The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 25, 1849, Image 3
EY lIAGNETiII TELEt;ll.leit REPORTED & TELIicaRAPIIED TOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZEL LE LATE FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Fica.ADELente, July 21 One day later intelligence has been received from San Francisco. Ir compritee the old smiles. bowevee, - revamped. We tend yon the following eXURCL "At the mites, as yet, matters remain pretty quiet; bat fears areuntertsined that, ere long, there will be serious distort:anises between our country men and the•Mexicana,aa some six thousand of the latter have arrived in the . couatxY , and evinced a moat tart:lntent diepoouioo. You may rest insured, however, that should any 11110118 outbreaks take place, they will be stirs down to a man." FROM VENEZUELA. PnuAntLtuu, July 24 Letters from Venezuela, under date of July 5, state that Pace has again disembarked tit Coro, for the purpose of meeting Monagos. 1 On the 24th of June a body of horsemen attack ed the residence of Monagos, bat retired after a few shout had been fired. At the same time a number of people rose against the Government, in different parts of the -plains. Civil war has again broken out. Moringos has assumed extrepnlinary power, and has arrested a number'Of tb rebels. Prosecutions of all kinds are the result ind while the Insurgents are with out means, at, iiefs of Plana, tire Government has full power, and is raising fonds by finned loans. Much trouble, consequently, ta anticipate-I:Lt."' - HORRIBLE, ArrEcurr A r Ntw Yosta, July 24. Loomis Rathbun, aged thlrly years, son of the Proprietor of Rathbun's Elute!, In 'Moony, while in a fit of delirium tremens, yesterday morning, at tacked Ids mother with n rum, Coning her throat from etur to ean.—baving first attempted to eat hts own atonal. Faint hopes am entertained of her recovery, The wielched inn hat been confined in a La untie Asylum. RAIL ROAD ACCIDENT PEUADILLPHIA, Jaiy 24 Theßaltimore train ran off the track on Son day night last, near 'Wilmington, killing Mr. Win. Sparks, engineer, and no is supposed, mortally moriading a Leman. The pa.a m;015 escaped an hun. CHOLERA 111 NEW YORK. Now You, Joie 24. Doting the 21 hours ending at noon tc-day there were 69 eases of Cholera, and 35 deaths. CHOLERA IN PHILADELPHIA. Pataismaqua July 24. There were 'Santini from Cholera this city, doing the 2$ hours ending at noon to-day. CHOLERA LN CINCINNATI. CINCJAI.ULTI, July 21 For the 24 hours ending at noon to-day, there Were 21 interments from Cholera, and 20 from other disease. Business la gado'lly - reviving, as the chalet% declines. Toe weather ta abowery. NEW YORK MARKET Floor--The market is very firm, with Indes 'Waxy of 8,000 bbla. good Western at $1,75 04,90 per bbl. Sales of prime Genesee at $5 per bbl. Wheat—Sales of apoo bushels Ohio Wheat at 110 cents per bushel. Corn—The market is fimi, and supplies are felt. Ong off. Sales of 30;000 bushels re 56 to 57 cents, for Mixed Western, and 51 emus for heated. Provision. continue quite firm. Sales of 100 bbls. Mess Pork at 1109513 11 00. Lard is dull, with moderate sales only at 52 0 7 cents per lb. Whiskey—ls dull at HI cents per gallon. From the PittaboTih Christian Advocate THlNfidl IN ALLEGHENY. We copy into our paper this week an =omit of one of the most shocking trans actions on record. Had we been told, be fore it took place, that such a scene could be ezusetedin a civilizeitxdAsofessadly Chris tian country, we t tread scarcely have be lieved it. Human nature, we are aware, is an exceedingly perverse and depraved thing; but a conspiracy by which thousands of dollars' worth of property is wantonly destroyed—men, and women, and children, including widows and orphans, turned out houselees upon the streets and commons, while savage shoats of satisfaction and tri umph at their misfortunes rend the air— persons prevented from working to extin guish the flames—fire companies threatened with death and destruction if they attempted to do their duty, and citizens interfered with in attempting to save their own houses; all this, and much more of the same kind, sa- TOM MOM of Pandemonium than of earth, bad as it is—of demons than of men. We have no words to express our horror of such wickedness; and it is with shame and mor tification that we are compelled to record them as taking place in the city of our own residence. Our only consolation in the matter is, that we trust this present evil, great as it is, may he the occasion of a greater fhture good. A reform has long and loudly been called for in the " fire depart. ment." The fire companies, constituted as they have been, and composed chiefly of reckless, irresponsible young men and boys, their engine houses the scenes of corruption, rowdyism and vice, and the wantonness of their conduct in various ways has long been an evil of untold magnitude. It was borne with upon the part of tae citizens with sup pressed murmurs of dissatisfaction, with oc casional complaints, and with great anxiety for the results; but not without hopes that something better would at length be attain ed. The events of Monday, toe 16th, has awakened up every friend of law and order —a determined spirit is abroad, and an or ganization on a different basis has already been udnimenced. Citizens of the first rank hails enrolled themselves as members of fire companies, and all are resolved no longer to commit one of the most important interests of the city into bands which have proved themselves utterly unfit for tie trust reposed in them. We copied from Cle'. Advertiser a &tide of es eknalaing the capacity of water cistern'. A al- . .]'gee that 5 fa. diameter will give 120 gall. instead of 146 gall. a do I7U do 211 do 230 do 217 8 do 305 do 376 9 )o 390 do 475 10 do o 0 do 557 An intelVgent Baltimorean declares ails alto• getter erroneous. We give his remarks below , also copied floc• Clot "The following is the method of calculating the capacity of circular cinternp.—Square the diame-H ter, in inches, and multiply the praourA by Uo34 the catchr multiplying for wine cartons—this wilt . glee the area in gallons, of one inch to depth.—: That product, or are., multiplied by any given depth, say 10 inches, gmee the capacity, as per: example : 01271E1201 OP riclr IT= 111 131Milin8L 60 itches 3600 square of diameter in inches. .0031 cirealer =dupes 122g00-1,2; gallons nearly aa the ulna 12.1ncaes deep. 3 1.59--11 7 gallows TERN T 1 FILIT Ia D1A111721 Inctea. 120 14.400 E quate) or diem eter. .0031 12 hada deep 1 568.52-56% gallons. . 1 have taken the esuernes of the examples to aitliba %het, accuracy, inn tallying to the nontryst cruet a., That o. 5 wet, or 61) aches, exurb tug an area of 12.24:ga110ns to the inch to depth—sue that of tea tee, or 120 metes in diameter, being &able the first, of 60 inches, eshthuitla a. area 46.66. For where the diameter is dattbfol, to area is ageirtained-by quadrriplsn g the area of the ttiihtaater, which has been emoted. caItibIEREIAL R #,USAZiIe. JU L.V. .Saaay, — -- etSandaY, ••• 23 Slginday, Tietday, 25 Wednesday • 26 Thajaday, n _Friday, PITTABUILO LI BOARD Op TRADE • • COMBEFFEF, FOR JUL?,.. AA:Ammer_ no. mvanri. :r. Low:. -=— IstaytmF.Nrrs OF ;THE OCEAN (PITA-NIERS. • Tura or I,rdirri mI.OX LrociAnot.. Foirtoemn droda —Dmaglass. ,017 . 7. Foc,New York—Europa-4u—lo lg 14., nelloston—Cambria—Leutli, Julfll. For New York—A.4neriu—Sliumeti, July E. ems or 'ultrao nom aaradta. ?rum New York. Niers., July 25c14. Frieli Boman. Caledonia, August lot? From New York, Europa, August A. Fro& Roston, Cambria. Arapiat LW: From New fork, America, Aurnsipi. MAIL LINKTO9OUTHAFIPTISN ANI3 RR& AIVS.—The steadiers of tbs. Coalitiony will sail : -nerdarly once • month, as folloogs . FROM NEW YORK. s " Waabington, Cap ti Floyd, 20th July. Herman, Capt. Cnitrrre, At 6 Augulg. Washington. Copt. Floyd, 90th Repo, FROM UR EVEN .• Heimann, Cape. Crabtree, lath %/Wimp ton. Copt Floyd 15th AcMist. • Hermann, CA.abtree, 15th Erptembor. FROM SOUTHAAIPTOS. He -liana, Copt Crabtree, 20th July. Wohingion. Capt. Floyd, 021 b Auggat. Hermann, Copt Crabtree, 20th Eimdember. • . REVIEW OF THE PITTISIII7B.OIII[AItHET, vox I= win: LADINO 217 LT 24aRig. We hive no imp , runt Nunn. to 124 re in the gen eral market dartng the meek /wt oln.oft Eery thing kikotnti extremely gulalanni-trtge sktierfzir any looportani ehonsainiqnotC ASlit,S—We have nu changes to noiSee in the Ash es moiaet. The demand arationes quite limited, and Wiry little has been dc&te in the way of Slim Ne ore the quotations, widelti,ass tacitly nominab— SOda'Ash 4e341, Petra.. 510 d, Wen*. istepsi, Pot Aah 4/04i .d floorithings aezic ir b. i4.1,F-AVe continue our quotaTions at 600640 68,54, for common to but—eaak included. Metl3N—The rooeys continue vori light; supplies ha‘vv*n IfrndnclY ditni.hhing, maid= market is unite tiro at fully gaoled ralea Ptah Alms •ro vary agareli, and. aro in bri.k demand at 702171 c for best, and VSrf for ordinary or country anted. Saks of Sbouldris ate regularly offewed at 4, hod S do• oldie 5 1 0. ales of best !sum cured croureased Ham in tiireci'eit 10c P On )31.708ETS AND TUBS—From stove ore notice r Tolirebroiness dog to Patent Beikerr Buckets at 111,15Kdor. Tubs range =cording tOisire from WO ratFf'doz. ..ILLYTIIIIO-ITha following are the i . lrrrected pica kir the itinerant Number. Not, ttl., Nlg, Ice, No 1,9 e superior artiele of Baniag twaheeta 99 by II fie; rprelnly for leanly use, and pO(eotly clean, is .old at tell P • •11F41 . NS—We dotter" regolar ballet! sale. of clear White beans at 700, end of m zed at 6i#13.1e f Ih. 'BROOMS—With a fair supply in dm:Market, war. Rea aateady demand at • range of Bl*S to 2,50 tie dos, for ei•mnion to beat qua'ity. k OTTON YARNS—We notice an advance in Cot tdb Vito. 01,00 rent ir el, on lb Van; Ind to etpoo dot Yarn—the following are the corrected *tee: 4 3,-ets per lb " " .171 No. 13 et2s,er lb 19 ••lo " 14 ;7 " 70 .do " 15 .7 •• SO It 1:: I ‘7 4' :: 41 a -do ' 12 5 l 1 : •18 1 "10 y 21 -do I " 40 7 " 15 30215 TA.. :i NO. tidkets per lb Be IN. f Ob. din per lb , • • •eti 2" co, •••• i " 000, '' do dsrpiithain, 20 I, 17 ,Coentlit Vern, 20, Bag . Fillinli, 17 ..... ev I Batons, N 01.9,3-11, 0,9 CliiitebEßS—A reviler business isiilinstg at the fol , eiming,quoted rums, Wift.t Cmeers, per DI,/ $3,75 4,50 ..... 175 7 7 - P llP;urrad, By Craerrs, Per IL CAPIDLES—Wo hay. no alteradorutto notion in prt_ cos,. continue out quotation. am ftalowa Common aim2tcPc., Mould tallow lo6lole, pf: candles at ale* le tb. CO4DAGE—The folkuallag o a liat ' S( prices for the knoMy) articles ardor thiitheid Handle rope, by colt, • g , sf'Cls , l - Lr .- • • Sabi „ Tarred Pope, by cot do v mm• • ..... „ Packing Yarn. fine, ' • do ermmen, I 4 • Sk . " 1.10311U15. Idontllss $2,0n.53,00.14.00 o t dm. • do enil,•• • IS Hemp, $1,112.01,203,23 It dog do P coil,. • • -10 c Th. P.C.] Lion. Manilla. SI - Hem* 811 c gr dos. , Miasma CORDACIL—ThiIIi is a nevucle of Cord' age recently introdace4 Into oor re Set It tz made urrhytted hemp. so kyanimd or cjed by muceptic substances, as to preserve the hot /rtl:111 tto o.uvc Em my NM strength, and at the some that , rendering it less liable to decay. It is sold at I2lelp -lel 2 c -1K —l3c Ile •: . • COrPEß—Regular sales of Cliff Mint cake and tn. k01. A ..119021,c ♦Et Sales of Sheat6lnis at tbc, and of ayd copper at Inall9e yb. ' • filE&L—The arrivals havelsbeen very light • odylpplies are !trailed. f bbl fri7s Skin dned is • nitilotati •n, with small sale CilEFSE.—Baleo of good W Hat Sbj66le, of ordina ry itle3se f eb. Sale. of Cream ehreem at frbeirtre oand df Goshen at he 217 e be lb. 1, DRIED BEEF—Very little is conoiko forward, and the holorket alms. et•tinrly bare. 15lIthip to a Cain es tent hove been effected during the Leek, at I2ie per pouriii. . DRIED FRUIT—We notice full sqliplies and a dull *mktg. Moderote sales of Peached are reported to and of dried Apply at Saßbile per .busbai. DRUGS—The follitnivinu is a hat of sriees of some to ;the twat prominent articles under dos( head : Brirnmonf. Vamphoo rr I. • Chlnndesime, - Coeht es}. ' Licinoriett root' Sal Pods • Cline, ealr;Mon 81...••....t..•0t3 .A 11416, 3i6P 4 ,Aruttaulda., 1114 • b4)25 Arroir itm.,“ • •• • 1014 Aqua rug. •• •10/011 Lithrige. " •• • 4436* 111m4der Unubratb•lta 12i :Cat4qt - Oil,l3bla, 8.300155 •Quiplw„ Ihs 634 U Fl;l.)l.lll.—Tbe supplies ha gore balk been gradeally an advance in prices to &can the etin ;etltl!'nee. For the past tear days, pin have been 'terairro, and mks Mt regular dray Idd lot. are effect ed al 84,500462 f bbL The coil; sales from firr, huitt! - 1, We hear of are in small lots (rum wagon at 4,10 04 , 6 ittr bbl, as in quality. F 3 . .}l—The mark et is fairly suppliA with all kinds, d Oates hare been quite brisk at 113 following rpm. fed Mates: Salmon we, Thad 8 8 r:, 3 lankerti No. 1 813 - for bbl., and 87 for half bbls, Nri2 80.10 for bbl. 64,74 oe half bbls, No 3 60,78087 foil bbls, and 83,75 for half bbl. Sales of Herds at 8754360 f bbl FtATllEßS—Regular sales from Note at 33034 e in somfilins. Large quantities would ', fall short or tho • figittrirs. FIY.D—We trite tales from st - tre,ily Bran •1 1001 It of 81Mrta at 14015, sad of Nhipsturf oWe P bo. PB—Pro m bts from this prti ro to Cinch:mat . araloA7.le P LW. and re., rearm Tye miarra on rho Penna. eimel from Ma point Fraii.ore as follows, for the princio.l articles of al porq • s^lter Bacon, Lana a-a Tallow: , 45c 1..00 Leal', i Ohio, >j nu Stic i'• a hen " iii _r, - ,-. ld Pekrtes "" ...' t..,,e ICOa " ..,.... (121. ... L 4 V , m t ' 'r.f . all Linla, '' • • • t ...53e `Nbsakay, pet bid hue ...Fleur, ' i nte GROCERIES—Some bolt aeuviPy has been naant tested in the eager market, with •ake of 100 !aids N 0 'sugar at priers ranging according irt . quathy from 41. Sid • b, on time. Pole. of St Loofa refined Loaf m gr. it SOH:a. ♦ 15, of N Cf Slofinie. of Xdfintre, an raidtng to quality of Lamely and of:S.ugar house •t en 44n.$ and. Sales of Rio Coffee to ■ fair extent at a rat*, accordtog to quality, from? to Bo P th, and of Rtel6 to tierces at 4ft/50 p lb. .7. mice no change bit figures. /tempts Unita been light, and muskeg ara , very limited. We hear.of no .ales of Wheat or Ryfk Small sales of 13Mley from store have been elifeetiii at goo., of Corn at lbSDattc, and of Oats at 340.15 e. ♦ 4,,AS9—We [twice no chanty fnyrices of Window 61664. Soles of City brandy 9by 114,00; tO by 12 "e, 12 by tt , $1; Patent do to 41 14 to 16 by 21 11110,500951.5 ta box. Fbr country brands of the •anovi sizes, the follow intls the list of prices teeently tatabllstsed by the waiofacturere: —• • 63.25 11 be; te 84,75 3.60 11 by ,4.• 4,15 3,75 12 by:VI 4,76 1.50 l2 by :tr , CIS 4.31 r 13 by 1 5.00 4.50 24 by 1.01.1 - . - Itrer Gum—The following its cordensed Its - , stChirtng the range of pttees of the leanotie kinds, size. atihuolitlos of Fltut Client, .9 ossiabletured end sold tabhts ear ll `.l3 . latn Tumblers per dos., e 30,00 . 510,,1e do . . 674 s 1,75 hod do 1,12ns 3,03 do do KV a , u ' 374 _;,Goblet. '. a : 1,50 a 17.121 ..,:tChampeug ee , ° ° Wlte Ola n sace. 7' " ° . fat t.,00 ?Lemonade., ' a a :'-' 74 6,10 • Jelly stands, each r . . 50a VI/ .1 cc ntcrs, per due., 7 1 • 7K101:24X ' Pitchers, .. a ,",- 1.:4:a 0.110 do heavy p6' tared, per pair ,= SLIAIeIO, I2 I do boo,- cal flute, each .':7 730 9-50 Mateo. cans a a .. on o 6 , 00 ' do Brlttattis lope per p4t ' 76a 4,00 : . Flower esece, per to, o 4,01 1 a 8,00 do do rut. per paw.." 6 Maas MI ' Jelly Glasses, per do: i r Lego 7,00 Preseed sweet-meal diehett, pa:2 das 1,25a10 00 . do do bowls, Pr , f/ait tail 6,00 00,0011 boobs and Rine, pear dgs 1 . ,,,, 1.50 • • aeweitzeaults' tutor et:kern-etc f. : 6prete jet", lackeyed covert, e dos 1.25a16.60 , - stsow jars. p., dos ; 11.03411,21 ;Fl tad Ccuolgs. -'' f 3.frial IPO ..: Tm m etus• R rul atbfPer, 1' to 1, 1 7 3 •16,03 Show Bottles. each e 76a 300 El - by 10 10. by 10 15 by 14 itr , by 15 i 0 bY 10 ICI by 47 2" ORD. HOPS-Pala of Eastern aorta are reported at 110 3e ipo , demand HAY—Receipts are mostly by wagon, and continue cry light. Rate. or good Timothy ot &Jitter tort. GUN POWDER—FRO la sold at $3,250113,50, and Rock Powder at 53:25051,50 ♦ keg. IRON AND NAILS--Sale• of bar Iron at 334; of Sheet at 3381.0 V tb. Sales of Nuts at 8340330,30 for 10d to 3d sae. 339137 1793 729 19 23 1 50 I 7 91 151 1720 4 55 7 20 INDIGO—SaIes of Spanish at St 42111,11 it of Manilla at 90045 tb. LUMBER—The yards .are generally well supplied with every thing n ,der this head. Sales of seasoned boards from yard at. for common 811, and (or clean M feet. LEAD—Salo* of Plg at 4044 Q. B. LEAD PIPF.—I. .old al a range of 61 to 12ft per foot, according to site. WHITE LEAD—Sales of dry at 6306 re 9 5, and of pure In on at $1,60051,64k p keg. MADDER-Saks of Unahro at 12012 k p B. MALT—Moderate sales of Barley Malt from store at 050 Hine p bu . NUTIIEGS—SoId regularly at 111,12011:20e per B. OILS—The supply of Linseed t very light, with limited sales only at 50c. Sale. of No 1 Lard at 550 We, and of No Sat 60c p ROSlN—Regular sales at SW p bbl. RAGS—Regular sales of good clean anzed from brat bands at 3fe fir' lb. SOAP—Sales of 61natti at 4041 e., of variegated at Ibre p 5. TAR—We note siss of modemte quantities at $4 P bane. TURPENTINE,—VaIet at 46648 e r gall. VINEGAR—BaIes of good eider at 90nie fir gall. AfINISII--Bale. or Copal at 81,508 , 52 P gall, by whole. rle. WHISKEY—Regular sale. of Reelded at Iflielbe P gall. WOOL—For the eerlona grades of Wool, the fat loaru:ig are the pre.nt buying rates in this market Fµ 'Common 22e P 6. blood 'Lk do tene I do Vo • “ Full Blood 3n, Prune 330 " itiasinner, July ZI, lee 2. BEEVES—Then were .boat MI head offered at the yard on Monday, and the sales effected showed a Might decline from our laet week quotations. We quote 4412 c. per lb. nett, to quell ty. HIMP—The offerings amounted to about 200 head, vent h cold at $1131,20 each. CALVE.—Are extremely dull, and are heard of no des worth reporting. Tat CazgrraY sultan a troltro —The editor of the Post, yeaterdav, with hi. usual proclivity to falsehood and misropresentatiou, very meanly attempt. to injure the Gazette's market reports, iithe estimatton of the public, by saying that we manufacture our reports of the New York markets. We now state, for the thfor =Lion of Mr Harper, that his statement to reference t t this mittens molt unqualifiedly fable, If there is any thing wrong about these markerreports, it is the fault of the reporter at the East, sad not ours. We have the connive handling of those despatches. They come to ua front the Telegraph Office, and with the alin•lanee of Cari,•Wdlis' k Thompson's Comments/ Cypher Book, we give them Just as they are received— vrithoot taking from, or adding tn. in the least_ The beauty cif the thing, Is the fact that, an the same paper to Which he undertakes to 'pop at the gazette, he publisher a telrgraptuc despot, h from New York, 'jiving the fign, o oily one solitary arucle to the whole New York market. 'lt is in substance as fol lows : • ..Flpor-1{56375 06 al. bbl. °ruin —Three Is but Int'e doles in grain at mei roe pricer Pre•ltrons—Market inactive. r perudoes worthy of no tee. No change to notice i n any article generally repartee " do*. die you receive ttice i gove de•p itch excleveve• Iyll—Did you receive It veco.....tia dedly '—or did you milltufacture it youtdva f'--IGAz.. Coo Bier PORT (W PITTSBURGH ARRRIVED. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Louis M, Lute, Bennett, Brownsville. Elite, Bowers, Beaver. Tuscarora, Hemphill. Beaver. DEPARTED. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Lows McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Brownsville. Tax flivita.—There were 20 inches in the channel, by metal mark, lust evening at dusk mud fulling slowly. BOATS LEAVING THIS BAY Brownsville Packets, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. Beaver Pocketv,lo A. M. nod 4 P. K. D. Leech 8a co's, packet line. 9 1' U. I=l lILIITEM INTATZEI WHOLESALE MM HG WIEEHOUSE: LEWIS & EANIfOhD, Nos. 24, 4 , 5 and Wa Past. Etramer. (between Fulton stand Rollin Shp,) NEW YORK, Have on hand the largest assortment of CLOTHING IN' THE UNITED STATES, ALO.PTED TO /IJ-L.All OM in tint article of SHIRTS anti DRAWERS, are keep an entices variety. • Also the trivet extensive muinfactarere of Oil Clothing and Coveted flats In the world. PLAIN AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHLNG CIIIIIOIFICS Of stock sent br on••il. Orders promptly filled. LEW!, k. HANFORD, jedd Nos. 224 2.54,Xk1. and `Gdol -ream st FRESEI SUMMER GOODS, A T REDUCED PRICES. A LEMAN DER A DAY, 1h Market street, northwest corner of the Diamond, are now opening a choice .tack of fresh SUMMER WOOS. A large portion of these goods have recently been purchased at a great amend - re, from the Auction Sales at the East, and from the importers and mennfacturcre. We have decided upon edema this stock of goods at prices so reduced as to meet the approb mon of those who do business on me cheap cash principle. The Silk Department uvery extensive, embracing the different kinds of dress and mantilla Silks, Saun de 4,twitcs. and Cainehan Den de Rhinos. 40 042 '0 U 1.301,5 I*o • 0 9 ' , 001n5 4044 1101 J The Shawl Depart. , ant embrace.. • plendid aason mem of India Cmpo Shawls, from Mst e loam price to the finest qu dales, eleganby embroidered. Also I. s re noditte, Berage, Mohair, Neil and splendid figured Silk 13 moos • SC RFS—B ask wt, berage and Granedim Scarfs. HER Ali F. and other man 1iR1..8 GOODS—Elegant and novel styles of Bemires, So* Purities. and other Imo ores- Girodsr by of the attention of the ladies. L.SWNS: LA IN ~woN EV.—In the Lawn department, our addrouns from the Lectern auctions are quite large, embracing elegant Kyles at remarkably map prices. Imported min lloinestic Hingham. Ponta and ChiuMes, Brown and Bleached Murtha, Cheese. Tick tug . % Ficaria.. Superior Enishah Id French 'loth. and Casaimeres, A.m eta and Jean., Pantaloon Stripes and Unllinip. All of which is offered at such a redaction of pLee• that purchaser. cannot fail to be pleased. jy4 ALEXANDER & DAY - - WATCHED, JEW ELlilr, AMU SILVER. W &RH. .. THE subscriber, who has been In tautness in t he same Puddingfor the last thirteen ' i eau, T p k- se Ilins all des •norts of Fine Gotd and Sil • - err Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, at redo! Si the very lowest prices. Gold end ell vet English relent Lever Watches. Go d and Silver Dm lid Le , er and Lepine Watches. hoop and Silver Horizontal an l verge Watches.. Gold and Silver Independent Second Watches for timing borate. Gold Guard, fob and vest Chain.. Gold Spectacles. Gold and Silver Pencils. Gold Pens. Ladies d and Stone Bracelets. lthid Lockets. Gold and Silver Thimbles. LIAISPIIII3 Mingo and Pins. Ladies' and Gentlemen.' Breastions. Sterling Silent Spoons, Cunt, Fors., &c. Gold Willthes a. 10 , 11, 11.1 Ti ta each. Watcher and Jewelry exchutted. Spoon. and Foil. plated on .., rman Silver, a fine rancid. All watches warranted to keep good time or the tonnes returned. Jewelry repaired, and Watches cleaned and r paired in the best noon:ter, at much less than the 111.1“11 prices GEE. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jewell's, wholesale and 61 Wall street, (up stairs,) NEW VOnK. nrr..l.l4isits CLINTON PAPICI3. MILL THE undersigned nave this day a..ociated under the name or rhorupsvu H into A. Son, for the par• pose of pa cc, at the Clinton Paper ?ill, where they will be pleased to receive the paw.- age of the public, and site former customers of the se tang partner. The y will at all dines keep on hand a general as em of writing, wrapping, tea and wall pap", bonnet boards, blank book.. etc eta.. which they will exchange (Jr cleat linen and cotton rag.. Priiil. rs and Hook Publisher. Call be supplied with avery descripuon of pnriting o•per anon notice, and t reds , ed prices . TiiumrsoN HAN N A April I, 4n--tnytll,dem EDMUND tl. HAN • • - 15LoofIssarsvGialvatralsocl Thu Planes. ilL:l l Lb iz se;t m lnk s z bet; n t: r c . aLl i t h u e m a i r w ti c o n the to Llrider.; advantages which these pinion possess over alt other metallic substances hitherto used for roofing, tiro, as they p 02.113 at once the lightness of iron, without Its lability to rust, having now been Maud for several year* in this particular, both in this country and inEn rope. They are less table to expainnon and contrac tion from sodden change of the atmosphere, than com mon un pinta., iron, von, or any other metal now used for roofing, and consequently form •much better and tighter roof; requiring far lees frequent repairs, whilst the first coat is but a trate more. A fall supply, of all sacs, from le to 30 W. G., eon stantly on hand and for sale by OF.O. B. hIOREWOOD A CO., • 14 and 16 Beaver street, New York. The patent nght for this article having been secured for one finned States, all parties infringing thereon either by Imponatlon or otherwise, will be prosecu ted. int.lrsdfswll yT 1) DK. D. utizer; - ~,.. Mtn -..- Dentist. Corner °Moan'. e- and Decatur, betareen Market and Ferry suer,. sees-d sin Alt tde Allyn ol inh inlati.and Saw. 7n Wood street Tool,a complete assortment of Cancomau Coopers re. ~in be meld HUGER & LAUF . ..IOi p7l K ebber For tall, Pure rich and dry Gunild, Campbell & Co 's old dry lots Osbourn's 1F34; Pure ISM , Pure Juice par• Ocular Pen, li•rris & Sons. Pure Juice, throble, doe ble and •ingle Cir•pes. These wines are all celebra ted for their medical propenies. and can be bad whom nle or retail at t h e {Nina Store of JACOB WRAVFX., JTORN hi TOWNSEND, Druggist aid Apothecary No. 43 Market st, three doors above Thad sr. Pins burgh, will have constantly on band a well selected as mamma of the best sad freshest Medicines which he sell on the most reasonable terms. Phyttcians sending oriels, will be promptly at ended to, and sup plied with articles they may rely apon as genuine. Dor Physicians Preseriinkne win be aeuirstely and wetly impanel from the beet materials, at any beer of he day or elighL Also for Ws, a largo stook of fresh and good Perh am,. }ma. REPORYTD TOR MI TI7ITHRIOU DAILY GAZ =TR E=l3= As last Saturday was ■ very peasant day, and the roads, thanks to the gentle rain of Friday, neither dusty or muddy, we resolved to take a walk to one afoot favorite haunts, and according accompanied by a friend, we crossed the Mon ongahela in one of loner' excellent ferry boat. A walk of • few minutes brought us through the smoke and beat of Temperanceville, and we were quietly strolling along the banks of io /elle rivierr A more beautiful landscape than here meet. the eye, can scarcely be imagined. The shore on the opposite side of the river is thickly studded with the fine residences cf some of oar wealthy citizens, while, as the eye glances downwards, the thick natural forests, beneath whore shade the red man has walked, attract the attention, and form an admirable contrast to the highly cultivated state of the country above. As we proceed still further down the Ohio, we come to the seene'of a most beautiful landscape, now to the studio of Mr. William C. WalL Im mediately before as is o magnificent group of ma jestic trees. In the middle of the river Stumm's island presents itself to our view, while in the dia• lance are hl'Kee's rocks, the place of our destina tion. Soon we come to Courtier's Creek, where King Shengiss, renowned in border story, dwelt, and cross it, by, as we must confess, a very ugly, but exceedingly useful bridge. We were sorry to see that two magnificent sycamores which stood on the Over bank, telow the creek, towring far above the nabs by which they were stirrounded, have been out down by the ruthless hands of some Vandal. We are are at a loos to imagine what his motive could have been, a., owing to their msgn4 ' tude, it must have been a work of Immense labor to fell them, and they lie decaying where they fell: of no nee to any one. Climbing up the rather preeepitous ascent, we are now on the top of M•Kee's rocks, and the an cleat monad which crolvne its summit stands be. fore ns. This is the most beautiful of the many Indian monads to be Gonad in the vicinity of Pitts burgh. It rises between twebty and thirty feet above the surface of the earth, and is, In shape, exactly circular. Several trees are growing upon it, and It is slightly flattened upon the top. We believe that the propnetor wishes it left untouched, or we would have dug into it, and endeavored to ascertain its contents. A natural good taste has Induced many of the surrounding inhabitaats to bury their dead around it, and thus the niece of the white, and the red man, who in life were so bitterly opposed to each other, mingle peaceably together, shaded by the trees which in life sheltered them both. The grave atones mark the gradual progress ofthe arts in Pittsburgh. Here is a large rough stone, placed is the ground at the head of the grave of one of our frontier men, while a smaller one it at its foot. Alongside is one of the rudely sculptured, and fast decaying tomb stones taken from one of our own quarries, while at a little distance is the polished block of Mahan marble of more modern days. A careful search in the neighbouring fields re warded us with some few relics of the past, in the shape of • few arrow heads, and roughly cut dints together with some fragments of pottery. These seemed to have been formed of the mud of the river, mixed with pounded tangelo shells, and I though they have been lying on the ground year , after year, are still very strong. Among those which we obtained were the nms of two vase., of dfferent, and judging tram their remains, very beautiful patterns. A peasant walk brought us back again to our smoky city, delighted with oar excursion. MITLOSOLOOICAL 0111141.VATIONS.—WO give be• low a carefully pralaued table of the height of the thermometer, from the beginning of the week com mencing on the 15th of July, to the 21st of the Mils month, Oast Sardayd together with the quantity of rain which fell during that period. As It we. prepared by a • neaufie gentleman of this ety, for the purpose of being forwarded to the Ennithsoni. Institute of Washington City, it may be relied upon as accurate in every respect Date. Sun nsel. 9a. Y. Jr Y. 9r. a. Daily =lran. July 15 68 70 76 75 72 16 60 70 80 72 70 " 17 60 75 83 75 71 " Is t 32 72 81 60 75 " 19 65 80 69 84 t.O " 90 75 80 b 4 79 79 " 21 75 79 80 75 77 The mama of wale, which fell lea week was exactly bar tenths of an inch. SINIDOLAI. Casa—An old gentleman living some where in the Eighth Ward, whose name we refrain from giving, appeared before the Mayor yesterday, and complained of several of his nephews who had made violent opposition to his allowing his daughter to marry, or rather to his marrying his daughter to a person whose character they con ordered objectionable. He swore that he was in bodily fear of them, and accordingly they were ars rested, and booed over to keep the peace. Of all kinds ANIAMT AND Baran..—Edward Karns appear ed before Alderman McMaster", on Saturday, and complained of James Dickson, who bad cot his bend with a large lump of coaL From his affidavit it appears that they were both coal hauler; and their respective teams met in King'. Alley. when some depute' arose as they were passing each other. Dickson struck Karns twice with his fist, and Karns returned the blows with his whip, whereupon Dickson picked up ■ large lump of coal, shout four pounds weight, and struck his opponent on the head with it. inflicting a ghastly wound. lie fell senseless to the ground, and It was with difficulty that his life was saved. The lump of coal, covered with clotted blood and hair, presented a frightful spectacle. Dickson was bound over to appeal at the next ;tarrn of the Criminal Court. MABILITING.—Few of our readers are aware Of the great quantities of vegetables which come to our market by the canal. We counted sixty eight baskets which would hold from one to two bashes each, filled with vegitables of various kind., on the deck of a single canal boat, named the Farmer's Friend, yesterday lifternoon. Tb• bold of the boat was likewise filled with potatoes, corn, &es R.rotes Orrice, Prr - rstsueon, JOLT 241h.—Fike person. were brought before the Mayor this morn ing, charged with drunkenness. Three were soot 10 Jltl, 000 paid his got, and the ether well dis charged. Sian lirreassr.—Tho Treasurer of Allegheny county, Mr. Baxter, and Mr. Benson, one of the Commissioners, left Pittsburgh fur Heristnirgh, yesterday, taking with them 530000, being the amount which out coutuy has to pay towards the payment o' the State %threat. MATOR n / •rncs—Ausonc.r, Ju,y 24.—Three person• were brought before the Mayor, thie log, charged with drunkennew. Two paid thew dues, and one was sent to the IL escay.—A man named Taylor was arreeted on Monday night, on suspicion of having stolen several articles (tom a Mr Johnson. One oldie ant c'es,found in his powuraaion, was identified as W hinging to Mr. J. He was arrested 10 a hay moir one where up in the Eighth Ward, and hod la• loaded pistols in his pockets. He was committed far further hear , arr. • AHRS.STILD.—A man named Week was arrested yesterday, on suspicion of having been concerned is the Isle burglary an Mr. Coward's store. The police dogged him around from ten o'clock at night, until three in the morning. He was com mitted for further hearing. Pe1121,11,T to notice, a meeting of the " Mer chant.' Clerks," of Allegheny city. Ira. held on Friday •veoiog, at Mr. Jenkins, to devise MOM!' means to have their stores closed at an earlier LOCAL MATTERS. The meeting wail organized by calling Mr. Jowl Baoern, Jr, to the Chair, and appointing J. N. Gort.o, Secretary. The object of the meeting having been mated by the Chairman—it was, on motion, &saved, That a Committee of three be appoint ed to draw up an article of agreement for the mer. chants to sign. Memos. Munroe and ISeringar were appointed a Committee to procure the signatures of the mars chant•, and to have their names published, togeth er with those of the Dry Goods merchants who re fuse sliming. The hour hued for closing the stores woe 7 0 . - Mock. Jon, Beown, Jt. , Ch'n. J. N. Gottur, Chol•ra noOpOWt Tuasnsr, July 21,12 o'clock, 61. tacenzams-1 bey° teported to me since 120'. clock M. on Wednesday, one cases of Cholena— One death. Very re streeefully, W. Dieii. MORGAN TO Um Sanatory Committee. bleonvio or ma CLeacs or Prrrenotou.—A gronably to notice given, there woo a large gather ing of the Clerks at an early hour on Monday even ing, at the law Chamber of T. J Fox Alden, near the New Court House. The meeting wen organised by calling Mr. J. H. Masan to the Chair, and appointing Mr. §a.siox.t. Himax, Secreiary,—when the following preamble and reaoluilona were adopted without a thasentmg voice: That, Whereas, The young men employed in the Dry Goods business, having read with pleasure a tents of ankles written by the Rev. Nathan West, Pastor of the Fifth Presbyterian COuretkna thin city, and pubtiahed from time to iime in a city paper called the Plturburnh Daily Dispatch, and the Weekly Dispatch and Temperance qpinner—and, whereas, and articles being read by most if not all our esteemed employers—and having Onus far resulted lo the preparation and circulation of a Pe• titian to the Merchants engaged in said business, praying them to clone their storms at tialfpast seven o'clOck k try evening throughout the year—And, whereas, said petition has been signed almost umenimously by our worthy Merentinte, hue gmot inctiliraye r -0,4 That we, the young men now astern. bled, tender loom employers our unfeigned thanks for the honorable and generous response they have made to our Petition. - - Re..dreel, That we pledge ourselves, that care shall taken on our part to prove, both by de per meht of person and assiduity in busioen, that the favor thus granted has not been ill bestowed. Ritsolva, That with respect to the articles writ ten by the Rev. Pastor of the Fifth Presbyterian Church, in our opinion, are worthy of perusal by all our Millohants and their as.letants in both cities, in every Ithe of mercantile enterprise—that we be lieve this idirpetor of Christ has shown himself the true and Warm-hearted friend of the beet interests of both the emproyer nod the employed, and that we hereby offer to our esteemed and reverend friend. oar sincere thanks for the labor he has be stowed, and the seep leggiest he has taken in our welhaes Reurdtvq, That in our opinien all necessary busi aew Ing eau be etfored before the hour of 7 S7:l " oe c l,, "ns i P. M , we therefore recommend all Merchants, Store-keepers and other., to close their respectlne places of husinesa at the above hoar, under the full conateuun that a strict adherence to the absorb would result in the mutual benefit u( the employer and the empktyed. In view of the addtuonal time for study, that will be at the disposal of the Clerks of nits city, from aad after the 'lnt of August next, we deem advisable that the Clerks form themselves into au Association, having for as purpose the mutual improvement of Its members, ad the promotion of the general interest Mooch other --therellire, be it Rushed, That from and alter the Ist of August next, they meet for that purpose, in some suitable room. to be procured by a Committee of three, ap pointed-by tots meeting. end that the above Asso ciation be known a the Young Men's Mercantile Insulate, of Pittsburgh, Pa. INSILTItA SCR.. TE DELA WARE. NI I: AL. SAFFTV IN$l.l- RANCE Ct ,%1 VA N 1 —.Mee. North Room of the Earbth6e,Tlw4 street. Mils& Inhte. Flea Issualncit Merchandise and other propeny ityria-ii and coca - ray, insurr, against rots nr damage by are at the lowest rate or per Magna Is .uou,rc —They alw to-ur • tninu la. Car goes and Freights, forma. or con.t - Nt.e under open or special as me assured may desire bil.a.TlazorotrAvnox. -They alw insure merrhan dise transported by iVagons . itadrond Cars. Rocs and Stearn Boats, on n 0..,. and lakes. on the mast liberal terms DIRECTOILS--Joseph H Seal, Edmund A. Fonder, John 0 Doom, Robert Barton, John R l'enroae. Sarno eI Edorarda, Gen Ci la-tpeg, Valsirord ran Itiaae R Dana, %% Shorn Falwell. loon "...silo. Dr It M too, June. C Hand, "Ilidophi u. Paulding. II Junes Brook., Henri Sloan. Hugh Crag. (Ivo ge Ferrell, Spencer Mel' rain, char r. Krny. J u Johiiwn. hash Hay,Dr S Thom.., John Win tire. Jr. DIREC'IIRS AT PI 1' CSBU H—D. T Morgan. Wm. Darnley, ino. T rtmemmwm up oar. or the Cnmpany. No 42 Water areas, Pirtsbargh. pals:dtr P A. NIADKIRA, cc., Joarttal, American, Post, Mercury, Lespatsc s, Chian• Tale ropy. WEBTE - 11N - INSCRAN.CI3 COXPANY OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL ATOOPU. I. Fors.. 1,. Seo'y I It ftl :IA en. Jr., Pre. t. Will luso', against 211 klude of n.ks, FIRE; ANT , MARINE A booth inithutiott—manned by Directors who are well known m the community, and lathe are do toirain ted by proruptutirs and liberality to inanition . the cnae actor winch they have assumed, nooffering th e best protettion to th ose who desire to be hauled Dthecroas—R. Flitter. Jr.. Geo. Black. J W Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., Wok 11. Ilvancs, C. !bathe., Bro. W. !nehmen, Wm. FL Lyon, Jan. Lippincott, Thos. K. Lulea, James Sl'ikuley. Alex. Ninork, rho. Scott Orr,cs, No. 39 Water street. morel:mow of Spank' Ccit. np starrs,l Pittsburgh outdly J. T. DECKER &ROBINSON, DLIVILIS. 131 , SSIICTILICS OW -4 LIGHTNING RODS, Orders left at the Post Office. or at Airs. Front's, on Fount st., between Market and Ferry. vet.l receive prompt attenuon. litsesuctrua.—Proi. Horace Webster, Geneva, N. Y., Prot Chesser Dewey, .1, D . Rochester. N. Y I. L.-Castwbs, and Dann non L Stunt, CleVeland, O. 1148boeuberaer, .1 !taw thtint, Mtchact Jones. J. C. an , Cwt. Goo 1116:dlf - 11111381k1L - 7.11 - eligllkAL -WRIVI,Sto lIIIIREWEE4 SUPERIOR BED INF. insuEßrs NIACIIINRCOPV AL,L. th ew glider from ordinary Irk, as they are all chemical wit:nous containing no viactd mat en. dor freely from any kind of pen—the color deep. brigas and durable If omen have been better attic,. made, I have near., well rot heard of them Sam ple bottles can be obtained grails, by Me merchant. geringely. from B. A F.hnc,tock A Co, Henry Y. Behar: ma, Allegheny. or of 11/t manuiacturer. Till A. K. HIRRERT. Drugatst and Chemist, corner of Ltl*er ty•and Smithfield .trees.. Pittsburgh Pa N EJ —Any bottle not giving rumoleie S,llOO. eau be returned awl the pare mill be refundeWlllld. Light I Light II Light 111 THEinchr celebrated burning died ran now be had at the Eariero Lanlo Store, No. rgi Thrd 'greet, between Wood and Marge, For portelole house irrht it ha. the pre . e:rnee of the enotertt perleelly.tid rhea,' void of •toolte. great, ur a t).ot the oatacrer•bin at teodastta tt I.ghtx qnv...e. 4.1‘0 a h .tt• fW as•ortment ot lamp. of theonaenon 101 .1 patter:lt fore,'tiiry the same. I•J - d6too VJ. DA VII). d 1 u C /. /a 81.1aull,AL No 85, DIAhIOND ALLEY, • few , doors below Wood street, to market OR. SROINII, having bees regularly educated to toe await to and been for some uu • to general pracn re. now confines N Ut11.11“01.1 to the tresnonni of those private and deneate corn' pinu. for which b:. opportun ities andexpenence l i er ultarly qua., as. not. II years devoted to stun, a .rent, of of thoee complainteddonng whek nate he hoe had more practice and has cared more pa tients than Can Oyer fall to the lot of anY'pnvete pram- Wiener) amply qualifies him to infer .suranees of speedy, permanent. and satisfactory mire to all afflicted with delleate dlaeases• and all diseased &nuns there' from. • Or. Brown would inform those grimiest with pn•aut dresses welch have become ehronte by time or ag graveled by the use of any of the common nostrums 01 th e d a y, mad uncle .nlyl.l.lnts Can be rudicatily and thor oughly cured, he he vine given ow reread attention to Ne i lmatment of such cones, and suceectled in Onintreds of ustadie. us curing person• of inithuonniton of the neck of the bladder, an kmdred hem.. rehICO often insult from those eaxelwhere Where hate convigned them to hopeless despur. lie part, 01e riy invites auch as have been tong and treated by oilmen to consultwhen every satisfaction will be step: them, and their eases treated in a careful, thorough and Intelligent manlier, pointed out by a lons experience tinily, and Invesuoon, which it is tmpusstbte fir that engaged in g ith eneral practice of medicate to 'woe an one class of tbevase.. IE7 - Hernia or Ruptate.-13tr. Brown Loh inenea pet, no. afflicted with Ile•ma to stall, on he has path pLrUO ajar astenuon to this disease. CANCERS el. cueett. Skin diaries; ate. et' e. Palsy, ete., speedily aurae Charirs very low. N. IS—Pam:lnt. 01 onn sox Irving at • Maumee, by stating their disease in renting, giving all the sympl toms, can obtain medicines with .Iwrictions (or our, by Nuidrentng T. DRoWN, N. D., post paid. and and -. rag a fee. (moo No. 65, Diamond alley, imprints the &sari, Houma. Ratreat•erali.—DY ilroora'. army atat.overe,.l reale. ly (or R.,1/111:11 11 M1 II a weedy and °canto remedy .or that par nsel trouale LI never that end Neleale Concentra, Rooms, No , S tha mendalley, Yttishorgh, ra. The Vase" ahm ay. al home IV- No two no no, AIIth.INAM SALOON, AND DATIIING EST A BLISIINEONT. NICVA Leg• tonornt mel/I/146 11,0( Yo int rahrt.l vtenkity, tO•t h. Iza,t o,rurd the m n oove eabhohtnent. where every teteott 1I1! 1w ontd to the coml . °, of those who nt ,y to or 1,, wl , ll • Ball Lawnyoey street bC,Ve..II aqtl Wood. Cre•tos and all vine, delr tceen of the ....von julO:dly DISSOLUTIOA THE partneeah•p heretofore rilettlic between Sam uel !I Hu Itfi. 11 nd sVtlhom If Hoye, trething under the firm of ltl SFIFIEL.I.Id. II A 1 . 3, U. this day o dteaolsett try Wthlam H. 11.1,6 /wiling Ms entire imere lit the firm to S. LI lolusbbeld al account. due she m firm wt.l ne corseted ..y Bushae ,I, mod ali debts due by the late firm to be paid by the +acne. S. H. 101 l SIIFIEILD, Pnotalsurgh, June 22, 1540. W. 11. 11A I'S. CO-PA RTN k:RS' l' —S. B. Be mel r.t.o bayou( 'his d nem:mooed 'mob lortmolt ,ormelly ay of Bed(ord, Pa., nue footway of me Nevonni Bo el, P.ileborgh. will continue the hUAlnee• firm of BUSH F 11.:1.1) h L6ADBIL at me old mend. No r.. 0 Lamely street. S. B. let,stiFlLLD, l'amburge, June V 2. 1e49. 11. LENDER. Having retired I , nrn the former business, I take pleasure. to recommendolg y sue•rsuds to the ps• tronage of my customers and m the pantie Fecieral y ulf7 th it. Id AV"‘. _ Fll5ll-70 tibia large No 3 viackere . Mus•aehusetts inspection, receiving'q from canal and for sale by /YlO JA MICA A lIUTCIIISON R. CO W A rta d tl on ape tai N U e —la a 4 a ' S and " is t " te " l " O b n .' . Navy mg the most skilful and erperieneed workmen to my employ, and giving •constant personal attention to this branch. I can promise the at sIIIiSICUPII to all who may favor me with their work kV W WILSON, Wa;ch Maker, 411 57 Martet at fforrLE CUB We. porter, Wog .iiya short just received and for s d. by R l SELLF.RS, S W. , a AIe t I!R , ILA. , N y o 711 rj?r . rn L c;d end RS SPS. 'Pt RPENTINFi TANIVF.RS' OIL-5 We earn, last recetved and for 3.00 by R E SELLERS V o A y L I'ILL BOXES -3 calls just i r t r;e : d s ztos l. ( . 7:le ail ISINOLt I iSS—o bd. ja s rne t l , ari ct .to r sale 1.7 1 o t but,Att.e— far sal. wati,osa .. a retail, all grades, by JACOB AVF.AVF.R Jr CA sr iltJETI.r.e--va gross irt thumpers, clear Claret Robles, for sale by JY IO JACOB WEAVER, J, 111 4 VNLT!Il iAtl ; 1 1 tAII Y n!I :. rglitiliAffirl 1 il 1 us _'l , 4 - ii. ' 7"fot . 4 : ;:cft 7 7, :ft o. ; - 1 z_ , °:i - T;;:i!' . ..' -3 :• f a. .5,1 MX G 3 t.::.z7ILL:-. , - . 2 - .!?B.liFlu 16 ---.-e-1,',.f-4-=''E7''-4t7a21"4-3-.'tz-z.t •,:. 2so:!o7Lit . og.eal h. se =. 0 i f.z..1 icSH:1 7 - - : 24r 4 3 1 . :-:1754i 1 .31 - cg ?.;;;:ragt e- :=7.: . Elh'si"i s2 .l l ll:! al. 13;4' al .1 al El tEtTi: g p! -- 4-..5 . „ - .1 gj EL:. t T. q, 5 ,-! - -1; P.l ,e.II I g 11 Q @l -1 !!.:11E -' 4r1 . 1 - dillil F l l ItLt: ., 4:!1 .- , :iiht1;± . 11.7:,..7!t1i11 4 .1. a ii , il3 ..a w.4ii ii .t3i" - : 'ilci,..l , ..i',i'j. - ; 1 - - e...7;•- , i gif;e . - g• - ..',.: . ,•,; . ,..1 7 4.gig - ii:.l: ~, ,8 alt 4 !.. at:C 5 ti r..,ift,toi ;.-it.l,i - E.P...g,--.;'Ili::.13 2 q :t..: , .-=E;or-,L , ..--12:= . - . .-v...74, ;14 Va E ,..5tt... _ - :....L..- -,:t . ,,-fig c .E 7...) ri1,.,- , -.',..7...g.E , 2--...:5 1 : 2 e-o= a .... ~...r.-....y.,,..E-e.7.------.-,--, . •tE.-• •-..... f 5 ''Lle - 2, d >-. 2 "' 5 • 11- g° s/. . 6.E!..;-5,3 t:', "V Ca O V, - -= . , :'4 ii4 4 ltat:a .•=l'g - •s.:. ra i 1 I za 0 ' -._.. - 1:: Zia 'z i:il l- o:g!.:=lN•t,Ail. ' '; 4' La Wi ° 1 0 ~,i..3 ;14 , .-,g-, ,- ,- ...g Q 2 i r ., qt t .- s . x ,ti_lll 2 2 3:2 .: ....,.. d s. - . 1 : Ig o ° q...e - A.5...1.,_ _ 1: . ,-Ii si C. Ld 0 11 r.. 0 e -To 3 a OCD.S w 'i Is .' =lttal'iljN2."l=l•E 3 .9 0 0 . 5 3 ”" - " . 2- 41 .-•s!-7.01. 1 1..1 .r i g Li 4 o Z. 0 g -= -: ~••ri,..,..:- , :-.'-....... RA g, if . - ed ..-1 • ...---E' 4 1 - ..1 .- -;.-z-;4^,..7 2 . 7; •,, :iv, t . ......0 ~. -, -.0:40..- .•;41 , -- z.. ~:- -.. 5 . I '-' "^" Le ...- 11•• 'IA gV.V'' ,- 3=! Z'..d" , e I' . 1 4 '' n :C . P. 5 .:r...71.!: 11 .4 ° 2• " ;;;E't Ca* • i 1 c., .... :".:"... • - iii' l iZ l- Airiti2l 4 ;!i a i r i: l -:. ' A gg Et 'IX J Ol t F.! . : - ..15 - F,.. :14.1.f;i; :,.t = V.,., vl - i!. ..-:-..r•81A-•g.47,-- ,- .°.•“::.7,g= i= 0. • ..'' g " -GL-t,-*-••=17- i . . 1 0...i.a:z i A t. , .:t ' l ' :F. '4 g = n rifi !till f:Ar< g Ztii :iri n2i g... 0, 1— i EA ....: .".. 2 0. " 1 .1 Sg;:;:. 1. 51 - 1':1MF.; ' , E.; )g ce ...Ifir.ti 'W - E11iEt..4.-'a..ii:ti:-:; -- ,;i=E. -= 1 1.3: . 0 -3 0:2 , ii;1;..c= ; .,p-ei : A .:i .1 oa. - . ;=•i:-1. i,:. .';..;•747-.°,4-,:* - tg-_e-z.:!4a-4; 7-.- - i-V-i-=.7'.!.`elE'r_VZ E . ..":E-St , ' 5. k ig ' ti-14. . 1.1..t. i . . "E-g!" : r.''g'l -- ; .;:-..71-; = - Z : ?:° r l . =:E'2 2 i' 4- t7> l '7 - 1' 6. 1% . 7•!•P, : E • 2 .71 " `'_ 4‘ •f r4- ii l ff t... -T.1••!.!":4- . i i L'..§ j• t : Ill l' dai,.i 2 -.. ~..r;. Ei 4 4.- .4 00 .; C 4 4 ''":'+'''l7i! - Fg: . .:_, E' •' . :"ti- 7 ! 7. L. ;,' ..-.' 4;.;,:=11E1' , .42. - t0t,.,..1.2 .0. Z . .." il'. 2 .., OE4 Y''`‘;ilig:ZLi.t.2'l...l-7-1-1.7..-;to'-.qi Cj gg.s2* •74 ^l: gii 7 4 -5 !1 " 111 i .. 4 e-111.14!i.q.ifIli1H-ii .2 - i;;,.i.4-L- - ;:i-2E1 .i,. ;?: 1 4:'tip;:if.;?,2-41.diz.i...;11 cc .° it./... s =; ^ ±a°__ P`2.:.;:it .. P1.74 -4 .,7 , ' 5 711..Z:t1 7- N - Zgii E. <6 . - 5 1si;a0Z,”.:1;!.,E 1 ;,ge•V:rie a :PI 41 il 3 iil-:..!rg=l•4:; - :LZEVIgi , .'R:I• - !;! , 1.2 =- Ca o . i t 1,1, 6 .1 - i 0 n.i.p,lLi.l.lf , 6 ;"-: t =4.4.:.%;,41:_=;11-,:7?;:l.:.1,a !ia. - 438.41.1t4. - oe - -: i A rt-I-. .0321-4 ° IA !] hi'llh tl,il PI ll s it °I ' l 3 ILT &OR NT. -WM J • CKSON, JOHN D MORGAN, Pirtsblrgh 1) M erRRY Allegheny Cny; A PATTERSON, Birmingham jyl/ M ISrEI,LANDUS. CIS=IM.M PITTSBURGH FRENCH BURR MILL STONE and MILL FURNISHING) FBPABLISHMENT, Nos. 244 and 248 Liberty street, near the Carial. French Barr Mill Stones, o( my own manufacture, made of • new and superior quality of Moats: partic ular care is taken to have the joints made close, and all the blocks In each stone of • uniform quality. They ate warranted to he equal to any in the country, and stirs-nor to the great mats of Burrs, whether of foreign or domestic manufacture. and wld at the lowest pri ces. Mill Stones, manufactured in France—a gene ral assortment, at reduced prices, always on hand. Laurel Hill Mill Stones, all sues. Bolting Cloth, Anchor Stamp, warranted best qual ity, and at greatly reduced price., Mill Spindle.. Mill Irons. Screws and Flicks, Plat form Scales. Corn arid Cob Orinders; tier. and Saw MJI worttrigs of all kinds, and Mill Furnishing in r n. eral Ail orders prompt.y •Itended to at 244 and 246 I.Lb my street_ Leas the Canal, Pa lelour-h. t le.Llnte NV A II.ACR. Pittsburgh Steam illisrbis Wark• IVO. 244 Libga 11, opposite Smithfield .ireet,e Mantle, hloliumni,t,TomhcT able Top, icy: a large variety of the must i eautrul ttod, inn'tle of the finest quality sf foretpt and domes tr marble... la alwxys on baud or made to order. by the ntd of ma. 1 Beaver and Erie Express Packet Line. chins ry . 013 the shortest nottee and at the lowest price, I, R. li. PARKS, Keever, Proprietor. 1 It -The Country Trade formatted with a't kind. FVIRE new and elegant Passenger Packets., or Marble nt the awful rates All orders promptly at- 1 NI AO A RA, Cant Hll Jeffries; tended to et 214 Liberty, opposite Southfield PO PENNSYLVANIA, " 111 ifeffnaarn nun' , dem NV WWAI.I. A r' E I LAKE ERIE, " tl Trubyi Q CITY,hIcH IS nUT dIACHINktI. • Forming UEE a dN itily Line between Beaver an al d lt Erie, have T ULLS Patent Stone or French Burr SMUT MAcommenced runnom, and will continue daring the sea / CIIINr - the b., articleof the "'I in u.e; th e y son to make their revolar trips, leaving Beaver after on light, clean fast, do the work welt. and wilt last a t h e eeetee , of the morning boot ( coo , p unt a om b , , ot , tile ume. About Sue of them aren use, tit the best clunk, e a , end arrive et K ne to „ toe fa r 5 .,... mills In the country. and we acre the slro• gest tentt to take the mot - lung boats to Buffalo or up the Leda Many of fortiretrtil perso3s es Inetr thoertopty over Tickets though to Erie and all Lake poru, C. be aII other rOmot nlachutes For further particulars, ad-' had by application to JOHN ACA trtHEY, kV , dr.. the suhscrlber at 04.1 Ltuerty rt. Put•burgh crorner Of Water and Smithheld i ts mi3ll ate WWWA 1. L ACE r 0.1, 143505 KECK, sr EA 111 ENI•INES AP. bSt tl LERS- Forgrist, saw %orb'' , voter It.. SI Chartes Ilonh stud other nulls. always ou hand, or lonic to enter -..- -- G. - w. u - ku -- COL E,TD;ntlilt,- nn very shOrl.lorOtee. and •t the lustre•t pricer All or-' , • "e rs -7:- "'"' REM OVEV us a new three wary brick der. prompny attended to at 244 Libetu erect, near ' ee the Cana. to y3O W W WALLACE ' •116.4 ' it on Smithfield rtreet, one, door below Sixth sheet. Teeth inserted from one 131. AS TER PARIS-For land, and other purposes, to an „ate, set, on t h e 'te n on p t i ne j o t ot with a boat 1. always on band at 244 latterly at total repreuntatton of the natural gum-reatortng the roy,A) W W WALLACE o ntttoa t e n e e te o ld i e Nee. MDRTirDCISPAIHN - r-JAlneys an hand, at VII N. EL-Teeth <tweeted with little or no pain. II Idherty u ray3o W W WALLACE ! Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plugvng, pee us BIN DsTisrps_An a ;;;,,,,,,f gT .,,, ________ . ___ .1„,„„ Venting the tooth ache, whine I. much be heir th an ee ls hand at 114 Liberty sire.. 1 gl.n, It, IhOki r h IL should bo dou• oi five mut tea, or _ . nsyntt_ W W WALLACE : tart l y . '''' .. .- aphttly j, TEAM TEAM! TEASIII PERIN TEA STORE. IT is with pleasure that the subsenbers T H S E w e r u e b ; e u rV oi e u r r lr., ,r u : t Lr e .c e v i es tr ye dl .at the . la:k w in eli T u ee inform the ciusens of I.:Oahu/0 end vt- . lected auSek of pare GREEN ANDTLACK TEAS, a,." ' re ' r ' n " t ' s ' w h* itti "k fl y es hee' l ° g! Pi fe ' ln it a ttrlTi - . ( c r o7„ N r) 7' ., l ..,V al age ,r l o a f t w a h t•C h b h r..7,7 be i.. n , r" e ' a i n ' stg:o i l -"' of 511111 . 11 allah 111,1 ^ aa.a l, a 111 a 1, vaPaGa , , all the different grades grown in tee Celestial Empire. PACKED EA, ' Our •Inek beine among the largest in the es ere And will hereafter be kept constantly on prepared to %wholesale. on better terms than any other hand. TheY aaa ataat V an d . wan'elY PM , house an the any. We invite retail grocer, to call and MI 1 up to metallT paCh. .1 . 1, i and 1 lb. each, , ,oath tne our stock and mein. They Beer, have a pack with our printed card—showing the kind • ed in 1/. I. and I A packnees, 5 lb tin earmisters, or by ..._:11...... of Tea , price, name of the eh ern rind / bnurno , ur, to , men . nonrumunar. 'lath" 'a .11111 . nel n ina • ..." an '.'"una to .amen the 1 , Our retail priers wary for Oolong, Black Teas from Tea. if not liked 'to Coo to Si Ad per 110 . Ning Young Sonehong. 50 etc Itan•lL CUCIIII: ' Congo 5., and English Breakfast 50, Yonne Hyson. d r Gunpowder Oil 75 1.11011,95 1.50 Gunpowder and I mpertal, Dorn 3ff eta. to SIAS per lb. ii lmperial 50 oth 1 3 1 1 1. 20 /.,,,, ! Families ace reque.ed to send and get sample s of 0I 11 ymn• 5 11 75 'inn 1 . 2 3 .of our Tres. end try them before purchasing. ut Y Hyson 50 Cr 2 73 1,00 1,05 140 m 19:ddt w,.. A. JAYNES. 70 Fourth street Clack VI 50 , .___L Bu " . "` C Fine and extra Fine /70 IMO 1,20 LAD (lan. ' a ' ..4"an gY* , l Eto3l. Coughs, Cold,, Asthma and Conptiortl The We will war "' all the / ThAS t i, we coil !me be r e a na r ,l i 1: GREAT AND ONLY RESIEDY forth, cure of the 1 . , i f n " ....a " a in any .°ll- i n - " e co .' an- 1 annl- above diseases. is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF toe,' not prove Seeeptabk , us the Is= they can be re.. up} , manor urno by um rusboum ., Dr. Beak.., of .111."1.11. end dm aaaany wilt tee .." ''' a. '.° Onl y London, England, and introduced into the United States with that understanding we to 1. ender the Immediate sUpertlnendellee of the inventor. We ..`k a ' ' n°l. d '``' the,r,: re b. may ho ' bin ' The estraordinedy as of this inedielne, in SR edge betas., our Teas and se heretofore sold by .., unm of Pulmonary mar , mamma. the America, other comps es in thus city. &Vern in .o',leitti. for tresument the wont possible ML- A" 'c . v." r n''''''nh°""anagn°l" flavored TEAS, mitt. can be (mind in the eornmstnitr—onsesthalareit ,bawd cave s a call. 'chef in Vain from any of the eOlllO4O remedies of the For sale b 300. BM. YOUNG A CO.. day, and have been given no by the met distinguished N W corner 4th and Ferry weer, and ' • • eh ed din tumble The 11,guri- E YOUNG & h Y''''' ”" ."' c . CO.,a an Flaisam has shred. and will etre, the moat deerrats nulna n '"i e __ 5 W earner 3d nod Bo " ..'''' of eases It is no quark nostrum, bat a standard Eng. DIL, W. H. ID AKIa, hah medicine, of known and established efficacy. DE.N TINT, Every family ,n the United States should be Inputted 114411 111 . T. (Late of New York.) with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to , ers. union:Let the ,e tendencies of the climate. Seventh but to be used Ma a prercnuae medicine in all ease. 0 , colds. coughs, .pitting of blood, pant Inthe side end chest, irritation and &coronets of the lungs., hrochitia ulty of brcatins, hectic fever, night aweats, coutei• suon mid general debility, asthma, mEnenza, whooping cough and croup. Sold in lure hoiden, at El per bottle, with toll dime done for ,he restoration al health. Pamphlets, containing a mall of Engilah and Amen. con certificr..., and other evidence, showing the sin. equalled Wait, or this peal English Remedy, may ha obtained of the Agents. irrnUtil, For sale by Lt A t AllighwrOUß A Co., corner of AM. , Wood and Wo , sii stb st• (u9dewS Orvict—Snmthttetu Strawberry alley. N. B wawa or the mouth, runs and teeth treated Houropatbmally. ontullut CONTINUATION Or THE:44IIE4AT 44ALE A r I A. A. MASON & CO'S ONE (PRICE STORE, At Ora greater Reduced Prices. A 111 & Clt,deturous of reducing and elcstnc nut met, Stock prePamotrY to rfifiet"oo their Ne Ai. Fall, will otter creole? toducentents mak ever Their occur little et the New York . ..tales. made at such riornell e sacrifices from costAvc be closed out the same ruinous rote*. Amoral then rmlets recent'y opened, they mention: 6 ca-es fast colored Lawns, at 7 cut a-d Mottling, E and De A Jorge stock Silk., Shawl. att 1 V isms, very low. • dO m 5I de Lai es. /lie tt , lot Beteg., at Otte fiat ( Pr.. • 25 Oinahams at teje tt t• Embroideries re p cheap " Bonnet., halt pore tt 't II met), Crloves Lanes, Trancrungs i &e 7 eaves Merrimack Ca.moes at Be. 5 • 104 et Cults at file pl - trn.l firoan mfd bleached cheap. Irish Ltnr.ns at I 60; Lim n 14ii.chams 1240 lionlei Ititition 0 nod IPA.,Gloves tit Jc 44' fit an mere, Vertely of OA er God., all of vtluen will pro a •aving to pu rehnne, loom 21 to 50 pro cent - r ve , 'tore tool 0- clo•ed Otteasr roarstne down and prep 1,1111( the •tottk for tn.- s• I) A A 51ASON & CO PICKLES, PRESERVES, Ake. WELLS, MILLER & PROVOST 217 Prod street, Nets Yo-k, r?! .a v u ar t, i p e s t? k fl.l Is 4, Vtoesa, Slo.mrd. Spice, Es nuns PM...SKR V 613 PHOVISIO.I.. purl, as Oyster, I.okeder, Salmon, Mackerel, Shad Nleutn. Vegetahlr,, lac. imponers al 01,,, Capers, Pa: e! MN, Sardines, Earl und Weal India Condiments, ate their stock is more extrusive, comprises a greater variety. astl is put up in boner s yle than ,hat or' try ' Diller rod.< In mei, business in the !Jutted Th., I .IJ'i• •re picked in all the various package, and in so snit a manner as to bear trattsponaiton to pa, or the country. unnersigned have emoted works in the cit,y of New Fork, forthe purpose offal vsnising sham. cies of Iron, which it is desirable to ?Ranier FROM RI'S r, such ns relcsraph Wire, Bolt., Spikes, Mails. Wire for Fences. and any other article which may br 'required. For lloups for Oasts, non substitute for bait Rope. ior Clothe. Litre. Lightning Rods, and a host of oilier application, II will tic found cheap and durable, rhee would punir uln rly,enll attention to he Oal rano zed %%Inv, tin fences. it mnion* no paint, and will net tiro to spites and Unit., the preatervaiton • trn is of on ellen importaoce, this! will commend Gentlemen's b'taresiehlag W•rettoc...; 7: 0( , 0 „0„„ „f a H L„,,„ HERRICK & SCUDOER, " KEWUUD e°*, • • 0et.3.-ild.wi it :nil in itemiser et. N rnrk 94t i. m n rarer!, New York, Pao., Co. the Pablie. relanon w wILL anroviied (ninny Salve, • ii/1 KS, StforLD RRACKe, %VATS .11 , 1h1C1b PAIN EX 114 C POS. 11E,, 'CARY, Mo.S Kt HE s. , r . GARR UL.d V •••A r1N:5,1.1%F.N et,...u‘14 a, • r FllVOcts•i. — Read - • I the (01 owing addressed to toy Agent, Mr. F. Mer it 1\ 1,ri,10:. ISUCKLE.S, _ • PlioN tiotltleZlN da. Re. , ry ,131..111111.1 •I lie ;Arose co., will, on eignlll. , losl, be found not IMMiNEWZM Agents to [Topton: atlas Peirce & Co. Phslodelrtia: Jo• U Bee, Itu'umore: A. uart a Son Se Cleo ealloo ft Co o.tseule: John. Fo,le & Co C. CAM.. lie 07 Urnehman. to or 2,11 cull' Attractive ritelluve and Cu I. but i 'heap bar 10.. a otinetirbra in the Iniotnts! nod .tiour,etk. =I=I:ErtiMIMES l'articular. attrittion paid to circle. and me acting or good*. 11F.HHICK R 15‘...1•1411.:11, 05 William at, °pivot. I net. New York. D•VrT I.uuxmx. 1.1114•ZI. W lICUPLM. )113m,13w SHACKLETT £ AVHITor, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, trn W 001) ..t?TRF:KT, Arty nowrreemny a very Lone stock of fresh liortOs. of recent ;utrehote tool intrornoton.whicla dllly wul sed 10 thr trail, at such protes as cannot nut tolnve entar •ansfacnott Coy awl Country Merolla Os aro invited to call and exam... oar .tock before porohasing elsewhere. 110:JK-KEEPINt.—ii.n..k. r.r w‘ — Crag 11 in,. sv. t 4, win tot Aothorb, eir,ctions teivb r 1 pr i or o“ the coven A 111./ .apply loft recei ved irlot New York. and foreaeW by ju bilIN II 11K , rnO . 2, W^o , •• dozen of Dr. Towond'd Goootioe S4r.oipor.lla 000 roe d and lor •rflo ns It K SELI.KICt. 57 Wood at. only Agent for Pito.bargh. lua FI) DAI CURRY. Agent fur Atli:alien). coy 0 It : , ; „ I „ tliE 73 ll 4 ‘, T v o F o C c it t recei .reel, hea last ved some beautltully ornamented GRATE A.PRONI4. of voriely of patterns and =lora, also, eat fie ..ue Paper for ornamenting looking glosses, picture frame, o• lamps. `{O RGAN'S WORM KILLER. Pire June 12, 1-49 Alr John D Alperin—Dear . Ste: 1 gave one teaspoon lull of ) uar Worirraillier to one or my children, and tit the short time of one hale hot. pored tyr• nlylnrpe /eta., i lee/ •111 , lit ITTUllialelldt.lK your Vermiloge as the best medic fag wisp c•n be U•ed for asp/dont J.O. Moito•n, near Notilestov, Prepared arid sold by Pie proprietor, JOHN D All iR. GAN Druggist, one door below Motorola alley. Wood street • DRY GOODS AT '4111101.6,1 ALA. IXT MLlO . lll' Inytte• the attenoou of met - hum V . hat.. the lame supply of new lienni• just Trued to h. wholesale Mon, s, on 24 story, nonheast co torr lth and market l'nun•orgn tins innog h.. sreond *ninny tor this %pm& he ha. any IE, ds of good• at roonced prtaeh and sonar my Inn not to I e 1:0%)1111 rlsevrltere cnvenlAwT "I&SIVAS3kIO BINS-1a bade yellow on wen Horns, winter brand, in time and for late b2r IYU SELLERS & 1t01.0L.51 U " ll ) ro ' na j a, "' N l: !7 1 4.„' :1 0 Ceet h a; U :L A T4Iti r t: .arceL ppleed Cho,otaus, inn rood and for sate m We Fakir Tea Store, 70 Founh st. myti TRANSPORTATION &c. EXPRESS PACKET LIIIE, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Exclusively for Pasmagers. —The Boats atlas Line will leave as follows, at 9 o'clock at night: Kentanky--Capt H I ruby, !Monday, Joly 16. Loarslana—J P ThompsonToesday, Joly 17. Indiana—P Bulges', Wedn ' esday, 19. Ohio—A Craig, Thursday, 19 Kennieky—H Trulty, Friday, 20. L,outstana—/ P Thompson, Saturday, 21 Indtana—P Harkey. Sonday,.l Ohio—Capt. A Craig, Monday, El. Kentucky—ll Troby, TIP:S(111T, 24. Loutslana-1 P Thompson, Wednesday, 23. Indima—P Burkey, Thursday, 26. Ordo—A Craig, Frlay,27. Kentucky—Copt H Truby. Saturday, July 29. lauiwana —1 P Thompson. Sunday, 29. Indiana —P Ile' key. Monday, 30. inn A Cratg. Tuesday. 31. For pamadv apply to W SUTCR, Mononigabela /louse, tyld nr D LEECH Zs Co. Canal Basin ategM 1849. OEGORUE ARMOR, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market street, A YIN , : jou re hAned extenst ye and carefully sr, kcied stock of Some and Summer Good• ifie sewer,. r reswctfu.'y informs it. friends and the public that he 13 now prepanng to receive and eat rule th iir nod rs with dispatch, sod it the neatest, 1.41 210/.111.i..1 fathionside manner. As he is determined to do business on tile cash system. he dat• le.l, himself that he will be able to do work as cheap as 0 C. be done at any <diminishment to the country. ills mock Is iesneol,ro.. 111 g or Cu.iro ore.. lloth.,Ve.tionrs. , which his friends arc respectful ,y truntml to C... or themselves mydl nit! Gl°d)Rty ARWIR:C LMILE=EI SIGN OF 11l hi PLANE AND SAW, v' o. 70 Wood Pit Labarge.. CCIF:R AND I, CFSI AN, Importers and de 11 in Foreign and Dornesue HARD WARE, la all iis raw dr,. cow prepared to Mil low and on as nittile terms e. C. 41 be purehased elsewhere. We solicit our friends, and the pupae vt-neragy, to call and eta.oe uor stu.d, which voninsts in part of /Oil VKS and FORKS, YOOK ET and FEN KNIVES oCISSOKS. SHEARS, RAZORS, Douse Trimmings, such as Legit, Latches, Made. and Screws, together with ,very anicle usually kept in hardware Store.. in•itie the attention of Daimlers and filethanbis gcnerally to our asmrtment of Fools, which have been selected widi great core, and which we are determin ed to cell so as to tistwiion. errivlik =i=momLl CIirePOSAM, s'eb Sir A sense of duty to •s me gyre my Inhale to Salley • Pala ES teltif Remy oppcssed to guest ry and .b...ans. hest tir for their object.ooAouvea iet -outt Pain hit e„ re ' llal ' e ' r n' )Orllsl ' ai4C ' e u A Ca. I have toted 11 in in) legally, In any prahuce. Slid With alt Me happy and wonderful effects that cod.. possibly he liaagined H .1. Bitontle hl U. lir Brodie a alto senior partner of Brodie Levi, Druggists inittrosissurore Hhassmatarws The following tesumonial comes from sparse fa minor to many a•those travellng our %Ve•tern Ws ter, Mr. (snipe the well and favorably known pro , printer ol the Parkersburg Motel, is husband tu toe lady whose letter 1 annex Pausal dime, Va, April 13, len ro Henry Dailey. Ch. anal de —9ir Harms} tor , men) been long allUcted wen ender. inflarosoetor, Mets:muses which ails cared so hrm 5, seated as to , defy all or unary opal 111001 to allay the severe pate ant:11Mo( 0, was ,laced u try your Magical Patti Extractor, and it havult: effected, alt on as if by [ea gle all itentethate re, aed else, to all appearances an court PI•El fie fleet care I am educed tor the benc h). et h cr ,, , na y ite &diluted with pain, caused by any kind of Indent Mil/M4, to ante to you, declartag that In my °pm on, fors neat nit asioal experience. your 'alliesi r• lii t.itreclOr la the most valuable di.- I epees), of the pleaelll age for the immediate catesafflde 01 bmttly pall! II an alto immediate and a per. feet cure i Burns and tcalda, and id/ eXternal M g ., many actpinuttsores formed by their mats at my htlaelted Oholel In this plaee, have supposed by your showing them th se few toms, 0 may possibly al aciteat hots to them and yourselt 1n2=121 ti entertain the hope dint Mrs. Win= tall pardon the peewit,' 1 rite In her letter, as well on the wore of tiowanto as or it. heing tae Barest oaodo of itnngthi to tae nonce ci tier Inenda—H. DiLaaae.J Felt.. Curs& Extract old letter, de, d • • - • I u.m.cort , Ky. Nov ; 22, 1643 Mr II Dailey' "I have tried roar . ant Extractor In case of felon. to for own faunly which it relieved and cured in a very chart two •' In haste, you re.. spectrally, Jos. 111. Vaasa. qr. Barns and Scalds. Piles, Store Nippier, Ilroken Breast, Eruptions. Sore, Cuts, Wounds, and al in flammation, yields med.:y to the wonderful properties of thi•valled salve. But, In the saran pro. portion uort that you wt,t receive benefit from the genuine, you wit. On ntiured by the deletenoos effects of the counterfeit salves. • • • L/T - ON—BeI —Be sure and apply only to the inventor, II Dr..zaz. 4.3 Broadway, news art, or to be au thorized sat:att. JOHN D kit/ROAN, General Depot, Putabsorth. Henry P. Fehwaru, Aileron), agent; J Baker, Whoeling. V. Jana. W Johnson, Mayrrille, F Iderzyureather, enietnaini, 0, Penned Depot. N. —ln the areiretrin Bunts and Freaks n eztraeta the pan in a taw ininines—it raver (ails' 1 11/7 I..bila ea him/ Kra Asa TAISSKY Jr. RAI ROUSES, LOTS, FARMS, to Valuable Real Estate for Bale. THE subseriber ogees for sate her House anti Lot in Allegheny City, pleasantly altnated on Hank Lane, and fronting the •Ilegheuy firer, nearly opposite the point of Ptuaburgh. The Let to 00 feet wide, and extends from Bank Lane on the South to Rebecca street en the North, bounded alm by Nek ton street on the Wen. It to one of the handsome,* and most desirable lots now offered tor sale any whence to the neighborhoodof Allegheny City. It I. hula enough to be subdrrided advantageoualy Intl 10 build it,' 100 of the tonal NV, It I. very nimble rota faro residenee—is rocked with a variety of choice Fruit Tree. to full bearing The dwelling la convenient and comfortable, and all in good repair. A warrantee deed will be given, and possemion at any time to null the pmettuer. For terms, apply on the premises to lyVkrtun Pligrn: SAVORY. ~1~7: 4, ( " 1 dililA lame nom on Merkel. rt. between 3rd end 4th well finlrbed and bandsly fi red ay fat a, good., being a I od swirl for that basin.... B U, Office, 3rd .1, over Philo H.ll-019oe tururs fr. ot 9 to 17♦ r LT A VERY desirable residence in the bet. rough of Manchester, edit:lining .10'm Dow ning. RN The Lolls a corner one, arty feet from big one hundred and ninety feet deep—with two story Bit k Rouse, twensy•five feet front, with two parkin, dining room, and kitchen on Erg door. A carriage hoax_ stable and oratory , and the lot WI of choice fruit trees, an in good order. Enquire of the =Wert ber, Lumber Merchant, Atlegher 7 6, 7. Julfltdreartf T !NO PATTERSON. pg.apget — AElty City for Rate. THE aubscribers oder for gale a number of abating Lots, situate in the Second Ward, fronting on rho Common Inquire or W.Wito7l.gag, Atty at Law, Sr Mee SI or of JAB ROBINSON. on Moon:mime m7t7ArkwllT a, A THREE started Dwelling House, being the second house from Penn street, on arterta Rom,nnHay street 1131121.1iM0 1:0104114)11 Will he given. F.nqtans of DAVID RITCHIE, /Memel et LAw--olliee on Fourth arose, between Cherry eller and Grunt Street Intnettf poa"Hit ear, FOUR new two story Bnck Revelling Houses, well finished and In complete order, on Cant., Avenue, 7th Ward. Possession given Jai, Inn. Rent Encinha of JOHN WA rr A 00, me comer of Liberty and Hand its TOidtat P &al Inal.B LSD livalrlase. THE underslgned often for sale in blliean comity, P., leo3 acres of well timbers I LAND, with an excellent Saw Mill nearly newi and two new Frame one 41 feet front by 47 back; the other 3d feet front by 21 back. Also, good new frame Barn. thirty by forty feet. The mill and land are situated four mlearrorn the Allegheny river. A grear deal of PINE TIMBER of the hest quality, and also a rut qumtity of the very but hemlock. Also, one arm on the bank same Allegheny, near n core, most admirably adapt ed for rafting, when lumber eau be railed on the Ice In winter. and be perfectly tare from all (matters.— Price El,OOO, or RS an sore. Term easy. Will take • well cleared small farm, vellh good hence and or chard upon it, as part payment, 1! location la and the balance In lumber, or pa may be agreed on. Tblll 14 att uPislorunity for lumbering; and the probability Is great that in Mk. OT three years this property will doable Its value, ID cormequenee of its provnmy to the New York and Erie Railroad. Tim. bet Puificie:lll.ol•l3. 0111 several Mar 191111—•Od real mill men on the stream which runs nearly through the centre of me land. litiom filluis sores In grass. No hill to rise al hauling. lumber froozmill-M.Aver.--. Trout nod genie . in &Minden.. For farther partlea• lara ladroslli.lP o4l -Paid,) P. B.TEMPLETON, tuvatidttreqpd Gamine OM., P)r...term!, T' Tine Lata.for ens. IRE satmenbers .11 sell at pnvata sale,. those ma valuable Lots of Ground, snoozed on Tomato st.„ in ihe feed Ward of Allegheny City,eah having IL front of 20 feet, running back 1011 feet in depth to • llft feet o,lley, upon which is built • stone wall, SS by 100 feet, which contains stone coongh to build. cellars for two comfortable dwelling houses, and in front there are three shade trees, of b yams growth, and the side ertOk i. paved with bnot, mil of welch well be sold an Olin. Ptimburrh and Allegheny, or County Scrip, wet be taken in payment_ J& II PHILLIPS, N Wood st, or to WNL BENSON, trstroodsataly oppostor mud lot.. mars TO I. ICT, THE Dwelling House oo Third sire. ahoy* Smithfield. occupied by the family of the how ')r. a. N. fil`Dowell. Possession given on I. Ist et Jaly nest. 1 Also, .ome Isere lots of ground In the Ninth Weed, beteteen the Fmk IVardtold Croghonseille, suitable W for lember ysrds. NI. R. DARLING FON. my.idda At It. Nonni. FOR FALC—Five lots eibauty talon... to the nata ishing town of Bannahao. the lot. ere Mai ad on Doomut street monitored at It Bonsman's plan 73, 79, no, dl end Ml—Lot No 7h fronting 00 feet no Ha il At'd 9 .0 23 % '7 O Met deep; the other tons 20 feet front mush, by 80 feel deep. Torms—(renter port of poreheso money may no', mein for sit yeate, steered by mortgage. For partial niers. meiotic of 8 BCHOYBK, my 10 110 second Valuable trinarLand for sale. ABOUT tour mile. above Lock 'do. .1, at the month of Pine Run, Monongahela River. The Coal la of Me very best uality, and five eav aecom. Any number of acres., Ir on, twenty t o &hundred, mig ht be obtained. Person, desirous of purchasing, ems call on WALKKR REED, on Mit preintver, or Mirtm. Reed, opimatie the Port otfice, who artll glee any In. fOrIP2II. °once:oink the property. 'rho shave +4l be sold at a great burantit• mm 1,01., 'l , O LET—A goal brick Dwell' .e.sanely on Rollin.. won, Allegheny. &Vs of rn i Oturil.hli .r.110,91i EIEIRMIZI IR SALE CHEAP FOE dLall to. a (.4.1 situate on Webster rreeh 23 feet from High street; 2U feet front on Webster, by SO feet to a See Coot Altry —quite close to new satin hosts. Pries OW. Terms, cliU cash in band; tidthusee in one, two, three and food years from the first of April lest. Conety &tie City Scrip tatten for cash payment. In • 160 Arivo• atm+ SITUA the iirofivitgalsela river, aboet 10 wiles from and 3 moles above laird Loot, m the immediate neighborhood of &luau. Lyon a Bhoob and 71r. John Harron's parches*. This fine body of Cool wilt ho sold at lbe low price of =Po , third on hand, balance in five equal annual payments, without interest. Title irollapostable. Location very rood—cannot be surprissisd. For (unbar particular, toquire no & BALALEV, who has a droll or inuil_pra• Jelly. Residence al sl, below Ferry, Ole. Adams' How. Y. B there Is another seam of coal on Ibis treat, eels. C.O feet above the lower, or exasilent quality.. H. ViilT — aab 4 - IThes tiding Lots N. case. subscribers are aomoritial to oder at priest. I sale, Vail epee biSWp fa.or bre us. a moaner of very volueole Send Vat C.aa compouooa larva portion of the IJJB aimm•l 07, nod 7y to tiiwalsi General Plan o f me Coy of . at 'ho went eon granny corer or Penn .oaf Way. e n , a Mete, frelng 016 Mel on former, tool oateii.liag along the later annul diat foot to we AJoigh-ny r 'or, o o j og a pan of the Kees Estate or the Late .1•2101 S. Sievoilott, decnased A pia° Of goOO.IVIVOn or the above Lou, In .confer. may 'LIS proposed to sell, may be .e. at ;he °dice of MO undersigned, on Fourth, Wawa*, 11,,. Ferry sis. WILLiAItIS tr. KUILY. tny3 Valateritla Real astata for glare. THE fo towing property to the oily of Prtaborgh, Lad near the borough of Manchester, on the Oda river, II ockr.4 for sale on acconteamlutng team. 3 Lots (being sub- d, vision of Lot No td in the plan of the city of Pluattursh4 tutting N low front on Se rend. street, by 040 feet to Strawberry alley real street. 10 one MC= LOU fronting on gglAganuo, a Wet wide, rum from nearer rood mato Ottiogivw. ob. Joining Phi Oi Cloth Factory. For terms, engowe of CUAELEM U. SCULLY, or JAMES OHARA, (largo's [Wilding. Ch a. VOStaiSElkaroporty for thole s N THR NINTH WARD VITTSBUROH —Hew l Lout on Holdout and Liberty strains, In the ora 9 W4AI. 24 feet by Ite, and uhaetru the prepined depot of the Central Railroad. Frit terms_Humure of CHARLE2, SCULLY, or JAAI9B (PHARA,' manta Ilurkes Ballabiot.VA at Two 410Utlite AND LOTS SOH d Ett. TWO Lord n , h eaver uc,v, , e , treht, um, ,,,7‘ is ere ahtol cted a Rome building, two stsf " ls‘li suitable (or two small lelleiSteal.. The lota am en tureaty Met In front by one hundred feet deep, add rdo bank to a street ferny lint wide. Poe buildtaga'art the pray mites will pay a very handsome Interest as tRe fovea, ment, and the property will be sold oheap lereaski. Apply to H. derma, Clerk's other, 11. .e to no to KAY & Oe gootocraiittoaa Gilafitar rITEN ACHES OV LANA situated IA town. I amp, on the Monongahela, Mr. miles from Pitt. borgh--. lots to .it purchasers. For farther panic. Wars apply to Henry Woods. 3d at. or to A WASHINGTON, 46, shove Smithfield a h - WARTiftriDBE FURSALh—T be bees' t offers for sale the three story brick Warehouse on Wood street, occupied by R-Tatuser A Co. apt 7 WM. WILSON.Jr. VALCAULE REAL t't; YEN:I drnt.eir FUR SALE —A Lot of Urottad situate on ?eon street, between Ray and Marhury streets, edioinine the hotuoe and tot no. ixeopied by Richard &Ivens* having s front of 2.5 feet, and in depth 150 feet, mil be sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En. dike of C. 0. LCHMILS, 4 th A, Wood ' notil-dtf For Salo. A DENIRABLE Building Lot Inlegisany city, ft vorably located, in use about loaf an acre, sad and be sold on accommodating terms. Ltupdra of, 'fetid J .110 mood in _ Tar, — i'OR RENT—A n in the amend 11.0Trairi. MIL% Waoll O 0. W. 80111TH as. 00. t. f NFORM their Mends end the pablie that they him Weser Key connection wah shelf - ,11“0441ab4.4 tent la Penn meet, tnomt as the Pittehttret Weever, heel f{ metered their entire besinesilit the POINT ORZWERY,In Pit - wen. reooB4l 171Pa1 ISII2IMIZI