THE PITTSBURGH GMETTL PUBLISii - 6 By WHITEAPO PITTEIBOLIGH THURSDAY MoRNTLIG, 1849. • -•— _ 1177111 rmarca.a Dl.lll hizsrrists Pu ' -- thatt, Tel-Weekly, and Wecklf , ?•-Tbe OW, to Seven Dollar, per annum; We Tel-Weekly is Ilia Dalian, per annum; the Weekly is Two DanP. Mlga ir a misetses. li7Annennveres are earneet itequeened to bond In .han favors before r. an carry:o rho day as Praydeable. Advertisement. ndllneerta for a speed led time will invariably be charged onlij ordered oat PIILLADELPIiIA AIOIL.VI A./#IIIOA.N. Aderusemeaeo.daabscnpltahe m 4Nontt Amer le enteced Mimi States GaleueigAiladejOhia, receive, and farrarded from this • A.BONIC AND IitfSIG6`.TICKICT WILLIAM HASLEII'4 Butl4 County. HO97' C. WALKER, bi Egiibotbibrogit, JOHN MILLER, of ;harpeOliirgh CALEB LE'R,of Pit burgh.. .tt: WM. ESPY, of Lower St , silzatnriF CARTECURTIS,(of PiniVi IL rgn' rtor i gomoTAV, 01:20. 11 HAYS, of VPPor 44 , 0." ux= f,!" torts MORRISOI , i, of ABOteo) co)ainouo. JAS. MITCHELL, of T" b 4.! 4 ' • Whl M. AR'qiURS, of Ht tiogh JCIIIN BYERS of For Loyal Natter. sefliaziliiiaga. 2.... gs price for Telafiraplt(il:p News. Oar neighbor of the "Pirts*gh CO h . must not:think we have forgotten It iu , or !kike glorious muse we have undertaken toldefetut;apurtat hie r:. assaults. S:nco his lad issutc.lour slention ha. been so much absorbed by ardilerteOgrest local importance that we have noti*tudiline to reply, but will not fai to do so at *early %Sy.: We are gratified at the firpt andlrompt stand taken by the Councils and perijilio of j , tillegheny, is reference to the fire compel:6o and Ore arrange ments. We trust it will havefithe elteit of motor ing Pence and safety, and good;fitame of the city, no well as of preventing- 1 41e siiiicrits annoy. ances and other evils grounotbut 4:ithe late or ganizntions. With order no4:erterig confidence will retain, and people artil again est*o Allegbe• ay a ufe and desirable place o , f rewOnce. What action, if any, will liAtakefin ,this city, we cannot say.. Councils mag , ,aeo plifer, as, there uat prevent gP°a4°os,ainiAng h the. Com panies, to keit: Matters unchtinged lathe present. Bet if thin coerce is pureaed4!We bbfie:tbey will 'keep an eye to the futurp, gird priihre for any emergency. Would it not brilWell Mitiscertain the foundation on which the fire firrangeAents rest in Boston Every good citizen must t'iMt, the agent neces sity of abating the evils whielittom 4131- It can not be denied that many ofAe mktpanies, end the associations about engte4onseiti .. Mre sources of moral corruption to youik metiOni no small magnitude. Wi l our City FgOers,nrfill our Rev creed Clergy, exert their indtkace iOlinive thesis cretin put away from omong •:`?;'• The Po 3 finding public. °Pluton ii lung in too prong against the -consptrattiTil and,*loters at the fire in Allegheny, has route dig., a 9ituy atter the rsir,7in their elandemaationa,"Bet# Late than nester;" and we hope this t0;41,i suglyfof a decent regard for the welware of octiiiinattniiii 3 will not be nendralized%y a future pand . g4ng 4 fitte vde Pa'" Inoue of the lawles, and reet4ess. WO cannot agree with all iite poiffions or our correspondent who writes in o4fenotiAlf the Soto bouville Rail Road project, we ifie wilting to let Dos remarks go for what tlkipy arii`iworth. AI; we desire,* that our eitizer*Wiil erne forward promptly with the moans to true 4 e Ohio and Pennsylvtuate Road, and if tlip, - Ste4tvilla pro pie brig; another to 4 . doonfijill the het- Al an evidence of the izeiiiipimd:f r which vs , mentioned yesterday, to brcipie Ce#cils of Ade s gheny to comply with tho OtnandiFef the Fire -Companies, we give the Mlle:Wing fie in the. Post • of yesterday 41 4 ,3;3 11:r At a stated meeting . / ; the optnne Fire Company held i n the Hall.Sathiaiy evening, Jnly 14, the following resoidlim woe 'eloped by the Company: Re shed That we, na n cdieipanygball not, un. der any consideration whatc,uer atte4l any fire in Allegheny City, until the Cotikcilapt;Aaid city have appropriated the am-mnis irktrirethif mete by their Firemen for the purpose:, of dtfnying their expenses and keeping their tfirparatiiii ;a order. A. Nii.,:tiefidNlGL,E. E:'F'.::...keelstkl.r3r, N. F. C What extion ought to be to ho by ts:e COttocils of this City, and the officer, slim ta'Atreserye the peace and order of the CtSlitmoowealth, leave those ooseernea to A4,gei bni this spirit we must be subdued if we ar'elbs liyeiti safety and quietness in future. ',7? ova BOOK tank* "Tux Manua: and other Pahas, nil... Geo. Sher herd Borleigh. Philadelplik J. Nit; Moore." I.Ve have not read this n4looktirig book, and cannot command time do so.illts Atiper is well known to possess poetical aMl.)iterakt meat, and , from such glances, here anif.*re ( "As we have taken of the work, we 5601.1.0,4 e its poetry is above mediocrity.• Said h totu23ith, on Min ket street. - - Cholera 1144ttyd. 4•1; The Louisville Journal, oD.Bitturtiy Let, con tahts the following items: Cnoucaa —Ttio intertnents:iestenihy numbered 12, of which 2 were cholera v ki white;man and a negro, and 5 were children. A l bereY33ere two per smut taken front the country 61be attire FLIT cem etery,who are not included it .the alkdie. One of them was young Johnston antiiihe °leer was e dy at Mr. Bowles'. • We hear of very few choletn catiel4nder treat. meet Mr B. 0. Cutter WO .overly attacked with It early yesterday mornit, bitOte woe better last evening. Mr. C. had been unergll for three colour days previous. Mr. ilittrtiefOeller of the Bank of Louisville, has had aliM an aiMek of chid. en. He is in a fair mayor elhoveryii. The cholera is violent in tithrigtuali A private telegraphic despatch receive*. rrom tratitington yes terday morning sheer there hp,ireetiV new cases and 10 deaths in the previons . ol tmerti. Among the persons who died were Bulod Eari , and Dr. Saunders. At Fraiikfort, on Thmadityotline i..rykth and three easearhad occurred. A lady died of cholera at Fait, ski;; week, and there has also been one dettlCln Mialtion county. The Richmond Chronicle FOS tbdl premonitory symptoms are very pre valent.i.;:,. The Qncitinati Cnrontele eletea tk - ef the deaths by cholera in the town of Felon, hatitenveraged 5 per day SiIICIS the first breatchnlOut of- he disease. on the sth May. The populslpon (Obi: town is about 3000. In logea comity, Mr. 0. litoringlms lost five r servants by cholera, two of thestraustlVeek and Mr. OrttdorlT lost a ann. The cholera was very tairKein theilepper Mta smart A plac, called WOerly,..sitel in con sequence been entirely derik led *.*.the inhnht tante. The St. Lome New Em, oiiTheedSy, says that the cholera was on the aecreo, bull :as it dimin ishes, bilious duisentery tocrea7iCs. tub, diseases had assumed an epdeltnc forte. The Era further says: "'fettle business and pro.i.nrhy of St. Loma this has been a most inauspicious bacon. and from the etreets 01 which it will take time fur us to recover. The fearful roef4ration which laid waste nearly one hallo( the nese portion of the eity,of itself would have beenggnost seriously felt, when to this is added the 'grew). of a disease that has taken off between three . end four thosu.snd otir poi.ulation,convertiog nervy household Into a house of mourning, it cannot be wondered at that the natural energies of:01r people. indomi table as they see conceded to .le, should fora sea son become greatly paralyzedrd Although nearly two months have transpired ghee the contiscra • don, but very little has been d4e towards rebuild ing on the burnt district, and t O lie balance of the Amon continues to any respeogis near es sickly asst bas thus far proven sincatjhe Are, wa cannot look'ror much improvement . 01.1 another year. Thehfaysville Eagle, of Sattl;day last, says: Since our last paper (44 tt)Or.) the fedow,en deaths have occurred from chrdep in our city—on Thiamin, about boon a hole ictinghter or Wm. V. Campbell and a little danghtetif Mr. Divan an Irishman, bosh near the cornett:pi' Limestone and 4th streets, 2—Thusday. night Mr. Joseph Palmer, on the bill side neer the PorlEthoose I.—Friday morning, Wm. L. Jenkins, went Ebenezer Jenk ins, Mrs. Sabina Reed, mother ACWin. S. Reed; a tittle aoo of Edward Mooklitri 01 on the hill side, and Mrs. Mahal* Ostler, in Grtikii Alley, though it is said hers was not a case of Oniera, 4.—Friday night Mrs Etisha Cooper, in Wove Alley; Mies &evens at Mrs. Miller's in tholower ward, and Mrs. Vaughan. near the city fear mill, and Jots Dayton at the Hospital, 4.—Mgliin4 a total of 11 deaths since oar paper went lit press on Thurs. day. There are several other cues which we un derstand came but prove fatik. in a few hours. The disease seems to be greatly on the in— crease." Bt. Louts, Saturday Jelyl, the:deaths were 123 —93,by‘oholere...„ Oa ttaaday 4ity 8, the whale Ameba of intattoOOLs 107-4 cholera. The Boston Joulesl of the 12th Bair-S --4e weekly bill ofmortality at the 'Office of the Sonttritttendent of burials, contniirs the names • f thvr&•eeu persona reported to have died of choler. hum the 6th to the 11th instant, yiet th* number of deaths so far the present meek isAtot el numernos as during the time period last meek. The Transcript of the same ds(e mentions five additional cases and one death dnirtnoll. Ptt-'°d tttg twenty liar hours. NI,. Carrch, hoj horn mashed only three dapylted on tid• m+ing of the 12th, after an illness of about nne AI Boston,l3th, there were 3 set , and 2 deaths. Doting the meek 13 deaths by chn;ers:: By the report afthe Philadelph:opea4.3 of Hen I: b irappears that the mortality I tiM A (Mahone. to that city is dispropartionably gteatlfou4een deaths having occurred out ofsevemeen husesion the 13th instant. The Bullets attri6ples the uausual fatal. y CO the fact that the inmates &elm bieken down is etmatitution by other diseases I;etorri they enter the Almshouse, that they cannot t?r,thstand an al tack of the cholera. Among the deaths in the en) , oi,Netat York, we noting that of the only eon of Mr..:reeley, senior vigor oftbe Tribune. At Brooklyn, on the 13th, Welt wort 13 oases and 9 death. Two men employed on the Cr4oll Wilier works were taken suddenly on the mottarialsll2, 19th and died in a few hours. • The fp romptler of the hands left the works in a ponie. At Albany, on the 12th, 16 vases nad 4 death!, were reported. At Troy ou the 11:h 1 km', ea.. At•Rochesterno new cases' on tbb 11th. At 1401- lab" d 5 °rues and 11 death, • At NewOrturtas, for the week eitdlng I Oth 92 deatlae,l6 of which were by eWere. At Nem York, 11th. there weni 123 eases and 51 deaths. During the. %v.:ok 6* cases and 274 deaths by cholera. At Brooklyn, 44th, 13 cater, 4 deaths. At Philadelphte, ItILL, St etuket,..aldath, Du ring the week,',437 clews and deaths by cholbre. At the Westchester, N. V. A.lm4toase there have beech 4 cases add 21 deaths. At Albany, 13th, 11 caves, 5 deiths I=!EIMME At Richmond, 13th, 5 came*, 2 dent 6•. Mt Emroa—There is nothing now to ained from the albite. if Pittsburgh tecolinis the. Sletabrm villa and Indiana Railroad, but ( - think it due to those concerned in it, hat:their prcle,-4111holi;,1 not berniscldersrood, nor their moll atm and eondo.t ouitinterpreted, even in this emordaT n 4 Since the communicanon of Do. Andrews, Aid your remarks to reply were publiabed last weei, 1 Have prceur. ed a copy of .wont you faectiousli: call, "the vele • betted snow-drift pamphlet," in 1 : . -ortiM to retrtoll myksetnery a. to the nature 01 thy "artacks" made in it,upon the Pentia S: Ohio Rillroad, as I had no recollection of the matice witlrwhiqh you to think it was full. • I may remark, by the wily, that it the aro! pamphlet did gam any celebrity, foto not that it owed my of its fame to me tsa , p.per., Pittsburgh, a. I believe it was notribtished elm of them. If it hod been, your resiers , wci i id hr.e been the miser for it, as such informxiso se It ~ tains, la much needed in these parlor It in o ;lad and argumentative document, anounding n Nast} attested facts and figure, the svhble rnakmg out a strong case in favor of neie t . route, With an occasional bit of good humored Milmity to Ine d. mention of Col. Robinson, io whi, his rep art him abundantly open. I say not§inaill to are t paper articles on this subject, as try are the style of newspaper editors gOierally, 171111, -: whose pens run so fast that Ihelf; jo4Finellls ore oven lefFar behind. As to the Ibtiy pt the pail•• ent editor of the Steubenville HerS.l:d, napecta!ly. I have often hnd occasion to nn , i, eft is t „, , railroad tenders. But . to the pamphlet. It Is addressed to Th.,. MILS Bakewell, With b,s name qiiiadoz.ined" you have it, upon the little page. lTssie , tii a .•ae dressed as President of the Piusburain Board at Trade, the body before whom was:reed tne Report of Col. Robinson, which tt wa, intended in part h. refute, and I cannot recognize the ye:Am - option 0 , witiebseem to complain in :ts keine rb adtressed 1 have the pleasure of knowing all th, the document is que,hon, and n ti n dhrocht,J.. -frons4he well known and acknowierged re•rmet t bility, of Mr. Rekewel/ to be tat/relied by .o.n man, lung one mach leas disungabsbed. had pied the same positions, I dare say : ttis name-won, have been acted, and with the I, ice good etieet. Tan object of theSieubenville ConunrOe was'n parr before the people of Pittabur,th and Pitiladei,h,n in its true light, the route which they heir 1 , . be a highly adventimeous one itch rattr,,,,l. a ,I to reply to the erroneous views tarn di it in the Report of Col. Robinson As to the merits of the question there at inane.] have nothing .w to say. bat so MOM" mole . of perforeotaisheie underak im.„ there tr, .OrtelVt, no room for the coarse either of injustiee or scant of COUhletty, Ur ten. in deed, ft may be found in the app I..iaz at . Eta 4:.- ctent and well known saying, J., the beaciit of Co - Robinson, and of which he dollhtless ten the fol. force. They spy not ono word in disparagement of the lestiumatrattim and object vithe Penn's and Onto R. R CO., namely—to opentip a corn/nut, cation with the lakes, and noratweetem va,on at the country. • Almost at the onset of their remarks, they ban "We have no objections—not ortv—td the route designated In the charter of the Ohio and Per, n sylVanis Railroad Company, ands farfrotn threw iog an impediment in the way, we,Woisjd the rath er lead a helping hand to aid in rdettosing such, if any, as may be mond to oppose Se orOsard pro green. As citizens of Ohio, we lteeglt the suc cess of every project to open a w the rich products of our noble State d',lty to an easier and a better market s Thtire is room fur all,' dcc. Aod then, fairly one honestly, then aim to chow, by cogent reasoning, !shy 'their road addresses Itself to the citizen. of Pittsburgh nod .Philadelphia tea worthy of the earliest rotnille- I his doubtless true that any railloadfrom Pius : burgh through the great State of Oho ta,puld prove ' highly advantageous to our ettier4s, it stfo-ilne I us au outlet (or our vaned and aro)oin4 . totes, many of which need but andetpt . tate mark et to bring about an almost unionised 3apaosioo, j;.having no reason to fear successfut rivtftry in any !•quarter. For which reason, no 4bst4le should 'now be thrown le the way of the runts &ready by any cluretts of Pittstfhra* But the E. claim that the Pennsylvania and Oici road would coolish the beet and shortest rovitMto sell as to Chicago, was a new 9en-iLrin n her. thourtt which owed its birth to Me formolehle iopeal made by the Steuheville la.onpeny to :he attention Of butanes, men and capintlisacapecially In the city of Pbdadelphia—en idetiebn'ae nosurdt. I tv. as I conceive, is only covered ter the inventing of facts and the distorting of figure., X' But the frieods of the SteubenviZt reld did ant venture their all upon our approve, Tnev never expected that Pittsburgh ,das able: to' more, aided too by the citizens alonq the gnutat, than eon count ho much of the road as would 1 . 0 between our city and theirs, and that mot. 'tin teur benefit ' thaor that of Steubenville. PeyeTegthetycant.ihey believe it to be within the thicans cl No retinues through which the road will paae to carry it on. • without foreign aid. The cnixenn Steubenville , and Jefferson county have *email , / ~ .übserlbed ! 5300,000 towards their share to ;the 'wort. A community who show so good a diejinction to help themselves, have no occasion 'to -IVh:nla" for on. • ildtallOO or sympathy front others. ':sine they en peen nothing from this quarter, I prppu lrfe d would snit them best te let alone. ,* A Civuve or PI r-rtore.Gu. Corrodpondence of thd Ploeberea Gotend Cou xece, Idly IT, Isl.! Tu the Editor. ..1 tho Puts'met G4ettei_. Your pope, of the 13th in receive. aed I repo , to .on that my deapateh a misati.retwnded I Yid something of this kind. "Cholera raga.; ow. fdHy in the Penitentiary." As denV:atchea are not punctuated when tranarnitted, yottniade the sen tience end at awfully, and thereby pi la:entice to tie fame of oar city for health, muk.o tor for free tiom (comparative) from Cholera. 4 ". ; The Ohio Penitentiary is altuated 611 low groun d nit the bank of the Scioto river, notch w es t of ,h e town, and beyond its extreme Jtinitt. The site ol the city in 20 feet higher than Mai ol the prism, and the sanitary condition of the rite i. therefore no indication of that of the other. ;Toe Choiern made tie appearance to Colombo. °tithe ?Int. p to this noir, there have been oily 't2deuw•, 12 or which were in one house. Noutt of the ease. new under insentient are likely To puu ve 18laii,o, that of Dr. Lathrop. A. our population is about 15,000, you will nee that 'the visitation has been very light so far. The number orcmnvicta in the penitentiary woe 450. Governor Ford has arrived, but it is doubt ttl/ whether he vrill act on the pcheyeAvocaird by some, or pardoning to any great extent. Those Who are let oat, are avoided whetever th'y go, and in several canes have met a dreadful fate In th e woods. Please set U. right on the sohje,fol the health of the city. 'fours !very irttly. Lurk Suritarcu.—The Lake Supetior News, of July 13, give. a favorable account or the it fferrnt COmer Cowponies, all of which appiiar In have a fair prospeet or FUCCCBB. The same paper contains the following items .Moss COMM—The propeller Nitpoletal came down Thafgday the 501 Inst., with silty-five tons ofeopper the CUB Mine, for the ; Boston and Phisbargh Company. She also brought down a large load of paasengen. STATIC OP rturXWicsvmta.—lt is tie,ldoin to this recioa, that hot weather visits this &Eerie of Mc:b leu, but when it does come, n in ,13 fly scorch.* —for the put week, we have bad intense best— thermometer musing from ninety to die huodrecL Oa Monday the 9th jut-, at 4 o'clot,lt o. sr. the thermometer Mood at ninety - five in the shade:. Mr. Burros—ln these times of intense excite moot, when the dog star rages, and scrip, debt, Wolter , and councils, are the absorbing topic Of div=a,se, both at the corners, and in the papers, I think it nothing but proper that the saddle should be ~ : aced on the r.ght horse, and therefore submit the fo'lowing statement to the public, When ibe great:Omnibus Bill, of the spring of 1,4 0 , 0,1.9 passed in the Common Council in spite of all the efforts of its opponents to defeat, or even t,l modify it, the following protest wan offered and entered on the journal. on May 29, ISIS, viz.— PROTEST. • The undersigned, members of the Common Council, desire to enter their solemn protest on the Journal. In the action of the majority on the Omnibus Bill, entitled, 'An ordinance toe supplying the upper portions of the city with water, and for other purposes,' passed no Thursday, May 25, near midingt.i, for the following reasons, vie—Because It !catenates untold thousands oat of the treasury blindly, and with indecent haste, without permit ling full nod free disossion, without ascertaining the wishes at the citizens, without the usual re ference ut the heterogeneous provisions of the bill, to the appropriate committee., for information and estimates of costs,and even usurping the rights and powers of some of the committees, to whom hod already been referred kindred provisions and propositions, without regard to the credit of the eity or the manifest depreciation deity bond, and he incorase of taxes; and without regard to the r•u hut of the minority, which were trampled anon by the unprecedented introduction of the gag role, on , leti the •previonaqueastioo: Signed. IL. Meßinght Andrew Scott David MeC%elland Morgan Robertson Joan J. FLoggeu boo, Jones Solomon Stoner 13 C Sawyer J 'ho II 801 l Willard Leeward lYtl .ant Coleman S. F. Von Iloonhorst Witham IS auk. Samuel McKelvey Manin Sch.verr C. P. Soot." A prote,t.uf elmtler tenor, wne offered in Select rcuneol. cloned by Thomas Betrewell, Jamee G. Fince.d. irtrnee Ii Murray, Samuel W. Clekey, inbn ',II, Jame,. ',weblin, Harmer Denny, F. Lorenz. To carry out the provisions of this bill, an ordi nance was passed October 18, ISIS, authorizing the insure of 660,000 worth of scrip. , I have not the vi to in Select Comic I, nn the passage of thus ordinance, but in Common Comm! it was as lot- Yeas—Arm-vane, Blasi, Coleman, Conning. , Harriet, Janes Kent, Livingston, Roggen, Sawyer, Scatieder. Smith, Cud wimple-13. Nays—Bell. McCiclland, McKelvey, Stoner, tionehorst, and Robertson-6 For a o rr a e.r . Lot the public judge whether the Protestants %veto not Nett in taco Protest_ 71 !Alan EE ov rilE LATE Comm. Cow., Ten KENTUCKY Rzarrrcra.a.—The friends of Oy ras Turner, who one killed by Casuals M. Clay, on the recent rencoutre at Fostown, have pubLeh• de a oaten:tent of the Altair in reply to the state ment of Mr. Clay, an abstract of which we publish ed a few days mince. it Milers in many points, il.du the ue , coots heretofore published. Mr. City chsreed with having tried most °del:travel lnisanage without cause to Mr. Runyon and Sluice Turner. and no Ltoppine down from the stand, the •cede Tormir called ban a I ar, when Clay eased dagger which he had upon his per ,.yru• Turner, WhO was entirely without arms, .truck Clay with him tint rod then caught him by the right arm to prevent his llama the dag ger. A reuttle conned and Clay Jerked loose from Cyril.lurner. and T. Turner, Jr.. a rather of Cy rus Turner, ran ii. and .napped n mobil at Clay more than c.itee; the p atol misted fire , and none was tired during the alfray. At tint Stage of the e tome per.ou knocked Cyrur Turner down wim a V, h Ulm. Turner was tying pool trel.• on tie nruund. on his batik, 'nutted by the no, m or in, club r 'lay gabbed hint .n the abdomen, cluing o...t.drecia oat. ot wh'ett wound be died on me morning of the I ith of Jove. boning •011k.Mti n.ost inteaec irony during the period hr lined The deeenseni ..aid before hi. death that he did nut etrd t the writti.d upon Clay, but by no triCs4l. en-nerved Clay and tureen concerned for [he part they to nt; di;the tittienita Wren Ctay war trying to .mo • Allred Turner, a dt•tari re . lad ne music ling with •rtl.l/151.c.: • ran in and er! y o ~,,,, . The were more 4..11 twehtr rinai ousol Tenter , 0 the gr.,nd nod not on , ah an.ire sated Taie,daterneni goon no to expreati the be:ad that • • h with ma urn 'dagger, when . ..irk TIE: !Ark ftmn Turner, at the wound Caere,. ale blade and it i. asNerted that the ~ - azt. W. 14 nr! nut Id h,s hand r Potiti —Gieu. Kink. on c the Vllolro 11. Vr . e..l POOL or which Institute he .• hrrn.elf a arAdusve. wriirt to his pater at .cttert from which we copy the lirtiowtnir Towartia the ciinie of Pin ex.stninencn Gen. tot, came up from Now York, anti reviewed the •.,rpe an in:l unfforza, attene , , , nv bts and. Tne show ava• a fa, cne ilut at RA tbese coliaterals, that which Lose me nerohnsly the creme, ylea•nre, was metro's, on the 10th of June th- anmeenahry of /tor eraduar.on. 0 , those members of the class of 549 33, who , L 4111.4.1 to be at West Pam t. There were but I. present. Coat Boas, Con. Taylor, Adjutant Genera', 1.-eut Cal. Soma, lien Scalia Adjutant .:etteral. Capt. W a d.tintru - shed (ai r, of the C, S. Eau - neery. Cipt. R. S. Salto, too Anwar. Professor Rt Drewme at the Academy, a Ounemen rkt doe i sre and aerosol- lishments, and nryse:t. We -. called the roll' to our CIA,,, , 121 in ournher at toe :elem.,. emehr. nod 43 at .:, clone '.lt Inc venratertn.; and found that of the 13 wtn were graduated m 1933. 15 were deed, ,:1 n v and In entrahed In dtticrent cur9urt. ofe.mlltic. Of the 16 deed. 9 :ant their liven on the battle field. of rthrtda and Mexico.— (Jar gathering though tt called up .ogle pad meal uric., revved 1.., many hrateitti recollecuona, and brtmurned a 'tn . .: which limo may runt, per chance. but cannot %under. Rpartelnt TO rile PRIben . DITS PllO,l-CILATION. —The Rev. Dr. Murray, Moderator of the Pres bytenan General Assembly ,Old S-hooh has tas curd the follotomg response to the apporntment of Fart Day by the N.tholl3! EieeU . lVe T., rho MinlJterr d monbe, of due PreyLyteltan Church 10 the U owed .tats, Barnum Bartnaga —ln view of the ravages nt the pasttlenon--0( oar violattotts of the law of --,,r the fad:roams of nraven, lty devil and no. upon our people. end of the of antribial influences. to so great a degree, from rho Church. our General Assembly net apart Lb< '2SI it of last lune ea a day of humthattuo, totting and prayer. [int still the usages of the pestilence am in. creasing and extending. and the President or the I ',mil :states has appointed the he. Friday of uglat as a day to national *lasting. tuutninatmus, and prayer,' on winch as a people through Jean, Clariatimir Lord 'to implore the Almighty In his o , rn hood time to stay the destroy rug band which now Idled up against ha." And least any M you should deem the keeping of toe nor day a resin for Ito, neglect of the the often, of several brethren, I would hereby express to you my convlrtion that the ~,pinu of the any set ;Taft by our Chief tricu will be in entire accordnnee with the uni loran history en • custom of our Cl.aren, and with rho spirit of the recommendation of the last As sembly. And I mould hereby affectionately affirm, all our flilintatera and t.hurchea aaerediy and in tro• dem to ranneerste the Third Day of Angnet next to the great purpore. of as 114,1,0 min-tent. NICHOLAS MURRAY, M.3ttera nr of the t'retteral AttsettaLtly LuznsertirnwN,.lttly 11. l`tt9. Dears or Rev. Ma. Lost.—The sudden death ul tics eminent &vine, remarkable fo sound health and a frinrrerfth, ,001 , ...1 in very thing, produced qude a sense' yesterdny e It was calcule tad to create mann. and we have tabus some pains eseertnin the ,Irrunl•ta 'ices prered ng the at tack. Mr L. lid beennetts lOr oom. , days.— About noon on ThurttlaY, the condition ant. bow els was changed, with a tendency to ibarrhoisa He ate heartily—and among other thing., of ldack berries and milli He then walked in the oust— The binclincrries and Intik noored un his stomach, and he threw Mein up. In the evening. Ins bow els were ',dyed, noel ne tent to Dr. Massey to pretrer.e f it. him. the wile wee the messenger, and thought it unrereasary for the Doctor Cu g hansrli Later .n the evening, the idol:inch and hawels became at irritated, and he could cot re taol medicine. Dr. Mummy was sent for, and , cot nd hmin a collapsed elute. tither medical aid wan inch toned, who dal ull that could be done, and nn the morn ng lie third. We mention three tarts tar tor heisen• of the living—to r... 1400 theca ag.toit negivet tit - diarrhoea. or any derangement alma stomach or bowels—agatritt Indulgence in green vegetables or knit. You may pomitily eat The Corporation of New York in expending term , e ,0, 00t men,. but the chances am that you 3200,000 for the purpose of extending the supplies wilt not 1 0 9 thers al' "et b"" ac' of Croton water. A new no. pipe, 30 inches in quo Intel v.-1J the deiwased. must sketch he el reheat cbaractor —Cumin?, Gar diameter, is being laid down to the WOO( o( four miles, the entire weight of whleh will be 1000 torus. The Journal of Commerce remerkw The Poughkeepsie Black smlth is now on his way west with his largo Temperance P° olll °. "The value of the Crown water a now felt by In which he lectures) capable of containing three all our citizens to be above price. They really thousandp••reenalie has b een l ec tu r i ng in A l _ feel ea if they could not exist without It. Although bang for iourteen succussivc evenings, and the procured at a c o st of 513,000,000, It was cheaply muluiuden at all limes were counted for thousands, Purc to the lain even,ng. The same overwhelming NATIONAL WASIIIII , 3TON MarrummYr.—A foe numbers attended at Schenectady and other pis- block of Tennessee marble is about to ye furnish ers, and the hitherto obdurate and unyielding, ed by the citizens of Hawkins County for this gave way and coned the pledge. At times, cape. structure. mally at Amsterdam, .te the old veteran in the The Legislature of New Hampshire have unan •euae of ruin marched np to nign the pledgd, a imouslv voted to present a imitable blooh of gran universal hunt rl applanso would follow as they Ito to the Washington National Monument, with sew individuate yield to reason and truth, whom the name o f t h e state inscribed thereon, agreeably they had given up as forever loot. to the suggestion of the Board of Directors of the 1 . 1 oat me New 1 ort k:11. r• w 0( ,:aturday. Association, and have appropriated 11300 to the object. New Hampahire is the first Bute which Cnol. re Towv.—A mon g the latest vicnms has adopte.d the suggestion. to the "prevalent epidemic," we are sorry to say, la the,only on of Mr i;reeley, &um ef the Tri. Gov, Whitcomb, United States Senatarfrom bone Uis a re..rt(A:. 14a that rho cholera titans, has been detained In the neighborhood of prevails to a greater extent In the upper ward. than Buffalo some four months, bowleg been taken on it doe. doivrt town, e y e n in the filthy precincts Of his may home from Congress with a derangement the Five Poising. of the liver and stomach. For the Putsburgh Getzetta The hallowing additional, interesting account/of the operations of the French beim, Rome, receiv ed by the Niagara, show that we may expectant:in hard fighting yet, and that the French are not ignite so near a posussica of the Eternal City u mine people Imagine: In f from Italy. THE ATTACK ON ROME—ETERNAL CITY NOT YET CONQUERED—CATITCLATION OF ANO3NA, dec., arc. The Eternal City still held out on the 23 mat. The Romans bad defended themselves with memorial:de bravery, not only by cannon and musketry from the ramparts, but by numerous vlgorotl• sallies. On the 18th instant another par ailed, within eighty metres of the wall mas contple ted- According to idespatch reoeived from Gen.Otr not, three columns of French troopspenetrated the wells by breaches made by the incessant Lesofthe ca n non. But according to the latest acconne, they are in reality but little advanced in the ponersion of Rome. "So far as I cob judge," writes the Times cones. pondent, "the real power of Roman resistant:saes not yet been felt, as, in truth, all that has taken place since the repulse of the French on the 90th of April amounts to little more than keeping the gates closed, and tiring at every man they see from he bastion. Nothing has been done to prevent the French supplies coming to hand, or the French army from being master of both sides of the river up to the walls of the city. No scones of any mo ment have taken place to destroy works in pro cess antennae, and the trenches are bronchi up to dO metres of the bastion, with only a nominal lam In my onion we are all et sea as mach as we were on the arrival of the invaders, and the question between Roman and French vabr has yet to be tried." The National publishes the Ulm:sing letter from M. Masiini, refusing to attend a cookmneembich that )ournal declares vas proposed to him noreeds dally. by a pampa of some standing in Gen. Ottdi• not's camp Rosot, Jane IR impossible or me to go to the. ad vanced posts to sec you. Our conversation, aides. uunirtunately for as, could have no issue favorable to your views and oars. I have the conviction that we have exhausted all potable means el coucilietioa , and that it only mmalks to us to tight. We will do so—we win do so you I may be assured, from wall to wall, from street to street, from barricade to barricade. We may be conquered, but not put down.. We had flattered ourselves with the hope that France would at length feeLhow mush there ta noble, sa -1 cred and worthy of herself in our attitude, and , what there le—permit me to be frank die- ' tory and tyrannical in the part that, she play here with us. We have proclaimed towards niece not a state of war, bat a late of defame; we have mat back your prisoners; we have rejected all the occasions which presented themselves to es to combat sour army with advantage' we °feted cantonmente to those who could not be twoommo dated at Cie ita Vecchia, end we declared that we were ready to concede all—one thing exced-- the occupation of Rome. And yet that is medial is required. France, after having fought against es, blockaded us, &lammed us, deprived us of all oar resource., condemned us to see, with arms in our ' hands, our territory invaded by Austria now says to us: "1 will have Rome. I will have It without conditions. without a programme, or I will endea vor tocresh it, to bombard Its monuments, which arc venerated by all Europe, and to mummer° all its brave pope lation." To that you must perceive, or, that there in only one reply to make, and we shall make it I know not whether we aball fall but I know that there are falls which confer honor. I have the honor,,ke.., JOSEPH MAZZINL" The Coecordia, of Tune. stet., from Chit* Vecchia, the 19th, that a oompiracy had been dis covered. the object of which was to sequin the citadel. end mbsequently take pOSSCIISIOU of the town If the plan had succeeded, the French general would have beau compelled to raise the mute ,if Rome, and return LO ClvIl• VG-CCiLtd. Tho French Government has kept secret the new. which it has received from kome, and earl. nun reprint of the moat oppoWie character bare accordingly been circulated. For instance, an Wednesday morning a was said that the Trium value had capitulated, and that the French troops had taken possession of the Eternal Coy. In the wlernion, It was widely reported that the French had suffered u defeat; and that the troops had been cut to pieces. Meanwhile, it is certain that the progress of the sieves operations are not sansfac !notary to the government. Pnvate letters state that the French troops are being decimm, d by rnalorte and that the engineer ing skill dioployed by them is not of the first re.ihre. It is said that the medical staff of the army mill hove to he considerably increased and a comber of surgeons hove already received orders to pro ceed to Civon Veeettux. Letters from Toulon of the 23d instant, announce the arrmaNihere of the emu:a veasel Ariel, on the preceding evening, after It Manpassage Rom civita Vecchia. of twenty fi31.1( bourn At her de. panare It was raid that the besieging party before Roine had effected three practicable breaches, and Thu proparatans were being roads for the assault. In addition to the two regiments of infantry and thur 1 entrees of artillery lately shipped at Toulon for Italy. • considerable body of troops wee ex pected to be embarked for the same desttnatioe. The government expects that much effect will be produced view the Romans by the news, not alone front Paris, bin also from Lyons, respecting the failure claw lamrrectionary movement Ir appears that the fends voted tar the suste nance of the Preach army have already been .pent. We shall sae what will be mid of Mb ex pidituan when the French err called on to pay far it A treed,' 1,200,000 francs are spent; and govern- Inent, it is said, is about to apply for 20 or 25 mil lions more. to defray etperises. The Bank is even acid to be effected by this state of affairs, Inasmuch a. it must get on credit the twenty-five millions necessary for the expedition. We cannot fail of hearing government shortly asking the Amenably for more money Here would have been • chance for the mammy, had they oat thrown it away m insensate attempts at rebellion. In the last snung of the National Assembly, the correspondence between M de Cantrell. and the TrazinVir Marcia, was read. Mesita concludes thus 'lt is • melancholy page of history you am now writing from France—it is a mortal blow to the Papacy which you would maintain by drowning in blood—it is a bottomless abyss you are digging between two nations disposed for ages to lend the band to one another—it Is a deep step to the mo rality of our common relations, to the common tenth that ought to guide es, and to the holy cause of liberty which subsists by that faith. It W not Italy that will really wirer bet France—for OW present suffering will prove the baptism of progress —for France cannot hold first malt light abdicates the ramify virtues of behef, and the intelligence of liberty." The Coneordis of Torte, say. that the plan to Netze Cevan Vecchia, was revealed to General Ontlinot by traitor. Thu latest news from Venice is the expressed determination of Menlo "to resist to the last ruse, the last boat and the last wall. Either Venice shell exist without Austria or not at aIL" About hall the French army ta, a is said, suffer. ins from fever, end the primmer' who have been alien by the Romans ray that the °cope ate all moat germ'. General Oodinot ha., It is said, reined a British subject, Captain Knight, who vu proceeding from Viterbo to Rome, to juin his family, and detained him in custody. The French General in endeavoring to keep up the drooping epode of the soldiers by giving them extra pay and wine. Letters of the 19th and 20th, from the Tithes cor respondent with the French army near Rome,giyc I nterestmg details front every point of the liar* and explain the exact posinon of the army. Tbe last breaching battery, at sixty metres dissent from the place. was opened on the 190, and the fire was en efficiently kept up that the walls hod com menced giving way in three place.. The whole fors given distance 1181 defaced, and le forty eight boars it would be altogether gone. The Romans had ceased firing on the bunions, but it was believ ed they were preparing a second line of defence on the same hill, parallel to the points al which the French will make the assault. The Weiner Zeitung of June 21, is beaded with n telegraphic dispatch, officially announcing the capitulation of Ancona on the pith. After a severe bombardment, Ancona capitols. Led on the evening of the 19th. The city and forts were occupied by our troops on the 19th. The Wen Gasette describes the capitulation of Ancona. It took place after a well sustained boar bardinent. The conditions of that capitula.ion, ac cording to the same journal, are a political am• nesty to the inhabitants, the dissolution of the corps forming the present garrison, and the occu pation of the rower" and part of Ancona, by the Imperial troops in the name orbit Imperial Maps- The Austrian Minister, 3ti notifyieg officially that measure to the French Charge &Affairs at Vi enna, added, ~t hat the sole object of the Austrian Government is to co-operate in the re-eatablish meat of this Pont.fiesl authority. (Ancona being oc cupied by Austrian !tops in the came of His Holi ness.) and that the blockade shall be raised when that object shall have been affected. Dtryinacca arm= Bomar AIM Alaimo, Boo: Praurr.—wo wiry the blloriog extract fine air tat ereatiag letter tram Ltiorpool. tithed In the Bacon Poet. WOhout ley Produ• diem la favor of mom Ito taut ay atuo the Americas syderm of morality raiding to this matter of pirating books is the less exceptiona ble: "The difference between• American plimoy and British piracy is this The American publishers, or American meohanna, takes, publishes, or uses— orals, if you like that better—and gives It to the world at a reasonable price; bat he "acknowledges the cone he states where the stolen good are from. Not so our neighbor. Ha takes or steals an American book, or an American invention, tears out the preface, or conceals the author's or io ventor's name, and the purchaser here thinks , — stmple, Innocent man as be is, who has never read or perhaps seen an American newspaper—that as • matter of coarse the production is purely British. I will sten:l4lNa I know to be a fact- More than one belittle American books that are re-printed in ibis country—and they are pretty numerous— bare the author's name and place of residence suppressed, or so altered that the reader here has . no evidence that be is reading an American pub lication. The name of Washington Irving. of Prescott, of Bancroft, of Cooper, of Dwight, of School/wait, of Peter Parley, of Webster, is retained In tho book as a passport—the name abate sells it; but beyond the known and very celebrated authors you hear nothing. Every scheme In the world is Invented to bide their 'deadly. As American beck for the reading of young people, by ,Uncle New berry," with a plenum dated New York, comes out here as written by "Grandfather Warwick," and has the same preface dated London. The "American Frugal Housewife," by tetra Lydia U. Mild, of N. York, becomes here the "Frugal Housewife," by "Mrs.:Child," of—rsowhor! Pray which is the most magnanimous?" Exaßraxton Muss.—The last number of Hunt's Maganitte contalzut an elaborate article oo a Rail mod to the Pacific; from the pen of Ex-fienator Nags. He advocaat the building of a road. It is bin opinion that it is of no consequence to the People 61 large at what particodar points the road shall begin and terminate; he avowing himself, boweverp be In favor of the route propound by Ur. Whimoy.—Not. hurl. Pawns Limon Russia—Prepared by J. W. Hellp William street, N. Y, and for sale by A. Jaynes, No. 70 Fourth sweat This will be found a delightfhl ale of Weenie In famillest, and parttenbuiy for sick Hamel Ban:A.—An improved Chasetate prepars uoa, being a eembiaatkta of Coeva nut; innocent, In vigorating and palatable, highly reernumended panic- Warty for Invaltda. Prepared by W. Baker, Darebele. ter, Ea.., and An sale by A. JAYNES, at the Pet= Tea Store, No. 70 Rooth a matt Piro Mad frgotristo nostrastoo.—Tox Prrre roma Navtownoe an Pm 1/11411•ACIt Cazraav— chartered IFON—eominaas to Insure, upon every dm scripuon ofproperty, at the lateen nom Oman, Nall Mattel stmt. SAMUEL GORNLY L Rouse Puma, Seel. sayeodem W. 11. Wright, 81. ileaktat. Oamarandieddanee on Fourth U., appo466 tha Pluaburgh Hank. Odk* '666.... boan ftmll o'clock to Id M., and from !Wolk 106 P. 61. .e 644147 royausittato to Dostalstry. DL O.IOC EITIIMINS, law of Doom, to prepared to inattalattara and ma Ettocz Tans la whole aad pan* of seta, opoa tioattotaar Anaosphertic Bunion Plate.— Tiamattea orattn tai RA 11:11%17731, Dares atpoaed. Ctdie• and reoldottee row door to Its May or. dace, Ftlarth moat, Pittsburgh. alum to-4. B. IdTt4dita, P. IL Emma. Jan amt. BEADS, , CIR blanifcns, /357/1 Lading, CARDS Contracts, L, C411-Ai ssa %mit, ILMCD ELL. Wll6ll. CII2I7ICLIKS. auras, rousts, &O. Primed ex the donee notice, thaw prices, cedes errs Gears Orme. Tien tom. On Wealandaymonalnit, at ?Welook, Fanrazo PUS. rn thkidaln MAT, w e o( apt. Bernard May, mad months. Tho frionda of . the favnily aft tellatataa to attend the femoral from ato rateanc• of Capt. Wry, on NrYtio au.ct, aeat Wattelogton, at 4 o'clock WO artacaoan At bill miasma, la Itimmilla, Ohha, s Monday mamma at 3 ahlinelt, llasu Bosoms, Glaas vaatr thatcrer, late of this city, la the tha year of his mt. I)LACK PARASULZ—W. H. Idimant has re- El mired • tot at slacrra anialey some of arialab are o. an aura aim 1' KEEN SATIN PAROSOLS—W. ft. Murphy has ronnived a Gm at the above, of the now 'Won, ornnom Mn a Mni to w• rim •coU . 1 10 ..053CLA ZUOX E tabsetibets erlD continuo the manufaetere of OWN end NAIL," =kr the lino of WOOD & TILE NTS. The butane.s of die we !ea of Wood, FAletard• & ISPEEdelta, will be settled at oat Ware house, No. 63 Wlll.lll Meet JAMES WOOD, JOSEPH APENIGHT wiLuem WENIGHT, YOB HUT } MeFOUR now two storyaria Donlan/ Homes, finished and In comply order, oa Centre ezone. or '&14,1.71110 road, 71.6 Ward. Pos. seoinoo prom townellatoly. Rom Ism Ears of JOHN WATT CO, 1919 caroms Liberty and Hand srs ASTROLOGY. m a LORVIXO, the eelebreted Philotopber, Presi de, of the .11rivatogicel !toasty, Intl reotaata fo the our for than time, arid otter be cams/tell CM all the at of hotozo Vb. al No4o. It Clair st- Anctutanct trim 3toele. N. Fe* from SW Mr Lore rote is dor ably puma who probated Ir we manage of QOOOO Victoria, sod described hesbend, two yews before it teal place. P ohs to.. of birth -IQ YERIL 401 T. APROVINSOEY NOTE, drawn by lwase Id•Liod, sell, dated abbat leth Inat... payable four mamba •nat dam, to Ma order o(J. fl Bonnet it Co ,for slag endorsed by them and by Haab to.. The payment aunt mu having twin innyinsg, duo public ate eau boned not to znegniigna thii AIMS. fyIENIN• - OIL CLOVIS—Qs kand and tax ale. by W. lIPCII.- lock, at Ida Carpet Wanotemse, a large and sta , most., ...muscat of MI Clara, varying boa Vet eh. to ft Om width en to sad any ails hall, =anti oc vatutmle Tee atteartiner; einashas of the latel and mow anneal Mk* Sad .010 M )718 W II'CLINTOCY rEaHAiLitivAlL—of extra tap 3 ply II:x=1 Carpet*, of new and deb styles, id tha Varobtono of W. 11PCLISIVICY, to which ye invite the aneadon of Show wishing to hunts! slam boat. se !mom to Colt and examine oar eXtensive stook No tate parehadog alsendreve. —JAB_ TO TIIIII eve Lia. , W 11112.1 cononensell . a ic „ troy Livery BURL on the .t.`•• Sabbath koeplag prlneipla, ,•-••••• in Allegheny Cal, we de teredssed to let no harms 01 traniageo on the Bab. be except for fanonas and in elm of real ne cessity. To this resolatlon en have exactly adhered, and feel very grateful to the friends who have gener ously wasined as by their patronage. There an, however, scene persinis who an sdaatsrlttgb OW business by the otrealanon' of abusive and deems reports., wale of orbitat an ea follereno 'Charles don't stick to his Sabbath keeping , prinorplw—be is a hypocrite and don't ems soy thing about the otwer vanes of the Sahbath. bat only wants to gain toltOM " "I gnaw he is tired of keeps' the Sabbath—b, win have to abandon It or fail I. basineseo Ha has no cook bat ons oatriaand the ernirmestity will not suppon a Sabbath keeping stable... °Be has made • palha appeal to the Ch au pabile ha support, and then abandons hie panr.iples 'Charles has =de ltintseaenbrnen Sabbath kenning stable wont do in this eity .1 will bet Ilva dollars I run hire all the stock ho has on the Sabbath.. The above reports are withoat a shadow of truth Why all thew attempts to Injure os aro made, wo km • not, unless it ta because we keep tho Sabbath day our business. We now challenge aoy one to give the Wile of • single person who has hued • horse, buggy of ear. liege of as on the Sabha! ,h azimut in eases of nseeni• ty, ISAAC COARLES & CO., Ssauttety at. . Allegheny City, July 18, 1849. pint" Hones and Carriages to let oa the mon favor shin tonne Horses kept Iv livery In the ben manner. A Il i emt v irl Carriage. famlshed far Iltnaral• A Howie Awl Los for Sale. A LOT aground altenned in the 4th Weld of the city of Allegheny, batting • from of twenty eel on Liberty street, in said Wry and extend. in back neseety.tive feet to an alley, with • combs's. able two story frame house demean. For mots, CV pairs of THOS. M. MARSHALL, VEnd3t A •••• • • at Lase. 6th st 11=:Ii:i=t3 aTAMED—AU experienced Seeman in the Dry TV Goode internees. Now other need apply. terda . w. akitakito, 79 Mirka a New trrYLE CARPETS—Consuray Nearing a the Caspet Warehouse or W. IDCLINTOCIL,No. 71 Fourth cutter, esperfine and fine Ingrain Carpets, rich le colon and de ,to welch we, invite the at. tentidn Of porch WANTED, A BLACKSMITH capable of making daft pans, Am. .1. - 14V.41 42.11h.1,,,74 I. rsgnlred nines and boilers A good lunation Is now offered to such e perm. to establish Ittolsell In Mainers where he can employ two or threaten& Apply to WEB & /ONE% or the sebtactibers, 011111-TWeIMILIII, for farther Information. THOMAS It re gt m LE Woe Solt Works, July IS, I NN WIS =llll EIOHT BATHS FOR ONE DOLLAR, or a single Bash for fifloon cents. i.adlas Derpartmant A r from 9 to 11 delook,A. M., and 9 to 5 o'clock, P. Albano's= Saloon an SolkLair Eatabllskansat. 141 4 - T. SMALL, Proprietor. COFTEE — Ift Asp 9A car. lost ma and for Oda by itORISON, urilat & co, Ivle 149 Men, .' U na.i&d—to4l el • a; • • H • eT, M In acre and fen aids by /TM ROBIMON, LITTLE & CO SOAR- bi gllo. %% Minn reo'd sod ( or y , LITTLE CO N AHA " 0, -000 ken Nai sn'd slue; SO do arch J fres, 10 ions assorted Bar 10011, On ads 07 ROBISON, LITTLE a. CO BATTING, bolo. No. I ands Baninc O do Candi...Ai WIG lbs Cotton Tarn, for oalo by _J7IE , ROBIBON LITTLE k CO BACON—(S eskl i vintouldermi LB ter nriror iii ,,,d canvassed fast reed ortd for sale by lY le BOBISON, LI LTLE & CO DRIEtiTIREF-411:0basb. dried Passioni 100 - 6 - Ca Apples, for nab lry 1718 ROBISON UTTLER CO IjOTASH— , I tons Potash, a, prim a r t i c l e , RI rood 1. and for sale by ills 110B11301.4 . !.. tritg ts. Co GLIISS—IN boson W Glsu; do sts 'd dzss do, fat Wet j 8 ROBISON, LITTLE &CO P A :I=T 8 1traYBITV Mal tr'd SLOARS-25 hbds N 0 Ram 2 7 bbl . Nod 6, d, 7 and b Loaf do, Or sal ßO e by inn BISON LITTLISI CO F ISH -30 bbls Largo mow No 3 blzekondi 30 do do No I alb'd Herdatx 10 do PioilodNo 1 &loom, lo foim aid for solo b ylfi JOHN viTATr CO FISII-CO bay tup No 3 a sand, Maisobboato unpootion, nand dds dor la saa by easy. emitmosik co, lyla A_ sal IS Wafts a DIG IRON -254 tons Pla i mata i trasndery, A. re, sale by rfUß:Zzilblial.l ., Thrried - als' elfin isle - • .1713 ,MATTIMMI 00 ' L E,D...„, ie k i 1, piss rAmt,elll LA An sal& 1 , MATTHEW &CO /T DECAN NUTS—Otbls Paean Nos, reed and for fl by JrIS ROBISON, LITILE &CO TWO sundissar,cm7srivirsTh—ar.- LAMS REWAB.D- . . ILL be paid for =eh information as will lead to snehe o -The discovery of the name. and coveted& of all ehtnned penons who interfered to prevent euPPenalen of lbw fire in thfe elty ea the - littli; by the " mienas act of nutting Malian of the Pittsburgh comparda gertertrosly corolug to the "lief of or, by annals, hatimidating such portion. of our own camomile. as wens d= i etto save the propeny of their suffering fellow from en Mani. of the City of Allegheny. 00 - Pitlohoolle PePerseopy one week. Jyid 1 111139441731A551 iat - 1.1103 l;blSJost reed Per oteenera L'ffile Collins; for mile by nI7 H ()RANT, 41 Water FAMILY FLOOR -50 1,64 Farmei k Ylrr. brand; 20 do M Moon , * 1 04 a recd and for male br j 71.7 ONO k MOM "come wand and bear, ely mbw, u ou , come bear, and Jake it fenny— The prose so terse, and flowing verse, Er & ekt the wits of Benley.e.—B,,, B MISCELLANY. -7u re MISCELLANY. -7u D. Lock - wOO% CI Wood street, has for stale a eampline set otthts celebrated work, edited by Charter Dickens and Mt. worth, with illustrationnby entikeltank. tYI 7 • 61.18-40:01ba . eitm err ed. for We tr, 1H717D W . & ms, ifb wwd et BROOMS -20 dos Pomeroy'., for mde /717 D UGAREI—N. Ork Hamm, Lo;ii, Dm& ed end Patrons* for sale by 11 17 J D lATzuods ALBINS—t cask Seedless; 150 M tarrife3 3 bas ld ROO do do, for sale by - __JYI 7 J D WILLUO4B PRmOM A, CHOCOLATE, c&oc l.a-20 I b o x d s o E do a -C te o r o s s a H ; 3 1 3 - af & lhC do Mmaw l reed:dying today and lay Ws by HAOALEY & SMITH, / 7 .18 and 83 Woad .1 STE RASANA SUGAR-40 tall sapedor qua! Sy, tor We by Fyn a/MALEY BMWS SALERATUB-100 ht. Ne 1, for .10_4 ird? LIAGIALMr k SMITH .-- NECICEItgL—Jan "Meth & 2 0 0 bbls No Ahd do No A 10 0 hf bbls No A 100 qbarteted No A all of eh *ill be, sold low for cosh _)ylAdler JOAN hiI'ADEN & CO raHg LINEN LUESTREP—W. lifamby, &turns n comet of Martet and Furth ma, has open morning a few pieces of dart Linen Lauer, • scarce amcle—for meta and dresses. Also Puusou—Oreen silt and Tare utin, fringed and plain—• few of the bluer of Two mann and handsome finish. Also Faaare Lonna of a desirable shade end quality,and blowierso Nam—Maur, barred and colored. Wholesale ROOMS op main, when goods are offer ed to dealers extremely lvw. /717 A Partner WAZItII. • Tinio will tats an Wiener of one-tbird in the GO- T,' oil Stook of a Mercaullbs firm dein/ stood busi ness, which can be frereased, wUI sedan interest ona of deigns, whose health will not pared, of se nse acme.. A perms wishing to arrest a snug eap lul, will find this a favorable opportunity rarely to be met with. For farther nformation, addruagag 125, Poet Ogleassith real sum. All commanleations COD- Montle. 17Alw 1110A1P10 Y ( V ln ClNlblingloAlite ae rat. ": 1•11 kind" COPPER; TIN AnDEIBEET WAIIB. Also, Mack smith Watt. &mg Beet Will to order. =aliatnion elm to steam boat wort bands aAn Weinman% of C•o and Drug =Tin Want, &Zito Steamboat Stover, Varies, various niarm—a Tory cattraderit ar nole for atamboats, California moldrantr, rali. road '° ViT a 4di t in.= dully lama maim boat men end others to call and see ear amides and puce, betbro paretturring edoratterre. )7:17 CO T8.A.0 ROPOSALS will be retalved by the undertrigned, L Committee of School Director. of Second Ward, Pittsburgh, for tontishing materials mid building Public School Ho..e in mud Want, according to plans ePticiliestions, .teh mill be ready for examine. non on Wednesday, Ma ISM inst., at the gem" of A. .1= Poorth sweet. Bids mill be received until y, the Wm-. at d o'clock, P. M. A. JAYNES, NlViddra MILLER, Jr. Committee. ERPLIMERY—RoameN Aromatic Vinegar; do P Philicomm do Alcibtade Oil, 2 mace daelksell mg Saks; do do Rase Soap; do do Patchy'' , do; do do Baguet do; do Compoond Ox Alarrove, feet reoid and for eels Ire R E SELLERS, 67 WOOLi LILFUhLERY—LbtOOO Waite, oimom do E Boar% do Deer Alanum do Phllloomm do Nymph d Sam jut tatelved and (or side by /Yi R &SELLERS LEAD—IIXO pigs Oakum tea In sums and fas sea by 1711 JAMES A HUTCHISON kCO Q HOT-10 kegs taloned Shot, far We by kJ Hie JAMES A HUTCHISON ACO 101101 P-133 bales Missouri Eiegtp, _far WA by LA. 106 JAM ES A HEMOUISON it CO GOLDEN BYllll7—la bbls aad 61' bbla and 10 gal lon kegs, for sale by JAMES A FRTIVIIISON I CO. iile Anna An St Lod. Bum Sam Refinery Q UOAR ROUSE MOLASSES-10 bbla St Lon, Su rtl house biplanes for vale by Jale JA s: A HUTCHISON t CO DEFINED SUGARS —I balm loaf, created, pow dared, and etaliSadifingara, kg sale by JAM A. HUTCHISON & CO, 10 St lands Sulam r Refinery SllO4ll ROUBE ILLOWISFS-213 bbls suer booze Molasses, read on consignment mid for silo low to claim b 7 • BROWN k CULBERT/lON, jute 143 13. on .Fl 7 id 1 , 1 POIWILLSER OF DRY GOODS should call MASON & CO'S chomp Om Pries Store, 80 wket strwy for bargains. ;Stay salt rood fast co laced /loans for Bes ntri °qualm do for 0o BCOlOh OlnkaL. 10e; rut cold Cele°. 6*e; doe hierrinisolt do 80' best qualay do 100; ri ch 4-4 dq Me; Brown & bleached Minh.qv. Masts{ earn& Moat= and lace Collars lb/ to 100 c, sletram Muslin Capes from 73 ets to &VA toted:or with the 'mutest sunray of othif cheap goods lob. found In Om Western cournity. Remesehst tba numbs; W Market at. 14 A A MASON* CO MACYEREL-130 bbl. No 3, Masi inspection, nu Jnb 70 Of do " nrosived and far= do R t RIORETSON, 171 and 174 Mug a .1141CON—enms, glun trykterre and gebos, on eonnign j 3 runt wad for nate 171 0 JWILLER t SICIETSON SALERATOS-33 bat Balennts, just read tad for 6616 by /111 MILLER & RICYSTSON SMAR HOUSE AND PLANTATION NOLAB- SID 3-400 LOB sap Smut= Masa.; 10 do do 00107 home &Oman sad for ate try ifle MILLERS RICILETSON QO/11.-160 Ms brims Clalleolhe Raw, 100 bxs No 1 do do; m own aim sold Re de by 111 . 7_1_ MILLER & RHECETBON rtIL-1110 rala Idsaohed sperm Oil; I=l do colored dodo; 1000 , do brinru Tormero , bbls Suairs do din id= galls bbraelsed winter Mal" C4l, in atom sod ka We • lif AULLEII t ELICEETBON ALeD OIL-40 baskets ales Salad Mk l.n re N e'd sSad en eels by bid MILLER /a iU= o T 8 STARC— is 30 b Banbright's, Lawson's ald Saab's U Sunk la stars and for sale b awrgrsoN DEC/LETS-0 dos Bum/ Buckets) (do do Tabs, .1.1 dors and for utle by /71 6 MILLER! RICIETSON WET AND DRY MALMI3.I3+I3IIMI-40 qr Q Sorest Malaga Wine; 33 Indian bbls dry do do just m J7I 8 • osised and for sale Ith um RICKLITON S HINGLES-941Pd French CIT.Ck 13111nsies, on eon i Vent and kn. ode Z ia jut It RICKSTSON ell 111ZWAILD. To3l—On Sunday, ln Jaly, a medlars dye square ILI Elan BREAST PIN, dark brae color. The Ind er will reeelve the above reward by leaving it at H. RICHARDSON'S Sans, on Market at. d°°="l" gi P. THE understoo thiadaToseelated with them I. in Madness JACOB L. SCHWARTZ, and mill eon the bnalamte as heretofore, sneer the Arm of R. A. FALINESTOCK & CO. /713 MEM COMB ALE.- do: putts, Bob Impostation, to 0 &nivel la a day or so. For tale bI b l . O JACOB WEAVER. Jr. rilGAßS—lmportad Principal zad Havanna of sizes and earn, or [ha most approved gigs BY in° JACOB NVEAVVOrt" Valuable Baal Estate for Sala *THE subscriber orals fosse!. her Reuse and Lot in Allegbatry City, pleasantly sitnated on Beak Lana, and fronting th e Allegheny river, near y oppealte the point of Pittatrand. Thalia la to feet wide,. and extends 1511131 Haat Lane on the Heath to &beam urea on the Nor th , bounded Wan by Net eon street on the West. It is one of the handsomest and otouledrable lots now offend for saleany where in th e neighborhood of Allegheny City, It is largo enough to he subdivided advainageousty into 10 build ing lola of the usual sin. Ha very suitable fora fam- Vises :k e lt beating. k' llt wi e attlling ffe of osmais e nt and comfortable, and all in good repels. A vrarrantec deed will be given, and dowsed= at wry rime to snit dm pun:theses For name, apply on the prembee to lylYMlm MESE SAVORY. FOIL GEINIENWOOD 0/LEIDEN& The we= boat A. MASON% has taken the place of the Tbos Boon, as • fligliill/ packet to Gardco—leaving the Greenwood wharf boat at d fetlock, A. IL, mcl el the togienix o, er of o'clock. each ur walls 1.. Ei tug ai tft. o l= " 19ho Poncroality swill be iho Meg' children ander 12, half prim The auention of the eWwy to invited CO Ltd, hobby and pleaunrresost daring Ws hot and dokly seism All kinds of elfrealtments except hnozieating ihtob, ant kept on the protases. Orermhonse Plants, and Bowmen of choke dowers for We. Mood on Sun day. Ira JAMBS !MUM A GILICULTDRP. U.—Dawning's I,andanape Gas- A. destiny, Ara. evw, do Cottage Residences, gem, do Fruits of Amides, do dodo, colored plate., dvoi London Gardening (or Ladies, 1.0; The Rme, hs lation, &a. gro, by Panda% *nen on the Grain* evoi Prince's Pornelogieal hLannaL Beni do on the Gram goo: London Agriculture, think Beet do Gerdetdolf Duck Svc; do Tree. and Shrubs, think gm Downing% Honiesdnuist, Se L on ArnetioandATlcalturboL eve. For salt by , 1111 J D lAXIMOOD, 63 Wood ea =IS ofHE f partnership heretofore existing ender the firm A. is C. BaLDLEY, dissolved by the deessee m.f. C. Bradley. Tha basineta will be carried an by A. Bradley, who will shale the business of the late bon. ROVAL—A. BLOM, has removed Ware EM house Cntai•No. &co lasFo No It, wl mem, to No.lo Wood street, bowmen Piro and lionond einem, .0 the warettenna 11017 ocatirded by G. A. Sam, *hers he will keep constantly ett hand a germs! a partment of Castings, WWII, Bowes, Cooking Blows, ae. Pareen-113 euk. Potash— , landing per canal boat I 1 Baum and for sale kw to elms by JAB • ' Wain st )jittN NUTB—i Ws Pam Nuts, Jos matt as , iazicomeen wed for • . • • Ile • 14 \ j •"11111•1 bin rims Vir Ramsey W, • try Lake ma and al Lllttl sod foe isitlaw i 713 burnt-a caiks dear Sake is maw am h 7 JCII 1713 IWAU DICZEY Panaat 110? T LILISAD13-4 ebbs, 'blots in mnr, Art ado b 15111&li DICIMT lb CO AUCTION SALM- By John ID Davil a haaintioneire - Rasa Grocery Stan isgArleghnry at amnion. • Oa Friday porning, lolyVClth, at O o'clock, al aha stare of David Morgan, north eoraer of Federal mina and the Diamond, will be sold his entity monk of Oro cories,, earthenware, stonporozo, .holvAs. colantr.r, Boatel, storeinures, &o. i 7 19 JOIN tika.VlS, .ant • Perm/pears Sole of D, good. On Tburnday,npominn, J.nO• 14.-at ' o'clack, at Ike adtameredil sales I/looms:corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will bn sold, without ratans, to: close a concern— ' • A lane assortment of foreign and domestic sta p le arid fancy Dry floods, among sublet. are soperfine cloths,. eisslmeres, 'Mittens, )cans, mieuda. , snmmes cloths. cononades,. finny vestings, super rich style prints, splendid lamns,barages, de Mins, alpaelts,gtofr• hams; cambric. Muslin. shentings, °beck, de lain and Pantie shawls., silk hdkf,, hosiery. gloves, Imthorn bonnets, tissue hats, umbrellas, parasols, Coats' spool cotton, sbirt buttons, ho. At 2 o'clock, Groceries, Queen...are, Ftsmiture, 80. 7 kitchens Young ilyron teL 10 bxs V. mine...- red tobacco ' 14 bbt. vincimi, 11 dos abo'vels, spades, and forts;forts; 3 do earn and Oau - sestbs, 3 do snd owe safes, B bin No I•aoap. .• Maras and general sawn:mem of new and second handhoaaehold fonnuira, mantel Opel's, 1041kinx venitien and transparent window blinds, fenzber beds, carpeting, ke. Al El o'clock., INiihion . able ready made clothing, pantaloons, vests, fine shirts, boats and shoes, saddles, leather trunks, whips, One cutlery, gold and silver matches, double and single barrel shot guns. pistols, varietyiroods, be. 417 C OtTON-11 bales now Irdinf ii fi ) ,r i ale by A co o)1 13 G',As,. ". Bold Window 01144 75 do 1 0 . 1 2 do; 25 do 10x14tVo 7z9 do, received and for sole by , MATTHEWS &CO, iY 3 23 WIWI at _ ___ BOMS—SO dos erldwCorn Brooms, rood and for sale by jyt3 11.E03Y, MATIMMS /c CO iN 7 lst?lti Bldg reed tle e, iE eICrITIM-105 bales Cotton, In Mtn and for sale by /il3 RUBY, MATT-HEWS b. CO bbl, three year Brandy, mad or eornigruiront cod for solo by lio TASSEY fr. EESC POII , RENT tA lame store on Market et. between 3rd and lth ts, wep fatlabed and baadsnmely fitted op for ads, being% goad stand for that business. E DGAZZA3I, Mee, 3,4 It, over Philo floll-015co hoar. fa= 9 to 19 . rteeic Leurrliona INE subscribers oder for We a splendid Magic Lamborn, manufactured by Voegdand.. r ith a lens dles diameter, sad throwing a focus of ten feet. Together with six thousand transparent figures, paint. ed anistteal comistiog of Fontana, Mythological apnea Naval Engagements, PhysLologleal - Hammes .... And others too nwnerotta to mention. It ein with little expense be changed to a Microscope, and to as College wanting inch an apparent. would be invaiu.- ble. It will be sold at e bargain, if application be made soon to J. J. OLLLESPIE k CO, 76 Wood at, Journal,Dispatcrcury and on copy 1w &c.—Arnoneen Farmer's Ency clopedia, 800 May% Vegetable Kingdom, 6.0. Dayrs Dlscounes on Agriculture, &c, t2mo &Idea - en—The Plant, 800. Llebirs Agricultural Chemistry, Ltno. Miner's American Bee Book, 12 Alien'. American Perm Book, IShuo. Domestic Animals, 12ino. Webster & Park'. Domenic Economy, thick Bro. Por ark by JAMES I) LOCKWOOD, .1112 63 Wood at i.YERAILAN csk. reed - 417 - day and - Gir Ul" b • jytit TABSEY A BERT PEA 12 NIITS-300 bash in gore and forT&SS aide by EY lIMT. UNDRIES-11 bam Cotton; V bbls No 1 Lard; 1.1; 17 bags Feathers, to anise, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY ft • From .1 QUNURIE2I-4 bbls No I Lard; 2 class Baeoni2l; 251/ Beeswax, t bags Ginseng; 10 do Feathers; now landing from steamer CSnzan• for sale by Jylll ISAIAH DICKEY & Co WAHTED A yarn m.e in a orholcsale nod retail dry goods more—ono ammaisnad with the business, and coo tome well recommended. ADbly u Q Mark.' /742:‘, • • r .4. • t 47 auotted. for rat low b 12 . 7 SC.IIOONMAKER kCO L AMPBLACK 7O bbl.for sale 6T illf J BCHOO by A CO ORPEB.AB-30 bbl. int:lna order, for sale low by C Jr* T AHD OIL-10 bbl, best quality, for sale by int IPCHOONMAKEHk CO BACON-41 eaita elelsi Skies more; for .8 Jill ISAIAH DICSEICA CO LARD -200 bbls No 1 in'aore, for salaJ*. ISAIAH D 1,7 F. CO PRINTING INK—Book and Nowt, for salt NI iIMO doctor al - a prices by jyu SCHOONMABEILd C 0,54 Wood at a ROOFING PAPER, dr superior quality, for gale by jos 7 SCHOONMAKER Zs go IigUrATCHES AND JEWELRY.,—The aribeeriber h. 13.• on hand a floe assortment of best Vag bah and Geneva Gold and Sliver Baum Lever Welch es, at as tow prices as are offered in the Easuern eitiew all In good inter and warranted. W W WILSON, COML . 411, mdalarket Its F' lo-attn v tarr c:r .zsio ; Mackerel, MemaekkseTa hir Ei mr4 , c ofoNt Coby ATCH REPAMING—Io nll Ita tit - anent!, car-. W tied on with Irpeeialure and attention, Jinx,. in the Malt Wird and experienced waritalniterilldji employ, and giving a commas pampa, anclition to ad. blanch, I can protein ate ben aulafaction to all who may favor me ante their wait. . . W W WILSON, iVateb Maker. 67 Market •1 • DIVIDEND. PHIL ATLANTIC AND OHIO TELEORAPII COM -1 PANT dove deelated a Dividend or Fifty Cents per share from the earning of the line ler the last Moe months, eridlng lalth Janes - and payable on Ind after the IC* Mat Western Stockholders payable at the ogles of Palmer, Hanna ♦Co._ I , r PEW*. Jal t lB.l9. Sea ThrITLE CORK 9-8 balsa poner, lonir add idler; MO but received add fors by It , ML.LEIIO3, 37 Wood et A MERICAN VERMILLION-1 case just ree'dlTd .40i. Co, We by jyll RE S T ENS SP& TURPENTINE AND TANNERS , OI&. bbl, each, jaw received and for sale by E BELLER& rivet PILL. 80X.C3-6 ean lint reed and for Jude 1J by Jill R. E. SELLERS rIOOPEWS ISINGLASB-9 tax jait reed aild for % 1 sale by irti RE SELLERS 1010 11 1LVIBIgaiglOARd--Bor lee whalesaieina I - mall, all rats, by 1 10 JACOB WEAVER. Jr THE MOST REMARKABLE WORK OF THE AOR—Lsvase's NArwasr—pilneveh and its Re main • with an secomit of a lilt to the Clisldeau of lordistaruand Yezldis, or Demi Won khiPPe.4 and an inquiry into the manners sod arts of WO student Assyrian. DV - Austen Henry Layard, Esq. D 0. t...; in two volumes, with 'Amorous illustration. "There A a remarkable - sad &heard comhtnation in the mot before as, of. saleable discovery and in- M-.••. personal month* oath as we remember In so ar work of travel or discovery. • • Mr. Lay. and is not terpassed by the old travelers. In the won demo( the awry he has to tell, ha very ranch surpass es them all. .VVe repeat that there has been no such picture In any =alma book Of travels, Park if not braver or more adventeroos, Burkhardt Is not more truthful. Pathan not more gay or pletaresque than the hero of the book before es "—Lennon Examiner. "One of the mom remarkable works of the ay."— London limes. Jot recelred.and for sale by Jyll 4.A.b1338.px0cew00D,63 Wood it IHE PITISBURGIL _CINCINNATI AND LOUIS VILLE TELEGRAPH COMPANY, have deetar a Dividend of Three per cent. for the lam quarter, payable on and miler the HI lost; at the °Zee of Pal mer Hanna & Co. JOSHUA HANNA., Treas. 10 POTASH —3 enky Pocaab, on band. and for ealoby .11 11 REYNOLDS Pc SHER F AM ILY FLOUR-4. btils Family Flow, ma COI, swum% and for We b 7 jyft • • REYNOLDS k suEE nOWNINGII LANDSCAPE OARDENING— Nose ready the 4th edition. revised and enlarged, witb additlonaf illustradons, a Treatise on Landscape gar denial and Rural Architecture, adapter' to North Amine.: by A J Dawning, in am volume, profusely illustrated. Just received and larattle by iyl JAMES D LOCKWOOD AD- INlSTRATOR'SNlCE—tiettursofAdmil l istration bare been 'granted to the undersign ed on the Estate of Atm MARY D. LJTPL,P., deeessrd late of Pittsburgh, - Pe, • All' persons indebted to th mama of said deceased, are required to make namedi aus glimmers:. and those having claims spins, same, AM requested to present them, properly authen tiossM, for settlement without delay. WILLEAPT•EIDFIBAUI4I, Admr. AVISQUITO NOITING,WIdto fad colored, a at "apply re& at "Dry Goods Rouse of 10W R BIORPRY, N E conker 4th and/docket .to _We: • •i• : nsges,., • tri inch, ri Soperior CitarrhsfaiA4,lo anise. eouu "BlakW needed astrinient eerillafeariberelial upon wiW 04141abeeb 'Fermin wishing to buy •led better °La anon. Far rale by jylo JACOB WEAVER, Jr -- COILORME OF LI3IE-04 bandana for mar by %.J J. MOD it. CO. NEDICAL BOOMS-LBartielPs Philosophy of Medi. naLlSerenees; do Treatise on Facers; Louis on Otitis*. by Cowan; Hooper'. Medical Dictionary; Danglirianes do Cooper'. Surgical do; Cholla oe Sys. Mtn of Surgery; Clibson4 do do; Abernethy% Works, Sean lammed. on the Uterus; a v e on the p.m; CravnistdePs Anatomy: Wilson on Leagues of the Skim Pereirabi Materia Medina and Therapeutics. Llumman on Eruptive Femme; do on theThoraineand Abdominal Vistfera; Wood'. Practice of Medicine; Maslow:in% do do; Eberlie , s do do. Aim, • large and fresh aupply of Mass. S. 9. Union Boat, on hand and for sale by Jyll. ELLIOTT & ENGLISELM Wood so GUMZEMPEIO • lbs. on hand and for sale by 1)13 3. KIDD It CO. FOOTE'S CUOLTJ/A DrEDICINE—Ort hand cod for sale by tir3 J. KIDD CO & gItIIEN ON LIKONCHITIB, second edition, reema and enarged—A Tread , . on Diseases of the -guadignai comprising an inquiry into the historf• Moues and treatme nt of thohe aZectionn of the throat, called Branedids, Chronic Laryngitis, Bare Throat, Ai:. eto By Home Green. A. At ,M. D. !be. Plates Improved and oarellilly colored. Boyd au t* ttrt i alttede a most saleable addition to practical medicine. • • • We here adopted the mode (treatment recommended by him. end can emetic.- Me kis 11WWWW:Ita as W its great galuts . ,Vellish end Foreign Medical Bevies. Ulm waw and excellent a° much rare arrange. men[ as to be "quite butelltirtble to the eepyo& u , c ,,,..i remier. , --N. V. Evening Poet _.,, "Waltman doubt the remsd? GeraiN, Y. Evenin Marron "Ably g written, and shows Cs: Mtn ti;Straiti of his profession"—New York °harm SMITTISONUXIMBLICATION=Iiintoo A m bi t ...tom prepared i n moo t of the - building comsoluee of the tbtuthennista leurtinniats by Hobert Olsess to Itu ll e gdunVeletuntlY •eia iltustredans in the best agligaythe ere, Sew resanred And tern'. hl •, sM..D- LOCKWOOD, A • • GlWood at Y At irr!!°b, ^TI : 1. I TVIL - 10 yellow gang - Ha* frifttar.bru4 bam and for nib by SELLERS It NICOLA 'OR CINCINNATI .7_ • The fight draught steamer • • A D Reno, master, will km for the ' above and toterrnedtate ports this day at 4 o clot lc P bt '-- to For fought or message, apple on board, or to i s r s' )119 PETTIGREW &CO Agts 4.4 _ FOR CINCINNATI 4 , The splendid steamer MAY FLOWER , - ,s, i, • 4 ! •• ,7..i.n•tf: Fisher, master, on Toesaay. the Ink 7- . . 4 . at 4 o'clock, P ht ...' ,1" For frenght or apply on hoard, or to IY/7 ..., PETTIGREW & Co, A llelll • P. .1 .EOR CI.VeINNATI. -—,,,..' -. '' The splendid light draris-ht attamei{ 7 .. i CONSIGNEE. .„ ACKinloy, mums, will leave km ureic .`... above and all intennedsate porta onr.': - , Ws4Wesday, torts inst. at 10 o'clock., A. M. i.... '. Centre-iglu or plumage apply on board, or to 01: t I NEWTON J. UN, Act .. y --- FOR CINLINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. ~ REas s 4 - 4 ,% 111' 'Pl aD d lrj . tl7 ''':4, '. •- okl floater, 1112Wil, will cave for! . . 41 the a bOVO and ell Osicnoesllate p ore-. ;' , on Wednesday, the , O da , at. ill o'clock, A. W. . For rfalgat or plans-a, apply on I.oard, or to' ie fin . __ _ D. XV. acqs,._ . A4r. 2 2 _ ~...;: 1 tasabiruoii ii—P-ITTIIOOII.OiI - .."" .• I• .- --^.,', 1. --,02:-.= .......a.-4, DAILY. PACKET LINE. THIS well known into of apleridid passengu ere is now /omposed of the laransi,, o in,. ‘, finished and faro shed, mast powerful haws au Itatolt m nuto %Neat. Every socotnmodation um,l foit that money can procure, has been rectified for aengers. The Line hoe been in operation for Tore TesnufF.i, —hue earned a mullion of people without the least ry to their perwns. The boots will be at din foot au Wood street the day previous to starting, far ncee,„ tune of freight anal,ithe entry or passengesa on the regts,ik zu. ter. In all eliso-f - the passage wormy must 60 paid advance.• . ' SUNDAY PACKET,. The ISAAC NEWTON, Caplun fiemphlll, leave Plltsburge every Sunday morning at 10 o'clooki . Wheehng every Sunday overung at 09 p, May tV, 1947. NroratsAlriiiiikET. The MONONI3A (MLA, Capt. Braga, win !MVP PULPY% 4 burgh every Monday morning en 10 Weibull-, Wheellgiv every Monday evening at P. Y. . . • l'otrukifiAlrli-Adirgt:., , h 1 The RIBEENIA No. 2, Capt. J. lacrernenv, valj,,, A leave Pittsburgh every Trierlay morning- at 10 o!eloolri l it t -. Wheeling every TLIONIFIV evening at 10 r. IL wEmirk.moiiisectcw.T. , ,7, The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. S. Da la, ortllil' itt 7.4 leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday, etienla /at illiirk -..: o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening • 10t • THIEJD.BtiIIT s. . ;',.: r i ~,' The BRILLIANT, Copt. Gruen, aril! leave PlIll.l B. burgh every Thursday morning at 10 otelecti Wheel/all.;, It ... :,,, every Thursday evening at 10 P. 11. fi, • siiiiffAirrAoKivt. . . 7!'t sr The CLIPPER No. 2, Capt. PE. D 17,4,1, will lean; -,, sr Pittsburgh every Friday reaming at 10 o'clock; Whoei.jsi. i Rai every Friday evening at 10 P. at. - „ mai qt. gunman Juuteircamatinvre for 3 849.;5: IS °NOM; A II ELA ROUTE. Only 73 staging. Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and... Philadelphia T" splendid and fast running S Mall geometer: . ATLANTIC, Capt J Parkinson; BALTIC, Copt Au, Jacobs, LOUIS h PLANE, Cant E Bennern are now 7 ! akinSdouble doily VirII7I:7WNSVILLE. The morning boat will leave the ktonengahellip Wharf, above the Bitdge.datly at 8 o'nlo o . premsely Passengers will take SUPERB COM:7111S a Browns. , F. In villa, at 3 o'clock, P. M., and the splendid oars, of Mop* Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at tr. ' o'clock. A. IIL, and arrive in Baltimore the liable even ing, m time for the evening _line to Plailadephia and Waslimmon city . From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only 33 hours Fare 010,00 re, 4 Prom Pntsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 hoer,. d' Fare 812,00 The evening boat w il l leave at 5 o'clock, egee7lSim day evenings. Passengers by this boat wilt Ridge on !owl in comforted. State Rooms the lost night, pass ; over the mountains the following dog in Eastern built Coaches and lodge the second night Passengers have choice of either Steamboardr Rail Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and the privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Baltimore, and resuming their seats at pleasure. Coaches char. tared to parties to travel 10 they plea.. We make up the loads and way bills for the 1,1 es in the Pittsburgh offices, (in order to aave,time no:. 4 :truants m ilrosimsvillej it Is therefore important for pessengent to get their tickets before going as hoard`'' of the hoot, at oar ellen, Monongahela Haase, Water, street, or St Charles Hotel, Wood at, Pittsburgh. ..-- aoseflin .1 MES.RIIIIirif, AICIU `4 _ sssTtayrnrell. ik. - - 111.T.Fibestrgbi ik , Leal...rills Paersast Sane !?. ,'. FOR CINCINNATI AND Louis vl4l-14 The splendid new steamer • TELWRAPII No. 1,. raaLlaslep, master, will leave for above Wl' d intermediate ports O L ti I r odnes". day,ttre OM last, at 10 o'clock s.. a. ..i 1 Foffreight or passage iaß af t r von hoard, argil WI SON & ox 1,5 , .. , , lee' GEO B MILTENBERGER.; r.,,, ~... Pirrsnininii —.. AND LOUISVILLE PACRETLINIeY The new sod splendid fan possen, - ,, 2 ". v ia: ack&EG '.f.--,,l RAM; u. 9, ' , ",,I; ..1 1.011, Macter. will leo, Re Omen. ,',...f, outland Louisville on Thursday, the 3 Moi r 41 111:77i , o'clock, A. IL . For freight or remade. ay' IY o 4 tirdt'''i,.'.'i to , BURBRIDGE. WILSON A Clecior ,r7 . ..-ii . ::, GEO B MILTENBERGER. , ^.. , /,,i . my 9 . t0.,.. it' •:,.. Louisville and Bt. Louie resikei Line. 1.t4 . I eke. , - . • , 111419. L., REGULAR TUESDAY PACE= FOR RE' L0U1C!,..,% The fine fist ianning panenga ~ , i'',,. .• . steamer ATLANTIS, "41, Geo W. Melo, ranter, will , reavnli....., ihmalbovit asoll.atemounlinte intruf',i't every Puesday, m 10 o'clock, ‘. at k: - .., , .., For freight or pswet_ge_e • pp_y/ on board, or to _ , r ,.,.,,,, E. C. KING, N 0.153 Lem. rum, marAJOrn . Lou/sell/a. ;: i ~ REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS „,.'i ,r. The fine fast nonung6 n parnleugar 4.•,,, r steamer • GEN. LAN A. McPherson, master, wt leave for ii: ,- ; ' a above and tmennalinto per. eve- ~..,,,,,l. , ry Someday, at ID,o'elock, r. C. , ~..., For freight or peaave apply on board, or to' ' •,.-.. 1.. EC. KING, No tEI C oot - Row --- , t. ' Interville Y 414 FOR WHEELING AND BRIDGEPORT; The neat and substantial steamer /...- HUDSON. . f'`.l"• McMillan, master, will per Co r at ~, .. or regular tripe between Pinargh /'.,.;." "Wheetiag and Bridgeport. She wilt leave Pittlbargb ', , ,,tiil on Wednesday and Saturday. For freight or passage, apply on board. aplD ..,;;( , -4 FOR WHEELING A.NDSUIVISIL • - `31, - .4 The fine steamer l4_:: CINDERELLA, l ~,,--.,, r Georg antrmaser, intermediate l pen 12:18. rn 1 - '7;i Mondays and Thandays, at 10 • a Rgatio, ..,...,, For freight or pause., apply on board. apt? ,7•-• s SITNDAY - TRIPS 'PO - IIEAVEIL - - _ , L. — .l; • not,. S. Mall steamer POCHIGAN ,",,lt No. ti vedl leave the landing opposite ~ ,Z.'.. , the Moeoegabela Wne, Seery' Satre if, • y morning at 9 o'clock, for Beaver. c,l Returning, will arrive aka o'clock, P. M. , . ~-' „., Fare to Beaver and back, Twenty.five Cents. i(Js.' myZ - ------ s . l.l:`TligV TRIPS TtillfigsVF:R. ' ;fr.,'" .„,... The steamer BEAVER will Jame C.', -* the wharf, opposite the Mounnonre ~- hela House, every Sunday_ monung •is., 9 o'clock, for Beaver. Remrniort, '4l will len. Seaver at I o'clock, P. M, and mitre nt ~/. • 9 o'clock. Pare, Twenty-five Cents. my2l 47 ....._ REMOVAL SIZZG, 7(,, :.0;.-. ~. EO B. nucrizarozitairae ,-,- S. At./191T, NI Forwarding and Commission Me. ig,;;;,, chant, bas:removed to No. 87 Front, between Woad ..,,,.! and Smithfield streets. .sto 7.,..' C ________ CARD. . t.:' : 2 D ROBISON a CO. having associMcd THOMAS i..'s 2, ALL LITTLE, Sr, with them In bosom., the Whole. i'l, ', cale . Grocery, Produce and Commission burbled will I'';'.. .., he continued d usual ender the firm of Robison, Lis- ,-' • „:' tie & Co. "‘. V' ..- .. nit ORISON, LITTLE A CO., No . 12.3 Liberty greet, '' C 111, Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce Led ' ' ..ic.l^. Commission Merchants, and dealers in Pillaburgh ~,,,, Mdefactures. • 3y ' •;-...,. son. 008t000. Snot. LIM.. eaNIL. D. 1C1111503. ~....?.. &11•1011041 , • Nottoas HEREAS, Benjamin Smith and George A. John- • 6 sdalerchdts of th e city of Pittsburgh, trading rls'i.wi alYer the firm of Smith & Jotidon have made to the .:..., 1.1 Subscriber, au assignment of all their Esmie 'for the .''',?- ii benefit of ail their creditors," shall within two mend K ~. ••••• from the date thereof execute did deliver to the did 1 e;• s , Smith A Johnson a full and absolute relede of all '.• their respective ridirr and demands.. Notice is hereby given that the to eber,on • oudi 4 E street, In the city of Pittsburgh, for eispeenon iced alp- Zs: r nature with all whom it may Concern jy&d2ruo WM. MCCANDLESS, Assignee. .-?d' CLARETLIDTTLES—S3 gross la Ifdperi, clear ! . z' g ! Boyles, for side by till JACOB WEAVER, Jr ,'-t.,11. LEIGSEICK CHAMPAGNEWINE:a basket: • 'l' Li pints sad moots of this celebrated Wine.:. to '!f 2 C bond and for sale by tylU JACOB WEA ' r :.. ~ tiLbUlt•=l4.2 bills - CM VFO - tir, d excellent ' to -!. 0 r good order; 11l do do do common, fee sale by DIS SELLERS it,SHCOLB n , ... I)ACON-40 hods Sider, 20 do Sdealdene 22 do ...c- it .1.3 Hants, in dm and for de by • 0..0 0 179 _ SELLERS a NICOL 9 :1 :1, .... . ; 4 „. ARD AND 'LINSEED - OIL-40 . bbls No find 2 -...' L Lard -Oh PI do Linseed Oil, for de by A /Y 2 SELLERS feNICOLS ',. Bs. on Pretend:c.o. - •. - :. i, hle. Trios. K. Hisseds—Dear Pie I take Mansura r...,;•,. if. ' in testifying to the good goad°, of year WRITINe ,-,.! FLUID, and in recommending it . the Publk6. A has . .. s. 5 been used in this Ideate for about a year, and 6n re- ~..4- . , fernng to the books I find that the color =pied, by ::','?:', ' age, the tint heing a fine Woe black. It flows freely, -:,,' n and to those who use metallic pens, it will ho 'Gaud a :J..; ..t very desirable ink. Re , peettaly leurs, • 1 ef-'4' JOHN HARER. '...1i For sale !together with llibbert's Red ansildiebins iTSI Copying 1,4,4 by R. A. Flattlellbilek & Co., Pitilthergbi "•:'. ri H. P. Sehare2 Allegheny City, and the Marusfander, .4 ';', •• THOS. K. HIBBERTS, corner of Liberty andllkold ~., ; field ,veers, Pittiburgh, Pa. )17xlew ;,•.,-, 6 iriTh'erfrallt...4-mt tea Eastphad Mae: Mrs .. 'l , l, V Taylor St Co's anger eared do; tH de Leeds A Son ,!...., ~,, do; to do Miller, Brown & Hawkmat do do do, all coo- ..:-, tli sassed and yellow washed, in store and for one by 1...2,'n IY O SELLERS A NICOLS c:' 1 11WIGIXEM ANCIENT MISTHOLOGY.-- "Li/ If and Roman Mythology, for colleges and Senate, •.::•,'. ;A by AL A. Dwitrbe with accorded dlestratid Itlnm - :1.1:- 2 ' line. Ilexto. Just received and for sale by -„. ..,'' - t iY6 JAMES D LOCKWOOD, 63 'U Ond . ,,,, WATCHER, JEWELRY, — AND SU.VZR el. ts WARE. 1 sl . - 4 11 irITHE rabscriber, who has born in 4,,. d .e uds ••• -6. to the name Medoff for the Ism thisteenyears, 0,./../, is selling all descriptions of Floe Gold dill Sil- ...:; 4 .,rs ref Wnorbe., Jewelry, and Silver Ware, at ......, retail, at the very lowest. price. ~.. pl i Gold and Silver English Patent Lover Watches, „,: • ~71 Gold and Silver Declul Leda and LePit. Watches. '....''',. Gold and Silver added and verge Welchem . 2 . ...;. , , Gold anti Silver Independent Suomi Mlteherl for ~R 5 nation honiCe, los e &l Gold Guard, fa/ and vest Chains. Gold Speetneld . ..::l. Ladies , Gatti Ii Gold nod Geld Perm ' and Stone Bracelets. I Gold Lockets. Gold and Silver Thimbles. Diamond Hinge and Pircs. Ladies , and Gentlemen. , Theasirilne. . . , . .. ..... . 844 / I n A gUnr Spoons, fops, Folly, rte.i . .„ Gold Watches so tow m SO to $23 each. ~..A .... .Watches and Jewelre asehenEed. 4:,t1 Stmon. and Forks plated Os German Silver a fine •, pni uncle. All watehea warranted to keep good , ie or k,...4 . the mammy returned. • Jewelry repaired, and Watches ,—; 0 k,,,,,,,g .g r epai,,d re the hest manner, at IneCh ism. v than the 0..Z4i PM.. GEO. 0, ALLEN, .. Importer of Watches and Towelry, wholesale and ' retal4 et Wan street, (up etairs,) NEW VIM ::', r.:.. hiNfrftetta f .. 4,,,,,, •.• • J- • •