The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 24, 1849, Image 3

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iIIdPONTED di 'TEMECULA PIIIED , S, . (819, .. .
FOR THE PIT' BURGH DAILY GAZETTE. I.' NIX. I ' , .ti I ri.e. I sets.
$l4 --- 'BALdriti, ----7i7-,4--. 1 --,
• ...,• •• ••••4 47 7 W Brownswille Padre% BA. M. and 4P. M.
Beaver Pocketa,lo A. M. 0 0,14 P. M.
Farther Nene by the Caledonia. r, yam', . '' -'4" - ...,- • • •.. 447 1794
.......... --.4 4 4 , 3 798 Wbeeling—Pera.
GREAT BATTLES IN lIIINNAIII7 i 1 4 5 ,13-T"Yt ...... ---• •• 4 - ••.• 4 743
min ay' 470 7SR LOWBViSo—Lydia Collin.
DEFEAT OP THE GERMAN INSURGENTS ! 2 ° Tku."7, ...... - ..... 4•••.. 444 777
Ada" y, .... -•••4•••. 4 69 720
The G)llowing additional intelligence, by the
Caledonia, bay been received in this city.
Official Bulletins have been issued by the Ana
tolia Government, announcing tba compulsory re
tirement ot the'Bungerlims from Raab. They are
oald to have marched towards den. Previous to
the capture of the coy, a portion of the Hungarian
forces, says the Austrian account, were defeated
near the towns of Koronott and Syenere-
The kmss oft h a magyars, in kil and wounded,
at the capture of fraab, is not etas . Nine ban.
dred prisoners had been sent to V one, and thir
ty carts, containing wounded men had alto reach
e4 that city.
From the South, the intelligence was also unfa
vorable to the Hungarians, d we may credit Aus
trian sources of information. lellachich is said to
have occupied Resienindt, baying defeated•tbe
Magyars near Stegedam, and driven them beyond
It is farther tamed, that he had obtained tome
advantages over the Hungarians, near Zinta, and
to have aaptured eight of their vessels, with 18
guns, on the Danube.
A second edition of the London Herald, howev
er, puts a somewhat different face on the matter.
It is stated that a rumor prevailed in Paris, nod
sass circulated ia the Assembly, that the Huiga-
Ann had obtained immense advantage over, the
lonians, in the;vieinity ofßanb. The Russians
are said to hive lost ten-thpusand men it Fieule.
A conspiracy again the Austrian Goverrnen ,
has been discovered. I
On the 29th of Suite, n desperate battle was
thoght between the Prussian forces, and tluaße
publican insurgents., in the neighborhood of , :tbe
villages of Calasehe, and Noglernstein, between
C arlsruke and Radstadt. The insurgents were de
feated. •
Partanni.euu, July 19.
During the last 98 hours op to noon to day,
there were 63 eases of Cholera, and 32 deaths.
The reports of Cholera in this city fin the 46
hours ending at noon to-day, show 154. eases; and
49 death.
During the twenty four boors ending on Sunday,
at twelve o'clock, thirty three victims of the chojgra
were Interred, and 'twenty five who died of other
Twenty nine persons died of cholera, and twenty
six of other diseases to day. •
Chzacisrun, July 23
James Summons, arrested on raspicion of-poi
toning his Where family, (consisting of nine per
sons, two of whom have since died) was exam•
iced to-slay, and fully committed on the chaign of
wilful murder.
NEW YORE, July 2s.
Floor—We have no alteration to notice. Holders
ere firm, and the demand limited; price., however,
remain steady.
There is no visible movement in any article, the
Market being generally very doll, as is usual on
the day of the foreign mail.
Crrr.—The Republic, alluding to the reported rob
buy at the Post Odice, mentions the tollowing par
ticulars connected with W. Latham &80.,
well known exchange brokers of that city, receive
-weekly heavy remittances from their correspond ;
onm in Philadelphia and B ltimore. By liut Sun
day mooing'. mail several were received and pot
into his box by the distributing clerk, and there re
mained dorincthe day; Mr. Latham not permit.
zing any business, to be done for hint on Sunday,
and deeming them oak in the Post Office. They
were seen in the box lute on Sunday evening by
mome of the clerks, but by Monday morning suer
had been purloined, and tinting remained brit ts.
single letter. and a Richmond paper. 7),
Measures were immediately taken by Mr. Brad
ley, the Post Muter. and Capt. Goddard, of the
Auxiliary Guard, to detect the depredator, but as
yet they have failed in obtaining any nine $2342
in Virginia bank notes, and about $221 in individ
llal are among the 'Wen property.
Southern Mad—The new Administration to strong
ly imbued with the go-a head sutra which pe
wader the whole:country. The Post Office Dense,
ment,parucutarly. in exhibiting a topint of activiy
worthy of the age of telegraphs and locomotives
Major Hobhie the indogrious and frodefaugable
agent of the Department, is on a tour of observa
tion through the country, and is busy overhaulms
the mail routes and revolutionising the old system
entirely. We are no looger to be annoyed by de
lays of the mad; every route ta to be traversed by
erspress. The banners community is at last to be
consulted and arcomodated. Oar Southern•and
Northern merchants and business men, who have
tapered severely from the delays by the mail w-ih
rejoice and give three cheers for the new Posit OF
fire Department. The great Southern mail,Which
hart heretofore been carried by the way of Phila
delphia, Baltimore, nod 'over the Combeelani
road, .d ao on South. ender a new arrangement
with the Albany and Buffalo rail road, goes to
day by the way of the Lakea and actiasgi the
State of Ohio to Cin:ionatt, and down the Ohio to
the Mississippi, and so on South. The neon, ar
rangement will give us papers and letters'itwo
days earber.thin by the old stage coach systeiln.—
.8 nicierbocier. •
,cottscroas or inn =aroma
Edward W Lawton, Newport, Rhoda Island;
ir:ee Edwin Wilbur, removed.
Henry Addison, Georgetown. D. C. vice Robert
White, removed.
John NI Soencer,EastGreenwieh, Rhode laiand,
vice Silas Weaver, removed.
William H S Bailey,l3natoi, Rhode. Island,; vice
Nathan Bardin, removed.
Charles Randall, Warren and Barrington, Rhode
Wand, vice Benjamin NI Boawortb, removed.'
Benjamin T Fends% Alexandria, Virginia, vice
lames McGuire, removed.
William Brown - , Salem, Massacheita viitOolua
D Howard,. removed.
Cornelia. Savage, New York, vane Samuel J
Willis, removed.
William W Thomas, Assistant Appraiser; Nam
York, vice John W Manley, removed.
Vl7oxaa—As this is the ocalOn of the year when
Worms are most formidable among ebildmn,the propel.
tsar. of 61PLatiels Vertnifuge beg lone to call upon
parents, :aliening their attention to its shines for the
=pelting of three armoring and often fetal enemies of
children. Their invention is by a physietan of great
experience an Virginia, and idler uang it for several
pan in his own practice, and finding its tureen so
universal, heals been induced at last to offer it to the
public as e cheap but certain and excellent medicine.
doll andmach.. Mil. Drug store of
nrygnakarT. J. MOD & CO.
DL hlcLattril.nrxx Pima: xrest American
remedy for doe elite most formidable tlls that flesh is
brit to is now acknowledged superior to any medi
cine rithe kind ever offered tot he public. Theaetion
Ss e` .7 %""*lzold auendant with no unpleastuu re
has never been tried without prodoeine the
most salutary <Met. Compounded by one of the most
eminent physicians in our coantry,ll is the medicine
welch 'mime, skill and experience offers to hanwn
sufferi n g ... " i 'g• C*ll - Ina enrelnue n box as the dreg :store
.04 myt - I KIDD ft.po.
wuousiths CLDgnI AQ ilesnooso
mra. 254, WA and 211 a Paint Smarr, (between
ynlton et and Harting 13451 NtW YORK ;
on hand itu largest &nutmeat of -
aixtrrn to AIL ManM.
1.1 i6a article of aniaTs aoJ DRAWERS, vre
keop on CLldlen veneLy.
Al. the mull arionsiire manufacturers of
Oil Clothing and Covered !late
To the world.
Of an !clod.
Illlod. Can &HA NFIO 10,ino,* of stook *CM by rodil. °Hors promptly
.. 24 Nen 2 1 112'4 Inrs and Pew At
bboolders .nd :I!surte
hawk., ane jy 2 Rt ER & JONh
--_. ,
Ai. , 11 , 4 k.. WY.' iii...7—..iocua. AMCM.I4, lava, a.udi iii.
' /St Domingo mid Rio Cod,' hint reed tißd jar .
.ifriii rho Pekin T.; 4,, oo Pflurth ra
riS NS AND Flute—DP r What "ae Pmati At.
11, .0.., and dd man draw. Dram Fig., rust Marred
d for rale at for Pckin Tea horn, 7U FoartOtrut.,
ik, JUKE CLOEITWYEi tA R —do It M. r r . ' "11.'..i and
. - Impuir,:r—if ea.,. Coder, Anchoeka• eOtteita ,
t,„ .. and Sartnnets':ll btukets fresh Salad 00 - ,_ , 1 dui'
li m ,b. , or .dt• low tty ivy, JACORWRAVER, Jr
II il C ot u oft e c — hrteklr h . lat i :7l " ;mr tOdd'O'ttgrchil4''S In
Tilted:, 11 prim e ' qinrtj' ooed
in COTO cod (or .14 1 r;
• jail sEI., PDS lr.N/COLS 1
• rot: 00 unrca ritoß Lrvziroca..
• For Emma —Caledonia July 7 .
' For New York—Europs—jhu—July 14.,
For Bolton—Cambria—Loiteh, July 21.
For New Voik—Ameries47 tharmon, July 29.
moo or aircllyo nar 41drILISA..
• Prom New York, Niagarailtlll 25th.
From Bolton Caledonia, Tr Irt.
From New lork,'Euiops, gum oth.
From Bottom Cambria, A at 1515.
From New York, America,...Auvw 255.
MEN,—The awarder* of dila Company will sad
rn'il'lY 1710 . eNit 7cf2i7 .
• Washlngton, Capt. Playa, Mth July.
Capt. Crain . ..ft...2kb august.
Washington, Capt. Floyd, WO Sept.
Hermann, Capt. Crabtree, H. July,
Washvlton. Capt Floyd 14th
Hermann, Capt Crabtree, Hatt September.
Heimann, Capt. Cnbtree, July. •
Walitingron. Capt. Floyd,Uth August.
Copt. Crabtree, 119th September.
Tan Mazarrs.—Oaring to eiritomistances beyond our
eaauol • the daily resort of the *whet u omitted this
morning. Every Ming eontirnad,s quiet, with no mark•
d change in ✓luotationi s lt •
The Riven Ce[giant/ i/owly"to recede, with about
I inches water in channel.
Cattier alai:Met§
LlALipronr., July 2n, 1819.
.; Cattle—The supply Of iiiiese:kat the scales on Mon.
6a vas large, but themideratiels were Item The of.
tentage reached 7I head,. of seitiehlN7 were sold, 135
seem kr, over unsold,. and I.6:l . lsvere Mince to Pals
delphis. Prices ranged from 8475 to 33,75 on the hoof,
*seal to 155,50557,25 net, and suitsigiug 63.50 gross.
flogs—The supply was small. We quote Crow 14,50
Now Yon Ana Boars. Westst. Pffsaam—Pow the
Week ending July 17, 1649.—The market . ge nag to
pia well supplied with the prodfihts of the late cltp, and
the demand has increased somewhat in proportion, sales
the week reaching tome .fi9,MO lb A large lot,
411,0001b5, from Oneida cerantYfi to 1 Merino, cold so
av to average 31 cents. The cloth market, so long in a
diepressed eta e, 4 rovivjog elnd stiffening in prices,
partly on speculation, in consfiquence of the late ad
. Once In wool on the other aidt, noticed in our la •I
The price. of wool have not tik yet materially ad•an •
god hens, though Very math atringthened, and those of
our made. rowing the eurcic•an band for ear, l
dot, we confidently believe. 'valet a little dela• at this
time; while those wishing to boy, will, upon the same
Masan. for the opinion, do well to take all they can at
rates current for tome time pal . The chrsiging co ore
ts e
of passing even both here d through oat Europe
lend. to strengthen one previo sly expresaml opinions.
The tr-cle of Foreign on hush, though large, is not
;if-need upon the market,. holdrrs being firm in the o
pinion of higher prices, Whictelwill alm furrier tend
tit enhance the price or Douriestie. We be
fore though rates are moth freely peen
*.N..V.• Price,. Boston Prices
American Saltopy Fleece 4 , iti.3.33.4813
Ameriemi Full BlOod Merino •s. 35827 378 to
American end.} ?defines .'. 30.23 .1.1a34
American. Native and &ferine; Cirdi V7sit)
Ma.2l - na-s
Superfi .e. Pulled Country
No. 1 Plated Country,
Morstaann Wiaralor Pion Tic; y uo6eisl
iflateninut of the commerce oft . Akron, Ohio, for the
Month of lane two seasons,w4 leant that 21,417
Poor have been cleared at thakport this year for June
against 1e.309 bbls for the acme; period lost year. 9.174
bushels Corn ibis year againstXtUS , bushels last 47,750
bushels Where this year again./ 3447 . 3 bushels last 50,
172 lbs Cheese this year against 33.919 tun, acid 12.567
Ws. ego. this year vision 075 isst.
An official eatement represeSts u follow, me Drini
nips' articles reeei red at Tole& by the Miami an/ l
;Se, uttl Wabash and Erie Cap' W ., for the month cf
lone, 1845 and 1849:
!Its-acles. 19/9. 1e39, Increase. Decrease
Mar, bbl. 19,957 33,191 - • 14,257
Port, 2,450. 2,137
Wheal, ha E 3 , 273 ffle,lllC 120,149
ra 526,574 599125; 365,771 . , lb. 791,661 1,014 2634 219;007
Lan/ 210,613 316,777/ 303,866
gager, 191.036 471,35EP. 50.322
Molasses, raw 181,634.: 69 037
cotton, /A 5 r 90 (,,t 1 55 ,9 6 1
.-{Cin. Des-
V 1913-70 bids large' NO Midkerel. Massachowtts
' inspection, reediting frondi casal and for said by
lIVATI3II REPAIRIII6—iii all it, branches, ear
t, Tied on with itgmCiil oath and attention. Hav
ing the most slatted arid Orperieneed workmen in my
Vsoploy, and givinra ainstatit personal attention to
this branch, I can promise the iwst satisfacuon to all
twho may favor me with 'their **wk.
W7W WILSON, Watch Maker,
jilt 67 Mallet st
jurrLE CMILKS-..8 bales :ioorter, long Wd .con
AOl lest received and fat solie L tiy
17.1 R &SELLER& 57 Wood Bl
Mk:RICAN VER3IILLICIN-1 calm lust reed and
on.. for sae by .jytt , :, R E 910,LERtS
ach, jest received arid leipiale by
VAL PILL BOXES-4 eifs just reed and for sale
by jrll R E SELLERS
Si Itao i r ' y
• 11221G MI A)1121 11VEraalt4 "
TV, V E g me
r1V,777 " .
AtiE,—Laysoo's NIZEILYE4,-Ninevett and its Re•
mainm with on Recount of le visit to the Cbitldenn
Chrmaans of Kuntistnn,•ondleridis, or Devil Woe
shippers; and nu inquiry limo : Ole manners and arm of
the unelent Aso nuns; by Ausihn Ife••ry L i{overd Fr
D. C in two %Moines, witioninnerous II mutation..
• "There is n remarkable nuidellghtfai rom , tnatcm
in the work before tvt, of valenile d seovety and ot.
{creating personalllamado, kgclt remember to
60 We:tame work of trove/ ur Riscovery • • Mr. Lay
fmd to not stuya•sed by tie Aftravelers. In the won.
dem of the story he has to telqbe very ranch surpass.
is them n 1
••We repeat that there has been no such p•etun in
toy modern book tie travels , ;Park is not louver or
Poore adventurous, Borthac is not more truthful,
Fothco not more gay or:Id-tuft-Noe. than the hero of
the book before as n—lnodonaliatniner
• -Ono of he most rtmaricatife works of tie age."—
London Times. Jost recetveennd for sale by
Jill JAMES D LOC)CWOOD, ell Wood .5
tes Dompltalta Hums, 125 do
Taylor Co'. nadareurad do; 21.d0 Leeds A Sou
do; llioo Miler, Biotin it Ilairklns' do do do. •II can
vassed and yellow wnothetifniMore and for We by
JyY {lictl.i.F.Rit
BACON—fI casks Dawn epee, Just u not
sale by lyi , , L P WATF.RMAN
L°4 lB "'LL';',VmEiltiT4'aurzr.."gd(iwk
A m cgr.f t, = ro toxk t :7Bb y ; Ido ..aintTankeoßra
' patEn APPLES AND PEACHES-1e bele dned
Apples; IV do de Peach* past reed 001 tor tale
• ;4323 Market at
-4.'07°1a Sand Jesuitism in as Rol,
diluents; by Isaac Taylor] uuthdo of Natural Ina;
ion , of Enthasiann." ; .
. Sketch., of Scoinab Cloncli"liistory, by M'Cne.
Memoirs of the Bev. Thomas Ilolyborton. with an
appendix, embracing all ieco*lt of the Church of Scot.
]and during his !loans , •
The Life of Dr. S. Johnson, by the Rev. J F Masan;
:English edition. •
Roviyais in Scotland daringghe 16th century, with
:Omni Sermons by He*. ownro Whitfield. by D. Mac
,farland, D. D.
Manuel of Prethyteiy; by B, * lMiller, D. D., with an
Appendix, by the Rey. J. O. LA,
A N0an...1, Fypinitnental.and Practical Treatise
'on Effectual Calling, by J. Forne, A. M.
Forma by Amelia. Oa bona and for sale by
jy4 . A ENGLISH. 10 Wood st
ing Sketch," of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life:
y Francis Putman, Jr., wilt illustrations by Dar.
My. In one vol. limo. iFor arile by
QUI.,PII of Quinine. Oxide eltii, - PrtiThliTletd, Ca.
UP rate or Iron, BI Carbon* of Potash, Minato of
Silver Calomel, Zodiac of Lean, Chloride of Soda and
Chlorin Ether, on heed apd fek.aale by
jy3 , J. KIDD & CO.
'TIMED APPLES-300 beaS in, for sale by
IY 6
IDOTABH-10 coal igt,ad Slosh, in store.
:J . tiya, ' • pa'OILLS & ROE
TWO LINEN fowlieji country Tow Linen, in
stem for sale. 'lye tn , GILLs & ROE
1" MlT—Largo litatlON3C4l KEY. The finder will
14 confer an obligation by ideating it at the Gazette
Office. • ~
0.2 MACKEREL—dO bob No. 2 Maokerel, !CM
red ibis day by cabal, And for rsale vary low to
close C01114111321311t 01
• •
/AMP. Dal 7FLL'I
TACOD WEAVER, 11, 144iolisik and Retall - Dea.
11 kr in Foreign Wine* anaLlquors. and old Monon
gahela RyerWhiskomeornid First and Market sta.
MUseilATts , ct — fLiiktetZirrafg—A esks
on hand and for We
a r They will reeelie tk Fall
ifSh supplies for the Fa
RIED FRUIT-400 hitshlkied Peaehm 600 do do
Apples, la store nod foliate by
jots :t. L 8 WATERMAN
P OT ASH-5 cad • Sin A 7 Ido Pearl do none
onSforoolo by L 8 WATERMAN
FISH— 20 bbid Iferridir, 11 3o Elm& for role by
r I rlrilAC4XB-41.1 pacitaires,unaualactured Tobacco,
I various brands, for.oale 4y' lotti P VON BONAIIiORST & CO
... -- 7 -
Pi,ANTATION SIOLASO23-4U O barrel. ts prime
packages; es", 100 . hi bp.l:a di.
ji-q--- •. - _l.• 111 . G11.1.8 A. ROE
CI ODA ASH—In esaki nn barrels, warranted best
la quality, for sale lu JOHN 1131 , ADEP1 ts. CO,
Ju:l9 : ~.. canal Basin
kj, Attirkintrs hand and
•fl far sale by [ly3l J. KIDD h. CO
SClENCESsevEllited by sae nays, ~ 0, pub.
t ed quarterly on the' Inst.:of January, April Ju y
am! October. Each numb.: posnalns aboul two hat,
dreo and eighty large oetainnPasfani and is inTriikin.
suety illswinsted with examines on copper, stone,
wood, e„„
TheAlediral Net's and Library, is published Month
ly: enty cOneista of darty4mo.'YM7 large c"'.• 9 P.l“ * " .,
containing the sturdiest thfiartstation or Ihn dee, ae well
d a *value of a nistrehn•Wer on a pinmiamit de
tivmanut of med tine.
Walann'a 11 - , on.'.' on the
Lriattem of Ph rte bradie.A . le:Mere Ott attr
aery, and Todd st Iloessininki Physiology have this er•
peered in it, awl tile work at pt Meat publishing is
Wen on the Diseases of infancy and Childhood.
Tants The eptmeriah American on ta th American "ar"
of tee ••edleel ecitedm, lit; five dollars pint wiling's.
When this amount in for vented, free of postings, its ed
'since, the subscriber thereby beemnes ent:Red to , he
Medics! News suid.Lthiliry for one year t witbutti fan
tiler charge Fe. 11th ;Malt shin of be diddles, there
line. the subscilber, "cgs' caftans a Quemerty atpd
Monthly Journal, of the: 1140,k sector
Oben! Mt -en hanlzett large octavo pages, with eppen
yriate.illustrations, 'Rabscrfsiticana received, awl the
'wart promptly ...tied by, ~ •
JAMES L. LocimpoD,A Wood at.
I .ji ..:Aztfdr Pebtisere
kegs Noy -
FOE 'UMW /alai ,
1). Leech de co's., packet line. 9 P M.
1011 raulor+.
R, 8. 8...11, fr. Co's Canal Packet, 7i o'clock, r w
DEL.6.2.IIWrr 01T. Lint. In one of the en•St CM
moo, as well as the most formidable disease known
to American physicians. It has in no ease failed to
attract the closest attention from the Fite olty in all
quarters of the 1.7... n Still, however, thousands an
nually perish, and thousands mire are made to feel
life burdensome by this disease. The proprietors of
!Plane's Liner Pills feel confident that they offer to
the afflicted a remedy which ttme has tested, and has
never failed of success when a fair trial has been in-
Vetut Cull and purchase a box at the Drs n Store of
lal4 5.4,8 I KIDD & CO
Irr A gentiem. of Pittsburgh, who bad fallen Into
an open cellar after the "Great Pare," sprained his an•
ele to sorrily that he was unable to refrain from cry
lag out with the Pont A friend who hod been rising
H A Fahne•toch k Co', Rabefacient and been camd
of Rheumatism, gave ham what remained in the bottle,
and although has limb was greatly swollen, he seas
completely restored to health in twelve bowl and
freed from pant. This as but one of a great number of
cases which hove come under the observation of the
proprietors. Prepared and end by
corner Ist and Wood; also, corner 6th and no
C L c A in a r7B S o2l rr ea, L fo7. — are by
onto nod quart. of tbia celebrated Wine. rust to
hand and (or malt ny tyla JACOB WEAVER. Jr
I.,•LOUR.—i,kS bolo 67te riour. an rzeettent urticie, in
L gond order; SO do do do commit, for ante by
Lig J SELLER A 1 . 21(34.13
DACON-40 Moir Side* 110 do Sdouldera 12 do
to more and (or male by
R L - AN G - L T. 1,1. No -
Lard Orb 12 do Linseed 06, tor rale by
D"..„ 1 ,7'4„( Z.1";•.;,':',',, - ;,m(ovrTelVeleteonVr;4l - 11:;.ZT:
by M. A. Dwight: with teventeen illuatrauons to out
line. Lon. Just received and for ante hy
/3 1 J AMES D LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood at
tlu,' !STAR'S RALSOM-12 dor on hand and for tale
t 1 2 31 J. KIDD ac CO.
A LF.X.ANDER A DAY. 75 Market street,ltorthwest
corner of the Diamond. are now opening a choice
stock of fresh SUMMER UOODS. A large portion of
these goods have recently been purchased at a great
mentire, from thd Auction Sales at the Roll, sod from
the importers and manufactumrs. Ve have decided
upon offering this stock of goods at onces so reduced
as to meet the approb ,non of those who do business
on the cheap mud, principle.
The Silk Deportment a very extensive, embracing
the different kinds of dress and nmnulla Silks, Satin
do Chet...hand Carnelian Um de Rhine..
. .
The Shawl DeparPomtt embraces o splendid assort
ment of India Crape Shawls, from the lowest prices to
the finest qualities, elegantly embroidered. Also. Gre
nadine, Bera,ge, Slobatr, Nett and splendid figured Silk
SCARFS—BIack silk, benthe and Granedine Scarfs.
BERAGE and other thin DRESS GOODS—Elegant
and novel styles of Dotage., Silk Timms and other
tam wean Goods, worhy or the attention of the ladles.
LA NVSS'. LAWNS!'.—In the Lawn department, oar
addition. from the Eastern auctions are guile large,
onabraems elegant styles at remarkably low pnces.
imported and Domestic Gingham.
Prints and Chintzes, Brown and Bleached Muslims
Cheeks Ticking*, Flannels.
Superior FAlglish and French llothsand Cassimeres,
Satinets and Jeans, Yantis/man Stripes and Drillings.
All of which is offered at such a reduction of prices
that purchaser. carrot fail to bepleased.
TIdcFALL, begs in inform the inhabitants of Fina
bomb and vicinity, that he has opened the
above esinblishment where every attention will lie
paid to the comfort of those who rosy favor him with
• e4l. Liberty street, between Seventh and Wood
lee CTCI43III and all other delicacies of the season
rpHr.passenhip heretofore existing between Sass
uel U. Bashfield and Witham B. Hays, trading
mdcr the firth o( EIUSIIFIELD Pc HAYS, has this hay
e o dissolved by William U. Hays sellmg his entire
interest in the firm to IS B. Bushfiekt. Al. accounts
due the firm will we collected by S B. Bush/mid, and
all debts San by the late first to be paid by the sins.
Pittsburgh, Jane S.l, 040. W. B. HAYS.
CO-Pit EITHER:3W P.-9. B. Browne., having this
day assixtared With himself flimsy Lssomt formed
of Bedford. P.., and recettly of me National Hotel,
Pitubarg lit milt continue the business undue the .rm
of HUSH FIELD & LEADER. at the old No. to,
Liberty street S. B. BUSIIFIELD,
Pittsburgh, June 2, 1949. H. LEADER-
Having retired from the former boainesa, I take
pleuureln reeernmendmg my toe - tow-n to the pa.
tronage army eostomen and the pettale generally.
tr. 7 W. a. HAYS.
LOS of Napoleon
V Bonaparte, 3 001,
Ha:llWe Leonora. on the Englath Pont,.
on the Comm Wntera.
on Lhe Literary Age of Mlsabeth.
Scant of the Age. or Contemporary
Portrait. Tales by Gig. A. Poe
We mra Cleanags, by Mr. C M Kirkland.
Holidays Abroad, or Europe from the West, by Mrs
Raid I.emee.moiasples. Ms..* st
Leisure, wrineglathe4mirvals of room Lamed r i7s
'lb e AdtroZaek, or I.. in ..he Woods, by J. T
Phrenology and Meamensm Esemined
Lay Nineveh and Its Hammes.
The ludic...by4gb
A fall meek Amerman S S li Books, on bond
and (or ..alc .Phaladelphroimeee, by
1) 7 kI.LI.YITk IeSOGL.SI4 00 tvor.d
THE RAVAUH Ul OO3ll . ~ •(0 1.14 01 04
tadmag vegurnaaan In regard in the nutlitn, n
death• 111111 occur
the coy weekly, the character of
th r du.enora, uul t4e age alba per. .o. would respeet•
Cu rrquest Lb. Pla)alelan. In report to hems at Inc
Cornier Room, Coon 11-use. on Friday cvratng
Si each week tug 3,111 N Chit
ILL \ION FIVE W RISK Els—St tier go Deaujnii7is a charge of powder yesterday morning. that 0 large
k j ir2r Pure 51 II Whs-Itey Geneetnen and con.
,tad toad
,' „, i „„d „,,,„„,, oc „.,,,,,,,,, .ram,, ' stone or shout one hundred and fifty pounds weight
a. fine an article a* can be b. in the Western coun• wee driven by the force of the elparaion a Cont.&
try, al the %Irma ....t.iore or
172 JACOB WEA VF.R. Jr. e
O 1 rabic
distance, •n I crushed its way th rough the
Is Lid thi '
fur 'ale by roof o fa two story house in the vicinity—luckily
E E'
'6:m •e
/. J . CA's Flizn wfihnta .ojuttog any tee.
B",', K ~"'a i' ''— ' n ' u u°P ''''' h ' r 7, , ,;., , t 7 k j „,„ This is the second occurrence MO., kind we bare
C REAM CIIEESE-46 ho' tastfe , Vi r l ,A sti , :i F fNi l stie by had to notice lonely, owing to the carelessness of
iy• Writer st. between Rentbfiviii
tv,i,lit • I.° me° emPloO" °b.'. tit. Ruhrn...
COCOA SHELLS—AI Ito Cocoa thou b.” ..o
I. •ei
„y ' G ot • Drtao.—A MO named Patrick CER.atte
UNIATA I.ILOOMS-15 - itt in store sod for sslii .°r4.rd ' r °
J ~
~I no appe•red before the Mayor, slightly inii
El ER di. JONE-s Invested. and wished to enter a complaint against
120RF:Itinii - CORDI t I...—Orit re st, A be) n , h. - i's r7t . • band on one of the steamboats, who had pushed
I' n Maragrium, Aleraette and fancy Preach and
Italian co Gordis' s in bask os mid ewes. For sale by trim oR a plank into the river. Thinking that he
the halite ....., at the '''''. .
8.... probably deserved the ducking, end as his state-
J AC , 01.1 EA V FR, Jr.
corn, of Market and Fl , •t at. meet was not the clearest In the world, the Mayor
PORT WINE` -- ("th.Y, W 4 hl' 4, a 10 4 , refused to grant o warrant for the arrest of the al-
Pure rich and dry Gould. Campbell A iri's old ,
dry twin Osbourn'. 1534, Pure 1.-lo Purr /wee pee. mged offending party, to Patricle• q real indignation .
‘...l•rPort. " arr.. A B. "' I..r ` d"" - After commenting. to a somewhat summary mas
tedand *male Grapes. These wines are all celsbru.
led tor their real properties, and east be bad whoa- net, on the laws of Pennsylvania, he departed, to
.ate or re`a il ‘L° W m° Sull co ° ' drive oti the external moisture, by taking tome in
TOWN ItiIIVNBENID, Druggist sad Apothecary tr.." ll Y•
tp No. 4:i Market sz, three doom .hove Thud st. Pius: Second W.rd Allegheny Dire Company
burgh, will have constantly on hand • well selected as
Bortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which ha In Pursuance of the toques , on he Tow. Meet
well sell on the most reasonable mews Paysmians ' log, held on Tuesday last, the citizens of the Sec
sending Orden, will be promptly atmnded to, and sup
plied with anielas• they ma y rely van land Ward met at their School House, and organ
'UT PhP ni c iAr. ° " ill ised a Fire Company, by carolling the names of
.east prepared from the est matenals, at any hear of
he day or night those present and choosing the following offment:
- Also for sale, • largo stook of fresh and good Prof.. I President—Goo. IL Riddle. Seeretames—loho
ge.T. Jul]
- jaß. b. , Morrison, and George Parkin. Captain—Andrew
Dentist. Comer orPonria Bartley. Lieutenants—lsase Richey, Wm. Ma
and b ""' ° Hendry, Thos. Smart. Engineers—lat. M
Market and Perry sneers.aroS.dlyin
AT T dth ,"
o ; .1 0 a t . pt. 7e7lV pod .mc, Dunlap, 2nd. John T. Boles, 2rd. A. Sleek. Hose
of Directors—Alex. Moore, John M'Kerahan,
Toob, for Ida by myl6 HUBER fr, LAUFMAri I
beet Barber. Axemen—R.. M. Reed, James Lough.
• bead. Wardens—James Conan, Wm. Canon, L.
0. C. Nieklin, Thomas Smith, Geo. Parkin.
The Company, by appointment at its last meet.
tog, will attend at the Engine House this evening
at 6 o'clock for the purpose of practice.
THE undersigned hare Ws day associated stud or
the name of Thompson Hanna & Soo, for the pur
pose of manufectunng paper, at the Clanton Paper
Mill, where they will be pleased to receive the patron
age of the public, and the former customers of the se
aler partner.
They will at all times keep on band a general as
sorament of writing, wrapping, tea and wall papers,
bonnet boards, blank books, etc. etc., which they will
exchange for Cieaa linen and cotton rags.
Printers and Book Publisher. can be supplied with
every description of printing romper at short nonce, and
at reduced pones. • THOMPSON HANNA
April 1, '4.3--0ny23.10m EDMUND S. HANN
fteolliii - rv-4/alwanlsed Tin Plates.
T H A:2vttz beg attentio n wer7oilfltair, of
advantage, which those plate. ponces over nil other
metallic sabetanees hitherto need for roofing, &e
theypossees at once the lightness or iron, wohout its
liability to rust, having now been tested for mensal
years an this parnculai, both In thas conntry and in Eu
rope. They are lees liable to expansionand contrac
tion from sodden change of the atmosphere, than com
mon tin plane iron, one, or any other metal now used
for roofing, an d consequently forma mock better and
tighter root s , requiring tar less frequent repair., enlist
the first cost is bat a trifle more.
A 11.11 euPply, of all elan, from IC to 30 W. 0, con
stantly on bawd and for sale by
14 and 16 Beaver meet, New York.
The patent right for this snide having been secured
for ton United States, all parties iorntiglng thereon,
either by Importation or otherwise, will he preseeo•
ted art:lll4k wl vT
ri , H h.; YITIIiUDHuIf, COWLS?. A VI ANL/ i.OUin-
VILLH HAPH CUM PAN Y, have declar
ed a Dividend of Three per cent fur the lac quarter,
payable on .and niter Om 16th met.; at nue race of Pal
- Hanna & Co. JOSHUA HANNA, Treas.
poT II fl
/11—ellts Potavh, en ß an h fl o ;tv s f i r s s i l i bl E by
I, , AMILT FLOUR-35 bal.Parody Floor, en ton
moment and ,ar .ale by
EIVIP. subscriber, who hos been in business
In tee sum. building ior the lau thirteen years,
il willow ail des.ripttotta of Von Gold laud Sil.
ver Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, al
retail, at the very.loweitt purer.
Old and Shyer Figlisb Patent lover Watches.
Gold and Silver De , led Ls,' aid Lepoie Watches.
Gold and Silver Horizontal ant verge
Gold told Silver Independent Second Watches roe
timing hors..
Gold Guard Lb and vest Chains. Gold Spectacles.
Gold and Ettleer Pencils. Gold Pens.
Ladle.' God and Stone Bracelets.
Geld Lockets. Gold and Silver Thimble..
Diamond Maga sod Pins.
Ladies' and Gentlemen.' Breastpin..
Steeling Silver Spoons, Cutts Pon, ie.
Gold Watches as low as O. to Sta each.
Watch. and Jewelry exchanged.
81/0101111 and Forks plated 011 1 , . rwao Silver, a fine
%fuels. All watches wassa•otsd to keep rood time nr
the money returned. Jewelry repaired, and Wa.ches
cleaned and repaired in rho WSW manner, at much less
than Ilicasul once*,ONO. C. ALLEN,
l ,
61 orte
W r of Watthes and 'Jewelry,
_wholesale and
retailall uteet; ism Waisv,) NEW YORK.
. .
WORTID sox vas prrratuniunt DAuff Adiert*
Tair ro Went Nzwion.—On Thursday morn.
log we left Pittaburgh on the ateamer Atlan
tic, commanded by our friend, Captain Parkinson,
and of ter a pleasant trip,nrrived at the fine little
town 01 Elisabeth, whence we departed on horse
back, for the place of our destination, West New.
ton, which is a very flourishing town, situated on
the Youghiogheny river, in Westmoreland County.
While panning through the country, we could
not but admire the fertility of the soil, and the
abundance of the crops °revery kind. The wheat
was nearly all out, and harvented, end we under
stood from the ferment that it was of very good
quality, and the' in Wentmerolend County It
been but little injured by that small worm which
has been no destructive to it here, The Indian
Corn also looks well, as do the pointoes, and al
together a plentiful omp of everything gladdens the
heart of the farmer.
Arriving at Went Newton, we found It one of
the moot thriving. bustling, improving little places
Imaginable. It now numbers over one thousand
inhabitants, and is rapidly Increasing in impala- I
licm. Indeed there is not, of present, a single house
to be rented in the place, though new buildiona
are constantly being erected.
This town is pleammtly situated on the Yough
iogheny, at the head of steam boat navigation.--,f,
The dame, which are calculated to give four feet
of water at the lowest stages of the river, will not
be finished until September, at which time, two
magnificent stearn:bonts,of about the seine dime,
mons as the Cons& or Louts McLane, to be com
manded by Ca -plume Funk and Bailey, will com
mence to make daily trips between West Newton
and Pittsburgh.
The dams, and slack wider, when completed,
will coat limn 565 to 570,000 and the inhabitants of
that region are indebted for the numeroua benefits
these improvements will confer upon them, main
ly to the Indefatigable exertions of the lion. Alex
ander Plammer, of Westmoreland.
In addition to the steam boats, two keel boats
are being built, designed to ply above Weal New
ton. Among the many other improvements of .
which this town may boast, we noticed the beau
tiful bridge which span. the Youghiogheny, and
the fine wharf which Captain Funk is now levelling
and grading.
This town, in order to accomodate the large per
lion of the travelling community which passes
through it, has five commodious betels, kept by
gentlemanly and obliging landlords, and two oth
ers in ptoceaa of erection. The gnat mill, situat
ed in the town, makes about one Imildred barrels
ardour a day, and there ore seven dry goods, and
two drug stores, doing an extensive brumes.
Moreely and Hazard have erected a
large foundry, now in successful operation, which
turns not all kinds of castings. Two gentlemen
from Monongahela City are about starting a steam
boat yard here, and the citizens aim contemplate
erecting factories of various kinds soon. ,
Taken altogether, ;Weer Newton is one of the
neatest, most flourishing places near Pittsburgh,
and is destined, ere lung, to cat no inconsiderable
figure in point of population and importance.
The coal trade of the Youghiogheny, already of
greit value, in rapidly on the increase, as it is one
of the best investments for aphid to be bomb—
The coal strata are only about between thirty and
eighty feet above the river, winch saves the great
expense of rail roads dz., remnant, where the tolls
are higher, and in additmo to this advantage, the
veins of this "black diamond"—of more advantage
to as than the diamond to Golconda—are two test
thicker here than elsewhere. The coal is noted
for its superior quality, and is readily sold In the
market, of Cincinnati, Louisville, New Orleans,
st a higher price than the common Monon
Arsar.acrs—We visited this delightful micron
on Saturday evening, and were, if possible,even
more pleated than on the occasion of cur for
mer visit. Mr. McFall, the proprietor, is one of
the most gentlemanly men in oar community, and
°doom the honors" of his splendid esteblishment in
• very pleasing manner. We observe that he hu
se eared We choicest vases of the fine collection
brought here by Signor Vito Vitt, and their beauty
tends a fresh charm to the gorgeousness of ti e
decorations Male 'AtAsarrueri " a saloon watch, in
tee urbanity of its host, or the maginfmence of it.
arrangements, has no rival in Pittsburgh.
We are clad to peracave Ina{ eV_ tir,iteas art
Intiteiihrur the coconut I.dt...uncials 'which tat,
saloon offers to them, and that it has become
place of Pashionable res...t. A pleasanter `suite'
of rooms la which to speed • Wane hour, der,
rus hot weatne, could not be Imagined, stare the
beauty of the furniture, ,ad in a word the good
mum which the proprietor has ownitred in every
thing, down to the minutest detail, tome
donne it one td the plensantest establishments oi
kind we bare ever cloned.
w. rkm-n at the Revervrnr. wha
are at present rneaged n binatlng, put In V/ bravy
BIMULARY.—The Cigar Store of Mr. Leward, on
Market street, was robbed on Sundey night of
three hundred and filly dollars. The thieves, going
op the alley behind the Store, loyeed.tbe back door
open, and then burst into the iron Bare where the
money had been deposited. In addition to tee
money, they took tome boxee of cigars, and de
BEI.OLAIIIT.-1111r. Stephenson's grocery store, on
Ferry Street, was entered on Saturday evening,
and several articles of but little value stolen. Mr.
S. always taking good care to leave no money in
his store after night, the robbers were disappointed
in the main object of their pursuit.
Maron's Orrice, Ptrnauaon, July 23—The
only person brought before the Mayor this morn
ing won a poor woman who is [anon, No charge
being brought against her, save that the had lost
her reason, she was permitted to depart, sloes
there Is, unfortunately for the good name of PlUS
burgh, no Insane asylum for such unfortunates
here, and rambling abont in the open air, if it doer
not tend to cure her insanity, will at least not in
oresse it.
It is a mercy to ♦reap them u long as possible
from the county jail, their only refuge; and of li,
as connected with them, it may truly be aald, 'he
who enter* here, leaves ail hope behind."
terday afternoin brought belga the Mayor. ch arg.
ed, on oath of Mary Jackson, with committing sa
assault and battery upon her. Cwitar. ne heal once
before been brought before his honor cn a !Unitise
cr.arge, but had been let off. On this present
occasion, Capialn Herron tried to assume a stern
express or, and declared that he would be obliged
to send her hi jail, whereupon Mrs. S got very in
dignaat, and abased Mrs. Jackson with great volu
bility, after which she burst into teary, declaring
that she was a `-poor lone widow, with two child
ren, and that if she was rent to 'ail they would
starve." Melted by her tears and taking Into con
sideration that her ctuaracter was good in every
respect except es regarded the bee use of a scold.
log tongue, the Mayor let her oil, after admonish.
ins her to beware ot• repetition of bar pranks.
't.: 4 -410.114rd Jones, Thaw= M'Donald, and
Millkito Cain were held to nail yesterday before
the gifiriir, on a charge of creating a riot io Hayti,
on tbri7Dth day of July. They were also held to
bail far•a like offence, committed on the second of
thror.n.a.—We regret to learn that Mr. J. K.
likvulasoa, an old and much esteemed citizen at
Pittaburet, was attacked by the Cholera at two
o'clock yesterday, and died before seven.
ATTEMPT= ROBBER attempted,
on Satorday night, to break into the gunsmith
shop of Mr. dohs White, on Filth, between Marko.
and Union greets. Though they left maths of the
crow bat which they endeavored to force
open the door, in several places, they were tin'
successful in obtaintng an entrance, and probably
decamped when the watchman came round hut
heat toward them.
Fns.—We were to error m stetting that the
"Vigilant" five engme woe on the ground at the fire
In the Diamond, on Sunday morning. The article
should have read, "two of the engines, only, were
on the ironed. the Eagle and the Allegheny."
Esmitz Munrracr-A—This band of minstrels will
give another concert at Apollo Hall this evening.
Wcasszt Mtnaragus.—Thin band which has
been playing a very successful engagement lately ,
et Wheeling, periami to night in the spacious hal t
over the Eagle Balton.
bolero Ha-port.
M,oDay, July 23-I'2 M.
Gocrtiren—l have pot had a cane of cholera
reported to me since 19 o'clock•, M., Friday.
Very re—prollully,
To the Sanatory Committee.
RATS Ok• inset, u h I-COMMUTED BY W. W. VI ALL ACE, p .
EXPRESS PACKET LINE, Valuable Real' state for Bala
A. 11.01.21 ES 6 SONS, P irrs iand B II I IT U FLWIN I I I NO U t R .PFATI I :I t gItuvzr FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, THE sulmeriber offers for sub her Boom and
Erchanut Brokers, No. he Mart et street 1,411. Ile st
PC/ 4711/ Will. Indiana. Nos. 244 and NG Enemy street, near the Ca... I Exclusively for Passengers. Lot
In Allegheny City , pigias.tly nutated on
Bank nfrittsinn tit -- per p State Irk & Drenches- re
1 Pinch Burr Mill Stones, of my own manufacture. _. .--e - te 2=1:111; -The 800. of this Line . 11 leave Bank Lana, d fronton, the Allegheny river,
Exchange Bank Par'S'ate Senn • .- ... ii made of a new and superior quality of Bloc., pad. - as t0i1... at 9 o'clock ea night, nearly opposite the point of Phtshurgit The Lot ilt 20
Morel. A Man. Bank -pad V &radials. alar care is efht'o to have the joints made clo., end hrntor ki -capt li i ruby. Monday, July 10. feet wide, and .tencla from Bank Lane on the Saitth
Mao( Plitindelphia • • •par; Exchange its. o r Vet .-. I all the block s in ea b stone of a uniform quality. 1 hey Lnuon tout-1 I' Thompson, Tuesday, July 17. to Rebecca *meet no tha North, bounded also by N.J.
-aid Book Pad Fanner' , lik.of Va.--• " itre NV4 rranled to be equal to m 1 In the country, and Indiana-I' llpracy, Wedneaday, 18. son street on the Wen. It to one of the hamloammt
Bank of Germantown pai,l3k. oi the Volley,- •' imponor to the great mato of Burrs, whether of foreign Ohio-A Craig. 'Thursday, Iv and most desirable lots now offered for sale any where
" Chen. CountY •• • Par rik of V ineinia ••. • - u or domestic inanufsetare, and sold at the lowest pro Kentue ky-H Trudy, Friday, SU to the nerghbortiood of Allegheny City. IL 1. lairs
i ".,. Co . -perk 5, M. Bk . , w„,,,,,,,, ,con BIM Stones. munufacutred in Frlllloo-41 pr. Lonisinner-J I' Thompson, Saturday, 91. enough to be gubdivided advatuageonsly 1111.10 baHd
" Mmakunmery Co.. -Par do 1 ral .thrtment. at reduced prices, always on hand. Indians-P Berkey, Sunday, P.S. log lots of the usual size. It le very suitable for a Anne
o Northumberland- •per N. W. Bonk VII-- 1 Laurel Hill 51111 Stones, all uses. Ohm-Copt A Craig, Si . • by evidence -is stocked with •mrlety of chute. Fruit
Colombia Bridge Co.• • pin do Wellsburg. --... I Born. Cloths. Anchor Stamp, warranted beet qtal- Kentucky-11 T by. Tnesda*, 24. Trees mNB bearing The dwelling Lqconniniest and
Doylestown Bank par do Parkereburg• - " ay, and at greatly reduced prices. Lotusiana-J P mon, Wednesday, RA tomfortable, and all in good renni' A warrantee
Farmers , Bk. Reading • par, Tenn . Mill Spindles, Mill Nona tier.. and Plc.. Plat• ludi.a-P hockey, Thmrsday, to. will be given, and pommel. at wry time to wit
Foment lik Beaks tio par, ilk. of v 0 ,,,,,.. 00 . .. . e form 8...).... Corn and Cob Onndetv
nii Grist cod Saw Oldo-A Creig, Friday, 27. l eparehaser.
Fume. irk Lanewor•panFar. S. Iderctrts Bk- " Mill toning* of all kind., and Mill Furshing in gen• Kentucky-CA.II ~,
. ha
by, „ottaday, y Fi r t eem., apply on the premises to
Lane .ter Co 1,1 k.• • • •parP Ers
.ter lik•••-• •• • • " ern so
Louisiana-I P Thompson, Sunday, 49 PFIEBE SAVORY.
1,,,,,,,5,,5k......- par Union Bk. ..... ---. a All orders promptly attended to al 214 and WO Lib- Indthee-o Starkey, Meader, Si. FOR ft.E.WIE
U. State, Bat k• - • -;ai Blissonri. any street nen, the Canal, Panburgh Ohio--A Craig, Tuesday, 31. A lame stare on Market st,tortareen ant and 4th
Brosnasedle Bk.parState Ilk of tdissoun.- 1 mv.Sti ban w W WALLACE. For passage apply to W BUTCH, Be, well finished and handsomely Edell up for
Washlokith lil , •• - 4 North Carolina. Pittsburgh Sleam Marble Works. tyyg Moan . 1100 E, *goods, being a used stood for that tmsine..
or D LEEca & co. .a.. 1 B aal
•- Bk.- -• I Bk of Cape Fear 11 'TO. 244 LIbERTI, opposite Smithfield sin-et - - F. 0 CIAZZ AM,
Chunlierthurg• .-• • " '/tiered'. Ilk., Newoern• lil. n Madge Maratha Monoracult,TonthaToble Top., .. Office, 3rd a, over Philo Hall-Offiaa Was Gom 9a
Sosquelrelina Co Bk.• 1 ;State Bank
,__ • ken, large variety of the more lieautiful kind, made Ea= 1849. ' IllaMl 19 • et- ate
Lowtstows• •••• •- - ' South Crivuhn•-• of the finest quality •f foreign
~ W domestic
too, 00ft SALE,
Middle.. -• 1 Camden Bk ..... •• •' 1 always on linod or mode to order, by the aid of ma- Beaver and Erie Express Packet Line. . A VERY desirable realdenee In the boa/
Cantele.• ........ .. 'I ,Ilk of Charicaton• • • •• 12 chinery, on the shone. notice end at the lowest enc. It. 0. PARKS, Beaver, Propnetor. rough of Manchoetes, admitting John DO..
Erie Bk. 01 Cm"lnlem-U 9 v ' -••--- • N 8.-The Country Trade furnished with all kinds MEM new and elegant Passenger Packets, . ning, Esq. The Lolls • corner one, filly feet kat hr
Faretters , and Drovers' Bo of Georrenwn•-• Vof Marble at the lowest rate*. All orders promptly at- .l, NIAGARA, Caot li li Jeffries; 1 one hundred and ninety feet demo-with alma nosy
Bent. W ayn.bnzg.. 1 130.01 Hanahurg• -• •• • I tended to at 944 Liberty, opposite Smithfield . t PENNSYLVANIA, "J It Hedfinarn arllk lloase, twenty-tire that front, with two pules;
Ilamsbnept-•-•-- " Merch.m Bk--- I my3thdem W W WALLACE LAKE ERIE. I "Id Trolly; dialog room, and kitchen on Eta loot. A °Snp
Honentale•-• •- - • I Planters &Mee. silk.
Lebaren pm Ilk - of South Caro., n• •• I arum MACHINES. Forming a dolly Lim between Beaver and Erie, km. WI trees, all le good ardor. Eocene of the minerl•
Ponsville•-• • • ..- Maryland. T lILLS Patent Stone or Fran. Burr SMUT MA
_ ipw.p...ty
Au.t. JNO c . i P qr sTrzatiox t...
commenced miming, and will continue during the.. bar, Lembo, bleitchant, Allegheny city.
t. ) moths ..... -•• • • 1 Baltimore Ms, •• • ••• •... pa, .14 CHINE-the beet article of the kind in use; they son to Mika their regal. dreg, leaving Beaver •fter JultdikertfT
York Bk,• •- • ......... . 1 italmth AO R R Scrip' •I 0 en n hlght„lr lean fast do the work well, and will last a the „,.rival o f 0 . ~,,,,,..... b .. c„,... i5,.g......... n-t
West Branch Bk. 1 Cumberland Ilk. of Alle- Idle time. About 500 of them are in use , In the best clock , , , ~,,, g „,,,, ~t ~... . ‘,„:‘,, tt ,„" p = ge • ",„
MITE subacnbere oder for jet • nerd:wet choke
Relief Notes - t gator ....... ••• - 1 mini to the country, and we •*•• the •HemiMet ms o- to take the morning boats to Buffalo or op the Lake. 1 I,,,,ginum o iy, the Ba con ,/ wi r,, l e n, 4 0 . thi .
MA. MRS PI. do• " F.( Dk. of NI try lad ... morn of competent per.,,,,. .. ta e ,, ~,,,,,,,,,,y eve! ; Tickets through to Erie .d all Lake prts, can tae 0..,gt ond, en g uy tg t go,,, 0 ,
Scrip-Pdtatol 2 Countylo Fanners' & Mechanic. " ell ether Bnrrit Machu.", For fucticer.P•mte•M"..." , hod by applionthn to JOHN ACA UGHEY, A" . W. 01011.ROBIPMN, Any at ,at Clair es
" Allghely, 15' Eh Frederick .... . • a dress the sub.raber at 244 Liberty et numburgh. 1 comer of Water .d Smithfield eta, or of JAB ROBINSON. on thetnesehteen
Wel& Frederick Co Bk..- .. u my3o-ditera WNV WALLACE I . GEORGE KECK, myllSd&srtfT
State Bk. and littanebes 1 Hagerstown Bk 0 ftifal ENBINF A RI/ BOILER-2Por grist, , little under the St Chart. Hotel
m g .. ppm= ..... • • " '3liner• 1 Elk • •-•--- ‘‘. l
0 and other mills, .Iways on hand, or mad e to order i
stieuirenedle-...-•• • . " Patatthco 13k. - 1 on very short notice, and at the lowest one. All or- 1
~..--,- „43.7W.TEILDDLE, ben... .1111 . A TERRE storied Dwelling 110. e, being the
St ci.r.1.11....... -- •• • 'Waahtnpon Bk •- - " den promptly attended to at 244 Liberty nreet near , t ,
W W NVALLACE 1 U.MOVED to a new three story brick Wend hems from Penn street, in Eloydeth
hin,,,,,,k,........... •.-. o Elk.orh catimnster ••• • 6 . the Canal my3u prig ~,._ ~ on Smithfield stn. eon door below Sow, no Hay street. Immediate possession will he
New Lisbon- •-- •- • " Michigan. -•'. Sixth street Teeth Inserted from one given. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney a
ci...assaaak.• •• ••• ti Bk. of St Caw •• . • --- paLASTER PARIS-For land, and other purposes, Ito on em i t , go , 0, the ~ t,,,,,,,,t,,,, with g b eg , Law-efflee on Fourth greet between Cherry alloy
J. always on hand at 244 Liberty st O6l representation of the natured set the , cod Ors
i ni street ROLIMItf
Colon:dte 6. " Bk.of Ever Ramat, ---
myo NV W WALLACE , o R,R,, g ) abgpo of a." face.
o,. g i o yilig-_,.. . ... " :Methane I Ile Co• • • •• 5 FOR ELMS
Zanes•LSO ..---. -•• Flf.t blech's Bk 6 R N-BELAU LICTLITIINT=AIirai - i on hand, at 214 IN. 8.-Teeth extracted with little or no pain. FM taw two aim Bnelt Dwelling Houses,
Putnam ...........-...... n Wiseonein Terrill, Libeny st. my3o 1V W WALLACE ' Decayed Teeth permanently saved by pluggtag, pt. ja......, main complete order, an Cagier
Wo.tee..- -. 7u Mar.e-Ere In CoMilarbs 6 rl_ RIN I/STONES-Ali amea and grits, antra. r;ii . Yeemul the tooth metre, m itch m much better Mae eta- Avenue, Sitt Ward.' INnsess ion G iven Jute Lia,
Itlassilloil -- -•-- • l Cessadas. I_l hand at 914 Liberty street. ring it, though a should be done in five enrages, or Rent low. Fannin, of 301124 WAIT &
SandrusAft • • •.- -• • - So' All solventß.ks 0 my3tl WIV WALLACE ! even iesuuttlY• ap24rly JOS corker of Liberty and Head in
-- _
Geaugo • Jr• -• • • •• • I 'Sank of Errand Notes _ -- PEXIN TEA STORE. TO PAWNEES ADO I.OnfIiGEMEN.
71.1 t tar. TEASI TEAM: TEAM!! ' HE wabscrtber has just nweived at the Pekin Tea THE andersigned odes roe sale In &PE= misery,
sinypisani.-. -- 1 ;Gold & Specie Value. IT t omit pleamre that th e eubsenbers
T 8... , 7ti Fourth street, a very Inga .11 well se. A Pe-119 3 0 ebree Of Well timbered LAND, with an
T e ......,...-.. .... .. INapolmos - ..... 3SO inform the cruse:is of Pittsburgh and el- I go ., ~,,,g of p „,. GREEN AND.Ri„, ciR TEAS, !Acetic. Saw Mill nly neer and two new Frame
Dante- -J....--- " ;Dorian
freed by 21 back. good new frame Barn. thirty
0 150 220 CUM) that they have completed aiva.nae- k.,,,e N ow York yll of which h., 1.,...,..,,,,,,dia thin Ikenem, 000 41 feet (m ee t by 47 back; the other ZS feet
Western Resents •-- " IYAdle, slid I 30 me .. nu 1•101 Itlessrs. I C. Jenki.a Co., 1 0„,,,, since the first of February last. co.nting 01
Franklin BA Columbus ° lEngle, new -•• • In 00 I PinlidelPfue. to receive them •elmmcm au n tie different grades grown m th e Cel.tial Empire. b/ km/ 'b.'. Th'ltl'in and 1"a are o Biated finis
Rgithc o ig t -.....-- iaublegins, Spanish. 16 00 PACKF.D TEAS, I
L.,,, Erie... ..... .. e po.Pltrulst-----• to 50 And will hereafter be kept constantly on , Oar stock bear omong the larg.t in the West we are t o t i lte th :Lk - th q..,, el ,y .t ,d Amea . t.desief PINE
prepared In wholesale, on better ten= than any other TIMBER avast
....-. o 'Sovereigns 103 hand. They coo 'wavy and securely put i t,„,,... th en ., We invite „.„, r ,,,, e ,„ . eau „„,, of the very best hemlock. Al., one eAreiM the Wour
Lancaster •-----e-----10 IGulteas • • ..... ---• 500 op inemetallic pack, of F. I and Ilb each,1,..„..„ „...., oc , go, prices. They ~,,, haven pack- orate ii . ,..lZheny, near a cove, most adtturably attar
Hargitono-- •- • • -13 Frederieksd'ors----117 FO with their pooled card - shooing the li Imi ~,, . 4, ‘ 4. ,„,,, 1 1, ~,g , g,,,,, ,R, „„ 0g ,,,, gt , ', - „i. - ",, ell for g, where lumber can be rota on the attar
Oresonll.- 60 Ten 'Milers • • - • • 7be ft' Tea, once, rm.. of , t , <.....• .red , half chest., to run their convenience. I la winter , and tie perfectly safe from all Bestrew--
Perm'. Wit Onnton--40 ;Ten Betide , . • ••• • 310 depot in hiladelltia. anti . m levitatmo to tettim Mc , G o , mino pric e . ~,,, for 0.,,,,g, Block Ten from ' Pries 143 . 0 4 or 6 3 e...... Ten= nay. .1 1 7di take
Urbana •• • - --- -60 lineinPors• • • • 460 Tea, if sot hked
.50 en. ,„ 2 , ,y, p „ ,i, %,„„ yy o " 900 y 00 „,. 5 0 cy „ , • well cleared Mall farm, with good Mose .d of
aentssoky. I Exchange. Slr., ',Cal. en. So. aid Ethlair lira. fina at Young Ily son. I °be"' open it• im Party , e7meet if 1...1 lb suitable,
Bk of Kentucky. -•• • i ;New York •••• • -• i prn rayon...l. .21 7.5 1.1:0 1.25 15u ~..„4 , 0 „ „.., n „,, ~,,,,,,,d. r,„„„ 3. .., c ,, ~,,,,,,..,.„, , b. and the enhance in limber, or no may be agreed on.
Bs.of Lostiville " ;Philadelpht• • • •--- I prep Imp... 50 75 OKI 1:55 150 F . . ,d , a d , ~, 'e, f 1 Mi. nom excellent opportnnity for iambenngi and
on-ler arr. r• • Vier e 0 erred an ge t la, es a
Norbert, Bk. Kento'ky• " 'Bala MoOS i prOl ,II y e ns. 'o el i 76. 1,00 1.26 1 f ~,,,, 1,, ~,,, sty th ,fr, before ~,,,,,..". I the probability incrust tta , in two or three gems this
SIM/ TOTIlla-CLIV Banks oar. Interior Wks - m •1 Y. 11,thn .3) In 4 75 Ibo 1,25 1.5 , t 0 o „.1, .1, g ga A JAVNFA. 7 l Pound street ' . 0 07 , 1 will doable It. vtlee, In consenaenco of Its
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ , th., ... Wart 376 Lis
.-- - - -
Great Inagithn !Comedy. - OtOilnlity to he Now York and Edo Rroad• Ma
, 6 A: .
end rttlll aitil,<Ml the stream which 1111/110011.11y Ltll4ll/In
i 1 , •n , . aml extra line. -71 I.W 1.2.1 1.51 F ,,,. c 0,„..,,,.. „, th ,„,„
.the 5 , .„, . r 101,44C10L1L 10 Rat 001 been' sew mill`-and b.-
' W ' '''' w '""‘ "‘" TEAS """ "' I ' ' `q"' ' -• AND 03,TC' R . F. 5 I L.1:11 ' ) " It7 " th c c are °frit •
o, if not *cramp. to any mid to this en), and lie eld ;
4 , 4 „ 4 .,.. ~,,,,.„ ;, th , „,,,,,„,,,,, „, , ~.,,,, cs il the centre of the land. About firfrill• liell. Ultras.
nay .. prove l eerptaLte to the tare , they can I.! I , - ; un , th.. ....,,,, , th . c ""' e •TAr= i l 3 .. , . 1 ....-'r: c .i.-.. , ..' " No hill to rise to hauling lamber froto mill to dear_
F i b
nod the money unit c el l outled, . A ... on.) k . . sn .,^ , F. ,,,,,,;,. ~,,,,,, mu ,,,,,,,,,yh th , 0 , 0 17 , 6 , 0 , 15t : 0 , i T...,_ * ...I IP.V. 66 44further puska
with tbat outtermanding we l wins the immediate sopenotendence of the Mveritet "`"'= l ' l44 „„f„; i t TED. P ..,..",
W. ••• • (.... tn •I • 6. tae F"' h ' '"I" "e" w ne•eneeeea , eeei . nrutheTheeftek,e, ileilit. - t - "' . .... PtannittlN , .•
edge berwreo oar Tr. and those heretofore sold by „__ . ~,,,,,,, _ . 'Ave Lots Iwo saw.
- -- - - -•--- -•-
KA Net:COSI PA C Y --t Miro. North Room or the
IL‘dn`eginTbird street. Finned itihta
Frith Intraosath —lluttittuda Nlerehandise and other
poniperty inand corona. Insured &palms loth or
tinthvgaithrEdh at the thiamin rate of pr tam.
Martian la, tsars —They also insure Vessel. a
voth and Rennin, foreign or roast with under open or
wroth, parsec as
t het assnared may dram.l
nice on Tithes ran.. —Thee may
•ttse tninspiined th•gotis, Ka,lrnad Carmenthols
a Canal
'4rl•t ando,n,n Rua., on rivers and lakes, on the
meat terms
DIREf - It)II.,-1/~r.ti II ~ t -at.lrmarid A Sander,
John 1/, • , 11.rton. Juni: R Yo. Sam.
.11.'111+ , 2rd, l; Dartl.-van. Isaac
Day , .. I .. wr. t Nrvt/.1, Dr R M lior
.ott. Jam.. u• Jo“e•
t• Joh.s•or,
pat/V. 1 1,1f , , Jo..n Irr, Wen F. r . Jr.
I . P 1 ITSEIURCIII-1). T Morra.,
W I 1 1112
CA AL $400,0110.
IA of ono, agooff p! fluff. of 1.5,
Aj• ertl, y st.,,stt d •nit promptly
A hoc, iniolution—inzrirciLr mire n i nis who
roioro Use • tolltrisual.l • . it•l ttie
N lie proropinees •.lier• ;I sits tt
arter wh oiey have Rs offeritt4 tic brat
protection to timer Arun ileitre ie he'n,ur<d
Disotesons—R. M.Ber. Jr . Geo. Murk. J W Butler,
N Holmes, Jr , Wll3 B 11,:n, •. I' Inm.e n, Gen W
Jaelliwn, Wm. V. Lyon, Ja.. 1..1,,,81e08, Thos. K.
I.Bes.,l:Bnct Sl'Anl.y. AB 1. Ninl , k, 1 hos ,‘tott.
I Irm c, :19 Water Brect, I••'•rehou•e of ' , pang
A Co., up .t.c f.,lPßoiburgh Bs.1,11).
Olt A IMI.MIC 711..11.1.5.
Ordero leftat the Post (Klee. or at Mrs. Erestn's, on
Fourth it., boterern Nl•rket and Ferry, 1%111 receive
prompt attent.on.
Rarsacmcs —Pro , Dothee Webster. Geneva, N. Y
Prof. Chester Desey, IJ D D. Roemaim N.V or
J L. Cassels, and Ilamllton Sown. Cleveland,
o sanonlwrinr, .1. Flavrthorn, Msehael Juncs,
Wtlltams. an.: rapt Goof,
- 11181fieCRVir cliftMloAL WAITING
ALL. thew differ from ordinary Ink, ns they are •11
chemical solution. containing no vumd mailer;
00w freely from any kind of pt ii—the color deep,
bright end durable. If there have been better article.
made, I have neither seen nor heard of them Sam
ple boulowesin be obtmned gratis, by the merchants
geoenilly, from R. A. Fahnestock S. Co, Henry P.
Scharerir, Allegheny, or of the manufacturer, THOS.
R. tit UIIKRT, Druggist mid Chem., corner of Liber
ty nun Smithfield streets, Pituburgl, Pa
N —Any bottle not gi•ing complete satisfaction,
eon he returned and the price will be refunded.
Lights Light I I Light 111
THE justly celebrated burning fluid can now he had
at the Eastern Limp Store, No. tfl Third street.
Dewy. Wood and Marta.
Fora portable house light tt has the preference to all
of the eastern Cale*, being perfectly safe and cheap
void of .mote. grease or any of the disagreeable at
tendants to lights now In common use: also, a beauti
ful ainiortmeni of lamps of the latest patterns for burn
ing the same. jzitd6mo VJ. DAVID.
.rfilitikllGA.l. • suataiost. orrit.44,_
, No. 55, DIAMOND ALLEY, a
. ' ' few doors below Wood street, tO
.. ' • •;:ti, market
t'll l
Da. DROWN, having bees
-, • 1,.., regolarly educated to the tuctac•
. . ~/.... profeon and been for some lima
general probate, now 0014110 l
his WO:MOO° tO the treatment of
44 those pnvote and delicate cam,
. •
• . .- . plaints for which his opportunities
, • •••• and experience peculiarly qua li fy
him. II years us It devoted
to Mu , A .reatio. of of those compluints,(durtng which
time he has had more practice and hos cured more pa.
dents am can ever fall to the lot of tiny private pr..
darner) amply qualifies him to offer ...faeces of
speedy, permanent, and sausfactory mare to all athlete/
Iva delicate diseases. and all diveases truing there!
from. •
Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted .nth pnetsts
diseases which have become chronic by time or me
gravated by the use of any of the rommon nostrum. of
the day, that their complaints enti hr rudtr ally nail thor.
ought? eurrd; he hevlng gtecn his careful attention to
the treatment of sorb caws. .ltd sureeedeu 111 huntireds
of instances to curlng persons of i , natutealoo2 of the
ueek 01 the bladder, on 41110 red ,lasses goblet, °Met
moult from than en.ol where Other. bare eOllOOOll,
theta hopeless despwr. lie 0110001.1 y vlte• •och
a, have hero long nod unsuccestaull) trenteol by other,
to consult tam. when every sonsfsettou will Lc etve
thontt. eml name Clames treated In a carets'. theses ell we
intelligent manner, poanteil out by • long
study, sad sad oirePtlrition, ortiVell 11 impoaa.lo,
engaged 4n geneml prectlce of median to give co
one r , a.t of &zee.
. .
117 - 14nrnts or Flopture.-11, Brown also invites pent
sons adhricti with lirsoto to sail, as Sc oas prod panic
Olaf arse 11101. to this
I' NCFRS also rare&
Skit. dies:ram also it, Palsy, etc., speedily salad
Chu,. eery lo w .
`N. 11. — Ptrue , ar of can ova tiring •I • distance, try
slams MCI? diocese rsrt,,c. ri•ing all tho sympi
1,11.1. A. eon ..11,1411, dirreuct. for no, by
sdrirers.or . T. - Flit sl. 11 U.. port prod, and
Oili :a Nu. 65, Diamond alley, oproarto tea awry
It tiro , " rotx.—Dr Brown'. newly dittrovered
tly 6.1 Illictonatt•al L.,
1,,y ot.O remedy 10.
that ittottrut 'woo' tt It tat ,
(lO atol Room., No. r 1 Dm
mond athty, Pa U..alori. dwelt, et
A liirtf: SI:1: ARS —l.lnnnes loaf, crushed Inca
pulvt•.r r ul 'oat reed and fur salt hy the
htd or at to nd, at the Pc,. Tee Store, 7U Fourth at.
.‘ 22 .
IArIIISKEY—G. hl. %Vb., m wore and for
V ed. by )r' wkl Ml rc ki ELTREE
F •
ttttEIGN uirooft-aFlit LfORTS-•—Ajana
nal arrorment alnrayr on hand and for rata b y
J o) w & m surctimirabe
02:ii - ft..114:4 -- p-szlAf!f,,.% ifl Vii.Vl - V - i : ti?.V.titqtart-01,4 fi 11 .1' i
2:'i4i1.11.111-14,1: - .. 5 i3f .- _ - _ . i.i.:.1-ptiTi z - , aE 2 : -..- i;:-.tb!.. -3 :i t. !: i i
°I X N:-...,-. , : t.f,.....,:i . ,..10-111 . if ;' : - I. :` - '7: 2-.l ' 1 ”113 1 1 . - 11:ii e gg:44 V .i:'o -11.4 "
=. ci iS•;Stiii;:titfi . :..El-..pi 7": ,- ;•-sg. 6 g- :-;1E1:1 5 -1. 0 1 ; 2 1 - 2? #, i! 1:12
CD ta e .. 4 4 .illii1100‘:;:4 11 3 1 -AitgPii':!4; 24
E nin-I • _ , ~.k:- E .:=0111 g. l ?.. :,. El 2 .:
Q ,_ 2 0 1 4- ....4T.llg•liil l ' l•ii gil 2 f- r_-1:37* . . i
2 .- ; 17. '': j.3i.V 3 1; 1 1.5 . 1 1 !..1.11p 5. z• 1 1 ,_, i
... ii ::.. , IT: i ',F. n''.' 471-:A s : -.- .:';',f; 0 .q.- - z . i• z. T.. - ? -5 ii 2 '. "- ?-I.r.:23:7lliil'ii!-11.:*:r: a tIF ;A T.
ogt ; tli li e li;aii;'ll2litti:w!! - :;..5: i .::rh 1., „. ti! Ett - r . 4 ; 1 . t. : 3 ".;.-1 . 2 .- z• , ,_B' : - ,7114 1 , - : .
=.., 0 „,"!:°,iz:"!.. , ;q - al'illE.lP - Ei1iii?..... 1 _ :7 ;f 7 .; •12 . ;:' :''':!.`6 15 ..; , 10 . .1 : !. 1 .1.; -, •. ,, .1: --- i-Liti -- ;g:i
4 .", , :'-ii-i,,5. - ;r.i:4;,t" . .7.:5;_f.4.12 1:, ::,,, P.
met :=1 :!..-=.l - i-1 - 3, 1 , - z -, :. 3 .f...:11°. Jil
a Eips - -r. 1 ,1-:' ,- 11‘ , :ii,..2 - 4r-;7:ici, - ;,:.q4 0 ::.r.,
,_ _
___ .„ ,„ „43.„L-4 , .-.....1- 1 1.,„g 1 e t: . - 5
az tii g!,
V , I. et
LI. g 0
i ts.
~ -,.7.: •-• T.!, ! ~ ,. .t Et: 1...f . i, ',l•= . lg. l .
I m. I- 17 r qj 'ci, 7-7 1' ; 14 .! . . ti'. 5 !:1 - 1 ,--' "i:::.1 . - 2 .gi ozie
:: : : 7.] : :::::; :: : 7 1 : 1 1::::: : ::: : : 4 1
1 4 4,1 q. t • -; 0— cA f. , 73 7 4. - , g1 . .- 1=4,--.1 .?.. : 1;. - . E- , , z . - .5,,tz.,: , ,1 z - 3A
F , ' • i o t-" ~:: ' > ;; -4 ;l • fi , Elf.l: *. a•P!.EP3 E;
Ww W 4- F - j.iltii - f -- if - Oi .l• Eli e 6,51 f 1 E , 3 i.Z..t. t ro -, “.:l;:iiEl;i ',kr"
161.1 2 °4 41 !:-. : 1... 4 1111 . :EE . . - 7,;t . 1. -- t: 4 24.2i 6 ,E" 4 lii .e; . f , 3 t4::' 2 n:...,?!1. ge,-;:zi:4 5 t Pi
g.. , :,j , ..?....„:, - ;41.:51 , .,...:t-1,;-,.. f =l .. .ii - ,:-.••:,t- - ; .. ~, L -li 'i i - ' `±) zi, .-f l Ailltgli;.4: ? l,
°2 : 7 e 4 t'l:--14'''n` , 1::.3 °'' sr!
;,- 0 E 4 10.,0 7 .11 4 4 , j,.. ; 2; . I:t;!: - .iE,S' ; :-) : - .nt_,V;.ls, l 'Ssl : ;si.,,j•niS
5I 6 11:f..i;: . 14:,..,:i1-4 : : E t . ,.;4 , ..5.: . i . z ; ' '''2. ..; ' STt. E-: ::' ';',E-Ev g ° 3 23:11 SI
0 iz,„4,...4... , ,i,.... , ,..i„.,„,i.i. .:,- 7 4:4i ziiilVßfiri!.; . : -- -ifi-lii EI
"Ex 2 - 4 . -- .arl r l:l'..y .., .J -,
at .15.e>giiY:,.'n;f-iE2,,:-F,:2.,:F',.:7E,,:;:--] a., naSlii.6l;rsqht.4l;44lll4l 44
CCP 1bgi,i .. .17,.. `.. 31
“:1':5t.,:jE1. , .:‘ . , - ',..7:." , .,7t . f.. ,- , :':. - :' , -"Zi 4--. 4..2. ^ 543;:i:..-i2g,11;!.„ - !.sg .1
6'111',46 - 6' . 1. - 4 5 1ik27i . i - E , fl .." . ..f. ...;',;iij.-Ftrl e ' 1 1 11: 'lO2 ,t; I R .-- ; ri'6allt: . • g `` .l
rt.. - AGENTS;—WaI J •CKSON, JOHN D. NIORGAN. PlTE•borgh: D WC:CIRRI'. Allegheny City; A. PATTERSON, Birmingham. Jaßigme
- ---- - -- - ---
-- - a
, ;
_ __. . • etas of Pulmonary disea.e, wan-nets th e Amer:call „ • •••••• -7; r•-- -
ottr:or empanles in thin ray.
.. a Agent tit aolictung for trestomet the wont poxelble ea- I 'T" ,, so-.!. , , ,, . , . ..1 ,, Fh , •th , .0. ~ ...twe
An lovers e., deliemu • midi good davored TEAS ; ~,,,„ the , eer , be found In the r .,,, r , e „,i ty
..,,,.“ theiee ,,,, ;
; _g_ valuable aroto of Groat.. mutaleel on Tomato tr.,
shoe d give . a call. ;
an „con Gam .lay of the „ thee , eeree d,„ of the tii dm rt.m Ward of Allegheny City, each hammy a
fleet of'lo feet, running beet LOU foot in depth to aWS
For sale 1.0. JOS S NI. VOUNG & CO . ' ,_
, uav•and have been oven op be the moat dist...thee
N Lk' corner nth and Ferry smects. and ,•' en „ ee „f„,„„,, e „,,,, reere bi e; Th e ir e T eer .,. feet alley, upon which is bade • stone wail, 23 by NO
E VOLNG & L.N4. , ar ' l ' llai. '" , has cured and void cern. the moat desperate '"''''•• "' h ./ .. " 1 " ..°•°•°°4* to ^thi. d cellar fee
nal ii,drleni. S W eornerJd and Ross stree's ; „,. ~,,,e . '"'„ in „. e „ th , ~,,,,,..„ Leta ethee ,..„, E .., 1.0 comortaore darelhim ammo, and t o {stet them
__. .
° are three shade tree, of 5 year . ..growth, and the aide
a a rived with brut all of which will be sold at
Da. W. H. DAILEC, hah 1, , ,, , .. nr. of known and estahrished efficacy.
lirc jl o Il.ste l t E tVe l ; l l'ork f wr; r l r t i il; : li 'm ar; s ' ' l7e ''' ne ' ll t ri ' . "c l3 S zereana '" .' „T ' L l ile. t not " o P n r ly i' M . ' ; ' '' ' l'• P', „''''''''‘• •°,l brut,
. County Scrip,
win he to p ayrnetiL
comment. , the 111..11/pl,/ 1• 4 1/iEllInf s of the climate, Orn, T— :Vail Meet, between 24arenth and „...„_ ~„ ...„, ~, , ~;;
.....;;,„ ..,,,,,,... „,
e , n
ee ,,,
en 1 fr. II PHILLIPS, Ns 45 Wood M y
Strawberry Are,. ; ...IL . " ';`,,"
~,. "„;,, ` e , bleed; „.,,,,, to the .„, e ee d or to WM ' DENSON, immediately opposite acid lota.
N It —l ' " 4 " . '''''''' .... UL. n.'" end teeth '''' ..d • echo,
rrlk;ii.; ‘ a.. rorei.cse . the bang, linachtus. "' /. 2- •
Homeopathic al.y. ,urr.d../n : ildfm . iv .0 ln e a• , Irene fever, night threats. eainci. TO L Intr •
CONTINUATION OF THE GRE A T &A LL: Al' aline oMI ,-• ci „. deo..ity. in thine, tikiluemt, whooping i l l . TILE Dwelling HouseOn Third enact, above'
A• A. MASON & CO'S sone, and cro.q. Sawa... occupied by the family of the Me
Sold i• !arse bottle, at 111 per bolas, with full direo. Dr. s. N. &I'Do well. Potheasiort given on the
ONE PRICE STORE, tions for ill.• rconatuoci of hawk let or J uly ne tt ,
Pamo••••,.....ntat-ine a 131...4 of English and Sorer Al., name large lots aground in the Ninth Ward,
Ar n atU g; ruler Redo-rd Prue,
e. cerol,-...e. -tint other evidence. showing the an- between the Finn Ward and Oreighanthdle, suitable
A . A '.' t •''' ' '''• d '"' °.. Of ' v ' re ' °, ''' ''' v . '. ..,,,1.,, ~,,,, ,t lh, •ere. Enstith Remedy, may be ills !amber yard, WM. M. DARLINGTON,
New Fa lit'inc,,Lr S' °° ' '''''''... '" , r "'" . '••• I ''''' :,,ned ol :Ile AF. - .. .- I . v • ' =.V inyBlidtf At B. Doirtimtan', Foonh et
v., Their iecelle'. l " 4° ' • T """ ""°"'"'""°`,"'" For sale IyII A I. AfiNE . ..O; O. Co.. earner of oure sAr e k;_fe,„ e lr e , - ,,,,. erreere di n e . g r -- ;', -- ,„
Nal-c made W.. 6, 1 ,11 /.;711 . taII.r"vv. V‘ V v • N` ' '"" c sad Wo,al a , .• tt ood and -'t.. ,• luarth.erS r ~... town of Rannagbam. The Ma are thus
alt be rioted our the thou -riiigl''`'. from r ''''' - 'i -
Ok.Oft.OE A llalolt, tad on Doan.. street. numbered to F Rausumols r
th., are mire recently apenrd. they niehiV"..,' A''''''°'''' 73, 70..1, di and al—Lot No 73 fronting fall feet on a
s eme• 11.1 vu laud Law., at 7 cts ' MERCHANT TAILOR, ry Ami !trees 7u feet deer, the other roar 20 feet Goal
•• II Martin, F and Ilr each, lip 54.1 feet deep
A large cock Silks, Shawl. en I Vlsins, very low. 1, Nu. 46 Ilarkel street, ; Terrea-43reatcr parr or p.rchase money may so
•• 25 et 51 de Lai, ••••• lake ' Fil e ,' Te•;`,: n rehaead so eSt , nlkve and carefully so- ; main for six years, secured
mortgage. YOf_partlell
- lot !realms at o, nu, r price
~,,,,e, ti
-r ~,,,,,,i.;tf,1.4 and .ttt n.A.,, Goods, the 1 Wars, 111111le of 8 SCHOYER,'.
- • 25 , I Dingl• nine a• tic
theists „ na,„ r i
ar n iLin. tio, trienda and the , nayls Ile second at .
- Einnroldrrie• ve y C,C2p
cane their „,,, r , „,,,, ~,..,:y iitev,..l,,, e.ot ''.• 1 valuible Odar - LraitarfOr Sale.
•• i• Sonnets, list( rnee
~,,,‘ ~,,,,,,,,, u .,, jp,n, 0n .,,1 e ..”.,....'1ik..!.4 I ABU° r lour reties above Lock No. it, at the moth
•• - 11 bit, V 0111/CS I lee. Tr men,. he
• • •'' • • • lor a -int:l-d to do InlAi/10Y et. the efl•lt syatera, . flrfrti n of Pine R/11, Mollolliabela River. The Coal
ease. Merrimack Calicoes o . . H I
,r• him,' met be vall. be KJ,. 4/3 do work at cheap ; en iem e Tery best quality, and easy of acmes& MT I
, obtained, twenty five to a h.dmd, ought
5 - 121 et Calico., at vac
, e ,,,, be ,„, ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,be e m e , b ,„ et ,. las u can he Bone nI tiny •cstnlntslium . at mt the countri. 1
lath Linen. at tilm Limn Gingham, vle " i ' i ''''''' i • v.i.i ''' , "' i "'" iii t ,. f ~ ...m., < •., un.u• 1 eall . WALKER P ° ' °k ""'''gl ."
W ith Ribbon • and im, Move. at 4, ; e loth., Ventac.. Se., which hi* trienda are respectful- ~,,,,, eppe , ne n, Pose
. rfp.U . ,,,, ~ Win'
With rat outnerne variety of of . (I mils. all of I ir ".""'"' ''',"...'"! "'" °° '°° °l° °. formulae coneerteg the propenyr In '
• 0 PPROE ARMOR b e eeln, ere e lA, ...g.. ~. Win
winch ode prove a raving to pure:mem of Mom 2I to 1 rn r a " d ''
TO LET—A good brick Dwelling_House, n'r ailu 2l d'im atn 01:1: -
50 per rent. Toe
store will t. • clomd one day tor . 131 - IZ - W
II D PL A NE A t uAkh •
umking down and pre.parolg the co , .k for Ihe 4/ e ' ' . ..°lliN OF TIIE AND teASIT,
Robles® street, Allegheny. &squire,.
lrl A A MAStiN ACO 1 •o. 7 8 Wood , Pittsburgh.
Tir I' BER AND LALIFMAN, Unman.. and dealers 'I I° •
HIII.I in Foreign and Domes. lIAILDWAELE;in
.„. i all to varieties, are now prepared to sell at lour and
reaennoble term, as emt he pure hued elsewhere.
We 4011 ell our friends, and the public generally, to
call and examine our stock, which conasts In pan of
KNIVh. and FORKS, eocKor and PEN KNIYIMI,
such as Locks, Latches. Hinge. and Sen.'s, together
with everyarticle usually kept in Hardware Stores.
We invite the attention of Carpenter. and 'Mechamcs
generally to our athortment ofl'oolsorhich !me bece
selected with great care, .d which' we ere determin
ed to oral so es to rave satisfaction. art.d&sir
ILIOST Eille — op Laos. -
TE nridersigned have erected works in the etry of
New York, for the purpose of Gal v.ixing all aril
eine of Iron, which it is desirable to PROTWT FROM
RUST, such as l'elearaph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails, 1
Wire for Fences. rind .y other article which may be
required. For Hoops for Caste, as a aubsutute for bale ;
ope; Incfor Clothes Lines, Lighuung Rods, and • host of
other applleauons, it will be found cheep and darible.
They would particularly call enaction to the Gahritol•
ted \V ire for fences, it reenire• no paint, and wit cot
rest. Also to Bpikes and Bolts, the prethrira*th of
which Is of so mach import..., the! it will CCIMISMAJ
twelf to the nonce of all those interested.
GEL) D. NIORS:WOOD .k. CO., Pateelaell,
oetall-d&wlrT l 4 nod le Heaver 0. N. York.
317 Front street, kw York,
urANUFACTURERS of every variety of Plekles,
Pres pi er•ea, Irthea, Catsup., Same, sy
rups, Vitiers, hlugard, Spice., Extracts.
Oyster., Lohsteu, Salmon, Mackerel, Shad, Meats, o
Vegetables. tee.
Imponers ol Olive% Capers, Salad Our, Sardines,
East and West India Loodinsetas, etc.
Then stork Is more comprise• a greater
varity. did is put up in better atyle than Mu of any
other e House In their business in the United States
Their goods are parked to all the various package.,
and inao site • manner at to bear transportation to
any part Mine country.
N. LI. Catalogues may be seen at the other of this
Agents to Boston: Silas Peirce k. Co. Philadelphia:
10s.11 Bawer Baltimore: A. Ilan k Son. St. lwatsr
Des. Buchanan tr. Co. Lootaynte. John Foods & CO.
Mary !Rachman. neltaildm
Gentlemosatro it . ctrialahltag Warehouse.
9i Willlam street, flew cork,
Facts rearMr Publlts.
11 ritt r , h i Sti mP 7Xll . l ., S Ano ,
NDO:TOI.A. In relation to. that unrivalled handy Salve r
ul'Etta 11./8, tsCA RFS, hILIN El BELTS. UNDER
GARR ENTS, 6LO V ES. ,SA TINS, LINEN BOSOMS, of a respectable Phystetaa.-411.ead
/lAN ON ERC HI EFS, HOSIERY BUCKLES, Sue- i the rotiowt"g, addressed tom 7 AVM., Mr. F. Ater-
The above oto,A mil, on damnaon. Ise found not CurmanAn, /eh. 1/30.
only attractive extensive end fu I, hot Cheap. Sir: A sense Mew/. compels me to glee my tribute
our b uug u.rur,uuu„ the uuunruus and
sin to Dailey'. Pkill Extractor Being opposed to
of manufactunng, with the faciles of purehasot., are err ors all nostrum. having ohleet for
"' ea that we ate confident we thee three tetteeetheet. nativesn
that Cantlol be surpassed by any House in the city.
P•nicalar attention paid to order. and the planking
of goads. 111 . .111210E & SC UDDER,
D 3 William st, opposite Platt. New Ynrh PhhhOnY he thX. ,,, • 11.1. Hanoi., B.
• Lir. Brodie is the senior partner of Dr.lie S Levi, I
D•IIID a. 11.11“. IS.. W. IIIt,OPOIL • •
N7td3w I.Druggtsis.
Inflammatory Rhountatisns.
SLY ACKLETT d WHITE, Tins following testimonial comes trim a source fa
unbar . ot.ny or these tea Veling On Oar Western V 72.•
DRY GOODS JOBBERS, ter. Air. the well and lays/rah], kneern pro.
ts) WOOD STREET, prietor of the Parkersburg Hotel, to matiand to the
RE now receiving n •ery lacer mad of freaii • LidY whoa,-hltnes
AGoods, of recent purchase and importation.whi..ll Pad/MM.. Va , April
tn..). alit aell to the trade at such pried an cannot tad 'yo 'ltes•t.t. the —et.
ts nine entire Ratisfootrho. 'per!y born long nllhc rd violent
C.I y and Country Merchant. are invited to sail and Ilk/ninan am which an, eared so Ran, .cated me to
elontino our acod before pun:dame elsewhere d•(/' all ./.n/thrY uppl me , . to allay the revere Patti
avehd 1 tens to try v., klavical Pam
r, sins •1 by taa..
I ) Ur" 8°"-I.C8EP"ti—alant" for tte mum,. rent t " and to oh loppcarano,
ILI. Wet,. with the author's die-mons to I. -11. uu „ u .
et, n•int no the C 0 . ,. A stw supply Just E.ret" O. ' rr• try alhi to wnri par.,, used vett fr on New Pork. Unit for ante by
Otuf i et Inn)..m .I,IIJIP. to woos to too, d.clartto,
yu l:1 J, oil .4 it telx 0* W." • t • j e
u wort., to.n . d ce On expert nee.
mar meal Ytt.. F..tittiolor litc most irat u au ra
ery :rte pr airs t age t, :Mout/lat.
of lio.11!) pl. I .rt nediale mail .oe ,
f ::utt“ itad :widths all ex.rual to.
g users on,
. . .
tlt S. P. TtiWiiinE ,ArtAA
dozen of Dr. Townsend'. Genuine Sitri.ipar Iln
itist r.e d and forrale uy It I; 5t..1.1.1 HS
Woniloulv Agent , sr
tuf. /ty M Agent for Allegheny
Las. I) Liu:swam, 04 Wood erect. flu Just
reee vO4 some beautifully oroaniented URA* F.
APRONS, of a ennuiy of patterns and eoiurs. also,
cut T:iieuis Paper for ornerneutine hooting eusses,
picture frame. er. lamps.
l'rtr•et nag. 1., MI-0
. •
Ale IJohnNin , geri—Dent Su I gage 1/11C :.,
ru!! of your Worm Arbor in one my Ettore., gni di
short tune o. !ow Imlf hour a pn•sed tw. larte
war.v. I feel 1... i, rectienuiettdoig yoler Voriu,iee
si the LicAt ined,,ou Out used foe expelinx
worm!! .1.43.• MOS., near tgooleco. - ..
Prepared and .01! !ri Ike praprieoir, JQhilt hi 41.
G.W.Druggist, one door below Dilution.] of ey, Wood
DRY 00004 AT Wilt/Ws -ALM.
. u tlY ...woes the aneution of oleo
TV ch.". l
Incthe ter:- supply of new Good•
rowttee n pill wholesale oonot. on Ud story, oonheasn
corner ilea nd on , ket streets, htubargh
Viso Leong WI sccultd supply for this spring. he ho-
many Winds of good. a reduced priers, and sortie
stylo. no. to ue faand elsewhere corn,lttseT
k,:N,r II Y NIS-Itl land. yellow can
/ 4 11.0% . ,Winter h: and, m •Inta and for tale by
COCOA - ANU NNUllA — ltatc r'.
Broma, No l Chocolate and Caeos.; also, Schmitz
sweet spiced Choeccalc Ann reo'd nod for talc at the
Pekin Tea Store, 70 Foes* Cl. myl2
rn ;11.16.
~t „,, .o.• I
h.- 14 toas pt.:e. I ,0p0. , c5
Lapmar -I. 'Ala; t th sr ,a
,a, at way
t ,.
tac., a; Motu M LOO snd jou:at:lr
.ntrrt•,, thr hope that Mr, wo, pan,on the
t, t) I r 1 • Lex letter, a. me , l 14. >cu. , ~(
11..,1 1 1.;) if • of .I• ,4mole of itrusglnglt
to tte Offer in , :•,:s
Frit.. Cured
F.yratt Ut I,:ettet, d sled
ttx.•.sl, AI No• .4,l@H
Mr. II I) &ay: ^I hove tr.e.J your art 1-:ztraetur .n
ea. In funaily. which n /elieved
Bud eure.l to a very short tune
J 0... C. 1 OUNO.
iLr ...I Scalds, Pile, Sore Nipinaa, litolcen
11,,,t, E r , ~,,,, s. Cum Wounds, and a I M.
~,1411 r<91.1 .0 the woodurnal propertina
of ilits hurtra.k..! ....Moly .else. WO. 10 the tame pro
purnou dun you wa.l rccetve rowi the gentune,
you wIl• ...;ored by the deleterious• of the
eouffterfe, rea.
sure and apply only to the invetane
II 1/...t. 115 . 13roadnray, Now Vora, or to Intim
yllorised agents. . JU/I D ?It MU AN,
Ocoeroi Depot., Pnutbarols
Henry P. taeharalle, Allegheny. y J tinker.
Whooong, Va..t .14010.1 W JOhtlflarl, Ky.
F 51•rry wen tar, Catei rrou,U., Isletesol U-pot.
N. 11—In the severest Hams and Scalds it extracts
%h. ;min in a few minutes—lt never falls' jut I
T ar —O3 bb G — O - ri band sad fottiale tly
VOR SALE CHEAP FOR SCRIP—A lot of iroorrit
P situate an Webster street, R 3 feet from High streeel
23 feet front on Webster, by 50 feet to a five rot eller
—Trite core to new coon hoots:. Nice SOSO. Tenni
edro emit in hand; balance bt one, two, three and ady
years tram the first of April last_
Coonty and City Reny taken for emit p ayment.
. . re of nrylo 5 WI • OVER, I 0 weaved st
1101 A 111••• 1.100420 (Or mu*,
MJA Cal on the Idouonta larfor r alnaus mates
0 from mt.. arab sod 3 above Wad Lodi, in
the immediate nenettierhood of nessnbLyoo k, Short s
and Mr. Jelin horrors purchte. Thls flue body of
Coat will be told a the low pr oe of 11133 per aere—emo
third in hand, balance in five nal annual pa
without interest. Title indispenabla Locatlnt r a
good—eannot be surpassed. For further peril
enquire of 8: BALSLRY, who bas a draft of aaldi t
perty. Residence ell st,below Ferry, Mt. Adorn,'
N. 11. There is another seam of coal on thittras
about GO feet above the lower, of Well= litioilV
jr2flnitf S.H.
7° l
Valuable ter
at Salle.
subtoribers are ldi o ozed mat too at advt.
tale, and open highly favorable Lerma, a Mabel
of very valuable Bedlam* Lout 6m •P•M•If • (erg
portion of the Lou numbered 67, 178, OP and 70,
Wants , Geberal pi. or the City of Pittsburgh. dr
ted at the 5011(0earterstolly comer offenn and `Mr
wreets, fronting. 810 teat on th,fonaer, nod mac._
along the latter &boat 607 feet to the Allegheny rived
and being • part of ho Real Emote of the tab Jinni
S. Stevenson, gm., deceased. •
A plan or seedimsion of the abate Leta, in Maori
nuty andt tortueb it is proposed to ij im i lmat y be urea al
the MSc* firma undersigned, ob Fon bets•pn Mari
let a and Fern. sts. WI , &
Zeta'. for Ws.
rte lIE following property to the city of Pittsburgh,
j. and near the borough of Manchester, on the Ohre
river, Is offered (or sale on allieolll 43113111 • •
Lots (being solralivisinn of Lot No in the plea
of the city of Plitcburgho haying in feet facet on Se
venth street, by Y4O feet to Strawberry alloy rear
Grant street
10 one wore Lots fronting on an /I.llonso, O 0:01
Ma, running from Donvor rood mato Ohio tiro,. ad.
outing Oi Cloth Faptory.
For terms, enqutra of CHARLES B. SCULLY,
or JAMES Orllpl
Markel; Boildio46 1010.
'Valuable Property for 1ta.114,
orW Lots on Bathe.. and Liberty aroma, la the
oth Want II feet by It*,tad ethltent th e prepoeul
depot of tho Central Radrond. For te=a torture of
ctlettLES 8C1.34Y,
ur JAMBS O'llAlll4
marl dttl duke's Eittildledr.dth at
TWO iyoUrjfpollVtrPJ Putt dAtigt
N.) LtlkTit,4ll detect erect in tar o
bLagbeity,abdpe the thiprr .oattrlns. on 011141
is erected sdrodlitathglaßi vrk ,, auaui hittot
for two strati l kathtethlia. ltho lots ere each tweet,
feet it front Layette tient/redirect deeparol rue bards
toe street foupTeet wide. The illOtallo,ll on the prey
, ms . 'au pt.y if VerY bOrldllool. illIvro•I 00 t h e Of•CSI
meet. and the property oral al said costa rot nob.
Apply to 11. Sproul, Clerk , * office, U. I. ar to
- - -
AClte.rt LA.VU.4wuedto PeellYlet Waft•
colp, on the Iletthogaheth, three a:flllltee froth rata.
buret—to lath to /all porcetaiers. For nlier punk-
Wart apply to !teary Woods. thl et, or to •
A WA.3lllhloTotd i
_Ph. abovadalthfieldrst
w A kriTALlsk FolllSALE.—o.ertber
Oironi for mie the Wall /WIN , back Wareham.
. Wood .. , ..1,60..pie4 by a, Tgnnag a go.
ml; IVtd. WlLdtodc, Jed
FOR SALE —A Lot of Oround eiteuren Pans
street, between Ilay and Blarbury atoms, ar o boheing
We bourn and lot now occupied by Riaberd• Edward%
having a front of et feet, andlinpth IZO feet, Mil be
sold on favorable te-rom. Tide a iesecpuonibld. 'En
quire of 0. 0. LOO3l 4111 ei, neat Wood.
For illit.
IRADLR Banding Lot in ARechs4 , • -
tarY .62 '
Arornbly located, in arse about ha/ran Kerr t la
wilt be sold on accommilA terms. lonians of t .
Cabe JD % LaJAMA Ilnwoodel
&A - FOR RENT —n roc Lo the aet — i - atery No,
ISAL2I% Wend strent.
titiK - NOTTbI /ISM & CO,' .- .1-- - •t ,
INFORM their blends= the public thalami ban
witonger any comee e t4mth their teu, ertabliah.
torah In Penn strew, known Ote-Pittalbso Riewar.
harg trintored their buineritto the POINT
Vag W , Y, in Pir sung, *M Si
, .