ESTABLISHED ENT 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. T. U. UM. , • 4 • • • BAID.D & STEBILETT, .: ATToRNLy:ip couNsa.Loas Ai' LAW, Fourth rtrt, betuvon eantorteld and G rant, asburgh, Pa, jal.s _ . —_ 301111/. LOUT. RM. t. /Li= isGID a FRIEND, A i-ro.,,Ey AT I.AsvpruttrUh Wool, tear Grunt Weal' "...T"" ale Vtsir laru l . ..,..., , k e4!W A.,:4i. -----.' ' i isalThS. Ipt:SHFIEW &.14A.DR, Whol sin _up Dry Goons,Xcenel, Boots, S ot, rituts.agW manniactured n Les, &c., No CU! Liberty street, Pin.bugh. /11. n 0111.• ff 6203t0 1 MILL IRAVE, It REITER, Wholedatelnd Revel Ride psut, inner of Liberty and St. air streets, - flu.. u r tb, Pa mAyi4 MIA 11103 N. 1. 110973. BRoViti t I.A.2.BERTSON, Wholesale Grocers. and Caannisaton Merchants, No. 141, Libeim sal Pmanuriti. P. dull!), BPeaIPik:STUCK & Co, Wholesale • • Arai, . tau .thoggists, comer Wood and Gala jpl Ai/ILE:1 th:SMITiL, hOlesate and, a 20 Wood street Pittsburgh. CI A. Ble/LNULTY & Co., ForeranfinlT - e7nd7dOirs blerehouls, Cnnol Basin, Pir r ahuegh Ps. mehl ' Dl:muscles lapetus, Axle, Steel lisill.lbrosi r Works. nOLEIVaI, 'HALLMAN & Co, snanndLetarers ki Coach and Elliptic Springs, hammered Au f3priog and Plough Steel, Iron, &o. Warehndse art Water and Front struts, Pittsborgh. Also, Auden ini Conch Trimming. and Malleable Castings. ocad • - - MARBLE WORKS ON LIBERTY ST, orrstrstrk TliE BEAD OF WOOL, PPITSBURAILL Enda. CND NW 1141.-IN S, CONTINUES to an btonontenta, Vaults, Tombs, Bead Stones, Mantel Preens, Cert. tre and Pier Topa afforests and domestic • reenter and fair price. N. B.— Drawings Bo monuments, vaults, Re. Walsh/ ed, of any desertpuon. Be sobeirs • drat* ofipublie patronage an: -dtf Wi. A 1.01.1114 jam a. sada:. FISGLISIi & BENNETT, (late Els % Bah, Gaßasher 4. Co., Wholesale Bracers, Colnausaton md For warthog hterchanis, and dealers m rraluce and l'aw altuottattates, N 0.27 Wood at., botureen ad md 3d meets. 001.1 gIo.uRHIS, COCHRAN, Cummumou and Forma ‘,.7 Merchant, N. 20 Wood moot rinabargla. myl 11021 R LEAP UR FACTORY.. AAOLIOI , I STEW /UT, manufacturer of Heavy: AA. Srtinings, Checks, Lo., Rebecca Arco, mty of nuegheuy. novladly• LEE, ieseaeseor to hlurpts7e L e e r ) WooTDerd• er sod Coomossion Nezeoard, for the sate of American Wooleue, Liberty, opposite 6M et. fahl7 was extra, Dedinnore. s. t. aticasol, rowun tea, BOCA.IOtOrt MC. sos.a.runa • EALD LIUCKNON , , Totmeeo Conimission Ater °manta, 41 North Water st, it 16 North Wharves, . n 0730.1( WI r.l o lll° . •-• . lj AILDY, JONES te. Co., (successors to Atwood, J_L Jon. a Co.) Communion and Forwarding Ater• dealern in Pittsburgh MAnufacturld lioods, rtusborgll,PA Etch= 131,1t1,499 71 Since their innerporatiouip period of le years, they have paid upward. of one million four hundred thous and dollars, losses by ins, thereby affording evidence oldie advantages of inatinnee, as well as We ability and Maposmon to meet with:promptness all babilmes J. OARIANE.ft LOFFLN, Agent, B. OANI•TELD, (hoe of Warren,Unity ) COmmals• morl.dly Office N &honer H cod and 3d sts J. 'l°' aid F° "`" : " th fi' ' m i f and wbbl '" thi • VKL - A — Ntli riiTlll,/.2111140/2. - AIO NC Co. carer m se Western Reserve Cheese , utter, Pat and D At MADEIRA, Agental Plusburgh for the Dela- Pearl Aoki, mid VV inlet. P.M.C'e r" ....11 Y , ,1 3V t ". .. JL . At Mutual Safety Irdianinee Company of Phial tree; between 2Mdlitheld and Wood, Pttolmul. - - i - - sr-dolphin- Fire Risks upon Ruddings and nierchondmis ill:1:N WATT, (successor to ihrrait k Gibbon,/ of every description , and Marine Risks upon hull. or Wholesale Grocer and Communion Melehanti cargoes of wench, takenp"Pcia the most favorable In Produce and Pauburgh tilmatocurres, car, terms. • , ner of Liberty and Hand streets, Ihusbiughtiltd - D''' Office in the Westboro'. of W. B. Holm. tr. Bro., JA o m y m o utfißA ~,,o , of me 0,...y .A. 0 g00 ,,TA N 0.37 Water, near flatlet eseet, Pittsburgh MeGU Ir. ,) Merchant Talksr,BL Charles 8ai1,.....^-sp w t.. 13 7 , Th r t 9 o, 77 tri ew . 4 .( r . t.n.P ty 7 ., .inee th th. dt prc.. . etab - p, Third street, Bear Wood, Pdisbamrk. ----.. ness and liberality with widish every Mum upon them 7 Aitit A.• lIUTCUISUN , & co--00.00.-.7._ut , ... for loss has been adjusted, ally warrant the agent in U Lewls Ilatchison .2 CO. Contamootrill filf., 7dants. ,In the confidence an patronage alt. friends and and Agents of the St Lotus Steam Ragar g unnery[ the 00 ,im m miry at large m this Delaware ht. 8 Imo. NO. 42 water and 22 Mont sweets, PtlhOomlllt. 4 , ,raim Company, while it hat.the additional advantages .and • as cm mstinition among the Mon dounohiog in Phtlattel. JS. DILWURT 11 b. Co., Po tkoleanie (omen, rree,phia—as having an ample pacd-in cootal, ortuelt by the o . duce and Commission hlembants, and Agermß•poperalion of Its charter 4 - monatantly increasnig, as toe the Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y., No. 27 Wood stir, yielding tei eisCh penes misdeed his due share of Use INtrabarga. in Pp profits of the company, orlon% mvolvmg him in any g ofifo D . gionfloau wf„,,,,..0, f,o-ou t ot, mad gk.L.O \ . refpoll.llThility whatever, 0.11 therefore m possessing 0 " f , , D,,, s tu ff, p o l o , cid ; m oroo thio,e,o,„ pio,p the Mutual principle divested of every obnomoos fea• 'Wood street, one door Sooth of Diamond Alley, rinse , . tare, and in its most anructite funa noel burgh.mill 1: PIi.EUTRJ - 2D - 1111.11.11tili, INSIIDANCE. maitsrit ' l;ru '' C T? - Y - ",.,"rh..=,. n 7: g ut .make permanent lead Mooed, msaranee on propen) • in thmtiny and its eternity, mach on shipments by the Ca nal and Rivera r DIRECTORS. Arthur 0 Calm, - Chorine Taylor, Saml W. Jones, Ambrose Whoa, Edward Smith . • , Jacob &I Thomas, Jolan A Brown, ~,,.. John R. Neff, Soho Witne„r ' , I R i chard D. Wood, Thomas P. Cope, ,•,.., Wm Welsh, F.South". 7. Frames Hmkens, Baronet Brooks, .• ~. :1 8. Austin Allitione, ARTITUR G. COFFIN, Presh. uw.An Dicast , , sun= ALMI DICK d. Co., Wk•Lessle minim; narelnants, and daniera 111 Prodaeo,pios.36 Ater, and 1117 Front sums, Palabusgh. .noTI3 ievrtn, Jr. k Co, {successor to Josegh JDasue,) Ship Chbaidlerk 381 Water creel ,0e3 1 JOHN . edm.tkal., Wholesale sadßataildealel 1111 11 in /Lazio and klusloal Insmotrenu, Behoelltoosk ) apu, Stanza, Stec/ Sens, Wills, Printers' Canis, and Stationary generally,No, IA wood rt, Pittsburgh. _Zgs bought or taken tu trade. sepia SCHOON alb k & Co- Wholesale Ihngsksti k No. 21 Wood strt-cl, Swaim . ascots, Patzbozzo ..-ocuosater ' eorner 511 t and Wood J . - oPtB tbIiNSTON & 25TOCKTONLiook•el lony y and Paper Mclaufactaters, Na. 44 Market au. ryn en LargiL JoU JOILI nom tr..t. FLOYD, Wholesale Gro a""2 ‘.. ri4". ra,j,"l=.2 ZE Dealers in ahem, P:Ung Lib.Mo WO.? Stla - G u al dye) JA Tme.f-Dirztigo r Wholesale Urocer, Gem:bunion llderehu, and dealer In Produce and Pilbergh insa.ineuires. x. 4 Muer ti, Thisbe .h. jonte anniscalat . actarexl wale; Canal Munn, near ith mt. ; dyi PEISH MILL PITTSDOkfAiIIt PA. K E llen o Y ir' °J:,2 11.= WA Betting. 73,03-1 y ifeserolux Iron Works. LEW LS, BALZELL & Co., manufacturers of all ei• gee lsos, Sheet, Boiler Iron end Nags of the boil duality. Vii arehoom, 44 water and 1141 front at. Sard9 B WATERMAN, WhoLeasde (ironer, Po • g in g and Conumemon Merchard 7 Dealer in Polo.' burgh Mtmufactures and Produce, NOS. 31 Water ea, and Front /37. %BOX. SElteleer, Mt. JOAN E. llleeli IftIiGNANDY & SAWYER, 1 0013Thti GLASS Alanufacturers., and Wholesale 4 deniers in foreagu and domestic Variety (foods. 'IA este= merchants, Pedlars and others oremeitoll to call and eirtMete the pnees and quality clout stock, as with oar present titerestud (ulnae. to manutactain lac and purchumg, ve Mink we can offer Ms great IlltinCeertents to bayed* as any other hour weir Orin liountaina jrity wr. WILLIA, relied& C. W. MOISTIMS, MILLL.I3 & HICKETSON, Wholesale tiniters, and importers at Brandies, Wilma and Begets, Nos. 13s and 174, corner at Liberty aed 'rata, streets, Patl, :riirgh, Pa. =72.1 To ant 11,11 L. MS. A whhcra'.c. 4 MeGILLI3 & ROE, Wholesale Grocers mud Coniniiii loon Merchonia No. IW Liberty at, riusburgh, MU c y .) H4 . % 1 V , 11.4‘0 .i. De N bleop No ny 4 ti r ood went, innabarfb. nev*.l, Id. ALL..., macc. ALLF2 & Co., Commission and "Forierannot Member., %Voter and From on, between" ood nod Market pm • land, ;. _ ATCLIEW m roan toe bliinistorePson. I. &moon, comer of root Oa= nakcy and Fourth meet, ontronea oo 4i.b.nen.r Market. ;- docil-dif. . N FICILdiES & BON, No. 56 Mullet .1, second door from'corner of Fourth., dealer, in Pomp, and Demesne hills of Exchange, Ceruficutes oflicpco. 34 Bonk Noict 'nod Specie. 11Qy Collecuone mud on .11 din principal clliet throughout the United Sums. droll' . HlJecuAsTiea, third dog shays Smithheisl, loath stile. stoevegasaing al all killed, clone with the greasert care and legal steams. Titles to Heal Estate exasautril, ?se. oct3o-ly DR. GEOROD pIoCOOK. raFFIOE, Fount, street, neat Grata, tba TV am V Lately oetatpled by 4.ldelmon Ahab', immsdotter. li apposite MY. llaktwell'a. Ile may be sound at melt • No. 71, S. Chaste. floteL 4ul/olgtot U.'/I`. /to ber u., EL. D. • O PTHALAUG 81:0,11.titALS, rtll atten d tolho umia mane( l)seases of the Eye. I.)r. EL has bows engaged m an. branch of She oted4 est profession SOlJOilean years, Imo n r conducted= establishment for the treatment Cl diseases of the eat shine for several yet... , ern. and-reattkoce, some , of Bltl,dmitl at Vi ttrawbern alley, Allegheny ttty. -. smug L im Pldlith TIAA ISTOBAC.—No. 73 Foal at., ow Wood—All quantities of Green Mill fl MY, done up in quarter, 'half, Inn ... - ,,..ta psstages, ranging from So eta. per poand st,so. jy4 A. JAI NE . S, Ass for PrAin_fen Co. .... .... .. . .. . . 141. UHF:KT MOO ' %$ boicsale tirocar, • Layton Dwtaller, dealer In Produce, Pittsburgh 'Montano tot es, and all loads of Foreign and Onnustic Wines ••d Lrikuors, No. IL Liberty street. On band • iron low stock of superior old Adonortgahcla winch Will be sold low for cosh. 00010 &Mason, Wit= 6.101.t021. ROBINSON k Co., Wholesale Urocer*, PrOddef nod Contrlttwion Merchants, and borders w PAW. bargh fdanufacturcs, No. OW Lamm , et., Piusbufgh. Pa. Itulh KT DALIELL h. Co, Whotuula Orociens, Couuniedun and loraraldtng Merchants., &Isiah rrosuc. tad Pittsburgh Manufactures, Litmny kituutuvh, fet24. Eisl. •ctiNNtNtateAt, Wewenaio GrocTr Dealer In Proddeeland PIU an aburgb Alufacuszo, • 144 Liberty li. 012,2. . . 1DEYN0L.11414.8111.7., For and Commis "ision ..11, !dent:mils, On eargbeny HAW Tiade, n. in Ginwe r n.., Produr..., kin..bingh and Florida of Lame. Thollighestpritd at all ametfor raga. Caruar of Penn uW thorinsta. • C. =seism, gtieceux,rr WHITE, Whole.ole De ed to rtj=s, MT Hoods. No. 96 Wooll et fetatt Wool Defiler. • an Floor and Produce generany, and Forvirarding aOl Cotonnulon literehnins, No. El Water ar , Pius. ugh. _ 10, Mme, BAGALEY Co, Wholesale Grosersail' mg Produce dealers, No. 20 Market street, hetvreeroddo e ttd titth North side, PhatadeJplda rrir — secjort. 1...19 a NICOLE Prgt o c 3 eTru c l GerierslM: rutraort Bleretudds, No. 1: Liberty er..,%Pirtsbrarb. Plena, Lammed and Lard My F. VON IiONNHORST, & Co., Wholesale filer • can, Fol. and Commission Alerehtekta, maim in Pntsbo a rPilannfaeolrea and W . /IMM *ft"*. hone removed to their new waretionim,(old . t d) Po• earner of Front Munk Chancery Line. A. l. ISOM '''' ci '" giil r ' , ROTH & SCOTT, Witolesate and Real) eat .. A. Boom, Naaea, Trunks, Carpet Sews, ?ea., Id, VV. Thee al/ thand Smithfield los, eut_ l b . .s . N. J E ,_ T A.s. ;O:li --- 1`, Wiwi alo litocera and Commie Metehains, and ;Leo in Pnedoce. N. 3.3 C4 . - ..._-- 6 `od rtgabanb.. - Peel . V r t1.....,L. tellEarnA — Arktolciair. (oar. culYlnit Distillers, and Wine and Lie°, - irWiaitaTta. Allo,lmportera of Soda Ash anall3lea g oh ni P"dert • N9aaoubtrry sines, Pntabatztt, Pt. ra KA • •:,-# k , , . - . .:A - • , ..• ' ••• . T ' ---- -'- ' - ''.- " 4",./ . . . • . • I. . e gs, . - . • - , - .._ . _...._ . _ . . . a ... c_.%,.. ~ i ,: i 1 1 -,,, !,;, .: . . ‘ , •.,.. 1:: , ..: 44 -'' ."'-.. . t I IF . ..' .r• ' , .A . . ' . . . ;I .. '• :' ' ~ 1 CARDS. WWI D. WM'S, DAVID ACCA.NDISCI NIT . WIC & WCAFlDLla39,,l(soneessors to L k J. D. y Nick,) Wholesale Usocers, Forwarding and Commission Almehants, deafen in Iron, Nails, Glass, s.sition Yarns, and Pinsbargli,Manufaeturesgenerally, rota. , of Wood and We ?Ammo. Pinsharira WW. %VALLACE, Itilhstene .d Furrush . tag eliabliehment, NO; 414 Liberty at, near the Canal. :i.i mar. 4 l r- N. WlLkitti, W it4sreTri il - ilvelitii, - VT . uld Military GoodriPorner of Market and ath imam, Patsbartgb, P.. N4l.—Watebes and Clock• carefully repaired. kt dee4 ... _ . . yirEST — ROWEN--Comnhasion and Forwardinig Merchant, No. 90 FrOtfl at between Wood end ark.streets. feb24 W. IL bIURYII 1 , Wholesale and Retail dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north eut corner of Mutat and Fourthots. /MX aug9l •• ww. 1.01100, 1. warn. W - - 1. YOUNG tCa—Dialers in loather hides, M. 10 Liberty st_ vrx. lealTlll6ol6. son st . •carcasori . WIL IWCUTCH_EOPP, Wholesale Grocers, dem s It E. is Produce. Goa, Nittls, Glass, sad Pou burgh littimulactures gencrialy, LW Liberty to, Pius dcoS AT W WLLSON,./WA r r io batches T Jewelry Yp s Bayer Ware, hliluar4 Goods, 1.., No. 67 Mar aL . nov7 WM. TO 0 & CO., DEALERS IN HI DES ARP LEATHER. hloroeco, Shoe Findings. tce., _Noll. 143 Liberty street, have past received their SOLINAI STOCK of goods, com prising 3 lame. assortment 01 1 artelesIn their line, to which the attention of poreEtsers to invited. mcht3 & T ENTS ST EAM•4I3° M b. C., octJlChrttcx Amoy , M. • No. 4 Woter laree, INSURIOCE. VIRE AND INSIIRANCE. THE INSURANCE CO. Ot North America will made pep:moral and .fintited Insurance on pro .perty in this city and slab:thy, and I n shipments by canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. Tae orogerttes of .this Company are well invested, and furnish an avail able fund for the ample inde4mity of all persons who desire to be protected by indbrance. mylB WAL P. JONEE, Agent, 44 Water st. Tito Fran/lin Frr Inostrowc Co. of Philadelphia DIRECTORS.—Chattea ly.flaneker Thorna• Tablas Wagner. &m agi Gram, Jacob R. Small, •Oeo. NV Richards Mordecai D Len,a, Adolph° E. Borne, David B. teretarn, gloiris Pancreas. C 11.011.33 ~ N. Earwax; President Charles O. Backer, Secregary. Continue to make meuranee, perpetual or limited, on every deurtption of property in town or country, at rates as low as are consistent with scanty. To Company have reserved a large contingent Pond, which won th eir Capital ono/ Premiums, safely Invests ad, afford ample protection to . the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist, IN4D, as published . agreeably to an act of Assembly, were so fellow•Aeret tgn e. Real Rotate Temporary Louis Stout. Cash, ike. This is the °Welt Lrincm Crated Butes, hating been iha in c'rP"' l, it 4 bilk4Landing, long - ample mesas, aadraidiat fiat of he extra iral = ardoes shameter,il mar biii;:eonahleied offeri ng ma pie ...eerily to the }mike. a, W. P. JONI.N. "wit. Comai.4