The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 20, 1849, Image 2

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MrTam Parworswa DAIL, Warns is poko%hed
ry, Tw-Weekly, end Weekly.—The Deily W &yen
Dollen per mimeo the Tri-Week I y is Five Dolling' per
annum; the Weekly ts Two Dollars per nenum,:Arialy
• admen.
IirADVITEIItS are eautetuy mourned to filed in
favors before 3 t. x, and as early in th6'4ay as
grartleable. Advettisernents not tn•eneo for [;peed
Bad time will invariably be charged until ordeqd out
FORT. C. WALLT.II, pf Etiubeats BaroneC,
1911N1111LLER, of Siarpobargh - rt
CALEB LEE, of PititAntroh. :.
...MY. MPS', of Lower SL C1e.0.. ~
(100 ZR CURTIS, of Pitub argil
MOO. & HAYS, of Upper St. Clem
JOHN liIOII2LSON, or legheny
COMM .I¢a,
JAR. MITCHELL, of Feeble%
I t;
WAS. as. ARTLIURS, IA Pittsburgh-
JOUNBYERS or Findlay.
V•r LOCILI Matters we next rag/Y.:
gee tazt page for Tolagraphie If!rra
The (Mahone. lit
ii ,
We give, in another solemn, the comrebtlts or
the Catholic on our remarks on its course'Oledive
to the shuggho for liberty and indipendetne in
Rome. :.i'
* Stripped of verbiage, end of matters not rt.a. vent
the defence amounts to this, that Si'
" With regard to the civil and religiatthAther
ty to Rome under the Popes we, rare Cathinliel
have only to say that there was en not
more, than under any 'Protestant Gever4ent "
'.. The statements that "the doctrine date Pine
burgh Catholic Is an enaggeriumn of the :* one
of the 'divine right of Kings,' is purely ahisruon.
unfounded in fact, and unjust in its opplii'nt'ne."
And, finally—that the Romans thereiss are
not engaged in the present struggle. li
llDl' 4 Ttet majority being Piednoontese,'Ac.
In support of the assertion that in Root under
the Popes, there was co moat, if not et t, civil
and religions liberty than under coy lii4itewant
Government, the editor says that the Jewi::en r joyed
more liberty in Rome than is any city oTlpurope,
where they dwell in largo number; and * there
is, or was, a Protestant Church for travVliers, or
others who preferred going there. i :
In regard to the tolerance granted the J ews, we
ere _not Inclined to dispute it, though we -Innsider
the feet, as suited, very questionable. Slit admit
ting it to be true, it is easily accounted Oi. We
can ery well believe that a Jew may be More to'.
erab than a Lutheran or Calvinist—ePrekyterian
or M thodtst. The Jew desires no conirk.rts, and
if he did, is not likely to make any. Thltgeneral
tendendy of things to to advance, not Lute back
ward, and it to progress, not reaction, that Reese
dreads and resists. Hence a thousanslitews are
more tolenthile than one Collo:incur. ,;.1
Infarther moot - of:the religious libertirjenjoyed
under the Popes, the editor adduces thielset that
t here in, or was, a Protemant Church for tiivellers..
or others who preferred going there. ,,
We be li eve this to be partly true, tho le, there
lea Protestant Church for ircrelkrs. {lce have
heard of it beanie. It we, established, wielelieve,
by the influence of the British residentsg Rome..
a very wealthy body, whose expenditurel of eon
sidarable consequence to the Holy Cu* But i t '
exists only on sufferance, cad during ,EMOld bella-'
vionr. It is not allowed; toe believe, tii4,ear any,
outward sign of being a place of
: , , fltiorship,;
and should its minister bogy himself very-idiligent ,
ly in the cure of nay other omits than relitallers, be:
would find himself in trouble immediately,
But grant the toleration of the Jewry` ;and the'
Church La travellers and what a view* the no
tons °lava and religions liberty of en*lnericau
newipaper, (if it may be termed ue hjOoes the:
question present. One Protestant C *Mt and'
toienkth : in for the Sews! Thin is the edigg's idea:
of hkerty. Having this, the Roman pole ougrit!
to be ecmtent. Not being content with ikis moot
GUM of liberty, (whichZafter an are en4sions
othentrather than theauselver t ) the RAl:lona arc!
sacra-glom villains, socialists and cominitlinsta, and
worse, if there he any thing worm. ';';s
Aa much civil and religious litany
der the Popes, sage the editor, as noilikany Pro-,
testant government' fa this ip,norande'S or is it
merely the bold assertion of a bad too* entirely
reckless of truth, in defence of a bad ciAte , We
are compelled to believe the latter. The editor
knows, he Must know, that MI re4y there
was neither liberty of speech nor libek of the
prism under the Pope, and scarcely Mir trace of
the essentials of either religious or eiviOhurty.
Bat even grant this, ndmiyor arguM•it's mkei
that the Pope's temporal government 4 a mode l
of civil and religious freedom, we stiliOnaintain
that the Amen people have the right.V. change
their mode of govenuffent if they see ifoper. If
they believe that their,affairs can be meter man
aged by laymen than Aoy priests, it is (ten privi
mein effect the change—peaceably iiithey can'
forcibly if they most. Thu fundament doctrine
of freedom, though evidently very rep grant to
-dui Catholic," he has not courage, of does not
deem it expedient., in terms, to avow. ~ E t t o evade
It, be contend. that the &feuds,. of Rokie are not
Romans, but bandits, ocaLsors, end foOtica from
other countries, who rule and coostraintAte people
of Bome against their will
"The Catholic' does the band tin and ilklaws Ltd
'much honor, the Romans too little. .04 are wit.,
ling to admit that the latter are nolß&ently
based, and hence the necessity of obtalOng lea&
CM NMI a lees emasculated people. 110 still it Is'
not pomade that agnuast the will of titt4 Romans'
themnelres, the bandits could keep out t o,ooo ve
teran French soldiers doing their minahrt to effec t:
• inflation with their friends within tlitfd wallr.—
Tho thing is incredible. The troth fA that thi
present government of Rome is the:reijalt of uni
versa] suffrage, it is legitimus becataiOt is so.—,
And it:is a fact worth notice, that theshrjusurpers,
as they are called, offered the French Agibassador
to lay down their power, and again itbmit to a
vote of the people, if he would wlikidraw the
French army.
We have not space to-day for any tist'saf that the
sloonene:of the "Catholic”,is an exagged:*on of the
old one of the divine right of Kings, but4re will at
tend to it, en well as tome other matter connected
with the subject, before long.
Lotter from Mr.
.A Mass Con vencio2 of members orthe Free
531.1 parry assembled at Cleveland, on f:nday, the
13th Ins t., or the purpose of eetabratt4the
vueary of the establishment of theirdinatice
whirl prohibited slaver/ in the territoeftiorth and
west of the river Ohio.
Among the invited guests true the On. Fleury
Clay, and the Fallowing sensit.le and priotic let
ter trona him, wee real on the oceseron.A
Arrateen, June;Ffa, 1519.
.Glerliarm--I received your office* letter, io
behalf of the Freemen of the Revere% minting
cm to unite with them, at Clevolaud, k-Iderehrat.
mg the anniversary of the ptosagc ari . ihe Ordi
nance of 17b3, on th e 13th of July nex t::: I concur
entirely In opinion as to the wisdom or-That great,
=sem =diem glad that it has eeck,Yed to the
swum, on which it operates, an exemitott from
thoeivils of Slavery. But the event dtthe plu
me of the Ordinance has never, withiCjily know
ledge, been celebraied in any or thei4ixty one
yeah, which has since intervened. 106 propos
ed for thefirst time in commemorate it:Eilt in im
possible to disguise the conviction, th4ohis per-,
pose originates out of the question, not unfortu
nately agitating the whole ['Mon, a.. he intro..
deletion of slavery into Now Mexico eta Gabler—
Whilst no one can b r more opraed thln I am to
the extension of Slavety into damp notderritories,
eithei by the authority of Congress, or idly!
enterprise, I should be unwilllngi to do any
thing to increase the prevailing exekment. I
lave that the question will be met, MAL spirit o
calmness and candor, andfictally settled 41 • man
ner to add strength and ttaNtity, insfrattof bring
ing nay danger, to the existence of ourilanion. In
all GM differences of opinion, we shehid never
CeaSe to remember that we are fellow- 4tizens of
One common and &runts cod n try, nor ifft exercise
mutual and friendly forbearance-
But, Gentlemen, waving all other cc;4deretion•
indimenitable engagements will prevent:4lly atten
dance on the °coulee, which you have'rdone me
the honor to invite me.
With great respect I
Your friend and MA sherant.
Mews. Jon:NC. Vartmand comin i t l4 .
Tun Beeitu,
Journal''—We find a neutilasper at
our table, with the above title. It purPOrts to be
edited and published by J. J. Bite** Truth
compels WI to any that it is neither taiatitiful la
apptethjtme, nor reartatimble for editor/Stability.—
Jte.,ijt/mprove. however. Ito se/oath:4ore mow.
tms# ap ft°F 4 the *Min Post.
A Itinssetty for .Cholrais
We had coachltded not to palish any more
remedies for Cholera, concluding Vela we had fatty
discharged our duty, but the follniash imes to us
eo highly .8 respectably recommended, and is 60
free from dangerous narcotics, thatiwe have been
induced to forego our determinatiBh. The Civs.
dams; G eau, in an cdito ro d erthrle, i ntrodoces
the communication of Mr. Greenough, who is the
inventor of the remedy, with the fallowing re-
Marks : • •
The Cholerg&--A
Mr. Greenough, whose communllation we pub
lish to day, is one of oar most intelligent and res
pectable citizen& H. fa so wsl:whstover con
tented with the preparation or salcuof medicine or
drags of any kind, but so exCellent, active, benev
: cleat man, who makes his stiveineitt public, rim
ply hoping to afford some aid iii relieving a dis
tressed community. He has •tetted many persons
sick with Cholera, and administered to more than
one h:lncited patients with entire success, nail has
-presented to others over one hundred bottles of
the compound, from which he has ft°, rabic re.
itdas. We have, ourselves, conversed with sev
end gentlemen of the first respectability, who have
sui&nessfully U.S.' this medicine. And we are in
formed that it has been generally used in the Choi-
era Hospital, on Fourth street, where an unusual
number of patients have been resdlied from death.
if remade have a regular phylum* he should he
e asulted, and his prescriptions dimmed that is
Ono safest way. The attention of physicians is
Called to Greenough's compound; t;end it may be
Well to have some of it on hand, topse on an erne,
gooey, berme the physictae reachda the patient.—
Too mach care cannot be taken ty guard against
the insidious attack of the dreadful disense—to
'.check the first even slight derangement in the ab
:domino] regions, particularly, an many of the most
;dangerous attacks have been preceded by
..discharge's, free of pain, arid hardly noticed, ex.
~ inept that the patient feels relieVed by the operation
lid is therefore indoced to torbeat the use of rrrn
dice. The street course is, CM m neglcet a mo
:meat, the firm Indications of the approach of ihe
Sane writing the above, we received t hi• rote
from Dr. Jordan of the Fourth street Hospital
hl Lave used Ur. Greenough 's cholera prepara
tion with excellent success—gad consider it
among the beat remedies for oholern. I tired it.
and recommended it to my tint& to different
parts of the country. Freemen to Inv conned kon
with tie Cholera Hospital—not knou.ntr then
whose preparation it was—Cone/id:erten it enrugh
for me to (Stow that it was rood. I ha, r ner
become acquainted with Mr. Greenough, and
find, upon inquiry, that he has usial it extensively
in the city for the last few weeks—and with re
marinade success, even in chefs peen up by
_ .
Prkysteinn Ch6lera Hospital."
Now it La well known that Teo:tart:nide auc,,,,
has attended the treatment of ehoiera in th.r,rth
street Hoapttal, under the charge of Dr. J,,rdan,
far greater, no we have heard it 11,4LIell'y re
marked, than has been witnessed".:n private prae
ites generll:7. •.
For c:.o Clrre..,aO Guns.
—N ot lung singe I handed you a
recipe for the core of the cholera, of wmen you gave publicity. t had , , in the year omit it
.uccessfutly to the worst roses of chnit:-, cut
have for the 17 years tance u,ad It in oil eves c 0
diarrhoea, cholera morhus, dysentery. and Idoody
One that have come under icy notice, with eon,
111.14:;Cef.. Blare the prevailing epidemic, I have
used it without a single tacure o 3 ',wirers, except
in some few instances where save time( medi
cines had bruit rieviously glare. Sonic of the
cases treated were of such an ahorrning chancier
that Ideem it a duty to make thi
cd gith the facts, 4.1,0 - 14.:ndo,d.!ala who
ale well known citizens.
Some time in the early part of Puce, I was rnlied
upon to visit a child (on Film meet, near Park 1
about 14 or 15 nears triage, who,: had been tageb
violently with Cholera during -the prevou.
She had gone tom as es.ure euilagerd
leas, cold and senseless. After haring given her
two or three table spoonful, at Intervals of (erie
15 to 20 minutes, and continuimi I. rub the tees,
hands and arms with dry dannelfor about on hour. ,
signs of hle*were men;feated f y 6 fe^bie pulse and
somewhat five respiration. SIiWrOCII spoke, nod
requested to be moved. I made an attempt 1,,
remove her Item off the hed...-.!hr.,1 she vn,ted I
violently a large amount of the 'rice water," and
sunk back and gasped us IT rising. 1 isouted,atey
lea the house in search of ruled alrawtailec, on ,
met Dr. Richards near the carder of Park and
Fifth esteem I requested bin to at,ordpany ins
to the house. Upon entering and examining in,
child he said that nothing would be of any avail, that
she was Inenralde, and "dead re all rntenrs and
purposes." Although she had at the time mane
rearration- I left the house in robs h of some oet
run no get the township tr istees . ro provide (tar her
burial. I met Mr. A. D. Lootroson Park sire,
n earrings with another gentleman, and n,t, , rrne ,,
them the child was dead. Upon., I herr arrival at
the house , the child Was still lividg. After a short
time they plaid her in the carriage, and took her
to the Fourth street Cholera Hersyntal. Sou coo.
tinned to grew better, and in taro other days waa
' taken away from the hospital by a fr.end sad is
now living and well. 4o other treatment was
made except to continue accasionsuly the rise Cl
the above mentioned mixture.
On or about the middle of June!, Mr. lone,
(residing on north side of Seveatt three doom from
Monad,,) called at my store and rttgently requested,
me to go immediately and Wit al , Onnir Man by the
name of Isaac Henry, on Mound... near the north
corner of Seventh street, stating that his physician
Dr. Coxe, hart given him up; had said he believed
els cape was incurable, toot in gll probability he
would live bat a few hours. Ori:nay arrival et the
noose I Goland Mr. Henry in a collapsed state, cold.
paireless, and apparently remelts.. I gave him
a terespoontal as ants, commenced robbing him
with dry flannel, and gave him h 1.1 at
interapds of 15 to 20 mamma, Mar or five tones.—
In about one hour he had a pervieptlble pulse, and
after continuing three hours rubbing, he was sen
sible, knew his mother and other friends around
him, and is now out and nearly ks well as CV,.
I will mention one or .m(-re dance similar. On
the Ith July, Mr. Wm. Hart, o shoe dealer on
Fifth street, sent to me at my store requesting my
asendanee at his house on Seirenth street. near
Mound,stating that his daughter,aboui 10 or I I years
of age, Was very low with cholera. and tom he
woe (earful she was past Met:Weil. I went imme
diately to the house, and there found the child , n
great distress, vomiting and ponying at short in
terval% nearly in a 0311apseil Stole, the pulse
scarcely perceptible, extremitterileold, skin stir.,
riled: aher making the ingredients known, of w hies
the medicine Was compared, the pliyincian in at
tendance, (Doctor Comyge, office on Mooed street
near Seventh.) said there could be no /.inert: in to
administering the compound. ,We at once gave
her a teaspoonful, and continurdLthe same amount
at interests of 15 or 20 minutes.: and commenced
rubbing the extremities with dry dannel. In
the course ale hour her pulse Wes regular, and
before 9 o'clock in the evening she was perfectly
easy. I directed to give her half a teaspoonful
during any time in the night, in care there were
any signs of a relapse. They gave her half .en
spoonful three times during the night. I called
in the morning Mike nth, and found that ass
ease was entirely arrested, but found there 'bad
been a consultation by two physician•, and that
' the result of their deliberations were to gore the
child au extract of bark and a qaantity of calinitei
I could not with propriety, mete an open differ.
sate troll them, but feared that - . such a course
would prove injurious. On my Otero to my store
I wrote 10 Mr. Hart, requesting )itin not to admin
ister the bark and calomel; itiegwrre laid twite
and not given, and on Sunday V,e, Sib, the child
went out, and U all apperanee Rs wet, Llh ever
It may be well to remark that previous to my see-
ing the child, she had taken Ca4ghtls mixture of
chalk, calomel, chalcoal, and dirtrous other prep
arations, all of which were vomited up, and no ben
eficial result apparent. I must be permitted to ray
that there is to LDS a great inotiake with many
physicians in the treatment of tqe early gases ot
cholera; all, or nearly sit their efforts are directed
to act upon the liver, Totten the fact is, the disease
In entirely with the blond, being solely an analysis
of the blood, the watery Parts passing off through
the the interior v,essels, and int remainder coagu
lating In the blood vessels. It then r egime . an ac.
tine agent upon the absorbent verse'a in t h e
tem to warm the blood in the region of the hea r t,
and to impart a etimulation enhoot irritation;
(upon this ground I object to caprice el ins it has a
tendency to produce intlammonon end congestion,
which has so often resulted in thO bloody dux. It
would seem, that after the disease is =rested, to
the decomposition of the blood tease, the liver
and all the organs assume their 'wonted ettiviv,
(olden previously disordered) and all the pen.'
requires is light, nutritious diet cohnisting of either
biscuit water, Indian meal gruel; chicken town,
any of them in =all qoantiiies, 'and at short in.
tcrattla • ,
It is not my intention in the preient letter, to at
tempt Co philosophise theorise, of speculaie moon
the probable cows or mesa of the disease, only to
present my views or what the chillers is in its re
sults, solely a chemical analysis tithe blood.
I will mention another, which', is only four out
of about one hundred or more trans , Dearly paint.
leL On the day. of Jane,? was (-tiled on
whilst at the drag store of Mr. Lie, on Third St.,
near Park, to go at once to a adman taken sod
denly in a collapsed stale of the oiMlert; Dr. George
mpg present, started with me; we went and found
the woman lying OLD the Boor, in gent degrees web
.crampaVomitics,&c. Dr. ()tole drew from his,
pocket a vial inintaining a m•xtrirc, giving her
eaout a table spoonful—that mixture caused her to
vomit, and alto continued to cradle. He felt and
pronounced bar noiseless, and said that his engage-
ments were such that he !mum go. I then com
menced giving her my mixture, And after having
given her three or four table Oponfulls, she ap
peared easy. I then started to get a conveyance
to the hospital—nu:lnd a furnitute car, returned
and found her easy, gave her another table spoon
ful, and put hen into the car, and she scarcely
groaned until nearly there. I told,Dr.Jonlan what
Y. had given, and he ordered to have it continued,
!stopped to two or three days and Dr. Jordan m
farmed me she was Pp and abinaL I will here
wane thin Avon encgiii p found , the woman had
been leaded with ineesontefire.or six days,
and wu - taken with po w sudden that she
fall at onop upon Inn Door.
The foregoing statement!, so far as I am con
cerned, sr_ -"rem. J. 11. JORDAN, M. 1)-
ottoee polverlzed gum gu , a ,, d 1 ,
1 ounce ground clever,
1 armee of ground cinnamon;'
To I.le-se add 1 quart best dth proof French bran
dy; shuhe them meal xcerai times during the first
24 hours; let i hem stand and settle, and give of
the tinerure (ruin a tea to a table spoonfu!. the
nature the case requtreal once in 15 or 20
minutes. B. F. GREENOUGH.
Prom the Pittsburgh Catholic,
In reply to the remark. of the Gazette, on the
cause of freedom in Ramer
1. Our readers will bear in mind what we do
mended of the Gazette. We asked for facts, as
dat.t, f..r the lipplication of hm lasulting epithets
His answer is more insults, but no Poets. This
may be a very convenient mode of arguing with
some persons, but it is nct convincing. The Ro
man Inquisitios, about which lie mike a question,
was a prison and not a place of torture for eeeleei•
alums who forfeited their liberty on account of
their crimes. There were only three persons con
fined there when it was suppressed. nth regard
to the et& and relagione linerty in Rome under the
Pipes, see kers turfy to say, that there was as much
,foot more than under anyProtettant Government.
We bare no doubt, if Pius LX wsa not molested
by the Red Republicans, every thing connected
with the Government of Rome, againat Wilma any
sensible man could o b ject, would be ere now
totally removed. The Jews enjoyed more liberty
in Rome than in any city of Europe, where they
dwelt in large numbers. There 10, or was. a Pro
testant Uhurch lot. travellers or others who pre
ferred going there.
We are glad that the Gazette repudiates the
idea of being a Socialist at the TOlon ne school.
We do not insist that ho is; but though Jt may be
fake, It is not so very absurd for others to think it.
when then find that the Gazette comes from and
lin ant. the Tnbune in many dins Socialistic move.
meet.. But, as the Imputation is so strongly
denial, we retract our words of reproach.
IS We regret the audacity of toe claim of the
Roman Pontiff to temporal dominion did not tempt
the Editor of the Gazette to give us a specimen of
Ms historical and legal lore. Perhaps he could
tell What the world never heard. In statistics lie
is very clever, for he not only mmtradtets his own
reliable somee of information, when he gives the
census of the Papal State. as five or six millions
of souk but he even contradicts himself Only
three millions is what hr himself in another place I
Gives a• the nuniher of the population. The vat.-
moot, duet 'the 'Joanne of the Pittsburgh Cothalte
is an eraggerormu of Lk, ono," of the 'hums
ri..slst of Exe 4 , 1 .' to re asserrmo—unfoonded re
Jut and unjust sn u., emanation" Too much and
ton sorely have .r forefathers iutTerrd from kings.
to make us think them either god like or good.
We have not space ior boasting about the deeds of
our ancestors; bur we defy the Gazette to prove
his assert on. which he says is easy, that it can be
shown from the pages of our paper, that "era senti
ments ere not only monnrehical, but abjectly so."
Prove th.s, and you will prove by the tame
ratiocination that white us black.
3. The G a.rtter does not believe that the rulers
and people of Home are tinged with ihe Social
ist theories of France. The Romans. we believe.
with a few excepttocs. are not tainted with thin
soul..poiwn, but it Is evatent born every source of
informant:tn. that Mare.nt end Gstreibaldi with
their baukliitt are of the P 61111; reboot, and hold the
name eenhatents with Ledru Rollin and Proed
bout with the Montaanardr.
"The Parsbargl. Cestitoir.: professes a peat st,
liort'ence ot /isf tiepublienna. if it had an mach
eonraee as dterittuv." would not hesitate to s VOW
tt• totted CI any Republicanism For this and
other persona: in•ults and epithets all we any in.
Mr. Editor at . the Gasotte-- pots are a rends-man.
Your scatle words—your charitable ineinuahone
prove this to e eemouetratiou.
But Mr ,- runderann Editer, do col, we besee
yell, be under mistake about our courage. Wo
and have always demi to Optmsc
opinions. when We new they were wrong. We
are ,10,1 g n now. We dared It lost year m opt,
et 1.013 11, Cline or rrtends, in relation to
poor Ireland WO hove courage enough always
ti dare error, and apt ik our oonmetmoss even
tbougn thread are made, snob as the totlowine,
which is copied from last Saturday's - Go:ova We
bane courage ettouan to dlr.
For fhe PatAurgit (f,vate.
-Prr. Bathe? Hughes or by
rzsejotors here dart to at of names of
A inertrans min • n3.•00v to toti a Ty
rant .a Ln tiarlOg attoroot to •o guar and suLea
rate the poopto of .Wouid any _itemeau
citizen dare Kibler-be money tar sort,
ottrpoe!, or wil l such octet-rievta‘ be made w•tb
the tatclerstandlng that icy :nail be kerl conceal
4 The Genre haa very I ttic doubt mot eve
crossly blander Lby people who are defending
Rome. What the gentleman tem.:dem tuft inn a
“cot.ticil 'irt cocs.derai,on a'a h ar d
to ten. Put we .oppose he will have no k.l-Jyy•
hail to a good Pope outer. One whom he loin
self cal.. .13 gentleman of the b.ghest respertabdo
ty limo, we have 'Doty to copy n .hurt ex:el:Let
Cohn the Gocene of last Thursday The ventoman
11. n [ht. Gqt.,” entlnrsen. tter.t.• • The in+,.
rifirtent men ,nt ttnt•t (the Ita..nn e ttl,•k wri ..
student's corps. the I irrign lesion and Gardiaid.
The loiter Ms a drrperatg .ct of follootee, many of
amen oil band. by prVessofe.' 13at -00 n ban
arm," says the Gagratr,"ini not with the,
but with the, riga.," Whose ragas' The rights
tbeae handitti7 They are thr getter" op and
the revivers no o f this totiorrectioa; or, at the gen
tleman sap, tahe mart efficient men And 00
man In his sense, ran say that these rialvlsers and
assassins have any rigla to make Rome their pricy.
What would yon ray if those heroes of yours would
invade on or OM' Srnthern roles, terrify the In
hhbitanhi, and under the mune of l.t.reity an!
triviality, Liberate the slaves, confiscate all the pro
perty they can put their hands on, and proclaim it
an independant republtr' Have they a nob: to do
eh , They mould be thepeep!each
be the txeo , e -arha have en might have the
right of choosing the form of government (or r
foreign city. The Gerais 1.31,1 'they are chiefly
Roman., with individual excepteine not worm,
In other columns of our paper, we hive peen
extracts from anoint which any one but the gen
tieman of Gol-ette would take as worthy at least of
some considerstiem But as we have to consul
the GazettP, we can give Information from its own
columns, watch prove. that the Roman • who
awl a r.glit, no matter how their fears and the
frauds prnetoied on them may make them not wet
against these banditti. were, when the republic
wo• pbeitaimed, merely spectators In the Gai.
,us of Jone 19th, a eorreapondent of the IV Y.
Comm rani lountal mew.. -It now appears t list
searcely a io hale individual among them to a ria.
tee of the Roman States, the majority being Pied.
inontese. Vhdcr these cirtionit•tanees tt is
s i t t i e n ot to sporebend that, whatever torn the en-
Alt mop take. tacy WI. 63 thenpoolated and betray
ed in their Mum ate efforts It is, then only en•
enuraging brigand, to cheer them un in the name
of iiberty." They have no character which the Ga.,
44. conaidera none or n. ;income, but yet it COW
parr, these men of no character with those Irwin
men who proclaimed and fought he Ilber , V. here undoubtedly ',Wrong a gross 10.1.0 IF,
e very undoubtedly
b. The story of the nutting op of din Priesta
not an canto/tiled sander. The Tr.bun• said it
was, and en courl so dal the Gazette—hot other
lemons with better opportunitie• nt knowing, and
e n ually respectable, the bone I once Tne
London Morning Chronicle that am! der o ,l, now
re.esserts the brutal act. The lidelnirei Chron
icle ofyeaterdav, though in another column land.
inn the Triumvirate to the skies. menteins a fact
significant enough oldie good order preserved in
Renee . "Applicetion has been menet° nor Geare
to stipend the Allter , C3n Gag from two princely
houses, in order to sow then. morose, from
Mofriar; and di iiionne Mc /bus:, of echicA are rne•
r welly eacesnitre of tho odminsirroteon."
After excusing the plundererA, the gentleman
of the Gazette beCOlll.l valiant himself He say.
"Were we a Rom., we would blow up the Va
timin, St. Peter., yea, even every remnant of the
alorean Rome of cid, a hundred orties, rather than
ine French should enter." No doubt the editor
mea nt all h e so.d. Such likewise wens the re.
solve oftba brigsad, provided they escape from
the rums. It reminds no of the test by whteh Sol
omon detected the true mother. The i.dise one
was w'ling the child shduld be destroyed. She
would then, at least, ienpiv the graUltcatdion °flaunt.
ing t h e true mother with tieing childless like her
self. The editors valor likens him very much to
thin hardened bad w>rmn.
We have no space to asy more at present.
rt;olAlaa of Ina venerable rulal of Es. President
Maoi s m., were removed from her tato residence,
:a Lafayette square, to Si. J >ha's Church, yester
day afternoon. at a o'clock. The Rev Isle. Pyne,
iLeettir of the Church, delivered, in a veer feeling
menu,. an eloquent and just ettlezy on toe char•
weer of the deceased, which woe leuened to with
deep interest by a dallhe con. revnlioo. minding
the President of the Coned States, the
Officers, gentlemen of the Army and Navy the
Mayor and City Gout - 1011s, and nanny dintingniahed
eitliens and strutter', The Rev. Mr. French aid.
ed the Rector u: St. John's in the funeral solemni
ties. About ba.f past Zi &clock, the funeral rumans
lion, a very laws and imposing one, moved tram
the Church to the Congress Cemetery, where the
Corps will remain until it in removed to its gent
renting place at Montpelier, Va.—Nor.
PLvoot-rte, (4114,1)PlyrOdllth., to a Now York.
er, accustomed to Broadway and Wall street,
seems to he sleeping is the embrace Of a perpetu
al eabbath; but there is mach more vitality than
in seen upon the surface. The wharves here are
deserted, but distant seas are whitened with the
coo vans of Plymouth shim, and a very respectable
commerce in now owned in Plymouth. The Sa
ving Bank here nas deposits. exceeding four hun
dred thousand dollars; a fact that spiaks volumes
for the, people of the town, and for the county, In
which there are at least two other Savings Institu
tions. 1 inquired as to who the.. depositors were,
and learned, with plenzure that they were men end
women of the smallest means and the largest econ
omy This is but one( though s marked evidence
of New England prosperity.—Corr. N. York Be-.
'God grant that a men may be selected by the
Desnocrado party of the Union to bear Its standard
who will pledge himself to remove from office ev
ery officeboldeh who now, or for ins next four
years, aetmoaledges himself to be a Whit!, and
will religioaaly keep that pledge..-- , Traslisegus
If un prayers of the wicked were nat itu ebonn•
name the Editor of the Unwu would doubtlest be
eine:net/1i for the . 1 , polls" is the burdens:lf Its &By
fUpplications.—Alasy Isar.
CorrespOodence of the N.Y. Gamalertlal Advertiser
The Romans atill keep the Gadget hay, but An
cona has at last capitulated to their sisee the Aus
trians. Venter, like Home, continue. to hold oat,
but *lthaca a final hope. lo Hungary, the ',nolo.
ding struagle to drawing near, and in Germany the
insurrection bas been completely quelled. Such is
the continental news of she meet. At home the
Chancellor of the Elettequer has submitted his an
nual budget, showing a surplus for the neat as
as for the present year of about -£.100,000
and the House of Lords have thrown out the bill
for the admission of Jewe to Parliament, by a ma
orny ca 95 against 70.
The detail. from Rome are an follows. The
siege works having been completed on the 13th of
Jape fieneral Oudinot on the following day soar
mooed the city to surrender. The Triumvirs, how
ever, firmly stood their ground and refused to list*
en to any term. that were not preceded by a rec
=ninon of the republic. "We know not if we
snail fall," they said, "lint there are some tails
which confer honor." Meanwhile M. de Coreelles,
the new envoy from Paris, arrived to negotiate.—
He announced toe disavowed of the convention
made by Lessepa, but said that he was entrusted
with a mission essentially liberal nod intended to
protect the population of Rome. The reply of the
Tritium," intimated that they could place DO trust
in Frenchmen. They had treated with Lessep u
the recognised minister of the French repubhc; on I
the fault of a i•onvention with him they hod sue
randered the important position of Monte Ma-
rie, and they heti also pint experienced the bad
faith of Oudinot in attacking the city a day ,
before the period to which he had solemnly
promised to delay the commencement of hoauts
All devices of diplomacy having thus fatted,
there was nothing left for the insatiable demands •
of French honor but bombardments and slough
ter. The batteries, accordingly, commenced play-I OPPIOIAL,
mg on the walls on the 14th. For four and twee. I APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT.
ty hours, however, the fire was maintained with- i seams! R. Rogers, of Tennessee, to be Attorney
oat creel, and up to the 11th no breach had been F of the United States for the eastern district of Ten-
effected. Since then, on opening and even a neuee, vice Thomas C. Lyon, resigned.
partial entry have been made. On the 22d, three unit OPTICTIta,
broacher, were declared practicable, and under lames M MoLean, o f Huge', to b e Register of
cover of night an outwit was conducted. The the Land Office at Palestine, Illinois, vice Harman
troops employed were about 800, nod their U. Alexander, removed.
eeal wan not nt first perceived, but the alarm he- Nathan Sargent. of Pennoylvania, to be Racer
: mg riven, they were me• by several *milles of gr of the General Land Office, vice S. H. Lough.
musketry. The French, however, are said to have l ie, „ Leve t,
carried every thing at the point of the bayonet, so ' CoLLICTOSIS or TIM CUSTOMS.
no to make good limit footing, and to have taken Nathaniel G. Marshall, York, Maine, vice Jo
106 prisoners in addition to the number shun.—
seph P. Junkies removed.
The French lose In eat declared. Joseph Euthes, Alexandria, Virginia, vice FA-
B; this step, a lodgement is at length effected word Green, rein eyed.
within the walla. but the difficulties in the way of
obtaining possession of the city without destroying P.XCUM L.ON aPil•il—Prepared by J. W. Kelly,
, Wellaw stern, N. and for gala b Jaynes, No.
its monuments are nearly as serious an OVIST. It 70 Fourth „, 77 ;1„ b ,
is a greet event, however, for Oudinot to be able vie beversge familica, and porucolarly tor sick
to soy nt last that he-is literally in Rome, and he moms.
has appropriately celebrated it in one of those a•ISRISNIBISO3I4.—AII improved Chocolate prepare,
shameleon manifenneo which seem to embody the usPs":rri,.:::gee.‘4l7:reP, hi g hly
peculiar genius of tors countrymen. He assures chatty for invalid.. Peeper!! W. Ratter, Retches.
hie soldiers that they have now "gained a:open/h. . To Mass., lend ror sale 1.) , A. JAYNER, at the Nine
able glory," by “striking down the ramparts of Tea blare, N 0.70 Fourth at recht4
Rome," th , !tney will shortly ',liter as mature in- Fire .,
la L. env.' taut they will then establloh crier sped asaall Nectar:nos Oka Fro. Luaus. Courant—
/thily and that they will thus recopy a noble enartered ISAF—ceatinee• to insure, upon every de
page in the history of a people who bare so- Ma- •cOTDOI. of P.;artY, at an Fenn* nun.
ray dolma to their protection and sympathy.. urrica, No. 111 Markel street
SinceSAMIJEL 00ft3IL . Y, Press
the last advicea, up to the day preceding ,000.2 taxsv, bab y. yStallm
the above attack, there does not appear to have
been any severe sacrifice of life. One sortie was . W. D. Wright, D. D., Dentist.
rahade in WEnell rvers/ Men fell on both rides, but omen end
,d,. led to a I lestlt, A story thst Garibaldi i s •
• • , P
a.% im Pc' s ' ir ' oro u' s r o , ekieli 'h m
IS A la.. and
had beaded a tort, Whleh all bra troops had •Rnatan: 00 % g 0 , 40‘ ..g to g p . m . „,,t4.1 7
been cut to pieces, torn, out 10 have been ei fiction.-
'2ivtn Vtechia. of mune, the French ou/I hold Daprovernonta an Diantintry.
DR.O. 0 STEAILNS, line or Flatten, Is prepared to
and spate,: sway , but thev preteud have discos-
, ma who , ."
ered a coa.i.rary, and have consequently arrested eiopen Seen or Anaespeenc Sarno. Plates
several ran i's,. :inns...eau coon. in nos Stains., where the nerve is
carnal. •Iposed. Office and residence neat door to the May
run, r, avert burgh.
The csodul.loll of Ancona has taken place, or,
thou TO—J ourti
!d'Folde Pitts n- P. H. Fawn. iitlV
but <a C. nu cosiest* , Cir the inh•Litalia
ciindit.on, however, granted by the Ans. JOB PRISTLISO.
trim.. is, a may be feared, of Mlle value. h reeve's BILE. lIRADS, CARUS. CIRCULARS,
the oorpove of hood winking Europe, and cape- Alarstrons, Legrhug, rceUrctris, Law Minds,
molly ti.,.s.aad. while ...ins mental nod otoer UsMD snits, LASS., ClarrlrlcArTA, calcaa
means are ample, in a quiet way, or the work of th , t les „
at the
vengeance. Pnowd at
se:a Gszrers Ovetcs. 'l'm. ores..
rlt Venfee the Ausir.ans hive oven been re- DIED,
poised ut rt general nova, and a is vorabie wind Yesterday aytmoig, Jana Wcons,vndow of oh. 1/1111
haying temporarily drivma the blookodms aqua- motet Wanda, in the oth year at her age.
dean a‘a any, 'ha .‘hah'.. l . have been ‘'''‘aoaa Iler !swami grill taleylae. this evening et 0 o'clock,
nv avPi'lla• of pnanlvons. Stalk the f. ro the residence sr Jame. LO. - 17. Jar, earner of
fall of the ray ‘a• only be a qva•Uv. 01 Weoster mod !seventh Street. The farads are maned
meets unless some wholly unlooked for di•et
ap Sturnd
torn should Anse. h nryears. flowerer, Chet the
defenders are netnally in hopes of succor from tae
Hunganuna, whole once-no in Slattern Hungary
and Croatia might bring them amens the lis.:ss
„4,4,• snob a posailafity Stezca to M hurely coo-
1.-inlayed. ;AIL nevertheles, the Ho oganues have
effected so much, and we aft, ao little informed as
to their real position and resourees,that there may
still be sense a.ucdsu n for the idea. 'cared,
were it not for the Juncture at which they have er
r cud, from the overwhelming .nrood of the limo
s ana. there would be every Ma.. to fender the
movement issobatifirt Zinn while, aid in money
obsotisteiy been k,vc, Kossuth having Just
transmuted to the Venetian Government not less
lean II UOO of is
At the same time it is to be remarked that
Vrtuee meson.. an aspect Cl affinplete
tins nimily and order. Thus almost the only two
continental apilal• in darn% to., Convu . -
..on. of the erne the G Isere went ha. suonined
•••••:, r spert and will of the peopie, ayte
(have uy. t. in the name of older. are being
trampled loam by France and Austria. rho eon
tira the, metropolitan cos, for N eagle
month out of a not. ids:etre. It is also woothy of
otaorratmo. tel who there Tatter iri.arromects
ate Utterly solvent. and are eompenr d I. hare
r,-ourse to forced loans and all sorts rf sped -
qoo. to rase Itrtrirs liangars. in its awe et so milled
.. 112sUrreet.rni." a shie ant uray tu support berrell
but lea send sabodies to the assi•trince at otters.
This niaennoun it has been annonoeed that the
bombardment of Veti;co has been
consequenee of proposals of capttutabon Lasing
been made by the besieted.
In Lomnartly the Arasinan ebbs ne still undiagne
edly airman with en its eharachenaties. The
Milan Gazette orate Y 2.1 of lune notifies officially
that a wan, aged t 1, the father of foot children,
having been discovered, In bed, with a loaded
pistol and in fowling Discs in his house, had beta
tried by it roust mamd lie having prohibited arena
in his possession, and had bee% snot on the 12th,
and this when the tours coudtly had been for
maths to muesiabeg bondage.
The Baden insurgents, if such a term can be
ape oeti to a people whose ruler has ntr aoudad,
have anetatnad a total 4tanomfiture tn a . tea t
•mail battles with the Prussian forces, whlah tank
pleas on the 'aist., Zand and 23d of June. They
ere said, haVeVer in some lefelieleeti to have
fought wall deepen.< courage, and to have amp.
ta,ned honey 'daughter. The remnant of their bur
dy has retire. to ftasuult, the frontier km...
where the mutiny el the army gnu broke oat, end
whence they will he able, it Is presumed, to vo
cal* intn France at any moment. Ti does not ~r
pear to be known w"h any certainty if hillcortfaur
ski la with the in. Are,' ling to some accounts ha
bad retreated to the denten of the Black Forte,
a••corritng to •,me co.. he has still some firer
under him, and is not unlikely to renew the con.
teal thew prococclmars the remains of the Cen
tral Pa rhamenL who look op their gammon at Stud
,n the veyortinT state of Wurteo.borg, have
hecome cutely extinct, the Wurtemburg Govern
ment ha ring refused any longer to permit their
meetings, which at Inet became wholly impotent
and ridiculoue.
The accounts from Hungary are of a varied
character. In the first place Ii appear, the dote t
the Austrians en tee North west frontier, near fled.
cabers, h. been complete, and that their O.glit was
only stopped by the opportune rim.' of a Hessian
brigade. (In the ether hand It in asserted that In
the North, on the line of the Danube, the Austrians
and !Lantana are successfully advat.eing. Thin
sneneastal auvanoe, however, which si of course
rerrted at Vienna es a defeat of the Hungarians,
a most probably nothing more than the result of a
ehauerted movement of the Hangmn, in aeon:d
ant, with their former policy, to draw their ene
mies into the ,'iterate. Tao details (
Anstruin a t qldtority) are that on the 20th of June
the Hung. inns made a powerful attempt to close
the Wang and that they speedily reduced the
Austrians to a purely defensive state; that Russian
remforcements then arrived; that three day. balite
enened, in which killed and wounded on each
aide estimated at 3000 men, and that the Maga.
rte.. then felt barn to Comorn, where they again
mule head, hams previously entrenched then,-
aria.' amidst surrounding swamps in such a way
as to make it Impossible to dislodge them. In ate
South, upon the movement, in which quarter shy
relief to the Venomns must be contintient, the
oerations of the iliinnallaan seemto be fairGrialde.
eiy it was cannoned day after d. that Jella•
chic, was recovering his ground and gaining great
victonea It vas: turns out, on neral, that his pe
tition is a very doubtfil one.
The four Russian corrs which have entered
Hungary amount to 144,000 men. The ravages of
pestilence Ellnorq them continue severe, 10 1 10 are
said to have died within a fortnight at Kalish.
In Bohemia the attempts of the Anstnan govets 4
meat to raise manila have increased the prevail
ing disaffection. About 20,000 additional nen
were to be raised in that province, and it is pin
liable that the levy would on the very Oral oppor
tunity prove only a new means rf supping the
Hungarians with /Cer.1.16 and arm,. To odd to
the complicniirms of Austria a growing hostility
with Prussia in said to be manifeetiog itself
From India the news has arrived that the Chinese'
hove refased to open the gates of the city of Can
ton lathe barbarians, la accordance with the treaty
by which that event was to take place on the 6th
of April. A resort to force therefore may be ex
pected, end thus a new chapter will be added to
the ouivereal center, of 1639. Up to the last dates
no step hod been taken, it being undetatood that
the Governor of {long Kong ma. to report to
Lord Ptdmeraton and to await his untraction.
From Ireland Mere is nothing n0w...4)M Hie
deferred visit of the Queen to that country is• at
length resolved upon. Her Majesty will proceed
on the 3rd or August to Dublin lot a hoe darteg a lll
proceeding thence to Cork and Belfast 61:14 t e
to Scodund
Smith O'Bneo mid his colleagues, it is now
will he wet to Von Dloman's Land inclie
ship of was .Bwlct," Which bordered to the Plat,
DONZSTIO Airrancio.
On general !subjects the proceedings of the Hansa
of Commove have not been important. Val Iv
itud to Rome, Ur. Roebuck having called on
Leed•PelieerettPe to =press hit lingua:it - 160 , 1.'11re
apillobtam of lateff.stise .of Fesece :thif
mail affairs °Other people, Lord: 'Palmsirston reit
Plied that be eeeldoMy say, the ccoulttet of France
bad been been by Her Majesty'. /Ministers
with deep roams. and that:they thought the course
pursued by the Government ofihnt country °had
been an unfortunate one° A motionly Sir Virus.
olesuroith, for an inquiry into the ndministration
of oar colonies, has been negatived by 163 to 69.
It has been tat some time past Seen with great
regret that is the third Congressional district of the
State in Noah Carolina (lately represented by Mr.
11 wringer) the conflict between the claims of any
arid Whig candidates was likely to defeat the choice
of a Whig member from this strong Whig district.
We now learn with plefumze (from the Fayette..
Ville Observer of the 10th instant) that the diffi
culty has been happily removed try taking up
and nominating (the candidates previously in nom•
inetion consenting) a former Whig Member from
the game district, the upright and excellent Ed
mund Deberry, ;than whom the old North State
never hed a worthier Representative in Congress.
—Net. Intl
Previous to 1819 there had been no record of the
number of children exposed in Femme. la 1 784
Necker estimated the number at 40,000; in 1511
it was auprneed to amount to 69,000. At that time
the:population of France was about 40,000,000.
in the year 1819 the number of children exposed
was 99,316. In 1825 it was 117,315; in. 1830 it
was 116,073; in 1833 if amounted to 129,699; in
j 1839 the number of children exposed had decreu
being,95,624. From that time the number hes
oontinued nearly unaltered. The expenses of their
support, the wage, of nurses and attendants, is
1615, were 6 673 018 francs, and have since then
remained almost unaltered
Public Dl.eling
A N 54,-rat qed meeting of the oitisen• of the Fourth
It Won!, ri...leigheny. tre held et the Prestdont
Fosse House, oo Anderson ernes. THIS EVENING.
at 7 o'clock, a re...nye the report of the Committee of
Eon:shown, sod treneacr other impoltant bovine.. In
refer - ever to the new org - atitaattc, of tit, Fir. bepan•
meet of the Warn d sconce) entendanoe te ?apart:O.
I. R LINO AY •Committee.
Public Mooting
N ad;oartted vneetalg of tire caukens of the neat
Ward Allegheny, will tre Itch:l at he Public
EVENING. at 7 o'clock. to ro.
e-tve the report atilt, Coarnint, or Eo•ol:ment. and
tra,,aseL other .important bonne. in reference tq dLe
04. organit...4 of bo Eat Ilkpancoent of the Ward.
aen. rat so , edam* a requested
lINt'INNATI 80AP-75 has received and for ado
k..f by Bb. W ILLMBALG N.
)YO. 3 W. 0 .0 01
lfr for sa: 11 ; y tr: bZ I4 =Rh. TAU
D RIM rEACHEa—t® Ins past, eed and kr Nee
Lt~--iui boon
and for
.1 )1 1 4 " PP
ni a nv ` 7l ..
14--M Obis lane ' 3 hfiarkersd, Boston 4nspne
r non; SO half Obis do do; he Obis No Ydo Not fenhil
odd for so`e , sT L 8 WATV.RM AN
ODACCO-1111 his Vs T 0..., on bond sod
orAve in • few darsousato,otwAlof
Or • uds and of auperon gollity; toed OA toosiginnong
siild for solo hy lyro L 5 WATERMAN
lIAD AND IIIiRRINO—A few Obis of est+ yi
k i j on hood .4 tor sate by
wItITE DEANS—JO bblr %claw Ilea., of, 631;:d
sod for rale by ly LM W ATgRitAN
LARM—ES crook% • avert°, •stiel• toy firmly an
Jan recalyed and for nit by
- Agneslune te the most healthy,most owtel, .on no
ble employe:tent ot tosto^—Waaamoton.
KR 'S CA bIPIET—Is ',twinned on the filet (Were.
ry month
Terns : One dollar a Tow rintletnoPhte
one year, or eopy Three 74.41., VA Light etvas
sne year ment O. Wm.) eat Twenty copies,
Nate aabsenbers aryil be fartifetted r lth OD bank
nu-nears .14 all or any of We volume. Bevea vat...
ay* . pahlish• , l
vnluclact in complete sets, at in 'spume al
e. foramina/ mLI. Dollar anal Twenty-from cants
ITN 63 Weed .1
• REST WORK ON COAL.—Taylor's Statistics on
,F Coal—The seneraptueso and asolugteal dlstribw
t.on of ortnisral cornbustibtes or ftntsil fuel, including,
• , .tte carpus mineral bituctilnone rub•tacces em
rnyel to •rts mud meant, °tares, Illustrated by maps
•rid diagrams; ameracins from oEs tat report. of We
cult-producing oounittles, the respective amounts of
ti.cir production, consumption and commercial Mart
trYllo t, ill an non. of tea woad; prepared by Richard
°win, Taylor ; la en, vol. Bye. For sale be
/AS I) Ii.OOKWOOD, 03 Wood at
)ACAS ILKFARASOIW FL hirers , ' Sas re.
ceive /cot of above article, some of entice are
oi an extra ann.
r received a of the above, at the new finiva
Aviihaul too • , tad very ...nor stilt . to
subeerthere wtll Cantata the manufacture of
I IKON end NAILS, ender the firm of WOOD &
I'FNIG (ITS. The Mantes of the late fiemt of Wood:
, twenla L 3T•tfnighta, will la attled our Ware.
bud., No. 33 Wear
FOUR new 'weenier Wick Dwelling Donne,
tOr well flnutised end in
. complete order on Centre
Ave., or Nnoorria/10 road. 7th Wet* Po,-
oegs,on given nowoilsalely. Rent low. Enquire of
JOHN wnrr & CO,
1719 novena Liberty and HMI sts
T+, I R. LORENZO, the celebrated Phdosopher, Pre
dos s of the Attrolopeal Somety, will remain
Mt city fora chart tone, and may ha ...idled on
the .tr.ra of human life, at to id, St Clair at.
- -
A ttentianee quirk 3to e r M. Fee from 500 to Ka
51, LAirrazo la the only portion who predicted earner t
ly tha ina.rnar (Noon Victoria, and deacnted he
haahand. two ye•rr bolero it hook piato.
P o.—Dring the lima of birth
_with. you. Jyl9:dftw
A PROMISSORY NOTE, drawn by James ITDon
oell.detou about lets insL, payable four months
miry dote, to del order orJ. S. Bonnet & Co, for SKIS;
owtorood try thorn and by Hugh Lea The payment
of raid onto having been mopped, the public are coo
tioned not to negotiate the lame. iy I ii:oar
OIL CLOTHS—On hand and for sale, by W
took, so his Carpet Warehouse. a lame .d .
Iv Nose assortment of Oil Cloths, •arying from in in
cam m VA feet wide, cu. to suit any site hall, TOO
or vestibule. The assortment consists of the Isles
and most approved style. and colon.
dilFll vA'--(
1211.E811 .---_ -Of elm sup 3 ply Imperial
Carpets, of new and flak styles, at the rpet
Warehonae of W. III'OLINTOCK, to which we Myna
the anent,. of these wishing to furnish steam boats
or looters. to e•ll end examine our eitotWve nook he.
( 0 , ~,- ' - -tog elsewhere. jy le
par bulag
uVIIEN we commenced
s ; r Lienry Stable on the I,„
Sabbath keeping principle,„ nee
in Allegheny exy, we de- m.a
tern:teed to let no horses or cantatas on the nat.
bath, except for funeral. end in eases of mai ne.
eessity. To this rmotnuon we have strictly adhered,
and reel very grateful to the friends who have gener
ously sustained U. by their patronage. There are,
owaver, some persons who MO end:levering to injure
our business by ore circulation of allusive end elan
do roll, re ports, some of which IN follows:
i s
don suck to his gabbed!! keeping prinetple.—be is a
hypocrite arid don't earn sty thing b the °beer
armee of the Sabbath, h
empen nl Want/ atom a custom ”
“I guess he Is tired of h the Sabbattt—be
have to abandon it or fail in businen." 11, has no
stock but o n e c
and the community will not
support it Sabbath keeping Stable." "He has made
palm! appeal to the Chnotian p n
blic! for support, and
then abandon. his principles "Charles has made
himself rullaulons." "A Sabbath keeping stable wont
do in this city " "I will bet five dollar.' can him all
the sunk he has on the Sabbath."
• . .•
The above reports are without a shadaw of troth.
Why all these attempts to injure maitre made, we know
not, unless it is because wo keep the Babbitt, day in
our bualooss.
We now challenge any one to gins the name a( a
single parson who ha. hand t hots% baggr or car.
Wage of to on the Sabbath, as In caw. - o nocessi.
ISAAC CHARLES &a244lsandoalcy et.
allaghtcy Cay t Joly 15,11340.; 2
Ur. Hones and Canters to let we the west tawar:
all, mama Monroe kept at liven . In too beat AmAtur
A Hearse and Catnaps futatehiM an. (annals.
- A Hannoa-aaoilfoot far Saint
Ad A I.ol' of 'wind situated In ibs 4th Word of
jelLthe city of A.r.ny, bonin4 a front of twenty
foot on Liberty strew.,
let = to r :a--
atlei:Oswre bows s For te%
quiro of THOS. hl. NIA RSII
jylB:d3t Annrn , v et Lao, sth
."'yNi'ArsiLED .
t zliwt . por r !a an oc o c o dZal T e r, s e nt , r ap i p o i the Dry
jylfcrllf W GARRARD, 79 Market st
`kr EW 13 - 15TE - CARPETB,ortstantly receiving
PI the Carper Warclutasse of W. ISPCLINTOCK,IsIo.
73 Fourth street, superfine and fine Ingrain Carpets,
rich in colors sad design, to which we Woke the ht.
tention of purchasers. /718
4 BLACKSMITH capable of 13241 ring salt pans, for
ging, and foralsbiog atieb work nr is required
asat salt Work., and repairing man steam engines
and boilers
good srustion is now offered to such a perafon, to
tshitsh himself in business where he can employ
•• • or thrre hands. Apply to ATER & JONES, or the
Isseribers, neat Tarerotten, for further Informsuom
Salina Salt Works, Joty IS, 180.
Bath for Aileen cent.
Ladies Department open from 9 to 11 o'clock, A. bf..,
and 9 to 5 o'clock, P. N.
Athentonm Saloon and Bathing Establishment.
T. hDFALL, PTO • netor.
CuFFEE—Lbu bags Oo Coital inst reed and for
sate Sy . ROBISON, I i TLE & CO,
jy IS lll Liberty .t
k,f y/...AS.bEZ—IaY W. N 0 !dolassei;lo ao - S El do,
LTj in store and for solo by
QUAY—bid ass Lao. I tan. tamp, Au meal and
L sale by jytB ROBISON, LITTLE &CO
AILS, k.e.-300 kegs Naas ared sires; 60 do wrOl
Spokes; 10 tons assorted Bar Iron, (or sale by
{fin NINO, ae.-152 bales Nos t sad 2 Batting; 50
JUIS do Candlewick, 2004 lbs Cotton Yarn, for tale by
I)A.CON—IS eats prime Shoulders; CR ter augu cu
ll red canvassed Hams jest reed and for sale by
rtHIED BOlRP::itrilMsh — ariid — Pesehes; 101.1diai
,LJ Apples, for ssle by
DOTASH-3 tone Potash, aprl t ee article jiust reed
acd tot sale by lyla ROIIII3ON, LI rrLE k co
Gtess—i boxes Bxlo W Gloat SO do oed sixes
n w sol
do. for solo by jyIB ROBISON, LITTLE it CO
'DIAPER-200 nrbs Btraor Wrapping Taper, just reed
and for .de by brie LirrLE & Co
Q CCM R.l-23 had. NO Sugar, 2U bins Nos 4, 0,7
and b Loaf do, for sale by
F ISH -30 bln• large new No 3 Mackerel;
30 do do No I Oftsfd &forelegs;
10 do Pickled No 1 Salmon. le more and
for sale by &SI. JOHN WATT
_a CO
t•lSii-10 bbl. largo No 3 Mackerel, Alstaselessous
JE lenges bun, reesaved this day for ss eby
27 and 29 Watetv vx
Pit; IRON-2& ons P Iron, port oR. lot foundery
mole by jyth ROBISON, LITTLE it CO
AR—YO bias N. C. Ter, mold arid for ogle by
LD-1,1..1 ors Lead, reed •nd for uln by
IDF.CAN hbla Peenn Nun, met reed and
I for UI. ,y iilB ROBISON, LIT." LE &co
WILL he peld for such information as will lead to
the discovery of the names and conviction of all
such end disposed persons who interfered to prevent
the suppression of the fire in this city on the 10tb. by
theatrocious set of cutting the hose of the Pittsburgh
companies generously coming to the relief of the city;
or. by threats, mumidaung such portions of our own
eompaoirs as were disposed to site, ths property o
their suffering fellow muz•ns from conflagratton.
1 111:S11,
Mayor of the Oty of Allegbeny.
fr:e-Pinsbargb paper% copy one meet. iftd
pet steamer I.ydu Colnne. for rale by
C H GRANT, II Water at
Fri MIN FLOUR-50 bbis Former & Kirk's brand;
29 do M Moore's, to-Ca) reed and for sole be
`Come round and new, my pnblio dean,
47onne hear, and judge
The prose soterse. anti 9o•nog vent,
Mat the wits of Benners—Eox.
D ENT L r.Y'S hItSCELLANY.-7u. D. Locsuroon
wood street, ha. for sale a complete set of tat
eeles rated work, edited by Charles Dieters and Aso.
worth, with Plostrations fly Cruiksbank. jyt7
HAMS --CM eur.d, for •ae by
jyl7 1 D WILLIAMS, no Wood •n
KOOIIS--ss) dos Poorcrora, for ate v‘ t
B 1
y 1
`COATIS—N. Orleans, Masa Havana, Loaf, Croahr
ed sod Pulverated. for .ale by
11.1191N...5—1 cult Sseedlesa; ISO lbs Layes; an ball
M R. 30 t do do, for rale by
. .
/11 7 .7 D A ILLIAMS
13RD.H . A7.7 4 !ntlLff - ac i .-70 .
do AZ:III 3U Co Choe ' ole, re,e7vV.Z to-day d ° an:l7o%loo
•12.4140 Wood et
tY upfor .ale by jytf BAGALE.YTAIITIigu'I
bLERATI:9-ICO &lb No 1, far sale by
! pl7 11AGALEY & SMITH
Igriarh7a7l s°. d.
of whteb will be word low for cos&
11 . 17.41 w JOHN 11rFADE 1 1 & CO
'ARK LINEN LESTFEEtt—W R. MorPkY. nt north lU east corner of Market and Fourth sta. has open
this mamma a few to of dark Loren Lustre*, a
wart* *rods—tor tack. sad dresser. Also
Poirenne -Green sat and Tore win, fringed and
Gain—• fewer the /um of Toro satin and handsome
olan. Alen
P.m. Lamm, of • de•irablo studs and quentyand
Most-elm Ness—While, hatred and colored
Wholesale !looms up muss, whom goods are offer
ed io dealers extremely low.
• Partsmr W smarty
Trrlio will rake m Imams: of one third in the Cosi
, V gal Stock of • .Ifereantile firm delfts good
Isaiah em be erased, or will .ell an interim
o' me of the drm, whoa! bwatia MU not plumb of ile
um, mimes. A Perron wishing to invest a mall cap.
Pat. will end this a °movable opportutury mel t ; to De
met ertth. For flusher mll
formeon, Mdse. II X V. 13,
Post Office, with ma/ mama AU commanteanons eon
fid•ntiaL • }Wyllie
ens SCAMS.
l/11.0 ATMS..
ifiaring & ATKINSON
Flamm terms Woo. ...ea Mama, Vtrmscsau,
COATINUE to manufacture all kind. of COPPER,
sank Work.
Steam AL.I2• Milt b order.
Spfttal attennon peon to steam teat work.
Have on booth • Ana assortment of Copper and Bon
Reeks, Tto Were /to. be. StestacnoCooking liderver,
Notable Forces, variooo sises—a vary convenient u
ncle for steamboats, California emigrates, or nil road
we 'mad respectfully Myna Ma= boot rocn and
others to can and see our anleln and tutees bents
purchasing elsewhere 4,17
fROPOSALS Intl be received by the undersigned,
Comenhtee of School Directors of Second Ward,
Plusher h, for famirhing materials and boading,•
Public School Douse, to said Ward, according to plans
and spectfic•tions, which will be ready for examina
tion on Wednesday, the 19th 1011, at the store of A.
Lanes, Fourth street. Bids will be received until
Thursday, the Bilth low., at 6 o'clock, P. M.
_ _
liprfitrUMEßY—Floo•sel's Aromatia Volngot-, do
1 - Phil:come: do Alo•biado 0.1. I sires; fine Smell
ill, Pah, do do Rosa Soap: do do Pa , obaly do; do
do Baguet do; do Compound 00 Marlow; 30.1reo'd
and for .ale by )yla R SKLLERA , 57 Wood et
TRAIF.RY—Heuel'a Lily White, V me . ; do
Reer.• Oil, do Beef Marrow, do Phibeanie; do
rirmPt• Soolo; mit received and for We by
T EAD-1000 pigs Galena Lone, in store and for sale
fIOT-40 key ma ported !got, ro tale by
LTEMP-136 boles Miasoun Hemp, for tale by
11 /Ts 3 JAMES A EIU rcnison r. co
rl OLDEN SYRUP—Io bbls and LI bbls, and 10 gal
Ur lon kegs, fey sale by
gin Agents far St Loots steam suer Rehn,rr
g r. lloass Moluses,lol sale nt r
RESINR 0W D SUGARS-1 blip loaf, crushed, pow
demi, and clarified Sugar& for sale by
IYIB Ail, SI Isms Steam Sugar Refinery
VG AR HOUSE MOLASSF - 3.-RIS Ws auger house
Plolasses, reed on sousteument and (or vie low
NIG 14.5 Liberty st
call at MASON & CO'S cheap One Price Sinn,
On Market street, fur hasisnlns. They veil good foot co-
Gred Linens for 9 rents Organdie do for Wei Scotch
ingham. liltr fast cold Caisoocs He; tine Menimaek
do 90 best quality do lum rich 4.4 do, Idle: Brawn &
n •hr Muslims He; Glove./ cents; hains , fil and lace
Conan 61 to lake elegant Mastic Capes from 7$ ets to
Skt,CO, , okether with the greatest variety of other cheap
voile to be found in the Westerncountry.
Remember the number, CO Market at.
4 14 A A MASON & CO
NI ACKEREL-1.50 bbls No 3, Mass. inspection, 1819
7u elf do do
Jain received and for sale by
jytil 179 and 174 Liberty st
LACO—Ham Shoulders s, Shoulde and Sides, on comign-
meat and (or isle by
ALERATIL,?-9u tits Soleratua, just reo'd and for
( sale by Jyld MILLER& RICKETtsON
CI A E.,,a—ani bbls sup r ?lunation Itlolassosi 5P do do
sugar hounn do, in some and for sale by
Ct OAP—ICO bee brown; 0111Iteotbe Soap; Ino ben No
1 / 4 1 I do do; in more store and for ;kale by
) 1 11 . Arlf1 4 01: 1 lI nc lio h'i l T=r* F' O L ll; ls lTb d b o lg * ll
do din Kidd walls bleirshold winter Whale Oil, in Moro
and for sale by iylo KILLER •L RICK IMON
Q ALAI/ 011.--40 bukeu alto Snlael 011,Jut recd
and for sale - by 171. MILLER & RICKETSON
STA RCH—SD beg Bonbright`a, Lawson'. and Btrubbt
Starch, in store and for salt. by
- -
r)UCRETB—G dos Beaver Buckets; 6 do do Tubs, in
1) more and ter ula by
Sweet Melnik Wide; U4l lodine bbl. dry do do
id. received and tor .. by
iIIN6LES-913M French Creek Stntgles, on eon
elgomerti and Cox laM bl
410 uaza &
B 6 nEwsitto.
T 09T-0n Sunday, let July, • medium use spare
Li 11,W1.11 lumen pm. dark blue color. The find.
r will receive the above reward by leaving it at
lIICELLIDSOSVIS Store, on Market U. ifitdtw
Cepaztamrsh p.
TE. mimic:tad have this de_y_aceociAted ytth them
le butts.. JACOB L SCHWARTZ, and cos
tume the tit:minim as heretofore,' under the fins of
.Iclv 2,1819. 1113
SWI CH ALE- 00 dos pints, froth iropcsrtatioa, to
arrive in a day or so. For sat by
AUCTION SALE& :' :.7 -24
Dr John D. Deyb • Allottosoor.
TVatekes, Skat GYM.
On Saturday evening, July Slat at 8 &tine!, at
the Commercial Sale. Room, corner of Werod and sth
streets, ...ill sold—
A ,eirge co!leetion of valuable miscall/mous bask.,
in the Canons deparuncnis of Itterantre, family and
pocket bibles, blank books, letter and cap vrridng pa
pro, gold and silver swatches In great variety. donhle
and single barrel *hot gun., to musical instru
ments. ,he jynO JOHN O DAVIS, Anct
Sterple and Mince Dry Geode
On Monday morning, July Yid, at 10 o'clock, at
the Commemtal Sales Rooms corner of Wood end
Fifth streets, will be sold, without resesvo—
A large assortment of foreign and domestic Dry
Goods. among which arc splendid lawns, bedsarirtes,
burster,. de lam. super pnau. French and Wenches
ter gulgbarna, shawls, bdkfs, !tottery, gloves, leghorn
bonnets, parasols, umbrellas, table cloths, checks,
sheetings, superfine cloths, camimares, satinetts, fan
cy vesungs, tweeds, Sc.
A I 0 o'clock,
_ . _
o macs,
Groceries, Queenswam, Furniture, Ate.
Voting Dyson and Imperial tea, V. manufactured
tobacco, No 1 palm soap, lo . bbls vinegar, corn and
grass ail - the, shovels, spades, forks, axes, brace and
bits, writing and wrapping paper. transparent window
blinds, mantel cloaks, look !assts, glassware. de.
At 8 o'clock,
Fashionable ready made clothing, boots and shoes.,
hats, maps, leather trunks, whips, saddles, new and.
second band gold and silver vacate, fine table and
pocket ender), fancy goods, tic. irgo
Retail Grocery Store in AlfegArny at nut ion.
On Friday morning. July 00th, at 0 o'clock, ta the
tore of David klorgan, north comer of Federal sweet
nd the Diamond, will be sold his entire mock of Oro•
cries, earthenware, sonennue, shelving, counter,
cotes, store fixtures, &c.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
ILTHE subscriber offers for sale her Roam and
Lot in Allegheny City, pleasantly situated on
Rank Lane, and fronting the Allegheny riven
neatly opposite th e point of Pimborgo. The lot is to
feet wide , and extends from Bank Lone on the South
to Rebecca street on the North, bounded also by Nel
son street on the tVest It Is one of the handsomest
and most desirable lota now offered for sale any where
to the neighborhood of Allegheny City. It is large
enough to he subdivided advantageously into 10 build
tier lots of the time size. it Is very suitable for Stain
fly residence—la cocked with ovarietyofelmire FMB
Trees in full bearing The dwelling convenient and
comfortable, and all in good repair. A 0/DlTtutee
deed will be given, and possession at any time to suit
lOC purchaser.
For terms, apply on the premises to
iyl3idtm PREBE SAVORY.
The steam boat A. MASON
inis taken the place otitis Thoa
1,, , ,,w,5ien Scott, as a regular pocket
• • his Garden—leaving the Greenwood
seborrhea* el 0 o'clock, A. K., and at the beginning of
each hoar until 9 P , last trip from the garden at 10
o'clock. Punctuality will be observed. Fate 5 cents;
children under it half price.
The attention of the citizens Is invited to this healthy
and pleasant resort doting this hot and sickly meson.
All kinds of refreshments, except tntaztealing drinks,
are kept on the premises. Greenhouse Plants, and
Bouquets of choice flowers for sale. Closed on Sun
dsy. Jll3 .11111a1
AGIUCULTURE, &e. —Diraintng's Landscape Gar
damns, Sic. Ebro; do Cottage Residences, Bap; do
Fruits of Americo. 1.2m0; do do do, colored plates, Svoj
London Gardening for Ladies, Photo; The Rose, Its
culture, Cco. Pvti, by Parsons; Allen on the Grape, bird,
Prince's POMOlogICal Manual, /fro: do on the Grape,
Simi Condon Agriculture, thiek Pro: do Gardecong
thick 900; do Troco and Shrubs, thick Svo; Downing's
Horticulturist. 6vo; American A grieulturie, 800. For
sale by jyl4 J D LOCKWOOD, 03 Wood st
frHE partnerstlp heretofore existing under the firm
o' A. fc C BRADLEY', is dissolved by the decease
of Mr. C. Bradley. The bombes& will be carried on by,
A. Bradley, who will _settle the business of the late
REMOVAL—A. DILADLrf has removed bta Fontedry
Warehouse from No. 'l9 e<eond street, to N 0.19
wood street. between Pint and Second WET., o the
warehouse lately oceupted by O. A. Berry, where be
will keep constantly on band a general assortment cr
Casttogs. Grates, Stove., Cooking Stocea, de. jyl3 -
COARS—lmported Prtnctpes sad Novenas, of all
sizes and colors of the most approved brands., for
sale el say by jylo JACOB WEAVER., Jr
IDOTASFI-19 ea•k• Porn•!, landing per canal boat
J I lianneli, and for uila low to elore by
103 JA9 DALZELL, Water al
PECAN NUTS-10 btds Pecan Note, just reek' o ,
corootploterd mod for sale by
1710 11111.1,FR &R[CR'FPO•ON
WFL CIIEESE-57 bxe R Cheesy. land
. Ong by Lake Eau and M Line. and for sale lo
BACON -9 casks clear Fides in men; for nale by
IYI 3 ISAIAH DICKEY tr, CO, Pront ar
C°7o, N -- 'kb•i - " - lit'Adly4(;;,g;,-y& co
(1 LASS-100 boo 0:10 Window Glass; 75 dd10:12
kT do: 25 do 10:11 do; 10 do 710 do, cei•ed and for
loie by HUES', MATTHEWS &CO,
/Yl3 29 Water at _
13ROONIS-30 do: svra a;rn Browns, med Rnd f•
sale by jyt3 MIRY, MATTHEWS A CO
DAWN—IWO Ihs Sides and Shoulders. reed and for
1..) sae by iyl3 @HEY.JI ArrnEws co
COTTON -IQ3 bales Conon. in more .d for gale by
EACH BRANDY-20 bbts three yrarad mn
PBrandy, reed on consisafent and for sale by
AAA lame mare ea Market et. between and and Ith
btlk well Slushed and handsnuxly fi red up for
dry good., being a anal stand for thug
. .
Moe, Rad at, oral Ph Holl—ollico Imo. from 9to
IR ♦ Y ,r 2
THE subscribers offer for sale a splendsd Magic
Lamborn, manufactured by troqrtlmd, with a lens
6 inches Masseur, and throwing a focus of ten feet
Together with six thousand transparent figures, paint
ed in artistical style, emulating of
Portraits, Mythological figiurs,
Naval Engagements, Physiological •
And others too nuntarom to inention. It can with
hula expense be changed to a Murentraz d e, arid
be ; to in
Collatee " LIT i v. 11 11 s a cock t
p p :at r!
made coon to i. J. GILLESPIE &CO,
JjlAdl ¢l ar 70 Wood st
.1.171. Dispatch, Mercury and Past copy lo •
GRICULTIME, ne.—vkaterican Farmer's Easy
rlopedia, biro
Lindley's egetable Kingdom, Bvo.
Davy'. Discourses on Agriculnars, An, 1.2m0.
Plant, 800
Liebig's Agricaltural Chen:navy, iloto
Minerts American Bel Book, 'II ma
Allen's Anteric. Firm Boo b. limo.
Allen'. Domestic Animals,. Ibiza.
Webster Park'. Domesue E.:trump, lilies Aso.
HIS 83 Wood at
/11 . EILMAX n ---- ; - 4 --. ethis — day and for
.ale by /712 TABSEY t RES
EA NUTS -300 bush in store and for sale by
)712 TASSEV fr. HEW
Q UNDRIES-11haies Calton: i bbl. No 1 Lard; 12
13 bags Feathers, to arrive, for sale by
SUNDRIES-4 Mile No 1 Lard; teak. Barron, 21
Beeswax; 4 Nap Ginseng; ID do Feathers; no
!enema from rteenter Citizen; for *ale by
A 'young m n In a wholesale and retail dry goods
wore—one acquainted with the business,and can cora.
well recommended. Apply at Mirdartet at. Jythti
Ur RAPPING PAPER-300 ma• ar.oned. for sale
br_ J 8C110ONMAJO7l& CO
LAMP ULACK--30 bbla for male by
bbla In fine order for !We low by
lJ 171 .1 501100161AKEll &CO
LARD 01L-10 boot qoaltry. for Bahr by
B Ar ACON-8 basks ele SidesFrstore; for sale by
bbla Na I n .tan; for sale bi
iY 12 DICKF:Y it CO
DRINTINGINIC—Book New., for talent rum
ufacturers price. b r ir
jyrll J SCHOO MAKER & CO, 21 Wood st
rIAR'D ROOFING PAPER, of superior quality, (or
has now on hand a fine assortment of beat En
lish and Geneva Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watch
., at as low priers as are offered In the Eastern eldest;
all in good order and warranted.
15 11 corner Ith and Market sts
j;IISH-70 hbls large No 3 Mackerel, M.t.sehne,,,,to,
j 2 irop ice...ring from OA and for sale by
WATCH REPAIRING-In all as branches, eir
nrcl on with Mweitil care and attention. Hav
ing the mom sk tlful and experienced workmen in nay
employ, and si•tog a cons:tint pepional ntterainn to
this branch, I can promise the best mixt . ..non to all
who may tame me with their work.
W IV WILSON, Watch Maker .
67 Marke;st
PANY.have declared a Dividend of Fifty Dents
per share from the earning of the fine for the luttkiren
months, ending 311th June, and payable on and afar
the lath inst. Western Stockholders payable at the
ntbee of Palmer, Manna & co,
1849. WM. mnIrRE, Seely.
DOTTLE CORKS-8 bales porter, long end short,
LP just reeeived and for sole y
iID 4: SEIZE/18, 57 Wood at
APARMA N VERMILLION-1 elLaelnot recd and
for .ale by jyll Ft E SELLERS
comb, lur riaccayed as/d for Sltle by
OVAL PILL BOXES-3 asks just recd and for sale
CIOOPYRS ISINGLASS-2 bAs just reed and fcrr
ll i sale by irLi R E SELLERS
finvEßra§sTlOtraiS.. - -- .or sale late:donde mad
recall, all grades, by
- -
AGE.—Laraaa's Husaras.—Nineveh and its Re.
outfifP, with an account of a visit to the Chaldean
entails. of Kurdistan, and Ysoidis, or Devil Woe
shippers; and an inquiry into the manners and arts of
he ancient Assyrians; by Austen Henry Layard, Erg
D. C L.: in two column, with natinero. inostration6.
.There Is a `remarkable and delightfol nottibleadon
in the work before Us, of valuable d sealer,' snd to
terestins personal narration, such at we r...111n. t0
no similar work of travel or discovery- Or. isny
eon is not surpassed by tno old travelers. lit alto woo.
deco of the story he has to tell, he very mash ali.slll*
es them all. •
sWe repeat that there !mixer, no med
any modem book or travel., Park h uor braver - or
more adventurous, Burkbardt I. not zooruAruhr4
Pothen rot more gay or pletaresquo, than the hero. at
the book before us , roncion liXaSinar.
...Übe of 'he most remarkable works of ,the
London Times. Jolt received rad areal* by •
i7 ll J LAMS OGICWOOD,cii,v,x4
ed a Dividend of Three per echiL.A., th elaet qu.unr
payable on and After Sit lath limott the Milne of Pal
mer Hanna & Co JOSHUA HANNA, Thaa.
rloTelliki —3 cats BAWL on hand , and Amnia try
FAMILY FLOUR-35 bbl . Fbon Flan; on ban
oignmem and for sale by
lyti • RITNOLDS a 84113 i
= Tile light dub VIOMPer
A D Ren master , will leave for the
aDove and o,
intermediate ports this day
at 4 eileek, P. M.
Fas hetet or parsnip. apply on board, or to
_ JO/ — PRTTIGREW 4k. M, Arts
The eleitadid steamer
"`-...;;;•: J Pam, mastrr, on Tuesday, the Inli
- last.. 4 o'clock, P. M.
Fartfreigbt or passage aßty aa board, or to •
____lll7 PETZIOREW &C o, Agents
tuft ClrielfiNATL
_ . ..
..5.... The splendid light draagbi Kew=
brir.inley, master, w ill leave tat the
. and all boermediala ports on
IVednesday, lota i na4 a, 00 o , alpek, A. M.
For freight or passageNaa!? on board, OF to
/Tl 7 J ENVTON JON , . -
The splendid new steamer
M Minter, maim, will leave Jim ..l
the above and all latarmediala ports
Wednesday, the 18th, es 10 o'elotk, M.
Far mien or passage, apply OnhOJV w
1717 D. . Agent
Tins well known line of rplendid pamonioe
en is now et, of the Menem, Wanikom o bes
finished end fdrnisbed, and most powerfW boats on MO
waters of the West Every accommodation nod cow '
_fort that money can procure, tuts been provided_ fedrlde
wager. The Line has been In °perinea dwarf Ts=
—has carried a - million of people without the lent lAA.
ry to their persona The boat, willbe al the fact at
Wood street the day previous to stattimr, fbr the
boa of ftoteht wad the catty of passengers an the re S .
ter. In all cases the miasma money must be
The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain , Hemphill, IQ
leave Pimbargh every Sunday aiming at 10 o'clock
Wheeling every Sunday eve:nivel le r. it.
Hay IN, 1817.
The MONONGAHELA, cap. Brans, grill psalm nap
bereft every Monday =mune a 1 10 o'cloe WNW*
every Monday evenunr at 10 1. K. -
The HII/ERNIA No. 2, Capt. J. KetafereLM,vO
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 ofWaOJ4
Wheeling every 'Neuter tremor at 10 tr. K. •
The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Caps. B. Da p, lAD
leave Pittsburgh every. Wednesday own= rat 10
o'aloek; Wlicelineeverry Wedneadarevening • 102 •
TlllTitit War PACKAT.
The BRILIJANT, Capt. Cream, will leaf_ a
ryrgh eve Ttmrsday morning
every Thursday evemnu at 10
szli~i'e"ii '~~sax~~
The CLIPPER No. 2, Cain. Pass Dover„ 10131 kaq
Pitiabargh every Friday morning at 100'ekook, Whaai
liar every Friday evening .1 10 0. M.
Only TV RI I 1•• st•ging•
Via Brownsville and Cumberlimd to Baltimore and
T"F' splendid and fest rearing U 8 Mall .steamers
ATLANTIC, Opt J Parkinson; BALTIC, Capt A
Jacobs; LOUIS &MAHE, Capt E . Beaman ate now
'"l6 lMVl s lt i l o lalrr.N l l7 B RATH SVILLE.
The morning bent will leave the Monongehale
Wharf, above the Bridge, daily ate o'clock precisely.
Passengers will take SUPERB COACHES at Ibsen.:
vile, at 1 °Vona. P. M., and the splendid can of the
Bellmore and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at e
o'clock, and arrive in Baltimore the name even
mg, in time for the evening line to Philadelphia and
Washinzton city.
From RP
Pa usbunrh to Baltimore, only 38 hours.rc 110,00
From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only le boon.
Pare 812,00
The evening Mat will Lamest° oNiktok, carrot On
day evenings. Passengers by this boat well lodge on
board in comfonable butte Rooms the fast night, pass
over the CLOUlaarm the fallowing day In Esinero hdlt
Coaches, and lodge the second night in CumberlazuL
rawengem have choice of either Steamboat or RisH
Road between Baltimore and PhilnddPh7a, end the
privilege of Stopping at Cumberland and Ilaltironna
and ramming Oath mats at pleasent. Coacheschar.
tered m punes to travel as they please.
We make op the loadrand way bills fat the Crumb ,
n is the PiMbm'eh offices, Pa order to aloe Ilme on
arriving at Brownsville,) It is Montan important Tor
parnencers to get their tickets Wore going on Ward
of the boat, at oar 0400, Maatalrdlear KOMI, Water
street, or St Charles Morel, Woo sr, Plashes-a.
ao.kdem 7. DMILIMELN Agent
& Lonloving Pao&st Mimi •
The nidcudid now slonmet
flonlep, =war will tonne for Ono&
d interznedfiLa porn on Wilda*
daLnslnn,,nlio o'cloct 414
height or
The new , sod nomad fug patina.
Rit iat i zr packe rza
RAPE No. 9,
owe, theater. will lame for Moto.
nati end LOtti•Tille On Thursday., the .3cl lool.=_
o'clock, A. AL For freight or plumage apply po
• •
Louisville said St. Load. Packet Liam.
1849. 1849.
'sl`l". The fine fast annulus plumose
Geo. W. 'Meta,
a master will leave
r the abovand 1.131811110t33.11 pa rt s
every Tuesday, at Wei:lock, I. IL
For lien& or pomade apply onboard Or to
F. C. 81140,111.3.10 Glom.=
The due fast rennin ramp,
meaner GEN.
A. McPherson, mutera, leave for
above and unermeollsre ports ewe- ..-
ry i ta r tr t rzr r. 2s .
&Tao No= ti koir
ararS•dihn Lbaliviha
The neat and sutunantuil mania
s iElizehrillen, fawner, Mill Ferrer na
r regular She
between hushing la
Wheeling and Bruleport She will leave Prnabargh•
On Wednesday and' Saturday.
For fremhi or montage, apply on board. man
oat , The ilea rtmaert
CIND/e T. A.
George Calhoun, master 'W leave
for above and bonnitedlite papa on
Monday. and Thursdays, at IO • m
For freight or passage, apply on board. apt?
sustalt - VRTPs 'TV - MUER.
The U. Mail steamer MICHIGAN
No will leave the !lading cpposite
, the Monongahela Noose, *whey d3a..
• • • .47 mominf at 9 o'clock, for Balmy_
Returning, will amve at 5 o clock, P!ultl.
Fare to Beaver and back, Twenty.fiv* Ceuta.
sinifiirTaipPto /18.4.VER.
ann-- i.... The steamer BEAVER will lease
, . "1 the wharf, opposne the blononenga.
bola Hansa every &nate mornEog
9 o'eloek:for Beav er, wilt lmge Braver sr 1 o'clock, P.M., and arrive mi
4 o , cle.k. Fare, Twenty-flue Cents. WM ,
....,V GEO ELimiricarnirataßri.
- .. - 1.... ,Trz...7-7 P. B.M.:ENT,
Forwarding sod Comonsalon Ihs4r
chant, has removed to No. 87 Front, between Wood
[ma 1319hIgneld.streeta— aka
- -
MO ROBISON k 00. having ammonium/ THOMAS
LITTLR,IIr, with themin boldness, the Whole.
tale Grocery, Srodttee and Commission balms, will
be continued as natal imam the Arm of RoLimn, USA
& Co.
Ptitaburgt, Wholesale Grocers, Produce=
Condonsion Merchants, arid dealers In Plusttrigh,
Mararsetures- ir:
11aai. tonal,. =mums. UAL Z. =EMIL
Asa Sotto*.
HEREAS, Benjamin Smith and George A. John.
son, Merchant.
of the city of Pittabstrgh, tending
YY r er the firm of Smith ft Johnson hare made to the
subscriber, an assignment of all their Ecate for SW
boned. of an their ermiltors, as shall within two Monthe
from the date thereof connate and deliver to the tea
Smith Johnson a fall end at.solate macaw of all
then res pective claims and demands.
Noose a hereby green that the assignment and re.•
lease Is. on at the office of the allesenber, on heath
to the any of Pinat:nth, for inspection and nip.
nature with ail whom n may concern.
I.l,dsmn WSL IIiaCANDUMS, Assignee.
171 I.,B.l"ptlivtLoe.fil..;lllN Dry 2 i —W . hilt . r o d r calmed, a
1710 N N corner 4 - th and &Want
ijiLACKLIIIRRY BRANDY—JO cases, 1 dos neat,
1) ;Melon's eaperiar,” for Thanbcon, &o, to vulva.
The commended asuingent emdinl can be ntiedlapoti
with confidence, Parsons wishing wbe y bad bmt.
call noon. For sale by jllO J&COU WEAVER, Jr
t E OF LLUE-031 land and for sale Ig
Yet- Ws, by Cowan; IL:toper% ° Medical Do ooooofl
Dangle son% do do; Cooper's Surgical do; Olin.' BZ
tura °Norge ry; Gibson% do do; Manually • War
8 not Euporcqns on the rianu; Hope an the finll4:,
Crovetabinr% Anatomy; Wilsonon Doman. of 1.14
Skin; Pereira% Mated* 2414.10 1 mai Theraprusden
Mann= on Eroprlve Pavel.; do 00 the norEm• and,
Abdominal Viscera; Worrah Prac.ll. il
01 adislnen
Dangleson% do do; Eberlie% do do.
Also, a large mid fresh .apply of Maim S. S. trainti
Book., on hand sad for sale by
411. ELLIOTT & m an.
w. 4 4
' 2
araOhlrYd CIAMPBOr
oft hams nun an we or
1. KIDD lb CO.
cIiEiLERA MEDICL'VE=On hand and
P for talc by 1 / 7 3 J. KIDD I CO. '
Gatti ON llRONCHrMacimead odulez,:avtaeti
and enlarged..—A Melte° 0.1 Dimas. of the
otoPit*i.g an lautity.ituo the Maori',
ceases and treatment of M.O. Womb= Of the throe;
yoiled BronehiliS, Chrome Larynottia Clevayrraanfa •
ore Throat, le. &a. By Horace area., A. hi ,bL 11.
en Plat. improved mai cistern:ly eeoned. Royal .
Ovo, gilt taps, two,
.i'the nuttier has made a most valuable midi/Until
praCtiCal medicine. • • • We have adopted the mode .
rateeatment recommended by ban, ciac =rob°.
his statements ea to Its owcat valan."—.l.ldibbead. • !
Forsisin Red teal Review.
written with so mach care lad excellent erranyti
ruebr as to be quite Intelligible m me itnialtfaulaW
readertl—N. 'Y Evening Poe.
"Without doubt dm remedy over all others.”—N, Y. ,
Evening Mirror.
"Ably written... 4 shrews a men chertsallidY ttpget
of las profeuicata—New York Hl:mama.
rJ Arehliceture, prepared on behalf of the boßdo i r
nommatee of the Sosithsonitin leistimthm, by Robots •
Dale Owen. In large guano, elegantly Pmdak with
,Ithalratlons lathe beet style oft. an. Just meowed
.4 for rile by D LODICDHXM.
010 Cl Woostas
O A NIVTA - 139F.D HA-1 S—to Tr.
thms, winter bnuull fn 0
.91TV.Em iertans
ready, the 4th editio . a,nantaa tinaszca,
addlnanaf illustrations, a Thanes on Landscape Dv.
.deolthr and Rural arehitsetats, adaptea o North
enterlea; by A 1 Dawning, in OW volume, profasaly
illustrated. Inn received andfor ride by
111 JAMS D ZoOmw. 604