The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 07, 1849, Image 4

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a And Naar Ca;fll. Cwal
Par lief.
lILE packet [WAVER. Capt. rilanBcii tense
Beaver resularly on Aionday, IPedneaday and
dar k3mainp, at P. M., and twice At Youngstown
oast motmlog at 8 o'clock--returning, Moves Youngs,
town Wlesday, nemesis', and Sato4ay evenings at 4
P. 30.. and reimh Beaver in time for the morning. boat.
ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, arrtrtng at Pittsburgh at
The packet HARILAWAV, Capt. ?Awning, rill
kayo Beaver Tocaday, Thursday sod ?Awning,
toga at 0 P. AL, returning, leave New Cattle, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday GVoOiligll at 6 P. AL 0115 cunt
miretEntwithtne morning bead for Pittsburgh,
MIMS ;.0 tet • ure fined up in complete order. har
ing fine lc com to 'Man... for eamongois, end .hippera
stutyvely 57 morn punctuality and greater dtll3ll/Ch .
Ikla has ells, been obtained on these room.,
. et . FiTCH tc Co.. Proymenurs.
c ogent.trittabergle •
isd 'Tt. Ens- t' Mamma.
A. IS oteolob " Notimostown.
R. togliout.ttNew Castle.
Tha elegant etemmer, Al L6,6141.-Nl' CCIPPS,II,
terra Beaver, daily at 8 A;Me sod Pituburgh at t P.
• rennin` in connection ieith the shore boats. ,u 1.5
. ...
18. at ial
Warren and Cleve nand Pass 4nnger Line.
Canal Packet—SW LOW.
—OC N.
PNN of the above Par! OLa leave *ere even' deT
(Ehendage excepted) Om! arTIVe ncti tneneng at,
aeren, when they connect wt. the Ural Sta .. for
Akron and Cleveland., aggisong et eaett,oftbe,a places
before night. Chte ca thof packers leave Warren nail:
ea 8 P. 81, end arrive at: Beaver in hana to take the:
morning boat for Pittaba.h.
C E 8 LEPPINGIVELL I Cot ‘irate.., I p,...,
bl B TAYLOR, il, .de S
ajol3 on Water and *sraneneid ids
, :.., • *ark, N .
eigM). 1849. ' '
- ON TUE PNEN , A. AND 011tia• CARALS.
C.I.OrD ZS Cualther.4l,Clevented,U. i p ,
8.0. 0. Paso, r.,..v, pa. 6 "'Pr ,
i rr i tli: A...A au be prepti . ed on the opening of 1,3[1 Vi,
1 6B W H lll . nia4l lIV D, P t 2USIt o
. e ,, lr p rS ou l , /0 0 11;
• the Canal and Lakes . .
. ..
Tha &vial,. of the Linn an ausarenssed In atualteri
gptliqq and capacity of Boats, expenenee of aaptainsi
end eZeiency of Agents. •
One Boat Leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, wan:
dog in connection with I. gtelMers • •
Bemoan Pirtaburgh and Boater, nod aJirto of fir. doss
flaraatra, Propdlers and Vessels ou the Lakes.
Aamers—R Parka Bea,. r, Ps.
Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, 010.
B , Taylor, Warren,
FA n lMlPp i tto7l7 L '
Cra;rford ri dck berita Cleveland, (B
.seltra k..GriO:l, Buffalo; N. Y.
Oclat i e l oi y Water and Beinidodd sts, Pittabergtt
Steamer MICHIGAN Na. I—Cert
" LAKE Balk, tinvdon.
lIE above, regular and well knerro bower Pack.
ant have.commeneed mak tag their daily trips to
and from Beaver, and wilt continue tot'rna between
Pittsburgh *ad Beaver regularly eartug the maser, as
Mehl/. No. .3 leavo.:Piosos rel . :, daily ea 7 &el. t,
A. M., and Heiser at 1 o'clock, I'. 31. Erns
leaves Beaver daily aid o'clock, A. 4.3.3l'iitst.ur,;k
at 3 o'clock, P. M.
These etc.:tea Will run an connection with ;
Parts' Repress elsokel Line, far Erie,
Taylor LeglinsmalPi Warren Pcket.;
Colon Line or Freight Boma for Cla a tclar.O.:
Clarke &Co , sPlotabarga and Cusvalaad Line Fre-slit
EL 0 Park, daily ?iess , tawtte Pertem.
MARKT; PARKS le Ca, Banter, Ageata.
JOHN A. CAVOIMV, - Pitubmgth,
metal cilr ^etrr and linnthfin:d
1., 1849.
. .
PingliOßGH AND CLEtisteml
HE Proneness's of Ibis old established end pope*
dolly tine, worieWilnotellETEF.NArst clam, Crete)
Boats, owned by theautelves andconning In on .•q.-
Pan with the steam boots BEAVER AND CALEP
COPE, are mailed to oPer unequalled (anilines Air
the transportation or (night and pa...engem on ite
opening Of Canal navigation, to all points an the Pena.
sylwasua and Obio and N. Vora caLals and the Lakes.
E. M. Ft I - Cll a Itnt Cleveand,.
AA,,,, nu, ye, rf
J. C. IMC WELL. Agent,
tttaA Water streetilhosbarvh,,,
11533 I
Forwarding Mordants,
Agent + for ass Pitts/Ingo!, aadCleveland Len e,
ree. and Brea Line o;41 and for etenva
boat. Beaver and Caleb Cape. .
/Urals porthaeed the large and satSaaniat Whirr(
Boat forta both for the Mortonaabela Patois, haFe
with the addition ofe, thr moat Cam* tr.
cootritodatlona for recess-sag and forwarding, eau
pleohee the. otreArO attention, on:mg:antra and despair b
to aaoslamaaats to their care, sad rely 41 their frtrlds
for a trial mar2Ally a. te Ftlif
,Old Fltabliehed Line
THE Proprietor of this well known Co. , of r
Beau, s now prepared is traniptivt Pitastinit i•
wid Po eight to all poirate on the Erie "Mt tension, w
Tort Canals and the Lakes, upon the spat for Drib.-
terms and with despatch.
This Lane roma in corinecuon with the ileum billet,.
BEAVER and CALEB COPE, between Pittabitee
mid Beaver, C M ReedtiLine of steamamats and El .
Deli no the Lakes, and the Troy and Michigan I.,Nite
Boat Line on the New Turk rvtt
C. hi, KIEL, Prophetor. Erie, Fe.
BWweil & Brother. Agents. Beaver.
W T Mather, Agent at J Mestimetts. PaierOger
Mosonela House. Pittsburgh.
CO C Molsn, Sharper J EA ?Hot
Sharpaburg; Saab is Downing. do; J it Pluatelet,
West Greenville; Wink, Acbm 6. CO, 46; Wm liniuv.
Itarteursen; Day. & &Mon. Buffalo; Berner,
Co; Sandusky; J. A Arinstrolig, a Deirtlk Kirkietid
Newberry, Blieboigam DOE'Clore hleirmHellpoito
toKnap,Aßlgiztrioeir,...eteirkJ; oho
. 17e.
Pittsburgh and Bluirrellia Pkeket Eine
Elia= 1849.
C A ttaii pantie aro resp.ectfutly inforreed that J. NI.
MARSHALL a, CO. hare bred out neer:enc .
op mild Pester Boats to run during the reaseg,i Do.
roman Bfalraeßln and Plusburc,h--,he Wale to Wipw.
edby three honey and oreoy effort made to acicm
retaliate passenger.
Drearreakm—Boata will leave Pillsburgh every
Moneta', • Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, et 7 o'clock.
r.B. From Blairsville every Mondit, Wednesday
Thursday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, a." st., and arrive
at Pittsburgh the elate day. A two hirrye Hunk from
Indiana will meet the boat at Salisborga, .botti ori up
waniand downward trip—posing pasiengers thrsugt,
from that plate is one day. •
Freight for the above Line will bereraved the
bosom of the Boatmen ' s Line, by 4i a Fazre2 Ae Co_
who are our authorised Agent. All treight retaived
hue ot emamisaions. J NI MARSHALL &
/NO FARREN &Co, Agent*
Canal Bashi, Liberty st, Piaartufgh
A Reek leaves Blairsville for Voactouram oik the
arrival of the law—rev:mu to boat in morning. ram
from Pittsburgh to Yrningstown s2—retTsved at ofnee
of Boatmen's Line throttels anb,,inet
Per do Thiouyorlation of I. rogla to and f run
TIM*. SimonsPhiladelpPhiladelphia.:':TA.A.lnk & O'Cowton, Pius hurgh.:
rrHll5 old established Line bol i new fn full irpers
4, don, the proprietors ILIC prepared RUA
sztsacivo meat, to forward tnerehandisq, pro
dam, he to (row the above porta on liberal wrwa
with the reirtdar despatch and eatery peculiar 10
their mode of transportation so ohniqua wbenarm•
"Ert on the wayu avoided.
tinsignmeatts brand for this lint reeetveMl,:com•
r eps* and forwarded in any required direettods free
of Owls far commladon, advancinff,
No late:remy dimetly or indirectly , 111..11160111,11.
coormanicationspromptly atteudid to on althea.
Liao to the folioaringayents:
TAAFFE OCONNOR, C.aml it e t l
&CONNOR & Co,. North st, CA46111
1111111110ELAJIS , Taasspo A .
1081 ntIVZIL.Id,
Conducted on evict
Sobbnthtcalatp d rnev.
f'w;r this oA.feorl%r
pot e the mot pm deloi
aced to forward l'rodeee ant. Mefehon.
due to an y
Rom thetiastera cities.
We trust that our long experience :in the esilying
boanwaa, and melons attention in the interests O ens.
tomers, will sortie to us a continnanne and inhient,
of the patronage hitherto extended to. Oltigham . S IA as.
Our arrangements will enable no ID tarry Freight
with the utmost despatch, noel our prises shell Away.
be so low so the lowest charged by other resr4nuble
We have Opened iri offieein No lha Market Surest,
betw een!hip 4th and sth sts, Minds, far Otkri convenience
riier. •
PrWu p ce and Merchandise will besteeived attolloo
envied, Heat mid West, without any ebbs. f4l or.
warding, deg./rig freight. storage of comailasion.
Bills of Lading forwarded, and thirty difection
ponmeendsel tn.
Addreon, or apply to WM. iIINGHANI,
Ound , ern Wherry & Wayne OA PiZash.
No lE9 and VS fitcrkeystreet, Plittes , e.
No 1.59 North Howard street, Beitibiore
%ViiI,LIANI TYSON. Attgeht,
lath2l No in Wool street. New Stork
Malan'lB 49 .
Elsrokaists , Transport/Won
Caney and Rail Hos& being..or opco4, and
D E O rt
Baldmen, With p
and ifeer4iteh, obit on as
good won as any other C
A ke.
Cartel Basin, i'enrtst, Pitiebtrieh.
Aorith—CllAßLlls Philedelphrt.
msII7ROSELdOREILL & Co, Il.ldmow_
• 41a1171irissilar , Corsa 4. I tt EIoAEZ.
press,Past Pseket..l.Ane,
allailb lB49.l l ll —lag
me. eason.
boatirsre new, and of a Wipe** claw, With en.
leopitenbias, which will glee Vealea comfort The
Ab b e
win always be Inlatiorl. port, and ,wayeleirlire re•
gnarled to cull and oumlae Await berate engaging pus.
only ialne dollars throngli) .Clate of the 4iiiala of
tharLierlll lea*, the landing (4pbelle ftwalt
wrier of Polo strut and CaniaL cacti night at nine o'
'Win* 1ipi1t047,11.. • For infonanaan, apply at the
Medi gablacliWkiPlian) or in T; pmu
man • • • ciusteufti
'a POPailina PORT Liam
y t rthe Tfalttivnbuton m hatght to
41 being. nes.resumed. th e
Prupnetars-of theabove Lule.reepeetfaltY u ,, erte
the public that they bye prtpared to receive and to:-
heard Fteight wttp ilelpeach, and at lowest rate.
They would aledkept rlse e1.a.0. of " laa a a " EL".
-ward irg the fact thir.rhe 13.14 employed by them it
Warraidarardar. are OitPoed by mem and commanded by
uperteatee captains:
Eihiprcer. of Neat at tipb, on.ll bad It edvaatageotta
chip try dm Line, alum go u.enbers have made or.
Magee:meta at Coloodua to have each freight for Dais
&mar, banded directly from boats to ear., thereby st
ein; leasetkos.e huirthg.
bFreight , to pt a isdetpbut.P.:4l clew through in the
No ehnzge madb fat receiving stopping or advancing
charge&KlEß & S Propnetow,
C 11.1.1 Reartail SLR,
- -
Ai:Was—John AA.hoo , ,Cirkeinnosi,.; 100 Alc•
c u i: do o* co. Doluirort.4 Jlng Stool to co.,L Polladol-
PAN-otoCo, .8 ThobAs, Colombia.
PhlitarsieLV tzt. s. a. Runes,
160 x
PlitthillOgh to 134ittuittlphia apxi Baltimore-
thicelusivaly for Passengers)
TldElublic are reipset9Ply informed that this Lane
commence donning on Monday, 19th March
The boats of this itme.are of a superior Mass. with
enlarged cabins, Aria will glee greater comfort to
A boat will in port, and travelers are re
g !Sled Lica]] and eVntine them before engaginy pas
sage by.m s her routes. They Wm.: lell4t the landing, op
posite the km. $. Hetelleianer P con street and Canna.
every fipllit al 9 eretsbnir."
- -
For lorannation, upPly at Meoffice, Monongahela
House, at to LELCH A Co, Canal Homo
N. B The proprtatortr of the above Line are now
building an additional Line of Packets-to of s above
on nr boat Jane connection with the Pennsyl•
male HMI Road inSirt.Linvismorn to Philadelphia. nt
that dote a packet earl kern every morning and even
ing., Time throughtVdays.
nic:Ciggiirsitit4. l r
For the turd% to alosta,
OODS carriel. - 04. this Line are not transhipped
kj . between Pitislitiss¢ and Phllndelptim, being car
ried in fore section Artidile bonus over land and ten
tort-to shippers of •Inerchandite requiring careful
handllng, this is of iniphrtance. No charge mode tor
receiving or shipping, or for advancing charges. Alt
goods forwarded Rill dispatch, and on as reuonabla
Mr= is by any ogukr . Lion.
Bunt, Penn ot. ?mohair-go
• - lad M•DAVIS & Cu,
matt M7lllarbet /a :51 Commerce at, Pnun
)01111McFA1:401.82 C Fnrwarmns an4almks•
Lion bletchalas, CObal 815,113, Peon sa, r
3AMI 8 M DAVIt ftCo. floor F.torl 41Id
blifebants, Nl3larkat and 61 Comm , re- etre.",
Ptailadolpbria. mart
ID-advance. mode by tuber of dm madly.. 0.. fia• r,
Wool mid other sfatfchandiso noustrand to them for
so!o. mori4
Auau........-Walt PRE I.App LILA b..
For LlDAnntla, • town. Holneaty•Uursh, end
all Lesseedaste places
MS Lido will nutrac to carry 11 Way Good.,
411.1 s Meat cue , despatch, LIU: ikt fair rata o
night '
skollsts.-"C. A. IFA.IttI.JLTY & Co. Patsbersh.
D DWAkellold,Johnetore ,
Johd Wier. Hollidaysburg h
RlS7,e2XeCts-41UPsys Jordon, Smart a einoloa. Dr F
Shoonborger,Rll.l64re. John Parker. SF Voa
horst 2a•Co, wok Lthmer A Co, Jno in a SIVA,
Plttaborgis; John Idory, Sundt, Idtahollna a Kay, Jl.O
(hia& akch.l7
FAZED, PAlkral 6 00 , .. PACKET LINE.
, •
gbfi=4 1848.
•". I Pocket-eS WALLOW, Capt. Ford.
N, Capt. td, alters.
gPIE -of the abode Pockets leave Banter every day.
(Boodays ezetined) and entreat rooming at
lom, where they eriiptet with me float
Mail Sieges for
Akron and Clervelotk, arming as men of these paces
oofune Oho:mane For tet. leave Warmn dra:y,
at 6 P. DI., and ....Ors or Braver to woo to take tha
mot e o lt r aterl i N P o i v u , 7=k wm.
aLti TAYLOW Pr* " e
1:116002111 11l 'W6 .11111 n „ r as
oknal Patkeb.iNtronorthm., Capt. J mint.
Eon, Ttoby;
"Purcon, lirown;
• .tELLelitos, Pope,
The. shave nrw timisplendul Pimiento r Pact et+hare
tom/witted runcio ben:veto Iib:AVIA AND ,ER IF.,
and WU run danng the nr:L•on oar boat
le.Ping, Erie evorr 4ortung si e o'clock-and one 'coa
t.? Beaver every kiveitinc,, immediately after lac aFi
ral the smansboltletchtgmsfr P,mburgn.
boats are nevs' and cotntonobly turnotned, and
watt .tun throng. h th:forty hour.. Puonngers to any
g roans the
the 1.,.e.t,'0r to Niagara Fan.. had tau
roans the mom ed'afortnthle and elpcdmous. T.tktu
thrauch to all patu - on the Late can he procured by
appyoug to the prfg.inetors.
-' REED, PARKS It Co. Bearer.
CACGIIEV, Act. Paul/nigh
nor. Vl,Nttcv ant Smanftehl sta.
Igo—Jasflut - rison, Bando, N
• C Reed, Fme,
• C C With,Greennlley Pa;
• ILPSSImId and hng. Rig Bend. Pa,
Hays t Plumb, bhurp.bargn, P..
W CriLvdau,Snarott. Pa,
D C ilathems. ?Masi.. Pa,
• R Wponninchum, Ncur cattle Pv_
: — l3l3ll.lLit h CO'S FAST EXPRESS
IKE Igo( this Line nave put on New Smolt,
1 , And r rre prt ' ltaitid. to forward package,' of ml
.riplloris dotty, va-llm lowest rates
J..' BIDWELL, Acct..,
Water etre.. Yaw. , <b.
• , ROLIINcON k 8ut.14.11.
oval tr. Souta Cay.riv , el.
1, W. C. nurtvLLL
• - Denier.
' . igIVIDE—NI & CO'.
Pallirlrjj.nd Itelnalgtwile• 0121 thee
& Co. continue to ornig per..
ilthfrona wiper. of England.. Ireland. Scotland of
Wales., pon the most Ittneral terms, yeah then
nodal punctuality, and attention to the ....te and corn.
(h e t of c eawnigin t ie %Ye do not allow our pazeengent to
he sobbed by thel,liViedling ...rips that infest the sea.
pormit.. we take , hiliotice of the the moment they re.
port thenaselvev,.... see to their well being. and de.
spatelt them without any deteution by the he,: .I.
We say this fearfig,ply, RA we defy one of our puseen.
gee. to ahow 1.634 th - ey. were dethaned it hoary by us lc
Liierpool, while!' thotteand• of o th er. were dew.,cd
months, until th could be sent in some old Breit, et a
ehgji rate, wal e.,l teSonfrequently proved their COAMS.
e inland to Holm our contracts honorably. coil
w hi t i twa y,.
acid not art as wag th e ca. ,a., senor.,
with ether 0f...,--who either perforthed not ail, or
when it united atilt convenience.
Drifts drownetil s ignaburgh for any torn from .£.l to
if.fol.WiyaliittittLitt o n cti d te \r flv . thclal Btu es 1.1 Ire
e , ppropeui twd Ounce.: Agent.
fahl 4 rift street or. rinor• Wnewl.
. .
A. BROWN woo' -1 reaper.,
inform mepain., that he
NI an hand at hos /nand on the
It aide et Me Lnamond, Affr
ay city. ec :IWe, nmaort
nu of Vetourta Wmda. Im Ve
ilia Shutters are !made to or.
• Ili the toe. •t, warr toted
Lai auy the United ...ttatea
Mout, can on removed with-
Min aid of a *error driver
Mug paronaoed the smca,
a, and wood alias cabinet a,
Mamma of It anuay
I am prepared to taralah
• old c we!: as
nary thing in ueinmrs, their Joe
Mreet, PhtsOurgii.
ete e ra d No 0. ; r r
TjAPER Ifirl,t :VrriB----m—n-O-. revler:lg, dtr ec
from the mihntattaucra tn New Vora, Plnladel-
Phia,and Elanizieleio large and well 'elected assort
cotnt of all ink lattin and moat improved ay les of as
un, glased and' common PAPER HANDL\ tin, con
-16,000 pleceliorParlor and Fresco;
10,000" • Dan and Conn..
10,LVO Dining-room, chamber and office
!Paper—which) *paid pvueniarly 0110 Iltr sloe/iliac
if those imam !mese* to paper. to call trcd cart:ante,
In the Paper Vnehovac of C DILL,
(7 wood st
e lane
ARBUTHNOT hascommenced to recelVaa
U 0 large saitottruent of Fancy VA RI IRTY CiOODS,
oonsllung in pflttof Artificials, Kasten*, Laces Ho-
Stern Gloves, Crepe, Leisse, Condit., Netting*, Lace
Volts, fittswis,,Potig,ce Butdkerchlets, gents cravats,
gingham and Moneta Ilandkeryberfs, corded Stints,
ries-mg 6116, %tire .4S, Batton., Combs, Jewelry. Cut
lacy, em. ate. Cougtry and city merchant. ern res
pectfully invtud to call and examine his stock, No 94
Wood street, ;rimer of Dimond alley metal
LIXTRACT :OF COFFEF,—An art cle which is in
pidly e 0121,61 into use as a, !manse/lig
mid delicums kettestimaielng nsire pteariant and pal
stable than ctltt Coffee. and far cheaper, as a small
pappr commordy ten rents, wut so ar •r as four
pounds of Co da: Idanufactured by
L • ' WON S. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa.
'Bold whPlesale by II A FARM-len/CR A Co,
Cotner of First slid Wood and hroth and Wood streets,
de Camp I.ll.ketai 20 officer roam; IS pry Pants
lb pans nett lilted Alining Sours; tolsthmus Ittrgo4 ,
wader Tank.' d lad 12 gallons each; 50 canteens, *
olmu each; I dm ilmekskast Money Bank 1 do oiled
cambric do do, 'Th. above goods for Pat; at the Cali
fern. Oaditimy Ihttablishment. Nob Wood et, ittek24 • J h /I PHILLIPS
SSORTEII I =CES—Put up for family use, In tsn
11. cans, en in a sliding Lid bus.. contsumng
ustarg, 1.9100,
Crtkanaon, Ginger,
Cturre; Pepper,
Wartamed ;Bata.- For vale at the new Spice and
!doomed Banality, comer of Ferry A Liberty sts.
A. NvlLBiqughl iren.Anvlls, front MeTmpe
cevill irorke, warramod; will he constantly
and and .applied to order. by
I OM FUR.2O.i.:R HEARTH, mans sutured from•
supenor Artteldf of Holl•sr Eon Brick Clay, in
store and for fide by KIER & JONES
Mr. W. W. ;WAllsade having used o Hearth of same,
finality .od odthutiketure for the put elghtero too, tho.
pro users iesapatior to the hcanu. 110 w 11l Ken<llll
use orl Io
IINE COOtfile r illifusiniKe—z7 hal(
vinlagetinf oar ova importation per Commerce
m Bortietto;t, Just teed sad orsale by
• • jo4 • MILLER &
6 - I.ffinfid&lße-:Jost mew ord, • 1. , oloo(u) "son.
U . moat of ladies and gentlemons' told (Word
Chalon, Croo&SIO to SW each, tom , . ru once& Ako,
Wedding Raik• of :a cost gold. gold Ponca., Flour
Rolgs, Lot Rtoes, lireut Brarects. Go.d Pens,
VVl,ches, &c
;7 67 1titai t hi— t n o t, rteelved Zebtalon Jim •
30 ps caltro.4 Velvet Ribbon, Word colorr,
t 30 " black.
Ace 8 " unto2idery GiMpj lo ps Irlde Plum, &e.
/. . •
rMAY PeD'S Tati/..c; Put3T IiFFICF2I, coo
mining an alphabetical list of Poet Otriees through•
out the United Pt . tatee; distepces from Washington, D.
C.; state and bellitental eaPltale respectively; also en•
itlbtliag Pfiist•Olnees each Butts, es wall as coml•
t a r i g. , b an apptVg b ;af j l o te Urated N Er . ;NV Bri t tsb
retylo , • sofnar 3d,anit Jletriiiitste
Meilicinea ,it the due."
Urairan't Ptanon, Ohoo. May Y. 1449.
R. E. Sellers I Mink at neat for the benefit of others
to state some loots in relation to your ex ccilent Farm-
If Melo-Ines
I nave used your Yes-mange large:7 In my own fam.
ity, one vial frequently maims - Mg for espelling large
quantities test' to VOW worms from two children. I
Mtge nisei used your Liver Pillsand tiough Syrup In
My family. and they have in every instance produced ;
the effect desired.
Al I am engaged In merchandising, I am ah'e to
stem that I have yet to hear of the fast (allure Where
year medicines have been used 11l my, section of the
country. In eouctutiou, I Maysitsile thisore IC,
mega e me t of the day, an d are insured to have a ry
ailetiarge populanty. Yours, respectfully,
W. H. PlNer..l.
- Prepared end Fold by R. E. SELLERS, No 57 Wood
street, and sold by Druggists generally to the two ci
-ties and Vleillity. myth
,7 original, only tree, and getteine Liver Pal.
Sao= Cans, Ottiotounty.
"March theth, IbIO. f
Mr R. FL pellet: Deer Sir—l Mille it a duty I owe
to yen audio the public genera IT.. mate that I have
been artlicted with the LAlrer Complaint tOr a long
lame. and en bediy that an Mice.s formed and brote,
Patch lea me in a very low elute. hoeing heard ot
celebrated Liver Pits being for sole by A R
Sharp,h to West Liberty. and recommended in me by
ply phytiman. Dr. E. Smith, I conducted to ewe them
3 fair trial. I purchased one box, arid found them to
be hurt what they are recommended, THE BEzyr LI
VER PILL EVER USED; and alter takaig four boxes
I find toe diemse has entirely lea me, and I sinnow
Octibut.y wet'. Respectfully your. •
West Liberty, March ea IMO.
I certify that I nth personally acquatated with Mr
'Coleman, and can War lestimotly to the truth of the
Taoeerufitate, A R SHARP
Tao genuine Liver Ptla are prepared and wig by
it tia.LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
in the two cm.
~, 'PO THE ruBLIC.—The original, only true and gen.
etine I.i4er Pill. nee prepared by 11 I:Sellers, and hove
Ida name Stamped i n black was upon the lid of each
,box. and his k igna la re on the outside wrapper—all
others are coulaerferm, or base imitatior
•aplu R 6 SELLERF, Proprietor
stag Clerpt
The mdcr m uitia.l having been alitic ted during the pan
wirier with disease of
ti.c. atemmh, sometimes pro
dming great pain the stomach for tenor twelve houn
without intermatiou.
s and aster having tried tpa iota
remedies with little aect. or as furzushnil with a botre
of Dr D Jaynebi Carminative 6yanm. Thai be aged :le.
cording to the tarectiana, and foand ovanably that iv,.
medicine mailed the pain to abate in three or Mar m d•
ates, and in Eileen or twenty MiOututleueru Wtteiey
Sensation was entirely quieted. 'I lie medicine was at
tertian:loused whenever indication. of the approach et
pinnate. perceived, and the yam Was theteby prevent.
ed lie continued to use the niedwine every e vening
and somottmes to the morning. and in a hew weeks
health wash" tar restored, that the sufferer war refer
ed from a large mamma of oppressive Para. From ea
porience. the refore, ho can confidently recomme..d P
!) Jaynes Cosmonauts° Balsam. at a se utary net" 1
for Of the sto Ln..!, and Wesel, A SHININD
Ann:hang car .)y - : -
For sale In Pittsburg. et the PEKIN TES :'TIII
Po , street, ttear tat leo at •heltrig
o ; ; a irt- g Ft.' trees Ades
DR. ~ W AVNE'r;
21111 Gan, aMairni ['Oa
n:easomPtlon. Cough, Cold., Asthma, Broach:Ls, We
er CumphOnt, Spitting Wood. Lhatan.l7 of BreaM-
Mg, Prini in the Salle and firmest.l'anpitellon of
the Henri, lefluennen. Croup, Broken Con- •
Sort 'Fermat. Nerve , .
y. std Dweascs of the Throat,
Breast pro Lungs; the Most of
foctunl end speedy sure
Over tnOwn lor 507 of
the shore diseas
es, Is
nn.%V A I — ‘l r. • s
comp...nd Bo rup of Wild Cherry
Tuts racdiclite n. nlOnaa , among theme of o on thntun
an.l.ty. It has proved frm the sands Jab y
nannehed upon the ude of exporiment. mid now
tenuv 'mods
alaaer reratation. and to becomung more
used any other prearauon of methetne ever
nrod , feed for the rem( of suffering man.
It Iran Veen tntroducod eery generally through Mc
flatted Stales and Enrope, and there are few towns of
Importance but what contain some remarkable rou
lette., of its rood effects. For loom of the foregoing
Immenenie and of the vame and erressey of lb.•
tone, the proprietor wall Insert a few of the ma.. y Mon.
Sand testimonials which have been premme.l to non be
men tithe first reapectainlity —men who have ..400
c of mbrai revel:ma/tom n wad „,
the 1.• farts, because it will do auotner a favor, and
Mmselves no itlogsfe, P!Atcn resurnorry proves eou
e,ustvenv.loo; its excellence ts estaltbstned
by nu inirt •we merits. and lac Intone...LW num°,
ty of pubnne opinion 'elle nes...eons it et•
ords, and tniev.thing innavence dblusenil allot:eh the
whole frame ton as es, rcrider• it a most agrteatbe
remedy for Otto afflicted
R Eivi HER:
teen, own. neung from
voly twat t erms/piny to the truth of Ming, or
particular Incl. sach te,onotly. twat:: cobtrary to them
worldny natterest• pueocoset• roe
rtes coon:mom of
it. truth, and cornmendl, L:Fe:f in a opeetal manner to
flocanbn Moral Maxima
ac r
Sra.r. A C't IN op Laival•T CoVir ',num
11tera never vVa• a rrtnrdy that ha. ,wen se suceessfut
on despersts cases of Conaumpuon. as Dr ttwayne
Compound Syrup of Will Cherry. It strengiben• or
tysteta, and appears to nee! in• on lung,
treallna neer and
Mood power possessed try no
-miner medicine.
Cttayrra Co., Apr,: 25th, 1 -la
De. Scrayne—Dr-ne Sfr. I verily berseve )our s Com
pound Syrup of Wi.d Cheer , has teen the meu. of
&ATM, tll7 COUILII ...vete do,d, evh,rh erada
tly reeve worse, attended wall • Never' emo,h.
mstated all the reeetrAt-ns ht I Lad reemarae to,
aide onal at, ea. , ealtiot.e. l a., the ,)eupo e . t of
p,,,manary comuln,,q.on. k.ver) thine I tried
m have,. eeect, and ms corapiaeol ,,, cretwed eo r e p''
e 1
that leten,',,•• 9,1 as tny.e:f. rave up al' hopes of
~, ome eva, reroa.mez.ded to try
your orealuable mr-dte me I dot .o wEth the eco‘t hap
pyPyreault‘ Tee hest had the elect to loorro the
7 ou,h.cut.avw, me to expectorate, and Ly the
ene., I. had 0.0.1 six .11.04. ! TV, eetere.y Red r.u,
mew hear. s m. I eve: ~ alp I,ls. a 1.,:
-mold he happyany tnforease.em rearect.,,e
7,11 e, that ott,er suJercrs may to.
which I ale so erste:lLl Fol the truth of toe eon.,
May-meat, I refer you to Voter Rash, o f
.C.Ausateejitof whom I par ha the thedleine
lec your', a re
Wassierf a Cars of a istaloslart
Dr soeliyne- Dear 5,1 - I feel a debt or gran . ..3de dde
• you—ead a ditty to the affneted genera:ly, mfer
my humble testimony in fay, ef your C m p,,, / „d
rap of WO!. Cherry some three y•-ar *otore ws•
riolootir it Let! vribh toil t h den..-thanon the
Lungs. l wt,en was a ezoraparbed se in a dlsLresa...c
ptons Lfe241,1 cod Lend it •ery
tie .1,4c,:.,,re of Gar:stye nom the Sues e,s.
4ftnce 01 al however that:- Ai
rat I felt: o siarei Kier,. my en:idiot:a was prey
soo n eo nv:nren tam I 41 . 4? rapidly gortg ano coueuroo
nctie I es nalle 4,4441 „rt,-
y le t grc o -o ars.uh or •peao above N•4l.per.
WWI the Clfretisn4 T4 . 4[624 , [• , - . t , voe , Ilur nig t.n.
:toots I bad teed various peeper...A end pmsenpuons,
but found no relief —growtug all the time wales Just
here I was C1.14e.1 and pertunded hy deer lied
P:dotingtott to make idol of your Syrup of rt e lid tier
ry. I most confess that soany had been peen,
thead automat retest meths:nee, 0.1 am son agsrst
those cming out of the 114[ . 4. of Stop rte*, hot s meter
mantling your claims to the profession and pretnce of
medicine. arid having onpoott latth in the say ine of my
fnends. I foriswith purcuseed of 1.)0. Shaw, one of your
trent*. few how. , and comsneneed its use. My e
ettne w. Mt...twat In Slot hvs. moon,' standing, con- sequently tt was deep'. seated I found, however,
considerable relief from the sae of the first lour or bye
Settles. Bea benne a puosc speaker, I frequentor St.
tempted to preach sena my increasing strengh, sot
triereby rmptured those vessel. lust had already orgtu
heal, 11, way. doubtless, aty Cute 44. etat.y.
•etarded. In consequeuee of twung thus imprudently.
I had to use twelve or fifteen bottle , before I was per
'eel!). restored. hest Ito queano•a • much smaller
nomPer of honles would have made me wood, bat for
'he 4 . 14240 unnerrenon. The wrap mittea the ,eve
L habit. took away we distreastng cough. put u
10 p
the discharge of matter front the .ungs, an yew
:nem and the entire system gond health I hasdere,
n 5.1 ode nng 1410 . L 00110,0 4041 rlo, for toe nurpnet
botog porfeecy sat shad o.lh the permanency to ton
:are, and now that I fest perfecLy wel. I oder 21 w i t,
.cuture. Nn. J P Jao,
Ltulthn cowry. V. C
Important Corttron— Roca! Roue
There ta nu: one e t Iran., preparatrtnn of tV, d ch,m,
Ind that is tar Our•ina'a, Inc brat ever offered to Ole
aoblre, whlch &at 000 , 1 sold large:) . tomer bout tut
tinned States anc *woe p•rts of }'.o pc; at (a L i. pi t .
paralielo. Caned ICT the nen, of 'Nod Cherry lialr
5Gcll put Out WI. 111/L. cov,lr
of •olon dectp re
circumstances, In order to clve currency to tacit ea es.
liy • blue oletrvatran. no perm., aced normal, Inc
pentane tram the tura, hoer) bottle of th• groat,. I.
roweloped arth a in:nonfat pored cede ring. 'ono tire
Arctic*. of W.lltain etill thereon. alto, Ito 9aroyr.e.
tegtrature, end ea further aeounty. toe portrait of Dr.
Sara) no or.l. 0,1 , 10 , 1 nerratier, ao a• to dislingln.ll
preporatioo from others Now, It It urns lint lot
the at curative properties and kuves.t orioles al Ut.
Owaynel• Lompou.rd Synrp Vlb/Id Clrerry,
would not be e ndeavortng to gt•e currency their
'cutroue nostrums" by stealing the newer of hi rid
Cherry. Retnernoer, alwa)a bent in
mud toe name
of Bre rierayne, and ue not bent
Office, corner of Eighth and Race ateeera.
For tale wholesale and retail by °UDEN & SNOW.
DEN, cot led and Wood eta, B A FAtINF.STOLIi &
Co,cot let mid Wood, and 6th and Wood at.; IVAI
rtioßN, sl Market at, JONES, lc& Liberty •C JAM
A JONIF..I, car Hand and Noe att. JOH \ Aim:H
ELL, Allegheny ally, and by all respectable dealers in
medicine. 04,4
. . .
11710 NU KVIL/Y.NCF. tbetUe Li \ 14.
PLCTUILANT is evertor to ai m other remedies for
2ceigha,Cceiousuptton, Bfazehiu, 111111, alb@ 1.11610-
nr, erctions,. that the same pewee whocoutourneed the
tee of it to ilwir fresh.. teo yimre age tell I prefer it to 1111
Aber remedies of the kind; and where eny have treen ;educed
to try other proper-atone they have almost near - . 64 been
brappotnied en malting the benefit which was renamohly
taticipited from the ingli praise. bestowed by Ile prom...tors,
sod hare returned to thesee of Joins' EiraCtOlLtirr, se
remedy that hat newer fruited to rollevo them, and wiech
probably paver had its equal in arresting pulmonary dimura
Prepared only by Dr D. Jayne Pealadelphth,•od sold.
•Ser.l bl ALEX. .1 A 1 NES
def23o/...rtf 75 Fourth el
Dr. W. P. Inland's Premium Plaster.
rift. W. I'. I NLAN D, of the Medical College bf
adelphte, now oder. to the public hie Indian Veg
etable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, alter
long and tried experience, hoe been satisfactorily cm
tablished. To all women who may be alllicted with
Ptolapaos Uteri. or Fallen Womb, he recomineeda his
plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy cure to the
hell sneer el from two to thee wr , eks, tf appl.ed with
care and rest--dieearding oil the counties. inetrurnonte
and expeller,. bandages so long in nee. This he feel.
conscientious In stating. inasmuch as be has not (ailed
in on cane oot of three hundred and filly-other pa.
• -
1.1.0 for Rheamatinn and Weak Benin or Bark, at
tended with pain, the, in nothing to excel Dim Planer
in affording relief or effeeinig a cure. For sale by
L corner of Diamond and Market .t
Braun & penny . Liberty and St. Class au
Dr J Sargent " Federal Pt and Diamond, Alle
gheny en=
Jacques & to, " Denman and Desmond Birriung•
ham. 11
11 sos Agent fijr l) l2l:?o:l7 ' l3l r U ' r ' T ? olv s' lt c' aet d od': 4 l7c e l:
aloe Serloperrilto, has just Teenllrcii 'NO dogen of tax.
litrutt :+pring and Sledlnure.
l'orchunes. ahould re , tolltrt that gF. haellt•rs aole
agent for Pittsburgh, and 11 NI Curry for Allegheny
U ES—Duplex Watches, male by the selelirsted
Cooper of Lotnion, M. J. Tom. of Liverpool, ituil
large moronsnl of detached gold and silver Levert,
male by the best oeuvre inisnalieturert.
Speciesies of all kinds, Communion Ware in seta,
Gold Pena; Jemrciry Co !arra variety; Silver Spoon,
l]a- Watch termirtrig ciecnted in the beat manner.
19 coiner \lark. and 4th as
MAO&I:LAY'S ENGLAND—Harper', b. edition
8 Ira, with portraila, cloak— 78 C 61141 Tolume
For bala by JOHNSTON & !MOUTON,
qJ 'MU Mutat sad jid
e:: , , • .ns AA morn= Taf., <0 to rases
111 atimition of the mitotic is invited to dimvery
valuable Churn, which boa Me advantoye of till
em in combining Me old and nevi inventions tlic
The utility of this invention Ls earpiece", as by a Wm?
pre procesr the tut is forced beneath the dash, and
doer &Lowy with the neeenity of rural:truing a new
Churn, no It can be applied to any chum in nue, nod
(or one dollar can have all the improvements of the
us e
usual way with combinedthose of gathering the Batter in
The prttle are malted to call and judge for them•
•elvee before parebaslng elsewhere, at 87, coiner of
Market and Fifth rime., or at 53 Diamond alley, be
tween Wood and Market street., Potabarah.
THE. undersigned having been appointed Agent of
ibelawAtut MoTTAL 1101.ANCE CON
eon,. in the place of John Finney. Jr., resigned, re
spectfully Informs the public and the Illegals and cus
tomers of Ito Company, that he is prepared to take
Marine. In and and Pure risks on Liberal terms y _at their
office. Water street. P. A. MADEI RA.
my le Agent.
OISE: test a in. 3 ply Indus Rbbber
Hose--mst received for the Borough of Manches
ter. which will be held in store an a rear days. The
Boston Lien/gig Company express a strong desire for
the hot departments of the cities of Pittsburgh and Al
legheny to cal and examine and make a int! of them.
The company is willing to par them to any test they
think proper to conclude
teivltt J & H PHILLIPS, b wood st
1) in the ( -l ilt ten,' Insurance Company of Patahorgh.
will lie opened in the Rooms of the Board of Trade, on
the hest Monday of November non, at ID geeing It, st at
Wm. Latimer. Jr. Robert Woods,
Wm. II Nl'Clure, Joseph Plummer,
M. 11. tier. Josush King,
John theca!, Alex. Roseburg,
and H. D. King,
•r , 19,11 Nevi Crimintsinoners
• • t
IT PARRY has invented • antenna for washing
Xis Gold, for which he has made application for a
paten, fl ry are now. offered for sale at the ware
house of Parry, Soolt k CO., No. 103 Wood etreet,
Adventurers to California are invited to call and ex
amine these labor-saving machines. They are simple
in their construction, easily transported on the back of
mules or horses, weighing eighty donna each, and
en be put in Duration to half an hoer. They can be
nil with provisions. It is the opinion of dime who
bare men the trial of one of these machines of smallest
aim, that two men will wash the mineral from 13.1
bushels of .aid or earth in a day, wallow the tom of a
panicle of the mineral. They can be increased in size
and work-d by water Or mule power, ifexuthent.
The operators work without going Into the maker or
being exposed to wet, and conatwinently without en.
deneettne their health. They will seep:use but a smell
stream of water, and emt be used the whole .canon,
and can be pat into operation where there is not suffi
cient water to wash in the usual way.
Price el sins/lest use g3i. Orders from abroad, ac
companied by cosh, will be promptly filled.
IL PARRY. at Parry, Scott Is Coto,
No lto Wood .t, Pittsburgh.
Li taspratt s tiosaa ,— Eloita
pH aulomribera am now rermvmg their Fall stock
1 of the above aimed, tun, mr the Jana.,
Ntrda:lion and L) Ma, having arrived at Philadelphda
ita:tnno, and two more, the Nephen Baldwin and
Led, %horny ezperted, they are. t,efore, prepar,d
ordr r. They wit: meet,. dungy the win
and apring repil Pic bapiniea v.,. New Orleans
t/1 NT F-IC,LE TRIPOLI—For ele•ung at;
111 down s ad lamp vanes, silver plate, brans, Br
ta.m, at... 1 other we. It rapid/7 takes out al, /pot
en+ stnin. and reproduces the beauttral and dorst,l
acne of new w Jun reottvod and for sale, who,
sale and mud, byare.
,C.CI Urns-Kist
ATLI SAML . H. HARTMAN Imam( sold his
n est in the co partnership of Coleman, a
to Me remaining partners. has Ono day retired
from , h• arm. Fent - eery 19.1 , 4n,f
1 I )l rsnbUNt.H The under
maned, Agent for We manufacturers, ha. on Mont
and 1.4 ret,•.ll. y receiving a full enprny of the et - times
made in l'ltiMureh and ',minify. +lnch he offers for
111.0 a mand.ceturers prices. GM COCHRAN,
Ittl wood st
I N . L.! E . R . p c nnE n zz. bo , t , tl .l l ,. n i d .;
~n,l~.;.o-• yerteeLy water proof, and soft as a force or
cm, One applteation of thy. pasta ts sufficient to
truperstotts to orator for 11 Or 3 months, and
(rerentati re from the leather eraektng.
d nod for sole at the India Rubbet Drpot, yo 5
NS >t. irtal .1 IL II PHILLIPS
mustrrAcrrxxx oI
Corner Front ant Vine surets, etnetnnati, 0.
drd to at iONVe.t et - tartan pOOO. ectelaSall y
tD THIS DAY, at the new Carpel Vrtre•
hou.e, Na r 5 Fourth street—
h em,o• , reti 1 . I•1.0 COW' ra I Plain Torte) red Chou
do dr 7 a r.g d do do dr
wottted do do do do Itordorto4
I..ur Doman Carpet Bindater,
tango, Gothic. Trunsporont Shades,
,Iwuro V/I,Vi do do
Tura..a do do do
loves* do do do
I 7.4,14, Oo oo
Ni /sll ht ie., do do
L0...11,14•C do in do
do do
Cord and Tam.... ?talon uld Sm., Hoek Polito,
liot , Ends
v.e or a.. richest and never.
ce, lo vve •ITeoonn 91 our ,riend•
esti , oant+lner.. n. d the. • v. , •3.ny to fornien or re
oe.rnr boors and cow,.
•7 • NreI•INTOCK
1,N17 CAlti'L - TP—ttcceived thou day Mtn, troth
New Tapestry 3 ply Carpets, coma snper;
do do do do sever.
do Itra4acla carpets,
do }Ulmer la, very rite•p, do
do rich cohere 1111[K, 11113T,111 do
4.4.1 A and entry coon ran do
4.4 3-4 sod COI111.0.) do do
All of who h .111 be sold an au mall advance, and
viol! do &ranter as iow ran Inc purchased in the oast
\V M 13,INTOCK. 73 FourOt
FROM the very liberal cowman
meat the subscriber has received stnee
it he bu located himself in Allegheny.
%S . A.A . has .educed him to take a lease, for a
term of year., on the property he now
occupies,e ilea . rer street, immediately beside the
I're:ll3v...erten Church From the long experience in the
stove bOalne..• and a dratre to please, he hopes to met.
It end rece.•e a shear of public patronage.
Now on band and ftntsktna to order, Rookamay Bug
gee. open and top Bunt. , •nd everY dkannalmn
biarrages trade to order. from •stye:dr-five dollar. to
re!- , tlaneret I sepAvitfl RAIN ROUTH
The Allegheny Cemetery.
T the • meeting or the Cor,orstors held on
41 ;Go to. not— lee lon/roma pena were enact
# le meetrd Slanagers for the y`
allattea year:
TI It /31AS M. 410 %V E n ermootnt.
.11.:7 , 5E CA Ittall ERR,
, r I l.flON NITA L
JAN 11.7 . 74 R. set:ER,
I linen, Jr tirermary and Trees.
Tar moose] statement prevented the
Company a very prosperous conditioi
ths eto t• hi. 37 \ Veer 'item
Eon lode of Ike Dr amond, where Yentuan
linstas of nll the diferent sizes and colon
are kept On hand or made to order Idle
the latest and moat approved Eastern (nab.
ions, at the ntorteel notice and on the mos
Alan, Ike cheap itottnn roll or split Blind Transpa
rency and Paper Cartel. of ell the dtfferent melt and
patterns, on hand and Int solo love for cask. Old Veto
-113111 Itlinkla painted over and repntred, us taken In part
payment lor new 11 hl
N. B —All wet. done with the beat material and
vork marukhip, and warranted to please the gloat to..
tidtons. 00110-417
Allegheny city, Aar. IU, 18111
nrissu Altr,
Ottlee at the itzeliangii, Baltimore
Vit RA'iLi.—The chews have berm redo
ced on to or from BaltimorePols
nargh or Whiiefing, and • corresponding redurloot
made on all telegraphic deepattehes forwarded from Bali
t trnore West of httslirgh, Pa
Room charge for a telegraph despatch to or
from Bellmore. Pittsburgh and \% heeling. to 15 rents
for the first ten words, a n d J cents for each arfiLtioual
V' No charge ta made for the addreen sad ugn•
Until the completion of tee South Western Line of
Telegraph from !demi/his, Tenn., to New Orleans, dem
pnicjaes can be font' ed to Melinda, by thm rotate, and
m . 0.., tor New —a. tell
thin aarocinted Ihemeelvea thp.ther
partherthath .thder the firm and tty le of A. tr. J.
Woonnotras. t r It, manufacture of 'TIN, CON'Elt
ANDS tIEET-I RON WARE,On the corner of Rolm,
aon etre. and the Canal, in the Ist Ward, Al:canna:TT
where they are prepared to furnoilt •to order,
achth oeale nod retail, all articles to their line with
Foundry Trimminp, and Carpenter.' orders are w
hetted which wth receive In..hate atiralion.
City 01 Allegheny, Feb. I, I-49
1 •
4 t act, a view of the 'Jamie of Monterey;
.. • ..• Cerro Ciento,
•• •• I. is de Pans,
`• •• Chase de Lyon,
Canoe Pranearx,
• Col C Auvergne;
The shove ;tt suitable for papenng large public
rooms. Jun rev d direct (torn Paris, and tor sale at
;he oramlioulat or apri S C HILL
'tud r -L ; poor r and iq r 4 i
e for
r7Zu h re "g
the labor and 'dispensing entirely with the
wrmhboard. The fine•t Wtiton carpets. aster hams
been in use c even irate, have been perfectly restore
cd without the thrht. it injury to the fabric, anti with.
out removing item die door. It will not injure the
cloth. P.m:Lions accompanying each bottle. Price
oh ream. For sale Lip 1 lUtiN3l AKER a, Co
Inca 24 wood Ft
DRUGS— Potash, in lb bottles,
C,lno Acid
Hypo. Dolph. Soda do
Sub Nit tioiniuth do
Creosote do
0 ruurillo Lotion do
Chloroform do
Hirt 'cerium] and for rale by
myd /3 A PAHNESTOCE k Fe
o •
WIV ciEtis--4 casts
berlaad Lad foe sale
ERHANGE-BROlfißk tco.
N. nom:tics i SONS,
aaaaa ••
A 4E D BA b
K• n
ge .
Brokers, iD.L.Zus
Notes and Acceptance ,
Porcnic in coy pod of she Omen, collected on the too.
(winnable toms.
. . _
EXCIIANGE ob New York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore; aim, Cinetnnan, Louisville, Saint Louis and
New Orleans, constantly for sale.
BANK NOM—Notes on all solvent banks in the
United Stater discounted at the lowest rates. All kinds
of Foreign and A.mene. Gold and Silver Coin bought
and sold.
Office No. 55 Market greet, between ad and 4th,
Pittsburgh, P. eras
voturmail EXCHANGE.
ILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought
A J l Jany. amount al the Current Rates of Exchange.
parable in any part of the Old Countrws,
from #1 to £4OOO, or the rate of ft.s to the £ Suerbog,
arithobti deduction or dwemmt, by JOSHUA 'ROBIN
SON,European and General Agent, office Cr.h to one
door West of wood, octlbtl
rEPV7•4O lain
Foretgn and Domenic Bills of Exchange, Cer
o roes ofpolote, Bank Notes and Coot. corner of
3d'and Wood streets., directly opposite St. Charles
purchased at the lowest rates., by
sepl3 35 Marke,irrel.
BILLB OP gxertANOE- - -gt - g - hlCEects on
New York,
£l3.lladelP and
Cook:ondy for We by N. LlOLblai t SON°.
sepl3 3531orketio.
Pox—Eureka. a ?roe. Poem. cr, the cif y•ica:
and Metaphyde al Unl•erse, by Edgar A Por. Fey,
handsomely printed, tdato. cloth, 7§ ti.
.We shall be greatly surprised ir thin work Cams um
remit a profound sen•nuon among the literary at d
sctedlific Gasses all over the (anion, thsplaynig as .1
does a reasoning p mer and grasp of thought Willi: n
cannot possibly fml to excite the 'special wonder - of
even the most careless reader.'—Es press.
Nineveh and its Remains; with an account of
to the Clialdaema Christmas of Eurasia., and tne
item or Devil Worshippers, and an trquiry I in the
manners and arts.of the Ancient Assyrians, by Aunt
Denny Layard, Eaq., D. C. L., in 2 yell, With llLlMth
ous illwarations.
tOne of the mom remarkable works of the age.'—The
Times, (London,) Feb. 0.
The Sala.Mandi.r, a Legion of tho Iron Furnace< r
Rockland county, N. Y.. by E. Oakes Smith. with d
al.* on. on parley{ '2d ed. Mo. , cloth , 70 era
J. Fore more Cooper: The Spy, e new end beam!
edition, revised by the author, with new preface,
be , to b- followed by the Pilot, In the ra ).<
The Works of Washiogion Dauer ,rem
ed Lind ect
larged by the author, in I.le/e-gant duodecimo volume•
oattualuhy prated in new lype,all“ on superior paper
made <spreecly for the purpose.
For eaa by JAM D LOCKW(xD. Oar ma-)
yrare couneeted anal Moues. Wiley A ?U.... an_
late John N Y.) 08 Woo.) at. ~1113
Mr ha, tort returtied from the Filmdom me,
EW 110nES—Irmng—The Collor Moore
LI composing The ?rattle, e
Ache). Geminate in ono so , llMe—e,sentl, printed
Curzon—Tit< Slomutottes et the Lotions, Post
volume of more than ordlnery I .xrect. rch......c
of mot. oilman end o n.c alvt.htu
• • • The Geld 'accepted by 117.7 •OillMC .1 tIL.M.PhI
entirely new —Commercial cdivermear.
Ab.ok of gentleman.), Inwr.l, Cniarlyl:l(ll ,, ,
match reminds oil not • Mlle of (ter k forxt`t Prfi n• • b ra •
cannons, or the •tvnl eastern•
Liter.) hood
C.per—lNew rdidono arty works
. )--"lho hri
ris-d. Ac tar new intr.:lot:two and autos. Ct.l-
, re in I val. jr &farm wan Irv - tort works el 23
The Spy and the SkrAth-Book were Ore fa:, Ante,
•an books which were universatly aeknowtedged
coolat a perternosnee as well as a profiler r
well t reyember the enthosturm will watch they were
received, and the proud expectattons which lite>
awakened sarong the Ilber. :mated ut,road and t
patrrotie at hme Irrlng wu ed a at rot
rue side ul liottlonith and Addrkroan
ea, sod Cooper eva•
translated !ti every 000niry of the tontine. where
•try in eat was felt lu •• foreign itterature.—Lnerary
World ter For sale by J LI L../CI( WOOL,
ml 9 GI Wo St
7 ‘ l - Etv BOOKS—Compleu Works or John hi Murano
1.11 II 11, re 4 vol..
Muter and a Voyage Hither, by Herman hle:vtile
harder Warfare of N bark, by W W Campbell.
Here a Little and There a /.rule, Icy tae autbor In.
"Li, upon Line. and Precept upon Precept'
/Ilemotrs of my booth, by A De ',Martine.
ustrated I,e of Frau:tit. part , tlt. rereioe I
uld for ode rty JOHN:OPON A tktIn•ICTON,
apthi corner Third and Market its
f\"EVCr . Lr. e:ovWork on Ep.deur
Chtner. us /11story,Causcrt. Pathology arid tree:
Phitlosopey of Rellglon. by 1 D Morel, A M
.1143ertre's Caneentsm n(tbe Steam Esmire
Cu/amber - s t'velopeALn KnglAsn Lite ratete, 3 vole
octavo. fine edionn, steel plate..
Chambers' Miseelinny at Useful and Ewer:a-none,
Knowledge—to vela, It ma. I ,ustratett.
Adv., to Young Alen, T ti A rthdr. Rtlt
Young Women, .1
F-ementa at 31eleorukory, by J. I.lm-lacsLy, Al. A..
emir evlorm
Proverb. for tlln People, by b N Magoon
French's litOtean Lecture. toT I.IG-7 - , The hums:
of Ilcey eenpuarcs for uniolchng the spa - anal tVe co ,
•el. "ve
!Lot-rived Wl. dny Dv R
Apollo Building., SOL
lc LW PUDLICATIONS—Fisay on . 1.10/1
'".""b and E t. r c.l 7 LUPO. , W Noe , . M A
I vol 1113n0.-6I O.A. An end, eilioon of th r work
wa• nod in one day', on ias publleation in I.ondnii'
LeILVC, from Margaret titnitli • Joariin!. in the
vino* of Mnioinehuartl• Ray—lr.-9. I no' 12sno
liont's Poem: —Shoicho. or Lair and I.n.ndairap•.
Rey Ralph liovt—izeio out en.argod—willi
1113,141. Moo Si AI
A esteetusen of the steam
ecireufte print:tip:et upon wince u. operation dnern.,
arid the Frac:lent denittle of its erneture. :ts opplics ,
notto WI., uatils, steam nsel•non. end ra:l•ruv.
rano. roesesnons 01 In:tyro:e:nee I. I , e I Codri
C I vol. IY.uo 7bc.
Vosaort, a Famaiy nature.. l'ara I I‘ , e.
Fr•nilan . Lae, illu.trnled. I' r IV nod V FA , /
farcu• ll.storkos, I.y Prof. Ty'eT—ltOno. l'or .ale
mokat Q 1 - 101•6170 a Ala ot.
011,N II bIKLLUR, No. 01 Wood, Ga 4 the
p:e•aure of an ring the arriv•. of a row .
.i.loodul mu:m=4ml of Plano*, from the mantaarlory
of lona. I tl a onn6, IListon—among .hem • magn
cent Reeeeroo4.l 101 l brand Plano Forte, 7 oetovr•
!sl.o, • superb hallo Forte, 7 otta•ea. earveo
roaewoo , l of the .ryle of Loot. XIV. t•ch var,et) o.
ti sal a octaves. to winch the atte.ou of porches
,ra la re.lrelfal:l solicitcd.
. - .
Sole Agent (or Cleekenag's Plane Fo,te. for %Cast
P-nn•y wnia. .r 2.1
Solo Ag• lac y for IN um. t Clark's Planes
MI/JUST RECEIVED and op^ning, •
new Lot Of leirAllalt haw.. twin Lbt
celebrated factory of Num. .T. Oar,
N Y., ectropertaing 5. Cry and 7 octave.,
with important improveinema both In mechaturti sod
catmr:or. poneposed by Do other..
A L.7 , 67—.1 fiaa saletaica of Chic kennyt'a VIII.IIOS, !rota
6 W 7 Detavra 11. Kl.YikLft. mule Agent,
at J. NV. Wood wr.N. r:i Thirst
!"1 11 The above unll be void at mnufacturers prt
cc.. without any aeldidon for freight a or rupee...)
marl° Journal and Chromele copy
re affairs of the
,n. Their office
?IfniA SPLENDID 0.-rant
guly nod Rosewood Pianos, ,at a...
wheat. These mamma.. are made n
the latest pattern and Lest mratertrat
and veal be meld low for each be
F. EIL UMEI, 112 Wood street,
door above fritTh
N B.—Those who are in want of a good unurnmen.
are reapoetfully invited toexamine theme henna par.
chairing elsewhere,. they cannot be excehed by at,
Lit .he country, and will be sold lower than any brought
from the H 241,. Aleoj oat received, two pianos M am
burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to nny
tore sold in this eoonts7, orr.r3
• •
Fl'llk aubthrtber one neen appointed Sine Agent for
the sale of CA /MAR rs IMPROVEti ~ODE•
INS, as manure/attired and and perfected by Messrs.
!dutch A %Vbite, of CIACIMiIan. The usual comp.,
and extent beong but four octaves, Messrs. M. h. W.,
tar accordance with the general desire end demand,
bare extended th e scale of these instrument. to i and
even 5 octaves, the• =Air g it praeur•ble to parterm
urair them any mono written for the Plano or organ.
1 he exterior . , alas, h. been much improved by Naming
the body of the instrUnielit upon runt iron !ratite
beautifully bronzed and otnameud, rendering it at
once a moot elegant and extremel y desirable article.
The price is put so low as to bring it within the reach
of every one to
en obtain a perfect muitical itintrument,
and, it the cane time, a Mast elegant Mere el Mine
tale for a comparative trate. K1,E1110.,
At J W tVoodwell's
has past received tram Europe, and for sale, an
eintrely new Invention of Piano Forte, culled the C!AB
IN ET PLANO FORTE, which posaeming mom power
and rweetn4s Ulan Oa square Piano. occupies but one
fourth as much room, and In a much more showy and
handsome piece:of lumina-a. It to portmularty desira
ble where We saving of mace is an ohicet, being ex
ceedingly neat and rampant, and occupying no mere
room than u small sale table. The suhscrther has in
hand a testanoulal of as supcnorny from the celebra
ted pianmt,,koschelles, in ha own hand wrltlngovnich
may be Inspected. 11.
nova AuJ W Woodweli's
Chlokerlurs Plauais. --
nIJUtoT received anti (or sale at moo
iteacturera pices, tourromt .w l'utoo
Fortes, 6, 6+ r
sod 7 octaves, of the most
elegant potter. of forswore, end with
111 C tote Improved scale.
Also on nand and for sale low, 1 second dOd Pian
Soda Agent for Chtekeling's Strums for Western
Pennsylvania, Et Wood street. marl
orSurnmer, with an introduction and briMant va
riations for the Piano Forte, as performed m .1 Ws
concerts us the United States by Ileuri Hen.
Military Polk - a, by Henri Her;
Comte Polka,
Silver Den Polka, "
Jo. moulted wd for solo b
mchlß JOllli I TLIELLOE, RI wood At
Vocal Exerolaes
. . .
AND SOLFEGGIOS, with on accompaniment fat th e
Ilan-forte, adapted to the emits of private pupils,
or Muses In vocal mule, Selected from Italian,
French and Gershon composers,
ma LowellManua: 70
larue pares of closely primed xi e containing KW
a:creases progreaaive/y arranged. l a nce 75 cents.
Just received, a supply of the above, attract groan tea
publuilsers, by JO/ LS IL MELLOR,
onclnG el wood at
IV 111/TL BE 0-4/ Ms stnall, mot to
sale by 1013 \V & ft M'CUTCH (,DS
HERRINGS -240 bzs No I Herrings, Ital do scul
ed, to store and for sale low to close consign.
moot by pal JAMES SALZMA N Water .t
rfEE.EN CEASE ANS C'EAYE Llatto—W Video-
N,J rut has received a supply of white and colored
Crepes and Crape Luc—among the latter green and
other desirable colors. also, while, pink, and blue
Stilt and Wart) Blonds.
, UOILNE-.00 os Pew. - -••
from C om
Flues, jut rce4l and On .442 by
THE following from George E. Pomeroy. Esq., the
well known proprietor of the &tyres ,
awlf of the importance of the Pain Ektrnmor to every
Tuss Orstcr, Albany. Sept. I.
Ma. Dauer: My Dear Sir—With feeling. of no or
dinary pleasure I address you in relation to the he riefit
I have received from your invaluable Pain Extrar . or
Lately. my hub, daughter. 0 yearn old, had a oiteber
of boiling water tamed into hen bosom; her s. reams
were dreadful, so that a crowd instantly gathered he.
lore the house to learn the cause o:the terrible screams.
I tore her cloMes asunder, and soon spread en your
salve. and she was calmed and laid upon a bed. She
tvas noon relieved from her pants, and says - NIB-, I feel
as dl coald laugh;" and wris soon in sweet sleep. She
mu melded to a blister from the top of her shoulder
over more than half her chest.. and round under [lie
arms. tin the shoulder mid breast it was very deep,
yet from the bent hour, she complalned only when 0
won dressed. The sore healed rapidly, and there is no
contraction of the muscles.
With many wishes, my dear sir, for your success in
the rule of this mighty tirlCl
sin Ima., with respe ct, F pmEROT.
G PO. .
The genuine Dailey. will ever produce the tame in
stantaneous relief. and atiothing, cooling effect, in the
route of Bunts, Scalds,, Piles. , fr.e.
The Counterfeits—no I , aver under what names they
may appear—always Irritate. and increase me pain.
I. Edward P Holmes, of Chathatn. Melvin Rndgt,
Columbia county, N. T., have been elflietell with rhen
mausin in my breast, feet, and all over my body, for
al i year, no that I could not steed, and was cured by
e applications of Datleyhi Magical Pain Extractor
EDWARD P.1101,31E-3..
2.115.. tn,
Bank Notes;
Ptr-1 cut tnt• finger won a copper ail,
• poisonotto name of wtocb caused my arm to swell
et ...tolerably. .nth constant shooung pains up to the
enottater. A large swelltog taking place at the awn
t, with oterratng pain, I became fearful or tlie hack
le, tiliA extremity roar Pain Extractor wa•re
" -nti whtch I was rievailed upon to
• . • • ,
try. The consequenceiwas ihat na. orded a almtmi
nstant relief, and in three days I was completely cu
corner Broome and Sullivan ale, Sept S. let?.
NOTICEI—H. Douai is the litVClttor of this invalu
able remedy. and never has and never will commum.
rate to any living m m the secret ads combination!
All Extractors, therefore, not made and put up ti
him, are Nue counterfeits.
P.ramron's I)r.comi-415 Broadway, New York;
=Chestnut muter, Ph.da.
jOIIN D. MORGAN, General Depot; Dr. WM,
THORN, Agents for Pdtsburgh.
Dalley's Artmal Gaurtate Cure-dl4
Cures humors. spasm, quittnr, grease, poll-evil ;
sores, galls, and henries. Pamphlets, containing cc r
uficates of respectable parues, may he had on apilma
-1.10:1 to JOHN D NIORG AIN
novlS.dlyis Agent. Pittsburgh.
j patsdnltty, and I dvmarr
before hearerrodmem that one ease hes it
fulled to vcnrfa when the patent we. within the reach
of molts.: means.
I have had pLYIIC/111:13 learned in the profe.ston. I
haveonracers or me gospel, judges of the tench. td•
drra em taw)ar, gentle:nett of the highest eras:dna. ,
sad munttudes of the poor use it In every •nrie:y a:
oat, and Mem hes neon but one vome—one tor '
same saying--M'ALl.ldThlt. 1 . 01:11 OINTAIMI
ATISNI—It removes alma. trareaduately
the intlntnntston end swelhng, when the psan 000500
tßend the shrecuons around the hoi.
11 F:A la ACIIF~7nn ,olve has cured persona of 1 , -,
hesstamme of twelve years standmg, and who hod a
regular every week to that rosnamg took place EA R.
At 11E. roaril-ACHE. and AUL E. IN rat FACE
axe helped with 'raw success.
SCA LI, HEAD—We have eared cases Mat actually
defied evor) Ming known, as won ythe sttlity ot fit
teen it twenty doctors (km oust told us he had spew
saw on his chtldreu 'ratios any benefit, when a few
bozos of thou:l:tent cured them.
TETrldli—There ts outruns tamer for the cure o
LIL IiNS-11 is one o: . the bert things to the world lm
Burn ,
PILF-'?.--Thonsand• arr yearly cured by Ptitt
it Nltr. (1111.16 KIVII)% reot , f foe the PtleP.
Arnaud he Lei hoe therenoos for along la Al
ittlet'S Ointm.ttatfor Scrofula. Lten l'omplotnt, Eryripe.
la, Tater, Ch.:Gm:no Scold fined, Sore Eyel, quinry.
hot Throat. Brunet...l, Nessus Affattarts. Porn, It,
of sta brunt, Brad scar. attkoort, Iltatnet... Ear title
'turns. Carta. all .Ibcres.trt of the Sinn. Sore Lore,
Strehhng f tAt Limbs, Sore]. klurtimantm.
toil P,.t, Croup, Strushl a• Broken Brea.. Tooth
cob. .4rue to Mt Farr, rtr
tt /I,L) FEET—lAvcr Complamt, p.m in the Chet,
and Otde, total; rd . ol the Liu, or the other acconapat
rue. rood inch That Otottnent Is the true remedy.) It
•ure mgt. of dtartaxe to hare cold feet
tFlNta.—Occacional use of Me Mho:tent wall
Why, cop terns trout grow lig People need never
Ire troubled elm them tither neea trequentiy
V.,- This Otattnent ir good for any part of the body
or ittut.o when telluric& In tome cases It rhould be
apt b rd often.
Cl'lo.••— s io Ointment will be genuine antes, the
nunle ofJ iNIFS Mc ALLISTER is wrltten ernn a pt.
ou every :abet.
For sole by my Agents in all the principal clues and
tOWII• in the United Staten.
Sole Proprietor of the above medicine.
Pribripau Ofice, No . ..t+ North Tturd strret,
Aomrrs r. Virrsaraou—Breen k Keller. corner of
l..berty and Nt Pia, .1, and L. Wilcox. Jr, corner of
Merkel rt and Die thamoud, else rot ner of DA sad
in.D.6c.d I Cnasel. corner o( Walnut and Penn
ard; and told of te Look KIIIrt Sonlndeld
, `Second Cl. ....lee hen,' eDY by H V
,elvorartz and J t. , orgent; Xll lJ t'on., Drugg”.. Wr
nunghant. H riecleq. I..therve . , Fi Rovr.and,
K,Aport; 1 A , <Amider A. Son, Nlonongnitetz Cny; N
Bowman A. Co. and I T Rorer, Hrowntadi4 Jolla
bark Pa; arc wbolevive attn.
..t l tOdit '' e. col. w n
h ' to this t d'' etrt h t i ho ili o
iiant and astonislunit curative effect, 01 cod water in
and acute diseases, when ertipioNed alder the
method of the teirtirated Pricatilit.haeo removed iron
rid ol an Lalelngent and theeernine every
US to CI:ECM:T. and Fame, unt
v-r•a: :aye, Contiderd.r c untntritaciory reaunt
ri rro.rd.ct 'afore used In the ttrutmeint or Off:SEW .
Co:D:1.0 ICS. IX turn •re Lzerren./ng
rri lye a natur.A: ma :: ^ e the tore...,
el 0 melrod tomes so many unfortunate suilereso.
vet.l fterd from their pains and ilifirinnieS
T. bubscroer having practised toecesrfu,ly this
method Mr right )rats :It het Ilydropathie e.ta1,“1,11
which Lae fern connlderally enlarged and Ii
proved *n all ti• part, and In every 'cohort. i• no ,
toady to rector and accommodate pancois ho snay
ettooee to place teenewlves under his ear, skill and
iivrtr p.b u,
Prlsorg. artoated upon the len 'trans or the (thin,opoo.ite the moath of the Hg Heaver, Is vre.l known
h•rsur rerreatury and .5.11.130. atinorphery, to de.
huhrlui crturtneu and charming natural neenery. corn-
E . very rrqui,te in reader the aorourn of me
agteenb e, and cuntubuting not a little to re,a
tabll.hinapa.rod hr alth and physt•al strength.
The earahltrhment, the brat atoned Ili me l7nited
?taws, cut2l¢l. every, both for plearorre ano
convert. ealeu:alcd to insure a speerry •nd happy ter.
a,tontwo of the ailnietuo oi the Patient.
. . _
Pr rs: v,i•htng to rived therneelvea of the advents
ecs brrr orlered,p adares• the
lo i It tier ;pa. ` , aid as neer poo•thle tne
tr_zure • • orindruot•, in order tonaad ad.
rl.r• .helr Lae v cure Wily try tar Hydroprethte
i11:3,1111. - 11. •:•d a'so wbat vlll tie nrceasan for to
luae nArnir, far expecia. and pee rnod are.
1-. D %, AHD A , hI.R. tI ft Proprietor.
Phi ioshorg, Beaver county, P.
Rvranasr•A—Rev , l. Arm, tong. Y.l)
L«I 40, Hon Thomas 11e ,ry. llonvor, l'a.,
Uark^r,, Pro: h I.:Lont, l'tto , burKti, C
lio.o Itc: o 11, New Aaotn)
oe v. Al I co, I',:nct ton, Nl, TI. S Oon,
w Icrr. It . Cu W..oter, Ylui:p•burg. Wm.
1%.1.e , .,0rgh, A Illdwo!!, l'Aq, do.
t:1 Quirk olae. hartme much, general we•linr •n
•• t , crp. vat aroeute, trre[ql ar bowola
pains two.voch The •hou,,ii, blade. beh,rid
INekt t•tv Arr.. or Comma...nom —Cough],
a , e1,1 mod Coy, flabby muscle, 'choral erca,
ol r,reat.a goit,g 1.11.1”, 11.11Grnelng
wit, or walkit.c but a little tact, pulse alway• n•.o•
iii,dred. for works together, drenching toll
tw,ts toward,. kr.nrnmr
Comiumption comes Olt like a common
catarrh nr rod. but about tar period when that di. ea, urea.) is cape tad to subside. Romeo( the win,
tams are agarneated. The rough I. moire trouble.
nirne, e•peeielly when lying down. There is no eyed
pain in the chart, but difficult brenthma, watch is
worst on lying down. The appellee., of the rope,
lunation, which is copious, is chenged from a think
yellow mucus, tunthinner atlhstance. It very un
pleasant to the patient, and emits au unpleasant smell
when burned It is of an uniform appearance, und:is
probably a mixture of pus and mucus, as cm WI/ illl4Ol
with water part sinks and part swims- The disease
nay ceur in nay habit or at any age. and Is charac•
tensed by the peculiarity of the rough.
Ilse Balsam of Liverwort edema the cure of this in.
islitious disease by expectormion. 'moth. and hems the
adertrd lungs It never Pails %Wherever this med,
en, has been used. we hew of us seceess. For thins
tli years it has been before the pubrie. end ha, been
torouithly tested fur all eomplaana of the 1.u0g., and
is• proved Itself en perm in merit to any thing In rise.
NN c might give hundreds of testimonials from pima
clan, the prone, clergy, and those who have cant cu
red. but •II we delft, to to call the attention of the af
flicted. nut for the, owe good they will try it.
Look out (or counterfeit"! Always observe the
nature, "tiro Taylor, Al D.," 011 the engraved label,
nod prepared at the Wholesale Depot, 73 Beekman
street, New York.
Sold an Pltwhargb by 1 D Morgan 33 Wood rd; J
Dereansend. IA Market at II Smyscr, cor Market and
3d stn; Henderson I Co, 5 Liberty at Pnce reduced
o 51,55 per bottle. roar!
11 A
ORGAN'tt WORM KILLI:R Is the bent Vermifuge
/ that any man ran give or use in his family
Wssrunntote Tp., Westmoreland co. Pa.
Mr John I) Morgan:—lltis is to certify that I have
Seen netting your Verrnithge for some new, say about
one yesr—and in that time I have never known it to
fa.! id bringing worms away, when the symptoms
judicatc.l their presence. I bad occasion to give at to
Iwo grown up members of my family; I gave each of
then, one dose, and oue of them passed= and the oth.
rr rt 25.1 W 0.1%. it I• di, beat Vermlittge that any
man i/l4 Manly J. W. Yogno.
rrepared and sold by JNO. D. NIORO AN, Druggist,
one door below Diamond alloy, on Wood st. rus
D ' d 4 ; 10 c 1;1 4 g... -. Vry 'u er. n i ! n ed e . ClilokhdCtih'Sot,Liser;
ti.phur, White Precipitate, Cyanuret Potash. just re
coivcil and for eat., by lug R E SELLER,
Cluismeine, Chloroform,
Ext. BarkPrestp. lodide Iron,
Niirate Silver. Gil Copolba,
hones Powder, Cime Ace,
Chloride Soda, Ctilonc Ether,
Eztret Itlintany. Extract Quetta.
Just rec'd and for see by ft P. SELLERS.
lull 57 Wood
ItAl.sarcA.: It e 6 f...111,0ft Or. cal
DA.—lt decomposes the virus or pecear.t Jinn,
pfc of ail contagious diecnses. Ii removes the danger.
On. effluvia of sick T 00414, fcc. By it. cle•nsieg ener
gy it relieves %deem, and intercepts all eommunicable
diss.ea, whether in man or animals, the. Just reed
sal fur sale by jolt BELLERS, 57 Wood 0
LYI edition, containing all the matter, verbatim
et litemom, of Vols. I nod Y of the London edition, em
heflished ortah a yamwt of the author-2 Vote. In one.
Price. complete, tee. A large supply of the above rot
ceived and for sale by JOHLN H hIELLOR,
mehtel et
001—The kyles% pnia 4 r- ciat pain for al, um
different gy or clean wanted wool, by
env2` Litton a op.. sth
ided to mn, an
lERCL ItY,or other Alin
It tow power to
state nil Erfl:R'AL
lUMogls, f,p,
WOUNDS to discharge
heir pawn! moue., 11:141
heal. them.
It is righily termed
Is scarcely a ins
ease external or r,:ornal,
That it vent not benefit
have used it for the last
Screela or Sinus Evil. Rheama ism, Obstinate Ch,n
[leo. Eruptions, Pimplea or Pustule. on the Face,
Blotches, lilies, Chronic Sore Ey., Sting \Worm or
Ten., Scald herd, Ellargerront and Pain of the
Bones and :Witte. Stultriorn Elcers. Syphilitic Sy Int,
toms, Sciatica or L.Mago. 'end Thsenses arts rig
from ui I much , . inus weer filercurY i Agenes
Expel-ere or Imprudence in Loc. Moo, Chronic
&mot:Minn& Disorders.,
In dos preparation ore strongly concentrated all the
hied mina! proper°. of Ss...tam:AA, eon:toned with
the most fireettlai aids, the mart salutary production
Ole most potent simples of the art:tumble kingdom: and
it has been so fully tested, not only by patients them
selves, but also by Physicians, that It has meaty.'
their unqualified recommendation and, the appmbetion
of the public aud has established on tenwn merits a
reputation (or value and efficacy far ropertor to the
VdTlOll% compounds bearing the name of SarsapariPa.
Diseases have been eared, each as are not furnished
in the records of time plOttj and whet It h. already
done for the Mouse:lds who hare used it, it is capable
of doing for the onbions soil enacting and struggting
with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and strengthens
the fountain springs of and info.. neuraigar Oro'.
out tha whole animal
The following striking and, as will be seen, perms
cut cure of nn inveterate eime of Scrofula, commend
testi( to ail
Sourn Pear. Conn., Jan. I, 1P43.
Genttsmcn—fsympathy for the afflic
ted induces ine to litlorm )oil of the remarkable enre
effected by ) MIT Sarsaparilla to die cast of my wife.
She missely effiicted frith the fcrofala on differs
tint rts cif thsi hods- the Elands of the reek worn
greatly eniarei , l cud her limbs much swede-. Atter
suffering over u year and birdie; no relief from ins
remedies used, the diocese aimckcil one leg
low the knee suppurated !ler physicial sdonteti it
should Paid ninnn. which ens done. oat eiltimai any
permanent benefit In this sunsuon we hear., or and
bottre induced to use Bonds' Sarsaparilla. The kcal
le produced a decided and favorable effect, retry.
ling her more than any prese-tpunn rite nod ever 1••
NCO. and before she had prell siz hffltles. to die assoc..
[shunt. and delight of her frtonds, she found her
iteeitli quite restored. ft now over a year mince the
core Id elec. oil, and her hetbitz remains good, sherr
ies the es
diveaso with Short/1100r eradicated from the
al steal. Our neighbors are nil kitoovins to these
facts i r.d thint very 111-rill-7 of fler.ibi l esaparilla
Yours whit respect, JULIL'ut ?Litt?.
Extract from a letter received from kir N IV. tin
es, gentlernon creff known Louisa courtly, Vat
—Cieutlemen—l have eu,d n meal. boy of Mtn: wish
your go.rsapartile, who eons a:tacked with Sercluis,
and of a reiofu'ons nun Cy.
'Vern wily,
"Tyedericks Va.. July 17. Igig N .^ W. ilAaa ' 24
S ff.....—1t seems almost unnecesagry
to due. attentlOn to en amok so well raid so
deservedly popular, a this preperauon, but psticate
often who walls to use site extract of Sarsaparilla, ore
tailored to try worthless remponndslicroing the unme,
out containing little or none of the virtue of this va!r•
ebbs mot: and we slunk we cannot confer a creator
ne fit on our renders than to dirceung their can't...ion
ta the adverusement of the Me m+. Sands to mother
colUlan- The bottle has recently been enlarged to hold
quart, and loose who wish n really good article nu/
find concentrated in this ell the mediettial val. of ale
root. The experience of thousands hoe ProVrd
her. y dunag the various diseases toe which it ie
ComMentled, and at the present ume more th I any
other. perhnps. a this medieine useful. in preparing the
m fora change of season.—lionic Journal, B. pt
Prepared and .Id. wholesale and rev.. by A. B.
D. SANDS, Druag end Chem., lOU Fultne
corner o( Wt:bum, New York. Sold oleo by Drug
gtsts generally throughout the Untied tr... and Cana
ta•. Pnce St pry Bottle, six Bowes (or 8.5.,
For sate in Pittsburgh. ortiolexic and retail, by
It. A. FAHNESTOCK. tr. CO., cornet of Wood and
Frontnorner of Slob and Wood ca. by L.
ft 11.C0.X., Jr.. corner of Smtihfield alai Fourth sta.
and al., conker of Market at and the Manton& .alao,
1-11) tVA It DEIIICILeor Nlonougala Ifonsa.
I 1.411:S —Tbe unprecedented success winch his
:truded we 114 e of the
t: thr vlnuoto. fore. Which irrannon of the lung , es
aurnen. h. Induced th e propnelor again to call aux.
Iton to Ott.
Tha etkarrgab!a errata, which marks oar hll aad
skkatcr mouths, is always a fruitful source of
rhea., If neglocEnd, an but the precursors of that fell
ite question, Ron, bow shall we top the desuroyer 111
the had? how ithall see get clear of our coughs and
outs! to of sus' ourairtaitee to Om
• .
. •
!! be found In theGmeene P•ttaesa. In proof of this
.vr have front nme to tone ruttt,tarti the eel - 111/ran. of
leaen• at our beat knownetoretw, who have r.rpen ,
cooed as 1010000 power, Tliette, vr/th a mass of tea
nntotty front WI por. of toe countr y,--trom
)llnt , ters of the Gospel, Le., togetuer watt copious Uri
tees from the
cramhove collimated pam phiet form, and owl' be had
gams of .ny of our 14(CIllS turouglout the eouateT.
hove been use, rt mit etty.
.hroughoun nto lotted Smite and Canada, and we eha
tenon any man to pant out a
wamh, when take, acc.dtlig a threet:ars. are.
tac Luar. Lad become ,taLy d.wrganized, .1 cal
Why, met, .le.d the altuctol
them unatruni, gotten up
u ler the hutuncat ntpay.
rta , ulto "o.oricty ce,!,cat.: r
m 0 0!
•• Deg are at aotr.c.—oul rte,th
Dora,—lnato 01 W himn is nv.
t•NATCIII..I.) i• Kl,ll rilE Llg AVE,
la order :hat all,' utyaluacte sucellcute atuy tte platted
with. tte reaca Di the poor ma well the etch, we bays
put the price at
last to
had the usu. cost el cougb sundlcints. n
'or sale b . ) Our acetils ku /tear]) e•cry town and ellitetre
av er we w'tro ere prepared to give lull butane
ton reiatrre to a. T. SALTER, Prrthrteuar,
Broadway. Ctnelattatt, Übe,
1311.1,10. nut, is.ecit co, rA.
1)R EDIV oRIJ ACKER, take, MI. nzents of re
turn: •g 1..111a/the to bin ['trod, nod the ple
•or the extahove patronrtee he uu• retcrvrd. and p.
r.l con, for In exelaso, puroo.c•
co' his WATER CURE 1--,r.ABLISUNteAT. n•. 0...
occ•on. al Ph.hpaborrti, Pa.. ~,. the Ohm nv,r, °pp.,
•ute Int reantipoo istaathg .1 Beaver, whera renc)
roceive put as :roa.rdrna. am) treat them all Ily
dropathic prthelples. athinnoal 111, 1913 ex;lcr:
elm, and tho Krea.t .occer • rshlch h.. heretofore al
:rotted us, trratroe, patserE, COMInSII.II is tits care
lie tins now 4bc 11111/11.1011•i Me/iittos arlorded ~ y an Ex
LePletVe blit.ettig e rccusd ex praut y for the purpo3o. eon.
iung C 0121101.10412 awl airy roanuar, cutd tied up wit:
rip uorrreary apparatus roar and
Loring the trra,mont tlte LIIMOtt. elm!, out coon°,
alt,o l'hildp.hureh In a mom Jr:.4..trul atm
nea.myvclace, oat) or accost by 'ord. Sue Ana wholesome water Pr. Ard o r assures
arb.e,rd pc rmot wilo ptuer them , nes au.
11,0 ever) wrerstion shalt be pa o:n M.,
, marforl, nod a. , all t•suro,ce of tbr be.. 111.
I”. lie poi . with conhaenrc L. 13[. tam
Jrt . d. 11110 t , eert it.nsLancut.y cumd
uri effect
i..ttrutt, Tire Wait, Cur.. leave.. TIO injous effect
trehthrt, .too °aro the ertse With thr..e
treen treated oit the old system. It removes the
Invtgorstre the syslem, protects from thr dune , e,
theft's, to clr.rrtges the weather, creates a ,Inturs.
ond Oct:. affeure, sod imports vtgpr to the rtiAs-rurrr
For Terms of trearmerd troardtug re.on‘b c
l'br further Tr...c01., :IN :tire at the estabLisLuster, or
arldrese the proprietor Si I . l.ltrps..rargh.
huts:NA _ .
• Lit. JAI :IL. a ALI
We have been informed by Mrs. Ease of acmeper
for me d. n her by Dr. Joy sle , • AI t rativ
proves lea seperloray over root, Other remedy uf Ine
She has been afflicted (or the last eaa,ccn (oars
sloth N Ii.:CItOSES or WHITE SW ELLINUS, eneudert
a. ill ulcerations and enfolratton of various Lorca. du
ring orbieh time many pieces have beet, ittscharge d trend
ate inertial hone or the cranium, from both lee arias
wrists and hands, and (rem hotly
legs, dm , tool tom/
lea oral bone, and from Me right knee. Lt .4 dc pa Info'
glee:. on other parts of her person, which have Putliet,
tie sk ill ut a imitator of the most eminent ph) eicians a'
our mtr —daring most of the lane her suircriog have
ore. eacruiabog and deplorable About throe month•
since she was induced LO try Dr.Jayrie's Alorrative
which has had an aatoorshmaly happy exert urn. her.
try reinnving all pant and swellings, and cowling the
skiers to heal, wink at the atone time her general health
ham become completely reetored, so that she noes arr.arbs
15 lbs more than she did before ant commenced the use
01 doe truly valuable prepanon.—(ant Eve. Void.
For farther informotion, LINO ire of Mrs. Rose, Yo. 12
Filbert st, Phlladelpkia.
For sale in Pittsbargb, at the PEKIN TEA STUP.E.,
72 Foorth st near Wood. /Y 4
J.t rto.l•Cd of Dr. Town...tills Sararipa dna, the
most extraordinary ma terna. in the world' TAus
act is pat up in quart bottles. It is eta tunes &teapot,
pleasanter, and W1171.1.14tti superior to nay sold. It
cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or
debilitating the paUent-
Looa ore Pill Ismeimmrs.—rnprincrpled parsons have
copied our labels, and put .up medicine in the same
shaped bottle. Sae that mach-bottle has the written sig
nature of S. P. Townsend.
FL E. SELLERS, Drug7Flat, ST Wood moot, between
Third and Fourth, la Dr. Pownsenes only wttoleaate
and moil agent for Pittsburgh, of whom .the gramme
article can be had.
D. M. Corry bra been npponded the sole agent for
Allegheny city, of whom the gentuno Article eon be
hod. ap4
il. A. Isussarocs, .
. B. Linty N. 1
Lt . L. FAussrreca,} A
O. W. Etmtaroc.
W holesale Drug Store In the City of
New York.
IVIE andersitrie dam extensively enanoed in the
Wholesale Dryly booklets at N 0.4.9 John street, In
We eity of Now lurk, mini are prepared 0 ° °°P° l 7
trroseiets nod covonrf Merchant. won Druireiwitts
..t r, Dye-ado's, retell and Aineneen men.,
Hen :or. Offintelt A hlander's Chemicals, lof their own
,et ortatioat or) ail other cruel. In thou One of bust
tem, Cl • esperio as low as they ean he per.
these! in dire or any eastern ert7.
New York. Feb td It A. V A 1/VitlirlfiCk - k.
CARD. ----
GRATEFUL for Um yeti , ni.oral enenarteement 1
have relayed for so malty year., I
cooed to enlarge my anwitmea. coneuteredily. Baring
engaged a competent Foreman, I will to citegiled io
hi! an orders promptly, and do the work in oun usutt
!style and at fair price, and ask the attention at In:r
enews eiti,ma. to Sty large stock of UP litst.trrrel-
R 41001. 4 utd Malteneses and Bedding, Cer
tain Materials, Daniank• and *weans, Convene, Frin
ges, Scatterings, Tassels, Split and Roller Bands, and
every article usually kept in an estaninthinent of the
kind. Orders respectfully volicival and promptly at
tended to.
N. a—Carpets ends sad ➢m down.
PEA 44040.416
AIRS- d. MISS CULLA:IID re•pectfially inform tr Jr
frmods and Me public. Met have motored J•
o owed - Mem mhoof to a roomy and convenient ho /8
to Lakock street wcond dwelling east al Pebend
where they are prepared to take • few boarderm,ka
well as a few moreday sc holars, and whom their
clorive attention will be devoted to ItOlattiOo 16 kll `i •
the ordinary branches of English education.
Stranger* ate rofoltred to Me. W.O. Flnbbaam,;ll.. `lf;
!oho NlcFaddca mad Mr, r. Eaton of PituaU.
_ -.4 Mr. George It 111,
A p , ;
IT W e t'
or made to order of aliducl o r tunk ni4 mum 1.
Country Merchant* and other* are invited to call it 4
examine the above for then:me/via, as altwill Del Ild
whoicaste or rettui,and a liberal deduction mad , 'la y•
whotexale Narehtuserl.
field is A WESTERV
1•1114 SU BSCIIIIIIE3SI,. having removed heat Na• 511 ..,..; ,
Nos. 172 end 1.51 Liberty sheet,oriurfOr sale gi Al. :11 , .
OA ro . lows. 40 01000 and now landing, elm
3.514 bar,s prime Cdifoe, new cusp:
40 - o.lgoveroment.raya Coffee; , , ....
. . .
150 fititt• prime New Orfeatis Snarl
5&.1 Olds Ilitutadon Niotasse& - ; .
100 " Et Jamrs :fugal. !lunar+ MalMoCrl .::. :•
HT llf els. Youtm HTson Ten; :.. 1,. 1
40 dr • Gunpowder and imperial Teal 0114, 'i ;
10 ~,, Cbutan Powehong do Cr- •j. ,
TO do call boo }',
11..4 OF 4e ,
lou bo <white I:merit Sagan • - ''.. '
Go bas whim Havana do; '' .> 4 • l
10 bg. realer, 20 do Alspice; ft ,- 1
led boxes tt.tard, in-* and a tb ',', ' f
100 0
do du Malaga/Sun. ilahuns;
3do do do, in ' ..4
so Id las do do do layer& i
50 sir •• du do do .
20 csk • Z.te Currants; 10 bales icily -AIM I darr ' .?,
100 b. Richmond Tohaecoti
.10 baskets Bordeaux and Slarsuilleallayo.f.-11
200 bles end 110 hi Wm. No 3 large hlaalicrek `y
0 •• Honey; 1941 1 Lts Ch,ette;',..
22001 gaits win's, and Irons dimmlO , .
1000 - bleached north west. Whole (ills '' . F,
MO " erode " e 'do '• 1 ... :(
300 WO Cruz ' ode
Sons Principe Segura;
aurns3 Havana do
20 by pip. Cognac grondy, of varietal brag - •
2 00.1chcons .101300ee Sortui _ ,
3 piss Holland (lie;
W cs . ....rternell4.•up Tenerife Wino; ' .:..
10 do ?Madeira do ..,'
21, 1 de Lisbon do ' 1 ''
Z! .
40 ds) . Opurto do • _ .
50 do west Malaga do
12 India a this do . ' do
15 eltd• C.nrot, tblqr cake gout StuttOtni
10 cams sup ho drool Claret;
5/1„n ho.• ,It opagne.Wme: . ~.„
duo “pl St 00000 11Mora: ~ .
4101 bite pure' nye Whiskey, Mani 1M 5 jet& I OKI
apll Billet,alit & WhitKTfr,• .11
'll . l
13 olie• to trao rattss/Ort - c. • ,
,z 1. :, , ...
VV Y. at h'rt ,:; ' , ' , ' ,. - "0 . ‘ ... , . '„n , , , , „T, e 6,1“ . :.V.rir , ,T0c i. ' , ;.1:44 .-.,
Ali mecums - m-Icm, receive Isorght hoc/ nay :. 105:, ...,"
.bleh I. Nawtort fo.• la agent..,
opt' ktIIODIV3 & ALCCfr4N. ../
_ . _
ii rr
-- 4
04800. .- . •:I 4 ‘ ..:' ,
J - 01-IN Tir.E.LV a. Co., tsuccosson 20-.ROOO ,
brewer a Co , lea htorcaird T o fork ,)' At :'
liar l'N UT "reel, 140000 Toi4d. ,P 21 44 4 1: 1 0 1 / 4 4 4 i bqt 4
lease to Inform their fnends 'and piarmis
M tha , hhqi Ar,
IlitTO received the latest arairtu ertirsur %e.g. 7 .
PAt•HIONI, with a large urontnont of Not. )t 10: d s
0 trOl.lS; comp n aing- Cloths, Casemate*, IfectloC4 k.e4 .r.
a cvc.-i di ~ppii.oi‘—n/l. of /Thiel] nim of thairol,o iod•s: '' •
ports:len. hemg been carefully defected OnVoritb - . •
London, &o.
11.:)" btra. , lem stetting Phlladelphla, aro reep:J„"lttlaj,V:
:y fumed to .11 and elarnine their elittudvo •' 4&.,"f." p.:
INDIA ft1:13111 4, '""--.
I oonlns of 0.201
Important to perm.
It p mecum the ler
001. M tit
.by 1101 8° ..1 ex sa ln ' o V r.a . n i aloe. . '' b 4 '
n.I the 'pees for saki{ of llPPro , lod CoK
tanocs. Constantly onliana ami mannfaoUts. g, r
-.T.4 E
..e -- .-
ncsoruuent stumble lot cuy nr couc
a v E trtV..
t. Ci,
CornetOf Fouril and Branch atc up st}
apLunit.m his„2.4
Papas Hangings. -
Ti AV !Nit purehasvd at alive et the large, tea,: .,
lA. ries la the Knot, IkNeve York, Philadelp
B. 1111011,) a large !assortment of the nearest ri
unproved styles of PAVER HAMA NUS, HU ,
-Ye- and made arrangements by which I serf" en. t.
bled to procure all DOW Patterns, umnillne stile
their appearance in the Easton( market, lof dl6
'tie We tawnlion of those desiring to 'mime th'e )11.114
papered with the latest etyms of paper. to •
examine my stock, before purchasing elsersdrj t
1 have nom on the way from the teak 90,q
of Gold ensue !.lased, and Common I've. a
which I can itii at prices ringing ft= !di ere'
piece. mehls S U HILL, eTilad el
_ Sm . ____.,--
Bssoon oking.
HAVING just completed she rebuttding of acts
houses, we ate now prepared to rece ' me*,
am.l smoke it 11/ the most mereltmtablosname i 4
The houses are haul with all the modern, ll'll qlw .
meats, and are capable of mat:Ming 300,00 7 1 etiols.'
ELLER it !Ulla.* Canal ik tin, .•
at near Seteffill aP: '..e . '
IStitilTtff'WP.A.PEßLSiiitilib - e cactus - 'it
P for the sale of the Mill those Prinur it r ( !I':
S. a. kk P. Alark le, Propretors,) we wilt be e tiotir:
suojbLal With .t the different sixes of outran° alahl,-
watet we offer at the lowest reinslarprkels,-
REA INIOLDS a ).E i : .s.''
feli2.l corner Penn and Itt a nr '
- DUQUICSNE 1117 . 0TISEEV s - .
rIOLEXAN, CU. twits 46,rnsar0.4'
facture Small Iron, :pm% awl Am. Whir:: Strial;itt
Plough. tort and Hoe Steel, Ettrets.' ttpikea atti:WriPl
Iron Nut, alI alter, together wan Coa,clt
Spring, an Pat. Taper and common &riga.
Havtug reduced the Om of Wroughs I? 11 11
engine c la.
ul, and others stung the article, I Eat •
1110 Lllte rest to give this ucw branch of Pr'ittiniih
manufactures their attention.
ouch truninto,Ta and•mateable iron on libcrrn
Warehour.r. on N 1 star and Foartlit ate. fetntthit
, by resort to
0 rt . 1 tt
And it tow receiving is hoe armament of t 4
We.teh he Le prepared to talk% Itiorcier
And In the latest Fashtfroa
- Head Quarters for Boots sr, • .
to. of hours:, and strulthtiettsl &Steam, q•
Prrvarrecri, E.
15.L1 he n r c H ra t l !Soot a b o ' d •Sjortssistaralik
whuhsale and re m.ll, 'mortal iespseuull.L •
a 150..., of thew frtotidt and We ou
t. ratty, to Mt Ir soSett.tfa ;JEW stot•k, 0,11.111.40 f an,'
women?, 1,p , , !nista,' floc, c astdrens arum at a
..0.5.0:r for 0,a00.1, toil 14, Braces ta , u;
the utnea sp•onstai enrol, of homy Slll4O WM%
•ur gootleatesits futu Jane., enisanain
C.a:drellll but wort. Pleasc cal, and ozautini ha
oursolvea THOIII R'HCSJ I Cg
cwrOor 4Us and dusakticld 40p
1.3 —Trerelleg Trunk's, Carpus SSasys, th.o.asat ;„'Sk4
wit on hand and low for cash
'outer) Merchant would hod it 10 that Isitosselt
gtv, us • call when eta nue Ina city. ..sfs. ta •
LOGAN, %V 11.803 CULOSS" ty,
IN , al La! , anu ob•sale Denten IT Peitign
1. IJ ..nestle hunt e C
ars, uttory, otasollery to, IR •
Wood •trecl, Nuatturgh, ten note luny praparad,_
reefs:44) tutported stock of Hardware, gotiOrY,AL•
ear„aa a , bawl, &a., aa oder vat? great'. ih•
ae , mrn.a la Westeen hforeb•b•ts, irl .I,llloi ill
Alto Mal/ y advantages h by our prodochaabra, 'Safe
1..0g la A: Klnllcdy, We 4.100 greatly titOrwatinsal
fao...un,, sod porch :s< all our yowls frail: rat
0,, we v ery bast weans
Yu., Junior on, mbar, of the grin demote art, 1 1. 7 . 50 t:
1.11,111011 tb.d feeling confideirt of &tug auk.
rcs,toolfutly Bolancan 'ti11.a0,414.,
010.11lhl .
srnarket. ;
_ .
TUE undersigned infers for sate a atlpe,rlOr alliel •
.1.. of Uric, for building, etude by his letillare efssr.
improved machine, for which he has obtained • pulse, •
and agrees ttt give purchasers • wrillbutgbitrAturre tin V
tuer are stronger, .0.1 w'lll reenn Cross and 'iliiet sir , Allk•
er aad tuintbe less moisture ot,dasupivestiviati anypti
or bnuk, posseluting greater Lindy nisi •Uipiallelv.Sii.
and amen more dursole. in every respt, Alice tips 1
beteg subjected to a pressure of iwireesti toestrand
sanig a balidsolne antoolli surface and Amen tap
racy wake a trout equal to the test frostsbrinit- ;.., •••
'rimy nave gtvien too greatest au i..faclion .... 11 _,- *16
have parches...l. A ktluerin be seen ItiZ74. ) fiN
specunee at the Gazette o th er.
Toos bar tog supplteid incesselvts lon . .
litgiti ,
and cv,,,h11%,3 Luilecurin front brick, or iinkeierieti4b;
and solid paving brink, can obtain them. .' •
Birintitglaans, June 12,1E40. V
NNW ' F1,11—.11.1 . b131;No - 1 Inovned
No I do 410; 3 NW,. No I mats
tonnre tbstr:nr, lel half .do IAo Ma. OF" !V::
actercl. lo do No IL Salmon, t n. aznyutAl.7 cort eq
nud for sale by J WA _
taibe , trAt
C °', A P-P :th t :n r- ; 4 l ' n 4 l7: l N l itti — o - le l •al: 7 ()roTe ' ry, d4 r Y tti4 l"' 2 4rd ed;;Ltl
CoourtissLon John WlNC J T ;i ndinai .
Ptusburgh, April SM, INO
. '
CORN DROON:3-7 3 f/02 Cora Broomsree _ Aay i
ILO( Ode Uy .I , •b , B. RUBIbON ak,o.
c>neor: - mow it..., z.2430 - 14hoZttert - 11 0 , 14 I
j) noose; or s.m by uras R RUBIRON to" •
PITTSBURGH Ci A.Z.C:11117-;1 ,
l'ul.ltll IND DAILY, TM-WEEKLY d
Il ntr tianstto Dundinci, DA g., nearaltsioil
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TWO aquares, 6 months, re...bleat ;afire, tt.o
Each additional square, 6 =nnth, 0
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Five liner or item, one year. •• • •••• • •<;"*.•,;;;6,
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