects. For proof of the foregoing athleilleOla, and of the value and efficacy of Mrs m cine, the proprietor will insert a few of the maw thou sand testimonials which have been presented to htna by n of the firm respeembilay—men who have togarr neon of moral responsibal ity and Inure, than to cer. .ay to farts, because it will do another • favor, and Menmelves no minium. Such teitimony proves con elusively, that its surprising eseellencc as established oy its intriorac merits, mid the unquesuoitabie author, .v of public opinion. The instantrincemi relief a al. lords, and the thing influence diffused through the ;thole frame by , its use, readers it a most as-thimble remedy for the afffirted. REMEMBER! -When mm, acting from conscientious impulse or s, •oluntanly bear testimony to the truth of a ing, particular fact, such tesurnony, beprangcontrar) th to their worldiy tnterest , and purposes , coerces convicuon of lie troll, and mom:mods itself In • specter manner to universal credence:'—allogan's Montt Ma... READ THE HOVE CERTIFICATES. Strtm ANoTUILICI:I3. or Pct stossar Coriscstemost— Riese never was a remedy that has been as successful In desperate eases of Consumpuon, as Dr. Sway net Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strength,„,, the 17sem, and mrytrars to heal the ulcers on the lungs, creating new and rich blood; power possessed by no later medicine. Cuaccre Co- April ....16. 1949. Dr. Swayne--Dear Pie I verily believe your Corn- Pound Alyea , of Wild Chem has been tas meato or saving my life- I caught • severe cola. which grad, tily grew; worse. atanded with • severe cough, that crested all the remedies which I had recourse to, null mama/Ling until toy case eltelsard all the Pulmonary Consumption. Every Ming I teed seemed to have ne effect and my m yse l f , Kaye . rapid ,l that (riends ss• well as myself, Kaye up all hopes of yourovry At Mal time I WWI recommended to try Invaluable snedstmes I did so with the men hap py results. The Era bottle had the effect to km•en Me cougl, catalog me to expectorate freely, and by the arm I had need six bottles,l v as entirely web, snd am cow us hearty a tar 3 OA I ever was tit my life, .d woald be happy waive any tnformautin respecting my case, that other • erem may derive the tteneSt for which I am so grnmfal. For the truth of the above noamerA4refer you to Peter Rash, (grocer, Wee Chester, of whom I purchased the Jam MOlNoncan.medicate. RA Idly yoars, Troadeffssi Cure of a ififfethoeiff.Maar. Dr. Swaync--Dcar Sir: I feel a dobtaif grained* doe • you—and a dory to the afflicted generally, to offer my humble testimony In favor of your Compound Sy• top of Wild Cherry. Some three years lance I was violently attached with cold and Inflammation of th e Lenge, which semi accompanied with a the:miming rosSh,pami in the breast and head. a very considera• hie dsscherge of odeneive mucus from the lop. sap, Melly upon change of weather, however slight. At teat I felt to alarm about my conilimon, but was pretty soon couvinced that I was rapidly going into consul:up :lon. I grew daily weaker. ithd at length eras scarce ; y an d} a bout, or sacra above • whisper, such was th exceeding weakness of my lungs. During th is dote I li ad tried various preparations and prescriptions, rghef—groileilag all the time worse. Ju t ., bet f I was and persuaded by a dear friend in Wylamturton to make inal ofyour Syrup of Wild Cher . 1 mast confess that previously I bad b e e agrun preju diced against patent medicines, and I am suai g these coining out of the hands of emperics, bu t under standing your clans. to the profession and praeuce of medicine, and having implicit faith in the saying of my friends, I forthwi th purchase doi Dr. Shaw, one of your agents, • few 1,01.11[F. and commenced tm use. Ply di.- sax was at that ume of Dot di months. standi, eon srquently it was deepi7 !seated. I found, however, sousiderable relief from the use of the first four or five bottle.. But being a public speaker, I frequently at :emptied to pet., 6,11 increamns strength, and thereby Motored those vessels that had already organ to heal; in this way. ioubuess, my cure was greatly istarded. In CanseqUelire of Wing thus imprudently, I had to use twelve or fifteen bottler before I was per fectly restored. I have no question, • much smaller number of bottles would have made me sund, but for the above indisoreuon. The Syrup allowe d the fe•cr t o habit. took away the distressing cogh, put a stop to the thscharge of matter from the lungs, and gave dim mid the entire system good health. I 'bare defer rel Dianne dim certificate untie now, forte purpose dt being perfectly satisfied was the permanency of Us OUT, and new that l feel weltperfeetli.y I r ott j e o r a t oi with ei pleasure. Dublin county, td. C important Ccratson—Rsca' Rand, There is but one genuine prepartaion 01 Wild Cherry, mil that is Dr. SW•l'Nell, the brat ever offered to the pnblic, whlch h. been said largely throughout the United States and some pans of Europe; and ail pre arauons called by O. umne of Wild Cherry have been pet oat since this, under cover of some decepuve circumstance., in order to give currency to their .ales. By a little observation, no person ticcd mistake am g.u.ine Dorn the raise. Each bottle of Me genuine is enveloped rah a beautiful steel engraving. with the ak mess OLWI/111101 PCIly therCon, also, Dr. Symp.'. uguaturei and as further security, tae portrait of Dr. Sway. will be added bet . ..tier, so as to distinguish nil preparation from all other. Now, It won lint tot the great curative properties their and known VI/ trues of Dr. Suraynebi CompoundCompoundSyrup of Wild Cherry, person. would not be endeavoring to give currency to 'fictitious nostrums" by sleeting the name of Wad Cherry. Remember, always bear in maid the name of Dr. Slimy ne, and be not deceived. trine:sal Office, corner •I Edghth and Race steeets, Phtladel Itab For e wholesale and retail by OGDEN to SNOW DEN, one and Wood ats; A id A/F-aCR Co, tor In and Wood, and tith a tVgrod mei %VA' /HORN, 03 Market in; JONES, ten Liberty st; JAS A JONES, nor Ilund and Penn mei JOYIN ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respeembic dealer. t in medicine. .tI3 A 3TRONO KVIDENL g. that Dr JAYNE'S EX PE4.:TOLLAN'r is superior to all other remedies for :ought, Connunpuon, Bronchitis, Animas, mid other Put mo mey effections,le that the mew perilous who commenced the Al. of st in their few lit ten year. ago seri prefer it to all effier remedwsolnite kind, and when. any have bem induced to try other preparation. they have aimost .ovarrahly been inappesrated evesinng the benefit which viva .a blyreasona eldmirsted from tbe big prat« , bestowed by the propel° end twee returned to the nee of iLlradTo.ll.7, a. a remedy that ham caner failed in relieve them. and wench probably never had its equal in arresting pulmonary diseases Prepared Drily by Dr D. J. Philadelphia, uld sold ou eilevol ALE/. Mk NES derT.ldleertf 72 Fourth at - Dr. W. P. Inland's Premium Plaster. ft. W. P. INLAIID, of the Medical College bf Phil. Daelelphia, now offer. to Me public his Indian Veg. etabla Promiam flamer, die qualates of which, eller long and Wed experience, has been sausfac tartly en tablished. To all women who may be afflicted vette, Prolaraus Uteria or Fallen Womb, he recommends his pleueter, guarantecing a sure and :he cure in the short apace of from two to thee weeks, if applied with cane and rest--disearding all the countless 1111111.1.1. and expensive bandage* so long in sae. Tn.. he feels conseientioun to stating, inasmuch as he has not failed in one case out of three hundred and filly-three pa lmate- Also for Rtieuremnam and Weak Breast or Back, at• tended with pun, there is nottnug to excel this Planer in affording rebef or effecting • care. For male by L Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market et * Braun tr. Retter," Liberty and St. Clair m Dr Sargent " Federal at and Diamond, Alle gheny city inveivvh fn Co, " Den=lo and Diamond Diming tam se3 ood it • B.B:lcFLALgrEngttrptl:euill'el'ofNUo447"n'aatid:'Tni. nine Barsapartit. Just received AV dozen o(this Or. Sprung and MonEer Medicine. Mitch... about(' tozoilvet that RE o r is sole agent for Pittaburgh, and D Al Curry for Allegheny city alvd GOLD AND SILVER perEN - TLify ERWATCH. _L Alp i ox fVntche. y !Tolle by the celebrated Cooper of London, H. J. Tont. of Liverpool, and a large /1.0.111111 , 1 l a detached gold and silver Levers, made by the be. believe manufacturers. Spectacles of e ar Sind., Commumen Ware tn sets; Gold Pens; !cowry in large variety; Saver sp gogg , Foram, frt. Ur %Vaal repturtng executed % in W the WlLben m UN,anner. V t 3 en 19 corner Market and 4th as I sec y e . u k r. ENGlAND—llarper's fine edition, las ß ola portr br zl i cloah— N l cents& volume. comer Market N N W -MWEIWOUR O AILD. anderolgAnd having been appointed /.gent Of the Dunne.. hlmint. Snorer Immune% Coso PANT. In the place of John Finney. Jr.. resigned, ye. opeetfulty /moans the public and the blends and cus tomers of the company, dint he in prepared to take Marine. In'at and Fire rink,. on liberal terms, at deed I olbee, No. ill Wei, street. P. A MADEIRA, =yin Agent. OSI,I Ittinr3..-luOtr trot O In. 3 ply India 'Rubber H liose--iunt renewed for the Honiara of Manches ter. which will he held to more for o few day.. The Roston Belting Company express a strong denim for the fire depannients of the cities of Pittsburgh and Jd lzgheny to cull and examine and make atrial of them The company Is willing to pot them to any test they think proper I.i-conclude upon mylit J k II PHILLIPS. S wood st k tfie rpu'untii-nllSceeCtimpAulUyNel9F:ilmhurgl will be opened in the Rooms of the Booed of Tia 4 - on Me first Monday of November next, at l 0 o'clock, A n. Wm. Lorimer, 3r. Rotten Woods, Wm. B. SUClare, JortephPlummer, H. M. Kier. Josiah King, John Sheriff, Alex. Roseburg, arid H. D. King, aolfednroot Commissioners. GOLD NV ANDUDEL HsPARRY h. invented a machine for washing Gold, (or which he has made •pplieation for e patent. They are now altered (or sale at the ware. boils , - of Parry. Scott & Co., No. 103 Wood street, PilVtaireh. Adventurer, twCalifonna tarbened to call and er• active these tuber-saving mac:arras They ore simple in their construction, emu ly transported on the beck co MM. or horses, weighing eighty pounds each, and can he pct in operation in half an hour. They eon be fit ed with provisions. It is the opinion of the.' who have seen the teal of one of these machines of smallest sloe, that two men will w.O the mineral from lon bushels of sad or earth in a day, without the loss of a particle of the mineral. They can be increased in sit. and worked by water or mule power, If expedient. The operators work without going into the water or being exposed to wet, and consequently without en dringering then' health. They will require but a small stream &water, mad can he used the whole season, and can be put into operation where there is not sank vent voter to wash in the usual way. Price of smallest si.e &35. Orders from abroad, ac companied by cash, will be promptly filled. H. PARRY, at Parry, Scott A Co'., felte.dtf No tel Wahl et, Pittsbe_rirh. R. THE ..erthers are now rseelving their Pali stork &the above article. three retails, Tin: the &motto lkiedallion and Lydia, hewing arrived at Philadelphia and Baltimore. and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Letla. short!) expected they are, therefore, prepared ren d nu orders They will receive daring the win. t an aiming regular supplies ma New Orleans. novlll \ V A. hi IkIITCIIELTREE ou yr EAGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning win 1.1 do.. old atop glassc , , silver plate, brut, Br, tannin. ono ol.kcr were. It rapidly takes out all span nod stoma, and reproduces the beautiful and dumb' , lustre of new ware. Just received and for oale, whole. sale and retail, by JOIIN D MORUAN, ksgt Druggist C 133233 M R s S t tha ItT i nA m N or h c al e nt soll iv biLin om teri In the remaining partner, has tins day retired hem he hit . tom Fraretary lE4P-d I) 11 I !tit:llll6H hIAteCFACTURES3 Tbe under. •tgood, Agent for the manufacturers, has on hand and i• 011,1./1,11 . y receivtna a fall ropply of the articles made n, Ptodotrah and vicinity. which he offers for sale tn . ma ~ ,Ineturers remelt. GEO COCHRAN. Xe wood st RL MIER PA6TE—I pore battles India Rot, I to— It:. 0, an excellent article for rendering booxa and 1 .. re water proof, and coif as a puree or c•ot to,. application of thy. paste la sulLeient. tr altar turn, impervious to water for 2 or 3 months, and a pertrct preventative from the leather cracking. Reed nod or axle at the India Rubber Depot. No 5 tN owl rt. feb4l J A H PL111.1.1r9 LOWELL FLETCHER, rAerrams 07 ALTODOL AND PURE SPIRO' Corner Front and Vine serve., Ctockmati, 0 • _ ded to at lowest rmsrirek ;knee r mehletdly isFl:1•11V eLk TAB , DAV. the new Carpet Ware house, No. 7i Fourth sir . ..— Rich embossed Ptano coven Plain Turkey red Chintz do do Table do Fig'd do do do Worsted do do do do Bordering, lik. Dam••k, Carpet Ihodings; Green moo.. ft AL:4O--..:amps Gothic. Transparent Shades; Sc rtpture V tews do do Turkish do do do Chines do do do Drapery Chineas do do hleonitaht V tows do do Landscape do do da T (iota. , do do Cord and Tassois. Bolen and Slats, Bonk Follies, 111,1 -r Enda The above Good. on of the rtenest andewt. .tyre., to which we invite we nueonon of oar (nends and ruslomen, sod those wishing to furrush or re plent•h .121.111 boa. and houses. marl' W. WC.LINTOCTC N,. , - ;,, CAlSlETS—ltetelved this day - directl i mn e m.rrr— New .1) le 'rapestry 3 ply Carpets, extra raper, do do do do super, do do Bru•.cls Carpetr, do Braise la, very cheap, do do nob color.sup, 1rte,..1. do 4-4. 3.-4 and S-a horny Venetlart do 4-4 S-4 and a-- romrood do do All of which will be sold at a small advance, and ru•faillec no low as can be purchased in the east NV AI CI .1 wt.( NIL TS Fourth a__ COACH MAKING FROM the very liberal eneollesere ment the echscrtber has received since he has located blow!! in Allegheny efieanosis he. induced hon to take a leaser, for • term of years, on the property be nos occuptes, to Beaver Street, Immediately beside the Presbyter. Church From the long experience In the O. tee bus:neve and n dente n. please, he hopes to mar it a ••.1 receive a shore of pithily. p•tronage. Now on band mind finshing to order, Rockaway Beg rites, open and top Snores, and every description o Carriages made to order, from seventy five dollar. • • ell hur•rer. 101 IN SOUTH - _ Th• Allegheny Cemetery. T the annual meeting 01 the Corporator, held It the tun run, the follerunng persons wore 6111111 mutely re.e.seeted hl Amdger. ten the ensuing year: T 1 1011A8 2d. HOWE, President JOHN BISSELL, JESSE CA ROTH EBB, NATHANIEL inli.nrs Manager. W lI.VON Itl `CAN I , l.FA ix JOHN 11. SHOKNIILRG JAMES 11. SPEER, J. Fursrsc, Jr.. Secretary •Ild Teeasurer. The annual statement presented the affairs of th Company in a very promperoue condition. Their offic n the city is No V Water street. Jeff THE STAR OF 'IIIE WEST *vEsrrik.s BLAND MANUFACTORY Fiat side of the Diamond,where Venal. lthods of oil h a ndt:irritant d eolo ore kept on or made to order rate the latest and most approved Kamern Cosh one, at the shortest nouce and on the mos reasonable terms. . . ._ • • • • • . Also, the cheep Boston roll or split Bllnd Trumps.- reney and Paper Curtin. in all the different sixes and patterns, on band and for sale low for cash. Old 'ken, Iron !Mails panned over nod reputed, or taken to pen pnynrrnt ter new It N WFhtl'Elt v ELT, Pro pr. N. B —Ad wou. done with the best muerte' and worlirrisnalinp, and warranted to pleue the most ins thhous augth•dly Allegheny City. Aug. IC, MB. tiitfiklilCAN TELEGILAPIN COMPANY eumoloa. rtrnmusait ♦NU WIIKEI,I6. NVF.:. , rI-112N LINK. 061.1 Kitt. Exchange, Baltimore. EDIXF.D RATE: 4 .-11e charge* hu we heed redo. JR, cud on Mc...ages to or from ii•irlMOrO, Puts burgh or Whr,lll4. [Old X corresponding redurbon made on ou telegruplue despatches forwarded frous Dul umore West of lb usburgh, Pa. R. —The htir-o or • telefraph despatch to from lial•morc. Pttulargli nod ‘‘o needing, Is 4r cet for the first ten words, nod 3 cents (or each addl. word. • V - No charge is made (or the address and sip tare Until tire completion of the 'South western Lino or Telegraph from Alentp tits, Tenn.. to New Orleans, des patehe• non be torwaraed to hlethplos by this route, and .n. New tn:eano jell ACHESON & /MIN WOODIIORRF.:, AVINO this .) nslocluted themselves together DILI or partneroliii.. and. r the firm and style of A. & J. Wooomone, for ,he numufiatture of TIN, COPPER AND SIIRET.IRON WARE, on the corner of Robin, son street and the i . e.!. in the lot Ward. A 1.1.1011tal CITT, where .hey are prepared to furnish to order, wholesale and Cowl, all articles in their line with promptnns. Foundry Trimmings, and Carpenters' orders are So- homed, which will reeri ye immediate attention. City of Allegheny, Feb. I, 1,19 —den, ANDS VP CAPE AER— L I set, IL view a' rm Hanle of filontereri • r• t " " Buena.rdo; VI3•11:4 '• '• Pets de Pan, Chase de Lyon; • " Garde Francam; " Col C Auvergne; The el.Ye is suitable tor papering large public moms. Just reed direct from Pane, and Mrs ale at the warchnusd of spa 8 O HILL FAMILIE re-sChtmlesit Liquid far washing c l o th e ., mupets, silks, perm and hne furniture— saving half the labor and dispensing courtly with the wuhnourd. The finest Wilton carpeta, after having been in ore e:even years, have been perfectly beaters ed, without the slightest Injury to the fabric, and with. out removing trum the floor. It will not injure the cloth. Directions accompanying each bottle. Price 03 cents. Inc sale by J SeiII&JNAL&HES & Co, mvo 24 wood et D RUGS—Chignme Potash, in lb. boniest Cade Acid do Hypo. Poiph. Soda do • Sub Nit. inarnoth do Craneote do rat.•ille Lotion do Chloroform do 1.1 received and for sale by roy.l H A FAHNONTOCIC b. Co lAAS din TeittaTet ay *1 N F VON BONNIIORST & CO I j , l4l.lLriEgell-1 eases berland and for We A. nOLTILES ,W BONS, nank•r,a, Exohango , 13 rot Sr., AV - I=LO, IN NOTES, DEL&SE AND R A NK NOTESPTANOFS,. GOLD, SILVER COLLECTION . S.LI Nide, and Acceptance. parable in any part alba Baton, collected on the moo favorable terms. EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelpton and Bat nectow; also, Cancianati. Lowsville, Saito Louts am New Orleans, constantly for sale. BANK NOTES.—Notes on all solvent hanks in the United States disentinthd at dm lowest . rates. Ail loodt of Foreign and Arnerthan Gold and Sheer Coin bough: sod sold- Office , No. 55 Market street, between 11 and lth Piushorgh, Pa. 0cr2.5 FORIEIGN EXCHANGE. 13ILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought 1 any amount at the Consent Bates of Exchange. in, Drafts parable in any pan of Old Countrws from .E 1 to MOM, at the rote of B 5 to the .5 onerlint wthwat deduction or dtscount, by 4OSHUA . 13.013LN• OON, Eatapean and Gement! Agent, oaten sth sto ne door west of wood. octlett siXins uturaxt.l Innwann Ran uller—taierk a_y_iten ',ANIMAS AND EXCHAMM.BRCURS. deale fp in Foreign and Domestic Billeof Exchange, Ce LIEICItIe• of Deposite, Bank Notes and Coin corner • and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charles H • •el. cl I y . W 10. — O v it.11.N FUNDS— Ottio, Indiana, Kentucky, Nissan n, Bank Notes; parebased at the lowest rates, by N. HOLMES & SONS, sepl3 35 Market street. BILLS OE 14 - 1:01 - A.NOZ--8ight CE<Ci. on New York hil"'lPM Vu d etore. Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES & SONS. sepl3 35 Market et. ÜblU, !JEW BOOKS EMI SUMMER READENr; Poo—Foreka,Prose Poem, or, Ike fliy•ma a di U a niverce, by Edgar A. l'ot .11. q printed, l'lnm cloth. 75 en, •Wo greatly aurpiteed if flue work do, no ere. I , a profound ...faun.. among ltd. ....e sciedtifie elawe• all OVCT the Union, di.piaying ..mes nII ,E r and pimp of Mod,. a 10c It p0....b1y foil di canoe the •apeclal \Sonde,' o even the 1000 carele. reader .—Fai prem.. Now.- 1, and it. Ramat.; mit. an 0.0,1. of a veil to the Ch.(Jaen•, Ctn.. ans nr Kordnonn. and Ine ,eta or Devil Woe...poem; nod an ...pore 1 . 1 .. b. trimmers and aria of the Armond Ailey nom.. lip Aust., denry Lay ard, Eoq.. D. C. U.; in 2 vela, nib unmet 'One of the mom renauk able work. of we age.'—The rune., {London.) Feb 9. The Salamander, a Legion of the Iron Furnace. ol Roc c lend county. N.Y . .I.y K Oakr. soot., •i -114.1 ions of lharlen; :hied 12mo eloih. 75 cl. ul i rli n o n n7r7i. C er b7llfe ri a " Lrt. P o E r ' . ' p k r n o7te l e l 00 .101 T followelf . p 1.1101. tn the lane- y . • The Work. of W. ashirgton Irvin r, revised and en ed . the nuthor.l.l Ifl elego dIIO.IOCIII/O mantes °supra... printed in new type. oid on superior paper lyre ex preasly tor the purpose. For m e hr JAM Ern U LOCKWOOD. (for mar) r • s ter. connected wok M Wiley & Putnam. and a Jrshu rat retumell f W N CCX rom th e Eastern eines. o o i r „ rut,l Sir I. has EW - 11001/S—lrving—The Crayon Miarellanye cornprising The Praure, Abbotsford. Newstead Abbey. Comp..., in one volume—desert:lt printed Curton—The MOrtaxterleil or (ha LeV.t.. ' Pest yea lusts - abed. A volume 01 . 12nOre than ordinary interest, relating o wnes at Meet =Molls rod oft., arnoring adventure • • • The field occupied by the velum, is ransom entre - Hy new ---romtiormal Ad•ertwer A took of gentlemanly. !Merril, scholarly ton-rest which 1 . 011311116 u 10t a little el Ileckforu's Spantellk x• cantons, or the vivid eastern renunireenee. of Eat he n LiterarY Week , Cooper—t New edition of ear y newt, }-11. Spy re.nod. Poe with new introduction and notes. COO, 01 le ILI 1 vox Us norm note Irvoig work. RI Zs The Spy t nd the Sketch-boo. were the Ertl Amen eon book. ',bleb were univemnly nektrow . cdged to ^contain a performance al well am a prom... We well remember the •rithataern its which they wore recerved, and ine proud expectation. winch iliet mreekerted among t h e nuerni tOriVed Onto .1 and in. patriotic at h Or , Irving was roan mowed b 1 the side of Goldsmith and Addr.4ll. and Cooper we irati•lnted irs ey• r. comm Of Pin COLIO/IC her. any interest we. left to a for . eign literature - lateral Wiurtd. for sale by .1 Li LOCKWOoI.. lust tXr o d P.W ilt rt. IS er •• Complete thank. of Joim ivratri• D D, in 4 vols. Mardi and a Yuyage Hither, by Hannan Alervi'ie. Border allure of N York, by SY Campbell. Ile, a Little and 'mere • lade. by the •uthar of 'Lit e upon lane, end Precept upon Precept" Metro. , Moly Youth, by A HO L.manine Narratedol Frank:Lel. Iran rah. reel, ye% and fur by e JOHNuTON & ' , rut K lON, Wet corner Third rind Market •1r EW soOKS—Lir. Coventry • Work on Py dend. 111 Cholera, its /henry, Causes, Pathology am: tr. a.- merit. Philosophy of Religion, by J. D Mored. A 21. Bourne. Critechnini or the Steam Errign e Chamber's Cy dolman of Euelian !aerator - a., 2 vol. ratters°, fine mho., meet p Chamber.' .Itwelinny of Vwful and Ear...amine Knowledge—lo v-ls, IC Mo. I: luenoired. Advlce ur Young Men, by T S. Arbor, Kilt " Young Women, " Element. of Meteorology, by J. Brocklesby, AL. A. engraving.. Proverb. for the People, by E S Magoon. • I.:niver.dy t....rmoda, by Llr. W•ylauu. French'. Hakran I,ecture, 'or l- , 16-7— . Tbe of lloiy Scrivnures for unfolding Inc epirstual Life men.' I voi„ evo, . . _ . No:6 Prs tit lira's Life, illustrated Ilece cod du day by B HOPKINS, apll Apollo Llutoling, tut st ki. 11W 1'1:01.1CATiO NS—E.say on th• the Unit.. LI of Church and Slate by lispu•r IV Noe:. M A r•o: 1M1,0, 51.25. An enote eM.ton of tro. work was sold ~i one Jay. ou Lis pub/Aeolian - in London' I.eacrs from Margaret ;small . Journal, LSI the Prn. 'lnc of \ luicusehusett. 11ay-107.-9. I no.. 12100 '0 Hoyt 4 Poems—Sketches of Life •nd 1-ano.rupe.'ll b, Ben Ralph Hoyt—new ed. cuiarged—with Musics , s. Ithoo. 81.00. A Catechism of the Swam Enameollnstrative of ISt icientifir principle. upon which It. operutson depend. and the practical details of 11. structure, in its npplica dolt to M 1.., nulls, steam navigation, sad railway s tb VlllllNl•suggestious of Improvement by .1 nouns , - '1 E. I Ob. 1.2th0. 700. Cheeverro Lecture , o,‘ the's Proe,:e,—Etrsi ed. Itriso, Price reduced in SIM) • • •• •• Tim envoys, a nasally Pwtarn. Part I. 1,. Franklin'. Lae, tlluMsarad. Par. IV a:at V Lac•Ji 25. Ihstonro; by Prot Ty , er-12mo. For go, yp moir24 R tforKIN?,llO (BICKERING'S PIANO SOW! F. (O HS NIELIMR. No .1 Wcp I orret, th• J pletworr of wlttouoteing the arrtval o( tif Ve IpleodiJ a.F.rtment of Planes, from the maao m..or onions. (I,i,ltrrtoc. Ito.ton—smong them anuout rent Rosewood :all (stand Plano Forte. Io . . Also,•uperl, square Plano Forte. 7 tares r ,rv.., .osewm , d, of ti,e •ty I.- of Loa,* XI V. a an a varlet, o , 7,0 and a octaves, towhich the Clentma of purt,a, rs Is respectia,p sooritrd. JOHN 11. AIF.I,IA)R, Sole Arrent for Chtekertag's Plano Furu• :or West tt tvnern iitja Agel. - Cy for Nun,. & Clerk'. Pianos. .11: ST HEC El VED 11.111 i ppm-tog. a filpfin new lot of eiegont Pomo, o Irm a celebrated 'actor) of Num,. le Ciarti. N V., comprming ft 61 mot 7 ortavc• wllii important Improvements, both in mechanism am' ttmertor, pm-owed by no other, •AI.SO—A hoe selecuon of Clockermg . • Nano., troy, er to 7 octaves. H. lILEHEII Sole Agent, at J. W. Woodwellta,elThird at. N. It. The above will be sold at mnufacture's pet res. without any addition for freight or expauses.) comlo Journal and Chroutele copy. _ ______ PIANOS. . ffsiliii A SPI.F.P: DID iwsomment flire Y il . ' lne ft s ' elt7srru d tn r e ' t il Me j m " rt ' d r :i ' n the latent pattern mid °est material and will be sold low for cash by F. EILUMF.,II2 Wood street, tid door above Fall, N B.—Those who are in want of a good onitrumeat are revfmcoully mould teene thew v , :urr put climung ebewherc, m they cann xami ot be egret.. iit an; iI the cOuntry, and will be sold lower than any hrtfugh from the East Also imst received, two (mimeo( Ilnui• burgh manufacture, warranted to be supertor to Wl', ever sold in this country. ocal F B. NILW ILYST/LUAIENT• I'LIE subtother ha. st oti appointed Sole Agent tot the sale of CA RIIA RI'S IM SKOV EliM EL.01.4. ,VS, as wattufaciumd and and e trtevied by Airs... Mulch & tt him, of tins:tartan she usu., camps and extent being but four octaves, Moms. 51, & it. in accordance with the general desire nod demand have extended tea scale of these tottrumenm to 44 11 , 1. even 5 ucta•es, the. lush, g it pre table to porthru upon them any mottle straiten for the • 1.10 or Organ l'he cilerior . ,llo.. boa been mach improved ny alarm, We body of the ammo:tient upon a clam iron trnm nsauotolly bronzed and ornamented, modem's it at once 0 M.( elognnt and extremely d• 'mettle a.m.- - rho price it put .0 low at to bring it within We reimi of every se to obtain a perfect mutton! l/illfutitrut and, at the.ame time, a mint elegant piece of form mac tor a comparative trine. H. KLERER, At J W F. pod won't GBEAT MUSICAL NOVELTY—The Stilmenbci hat Just received from Europe, and for vale. a inventi i, entirely mew on of nano Form, can CN ed We A INE!' PIANO FORTE, which psessing more us,. and tweetims. than the square Pi os ano, occapiet but one fourth as much room, and is a much more showy unit handsome pieec,ofritenituns It is particularly desira ble where the 1141/01g of space to 1111 014..4 t.......g ~• onnlingly neat and cumpuet, and occupying no mart room than a small sale table. The tubmnber hat it hand • IcAUMOrnial of tit tupononty from the catches. ted pialust i rdmichelks, in his own hand wrinne wise!, may Ise inspected. U. 111,Ehtnt, (men At J W 11(oodwell's Chlekerling's Pianos. fiI"JUnT recemed and for sale at man. ufachurers price., for t new Siam Foram. d, 61 and 7 censer, of the mon elertis a l tyinttarns of forams, aid with m'it'f's'o u p oven for . sale low, 3 amend hood Pine, ot JOHN li AIELLoIt, Sole Agent for Chickering's Pianos for Wenert. Pennsylvania. el Wood street. mare NEW MUSIC HT HENRI LIERZ-Tire 1.a.1 Ras, of Summer with an introduction and b;lllLant vas nations for the Plano hone, at performed iu all M. concerts In the United State& by Heart Hers. - Military Polka, by Henri Hem; Comic Polka, n n Silver /jell r qlka, 11 4 Just received nod 107 sale by ischls JOHN HSIELLOR, PI wood in AND SOLFEGUIOB, With ma SecOtapasionnot for the Irian-forte, adapted to tue wants of pmts. pupate or classes In sting mule. Selected from Illation French and (Jarman composers,. by Lowell Mason: is large pages of closely printed O.IIIC, CliastliMlng lot OICIVI.• progressively arranged. rrice 75 snits. Just reeelved, a supply of the above, di rues tram the publishers, by JOHN metal " ht wood st wtilTk.llEANd--v •rtuAlL,Ju.t n sale by jul3 IV R ruff 11ER RING R-2tM b; axe lie I Hrnings, t.t 7,7 ell, ut mere and for sale lnii — to elate ethlboolu maul by 101 l J drhIEZMALZr Lt.. Weser et Is la rev has received a aupply of whim and ethoret. L. agree and Crape Lase—among the latter smelt tut , ether desurble colors. Abe, while, pink, and tdet Sat and Wart, ktiouda. .11 \LW from .roamer Cam- ttUINIIIE-160 . Fur* jut reed and lui .alb by %IPII7 U A FAME:MICK a. CV ittifftitt. MILLET'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR!' THE following GOT Gamin E Pomeroy. Edith thr well known proprietor ot the Rim., somikrior aselfof the importonce of the Pain Emrtetor ID every parent. Erman Omni, Albany, Sept L. MIL DAUS, My Etearein—With feelangs of no or dinary pleasure I 'dd.'s. y,ata an relation to Mutant:tat I have rt., kved from your Invaluable Pain Extractor. Lately. any hale daughter, 6 years old, had a Ditcher of boiling oniar turned into her bosom; her wi reams ore dreadful. so that a crowd instantly gathered be. re the house to learn the cause 0( the tenth'. screams Itore her clothes asunder, and soon spread on your talve,and she was carried pains,id upon a bed. She want sdon relaeved from her and say. "Mas.l feel se if I could laugh," and was soon in sweet sleep. She woo scolded to a blister from the top of her shoulder over more than half her cheat, and round coder the trans On the shoulder and breast it was may deep, yet from the first hour, she complained only when ti W. dressed. The sore healed rapidly, and there is no contraction of tbe muscles. With many washes, my dear sir, for your sonnet. to the sale of this aught) , article, I am yonat a with respect. GEO. E. POMEROY.. TEE TEST and NO I}I.6"TAKS' The genuine Dailey, will ever produce the same to. immune.ue relief. and soothing, cooling erect, in the severest times of Burns, Sealda. Piles, to. The Counterfeits—no it atter under what names they May oppeu—al wa TO y TlLE rritat P UBL I C in rease the pain. I, Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham. Melvin Bridge, Columbia county, N. Y., have been eillieted with abet matum to my breast, feet, and all over my body, for g years. so that I could not stand, and was cured by e applientions of Disney's In agmal Pain Extractor EDWARD P.IIOL.MMt. .Dailey: Sir—i cut my finger with a copper nail, . poisonous nature of which caused my via to swell eeesiderattly. with constant shooting pains up to the noukler. A /ergo swelling taking place at the arm. sit. with increasing pain, I became fearful of the Lock. taw. In this extremity pa. Pain KIIrUCIOT waS fO umn:nended to me. and which I wasp revailed upon to Ty Conn.:locum, Wit dukt It afforded [no almost aoloast relief, and in three days I was completely en. red JOSEPH HARRISON, New York, corner Elroome and Sullivan ins. Sept 9.1849. L41.1.5T in the int/env:Hof this invala. itt , remedy. and never has .d naver will common, •iite to nay living in in the secret of its combination._ A:: Kitrnclorn. therefore, not made and put up b him. are , •noe tountorteitn. ritOralicron's ligront-Its Broadway, New York; ids Chestnut street, Phila. JoHN D. MORGAN, General Depot; Dr. Will. iHOILN. Age. rin , for Pittsburgh. A. 1117.21 Gairsttu Cur.4ll, Cures humor., spavin, quinor, grease, poll-evil, sores, galls, and bruises. Pamphlets, containing cer of respectable parties, may be had on nppliza. non to JOHN D MORGAN, novls dlyir Agent. Pittsburgh. T 0 E CONTAINING N 0 .IE RC U AV, or other Min ml. —lt haa poorer to m .11 _ExTk4.L.^..:44. (MORS, SKIN ASKS, POISONOUS HOUNDS to discharge lea putrid matters, and ,en heals them. It is rightly termed L - HILALING, for tem is scarcely a die for externa internal, tata will not benefit. I have used it for the last sense of the chest, Involvtag and responsibility, and declare before heaven end man, that not in one case has it failed to benefit when the patient was withsa the reach of mortal mean.. I have bed physicians learned in the profession. I have ministers of the gospel, fudges of the bench, al> dem en. lawyers, gentlemen of the highest ennituon, end multitudes of the poor use it in every variety ol way, and there has bean hut one voice—one universal voice eaying—I'M'ALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT' IS GO' >Dr! RIIECMATISM—It removes almost immediately the itifiamm•tion and swelling, when the pain ceases. • Rend the directions around the box.) lIKAD-ACIIE—The salve has cured peso. of the heed-oche of twelve years sanding, and who had it regent, even' week no that •OlolllTl wok place. EAR- S> , HE- TOOTH-ACHE , and AGUE IN MR FACE. are hoped win hue weeers. W • AL,D HEAD—We have cared eases that acteully defied ever) dung known, no well ex the ability of M oen to twenty doctors. One man hold us he Mal spent lOW on hs children eri Too any benefit, when a few Jolts of Ointment cureel them. TETrEß.—There ts nothing Lotter for the cure of fetter is one of toe hest things In the world for Buns I'ILES--Thousands are yearly Cured by this Oint ment. It viva, lads in awing ',heifer the Piles. Dl' Around 'be bog are directions for tonna MAI. tuts" , Otornwntine St , olula. Liver Cemplaint, Ey/Te lls Tau, Cnabie a. Stahl. Head, Sore Syn, Qvincy, 40.> Ehrent Br siciatas, Aeneas Affeerions, Fame. Do ., of LW spiv tiend asks. &ohms, Dvernses Roe ache, Raw. Own, all inswort Ns Skin. Sore Lips, Pim /Les Sterling of the Limbs. Sons, Rheumatirm, Pad, road Feet C.oup. Swelled ee Broken Breasi, Teeth are, Ague in the Fete. 4, tn. l_WL,w F I!)T—L!ver Complaint, pain in the Chest d Side lolling nil of the Mar. or the other screwy.- Oea eold Feet Mos tnnunent is the tree remedy.) it • a purr wen of inJetthe to have cold feet. CORNS—Ocenstunal use of the Ointment will al ways keep ranee nom grow ag. People need never troubled with them if they atoll frequently. Ointment Or r 'fins Ointment is good for any part of the body or lame' when tntlamed. In some C.C. it 111191.1.14 °Ann. CAI !FION—No Ointment will be genuine tulles> , the nanic of J A NIES MeALLISTER u eneasn with a pert ni every th , el Poe sole by' my Agentes at all theprineipal clue , and nVO,, In the United Sluice. J AMES Nle ALLISTER, Sole Proprleter of the aware inedlenie. Prrecthal Office, No to North Third Street, Phil. !Jaclyn.. P R ICE LIS CE-NtS PER BOX, A newts r:4 thrrestaidt—llraun k Reiter, earner of Liberty and dt. Claw Jae, anal, Mica coasterJr corner of ins.krt >1 !led the thamotal, also of 4th nod stat heid str, I It Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn as Sth Wont, nod sold at the bookstoJe in Smithfield .1, Id .lo o n from `Second en In Allegheny city by Hl' Ywhwarli and .1 Sargent, by J Li Smith, Druggist, Ha it:lngham, D Nesley, East Liberty; H Roseland, Ste. nee,ann. J AW.l.oneCr & Sens Monoogoliela City; hlowinan h Co. and I 'l' Rosen>, a gent..ille; John ilarkley BroVer, Pa, are wholesaJe a !Sort: deadly WATER: Ctiii.kEirt BLIBIIMENT, PIOLIPSI3CRO, PA. ell F. rapid sit ones wretch Hydropatity has made since its s truducuou Imo effectsouistr—the :mat •nd astonishing euratlve or cold water In ,brolue moil acute OlFea , ea,. when employed after the ,and n me cc .clanted Ynrenha, have removed from u d ni an Intelligent and dtecemins public every ot us .011 , climates', and gamed a uni terssl favor. Co...dyeing the unstaststactoey results remed es heretolore used in the treatment of chronic •mipitions. terimplmins. too, which a usme en. ) t in I n must tic a natural wish to see the auceepa o a no, od wtoeh so many apron... mantis. In' i•reil irron their pains and intimatersT e .er having practised successfully thw method lor eight years at Ins Hy dropathie establish .rll I.t. which tins been constderahly enlarged and Ito imsunee in l e a ports, and in every respect, is now v to receiv and stunner:iodate patients who may house in pia" themselves under his care, skill and espenence. l'ailipitburg. imitated aeon the left bank of the Ohio, ipposite the mouth of the Dig Heaver, is well known tn . It• refreshing and salubrious atmosphere, to de ightfel quietnese and charming natural scenery. tom. ninny every requisite in render the sojourn of the in +slid a.greeali e and coninhuung note little to re-er istmint Impaired h anti sad physical strength. he O...IMAM:tem. the first started in the United imtey. coma.. every thing, both for pleasure and calculated to insure a speedy and happy ter a , P ninuno of the ailments of the Vanent. Persons wishing to avail themselves of the advanta ,ics here elernd, will please address the subserther hy l e tter. (post paid.) swung as near as possible the ,sture of their complalnts, in order to dectde and ad. sire on their homes and eurabillry by the Itydlopothie .reatment. and also what will be tieceasary for them to —Se along, for their especial and personal use. EDWARD AGE EH, M. U. Propnetor, Plaints:turd, Beaver county, Pa. t avressens.—Revid. Annetrong - , P. D. art, reap. do; Hon. Thomas Henry, Beaver, Ps.; Dr. Oark.r, no; lb Elliot, Ihtlatmegh, Pa; L. C pert , ,,.. roi Ohio: Rev . . H greed, New Albany: One. ?I Al en. Princeton, N. J.; T C. Suntan, Esq., h• w I nit. Ire. Ch Winter. Philipsburg. Wm. it Mc- Putsburgls, A. Bidwell, Esq., do. , 'IA SYMPTOMS (IF CONSI:3IPTION s7l Quick pulse, hacking cough, general weakness. ,•116111 sleep, variable epomite, Irregular how. • (mas between the shoulder blerles ballad. Isr•Lialms Seaman, ur Corrsumrrion.--Coughing stein end d•y, lobby rouseles, general debility, greet •heemem of ' , real' , on gotog up stairs, amending • 1111, or walk tug bat a lime mot. pulse airway. above Inc hundred, for weeks to drenching cold sweste tewards morning. Csmohal Consurnpuon comes on like a common catarrh or cold, but about the pert. when Mat dia. ..use UT IF, y It expected to subside, some or dm syrup. am. are aggravated The cough Is more troublis tome, y to-111 lying down. There mno filed lite chirt. but dtdieult begationg, which Is .vorst ;yule down. The OptseesrenCe 01 the egpe Loreto, Celt is copious, a. Chace.' hum' el Ow mucus. tO thotner substance. It is Vry un pleasant In the pa mut, and enirot unpleasemt meet, ...hen mooed It is of an uniform appearance, and,:tit probably u mtzture of and maests, ae ott •ch water part sinks and part swat.. This disease enyln any holm or at any age, and is char.- cosed by the peculiarity of the rough. Tue lialvitin of Liverwort etre.s the care of this In. .nbous disease by expectoration. soothe and heals the turned lungs. It never fells. Wgerever tins meth iilne tons b. ell used. we hear of Pk N..... For Mir. coil from it has been Woke the public, and has been •horoughly testi d for all complaints of the Lungs, and or. ved itself ripener in merit to any thing Muse. 1% c r Intght give hundreds of testimonials from phyai. unto, the press. clergy, end those who have betel CU ced, 1.01 611 we de-Ire Is to call the attention of Ws of dieted, s nil far their own good they will try it. Look out for counterfeits Always oho-crop the sig• *Oro Taylor, ," on Me engraved label, andprepared at the Wholesale Depot, 73 . 1tleckm. street. New York. soul in Pittsburgh by I I) Morgan 91 Wood st; Theo-me... 15 Market at; H Souses, cot Market and LI eta, Henderson & Co, 3 Liberty at Price reduced o 31,36 per bottle. mart g A ()ROAN'S WORM Ell' LER to the beet Vermlfuge th .1 any man can give use in hie family. So- 66111 Mil 03 Tp., Westmoreland co. Pa, Mr John 11 Mo•gate -This m to ecroty tint I have Lea, seltibir your Verrnifuge for some limp. idto about ehe year r—and in that lime I bays never knosyn it to to f.trt itrittiong wornasaway. when the symptoms t•t'heated lbetr presence. I had occasion In give nle torn grown up members of my family; I gave each of Mons one dose. end one of them passed ex' and the oth. 66tr 2 5 11 worm.. It is dm best Vermin, that any man r. use in his family. J. W. YOUNG. ?rep.rd and sold by J NO. D. MORGAN, Druggist, tu t , door below Diamond alley, on Wood et. lad Ac —Fare Fled - Ri:ge:CtiEther, I_l Menlo- Poinah, ' Stryeanhoe, Chloride (Sold, Liver Su Our, Wilde Precipitate, Cymuret Potash, lest re cerced and for sale by Intl R E SELLER.- Chloroform, Eel. Hark Frew, lodide Iron, James Silver, Oil COpelhe, James Poder, Citric Aterd, Chico... Soda, Chloric Extract Rheumy, E g;gg ,., Jost ten and for sale by R E SELLERS, mil 67 Weald sr UDila, • iIJ, LiF utt DA —lt decomposes the Virile Or pee the prinei p.a of ad contagious °ism... It removes the danger au. dila Via of sick rooms, he. its elesinsingener. Olt relieve, ulcers, andintercept• all communicable whether to man or animals he. lost reed and for sale by pill It I , BELLER& 27 Wood at PZ , IADLAY'S HISTORY DI? ENOCA:NDL.BeiIts Oil ler'. edition, coutalning all the matter, verbatim et ,erettlin, of Vol.. 1 and 2 of die London edition, ete• ...,nteee with a portrait of she author-4 Vol.. to one. Pelee. compile, 50e. A large sdpply of the above re. e, veil end for tale op JOHN LI MELLOR, ~,h , Qf eeilsoil st 0011 - 11Trage. apnea m peel for J derctil grawes ol clout Wa•uctl veal, by • • • be 41.11. sate I:7 ' fa v tl - 7 " A11.M2 4" Yantil"kat FOR TUE REMOVAL 6 PEDIDAN CURB OF ALL DISICARES AIMING FROM A N IMPURE wriern.'or.„ Tar. BLOOD OR DAVIT OTP TUE SITSTED, VIZu Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cala , ' neous Eruptions. Pimples or Paethlell on the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Wormor, Totter, Scald Head, E ilarmement and of the Bones and /mats, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic STIR. tom. Sciatica or Lutnbako, smd Diseases aris ing from en injudlciona use ofhlereury, Akita/Sr Drop. sy, Exposure or Imprudence in Lite. Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorder. In this preparation are strongly concentrated all the hledicina! properties of Ssassquins...., combined the most effeettral aide, the molt salutary pmductions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and it has been so folly tested, not only by patients them selves but also by Physteirms, that it has received, their unqualified recommendation and the approbation of the public: and has established on la own merits a reputation for valor and efficacy far superior to the cDines compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla Diseases have bean curial, such as are not furnished in the reeords of time past: hind what It has atre , iidy done for the thousands who have used it, it la eipahlo of doing for the mild.% still. &naming and airugglisig with discern. It purest, steamy, and strengthens the fountain springs oflife, and trittnevnewvigor thee' out the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The following . striking and. as will be Seen, perm-, neatrare of an tovreterate cane of Scrofula, commend* itself to all simileriy afflicted: SOCTUrort. Conn.,,Jautt'LLSM Meese. Balms: Gentlemen—Sympathy for the alßie ted me to inform yen of the reroarkableedre effected by your Sarsaparilla m the case J N sni , wife. dhe was severely afflicted with the scrofula eas differ ent parts of the body the glands of the neck wore greedy enlarged and her limbs ninth swollen. After suffering over a year and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg. mid be low the knee suppurated. Her physician Advised it should be laid open, which was done, but without any permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of, and were induced to nu Sands' Sarsaparilla The time bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, relive., jag her more than any Prescription she had ever ta• Ken, and before she had used eta bottles, to the Betel ishmant and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored. It is now over a yeas 'ince the mire was elleved, and her health remains good., show. Mg the 'disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system. One neighbors me all knowing to them recut, and think very hkffily of Sands' Sarsaparilla Years with respect, JULIIJB PIKE. F.tract from a letter reecivai from hie. N. W. Har r* a gentleman well kqovrn in Louisa toasty, -Gentlemen—l have eared a negro boy of mino with l'om• Sarsaparilla, who wag aanalcoil with Sorokin, of a cerofalorm ....Yours truly, N. W. LIAR US 'Fredericks Hall, Va., July 17, 1045." Sanaa' Saaassammx..—lt seems almost emectessar7 to direct attention to en articles* wall known, and so deservedly popular, as this preparation, bat patients. often who wish to use the extract of anrsaaarille, are induced to try worthless compounds bearing the name, oat containing little or none of thalamie of this valor able root; and we think we cannot confer et greater bench, on our readers thou in directing their attention the advertisement of the Messrs. Sands inanother names], The bottle hoe recently been enlarged to hold quart, and those who sash a really good article will find concentrated In this all the medicinal voice of the not The expenence of thousands has proved us ef ficacy in corms the various disensas for which it la r, commended, and at the present time more than any other, perhaps, 'slats medicine a•eful, is preparing the system for a change of sonson.—Home Journal, 'Sept Prepared and *old. wholesalo and retail, by A. B. tt D. SANDS, Druggista and Chemiata, 100 Fulton street, corner of IVIIIIurn, New York. Sold also by Drug xtsts generally throughout the United Sows and Cana. das. Price 151 per Lientle; six Barnes for 05 For Fi/t a o oburgh. wholesale and retail, by R. A. FAIINESTOCK, A CO., co of Wood d rner Front •,... also, corner of Sixth nod Wood 'Ls by an L. lI.CON. Jr.. corner of Smith6rld and Font* Mu and alsoof Market or and the Diamond: also; 1)7 EDWAR D corr FENDERICII, cor Alononge'la Haute. fe1.9.3m , :iINSENG PANACEA! I , c, THOSE SEFFERINEe WITH DISEASED I.LNES —Ttte onpreeedinted otteeess which has ttended the use of the - - - all the rumour forms which antotion of the lungs ga mer, has induced the proprietor again to cell annu li to thfr WONDEREUL PREPARATION. rho ehangable weather which marks our ra and woo, mouths, in always froann •Dares of COLDS AND COUGHS. Mere, If neg.:cc:ad, nre but the precursors of that fell Intro) er, CEMEMI Fhe question, then, how shall we nip the dealt:fiat In .tic bud' how 011.11 we get Clear o f cur ctiughs' and s,ds! a of vital importance to the public. TIIE GREAT AND ONLY IMIEDT cdl be found in the Ginseng Panacea.. In proarof thia au have fro time to timeublished the certificates of loam. of oa m r beat know ncitizens, who have experi enced its miracle? powers. These, with a masa of tea dm./ from all parts of the utuntry,--from 511-.DICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Ministers of the Gospel, &c., together with copious no 3 ces from the JOURNALS OF THE DAV, we have embodied mpamphlet form, and may be kaulL trans of any of our intents throughout the country. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLM tone been used to thts city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canndu, end we cha enge tarty man to point oat • SINGLE INSTANCE which, when taken according to directions, and be f,re the lungs had become fatally disorganized, it has ever failed to _ . . ll=ll Why, then, nred - tite agheted hcalteite! 11 by resort m mia"ra!de itoatruma. gotten up by mt. owl] indiabi a/P u ler the assumed aurae of 'some ea terstee phy. ,tan, and paired into notoriety by Cerateataa one maar jan k„nw NVhihst a Medicine Of YARAI.LEI.ED EFFICACY . os “I be had, whose vouchers are nt horao,-09/ Deg* . Det4,-131811y of whom Ii ha.s SNATCHED FROM THY :GRAVE. In order :hat this invaluable medicine may be placed within the - reach of the poor eu well the rich, we lira. Mil the pnce at ONLY FIFTY ON.NTS, lust one half the eine! root of cough medicines. It to Sr sale by our uremia; nearly every town and village jeer the wend, who etc prepared to gtve full inform:m ien relative to it. T. SALT} B, Proprietor ' Broadway, Cmeinneu, Ohio. FL IaIRTOIP A TIIIC EST A BLIIIHMENT,- raltd.lnthilthen.a.Vlth CO, CA. EDWARD MYRRH,. rakes au. ;newts of re ' Dtenting Me to e thanks his (needs and..the public aor the exthnerre patronage he has received, and of in forming them that he has lately erected a large and II constructed budding, for the exclustve purposes of ho WATER CURE kIr. 4 TAJ3LISiihrENT, at his old location. it Phil lipsburgh, Pa., on the Ohio over, oppo site the steamboat landing at Beaver, where he is ready to receive pct.. as bOaniere, and Veal theta on Ily dropathte principles. In addition ID his long experi ence, and the great success which has heretofore at tended his treatment of -panel. committed ts bra eve, he has now the add:urinal facilities arlarded by an ex thwitve hulloing erected expressly for the purpose, con taining commodious and airy rooms, and fitted up with every neressor7 apparatus for hatturig, and ddmints. tetrad We treatment to the tanned ireoefit cud canton of the ' , anent. Phillipsburgh di a lquad,delightfal and healthy village, easy of accuse by eteaniboate, and af fords fine and whotesoarin water. Dr. Acker assures those adlicted psooßt rtto tR.Y 01,to. taem.Uvc. an der Ws care, that every Illthtthiall .hall be paid to thou comforn and ae an assurance of the substautial benefits to be derived, he points with confidence to the hen. tireds who have been permanently cored at his mob ntherent. The Water Core len,as ire, tniurtoua effect. trehind, as is mo often the Cale with those who have hero treated on the old amt.. It removes the ads u. invororates ttio syhteco e protects from the dangers ineldent to eh-nit/es of the weather, creates a natural end active appetite, and imparts clod to the digestive powers. Team. of treatment and hoanllng reasonable Par further particulars inquire at themoniblialoaern, or edamis the proprietor at Pladhpsburgh. _ tigdCrl t=wsammn= We slave been informed by Mn Rose of scare per 'mated on her by Dr, Jayesets eac,suemtv., ‘ „,„ o „ troves its impersordy over every other km:mot of tht rind. She Ito, been itithet,„,lc,,,. yileen years with NECROSES at W 10TE SWELLINGS, attended wu heiccreo,,e, t,r4 eniot,non of various boom>, dm nerrhic wan many niacea have been discharged from the rental hone of tna cranium, from both her arms. wrists...sod bands, and from both legs, and from we left 4../ oral bone, and from the right tnee i besides painfol cleric no other pane of her person, which have hatico die skillof a namber of the most rational Ohl SICMile nor cit. —Mutat most of the true her suNerlsigs have berm exciateung land deptoroble ettraut three nmnths. •tnee she a - as Induced to 11.t..nTiairle'S tnitertlinen winch has hm,l datm.slunaly happy effect upon her, ey resnavidg al! pain arm Im/riling!, and causing the ulcers to heal, mink at the ammo time hergeneral health has become completely motored, no that she now weighs IS Ms more than sot did before the commenced the use nt this truly valuable. prepation.—esat Eve. Port. For further information, toms/roof Mrs. Rote, No. Leh Ftlbert at, Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh, at the PEK Tr... 5 STORE, 15 Fourth st. near Wood. 5 R. TO WNSEND"iI ILA —, - iktilLLA.-50 dozen D Just receiyed w< Ur. TownitsernPs Sarsaparilla, the most eirtraontinary medicine in thaworldl This Er tl act Is pat op in Quartbialtiva It le ink tunes cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It cures disciaan without soauting, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. Loon one eon lllMAlllMlL—Unprincip led dayr. copied our labels, and put up me icing. In the mane shaped bottle. See that each botao hue the wassail sig nature of S. P. Townsend. It. E. Sad..Kß3S,..Pitaoglat, 57 Wood areal. home.) runt and Fitt.* 14 D. Temattentl'o oar whoLosaie and totall oval for Ptuabargh, of 12/k6EII tan seam= article cio be had. D. M. Curry hats 14eala appointed the aele agent for Allegheny cut, of whom the genuine article can he and. apt LI X. FAiiinerrucc, *ACT It Fatunorect,}Plusburgt4 O. W. Fonamnet W holesale Drug Stars; km the Olt? of Hew York. lalIE undersigned aro ertentrawaly engaged to the 1 41 holcsale Drug bailees, at No. 49 Jan street, in the etty of New ,Vittk, and are prepared wauPP/Y Uwe (tits led coolly Merehanes with Dreg., PJlIntS, Sts, lryr-osla, Fsarvi and Aroma. P.dameap,, taus' lu Malden( Chenueals Weir own rot ortatinal nada other annelids , WAY Wool -dui. .ell. of a sopotio ,:liatrey as low u they tan beim. snassol In thls tar say eastern etea. Now Vert. Fabld tt A Ps tr. GRATEFUL An the cell liberal entroaraggirnt I have received formmany year,. I• hoye ,niargo mfbd o o m io ns es . e . co i nktrably. Having io 911 all and do ItteTvorl i ci ' s e o n n s e t"i nso nl ogyroand . foie prices, and askiin. attention of aw aking* and vase. to toy large stock of LI PIIOL9T MY GOtilln and Linda, Mattraases and Bedding, Cer tain Moteclolo, Damasks and Morocco, Corwees, Porn ges gotactings, Tassels, sprit one Boiler B uld go.e'vg.arocle usually kept 10 nn estattlistunent of the turd. Ordera respectially softened and promptly at tended to. ' •MlX—Cupets mac and on Down . raw wit. NUL& lITS" Drif Engine* !or Pate. ONE PAIRk:t. SF.COND;II6ND lINGINWI, 10 limb cylinders, 4 feet smoke . 24:Milers ..7) feet 10ug,36 helm. in . diareemr. all is good order, will hatch! al • hargatmlf application .he maiGhtbeon. They. have only been in ome stem lb menthe For pututilitre, inglatre of jurtdtf P. TOM Ys' Garotte office NlTtelerayrs Ilislabrated CHOLERA - AND D1A6111103.1 11.13D1C1118, stTHE pallfit relaceled to read the following car- • • oriented. This medicine, to CS:MO . OIY used in the sogthern end Eastern cities. We do certify that Dr. LotineWtos re of York, Fe, took ander hit care and manttgemee. on or about the firm of O e teb er lest , a r . oune midi laboring to.det a ere attack of t`AninUo Choledn.t . Tlkal we, exam the told policed, and bound llam to bent the cotn lapsed - cam, of that ditcede, arnh frequent and,coploos rue water 41,. gee' That we prouotmeed tr moue oi german Cholera, nod decl a red irnercoye.r that are befieved the said patient - was heyomi the hope of reed teal aid. la footwe thought the ate' and le declared at the time. ' Wd bathe/ certify the the' sikid Lorild 'Mere', pas 'sueo his own mode of treatment, and ndministaral nia Chorea Remedy, and effected a cure of the patient. We • ink in four day* s Aer.the said young man wad at work, end peifeeliir Jolts C non, 51. D. T. It I.mczarrr, I cenify ihit I rizited s camel enalifindelielere u. dot the_enre of Dr. Louis \rickey, and alma I Wien his medicine relieved him. r State of Maryland, Washington County, to wit: I certify that I am welt acquainted with the Sonde men who bare signed- the within cenificates of Dr. I.,ottia Wtckey. and they are Men of respeallblfity. In tuumony whereof I bele.nto mbeerios y 4. a name, and Lai the seal of. tity'oMte, thirliams , teenth day of Norember, eighleerataldrekaai Ihirtt.three. 0 IL WILLIAMS, Glint.. Washington County Doerr. Ma hind.' t • I witnessed the admlni,,ration et k eyes prettarscion for Cholera, in the cake of pp as nee to the plastering, tautness is this re yOns. ' , town.) Rio was a Well marked case of e lea, with rice water evacuations, cold el ." skin, mold to ,gee, small tremulous malses.-1 en, red Ida umauoo trtety ender,' and alarming. 1 WAWA a pte. Arias to Dr, tVickey, end was present at tap VOWS* tratiol3 of ateliteast or re peatmlly oaring the attendance of Dr. pokey; he re. covered sou to be able to attend to and wore at his trade In a. few days. I ran trine he to k noon other bat the medicine admmised by Dr. IYlnkey. Iberian W. Darts, M. D. The only true tai reardne Da. Weautv'a Chclera and 'Waukee Mcd.eme is prep_arod pint told adage,. • • by LOON D. JW . " rrjl *efore--madr.. the MOM SppitneallitliTOollllF- , ond most rash ton able Eastern patterns tact:Wm Alas HE CHE.a.P.. ROLL, or DOS FUN BLIND, on hand r made so order of all sitar, and at all pziaas. Colutenalezetuuns and others are tanned ui ean aid eaamute the soave for themselves,. all will Do sold wt.:J.3oe or mall. and a liberal dad/tenon made wholesale perehaserg. • Coldly Dfouo~ w t'~e~u~bllo . . . . TITE hereby notify ouf friends nod corresportdonta ilr at home and abroad, that we will not, anon ANT CIECIIICITAISC6II, melee freight from any Beat for whieh J. Newton Jones la agent. non SHOD' ALCORN. . . • TORN ItELLV Lt C O .,seciesseina to flobb, Wino. brener A. Co., lam blerchant Thilms,) No. UN CHESTNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, be; leave to inform their (Sande .1_ patron., ibat dug b[l7o received the latest SPRING AND SUMP' I'ASHIONS, with a lar p o munch:dent of New Style GOODS; comprising Go Cassitieres,TeadaTa. ko of every description—ell o which am of their own imp P ri nc o to tion. ic havms been carefully 'selected m Pei* 010 2 gtrengera visiting PhiltuleliMin, cre respedaftti, ly Invited to call and examine thAll . exiontive =pet mell.2ldOrn ;YDIA RUDDER PAHTE—Just receivint ? emu bottles of Rubber Porto, a superior attic ~lo, highly , • Import to parsons the, wish to keep their lest dry . It prevents the leather from metal and rill --- GOITIII GOLD!! UOLDUI U LEI= THE subscriber, 'molecule manufacturer ELR V, /writes wholesale dealers and , pc alarasrts. ding:tooth and Wert—also, country since ke.r.,tri to call and a:amino his stoat of Jostelrv, wtrich mill ha said at the lowest prices for cash or appros eg tancss Consonbly on hand and rartne, r actrtiiig, ■ large assortment suitable for egg or cor,airst trade. O. At DARER, comer of Fourth and Branch sus, up stales, apttedura l'lnladslohta Paper Ilame HAVING purchnsedmt three of the largest Facto nes In the East, Nev( York, Philadelphia and BW imore) a large assortment ofthe newest and most improved styles of PAPER HANtil NOS, BORDERS, ac.., and made .rangemeets. by which Wilt be ena bled to procure all now Patterns, simoltureOitawitlt their appearance In the Pastern market, I would In- Tim the attention of those dednug to have %heirlooms:a papered with the latest awes of paper, to cadged examine my mock, beforetorchasing elsewhere. no have won Me way f rom the Kart, 8.1,10.1 pieces of Cold, Satin Glared, an common Paper Hartglsl , which can sell at P aces ranging from 12 4 et} $ 8 piece. enchld d C HILL, 87 wood st • Bacon APING just completed the rebtalgingof on, amok* 1.1 houses, we are now prepared to receive meek and smoke it to the most merchantable manner. The houses are fitted with all the modern improve, men., nod Pe capable of contairdocßlOAKl the. MIS KIER &JUNES, Canal Buitt, near Seventh as Ptoy 1 . 1.1 4 Orthe Lrove l" Prln ' ttg " 17IT S. & 1 7 , - Ilar le, Proprietor.) we will be . constantly Supplies' with ag the dtfferent sacs of investor quoins watch we offer at the lowest regular price. REA NOLISS &MEE, febYt corner Peon and Insist to Duqvir.sarz WOrtllo. fcOI.,EAIAN, HALLMAN fr e a.l. continue to mum fiature 93112.11 Iron, Spring and Am. Blister Steel, bngli,Fork ond Hoe Steel, Rivets, Spikes and Wrift town:Nuts, all sixes, together with Conch and Elipue *rings, a! Pat:Tager and common Axles. Raving reduced the price of Wrought engine builders and others using the article., oriA g e 4 it to their Interest to give that now branch of-PAtahurgb manufacmres their attention. Loaeh ateriminis and maleablo iron ori term. Warehouse on WIIILT and Fourth Its febidStf SANT'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, SXOII,IOI 131/ILDIN6S, ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, ILLS lOU irvun 7103 x • NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And iv now receiving t fide assortment of CtOTIIB,tiBbIIBBEB AND VEBTINBB, OF THE DF.ST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLIA Whseik he is preporod io make Gordo And to tho latest Fashions marlb Fitmd Q.uartera for Boots and Winans Writer of F ourth Suit 611111/I.fibld sweets, Parrmismi, Ps. 'I! ;El the Ta g O e . n r e i rat B gr t "r et " :110 " 7:2111411 ft...wholesale and re•ail, would respecttall) inn, s too attention 01 their (heads and the punt. entity, to their splendid new Mock, coonsting of incr., women', boys', misses' and muldren. true of pool's variety, suitatne for the season, atm at prices to suit theumea. A splendid ankle of home made wort, ;IS' roots es gentlemen's hue noon, louses, mimes eon etaldrein fine wort. Please call and examine for yourmlvea TttOrti h *kw' C, 4 corner ith and Southfield sta N. 4—Traveling fund., Carpet Bags, ho ho , al• • ways on hind and low for mak Ceuntry Increments would finis, it to their interson to toe us a nail when n. our, the arty. Slit *So LOGAN,_ W /L 15019 do vu. lAI POW' &Hz , u,u Wboteave Dealers iu edraign and rd , J. Domestic Hard care, Cutlery, risddlery, !se., 199, Wood street, Pandiargh, are now fully prepared with recently imported stock of Ilaniqrh, Cutlery, had ditty, Carpcirers. fools, &e., r very great in ducenicrus to Wester. alercliwitayrisa in addition u/ the many advantages h.d by oar predecessors, hies am Logan, Is Kt . /tacitly, we lice *ready increased oar fac,nues, and puree.e all out good. from first beads on the very hest WOOS . 'lto atone metal:kora of the firm devote their whale attention sales, and feeling confident of giving sat- c a , ta.sclotta, sospeolltilly solicit • call from all win may Visit tots toortcl4 ruched 1 . It El undersigned in for mos • superior wind& "51* 1. of brick tor building, made by bin Swan% tukerovcd /nuctuite, for watch as has OlitalUed a pillaidp 4, 3% and a,rees to give purchasers a writietoguaratitedalah they are wonder, cud will resist frost and wet walk.- er and imbibe less inunintre or dampness than soy. or brick, pain:wing greater body and superior tenure - ps and math more durable in every respect, each beset -7' being subjected to a pressure of several tons, and - pow sewing a handsome smooth surface and even odgriny, they make a front equal to the Own frontbrtek. They have given too greatest satisfaction to all yds* have plircbased. A kiln can be seen at bay works, ,dot specie:len at ho (Saville Write. Teem hav ing supplied spetaselves tor their bail= and vrishlitg heeds.. front brick, or superioe and sotut paving bnck, can obtain the= ISAAC GBEIGGI if Ilarminsitam June 12,1548. -- MEW 11.41-3.1 Inns Nu 'glum.. Oasni oal da;.k IN No I du do! 5 bins No i !nese do: AU a. N 8 4 oti Litiore Herrn& Z. hate do Nu t dodo, 01 bob. No 3 Maesesel, 11l do No t disbnon, t ast io sr6.eing wA by rr eartar. Co and t sale by .02aLlbeteir ' at ):.% ye thut 4:My 11s.C1 ated tlopAirrriEftsHlP L , wt t .k.sala cirocery, erodate tad !"g j ma i , 7ow ,r, rr , 4 , r , e , 6u Mr Joba uudcrthe film JOHN WATT. youixo t h, APnl ae, 1012' • • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ~ - .e .' euiii.tilitai DAILY; TRI-WF.EKIN & WEEKLY 4" ff G rt 43tan i w Vi 4 4' :':aret 7 l iEa rgNO. One niacin. of 121ines, or 1ent,.... JgOV Two iineruon. withcrat alteration. • 01110 A Three " ' .... ...... 1 OGq. 01. Week " Two Weeks - • 1 30 .1, .... Throe " ai , ........ sln E One Month, .......,... I 0 4rl Two" " ....... -.-.- IS '.lq That" ir i. " ".. 1 . . 1 I ." . . 1 r 46 Cl: Er Lunger advertnecoonts le wee pnbrdrtit".. .:Lt One igeare,6 months, without alteratiort,...../ 0 01.1 12 " " " . vii-ii lb idif.. 'Each additional iguana for 6 months, ...... 6 00 , ,,: 12 " itr *it Ono sgtiare,6 months, renewable at pieaabbn; .8 O oor, t! Bach additional.quare for 12 mead 5........ lgibiLs, Two aquares, 6 montLs, re'srablast pleasure, 30 064 . 4 Each additional square, 6 months, 800 il/111.1.1 . 01 . 1 . 11-A7.IiLT 11 111111 r/111110 4 .6 One - squ are. 3 insertions, 31 60 " " each additional Inieraistar.“......, ST. -• 111711•111 CARD& Five Hans or less, one year, . ......... ..-.. 6 00Z " six m0nth.,...... • .g . chrat n ir e . year, daily & weekly, to- 08fif .. ms months '" ri ------ - 19'3 ARViirriniNWillri TS WZILZAT RAM. For It - lines, or less, One insertion, Two,". 0 10 !1, Three, ' «roe we« ;00 nom 4 go 1 , 4 -