TriE PtTTBBURGH GAZtTTE PUBLISULI) BY WAITS Gcci7, PITTSBOILOiIe SATURDAY MORNING, JULY EL Alr 'TR x Prrrima. MILT M.ILTTII peblivhed ihily, Tn-Weekly, Weekly.—The tkev. Dollen per annum; the Tri-Weeltly It Five Wien per enema: the Weekly to Tyro Dollar. per annexe, milli rt , 47 . /IXIVIINTIszIo are earaelniy fermented tritium] to .heir (anon before 5?. r_, and as early in the day as Practicable. Adfertiaetnents not Insetted 04. sheet] lied dote silllnvariably he charged anal orderedoat JurrtisasoNic AND 'WHIG TICKET. WILLIAM ITASLEI7, of Butler COllnty HOBO. C. WALKER., of Eltrubeth Borotigh. JOHN MILLER, of Sharpsburgh. CALEB LEE, of Pittsburgh WY. ESPY, of Lo - vcr S. Chou •.j.; CARTER CURTIS, f Yit.Largik ROT ONOTAYT% O. S. RAYS, or Cpper St_ Cielr . 73A0.8r CU, JOHN MORILISOq, of Anerheny, i comonssroons, LAS. nurculaa, of Peoblea. 110 M, MIL U. ARTLIURT, of Putsburg h. JOHN DYERS of i,ino,oy: Der Load Matter. tee next pn4e. SSG near pegs for Telograpttla Oar renders wilt bear with tut, we hOtik, while we again notice the conduct of thO P*l s burgh Morning Past, to rela ti on to the Repubhcons of Eurspe, and especially of Rome. We disire that the shameless hypocrisy of the editor of ttrOle, paper, in his pretensions of aus:hment to the . giiineiples of freedom, should be seen end kl3ollllill 45in men, Or a more disgusting exhibition of rommiess end cowardice was never before exhibited. In his last pap, he lies attempted a rl4y to the free animadversions of the Gazette. Hokum ouf with a bombardio and ridiculous steiciredifthot we are approaching a "most important and stko"stl enrol" contest" in Pennsylvania, the resulio of:#fileb. he says, "fur years to coma, will be felt, use/ or toosithroughout every State of this glorit4Olituon'" Bah I Does this poor ereatere think his readers have as little sense as himeelf ' With*et con tempt will every manor common oviso-IrMd com mon information read such rtdiculous tOM foolery, put forth with owl like eolemotty. The next sentence is so-richke„epecithan of the Bonsbastes FiMioso style, peculiar it, thre editor, and of all half witted editorml Maxty .hommers, who, because they have by occident ei:tk the use or a press and types, imesgme tholl litet*lfsra of the Union rests upon their shouldetsithdtlsfee copy it entire , - 4' thfl coolest are arrayed on the orte4land the People, the Democracy. preeenung Ueif, ancient Jefferionian platform of human and poliCilial right* —a platform Illuminated by the brightest - 11nd hob. eat lights of Liberty and of Nature. nod consecrated by the blood of many a martYr, on , the tither head are arrayed the ellen:net of hiimen rttata, t hors who believe or affect tc helmet, ha: the, u; the people are not quallfi,d ! it garCrament. those whose motto it is, -I,t Gover4nient tabs care of the rich, and the rich tb•: po•ir"—the Federal Maga, t V Lyleir array of Privdetred Corporraton, rind all their en,gihca of fraud, or, of coriutittO i n and of deceit." The egregious folly of Or above lonijpentence is only equalled by its falsehood and malire. But We leave both the one and the other cur:- tempt of the community, as not worthy, of further not ec. • Fe then proceeds to nate° the artietee of the Gazette, and tap, they are intended eraw oti h.s rural:in from the conking contest, bit he haJ detected the of tect, and should not Lie dppght. Ho ass:eta, way of ' , feting the Gaette`,o cr.A•ve. inahness and cowardice, in relatitin to the Repb , icans, that he has published the trie grsphic aches, and the detatlssoflihe new, And further, that be has never recorded thin strug gle for liberty, without feeling in his o*n "breast a r,..mosthetic throb, nod uttering n • for its anecess !" , This is brave and [Mile, is A not!' FAA. publish es the news. So do the organs of despditsm, both to our own country and in every land. ''He hardly dare withhold that. But his heart fh:rabs with sympathy for every struggle for liberre. And so 'militia reverend neighbor of the L'etttlihlic - say, while he contends for the Divine right 41tie Pope toe despotic temporal rule over the Ron* people. But the editor of the Post's throbtanrsympathy Las never prompted him to say one it* an has paper in favor of the ttrugsling lioutanalihnough they have been openly attacked in trur,tradst, anal every vile epithet heaped u; nn theA , A yet his cowardly soul eau only user secret prayers, sod has shrunk back from a syllable in ttuy defence. He has got even dared to name theitOor fear cf committing himself. We have charged; him with treachery to the cause of frardoch, and: with the basest cowardice, and he ,toris by altering per sonal calummes, as false as the object d h dragging them in, ia contemptible. We reiterate our charges. We asset: that the Post dare mx utter a mord an favor of Of bleeding cave of liberty in Roam lie dote sod openly sympathize with men worthy to take the hiabasr niches in the temple of liberty. as martryis far the rights of men' Fle arc nor. He :gaiis before some influence which prevents tadhful4ass to the estate of freedom. If he is opposed to the Repub. of Rome, let him say so. We respect a brave sod honorable foe. A coon:4' but be des pised. CHOLERA ILIL CO RD The St. Louis Reveille, of July 11, •Mibbalges a idnuatinal. table of the naortany to that : oily, from the 2,1 day of January, In4o, to the 9th, -- 4 - the pre sent month. The aggregate number o4tertneozA during that period has been 3,531, Of which 3'592 were deaths from Cholera. The eorfe:e:tk e. oj ails table Is placed beyond doubt, al itr as t Jten from the official report of the City RegiOer. The deaths on the 10th mere SI-4-1.45 of Cho. . , . htra The deaths on the 11th were I`, , i-I'l3 of Chi Mrs. . The SL Louis Union of the "MI worldly matters have now giver, way in . this city lathe one absorbing dread of ‘4,chn.,•ia. This terrible destroyer of the human vaerSSeen, io increase in violence in this city daily ‘ until we can Warmly look et its ravages without lka siudder of tenor. Already it has Corried off oveiAtre thou sand of our population. and now its blowp fall with mars fearful awl fatal rapidity than evek.' Tn add to our tenor, 'medical specifies and nsh4lcal stall become each day are ineffroent andl3ltelebs to Mrs"t the disease in Its progress tri ("pithy. In deed, most of our eminent medical Ilnill,l , &- clue the disease an outlaw, t.i watch-no konwn roles of treatment can be applied with atl certain ty of success. Coal's ry In one liret strfjp . oelliolll, it Seem. DOW to have hole or no regard to the classes of society it attacks, on the neh (al mith the poor; the temperate and cAnfori..l lei 4 fife, along with the dlifoolute, the aband.o,', or thel,o . ?relehed. The past week's bill of mortal.hroveS:this. as in it will be G mod numbers of wt,. ! or- ...dleind the better class of society—ta,large nt....atoi(Nt these females, too, whom we are &mad to twitter were prudent and temperate. ()a the other Efilfiq, three . or- Wu, hundred geueroliy imposeri.hel, dirty, and wretched foreigners, quarantined 'below this Ott, remain comparatively healthy filth and discomforts. A. mast& the airy heel(, we have heard it remarked often of late, mat in the :moat d a ta parts ef it there is aIW theletij amount ofeievneas, What, thou, can be the 14strithat gee - ern this Maltase If cars, eleantineis,aod all the comforts of life, Judiciously used, form nh barrier, What will wrest itl We frankly confess we t not possess the shadow of any knowledge io,lhe met- ter. All we eao eay ie, to do what veciiito ward ad thin &sena, and trust to Providere:: COL. what duty, be cheerful, he coatented ‘ tai.itesigned. and we lessee ita tenon, if we cannot n al _ . tngetner." The Peru Illinois Toleerryh, of the 41/lig - Ives a long micceent of the ravage , of the cholMii in t hot place. It broke out oa Friday, ine when there were eight deaths, principally G441/11115, all occupying the same house, On Seitur4y, there were seven deaths; Sunday eta; Mookiy three, are Tuesday one. The disease men:a:then to have abated. There were no new cal:if.but it is added that the great body o f the peopabad left the town. (ka.}-Ttiero nave been 30 cast; at this place and 8 deaths. emcees:4-1n three days, ending Sattday Elh, there were 15 deaths. Kawars —At:this place, in the westt..; endlog 4th July, there were 14 deaths. Amoneihe vic tim was Mr. Ino. B. Auwell, well know through that state as a democratic editor. 51i11,1tussell had edited successively, first, while Wwa and Wisconsin were one state, a paper ie:4l, seat of government, in connection with M 4 James Clarke; afterwards, the Mum?. t Du. buqae, the Herald at , Illoomingtotic land the Dupack at Keokuk. The discoed centlitoes un checked. A geed many cases at cholera have OM:wed at Jerscralle, 81. Amon them wan Mr. r,i7JWIIISO, thetas( th e county, wha, had just retotied f rom 1.4 0 / 55 7# 1 4* . FA was 0 11 .44.4 10424 Was ' . relieved by the salaier preparation Entriclently to enable him to get hiptne—sad then it mut net long before Ms father, mailer sister and one child to At It and died. Waverly, Lolnyege county, Mo., hoe been se verely visited by th.. cholera. Some twenty :our persona are .aid to bare been attacked to one day, a number 01 wbonf died. The citizens Lied the place an won as menus of conveyance could be ob. tamed. Brunswick has oleo been Se verely v 'weary five or thirty persons ha v .ag (fled since the first appearance gibe cholera.. Among-the record• ed deaths is that of Mrs. Derridzscn, wife of Ch., Dcrricksoo, Faq• Belleville, Illinois, la terribly visited-20 deatba in twenty four hones in a.small country village. Louisville, the Journal says, the interments on Saturday and Sunday numbered 12, of which 4or 5 were cholera,. and 8 were children. There is a good deal of sOlkness in the coy, but very iule of it is eholerg The denthv at 'Lexington, from Tuesday eveni log to Friday evening, oumbered 30. Among those who died wire Grandiacin Meaner, John W. Trumbull, daughter of A. Maydwell, daughtei of G. B. TWyman4/r. Jones, Dr. Sanders, and Miss Ellen Herrinel. Several cases were under treatment, which Would terminate fatally. The wbole bomber of dkaths was about 150. In the county Orayette. the cholera prevailed to a considerable efatent. The persona Who Ll, d were Sam IL. BallaSlr, Esq., CaL W.G. Garter, Jas. Stone, Presley Borqm, Mrs. Stanhope, and a pant her of negroes. Tjtere was no alAtement In the &sense at 1..<2. inv.... At Frank;rt, on Saturday, I death and 3 cases. At Maysvite, the disease was greatl on the 'lncrease; In th 4 forty e•ght hours eadtt4 on 6aturday afternoentthere were 11 dentin. Cap. tam Peter Lee toes one of the At Nashville, on Wednesday, 4 Interments, one of cholera. ;.` Capt. L. Lawrence, pilot of the steamer Pater Miler, dted on boar k d of that boat. Ali the New Orleans papers speak of the good health that city enjnya The health of the intertor of Louisiana was its° improving. The deaths It M!totphis for 4S hours, ending co Monday last, were s :3 of cholera and 3 of other dis- In Cincinpati, wirrjaiee to record the fact, the cholera i• steadily tleereasing. The Cie' art, pub lished a table, which embrace* a e.rnriete state ment of the aggre6te mortahty of the city, from all diseases, for the, perod of 31 days, lost pasted Jane 19th to July , 16th. This aggretwe to three thousand az hutOred anti eighteen, making a daily average mortality, for the tane embraced, of ore hundred and seventeen—will:au a small The weekly moy.a.fity :!..e whole pernd em braid, according this tsble, Lr as Fret 'bre- 51,4. 10 Jane First week, tcOutte Seeoud week.itn Jolt , 2, Third week. to Jour 11, Fourth week, Co July 16, It may not be iraltroper again (the Gnlnt:e re marl.) to can the Intention of the community to the great disproportion of the mortality nencag our foreign population: This papu.a:mn is between one quarter and one third ut the entire number of our inhabitants, but nearly three quarters 01 the entire mortality is timong this cSoNi popula tion. The exact o. , oy.ortiona are: Emigrant populition, 7u.i p-r rent.: American population,22:6; lifiterments is Potters Another vie,. 111 . the c -, ‘• mortality is present. ed in the followineform Interments in 65;oreiern Cemeteries, 21t3.5 PtStleis Field, Total both, Intermeats is alt other eelorterte. Aggregate in a llfi To the Editor of the London Ttnat.v. Etscrascrry to Criotafts —Str,—The !eller 0 MA Andmnd. upah the son'aclang indurate of eleclrictty over epidemics aenernily. act -. err to particdlar, puidiShed by you in to-dayS Tr inns, : seduce. me In Coll,oll4llllCale a tort, in connexion with this subject, cluvoborstive of the 'news 01 51, Audnind, and whi&h I believe bas never newts appeared in erint...l One of toe Tooting ehildaen was mixed with chtidera in the Royal Free Hospital. The portent was a Istil abort: a years 2, under I Dr. Peacock's chelge. In about tour bourn she became completely collapsed. the power of drglu . ution bed eeused;. end consesient.te jail internal remedies were useless.. Dr. Peacock applied one I pole at the galvanie machine over the neon, the other over the region of the stomach, or ra thee of the solar prnel (a sort rf grand central ler . minus of-the nerves supplying all the vtaciers) In half a minute the ghild began to rally. some strong beef tee was cot alto her -tomueb in less than ten nuoulmi, and ultimately the resurrerion was con, 7plete. Your colnens are en much more widely mon:listed than the.!, , mecheol journals, tiles I trust ! you will excuse, Se this case. a COMIMMICYIIOI3 that, in one ofless,lttreeney. should have been re / served for a profetssioaal joutnal. atm, Si, your obed eat T. W. (2..5../K E, Late Resident Soestoon of the Royal Free Ho pool. 11, Lower Firoo' street, June 25. FLINIAILEABLR r. —An eminent physi cian of Paris, It,. 'PLtuet, has written to a profee- Ismael brother in qis town statements so etartLag in reference to th<results ol a very simple mode of treating, in the worst stages, the disease now no fatally prevalent in Pans, that we deem it our duty at once to lay d het ,re the pulthe. The letter of which the fol!owLog is a tranalsocn, is dated Paris. June lb: —"I think-at my duty to inf.rrot ray pre• feamonal brethren That, in a great DU Ember of pnti ent.y affected with i chniera in the last stage, that is say, when the ptijiation of the heart and the move. meat of the pule* are absent, and in the com mencement of the.:sloe stave I haves ucrcerlect in restoring the acting of the heart and in reenyenng the patient from t,tse blue stage by a iministerine, at intervals of belga° hour, four cups id a hot and sweetened aluntti of the common hme tree, mint. halm, or chamorn4,l, 57. c., in each of which cup of Infustott more roue:drops of volatile alkali, making tti drops which thAl . patient may take in two boors The reaclu.o a alAirist instantaneous. The pulse commences instanfancously to beat, rather irregu larly at brat, it ir ttue, bat afterwards wrth farce, the blue state di tattpears, the body, tare, and e. 1.- trvrnities are 'layered with hot and cope, o- sweat. nod lon few tioorethe patient is entirely out of anger. It is fteriftently necessary to c:cirotat the rracuon Ivaco it ['gnomes too strong LY - Itte assist ance of bleedtag."'4Lits-epers/ d/hton. 71,1,14. Eh. Jr co t I met a polemical Democrat ,LIC no w an officer . and one whose inditaation as well as duty woul/1 prompt him to see nth Justice done. He is heartily disgusted with the Course of our drawl . ..o paper., and:has determined to make no auggesbona lo them, and common delical7, he tootles. fort/ids his going to the Whig paperi: He suggests that the Secre taries of the dillert:nt fur companies be called on for the names of ail their meib-ar/i and places of residence, and if practicable, them ages. This he thinks would bring out toe names of all. good and bad, and compel the ranocent ones to publish a disclaimer of any sympathy with the guilty. He says teat the party wno put his name LO a Gertala riasolown, papitehed to the Post, clearly liable to indMlmeet- Arnotrnco A5(1.1 . 517,1.1,0,1 A. K0LLZ0.1".. — .1.. stmnapt was ws• titCde between 5 and 9 o'clock ou Saturday night to roh and 111.511.ii.1ie David Mern weather, Esq., one al the proaslavery candidates Pie toe convention in jun - arson my. H e had been in the city, and waf . ,ieturaing to his reeklet., G 3 I,,rsebeek, about seven miles below tills, on the river. When withih about half a mile of home, he was accosted with, by a man Rata% on a stamp— ‘..l9 that Mr. Mern*eather?" and Mr. M. hsv ing answered in the aqrrnative, the man said that he had been waning at;his (Mt. M.'s) house some time to give bita a leiter; Mr. Mernweather told him to route to his house, as he could not read the let ter in the dark. 'She mall then said Mel there was another man with him who had some impor• tam businessto tranirset with Mr. M., and the lat ter Melted both to hit Loose. lira horse got skint three lengths ahead, when he weal fired at, the tall passing very clo.e to his breast, and striking, hie umbrella, which rested in his facing.. The discharge oldie pleadl frighten ed the horse, wheat threw Mr. Mern weal her Not having any weapons about him with the ex. ception of a packet knife, he remained lyinginill on the ground. One of therassassms, who had been standing beck, and Chas not at all seen by Mr. M.. remarked to the otter "you have saved him."— "I did that," replied Me other. "He won't trouble the Ernanmpationisfis any mare. John get the horses ready. We, must leave here now a—n quick. I'll see %skitter he has any dimes." The assassin then came gp to Mr. Mernweather, strad dled over him, took - ,a pocket book filled with pa pers out of his coat,p3.ll was putting his hoed on Mr. M.'s vest pockets, when the latter took a hold of him by the hreairOstith one hand, and with the other cut him acrosisMe throat. The amanita hallowed to his friend Inc assist ance, at the same time rising and pulling Mr. Mernwea.her up. Me. Merriweather then eat him in the left hip and shoulder. Feanug his accom plice, be disengaged himself frdm him and ran same distance through a field, where he sunk down Gem exhaustion. • Here he remained about ten minutes, when be proceeded home. The amainm, were tnitad by the hired from the wounds indict ed on One of them by Me. Merriweather for some custance. He thinks', the min whom he did not see was a negro from his langt.age; the other was a white man, aiouLS•(eetE inches high. Each had a horse. It will he wen from the advettisitest in another column that a reward. ot - 8.500 al offered tor the do tectios of the auwasql--5250 by Mr. Merriweath er, and $230 the tniushal and deputy marshal 004 oispriolionllk Jariat, Jay N. THE FRENCH BEFORE BORE If we can judge the feelings of our readers, by our °urn, or by those of the press of Eampe and Ameriel., as evidenced by the almost universal theme cdcomment,(soth such exceptions as those or the Prasburgh Post, and others of bite calibre and coor 2 g" ) we cannot gr., them too much id refs. lion to the French intervention in Italy and bom bardment of Rome. We have therefore gleaned from a very full examination of the news by the Njagara, the Ralowtng deeply intereating extruc-', which we 9 - uil no one will pa,2 , over on account of their length:— `Rolm June 14, 1559 "Afar the ,jectlon of the French overtures which were couched in language as insulting as their ten, was unworthy, an already explained.— Oudinot made another attempt, of a more private nature, to draw the Romans to ht, will. Cernuischy one of the deputation of the Assembly which ne gotiated with Lessens, was invited to the French camp, whither he proceeded yesterday morning. Ondinot had the modesty to propose to him that a breach should be made in the walls of the Truste very, over which the French army ahould march Into the Eternal City with dying colors and music sounding! Cernusay replied by asking the French General pointedly whether he meant to restore the temporal sovereignty of the Pope, tel ling him that if he did not, the gates would be im mediately opened to his army. This question Ou• dusot declined to answer. The (allowing eommunteattone have been ad dressed by Gen. Oudinot to the Government and people of Rome: The General in Chief, before penetra•ing into Rome by force of arms, endeavors to exhaust even to the very last all the means of conciliation whieh are within his power. He one, therefore, hddres sed to the President of the National Assembly the following letter: HEAINCARTIMS, VILLA PAAIFILL June 12, :3 P. NI "Menseur le Pestdent of the National Assembly, —Circum+tances of war have, us sou are aware, brought the French army to tbe gates of Rome.— In case the entrance !Oise city continues to be clo sed, I shall be compelled for the purpose of enter ing it to employ the means election which France has placed at my disposal. "Before having recourse to this terrible calamity, consider it to be my duly to make a last appesi to a people who cannot entertain for France any hostile sentiment, ^The National Assembly wiahes, no doubt, to save the capital of the Chrigiau world from san guinary .lamities. "Under thin conv.ction I entreat you, Mensenr le President, to give to the enclosed proclamation immediate pull,ity. It within twelve hours otter the receipt of this despatch an answer confirmable to the iniel.i.cna and honor of France does not reach nie, I shall be compelled to attack the place by Scree. "Receive, Monsieur le President, the assurance of my col:Lao:tom., OL'D'S ,- ,T DE Ri:l; ,- ;!0 Urzenxl in Cu, PASIFI:.:. June 12, 3 P.M -, , ts of Kerne —We nu% e not come here war yr. y. we come to prazur , y, order and liberty. inn amen:ton, of our Govern ment have been 011P11 nd,lood. progrros of tbe urge tren now brought us clone to 'Fru, rarnonr.. -I:nw now ter have only repued at rare inter laatn the fire of your barerieyi We tom, on ilie moment, when the eiaje new of war produce terrible onlan,tit, ...Save from them a -el.y s::cd such g!ortous rerntlecttons. ' It you in refusing to adroit us, NI you mill alone Isil the responsibility Lot' irceparabie Mil= The Trrnmetrele intern". remn.ned deaf to nll the prupost.ron, 111111.1 e :he general r:hrel .11 coroperreti tr, commence tbe the city oe the 13th,.: June. at J M. These do meals were read at an extreordioary s!tlng of the Roisan Count: nem_ They were tened to in profound silenee,end when concluded a cry wan rained Iq the enure Asselea:y of “Wilt eve Republ•que A committee of three wee appointed to prepar e rep:y, and the ii.timg wan suspended for a short tune. Un bong resumed, Sturbecietat, presented lion folioaug reply. —The Roman Constituent Assemb.y. fo rep y to Your West...ten, dee:area to von that,has tog coAcluncti wan M Leaver, the French Min niter Ptewpottintiair on the 3lnt Marco. convention. confirmed tin tne natil M Lerio-ps ac cording to Your declaration, it curet to -windier this t•unvent.on an obluticury nn the two parties and newer tie nriverto n of the olw fir nations un til the French Reputaic wan: one raw, ur re pudiated it. In tbt nteanitine .be A ,tnernh‘v mcc regard every act of oosidity of the Fre nen arm: a• a vi nation of that tenser:Lc to or any our, r.:cole act which may he committed before the ...seer of your Government be mommunicated. and brt i the armistice concluded imall have cap-cod Gen era! you demand a reply in conformity with the indenoonn and the honor of Franc., bin none can be more in ronbormny with toe intentions an: the honor of France than a halt in a tbsgrant v..- lotion tit the law of nation.. Whatever may nit the effect pith:. violation, the people Rome can !lever be rerponash.e for it. Tic people of I, are strong in tot, right. Arm In leer re:olwpm tottintntain the part by which they are bound b , yoett nation, and compieded by necesaity anion to defend and repel every urinal azirresslon iAp- The Assertioly adFrited this reply wht• it wan ordered t: be carr ed to the French ramp by a tin; of trace. The Assembly adjourned with cries cl " Ft ea to Rerdditse The following is toe rcti , y of the General com manding the National Guards of Rome at General Oadinot: "General: The treaty of winch the ratification Is expected assures this trangutlity against every d s alter. Tbc Nabonal Guards, farmed to rniunta.n order, mast support the revolution of the Govern ment; and they devote themselves willingly Co lnA duty tooth zeal, and tvlibout reference to the fa okite attached to it. The National Guards have not loot since 'botch them sympathy for the French nation by their tree tient of the French pnemners, but tney esteem. above all, tam, own &go.) , and the honor of [tome. Any modortune whit a .nay neteisoera;:dal, the City of Monuments, cannot tv aurtbuted ba the peaceable rtlacni cutorle,t, 11) defend themselves. but solely to that psi, wiitch has provoked the awe.... Accept Gen eral pay dtattuguisned conshierat ~tlrl'RHi N Err I. 'Reveseroctive of the people and CdmoomJer in Chiet of the National Girard,' Tire reply of the Commander. In. Chief of the ar my of the Roman Republic to General I b:d.not Bs tollosoic , Cit. Zen Genera: —A fatality eatteen the vernier of the two Republics to engage in haul*, which a better dest.ev an uld have unit. d In field loge lb thettcnattbed common enemy, for the rll,lllVn e one cannot hut be t:.e enemies of the othsr.— We cannot aflow ourselves m countenance any tl 0,1110• and tar !ha! reason we •hall he every reanst ie e mes, realm whoever %hall attempt to de stroy our in•t infirm,. The brave alone, moreo ver, are worthy or reacwiur Preach wither, W t . .I.i,kewilw consider that Lucre in a condition fir wave men wcrsie than death. It lb , war which you are waging against un ,horrid place an in Mat pompon, it would tin butter for au to clone eye, forever teall to as*ta at the interininaldo opr pression and ml.ry door country. Litvad tenth and fraternity' How completely and triumphantly doe. the above statement of facts refute the slanders of the Popr'r organs in thin country, that Rome is in the hands Lir and bands of robber* and that the people are in laver oi . ihe Pope. The latest accounts say that the French army Iterate Name amounts to 40,090 men, and yet with what firmness and dignity do the brave and Pic- Ro mans rep,: their degrad-d invaders. [tut we con itinue our extract,. The Ptedmon.ese Gazette of the 19th no en.i. tams the following from Rome: "On the morning of the 13th, the French began to bombard Rome, without, hthwviter,mlLonng much injury on the city. They at the same i.m• eutempted a fruitless assault. The fin in; won ken( n,, until 8 o'clock; P. 61. and then ceased during three hours. At II o'clock, it recommenced, and lasted until 4 o'clock A. M., on the 14th. It then ceased again, but was soon after resumed with greater intensity aid destrockve effects. At font o'clock in the afterndon of that day, the French had opened a breach el,. to tne gate of San Pancra zi 1. At 5 o'clock P. M., the tiring continued with violence. The breach, however, must not have been considered auffiemotly wide fur an assault, nn the 15th the cannonade had not relnAcd The French L.. on cut off several acqueducts which supplied Rome wan water, and their cavalry in• tercepts all communication between the besieged and the country. The iefunatea Tranaleveriers twice waited on the Trininvirs, with knives is their hands, retreating them to allow them to sally out in a mars to ezterminate the French. Tbe- Triumvirs dissuaded them from their piirpn.e, say'. Mg that everything would end well if they pre served their order to fight behind the barricade, should the French enter the city. It appear. that General Oudinr.t does not intend to lead his troops to the attack "(the barricades, but to take up a position at the gate ra San Fanerasio, and there es tablish Ms batteries." From the London Chronicle Awns, June 17. Yesterday a French dog of truce was sent in, proposing a auspenson of arms for three hours from noon, which wan agreed to. The object of this proposition was no doubt to enable the French to toter their dead, which are said to have been lying unburied for some days. Since yesterday Tier nan there bas been comparatively little firing upon either side, though the silence of the night and morning boa been broken at intervals by the •whiz of an occasional cannon shot or bomb, now Camilla, sounds to us. Oudinot hos not yet made the assault so often promised, and which all the world in Rome expects would have occurred by AM. time. A day or two more will probably throw some light on his intentions, which seem involved to as much obscurity as the policy of Ws Govcm meat; perhaps he fig has been waiting kw news Paris Though Ito hand Is stretched oat to help the gammas, and hardly a voice of sympathy raised in their favor, they continue to declare that they are determined to resist to the last; and that Oudinot may beat-the city to pieces, if he wit , . be fore they will submit to him, and conceal hi see the restoration of Papal Government effe^ted by a French arms. They have no fears from his threatened assault. To give you en idea of the sptrit that animates the mass of the popaysuo,,, need only say that the inhalmants of the Trastevere wish the gatis to be opened, and the French to have free ingress. Hostilities began rather with feelings of chival rous rivalry on the part of tlae inhabitants of &doe, than with any purposes of settled hoatiltty. The Romans wished to show that they were made of better ruff than the world hod given them credit for; that prieetly rule had not extinguished every spark of national pride and military ardor; and that they were not to be rough ridden and trampled in the dust, merely because it suited the policy of the trench Cabinet, or the caprice of Louis Na poleon, to send an army here ' unasked and unin vited, to occupy the Eternal City. Very different is the complexion of their sentiments at present. An embittered feeling of enmity and hatred is springing ep against those professors of fraternity who, with words of peace and friendly greeting on their lips, have for seven weeks past brought US. peace. bloodshed, and devastation to the thres holds of the Romans, bombarding their city, and mutilating the splendid monuments of classical an tiquity and medieval art. In the combat of the lost two or three days especially, the conduct of the French troops is said to have been such as to establish beyond a doubt their proficiency in the science end practice of Algerine mazias. !slimy villas and houses on both aides of the river, out side of the Ports d. I Popolo and the Porta Pone., have been set on fire and are now mere shells of blackened rums. This objectless, purposeless, meaningless siege hoe nlready led to the deetruc• I:00 or public and private property, computed at some hundred thousand pounds value. Claims by British subjects alone, for property destroyed, amounting to £7 000. have been sent to the Eng lish Consul. Major Syke's beautiful villa, outside of the Porta del Popolo, is one of those laid in ash. The English church in the same quarter is mined, with a view to its being blown up, should circumstance. require iL The damage dune to various public budding, to Rome is already con siderable. The church of St. Agnes, in the Piaz za Navona, is one °filmae that have suffered most; and there is not one hospital in the city where the anguish of the pauents has not been aggravated by the danger and confusion arising from the en trance Male enemy's projectiles. Those of Triu ne dei Pellegrini and Santo Spirito have been most maltreated- will add n word of justne to the troops who defend Rome, who are continually represented by the French journals as bands of ruffians and de.- ',redoes. So far a this from being true, that not a kw of the officers belong to noble Italian boners, and very many even of the onvates are of respec table (smitten to the middle classes, whom the sr dor of polineal et - task:l.ns, and hatred of foreign 01,, , re•euen. have impelled to seal their prinetplra with their hlt,td. Colonel Mama, of whose death in the action of the 3d current I informed you, onaeleaSe LI a private fortuno of ti ,LW a year,qn Friday, s t=aribaldrit captiuna died, who has left property to the amount of £2O 000. fly a decree of the Asitembly, the execution of which entrusted to the Triumvirate, a fresh is, roc al nuts, to the very :urge amount i.f four mil lions of scud!, or crowns. (about £.l .ono coo •terls to talcs piace, guaranteed on the security of naxonal property. Von see that the govern went dew not to he arrested to us men r-• for want ot tondoo. The per o.: for .J.t. stub. henna 01 dt I.Ls analog from private pecuniary transactiens forth, extended, by soother de cree In lee i netuvirale, to the cad of the current moo h. The uext extract we knve t. (rem the Puts cot rrepoodent of the New York Comnaerwel, and we copy it lor ;Le espewal benefit of our very P.ever end opposer and contestant n( the “Pittabursh Gatholx." We dawre his attenton to the differ ence between P•po:, li . :ney or Ducal s.uppethecy and Elepoh;ican. After al•ma an the fall of A t...tne under the bontharorocct el A u.tra, one at the Pope's dekaderra tale city the Adzollo., end ono et the plenctpal towns of Ilse Ro man DOminausts--the miller proceeds as (awry "The tree spirit of her brave newthbors pawed into Anemic she adhered to the rarinision at her clerical aristocracy and to the establtahtnent of the Rom a n Republic. Besieged by sea and land. cid fern ell supplies. her citizen. derstnetail in bat Ow she surrendered oniv aver bavink consorrica ell her provlsions and elven op all trope of 'et:et The Ailstraii• have taken possession in Inc name the Pope who has lent nu .agates to silmsocisitr the civ i l cosi-rower, Orr corsolation kir the reverse* of Italy :a that be: Kb-, ;..r str si they that Oise are worthy of the liberty they tight fir. They used trier power nr, maderidion, and lutier adversity , hotacnessi Thes rommated 40 et, rear 40.461 ire priest., who now boos. mer rs A rm.. • r linprrsainincnt. goal, d Dr troops in the nous., di 440011001 oiksetrs, cle , ..l.belion of the libert Vol the press, sweat sit it, return of the clergy They iweop down the herpes on their prey Dunn; the Repatatua the Protestants were nl,, lowed full ts•ov to preach and print AL Kloresee. they undert_wl the publication of the Scriptures in Italian, and Li/whiled to thambute them all ever Italy Tte Lruna Afton of Dump, was xeketed, in order to tiro d gin Lne: unneceoware offenL•e to the t."atholtes. An edition of twenty thousand was nearly ready on the .:Lti of April. the date al the maturation of the grand Doke. Not long after, the pollee made a descent no the print rig estabitsh merit retred all the hooks and sealed up the prnap rig pre-tare. The property boa since haven menu-toed. Tht• P o t is perfectly well eatshitrh. rd. rot only I, lettera from Florence put also by Inc pubbabed r. -ation of the English coavul at Florence, an English gentleman having been a conaideratue Lover by the coofiscaudo. The Tog coin Government hue refused to interfere in the atTatv on the ground that it hew e•pr,al!y within the jangthcttoo of the eccleslastiral author ities.'" No sooner are republican institutions establish ed, than religious liberty follows. Freedom of thought, and freedom of religion belay in their train ;ustice, moderation, and safety. When the pnects return to power. oppression (Mows, the printing presses are sen'ed up, religious liberty destroyed, and the Holy Bible banished. With one other extract, to show the abhorrence in which the French intervention :a viewed. by a!I beret and intelligent men, we await the next strut., It n from the London correspondence „i rue N iti.ina I Intelligence, The principal points of meow? anemone at pre•nat are French miervenbon in holy, Russ atan interference in tilnagani, and Germ•n unity under the King of Prusala. No question has arisen daring the to, sixteen months of strong eases. :mint which no touch miles up with individual I , o'ing not miereat as the bombardment of Rome by the French. The chanirmliertnent of Poland by Au.ina. omit Russia, the seizure of the Danish dent by England, the imprisonment of Na• pdenn at St. Helena, end the murder of Marshal Ney at Thins Were ail national atrocuiew and dark messages in European history. But Poland fell because the three greatest arbitrary Powers on the continent entered into lettgas against her, decreed her and shored her territory: England furtively seized the Leinise fleet, lest Napoleon 'Mould appropriate it to his owe use., and with it assets gm island 4,, Napowan was imprisoned et the island of St. :Intents because England dare not let him Ise at liberty; he cos. dangerous. she send. Id the peace and 101/0•11 01 F:001/p0, and the un generous 10111/0 abe sotlected him to, whilst it hastened his death, was the crowning complaint 10 bet influence nod power. Mwskinl Ney fell the ',mitre of violated individual honor and a ruptured national treaty. But Fiance im , tiarda Rom, at the expense 01 every principle which should govern nstmna and Influence todivi duals. Neeesstiy. the tyrair's Wee, has not the alight On conunatda v. rite plentten;1111111/1/1 honor has no reference to it. It is the great blunder of the French t:overninent. or, to designate it more pros perly, it is great came Franca could nut have irjared the cause nt freedom and progress more vitativ :brie she ha. done by the mealtime at Italy. And there was much duplici.y to the proceeding; the Roman pimple were deceived, the Pope was deceived, the French nation was deceived. We are willing in hope also that Louis Napoleon and O.dlon Barret wens deceived; but then the ques- !inn striae. wbn was the deceirert it was no doubt the leaven of old Court diplomacy end dui sewed is the French Cabinet, to tee persontiorMM.Falloux and Leon Fauched.goveru mil by the rieuret siring, held by MM. Thera end Mole. To this inattenee wen added that of the Church. an oppres•ed and degraded in the person of the Pontiff, and a belle/ which probably existed in the mind of M. Barret and a majority of the As sembly, that the people of Rome ware really spa pressed by the Triumvirs anti the Government whine they hart established, end would gladly fraternize with itie French, and accept their aid in throwing it off. The brat approach of Genera: Oodinot towards Rome, and the hostile reception and defeat which be experienced, ought to have convinced the French Government that tacit aid was not tusked for. EMS! But then another n !ement was noted with the strife. French vanity had been wounded, French &cry bail been tarnished, French valor had been worsted. The invincible Gauls had been foiled by the imbecile Italians; and now nothina but the conquest of Rome ran wino away the disgrace. sr , paltry and unworthy feelings to luau oncea tioVerement like nod of France, which professes to be founded upon yerbine amnion, see ing that they are brought into ploy to crush no. other Government which professes to be equally founded upon public opinion, and they are derog atory to the spirit of chivalry and gallant bearing which the French people have etwayselaimed as not oval eberscieristlea; bat even these feelings are ennobling and exalting when' brdught into coinpanson with the imblushing effrontery with which Gen. Oadinot, a few hours before he com mences the bombardment of the city, tale he Ine habitants, "We come not to bring you war; we come to consolidate order and liberty s among you. The rhumb.* of our Government have been misunderstood." The reply of the Triumvirs was • galling one: " We never betray our engage ments. We bails undertaken to defend the sums dard of the Republic, the honor of the country, and the eaaMity of the capital of the Christian world. Wt, will , do so." Uentend Ondinot then tells his troops, "The Government which oppres ses the inhabitants of Rom. hat replied to oar words of peace by a refusal to listen to terms lm- printed with so moth matration.. France has her eyes upon me Aye, and ito have all Enrope, and so have* all the civilized world, and what co they see? They see the soldiers of a nation which is yet straggling for lu own freedom, crashing and butchering the people of another and a feebler country, watch is engaged in the name holy cause. They see the de graded son ofa gallant f.ther lending the troops of Franca against a nation whose present house that th,her would have made it his glory to defend.— The indignant Romans inquired of that General and the Government which supports him, Who asked you to land your lessons an the soil of Italy, who invited you to seize our seaport, and garrison your army there? Who told you that we needed your aid to consolidate order and liberty among us?' Hew did you know that we had not estab lished the order and liberty which was agreeable to us? What evidence have you that our present Government, the Government of our choice, op presses us? Has a stogie Roman joined your strip! card voluntarily to aid in the subversion al t h's Government? Theta are question. which France will have to answer. The people of Rome do not misunderstand the intentions of the French Government; at least they do not misunderstand the outward manifes tations of those intentions; they can see nothing in them but cruelty, oppression, treachery, dissimula tion, and fraud. Do the French underetand their own intentions' We very much doubt it. They can reap nothing but disgrace from this interven too. The most complete success will be degra dation. The capture of Rome, by its destruction, will stand in after ages on the page of history as irrefragable proof that the boasted civilisation of the nineteenth century was a fiction, and that the French people of that ago were as savage and cruel, and had as little correct knowledge of whet true national honor and glory consists in, as their Geulieb ancestors, under Brennan, had fear centu ries before the Chnstian em. We yet hope that PIM. Dedham, Patsy, De Tocqueville, and the bther moderate members of the French Adminis tration, will arrest this monstrous iniquity, this deg radation of the egg. IRE PRIDIrrll Linlva Bona.—Prepared by J. W. William street, N. Y.. and for sale by A. Jaynes. No 70 Fourth street. This will be round a delightful Pr, of beverage in families, and particularly for sick tannic lSearf Ranato.—An Improved Chneolate prepan, Sorb being acornbinataou of Conon nut: Innocent. in •lttorating and palatable. highly recommended pante al•rty for invaltdo Prepared by W. Baker. Itarehetn ter, Ma., and for attic by A. JAYNES, to the l'ettin Tea Store, Nu. 70 Fourth at mchLA Piro and 211artie nsesennee.e.Tifs Peen moo Navioanoe •00 Ff.. Isar...ace Cv 4rAnT— . ehanered—eonionoes nt.ure upon v,ry Jr • npuon of properly, at tAe lateen Nun. insfro„ No. al Markeutreet. SAMUEL 6012311.1', Pre9 . t. Roamer Floors. See'y tnysnl6n. W. DI. Wright, M. D., Dentist, Lirrzca and residence on Fourth st , • oppostte the Pittsburgh Ftnnt. Off. e hours from 9 o'clock to 12 A al . and from 2 o'cioek tos PM. sepl.l-19 Improvements In Dentistry. DR. G 0. STF,AIII9SI, late of %mon t. prepared nmeofurture and set 8t... Tscrit to whole it.iil psir. tit sets, upon auction or Almosphene SuCtlon uvl IL.ut craw ni row seriowvi, w here the rie. opu Otinic and residence nett door to the Mop ta Wire. Founh street, Pittstio run. 11.6. shat To—J AlTaJdon. F ifs Eaton. .al5 JOB PRINTIttu. RILL. lURAW, CAKLJZ , . CI HAND 1111.1, La aus. CEICT:Pr • r lc, cif ha 7 , IIJCIES. &c. &C.. PT.le-d at the shor,, notic, a, law pr,.r, s , the deitl (3/ stn . . OrricE, Mu t, resort. On Friday mring, the 20th NlArracw gar, F:61..0 We 000 year o( hni ago. The blend. of tke flmily are respertlni,y I.,viic4 to Clew: the fone•-.1 from lc. late residence, corn., of Wamr •licy and We.t Common, A ue,g if City, an tn.. dal , A•Mrdnyl at 10 o'clock, A Sl Irn Wednesd,,, ,ete lost J n'eloet. A .1 , 1.. et lus , eudete nlaverenceedle. eller a fcw Sept s rant 's, l.naVa•lag. Sr- aged 77 yea's. RANCOE NIELLIEUR lett 'remote, Canevia, , Na.. (1nc.,,..l tits wife, rewttlinor to lb,. ett). cet•od a setter from bun at New (weans. Ja:oJ Jn,.. Jary 1•01. requewtlng hor to come in Imo, at New sH•aao. which .toidetu,e.l doing os consequent, of ie pne•s.coor or cholera Ist he Soul) ,Ince tha. oa. sae 4a. written to her liuwound ropew.ed.i. MILII ht.! o unable to hear •n) thing el A..) info, niatton reapeetme nun noxiotaly ....tool A) hi. oirrsoce: woir tri Oily Au) pt_t.oit tvr ',tea. , dire, :etter to .6atette urva (L) — New Pinaywie pawn. , be shove •omount of M. a).4 wend •—froot to 1...1,e I's tw. ;73: ItOLSSI.L K AFWMA'IICK VINFA:AR —Tb s ly sata; ~ s l, s olts. and ton, pro, ,1,••• V.sos•r ', na W., et I.r superior to Cozogns rr 1. rdot•ry rorrose• of the InOet •or p .a4o•,K nt• tnllllrt.tiutli. it rrrrent• and f'odiovr. rr.q. ;otter a. and . . pert l y or do- •IL rofroato, and sok,iro, •Irrn, roodort.., • -oft and moor. , orroet• the taco of the mouth o r ”eah Itioa•anl brocb It c.a.., and art•.;eht .erth. and horn,. the smog For ' a Itt, 0001, ftt,r . tray, II WWI waLer •non only amst sarecatOe By 1nh0 , .., Atati II on the n moo, it will renaovr ueada• 0 , II do! , r , stantly ••• 1.,,•• •Ir broom, will eve y ,r• mornhcaunn It ennortr [looted at, an; torn frond C 0111.1,101., LI la aw 1 ..., rery to.t.k. For iturtfltr.; and pertuonne •partmenta For a•tc Ly R SELLERS. Whoirtatt Drugota., 57 %{'v.! 311 ,- .1., I ou•Ord,h. Poplar Lumbar. NR sobscritocr• boo* oo band • supettnt tot of Pop:ar Tunoor, Co and GO teat tons, ',Luca they ottt uw to order. SCVILLE U. CRAIG k wk; JrA thulet Saw MIL, Allegheny r.y I )1) portal. [mole. to ototo and tot .• A titoliftt, LIE. of Octozolbu•ra, 'AV THE LA IY RI-:710E Ft VILL.F. ,tA L , —An Onto, kJ Wt. WI, !rare Ike lhanottotl in l'ittot,tot ere oven./ at F D end ISO cltattt 1..e•v00 I.ootot.cry ei oetd 1' l I RJ HIIEIDLNIII.II. 1,11 rite POLL BALK—A brotht bay IioRSE. loond and uaLood to strata or doable t, or ne. T. Oa aeon at RUDY PAT I ER., , N L.v u cry_Stabla.. adi atm, jyR di; .. . Cr GOD ROOKS FOR SWdtIER READING U . Tat Loa—Noma Dom LUe. —Notes from Books. Gamo--Story of Battle of Waterloo Sew Tnnon. Prt.f..intros—Gruntley Manor. Aliddleton owl Creek Letters. Merry Mount Sore—The etalaroanklet A 11110 TI Seotiana, et , ~117 For MI. by JAMES D LOCK Woo() ft , No.ot , The Bros...villa* Wale... Care Establi•b- m•nt. T A RS HA ELZ .4 MASON. in retunung their irrate- LY fist &canny, aliments b the frtenda of 11, I n•ulu non and to a elweerning public In general, inr the patronage hitherto received. announce at an- 'seine unne that they have mad. ersential intp•oveinent•to the ulterior as wet/ as the exterior of the ev.ibli•h• men, during lain fail and minter, ar ,, ich tvil; great., enhance the comfort* and amnsemeni• of wlio intend to omit this place during the ' en. Atom. I.o.tron, Juxa Psig. All the preva4llng dtteasestar , irevesl t,r• ansl aril endeavor a kreP up the reputation the e.t.shi,..o. snent has won through the West, by otrtei rotterstlon to p•ttento that etstrussi themscirra muter thnr rare EMIMIIMOM cotton sher , s, Wrec au rude. of ngto • a tied. and iux Terms, .t.l doll • ro, pa t au:e weekly ,y7l er'lntl4 JOURNAL OF TEE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, FOR TILE PRONIOTION ov Yes NIC ARTS . THE oldest Mechanical Periodical titaa: In Ameri c, is published on the brat of each mouth la the city ol a Phliadeiphia. It has been regularly ~aced for by.yards of twenty.three 7eant, and Is rarrrt.•.y committee of scientific gentlemen alToditrd for purpose, by the Franblln Institute. The deservedly high reputation, both at brittle and slimed, which this jaunts] has iseniiired and ',Lau., has hell ch siren it acirca:algal? sad elcualip .1.101 tat. azartcr, which enablts the Committee an Pu... iieations to makr the best silections front Parr,. Journals, and to give clrculation to original ut.i. ratio. on mechantral and selCatific ntu rsia aod n0.3,1fil .3 , 1fil (1' new inventions; notice• at all the PatLetli...i. ed at the Potent Odle, Washington City, are 0..1 , , •11• ed in the Journal. together with a large anted., "I.e. turmanor. au Mechanics, Chemistry, and Civit netting. derived front the !vest and best autheribrs This Journal Is poblishedim di , it tut of each await, each number sontalning at let. acaeltly two pane, and forms two volumes annually of about 4.! .17,• each., , with engravings an copp er wood of those sninects which require them nn The subscript on pnce ia Fier Doli•rs per a, Payable on the completion of the .lathr, nnutmt wall ha forwarded free or postage when t bee dotter. an, 'muted to ,ha Aetna ry owns,: paid) in ad, mace Cur mil year. subsertpuort. Communtratunts and letter. on Liminess must he tented to •'the Actuary of the Franklin Inettinie, Phil adslphia, Pennsylvania," the postage pant. WIItLI AM ilosAlll.llo7. tylil.llnl Actuary P I CIINGINNA rt cunt—Th 11/11recelVeal lot V by 8 8. lIAKHB l'i; TA , 3 Wnwr •I WN IX/W GLASS—WO aesbl size, r•/JAnA for salt by 1)20 I W 11' RH A I•otl D R hY 1" I'F:ACy(F 16u "" I S j rj r l ' ,l72 " R i k r ;„ ' . ' ll" ' D fi b l y lW A PPLb j - .B— rw atel boob r i c i A d and 1 i !?r ,. 14 le UM/I-100 Ws large No 3 M•ckerel, liemton I n opre• Inn; 60 half bbl. do do; RI Ws No lJ do, pet mold And lot sale by ;pal L 8 WATERM A N ImucCG-476 his s'. fo - bocco, boa and is arnre in a few dam some of which arc chOioe ! and of euperior quality, rood n nmanowin and fin sale I. Irlo 9 WATER II AV RAD AND HERRING—A low bbls of earl y J on hand and for sale by LB WATER NIA N . . . WHITE B &ANS.- 30 bbl. White Roan.. on hand 11 nod for sslo b iy2o LN NV ATER NI N LA RD-23 crocks, o •aporlor arrigei for (.wily - arc, just roootaed and (or ado by JY 2I ) L 8 WATERMAN ".yoeulture as the moat healthy, most useful, an;st Lie etnploy mem of health;, AMERICAN AORICULTURIS r and FA R5l- 1 ER'S C ARINET—Is publtsholl on the first Vest ry month. Term.: One dollar a year In advance; Three cola, one year. or one copy Three years, Bth Night copies one year If seal to one address) Sts% Twenty septa.. Near subscribers will he furnished end, the hark numbers of all or any of the volume. Seven volumes mom published. Bound volumes in complete sett, or In separate vol ume., furnished at One Dollar and Torenty•fiee route each. JAMES LOCK WOOD. "111ZOLL IRON WORKS.' ILE aubaeribers will continue the manungeture 7 IRON and NAILS, under the Emu of WOOO 'IMOUT& Thl huaioara of the rate fine of Wood. Edwards h hPitnights, will be settled at oar Ware house, No. 53 Water greet. JAMES WOOD, JOSEPH APICNIOirr.. ryllnd2t WILLIAM 3VICNIO /IT GG REENM.r P h Y h°' received a few of the above, or the new none, without frown, and eery sapertor quality. J MEND Information Wanted FOS SENT. FOUR new two .tort' Stick Dwelling Rouses, NI finiahed and in complete order, on Certre Avenue. or Nfinenvllle mod, l'th Ward. Po.- caion raven immediately. Rent Met Enact, of JOHN WATT IYI9 corner Liberty and Ina ASTROLOGY. - I , 4 i lie l.,,O u ß l E l ZO A;tro he io ce , l :4 b i ra 4. ,e p r b y ,io z b r e e r ;na P i r n e l i n • e.ty an a %bon lime, and may be lair oil all the affair. oi human life. at No W. Sr Clair ea. tlendanee from 3to P X. Fee from 50c to 5350 . . Mr Lorenzo. the only perzon who predleted correct ly the marriage of Queen Victoria, nod deacnbed her husband, two years before it took place. P. S.—Bring the time of birth with yOzt. / CLOTHr. , —On hand and for sale, by W. tack, at his Carpet Watehoose, a largo and eut• , lesion rusortment of Oil Cloths, varying front 27 in ches to 21 feet wide. eat to sun any sue hall, room most The assortment consists of the latest anddmost approved styles and colors. M'CLINTOCK ARRIVAL—Of extra sop 3 ply Imperial .1 Carpets, of new and rich styler, at the Carpet Warehouse of W. M'CLI NTOCK, to which we matte the attention of those wishing to furnish Stettin noels or hourca, to colt and examine oar extensive !neck be fore purchasing elsewhere. iYI9 1" -. 1 R EAT WORK ON COAL. Taylor's Statistics on h.T foul—The geographical and geological distribu tion of mineral combustibles or fossil fuel, including, ti,•o. thevenous mineral bituminous substances em pito ed in arts and InlniAtelnrep. ithostrated by maps and diagrams; embracing from oa ial reports of the roll-producing oOnntries, the respective amounts of their producuon. consuinption and commercial distri bution, in all parts of the world; prepared by Rlchard Combos Taylor, in one vol. evn. For sale by .17 ,0 JAR D LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood st 131,...A,L:0hed0.1 lot of above nntele, come of weLtotroe.„- of an extra 5150. /YID tad. ANTED—An expertenced SaIeSIMISI in the Dry 6004.101 bustneas. None other need apply. alr..dtr W. H. GARRARD, Market at Kt it',%V s'l'l L.g — trAltl. - tonstantly reeeiring k the Carpet Warehouse otW. M'CLINTUCK, No. 7i Fourth Street, PllpelfillC and fine Ingrain Carpets, rtch In colors and design, to which we mine the at• nation of purchasers. /Tin WANTED, BLACKSMITH capable of tacking fillip., tar ging, and formation; mit work o is required abaut sint Works, and repairing mall steam engines and boilers A goad eausuon is nose °tiered to such a person, to establish himself in howlers where he ean employ Imo or three hands. Apply to KIF.R k JONES, or the fubscrtbers, near Tarentana, for further Informatron. THOMAS KIER, I.E lV IS PETERSON Saline Salt Work, July Is, Pr Pl. 133311:133 Ifll 1' BATHS FUR ONE DOLLAR, nr magic Bath for finer, ern. Ladle. Deprriment open (rola 9 to II o'clock. A. AI., Rod 2io o claet • M Athe, Ssinon at,il Bathing FAtablishrorn: r. ['FA LI., Proprietor. 114 talar. Rio Cr.ffrt, tioL rac and for . 511 y RUBISUN, i ITLE r , I - - Litrert) st X Molansca; 10 do S II do, I riC , FC and to .ale by r. I- IBISON, LITTLE ra. CU _ .•- var. Au I ro.t tee, and for B k I Ri I_ & co .t,• - kera . '' 7 a• l d*'r°l KAor, III.r Iron. for s i,y ROHN° Lcri &co 15t ,. 1 o:L i t.% NO. I Knd g 50 Colon 0 pr, for tumby 1)1 - u lIO,INON, LarLEk c, _ . t•• prlm, Should , re: 69 IC4op, eu rcd 1.1.1mx. Nat ree'd 11,1 for Rllli Imrl 14 yr & buiti dried Pooches, do do Art -•. 4 . e ny P.01:1 , 0N, LITTLE& CO )0 -41 —3 1.0 Pn•a. o. a pr , :ra• reed for r R(6174,N. LI CI t,L ICo triUr. •.'d FIZG• I,TdC , eor I•y I ill, I,\ t e to CO 1 I) rtn. San or Wrappin; Pup,. J ost re•e'd and II r IOPI , oN. I I rri.R. & rn Ro— 25 boa. N .o tor; Dtilf ZOo, 5, 19, 7 - Los/ oofor •air 1.7 It , 'BISON. LITTLE Jr CO 1511--.10 ht. , . forge 0-tor Mar k. do do No 1 1,101! Ilerraig., lb do Per oied No I ....kolinon, in More end for Sale t ! ,. ; vl , !MIN WA77' .a• CO lere• No :111 or I,re'. Mor.s.arboortts r.. lakptc recco , rd 1, 001. fur .a eby NlArniEws a CO, 1 ) , " _ 27 and W burr ot 110 lu 1111)N 2.1 b ion. Plc 11'011 pan aO , l. tor fooodery. 1 10, •1.0 t., koiii,uN, d. CO TA —QV lib's N C Tor. r'2 a :id for .ate by • HEY. MAT'TFIF:WS lc CO IJ rcc. d a,d for ea, by 4 if I.l'l. NIA rrHENVS A CO 1)1- ,1 1N NI"B".—/.14.4 Per an Nut, 44. t rer'd. and ji ap! stale !.s . j) 80/11, 1 1)N. LIT. LEd 110 TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY 1=3:13323T1 W I`.t, o'or r.uch :information ie. to tbr rhscoverl u't. hunt. oral rivnneuon of all *y , ll als•E•4l,- per.n. who mt.tered to prevent •10 p. the fire in this rtly on the 11111, by tuu.•ut wit. the He. of the Pit.bardi mop.. - COMP,'n the relief of the city. .eh portions uar own .”oplit•es were Cs'posed to ...Ire the rope rty o .1, I' iu-nfurfell , ,t ram C0110.147••111111 I.t,nr of did C.CY Allrybro .ttrti tower% rot, ooc 14 , t LIME.-1 , 0 61,14 plc tee'd r to, trantor I.y nia 1.1, i.111• rot .111 c by 7 tl it vi r. 11 Water vrt Mll II 01 R-5111.1,1* Farmer F tine I, • brand. r On do NI lomre r, day recd and 10t?... try 1) I 7 ARM,TRONti & CRUZER Come round and bear my public dear, Como hear, and judge it gently— Toe prou nto •er•e and tlewine •eree a• the wo• .1 Hensley box DFNTI 1.1 + k.1.1.AN1 —.la• D. Locaurnon fil \load st.e.l hat Nar wale aennsp.m. °lima rated edned cnorle• Ihrllens en .-i d Ain.- sorii i , n o• r,N., • rtu•snant_ isi - I 1 A " Ft) Wood „ dot Pomeroy a, for l st , f LiA jois ,21 (-, e - in• LZrartl 1106016 Lam, Lrosh e and I . ol•ertien for sate by 1 1) WILLIAMS R A 6 l;sl K `ll— Co Ilee Layer, 2 , 1 boa I D 6 ILLIVeIS nrr rr = !Ai Ip a. 11aer Tie 1 14 0. " , M1 1 Nin I Chocolate 10 do do Coooa 30 In Aul• Co Chocolate, reeet, mg today and for sale BAUM. EN' & I. and /0 Wood at NV - - s A 0-100 bola No I f sale by -- IRA(; A LEV Y & •OIITI-1 \1 N qt Ao Al ' t, "" tlO -'''n quartered bhi N% H ail h? be told low for math .11 - 41 w Ir/NN M FADE.; & CO T lARK I INF \ R Murphy. -Lt north 1 ry .r n Martel and fr aural sir. has open ma morn.,oror ale w o' dart Loten Lt.!, I • arks 1••• t. 0,11 a Ie and Turn ratio, (emend end r am—a '4lOl ihn latter of Tare satin and bandson, 11Fil .1% A •to 1 1 inv.,. of otL •Iralon shade and quality and Vo•ot -o \ •, hili• barred and colored h0.r.4 n Ronm. up stairs where good. are offer -1 in r• time y a• yI7 A Partner Wanted, v1;1 ate a pink, third In the Cap V IN.rrt of a Nli.r . c.e,li, himd•t,g rood Wh. II r r ovtli .4-11 an Interest t. n,:e 1 , !1. firm. hea:th Wl l l 1101 per of nc. v• A 0,1,00 In invest a %mall A': find 1 10 . 11 favorn'., °mulct unny rarr;y to he 111.1 WWI l'or •urth , r nformation. addreas BOX 2 . 15, Oth..e rral name. Al, commuuleation•eoo hk:el.h.l • W2l • IC,' V. .ems.. MCAIFE t ATKINSON,' irsr sr., lICTW IMN WOOD •SD NI 41IM, Prrrutres,,, INTINI . S. manutaetore A,I of COPPER, k../ TIN AND nviKET ICON WARE.' Also, Mod, sinon Wors Steno, Ilium. built lo order ts,poso/ attests,. elve es n to stente hoot Wot n s a fiosortmesost or Coper oral aro, Ksstilsts, Tin l%sand age. As hr. Stramtsent C p ooking Stover,. V.snas s. v,r sou. sstaes—a very convenient tu tors° tor •sraustst,tx. estilloro/6 msg . 's - onto, or roll road We wood wapecoully luvita moron bent men and owera In and see our unifies ond price. belere pnrche•ini olacw here. TO CONTRACTORS. P RoPosAI-4, s.i.; lb, !crewed by the nudenouned, Comtnnwr ~1 School Directors of Second Ward. Puuduir.t, ior nialermis 3nd budding n Scnool linu.e. in •nul Ward. according to plan. and tqw,ticauona whael will be randy kir examine .nu lOedudov. the I,th !net ,at the at of A I..yura, Fourth utrari. 111-1. will be received until l'hursdny tar twu at 11 o'clock, P , . . A , it NIII.LER. Jr. PIER ru MERV R•os • sr!, A rsonsti; NcorgoJ do Philicomr, do Alcibtsdo 4,01, hnr Smell •og 5.,11., do do Rose Soop. do do Provhuly do, do o Rosso., dal do O r ',largo, l est d s d od for sale by .o . lfi R SELLERS, Si Wood at D Heuer. Lalp tvhlls 9 RI:., do I. genes OIL do /lc,' Marrow, do Plohconse; do Ny,nott Soap, sum rectoved sod for sole by R E SELLERS r D--1000 pigs rin/rtin Lead. in aura and for .de I r 1,, ,} IA JANIKS A 1111TC11I4ON &CO C, " &CO I I Nit: , -1.61 bales J N A llzzn A ll i c i tn :c ir;r ii s , te N bi co 101.1/EN Sy RCP—In balm and hf bbl., .d 10 gal lon tore. fur tate by 1:1‘11iS A HUTCHISON &CO, 1110 Agent* ter St Lent• 6teadi Sugar Refinery 0.1:11AR 110411.44 t .NWT, cr.1136.-10 bbls Lotto. Ski ," gar haute Nolrvioe•, fir •eie by ptlfi IA NI ES A /11PufilsoN A CO tl't 1 \ LT/ O 1 LARS—IOW CrUrhed. pow dered, and clarified Sugars. for sale by J A :NIES A HUTCHISON & CO, 1 (Id AV. , 4 1 L , . Stem Sugar Refinery_ 0 VGA ft !MUSE MOLASSES-293 bbls sugar house Nletaner, recd en consignment and fur sale low to clot, by 111101‘ N S CULDER PRON. NIA_ 145 I. l berty st T, Y PURCHASER OF DRY GOODS should 1 . 1 cull at 51 ASON A COY cheap Oue Price Store, 01* Pill, street. ler bargains. Theysell good fast co lored Linen:. roe o rents; Organdie do for Lou; Scotch iighUtnt 10r, root cord Calicoes Illte; fine Merrimack tin or. best quatity do 10, nob 1-4 do, 124 et Brown & tbes , bed Clu•bes 41e; Gloves 4 cents. klustin and lace Collars ill in 101 e. elegant Muslin Caper from 75 eta to sq,tah,,ether. with thegreatest ninny of other (heap coed 4 to he found in the Western reentry. Remember the number, 60 Market at. lyl4 A A MASON & CO NI ACILERI.IL-1.50 Ws No 3, Maas- inspection,lB43 %hid° d,. t' Just received end for sale by MILLER A RICKETSON, jytti 170 end 174 Liberty at D ACORN—fleets, Shoulder* and Sides, on consign ment and in sale by 171 5 MILLER & RICKFTSON ALERATUr. , —.3O b.. Jost rsed trod for 0 sale by gin MILLER & RICKF:TSON QUGAR HOUSE AND PLANTATION NIOLAS SES--71/0 bbls moor Phstastion Motorises; fitt do do sugar house do. In store and for .ale by MILLER & RicrimaoN C . OAP-160 bx• brown Ctillroothe Soap; 100 boa No 0 I do do; In rots store and for sale try MILLER & RICKETBQN AUCTION SALES. ny John.D. D.vs Auctioneer Beoes, Warekes, Shoe G tamts. - • CM Saturday even,ne, July Ulm, •t h the Cornmeretal Sole. Room, corner of Wood and Sib green, will be A large co:ler.n of vaiuntila nercielanenas boot., in the department, Cl literature. fatally a n d pocket bibles, Munk book., letter and cap writing pa. per. gold and advt., vratehes in grew variety, dostele and single barrel shot gnus, Diem's, Rowel inatru manta, he. jyYt.,l JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt Staple and Fancy Dry Cards. On Monday morning. July Iltd, at 10 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Filth streets, will be sold, without reserve— A large assortment of foretell and demesne Dry Goods, among which are splendid lawns, balsannes, barsiges, de lain, caper print.. French and Mulches. ter kmkbams, shawls, bdkta, hoderr, gloves, leghorn bonnets, parasoi•, umbrellas, table cloths, cheeks, sheeting, superfine cloths, cusimeres, satinet., fan cy vesungs, tweeds, fr.e. At 2 o'clock, Groceries, Queenasente, Parniture, kte. Young Hymn and Imperial ten, Va manufactured tobacco, No 1 palm soap, 10 hbls vinegar, corn and grass scythes. shovels, spades, forks, axes, brace and wrinne and wrnpning" paper, transparent window blinds, mantel clocks. looktna glasses, glassware. As. At 8 o'clock, • Fashionable ready made clothing, boots and shoes, hats, caps. leather trucks. whips. saddles, new and second hand gold and Weer watches, hoe 'table and pocket cutlery, Racy goods, Etc. jYBO 0 I i 'd ' o -I .7 ,lo :J e do b' gf. h' n a i . :rnw. P „ ' lb d b o l. e ;tra lo" l' d s do do; 2000 gulls blew:bed wittier Whale Oil, in etoec and for sale by )rl6 :MILLER k RICKIMION ALAI) Ol L-10 baskets nice Salad Oil. jost rec'd k - ,) and for sale by jyl6 MILLER tk. RICAMIOM STARCH -3n boa Panbrigbt's, Lawson's and Strobe Starch, in store and for sale by lk ' MILLER k RICERTSION DUCAL - M-6 dos Beaver Buckets; 6 do do Tabs. in 1J store and for tale by /316 ' MILLER RICKFTSON NEST AND DRY MALAGA WINES-40 qr csks 5 eet Nlolaga Winn; &I Inchaa bbl. dry do do Just received and rot tale by IYId MILLER & RICRETFON Q t.b> , -. —um M French Czech Shingle., on con , ...nment and for sale by lyl6 MILLER & RICREYBUN 88 REWARD • • LOfsT—On Sunday. tat July, a medium lion square slim BREAST PIN, dark blue color. The find will receive the above reward by leuvink it at FL RICHARD:AO:VS Store, on Market et. lyl4:d I w Copartner.hip. F. undersigned LitlTt this Li, y associated with the T F. business JACO!! L. SCHWA RTZ, •nd will eon. tulle the bosi nee, as heretofore. under the firm of B. A. FAHNESTOCK a CO. ly 2 1649. jyi3 fXTI CH ALE-2O dos pints, (refit impost... Won, to L.j arrive tu a day or so. For sale by IyIU JACOB NVF.AVF.R. Jr FOR GREENWOOD GARDENS. y s The steam boor A. MASON Ims taken the place of the Thos Stott, a regular paeket to this Garden—lesiving the Greenwood wharf bolt at 0 o . cicick, A. M., end nt the beginning of each hour until o P. M.; lest unit from the garden at 10 o'clock Fonctuelity will be observed. Fare 5 cents; children under la half prier. The attention of the citisens is invited to this healthy and pleasant resort during this hot end sickly season. All kinds of refreshments, except sniosicaling drinks, Pre kept on the premises. Greenhouse Piants ; and Bouquets of choice flowers for sale. Closed on Sun day. 31 . 13 JAMES SFICAIN. tiIIICULTURF. 5- —Downing's Landscape Gar r), 1/01, A a , vo, do Cottage Reside lice•, even do Fruns A ' iverie t. lime: In do do, colored elutes, Stye; hoodoo ts..initning for Litmc, ldmo; The Hos its e, b:o, by Parson, Allen on the Grape, boa; PI•I4CP'S Pomelogical alanual, boo: do on the Grape, C.vo. London Agriciiitnr, thick. Sem do tiardetang thick Ts-en sad Shrubs, think Iva Downines Horneulturist two; American Agricultunst, into. For tale by jyl4 JLI LOCKWOOD, ein Wood st ECEME! 91111 F. partners) 1p heretofore existing nodes the firm of A. a C BRADLEY', la dissolved by the deee.e. or Mr. t Bradley. The WIN be carried nn by A. Bradley, who will iettle the business of the hire firm. REMOVAL —A. Rood., Los removed Ins Foundry Waren...l !rem No. 112 Second street, to No.lo Wood Street, between First end Second streets, o the r•bouse lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where he will - keep constantly on band a general assortment of Castlngs Grates, Stove., Cooking Stoves, de. 19 13 IIGARP--Iniported Principe. and Havana*, of all 1.1V1,15 and colors. of the most approved brands, for sale cheap by iylo JACOB WEAVER, Jr Po j r k nd log per canal boot I Bemetr, and for sale low to close by ),13 JAS DALZELL, "Water st PECAN NUT S-10 b•Art Pecan Nuts, just reed pp rnsagnmero cmd for sale by pr o MILIAR k RICKETSON wR xs b prime W R Cheese, 1"a -. dig by Lake Ene and Al Line. .Ti' for sale lose by Irl3 JAMES DAI.ZELL DACON—n casks clear t3ides in stare; for .le by /1 1 ivln ISAIAH DICKEY k CO, Front st 110,74 3 HEADS.--1) er. k 11. 1 1 . 9 , 6 1 1 A. 11; DICKEY 11: 1 7:• c e o by C"„7.°N — " bole . "- ';)'. 0 1,1 2. .. CO (0 LASS-199 boo -110 Window- Clew 73 do 10012 I 3 - ro; 03 do 10014 do; 10 do 709 do, reeelired and for ole t.e RILF:I - . MATTHEWS 22. CO, .29. Water %t RCHJAfti-30 doa ertre Corn Broom., reed and for 'IV< by )yl3 RHEA', MATTHEWS 2t CO BACON—tam Ins , Miles and Rio.!dem tec'd and far a'a by ly 13 Rif EY. MATMIEWS S. CO 1 OTTON-105 bales Cotton. In etore and for rale by V../ /TI3ItHET. MATTHEWS &CO PEACH 13R - Alt: OT—Odi Ws tante year 6171 brandy, rro'd on cotangnnient and for sale by IY 3 TASSEY & BEST MAGIC LA NTMORN THE subscribers surer for sate splendid }lactic Lantbora. inanumetered by Voegthand, with a in. Ehes itiameter. and throwing • focus of ten feet. Together with sit thousand tromparent figures, porno. ed in anneal .t} le. comlisting of Portraits,. Mythological figures, Naval Engagement, Physiological Humorous And oilier. too numerous to mention. It can with little expense be changed to a ?a le mould. and to a College wanting Foch on apparatus would be miff:Cog. hio. It will he sold atherirsdn• tf applicatton be J made soon to J . J GILLESPIE 0. CO 70 IVoott at Journal. Dispatch, Mercury and Post copy lw_ .. . - AGRICULTVRE: .k.c.A.rnerienn Pormers Ency• e lopedia, Nvo Lindiey's egetnblo Kingdom, Pro. Davy'. Diseourse• on Agriculture, to, liniso. bk•blenien—The Plant. Pro Lrebig's Agnealtural Chemistry, 12 o. Miner • American 800 Boa, 12 ma. Allen'. American Farm Book. 12mo. Allen'. Domestie Animals, Pane. Wchslcr A Park's Domenic Economy, thick' Bro. For .ale by JAMES D LOCIWOOD, Jr 19 62-Wood st el ERMAN CLAY-20 cake reed Itti. day and for .•), •_ lyin TASSEY a BEST DEA NETS-3/10 bush in store and for sale by, rYI2 TASSEY fr. BEST UNDRIEII bales Cotton; 2 bbl. No I Lard; L 2 - S C 2 bags Feathers, in arrive, for sole by /TN ISAIAH DICKEY /r. Co, Front at ENDRIES-4 bbl. No I Lard; 2 asks Bneon; 2 les 4 bags Boweng; ID do Feather.; now landt,.‘ from steamer Casten; for sale by 1112_ ISAIAH DICKEY Jk. _Ca _ WANTED A young man in a wholesale sad retail dry goods •lore— one scquainted With the Inuanmaa and can come wen recommended. Apply at GI Alarket rt. jy4±ll virRAPYING PAYER—SOO rmi asaoriod, for sale t low by nle BC/100N3IAKER &CU lAM P IILACK--30 - Th - lator rale by 1/ I SCHOONSIAKEK & CO j 'COPPER/"-- 7o Lela to fine order, for *ale love by SCHOONMAKER & CO LARD OIL—IO bale best ,quality, for sal* by J SCHOONMAKER &CO • _ ---- ICIACON-6 casks clear Sides in tore; ior sale by .1) JYI/ ISAIAH DICKEY & CO I RD— bbhNo 1 In .r k l by Iyl2 IAiA;IVKk:Y k CO DR 1 YTI 4G INK—book utd Yews, for sale at man ofacturers prices by 1912 I SCHOONNI A KER & CO, 24 Wood at TA R'D ROOFING PAPER. of superior phsdhy, foe S. , h /YI2 J SCHOONMAREII &CO W C . 1 . 1 0 E: O A . a t: thAn" fine tiV.—T m e i to t tb , :o , r i tk e r tt.a nod Geneva fwd nod Surer Patent gq Letter Watch: c•. at so low prunes as are offered In the Eastern cities; all it good order and is...rousted. W W WILSON, IYI 1 earner 4th and Market sle VISII-7hlibis large No 3 Mackerel, Massachusetts isispection, recctetog from •eanal and for sale by »If JAAIES A HUTCHISON & CO ,LATCH REPAIRING — In it. - rhs — soeb es , V fled on with special fate MIA attention. Ilan my the most sktitui and expsnenced workmen to my empoiy. and richly a Constant personal attention to this branch. I .11 promise the best satisfaction to all who may favor tar with allele Work. W W WU...10N, WISIOO Maker, 01 l__ 57 Market at T IVI IIF. ATLANTIC D ANDODHIOEND. TKLEGRAPH COM PANY have declared n Dividend of Fifty Cents per shore from thectuntng of the line tor the last three months, ending lhaaJune, and payable on and aner the 18th Inst. NVestern Stockholders payable at the whet , of Palmer, Hanna s Co. Philada. July 11 1849. WM. MICRE, Sec' BOTTLE CORKS. -9 bales pnrai, bag ond short, D. received and for sale by iy I R E SELLERS, 57 Weed et - - • - 4 Mi.:RICAN VERMILLION-1 ease Jost reed and J - 1, for sale by jylt R 1i SIF73.L.F.R.S QI'S. TURPENTINE AND TANNERS' OIL-3 bids SJ each, jest received aLd for sale by R E SELLERS OVA b— I, PILL DO.T.ES-3 eel; Wlstrend and,forSnle Y • - /11l R E SELLERS (101)PFR'S ISINGLASS-11 bxs Just read and for / sale by all R E SELLERS I . iE CV - Ea:ART/ O itft retail, all grades, by 1110 JACOB WEAVER. Jr THE MOST REMARKABLE WORK OF THE AGlE.—Lsrsitll% NlBl.Ell.—Nineveh and Its ar ntents with en account of a visit to the Chaldean goonsCbr of Kurdistan, and Yesidis, or Devil Wior shippers; and an inquiry into the manners awl arts of tbeancient Awyrians, by /hasten floury Lapsed, Esq. D. C L 4 In two volume., with numerous 11,04nm:ions. "There is a remarkable atd delightful combination in ibe work before us, of valuarne dxcovery and nr wresting personalllo.llratiOT, •12/0 •• me remember In no similar work of travel or &woven'. ". Mt. Lay nod is not surpaued by Ito old travelers. In the Won ders of the story he has to tell, be very north swims. es them all. •• . "We repeat that there has been no sack picture In any modern book or travels, .k n otP not 'brayer or @othen not more adventurous, Burkhardt mote truthful. mom gal , of Men the hero of the book before us .Oue of the moat remarkable works of the age."— London Tours Just received and for kale by lYlt JAMES D LOCKWOOD. 83 Wood et THE PITTSII RGII, CINCINNATI AND LOUIS. Vl[ L 6 TELEGRAPH COMPANY, have &e'ery ed a Dividend of Three per cent. for the last quarter, payable on and after the 10th teat.; at the Whey of Pal. mar Hanna de Co. • JOSHUA HANNA, Tread.. I 10 POTASH -3 esti Pouutt, on band and tar sale by 17 11 REYNOLDS A. SHEE tummy eLot3B-3.5 bbla Family Flour, oacpn simmellt and fat gale by JTII REYNOLDS suet FOR CINCINNATI i :',... rho hytht draught steamer t.I.AUCI'n ...,," A D Reno roaster, ss,.l leave for tba : sßove and interrned ve ports this day . ;S! at I o'clock. P NI ' d , For , fcill. or Pks.k.age. apntv nn bosnl, or to ... /1 ,2 1 PETTIURK UN le 00, Ails , -- FOR CINCiIiN&TI AND LOUISVILLE. . v. -ye i l , Tb e splendid new ..parner mi lik r =SL , R NI tion i teY; Di ns A ns e teT i e!; % ll S ietcre for '.5-7' e shore and an interrnedtate ports ' '''' on Saturday. the :nth. at If o'clock. A. A.I. : ini , ess For trews or pampa, apply on hoard, or to. , .V.) all' D. IV ROSS, Agent. <!. CINCINNATI & PITTA-11171IGIII t ; •• ' •-• • t• , •• PKCK , ET LINE: •-; IHIS well known line of splendid passer Ker Steam. : ers ts now composed of the !sagest, trungen, bes ished and furnished, and most powerful boats op OM ' .3;; waters of die West. Every ascot:11111.1one¢ and co. fort that money can procure, has been provided for pass t 7 P, sengers. The Lane has been in operation tor five years , —has carried a million of people without the least tele ry to their persons. The boats will •t the foot et , Wood street the day previous to startag, Or the neap. lion of freight and the entry of on the regie. ter. In all cases the passage wormy moat be paid SUNDAY PACKET. s :: i The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, aril h • leave Pittsburgh every Sunday a( la oleloeX , At ‘Vheelum every Sunday evening at 10 e. , •i 4 May SI, In 7' __ _ : .;“ noNDnr PeoxE T. The NIONONtiANELA, Cu.a leave Pate burgh every Monday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheell;ai ; every Moeller crenate at 10 .at. ; eit - t Ir. . The HIBERNIA No. % Capt. J. lataznalame, wlp ; leave Piu.bureh every Tuesday mommg at ID o'eloak, Wheeling every Toted?. ever doe at 1 0 IiV.E.IINtSDA - 17 PACICET. The NEW ENOLL.AND No. 2, Capt. S. Ba 5, ; leave ntuburgt every Wednesday =rola rat I 0 o'clock; Wheetling every Weilnesilaver erring • 10P X * rn U ns tieir'PaZßivr The BRIII.LANT, Capt. Caeca, vial leave nu*. burgh every Tbruuio morning at 10 o'clock; Wkerling every Thurrdamevening or to P. Y. if p - A." - dikiiit. • . . The CLIPPER No. 2, Copt. Pam Dover, will lase* Pineburgli every Friday morning at lilo'clocy; When, lint every Friday evening 0110 P. X. waiet,„ffirg_ Ria BUMMER .11111ANGEBIENT8 for 1840. ,lONO\GAIIELA ROUTE. Only 70 Mlle• Staging. 1., Via Brotrnavtlie 91.91t!art . and to Baldmon. and I Philadelphia. TIl F. splendid and fast running U S steamers • steame -;; ATLANTIC, Capt J Parkinson; H. , ILTIO, Cam A : .., • Jacobs; LOUIS NULANE, Cum E Bennett; sun now making double laity trips between PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLE. The morning boat will leave She Monongahela x i , Wharf, above Me Bridge, daily at d o'clock pree tcely T i Pmverigera will take SUPERB COACHES at Browns. • villa, at 3 o'clock, P. Id, and the splendid can al the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,. at Cumberland, at e o'clock, A. 51., and arrive. in Baltimore the mem e von. inn, in time for the evening line to Philadelphia and Washinoten city. From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only M lours. . - • Fare 040,00 Prom Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 hours. ; Fare. The everting boat will leave at 0 &clock, eagropit Rose. ; day evenings Fassiengers by this bout mill lodge ou board in comfortable State Rooms toe firm night, p , p ev•-ti rhs mountains the following day in Eastern eass Coaches, and lodge the second night In Cumberland. Passengers have choice of either Steamboat or Rail ',owl between Itattimore and Philrulelphia, and the privilege of stepping at Cumberland and Baltimore, s ,i s i u nd resuming Inca rents at pleasure. Coaches ohar. Scrod to panics to travel as they please. , Wr make op the foods and tray bill, for the Coach es ta the Pntshargtt offices, lin order ID sate lime on ; arriving at Brov.i.villeo it is therefore important for passengers to getibeir tinkers before going on board of the boot, at our office, Monongahela House, Water 61 street, or St Charles Hotel, Wood at, Pittsburgh, apAddni ISTRSKIMEN, Agent Plttoburgh & L.:m.l.'llle Puoket Lbw. . .•.' FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE ',,, TIM % ,, lendld odd; steamer '.; : IiPAIGp, ' ter, will l e ave , aMw d unertoediare port., en Wt,doer,...r,°! day. the Oth lest, at 111 o'clock •.. I. , ,r' For frelght or posemye aoniv on boa* or to -.- GEO 11 f N t ER. Bunutti m rxi lL y., E NV i lL cu r G N & Co. lad PITNEIURGH AND LOIIIVILLE PACKET LINE '; i l, The new' and splendid fastpasse.• . 3- 1 aiige: pocket, -7... , CELEGRAPH No. 9, ! t; Maaota,maator, mall leave for Clock- oat* and Load:milk on ,Tharadav, the 3d inst_, at 10 , „ f o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage ripply on bonad, i.. to , BURBRIDGE, WILSON It Co, or , -.. GEO 13 MILTENCERGEEL , ~, a. .. • Louisville mud 81. Louis Packet Line. . 1849. 1849.: REGULAR TUESDAY PAM:Er FOR ST. LOUIS 11. The fine fact stunting pasaertke i i '.... reamer ATLANTIS,, , Geo. W. Wick, ' matter, will leave; 11, r the above and Intermediate pmts.:. 0 every Toculay, of le o'clock, a. m. i °'„ For freight or passage apply on busted, or to 1 til E. C. KLNG, No. 163 Corn. Row Louisville. ::';'s mars-titim REGULAR STTURDAI YAQKG I' FOR ST. LOURit 7 '?' A. McPherson, master, will leave far. ' a above and intermediate ports coo-; o' Saturday, in ID o'clock, Y. IL For frei6ll or passage apply on board, or 10 E. C. KING, No LW Com. Rbyr, ! !- mars.lltlm Looraville ", FOR CINCINNATI. , The splendid steamer • f. NAY FLOWER, „ 4 .71;:$;,;;;., t Fisher, roaster, on Tuesday, the 17th i• , .• - • •sssi ~' incr at 4 o'clock, P. N. For freight or peasage appiy on board, or to i ... 5. /Yl7 PETTIGREW & Co, Agents :!A . 0-. FOR CINCINNATI. . .;-• The splendid light draught Mame, CONSIGNEE, NTKinl liaise • .."..: ay, master, will leave for the:. -,.• aßove and all intermeduui porn on'' + , Wednesday, 18th test, at 10 o'clock, A. N. :is For freight or passage apply on J board or tO i IY IS. 1 NEWTON ONI:PR, Agt Y. s, FOR WHEELING AND BRIDGEPORT. The nem and mbstanual steamer , 11111:5SON, • w all ah 1 . Men, lousier, will per r form er regular trip; between Pittsburghl ;.7.0 Wedn e sday Wheelin an and d Bridg Sat epo urdayrt. She will leave Pittsburgh -'^ n . • For freight or . passage, ripply on board. apl 9 • --' PTAFWITEECING AND SUNFISH. ! . The fine steamer 5 r.. , CINDERELLA, ' 15latiouG'or'egreethift'iliemrn7et'iten-Wpo,L ra :t e , i :z. Mondays end Thursdays, at 10A If For freight or,pmasge, apply on board: apt iiiUNbAY TRIPS TO - LITAiIiEJE --- The U. R. Mail steamer MICMOAN I 1 No will leave the landing Oppoute 1 the onongs.neht Home, every Sam ; .r. ay more lug at 9 o'clock, for Heaver., r' Retuning, will arrive at 5 o 'clock, P. M. Fare to Bearer and lack, Twenty-five Cents. rayai . . Striciin. T TR . ! P'B 7'O - 11E - A V tat. . .' ima,...- 14 Tho MIMIC( I.IE.AVF.II wa! l leay . it ~, 2 . go" int;: Pl eZry ' ' jt b s e nd m .t . '''''' .o ° .7. ,i1.. ., t 9 o'clock. l'or f3caver. ettieing, -r.:, Hl leave graver at 1 o'clock, P. hi., and arrive at k'll': I o'clock. Fare, Twenty-five Cents. inT94 SJA elan:tent Ovld to - NOl Front, actor:en Wood ,i E P: EOVAL. 'ir. GUECO B. nilwriganEricara. s. a At•ENT, nod Smithfield strite F : 'l"a"g and C' ,. l 7:p: ler. 41 : i S ieri Z 7 . JR,ROIIISON & CO. having associated TUOXIAS e • • LITTLE, fir_, with them in business, the Wbois rele . Greeery, Produce and Commission Guinn,ts be continued es usual under the firm of Robison, tie & Co. p i3 ORISON. LITTLE & CO., Na. IN Liberty street, Pittmurgh, Wholesale Grocers, Pioduct &Rd Commission Merchants, and dealers Pit:e'er-1M Manufactures. - soar. lemon, Taos. Lerzim. sum a Routes. theatfinee's Notices nrarns, Brn eamia Smith and George N. Jobs- IT co., hlerchants of the city of Pittsburgh, tr ad ing • an er the firm of smith & Johnson have made to the IS' subscriber, an assignment of all their Erato for the , benefit of all their creditors, as shall anthill two from Me date thereof extents and deliver to the mid IL; Smith & Johnson a full end aboalmo remota af ad 7t• their respective claims and demands. Notice is hereby given than the assignment and re lease is now at th e office of Me subscraber, on Fourth street. in the coy of Pntsburgb, for inspechanand afg• al - - nature with all whom n may concern. iT3.llmo Whl. McCANDLESS, Aasine, s-• jllO W 4/1114 Fa*, N E come, 4th amlllfaikkt stt I_)LACKISEHRY MEANLY—La) cases, Idol each. D "Mason's Superior,' for Dsarrbes, Sic-,l* arrive. TS is commended astringent cordial demist relied opals well confidence. Peru. wishing to boy hod berm call soon. For sale by jyto -JACOB WEAVE:744 .1 r CON , RIDE OF LIME-o . n hand rilitfiNT.:.Z. NIEDIGAL BOOKS—Bunlett% Philo...lolof Mat- • enl Setenees, do Trenti.e on fatenrs. Loon on . Phthists, by Gowan; Hooper's Medical Glettonary; Dungle.onss do do,• Cooper's Sargisal GhoUntt' ST. , ent of Surgery; Gibson's do do: etkatnentra Works, 4 vol.; Loperequion the Uteres E°P......" Groveishier's Anatomy; WilsOn 021 ...easel of the t: Skin; Pereira'. &buena Medics sod ?temperate.; Chapman on Eruptive Feast.; do no Me Thertuee end syaoats Practice of Altullebsei Dongle.on's do do; Eberlie's do do. &leo, n lotrue and mesh supply of Meet S. B.llnion Books, on hand and far sale by :711 ELLIOTT' &lINGLISS. 75 Wood 1- 2. 17 M cluvicß. )1, tut attit tot auto 0) , 7. lIDD !CO.^ _ • 121.TE - 9 ttIIOLERA MEDICINE- on band and P for sale by 07,3 J. KIDD irkfelnt second edition, ret:t . • cy end enierged.—A Tree°, on Diseases of the A,p,nisegea; comprlateg ineent7 into the 'Water,. f canard and treatment of those attentions pa throat, decalled Bronchitis, Chrottio Laryngitis, Clergy...JO* lT• ry Throat, Ac. h.e. By Horace Green, A. ItI,AL he. Plate n improved and carefully colored. novel gilt tops, SUM. rho author bee made a most valuable addition to practical medicine. • • • We have adopted the mode of treatment resiornmended by him, and can earrobo rate his etatements as to its great valne.e—Brhisti and ? eVratel'in"wiTth so .e.c,. ' earn and excellent ariange meat as to be quite intelligible to the emPlultimottal reader."—N Y Evening Post_ r•Without doubt At remedy over all others.' .N, Y. Evening Mirror. Ably written, and shows a man thercoughly theater ,r; • of his profearion."—New York Observer. SMITOSONUN• MIMIC Mots Architecture, prepared on behalf of this Jmilding :,t committee of the Sumbsortiari Institution, b 7 Robert Dale Owen. In large quarto, elegantly prinwt, with • illustrations in me best atyle of the nit. Jest reeeived and for Bale by JAM@i D LOCKWOOD. jib() 0 3• Wood et - TIMED PEACHE9-15 M J iro anteer" etANIVASSEU HAAIS—Iu httds yallovreastraued ‘,./ Hams, orluter brand, In atom and fortaletgo s. " /99 SELLERS 'm Ls - - ----- _ riOWNINGS LANDSCAPE ARDENING—Now readir, the Da edition, revised and enlarged, with additional Illustrations, a Treatise on Landscape Gar doting and Rond Area'lecture, axlaptea to Nona ,4 1-1 Amenem by ADo 11 1 1 ;3 /10 volume, profusely V„.q, Lth"iXed- J . PABII/31acicwoon
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers