The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 13, 1849, Image 1

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13 AIRIt & STERRETT, -.• ,:
vo.rth .reet, between tbantiteld And Elm ni',
• .
Dasbnrgh, PA ‘IIS
UM" z_ 14.T.C.. CM. C. T4IrC.:
LARGE & FRIEND, -,--..
, TTORNEVS AT LAW, Fenno itreet, ne arD ra WI
;701.--itilNirs. cttozra, conmam., at.etr.ab ,
,a.. and Denim el Produce, jilo 72 Merkel street
PluebtLitr h• deft+
-- -
101221 FELD w..31.14`
BUSHF I ELI) k HAI 9, Wholesale dealer. hi Dt,
Goof, Grocrnes, noels, Shoes, Pit • burgh tdane,
lectured rideles, 2ec , No. VO Uttrey street Pule
berth Jat•
B RAIMI a UEII ER, Wtiolesale an
guts, t vmer of Labcrly and SL C
burgh, Ps
CCLBl~lieot, Ili IL EV.11:11r:I.
BAWN! I k CULBERTSON, Wholesale Gyrwera,
and C ommismon Merchants, No. 145, Libaft
Potato:int/. Fa: d ly.
A. PS:4INI O .I.4I•TiCICTIc Co., Whinesale - LT:
tad Druggists, corner Wood and OM sts.
141....7.474Lbt - • W aoleooot tirocers,:ip
20 Wood west Palatial6B
1 A . & Co., Foarding antat
V • mission Merch a
nts, Csmal 100
Pittstinvln i:m
Duquesne Spring, axle, Steel anciarritt
COLEMiri. ' HALLMAN tr. Co, mmnifacuifirs of
Conch and Eliptic Springs, hammered rgales,
Spring and Plough Smut, Iron, &c. 00
Water and Front streets, Pirothargli...
Also, dealers in: Conch Trimmings and deb:able
.11ARSLktW6IlliYOTC1.1 a r k - 7ff --- St;10 - P1-GSItit
ILPD cturenomcEs muuta Moromenm.B
Tomb., Read Stones, Mantel ?teat:, Cap
tre and Piet Tops or foreign and domestic ramrnsle, it
• reviler and fair price.
N. B.—Dr awntga for monuments, vaults, &c. dortialt•
ed, of any doscripuom He solmlts a shareoitloblio
patronage. artelnttd,
WY. A =OW., ;AIM r. nmsifOrri , •
UNGLISIi a. BENNETT, ilate English, liallsC4l
E 4- Co.) VS itolesale Grocer+, Couraorron +MA
'p ding Mereamms, nod dealers in Produce anita'ooM,
itra Ai contractures, No. Jr_ Wood between* ariG
COCILHAN, iiMannumon.and Forwll,ll4+
Merchant, No. 11+ , oed street. Ptusbargh./
AMIL'ION FrEWART. manufacturer of lieriti
ist.trongs, Checks, Zr.e., Rebecca street, le , ny of
Allegheny. noolidElr •
11_1 LEE" lauocesaor tMrphy Sclice.4.Wootpe o l /4
er and Cocurnission Merchant, for the :mile al
Asuezierin Woolens, Liberty. oppoxite Lth at !}hl7.'.
ovx. itharA, Lialusnore.
A.,. paranoia, tow..
D. C. secanixo, ion, a. walremb
Jaonions, 41 North Writer at, & 16 North Wharves;
uodP-iti ;
/....1. /1.4111 q. AIL P. 419 , ,C,....
TIAII..DY, JOISEn 2s Co_ (successors to 111.1svouri
~L. Jones fr. Co.) e 013161.13340,1 and Forurarditit MO.
census, deniers, In Patsburgh Manufasnursd•tlouos,
Pmstourgtt, P,
___ ......4F '
Issmat meson,
_1101.41 - BT . DICILS! /V., t
lISAIAIi DICKEY tr. Co., Wholesale tirrocemq 4 ICol`:,
mission Merchants , and dealers in Producer 046
nter, and 107 Front streets. PlusOurgit. po's
li. CANFIELD, Date of Warren, OhTo,) Colroteries
. eio n and Fortran' tag Momhant, and wholesale
m esters keserre Cheese, Dauer, Pot gild
Pearl /Loh. and Western Produce generally,Woler
Deer, between Smnhaeld and Wood, Pittsburg:h. 403
JOEN WATT, (succeseer to Ewan tr. 64burli
Who:r.alc Uroccr cod Cornoussion 1110cilang,
Sevier to Produce and rirtsburgh Itimumemal,
1.70 f Libent. and Henn streets, Pntsburgh Plarltal
JA.II.Mn MeGUIRE, Dire of the Irma/4070 and''
hictione,) Merchant Tudor, St. Chalk. ihrtidulgs4
hood ureet. near Wood, Pntr.brtratt.
J}t.t uT ,o, c , C.- I , effe s gil ' unut
and Agento of the 10. Louie Steam Sugar Iliihetry,'
No. 45 water and front etrects, Pambargb-
1 8. Da.%Coarti t co., %viloiesade Groceis, Pro , .
erlhe " ll.l ' rll' C o * Z mi etTirof i rl Y .:Nt VNI ' to!YZ
Pittsburgh. 142
1011 N D. AlltabAN, noonsato Lttagyabanileenk
tt et In Dye Sunis, Pronto, Ono, Vandenee, addiNo.ed
Wood en-eet, ono door Sown of Diamond Alley; Puts-
JANIS KE11.14 Jr. Jr. Co., psUCCLSALIr Jo ph G.
Dania) Ship Chandler., al Water .trees. Jl
1 (MN 14 . 1,1E1,4,014, Wholesale and Hetaii.4'
to Music and klayieul Instruments, School-Moms,
Paper, Slates, Steel Peak quills, Pliuters' Carta, and
Stationary generally, No. 81 Wood et., Pinalired
__LEr Rank bought or Laken is trade. stpls
SCHUONMAXER sCo %Vaal - aka-la Drlggtotu,
. No. 21 Wood ,treet, PittanurTh.
JOHN 1.`71.5aY IS, Aucuoncer, earner ath ar4IV.J.I
streets, Pinsburgh.,.‘oett ,
J(AIN sr° N STOCKTON Bookaellers, Hytintera
and Paper Manufacturers, N 0.44 Market akfl'itts.
Lanka- sies
Jona F... , Flieloso
T FL & FLOM Wholesaie Grocers, Gornanssion
blercamte, and Dealers an Produee,,liotmd
Church linildings, fronnog on Liberty, Wood FFIFd oil.
streets, Pnlebarils,
TAMES DALZELL, Wholesale (ironer, Cetts -- rIO - r,
11,/ Me3cht., mod droer to Produce and Painburgh
hianalastures. No 24 14 ater at, Potahargh. 16 '
V JER le JONES, Porwanhng and COMMIERWA Ni ‘ k
tn• l ' e b trelt P r:lll7 near 7th et :. d2l
PF.211241 stILL, P11"1sBUIL4:M, e,A.
ENN Kin', cllll.tha h. CO. :dantafactureral.d very
superior 4-4 ntircungs, Carpet Chairsototnas mud Lhoong JoJey
L • . . . .
EWIS. DALZELL & Co., manufaaturcra 4 all at,
;ea Dar, Skt ct., Dauer iron nail Neale of the °tat
quealay. H fareanuar, wafer and ILG trout
L. •t g ".',,T,!".',.'„!;:';',.'0n";: 1 ,7ht,T,7.7,.r:. FLITTr;
Manufuetstrus and Produce, Nos. 31 Willer at.
and 62 Front P_ j 27
.. • _ .
-12Per ° anddnmest
Western merchants, Pedlars and others hreiristrited
to call and CSILILLLIIC Mc pores and quality OiOlif rte3<e,
as with our present increased laciness in mseilitxtuer
I nd'h rZ ''th''kee r fer lEl!n
Moamar.. AS 4
. •
•• • ' • . •
c 11./CiDISON, F a lgyj r
1%4 LLLYIP: & 1111111ETSUN, 1% ualesale liroaers, and
al importers ot Brandies, Nrlnert and Segaii., No.
17a and 174, corner of Loreny and Irwin streell, Pates
Mute, Vs -
DM" IDGILL. ISO. D. 201 i.
MetiiLLS &RUE, NV hoiestVe Grocers and
Gaon Morellos., No. 144 Latterly at., Pagpurga.
MERIMIY, WILSON tc CO., (late Joaes, IVEMphitt
Co.) Wholesale Dealers or Dry tioodg,..No.
Wood strest, Iffitshurg h.
russick, wst. MMIOY.
it ti ALLEN A. COCUAII.IO.I and Fot.scarffing
Merchants, Water and Front as., Vietweed
affil and 31arket sta.. Jen') i
AnkLW — WLSOPt, Puritan and:lluttficreur
.11:1. ter. Booms, coruet Foot Office A. 197 unt
Fourth street, culMite 4,11 Door Mark.L. ~,!; •
- 11jNn. 6 htnreet ..j scone
e doer from corner of Van rsh, deniers
and Domenne efExchange, CenaLeatesealepole
tt., Bank Noo and 'tenet,
Err Collenuon. no on the pried* cake
throughout 11, rutml State, ~ d et.l7
• .
SUCKIILILSTkit, At.nallatas—OLfice, Frelrth
third door above R u hheld, soarli aide.
Corrveyroutug df .11 Vault diem with the , Zma , -itt
care and legal accuracy.
Thies to Heal Howe crammed,
OFFICE, Fourth insect, near Great, in ;RS room
lately occupied by Alderman Mtiter, tonettahr
I y opportm Mr. Salmon.llls. He may be Multi at nigt4
In No. 71, Sr. Charles /Intel.
._....... mfganot
. /11;T: Detberts, Oh D, .7,...
(ITILALIVIC SlMlCEO:rallead 4751t0 treat.
mem of lAsAncs of that 'a. r
.FL has been engaged la s branch oKthc. modl. '
cal profession for sixteen yearn, and hes coil/acted do
establishment for the of dibCO4OBN the cyc
alonst lor rental year. .
OnAta and residence ' corner of Sandasiy at and
Hmaathem7 alley, Allegheny city. ' ,- .00t13"
aLF.H.D..o7l 7 l . llelllSTlLlll.l3i.Z.firiiMFiri . ih
im - al, neat Wood—All quantities Of Gran d
Black Teas, done op In warm , :halt, odd
ithm pound packages, rangin. , front 50 C11. ' 310( pOtilild
itAn. jy/ A. /Al NES,"Ag - t. for Pritinffea co al
1 jOlikkr MUOM.E., M Manhole tomer, lalectitiatag
XIII i ihstalarr, dealer in Produce, Pinsburgibildrundut
tares, hod ail kinds of rossugra nod Llosneihan Win }s
and LICIPur, No. II Labe rry stn.,. Co. howl - • hely
large strict or supenor uld Aionongehholeoibiskes,
winch wall on .Id loss for cash. ',NLSIty•
. —. •
.onn 10111 N-YON, SAUCE!. n...Stolachsa4h.
ROBINbUbi at Co., Wbolesnie (arose* Prodasks
~ and Cl' ,illantelon Merchants, and Deulhls an Pitts
g/a Manufannues, No. LEL/ Liberty st., pttaburo..
Pe. -..', laulti
IELOU6BI' DALZLLL 4c Co., Wholohnleatlronei;
Commisshon end Voronsrdmg Alorcladril!, 4Migra
Prodoch nod Plush:ugh hiaIMfaCIUMSOIOCIIy 61
Pittsburgh, p,
. L .,
rlim. A. C6NNINCHAM, Wholosat44- °rocks
mauler in Produce and Pittsburgh idahtilifnciarbs,
n.O Liberty at __47'.'4,_ . JY",_
S. 11. aaraciane, Jot 4.
13EYNOLDS k BRIM FortVardin and etrauskaston
Xi, Merchants, for the Allegheny Itiver 7`t~ndc, dept
ia rocries, roduce, Prttablarith Strplfacitifei
sad Chloride of S.Sate.
The ixighom prtett,•neach, paid at all far4for coin.
mgt. Corner al Versa and Irwin ern. T J"l,_
C. I.IIACZLICIT, T 111.191 811 , M
ks RACE:Lk:IT tr. WRITE., 'lops In
rormpt ro , d Dorooa , c be, Goods. No.._
— `ti W. 11.ea1iAL;011, Waal hterchsa, Dealer.
A 7• in none and Produce generally, and 15p -warding
in 4 COMMis.IOII Merchnnts ) N.. 53
QUITH, 11.40ALEY & Whoteard - oi,j,Ld
ape Produce duvera, N 0.213 Ma'am strecqatveell 0.1/
inild.Bll2, North side, Pinindelplua. nava
& rtr1101.7.011.
:LigES .V.7",..NLCOLS, Produce and Gideral Odin
misalou Alriehants. No. r Lat.crty stahusbafgh.
Seam, Linseed and Lard Vila.
F VON TSZlNNlitillt+'l';ll,...,lVEO;.
/Rae%, FOrwarding and Condmissiorl 7 ...4.lerthell.,
in Pittsburgh Jlmniacturea and Vate,, ru tro
due barn removed to their hew wardnaapld stdnd)
Ne . ; „ corner of Front st and Chancery LA*,
rip RoTH S ean., Wholesale and RCUIN dealers 111
1 Hoots, smogs, Trunks, Curvet liggs4se.,
o mar of 4 th end Smi th field su,
ItlST — PliholeneJe Wocers %aCommis
atom Merchants, and dealers to Prodlore. Plrc,jl3
Wood st., Pittsburgh. _
&bllitilEL Wholesale TREE, Wholele (]airsF.-ains& Rectifyin g Distiller*, and Wino:end 1.44110 . ,
ord Xlso, Importers of Soda Astcand Ble.h
ing Powder, No, 180 Liberty street, Pnts4rgb, Yl.
Kam' '
TOM D. twice, Donn teco.Xo.LItOS
Iit:ICANDLFA, (Soolausor. to L. &J.•D,
vy S 4 ie it,) Meleesle Unseen!, nn-wa.rdutg nod
Commission literchants, de4Jt ttriroo, Naas, Glu,
UntonTarr., and Pittsburgh Mattifactures geUCYally,
sow. of Woo4And Water tree* Past., renc.
. 1.111; eatigtitstnnent,
7,WAVkatiN, Wetteitea;l4..-etrf.SilVer Ni
Tyr anddiditirary Goods] corm of Martini and nth
aussta, Pittsburgh, Pa. N., IL— latehot, awl Clockr
carefully ;repaired. deed
BOWENl—Comtrussimi and Forwarding
Merchant, No. WI Front slietween Wood and
Market !trees: . crle24
, d dordeilli
W. Foreign P
gn ar l idVo . meatic DIV 11.3oals,nifirth east
corner of Martel and. Fourth • aatttn
IRO2 22,17112-
CO. — Denlent leather tildes, bz
W 'lb
. .. __
... . .
Av t e lt. NII.TTCHEON, Whfile,so.l. {,r6errs, den•
bargli.m.',:rd.% i:2:7;2:".„:.,,.15zi1k, Ai lax,. suld . l , ' Itts.
, I 1 t 1 9 2 Laberly Et, I Ms
burgh. 16,32
W. Z . :{ e r 'i vi i. , ON k r , ale;
( 1 , n 0 .i d 11. 5, u ,t 1c , : . 17 ii0. .)E 7 14;• t z
lust al. 1, . novl .
- •• • •
Shpe Findings, de.. No. 141 I..lbcrty Wee,, have
post received their SPRING sTcPcf: of good.,'eom•
prising a largo assortment of a.riicet 3tl their lilts, to
which the attention of purchasers it invited.
11 11 STEAM 110 . 1, r A ,, ENrS,
OFF“ P.M 1.231 Al 1 , 12 c co.
Ne. 42 1% au, .tot et
PW IINSURVICE CO. of NOT. Amen,ea will
rmlio pentionent arid limited ltworuiee oo pro
perty to Obis city mid vicinity, tind r n vhipitivolv by
Canal, Elver*, Lake% and by Rea. The woo.. rties of
On, Cumuli-any are
well invested. vitt (unit no avail
able fund for 1110 ample inileitivotyios At persons who
denim to be protected by tfvernitee.
myltl WM.. P. JON ER, :tryout, 44 Water at.
IDiIDEAiNI73T._._ `-
The Frank/in 'Free Irsurcrige Co. of rkil4,lol4la.
DIRECTORS.- 7 Charles N. Indict,. Thomat
Tobias Wagner. Samuel% 4in, Jacob Timith,
Geo. yl' Richard, Mordecai •D Adolpho E.
Llone4 David S. Brown, Morns Paiternm.
Cu.atim N. gaNnilnit, President.
Charles G. Baneker, Secretary,
Cootinue to wake i1161131111C0, perpetual or limited,
on every description of propnrtT in morn or country,
at rates an low as are coimisteni . yrith seventy •
To Company hays reserved a .li:rye contingent Fund.
which with their Capital and PrOallurn, safely invest
ed, afford ample protege. to tnermsemd.
The assets of, the compan y . on I noultry Ist. lei-19, a,
publiahed agreeably to an net 011,-..assethilly. were a,
follows, vim
i ' L ' itMt7te
Temporary Loans
Stoats •
Stnce their irmorpontion, a pelt : jut of IV y can they
have paid upwards of one ealittont tour lam:red them
end dollar., loasen,by fin. therapy mformag es:ie.:tee
cf the advantagea of nnitraite, ea well an the ability
and dim:me:awe to most wall promptness all ua Wade°
J. GA_RDINER. Agcnt,
, Office N Roomier Wood and ni eth
P A. MADURA, Agem at Plithburgb folithe
. DeN
nre Mutual Safety imurante Company M Ph igl•
adelplaia Fire Risks upon anti rnerenandtte
of every description, and illarmi‘ltiaks upon halve,
CargoesOf vessels, lakela upon :the most ta actable
Office La Warchoute of B. Holmes lc Jiro ,
No 37 Water, near Market strect!lhtiabargii
N.B.—Thu recce. of this CoMpaity !lace thic. natal ,
batman of the Agency in :Ids .ty, with the prempt
nest and liberulity erith which evlgry Moon open them
for lots has been adituttcd, fully Ma.-rant the anent in
inviting theconfidence and patronit, of tha frds' and
the community az large to the Vienwere Si ien
S. lima.
mace Company, while It has thoadditional adrottl , airs
ME as mstuaton among the most eitanalosig PhLind
phm—as inning =pie ptudym whichay the
operation of ifs charter naconstantly .ac mean:gine
pealing trt each person molted due ',Lore ol„the
profits of the compsny, vnitoic kivolving ham . t On)
rmpontibilityvahatover, nal thrre.fore as poims.yir
the Mutual principle Unman!. of livery 010n0.11012.1. (Cu
rare, and ailtit most attractive ft4a.. vnui
fr. Intouvuice Company o( \Y, . America. in roogb
as duly itudiorised Ay t, WC. usscribet, caters to
!iodic permanent and haute/ Insoilillet Olt property in
this city aforibi viciany, ou ibuirtneu.s by the etv ,
nol mid Elvers,
cnarion Tuyinr,
Ambrose Nk'am.,
SILL ub M.Tbott,4,
3.?...m R Ncd,
Arthur G Coffin,
Sa.na3 W Jaes,
lidornrd :Muth
John A. Brown,
John Wto a
Thomas P. tor,
Samuel F Smart,
Samuel Brooks,
iiI.7CHT D. Suretazan, Set'y
Tins is the oleic., Inaunnice Company in the United
Slams., having been chartered na ITO-1. ha chaster is
perpetual, and front its high mairaling. b a g experience,
ample recant, and avoiding ullrisks of au Clint has-
Judo. characmr, a may be cortagicred an onertag am
secaraty to the W. Y. 4i.):SiN.
At thq Coughing SIX/rll of AttiroMl, Jones fr. Cs,,W We.
ter and Pram - aver. Putelariclu
rtElß:7l4tielltEß haibeenlippointed Agent yro
am. of the lu saran.> Company of North America
and is - ‘11115 , 11.1 PmmCca nail attetutto\i,/
of the Agency, at the wureikottacr.ot Lf,,
Co. nets 'A E` itiN v st
c' tFlVAirS " i. DANEN .h. 31 & cu.
No. 59 Swan Wharvoss t. t No Al; Scam Warm
lj EMS to iuform too tratlc andincelers generally, 0:
Parinargh. mot lacy nave coign loco among. Merl'.e
with the Virginia Mll.lllll.llll,Clie. and Ne firowyeri os
she Writ, West Indica, oast other:genic, no ails insure
a bugh and COIVILLUI aupplhr of Om 1 . 0a0 , 91111/, ileacrire
uoni ol Tobacco, winch NV:il l, dhoold upon in orcom
oneinung tenni an any °Wes bo w ie t Mai may or else
where, and an goode ordcmcla theta mil tie war
rented email represmannom
. _
Raven., St. Domingo; Conti., 1
yarn; Point fLicoi l'etrifit: Serif i..n.r to-
Cubai iguirtn & rtheol, b.,,,,.
AiLSO--Braneh's relebrtteil &iron:lona Snot thikira
dish, with a large glaDOrttnelol 01 . 1.11er popular bronze,
and guanine atria/Us, St, be, Lai, Its and ',St Lanlri
54, 6. Et and Ilv Net, Ladies' 'Mitt; Virginia Try.,
tre., tweet arid plian, to whole tad half 6oterovoit.
and tin, toge th er with every varthiy Of atm. lc LCIOng.
ing to the trade. .„ iribitly
COMMiIMOII Merchant and Forwarder;
NO. 4 CANAL ST., CLNC*N A . ll, 0100.
B:r• ausotiop paitkln Inc pun:l/mein of
of any ankle of Producn.nii titicgoarket. Also to the
forwarding of ()owls J Melee to
Mown. John Swaney
'`• Mania &Stocky:eV s.c.ineion,,i. 0 .
S.O. Parkhorat, Esq. t j
• Lippitoott & Co.
Kier &Jones,hunborgh.
Comantiation and Rot - vveLeding Alrechant.
so. 26 Wbon skt., trrraircutal,.
nONTMUV to transact, a g entral Commission ham
-I,j-ness, especially in the purcacl a , and ink of clariscri
can Manofttetnrcs and Produce, .cl in receiving tad
forwirdint Gendl co.i gn ed 1,6, care. 21, A g elit tor
the Ittampattlares, he will be cOsuunly poppiled wtW
the principal articles of Pittsburgh M.O.facture at the
lowest wholesale prßen Unl ac e and tomili g neneuts
nre reapltinlly solicited. • 0://'
:WHOLESALE onocrat.s 7
. .
Iron, Knits, Cotton Varna AL I,..tttsiburgh
- Maun'txtnteo g ner .Uy,
I% 19 WoOD I : tr./Dons/LT .pa.
R. T. LEECH, JR.; -
Lund Dealer In Foryi,p's unit Doinestar
Saddlery Hardware 4 Carriage Trinlmiagt,
No-133 Wood .it, P s o.aburGht
IritrlV !teeming hie Spitng a-apply 01 Goode, end
I lunges the at' odor of Saddler'', Conehmulers nod
Nierehmla to Ins mock It hos &ten bought upon the
belt terms, from the beet spurner, nod nr therefore
feed. coandent of being able to Lord anustnothm to
all who may favor him met a c me dLot
7,.. , altatEr. riermati'. . mamma
No. 152 Becon/etr oc i,
mchtl'alate ST. 1,01 hlO.
`S,T.IPADES, SHOVELS, &e. -441, - /lor Spade. and Sttn
1.3 eclat 40.10 Manure Forks, IP do then Shovel., 5n
,do Rocket do; Aker, Hatehatek"Zdatmek. and Pleas.
B e ll ow , them, An, (or 1410 nymanufammersapncex
by noels GEO Oatilla it. art . ro od
museloan,than Y. nem°
JONES & qtrtoo,
iti - A.WACTUREKS elf .pcmc and 'smel,
plough steel, earl plough astngs conch and
uo sprwins. hammered Mort god defilers in and
leubla •thatings, engine loot end conch triromlnga
generally, comer of Ryes. and ;root ets, Ihtlebumb,
DAY crating li'lltac*lng Coal,
Minh Madera, torrid water pure by
remaem4 In stimulants not salable
water. 'The ammo water 'in N. York,
although clear Rod pure t o 1 1,,y,
hen It hour thrt/Itilt this
7 RI ring Cock', into.. a leaf, depot
nobsto.,,,,•worms, Thts
I. the morn or less with ate hydrant vraier.
The Itevervibie F ie eer is OM and dornble, and Is
DOI attended with the inconvenience Incident to other
Fulterets, as it is cleansed witheut being detached Iron
~,..,.. pip., by merely letremg the key or band:.
&au tothe other. l*thie easy protege, the
muse orVrateris changed, and all accumulations In
hoporet substances are elnemt off elmetin Inmantly,
without unscrewing the Filloq It star possetem the
advantage Of being asap roe and sa sock in many
eases will De very convemlent ond economical.
Bean be oneened vvltOe thole Is any prevenro high
or a cask, tank, lON kerovith ea.. 'Co be had
of the role Agent,
oetl7 Pburth and 51mkot eta
FOIIISXLE- -- -A Raota — lte.toi or.;
or two homes, built at POadelpllta by a mile bru•
led manufacturer. ettrrir 17 01 every reem.ct
a hlrskiete , whole, made. halth I the modern IllIptlevt•
mtnit.;" hued with blue aletth and bombed no Mir tor
.reionne. "Jets nh.liniy iticiv,t.tid mid for want Of um.
Enßiti4s6f :ALT.;;SANF:II.V. DA
mot- 'la armket - t V cvmm , " th e 1 1'1'1" d _
WOOrk.u'NhlAT o lMAtt I'L-
ItEll.l3.—llamogsire organgententa for coo
'giant supply of EACCO FfiIDINGS, will se:
51. lost poem Calf and eplteler Skins, Late Lea
Thar, Pickers, Roads, Shuttles, ileum Twine Treadles
No. Ito II Belt Panehm, Wrench., Stnephareards
10 to Itt. In; Potent Drener Bridles Weaveratlltnalt
eLetle. LIS:411 WILSoN tr. CO,
• mi 4 igrW4o meet, Patibisrgh.
A rroRNF,y A r LAW. Other on Fourth Went.
. between Cherry alley and Grant et. InYI.IIY
El Ircalk,!;;a Fuhieh.
p.',244 , l;therty m,rir the
NATILL also attend to roßeehons and all other bust
y, nes, in him Under and Armstrong
, osnhes. Pa. Refer to
. . .
I. & R. Floyd, Liberty rt.
\V \V. Wallace do
James Marshall do Fltuiburfits
dly tiny tr. Co., Wood on. iio 7 2 .
T .B. SACEITZFR, Attorney nt Law, office 3d rt.,
opposite SrCharles Hotel. PM-dn. - et. , v , " 05 °
attend promptly to Collection., in Wwthiniftott,FAYcl
and Green counties, PA
Bittekoiock, Bell & Co.,
Church & Caromers, }Pntohurgh.
T. Horgan ,ocl.3d ly _
Tit 1. HENRY. Attortiel And Connection. nt Low,
Cincinnon, Ohio. Collect on. or Southern Ohio,
and in ban.. And in Kentucky. promptly and rare.
y attended to. Commisfloner for the State or Pimn
rylennia, for taking Deposmono, aeknowledgruent,
&c. &o.
Otri. 3e.curdixon
Mr. - co—/lon. W,u. 33e11 & Son. Cur& Church S.
Corother... t‘l::nck & Pnvo6.
SE.WEI.L. annr , del at Law, Officcs
SITU thhcld. beta - d'en it and nh od a.
4 TIOIINEY AT LAW. l'ottrth street, between
/l onntonend and Leant_ nkl2-dfint_
WI/ H. ItOlilsitiON. Anorney at Ln w has re
roved h. office tome Exchange lituldtonc, St.
(In Ft ,nett door to Alderman Johns. apl7ly
st(Snores. , to sl'Cord dc Kind iSil b
Fashionable liattere,
Corner of Wood and FriiA Strews.
ARTICIMAR attention peal to On Hanoi Trade.
Gentlemen eon rely upon centric their Hat. and
Caps from our ettablnhatont of the CSTrf MATTI:UAL/. and
WOllTYL!fattir, of the I-drnY STIL., and at the tAAV.T
Country Merchants, pareloning by wholesale, are
revectfully wetted to gall nod ea
our Stock; no
We Call •ay with confidence that as record. , d r slAri
and . rarra, it wilt not antler tr. a compar,ton with any
hone to Fhtladolnum.
Lik CALIFORNIA II A'r,-1.2 don water proof
C" , orl-Illt Run, just recetved and for nit by
to Co.
te1 , 17 corner sth and Wood ate
111'0 tllll & Co. teal introduce on Stour
ailday. March id, the :vitae rty le of
Tboen in want of a neat and nitpotiOt Lat. art inv.
to call at Corner of Suit and Wood street.. ward
- -
c§PAIN , : RONNOT - RIDIJONet, etc —W AlefPoT
Leta now Open n nupp!‘ .nrlna Boca,;
new and handsome iti
Ana, new sty ,o re , . Ire Lana al,: 1 , 2. e•
Lteen Edema.; Vielor nu.. plod a.d
Jaconen, enibropitred . s iroa M a.ady d. e, onoled
arca as.orata a: of Spring I;00,1, genera '). at north
ant corner Ith and Marto, ntreole
Venni... Lb , Room. on ca.r. r,^6
• I ,t• , 31.047,43. 41
4 . • • • pti.oot
1... 51.=
El.l•L°.i&l 71
RULIEFACIF:NT —110 r..• whiie rutinmg tat lor,e
,a the 6.. id• are am to I,uine on:arr.
thent.e,s,. Mill, way.
•o 10 be nmele•• r menme it tmnt,,,,,ttte
routd the mnde of It A Fan a , ,ork .4. Co
elem. and the t rmaed purl art.;. raturuled. ¢1..1
remedy 1.1. it wott.c: pine WI, and ..a.e the
pain No Tittloer -hould haul this releLritcd
nettfirtot . 3. It t• Itl/Ite Ovulate to or treat, It
pared and .old by A FAIN Mali k
cornet of Wood and I, At, m.o. sorner Gun
Wood. myl7
\7l:Oltd :A N , WORN 0.1!.1.1.11 —A ;iolittr, woo, I
Lhe trm roph.l.l: . ..accv.s et Nlorßan', Vt.: nature
hlr John I , \lnn:ram—l. mx.,,nme ,• of m. 0... use no
the tuff, comonutaly. in •f; andar..:!, of
Morean's Vermifuce, you um rwrfret.y vrelrome•
I hod t - vro rn,dren .orr.y uli,ted on loom+.
rame alarm , . and von ; 3tooN: -o, when tred )uar
renowned VermNugc, and te oo^ 01
them was dr,vered of aNaut ho) Norn , ; !tr.,
'oold. of too MO. rr•rN.H.s. more ..c
p;.. arnoro'oi ee • 'rho r vrn• ',roc m
about N. I ~Idren ::ow doo.g L,de:y lou
may well I, proud of your \‘ ono hider
Your. ru x Dar, ',NOM VII Srn
Preparrklun:lane JOHN D.
Mt/at:A N. brut g 0b dour
my 14
NI - A
1 LE 121:11F.1)
Aim! V.
Mr. P.. r. ,cr. 11c4n; af.t.c;cd
I.COLIgh. WlLlep 0.0 •IVere . {l.l , .“: 10t
rnzp.oytnent F'requry....y n'ler court:mg, I
114 In 411. ,• . .t It al
and re.i /1.2:“. of <dy'
)our ,vrnp. nr.
I conc.llo,l‘ ct,..1..•
nape. .av proaut.c4l J. M .
A/14 I.n. num palcrtly
'Chuand popu'ar Co,r.!
and a.c:d I v W04. , 1 crr,
a!xn oy pr,g.sta geue:a. In the and ..-
llutacs Hexteat
ARTHUR G. et/FF . I:N. Fret
FIXg LlFFr—S<llerv . Vrrmtfuge Is the, aro
1• , 1-I , J
Mr. J. M. kiaoll--I.•ar rue alai u!
Vertu. tug, I , ouglat iturn you •aaPe ago.
from year. old.lac
?1(011 num., I 5
tino , ll - ^.l Wong. I 14 : a
.hurt I,u; for tass
l'rep,red and .41 b) R F. Si:u.ens 57 5%
.01 1 , r117, g-Iscrn Jti it, 14 , 0
La. Doctor f •
ly of Pf,,z...). lor
hrong, ow of o to coo;
W:th to; otto P,.
he ha. 111.4.4 toloarao.O..l rent, .c..
dreadoo latai Tutoro t.!nr , •
mumpLon. anoFrrofiOn. itheumot,ro. Awoon.
Fryer tool Ave... Ft-vcr.t a rnrl i'orotOr a:I too.. nOstolatclloo - atel.pecuoai - lo
In ol•oot cv•rjlorro of ol,•too• vtoOo . • %old, tar uo..
of ht• m0re110 . .., to wilicri hunNkni.l . 11,•--nn:
ftiwe'a Tonle Alle moor Ph:.. ar!om rod are
vonably aek,nowledlittl hopenor to till co oe
puraal,, 117., joh. tiotainurh a. they tri..,
bowets•porfetmly rreo from voaharoona, na miso ht.
limden ahtottlml in.. :aettity to pp..... la•m.
hat properties nilopted :entitle • tietog
multi tied that a too- trial $ll saMment to esinhoah what
boo been aatO in the mind. of the MO •l •Ir.-poetu
The °filleted are inched lo ran upon Mr
in run nl one of on Do , -tor oamphlrt, rriv,g
a detruled aet.ount °feat, rnm,dy amid 111. app,o , audo
I. or sa.e. by toe foi.owing agent., a. wed no by rno.d
Warm. Mr.3uKhout the ro•irory.
1.4eb00,nl tact tr. Co. 21 Wno.l at re^t, I'itu6urp A:
J M Town, end. drugg,t. , ls
LC./ A Lee.inam, ‘•• near :me I Aae-FlienT
Jon Barkley. DarlinglOn. Beaver county, Pa
lbo Eamon •• ••
T Adl4/11^. 1Iy1:1
110V1 0 ,1 1
Fitco., I . Apr. 24, 1,41.
DR. D. /A', Duna Incl bound to you
and tlie puii,iti, In avast myself or Op`
pertunap of p pulinx ity in the extraordinary e dee,
of your harwelorani oil in., ei-.f hoeing been toe in •ed
for ttevernt pours wit.a tivungli, lit,to•
and tin conconn,ant dist-amis. and seemed only doom,. 4
to linger out a .hurl hot num:rabic cii,trisee, Unto the
fall of Is*, when, being more iiireerely attacked, nod
having resorted to an In)' former remedie, and tar yr,
mini.. of two of the most re•ncelnnte physicians in
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or 11,
consolation or ,urviving but a few days or weeks ut
Ihrtacal—when the lust &ant of hopo wan about to
vatonh, I had recommended in me your tilx.pecioraiii—
Mid Messes)' taut Iteing who does ail mint:. in Me
Ore rrinuns—iisud euntrury to tic vipectations of
pitriti tuns and Mends, I wan ton sew dayssaiand
from my bed. and wtun enabled lip the use o( a on oJii
ailend tuy Innonc•tt, enioiing 11000 better n.. 10 Llittlt
I had for ten ) ears previous.
'Rev pea. tiuLly our, Au., ins. W. Poll -.I-
For sale in thusburo, et the Pekin Teu Storti.
Fourth week mar',
.1)V1ieq..1.. ,, f ROMATICK 11.0,
lA,ly natatory, balsamic nod lonr propertios ot
Vinegar render utr ,upet.o, to crologne w.or
the ordinary porpoise Gibe tocet, ..urpait•tog t.n.
ter its pertutne 11 pi-ye:lli rerouve. pimp
tenor and ovcrlty 011:w skin. ad non
-.0, skin, rebilc.r.sig It.nll nod n Dian 11 corret inn
clammy and bitter lane of themouw. imparting AL
nod plear.sol breath. It cli.o.o F , rui and whitens tee
teeth, and harden.harden.the gum•
or ul! above par
po..e, With vi - n:cr Aurlt oroportion as way
I,e found 1110,1 t ogrceablr Ili liia.log 11 a.. 1 rho
aon We benita , rl, I: up poet to or too., VV,PYIL.) P. 001,1
roorttficalino rotten vtrd Olt. 01.1 gvure
(rem r therelo iiia re very noiiit tor puraikty,
and perfumu, opartrocnts. Fors nic
It 1. 711.1LLERS Drogatit.
met,Jl 57 Wood •ir , el. I•llbourgh
/Ti a r a I • y r . e o tt , te e
Alta gave to sou of o. Worm
none. tome tter yeltlol Oid.
full. tend ulthouen NIOOLOO rn y tapptear
mote, yet 1 be, no duct.] out 1.10 . , NM. :IOWOT dd. of
rwu tboxteeno puttetee irons nom
men.. tug
Leo= aeo gtosrter of a.“ inch tveu /Acne. tt tug.
Ci 1101.1./LA
Bader. Pa
Dr. Uses Celebrated hemrilics
of one von tinorall olor that ot ihror
;tll l'hyslolo,r,cst. La, Out hy the 13.,‘,1
Dr. McLane in Tennesstee
- -
Romeg Creek, Cart& co Tenn , 11.c117, ra24
Eltblll.l. l .sk. IP•
J 0.,.
Mr It. F. tellers:—Vocr V1,011“24"C5. .0id wed'.
and ha. been high y spoken et to, u:1 tv tin han• u.
It. From tlic etieccein a;Lenthag try. rt4:4011,1,1,011
your Vcrrniftiac arrry r 1.•.• I havc iaeard 0.. I 1.1.01.
11hdelli e.O ...II more ,luring loe
titan I lid W.:. I 'Arai Ire glad U. 11:4,1Ve. unoiher rap
pl) of. or 5 K(O9. Your", rtapcctly..y.
'Extract from loiteri R. CARTER
Preparod and sold (.. E. SELLER-5.,: N f/l/.i . 1,
and sold Ly drugglata gencrully, to Pittdmrgit ar3,l A I
egimy Iter2
TILE: .11 , 11crIber Lift r. ~t nos oVl,olc nle Oro,.
ry G•wrc to Lae Qom., ul Hancock mire: mt., ,
IS Hurt; nuardoerw LI. Perry 11011. e.
_ivehlt74tf JtJaPt F
Foreign and Domestic Liquors.
A GOOD toofortalrif lof rorengnl/oleollr 1..
qtiors, alwaya Loud man for ra/C In gunalillcO
lo suit purcheuerr,by
"E havemoor 1:MI . 1 , , mad,: °op, oved
I plan... am not to (reran utna omrsl smer.
Persoas Mr:L/11111g such urtieles, are olvocd coo tool
see them et AON
s2h Isl. oetween WOOll Mork,: at
I;NDRIELS—I4 bfils No I LAil•l,2ll,T,Tr,;Lp,
Docon, assorted; b obis Flniseed; SI bags do; 4 do
Dry Feaelms, 1m do Feathers; 6 do timseng, to entre;
for sale by ISaI.AII DILLE , / tr. to,
;u2 From LI
wOOL-3 aka Wooli I do Feathonl, Imoatasov;
L k; tr. M Line, and for solo by
. .
ILE co-partnership heretofort tha
nubwribers, in the unme of Corals, Bnrke &
Co., o this day dissolved by mutual cons.= Messrs.
Burke & Berner will settle the business of the con
cern, for shah purpose they see authorised to use the
minis 01 the ioneern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned have this day associated themselves
111 the name of BURKE Ir. BARNES, for the purpose
°rms.:factoring Fire ?loaf Saes, Vault Doors, Ike.
&c., at the mud of the late firm a Constable, Burke
& Co., where they wall be pleased to receive the Pa'
tronage of the customers of that house and their friend.
In refiring from the firm of Constable, Burke fa Co.,
I with einem pleasure recommend Mews. Burke &
Barnes to the confidence of my friend.. and the
m in purtnentup of MURPHY : LEE m tam dal'
1 ved by mutual conseat. Th e brumes* of the
lam fir m
v.lll be ' , tailed H. Lee. J. R. MURPHY,
Put burg', Jaz. :A la4/1. H. LEE-
NOTICE—The ander:opted will coot:tone the Wool
bosmess and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods s:
We Old stand. li. LF
Its refiring (rem the firm of hlurphy k Lee, I tats
greet plcanure in recommending Mr. fi. Leo to the
confidence of toy friends told the public.
Pittsburgh. Jan. 30, lEst9. J. R. fiIIiRPHY...
T •
RE subscribers briars nos day assoeratcd them
selves together for the purpose of tranatieUng a
wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business ,
or No WU Liberty. opposite Seventh street, undrr the
sr) le and faro of 13L'SlIFIRLD
Pittsburgh. January 1.1E149.
N. H.—Our old rummers and the public are Invited
to give us • call. tas
hare entered into partnerstup, under the firm of
SCAIFE. A ATKINSON, and will carry on we Tin,
Copper. and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory.
Also. Blueltsrantung to all Ito branches, at the old
stand ut Win. Lt. Scale", First street, near %Voter.
Parneutur attention peen to steamboat work.
. _
HA VE Mal day anoclaini with me in the whole
j. n ae 6roerry, Prodoee arid Communion basineas,
my bloater/omph, under the firm of J S DILWORTH
Jannury 1. I4EI
• -
(10-.PAIITNERSIIIP—Wm. 1 ounK hevrtng this
ll dnh 11.4.1ochued watt hum, John It. NlVutie, the tes
ti., will berriuter be conducted under the
firm of Win. Young & Co. WILLIANI YOUNG,
'or any yam" cormcoma 'nub 111 mars. Wtisy
mama. and lam Jot. %Vtioy, N. York and LOIld011,) .an 11111,0lTrt OF
N 0.63 WOOD 111.67,
,Ncsuly opposite tho St. Cher
` 1: FagLsL, French, and Gornto. Rot/lows and
Mogatztnos. nod Notospopors tntport«! to onto, poet,
o: UlCh LIMY tot ...cottoned on appLicauon to Mr L.
Cotattoprot gnu,- - suytl
11 1 —Hints on Public Architecture, prepared. on
behalf of the Building Committee of the sraithsoului
InAtitution, by Hobert Dale Omen In large quarto,
elegantly printed, with 113 tllustranuna In the best
Epic of th• art
on Bronch.u., secotid edition. re.sed
and enlarged_ A treatise on nine:ars of the
rage., comprimAg an inqutry into the history. erttl•ell,
and lastatment tattoo erre... of the throat, called
• Knorto... Cbruutu Laryng.a. Clergymen's Sore
Ice. be. By Horace lir.. A. M.D. An.
Pinta improved and euefully eoloreLL Royal too.,
gilt 10,1, S 3
lII. Sow ready. the 41.0 edition, rev...A and color.
Won Adild .1
ional .I.lrallons. A Trrata. no lAnd
lenre Lardening and Burnt Architecture_
63 Wood our,.
For many year.. rvied with Messra Wiley
rate onne
Wiley, New .k.
Mr L. has 'not retur'.d from ihr EZIAlerll ClUt•
TA . ;Ix
Lt. Lle the
Wood, 1p) J. T Itesl.o, au our of
aNnlnron 11.114. (,en<ral.." etc.
The I.ste and Wrltu, oh t› , by by
W C•topr.e;l, author of Border Wart - art Jum r ,, 1
" • ' ' "
,u,n BOOK,— A Honor, of Wonderful Invenuon.,
I,ra,ed will numerous engraving* oo urood•
I vo n
The lu,,rnahon, or prethrch of the Virgin and her
So , liceeher. Fort NVayug, indran• anal
an Lettro,!ut.../r) t..•y, Mr. ilarrlec lleccaer ,
rcc a, J,hr:,:roN & ,IV eh N.V.
,u: heron, and Market at.
aft 0•••.1% . 5i.•,...t.11,011 4 4sol
Prr•lnent linpato, .• A Law and
o 4 f• II 'l* ofd, 1.1 . Lae of
Orator. ut AEU' floy. Republican Cartstfunify
ny Slat, Nlan rraucv O. by Barns, Plarcifology fold
I.le•ncri4n, , Rev N L. &Ate-. I) Ultpttsa, tut
'moor: ar,l Mode. by B.eoberr. Nafelf•df and de Re
malls.; NI OritltalllS the Bib n, b) Nl'Vatlnue, Kar,ol
Mod•fry dud Chavto to Land'', by J. A. /OEM,. Ed
wards' work., 4 vois new ecifison, J NI Sl•011a won.
rope ' f ..rd, • Luc offd Woras on Cowper, Flo
crung on IL.. ol Fail of l'apecy Turrcauno • nook
of,y, eyeforw.d.a of Morot and Rdogfoou Aucctivtr,
1-..dgar r,ft-r• at Ifoprn. Cbrod Rcc,frlng n•
n•r• litt•le Evddr.odr• I.r Edo Prove. by J lnmrane.
Modern Soon,y. Modern Aceolnplodunent, Iltodooc
ilniontok.lrr,ina/ rhod&ht•on , rtptufe. ref
run ,441,1, Lir of l'o.fot. Nmdura. fitAtOry of
Sl4dflfc Is.dpltAna, Locum. off l'if fun.
Pru, Ibrec der
Isoerr F.Nl'lll.>, TM , ff..: alf,d.r, 00pe-
1 , 01 1 01 jolt(' 01 tile pa., or Ea.c. urt. oth,
taw ever. D
r re`
rop.r• rer d and for s•i,
& Ks(.iJs wO.l •t
--T tke :New .laustrcau hardener.
1) try wars. 1. Fe•wilden.
The Ault,can Urcruard,t, by Wtn Kerrick.
Compietc Farmer art4iturni Ecvnonuot. It, F. , -
moderr. lionitt•ue er.tiFitry, by NVin A licadereon.
lu.l !ter, t,y JOHN:" IttN Sivewros.
nzyll rorner Nutrient and 11 •
F,NN WORlL*—Thottgba on Public
Itra) er. Samuel' Mater D U.L.L U.
l't , .uKttts on ('nmtly NVor,ntp, by Jame. W
ander. June received by
ntyl7 JOHNSTON - A itrr(.K.7KTON
Ivr Itt.W IlOsslC,-.A.gnes Morns, or lilt . Heroine 01
Doinratie Life
ifitaorj of IWitt Charles Inc :second, of Entrlnndi 1, 7
laeou Abbott, vettli engravings Just reed 1,3
.I()llltitert/N A St LiCKTON,
myt'tcorner id and Martel stit
7 AM (for many year. menace,
ed ritint Aleatirs NViley and Putnam, and late John
Ne-w I or:: and L.ondato,) haa estabitahed
liorta.elitog (lourr at tito GI Wood suet, tretween
110 , 1 410 aunt., worm may be found a "tamable collo:o
-at. of t‘TA.NDAILD EN6LI3II and eA.MER/t;AN
LTHORe, as pores as low s ¢ tbo Eastern cities
Magannsil, Newspapers, tr.c.,tioported to order
CI b:FIEIS. ore manned to reemve their books duty free.
[Er Eltql.i/ auA AMCIICA ;Coamlcrues tunnelled , gra
all arose who desire them, or Bent per mall to
eiiy ad./raw.
/ I/ 1.. well always be happy to exhilat to Indies sod
gentlrenro bix hooka, and !moan to Mena any mlorma
ono vu [lira lor Fusty po•,a. rogarthog the tayttf
ASti VALt:ABLE WOIIK 2 -rinravan, and
1\ ttr Itenialus, with an account at a voot to the
I.lirddents Cb neat.. of Esstdlstrot, and We Vexed., or
Dove Worsittypers, add so suqutrytato We rummers
and nets of use ancient turynsits; by Austen floury
Luyard. Esq., D. C. D. Jost recd and for sale by
Sikv , thiponjt
0 of Foreign !look*, d 3 Wood .vent, bar on hand n
Vuluiltrie COlscctlon English nod Atnenean Uook
in toe arderent deportinisubi of Literature, winch he it
prepared to sett as low riu they eon ho obtained in the
Earle,. color.
• .
I.glirit and Continental Rooks, Review., Moga
n.. mid Newspapers, imported to order.
v i
pri. of any liiviaw, Magazine or Netv.paper,
ma y tic a...ermined on application to Mr L.
F. iigit•h and America Catalogue. forturthed
day, , and will he happy to 02GCule any °Nero for
floul.s.l:2,gtavloga of Stationery, at a atnah advatic,e
On LI CO.I. rnyll
1V 1 W Nineveh &MI iu ktelltains,
.1.1 with un ileamint of visit to the etuultiuuti Chrlw
ol Kterdt.tuli, and th e Vuumhi, or DOVII• ‘Vontop
pots, and an tiulatry lobo the Manners and aria of the
Ancient Aseyrtalis, with au introductory letter by U.
1101•1111.011 volt, 00L200. with about 100 10.U/11100C
••. , . .
Gberver's Ecotone on the PligrinCe Progle•e. I vol s
Prir.e rrducril to $l,OO.
t'ruden CoL.cordsinco, condensed reduced to 5150.
Ilistory of Englund, limper'. hew ed,
vole .tovo—large print nod fine puper, per vol.
. .
trarteninat Hetwew and Engltah Leatenni new ed.
.proved. For sate by R
inyll 4th at, near wood
IhUOKS! BOOKS"—Unteln of Church and State, by
UF Rev LI %V Noel.
Church ill Earnear, by Rev J Angel Joule..
2..1.,ce, to Young Alen, by T N A nhur.
" omit; Ladies "
Krawys or Klia—Charrea Lamb
ividrmlC Cholera, try Prof Coventry.
floor din of Moral and RehOons Anecdotes
orupxle. ‘Vorks of charlotte Elizabeth, w,tb rne..
molt - I.f het husband. vo. It awd wtth
oar, pinws.
i/revns and Caafortna in 141., try Judge Thornton
'rite tat. k:/pcdalun to ihr Dead non.
. .
Proverbs for tip„ People; or Illuotrntron, of Practicer
Gott:incrr, drawn from the Hoot or - Wirtdortr. by k. L
( it lily ncnnona. Iry In Wayland.
M" u ""vgY , by J inockleany A !,1
For sale by R HOPKINS,
a:y . 7 Apollo Uwleing, 4th st; 1
‘4, AN PRIMEVAL. or The Castattutuon a:td Ponti
ff/. live C0M111.101.1 of the Human Bead,. A cal.:Lu
bec to Tito:logo...l Sr.enee. Ly Joan Harris, D. U .
Lectures to 1 dung Men on vartotos Important sub-
MU, by II W Ilecenet.
Clinnoing's Works, complete: a val., Wm..
The wore:, JTA Arthur Ifen - a cd. 15 volt. just
irc'd by my II R HOPKINS, 4th at, near wood
Mt ruslngham, Lugar Plttellurgh,) Pa.
Warehouse, No. 137, Wood aired, Yifisb..rg6.
W ILL, e onstantly k cep on hand a good Lunn
ment'of W are; , If our own manufacture, and
superie rqualny . Wholesale and country Mer
chants are respmetfully invned to call and et
..., for themselves,. as ma are determined to sell
cheaper than hasevor Winne, been offered to the pith
• .
11.7 Orders out by ro: til,aocompanted by the cub or
Lty refererma. vul be promptly ►vended to. mylo
dolt drown b)
ordaoo k fled, on 100.
den Co. and by them aocepted, for dated /lay
/5, 1949, at 00 days alter matt, and accepted 1107 le,
le4l, payable to the order of drawers, .d by them
endorsed to P. C. ethatuton, who has nonce at pet ,
matt of the lame hem been stopped to the hands of
John 51'Patlea A. Co. A. RICHARDSON,
aly2l of Rittiozdsoo it Got.
£OOO 01,
• . - -
Tills establishment long known no
being one of the most rommoduina in the city of
Bastuaore, has recently undergone very exten
sive alterations and improvementsAn enure new
wing has been added, containing numerous and airy
aleeping apartments. and extensive bathing rooms.
The Ladiea' department has also been completely
reorganned and fitted up in a mess unique and beruth
ful mile. In fact the whole arrangement of the Bourne has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of
the proprietor, towards the comfort and plenoare of
their Guests, and which they confidently assert will
challenge comparimm with any Hotel In the Linton.
Thete table will always be supplied with every sub.
Mental and huury which the market affords, served
up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, hr.,
they will not be surpassed
In concluston the proprietors beg to say, that nothing
will be left undone on their pan. and on the part of their
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The prices for hoard have also bzen reduced to the
following rates;
Lailtea' Ordinary, sill per day.
Gentlemen's I de
N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free
of charge _ menu
The orabscriher having assumed the manage
ment of this long cialiblisheil and popular 110104
respectfully e.o.m. to Traveller. and the
Public generally, that he vrlll be at all time. prepared
to aceommocinte them in all thing. decrable. in a well
regulated Hotel. The lion. I. now teteg thoroughly
repaired throughout, and new I.sarn!tnre added, and no
Peth. wal be spared to make the hISSASgE one of the
very best Hotels lipt the reentry.
The undersigned ve.pectfolly 4011CILs • conunsance
of the very literal patronage the Hoes h. heretofore
received. THOMAS OWIITON ,
feb9dtf Prop,etor.
030a11 07 700070 700 01“171 . franc'. rmsernart.
THE subsexther respectfully announces that
be hos now opened his new and excellent Hotel
for the neconunotinnonof travelers, m
and the public generally. The house and 'lmure
are entirely new, and no rims or expense have been
'mated to render la one of the most comfortable and
pleassun Hotels in the city
The subscriber to determined to deserve, and there
fore solicits, a share of public pritronner.
yJACOB HOUHtI. Propneter
. .
7731:1017 - 7 77. II ETWZ. 9010770 AND 10,70 RS.
PPOSITE We Bank of the United OStates ' Pinta
delphin. POl'E MITCHELL,
snare Proprietor
Scrip at Par, •
HLFIBFIT. at Wooderell'a. Ftg Third atter,,
jl offer• fur rain no elegant lot Chick-tine , Pia
no. (Romeo' at the lowest cash prgee. log Pitwtnaggh,
Allegheny etty. and County Sent,. They comprtac
from Gto 7 octaves. and were selected tgy Chic k•
enug for Chit market They ere warranted to I.e equal
to thy go the city, havlngt all the .ategrt .11IprOvcauen:,
such mg circular wale. etc
Buyers tlreV nen previous to purchasing
elsowners, nod, a:so. linos .rll-11 the. .0131 C good
nlce, professional or otherwise. to Judgv o: usc goon.
ty of ttte %Love instruments.
N B —Wrinvn guaranis., on!! he pot, with each
Rano. rooting the holder to exchange in ea..- the in.
strums:int be proved In the root negree imperfect. or
faulty. t B. K.
Shack lett Si. NV hitt.
PRY GOODS JOBBERS. PO Wood greet. eat the
attention of Merano.. to Weir mock of AMERI
CAN AND FOREItaN (...001.).0, now teeming
direct (roan to, wand.
Reeetving regain, anilnes of brit good• during 0,
meson. and devoting a la i rge •00, of z heir attention
to Faistern Auesson tale, they can ronadensly a-aura
buyers Obey will bud it to their sntereet to examine
mesa ntoek
Jett teemed, large iof neve •171.• Dreaa
Goods, Fancy Prim,. C.othr. Surnen,
Goods. lace. Wane Gene.. Irtah I.lpena.
Trimming. and brown and tolearneo Sneeni.e• o: vacs
°. breath , mu r..
Modern and Antique Furniture,
SI, Tatar 'carom. Premark.
A ZBonnrge. and splemlid
_.. ..,,,,,,a e i,ti
asthsent of P0nmure...e. ,, 1 , j , : -
thtutb,n gorSteamboats. ...... -,- 1 . ; - ,
Hotels and pnvute clwei-
Unr, cowoontly on band and made to order.
The present stock on bond cannot be eseceded by
any mthufartory In the western rountry Persons
wishing to purchase would di. wel, to Rise me • edit,
as I Ikm determined my prices •hai Mena. Pan of
the sto,,k cu in—
Tete • re t.. a Ruff, fasione
Loots [IV Chaim queen 173ritherl, chairs,
Ten Ports: Fru , . Tulles.
Toilet mbi , .; 1 0.,.. x v Commo.ler,
Franca Malorgane Bedsteads. Mu,/ :".1.1.•..,
.501.0f1i, 0,0 1 . 111f.h and Ha, r.e.oth corms:
SO Mahogany Ruettre iTh ars,
40 dor Parlor
20 - Fancy do
05 centre Tables,
2ii path Divans. 4 path pier Tabes,
IA marble top Oreviins itgrrl,
, Wardrobes, •I Ser rentrici 5.:.,1 Book raw , .
20 duarblo top Wath Stands;
4 parr 0 . ”011 . 1211.11•1
1' pair bther Wort Stands;
,A very three ea:Jr:mem of coriamon cha.r• and other
'" r 2 7,e a rn '' ' 1 . 117. 00 if i t n ' ti.l7% '" the shortest noure
nod on themoet reathhalne tenni. tooth
Ctiocolatsi, Cocoa, se.
'W Bilker'. A menearrand Frcnc, 11‘....rr....... Prot or
ed Cocoa.. nem. Pi.... Itronan. c 0.,. •0.,...,.,.. A,•
r 11: ' , " .:17; ' :..1 • 11:71% " . " ..1717 . ,;•. ' „ 10 111 ."0 :11 '‘,'. ; ., ; . ... 7 ;
more riatrnions ruder and in .m..• .... kl 411 •
passed, the iubsentier re rid. the •,•,..rt a les.
manufactured hy Finis l. an, stamped oit 0 ii.• ..aine
His &tabu and Cocoa 1,,... us deilea.a. pm a,thic, , I , i. , • ,,
and 1111.2,211‘, ,Ini.a. for 1....0.,d, r0,,a.c , -••• .. ai.d Cl' llrs R W Cthfintiaw S‘,
other, are pronounced o,lle ino, eminent pig to . , n• . . I Jarnr• Maalson to,
.. 0 G. ,, .” ~, prop
otheT PreParatmr• 11 , 11,11.t11.2., rr 1 -1 I ' Lainarthle.
use always on ,a e. in any quantity. by the inn. t re. :11 I •- Sl.r 11,,11l
special , . groed , in the eastern eit,es. and by then i 2.1 I - Put,oim S. and Is,
: agents, Howe.. stray Aco. of Ho•tod. Imo,. M lloo,'o , IS I '• Re 0,- & Si•mo S..
A ro. Hartford. Coon. Hoerr) A Morn,. Nets' York. :
IBurl 5,
I.rant.k ~.the l'iii.adenni,a. Tommie V !Inner, Rol
r V I ° Jo h, A Lewiti la,
unto, and le .!11,, & Itortnett.Cineinnati. 1ib,.,. I 3 I - Vilarseir 0. emir 1..
11 Al. CF:R ILA -11. Kw
Dore he e r Mawr !
For sale by &well IiAt.ALEY a. SMITH. As. I le 51; 1 ..
' j''''''
I. lo. `i t. l l ' 4. o ‘;') . ': l -II.IN
Wrought and Cant Iron Butliag. , Pitt idachine Work• and Foundry.
THE aulo , eubers beg leave to inform the rm.., that I 1.11 . ,115[1,11. eo
they have ithtatied from the 11..1 m. the :aft and i TOII ti WRIfiIIT a l'o . arc prepared to build Cotton
fashionable de•igns for Iron Railing. both for tiouse• Et and "'de'. M.thther , clever , de•rrfOlhon• •oelt
and cemeteries Perthris wishtng in ithoeure hand. as Cardin. Maeltin's. t‘Omning 1 - ' , ......... Spei . d,...
some patten, selll plea.• call and claim,. xii.l miler ' Ur i . h•r Frame,, Runway Brod.. W0riwr., , , ,, 0• - r..
Ito umomolve• Railing roll be tarnished az toe thort. , Dr ,, thir. Prattler. Loon,. Card tirinder, Ar W rodent
, n d ~, is, b est manne r, a ; me " me , a Iron Snafting :dined. 1.,. sire. of Cs, Iron. Pu.,0... and
Craig and Rebecca nests, Allegheny city 1. Hatiger• of the 10,0., pn tans, slide and hand Leta...
istirr-altf A LAsioNT & syqtyv, ' and took of all k. 1114.1 Co3olll, 01 every ...,e111 . .....11 Tobacco. I I " . ‘‘'''' °°. '" ft n....' Porters. mode to order for
~ , wxs ~, , , try
~. itrmor„.. superior
~o ro, s ~., 1 Mill Beans', Iron Ra.iing : fce, Styain Pipe for heal
`oZ do 111 A Butler • l'`., „ 11, ,f," ' ,mg Jarture., t a,t Iron Cr l4liii).. ,IkAn and fancy en,.-
19 h( do ?nee & 11rtrwood`a • 5 0
i ton;• gen, i::y Order. left at the Warehouse of 1.
111 do do do
0 '. In ~ 1 Poirot, ACo . Liberty str,t, will hove prompt 1,11-
Z,5 do do Pearl A Harwood " " &lb " ' tirm
14 do .1 Robinson
.. u la. .. I Re(er to Blarkinock, Reli & C.. JK. Nloorebend &
S 7 !it'd° do .•
~! 1., ... I. 11 ante, Jo. Irwin A Sons, l',Ustalthh .I,
i Ad 11 Warner. r= ,Il . I,l' if innlir
tr.l do do Win Howson
Al doll Wnght s Penn !Machine blio . p.
37 do G Ander•on .. . , .. y_T witiii - rmAN—Nitolufrclurer ut al: kinds of ea.
9 do I. T Dade, " .. , - la. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny soy, P..
5 do R Morons - • • 0 I The aboe work. being now in full and succe•.to. o
g do Ratelid • .. th 0 I oration, I v aco prepared to execute orders with di•priten
Just landing from steamer and packem, and for isle i 1.." kind. "1...11.'17 to 0 1 / ‘mc• sorb as ve , M , ..
by HEALD, lIICKNOR AiCo. , pickers, spreader, card, grountor indrhirie•. valcA. as %,
41 north "eater lit and Ili north wharves, , draw mg frames, apnellrs, thrii.....,, l o om„. ~,..„,,„,.n
je24 pt„),,,,i p h,, ' rard• double or Mira, for merchant or country work.
A i N o VACTUR „ f o :D . II , II , A it Cy O -2 0 bx bf s ..h.,,,, ; :' ,„ '',71,",k,':„t: . ‘ 0 `, 1 .t,',,", g "„,`",::: c u ‘,,t7 rd 7, , ,,,....
r ',... , :: ., • , ::: , ,, !:
.... 75 ,, , , 1f . b .,, , ,,,,,,,.,,, ~,, „ umno r ; ro . or ,,, o , uor len for graiiiis Meter... or nulls at rentheabie f1L11..1...
3 , .. 1 . ,,,,,, 1,,,,,, .. _ s, ~ , 11. , 1.1....1 . 1-- Vic111....1). th 11.1,1 Sr. en., Illork.oock. Br..
~,, i. (0.,,n.), A R . ,..,„ 3, &s, .. & t.o . 1... n. I . e.llllVek A Co., Jos A Gray.
20 " Dupont (de lu Kure) 'ho " ' NEW COACII FACTORY,
10 " McLeod •Lt.konstil
25 . Lawrence hornet 0 fli &Om pang lA{ A WHITE & GO., would respectfully inform
Just landmg from steamer, and for sale lry . .I,IL. the public th•t they .have ereeted ii plop on
11E.A.1.H, BUCKNOR A Co. La.•oc It . between Federal to d Si/min./Cy streets 1 . 11,
41 N w ,,, „, and Is N w b , : ore now making and are prepnred to re,riVe order. (..1. .
my2l ph i ri,d,..lpi n n: , every de•.Lnption of vehicles, Conehe, Chariot., Ito.
- . W. 40,.3 - J. GLENN, Book Binders. , rourrie•. 1100017, Pl h in;t m ons. ter . 1,..- . whirh from their
W E or ''''' "g r `g' d ' ‘ ho n' '''' I '''' '' ' . ''''''' l e " l::lVh!TO ' c ' ::C ,i t " h: o... ' , "u t t he '' lr ro e " .„ t rf:l " 7 - 17 '....'":
of Wood art/ Th.rd sureet, Pittsburgh, where . . ~, , , ' , •'.. •, r. 10 1 . 0 . ,
to o
„ Lori , u.
our lino with
~,,, I eim.iiria 10 4.0 .ors . o.i the fito.“ reasonutne Idyll, with
thoec wonting articles in their line
pubth. We attend to our work personally, and antl.4. . „ ,
_.. _
faction will be given in regard to Its `ally,
and du. ' ' ' , "'g.P .." , ' r '".""." . '''''''" °ll of mate .
nal, viol hi, nig non
but competent workmen, they
cab Icy 1
. Rune no /scarlet/on In Wating their work. We
Blank Book, ruled to rimy pattern and bound sub..
stathally • Books in numbers or old books bound care. ""'''." . 4 '''' ... nu°. of the P. oll ' 1 ° di" mat l cr.
N H. Repairing done in the Leal manner, and bit the
folly or repaired. Names put on Imok• in gill letters 1 mesh, ou ,„, , ,
Those writ have work in our tufo ark melted to ea:l. i . !!!'"'" ' ''''' ).i.J...,th
PT... boy', myettll 1 Monongahela Livery Stable.
l arge II PATI ,, ,RSON hus opened
ciALF SKINIf.-30 dog genuine French Calf I.kin•, a 1 the large stabie nn Flrsi at. runni sig through
very hoe article. A few dole Philadelphia ;
10 Nocuoil Pl. between Wood and Sinttlifie,d
S ins, from the manufactory of Cl M Crnwlord. to ,
winch then uention of boot molter...ol,lrd 20,1 . "..... "r '''..., .... ale , 1 00 . , .14 ,0 . 1.1 . , 11...,
reedited and for sale by w youNr, & Co,I wll/1 en entirely new smelt 01 110r5...s and Gurnee,' of
113 :,burry ~,, .u, bell qyall:y 1L111.1111.1,1 2.1)1e5. Horace kept iit nee.
NOTICE. r!. in the bed manner irgilly
l_TAli ING told our cadre •took to C. II lissyr, wtili
J_J. a Vir er 10 o.ollllg OUT nlii 1,u....../ .. ....., VV....11...(r.1./.. W.
boil for him the purtonage or al. our fine 0d• and to , .
Rimers. lilt. W !'VIN DEIxTER, I
Tllkl. FL/INDIA : PI.:IL
Pittsburgh, Aug. 4111, 154 A.
CCII GRANT, What...tale Grocer, Gomm:won and
, Forwardme Merchant, No. Cl Water at Lull:
jiA FuuroN, Bell and Brno. Pounder. hm r e .
built and commenced bust/leas at his old stand,
where he will be 'delted to rat ill, old custom
er and friends.
Steambout. and Bello of every size. from 10
to 10,000 pound.. I' ort from pattern. of the moat apt , •' V -
eli models, nod warranted tohe on the heat millennia
Itimeral Walt, Yampa, eoultmro, Healing. Ac , to
wtth every variety of Brats Casting, ti required,
turned and fwelhed In the nentetit rnanni,
A. F to Mr oozeproprietor of 1141SMIT , Ann-.Arta:-von Marsh. so p.olly celebrnta.l ler the reduction iii
(moon to machinery ra. unan• ~,,,.1L,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
can be had el him at all tone, tutently
• •
srr iE s
I rin b eTel ! r r int o ri n g in r g up t e " r e l ' e s tat '" aiA g e ' s u t c e ) t . ist ' ie ' r '
pper milt in tht• vtetraty h
. will t. a t all lane.
plied wall the different sizes of paper of suprrtor quali
y, which we alter at the 10v•Cilt regular pea.,
Any sue or quality will be inaoufartureil to order at
abort nous,. REYNOLDS &
tar inn corner Peon and Irwiti
hi DIA RUDDER CLOTfiING—Just received forum
California Expedition, a complete assortment o(
Gum Elastic Clothing. 111 price. rongitis o.6.tin In
SI lAD for sun of coat, pants and but. For sale at toe
Inapt Robber Depot, No 3 Wood at.
• -
11sT REFER SU—' [Mx weeo , Inn, so
10 celebrated Itambo,,h Plaluos. used COlMlntiy hy
List, Melberg and 0,1 r great per together
wtth a large assortror. of rosewood and mahognn..
of my own medullae., w. The above trunranienor are
warranted to be parte.. in every respect., anti %.111 be
sold low for cash. F respect.,
deelfi No 119 Wood or. 941 door Own Sai
For California.
HE celebrated Hazard Kale Powder. in kegs, ball
kegs, quarters and cans, for sale by
febla J 8 DILWORTH b. Co, 97w0wl
CAShB pot received per steamers Ivardwic
and St Cloud, and for sale by
16U Liberty st
tSrt - ' store and far sale by
will c Cr /Abort', and Si Clair sta
112 S JAB. dotVdAlD d
No. 81 Wootatreet,
WiA7LD call the mutation of the public to their
present melt of Paper Hangings, which fot ya
;Arty, beauty of finish, durability and cheapness, is un
surtottsed by nay establishment in the Union.
Besides n large and fall assortment of paper of their
own manufnetunt. they aro now receiviug a direct ha
ponahon of French and F.sghah 0w1...0f - Peter Hang
ings. purchased by Ole. Levi Howard, ono of the firm,
nose 111 Europe. consoling of
Parisi ma 10,000 pieces.
London do 5.l do
Of their own mimufacuare they have 100.003 pieces
Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces scam glazed Wmdow
Blmds, &e.
Messrs. lames Howard & Co. have spared neither
expense nor labor in their endeavors to rival the ellft
orn wall paper establishments, both in quality of man
ufacture and variety apemen; told they are warrant
ed in assunng the public that they have succeeded.
The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac
ture, will be offered on terms ite low as those of east
rm manufacturers end importers. mchiThdtf
W. 1.0,13115 T C Y. illtil;OLDS
of Pittsburgh. of Philadelphia.
And Owners.' Commission Merchants,
N0..14 MARIOCI ST.., between Eleventh and
Twelfth sts., P!IILADELPHIA.
rplIE auhsctibers hog leave respectfully to acqnaint
their Maeda and the per Ito that they hare aavo.
mated themselves hi Philadelphia, (or the purpose 01
transactrug a General Commission Itunincav, and trust
that long experience in busineas will secure to them
fair patronage.
1:13' Particular ;mention will he given to sale., of
Flour and Produce generallyi and any parehmea
the Philadelphia market an Wewrn account.
RF:FERENCES—The. merehanu Pittsburgh gen
eral ly: Springer & Whiteman, Lehmer & &ode [NI,
Ohio. 11 U Neweaml , & Bro., Clton,
Lew.. !twiner, Jail Todd, Lotosmlle,liy ; Crow. Me.
Creery & Barksdale, St Louis, Mo.; Hewitt, Notion Jc
W A Vtolett, New Orleans, Ids: GIB, thlletts &
Noyes, M`Gregor k Morns. Now York; W R Thomas
s & John Tie. & Co. Peter Morartfies,
Jones, Deal, Althigan & Burt, PhOad'a. ap9:3m
N.l‘ , " COMBS--At ZEBULON KINSF.Y'S, (17 Mar
ket Buret -
1 do. very high Lack Shell Turk Comb,
low "
1 21 plant high •'"
11 narrow headed top "
SU " tarty) . Lop Buffalo "
2U gr.. rem Horn. too shed side. as.rud
rel.; 30 grors cora hone Side: 3 dor shell dressing do;
12 dart Buffalo do do, 4 do lahlahon do dm 50 do brat
Engliah Born, d do S S S fine ivory, aktra arae; Ia do
S do do, di Loses; 12 gross S Edda do do, 1 do coma
Cleaners. aplti
o?lneco.r* m FluAgry, Hanna ec Co
n Foretell and DOMCIaIe Ktchanee, Cortthratea
of Droosne, Hank Notes, and Specie—Foarth .trees,
neorly the Rune of Pittahurgh. Current mo
ney rocerred on lerKoute—Stebt Check, (or male. and
on nearly the princ:retl palate its
the United !Antos
AdvanceeconsiglllartiLi Or Pr
pod Eat.e c.,... ma bert, terms ar!
Pox 'r .RCUPID .14NV.011' 101, n. 49
Pair", erase-Mee eateneron Tables, Sofa., Bu maw,
Book Caves. Auk,
. •
TilE TABLES far surp.strtg every other m
y venuon ot the land now extant They can hr ri.
weiron ten to twent)•fi're feet. aid when clos..d
Me ...ave. are a:I cota.ned tirade. th, 1101.1i , '
a!! •tre• and •hape, st and are •Arotrably adopted for
S'teamtooato. Hotel , . and large private famine, tom
mg warn closed a romplet•l centre table. '
AiiFA+A\U HI REAL'S—Them. arli,ies are 11,10-
oat., part..•.n.trl) to those ,ho numb to e
nn.e room PG.! OO,Vert •lerpitte apartment tom
paver or ;p ~ it room. a• the', can he opened and snot
at roust-I.:en, and whey. shut. the oeddins 01 one:o4.
ed A ...A: vlng tn. mon and rent Al. tied.
+lead. A Le.n au :ortno Ocaut,ul piece of turnaure
tor a IRE Or Of •iliO! MOT
BC H 11.: CA. , E..‘ :Iran and usefa' article (or parlor
or .1-1..1, room
DF. , KS.—Far law otliee,rountinr roam.,
and Otbrr 0tt1,4. VlrbrucPiVeil a 1110041,11,,,,
•1eaL1....c111,04C,1 u pc; n
rh - vdt mml Laaary
A! , tr., ar,e:e.. nerd no rerutumendal.nn the
beuty of , ne /I,e tA , y Ire warranted not to gel
out a nd re , bn., Jr :et . tor for your !Awn,. to cah and
eanonne :le erne at the manutactarer'& .tor , .. No
Tn.r4 I'llt.!,u'rn. t to the a..ove
They ;rm( arstn, nue
MI .0; W
1‘1",A;.1.' Al
r ' n :: . ‘ E thnra i m ri m " ' d i. tn E t ' I I" 1) 1
att. , 1 , 1,1 tuy hr.,:her. who thrd Cl 1 . .,•11,nr•U0n
In March. 1-4, I wan taken art 'Nab the l'otvompt.on
J .vrr kn.stw,amt, a,tri wEt. rrduced low with the
loat :or four ear. war trts.2.'e to az:eod to
111) ~:her homy or shrond. h<ma for too
volblerl Innli 'krd Donor thr cr•cra
oaf oI had r ki-rndrkl for mrltral aLitrod.rn.e o
,arvat stADI med..:.<, 1.3 11% , mr.0..1 of
t3t , e, w,hou, rree., lug an Ircu
y rfit therrfrom In
.11 1. I cosmornred lotto< Dr Jornr'. N 11.411.
n.l O Ut ten ,nent rho, or le" eVer nnce.
am: br het,n that it wa. try petvvertn; in theli o. l e,
that 1 can now truly .ay that 1 Inane colnpictely mho-.
nailtoy aralth. I beurve that inynea r•fraaUve
nal Kli.trelOthnt arc lire Irerct (amity naedicLirea caw in
r h
I trt Sprinaftettl. OU e¢o rnt N . and
a, .noi, in that t•tane,
anti WTI MO tt,rt . ..t1,1 111,17 to tne nilIC 0: tan
attor Inman thin crrttlwate rut the Iton.
cfft: ii hoe. atti,..,l ELIJ Ali
.1 7, ti `oep: IS 1 4 4. 2.11
N•01t.. , ...I 1110 , 0141:i .•.1 n,, amd
d~aeenen. prand;, T4.,.•14
111 szo••• 11,,d Airt,.. LiCll,l: dl•
rru. rla...rd enst•
latent G rawlmatoi Galva-nu , Battery and Paten'
hultlated Pole., for Pfioitimi and other purpose,.
'IHD+ is the only instrument or the kind that bus over
been pre.ented in this country or Europa tot med.
h i purposes, and to the only ono ever known to m
which we noisome thud can be conveyed to the hu
man eye, the our, the brain. or to any part of the body,
caternally or itiminally, indefinite grabs
without shocks or pain—wail perfect oftengaiety—
anti with the happiest edeets.
TOO. Inlportant apparatus u now OIgMT approved of
by many in the marl eminent phy Malan, of this coat,
try aiid Europe, to whom the agile led and others whom
e y corirern ran he referred. Reference vet!! slap
lie n ,ven In many highly re.pectable enure, who b„,
hie n cured by means of thlamost •alouble apparatus
or atone 01 the Moat ....trate nervous aunt& rs winch
could not he removed by any other known means.
.••- • • -
Among various others, It has been proved to be ad
, mirably adapted for the cure of the foliowing dims-too,
lientoUS headache and other diseases or the brain.
It is with this apparatus alone that tite operator can
convey the magnet. thud wait east and Palely the ye, to restore sight,, or cure zunautoeas, to the ear to
111,,tore hearing, to the tongue and other
store speech, and to thy various ports Pal the body, for
i the rare ol chrome rheumatism tvathina, ticur•lgis, n•
Ito dotourous, puralyilla, or palsy, gout, eau. e••
Viiu • donee, epilepsy, weainess born sprains, sosue
, diseases peculiar to female., contr.Uoll Of UM. 6100 , .•
, lockjaw, etc. eta.
' flights for surrounding cOuntles of Western Pa., end
prtviteges, with the instrument, misty be purchased, and
cosi, tested or the cure of diseases,
ou,truettout artli be ittveu for the venoms chemt
o to tu.etl for venom. dome..., and the best mut
i for oiler mg for the cure of those ch.earms wit. al
. FO be tally el pletned to the purchkser, and a pamphlet
' put tido hos nand. expressly for them, porpcemft, “rn.
bully prepared by 040 patentee. Enquire Cl WILLIAMS. rate r 4 Pltt.burch.
T I n i t o t i ri o t w to i i n t g ot; ;3 ll ,, e mit , 1 , 1e ,.. Ls respectfully .Wed to
tee S
tesled • quanuty of Gold
I weighed by your A mornetor, 1 hod lOC result proves
your tosuumeiti enfrert, and recommood the ow of 0
to toose goitte to Cs ourala..l the best method for ob
termed the
Ya . ue al told. keep. yours,
J. U. 1/UNL/EIVY, Gold licaur.
Rtt•burge. March 1/, 11.-11,
PITIIISSEGIS, Mooch 7, 1919.
Mn. F....atm—Deur Str. ftavtng examined the "Ames
meter,. manufactored at your roams, I do not hesttute
to commend a to me use of them gentleman who are
abbot removing to California in SaltyCil Of Gold.
It gives a close approximation to Me specific greet
ty of metals., and will certrunit enable the advemarer
to ascertain when his placgde yi elding 6.4 d.
marlll Your., resplc . B. WMLPITOCIL
--- ---
FRESH 6p .IHO Goons.
W E sorttneint of @ tt paw
sel and theta as
ected erith more than =unlearn daring to
last few
weeks, ,n the New Tina ninrkets.
and embracing a great variety almost ever: de
scription of the Inter and most fashionable style, and
a hap rirtion of it having been bough,/ the EAST
tarA AUCTIONS at a great Induction fross the regu
rotes, we. areabled to odor real inducements
to cosh hoyern, either by wholesale or retail. We
would therefore respectfully invite the attention of the
public to oar Stock, feeling conEdant oaf
ability to
volt hitYcluitritltnest every article they may wish tit
our lion. it The ladies we would especially commend
our stock df
Sanaa= Doom Sus, of which we have a very
large and beautifal assortment of the latest styles and
most fashionable colors.
LAM= Dense GOODS—N[O.FM do Lain., Poll de
Cheevre, silk, linen and mohair Lumen, painted
Lawns, gingham Lawns, Foulards,now style IlareFes,
English, French and v. , coich (anemias, linen Ottig•
hatms in great variety, tee. he.
Bonsme—New sty le 13onnets, very cheatp.
RLDSONLD ssa iI.D.W.S—OF the latest styles and %ope
ner Irk quality.
Psnaran-e—A very large and handsome stock of Per
anal of alma', every style and quality.
Snswis--A tine assortment of spring and summer
Shaw k, of all styles and prices.
F men Curran—A good supply of super French,
English and American Cloth , and Ca.rineres, to which
we would invite the attention of persons needing .teti
ALSO—A full and general supply of Shining Cheeks,
Ticking., brown and bleached Moshns, Tonle Line.,
tOkrenna, Diaper., Cambric-, Dallings,umnier Goods
me.' and boy.' wear, laconeoi, Swint Nan
took Naak ins, Pants, Lillian..., Crape Crape Lace,
Cravats, (thine, I losiery, silk MS fs, Veil, he.
Persons wishing to buy by wholesale, should call
and examine our stmt, asour paces are such as to
make a their interest n.• bat
ALEXANDEd h DAY, 75 Market st,
. . ,
s pat nor awent corne r o( the Dymond
AA A. 51 act IN & Co. No CO Market, nave
. on hand ale larc;stvartety of blmbroidene•
whtah they have ever °tiered. Their mac...mut eon-
Mot! In part of the foltotvang goods, viz:
105 rich embroidered Mucha Cape, from SIAO u 5.1A1
Coors • 37t to SI.OO
Slot crochet t7o.thrs, froth 17 to 75
350 lace •• to 11;
700 Gimpare Of to 11
150 Jenny Land " 11111 to 1.00
1-11 muslin linntol, " 00 no 1,.54.1
• • ,
:Bo pou , uolin entit, • 371 to Oki
Al, r
Mo tn urning Collors, from lit to 2i
Cott at the cheap one prtee store of A A. MASON
& Co, So 60 Market ot._ m 712
1.1 GES, Ac.—W. R. Moo has thts cnortand re
coved oy Express a lot o( haddsootte straw colored,
greet, alot !due Bonnet Ribbons. Also, glossy block
Silks for dresses, Viziten. tuanullati,
• •
BLACT. SI us Laces—A large assortment finely mem
Wners Goon for dresses—such as swill and mull
muss:, Nuns/mks, !se Also, embroidered muslins
for rlrp—o4or all or lovse, proms, et northeast corner
Fourth and Market streets.
. . . .
Wholesale Rooms up stair.. m'l4
hiciteur lies now open a Lid assortment of a
aose t{111... for dresses cod sacks among the lat
ter are iwin , scres values, such as pink, blue, green,
Ari.i also. pink, a
nine. green, and mode color. of Cha
meleon Lawns, and u Akio assortment a( embroider
ed south), and
W. 4, IL's recent purchase In 1101 N IldirPCol,d and
open, and person, wanting Dry Goods will no welt to
look at los .urge and ire..h •widk belore purchasing
at northeast corner ilth nod market ste.
Wholesale ROOM, up stairs. curl
sr f . T ,i I , A e LF I i f . LW , fr p l o a p, te al . is f i ii e r d A d . r o t
ma, Car
re paper for calor:or,. Ptak Saucers, nives eve.
ry ton. buds, omit
callow, can lie obtained at
F If EATON fr. Co's Trimming Store,
.114 Fourth sr
MBROIDERIC— Worawd patierna tor Lk... , "
Piano Stool.. Table Covers, Tr. vello*Bagq, with
great varl.2 of mall potwron. Al.rwWorateda of
all color. and shade, by thr pound. ounce, or skein
!Or •alt apt; 1' O
EATN t. Co. 62 Fourth ht
Q ECUND SUPPLY— W Mutphy, uorthanat ear
.wr ot tot and :llarkt.; sure, ha. now open los
supply of soma! and 4UIIIIII, t.oodh, rod nor a
large 211.• Of 1113[11 t of lireas t.ooda of OVINCOI ',vie, and
.;apse twax.t. 01 <very 1:1.1..1 of whteh wilt 1., sold
LAIN R Marpay nag
V,ll Taectacd tae suave scarce and rl,,irable article,
Ed the taah.unaliie shade, I...o.r:teen Barageg. ar27
Manner STREET.
• • .
A R.E. now operung Inc most extensive and started
assortment of Sprtitg and Summer Goods vet
ex whited tu the Western rouutry, comprlsing upwards
et F,even Hundred Cases, purchases' an entire packa
ges Porn We manufacturer, Importers, and large ittm•
tton sn.e, y one 01 the firm residing in New 1 orb,
oatn Is constant'. mantling cis rtto newest and most
faotionalt e goons. The, name to part
-100 coi.e• nen Sonng print to razes Mde Lame;
.1 Lawns end mins cotton and linen
ISst :detached Munitus.all Gingbarn,
grades, " red Muslin,
4u t' shirting Cheeks and " Bipktis Cotton.
domes, rht.ehan, I *des and summer tatuirs
2st, Crown Mason,
•,. • . ,
Also, eases and pal-Rases of 8011.01. Flowers.
Ribi•uns, Sisk.. Shawls. Reregcs, NV...te Goods.
)111,ote:; Articles, Cuth. end Ca•simerri, 1.1.111. 110-
and Eionea. hr. he.
City ang country mercaants will find their stock as
large and desirable as Eastern stocks, and an egaino
nation of their g cods and prices cannot fail to con
vince all that with their undeniable advantages mud
laminae', they ran compete terra on Essr xu J osraa-
Tlis fact has been clearly demonstrated to hundreds
of their patron, who formerly purchased East_ Their
stook will id ways be tumid complete. ay;
77" ENNI.:DV SAWYER. corner Wood and Fourth
inrer.. areremormg thro , t from fart hand...
/ar,r amok ot Fancy and Vanety (Mod., no..odotn
Clock. ot nety, gold mid *fryer Walrber,
Jera,ry. l'rcroM Pr arr ..., Comb.. Hook. end
Wove. ry Sokimndr.r., timt Cap.. ncd or .trac , • :tom !tae—all of which hnytog
marel-akml pemonn:ly of the manufacturer.
nnk “Itl w.nter nx,mmrkty for mr• Spmnrcrarro,
arol kord womesate at murk". mivance n co,
Co...ant, on na On...noon:lr of Limktug
1,. or our on, manufnmurom. a. ram,n urines mn23
II L6ll
hts; , anty•irt, 51,trket street.
I pro 500 Chain Vsurt. n'd; 173 ants twist end
' Cul vtl vet rant Donna, 40 une velvet Carpet Bag, 5 , 3
on do gent • traveunirtlw gro. taw.) Ftlk Hutton,
lor d:t••• •. 5...r0 floc
5.5 So, lid .ran
1910 on do ~111 and pla:ed. to.
..t3 Ent no, and ll+ , (do \ Vattungton do,
r' L.
Incl. Se
JEW KLAN'. kc —LO ton! 'ea. 'Wale he•. 50 do tie
mated irver W ate 3C.. In do Lopt.te du. IA tine dm
sod (inter Rt... I do: I.n.- Yr, and Fon
Chant-, Ido do Board., Brtrarn r!
Ithatter Burgs,
trl.lsskizt,.s.o.—thatt dos IA hen Cotton (Boer, and;
lon 40 do I,ts.r Thrertd. tho , r)' to.. t In do
.Wt Glovnt; V.:do Au kto out 50 dr, lads€44l,„Qp . d, 10
I dodo fancy toy mtk.
VAlLlkati 1404.11.4.-75 pt:g. Ar.rtitan zon
bur Cotton Cords, 75 p: Paper M.., Smoo t w ribbed
Pet - env:lon Cap., A.Mtt gro dre--a Whalebone do
• Nory Combs, Dressing Comb.. Bock Cotnits, tr.r. Se.
1,1 II EA 1t0: a. Ct. art now opcanng 0.1010 0p1..10
r atc. Triumunita, cutt.tiuur. In part of Ito
uat and .
Frtatten. t•trops, black and cord 11:tLuce,
liar I 51 ,00, Iscr. Buttons. Bad, Bent.
Trinzon.•. rients. and pnun Inn
. trrturts our men and not s, Comb, I Very and
01000 Fan , (nrn, Sport , Cotton, hieedles, Tapes. Bob•
tun.. Itta, :Lc watch they offer (or sale. both
who . esatr aa! Trott . at tior Tramming :More. 62 Fourth
s:rert, Irrtw-e- W, , 0cl 0 rtrt Market. 0 0 14
X' OW SP „hti trktltltnt.—A. A. 01,0, ,
Mart, ',rent; are now open]nc 40 eases acid
4..- rat op.ordtd 0.1PR1.11.4 WOE/S. comp:4olg
Lawn., 5104000, Beteg:, M. do Lat., •1 ham
Fr- nrra catnorn, then., Rtthotts
St, ;thaw , . (r loves, llorucry. and a ;cure, na.xtrt
. 1111'111 of Bt.!:
RECEIVIII/I'HI DAY. CorpeunK and Oh Cloths
of the latest and moot approved patterns, sad at
once* to sun purchaser, and rlleap as oan be poor.
chased in any the Enz,tern clues, comp7ining the tot.
iiror I.lll{ varlete—e—
Fatra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets;
Carlyetx,nn le v vhse hall room• vela
Tap'. uuus.
Sup Ro tr yal Brusiels do Tapvvtry sta4r came.;
Extra ono 7; yly do lin...els to, do
5,40 rime do do i • li, mne Rues;
/.I.ltra .up I nervin do Tuve.: du
I , aperfine w doce ) , 11 4 ,!.1 do
Fore to du Clll,llOlO Door mast;
do Tatird do
C-ommon do
4-4, 3-4 & ITsp..try.
14...04 do Sheep •ikin do do
44,3-4 S 1 I oI d Ve- 12.1 klrriVied, ?wino corers
ueuan ail G-1 do Tati4:e do
& 1 p:ain do do 6.4 wool do do
Colton lograin do 64 wormod and listen do do
do V. o,san do lira!, Stair Rod,
..Ir.ottou I)rugget; 16.4 woo oTurrib caottoi
124 woolen do Stew Lmen
6-1 au do 6-4 tame do
Vattr , t.h Tutor.
man do do do t . rnnh
FOurr Oil cloths; Snow-Drop Nook:no
7-4 on do Cron•on Pior,
d-4 do en
do do l'nrpo - do
d. 4 du do do MAI,. do
4-4 du eo ao Carpet fendro,
Sheet thl Clotho to nevrroo-t'nt NV meow Shade.
Tarn!. y otterit. rot to ht
L'ln the above we are constant/4' rere.tveng our Spring
' Sox , of roe., l',ottok owl : 4 tenrohuot ['cooa,
to wh,ch wr n ute n0r....n0. or a!! who woet to l-mpfer
olnh their hutto-, alt . allll-03 , 04 100 he ONO to
oaer good. n. low an they ran he pnrchn.rd to the
Bort. nod of the nrbeo one 110 en Coll nn 10-
arutne our stuck looote purcharmg e..ewherc Worc
, la., No 15 Faro - 01 0 tor ral W. m'cLiNrocK
Th , Largo., Ch,opemt awl mast Ruhtonable .Stott
o.iartrd to tiontieln,s'o .Sprang and
Snninten Wear, ~.env ntritnng to
WIR• D108Y , 14
17; Liiwirry STREET
b c, ll: . lmeet r w
h e hos ,oet •eatracd front tee Kaatern elites with the
, t a”ottertenl of that Wu,
ever brought to tete city, entripilatng ail that in now
l'aehrona,te, elegant and t . heap In t ' Nottte.
m Caegitneree.
I Cashere:to , Draft plo Et., nod every descrption of
cotton, hueu and woollen Sationer roofs, Sh.rta, t to gate. Ildaf, Suspenders, ,or the newest
wltrh.together stilt hie very large and
P,OC. of rendy.made Clothtog, he ta prepared to otret
at lie neoal low pnces.
C,oklitigy lereatigits, ConteactOre, and ail who par
, chose lamely, are porucularly invited to cad and CS.-
, ansitte the %toe}, wloch derldedly the largest and
room faeltiottable in the goy, and real anctlUen hos
neen patd to get tt tap stotaole to toe who,csaie trade.
Orders in Ste restoring I.4su executed Sc the most
fuehlonartle manner. und that waning tinny be wonting
to etootre then twe•t and best rdyle cuttuK A get,
fi rm ,. w h o h o ., had great experenee in the Kasteen
Mies, hos been added to the establo/htnent_
4 mea2l3l3no
DACY "tiri''
roo T
ds Jober,
x7O. pc oo y
D±TRELT—aruttid coil We attention
of Nterelumta to their large @net of Domesue
and Foreign DRY GOODS, Judi reemmin from the Im
porters and IDanufactoron, and which they veal sell,
at very low rates for coah or approved credit.
Ouratoelt u now full and complete, sad well worth
of buyeta, we at; demrsnined to sell
al such =emelt low pores as cannot fall to male a
a Won* Siallaelomett fa raorcitaasa ro make a bill with
VOL. XVI. NO. 289.
Young NIEN an wholesale and fecal Bores, and other
respectable huainess, to art as Book-keepers, Sale. ,
men, Portent Bar.k capers, Walton, Farmers, Coach.
men, Car Agents. Book and Map Agents, CCilleciovs,
Overseers in all branches of besmear. tee. We have .•
at all tlO,
.6 largo number of good annalmnaon hand. ,
which pay trots MO ro 81,000 per annum. Thole In
uu of situations of any kind would do well to give
Use roil, as we have agents to each of the above si
ne*, whir It will enable ps to place ovary applicant in .
a 'unable situation at the shortest notice. We here a.
large acquaintance hi , all the above named dues,,,
which we treat will enable us-,to give entlreaatisfac - -
non to all who may favor us with a call.
TAYLOR & TAYMAN, No. Sa Second at, '
between South and Gay. '
N. —Persons living In any pan of the U. States, - -
and wiehing to obtain a situauon to Bahltunro, or rea.-
tact of the above cake,' will have their wants imme
dunely attended to by arid...slog us a line, (post•liaid)t •
as by so doing they will cunall both trouble and In-!
pence, which they othe twine would incur by coming
to the city, and seeking employment for themselves. 7
No. MI Second elleOl y .
niy2.s-dtf Baltimore, Mtn
V V oho most approved Eug/tah pattern. fammbed
.d recommended by Thom. Bateweil, F.oq, and is
number of eminent physicians; tieing a moot convent.'
ent ripportirve for the application of motto Or hot wo-1
ter to the bowels, so case of cramps to Choler.. A
every person is •abject to sudden attacks, no family.
choold be without at least ono.
iret et, between Wood and Market
Improvement In Pianos. • t
TILE suhecnber is just recenting,xtm...„
Opptoimmuric tit of Pianos from the'factitry:
of Noon, & Clark, N. which ibreh , J
storm of e.erior. bennty of hatch:
and superunny of and couch. surpass nay thing 4
ever brought to Ito. city. Mr Omt. of the ono er
firm, long and most favorably known as the
foreman in the celebrated Plano estatiltshment op
Flrrindwood. London, has recently impraved and perv,
levied the Pianos of -Num. & Clark. N. V., to an ex- , s'
tent which, itiquestionably, entitles them to the repu-j •
taihems very heat an well the chenpesC
Pianos to be Fot in this country. The lot now oPeo--:j,
mg, routes mob the additional recommendation co: an;
improvement I/1 the style mud botch, which tonker..::'.
theta at once the um, elegant and tamp thing ever . .g
brought out. These Instruments, together with the,
stock on hand. form toe mast extensive. varied and de-I .
tumbleassortment erer °tiered here; all of vehtch will
be sold at manufacturers prices, and on necommoda... , „
nag terms. • 11. K.LIiBER,
at J IV Woodwell's, KI Third et
B —The subserther will he found at the ware•
house from it tO /2 A. , and 4t05 P. Nl
,u4 11. K.. sole Agent for Nunns A Clark
PIANOS: - i:
THE: rubscraber offers for .1 , a large and epic:WWl',
1 axaortment of rosewood and
. mahogany grand /Lek:,
non Pumas, walla 'and wtalioua Coleman', celebratek,
-Cohan Attachment The above anstrutnedu are war,-
ranted to be equal to any manufactured na this coon:'.
try and wail be sold lower tha- any brought from thoC'
Fat F. BLUME, No 115 wood .l. :-.
21 door above sth ,•`•
N. 13 —Cary Scrap will be taken at par fur • few or.=
he atm,. as.ortmcat. anv. ,
Por Scrip at Par. —"
m il JOBS IL MELLOR. ol a Wood street 4;
will l I for fret at par, tho followtage a l.
w and second hand Paanosa
ne One
eg ant rowwooll 61 octave Kt. ,,.
alto, made by Baker .F.. Raven. N. 1.• • • IKCIS Kra:
Ono do do tii o , trave .. JOU Otla.l
One rosewood d ovtave, Gales O. Co, N Y.• • * 775 it
do 0 do do do• •- - 250 C, , :.
One mahogany 6 no do newly now. • latal f
Ocr do 6 do Load - .' • • '415 MU'
One do 51 do Ronenbaum lOU 0. -
One .lo 6 do Gennont 50 6._
Ore do 51 do R .1- IV Nuans• •, • 90 11.
One do 5 do English • • •—• •••• • • 30 O
- .
FOFL , YTIL. orehunt has romovot,
to No. :A :slartot Meet, 0110 door from Seco:1114,
Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits .Is , Z
ontilmance of Me patronage of his former emstornerq:
nd okeisnee the patronage of as many new ones at.'
re of the nght snipe.
Orders m the Tmloring tine executed in the moil
shirdiablo manner and with dispatch.
Aim. a tasaionable assortment of reedy made
.Ig. of all kinds. l'arap for cash, of coarse.
Porni•in , (foods is all their rarietleilry
wit), on hand. ',sell as Shins, ilo4o[llB, Colton,
as, Stocks, Si arts. Hosiery. Suspenders, Pocktfg.
Idk Is, Gloves, Drawers, Umbrellas, .to. to. fee. :r
as„ itNkS
4 _
a I'd _ • r •-•
k N r P
,nat. of to yens aundmg rltirtmcruna,
I a I.klicato `inure with pouruplocss ;lAA succor),
Ifiv sueccss in Buffalo tool arbor large cities Nur,
icon proverbial. Ills charges are moderate, and t$
ores perrrialuint. Old racer Oleet, Stricture, Serpi,
ludo, Fluor
Rheitnubrism, Ague, Syphilis, or euA
won. or I:rimier:Lir:ions. Warmed.
A cure warranted, hr charge refunded. •
Oretc-ev, St_ C:ner %trent-2 doom from the Brtdge •
Tenth Helmeted. Advice to the poor evade. `•
N 11—Dr.A. not ICItA the went eruct; of any diseaere
n Pettnbarrin is earl. aplatttl_y_
ilanufattarer of Mineral Water Apparatil.,
sir, or ILIZ “0.1,101 rI6LB ZI‘D STICTITAMS,
- -
No. 213 :Sol - 1h Servo d st., above Vlot,
N experience .of more then twelve years in tisi
11 nt.thuthettiong ni Mineral Water Appurittila, ale 4
,he p, operation of Mineral Water in Bonier and F °ta;
thin" on au extenothe Ilettl, with a SIIICCUfic and prig,
teal krowicdge of of both brancheo of bootee:l, loges ,
her voth rerert inlrOVenlH. in the COTlF:Ziaclaxtecif
the Apparauth and the preparing of the %Veter, ivtiFetl
he has ouceevileal at adopting attire has vitro to Patio,
and after year. of CIO•C sooty end prneueal appbo-
ripplled to the arts to ilechames and Chethip-
Y.:alder , the nuns ober to porno lteriffre the pubFjo
sr try, ph entire ..onfulenre. end offer thetn the best cod
r let. Apparatu.. for the manufacture of Age
ern, Water in Power , and Fountains, that into Ire fie,
must ,n iht.,l States.
Ile alto darer, himself that the enlarged aneresilio
het tact avid, and pregret extensivr and daily in
errantly amount or hr. bt.iuea. In both the above tp,
perunentnturntines the meet oonsenetne proof of his
esix to thd supertortty of Apparatus over those of nil
others, and oftun parity and salubrity of the it aloe
prepared therefrom.
Persons who order the Apparatus front a . distanid,
nay he assured that their instrartlons shall lee fanttful.
ly eotaptted with, and so pa , ked as to Carry InG:ly
either by land orwater to any part of me 11,nstates:
To avoid disappotelnunt, it is recommended to maw
who intend snppleillelhetnselve. the approactung ova.
•on to forward their orders at as early a day as coo.
dttoerad Wm., Appa.mtua, Generator., Pampa trod
Foontainth Ornamt,...l Crds and Pcdematltt for Stahida,
COLLMON and Isom of /toted, (or iireixing• Fl)d (*ill
is„,,, ~,ollior srl:/1 Corktug sad rytag dlacatOes,
aaa everithtno, appmtattung to the above Lasamath
con,tand, oh ninl. and :ur cult on the lowest teKtaa
for cool, _ lipdelitl6lll4
- ------ • - ---
Dlophragri. Filter, for hydrant Watitr.
41Eiggial Tuts ~ to comfy that
I aavc - r,pi
pointed tavtagaton, Roggen tt `l to.
Sole Agents for the not,. or Jenntrtes
Patent Iltafrahmn Filter, for trio ell
tiel orPatattonn and Allegheny. •
J0.11:4 tiltlOrtN, Agent,
i :Zr• yai ‘ra:ter di Giltaoa, jilt Ilroadwv;
Itc -
h in, 1548.
NV o have been seam one nt
ahore ankle.
o at ; tio
office Of toe Novedy IVosice for three months, n tEitii,
and tem pc riemc, .tadidited teat a is a imefat mventhott,
1,1 Wo Like Irr I:1 recommending Mom as a US?”,
iirncle to .1 wIrO loyr• pure water. OrdCre NVIIE 44
thankfully Tocelveil nod promptly crenated.
VlNtitiTtlN, 11()GGE*.r
subsber Mk this me
ocQ en
r anti t he public In .
reurrui mat
he has Ine largest stock or the foilowlng named uni
rte., of rti. no, nt intitsetun vt y —Saddle.,
11(1., rie:•o, and ot which he will wurTahl
!, th.uh! of the ben. 111.. .al and by the boot itnitclv
ate. 111 AlLeglteny ,otthly to.holl
his manufactures rornelnlng lower that, has been bird
taleW ny at•y strartur establtshtornt in the
he witual invite intr.. in need Cl the above nurged
anteleato o.treaotinc, No. U. 14 Liberty Street. ono
alb. Sever n w
th Sire, bands made to order for inuctibe
ort.lo-ly G. KIER*
of air. and Alrr. il,:ratin!ut“L'.lh"e'd;greLiLhnot
ay attempt year, °oh/merle, on the first or Fenn.-
t the .arar bol:Ota.:, No. 32 hoberty striAd.
nave made by u.7,..4111
he funt , th your,. ladies 'drill:tea equal t.stosry
it , ,Ng b _ notat t ,,,,, morough Engnsh,
CI ta
r al. and t. nineanon. A foil roantet
snd Cu/nouns. .I....eciores to ho deltnurtrt
durt.,g Inc ar.,L;, illustrated by apparatus. Theite •
pant:tent. of Feral and Inrtruinental Maw; Muthena
L.uttguagits, Drawing and Painting, will each he *ter
the care ors competent Pmfessor. By clot, attchrtbd
to On morn! slid inte.lettiostl rtorrrovehannt of their'bs.•
p 0,.. toe hope lo thar3l• cwt.:Lorton qj the
it watt ice limy hove hitherto cidoyetL 1 . Poe
;en-. tr-uhir or apply to the PrinciptaLls
Will FUR :741.K—A nrtalt Iron Foun
dry .11 I, llourishiug town, with Portents, 'Mob,
:all ready tbr uti,ness, will be :obi art weed:Mo.
thrra,, or t era:lnge tor Iraq or goods. •
odern ext.e.:eol oppartautly to youngrtion
enottai tit eoortneace the Iron ni..ludry. 110-
i nurse. Enqutre of
Sea Ana, Cooking btovea,
MA A \VALI..ACE & Hotrod Cin,veh,
corner Lii, berty and Wood otcenta, nanoul i at
Inn oak, for •n Platform, Moor and Counter &nate,
Of rite molt iintlory^dliaalttgi Cooking &Lover for iiikond
and cot., pg. Stoves of variciaa,Osea, Parlor-a:id
common lirates, Hollow Wane, &n. &e. Triey :afro
manufacture we futcnrn Earls, te tacit has gornerituch
eral ..atofai lion to trio, having It in tiro, to of
0, 0 acy wino.] rt . ‘p , "“ily trartle the atteatitat of 11, '
the croons and we public generally. oerai.dif .
DAI.E. , er LARti
...caravans 0' Cornelius &Cols ceiebratod ttona•
tat is re . and superior to olf others in tool arbtfillitid to G
clam:ant. fitClOtiON dwellings, poitlig and
prriateon to all other Uses wherea aro ap, eade
and nail! a desirable.
el•t,u rand.< Lai:l,nm, Candielebr.,olfibes.
Shatie., %lists+, lAusocites, Cass, ttcmmtrs, he. Also, •`~
lsas Caandelscss, trusts oat to four lights.
dess W Vs* R71.5u1, 4t =sire to
LOGAN, iN'ILHON et. CO Importers and whotsw.
Heaters In Hardware, t nddrYbad Yddtd l "Y4N.
lie" Wood street, wavy Ptah. hayehew to non a - ry
cheap add arch sevai,r4 stock of Hardware, tertYhtted Y j
steer the decline of prows in Kong., and - winch they
szo Jewel:Waal to wit correspondingly loar.'lslercitonta
wbo have been to the aaint of golOg Eh's" axe pulite.-
tarty regureted to call and look Hoanigh our sto c k, as
oo,,wa t toy tretteve they will save their texpextree f r
D R l l il D ad B s, k.. r E e r „ Dirif4 D ttes it ti j C ji.. i g lk"
t itay SELLEReIh,NicQuI
lei llcal ‘1,..111•,(g.