iiE rrfrsßußGE er A rtizerrE We rejoice that the Illation:al Adminiaration, notwithalanding the contietted charges roug upon Proiariptinn" by ihelllVon,” and other opposition - ..Apresses, has moved calmly on in the discharge of its duty to the ramericsapeople, regardless of a illatanita, and unswayed by ruffianly attack. One PITII 11 DaTLTIii444 - r74 1s 1;010111111e71 Of these dud re es is the rffirival from office of those Da; rir Th i -Weekly, and Weekly.—Tbe Daily Dollars per annum; the Trl-Weekly Is Five Dollars pet i ' B "lwho have been rewarded by a previous adminis annum; the Weekly Is Two Dollarsper annum, rtrietig,tration, solely for partizan tiervices, and who have sadoenes. ]J - TAtrvarvam ere 'used their offices 'for wirtman purPo.os , and la •• band appointment of others tOltheir places. This duty. .heir favors before 5 P. 14, and wi early :a toe day s practicable. Advertisements not lasetwd fee a spec 'we are glad to lea, is iteadily performed. The Led time will invariably be charred ono! ordered ou! .. prompt and energetic discharge of wa feel PHILADELPHIA ISORTH AfilirRICAN4 cured, will meet with w arm approbation by the Advertisements and siih.eripuses to the Netrth Amer t . lean and United States Gazette. l'hilacle:pind, receive; Cr ends and supporters or,the adm i n istration. lt da and forwarded from t!ti. • their will and'eastrest debits, that the administru - KSTI3II4OI4IC AND WIIIO TICTILETI hies should place itefrie¢ds la offiee, and the sooner lthin can be done, consistimt with the public good, I, and a proper canvass of the chums of applicants, the better for the harmfiny and integrity of the PITTSBURGH; MONDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1549 WILLIAM HASLETT, of Butler COM), HORT. C. WALKER, of Elisabeth Borough. t : JOAN 11IILLER. ol Sbogrithurgh. CALF.LI LEE, of Pittsburgh .. . . . WaL ESPY, of Lasser St. El., • . , CARTER CURTIS, of Potaborgh P107110502/IT, CEO. S. HAYS, of Uppsr St. Ow, JOHN MORRISON, of Allegb y JAB. MITCHELL, of Peebles. • VINTO4 JOIIN BYERS or Findlay. Per Local glacier.ee next page. gee next page for Telegraphic The foreign news, under our telegraphic head; bring s th e expected intelligence of the 4 - urtentle? of Ro o , to the French. The diegrahe or the , : French Government has thus been consummated, with no bright spot to mark Its conduct in relat.oe to Roam, utile., it shall npocar in its future trent meet of the subdued Republic- The statement ' 1 which come, through the French Government.; that the people had received the French army web acclamations, most be received rauttonsly The French ministry base tried hard to excuse their great wrong, by urging that the people of Rome desired their assistance in rescue them iroit the government of Republican s rangers,,but thee is abundant evidence w &sprat, c all such amnia It is possible that the rali,le of the •trects, who oh wave had every change in the hope of sonde benc‘t to themashres, may have made noisy demoostru• tiosn. but that the people at large, those who have any thing to grin or lose in a change or Govern*. meat, ant who have sufficient Intelligence to sp - - prectate the blessings at freedom, rrj 'lced at this return to political slavery, we do not believe. We presume the Pope will now evince to the Qutrin4l Palace, not to he an independent Sovereign, hOt the tool of France, or of tome of thy great goveen meets of Europe , —less than fire a thousand folik, in his ecclesmstical government, than under a rax public well modelled after ours. sad hated 14 his people of Rome, who will consider their bon4- age as the necessary result of his clam to temporal power. The day will come,—may it be soon'-, when they will arise and hurt him from his usurped seat for ever. CHOLERA RECORD The Cholera in on the deerenae both in ChicAer nett and B'. LOWS. The Si. Loma Republican of Fralny. says: "On Wednesday evening, the quarantine officer's gave permission to on Inca faintly. ccimiistlnr, di) some eight persons, to come to the city. Toe/ were remarkable for their clean neat. and resprci able appearance. Yesterday morniug, one of thb children, a tine, hearty, black eyed boy. Ares btu led, two others were sent to the hospital, and at lea o'clock the mother was reported to be dying" The St. Louts New Era states that there were ten deaths from cholera at Alton, on Tuesday lent; principally among emigrants. Some excitement is said to exist because some emigrants arrived therl from St. Louis quarantine on Monday. The citf , eves compelled them to return to St. Louis. Th'4 packet boats were warned not to take any more emigrants to that place, and a =non was placed' on the landing. so as to enforce obedience to this injunction. The death of Dr. liardage Lane, one of the firft physicians of St. Louis, is announced. The St. Louie Republican corrects an erroneous impression which exists abroad to reirerd to the quarantine of that city. It is established only tti let the emigrants purify themselves and their leas, arid c: &AEI on this is done. and the health oficits are.satisfiecl that they cannot introduce diti: ease into the oily; they are at liberty to gm whe y they please. The measure, as the Republican ray marks, is a philanthropic one. and will result in saving the lire, of hundreds of emigrants. tit New Orleans, the emigrants generally remain ad . ship board until they are taken oil by a steamerc, and do not enter the city. At Daynini,Jaly 14th, S deaths are reported from cholera, and 4 on the 15th. The cholera has appeared at Columbus, on the Madison and Indanapolis rail rood, and the Ge. vette of that town reports 4 deaths there in its scull of Saturday last. - At Bfakegra 4 deaths were reported. of cholera.: Saturday last, and 2 Sunday. LIBERTY, ND.. Lily 10th, 1949. Drat ''Olit—Oar friendly acquaintance. and a det. Aire to do good, and to get good, is any only apology. for this You have perhaps noticed the mortality of New Boston, a small village near this. The population was some 75 souls, 19 bare died, in, and new the place, within a few days. The loge ie at this time deserted. and a gloom is throwh over the neighborhood, such as never was on any previous occasion realized. Such, indeed, are the firma of the people that it seems to have dmiircyed all feeling of moral obligation, or even natural affection. Sons have been refused admittance in: to the parental Imuse—brothers and sisters have been driven from the dosed do.,rs et relatzveh-- and. what is, if possible. more ft:ltalie still. wheel the( have died, relatives and friends robust to see, them or to as.i.t 111 the Iraq. hi Orrliirtrl the last solemn obligations which the Ovine owe to int* dead. Truly, the state of things under the prehehl hahhttl is awful indeed. There were two re.idetli pby-ieiane in Boston—brothers—lath of whom; possessed, in an eminent decree. the eOhtiJene" of thew fellow citizens, a. skillhal men. Bet oboe, when the terrible scourge made its appearaticir; among them "another spint come o'er the dream.' Early in its commencement, the younger one fell,. and the other fled for life. Before leaving, how ever, he treated some ten or firteen cases with unnamed success—every one died. This I. raid to have been 11111 prehertpti , m,—.l,, r,.1 0 „„ 1. 2 i f Opi••m, and sof peppermint. And Ihth is ho - graphic direction:-- , nake one powder every hour until they die." Such is the fatality attending ihr disease, that when a member of a family is taken; one starts for a coffin, and the other members to.- digging the grave. This last I give from wolf auttient;cated report. Hon. John A. Dix, asOber of the men who by their votes assisted in extending the" area of free dom" by the addition of Texas and Slave States to the Union, was minted too to come up and instruct the people ire. the "great principles of ' tier-darn." John Van Bur., the 4Sian of the manes," boast ed at the Convention th 4 he had always been a p trty man, and one of ttrg members of the Demon , racy who have always occombed te the Smith He advocated the electittn of James K. 1. fir when he knew that his suroesti insured the Annexation of Texas, and he only ffircovered the error of his ways when the Derno4racy nominated for the Presidency. in 1848, the man who aided in get ting "dad under the hayi in 1844. Gruf. Tanis—Hist_anis,r,— Among the mestf patron age circulated falsehoods originated by: His desire is to lead the Barnburners of New , York, who declare that the control of the ro the Washington ' Union, " in relation to Generat , age of the Empire State,. their mm, and ifthey ' Taylor, is one to the effect that President Taylor -hove that, it ts enough;they care not for the politics his that h e i n , a ; . of the nation. t .i, is merely one of eight in his Cabinet; , The Hon. Rufus P. Spaulding, was another of he habit ofh imolittinft ..... nations f* °ffiaa .:ttlie "friend s of freedom""called Upon, .d who en. to that body, giving a vote with the rest of then q ileavered to enlighten the benighted people of the and abiding by the restalL it is ..d, in terms,knorth west- Who does not know that Mr.Spaulding that he has aabnegated. , the Presidential p ,, ert „i.. teat fall devoted himaelf,liody and soul, to tenure = rie election of General ro, am. solemnly pledg. and is of no more weight or account In pub- ~ the . -. ed not to prevent extension o f strivers', a n d as tic alfalfa than any one of his seven Cabinet: Sohn Van Buren declar*l on the 13th, the sworn officer, f friend of the South? ~-; worth Mr. Spaulding staked liis political furtripes upon The "Washington Republ.c" has at iength.r the election of Cue, andis.k crushed under bia thought it rth wbile to notice the faiwbr. 6 ` 4 , defeat, until the infamcips coalition at Columba. which, however absurd, by its frequent repetition . turne d back the currenc . jof misfortune, and gave . him that for which on the?: 13th he was here to re might gain credit with credulous persons. The: - .turn thanks. C Republic says: • Hon. Henry L. Ellswirth, another of the elect, "We aver, therefore, most distinctly, that all Ilia. mount Who denounced all who sefused to mot the nar statements whim, have appeared in the apportion ;ow platform of the Fits Democracy 1w o ffi ce newapapen. 01 the eha'"a'r a a ef''''''' ' h. . , " to, seeking corropt politiciads, we believe never dis which we shove refer; ore absolutely and_unqua,i- t .bovered the connection between Free Democracy fiedly fa'se. 1 and the true principles olliberty mail untied from The President of the Unitct States In no instance{ the public era, in the Palent Office et Washing* submits his ll:err...nye to iii , chance. of o vote te4lon. he was turned loOae to graze upon the the Ustimet Tim apiamitme , o vested In the I ~,,,,,,,,. President, the President has made on his own re- i • Mr. Eli Tappan, who ah a Locoroco editor ad aponsibliity. The applicntioos for sock opoiint- I ;emoted the auttexenou : • =of Texas, all the ultra menus, that have been reiu,d, have boon refused ; ihetuurel of that party, we, the 'lam friend of the On his own responsibility. He has never sought $ reeve," 'Chosen to read 10 the convention, and to implicate the Cabinet, or any member of the I. we presume draft for tent, the resolutadres adop- Cabinet, to the responsibility of each refusaL Ev- i 1 ted. _4 try diplomatic appointment of any importance .i. M r , J, W. Taylor, a disuppointed editor and bro. has been made by the President himself; of his ken down Locofaco politician from Cincinnati, Is own motion and from ht. ow. Judgment, on the Ole lan we shall [Male of hose who "stood upon merits and define of the respective candidates.— i th e h ea l t h o f t h e Itaaarval as a teacher of fraathah With regard to this inferior and local appointments, Be certainly has no wish Yoe spoils, to sustain the which belong properly totbe heads of Departments, organ of the party at Sandlnky city' he has left them where they belong, without melte, t . lag to interfere. In making these appointments, 1,- It!' . l members of the Cabinet have, of course, been Gov. Johnston returneil to Harrisburg on Sai .• compelled to consult together, in order In arrange i.tudaY morning last, from , t. visit to Westmoreland and eqtlatise the appollatmentsin different riecuous, l and Armstrong .unites 4n excellent health and and to prevent conflicting or double appainkments, tepirits. While at his tamer', in Westmoreland or too great preponderance io ptuticular loCaldiss. ;•_':o.ounty, he participated in the labors of the bay and These appoints the President ha. not Inter4red „harvest fields, even in the,pairmest wenther oflast. with, because it is on part - of the Presidentinl duty. ;:week, without experiew a ng any injury. although It has never been considered a part of the Presi- .he labored on Thursday .-V ~ the day that drove denial duty, except by one er two dour Chief many to reek shelter frotO the vertical rays of the Magistrates, who have been afflicted with that ape, 'i2lnt, and took the lives oason.e, as wo learn, all eta of egotism which germinates in the temper of 'Mound us, who did nottatOthatinticautiOn.—.Hor. i a despot or a demagogue./ ~ I;pl,July 18. There mere 15 deaths by cholera in MRYSCiiie; for three days ending on the 17th. Ninety persocur have died of cholera in that city since the peril knee commenced its ravages. Bishop Purcell, in an address to the clergy anti] , laity of the diocese of Cincinnati, which appears Mt the Catholic Telegraph of Thursday, says: •-Wel low more than seventy a day—more - tban ftvei hundred a week—of our Catholic population." The appialntmen ts, so fa!, havegiven general satis faction. It lb impassible td please all, and disappoint none Differences of•t.pitaion will arise, and be earnestly maintained, asto the prudence and pro priety of the selections 0 every case. lint honesty of purpose, and a destreito act with prudence and justice, is awarded to jibe administration by all, even by those who mat;feel ogrieved. There is no complaint on this b re; or that the Govern -meat has not endeavortll to distribute the officers 'tairly among the States the Union. The judg ment and fairness of Gesi. Taylor, in thin respect, hi.ve been generally cot4nended. Among the States toi'which a full share of the offices vas asstgoed, in4he friendly judgment of pants' and grateful WWI friends of influence, in other States, was Pentraylvania. The Whigs of this State having beerfilong proscribed from all • share either in the state?' or national governments, and baring, by unparallitied exertions, achieved a glorious.victorya vtikbry which alone seen ed the election of a Whit President—it has been . thought but.fatr they shfautd share largely in the distribution to be made. The expectation thus awakened has not br4 disappointed. Pennsyl vania has received a gfilltitying share of the offices, of a high grade, already` ; and it is universally con eded that she is yet iss,!bece a full mission, and chargethip. This will give her at least a fair equality, and probably (omething over. But it is hot only impOrtant that the t Mims alb° National Government ihould be equitably diatri kited among the diffiirent 'states, but in a great C.iinraonwealth, like P'nsylvania, eery should be taken to distribute the4airly over the slate. Thin, all most admit, is both ris e and lust In this view. then, we conceive tha4Westeru Pennsylvania is Justly entitled to any fukisre offices, which may he awarded to this State bii)Lie present administration. The East has furnishediour admirable Secretary of the Treasury, and As'ts'istant Secretary—a Terri.. tonal Governor and a Jaalge—besides the immense patronage connected w4it the Cusiom House in Philadelphia. 'What has the West—the brave un flinching, uaterrified \Vest received? Ought she oat to receive the full mission, at least, which bus been by cow man consat awarded to Peon•y!- vania, We think there will be hardly a dim nt ing voice heard in the state to this fair disposition of Inc Mimes. and we. known it would much gratify the people, •i' We would, in the spa, of chanty, encourage the Post of this city to:fahe the liberal side in the Roman contest. and before select the following extracts from the New Isork correspondence of the Washington '.Union."! As we know the Post looks up to the .liatoni as its political guide, and as Father Ritchie tubes irequen t and especial pains to commend Nip letter; bf his correspondent as safe exponents in comMeree and politics, we bone this example may 3 ndnde Mr. Harper, even at this late hour, to open his month for the support end defence of ILepubliCan tlorne: "It stlll teems io be taken /or grabled by most persons, that Rome ts rimedily to fall under Ood• toot's assaults. You will, however, recollect that news of this event basireen looked for by the last three Steamers, each of,which brought us rather contrary advices—facte showing. teat while the Frenr.h army bad madeocach week but little mili tary progress against the city, the Romans, week by week, have been gdttng eneeemaed pro, that they are untied to a map, that they tight us welt as any people or trams In the world; and that they have not the least idea ; Of surrendering, so long as they can fire a goo. lin'tler the condition of thetas at Lane, accurdug • to • the latest advices,. lem .i!onktly impressed with she folly of the hope-of the retregradist, that Mnaiini will voluntarily coma to terms with Louis Nagsoleon. So we may write it down that the P.De.lfre_stared, Will rule overt, -heap of rum a rather tha4 the city of Rome; that am triumphal salty. or thatof his lieutenant, Ondinot, will be marked with the thenlice of the liven of nearly half the people lit the Eternal City. These are tarts against which - Louis Napoleon has -rill along" etteettvored to. close his eyes. He must see them now, as there apparent to every pro- Popeyrerrunftst on the continent and in England. England's offer in thE Roman affair was of a pieco with her sham Niipolitan intervention. She (professing to be the continental guardian of con ,t.tutional liberty) demthided that the Romans shall again bow to absolutist:if, under the specious name of. constitutional Pop I term "a bonstigottonal Pope" a /awn. bet-ouzel! Pope must by law be In fo/Ws, and therefore trr - orponsine. A constitution al 'tole, who by law 4 - infallible" would be as nonsensical as a conntqution in Sicily without guaranties, and to he a4oiniatered wholly accord ing to the good pleasure 0 . 1 the Butcher Ferdinand." The PreeTlemoerney: This 'lost card" of .Locofoomsm to promote their political success, end return to the •Hooves and fishes' of office, will 'wake up the intelligent Yankees of the Western Reserve, in Ohio, to a proper sense of the use intended to be made of them, or we much mistake their good sense and in. telligence. The next election will show Ohio in her old high position, as a Whig State; and the Western Reserve will .give her old fashioned Whig majority. This will be the best rebuke they can give to those who have, attempted to betray them. .• Thu Clem:Wand Her*? is doing good seroice in disrobing the An of '#s Lab's skin, and in e 1.1 o: paper describes no follows the ponAeal high prieets of Free liernocraii. who officiated at the late celcbraoon in t;leveiand:— "The limn. Benjamin Tappan was President Cau you hod us • more' bitter, radical Locofoco, or one who did more towards what the Whigs denounced then, and what has since proved td be a scheme tar slavery etlent:on—the Annexation of Texas? And yet Ilia is called to officiate as high priest at thef altar of Free Dernou ran,. "Tsui Sr. Loris Rerssuc.ci."—We welcome this sheet, enlarged to its old size and mammoth dimensions, back to our sanctum. Being piloted with new materials, it presents a long beaulife! appearance, alike honorable to its enterprising pub lishers and the city of St. Louis. The energy dis played by the enterprising proprietors, Messrs. Cusstosza dt KNAPP, amidst the disasters and dies ease which have afflicted that city for the lest few months, in bnoging out their paper in such a cred itable style, is worthy of all praise. The Republi can is one of the very b o ot newspapers in the western country, and we always open it with in ,erest and pleasure. The proprietors have our test wishes for their continued success and welfare. For the Pitubtergh Gazette. Ma. Warm—Permit me to tell you, and through you, your numerous readers, a Lula story, which I bad more than thirty years ago from the Rev. Ro bert Paterson, a highly respectable clergyman, long a resident of your ctly, and living in its vicin ity. One morning, whilst is his youth, passing the fish market in Philadelphia, he chanced to witness the followhag occurrence: A lady of highly re spectable appearance, came to a fish stand, and af ter asking the price of several varieties of fish, just stepped to an adjoining stall, and made her purcha ses. The rejected seller immediately broke out upon her with a trolly of abuse and billingsgate lan guage, for which fish women are every where so proverbial. The lady being suited, walked calmly away, without appearing either to see or hear her abuser, who followed her a considerable distance, keeping up the fire with increasing fury. She maintaining all the while the most insperturable gravity, and perfect aligner, until the fish woman, to the eximberance of her increasing wrath, as sumed n position before her on the pavement, and loudly vociferated, -speak, won't you!" The lady, without appearing either to see or hear her, slid round, maintaining her way. and leaving the oth; r to return to her stand, evidently, he said, more completely outdone and mortified than she could have done by any other means. The incident, as related, made an impression on my mind at the time, and I know that it has been one of the many excellent items of teaching and instruction, which it was my happiness to have had in large abundance from the same source. which has not, teen entirely lost upon me. I have often, when attacked with abusive language, found advantage by letting my assailant have all the talk, and thus bring themselves into a disposition to say 'speak, won't you!" and the story is often brought into my mind by reading your frequent notices of the billingsgate of the Post. Ido think that you do its editor too much honor in that way. and that the course suggested by the above inci dent, would be more eonststent with your charac ter and standing as an edit,. and better calculated to make others lee! their true position, than by ta king notice of them. Just try it. NOTE By TEE EDlToli—if -S.^ is a regular read er of the Gazette, he must acknowledge that we have forborne to notice, except incidentally, and then but seldom, ail mere persona! artarb, saber by the Post or any Oat, Bop,. But we cannot reconcile It w th our duty, as a public journalist, to permit the organ of a great political party, such as the Post, to Gristly history, wholly disregard truth betray the cause of liberty, and sympathise with: or connive at. dangerous assaults upon the peace , safety, and prosperity cf the community in which we live, without nonce or rebuke. We deem it our duty to expose hypocrisy and incendlarism whenever we find them, and if the community is deceived, it is not our fault. We have, however, probably taken up time enough with the Post, to expose its real character, and may hereafter attend to more agreeable subjects Far ske Pouburpi Gazette. Mn. WRITE—It is now understood, that Mr. James Power, the present able and etriment Canal Commissioner, decl.nes a renomination for that .ituation, and as it is due to the citizens of Penn sylvania that at least one of the Board should be taken from the Whig party, give me leave to sug gest the name of Henry W. Snyder, of Union County, as a gentlemaa every way qualified to MI so important a station. The writer of this article was many years ago unwonted with Mr. Snyder, in public life, and found him to he possessed of the name talent. virtue, and energy, that no ranch Ostinguished his father, the late Governor Snyder. Should Mr. Snyder be nominated by the Whig Conception, thA meets ta the month of August, the selection would meet with the general appro bation of the people of the State, and if elected, would fill the office With credit to himself and to the advantage of the public. July 19th, 15.19. A SUBSCRIBER. The Philadelphia Penasylvanian, a leading Democratic paper re-publishes a paragraph 11.0n1 the Wastnagton Union contradicting the remor that the present Secretary of State. Mr. Clayton, is a part owner of the Philadelphia North American, and sayir. "We are Mr. Clayton's decided political foe; bat we cants it retrain from stating, in reference to the allegatlon..•.o handsomely corrected by:the able Editors of the Union, that mrcumstances which have recently come to our knowledge, place. Mr. Clayton in a most favorable light, in regard to the ownership of the North Amerman; fully affirming all that bits friends have damned for him on the eat jeer If ever the whole of the facts of the case come to the knowledge of the public, no man will hes,tate to say that Mr. Clayton has acted with a degree of diennterested liberality in the premises, not often found in political hie. An opportu nity to know the whole of these facts determined on to give the Secretary at State credit for a noble act." A destructive fire occurred to Mauch Chunk on Sunday, which laid the business bortion of that flourishing town in ruins. About thirty houses were consumed, and the loss is estimated at $12.5,000. The following to a hot of the auf, feren Dodson ds Beaton's store and four dwellings; Orison Br. Williams, dry good merchents , Polk's drug store, Leggett's wheelwright shop; John Jo. seph's shop and dwelling ; ?Owl's new budding John Meir's two dwellings; Bhn Leisenring, Sr 's store house, dwelling, Ste.; Mr. Filler's barons and saddlery shop; Packer dr, Olwine's shoe store, owned by Judge Packer; Judge Packer's store, the Court Moore Buildings and Jail; the office of the CitfiXll2 County Gazette, sod materials, together with several dwelling board, incluffing the Eagle Hotel. To the Sao, of the Patehttrgh Gazette. At a meeting of the United Beneficial Society of Pittsburgh, on Saturday last, the 21st inst, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Wanness, It has pleased the Allwise and Just Ruler of the Universe to remove by death our es teemed fellow member James 11 Young, who fur so bag n time has occupied an hotuo ed mare in our midst, and has ever been loved and respected by us all, deeply and sincerely do we feel that in this &spermatic. of Divine Providence, we have sustained a severe loss, both as n Society and as individuals--that the dearest tie Mir endship which we had hoped would have long continued, has been suddenly broken amen:vier—and desirous to mani fest our regret, and to show our reaped for our de. ceased fellow member, we hove unanimously Reaalved, That by the death of James 11. Young; late Treasurer of our Society, one of the brightest and best minds of which the Suciety cold bow, and one of our most efficient members, has sud denly been withdrawn from among us, nod a cad has thus been created in our midst, which we shall ever deeply and sincerely regret. Rooted, That we deeply sympathise with the relatives and friends is this sudden and painful ba. reavement. Rzsolcrd, That the above preamble and resolu tions be pohluthed to the dady papers, and that copy be transmitted to the relaLves and friends of deceased. JOHN WILLIAMS, Preat. B. B. Ewan, Ses'y. RON. 211 RXPIIIILIC A CCM L1C13019.-A letter from Rome, June 16, in the New York Post, writ ten by a gentleman who formerly held a diploma tic appointment from oar government, states that one of the South American States has been the first to acknowledge the new Republic. This was done on that day, throogh the Minister of the South Amarium State referred to. The same writer says, that the English and Paris papers ore full of misrepresentations with regard to things in Rome, and that the French may force an entrance. but the Government will never surrender. He adds. "The Republic has established the Roman Catholic as the religion of the Government; they will receive the Pope as the ecclesiastical head of the ceurch, butte a temporal prince never' The I:Rambo religion, should the Pope be restored to power, will become a tool and an agent of France, and the Pope as an instrument of tier power, will be obliged to adopt all her vindictive and re•ac bnnary measures—to Imprison and exile all those whose only crime was that of thinking as be thought and simply attempting to carry out his opinions. To this we entirely dissent, for the spirit of civil liberty will be rethrded throughout Larope. It places the vicar of Chrtat under the absolute con trol of Louis Napoleon, and of those with whom , he Is in league, without «moulting the will of the Roman people, or the room of religion." DAV/II B. Coosa, Eso.—The New York papers of Tuesday, all contalaed notices of the death of Mu distinguished lawyer, who died of Cholera, 011 Monday. The N. Y. Courier, say, 'Mr Ogden had reached the mature age of 73, bat such arse the vigor of his frame and of his mind, that his death, even at that ego, seems pre mature. Mr. Ogden, WI a lawyer, enjoyed and extensive practice, aud.had earned a high reputation. As a politiciao—though of late veers mingled less time in earlier devil. the conflicts of party—he was al..' ways bold, consistent and etrect. He won emplat., wilily a Whig IC his views of public policy, which. whde embracing the largest iibery for all, never lost sight ti the wet that law and order are the on. ; iy safe, and should be the inseparable companions , - of liberty; end this faith, learned in his:youth in the school of Washington and Hamilton, he never than• ged nor wavered in. -• Repeatedly elected to the Legislature of the State, he proved himself a wise and safe law maker—ready always to consider any new princi ple or new proposition—but departing never from the old ways of safety, in the pursuit of mere imp. ularity. Popularity indeed, like all men of sense:who hope to achieve anything, he coveted; but only such popularity as honorable public service can com mand. To the base compliance. of dernagogumsta, ,t was not in his nature to stoop. In private hie, Me. Ogden was exceedingly win. ning. Of gentle Manners, easy access, and warm sympathies, he made friends of all his asso ciate. He was for many years a vestryman of Trinity Church, and one of the tried and trusted advisers of that great corporation, in matters civil as well as eccletrical. Celebration of the Fourth of Jnly at the Payette Spring*, Pa. The President of the day, on behalf of the com pany, offered the following toast "The Hon. A. Stewart—The champion of Ame rican industry. H. speeches in behalf of the tar. tlf more than any thing else eontibuted to Bemire our late Whig victory by securtng the vote of the Keystone State for Gen. Taylor." After Una toast, Mr. S., bung loud ly called for rose and said— had promised hie physician last fall not to make another speech for a year. He bad not vet broken that pledge, nor would he do it now in returning his thanks tur the compliment conveyed in the toast just offered, he must be permitted to nay, that although the vole of Penn sylvania had secured the Whig victory, last fall, vet it was not attributable to any effort of his.— It was owing to higher causes. It was produced by the repeal of the tariff of 1.642,and the passage of the tariff of 1616, substituting for the specific duties the ruinous and universally rejected sys tem of ad ralorents, enabling foreign importers, by under valuations, to defraud the revenue and drive out of their own , markets the honest American merchants. But what was still worse. it mined American enterprise and labor, by taking away protection when it wee most wanted, and giving it when it was not wanted at all. If foreign iron, for instance, lell to S2O per ton, thereby stopping every American hammer, then the present duty of 30 per cent. ad valorem fell to S 8 per ton, no protection at all, but when iron abroad rose to $BO, when it could not he imported, then the duty rose to SIR, and became absolutely prohibitory Besides, the duty, ruing and falling with the price, ocdasioned ruinous ilmunations i twenty six. dol lars for iron at one time, 574 at another--Ast the reverse of the British "sliding scale," which rais ed the duty as the price fell, and reduced it as it arose, thus keeping the prim , it the borne market always steads and uniform Gen. Taylor, be nude,. stood, was for restoring the specific duties, which, under existing circumstances, was perhaps a I that could he ex peeled. Moderation Was the Irtle p lies'; he hnil no doubt it would he the true poli cv. Bo' h parties in their zeal had doubtless push ed matters to extreme, and toe tree course was now in reject what WO, wrong, and adopt what was right, iron, both sides. internal improvements of a national character ought to be promoted as far an the means of the general government will justify, and the object first neuronal importance was the great ernes( tor/ ea.( to the Partite With a v rase to th Te objem.ve trenchment arid economy should be studied and nrnrti.ied. The array and navy al now ah db nearly two thirds of the entire revenue The expenditure:to( ihe navy w. re increased on nng the last adminiatrabon from about three to upwards in eleven millions of dollars a year Thin canaiit and will not be tolerated by a tax paying people who are always ready and willing to fight their own battles and bear all neras.rary bur. dens. Let Gen. Taylor carry out the principles and poltcv proclaimed in his letters published before the election and sanctioned by the popular voice, and he will I. triumphantly sustained. Let him adapt stood and moderate measures, and appoint good men and, true without regard to party—true to Arm and t-oe to au measures. To appoint to or keep in office men opp toed to him and his mea sures would net ony he sotesdal but rah/afros 01 the popular will expressed by his election. It nev er was done end it never will he done by any adminstrai on—none but enemies demand, and 0013 a but simpletons expect it. There never was a time when union and hoe. mony were more imperiously demanded than at the present moment, u hen the influence four ex- ample has given an impulse to the ball of revolu. non which is destined to roll over and crush every vestige of arbitrary and despotic power tn;Ettrope Then shall our eyes be gladdened on beholding free instnorions and constituuonal liberty. the le gitimate fruits of our own glorious revolution shed ding torn. benefits and blessing over the nations of the earth. But while the friends of freedom have every where our sympathies and our prayers, thy only and the but aid we ran give them is to raise higher and present in its brightest and most attrac tive form fcr there imitation. the glorious example or a government and a people peaceful and prom. pernus, hem and free, In conclusion, allow me to offers sentiment. . . . . Protection and Improvements. Economy and Retrenchment, Moderation and Justice, Harmony at home and Peace abroad—The true Amencan policy: let it be earned oat by the present nyttional administration. and Pennsylvania will be %mob/ the foremost to ..10.2'13 IL /TaICTM C111:17 r —The Whigs or Mercer county held their convention on the 3d inst. John S. E.g. Esq., nresuied, and L Irsba and Thos Porter wore appointed Vire Presrdents. and W. W. Pear son and A. 14. Snyder. Secretaries. The conven , ion was fully attended and ex cellent spirit prey riled. The Mercer Whig says .The old feeling still exerts—then although churn of some of its strength by the division of the county, the Whig peer of Merrier county is still determin• ed to battle manfully for the right, until success shall again crown its efforts." The following ticket Yeas nominated Assembly—Williain Wheal. Joseph Emery. Treasurer—Theoplulus M•Donald. Commissioner—Thomas Fruit. Auditor—John Jones. Trustees—William IYl'Elhenny, James Thomp son. L. L. M'Gudin and Samuel Griffith, Esqra, were chosen Reprenentniive Delegates to the State Convention which in to meet at Harrisburg in August. David Sankey, E.g., was recommend ed as the f3encinnal Delegate, and Henry Pear. soa, W. M. Francis and John Byer. were ap pointed Conferees to meet.with those from Beaver county. Paulilrso Lemon Pour..--Yrepared by .1 W. Kelly, William •treet, N Y., and for sale by A Jaynes, No. Yo Fourth iitrert. Th. will be found a dellglitful artb re of beverage. in Rundle, and particularly for sick Bacot', Baum., —An Improved Chocolate prepara I , :ita a e, ;aluminum or Ccena nut. innocent. in viporauna and na:atatUc. Ittgl4ly recommendedpartid- War , y (or Ittvo:nt. Prepared by W Flake, Dorcheoa Srr Mare and an .ale by A. I A YdES, at the Palm Tea Store. No 70 Fourth lu Mehl 4 Fire and Marine In•nranna.—Tax MT. etiton oN AND Flee Imeaotel ,1 onusl^—oe• lemerr, epee every da nriptlon of pro,rly. al Lotrenrcno. Ovsnr. Nn 2: Aluricet awes SAMUEL GORMIN, Preet Ron., FIMUY, S,r'y tny:s:d6na W. M. Wright, M. D., Dentist, Orrirt and re,ldenre on Fourth st.. Nr- nppostie tne rtrtsburgh Rank. OA,t !zu m r.f , r , o , n , i n n ,t o t `r n i 3 or p k , to It! .tr:til4liaynd Yrnproyemente In Dentistry. DR t, fi. STEARN.", late of Boston. le prepared to manufacture and BLors Term in whole and parts of sets. upon Suction or Aunnepherie Suction Plates.— TooluArlia ITC. in inve MINIT., where the nerve is stpoeed Other and realdenee next door to the May or s otter. Fourth street. Pat•liurall. Ri.ras r..--J f 1 ht tto tt.n. F H. Eaton. fall) JOB PRINTING. BILL BLABS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, dllansfeJ,J, that Lcviang, Cones,:cu.', Law Blank', 'LAND BILLS. LANALA. CHUAN No. Fs, he hr.. Prictcd 1..10(1.01 notice, at law prices, st the detth t,sntic 01,101, Tut. nusss. tin Friday eventing late, al 7 o'clock. at the late rent dotter. of l' Yoh', eetrea town hip, Mr. J• 11.3 H 1 nano. in the Shut 1r ar of his age. On Saturday, 21.1 not. Mre JAN', taYe of the Rev. Joseph Osborn, and daughter of ilia late John McMaa. tern Po nerol tho. ti.ty at to o'clock, A M. to proceed to the burying grou n d at Boela Chtsreh JUNIATTA 131..00512-45 too, in InOre and far a! e by KIER &JONEs, Cantd Boalx;, .en, 7ii; at IREANI TA RrA R— tilos lu•I reed dna ler sale by /521 Ft F: , W.LLER.. 57 Wood at_ M Bltß-1 bto ,ust reed and for sale by U Jr 2 R E ARRETT'S SNUFF —1 tierce rum recd and for kir 11/IIC oY .IFFC R E SELLERS LIQUORICE ROO r —4OO It,. prime Found, just reed nad tor ante by iynd It E SELLF:FtS S‘VISS kIUeII.INS--W R. Murphy has meanie:l a fresh supple air very cheap. Also, ens. broidererl Moslios, piain Mull Muslin, and barred Jaconeta, low priced and fine, at northeast corner and Market sta. FURNITURE Dtmrry-w 11. Murphy h. races. an d a f,,w p fe.• for su3nrn, brdjoltt the aim prier. or Ikt c , • • '' nin AT REDUCKI) }'RICKS —W K. Murphy Iw o band a few white and colored quilts, which he will clasc oat at lam pricey •a"/ =QM IS ILERESIT GIVEN to those who know theruselves indeeted to the Eat to ofJOHN wiirrrEN,dec'd, Pole of Pittsburgh.) that they are requested to call without delay tool asit'e teen accounts with Richard Floyd, at the W 416101.13 or .1 le R. Floyd, Round Church Buildings, Liberty soon Those neglecting this innice longer than thirty dsys, may expect that their accoucta will Wen he in Um hands of a proper officer for collection. Al A RG A RET WHITTEN RICHARD FLOYD, EMPIRE MINSTRELS, WOULD tender their sincere thank. to the citizens of Pt:ulnaell for their very liberal patronage Ws paid THREE WEEKS, and bcg leave to announce that the) will again entertain their friends at APOLLO HALL, MONDAY EY'G, JULY RI, On whichoecarion new Songs, new Dances, An. tee. will be introduced Driore open 9171—Concert to commence at 8. trig e... 1.5 cents )Y23 OUL—The highest market price In oath, will be W paid for the different geodes of Wool, by & W HARBALIMI, .rdl No S 1 Water and 101 Front at `OVA c•ks soda Ash i re e'd and for sale by ) 8 W HARS4ITOH ACON SHOULDERS-4 auk. jut rota and for W FLARBAUGN Cza , E-31bober prime Cream Mmes., jag reo'd and for W. by jra ea. w lIARIBAUGH_ ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY• WONDERFUL, AMUSING AND INCOM PERE EN S IHLE. Nir O. THOMAS will deliver o Leetare on the Newly discovered meant of Electrical Pay ehology or Mental Electricity, at PHILO HALL. this ceening,.and will exhibit a seines of e xperunant. more utoriaking than magic upon poisons wide awake, from among the audience. whose voluntary motions and be coinpletely controlled—their &gut, Speech, Hearing and Memory taken away and restored at will. The taste and appearance of water changed to that of vinegar, lemonade, to., the latter producing intoxication Doors open at S o'clock. Adenimon 25 cents. J7225721° WESTERN MINSTRELS, VVILL have the ?leasure of tug three of th en. GRAND CONCERTS of Ethiopian Enteroon meats. at thn EAGLE FULL—extran. on Fourth s root—on Monday, Tuesday and Wedoesilay ee•n tugs, JULY TJJ, 24th and 251 b, consisting of Songs. Glenn, Choruses and Burlesques, from the most popu lar cornpo.rs of the day. For songs. ree programme. Mr Admittance. 25 cook, Doom open at 7j—Con en commences at 11 o'clock. jy:Ck/L'lt PATENT RIGHT NOTICE. T i t i e E ed P m " e i lfG a rort e 2 . l " e .Vgi t A h ;4 ' sUlNiVE: MENT IN ATMOSPHERIC CHUR.N DASHERS, - are Ira B Parson, Baltimore. Md., for Maryland and Middle and Wearers Virimmat 0 Mardantel, Pitts hargh, Pa, for Western Penney Incite. Southern 1 , h,0 and Kentucky; and Charles E tfutehilmon, Cleveland. 0. for Northern Onto and Indiana Whenever additional Agents arc appointed, due no tice will be given Any. person or persona infringing on my rights, will I. prosecuted according io Inc. CHARLES J. ANTHONY. New York, July llth. 134 N B —The Chapin Patent covers all forms of cavity n the Rotary Beater or Dasher. Applreanons or 'tate, County, or Township Rights. to he mode to O. IIIACDANI EL, Burkels ront:d3uterShn'T Fourth street, Pinshureh TO CONTRACTORS RAI.ED PROPOdALS will he received at the o , fice of the James Ricer and Kanawha Company in Richmond, awn the 20th day of August nett, for the construction of the connection of the Company's Canal with the tide water of James River at Richmond, from the Basin along the line of the old locks, and through the R chmond Dock. This work will consist of live locks of 13 ki-l0 feet lift. with short intermediate such culverts. wan., w.tes, street bridges, /cc , . shall be neeessary; We mimic of the walls and em. hankment of the present Dock: the ext•mion of the Dock a few hundred - feet eastoraofly, and the construc tion of an outlet lock at We lower cud thereof, capable of admitting the largest vessels corning to toe port of Richmond. Sealed proposals will also he received at the 1111100 time and place. until the same date, for the construc tion o' the following works. For thu construction of the connection or the Coln pant s canal with the Flivanna neer at Colum'on This work will consist of a canal four and o half ui”es Meg, a timber dam across the Rivanna river ot h• mane Mills, a stone gu .rd lock, and several riCver.. For iheconstruction of the co once two Ol the COll, pany'a canal with the James river al Cariersvilie bay work will ',insist of a timber dam acre-. Jtlttleg river, the eetelt/1311011 of a lia•to Perrilierion, anl a con. fro Pemberton to James river iCani feet long, with it I m m k of It met ret ,3 For Mgconstrtienon of the connechon of the l'oro prny'• canal onth the James river near New Cain IT s work will consist of timber dam across Jane., lover she rgeavatuni of a canal Find wet long, aim a ck of 8 fern .Ift. 4 A wooden brulgo!across James neer et Herd oorksvtllis 7111 et long, supported by cone 11-o. o•ut 140 .ee• apart 3 . ts.onand •e ar. Judomesiver to Bent (:reek 610 legit ' long, supporte ra d by stone piers ninon. 11u feet apart. TI is work will he puid eurreni hunk nut., Besides It, wool reservation oi PO per ce , on tta. monthly eat mates. the COI 1 attor or ro be required to give ample Resort'''. sntis...y 1 • Ike Board of Directors. for the comply , . o t work at the time and al the manner spedtbeu . the t onlr•et, Ilene , of the above won will he ex hthtted. nod ape. eafice.inas thereof delivered to the contrortorv, at the C.. ..veto's office in Ra-litno,d, t tne sth day or nu gust next en app tea .0 3lr. F. Gill the Vent urer in charge of the tt-le•orater connect... and SI r Jon, Coco. the Vngtneer in char-re ot the other work% above eau., rated After the recetpt of the p.0pa,01.. time wtll he mean for the conatdereurn Oberro u tee Ltd ef Reale toontu, on • bleb day, lu emu- the proporele should be found sattstechary, me several robe, aa above ad, ...sod, will De let. WAI-rEn. GWYNN, • . • Clner Hoginear of .1 II hK Richmond July IS, 1,49 ra:dttb.o. Information Wanted RANCOE ftIE.LLIEUR, Penner and Trimmer I" left Toronto, Canada, for New Orkinns Hu cite restiltng in this city, retested a letter from him at N Orleans, dated January 20th. ICI9, requesung her in come to him at New Orleans. which she d. ia)ed (finny in consequence of the prevalence of choiern in tee stouth. &nen that One she has wet ten to her hasiistid repeatedly, bathos been unable to hear any units of hula Any intonation respecting hint is anxiously solicited by his distressed ante in this city Ann per .oo wetting, will picas° direct letter to -Gazette other. Pittsburgh ''• trr ;gear Orleans Reap one will publish the above to auxt.sil or Si, and charge Gnzrtte, Puts burg h. iyttlalat RO I L; y A l i nkM a Ajl e C lIS EG , A O R.— Tu Th e 1 of , g h ; Vinegar render it , far superior to Co utd loose logne water for the ordinary purposes of the toilet, wrpm•ing the .at. ter to Its perfume. It prevents and removes pium.cs. rester and asperity of the skin, it refreshes and whitens the skin, rendermg it toll and smooth. It corrects the clammy and bitter taste of the mouth, importing a fresh and pleasant breath. It clean.. and whitens the teeth, and hardens the gums. For all the above par. posos. it ts used withwater in such Proportion u may be found most agreeable. By inhaltug it and mulling don the temples. it alll remove headache. If applked knstantly to a burn or bruise, it will eventually prevent mortification. It corrects vitiated air, and guaranties from contagion, it is therefore very useful (or panning and perfuming apartmenm. For sale by A E SELLERS. Wholesale Druggist, 121 57 Wood street, I ittsourglt Poplar Lumbar. HE subscribers havre err band a superior for of Nola, Timber, 50 and 00 legit long, which they f mar to order. NF.VILLE B. CRAIG & SON, fy2l:d3t Outlet Saw Mill, Allegheny Coy . Elantit. . 1,000 B A CON r HAMS, ...M,AUne cure," aea for etruele, m store and for a•bt by jral da , A BORDON Night Line of Omnibuses, - (AN TILE LAN RENCF:VILLE ROAD.—Ass Omni wi.l leave tee Diamond to Putaburck every evening at 1. 9 and IC Well:wk. Leaves Lawrenceville C and 9P. M. N. . J. BREIDENTII.AI - 4.% FOR BALI —Abright bey HORSE, ). wood and moored to eloglo or double Ilar ne To be sect at RODI' PATTERSON'S • Me Gy m m. Stable. 4tb street. yr - 21 dlt GOOD BOONS EOB.SLNIMER READING. Tanen—Now* from Life. —Note. from Books. Ganso-Btory of Battle of Waterloo. New Itmon. FoLartaron—Grantley Manor. Maddleton. Osel Creek Letters. Merry Mount. Eta/To—The Salamander. A lißOTFl6—Stimarter in Scotland, en . .. ate. For .ale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Olt 63 Wow it JOURNAL OF THEFRANKLIN-INATITUTIL POR THE PROMOTION oe ruz MECHANIC ARTS. THE oldest hleehnincal Penodlcal extant in Axnen ea. Is pahltsbed on the first of each mouth in the any of Ph il adelphia. It but been regularly . issised to upwards Of ...WV three years, and to coma .y edited by • commuter of scientific gentlemen appointed for I Tl P iet " rs ' e * ;v b e y di th y ' al F grrep 4 it u ta l i n tot, "' hOth at home and abroad, whiert thts Journal has acquired and swain rd, has given it a circulation and exchange list of me best eharacter. srh•ch enables the COinmittee on Pah l/cane is to make the hest selections from. Foreign incrusts, and to glee circulation to original con:mum. alumni on mechnnical ands ental.' subiec s, and no nce, o , new Inweollutta; notirea of all the Patent. oo•u -ed at the Potent Office, Witsbintton City, are pabhan ed in the .1 ttrnal. together Until a large amount of fin ed formailon on hlechantes. Chemtstry, and Cistl Engi. nee ring, derived from the latt at nod hest auntoritio, Thla Journal is publ.shed on the first of each mooth. each number cotiquning at least •.• verity-trio pages, aid forms two •olurnes anitnally of about 4 Ii pages each, illustrated wall enter/icings on eoppor and on wood of those an • itl I. wide': require them Tne subscript on price is Five Dollars per y annum, yable on the completion of the sty number, a. will In forwarded free of poll ali ge when flee dol nes ate remitted to be Ac'onry tpostage paidi in advance for One year 's subscripuoe Communications and le ten on business eta.. be di rented lo • the Ae nary of Me Franklin Institute, Phil. Pennsyiv•ms, - nor postege paid. WILLIAM IIAoILTON. 1721 , Mm Armory F I AAA A ri :soAr—,s merived and .1 sale by tlh W HAKHA UGH. 5 W•irr •t y'DOW GLASS—IOU b/s .I , d ved and tarsal , by iy O S Wll,lll.l.tUtt DRIRD Lt. Jam ree'd and f, r stile by 1)2 0 S W HARUALIGII rt,RI ED APPLES-200 bash AM tee d and for sole ,Lir by 1720 S&W HARHat; ill Fniti-100bbls large No 2 Mackerel, Boston !tome, lion; 50 half bhls do do; 50 Wits No 2 do, mat rcen and for sale by )y2B L B WATERhI N IfOBACCO—S7O Itas s's Tobacco, on nund •na to tHrive in • (ow days, some of "stook are Monne brands and o' superior quality, reed on constgoment and Ms sale by iyeo L WATERAIAN CHAD AND HERRING—A less Male of mink ye 0 on hand and for sale by Llyo L 8 WATERMAN WHITEBEANS-38 bble White Realm, on hand and for sale by Jrlo L 8 WATERMAN r A R4-sti erocks, superior anlde for family use 111.1( received and for tale by )Y 2O _ L S WATERAI A bl - rainculturs is the most heatthy, most users!, most no bler toploy mem of man.' —Wasmsaros. TAfilEfil CAN AU rUCELTU HIS r and PAESI ER'S CAW NET—ls published on the first of sr, ry mouth. Terms: One dollar n year in advance' Three copies one or one coDY Three year.,B4 .oght cape. one it. year Cif sent to one address; etsi Twenty copies, S Niter .4/Iterate's will be fumiahed with Ste back numbers Bail or any of the volume. Seven volumes sow published. Bound vi-lames in complete seta, or in eeparaie vat. eines, tarnished al Ono Dollar and Twenty , five email each. JAMES D LOCKWOOD, 63 Woad at 4, IIECLA mole WORKS.,, T iii i i , ...4 . l , tr d ib r r, e . o:l i, l7;, l„ the roimufhetere of hVIIIGIITS. The business of the fi .aTe fl o r r m ' o V f O \Vo p otl ' IFldwards be settled at our tVure• house, No. Water street. JAMES WOOD. •JOSEPII M'ENIGIIT Jyl9idat ‘‘ ILLI MlCril 16 HT GSEEN SATIN PASOSOLfiI—W. S. Alurphi :pi • received a few of the above, of the new finish, without fringe, and very supenor quality. jylu (Ali —1 few gals hleached Sperm Oil: 1500 do colon,' ‘_,/ do do; I Dal do brown Tanner.' Olt, In Ohl. Souls do dc, Msada bleaehed winter Whale Oil, in store a ildfor saki by JOS AIILLES le. FUCKETSON SALAD OIL-40 baskets nice Salad Oil, taiii i &e:d and for sale by )yld hIII.LER 8. WC QTARCII-30 hxy Bounright's, Lennon), and StrabN Starcb, In stare and for nale by btle MILLER & RIM-RW{ON • BulrEr* - 6 (or do zlt He tr er - Bnekets; 0 do do Tub., in 111 0 MILLER to RICKFrSON SWEET AND DRY MALAGA WINES—IO qr erica Stott Malaga Moe; 35 lad!. bid. dry do do Jon mbeived .od for sole by MILLER & RICKET&ON OUSEGILFAS-4137it French CTeik Shingles, c n 119 aignment and Ibt sale bi naxa ilia RICEMON FOR RENT, iIIFOUR new a c t inary Brink Dwelling lianges, well finished complete coder. on Centre Aeenne. ifLAErnersoille rood, ...th Ward. Poe. mouton peen imintiately. Rent low. En of JOHN WATT A. CO, Jyto 4toner Überey and Hand eta ASTOLOGY. R de deft r! , ( E t . l N ie Z° A. ' st 6 n7l:gt ' a b r W 9fre t i "P et hi y b r e erna P m the city for a .hors tune, and may be consulted on all the attain of human life, at Ploslll, St Clan at. Attendance from 3to ss. Fee from 30e to SSA Mr Lorenzo is the only person who predicted emvect ly the marriage of Queen Victoria, and described her husband. two years before it rook place. P S —Bring the time of birth with mg.. 5Y 19 . 1 2‘.. I L CLOTUS—On hand and for sale, by N M'Clin ki Lock, at his Carpet Warehouse, a large and an ts muse assortment of Oil Cloths, varying from 72 dies to tr4feel wide, cut 10 Batt any .12e lan, room or vestibule The awonment congests of the latest and most approved styles and colon. /Y. W NDCLINTOCK URES.II ARRIVAL—Of extra sap 3 ply Im plenal r Carpets, of new nod nett styles, at the Carpet Warehouse of IV NTCLINTOCK, to which we invile encl.en of these sgishing to furnish steam boats or houses. tO call and examine. our extensive stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. /YU, v RF:SiT WORK ON COAL.—Tay lor'. Statistics on Jf Coal—The geographical and geological diatribe ts in of mineral combustibles or fossil fuel, including, also. the various mineral littumiuous substances eso p'o)ed in arts and :liana. cinrcs. Marveled by maps aid diagrams; embracing from olf, lel reports of the ,sl-produring trountrica, the respective amounts of Pieir production, consumption and commercial distri• tt buon, in all parts of the world; prepared by Bombard Cowling Taylor, in one vol. non For sale by a 2O JAN D LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood at II)LACK ' , ILK PARASOLS—W. R. Illoitenv has et , nerved a lot of above article, some of which art o an extra sim. 1919 Clerk - Wanted. (:nods buttons . iso experienced ,o, Salesman n ., l p n i the Dry i / V alsidtf IV 11. GARRARD, 79 Mari t at Ten - LI , . en 9P.TS-4`onitantly receiving it IA the Carper Warehouse of Wt ADCLINTOCK, . Fourth street. superfine and fine Ingrain Corpora, rich In colors and design. to Os bleb we invite the at. iennon of purchasers. alb WANTED, A B g. l;;k:K . S n S t llT u F r l n e n. aza n b . le .. a . f h m;k o l r n k g . 6 . al ,. l pane, for naont Wait Works, and repaliang .mall cream engine nal hnt:era A good situation is now offered to such a person, to hicusell in I usiness where he can en:lpin two'or three bands. Apply to KIER & JONY'S, or the subscribers, near Tarentuni; for further information. THOMAS KIER, LEWIS PETERSON Saline Salt Wanks. July 18. 1,19. BATHING. E I t t., ; T u , F:t4l . l n E DOLLAR, nr a aingic andlk.p.ir•fneon nprn I . l'oll L. to It o'clock, A. M-. und 2to Wein , 11 Ant, a•unn $. , 00 and Bathing Etnahltshment t%I. T. a I nI.L. Pranntetor. '.". R R'o ttßl ' ,..(; a•c N ' Ll '! y e;'1,4 7 . c h 4 t(T, 1 for • 122 Liberty nt •••• —1,51.1 , 1• \ 0 Nlolosies; ID do IS lido, or n a a ha tmws.N. LITITE 1k CO jai• ua• ,u ns n•c'd awl tot t 10.11 , i I rria.: &co V A L.N .4- - , n kro. • tr!.. os.'d Alres, GO do on ,p,r, ton! no:orts I 'tor I ro,, for 1) . 1- NOttl+l In LC & CO ;0511 si. r% No. •nd 5: Haut. g; 50 i) do t.esithewo,k, 9,0 bi lorr 0 aro. for .ale by /7 1 ' itk , LI,UN. 11 rrLE it co 1 sr ls .. x d pt i v s , m ro . e , S t !: r o I d r d t 0; 0 u . gx 060y nd JY , ROBISON, & r 0 I\ Plan bush drted roaches, Ito do do .I, ityr vuo by ROBISON, LITTLE: & CO 1114 Pirosi , , a prime ardele. in•t recd •,,d !id i,y i)l4 ROdlSittit. LI cri.r. & co C'LOOO-I:]bore, nj 64 W Glass ,6, assid ai, sa , 0 r 0.7 ilfl-ON. 1.1 rri.F: & CO • D .07 . 1,111-21sr rm. kv Wrapping Paper,JUlE recd CC a, d tor •a, r.y j, le 91 , F1-4/N ITTLE &Co ill,r o s r , 21, 00.. Non 7,0, 7 0 and Lunt d, l , , aelr By ROBISON. LITTLE & CO F.311-,10 61/1a large n•ari No 3 Mackerel. do do d^ No I thoM Herrings; 111 do Pickled No I Salmon, io store and for . saie by /VI" 11/IIN WATT & CO 121 ,1 11-2 1 00's large Nod Baeiterel, hlassardiasetta Inspection, reeeived this day, (or art a by RHEY. MA fTHI:WS & CO, /I , V and , Water at Pit, IRON - 30 loon I',g moo. part son, for 1.:m.6,y, (or sole toy ryl a RORIOON, LITTLE &CO IMAR-201,01s N C. Tar. reed and for sale by lIIIEY, M ATTIIEWS & CO • F..‘ D-41.1 rge Lend, ,c'd and for sato by J IY' . MATTHEWS dr. Co YCA sr NUTS-6 bbtr Per. Nu,. purr rec.'d and for sale by !ylr , ROBItION, LIT. LE & Cll TWO HUNDRED ARD FIFTY DOL. L Alt!! KEW AHD ll lead to dh,e...70t 1 . % e h ntri n ' at n c a o s n 7m ' o such evil dssrassed persons who interfered to prevent she suppression of the bee in thss city on the lath, 1,, she ...GO. Oct c utting the Hose of the httsbursh cocoons.. gesierou•lv mmtn to the relief of the city, or. by Pire•ts, intimidating such portions of our own composites as o - ere disposed to save the roperty of their Ai:actin row Citizen. lrom p tm Mayor of the City of Allegheny. Ca-Pittoliorgli papers copy one week. Utd FRES.Ifi LOUISVILLE LIME-400 bbl. lostsec's! per steamer Lydia Collins: for sale by pi 17 C 11 GRANT, 411Vater st FAMILY FLOUR—SO tads tamer t Kirk's brand( do M ]bore's, to-day rte'd and for sale try. jyl7 ARMSTRONG h CROZER `Come round and hear. my puhne dear, Color hrar, and Jodgrr a gently— The prone .o terse, and dowine verse, Of us, thewits of Renaey. - -Boa. 01 B E kIISCEI.I.ANY.—.I.. D. Lot - swoon, tv Wood seet. h. for male a eomplete set artful, celebrated work. edaed by Charles LheSens and Aass worth. with alostraanns by Craikshant. G HANIS-40M II 5 extra turf 11:1C...7e by Iv 17 .1 I/ WILLIAMS, 110 Wood tt ARS—N. Orleans. Drawl. Ilavma, Loaf, Croeh lJ nod Dalretized. (or sale by J D WILLIAMS d r:a d t4c o a r d . l : 4 l :; b l ) oo lbe Layer, Gas 11 IL 3u t /YI7 J D‘NILLIAAIS DR(rBl2. CID /C/tLATII,Ier.--120 Itx• 1 ari7:ll Hu, II ma: 30 do do No. I Chocolate; 10 do do Cocoa; 30 do Aufelh Co Chocolate, reeelving to-day and for solo by DAGALEY & SMITH, 1717 1.9 and 20 Wood et HAVANA SUGAR—/Oho soperlor goal , V ity , for sale by Iyl7 BAGA LEY & SAIITII I AI.I•IRATUS-100 Los No I, for sale by /Pl 7 HAGALEY & SMITH mSCI . do of w loch wall be sold low for sash. fyl7tdrsv JOH N NCFADEN &CO DARK LIVEN LUST R ES—W Ltislorphy, at north it enal corner of Market and Fourth ms, hart open this morning a few pieces of dark [Arlen La. , • „ ars ., ~tmle__tor sacks and dresser. A 1.,, 1 . /..•01a Omen AIM and Tare satin, irtnged and ”lain—a few of the latter of Tare satin and handsome itmrh Also Fartett LITM,II, of a de irnble shade and quality,and MoNcrro Nan, —White, barred and colored Wholesale Room , up stairs, Whet., goods are offer ed to dealers extremely 1.., IYI7 A Partner Wanted, lulu) TN take apt inter..t of one third in the raid !rY .1 Stork of a Merelntile ft at dainK good !AnaI ,IPEA. which Call be rrea.e.l.•r will tell an interrat o• one of the [MU, whntr health will not permi• of an :,ve nevi ee A per•on wt•tki , ,g In invest II .mall rap. • al. w.l• find i A u ravoratne opporianny rarely to be net a., For ,u/ the, .nforan, &es. Itt)X VS, to tdi ll er. with real name. mit All tith communication. eon. -- - WY. • PC-11•1t.ATKISSON. SCA IFE ATKINSON, Purr rr torrwaal Wt.tt .Olean. Prersaoaoa - lON:TINE I- to ionnutneture all ilt•ds or COPPER. U TIN AND SHEET IRON WAIL& Also, Black south Work. 'Steam Boca built to order. • 1/7170 I n ' ts " s e :::1Ta n Ete ' asao n 'rt'sn'e'"'„t boat wort. Bran lieu les. W are. a c... 4 e. v in Cooking Slnvr, Portal,- Forges. vanous uses—is very convenient ar. Lone for steamboats., Calffornia emlaratas, or rail road coW e mamea p would respectfully Invita steam boat men and where to call and see oar 8111CieS and prices before ;.urchasina eloesvbere. 4,17 TO CONTTLACTORS I) ROPOSAI,S will be received by the undersitined Committee ot ,rbool Director. of Second Ward. l'ltetber h, (or furnishio• matt-nal. and budding • Punhe t , citoe' :n .aid Ward, arcoreing to plan. eect ipecdiesnott, vvittch will ba ready for examine. .tonn Weilitesuay, the 16th tall., at the store of A ./..ynes, Fourth street. Bids will be received until linte.daY. the :Aith toot.. et 6 o'aloclt, P. M. A. JAYNES. iYM , 11125 R. ItIIt.LFIR. Jr. ) F. 2 PUNIER V— Rnu sel ; a Arumouc Vinegar; do Phdtronae: do Mc Made OS, 2 awn; fine Stooli ng Sake; do do Row Soap: do do Paleholy do; do do Rootlet do; do. Compound Og filarioin; lust reed rind for nale by )vitt R F:SELLF:RS. 57 Wood id I) ER Ft: VI LRY—llauel's Lily White, d afros; do L Renee 011; do Seel Marrow; do Plritieome; do Nitriprt Soap; Jug received and (or sale by J) R ESELLERS ID-1000 jugs Galena Lead, in store and for sale I,4Lr jyte JAMES A HUTCHISON &C 0 11 , 1r—I0 kegs as carted Shot, for sale by JYI6 J A M E.S A HUTCHISON & CO b 1 4 -136 bales \f1..00 ri Hetnn tor sale by .yttl J AMES A HUTCHISON & CO t/I.DEN S 1 RCP-1n Ws and hi bbl., and Itt :01t ken, tor .nle 4 JAMES A HUTCHISON &CO. aid Agents for St Lou. Steam Sugar Refinery `1:t; AR HOUSE MOLASSES-10 Was St Lowe So o ear house Molaeses. for sale by juin JAMES A FIL'TCHISON A. CO ' ale \ a U 4 ' at A n i Gel ' i - 1 - 11 " g S ugar. , loo t, crushed, JA NIES A HUTCHISON & CO. IYIe L^ Ars St LOU. steam SursLliefiner7 62 LA:AR HOUSE NIOLASSM--1113 bids sugar house C . ) Nlolassea, see'd on mats:gamma and fur tow to clue by DROWN & CULBERTSON, usiel 145 Liberty at I ' , VERY PURCHASER OF DRY GOODS should ri call at MASON & CO'S cheap One Price Store, b. Alnrk“ wreol, for bantam.. They sell good foal em hired LICICIIA for a cams, Orgendre do for cue; Scorch Itmahauss lite; feel cold Cwieoc4l-4, G ue Merrimack do Be; beet qua.ity do 10,.. rirli 1-4 dn. 154 r; Ilrown I. eaehrd Sll3Ollll. 44c, (Oc t Fo 4 trots; , Muslin acid loop Collars G.) to 10:, elegant Ilua , o, Copra (root 73 ma to SON), asgether with the greatest ' , newsy of ocher cheap gaods to be found to the 41 •-•ir ra roohiry. 14 , rneinber the notnbcr,i,ll Market at. )ylI A A MASON In CO AcKEHEL,_ISO bola No 3, Mau. mapeetion, 1E49 71.1 hf do do - ast received and for sale by MILLER tr. RIC1IF:r8ON. /Yl 6 . _17:1 and 174 Liberty et 1)A CON—Ham - S; Shebldero and Sides, on consbin. meat end for sale by JY IG MILLER k. RICKETSON - - - A1.PIIATI:8-30 br• Pa/era/us, roar ree'd and for 0 ddlY by /Yid ATILLEII & PICKET/30N 4:: IN/AR HOUSE AND PLANTATION NIOLAYS CY Sba?-300 bbl. actor Plantation Molluscs; 60 do do straw house c.o. in store and for sale ay rod AI/Lick:A 4 faCKLIBON C. 2 OAP -15D bre brown Clillionthe soap; 100 bag No do do, In slots slots and far sale by Old MILLER Ic EICKEIVON AUCTION SALE& By John D. f1avt...1...... Staple and Fantle Thy Goode, On Honda morning, July It3d, at 10 o'clock, at the Commercia y l Sales Foom, corner of Wood and Fifth street, will be sold, with ou t A large easormnent of foreism mai domestic Dry Goods, omef . which are Splendid lawns, balthrum, be ogee. de lain.. super prmts. French mud Manche.. e 4 gingham., shawls, hdlrft, be. ler, gloves. leghorn bonnets. paraso!, umbrellas, table cloths, cheeks, sheetinha, superfine cloths, euestraerea sannens, fan cy resting", tweeds, So. At 2 on!ock, Gateman Queensware, Farmture, dm. Young Hymn and lamer:al yea, Va manufactured tobacco, No I palm soap, 10 bbls stnekar, corn and seethes. Mose!, spades, forks, axes, brace and bits writing and wraptang paper, transparent window blinds, mantel clocks, loolanc classes, I/Isar:sate, NO. t o'clock, Fashionable ready A made clothing, boots and shixs, hats, caps. leather trunks, whirs, saddles, near and second band gold and silver watches. hoe table and pocket cutlery. fancy goods, !se. 1110 SS REWARD. OSr—on Sunday, lit July, a niedtrun sine square 14 glints BRF.AST PIN. dark blue color. The find er will receive the above reward by leaving it at 11. RiCHARDSON'S Store, on Market s Copartner•hip. THE undersigned have Mb , dey assoetated with theca la business JACOB L SCHWARTZ, cutd ton tllmo the business as heretofore. under the firm of B. A. FAHNETOCK A CO. IYI3 EZIMEN SCOTOH ALF-50 dot onto , / Itevb OnpeltOtnint, to amve in a day or no. For sale by lylO JACOB %I 1 AVER. Jr FOR GREENWOOD GARDENS. The steam boat A. taken MASON has the place (tribe Thos Scott, as a regalia, packet to a Garden—tearing th e Greenwood wildar bo tt at o'clock, A. M., land at the beginning of each hour until P. M ; last trip from the garden at 10 cho'clock Punctuality - will he observed. Pared cents; ildren under 12. hal/price. The attention of Me ettikens is invited to this healthy and pleasant resort dm*/ this hot and mktg . fOLLSOn. All kinds of refreshments,, except intoxicating drinks, are kept on the prenatwa. Greenhonse Plants. drink ers, Bouquets of ch•we dowers , 00 sale. Closed on Sun day. 1717 JANIM A GRJCULTURF.. Ac—Downing'. Landscape Gar dening, Ac. , to. do Cottage Residences, shot do Fruits of AMMIC L, 1 • LI10, do dos/I...maims' plates, den; London Gardentng for Ladies, lgiso; The Rose, its r Who, err. nen, by Parsons; Allen on the Grape, coal Prince'. Pornologicat Man ual, Ann do on the Grape, gnu.i clarion Agnculture, thickV do Go:ileum/1 thick 'rem do Try., and Shrubs, MI Pro; Downing's llorucultuntt Eno; Amens. Agrtqulturist, Seo. For tale by tyl J D LOCKWOOD, 13 Wood st I 3:113333 rIMIF. partners' 1p heretofore existing nnaer the firm o A A. ( 11RA 111.F:T. ie dissolved try the decease of Mr. i • Bradley The business will he ca rried on by A Bradley. wt. will settle the Walesa& of the late firm. REMOVAL—A. Raab., hem removed has Foundry Warenotwe tram Na 'l2 Second street, to No. I 9 Rood street. Ivivreen First end Second streets, o the warrhoure iately occupied by G. A. Remy. where be will keep eonstantly oil hand a general assommont of Castinga (rote,, Stoves. Cooking Stoves. ac. fy 13 ARS—lmported Principe, and Hammes, of all sixr• and colors of the moat approved branda, for role cheap by jylo JACOB WEA Vb:fl,..br POTASH casks Potash. landing per renal boat J I Bennett, and for sale low to elom by jciit J AS RAI ZELL. Water st - _ N b la Pecan Nuts, just seed on concgtonent and for rale by Iris MILLER h RICILF7NON A/ R. CIII F.-57 hse prlme NV R Chetge. land . by e and Al Lane %Ile for sale low V JAMES PALZELL BACON -9 oullo clear Side, in store; for rale by 171 9 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO. Front st 1114 OGS HF.ADR-_ csks, B bbls in .tort; for We by iYl3' 11A1AH DICKE'S' & CO COTTON -1I bale. now landing; fin tale by jy 13 I ...MA H DICKEY & CO LAS —lOO kx% kilt) Windows Glass; 75 do 10:19 2- 5 do 10014 00: 10 do 7x9 do, received end for male by R LIKY, MATTHEWS &CO. IT I7 2,9 st BROOMS -3o dox extr• Corn Flrnoms. reed .91 fot sale by iyl3 1041.79, ATTHEWS kCO _ _ BACON—tdoo lb. Sides dud Shoulder., iee'd and for sae by 'yid R SI AT CHEWS it CO COTTON -105 bales Conon, in more and for sale by /91 3 [MEV. MATTHF.WS re CO E:Aril BRANDY-29 I:1641111mo year old Permit P Brandy, reed on consignment and for aide by jy 9 TASSEX re BEddr AifGRIOVLTUR. - kg.—Ainortean Farmer's Finer. clopedia, biro Idndlc)'• • tumble Kingdom, dvo. Dory'. llistourse• on Agriculture, An, Sehlmdeu—The Plant. emu . • Liebiec Agricultural Chemistry, 12mo. American lie• Book, , 2 mn. -•• • • . American Farm Boot, 12mo. Allen's Domestic Manuals, 12mo. Icebster & Park', Doinewte Economy, thice Bvo. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD. /71 9 113 Wood in /71 ERMAN CLAY-20 csk• rec: l l , l A ts E d r az Z i rcor IJL sale by ITI2 PIA NUTS-300 boob in store and for sale by 11 1 2 TASSEY & ItERT Q UNDRIEB-11 bales Cotton: Y bbl. No 1 Lord( 12 0 bags Feathers,. arrive, for sale by /Yl 2 ISAIAH DICKEY A Cq Front st Q UNDRIE , . —4 bbls No I Lord 2 rides Racon; 21c• 0 Beeswax. 4 bags Ginseng 10 do Feather.; now 'anther/ from steamer Ciummi; for sole by 1912 ISAIAH DICKEY & Ca MEETZI A Toon man In a wholesale and mall dry ro ods wore—pos sea alotwi with the hatilieWiihrecirie well recommended. Ann?) , al In Market sh. iYftlf IJITRAPPING PAPER-6110 my .morted, for role ly low by jy 12 J SCHOONMAKER &CO LAMP BLACK-30 bbl. for rale by jyfy J SCI-100N MA KEK & CO lOPPFaLAS-30 bbh In fine order, for No low by ‘J /Yll J SCHOONMAKER. h rzo LARD 01L-10 bbls best quality, for sale by J SCHOONMAKEFI& CO TIACON--6 casks clear Side. instoic_ for sale by D jyltt ISAIAH DICKEY& CO LARD -200 bblo No lin store; rot sale by :19 11 ISAIAN DIC KY fr. CO 1311.INTLYU INK—Book and News, for sale at man ufacturers prices by jy 12 J SCHOONSIAKER & CO, 21 Wood st ARTBOOFI PAPER, of yequaitlor sob, lilt sc 4 d ln UATCEM AND JEWELRY. The subscriber' hesininron hand a fine a“ortment of best Eng lish and Geneva Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watch es, at as low prices as are offeredin the Eastern chic., all in good order and warranted. W W WILSON, Jill corner Rh and Market, au TM:dß—id tibia large No 3 Mackerel, Massachusetti ovayertion, recelving from canal and for We by /YIO JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO WATCH REPAIRING—In all its branchts, car fed on with speetal care and attention. Hay tha the moat skilful and experienced workmen in toy employ, and giving • constant personal notation to this branch. I can promise the best saasfaction to all who may favor me with their work. . . W W WILSON, Wntee hinter, 57 Market at ►)O rruE CORRS--.., bales pones, long and short, lost received and for sale by 11" I R SELLERS. 57 Wood st NERICAN VER3IILLTOS-1 recce just rec'd .Ad ill for salr by Jill R F. SELLERS S PS. TI RP ENTIN E. AND TANNERS' OILS bbl, comb, Jaen received and far -gale by E SELLERS el VAL PILL BOXES-3 oaks But meld nud for eala 9_, lly IY' i R E SELLERS 11000PPR'8 ISINGLASS-9 b. jual reed and for 1 / sale by /911 R E BELLERA PULVERISED SUGARS—Roy We wholesale and row!, all gredel., by 19111 JACOB WEAVER Jr THE. MOST REMARKABLE WORK tW THE AUE.—LAvsao's Nthavirm—Nineveh and its Ro omier; with an account of a visit to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, and Yemdm, or Devil Won shippers; and an inquiry 111L0 the manners and arm of th en e anett A wyrimie, by Aueren Henry LA)gtd,Fiq. D. C in two volumes, with numerous Ilustrations, .1 - here is a remattalde" Mid delightful vombhiation in e work before es, sf valie d seovery and in. teres th dn mti S personal namation, sorb as we remember in no similar work of travel or ii”eovery • • Mr. Lay" and is not surpassed by mo old travelers. In the won ders of the story he has to telt, he very ninth surpass es Mem all. “We repeat that there he, been no each picture In any reorient book or travel.. Park In not braver or more adventurous, Burkhardt to not more truthful, gothen not mare pay or picturesque, than the hero of the book before a."—l.onuon klinculner. •Otto of he most remarkable works of the ego."— London Time.. Ja.s received and for male by 171 I . JAMES LI Lfh.litlVOOD, Iq Wood st ritllF. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI AND LOWEIs I . VILLE TELEGRAPHCOMPANT. ha. Seel.. .ed a Dl.lend or Three Per cent. for the lam gunner, p.y ß bk, or .pd taker the 16th [tie office of Pal• me, Hanna P. Co. JOSHUA HANNA, Treas. jyto POTASH -4 cells Potaab, on band ani (or sale by REYNOLDS te SHIRE FAMILY FLOUR-35 Gbh. Fatally Flour, on:coa slenment and for sale by '- 17 11 REYNOLDS &SAE _ . ATCREs, JgWELRY, AND SIITVEIII WARE. • • TILE sabieriber, who btu been in Laainess Isnle,ilrallb;erti buil ding en n A it ' ,U th o e f I rti t o th lt i l e iran n P I 731 . 1: •• - er Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, at retail, a nthe very lowest pores. Gold and Silver English Patent Lever Watches. Gold and Silver Darla Lever and Leone. Watches. _bold and Sliver Horizontal and verge Walchea Gold and Silver Independent Second Watches for litmus bones. Gold Gaited, fob and vest Chains. Gold Spectacles. Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens. Ladies' Gold and Stone Bracelets. (told Lockets. ,Gold and Silver Thimbles. Diamond Ring. and Pins. Ladles' and Gentlemen.' Breastpins. Sterlinc Silver Spoons, Caps, Forks, fee. Gold Watches as low as VO m 1523 each. %Vetches and Jewelry exchanged. Spoons and Fork, plated on German Silver tine arbele. All watelms wanamed 16 keep good time or the money returned. Jewelry repaired, sod Wnelies cleaned and repaired In the Lest manner, at mock less than Mr %mend pnees. - GEO. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jewelry, wholesale and retail, 61 Wall street, (op stairs,) NEW YORK. Bradawls • F6 , 40171Tik tSI - C4,/ Eastphoho iloo piss a o Taylor& Cols sugar cured do; 2S do Leeds & Son lO do Hiller, Brown & flawklus' do do do, all can vused amd yellow washed, in store and for sale by 19 0 SELLERS A. NICOLA vir ATONES-3as t rem:l,Q from Ltrorpool, direct • very fine lot of Gelid and tithrm Patent LAWS. Watchea.made ezprosoly to tinier, by me of the beat mmulactoring c•tablialmenu Also, a complete msorment of G 0. " ... and En. Gold and Silver Watches, flora ate to MEG. Gold Chains, He kx. m W WILSON, Watch Maker, corner Fourth mu Market Ca, NEW LIGHT—We have reeetired a lot of Lamy. of 'arolos eases and kinds, of a new eoastmetion, that I s quite ~,h p le and complete—Some°roan:coml. Also, the article to born in theta Called "Hamra Fluid, or Dhonal Oil.. It has rate at:odium toid recommend it to the attention if alien, boat man, hotel s e , c os, and hour, keepers, Cu; eleanlineas, ecooomy, u. a brillianeY, ' , Ulnas... any Haug portable now in ute. Persons who please tb call an Os Flit ,OO shows the boo ullanties of this ae w eoultround. *constant ElpplY of the Fluid and Lames kr pt by SORIFER ATKINF.ON, First ni, jttYl betweeh Wood and Market STEAM BOATS The light dr.ne n ',airier Reno. master. 'NU leave for the above and Intermediate ported. day MWM=I For Smelt or panne, apply on beard, or to nt FEITIOR FOR CITiCINNATI ,AND LOUISVILLE. The splendid new simmer ni a s i s LYDIA COLLINS, 11.11 t 'Ranter, master vrill leave for tln .box sod all ititermediato- ports on Sattordey. the '2lll, at I. o'clock. A. M. For tre:ght or passage, apply on boort, Or to lytl D. W BOSS, Aga. • 0 lIQOINNATI t. /I TT S 13-1.1103111 DAILY PACKET LINE. rrniA well known line of splendid passen,Ker Steam ' ere now comp:nod n o e l e loges; swlltasts Gal a finished and furnished, and powerful bouts lia waters of Are West Every uscommedation and eon. fon that money can procure, bus been provided (or pas sengers. The Late has been in opention for fire yeah —has earned a million of people without the lead Ir4s. ry to their persona. The bouts will be at the foot of Wood street the day previous to starting, (Or the me,. non of freight and the entry of passengers on the p ute• ter. In elf eases the panne money must he in advance. SUNDAY PACK-FT. The ISAAC NEACTON, Captain HempAl4 vii leave Pittsburgh every Senility morning at 11l dee* Wheeling every Sunday evening at lu R st. May , 1547. _ _ MONDAY PACTIECE,I' . The MONONtiMIELA, Capt. Sao., will leave Pb.. burgh every Mendny monting at 10 o'clock Wham/hag every Monday evening at 10 r. X. • 'l4. l E , SlDAYVkettikirs The 111BERNIA No. 2, Capt. J. litutzer..uro, 11111 tenet. Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clOck; Wheeling every Tuesdas. evenn. a Iv e. x. WEDNESDAY PAtailLT. The MEW E.NGLAND No. 0, Capt. S. Da 0, nB leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morn,. int 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday ~ e rring 1D r. TIO ens ri A irlrAl3ll:l7.T. The BRILLIANT, Capt Guar., vdl leave Pirta buntL est', Thursday morning et 10 o'clocki 4 inteellso evr . ry Thais.day r serum( et 10 P. M. Pair i — Ei. - 45Riet. The CLIPPER No. Y, Coo. Pass Duval, will leave Pi..burgh every Friday =myna at 10 o'clock: Whoa, every Friday evening at 10 r. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS tar 1849. MONONG A IKLA ROUTE. Only 73 Mlles Stagging. - Via Brownsville and Oarnberland w Baltimore •sad Philadelphia. ritHR splendid and fast running U 8 Mall eleamine ATLANTItt, Capt J Perin:non; BALTIC, Capt A Jacobs; LOUIS liVLANB, Capt B Bennett; are now making doable daily trips between - PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLE. The morning boat will leave the Monongahela Wharf, above the Bodge, dolly at 8 o'clock pmcisely. Passengers will take SUPERB COACHES et Browns. vale, at 3 o'clock. P. M., and the splendid ears ot the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, al 8 o'clock- A. M., and arrive in lialtimorothesame-even ing, in time for the evening line to Philadelphia and Washington city. From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only 32 hours Fare 810,00 Prom Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 boon - Pare 812,00 The evening boat will leave ate o'cloc k, extern Batt day evenings Passengers by thts boat will lodge on board to comfortable State Rooms the bent night, over the mountains the following day in Eastern built Coaches, and lodge the second night In Cumberland. • Passengers have choice of either Steamboat or Rap Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and MA privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Baltimore, 'and resenting then mats at pleasure. Coaches elm tared to parties to trash] as they please. We make up the 5341al and way bills for the Coach.. cc in the P t iesbargh offices, lin order to save time on arrning Brownsville) it Is therefore Important for passenger; to get their uekete before going on board of the boat, at our office, Monongahela House, Water asset, or St Chute. Hotel, Wood et, Pittsburgh. aoAddra J. MFSKIMEN, ASCU ~s tCa Louta.W. Packet. Mali CINNATI AND LOUIS VILLE. The sqllid m oeterAt i ca i i i tt:r l. Hoolep, master, Milt leave for above d intermediate pert. on 'Wednes day the dth lush at 10 iy;eloelt a.. id. For freighter passage apply on board, or to BURBRIDC , F; & Co. )00 • GE.Y.) 13 all LTMLIERGER. PITTSBURGH AND LOUISVILLE PACKET LINE The new and splendid fast passim. ger packet, TELEGRAPH No. 2, lason, muter. will leave for Clnein. nen ud Louisville on Thursday, the ad lost, at II) o'clock, A.lll. For freight or passage apply on board, to BURBEIDGE, WILSON .2 Co, or ' • GEO B MILTENBERGER m 9 Louisville and Bt.. Louie Packet Line. 1840. 1840, FLEZULAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUI y e _,.. The fine fast running pumas. weenier ATLANTIS, .. Geo. W. %%leas, master, aril leave r the above end intermediate poste every Tuesday, ulO o'clock. a. at. For freighter pasaage apply on board, or to . RC. KING, No. 113 Com. Raw, mare-d6nl • SATURDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOINS The Kw fast ropnong posseogol. , steamer GEN. LANE, . Ao.loll,aroon, leaye for abort, and tosermooKateportl ryo, Saumo . tj, 1,0 defook; T. m. For " "!. Loalovilla FOR CINCINNATI. The splendid meander MAY FLOWER, ze irliat J Fhther, mater, on Tuesday, the Vat' inst. et 4 o'clock, P. M. Fa, rmigiu or passage etnny on board, or to lytT" • PTIGREW A, C • •• ts E=D:= The splendid light draught steamer CUEE, te ri r B , l ?Pill . leave for the et and all interm dime ports ea; Wednesdafldth bat, 81.10 For freigh ter passage apply on board, or to /YI 7 J NEWTON JONES, Agt FOR WHEELING AND BRIDGEPORT. The neat and substantial sunnier HUDSON. McMilled mayor, will parrot at er regalia . nips between Pittsburgh Wednesday Wheelin g and Brid ge sday and Sm port- rd ey She will lease Pittsburgh on a. Poi' freight or passage, applion board. apli? . FOR WHEELING AND SUNFISH. The fine steamer CINDERELLA, m aLkorge Calhoun, master, will Mare above and tritennedlate piwts oa Mondaya and Thursdays, at 10 • a Fcoltelsht or passage, apply on board, apl7 _ trsLiksPritiPsroogivka. adThe U, S. Mall steamer MICHIGAN j oe . howoilgt:?.to,'7,°i:s.° 7 "l7 l '. ay morning at 9 o'cia_eg for eseaver . Returning, will arrtve at 5 o'clock, Fare to Beaver and back, Twenty-five Cents. -- . SLISEAY TRIPS VFW& VEIL 7.,...- The gtoomer BEAVER will leave et 'the wharf, oppote the M00000ngo• . bola House, every &today morning 9 o'clock. for Beaver. Reiterate& wilt kayo Braver al 1 o'clock t P. AL, and urn,. al 4 o'clook. Pare, Tweoty- five Conti. m4Ol REMOVAL. 11. ALL TENDEROIII3I b. B. AteliNT v Porettrilmr and Commutes. Mo. chant, 6u/moved to No. Front, betorosa Wood and Smithfield tams. sp4 R. ROBISON is co. harms imsociated T110.1 2 / 1 9 LITTF,Sy, [hernia bosinees, die Whale olc.Grocery,L ?nada.artitt and Commission businseemilt ho continued as usual under the firm of Robison, Lit- Se & Co. • Anrentorly, LITTLE & co., No. lea Liberty street, .11, Pittsburgh, Wholesale grocees, Produce end Cotnimisslan 3Lirchants, and dealers in Pirtstmrgh Manufactures Mar. 1001,05. Taog. Lions , 141 XL. IS. 1.012112; _ Assigneers Notions IIyIIREAS, denramin Smith and Oeorge A. John ,E Mer c hants of this city of Pinaburgh, natal* on er the firm of Smith,}, Johnson have made to this subscriber, an assignment of all their Estate far lb& boned of all their ereditorsoss shall within mammoths . . from the date thereof execute nod deliver trt the sal& Smith & Johnson • full nod &Imbue reloads° of ail their reapective claims and demands. Notice Is hereby given that the osaigramem and Mc lease 41 :low at the office of the suoscriber x on Peat& at 15 this City of Pittsburgh,. for inspeetson and ale. • nature with ail whom it may concern. , Ivlthlmo %WA. MeCANDLESS, Ataigamo. V5 4 .4U110 NETTING—Whoe and toionedfi.-•: ,,, aupply reed at Dry Goods noose of W s a dN E comer 4daa !fa kery IIILACKBKLIRY BRANDY -41 eases} I dos elm* I) "Mason'. Saperior,” for Diarrhata i ko, let .0 h.. This commended astringent cordial can be yelled aria with confidence. remand Wishing to boy had better call soon. For sale by alb JAOOI.I WEAVER, Jr ... i IHLORIDE OF LIME-05 hand and for itairtry_ 1...1 fl+3 • J. KIDP & , EDICAL BOOKS—Bartlett'. Philosophy of col Sciences; do Treatise on Fererk ors Plahrsis, by Hooper'. Medics/ Gael® Dangleson'e do do; Cowan;&w rier.. gorgieal do; Cholirsipsz tern of Pargery. Gibson'. do do; Abernethy's Was tole' Coporvis on the Uterus; MPG_ on the Hearn Crtivelshier9 Anatomy; Wilson on übreariee of the Skin; Pereirs'e Almeria .Idedirs eadTherpeuua, Chapman on Eruptive Fever& do on the Thais!. and A b,i.minp.; Wood's Pracuce of Medicine; Dangson's do do Eberlie's do do. Alm& • la brge an te d fresh eopplY of Mass. B. B. Union Boots, on b ed and far .. 1 0 by lylt KLLIOI7 & SYOLIBH. 79 Wood Gum CAMPHOR—COO a. sr; 47 3 - I. TODD & CO. • ctIOLERA /11Elit handCO.al r for sale br J. KIDD & CO Gfir --- WERO )3 R O NCHIT IB , - Seconctatiern md en'tureel.—A Treatim on Diseases of Ma A,,asaee; comprising an Mutiny into the hstory, mses and treatment of Mom Migmatite of the throat, caned Bronchitis, Chronic Larynguis, Clergymus a sore Throat, Re. My Horace Green. A. Al., 11, Ac. Plates unproved and earelully colored. Royal ovo,gilt tone, sax “The author ha. made a mon valuable addition to practical Medicine. • • • We hero adopted the mode of Beatment recommended by him, and cm corro rata his ustencents sa to its great solem n —littlish and Foreign Medical ReTiESI. "Wren with go much-care and elections mango mem . oto he gotta. intelligible to the unprofeesional readern—N. V Eventing Post. "Wuhout doubt Ms remedy over WI othera • —lti, Y. Everdng.hlirrar. "Ably WALLC6, and shows re mm thoroughly master .of 116 profognion."—Netar Vork Observer MITIISONIAN PUBLICATION—HItru-Ori, Archimettere, prepared on behalf of the building committee of the tinuthsoctim Institution ' by Robert Dale Demo. la large qtrarto, elegantly rorinted,,rarith illustration. in theshenatylo of the au. Run reCelVed, and for sale by J 4 MINDI,OCKWOOD , • ill° Weal. D R o IE O D PE:ACHES-15 bbls In store •Th T6/38EY B D• OWNINtrS LANDSCAPE GARDENING—No. ready. !ite 4th edition. reitsed led eciin e d , aidattuud maliers, Landscai. d sub% •nd Rani Ambito:ewe, adapted toNorth Amenca, by A Doarni i ore volume, pritthte4Y Olsen deli. Jest received rod for ^ . 'e rev .IAXED D LOOKWOQ ' •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers