The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 12, 1849, Image 2

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    TBE NITS Bt /It; 43 NZ ET lE.
PI2IIIICRON DART li•2111,11 puunmed
Datilr'l4l.Weekty, and Weekly.—The ly s«re.
Dollars per annum; the Tr,-Week ts Dona, pet
aunnat; the Wcekly Is Toro Dollar. per annum, rowdy
a Omuta.
MPlWArringaveram am earnestly requested to hand in
liMr favors before 5 r.u., and as catty in the day na
practicable. Advertise:merits Rol inscricd for a %peel
led time will Invariably he charged until ordered 'put
Advertisement and mbar ription• to the North Allier
loan and Udived States Giuet ie. Philadelphia. teetVv,
and forwarded from this tidier.
WILLIAM HASLETT, of iluticl?-Coun:y
1,7 t
ROBT. C. WALKER. et El .h BOroogt
/BUN MILLER, of ShsrpAtalrgb
CALEB LET., of Pittsburgh
WM. ESPY, of Lower St Chia. ;.„-.
CERTED. CURTIS, of Pluabi]rgh
OEO. S. HAYS, of Upper Sgt Cher
JOHN MORRISON, of Aluigher,
JAS. BUTCIIELL., of Profir,
WM. M. ARTHIMS. of Put.Ourgl4
•134101 t.
JOIIN BYERS of Findley. V
' . !
Pow Loma Illation wee stext:P•g•!... '
llipe Reit page far Telegrapioe N•iorie
villa has got the start of Pittsburgh iTrailroad tor
struetiatt. Twenty seven miles of !he Luutsille I N
and Frankfort Rail }toad, from Loksyttle to Lr•
gunge, are nearly completed, and akin lie opened
. .
for us about the I.L of Deeerelier.. l ;The iraelf h.
T rails of 59 Ib. per yard, and the ?fillet. emit.
52 feet per mile. The whole &Monti Li Frea),(or
will be 85 miles.
Ws have beard soma complain4of the ce:eur
pursued by the Common Council or this lay,
not giving the Saostory CommitteA!,powet to r
move nuisances. An ordinanceno that e.ffe
passed the Select qouncil on T4.:idnir rvqnlng
but was rejected in the Cdinnaortitcoun.•il. - :
trust that this decision will be re-ccgsidered." Ev
ery thing which has n tendency ttrendsoget ib
lives and health of our citizens shot& be reituveti
awl the public authorities which neglect thWr du
ties ought to be hold accountable. 7 ,
The Stenbettviille and Indiana hall
Read, again.
The Siett.ientelli herald ts ❑ot ttitn,tied with utt
explanations, but keeps up its cpmplairde and
assaults, in which the PUI4 - 1141? Gu:ntism R.s.
course on thauWestern Rail Roacilquestion;i 1,1 she
bnrdett of Its song. From an hrtiOe in that paper
of last Tuesday, we take the tbl!noxlng . eitra
which contain the only Items wa„ . 4 . lerm worth
hasrirsg before the Board of Trade tarodgh the
same influence; nod any paper inlhe coy dl Pitts
burgh, which dared express a cavil - rub', ophouo of
this route, has been branded as by enemy to :he
Interests of Pittsburgh, on worthy . at public confi
dence—or its opinions uawonay td coamdi , ratiou.
.Every thing on tbio route. int the biei ~'ring
judgment of the editor of the (rosette, yresenis
insurmountable barmen—theAmor. , between
points are Larger—the nabs higha—the doer big
gar—the country poorer—lees Ibroduetige, and
haunted with all sorts of hnherib4no—in comport
um with the much admired Notihern roi3te,=Bl
- the very opposites are the fact:. : For in
stance,the distance from Pinstrarih to Mt.i'vernoti,
by that route, a not less than 115 miles, nod the
probability is, by rail road, will,)nr exceed that.
The distance between the same , Jviintsi `fa Sten
benville, is only 131, molting a galerenue in dis
tance of 01 miles, and a ditlereatte in coin °lover
over $900,000. The Steubenville route: fol.lows
water courses—the Northern !time noes:through
hills, oversummits and declivitin). The stenben•
vine road will not exceed a argyle rf ov'et thirty,
while that of the Northern route.: Mill oot be le.
than, forty feet to the mile."
ought to be careful themselves CUi to mieriprese
It Mould be well for the Ste4ovklle, herald
remember this. •
Soon after the surveys for the Ohio :tad Pcno.
sylvania Rail Road were be41:111 ill5l season, a
committee from Steubenville 4rne 10 Pittsburgh,
and began to make war upon the propt;t. They
appeared before a meeting of the Booed of Trade,
and were heard at length, in lett:lr of the route by
Steubenville. It was evidentiyMut of the question
tar Pittsburgh to undertake to*oke western
rail roads at one time.
The President of the Ohat-and Penn, iV911.11
Rail Road prepared a reply to.4is attac(r. and sub
mitted it to the Board of Tra4C, at a iiiitnequent
meeting. The Stenbenville Committeip rejoined
in their celebrated -*now drill pamphlet," which
they published in October, lbit to which they re
present, among other imogigary facts, that the
country between Salem and 'Monolith! is buried
in snow during the winter, and would, be almusl
impassable garrailway troins.i:7}See page 9.
To give this pamphlet ciroitiation, the name of
Thmaas Bakearell, Esq.. the President df the Beard
of Tradeof Pittsburgh was eMblazone:d upon the
back of it, although km had nothing iti oo with its
inane. It was given away great numbers in 41
Ohio, in Pittsburgh, and in Ptiladelphia. An at
tempt was made by mean. on, to impose upon
the Board of Trade of Philad4phra, but the dire,•-
tors, aware of the importance 0l a contienon %rah
Cleveland, and impressed With the Alidicully ul
croasing the Ohio River, were . ..not to lie deceived.
The statements of andantes mintained in that
pamphlet, though grossly inaccurate,: are not as
much as as those of the Steubenville Herald. The
pamphlet, page 13, gives the . idista nee from Mount
Vernon to Steubenville at I nule.i the Herald
says it "Is only 131" tulles froth Mount Vcroon to
Pittsburgh via Steubenville; Whionwlll make the
distance from Stenbenville IdPttbbn rkh may e'even
saafat which is rather too stteng ati&tft upon the
orednlity of even the most igeorant. %By the route
in the valley of the Ohio river, vta V,tellsville. the
common sense route, and tire r 011&. ,preferred
Col. Collier, and other intkitgerit limo who are
more anxious to make a rail road than to make.
001 a ease, the distance from Pittsburgh to Steuben
ville will be 70 miles.
If they can get from Staberivil , to Mount
Verode in 120 mites, whichwe do hot believe,
will make the distance froar : Pittalmigh to Mount
Vernon via Steubenville,
By the route of the Ohio kild Peni`sylvams, and
Columbus and Pittsburgh Roil Road;i, via:Beaver,
Salem, Canton, Massillon, Vooster, and Loudon
ville, the distance from Piggburgh to Mount Ver
non is vatic:lat.! at 170 mir4, or twenty mile. less
than by Wellsville nod Stei4env
It in conceded that by binding, two enormous
rail toad bridge. across the Ohio River, at en ex
penditure of $600,000, 11*' , .e dist;nees rosy I,
equalized, or nearly so; but when' done there I
nothing gained, and the ,her nnytgation is oh
Waded. • •
It may suit the views olifortle persons in -Sten
benville, to represent thatAlle OblO and Penusyl
Tarlia Rail Road cannot eo4:nect with Mount ter
non, except by the wry orj...inarlial 4l , but that . 1
all humbug, and no body ki r i oWI
it better than Lb
people of Mount Vernon itlemselves; witness th
loner of the Hon. Columbi Delanb..n oar !owe
of Tuesday last.
Cholera g',Poord
In Louisville the disessetis not on the increase.
Al the last dates the deaths from_ Cholera were
from two to four daily.
Whlg, of Thursday,
State that the epidemic hacoaost.derably in,res-ed
during the previous two dcps. It reports 14 Loc
als and 2 other deaths du tlng the 3d .d 4th
of whichlo were of Chole`43. Business is again
M a dead stand.
Mason Coos. r.—The Maysville Engle of Thurs.
day afteMeXM, say, •
"Three deaths bane ocefrrrer in our city, by the
epidemic., since Toesdag noon, 45 hours, Freak
Canon, a colored barber, John M. Bowling and
Km John Hoot.
A man named Moxinglidied lost night, of Choi.
era, near the Pork Hone; shotit a nide liehici the
deaths have occurred in East Maysville
since our law—Danlel Cffts . and Mrs. Walter, a
German woman.
The most fearful morti,stuy that has yet ocellre
red in our county, was atihe hitiso of Mr. Harlow
Istml, near Helena, ißfthia county. Within a
few days, up to 4 o'cidet yesterday afternoon,
there were nine deaths ailhat house. Mrs. Yancy
and three children; four negroea belonging to Mr.
Yanco, and a negro matCyd Mr. Lucien S. Lut
trell's: There were eli died Is the house at one
time on yesterday, antitteo others were expected
to die."
hien:ice arm Arransa.r!—The Madison Courier,
et Thursday evening, nye
'Since oar tut report are hear of Goursew..;:nee
Ln Aurora, tte Cho!exit itistilipievabitig. From I and tllrlir of i'42. corn the tim e of to
Sunday noon villa Monday no9p, thlrtititia r'eath. l
passage. ant!' 0. repea l .. and . J Nertraiiir, was the
were, reported: Free more wh4 had Lida anacti- this
paper woo
ed on. Monday, would. It was ltiontift, not
er. There was not-morn than: Pp:unfit:Ls lotthe A.'S' 015 .
r'•ir. Harper cati for the proof , He shall
The Neon 01leantt Ilolletin jive; , haveit. Doe. he reeJiteet the Cenventtoo which
as the inteimenll in three dieturo.,riy c at liothdaVahnrgit, shortly after Mr.
week ending on the 2.94, v lheke teeto. ttetnt.tnt- eet into, and whteh was attended tty the
le , in the oily, Lai three of therp had maw there- t, kn.i t.g I rmocreto a; be nod which wha-h
ralrd tor the nutlet, 04 lottatatotne the farad - of 42 1
If that Woe ti,t , long agetwe wilt come down to a
(11 ChOlE4B ............
tilt AA . other Eliw . e.,•• •• • •
P Clare IRV
.t if Choleen " /.
i slier diseceev • 7 ' ?
Of Chulent 17, other disrie , i , I;iii—intri' - .I
The other cemcleriEs iii lic ;hate - 1 fr,ni :ire rot.
tem . Field, St. Vmcent de Prc(l. arid the (. ..i hii' iv
felielery in the First filiihii4iiiliitv he, v.,
believe, will thaw as igrent hilli . cd ii the I.•
or Interments SIS thove reporti-41 above.
The Charle.ton.( ,, 0'5.4,,, of th . e SLII ,n.l
'The Cholera has mahe 4 appearance on in
3avannah•river,altolt a ntitlraad a lea:f br;ow to
city. Dr. Sertven hen oPeadi , d twenty
death*. Dr. Daintla,eport4d,,vicht f •ar
t t
which have proved fray'., 'Several
ester have oceurredlower. dittyn the r.ver. Thei
ha. been a estOi or two Oa Wilmington lAian
which in a hielVaCa udand,• jibe ;•'onter•
moving their slav ea „
At many -other P! - •ints: the Weal. there are
mewl. and deaths occurring:
In St. brnia there appear:filo be no ht) dement
the cliaceac; although tpe:s,npulation in rrra
throned by death• and rrm:::•ral,' N. t tar in.
1111111 ibe weekly. This, in 3 poyoulat, n or -4/t
.1 , 1Ati.1. -- W e fiis‘l tt" p, honing items in
r V, Albany Democrat. Id t tluirstidoi even:':
•We iearn that a tieatii•c- c 6 ., 1 • .' ' ' au " '.".., 1,,,, - 1. ,, a ' l '-' ‘ ,, Ol'i ' fo'hY.
. , .. 4ers et._l.ltret al
preettvtile yesterday. I r 'i. ar-e r,oroittlion. were phrotort.nPer the Tartir of
Jott4l soya that several ' i 1.2 nail 1,001 111 o.rolotu •
near:v tour years. and
deotha have ot'eurred lit Cogabeith, a toile town „...,„ ~ ~,,, p ,„„o, ~, 0 ., „ Te m .
on the railroad, betweerithht edy Rho Mad ran
, , ' ' t l i the roil 01 Fer , reary, I ' , lf.. a reroluban was
We Icarin tram the JrrilottA atm, Garver. that the ' . i
Ctlo'erh brake, out in liti , faer. 1 nib., e a ti ,,, on par.ed it. the beg.tatture of tit, State, itvdructlng
lEr lay had, add that L.-eat:C:l,e Pe ,• h-vi died ,eir Senator< and Paroles:wig our lieprerentattves,
l up to 00‘.., onth - neat d°l". In 53eler and the to ',al.'', dot, mothavat.on of the Tani!' of 'l2.'
sin-Indy there 'had' been one ituntir •ii and ...veil
te a
, vote of Tr , tJ l': There poloie.ana were
tierths up to the time hi eitme throng' , or Toe-- '
day. if tin ta carter!, tlPP,:eaPtils on OW11.1: 1110, 0-0 111, 'Il4, -
tatty" - , liw..- , ton down a title tur th er. On the 2 , ;th
The N. S. EaPleaa NiAtts t he conow•n. L.-010 iii lc ... l'l;, e
after the Tarrdt of 45 had passed the
ehuly Cholera tneaderd ',i .11 ~, ..1 IZeprerentauves a mass meetoin of the
"Two l'o , rog livlter . , tuOtPufol nail 1 . - ... 0 1 ,1 . , i , ' ,1, 1 .. , ~,er toy cenver.ed m the Merbet Place, In a
Nlaty L I GAIIIIII and Vitottort, Star; Otte IP, Itto other
•0 . ot toe Pots" taut, Mornon; Port whoa was
21 years of rise-awe-re butt ~ n gaged to he 0/7 rr.. ti '
:1./Until:lV lent. On the atertitty toubt prey. - tt, r P., il.prrreat nund•cra vitt,. party among whom
both -went teL Holeokee,rup.l there tott.rtrtlen,, , 010- WV, P. NI nivneo. A Fad:, K. I • Townsend,
tank' of lee eronot , strj,air,rnea, nod ,a,ar lilt a' , \vet Itil E.lbar Ft ulv Paver-on. John Coy ie. G. It.
The tither apbotuted fpr tiers wedding horn., loan
K i 1 • 1 r 1,, , t V: li. I awr.. I It Mel:a:n
ot t bean eokritt &.flib, Wicth their brth, 'Fartnentr '' ' ' ' ''.
' 'I.
fur a wleding sheet." . ~, i - I' 'letter: , rt. 'racoon blued, E. Trovtl o,
Th e p ro i m ai o r t h e , i ,,,,,, c in N , ‘ ,.. \
~,,,, „. I: a t, ..tte hundred ~,hen, III: ronon pure ritif..,eus.
appear frordthe rollowin4rtatement. prepared in - m i A' v , treet-rg W.:...atn Watrins pre•tded; John
the daily i4orts.of the Sfinatory , Commlt too oi the A ndt:r . ' a and I. K. M.`rhead were taco Pre. -
Board of lied, h, ' r . ' drtas, and loho iteiper war Secretary. 0. K.'
, s-• Dew 1,. 1 2,1,,,,,,,,,1. \rV. II 1.. twrte EI, I;errate. A. Me
, i li t e , a ,. s, O. 'Woo., w ar, , . I:a pt. Itobert Porter, and
tP 7,1 e rally Were the eotntnAtee altrcirolutionr.
led _I: W., 01 t'l:+ Meet nn toil .1 ildne WOLIIS mac e
I' o , Vo. rein tr'r,'',ltt t.e ,neat on."that the whole world
c iu .1 oot pr, (la., ao net winch had operated in
a oetio, t'') . a, tee ,aria of I'a.t2e At that meet.
. i Ca,
Wee: ending May '25... A...., lb
a June 2.. 3t
I Co.. i 21 00
.. ii 21.. ~ .... '217;
io.: hoSs •
2to:y '11.k.....-11 ,
Total up to SdattirdSu f
Vast..llhTi '!,
tI7- ow the hollowing re-,:utoona were pa•sed
tat Shtordny last, tit pad, itt Nove Yowl: were R•od.o. 1 That du: Ir, the host year , of the ex.
Ud. ;,with 2'2 though, titeliVed in the abet .• \Vito- -do &e of Ow ento,prs.o...- Tardf, the bustoess iii
there is nom 674 dentbsi!tor the riorrepsnoodonc oni- th • o toile t "awry wan 45 a stain 01 unparalleied
ro ol of land tady annkiar,lted t 0.2 . ,.• t, aril te Ish i oicloe•sion, tat, r i .0.1,1 ha Adequate reward, caro
l° ' 2l In both .f Lith,t,.acutt, the epnloand wa• oil i n oloprortuo tv ~ I tor, &able investment, and
lin the.deehne in Otos peeind of it • tornerrooe . •he o air,. y w ..r deranged too degree unknown
!a Plalailelplita, wv litre enabled towel, the in - n. or noiatio - no , i idrc. lad ',dual , redtt was
Inwlng I,lll4tielt matiun:trot t 1 the ' dove.. of tt. • .0 -1- ,n col and mover-di lankrbpicv hung ihre It
di•ease, from the curtiai>nettinent to hoototrolay a- et root v or,- tow obodo•try and <interview of 11,
• I Cr,.', i1 t .,0, .a. it too+ lit .• i,.. o. on protecting p ohey;or ,he 1
•; . loontodaero•iottobateol. tilts unfortunate I
2 • .. totode 01 ditdor. hair keen le versed lb,. o
•. Inc :sat hour ve woo. doi-or ha. had awl, einiotow- 1
weal :tad sure void i' ,, erni 1•0131pell..111,11, copal ,
- •i lawn treats ll,Illk:y anti pedalo, invested, I
o, I do •ho- i oriel o y I. Is soned a healthy and
_ -, 00.1 ohond Idol, et th e t a loo, - nt a prosp. ty a.
. 5
Total to Saturday:like( ..... 11..1 h .ersat a• toriner•sion pervades the wzonte
orrat• oil Penney.
In i NeWj'i"' '' ' ' ll' 'Cln' d 'n ,"" 'ho t.. i ''' l " . ' N ' . ' .''
4 : " C r f[l e : 4 " I n: ::: the A o:t. isar
ltro “ l ' voi•ce of Penayl-
nib at Newark, lb the Oth. 1 ~.- loth at Po r• . I
i •to o sena ,tog in ...- .a i .o l, It eft•+ u ,
lo..tion, Idel/Mei tin ache to h dto hair,. - red to. anti n favor of her own ins •
Al Petersbeire, Wa.,:i the Chelcra has materodly
~,,,,,..,, „ o
, „ .,; „. 0, ,,,., w , o , nn i. n ‘0 „, 1
aubsideld,-althprogh thud, nt, case• still t , ^l'llfr ',lt th ;
~,,,,,,,,,nrn„„. 1 ,, ,00.1 . n „.. 0 , 0 „ , , 0 , „, r00;e „,
Al Troy. N. 'V . 2 d'uativ. by , noderit were re.
ma i t
Center,. and mechanics shall not be inter- .
!aided 1 . 1 . 010 Sundae tolTlaursday ~ ~1 0 1 0 w,. „l a .. t h at C on er.," shad do naming
At Syrstent, N. Y ~0., 1 . 4 tal has.• occurred at s -"! !
' 0, t eltre , t)te ',.! . .t•,,, ,, oil Ilw It, taititi,vr Ili JUttltS
,stet. on Thursday.; -. '
At Suerkto,on the. 4i . oh ee„nieen cat-- and revs "' '''. ' l ' n ', n . , l r ry t ' ' '',.` l . ' ',;' , 1 , 1 4 ° ,: t0 '. 6. 0 - , , 1 r `7„ " 0 ' ; ',.. r . 1 ; '.' „ " .
, death[, and Oh lt."•;:t1h, lotYrtrel,ll. , Llll bVi .
~',04;;',,,a,:rt,.:. ‘,„":',.v,..,,,„.,,,„.,„, ~,,,r,,,,
dralbii mote report, I. rt...-., lIR.I 0: jorni , • ,a . , ace Ira!, tlicar....
At Cheaapeake etty;":hlars land an the C., t .4
~.. A n;nr ,.,.„.
.;;;.; 0 ,,,, Dn•„,,, rat., ~,„, , o ; ,„ s
ille Elktou Whop .....f.. , , there were two on .-•• tot
~,,......, „ ;nr , 0 ;or 00 , ‘ ,„. 00! , , , ;.• , 0 ,, „•., n• „ ;
tlitylela—the yet...isle-mg tu d Janet-irons . -.,
~ ,,n 0 ~.; ~..„.., ~t ....,,,,,,,,,,,,, tar stars -,
t.on. ; 00 ,010. pa d by the o n . 0 a. re Ercland no '.d tbc.r
P•lextes• and et yof th• Pittsburgh i''' 'r ' o ' . .• ' , 1..' ,I ,airs "P II"' lt-u-„1,"1" tort .0
{ rangho se Post. a . es eery to •uppart It.. Labara. 0,..pu alicn
'.. 1 rit4 the dose of tiDe Loaf •o State t :oon- es " l "'''' •*' I °"*”' -'"-“ '
100. which diet or Obi:lady, the Phre,,.gh .1,',.,, •• ' ' o, ' ,
,•,g Poor has been ,p4loisloug a seri•- tot a no.'"- a
entitled "the Pliebark of the State Cow...bison
~It ofwhich abanud ai error", mare or leo , woo-. '
ood•-lces a•serhofii, 'tied Oar aratunt-&-o. We ' I-''
' i
to C.. not though tifw4rth while to trouble our 0h- ` l ' ..1
dere with an eshotibtti of the posture of fo, yat d "'' 10 ' " sc: ' I
lel-whood whi, thet haye ealontted. •at. I H.q . '' , ' l ' .
~lied that ho intrlbgep reader of any party eon' 1I"' I ' -1,1, ' lr" It'''..l he "'lv' rove lt a
I. deceived by iheinatid that those- who approved de tI c ot•pa...tow lot ihe Nlartt ug Pust.eol.l.l by
were too ignorant or; inciarrigthic to he ( . 11,4 I - ''' ' ll'''r'. 1, , .of :Sept. a', 1,1 0 , we had the
But that paper i.. 1 yeilerilay, to &season/ thr tar 'l I 00:101, ""'l t '''''
r'o.i'll'M of, lb. P.M . , i!'"' VT'''lV depart. trims '''''' t ..l i T l : r ' e • i • k 7f.. " T r . ' „ ' o:a " i t o l l ' r . .e " foir ' l l ol ' on "'"ll ; l","wan h d e n"'C'litosif
that. We have co.a...rainet, our-c,vcs to glee il 0.00 0 1,... , 0 _
..10,1 the,
"'k t„ m ,• lard
pasting notice Thy first extract we v.• 000 take . 1 ,, 2 ,„ ,h,h o , ~,,,0 00 / 00 , 100 , 0 ,,,,1l 010 c„,-,,,
the tbilbwing .1,1 they •ht . 0 .31,1 to. tile t.,101 till ' t ,y toil the,
~,.e arranged .0 'xi a jest alai sure looting
• The ."Compronase Act; as .i wn•c,ac,i exp,red ._
by tt., awn lanctatir a, in ISt 2 Toe I. ow pas•ed •' ' 11 ' 1 ' "."- 1 " "' 1,1 IlI: Hartle , oa l' 4B,
O. year, 'known mitt. 'Target I! ' v... but a 005....c.0, tax( ala ,r, od. to roe o,a-silents 0.0 Idecay
temporary expeamni surged thrmlf 00 C"ratr ,- ` "I I: ,•per, ~. : al_' th • ih.n...crats at Pen aty!vania ,
"11, o lrs f''' of 'l` adirharptnent so as FO' to leave the
. bin on anti der „tCooncre•• ar
out hal: done In
e dec•dedty ",,ey•
cannily without re'omue. it eh. oppo.-1 de in.
o d d , %need y', e .,:d fine ~,,, 7 ,,,,, ~,,,,,,,11, ~,, ~y ~. I:. We 11J1.1•1 00. , , ann. yea
I."' loon purpose "f '• 'Prong the ",marrY. and lcs k - Ple next piragral.h, int al the Pant says ,
ice tbe then Adm,m;Cration without the -.noel .
i a!, under the tar.ll of 1,12, a yard of coarse
war,"• ‘f rout pa d .• inti,h duly ns a yard al rine. and then
I lore the a.erbcia . made that the Whig meta
cal ,lIIS tin It i• what the Wilool cud , annerya
b... and %Ville 'pal generally, appo , ..! the pa.. .
t Vei sell protert , cm. It such protection to the
of dd.. Tart/ of Pi ,e. What are the /pet, .h,
p .1.11 . , ft. the w'oo extends to the lamb'
the soul in. lige ql,the boll through , he }1,,u.•:-- 0 , ,!
.‘,01 .. m.. harper A,,,
00 .
~ .0 .,
E ' q"! '" Wh '''' 3l / 4 " ' '"' ''' . '-' l ''"''""• and on 0.. , 1..., u, ~.., ~• The you
of I'M? 'nod a
ty ii.-niy haeoregpie--and ca these a a were ta.ra doily
00 , ~000000. 0000 0
~,,,,,,nor„, of „o per rant.,
P.•0 , .0.00(1 010, "I'4l'msNew 1011., and "'".""'" a• d the tar II /it I -4, ode. a dolly Of ' kJ per et IIL
M v....chi-el'.
4 doe ' l ' 4 01 the l ' !!.!!'! " !.!!!! P r! " Tels ' , Ott ti liefent e. on the doilloor, iii hew of
"I'nm'ib""g . "
' 4 rain,' ''''' l ' d '"'” l ' ' ' ' o ' I ''''' ' II A In& .ea to :notary A yard of:coarse cloth, t her.-
Willis, morally Irot6 the South, voted at:ll.nttl .t I
~ ~,, ~ , , , , ,r,
;,,,,,,ng It . o
~nrno at „
,„ 0
ynrd of
the Seams there, was the halite dalerenec the nn,• n
ton tr,4. , 1 ,, 1 4 ,
.„ 4„. „
,rely the some
\V,I; ending• In in
Wings generally.vi2tlng tar it, and toe Lorna,„i.
ii 40,, .n
0: .
4,i wit
igatnet it. So Mel, to regard to the Whig ports
ini.,..i.....d duty. r
or 11,1auce, n yard
The pneatige of fli‘bill was received by the Whig
in h.,,,rinnn
(icy n
press with almost qatVernal jot, wade the Locolii
duty. tinder the tar.ll of '42, of '4 rent”, and un
'"de tn
41,rY faces. Mr.
Ruc ' ''''n ' r‘-
der tile tart& ol I.' hi 42 rent, Thai la all. So
tho•mh hr vole -fittt the hill. dal to under a proteet ,wh f, die
ed,,,,, ,
Chnylesl3rownd,thin State. said It war the br , itte : ,
moon. are 'corral errors equally glaring nod on
e.' 101 l ever he ! ' ' ,. *2l W "Wallow; nail various ' fair. Lit ti me and ovine forbid a native at present.
loco ' paper'', evgd hi ,the Northern State, opposed -twat
the ...mute....),',tnutitt or the Yost t. Hatt-mei:it.r.,qialen,. at ill. l'ilir area ti•zelir
It Oitinatbrieally,..alse •in every I. rt . .. 11.. tr. The FROM NEW ]'OllK.
editor proceeda al follow. tuts -. 1,1. r.
''lt Was foundlwever, nutniequt nLy. that the T heo.liar been a painful rumor all at tor tile
Ain of 161 2 , wit,. neqtral and lin;ul , in ' I, opera. ph ., in.,, Loaf,.„., ii, ,,. ) , Ilny hn. t . nhnh 0
tionii,--oppresain4the par tlaril",ll..Siltilla lb, ricn,
liin tu she I'ltiolera. Toe greatest :lively is sliOwn
—building up ituropciltes, wan .perm: privileges
which were admiral to th., well twin; 01 society to he par ill d e '.."'` . a the foot` le the en'e.—
1-11. the the \Vbig?P'"V'''' .n
mutt. ' V , e° "” " lie " Nor is Mot feeling ..onlined to !bore who have ev
ea he ide peoitlntr e ' , ' l '
e " l. the '` . "'" er '" I h• found ready to claim him an a political
with the eget puton uf the ' inhy ' iaaitiraa, beraq, r l . "- 0
itedenlly oppoitepta" i Irlead. The pe.ttleare has gathered in as pro.
This ta n beituagl paragraph. In it.t. wet lila, I Errs. i :eines, Worth, anti the en.Preeide at, but II
Mr. Helper tedlens modern that the I leinpernie 1 'hie painful ru tone .o relation to the • notilent non
IgWved a Tarnfi nit , cti cuss ',Tv., 1 liy the Wh i g , of ILentueltV lie ....tied , we way well feel that
taieinbers and eitg ' , arty genera lt ,'' hot that 11, •
Dennengute tarnf ilintied;Put to Le "onequal aid un
ti?itr'—'‘cippreetigg tht pan mid Looetitt.tin the
td.-11"--"butldutig )taii..lpianotroltee," and .. .aloe ti I.i ,
the well.heineosocietli—a:together a moat rat
catty and ruinitu4 'tiepin,. according to tale .hose .
tag , --and that thti,ll, when it woe Monti out to L...
nteh "e;monatdt If inigUity, the Whig party, - ,i , s
mutt, of rtiurft,t:lti a' very natural COnavvrter.r. ,
tie."•antii its poti;ltar nhatupwas Which a the Fount
stirprrsing,thse , tits
,Locohieos sh 'WO have iier.i....i
in pearinF .stnth 4 vAllianotis nirasiirr. ayain,t the
Oppmution ol lANS , higs, or Unit tee Whigs .lucid
beitilL'l its wart l ellatalpions when on raecolitien
had bfen dei4lffped t ' , The Democracy however.
toneaine its 4.ea4ly opponents; exrept the "thilny
poltlialatur - •No doubt !bear vainia repented in
dust and ash& for the wicked act of paa,og .och
a rarnally till rigatoni the t ppo.diou vi the Whig.
But Who ore klie . .Ashy politim4.'who alone d.ri
not become the ',Ur:oy °num clu•'' i I the Tardl
brlbUk , nil is an interesung question
in ,the.first,,place, we a them, and defy qatrad...-
kin° Is the n'i n irmution, that the whole Democrat,.
pirty_of Allekheily county, and of Pehasllvanta.
with rare exi:epuons, were the open, avowed, arid
stientiuus frtends of the Tariff of Isl 2 Tlie.e
ihen:lsre the," fie/ts ;mini r loos," and they crimple
head the Wihiuses, the S balers, the Moorheads
7 tile St'Candlpses, the Butlers, the laawrien, and
all, without Inception, of the welt-known and Sr
egudlted leaders of the pony, 'lle exceptions, if
tbere were gay, were found among the same de
lechible orei who stymied the turn-outs and mobs
Vhieb Wive rained the Cotton business in this noun
ty. And among tha,warmest supporters of this
.toixtd4iginilaint.".•,.!!rich-binagrAgr- "unequal
al/ ri rod
to of February. a Mr., Tara'
I wa , ca.led in ir
the .ICALLIrt 11011,c. Pat.-
burg., and John It Itutler, the Mroor was Chair
man. and James S. Craft and 11 1.). (mazy Am, were
Is4cretaries Hun, Charted Stotler offered a long
•traie rd resconhons, urn. adopted. Among
:Ahura. c fus*.lv..dotng, were the tolloWlng
I Resolved. That It ac 0.... like the present, when
:c • we are larratehed ithethe denionstrabons from
, In, than ore halo, and all the re.,,zirvelt of the
4: I awn are Air to Le put ,n requisttion to answer
the pubic estaebewe. any les.slabye ;wood serthus•
ty (tie Tarot of I ht a. would he greatly to
he deplored. Notniag would tend. wail more
ettnnge, to •hake tar eontiden, of eapdaltaL,
I , tf to brow the roust•ertrals tilatresn upon the
nv ,attonne classes of the community. to darkeu our
no prospects, and 10 create tie dreiteal national des
of pondency, than a proceeding unsalted for by the
v.eve hl ILLL• people.. and nusanctioned by any
err . tie•ftes it political economy.
ad. , a./t..e.i, That wade( we •bould deplore nay
n. netwa of Condres. the pr Monies of Vint
.Ifo,na C'harbs Natiortal the
re- , p 0f'15.12, we would taint solemnly deprecate
any attempt by irtuty, to Willer away the !vivan
tof ta.LLLLI to be derived iron. Juime protection. not only
Soy heeause idirti an m t would Int unwarranted by
yoloe, 4111 I.l,wit.e. at It would violate
11 ' . the -Itt•o , 1 crtnetple• yi the Constitution, as they
to, harecewrd the practical construct , on 01 il.e
I • :ocetioncht float the adoption of the
. .
J 114.1 1 ,11 Lo ttle pre-ent day.
Tn.s toleratdv stron, we take it. and these
.10 34 - ct the 110, NC
.1 1., Mr. I larpr, J..• ,t rry
ot— r t , trlrd Coe tarot of
Ow work to ) unt otimtnenced.
l;'.1.11e. .mitt unbroken pervaden the city, and
the piipulatiot,only hr and to ex int rather than
11 , 1, no. Ctio:ers items to decrease. and the
physicians concur in sayiag that It, rnvngeB are
now chietly confined to the lower classes of out
popilintion, nod that the mortallty of the city would
Ise as go at Were we tree of the rholern panic
Ship toad aficr ship load of hall starved ellity rota
pour in Upon us, and gorge themselves With the
auperaiiondance of fruit with which our markets
went Ilion seeking death in as most horrible form.
A creat e:piosion has jsist occurred in the Hud
son li.ter itadro ad t....impauy, and the public have
now the na•uruntt 01 Mr. Flagg, It lute Pre.,
dent, , and fir many years Comptroller 01 the
stater Mat it will mist twelve moltons of dollars I
to reach Albany iistead of six, as has lined stated Ly
os projectors. his Hogg objected to the alert.
hats the road made to sustain °. credit, and was
al consequence ejected io lie succeeded by the
treneht President, NI r.Jor r. Pow man, who is the
eitio.aliment of tile road as folly as was -Slug
I ludson" in his paliniest days. The road a frond
to have not only it Watery moats along the river,
but a very it:wets:on lin:metal bottom. Iron has
Iwe 11 Lioug hl a t SO the ton.lo lie unused for years,
while the same iron eau to, had at 5 , 1 V moalha
herwe, wile° the:Mod need. , It.
Tile lion John Young has taken possession of
the :soli Trevor ry, and 'minion all the old clerks as
a matter lit iiithegovernment. With a Beagle
exception, Ili, were appointed for their cape
r.ence as .•speete clerk," and were taken from
leading Irmker otriees in Wall street. No changes
.will lie made, nor are any needed.
Temperance has tinnily carried the day. and
the tending hotels of the city have expressed their
determination to shill their barn to-morrow to all
except their guests, a resolution that will pat the
thirsty brethren toe deal of trouble. The licen
sed retailers, who have persisted in seCing for the
js#,Pistitt,gadayo, have been adaikahsl.4o4l..they
• ....
will lose their licenses Spiess tee laws are obeyed, ' M.o. but presume the engagement refereed too i man dog was hone out of the window, and we
and Sunday drinking may be said to have been has resulted from French and Bevan efforts I had a ma- rase. •to tiie in ea.: of dire citreffidy
accitchedof not killed. Father Matthew continuesan... tam lea were the wife at the Rev Dr
the suppression of the slave t r ade. CoThe -Kies \I- \ 1 • n !aright of New L sok Mots 3,lagaret Fu Im,
an honored guest here, but will soon relteve the
sea ts dellbil.m M
a taprrat for Bat Nanez, W' latch lbe anther.. t a .on i Judge :limey and his v. ft,
City from d tad
e hoapiity, preferring the courtesy ol
Ins friend. we belive is on the Gains Coast I
Ic rmer y Ml Eldndire
In Wall street, bovine. remains dull, and the RI i Nines April I, 1549.—The combat with the I A thmtatt t w • as adficalt to e. t bet-Mission to
chief part of the business confined to the brokers
themselves in the absence ot speculators -no - t a ken plate and manifested a degree of resNtance ,
s , native. ..Web. altriewdd Lt b. ...Me has pot i ~....., .,, 1 -., ,t i,n, i i t t , m, .ic l ; l: ,..g itb ,:i
it i : c o d o t , ro .4 l . l r i , i . h u i- i t.; ,,, re ”,
aey aontinues plenty ma ever, and the amount and defensive preparations, on the part of the rte - ../ m li t-. atarm i'i ii- i uric os No Amer . o i s
seeking investment is larger than for years. The'
, grape . Which we had am In the least milli lotted m l' '". ' 1 ''" `celfie ht be a i cli on e tit an i r m
fancy stock market to dull beyond precedent an. Tie combat lasted three slat•a — la. 54 th .l . a and ;Fie J 1 '. nit . k h r int • si. ' ore.' or rte s; r age e
00 cane seems disposed to own them 26th Of march. The loss on the part of the bids es 1 m t ::erred to go I It stsd trio there soon M lie an
Flour continue, ta good demand for export,r. was very t onsiderable 10u Will Judge of th - t tide:; s , si ad,i or two, and I waited to sine 11-1,10
the lest 0 t3taliOno Gram is still very dull, the shots w i,,, ii were fired by the there i n 3 m a t ins, Toe mason wag irellmna late
and wheal as well as Corn has changed bands at two French and one Belgian—' 3 6o rounds of grape 1 .... 1 '''''"B '''n Java"R' I lee; Rome wall alit oat
reduced rates, Gel:tease Wheat 115011 i, and shot. too lastly. 110 howitzers, 50 bullets, gide, I ihe iom pa-nt of tr. elMrs
I th.o lot tilo2c Cora—Round Yellow 55c older- cartridge. The lose on the side at the 'Europeans
ed, and 59 oinked for Northern. Cotton is in a. was insignificant compared with the ditratton and
use demand at an improvement of Vat p ,, cant severeness of the engagement
per lb name the arrival of the steamer. The sop The Fieqph vessels had two killed, six ...err I:
PIT of WhintseY is small, and P.... advancing. w ounded, and eleven slightly wounded.l , l mem
Ohio has sold at 421 and some held at 25. Purl. were sal'. rs and subalterns. Them were, li .
ts, if any thing, a shade firmer, Cut meats are to ever, two °dicers who were severely wt mined
replest at better prices Shoulders have sold at The Belgian
frigate, the Lohis mane haff only cane
41 eta, and Horny at 5 etc In Lord, Batter, and wounded. M Eufstur, the ensign of the se tt s •i
Cheese, there are neither sales or changes in ens reeetved a severe wound in the head. \ early , n
era of the least Importance C wounds were received during the bayonet i haree i
-....- which was made in taking the Bate attuated in the
NADA. height of the Mount 5L John. Tins detile wno 1, sr
needed and defended by seven pieces id cannon.
"C he contmental papers gave carioca accounts of and from 300 to 600 men After ha, the obi a
quitted the camp and deacended Rao \!-
the great victory to the Hungarines over the Aus
wee. In our veasels. Both aides of the aver, m loch
mans and BOUnatili, repreaentleg 23,000 of the i is nix leagues in length. was lined with lilac L.
latter slum, and 100 of the harmer, on the lith • who kept up a well sustained lire Upon es. in the
June. The New toil. Tribune translates an . midst ol this lusilade the i,outs Mane NVII..ICrOUnd
here. a remained for m i ght hours in n deep:roils
'''' '''‘nn t" l ' in n ' nn L ' inn g n very made - 7,..ifinn. inclined 30 degrees under the are of the
rate paper, of the !let Jane, the very latest receiv enemy, who continued to molest us during the
ed num t rermany which says It in on the author. whole time
ty 0f several letters received from Vienna. The MISCELLANEOUS ITEM: ,
/eau.. letter. Irdm Presburg says nothing more j The elections fir tilling vacant sent. 111 the Pr. li
than that there tied been heard great thundering 01 aa" . .m bl Y " r raed ler the sth of July.
M Ltleleral Bonaparte, and let Leiria; lime are hest
cannon and it adds, it may turn out that the des
and second on the hat ot candolates lo be brook ht
I feat of Seidel. was only the cause for exaggerated I f or ward in Farm
repent Of a univensat detest Toe -Republame ' states that it ha , received on
ITALX—THE SIEGE OF ROME ' telligence of the arrival of M Ledru Rollin in Lon
As teem, announced, the latest intelligence ItO i don
Madame C' I" themothert I the Ganes!
June If) left Seine uneaptured, though there is nO n'• sac,
doubt as to her o ornate foe The report that the f fight castors anal'
French had entered Rome, grew out ot the fact that Th e 5 °.." regtt.eM ot i
has died of cholera
on the Ilth a hr., h was etlected by the French as sh. ea • ai"P. 55 ' ... t ° •YmPa.tme 50 . 1, the h' a 1 5 ' ' `.
me walls, and a portion of men . troops entered the Itcpublic , fins , m the insurrection at Lyons ..1 a "r .red I - ' t
mate along with roam 1.400 Homan troops, under P.M .. ' a ' ee sear to Algeria..
The Pons aMondent publishes gratift !no at
.Arabia., who, la making a sortie, had to retreat.
Thai report. which was green
le by the French .....• M. the e.g..° returns ft. May. 1 he , It
led t i the
that the !struggle was over. The about as nigh. in May,1543, and indicated return
measures of defemer on the ohs hand, and .hone of log orosPertlY
I.s Demoeratic Pacifieque" declares lila, whin
attack on the nthei were earned an with mare-
Louis Phalli:me read Loma Napoleon • message i c
nutting /ea' in and around dm unfortunate eity,
exclaimed al am avenged."
end the destruction of property rendered neve..
Among the deaths re.ntly antiount ed in
rig by them is atimlutely trighttal
I the English papers in that of Sir Charles L cu.
Psms June ft eventag —lt is confidently re- try
ban, who was formerly Ambassador to this coon
carted that a split not taken place in the Sacred L etters f rom the south of Russia ante that a
( " nege & the ' nrd ' un6 01 inlets. Several r. severe famine nerprevatllng there, and that m any
these venerable perstonaeos and am-inget them the ot the Inhabitant,. are dying of %taro.nn and is, ur
Dean of the scared College, are of opinion that the
vy. The Emperor has been obliged to toren° his
P.?" ... t. t th' ler e '' sith g c '" ernrarthe ''''' "" 14 late conscription of soldiers from this port ma lac
the proposals made by the Roman Con...wean, Linadoto
before the nomination of the Triumvirate and the The toll for .ppresame the elttba ho I been mar,
declara•ion of the Republic, wkch propositions ed to the French Assembly by 375 to I 'Il Ti et
were .4 to acknowledge the Pope as the Saver
whole proceeding did not occupy to inmates
man ui the state, end secondly, a complete repo-ration ol the temporal from the spdaual author- The brat CaliforniaCabmen.. gold 1000,0000 direct from
thence., arrived at Liverpool on the 21 car, in the brig
m y 1 Jessie. from California and Valparaiso.
It seems ...ever. that Cardtal Antonelli Cur-'
dinal Bement and other menthers of the College, Importing Railroad Iron.
are decidedly averse to the acceptance of these We noticed the other day that the New Ink
terms, and as they, are aware that the Pope, who ise line Railroad ,
tompaay had conclude I a t•on
or title... dm 0 a mrly mantresta his anxious de
'dwli thsnes hi of an English hoes, for ''. 000
nre to slop,by any reasonable sanfic, the eh-d- tr a c t /I t i .
ii i ' n eon et sit ., d
per too. an that
dna i t the Ito. of hts subject. they have !secret- th ' l s ° •' ' n ,-- ,-,.
another contrast 10: a lieu amount Was about being
ly d spawned to Pima the Abbe Paleott, private i
..a re ars inCard sal Anton., in order to per. on notfied these announcements are enceinte us
every week. This state of thins.:, bring
the Fran h i },v" rattiest the importance and ne
a ft. rum to the Amerce n nienitt. ntrer
t es, ty ti enter ne Rome . Such is the ex [11,1.11.111,
Trt g ii ' la ' bo v ' ' I hough e ti n y '
null streglie
in mopes table quarters, of the Palecau noaston to laborer , •• t som e
against it, hoping for an advauco in tar pr. tie of
Paris. Iron abroad, it must speedily result in toe . i nom
THE WAR IN HUNGARY of everylron mill in the country. Out of In mb.
1' sots lone al —I understand that a courier for making rade, on operation in 1510 Our na y air
arrived in Barin late last night, with ...intent do- now employed, and these are living . thour old
panties from the theatre of war, in Hungary. The contra, ts, making rail. ordered long ago, as in ilia
,honer left Vienna an the I Ith Instant. Dispatch- cane of the Hudson River railroad, wiles, ra Is the
es had err. 55.1 m‘ e " .• 'no"' General " en. ' H • 3'... , Trenton and Booncon mills are making at Sme ra
lose i ornaisuder n 0 Mel cal 'he Auarisn artny, to per ton. This is a difference of 525 per lon, at d
11 te tnhtswart/enberg, announcing that on the when the i ont , et was me d e it was „ a d i • is , w
morning or the 12. the Aeon. army had as (m
al the Mit's old a ff ord it or the contently could
se e med the glen... e and had attacked the Hu. art , II could how he made f O , saiiet h inh t ees,
vs , oi a on the whole cf the lone. A Joist .110 V but the difference chow, what rit I toe Tim I t f
et ti 0 mai men, of welch 160,003 ore Basstaus thith is b oner° , hrs . A mer ,. ° m ot and A ttar
and 110 000 kustria., were that day put in um- ran „nterrot,
ton tor tie purpose of wren. the Harman.a to It is tnie that out of the tWelic m 0 !a now r, i s
g:e battle. According to the plan for the cam- i dl e one is soon to „ some operation , N ew per
•a .an agreed on, the Austrian and Roman tnxips, tie, have rerontly purchased into toe Monson
t ..•r to. cast:nand of Marshal Prince Paid,. tch, company at w as h, and the ai d. , s is t „, i ,„,
were to pass the Carpathlan Mountains on the work make, rails but we fear, with the prese
I `,h,Or I•.." the passage of the carer Dols'. nod low tuner of iron abroad, nod while the ling
march stremaht nix a I iebrecaln the centre of the , iiiateet „, are t wa k iah to tins , aei n r y I, i t,
II a o, .'r t a I•l'r mm . rh , R. ss "m t (3'n...1 ho- print o p al martial, that the result will prove d o
ttsr. 11.1 me Ban Jelin-ha a were ad ianctlig to- disastrous than me ehterposinh taro sm „ ~,,,,
" .rd the centre ''' li"ng"Y'.'"..'mq an as to deserve I. stab mint proterbon es strmi riga
-c their operations converge on the mm hand sors . m , s m055 ,,,,, 5 , so enable nil most rsi , os m
a 1 tie 11.01. p. ofPrince P.L.ew te h, and ma the rem/. Oper il ons it Would at Once give •i e
o m e ,ti s t h e me n body of the Ansiunn anti) gene mot rim,' to this important brae, ti„ 01 1
a tit, under the 1,01111118101 of Geaeral Haynes° nesa, an d the pin ao f lion mig h t h e kepi a
a i march ne on Comore The dispatches de „ rates to, year sliceslice , yea
n r .
. r •tie Ole Hunnar. ens at hemmed in on ell old. We have at home all the modern. am eso I
is, rby the A.m.. , or by the Rusainn. nod supply all the iron the incienong wants .
ti -i, sii tam wattle a month the Bang snarls vi Ili „sentry demand, Cut instead of tamp', o':
I taupietely I eaten, and Iluagary pacified. m I's are idle, the i net undisturbed, la, taboo
C,}.li MA \ 1-11 i \l4 A R 1 —AI STRI A —TH I tern rig for the emit of em ployme to a wool
I'd LAT l\ a T I.—CIVIL WAR, the. lad our people eternally 'tiling oi reds ll'
c i•i war more ram menced in good earnest to lin ish work shop, nod by firmed. hands •
I e errid ie,. 'lhe beautiful banks at the Beale and ,tire 01 things is latle better than wt.., ULYIN
00 It, Neckar aoand to the sound of and wider British laws and t 'ooow., Go w. are I
i• ry, tnstecid cat thay tong of the husbandman 0 i lie mlo lb" liathrs, tan imeesed 'Omit al.
• r the merry In ag out'he gala tending the plants i cotton. —Pi ot; ?nom
i lye snipe Mtenealauski, the same who head I .......__
ed the Po ski re. ng last ',ear stud sacrists,. soul The Republicans of Rome.
mended the insurgents at Palermo,hen been pm- i
aaighwa „ Lae a r , , ,,,, aa I
sine cin
d tnaml r ei t h.( fof me mbellion In
La et and me Pa at time Whtlet Austria has 1.0" wan grei Im"hs the ai` on"' M " 0 '
10, hinds full w,ih i I tingary and Italy Prussia has p rte sts nest Brandi tones, ma e atm in to u.•
aasioned toe task at putting down the rebellion in t 0.,, , s t h e R oman g e p o t i d wah a Wol t c
me era( of Germany. It began in Salony and has
IVIA• marched • troops into ihe Bavarian Palate. 'such "'l'''. to the e ''''‘ l ''' • e' nn - ' l '
nate tit hem Pints und Baoen mitten an eye wane. 01 what he writes'
1. saulisran Mercury publtshea the following „ wi ll mo d i fy i t e °was p., o n r eading ire he
letters f11.0 . 9.0"t of n letter trona Doman Camp!" ..I
"Stamiingle lime lii, 1540.
Toe Hessians were really beaten bads pester- Albany. New a ork—a gentleman of in'l. h a
day, ae far as Viernheim, letvieen Islanheim and spectability, and who Writs" with ied a
Weechearn Our soldiers, especially the asullery non lie is in Europe pursuing his stud .o
mod is ith resolution \ ear Lacclenburg a sharp tiai r
g ' s'ng an n''''''n , t iii , the disterhat , s
I conduct OR rurred yesterday, at least a tearful can
arts and n.r"." .1 whopt be u 55 ru n e
' nonade was heard for some time In that direction.
In Lodwignhamn and nn this rodeo( the Rhine, the says
1 I,llnonade continues almost without cesaatt int.. , i
ram __ ,
ii , fiteseni e a iorta oit
nod tiles
I t assoln Houm on the other side ot the river, and •'", e " " , on
several other building, are either levelled with tint the ding l e i n , re .r.,,i tir nme The first pie, eot
was that the Fresh h army
the ground. Or are In dame. They say that Lod - "a h ' i l s h rh n e e' d modal at Clyde \cm hia ait w day.
1 ...Oen ~ - l o he totally demoltehed lor the sake ''` ,
lid \lnaba. • • • The Herieaana have tmlore, cone approfthing to attatt. am city.that the
env gale, were closed and no One peetaated to
%uttered cooed . entity '
I leave, and in short that oh the preparati . aere
Iff asianiliil in 16 1919 made for an a pproaelong battle (Non Lim. nil
-yesterday evening bound Mang was heard on the tits ., o f ihis m , r f e ,,,, o f th e F.„ t h is t ic pow
the d rec min of leadenburg i the same also this nor
ire. \ ear the bridge over the Rhine there was
I en to destroy Ile Repub. aod restore me Pone,
under the pretegt that a turbulent faction was got -
a lie” ranch - made from the Baden side. To day
, „ me g Rome agates the will of die great in t
tha Pruasians return the compliment with cannon 1 ',rev of muses.•and that the city won in a stair
l''''`,.nod grenades, ,Shot came 'lying, into the , re. I ' of hideous snarehy I A set 01 venomous lime r
lln in ale town T he large atom on latiOengsnalen I writer!, mot, o f li mo , pests '," hood b een moan iie
In burnt down. The Potash Ceenenil has denier- I the ear of Europe wit h e ach lies ever soaci . t h,
ed to the burghers that he does not fear the enter- toita d atton of the republic, and ~,, t h e & p l anet ,
nal enemy, but rather the mactlonista on the town, I ag,,,, o f the different governments had Inbowt 1
and has therefore had She berghern disarmed who the Popeto Gaeta, awaa only the corceimandeal•
a oold not are on the Prussia., and has given of mimed paper, m France and Germany that
the r excellent rides to others. The General has t °old reunteptct to calumnies thus set in mo tt.n
de . hired that the inhabanata of Manhena must oat lilt t h e min o r y a t i s e a l wa y s te t her , , te l,„ a
'impart the revolutionary eau., if necessary with the s tatements of the radical papers, and I mates.
tiles failittance and their blood. Mart al law has I that, so great hid been the outcry. I wax my..,'
been procladned, and the Neckar bridge h. been [Omen persuaded that in going to Ronne I was et -
'lade 'mined • * * • I hear that the Baden tertah into 't ease of wild beasts Every thing was
umops have since received some hard blown near 0 , °firearm ,
Lactenburg, sod that the Pruietans threaten to The day tiler my arrival a review of a ' irgi
bombard the town with red hot balls, it the canon- port of the .sinuortal Guard and troops 01 the lone
ode against Ludwagshafen is not stopped: but the ~...k pi a ,: in the presence of the National A**1•111 , 0
P o l.l o General will under no cascumstanees sat- ily, at whch there was a unanimous shout or the
render. The number 01 the killed and wounded Reliably and a unanimous resole non to defrost a
ou already very great. The dead have been coo- to i t, l es t Preparations were mane for not ,0,.,,
V,C(.I away at once to the churchyard. If God ee l e yweiteriee Barricade. were thrown up, which,
does not help tie, our town will be ruined "aince.hat time, have grown into regular tortress.
• The German Journal" contain confused an 4 es (hey are not made oldie litter of which bar
c mai...chary reports of various slat..., some 1 scenes are male in tomes of sudden ',Oa' iltln
1 ial till. the victory for the inslllireela s cOmmand - , Imam really catrenchrnents of mirth, perhaps hoe
sd by Mternalaw•ki, others announcing the steady I f e d high and twelve thick, with o very broad
ml vanee of the Pressmen troops. All account , dap ditch in front of them sometimes lolled with
agree that acme severe fighting has taken place in rater. In each of the. entrenehineuta Is a hale
the viconty of Mannheim and Ludwigshafen — en two left tor cannon Peesidea those there is an
Durk.. is ca t iipiee by the Prussian trinapes A hngernolls style of moveable barneade made et
battle is also reported to have taken place between, hags of sand, aurrounded by branches o-1 tn.. of
Landau and Germetahemai on which the rebel r' cylindrical allege with a wheel at each end, in
were completely routed by the troops under ohs many mules taken from some cardinals earnag,
orders of Gen. Wlllich great numbers of which were burnt by the peal Is
NICHOLAS IN AUSTRIA tun after my arrtval
The Emperor Nicholas arrived at five untie I Only part i f all all these preparation's were made
morning of the lith oh. from Warsaw. by a .1 3 e- ' at the time of the first attack of the Irene h, whin
cool wain, et ad ete t tyi and comm .,' h is to eneq took place ou the 30th of April. I wan pm Ln i ate
without stopping at Cracow. The Cone we ae - I for tti as tt hapPened onlY three d
aysa Oiler I had
companted by one cf Isis sons.d Pankow.. and I reached Rome With a crowd he I mood
head- I on the Penn. hill, from which we could vie
would not stop at Cr mow but got on to la
mindere of the army n iltill.m. At even on 1 a portion of the troops and marked every dist ham.
tlia same day the Archduke Willa. Posted, so t finnan The fintig both of thee amain end
throogh Coast, oh h i , may to Cracow, 0 receive musketry was very heavy for a lime, but the hreis ti
the Emperor. were at tcogth driven completely back I. rig two.
oo 05 .,,,,i1l Cracow. I or three hundred kited, PIA hundred wounded, and
noised h'
during inch he rr i hoe hundred prisoners The attack was Infide in
rei TE' t there rfe 01 r a R o " .11 ' [l%,
eisad the Df„,,,, of the noway be
other Alms- : the immediate von ay Peters oi St. aod ths Vat -
man aritables. Afire reviewing be Me.. he I ran, and several canton balls nod a berm number
ar ers of the Rue- at mussel shot struck those building, The ninei
drove oil for Dakla, the headx
s art army o f , o w r v,ouoo . OUrn was fixed 1 her of Preach engaged was about 1,1000, v.•titch
lon the ':1 at. All toe reports, theefore, shoot the I wan at that time their whole farce Toe number
Czar beadtag the erne, are unilede d •
t -
of Italia. engaged wan not much superior
, a his reptra ha will ",„ 10 railway at tit.," I The moat edit lent men on Med node were a,,-
~ and rearm thence to K a l s eh Brno/ermine al students mores the 1011,1g0 legion 001 0r I.
rite young mind Jules P O 1...1.,\ itch, the pews halchi corp. The latter are a desperate ref
tea ot MIAMI', Mem token ad Orloff accompany of fellows; many of them old bandan by 1101,3
horn mon
tmnbaldi himself has loved long in 'south Amer
. a, where he has been engaged In all the revolu
tion. He has brought over with him some In 1 -
ana and peptic", who attract great attentlon If ,e over his men is unbounded. He teem.
blea very much some of Um. Captains of free
minipanic. in the middle ages, who went about
flaming wberever there was a chanee of ga ii
Nil corps numbers about 1500 men Alt. this
attack was thus gloriously repulsed, we were far
weeks in daily expectation of a renewal of tt, .
the French hail taken tip their 'mention but is abort
distance from the town, and were daily reeetvlng
reinforcement. Their number, when I left, a
mounted to more than 20,000. We expected ful
ly that the next week would he accompamed by a
There was ettll more danger from another quaz
ter. An army of 20000 Neapolitans had advan
ced within ten miles of Rome, with their King at
then. head. Such rascals we knew would make
no hesitation to bombard the city, and if they
should succeed, to nark and pillage it, ea they did
with their own town In Sicily. The Amerman,
agreed at one time to meet at a certain house,
where several Atinencati families were staying in
cue there should tea bombardment. The Amer
u•nr p~~.•~u di • arm. vh~ri~
In Umbela the avowal) for the Mennr cause
web on the increase, rtio , eePemellY for Gen- Beal:
and the clergy sera oi sork—not on the nobility,
bir that sew-nut/ abut On tho people, both
in two nod country. Superstition was called in
as little portraits of
liom tho yam Mary to his bean; pray
ers, foriris ..., Ern s orison and his battle pray
er, Were circoloie by thousand, among the peas
antry, and mari/Onel tales of miracle, pass from
month moo athus, Father Bern had been judg
ed worthy o i ty pecial revelation of Heaven, corn
mortaing h,,0 build a church in Wars.w. to
ene „ her prep, there was a white cock, which bad
go.ned nTtory over a black and green one,
w h ere ,,„, Mtn all sides the hen, ran op to the
victor. R e d in another was represented as a saint.
All ikon pi had an incredible effect upon the peo
ple. im die inhabitants of Galindo werebeginning
to regy the war against Russia arra religious war
osrotor the infidels.
_late Brussels paper publishes the following.—
. 11 do not know what in Me coins bell in this
Wk.:art.—A man rtanra! far -
1. , ,, aenewhat riolortoua a-Immune, de
°Med .rt atelrt of n
n creek. Len, roomy, Ny., on
Tt.or , dav :am lie was >nna on ne bank of the
,sturdy D•11113g, U. hell n" •MA 1 wire )n
k ...rue nnka. , en—on, nl the
rtun- eh he wa• not rarrytnrt two brtila.—
mann , The murderer. nee
A lam —Mr Hrnder-on Peed, Fleming
vont.lJl.Jr , lerod on Monday mLaw•ion
ns .hop. two nohot from Mays
county by a mon named Thomas
ramie tn. e,Jpe, and Utt 10 Vetter
plot ttvenwr had not been beard of. The filen&
Peed .pot re and for Itaie's apprehension
tril itoYernor Crttend, ban been requested I
ritf, oa
ril in the name of the State.—Slay'mu.
IN. M. Wright, M. Dent
v tool re...denre on Fourth
gep tio rrro4l, Plitalrurlfla Wrik. Vitt<
Iv A . nod
- o'Hork to 5 P. NI.
Improvements In Dentlatry
•111 \R \ rte oi 11,ton. in pr , rnr , .l
•••: n Err‘i aGnl nod puny
I,tr.t or Suettan
r., tvbere the nerve t
t ene.. next door to the 'II rty
Fire and :liar Imourackte.--TaR
.1; •A •••• 1.5 I s.r PA NI.
,rerrd I- iO .1,11 1.1p0,1 rvery d 4
SAM , 'EI, I,OHNII.V. Preet.
J IV Kelly,
..• I.‘ A Jayne., Nu.
%,. ..s1
1 I t,• , • . A J.\ at the Pet
deny 3.• Contract, lane n
•. • •
,t 1,1) NiXla,
tt tut t tr ti t` lie held rt
itouta , IL, aVlttltug. at -
ti clock
critt.iti , r the repo l the Committee rip
cin.t , in cullcet intoroostion on tin
•tllti , Vl .V 12.11 Comstirr
\ 11.r.xn.1 r. ctn . gond
Iltc 1mi•..1c1./.. and
. tpio.k v. 6 . 2 \ .t 12:1
\ 011 Thlll, l ' l l 111.1,00,11;01111111 4
I,Pi • 1.,•,• tl 3:1:1 t•
n !or t
noon. [r.lll
Oillo Mild Peon•ylvonle linll Road Co
• 1,1. v.•ll,mor 1. t, a•.l ••1 t 1
11 • • , ,hr lireioartg” Ban rk
nio.e wire may v.•••A I
••••I. • • 1 . .••• • ••••• ur.• IBoin,tl th3l
••nrr pa , .B.rt at lb.
Pn o,
I 11 is h' .1- -.1rtp.r...,.1 Farm., Y.c
1. . iLt•in.•,‘ I•tat.
•••; - ?•1
• . I m•• • AL.,. Inner
.1 , MI.:, oi•h%%.
a N
• a, s and Rd •an.
TA,SI:I & b
%I.kll DICI:1-1 .1, Co. Fr
`` 1 \l~f~l 1~ ~
I" I.!I V
1:•.%1,11 1 1 , 'Kh. 1
J 10.4 ANlll.ll.\. tl 21 W.AI
t , I
. V
1 I.ll'l'i 's Pl_H rl.. .•• 01 r ,
,• , j
.1,1:11tm tSMAKVII. 1.11
,Pl. , •I I.
,in,tt - ctt,ttltrd ott uli
a, N., I• , , t
t. I • , 1,111 o
\ 1 ;, , ,
1 t , ‘ ,1 1
It w, • irl. 1,4 n
a•,,t ron. runt t.str oqt of
ay.. I rreetvel the ntou patron-
To a good
on. tn LLL ”ppor.-
,tll, art etre lent
h.r par
Chl, I+ WI.
-.trArle 4. lor Ow St. Lawrence
\ V. ha.
ou,e r t•ut when
1..• 171111..• a practtor
au tntpogtor No
ta:etor Me akove
h, errti6cae of AKen•
l un
Set r, Untt ounter..n.
(,1.• ral Ace., Vhto.
ha ~ I ) hatr. red lace. lighl
:tnino , lerateis , awl of
th:j• I•l , Lar,h N:
II BRAN' Agent
v...u,nlTrua Dem.
• ,1,10., A \ O
11 3 •
a:- olleretliti the Ea strnt
v 0..) .”.1 , . t at, warranted.
H lit 3 1,6 .
I V ~1 1 , 11 IA •pr.,al enre :01 01,1111011 110
$. ~.... 1 1,r.e0ce.1 workmen 111
. - 010,1•111 10.1 , 000. , Clelllloo
1 . 10..0 7.0 000111101110
ti,e, wort..
% WM., Mak,
'l"',',''' ''
r Out t nt 4 l'
\ NI SHINN A,•ixelec
i•HT: vrt.A\l 11l A ILUlllrr TE.L , :6IIII`II C..NI
k\ 10" ed.,xr...1 thvidund ot hdy
, n.• CA:ll.l.g or .he tile or 11.... a thre
n.rt0.1..1g .nti payatble of t and tdie
Sholde Dayol. , 1 . 1 U 1
walt r,
r, I
SI . - \ I. I ANNEII- I trIA
It E
11 4- \ ,
~)~U ~ ~11- 1.. t. and (ur.n,c Lr
I )1.1 , , l] O , LANIr , AIE , ARDENING—Now
nl'oraord vu oo l.oso
yod du, o ,de.'irre., oriapoon lv North
y ode voldmr. idotonely
rJ 1111 d i , by
.1 t 7111. S I) 1.01710V1,1)D
•is l'Olt 5 NOTICE —lxtterr. Adm.'
1 1.1 .0;1 11,4 :v s:LLittett t.. uttdclmicti•
M.• II 112 Y D dareasTa.
I'm. A.: prr.n. •Itdet.iml 10 the , ate required mmake imaged,
amt thope boom< etamas usrdirta. the
ar , requedlrd t ...prperty 1111thell.
..• •• 1 .1 1
IL .1.1A 14011 11 I Admr.
rERDAy Yittebargh or Allegheny a small
1 POCKET HbOK, coammtng 10 , 0.11 Twenty• Four
kohirs at County Hopp : sad a now tor tare!, hundred
CO •110 . 11, drawn by A. V.. lilacs. in savor Brewer.
Weteon & Co., nod endorsed by them, dated May Ath,
et font months, with some papers of. hat hole
elue to an
h y one bat the The payment of the
note ag hero stopped The finder oil be sum.
of Ire by bin
ayg said book ante . this
°Mee. ewooi
woh John Fmteher &soh et the Allegheny
Bade 1511,D11. D. W DMI.III.
Fx .., en o d i colored, .
F'F' II Al l
r 4th .d Market n.
By J o h n D. Dae.te, Auctioneer
A Farm f Sale.
NV,.. Ds .old on l=rlday eventn¢. Ja4 I.7ah. at Bi
the Commercial Sales Room. cannot Woo C ed
and •Is the undo,Jed hall ul 1 -0 mere, of land.
tva, .1. tmestone tp. Warren en, Pa. sr.thm shout •
ll< .1 . ...Own% t.ver 'll,e tole mkt. the land
and Ns.. :se sold al a l.argain to the high
is D DAVIS, Aue
rcrialogrolk.S,slo of Smo ShArtJ, Fasksonaida Cloths
r, sr., r n a mdsr of 90 day,
(v eneernme. July Ilth, at to o'clock, at the '
conenierrest sales room, weet i.e weld
-4", dos fine shirts. embl e m...ea a handsome assortment
Among which are .ome of the finest quality ever ogler
rd at public sale en this est) .
A ero, a goon:sty of -fast.en able coons, pannsloores,
yes,. tic Cataloyre• well be ready get delivery and
he eoeult open for eauestreaunn on the lith e
elll JOltS D DAVIS, Aare
A.014 . 11ff Salo of Dry Good+.
Os Thursdlytrumpet:, July lath. at 10 o'clock, at
the Commereenl Sales Ildants, corner of Wood and
Fifth streets. will be sold, wetbous reserve, to close a
can Ace r ...—
large assortment ot .Ingle and fancy Dry Goods,
rt... or o(•plcndld V.V... super prints French and
Manchester glngbarnr. nectars, de !sines, d
dre.• *llk. Mac wattn, fancy vcotink.,..Prrrala ata;
casknnercc., •11/11211 4 , tweeds, Jeans, aanamer cloths,
chceko. Leached and brown mush., leghorn bonnets,
Ant, hosiery. shawls. %Wit'', table cloths, &r.
t o'clock,
Grocees. Queenrware. Furniture, &v.
Young Hymn and :rapt' rod tea, Va manufactured
barer, Nu 1 palm soap, 10 lib!, vinegar, counting
•use safe, wire safe., shovels spades, hoes, forks,
hatchet., grass scythe. ...h. .rtAting
upping paper, fly note, window blinds, mantel
Mel:, tanking glasses, lamp, ti
carpeng, he
A large and general assortment of new and second
and household furniture, rooting stove, he.
At 0 o'clock,
F.ltionalile ready made clothing, boots and shoes,
truh trims. parwol. whip. saddles, kw cutlery, dour
ill: and ngle barrel shot guns, ptstols, gold and silver
melte. fancy articles, to. 111 0
Admututrators . Sae o f Rad Eww.
Tuerntsy afternoon, July ' l7lll, u 4 o'olock, will
nhl on the oremoes, by order of the administrators
t,r Iva Thome. Fair - man, deceased, that valuable
.Oi nt Wound. altuate at the corner of Liberty and Sth
r•r. haying n front of 94 feet° inches on Liberty st,
fort -I atelier on Fbgbtb st, and 59. feet 53 inches on an
Miry 10 6-et wide
I'o, one other very valuable lot of ground adjoin
ing the above. harm, n front of 20 feet on Liberty at,
and rr letufing back an average depth of 69 feet, to •
le fr alley. on Which it bars front of 27 feet 11. f in.
A pivot of w hick umy be seen at the Auction Room.
Tering at rale. 179 JOHN D DAVIS, Acht.
Nit Ant, by ono, Hooper's Medical lectionary;
o f eson't do do; Cooper's Surgical do; Chetins' Sy,-
ono of Surceri. Gibson's do do; Abernethy'. Work.,
2 volt, Divalent. on the Uterus; Hope on the !tees;
crersishiers Anatomy; Wilson on Diseases of the
Fers !dater,* Mateo and Therairensuca;
Chaptnisii on Critpuve Fevers; do on the Thomee and
Abdoininal Viscera; Wood's Practice of Medicine;
Du agieson's do do; gberlie's do do.
Also. a large end fresh supply of Mass. 8.8. Union
Hooks, on hand and for sole by
ELI.IO7T it ENGLISH, 78 Wood et
.11.1F..—Lavaisn's Ntosion.—Nisievett spd its Re
main, with an account of a visit to the Chaldean
Christiana of Kurdistan, and Yesidis, or Devil Wor•
and an inquiry Into the manners and an. of
the ancient Annyinann; by Austee Henry Lapsed, Req.
D C L., in two volumes, with numerous illustrations.
• There la a remarkable :Ltd delightful combination
in the work before toi. of valuable discovery and in
tercoms personal narnition, such im we remember in
no similar week of travel or discovery. • • Mr. Lay
aid re not surpansed by the old travelers. In the won
ders of the story he ban to tall, he very mock sopa.-
them all.
-We repeat that there han been no such picture In
arty moJern book or travels. ('ark is not braver or
more adventurous, Darkbardt is not more 'truthful.
Fothen not 1:110fr gay or pletureuei, thou the hero of
t book before us "—London Ex nq aminer.
"One of the most remarkable works of the age."—
London Times. Joel received and for sale by
Oterte. or GAS COltraYr,
July 9,1849.
Tin , : Trustees of the Pittsburgh Ong Company have
Om day declared a Dividend of Four par cent Iv
the last sir months, on the Capital Stock paid in, pay
able to Stockholders or their legal representatives
forthwith. at the siber of the Company,
rtlnalat JAMPS hi. CHRISTY, Treasurer.
F.ireff• f.; tti3ll, CINCINNATI AND LoUliI:
vi LLE TEL.Fu KAPII COMPANY, ham declar
ed a Dt•idend of Three per rent. for the last quarter,
payable on and after the 16th Ina.; at the office of Pai
n. r, Hanna & Co. JOSHUA HANNA, Tres..
IMII/NISTRAfOit'S NOTICE--Notice is hereby
gtven, that Letters of Admintstmuori have been
granted to the subscnber on the Pilate or WM.
lIOIX/ ENS, deceased. All persons knowing them
se/ves indebted to sand estate, arill make immediate
payment, and all per.ons heron claims agantat said
estate will present them properly authenticated for
sd beinetit to the subscriber .
1,10 dlit T H. TAYLOR. Administrator.
COT C A 51 , dos pinta, Oath narpostottorn to
C't arnva in a day or go. For to by
I)I.ACK BERRY BRANDI—F.'s cases. I do: each.,
I) Mason's Superior . ' tor Lhorthera, &c.. to arrive.
1' , ..: commended amtmgent cor.lint can be relied upon
u ~.. confidence Prrsons 'mishit's to tiny had bettor
~. • ~,,, 1. For sole by iylo JACOB WEAVER, Jr
, __.
I' i' I.V ER 031-. D SUlie RS— For std7urholeiiie and
tall, all gender, by
II.A RET BO r11.E3-20 gross In Hamper., clear
rxret Botbes, for Fflit
and loans of dim celebrated Winn. NM w
nnd iO, os4e oy- jyto JACOB WEAVER, Jr
IA it C
111 A RR—lmported ?rondo. and Havanan, of •
nd color.. of the most approved branda, f •
rocs, ,vlO JACOB WEAVER, I r
,2 .7•1/111E 17 cases Capers, Anchovies. (Jliv
sh.l Snr.b.,vs, li baskets fresh Salad Oil, I d.
h. for •nl , ~ ss by Iylo JACOB WEAVE/1,7r
k V ALAL'iI LE FARM OF LAND, situated In Isow..
_A et Yt Clam taw nohtp, Allegheny county, eon-
hi_ R.Eu. with Dwelling House, Barn, Ac, thereon.
'l h.. quality of the land Is excellent. mul to conveM
te th. cut renders it a desirable location. li
not Fold prevnma to the 20th September, 1545. it will
t.nit dab he at Public Sale on the premises, •
l-sr n irons slum, of JOSEPH HOYD, Middleton
toginihin. Allegheny county, or
THOS. Al MARSHALL, Attorney at Law,
,ylo huh, Fifth at, Pittsburgh.
KR I' lel./% —\V. FL hluerriv will sell the Collo
lug Summer [mad, at reduced ;mem. am:
Irrers Law., Gingbums, Barnes, ?mums, C
Balranner,Summer Shawls, Scarfs, Bo
miam, Belusagr. !Bns' and Boys'. Saner W.
l'erioni wet tots uty above, or any other deserip
oi Dry tob.
s., will do well to call at northeast
~ter of (div.. 4 Market its. . ♦io
t l'AN t iltlftlit —MU cos. on nano and tor *a of
lI )1,3 J. KIDD & CO.
it her
C1 , 1.( 3 ,
11 ,. RIDE OF LIME-00 bend ri c lioNar Dp
tor .olc by by 3 J. KIDD te CO.
KEEN IN H eIDYIK ribootieditiTno-1-W,oa
and en'erged.—A Treatise on Diseases of the
.I,•Passages, corupristug an Inquiry into the history,
Clit,Cs and treatment of those atteetione of the throat,
rated Brooch., Chronic Larynghts, Clergyman's
Sore Throat. &e. &e. By Horace Green, A.lll, M.
ar Hale. Improved end evert/11y colored. Royal
on gdt tops, .1.00.
I he author has made aMN( valuable addition to
losettenl memotne. • • • We have adopted the mode
trestmeat recommended by him, and can tot-robo
ts, 111. statements as to its great vante."—British and
Forrten htedtru Review.
Writtrit wr .o moth care aqd excellen
lent to br quite totelligtble to the onp
,Wet "—N. Y F.vening Post_
••Wnbout doubt the remedy over all otheran—N, Y.
E.ening Mirror.
'Ably molten. and shoves a man thoroughly master
of Its profeseif u.”—New York Observer.
MrrtteONlAN pusucATloN—Ttliiii — oli - Puia.
CI Architecture. prepared on behalf of the building
eommitter of tile Smithsonian Instnution, by Robert
Dale Owen In large quarto, elegantly printed. with
i. lustrations it the best style of the ail. Joan RiCellred
end for sale by fAAIES D LOCKWOOD,
'ln tr) Wood st
Ul" l
DER, g:7irß Srylood .Voe.lrgt
inanulectored orucica, !to., No. 210 laberty meet,
Pm...burgh iT9
I )11 PEACHES-14 bbls
1 7. e f
SRY k o r ß a al a 0 •
\ CY' NEE—ZO LC tamphalia Hama; taZ a ,
r Taylor c a's sugar owed do; SIS do Lords It So
‘1,.. 10 as ldlar. MOW° te Haw/tins' do do do, dl eaa
and yellow wvwhed, utore nod for gala by
emser Ath urslM•rlet
11 end Roman Mythology, lot eolleges and Schools,
I.y NI A Dols nt, with seventeen Illustrations in out-
Inte Elmo Jost reeetved cod for sale by
IY9 Lk E:S D LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood st
JAN ASSE It II A hl.s—lb hhdi TFilaw osovusiil
Donut. w brand, in store end (or sale by
j 21.01. R—l - O define Flom. an excellent article, In
yort,lrdet; SU do do do common. for sale by
11,OCON-4 0 hbde Sided; 2111 do Moulder& t 8 do
),in ,tore nod for tile by
ARV Ohl/ LINSEED OIL-40 bbla No 1 and 2
Lord CUL 12 do Lltuteed OH, for Stab by
M I'ICEE, Ser.)
YEACH BRANDY-26 bblr three year old Nina
Brandy. reed on ronstirnment and for sale by
BA.. Of PrIT•111 , 1011.
Ma 'Knot K Ilisnmers—Dear Ste I take pleasure
to testifying to the good gantries of poor WR,MNI:i
FLUID and in recommending it to the phrase. Ft has
been used in this Institute for aboht year, and on lb
r( Lnt to Me book. I find Mat Me color improves by
ths too being a One blue klaok. It flows freely,
Out to boor whoa , . metallic pens, It will be Mead a
set, desirable ink. Respectfully yours,
j u•l r•d .ur . a I: -11.1.11(S
1: i 1...1.LEkt
hm sale Itosether with IlthlocrtN Red and Machine
rogytng Inks.) by R. A. Fohnestock de. Co., Piustousb;
i I I . Schwan, Allegheny city, and the malltratettikelt
TIRIS. comet of Liberty and &Mb
• treets, P,,.bureh, Pa. jr/xlilr
1101 : SSON lc CO having orroorsted THO' [A
L.l rTLE theta in bush:mos, dor Whol.
•:oe Groociy, I.4odkore and 0417111115.1011 busmenwt
cont.oued an wood under the firm of Roloson,
lo d. Co
11. 0114 , S t. O n N u ; LITTLE &23., No. lEI Liberg c .r . :n
Commismon glerchon: LI Cidne:re"4 intaborgb
Manufrt,tures. /37
ROOT NOSISUIL rook Lerma, loom. tooznoo.
DACON—G casks RaeonEWoo, kost reed tad fin
I j .ale by Ij7 L 8 WATERMAN
LO t t , : i IbVILLE LI3IE —5O bblo awed a nd roe sole
jy3 ARMSTR O N G & 0 R.
I)CRE CIDKR VINErIoR-20 bbls reesived and
I tor sato by ly3 AItAISTRONG CRO'ZER. •
A COO NV EA VAR, Je , Wholesale a.hul Retail Du-
Jler InForeno Wtnes and Liquors. and old blob°.
galiela Rye Whiaty, cornet Fintand brute* auk.
Pmanoriau, lone IS, 1t , 411.
M. John D Morgon—Dear Sin t gave on e laupoon
foi of lour Worm Kilter to one army children, and in
the Mon time c' one half halal' it mused twenty large
worm.. I feel ordain recommending your Vern:Wage
oo the ben medicine that can be need for expelling
1411=1. hums Moarus, near Noblemen.
Prepared and sold by the proprietor, JOLLY 11
GAN, Druggist, one door below Diann:tad allay, Wood
street. tole
.A 7
i gai
li E s i n
ri at ia :
EHIS well known lane of splendad passenger Stemes
ers s now composed of the lnges t ,, •witlest, IV
L t ie d r
and j g ra tt ahml, and nowt powerfu boats lilD a I';'
water. of Me Wert Every mermanroodaaion and e4r4 r
(or , ...moue s an prorate: tow Imen provided for ggis.
wingers. Tito Line has horn ID operauon for ASO root o
—bus owned a million of people as the least ilalta- :-;ii
g_. then persons The boats wait be at the fami , 6l .d
Wood sweet the Liss prosiOus to ...snug, for the rV ... ii. :a.
wan of treight said the maws of passengers on She ',,, , i
ter. In nil maws the passage moors' most he P 11. -r il
..?i . .ii,
The ISAAC NEWToN, Captain flemphill,*"ll '
leave Plusborgb every Sunday inoroang al 10 olebilig; .1.!
Wheeb e .
very Sunday evening at Pi I , X.
May . , lOC. F: '
lIONDAV PACKET.. .il'. .'
The MONONGAIIELA, Capt. S'r.N... Yvill,leave& ';••••
burgh every Monday morning at 10 o'clock; WA
gayety evening .10 r. x. .-^.' ' f ,
VArgglYA-1( t. AC KA:T. . - 4ji: -'
-.... W
The HIBERNIA No. 2„ Capt. I. Kurousx*,iiiil ,
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning al 10 o'ilv{iiMlr; II
Wheeling every Tueulaf e 0 11 . 14 01 1 0 0.0 1. j,
The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. 11 Co X.A.11 , 14
leave Piimburgh every Wednesday main. it kg 1
o'clock; Wheehrig every Wedneadav evening a t . ia e.,•; .
Tura:RDA - if 1. --- AT - ki - kT. ,:4-- ::
The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gues. Will (cove 4thri,..: 2 1 1
burgh every TlLLlffullki morning 01 10 o'clock; Whoglirigi'j.
eve. Thursday e v erting .110 r. X.
FlO.llll - Alt i , Atitikt.
Thy CLIPPER No. 2, Capt. Pon Der.- vgillliital•ll
Pitt burgh every Friday morning at lOo'cloa; Wilietg ,,, l
liar every Fraley evening al 10 P.O.
-- ",.1: 13.
-: ...0
Ossly 73 Mlle tas
Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Holum** .--
TUE splendid and fast tuning 1.1 8 Mail steiiute
ATLANTIC, Copt J Parkinson; BALTIC, Onpt
Jacobs; LOUIS ItI'LANE, Capt E Bennetr, oi , lnotitc
making double daily wig between
The morning boat veal leave the Monottiebele
%Vharf, above the Bridge, daily at 8 o'clook pre4itelyiti;
Passenger. will take SUPERB COACHLI at flinnintuS
villa at 3 o'cleok, P.M, and the splendid
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberlaniti.
oietrick, A. M.., and arrive in Baltimore the sontorreisS ,
ig, in t i me ( or the evening line to Pkidadslp4 aol
Wuningtort city.
From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only
S MO Ithours,
From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 4U house; v 14'
The evening boat will leave eta o'clock, exe4 Sun : :
day evening. Passengers by this boat will Juggle tra
board in Comfortable State Rooms the first oighl, pun
the moutalta the following day In Eastet buift
Conches, and lodge the second night in
Passengers have choice of either Steamboat* Rai
Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, sod tga
privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Balgtmose,
and resuming thew seam at pleasure. Coachniehtit;
toyed to peones to travel as they please. ~
We make op the buds and way bills for theToadt
es in the Pittsburghoffices, lin order to save Hine i
arriving at Brownsville,) it is therefore Important . =
passengers to get their tickets before going din beOfH
of the boat, it our offi hlonongehela Hous4WaAr
street, or St Charles How ce,
l, Wood st, Pittaborp,A.
apsulGra J. MkSRIMBN, enc .
Elnati et gal
The splendid new steamer4v
Hulep, touter, unit leave fel: ahoy&
fl intermediate meta
ask edoes
da the 6th but, at la et`eb.k a. a,
onboard, or Win,
height or nrizilegjE,WlLSON gets
The new and splendid caglpalVt:
mat' I"'k 'aLEGRAPH No.
ason, master, will leave glCln -0t•
sod Louisville cua Thursday, the 31 i.OL,
o'clock, A. M. Entrat i ht „ gl. , 1 „„
- -
Louisville and 911... Louis Peeitiiili•
--- The fine 7;:,7 ;Zin '-. .wor *.- tred.,
steamer ATLANTIS! , . ~
Geo. W. Wicks, muter, dill tour,
for the above and ntterromifte ittfrta
'` w o'cl"k" . r . 'Fe "‘g r PF : 4oboard, .04
K C. KING,, No. 117 Con4ol l
~„„„.. The fine Cut enticing ApassirAger
1 steamer GEN. LANE"' '.
A. McPherson muter, to ift7leuse for
or above sod intrunedut9Mrtn eve
ey paurday, at 10 o'clock, C. a.
Foe freight or pus Apply on board uqs .. : 3 - ',
E. C. KING, No 153 l.ortk9Uvip;
miELThe light dnuh ß t
will leave on Friday, the -Oh td3, et
10 oelook • et.
For freight or passage alloty oil board oath
D IV BOSS, 41..erietOitst.
,cl f e l ti A 2 it '4 Reiitd. l .,
SHENANDOAg .....„- •
Bowman, master, wilt Iti•wo tort the
m aill e.
hove and intermediate phis Dili day
at 4 o'eteek, P. M. ::. 'i r i.
For freight or passage apply on board, 4.7: to .. A ,
Iylo PETTIGREW tit% , igls
The fine l i ght drought t l'onsil
oFORT ern
i --: ~,.
hillier, master. will rim: ;shags , (h.
magng low water. and o i 584 . ,hil for
the above and Intermediate pons this dot s ..,
For freight or passage, apply on boaro
.$ yid
FOR CINCINNATI. ',' .i. l . i .
The fine 7 .li nvEut . wr it
.. •
tiaLlioantv, ster, will lel . !for Chasm
ati and ma
i i
ntermediate, -Indirtiys on
this day, at to o'clock, A. hl. vv .
' ;-..-
For freight or pusage, apply on board . to -i
151 0
The neat and sabottolal tuner
IIUDSON,'''. , l ,
Me Millen, master, wt„.,‘"e 'formit
in ali nh
e-r regular trips 6 FREshargo
Wheetimg .4 Bridgeport. See soi lPiiiabargit
on Wednesday and Saturday.
For freight Of passage , 11pp.IX WI boa,,i., A po
— FOR Wit RELING AN D 811 fi ktf „
irt7 - r
T. fine steamer -;.f'
George a
nd masa*. wit
flairor above and inwrnieriLite parts on
hlendays and Thursdays, at in A .
.. ~
For freight or passage, apply on bonotts' ilapt7 .
SUNDAY TRIPS TO - 13 EA Via. ',F,..
The U. S. Man steatneetiloFlGAN
.V.:::, leave the
ay morning xt 9 o'cloo..4;forßeavet,
Returning, will arrsve at 5 o dock, V. M . ,-•
Fare to Beaver and back,
mph f ,
tha wt.('
t The atnnwar BEAVFX, leave
r . oPPsvao t9S'ldasnoor.-
vd!;:l..:: kola House, every Sunday ,roornmg
- .19 o'clock, for Baver? R4‘!!..ung•
w in ! aver at o'clock, P. AL, and at
4 o'clock. Parc, Twenty-CI on Canna %PSI
JUNO Viii - ,
S ig &Z
N. Lt. At.ENT,
Forwarding and Connnuan hfer
ottani, has removed to No. n 7 Front, bet.wew Wood
and Southfiald shwets. • ~. OWS •
mailLO Th Y N ' V l4 e l ll la s,: i ns i er, ur‘ri e :4for tic
Dove ports on TuesdayObe 4 . 1 . 1 inst. as
4 o'clock, P. lil.
For freight Or r...10ge. apply on boart„L orN4
/7 3 II W 71()orfoAe . r_!!_••
'FOR difitINNATI AND dirDllia.
The oplendid new steurnot.
R 4 •
B. Id Humor, master, Rill n)Lave (or
m al
e above and all intartnedipte ports.
on Tuesday, Ma 341., at 10 o'clock, A. 3L , .--.-•
For tretgat or plumage, apply on board, orif
)73 D. W. DOl.S.drAgeur..
LIIOI. I Light I Light I I
THE J..dy celebrated burning thud egn be hair
at the Eastern Lamp Store, No PLI 'rryrd street,
between Wood end klarket.
For • portable house light it has the rdefoisnee o alt
of the eastern cites, being perfectly ifefo #td cheap
void of smoke, grease or my of the Ow-preside Et.
tondants to light. now in eommon e'er nisei,a beauti
ful assortment of letups of the Infect pritter4for buns
ing the same. ryikAdmo_
OLD MON. IYE W —dl fitilegallitentijolitrur
ICar Pure all it Whiskey. Gentleyeefriand was
maxim are invited to call and examine tr:flier jest
as fine article as can be had is thin; Weif.orn emus
try, at the Wino Store of
SUNDRIES -74 balm Cotton;
94 beds No I Lard;
I bag Flaxseed; ,
2 •• Garden Fess; ' •"'
• 24 •• Feathers; f. '
7 `` Litneang;
9 “ Wool. :,},
Nom landAng from Camberbmd. No 9, for silo by
/1 3 ISAIAH DICKEY it Cs ,Pont 0
Stosisth Blow,reo. : T
TN_ reply to the "Notice and Verthinn" C.,,,,,,,,
1. Borhhaoh, thee Cuicrunao Ousette,Jonts veho,,,„
offer the following optruen ofoer Corna]
SIMMONS k 5A.N0.1130,11.
'l' Malthus Smyth. k
accordance with To"' reyce.t
roleekena in c o rrt al m n o e : df fp rdfee4re ou/.
t ftueel ,
morned the Iwtrer Patent mases ~chr a .r u
st a am ." bole p ad othr t fu rn he s"
epsilon that you (the ithriiioroc"..s of .1 De •
brews. far whom ere prepared papers for ri:kaveat and
plicauen for Letters Patent for aq nopsoved
Bream illeaer.l .0 In no wt. InfonOtby Bth claim el
rowed hfr. Burkhardt to that Patent. v." 4,
Yours respectfully,
Patent Agentv.and,,Atturnrea.
Paiapsnmo neatths-,,,
rafMiele has been easefully sail fea4 rested by
I.a large number of the medical profcain, ratio re
commend it as the awn valuable of a(lllW4rtruee.Yl
wcles now nno, a being mach tosparibt to arrow
root. tapioca. sago, barley, !se, for i o y a ijg o , nod
, •
an article avowals, diet . for catiorm. partici, -
lerly those of weak bowels, or of feck ,
connanonon, it will be found Co give hinital_hol strength,
with more certaklry than miy other milzsMrre.
Th e Paths has can chemically acrid , d by Drs.
Causes and Horton, and Professor rgar,ilill of whom.
bear testimony to its great valeta ovceall inher farina
ceous substances, for invalids and cliadtCh.
. •
An extract from the report of esetionlityais is lon e
Its claim to the lateenon of the mlidleirdesalon,
will rest upon i eantelning in ttla enien d
nitrogenised principles, vegetetif• hbruie . si s s
substances not foetal in arrow-soot ejisitnilar b o dy,:
"The great stiperixtray of this ennille Aver ure
errow.nlietr en&rdee oldie.% for
Invalids and children, priaotpaily A . ,l, tc , l b e ow
ten le comes., which is 14tl par elaa." Chilton.
.11 farm (the Fevanti • . 1 1 tt.TTIKPIft ght, wan•
tyre uncle of food, easily digested , sag ad mir ably
adapted for invalids sod chlldrtgeden
Ma above ankle elersys on hendrant3 for sale by
Braun & Reiter, COITIST of LiMity ..i r Clair sts.
ICluonich! COM=
53---- , -
J r . ..... :
~, •,, .