~~>~~ ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. I r trttarrr. 1 , 1 , 10 r .11 A 111.17 & STERRETT, • AL' 2 , I 7 CANDLE4S, ip LS J 11 ( ns. r „ AND c,,i,, , ,,r,L_Logs Al' Wik,iAl'hadeplle r a lo FPrw•rdln• and I Four. • trdet, tvrcrtt :+l - nitithcid lad Utile.? Cornirpoipp p erc h„„ ts, t'z,t•Ld,r . Pa juld • 4... don Varnsi 'anti Pittsburgh i n . • , , ~1 Worid •nd ‘Vet 4 l atons a. LARt, L AIf.GE & FRIE.I4), AA„' Fur,i,,.l A TT , pi:7 , , •-• • • TI W 7uurtr, •drcad, pea r T • PIK dtPabli•t,rtip nt. N i :mod r:s ll H , d,'• H. Hun .It, corpnini,cto IXT W ,v • f N„, Slarke, •rrt-d , • 7 • ••.I Nditary f.oodj.c rid, ri 7 ,41,,r••-, and 1, derWPM.. Pat•lnirgli, PNt t .',l3,—WatcLe• • , a1,41111T repptr..d. - Atarkri .:meta I l ly It. Atli" 11iu6,444:1 , 5..n.4. I • Porplgt and 1 , 1,7164( Dry lioott., reftt arr., of Nosket tr., You s ,tud-.71 w 114,e, ttl.lt At II A 1 tt , .. Wttoleen.yeaJe• tt, Dry Iwo r•i1.4 . •• ~ .b urrh many: textured ,No Let. ty street. Pate- lo ALF. L: 11 tII %,I,olemair end . Retul.ltkrt Drug, rlyt , nr, pi 1.. y and fit. Clutr Wert, 1.11..- I,tirV!, oalyi4 6. (MOWN. rt, , I 111,RT,ON, Grnerts, .r" un No. 144, L11 ,,,, Y 1.1,141,u- dr.3117. B. AI-IL;:uht;:‘,.'::::rr' 1 . )....,A1.1.1 A .".7111111, N 11010.010 I,roccr., 1^ and 1 A hicANI Forwarding end Conk. Nicithn,ll.l Calosti Uasrn, Plasburgb Pn 111141.1. Tania A.t.le, Steel ittd.l.ron POLFNIAN, 11A1111A: , ec Co, manafauor•n Coiirik tuld Ilumnierrd bprthg and hough met:, I rt,, , .4.• Warrhouro on M ate, - an 4 Frota ,Arrrtf, I'irr.ourx n. . . i“..., utalere in; Conch 'I-mm.lllgs and Mulkeable Cxxsung 11. 4C1.1 . 41 bi A 116t.r: V , illiii., o. Littbl:l's'' SITOi..USItE - - TIIK nl.l, 1, V. 014 YI'I - I~WIICU II ILI:LINE., .oNTINI hzn to lounturoqure monument!, Maki Head Stotler, Mantei Cen• Ire a n d r Tops 01 loot o and uulneeuc niarbit, at a Tr.,. ritui inor N Is.—.r monument.. vaulLa, &O. furnish ed, of Roy riplion ..ohrtts a sax. DI public • 1.0. W . _ WY. n J 1. linntnti. f, (tale 1.,,g.1.11, l.rtilagher .U. 4 .1 o Corrants..tou and in dczwrrn In I,onuct nod It t , etweet, Vd.and Ova a 4_, Lt" i 01101/..er,1011 tuul o guest kj " NI. ,nb Nte. 00d recL PLuiburgh igyl7 11.01111.: LEAGUE FACTOtt.T. TA i\ 11,1 ail I ).S% .11; 1, 111,nular tare, ol 11q. y FM, Cay 01 I Ir. M let ) otk jUlt. tor We 0010 431 luatclican aro.• :AU ILL lcu77 2_ W 0 11.1, pt 11, D )Ii,ALENI.D., i N ' On . 0 :; tl w r nus'au-tt •. flx., POllll 11r\ £s t *, ieuccer•ors w ~.1•Ikod. _MIJun.-. h C., I t Oratiti,Rlvrt and 1 - urVVISILLin! rMlLlnlfiseltlted 6.1,0d/k. l'a Mr 41.'7 1101/1., coast,/4, IS2LIAL/ / Di/ /k/ ET t 110., 4:12 t/rl/CCIL, n Product, N0 , ...L,G ater. I. ro, n0. , 1 J 11 :! Wrtrrcn, Out 67) I.:UtrUs-d6l - • . / or', or .n , r larcuata., sod whoitaa, er c - ce. •, P.• • • ullectc, Banc:. Pot Cud Pct.:: st ‘l, s t Product gcncrudfy, \ dale: truer, UN t and Wood, Plcutburga. ap3 1 Off \ rr. 1.3 c, c•••or ut 1,663310 0 IN uu.c3u.,.. I.r.cr 'lll,n ,1011 Aletch , 6lll, donor, 1., 1701:1.1' 1/:•• • 'I/ •. rir,rn Matturacturca, cat or I,,rty 11,2”. P.:t3,turgh Ps jut 6 J Af6l t , " al, firm cd..Aigct, drtd ccl,_.: eutr:cs 136..dmrt 1 • • . - • —.... .illi, A 11 , ...1..1.1.,,,, a C-o--bucce,,,o, lo v.. Lc. ::L.tc,:vo- v. ~..v. Canmiscion ble:chsciN, and A4v..11• v: 4.E.,- ›........, Ntvac: dugar ilcZncry. Nc. 4: c. v. r u,d t 4 11,Lt ..,,,,,,1'.......rEu. J • • .L 1 ior the lik.tc.rtt Uo. a N. No. 27 Wool Nt, rittablif4:l. )1:2 IMIEZERN I 1 OIL\ Li. ..qtriro.,.:N. W so. [...1C Lis ugsser. ono doot er D. nrsu•ilesr, No-9a Wood Erre.. one .orr of DiamondMk, Pao burgh. purl .so ilir , CD., purer...v.or to Joropo ILP r+.,.s. rt..... \.-tier lbws is, nod - Homo denier RJ us .‘1..e..r. mo Alr:rstro Ls...mourns, o.iL‘rocri ILddos. rarer, ,:,.t... 0 rm.:era' Cord.. and Stalsonor) 0114 l'imiLuortL J.4.. • if;_x1.r1`,:,:...i.i•t.ri lsoicoitie 1.1,qt;.0.., • No. 01 10 :: rot/. . . OHN1). DAV Au. eoraer Val WeeL., rstratow.,.. bleitlTUti 2‘. MTOC I rornerea ,4!) end Vapor :./...olsolottscrr... No. 44 :' , lzuket tr., I'M.- Fro, hactlala Ewan" 1 a It. FLOYD, Wualea.ale linacera, (.0111111.../ Oft LL/10 ikal,• rn Prodare. lluuatt os. I.therly, P• ova alai titli sure., I mainarol, P.. m )18 DA1.1E61., NV A.4r,111^ I.nxer, ( ~ trant..yon 0.0 Atelcittant mutd dett,r Prwucn anti Patabtar.ti Monalactc re.. it at, at, Patsbargh rz C j2ll. C 1.114, 1.,J-ler{ .11 1,0...0 and ht.inagh maga. b.: tared itrtle,..l./., r.era 7th n. 1121 PENN dIILL / - I'l . l . .l3LlLbki. PA. TZ• ENNI,IJN I_tl ILIJS 1•1 of ye,. siapvr.or 4-1 1 , t.c,,,,v Ckrpvt Chum, Conai, 'lvinc use. Lintkls:ff juis-ly • Vesuvius iron Works. LEWIS. t 0., rruoaudo of idiot. zit nor. Ido,d r Iron hod Naito , ul quality. Ni t.pd o.ler a.,U lW bout t.ro,rr. I orwiNJ• L. tug Nt beak: 111 Pitua buret hou.,.lncLtt, 11114 Pt.... LICC, b oa. 3L Walef SSW td Front • iaIaNNY.DY a SAWYER, OOKINts is Manalocrurer, and Wholesh:e J_J dealers in Inman and domestic Van.) , Isonda. Western inure nat.. l'eopara and oUlera ate titvand to call and annou . the Imre, aald yualtly Of our shoSit, as with our presei.tl.ercarrd (urinous. an Man afactiir lag and purenn‘lng. i we Inn, we ran oder as pd. Inducer:news 10 tr. , :.,y o:hur hoe." welt of the Itionutatus. lady . 11.11./CK.arranrsor., norurkla hA ILLt.H. Ri C VI'S( • tirric.m.criturent, 111. importer. , cri Winc n and Zeger.r. 1:s and a 74, corner of rad Irwin erer,r, Irri!ga, Pa towns • /10,1111 srca. Ikl kV.... WALLS. C. EVIL c1.11_1,4 A INA., floar.u,c trrocern .114.1 C 011.1131, 61011 Irtery aunt,. :A Liberty st.., l'lturtrurrDi .186 1:11P111, s ,11., (Line Jones, Murphy & /VI. Co.) %%1.3:c...ran Irenicr. Jir Dry truodA, NO :4' Wood atre,t, rt;ot.ordL. • dart! ALL. ALLLN a co ,000a.io:. aud Forwarding s. r.od Frout Mt, tit Ilort , Cll How.. and Akar,-a.. japo 4.1111 E I ;nal And Almuto arel'am .ollet. liooll4, curs., eost Mee Ailey and Fourth larce, et.lt oi, Alatlet door cDr,,,, mI warm, elex,rl sat Forekln sisal Don.rcetac b.,. 01 I,cusr, (111,[LLILN Drpla“ at, Baal Nowa t".d tEr C 014,1. au•.s tt, el unaJ the priticihel caje* throughout LW: • , decl7 1.11.,L.h..,1Ar, I La. .h.l.uhAwah--latice,, Penal it., third ilea, aheitc hinaltheiti, acute, math. Lwaveyseceig ttu ie with WO greatest cart wet legal aacy. Tales te tw.u. ccur tcr.. ne D/L DEOliGilt 31eCOOK. OFFICE, }our. 3 , re S2ct. Lenz , •rant, l/I the rO.lll lutely 4.tod Oy Ao.le /,611 Mltiv, 1111111.11.1 r ly oppouto r u.O wri• • lin .1 a) L,,0ur1.1 111 wgJil t+ No 71., Chs.r.4, 11.0e1 atilv. T. /teem ri a, MI. D., OPT/LAI-NI IV.6VT, w;:1 attcoct to the treat. meta ot o: the it,. it nos Ler,. cocagod 1,, mi. broach of the melt. cal protescl,“ II n yc.r.. rens, nva maiducte4 an cstaolottror , .t LI., treaLn.,,t tlinca.ll 0: the c alone let. Itevom NIMSM U.ll-6.—i5v... , / )Wl „ R. LY quxatJue. 4.1 lateen and nocCiE ully . iyi LAN, ~,,,,d Irual t . 14. Imand n. l A. /A 1,11. I un% -, ° tag lyftoerr, ,u.wr I'm/bug. tar., un..l of Volt Inne. , :trAc Wrtaes and Liquor.. 11 I very large Floc , . ....pertor ir4i.), 100 1.. r ari S:Ly • 201SSIS N,.3 ;..'4 . .... uSs.L. S. hoinsLos 1) HOlit.SnON .t. Co V. i.•. --an. ~ne- e rs. erceisec _re, and I .L.C.01.11/./ : , i, r.. :...... la ~ 4 1... r/.., in Pit. , burgs Alann.LClllf CO. :so I, 1,...,1) .1 Patelnagn. P. , ' - ' l ,' #O/s}:.11:11/A1.1i./.1.. 2L C. , . ; ;:•C1Z,...,i, Gr0,'„,,,, Comm ,u and Furs - la/L:ln.; .)Icrcuanta, descr. ProSsec s, .d PsnabLiqu Als.,,ntarulre., Unenly . SL Ihtts.busgs, 1....__ icb2,l 1..C. ,,, i• .‘ L L ;1:`,,1.`“..11..,,, V.lton..alc Grocer Dealer n, ereusL.e sad 1 .:alsug g 4 Manufacture. No. /44 Li 1...,.- 412 I.- 0. 1.1:1700.414 ... ur‘s rdlng end lzwuntsmon tor .• knvcr Tru drekl ... in GO. crtr., Prcwurc, j•aysburgh . ;Ithitutacttre. and Chicon•le The tugaoet prkce, ra coui, rani at nil ilulee tot vol.- rage. o,iaar of Pena ea, Irwin die polyir ljL c. ILws. %RAI& i,IItiCKLE:I - r Wit... - rr, N';' ale I.?ualerg In 10 Foreign utal lenuestie Ley rio . ol ' ir No.liti Wood IL rallburg2L. 101,1.7 tr - o — gi 'W. IIAILOALuII, out blercuante, Dealers O a to Flour und Produce ge , rruU).e..a Forecuryling ad - COULlruntkon liter kter b2 n rt, _ _ _ . . starrii, i;AGALEy .k. et.., e1'1401..-e:t. tt rocent Ind Produce de no. r., No Pl-1 Dl tt re el ...-rrct,,,,,,,,,A, k ,, ...I 131.¢. No nit •ado. I,ll.4rtploa. fits, 7. nall¢ll3.s' errrsopu . . ll. - • • to., .e.thLtoo 8 ELLERS A MLLES, rruFtvre h. 1.4 (i,0,,,,, (;,,,,,, m i. m y,,,, Ilderrlini.l., No I: I_,,ta - rt et., l'lttsto.tro bfrorm, Lin... , 41 hllll i AI rd I. hi. . - . • FI. VON LtUNStlital.:.l. S. Go, Who,coul. Lan . ear.. F0r.11,11/1K and 4.1.111•1011 . .11elehnsts, rs In l'ilin.J.El. N.l..lsulltellir[ll and , A. eeterdrro. have recuovco to watt .....v Wlll3,ll.llG,(Otti •“.1, N. corner 01 Front •L and elumeers Lane. - 50.... ._.. _ ita:Tuna ROTH t idt'ol7, %. , :holenn la find Retail dealers In T Ilocaa,sane.. Carpet Bap, itte, 10. W co rant of 4ni und POt. rEY &:11i.::14.iii-unie.iald reetri and didzan,. Can Merchants and Produce. ?Q*. 35 nod Painhureh ' _ yiE7RifairiTfizKp.,....k 6,4ece . Becutyi ng lbsutinr, .nd 11 I. maid Lulu°, ;cheats. Aleck, ImpAters of soda Asp mud 4 lehich• nig Powdat, N 0.160 UL,erty eutet, Pittsburgh; Pa. MA . „~`:~. crs i±-11 ...t i ,_ i ~';,-..$ 12_ • 1 I T , ~.. ~. ...: -7 .• - 7 . -'. :,- -1 -1 ~- f-,,- , :. . 1 , 2 'Cr: i rhs • fi . —..': • , "—• A Tr p, - ' Al . :,.., kt,...„ 7,-., _,./. , ...„ ...,..., 1„._,... ,--_, t.,:-. 4 - . ~... GA CARDS wm. 'MING; IkTm.l U h Co.—l:km.l;m In lenthrr /I.t. tn I VI L erty , y . . , w... , , ~,--,..,,,,,. - • -11011 T It •VII' I. L'.,l VC kK. eCCTCHEI , ti. i'Vh01. ,, ,1 , ~r 0,,,.. or., r r ~ I,r. uh`rodudr. Iron. jcull., oil n ... A•,11 P.', blifril Nltimi.tlurrot gtneitair, .1,52 I.Jl•rry .: P...., u , 1.,r,.. W. ' ‘ , / rlve " r -l en ( r ' e N iilt i ltncr '''. ;FF,2l \ s, ' ;, ','. .. : ,, j.: , -"' N ' l r u ' r .I , * WM. votke.a. co., 1 1 .. % .. J EALERiEs mtg : ..c.w .r r.lr i.t.i. r NI , tr ~,I Slre Flidtg.„ l. V 0 :014.LI 1 111 : ij.- , r ,, tv d theqr , P111i1;y11_k rly p,,,, ~ juL.lrg intge.l•lol,3,li i!, iellele r li ,, r ..,, 11. eiVilie 13 the a:tent/on o'4/ur , h,?re i. , I, tltd .. ,t .15 ~..... ..,. PAcT-TiKaiLE,W & CO., .9 S T II A :1 .101.,(.1 A T A,, I, N r il/rlct l#tiyi NI Ala FN A ‘ ... ha. .? II, I' ....,..... • - INSURAW. FIRE AND DIA filiA INSURANCE.. irr iNSPKAINCE ot; rte Awe nee o Ineck• permanent and iatiled Insentnee pro• rte n 44,S.city and slew-nye and • n ..te Htvere. La., and ,bl, • Inez To• ,•• .111. Contptoty• are well Invoewilpno ibreon eye , Itee lona for the ampie no-erne-Aro. Per•ne • "'lle fße!e,re to be pto tee. cli Ll 1h1.141.11Ce my I- \t - ,\l. IS JUN lit , . Agent, 41 IA eet INbEetNITY. Franhlin Fire ito-uf [ ink Cy. of Pliziaoielplilo ql)llll.l7:.o4S,;47.l;:rhniZ;,,,,,N.. Et ; n r t:f , :k . r, n, en liar, t ,4f3::n. It...ittr.l•. MOrtlrtiat Lew., Add pnn E. A.torte, navtd v. Brown. Nlttrrie,l'oto rwe Ctle RIZ% 'IN 6H, Prrn Charlero Bmlck ,, i CroonO, 1.12 nudge Into rea,wel, perpen,' r, tea every doteloption 04 prone .1)It, tow:, wt rote, h 101 V OA are f 1-{w-11 IL we u-,• To Company have wtteroeil b large co, I rlll.l .nth !bait Capita; and View 111 Mel. krut.,, pd auord straple proteqijon to the t 1 Tin new.. on the eom paby, co indoo r;. n. . roil bed arnbeably m atba.b.Cof Asseneb.) "" 0 et tallow. vt4: Aiongtte. • r , t)17.1, • 0401 Eitate • I/0,701 01 ri Oath. ed: MEER . . . 4: Since thoit inCoryOrsuon. _ /ft, paid upwind. clone ruillion four pied dollar, Icnua ti) Dire br odorui,c r • :•ic.o.” ei :be eidatintoairsof in., riii.ce." ac scel. .• tind doipociii. to .nr-inirtic•••• • J. “..flit.ritifik.i . rv., marl-diy Offo a N 15 eoloar Wood it. Avv7illt - 111 1:T unaan s C r 4.ICC K. CO. 1) A. NAtlEtlick. :er IN-.c ar Mninal Safe, licoorkc, Agriphin. PIM Knit. unoo ono int ccory dopciption. Marcao oi race:a...l4ton njicifi u.n Woe! In`ncin. TE - o - urrr irr the Warehouse, W Cro • N, 37 Wan rs,.oeat Marie; zN —Tho enecc, , 61 1110 lialkinc:ll . of ttr Aeersery sa 114e . sty. a - rsa a.. wardh:feery cisl aopo., uo.o. fir 10,1 La, frita artassee;fullis narrtaa: ar faerang the asaltdencesaralpsitwinaee r_.• tr.r. Lem corninutrity at la - ir tsr Lite, /Jerawarr M 1• eau, earnpany, W4141.11:11. e.d411,n; LI, h.,. 11S ell ansillutlol4 at:rah:4..lre antittlourarlars, 1.. 1 sr, Ars,- pbra—as.lsarifig n anspre Ant-an rapart.. v, .. apernuon .11, chars, sg eartataarry I...•sra.sr.g. a ykratileg lu eaab per,. al Wail . hrs Llur mat, at 111 c. 1 ,11d111 . 1 , .i.a 11.111 ren/0111 , ,bilaS W/1:11,,,. and nanar t are a tho 51ataal alisrc4wlr tff.evry, ,147.1 L rtrar sr, ;arm e ...• FULL .A 7 ND 1111111hriaC.15 Coillp.11) of artll 1, daly uuthotued *ul , scr•i•er. • • a wwko pormantka and 1 . 414 tit, CO,t t., • p , o; ~;;; ;•;;;', ": •; 0 ; `-"" mr nor; 11/ vol F. • . Am..< r, R d • ARTII \ l're• t. 7 514X6T It Stutsmene, „, o,ll,lciAlestl Atlipetsy In ,t4lte , . havlne been cjuumeeekjin 1:04. rhaner .• uptf fnno ite high sesithng, .ong men., iiaJ avowal; 41 .fisk. of ch,rteler, a may Le s ooriSidered . ne• the P J \ r . dt the Cuienylm- Rood, of Ateebercf. Jope• h t 0 . Wes. :Mr and 1.10. 1 eneete •PiyLef nepottqcd lem. at the jusurtukce Cocoymuy m Nur th wel ‘el; . . i.sue I.olic hAd ,tew. O . •• ••• • 111 .141 Ct :1111,c J • • a 14 42 • l' . •• .iertitur 17 Co 1111, Shull \V. SP/itn Jahn A ?4,1 tc uia. 841.tatuc. F.yWlG r Siunue2 '14ORWA111)1M; c. a u.hhron”Ust.: CHAULkie. Yi. 1 / 2 1.N.011110101/F.:IC & CO. • TOBACCO GullfflltiNAK - IEstIIA.IIF, No. 59 Sooth WharVen, 117 South 11 . rt. Plllk a: }Lflll A. 1101EGS. to lalorrn 0,1 doalcre geewr y Of • hltalion;li, that lady ii,dokode eucii errd.d, with the Virglnia m rael.areae tun! ,be (~,,,crrnoz the NV cat, V. 0,1 • large and cOilsolid euppiy V w.. fiftfowt, t fott,r t it. LOMA Or Toimaeo, wh,eL sFr ! , 1,11014 411.01 t Oft off., whitetrona na t r whrte. end ail woods ardor,: Sam them a.,. • c rented equal to rniire.entata.i, Havana, Si. Domingo; , Veda, l'}i}to Kira, , - a.; , Poet 1,11 to ba, • Florida, ) ediebratoil 11 . ,0111fitle f than, with k hugeasaorniont.orpther popu., swat qua,itir. or pound., i,.,0,0 Irto, • • tad Palm. tf ihe . snot.; and plain. ii WhObit anti tin. I.oplthil %rah hvork k•Vtaty of art, 1 . hr.,t0 tan • . JOHiLY A. sgA w, PACKER ul , -.l.llltit ANU !WEE Comtabkon IllerchautAnd Porwartlet, NO 4 IiANAL 83', CI NC.ift NA IA t inn urc4 to :44f I E:y D P :LITI r e ° 0( ' P a r:::::11 ' c " ; " 1/1 tilt mart,,. Cotwa-rd , ug oi.lpooda giut rally .1 ' )(etc r to Ale•ara.,li,ftn e.wet..ey tar.} S .. I,lairol, 61 r.41u.tv0 , 214 Ctne,..,,,,, I, Z -. .. S. C. Piralturot,".l,q; :-.' Ltppluack is Cu. . , • '.: ' hi.' & J.uo, . : ''' rutaborgh. l'a • 1-4 ,Ib,t.. ii,lllllttl, ,• . 1 ma r- ,ILm ~."---- Crkfitilikt7 C - aCMTL — A - 1.9 : a .Commls•ltin and 'F'ot.W.fidlng Mere hark e. ~.. pl. Qt wooly H . ,trlyase..it. 4 - iON - rl.Wulo ~ , aL tr.Z. qra. l omen.,•lo a I.u , i. ajneer, rep:reit:illy :the trayeNie . .c and rill.: of Amer, van blandurtrtrer and.PruiluelF and lit 1 1 ,1,1,11, and 1./canvas . ..mg Orods conelphril to via car, A, A,,,„ 0 , .Nlantilsretilren, Ire Writ 40cpiastuntly wah She principal arUcles of PatalriPh .llanuiat,r. at the lowest whalaWC prtCes. and ron,q(n.nent3 sere perlfly4 roilettrd. GEtoRGE_;cI3ERRY, WHOLESAW&OROCXELS; .SOI3,IVELDIM; Ah1P , 10411.160,11.1,1 AND, DEAL* IN •ffrou. Gotten hilts & Pittsburgh Altatiuthef airo• Ily, WIN,v arafarr arrrsavagia. r.. E E4H , JR., intp>rcer 01/ rd mita lar'Fricerg and bunt•wat .saddlery Itardwart &.Chttitigt Trimmings, No: 13V Wood et:, Pittsburgh, Pa. 40 , ; , a)er reratylag In. Nrpply DI 1.00,, and eats thq f•tlentlogi of Sndakr r.. 3• , ` , e - Nierch.ta stock. It 1 - taa - tatou lioucnt ..;0c,.. . . brot lett., • Dp= b tOr o.t 4.4c0, tooloro confidegi 1,1,4 .we la '!‘dora who rnap TA.Dt mu with r¢Yll 1.27 a.. i L -tit - 1 IL 71[1,111,;.---10.i. oto o ElOr/A.IN TECAVELAN, PITTEAN et CO., lORIVARODU 4 qO3IIIIS,YION. NERCIIAtiTN, Net% let St cotll *'iron, meter; d.:40 . 4l 1,.1L t, hi , --A dos erode, and ~, c 3vole; 40 do Manure Forte Y 6 do 61 - oro ' , noir.... L, -du. *oellot dth A Xis, ilolGilirt• , ..„-,3lkilocits awl hex Vietb, ho., fin note Orr 'tumuli.", re r pro,. 'by noelo . y AND ...Pit/ NL , ANL) AXLE rArroftv. Aaac Joddla, :0111 'JONES et kttrlca, A.xur legrurtEnS toe tot •o r 111 plOugh Oar:, Nice: p!itnifiriviSll{o, ord • :;.3 Le ..prof7,t, holunfored.lton gait, und dealer. on 1711, 'lratlee en.soog.,fice cog., tiod E-044 non.. es "Welton/Iy, aotnef of //to,* Soil, 1 , .t. , Pot Ftlf:citing Cook, FOR rinftil [p(, tS A IT.R, Whin), ',antler*. Islandwaist pure 1,7 J S, h wale! C IS 4 9-1 . 1 " :rb d II P 71711 ‘ , 0 „ ' !:;:g ) :%3:,: Ass i filtering acic,lshows tarps a•-•pos.l • ; ithps,:e substances, wdrin•,A n. Eh. the rasa tubes in leas molly up hydrant ssals• . . .. . . . . ',. The Reeetsible Eilreratets ups and dors We, and is .- Ot ntlendeff7t•lth the, IncOnVeAlenee Inc/dent to, 0 1 / 1 ...1 • 'titterers-, . It Is elolutsed :wttbut being Or,-, , ,, t r„,.. Pun • the water plpu, by 11144 . rely brSinq me kr y or Lanni. • from ode tulle to the Other: .. li t this easy procure. the •course of miler Is changed,. .i., .1:E. all .<1.111.1:213Nna In e• are Steve, off almost 3:.#1.41), .impure "b4"c Illner' It also 1-oser ..ter ii. walront WaOffr, in g* r- i 1 .t.t" a- - advant•AO WfWarag a rroPf•lo i oto o. earl o .s. 7 . Mutes mill bq yet) , convent.: • U ocoooooo., II ran be 11.1ittcherl *herb Cla . !‘a le any Ness., 1,,,t, s tent,tub, Obe y with rare. I o be o at or tow to a Of a, ~f Ute sale Affect. ....' kyr • &ape rke,, , r 1 oet l 7 t, . .7ra:et o f , - mutt an . I' Von. linEt:;-:- - A - Laiidsi;iii 47- I* , ully c.r.. 4 c ~, .0 i . 01..0 ItOters, bgill at Phl i taUetpda by A relct.r•• 1 0.1 toauarsaturer. lbte c.l4.ge i. ~, r , .. , r.l- , , . a illy, rate uthele, mode with gIl , h." nind ,,,, "oP" , ” - taunts, Itria/Writb, lilac 01034 410 tuttened la superior .lUOLiulcr. 1(4 Val.:4 steer, and Soul for wan: of use. I..uquire of ' A 1.14 AN I/ Lift & DO \ . in yyt . 754larket et, N.NV4rner of the Di whom! 1 ri - eije. N A Y -SD 4%%611.1.1.4 31 /u ll EA CT I-- s ILF.RIS.7-LHaviag tnaSe.pt , lttitterneals du • con. stunt supplytof FACYTORY.FUNI./114i, del dell sell ai lobe prtelit'ehlr puff !thee!) . gtger 03 ins, Leer I.•a- Nee, Plekerit, Weis, /Shatdesatielnp Twine Trrodlrs• No. 3 tp IS 14It Putteles,l l lribehes, Ittrlppins Cards. IU to IS itei 'Pli.tent DiessesllrOb e ., beaver. !trust, r...c..c... • 1.007.thrl NV ILiStiN & cu., mg.( •' ' ' 1.52 Woe ads . .., Pittsburgh. 4 . t ... . - PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 15:49 LAW OFFICES It. B. CAItNAHAN. _ TI , ANKY A r oil roar, •trect twr., rherry ullry •1 'lv W TIMM AN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Illgtlrr. • • "ILL x 4,0 ettrvnti tvn2n.1122. ICI other hu•l. httu... an:l Atoa,ro”g rou:,t,. J A R Floyd. I.:` , rrty •t V. V Wn,lor., James Marainth l'lttsburgh .t:r Rny A. n. Wood ,n 7 j . ".' 1 ,0, n1 , Y ‘20 ,1 ec ,,,, and (..r..en R EFER A. Co. ) :f Carothers, ursh I) T Morgan. 3 5,11,1,y II I.:\ Attornry mot Coso,'lor 1..,5r, C111,...1.,11, 1,1110 4,1 . , At , :setv. promptly s:,tl ear, ItJtrodt..ll.) this Suite or Venn rot Lid . .., prifiii.tirilk, u. •nowlrdgluent. Rki.:( 7 , 11011 - in A: `lnn. Cur,.. Church b. n, Hay.. I,nr.• i • \ si:%\ ELL ""“'"'";""' : .J .9 11N T. COCIIIIA.S, rr, , RNM AT LAW , tract, between ,11,.thrat and I;r111,1 AN-Wan II RI rc lIATS, CAPS ANI) BONNETS. M'COILD et CO., t5.1 , ..500r. to NI Cor•I 1.r.t0 Fa•hionAble Ilatter's,! Cara,- of I VJOd J 7.1 Fifth Strarts. T)ARTICULAiI utt , tition to our !Leta.: Trade. r..ly upon thetr Ilitt% and Cap.t from our t-stal.....hrrxn: d lii. BR, MATERIAL" and woacILANSIEF nt the LAZE 5T1 . 1. - 4., end ut (.0VV1.7 C.Ouni-y puron,n.t hy wre tu,te.l to call r u .carral, our StooK, . tay eo:.tidoncr: ro.gurtls ,C• 1-1 1 .1 !lot F.utrei vrttu any nouse 1., 11AT:=:--11 doz n ntrr proof ju•! Flo•I !or .0.0 y .it D & sehtr rnr,t r.od - - - FANHIONS FOR. 1849. NI Cc WO ••• wt: Oli tir.r• wa, ot .-1•1 Luperwr to ru•: ht V 0 1 .1., 0, lord S •tt •:ic-• 111 E I) I I: A li ~„ , •,„ , .t, j OL • • :\ I t telt. , i , i pTo .1 •u ‘lnra • i • • 1 ,, it .-110 MI Jo linrc 111 I) Mrrt -- 1r G c 0.1.• of in, z... to 0.,/, " • c .".• •• I It.! • ch. orr .ote y nd. worm. I ,),:. ~....,• VI 4 T r , r b - . .11N I, ==2l=lll MM SI nd Th”, R ppa;o• `A ay 1 ,r7t I•y n ` td,lty (2 A Vh.d , Ilk.R r 1 v 1 1 ..A0n . , rom ,•r. , ^•'••••••,. " w.u• I v.l R : -I SE= Or. liost's Celebrated hetbetlitx. Thro“, I:I untottur.. nneeet. -terofu tt. Fitt. utTIA lota, 60 , of cute etunproutul fluty tot :Get ,fut'ufntet ue 41, Po% pt....e.t.. 1..a0t. Itut of hi, fe u.e•. ..t.tt tit. no a d ftreart ittt tr t ft. pecu.far in L'e lonic A 'rrnt!e• I' • vyl.•r. fon,: er• purrTuf.v •or 4•13 , 1. r • • my prope.rto, fr0nf0....1"0 !emu r I.u! • t,hrfl feint a fen', n1.11.r ..ff u re Inver, 14, pr, .feraff• our of Inn IN,. L” i . .7 „ " i:474 t . , : g r ' r " :•: " 1::::;;;: ', ::...; • , r• J nr.fr,t, Ar 'tutu.: 1..,1 A lfrrunufn. near f• .. A runer.). • • Jernee Kxpectorani f. ~1 .1 Art 24, I• 41. 1 IR. 1/ J., NI-, -I ,t4l y.•. to ail OI porlutory or ".• .rY i, aIr1a1,11.11,1,1)1,1'.' out riorvat au r 'Llama orar. 1.1110 i.. I /of Vrl en yr ar• .1,1 RI 1,1.1101. Ir, t 1.112 COPIrr,II.IIN/11 a..l) clor ~,,, or arrr.n. oror• ittr.l rum,: trao',ll to air rri Wrtr,.r r , 0r.....ra. and tit, pr., ....r.r.110... or ru or to 11/0.1 r.:.F.tr - orha .rt , 5 n a.., lit, Orr lilt CO.1.0,11:1011 !rtrl a I, w .1, 4 or we,Y• larta , at—wrt•tr. rlrr OM .r: 101 1,14,41 • • ni11•11, or .1 ri' , ol/11111,..11`d Ittr your I.lirociororii— oel : tont lOong 1..f1fl l ni j arid r .11,1 vio ilny• ai-• iron. my , 131110 , 1,` 1/•1• oi a (rotor ha.: for prr.viou• rII.: lor r. 0..• % I I.tram,r,t, LIT- I or. ,I, I'.LLAII-lerlurn •..tioon, . jc, ertito. or ; • o o•d011t) pLll.O.l' , , •orri.••• • • llt p0 . T. 131 / I. rcurcvo. joitsp • • It tor nod 11 , •pr'ro • rot Oo• .111, it oorcrlar• mod %Ir remlertr, it ..••• aro. •it.. moo It corruto. t r,tearlyla.le 01 01q0.4.11g u11 , ••11 Ire 111 und Iliardvn• he cum- }•": the klmee p. • - 0/. die rr.olos / • .1.11. Lein f I uyyii ..r1.1....t1;) pre e. „:, "r.‘'. , r, tor plo. 4:1 ,1 11,11Sss C Nu D*Lane In Ten /4 , l s 11: t 1 „. 1 ~ l4 , 1 , i , 1:L:•11 ‘ 0111 , nl e.:BpaKair /at I 4 .u. 4, .2.r 1•, ti. , ,n• u " rom tar.o relalter o u Lure .• - N‘ 11.1.t.11,AV xuc /luau: ro I r!... 1 ,, 27' I --i; , Lit MI a. ha. 13,,, hkgh y 0„,,e•1a KoJ /111 , • i I.IIIU, rta .11.111.0111 . , .... ern.zit,Gr I• I ,sll .•,..A.‘l.-nt I morr Jun, I :not will :tau. r au, 1.1 Nour,, .y .1-v - Iv . , rtyn r I( RTI . .lt I.y K. E. SI:1.1.1 . 11(S. A 7 \\ ,.,.J 11/14 Si•4lli.) y, a... 1 A. Itif.7l() VAL Witu.r4alr t.rorr• T H r i ;;t b r , 7i ' ::73: : corncr oi Haw or %% L door WU, a nous, mrl,7 Foreign end Dorne•tie Liquors. k Grog , i'lll,ol WI I boniewir j - 1 . guar.. soNs). on Mind lor Lao cuff puressArrs °P. S m :Tr I 'k: nave w. PI'MI . 4. mail, 6., i:0 . 1 „ 1” . 1 , 7 . •te co ,le•t wvotthrr. 11 , . 111(.11VIled 10 1011101111 .ac themes AlPi.tr. A I'XIN,IKV:3, •t• Nu I Lure, C Baron ~,, 0 W.. I ....z.oeu, 1,,q. an. 4 Dry Peaches. uu Fearlirr, 0 to arrive, thr •ale by k F(0111 •t lk 001.-3 ,Its Wool, Idu Feral. 'lb landro7 item Ty LEAM Line, awl for sore by 106 J AMES DALZELL COPARTNERSHIPS. rrllF:eo-permerehtp beretoture exts.ung between the j Itutetertbers. in the name of Constable. florke t: o , tht• day 41..0y/tat by mutual convent. Men. Burst. & Burnet will acute the bustnetta of the con. eere. tor whirl/ pure., they arr nothoryted to a., the name of the roneern NATHANIEL CONSTAIILF:. EDMUND BURKF:, Tilomns BA The understgnPd Larr this day associated thereaelces 1,1 nein, of BUR) Elc BARNES. for the purpose 01 . turtz Iltllltlfa , tg Ftre Proof Safes, Vault Doom, hp, at the stand of the late firm of Constable. Burke rt. C wbere they w1:1 be pleased to reprice the pa tronage or the customers of that house and the, rect!. THOMAS BARN}. In rell ru: from the ram of Conc.We, Berke & Co, I Wail 'lucre pren-ire recommend Ideurrs. Burke A lluene• to the confidence of my Inentl. and the punt., Feb tr I-40 NATHANIEL CONtITABLE,„ 1”1.11-dlt DISSOLUTION. partner hip of MURPHY AL dug day d.oolved hy mutual content. The bomo,sof the ,em firm will Le settid 11. Lee. J. A Id LIMO', l'ia.burgh. Joh YU, Inth II LEK NI/TICE—The undersigned will continuo itio Wool hioir,os. and •vend to the Kale a( Woolen Good., 01 10 old stand rt retirms from the firm of Murphy & Lee, I MIDI crest p.essure in recommending Mr H Lee to the eettbdettre ol my mends .d the patina. IN.tsourati. Jan. ats 1 , 49 J IL MURPHY. THE, sunset - them hove thot day ussoeistai them e*together (or the purpose 01 treittleAllig • wriolesa, and retwl Dry Goods and iirourry business, at No Y.lO Liberty, opposite Seventh .trees, under the ,tr, le and brut nt Bh SiIFiELD & 'LAYS. PHlLlnrclt January I, 2 , 40 N 11—Our old eastOtnert and the pubile are turned jjJ CU- P ARTA' r have ; 4 , 2\4 nod r c., , , t i. .LA p m , n e l.T iw slEi r s . O . N r SCAIFE dr, ATKINSON, nod will entry on the Tin, :nppor and Sheet Iron Ware tnailufactory. Illnetsmalang he all to hranrhea, at the old atm: 1)1 B Feet neon, near Wood. nolo' u,or attention peen to ateaoltront work ocrl I ls!;.': 'the wheie- P r ‘ i.7 . u7c . ; -d one 7:o"m h m or i e .s " lo ' thy utothes Jr.. pit, under the (Inn nr J N Dlt.wowrit A. Co .I.e. DILWORTH. - - • J 411414 ry 10-PA ItTN Itelt.l3lllP—Wm. Voting havtag Ihu .1.., ,rated ..11/I nom , Jot.it R. M'Cune, u.:oror berenrter be conducted under the bon Wu, Young &Co W 11.1.1,01 t)(iN(r, JNO rl,ll-. BOOK TRADE JAMES D. LOCK WOUD, ,For nmny vcara connected Nle..r• Wiley a l'utntutt. ntt.i :e:e Johe ney, N. lorY sett 1 1.41. 11/ FILENCII ANI) GERAI.I.N lk ...LUAJEIJIL I' ['NU:Fit:II c. Eavoth. FIVIErh, And Ocrnmn Itevirvet and 11tt,./11,•• 411.1 Itnpurtrel to ordrr. pncro of %loch Mk, I.•C ..crtsuord on uppLeauon to r I. 4.:• . -uoKuco. Isa) /I AND VALI ABLE liOt/KS II I —ll/nt• oo Pub,. A rrtte. tore, prepared. on tot f 1 ionon.ttre oi tosouLan tio,rt Vv on .11110.11.11, us , kod :tte elrgant, 'Nab /...1ntre,...3 Slyic art Age. ...n.lpr.vng LIS.z. tuaux, - . q”, of adecuon. me ca liruChrome Lan r.or< l'hro. At. At- By Nola., A AI I/ A c and caiefu.il eolortl It‘•ya: ill— NU, 4141 ...111., reVi•ed , o tsur.l,,,t sa.d Kura. Aroloirclor. tor •a•r., JANItor , D I.ih2li‘VOOL, Irss oast *treat, years •-d sasstn Maws l'uts‘ana and .It, .Issass 1.5.) . Nave lora Ali I. nas u.s srarres, saa Eastern c,cs• n.:ktonua - rk. or t\ o v al.. j. aerror • , ss•h.ovw t r,,,t I.IF. \Vr.ung• n, Iv \\iii t'iLlttn,, by X t 4LI 0. • r.ler ur-orr J.kt lOrrc N N A . •tor, of onder:o. I . outnorou* enorovior. o PN tor nor nod NI r let sos Valuable Book•. 1*F.N61.1,11. ..rect between 4 , 1 !X. uare kr-rived I ~ ../Le .J.tl ocher work., auromf arblrb u'eVl/. Shocennneour (aaar• hl lk• 1 . /...treor l• All, Law tro•pr. II 1 . 7 na, L L. I.lle of Lk %A- in. Lamm., larang t /raw,. al Asnerie•. Republican Cbruuanny }lnc I . r.nreval by Horn, nntr rr•ni, Rey n I. Rice, Lo L), Itapuort. \irate .1 Breeber Nineven Re• M... Mu-Int:nue a the 11/bie. Ntrarlane .n laarneol. by I A J nnea. (a ward.' 1 v, ....,ew edition, ) AI 111...nr 'wort. romp.. tc. owpgr a lade aad %Vora% ot Guapar, 01. It,. and Ia:, o' Papacy, Turrrtha,,c . I hto, Edgar . Nartor... et l'rpar). Chn•l ficruung 1. at dd, Prop, by .1 Cualic. l ii \11,4.1r T.. 1,,..ett NllO l leTll . 1 1r00/21,01•1141C1101, Na,an, litoyalc• on ..cEidure, Cca., t. 5.1 dr 55, Po',o•. Nuut a. Ilsuory p f. Msold,o• hlngdonr. Ea,. on rduan• ist EX D.ffirudy. ..dd., , ,,, rap, I EsE. 111 u,a puns 01 Ea., ...do °mar ra1,..• ‘d.r •. %.rorgr Por,rad 1..1.1.1011 A 1.11 r—Mr New Amenr., y ~ l 1 t.r ,rvr Amer.ru.. Or r W by ro K-nrtr k 'lt , loasp,Ete 1 -. ainuer Kura. k.cononn, L., I co 1, 04 , 1'1 Ikln,sur Cool. ery. Vm A Ilendcry - m JIAIN,I , ,N ,rucx rt.\ „„ tlicr rat ket •.,11 las t.1.0,1‘,1 s MINKS-•ThooLchts Put,r t., sa,eloci Alutrq L, Ll L L tly nor 1. .I , .IINSTON K STOCKTON N Moma or the Ifrrottte 01 Itt• ..r tlt or!, thr Stccotttl FittrrttsCat , Y U,4,1 w. cttrnytt.s. Just re,. tt by t/N, ".) lu rorttrr Jtl and Nlttrkr.t ars F:N Ii LIM] AND AMICILICAN BOOKS I A.lll, 11 LP, • Wi.1411:. ppor nwrp) yesr• ropphretp t,Wpry et nal Pulnupo cold lair John •Nl,l 1.0..u0p, bap. e•taPplokhod Ilutp.r :Su. 6.1 Wood so eri, belvrcrtp 111 and pil• p.0.e., • Pprpc luny L..e pound • wa.uator .i.. 1 d ANII.ItIWAN • prn• sow a to the kwatero caw• Er1..:`,..1.1,1 at. t I Al. lOUh.. Re. wspw.nrportwl Word. autt INt LIK7 . I,ItA I CikA 3rr eu.ttsc.l rec , ive 0001. duty free uLalogo. turtuaned gr .• i.• :o ost wl.o Men, or 'ran per t0...0 • athlre. I 1, be h4ppy to ez F.,t to lad]ea and rw,E:t thee 410 torah w pod inwart to them any .n.ornow Lon o•inci. a may po.e. regardlng them. Vha:lor% AN V ALLA 1311 lk— S twatwvta n, and • . ala of Aurdotan, t end the e Vesewa. or !Web th of .11 pprt.. mod so ku.o,ry into the mann , . and aeln of t h eno. 'cot A.) rtan., by Ann., Henry 1..; ard. Jac ree d and fur as. f'T JUIIN,TtoN A eirin:l4:l IF L IA4CKIVO6I), Book 4clier mud In Fort, 11/ hi I- oresgn !loot., 04 Wand street, aux On hand a .einatne rot 4,11011 0i Enghass nod Ashei.can Books Ithe drQer ndepurtmeni• of Literature, which he el prepared to sell SA ,OMV at they can Le hi...al/sell sa the I.a•tern ens., anti Continently. Hooks, Hoyle...rm., Maps. rJ Newspaprr, itnpor,ed to ord er. I'lle pr3ce of auy hey., Mag• Line or Newspaper. may 1.., aser,tained trol aperatlon to :11r L awl Amer.eno lataln,:oes lurma,,rd I. tpe 1,1.1,11 I:1 /I lOW nn :•I Ur happy to e.t.a°, any order, feir F..igA aOgs . ...Lationer), al emali WiVllll/14 p k • - :N.t.s. veil a. uhih E.crouw 01E1,611m thr trthohleessi of Kurd. MD, Ihr Vint., or thud oroap. ~.i• tagt.ifi Into OM MA/11W", nd Earto of the a • otill A,)1,L,.. Or, ill LroOurtory leusr hy It vo, octavo wath ahoto tlivotrahon• evitht Le cturrs 0.1 l'togresa I yo , , I , ]oo. Pnre leou.rd .51,011 ,ruden s l'.4.reurdsuter concinnPed• reduerd %Iltrau,ty 11.tary it 111(,1111. Harper s ;Irv: id ru,s. 001,10 - img , p”ht u t•J Gnr waver, re, yuh rcuro Ilrbr. w n..tl Litgl.o.tt I.ezreou V s w °d. H 4 , st. nenr • ••••01 tt ,1 =1:4=11121 11 , ,4,1., ul Chur..ll and Na.Le,l.. .1) Her It %V I :1.• ..talrCh t,2 'Arne by Rev J Angel /fun, F. ALl,ec lourig Alen. by f 7 Artful:, g,IL Ladoe. • •' 1.2•2y2 .14,1100n1r Illo,leret, 11 Prof roveotry ~•lopedok to Moral soot Molopo AnotcloOol ork• l'ouriuMe u 2 ..b oir oao,r 1 , , tit, tio•Outo/ 2 vols, loustraora o. p.olo. gon and Cad t orn:a Judges Thornton ha late Falla-aa ~,, to It, Dana Sea. I . lovetb• 1,0p1... or Illtartrulloi.rol Prnctleut Iron/ we /kook of WI ulum. D) 1. I. I ..lvermtly : . tertnon,, 1., Dr Way!unit I.l , ment. of Myteorolug), by J Mock le.by, A M For •a.e Iry N Ilt/1 . 10:114, top Apollo lluilthne, dolt SC. - 1 AI AN PRIMEVAL: or The Conmtlution trod Prim .l. WV., C0.411...1 or the Humor. Ileum. A contetho• tm,J to TheolOglCal hi:Ocher, by John Harr., I.ecturr% luting Men on venous iroportout •ob p.rts y W Horror r Char JJJJJ Works, complete: 6 vino, 12mo The worm. T D Arthur, uttitum rd. 15 vol. loot rt. e' by In) It 1101'1i1: , 05,1. rm. wood B EN N ETT its BROTHER, FEENLON AK k: N Af. Ural:TUßF:an, Birmingham, [swear Plttabeargh s ] Pa. Veasehouse, No. 137, Wood street, PiltsteurgA. ... A WILL, co/Inanity seep on band • good and went or W are, of our own nvinutacture, and • superior doubt ) Wholesale and country Met chant. ue respectfully invited to call and e • amine for themselves, AI 0.1.. are de...am/twit to Pell wicaper Wan hoarier [adore been offered to the pub- (Er Orders sent by mai I, accompanied by Ll:south Cr it reference, will be rircmplitattended tn. inyid Caution. r .f "2:;),'" Pracs " l ' s, ' y ' lls ' cra7d d sos7r ;rsts P o u s " ..l b.. . "' hfl i Pa7 mu it C. and by them accepted, sorlll4lb, dared May 1 , 3, lb., as days an. stem, and accepted Mar I. Ir lb, payable to the order of drawers, .4 by roam endorsed to P. C. Shannon, who bee no that pay ment of the same haa been stopped In the hands of John NIT.. a Ca. F. A. fIiCHARDSQN tepidoigmassalson doab. Dissoltatioxk ....... Tills establishment long ithd widely known am hem° one of the !noat common°. in the city of linditnore. hiss recently undergone very emen• Jiver. Ithertill011• and improvements. An CP2III, pV/ ingha• been added, containing numerous and a i ry sleeptiig apartments. and emensive bathing moms The Ladle, department has also been completely reorganized and tined op in a most unique and beauti ful style In (no the whole arrangement the noise bun p rop remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors. thwart. the' ointfon and pleasure of their Oueso, and which they conhdently assert will challenge comparson with any Hotel in the I•nii•n Their table will always be supplied with ever) mb stanial end luxury which the market affords. served up in a supenor style, while in the way of Wities.7te , they will not be surpassed. lit conclusion the proprietors beg to any, that nothing will be left undone on their part • and on the part of their assistants, to render tins lintel worthy thecontinued patronage of their friend. and the public genernHY The prices for hoard have Kith been reduced to the fellovring rnto• Ladies' Ordinary, 51.75 per day. Gentlemen'. 1.50 N. IMgvage Wagnn of the House will al sways he found at the Car and Stem..., Landlngs which will convey baggage to end from the Hotel, free of charge mayMf COIN. 7 Fr CLAM f umed ~11- 2 7•5rP4111., The autdurrdrer boon., the manage mrCirfnent of tht• boor; ratahnkhed ana popular Hot., reripeetfully annornr to Traveller. Roil the Publ.. generally, that he une he at alt wilco prepared tonccommodate themal. Hunan de•trahle a Hell regulated Hotel. The Hou. la now I,CIII, thoroughly repaired throughout. and oery rumture added, and no pun. will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hoteir in the country. The underaigned rerrpoctfully .i. 1.11.11 FL continuance of the very hberal patron., the Him, it.heretofore reeetved THOMAS (rWSTHN. fetrakllf Prop, trot LAM AELTIkE 1101.7191 e, roams 01 . torr am GRA NT RUM,. PITRE7.OII. THE mul,perkher respeetfu!.y announce. that Z.. 1 1 .• • h^ hna "Pened hi. new and ererdeni Hotel tor the a..eonirno.t .ition of irtve.er, boarder., and the ruld:r genoral.y The how.- and furniture are entire:y ne and no pain. nr her spared to render w. it one ot the nn rowortahle and plea rant Hotel. in the rite The sublenber t, de•termined to de•erve. end there for Itolzcit.a, a shoo.- at pal pn irona!,. .rt.l.l.dly 1101:1,11 Proprzetor._ UNITED STATES HOTEL, 01 ZINUTITIVRT.N 70( . .1 . 1 et,ll NIS. OPP' ~I TE late liank of N. I:vord Slate, Phila POPE NIITCIIrI.I.. 11121,11 P)oprtrior . H. Kl.P.ftl-11{. u:l‘t,o•l•vet •• No •'1 rn rtl•tre , .. otf,s tor sa ••• an ••tt-qatt• Cho k rrtn, • 11. v nos. Bo•tot, tOt• .11• r'•l 1 , 1 1p; ..•• • ./1 rttl•l• 1.1,511, Alleabetty rity. anti Cott•ttt• S. rtp '11 , 1rontori••• trout 1110 7 ...laver, 11•111 a•t-r•• \lt Ittrk tn.,' for 1... market. T'at,Warr,otell o. equal. to any 1..11, etty. Manna ail too 'me, ,mtotetrtcot., au I.‘ as cacul•t scale. rte Hoy•—• arr r prrvino• r001,i4 elActoto.m. and. n 4n. wall inert! .olor anon rodac or 0111,0 10 ~14c u: qua., I) of ll• A 4,, .11,roment,. 161.14 Al :yr' CAN AND Mill-11.N le,Pll 41,g direct trout et tut., Ha, viny eure t .cs tr . it,' rr,..• ”.. .440n.x, ecru., a :ee. ',lmre tti 1.4 etc, mp," airy v.t.. UIEJ , /tot f:w.1..F.:11 e . Pr g,,oo,rds. ca, T ""916“" jAIIIIES W. WOODW ELL. .11odern and Antique Furniture, , I. Tn.a Pinar, at aQiii A iAiree and .pienilid . ...A. isii.pie. , ,,, assortment of Farintzure. I'.‘-74. , nr'it'on,ni II nvionlon lot Ptratuni,:s. nie,"" l e , i r i — eltii. Hal e'• and pri•ite iiuiriii• ings, constautly cm b•nd .ad a• to order The riteturit stoet oit bat,. rai,ot I.ti tzreeted ii• aar Iniollriaietnry iii i.: ii wo.riera •oannry I . rii ..• .salt, ./. 'IL /V iIIY, ventiOl .1., an•!: me rt., de I any.., •ta..:rti mi. or .i.... nita.. ..tim-e l' as. it I, a, k iiini• •i• rt.— Teo- u Tete, Built, Eliti i r e.. Lows XII 1 . :.,:. toe., .F..ita• etn e.ei it Tea Pat Fruit raliles. Tottal lialiies. ',out. % V Commoder Frencil Nindogni ) ftesltitiuds. Pis it plio t i i . 50 so ta • sir in Piona nod Ilatr-iiiotli eV, am SO Mahogany Roc•ilie Chia,t.. 4$ dos Flarior ilit Se, itr'e'Tria'Ntemii do U , putt Ines', 4 purr pier Tali es. IS mortue top Dreesine Bureau, Watorwita i - Seeteuittins liid Root caii, 20 marl. - top \%anti 4 i.a...15, 4 putt Intern..., ...' par r tau, %%uric ...lands. A nen' Intern•sor turn: or rofmnoti eltair• anilotlint furniture too numerous io trientitot ~5 10 ,,a tun I tot mi I .,, ,isiiyoi . :lit ciao eolatc, 4. ocoa, tie. NV liner. An er. aii nod F rho.. it ..i.... i ..n . :. rist i Fnerran...• •iiii con•urners. IF,. erne ii imi 1 'XI. ....., i.rom, .• ~. , Iwo.. 'rer ,rom ts,.. te rat morr anatntion. ihao ten or nod., aiiiiliii qus i v uiii.i. pariseil. me •uliaerine, renottitsieiidt ld , . ovr sir hi •. rnaitulutiturral hi, 1....i•r.i no.: •:moirool aro los :moos Ili. Ftrutna amt i meon '' Pia n• dew..., patia•aii ,t.pertoir to any ether pre, r, &gent, /I•ures hray & t .ol llostoty Jatne• & co. Hal-bora, Conn. 11055...)A Ylarral Nev. 1 orl Gram A ' , noise. Phyade'rt..a. inornnt Kean., nom,. and Kellogg & ttennell.lbortnnau.lMm ‘1 AL. rb.lt lIA KPH. I asronester Nn... Por sale by •0011 PAU A LEV A , mrril. Au. Wrought and C••t Iron Railing. rpm:.ub...rm.,. beg ...ay.. to ntlorm Ine pan .d Mal tiles nave obmined Iroin n, nsl.. and inoblonan:e dealge• for Iron limbnr• Mdb oes a.ot cemeteries Persynts sanantng to id”eure Inands mute panerv• vs. I p,:tsr. en ad.! e .J4I, tor :Immee.vre Kaulmg arm be. lurntsbed al me •Itnrl. r•t 4/11.1 Craig mid Itet,erca otrerli autrt4J-dll Q FIX:II...mg A 110, •tcr's ruptrtor 5 Inn, ..h5 do M A Untler • 19 h . do ['rt.. A /I•rwood, • 5 • dl do do do 25 du do Pear! S. 119r9r0f91 I- 5A • 14 do 1 lloh.tmon 57 h , dodo Al do do Wm Ihw•on Al do T rig,. • • :17 do •• r •no 9 In I. r . do II Akron on. 9 do RA, :if Jost land., 'rem •tramer end paeltetit. and lot ••t.r F.A.1.1), IILCK NUR h 10. 41 north wau r st 00. l IA north VWhft i.ll.lnel,ptun ,c9r4 j r: , tu . - u r i t. w itF , , t l) ., l t. tlll , A , 4:l:A.,-4s! .j„.,,, 73 half bxs Welnnrr I supenor garner slump. Lawrence I.orlrer 5. ,tl.l rouutrd m Ow al.ovr tousLor.,, voru,, %kuod and Ilnrd ntrert, Piirrhurun, to-, patche prepared to WI, work 14 our Noi dr•-• ltd to our work prr•onall, and ati•- luctlon will be given it wgurd to im% olontne.w nn.! du• rability !Slant lieroax ruled to arty pattern and bound gar manually llook•nuraber• or rod 1 , 00 x• roma. 3 r.•• or rr paired Nsnor• ors roar," or i^”• , • lrorar that here work or tror are ormlerd to earl row ur`.=.‘, lALF tOrs Krouror Froireh air :arr.." very hoe arm,- A irra , doz.. l'loradriploo Irmo the urritturAciory al it er M vrarch rho norrwron rrt Loot roma or% r l.d. lu• rm . -roved and for Aare try %V Yr/Carr...a Co, 14.1 .rrorr, lIA VING sol.l [our ca.], •too, In r 'll,/1' IP (.1:11Ig OUT uodWr y la, fur Imo I . ..I•DExTER, THE wATEK. Aug 411 . , I-1- I li I iRA s"r, COMITII.I%IOIIuni ‘J • Forwarthm, Nlrrchata. No 41 Wnter ‘t. etilt joi,A FuLT,,N. Itcll and urn'. Foullder.l3lA re ;ma. and coinn,Dreit b , ... at IL/. old ,tar. where he a•Til be plex.r4l to r^e U. nod ru0.:01.. era and Mend. Church, Slei.lbOttl. 41Ild Lt« , .. of every t,,, r/on, I In 11/.1/011 1,0‘111d6,,,1 11 . 01.1 rm.,. of Ike IIIII•114IIII/o% cd 131.1c1%, and vurra nlcA la I,C 1/i 1111•11,1 J, Minrrql Wale, Pump.. Count., et.• , Logy th , r ,v , ry vnr.rt, nl 11,,,e, turnud .11 ttou•thrtl Let iLe th.wurr. F . the PO , prnirnotekrof lirrNolr . r. ANT, AMU Stn A.l- luny rr•re,taletti tor 111.. rvtlurtrron r. 1,1r•In nr,trisan• r, Roza , irricl [lll be had 111 111111 nt 11.1” tur PILLINTINti PAPICaI o r f ' a d ne ‘ t ' v " a ' l ' l ' cfWe r ll.[ ° : .c ll iig the I'r S Pape paper mill in tilt. vscinity. will be al ail onto. writ •up poen wnh the different sues rolpJtper ul •uper,ur quaff ty. winch we offer st the loweat rerun.. prices Any sue or quality wilt tic manufactured In n“ter at short notice. itEl h jaS 6m r Penn and Irwin .• INIJI A RVIIIIER CLOTliftill—Ju.a receive, lor the Cahlornta fur.dition. a completc I,.orttnent laUlhEluatic Clothing. at prtcr• ,r 10 Su la 811,50 for sua cost, pontm and hat. Vor ..alc et We India Rubber Repot. \o Vi noti dre.ll/ 1 .re II PHILLIPS t irtlnnTlii;l4.lVlnnlr niter more of those so loan. celebrated Ils.nabas 1; ratans, used CO/11.11117 by Litt, ThalDerg and great performers, nogetber with • large assonant. on rwood and maniacally. of soy own mantufara : The aboveanstruments •re ran la be pent., In every respect, and Anal be sold low for cash. F ALl;fil der In N. 11/ Wtand st. 541 door rano, Sin MIIF. celebrated Ila”ro Rade Powder. In kegs, half kegs, quarters and C.ll, for rate iebld 1 1 un,wmaii h Co. Verood ft glisalso•t beds Ash .:20(,) Cts.shls just reemeed per steamers lvadatoe 4 , and St Cloud, sad lot sale by W it lau Idberty tt LLNBE.F.I.) b w tn atom and for ado by BRAUN & klaTtilt, c et Liberty and 81 Clan eta HOTELS L II T STREET BALTIMORE MISCELLANEOUS. Scrip .t Par, TAKF'N r./1 I'IIICKEItINt., \ FILLLSH SPICING (100IJ8 Ntiaeklett & Itbite. lIII= nr Al:ernrnv A LANI . "N KN,.X Illaitorac tuned Tobacen. REHM IMEESSIEMIE 111-Al.l/. 111 CKNOI( 41 N an tr r•I awl Pi 1 •• 1 W. .1. GLENN, hook Elluder4. DICLL AND BRAS% VOVNDItIi MISCELLANEOUS. - - ----- PAPER HANGINGS MI SAS. JAB Ito. 82 Idoud -Street. WOULD call the attention of llto outdo.. to tt.r.r precept stook of Pape( wwcn !or va. rt^tY bt'nntY of Enoth,durabilay and clo.apncoA, . surrio.ed try any eatn , lothinon, :o 'no Union Relode• • large and full aalorunrnt o' paper of thoir own manufartur.. they are now recrivlng dirt, Im portation of Furor I. and Ennlo.h MN Ica of Pope r I lour ing.. pur^4.4..1 ..y Nlr Levi lloward, win of the iirnt, now tit Europ,CollSl.4/1g u. Parma° mannfaclure,lo,W. moo, London do 51001 in • • 01 Ora own ...facture they bk•e 11Y1 ot.n W. l, raper, nna 12,00 t, .All giazed Merara. Jame. Iloward h co have %pared nether extrenar nor labor in their endeavor. to ~ va: the ...kat. ern paper eatabltahrnent, both qnxlsty of 1114 , ufaetarc and variety of pattern, el. M.) are warm., rd in aaartrlng the puldt.• that they have aue , ”`d^d The whole arisorrrueat. foreign and 110ine lore, will he offered on lemma a. low as :00— n: nufacturer, and importers tnr.h . r seta.INIIIVOCSTZE. o( I'll' argh POINDEXTER & REYNOLDS, FLOUR FACTORS, And General Commission Merohnnts, 12 MA. mr. 10c0:4,c, Eleventh and Twelltli qt., PHILADELPHIA. - • . qll-IF..ubsenaer. Mg lencr mtprrattilv w n. q 1.111, ,, thca nail tact pa.-11c that La, 113, and themselvro In Philsdrtphna, tor T,lt por,o• , netlog a licnrrni Comm .-sum , Iran ...! t? u•‘ th long ,penrarr in ou•illet. ILecurz to torm fair poirunage LU" Particular aneti/on YviN coren -a., of Flour and Produce g•nrrally. and any pure to e..., .n the Philadelphia markt t for ‘Ve•tern nerouni . . . REFERENCES—The merchant. of ren •rally, ....prinaer A Wboteman, Khmer & AilaCl , oll. Cmc.onatl, Ohio, II D Newcomb k Bro ,NV it :0000. I.ewt.ltudner, Ja. Todd, Lout.vtile, Icy , Crow Me• l'rery & Barksdale. St Loma, , Ilewttt. No.ton Co e , NV A VJOIOIA New Orleana, I.a & al'(irr,or k Morn. New York, NV Ft •I'l.onm. mop AL CO Jonn Tier. h Co, Peter Alar.et,te... B :11 Jones, Deal, Milligan & Burt. Phoad'a art) 3m V.. Eµ' COST BS—At ZF.BULON KINSEY'S. , ket sure , - * dor very high bark She.l To.* Com' 2fp.ain high • It •• narrow beaded top tanry top Bolin.° • 10 gross rem Horn. :t0 dot .ht, n•ommed ,• le, 311 q/n•is com horn r, 3 Jor ••1••il drrom,i, 10 doz 13u1rmo do do. 4 do 1111,11,nn do do 60 do 1-...J0i0•11 Horn, 6 do 6 S 9 o,cl- du S S do do, In boxe, 11 groK6 S Luc do do, I do cone. Clre9or, orlt: WATLIMAN PALA., ...ilk HANNA. WIZ HAli, itihe,etaora HuG...y. Han. a R. Co ; D NKI.:FtS, EXCHANGE U120E1..11. 4 . nod /3 .a Fote.rn and Dorneaur Glehunga. Ca,ha.tta• Nutt, • 11.1 & - rourut naary oppo,r H, o. i • •:, try rrartre, orpot.,- 'tte, 1. C • •P. 0::: coilect.o. ',twit. on n. r y xfl the . the I n. 1,1 :Gat,. MBE= Ad•linre. telnde 0.. Vro.2::•••.•::,p -neci LI, trrro.• ORY.A VFIN ARIA. JA,a, Fate," Jia rinUE TALILES k.,"1 now •ur;.—.na ',cry ended !rot" tr•r• the leavr• en•••.a.. ate and•ha,•. orp Stennll , Ello., llo•r••• op• SI/FA. A \ D lil H1..11 N.rorrort. irerrinularly thone 111, room. , •.e• p npa ro eon, rtornce. nrol nnot. r I A grrai anyrns. iMORI 411, , r.rnrol* Innen tortn ,•••arr.lo.r. Inr 11. I,l'or Or •rolorr rro,ro Iv o r In •• .•. ...mon EMIiiM WRI FIN,. For uw attire.., ,r 541. F-I”.rd rev IJ , -k avi 1.. .t•c• • ...ry pro, J V: A,4tri 1 1, A I, r Id vrr end vria% r^4,11,..1 to, .., n, nt or ahrund , ' • ' moat nu. rottrolvd to my tunl Ituring the n•ttivi• r% od of Urn , . I had expended .t mr , lient rwcrt,lai.ve o trittant I . ltvartunnot and unenteiro• In rue of 1131,11 %without terviv,:, onn I.nuflt inr•••!, Jo 3 1 , 4.5. I rootrn..ned fir • nava. and ha , . Warts thrrn mot,. or len- r, and ,eeve War it NVI,I , try prr,V,l/1, :o a th , thud I t dn Low tru . •s) tit. I hnvr roettple , -• , tr.,' in, Isvaittt I nv•inve tnnt In, ne . ..Jana . .. , I - null Kalov a tort.: art :an lut , ‘ in-d:.int • I.rnu.r. NV RA N nr \ 1,, , t I I.lo”RWC , rn.h.sw 5 r Itur. I War., 4- I ' !iris) J.IIIICA Pitt dlAehlne Work. nod F.nndry 011N - \\'RIG4IT V ~ rr•ol t) end IV rrl.•-•1 eir'eV • •lorwr'irt •, Vlacirrrw•. •sourrG er Frrkowv • • r Railwrs, /1,401. •rriler•• .•r Dr • ••.nr; r •Orr •• r I,lt turr.,l zer. I rr, • •• • • 1.. , 14 ,•11. n 1 a,"• t . I Rt.'', In Mart •Int-11. /It f: k ‘lttor.tftefol tt ,1. N, ftrtotrl..t .toott, tt...ttr:tt tt Penn 111wehlue Shop. ll.Wl , ,llr.mAN—Nlantvatc:urt Itool• of rol• ton anti woollon mar loto-r, . ,;• Tilr . Om,' Mork. lootr took to not 'lntl •tteett•••to ..,ttott. I 16111preparoti to et trtrt too or dr r• run tittttottt h tor tit. 11f tt notettote•, ot int . .tot too h :4 pt. Let •. it;trentler, grlrrarllsr nall,llllle, rbt: w•r, t, „..I.r. for nterttlttiot r.r rotttory mum, pot , " . nod bonditottet..ottl Urn, 1 . 1 ,r \irld• 01 •11,torrr n ndr ;. order, or ed•o• p. a for otlf. rrt ro-grootly • Co . h r .11,,tt• v NEW COACH FACTORY, li.l,,V l, llFederol ar tl,rl.lu.k are vow and are prepared al re. nee i•ir every de—iripitea Voile fle•, rail Ls. raiaetie , thiNgir•. Pimitorta. C. . Cnit ll'olllth , , eaperteitre !urea Alas, riiiiitied 10 110 wort oil the ~,,, st reasoriadii, term- wda , aria, artieir• their l i ne a e partil i aair to Mr aeieetioit n e• t.• 111,1 lidvdtiz attar haunad i terit worst, a tie • laisdationiarir • •• e . rehire ask the attention or the f`lft.,l,' N. • t''• l' • N lie,. mg demi la llie aiiadier On 'dr Inuttoltgallela Livery Stable. sh..: R./111-ALI' H. rArr , : II,,IN 1,.. open. the .arg,- Atell,:r oil PII•1 +I ruutt, mt.., , in Secem.l.z. tp,w , ..., \\ 0, :tml ~ I N,IIII, d .t.. in the ,ar to tile \1....,gahe.,, 11.,..••• a til 1.4 i entr,,, n. 1., 4 01 11./r. , .. at,. mir:., .. I Talent G-raduaded carting Batn-y and l'aten In.-nixed Paha far .frbrittakan.i caner. T HIN - Ln Ole y instrument of 12.1. r hero prrAented In thin eouotty or Europe :or J porpo.oe. and le the onty one c.v., a 141 , V,1 in whir i the pavan. Root ern Le co:veered to Ihr l u illC. thr hewn, or to twy part or thr thrr ern.: nntly or tatrrnally, in a dant, •1,1171. v6,llllnUt rhor Its n r pun—with perfect arn..t), Olwn with the hmpptent Ch. important npp.watus f. now htjhly approved r many ol nuwt eminent phy.w.m“. Of I In/ 111,, O wrOO, whom the nlthete.l and oluer, wn,,t am) ,mir, ro erm refrrreti. lieterrar.. will luso guru m sonny highly ,Ppeemblr ettnen, who en comd by 111C1.11 Of Out moot valuable on., tome of Ll.c 11/Ott Invetrrute nervous dusordcr. ==ff±l Among •sattous other, it has been proved to u^ ad• rably ndnpted for the cure of the loi,uvritic dtseased, • rc nervol. head 'else end other disease. ot the 10.t.c. I t• wtth appuratu• alutte that the oporator ...ray the magnetic Cunt with Clef, Mei y :o .• • ye, to restore sight., or cure 11 1111hIlltiellhj 10 the en r restor te e hearing? to the augur and other °sea., store speech, and to the vortoo• ports of ththist , t,d), ter the ro of chrome rheumatism, asthma, neur“,c,s, tie dolour - aux, purely... or palsy, gout, cLutca V.tu • dance, epilepsy, weakness !ruin aptco so,ros ViscoVthseases peculiar to lot:pals, contraction s se. *plat, etc etc Nights lot surrounding wattles o(W ,ern pet gorges, with tar InsttUrn•nt, may bee p ore; a,. 1 logic. for the cure of disea•es, - • • . inatracllon. will be given for the varlou. h , tsu I. al. to 1., use.: ano. diseases, and the o" lit, a, ups idly fur I t cure of Muse di.ra.e. "Id 11, fully explained to the purchaser, and a pa.ai . .3 lat , o panda etpreanty for these purpose, Iu.1) 'glared by the palea.a. niquirc of y s WILLIAMS, Vll, Plttabwol TRIG dtriICOME.TION. %HE attention Di respectruily called to j. the hallouung ,11n. klax.”.-11,11,•F tcrted qualluty of Gu:d mrtg . hcd by poor A rv.,11,,cr. I hod the result pro•es I our by :cconmmod UlO uf :1 to those Fang to Cati.ioni a. as the Lt. method for or ; tutting the real value 0i1...4 Rely. yours, J .1 1/I.,NLLII, Gold Beater. Morn h C.v. - cat - Ran, March 7,1899. M rme.-- De r S:r• tic tuna eznsutned the "Ante ' meter." inane! tictorou st ) o•. r toccnt, I do not hest... , to commehd it to the a.. *0 ceuticonen who about ratneettie to Cot ••,.• tet :oh of Gold. It ryes • close eyr ooil to the I.lt.lfie gran cy of motels, and willoc list: tenable the eclat Inert r to ascertain when hi• plan, is y teldluti 1, ell mortal Yvan , reip'y, J . R. Ii'C'LiNIU)K. DRY & VARIETY (OOl►S ent of :t ted w.th more than ward care dur..l r in‘i vve-xii, in the New York and l'Euladelplue 11/ Mll 1,, . 111, i•inbracine n great vanety of allow: e,er, oe• "t , Pholl or the !meat and most faahrona:.le •t, w-. a Large nolninii 111 .1 Lavin; kern hortgat . .te I.A ERN - .11;CTIONI. a: a grill reduetiou from, h. teou ler ra:es. ere ore e • rd to carer Ereut rtdoerme to ;ants t aver, rither hy wholesale or riot 'you'd therefore rerpeeliuly 11,11 r the:r:t••itileo aline confident of our ah:l.ty suit hrt, era th u:lnn, ever, omelet they ma', wl.lt our i.ee Tu would esiew.ll:y row:lend our soak of HOWARD a CO., D Don, So.rs. of witch I.Vt, hove n very 13•ge I..orlfnent of the iatent st),t . • and ono. !.L•h:onobir 1•0•01.1. LA a: a, Door, L.A./S.- ou•,1 l'n•I d,r• r,. I:.ken non mohair 1.11•tre•, ; I ot ronl,huln Lawn, Fnu:nr, onn 114,,re• Ene,n. Fr..nrh Linn en ~ Logna ..of ti, tc inm. great vn.netv. Itor ~ vry IV agy, on , Fuksi nt) rt.-- , o' tn , , n , ... •t) iee nn. , nor .1,,,na10v I'.LA-3 ...ry iz no. lovulsolne s.e. a Par --A low .Pr. 4 w'•. of e.•! tr • protres. FMEN.I CLAroin—A Coo 4 •upp'y oi sup(r Fr , nen. Flng“.n undi A etirnrun t 3t tAI w.rk ch wottkl Invltn rho ,cnuon r.rum• rlred.n -ur ppo4 A I.SO--A fuliaml genera: %apply o(Silir.....Chri . ks. I,rovenTan e I. Slaret,g•. IhnperA.Canz ,, rir•. I)rd:op...mica, t.owl• tnen, a,tl ,05. wear, Jre0.,11 , , N.,1- nol, N•oit rraße.Clitve 110,et, \ Hatt, Velot. Al: A r l'er‘mi• w.-1.,K to buy Dy wt. e.Law, .4.0t1 awl el ,nine cur 4... K. n• urine ure •Licll an to make tot. w.•• nuy R W POINDEXTER REI'NoI.IP , • 21111isortnwent rorn , r lar lhatm , nd_ t A 'I AS.O. h 0. \rl \lxrt, have ” ms, .ar,e•n valley wo:.ch wiry odered Thra 51"01,11, CO , I• in ph, or enoh., 1 , 5 r.t. \111..i:: Cnp,.. from .1.:4i In s.no Slrl 41..1 crorlset Co. nr•. .rrno WI 3 =MIIMI A.. 0 ,ttloomt tt tto.tostt. 'ram H tlitt !. the ettrap yr:cc, eortt ot A A. MASON I:o. No Hi Nlactkett rt. nit. Pt! RIBIMNS. BLACK SILKS, BLK. lIARA• ..F'S, tit• —NV B Niuetux bllS[norm°, ottl v I . ..xotty•tt atot et: 1.11,11I•ame grre, lionnet Hil.on• Att.°, oft.tty lo: tiresnes, VISI,•, Oir• Gooro for •:ro•srt -eurh x 1,1 mud ~I• Non.oot, rto .1.• o C111,,111 , 1^ ,. •1 1.111,1114 for dr.--or. to; •t pr.r.•, u 1•11,4,1,, roroor :11 11 L'HF.N.'II 1.1 1.. N AND I.IN \ 1.1 - s r, -‘v: a)1 oar. now Apr.. a rr—orrtr Fu t-01 rrr VVrt tt t dr. •...• arld iracli—usyrr. r, :tr. at . rro yreerr..trl mord, do.rrr• rr! .•• fld t •ke A I i r, ACo • Frohlu.ni •mn.l pv...r.11, ‘VOT.I.-0 • ”.c .• al.l EA ON C. lilt •: I \ r l r ur ,,;, :t: gpr.a., andan- •,... 11= Gref..l Vie 11 UL. !Cm A LE. GOODS. i•ltxrz 1 1. '. 0r.Cr.1 1 .1 111 . mn.t eren,ve 0...1 1 It Cl•• • • Nlll4, t i t ., al. pitiASSSti • 1% h' r. , 1,11, merraan, I find t:nnr •t,cr Ire- non :.aoctn cacti, anol an ex- 16tt bI)OU , Ul9. -- E.LUU i. i i n~ tii•..r ~ k II N NI.NN 1'1.11 . 1 Sr rold :•rer \I/I,h mt.!, I dnr ... . I \ RI 1:11 rvg* AmPrirnn Pv• 7 l`noe, .:v.l) 0,1 v. ' } ,PIIINhi 1,u1• 1 16. Pr h rr.c. 1.1114 n.. 14.14,11•. , S/111.• • ...0•1 31,1,1 1.1,-ncru. ('AIti'F.TS, OIL CLOTIltli &e. 1) KOVIVII , IIII. DAY, Carpoonal,l l• it. .1 lac .111L1 MO, approved parrot,.ond al clo,ed riura. do.npr• I L. 41, ; , t., t tt., tto lo n• I Li,. ret' Duip.• QUO . 11,11 •1 , purrnrott ,•• t :Ire! W PI .PW., :,Ie •lonoolot o . ootrarlorot. rend too, wllO pu, oarcroy, goorticuaon'y invo,ol to t• 2 mltt e - i. er• rzeru...4l 1.1 1,, • ilto 4 l •• , Ana •,,ttL /maim., Indy t,/,. no.lll.cm A gel: nr, 11,2, rzprr • ,1.1,1 11,•nil SHACKLETT 4 WHITE, fl y Goods Jobbers, N ,, r—%Vott;‘,l cad th attention •....• t.• • 'urge ofDOIM,LIe I I • t at I IP., plat receiving wow the .. , : _to, and which they will ted I • ...it . earh or iipprove , / credit. • . now hi!, and complete. and well worth .1. moues of borers, 1111 , Vtl IWO determined to sell at 'nob extremely low prices IA cannot Nit to make o a am% kukuromert Yr mercLaliM LI male a tall aroO Xll/ FRESH SPRING GOODS =ME =ill I=l a A. .ilAkri & Cu., purc.14,41 tr,. pureS,ard I do \VA•`IL.I,:,.I ll= k;tk d 10 t•• r- pot.a 111111 111,1 nd GO% r..0n5,,, I% ory nit.. , ••.rt nt tlitrTrtnuttutc t , torct,t .!I*. - turta 11e.n.1 and nlarkrt AOr 11 • ‘l . 4 0:1 !:•:• • lUsie Hui , 5, t ;at tut ta I,tor otr, t",al tla •.I,y 01,Sprtitsc ,lenntboal o.t 1/1 0.l •• WI•il !.,/r• , p, D 10131" S 1.1/iFlif% ur•lrd :rom Liatern , =EI pular, 1 nc F •t ra VOL. XVI. NO. 287. MISCEJI,ANEOUS: I==i I All.V at the BALTI AIONF. PHILADELPHIA. I . Slat' fiOR K. SOS lON AND N b.W ORLF.ANS fib:Nl:ltal. AriENCT AND COMMISSION OFFICE, lour e MEN on wholesale and retail stores, arid other raper Lab r hunt:less. In wet as Book-keeper., Sales- Porten.. Bur-keepers, %Waiters, Fanners, Coach men. Car .{Erns. Boot and Map Age., Collectors, a:' branches of business, Ac. We have at arl ume• iurge number of good situations on band. ;.ay trona :sal to 82,0110 per annum. Those in woht of situations ninny kind would do well to give u t a call, as we have agents in each of the annove al to-n.. 1,, will enable tan to place everyappimant In suttaan situation at the shortest notice. We h‘ve large acquainmuce in all the above named clues, .vmeh we trust an enable us to give enure satufac.• tom t. it who may ii favor u. with TAYLOR TA I'AIAN, No. SU Second aL, between South and Gay. N. If —Penman nag in any part of the 11. States, and winhitic to obtain asituation in Baltimore, or Ol• mei sit the above rams, will have their want* imme. .itstcly attended to by addressing us a lineArmat-pud) u• I,y doing th-y will curtail both trouble and ex p.m., watch they otherwise woald Irmo( by coming and a,esing rmploymeet for Menaselvea. Add re •,. TAILOR (t. TATMAN, BEM RIM IMF WOK GRAMM& vk • II lIA VE ABDOMINAL WARAIERS made trop r the moot approved English pattern, farmattod p • rolltal-adthd oy Thomas flakewell, Esq., and a r phyotcootto; toeing a moat converts Eth,thrAllti. for lbe applotattoo of warm or hot wa ter toIII case of cramps in _choler. As evcry rt-roan to •Itoret to sodden attack', OP family •Itoutd tte wattout at Dow ono. yt:AIFE & ATKINSON, hrtween Wood and htlarket Improvement to Pianos. THE subscriber is fast receiving an fiffpflsasortnteut of Poulos from the foamy of Nan. k Clark. N.,Y., which for el• enanee of eXterior. beauty or finish ml. rwriortty o:tone and touch, surpass any thing t.rougtst io tints NIF. Nit Clark, of the althea lino. long /tad most fav•rably known lth the former turemill in the celebrated hallo establlaluileat Of Ilroadwood. I.ndon has reeentiy ied and per tested the Piano, of Nouns &Clark. N. mprov . to an ci t+. who,. Linv , .t,otial , ty. eutibes them as the repo .o.l of bet na tie very bent a. well an the cheapest th be got o ,this country. The lot now opals. mb, Ns log. cotat addalOnai reendaUon at an itnproeetnent In the style and finish, which makes them at once the most elegant sad tasty thing aver toooght oot These instrommus. together with the stock on baud, thrill the novo extensive, varied sad de- er offered here; all of which Intl g a q il7l. " Z(Te: ' u v rer. price, and on accerc.n!roda- al J V W012•1.1WC.11 1 1L, Kl Thud st N —ll. .al , 4crit.et will L. lowed at the were -1.1.0111 /1 10 ill A NI . xod 4 to 5 P. M. MEM fI , HE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid 'J nirortinent of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Ptutios. tetili and sint.hout Coleman's celebrated iliottan The above instruments are wart rativd to be equm to any manufactured in this natio. tr.it'll. •is sold lor Ma.' any bruaght from Me East. we BE. I: AtE, No 118 wood in. Yd door ahoy. 6th N — . 207 Sono 3,11 ba taken at par far a foor of n 0077 a.knortrpo.nt ra9l2 F. 13 For Scrip at Par. 11/11Pi 11. 31ELLOR,81 Wood lame!, ••:11 for Neap u par. the lolloesina sc... and second lowa Pianos: ale elegant rosewood 44 octave Ps ,.•• ;wale by Baker k Raven. Pi. Y. 0.303 ale do do 6101,1.... 303 00 115 e roArwood n Delay Co, N 1" • • 175 00 010 bte miabodany J do nearly new • • 200 00 do Leo.: .• • WS , do Rosenbaum •• • • --•-• 100 03 do 51 tio h Mr . Dora •• • • •• - 130 00 do a ,o I:aglath` . . - 30 OS. MIME Tt.titN tRSI Tit. Merchant Tntfor, has removed . to No. 34 )1,11,1 t , trt•t. one door tram Second, :or pa , t 14v0r.. ne resp,rfully solicits • raionnnaan-e of the p•trn,nre (hi. former euslenele, d irirere., pedro24 l re if as many neOr ones a. are r rht.tr:pe. Order. the la-or p. executed in the moot manner, and rv:th dmpareh. A a te.n.ooa:,, aA.rrultent of ready made Clo. th..4q.o(af kmdx. Chrep by raxh,o(course. . • • •• ••• , :oode m WI their •ttletlea • 1,11 • II Jl4 Eth.oms, Collars. era StOeg, S4'll, Suspenders, Puekel w tctx ••v• q • Ilr OVCrS. Umbrellas, d.e. he. 10. 1/ll;jjag ONKP3 , ' 4l, : ; " Afttaa '?. ..lßCAL ll :ll? - ' 4 l _ IS EMINENT and experienced Physician from the ,1 East. of 1.0 Cot% Ainotllnc, offers to treat all cases 11 a tk:irote Naturc won promptness and escrecy. ift..ucrer. in Buffalo and other large eines has urea r9vertnal. r !large, are moderato, and has -ure• per:lll,lcm. carne of (Beet, Stricture, Sera $. r:Jor Alt.tlf. Rncumnuxm, acme, Syplell•, Or any ,ro:, or Lo v , tern, caw. , +otic.ted. .-• • . A eurr rnnted, or chat 2e refanded. i I cr, t':an street, 2 doors from the Bridge. nri E.Y.11,,,!. Advice to too poor grain. II —ln. A. .0 m:ts :he wont coma [tinny disease 1 . .:...•,Jrnt m ntd. apl4: WILLIAIII HEISS, aanufecturcr of Mineral Water Apparatna, nr eout of recut LOU tortrradet, o aorth tterond t. , above Vine, PIC 1..1. 1./KL,PHI A. Nnr more titan twelve year. to the in.. l, ...l) , e‘eftee of Mire nd Wawr Apparatus, =ld 'V' PI rprcru , on of I.liher al Waterin Bottles end Foun t.... ea an...net, tr, sea:, "rib a actenuLe and prat,- roast...t o , et of loch oratorio.* of buainees. e.d. tta tro;o,rith..o.n conntruction of •le prehn r Ott Water, telnett ott , •I/ • ^•,,,./ aduour voice his visit to Pane, •ar. of rata i o n .twie and prarocal applica ttprol., the art. in Nlechantes and Chetutv ,r root., tbe totttert•tet lo tome before the public eat.,vehemence, and offer thorn the be. nod ehrhph, A pimratek..or the mmufacture of Mut r:C lo eA Founouns, that . can tie for •t•bed ta td , toted SAt tie a...n trr, rimi+rif tam thp ,thr,d , accee~ ho pi.,. nt rxtettrore anti daily •Itt u.nt t: .1 to . f. • 111 both the above de ottoiroot. ole couvLaciug proof of hot 1 -upr rfiort• y of Apparatus over those of ell , ••••r• :001 0 it. purity nn No:uoray ofthe Water ~rn.l rrfrotn. ltson, whtt n•tter Me Apparatus from a thatanee, . te n, Mat !heir its , truvuons shall be lasthful• ..o•Pip settb, and COl‘a.,, Acd as to carry aaibly r or W/IL, to nay pan of the V. stall.. dAKapponPment, It Itt recommended to Mos. who I tot. ',top, thttroselves the appronehme cement, sea , tt,r.r order, o; 30 earl) a tiny as eon. Apparmors, Generators, Pumps and t ~ atne., t I I roe and Pedr,tals for Stands Count,. Itar• llotels , for druwtng Hydrant ~or. r o-t.h Cerstiag anl Tying Alachores, a,r-r)tio appettaintog to the above eamness, no,tve:l, on hank and In, sa:e on the lowest terms for Ca. , h, ap2eideodflin Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water. li i iiamm - I'lll , la :a certify boo 1 lower a, - p oint, Livingston, Roggen Jr. Co. iii , c :Sgt.. tor :he .tina/enamel. Pah.. thaprangni Filter, for the ell lies of PottAliorgh and Allegheny.,l„ JUOLN Calitit)N, Age., bir ~P ier M Liobadu, 349 Broadway, N. Yil i ~a, IMS. , m „;;;; 1%. Im, , been nun; one of e whore aril 1N alte „b„, o; ,„,. ~,,,e , t y Works fOr three ruont&s, ou mai, .“I.ee: p,., ~,.; .. .an.h., mat It 14 a awful invention., ao d we Ll4.f . , ^.1•41'0 on rcroinineuding them SA a tow, ru. • rue, IL/ . 1 Who lOve j•ur, water. Orders will be want i.,..y rve, v C.: and promptly egeented. LI ViA,,lll:i. ROGGFA . O. Co_ IitLiCAT W ESTIC HA1 ...... ...... A DMA:. 11AliNE:iiii , , no NK AND- 21111? MAN, ~., I i.'Ao't tilts . Inc 1 ,1,11: fiber take. Lt. MethOd o..Llormih: aii cod es a..,1 me public in general Mar e.i.zales Cl :he hollowing, narned alt 01 ni. own onanulaciare on tins eity—saddie g , Hp, u r , o ,„k. ~,,,, Whsp• ad n( whleh. he will warrmi 0. me new Inlier,e. and by the best mech. .t,..., ...., .00,, Being determined to eel! I • 111.11111 • ••• 111 ,1..i4 . O WCr Wait has been bees. tt, ,ttt. st.t. I t,n • -tat ar establishenein the city, z.. snow tut it . ersott. tit itced of the above named tt :tett ttt ins v.tnrenou..e, Nn.:ll Übe/I) , MM, oppo , t., •e 1 1:11 A.sa. .Huth, 10 urder for machine -1.4. KERBY ITTSCIUROII 1,1301A-LNL11411"11'1llt11 stheint, eat. a - , rename:tett We hr. of }Minot , net I.llllae t.ntne itll4l4t,a. NO. ea Lamely etre.. .brrattgemettls Llove been mane by 05.100 Lbey to Lrni•,t yttut.4 tas,nties slim in any „1, to,nnert Eug:l4h, . Ovid birnstitenlnt enuttuuon A full coarse of Pla tt-0...a and Chttintent I, , teiures wall be delivered . t.: tint ,stnler l'ta•trattttl •pparatos. Toe dr col VD". mud lzzatuateuml lama; Modern lt , 1 1 tt , 4 - - oil l.ll l , llnnt, ball/each he under tne dr, ttt u unmet, la l'otiessor.lip close Jumutt. ta tint MA,/ td te,tos. improvement of their po p I. a commas.. of the zit stmutsgetncy Itave tattiest° enjoyed. FOr " 00 nr app:) to We J aAt-411 I lit t', II `, It FORSz - d.t.E.—Te. sMII.I/ Iron Foul— ti n gro with PlatletELN, Tools, ,i 1 :or ,1 he sold on ace...no- ds e r Or es ' angle Mr Iron or goods. st. em tezd nauartanay to it young man t re o umats We Iron Foundry be. sz eze• tam, of eyAIFE it ATKINSON. Ist naaf Wood street. Scisle•, Cooking ritovitS, AIiSIIAI.I., & Ct.), &land Chu I'lcurlier I.inerly nod %Voter streets rnannfsetTie oderror sins, risioirin. Hour and I Yottnief eicares, 1.24x4.111,g SlaVell, for mood u.s, Parlor sod o.,unon 11(0,cm Rare, ke. kc. Tony also n 0,0 linrne n Ranee, Which hos peen sure lir rsr wmoon having it In ow, to all of A ILA , IA? ) would rc,poo,ll.llll,rkla 11110nItiOn t drid 100 genctlealy. 0C(.27,111 .1 rI:NT esteusire Y u•tortinnit orCornelius & Cos celebrates! mann r rt.. iiiid supirior to rill others in use; adapted to sourer:le, fiirtone4, dwellings, public and ) , 1 , 0010 und ar ull 01110, us e. where a cheap, ate 4...: hi douriane. . Itto,Cortiotholett, tat. Laments, Candelabnur,Globes W,cits, Cot rummer., !he. Also, t,.‘• Ultoodettert. trout net, to iour lights. w 40 masket st linrilvraro—Cheaper Sham Etror.-. Lt't , A.\,importers and Wll,,le 4 th. Ilea,. lturdware, I sorry and liaddlety, No Wood &Vett, 11,01/C }lfth, hove now In stores very caeap and •eiectrd 'tot it or lionisrare, imported tottee the dechoe 01 prire• 01 Europe, •nd velugo th, 7 are deterooned lost. rottespoodingly who hate horn an toe hatot In going Eau, steptutico. lariy requested to 0341 sod loos istooktt our stock, so t t 0 .,,,„„0y bettcye they seal ease their expellees; oet4 TIFLIED lIEEF lICJUNDS-10 times Dried Beef jJ Hounds, r.. 7 uaa, Nit tee ll &ad (De j. Jaz SELLARS 411 MINA 11131=I