, - THE PITTS BURGIi PAZETTI CY wori CO • pi TTellViLail.; SATURDAY MCNNING, JULY: 1, 18i9 `Ns rimaraan DULT U u snit:disked Duly, Tn. , Weekt y, sha "Weekly.--;The _y Seven Dollars per minute; the Tr 6 Wee klrie viDalista. per &among We Weekly 6 TeniDollars per 4E404 mktit • -71 - rtiormensimaandearbenly I.mm/ice,. band in Invo. bare 5 r. 21., and as earlin thedal AdVelli3elAClnu not inter ti; =eel bed time i nveriably . he charged ultil cal PIII,I4IDIAL.PIIIA NURTU AZERIVAL siti veziiseiniinis and ha bieriptions to itollitLater lewt mind United States Gust., titeeive, and forwarded (mm this office. •• , Par Lotal Asttera spo 1a..4 magi. A 6 TINABONIC ASD WILUG4 'PIC) EMT; MUT; WILLIAM HASLEIT, of 13mAr.Couzil, •GityDLf. - ROST. C, WALKER-, 'of Ellssbethi oroofa JOHN of Shot p,burgla. CALKU o( Pittsburgh. • Wht. ESPY, of Losses S. Clair. ;T, rotrairv. 4 .:0:' CARTER CURTIS, of Piosbargb 4 riorrnolowa, OEO. S. HAYS,o Upper St. Ciair. 1t... 41/... JOHN MORNS N, of Alkgb.l , l, i l 111.11/E1031., 3 Ad. MITCH E of Poobic. COSMSII, 1.. WM. M. ARTIIT.S, of PotAborti:j: . ACDROII, '.. JOHN AVERS of Findhly, '''': WEr...x.ty REMILLIC.—The ant rpriaiig pro pritors thr , Republic, the Whip paper lately tarfed at Wnahington, have isauef l a handsome weekly 'hew; theli o ff er par annum, for,aingle res copier for gill, y:ixtect! copies Cut nail twenty dye coptea for $.15. The Re public in an excellent paper, andtore hope will tercels* a large support limn the Wiijg Nay. Tut Forming Nash—The newCfrum . Europe, by the Canada, is not altogether d!ossurazing to the friends of liberty. Rome has f r e t le t fallen, but is hard beset. The Republieaqof France, to their eternal disgrace, are trying haSV to crumb the liberuea of that Republic, but op to tifi lest advices, the brave nod nooks spirts who flgVt for religious and .Intl liberty en Roman soil, Ove kept back the unuatural invader. This its fl iri cheering. We reisice that if Rome must fall at leat,:i.hat she displayed a antra worthy of the dafs If her early greatness, and that her citizens sow that they know that liberty is worth fighting Car. :. The rumors from Hungary are rathereof . .a cheer ing character. The iteliellart serfs 14ve t not pirved a match for men tighang fir Albert) , attei:„the in tegrity of thar tire sides, it the r04102)1 ftbm that quarter arc correct .• • France IM tincettled. - Ly nos ttaa'parseafthrough o blndy bee.. The prescat Overt:intent boa forfeited the confidence of the pe,iple, aid it can never regain the position it has lost By the strong arm of military power, and from I.?e dread of re volution rstst.ng in the minds the quiet and peaceably datpcsed, the goeeranleill may sustain Itself (jr a whir, but its doain in Mrevocably seal. rd. The President must ch.., guise Ministry, and adopt n more 11bCrtl pO.ICV, of he w i ll not be peen:taloa to servo out h, term. NATIONAL FASte Oar readers will have read with fintningled plea: sure the beautifully drawn up Freibit:cation of the President of the 4Juited States, rdcommending e :stational Fast. Althotigh the C/105 which hos railed for national humiliation is tube regretted, yet it tea minter of great gratificadiejti td see cur Chief Magistrate calling upon the people to render their acknowledgements to Him Watt alone cat interpose in their behalf. We have lo doubt, the recommendation will be respondeditidiy the whole people. The Republic has the tolinering remarks on the proclamation,— 'in the foregoing recommendatidn, by the Prai dent of the United States, we reodpthse the Byte pathy which a brave and generottibeart ever feels toe atitecons-of his follow itOte. Amid the pressure of public ousinem, and the Seconty of • babitationas yet remover from ti r .presence of the • destroyer, the voice of the mourner.is heard, and the wadding of the sorts affleted is listened to and tespectmL It is ever thus with ankh: as Ile in the good things that are spread before ne•Providence which feeds the children of men biltUd the fulness of his baud, and tin the talamifies whiah come upon Os the visitation of Hun w no chaitiseth whom he loveth. It Is fit that on this dor, w heft oat hearts are lifted up in rejoicing over the dessings which one fathers hese banded down to as next, . inheritance, we bear in mind that the came Gf freedom was powered by the aid of him veld walked by the aide of Washington and supported itint in seasons of peed and despair. The sameProtideneks that shaped the ends of battle In the hi'eaking asunder the 'Amin. of t.uad:.ge !ben, now pe.rMite a Epley. one pestilence to scourge Inv land with woe and death. Along on• iliorongqares, Von the riven, by the side of the lakes, and where the deep sea rolls as mighty wafers ou the shone, the strong man has been struck down to , lfos - pride,. and the weak has been taken:in his h , erdesenms. The way of the Destroyer is strewn with the. trophies of its power. On this day of pibike it is good to be mindful of the bitterness w i.r.:11 fills the — tiiii of the orphan. and the darkness whi , :h hal fallen upon the house-of the widow. The Pre.ldent Of the I;ntied States. has testified his seam of the public sulfering. Does It not be. come a COUntry ti1.1.1n./oot to g. od Mftato follow the esample of its Con! Man,drate, and whilst returning thanks foe what wd n.we. renewed, im plore Him win named up tat Of.: f Son for the re demption of mankind, to take f,oca es a scourge which is weighing down the In -•plc With troublb as with a heavy burden!" We ask the attention of our rendere to the' aid ale kern the Hamsburgh Telegriph,;u reference to the State Treasurer, and the laborers on the public works. It displays a pre ,aeditated scheme an the part of the Locoreeo °thee: holders to em barrass the State Treasurer. an I to prevent, if possible, the payment of the A ertet Mts . :est. At the same time. there had been loud complaints, Ly tha Lo.rofaeo paper+, that the I L'ioreviitare not bees paid. There ie viddlny somewherij. What have the oiler he'dert done w , lll the PlOlO2Ollll anma of mosey ws,ch they have dLeissa from the Treaters, Choler• 11,,ec0r,1 la St. Loot., the err.thns of 4melve eenteterme report the interment. for Tuesday, tke - 2 , kh ult., at 11.4-91 of cholera. Oa• remetr.ry:pat reported. The cdi t& report of intenzeota foe tfie week end. tag on Monday, like 25th nit, odd iacluding ell the cemetcri,, in tqc nea,-nharhJod or the city, shows the twat number for that penal to be 793, of which 191 were children of the ride of five peen aad ender. The ded:,A from cho'era rot the same period era reported at ssll. The Moo of the 231 h ralt.:aaya -•d settled gloom slid pervades teir aimed The dreadful dis-ase is Intl onward. The num ber of foal rages imoduocs to increase, it ha. reached dormer. part. of the coy heresokire near. ly exempt (MIL 14, ra vase., - The mind has oath. tug, as vet, to rest a hope 'open that the' wont M past. We MOM was With the move ments of thennseen pewee that d.reoler..dm dear nies of toss. The loan of bus ne:s cannot etre, eiiie his essual eneroies—the merebst.t slik• to be released from exposure 011,1 rare. fieneral mach hiEhiCtlßlPed chat the produce of the coat try should le hew herb until there shall be some change. Thr iiiitfinliry of treuvuoina.: , bissiness 0118tAlittlY increases; the cost of movihg freight to or from the Levee is rmuided. reeqoent mot oos showers iepire mach that .rs expafed, The damage of proserty has been very, .uon4idemble. Distant buyers have sett the eoy conse guenity limited to Leer patenanens mid re gene• rally at todmmtl rat, The city coune.l of S.. Loma has pissed ast ordinance ibrhtdding, ander a penchlkof from $2O to 4100, the axle of any vegetel4o, fruits, fresh pork, ,aosage meat end fish, la any of the markets, or at any other place Within the city At Ns/Iberia. on Thoraday and Fndey, there were eleven totermenti, n of which were cho lera. In Louisville, the disease is Csaticig. Only rosoa ere or-ms deaths occur dailY. • In Cincinnati, for the 24 hours smiling at noon on Thursday, the sth inst., the number of inter: meats were 175-137 by cholera. Ssisicess is. entirely prostrated. In Yew York, on the fills .there '.were new COS. and 27 death•. The total omnher of calms from the 17th of May, 'whenithe disease first made us appearance in the city, up :to the lit inst., was 11.91—de tics 529. • Thu first (11..5 of eholfga at 'the Belterue 'Hos. 04 New York, occurred on the - ,2oth ; the pa tieut died aft r a sickness of 21 hod", The number of patient, al the above inatilotiott is about 600. The Now York Baud of Health have prohibit. el the sale of nth, shellfish, fruits and vegetables from wagons itruisarts its the sweets or that The Board hive been maga:ad by the belief that the sate of ouch commodities in the public streets, exposed to a burning sun, le caiculatektis have • danevone teadeahy, by epctelng the pones; por flan, et tNet Mfiliation to the templet/aka poi• auk/ such deleterious subssanoes. 21",fre,eimeg death occurred on board ilie nu*/ ba s ON ut tl" O P horn Be. 41 2.:* ac. 040 4, daubs 23th deatho.. a... °C43 P n ' e alb CifilL i *IF nide' !Mb Rode*. At Etursi o , ' d 2 deaths were report ed on aus 2911 sh, • At CohoesiN. (Sp to the 30th uh, these bed been 8 eases atu16414; At Konorril, on tisityd Law., one or two eases tnd aim deaf+ w4M 7 M0 0478 - In pin7sWons; 41i , lite meaty kw: hours up to noon ell the 2b, qutrayere 47 sew eases tad 20 dessln. - At 12.1ebraoad, nribi 2d irusL, 26 eases sad 11 deattti. daring. the riretredirti 49 harm. Oa the stlantaticinoCAlr. Hill Carter, on James Must, there were It deaths among the slaves ba tsman ThoMday ind itanday last. The Enquire: odds— "The lewtaller.hasheen w great that Mr. Car• ter has left his fine fields of luxuriant wheat un harvested. ,Nothing . weld have exceeded the pains that have been taken, both to prevent the disease and arrest Wafter its appearance. The best friedical ekiULas t,een employed, and all the appliances ol,hich;could be brought to bear were used, but withouti avid .-Oir the other plematioes on the lower James river, the likbors are remarkably healthy." The foithai!ing iteolis, which we take froM the Cissiensti pozdua gi Tuesday hut, gives tome particidars if the elfeOth of the ravage+ of Chola. 41sraces" ov 'Corium .—The killowteg facts were ['imbibed tut bya gentleman who gathered them by a ipersonal *sit to the localities men• to one 1114'3G 00 TO* street above the Canal .ev en deaths hove occatted. In the two adjoining bowies tweet) , eight death. took place in twelve days. In one Isoie4 on Pleasant street. fifteen deaths occurred in :Oro weeks. At the Jackson House, coiner of::Nickson and Twelfth streets. eight persofts haves* out of one family. (n Sun day moping last five piteous died In one faMily. before alesion ocktick, as a limas on Sycamor e street, pctrieen Ltpitrep Franklin li and Liberty streets Sig pars:tisk have iltod in one house on the corner of Walnut and Thirteenth streets, and is the Mein• tty eight were dead it the same time on Saturday. In a house on the ittirner of Elm and Fourteenth streets six 'persona has,died." "We had alarming reports yesterday of the in- crease of eholees id Om northern part of the city. The wehtfier had ,become cool, cod there woo a lively sad wholmodia breeze—all Gad's work seemed calculated nett oaty to abate, but to ban( h the dieenadl, yet it wee on the inerease. Many, sod astiort , g these. ireioeut physicians, attributed the mere* to tho deleterious gas evolved from the hetruinfi cool hteeps in the street. A gentle- man inforAled usihit the 110501‘41 of the lime kiln. on the hillfside retina street, bill below the hills and spread round the base to Sycamore street hatiging over that part of the city like a fog, Where found its way up We ravine towards Mount Au burn. In that part of the city the disease was mid yesterday to be ;increasing rapidly in the number of cues and hmenalignity. We hope those coal heaps will . be removed, and that tome energetic monspres =na be adopted to purify the city, and to afford medical attendance and genered relief to the multltUde ofitifferers moony lac" "thstailatnorfearna—lt as impossible for thaw abroad to form anidea of the many distressing ca ses whicti:'occur 41 the city—not only from the saddearteas of the attack, bat its spread through. mita funny cireler,trequently promrating all in a bed of !whose—Often sweeping th- larger portion into the stave. The demand for cofau and hears es is so mat that it Is with ditfichlty the farmer can be au?plied, end for the latter, every kind of vehicle Is.used.' id conveying to places of burial, two or thme Coffind are seen in one veeicle, alone, and the Only accoMpanying friend sitting on the coffins in it. Driven are becoming reckleaa, and race theirtherfrae teams; and more Liao once, on the river hoed, the coffin has been pitched out io theeace, brad thm dell uncovered. We heard of a mother:visiting:a sick kiend, accompanied by heechild;',whilat oa the visit the child was violent ly seized-khe mother started with it for her hi.tne, a abort dintance of,f, but before reaching it the child died. Stich are ttni scenes now witnessed, and the stßictiona with which we ere visited." Comacitos tr Pmt. Pcscs—ln the R00:11111 Catholic Churches of New York, on Sunday, very huge tome were collected in the rebel of Pope Pr us IX. 4t St. Peter's church, Barclay street, the handson4 sum of - 5750 was received, at St. Jame.' church, .Ifimes Mid' et,- over 5500 were taken, and the battlai at all 11w other churches were propor tb nately large. 'Supposing the Rom. Catholic Churches of Ne* York, Jersey city, Brooklyn, and Wafter:lllMo* to be twenty five ( nod that is about (he number,) and the receipts to aver age 112.50 at emelt, the total realized would be about $6,200. Multiply this by the United States, add at least ten Vales six, that is, $60,000 shall have bee§ received." The reporter of the New York Trilione, in.faltuding to the sum collected, says: unit, ti riter City Intelltgence took 'every pains to encertairiahe motive. and kelinsa of the donors or Peterit kern yestetday, and most do Meet the Manch to say—indeed he does most arfllingly-Ltbat eiery man of them repudiated the idea of siring Pro Nino a cent, except in, the pur pose of hie personal rapport at Gaeta as an"exde and a arnSderei,jieprired of bin risnal means of living " Mr. Gleely, in , reply to the last letter of Bishop Scribes On this subject, say' `-We shonld be. very glad to hear that the *of ferings?. 1.0 the Pare from this country are to be presented "in the:dime of freedom, as we 11... of Religion, if we did not fear that lbw radical differ ences above hin ted at en to whist constitutes "Freedom," would render the assurance a practi cal nullity. Mostoucely, lithe Catholics of Amer ica were to accompany their offering by a pointed and manly expresalon of die devotion to the great anecdote' of RepOblican L , berty, they would do • noble solf,which we,urould than k them for as long no we lived . Let them but nay In aubstance to their-Spigots? Held. 'We revere you as a Pope, and Will "Nladly sown - bum o atiltalo the dignity and elEcipthey of yOur holy office, but we are at the same tinstraftepublicsne, ninocrety desirous that all men abOald tone the !Analogs of Freedom we now enjova , We have found, by happy experieuce, that Seliglion needs oo aid from or alliance with the'tatei but does Car better without tt. We en treat you, therefore. to /*natioce all claim la gov ern any but such as voluntarily' submit to your sway—all other authoruy that that of Chief Bishop and consecrated Mead of the Carbolic, Church. Let the World sees that the Koridom of God Is not carnal but apiriituil, and that you rote only by the might of VUth and not of Bayonets." We think if it were blown that such an addreu from the Ca thode Bisitope and Clergy of this country would accompagy and explain the American ' , offering" to the Nile, the amount might be eonsiderbly amp mewed. • SLATE VROM LIBERIA C.otottalanori Roows,"Weshington, July 3,184 P. The lattieris packet arrived in Baltimore on Sab bath last,,tin thirty.li days from Monrovia. She made the!woyage tint in the tumenally short time of twentreight days. She landed her emigrants MI in gooß health. General health and proaperity prevaile‘ Liberia. The Lama, which sailed from Newt:l . ll4ns in January last, !rid reached Liberia, bat she bad lost on tb passage &mem n emigrants, who dhitewith We cholera. There had not been any rase Pt cholera among them Mier they reached Liberia The atSbariiiee o( Liberia have broken op the aiii.firefories et-New Ceu end Trade Towu. A voluntemteorpa of !bur hundred men were tamed for the piqpnee. and the masmindet ofthe Fnltteb wet. stetter - moo - offered Ills.itelool to . entry the troopedowit to New Case "110:t slavers had mood I 4 , Se native force, who autunpted to pre vent the rtriberiil troops from Ismail bat a few attelle fire) by the french 'teenier thil Mem off un til the L'herrans erected • !eliding rod brmed up on the ehlyre. They thee soon rotdad the !Lever 'and all by allies. he Spaniard who owned the Actory, seeing valid would be the result, let fire to hiseiseittenment with ha own bead, and then fled err by; horn Into the Biala, and so weep. ed.' TheStooprt liberated about thirty drivel., sod destromF,the lumps* Well which surrounded his premises." This nxpedition coat the Government of peens a very larks rum kr them , probably from ROOD to SlO,OOOl The PAW& squadron has kr the hat month sr two beekt,blocicading the Gallinu, to prevent the slave trak. there. Brame time ago they burnt down We :factories; but there Is My little prospect that mayoermauent good will thereby effected. The sta6ers are watching every soy entand th e moment men 01-orar an maul aig t will revive their trade. The redarn of President Roberts hum Enilanit wan athla l of Pupal rejoicing. Captain Tloar. bridge, er Majesty's thin "Amazon? on which the "teat weasel:lt home) and Copuun Byrne, of the Oied States *hip Decatur, accompanied Presidentaloberts on shore., immediately after he left the .I,l,pason ape fired a national salete, and directly nkerwards We Decatur commenced utter. ing her Wonder. The day after a public Wooer was giveli to Copt, Trowbridge and his &icon by the ditizens of Monixivia nod Capt. Byrne aid Mit officers were invited - game". At night there well illanzingiOns, and skp rockets and processions and speeches, and di similar demon strations of joy. - The Liegislatate held nn extra seanon In Petwu ary, 12 Which the treaty with Great Britain wail ratified' kid some other Important business attend- The Liberia Herald; after Coding to the reeowni ton of there Mdepeadence by England and France, says: "We wait withd3o hole a nxi ety to beer what the Ameriesn people will do in as. That they have done much cannot be denied,. seeing they renductect• W !rein 'nothing to oar present o e diting, buy we Impe and believe they will do more. The pedltet wilt tail main 'tog the lot of An. Wit, end 4t me say to oar frimUthal we me to great web ot fonds. Yews, v W. PitaLAIN. /PROM Tun CATSICILL NOUN TAINII• Compote:team of the Yinstingt trasette Catalan, N. Y. ittly la, HMO After your readers shall have assured themselves ofthe data of my resent commusication, I shall beg them to believe that-it is no ignoble dread of the cholera—co pantexhitt das Induced me to vary the scene and the character of my labors, and to fIY to the hill tops, in the hope of safety and is de rehotioo of duty. My self complacency will not pet =am to believe that o.luarea" had become twit • oats sod insipid to the readers of the Gamma, but the truth It, I began to fear that my topics ware wearing out, and to conceive a wholesome sus pinion that the want of matter might lead me, as It has done many others, by a gradual and a'most imperceptible declension, into small talk and com mon place. This would have been beneath the dignity of my pen, and derogatory to the gravity and solidity of my character. Besides, I will con fess the weakoess,l began to feel the puns:twinge of remorse upon my conscience. It seemed to me that the hotter grew the weather, the thinner and the fainter grew my venerable antagonist P a•a they Ritchie. (I use Mr. Beaton's intonation,) I had It no longer in my heart to stir him up, and of coons all Pittsburgh is aware that "Junius" would be worse than a shade, unless; he could oocrononally refresh himself by pitching Into the "Archbishop' ante yet undefined democracy, while all will ad mit that Ritchie indeed "were nothing if noncriti cal" upon "Junius." We are necessary to one another—as n I did not sometimes come into contact with the Union editor, his boat friends say he would be tire (tome, while mine say he would not shine at all.— Uader these circumstances, I thought it best that we should separate, seeing that the dearest friends must sometimes part. As he would not go away,l did. I hope the Union will not go out before next winter. They, say it is failing, and the last fall month is trying to consumptives. Juntas will not be so interesting, if that sad casualty should occur. No, I did not run from the cholera, but to it, for Washington, by the blessing of God, is perfectly healthy, and New York is somewhat aillicted with the ,epidemio. But lam happy to say that the general health of even that great city to good, and as yet the cholera there is certainly no just cause of alarm. Yesterday, I witnessed the departure from a wharf of that crowded capital, of the beau tiful steam ship Crescent City for Chaves, per fectly crowded with passengers for the land of gold. It was to me a sad sight. There were men who eft young wives and children, good business, their social duties, and their homes—for w hail-- 4npelled by what the ancients curt sacra foam bat what we must denounce as an lassos thirst for change, for sudden unearned wealth; for that thing which the heart broken Leyden, after a life wasted in search ol it, biti.rly stigmatised es yellow dirt, Slave of the dark and dirty mine.—" Among her passengers I observed a very well knows and successful Washington Correspondent. Since he would go, God speed him. But here I am at the foot of some of the most beautiful peaks of mountains in the Cation. I came op the lovely and stately Hudson yesterday, for the first time to many years. There is little Mange in the banks of this river. Their features Ice too grand, their beauty too magnificent, to be visibly affected by what is going on upon, or be neath them. They are building a rail road from New York to Albany, all the way upon the very brink of the river, and part of the distance actually In it. Of course many of your readers have passed that wonderful promontory St. Anthony's nose , which looms up from out the depths of the river just below West Point, a thousand Met of sheer ascenl They will hardly believe me when I tell them that the New Yorkers are actually having the impudence to snob the Saint's nose, and are mak ing an artificial ledge at the bottom of tt for their rail road. Should the old fellow give a slight sneeze during the passage of a train across the point of his proboscis, a smell avalanche of rocks and trees would summarily dispose of the experi menter. upon his patience. Bat this famous rail road will be a great waste of labor and capital.— Probably two years more, and in the whole at least $10,000,000 will be required to complete it, when done third o' the amount of money and time had been expended on the continuauon of the Harlem Road,through the natural valley, behind these too pendou hills , &complete rail road communication would have been long since opened from one city to the other. As it is, two roads will be bollt,.d New York-will have lost the capital which would have carried to a speedy completion the great and necessary Erie rail road to the lake. This river road ,moreover, bend. being altogether the moat costly one in the Union, will have the sixopetition of the fittest and fastest freight and passenger Foam in the world f or eight months to the year, and that of a parallel road lee. than twenty miles distant.— It will pay no dividends, I predict. Bat I am making this letter too long, and most curb my discursiveness. To morrow I shall n evoid the mountains, sad shall feel myself print. leged to indulge in the infirmity of description.— This rambling letter is nothing to the ramble I promise myself among the blue peaks, that now look so proudly, &tiny contemptuous of all mere human purposes. This is.a very respectable village, with two banks anda doe proportion oflaurien and doctors. Here lived, and here repose the remains of Rip Van Winkle. Poor Rip, he taught he "saw sights' when he wake up the last time, but what if he should once more Mira his cerement*, should see the wire, for the lightning line coolly stretched over the Duoderburg and the nose from bank to bank—should hear the clatter of the iron horse at their feet, mutes away at the rate of from thirty to fifty miles an hour, and see the New World, 400 feet long, whissiog put OM if racing with the little "black peney" on the bank! Rip would car ; ttinly fall quietly hack into his resting place, so badly scared that he never wouLl wake mom to look out on such a world. Thu; you know lathe place of residence of your associate,bir Haight. He occupies one of a num. ber of beautiful and delightful suburbia villas on the heights above the village. I shall take plea. ante in acknowldgeing his bospit able attentions, preliminary to my visit to the mountains on asoth• er OCCflitoo. Par th• Piusdurgi Gazette. Pirrna's Psnice—Will Bishop Hughes or his co "downs hero den to publish the hat of names of Americana, who will subscribe money to aid a ty. raid in his daring attempt to conquer and subjugate tie people of Rome' Would any American eiti. :en dare publicly "absentia money for such ■ purpose, at will such subscriptions be made with the undersiandhig that they shall be kept coo cealedl Hinter. The first gotten Factory in Northern Ohio has jut been put in operation in Gaudin, Erie Co. Its sheeting, are said to be equal to the very best man- Catenated In New England. The ecmcein is own ea by:Messrs. Burton do Morgan, and is under the management of Mr. King, a manufacturer of h , gh reputation, from Provident Rhode Wand. The building erected is 130 feet in length, and contains machinery, when all is in operation, for the manuacture of 0000 yards of sheeting per day.— There is uow in operation ■ sufficient amount to produce 800 yards per day. Cutalia Is six miles tlom Sandusky city and two mules from the Cincinnati and Sandusky Rail Road. No Twinge or Sia Jona FIAXCLINI.—Lettars hare been received at Montreal hom the Hudson's Hay Territory, by way of Seat St. Mule, bringing IMellieetme from Fort Simpson of date the 4th of October let. The writer of a letter Irom that poet asyr. "Eighteen men of the expedition arrived here yesterday from Fort Confidence, seat to be kept daring winter. They went round from the mouth of the McKenzie to the Coppermine, but no Teo dife or word of Sir John Franklin, or any one else except Etiquimaux, whom they saw in peat num bers. A very large party of those daring rascals met the expedition et the month of the McKensie, and as on a former ottoman wanted to make ■ prim of the boats and all that was in them. But nothing serious happened. Sir Jobe Richardson is to proceed to Corned* as soon as the McKenzie breaks up next spring. Sae is going with one boat again to the smut." The editors of the Washingtonl.T nion have been ihowevome specimens of gold ore from the New Hope mime in Virginia, which Indicate the etas- Waco of the precious metal In a very pore state and in huge qtraztaies. A company has been tamed ander a chatter foam the State of Virginia, and will shortly commence operecoav at this mine with Improved machinery and under the dimct tion of • scientific and experienced miner Midst B B. French, of Washington, is President. and James Adams, Esq., Secretary of the new Compa ny. The depth c( the saa of Cape Battens, ea as aeltahled by the °Mews calmed In the 00104 Ithaysy, Is adasteas ihossmutd atykt lutai kec Pso/11 NSW TORS, C ,4 ‘1 , 11. 4 4d05ee of the Pui.l.ursh gm;erb, Nair You. July 2, ;84u The weather Pot the peal forty MOH !MUM has been moil and blholpg, mid apparently ibis moat health, that meld be desired. Still Itir. retree, and the caseS to day reach Milt, aerl the deaths 351, or lith same number as on Thuredsy lasi. The presets week eattlot fed to be me Of great morality, in optic it all sautitary reguislions and caution on the part of !adieuluele The re caption of Father Mathew will ho s iltrea• nl peal excitement, tmmediately after whirill iilioes the Diakonal holiday, ever a Octavo 11l nilbielA unit patios by en immense class of our populatine The sale of fish and fruit to Row prohibited ant or doors; and the cousins heretofore enjoying the lemma liberty and luenso are thoroughly clreirni. scribed. The dram chop, mud many betel bare were effectually clued yesterday, and the oily presented en Orieseahy alViltired appearrieeir Building materials are now to gnat demand for California, and several altipe are now ready Air sea exclusively loaded in the way. the Hen Cap ship has an mertment on board, ranging from a hot clan hotel, Jowls to the merest ebonite for a poor digger. The last news throws a damper upon those who have California •peculatious on hand, but the fever is still high. This has been au active day In Wall .tree) Rod money hue been more than usually abundant, In consequence of the disbursements on next:mei of interest by the moral government, New York, Kentucky, and other States. One million and • half has been paid out, throwieg a large sum on the market for investment. A. low as 3j per oent per annum has been taken for abort loans, while 5 Is considered quite dear for common Inane. Should the course of the fall trade keep sterling bills .1 their present range, there will be no pleasure is the money market for a long time to come, sod It will take a large export of coin to make trouble. A collection was made In the Catholic Church yesterday, on account of the Pope, and a large sum omitted, coy as much as seven thousand This levy of money on the Catholic popula tion has created more feeling than the most care ful observer anticipated. The letters of Bishop Hughes have been read and commented upon with all the freedom of political document. Ho man Catholio Italian exile. rush to the attack of the Bishop, who has already been the instrument of wealening the power of his church, by his on accountable poeition, which has thrown the mo u sea of the Pope open to auspickin, if not to censure, by reformed autumns every where. The locosxes are in motion just now, Rod mean to haves y tArfer../ reunion of their party, not only in New ork, but throughout the Union. The greet bone of contention to the item presidential campaign, they feel. Is 10 be the sieve question; and upon this the New Yorkers my they are not to be fooled. A circular is now in cumulation, mating to the South, that the/ are from eduusuon and oomph, opposed to the extemion of the cause of eleven, anima by constitutional mean. The real truth of the matter ia , they have resolved to lake a free soil democrat, and suck to him, leaving the South to fall in, or goon their own account, as they think proper. The circular will ere long sea the Light. It is now kept close as pourable. The reception of Father Mathew this alinement was one of the most enthusiastic scenes New York has ever witnessed. The crowd was greater than any that has gathered to welcome any man except Henry Clay. The streets from the rear of the City Hall It the lowest extremity of the Battery were densely packed, and it was with difficulty that the procession could force its way through. Every house top and every projection that would support a human being was occupied, and from the time the good lather landed until he reached the City Hall, he was deafened by a prolonged cheering, and welcomed by the waving of their Itercniefs, by the ladles. The people pressed round the carriage, and a dense mass of men rush ed aloog eager to get a sight of their honored visitor, who was worthy of all their pains. Two hundred and hey passengers left to-day en the Cream. Cny for California—a number that shows the state of the "fever." The Tnbune has sent .1. Bayard Taylor. one of its editors, to "the placer," and foci. will soon come pouring back thick and fast. He is a man :of rare common same, muted to the power of writing in the most graphic style, and his lenses will make the Tnhune even more valuable to every busi ness man than at present, and that 111 no small task. The "Metropolis" newspaper. ander the control of P. BOnf•Min and rano. other literary men, has been seized with the cholera, and is now in • "collapse " The appearance of the patient denote. the entire ab• sence of funds, end the publican., after one month's existence, ts suspended until "eold weather." T. paper r a k grfere se n y t e 6esd, a beau y pe th r " ect bui spet i rme " n Y o ' r "- P * Kat marine abortion, :anion, known as the Great Britain steamship, is .one to r.ame her top. to New York, and win east her owner when reedy for sea 11250,050, an amount that wouldseem to pre hope of profit. Her constructioh is such that she can he awe foran nal. Ir ship, convey one thousand wale. G The uy tiner to tog arrived s day or se two voice with over seven ki.dred, which is the largest somber of persons who ever crossed the ocean except to a tone of haute ship Cotton /as improved cent. • pound, sod is now held firm at the advance. In Flour there to a good be sines, and good State may he quoted at 14,5604,62 k; C.. 13300 Wheat is dull, and lower prices Ire accept ' ed-0370 bushels upper lakes so the way at 75e. Ile sales of Corn are very large, et rather better prices. Provialons are rather doll. Butter isle more demand, soda It s better prices are obtained. Business gen erally is Mull, and chielly confined to supplyie4 the home trade. c. FROM EURC/PE. CANADA. - - - SEVEN DAYS LATER NEWS. By Telegraph to the Chronicle. BoR - ron, July 3 The Camas arrived at Halt.: on Tnesdar, and at this port last evening. She brings out l'et passengers. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Larraroot, Jape W. Comm—The cotton market daring the week tits been Mindy, and increasingly confident Fair Uplands are quoted at 41; Mobile 4I; Orleans lk ordinary to middling of other desenpuons bring one sixteenth of a penny higher than at Jut advi- The Money t'iuket coalloues easy, 6000 pounds in gold coin from California had arrived is Liver pool. • • Coss Msaire—There is wore doing, with nlightirapinvement in price. FLova—We.tern Caaal and BaMawr° broads are quoted at 23. 6,1 021. Phllada'WAß 23. 6d; Ohio 25a. Up to the evening of the lit ult., no news of the French troops eeienng tato Rome had been received at Pant General Oudloot, It ot ask!, would not make • general attack before the 16th or 17th, when the news of the failure of the con spiracy in Paris, on the 131 h would reach Rome, and probably induce the Tnomvirs to surren der. The London Globe of the 2:2d says, that it is generally battered that the Telegraph will att• nuance the entry of the French 1014 Rome; and the Gazette of Lyons, of the 28th, mates •Jaat as we are lining to press, the Telegraphic despatch from Marseilles annoanees the entry of the French troops Into Lome." FRANCE. The attempted intmrreetion at Paris hen been Wowed by a formidable outbreak at Lyooa. A .ensue engagement between the troupe cod the mob took place in the streets, and many live, were lost on both aide. Ilarricades were thrown up. which were only takes idler having been bat tered down with cannon. The 6ghting commen ced on the tfith In the rooming and cantioaed We In the evening. A Telegraphic despatch dated Lyons 151 h, states that the insurgents Were completer" dePtated, the 'treats cleared, andltangaillity reamed 171= , ds of 50,000 troops ate 1301, in and staged and no 'pp:atm:4oas of Gardner disturbances are telt. Great eacltement existed in variants plums and it Is evident that the troaspintay of the Parrs Red Republicans, e.gtenda to every town in Fntee.— The attemptto gei qp a disturbance at Marseilles totally faded. The appearance of one regiment of mtwiry put the mob to Hight without striking a blow. Ministeri►l changes ate about to take phtee— Dufgure and his friend► are to retire. It is reported that the Abbe Polotki, private sec retary to the Cardinal Antallli, bad arrived at PIC from Gaels, bowleg important propoaitlona to the French Government, end co autograph letter from Pius, enpressiug hie regret st the bombardment of Rome. FRANCE pto the latest moment was tranquil Ledru ROHM has not as yet bees arrested. The libelers is on the decline in Paris HUNGARY. The news from Htingvy and Anatole In very contradictory. Some accounts mate that ton no. tions had occurred in the South, both tennlnutthsg is advantage to the Austria's. The Hangar* General Perizel had sallied from the forum al Peter Weradht, and bad attacked the Austrian 12- trenchment but was ultimately repulsed. Another battle Is asserted to have been Ibught between Jellachich and the Hung6ians, in which the latter were beaten. These, however, are all Austrian accounts, and are not trustworthy. The London Globe of the 22d last, has datas from the seat of war to the 15th, giving an account of a pitched battle between the *lawful; and the allied Sassiaus and Austrian army, resulting in the complete defeat of 'below', who left 23,000 killed on the field. This tremendous encounter loch phew on the Ingo plain between Such and Weireaeberg, end hared sixty hour boom The Hungarians, who were commanded byGeorgey, lost 8,000 men. The Austrians were commanded by Heyman, and the Itrossituts by Rgdeger. The news of this bole was teed by Minh, lettem, the papers not alluding to it. The Vienna journal■ make no mention of it. Another affair Is waled to bare occurred at Croins. A Brigade was sent by General Behlick from Oremberg ander General Wm, to cover hie right hank, while marching on Rod. The Wide was enacted, defeated, and Wise was taken prhe ones, and Colonel Uplan and Heron Zenner laa Some accounts report that rho whole brigade was destroyed. Far three days corps have been collecting at Preabargh, and a new recruitment is ordered throughout the Austrian dominions. la B:media private letters from Odenberg, that a maga Caul, as lambi cbaadmartato, sa d Mhos In whole iiessemion a number of sealed neefecand hwy., been arrested. " V In ents? mention or allealon which an be taimed from Vienna papers regarding the great ide, knight from the 13th to the 10th d Jone, 0.1111 hush, to the surmise that the defeat of Wier' brigade gave the origin to fibulae. rumor. On lb. nth., bend, the emborities maintain that the runty 0f Win es only the epleodo donation' bettle. A letter of the I VI tali, from Crapoir, In the Brea law quotes, mealtime lb. effatr between the van guard yl Milner* mod the Ilumlana OM. Maiden we. killed, and 2410 Oussneke were cut oft and ta ken erhionera Another letter elated (troves., June 10th. mare tinny prrnits of engsgamoOla 51 005(7 fan be tween the FlUllpl.ll adesnorid guard and Otto.Rerm. Tee Premier numbering 6000 incl, wen beaten Th. prove from holy 1. to the 11th chow. Up to that time the It Oman. bad malnisintd their pinata°, Ma Virtual, had used cajolery and threat.; the ILtman• bad •uroly, nobly, isolated all their advances, and in a moot dignified manner, refused yholdieg to the summons of ;remodel , tuned by ()sacral Oudleot. Oa the 11th • breach was ef• hutted by the French troopi to the wall. A portion of the troop. then entered the city. Thu report led to lb♦ belief that the Waggle woo over, but it appear' that on the flea, Gen. Oudiaot beamed a letter to the Triumviri 'nattier a hut appeal to them, endeavoring to throw on them the minor.- tubdtly Otto bkantabed spilt in the teem of their reftiul to comply with his term& GERMANY In the German Butte, I,orderieg on the aline a general Insurrection la going on. The PRISSIaIIi have advanced and ■ struggle has taken place.— The result, however, is not known. ENO LA ND, la Kngladd nothing of Interest has taken place la busmen "Run during the past week. Produce—The market is moderately 'applied, but there is no extensive demand. Holders gene rally an arm, insisting an full rates. Proviti 11.--Cuted Provisions meet with fair da mned and steady prices. Money Market—Tien Money Market to dey is driller; Console having been NI to 911—aro nom 911 to 911 far account. Onion Market—The Havre market continues brink. Bales for the day mere 2,300 balm— Prices advanced one franc, SO centimes on for quotations. FP= the llertsburgh TelegroPta. PentstSe Weeks. The Locoateo press over the State, inking its cue from the Ai/mond of Harrlnhofe, is idled with abuse of Mr. Ball, the State Treason..., ehargieg him with withholthng the approprispons made for the payment of the laborers ou the politic works. Having seen these repeated attacks made upon that °Steer,. we believed without ground or rea• son of any kind, we addressed hint the Allowing note: Hammon°, June 20 1119 O.J. BALL, &Q—Sir: Haring seep It staled to the public press repeatedly that you nave refused to pay appropriations made from the titste Treasu ry for the payment of the laborr rs on the public works; if the charge be true, I will think you to furnish ma with a statement of the amount of mo ney drawn from the Treasury since you have bad charge of it, by the Supervisors on this public works., for the purpose above mentioned. Very respectfully, yours, &c , Taco. Fan. To whioh we received the following reply TesuulanY Orrice, July 3,1949. Dior Sir: In eep4 to your note of the 30th ult I herewith send you a list of the Supervisors and Superintendents on the public, Improvements who have drawn money from the Treasury, and the amount drawn by each since the adjournment of the Legislature. The total amount so drawn is 9302,434 92, from which it is easy to judge wheth er a sufficient amount has been drawn to pay the laborers on the public maprovernente or not. Yount, dr.., 1 1. Batt The following la the statement that net:mopes vied the above answer Amounts drawn by Supervuors from April-II th to July 114, 1649. J. P. Anderson 02211E122 John MegLaughlin Wm English—. George gintenberger Thomas J. Power.... Canal Commissioners Thomas Bennet J. H. leakin. MME W. K Hens& Wm McPherson Here is • lamentable picture of Lacofoco prodi ploy and abase. In the short space of topity- Owes days, the Locokwo officers On th e public works bare draw. trom the State Treuttry the astounding sum of more than THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS orTHREE THOU SAND SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DOL LARS PER DAY—while at the Alma time the Loccdoco pmsa is tilled with minute of the State Treasurer, because he will not (crumb the officer. with money to pay the laborers on the public. work.; .4.1. s fact disclaims a scheme of villainy =pant. klad, we believe, in the Manny of Locafocoiam in this liltaba The sum of s3oopoo, formerly was all the' wan annually appropnated for the ordioa. ry repairs of the State canal and railroad. This turn was kit a whole year. This amount boa already been drawn from the Treasury far that purpose in a little over too annethe What has been done with its That is the question. Have the laborers been paid? The Locofcioa press rays they bare not' Have the noblio °Mears been tieing this money, and tolling ! tbehoseat laborers that they could get no money, while they have drawn the enormous sum of near. ly one-third of a million? If the Locofoco press tells the truth, it ia so. If it is not no, then they have been concocting and oireidsung the most enormous Her; and with the concurrence, too, of the officers on the public works, otherwise they would voluntarily dwahune the public mind. One of two things are, therefore, sell evident, and can not be controverted; either the Loco:boa °ulcers hove paid the laborers on toe public work. while they have given currency to n vile and miLacioas libel upon the State Treasurer or they tiara used the money drawn from the State Treasury for pur poses of speculation; and to screen themselves from the Just censure of those from whom they are fraudulently withholding theirmet dues, have put into circulation a falsehood nrstrivt the Slate Tins, surer. Either horn of the dilemma will hold them up to public anathema and indignation. It will not be contended by the most hardened and unscrupulous Locofooo pluuderer, that the not of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS IN EIGHTY THREE DAYS, or THREE THOUSAND SIX HUN us.ED AND EIGHTY DOLLARS PER DAY, N not initliiiteut to must all expentes and pay all the latiireis 90 the pal, u e , ensure! No olio ar,n pretend lust one third of that amount has been expended within the time, and If the "poor laborer." have not been paid, and promptly too, there is gross wand. The sum of $300,000 was mow &Vara drawn from the State rf993011, 011 11910.10. t of ordinary repau i s, 1r de rams tins, oar can u have I.acn reputed It is Idle for 1 4 090fi1001161 to attempt 'o justify this enormous draft and expenditure on that account. There has evidently been a settled and deter. mined purpmen on the pail of the Location% min, workers, s in ce Mr. Ball came into 0.1i;op, to run upon the Treasury and break down the credit of the State; and this Inprecedented draft of $3OO, 000, in leas than three month,, for the phial° i works abase, nod the false bun and cry raised that money could not be obtained to pay "the poor Is bores. on the public, works," is one of the schemes fixed upon to carry out the design. No man, of any pony, acquainted with the Sets, can doubt this. Some other remarkable flinty in sciatica to the financial condition 9,f {be Stale nre worthy of no- tiro. When Mr. Ball carpet into the Treasury there wu tot 650,000 of available (code In II; while at the e i as beta w • kian of upwards of $260 000 rin theba aka, which bad been borrowed to meet the Interest on the first of February. The Treasu ry was [herniate more than 6200,000 in debt; and had it not been for the efforts of Mr. B , Who ,ditatic ed an attention of time from the books, them would not have been one dollar In the Tree wiry that could have been approprii ted towards ihe public works op to this awe, at all the reveautt were speciOnally pledged and sppropneted to meet this loan s by the act authonstug it Thus Mt. Hell, instead orbiting censurable (or not givtag ant mop. to pay "the poor laborer on the public works," entitled to their gratitude and the thanks of the pea pie for effecting such an arnangetneirt as would enable him to furnish the Supervisors and Supers intendents with the meant of paying them. He his evidently been their only true Plead; while the dial:tuning oslcere have withheld from them their Just and needy dues. We are, however, glad to be able tq slate t/tat the loan from the Banks is enaarlx paid, not withstanding the efforht spade to draw from the Tnartimr7l wittttn abort time mentioned, all hg Appropriations for the year, beside tee Jodi. Mar/ and other current expenses as fast es they &dune. We know that the difficulties encountered by Kt Ball have been great, and that he ha. devubsd himself to the duties of hi. offits gut:. so amide. ity, seal, and energy tuntutspaased by nuy pee who beitever Oiled Ow limit, turd as he to entitled to tbe cionlidency and beepect of all men, we mutt dug the effort made by the dishonest and tuner's• puma knaves who have entered into as sites era scheme to embarraas him it the faithful per inlnanee at hill dial. nut prove successful. "Tenth is mighty an will prevail." JOB PRINTING .BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULAR.L4 Mangan; Bill" Lading, Contracts, 1410 MUM SILLS, Lana, citanzlev,,,,,,,,F., rouctsa aF Jp., Printed et Ste 60MAt notice at low lances, at the dal G 42 1 ,1111 Ames. Tem era., lettpremmente to Den ttttt 7. DR. 0.0. gfrEAFLPII3, Left of Demon is proposed to otaeoraetere and set BLOCK Term in whole and puts am., upon ektotion or Atmospheric Suction Picea— FUOIRIACUE COXED to MS 11110IST.U. Where the nerve is :MOcoee and renadetare nut door to the !day kt, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Riau to—J. U. 111 , Fattden, F. FL Eaton jai/ "ire sad florists Insuratae..__Th. p rn , /11111041 NAI/1.210 sjtlD Fuca lasonanso Calm.irT— =Lai -.<0.111.11211011 , 0 insure. upon C•ery drown), at nlO tenant wow. • Orszcz, No. 41 Markot ore, SAMUEL 0011kILY, Noah. ilinossr ••••4. onyk dllou Panama Logos Sagas—Prepared by J. W- 1 / 1 41 1 , William meet, N. Y.. and for solo by A. Jaynes No. 7o Fourth meet. This will be rowed a delighrfal art. ale or beverage tu readies and put...tarty We sick rooms. Batam's aMicau.—An improved Chocolate papala non. being • eambitratioa of Cocoa nab ulnocent, vicorattne and palatable, highly recommended picot slimly for Invalids. Prepared by N. Bator. Donbas- Masa, and for mile by A. JAYNES., at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth at med! W. R. Wright, fl. D.. Doitist, - Omer end residence on Fourth at.. 09909193 the Ptttsborgh Bank. OtEct lg.. hours r 991 9 o'clock to Mt A M.. ar.d from 9 o'clock toi P.SL scpl4-ly at his reaulence in Lasser St Clair !own. thin, Mona Dcsurvws, or Pulmonat7 Corunmption. /h. rastasai will tan place 10-marrow. (Sunday.) at o'nkink RI Altai ED. On Wednesday. the ech of Jok, by the Rey. 8. W. Mittens, E. 8. Whom? to Miss S alad, deo/ghost of P. C Fidnrteri., P.q, all of this city. c:r The mbrenber RUM. his most sincere thank.. to the Fire Comp*.lei who exerted themselves for Mc protection alms property from the fire anti:. motrung, and partmularly to the company of the Vigilant Et.• glee, which was stationed near hm oat bui/dings, and saved them from destraenon. Paul:tyre!, JO' 1N11.1.319 BAAL or Prersurraan. Tuos K. Ituarrni—Dess Nu- I take pleasure in tesnfying to the good qualluet of your WRITING FLUID, and in recommending it to the nubile It has been used in that 1 notituta for about ayear, and on re ferring to the books I find th at the color smote... by age, the not being a fine blue blank. It doles freely, and to those lobo use tnetaltie pens, it ertil• be found a very desirable noir Respectfully yours, JOHN HARPER. For sale floaether with Hibbeo's Red and Idaehthe Covina loka,j by B. A. Fahnestock & Co , Pittsburgh; II P. Schwartz Allegheny city, and the manidamemer, THOS. K. HIBBEKTS conies of Liberty sad Smith field !tomes Pittsburgh, P. Iy7:dew Re i BISOA! & CO.. having . extoniated THOMAS sal . Oroem i lrotl7l:e " t l 2l e a t oTentrio ' rb ' nelUe W eet be continued as usual emder the firm of Robison, 1.1. t. tto & Co. ROI3IBON, I.IITLF. C 0. ,& N 0.14•3 Utterly street, Pittsburgh, Who!caul° Groeere, Produce sod Commission Merchants, and dealers In Pivot urgh Manufactures. ty7 "DAOONI-6 [Mi. Bacon alldea, last rred and for sale by /17 L 9 WATERMAN HE ehIgRICAN JOURNAL OE THE MEDICAL T PCIENCES---.F.dtted by Isaac Hays, M. D, Is pub lished quarterly on the first of January, Apnl. Jo y s-td October. Each number contains about two hun dred and eighty larre octavo pages, and is appropri ately illuttrated with eagravulits on copper, stone, wood. Ste. The Medical News and Li nyary, is publuhed mornh i,nd consist. oribiwy-two 'rem large octavo Pages, containing the medical information of the day, as well es a treatise of a high ehacamer on a prominent de y.arnient of medicine Watson's Lek ores on the Practice of Ph. sic. Drodlo's Clinical L mums on Sur. gory, and Todd & Bowman's Physiology have thus sz peared in it, and the work at present publishing is Wiest on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. Tessa The subscription to the American Jourrml of the ,Medleal Sciences, is Aye dollars per annum. When this amount is forwarded, free of posta ad •ance, the subscriber thereby becomes entitled ge, to rho Medics! Sews and Library for one year, without fur ther charge Per the small sum of free dollar., there fore, the subscriber ean Masud a Quarterly and a Monthly Journal of the lughest character, presenung about fift -en hundred lug, ?omen page!, It Ith appro priate illustrations. Subscriptions received, and the work promptly co eolicA by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, El Wood at, Apt for Publishers - - VVALUABLEBOOKS—H.Iin'. lrf. ol Napoleon Bonaparte, 3 volv Hatlitt's Leenues on the English Poets. " on the Comic Writers. " on the Literary Age of Elisabeth. Spirit of the Age, or Contemporary Portraits. Tales by Edgar A. Poe Western Clearings, by Mrs. C M. rwkland. llohdays Abroad, or Ettrope from the West, by 31ra. Kirkland. Rural Letters and ether Records of Thoughts at Leisure, wntien to the intervals of more hurried Lite rary Labor, by N. P. Willis. The Adironbaek, or Life in ,he Woods, by J. T. Headley. Phrenology and Mesmerism Examined. Macanlay's Miscellanies. Luyard's Nineveh add Its Remains. The Indicator. by Leigh Hont. A full stook of American S. S. U. Hooka, on hand and for We at Philadelphia prices, by /7 7 ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, 79 Wood st 'B OP WANTED AT THIS OFFICE. Jy6ll3t 622 900 00 11,000 00 25,014 00 101,115 92 6 450 00 76.300 00 1,000 00 19.500 00 5,795 00 9,900 00 . 13,600 00 . 8,500 p 0 Orrice or TIM W11.1.1.400i11T Barter COVP• Jane 21, 1 5 19' THE MANAGERS of the 'Williamsport Bridge Con, puiy. have this day declared • dividend,payable to the Stoekbolders. or their lessl represenutuves, of TWO AND A HALF PER CENT, for one dollar end tereaty.five centei on the capital sleek, an nett .her.; payable on or before the 151 orJuly inst. lEBEEI JOSEPH WILSON, Treararet. Monongahela City, July 4, 1549.—WasSiugtost Repo, tee. jyanratS Bandy and B Canal. THP. Stocktutilders of the Sandy and Beam Canal Company, are here er notified that an election for Directors of .aid Company wilt be taiden at the Canal oßea in New Lisbon, Oaio, on WED:VP-94AT, bo nth day of AUGUST next, between the Noun of 10 o'clock, A. V. and 4 o'clock, P. At of said day. By order of the Board. CHAS. D. 11007al EH, jyatwatsti grey S. In B. C. Co. rhACON-1S eandrs Shoulders and Sides, on sourign ,Jer mean; (Or rale by Jy6 MINUS ROE LAltD—ln kers No I Lard, tot sale. /TO WffiLLS & ROE DRIED APPLIZ-300 Lash sacks, for sale by 1 • &PCSILLS & DOE POTASH -10 oasts good Potash, la store. 17 0 APOILLS t ROE TWO LINEN-4 row pieces ovum', Too Linen, in store; for sale. 'ye brOILLS k ROE PLANTATION MOLASSES-4M barrels in prime paelteres; oleo, 100 la bbls do jye WOILLB k ROE DIVIDEND. rrlrE Nrosidont and Board of Alan•ters the Nmth. 1 . ern laberue• Bridge Cd9,PittlY , -acing declared • dividend o( One Dollar end e".." . . - y Cents otleach ahem of the Capital Stock .f amid Company, the /neg.trill be paid to the Blookholders on or after the I ont. G. B. WARNUIL, Treasurer. Allegheny, July 5, lege lyttrd3t. T OST—Large Bran 11002 KEY. The finder anil corder so abligaban by leaving it at the Gazette ot/Ice. U. 2 MACKEREL-50 bbl. :14, 2 Mackerel, rec.- ved this day by canal, and tor wale very low In consignment by i 76 JAMES DALZ ELL labtatuenCetti6 re M -optfut Co on '' Friday. July . 6th_ eitheir stock having been marked doyen, vnll be sniered Lite greatest bargains. Purchasers Ellay de pend upon securing goads at LOWER RATeS ever before. PKOPOSAL3 WILL BE RECEIVED, from boa-- nem persona only, My tie exclasire Agency for each City, Town or Village . of the Rolled States, in Me sale of a serf agreeable and warranted PERFECT REMEDY foe Dtartbms, D, watery, hr. so prevalent st this bow la all part, of the world. TOma extreme ly liberal and anyaatagerma. Far particulars, address E PACKER, M. D. & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. jyt:dat• THE PRESIDE:4T AND MANAGERS of the Hand Street ilml earnestly, have tit.• da y declared a dtvideed of Two ites Desists per suers out of the profits of the last sr mouth., payable to tbut Stockhoid e rs or their legal representative, on or altar the 10th mat. ty4,31 WM . LARIALER, Jr., Treasurer. - vaszau gram ma GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. I LEXANDED. & DAY, 70 Market street, northwest earner of the Diamond. ens now opening a choice stock of fresh SUMMER GOODS. A large portim of thew go-ode have recently been purelmeed at &greet secrifice, from the Aucuon Sates at the FAM, and from the importers and manufacturers. We have decided upon taming this stock of goods at miem so reduced to meet the approbsUon of those who do business On the cheap even principle.. The Silk Department a very extensive, embraeing the different kinds. of arose and inanulta Silk., Satin de Cheneuund Carnelian Ore de Rhines. MI Skew! Department embramm a splendid anon. meal of ladle Cfnpo Shawls., film the lewest priees, to the finest qualities, elegantly embroidered. Also. Gre nadine, Berage, Mohair, Nett end splendid figured Sat Shoed.. SCARFS—BIack silk, be and Granedine Scarf. DELUGE and other thin D GODDS—Elcialt, and novel arms of Bermes,UeTumor. and other thin Dress Goade, worthy of ths oUsntioa strike ladles, LAWNS LA WNIS-odn tle /Awn deptrunent, our addition. from tie Rristarn auctutos quite largo, embracing eleg.n styles to remarkably tow price. 1FP0. 4 . 6 .1 Domestic Wogs., Wit and Clantres, Brown .4 Dkathed /Mastic, Meek. Ticking+, Flaatte, Sopenor English and Fro 'loth. and Cas•',.,,rp s , Sommers and Jeans, Flunidoost Stri{sas and Drdhogs, All of which is oilikred LI such reduetrp p ofo,es that purchnsnn cannot foil to be plow , pd, 114 — ALE. A'IDER DAY - jjOOKS: ISOORS't—Loyola and J e.o iti m is u. R._ j j damns. by Dime Taylor, slap, of Natural HIG• tory of Erithorlasm.” Sketches el SCottsb Church History., by IteCrie. Memoirs of the Rev. Thomas Hely henon,with mi lppendix, embracing an account of the Church of Sent• and during hie nines The Life of Dr. S. Johnson., by the Rev. J F Rumen; English eclitallb Revivals in Scotland daring the ISO: century. erith Rote Sermons by Re, George Whitt:lel*, by D. Mac farland, D. Maueel of Presbytery, by S. Miller, A D, wick as W pendix, by the Re, J. 0. Latimer. A Doctrinal, Experimetnal and Practical Treatise on Efeettial Calling, by J. Foote, A. M. Commit by Amelia. Do hand and for .ale by /V 1 ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, 79 '9170,4 Orme 09 Intl Alfaran - rt• Blrletti Co. July ad, 11349. rp4IN President and Manson of tke Company for erecting a finds, over the Alleg&oy river oppo tile Pittsburgh, In the County of Allegheny, bare this day declared a Dividend of one dollar and severity-five mints, on each share of the capital stock standing in tha asette of individuals en the book of the compaay, to he paid to the Stockholders or their legal Representa tive forthwith. JOHN' HAR.PF.fc , 132:112 DOMESTIC ANIMALS —Matory and Description of the Hone, elate, Cattle, Sheep. Swine, Pool. try, and Perm Dogs, With directions for their manage roam, hro“itag, ettmeintr, Paving, feedin, and prepa ration for proiltattla market. Also their WPM.* and Remedies, together sank fall directions (or the Maeegensent ol the Dairy. Dy R Ithaomith arner°. illustrations. Par sale by In JAB DLOCRWOOD63 Wood et GUM CA 1 1 1408—Epp 741 hand and /or Go a by 173 J. KIDD & CO. ell/LORTI7I - 117.—0n hand a nd by -- ‘,/ /r 3 J. KIDD & CO. V OOTES CHOLERA MEDIC3NE—On hand and r for sale by Ul 3 J. KIDD & CO. 0 ARGENT'S CHOLERA MEDICINE—On hand and CI for We by Dyd) - J KIDD ICO WV b 7 RA -ROM—I/dos on bend and for sal. 01 3 1 J. KIDD & CO. SULPH of Quinine. Oxide of Tin, Pronto Acid, Cit• rate et Imo, 13i Carbonate of Prim* Mamie of Calomel, ZOtlille of Load, Chloride of Soda and Chlorin Mar, on band and for tale by Iy3 J. NUM fr, CO. rpocAox)-15 toga No I W Tobae.no, Bomb J, rata's brand, for tainby le7l 6fiSY MATTHEWE o co AUCTION SALES, By John D. Davta. Alisestionstr. - Positive &1 of D, G oo d, On Mondayn.orrunE, July alh, at lb olelock, at the Conanxrenal Bales Room., ear., a Wood and Fifth streets, moll be sold, sitttoat re.vrv e — A lame aelinnonwnt of ...mole and ~.er Dry GoOd.b ron.ming of .pleridld lawn, losper point, Manehetter pack... barter.. de lames. alpaca*, Franc b Cod dress Wk. blacksatin, Caney yeeungra..nperfine clothe. eae.nneres., mune., weed, jealt. summer clo th s, rueeka, bleached and brown mus!,.., legbota hamlets, aw., eastern shawls, hdkfa, table clod!, .te. At 9 o'clock, Groceries, Qacensware, Furniture. he 3 hall cheats Poona Hyann tea, 3 has Imperial nod Gunpowder do, It boxes V. snanunintswil tonacco, I large rosining house desk. I middle size sonnies ooze iron sale, shovels, spades, hoes, forks, ale., bticbets, writing and wrapping paper. fly nets. window blirds, mantel riocks, looking glasses, ezrpetz., he. A large and cerium! asenrunent of new am! second hand household turnituse, he. Rea At S o'clock, dy made clothing. boots and shoes, umbrelltm, tine cutlery. gold and silver 'slashes, doable and wn -6 barrel shot ants, pistols, variety rants, he. Jgd Books, Muth., CictAing, tbeetum. Cte Saturday evening, July 7th, at I o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Room, corner of Wood and kik milieu, mill be sotd— A large collection of vmualtle Looks, embraeing mandard library editions of choice works in varsotra dnpanotteArs of literature and science, family and pork • et bibles, gold and silver watchesi-tgreat variety, a general assortment of new and fashmnable ready made coat., vests, pantaloons, fine skins veil, linen bosoms and collars, made in French sty e. iyd /011 N lb DA VIA, And. 'ra Buddiang Lots. On l.aerty Strew, City of Attegiteny. at Audios. LEWIS HUTCHISON jy7Alt On Saturday aftentoon,ly 71h, at 4 'e k, will he gold on the premix.. Three Valuable Sodding Loth eirnate on the month aide of Liberty Sweet. karma each a front of 1 , 3 feet 3 inches, end notenduta bock 75 feet, beleg part of the property belonging to the Second rtwebrosnan Manch of that city. Terms, oue-third cub, residue in two equal annul payments, with interest, to be secured by Doug and Mortgage. (jy3j JOHN D. DAVI.9, Aunt. Lets for Salo. rinti - 0 LOTS on Pennsylvania Avenue; one on the NorTA side just beyond Congreta street_ 20 fret front, 21 feet 7i in the rear, and about 147 fret deep— Another on the South aide jour beyond 511. Watson'. property, 25 feet 74 front and rear by 112 fret deep. Also, a Lot et liftmen Street ern nding back to Lo cust, IJb feet deep by 25 feet 74 in ftwot Poe terms, /Lc, inquire of D. W & A S. BELL, Attorneys at Law. 41h st between ty'?lwi Snutnbel I and Grvit BIOTIC/C. ROPOSALS will be received by the undeeigned until JULY ithh, u 1.2 o'clock, for the tone work, peperch of two Abutment., of a bridge. from Dank e to Herr'. Is:and, below Stephen Morison t saw rut& For further partici:ll 4e, enquire of E WARNIF.d. Allegheny. A. JAYISE,3,7O Fourth Picubtargh. Light 1 Lighi4 . l Light ill --- THEjusdT celebrated burning fluid can no.v ho had at the Ea.tern Lamp Store, No. ad l'hi d street Fo a portable boom dent it ha. trw prtverenre it all of the cistern Clues. Le.bg per frolly sme ond rhea , void of smoke, peat, or any of the di.arrerable at tendants to lights now in common are: also,a tea LI- U assortment of lamps of the latest patients for horn mg the same. r jyatddmo V. J. DAVID. LOIIISYILLELIME -SD bhl. reeeiv.o land , or talc by J 73 ARMIITRONI/ a CROZER. PIRE CIDER RIND:AR-40 bble rteei•ed and tor by iy3 ARNN , TIDIND & CROZEFL SUNDRIES -74 bales Cotton; 24 bbl. No I Lard; 1 bag Fin:seed; (Jordon Peas; 64 . Feathers; 7 " (linearly, " Wool. Now landing Isom Cumberland, No 2, for sale by t 73 19/11.611 „DICKEY /6 Co., Front st. I N VY to the "Notice and Wa rn ing" of Christi. Bar Mach, (see Cincinnati Duette, Jan. grih,) we otter the following opinion of oar Counsel: SIMMONS le ANDERSON. P.mc Lalralna , Curetass.O, Jane :nth, IBIS I M... 5.... It A...l.—Gentlemen t•ln ac eordance with yoar requestrn we have caality ex amined the Letters Patent granted to Christian Bark• hardt "foe improvements in the consumption of fuel in steam boiler and ed.er furnaces" and dated Jane oth, • We are of opinion that you (tbe assignees , .( J. Ro• brews, for whom we prepafed papers for a caveat and all application for Letters Patent for an improved !imam Blower,) ore in no wise infringing the claim al lowed Mr. Burkhardt Co that Patent. Your. respectfully, CLINTON, KNIGHT te BROTHER, 04410‘.. Patent Agents and Attends.. /I.lls article bas been carefullz and folly tested by a lams nonsbor of the medic profession, who re amend it as the mon valuable of all the fannaceoos .roans n o w in one., it being much superior to arrow root, tapioca, sage, barley, ke., for invalids and chil dren. be an article of common diet for chrldren, particu larly thou of weak trowels, or of feeble and delicate cenmitunon.,h will be found to give health and rtreggth 'with more certainty than any other substance. The Farina has been chemically tioiliTtcd by Curiala and ftnrrott, and Prokssor Rase, all of whom bear leatimeof to its gram 'Mae over all other farina . room rabstances. for invalids and children. bn nimbi from the report of each analysis is here given: "La claim to the attention of the medical profession, will rest upon i a contenting in the glater and albumen eitrogenized prtneipies, vegetatoe Shrine and alboinen, si:t6ew:meal:MO{ tauml is arrow-root or atmllar ' yhe great* saperiority of this arlids trrer otor - h, on'oTr- root. tapioca, sago, 64 „as so oracle of diet for invalids and children, aprinospraty oenrOf to the gltr to. It oornalos, orbital 4 15.83 per cent.—(Callta. "It lam. Cho Farina) a very agreeable light,ns.;i tive. article of food, easily dignsrod, sod ades , ‘ ,l; adapted for invalids and children.'"—{Findtco Thn above nnicle alwayson hand, Sie , Bruno k. goiter, corner of Libany sus , 17J (Chronicle copy . Partner " Wanted. IXTANTED a pas- TT „,„. Ater with some C 2 mi.., an a pleas noes b.„ 0 , • business, to one of the best loco. ,r,;; ' city, which with some effun, may be made ...crative. The present proprietor wishing to be _vent a considerable part of the alma on ine” con- Eracted with the House. he therefore desires a young roan crib some means, good address, and respectably coueected. to take an interest with him. Address ALPHA, Pest Mice, swing real name and reference, and when an interview may be had /r2“11.' TA COB WEAVER. la , Wholesale and Retail D. tl ler m Foreign Wines and Liquors. and old klemon rahela Rye Whiskeys, corner First and Market its. LID NON RYE WHISKEY-5i five gal Dotnijah. 0 1e49 Puce M R Whiskey. Gentlemen and con noirstun are invited Co call and examine it. if they want as fine an article as can he had to the Western coun try, at the Wute Noire of 172 JACOB PIRA VTR, Jr. j'A K BOARDS—SUDO feet Oak Board., ti.c and 10 (1 fox wide byJONE,Is Cene I Benin, near :th et BACON-B.idee., Shoulders rad Hams, In smoke house, arid (or sale by j).l KIER Jr. JONES BULA SIDES-50,CW p:eees for sale by Oa KIER .9 JONES CREAM WIESRE—CCI bas just rec'd and for rode try J , :a.NF/E1.1), jy9 NVater sty brooveon SmirbOrdd u:scl Wood I )000A 811 ELLS—IN lb. Cocoa for ionLe by kJ /YU C H GRANT JUNIATA BLOOMS-0 to in store and for sale by X l 9 KIER & JONSS FOREIGN CORD! Abeynth, rura cos 71Terarqultui, Ann!sotto and fancy French a• d Italian Conga a, in baste.• and east.. For sale o) the boule or aorta, at the Wine Store of JACOB WEAV FIL, Jr, 172 own, of Merkel and r s PUNT Webber , ec Forrester, lo 34; Para rich ansl dry. Gou'd, Campbell Yr old dry Nit Ilabourn's 1E34; Pure N& Pure Jutee oar. dealer Port, Harris & Sons, Pure Juice, threble, der- Me and eirotia Grapes. Thera sloes are all ted for thals modical properuos, and can be bad w h o ,. sale or retail et the Wine Store of JACOI"eI WFAuER, Jr. llsit CON-10,000 lbs Shoulder's •rid recN i „„d _LP for sale by L 8 '../ATERMAN, JIM • GEDURS' LAI(F—AI Lag I.:cones , mi.' Tobacco, bgn.g.', per ton Shenandoah, and for gabs by J 626 ;AMES DALZKLL Y• 9 MACKEREI co bbl. No 1/Mackerel, land bal byr ale lon to elm, nonsigu mom b y J AMES DeLzE.LL., Water n WIIMNG- In2S BRAUN I RKI FEB Rost:P . :NR—SI bbln, of a superior quality, jun reo'd Aga And for role by jughl BRAUN llt b.:l - Mq " VV , d IDOW — GLITS-70? , bro b Solo and rur dgola.l.4.oWmgod e,-zes, Sr73l ° Marro ' n's l.lan . d, "' in '' siore nadir, rain by 8 W BARHAM/I, jn3s 53 Water and 101 Front in 019219.9--100,CM) common Cayrest re&d. in and for sale by pao a& W HaltBALOll 0913E80 bra prunearregelon erVand for rade by 8& W DRiFxs APPL sssss in more and lor RAW by 1030 9 & NV HARBAUGH SODA &811-1.0 casks in Blom and for We b[7 ---- 900 & W HARR& WI Kld O MLASS 9- 75 nbia N Molamets,in Odin rnf n&la by In= 8& AV ReaßAtualt IAA'S OlL—le bbl,, • good article, in Moro and for 4 sale by Joao & AV HAMM VG II CONTINUATION OP THE GREAT SALE AT A. A. MASON 44. CONS ONE PRICE STORE, At on.ll plater Reduced Prima. A A. M. to CO., desirous of reducing and elising e out their Stott preparatory to receiving their New Pali Goods, will offer greater Inducements thee ever. Their recent large purehases at the New York Sales, made at such immense sacrifice. from commit ell be closed oat the some ruinous rat.. Amongst the article. meently opened, they 01.4111.: eater het colored Lawns, at 7 els o 0 " " ace Muslin. , e and le ' A large , "t00k173 Silk., Shawls anQu a, ain vary tow, bt et NI de Laines, te 2Eiseam ingaLale ttallfziee • Embroideries, very cheap • Bonnets, half puce • " Node. y, Gloves, Laces, Trimming, , ke 7 cams Merrimack Calicoes, at & 5 a lee cc Calicoes .4.i. nn " and balm brown and bletehrre 317,14, Limns at 10c,• Lim n Otiegliares Bennet Ribbon and Wm Glove. st s With at iMmenia varbsty of oar cc Goode, alt. of 'shush will prove a liming to pearcheesers of ham 2.1 to 50 per cent. The store will b cloned cure day for marking down and preparing the stock for the se's. 7711 A A hLASON re CO Elness — Tax for oa TN PURSUANCE of ran Cremates 4 , 40 43, 4 7.. r increase of the Revenue of this city, the lcz April, ISM sonnets hereby given, that Me senor hos loft In my pace. sor am by all the torsted, •• list orate permits doing hu sh in the cir conformity with said Ordinance_ I" B.c. 4. If .pou examinant:mot miff anv pre t . shall Mirth themselves eggrime,l 4 j 44 wen , they s h all state for we:ell:I an otadavit, • e s as 'id, affidavit shall also contain a SLlLLegielat of V en 'amount of their isles, mama as &A be um atoned; tree ,aid ast tacit to fee mule end Lift n 4 the , T ress ' ere , w i his two week, Clssa the dam of Ms gm pub.: eta bein of the notieg albscsaid. See 0. Thal PO aPiatal Shall 170 taken bat by the ext. &mit 0,10 .1% 7 9A0 , firre ageriesedl .ard admit to be cbifelisaiva flans o( the facia maser , . is retail to the =Gaut of sties. B. R. JOHNSTOP. City Treutne L UT Mg* al Third sneer, nar‘rioor to the 3d P,- brNtillA PAN& N 13040, PREPARED PAIUNA MIZ2II ---- CINCINNATI & piwisninsau ./ DAILv PACKET I.lN_E.ll . :'' TIRE well known line of splendid passenger .sallol. ers now composed of the largest, avnftesch i e funshed and furnished, and most powered be em waters or Me West. Every hue and tuma,.; • for, that moneLean procure, beeilpreeided (4,011 • a/angora. The ne bee been to aperattotufor lye —4“ LA camui minim of people seithont the leap ry thetr pepons. The beats sod! be to the fex d+ Wood street the day previous to stutla!, Poo the uon of freight and the wary of passengers an lite ter. In all eases the camp mom) numbs ti • advance. •••4 SONDAY PACILTAT. The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Ilemstm. 144 leave Putabargh every Slmlay manalag be.eltng every Supday evealsis at 10P. . 4 4 May Z), • A 310970,1 Y PAW/LIM P. The MONONUA ifELA, papa firdan mai morning ll9 l 7,49, '. burgh every Nlonday morning at 10 Weimar g i, , . every Monday evening at 10 P. K. 'Alt glikri r kairetc ' ',: The /11BERNIA No.:, Cam ~ J. Etimwm..iini . ,. Inve Pals:moth every Tneaday inorning 1.1 / 0 0411114,' f Wheelinar.rrery Tueaclatur al 10 7. WEDZIEgEoI s ii P SET. ;E V •,-. Th e NEW ENGLAND No. 9, Cap. S. Da 1N leave Piasburgh ovary Wodneaday !mama ill "..:. coeioeir; Wheeling every Werrneetdav avoiding a Ulf : .-r T u ucularrreaua T . The BRILLIANT, Capt. Caw% yin lean MO ev .. 0 ~,,,..y . Th h raday morning al 10 oNdoeir, Madl4oll.ery Thornier ovonitte al 10 a. m pkillrir , . The CLIPPER No. 2, C re apt. ?wee .. Dorm., arill laW.' ritbburgh every Friday zooming at 10 0Palbelq WINO . N her every Friday evening at 10 p. ia. migia II Stftailli lIIIIMELD. ARRANGE/SKIMS ton: St ' . MONONGAHELA ROUTE. Ow/y 78 Illtlee Stragglnia.• Vie Broernsville and Cumberland to Beldame CV Philadelphia. rrISF. splendid and fast memos II S Mall man ? Jacobs; * : 1. ATLANTIC, Capt .1 ProkIasomELIA4LTIC, Ca Jacobs;LOUlS MLANE, Capt B em are allS2 analog dordde daily trips helve., , PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLE ~ .i , The morales boas ill e leave the A , Wharf, above the Bridge, doily ti 8 o'clock p I P.m ogees will take `SUPERB COACHES at rill°, at a o'clock, P. AL, and she egendE ca n of Baltimore sad Ohio liailmul, at Carabediand, et o'clock, A. AL, told arrive. in Baltimore the nine eiPsik ing, in time Tor Me evening line to PlWarlabhke kel44' Moil %V.bington city. From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, ouhf 78 h.. 4 . c Pam vamp ~ , Prom Pittsbargh to Philadelphia, only 40 boom ., W. The SAID The evening boat will leavent II o'clock encase day evenings Pass:tigers by this beak will Indga 414 board to comfort:ode State Boons Botha Men* • over the mot:muds. We following day In Emirs Coaches, end lodge the second night In Cumberterekl- Passenger. here choice denten Steamboat el . , Bost' between Baltimore and Faladelp a* ;,. privilege of stopping at Cumbertead and . and resumes their seals at pleasure. Coaches , t tered to parties so trowel Is they please. . ~ , - We matte up the Midis and way blllelor the id 4 c. no the Pittsburgh mikes. lin order tO 11 4 , 0 Una anteing et Urowdsvine,) it is therefore =pante( passengers to get their tickets before going en of the boat, at our office, hlonfSela Houz . W . suety or nt Cherie. Hotel, %V Etta!! ..'.!:- ap&dtlot J 11151 SN, • y.-...: . , 4 -- ----- Pitts • isrig •to Lenity '''T . t X - r" FOR CINCINNATI AND LO ; itILLIL ,;• ..,.... The splendid now liteattet . , TELEGRAPH No.l, ~:• i; . tlastep, master, will limo fit r tabitov• Intermediate porta on t Wes Wil t, daT the dth test, at 10 &cloth L EL ' For freight or p .•-a•• Is on toast, or ss 11 %-!: : I: : • I,t _ : ft V . - : . . PITTSBURGH AN o toutsviux piomr 'do Tho oew and splendid l'salpadatli Far packet. , ' TELEGRAH . Nei, it, ,s' l %%son, master, will P Lean hu Chtkakt LAO and Lowsville oo Thotsday, tlra .111 inoLoWN o'clock, 'A. hL For freight or pc . ~ gpply on to BURBNIDOS' wILSONA Other 4. UEO B htiLTENEINWEIL t'` - 'l - CINC.eIiNATI A D r ID' The light draught stems, 1 4, LADY DYSON . • • natiat,z Herr, =wee, will hum tot rte Iblv day, et 10 &elect A.M. • • , For freight or passage apply oo board , or to J 1.9 • D 80801, Louisville soul Bt. Lome 1849. I RkIJULAR TVESDAY PACIST FOR BT.. ,„. The fino fast mining I p 4 " . steamer ATLANTIS,. •.1 e ggina ci Deo. for rho above and Irdendidisep every Tommy, et to o'clock, tf. For freight or pastaage apply oo board, tst E. C. KING, N 0.153 Caw R ord,i Larriewl3a4 mad-darn REGULAR SA lU.WAY PACERIVa The Rae bat. I acme,. G&Y=..,''—'7 W.:..4 7 inn= kale, 41e porp • u• • ry datniay at to &cloak, r. For freight or " TEita rnti ni a=to z .Lottleviii; l i It. C Y.C.INNATL • TYVitafi, and bitensteditne " A er iii de i r &clock, A. kt. 177 • 3 " P. M' raTIZTAILLI F.. OR ttillgEWNO AND BRIDOLD.OAT. ' • The seer and auttstaraJal ouggoir 'JUDSON. .t master vrILICie r reale or regular trips tietweien pfylelii Wheeling sail uridgeport. She still leave PittuitlAß on Wednesday and Satarday. For freight or moony applt on board.. pCialtruKellki Arorauspism. Thu fine steamer OINORRELLA, • anairo'tee C t h rTrite= l :reflr Mond eye and Thursdays, at 10 s X For freight or passage, apply on boast. SUNDAY TRIPS TO-BriVER--7._. The U.S. Moll reamerrZCE4ll,lBl4 fr -B. '" - No. t, lemn, the the Monengs%xla Hotta, twag ot tr .r Drool ',,g at dela* far . Returning, mill arose m e oreioeS,y. . Fare to Seaver and. ',eel, Tw..194,Y0 • myla • • surf", TRIPS TO BEAVER The mercer BEAVER witligtima the wharf, oppoana the Idomod:94-1. 42 613: k e r aegLiuM ugi rmig tot tyg 1 <•••... kkaver at I o'clock, P. M., and ...KAI I Fatre, Twenty-five Centa,_ mi -•.— . , ............. ... :0 0 • tr. , . 4 ; •.'in . GED B.dII.I.TIII.ISMiI -.7v..-:-.--.77,:".t747 1 , .. a AbENT, • :,.... ...ding ond Coost....gg,illrol., ~ chant, has removed to t o o So. V From, be2111:01: Wenn • rwl "litt,fitlio., ...v... -!-** Fon c.NCINNA I'l AND LOUISYI',4,B,I . ciii•..,,.. 44 'toe Itght dr i :Lal t u rr riay : :•, kag oi c v Wens, vuoltor MI? lure DO ;lltll 4 o'clock, Y AL above pore =Twiscis_ •ii tho 34 4 as For freight la pasaacl apply on No ard, or to ,‘" iYa II 'O7 DOSS, Artll — FOR CINCINNATI ; I NN ST. LOVIL - -.1-. rho Oh , n4lll al-ve stoat* '. LYDIA COLLINS, . .' R Al 'hater, Inviter, will lean l/1 he •0 owe and all. Intermadassil Ss on Tuesday. we .sd, a, l o'clock, A. IL _" , For trebot or paw . .. 4s , ap,l7 oalloatatr '..e D. W W ATORESS•, JIMELUIT,. sans= • - ";• 1 1 - ' e. robseriber, mho has been — m inhume. dY `i % e as building for tjte lest thlyte Slav% • demonknions at,Flasellid:.64lll - .f.a. MI %intim, Jewelry, gad &Int WISIN at Me very larreei price. Gold . end :River Gnglian Patent Levu and &Mar Dot hd Lever end Lenin* V;ll6ba , Ac and silver horizontal and yew Weiehki old m u d ntirer Independent Second' Watentlillf ng homes. Gold (Mud fob and raid Citelna. Golfs Gold and silver Penedo, Gold ram s • Ladies' Gird and SouitTifrateletta Gold Locket,. Gold and Silver Itlaablas. Diamond Rags and Phu. Lindley' and Gentlemanly' aleutpirds Sterling Silver Spoon., Cana, Fore., km. Gold Watches ay low as .1) , to LIS each. Watcher and Jewelry cremated, Spoons mid Forts plated onWoman& Sniff, DIM article. All watches warrante d to keep good II tho money returned. Jewalry repaired, and Wittftml cleaned nod repaired to Ma beat gunner, a4l t a hp 1.13. the usual prat.. Cl A Imponer of Watch.. sad Jesreim_whOlaMalttlitittll relnd, 61 Well street, (op nairsj NEW YOBK- ja2s3l4lcas , it TIIEII3EIII AND BATRISQ ICsTAflX.l3 ; lass '' bICPALL, begs lowdown the Mita hiumarsr* . burgh aud vicinity, that he fau opeeht, Ln. above establishment, whore every Wearied 'W paid to the comfort of those who Mayt ma or Mal qty ■ es/l. Liberty street, between Pena u WO, lee Creams soul other delicacies illeiVirtAem. joie:ay 11 4 ETSPReIIaiME OF Wig-A ff JYJ. on hand and for sitie by w k taTcr [EI =t tr E They will receive fresh awl*. gliliPTlrli.rol-41-wnli--0 - 717 a , pune. a bias Pi 0 Moasses,' 111 Care ail bias 10 of BOAT IL7I-7-c9%'`:=7.l;: Tar iwa COOP. of three s ipmenr, t. whit4).l4 , 4A The] NI aIY" ret~llp laseto Is 'le supplies O 01 r the I.l:cre. ' RY SEF AY4 Itra med a,rsaab't:. uigurr a ILEXIM. — Thr -5 witeric, DRY GOO DS JOBBEItik. 99 WOC , D rrtzsr, ARE 9 roof lying et eel tarp atm-9' Of ( i 904 9, ra coat pat att:aa antlimpOitatiottt tray ariii sell to ti.e u-a4e at mach prtec,, ,,, lalLlW Claim um =rod to 4.44 4. A , o Autry Al embalm " . " 9i99 99, atack beam paTo at99ldet*:-.. . tare rvL , p 7 .PPERMEN r-1 nrtUrrit&°•:l 4,...12‘ • by NYS T AIL- -ID Ws on hat id ace for 4sta br Jw a rAsseir,„:„.. n ....n - fi g ..-43.1,..i5id Tin - putiaT . I-' Z subscribers boo to sae the attention of &V' , Architect. and °suet, of Bendiest, t o f,,,,,g.e. „,,h,,t, th e, plates pOll.ll CMS Or MS , itarse ne tallie so es hitherto used , for rooensy ft f i6 . , s th oSpessesa I mice this llghtneaa of Won; 'onion, s is d abilny to ro t, hariag now been tested Am arrydifil yt ara m this articular, both in this eaUfdly and Greet s:spa. They re less liable to earansion and *sifts. ,1„,,, f rom ~,,,d4,: , ,, 4. 2 4 a Mem annesrptusa,Aball emits mcn ti. p1ate5, i0,,,,,,,,,,05, °relay other metal ozwelind for roofing, and consegocutiy form' a MIMI bettede tighter mot; Mointring far leas detleentrapainhera a the firm coed bat a trine more. .. tr. "....._ A full su pi , of all idles, frtMllll.loe/D Ve-lis *tautly on d and for sale by GEO. B. NOILEWOOD 4 14 and le Demi street, New If - TM jar this ankle Itayin bean settee 4 Mates, allpartine ithnitn, th.t.,, , yaks or miso, will - be - .. apt atoo. for lee V..• eta by • 164