The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 25, 1849, Image 2
TtiE FITTSBEIRGH PrEILISIIED IrY WHITE & CO • PITTSBUROIIs WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY ISM liel ff 4TriWfe 7 / 1 ;1Ze gellltto d Dollars par annum; the Tri•Weekly is Fire Doll/m.oer aartutooba Weekly is Two Dollars per stoma, wily Maws. M/r 'Arnnerrierss ere earnestly requested tri hand In .heir Amore before sr. a., and as earl) the day at ernetkable. Advertisements net Insetted tone sera. led time orill invariably be charged until ordered aka ANTINASONICI AND WAIO TIeKNT WILLIAM HAsLETT, of Butler C4lilll3r. alaatiLT, ROUT. C. WALKER, of Elisabeth Boroitigh. JOIL*7 MILLER, of Slupsbargh. CALEB LEE, of Pittsburgh. WAL E3PV, of lower EL Clair. CIAIZTER CURTIS, of Pi.bargh. 12M232 Win S. HAYS, of Upper M.. Clair. TRU JOHN yoaitsor4, of leghetry cmortmao JAIL MITCTIELL, or Pe lea casonli, manuns, of Sissbarid. Lonrrcl, KM BYERS of Flndl46. ea laeZt page. epigraphic Per Loral Metiers See next pass for T The insinuation In the • that welnao"4" our New York markets, is . mnliclous and 14te, as theta:impose cilia source would lend One to - pect. Natty one has any •eale to inghire oito the matter, We refer him to the Telegraph Ice fee proof that we receive despatches dailY (rot:10m =Rem correspondent. !;. THE TEN nova For oho Pau/wog/A 'Sed non temper in melorem paring," la reply to "Tempora Mutautur," which t : ftaw in the Morning Post, on last Friday, 'dill Sul*, in which 801:60 praise is given to the StarFacary, I have only to remark, that said mill shchld airk: be takes as a scabs; because she was never idffoll operation under the twelve hour law,,andi'Sen siderable additions in machinery were tuadetiSou after the old hour system expired. I should Itiese kire like that the said Mornmg Post would Oder tain bow the oilier factories are doing, whichlthve the same machinery in openitaon, under the pen hour system, or under the twelve, and baveStore =permute, sad are more able ti judge about 'the matter. One thing is certain, which Is, 'roar tlitigt • bars sf oulv a few hours travet van run theii.lfac. tOrieS twelve hours, while we have only tent our situation can not be expected to be a preepeons out. "::! — OXII or THIC P1.01.11.14T0113 or Tlll7. ST#l!. P.14011Y. July 23, 1849. Nnre BY run Entree.—The above reached us yedirday morning, but from its date, appeko to have been written the day previous. lt Is tbere fare not in answer to our questionsiproponilided yesterday, but In reply to the article bitithiqoat, on which we commented. We hopOi bout*Ver, the .proprietors of the Star Factory" will oblige and the public, by sriving so a direct anamerin our queries. Taere appears to be some diffaCClltylit being taken as a correct guide, unto the rehilive amount of tabor which can be perkirmecHn cotton factory, in ten hours, and in twelve. , !tt is for this reason, we presume, that the Post ko so frequently referred to it; knowing thatot wag cot, and could not he a fair tes:. list as we are;anxiii one that the whole subject shall be Cairly Under stood, and estimated an the princip!esr of justice and truth, and as we are perfectly reedy tilt give up all our preconceived notions on !lie Object, whim ever it can be shown by mcontesublejacts than we are in error, we will pot another edestioc to the Star Factory, as f :Howes— Does the cotton business In Pittsbirgh, nti the ten hour system, pay • reasonable profit, juid :2 there any inducement to capitalists is, erect!thilli , hers, while they come Into direct compeutirittWith tuffs working twelve hours in other 4t5 , r41,!1 , An affirmative answer to this qtUstiot ! :: will speak mach in favor of the great r•ivanuites Of Pittsburgh, as a cotton manufacturing ipipt •;Every hodtknows that the cotton business ti tonffucted on a large scale, and that its prices wail prat s ere brought down to the lowest living pizint. c 4 will be • great point gained, then, if our rrtrh, can do a fair busiaesir under the distrAvariC,*s of restrictive legislation. ]-• We should be pleased to receive; from 4F . ) , of the mills, statements of their experience q the opintions of the ten hour law. We, lussOlow the lights of experience, Instead of t hecactleal leap. Wilms, and It is hot slew_ that. the ;comes Salty: should be afforded a just buds far their; opins on the subject. We infer (man the closing paragraph of thel ii/xee osimmunication, (which is, as it .purpeita to iaid, the production of a member of the Star Factorl4mm, the name being left with the editor.) that On cot ton business, elen in the estimation of Chili pro prietors of the Poet's favorite mill, is suarge*rrous in Pittsburgh, and that the statement of tkiak, paper that more and better work la done in th'id : Star, under the tan hour than under the ore/eel:boar system, is frau, having tio foundation:in fagii and that it was fabricated far political effqet. General Taylor was accused last summer nti; hay lag once, about thirty years ago, when auiiinned in what is now Wisconsin, given the ionnwing tnast—"No more Field Officers from portti(iiir the Potomac."—The lie was an gross that it did not seem worth contradicting, bar, being appeidnd to, General Taylor responded as toLlnwsi Baton Baca; Ire, Oci. 2, kBkB. My DUI Sim Your commuoicatioit of t4e - 18th nit., in edition to a senument represented Ml:Lav ing been proposed by me at a dipper Olen at Green Bay in 1150, has been duly ieceoreil. I would say in reply that I base already been apres• and on this anklet:, and have taken one or ir oc tuudoss to deny exp li citly that I Geer. utter the language attributee to me. The whole mailer, in my opinion, Is of too little impurtance.:and . r ab. mad upon its face, to deserve iho s li ghtest Fitton and I hope, therefore, that my friennta:will eat„ see &to amine it. The bare fact tbm-Pie acktisor of thalaisehood has given to the public, for the sole purpme of injuring me, a remark whica Militates that I matte thirty odd yenta ago. at -4 dinw en by me, and to wawa he was invited, ought 11 Mel( to arouse auspicions in the mod efevekyhon orahki man, ash) the credibility of the Xtory.ilt I am sir very respectfolly, Your obedient serrar4 L ii Z. TAYLOR. Mr. S. Knott, Jr., Fond du Lac, Wis. , Men= Canvases nr Norm Cdurcai+ The Point' Coupes Bohn of the 9th inst. giiree wish countllo - another crevame. It says: 4 .6. s strange an li warm:ern at the present stage 9f the river, which is several fee: within its bankn, yet ri cre waste has taken place near the month of ralae liLiver, through which a volume of :water..loam three feet deep and 200 now paraiu6' It was occasioned by the caving in , of the For the distance of about three quarters of *Mile above the lower mouth of False 94ver thi;.land fa low and of a light, sandy, allovinqnatarabilinv. lug been deposited in the former L.a of the titiiis• ttaitippi gum the Cutoff of 1612. :4'he wbele of this apace has been rapidly caving m for several years past. Thal:Mut proprietors have been nearly ruintid by the lose of their crops and the heavy expehe of making and keeping iv repair-enormous lenetsi and 0131:110 will no doubt abandon their pineeeirath. sr than he at any farther expense. There MOWns anon:Lave acres is depth, between the Mlesifsippi and what is called the Bay; when that is gone the Riverneust throw a great portion of its wateSe into its ancient channel of False River, for I( will than be impossible tobaild a dyke oglevee heroes the Bay. The water thus coming tom aIe:I;MM. alaippi will fink an outlet throve!! the Arious bayous passing Out of False River.l The Parish of Pointe Coupee will receive bud lisle Injury from the change in the course of a portion of. the River, is has been proved by the late high Sister. Portions of West Baton Rouge and Inervillet and othetcontigoons Parlance below will lie completely deluged. Tb the Rio:prof Pistuburgh Ga.ucte. hfit. Entron — As oar two woes are deerki to ter in the properculanization of their refiect . lee tire departments, I would stiggeit the pin of electing oillears for each engine to the several wards. the °dicers be elected to se:lre:for ovefrene And fet the ciliates of each ward be eootudered en members of the Company.. Or the officers eliteled by the citizens, could teceiett Voluntary WON of retries, or if necessary appoint a certain number to act as Amman daring their term of office. If this plan were adopted the citizens ejf the several wards, remembering tee lepon so lately taught them, would be careful of their best intelitatil and would in all probability elevate the beee:Pen to the important trust offleerir of panics hal. • • Ally 24th, 1548. firiyantaaties of t.t4 Flee Department. Hon: iiVskats. H. LcoirTh tra has given in the Post hi opinions to the people of Pittsburgh, in relation to the late diagrac . efol events in Alleghe ny, and on the evils of the present system of Fire Organization, in geneml.Z. His remarks are to the matoludiciou.s and Inst. He tells some plain and painful truths, which it Will be we'l if the p-ople lay to heart He also se4gests a plan of reortan zing the Fire Departa*nt of the City, which , whether it is adopted otiot, is worthy of conside rationomd we have, thogefore. rooted his remarks wn that subject entire. One thing is certan, the safety. and morels of the city, call for a thorough change in ow -resent nYntenn. Extraet Iron he enbireselldf, Hon. tr. 11, to the seisms t Puteht.rgh and Allegheny. on the organuation of elie!.Fire Deportmem. While the Into fire vra4reging in Allegheny, my friend, Mr. James Gray,rof that city, stated to me that he had beard that in! some parts of Europe, this department of theliolice is regulated by the government very mantilla they remilate the mili tary, and a certain numar of citizens is drafted as firemen for stated periods, and bound to attend co der proper penalties. It seerna to me that aid might profit by this hint. end from it derive a plan for a fire police adapted to our habits and institudons. It would be improp er hereto attempt to gigs the particulars of such a plan. An outline atoms is required. It should have a chief officer elected by the people, and well paid for his servieee-.oily incompetent men can be got•for half pay. The number of subordtnetes • must be left for the suggestion of those who have far more experience than I have. Then as to the members of the different companies. Every able bodied citizen should.* a member. Or rather there should be no. Ainanent member. but it should be made the duty of every wizen to serve at the fires in his turn.. would take a hint front our mode Of selecting - Irvin. There should he an annual list I the able bodied citizens, and their names put pair n wheel or box, and a sufficient number drawn every two or three month; to serve at the-1;ml. This is. I suppose, a sufficient sketch of the tan to enable all to under. stand 11. It can readilnibe filled up by those who are skilled in such Platens. I hoes said the Ohtegof the department should be well paid. Let me,fadd, he should have real power and not the'neme of it. He should 're the real head of the fire e . itapartmeht, uncontrolled by council committees. Allow me to say that the of. flee of Mayor, in thesi4cittes, has been degraded by the Councils The ,Mayor up the chief execu tive officer of the cortarration, elected by the pen. , pie to see that the lantemre faithfully executed.ona yet he is cribbed in lira funottons by the soper.n tendence of some committee of councils, who are responsible to no one,;unknown to the people, and not elected by them fie any such purpose. And yet the Mayor is blemdd far the inefficiency of ail our police, though teitan neither appoint nor dis mins them, or at leatOrery few of them. If we would have tin honorable and competent head bathe fire departinent, we must tract him with real power. There nrituld be laws to regulate the department, but he should sea them executed, withent being allowed the excuse that he ts con trolled in his duty hill committee of councils I have often wonderedithat councilmen are willing to ...same such executive duties upon thernselves and have thought they would not, unless they fen theousetvre bound to do so. When appropriations are made for the I i pert meht, they aluostid be kaperuied by the chief canon. tire officer of the deParnment, sibject to the proper auditors, end, not by obennoitees ol counw:s or tin der their direction. Qiliza minces of Couneis should perform co executivredot-es. If they do 'simile, •hey account to their:ewe body and join to passing ordinances to throw Ore injury upon the Teeple. T should like to seelali thew antra and boroughs united iota one eotiihreueln. at 'ea.& fat the pur teses of civil and fireitoltc.i. and l am awe that a general union could* planned that would do in instice to no section.i . But we should not wait for this now, each corporation shoo al at once adopt a proper fire system. Failures I might suggest that each engine house should be a p ?Lee Agy . t.n3n—thni rime offs •er ahouid he constantly thecer,ellast no Era bell should be rung until the font of.* Ere should Le comet on ice.. ed at the station Ili siime respon. , ble person—tbst no more engines st),f,iid be called to one tire than the 'oeczniort dernaMu'i—that no citizen should I , e bound to turn out atoll the ringing of the bettor the engine to which he iielongs. In this way tales 'arms will be prevented, awl Sometimes 'die seritts of not more than one e sine company wiii,Pa required. it will read:ir he seen with hoar 31.t0 diyinrhinee our ordinary urea may be ertingAithed an (ton plan, end that the saving of the twne of the atizen, will soon melee up fie. the ipePare at the expense. The engine houses wilt opienger the resort of eioas boys and row Vies, or it; school of ail th vices of the neghttbrhood. Tne racing of ,n• 4ines, to the terrcr the attixens, will cettan There will be no ureic bloody conflicts between' rival companies. Vile XOllBaps will all be fire men,and the firemen: can ho longer improperly control oar eleettons4md - our councils. There tell: he no more extrovagree of expenditure arising from the desire to halve the best and finest engine, and no more leg rolyng ns to which shall be the favorites of council. For the speedy communice timed Ire iota/gamin, it may be thought proper as establish telirgraptOc bommunteStioon From these earaiMis no able bodied teen shou'd be exempted.• it tan week of henevoence, and it hatCa really beimaniaing tendency fur every men to hive end embrace' opportunities of alleviating or averting the misfojtunes of others. Evan the clergy would be Profiled by such active intercourse with their fellow aitinnes, and, hoop thus less wt. mated from them, their ionisation would be in• creased. As !binge /tow are, they and many oto era :eta not work at: fires, because they feel as though they wane intruding upon the exclusive . progiace of the citisnrna, Let not the present; occasion pass without a de cided reform of that:theses of the fire department. And, if it would emit°, much distract oar effort.. let us commence the:S . :work of correcung otter attu ne. We have received some warnings already ins to them, let no can postpone reform until great er calamities prow oats of them. We should ex pect. none to servetm public without pay, they cannot do it vvell, Our councilmen should be paid, and shonjd imp none but leg3elative duties to perform; o exceiftwe duties should be imposed upon their committefis. These should all be done by regular e*ecutiyit officer. In tom we slit old take paters flow ace National and State GOvern- Kent& rF ec tlVe paper respoombroty we most keep the mire, and eg,entinve functiens sep arate. Our conneikahoold sit but s limned period troth der to day illiatte beginning cf the year— There should tent sessions except when theta is most argeagilectreinte. Theo a call thigh' be made by the Mayor and Presidents of - Cot:mods and afterwards sanctioned or disallowed by the Council. The auditors efihe public accounts should be officers elected by.the people, and paid for their services. and not . ~.mmatiibto of councils. If ex ecutive offlcera are.: to be controlled in their duties by any other meats:than the laws of their depart meat, their liability be dismissal or punishment, and the exact:in of tali.let it be by other executive of &ter's, and not by council committees. Let all the pablib business be publicly done.— Leu the legislatioirof the year be done to the first month of heyiar. and let abe done to the face of the public. ire ergo Italia with abundant no comniodations fort' e cPixens, male and female. who chowse to be fiteseni, and not in small com mitter rooms. wheal the citizens feel themselves excluded. Even hitnest men feel mere secure of the. honesty of theithaotivos when they know that their actions ate Watched. Felon , Caizena-,•:1 have performed my duty— that I have said gings which many will disap prove, and at whl some wt:l be offended, I have reason to believe. •licit some one must bear tha odjum.attaehed et dll attempts at reform, and I ..y well take mi-:stiare. In this community I have received allithy training and education. Here I have acquitid all that. I possess. Here my bett.frierade sad kimtred dwell. Here are all my earthly attaehmen*_ and around our busy streets and ragged hills end lovely ever' hover all ray tattiest recollectioni, and I may say of this con, munity,"if I forget:44 let my right hand forget her conning. If I It cot remember thee, let my tongue cleave to thAroof of my month." :LI WALTER H. LOWRIE. Wheat..-The relrlotles—Adaptation t• Western Culture. The reports of thaextensive Injury to I he Whom crop of the West, the present season, by to. and weevil, suggest an toportant inquiry. What are the best venues to new in this meon! Aud the_ present is the very bah In which to push this in_ gutty, and get answers that will he of value In solving it. We see, Ghr example, by a statement in the Breohvibe American, teat In the Whneveater Valley, where the damage hes been very great, the "red chair bearded" and “blue stem" variellest have coffered moat, while the qt4editerrane• an" and "Alabama"-.varieties have received least injury; Sc liar ,('runt is concerned, indeen both these varastieshave `almosti are said to `almosteh . caped." A statement Minaee to this, in reference to the "Albaama" Wheat; met our eye some days since, in a Hillsborough; - (H 40mnd county, Onio) pa per; and we remember to have seen a mate- Inept last week to au lll,note paper, that the .bileditarranean" Wheat was this year making the teat yield of =tin the part of that State refer red to These are few and scattered facts, tint if there Is any thing in them,lthey can, In a very short tine, be multiplied an silo snow it. We do not sup pose that any variety of Wheat can CNIRI, the depredations of the weevil, in seasons when that destructive insect tines upon the crop. Rum, however, is a did rent matter, depending, as is generally supposedi!for its full deyelopetneat on heavy rains and hot sunshines, and their sodden alternations. Now, it is net at all unlikely, that varieties° f Wheat:exit, which will, much Letter than others, wabsterid those quick and extreme chahges of weithat—from dry to wet, and from cool to hot--113 welt as the steaming atmosphere. produced by raptd;successiona of sunshine and shower. And it seem, perfectly accordant wun geographical aid climatic facts, test:moose that 4ite "Mediterranean" add "Alabama" Wheats are thaw very telletetres. Any farmer in the Went, wbo hue wheat field, may be able to Wein tight upon ti,s dubjeet. The country mtllara alsolhave superior opportunities of making observationn as to the general freedom from rust, in linfavolable season of . different va- Actin ol Wheat. Ihe country ruiwspapern coo alai do a great ideaNsrards unlecung and chsseni• lasting =Tad intatihriice upon the subject. For 40atileint, we attalllio pleased to bear from any one who is better informed then we are in relit- Don to Oils tryitter. In thin wannecti n. It tiny rot be amiss to say, that the 'Alabama" Wheat In becoming quite ■ favorite. in thin immediate rcinity: Dot on account of any known or supposed exemption horn rust Which pertains to it, but because, while it yields as well as any other wheat grown hereabouts it 'l ocos full ten or fifteen days earber than most other vanettes. But thta very fact, Whether it have a superior ex ennp,oo from rust or pot, may In me• v Seasolla be the very thing to preserve tt from that wasting die ease.—Cus. Gan From the New York Tribune. Mawslnl. A sketch of some portions of the public career of Joseph Matztni, now a member of the Roman Republican Government, and who has for twenty years been recognized throughout Europe as an ardent leader of Italian Liberalism, may not be uninteresting to the readers Of the Tribune. We brat find him the edit ,r and publisher of a literary paper at Genoa, in June 1828. The cen sorship toot alarm at the freedom of its language, and a was formally suppressed by the Ministry ol Police, in December of the same year. Uur young patriot next attempted the estsb liahment of another paper at Leghorn, but he was a marked man, and a decree of suppression stifled this also at its birth. A magazine, published at Florence met the same fate, fur the crime of suf fering an article, written by him, to appear in its pages. Another year rolled on, and the three days of Joy. 1830, eleetrthed the Liberals throughout the world. New hopes were raised—how anon to be i again dashed to the earth, we all remember' The mmarchs of Europe for a while stood aghast; the ItaLan derpots crowded their dungeons with all who were suspected In the least degree. Maxeini Unit toinsell under arrest. Tn his father, ass ...Iv inquiring of the authorities the cause of his sows sudden imprisonment,. this somewhat amus ing answer war returned: "Your son is in he habit of wolfing out alone and in the evening deeply meditating. He thinks too much, and we JJ not, know the subject of h. thoughts. This we do not like"' P.eing acquitted of any charge, his only punishment was a five months detentign solitary confinement, and banishment from the nountrO. Young I'Vlaxxini betook himself to Marseilles, en crowded with Ita:ian end Spanish exiles. ho had been lucky enough to escape hanging ~,ttote or in.posonntent et home. and here he Jmmutced the publlcattohol "La Morons Lobo," ',stud by other of his countrymen, by whose leans pettocal essays, embraced in tte pages, were mugglod into every seaport in Italy. Toe Ostler- men, the vine dresser, the artist, the villager, every where throughout the North of the Peninsula, car ried concealed about his person these political racts: the people read, reflected, end to many dat um:As popular risings ensued, followed, however, ov the prompt and merciless vengeance of their :rants. Louis Philippe. firmly seated on his throne, be gan to kick away the ladder by which he had mounted A cordial understanding commenced between his government and the cabinets al the despotic powers. He bartered sway the liberties 11 tilt people for the recognition of his government by Austria. So Limns Yapohoo flonspsne. in ibis arerent year, has j tined the league of monarchs, red Regain has. in return, recognized bin mockery of a Republic' The King at the French ordered in leave France. He remained, howev er. nearly a year at Marseilles in disguise, and then loured a party Of fits countrymen to Switzerland, who were preparm4 for a descent into Savoy to tArlute BO Insurrection there. The attempt RI. carried: the hand o• !littorals was dtvpsrred: Swo- a.r and could not ati,d them a nale asylum, end Amu., after many wandering. and hair-breadth e•capes leached England to 1137. The literary reputation of the man had preceded h six volumes of hi, works had woo for him ne C3lllO of a chaste, nervous and eminent wrlter Toe Dberals in F 4 cigland knew and esteemed M., sad, relying on Ibe honor and hospitality of tLe 'rovernmew ond- people, he liked Ms abode in I. radon. la 1 1544 the Brush public was aslowshed to learp through the press that letters from the Continent, fddre.sed to Italian nod Pol.h refugees in Eng land. had, in nassing through the London Post Of fice, been opened secretly by Governtnerif °Meer*. And niter re-sealingreturned to the mail. M. Mal- Lint, whose leiter! hod been tampered with among 'he reel, drat elucidated this astounding dunsfvery. A Commatee appointed by Parliament reported hit the Government had only foltowed an nid ai.d the Tory Minder( dared to defend the .ntetnons pructree... he Bralsh Geyer:linen', haybg by tore eon. A'nuatole theft. learned trout M. Maszint's letters. toot , iletudy of Italians were assembled at Corfu, and intending to effect a landau; in the Neapolitan emtory. there to M.' the standard of inatirrualon. tabulated certain parts of the totorwatton thus oh-. ,s,ned." (say. the co.rnatesa report.) ' to a fore an r.-Yerntnent"--that at tae Two &tubes—and the rault was, that the reyolubutlists were se:sed up their *landau, and shot under miliabz law.— ". 4 -tach are the boasted free tostbuti Ina of Crreat Br- The noose wh,ch tins affair made in the news- apers. drew moth attention in England upon dors.o. The modens.intelluteneu of the man ci /titers, the coarage at the tottiater ; thy devotion oil .he patriot, were recognized in buns Thomas Car- 'ylc tenet public testimony afloat to the effect •that be too Men of genius and virtue. of sterling rem nty, humanity and nobleness of - mord.' Hot the emtrannel of Despotism have omitted toques to cast odium and reproach upon this ex :client and sincere man. Forgery has been re waled to and the most infamous sentiments have been invented in the Absourtu• Journals, and made to appear alove his Maine. These be has fully sod cortviet-17 expos:Al Every species 04 - la:jury ass been attempted to be naliclet.l upon but chat• eater. But posterity will do justice to the heroic saint, when the crowned heads who have plotted his destruction sot.;11 be overthrown and forgotten. The part whieb Mayon' has taken to henna Reform, since the anixstoon of Pope P.ue—the , nah who attempted to mediate between the Pre sent and the Post, and who has been bound Unfit ~r cutter—is too fresh m our memories to need recalling. Ho a how one pf the chiefs of that eon.. Republic which has proved Rome In be worthy still of a Brutus or e &morn. Whatever oe her success to the present Atruggle, Rome has redeemed, in the effort. her ages of abasement and legradetion Should Mazzint survive Rome, we .tin I no doubt find him again in the CbreMOU ranks wherever a struggle between Democracy and Despotism is waging. Should he fell, Home's buried Liberty will be his Immortal monument, nod -•-•- ' " ' Chem is DO prouder drov e, Even io her own proud cluno. , G. J. T. Doctor Blaekvve.l Extract from a Paris letter m the Journal of Commerce: "the medical community of Paris bee been set a telkine, by the arrival in this city of the celebra red American doctor, Nur Blackwell. The lady oas quite bewildered the learned 'acuity, by her diploma, all in due form, cothorising her to done and bleed and amputate with the bept of them.- 6nme4of them are certain that Miss Blackwell is a Socialist of the moat fumes ekes, and that her indenaLing is the entering wedge to a systemat ic attack on society by the fair sex. Others, who have seen her, say that tilers is nothing very alarming in her manner, that. on the contrary, she appears modest and unassuming, and talks rea sdnably on other ahllect. The attack her •n their turn. One of them said to me the other day,' Oh, it ,a too horrid—l'm sure I never could touch her hand. Only to tomb that those long 80. gen of here had been cutting tip people '" I have semi the doctor .n gurstion, and molt say, in lwr. ores, that her appearance 15 quit., preposiiesiting. the is young, and rather good loo!..:Ing Per man. tier indicates great energy of character; and she seems to have entered on her singular career from notivea of duty, and oneouraged by respectable .adierat Cincinnati. Allen shout lao dace hesita nee on the part of the directors of the Hospital of Maternity, she has at last received the permission . ci enter that institution as a pond. From the Columbus SM. Journal. of Jaly 24. tHLLY HOAX. At nix o'clock kW evening, we received from the telernaph office in this city, a &spree, of whine the following is a copy .W.A.DRINCITOX, Italy 20 °Editors Ohio State Journal “Gea, Taylor died of cholere (b.s morning. Our paper wee worked MI, and distributed, but startled by the and announcement, we at once gave directions for its publication in on extra, and went ourself meanwhile to the telegraph office, in quest of further particular. Nothing was learned there, however, except that, in reply to our inquiry for the meson of the dispatch having been delay ed to to late no hour in the day, Mr. Ware inform ed us that the line had not been in working order since sometime ra the forenoon, until aver the shower, which had passed away a few minutes before the receipt of the dispatch. Having the ut most confidence in the integrity of the gentlemen einplvyed as operators by the Telegraph Company, and perceiving no reason for discrediting this item of sad intelligeneo, we yielded to it a full, though reluctant credence. It was the subject of general remark in all circles—and the way poor "John Tyler' was passed In eev;ew, was a caution to men of easy amt.. Early this morning, Mr. Ware, the telegraphic operator, sent to inform us that he bad been made the Instrument of passing upon us a has, as wick ed and wanton as It was witless. We were right glad to learn that snob was the fact—and could asve peen another hearty 'Hurrah for old Z. , ' We give below the statement °IMF. Ware — tad in justice to him will say we readily and fully tio• quit him of all blame in the premises. The char meter of the whole telegraphic system, as a reliable source of Intelligence, is involved in this Int:lane noel and from the character orthe diractOrSaithe Company, we feel assured they will leave untrfed no ,ir.,rt to ferret out the psrptatrator of this Matt achievement—and guard against a recurrence of the hire. We judge it will be band to have ori., Masted with nu one m Ike employ orate Telegraph Company. Texas/sten Orme, COLLIN our, July filet. Editor. of do. Oh., Susie Journal At six o'cicatl last evening, the attention of this office man called. I responded, and received a raceme., for the Ohio State Journal. purporting to come from Wa•hi olden City, and bearing the sig• nature of oferrlf :garter," It announced the death of Oen. Taylor, by Cholera, that morning. Fear ing a mistake on my part. or believing it to be a Anus, I requested a repettuon and Instantly receiv ed it precisely as before. Mr. Hush the operator in Pittsburgh, this mtem log me that the dispatch did not come from that office—that he saw it a. it was being sent, and pied to prevent as reception at this oiliest. He haled, on the weather wet veay wet, and the at-' =sphere fully charged with electricity. From what office the menage came, it is im pcnaible for me to say. LErrint MOMUtTOR Cssis—A political letter Of nearly three columns, from the unsuccessful candidate at a Presidential election, written and published within a few months after his defeat, is somewhat of a phenomenon, and peopte may be tempted to ask what it means—for what ultimate object it in put forth. The oatenaible object in to Correct certain erroneous impressions made, or supposed to have been made, by a recent letter published in the New York Courier and Enquirer, from the senior editor, who, alien a visa to the Senionr:in his Western home, thought proper to put on record his impreitsioos, derived (mm the conventation then and there held—to the general effect that the political opinions of the Senator are not no much at variance with thole of the Whig party as are his public professions, the lat ter being ?collated more by devotion to puny fealty than by actual conviction. The especial points in which this non-accordance of opin ion and profession wan represented to exist were, the tariff, public improvements, and the Wilmot proviso. Oa all these points the Senator ro-asserts an entire consistency between his private and his public doctrihes. He is heartily in favor of the tariff of 1646 end opposed to protection. With regard to internal Improvements. his "sentiments" are in accordance with those of the great Dem ocratic party, and are fully expressed in the reso- lutions of the litaltimo`re convention." The in ferenerhof non commit:sham, drawn from his note of three lines, simply declining en invitation to be present at the Chicago convention, is altogeth er unfounded; he did not attend because he thought the convention would have no good ef fee!, and because [he suspected Whigglain in its origin. iris for the Wilmotlprovivo, the Senator 11 liberal even in extravagance in his display of words, but the good does not quite conceal his ideas. He in hat, proviso or no proviso, slavery cannot be established in California, and therefore seems to summon op courage enough to decide, a little more no than yes, that Congress has not the pow er to legislate for its exclusion. This is the substance of the Senator's two cols UM/111 and a half in the Washington Union, why wrtiten one maybe somewhat at a loss to deter mine, unless with a view to keep the Senator be fore the public—N. Y. Cour. Sr. Lotus AND Ciaciasisri.—All our citizen■ know, many of them most sorrowfully, lodeed,how Cincinnati bag suffered once the appearance here of the fatal epidemic that boa made so many homes desolate, and forever broken up so many families Rut If me have been stri.•ken, how terribly brio the pestilence fallen upon the people of St. Lout.r. ,, - The comparative mortality of the two cities we have hereiof ire presented, when the cholera was raging in ho,h. In both it is now declining. Yet still look at the comparative figures, for etc days, of the deaths from this r. isease, and see how they continue ngsm•t St. Ina,. St. Lows, Lao week. Cincinnati Nis soma. Choi. 0. D. Chol. OD. 101 80 80 44 1015 31......... 81 40 ..... . . 57 23......... h 9 40 08 42.. . ..... 43 29 •• . . . . 59 31......... 32 28 Total 6 days —605 207......... 356 241 It Is by comparative statements like these, that or are enabled telly to realize the dreadful suffer ing that St. Louis has undergone. We have thought our own case hard eneuvh. hut let us Irk at our roster city, and while we deplore her Rini bon, thank heaven that ow lot has not been like her.. Woh but little more toan hallow popula tion, her groiriolliv from the Cholera has almost constantly nearly doubled ours '—Ctrs. Gas. TUT PaAVER or IiASMULVIL-11 Is said of or, Franklin, Mal during his long residence in Pans, being invited to a party of the nobility, where Weal of the court - sad oat:inters were present. be produced a great sensation by one of his bold movements, and gained great applause far his ID genulty. . According to lb, cottons of 'net ago and country, the nobles, alter the u-tint tares - noose, of the even tog were over, not down t t n free and p•ostlitiegsti coutersation. elleistiatille wan then the great topic. The s sia always risbeuled, and toe 13 tile woo treated with owl!) amp re verity. Grow- ! log wa,ier nod warmer isohed 5i.001113/10 remarks. one great lord commanded, far a moment, univer. vl attention, by bin astrerong in a round voice. that th e (tibia watt not only n piece of arrant deception. but Lanny void of literary merit Althosith the entire company of French men nodded a heart, rtaactit to tor ...merle, Franklin gave no ergot 0/ rt.° vs]. Being at that time a court favorite, his comparimna could no. bear even a tacit reproof from a man at hie wc,ghi of induct/cc. Tney ad appealed to has far hit ups:pots. Frnoain, to one of hi. peculiar way., replied. that he saris hordiy prepared t. give them a suitable answer, as hie m:nd hod been running on try. merits of a new hook of rare exceilence, which he had plat happened to fall in with at one ante clip book starve; nod on they had pleased to make al. lesions to the literary character of the Bible, it might .11tereSt them to compare with that ',home the meats of his new prise. If so, be iauuld read tho u , a short section, All were eager to have the 1./actor read a portion of his teen book. lites very save end sincere Meaner, ha took as old book from h coat pocket, and with propriety of utterance read to them a poem. The (Weal Led ,Is effect The admiring %gen era pronounced n the hest they hod ever heard read. "Thai a Pretty," stud one. "That is nub loony," mud another. "It has not ita superior m the world,' was the unanimous eposkm. Tbeyall, Washed to know the imma of lac near work, and Whether that was a specinteu or sts contents "Certainly, geodemen," mai the Doctor o smiting at his triumph, "my hook to toll of sock penances. It l• no other thin your good for nothing Bibb, and I have read to yoe the prayer of the prophet I.labetkuk " Lm every reader learn avirdorn from this inci dent. and learn to appreCirae aneipahnd snb- I-mmes of the Bade. GOI4LZI36.—A week store we rave no. rico of the election of Mr. P. A. Packard to the Presidency of this institution. We now learn that the wide Geld Qf usefulneas open before him in the publication deranmeut of the American Sunday School Union, has induced him to decline this highly flattering Invitation, although the interest he Icel. in the success of the College ie so great that the appointment to preside over it and direct us useitilneas would have been accepted, if any thing cr.uld have tempted him to exchange his present post for tiny other. The election of Mr. Packard is, perhaps, the best pledge that the Directors Web to oiled Mr. Girard's wishes in regard to a thorough moral training of the poor, ra1her1. , 5 1 1447.-114i4a. A nurrivan. Doubt Not. lir 1 Id (N"WIAOS. When the day of life is dreary, And when gloom thy course enshrouds-- When my steps are fount and weary, And th:, slum dart w ith clouds, Steadfast still la thy doing, Let tai soul forget the pep_ at 5.111 the right puthuinv; Doubt nut' 'oy chart route al laar Striving 4.1. and onward aerating, Seek not itrure year. to know, But deter, the wished for Lloraing. Ir .hall eonte, though it be view Never to - mg—upward geising— Let thy fear. astde be cast. And thy trial. tensplinh. braving— llaubt not ,ay .b.II route at tow Keep net shot thy mul r•grening. Seek the good—spurn evtl'a thrall, Though thy foe. thy path besetting, Thou Plait triumph o'er them nil. Though each year but bring th•e sudneza, And thy youth he fleeting lash There'll be time enough for gladness— Doubt not' joy shall come at Wu' His fond eye watching o'er thee— 11. mon; arm shall be thy guard— Duty's path to otratgat before'thea, It shall lead to thy reer•rd Dot thy 111, thy Pooh made otronger, Mould she Amato I y the paot-- Hope thou on a little longer I Doubt not' toy shah come at last: Panama Lembo Surtax—Prepared by J. W. Kelly William street, N Y., and for sale by A Jayne., No. 70 Fourth area. Thu will be Mond n delightful arti cle of beverage ra familma, and particularly for sick roomx Bann'S Oxon.. An improved Chocolate prepara tion. being ...minimum; of Comm IRO; imiocerit. irr• •Igorating andpumt.b'e, pu;;;.10. highly recomilteirtigdyrtyria tharly for ihvillids. l'repirrtd by W. ilater, : parebc. ter, and :or rule by A. JAYNES, at tke Petra Tea Store, No. 70 Fourtb n meld{ F. load Marino inst. Too Prrn. 00 0011 N•V1414 - VON •NO EIRE Ixacaaoca CIMPAITIP-. chartered ltal—notitinti,• to insure, upon every de scription of property, at as fewest rata. Orrin; No. 21 Market street SAMUEL GOR3ILY, Preet. Roger an y6.110al Improvements to Dontleery. DR. D. 0. e'rE..a R Inc of Bosom, Is premtred to manufacture and set Bfo 6 T ru in whole and pane of sets, upon Suction or ainiosphenc Suellen Plates.— Toontecue ratite usrive relerrea, where the nerve in exposed Office nod reslolenCe next door to the May or's odic°, Fourthstreet, rittebarßh. Rae.. vo—J. hPradden, F. H. Point. jalli JOB PIWITING DILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULA Manifests, Bar Lading, Controaa, Laso li totha, Lunn All., LAMS, eearvturn , 4121:111:11, rowans, Re. tee. P at the shortest notice, at l ow prices, *film degGore - m.omm Ml= 11111112 S. W. U. wright, n, P., DO/raise" Oastca and roludente on Fourth at., 1. 0,- . ;" oppomo the Pauthurgh /tank. Office 1144 'Wm I ga n n: . 2 " AL 9 k *' to ci rf ;111.faynd APOLLO HALL..A BMW PICATVItS6 rItWENTV-POCRTII CONCERTof the EMPIRE INeTR ELS, Wednesday evening, Jolgeth, Oa h ourn.tunal the request of numerous Ladies and Famines, they sr appear with WHITE PACER, In the first part. and introduce a seloeiion of the M trtitT POPULAR NIELOINkZ OF THE DAY, Together with their own original and much admired ETHIOPIAN ItIOII3. Footer's Popular Bead of 'Nally Woo • Lady? ertll to repeats...l, by perttealarrequem Flekota, l 5 cents. Doors open at 7f o'olocki Concert to commence Glassy Dry Cleeds. - lITTIO WANTS NI maito Demi. • V Groom Muslin, for " Mead:mil ilansriOr Pa ntsolcAn Calicoes Good rina!l-y. Mous do LauAs Cita:hams Alpacens do. ?irk and Wool Bermes Conon h " Bonnet Binh, 6.+ Good quality Kid Gloves" 37i " Ca.ait,rs Broad Cloths " SI 25 A A MASON A CO. hare Goods at prrers above Call soon at the only cheap one price store, Co Marko street. JYTS EIV HOOK..—Southey's (* . Ammon Place Nook, N edited by his sou-in-law. John Hood Ihnen. D D Abbott's History. of Julius Cesar with engravings Just received at JOHNSTON & ror Mork, and rt. rd 41 TAMES' NEW NOVEL.—The Wel...amen A Ro mevee of the times of Rtehard HI . by G. P. R James, Esq. Jest teertved by JOHNSTON tr. STOCRTON, ,y 25 ror Market and Thin) DI I Pi lIT ifiC.LII7 WOULD tender their nomere thank. to the ctizens YY of Pnintittreh for their very [Mein: pittron4ne th• past THREE WEEKS. and b. g Irnve to nano., that they wilt spun entertain thr:r friends at APOLLO HALL, WEDNESDAY EVKi. JUIN 57, On which occarion new Songs, new Dances, Sc. Sr will he Introduced Doors open nt 74—Concert to commence at . IE7 ticket. 25 Gent/ J y 2.5 Ell4l.lllViairders. EIGHTEENTH DIVISION PF.NP.SILVAN IA VOL _ UNTEERS. (10L ROBINSON tenderg hi. grnteful arknowledre• / 111,I• to the Generals of Br om , e, Field. Comp., snd,.iniT Officers. for the honor conferred upon Um in railing him ti the command of khe Divi-ion. The ‘i Rio, General emtirnre.the n• rotocrnriln • a••ure tile Itifirere. and through them ;he Rank slid File. that It will be hie greateat plesaure. a. it IS hta duty. ro co op rale with them, in pfontoung the edit en. ry and reapeetabrity of the under ih o now , and. a• y -t. untried dritultirmion. eata , •li•hed by the eousyttiled autbordres of lho Comma Ivrea lth By order of Id Al GEN FIOBINSAN P.O. IA kY. Alit us Csscr Huse Qrstrrus, Pittsburgh, July Xl,lBlO. Haan grmuran., lboirruag - ru Dm. Ps. VOL. 1 Jut 21. 16 4 10 The Manor Generol hem appot .tcd Cep, Ch.. blity lot. late Governor of the Pai.e, and Keeper of the Arehtea. of Melte, Capt. John Young of the Rr.b. or n Cavalry. and Feedenek G. Kay, Fiq., of 1 4 1 re. limb. his And', de Camp. with the rant of Lieu errant Colo.!, mud d reeta that they be obeyed and reopeeted as glitch By onler of Maur (iencral aonmma. 0" 2 . 5 F. G. KAY. Am ritt CAKI• Periodical LI use 1. Tho London - Qutnerly Review, Th • t?!notntrgh Review, 3. The Wo.tmqvaer RevtesT. 1. The Nn.34 Rnurh Re,ear 5. Ft act..rend. Rdinhurgh htegaline— Monthly The above Perna heal. , are rehnnted in New Verb, immediatelyon their arrival by the Brats mea, in a beautiful el or type. on fine whit- Pere , a"d faithful copies all, origtnala.—Hlack wood a Magazine hong a exact fhc•inintle of the Faltnliurgh V . 111,1 The pricet of dm refineta are lets than one third of tho'e of the roman contra any while they are equally well r 'twitted, th y afford all that advantage to the A mertern over th• FeelTrad„ Tritert—t Payment to be made in adv.. , For any one of the Poor Remmers, • 83 fel per an For am two do - A to For any three do • 7 tut For n'l trier of the Review., - c ii) For Ellweitwootra Maearae, - 3 no F. , !Slack woo-I a d the Saar Reviews, 10 .0 The above prompdy .uopiapd by • / I) LOCKW , aID, Bo koeller and Importer of For•ien 800ke, y 25 03 Wood st. irr Mar Ir wood's M Int July. has lout been reggugyrd, •nd m, v to, had us above. )( .T 4 -15 1,1,1 g ,lus day rec,ved from 0•11 s nOlll. and or sal, t y A R RoNGk CROZ F:R. L Ol l , - 2 0 WO , lu.l r.e'.l and for •ale .):15 AR 11+ rßrl\fti c ROZgR Desirable Snbu.bati Residence to, Rine. i. inn tint In reinnvo (ern, hcreb oder, fnr r. nI trs rent Inn., hi yiand The around., eatt,acing twenty arr.., nr- liandnonn , inicro and ihe - plare well •Inclind ta. tunny of which ••• pro-toned in • Ou•nut , ten The location in delirt,ul n.nd Any persons in rent may vneor t,e• peemises.—no.seavio will he ainen e , 77 3 _1 , 7 ;T .l ii A FA litir-sTOCK Wholosale Drug More for Sale ' 7`HE•tr.sert,•.. de.treua o , ret 'rem the Dealt ! ta , teot, eSer their eveti seteeted .anek Drue , M.itetne• ete • lot .ale • 'I he :.I•' I• among the moat .lir:hie ..1 the Wenl. hen na rteticnr:re aid luctatlve filst"rn elrtn roe rooc ..b.lartory tnfortaa , b, re , a,r, to :he nrnr. 111.- and the ma.onit toe go t un; h..•eoes. cao g •c•I by addres•lng the ,attos, r.• bets. No 104 Mai k 'tree, Wh•elmg, Va. PIIVOR k PAULL. Irl4 . diol—Wher , n4 Gaz • A FITV Ft SE—M.OM itet fur 0 /11../Ing. fur •n/e / 7 1• Al S - _ p W DER— 13,m0,ng Ponaodet. 'op. qoaddy tug'. 40 itille do r.o do 4. , do do .10 do do ILA qt tlll do do do do maga, r arld dellreta , lo vI a r boor dolma day :1'44 .1 S Dll.Wlitail b. CU CHEUSE—SU noses Cheer in corn and (or •alc lip J 5 I , II.WORTII .1, Co 1[ 4 1 L01.: 11-241 I. r Flour..up , en, quul.:y. /or ••to __)±i /04 lii DILWOH.TIII CO MACKE:III , I,-Y. 1.1,1 a No ' largo Mackerel. 1-111, Inat landing and for sale by .11111 . 1 E DIL‘VORTII ir CO WRAPPING PAPER—€4O m. w nor. and for P•le Lv jr zt J S Di LWonTH & CO ffiFOR SA LF.—A Oriel House. (bet one Year buolt.l md Lot, on Robins. otrert Alleo brut. nest old Bn ,ge. Prieto low snot ton, et, Inquire of 1121 B SCROYEF, Yedond'Ot by for tolnut ft , to the allots tob.gir ..le by Vi s R :171 - 1711F.ONT. Idd Liberty ot 110171.DERM-41002 des Shnuldery in mud, boloe C.l and for ..e by 1)23 WAR Nl'rt Ad ' Alo"loe. • ETTERA OF ADNTINLITRATtO'II 1...0r t.., T emoted to tho u dersirtn,l on the S. urn. of , A 1 . 4 dqceasert. nTllaldbritt tonru•nip All per rtni 240 ori.g titenionsel indebted to the Foot.. ere tiOnfied to enOto Untried/tar pspront, and those h Inc slums are requested o presant then, iro in per 4. an litontested LiEORUEIIWGIBE rOI:4T /AMES M'IrIfIK:VV. _ _ LtITRA vAmitx FLOUR-10 hbls Jost ree'd and I . )f^r !LY 1Y24 A RAI.TRIt NG 1 cRozFR I , IIREK SECOND 111 N i, pI , Mt.. either for rule or real—One of the above Plano Foto" c - f.,; 4 ri exnhonged cost ognotirr 8500 for of Own t.d, Or roarehandize •t a four var. , ' _4l JOR M FILL AR, 9l wood „ TLACKIVOOLPH c . ....712-Arra Diet Sorrel... Nu.: Chnsteeher on. der Canvas The Intend of Sardinia, The Q.. "01.— pen XIV; The Genie Laws in Stol/411d: Horn, yw; Patalognium The Crowning of the'Clilunt , and Crawling 0( the Pedeatal lb. day received, for enle =IV, on ttoOset tontine alien P 3 per year JANINS D LOCKWOOD. rqt Wood at, 1721 Agent Gir etilinalo 11:NIATTA DUX/518-45 tOrle In .tore and (or aJo by KIER & JON ES, 1)21 Canal Liaain, near HI e t ()REAM TARTAR-1 hble lust rood ono tor sale Icy 7)3.1 R E *ELLER.S7 Wood st . _ • LSIOF.R-1 blit lost reed and for Cale by IL , 1) 7 4 E SELLERS - _ ARRETTH SNUFF-1 newel, law E S reed and G for I_ll sale uy _ H ELL.ERS IQUORICE ROOT-4 00 RO " an , farale Ly R E SELLERS - %VIPS AMPLINR—W R. Murphy has rerelyrd a frnah supply (or draaara very cad to. Also el, broldered Moalinr, plain Mcat Mariam and barr.d iscol.e., 'oar prated and fine; at nonheast corner 4th Cad Saraet at. JYTI 11RNITURE DIMITY—W 117TruTytty ham re l` and a few pieta. far almoner bed quilt, at thp iornr pride of Ittor_iper yd. A T ha a nro an?e — ol ' o V r . e!l L q .ki tn " lw rP , h' wh h oN ‘ 6 n e ♦hl cline on, •t low {mewl. IYYI NOTICE ft , REWY RIVEN to itic an who know thrm•elves , i llF,nt ebt_ed to ?ha Eat , te of JOHN VVIIITTFN. drol, al n( rittanurgh,l Put they at- requeved In rail ~...thoot dthy and •att r i cir accounts with Si bird 4704.-fx thri %I/alehouse ot J& A. Floyd, Round ..;7k,teli' ili'ldlifika, I,ll,rir strcru 'I bum ir ilciitinlf thi , no Pe outer than thirty days, pay ardpirtit that Itwa. sera° I. On then •a in iho h mds of a that officer for colicetnin. NI A itG RFT WHITTEN.' n 12 , .v RICHARD F4.Ol'D, mr pnid ro ll ,L btr tr e , :t ,n cn , o g r r k . en price iii peat, w il l be S /1411 .° 4A b I y 1, iy2 - 1 No4l Weter end 11l F , ort st ()DA AS ll—% csiFs Soda A h. cacti and in, 01d, by D V & W HARISAUGII B C,T,',g,"°T l l 3 rrall 'rkt:N;;;ILTB . A . I : 1 11" C 'l n E nc ' l . lo F ; — ;:le h b o rrj ' y ' r ' CEI7I.Vbf;ZA'BIZ;47I' WESTERN 111IN8TRILLS, W =LIZ Jtgriglrr`. of ( tttlpt i a b n " ;:Lt r ntt b o ' r ' t r moot, at the %OLE HALL—atm:Lace on Fottrth rm. t—on 111o,lay, Tursday and Wed.. , eaday at 0- juhy za, 24th and 4 th, eansismtG. of 'wage. aid Ittarletyiamt, from tha mast pa p a oammien of the anal. rot oonti. protrantte. irr A dEpin 3 vc." new.. Doors open nt 7i—Do • ell commences al t o'clock. jrr.ncnn PATENT RIOUT NOTICE T l LL P 4e h o a rs u f " o I gtel l sdo n o . ( 1 011 1 1Z, T ' ol 4 P C ' o t t7: MP.NT ATMOSPIIHILIC CHURN DASHERS." arc I, a B.Plmote, Nd., for Marytond and Middle and Western Virelata: 0. Mnedentel, Pins s, Pa , lot Western Penney:ea de, scum,. t nn. and Castries E sfutclunson, Cleve and, 0 for Noetbern OSio nod Indiana Them OCT Ave, A are appointed. due no. dee wi Ibe elven Any person or persons indleging wanly rights, will ba prosecuted aroonling to low. CH ...ALBS J. AN rim?: Y. Now York, July Mb. ICA . N U—The Chapin Patent covers all ranee of easily he the Rotary Meager or Rather. Ap0110... fsr Inete, County, or Tovrinhip Right., te ae made to 0 SIACDANIF.L, Burke , . Building. lytd.d3jAwato•T Fourth street, piiub. q t, - liOlit'SEL'S A_I7.OIIIATICK VINEGA.II.—The high. ly sanatory, baleen* and tonic properties of dna e an gar tender it far superior to Cologne water for the ordinary purpOses tithe toilet, surpas•lng the lat• ter in its perfume. it prevents and removes pimples, hence and asperity of the skin, It refreshes and whitens the skin, rendering it soft and smooth. It correct. the clammy and bitter taste of the mouth, imparting a fresh aid pleasant breath. It cleanses and whitens the teeth, and hardens the gums. For all the shore pun polies, it is used with water insuch proportion as may he found most dreblibbe. Hy inhaling it and rubbing it on the temples, it will remove headache. If applied In a / a nti) , to a burn or bruise, it will eventually prevent monificaden. It corrects vitiated ale, and guaranties from contusion; it is thrrebire eery useful for punning and perfuenhe opbrusbbots. Fat into by BELLEas, Wholesale Druggist, iy2l 57 Wood street, t ittatiurgh Sa{stra l l y tte ' l ree ' ' ' d and for •ple by The bbl O m % at rend, at the Pekin Tea Store, 7U Fourth .t. litelC.l —OW bbl.Wteekey, in store and for W we by tuna W& N bUTCHF-LTREE eitNF •übeeribera have on hand &superior lot of Poplar Timber, GU and GO feet long, 'which they enll on to order. DMVILLE IL oRAIO A SON, 1 7 21 : 131 Outlet San Mille, APeeh•ny Coy. Hama. 1/ BACON MS, "Musconne cure," au penor nenclu, In store andkro,r,,sll,l)l-;7, Nifitit Line of Ornielbuses, THE LAWRENCEVILLE Rana—An Omni bus will leave ow Diamond in Pillsburyh eve, Pte F . . M. and to Welork 1.11 , VranC ,,, H4 al - Pl.l 9 . & J. BRP.IDENTHAL. 3y, Information Wanted U'IR A NC "' A'ELLIEIIii. • Painter and Trimmer, 1,11 Toronto. Canada. lor New Oilcan, Ills wife, g. in „. ‘ e ted I n t y n , u received ..ty letter% 4a rvl Item him ai N.her to c, , ne to him a, New Orleans. which .ho delayed doing ronyequeoce o' the prevalenc e of cholera in the FY , ett , that time ,he has wri lento her husband r , peat-dly. huthya been unable ,o hear any thing of hum Any iv formation respeenne him is anxiously •‘, domesved 'wife in thu Oily. Ana per lino. will please direct letter to ^Gazette office, tvbargh ID - New Ort,tantt Perniuste will eablisn the above toamount at et, and charge Gazette, Pittsburgh. ODD BooMS FUR SIJMMF.R READING kT TA 11.0a—Notes from Life. —Note. from Brinks. 1110 G —Story of Battle of Waterloo. • Nriv not Erbburros—Grantley Manor. Alb:We/on. Owl Creek Lettere. Merry Mount. Sarni The Salamander. ABBOTT S—Summer in Scotland, etc. etc. En• •ale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD. GS WOOO at JOURNAL OF HIE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, FOR THE PROMOTION ea rmt MECHANIC ARTS. q o'deat Mechanical Periodical extant in A LII<TI - • pubaahed on the firm of each month in the o cy of Plniade•phia. It has been regularly tainted for upward• of twenty three venni, and is canitilly edited I.)a rorrtniinee of itetetitifie gerolemen appointed for th , hr the Frani ai. Inatituto The deservedly high repaint on, both so home and uhrnad. A Lich this Journal has acqtrred and sumac, ed, ha. riven it a circulation and exchange list of the hest, [pelt enable. the Commute en Pub brabo •• to make the best selections from Foreign Inurnals. and to at ye Circulation to orvginal communi cations on mechanical and scientific subject., and no- .3" o' sew conventions; notices as all the Patents issu ed A the Patent (Aiwa. Washington City. are publish ed in , I* / .urnal, 'Nether with a large amount aim. formanhii on Mechanics. Chernisiry, and Civil Engi ne. ring. tlerivrd from the lan si and lien authorities, This louraal to published on the first of each month, earl, number con athing at least ryclllY•t`lro Page , el thruts o vuthinrs annually of about cl pages inlet, I , ll.m 4.rl :tied with engraVings on capper itud on W11041o(Lhore str ter is which require them T.- Atli.' rips 011 ilet. itt Five Dollars per 4111nam, en yahle no the romp elicit of the sirit numbeh and it vvni I r h+rward+d tee, of m(sc. when five d o ll ar . are et not ;rd to, Or wiry rrp.tage paid) ire vahee tor one year's •übeertptton C",,, 17,10,1010. and le•ters on hosin g .. b e dl. ,ecird 1., • ine Ar Linty of tit- raoklin In•titute, Phil. adelpnn a, Pennt.y.van a," the paid WILLIAM 11.A.AILTOV, 1121 , 111 n Actuary F. L Crfir.INNATI receivedand ?or . male by S lc W MANUAL:Cir. •V:4l 5 Wnier et ‘V I (nr i , ..,..‘; , :s b (i y I.AS:4 , - r — , 1 1 4 ; 10 b .T; s , \ u r 1zAeR..1,7,C1:4,1114 YEACIIES—IOY So rivd reed and r, r sale II by I. 2n srh la lIARIiAI , I4Ii )R i : „ 1-:D Al' L bush s ru a :ir w re , a 4 ll and for Bale F RRAIJ :H '(—•‘: V) . Ll l :l ' s ' : No Daston .rPe'e?- o o d Lo n o I,v rt. S AT , HM rod a 0-4 , 6 I , ls s's Tobacco. n oftI7OI-nd arrtve or a f•w dor. , onle of whi o ch are e •olee brands and o' super.or qualay, recd on ennaignment and for sale by lyro S WATERMAN HAD AND HERRING—A leas bbl. of each ye a - ", on hand and for sale by 1..:3 WATERMAN W HITE 13..ANd—.70 VVhte Palm., on hand .nt Fale t.y ITIO I. 0 N LA W kTFR MAY igromelmre lb. moot h. ahoy. mom ourfel. most no s 1., •mrMytneni of roan. - -Washmolom . _ VAIL A A' A?..,:ochaal',',l:Ed,,,,Fo", r, month Tot, at t'lle r.ottar a yexf in avatteet; Three copies on, vetlr, or nu.. copy Thrro year., St, Eight eoptes ...tilt to one address) SEt, Twenty copies, Si! Sea. su , sert!,ers u,ll hefurnished with the back numbers •f. lor any of the vclume. Seven volumes snyrptc,lish.,l Pool, v lome. I a complete .e 1•. or in srporste vol. farni4lied at tin,. Dolkt , end Terent,averents elCh J MKS 11 LOCK WOOD. _ 6 VVood et FIEFA AATTY PAROSOLd—W. R Morph, has I re-rooted a few of the above of ;he new hutch, .ut Iringe, end rely 'open', qusitty. jytd _ idd.j gs,s Wearer,' ' , perm Oil Isot do colored I tlo 0 , 11.10 brow', I".nner.• Ili!: It. WOK ' , trial's do do ',AP antis Wes-tied wooer Whale 011, in more •ed for •• by )e‘ M. LLER ♦RICK ETSON d •It Of • 1.--111 butes. owe Naiad Os', Joel fee'd CI nod or • yIl in hiII.L.FR h RICICKV.pasf T Ri:11-10 I ln, Flonbneo's, I.•wvon's and Strub's I.`ls r•.h. ni • ter.: and for *ale by TILLER k RICKETSON 1) 1 . t • liETV , —d Jrn Heaver Duckrui 6 do do Tubs. in store and i.y nl O MILLER & IIIII"KrTS(E6 in WEFT AND DRY MALAGA WINES-10 yr trio. Awe, %Ott, W , nc; 73 Indt;n bbl. dry Go ID,' lu•i reretrrd vidtor .de by , y. 6 MILLER & RICKETRON M French Crecy Sarni cae.4;7l - ..g..meut and for ante by & RICKETSON • ITOR RENT. r llyou R new two story Dna Dwelling Houses, well finished oral In coosfilaia order, on Cerise A woos,. o• hiirenvillo road, 7th Ward. poi •C••.(1.1 rcn luanciltately. Rent low. Enquire 30tiN wATT 11 , 19 corner ;...i4t,17 ASTROLOGY - . I''l daft of the e iy for a -hop , ll4Y, and May be consulted on all of human life at No4o. Si Chair at. otetonnee from 31. r is. Fee from 50e to PM. Mr I orrox+. the only peran who predicted correct !, the ntarfiage of qu-en VICIOPi*, and described her LL.l.and. two year. berate it Volt place. P S.—Lima the Lune of bulb with yog. 419:Claita /AR Fi.OTOS—On bard a nd sate. by W NVOIn- Sf Inch. at hr. Cerp 6i413.41, n large and e:• ve twortideurof Oil Cloths, •srylng from P. 7 in ett,am It feet WOO. 50110 Milt any size hall, mom or vesobu , c The aaaortunot cot.sis. of the latest and m-tst approved styles and colors. pr rC"l.4.kiNC9f. FRESH A RRI V 11,—Of calmap ,ply Imperial Carets in beNe'tkoa rift. ity , os, t the Carpet Wo,sedese of hDDIANTOCK, to which we tonne ibe . etta i'on of those wishing to fernish steam bqats houw. to rah and examine our eitentree stook be fore mierbeans elsewhere. jy lo (Is NEAT WORK ON COAL..—Tay lora Stannic, COI 1 . Cool—The asegranhica and geolog,cal ifissiiho ron of conceal eointeistitnes of fact, including, R t•o. he pane, mineral I , itooduneas subetances mai rinvod ;n oruilanfmanuf macs. illarrsted by mope end diapena; from hit reports of the coelproduring 00ttutr.a, the respective amounts of , r radorllon. consumption seri commercial diva , 1,1 all eats of the wale; prepared by Illeheal Cowllns Taylor. in one vol vs. , " For ale by JAS D LOCAW_SK/D 01 Wood a Wilsey. ha; re 11ce,ced a idiot,. article, tome of which are D to circa one in; lag =MM AT Ax-rgß—An experienced SWesraan In the bry yv Bowls bowl:tests None ether need eoPIT jytt:dif W H BARHAM), 71. Market .t _ _ reneirlug 1 the Carpet Watchman uf W. lillgilhiTSlOK,No. Fourth itreet supeatin end ie Ingrain Barrios, r ch w colors and design, to which are Invite the at. Itlll4oll of purchasers. WAITED, BLACKSMITH capable of nicking salt pens, foe. AL glue, and Ihrnwhing such work an IS required ft • out soh Works, and repairing small swam engines an trotters A Fowl /1 nation is now offered to such a person,, to rcntitinth hi,,elt to Lushness where IA con nt 9 Pid, Iwo or .Itree bands. Apply io KIER & .10911kS, or the stitoterthrrt, clear TlTentout, for farther Information. THOMAS KIER, LEWIS PATERSON Saline Solt Work., July 18, 1819. . BATITING. TT MOT RATES FoR ONE DOLLAR, or a sines 12, nett, (or &nee° cents. ....I,es Department open from 9 to ;l n'elnnn, A. AL, and dip a n clock, P. M. John, awn Poland 00,9 Battung Elnabliekunent. 11!a nITALL, PTOpliOlo7. lt.ll4k:E—Lal bags Rio entire, oat tee'd andTr kj Bair by ROBISON, LI I TU.: k. CO, 11 15 IVA Liberty at 11 I . 011Iolaiaer 10 dos H do, in mote and on eale by ROBISON, Lrri•LE co r--,541 big Au. Nmp. rc'd7CuSkor t , y 11 , 11•ON.1./rTI.E a. • Nhe —ou Sees sell., meld siseig 00 do wyo't Noses; to urns unsorted liar iron. for solo by CO, I, I'l OM. &.e.-150 Ines Nos L and Lluttlog; 50 1.) do Candlewick, '2XXIlbs Cotton Yam, for sale by /Yl , ROWSON, LITTLE & CO 1, ACi /Ni—ls es.. prime Shoulders; 09 los sugar co ) red couvasted Hams, re 'd sod bur sole by 10 1 1 ROBISON, LI , TLYIYe. CO D ltl t; U lie:FF-900 bush dimil Peaches, do stes, LW do Aopics, for sale by ROnISION, LITTER. d: co )111 . Act1-1 ions Potash. it prime article, just reed end to, ',0f... by ,y 18 ROMs, iN, IA ma; & co GLoes--175 boles P.OlO VP Glass; 60 do ass'd sites j do. his sale by alb ROBLSUN, LUJLX, & CO EEA I . —21)1 to.. Sir, to %V r App..; Paper, joa reod for iode by jell ' l ll/11140), I I rft.h: & Co U./A RS-0 bads N 0 Hogan IC lads Nos 0, 6, and t Loaf do, for sale by ROBISON. Lirrtc co 1:4 3H-30 has !Loge new No 3 Mackerel; do an No 1 (hula Harries; 10 do Pickled No 1 1 3440.14,1 n more end for sole by iTt . JOHN WATT it CO eks:.husett. tn.pecuoq rece~vrd hie day', far as Y, 151 n, tTHEW; /CO, 1518 and [H Water st D to IRON-150 tons Ptg Iron, part sob, for founder'', 1 for role by aid ROBIOON, LJITLE dr. CO T A 11—N) , bbls N C. Tar, reed , lIIEWB b snle y , 15 /k. CO T tIol3-01.1 P.S. Lend reed •Rd for sale by 1Y , 9 ' IFH SY, meTrtnnvs St CO ILtRESH LB11:—/10 bbl. Jun reed r per , learner Lydia Collins, for axle by jul7 . C H fi RAN r. 4I wet.. Fr F ANDEN FLOUR-60 bbls Fanner a ARV* *anal 2 , du M Moores, Reday reed aOd for !Baia by /3 ARMSTRONG & OROZER "Canna round and hear, my public dear, eon,- hear, and Raise It gently— The Or.< 10 terse. and flowing verse, ut the wit. of lientley."—Bon. I) ENT 'S NIISCELLANY.—Ias. D. Loamoon, wood !Part, has for sale a complete am of ten. relehrated work. carted try Cherie cpaten. and Ajos w.,r,l,, wah onorunon. by Creitahank. Jytv lIAIII4OOO lb* aim cured, for We by nu JD WD I Ana, IN Wood el AUCTION SALES. Dy John D. Davis. Aactlon.... Peremptory Sale of Dry Goods . - - On Thursday tro•nane. Joh• :At st 10 a'rinelt. of the Coouneretal Saies Hoor', corner o( 1%00,1 ;Ld Fifth streets, sell be sold, without re.erve, to close A large assorni-ot oi for-orn and domesve Dry floods, arnoocl which ore , p•rh le coos, Cl...ere, ss‘lnetts. ;weeds, 411 preoes .wiped u,d p n.n tarcl.ed dnllinc. IS piece- ricking. 12 pc. won gold furniture chocks, 3; pc. d. 4 L sown ghee:sorts, French and Man chester g$ oghsors. super prints, splendid law., bnrn ens. de la, s. alpacas. sills Watt surto, shawls. hdafti hosiery. gloves, leghorn end broirl oonnoss, parasols, umbrellas, spool cot. coat, vest and stun blab:,, /Y. • At: o'clock, . Groceries, Queenasvare, Furniture, de. 7 huff charts Young Ilyson on. id ass Va unmake tared tamer° 6 do No t paten soap. II doren shovels, spades, spades and forks, ties, hate et., corn and gnaws scythes, wire and on Wes. rildlra. writing rc••d sernennlg paper transparent window blinds, master clocks, lamps, took In, IC1111,•EA, &e. - • • A large and general assortment of new arid second ttand household furniture. Ste 132E128 Fashionable rendy mode eloilueg, boots and shoed, leather trunks. double and single hared shot guns, pis tols fine Cutlery. musnal instrumems, m no and second gold and sneer watches. variety Roods Re. JY24 Hons. and Lot as Auction On Thursday afternoon. July 26th. as 4 o'clock. will be sold on the premt•es. that large and valuable lot of ground. inmate on /fish street. at the Ross having r roo , of 20 feet on High stmt.', and eziending back 14.5 feet, on which is erected a rood two story frame dwel ling boil.. and other buildings, fo,merly occupied by J. Ja J. Smith, Iw•t alsnufacturers . . . -. . . Terms. one-third cash, residue In two equal annual p ,,,, w , tti with interest. to be sutured by bond and mortgage on tbe Property. 011 JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt StrX 'NI es-20 dos Pomeroy's, for j st, le v L ia ; sl : 1.) J>l7 SUG ARS—N. Orleans, Brazil, Havana, Loaf, Crush ed and Plasm:ed. for sole by . _ E=l JI A Isl'AVd-1 cast Seediesto ILO Ibstayer, 28 f tees n, It; 30 Fdo do, for sale by 11 17 .ID WILLIAMS fROM , CTIOCOLATE., 0.-20 bra Raker.Deo ma. 30 do do No. I Chocolate; 111 do do Cocoa; 30 do Aufellt Co Chocolate, receiving to-day and for wale by BAUALEY o'l7 and 2 ., Wood wt w H„',l..vri.A.LAbNy A ez.:„ -- G"„mrrarA"' - A LERATUS—IOO bAr No l, for sale by pol 7 LIADALEF & SMITH lA 1 A 'KERF.I.—/ oat wrnviorr, bbl. No S, SO do 111 No 0 lIU hf bids Not) Ina garnered No t alt of which will bo cold low for each. D'l7 - dlw JOHN AI:FA DEN tc -DARK LINEN LUSTEES—W R. Murphy, ai north east corner of Market ono Fourib eta, has open {IU, morning a few pieces of dark Linen Lustre., a renter article—toe sacks and drasse I. Also PsisAiosis Green Ada and Tore win, fringed and plain—a few or she latter of Tura stun and handsome finish. Also Fax•c r laimithi, or a de. irabla shade and quality.and Moron's° !Ma —Whim.barred and colored %hi:tannic Rooms up stain, when goods are offer ed in de•lers extremely I w. r3M7 A Partner Wanted, - rirFlo will tote an interest of nne third In the NO. y yal Stock of a Mercantile fthm intim pond bun which Can be i created. or will sell an harpist oi one of the firma whom health will not penal of ac tive service. A person withing to invest a small rap trd. will find ;hi s a invariable °phone.): rarely to be met with. For further .nformalion. add,.R X Pia, Post (Kee, with real name. All caramel:mations con fidential. jyrrall to iCarre. 1.013 SCALYE Ar. ATKINSON, Plasm or, onTorano WOOO •xo 11•N‘ ET, Prrrsecoon, IONTTNIIF: no oromoutacturo 111 kinds of COPPER, k../ TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Alm, Black, wroth Work. Steam Boats built to order. ftliiTlio:EVl to smanb;aworerso:ns: assortme sscosarssd Bras Katlic., Tin War, he. &n. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forges, various sizes—a very convenient ar ticle for atcombions, California migrants, OT Toil road companies. We would reepectfully inns steam boat men and Inhere to call and are our articles and prhica before porch elsewhere. PECAN NUTS-6 net. Pecan Nom. tort reed and for safe by IyIB ROBISON, LIT: LE &Co TO CONTEL&CTOELS PROPOSALS will be received by the andersimrd., Committee of School Dirretors of Fecund Ward, Pittstrursh, for furnishing I..elligh. and budding a Nadi, Setiwnl House_ in said Ward, Recording to plans end spectficattona which will ha ready for examina tion on Needriesavy, the 15th inst., at the Nora of A. Jnyties, Fourth street. Hills will be received unti.t Thursday, the AIM istsi_. at 6 9'elock, P. M. i A JAYNEA. I rs ,_ tyl7tdbe . -- IL MILLER. Jr. I "" ilier. F. ..._ RFV. ..11V—Reul Aromatic at's Amatic Vine" ; d o YPhilicome., do AM Made lid, 9 Woe, fi., Smell ing Palm; do do Rom Soap; do do e a c o oty d o; d o do Etnipiet ant do Corupoundol - m or , o „ J .,. ; „ c id and for •ele by /SIR P. 7. Ith.LLI,Re. 57 Wood tit ERFU MER Y— Lily %%hoe. i VICS, do X bOO" Chi; do Beer hlarrow, do Phtlicorrit; do Nympo Soap; last received and . for sole hy 1110 Fl h'FLE.F.RS lEA D—H,YO pig. Gmbraa Lead. In nor and for vale br Hid JAMES A HUTCHISON ACO Sl/0411.1 kegs alio:led Sbol. for vale by /I I 0 JAAIES A HUTCHISON A CO HFAIP-1.741 bales. ivvoun Hemp. for .I, by 0 ,6 J AN ES A HUTCHISON ACO OLDEN STRUP—In bola hf Lb's, .d 10 gab , G lon keg, (or vale by J A Al KS A HUTCHISON &CO, jyl6 Agent. for St Laub. Sk•napv&vratTlvd erg _ V"louse nolgovo " n, Ibr sa t e-I—le b l y llbbly Sr Loan Sys JA 1l Est A HUTCHISON A CO Il* sLtitlicat-1000 lads loaf, erorhod, pow red. awl clad/led Kogan, for rale by JeAtEB A If UTCHtSOI4 & CO, Attar NI LAMS ?t..111 Acear Reßnour 0 U 0 AR trUttitt MOLASSES—V 93 bW. reptrinare 74 m0t..., ...a on aomagolac,ra and; r ran /ow to otoso by IIEtUINN ICS Liberty rt . - - i l l moffily EM/144711.1.9ER OF DRY GOODS should wr c MASON A CO'S cheap One Price Rim; . arkelllnClL, fUr bargains. Teel sell good fall co . Imo Linens for it cents; Organdie do for 10c; Scotch Gumboots 10e; fast cord Calicoes Oft.; fine Merrimack do Sr; bast unsAty do 10c; rich A:4 do, ldici Dream tri brea !bed Mu-1 as 41c; Glares 4 center, MusUn amllama Col.llff 6} to 10 e, Octant Rusin Capes roma to cu to 6%0R iher grub the greateid varuni of other cheap goods to be found in the Wm" pir, ctiummr. Remember the number, 60.. Market at. .. IYI4 6 A kr.k.F.OINI k CO m4c.XE71130 bids dNo 3, Masa. inspection, 1840 70 lord° o Just reeeieed and for sale by MILLER & MCILEN*4IIN, 17 13 1773 and 174 Liberty st BACON—IIe., Shoulri,era and Side., on - consign: moot and 151 sale by - PIK - MILLER & HICKSTSON - - QAAJAATUS -30 b•i jun reed and for O .1 1 . by 1116 MILLEN. & aiciirrroA SUGAR HOUSE AND PLANTATION AtOLAS bbls satir Plantation Waimea; eV do do fugar twine do. ill core and ley sale by /916 MILLER A EUCEETSON QOAP—.I4I issa brown Clillirothe Soap; 100 bow No sin do; to stoic stare and Crir sale by =yl6 MILLER it RICKETSON A Oopartaterahlp. I.HE anderiigned have this mworimedorith them in bonne. JACOB L POD NY A RTZ, and will enn ui.. lb. business tie lies... Dire. ruder the arm of a A. FAIRY ESTOCK & ed. Jolty 3,1841 i. 1913 SCOUilii ' ALE-50 dos pint., froth impiostancyn to arrive in • day or re. For rale by lyre JACMI WKAVF.R, Jr. SOIL OAK PP Pi WOOD OA.R.DE Nki s The steam boat APIASON4 ha listen the Mace ofthe Thor Soon., as • regales racket to his Gaylen—leaving the Greenwood wharf bast liinelock, A. 111 , and at the beginning of eseh kW; anal aP. ra 1.31 linty from the Orden at Id o'clock Pauemality will be observed. Pared cents; chi' rentinder It half prbus. The attention of the eillsens is Invited to this healthy and pleasant refreshment., ex resort during this hot and sickly reason All kinds of pt intentlea Wa drink; am kept on the manila.. Greenhouse Plants, and Flonquots of choice dower% {ay snie. Closed en attn. day. A hl ES D'KAJPI. A anienvvv.F.,44.;-.oovalnri - L amtuape Gar ai,t,7l,ltloßva. tmd: 7too.deo,Reeon'odre"dopelateos,o4.ion Loudon Gardening for Ladie Itt mo; The Rose, Its culture, &masa, by Panto a; A l l en on the Grape. c - eu; Prooe's Pamologieel Manual, too do on the Grape. 8Y0; I °Mem Agnentutre, thick Sam do Garde.titg thick Sem tin Trees and.Shrnho, thick Elam Downing', tionicuriazia .51 , 0; American Artesian:mist, loYo. Par tale by '„1114 4 111Ja7k WOOD, 63 Wood St itIT/OE. Bri. d ' i 'l l i e7d tl he d th. ec fin of Mr. C. Bradley. The bi l e wilt be carried on by A. Bradley, who will mettle the boaineas of the late firm. REMOVAL—A.I3.IILn has removed his Paradry Warehouse from No. OR eteeand .treer, to No. ID Wood street, between Finn and Reeond street, o the warehouse lately occupied by G. A Berry, where he will keep constantly Oil band a general usortmenl of Cocottes Grates, Stove., Cooking Stoves, ae. jyl3 Cl(OAßS—lmported Prineipe. end Haysnas, of all / star. and color., of the most *ppr , vod broods , .for gabs cheap by_ iylo JACOB WF.A VEIL POTASH-18 cants Patted, landing per canal boar J I Eartnou, and for tele low to °tote by joa JAI. DA , ZELL, Water et Ntrfts--1111,..14 Pecun Nuts, just reed on ransignsaent and for Rale by 1111L1,'111,4, RICKETPON WFL CIIF.FAE.-37 mune WFt Cheem land b; . tug by Lo. „ l7 3 Ene nod &I JL,114 cub lrlEe 101r8 ,1 eb y i;lrij:orru 10.005 IIEADS—j 000 s, 0 bblv .ore; for Bale by IYI3 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO GI:YERON-11 bales now landing; ( or sale biT — Jrl3 PIAIAI I DICKEY & CO ( . 7 LABS-100 b. 8510 Window Glow, 75 erplovs l Jr , o; Y 5 do 10:14 do; 10 do 759 do, TV aeiirsl and for sole by RIMY, Bli‘TTOZWtra CO, /71 3 V Water at 8R00519-30 4o: extraCoro Co Brooms, rec'ebod for sate by__jyl3 Rimy, m&Trimm. &CO BACON -13001 b. Sides and Shoalgers,ree'd ekaa oar an aby 1113 RIMY, AIA rru Woa 6CO COTTON -103 bolok Conon, to more. and for mile by Irl 3 _ - • 13EY,IIATTIVIrWS k. CO •,. _ . PBACA - D8 . .07r --211 bbLs tbree y. ar n c ds. Brandy, Techd on conisignment and for we by iTg AGRICTICTU/iE, tem—Arneritas Farmed. &icy el.:media, dd. • Lindley's hegotalde Eingdom„Eam Davy'e 'Discourses on Agrigulrode, se, thnO. • &chidden—The MIA, 840. Liedr• Agricultural Chemistry, MO& Aline - es American Beft Book, 'Y goo. Alim's American rove Book, 12mo. Allen's Domestic Aetrends. Webster & Parr. Domande Economy Mime aim For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, ,119 Wood .t • • • wale tLAY-00 oaks ree'd this day owl L lI wale by )712 TANEY*. liflS f)bA NUTti—dao hash in OM 'mid Costal. by 312 WtMEY & BEM UNDRIP-;11 bars . CADmig: *bold No Witt 12 0 bags Fesuhen, tooni.s; for sole by i 2 D*l4ll/ DICKEY & Co, Front in MIDDIES-41W' No I Laid; 2 ask • &won; Y tem 0 Beeswax: 4bniCiuseng; 10 do Featharor; no. landuir from Slane( Ciltion: for sole by )719 ISMA/1 DICKEY & Car STEAM BOATS FOR CINCINNATI The r plerdid •tremer ALCI m itEti A Reno. mecer, .1 Iclve for the ahove aoC nuctmedta.r port* tbts day Wednesday. the Zth i.tst, at 10 o'clock. A. M. For"'"' or P.'"" ;1470 R '° F l 2':% .! Et ° . r e 3, S. mAIcBEAVER PACKET . - lhe splendid pa...eager steamer ELITE. Ch. r•re Beam, master. will mate Mr.. v. Beaver. leer leg ritubargh every ma a o'clock. F ma E , re ea the lightest boat in the trelle— drab Inc nuly 12 niches FOR CiNCINN ATI AND LOCI wilts, The 'INV.A"`7O7.IIZ7 Fiume, master, will leave ror the above and all inter...bate ports on tlaturdei, the kith, at it o'elock. A. M. For [Might or pessagv, apply on hoard, or to . W ttnAY Arent. CINCINNATI t PITTIIU UKUU .4d I lErie • DAILY PACKET LINE. EHIS well known line of splendid passenger Stem ma is now composed of the largest, swiftest, hes bed and furnished, and most powerful boats on the waters or the West. Every accommodation and cum (on that money ran procure, has been provided (Up= lenge.. The Line has been in operation for are jean —has earned a million of people without the least IWO ry to their persons The boats will be at the Coot Of Wood street the day prevrous to starting', for the (seep. non of freight and the entry of passengers= dm ter. In all cues the plumage' money mane be p =vane. SUNDAY PACE ET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Comeau Hemphill, Wil leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 OtallioAl Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 e. M. May 1817. MONDAY. PACKET. The MONONGAHELA, Capt Oust will Immo Was burgh every Monday morning at 10 o'clock Wheeling! every Monday rum= at 10 I. a. TUESDAYP - Katier The HIBERNIA No. 2,. Cant J. Etrsuazgyi,2ll,B leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday wonting at 10 eileamet Wheeling ovety Tacuilno event= et toy. a. WidDlVESieirP r iaTafatlT. The NEW ENGLAND Na. 2, Capt. S. Di 1%1,81 leave Put...bomb every Wednesday mein= at IS o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening a Mt ar TE1D11.1501.1 . PAH - B.MT. The BRILLIANT, Capt. Haan., will leave Plus. bunch every Thursday morales at lo &cloth; Wheelies every Thursday evenlnest in e. a. intitbk - t — The CLIPPER No- 2, Capt. Pan Hostas, will lean, rawbargh every Friday morrdas mlO otelook; Wheel lam every Friday event= at 10 P. IL ' ~~ Yr i, a[P. 0312113J1 4116.113113E1 ENTS to; /049. fiII)NoNizAfIELA ROUTE. Only T 3 Miler Otaglng. Via Brownsvllle and Cumberland to Baltimore awl Philadelphia. THE splendid and fast running U B Mall rteraries ATLANTIC Capt J Parkinson; BALTIC, Ogg A Seeob.; LOUISNELANE,' Capt E Bennett; r gimp making doable daily trip s between PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVUAIR The morning boat will leave the Isionon/fabela Wharf, above the Bodge.c daily ate n'etent premed,. Passengers w ll take SUPERB COACHES'aI Bredne. vine at 3 o'clock. P. AL, and the splendid earn 01 the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, et Cumberland, at o'clock, A. AL, and avrive in Baltimore the same eked• in in time for die evening liner to Philadelphia and' Washilmn city. From. limburgh to Baltimore, only 32 hoar. Fare elO,OO From Pittsb to Philadelphia, only 10 an. Pool 812,03 The evening boat will leave ate obtlock, except Elea day evenings Passengers by this boat will lodge ea hoard in eonsfonable Bute Rooms the firstnight,P.:4l over the mountains the following day in Eastern odd Coaches. and lodge the second night In Cumberlasd, Passengers have choice of either Eltaantheat 90 Road between Baltimore and Philadelptds, and the privilege of stopping at Cumberland and. Beldae, and resuming their seats at pleasure. C,,seebe e ca m , tared to ponies to (revel on they pleairo e . We make up the Mad. and wry tt'.da for the cemh. es to the Pitubargh offices, tin order es save dine on untying at Broscosmlle4 d It therefore important LOT Ft:lase/men to get their tickets before going on. board of the boat, nt oar Mike, dionongoldela Hoots Wain meet. or St Charles Waal, Wood t , Putsbarab. atmleddm J. hIPSKIMON, Agect Pittsburgh, & Louisville Packet Lase FUR CtNCI`7NATI AND LOUISVILLE. • 'The eplendid new cleanse •TELEGRAPH No. I, Healey, master, will leave for dome And Intermediate ports on Warbles. day W e i;ll at 10 o'clock a.. For el" passaq W ott & Co, GEO 11 IHILTENHERGEFL CMG!" F1FT3111... AND LODIBVILI.E, PAC'Kyry LAE Thn now and aplanditi pus s y,cp gs kai ii 3 ger pocket, TELF.DP..espH No. 2, loson,roostor, aril) loose for Cinelo n•ti @Ad Locuositle on Tharaday, the ad bun, at 14 o'c lock, A. AL For freight or posology apply on board,. to BURBRIDGE. WILSON ft Co, of UEO B MILTENBERGER. Loulnvllle and St. Louis Packet Leine. 11849. 11149. REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET MR 9:1. LOUIS The fine fon mooing pateeage r member ATLANTIS, Geo. W. Wicks, roaster, will' tears or the above ext 4 Intermediate, pore every at loo'cloelt. r. For freight or onsaogn upply on board, or to • E. C. KING, No. 153 Com. Looolisto. REGULAS sTfUlitThe V PACKET FOR ST. LOWS ... Th c e r fine fr . roillink , panirenger 111eFtrerso' „ i",„ for Oa above entlbt= "" inte ports *ve ry sataruaysr 10 o'clock, r. K. For freight or passage apply tot board, or to •- El C. KING, No 153 Cora. Spw,. - LouteWto Pull as Asag,6l:sta Mai unthesea•tos r. The Real and substantial steamer HUDSON. jallMcMillen, mawer, will per for so er regular trips between Pittsburg's wheeling and Bruigepos She will Mane Piusbargb on Wednesday.and Saturday. - Per freight or passuga, apply 011 board. apll --- ForitHELINCI AND SUNFISH. tailiThe her steamer CINDERELLA, Or ar c veC al . hroa e master, u, will Anne pare . Mondays and Thursdays, at It A a For freight or pausge, apply on board. apl7 • SUNDAY TRIPS TO BEA VER. The U. R. Mail steamer mtemoera No: 9, will leave the landing opposrm the Mono9gehela House, every Ban. roor. tog at 9 o'clock, for Beam. Debarelnc, amve o'clock, P. hi Fare to Ile”er and back, Tarenty•five Cads. mr• SUNDAY' TRlPrrlfill -- rtiVEB. -----.—' , 3 ,.... • The steamer BEAVER will helm the wharf, opposite the Monononp. bele Howe,very Scads) , monunt arer. Ikuumthlr. : 'sill Jesse Bearer at Icloc o'clock, for B P M., and am ma 4 o'clock. Pare, Twenty-6. Cents. no*. ___. pc-- • 111310111,,, _ INEO NULTENDEROXII S. H. AtAINT, Forwarding end Cerrommakat-Ilter chant, has removed to No. 87 Front, between Wood mod Smithfield street. moll 'WANTED A yonrg man Ina wrholes•le end rta'l dry rob store—one ncge.intcd vtiel the boldness. end e.n tote► well recommended. Apply el et Markel It= Re PYI NU PA Pliiit--6CO rms a. , ored fm *Wee rclow b l 9 J SCJI(WJNMAKERCO. wwwwww.- I AMP BLACk-30 bble for sale by 1.4 SCIIOONAI A REX & CO COr y r t rAB-30 bbLs jfisnimirZZKVlCTobt LARD bbLs best quality, tor sale by o' l 2 JFCHOONMAUI?B& CO 1.3 ACON-0 _ casks clear Sides In store; kit • lyly ISAIAH DICKEY &CO L J RA-200 Ras No sgiiir i /V i tz: v. 6 0, DRINTINO INK—book and Neves, 40 Ws alma. umetntexe den 1? J SCHOONMMECER d CI AIVD ROOFING PAPE.R, of yopariar oPlaity, `ale by i7lt J SCHOONMA KEIL & uo' ITA'rCINS AND' JEWELRY—The subsedbeir TT has now on hand a fine assortment of bort Fang , nab and (inner a Goa:Land Weer Pausal Law Watch• erk al Ma 1011, Mice, GS tat offered to 010 Eal*Ctil .11' it good order MAW Warlsullett. NV . W wit,sort, D • ttoll/01 , i Jr. CO. - ito.;8115 ammoolved THOMAS Wtao l .at; Ono nry, Prodne and Comn, on ji be con. inded v usu.,' under the firm of Robison, lA, risk Co. 1111,611150 N, LITTLE /1...C0.., Nn. Librrt.; lama Paisnurgh, Wholaiale Grocers. Pro. A .. .agr CDattoißeloil 3lerelmoti, and dealene fPirrbuntie Idannlacturos. 1,7 ROM 20011.1. TOD. . UM:LB. lipsiarl. esissee's Pill:Mee. ER EA S, Benja gm in Sctißl and (item A. WI John ena of ten cny of Pittsburgh, ...tsar der she Arm at &mat& Johnson hare made to thee senscritscr, an ossulnatant of all their Enato fee than !Amen of ail Mint creditors, as shall WIthIII.tIVIS num the data thereof execute And 4c/ivor to the t .I.hesoo a full and obsolete , releases of:ellt then, respective claims and demands. Notice is hereby fillrfti that the ...mem an 4 E .. lenw I. Item at the ogres or Me satiscrdwg, on Faisal". tercet to the city of Pittsburgh. art inspection aiut alp naten , with all whom it may colleens ntkoento W J. AIeCANDLFIII USqUI 11f rowaly reed .1 Dr) 000d4 W R MURPHY, 1910 BLACKI3P.Y ease-s. Ido ..35...„, r e s bottoms.," 10r Diarrboaa, he., to l 3,1•11. ynia notornends..l astringent cordial. an be rafted open itb ,„.d t t*e. • Persons Witthing to buy bad bet:ar eWl►cya_Por sale by Jytn JAc•mt WEAVdR, Sr ciu-oarDs OP LISIX,-0, band and (or .ale by Iy3 J. AlOll , & co. affEDILIAL , ENXIKS--Banien's Philosophy of Medi. 1111. Ohl &lances; do Treatiseon Fares, Louis on. Pk wiaty by Cowan; Hooper'. Medical. Llienonary: ngicson's do do; Cooper's Surgical Melia.' 67.- 1m of Surgery; Giltson's do do; Abernathy's Warts: J volAi Unparcqas on the Uterus; Hope on Hos Mawr, erlSTelsbiest'S A natounr. Wilson on Diseisso of Co Skin; Peretres hlsieria Medina and: Hat. Chapman on Eropuve Fevers; do on thitio anm Abdominal Viscera; Wood's Pramioa of xigaliebaer, Dangiesan's do do; Ilerlie's do do. Also, a large and fresh supply of Mats. S. S. Unica Ottqks, on hand and for sale. ay /3'l/ ELLIOTT & ENGLISH. 72 WONI eIUM CAMPHOR-4W lbs. un itrt4 luau Ur iY 3 J. KIDD A Co. VOOTE'S CHOLERA SIEDICIWE--On hood and for sale by 0 ,3 J IHDD h ors, but.l4.n. rudll.n,. tae Souse, and for men KIER & lON ICS 1„,”: 48 WIFFF.I . ---11docha , African, Java, L' Si Domingo and Rio CAffena. Out reed and SA , lain at dic . P!ktn TeAStofe. 7U fl+vnh au m i y lb A 180.5 rgil rtgtoh aza.prusta tray. IN, sm. and SO malt drama (rasa Fig., nut recaorai at :or auto at the Yakut Tea Sum, 7U Paash creek mvul lAAII93 — EED-0:10 roe'd .sd for } , MI MUNN& HEIM. 41%9.3,4 t