The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 07, 1849, Image 3

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    4."''"""..7 ,t .,
~ P .'
Vat th. Pittsbairigh Daily Owes
Pauazurs...., /illy 171 .8 P. M
DN. Worm Eq.—Dear Si he compliance with
your request, I Moro been radeavormg to .itagort e th
In Ma trensatiariou of news to you from .this place;
and have no doubt whatever of being able te Keel o
eauslactory arrangement for yon, end the:other Pins:
burgh.par,ers, to a few days.
Net beirit a newspaper repomer myself, an hudly
aegallated with what likely to sisit,yoa. •
The steamer'. min le by eo mesas satisfactory or
4644. Every thing is mama rumor. The an-absorb.
es re& nfpolitteel nessa is the aspect of affairs be:
MUM the French and llotiami, bat medallic definite - is
yet 'mows,
s It IS said that 23,000 AustriaL arid Roasiami
Nueva been killed by the Hungariartr; 'but this ii
exceedingly donbtfal, and the reports' le relat ioh
to the affair are contradictory. They are toted
rally kite the London Globe, an evening papst
of small means, and not irely to have very acen4
rats intelligence. The 4 l Imes, the leading Eng - a
!lab paper, saga nothing in these matters.
Cholera here is deelinag. We have had thire
teen or fourteen deaths to-day, sad I learn theo
have been &bolt thirty In New York.
Iron endeavor to send you sock kakinnatios se
I em gentler Wild you make better arrangementa.
YOWL only. Zl73t,
Jaly .8, 160. •
Contrary to expectation 4 the Emperor of the
Chinese has retuned to open the trade - M . Canton
to the British upon the terms of co-etating treaties :
This determination may give rise tO very iierions
The French are not yet in Rome.? Intelligence
of a late date has been received front Rome. Tbri
French had made renewed OVentitill to the ftoi:
mans, but the latter had refaced to accept them::
The city is raid to have suandeed after the refusal,
of the French overturesi a twenty hours' attaelr; ,
without any breach beim; effected.
Gametal Zelmhe lett to day to take command of
the new expedition to Maly. The ex&dition
ecepected to sail on the 20th or 915 t...
The German Nation.l4asembly aline* at Btntt#
gardt, revolved on the 18th, that the rt,rett Duke
John to guilty of illegal towpath= in ;mallet/int
to exercise the functions hohferred ch him on the
19th of July, 1818, hot revoked on dui, Bth Jam
last. The Assembly afterwards adopted • bill
muleceisang a general armies of the pCoPle; and
rekned to a cominittoa on finance a (lamed by
tbe Regency for a credit of five miffing -dories,
ibr Jane and July.
The-ConstAuent Assembly met at Ceristme, •
the ISM, and proceeded to Me esublistumer, of :r
Proviaional Government.
The following resolution was actopatChat
Triumvirate be appointed, wit! a dictatorial - pawed,
of artddi it shall net render account to the tissemt
hip Data the expiration of its a athinity. ; .
There were 71-new eases end 29 eedhs duS.
eingthe 21 hi:misleading at noon to-day.:.
36iy 6. '.
. .
The iiiernais is abating in this city. Them wani
tatty 31 new mutes and 12 deaths during the 21
hems aiding at neon to-day.
Cnicuitin, Jolt' 6, tit P. M.
F1131)1 St. Louis there is no defitille Eli:Egon=
In rotation to Cholera to-day.
At Cincinnati, the interments up fi2. noon of this
day wets ninety one from Cholera, ant fifty eel ,
en ham other diseases This shows a decline in
the number of deaths fryth Cholera, but an in
of mortality from Aber causes.
It Is generally believed
.that the Older* hen
mow reached its height Every reasonable effMt
is being made to subdue the ravages ofthis kinal-
Aabis disease.
July ;LIP
Flour—Tits tearbet eontmues Aim at.l4
Si 62 for Common Westem.
Ontn—Wetteru WOW continues Steady
*arum quotations. (tom vtute shandy advanced.
Provision—Tee marketia germ:elf quiet 4
mu test quoted rates. .
Cotton has advanced In /eon &met' Pnoen•
Barnum al NouraTLUAlUW—Applicauliaarill bE
made to the next LeglahLthie for chutes for aid?t
now bank,, with an aggregate cap,iial'oof
MI, nod for the re-chaffer of elevUn 'existing
banks, whom united capital amount, in NOM`
Waxs—Ai MI. Is the Season of the Tem when
imams onse most Ganmidable among childrocithe propel
Anne of 111'Lene'e Verrnifage beg leave , upon
gannet nolciting their lategiliOn3 to ni vlees fir ifs
ingpalling of they annoying end of , en feud enemies .iif
etidibvii. Then invention is by • physieinin of greet
inspeenuce in Virginia and. eller ming ifTrtt avenge]
Jean in his own pracuen, and finding ins anew en
satirensal, he Mas been instatedat lan to II to th}
publin se • cheep bat certain ard excellent Medici A.
A.II end punctuate at the Linig story of
nornstkerT. J. ILID
Err A pouter.= of Plrtadiurtr, who had fallen inie
Sit open after . ft . the "Great tie,. syttllnid A. ari-
Illa Id Utterly that he was unable to refrain from
lag oat with the iota —at Weed who had brpil 0.141
a L. Pattl2o.nbei A Co's 11.8befeeteet md , beenad
of lisemailam, gave Wm what remained the botlle,
and although his limb tares greatly swollen, he 1.41,
completrly restored to health le twelve ;pert add
Imo own pela. This is but one of a great number. Of
".„ was which have come cadet the obsarrittla of the
suitesors. Prepared and sold by _
„ cu ... • !st and Wood; also; fib sad Wood Ws
le •
littalgatioft %alloo. 4
Ear .4 4l, Benjamin Smith and oho A. Johit.
ylarla of the coy of Pinsintli"traddre
voder i b is firm & Johnson have tied►. to bile
da. er i b ,„, s esignmeni of all their Eedlte, for the
b. r ek .I.liVshalt ornhiniven soon*
Rem this date shares execute and dellectto jhe raid
sway J . L won "VI and abselnto rehmse of an.
Una respective claims • ." 44 .. ° "" 4 "." • '-
Natos la hereby e ,
Eisen this ....gcatnt and
lease Is Dow st the office tn 41 2 t. ."'", " . .1"
duvet its this city of Irmsbee,,,•• ott.Pec•Joa and .1%.
NAM lett, all whom it may "LI2OI. .
bkalbso Wll. hI:CA
mi EV. DR. PFOLD.—Thti Aire 4 CbviOtad to Cod.
AAI. panic., mumbling • widely of Rvva4 adapte L d
ID do Improvement, convolation, and e.
of Omens advanced In UM/. by Rev.. , W Stanford,
A D., with a memoir of tht amebae, by MT. Oconee
ilpfold, D Ramat of frinby Cback, -rittsbaro .
,1 VOL No. ,1111 recelve4 ana for sale by
MD No 3 kisCkerel; 30 bbls add ib i bl7l,
l irir -41) 0.1.“ received and tai isle by
l e y J. .11./ WATT dr. CO, Lib MY . 1 !:'
.11101N1L I.,thEN LDS 1 1aH.....1—A 1,,.d,,,,,,,,gi a t ki„,
girls end children'. litattli.
AL., MoM aml fleow.h Mediae—For LIM. arid
imam Alin, bared Jackmere, fur do, rims as lady
VIM Ms, artimildir for ladles wrapprrs; hod a greer
Taney of Embroidered Merlins, for dreseeesual miekr;
whits, pink and blue corded alum, Me., Direly twat,-
yed at Dry Good. House of , Wlt SI DrIPHY,
.hat nonbeest i Mar. ethand Market tin
litalIAND WORM If . 3WW ' '--
Pirmacson. Joni 11, I€4oi.
Atr. John D. Morgan—De ar 010 I gave one tempo..
DIAI of your Worm hanny to lit of my ebildrem, and la
abeebart time of oar lief , it yrsued itraii . ty 1.4 e
mama. 1 feel ma In recto nnnsnmnf io..t v raiirW,
as Me best that Can be med tin tspell2l
roma. Jam Mobass, near Neblestavrei.
fregared end sold by tke proprietor, JOON a mug
-41 A-14, Dr• Cent, one door below Diamond Riley, Wood
not 1 .18 . ;
WrON Mii.M.B - -L3iiiilifutten liairis - oT . siare aid
est. by Jab JAMES DOLLZHIA,.
~,,IRTIES--30 bask Pea Nam, in stareskod for skis
Jew by jag JAMES Ipaa 541.1 t;
ZIOLAS.2 3 ed—AI i. bOls II 11 mota.ta ot
'yam fee close eausivameitt by "
OA-—.coo hot' u WAndoio Bash, assoiiod
mot sod for bald by .1.19 es 1ML2•61 ,
blali.Vito Mb= 1:1311tbr, lat i dmiK
W"PPi'g ra rag3 Ve.z`gir,
_WO •
t - rD/L-inbets &nate Oil, @inns,ron ,
il tS ,lr 2t iod and for . gagi b T
___A t 9 JAB 77A4Z81.1;,
Gloss tanking, with dout of du. Meting. and
,poothtetion• of =and 554 m odem
d an .. (0604,051111 (Ably
.11b11.11: DI KP.or INJou. In ono !41,, syflOge
, -gm Jost stoolveo end for tol• by .
j5lll JAM D LOCKWOOD, Wood of:
NOUN-OMIS Walled, now landung utak =anal I
,ate for .arel7 •
gailOClor',., 4riollortoSashri
• u rZorro, N.M.& Lor a. Lnq"; And sli
Oa& g Lor Mooopir, Odd-Prllop,,,tod 411-
az OW" .
Abp.-Gold &n . d t:er . 1 ,, , a ,. . 1:1 1 , riObiaidorti t it
Tlaroorl, BP 11 1 e., mum "..-,. Otto, t
• W LV VIVIILSrgq, !..
sa corner lth sad parka ~ti
ulrl Co, silal4 - ---t—
-itAßDY..lurlg.4 ir. Cki
I.l4td—oof ---- bxs EMU) w tad.. . tido" otuo 4. mi .
din 100 do lOrt4 &O&M*
110.NIJtie= eu;NCISST & cl:ei uese .pe
6 ON
rSACCO—L6 keg. Gedgee No IL 6 writ Tobeeee
andieg per suer llanteuir and tl'• sge . t? ,
66L1 JA31163 fkadELL
tier.FLOCII-10 bbl, for:sale br• 7
WINDO-3/1-2(160 litbu, ossortjg taco 'for
uth, jay di IV VUN litgeiHOßHT
llirka,ver ridh and Hawed 1114.10%
10 % rift , C.. 1 . 4.4 kW 04 at the New earpei ward.
s No 78 Vonnh west, Octwoon Wad dad MU
4b. Jui6 W kh.t.I.I4TOCE.
&MUNSTER CARPETS—W. 41 , C.1,tik, rats
Medi it, oirces to phi:chasers du wit
.14/e Aisalsaust CAlwa eve" Ad to
matt,* Man twrurs
. wik suration,AE-pardis.
1. /9111.4
prirrsißouxim BOARD OP TRADES
JOB. rsmoon... i ISO. mos. on. 9 . 140U2.
CCXAID I2s2—'Sail. for Amenca.
Ariz:trice, Sharthen, for Boson. May 24.
Hibernia, Lang; for/New York. May 31.
Flex 'Xitkkath . e, son Ersoen.
Caledonia, LeAtii, Beta Boston, June 6.
V gara., L 7n i e4=ess ork. o . 3 lnne 13.
C 4%, Stnllen; freer Nerlioth, June 27.
Amenea, Elarri:Mn i . from Boston, Jul , 4.
U. S. Math Lent:tea lieumseathron ann Beam
The Hermann,tipl. Crabtree, on the 20th Jane.
The Waeldngt P.m. G. W. Floyd, on 20th July
Fllosl BREMEN.
Tho Washinenfe, on the 13th June.
The Hermann <at, the 15th July.
The Washinguth..i en the 20th June.
The Hermann, en the pth July.
Ofirma Prrysarrson Gszsrrs.
galn‘rdat Morning. July 7. ISO
The market eialobeds its usual quoin:less, and sales
hare been confined to small operations a the regular
trade, frith no unpoitilnt vizi..s in the general qua
. FLOUR—With the exception of mama small lots b)
wagon, We noticed go &WWII. yesterday, and no vales
from last bands. life may continue our quotations
fmm wore at 83,1120 . 3,75, mostly at the latter figures.
()URN MEAL—F,Upplies are tight, and very few
sales have transpired. We may quote nominally from
amain at 119 p dried.
RYE FLOUR—We quote limited sales at 62.55,02,-
GRAIN-Bales of i dam io moderate lots:from first
hands at 23870 e, snit 6tOtits at 19031 e p bu. No Wes
of other &set moons.,
pitoVitqcois.—...itider.te sales of Baton at, for
Shoulder, 005 e, Elii4g and Ilams at tif fiqc
Eb, acemditig to quitAty.:, Lard la quoted nominally at
61.081 for bbl., and 9 . 07 e 9 lb.
StiOAR AND Iklo.l4ASS—Sales of N 0 Sugar, in
regular Limited loss, by hba, . t So„. Loaf
Sugar at 0010 c Salta of N 0 Molimum at a range of
0001.13, f gall; and f; f Stigma' Howie at 10044, p gall.
4:RICKETS AND tt:l34l÷Ttia market le fatrly aura
plied with Patent Deaei,.and Marietta make,' from
wore at 11,25 for Mabel, end or Tub, a: 14509 P dot,
according to roe. • '
BROOMS—We ,oboe a fair simply to the market;
with Wei of comaum.erferchwitable at 51.e3, and of
best quality at 51.37431,50 V d,o. .
DRUGS—Tim follrmrimi It • list of prices of some of
dul most minium,' i.rticias under this head:
Aloes. Ihs• •• • • • •19tatiI Brimstooe. po b... • 40 3
Allo, "• •• 40 4 Camphor, rrf, .34 , 1
Asaosida, bs •• • it,a'rs Chlonde lima -••• • 70 B
Atroer pot,- • .• • 0414 4 Cochiceal, " 1.3001.30
Social' .ra, "• • • •1411 it Copperas, " • .140 9
Lolualet "• .• 'set* Lin Tont" -•• 7 0 9
bladder thobto,lbel9blSll . .ball".. • 900 M
Castor OiLbbla, 515921143 Sol Soda "• • 4044
gairiitte, bs 433,44 Lilac, commoo.• . • 11013
sintrit Dtinsisetto narkatr
i• 1 . Sr. Loka, June 27, 1849.
Tobacco—On Aloitio.yl9.9 hbd., 5 bhd. refused at 111,-
15114, 111 % 14 at SW!kW 3 at $1,1.503.35—0rr0 ttbd,
passed at 110J9/211,e0 1 at 03,t003 90 al .
I at SS; I lu 499,50, M.lti• I at 53,75, and 1 at $7,411
IP' 109 La
Ilicalp—Nothing o(intetett has transpired In this arti
cle. A loco( 47 Ids stow tinted i 3 year. old) sold from
SUMO on Monday a t 1311,611.
Lead—The market m very quiet, and with the excels
tiou,of 3,197 sold ol9hYoriday, In lots at 04,05, nothi
has ace, ported; $3b W the mot OderLd y.terday ng
and to day.
Flour—Receipts chutintee light, and the demand lim
ited, 'nth sales at 4a441a475 for comment and fair up
river brands; 93800,4 for good choice,
Grlill—Poor and tbramottgrades sell .50010 c, good
to choice axing (rot: for to good tall from 70
to 90ci prime and cissice:Booti3e ♦ ht, sacks returned.
Com ts lower, yeah heist at 309921 c for nuked; 330134 e
for pore white and t etiots, ueks retarn.l; and 330/33*
gunnies included. • .
Whiskey—The deman d for raw continue. steady and
all received during the ;fast three days has been sold
.169 e. 41r . galL -
Grocenes—The siles or Cog was SIX bg. fan Rio,
last week, from the. Levi. it 71e. Sales from store are
about as tirtivitataly quotird;4ay for common to fair so
gar 390499. p rims 49991 C, Cir Roo coffee 79, pod to
prune, 791979 C01121:9011 plantation molasses Y0.9991e,
rabollied 234144 e f gall; frisb nee 39414 e.
'Satan—Good 'inlaid., 4.1 at 39 , 1939 e; ribbed soder.,
490 1 1.; Clone, 4901 p; Continon hams 4 9 31 1 el good
dunce, 6068 O ft,. •
„Hides—dales of dly flint at rierfe; green and green
plied 3031 i dry 47e.--(Rep.
' Pir.W a..." Jane 25.
Sales of tattoo, 14sterday, IMAM bales, prises genes-
ally 'bar, bon too little done or transpired in Lomat., Thai PAT A PSC° PERI AL In INSTITUTE
as and hlfsaissnipol taitabltab macs—Terme-mast 0..X , 1-13 roan ralrllloll.C.
showing an advanns of ELLICO TT' S MILLS i it Ili POST-' /FFICE
Sagare-Sales of UR di at pervious mita—Fat, 31 C 70•11. Mr D rak - 1,04 or
graio. .. If rs. Listeo n Phelps ,
Melanie.--Sales of 200 !Ads—market dull—Rebelled Assisted by sang able ProfesJore nod Daderrs.
151012e.111 ILL smartie nee a neer sehotante rear ondic ends
Tobacee—Salea Si! 61 Was Refused, embracing lat 1 V 01 SETTENII3ER :NEAT Pupil. entering for
4e, and 29 at Ifo. t f " the nese year Can Ue at commodklrd dart"; tar •st a-
Flour—Sees of b . 333 bbl., Including 105 Ohl, some- non tenth DO•rd . 1 , bc I nfomte , at PftlP - cf •ansf-
Mot in alo ft , and 164 mast? Moms, at 133,7 b, e3U 110 vision or maim:hon. Terms Sans for board and all
111mnis and 300 sad 331.0 OW) it SIE4. twevessartes conn,:e4 with a. sod for Eagliarn cdoea
COM-Sala of tatlA sacks, mostly taken by one boy- don fog the ma ola_stic year or for:/ roar weem Av
er, d Melading 344.5 white wad 3to writ comislishment. Language. key wt. board to •aca
-2303an) at Ste, and 71.54/ at 33c_ lion, arum charge*
Pon--Balm of 150 bblk AL 0. at 53.45, an advance of For bealthiu.l.o,l of location. tu ated in a and
2k...A 100 bleu a slo4s,nalobnoas moon,' beauty of seen-ry, and rant y of
Bales of Bacon, confined to retail tranmetions, robin , access for traveller*, the Patapsco lastitute ur
fdr smoked Bide., Slate for Chnetnnata and 6io passed. That itsodes ntarrea rv7 beam...dig a ',vial
61 for clear, and 10:tiercks bagged Hama at tric.-Bal. and roe pltshed el ucenon are apprectated t') the
• pantie. com
tally demonstrated ley ne pad and present
Ctrezmnast, July 3. IVO. prospertty. mita la orb:Try-I Halt_ Pal
Floor and Grain-Early in the day 100 bbl. Floor
red fr-al stare andlooao from Whitewater canal at
53,85 bat attbsequonfii bOlders masap ooh of a
reared), In conseqfiencla of the breaking of the Miami
canal, pot prices ap t idtd nr • few smell lots $350433.-
‘n The market at the elfittalwas rather imsettled, some
bolder, asking 54. Notfiff transpired to Oraih. Oats
are generally held oloove batarday's pnces.
Proviso:we-The . .mtlythales beard of to-day were 30
hhds. Baron Sidesatki,and 61 lot Mole, and 30 bids
Yin. I Lard at Of
Whiskey-Tits anted to day were GO, 37, and 3:1
from ralltoad, lb do from distillery, awl about 75 Mils
!ram radad, all ar:llliewealio =mg a abght arl•mme.-
At the ease mum Lave ria upward tendency.
Cheese-A sale of ItHbeites, viewed at on, 50 days.
Boner- ask
of It. toga rboice for shipment at Pe.
Cotton Yarn -A sale ofllooo tbs assorted at 13c,
Coder-A salaam Sacks food Eastern al 71 c
Sire-The demand contiaues good and armee are
firm. A tale to a.r of g3 We good atok rash.
Elides -A sale o •IMI (try Arkansas ape, 4 months,
Th. price howevfr Huber .bone the market, rear
buyer, befog dispersed td, pay over Eta, for tbe best de
•Plsu.saccims, Joly 2, lin,
There was an inctetaed demand for Pour to day.
and we 'basket at the e'en was inner, sale. reached
apowatds of .000 bbls, IEOOI y at 04,44 for Mir rolled
eana. and Weatern, Ingtiding good brands at 114.50
barreL -
. .
Rye MOM is Marin I . odyieutand, nod 700 bbl., mom-
orld b ran d.,
l ' ltrt i oderdle rel nest and steady, 1303
bbt. Penn. Meal rid MS2,7OThe ales on Saturday
were al the tarns rite, and-not at 10,33 as artomousty
Wlthal , —.Tbereerrering, and the demand
continue. limited; 140W131001,,_ VIA reds rand buy
ers at lOW. and lorkpa ailosothrse.
Cara—With lighr, rithetpla ts dull, and 400003003 bo.
Penna. and Sonthercry ebow brought Oe.
Cott. is without-to:deb istoversent, and holders firm.
Gteneries—The saark.o remains quiet.
Proviankos—No khapaa in Pork gunner we. of Ba
con are reported ain't for shoulders, and Se for aides.
014-10 bbls Lard Oil anti on private Una.
Salt-4 cargo of 1.0,1 M ens Turk's talatai, sold on ar
rival; at about Men 1
Whiskey—Bbl. XII' Ih amil fats at pe, hinds are
steady at Sta.—CU: B. Gal..
Elcon ots. EngLese ritici Machinists Assistant, in g
Holteapefele Tinning end Mechanical Manipulation;
Toil 8 vss.
Tredgold on tba iltrength of
an Iron; t vol. 800.
BcotPs Cotton leplanstemd Manufacuirer, I vol Bvo.
Pcilatte Cerkninee of Glass Mellor, Bvo.
The ellirtd Boot riflemen', It roe.
The Apprentice;.by Artir. Club; vole, 4 to.
Cresaye EncyclOpriedlit Civil Empneering.
odlo'SlND•etriDs Engine
~ and and Architect; Co.
13ourno Stearn Fspginat Mo., by Artisan Club.
Arrieriertn Architect; gl
CerPrerltT and Voineeti. A comprehensive guide
bOog for earpenittruit r iolnery, 'nth mine for every
pastor well aren, belellng, and numerous platen
tots, Ito.
Practical Machinist' tied Engineer's Magazine;
cols, 4u.,'
Criadocke Leeierrei antics.. Engine, 800.
eibeee High Pressure Engine, I tots, S vo.
Hann'tTheolegital eit4 Practical Mechanics, avo.
Tonilinson's Haunter:a* Mechanics.
Dobsone audsments of Dos An of Building.
Swindell's Ruditmutegy, Treaties on Well Digging,
Boring, Ct. Just seemed and for Yale oy
ATHEN/GUM SALOON Ladles end Gentlemen N
Bathing Ettablislament Hot, cold and shower
Hatter He GrewCs, and All enter deheacies of We
*quo= Every •Kernica told to the comfort of Wow
*ln may favor htt aboic establishment with a cat I.
143 T. rd'VALL. Propnetor.
EEM LIIMITeOYe beta received • lot of Lamps
of various vises and Ninds, of a new construction,
gaits dm in ansteposplent—aome ornameotal.
:`A/so, the articl6 Albin In th.ft a/led ..Horning
Meld, or IkberiallOil.t• 4 has rare quaint.. which
recommend it to tio, emai l .= of steam boat men, bowl
ktopeo, and boon. keepore, for dearth... economy.
and brilliancy, sic:Palate any Wag portable now an
use. Yetwu seks Mettart to rail on on winhe shown
tbe pecullarnies ',Meaner compound.
coorlaut supplY rrf As Fluid and Letups kept by
r, : between Wood sod Market
•TO PEOPiT — Kra- - Pitifting Ink, from tne manutacto
ry or/. NlCrearY,Hsw 1 ork, in cane and kegs,
ont lb, Dorsal* oricatorn 23 eta In PI per lb. Al.
sored, blue, green wed t Wow Inks, In eons of lb. to
/Ls, conatantly Or sal . Moving used Mr. Al'esea•
ink In par offic fotnine months past, we ...mum
n e it equal to OAP 14 i
1 s none at any other mannfactory.
Terms tub.. 4ciailysToN k s TOCKTON,
Jo2o wiser Thud and Market CA
D 911011 . rulrerEne, for sale Ly
I li.Nllo3:3—s@v l.pbrro; 10 do Bur. 10 do Steannci
V for aala by J D WILLIAMS
50A.1 , -45 boa - n * l3oler.; 20 do No I Rom; 5 do
Castile2 do aodl , • 9_do Simone, for sale by
104 st for sale
S jai, .PD W LLIA MS
ioaf, ereabed and
paDrorixed ugOti,jitel reed and tor sale by the
bbl or al Mall, thiersn Tea ' Store, 70 Fourth sa
mgy r .
o,ooe. ASH—l 6 k l
CU ri b/-8.4 gr. rea'd and f0r..m.104y 7
),,an • Te PSC% . &
P A .T. —4° ' 3lB T°Ps ,: f 3 'w
ju r
Ijrti: tor
at Co.
t b, e tAuslity Comma flaw, tar
molted and .pr aabyimorl
t 1213 • 't & RAPCII7O
cgAbtr—A-54 abova reared artsele, for
VINE toutsll4, 11614,4 al DryGOOdarapyry
-I —) TiPfb - aWl ' n; I ndf g forint tirby
4 A }tt * ;• W IAI/t * H ' DIOKEY & CO
TA 0 . 6 1. 4hi 21p17-V-I;',..—PClttoo.lrkio.olfer•
vary nen aseounlent orrnteetry Mamie Carpets. sl
price. Jo sr thin can tritad ill any of the knetrra
00 OF Ws linty tll WI and usu.* our tarp
Suannautut befar4nuo telatewtters.
No Threat* sI
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson Brownsville.
Caleb Cope, Murdoia, Wellsville.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Lowell, Dexter Zanesville.
Mary Ann, McGowan, Louisville
Fort Pat, Miller, Lguisville.
Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville
Michigan No 2, Gnlson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacob, Browns,lk.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Beaver. Clark, Beaver.
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville.
Lady Byron ' - Portsmouth.
Hudson, McMullan, Banish.
Wellville, Wiggings, Sailfish.
Tan Ilzveafirrllene were 3 feet 10 Inches in the
channel, by metal mark, last evening at dusk and
BrownevWe Packet., 8 A. M. and 4 P. M.
Beaver Packeta, 10 A. M. and 4 P. M.
Cincinnati—Mount Vernon.
rut ?MUD rii.reu.
D. Leech & Co., packet line. 9 I" M.
eon rnitarolr.
S Beau, & co.. Canal Packet, 7 on'oe r.
Exchange Brokers, No. Oil Market street, near Ira 51
Penman - v.lln. Ind liana.
Bank of Pinsbargh • --Par State B'k k Branches • •
Exchanre Bank Par - B•skeSerip • •• • • •
Merck. k Man. Bank • Par Vir
ilkao(Philadelphta • • •Par Exchange ilk. of Va..
Girard Bank par Farmers Bk. of ‘,/•• •-•• • "
Bank of Germantown • par'Bk. or the Valley,—"
i• Chester Coaray • • •par Bk. of Vi iron "
" Delaware Co.• • -par }Lk M. Bk., Wheeling j
" Montromery Co • •pitr do Mors antown - •
" Northumberland • • per N. W. Bank Va-- j
Colontits. Bridge Co.• • par do. Wellanarg • •
Doylestown Bank par! do Parkersburg--
Farmers' Bk. Reading • park T• n
Famen'Bk. Books Co. pin Bk. or Tennessee • •• • •
Fanner* B'k Linteas'r. par Far. fr. March'. Bk —•
Lane.ter Co Bk.• • • .par, Planters' ....Bk.--_.
Lancaster Bk. -• par i U won 13k.• •• • • • • "
U. States Bank-----3u iniuouri .
Brovartavtlle Bk.• • ..... par State Motaaun•—
Washounon Ilk.. • • • • 2 North Carolina.
Dortrahmk 8k..-- I Bk. of Cape Foar• • • • • • 2
Chambersburg• • • —• • •• March's Bk., New oere•
Busquelumna Co. Bk.• 3 Stale Bank
Lehigh Ca Bank, -South Carolina.
Ler,atuna. , -
Camdea Bk ...... • • • • 2
Middlemwn • 2 Bk. of Charleaton••• • • I
Cyltale •• :Conanicraal Bk ..... -• 2
Eme 8k....... • tl tara , Bk. of Geonretown
I:armory' J Drovers' !Irk.ol liamOurg••• • ••
Bank, Waynesburg.. 2 klerchano Bt. - -- 2
llarrabarat " :Planters &Manna f tit • 2
floaoadua, Bk. of Beath Caro.:.. a
Lebanon ••• • ....... •pail ory d.
pat/ovule. Balumore 8k..• • • - • pa r
Wyoming •• Baltnie AO RR Ben p lb
York Bk.• • • ...... Cumberland Bk. of MI,
West Branch 81. gh•ny ........ • • • ..
Rene! Noma Far. Bk of Mary land • • -
M & M Bt. Put. do U !Farman' & Machu,. "
C. &Co. 'imp 16-AlLoo Bk. Fredenck
Ohio. 'Freda, te k Co. Bk.•— • • "
Btrua Bk. and ihanch. 1 Itlagerstown Bk
Mount Pleassatt ..... • • " 'Mineral Bk- • • .• 1
tileubma•tlle•—••• • " rampse°
Bt. Clturrrllle•—• —• • '•,WnhtrlpOtt ••
Marlette ...... Bk.of csumnater • • • • ••
New Lisbon• • • •
Clneinonti Banks
Columbus do• •
c :Uk. of S. Clad.
Bk. of Haver Ramen•—
Wlsoons . ln_T?rrlt , y,
far ..t Ft re I n.C0.9111 3
m.,, s w on ' Canada..
. .
. . . ..
Banduel/ ... 50 All.lvent Banks 8
Omega • • •• •• •• • I ,Bank of England NOtell
Norwalk 50' V 70 Play.
Cleveland----- i Bold & Specie V.ltt•
Xenia.---.—. .... ~. Napoleon a 60
Dar tan .—.-- Ducats 2 15 0 'J 20
Western Kuser, • old • •• • 10 ela
Frstaltltu DI Columbus Eagle. new •• • • • 10 00
chilbenthe .—.—..—. " Doubloons, Spanish. le DO
Lake E r i e ._ ..... u Do Patriot.
Solota•- • —.
La..., ..---l0 'Gruner. -••
Hamlton• —• ••• ••••••13 Frederlekselsorf•—•ll7 e 0
Granville 50 Ten Thaler* • • - • • 7 50
Parsers Irk Canton----50 Ten (fodder. .. . 3 so
Urbana —5O •Lantso.orf. . .... 4 50
fl.ssftablfyi lit Kokinsaga.
Bk of Kentucky 4 Net. York I pro
Bk.of Lontsvil le •• YS:ladclpioa • ••.c..• Toro
Norbern Bk. Kentuly• " Balumorn • I Prot
:few York—Cur Banks bar Inteen IT Its in
HE 15toeLlto , ders o( the Olno and Pendaylranta
Rail Road Company *re hereby nouned In PaY
fins manannent of Fire Dollar. per .hare, on or be
fore hnd I.Std day of in , y next.
The Stoctbolders rest6ng .0 PrnneThranla wlll pey
the first meta-lament to the President of the Guinn.,
at the Eichante !tang of Pntsburgh, mosc m Golutn
btena county, unto. the Trcst•ur•r et 4 siena ano
those tn Sta rt , Weyee. 004 Riet, tounues, to the
Directors re...l,n* In 11.osc count,*
Lty order of the of Vreetors,
enT2T.oln•Lryi3 JOS / BM, Treasurer
1311 EN Y OWN Y. at Octet,. r Ter., 151., 33
In the Ma., of the vo;ontar) Laing L un, of of War
rms. Mar. it. Co.
Spnnger Ilarb•ogla . - d W ~n(tnet
And n June 11d, 1519. N 0 . ,. hay.,,g gtv..n
In the l'lttanargh Chronicle itua Mercury . fur three
erect., of the fi l th of the ar.rount. anl nu •• s ceptiOn4
having been filed thereto. on rnoi,nn o' )1r t'uo,ney,
the Atedianl 14 continued ab.olut.,y, end V. in F. A ns
on, hiy. appototcd And., :o 1.12 , 1 n an 3 att,ust
enema al creditor, and mast tlietr ttacion anions
them. From the . itreoril
Q? I wall attend to the dot,* otnuo,e 2p
Mont ot my otls"e Putemrgh, on tbe I ritl a. y 1.49
II 2 o'clock, P. M W.V... tlI LN, Acolaor
P222 , 2.20r
frir•a4 RameAr.
'OR Coughs, Colds,Arahna• and Conwunpuon . Ths
(TREAT AND ONLY REMELPi for thr cure n/ the
we ducests, Is the lIUNGAIIIAN BALSANI (IF
LIFE, dtscoveted by the celebrated Dr Buchan, of
London. England. and Inuoduced .ino the United States
ender the immediate supennwnde ire of the In
The extraordinary moeceu of tau medicine, in lig
cure of Pulmonary disease.. warn.. the Are-rieac
Aral to solietting for 'treatment the %Torn postible ca.
its that can be found in the conwounity.-c awl that err*
relief in vain from any of Wo common 1.-mettles of if.
day, and have been given op by hie mow dtoungmstied
physic..o a. confirmed and lIIC, rah, The !tong.. n
en Balsam has cared, and will yore. We most desperate
Of cues. It i. no quark nostrum. but • ..lard Eng•
Bah =dime, of known rod este! raleoc y.
Every (way In the United Outer should be supplied
with Buchan's Dungan. Balsam of l.fe, not obiy to
countmatt Me consumptive tendencies of the climate,
but to be used as • preventive mediente to it
Goias, coughs, spitting of blood, barn to the sole •hd
Chew, trntuuon and serene. of the lurga, boo-htte
difficulty of breating, hectic (ever, night oweare, moor -
ation and general asthma, mailroom., whooping
Dough and croup.
Sold in large bottles, at per bottle, with fall three.
Lions for the restoration of health.
• • •.
Pamphlets, containing a mass of Engnth and Amer.-
eaa and other evidence, shown', the lir
equalled merits of thits great English Remedy, may to
Obtained of the Agents. ,(11011.101.
For sale by 0 A t AHNElrriniiK & Co., enrner of
at and Wood and Wood and dig air
VINE COFFEES—Mocha, Kneen, i.e.. Latent ra,
,r` St Duetting° and Elio Collect Just recd and for
wale at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth a, tura
AISINS AND FIO - S—ooo eighth hes prt - nie
PIN, and AO small drones fres. Fts, low reccivcd
and for sale at We Pekin Tea Store, ti Fourth street.
larbi _ _
SAFETY FIISIS-5 Lbls Safely Fowl. for bigwig',
for wale by_ ,022 J S 1)11.11/%151T11 & 0
I 3MILEY-lOU buit A ly&d s al 7 1( 4 1 r d c f .7,74 ,, ,, by
lual2 25 5101, t at
fear 111.1. of very supe nor quota - 0 7
V for gale by giti ABAI2TIIO iNC) & CHOLER
WHITE BEANS-0 bbts 'or sale low by
. _ _
RAIBINs-s+o lb. emyrna Jo Layer, 40yr 50.
Mitten; CA 1 do do, for so • by
j5Ol 1 D WILLIAMS. 110 Wood at
U101 7 4E6-I cask frosts, in gist. : a a for sale qy
I)ICICLES-1 caw I real Gerkins i Ido dr" for
sale say_ jolt J I) W1L.1.10.15
OLIVE OIL-I baskets glaracil lea, pi t bottles, Ydo
do qt. do, 2 do Bordeaux qt do, (or vale by
Jell D WILLIA 5114
li A i a' aio ' Z i eltrae"27lll - t u lr ' 3 , l° 4o do ito,itre ld , '' 2l
Shoulders; 44 . agar curt. limns ID lahati can
vassed do, all prime quality, in Care and (or atWe by
jota.l SELLEIts & 1i1 , 10L14
OUIJA ASH-111 canto and I.urrel., •Narralited beat
10 quality, for sale by JOHN ItYADEN & CO,
is2o Canal Hawn
VID ASP'D QUAISSIAZt bbl roarre - c4 and for wale by
jail It e. 053,1.1 1 .J18
the attention q( buyers to big assortment
of above desirable good., being the grow/se aitshnitk•
&hie article.
Alsq, Gauze and Persian Flannel), of Atlperlor gaa l-
ily andfloa fall assortment of common F annals, grime
and colored, at nortnenst corner of Fourth and Mat•
!et au, jolt
FISH-75 bl,l, largo No - Mackerel, TO daldo ,Sal
do; 30 hf do do No 11 do, Pb; bb,. No I Baltimore
Moines; 35 do No 1 wipecd do; 25 do No I ...mid
Shad; 10 do. No 1 Salmon, ;ow received • 0 t for BS le by
Jnalb JOHN WATT' Or CO Latenv at
unfiti - ifirkts—lo tons in wore 000 ;or anis
by KIER & JUNES, Canal 115•10,
jolt near IWlTen.h street
S-17WISIVEs-deaTiit7itilion [liana aorqhoulZiers
24 bbl. Not Lard, I do Dr-sec; 33.1. Feather.;
. 9 do Oluseing; 2 do Flasaced• to arrive; for sale by
/old ISAIAH DICKEY & CO. Plant st
uu - TrEl-3 bbl. freak doll Batter; 3 keg. do do ,
LI landing from canal boat New Brighton and for
sale by R HOWSON & Oct,
jolt) ISO Litany at
CHIN FAY, &e.-Scon's Engineer and klachinist
Assistant, being • tart. s of plans, SeCUOnlillsd coolU
riot. of Broom En,ine., Sporting Alatehmet, Hilts for
Grinding, Tools, do ,U Y folio vol..
Pontine &iceboat , r and Engineers' hlngasine;
vol., Co.
Creiere Encyclopedia of Civil EnyirneringAin one
Web 0 0 1,8 , 0
Scott's Cotton Spinner and Manufacturer, Biro.
Tatijgold On the Siren& of Cast Dorn woe ed. by
Flodirltmeon, in sole, tom.
The Steam Dtgine, by the Artisan Mut. l eat, Out.
Mudiaile Sarceeitilly Englneten and *retiree'.
Mona& MeehaMord Dr 'min
_Book, 6vo. For sale
by 021 11) 1..MV. , 9Q0D,0 Nod It
Cnntsas.—Tbere were only four deaths from
this disease yuterday in Pittsburgh and Alleghe
ny. Mrs. Martha Wilkinson died in Demand
Alley. Mrs. Andrew Flaming also died in this
Mra. McGiania died in the Second Ward Aikr
gheny, and Mr. Henry Sandnl lathe Fourth Ward
of that city.
Saw - rosy CoissWirrx LO;;;qu try we learn
that the Sanatory Committee is not to blame for the
non-appearance of cholera report., as it has used
every exertion to induce our physicians to hand
in correct reports, which they have refused to do.
The atiove Committee meets every Friday night
for that purpose, in the Old Court Howe, hut no
physician has ever made his appearance, with the
exception of Drs. Lange and Morgan, who are
in the employment of the city. We hope that
hereafter a different state of things will take place,
and that oar citizens will have the reports of reg
ular physicians, inatead of those of the local edt
ton, whose facilities for procuring information on
this head are not the bed in the world.
We undetatand that the Hey. Jonstass .
SON will preach to morrow, (Sabbath, 6th inst.) to
the morning, in the Rev. Dr. Swift's Charch, Al
legheny city, and in the evening in the Flint Pres
byterian Church, Pittsburgh, (Rev. Dr. Herron's)
In the evening, he will make tome reference to
the signs of the times, especially the commotion*
in Europe, as bearing on the final downfal of the
Budorrair.—The house of Mos. Leslie, of Alle.
gheny, was broken open on Thursday night,
end the burglars went up stain into the room,
where Mrs. L. slept. Hearing the noise, she arose ,
and lit a candle, when the robbers Bed. She had,
however, recognized them, and they were both ar
rested, and lodged lo jail yesterday.
FOCI, or Jot, day was spent very plea.
antly by most of our citizens, and no serious accident
occurred. A little boy in Allegheny had hla thumb
bloom off on that day by the bunting of a pistol which
he was firing, and a young man in Bayardwown had
Ms face very much scorched by the exploston of about
• quarter of a pound of powder, into whieb the ashes
of a cigar which he was smoking fell We were very
much pleased to see an few drunken men reciter shout
the linen, and the cells of the torn,. ou the morning
of the fifth of July presented a comparatively poor
-account of empty boxes." The dread of the cholsra
had doubtless something to do in restranntlx • part of
oar clusens from over Indulgence In eating or ernk •
ing, but be the cause what it cony, the street is grauly-
Mg, as this fearful disease has not increased. The Hi
bernia Greens, Capt.. Robert Porter, and the DINO..
Greys, Capt. John Herron, paraded in the morning
The Hines, we believe, were not out.
RI:MOUT —A man named Bowman was sum
mated to prison a few days mg ~by Alderman Ham
of Allegheny, charged with stealing two pip of
Lake Supenor Copper from the Foundry of Mr.
Thsos.oent-T CoNocer.—Mortis Brooks vs. yes
terday commuted mind fir tea days is default of
ten dollars' fine, which he was sentenced by the
Mayor to pay, for having behaved is a riotous man'
ter on Market is rest, the presto°, night.
Brascar.—Rath Hoy, slam John McCoy. was
yesterday committed to put, charged with stealing
a pair of shoes Imm a shoemaker named Mu!dcen.
at the corner of Second and Ferry streets. He had
in his possession two trunks, Ailed with shawls
shirts, and other articles or wearing apparel, which
ire supposed to be stolen. Persons having lost
articles of this kind will find the :Junks at the
Mayor's Office.
8ri101.... —The House of WldmM Aiken., of
the Eighth Ward was broken open on the night o f
the Fourth of July. and the thieves succeeded in
stealing about four hundred dollars which Mr. A.
kept la s trunk under hut bed. No clue has yet
been discovered which may lead to the detection
01 the burears. Mr. Aikens house is n.Dt tar dis
tant from that of the widow Kelley's which was
broken open a short time ago. We daily bear of
robberies committed in the vicinity otour city, std
the thieves seem to be quite expert in the!: art. as
they rarely awake those sleeping is the houses
which they enter.
Assaucr AND Harris,—Win. Gord,si yester
day lodged a complaint betore the Mayor of Pius
burgh, ago tiNt a ma, nomad Smith, whom he char.
ed wah striking his son with • sockand drawing •
knife on him when he came to deLnd 6u child
Tugs case, when the statement of the defendant heard, seemed • very tndiog one, bot the
prosecutor Inswing, Smith wes hound over to
rand his trial at the nes: Court of Quaver Sr.-
Ftas.—We give below the amount of proper/
destroyed, and the resurtace on d, wbrch, owing
io the lateness of the hour at which the fire oc
curred lest night, r/ o'clock! we were not able to
lancet 'a yesterday's paper.
Mr Booth's lea is about ID 000, St,:oo a
wha•h is covered by Insurance-37 000 10 the
Western Insurance Office of Pittsburgh, sad SI,-
WO to the Fraeklin Insurance Offsce or Pbdadri-
We understand that kr. Booth had hitherto
been insured to the Delaware Mutual, but mid
transferred the policy of $3OOO to the above office,
within the past few days.
The University was insured to Ow amount or
55. 0 0 0 on the bonding, and $5OO on the !manors
aid phtlosophical etyma., to the North Ameri
can Insuratme Co. of Philadelphia.
Lites.—hr ea.'. .0 promise lima et ten
ants a bashel, by •pplying at the depot or the
Sanatory Committee, on Third street, behind Hem•
mar Denny'• stable. The price at which it is and
Is the same as that patd for It by the thousand
Contras in Pirrsaustoo.—We are credibly ma
formed by • gentleman Joao from the city—•one
who has been a resident of that place for the last
three years—that on Saturitsi law, the 30th ultimo
torte were ten deaths from Cholera, noteruhatancb
ins there is no report made by the Board ot Health
to the public. Tate w doing great injury to Pitts
burgh. Those residing at a di.lance are daily ap
prised of Ite evolve., there, and the silence Dime
Board et Health as construed as COOONSIVC e
dance of to beteg fearfully to the int:rears. Ten
deaths reported by the Board of Health would not
alarm the public., but when they, through the agen.
cy at indtvidurds, era informed often deaths, they
are reedy reasonably to condone, that if the Board
would ant report tea oases, they would not report
thirty. If these rumors are unfounded, inch a re
port from the Board of Health would correct peb
ha opinion, end prevent and guard against any fu
ture Impostuons.
We copy the above from the Butler Democrat,
whole editor is doubtless unaware that there to no
regularly appointed Beard of Health a this city--
The physician of the Sanatory Committee has just
commenced making tepees, but we ran assure oar
friend of the Democrat that all the death, which
have occurred from the Cholera in this city hat •
been regularly reported in oar paper. The state
ment made to him is not correct, as there were not
ten death. on that day, though in two instances
within the past two weeks, there hate been from
tea to 'melee deaths a day. Bull, on on average,
the deaths from that thermic, durog that time,
would not average three a day.
flits-rtno nit Wirs --A German named Schmid.
der., who lives in Allegheny, was yeeierday ar.
rested and committed to jail, charged with beating
ho wife. This la not his first offence. but we have
no doubt, that an is generally the case, she will, in
a few days, come and request the Mayo: to let him
la Front street, New York,
MANUFACTUHEfteI of every variety of (Nettles.
Preserves Jellies, Janis, Catsup., Sauces, Sy.
Vegan, !dullard, Spice., Extracts.
VATE.Nir ricEsEHVhD PituVISIoNS, web as
Oyster', Lobsters, Saimaa, Mackerel, Shad, Mesas,
- -
importer, of Ohwea Capera, Satad 011 a, S•rdlnan
Float mid West India Condiments, me.
Their stock as more amens:cc, comprises a vetoer
variety, sad Is put up an boner styln than alma of may
[tabor House to their bnoantos an the (lotted States
Their goods ere packed an all the •arious packages,
end an m safe a manner as to boor transportation to
any part of the country.
N. B. Catalogaeo may be seen at the office of this
Palm ,
Agents an Boston: Salmi Pence & Co. Piuladelphim
/moll Homier EtatumocCa A. Hand Son St. Loma
Um, Buchanan &Co I.euionilea Jobaa Fonda & Co.
Cancionath Henry Brockman. Jo 3 (Cd 2 ffi _
Gentlemea , s Funalshing Warnotiouse.
95 William aired, New fork,
ANUFACTCRERS, Importer, anu Dealer. in
can VATS,
The above Hock wilt, on examination, be found not
only attractive est/move and /a 1, but Cheap.
Our long - experience in the business and Knowledge
of mandamuses, sith the (aniline. of_parchuing, are
each that we are confident we Cana rel inalacemenN
that cannel be ourpaued by any Boone in the city.
Particular auentnin paid to order. and the peeking
of goods. HERRICK tc SCUDDER.
03 William et, appear* Platt, New York.
•.1m ♦. rizaaul.
RANCE COMPANY —Office. North Room of the
E..b^.(for Third street. Philadelobta.
Fmk larscuack.—Buildings. Merchandise and other
property so TOW, and cameras. insured ogamat loss or
damage by fire m the totem rate al prensium.
Msams 13zCl•-OCI —They also inure Vessels. Car
goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise. snider omen or
operant ;robe., as the assured may denier.
iSt-k..T.ouroirAnox.—They •1.0 mow re merchan
dise transponeal by t 1 agent., Railroad Car.. Anal ßeata and :Imam Boats, en avers and .akes on thr
most liberal sersns
DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal, Erin:m..l A "louder.
John C Dv.i. Roherl Ramon, John R Sam..
el Edwards, Geo 6 Unger, I 1 am
R illiamhovel]. John New 1... Dr R %I Hu..
ton, James 17 Rand, Theophuus Paulding. II Jrnc.
Brook., ilenry Sloan, Hugh Craog, I.en gr
Spencer 3lc wain, Char ea Kel. J .
ham Ilan, Cr S Thomas, John Se ly ..r., re. W Jr
DlRKcrt 'its AT PI rrsnu D T. Slorgan,
Wen. Ilagaley,Jcw. T. Logan.
WILIJ AM MARTIN. Pros la. to
LD, Pecrrutry.
I-olos cm" the Company. No 4s/ I,Twor or..
Poi•Furge. p.ll3.d‘f PA. MADEIRA, Agent
Journal, Asnenean, Post, Merl -tor, Dlspeor s Chton-
Joie cops
CAPITAL $300,000.
1. Fu r. Jr., ucc'➢. I H., Jr., Pres't.
IVill insure azsinst slI kinds of risks,
A home inititution—inaneed by Dl rem,' who are
welt known mthe community. and who are dela-min
ed by promptims• and liberality to maintmli the char
acter wh eh they have Rammed, an adoring the heat
protection to thole who dealt. to be Insured
[haze - rens—R. er, /r Geo. Block, .1 W Basle.
N Holtora, Jr. H. Holmes, C. Ihtnien. Geo. W
Jackson, \Mxo M. Lyon, Jas. lApponeolt, Thos. K.
Loc., J•met ACAutry. Alex. Ninidek, rho, beott.
Orrlnt, 1h0..M Water street, twarchcuse of ?Tang
k. en.. up 1.1,1,1 Pittsburgh. iu4:dly
TORN 51. TOWNSF.ND. Druggist aid Apothecary
tl No. 45 Market st., three doors above Third st. Pitts;
burgh, wall have constantly on hand a well selected no
sonment of the beet and (testiest Medicines, which he
will sell on the most reasonable tenon. Physicians
sending order., will be promptly at ended to, and sup
plied with articles they may rely upon as genuine.
Phyaicians Prescriptions will be accurately and
neatly prepared from the test materials, at any hear of
ha day or night
Also roe utle, a large stock of fresh and good Petra
Notice to the Stookhold•rs of the Altana
%la and Ohio Talegr•ph Company.
ocle. Aso:iota°. adopted by the Atlanti c
an 7 d l' l% r to Telegraphic Company on the 3d of July ,
lead. providing that the annum.: meetings shall be held
In the City or l t lnlu lelphia, on the first Wednesday to
June.--ivtisch articles hive been •aperseded by the
adoption of a Cotner passed at the last sersion of toe
Legislative. winch pr3vidtr tor the annual meetings
being held on the The ridey of July--therethre
NOME: is hereby given. th , t the annual meeting
of lie Ptueknold• ra of.all Company, will he held at
the Telegraph Otter, No lot Chesnut street, Petladel.
phis, on Thursday the lath day of July nett, at Id
A , for the transaction of loch business a
may then he lard before t. at which Una, Nino (h. l
rectors ord. he elected to serve for the ensuing ) ear,
as pronden fur in the Charter.
W3l 11.1'KEE., liceretary
111,14631p1ua, Juno 9, . juls
Nee. CS. A. 23 3 • loenewn
FWtcn et. and ~.urUng ShP,I NEtV
Have on hand the I.rgrc eusonme.,l of
taw article ed 111:1113.1.8 and IltilitWlGß.ll, ere
keep an endless Tenet,.
Ids* de at at extensive toanufeetarets of
Oil Clothion and Co►trrd Hall
In the world.
Of all k inds.
- • •
Catalogues a aoet arm by to al Ordwu promptly
Abed. 1.1,:t% I & }IAN FOIL
Nos In, 254, 2.50. and 'Lb Lean st Y
THE pertne,hp heretofore exteting between Sam
uel Y Llu•htleld and Wrillara B 11. ye, tradin,
under , he Arm of ill 4 tHFIF:LD k II A VS. bas t n. t.y
dt...lerd l r WWfarn M II)) • well tag h.e enure
forefeet ,
In the 4-ma to S BuatiAeld Al arcounte
duhe r ve..i no roCe , ted ..r S u Rueltiteld. and
.1. debts due by We Isle hem to be paid
S I 7 Y 1 Xll FIELD, e
P.Uabungii, June 2t. ISO CV D. 11A1S
CO-PAR rNEEL , IIP.-8 O. Br otrteLe Irovlng tilts
day etu.oelated hmlee:t loryn.riy
.( Bedford, Pa •nd teeen , li of tee Nat.o‘ , Hat,.
Pal, twill., wall eenunue qt• be•mesi under .h. Urea
of 017,11F1E1.D LEADEN. at the old gland. No
Lawny 14 - ret S 0 1.11.(4/IFIELD
l'llubarge, /one It 1 0 49 H I.LADE:R
rcur..l from tee former Im.rtess. I take
pleuorr o recommeadtog my sue eel°, to tar pa
trouagr of my customer. and Me putoltelenersi , y
DI O.STTIrIe rammr..
Order. a. the Foot (glee or at atm Frvrtn . l. 01
FOul. uelloreen Market axtd Ferry. .t receive
prompt anent On.
Itarananco —Pro , Horne., , N,q+ster.G....rn•va N
Prot Cheate• Lkwry. Li O :t1 D.•nn N V
J 1. C. 0.5.. and Hasnt tun L. S.nna ite& to
I. I. 5heet... 1 41,f./ Hawthorn, %chat le-tr , Jon.a. J C
•no. ram Goo!, canctnnalt ;to. JO'
4 .. - . • .
L.1.t.h..- our. Ink, a. they are a.:
6 , 0.„
, rh ~ y
r . ac tcai .....)..• C. 01,10111, ro v.esd matter,
Iron any IL nd of p.m—tn. Co.',. deep.
oregbl and dur•toe I , I.- , have I..een r c. , e.•..1,e•
made, I ha. • ~..h, go,. •.or heard of taem ~n 1
pm Into es r .tt al-t no .1 eratts. by Me rnertmattm
tteniret V
trent 11 Y•lttrestutelt • tte Ilretry
erns/far, /toes:lnt, to of rottneKst - tut. lily,
K HMO KT Itrugspt •It I Cheat,. rurber
.nn ettattohele streets rilL•lmr‘h P.
N If —Anytoil, not pytne complete ;J. - I.on.
ean t.tor.ed a.E.4llbe ton, teal be refunded
W. K en ' o ' n ' t. ' ‘! " !l. :.rcr ." ?„p ‘ l:;
. L . ti,otn, on Id moo, ourlye.rt
Ith ,
•..ket lateet. I• , org
tupply for Ults •prung h. ha.
any ktfA. o. nt r^dured pflce.. 453.1 woo
s , ri.• not In , 00.le ear...rt.
E., In! spertat moll verrtea el.: wort, cd/tni //) ./
•t•nratshetll t to • r t/r. ,art/nrotto
It,.:Ae . • hrtinas, 01 S,etwe. I. lervore I. n 4 Art.
CaplAn's D rovr,:r, oo rtu , o ,
i . l/111/.1 F-ocyc op, lA, I.oudon • F...e Laos(.
4.lkrit g. Loudon • Kilo, ClCpm y
ilLa 01 ...oper
Or. • K norloi eol:o • DAruottat y
11P1011:10,e, Al i n loch • Dir , lnnarr of tirogr,
l'tos In uot,ory of Ar. .61 Nlaoof .clures. I-oove
Strtheal D.V140/1•11, a • CI raor..lla
oacr , :e. I c6a.coLl lArL.onary tetylon
voi• Fyn. W,L.A., and
Park.' I. oc,e.opeJt. Doutc,t.le E:ot.ortly, Antholfs
C's••lesl Oictsonory.
-Those ho Y. sr, full oilefora WI. of the het ad :
a:rartgrd an I pre,.. ,a In t,e het F . 0. 0 ,, r s .i .e
by 1.2
j 1 .1 Mr-. D , k
't w
TABIED FRUIT-1[0614-h A •led I . .eit,hes IRo 111 U.
LApp., ..orc or oa.e.
• 1;0 4.t., ~
tAttt. 1: .
earlt , ll ~n . .I; 4 lre
1 , 111 , 12 .T :b./ 11,1/.1,, I'S do ,4
R 11 1; 1 rrEn Lu . lorlStr•o r
s,i.siE z is
bbis Lurs eJ (/11. for oale , 7 c,sFivt
T 0n , .. ,. 1:A RN 1 box /..1 mr ., l D
1)(111X11-10 est, juit Icc'd
C H , 1. “ 1.114t1-11 - 11 ho. 'um and 1;
1 1 / 7" ::: K e ' 1 .. ,y juvu
Y-6°U "I.
pORpliN &NO ,
ole t11.;111
1. 1 11 IV hM 555 r.. 11 rliriE
IA; HITE EIP.A NS —JO I , bia Wiutc Iledai ;urt
VY red and lot ta , c by
W & R M C .TCRIEON.I:4 Idberty of
RESE—PU a mime West,.rn fr se, o Cheese,
ki loft !retired utd lot %ate by
•ta W& R CUTCRE(iN
-" ° - "KT:4,71. .7
A L i I y ES--.11/3 lb. 17 , 11. dry, lust rr i a and for rp:e
RI-.IAN ANn PA 1118 BLUE— m.
Onl r,
I. Am reed ix (or rule by I? 1
(%Rt76B! tat<
Si Aetd. l'ruo.Lc A- d, Cy ulna ju.l
n•e'd a' un •Cc by juTi bEL. FAS
. AI.I.ITER'S (ANTAIE.NT-I,J dot fur r,la by
Al 0120 R
LARD -10 ter! Sn I Lard.r• d abd b.r •a, by
1“1:1 RADII I:R•ar.4
DRIED BEEF—ID bcree• Dried Real Rounds. to
l arrive tad tar by
t - ,y 79 kegs
ju torly No e ! g f i lr , d . . ,,, tlanr;• C a . n ,, d 4. for
MID OIL—It W.I. Contling's No I Lard 011, In
LA do No lido, ta store and fur stun hi
u(/ H eu fIED HAMS—(KU now rend) . In orlon. r
ta grow the swore hon not eupPnor q 1.1. y. Int a•lo
of jud I ItlAlAll IiwKEV A t Pront al
111(11 I/ AI•I'L.S:A AND 1'5 , A,111.1.73-10 iWals tined
Apples, 10 do do Pencheo, jo , t rte'd an.l for on:E.
AII.SI.StRONCi .h ‘'Kra
J 421 d 1 51.1rvel
DAI T/N-1D p. •nden nod Snonidenr, to d 5, reed
I) and for ...le ARM:3 nul 1,, & CHOZ.ilt
raFII.NIAN CLAY—Arrived al BN ninre.
kj 20 lon. of u 3,, v. taar wo reerav
a., • fcr• any. pc t canal, auil for
1) UT ABll-10 rsks op band and ler saT by
8121 'I'&BSEY & LIF3P
Y r.A HL ABll e }aaT a A n ,,, tl
WHITE FlBll-28 bbls fret& inspected, If b 1 bbl
do do, fast reed and for sale by
CILIEEKE-31 bes prune Cheese, O,E lenthag :sad or
&_..) sale by ford J 8 1,11..%% lilt II ac
FLOUR -i 2 bbls FlourTior - sele
.It°CluKzIET 'Ott'D€i ter
& co
0111 , ,E8E-171.1 boxes ace jueL red aad or
%._./ sale lOW to close conagnmeni.
juin comer Wow] A.d Wale, or.
ITITCII-21 bLls Pace, (or Sale low by
J. 141.• JAB. KERR, Jr & cn
- _
SOUGHT SPIKES—Vhn kegs associett stle•. fur
TTsale wee by pal IMES, MATTIIF.WS (~)
A A- hiesiTs hO. are now odeetng Iyd wide
. brown !dwilln at lit eta; bleached do at 4i cis;
vary Abe 8 ass; Summer Staffs of every vat i-ty: more
Callebew at 6* eta, Lawns oc, fast colons, warratand;
fin* Storages 18 and Ms own Wrosi•ltt Coda, at
sad 106, CbtuaLsabillsa,lB. M. lna
4 ti l rij
g „_
-- 11 - 61 t
JOHN ssaul/400---
Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer In
SI'S I . F - 4V DERS, It( tsoMS, ARS,
The fAeilitte. of the .ttbeeDltt , for , nnedrnng end
mantle . ..metope his goods cost , - him to supply his cue
towers at the •ery lowest market price, and every
effort wilt Ire mode to render II nu oh eel fot MereltaMS
end dealer. from every seellOn , of thecountry to give
hum n cell. C HAT, 11.
Dr. Wlekei , s Celebrated
r 1 ,111.: public ere requeeteol to read the foltoertng cer•
t.ficates Thit teethe!, t• extenetvely used
ail the F•oathern and Ea•st-tot
. -
We do rertify that Dr. I ocm iViceat. of York, Pa ,
mot under hi. care mid managetne.u. on or about int
fine of °ember lest, a yomic man laboring is. der a
severe attack of - Asiatic Cholera." That we clam
med the mud patient. and , otind lom to be in the col
lapsed state. orate,. dist-see, with frequent and copious
rice water discharged That we pronouneed it • case
ot ti Cholera. .41 declared moreover 'bat we
believed Me mrd patient was beyond the hope of med
cal and In fact we thought the pencil womd die,
and so declared at the lime.
. .
We further certify that the weld Louts Wickey nor
sueti hi, oven mode of treatment. and adsnunster,d hie
Cholera Remedy, and elected cure or the pattene
Wr in four days the eeallrr the or
young man
was at work, and perfectly well.
Jona C. D nn, M. D.
T. B. Etrearrr, M. D.
earthy that I ended s c %VW of roodtfacd Cholera an
der the cart of Ur Louis Wlctey, and Ito. I behave
hu ruethctso relieved lam
State of Maryland, Washington County. to wit.
I of
that I am welt acquainted with the gentle
men who have wpm.' the wultit certtnewe. of llr
Loma Wm key. and !try are melt otrespec ativity
In testimony whereto! I hereunto stitmentie my
h. a. Coate. and ea% the seal of my office, this four
teenth day of November, malticeir hundred and
thirty-thres ft 11. WILI.IA hIS. Clerk
Wa•hing - tou Courtly Court, Maryland.
I wunessed the odnotatrottor of Dr Louie
orepaa ton for Cholera. in the ease of an ppren•
ttre to the plastering. btioinr•• in this town (lingers
town ) His Was o well marked Case of AsWiz Cho
wah nee water evm a.m., cold &annoy skin.
cold to .gue. smal tremulous allies —I eta tudered his
sitilatiOn truly critical end olornong. I PIM liana pre.
aim. to Dr Wiekry. and wes pnseld at tat aacultk.
trouon of the first now or medley,. end Sow hint re
oastedly man to the atendonee al Dr Wt.:icy, he re
covered an as to be ohm to •tend to and Wore a his
trade in a few day a I am sure He ten k none tithe' hot
the mallets,. adountsed by Ur Wlc key.
lited••tt W Done. D
only true no I rename Da. Wtcaako CM 'era
and Diarrhea& Med cam to prepared and sold wl (Ma
sao and rewd. by .1011:i D !eItDtDAY. Drocal It,
patiAltm one dour below lustmond RI ey Vio”.l El
No. al4 and 2411 Liberty street, treat the Can , .
Frew , ' Uurr Ili ;Mum, oi my owri m•nufaciare,
made n 1 new .per .or quality of Mocks. partte
Oar care It taken to bore the ionns made elm, aml
ad the Mocks lleaen MOW: of • molornaqualsty. Then
are ar,ranted to t'e equal to at y to the country. and
ateper.or to the err at ens.. o( Horn, battler m tormgn
or ornemo. aarta.e. and a0..1 kit the .ona - cat pet
ens. Mid Slone, to...ifactorrd In ranee—a gene
ral tasaoriroent, at reduced price, always o.; hand.
Loore. Hill M.ll Stone.. •11.10 e.
001, Agrblr nzamp warranted best plai
n, and al greauy reduced price*.
Spissdlet aldi Iron, ,CIG.r. Trek. £l.•
form Corn •nal Cot. f.rt.tcler, aml
lasting* of ail kind, •od NLi l'urmcbmg in gen
A.I orders prornpLy attend...l tl at 114 and 246 I ib
eny mere, rear the, Cacc. I . .L.t.urgn
my 30,f111m W WA lA. A I•F:
PI, taborgh Stearn .11•rble Work..
‘TO. 5144 1. ap rratchtmtd tr,-1
Nl,rt• r M ea,•tt• Totett•liltie I'mort
de e tar, varier y 1,1• Ina. • r•ott•ut km, Itt•Je
ot the hart• qutatt• • tort, t.ntl ttorn•• ntar•tc,
hfwa, • tat. o 0.1 or mad .• orti•r. • the *ad ot ma•
rnmery. •hortrt , a tme at: m the tomr•l t-tr
:•• Couutry Etat , : 11,r1 , 1,1 1•11. S a I tiol.
o( .11a1 at qt. otottre•l m't • A:I ororr, promirly au
testoini 'a at . 444 Lt.:, tI) oppo•tie -otttlat-.11 •1
m)JO tl•ut AI.I.ACT
Patent ,:one or Fr-n - 0 Burr SNICAM A
I/ \ F—the hr.. aructe oßar. l.uudlll u.r, they
run I'ght. r.eau 13.1.40 to e 7e, . I :3•1 a
1,. Lune Auoui 5.0 of Botßu ate kucte
uuII u, the eoutur). an.l a••c Bro
1. , and ulnrr n way. ot. Aso.l. or mule ururr
on v., y nt,orl noner. and tit< lowcxl ort,t, A I or•
J.r.prooliAly attend,llo 1:14 •.•ar
Wd Gum . szold " c E
t.A+tea PAu l,.—Fur land. it u , her,
a: 11! Li , -er y at
my 9 wAt.I.ArF
lIURA CLIC V.VTL o” 14,1.1. 4: 211
I,Arry NV Al.l
• RlNr”..rost,- and gnu, a...a
nand •t AN L..t•crt)
• • •
4 A 91 P'S ./ flPrel. etre ..ff,
L] Igg Ivo Ig S 11.4 1.114,.•
4411 MLl•itta• 41 11:111
• prwea.
9.ntie twin 'mit, Runverr S 11114.•
4l n.I SI ixt, Inre.t (u•:14”.1. e u,%9
3Lt ,co 41. 1.14 . ani 91.,19.• urld 31.1
Mr•rina4.4 l'aliror •xt • .••• Ire I ...a...,
Wrouri., Cully• el.. do ~•e• •I 9 • 99.
Florerr. I•ra•I Bolin, • r• • f; nvcs a, 4 Cl.
ioerin r w•t • a - n to a•••ar,cale.m 0!,,,,[4, at •-ear
'4 atm n. the u• r••••• ,ui•
I vela, owasure tha , 14e sa' •ertbers
:htOrtu of Pitt-C.O,VA and
cr,, that hate ,•ompirtea ar-aner
. • " menta avlth J Jr,Ain*
4' o: We:ph:a. la a "or
And ant , hr , r,..attre her. conatan,r on
6a:t , : arc y x... 1 pet
11 ., p me , a.. pae,• 01 mott I .t. 04. 0. 0
l'h Uwe; on ate,' e vr,l—•lt 0 10
0 , Tea,
It nlnle 0( the conerr and
depot "ht a lelph,a. wh .11 ,LA1.40.% to return the
Ira, II not lAked
• •
,x L •
; "nPOWd,• ••
1 . 5 no 1.25 1.55
•Sff 100 1.55 ISU
E • 054 11 1.00
t 1 II) la3r; • 50 154 55 1.55) 1.25 I SO
Mark • •47i 50
Fine and extr• hue 1a IMU 13 1.511
NV, aril a •etaels.l toe TF. s ant eu I to i.e equal
tn. if not 111,[60 . • to •ny toOI tof• wad h fald
he,. not prove aeceptut o c to 14e facy can
tutne4 and the mune, anti rclut•dca, p• Al ow)
oft nh that unit, r•f•n , 0 a we 5,,
. .
We aak fair tr al. that vhr pd:pite ntuy IK ut, e to
oslae betvereit T•st• and toi,ae haretuCora. w 4 by
other ntnnan.a• 111, rl,l
All Inv, rs u. tola ,tr,tous :and good devoted TIIAS,
shots A vac us 4 eal .
For CI, I.y S 'OUNG s CO.
Ntl corner MI “i Ferry st rep., n tad
E 5.. NI; .5 CO,
nr1111,1 , 11111. S W nnu Ros.
j r , DR. W. II- D AKE,
Jlll.-4116 . T.W tEs
I,Trta it—Stnlttauc•+ tree, beivrer ,evroth wr.d
Stray.rrry Ault,
NI It—Dv-124, of the mouth. gum • and nertb , rentr4
lionneopathiesliy d ha
OFFICI, Fourth .Reef neat tiraot, 01 the room
Int•ly or, opm.l I.v Al..termln tnod oe.
ly otposo, NI, Bak earit'• Ile may 1,, ml
'o.lli RI Illgto
1. No. 71. 7'l. Chtnes lintel lull ,IGul
, E4llllli STERRETT,
. •
atreen, betarecn ..I , ont4fichi and li•an .
I.l.lsburlh, Pa. ,ull
111FIne• for
lJ eylinders.4 foes slrotr; 9 Roden. 00 fret
,rho, n th.,meter. tall in 000.1 order, In ,old at
bara t, if apoltestion he made g They hat e oily
been ttae al,out l!tnuath. For on,nts, onitn,
of jot I.dtf It II A 1 A. t.osette
TAI•Frs 80, 00-r; EEI'l Nr•--10 Rilk• 10( telt clpy
wor:. out me author a tr.etiors tea. It
era printAl on the rovers A 3,-. rupp:y just rota,-
nerd from New York. ••.I for muie by
oilN II 11.0.t.tin
DR S. hr TOWN-.END'S ,n1(..At•A1k,1.,..,
dozen Dr. (tenni ,e S'Ar,par
)u.l roe'd and for It I. OF 1..1.1..10 S.
57 Wood only Arrant lor P14.•1,..; it.
jai Ily D II CURRY. Agent ,or A ,re hen) ,•Iy
11711ITE U.H./DS POOR DR13. , ...!5—W it Murphy
V h•• • large a..rm.:fit liou la, I.t.e:y
raceired, such n. pla n, • lute Mu , trini 1011 lie ,d
to ,very planSw,..• do. Intrred 73yr00. on, 0 0 0.
I,prdeual do; anon barred can lu, .oft ft.. lied do.
aaun strip d do, a• d n e r ko.trunel t It
.001. as plain u,.,1 n. tz
Lvee, Lag.
tugs, An —lit nortnea, corotr 410 and Niararl sta
bol“ale Rooms up •tnirtt jut!
D liA CT! VUL (RN AREN'T'S . FOR l'A RLf ills -
D Jastar DLUC. WIWI), Ili Vs .od srret. has .61.
rorerred \ Ortit br.illully ornAruct,Jed Li Ii A I' F.
APRONS, 01 . rk •uristy of patu.rns nMI color, a..,,
rut 'rum. raper for arm...bag ala.sds,
picture frames, 0 Itinps ju at _
A r the sign 01 the Plmue and Sus.. :. \ - tool
A a corarets assortment of Cloctortati Conyer s Tools, for ...le by aryl. ItURER is LA I/ FM AN
'PA RTARK: ACID- Itei the jitit tod'd ad roe sal. ttr
1 jute It 1: sl::l4.P7th, 6; is mo b .t
I , U RN ITO ni: V - AkN 1,11,' NIL I . }.7dis'ter7.:4
. rescued7o gsils
lust rescued wad tot sale by
u2l/ 11 1.; Sl-1.1.F.RS
I.) R na j t U t :;. r..e .b It t o l e ( It 24 1 ' 1 : 15 - , ( I, : l ' tic c :l u Le r° rlae U r " t r :;,e b4 ;::: . ' C r l 7
mo(e! Potash, Seidlits Nltttorro, lust ree'a sin lar •ale
by p. 1.49 It K 5k.1.1.E Rs. lr NV, , , ,, 1 t
R T . ! N ., - . , , , ,: y l'- . 1 31
i hi , u,6 NU - 1 - Hit - 1 . i t l , l , ~.111, 1 . 4 .) 77 1. tl ,,, n i id
1 )EC k NS-0 bbl, largo Pester., reel and (117 I I:FC
i by lulu R S..IIISUN te. IN
11r INn -
door W-- .
ass _,
- aw - G - LAps , —[. 0 b., , D, w.
Se his assorted uses, meld Will It, • tie I,
Jule It ROcilSoN & CO
Pen . ch:., 222 do do Apple.
I ;
for rigre taw to eloot cottolg.t.o'2.•
Itta.Y. MATTI' F,WB le. CO,
102 t 23 Wales' at
SASII--30 tins Motions . Sash, a ;sorted sizeess.
nit d tor .0e by luit. 11. HOMPON Is int
bids "vid 111 . 1 d /11:11 . 0111, ott hand 5,1 for
sale by IMO & Citl,llEßrettS
jp_ RI CV WC:111104:0k New Carpet Wivehouse, No 73
posieth ,no
the latest Improved patterns of 3 p y
Onrpets, to which he Mot." the at ention of tuns.,
vr..hing to furnish Steamboat. or H0w..., op be is do
te twined to sell as kmr US eon be purebas e d in v.,.
Ea iota W 31'CLINTO K
pasts Dung Hy.on, :unfoort or and
Mark Maa, on hand and for ra , t oy
I•clutsively for Pumogora,
Boats MOM Lino mill loam)
follow., at o'clock at night:
bottom/I*—J r Thompson, Monday, July Y.
Indiams--P Ramey, T oead .,,, y.
(duo—A eratg, Wednesday, 4.
Kentucky—H Truhy,
Lornsfann—J P Thompiron, Friday,
Indiana—P Barkcy, Saturday, 7.
Ohlo--Capt A Craig, Sunday,
Kentucky—ft Troby, Woman'', 0.
Loaimaus-1 P Thompson. Tuesday, Is
Borkey, Werlomulay.ll.
Obto—A Cr.,.r Thursday, ie.
Kerucky—Copt H Truby. Frulay, J u l y , 3.
Loan, .14 P Thorstp.on, Sidurday, 14.
Indomn—P But key, Sonday,
For passage apply to W BETCH,
Monongahela Home,
jTI or D LEECH It Co. Canal Basra
MigZl 1849.:...
Band Erie Expru• Packet Lane.
R G. PARKS. Heaver, Proprietor.
7111 HE nes , and elegant Pusan.. Parkes.
NIAG RA, Cant H H Jeffries;
PENNSYLYA-Nl.l, 11 Hoilmam -
LAKE. ERIE. , Tnal.y,•
QUERN - CITY, •• J McNeil);
Forming • daily Line between Beaver and Erie, have
comnced mining, and will continue during the !Ka
mm to e make their rerular trips, leaving Bearer after
the arrival of the looming boat from Paltaburao. II o'-
clock. r and arrive at Erie in time for passengere
to take the morning boats to Buffalo or up the Lake.-
Ticket.. through to Ene and all Lake pons, can be
bad by apphcauon to JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agt,
corner of Water and Smithfield Ha
antlan under the St Cherie. Hotel
Nor Greenwood Garden.
Fl t TaT. commence on
Monday, may 7, to run from the Old
Guiellisood Landing, foot of Pitt at,
to tin Garden, leaving in Bo'clock, A.. 11, and at each
n hoar trout 9 o'clock, r. I/O my from the OW ,
The It•I10/111 tee supplied with al the delicacies of
the season. Tot at 6 o'clock The Garden, with a
large collection of taeenhous. Plana, Dahlione, An•
noel Flour Plants and Shubbery. The comfortable
wharf boat Greenwood, will be placed at the Pitt
street landing. rnyt
Drt. D. IITINT; -
Dentist. Corner of Fourth
land Dentate, between
Markel and Ferry aieett. scpt-d yin
6. W. RIDDLE, Dentl•i•—•
.77 7 Rh:NOVI-ID to a new three story brick
on Smithfield street, one door below
Sixth stseet. Teeth tutored from one
to an entire set, on the , ocuon principle, with a beau
tiful represenlatilik of the 11.411.1 gum—retuning the
original shape of the flee.
IL—Teeth extracted with little or no p.n.
Decayed Tenth permanently saved by plugging, pee
reeune the town ache. which is mach better then ea
nnF though it should be done to gee mint les, or
ereu •freal v
wit •
II KALI. 1•..
P:IM n, METWZIEN %I'ool.l 4WD !11••Zif. PrlT9tri2Gll,
f h to manufacture all kind. of COPPER,
TIN AND SilEkrt IRON WARE. Ai., Muds.
smtth %York.
Steam Boats built to order.
Hmal CICII don given to steam bolo work.
Have on bands a fine assortment of Coppemmd Brow
KotlitA, TI n Wart, be ko. Meat:Moat Cooking guise.,
Portable Forges.. vane.. Uses —• very convenient at
or le for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road
We would respectfully inane steam boat men and
otben to call and me an, smelts and prices beinre
porebssum etusrbere to?
10. 46 Market duel,
IT A VINO purchased au extensive and carefully se,
1.1. 'rated stock of Spring and Summer Ooods, the
subscriber respectfully lislowo• his (wends and the
cublic that is now preparing to receive and exe•
ote their ord-rs with dispatch, and in the mutest,
moil 1.1.1b4.11 lat, and fashionable manner. As he is
determined to do bustness unithe ca-li system, he Bat
ten !muse°f that he will be thle to do work as cheep
as it can be done at any establishment In the country.
lila stock is caned, conshting of Cawimeres, Bros , -
cloths, Vesting.), te., which his friends ma r“pebtful
ly invited to examine ror themselves
40088 TAN:v EILS' OIL, in handsome mall
OIL --eonstantl7 on hand, bleached and anAleaebi
etl winter nod spnag Sperm. E.lephert , and Whale Oil..
Alse. lien colored selected N. W. Coast Whale Oil,
sultable rrmiltnr.
PATENT OIL FOR 111/414INERY—The reamer,
barsare now prepared to aupply •beelan's Patent VIP
tn arty quanttiy, mnehtnime. manuticturert, &e, are
redeemed to call and examine the article. or Ificatee
or. efficacy and caper Dray over It I other oils, from
solof our moot extensive rut .uracturera, are to
oar ,orecmon ALLEN & NEEOLVS., Apr.
•,1 V south wharves, near el.eslnut
fcbl6 enchant Ynsiadelp!ne
e. 78 Wood street., Pittsburgh.
Fri ' s " l' il K •r:4 N „ D a L sj ‘ rkm M s A tit i t n ll7l1 r. Ze. d V. e BV, e t ' s
all as varattec an now prepared to eut as low and
ou a.
table terms.. can be purchased elsewhere.
We toned our (nand., and the pubde K-florally, to
COO. and examine our stock,. which conests In part of
such as 1-neke„ Latches, /linden 1.1.1 Screw, lordlier
8 entry article usualiy kept in Hardware Storm.
We int ihr the attenuon of Chrpenterr and klerhusons in our amusement /I . whleh trite been
.eluted great earn. an erbten weare determin
ed to sen so as to tee saustaenon. apthda.cer
THE undersigned have erected wor. •in the fly RI
New Nora, tor the purpose of Galva:lama all sill.
cies of Iron, which it is desirable to FRO FRC f FROM
RI'S F, such as Telegraph Wire, Colts, w 'spites, Nails,
tV,re for Fence*, and any other article hich may be
required. For Hoops for Ca &s, as& substitute for bale
Rope. for Clothes Lines, Liggitning Reds, and a host of
sorer anpheatiOns, 0 wilt be found cheap and durable.
Ibleyould particularly mill attention to Me Gelvani
srd %Vi w re for fences. it requires no punt, and will not
rust Also to Spike. the preservation
which le of so mach importance, that it wlll commend
itsen to the notice of all those tntr rested.
liEt) H SIUHEW HIUA Co., Patentees,
oettu-autathr II and It: lt , skv<, 4. N vork
Notice to Daguerreotype A
reectved, • ~ball !two.. e of VUR,
el DER'S IieIetiWURKINI.; Ivyrttu.llE.NTs—
The.e lel.rortionts posse. groat
Wean:ages over et 3 others ego, outdo, Covering Et 24
reouetng the unto of”tio•Jultr, anJ
pro.luemg • .horper. cgrarer t be.ter ilehhed pte
'aro r:.r ) there•ore, eh•sen, .ttehtlo.l and
l'nengoged or Intendtm to engage. the bastuest.
ee lot the robe 5175.
A ' , floral ansordurflt Vender's justly eel,
I,,strumeolg, of al: stt&s well Daguerrco
t)pe 11,derld14. at 111 , - iowest rates
MIL l'Ef :011T11, Ctoetnaatt.. Ohio, Its oar an
tloruoti a, for the sale of tne .Dove lastruments.
A I-kat Pnees.n to obtained by sAdmaslog. post
paid, W. A F LANt.,.7IIIIIM,
Ere [111.1,CC., I'ht:aJeipL u,
Intortery of Daguerreotype Materm!., and lornerni
Aer,:• for the nre.c of Vorgdoender's Optical than,
rnent, lorirCt.rodam
THE undersigned have this day avvocrated under
theown o( Phoinoven H Ina& 5:+,,h., far the put
pos, of usemulActuling pi Cr. hi the Cluana Paper
Mill, where they ',IV be pleased reecile•he pairou•
sge of the public, and the former eustatners of the se
nior palate,
They will at •Il !tuxes keep on hand ayncr•l u
sortment oi wriunr. wrap : Ping, toy and ll aper..
bonnet boards, hiault hooks, etc etc which they will
atehao(e for e.ra t Pnen and cotton raga.
l'ru.ter• and ta,ott Punitaher• can be supplied with
eeery dew rtpt ou of printing leper at snort notice, and
at reduced rm.,. T11t.1.•.11 . 50S HANNA
A pill I. '49 Er:1111.011)S HAIN r
saboortber has o.t received at the Pekin Tea
Store. 70 Fon: th street, a eery largo and well se-
.et or pare Lettel.:N AND istAkcit TEAs,
from New York all of whoett has bee.r reeelved to tn...
conotry lone< the first of February hog ennereti. t g of
the dittere.,t grade. grown in the Celestial
thir stock boot, auto dr the lurgeest iti the tVe t we ere
prepared to reholems , e. 0.1 Leiter term. th to any other
ot the coy. then et mat. grocer. r god
ant. , .. our stoc end priceS riot h tv. pock.
•nd I 111 packages, tb tot ca ~,,, wt.t, or by
hal( cbeets, to goo rhea eonrentence.
Our Kt>, vary or llotottg, Bark Tear from
SO eta to 81.0' per Ih., Nlng Etottertang So eta,
Congo So, and English Itirlraltfort Sts, Voting II yson,
r,sispotrler anti Impend. from :IS eta to BIOS per le
Yam, tr .. are retiserte.l to sea I anti get anmpies of
of nor Tear, and try theta before inteellortost.
met ,J.l.r.est A. JAYNE+, RI Fourth .trees
FACItII for ch. Pt:bile,
In :relation no that Unnvalled (wady Sale.,
Ir_s - roloNY of a rrspeetattle Ph yeirtan —Read
the fel oortng, addressed to my Apettt, Mr. N. Me,
rya-ea:leer, edictal:tau
CUterallArt, reb ttit
:Uri A sanse of duiy compels me of girt. at, triiiitos
to Dailey's Pala Et esetor Being opporrd to q vac t•
sti and nostrums having for weir object riu" , er
tow, s—out resli•iitg much good tram 'its • big
I. es: —I alt tuduted w troth:, )0 4
rate base used it my faintly. tit tut ist , etiest and
nil the nappy and treader-I streets that Could
poulttoi Ise imagined. 11 J bmmu, dl
- Dr. Broils to the sertiot partner of Brodie sr Levi,
bVianaglatory Rh. oust crylk.
The following toutrnonioJ comes from •S . source It.
millar in many or ulnae ve,ng on our M ester° ora.
lc,. Mr. Oltme. th e well and tovoranl) boos n pro.
pnetor of the Parkersoorg Hotel, tallsh•hd ltt
Lady whose letter I muse,
P•samtsat no, Va , r pnl 13. IRO.
To Henry Daileyt%bcyalr to—l i t: "."41 for
merly been long stilie.ed - wOll violent Inflammatory
Itheunoatnust which sot eared rt. bent- seated as to
dell , ll or.linary oppl.anee• to allay tho wrens pato
at.endnic I was ,odoced to try yip, Mapest r• 111
t..llroCtor, and it baring cal eted, alifunit as a by Ma
gi, an anincOl.ito relief, and also, to all 141pc•tIntnt •
ett . tre aual perfect corn. I a unlaced lot thc neon--
fit of woes who may be 1101, tad with pain., e•used by
5,,, lntd or tollsovnatlnn, to wide to on, dectaroug
lust in Cl) optnion, louttlicd ofl
your Magical Pint Extractor ti the moon vuJoaute do—
co:ery of the per.e.tsgo tur the 1111111tOtate extrecuon
of noddy putt. It is au 3.:nanal. Immettma awl a vet ,
feet cure lot Bunts and teWdA, and werual
Itavomm cm
any pualotflocen formed by than •iti/s
Mmy tturtmod's hotel in ihteplace / bare so/moon/a
Ly t our shownng them three few One., It may postfbly
of L. nehl bow .0 riacut as,ll >outsell.
entertain the hope that Mrs. frinue viii rmour. LI,
publicity I rire to Iler redo, at well nu the more u(
tiumaluty as ot ILA being ...A inotin of housing it
to Lb. notion VI her friend. —11.14114 T,
Faun Cured
Extract of • letter, doled
BA:Atom., hy. Nov
Mr. H. Dailey: have cried your cilia Nguema in
a ease or felon, in my wen firmly which at relleybd
and eared Ina very short unity'. Jr. nmsto, your• re.
specially, Jo'. 51. b r}.l.
ILr liurns and Scolds, Pllc,, Sore Nipples, Brogan
!Siete; liospuorts, Sores, Curs,, and al t n.
ielde to the wooderrul properties
or this wrrivalled burbly valve. Hut, in the pro.
porion that you Wit receive benefit trent the geneme,
you will be asJurcd by the deletertous erfacts of the
counterfeit salve.
crigN —lie sore an trimly only to the invernar,
11 41.5 Broanwer, New Yort, or to his cu
wonted agent.M
General Depot, Pittsborvh.
Henry F. Schwartz, Altegheny, Agenn .1
Wheeling, V..; Jemes W Johnston, Maytiville, Ky
F Merrywcather, Cincinnati, Si., Gentry! Depot.
N. H—bt the severest Hume •,d Scalds it extracts
the min to a i.e. 1111011t[11-11 flyer fails i
taining Infonaa , tho 'null to the uuroher of
alga teal occur in the elty weekly, the character of
• e &sews, cud the age of the perauts, would felp•cf,
fully request the Ph) uaiaut w riot to them St the
Co=ntuer Boom, OW Cour. lionee,_ort ruder eventeg
of 'WI Week. jai :Ma A1N1144, gra.
idij,,,÷ '
11 A VERY desirable residence in .6 t
rough of Manchester, orboining rem s
ping, Isq lb. Lo u a Ger - Miro., filly feat hoer ►r
ono handred and no., feet derp brills a lyre stoop
Rri•k Norma, tarenly h.e feet front, with taro parlors,
dining roam, and kit. hen on lint floor. A earflap
bonne, maid< and gray ary, and the lot NH of thole*
fruit tiers. all In toad order. Enquire of the sabeeri
ber, Lumbar Alerchant, Alleghe , y
A THR.T: wetted larreding House, being the
recited Itnow from Penn street, to Sayder'a
Row, on Huy wpm_ tnimeniate parsnip!on will be
given. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Amer. - ) at
Law—office on Fourth Street, batween Cherry allay
WO Gnat street
FOUR new two story Rock Dwelling Rooms,
well finished end In comptste order, on Ceuta/
Avenue. 7th Ward. Posscrsion given July lat.
Rent low. Et.quire of HAIN WA IT & CO,
center of 1 Iltsny wed Hand sts
TOsArtnians AND LUmley:l2lEllr.
TILE Undersignedoffer• lor solo /II 111 1 Kean canary,
Pa trio acres of welt timbete LAND, with all
excellent now nearly new. and two new. Prams
Houses, one it feet front by 47 bort; the other 3v feet
front ay 21 back Afar. torn new foorne Barn. thirty
by, forty ffier The mill and land are allowed mar
owes from the Allegheny river A maiden! co rout
TIMBER of the best howdy, and afw a Vtt quirlq
o(d:, very best hemlock also, one acre on the'b.
of the Atleghamy. nests I cove. most nffin.rably adapt
ed for rolling, where lumber ran he Mired on the WI
In winter. and be perfectly owe From WI freffieta.-so
Price 89,000, or SS an acre. Terms easy Will ate
awell elearefl small farm, with good how. aryl or
charwed upon It, as part payttmt, .1 Intuition is sultabl%
and the balance in lomi t, , or as they be agreed on.
Tu. to to etteeilent °Monotony for tinUtenor, and
the probabr try is great that in two or muse year. tam
property will double its value. In c0...11mm of ita
proximity to the New York and Erie Mailman 77th=
ber sufficient to wear mat seven.) townail.—aid mos
eral null saes on the stream which mite nearly through
the centre of the land Munn Ratite awes in gram.
No bill to rue i hauling lomber row mil to rim.
Trout and game in abandanea nu further peruca
lars, address, ipost.paldd PII'I EV PLb.TON,
myvtdkortfg Granite office. Pittsburgh.
MAYFLY E BUILDING L 1117., situated on the ma*
side. of reunsylvauts, 1.ti...CM1 Masao
and Stooell.o street . and ahem Lire at. I{ll4, Walt
from the New wart Home. :Iv of those lola tem tit
feet 6 Inches on Um Ave vo and rot Wllak 00 fest to
a wrest alley, and the other six root rho same wtdtk
un Forbes street, int rat aided bud run boat Pi Mtal
to the same alley. If the ounce prnperty is net divas
ed by private talc before the 7th day of July attar,
'Val ba 1101 d at .Cll., or ma neva Coon Ibsen, Oil
that day, at 3 o'clo.k, Y. rd, to uu. b pest .4 heat
For term, of one lad ftSer particulars, enquire 0
DAVI() D. BRUCE, dtt-rec_y at Lew, Fitts wool,
ear t door to /taken:tan it :M'
two bola for Ptale.
HE 'absent/era will sell ni .te sale, incise two
cute Lou of Urobud, oti romato sly
in the Th4.l Weed of Allcocuy •• nch hainni; •
how e(1.0 feet. mooing hack itio ice; in depth iv •15
‘. l ‘ •licy. Noon welch 1. bold a roue wall, 15 by 100
feel, which ece , thius shone ecoughlo nuild cellars thf
two cosn'orowle dwelbut, boo e and in out thefs
are three shade tree, or ~ )
ears row°, and the suth
walk is paved wi th brie". oh or welch 'nil be sold
119 , 41 Nii.•hurgh And 1.1 e,sicay, or Coa.ity Seilp,
to, In takeout payment.
J Er H eHILLIPS„ N • 5 Wood
or to WK. BENSJN, lovardurteiy ppposoo satd lots.
THE. Dwelling Hausa on Third suite; above
play orrititifleld, occupied by Me family of the lam
ii~Ur • . Al'Dowell roseemion given un
Ai•, July nest_
Alm, mom In nigroand In the Ninth Ward,
between the Fifth IVAAI nod I:mei:l.lmill°. aolniblel
for lumber yards. WIL U. DARLINGTON,
At 11. Derlingtnres, Founts st
ii 4 , o ft cALAS—Ftve to.. rilditdietruate — s 71dite doer.
letting town of Damn lease. Thl lOU tie
led on De.rnan street. numbered F Basisman's plan
76, 711, 80, it and as--Lot No 76 'renting au (sanest lisie
ry A.o street 7.1 feet deep, the other fuser an feet runt
mob, by o 0 Asa deep
er part of parch.- molmy may
main for six scars, secured by roongase. For partial
Wars, tenure of tl aCHule La
am ,
yl. • tiO second
A BOU r (oar imle. above Look No. 1, at the mouth
ul Pin.: ROW, MtPflo.tgarls,ln Etym. 'rim Coal le
of .bcvery beet quality. wad cagy of lechittl
nember of Imre*, Iran twenty five te &hundred, ought
be obtained remouns desirous of purchaaleg, can
rail on IVALKRA REED, on the promises, or Wok
Reed, opining a the POlll Dome, who will give any in
lormation concerning Lac property. The above will
be add at . great barge.. raythdße
9 0 0 Ler—A good bock Dwelling Douse situnto on
Reineaon street, Allegnenr. Dlaire of
tot id ot,l.rr H'LV ..Ot.IOI"F.R
Pit P3ALIP: CUE 1 . -4 lot ot ground
4ttuate on Neom e r Sire. t 2.l.cet nom, .14 . , cretin
20 feet Irrupt 01 ‘Veipit , r, by 'h feet to a fire feet alloy
uite 01044 tonew e putt hottee Yrico 5110 Torras,
54,0 e•sh in ht.u.l. lil , 4oce ot
Otto two, three nod ton
years lit/in the Grit ol
County and Ctty Scup t•ilrlt for east, plyrneet 10.
hire of toy in Pi 4•.111 , VN1t..10 weeotot at
4110 Ar -• Lot.
l • LOW Laud 1;t8 Sato,
Q fred I is.. on the Monongahela river, about 10 miles
O front it • best and 3 miles above Mint Loeb, in
me immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon h. Snorb,
and Air. John tierron's purchase. Title true body of
Coal will be sold at thr low price of 831 per acre—one
third In band, nthance to hoe equal annual payments,
without ititereaL Title indisputable. Location very
shod—cannot be antrassed. For (nether particulars
enquire of 8. LIALSLEY, vrno bass draft of stud pro
perty. Residence al at, betow Ferry, his Adams' Ross.
N. IL There is another warn 01 cneJ m num tract,
about on feet above Um brunet, o, exectleat quality
fret:the s H.
Valaibli - ilexll4lng Lot* 2W — di - Ca..
rivet: a toot:bets .4411.01,1e.,1 to oder at pridate
wilts and up, In nil, la: Ladd* tares. nunnwr
of very talo Ltuttd us, l.uta, vomprintm, • I ago
ponton of the Ins summered .7. 4.3 119 70, LA
Li'ouds' Plan of C. Piudowsh, situa
ted 11. Lhc boslow4rdly corner of Fenn end Wain.
seta, tront ul.. ita mg 410 loci on Is tttionti,r, and attending
Won, the inne .001 beat to LI: .oesheny vor,
and icing a pa r t the Rea. E.atAlef 01 1210 lam thanes
S. Sat vow in, Es F , de _eased
A plan or subdivision of the ,bore Lots, in confor
nuty tont, winch i: n pritptitted to may ba won
lila °Mee n(11e ktadarelg tcd , sib. Fit,. LA, Nctorci4
kel and Fen y sta W,LIA-11.1 b. KU UN.
!ftlionb • blear Estate for data.
rpuE fo.rowtog property or the my of Mitretror,h,
urd near the !locoman of Ailment:stet, on the Ohl*
aver, I. offered for sate on atnomatottlarris terms:
Lou thorns sottamrsion or Lot No tab In the plan
of the any of Knaborxh,) banal; ro reel trent 011 ho-
Gemit rather, by CO toot to Stravroerry alloy ear
ritnt street
10 one none LOU IVOIIIIIIB .u, A•0116n, fe feet
wide, raniunq (roar Bearer rad to ins . l/tuo nee. ad
mn, YinLitpo's 01 Clow Fa7' ort
For terms, onqture of CkIBWLE-7-21. SULILLY,
durtv's 4tr.
InAbl trriophil.,y(c'saya,
Chi — ” Se t uv
loth Ward, 2/ foci try WO, mad ad" Lent the proposed
depot of the Central ltollrosal For or Int a .ate of
matlldaf Santo, MAJ./Lou It. , At
TW 0 110Th9ikSli N la U[O
IWo LU Cy on to 11.1 0.4 cl
la Allegheny, ahoe. ate upper. ornatona, Oil lath
is erected a frame. tat,ll.llag, two Atoll. INS, su tablt
for two small tenement.. the lots are 04C1 . 1
feet irt IrouA by one latealwal trot doep, and ran anrk
to street forty wet wide. Tae t.a..ll.tia rat Inc
mats will pay • very ••••daoula La. liseSSl,
slid the properly wall or wid el,c/ d tor cash_
m Apply to 11. Sproul, Clerk's auSet, U o. tr tO
aort,P gal' Rollo
Scotch Doti.= Lopata tnr sotto.
TEN ACKES Ll.sous,ed all etCb.• mn
stop, all the Monougaselo, three miles from ntu
toargh—to lots to son puma...lsm For arbor part.-
alarm apply leery Wwsds, at, or to
novoni-4.f ttn, a.vve So...fiend at
W All.E1101:6E FUR. 51t. att..r.ber
oTa r. for sale the three ttor, Wynuouse
on Wood street, Can o Co.
apt] ,Vu.Vl L.SUN, Jr
Ft/R SALE —A Lot to Bround OlL P.m
tareel, Between 114 y a.,1 il , trtoar, ,I ante
the house and lot otaw OCrtlf•lVtilii rEdwanl2,
having a front of ZS irct. tlept , i I , feet, vrtit Be
talc! on farunzale 1.1,1116
yiltre of st, neer Woo..
A. DFISI RA I3LE 9us/..11.5:.1/ 111 cgnOO, (WY, fa•
rurao lyLeaned, . • IA alropt not au sore, arid
Sal be 443,1 a05 18 4.140R of
feta I I) A 11:1.1 ilk) rood 91
FOR.RK.NT-A room L.. •orbn,l y, .o.
KIL r.•rx
Prnryrty AllialW•sirtrlri•-iii-r-ci.147-t.-
I , IIE subAcrii..)• 0i , .. lot ...... .4r
.1 obonta
Lot, sc ,oconl A .rat, trouLiA on Oat
COrnolon ground, on etuy le n. I iyture ol
W. OH ROUIN ,, f , N, Au, on Law, St tha, J.
or of /Al 4 Rf , ,.1'..5111. on the premt., , ,,*
Ilvl7 dam!?
eigt,r , kt.
• • •• 63, aLLE, • a
fem tours.tree.l4
Ltu.. 121.1.(1t.
LO ...truo,
its re ',wart y ellatrated the Medi. •
oteasoo. 441.1 tot tocut ... a
• .• .t0...,k0, ..00r C 411111,8
R. Atte..t.o.. to tiv trostoo.-.0 .1
• ..e. ort)
7, 41 yea., •00., .oroted
c 0,,, +web
Ume ac hat had tr,r, t,
haa• Lien. thao C• 11 to ILA Ist aoy privatt
uooner) aretpiy 111/11 co oder azscteith,. • of
.peed , perm•her a... 1 cs.,facv ry •mre to all 36. t te4
with deltas. dtsease. Mid do.c•se• ULM, Moroi
De Brown would mmnu tout united mita pnvate
dueases which have :tonne defame. by tune or
of coveted by the see of it,, ol use common summons oi
t i e day, that their eolopkursug eau he radically and Lew . -
oughly eared; he ba•ing given ma careful Condon, Gs
the treatment of such e•' es and •ueueed,4 tintluircate
of tostarseas to caning persotot of sorlurntuaLsou of the
neck of the bladder, an I k...tred 4i-senses witch ofts
result from those eases sa here weer, lace
them to hopeless de•par.. Ile pe uteri) lost...such
as have been long and uossievc,..Usi) :r.atedby pthe r ,
to C 011•401 tote, who. every 4.4l4lleielitia will be pis.
them, and the ,, eases:reeled to a durend,thorotagh and
usketfigeol ['tanner, pointed oat by a long
sh o t eZpqnelle
study, and Its +estigaUust, wale, It nuisbeeihia foe
engaged in enderal praebee of sueelsetoe to give en
class of diseue
11:711emsa or Rupture.-11r dr.veru aborinnues Pee
sons afflicted mile ifertila to call, as ne has pant pun.,
afar attention w this 411•11.412
CANCE.RS also eared.
N. IL—Pauenta uf *HA It•ts, LL• ...ace, uy
stating their disease in wrams, pvisy a ll the sysnyi
toms, ean *Own medicines mall alteetion, for
addressing T. DROWN, N. D., tort paid, sag.
Uea 410. OS, Otanaond alley. agpaate tM er , g
RitsnaMsanl.— Dr. Brava'. newly Manotrerod rents 1-
.1y for Attounssuitnis is • .11p.retty Cent. remedy nor
that samfal troanto. It never rug...
()Moe and Prism Cousaitins Room., No OS Dia
mond alloy, Pmalsoritt, P. Tea fltatnts ,s dowry at
Irr Na eve. ao oar .4ele
Gst. .enIT ki tG„
INFORM thou (nand. and lb< 43.4.1. c ~,,a
no longer any cow:motion with thou .610,11
0 , 0 .11 4 , peon street, known to the P....,,ugh lircwur •
having removed their ClUite to the. POINT
feetivea frcuh I (0.,
a eery fine en of Gold and r gaient 14, r
01.41- esp/eite y toor••er 4y m of aka aa.
osenufseturia; esiabloom,o4 1••••.,
Alio, • cow iota •.ed•tet - utat fi- • .4 and
Oold and Silver lenta doll to 1.1,11.
Gold 043.1n5, Hey., Nr.h.
kV W Iv 11..sts:V, Watch Mika,
inah i"naugettAget
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