The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 24, 1849, Image 1

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T. U. UM. , • 4 • • •
ATToRNLy:ip couNsa.Loas Ai' LAW,
Fourth rtrt, betuvon eantorteld and G rant,
asburgh, Pa, jal.s
_ . —_
301111/. LOUT. RM. t. /Li=
A i-ro.,,Ey AT I.AsvpruttrUh Wool, tear Grunt
"...T"" ale Vtsir laru l
..,..., , k e4!W A.,:4i. -----.'
' i isalThS.
Ipt:SHFIEW &.14A.DR, Whol sin
_up Dry Goons,Xcenel, Boots, S ot, rituts.agW
manniactured n Les, &c., No CU! Liberty street,
/11. n 0111.• ff 6203t0 1 MILL
IRAVE, It REITER, Wholedatelnd Revel Ride
psut, inner of Liberty and St. air streets, - flu..
u r tb, Pa mAyi4
MIA 11103 N. 1. 110973.
BRoViti t I.A.2.BERTSON, Wholesale Grocers.
and Caannisaton Merchants, No. 141, Libeim sal
Pmanuriti. P. dull!),
BPeaIPik:STUCK & Co, Wholesale • • Arai,
. tau .thoggists, comer Wood and Gala jpl
Ai/ILE:1 th:SMITiL, hOlesate and,
20 Wood street Pittsburgh.
CI A. Ble/LNULTY & Co., ForeranfinlT - e7nd7dOirs
blerehouls, Cnnol Basin, Pir r ahuegh Ps.
mehl '
Dl:muscles lapetus, Axle, Steel lisill.lbrosi r
nOLEIVaI, 'HALLMAN & Co, snanndLetarers
ki Coach and Elliptic Springs, hammered Au
f3priog and Plough Steel, Iron, &o. Warehndse art
Water and Front struts, Pittsborgh.
Also, Auden ini Conch Trimming. and Malleable
Castings. ocad •
- -
Enda. CND NW 1141.-IN S,
CONTINUES to an btonontenta,
Vaults, Tombs, Bead Stones, Mantel Preens, Cert.
tre and Pier Topa afforests and domestic
• reenter and fair price.
N. B.— Drawings Bo monuments, vaults, Re. Walsh/
ed, of any desertpuon. Be sobeirs • drat* ofipublie
patronage an: -dtf
Wi. A 1.01.1114 jam a. sada:.
FISGLISIi & BENNETT, (late Els % Bah, Gaßasher
4. Co., Wholesale Bracers, Colnausaton md For
warthog hterchanis, and dealers m rraluce and l'aw altuottattates, N 0.27 Wood at., botureen ad md
3d meets. 001.1
gIo.uRHIS, COCHRAN, Cummumou and Forma
‘,.7 Merchant, N. 20 Wood moot rinabargla. myl
AAOLIOI , I STEW /UT, manufacturer of Heavy:
AA. Srtinings, Checks, Lo., Rebecca Arco, mty of
nuegheuy. novladly•
LEE, ieseaeseor to hlurpts7e L e e r ) WooTDerd•
er sod Coomossion Nezeoard, for the sate of
American Wooleue, Liberty, opposite 6M et. fahl7
was extra, Dedinnore.
s. t. aticasol, rowun tea,
BOCA.IOtOrt MC. sos.a.runa •
Totmeeo Conimission Ater
°manta, 41 North Water st, it 16 North Wharves,
n 0730.1(
WI r.l o lll°
. •-• .
lj AILDY, JONES te. Co., (successors to Atwood,
J_L Jon. a Co.) Communion and Forwarding Ater•
dealern in Pittsburgh MAnufacturld lioods,
rtusborgll,PA Etch=
131,1t1,499 71
Since their innerporatiouip period of le years, they
have paid upward. of one million four hundred thous
and dollars, losses by ins, thereby affording evidence
oldie advantages of inatinnee, as well as We ability
and Maposmon to meet with:promptness all babilmes
B. OANI•TELD, (hoe of Warren,Unity ) COmmals• morl.dly Office N &honer H cod and 3d sts
J. 'l°' aid F° "`" : " th fi' ' m i f and wbbl '" thi • VKL - A — Ntli riiTlll,/.2111140/2. - AIO NC Co.
carer m se
Western Reserve Cheese , utter, Pat and D At MADEIRA, Agental Plusburgh for the Dela-
Pearl Aoki, mid VV inlet. P.M.C'e r" ....11 Y , ,1 3V t ". .. JL . At
Mutual Safety Irdianinee Company of Phial
tree; between 2Mdlitheld and Wood, Pttolmul. - - i - - sr-dolphin- Fire Risks upon Ruddings and nierchondmis
ill:1:N WATT, (successor to ihrrait k Gibbon,/ of every description , and Marine Risks upon hull. or
Wholesale Grocer and Communion Melehanti cargoes of wench, takenp"Pcia the most favorable
In Produce and Pauburgh tilmatocurres, car, terms. • ,
ner of Liberty and Hand streets, Ihusbiughtiltd - D''' Office in the Westboro'. of W. B. Holm. tr. Bro.,
JA o m y m o utfißA ~,,o , of me 0,...y .A. 0 g00 ,,TA N 0.37 Water, near flatlet eseet, Pittsburgh
MeGU Ir. ,) Merchant Talksr,BL Charles 8ai1,.....^-sp w t.. 13 7 , Th r t 9 o, 77 tri ew . 4 .( r . t.n.P ty 7 ., .inee th
th. dt prc.. . etab - p,
Third street, Bear Wood, Pdisbamrk.
----.. ness and liberality with widish every Mum upon them
7 Aitit A.• lIUTCUISUN , & co--00.00.-.7._ut , ... for loss has been adjusted, ally warrant the agent in
U Lewls Ilatchison .2 CO. Contamootrill filf., 7dants. ,In the confidence an patronage alt. friends and
and Agents of the St Lotus Steam Ragar g unnery[ the 00 ,im m miry at large m this Delaware ht. 8 Imo.
NO. 42 water and 22 Mont sweets, PtlhOomlllt. 4 , ,raim Company, while it hat.the additional advantages
.and • as cm mstinition among the Mon dounohiog in Phtlattel.
JS. DILWURT 11 b. Co., Po tkoleanie (omen, rree,phia—as having an ample pacd-in cootal, ortuelt by the
o . duce and Commission hlembants, and Agermß•poperalion of Its charter 4 - monatantly increasnig, as
toe the Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y., No. 27 Wood stir, yielding tei eisCh penes misdeed his due share of Use
INtrabarga. in Pp profits of the company, orlon% mvolvmg him in any
g ofifo D . gionfloau wf„,,,,..0, f,o-ou t ot, mad gk.L.O \
. refpoll.llThility whatever, 0.11 therefore m possessing
0 " f , , D,,, s tu ff, p o l o , cid ; m oroo thio,e,o,„ pio,p the Mutual principle divested of every obnomoos fea•
'Wood street, one door Sooth of Diamond Alley, rinse , . tare, and in its most anructite funa noel
burgh.mill 1: PIi.EUTRJ - 2D - 1111.11.11tili, INSIIDANCE.
maitsrit ' l;ru '' C T? - Y - ",.,"rh..=,. n 7: g ut
.make permanent lead Mooed, msaranee on propen) • in
thmtiny and its eternity, mach on shipments by the Ca
nal and Rivera r
Arthur 0 Calm, - Chorine Taylor,
Saml W. Jones, Ambrose Whoa,
Edward Smith . • , Jacob &I Thomas,
Jolan A Brown, ~,,.. John R. Neff,
Soho Witne„r ' , I R i chard D. Wood,
Thomas P. Cope, ,•,.., Wm Welsh,
F.South". 7. Frames Hmkens,
Baronet Brooks, .• ~. :1 8. Austin Allitione,
uw.An Dicast , , sun=
ALMI DICK d. Co., Wk•Lessle
minim; narelnants, and daniera 111 Prodaeo,pios.36
Ater, and 1117 Front sums, Palabusgh. .noTI3
ievrtn, Jr. k Co, {successor to Josegh
JDasue,) Ship Chbaidlerk 381 Water creel ,0e3 1
JOHN . edm.tkal., Wholesale sadßataildealel
1111 11
in /Lazio and klusloal Insmotrenu, Behoelltoosk
) apu, Stanza, Stec/ Sens, Wills, Printers' Canis, and
Stationary generally,No, IA wood rt, Pittsburgh.
_Zgs bought or taken tu trade. sepia
SCHOON alb k & Co- Wholesale Ihngsksti k
No. 21 Wood strt-cl, Swaim .
ascots, Patzbozzo ..-ocuosater ' eorner 511 t and Wood
J . -
tbIiNSTON & 25TOCKTONLiook•el
y and Paper Mclaufactaters, Na. 44 Market au. ryn en
LargiL JoU
tr..t. FLOYD, Wholesale Gro a""2 ‘.. ri4".
ra,j,"l=.2 ZE Dealers in
ahem, P:Ung Lib.Mo WO.? Stla - G u al
JA Tme.f-Dirztigo r Wholesale Urocer, Gem:bunion
llderehu, and dealer In Produce and Pilbergh
insa.ineuires. x. 4 Muer ti, Thisbe .h. jonte
anniscalat .
actarexl wale; Canal Munn, near ith mt. ; dyi
K E llen o Y ir' °J:,2
11.= WA Betting. 73,03-1 y
ifeserolux Iron Works.
LEW LS, BALZELL & Co., manufacturers of all ei•
gee lsos, Sheet, Boiler Iron end Nags of the boil
duality. Vii arehoom, 44 water and 1141 front at.
B WATERMAN, WhoLeasde (ironer, Po •
g in g and Conumemon Merchard 7 Dealer in Polo.'
burgh Mtmufactures and Produce, NOS. 31 Water ea,
and Front /37.
%BOX. SElteleer, Mt. JOAN E. llleeli
1 0013Thti GLASS Alanufacturers., and Wholesale 4
deniers in foreagu and domestic Variety (foods.
'IA este= merchants, Pedlars and others oremeitoll
to call and eirtMete the pnees and quality clout stock,
as with oar present titerestud (ulnae. to manutactain
lac and purchumg, ve Mink we can offer Ms great
IlltinCeertents to bayed* as any other hour weir Orin
liountaina jrity
wr. WILLIA, relied& C. W. MOISTIMS,
MILLL.I3 & HICKETSON, Wholesale tiniters, and
importers at Brandies, Wilma and Begets, Nos.
13s and 174, corner at Liberty aed 'rata, streets, Patl,
:riirgh, Pa.
To ant 11,11 L. MS. A whhcra'.c. 4
MeGILLI3 & ROE, Wholesale Grocers mud Coniniiii
loon Merchonia No. IW Liberty at, riusburgh,
MU c y .) H4 . % 1 V , 11.4‘0 .i.
De N bleop No ny
4 ti r
ood went, innabarfb. nev*.l,
Id. ALL..., macc.
ALLF2 & Co., Commission and "Forierannot
Member., %Voter and From on, between"
ood nod Market pm • land, ;.
roan toe bliinistorePson.
I. &moon, comer of root Oa= nakcy and
Fourth meet, ontronea oo 4i.b.nen.r Market. ;-
docil-dif. .
FICILdiES & BON, No. 56 Mullet .1, second
door from'corner of Fourth., dealer, in Pomp,
and Demesne hills of Exchange, Ceruficutes oflicpco.
34 Bonk Noict 'nod Specie.
11Qy Collecuone mud on .11 din principal clliet
throughout the United Sums. droll'
third dog shays Smithheisl, loath stile.
stoevegasaing al all killed, clone with the greasert
care and legal steams.
Titles to Heal Estate exasautril, ?se. oct3o-ly
raFFIOE, Fount, street, neat Grata, tba TV am
V Lately oetatpled by 4.ldelmon Ahab', immsdotter.
li apposite MY. llaktwell'a. Ile may be sound at melt
• No. 71, S. Chaste. floteL 4ul/olgtot
U.'/I`. /to ber u., EL. D. •
PTHALAUG 81:0,11.titALS, rtll atten d tolho umia
mane( l)seases of the Eye.
I.)r. EL has bows engaged m an. branch of She oted4
est profession SOlJOilean years, Imo n r conducted=
establishment for the treatment Cl diseases of the eat
shine for several yet... ,
ern. and-reattkoce, some , of Bltl,dmitl at Vi
ttrawbern alley, Allegheny ttty. -. smug
L im Pldlith TIAA ISTOBAC.—No. 73 Foal
at., ow Wood—All quantities of Green Mill
fl MY, done up in quarter, 'half, Inn
... - ,,..ta psstages, ranging from So eta. per poand
st,so. jy4 A. JAI NE . S, Ass for PrAin_fen Co.
.... .... .. . .. . .
UHF:KT MOO ' %$ boicsale tirocar, • Layton
Dwtaller, dealer In Produce, Pittsburgh 'Montano
tot es, and all loads of Foreign and Onnustic Wines
••d Lrikuors, No. IL Liberty street. On band • iron
low stock of superior old Adonortgahcla
winch Will be sold low for cosh.
00010 &Mason, Wit= 6.101.t021.
ROBINSON k Co., Wholesale Urocer*, PrOddef
nod Contrlttwion Merchants, and borders w PAW.
bargh fdanufacturcs, No. OW Lamm , et., Piusbufgh.
Itulh KT DALIELL h. Co, Whotuula Orociens,
Couuniedun and loraraldtng Merchants., &Isiah
rrosuc. tad Pittsburgh Manufactures, Litmny
kituutuvh, fet24.
Eisl. •ctiNNtNtateAt, Wewenaio GrocTr
Dealer In Proddeeland PIU an
aburgb Alufacuszo,
• 144 Liberty li. 012,2.
. .
1DEYN0L.11414.8111.7., For and Commis "ision
..11, !dent:mils, On eargbeny HAW Tiade,
n. in Ginwe r n.., Produr..., kin..bingh
and Florida of Lame.
Thollighestpritd at all ametfor
raga. Caruar of Penn uW thorinsta.
C. =seism,
gtieceux,rr WHITE, Whole.ole De ed to
rtj=s, MT Hoods. No. 96 Wooll et
Wool Defiler.
• an Floor and Produce generany, and Forvirarding
aOl Cotonnulon literehnins, No. El Water ar , Pius.
ugh. _
10, Mme, BAGALEY Co, Wholesale Grosersail'
mg Produce dealers, No. 20 Market street, hetvreeroddo
e ttd titth North side, PhatadeJplda
rrir — secjort.
1...19 a NICOLE Prgt o c 3 eTru c l GerierslM:
rutraort Bleretudds, No. 1: Liberty er..,%Pirtsbrarb.
Plena, Lammed and Lard My
F. VON IiONNHORST, & Co., Wholesale filer
• can, Fol. and Commission Alerehtekta,
maim in Pntsbo a rPilannfaeolrea and W . /IMM *ft"*.
hone removed to their new waretionim,(old . t d)
Po• earner of Front Munk Chancery Line.
A. l. ISOM '''' ci '" giil
r ' , ROTH & SCOTT, Witolesate and Real) eat
A. Boom, Naaea, Trunks, Carpet Sews, ?ea., Id, VV.
Thee al/ thand Smithfield los, eut_ l b . .s . N. J E ,_
T A.s. ;O:li --- 1`, Wiwi alo litocera and Commie
Metehains, and ;Leo in Pnedoce. N. 3.3
C4 . - ..._-- 6 `od rtgabanb.. - Peel
V r t1.....,L. tellEarnA — Arktolciair. (oar.
culYlnit Distillers, and Wine and Lie°,
- irWiaitaTta. Allo,lmportera of Soda Ash anall3lea g
ni P"dert • N9aaoubtrry sines, Pntabatztt, Pt. ra
KA •
k , ,
. -
. .:A
- • ,
..• ' ••• . T ' ---- -'- ' - ''.- "
4",./ . . . •
. • I.
. e
. • - , -
.._ . _...._ . _
. .
. a ...
~ i ,: i
1 1 -,,, !,;, .: . . ‘ , •.,..
1:: ,
..: 44 -'' ."'-.. . t I
IF .
.r• ' , .A . .
' . . . ;I .. '• :' ' ~
NIT . WIC & WCAFlDLla39,,l(soneessors to L k J. D.
y Nick,) Wholesale Usocers, Forwarding and
Commission Almehants, deafen in Iron, Nails, Glass,
s.sition Yarns, and Pinsbargli,Manufaeturesgenerally,
rota. , of Wood and We ?Ammo. Pinsharira
WW. %VALLACE, Itilhstene .d Furrush
. tag eliabliehment, NO; 414 Liberty at, near the
Canal. :i.i mar. 4
l r-
N. WlLkitti, W it4sreTri il - ilvelitii,
VT . uld Military GoodriPorner of Market and ath
imam, Patsbartgb, P.. N4l.—Watebes and Clock•
carefully repaired. kt dee4
... _ . .
yirEST — ROWEN--Comnhasion and Forwardinig
Merchant, No. 90 FrOtfl at between Wood end
ark.streets. feb24
W. IL bIURYII 1 , Wholesale and Retail dealer in
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north eut
corner of Mutat and Fourthots.
/MX aug9l
•• ww. 1.01100,
1. warn.
W - -
1. YOUNG tCa—Dialers in loather hides, M.
10 Liberty st_
vrx. lealTlll6ol6. son st
. •carcasori
. WIL IWCUTCH_EOPP, Wholesale Grocers, dem
s It E.
is Produce. Goa, Nittls, Glass, sad Pou
burgh littimulactures gencrialy, LW Liberty to, Pius
AT W WLLSON,./WA r r io batches T Jewelry
Yp s Bayer Ware, hliluar4 Goods, 1.., No. 67 Mar
aL . nov7
WM. TO 0 & CO.,
Shoe Findings. tce.,
_Noll. 143 Liberty street, have
past received their SOLINAI STOCK of goods, com
prising 3 lame. assortment 01 1 artelesIn their line, to
which the attention of poreEtsers to invited.
ST EAM•4I3° M b. C.,
octJlChrttcx Amoy , M.
• No. 4 Woter laree,
THE INSURANCE CO. Ot North America will
made pep:moral and .fintited Insurance on pro
.perty in this city and slab:thy, and I n shipments by
canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. Tae orogerttes of
.this Company are well invested, and furnish an avail
able fund for the ample inde4mity of all persons who
desire to be protected by indbrance.
mylB WAL P. JONEE, Agent, 44 Water st.
Tito Fran/lin Frr Inostrowc Co. of Philadelphia
DIRECTORS.—Chattea ly.flaneker Thorna•
Tablas Wagner. &m
agi Gram, Jacob R. Small,
•Oeo. NV Richards Mordecai D Len,a, Adolph° E.
Borne, David B. teretarn, gloiris Pancreas.
C 11.011.33 ~ N. Earwax; President
Charles O. Backer, Secregary.
Continue to make meuranee, perpetual or limited,
on every deurtption of property in town or country,
at rates as low as are consistent with scanty.
To Company have reserved a large contingent Pond,
which won th eir Capital ono/ Premiums, safely Invests
ad, afford ample protection to . the assured.
The assets of the company, on January Ist, IN4D, as
published . agreeably to an act of Assembly, were so
tgn e.
Real Rotate
Temporary Louis
Cash, ike.
This is the °Welt Lrincm
Butes, hating been iha in
c'rP"' l, it 4 bilk4Landing, long
ample mesas, aadraidiat fiat of he extra
iral =
ardoes shameter,il mar biii;:eonahleied offeri ng ma
pie ...eerily to the }mike. a, W. P. JONI.N.
"wit. Comai.4 <Arwood, Jones h. Giiv, Wa
ter and From Miceli. Pitts • - no
SUBSCRIBER h0c . .., a appolotext pro
tem. of the humane<Pliropany of North America,
and will Issue Policies sad4ttend to the other butanes.
of the Agency, et the srarishouse ttf ottcard, .10Ste•
Co. aplY WM. Pt JUN Es.wolertt
C. L tuarairoveam,. 55.
No. 69 South Whrirec r....AN0. 117 South Water et.
BEGS to loform the intik; and dealers generally, of
Pittsburgh, that they beicenade such arrenge menu
with the Virginia manuti4"ore rs and the Growers of
the West, Wrest Indies, tom.,lither places, es will wooer
a large and constant sump of the followitig desenp.
dons of Tobacco, which alit be sold upon as accom
modating. terms 111 tiny main house In the city or else
where, and all goods ovderWl from them seal be war
rented equal to representati6o:
Havana; SLRoraingoi . Cotta;
Yens; Porto Rico; ' Penn`._; }Seed Lea to.
Cuba; Igamli 4 Fiona.; [memo;
ALSO—Driach's celebrolied Aromatic Stag Caven
dish. wzth a large aseartment of other popular broods,
nod qualities of winds, Ss... 16s and /us, Lump,
Ss, 6, es and 1W flog; Ladies' Twut, Virg - iota Twirl,
tee, sweet and plum, in whole and nal( boors, wood
and WI, together with every variety of article belong
ing to the trade.
Commission Merchant and Yorwarder,
f Particular •stsennoi't c paid to the purchasingof
of any crude of Produce pthis market. Also to the
fOrgrarding of Goods genes-illy. Hetes to
- - -
blesses. John siwultc Co,}
Marten & Swell Ctncinnan, 0.
Ps C. Parkhurst, Fags
Lippincott & Co. :.1.
Kier &Jones, PaLaurie* PA
P.nglish & Bennett, if: mare:deka —
CalkilollGlA • CHILAN7 --
Commission and F ardlng illarebant.
~&26 WOOD erresseaon,
rIONTINUF. W transact& general Coromiosioo inst.
as, especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri
can Manufactures and Prigdnee, and In receiving and
forwarding Goods consigned to tus care. As Agent for
the blantnactures, lie w lILe consuuttly supplied wile
the prumpal articles, of rbistinegh bleunifacture at the
lowest wholesale peices,7`.. Orders and coning...We
are respectfully solzeital.4", iO7
SY. IL 11411101.17 L Ir. 141.1.55. 050. a. 5000001-41.
FONN Y htlgire " 1.1 . 1 . A
PADErS, SIiOVELS, dos Spades and Sbo-
Is, Volt, 4U do Manure Fiiikai ;V do Grain Sbovel6,
do Socket do; Ales, Ifiapcts, Mattocks and Picks,
Bellows, Vices, See., price.
RA N gra, .1
111.1.01010 i, • /CMS V. 50100.
JOIrEt. qtriool
LYEANUFACTORERS kY spnstg and blister steel,
plough mei, steel plfaugh %stags, coach and clipa
ace spruigs, Initamicred trod axles, and dealers in mad
lathier castings, are eMinalauspa and coach truntrun66s.
rerlarally, collier of Ros Sand Front au-, Prashar •h '
Pt re
Haw aratbla t
Which tenders turbid water pure
remervinststh substances not soluble tr.
crown water in N. Not •
..,4tboagks.lenr and pure to the eye, et
ashen ',Noses an hour through this
Entering tack, shows • large dupeat
impure trglanancel, worme r uses This
is the cure more or Lem With all hydrant water.
The Reversible A`litater is neat and durable, and it
not attended with the iiMboverdence indent to abet
Enterers, as it is cleansed-without being drenched from
the water pipe, by merely tembig the key or handl.
from ono side to the mktg. By this asp process, the
coon, of water is changs,d, and di accumulations re
impure substances are ,sired off almost Instantly,
withenwtwaowing theirrEnter. It also possesses tits
advantage of being a sta.:Sella!, and as each In many
eases will be very convbnient andeconotineaL
Item; be attached whOt them is slip premise high
or low to a cask, Mak, Wb, An. with ease. To be hoc
o f the so l o Agent, W. W. WILSON,
octl7 cornea-of Fourth and Market sac
FOR ttanciplime fanny Casviagiurie
or two horses, thrall Philadelphia by s celebra
ted manufacturer. ThiOarringe Is in every respect
a am rate article, mad<wlth ail the modern improve
ment/4 hoed with blue Moth end finished in superior
manner. It is mantel." paw, and sold for want of use.
Enquire of f . .ft EISANIXEINE Da Y.
tarn 75 Market 0411 W corner of the Diamond
DERS--Ilawing rude anangements for • con
stant supply of FACPORY.FINUINOS, we will sell
et low prices Calf and Sfleep Ruler Skins, Lace Lea
ther, Pickers, Reeds, Stikine., Hemp Twrne Treadles.
No. 5 to 15 Belt Putichefr, Wrenches, Stripping Cords
10 to 15 In; Patent Malta Bruahm, Weavers' Brush
s . R e . ILOOAN, WILSON kutyi 1610 Wee street, Pittsbcath
QYEENsweeki-ette.N UFACTU REIM, '
Blarhauglaann4a(ilar Plitstratryrind Eta.
ltdrehonee, No.• 131i*Wood abed,
WILL eoturtaniry lccrp oe hand • pod extort
am' at W anti-0l our own manufacture, and
superb...Ninthly/ Wholesale and =intim Met
chants we reap ctlidly invited to call and el
mina for rherrateltes,:es vre ate daterouned ro sell
cheaper than hanever before been offered to the pub
UT Orders aim by , accompanied by the cash or
" wrll be Promptly attended to. nsyle
. . _
/ lALE itigUiTil—aildiin - aenulte French Calf Stine, •
I,_/very fine,.artieleK; A few &nem Pbilade i libta
floni ale noinoilvetory to cra.
which the attention at- boat makers Lainylied. tun
received and for saint, W YOUNG Co,
143 liberty it
ATTORNEY A C LAW. Office.. F ou nt, . tre ,„
between Cherry airy and Grant mylaly
Butler, Pa
TITILL also attend to collections and an other busi
'r new entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong
counties,l'. Reim to
J. A. IL Floyd, Liberty st.
W. %V. Wallace, do
11120. Marshall do Pittsburgh.
diy_ ___ Kay & Co, AN'ood st. )
TB. SWF:I'I7ER, Attorney at Law, dace 3d •L,
sJ opposite St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will alee
attend promptly to Collections, in Witshington, Fayette
and Omen eounties, P.
Blackstoek, Bell ;k:Zo.T
Church Carothers, Prosburgh.
D T. Morgan, wilily_
J. HENRY, Attorney and CounselloraLaw, E. Cincimati, Ohio. Collections to Southern Ohio,
and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care
fully attended to. Commiasioner fin the State of Penn
sylvania, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments,
ikc. ike.
Rance to—Hon. Wm. Bell & See, thalliN Church &
Carothen,, Wm. Ilays, Fug., WlHoek & Deets. Leg,
10iltS InnOr ,
. .
UNLOP & SEWELL. attorney at Law, Oilmen on
LI Smithfield, lietwenn ad nod 411 stn.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fourth mem, between
Smithfield and Grant talti-dhm
O. H. ROBINSON, Attomey at Law, has re
. moved his office Co the Exchange Buildings. St.
Claw st., next door Co Alderman Johns. apt7ly
211 , C0H.D t CO,
4(Successors to liTCord 2c King) fit
Pashloasb H • , P
Corner of Wood and Fifth Strew.
ARTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and
Caps from our establishment of the one NAT.... and
woa.c.nuus, of the L... anus, and at t h e bows.
. _.
Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, aro
respectfully' invited to salt and examine our Stock; as
we can tap with confidence that so regards qustrm
and cotta, it will not suffer 111 • comparison Ninth any
house in Philadelphia.febt ,
4I CALIFORNIA HATS—IX duo water proof
California Hats, lust received and for sale by
M`CORD & Co.
bSS corner sth and Wood ins
M'CORD & Co. will introduce on Solar
114Lday, March ad, the Sprtnir style of HATS.
Those in want of a neat and sapertor hat, are Invite
to call at corner of 5. and IVood street.. marl
0 h. now open a stmply of spring Sonnet Ribbon,
or now aid liandsonm styles.
Also, new style bed New; Lisle Laces and Edg
ings; Linen Edgings; Victoria do; plaid Mirtlins and
Jaconets, embroidered Swiss Muslin., dc, besides
large assortment of Spnng bloods generally, at north
east corner 4th and Market streets.
Wholssals Ronm. on stales. and
111 017 4-T3 IL
01, - 04 0J
06 (KIL NS
51,513 311
RLIBEFACIENT.—fIorses while runniog. at large
lu the fields are very apt to brill.. and injure
themselves in many way. They are often disabled
so as to be emirs. for a Ion& time. If immediate um
could be made of 11. A Fannestock & Co.i Ruben,
w, and the I raised part well setturaled. Rod the
dy rubbed id, It would give relief and ea. We
to No farmer should be without this celebrated
medicine, as it is Mike healing to isms or besot. Pre
pared and maid by B FAFINE,...TOCK tr. Co,
NOftlJAN's K ILLEIL —A nother proof of
1. the triumphant emcees. of Morgun's VennifiagA
Prreanradin, May 10, lOU.
Mr. John D. Minivan—Hwy nerve is of arty ova to
the suffering community,in regard to the article of
Morgan's Vern/Regis, you are perfectly welcome
1 had two children sorely alllteted with worms; I be•
came Canned. and very puny so, when I tried your
renowned Veemi,oge add &amt./nog to tell, one of
them was deo erred o ' f about fifty worms fifteen inches
long, of the most frightful kind. resemolting more the
appearance of eels. The oilier child wag delivered of
about 20. The children are now doing finely. You
may well be proud of your Wofin
Yours ten y Dann Siooa, Virgin alley
Prepared and sold wholesale and ;Mail by .10/11t: C.
Mt iRGAN, DrisaAtst, Wood street, one door below/
uuond alloy. myl4
An.t.wannal Cr" , Cad j
April /A.
Mr. ft. E. Sellers: Being shined fur /owe time with
a cough, which seas so *evert as to unfit one for my
duly employment. Pm/meetly ester eoughing.l have
been in mach eilLansted. as to be coldtleed to 01 down
and rest. Hearing of the good effects prudeteed by
our Cough Syrup. I concluded to me it a trial, and
am happy to say it produced the desired effect in my
eau. After using it ono night, the rough was abated,
and I am now perfectly well. Jc.n Joutcson.
Thu pteasun and popular Cough Syrup prepared
and sold by Ii SELLERS, a 7 Wood street. Sold
also by Drag/pets generally in the two came and ',-
stony. my 11
eir j a nil4 " l/ lafio ' a.,Nr, fi rat. " in:rB4lr l .
Mr. l5l. itient--Dn Sir. The vial tiellere
Vercutbtte I bow& from you wale time ego, I.reught
hrd,T.l Norma 1 orbs a .he would hoze homed e
♦er] abort tune„ but for tins medremo.
We. Sonar. Jr.
Prepared and sold by E SELLERS. 57 Wood su
told also by Dim, eista generally to the Vara eiaa•. 5 , 4 Z
De. Rose's Celebrated Remedies.
TV& JACOB S ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro
primor of these most popular sod beneficial med
icine, and also the inventor of the celebrated instra-
Ment for milaung the Lang, an effecting • care 'of
Chrome dismaie, seas a student of that eminent ph ysi•
elan, Dom. Physic. and is • graduate of the Universi
ty of Pennsylvania, and for thirty years mime has been i
engaged to the invesugaon of disease, and the ennui
cation of remedies thereto.
Through the um of his inflating tube, in connection
with his Prophylactic Sy rap and other of his remedies,
he has gained an nnpnralelled ernialenta eanng
those direadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con-
Fempumn, Lancers. Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma.
ver hod Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chrome Erysipe
las, and all those obstinate diseases peculiar to fealties.
Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the cee
of-tim remedies, to which hatannity is heir—not by the
use of one compound only, for that is incompatibie
with Physiological Law, but by the use of his reme
dies,adapted to and presenbed for each peculiar form
of disease.
Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pill., when used are ID.
variably acknowledged to be superior to all other, as
a purgative or liver pail, inasmuch so they leave the
bowels perfectly free from e 0.4 Vella.; as also hie
Golden Pill• is adautteel by the faculty to posses. pec u
har properties adapted to female diseases, but being
soothed that a hart that is sufficient to enuablMb what
LAO been said in the minds of the most skepheal.
alflicted are Invite d to call upon the agent, and
procure (gratis) one of the Doctor's pamphlet* vying
• deMllarl OCCatilit 01 nun o remedy and its application.
For sale by the fol'owlng agents, as well ai by most.
Druggist. through out the country.
J richoonsnwte, & Co, 24 Wood street, Plllaburgb,
J 111 Townsend, druggist, 43 Al a rket
Lou A Ilecktinm, near the P.O. Allegheny city;
Jo. Barkley, Our/ington, Be aver county, Pl.
.1110 anon Valley,
T Adam, Br aver, " "
tibvlli-d I y
.7 ...roes , sllloCLOlratllll.
a• 1111111, Columbtana co, 0., Apr. 24, 11141.
Do_ JAYNES, thus Ste-1 feel bound to you
and the adhered pubbe, to eyed myself of Utta op
portunity of giving publicity to the ealrwurdinary effects
of your Expectomot on myself. Horsing been afflicted
for several years w, at- a severe cough, hecuc fever
and its concetmtant cl.eases, and seemed only doomed
to Unger out a aeon but mieeroble existence, until the
fall of lehi, when, being mon severely attacked, and
liavtog resorted to all ray fanner remedies, and the pre
stertpuons of two of the roost Corp. citable phystmana in
toe neighborhood Wlthout deriving any benefit, or the
consolation of sumatng but a few days or weeks at
farthest—when the last gleam of hope Was about to
vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant—
cutd blessed by that Beteg who does all dung. in the
use of the means—nad contrary to the •xpecuatons of
my phystrio. and mends, I was Lit a few days retied
frog my bed, and was enabled by Um use of e bottle, to
attend to my bawnese, enjoying mac a better health than
1 had for ten years prevtoos.
Reepectfully 3 ours, Lc., ins. W. Ern._
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pains Tea Store, 72
Fourth street, islardh
. _ .
Dr. McLane In Tennessee.
THIS is to certify that I purchased one vial of Dr.
I, Melanie'. Worm Speed/ c, some two months ago
dad gess to a Kett of Louie, some seven years old, two
tomcods lull, ad although tar Isalentitt may appear
argo, mat I have doubthot there w. up w ards of
eta Ta01:11A. WOK= pa sod from ham, measuring
Toro ocs quarter of an ine'A to two inches Meg.
Roes'. Creek, Carnal es Tenn , Dee 27, lot 7. 1024
S VE1461.11.1/ 4:14 oEutttAin.---
Caucasus, Jan. bib, 1819
Mr. R. E. Sellerw—Yo or V crielluge has sold well,
and Las been toga y rpo ten of by ail Who hav• used
Prom the .t
.u.leinling ute
your Vermituge in every ease I have heard of, I
t. are
confidant cue sell armee during the eonuna
than I dad last '.,e glad to receive another rap
, ply 0(4 or 3 gross. Yours, respectinty.
',Extract irons triter J R. CARTFIR.
Prepared and sold I y R. E. SELLERS, 67 Wood at,
and sold by drugglsta generally, to Pawburgh and Al
THE subscrther removed tus Wholesale (Uwe
ry Store to the corner of Hancock street andithe
gueny SN'harfi heal door to the Parry House.
rstch27 . .dli JOHN 1 , YERRY.
- - -
Forsigri cud Domestic Liquors.
A 0 Poretan and Votnestic Li
quors, &way s on band ono for sale ru quannues
to suit puretwedont, by
yWg bare 11YEKElle . PUMPS, made on en improved
plan... as not to trees., in the coldest weather.
Persons era clime seen ertio/es, are nutted to call and
see Oetn at SLIAIFP. oh ATKINSON'S,
:AVIS Ist, between Wood Market els
SIINDRIE.4-14 bbls No I Lird,Yiroriresse,
Lie Con, escorted, 6 Uhl, Finessed, 6 bags do, 4 do
1 . 4 1 Perrehesi 23 do Feathers, 6 du tonoeng, too mire;
Our sale by h Coo,
pat for Fro t st
WWOOl_,-3 sk. Wool; I do Feathem, landing from
L &Id Live, and for •ole by
jPRINTEltitt— Prtnnng Ink. from tae manufacto.
ry of 1 D. M'Cmary, New lark, in cansand kegs,
lions lb. upwards, and from WS em. to Al per lb. Ai.
SO red, blue, green and yellow Inks, in cans of lb. to
lb.. constantly tar sate. Having meet Mr. M'Crea
ry's ink In our office for nine month, pail we warrant
it equal to any that is made at any otho. manufacory.
lamas cash. JOHNS ro N & nacto&l
i .20 • corner Third and Market:Am_
s trN/18.11.27-54 be... Cotton;
bOls No I Lard;
I bag Flaxseed;
2 -
warden Peso;
54 - Feathers;
7 " limsabg
" Wool.
Now landmg from Cumberland, No 9, for We by
// 3 /8114.A.11 DICXEY k Cp., Float st.
THE ma-parmerstup heretofore axis/leg between the
subscribers, in the name of Ca.table. Hurl. h
Co.. it thts day dissolved by mutual consent. Memos.
Burke h Barnes will settle the business of the con
cern, for which purpose they are authorised to use the
name of the ea.,. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The andersigthrd have this day associated themselvea
to the name of BURKS & BARNES, for the purpoth
of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, he.
he., at the stand of the late firm of Constable. Burke
& Co., where they will he gleaned to receive the pa•
von,o of the customers of that house and their friends.
I:lrbil:ND BURKE,
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Berke & Co .
I With sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke d.
Barnes to the confidence of my friends and the outdid.
fr n 1 1...1tr
THE partnerehLp of it HIV & LEE aOhio day
dieiolyed by mutual COll/0111. The basin.* of the
late firm will be settled It. Lee. J. IL AIURPFIV,
Plusbargh, J.. &I, le.. 11. LEE.
NOTICE—The undettigned setll continue the Wool
bowlegs and attend to the sale of Woolen tioods, at
the old stand. II LEfr—
In reuring (mid the find of Murphy & Ice, I take
groat pleasure recommending
II Lee to the
confidence of my friends and the public.
Pittsburgh, Jan.U., DAP. J. FL MURPHY.
THE subscriber. have Ilia day associated them
wives together for the purpose of transacting a
wholesale an d retail Dry Goods and Grocery business,
at No mai Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the
style and firm of BUSIIkIEI.O & 11.111 . 8.
Pittsburgh, January 1,1549.
N. L4--Our old customers and the palate see invited
to give as a call.
- - - -
have entered into partnership, under the firm at
St-AIFEI & ATKINSON, and Corry on the Tin,
Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware tnannfactory.
Also. Illaeksuuthinu In all no braneheu at the old
stand or hVm B &use, First street, near Wood.
Paruculor attenuou glven to steamboat work.
I HAVE Ma day aaelated with me in the so sale :roccry. Produce and Conannoton bumneas,
my brother Joseph, under Lle hem of 1 S DILWORTH
January 1.1349
11:MP ART N ERB lIIP —Wm. Young having thi.
k./ day ...mated vroh ham, John ft Aregme. Me Ma
uler bu*otemn to-mailer be fOndlletrd owl., the
firm 01 m Young k Co. WILLIAM 101:NG,
.no.l INO It M
For many yran conneyt-U "nth , srs Wilay
Rot at m, and Joao. ney, N ost ohm/ Londonj
ICS English, French, and German Renews and
Magazine•. and Newaymperstraponed to order, pnens
of witch may no ascertained on applteation to Mr. L.
Catalogues gram, ntril
• •
_Ea Ing sperm! and independent works, edited by wit
hers distingembed tithe v•rious departments.
Braude's Dictionary of Science, L teraitiro and Art;
Copland's D et on try ot Practical hledieinc; Johnson's
harmer'. Encyclopecdia, Lomion's Etieyelopstata of
(Anterior, Laudon • Encyclopedia of Plants Law
don's Encyclopedia i Id Cello ha Dictionary
of C09111213/Ce; D'Culloch's Di tree,
mionary of Licogradihy;
Ure'e Incuonary of Ar and Maisof imarce; Mooperhi
Medical Dictionary; Waterston . . 01,10Fritli of COID•
Pce: f °laical Dictionary, 2 vole. to•d; Webster and
ark: Encyciopedia Omuta le Eionomy, Amnion'.
C uaeal Dictionary.
-Those bo , •• •re hill of aroma:tom oldie Pert hld,
arranged and presented ill the bet amtiner For mile
by ioni I Ant D LatC)I , AI.IOI.I 6.1 Wood et
DOIIEKrIC ANIMA i......--to.stary and 'Amongturn
of the Horse. Mule. Cattle, Reeep, Seine, gout.
try, and Farm Dogs, vron directions 1.. r their manage.
mem. lasedm g. croastog, rearing, feeding, and prepa•
ration Mr a preamble mart et Also, tato . 011.00,V11
and Remedios. tog - ewer wort full d,reeuoo. for the
management of the Dully Hy RI. Allen. llisto,otth
numerous Illustrations. For sale by .
• fyl JAtt D LOCKWOOD,63 Wood at
—Dints on Public A rentiecture, prepared. on
behalf of the Bealdlirg Commune of the Srobbsotoon
Intination. by Robert Dale Omen. In large qu•no,
eleganuy pruned, arab DJ a1...10ns to too ben
style of the an
Me-Atter. on Brotichole, second ed.., re•te.e4
and enlarged A *Amuse on diseate• of We airepat
r•get, compnatng on tou airy tato the history, catmet,
and treatment of those, arrecnons of the throat. cabed
Intronchitis, Chnanie Laryngitis, Clerg)nsatti Sore
Throat. tee he fly Ilurace Green A al D &.e.
Plates unproved and carefully colored. Roy al _vu,
gilt tops, 63 tot
111 —Note ready. the 4th edition, revised and enlar
ged, arab addittontl ittuttranotia A Treatise on Land
scape (hardening and Rural Arebatecture
For sale by J.kAIRS D LOCKWOOD,
63 Wood street,
For many years fo,llll,leii with Messrs. Wiley &
Putnam, and late John Ve ile yr. Neve York.
U. 1, bat ;tut returoed tromp the Return Cale.
met -
11U — kALILEI Itt NRW WORK—Yibiteir. or
AUL Life 113 the Woods, by J. T. lleadhey, author of
bWeatitngton and hts Generale," etc.
The Lite and Wnttngt of De Win Clinton. by W.
W. Campbell. author of •Lkrnier ‘Yarfarr Just reed
by rat JOHNSTON & scrOt'K lON
- LT F. w DOOKR—A History of boo r- Wonder/al iont,
Illustrated Nunn numerous engravings woad.
I vial mettle.
The Incatescon. or pwturhi of the Virgin and her
OW. by Charles Iteechee. Fort Wayac, ludians. vm
an intrueuctury Mrs llsrnet Beecher ehosre.
Just reed by Joil.hzDON h SIOCKTUN.
No. 03 WOOD rratrr,
(Nearly oppostte the St Char." liatcl3
- 1/lalnabl Book•
12LI.IOTT & k.VULte II.:9 Wood street, between
ri Ith and lhamond alley, hare recersed • large
supply of Throingical and other works, among which
ate use Miloo tog, tin: Altscelsaneons hisey• snd Las
courses, by Preauleut Donato', (Ihrtst is All, !Aar and
Gospel, by S. 11. ryng, D. D., Lde of Do %Vitt Clinton,
',win* Orators al Amen..., Itepabltcan tLneuaonp
0) Msgeiou, Man Yrtmeval by /farm. Pt:items/op. and
Mesmerism, by Ifte•. N. L. Wee, D. D.; Impasm, tts
Import and Mode, by Beecher - , Smooth and tts Ile.
maul.; Mods:tains of the Bible. by brVortaust, Farneat
Mtni•try and Church in !smog,. by J. A. James. Ed.
amnia' woru, 4 rots ' new cdmon, J. M. AI eann's wort •
cm:apish. Cowper's Lite and Works of Cowper. Fle
ming on R.: sad Fall or Papacy; Turrethote's
ry, Cyclopedia of Moral and Relive.. Anecdotes,
kAgar • Narrattves al Popery, Christ Reeerring brit
•, ntbk Evtdenees f r the Velma, by J. Cuininbie
Modern Society, Modern Accomplishments, Ilaldane
on Haman, Ur.ginal Thourstrts on Scripture, by Oren,
now lirrt pobliabed, Life of rollot, Natural lltstory or
Enthusiasm, Middle Kingdoma, Lestures..l Prig/Ims
Progress. Beaune,.
1 LA r str..t.6—The Hai Dar.ulty, and wale cope.
nenees or Life in the plat.. et Dian, watt other Ali,
1.r.e.. by (scoria D. Cheerer, D. 1.1., with Portrmt or
anther A few rope roc d and to 'sin by
soy la k.u.iurr a ENGLISII. 10 Wood
filasr4l+: itliogS,'—rhe New Amerman Gardener.
by 7 homas U Fessenden.
The New Anterteut orchardist, by Wm kenrick
The Complete Fanner aod Rural Econointin. try Vas
se otitis.
Modern DOIIICSUC Cookery. by Wm A Henderson.
Just reed by JOIINHCON a. ..1 , 11.112111'15N1,
my 1{ corner market and 341 sts
WORKet—rbought. on
Yruyer. ny Samuel Miller, D D. 1.. I. D
NLW •HoKS-LAgscs Morri•C: or tha Heroine o ,
Dome*. Life
Ilistory or Ring Charles the Second, of England, by
Jacob Abbott, with engravlngs Just reed by
inyllr corner Al and hi:tract stc
7 AMES U. LOCKWOOD, Hot many years eoniterh
ed with Meatus. Wiley and Putnam, and late Joint
Wiley, New York and Lotolothl has estothished
Dookaelting House to N 0.13/ Wood sheet, hatwaeit 3d
and 4th streets. when: rnuy 11e louod a...table collec
AUTHORS, al prices as low as 10 the Eastern calms,
views, al sigazine s, ew spopers, &c o mported Warder.
II:r INS IiTIONS end iNcuuruit n. D hih
CI en gs .re entitled to rceeive their hooks duty taco.
ILI'Y and Amenc•tx t.otologout thruished fro.
tis to to those who desire theta, or .cut per nasth to
any address.
J. D. L. WILL always be happflo ea Mint to Indies and
geillit Men his Looks, mud =pan to tlirm any iwor.M.
DIM winch he may pos." regrading them my ILI
AN LI V ALCABLE WORK.-Niaavan, end
tts Renton., with au account en a vont to the
Chaldean Chris:man of Ktirrlicon, and the Yesests ur
Devil Worshippers, and an infithry into the manner•
and arts of the Insolent Aasy netts; by Austen Henry
Layard, E.q., D.C. D. Jan rre d and for mode by
jANDES D. LOSTK - WOO - 5, Bookseller ond in porter
of Foreign &was, OS Wool street, has on baud •
valualue coheeunnto English and American Rook te
iI, the dilierenl departments of Litcrato re, 'blurb he I.
prepared to sell sts iow as they Can he obtained in the
Eastcrn ri,llo,
and Continental Books, Reviews. Meio
tic.priceand Newspapers, iroportnd to order.
he pee of any Nov. w ' Nlagaritic or Newspaper,
. ay be aveertatned oo applination to Mr 1..
Engtisn and Amerlean C•taloquaa furnished gratis
hit L. latead. to visit the Eastern WI,, in tow
days, and will be happy to execute any orders for
00001, Engrovlng• Or SlotiOnory, al • small advanet
On Ilse to, SII yt)
s Ntboosh ka.l its tleabons,
with an account of a nut to the t hot—
Liaus Kurdi tan t and the UM., or Dovit•Worahip.
pots, and an inquiry tutu the Matinee. Will UM of
AS•Yriana, with an Introductory loner by D.
Robinson. 2 vole, or ia•o, With about tull illustrations.
Cheroot's Lectures uu the I'lligrith'serogress. 1 vat,
itMO. PetCe Millet,' to 81,11 b
Crudee's Co,.cornance, condensed: reduced to 131,ra.
Macaulay's thslory of k.naland, Harper's new ed,
two vol.. octavo—large print and fine paper, per vol.
75 cent..
edonms' Hebrew and English Lemon i w vd-
Unproved. For sale by K HOPKIN ne S.
ntyll ath st, near wood
DOOKS! BOVICS:l—Union of Church and state, by
jJ Rev LI W Noel.
The Church. in Earnest. by Rev .1 Angel Jame..
Advice to Young Alen, by T s Arthur.
Young Ladle. v
Fsamys of F.lia--Ctrarles Lamb.
l Fspideone. Cholera, by Prof Coventry
Cyclopedia of Moral and Religious Anecdotes.
Complete U. orbs of Charione Eltrubeth. with me.
motr her husband. :I sots, vo. Illustrated with
steel plates.
Oregon and California in Ibid., by Judge Tbonnton.
The Isle bliperlition to the Dead Se.
Proverbs for the People; or Illustrauona of Practical
Godliness drawn from the Hook of Wisdom, by E I.
L otnersily Sermons, by Or Wayland.
Elements of Meteorology, by J Woe letby A. M.
For sale by K tioekiNs,
toy? Apollo Lturldma,stb st
M. A N
live l' e B o l ,l l i b uo V u A of Lf
t e r . ii h u e rn e* al:=K "' . A ' b t o i itTr
non to Theological Science, by John Harris, D. D.
Lectures to Young Men on various important sub
jects, by LI W Beecher.
Chanolug's Works, compLete: 6 vol., 141:no.
The woe. uf T S Arthur, =form 64. 16 vols. Jiro
reel by myll HOPKINS, /at la, near wood
7000 •ND giargell=l2. -• a 11
. 2
THIS establishment long and widely klagant.
being one of the most commodious in tlafeity Oft,
Buitugere, has recently undergone vezy
sire afternoons and improvements. An enUto gem
orbug has been added, containing nanierigigandaity•
sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing mertilke
Th ladies' department him also been mapletely•
reorganized .d hoed up in a moat unique imdtbeantl
rut HYM. In feet the who!, arrangement of the Beam
hair been remodeled, with a single eye cm:the part of
the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and 'Much they confidently assail
challenge comparison with eny Hotel in the Haire.
Their table mill always be supplied with ecarrelebi
Menial and luxury which the market affords, 'Mired
op in a supenor style; while in the way of Wines, buy
they will not he surpassed.
In conclusion the propnetom beg to say, that nothing
will be left uniklne . their port, and on the port of thew
entelatibt, to render dos Hotel wordily the continued
patronage of Mew friends and the public generally.
The prices for board hove also been reduced to the
f01103.111g tot.:
Ladies' Ordinary, e 1,15 per day.
Gentlemen's "
N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which aril convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of char ; e. mayMl
Porne or rt... orti n. Cl,lll an., errrserson, ss•
The subscriber having assumed the manage.
mem of this long established uld popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Travellers and the
PUbbei generally'. dm he will he at all times prepared
twcommodate IiICTO in all things destrable in a welt
regulated Hotel. The House is now being ShOtOURtIY
TCPAIred throughout. and new Furniture added, sod oo
psi. will be spared to snake the Mighange one of the
ve best Hotels 111 the country.
The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance
of the very liberal patronage die House has heretofore
febtidlf etar.
LAMARTINE 1100810,
colthnta ov .n oun AND a.e-r rename termatraott.
THE aubthriber respectfully announces that
he her now opened his new and excellent Hotel
for the accommodation of tnmelers, boarders,
and the public generally. The house amt furniture
an entirely new. and no !Delmar expense hove been
soared to render it one of the mom comfortable and
Memam lintel. in the eny.
The suilthnher ir dethrmmed to deserve, and there
fore solmits, a share of public pauonagn
oetit-dIyJACOB HOUGH. Proprietor.
DIDIDINVI ST . 67W DILN FOCH. AND MIT en (APPOSITE lore B. of the United Suite., Phila.
mann( Propnetor.
Seri), at Pair,
II •
KLEIIER, al Woods.,lN, No +.3 Third .trees,
/1,, offers for oilCe nn elegant lot Chickens's. ha•
aos, IBostoni at the lowest rash price. for Pm•borgh,
Allegheny city, and County Scrip They comprise
from am 7 octaves, and were selected by nly Chink
enog for this market. They am warranted to be equal
LO any lb lb., city, having all the (stoat Improvements,
such as encular scale, etc.
Buyer. ore invited to roll prey... to purchnatng
°l.e./them. and. oleo, to bruits with them mmie good
judge, proksaional or otherwise, to judge of the quali
ty of the above instrument .
N. El—Written guarantee. moll be given with each
PT.°, entitling the holder to exchange In rose the in
strument be proved an the least degree Imperfect_ or
faulty. inve 11 IS.
Shaeklett & White,
TNRY GOODS.JORDERS, Mt Wood street, k the
1./ attention of Merchants to their mock of AMERI
direct from first hoods.
. . .
ft.drivtdlf refuter supplies of first goods during the
on, and devoting a large share of their attention
to Eastern Auction sales, the r can ronfidently assure
buyer. they will find it to their interest to examine
their stork
Just reeeseed, loree tevotces of new style Dress
Goods, Fancy Preys. Cassumeres, Cloths, Summer
Goods, I,tw-ca. Wear Goods, Irish ldnens. Tailors'
Tnmmtngs •nd brown and bleaceed Sheeting's of van
ous brvu)s. marl
JAZ ES W. 116-000 WELL,
Zodernaad Autique Faralture,
erd, TomoSumer, Prressuimit.
A largo d splendid
usoriment o f Forni are,
minable for Stimmobonta,
Howls andprivate thirel•
hags, constantly ooh and and mode to order.
present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by
marrilfartory to one vrrm country Person ,
se hd,su g pscreWies mould do e rell to give ma •c
sal am dkurrained my prices shah pleue. Part of
this Mock' moms.
Tete • Sates Buffet Masque;
3Onos rill Chairs; Queen Sheoliell chum;
?ea Pot * l' at Iti Fruit Tab.,
Lome XV Commodes,
Wench Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stools:
6D aorta north Plash an 4 Hear-cloth =MUM
60 Mahogany Rocking Chain,
40 dot Parlor do
30 Fancy do
43 centre Tables;
Bi pear Divan, 4 pair pier Tables;
16 mashie lop Dressing Bureaus:
Ward;otres,.4 Sc h ervianu and Book caner,
4 pale (Motanne;
pair fancy Work Siam*
A very large amortment of common chairs and other
luronare too numerous to menus..
Er Steam Boat• furnished on Me shortest notice,
anion the most reasonable terms dee 16
Chocolat*, Cosatsa,
Haim. American and French Chocolate, Nepal.-
ed Cocoa. e „leo. Pa.te. firma, Cocoa !Then, dr
rTN, i r ,orebstrto and ro,sum , re, weal would rurrl:a.c
Ora( product. ro Cocoa. from•dtt.:orstion,
mot , nosous than ,a or coffee. and tu quanty on.or
paxacd, the subleryber recommends the
manufactured by Ltrooeif and .tamped with Si. name,
Ms Broom and tMeoa Pure. am deltratr, palatable,
and salutary dnnka for inveltda. convalescent., and
others, are pronounced try th e [3101.1t1/111,13t pays - morns
superior to any other preparanorm lit. ma n
are always on sale,. toy quaibly, by the trio, re
aeliable grocert in the ea.trrrn eines , and by then
areas, IFilam...Gray . of Boston, lames Al Bance
& ea. ilastiont, Conn. Hussey A Murray, hem York;
Want ft 54011, Parladelpala. looms. I,.llrundelre,
trauma; and Kellaqg A Itennett.r.%nrinnau, Ohio
OVAL horehestrm Mast.
For mole by aulr3l HAtrALEY A SMITH. Are
Wrought and Cast Iron Wallig.
lIE intiocirdier• be lel', to 111(01,13 the polio< Not
I they nave from the Final ail the late and
faattionatio. design. for Iron Itat:tg. lioth for now,.
min cemeteries
w Prraiana oriattin, to procorr hand
inane rani ins ill pleasie cat, and exam., and mice
for thrini.e:ves, Ra.ling will lie famished at the abort.
rat mitt,. and in the beat manner. al the earner of
Craig and Re , Of Streets, Allegheny rill
a uzat-dlf A LANION't & KNOX
MaaaMlctured Tobacco
A Q UXS (rentry & Hoyaters cuperior sweet 5 Ips;
`II.) 25 do 'II A Butler ,
15 a( do Price k Harwood's " "
21 do do do
25 do do Pearl h ilarsrocal
II do / Rotonson
sr hr do do
21 do do Win Wars.
33 do T NArtglit's
77 do Andersen
V do L 'r llade's
5 do It Macon'.
do 110101,2
/eat landing hem ..eamer and parketa, and for sale
114:A1.1). 111 h Co,
41 north water ot and 10 north wharves,
(r 724 Phtladelphia
NIANL:FAL:TUBED TOBACC4 , --20 ho bl J sJottes
At Son , superlor sweet7s half Las W chafer Old superfor sweets lumps
35 " I.awrento Lottier 50 "
25 " Gentry &Rnvs er "astc 5.
20 " Dupont (de la tore( " 5s
10 " 61015011 " F. "
25 " I.aatrenee lArtfier hes plug
Just landing from steamer. and (or sale by
1141A1.14, 111"CKNtift fr. Co,
N reamer fit and 15 N arharsea,
W. t. J. GLENN, Book Binders.
ware vidl engaged ttt the above Lowness, corner
of tVaret and Third streets, l'iitaborgh, where
we are prepared ludo any work toour line with des
patch. it' e attend to our work personally, and *awe
farnon will tin given 111 regard to its neatness and du
Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub
votehally. Books in number, orold book. hound rare
hilly or repaired. Nantes put on hook• t s gilt letters.
Those that have work in our line are invited to call.
Prier{ low my :U.O
. _
ur VIM; sold our entire C 11.0aawr, with
lA. a view to CIOII . IIK our leisorne., we hereby ow
hen for urn the patronage of all our mends and euf
tomrrs, RO W. NAN tiEvrEa,
Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1818.
C• I MNl G r a w A ard T tn . g ‘ lrr i c e ::n i' t. n l , :7Th c ' sti n e '' r s.L"tnold
A vuuroN, lien and Brass Founder, has re
built and romtneneell .1.11tIt•• at his old mend
where be will be pleased to see his old custom
ers and (mends.
.• • • .
Chureli.Steamitoat, and Bell. of every stre• from lo
to I thuOU pounds. east (rum patterns of the most approv•
ed models, and warranted ha lie of the best materials.
Mineral Water Yumpat:onnters, Ratllitg, Ste., whe
ther with every varety of Brass Castings, II required.
turnsd and hashed in thenst manner.
A F the sole proprietor eate
of Boomer). AirroArrao
rum Mar.., so justly celebrated far the reduction of
friction in machinery. The Bases and Compointion
sit be had 01 nun al ell times. inVtly
A. MASON CO, Market arc offer
. tog their snook al Wait., :Awn.
004 N 151511., at .011 grouter reduced pricer. I yard
wide Oral make blocs eel asst err; SiallelsCs Shawls
at is and algin marl fashionable Vistas and Mantil
las in SS to 54, Latortis and Mastitis II and to et.; beet
!Stemmer k Galleon. at V els,usua ll y MI Calicoes .1
tir err; SVrought Congr• e t a ; do Capes at SI and t
Florence Braid I.sorincl A, lit and 73 cm Gloves alit eta
'Cogent, with a general aysorsment orgoods, ut near
l) one hide the wont taws. AID
- -
SasLoa, Cooking stnvon, O &Or
IM AK: MALL, \V ALLAIJE& CO., Bound Church,
jll. corner Liberty and Wood streets, manufacture
and offer fur sale Plattorin, Floor sod Counter Sealer,
of the most improved quality; Coolong &Lovely Mr wood
and COY', Egg Stores of •arious otos; Parlor and
common Grates, Hollow Ware, &c. &c. They also
manufacture the Kitchen Range winch hargthen snob
general satisfaction to I.lloBe having it In use, to all of
winch th ey would respectfully the attention ol
the clusens and the public generally. our,7-4.1,‘
Diaphragm filler, for Hydras. Water.
li e ms, TlllB is to eertsfy that 1 have all
pointed Livingston, Roggen & Co,
Pole Agents for the sale of Jenning's
Patent I.haprahgm Ftlter, (or the elf
ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
for Walter lit iilbsou, 349 Itroadwity
N. Ifl
Oct. 10, 1841
We have been using one of the those nrueles at the
office of the Novelty Worts for three months, an trial,
sod feel perfectly anulfmd that it tea useful mvenuen,
an d we take pleasure in recommeudnag them. • use,
fist true le to all who love pure water. Orders will be
thafy received and promptly eteemed.
• '
u!i PAPtft:WANGtriat.....
vit, gi—Losi:iloW4ll4o !* co.,Pr
~., • ._- ASiail WOdiltrar•J
% 0116;041 ItiVitteltWPAileitil:th''ll.
'iteti:be= l b s eaViti e ittr =74l:At Z.:-
. .
- '='"T4 l 74ll ll o=l,==.. , thch
...i -007v....m.4....finet isPr
Pan*tiOn a ad PnEliah Mks 14 AM' Mag..,
=SP trt ;LOW lieenied;9o,o the
=mem Excretes; emit/stint of
, • Paridga merifieture, 10,00 O 0 *cm
' OE their own jetsmuceeteme . Imp lune tiltal....
1 ,22 vapor, end 12403,pifelize dove
ldel7. Jimfee froliatfl it. Co. boo ,vaied - fleithee
e m w ell
e p_RetV ab ZglgatrbriVa u galitgl i:
efeetere e4u ieriedY, 0 9.001 7 ).1. 1 440FL , 4*,-._%t a l
ed m astiriql*Ps4lmis mlLlMeitys age , .
Tee whole esMfte,lotelkt. hem tagmaftLe
lure, will be , creed 'ortextediFe3 jaw Et the& of teat
.'" ....( 1 1 , Viddalperterel , A ezeb27:dif ,
TEN COMBS—At zsuutori stagesys,V7 Mu
ll kg/ stretri-A: ' I' ,•
dol,Ortbitlllank Shell Tuck Combs;
3 "am
24 I;1101n high " "
(areasv beaded top
50 " limey top Buffalo "
10 " plain "
20 gran COO. Rom; 30 do: Abell side, assorted sl
ser, 30 gross corn Nora Side; 3 dos shell dressing do;
I 2 dos Bulgolo do do; 4 do Imitation do do; 50 do best
English Horn; 0 do S B B fine Ivory, exit. sin; 18 do
ff B do do, in braes; 12 grass S fine do do; 1 do comb
Cleaner. • , nib
WATIMILIN mixes. / onntu tiAnala. ...lILIAM
(Successors to Hassey, Hanna & Co.)) ANICERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and d ealers
in Foreign end Dottiestie,Eschange, Certificate
of Deoesite, Bank Nor , and Specia--Foorth street.
nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current me.
ney meoved on deposits--Sight Checki,for sale, and
collections made on nearly all the plisiclpal points to
the United States.
_ .
The highest premium paid for Foreign and American
Adeline. rondo cur consignrucruo of Produce, chip.
pent Eo on Ithorld terms. CFY
GREAT IN V EN rioNi=v ALU ABLE 148COV Ertl"!
Pe rarer LOOMART Ist, RAO.
Patent croselever Talle4,...Sofa. a, Bureau;
Book a ld= IVnting Dub.
THE TABLES far porparaing every other in•
venue,, or the kind now extant. They can be ex
tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed
the termer, are all contained inside, they are made to
all macs and 'Alarm., and •re admirably adapted for
Steantbiletta, and large prlvate raM.l.l/CG, rerM
ing when elVed a complete centre table
1./FAS AND BUREAUS—These erodes ore inval
uable, particularly to those who wish 10.0000°-
ml,, room, and convert n sleepaig apnrtment ono a
parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shut
at convemenee, and when shut, the bedding is enclos
ed. A great saving in room and rent. All the bed
steads when closed forma beauttful preen of furniture
fora parlor or slating room.
BOOK. CAIDM--A neat and useful oracle for parlor
or drawing , room.
WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting roomy,
and other offices; when opened
most convenient bed
stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone
us rouble.
All these articles need no recommendation: the
beauty of the whole is, they are warranted not to get
out to/repair It will be for your ito call and
exeunt., the .111CICS, at the manufacturee nterests s
sloe, No.
t. 3 11,1,J street. Pttlibursh. In addition to the above
advantage, they are proof against hug..
114 c.E.wriFiciat; To LA
a I .1 AYNE.—'rhu certifies, that Immediately after
tratring attended my brother, who died of consumption
in March, 184. I was taken sick with the Consumption
or Liver Complain. and erns reduced to low with the
disease, that for four years I was unable to attend to
my business, either at home or •broad, being for the
most time confined to my bed. Donna tie above peri
od of nme, I had expended foe medical attendance o
regale,' Physicians and medicine. to the amount of
litNitt, wallow receiving any benefit therefrom. In
July. loth, I commences! taking Dr. Jayne's Medi
cines, and have takes them more or less ever since,
believe dust ern. by peraerering in their nun,
that I ran now say that baba completely reef,
•ered my health. I believe that Jayne'. Sanative Pills
and Espeeforant aro the beat family medicines now in
I reside in Rpringfield4 Otsego county, N. Y., and
carry on a furnace and maelane chap in that plane,
and tam not interested In any manner in the sale of the
eposa medlcinea, and make this ettfilatllte tor the ben
efit of those artheted. ELIJ AN EATON.
Springfield, N. T., Sept. 16 IS4a.
UY would tall the attetutud of the city trade and
dealers generally. to the following brands Tobacco*,
in store add to arm e, which being. constentnents di
rect from manufacturers, be is enabled to sell al east
ern pr*
1591 bra R by Crenshaw A.
70 /antes Madmen 5+4
Cl Leineruna 3.5
33 I bin-lateen fat
al I Youtein 5* and 1N
13 4 RoL , erts & Silvan fee
I. H Oscar Burl Sa
John,* a Lewis la
3 ti Wahanek, attpr la
ib I '• Henry a Jano. 6., lc and
febri L S WATF:tiMAN
— Pitt Ittaohln• Worki _
•• • •
6101 WV . Orrr & CO•OrtV prepared to band Cotton
ti and W6OlOll hlaehlnety orovers deueription,
as Carding Moehtnet, Spinning Frames, Speeders.
Drawing Frames, Rollaray Hoods, Warpers,Spoolsrv,
Dressing Frame., Looms, Card Utinders., he. Wrought
Iron Shafting turned, all sites of Can Iron. Potties and
Mangers of thr latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes.
sod tools of sit Irma,. Castingt of every deeertption
furnished on than notice. Patterns mode to *rile, for
MIII Gearing. Iron Halting, ice. Stearn Pipe for lieu,
Fsetor,es. Cost Iron Window Sash iarie Co/l.
ice/mealy. Orders left at I.e Wurebonue of J.
Painter d Co., Liberty street, will have prompt utten
Refer to Black-stock, Bell A. Co.. J. B. Moorehead &
Co , ti. K Wormer, John Irwin A. Sou, P.twborgla G
C. & J. II Warner, Steubenvllle. 101110
W —Manufacturer al all lundo o( cot
ton ton nod woollen niachruery. Allegheny city Pa
The above works twang now in full and succea.ful ~p.
erratum. I am prepared to execute orders notch dispatch
for ail kinds of machinery in nay lona such at. willows,
paelrers..spreaden, cards. gouda's machines, rail wa y
d ca sup t s frame., speeders, throsols. looms. woolen
cards. oloolde or stogie. for merchant or country work,
muies.juck•.&r slide and hand I skink and took rn gn a-
Ail kind. of .hating outdo to order, or riallll
en for scatting laolorle• Or [Mil& at reasonst.le escce.
Bac. To—Kennedy, Chald.. Sr. Co , placa*toca. u 15,11
Co, King. Pennock & Co...fax A. Gray
1\1..A WHITE & CO.. vrould reepectfully tnro
Me public Mat they have erected non
(..cock, between Federal a, d Satidusk street... 1
am uoW making and are prepared to receive orders lon
every dese n piton of vehicle, Coaches, Chariot's, Ha
rwich., Ilmmicsyl'heetuna. the., he., which front their
Long elpefioo, in the manufacture of the above work,
and the lac utnea they have, Mey trel conlident they nee
ellairlril ha do work on the most reasonable terms with
those waning articles In their line.
Paying particular AltentlOn to the AZlort/On of male.
rim's, and having none but competent workmen, they
have no ne-aitanon in warranting their work We
Utereforr ask the anenhou of the public to 0101 matt,.
Li Repairing done in the hest 1110/0101., and on It,
101.1 I,lo l otablet 01.W:a
Monongahela Livery Stable.
11()11ERT H. l'AlTnllig‘ON ha s opened
the large arable on lint at, running through
to Secottd et. between Wood and !Mutt/held
am, in the rear of the Monongahela flange,
with on cottjely now stock 01 /iOO.ll and Carriages of
the neat quanty and latent Glyn.. Horses kept at bed
ry in me nest manner. JY,dIY _
Daunt Graduated Gatoarste Bowery and Patna
Inneinted Pats for Medical nail ocher purputz
rl , lllB is the only instrument of the kind that has ever
I been presented in this country or Europe for meth
teal purposes, and is the only annoyer known to ruan,
by winch the galvente thud can be conveyed to the ho
rnet, eye, the ear, the brain, or to imy part of the body,
'nth., externally or internally, in a definite gentle
streom, without shocks or pain—with perfect Misty—
and often with the happtest ellects.
This important apparatus is how highly approved of
by ana y of the most eminent physician. of tau cone.
try and Europe, to whom the otilicted and other. whom
it way concern can lie referred. Referenee a lso
he given to many highly
t h i s
roost cairn., who have
been cured by mean* of this roost valuable app
w hich
ot some of the most inveterate nervuoill al...lets which
rouid not be removed by any MOW known Menne
Among Turmas others, it has been proved to bit ad
mirably adepled or the cure of the following dioceses.
ems_ nervous bentlitche awl other oi tbe brew.
It II with line apron... alone thaw the operator can
convey magnetic fluid with taw and lately to the
eye, In realltre sigh t ° or cure arnaurosaa to the eye la
restore brandy; to the tongue and ewer organs, to re
'Wee spereh; end LO the Timone parts of the body, for
we mire ot chrmite rheumatism, manna neuralgia, or
doloureut, paralysis, or pomy, pout, chutes or fit
VILLI`A danCe, epilepsy, sweetness from sinews, some
diseases pecan." to Mutates, contraction of we an.,
Inc how, eta eta
lt.etitv t o ourrounding counties of Western Pa, •cil
pro/liege., with the instrument, may be purcasseu, snit
sten wined for the mare or diseases
Full instruniums will he amen for the vinous chenn
clb. to he stalialfia vane. diseases, and the best alai.
net fur °pending for the cure of these dwelt.* wn.
so he fully egplained to the purchaser, and a putnyl,:rt
put to his baud...measly for dmse purposes, care
tally prepared by the patentee. Ilnquire of
~,,,19.84 d WILLIAMS, Vine W. Pittsbeseh
- TWA AftiLilikelkti•iiii
9 , 11 E attention of the public is respoconuy called le
I the to:lowing eartitmatem
Ols. S. Eaims—iiseing tested a qoantity of Gold
weighed by you r A ICOMetelT, hnd the malt proves
your instmosent correct; and recommend dm fof n
to those going to California, es the best method Mr ob.
1111114 the real value 01(.191. Hosp. youra,
J. a DUNLEVY, tiold
Plusiourgb, March 9, Isb.
Prressunau, March 7, 1.549.
Mx. Exwm—Dear Sir. Harms examined the "Arm ,
meter," mitnitiacturcd at year rooms, 1 du out hesimar
to commend it to the use of those gentlemen nlio are
shoat removing to California in mareh of Gold.
It gives a close approximation to the specific rravi
ty ol metals, and well certainly enable toe Adventurer
to ascertain when Ws placer w gioldmg ( oil
marls Yours, resp , r. JR.
1 filiE ci.o ti—J tot recel;;;Aiort.
Cslitortna Expetnnon, a complete assortment 9.
! bum Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging !row $5.00 9.
.5 11, AG for son el Coot, pants and hart For sale at the
ine Robber Depot. No 5 Wood st.
deedo _ J
I wee more wed
eg celebrated Ilarour s,;11 Pianos, sonowdly 1,7
List.'llialberg and Cl. cr great performers, togelber
wan a large assume. of rosewood and t oshoesny,
or say qwe manarsew • s The above instruments are
wurtadted be perm, in every respees and setll be
110.k1 low for rash.
den!. `do IPS Vail •50.,.
Tcelebrated rlsraril Rifle Powder, kegs, hall
j keg", quartera .11.1 VIVA, for isle by
febid J s k. Co, 27 M _ at
klia•pristsas !`awns
CAtiLdi rust received per sreamers Ivanhoe
1.1 nod St Cloud, and for sada by
me4ll 160 Libertyisr
Ull-10 L store ardier ;re . by
cop I c or Libeny tad Si Clair cis
7E1t17 LOW—w. IL Winn will the
leg Summer Goods, at tottueed pnees,
Dt." Loan., Gingharns, BanSgel, Orena
&tea, lialearines, Summer Shawls, Staffs, Bonnet
&tme, 11,16, 4 , 4 and Boy" Sommer Wear,
!anon. wan dog Loy above, or any other deserip
tiou of Dry Goods, nort do wen to call at oorthaaat
came, 0:4111 and Market sts. • )1,0
bar a largo arsortMeni of alerrre 0004 iamb'
repaired, Midi as plain white Wt.; from trte per rd
op to eery fine; plain Swiss do; barred Swiss do; am.
eroidered do; satin barred ideleortetp WI finished do;
aerie striped do; and a general assortment of White
Goreris, such as plain and figured Neus; Lacer. Edg
ings, Oro —at northeast corner 4th and Market its.
Wbolerale Rooms up stair*. • ;tea
A. Mao & CohL r gry Goods Fr
red twe ILL a k
hjirg do wn, 3"1
aarered at the greatest bargains, Pureha:rs ma{ dt'e
peit4 upon ...main goods at LOWER aATb tom
BDVS E 1 tuned S CARPETS—The ten assortment o
Brussels Carpets ever offered-in this city. for sale
at the New Carpet Warehouss;ef W. Id'Clintock, No
73 Fourth st. comprising the latest and richest BlTlas,
-and at prices loaret thew eTet awed in the market.
All who meat Brussels Carpets, should call befom
pamhoeingelwmhete. jerk W Itt'CLINTOCK
lIISSEIOW opening s very' large and eholee ate
selected with more than nand cam dutillg the loot tow
weeks, la the New York and Philadelphia Markets.
and embracing a great variety of almost even dr.- of the latest and moat fashionable Myles, and
,a large portion of Whetting beeaboaxtit at the EAST
ERN AUCTIONS at ailivat reduction from the =fo
ist: rates, we. ere enabled to offer great inducement.
to wk buyers, either by wholesale or retail. We
would therefore respecifellr invite the attention of the
public to our Stock, feeling confident of nor ability to
snit buyers in almost every article they may wish in
our line. To the Ildies we would especially commend
oar stock of
SPLCSDIO Claw Stirs, of which we have a very
large and beautiful assortment of the latest styles and
moat faibionahle colors.
Lamm Dam. Gooos—Meeslin de Liaises Poll do
Cheevre, sulk, linen and mohair Lustre, painted
Lawn.,•ginsthant Lawn., Foulards,new style Eimeges,
English, French and Sewch Lfinghatus, linen Ging
ham. in (teat variety, he ke.
Bornitcm—New style Sonnet., very cheap.
Rason. ton Frowerts—Of the latest styles and impo
rter In quality.
Psa.soui—A very large and handsome stock of Par
&sal., of almost every style and quality. .
SHAWLS—A fine assortment of spring and namuter
Shawls, of all styles sod prices
Farr., Currits—A fond supply of super French,
English and attention America and Cussimere., to vehieb
we would invite the a of persona needing saeh
ALSO—A fell and general *ripply of Shirting (Decks,
Ticking., brown and bleached Menlo., Table Linens,
Sheeting., Diapers Cambric., Drillings,sernmee Goods
teens , and boys' wear, Jaconets, Malls, Sedge, Nan
' seeks, Nankin., Prints, Giughains, Crape, Crape Lace,
Cravats. Glove., Hosiery, silk MM., ho. An.
Persons %manna to boy by wholesale, should call
and examine our stock, ea oar puce. are suck as to
make it their interest to boy.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 71 Market at,
northwest corner Male Diamond
AaA- 111A3ON k. Co., No. tiO Market street. have
on band the largest sariety of hroidenes
winchthey have ever offered. mate illsortment eau
veto in part of the following goods, eta:
183 me h embroidered Masan Capes, from 31,50 to 5,00
NUI " " Collars " j7l to $l,OO
WO crochet Collars, from 371 to 15
220 lime t• " 13., to 121
700 blimpure 64 to 125
ISO Jenny Land " 66k to LIM
1101 muslin 80b,,. 5u to 1.50
500 pairs muslin Calif, " 371 to 641
Apse ro
Mourng Collars, from 111 to 116 e•
Cad at the cheep one once store of A. A. MASON
A Co, No 66 Market Pt. my Id
ObS, Se.—W. R. Memory has this morning re
craved sty Fspross a lot of hmdsome straw colored,
green and blue Bonnet Ribbons. Also, glossy black
6.1 k. for dresses. Visites, mantilla. Ae.
Baca Sill large usortment lately room
WHIT. 0001,1 for dresses—snob as swiss andl moll
muslin.. Nmsooss, RC. Also, embroidered muslin.
for dresses, all m. mwest prices, at northeast corner
room tool Market street.
Who•essle Booms up stair. myll
R %Icarus has now open a full rwsonotent of 11,
abovearticles, for dresses nod asek.—actiong the la,
ter are some scarce colors, suck as pink, blue, gITVII,
At ••also, pink, blue, green, and mode colors of Chu
rnel ' eon Lawns, and a Mtge assortment of embroider-
LA muslin* and Lawns.
W R M recent our - claw is now all received and
oprn. and persons ...along Dry Goods will do wall to
look at hi. arse sad fre.rt stock before purchasing—
at northeast manor Orb and market au.
Wholesale Boons up •talrs. tny/ •
ItFIFICIAL FLO t FHB —fn stertas tor ArturrW
Flower., v. Phi in name paler, spotted do, Cal ,
mote pryer for coloring, Fmk Saucer. Len of eve
, ry lona, Led. HD.. and callow., eon be obtained nt
F II BATON A Co's Trimming !Atom
1•14 Romh
EIVIBROIDE.IIV—Worinen papyrus for Utiwnsii•
himo 81.0015 Table Covers, Trove.ling Bags, with
• great variety of email patterns. Also, Worsteds of
all eatery and shades, by the pound, ounce, or skein
for We by &pl.& II EATorq & Co, Gt Foiartb st
ECOND SUPPLY—W 6llarohy, at LIOWICILIa cor
ae....4 La. and Muter .soar Open hit
SICOND supply of spring and satomar Cotaaa, and has a
lane auortatent of Into (Wads of newest elks, and
ample (Rads of every kind, all of 'Mica wilt haLoh!
• WV
£M AL L - ke D 1117 000 DS
CO MANK.Sntact,
. ,
4 Itr: now vest. th- most extensive end varied
A. lesson...tit of Spredg and resumer Goods ever
e•tea ie.! to the Weszeree country, compristns upsets.*
of Eirvett llontereel I ',I, purchased in enure pacts
!es front tha metnuiscturcrs. emporters, end large one.
boo soles. by onci of the firm residing in New York,
whoecinstacit.y seceding us then ewest }rid most
fastnott•Lets goods They name en part—
lest eases "eh :Spring Prints, casts M de Woe;
14 wits .d Mu.. 33 " cotton and linen
too b erne nett Sloslans,all I Genernanea,
. . . • ,
grades: 30 "coi'd tdrulins;
SU " shirting Checks and 27 " Itipkas Cotton.
domestic timpani., I ado, and summer Staffs
250 Brown Mits,ms,
Also, cases and packages of Boyne!, Flowers, La
ne, Itrbbons. Silk., Shawls, !lemma Whits Goals,
hilltinery A ruches. Gioth• and Caasitneres, Una., HO.
very s:r dn.
• City an./ country merchants will find their stook aa
large and desirable as Eastern stocks, and an exam!.
nation al their goods and prim... cannot ran to eon
all Mat with their unicniable advantages and
facnitles, lacy can compel: Wan one Kara. , JOBS..
This tact has been elvainv demonstrated to hundreds
of qv, patrons a in iorninely purchased East. Theta
stock sell! always ,n (pond carrion:le nra
NE IV E. 49
KEN:VI:DV ac SASVVER, corner ‘Vodl and Four*
street, urn now redelvnt; direct frorn first hands,
a large Hoek of Fancy and Varlet) . Goods, inetuding
Clocks of every variety, cold and aver Watches,
Jewelry, French Pnow, Combs, Hooks sod Et es,
Hloves and Hosiery, Suspenders, Lion Caps, and all
other articles in their line—all of which having P•een
purchased personally of the manufacturers east, du-
Hoc the lost woncr, expressly for tit< Spring trade,
will tte sold witotesnle at a small advance on cost.
Constantly on lascd, all descrtintons of hooking Glass
es, of our own, at eamern print. %calla
',VIEW FANCY AND VAlttkirl usfutro—..g.t.ts
CI ON 141N5EY'S, 07 Market street.
100 pr. fine China Vases, 177 seta twist and
001 rely. coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Baas; 20
do do genot's traveling; WO gross fancy bllk Buttons,
for dresses; 10 dlr. Nall Brushes, ess i d; 100 gio fine
big Vest Itu'Line, we'd; 250 do do gill and plated, do;
25 dos roseuroral Hair Brushes; 4 do Washington do;
I do Barbers do, a gm Fish Lutes: Fmk }looks, Lime
J bVV ELR V,.k r —5O gold lever \Patches; 50 do de
tached lever Wale :ea; 10 do Lepine do; 10 fine dia
mond Flint, antes; 1 dos fine gold Vest and Fob
Chad.; 2 do do Guards; Breast Pt., Finger Rings,
Ear Rings, as
GLOP E.-a, tae.-200 dot Ladles Cotton Gimes, ..'d;
010 do du Lisle Thread, fancy top. Sec.; 10 do gents'
tut Omura 12 do do kid do; sAli do ladles kid, ased; 10
do do fancy top silk.
VA al rry GOODS-75 pkg, American Pins; 700
It, Cotton Cord.; 75-. o Paper kluslan; 500.001.1 ribbed
Percussion Caps; 'Aslant doe. Whalebone do; 100 don
Ivory Lomb.; Dresslng Combs, Buck Combs, tee
V II E.. Tit \a. CU. arc now opening Mei, Spoons
. ritock oi 'Trimming,ronai•ung In part of Man.
iila and Um.. Fringes, °imp, black and cold
Loon, b'ecktiounce Lace, Hutton., Lind, Ilona.
Trimming , grrita, Indic• and 014 , 11 reoa plain and nan•
cy mon and h 0.., Comb., bury and
oilier Fan, 'Carl, Spool Cotton, Noodle... Tape.,
bins. Pins, Jka. kn., Which the,. offer (dr &It, both
wholesaleand mail, at tillt Tfarlo.lllg store,Fourtb
street, bemre, and Marl:,
7\11...%5' GGOlni.—A A. Al a co.,
nu Martnt .44rert., Kra nor openingg 40 capes and
pack•nrs or v o lcodid GOODS, norarnmng
111...nna, Iltrnges, Al de Lalnes, to blons,
Fronts. French Crunbrtes, I..nens Ittbnon4,
Shaw., Gloves, Gallery, mud a general as
lona of Goode. mo 1117
ilk:C El VED TI 110 DAY, Carpeting and Od Cloths
of the 1:t1-•1 and mO.l approved pattern., .11 at
price. to .11 porch...en, and cheap as can be par
bawd In atly ot F-ancrn cord,innutp, the lot
lowig v art 'deo:
Extra R.) .1 Velvet Pile Charpeon
Atznitntotor Carp-to, any .44e hall roorwi or veal
Topeory do tthule..
Sup Royal Unloads do Tupeetry stair carped;
Extra sup 3 ly do Bruoselo do do
Superfine do do Chem'," Roli
Fairs cup Ingram do Tufted do
-uperfine do Itruon I. do
Ft ti d„ • do d Chroote Door mars;
Common do do Tufted do -do
4-4 3-4 & Tapeofil Ade:add du do
Unmask do Sheep akin do do
4-4, y 4 & I ~vl'.l We- 1,4 kinto'sed Piano corers
netmo do Cl. do Table do
3-I o i pliant do 110 6-4 wool do do
, Cotton Ingram do 6-I ...noted and Intro do do
' d o Yeoman du Brain Stan Rods
cotton liruggeh 16-4 woo, crumb cloths
16-4 arooieo do S,ar Lined
d. 4 do do 6-4 talde do
Engion , Table 0,1 elotb•; Dtnper do
ronln do do do do Creoh
Fl oor 0,1 cloths, U d,n•Droj, 7inpkdsts,
7 4 do do tin Cnnoon;
6.1 do do do Porp , e do
5I do do do filuroon du
4 1 00 do do Carpet Rtnding;
Shrct 041 Clutha, of newTranophtt Windom. Rhodes
rt±Pc•lf 9 patterns, cut to Ed
ILI, tor al.vr we are constantly fer../lq Our Spnug
Stott k oCC. roan. Oil 013..1 nod Steamboat (rictuxungs,
to who - h diode the attention 01 all who wioh to fur
w.h Inerr houocti or steamboats a. we will he able to
odor 'tooth , a. 103 V as they ran he rturehn.ed In the
F tat, avd of the no hest and latex sty lea. Call and ea
no our mock before porchesit g edsen here %Vara
boo., No 75 Fourth at. rochfil NVCI.INTOCR.
r C y
Good• Jobb•r,
yktli as WOOD tirrti..r:r—Woutti call the attention
ill of Alerehents to thew large 'seek o( Domenic
d Foreten DRY GOODS, jun receiving from the Im
porters and Mannfrotarers, awl which they will sell
at very low rotes for <ash or approved Math.
Our stock is now full and complete, and well wont
the attention of Imaem, as we are determined to 101 l
at such extremely low prices OS cannot fan to make it
•,..Lrrns `aulsomuesk kr maretuanm is =Me a OM *MA
a.. insbal
VOL, XVI. NO. 298.
AUX at the mu e,HI
Young MEN in wholesale and retail Manta and better
respectable business, to act as Book-keepers, Sales ,
men, Foners„ Han-keeper., Waiters, Ferment, Coach
men, Car Agents, Rook and Map Agents, Colleen:lft,
Overseers to all branches of business, Ste. We have
•t W time, a large number of good anomie. on halal,
which pay from gral to g 5,000 per mum= Those In
want of mutinous of any kind would do well ID [Me
11. • call, a. we have agents to each of the •,ove e 1...,
..., which will enable es to place every applicant in
a gettable situation at the shortest notice. We twee
large Lemouninnee the above gamed cities,
winch we taut will e
nablee es to give entire satisfac
tion to all who may favor on with a e*IL
TAYLOR a. TAYMAN, N 0.89 Second at,
between Southand Vag.
—Person. living in any part of the U. States,
and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or an
ther of the above citieL will have their wants Ramo
diately attended to by addiemung us • line, (peat-paid(
as by so doing they Will rA eartail vLoß bo ck t
A tiva yp h d l Av o an: ea.
worldponse, which they otherwise world incur by coming
to the city, and 'feting empiem eu t for
No.aa Second meet,
Baltimore, Ma
the mastapproved English pattern, famished
end recommended byThomsa Hakewell, East., and as
number of eminent physician.; being • =cat nsn'4V..l*
nut appansuis for the application of arum Or bbt wa
ter to the bowels, to case of cramps in Cholera. As
every person is &abject to sadden attacks, no family
should be without at least one,
between Wood and Mute'
Improvement In Plantar
On,THE subscriber is Jam reecariefit
usonmeut of Pianos from the lac
of Noons & Clark, N. Y., which for e -
canoe° of exterior, beauty of finish
and superiority of tome and touch. surpass any thing .
ever brought to Mu city. Mr. Clark, of the above'
firm, long and mom faverablrknown as the fanner
foreman in the celebrated Piano establishment of
Broadorood, Lordon, has recently Improved and per
fected the Pianos of Nonni & Clark, N.Y., to an ex..
tentwhich,onquesnonablY,eatilloe Marb to the nape.
tattoo of being the very beat an well as the cheapest
?mos to be got In this country. The Ito now ape.
leg, comes watt the additional recontutentlattou of an
improvement In the style and finish, which makes ..
them at once the most elegant and tasty Ming ever
brought out. These murnments, together with the
met en hand, rove the most extensive, varied and de
sirable assortment ever uttered hem; all of which will
bersold at mumfactraers prices., and on accommoda
ting terra, H. KLEBER,
at J. W.WoodwelPs, lEC Third m
N. II —The subscriber w ill be found at the ware.
-house from ll to P.l A. hi , and 4 to .5 P. AL
ad H. K., sole Agent for Nouns A Clark
LIE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid
assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac
tion Pianos, with and wtthoot Coleraine. celebrated
&ohm Attachment The above instramenis are war
ranted mbe equal to any manufneurred In this coon
trytemil will be sold lower thae may broaght from the
EooL F. BLUME, No 112 wood at,
2d door above 6th
N. 8.--City Senp will be taken at yar for a few of
he above assortment nay 2 • P. EL
Por Scrip
_at Par.
rti p iriti JOHN H. MELLOR, SI Wood street.
will sell for Scrip at par, the following
new and second hand Pianos:
One elegant rosewood 65 octave Pl
made by Baker & Raven, N. Y CMS 00
One do do 66 octave. -- RV 00
Otte rosewood 6 octave, Gales & Co, N. Y.• • THI 00
One do 6 do do do• • • • 260 00
One mahogany 6 do do neatly new• • 200 00
One do 6 do Load " 00
One do 61 do Rosenbaum —'loo OD
One do 6 do Clennan SO CO
ala do 51 do R k W Non.
Una do 5 do English -
J - 0 . 1tN N0 F . 011.4 1 - T a t , tr e e r e %hezi ne riaj . lier , ,
i l? r es ein er e ri nd d .
I em tide.
Thankful for past favors, he respectfully Wachs a
dantinednee of the pureness of Ms former canners,
and Ititentlso the pntrolunre of Cs nay new OWN MI
ore of the right stripe.<Milers in the Tailoring lime executed at the most
faohlenable manner, and with dispatch.
Also. a fasluonatile assortment of ready mule Clo .
thing t of all kinds. Cheap for cash, acorn...' Furnishing Goods in all their Inaleilse
Curers on hand, sick as Shins, Bosoms, Collars, CrIl•
vats, Stocks, Segal's, ifostery, Bovendevv, Pocket
thmylk Glovu, Drawer,, Umbrellas, dca. to. am.
ti xt.lra
- 4
t 0,0 h 11 , EVICEMI , S - 1 t. 14
AN rEALNENT- and eaperlenetal Physician from the
a. EISA, °CAM years standing', <dem to treat allows
e. Dalin:de Natare with promptness and mareoy.
ilia success in Brdfalo and" other tome. cities boa
been proverWel. fitapharaps sea xrpadomda„And.his . -
earesentanent. - Old Eisei of Gleet, Sy:entre Sem
foto, {fl oor Altars, Shentnattart, 4anottinthSll:oranl
ehro or Memento Cal.ll aohetted.
A eme warranted, or charge rellinded.
Orates, St. Clair street,Stloont (tom tho Bridge..
Teeth Extracted. Adele. to the poor grata,.
N 11.—Dr. A. solicits the worst eases of any disease
in Pa - cabaret to call. anl4rdly
WILLIAM / 11 91/821
Mannlaelnrer.of Mineral Water Apparatus,
SION Or rill G..= ✓Mats AM 70
No. 913 North Socohd rt.,
A N experience of more thm twelve years la the
manufacturing of Mineral Wetter Apparares, and
the preparation of NlUleral Wafer nll3Olll. and Palmy
tains. on m extensive scale, with a saleable and pow.
heel knowledge of of both brunettes of butinchs, tog,
thee with recent improvements ha the comtruction of
the Apparatas and the prepdring of the Water, which
he has succeeded m adopung since his visa to Palls,
and oiler years of chase study and practical applioa
nons m applied to the arts In Ateckudes and Chembr.
try. tumbles the +obActlbel to coma beGno the public,
with entire confidence, and offer them tho hest sad
most complete Apptrata., ror the manufactare of Min
rral tPdtet io 11011.1.0 and atutains, that can be tar
nished to the United States.
He also flatters himself that the enlarged sneeeaa be
Anti met with, end •he present extensive and doily in
creasing amount of tus business in both the above de
partments. furursties the Matt convincing proof of his
claim to the superiority of Appanktus over those of all
others, and of the purity and salubrity of the Water
prepared therefrom.
Person, who order the Apparatus from a distance,
may be assured that their instructions shall be faithfol.
1p complied wee, and so packed an to carry safely
either by land or water to any out of the U. States.
To avoid disappointment, it is. ruommended to thew
who intend supplying themselves die approuhing sea
son. to forward their orders at as early a day as con
Mineral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and
Fontana., 01116MCIllo I Urns and Pedestal* for dtauds,
Counters and Bari of 'lintels, for drawing ilydram
Water, together with Canting md Tylng Plactmea,
and everything appertaintag to the above business,
conitantly on hand, and :Orate on the lowest torsos
(or cart, apigedeoildm
IjAVENT SldLitlt LA 111 . ) LAM rdt—An extenawe
manfaassortment of Cornet ft Go' s celebrated
acre, and superior to al others in use; adapted to I
burchns, steamboats, famines, dwellings, pobile and
pligani halls, and to all other axes where a cheap, WO
and brilliant light is deuralge. • •
Abmpimodules, 414 1 4,La0mm4,Carldolabras,CiLobes,
3h0.0e4, Wtek4, Chimmos, Quis t Tun:mm . 4,44c. Alm,
G. Citomieborn, from nue to foot lie&
ders W W W41,80:11, 40 market stf%
UVACTORY.—The sttbscriber basis-this method
of informing his friend., and the public in general that
he has the largest sleek of the followingd aro
etc. &Ibis Own manufacture in this city-Sa ddles, Hor
net., Ttank• and Wows, all of which as wtU warrant
to bo.made tithe best material and LT the best mech
anics in Allegheoy county. Being detennioed S. self
his manufectures something lower than bas beim here.
to sold by any similar establishment In the city,
he would invite persons ot need of the abase named
articles to hi. warehouse, N 0.244 Liberty trset, op
site Seven th s, 'Ala; bands made to order ( o r machine
ry. ocl4 o-, Y O. KERBY.
PITTSDOttfin F 11 1 ,141.14 1 , 3184.. , ..1.,
decood Pennon of this In•dtudoq odor the
ewe of Mr. and Mr.. Bouthout, for the
academic yenr, will commence on the first of /Fehr.,
op neXti In the mot. buildings, No. 32 Liberty area.
Arrangements have Leon. mode by epoch they "du
be able to furnish young ladies li:tedium, eyuel to any
In dm West, for obtanung a thorough English,
nal, and Ornamental educanna A fall coarse of Phi-
Ithoptucal and Chemical Lectures wall be delivered
dart in g the winter, thustrated by appecite, The de-
Joan... of Vocal sad Instrumental Alusic, Modern
Lengettges. Drawing and Punting, wall each be aura
the care of competent Professor. By close attention
to the moral and Intellectual improvement at theiept•
ptls. the Prinetpals hope to merit a corainastion of the
liberal patronage they hare When° enteryed. Poi
torm• ^ trrulat or apply to 1110
400 Dly,ti Teo:NV:H.4 , CM, bal./some ,mat
OlL—Constantly on hand, bleached and anblattehj
ed winter and .pruig Sperm, Elephant and Whale Oily
Alm, 1401 colored ttelected N. W. Coast Waal., OS,
suitable fur retailing.
rgNT OIL run thl &CHIN/MY—The subscri
bers are 1110 N prepared to supply 'Devise's Patens OW
twany quuntayt mnetrintp, trourufacturert, Ste, are
reuested to call and examine ant 111t.i4/0. torolleases
o( 9 Os el:Reser and au pertort ty over ad other eras, from
ses e rrd of our word estertatve atanafacturers, ore In
our rossiasina. ALLEN B. NI3IEDLM ago,
YY and tr/ tooth wharves, bear Chestnut st.,
felt Pleodato Ploattlelphis
notl., to Dagn
ypo 11211.1111411•
jUST 'received, It %Mail invoice of voicTLAmv-
er construction. These Instruments poss e ss Kraal
over all ethers ever made, eovertng • 1.4
siorPlue, reducing the thee of sluing one-hair,'' and
poaluctirg a sharper, clearer and better deflatedpie.
tare. They, theretore, d..serre the ;Mention of all Ar
ts engaged Or intending to engage in the business.
Vriec for the Tube BIM
A general assortment of Vol - decoder's jastiy cele
brated Instruments, of all sizes, as well as Daaterrso
ype Malenels, at the loareat rate.
MR. PET KR SMLTt4 Ceentonti, Ohio, is oar ra
thorised agent for the gale of the abate Instruments.
A Last offnees eon be obtained by addressieg,mptast,
W. P. LANG 6:1111E1
Melange, Philadelphia,
Importers of Daguerreotype tdaterials,..and General
Agents . for the uale of Vo7gdaentlaids Optical James..
men.. • marl:vodka
laardwerree-Chareper than Evairl
OGAN, WILSON it L'Agh, Imporrersand Wl:olam*
La_Ppalers in Hardware Cutlery and Saddlery, Na
ILIWC.O4/ M.; above Pihlt, have nave In hero a very
cheap and well selected stea k of lieldentre,
eines: the acetate of prieu In Europe, and weer the:
•re determined to 011 eorrespondinglyinar. Metvitaitta,
who hear (ICan in ilia halet atoning Meat, tiir - Oklet., •
laxly endeared to eel mod lave Lapaagle v ar errigkola r ,
wa mrthdently believe therarill ellae ?„‘p,5,, 545 4,.
TINED -BEEF HOUNDS-10 tiereei Ditailleer
- 1/ Rounds, very , tine, ingt rechl luxl for sak •
„. agikEit9lls 144 1-•