The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 10, 1849, Image 1
ESTABLISHED IN 1786: BUSINESS. CARDS • U DAM.. BAIRD & ATV.inETT A" ~,,,R c i ' 7,- : , \ ; 7',.:)t NnitL;l-ORS A r LAW Fourth •trert, belWren t 4 rflithEeld and 6;111 , 11, rumborth, Ftt. Slid W.:IN 11. I.lidt: WX. L. ra.msra• I, AAGN & FELIENID, AITWIN)..) 4 Al I. 4 NV. "'Oath street, !leaf (emit, ' start • Aii:w.znium , A. l.a6iifti.,WSTlLUDlSion NI crdrerit r iii sad S•atuts in Produce, N0.2.S Market squat . 1 . 114.1arg I. deer) . . ..__ . . e c stew 011-0 . I. unt . a. [lll.'S elf I EELL..t HAYS. Wholtealc dealt. rW • mDry. Gumd a lerucertes, Bouts. Shoes, Patel:mesh tuautt ama 1 a lacicA, Ac., No. reo Ltheety street, Pulse` holy, juS _ .._ .. 11214, LAI I I Pk, .r..(3‘06 attliXil. BRALII . a. I< 111 I hit. Wholenale and Haunt Dr . u . g. sate, t erne: us Idluny r d el. Clear streets, ribs: La, gfl. 11 ..... . mayl4 CV 110 1 rsoN, - . Dlu.m :! t - 1:1.11ERV40N..14 - Onlessle Grocers, atad t 011/11.N.,4 Merchants, No. 145, Liberty at., entelnoci, dem 44 • A. 1 AGNIbOIoCIi . Te Co.,4 l :nolesale and Ref WI Orugeods, rumor V00d,50d.6414 AG. . sMITII, Yoleftle Grocers, le .s 4 .L.P 201.6 oolt,trect Patabo It. - . if A. A. AleANll.l'l - d. Co., Poigarding and Cool! V • ...nal! Merebadau, Pttlanurgb men - .5 . ; Duquesne Spring, 4.ll4liteei and Iran' Works. IMILSIAN & Co,.mansiocturars Alf lJ Coach and Eilonc Iltbonncred Ninn,: and Plough Steel, Iron, Ae. Wurebouso 413 Miler and Front slice ta, Also, denier. u 3 / 4 , Goach Trinamlnga and Malleable! C , Guogc. oetle 51 A li 02V Li TM!: liKikl) WOOpt 11711 , I.IRGII. • SCDILLUND VW 1.1.111N5, I ES to InunufseloNa Monosnerna, Buns! V Vann!, 'Zomba, Iliad blemes, - Mantel Pacer, Cele. leo sad Fier Tops Ili loreign alUrdomaatle marble, at a regular and farerice N Ore arme for morturnetta, 0.0114 k , 111,111 . 11 ' ed, 01 any description. lie rolicits it mere 01 pub!. patrunagr lauglbdtl W. L. /AL. J. lILINLIT. 12M.n..i.',11 S /IF-NNU7T, englisn, tiannsher, .Ka 4- Co ; Wholeaale Gronera„Commlaxion and For atalog Marc ha,a, and de:Want io k•roduce and Pant. burgh ManLnacturcs, Wood at, tretweca awl oat I . . Canlaawn nio and FOrn - ardnit ld ,o Wood autcL haannign. my 11 HODIE LEAGUE FAIPTORT rj AN I ON 1'11.:WAII 1, tontokinctorer of Shattltr, Check., ne., Itobenne Street. .) of unglieny ' tiovl-41y., ne..or to,) Wool er Leul .L~od Goatrtunsion rabitut, no' the taut. 01 Anterteno tt ooLetot, Liberty, oppongt. 6th aL 1e617 wst. onaLo, A J. not - anon, iJown. Mao., o. c. )1 1 / 4 , M1)1N Joan.. WAnnltd, 11U EALIJ dV tt CNNOIt, l'olmenn Condoontott Mar cOnntin, 41 North %Vote/ 41, t.T.1.11 North.,44`httrYt'.; ..T. wat. r. 3031.8. J AHDI, JONES & Co., ritice_setorra to Atwoo d, .1.1. Jones & Co I Cotendunta an&Tortiardlng Mer chant°, drulera Iti l'utibunsrh hinisafaalared woods, Pawn" rgli, I. menlC ISALLII. Met In, SWMT SAJAI - 1 DICKEY & Co., Whole...le Grocer', Coke. mutrion 51crebtulLn, and deakra In Produce, nlocaa, 0101 IU7 Front eteneso,Pdknarifk. noun_ s & HELD, (late of sVarrca, uido.) Commis , U • s. and FurVenrclng / 51 .04.11 t, and kholeiele dearer ot Western knuerve Lletire, Zone; Pot and Petal .4 el, and Wearer,' Praiode yt perally, Water trees, between eluntaltrld and IYOntr, tria_bnl3ll. apt: JOIIN WATT, laticeenoor r llwn.t E Debbatt4 bow, are Ikons, and Cnmmiao,mt hhtreltata, dealer In VV.lut, end Potsburs6.Aiarnaeturis car rune of Lorton, end Ilene knee., Itilteburgh • bleUl; IRE, rink pelt:ll'4ra; of Ala., rod AI Tailor, et.t.lbatiec Litukluaga, Illord Insert. near Wood, Potnbut7;kr, SAMkS A. tllifi.;ll.l./53., tr. DO.—Sueeeraore U Lew. llcrC,coc & Cu., Cualiiismon I , ltrcAu•nts, n and Afton' of the. .1...04113 Sultan' dam tletillety„ No. 45 al., and horn street°, }"Lit.,,,l‘agla. • JS. L111.41 , 041T11 S. co., Wholrfuln Grocer:, dur,, 5101, 4 1,mM; nod Agents for tilt Unruh! Fusser Co. of N. Y., No. 27 Wood et, PiOnburgh. J OliN 11. 111 . 6116 AN, 11 noldpnio.Droggido, nod 11 , 40- cr 111 C t`l.Ltg, i.a4/1121. Vnifnisbnist.c., No. JJ Wool siren, one CCM' tkattn of Dituihinil Alloy, f'sll.4- IJurgb. Ant _ J . AMEZ , nit It, Jr., ft (..uocviJor roJosrph Hdln 014/Idler., ,dr,..c.t. 0,31 JOIIN 11 Alf-U.oli, 11 nuleunlo nod Retail Onnler in hltr i uti and I,lu.scal Idxl.rnoteikla, etc , l Pto,, (Vlk Priuntre•Vard,,, nod buttloonry rehern,..; 7,41 rgh /Er C4ll7ht or Wk.n rn trailo. nr JSCII6UNNIA.IILR L Gu., Whdie.old , th i ugri-L, . No 91144 oitu L. Pittsburgh. , JitrilN L. LA \ll,, lt uorer. corner 5.1, nod %igZal street, °cid is) ol4NtrloN s SliirriliTirN, Hotitsolit i ts. Humors nod Pupa tuict., No. 44 . 4ornct 1"1,o4 borgh. • Juum—ciuru I:•4I.CLAYD J. h. K. FLOYD, Wiaara,sie Iltatars, . alencaania, nod I.,ealeta n. .Prodoce, Round ..butch laaandg., training. oil Lil.arl , Y, lilood and cab tunas, l'ittaborele, toy 1.1.11-ZELL, 11 aotal../e (tracer, Cern.... Aleiciumi, oid thadcr / /I . odada mod Ydianursh MaouisteLures. :11.,:t4 Wont, al,tUalto.rgb, )antl, lER a. .10Nr.a, harvraardlng luid - POtaatlimun .11cr- Produaaougardnaga In. U. loc tcd node.., Cana, Lid.uo, Lau . _ et. &A OEI4III MILL , PLTrnB UI Gu,, PA. ENNEDV, elf 11.115 a (7(1., Sirotubteturer• •rry xuperwr I+l,, n 5 .1, Garlc} Ch au', Colluil V.l/IC wad Bp TILLIV y. Venn v I 14. - Irt1;14 r 1-7 W IS, DA I.Z i .1.1, gmmull.:lute.r.iof till si t./ scl nn. t. /3.,/:rr nun and, of dm. 1.v.1 gums 1\ 51 waier mid 1(141:rout N. LB I VATII_NI:IN, ‘ l , . Lug aml r Alrrebant..l.lcuicr.l/ burg 51zinwec.uft, 1 , 40%. 31 %l [4.r and 02 Fro,: iliolp•s a "6,0, Jilt C MAIN 11. & SAW VER Man oineturcrs, 'and 11"holcaale dealer. hi ivreign and donaernic Variety Goods. lain.. Wur 4.1010 Pecilufn nitiNothea, are invited to cell and r.tualac we pneoe and fluidity of our atoca, as oath our J...reateal manntietair !hi' and phich.iavig, we mink nor ezni'oder grew anducenneihr .id) era Lot Lily other weal of the Mountains. ly avni atulan, Yhi.:ol.. I W4.ItICIVISAM 1 . 1.1.6urg1f, 11.1...E7t S. N./ hzrst,N, n huieticlaroccre,aud My nano:ler. Bralitlico Wines and aiegara, Nor. 170 and Oa, vetoer al Liberty aid liairsji, Pa. 50f10 311,112- tua b leca..l. WALLS. 0 61,0 Ctea Ll.a & ROE, Wholeok le (Irneera and Coollllo - lion Merchant s, No hi Liberty at., lad MO/1.1 , 111', .4. Cu. (lite Joues, Murphy te Co.) It lo.dc.toe putter" In. Dry ,lioudt, No. dlt W oo d duo , t .Inothorktt. novld • waves, K. 111041 , E. & Co, • ContotteKien • tad Forwarding hlorernot, , ken, mid Pion; .sts., between ' , Sotto and Market w. total ATITiF,M ., W 1 1.01t.`0, turcPulti , .LV.L ter. Rooms, comet of Poit tOfbee Alley rod Fourth meet, etaranee on 41:. near Market. • TAT HOLAIE. , a :41N, No. t... 4 ,Iduriot u 'acme , door tronl corner of Faurthideittern in Foreign and DocurPhe 1,14, of Exchange. (.. , Tuhcalcs of Lrepoie -0., Steak Mae% and t+.perle• i'D"Collccuor. nmd on ofl the..tormerpor throughout Inc Luitc..ll•State.,;. , ' deal] BIJCIL:LASTUt,, Forma or., . thud door above Sauthaerl, vole. Conveymeing of all etude done vr . llh the greatest Care and legal accuracy. Titles CO nevi Estate exemereed; _ uct3o-ly DR. 017,01101 G ffeCOOtr• OFFICII, Fourth street, neat Grunt, lit the roma lately oatnpied by Aide/lead hllifer, itunredaate 17 17 oppoute Liakevrelfa Ile Dry lie Wand at laght No. 71, St Charles Hotel jolt:4ll4u -" it. AL r i PTIIALMIC SLRGIX,N, will attend to the treat. %_/ meat of I/sperms of the hyn. • Ih. R. boa been engaged to UPI brupeli of the meth. Cal pruteseluu Rot faxen age, aud ba:u coodunted ea eataDlutlanent fur the trealluent 01 .dltuaaea of the cyg alone for Scree.] pe, g , Orefor and g,,,aeon, corner el Sanduaky sf aol !degfarbc , ” MirY, Ailegunny caE. . • . tikiolii/a 'rata eltdulcrhu. toPour - fig Bonear Wood--.MI qacto ol x,`COllodeee and ckk Tear, done up In oleutpr, huff, end One pu.i.a4 PAca o gc., faagU'o *a'ar ' cla• par 44',f : 31 A. JAlh:a, _for tmo Yea Co. tirnE : e gklnf, R - 1 A11...ntf,,e tie:ealiasn 11 Lhataucr, deolef go Produce, Pitneaguith fflunuffon Wee, and ad a_auls or Foit , gu;_li4l.l .o. II 1...d.em affect. ape Maud ge err, large Stank of upeel„ ofd NOtiouelediela whiekt-1, arluch wrn be non, goo for APR/1y Mei= aunt .an" akez(,e.L, e. adman., ROBLNr‘egN , huleiate 0 0 00ereq Produce g, emit Caelary.oll.o:l Ale rt suotin,luui i*alet• Pm. alga Alahluakturti, NU Laberly rt., I'llaburth. Ya 10010 DALRFAJ.. to Go Or'boiciale thocera ,130 COLlete,eVa nod Forwardotg Mucebaule, dealers In Produce and Yittgiburglg Alooulactf!yee, Liberty rd. Pitteburati. nebta NfiVrll I nal, %VhCoieeale Q rueer ILagalcr m Prndogre and Yulqunrb flkuusfeciuree o 144 1.11,e11y et. _lO 2 u. IL)ENNULLrrg RE. Forwarding fTfuleotgurunston JA, Merelral., WI tee Allegliolly ICIVe, Teeth', deal. ."liroccrrrqProduce, ritlrtrutglf blreoufuefatea and Chlonde ?be prkce., cam, p... 1 at all lueee for coon rug.. Co, g.t of as.. Sanall.r”, ---- lIACKLI-71 - 1' R WIIITR, Wholetalb. Dealers In Folvlgn atnd bry NO3/51 W nod ,1 en/51.0 febthl W. /lARI4AUI.I-I. %Vogl, Olerchein., 0. In nom and Produce gencznay. nnef kurfuluihng nod Comnuis,oh Alerenantr, No. :As .04j r , borgh• • 1311r711,IAA,JALEv rc (augers and Produce ActUrre, Nu W.J Market etrpct,t,,,,,,,,, w 0a, and 6th, North ~dc, Yddaddpinanova • Prl)TUTe'lll7.rtfl ' ? " l . " 7 . 1,7 03/.101/ MCIC !Ult., NO. 17 I•berty it., I,ol...n('g'h: 81.• nu, Cayce and I.arti,ifa VUN BUNNNONOT, Ot la. nem Furwoltlingt and CouuntaYwast Mrtensuut, Deal.. in l'lntsburgt4llintiontoturon ana•Virostntst tono tuvo rotnovett tletrunn , wasoltintnegold etandt No. torn. at Front et. and Ctutonety.Lonol . • - - M. 3. 'MOTU V. Son,' T ROTH tr.. 4 ,, h - :::!Tl T ', ,u l.N n ' i l . : s ol . nn , te rw a. i l lianalteolro tt tn o mar Al; and ;andlificld eaL.,11:4, Pa! pa' . WhoiSoloCiiort;kl and Colngini itoz Illertdinna.., and deniers in oar./ A ta biTgrleitEETlß.F.7ll7wlcairocai. . . • • • Rectifying, Downers, and Wino and Lioani • Wants. ails., linguricra of Soda ball and 11/cach ing Powder, No 'On Liberty Gucci, el fiabumh, Pa. cepa _ • -- . — AllU' ..----1-' sf s' . :. ''-, • ' . .. . 4 • - if .„: . • ,•_ 4. ' 1 :•: , ' , ,:' l : . -',.;.- ' ' .* ..... :: , •--: ~ ._ PIT g ,-,11 - 151tG .. . .... ............_ CARDS n.,,.. D. WIL7t , L•vtu )4 1,24.7 h. . W ICK & CANDI.II9S, I.ticer-oon, tn .. J. 1. , ler , s%witi).WholosaJo Grocer, F.rwor.ov aoo CoolmiPsiall ISlerobou(s, dealer". io Imo, I, oils. (.1n••. t..n&ou 1 oruk, nod Vuosburgla Mooutactorog r ern): /, •o.n.n, o( Woal And W 41.1 -11 , c1, i',V....Ltugh• ------0riii...1.--7-1.617 . —. . ur W. , Alio zoo, sow &MI F0rn...1... Vlr 4 Ing qiiathshatoot, No. el 4 I .Lberty gt.., licar the .tang. • . '' . . _ , NV:Wit:SON, Wait. ht., Jew, ry: er Y V • mad Military (tooth, ~ .rarr at Murk ut.,l 41. a street, Yalsbrlrgh, It. N. 14 -It u ir hr. eniaftlly repaired. "Vpirisr BWEN .. C4L/1111114/0.10 i WS d Fo rwa rd 1 t Y T Nertha.:.. 7 l; No. UU Fru. 2, I;rdwre a Row a] Marko strata*, , .1.24 W;, kr. bl ig rd i l!l ' I.:.) % da .' :,:t ' ic Dry Lowy 1....% " 0.. °- :.s, "" ai: ' ,. :: :1 " ! r r r a cornet of blarliat and Fourth. n0,r1.1 WY. TOOI.I, • Plo /: ',Crux WAI. votTN - G & co in Irraber - pm •.1 - Rout. xi% t , rn , W& R.llr - CUTCIIEUN, %Vholeatie Gn, burr:lers IA Produce, Iron Nan, Ginn, um: rl hlanufaL•tuses genorudy, 184 Liberty burgh. a,0.2 _ . s Itl:lt.ry Liao ' dA. A lc c b ,' ; ', . -1;7% WM. 'YOUNG tit CO., Iy:ALERS iN 11111F4 AND I.KATIO - , R, Mor Shoe Fim/inga., kC. no. IC Lawny save, )u..1 ret - rtved.their SPHINt. ' , TUCKataI., prialag a laagasaaartzt.nt er,o•lrs , ffirir INPICII the attatltiau of parcha. , , iittlird. hathla PETTICiItiCIV & CO V.': • ~..IBTIIASI BOAT AG I.N Orricx a Loy, 31 1.2.28 t'. I'o. 12 %1 tßur eir INSURANCE, SIRE AND lIIAItUNE INStiLLA NUE. MILE iNstinAxcr. co or Neon Ann-n., mike permanent and rotated In(Urnner pro perry In this nal and eternity, nod i sloym• PI.. I. Canal, laves., ate., and b) Sea Tne u ang Company ate well incepted, and runtish nun, able fund 101 . thyample lade tit ito y w a.I per•nto wh, dealre to be protected by Ovine:own merle • I CAT. JON Fes, agent. II • 77u Fr..144.4 , 1,-, Insurattcs Co. of Phsialidyk. N lintlekre, Iltrt TObtat Wttiner, Samuel Otani, Jo,'n.ll Solon flea. Riehttite, Mordecai 1) adnitina !lone, Davul B,7llnoten i - Monte Caartnec N Eta:Auk, Pre...len Clint:es 6, Rancher, Secretary. Continue retinae, tottorattee, immeluni or Inn; nn every aesciiplion to( property in Irian yt nt fetes low Ili are contingent a lot +(narLi( To Cutnpiuty - tace reserved a Infge cont.aver.t Fn W emit their Capital and Prenlyous, annoy .nt aJ, alord uotplt,prottentat to the uncured The ammo to nbe company, on January 1.1. I published agreeably tom oil of AA/mm(.l y. tee ir k/Bows, cut • M..g.ltatr Real Eatatt ' TesuporarC Loans !Stott, Chub, ite..e. ' . : 71 Since them LnCorporation, a penrul of IP year , . wr) r bane paid uporAs alone inn non ion bond ruinou, and dation, toast!, by bra. thereby tdrordnig ro Con 'll the ad vantaggp inourance, Ile well as the nh, niati thapognion 1 , 5 men watt promptne.. nil i.t: n t. GAKDINER utiFFIN, Agt. noirl-tity 4 3ffice N E corner Wood 11130 3tl as liitiTtrALlN - sultAycy. co .11Dp A. MAC/KARA, Agent it l'atztotry It for the Ltr;a aware Mated Safety Iniurauce Catnpany 01 PIIJ al adelphia. Pire Peke upon looldine nod Inevntlar.M 11 a t every deurilion, and Menne Riukn upuo ,Ludu cargoes of yank , nr, a.aeu upon the mout ta , orato• kerma. • {CT °face in that Warchoure of W It MMus a lir° ho JO tYmter, nehr Mark et street, Patotiourgl• N. B. — ThellllftCY.l of doe Company •suce tM • , tat.• hohment of the Agency in MI , cuy, w,th thcluomps heas and linersdigi with wistob ovary cn tsu u P o st tu tit Inviting Mot has bee* adjusted, fully warrant tar agent Ist commsscsstrigatl. mid patronage uf friefriend..i 0224 Use unity at largo to the 1./tuna:leo hi S Sus, !twee Conaponighrtule it has Use udthuousal aflcur,ogr. .i.ULCutiort Liman, the 111001 dounoloug I'oilsoicl - haciug .assa maple pooh-in capital, :yawls Ly .c peration of its ' thorn, is constantly a• .itelsilng COCIO pen Insured hts duo t [..11e Lb,. w ar“, of the cinitpany . .I.ol , ling 141,111 . 111,, .te.l4po/0.4611.11y w4licvcr, and mos - wore as ous— snout the Allan-11 prusclisie •I•veatcd us every mss..., tare, and 11. 113 10.451 aurae Lose num o n '• I u. INSUHASCE. to IdJ.ltur.3:lo„."l:?u,idpAiooy,/:4 make pallolll.lkeillqad 1 / 1 141.41 I naurent, on prosc thts city and its ,11•1 Oli DUI 1[1.4 - os ' z Artlut a Outftn, Senfl W Edwrrd SmAlt John A. Jr.Lo 'John .'La rte- Tay or. V. jot . a.:ll Tboos,• John It \r a. /n Wood. Wt.. Ilts•ast.•. Aao•rier ARTHUR Li, COFFIN, Ham,. D 9ugx2rilu, y Tlnh a the uidea. Insuranec Cathibany m we Unithd having 1/441.1. chattered tn I ; , ./.1. Claris r IS perpetuai, and hug Jul Ugh inandmg. iang rxpersgnee ample nAnglis. 1113 3 111.1111 g nit mks on tun rtz Ira non. 1111. k.. rhaing ier,thmay con...lvrea us ofitsurts Ille.ncursty tin; ;Rad.. i• dl ll the Coistntig ktuo. Or Alwillonl. JOll, , O . 4 , and Fru, Pniaburgn. ri SUltsC — ltlitett hag teen A gettl pro torn. 01(60 Ino l ,oianee Coropaoh .north Aro., o'a l'ultgive and uttgad to the atnrr Of the Ageov.. al< thc ot ( , )0. n;•12 P Ant. r - Vbomas i. t'npe., gemvel r Samuel Brawk,, FORWARDING & COMAI.I66IuN C. N. Nl,l CHARLES 11. DA NENIIOK'EIi & Co. TOISACCU omimbssum IitiUIIANTS, sOOO, ‘VhAveg, a... 1 No 117 Soul, AN au. r*t BKGB to tufOrtu the a,/u and dealer. eue•uoy, a ettlaburgh, thta they have nit anvil arrun,“l.l.Clo - 11. Vira Arnanutueturera and the Oros', r• 0 the West, Weat and caner place... a. Win 10.1 Llnrge and vunstAnt .uppiy 0: IL, lun••••vuis{ de•tr, .of Tottreo„tahteh Will be .01.1 tqa.. a....utu modutiag ternau...e: any other hod., uu. ,•., ••r• and all goodie ordered truth the,. t.t. war rOttled equal to repreuentutlon: noeanni St. Doknogo; Conn ; ) ' Vora; Porto Woo; Penne >Seed lent to -1.."1.1.a; !value & ) ALSO—Brunch'i releb toted A rosoune Nag Cave 11 - 111 h, with s lorge'&ekyrtroent of other popular hrme. and quanue. ot polled., As. co. lto. 10 , .11 Pd' Low', os, 0, es ondlOn Plug; Lade,' 'Poet V r OA. kit es ...eel and poen , in ‘elone Wk.M.1.1 ned no, np, o or w . llll every v ut are, bon,- to tee irado. I , ledly '- JOHN A. SHAW, PACKER .td , PORK ANL, BEET, Commission filerchant and Forwarder, Na 4 CANAL ST., CINCLNN ATI. /till , . l'arttruter dueutton plaid zu the ,11171J11 , 111, O Ainy article of l'induce 111 still marks, A ItA 161,varding of Hoods ganerntiy. itrirt to ' Messrs. JohniSwiiney & Co, SlArtni lc Stunk wcll}elliC utnan. O. s. S. C. Parkhurst, Esq. Lsppincon &Lk,. . Kier A Jones, Irtualts rg Ps English A Bennett, dt . d. GltOg77tu COCIIH.AN: HOmlastaston and Worwarding Merchant. CO. 20 Wood , orrsitrht.t.t. ONTLNEES to tgrineact a grnerul COM/MD.OP boo/- C/41 roo;l7:elcre"lillep'Titt'er optloti7el7E7t,do nd 7t. t h ' e7v l t '. l:7 d Nemo rding Goods efortsigned la lot curl: A • •Agent lur altl ,tll conetaraly itippii,eal with they rtnotpul article* of Pllnburgh hlastulnettir , e l hates/ %chalets/a tripes. Orders Lind cUimgaitienis are rcspectrally tolltiled. • GEORE A. BERRY, W LiOLLAL GROCHIIN, NIO C0.1111115610N Atm DEALER .IN Jinn, Malls, Cotton Yarns Ze. PI t tiglast rgh Mau calfjoinres g(1513C r•Il y, no, 10 WOo kastza - r, PITOOIVILLI/I, pt. R. T2-LEECH, JR., Import,. and Defiles in Forelg,t arid bot.tror Saddlery hardware k Carriage Trim things, ' No. 133 Woad, wt., Pittsburgh, Pa. IS now receiving Om Hornig octopi y end invites the event/to of Saddler., Couch/us ter. hnti lllClChalltii to I•sitsik, It has Lunn bought the Lein terms, hots We best Sources, und hr erefore Icelti confident of Whig stile to tit/oril he:110111U (II who only favor lint with a coil trie :d0,.. iAL t. TralTl l / 1 ,1. jT 11%•11-1-17h0,11 . YAEAVBIAN,. PITTMAN di P., 6 - :Ci1111111811IN gIEIit:IIAVI'S, No. 148 Second .irect. inetn:74.l6te ST. Lint is 4111 1,,,1141. 1 b;g11 OVELS,4.c.-40 dos Spades mid SIM vela; 44 do Alluiare Pork.; on do Lunn Short], 50 &lilt/Octet do, Axes, Hatchets, Mattock. end Pi, O. V IOWS, Vices, Itt., for sale st price. envie ' KO CI ICH RAN. trEkird. WORKS AND , - St HIM: Mika tunlk AND AXLE FACTOIiI' Jonrsr.s 161,U100, likANlTecTulictits or tyrizig and tA:+trr LTJ,. tolougts Atte, el,ol •••••Ks, roslth 6n.plitga, lasimmerf-41 lotble caatutlct,Lte mgt.. etnd roa.l, 1 5 , 1) . crlilly,c0turt of Ito.. attnl Fruen •ury,it, .. tte~erallle I'tltertng Cook, • telaosing all substances not ' , oils Kl e e in 4 gi':l - . 3A , wetter.. Elia crown water N.. ark, a w ty:igh , autl yam to the ey ,y Llndtag clock, %/: " ows "" a or lti " ;:, ‘" l b e pos "" :1 , impart. substances, worin s , Thw of the care more Of less grub all hydrant won r. //erasable Uwe, is weal and durnLl ur.d its anouded aro* Inconvenience Inelder .1 to other flamers,. II is eloßituni without being dent :Led floc Lk& water pipe, by 4*.rely turning the key ur Um coo aide to the-Other. kW Out easy pr teens, the ettpese of orator 1. cjangod., nod all keel= lihroure substances P.m drivenoff almoet inankniy, aaserowinglhe Filter. It also po ,wear, the .4imn i z i e .f be/rick! Eliop cock, and as so& be veerointettierst and am. tweet cal. j 4 ..b.....hetherttere there Is only per store liigh of cask, tlttElc,,Lot, tce, with ease. To be hod of Ilirlsole Agony W. W. WI 1....401N, . , 04117dOn3er at Fourth and hl token. (Is Uh B.ltl,F,:Mtandionle ' Ventily Caine ge, air niia or two horses DOD al PhYltdelPhla by 1 cclenru tad,reaernieninrey fits carnage a lii eV, , ry ',spent tulltnit rate article sade with atllhe med..; itapione. M..* Bated with Woo cloth and •6„,4„,,1 ,„ manner. Is la eallitly Wein% told mid for w.llll s f use. ..Eluquira of ALF.XANDEII to DA inst -.75 Iderkettlit . 4 o 11,am ~,,d T. ¬: . :AND • - ivotiLEN it , A I t , LIcISPP. I )" ..,,Ft',...av}.....1.4..P,..wTe"arti • Tri allow p iesa.Calf mittißltreep *Ayr btu. , Lore Lea illari Pickers,.o4;Blouled, TtArtLre 'no 'idle,: lt.tb 15 Blt II Mluthta, Wrnileitea, StripPlas ( urd:. 1 , 0 ,4 1 5 4 II; Patent Dreyer Brushes, Weaver( I treat,. al 7. tag sk.e- LUU AN , WILSON & *4 , 17 apt : • 139 %VP° street, Float 4,,,b R. B. CARNAHAN, Tr,, RNLI AT LAW. , „„, Che ry nlley ural;: tt %I ATTORNEY AT LAW, lhalra. Pa IVI ,L;r1:,11,,i,9,0„.11.1.r;:idtvII4l:::: , e r :l c A ; rTTn qt,nt12,,1; co,luc.. Itel, J A r, Fir.yd. II 1% Wai , acv. an J:etna, tar-11.: do .I'y Kay A Co. ood •t H SWEITZF:iI, . ° ILL, :1,1•1 . J , opi.oe'ar\'n;ellr.l. ~0 cou 11 nts,, Rt.:FF.IR TO r Ator l'at•i.o “..., lullskr..•bc y promptry u,- aurntled to. 0nt1it,.•..,,r 1.. r La, lot Wit \ 111,. n,-.nun Rm 11,:l .4. ~ c on, rus, Chin. h 44 . 113 la!, \ , !10.•1( & • 1, Nl.oe, \UN 1.1 , r Eil:nr • l•ey l f w, r a La 1141• Olt br 1 n JOHN T. COCHRAN, A . Fnu 1:11 e l r i d Citur •t )I,l[ll{oof to nr,l7 FIATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, IR'Cp BD CO., {Sun , xxora to 31 . Cord Kane) 101% Fast/lon...Die Ilaxtter'arl Cx-nt rr of rerl r. YA FITICULA If nt:rittlon pxtd Of, Itt•tull 7tutle. (rxiitirtorn 111.011 thr.r and I`¢p•:rum "Ur Tr.tmut•ittnetit or V¢ , x V.AICHI litld 1.. r n.i.l vtle Country Merettnwr. ruretntxtar t.) wl.ttirxttle. are :or tttt:. - g11:1 mad itonar our S•ur It. art r•tt r.t.) conitdrnrr txx trti.x,tAt and Will 1101 ruder . a romp, ••.•1 , x• , • Louse 111 tit " •:; r ie -.. .11r C„lilt ,out`. trlptr , ornrr -1,t.1 Wd rt• _ rgi9PILLN(3 FASItIONS POLL 1 , 441)., i5 i t tll - 1 -1 01t11, Cto IVII 1:Illodure n txtcut •••l4l.ltll.. Prlart th. Sprott, rtvle ttf n II AT , Thu aut att :Mt! Itiglcr: Itut. ure “ixtied to ra.: ttt rill' Jpil . LO od -trretx mart 4. l % Cilltsrl. BON N Cl' 11.111111/ \ xt. Sr PP II ,t.:., ot nw us, latntl.totu- -.:v••••• A •r ...0. xlyir fig 1 No: , 1.3. r• xt•tt ttg, Lll,ll F. 41,11, N'tx_or,n Ott. ,attl urita• Juettortr orabrutdrrrd Svr•—: trr • large at•rormlrnr oi Sprint: t x• east corn..? MI 1111 ti Mark-, ••trertr Wnr•t•-xa•• troont• a rutr- arNt SI 041 1 4 A- 41 01' 0 4 -1 000,1 51 I • , MEDICAL L: 01EN r (ht.G ia. • . taro 0 ,11 .1,.. , 1,1 t•• • • 1111111.. • 0 ! I II A h..11:14,0C1 .% 11 , Ht4 , l , 'Y Islel part Iv. 11 the recICJ , t r trio I Vl, OW palts ta.riner %not' ,0 191.11 11.1. .Ir.d tn. , .1•• 11 , ,J0V 10 Mon or 11 A I- t rurot: of I, • • n..• •t .flood - 5 - r prO;7 it 17, we .110r.,1t. llrslo I -1../ Joldi 11. Al a —lr Loy nano: d. c autford, eonouody .rgard io tho h.: NlorguLd, Venoms,. you aro pork. , uy Wr.i•OU, • .: I had yoro ouddreo worm.. I or. 63.1 V,Z, ri I tri-d our reorem.ned %erinittr ,. ..l.l,..,thlog on oi tatin yea. de.lvereSof wrn, ti!teen poe,e long, a the IS11,11•E I„ 1, t ,, -eln.,, apptaroo. of Toe other chwi vt9..•1 ctt bou t re, ore oosvi,,eg ou may well I e ptanul oar \ . r Vow , rts y IJAvI, Virt,o• .ey rreparetl And eoor ornl 0-10. ~ Di. ruktt. \Vowl out :te.w I unU a. y I:, , LattlUl,ll AA% lir, 1 i•l9 aa. 14f1: rt,lo . 10,0rr vanau,r.! nad ed, your • 111 - 1 ,yrk.e l i i . •1101 , , .1/ . • . ant .:14,) 10 44) 11, • •le-.,..1; lie , a I.J I 11111 110 zr..p.r1,.,:y we Ja•ara. • 2h.• nea r ja.pu'r.r Canseh r• - , -tip t• .reel meld er,J ft •ireet ni•o Dr :;,ii: ernca , a c • II k \ t11..2 LA l•—rjr Va • 1,11 smture J Ise4r Moe o; r.' Vrtor. , - - ee , f LIOIII 1;1, :rotn r a year vat, to e num,. u•urre.l Mono, l •, : very airot lur me Ilm 7 , 1 1 1 W Jr Bold I v I: IMPORTANT TO TILE AFFLICTED , Dr. Roses Celebrated Itemedies. It J.,"1 , 11: 4 111 ah,, 1 . 10 11.1.- Of PCI. r) , “11, 3114 for :4.711 1 11 ,n:1u:111 kioll. 4 rrto Thr,,Lgt, u.r ot 41i4 t 6 lu. V . r. 5u rJ rra!,ll; , •Il11.1111”.1, Fryer : ver. Indeed vvrry torn: Oh tli.rn•i. .11:1.14 r t:, 011t1.• 1 10111,1/7y -J111: U'l Of ,01 rompound ort . y. J to ul :J.. Or 1.i,, •• Too, , A t• rat. or p ! bowrl la .. per freily r:lr. Uott.ll/il,ll lr .at•nit lhai it bore • .• 411 lilt: .1. n,. re of lilt ,1f octs, e 01. t. LI, 3(1,111, ===e= • . • „ Jur +a Ir. me la,rbt•, , A••• • :I- tr, throughout Ihr, ,11 Ji.torixter .1 I 1., J3I ml, drugr,r, ;111 Irrt It . :111.4; • F 2.darn., 14111, Jayne.' Ea pectora.t tt f) ) NE. , If • k cud!a Illirtral puf po. m urr, 01 go vrisg pu of ) our Lip., lora. sii o, titraull nt,•• 1 con,ouotio.l6,t,-• •• ' 011.1/ 01/1, 111•01•••1 op. ul.l otool but 05.41-ehr . ... Lot, 11$.• oi lan, 1/oiro; •• rot4ollotl. ro.orlod lo 4111 oiy form, 1 0 111,1, . Mid ; I plan, LI O 01 ~,,, 0 1.115 -woo, 11 , 1,f111.0 hood tl. Iwo-Li or ulna. 0,. to .0,, tog b.. I, • I VOO. • al lOe /144. el .11, I 10..1 o . oulrolo,ol• 4 o. \ 001 l'apf - lriUrti Mot o 1.41 dio . - iloro-,• ,/. 00. irlt ..• 01 0 1 r 01011• itt lA, 1.•.1..z0tl wuw 0 /1Pli•P0k1 1 1/1,• Uso lAA., '0 )...stra tourln Aft...NIATICA - I I. 1..“14 pro • Or ol ineKur rt . ..dr: 41 hi! 6o I 010,, WY, ordmetri rpo.r• I th, urp4i,log Icr Ida 4,1 r••om..- ..prrrly of ,;o •L d 41, WI,. ie., re", r.og •••/1 .11i1,41:h it ID) .1111 Litter iNic,•4•l•l I•reatli and I, rum rr. 1.• wV.II no . r t• i.lllll/41 •igree..l.••• ... Icuil•Nts, veil. Irlllo l /, 11 31,14, .1 111. 11 Duro or N•u••••• 1, rvel:s wry, J.L .111,1101/. 11 01/Irrf 1 . 11112 Letl a Ku••N. • • ..,11.11141.4 .tpuntix•ist• lor 'ale 1., 111 . • /...nISI yr,O.C. I . ••••4 I.L.N•oir, ==EIMI r . zc , i ,.. , ut~iyitlaL I v.I of to IV'otos Nom,. IWO 111,11, Id Free . u son ot mi, extspocco. 44441. una 11.11,1,(1. I tard4.4., yot I tivr, 4,4 4,4,a 1,, ;1.4-44• u.,•••,,.• of TWO 11.1./SAIL WO(1.•13 .t t,131 e Tutu 444c44 quart.' 441 U!! 10.1 a 441c1444- .44144 W 111 ( . 4 f'4,_4444, ~ . , , ..earro4 4.44 , - s \I.:RNMI_I.I.. I Ilt(.1 A - .44.111..5. . . ) ot I.) t..• Fruto ot, I lin,. 01. I 0,...,0 I l'4l. • 0t ,,, k, I• 13 I lit./ InVI Will g,,111 I ...,. ly role. uurt., I) ,V..xtra.,, [Hier Prelyr.).l )10.1 .41.1 I.) It V.. ..... noid t.y 13113113 ort ~,, vtLi 114 ~ IN't ~,,, y ',tow tF, .A, n..tA rorry JOHN F Foreign and Lionie•tio nor.. A Ulna, saisscsrlinssiii Fori,gli is.. I quor,s islisis)• .• to Wit 1,111,1LL.M.1, A ..Vc 1 . 1 l',, tom.) V plan oot r., • orrOtottotttog . t.tiolt ortodt•vted to 1.1 tl/,,• /.t. 1t.d0....t0 ltt dotl Sldrltt, k.!1 I : 1 11.111-;,. - Lord do asootltzl. o Md. I.ags to, 4 1. 1.,41.1.111 D 1.111.1 1 - rout •1 sale lq • V .wcn, lan.ling rue J A NIL. IIA LZELL PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1899 LAW OFFICES. I t u , `ur sale a. . ........„..... JAM 'L.. , I) I.OOHWQOD. ICI Wood elta,l, For ninny year. connected with Mentz 41.'.1e) 8 1 d w or, late Jul. Ndcy. New York. arn. Alr. L har. par returned Irvin rue Eastern eines ,II HEA VI. F. 1 r , :•• I.JV WORK— rhr Ad.roulark:or 1., m the Woods, I.v J T Henrik), ambor or I ~.X .n.itrst ro and Isin I.c:reral.,' en , The Id, and NV rdangs or Dr War errs:cod, by W lI XV i aarrad 11. 001110, 01' • liorder Wf. erisre " Just re d i.t .:1 Id K.,u111,,,•n1. t..ogJ or Kong r arlr.:l•England $.l ut.4 relgrrevote. Jum tred JO/ ESI.,IUN I OCE :10131 Ost. VI en 11,40 . • _ . • tn). , corner .141 and arkat at• RAI GLISH AND AMILELICAS ROOKS Alll-,kWO,,lJ,llurwavyyear•eunneet e. ed V. 1114 MenCr NN Lie) and Putneon. and IxteJOh. Xtir, New, lust at.d London,) ha, c•lnt•liaLada 11..,•aliIng I lou•a at Nu G 3 Wood atseet, beturren 44 .. Ili 11/1, 111 way yastarros regarding thrill. ml' llt 1 , . , V AND V Al. UAULE 1t UiLk—Nat errs, 1 Ha Ileammo, wnl an account of et tet•it to We no et, rittaan of liurdulon, and the 1 . rim.llll or vt. and an It:Nu/17 to tilt- mann,. dud of Litt- wsce,lll Aptynons, w AuPlen Hr.) , I.sya rd, Etat , U C L. Just ref. A and for nal,. ) JOHNSTON & ICTON AMES D Hoak/mile, and Dupont., bt t orvign haul., 1,13 Wood street• bar on band n alarm Icol.ection 1:nglt•11 and Amcncen Boot. tin darer,,l droarta,,,,ln or Lttr rata re, 101,it it he pre , 1.1,11 tolaw a. they can be ot,lntne.l .11110 I.a.lcret I ,r 111 1,1101.11 .14.1 Couttuental Hooka, Review., !elaga• MR' end \e want pr., imported order. The. pier Review, Nlagaz3ne or New.pleprr, mai ~ tl4 , • lIKIOrtI on upplication relr I. 1.110111 llfi American Caeolotrue. fornealwel great. liir 114 10 vl.l we Erratern en a KW : i.c happy to czeruta y lor Enri log or ,uationcry, at aan I; adv.., u“ top. O, L T EV, IN 55 , 1;:. , -I.,ty stra • !Disc ',II MOO row, •, iN 1111 CIAIIIIOI it ly Cliolde t.lta,- ..ut, hursli•ten, tool Mr 1 r or Dr ‘stl•Worolssi , art 014011, Into themanner% soul ust• of •Ilso ‘ist trot A...yr..., vents ost ostroduotory lettrr 0 Russotsouts VOIE, ocutvo, With 'Swot 1110-trustott. vor • Lorturr. on f'slKstot rrogrrss. I vol. Srsolpstro,; , I I:nsts. I•nve rrtltseed 10 81,1 S I's odors'', Coorordsoser, coestien,tl rrtltsre,l tol lor WI to , atm,. i• • 111/ it 01 .1 1,11,111/ /In f MMEtEIMMI and Engli.o Lexicon, IleW niproviiit I,y R HOPKINS. my] I 4th urn, woul lil )UK?' IIIrUKS" -_ Union of Clturnli end ' , i.e. I , Y Rev W ribr ChUrCh a !Arne., try Nev J Anne' Joint, Aviv u s t °nog Mon, by'l'tl AMR, Ka. isuiig Ladies " l,wall, a Elio—Cherie. Lomb. Epidemic Claulern. lit, Prof Coventry i . ).iliriterlis of Moral end Religious nnecilote• Cournir or II arts ol Chariot.. F.Jitntoitli, v. lin in, ay urr twirl...old. 2 vol., vu. 11l ustro rl with Proverl, tor 1 . r0p1.., or Illustration,. 01 i • ructirol "um rho bola. 01 V. I. I. elasoust I ~.v..,•my :d , rzoor.•, 1,1 br Wayland. thorkle•by, A Al I or •ale by IL IIot . KIN,, wly7 Apollo Building, 410 a4 • j rt 4AAi 1' lAI I.: VA I . or l'ho COll.ll/11/111,11 him, .11'1 uOr ponookuo to 11, Ilutuan tieing. A cuulrluu• uri Ly Julio !lama, IJ Id, tar, 0, loung Aka on various Important by II W Be,ct,ll, .I,illlll.ig'l. %York., colnpiele 6 vols, l2ruo The urns GI t 5 Arthur, Wlllorni ed vole. Just y rut II II 1101 . 1CINN, 411. at, near vruu,l BEN N ETT 414 BROTHER, LIFEENSWARE ,11ANUFACTLIELEka., llf;rnlegloaur,l near Plitabstrgll,l IVarehouse, tie. 137, Wuod street, Pittsburgh. 4 . I , V e l ,, l:L os coae a tru n tri! , , t o e u e r p o o w ir u hete man d amiu,:erau,t,rd ;Y auperwreuer.t; W Iscdenalt. add ourrolry Alei• chente are respeerfolly invited to relined ex• 11/“ZIE (or theeneelree, .14 •••-• ore deterzained sell ',beeper then haeceer before been °tiered ro the pub Urstsrs sent by matt, accompanied by the essh or t ~ , ,, core. will be promptly attended to. nAylo ! d l r . ; N ud Icyre Co. and by them accepted, for V3lO, dated NI a EA, 1541,, at tia day. otter eight, and accepted NIA) I, a4P, pnyabie to the order of drawn., and by Mem endorsed to P C ehatioon, who has notice that ii.iy plant or the • utne hu. been mopped in the bend. 01 /atm hilltden t Oa. P KWH ARLNUN, Okyli trl RlC.LardwiL tr. CO•PARTNERRHIPS Diasolotlork 1 , 1 , t: 1i c ‘ 1 , 3 , -i a a .c rtu r : . r: u h ,. .L. , lm m re m to ,. fo o 7 rj=r t R • day iluoui:vl by mutual rottamm Men et . & B•rnes .ettle the busimuiu of dm co cern. Ft, whtr). puromu- they are nothormml to tio the ot roueein. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND RC HIM THOMAS BA RN Thr o rulcr.igned have Bats clay assoetated themselves ,•. we timor of BURKE & BARNES., for the purport 01 uranutaeturtne free Proof Safes, Vault Doors, &e. , at thu ' , mod of the late firm of Constable. Bork, A. Ca . where they he pleased to meets.- the pa r....,513 at the rustome r* ot that house and their frtend. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. - Illretiring (rum the firm Constaltle, Burke tr. Co , I with nitteerr plcu•ur rend Messrs. Burke Ar Ildrnett to the Caonfilletirc Of 0, eeconm frternds And the palate hcl. 0, 1010 NATI! AN I ItIL CONBTA !ht.] t-Str DISSOL r Epa ruter•h/p or NI; lIPIIVk LEE , Is thviday , 11 , ..01vral by mulastl consent. The by ea . the ;I,e wili br settled li. Ise .1 It NIURPfII, Prt.burril. i/11 n, 1,11/ LEE The undersigned will eolodnue the %Vaal I e-e and attend to the no.le of Woolen Goode, Al to , old ,Lued 11. In rehrmg from the hrto of Murphy /k Lee. I mke great mchnure tit reel:numeric/mg Nit H. Ito In the ennlidenec °tiny frmoda nod the public. ht, hurl h, Jon. D 49. J. IL MURPHY. _ q , IIE .uhmrthers have Ow day clued them -1 together for the put pose of inionueung a wholmmle and retad Dry Goode and fironary twnie., at No 'AAPLiberty, omanute Seventh stwmt, under the ,t ) ho nod limn of BUSHFIELD l'ot.hurel, January I. 1t..19 N. II —Our old customer. and the public to: wetted t 6 rove n call. lv • O-PA RTAIRILSIIIP. S C CAIFE and t'apt JAMES ATKIN:4/N W have entered tato int I - literal:up, ander the firm .1 SC:kirk: k ATKINetoN. and will ram oo the 'lnn, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Itiarknrotthing It all to branehea, at the old .tund all B Scene, 1 , 1, street, near \Vaal Ynrneulnr attenuon given to etentolmat work. • • • act:. II 11. VI. thnl day R...oeittied venn Inc in the whole -nie roevry i'roduer und Comm.:ton tnonne•• .14.rph. under it,e brill of J.. 0 DILINORTI ‘'. 1 uttAvoirrit inhuhry 10— PARTNERSHIP—Wm Young having thin na)h.nnwthied with huh, John R. M'Cune, the lea. wfil hereafter he conducted under the Et; 01 . \ Vouim d. WILLIA:d !NO R BOOK TRADE JAIIIH.S D. LOCKWOOD, .1 or inany genre connected w,L MeJsra day A. 1 . 11111111/1, and Ime lu4e %% tle y, N. Yuri and London I lioutst3.l22 ♦ND LIIMIZTEII I: \ FRENCH AND GERMAN BOORS . . , No hi \ Vocal vrahrr. N , at :y oppootte the St. eherie. Hotel I ESL; Oftlill 15 - 1.11,1t.h. l'rench, and Germ.. ItevJew. mud And !iv...paper. imported to order. rte., ~f schsch may be 11,re - flamed on upplical,Oit to Mr , 'stslosurts gran. . my2l Ely AND VALUABLE BOOKS_ lou Public Archtlecture, prepared. oil I , etall al the Building Committee of the thuithnouton lo.t.aut,on. by RoOrrt Dale Vases In tugs. Cosst°. , t . gunt/y vrmletl, oath 11.73 illustrations in the Gest sty It! 01 the tirt II —lirmm on firormlittl, second edition. rrm.ed and rnlarced A trenuse on I.lmease% of th , o r-im•- r ago, comp, t ooK on tammry into the hilnory, comma. and tremumuorthemm slimmons ol the amt., cmlrd litonehms. Clmoom I.nry nut., Clergyman % ,ore Thrum, Sr ,1r fly .ionic lirems, A Al , 11, I), dr ion,lnproved and aftllllly cniorrl Royal rvo Ntr7V rrall), me Ito rtlaion, revved and ehlar ,/. wlta aJdt.llll UtuAirauona, A Trout.. Oil Laud t.:ard.utng and Rural Archileriure Klux 1 - I , s . st: , rv u o . f ~~'uuJerlul In erg `line Tircr xi:re:Jon. or pwrisre• of thr V:rir irr and tier So ircirrr.trrr Fort 11 lorlturrra. , r irri ...irk 1,, NI, Ilwr rr,rt ririlOrr,TrrN , 11WKTO.N. ,u 7 turner 34 and Nintlirr 711.1 Vialuaible Book*. ••• • . 1.Nt51.1.7.11. • 111 I% 5.051 utfovlylle l wooo 45h ...J D.oot.uod alley. huve p.retved, ,• co 1 ut- ung.out and outer swot I, among Woo, ote h ' e u ,oo ou V..r ooo noou• K 000 Y• •zo- , lloOtuu, Chrt.t ly All, Low and t. 5 0,, 1.1 U.. t.tle of 1.1, %NIT:CU/any ' .74.5 4 u ..'.":11111111s R117557;5'.','P'1=Z";a5.1") Nle.inenyn, Dy Rev N 1.. D Llavluun. It. Inatuut oud by Beecher, Ntneveh anal .1. Mu none 05 ttte by NI Faris', Flame,. y.. 1 t...aurro iy J. A. Jailor, war. f. oil, new vdtt.un. J M. Mown'. wort . europtete. 1.1, nod NVE5rk5 of Cowper; ood Poll of PoPoO); Turrethuns luzy,ve.oued.o oi Mural and Rel./o°os Any:c.d.., I.uuor . Nuturca of Pulver). Lblust Roveliung ner f.y tn nlvuvee SIR 1.5 .1 Comm,. • Modern A ceompl.uluneut, 01-ulna! 'Thought. on ,rtymrc. uy h. put,pned. Luc of Pollok • Noun rot 111-wry ol Kingdom., Lecture. Ott 1.14,1115 I' It y, •Odle elrr • .i . • • d . 1.40 . Inv p.w/i• ui ha, ladh ulll, AU. I.rotwr B U. wlth I h 1 - .1.1.1uTE %Va. w Au..crtr4/. l.attlener • I h. New Auterltran. Orchard., by Wu. Kennet The,0... Farm, dad Rural FA . 000didd. stunttru I.tne•ttot Couitery. by \Atrt A 11,dt t r4 on ,I , U121.11) \ us rurnce ark. and sts .6 " EA% t 111-A.11,11W,, WOHKS — Thought• on Pyt,itr rra,., ,411111 r/ Lt it. I. ltt,Titt. utt I . antity Wutt,ltort, by .16111 c. W Al.[ trrreaved tut 1: JUIINSTUN .4. tirtUi ' L Niurrtr. ur ZI/C licrutur ul n.l Ito •mt' LAC bound a tatuahie coth.e• V nna o 1 ANUA he, Rbb t . .1(.1..1t1fl anti AN N ~l ruott, , .. it as low as ,the Eaetern eine. cf . :N.14 , 41 and CONTINENTAL 1100 k, He r Ina ea run, Newspapers, a r . imported Word., (TX ri I'LIIONN and INCORPORATF.D 11,11 F, cht.t.ed lo 1r e,, Moir Soaks diny nee and A mensal CM:1144,1,9 11111/14Jed all Moan desire them, or scut pot tO ...v add re.s. J I, I. wt.( always he happy to ezlobn to ladles end tun nen ht. honks and Itutrart to them any 1i1.1,1,14. • • • • a ,r• goo, Ch;tiort•ta to 1 , 14,1. y Judg , Thormon iapromu., Urad 13:131=1 HOTELS FOUNTAIN 110 TEL• LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. aVOO raorclaro. MIS long and widely' known tot bring one of the moat commodious in the city of Bentmore, hot reeemly undergone very exten sive alterations end improvement, An entire new wine Mut been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping apertmenr, and en tens bathing rooms. The Ladiee deperunent has also been completely reorganised and tined op in a moat unique arid Lem, y' style. In feet the who's arrungement of t lie kicwise has Leen remodeled, with a stogie eye on the part at Me proprietors, towards the comfort and pleat., of their (foetus , and which they eonfidently asecrt mill challenge eOnaparl.On with any Hotel in the e ver,n. Their table will nlnesys be supplied with sub marital and luxury which the umrket affords, nerved up inn superior style; while to the way of Wines, Or., they will not he worptutred lit eottelusion the pitmen-tort beg to say, that nothing KW lie 101 l undone on their part. and on the part of their emotion.. to render thin Hotel wo rt hy the continued putroimge of their blends and the public generally. The pricer (or board have alto been reduced to the following rate.: Ladies' Ordinary, P 1.75 per day. Gentlemen, 1.50 N. 11.—ph Baggage 'Wlaron of the House will nl• ways be found at the Call mid Steamboat Landings, which will convey Legg.* to end from the llotel, free of rharge marhf EXCIIAG: COMM or re, •NU ST clime ern., rirrser... 'I be tubteriher having asminied the seanage ment of this 1015 g established and popul timed, respectfully nunounees to Travellers and the Public generally, that In will be et tones prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable too well regullOrd lintel. Thy Hauge now betitu thoroughly repaired throughout. arid new added, and uo puns will be spared to :mike the Exchange one of the very best Howls ut country. Th, undersigned respectfully solicits continuance of the very liberal patrun•ce the heats has heretofore received. THOMAS Ir , WSTON, lelsOdlf Propretor. isAMARTTNE CORMI or Po •ND c 1.17 araax - rs, 1.1,511.1.017. THF: •utrneraser reapevtfully uonoundeo that he hap now Opened tto. new and excellent Hotel for the ue,unittodattott ot trn vrlr r.. boarder., and the pubh: Generally The hot.e and lurt.inute eire rialrch, new, and nc, pactw or expen.e have heen aparcd to tender one ort the oto‘t 4-psalm %lade and plealaot Hotels in the r“). •uhavrther deterni.ned to de-rive, and there fore 'whew, a alive of ptll,llo pnlfunage. JACOB Hut 1:11. Proprolor UNITED STATES HOTEL, climitre mi._ M 1 irrlV ren rot' MTH . ,11 , v. ern 11-'1"01TE Is. 13ank of the Uloted X . / dr:phla M t'OPE stacii ELL, 11.4r2-11. Proprn,or. MISCELLANEOUS• Scrip .t Par, TAKEN FOR 1 111i'KEHIN4,.: PI A 'O LLELF:HRH, at Woodweir, Nu Thkru street, der' , au'r rlcoark!,ekrnog'r no, 4" the luwral Pni+l,orKh, Allegheny ritT, and Corr, Sorsp Thrtrnprtre 1,001 to 7 octave, mod were welerte4 I,y Mr ertne for 11,.. toarlret- The' are warrant,,l In Ire equal 10 any hr city: linvul •h the late.l trzwroveinelor, sue: h a. cLre ulur reale, etc. , . Buyer• ore 11V llCti to prrotot• to tottrelnoutto el.eorttere. and. onto, to honennth thorn %unto good Judge. prinvostottul or otitorsvo,r. to pulp. at the I,Llj II • ty of the motor instrument.. N. 13 —Wranru vusattittert. w:11 be gl von weh emote Plmno. etOttlin, the h..,ider to ~ .“.I,undr d.e the .ortirdeol he proved the lel , d /1111,1,1, or faulty trlyi K. - P ItESH SPRING GOODS. Shatkltli k IVhile, 1 \RV 64 , 4.1.h+ ll CURERS, to!) Wo,..f.treet nck the Li attention of Ilerehß,t , . to Ihr, or .011.:fil- CAN AND Filkl.:l6N (.(n.O, now reormag direct trom hr-I ham!. intere-tvpr, Deeolnr ,uppltek of hrbq eoock during the n.o and ,kv h 0,,0r large ot thea to Eastern Aurokt •AJ-.. they ru. rubhdelt,y buyer. they will had :t to their atterest to clartune tom...mock rrrelve.l. Lirge 1 1 ,014,11 of new Ihr.• Fan, CAA•stner,... Ihnth, Summer Goo.ln Larco. blie 60.4, Irish Tr a".l brow p anti bleached ,“ceutsge or vzlrt. ou• hratod. mar) JAMES W. WOODWELL. Modern and Antique Furniture, THUD Srtterr, Yrrrtar..46/1 • • X uaA lat'gr and .pletoiot ' 'tt r itiNti'l , •=t ,at" or Furntture. "Pot *- - ii , -t•i" ould.: for',: 4-----... ... Hold!. and pri vale. dwok . "9 Ft:.7 " .•::::‘ "i dto4 on k ho'rdhaa„ntldeam„ondnet to O c r ittdited by any munufaroirythe wd.trrit enuatry Prrintoi eriKtiiiiq to purr liso, wouid do lair" to vvti tar n rat!, aii I ata it,t, tow., nit pro,. idiii.l pica, Part of 11, Itr k c00 , .1. in - Tema l'nzo, 1145,n Iltni,eir, Loui• XIV Cliiiir, titireii I-dtzatirth rim,. Fruit Table.; Toilet is Lout. X V l'orriniltli•r Ftrtiolz \ Idio mie., m. ti v ltdd•tratk harm bd., ..; . AP •010. wan 1•ttoop and Ilnir, loth otyytt... till Nlatiognlty Rocking t'Ldira, 40 du< Parlor :At " note y do titS entre T ' alite• • Liu pa, lb 4,44, 4 pair pier Tab!,'., { lb Inkrlde top j/roa,ong Bureau.: Wardrobe....tit..i. rola rir. 1:00 • 1 . t •r, •du mart, top tt, a•lt Mtandis, 4 pat r . , rdontaiiii, fpuir randy Wort Stand, A very lam, mitioirtuatint of romition ctttr• •00 Caber ILI rnsture 100 Itullieroat. 10 Inritlaott • lij - : 1 0-em Boa. ium•lled 111 , • .Iportr, 2100 111- rpoPo wrvir dep.l, Chocolate. Cocoa, ie. W Iltaltrr . • Air/rrprap.uJ F 0 , 0,1'100 0,41, I,IIM TL 7ln","; : l t;::; : L ' . " lll ' f„ ' „• ' ;:.Fl ' :.;:i ' ,.l ' „ ... ... 0....10 p. 00,1.00.11,0,0,10 o.•or rrrummene.. i .,.....l by 1,,ra,Pr.1 mid olatitpr,l wto, tn. ppatur 111 II :1 1 . 4,0L1 }.3.1, pn...0.0,1r, mid 00000 y tOO,lO. tor 0,vn:1,1•1, prallolllll,l/1 11, 10r tut,ll,ol..pent pa:, .0.1.1101 wlo nor y other prrtttuttott• Ilt• ottuhar....tut••• •rr ntw.o • uu qua....ty. Hir MO, re• trtutrtahir rocer- thr r . . 1•1,11 C., y 11.1 agrutx, llnwr•.(•iny cu. 01 ro. Harorti,e.u.n. Ilt,Yey 'Hurt,. New wk. I.rant tt l'lttwt.,tpusu, Tnottut. V tit ut.,.••• 1{4.- hn,re, atoll kr.togK 1 Ltruhrtt.i....c..toolt. 'lll Al. H HAKY.H. thtrritr•trt Ho, owe ;. uo :1 Av. Wrought end east Iron Railing. Ire rave Hour.. thr put .tr thut they hare ..t.ixtur.l troth thr nit thr utul lutthturtuttir zur Iron, htutt II /I hour., stuu twittrtericy w,tottg to I`rur ur• noure Ind .11 the metit•ter ut !he ryt,rt I:rwq sand R.. ef.....u•trr.O. o'•,• A I.AMON t NI, X Manufactured Tobacco. 48 ISXSI. , rtlr, 4(0)..., •upt:r. Ai A like,' • 1Y 121 do 14., r A /122/ wood , " 1 2 S 21 do do do do do Pearl A IlArwm.d • '• 5h • 14 do J Itomnsuo 57 bd do do •!1 do do Win 1)uer2.1121 :L.l do TNA riche. " • •• 37 do 12 Antirr-on V do t. T do R Alarm) • 11 do 121,trod 3uAl 1An.1.121 Front •trhn.., and vnekrt unt 111:A I.D. Itl t'll‘ol2 .0 Co 41 north onOrr •I ard Id north 2vh.2220...., I'h ~'.n.ln 122t0n jel!.l M 4l 41 r 4 74 nui In. WsMster UiJ .ups•nor •avrrls. lumps :10 •• I.lawremm LOUP, •‘ ••powith• I•Ture) " 5.. • SI t• 25 " I..v.vren•••• •• S. &11, ;1114g Jun luittivtg Itom •tr.tlurr. aml for .air Ll HEALD, Ill• , 'li.NON a. Co, 41 7 , 7%vdtrr mid S N W. a J. (..:L }CNN. Book Binder., WE elir.grri 111 a,, tal ~,,, ••• earar oto anti 11 ,rd alaaa patchc prepared to do , vork ..Par Isar Jr, We hitrnd 011( wurk pe,,,anity. a. •nt, lurlioa W:111, per. re.gastl 1,1 11. 0,01.10.$ al. du rob Illy rulrd to ally paltero and Loolol rut. muunal.y. 14wk.ur1,1.11111,. „r old lkooko bound• lad) ot 0.1 book • in rill Thu., that Imv, IA or IL in our lilr air „ od to va. I . ricc. low. C A v i :: } ;yl .: 1 1+ "' " I% ' luns, lilt no,..elaciory of NI Crew . or.!. ' l v‘luch throily...llion 01 1.,..0t on .1,• ./. Vlttil f rtetilVtd andfur kV 01 . Nt. 1e1 , 7 If I •t Ein9B3 H.A VINO rtolll our enare <cwt . to H View io cluing our old i.uHstclta. vvr. her, 0) . hen tor Lau the patr.u.age ot our !r1e...1• us..l • t. 1.0(110,1 I'IONDVA lilt. ritHbortri),AuK Whnlr.:•!<, Commto.on 1 C• " RA . Fo C r ;, A • II Nut, Nlerrlltitst, No 41 Wn.r 11 :1111 DELL AND D.RASS FOVNLIDA . a. A FltIA O.N. !tell surd Brat , . Houutier, fiu. t Ludt awl eon - tilt/tutted Ittt.tue., ut hl. old • NI, where be w,ll lee plc:Let-it to .e. It.. old ettuto erg and trtrittla Churelt,Steumboat,und Belt. art - err rue, from, to 10,00 , 0 Intattlitt. co., trout ptttternnt mlite 1110-1 apt.. W 11111de ir, stint weirruitted tu tte 01 I, best mate ri.ttt Mlntrui Valt r Yu mY.,\.ouutcr.. AA' thr . watt every v1r.4 . 1) ul Wu.% it ti qui r. tutll.ed wrrl 11311,ned iii thr neuter JJJJJ nurr A F En U. Bnant.r'n A Es - rE•A rEr M trlL. so rt•lrloratrd for 11., friliiri/011 frtet.a.l. in Elturls....Ery Tlrt Bonen tn.! '20(13, ~,, :I via!! be Ilutltvi him n uilu /MINTING PAI.EIt THE fLultsrfafer• Ist, mg We ear lo,ove Agnory eelling the Printing Paper n ficw ,IfllBl,l paper milt in ill. VICII.Iy, will be al ell urn, w ell ..up toted With in, different grecs. of paper of superior quit li 0, which we otkr at the lowest regular lance, Ally six< tifirt.ff, wtl: atunuinctured to order *bort notlf - c. fu, 6m rum., Penn and Irwl in INDIA alaillElC Cl.l,llilN6—Juo Caltfornia eolaplr. n•KOI1111 (turn Elam.: t; at prate , rangtsg trot. 1311,5(11ot' autt 51 root. 'mitt. and hat l'ur u. India Buttlttt !Alto, No 5\ Vaud rtt ll= itrrt. 111/01C el Lnocr •u t.y reirlaelvd Mutt., It hation. uscd ceit-lanny 1., I,st, Thalurrg and ',cat pcclorturt, lct!clhrr wall a ler,- saaorustr. al rood and niahogod, ormy ewu :maeolaclt rhc osew &hes, nalronic•.l. are warranted la be petit.. crery respect end c 'old low lor caxh. F [IL dee IN No 112 Wood al. adlc.or from fah For c.urorol rpiE crtrlmated Ila Lard Rl ar l'owilrr, in krg A, Ilul kogn, qUallf to. and cans, for salc telt1:1 J & Co, .17wt , 04 21!taapratt'• Pasant Soda Ash 10-1, " 11 Mll l.11F:1.TICEI.:, 160 Liberty nt L INSF.EU Ull. it In gt ß o A re u %ul a. lu j o i l, }: w , WVI/ i clly and St Cl. Ills MISCELLANEOUS. PAPER HANGINGS Al ESSRS. JAN Mo. 88 Wood Street' W" 7I •D cull the attention or :se po Vie to r preseut stock PopperlittavaS, v' ri,y. beauty of funsh,duratlay mudl , ../11• surist“ed Uy any estal.a,lauent io ibc l mon. Besides a large mud full o,,,,rtatent I,IP, `"' owa manufacture, they are 110 W ree ,, ,,,its . dtreet portation or French aud 01, " h0 " -r P.rehased by Br. Levi Howard, one 0111.0 G,ti. now m S . ... Anus of Parisian ni.ufacto re. 103001 racers. London do 5,1.101 do Of their own manufacture. they hove p,e,•e. Wall Paper, and 12,01/0 pieces ~,s un glary.] \ ~ ndow Blinds, itc. - - Messrs. James Howard A Co liner spared niher expense nor labor to their endeavors to rivet thr e a t ast ern wall paper estobltshroenia, both in qualn of man ufacture and variety of pattern; and thry are wit.tsi.t ed in assuring the public that they hove socceeded The whole assortment foreign 131 d hointt trinnuter tura will he adored on term. no lOW as those i. ern manufacturer. and importers. to St W. POlNlntrrttli, of Pittsburgh. of Plitialelphia POINDETTER h RE OLDS, FLOUR FACTORS, And General Commission Merchants, No. 423 MI cast `peons, between Eleventh and Twelfth eta., PHILADELPHIA. !subscriber. be leave rkope..trull> to el'i,U.Li I I lbw friend. and the per ;le that the) Barr a elated theut.elve. 11 1 Phttudeiplita t'iir the VI:111 , 04r 01 General Comm...lOn /11.111,, Rio: 11'11-1 that long experience in b 1.1.1111,, W1:1 s,.i. ore tau ..runage. • Purtutolor 1 1.1.011 WIM lie given to Na: r. Flour and Produce grorrulty, and any purcfia.,.• the Phdadrlphte toarkct or We...ern urrouta- R. W. putNIIExTER. M RF:I NOLL, REFI:RENCES.--The uurehants aPttbobarail rally, Spring, & NVlliteman, Labeler. (Thin, 11 U Newmonib h Rro W Lewis Rueful,, Jan Toad, Lou,s,ll, Ky , ('row. NI r ereery .Ic. Barksdale, St . Il event, No•ton IV A Violelb New Orleana, I.a , & Nu) e., M'Gregor U More., New lurk. W K rhouip n & . John Tier. h Co, Prier Nlur-eilles. RNI Jon,'., Deal, Milligan & Burt. Phitatl'a apP Cu, . _ N%I W 11 , /NIRS— ZEBUIAIN KINN.F.N"S, liar reet idea very high bark Shell Tom It Coin 1.., plain high narrow • headed top EMSII2 20 gr.. roni Born, 3d do, I,sorled KWrw eon, hor• So],, 3 do[ +bus drults.rot du. 12 do/ aulrulo du do, 4 do Inotutuni du du, :At du I , r-1 Engl.. Horn, G S S lin.. Ivory, r0c,, ,, , , 1 . du S S do do. In boors, 12 gra,. S L.n..120 do; 1 c:o Cleaners 41,11 r...1..atta./NOMA 111•NN t PALMER, MANNA & CO., (Successors to Hussey Ibt/1114 S CO I DAN KERN, F:XCIIANGE IiROKF:RS. and dea:er. .U 0 in Foretfn and Dornesur FacLanKr. of Deposit, Haul; Notes, and Sreed.—Fourth near') opposite the Bank of Plitstotirgh nt tr u nvy rercived on depo.ste—Sight Clecrks eolleebons made on nearly all the principal r • 011. ./1 the Unite.l State, Th. blghtmt premium pad for Vorrirn and America, Gold Advance, mndeon con,rmen. of Produt, pod Kat, on lan-rel 11121 GREAT IN VENTIONI—VALI A lILEI‘ISOUVF:RIr ' [ ' Jaw Sio . exxo Jam Lax Int. 1,49 Talent rr0.1,-.Ner ealeaeuni Sofas, Boo! ra.rea, Wrttang atskt. LEVER OF WROUI,IIT IRON THE TACILES far r very 1,11.3111 01 the kind now rztant. They roll I• tended tram ten to tweoly - tive !fe l t,and when o• n..ed the leave.: are all c0.114/ICti 1/1•Ide, they are made to x:1 ‘t re. and nhapcs. and urn adnurat,y adapt - d !or teamktain. llot<dn, and large prtvate fannln, torm tng when r:ored n romplett centre table SOFAS AND BUREA US—The, articie• Are .nva:. amble. particularly . 0 thane who wi...11 to rno rm., room, and convert nteeptng apartment tato u parlor or ' , nun; room. as they can I, Op.- /It'd and ‘hut CUIIVV/lICIIC, /lad WhElt 01111. ll.c beddtnr it. .. . . ed. A areal sum& to room and r:re. A I I.- 1... d• rdeada when r:oard farm a hcauutul pier, of farnaare for a parlor or attuna room. BOOK CASEZ".—A nem and uaeru, arheic : . or par or , or drawlna room. - WI? ITI sat nr-.KS---For Law othr.L.L. , LIL:L.T,uonLIL, mud LLITIrr, aL.I moLL.L . on,LLter, L, •lea. when clon,L.l u rtLL.L lk•k and 11.oLLL. La L. , ILLLL, Al noise or:lc:on nerd no r r eornineridannit In , brauty tur whole .•..ry Yo Warrannnl Inn 1 0 ,r 1 typa, It will !or ur to cu. don clllllllllc the aruclra, at the niamaucturer, •torr. Third •ireirb Ydishuruh. In addition to tut. tt.tot advantitur, :key are pr.( uguat.i torn. JAM I r d• Fl.l, X( 1.f.1,111 t • l'lt I'll• It A I 111 pH ill JAVNI: rrriifir• tlinr it buying i•paitlril L.ranner, who died of ronsuiniii.on iI IN., 6, 1 - 42. I Waw lalit l l4,nrk with me innisulopiinn Idoor Compininb and oral , andurrd in, low wan down., :13:11 lOr 101, year• Waa unaldna •nr.rnd buidtira• rotor, ai hump or abroad, Lunn, for thr ustoit ono , . rrinliiird toy 1 , 1,1 Dunng the nboor job, ud oi unit,l lind rapendra for Inrdival allt . :11..11, rraului ic und aurdwinea. tlir ainoun: of U A., without rorrivin nil) bone!. Ilion - from It Jul Ira:, I ronsinciii - rd taking Dr Ju) nob: !dodo rinrs, and lay< lake,/ nlein 1110ra or !co, ever and briit Mal II a". by prirationrbig thcir var., Inui I run pow truly Ray 11.41 I 14/10e rompleteiy r 0- verctl ILO heatttt J ...cannily- hi:, and Fara - tour:oil are the family nicalicibri• now in in Springfirld, (barge county. N. Y.. and parry on it fume, and plantain . chop in plai•r. hods 1111101 inlerralrd n 1 any manner 111 Inc. Di 111, 511000 tinallelll,l and make rtibruto fur Inr fiL :1,0.,' aftlicnid • ELIJAH . • •prinutirb.l, N 1 , apt IU Ir-tb ni -n., .Ira ' , ^nrra tit , tot.ow, Itr,t.tds di iii. and to urrivr. winch I,la l==ffilliN rtr R l'ren.lrw .I.rmr• \11,1,011 -I / I.emartrnr. T.! 1 • SI/ • Pritrurrit 13 1 lio.r•rr•k Si• , 011 • •• ✓ Johur Warwie 4- 1 •• 11 , 11ry l Jninc• ict.Yl Pitt Machine Works and Parundry 1,111,81 1,1 I. S Kll\N y XVHIItIfT 8. , are prrourt..l i.t1•141 Cot' ot 0 moll N%ottlf-n Marto:Jetty 01 etver. nt, earth, Mat.ln,o, N.lll/111, Frnlll., `in Itaitto.,, Herat,.titt.t., Ltrr. I.totot-, 1 ortllttrodets. r rou.,t trot. Sooltto l l ti tort. J. •,,•• ot 1 1 o. 1 1.• 1 1. 1 1 M:id 11,014 0.1 ktott• t'ut,tlt, 11,0 1'1 '' L'' r 1.11.01 Oil 111Ort rettrrtt• tootle 1.,t0r.,. boo Rodin, t l t , t 01, oto too htt•tortott. t'ol 11.1 n \Vtittlow OtII,LI 1,1 I• V ,• 11/1:t r,eorrltty ltr4rt• lott nt 111.• ta,rt ~,,, J . ittttcrif ntr , rt. xlll Your prompt ut.pi Koh, le Block ;two, 11.-.1 a. J K Alborg.lo.,l If,Wr.rorr, John Irssot Son, I' lt-I.urQh t Arr. SilllloliTo, 11 1 1 Perm Machina Shop. If NN EMAN —. .\lroluorclurer oi tlokla oleo, and woodell inaoltiorr, work, boon, he,. no lull nod *00,,,•00 u ratioo, I me proporrol le rior•ute mder. woh dopo r. I/ tr ell Iron!, ul trorrhorery 0110 V rr• .l„ od,•r erJ. , KrinJnn o 01 .1(1..ncr m0w..., alrawoor "11100., woo., an1,,r10u1 , ... or s , le for 110,,000 or r.t,ttry wora, rettle , . ..lole 1000 l lathe• tool tool• lo ortlr r. or pi..., rel tor e•-ariag taoortr• affila rc,....L.un1,,e clna. - Cloud% A. Co . I A r I, , 1 . ., 0101 dr Co., .la. , A I.ray EW COACEI FACTORY, cxr - - A IV would revertruny tolorio . probon. that they' rfevlcli I.erysa-en Federal nr d ndusk %tree. Thay un• 11111.$.1ilg M/Ui are prepared to re. rave ord.,- .• , r over> Ctmo lir Chariot,. I: 00aerie, 13, yo'.. . • who'll -nano n, long cuperreoee Urn inartulaartr, 01 111 , 1.0,. and the larrolnea Ihry nava rhey revl roarlident no-) arr. enabled no do work on thenoat rem.. , nlr tuna , Wllllllna nrnele. ni their hoe. . I . ..)ung punt. ular attention In the vlertton of mute r, s.•. and unving none Inn competent worttlittni tut, ...we no Ite-ttniton 111 urrantnte. their not x .etelore a.. 11 the attretnon of ale punt.. to i , matter :s I.: Itenntrun, done in the brst manner, nnJ on !Ile atoll reat.uontl•le term, .a.r...t tt Monongahela Livery Stable. 10/131.1tT If rArp,:ltsuN h. opens 4 k ., the largc *tab, ott Fit, at. runttnin throuet 10 Stcuntti ..1, between Wood and Satuthitt ttl ...t.a ,ut the rent ol - the Monongahela flout, wan an enurnly new •tor lt of Horse+ nut! CarrtAges 1 1 1 tue bent quail!) and Inteal -qtr.. llorscm kept at!tar. 0 . ,•• a , 1 ,, 4t ~.....,, JPAILY _ _ _ Patent Graduated Cairo . nse - Battery and Palm Immlaird l'olm for Aiedual and oar+ pur p oses. T HlS 15 the only instrument of thc kool U has rlerf born prt-,ntod in line country or Europe for fo-u. p0rp0.,.. and tx the only one ever known to fool, whleb thr IliV•JIIC utd earl be conveyed to the Kb. , nan eye, the oar, the brunt, Of to any part of the body, Carr eztyrnally or of tortally, defirbia nrb - orearn, w.f... shock. or pson—with perfect 641 C, ical A. the happtelt odeeta, . This important apparatus is now highly approur.l y rustily or the roust enunent pbyricians of thug ,ry 011,1 Europe, to whoa, the elllictell uist othcr• whom .1 may ttancetit caul Ite referred. Reference sr tit Y• 411 ptt, to molly highly respectable cluoooo, who Ituve t'ul Ify means of 111 i if most •olutible apparatus ..1 woo. of the most iovelerate nervous disorders la ...mild of he reutoyett by nay other mown 1110W:4 Among various others, it has been proved tr, sf!. rally estninesl fur the cure of the tullowilts dttettecer acrltut. Ilea.loollo and other diseases of the brut.. It 111 01 111 thi• npprtratil• 010,10 that operator Can collbry lite inaviette dual W 111; cone anal gaiety to tor eye. to restore srutit., 01 cure anisurossa; to the en, fo tee ore Iteattatg, tte lte tollgue anti tattler Olg r utts, to 1.. store 010.0 en, aml to l l 1,0 vomit. ports Cl the tow Y, tor the core ut chrome rheumatism, asthma, neurals,o, ur tt o doh:rare... Pora,Ysts, k: or Puff'''. purl, chorea Vito, Jaffee, eptiepsy, wea firms Iron sprouts, so,r, titarztta, pre bar tu 10100101, contraction of fur Itrare, etc. ate. ILKIt. 1(or SUIII3I,IIIdtrIS eou rifles of Western I'., •1 , 41 s,llle t.trunwot, Insy be puretka•cd, Le•Letl Jul L. cure of dmeo„les. tuntruettone win Lea - teen for the vat 1.111, I` two., at. to 1.0 are, for carton, Cohen..., and the best mac. i, tor operattna lor the cure of those three.. vesll i/C fully ex pieltted to the purchaser, and a psfuPtuet put 111 to ha. hrrhdc expressly for these purpoce.. cafe. peepared by the putentee. Prupore wit I,lly rf WILLIAAIS, Vine xi, l'itoteirelt • THkl 11/4011:i1GTE.H• renpeetrully eallel le the lullowi,.g ecru brute,: S Iluvwe tamed • quanhly 11 (..o.d wagbe..l by your Ar,lane,,, I land the rasua proves our trtartrunient Lorrot t hod recommend the to.e. or at to Move going to Calalorm, on Me Inert method ob. ,o.ssitnig the real veil. of i.old. yoar, J DI- NI-Eli Y, °old Eeatar. l'illaburria. Marv:, D. 1,19 pmr.1:141.1, March 7, 1849. Ms s vs—Lies: KIT Haring exartuntil the “Arrta taster,' too... Oared at t uoi ryo.n., I do not hesitate to comas:oil to thc u.e ol thuie gentleman who ate shout isiativius to ealituritai w %earshot Gold. . • . • •. It par, n 1-lu,ant...native to the •qieeifie gnat ly end ~ , tainly enable the allVelllutfr lO arreftau w its placer is ytefdieff Gold. umr raspy, J. R. APCLINTOCX. ,ki; VARIETY 0016 FRES/I SPRING GOODS. 1%"1: aro op..maq yr, !art, cad rhArr NG AND rtUNI \TER t•OOLM ,1 a di,: n arc dttrtu, the last t . the Nrw .na r.n 1 Philadelphia takarlcrts. cm.,r..4 :op a rrra: varmly aintoni tie. .ertpums at ' ....I most fushlouable 1,71 c, mod t.i.:; hero bought al the t• Elt.\ A r; -rt.^. reduction frozerreka .ar oder grunt inducrm-ul. :o rant, Ito t.y wholeim)r or recu,:. Wr zeal the re[or.. re.ql.•,lttL:, Inv Ite. aueo.ii :ha pubde Stoci..l , citn{ emaideut of oar ability it bu)CTit I/I eve, arur they may wi.h our .h.m. ;a; .Id,e.. we would especially cOmateud our 'twit o: SYLY:11111, Dlll[l4 L.. or wawa we have • very larat / 1 .11.1 : 11111111.11 n•Aorterin the !Meet Myles anti inn4lla.litonable cnn;ra . . LA 1/1. l,101.1,—‘101,1•:1:1 deLame, Pod de Chervr. 4.J a,nl inehaw Lo.tre.... painted , ~, lehltrn taw wn.. .tvie I;nregeo., n-nr h +tnd Slso eh l;tikehntn.. Ong ham. i‘retit varwty !cc. . • :New 1401111,4. ve,y Chtßp RtYtiONX !ND FL4141 , ..-011:1.! lalcAl•tly I-10r • Yr, lure, nqd hanAmontelnock of awn.A. of u,no.. every ntyir and qualny. nnn a.,,nrnuont n nprunq and •utnine alp w:+. .y.r• fund ',lcy. Fat., Curn. A good .apply of pup, Frunch Eng:l, , h and A lIIC rwan C!oth,nd enn.nnerca, towu.en v.,. would ,nytte .neraton at prr.on•nerthug such ;00.1. A mitl gchrral , upply of Stamm; Cheek, Tl, ti:ear hed Mus;lx, Tut. I.inron. Shrel/11,, I hajl,i 11 :v1110,1.•- aummer "clod, trl•' wrur. 1 •rtmet, Swia, Nmos• Mt-. I . nrs 11an,.. Crupe. Grope Lace, rt,v3l, llomtry,•Elk lido., he. Per .tot... Wl , lOll, tO fitty hU nhould aud rx111111," out •toc•, u, our prtre§ art such 111.11, .I'llo, 10 hlly A I .E:\.%\l i 5. DA V. 75 51120,1 rinrthwe.,oril, of the Lhainond A M A , bo Mart et c.rret, ha • t , aml le rzr, va nt,y ot Ena'au,,lt r witli• Or vr. v..r on, h I, n Iralfte go-t. 1... V/7 1 . 3 h ent,z M • .111 ' alr. tr,oin t I ;Alto zl vr,,,.1,e •1,44 to L.lO lao .- U 0 t, mV.i t.. I -It 11/ i. ~011 r• 37i to 6 . 3; A..., t. 131•. frolll lib T.r , all u 1 fit, c10.,q, 0110 prt, L e ut .1 A MASON A. I', No 0I) Mtark,.,l my 11 7\'l-:11" RIBIioNS. BLACK SILKS, 1.11. K. BABA. ttrt-t, At. - 31301'113 111.. th,a morning re tt Itonthotno an , colored, 11.,1“,et 1i,r0,611., Also, Floe y black 0,16. lot dr..., matihilax, £O, MEM WHirx :or ilre , an—guch es man.. nod ni N/11/.4oki, .4, M.o. embrufalcred tor tirr•••e• ;VINO low,. oorthca-t coon I . %Jurtn uod Nl3ti.rt Rug., ap myl% R ENI ' I I lA:NEN AND LINEN IRISF'2 , —W 1 It Nil ..•• !lowopt, u 144-ortmcnt 01 u .a,,,, tor dra,4r- aud lotcL• —among tilt lot turli junk, blur, pre, ortuts 1,141 mod.. Volur+ cp: 44 , .0rm,ul e 1 em,roulr I,•r arr.utti SE , . 1,101C.11 lilting...llW Lae,: \V. It Nlpur , isaa, now all rc.cerird an nye., d vt.r.orl wuniti, Dry G 0.1,1. ‘lO tkok arg.• 11,111 •fr.,E beforr ytemlsrvunr 1%,:ru1c,, cur,, 511trIct Wholr•p'e llootti• up .Pnt AA 1. Fl.ll, Ell, J . .% !utcrt“, - tor A ruhet E.owor, vlr p,ocr..poitcd Jo, Cu 11111 C pup, to culo,atg, P.rik :+nueer..Leav, cv , ry torut. r UP, Itt,d CoIOW, .•411 tle 01.111/n,d r II EATON A. Trtiluning ri.tpre, 62 Fourth it 1407 7, mfm,,,Dl.R V -Worst,: El Pl4llO ,104,. " nth e Tro.,!mg Bars, wllb • var,.., of ,ntu.: pi:tlern, Ala°. WorAtcll4 of • toe pouno, MIMIC. or •keln for 1 .; aril I' It EATIIN Cu. 621.'00110 .1 al ECONIJ OCPPI,I—W R Mulpoy, or oorthr., cor -Ith and ILa•open zo. • -uppiy ol .prtll, and sonar., olotitcra,k, .1.111114 ”. I nre, a.-runt 01 1.1,•• I. orJ. of n mid tapw 1,00.10 of to Lod..J. of wt..); IN, .o.ti up[ REF.N 1)1. 1. kl \ W 11 Moro°, n. • r..crivco toe 01 , 00- 0 , ,111 and deuralpl , urtwle, &JUL 01 Ine .alde 11/ttnge. ort: Vie Y:SALE. UtLYGOODS-. - - fl A. )us 1 , , co., r':U IMVURTERS, Lo MAE.= ,raxgr, Re. lOW thr 1.11011 . 1 extenniv, and vann.l o: and Summer rye!' rlhthord tocountry, eotnprtemg PC apward• .1 F,evra 11.. m -rd purchn.ed 01 cIIII plrka e•-• /11311.1.4, turr, ozport - re.a..41,,Ke luc• one of , io ork 1,01, twtl Ntu 1, , .. .i ntta, I lenc . J.e 10 - •\ I u P•••• •• Ihpka. ••,.. • 1:1”,'.e.10a nde. aAd :,1111111 , 1 u re, 1t11.1...t0, of Flower, I.a• nfmo,ll.l. C.:: count, . - mrat Iv 114 1.:1,,ru anti KU 01 iik4•lr 4 .04! :11111 pm ea vans,. la on v;.l, .1 I,lJit , 4 4111 4:541, advutklayt, ltd a'iltr,r, ,4 4113.1.,{4 . y EA. 4.45, .T1:1 4 1444:1 r!carly ul 'brit fny puteha.a.l lieu 4102 q orinlean comp :1,17 NEW LOODS, IYI9. cor:vr lVoo , ! .tott Fourth thrt rt . F.ll ill.l )11 /.J.. Mil= •,, 1,ur11 . ,0 , a. 1111.)1111.1etyrer• ••a-. ,cresn.) t?, ,ptiftr tr.s•ht. A% 1 IN. 1 AND I ' Arill.Fl 1,1)“1. KE I do %VII r;%‘ 1 , • —Zo) .t. z• • Wairitra I K to - ‘ '•A RI I':'lr. , •x - 1.• NIImJ ... 1,. _lug-ro WilLl.(0011e 110, 1110110/ I klac • Ctutm, Sr ha . 1,1 11 La I t't 4r, 10,v , 01,10, theat , to, I rOOO,O, palt Og )Itlll. Jr, • lump , . 1.1,4 x,Ol rl.l .•.0• 1 . .•0“0... Lace. 11000,4. 110,0, 0100,•• c,toclrrn• 00.1 PIII rc r,. ,tor,.or mem and too, s. ory and 1 Cco:on. Tzo ilteN off, 10, 1.001 - t• I Ir: nt 00t Trermni-Ig Store. 00 Fourth M.,.0.1 nO.l , 44,1(.0. .I'll 14C I. \ 10 011 IS —A A. MAYON4, .0 , 0 Ou ar , openoto 40 o• rp...001 A PRINI, (0)01)z ,, , c.Dopn,ng 11.1• Al. Jr I az 41tnui.. 1.111011., It/tll/011, 110,0,y, and a geterol 01 I ie.r: Fan, CA II PETS, OIL CL(YrIIS( i)r.l.l‘ TM, DAY CorpoPtlc I , ,bs LI, of,h.- •I And oto-Lt oppro,tol paiterot 11.1.1 r. ,1c,.„ umi clootp pur c.uoN, vallipto-,, IL. for- 1:1:r:n V u'oul a. 11.1 i: room. or Ver.' I ‘. F t , , 11 t odt • o, =MEI o' ..• I frOok •I 1 l) e ota, I Irr I Or, I 04) idr, 1..1 I . c.. I.r. •n - 1, ter •ng our Spring 1•••! ,, :on , ..0"Tra100110,, • t • :t• 0 . 0 , v,ll cre :t1•1•-• 10 17all . 1011 4 , Fourth W NIVLINTorK an.l 1',,A10w.12,:e ape,i ( and R" n 7. 1110111 , S 11 CI: F:Il l C.INII CLOTh :.11;rit 111 rtl , • moultNn-r " "Cr‘Y. , •oin„n•.rte ' unre o ic• :r• pr , plt re-il to otter rrolkoo..Coottoolorn, nodwoo yor parOculor,y I :vol. ei• imo,o •%4K-It. der.dr.l.y ,argo, of !lei...a.< Ll.l a,1.1 gsowt riztO. tort ._...., nothillg m wtil,l;g t.; sm , ll.4 , l•tylr. tot r,al;rig A rex, t,es;al; Who 114. it 'rat ctiwr , I,ce ll;,• F.;;••lPrn ; 111.4 A. ad.l.rd dm ....rt SHACKLETT S. WHITE. Dry Goods Jobbers, \r () Wi wi ad) s'I'KEET-- vall the ittipuLon .01 of A1rr , .1,., to limit large K toek of Uoute,nic Lit boOLC3, tett revet•mg from ttpi Im po e.,.4 ,mvinditvto-erv, and wtueli tbei wfll.ell at very in•A tan, 'or or unproved credit. Our *tool now 101 l ond complcle, and an worth the attritt.on et, 0,4 we are den - rootlet' to tell at such evtrewely low pnet es cannot tail awake. it • mrrsis nneerment li r merchants It Rothe a 11l erlth e t 0 - - VOL. XVI. NO. 286. MISCELLANEOUS: WANTED, rIAILY at the BALTIMORE, PHILADELP/lIX NEW YORK. BOSTON AND NEW ORLEAN UENERAL AGENCY AND aommissiortomo MEN la wholesale and retail mores, andoiltef-? respectable besiness. to act a. BOOktkOOPOOt t SOUOCE eau. Porters, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmers, Coachtir melt. Car Agent, Book and Map Agents, cnalecto.r" tiv r• to all branches of business, So. his at all tones a large number of good ettuatiens on haat watch pay from 30t1 to 82,0U0 per annum. Those resat of enuattons Many kind would do 10 givk' Itt a call, as we have agents in each of the above Mil' ttes. which will enable us to place every applicant 14: suntrt• IlltlallOtt at the shortest notice. We have IL large acqumutauce in all the above maned eithtel winch we trust will enable ns to give entire IMAM:at , Stan to all who may favor us with a call. TAYLOR &TATMAN, Na. to &mond between South and Oar. N. B --Perron, In any pert of the U. Booms: and washmg to obtain a situation In Baltimqre 'erste ther of the above clues, will have theft emMts ' lnansegt Mutely attended to by addressing on a line, (porm.rtid) ; M by so doing they snit curtail bath trouble and kV, pense, which they otherwise would lacer by comb* to the city, and seeking , employment for themselvess Address,TAlLOß I TAYMAN, • No. SS Second meet, tort:tau' Baltimore, Md - ILML/EIP YOM. OBAJOLPIIs :•,.. W E ILA V E ABDOMINAL WARMERS made hat< I r the !owl approved English pattern, hi:MMus:l c t and recommended by Thomas Bakewell, Dm., and a • number of suunent physicians; being a .OE. et:divans , . cot apparatus for the application of warm or hot was ter to the bowel*, in Case of tramps In Cholera. A. every person as lobo. to sodden attacks, no family • i •hou Id be without at least one. 4 SCAIFE to ATKINSON, JO r Impr F o 'iss y i e s m t, e be n tw t emi t. Wood an o. d . Marko THE subscriber Is Jost tecetving alt assortment of Pianos from the factory• • of Nusins k Clark, N. Y., which for ely; and supenority olt a olt c e ' ri o nfl ' tfue n h7 . su ' rpriva li an of y fi thits 'thr g h.'- ., , ever brought to this city. hlr. Clark, of the aboveil !tilt torus, long and Must C bly knaani Si the formers , . forem an in thr celebrated h.° establishment or.; Broad wood. London, has recently unproved and per••;,, Led the hAelps of Nun. & Clock, N. Y., man ex-' tent whirl., untinesmonably, enutlat them to the repo.' moo, of bring the very beat as well as the cheapest' ri,l/101 , a 1 be got in this country The lot now opens:, anr, conies with the sublatanal recommendation of an • improvement Os the Style and blush, which makes ~- t hem at otter the 11104( elegant end tasty thing ever :7; brought out. Tbs. instruments, together with the, Mg.'. tin band. form thy most extensive, varied and de., ..., slrable aent ever offered here; all of which will ' s lie sold ar manufacturerssrtm prices, and on aceoramodas: out tcrio- W KLEBER, ‘: • W Ai tn•i, ----•- 4 ut J Woodwelh 41 N. B —The suloterther will be found at the ware -1,31/ tru. II to 11A. NI , and 4to3P. M. ~~~ PIANOSt Tsultuenber offers for ssde a large and splendid 1 assortment ui rosewood and mahogany grand Ae- - dt , 11011 Plano, with end without Coleman's eciebrated; dnhan Attachment. The above instruments are war ranted =- tu he equal to auy 'manufactured to this coart, try. and will Lie sold lower than nay brought from thou." bnit. F. BLUME, No 112 wood st, -we sth N B —City Bortp Le rates a< . } : : 70 b47. r •lata tb Orr. ;—.? he above a...0r-mem. My 2 For !kelp at Per. 7 !NMIJon N ICATELLOR,BI Wood strot,:" writ mil for Scrip or par, the Tollowlmit i ` now and second hand harrow r, (Inc elegant rosewood Gi octave Pre!". mn, mode by Baker k Basco N. Y. Said p one one do do di octave • • •r .... •• • - 300 00; One rue.ew 0..16 octavo, Gales & Co, N. Y.• • ws 00; 4 /ne do 6 do do ' do• •• • 95000,• Ono mahogany 6 do do nemirnow• • 3100 • One do 6 do I.ond •. • • 4:13 ps Si, do 51 do Rosenbaum • -••-- 100 MI One do 6 do liennan 50 00 T: Mac do 51 do 11 &%V Nunns• •-•• • • • VOl. One do 5 do English -.•—• 30 DU d' J do lIN FORSVTH, E Merchant Tador, has tontoked to No. :It Market street, one door Ishm Second, Ka.l sok Thankful for pest favors, he respectfully wheats • attune anee of the patronage of his (muter austomers, nd tik , ortso the patronage of es many new ones as re of the right stripe. Orders in the Tailoring line executed to the most .shic.tialtle manner, Rod with dispatch. Also, a fashionable assortment of ready made Clo, /m 01,11 Suls. Cheap for cash, of ousse. tien g, tlentens' o Furnishing Goods in all c their vulatias lway on hand, loch Is Shirts, Bo.ass, Collars, Cns ant, Stocks, :karts, Hosiery, Suspenders, Pocket dkf., Gloves, Drawers, Umbrella., ke. ht. ke. myginttin ;% 1 47,5773 , 7;- - KfoAir -ae , r N • NI de ham, VOI(011 111 rd line t N EMINENT and experienced Physician from the East, of Mr years standing, area to Veal all cue. of o Delieate Nature with promptness and secrecy. Iltsl,l[Cr, to Buffalo and other .large eines ha. been proverbial. Ilia charges are moderate-, and Lte e urei permaneni, Old Conc. of Gleet, Suieture, Hero f leer Alb., RhcOM/111.171, Apt c, Syphilis, or any •lironic or inveterate crises solicited. A cum warranted, or cher go refunded_ Ir sq.., Si Clair street, 2 iftmrs from Me Bridge. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor grain, N A. solicits the WWII Mlaci Of any disease hOslittrall to cell. apid...llly WILLIAM Rams, Ilanufacturer of Mineral Water Apparatnt, al. Or ins GOLD. 0001.1 AND 10.1,11, • NO 213 North Second it., above Vinc i PHILADELPHIA. N.' G o l f ,z i tt io re , la i t o, wei , v l year, thl prrporallOn of nelaeturl u gltne ' ral %Vittorio BotttlYt'ilortnno on an extensive scale, wnh a scientific and prac tical knowledge nf both branches of buainms, loge :he r with recent Improvements In the construction of me Apporalu• and the preparing of the Water, winch tie ha. cuccrrded in adopting since hut visit to Paris, ,m 1 otter year, of close study and practicalapplies :int° an ap • plo•O to arra chanics Chet:leis iry enable. the suborn Irer lo come before the public anth enure confidence, and offer them the best and flos compl , te Apparel., for the manufactine of Mist , ern: Wesel in Denies and Fo.tains, that can be far m. nwhed the United Suites. Ilutztm, qro fine -•- • • . le Aims hatters httnaell that the enlarged vileness ha %VIOL slid Ibe present extensive and daily in ash, amount of his bananas in both the above de• 11.11,1.1., the toilet convincing proof( his it o to the •operionty of Apparatus over amiss of all ers• arid or the purity and issilebnly of the Water oared tbrrvlrolll. lu ..,c. r..l .'-.d, lei Person. who order the Apparatus from a distance, ,y l.c red that thee, Instructions than be faithful coth;,cd with, and 'so packed as to carry safely .thrr land or water In any part of the U. thaws. analc d , u pp otnt ment, tt it recommended to those dru n en.J sappi ying theltunives the approactuurr sea to -ward their orders at us early a day al, eon went to Aldeorra. Vdater Apparatus, Generators, Pumps anA F 0111/1/11rn ted UTIIS 61111 Pedestals for Stands, Counter,. alni Waal, drasroa, Hydrant hogrillicr Cialtkitly and Ty nag Machines, nn aver) then, app.-m.l44mA m the above baubles*, 4.onruands, on band, and (or sale on the loureat term. for ca,h, ---- Diaphragm D'lll.c.r, roe Hydrant Wager. digaigill Ttris 6, to randy that I have noun.] Livungston, Rogge n k Col Sole Agents fur the saki of Famines Patent Biapraligm Filter, for the ail ues of Paraburgh and Allegheny. JOHN tilllSUNAgont, . i fzr4ittler M Gibson, 34 11 Broadway, Oct LO, M& t+. il II vc been mune one or the above anicree al the °dice of the Novelty %Purim for three months, on trial, and reel perfectly saws/led bat it S ill useful invention, aid wr take pleasure as recommending - 11mm as a ase, fuiarti , ht to all who love pare water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly ebeent. o 4. oelll LI VfiNGSTUN R EN &Co OFLFGAT WklaTl:dr - a,,1 A DDL E. /IA H.N ESS, litU NE AND WHIP FLi.N. kJ I.IFACTUR tree sok:scriber takes this Method 4.1 ea obrnung Ins fiwnia and the jeubllc in &emend that be ites the largest .lock of the following noted mit : ota 01 h.. own manufacture in dd. city--Baddles, liar Trucks and %Cups, all of which be will warrant made al the best material and by thebost dwelt sfile et il Allegheny rosary. Being determined to eel/ to. mane fariu rea ...onmethrug lesser thut knalmen here :omit. ko,d uy .y ami{lar astrabludtment ht Itua eta], ... a.aatal iavit- 1.711011% in need of dm above named ere ere. to his warehouse, N 0.114 Liberty wee; oppo- .11c ne.YrIIUA. Also, bands made to alder for mtwhine rY. octint y G. KEIWY. PITTSBUROII FE4I - Alaiiio 'put , : ,cO.l scsnou of this Insulation, snider We 1 rare of 51r. and Mrs. Guanoan, for the premnt 3 ,111,1111 . Scar, Will commence On the drat of Fehr.- 0 cent, in the mac ballaabga, No. ktlailerry street. A rrangetnents have bean umde by which they will he slue to fur:nab young lodine factlidea !natal 4 any tt :Lc Wc4t, !al u4latatag a thorough English, Claw -al and Ornamental education. A fell coarse of Phi dLtaup :neat and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during We winter, Illustrated by apparatus. The de p.:ft:twat. of Vocal and instrumented 111 le, Modern Language-, Drawing and Paritung, will each be under ... ot e tkoupetent Profewor. By dm attention p,J,, m ural Mad lilac Lin-luel improvement:3f their pa :, tar I•rtat,pa:• hope to merit a cOallallagall of Lae tal pu:rotiag, they have hitherto enjoyed. Por 1,1114. ire n eater ur apply to the PNltelirals. tat.tuda I itirN Ft ti..:Cillt i' TT/It nALE.—A. amantroo Prm- I dry an a dormant:lg town, with Paticrtia, Tools., eady tor bounces, wil t be sold on uccormarr e l e o rag t a rot., or eichaagtS for iron or good., lit, allar.-aa excellent opportunity to a young In. ..,w.ll/1/1l aptlal la cumaleime Me Iron Foundry bq. t..e .... Eng tore of SCAIPE & ATKINSON. duc6. /at near Wood areal be ale•, Cooking kaor ea ter_alleme r, ‘ I t ry : &CO good Chef: 4 oder fur talc Platior4, }lop. a alld Ceara. Scale a snout ,be t .nfprovcdqualar, Cooling SICIVOS for areal unq coat, k,cg Noyes 01 carloaa glint, parlor LW common brutes. 1101/utV Wore, in. in. They also manufacture the Kitchen lioisge, ah/eh haliglyea acteh gcnc nal sallattielltal to Illaft Laming it ttae, mall of win. they Wutilil re.pcellully mayo . See amoeban of r/ 1 / 3 .11,.. and the puldie gevorally. ' oeS/7elif L.)ATENT esoLnit .11.31,11Ci1l of Cornell. Ik. Co% eeLebrard mama- Lactate, and .opener to WlOaltlll laati adlflod to ell-Ircbt, cicalae/m ri a, faaoes, babh° and FlValc balls, and tO all OIL. 0101 when . elaup, !Mkt ntlitcol hen t clearable. trandulea; Hall Lanterns, Candelabiks,Olobes, Shad., Wick a, einolecs, Cans, Trimm . .cre, ke. Also, ebaodeller.., from ono to fottr. 46 d ""'' WWWI N, marker at • hardware--C trooper Mail JECVIIII F W I L&ON & W. , Importers and Wholingolo' Dealers in Huolutare, Cutler) , and So 4 dh.Y, No Wood street, above rlftb, have now in stare • very chn We eap and well selected Flock or Harlow i im ported i k e h ee prlcee tin Europe, and ; wluch they me determined tu correepondingly love. Meeekantill who hove been the habit ?DMUS partlen• tarty reluested to call nod loot through our, nook, as we eoefulcody believe they will save their "txpences txt4 tII.IEL) BEEF' RUUNDS-10 .ilsreel!',.`Sied Beef ..• J ktoundr, very bee, just ree'd And fin We b 4.1 SULLEIRB4IOIIO4