The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 12, 1849, Image 3

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Per the Pittsburgh Deny gazette
WasliON rll%, July 1;1519.
Intelligence frbm Washington annoires that
the report of the death of Mr, Madc,ob is not
true. She was exceedingly in, and baebeen
for sotme'•daya, bat k cotonderahly better 164.
WASIIINGTO4, Jul3ll-2P. M.
The health of Mrs. Madisonutinhis to im
prove, and it is emifinently ho d shellk , fit re-
CAINSI . I., TOCX/WEli. ...
• • Wkslll,llll.l, July 11.-- 1 P. M.
Mr. Trenton. or the National Whig,'has been
appointed Consul to Gower., by be President. ....
- -
— Sr Innis, .Iso3 , 11.
Pterre Chateau, the lust of eLa Clean party,',
theti at SL Louis yesterday, at he advatteed age-,
of 91 years. Ills decease is moth lamerded
Cholera is again no ri,e increase. nitro were;
yesterday over ”ue hundred death,
PuiLsom-ria, July II M.
The city is in a state c.l considerable etiitement
today, in consequence of the rapid incrollir of the
number of eases of cholera, and of the decdha from
this disease.
The number of cases reported to-Jay *re SC, o
which 32 were feral.
NEW Yoe r, 130 y n
The cues of cholera reported to-day ig . 7l.hur Mfg
amount to the alarming number of S. outl:rf which
there were arl deaths. The Increase of,the clan.
ease during the last twenty-four hours is : ',ereating
great Marx. •
riltiLl.RA AT ST. LOUIS.
The interments for the week ending• the Bth
inst. were B'll, of which 678 were front , . obolerl ,
The disease here appears to be still gretOY on the
.fdly 11. -
The interments up to noon to day werd .. aeventX
stx from Cholera, .d tiny from other fiseartes..t
For the last few days the Cholera appeal''to have
been about the same number of care. ..
Now larts. July it, 1549.
1111 Floup—The market is more active to-day, and prig
cr. bare a tendency to advance. We none. vales of
LIU. , bids good W. stern at 84.62iat.6 , 31
Grain—There no no change m the market ; for liranr
of any description, and previou: quomtions (My be re
Provimouv—There t. oma inquiry for Pork. but
dealers cannot aurae a- to prier:
Lard. is 1111C/11311grd. both ill prier- end demand ;
Groceries—There i. to, new wature in C4tlee. S
gat. or 111o1wwe. Previouo gown:sous o. be •
Whiskey is Mill. Ma pm,. remora firm a1,831e per
gall.. ,
Cotton—The Cotton market <Ollll/111, vervfirrn, but;
operunons have n.n been err ertmt•ive, to ron.e:
qtrenee of the smmrter bet. , looked for
There to no particular ctrautre to none.. (Q .luny arttiL .
cle generally trur,el
The steamer to t
ow oyeta4e tin, f.liri , qd nroj.
monmrtly to Ur,
Ft.A.lll are sr TIM RANH of Txxxessite—We
learn from the Nashville Geoert, that there wt 4
quite on excitement for a short time on Saturday;
at the Bank of the State of Tennessee, caused by a
person named I , hn Owens, from Kento4y. Mr r
Owens celled at the Rank• and enquired Of the pay;
tag teller if he could exchange sixteeOlundreo4
dollars Kentucky fund, for the some amount of
Tennessee Mr. Read, the teller,..infoimeil
m that they had no Kentucky funds, hut if the
amount to silver would be nn aecomodatnan be
should have it. Owns assented and ecemited out
his bills—and while the teller was connt,ag the
',jiver, Owens said he would step out for a lei .
momenta. Shortly after he returned and•lnformed
the teller that he had found a place where Ken,
lucky bills could be hail, at the sametime dei
'Mending the return of his Tennessee funds, To
this the teller objected. Owens became :excited:
and drawing a knife he leaped over the ':eountei,
and placed its point at the breast of the teller,
the same time picking up the pile of Tennessee
money left at the Bank by him. Mr. Owens w:
brought before Juane< R.aworth. 011 hearing the
testimony of several pecans who witnessed the
affair, the Jusuce bound Mr. Owens over in the,
num of 8250 for the assault, and $lOOO tot the fe,
Maious taking of $lBOO claimed by the officers of
the Bank as their money.
MR. CILL1101:31 aoo COL 8x..-ros. —This Peridleiy
ton Messenger of the,2lli at tune has tie follow;
ing paragraph: -We hove received a critemunica: :
Lon from Mr. Calhoun, in relation to C'el.lientonS
late speech at Independence, Ma.sourt, which wib
appear in our next paper.'
Da- Bata's ftrOIPIJT Exri.oona.—Thii
Detroit Free Pros, pabl is hes a letter from :P. Pitch?
or, Esq., of that city, to lir. A. R. Terry, requesting .
a chemical examin anon of some of the alleged
charcoal and sulphur Mils prepared by Dr. Bird or
Chicago, asa specific for the cholera. Ii appears
that in a case that bad come under Dr. l'itcher'e
notice they had produced effects precisely analog!
ous to those of opium or morphine. Dr. Terry:
made a tentative] chemical examinatidti, and de'
dares that the pillaore not mere charcoal and sill;
phur, but contain morphine. Re says:
*ln the first place I took one of the piilivind hav
ing reduced it to powder, I submitted it to the no
tion of boling alcohol fora few minutes,... When
the preparation was cool, I separated Mie clear
portions by means of a filter; this, when evaporated
so a water bath, nearly to drynea., otf ,riled white
acienlar crystal and when treated with ridre carte
acid gave the orange red color characteristic of ,
morphine and it. salts.
"In view of the ahove facts, A is vett easy la
trace the sudden check of the diarrhma, and the
symptoms of narcosis observed in pout core, IC
their true Canso, the morphine. That sulrbur anti
charcoal are capable of praincing the itymptonti
.described by you, I utterly deny. Such Ail opiniori
t■ opposed to all expenence.
"\Vhnt the chemical relations of °pinta are to
ozone, I am unable to inform yen." ,?
The Pansh of Pointe Coupee was visited on
Tuesday week by a tornado which Emmen,.
dously, injuring the crops in many parti4f the pan ,
mkt. The etcetera is still melt - rotting depindationa
to the upper part of the pariah, especiaß among
the blacts.—N. 0. C I <men t.
Er A gentleman of Pumburch, who haai,Mllett into
au open cellar tiler the "(treat Piro, ” nprafittql his an;
..ei e so ' ,overly thattle was unable to relratuqrom cryi
ng out with the pals A friend who hod Seen totting
B. A. Pahnemock Hul.efameat andliSen carell
of Rheumatism gave him what remained ip the hollMs
and although his limb wan greatly 50r011t,.._14 he woe
completely restored to health in taelVl34lo9lll and
freed from pain. Thi• i. hat one of ft crecOuenbeettf
eases which hate coin, under the observation of the
proprietora. Prepared end gold I,
11 A FAliliP-IiTOCS Co,
corner Ist and Wool; also, corner Oth and :Wood kg
in S
DZILLROZYM‘T or TM Urea.. one on to most eOl.
Mon, as well an the moot formidalne Mee*. knoW4
to Mamieen physicians it has in no .r eafatied to
unmet the closest attennon from lb., F./pity to all
quarlees (lithe Union. Still. - how.ver. 114Nands sot
mmilY parish, and thOu.and+ ..e ore nri%L, to feel
Iffy bordertaoine• by this :twain. The preir,inn, of
MiLaneis User Pills feel confident that the : 7 oder to
the afflicted o remedy which limn has teetedi. nod hag
never failed of nacres. when a fair trial hita- been gii
sea an,l nerchane a boa at Me Drat Store 04
latilet&ssis J KlDir it CU
„LI UL.PH of Undo at Tta, Prods... Acid. gai
-10 rate or 'rot, t.arbons%e of Sawa. Nitrate al
Slver,Cdaloatel, Zodiac. el Lead. Caloride ea; Soda sal
alhlorle &her, on nazd and Car male I.y
_)) .3 KIDV! & CO
A•slgtretd• Notlea. 7'
HEREAS. 11 , optm.n and Georee A Jritini
aon,Yderehn or vi Inc e.l) I,,li.truAling
r the Sem of smith k JuLuwn bore nwle to the
obseciber. an 11 , •101i.1 , 11 of r.IJ their F riote for Old
benefit of all their creo le , . a:. hod: wtoott two months
from the date tlwireol r anti .1..1,1.,1„. !tn anal
tinntb JolutPriu tut. and no.cin, mitheit of ail
their respective clame and•
Notice ts hereby gtven Milt the and r.:
lease Is now at the :dire o. the Fourtt
street in the city of Pot.hurr h. for irtvt-ctirett end roc;
eaten with ail whom tt not, conrern
rya:claw IVAI. Met 'ANDLE...S. Aistrnee. urroi.D.—Ter Agri] l'hrlsttrax cent;
pion,po n.stnuag vane, ,
y o. ,
an the improvement. f onmlauon. and eneedracement
cif persons advenertl 111 1... tly Rev Jo* outntord,
D. LL. with a memo, of the author, by Ibv litorge
Dpfold, D, D. Rector of I duly Coureh 4 , ittsburgit.
Just received and tor Pale by :
JrtiD JAR D LOCR %Via/ D, ftillWood st ,
Fon-. Dbl. No 3NI ackere 30 Lbl. 0i1 . 4 bbl
dt*, jut received end forsairby
/us.' • .111.1 WAIT re CU, Lap ny si
IAK I . O2IARDS—.SOOO feet Usk Hoards, ti'd and 16 63
'L./ for • ale by Fit ER Ss JeN
ryg Canal U 413115 414 ; .t
Sbouidon end Hams, i r I smoke
.LJ house, s.rsl for solo by jy2 ICIER &I/ONE:4
rEDINK LUSTRES— A bandsolneoruele
r girls and eidldres's 81 16111,
Also '
Moll sad Sunni . tdosirns—For
Nutt Also, batted Jackonen, for do. falai ss lose
us 121. eta., suitable for ladies yeroppns, stid great
sarlsty Embroidered Aluallss, for dressed And sackq
phak-and blue corded Skirts., ice, bisoly revels
ved at Dry Gbodsliosso d W R MURPIII". •
Ja27 = narlkessleor. 4th and hityket sts
s Sunday,
v Monday,
10 Tuesday,
11 Wednesday;
114 rear.aay,
Ia Pnday,
PlTTsutip.aff. 00/LFAO oP. •telt A 13
10 , Pa L O4 - alttarkia).;
• Ormers o tTrais . . lisserrs.
ratsdap kr meg/illy 12,)C4t , 1
. Th e es seket qay,erday, with botTeks exceptions, pre
sented no matertal ehunieficust fakiater mionntons The
'scathe, was opirressistly'seaqu fs ind business genrs•
ally was magnaut. •
Oredieted in alartioill report, Floor Las
advanced to 84 bbl, &lan ktoreclinthlsales of !Su tads
at Mat Ilkure FrOst 11P 87'ito 11},Inat , be gPeu ns the ehnnn
ruling figures (or good brands. • 170 c retelptr. ere er• ink ;'°47
trentely light, and seaboard itC tinArst banal opkratuum
C7RAJN—The terms* of irraniqgre barely worth ho ~
tieing Modem , ' salei of Oam istent Gm' hands at ' ^"'"' "44`°°'• SA. M nod P.M .
.and (row store at Comas "riling from store at heaver Packet•, 10 A. 61. and 4 P. M.
3724 ac. No enter of other imitis3"vortn reporting i i • -d4 ' 4 ""' lle— MnrY A on.
PROVISIONS—There is a stcaltj• demand far 0.1 nr ' rot PHIL,
ticlea under this head -at nit y gaited rotes—col. Ins hi. Leech
•Racket bore 9 P hi.
einciunati and 0117 cured in 1 sa:4 for susuld•
ers, 51351 for Ind., and 7071 falithain., des, sugar g s Car. Lanni Packet.% o..uck 0.
cured eanvrolutd,lxarag sresold bfuhe berce at IVO lot e• !
fir lb. Of Dried Beef the market eflmost , 121 polurs BY ELIVER•
prltry sales at 11011 le 5u1e,..45.1 lord I /11l J\\ - \9\'ll . l . l' . Loa, Oh Lane —lnt, 1.1.14
In 1.131.. at 013 tile. no 'hi kegs Vstle 4 , lb dour. , s 4 baron , 1.9 I buggy ' ,
c;RO(IERIF.S—A oneril prevalhi ,0 '
market, with no ehing from oufsitslquoted
,:°: A °4 '"••= — ' .." 44 ' • 'not' -• dour to LJs
tVe have no change/10 slosmq4 the quo". ' .
, , 1.:,\11.1.F.--I', m Phi 1,10
twos of the market. • . , • Nlrin IN:den empt, bob,.
I.el‘alan • .1...111,1. at. net aDoottl. 2 0..4. baron, J C
Cl', \ 1.1,. candler. .7 ‘lc•
wool. in bbl. :“..1 7 41% Feather. ,r 1
. :,1 t. 0.4 hums. II (,rail eu :At
pc. iron 4 olen. Ilm.taan ro:17 churcoa:,
Mi.., }hi r,,k I
1100 .e . tiner 00 11.4.e.ther 'crap+
V. e: 0 0.0 14 tree hams J A. co , :1
go,d wool do. 1 nopper. I:vanr.
mdse. !later t For, tn. 4 bb,a lord.: .ks bacon
te.. ueesscal 4 Lull gt.,tig. 10 do leathers. 1.4,01.
Lhcke, ultda oacon. I , Leech & eo. I box book, M
A::,-:: a. en. I 1,11 Lron, Severance
tjeetrt—Witere 41, - the l ykrdltttltr4lt, at
which three steemboate , mee.mtent, from
No to 470 feet in ieogll .
HUESirßfit (+1 ci ,
J ,
A LFAANDESI & DA} :75 Baikal street,morihu-est
.[I.. corner ofrhe thatuota(,are nate opantng . tarliotur
stork of fresh SD/Ball:DI GOODS. A !sage par.°u at
thesff . gooas baits recepay" Seeut,Pljrchused at a great •
sarrhee, from the AdOttOrt Soles al the East, and born I
the importers and ffhatefactureri. Na'a have drank./ - - -
O , 1)1 -•-- -----
upon offertng Vila stoek-of gondrat pricer so red educed
::‘„,.: - ,,,t„arere%P'f.'rbis e 'rpfflf. n''''' .. ' h° d ' b''''''''
The Silk .Defortmeta ts ye/Ilex/ens,. snuttru.....g , N. itioLmEs & BONS,
fie different loads of dress and A:thattlls Silks, Satin Es. 1. n.y .• Bo , S
Blood al
35 arket sore. near 41.1 n
de Chenes, and Carnelian Gin de M I
M0e.... Pearsaylvaiala. Indiana.
The Shawl Department eushrie4, a •pleassort- I tout rut l'ttonurgh • --Par State Wit & Branclo.• I
meta of India Crape Shovel., front the lowest T Woo to I Er,onnp f , sun. Par S•atertorly, • .. .. •• the finest qualities, eleganlty,enthrelitic red. A Al,-,. , . re- i Hirsh A • al u n Sauk •1 , , , Virginia !
nadine,Serage, Mohair, Neu and spieudtd &gated nilk II isu• l'n.latle lan ta •• • Par F.x change D.. of V .. 1
Shawl.. I...rutd Sant Par Farman, Ilk. of Va• -- • -
SCARFS-131ahk silk, herage r 4 bra...alive saris Disk of t.........nt0wn • pare Ilk. of tse Valley,— "
BEILAGE and other thin DRESS lit../01JS--Lounot ••fn.r , ter County • 'or Bt. of Virgula ..... —• ++ and novel styles of garages, Sdk ;Tissue. mid „the •• •• 1.)••1•,,,rc Ca •• • •
1,01 & 111. 13..., Wheetug I
Lem Dress Goods, worthy `Bate talcum/an( ate Isth.••-•g. •• Mo.` ta,tsr , r. Co •p . ' do a/ •• • I
LAWNS! LA WNS!!—In the Lawn department. our i " N0rtt,...14,• • •...1 .....• N. IV. Sa n t V,,--. i
addittotio from iha Futter.... aueionsafr quits Is re.. i c.....,...., pt,..,, , 'o. • ° a , d o W,ll a b ar ,. ,
enterseing elegant styles at remerkat.iy low price .. , ....f ie.t.0... Pot plt do Porloossure•— "
Imparted and Domestic Disighat , ns lFn v' Si Iread.tig. par '1,3111 ...... .
PIIIII4 arid Chintres, Brown ao Blesehed A1t0... , Pana•r•'llc Itor if Cu ~. eta......... .........• a
Cheeks; Tiekings, Flannel.,- ' , Faroe, It I LI.. a• 'r 2.• Fur, A. al crc h•. Ur • •`
Supeetor English and .Ftench 'Beth. awl Camornete. I Lunt ‘.l-1 r 0 Pk ; • ;par Punier.' Ilk •—, •• • • •`
Saninets and Jeans, Pantaloon Slthipet and DI.IIIIIIITA. . 1,,,1,, i,..: , is, .. ... :., C.,. Ilk.
All of which is offered at such s. feduraint of prises • I'. St. , . Ihni u. 3iiimouri.
that purehate RI cannot failio he ;Satur/. I 11,,,,,,,, , ~ a f ., Pour 131°. NI is...a.— -• i
/11 ,Al F•tiANIJER &DA 1" '. Wwt nen/ It' . • --• I North C•rolin,
ID &COSI— 20 casks Sloalderfftitil Sides. an,eonsten- I ''!'i,''''''''''''` Ito.-- • ; `,. I ::‘:',...' , :a s:
.2 4
_I) meta; for star by WI , &VII 11..*St te /DIE 1 ::.••••"'''' "`ls. '• ' • .. . ,', ~' ` 2
• ,- f.osquetc.... tJ. lti , soli a...
South Carolina.
L ARD -40 kegs No I Lard. Or elate.
/I• • !aI•DILLS & ROE ' a 1. 171.., ' , ' .f. ' ,.. “ .. • * --.
C.offel. Bit •• •. • • • • 9
is, 4 , • • • .. ifi.. o: th.,....•,,t- • - 1
1 AR.IED AP4'LIIS—BAO bush 1 . iscti..for •-cußy ~.,. , ,
.. .
~, , , 22 ,, f ,
__ ..2
JJ 156 . )ruil.Ls & It • .. ,
i , 1-x.o r•' All Drovers' Ho of l.voreetoss..•—• a
; Bank. Way natlnag.. l Uk.n. I Inotorg- • • 9
- QUOTA SII—IU euaks good Polnsy., in °ore.
i IY. O "III•LILLS ft Roll , liar' Yl•ta
• r• " n 1 As elisitts Ilk ••- 9
11,,,,,,...,,, ------ , Planters tr...tirrna • Int k
T •
wo LINEN —A fro, ptares•co.lnui Tow Linen, ill \ L.,1,1111011 •-• Bs. 4.: Sou.. ~ .ar0..,•• a
sore; for sale. ixt, ' InytilL.LS & /WE I Pottsvar-•- • ,••—• •• [Maryland.
j OST—Large Brim TIODS Biii• ThaiT.ler will \ ‘‘...P..Z . ,,. • ii .... ... .. .... 1: :: ', , 3 ,1 1 . , ' , • , 7' ,. .7,, 11 ,••,....'_ . ,
1J rooter an obligatipu.try 1e..12, - I,g it 01 the. tiatelle , w, , i; ,,2nch it ,
.... ; „ 4„, , ,,, - ; ; ;, 'L . '
, ' - , ...' ,. , . 0. L .
0111 CG. :• .i. )),, ' R,,,,. lELL.III •
, : ' .•• “
I\7o. 2 MACkEDEL-410 Ws INA 2 Mackerel. rerci• AI ANI Viii• dn• Fur Ilk uf Mari i2nil
11 red thus day by algal, and hir sale very low to t . • I , ' Finnic, A 11••• bib.; ..7
- •
NOW C 011•1101.111 by • ,
h 6 311:111- 7, DA47.211. Halo. Fred lls : ••
b 6,.• e n• Funte 9111 14 a rehel 7 1177 2" , •.. 7 7174 •• • •
rr 13 t.
R E- 121 P 7 , 5i N enent — an A li Se•=l c ei'citl - 1241 . 2, -‘ J 'r e ' t i : •777
Ali of their stock basing been mak;ked dus2n, w I be rit e s •• 4l'asinuence tis • --• the greatest/Ismailia' rurehasets ins, de
peed upon securing gOods al 4,4114 . 0:14 RATbS that, „ Mic
ever before.
Cine.nna. It ,uks• • • • 7• At or CI Cis. ,
riOMESTIe A NINIALS--1147ry and Desenpopi, Cot 2 .t - Ft,' ''''' lll R•vr'n -. •
IJ Ortlie Hors, Mute. Cattle.' ....rep 74.22ne. caul. C•reiec.l. , •• 7.i I. gut Ili.
try, and Farm Dogs. with direetiods biryteir manage I C4ti"v't, ••r sr. A. yl r. o t 1.1 •
mem, breeding, CrOfl4l:lE. rearlfi4fretilllit, 'and paps. -
7,-MW 1 .5 0,".1. 10y,
ninon for a priditahle market, - 217, eon , Lbsenses 110o.:-• - - • • • 77,7 . 7 f' 7 . 7 . 7:1 '27 •
and Deinchc, .itestutr with 10 2 ,, 2irteuoic , 1,,i• the Ni‘s . t 7,7 • „
~ 7 4 , •
monagnment Dairy. R AllO5. 12:1t. ' .• ." .1 • • •
numerous i last' donna roe mlebc .
54 ,1 /AA DI/210p D. gl Wood st t : 2 " 7774, t 2 • • • •• '
; g Colds Spaci•
r A RS—I box ,ust retid iTp.l said
jai• 17 ityyttgi E.! Dorton . „ 17,seai , t 2 150 ten
...nei rr•r: • Irr no
r`oth• —• • 40V.11.0n,• an IR WI
lira i ------Sr. Yen 71A. , 7 -It
yor,i i 2., ire Con:, —2,• Cr•ti 1.0 tilers • 10
• • • Sr I.ou,d`urs 4Su
i)OT ASH-1n c ,, Laillft rec , rl nit vtv
Sue, JI: 11 . .13.1)
ter for 'kale by
N... 1 J It - I'ANFINII.II
\ at'pitote viul
d & &IVO !LULL:rimy.
C. , 0 11.116 N ANN , o
.L' rot aaeorlinetti nfteay. on het* 3 , 1 d tar an., 1,,7
.417 J & tbl rn; II ELTIIKE
jA," RITE Rt.:ANS: 2 IW Obit , ‘V too klean•. in•t
V Vreceived and for.vale by
list; Wto It iNTCUI'eIW/N.
tiflEESE.—inlo bee prime Ni'estrii Reser re Cher,
j.I received and ,for mete 1 , 1 , `
..213 K • 8,41 NrcrrcilE,iN
C111,711'4 r:— enti
_ .
(e'd for .12.1 e
fi'yES-316 perK'i d".
re R
LL fumt reed and (orate by .tint R
11R et.S . DflUliS - r—e.til Tube; Arend, Iboa
ClEile Atbd, Ac.J. Cy:union, Pont..
ree'il and tor vole by . Judd 11
41.ftiT.VF—NT't no .I for
11111 ons a R SELLERS
LARD—IO keg. No. 1 Lard, ohd
. t. to e
lIIIIED BEEE—lnnerres llrttd Beef Itounds. to
.larrive and for notelty • . 1
T A FID-79 keg. faniily Not bird, to store mid :or
enle by tot SEI4.ERS
['MEESE:iIk. Koine Chet:lie:au. laniliog and fur
l_J .tie by iitly J S 141.WOHT11 N. 4'l /
1,1 I; —I UV toi:i f4oulvfor sea oy
.R13:1 J $W I, \ I.IIRTII A t•I I
' •
' l ' 9 ; rit . ; . (7lL jotl RT„ A C'f;
F.FSFI--473 boEes Chlite i ,lo3t received and lor
V seJe love to clog conelifetro4l4
eoenciWkiol mud Wnter ein
li ITCH—% ii,lils edoll, far:d cfios. at '.
i prn:dia • • JALlgiffl4.4l, llr. F. C...
• ..
W R : ° ale C t i ci t se ll ?y t' i l igtit, k 4;47l r geT. ' 67; „l i ,
~ ~
A A. MASON it 13../...arc nova ofternia i
,td aid..
.C 3... brown %site it Oven.; 61, .bed do it 41 et,
very fine c ataraurnmer fidatTs ofEvery v•i silty. morr
Calicoes at if cis: Levens de, fast color., warranted,
fine fiereges It and .W.e; more Wroveht.Collar. at s
and Inc:ilheenciette tie. ke...te- l:. , itial
• liiii/iCCUS• 2 i3u piwkiies onsiNfortured Toone co.
1t easing brands, for sale by ~
't ,
iota $ I' VON 130.4 v lIORST de. nn
• -
T 1111 ED FR.1.0-ICu bulk dr.) .I'et.c. es; ec. do do
I J Apples, y atom and fosi.ale•fy
juila " . LS WATRILMAN
mPOT ASII---Fecanks Pot 4.40 no Pearl d¢ato
nod for Joan ..111 , WATIDINI AN
.111 1.2 i .
13-97 bble: Herring', LO d4z. - .4•J.for n?!.:
ATF.B. ‘I A 5.7
A sale by
ILrlO bbleidns,ed (70, lOilole by.
V 1.5". • . J If CANFIELD
- • -• .. •
OLDE—I bbl Coopori: bent„ tool rno,l and
Yy for saloto Joll 7. it b..SI•:LLIBDI
k0n017,,,zd . .
lal. fort
0 reed and bit sole by told DY, li‘ELLFIRS
I -Ant. for sole"L'i 111 E 8 kILLERn ,
1014 ' ' • 5 57 Wood at
`]UTTER-3 .tobla &el - 41:14011 tkner; lteicc ito . do,
) lanylms from canal coal f , "
sale by
QI.WAR CUltbA) LIAMS-:-:34(1 new reduly In
10 from the ein . bite houle,of rtit,:bor rvality. , or .y.
by jtoll FA" k er).
llApple:; logo do Prates
1 • ARNI,IIIN. & CROW F:11
lan Marc , o
BACON-120p s Sides and titofildcti, took, 0:01.1
L and for sale ARSISIkONIa, CROZ Ell
_ . s
I:Munn! CL A Y—AzriVed at Ooo..iilrre"jor
Ottoar,111; lon. of Clay. wlarb NY i
in a fear days ptr canal, and for by
Sat' TASSEY In ItEr 4 f
POT Asit'lti cop, on hand tot for talc Ly
01112 0-!' - E . HEST
n La RI, AB4-12 ock a Inctore s and (or itede ey
;ixt...t • • ss KY t,
/11TE FISII—SB bbla forth IlOproted, i• :
do do; Joao roc ‘.l and (or .O$ by
;oda 4 F VON 111FNNIOR:41' a CO
UNIATA J ilLisi;,\L'4 ll ll.r tots, 'loin nn :or s - mo.
by KIER lc JONES, Carta! Hart,
.14 ' nqtr ott_lentlr acre.
b q Nlfrijkl4 - ::ti — e7wirt ii....,i rit.. .nii - Tof •
C:, 44 hlrle No I Lard, I dta lrrr tree 12 rt. I e utter
2do trurrang, Ido Fluxuecd )c, not , ,ire rule ltt
tot> 12.3A1A1i DICK 1 ex. t U, Friuli .
rry P o ß (Tl El l t :il - v i r! ' g n 06 A l a l
l. f tr " n ‘ e " a r ' r . r ' T l ' et ' r
from I 11l opOrardt, from :01 cO. lo 41 'pe r lb Al
rut red, bloc, green s end
cd fellow Inkc in r arrow , I tt in
II llor roorlemtlylor role. Haretni u sed Mr 21 r r e ,
~ r_ck in ri ffl e. for nyte orrrerlr•qtmer we .lir • I
It equal I ny that or mode? sr viV of ma.' retur
'I emit; 00011 JOHNS - FNolVr. o roog I rN,
ACM mitto r:1 'lied and Marx, •I•
Groat English 'l6 , amear . .
~` i
FOR Coo ha. Vold, .ltihnio ;.;
ur, Cory.trtoretrrtn
F . TI;•
uftggA r AND ONLI lit-4,4 'i ter the cure or the
nutter/ magmata, to th e flUllifirkf)lAN LIAL.AM -01
I.ll'l, dircovergrl V Iltd e gle6rt,ted Dr no. Lan, or
LartKon Kngland, 141 LKlTocluerrl (pro die Uratcri .rtilt, r
az•der the immediate itupettotednitc. c i 2, therritor
The ortroordlaint aileron. 61 2. Melo , in IN.
cur% or v u t n t. ru t er d r uerroga, watttrattOr Um ',merle.
Agent to relletting fir trehlmont4hcanct poptat'u en
w s Moto. be roan in tke comM it) — ca'ma thr i' , ' ,l,
trim( to vain frt. rOW or 'be mho n remeglies of the
do), cud !lave been peen aril ti,e naoarrMatnigaighed
phyvemns sa canto-4 rd nod racorhble Tint Hungers
I .
an flaimm Mu 0.0,0,, aind*lLl eh 5 120 0001 d"l'''''.
of ,'”•'. II i. no crick nostrarg, t a FULtniura Kb,
Imh mediums, of know. orol ostib bed effiooer.
Erory (wady hi die United Stet should be impelled
with throhrro , s ilithonsui Ardeha' of 1.1 k., ,not only to
counteract tie consummate memo, es of the 0h1 . ..,
bat to bo used 4.0 ii towns:luso rtmer!stic ix all canes or
2. 1 4 cough., oPllfing of Wool. polo in-the ode end
cheat, antenna and sort.rispspr o lungs, brochltia
difficulty of brcalatig,Lecdo toleg,gight comma, emact-
Won ands7. l dcbtlaYg aatilniaZtnfluensti, whooping
cough and roap. , ;
Sold ,0 WV 1 , 0 1 . 1 .1 all tmaditio, ',ilk (oil dine
tion4li for the miletratioa Of bealt*
pnmphlcla, containing a ma. { and Amen
OW h ortilicauss, sod odic: avidertor, ahivelnig th e en.
2 .,.. 1 i v ,
d irg e torof this gglil it ge ll sh !feared ) , ~,,,,, 2.
Yoe agile by tlrliEST(iii h. Co., corner of
frt odd Wood an Wood end drii a johdrkwh
rwl:enican No 2 ,lon, Beaver.
Adrit,. Parloto.on, Brownvoi:e.
Ca,) Cope. Mtirthwk, Weßnoille.
Ene.l;ordon, Beaver.
Lou, Nleleme, Bennett. Brusrrooolle.
trine Noon, lioeirolgirort
Vero Caatoun,
Wm p., btr Phial,
Gormley, L.ncpzurit,.
t r
4 40
Alter. gan No 2, Beaver.
Atlantic, Parkinson. Browneiville.
Limo McLane, Rennet', I:co...vide
Beaver, Clark, Beaver.
Shenandoah, Bowman, Cincinnati
liVrn Wellavtllc.
Hail Colombia, ;rll,l[l,
rt. R were 9 fe et , n t h e
metal mark, last evening at dusk and
Ilk Dr E. 1111:.“ I New 1 orY ••• • • •-• pro:
lit lam.•v. • Plo . adelpto• iprm
Nornerl e •
Balt roof , . —•• • • 1 prm
New liorh— , lie. ~•t• Into: or A t.--
I NruE rrq R , I, 1 . 1.1-*AS Irl' ALLE
-1101.7r1 vo,totar) NN . kr•
ro, Mill:1,1k Co
Spr.,••• 11„: . ...uch and , BEATING UIS \Virg "Patne Rodgem was ye.-
A " " 101 No' , " Pv'tt terday committed to take kin Ina' at the welt
sh Ihtt-Intnch Chretucte nod !lb-rchrt ter .hree
th...,,..., j „,. „ j Coon iif quarter Sesetons. by Alderman Major.
J. rt . • •. ‘'oti , :tio , • charged with healing hut wile. She had been
n • s.‘ ,„ clamethry abused, her eyes being blackened, and
''°" " ""'"", her 'Jerson very much bruo•ed.
111R.1%1 ill ri.
• r. r
I 11
ucl ....
Lor i l: ;. •
j kl I: , ei.tietlirn •
Ball, 1 ,, tand al. al,
•ert•oa co
pu,.l tn. polulor. o:
T Proprle:or
VALI... , HI./ .to ot)h. SiActiTNERy
Scut:. Kor:are. M. 1,111.011% A,1,11[1:. I:
11,111 q, ~Pd
Tr...1y0 0., :Sitcr.vb of Iron. 2 o• .syn
r , voti• :spil., Rod .Sl..nuns. tor,. 1 r0,..-co
Ye. :,:bt Cur,o•..ku. oi ‘,.ans Nlisklng, -so
The Ilo,d ninon,';. 12 Too
Appr , ober. by 11, Artizan C:ub. 2 vo.s 4 bo.
Floc ,r.'upood.
Mud.. Surv•ybr, mod Arab,, 410
Ault :wan A I :0
Carpentry anJ Joinrry. A eornpr , Rage
boot for carp,. y and ,:nrr)for yr r)
putt of wor. Ow, Ins4.d.tor and ttam,rita4 p . .. 1... 2
1/rrt.vro'r. fluti.,,lA or 1, An or
inder , • itort.rnr.urrir. frenri..< ore \Wri 11.gglr,
&aro, kc Jtr., reerried rrorl r.air rry
1~ o~ ~~0~ ~~m r,~ i.. ter, „
M.,tr.. rt.e.e burn t..
raid or Ether., t I , Lxtnr,
Itx 1 ,1 le Inc a.noon to -ten,
keeper.. ..1 l[reier.. tor 1 ',1.1,i1111 1 1.
•nrpar-..... any ton,\
Perron wo., plena , 10 1,14. 011 11 1 1 I.e
the reultar,er tit" Ilt I. lllllpr/11A.
A eon•lnnt top, r of toe Flu, an.l kept I,
, AIY Y.., A I'KINSON hr..% at.
i.eiween 11on.r1111111 ‘larkel
rpflE F:Ftlt AS roF Tilt: MEDICAL
SCIENC ES- • Etlard by 1..“. Ilny, %I D. is pub•
liabod ....rtorly un thr fir•t nt hmuory, April. Jury
end IF o4er Rttrb num., ro,tazn• utant:
y I,lllvo nn' J. J.1.1 ,, JJP , J
Ntety Jilucrutrd , Flrravin, or, •opprr,
wool, .. r
The Nleehett Nevi. and I.thrarv, or ttul.h•lted month-
It. nntl rint•t•t thltli two very Intl, o, tnvtr PoVvr
rentaintng the cur-them r 1 , 1,0110 i
re... •Itinh rhn•neter on u promtne•nt de
partntent 'Fled rine %Vntenn. Ireturra on the
Ptartteelitenhe,i - tthen I eeture• ern Su,
nert and Trade Ilowtnart • Pnyvatingy hnve iltu• yr
petared 111 It, Wilt Om work MI Putt,,,htnn
\V•••1 011 tie th•ent-e• nt Writ!, ntitl Ch.idhood
11...u.crIption to the Amen,. Joarnal
ni siedrea: ,eoanorn, Is do-or• per annum
Wiwo On. amoult I. forwarded Ire.. to po•tage od•
vance. toe tuber rlber thereby beeorne. 1.1.',11-d to The
New• Uhrary far one veor. wttont., fa,
ther borer Fo , lhe moll OUT 01 five do. .ore. thee.
10, 11, •uo•rrilint coo ohtazo o .tuarter y atol
Jourt,.,l the lorhe•I eganr-teler pre•rnow
Om hundrett lave pare.. atm•',pro
prow.. iLlortrAt,on.. So.t.rripooni er,•ed arel
WO. promptly • t .•
J,‘ D /I) 6:I Wood at,
AT for Publlener•
I7A1.1•A111.1 - : Nspoincli
V Ito .npuric, 1 vo , •
• •
Hue, • 1.,• ,, tur,.
oPin I.itergry AA
. 11, At,
Cl , -narif.T•, I y %If • C M K - ,FIK:fIo I
Ahr•nd, or Pump< from M.. Wf, Niro
!twirl I,t , r• all I other Re or 01 TOOO 40" •1
fr rya c sf , r ,
\ r ;.
Lr ~,, ...
i I
I 1 %
I t.t0.r.1 • \ ere r or lirmiro••
I...ltrutat I,y I...rett Hu,
A •leor Amer.relA nook- nn Itetnd
11/1.1 '..r .are ! v
/T 1 h :tt
I ,;( 7 . ' : , , , : , i . ;• , ,, k i : , ' , ' , - i i ,• ,. ., , %, ,. 1, , t , . , .:
r I I I.
.t kh l ILgnry, by roe
Mr ilk , kr• 'lb, 11,1 11111
np,c , a S hur ol Scat
Jana dun'', In.
lA, 01 Ih -' Jann..nll. ;., tl.O J Ru••ell,
kinelodt < , ltuom
Fteeloo • 111 Scotland du 'lna 11,. Islhrerl arttb
, byre by " lbthcbl bylll, 6
NI so
larlatid D I)
Manuel of Pra.bvier, 1.0 tl. b.! ah
appeoda I,v the Rt.,: .1 1.:01111,
A him-moat Et per 0I Prarboal Treatise
an Edeetuul Calong, by I ooie. A NI
Feet.. by 1.311.1 and for Falai.) ,
,s 1 7.1.L10 T w ENO:Ugh. no NVond
VINE COFFEKS—Ntoehn African, Jaen, Lagaus,,
.1: St Domingo and Rio Coireen,)ust reed sod for
sale in the Pekin. Tots Store. 70 ' , mirth Tarn!
AISIINS AND PIUS--000 eighth lan prone Kal
il, sins, and 5U small drums fraan Flay, fort received
and for said at Wu Pekti, Tea Store, 70 Fourth *tree,
ins Learhell or Prairie owl RMkv Mounwn lAte
by Franc,. Parksnan. Jr . viral 114. noon. I, Da,
ley. In one vol. Itmo For 'vie br
In por.uance of a previous call, a large number
of DeJegates. from the venous Divisions of Alle
gheny cud adjacent counties, assembled at the Hall
of the Son. it Temperance, corner of Wood and
Th,rd 'omen., Pittsburgh, on Tneaday evening, Ju
ly 1 , 49.
Un motion, Thomas Steel, D. D. G. W. P. Wilia
veiled to the Chair; Messrs. Gerwig and Hanna,
V”,,e Presidents, and W. B. Hunter and David W.
Miller, Ser'y.
The object of the meeting having been slated by
the Chair, on motion, the following persona were
appointed a Committee to draft resolutions expres.
I,ve of the sense of the meeting, viz. James 5•
Riddle, John L. Snyder. Wm. Eillls,Jonn IDDavis,
and Craig Richey.
The Comrhittee reported the following preamble
and reaolutions.
WHX2CAS, the truly great are those who create
happiness and prospenty oolong our fellow being.,
and by their labors of love and kindness entitle
themselves to our gratitude and esteem. And be
lieving that the Temperance reform is one of vast
importance to the world, temperance being a mo
ral virtue, recommending Itself to every lover of
humanity. and believing, as we do, that father
Mathew, the distinguished apostle of temperance,
has been na instrument In the Monis of Divine
Providence in promoting this glorious cause with
unparalleled succors , therefore,
Re,ol oul, That the several divisions of Alle
gheny and the adjoining counues be requested to
assemble at the city of Pittsburgh, in general pro
cession, to extend to our distinguished guest, a
-brother s band and brother's welcome."
Reset eel. Thai the chair appoint a general com
mittee of correspondence to.notify divisions of the
time and place of meeting; And also, to have
general supervision of the order of procession, and
to make all other necessary arrangements.
In compliance with the last resolution, the chair
appointed the hollowing gentlemen, viz:—
John If Davis, Pittsburgh Division, .1 S Riddle
and Perseus, Versailles; S S Cuthbert, Fort
Duquesne: H Huh; Upper St. Clair, Mr. Unripe,
Teuionia, Mr. Robeson, Guyastua; Mr. Dunham,
Nebraska; Ed. Euail, Allequippa; David W Miller,
Ocean Wave; W Otterson, Lycurgas; A W Ellis,
Sewickley; T T Thomas, Gevalia; A Hanna, Char
On moron, Thomas Steel, Esq., was appointed
Chairman of said committee.
T. 1 Vice Preaidents.
W. R. Hunter,
David W. Miller, 5 -""tp rie&
Suixer Got 'cc:l,—Tbm lady met yemer day af
ternoon at three o'clock, pursuant to notiee, and
was organized by Hearne! Denny's taking the
The object of Chia meeung wan to consider the
ordinance which passed to its second reading, on
the previous evening, and which was published in
the tiaseue of Wednesday.
Several amendments were, afler a long debate,
proposed, one of which wan to the effect that the
lath day of August be substituted for the 13th of
Another recommended that the one per cent in
terestpe retained, and allowed or. These amend
meets were not carried.
The que.tton on the third reading wan then
•alled lor, and ,1 ta-an adopted—yens 11, nay. 4.
IL—Th.s body met, on Wednes
day tight, at the usual hour. Mr. ItirKnight, the
Pre•ident, in the Chair
An Ordinance. of co general interest. was pass
ed, and the Conned proceeded to the discusuon of
the i ird,nance respecting City Scrip, which passed
the Select Conned on Wednesday afternoon.
An d t . to the effect that fifteen days
.hci enoutd be given ior calling in all outstanding
trh:rip, and tent an intereol o( three per twat. be
pa.d jai me :nee of it um.: that ltme, after which.
n I Interest shomsi be paid Co nay Scrip, race:
ptyruent ..:v dues —Lost, yeas .r•—noys
The: :rd:aande as it patwed the Select Cooed.
was the, .need up. and niter ,onsuierahle disens•
ti.oo t. 4 rd walt P •ported untd to-mght
Sc.(II•• r- 01 no grnersi nterrot, Were
then rend] after wh ch the ( s unned, on canton, ad-
Ruzughy ...gni omitted Rutherford war yea
terdag aemed by officer Fox, and taken bethre
Alderman rr Major charged with committing a high
way robbery on the person of Mr, in Pitt
t,welatop, tat the night of the fourth of Italy. He
wan commuted for nether bearing.
—We gave below the height ht whu•h the
Oit.rulumrter La, stornt hi 't u rbek, I'. M., la the
,‘ Autl.tor
hdoe, troth Ittell,t to the 11th of July. From thts
te;t..rt .1 wal 1»~ Been that the weather bar been
,rn,ng warm, and warmer Inr i be p;itt live
Mamas ~ r rstq Plrravracm, July II th.—Two
men and one woman w krought before the
Mayor this mornlng, charged with druukenuesv.
tat: of Ihe men was committed for five days, and
t:.e other for twenty four hours. The woman, a
wretched vagrant, was sent to jail for thin), days.
nes, —A t clung colored lad, who hven in
Pourth street, while battling in the Monongahela
vet% above the Lodge, on Tuesday night, waded
into deep water, and sank. Ilia body wan recovs
ered in a short time, and, although tin appeared
ramrt, emulation was restored, owing to the kind
ntieut..nt of It,. t ivorge McCook.
Inem at/Ir./1 Ilurn/
r - /re
ntn :1 //u.../V• wb/el/
'eolll ///n hntel
Ni sue , C. — There la a neranee of no ordinary
to Allegheny City. which ought
dratr!y to ho abated. It Is a pond of stagnant wa
re , wren the canal and Craig street, north of
Gnb,n•on street. It one of the most horribly
irithy ',laces imaginable, and endangers the bee.
of the inhabitants of the whole neighborhood. The
suiliorrues of that city should attend to it at once.
11.1 Tut; ,übitrther, whn hits bee in linutkeins
.), ti, tee .nine building for the line n thiy years,
i—.. , v •
.mina all descron., ut FMC Gaid ILLtd Sri.
vrr I,b oche., Jewelry, and Haver Ware, at
1,0,1 at thv vrry town. price.
.old and Sliver F:nglitit Vatent Lever W•tv1....,
d ard Sliver Det hd Laver sod Lepine IV otehet
.id mud Saver llortxonlal mod verge IN'atebrs
1,1,1 and SP," Independent .`Second Watch. for
t.otmg hors , c
Goid and vent (Mai. Gold Spec tack n
I.old Prstrils, (:old Yen.
.1 and ',on Brnrelets
Loelirt. oold nad : , 11ver Thtinble.
nint Fork% pl,en on t.erinan Stlrrr, a floe
ar watrho. warranted to keep good time or
in • retur,..d Jewelry reiured, and We ehr•
repaired o, the host manner, al inurh le••
thla the n.ual to t 7 A L.I.EN,
Importer of Watches and JewelrT. wh,ne•ale and
re.a.i. 5 , Wan top .taus,) NEV 1 iilth
11, , 111 pwary
T. 'l,::"„"hu;..`d''.gvi'`.7,:ln,',"‘",'.l."'h'r"hhnni."'n"pe'noefilP'lll.o
- where every gartnion well I,
It , id .it the eorafort of thoer who trump haver trot with
•tteet, tretweett Seventh anti Moot
le • t•rehtne and oil other doltenete• 41( the emir.
tut- .117 _ _
W ,, i.{Yr" 012 rettotsytvontu Avenue, vote on the
Norte side fast beyond f'ongmse street, 21 feet
iroul 1! 1,. in the rear, and about 147 feet deep
on th . e `both .11.10 jest beyond Mr Watson'a
pturer , y., tert 71 front and rent by 112 fret deep.
Aum a I.n. on Oul.on Btreet ewesidtng bark to Lo'
ust. 111 lee( deep by 25 feet 71 to orant For terms,
beuoqture W S 1113. L,
Ufalnes, T... for City Purposes
!.? Pt: Ki4Un NCF. of Ordinance providing for an
1 incivaAe of the Revenue of thiscity, peeled the 10th
Awn. 1546. notice hereby given, that the City As
?nest., lin. left In my office, for examinnnon by all In.
ie rested, a list of the persons doing basin's. in the city,
in conformity with said Ordinant e.
Pai 4 If upon rkaitiniation of said list, any person.
ohn.l think themselves aggrieved by Me said wises.
mein, they shall state the mune in an affidavit, which
affidavit ?hall also contain a statement of the tree
amount el their .a1e.,.. near na ean be ascertained;
said affidavit to he made and left with the.qtty Treas..
are, wi Alin two weeks from toe date of Oka Ant pub
11C ..icn of the notice aforesMd.
yea 6. That no appeal shall be taken but by tbe affi
davit of the person or firm aggnevedi said affidavit to
be conclusive evidence of the facts stated in relation
to the amount of sale.
8. R. JOIINSTON, City Treasurer
Err Office on Third street, next door to the 3d Pies
byten. Church.inatedllsr _
_ _
0 ARDENT'S CHOI-ERA hl F.DIDIN.--on hand . and
1 for tale by DYht J KIDD a, rta
SV twreirz , itAt... , og—•tia., ..natio RIM Lor •o.c
by . tlht .1 KIDD ht L.,
Sono of Tempera... HalL
Aiiurneyt at 1,,v, 4th itt between
Smithfield and tiratit
I_ RANCE COMPANY North Roca of the
Exchange. Third meet. Philadelphia
too lescatasca.—lttolds my, Merebendme and other
property in IVIII7I and rocgrar.tneured atraamd lon or
damage by Ore at the loss,.t rite of premium
Mertnrit lASlllL..hrig,—They aloe snoure Vot.el, Oar
goes and Freights, foreign or eozistivlse under open or
sptenant ecial polioea, as the matured may dearer.
Thamtroararlu•.—They noire mere han
dl. tramrported by %%hem, Railroad rum Canal
Boa. and Steam Boat., on neer, and /airs, on ihr
most liberal term,
DIRF:CTORS—.Joseph /1 Semi. Edmund h Sonde,
John C Davie. Robert Barton, John R ih-nrha.r, Sarno
RI Edward, or.c. U Leper. FAlward Darllngton
Darns. Whhana Eolwell, John Newlin. Dr R M lhh.
ton, Hand. 'II,TM:or PaulAiue. 11 Jona,
Brook, Henry Sloan. Hugh , raie. to-wee Seen
Spencer Nlellvarn. Char, Kelly. J Jubn.rm, Wh
iten, Hay, Dr S norm,: John hte:lerrt. Wm. Fyn:, Jr
Wm Bagnley, Jno. T Logan.
SNEW Pttn, Ferretary
(Er °thee of the Company. No 4! Water •tre
Pmeburgh. mtstdtt I' A. MADEIRA, Area,
Journal. American, P 034 Mercury. Dtrpaten.Chrott•
tole ropy
CAPITAL $300,000.
J. Flax.. Jr , wc'y R. Mruea. Jr., Preet
Will insole. againAl all kinds of nal,.
At L lone. wOl be hberelty oiljuelled and promptly.
A home iortitubon—touniteed by Director. who ar e
well known in The community, and who ate determin•
ed by promptne.• out liberality tom ntlibun the Char
acter ...hien They have outemed,offering the beat
protection to thoge who desire lo he Insur.d.
- .
Dr.-coma—ft Miller Jr (leo Murk. J W. Huller.
N. Holmes, Jr . Woi It Hon ore C thot•en, Geo W
J nekton. Wm M. Lyon. Jos. Lippincott. Thu. E.
James NPAuley. Alex Ninuck, The. Seott.
Omer. No M.O Wm, cirri, (warehouse ot Huang
Co., up BIIIIIII,IPIttobtIrgh u 4 dly
TOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist •111 Apetheenry
0 No. •
45 Market Kt three doors above Third at. Pam;
burgh, will have emmtanily oil hand a well selretedan
sortment of the best vnd ireshest Medicines, which he
will sall on the moot reaeonable term. Physielane
sending orders, will he promptly al ended to, and •up
plied with articles they may rely upon ne genuine.
neatly prepared p P re " P ‘ e ' r c e n d ' f . ro l m '' Ze " mater uarn"y`r6:ti''r o d f
be day or night.
Also for sale, • large cork of fresh and good Perfu
mery turf
Notice to the Stoekholdeta of the Allan-
. . . .
tic need Ohio Telegraph Company.
The Articles of AJwociation adopted by the Atlantic
and Ohio Telegraphic Company on the :Id of July.
1945, providtng that the annual meetings shrill be held
in the city of Philalelphia. on the bra Wednesday in
June—whiett crud. have been superseded by th
ndoption of • Charter passed nt the Last se nnon aloe
Legnilatow, which provides (or the annual meetitig•
being held on the , hlrd Thursday of July—Llirrrrorr
NOTICE 15 hereby gtven, Mit the anneal of-.tine
of the Stockholder• of said Company, will be he , d ot
the Telegraph Office, No 101 Chesnut street. Philsdeb
plus. on Thured•y. the lath day of July nest. et lu
o'clock, A NI. for the transaction of such business .
may then be laid before them, at whirls time Nine Di
rectors will be elected 10 Fen , for the ensuing peer.
for in the Churter
WNI AVICEK. Secretary.
June 9, tel ' /015
No. 954. :65 and 2:e Pv•[.. Sr. do
iltOn st and Yu rang Sitp.) NEW 1 )RIF,
Ilavc on hand the ilrirest assofttnen' of
Iu atc article of BRUITS and DILA Wiiiß8 1 we
keep to rudies% vanety
Mao the mo.L exten.ive manut.cturt-t• ui
011 Clothing and Covered Hato
In the word.
l'alsiugu, cm sun, •rm l , rder. prompt,
LEWIS . 1 / 4 lIANO/Rl,
;i126 No.. •241. 2.A. lilt, and Pearl N
THE psrtnerslnp heretolore e.tlattn
Frg between Sam
url Burhfirld and IS Revs. •slInK
under the Ism of tit Slit - IEI.D & HAYS. tuts th, da%
e n dnesolyrd by tVß.otryt B Ilsyr 11(1./, 1,. rr
Interest the hen, to Sr H Busdahrid AI. uerout.t•
due the trio ss.t.J tre co;lerted by S Bushtv.ld.
K: debts d ue e) :he brut tu be pssul lthe •srue
Pittsburgh, June :ed. Ir4U 44 B HA) A
00-PARTNERS'IIP —S. If Itusorma. hasurt 1114
day waorzazed w n hsinoelf LE • NM. torrr.r.)
113.Jford. Pe, tn.] rrt.etz , ,y al 10 , Nn.n.
P.n.t.ursh rnnuattr Int•me.. hrm
In LE& DF.H nz old stand Nil 'tar
lAnroy S 11 ELI)
Plzt.burgla, June 1.49 II LEADER
Ilsystng ectsred s•tttis .stet former 1 rots
P•C.IJLt reeottuor,..l,l, y •rsoso to Use Ist,
trove,. of soy cuss:onset , ants Ile pst:sste Ftsnest . al
sa7 \S ti lIA 'l's+
Order+ Ira at thel'r , litee. 4t rW.o . ,
Inot, Ft t.etarceit Nlatket and Ferry ter etre
prFun,t anon,.
Rb.b t • ro , llorire ,ter I,r artn. N
Not 1 . 4 I) M V.
I. %old linuo.t.o I. Sam,
llFlvrt:nrr, NI.• 1./r.
11llfOL:H T• 5
cop% INK.
A L.J. theta iltfer Irmo ord.aary Ina . nn th ey are di
ch, rt., :a! n epa contatitlng co att.col,
dear ft,, - trona at, Klatt of ,eri the color deep.
ItriK/Itt tt.irat,, I: Inert. have toe., better artle
made. I Itttva ['or heard .•I them
pie can , t 1”. !,) mere,. to.•
genet.. :root A hnarte.,,ir A Co
Pen. or,. A, or cc tr, mai.u.neturer.
K ItTuactt.t ao.l t hentret,.l,,cr
ty tqatttlibeld •treet.t. I . ,tit.ttlatca.
N —Any noise rtot 'weir, complete.nowt:aft:wit.
can be returned and 11. e. price tr., rFlurideal
,ttla dn.
IUtNCYCLOPEDIA , AND DicrioNnitif.s. t•trin-
Lj toa .per rem and 'adept-rulet war. e. 1.1,1 tt an.
tertt dutt.ingat.betl ta t'te yarrow, Department.
!bar.. • DEct.onary r. I. Irruntte Art,
C !) opland's rut", try o: Pratt, ai Nledicanc. Joun•or •
F•rmer • Encyclop:,..:, Loudon, y a
l..ardkrlnc. !Ando. • I.....r.,rtftp,dta 1...0
don • I..neyr.orr , l, 4.1 I rre, M l:t1:10 • h •
of Commerce. NI ,o , tt, D. ctionary of I•eog,a,kn)
try • I.h.uonary 01 Al , . and hlanut•rnarri, hooprr,
Medtetd D.etto“ar) atrr•ton, evrlopo.ula “1 Com
[nerve; rotiocal Lltrilondv, 2 vols. ^vn Weluder and
P•rk efirvelopodi £lOlllO.
I' au cal uonory
. . ,
-The.- book. are fu! of .nformatwa of tb , l,•n I.oct.
arranged and prraented in the bc•t manner Fur •eic
J . LIWK WOW), v., kt
C R EA 14 ell I, as just by
,y 2 Wafer It, between So3fthftef,len,l Nom'
I 104:11A SHELLS-2U U. Cocoa Shells, fur os,e by
JUNIATA 11LA-051S—IL suns to stuner..) to,
by 111 ICI ERA .1 ON ES
kilIN CORD! AL.--Orgreat, Ab.y.AB. Corti
' roe. Mara/Noma, ArIlli•Gllt Lod (Rory French nod
I tab Cordts , .., to baskets end cases l'or sale by
the bulk or dozen, at th• IVLtic Store of
O r of Martel and Pir•t
& Foirpe•ter, 1,11.
Pore rich and Cry. Gou!d. Cutup:Jell & t
dry 1,11, Usbooro'o , 1 , 34, Pure Pure Jr,,,', pm
tieular Port, 11.1 m. & Sons, Pure Jute, threl,,e, Jou
trio mod ionele t.r •pes. Tit-At wines re ail eeiclao
tod fur their otellseal propertiegg, and eau a Le had wi,o.
sale or retail at the Wine Store of
At sta.! greater Redo...! Prirt.t.
A . A M &W . droarnue of retlaring nod novel
out me t , tat,,,,k preparatory to reeetvin, their
New Fall Goods, will oder greeter todueenients Mau
ever Their recent large purchamee at Um Ne, lurk
Sale, made at such tromenLe •acrifteee croon e.t.a.!:
all he closed out the came . roma. Antonget
the articles recently opened. theyruin° meuuon
r (set to , ored al 7 et.
• •n.l Nlttallnw..- and U.
A large .lock StlL*. Shawl , awl very lou
• ••V5 ct 51 ilr I..ittes,loc
Berrges of one hal( prlce
• •is t litng ban. tit
vet) cheap
'• Duane., hay( price
11. utEly,•• Tr. Humor, kr
7 rn •• Nler rimark Cftlic op. at
121 cl Cal.-Deo at 111,,
211 mad hales brown ana blearbed Mush,,, etmep
In• 1• Inn•n• •t toe; laneb I:IIIRham• Van
%%Itch an tomatue vnrirtty of 01. i, .t
(tods, all of
which prove 2 .stetng to purchattera of 1.11,25 to
al per cent Tne store witl nn clottcd on, clay for
mark tng down and preparing the stock for ttot
217 Front street, New lurk,
ANUYACTCPI-:11,4 every 1,111, ynl Pickles,
LTI, Pre•rivc Jrl.ic,. /no, Citte.,;,, Sauces, Sy.
01.trr., I..obstern. Sicmon, Merkerel, Shad, Meats,
Vreeteldrs, dr.
latrinrters of tilivrl. Gapers, Salad Olin, Sentinel,
and West Indi a condiments, rte
Their stock idmorn extrinitier, vninpriiws a greater
asd If put tip ... hetier .11;1 , ;het that of arty
other Moto tI) thett tatatne. 111 thr bolted Stater.—
gotalo are par rd all the variont Intrit ade•,
and in to sale a 1 , 10 hoar trant,ortadott to
any part of th e eourdr)inannit 9
N. B. Catalogues may he tern at the oiler of 1/11 1
Agents to Boston. Stlas Co.
Jos H Hoosier. Baltimore: A hart t 41. n Lott! ,
On. Buchanan it Co Louisville John Fond, kt
tilitetnnall: Henry Brachnian
Gentlemen's Furnishing IN•rohnuss,
95 William strut, New lorh,
I'LNDI.:R.S. BOMBAZINES, .4.43 d/e
Tho above sto,k will. on exernintrion, be found not
only attractive. extensive and fir 1, but Cheap
liar long experience in the business and Knowledge
of manufacturing with the lambi... of purchasing. are
••unit that we are confident we can oder inducements
Nat cannot be surpassed by any !louse in the city
Particular attention prod to orders and the packing
of goods. IIh.IIIIICK & SCUDDER_
95 mu, New lora
D•VIO •• artialra. 11, MLA.. W. WU/W[o
_ . -
A RE now recerong a very large amok of fresh
4011. Goods, of recent porches° and troportatton,which
they will sell to the trade at such panes G canna, tall
to Vet COUTO satisfaction
Coy and Country Merchants are Invited to call and
examine oar Kock before parehttslng elsewhere.
WlSPitArree CULAMIDG I IF Lim kw, ...k.
J.V.I. cm band and rot sale by
g.: They will 'teem. trath suppl.e3 I'm the
tft\MATt i u
Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer In
- .
The Irtetittle. of the ttubtterater for intporttut, and - tag entlitle urn In iupply
lorucr2ton very learnt trmrlit.t prteett, end r very
error. will Ile made to rend, tt 1111 OTI T CCI for 0/CTN.:OITA
and dealer, from ems' .ecttott of the rountry to et,
him rttlt C. II IiAT.:II.
Dr. Wlekey's Celebrated
1111-: public nrr reqtre,led to r , ed rt-r•
Ufirateg Thi. tnedtrine i .rot.vely uaed
ull the Sauthern and FA.tern caws.
We do certif . ,' shut Dr Lode IVirtkr. of York. I'a,
took under hi. rare and managemeat. on noont the
first of October lull. a young mnn laboring
ng in.der a
severe attack of -Asiatic Cholera." Thaiwe
Inea the said patient, and found him 10 /II ale col
lapsed slum, of that disease, with frequent nod copious
nee water discharges. That we proiruhaed it nr we
believede Cholera, and declared moreover 1 1131 We
the said patient was beyond ' 11.0 hope mined
c•l aid. In fact we thought the patient would die.
and so declared at the time
We further certify that the stud LAIII,I Wtekey par
soca hismode of treatment. nod minunteterett hi.
cholera Remedy, and effected •cure of the patient.
We mink um four day. thereafter the of
young man
was at work. and perfectly well.
Jowl C EkniszT, D
T. B. Dacc err, NI D.
I certify that I vtAtted aease of tnattlied Cholera un
der the care ot Louts teary. and that I believe
Itts medicine relieved him.
Sate of Maryland. Wantungton County. to w.t
1 certify that 1 am well at-gummed wtth the gentle
men who have a.guerl the within ecrUficates of Dr
Louts Wtekey, turd theyare men of 'ever uhtuty.
In teatimony whereof' helcunto •abouribe my
sname. and affix the ownl or dry other, Una fourieenth day of November e.ghteen hundred and
thirty..three U. 11 1 1 .11.1,1 A
Wa..tunglon County c:,urrt. Mar);und
I wittte•sed the ndintrostra • lon r.f Dr 1.01.11 A
ry s prepay u'ion tor Cholera. to the appen•
tier to We plasterlng hostiles. 1.1 ;ht. Wagers.
town I 11, wits a well marked cane ot .O•LuT.r .
rice water evaeunnons. cold clammy. alt,
cold to ,Kur,stnall tremulous pulneg.—l roo,..lered his
situation truly critical and alarmon I -tie hint pre.
vtous to Dr Wlekey. and woo lor..ent me u.:trint•-
1.1 - .1011 01 the dr., do, of med..), and sow 111111 r..•
nested, donne the attendance of Dr Wick ei
covered so as to he ab:e to attend to and wort( at
trade to a few days lam sure he lm k none otnc - but
the mc.l.etne adsmtit.ed by Dr. Wickey
Thn on; ) . true and aentane Da. WICKET'. CM iern
an,l tharrhisu Nlnd,oine is prepared and .old
and rem, by 2i MN D. NltifiliAN. Druat o
juG del one door below Diamond nl ey.
end .1111.1. KNISIIING
\n. OIL and 2411 litleirty •trert. mint the Calm,
French Burt SOmf, of ray own manufaeture.
made of aorw arid aupertor 4..3 of Bert, partre•
ular rare .
I• Okiken to ItAVe 10111,1111. Maar ,co , e. anal
all the leaf eavo atone of 21:OM qua:ayfhr t'
o,rrante•l to I, e.u. to ar) in the vaunt,
mivenor to 111
ol e great roan* of Burr, whether .o reivn
or thane... ni•riorture. and .11100 .1 prl•
cr. .‘111: Stu,. lunmutartur,l Lt. Franre- r•Dr
r Aon r0.1.1.,.1 pro,- t.!
air,L ittil rn 5iu..e.,11.1....•
l'101:“. n4r
,t, and It err., r,lur , tl Nirrt
)11i. ,ptikdie.. N 1... 0i,%1
form •
:11J •on , l•: r MI • Eur,o,t,,nt
AJ: order• pr arr. n.1e.1 '4l 4:"1 I
v •Irr..i I,lrr la, Canal.
W tVAI.I.I,'F:
Pit t•burgh St.*m rl•rble Works.
ti :441 I uproot , ,noulfis.,! _
• 11ciluit.rnz..Tonr , ..TA....
ear a dr2 , OI , 14,111
”I •• ,•. • 10tr,11 8,1 Marl, r,
I. - I
8 4 11 , 1 1 31.1.1_11131) , 8,
int:, .1k 11Le vt,iltr 4,/,1 we hare :•,./ r ,
Orc , 4• •11'•..“11 , •1 111 P 4rei,
5 1'41.111 1 . 111,1 , ,{ A
v,•rt .r/ort , 0:11 , MIILI the ~,we•, 01
der. prompt!) 411,1,1,1 at rtr
MN Fr 41 11 . I.
P A nr 1,1 , 1 ottier
j alwll , trtt 114014 at 214 I /11.,,t4
rn %V IN %VA 1.1,A
• 4:A,J -- .4, o
ai l r NV TV I''i
.hr r 'I Of Silk% •
~,I NI/stuns. at greater reduced I .
14 %/le he. ntaae /4,1 k• a: PA, rt.. .urunl, r
and 81)4, are. Ma..
at Ir, 4111. Lam,. and NI 4../ art/I It/ et.
Ni•rnvOsiri 11•111 t te , •e't
lc toui,lll ., ,.lars - t• a. 41: ...11,
Vlore/et. Braid (//ny, .14 c
• Toge,ner , veneru 4“ortrne... tat 4t,04-.
1, true tll the 41•114. /31r,
I r . with n.e5..,..en tn. in...W...e1-la-re
'n r . ll ' :„ w ati ' e ' r,re ' ne:r j"••• •'-
1 . .11 KED TEL, hr" '''''''''
Az,l w. 1 IlettiAltrr , lent conntan• .
mnand l' . ..ey ore ,Al.{ allai •rrii, .'
i nn
...- "i . '.% . nr.." ' P. , ‘,. 0 , :. I And I. r r 3 a. : n t ,
0 71 , 1 , :e. p r r, r e ult n e , l n e , :r:1--thow..e lAn 1..,u1
d,,,„, ~, n,,an;niart. with a.. In ,:l ' at ' :::1 ZrcTu ' r ' a ' t . ne d
Tea. lino( I.kral
• GIIIMO‘Vd, • ati 1 1 / 1 1 Ins 1:',11
10, • 50 7.1 1 ta/ 1,5 1 .50
II y.on • • •N/ 651 75 1141 1,5
• \ II y. 01 1 621 75 1.142 1,55
• 1545124 , 171 411
.r 50.141tra 1 Inr •75 1.00 1,5 1 5 50
U. at, Ivarr4 , o 411 152 ~cll ill 02 451141
To lc 20) sure.. rmy .00110 1 / 1 15 . 005. 411.4 05240.1
Iney 100 P 4002 aperptalo2 thr inor. 11.25 2 all 02 re
turned. n 1211 02 044121 w%ll be 120001.1, ILs .1 15 001 y that uoder2latol/04 1444 ‘4l.
\v n•k a lair tr.ul, thus tho puhlic tony to, tsh:.. to
otlge tottsvrett our To. and Wit, herotoltuto sold Itt
othor commit. , In Otto otty
nu tover• of Itch, .ttorow,ll.,l,not: davoretirEAs.
.hou tt otvo tte . a For tta:e
N \V nor Ith 0101 I, •t wort.. ,
010'10 ilfilTll4
DA. IN. 11. DA
UF.\ El, r,
ot \.w 1 nrk )
Saltth im Ed Arm t, I.c twer it and
N I iten•r.. ol tLe Ina, ztt und :••••1 k • r.t. r
UVi:I'AIRHAND ENGIN'' , 1.:1,,.11
rltsider, 1 'eet -woke. 2 1 ,1 let: 10,
111 tlAtineler. A:I 10 1 0 00i. 1 1 1 . 11, 1 ...
barwat • apples Tye , ,
Lenn .3 uo,e monk!, p
of Jo 1•1 11A1S, I,aretir
)' 1.1 1515116 10,1,1 . 1N1.•—ttvri•
• wo.g
r. wrzil pre uuthw, ,Ar..e . .., tt.ten•
er . r• A new 10
,tv New York en.l for lry
l“ ro. ',I nod 1n,.:. R
f. 7 nmy Agrirt for 1 . 4‘.•1•.,:
j u It NI CI, lilt \. Ageirt lot A ert.e,
F"lt ji Mut,„
Tr, I.rd, Jou, • Irwo I,i i
Dr .Idwed do, Garr J r , 1,111 •!,
soul .trird du, na.l, ;; ; 1616,1. , .11 6 a
such P L , r" , ?; ;'• . ,
&.• e ;11;,-; cum, - Itll 4;;.1 W. 1..
I URN.\ 'dr', foi: (11...1.
.0,101 1) 1, if'.
0:1 sonic nub ',toms It .1 I I
Al' .• INS. nrn vt.rtru . ;-tuern.. allll “...•
t 1 . .110 Yap., for 3111,
1.. fradori, u- ..;.• .
A 1 ,, ,h
, 7 0 ,. , : , , ,, %t: . .. vi w e .. 1: , ..., , . ,, ... , ,:.,,
1 •k • for ...le hr 11, I I %I
1 1 ,17 , A1A1 1. k
I ,` N:q . I t
It V-I ; ;
) I ; , 1 4.. 1 , -; .„ 4 ; , r •,.111 1.. :
1.7 H h -.1 L1.V11.-. 3' , S
",;'" ";(;;. tHIf. lc
11 = 1 "
31"1':,',;`,7.1c , C107,1 1 11".ii!T: r
IMPKRI a1..11.1.1 I•E'l'a—H..cetved do)
at N% t:1444444ek • ,4,14 1\' 5r .4 44 . 5 ,.., No 75
Fourth atrre, the isir, sroprovr4l paurrs. 4.; :11.4y
Catneli; wlneh 11 , 111V1in • 11,ollon ni tsom,
wlsntns to forn4sh Steestboali or /loinu.• af Au 10 .10-
he rnuned a. 411 as low t. nn be i.ur , 1113,41 in Ine
Enloll•W I.INTOra
Jula 1;13 , ,A% • a cI'IJW.B.TaON
T)LANT.VIION )111t •• -3X/ barrels le porn,.
parkage., u o. 1.1..
' •Tri7. 1 :44
1,) /1 Imperol. ••, 4.1„.
N I/ Molu..e• Ilu u I 1.. rilltt a
F I 1.••urt1.4.. of urocene. I•t1 -111 t. t
KrelOPAVriy rot
rAibi.pear=2 - 2 -The Bon. ot nalan wtl, trove
.toitosrr. at V o'c.oet at met.
Thornr.. mou.l
/13,1.1.1 MUSE?, 3
A Cra.g. Wedne.daN. 4.
rt:-11 Trut.v. Thur,/ay.
1..,1,1,4 -.I 1' Thunqw-no.
Irt.• laa --P Nu rtrr. Set torday,
1 apt A Cro,c, Sunday,'
kent./..:) - I! Trt , t,,
I -J I' o
K rt.tur -C, II rru , Fn.., .1 11
1,a1.,at. -1 1 1' rhootp.c St.tordo, ;.l 14
rut -1' I:tt , :e7.. Sant:ay. 15.
For po..,a,r^ app. y tt•
or I) t n. Hain
Beaver and Erie Expre•a Packet Line.
R. G. PARKS, iFc,vrr. Pronrwtor.
I. IKE ERIE. Truhy,
QUEEN CI ry, J \IrlIm1;);
Furnut, ,Ind)' Line Lr , wrrn Beaver and Ern., hay<
rontrnrneed run and rounnut daring ora•
won In mukr rt,u , ar I.•avlng Beaver ler
Inc arrlva; nl the morn:, n.t P,,lsl.orrh• 111
r!nr ond .itt,n),
to tut, In, n 1101,, or up In, Lake.
Tlexet• :.ak,e port, on I,
h.,1 aps'l, -- kno., Jt N A CAI:(,IIEY.
rorncrut IVnier and Svithfieltl .14
o• I; El , lrtiE KECK.
the st , har!•• !Intl
k'or Greenwood Garden.
mallN , N Ti \ v ,, ,,- A ..... , , ,... tri , :i ....= ‘ ,.. ,: ,.—Th0 .reamer
Nioti.l... • :ii. 7. lii ri:t u irouri ' Ll ' ;(lTl
io the 1..„ ,•„.1... ( ::: . : . . "" r ' E.'"'''''
, hou,
~t,,,. 9
ot ii . 0 . ,. .74. A X,. and at ei...ii
d,,, r .
~. v . a, i a ..iai trip trot° we Gar-
Ti r e ...sinna• are , n;.p .e.l with a: the clelineries of
the arown Trn at d o riork Toe Gorden, with n
arse enlsenon or Grs , nhons• P: ant, Dahlion, An•
w nunl Flour ?lam+ anti rilltil.hrry The comfortable
- wharf boot Greenwood. w,.1 ! , ,.arral at tit• Pot
street Innd,ne
'.4llllrr. 1)-nont Corner ofrourth
and Decatur, between
4tart , l and F. sheets atop:2-01On
G. W. DIDDLE. Mnitist.—
tAtirt7..-i , REMOVED ton new three story brink
•h,; ; ;:. ort¢t utldir lti went. one door below
Sum ttleet Teeth inserted from one
tonn entire set. 031111t` 'aclloll prin.lple, with o
Ufa! reprnsentati, of the natural rum—rem...rim: Lb!
orisinal Nimpe On in,
C. It esirnetecl WOO little or no pain.
lksayed Teeth permanctifis eared by plugging. pre.
Velll111( me tooth ache. which i•much boner bait Co
nn( 11. ough II •nou .1 be done 111 fire minim., or
even in•iantiy . op2i:ls
F..,arrAvitev W.ll AND M.. er, Prrrsstmair,
Ic/NTIN i" Lormurnrinr- all kiwi or COPPliii,
lJ IEN AND it..N Diuck-
Fll,ll Vri
)lour on Dom:. n Lnr ...war' rat,l oleopper and 8r.%
7'on ‘‘o. e Slcnin!wat Cooking Stove.,
Pona, VRV• /le•— vrry convenient to.i.
10, 001• Gnhiorniii (111,r6.11,, or roil rood
e wpu .1 ply, +team bout men and
ut., r.1:1 u r un,e!c* and pnces
purch,...., c. 0.% here ju7
No. 46 Market greet,
I \ I & o t: ILr4l
•re•prrtru;.l tatlrm• t . irtennlst and the
•••• that 11- t• /10 i•:ettst riot; to rrct , lye and eze
•••.ne :belt ord-rt witit tit-paten, and in the neat...,
tut, t•ttletartnnat. end lartnoittalt• unltitter. A. be. is
tn. mined t.. Ju n-11 •9•Ftetn, Ile 'la,
ten It.intst• that he nil ttl•le i•t do :roil: me cheap
d t I,- tin n , It a. y t..ta!dichmcnt iltr rounto - .
/I • Lot•k it vat, U. rott,ttnnt of Cu...meter, lirots,
••loiht• e.tntrt . wlt.t.ll to. triendt ere :eve, tfa•-
••, taTne•l to • 1.1.111,11 tor ttn•en....v.•.
tat,el Id: , tl - titn(tr. R‘II tit
- ••
Fn. th Wood street, Pittsburgh.
1 ANU LA EVA' AN, Iroportrrt and dealcrt
(1 or - riv.: nll.l 1,111,, Itg.,
3... 4rrl.. rd• , :t :otv
oct at rr why,.
rour 'Lad thr pq 4 kl, ner.ty. to
n A • "lir t. ihr entl,..t • purl of
n NI \ :to<
and 1 . 1.:.\ 1 , .1
%11 , . FIAZdIDA. Howe
. . .
ntt.l to,tlt,
• • Y Ilardwzr,
_ ~ . r.. Fey
T ,",
c "`
.of I
1.,. I , • u , Ir•rkit 1.41 d,r:ilPre.
u u ar•F 1 , 1.{.11 '0 sr 111,vanl-
ni mi. 4 ..t.porta...,, Lfit IL %%111 rovarr.en“
UFA, itoiil. , V(ltlin &CO., PuLcutrc,
of r
MI HPIII , :ivot,s mr .
. croar., t•• urve dttp:y n-vr
0,...,111 0, d.tor, .10; 41•1
orn,. v wee., 14:tLbuygn.
be.n, lu
..nd ...pp . :) . to this ,prlng, he he.
.way 700,11‘ redar.e.,l rend •orre
st,:c• not to I, ,
Rootlx.r.--Gsareknlzed Tin Plates.
rope Tliny k.rt .c to expa.:sto.t
110. G • ~f the atino-pla:re. Iltnn vam
mn, 1.:. plate- prat:) , ottict irctai now tit4.l
tor u1.1..... , •;u,nt:y Conn n much bettrr
lie nir r r.,:11 tur iuss frequent repairs, whilst
the tie, met • i•ti. irite more.
L.F.t. It M. 01F'.V.11),1. 0'...
II ,Alti L:t r • r.
, 1
.r r .
ror, or "111.311,,Jr111, I‘ or. rr: r•'rrrorn I•upr.t
r•r. "or. o. p en Ole pAlroll
or ',tr. •r
, ,1111.4 `l,l 0:1111114,/: 24.
Vrl,l I , • , I
••,, t. Imok, en. which Ihey will
'Or • ,1 , 11 :I.ld VOllOll vv.,
,kpr. I. 4u—on) EOM L S. [IAN A
,1111 rr,.riv.:,l at the Pekin Tea
Foal. large sind reel
.inv ot 00, URI...F.': AM/ IIL ACK TEAR,
iron, Neu. 1,, .vhie h It MC Lee, received it thes
c,.uoir)•hrntnt lAbruary I err, conw.ting of
It'llticre ,ro.vrt 111 lbe F.ropire.
r /or oe,“, We, we are
prr.r.a:ed on rem.. than any other
hoer., or the rIIe tavrie Irtml rocer3 to call tend
01.1/ 1.104 two,. Tiwy can have repack.
au: I b ta4e.. 50tea/mister., or try
,ur retnil ury oo.utur. Ltkek Teas from
4,4 p. No.; 1 nuns Suurhostr, :el rte.
trcir and 1. go Ilte.ri:aet :A, 1 imp ; Ill'+.
t ,'der and Impr.-rp. 111.111 C .11,25 p er
Ynnarr p.,erered to eepr: and Ket ramp,. 01
r ear . ...efnrr. pa retra• , .rX
I • ,S•• A JA 1 \ 71P Fop erreri
Pnet• for the
3111.11C1L P.IIN EATRACI Oli.
h ,• r • 1 t,! s 0.1 ! ,crt ti
..!!!. ! i• tlly
II I I:1.! t!, NI La
1 , 11: no, osi I'mt • I, kl
,o 1; 'worr I
S, . ••. "
1 ,, 11. nr, 1).. 111,1. r inr
Felon Cora.
CAI 'JAWS - Iln .ure and upply •111/ to the tor-ntor.
N..w lurk, or to ht. nu•
I•,lo , lourrh
,r 1: AVIV. .1 flnLet
Va .
rt, WC/U..11,1 I IV Depot
N tiura• and ,ca 1.14 at natracts
pa, 4/1 a [ew 11 , v, taLt• • Jul 1
' F '' I:f r k:L (3,,routotes,r,ob;
tin• pers.., would rr spec t.
~ „„. Henn+, on Viably rvennng
JOHN 'MT,11,1..
it —4O bble oniland nun
B /rya. :41(1ES—..tort per ea for nVieztity J
iinrsEs. lA)Ts, FARMS,
AL A VERY dble retidenc< or the bo-46
rough of Nlarrehehter, ad/otatalg John
Tung, The Lot to h corher ono, 6fty feet (rote
one hundred and ',met,. 1,4 deep—with a two ites 7
Br• •t Flout, twenty• Eve feftt front.
Ju.dut ruoto, and Weber, On first floor A natttgo
11010, .ttable nod grewerv.,,tod the lot foll of ellt4l,d,
in rood °rife, Fsbymre of the tattireai
b<r I und.r.r Merrhalli A tirrhet v tty.
lot . . th tt I /NO. PA
Property In Allegb;any eltylTEEL:toi 81/I`7
/II E Autn , entters oder fot sale* namber of eiatpaa
ladete to tan Second Ward, honong
wone round, on <nay tonne. Inquire or r:
t .11 ROLIINS , iN. AM - at Law, St Clair*
r nt JAS ItOHINSON. on the Dreadata.
nts 1 - .. o
storied Ihrethns House, bean's
oJ house from Penn street,
Row. iluv •ireei lninediute. yiiiialussrou
mmediate pont... .111 m
Enquat of D A VID RITCHIE:, Attorney •at
I.nsv-- Linea on Fourth 'dram. between Cherry alley
and (,rani went.
is RENT,
Ft /UR new arory Mi
t awnk Dwelling
well (maned and la eamplete order, on Groot
Avenue, 71( Ward. Doesevaion given
Rent iow. Engture of JOHN WA rT&
jte, corner or Liberty .11 Hand
Fit ty EL VE BUILDING LOTS, situated on the me
,id, of renosy:van:a Avenue, between Maims
add S cveaann street , . and about three minutes wait
!wet no. New Court House. NI of these lots front 1
(Of ch „ 0 , the Ave..., nod run bank 190 feeN
s 1 fort a,ley, and tile other ~ z 9 front the same
~ ,t met , 170 'ref wide.) and run hack 97 tuff{
0, tar ••tot: If the oboe' property is not dispefs,
ci ti) prlvate .ale before ft, 7th day of Inky neap , n.l; nuen,n, at the new Court House, vi r
oh,iL •,1 it 00.0 •1. P .to me highest and Not
For •. rtr, of rn r tool otttcr paruculars . enquir4iiks
DA I. L. Mil Cl'. A tt.,,ey of Laver 11,1115:d7r
t!..,3r li
to .drrtoort
uro rAaniKrts AND LUINDIAI33I/2/22.7.
'I: l I , lsi . ii Ls } Li rz: , s c u r :t a l, b orl: v e v e r z ,
i fi , , T n, 7 4, lLi . r: trK , kan ; .i .o r tM
ercellent Saw NI
e t nearly new,. and two new Pfilta
llotnea. ones 41 feet 1r... by 17 back; the other 32*.41
front by 01 beck. Also, good new frame Ham thikW:
by :Orly feet The mill and land are aitoned Rag
miles from the Anrgilcily nver. A greatdeal of PasM
TINIBER of the beat quality, and olio a 'nat a l:mold
of thss . t.,, 'sem hemlock. Also, one acre on ah i
of the Allegheny, near s core, moat r afted aly a -
col for rafting. where lumber can he r on the
ist winter. and be perfectly safe from all freabetask
Price eO.OOO, or SO an acre. ,Tetionz easy. Will tat*
a wall cleared small form, with good house and Pp.
chard ittion It, RA N um b arloo4 dlosau. to aattabtai
e nd the balance in er, or az may be agreed at ,
'lll.l L. 011 ezeellent, opportunity (or tombenegt ea
the probability is great Mat iu two or three years tttle
property will double no value, in conwouenee of
* 2.11
proximity tu :be New York and
) Erie Ilatlectml. II
her atlllaci,lll to wear out severa saw nulls—and sal:
canal mill sale, on illy stream which runs nearly throt4
the centre of the land. About fifteen acres ha gra4'..
No tali to rise tii hauling lumber from mill to ne(44 , ,,
Trout and game 01 ributidance. For further partim,t.
fare, address, ipost-pad,) I'. It. Th7.3I2LKTON, •41 .:
invu4kwtrtz Gazette office. Putsbur . •
- - — i'vr• Lots for lieile. :'
T":;,7:l7lerli:ontr:o7)Troseultlids.) ...70:1':I'onin'ioth.0-4,
lit lie Third ll'ard of Allegheny hay, erwh havincii.
front of ttu lcel , running back 1... , tent in depth to a 34 6-
feet alley. upon which bi built a mono wall, 23 by llst.
met. a ate In 1•1111,11111 stone enough to build cellars O F
too ,oubortat.le dwelling hou•es, and in (root Ja4
are three shade reez, of - yvars growth, nod the .
.4-a:k u, paned with 1..1ek. all of winch will be sold itt
gout. Pitiaborch end Allegheny, or County blort64 ,
vent be taken in payment 1,2
J ..4. II YIIILLIPS, No 3 Wood std =,
or to (Viol. BENSON, immediately opposite stud tom.
_lnT 4 "__ _ _
TILE Du/riling House on Third street, abotr/
Smiudieid, occupied by the fnintly of the lA*
Dr. A N Possession given on th 4
Isi of July next.
Alm), 'cone Ittew 10, , of ground te the Ninth Wang .
hrtevr,, the Ihnh N ..rd poet I:rogbanynlle, scutaby
for hnt.vr yent, WM. NI. DARLINGTON, ~,,,'
ta)2fiAtt At 11. Durtmglon's, Foartb, 15;
Ft t ., fl i tt n AL to ltl.. - • , , i2L , 1 r 0 .. ts
, ;liLtP n ly r . t f ttole l l u to the.
ore ..Ilio:,.
trd op
,trret. tumberral in F llnnunan's pI4
75,Tr. -It - I arpl -2-1.1 .\o 75 fronting:o feet on
, 11 , 1 z
ry Amp •tre..t. 7U h-et deep, the whet tour t.tU feat f
eerh. I,y -It /C el doer
ist n.—lirenter prat of pun.tsa,te motley mny nt
maul (or ,tx. yen, scrurccl 1,1 inortgegr. For Nada ,
Oar, tnqutre or 6 RCIIOY get, -1
.. ) I .. IN second 2(4
-- -
Valuable coal Land
k !lOU r four mole, atovve Lock No. 2, at the moo*
Pine Run. Monongahela Borer. The
,t,.• very le,t quality. mini coop of access. Arr...A.
~o elm, Of mer.. trout lac ot y• Eve to it hundred, mora
•..,. 'red ,I•••coo, purehn•ong, era
..• . 1V A ER REED, on the latent., or
the Po.; °Mee, who will give ooy lil
tw: 1.101,1) ./•1,n11.111. r,,,n, the prnpelly The above arft at u rro I,argact tnyc
1 , 0 1. , .1 —oQfuna UriCk i)Weiilllg House, attaate 00
K. k ,re el Allegheny. Enquire of
P , c ‘l.l. t'll E 4. , KII:—A lot of
... weinuer cue, toot from Huh grou atrev,rl
no , (cc to a five Ice, alle•at
i rcw eour, luntre Pure $1130.4:14/ t•:1 ha ..!, io
r, e. two, three and MO
,• r
,a , t,t) rip Mien eaott payment.
qu.r- /1 \ 'ER. nnw nnr 2:l , l
400 ;4cres t 4M,
ITI A I s_beit loncingaitela nver,ahout ItlaUrti
•rco: Lrgn and it nine ahora thud Lock,l4
ncerh'eunood of Meural.yen titint
211011dr I ',ran'. purchase. This lion body
lie n0,.1 :I, sow price ol tc3lper acre —ob:a
o.once .11 foie equ•l annual nynae%
•1101 m ere - Lo TILle I .oelll/1011 Veej
,ellOl rte adepeefee. For further penteele,s
o•S. UAL,LEV, who liar it draft ot nand ;MA.
, t. below Ferry, tin. Adana,Hoik
r3,rt: unialier loam Cooed on U. [Tie:
tv. tr., a lma,- the lower, of excellent quality.
1,11-I,OIV wr.loll gnab' Lr
gor bele
g. n• ost
I,llggng.o Ron- `l no, nno a
loon 01
V al ua ble building Lola [or Sage.
rill are 111401{01,VAI 10 O ff er at prig
uno t highly fosonnilo wins, a naulta
. - e:, Lots, composing a larkit
of Lois immliereal 69 and
1\ Inn:, war m; Pia -a at the Car of l'auborgh, 70,44.,
• ^ ll•tivara coiner of /lowl Wayne
e-i g - ronimg 240 irea lly
ths lamer, and an
ntiout 1.04 mot to tras Allegheny riven,
I,i-oig -apart or the HealKiamin of the nay Jannif,
1:41 . everia.ral.
A r nr .ulnrivtr"on Ina ' , boo , ' Lot., in rook. ,
Ithif o ii r ropo.rd to .el 4 be soenirl
tile rale, et lite utteert.tgeed, nn FoLtrih, between
ket Frrr) SVILI.IAMS
eluable Oral • --_ tor Sate.
, r . property p M i the etty of Nostril
• 1...:11 z 4 of machemer, on the O
ar neenmatuddhing erms.
• i•div• • of Lot No 4000 1/1 me plkk
..111 of Witt
' eat 20 legit front ma SOl
• ir•v, .1, strawherry cafk
1 ohe• re in. :Imp, on an Avenue, 61 '9l - , V
r• :11 m I:.: aver road to toe Ohio river. a
etota Factory.
Furl mkutte of CHARLES G. SCULLIF,i',,'
or IF.ylyk
Iturieitt Building. 4th
Valuable Property for elottlii, .
1,0t4 1 1 ..: , /,01,1 and Liberty street., 1;1. 0 4
p 1, •
2 ,
100 ~y :W. end adiakent the pro
depot the Leittral Has/roma. For Wroth Inqcu re t
or J AMES O'HARA, '.;."
nml 2.0 Horkei* ittuldlng, 4th gig
f . A . 11 Ll,ry Go Itimver street, in the city
Irge, A br ate ve the mitt, Commons, 011 labia
ts err-,01 Irainv iwo BeAries hi
tow suits*
for :mt. nnl/ 0. 11 00 ,1114 110 lots are each twetl4
feet .0 , ro .t ow. honored rem deep, and rho ba
to a s•r••et torty furl wide The biuldlnge brt the pt•si
alive- p very ,iatnitoino interest on the 161,614
mom. 1 110.1100 prmierty ne Sold cheap lot eash.l.l:
App. i It. sprout, Clerl's °dice; U. IS of
RAY & cct.7
Danl.:on — Laud
ri , EN AGRI . .. OF lAN O. situated In Preblee toe*
sctne• Nlntice.u.oooa, three miles from PIRA 2
hurkti— mit 10 shit purchaser*. For further part 4
Mara ap ply
ly. Iledr, NV.lotl*. 3d 71. or to ,
bovithtvlll 4th. above Struthfleld_ti
WAREHOUSE FOS SALE.—Tbe iintiscrtkty
ou • r mlo the three atOrc brick Warehou4l
It 0., i•treet, occupied by It Tunner .
opif W3l. WI LSON, Jr._ct I
VA 1.1 .s If.KA 1, I . .St I'I'II IN PENN STREV
Roll 0.11.!:—.\ I.n l 0. Ground situate on Pekttl
. 1 , , ,10 . 10 . 0,1 11.1 v and stmetv, adjotal
11•010 . 0.1 !ol 000 0...00. 0 41 0y Richard
710., g 'l,Oll r't lee 011,1 10 depth ISO feet, wtll
soal v.; tuvorame ter.nt. T.tiv vitekcepuonable. ge j .
Ault, r t• .0 LI ti 4th st, near W00d:,.,...t
otfl sit(
01. 4 1011
I.E Iluud°lC 1.01 In .I;itrheny city
/ t
nil{ r.
J 1 11.1.1ASIS. I
110 aFDO4 011. '
tlt 7
111., 9—A room le the second story NtS,
:I- ;
Mit Al. . sti !ill la /. 01 , 1 , 1 c ' SC
.maxNt• 65, NA MuND AI. LEY
an°, Wood street,
. !cart,.
-•' j Dll. BROWN. 1111,h:1041
the met
itt-a tan ,,, 0 ., 0 . . , e c t r t , t0 t o
w avoleoxit,
• ht‘ totett in , . to the " uvalle afi at ijl
,xputo-h, p-eullarly qua**
▪ , svtat- lavosAyl
n . athli,l,Ahs w 4144
Lon ha.l Ana eafrAl Mote*
11111 f',ll car, tr. Of 3.11). ['Torun p
amp 4..1..f pa4u.".1.1
.1: •1V:417 urt.. all altli
, A 41. -au, analog ther*ti
Dr !qr. 7171 ,Tn.l •I •rrn fittcted with pr,
r lly .;td tag,'
~•••r enrc?l,.!.tivatiel.Ao
~ .FI .1:1 , •I r 0,1 j 1.....`1 , 1.0/1 seal loeV
.1 , • on o.t..ltheLL camels••L al ra r
e. reVl,Llorom o ughl
Lat/ ,• ol snotroso,r, 44 tr.t oatoat i.y Ion! erperlefig.
mve•t.oti 4444 nv. tv o• ortopowlsiLlm Cr, OA
Geotcral Lot - Lox . tti alo...llCiLtuf CO VT. at
uu L or
- rinrnie or Itninure.—Dr. Brown use lomltet litat7
: f• I—n Lieritia. too culi. n. he tills paid parpro
.114 L . •L1t5.u...1 Itt L A
A .\ x. 14
••••\n V, 9, IN hey, etc., speedily euliid
viLm , , • T , Y ro.•
N tar,. of e. 9el :I vinq ',distal:l,344
it se, ,o 'voting Ft NR all the
tem, can gyndiernr. with &sections for useM
T. 12111 ft% N, post pzud, enehdid
it ,, nntiAllsze.--Dr.l:rown'r nearly dinco•ered rn
dy ltdmomatma Is a xpredy and certain remedy
Matradnul isever Male.
Otme and Private Connition Anomg, No. es 1.4.
moo, Pittaburgh., Dootor is aIWarE.MI
LT Na en. no Dal
aagalla 6
W ."°,l,l %!la ' :o7lTo7L ' a r l. " ;iit,7l•=eitr,Z r ;
Watcher , . male expre.y to urJer. by ana of the baild
tuantifacitirlitg catishilvtinivnia in England.
A'sit, a complete talent a Geneva and lankrbili
Unlit mat Silver Watcheit, tram SW to MOO.
Gold Chaina Kay 1, SC./ C.
WWWI SON watch Mater, -
nitl (corner Fourth amt Market a
ta W. gar
T time friends an Inc public di/Lathery bayila
L. . 4 tenter cormechno with Irda astabtrits
meat lit ...ern, known 0a the Pi.lbtiZel 1311511114,
e,„., vat/ re baldness in the POW
BREWERY, ut PIC anat. dirad
• .
AI~Y~I~:.~~i r~
•neeTed.,l In liundi j.
var., 1.-r• , ,,p ol Inlnimuntion CI Pja
1,1,1..1111• 4 :l , caxe• vapid% ofkiti
II u•rwrin ttlvr• ,nriogto
•, !i..