The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 07, 1849, Image 1

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    '- -aser~i'G—~~
.1.11.3 Y.. /AXE.. int. C. ILILII.p.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fount Meet, neat Orient.
InliElf t.
Re t ToNotEit,R;iriini.iiii — tra,
and waters to Product, No. ti blaiaq street
labut. la. - 410....8
___ .___
—" _. .
S. S. ima • m crnu. scAt. Rain
IlUnfit I hl-D a lIAIB, Vbolesale dcalirs in Dry
.0 Gored. Gr*cries. sbous, Pittsburgh mann
, firturntt t J'' - "' ."" ' lberty etten, Pips
13 - 6 BAlin
i 11, Wholesale liraei{s, - ltl and
Wood street lhinhurgh. ,
(1 A. Si;A - NUITY Forwanling ma Com.
A.J• Minton Merchants, Cenal Bum, PlUSturgt,
Duquesne laprlngres Stare/ .ad Lejon
. •
COLEMAN, AV rlss &
Co, mantinceustara of
Coach and Sbyuc, Hammered Aides
Spring and Plough Sled j Iron, &a. Warehouse.=
Wm/amid Fro. wee., Vinsburgh.
Also, deniers in. Coach Trimmings and .c . 6 le
CONITNUha .to miuiefaeture Monuments,. Batiai
Vaal., lambs, Head Stones, heeds, t-4-
tee and Vior op. of {amigo and dorneatiC Meth*, at
a regular and fare once.
N. 11.— Drawings (or monumems, vaniti, dus.frunish
-04 al any deserip.n. the sour.. a aharezALic
pfitil../11.11 tr. kIENNLIT, (lase English, er
t Co.) Wholesale larocers,Comnussien and For
warding Merchants, and deafen m Produce and Pitt.
burgh ilantuactures, No. 37 Wood st., betwein cif and
3d streets. •. act{
Lorattuottou azd I , 6twardio7g
Dlerchol, N. :Ito Wood soveL. Pluabooth.
A2lll 1:I UN grk..M, maimiacturer of lielyy
Sturuags, Checks, Lc., gebec. gr...., ; city 'of
Aucgtketly. novahalf•
hLea', tsuccegsor to blorpby 11Torti_Dell•
• er end t-ortatus.tott otore&en% for Ike tt:e;ot
Auxtesicen ootcue, Lawry, oppoelte /et at. teOLF
_. . _
101 L 'Malty kitilinzrora. . •
..• • grt...+oB, IDWI.III 21.343, I
t p laiw i l.
'D. C. 21. 2 4...muh, Jul. 4. .amain, ,
1:1 EAU.) & FILL&AtoIt, louaaco Coutwimiiarr Mar-
A.L. CJAMS, 41 NOM V. ate+ nt. & 10 North Wlarrifs,
null.. n0tt31.4
&., Zuni. Int. r...w.hut.l
- 11 MWS , :ONES & Cc, (successful ta.iflure64,
Ja. Axe.. in Eau Comeueston suul Forums:L[4 Met.
Gum; flaulars In Passuergu tdocusectusell
Pttu ta, ea.
_MU& le(cass,
ntcua t ii,
13.411A.M DICICEY h. Co, Whol;::1?Z:i •
OW4. and dtabscs rrr=c4 " ;tic,&'
amp, and UI? Ernnt suer., thttsbiugh. tore
dealer it. LANYIELD, (lute of Wagon. tAtitt,). Gpmmg.
slot. ono Vottotto tog Moretgut, othotelWo
1.13 Western Rosary* Choose, Ittooar,. Vet mild
Pearl Ash, and Western Pratt., „gonorally, Waiir
betvrtark danahhuict and K pal,./htsuo.rsh. dpi
1011 N WATT, leaeoessot to howalt
Wholesale lirocet end Colomoutiot Mortheitt,
dealer in Produce end PittstotrgA dieumisetiarcly otOo.
Dor Of Libotty and hula streets, Ploshos b Pa lo.=
1 A.A.LEM 8 klub Latch„ ilatc. art U. 4114 (at dlr. sad
111/ Mettruirej Merchant Tatter, St. Charles Buntlines,
null urea, hear Wood L yme° urgh. ......_,
JAMEII A. HUTCHINLIP., .h. 03.—buceessors 4o
Lassie Hutchison t. Co„ Commtssiba Merchums,
and Agents of the St. Lours Storm Sagerlteitnet7.
Nn. AS Watt/ and V 2 front streets, Pittsburgh.
413.. 131.11.WtaCtzt a. ea., %VacJessie tirocarsi.
r • dote and Caturaisslon Blorchouls, and Agoras
(orlho Powder eo. of N. Y, SI W00d4i..,
101.11 , 4 D. ISORUAN WbatosaioDllo.g . ill: , l,o.nd dot
er Drii, Stuffs; Punts, this, V. N 0,113
- Wood strew, own door Rath of Dimond Alley, Pigs
tp.L4tt. pink'
1401F13 KERI, Jr., tr. Co., leueeessor pur.ptoti.
u o Dayl3 . .,)l2llpA.;hlN.fiers vsl 3 , ll W a d ue.
call dslNr
J Al the
aud td kr "... ent, Be g : ra
kapaz, Slates, Steel Yens, Cools, ,YrimerY 4d
Btollorm7 generally, No. Weal at., Yatoborgt. /,‘
Ra g a Iyought or :Jaen to trade.
A ISCIIIJONALAICEB. Y. Co., Wholesale DXrig:ls,
U • /50.% Wow street, YaLourgt:.
I (MN D. DAVIS Akenoueer, earner 68, a1:144'4'6 6- 4
IRIN4TON C. STOCE.TON Booksellers,. hinteis
.4 Paper Alaimracturers, No. 44 blacker at., l'aN.
O. h. jell•
JO/3.11 Rola. km...8.1-I.orpo
IL I.l..tart, Wholesale Grocer; 1.-ommlisKat
t•a*mums, and Lealcrs
rs.ll !guiding; trozgun, on I.4berty,. \IF 00.1 mixt dth
Rine ritliborgn
ray S •
TAXES bokKge. litoev,'ccuatuss.f irri l
ble,ahaai., and dealer Traillice and Play
hranunanderes. N 0.0.4 Water al, Yndsbutgli. jaala•
VV V I E R It JONES, Forwarding anal Oanatneniblet
Chan% Dealers in Produce, and Pulalmarib alamna.
lactated *rucks, Canal Bast"; neat tab n . clzt.
jtl mut, 111 - Ct./An:WU, P. •
ENAEDV, CD/1.1.1S Zs Atenemturers 61veiy
supertor 4-4 Sheettogs, Carpet 4,:tbs t,, Cotten
/wine and I.l4Unts.
Vesuvius [rasa Warta..
DALZELL Es Co., atrunitietticers d-
L us tsar, Sheet, miler iron and halls of .11le best
tiestlily. Warehouse, LA Mittel and 1.65 front al. .
WATER-MAN, Min°level* (ironer, Fotware.
ing nod COSIIIII.IIIOII ,Sterchant, Denier in Pin,
Bb idanufectuece nod Produce, No.- 31 Watnt et,
and o:lFront K.
TBrdise criti. • Joss s slwta
00XIM. Gi.ena tireuelecturerei and i LiSiesale
deafen nt lorcign a.... 1 domestic Variety irocels
merchant., Peels. Ceti otters are
fa Call and cr.aute We pnw stud quality of our.stecii,
as WiW our p.c.% loCriolacw 11•C1011ea to insischre-ter
ing tnd purebsung, We LOLA we eau oder as gtdat
buyc. o. wy Other house
VIC 1111.1.., c. ur. litatl3o:l, lagti.
&iU h ETSW hoLeaale tilocers, a4d
.111; khportela of Ltranules, Wunis end Scorn, a•se.
Us and £74, ruiner o, Lancro , a.d Irwul st.l c.a., I . tt. •
h Pa. w =1
30/1.1. MCGILL- J.N. D. lao.1„. , w.O Sec. 1.,...q.
MMALLS &Rut., tl, .:Denle Grocers and QurtioU.
4=l Aleretauns, No. 11..4 Libect) a., Piitellorgii.
_ __ -
MURPWV, wiLste; er. CO., (late Jones, Nln:Ttrihr&
Co.(Whoteasie Deallen In Dry Lived, Au. 41
Wood Meet, Ynsannrsh.. • neeZl
X. =AST NOW, Vb. Z..
/IALLEN & Commarion amd Forum-duos
~ ft(=haat., {S and front sts„ betweBl
and filaritet sta.
Mta rlikAVO ortrult Alnu mu re i'd.llL.
tar. its.oomA, conacr cat full (lame 4114 .11
FOlll2. Moot, catrayca on 4th.ubut Mat Ye L.
N- --- MUM Pi k SOPS, Yo. an als - rect .k, sc..*
• lOuritout corner of Fourth, deafen to Forel,o
DoMeUc {ills of Led:mugs, LIortIiCSILIS of I.nopOS•
if, li.lulkinotse awl /pool. „...._..
e'CollocUens otod on o.ll , the principal , rides
• Ihroattioili dm Luited Stases. '4c171
'kr 211,OJILMASTS.11, A laamull—uchea., Feditti sic,
. JA • Ward dew above lononnold, south sole.
Conveyanclos• of all Itlta• dons ',sae We, Vsnliet
; . . ,111Ukkedlecil setureiy. ' ,
Thies to keel chute esskonca Ito. o013,2•11't
• T. 141.0trerile, a; - I
CatTfiaLtn; nt.nuf , ., loaf aloof d Ikelfo(t•
kf anon of /limasea or the Aye. •
la. Ja. lialatuari gssiprigcCl IL .11 Ulna; of thq
• cal profeauou oar aims., y cur., and uaa eunducted au
eallialudnueur for thy lleaUlleigt al diseases of dye Aye
atoms lOC aavaral '<an.
WA= snit acaucaucu, conarr Of SialLlo2iir al aid
Sinutturry alley, Aliet tun) any
e b:l.Les Arta. ISTIJISA..--lto. roia,
[3 l,
at, den quauunta Ed (freak d
Black Teas, don. up ln iptarier, d
aw yowt, paean - ea, rutpuli un cu. parponual
jyr A. JAI iat.d, AV.. for Pak. 1 cu. ca t
IyytrAPAI.T Altana., Yl “umalnle tirvecr, linclaying
,Lll launder, dealer in Produce, PlitaturgriAlldiudic•
tars., sod al l kthila ai Forman add Doiaraide %Varna
and Laqaors,'No. U •rareet. un nand d vary
tarp stock of auperinr old dlodougabela traskx,
• • artuati arid Oa sold low for soh. - rrplkf
Waal SOUSSOP, 1...X4 1 / 2 , R. WIQXWM.
6UIIIISWN & Co., Whole's/a Woe ers,PrOdur e
• and Comou..non March.., atal Ikole fit la-lino
, #l 9 b .IM mambo wee, /So. lel La.ny .a., ritialiugh.
',BERT DALZIXI.. b. ect., Wbbleralb • Owen.,
commlssioq and forwardius blqcbatats,delblra
in Plastmrgh 131.1ufacuuca, leLerlydL
rAbbargb, ea_ rete.ri
rlef. A. ClilMlNtiiiAbl, Whol .Ade emats
.Deatet In Produce Plusbuzgh
4411.Abert7 41.11
L'o. naTaus-w,
13EYNOLD9 t MEE, Forerarding and Cerramaven
Eli Merchants, for the Allegheny direr Tenafe, deni
ers azi Go:ernes, Produce, Peueautale Alenuirectutu ,
anoiChbarido of Lime.
The highest p:icee, In cash, paid at an times for tenth
_r+P. Corner of Petty ..1161 Irmo. sp.
I. IL c =score TIM. Wllitg.
wying„ Wbolessie Detdets In
Yuubur I'Mta and Domestic Dry Good. taw 00 otiAst
L 6.11 . e.11 Produce geriereDY,ltod Fmit'erdj.l
COWSumiat blsteltids, No. - 53 Wares st.i Pips.
Q 1111111 DAGALKY a, Co., wl L ,,,i e .nu, fi n ,,,,...,vd ,
AT Pto;lnul , d.der., l`l.. zr.) Market
sad Mb, North side, pui.d,. ..AIM?
-----..., .- .... por
-._...... .
i i mamma& '0..14a - m4 v autruxix
CI ELLE a NICOLE, Produce sad (inert}
40 rd..° Alorohooul No.P Liberty au, Eilisbuntb.
s. _. .. Linseed sad Lard OE,
f it : ;. VON ISONNIIOttift Whedeaale aro
and Caamlasioa hlerclaha.,
In po*ungh MAnuti‘mmind Wen.ra
rahavareanovad ta, then new jola
corner of Plant at, and Chancery
W. S. 1317111. T. R. scosz
TOTH 6 SCOTT, Who/calla and Retail daemon
Boots, Shoe., Trunks, Carpel Raga, Ate., s . k t
• suer of 4th and 111.rtntheetd sts y nteburge, l, j, .
ItABSEY daSuTiiat Grocers and Cur.*.
liio.l Idsratant.o., and. dealers to Produce k10:4.5
pod so., rltothonrb P. _ez
E. Id. lIIITCILELTRIX, Witleasroeor.
R.,14•18 Dieullors, and Wm< and I.ltoott,
boom Also, Importers of sada Ash and Climb.
SW Powder, 14, 169 L{llllly stmt., estate:fly PIO
'KM A Irma, " ... `O 4 I, D
_., .
Llma •
WICK & &LVANDLESS, (auteusors to-b. 4 4.i;.D
w icko Wholomle tirocon, Fur tal
man:lint. c
Ailigigion Merchant., dealers islroA, NC* Wan
!Drys Yarns, sad rittsburgh Aleinufactotes gettelroli
•I'' of Wand And Wst , t trr , i4v. YilObartfti, ' 1
. W. W. WALLACE, blill stone Add filill k0t,43.
. I, •
Leg ettalathMelit, N 0.241 Liberty st., ilettrgu
~ . 100141
W ' •WlLbONTVanelles,Jerroiry,ollegr Wofe,
- !ii and =hart Good., cornei• of AlArkistnitith
• mAzgiusbunt, 1.1 6 N. 11.—W . stelics antelii4ks
i - .
- .
.. • .
.i' , • •
, .
' •
~, ... - -, . , 6.1 1,1 • • .., ,, , , n ". - •
. , .
. ,
* 1
' .
. :: 1 / 4
.---- ... . . ... .
. '
. , .
. .„ • • , -_.
: 5
kat; BOVcif=c7olo o -7 .- -ooi.
literehant.,No. CO) Front oz. between Ward and
S l isYket smelt. 11,24
ur - liCktratiVN, ViCklejZe ara ke - ill;
VT • FOreitrd..•vd Domestic Dry Goods, north east
-ftrner of ldsrlOoto.d Paull) ot. •Ne.-21
tinc.loo7sos _ , nto. 1. to'cONl.
AXT m. YOUNG & Co.—s.Getlers in leather hides. kat
TT 143 Libertt et
soar osts6-11._
wet Werrentos.: . hiscrrencoft.
W& It. APCITTCIEROYi, WholessJe Grocers, des.
a len to Peodute, Moo, Nailit, Gloss, and Pitts.
burgh Manufacßres gert#rialy,l33 Liberty at, Pitts
burgh.. 1 dee3
Ur W WIL6ON, Dealer in , Watches Jewelry
TT i Ewer Ware, Military Goods, /cc.,t'lo. 67 Mar
I, at v 7
od no
a. rovido tco.,
DEALEJts 4 1110E2 AND LEATHER, Alorocco,
Shoe PindlS - ps, Re., No. 143 Liberty meet, have
just Tectivod thror SPRING STOCK of goods. com
prising a large al:sortntenr of articles in their line, to
which the attenWn of purchasers to invited.
.01.111 =TO.
• and Itiddi
Clair 11.111 at Pita
Molex:Lie' (11 0 66.4
No. Is, Lihettrot.,
and 6th sm. Jr
OTTICi 6,6072 N. ALLEN & Co,
.t3l No. 42 Water street
Pink AND 111.1114*.INS151LANCE. •
I.THE IntSIJILI,NCE CC. 'tet ' , North Americo will
matte peron;inr nt and • litsit.ed /mu Knee on pro
perty In this et,Vand 'taunt n slut menu try
Comet, assert, Csaett, and tly rd} The properties of
this company arts well turostr4and furnish an wrath
shle lime for the :ample intletniory of all persoun who
des re to bd protye eel by itnralite.
nlylB % t N. P. JC/11&4,',A gent, 43 Water at.
The FronVin Pet loronmco:Co. of Philadelphia.
D 111 .0 E2 . '0 le n t C w h7 8 1:42. 1 Mo n te r i
a 'r o ti t tll t zu s l t = ,
Gee. W Richards, Moraecsk Lew, Adolph° E.
Davul 3. krown, Mot/131 bittersort.
Caanum N. Prelude..
Charles G. Itanster, Seeretnew
Conuntadta map" ussoravice , peepettill or limited,
OE every desertpuon of property in town Cr Collldet,
al rut. as tow stare COII6IIIICM with steamy.
To Company bfate reserved a lane conumeent Pond,
which with theirtapital and Premiums, safely ninon.
aL afford ample protection la the assured.
Thesuet. o f rite company, On January Ist, 1E49, as
published asvoesthly to an tot of Assembly, were is
follows, :
itanVou 11,047439 41
94, , 7N 83
Temporarroana =• •• • %Xi 94
Steens 51,=
IhB4 37
• .
' 51,1k6,491 71
flume their incorporation, apenod of 19 gears, they
hesLre paid ennui& of ooe antihero boar hundred thou
and dollars, !mule by fire, thereby affordingevidence
f tha advantages of treSteillesee, as well as the ability
and diaprompon tthracer with prompuoess all liabtlities.
• J. GARDINER ,OFFL'i, Agent,
marl.dly. Office NE-Moryer Wood and 3d ens
.' l-1, ,.MDT111:41.L11.15411:111.ANCE
111 A. tODEMA, Apllll.ll Pittsburgh for the Dela
l!elDEtr"PLl"'Alr'lllrtilrinTlPm"Vr" Pi =
et every deseriptiort, uodlitaruLp •sks opon hulls or
O.IOL, of vusals, ratan upon the most favorable
in thi u
Warohol l oi W. B. Dolmas k ßro.,
N 0.37 Watr, bees aiket eek, Piteabonyle.
N. B.—The Asternss of this Company since the estab
aahmene of the Agencythis eery, wale the prompt
ness and liberality with which eyery elan. upon them
for loss has beeweerednasted, hallf. warrant Joe agent In
warning tho couliOnowandsrarratrage of Ina fnends and
the commanity tu large to rho Delaware 11. B. Gua
nine° Company, while it Lou' theeiddiuonal reelvantogea
as an Juneauon limas the most egoarestung to rhiladel
plua—res having AO ample peurt-iti eapetal, winch by the
operation of its &atter to •eonereanny tocreaseng, es
yielding to each pampa elesdred Stela due share ot the
profits of the compapy, wateoatloevolveng hem in any
responsibility whateaer, AIM therefore as possesseng
the `Mahal pinesoo divested of every obnomou (ea.
3 lre,tind in its IMAM attractive karat novl
THE Insurance Company of North Amer . ..., earough
us duly autheiracd Agent, the soltaenber, oders to
make permethent !ad hauled' Insdrance on property n.
this any and it, •Lhenny, ant on alupments by the Ca
nal and Boyers. -
Arthur 0 Clam,
. w. Jones,
Edward Smith 1;;;;h - isi. Thomas,
John A. known, - i Aohn R Neff.
Jobs; Whim, , amitard D. Wood,
Thomas P. Copt, INeish,,
Samuel F. . - Frani. }Wakens,
Samuel firosiks, th Austin shinbone,
D. Suati.isan, Seel.
Tbia to the oldenk kessurane• CiAnpany in the Canna
Status, haring hien chartered in, WPC Its charter is
perpetual, and froth am high standing, long prenenee,
andavonling ids risks of ut'axtra has,
anions eliatteter,4l may bo ponmaered as oiTeruL/1111.
pie scantily to tiscpublse. ' W. P. JuN
At the Counting*oom of Atwood, Jones fr.. Co., Wa
ter. and From miners Putsburgth
ri TIE SUIASCRIER bar been appointed Agent pro
tem. ofThe Itniurance Company of North America,
and will issne Foliates and d
,aliento th e otter business
af Ar,eit4, 14tbe wurdhOuse - of Atwood, Jones At
Co. opilt WM P JONES. water at
uc. L vu' enevuraan asnsgtor *Alta
ICILA.MVAI okartsigowr.o. co.
TUBACCU 0111i111880t1:11111CILLSITS,
No. SP Sputa Wharves,hial 417 South Water at.
'PAIL; 0r:1,1414A.
Dens to inroad the :nide nod 6e niers generally, of
Pittsburgh, that they [tala made such arruagements
with the Vleglnia •l inanumettfttradtnd the Growers. of
the Vilest,. V.' est Iddies, eau dolt er places, us will 11111110
a large anduoustant supply of Ito fullourtag descrip
tions of Tobacco, ashieh will behold upon os occom
m luting
terms rig any othstletrec in this city or else
where, and all gouda ordereafros them will be war.
tented equal to rapiesestistiva, •
Havana; !St- Datniu,goi :CouPg
Yam • Porte:Rico' . • Penttia.; }Seed Leaf to
Cuba, • 'saint,' .St Florida, bared;
4/...50-13tunell relcbasand Aforutora Slag Caven
dish, with a lasso*esoruarits of ether popular brands,
aod qualitieteof po4nds, St, ho, 14, 16s and Ws, Lurup,
as, e, n tmdlUa Plug; Ladle las-ult; Virgiutn Twits
te e ,, swe e t. had prise, us *hole slid half boxes, wood
and urf, together with eveiy variety of article belong.
ing to We Irwin. reledly
' JOHN A. 131/AW,
Commitsiou llerchant Mil orwarder, •
117. Petocular ittiention tee purcheeing of
of ally aruale of Froduco In this nark. Also to the
forwardtot of Goods generally. Czeter
. .
Mews. lona nwanoy & Co i l •
- • moo. & ..,..... kwc, . G ina au, 0.
S. C. Parthr, E. 44 • 1 , ..
Lappiunott , Co. .,• '
Kier 4 / ono , l.lrinsburgh, P.
English & Annoy. ~.
___. warn:Odin
7 'ulatfp.oic
Commission And Forwarding Iflerchant.
no. 0 noon Et, pressurised,
CONTINUES tarinasact a general Commission bud.
new, esElecialty in th e purchwe and sale of Annell
e. Ms:nurse turmitand Produce, and Is receiving and
forwarding (roods Consigned to hu tone. As Agent for
the Alanniactures,lie will Int toaster:lily supptied with
the pram:pal artietes of Pt burgh l'lnnufanutre at the
lowest wholessletionces. (Aden sod consignments
wntn,Eseiar. GROCMILS.
Irons, Baits,
,Cotton Turns & Pittsburgh
itiauttruotureja generally,
Nit ID WOOD trust. rrrusoacsi Pt
Imparter and Dealer Furrie and Lawseatte
Saddlery Hardware & Carriage Trimmings,
so. 133 Wood Pa.
IS now receiving his SOO( supply w Goods, sod
the ans... of Huddle It, Coachmaters and
Al 2 lninoilli to bra hock. It Iran beau bought anon the
best teems from the best inisrees2 and on thennore
feels confident of being able be creed sellsfactiou
all writ, marfssorlum with t calk. me 1027.ddca
FORNAlininugi C0111118811)3 Ii RCIkANTS,
No. 162 Se tend at re•t, •
useb.Y7,loms t ST LOUIS, NO .
s.IPADEs, StiOY.F.LS, Ira.'. 5n don Spadessod 9tto
-4:7 sets; 44 do /Suture Forks; 21/S3 lireu.Shorels, 60
do Socket do; Ants, Haterke, Mottooks end Finks,
Bellows, Vices, Se., for side $1 radoolacturers prices
be nairlO ,! (4140.(10C1111Ati. Oa wood it
nrnWUßsill'earV2 7 6osl — 'iNt — gftge
AN AXLE ps.crpss.
. .
usaa •0•1121, JOHN •. tuna..
40300,8 ge, %taiga,
13.gANuFAcrugeas ot:opnui and blister stool,
/XL plough nout:otool (dough rings, coach aid ollpg
sic sunup,. hansmbrod WWI ftles !sad dealers in mal
leable castutga, .gist ttUrg, ,
saul coach uoununp
generally, earner afros, Ind Pilot en, pi b h
urg 3
Pa. (ebb
flew, asinine Pll((~arlsis Dock,
FOR PilitiF,TittO WATER,
• Which renders fitirbid water pure by
rhudivies all not somble
water. The etorqn water in N. Feta,
; MUM emu pens to the eye, yip
le k =hon . aloe t h,,
WV.= MMstaiseeF 3 ansio, he. TWr
I. the easenom hr tenuria all l by t water. •
The RevetrubleFlaereuili nett d durable, end Is
not attendedissulre inentiverumtee Incident to other
Pilferers, an it is e ceased :without being detached frost
the water pcpc, merely homing the key or hanoiL
from one side to Me other, ;Hy this easy process, tits
gents° of water change d sad iii accumulations fo
Diem. substances are driven Of ahnum Distantly,
without unscrewing the Fillet. It also possesses ths
advantage of being a stoptik,abil snob in many
eases will be very eallTe taiwonacaleaL
Dealt be attached where emits. any preume high
or low to a muk, 'Mak, tab, he. tang. To be had
of the sole Mtent.A. W. W. WILSON,
oetl7 4 comer of Fo and Market its
S la:Ai-4; handsome Fairly Carnage. for one
oe twe horse), built at Phila4obils by a eelebra•
led nionulliciuretr This carriage is in every respect
• East rate isruclfi made with ad Die modern improve.
mem& lined wids,,blue cloth Amok tad/bed in superior
manner. Is is aribrely soori , oad lipid for wont of use.
Enquire of A EX- Pa/Eft & DAY,
myth 75 Manlet t, N
' corder of the Diamond
ifE attendon tithe public In Mspeettatty called to
the tollowlnteernhcalet •
tested. a quantity of Geld
welshed by yourtmonletet I End th e mull prows.
Tour immune= meg and recommend the use of
to those going to California, as the-bast method for ob.
taming the real vitice of 6 Rap. yours,
j. a, Diy tic4VT,l3eld Deem.
Ptoubmith, idainh a,1849. i
Cana, March 1841.
M1L. r." 20 . 11,, i0 sir Raving Vtantined the u are*.
menu,. mardstaeMred at yam meths, I do not hentme
o commend h Ihe one of those; ntlemen who ace
about rsmoeing te California in eikareh of Gold.
' v* " 61 . 4 .ii t touintation mithe specific pill
ty o m etals, arid cenatitly edible tee *dem:Musa
to ascertain robed pincer sl rd= C•l3.
mnttg V.4 14 1 , ..P'T. 7. 01. aticusTocx.
G R grt; PE Z. E i' — " , , , ml - mVAL'elsrar
nwr t a
Mules Taylor,
Ambrose W ha;
ATTORNEY A r LAW. Ottle, on Fourth street,
_a. between Cherry alley and Grant FL atyl•lly
Butler, Pa
WILL also attend to collections and all otter Mod-
Y‘ neva entrusts! to ham in Butler and Armstrong
counties, Pa. neer to
J. it R. Floyd. Liberty at
W. W. Wallace, do
James 'Morahan do Pittaborati
dly Hay /4 Co.. Wood st. j tan)
- --
TFWFITZF.R, Attorney at Law, °Mee .1.
a opposite RI. Cbarlea Ilotel, Pillatinoth. will ante
attend promptly to Collections, in Weeliinvon, Fayette
and Green counts, P.
Blackstock, Bell k Co
Church tr. Carothers. }Pittsburgh.
D T. hlorgan, siel3,llr
J. HENRY, Attorney and Couticellor at Law.
Cincinnati Ohio. Collection. 11l Southern mats,
and in Indian and in Kentuck y. promptly and care•
fully attended to. Comnusiooner far the, Slate of Peon
tennis, for taking Depositions. acknowledgments,
Bar. eo—Hon. Wm. Bell k Son, Curl. Church &
Camthera, Wm. Flay., Ben., Wlnook & Day.. aa.S
1.1•1.0!, 1. ILA scw[l-1.
rII.:NLOP & SEW ELL. anoreey m Law, InbeeA on
lJ Ainithfirld, between 3l and Mn ma
JOHN T. cocnitAst,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth ,treat,between
Smithfield and Grant. ;al2-rtiim_
O. 11. ROBINS:ON. Attornny at Law 'i
s. re•
W. moved his oder to the 1.:re1./situ: Bui:rtniss, St
Clair .1. nail door to Alderman Johns. spiVy
(s—cs,on to M'Cord Jc King) in h,
Washlonsbl• ttttt s,'
Corner of Wood and Fifth Strezta.
PARTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail Trade.
Gentlemen con rely upon getting their Hata and
Caps from our establishment of the am narrate.. and
woalowamt, of the LA - tarsal-11as, and 01.i.b0 tovnax
Country Merchants, purchasing by wholecaie, are
respectfully invited to call and examine our Stock; ss
we can say with confidence that as regards iiesurs
and rincs, it will not suffer in a companion watt any
house in Phdadelplux febri
CALIFORNIA RATS—t 2 dot water proof
efiltronsla halt, lust received and for talc by
APO tRD tr. Co,
chill comer sth and AV COW NU
ItI'CORD a. Co. will introduce. nn e•atur•
41 1 11,day, March sd , the Pi ring zipl«if 14ATS
Moat, in want of neat mid superior hat, art mail.
to call at corner of Sil and Wood Street.. mail
has now open • supply of spring Bonnet ItAbons,
of new and handsome styles
Also, new style Bled Netts: Lisle Laces and Edg•
Ingo; Linen Edengs; Victoria do, plod Muslim, and
Jneeinets, embroidered Swish Muslims, de.; tit Intles a
boge tusonment of Spung (jowls generally. et north
east corner 4th and Mnrliet street*.
RI:BEFACIENT.—ii.•raea whale mt. - math; at large
In the field,. are ry apt to t rute tot tapirs.
themselves an many way s. '1 uey so n o ften dtua.ited
so to ageless for a loop' nose. It tansuedtate use
could be made or Faattestoc &to 's itobefa
cleat, and the lensed part wed saturated. end the
remedy rubued It would give Rebel and ease the
pun No farmer altould be vitamin tans celebrated
medicine, as it Is slake heating to man or bett•t Pre
pared and sold by It AFA EratiC &t o;
eerier of Wood and tat sits, corn. r eta and
40FIGAN'S WORIM KILLER —Another pro T 1
IYI the triumphant success of Morgan • Verintt see
el:,d3Clell May lan 1., v.
Mr. Jobe D. 17lorgant—I1 my u e of any us, to
the suffering community, in rep's/ to tn. artic,e ot
Morgat • to ermituge, you are puiseet`y we.comr. Ir.
/ had IWO children sorely aillteted worm.; I 1•••
came adarmed, and very Justly so, when I tried your
renowned Verautuge. uod •stont•lting to, one el
them was oativered of about b.ty worn.. bitten :del
long, of the most Sights! ktn.l. re...emoting chore tbe
appearance of eel. The other .1.1.1 w. et
about _ti. The t Inidreit are now dotng !duchy You
may well be proud of your Worm bt•ler.
Yours ru y Dr.VID Sinina, Virgin a' CF
Prepared and sold wholesale and •etuil uy Jt.tllbt II
MORGAN, Drugglst, Wood street. one door be! .w
amond alley. MN 14
ALLSOILLNT Cite, j:id We'd.)
Apr, do, 17.4 t./
MT. EL F. Sellers, Being a Ice some nrinr with
is cough, which whis en scoot. as to lii
at Inc ler al)
daily employment. Frcoueht.y idler et hiehind. I hltvd
been so much exhausted, as to he ou.t ced •tt down
and rest. llearing of the good enter ta pr0d.:1..4 by
your Cough Syrup. I coliCluded le uthl. and
um happy to eay it produced the dens red effect :a ut7
ease. Alter acing it one night, the not sob was hateo.
and I MU UDR , periaelly tt
This p mutant trot popular Cough S s nip n prt ;need
and sold by R E Se.I.,LERS, 37 tvnvod ss .,‘
also by Drugetsts generaity us the was c and
QAVE.D . Hffi LlFE—gene Vet'.danitee is th• arta
cle. I.utr olos. v .., Jan Ibt, I 0.
51r. .I. bL Wilson—Dear 5.17 The via! of Selters'
VerinSuge I bought from) ou some time ago, louder
from my tel bye. ru old, the salon,. lung natal. , 0(5
hundred Worms. I belle e she net old have lived a
very short time, hut for 1/,u medicine.
WY. uoow Jr.
Prepared and .old by E SELLERS, P; ,b pod et,
sold else by Invests" g enerany to tee two evie. m,
Dr. ktone's C elebrated liemedies.
TAR. JACOB S. W.VA.:, Ms do:coverer and sole pro
prietor of these. most v.:mules and toeneficia. med.
mines, nod •Iso the iusentor on the celebrated tm Ire.
ment tor inflating the Lungs, ,a ellectans it en
Chronic diseases, urns • student ei that enantent p et, si•
ciao, Doctor rhyme, nod is a graduate et the I. nit mal
ty of Pennsylvania, And (or thirty years sort
eintaged et the mvesUgatiota of disco... and 4pol.
cotton ol remedies thereto.
. .
Tlirouy we use of his inflating tune, in cne -el.ori
with has Prophylaeue r.)tup and other of M Srem .4C6
he has gained al unpuralelleil 111 c /ring
those dreadful and lutal nudadies, Tunerrular 1.1111-
sumption, Cancers, Scrofula, Ilneumausm, As
Ferrer nod Ague, Fevers of all cad, Co roam Icy ripe
I as, and all those obatinate disoisa,ii per alio, ni fete 41 , 0
Indeed ovary form a mamas vatuanes adder int use
of his remedies i to which humanity is near—nor we
too or one compound only, for that is Ineoixtpa tee
with Physiological Law, but by the ore art re• te inc.
dies, adapted to and prescribed tor each peculiar ' urge
of disease.
Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pins, when wand are .dt:
variably acknowledged te be aupenor to all other, 1 •
a purgative or liver piII,OUSSZIOLICO 8.31 they lea /
bowels perfectly tree from cos:mem., as al i, IS
is Mammal by the acuity to posses.,.er
liar properties adapted'o fentrie dmessea but r
r.urficd that a bare inn/ foLfiloient to estabh...p wt..
has been .aid in the minds of the most skeptiCol.
The afflicted are invited to ea upon the arida ma
PB"oure ;Kraus) one at lOU 00e:of POrtiOhl, .
a detailed account closes reaaody and its appb ra non
Foe sale by the fol owing agents, es well muy non
nragg:sts throagnout the cottmry:
J .•,choonmaier & Co, ad Wood curet, Pubtbur, ,
J AlTowurienn,Onaggist,
Lea A Beckham, - near the I'. U. Ailrghea) et-y,
Jos Markley, llarbugtou, Beaver county, es.
Jno halioty Mtnon Valley, a:
T Admits, Beaver, a ..
nonlo,ll y
- -
J•yneis t Exproctorant... , -
Samos, Columbian a ea, 41., Apr. 24, I cll.
IAR. D. JAI NE.S. bast feel t.ouilit ti ice
„ If and me attlicted public, to avail mysen of let op.
portututy of giving go:Welty taa the extraurdinary r ;eel,
Of your Eapectorant on myself. Dant% 1./eel. ad. vete:,
for severe. years with a sera re coogu hecue fare,
and us cosscurtutant disease,. and seeme d only dung.,
to anger oat a short hot miserable ...le/lee, aut.. the
fall of 1019, when, [ferric more oevetel) attiomoris. as,
hoeing resorted to all my fanner reinettmo, uud :he pre
ocriptioun of two of the to reopectatile pinyonc rot iii
the neighborhood without deriving arty Lour:ht. o. to
cousialalson of surviving but a few do,* or we,
fainter-when the last gleans of hope was tt.
Yemen. I had reconsmended to nit your Rape...tut
aud blessed by Met Being who does all taunts to the
use oldie means-mad contrary to the agpactuun,
my phystmana and frtenda,l was at a few day, ..afsed
from my bed, and was enalited by the tiae of a ismil• to
attend to nay bklismeas, chivying wire littler health ..11.
I had for trot yeas. previous.
Respectfully your., Ac., Jos. W.E.T . A,.
For sale In Finsburgh, at the Pekut Tea Mate, 72
Fourth street
- _
y, baluutc end mote rtil..,-,,1tec..h.,g,h,..-
Vmegar tender It tar auparfor to Comfy. avatar fur
the °titulary purpose. al the teliet, estrous-mg Ate tat
ter lo to pertain.. It prevents avid removes at
letter avid asperity of the silos, it retreat.. .linen.
the shot, reodernig soft and amootn. It corr.,* t.
dummy and bitter Into ot the mouth, imparting a 1, :.t.
and pleasant breath. It eleallae• arid Vellrlell• :Ile
teeth, avid hardens the gum. For al, the 1.111/0e p
q.t.., it Y. maul with water in ouch oro,ort.n as may
or found 61051 agreeable. Lly nurseling it a n d ru.tog
it on the temple*, it volt remove headache. h *gip oio
toltantly to a barn or Orator, it will e•eiitualiy prc .eiii
mortilicalsou. It correct vitiated air t end guaruienc•
from contagion; it is thereon very useful for purinfog
and perfuming Stpmtments. For tale, by
AtELLY.RS, 4Vholeanfe Druggist,
mct3ls7 Wood sire., rittamir
_ .
Dr. McLane to Tenn .
- • •
HIS is to certify that I purchased our vial of Dr.
Malana'a Worm Hpedfie, some two months ago
sod gore to a son of mute, some seven yews wit, twc ,
diurponou toil, and although the amount any appear
sole, yin I tome no doom but there was upwarus of
raw too am weans pawed fromlstm, mensurimg
born ono quarter of au inch to two inches loug.
Remora Creak, Carrot co, Tenn 0./ec ar, 1,17 . Ualfairik—
L,ubvsoics, Jlll, reil. ISI9.
11t. Pallets—Your beriostuge has sold well.
fltd bra been higity spoken of by ail Woo naw u , eu
IL Prom the Mate., attending Ina adountstranou ul
your Vermthige tn very case I have heard M. I en/
confident I ran sell e wore during the col 1111 l ; aeason
than I did Inst. I will be glad tu receive anower sup
ply oft or 0 gross. I ours, respectut by,
(Extract from letter) H. CARTER.
Prepared and sold uy It. K SELLERS, 07 Wood n
and sold by urugiosta generally, In Pittsburgh and A
TILE subeerdter h ILE
es removed d
tu .L s Wholesale °toe e
Ty blote to the corner of lleutooek street end Ai r
glterly Whurri haat door to the Perry House.
BOr•igro .nd DOULeatiO Liquors.
A. GOOD awortinent 01 Fogel, n,w lauctoOtc Li
quor*, always on hand nod lot tale al quanu uo
to wit parchwora up
AYE h - Tve coin - e — Pe,ilPll, made too an Julo, tel
Vl' plan, so as not to !roes. In Ws culaost war) he,.
Panama orations web what., are mooed to co Ji ad
000 Oulu a SCA' r; ATKIN,tiN •S,
myad lit 401.11/0.1 Wool 'holt sto
11aUnt, .snorted bids Flatsced, lugs ,o 4; 4do
Loy Potato's; In 00 do (*Moen, ,
for ads by IdialAill.ll,KLY a C.,
F must
wOOl,-3 ato Wood; Ido Peat mok lad float
L E 6 AI Lino, and tor la to
THE co-partnership heretofore elisting between, the
sulmenhers, to the neon, of Conatable e Burke ik
Co.. is thin day dissolved by MlMl:lei comm. }lents
Burke h. Barnet , will settle the business of the non
earn. for winch purpose they are authorised to use the
mune of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned have this day associated themselves
in the name of BURKE h UARNES, for the purpose
manufactunna Fire Proof Sales, Vault Doors, he
he., at the stand of the lab arm of Constable, Burke
Ce. Co., where they will he pleased to receiveihe Pa
tronage of the customers of that house and their friends.
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke & Co.
I With sincere pinmure recommend Messrs. Burke &
Barnes to the confidence of my friends and the public.
SHE partner. hip o! ;11; Rl'H & LICE le des day
dis.Pred by mutual consent The bnetnese edam
Int, firm wtll be waled 11. Lee. J. R. MURPHY,
Pittsterge, Jan. 90, 148. R. LEE.
NI/TICE—The o+dersignedwilt cannot:Le the Wool
bu..” • , •d attend to the dale of Woolen (Roods, .t
ter oid stand. 11. LEE.
In retiring from the fine of Murphy ft Leo, I uka
great pleasure in recommending Mr H. Lee to the
contr....ore of my friends and the public.
Plashorgh. Jan. 31, Legg. J. R. MURPHY.
TGIF stainer-thorn have this - tray elated shaw
-1 e. togerirer for the purpose of transacting a
wit...rale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business,
nt We Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the
et) In and firm of DUSHFIELD IS HAYS.
Plobureh, January 1,1545.
N. li —Our old customers and the pabLo are invited
g;ve us n call. tai
g have entered into eirtnenlop. under the firm of
SCAIFE. fr. ATKINSON. and wor carry ou the Tin,
Copper, and Shoot Iron Wan manufactory.
Alan, Blacksinaluog to all to branches, at the old
stand of liVeri. D. Seaga, First street: non, Wood_
Parecular ate:union given to ateamboro wort.
liiAvt: Has day assoctated wish me in the wfiole.
sale rtrocery Products and Commiunon business,
y at other Joseph, under It. firm of J. S DILWORTH
January 1,1649
(\!I—PARTNERSHIP—Wm. )"ounfhwring thth
day n....socnated brrth Wm, John R. hll..une, the Ire
ther n,theas hereafter be conducted under the
iiTto oi Wm Young & Co WILLIAAI YOUNt,,
Pl'or many year* comieeted with Me•sria Wiley J.
utnam, •nd lele Jolla WI ey, h lore and London,)
No 63 NVOOD 621 M,
.PPQatte the et Charles Hotel,/
1,77 - English, French, and German Etertew; and
Magus.... and Neon/apen imported to order, pneee
winch may be am:ermined ou to :dr L.
1 —llll. ua Futohe Architecture, prepared, on
uhuh!l of the Butlating Committee of the nmntisouleu
In.d.suison, by Robert Dale Owen lu large quarto,
elegant. y ported, oath 113 lliestratio. In the best
YU. an
11.--limen on Brunei:PlA, second edition, revised
and en'argrd A treatise on diseases of the sations
rages, comprising In Inquiry into tile history, causes,
and treatment of those nifeetions of the throat, roll
dronenitis„ Carol... Laryngitis, Craggy:nu:Os Sore
Thrum. Pc P.e. Ny Hurave Ureen A dl .H. D
Pints, unproved and carefully eolomd vo., lops. FJ Mi
lit - Now ready, the 4tu edition, reet•ed and enlar
ged. with Itddi , lo4lll•ttona. A Trcanse int Lend
accde i.dreielliug And Rural Architecture
rur w.e uy JAALE.S D. LOCKWCIOD,
dJ Wood curet.
For nanny yee conhccied with Men a. 1% ney
11.11 111,0 1•1 C John Whey, New York.
Air /. rra,r;uar rerorr.ed from Inc Ea.rorn etUca.
H k:AU 1.1 NY.bte — WrUlir—lstre Adrroorraet, or
the Woods, by J. T licadley, author or
• It _en 1,..1 Iris' etc.
I he lA, end \ VllllllO of De Witt Clinton, by IV.
1%. lAvoptbc, cum, or . .Border St effort " Joel rte'd
Irry ro: /LB INSTtrN 8 trlV.rir: lON
pr BOolsr,--A Ili•tory of Wonderful In von.,
rrromraterl won numerous engraving. on wood;
T,e I.whrhauon, or pictures of the Vinvo and her
fte, I.> Charles Heec LC', Fort Wa)ne.lo.hana. %AL
SW wtrodunory sway, h) Mr. Harrier hoeencr biome.
Just rrc'd try it/I-1,-I'o3 1 SIOCKIu..,
,ta curner :ht and Market all
et Books. —
ELLIOT!' A EN,..1.1,11, :it Wood Wert. between
4ta turd Diamond antly, have received a fierce
.up;.ly It tit , otogica. and o net work., &along winch
.ttg, rtz, Essays tuna Du
ttour•es ity I . traiticta 1100.111, Is All. Law and
Cro•Pe , Ly 1.. , 11. Tyng. lP taw of De Niittt Chilton.
Ofutora tut Ad. plc. Ilepabt.ean Cutts:mom
•.) t'r.turvat 61 flat rta, l' and
Me•tur,..tit by R.v . L Race, DD., town., do
import attJ y Be, cher, Nineveh and I. He.
manta, Moat of the Bible, Mlfartano. lob -al
.that .tty and Chorea in r.arste•t. by .1 A. James; E.d
w,rtlat worn,{ Cole ' now cdnion; J. M. Mason's oat .•
.rotopl< Le. Cowper. Lile std ort• of Cooper, Flo nu Rr e and Val: o . Papacy, furre,hut.. Theol
eye vomits of Mo.a. and Reltvour Arraddie,,
r.dgar a :,arratlVel. of Popery. Chrt.t Rec.:tante r.ln•
der., Iltote a.vitteneet, f r toe even., it) J. Coma.. te.
.Modern tueiet. Moder.l Aceolonnahment,
00 litinlots, : , r ,tintulhough. no 5C.11.1.1e,
hr-I pub.•atted, Life of Polo., :sutural Honor, ot
Kingdom*, Lectures or ritg•tius
.ez.grrs.o. flavour,
41 t.), Uz&culty. and some expo
of Laic p•aols oftasr. watt .00ct
, or wait Portrait of
~•11., A Ir.' rup es 'cc d and lor
yl9 ELL', Err & fi, TV Wood
the New American l.arkieuer
by lie tea* Feuenden
I 11.elleatl lionl./Gla, by Wm. lienrlce.
lo,up.tqc Fulmer Nam Rural k.eouoicasi, Uy Fee•
odern Ibme3tte rookery. by \Vn A fiendercm
.lu.t rre by JOHN,TUN & PUCK
4 r 14• I k et mid 34 sts
IC I.Ltt.luUC N (WK corne S—Thoughts on I•nulsc
r. t.) tivmuel 311Jler, D. D. L. L U.
I bou,l". un h .ally Wor•top, by Juzies
IV Ar~x
auJt r re,e/vca by
rs,yl7 !WINSTON a. STUCKTo:+I
Morri+, or We Heron, of
/ Lotriri Lb
111,V1 ) al Ning Charlet the .Sccond, of Wand. by
J acut: Auuolt, ariat engtuv tore Just road b 7
JOI(.NnTON d SIOC14.11)N,
royl9 corner and Market /As
1 A .Ih9 P LOLls COD, taw many ye•rr
Wry C‘i.ey and Painuat., and I.v Jona
41,1ey. New York and Louth, 49. h
iiOU, al No. n.I Wood st.eet, .I.WeCh 341
and ata strecds, Wilala ratty be :Ound a valuable conee.
el ANIdl It and A:qt.:RICAN
I 111)11-., ut pr,ea 93 low aura be Ewste ru
/•1-.Nl.l.lStr and CONTI:SF:MAL 1.:01.11,. Re
a. Nag ..rnor :S , wry, era .1 onro•rted CO order.
0 - o,l'll L I lI , NS and INCORPORATI D ts"-
unllka her rust Jett to receive their book. dot, II ee
Au.erlcatt k.alwiogura turnieneu
to a.. 1/10be who deltre ocus, or brut per motto
,n) adder.,
J D 1, ut:. alevais I,e happy to e7ht , at m ladto6 and
{eat. , wr n Les roe ka. and impart to Mena nay
wtec ire may possess rag:titling them. to> ,If
r ALL A OLE 11, Otils.—N
y It. licena,na, w.t:t ancouLl of v to in,
1...14r . 5ani,e 01 Kurdistan, and u t n nr
or. and an diu•riinto We n.anurr.
61,n the, antlent Ars) root, he Austen Hour)
) . Just pre d sod fig en. by
JOII.NO ft/NI tr. o
LAJZITW OOD; ltuoiwaler porr
of Lionis, 4:1 1Y0A,..1.1111.01., lau on band a
Kngllatt and Alverieurt books
arlfereau drp•runeuts or La.crutu re, at ti.oh 14c1.
pr",;.,, ea to A. low they can obtanod to the
„. .una
Cstotinental Rooks, Reviews, !dap
d warelpers, intporacd to order.
'fl a y ,,, V
aayi 1150150, Maputo,. or Newspaper,
Icmay .1.100d 011 0000000 to Mr L
~, Omer, can eata/ogaes furnished gratis.
rods nutas La.dern cows in a wet
Hay s, I\lo2 wool 1 '0 ha opy la e/aeute any orders forlooks,
looks,razgra ring 6 or it , ,allutacty, al a 1111,1.11 ad 'WIC!
on mu (0,1. 121)9
ayurki • NAi.avelt I•bki
, of • %:01t to tiA• Uttaltleali
00101 111 lb* VI.LUILIf. Of De. ts'Or.Ylp
u„d Inquiry ,Into the manner.lEllo arts 01 toe
neuts, wt on ualrextUotorY lean( by
vole., onto 00, wan 11 , out I,olll.,.truttons.
,'• I.,cclair• the 111(11i:114 rot,
Sono. puce 1011. etli 50 $O,O
crude.. eo rot:deused.: rotund to 51,511.
•,:a•IA) • 11.4 rory 0)1 . ./151aud. lo rper's °cm ed,
twu vol. 001510— larva pout and Liu* Paper, per vol.
..escwrllcta ILLOI EngLW Lei.son; nowed
imploveg. For s., cby H 11UPKIN5,
4 , 116 t , ntar wood
1.30t/K.,! Chatcb and elate, by
Bev II W Nati
I he Unureb in Eo meat. by Rea J Antal Jam...
Adv.. fo 'fauna a lan, by T a A rater, plc
° 1 among L &dies
Essays of Llia—Cbwee Lamb.
I.:polemic cornier. by f'f of Coventry.
t ) ernpedia of Moral end flatigious Anecdote.
Uoinp,oto \Nark. at illiwriotte Elizabeth. with me
moir b) her hustiphid.. 11 vole, hvo with
eirei pluton . .
trczoo od Clairol - Jai. to 1349. by Joblgerborntott.
The tote borpeoaton to ttre Dead :lac
I . roverbs mr
the iliu.trationwor Practical
1.A...141.111. Amara train the kook or William, by E L
ting eon
it y Sermons, I.y Dr Wayland.
k.lenuuniu of Metrololugy, by J tira:klosby, A. M.
of oy It 1101'hINS,
LI AN PRIMEVAL: or Tbo Cotorututton and Prom-
IVA ut, coututato e 7 u. 141112 An 11.11 g. A conlnbtl.
:lon to l'hcologic.,l Svieatec., by Joao Hamm, R. I)
Lectures to 1 oung Alcn on •attott Important tub
teem by 11 tV tloecht r.
Luz...lag's Work., complete: 0 volt, 12mo.
'rue -or • . T J Arthur,llllllot at ed. 15 vole. ]Artrei'd by iu)11 8 IiOY/i15.51, 4th et, sear wood
grEe Nsw ma: r.t.t:\ Cincvurttir.,
Dlrmlststoascs. [aver Plitetrargho I.
Warehouse, No. 137, Wood tired. Pittsburgh.
IFWILL connituntty keep on hsnd a good awn.
ment of Vt , are, of our own manta:actors sun
sopenorquality. Wholesale and .untry 'hies
chant. are respectfany invited to call and Gl
om:tulle for tnsenses ' as we are determined to cell
cheaper than has ever before been ageing to the pub
(Lc Orders all 1.7 conal,ancompluven by the cask. at
:., rp , rrenee ,ft be arodtpuy attended to. m 71 6
TIIE pubs e are cautioned epaulet purchasing. the
Bruit atanu by flaehtsrdson ef. (Jen, on /no. In 'Fe
u. a d. Ca. sad by teem accepted, tot LEO. dated *lcy
la, 1040, et Yu days alter stauy and west pled May les,
len), parable to toe wrier or dr•wers, sad by Wens
endorsed to y, 0 rem... 01,0 boa nonce that pay
ment of the want. hue bo on stopped to the haabia of
John :CP44..1 a, Cb. F. A. - 11/CIiAILUSON,
tart! ()CAL.:ha:ocm 6 Cab.
• • • • .. •.. • -
Tills eatablzahment long and widely knoWa an
being one of the 1110A1 commodiuu• in the city of
Ila.nmore, hen recently undergone very emen
sive alterntiont and maprovementa. An entire now
'mute has been added. eentauting nu rous and airy
sleeptstg apartments., and extename Ll:cl me ung MOMS.
The Ludt,' departmcm fin. alto hem. comp/Mel)
reorganised and hoed up in a mmd unique and health
ful style.. In fact the wool.: arraignment of the House
has been remodeled. vrith IL tingle eye on the putt of
the prophet.", tercanis toecomfort and pleasure of
their (Meets, and winch mey confident:7 teasel will
challenge compar arm will, any lintel in hie Uttne.
Them, tulle will airway. be teppeed with even aub
ammol end luxury which the market arlrdz. served
up in a superior style; while in the way or A.c ,
they will not be surpassed.
Inconclurionthe propnetor. beg to say, that nothing
veld be left undone on their part and on the part of their
ars•stants, to render thin Notel worthy. the continued
patronage or their friends and the public g ene nal I y •
The prices for board have also been reduced to the
folloormg rates:
Ladles' Ordinary, 11.75 per day.
Gentlemen'' , SO
N. S.—The Haunt, Wagon of the llowe will al
ways bo found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
whtch will convey baggage to and tram the Hotel. free
or chalice. maldtt
coax. or sea AND ay. cuitaSSlL, eery...non, ea.
The sub.criber having a..umed the manage
ment of this long e.rahlixhiel and popular llotel
respettfully nintounees to Travriler. and the
Public generally, limo he will be nt nines prepared
to ncrotumaiuto them to 11;1 things if. Irt well
regulated Hotel. Tbe House is onto briny I t
repnired theooghout. and now Porteture added. and no
pains will lip spared in co unt the Exchange one of the
very best lintels In the country.
The tindernugned respectfully solicit. a continuance
of the very Lboral or...runner the liou.e ha. heretofore
kWh/ . Prnpr etor.
COL , Ok OI soewrit Ann 0., ...arra rinwarlon
THE subscriber respectfully announces that
he has DOW opened /us new and CX.1:1:41,1l Hotel
for the accommodation of travelers, boarders,
snd the public gem:rainy, The house and furniture
all entirely he, end no pains or expense have been
spared to render tt one of the most eninhartable and
pleasant Hoteis in the city.
The subsenber is determined w deserve, end there
fore solicits, a share of public p•tronenie.
_00114,11 JA C.D /lOU. /I, Praprletor.
ntam-r sr, nrrwra, roux. nxt, rinm rrs.
OPPOSITE late Bank of titato.. Phu..
drlphtv M. POPP. MITCHELL,
inartlf Proprietor
Sortp at Par,
KI.ENER, . Wooa,Vci 'ft, rci ,treat,
Offer• to lPartnt lot 1:1, , lio” , a , Pia •
no, (SOSIOnI et the Itierc.l ensh poet, 'cr. Pin t.urVi.
Allegheny city. nod County Scrip. como,e
from 6to 7 °tierce and were Re'crAeof Icy fir t bick
ering tor thi, market. They nre war-tamed to he coon]
to any in the city. har.itg ali the invest improvement.,,
such as circular
Borers art invhed to rail prevtoo% to nureliastes
eltewhere and. a!wi, to hong with them tem- geed
'edge. pro(esstonal or otherwise, to judge of the quali
ty of thr shove instrument.%
S. IS—V. - rote° guarantees will be peen watt rash
Nano, <waling . the holder to e.getteoge to case the in
strument be proved to the least degree impericot. or
Sanity. rriT4 :I K
Shaeklett & White,
Fn. GOODS JOBBERS, 99 Wood orn, alt Ihn
anennon of Mennnoof to Owir qto:k or AIRRAI
throcUrorn nr.t band.,.
Reenving refuter supplies of first Rood. doting the
and devoting a large share of their attention
to liastero Auction antes, they ran confidently as
buyers they wilt find it to their interest to C11.11.41ue
their stook
hat received, Iarge IIVOICC• of new rifle Dre.
Good, Feuer Prmtd, Ca.Almerea
Good, Whlte (moon, 1.0 Tailo,,'
Trimming. and brown ar,d bleached• van
-15114 Lrunda
Modern and Antique Furniture,
0, Turno Bruer, Yrmaar In,
A large and spiertaid
~, ,r s _
tuuortment of Fern: ure, .17...,:e . :4; ... ,
ImAable for Stcamtroavr. :•:_, - re . .- ' ....k . ..,
1101<14 andprtrata d vrel
int., enertunt.y m, uand and made to order.
The preaent *toe/ on band cannot he exceeded by
any maxnaftictory in fi, 'muter° country P, [awn,
wt hug to puecaam would do well to rive roe c
al 1 ant determined coy prheei shall idease. Part of
We etork con... in—
Tete a Te Itusot Eiagen-;
Louie XIV Chatre, Loten Hixabeta ehaira;
Tea Po)) .e; e
Tod. T.l,lre; LOUIS X V Contnrode, - ,
French Aialtortny Bedetead•. Piano stool,
Su son. wall Pined and Ilair-c.odt ehyara;
541 iltallogan) ICoektag Chair,
4u do: Pato! . do
Faney do
25 centre Table,;
at pro. Cavaru l pa,, per rabies;
15 4,rtle top Dee nun, I , areau.:
Itiaz-broncy, Oct- i - eat - Les cad Book o.lf
ht Xneri.n. top V.
-A very ° tam e "Lett=rVlc.nse' ,
nt fn. Nwd :ninon :horn and other
form tyre too name-roue to ineLnon
(D .- Stearn Routs forn.shed on the shortest notice,
end ou the most ressonathe term. drrit.
rd Cocos. Coeon l'aste. ltrnertn Co,a, - .1,-ti, Se.
rim, merchaut. and con•uister., won wno d pore,.
1 product. or Coy.. rr, tr.,.11 .thaerauta,
more autntroo• thao Ira or rodeo nod o t.,.
p....ed. the pubwriher r^ .nl.. titsa te, manutactured a‘ mints, and camped Anti his aame.
Ills holt. and Cocoa l • mtr, os eche., pan:able,
and soillony drinks for ! nvalid.enava.esvcres. nod
other, ars proliounced by the most eminent pro stomas
.opertor 't, ally other preparaloots Ills Illtittobycloyn.
vre towhys on ...-- in a.. qUanti l t. by the ar. re.
speculate pore , . in the ...era ra.,e3. sial by ',hen
wow, Hawes i it. y Arn ,il Ito, ~,, . Jam. , %, lio.a
h co. Ilartnord Cy.. 1N.., 1. ‘', rot:, New York,
Oran tr. stone, l'iniadeiprow '1
Imola. V llntrt.o.. Ila:-
Inltore, auil Keoogg A liesinety:itic ~,,, au, Onto
NV A_LT ER I/A K PR. Bo tether, r Oar.
y alert RAGA LEI tr. SMI I'll, o g le
W sought and Cast Iron Railing.
frill: subscribers, beg leave to innicin the pahor that
1 they have nett rd 6,111 nil i' . .a•t all I. late and raeutotteible ...los for nut Roiling, bor, tor hown•
and .11irtorte. Perntnis wittliii, it , pc..., hand
..., pattern. wi'l ideas- ea" and-v•atme to,ud
in, o,ent...,ve. R. 1., 4.1`.. l n od at ille d J
eat aotteo. ono tit the heat manner. al tat corner of
Cram and Rebecca street, Aliedoenk city.
aucked-dif A. LAMONT A KNOX
Manufactured Tobacco.
IQ DX? (armory & Ilny.ter's superior sweet 5 IN,
. - 1 - k-7 25 do M A Butler's IL
la of do Pelee 2c Ilarwetrr! " '. 5 ••
21 do do do
775 do do Pearl at. Ilarwood " " Oh lb
I I do J Robinson
57 hf do do ° " .5 "
'LI do do Win Davrt.
11 do T Wright's ••
- .
57 do G Anderson "
9 dot. T D.le• " e 3 ••
5 de RNI aeon's
9 do H., ..,i
Just landing train strains r and pa. - kets. and for sole
by lIKA.LD, III ' CKNOR A. l'.o,
41 north watt rat and Id north wharvri.
1e24 Philailelphia
iVrt NB VA.C7t - L . BKirtiilrl ' i ' k i--...±0 I, is to alone.
& Son'lt ....Ter lo r swert lb lumps
75 half bra W, clatter Old impostor sweet 5. lumps
30 - Levert., bottler " 5s
25 a c„...ry A Hos., -asA. 5s •• 20 " Data , . ere ,a Earl, " to "
10 " McLeod - s "
25 ° Lawrence Lattice "53 &Gs lhag
Just landing Irum nteumer. and for F/1;1. by
41 N water . and In N wharves,
m)''ll Poillnie.i•ata.
W. itt J. GLENN. Book Blotters.
W C or % ! et " l " l: g „TlT i l• i r i t i l 'sht'nt:':,'‘llitt't."..l:a7g7l. corner
we are prepared to do any work ill our line mini ...-
patch 1V e attend to our work presoo•lly. and muse
will be given to regard to Its neatness and du
Bratsk Boot. fused to any p.tern and bound stth.
atalllienty. Books to numbers.' old books bound care.
fully nr repaired. 'N
ante, pal on books in gilt leas'.
that bore work in our line are Invited to ea!'
Prite.iow myAktf
4 tALF RRlNii—ao dol. gene 5 - e - iTi --- il -' I Call Skin., a
NJ eery hoe oracle. A fear doll. I t hitadelp • ra
darns, from the nol/I.llClOry of II M Craw lord. la
which die an
of Loot maker. is armed. Ja..t
received and for sale by W YOUNG in Co,
lilt liberty at
IVOIReit. ,
LT A VINO sold our entire swot to C 11 Om:, w.ili . GOAD'S
IA • c. ,,. .. to closing oar old N00n... 1., '' ,° °Y ••'''' ! Pelee, Graduated Gatvanu Battery and Patna
°°" for f..... P ...°°• g ` of oil °`" '°°°" aid
' o-
1 Inettlated Palmier tkleettral and other pearpckrat.
tollinrit. ~ lk PI P. DE 1 rK,
TuE POINDEXTER. THIS is the Duly instrument of the kind that dose./
Plttsburgh.Ang 4th, I.S-19 beets prt .clacal in dos tenuity or Canape tor .ed.
I teat purpo.ea, awl is the only one over known to .on,
fl If. GRANT, Whe'esale Grocer, Commisalon .rid i '') sl ' ll '" l ' ''' l
, g ,i . rr y t° ,i lt t , .. 9.° Lo c° ,, eled le the 4....
N.../ Forwarding Mricbutil, No. 41 %Valor al. ettll. 1 '' r ,%int,,,,,)' ate ' ,,,,,,:' , , L 7 1 ; ',."'„ 1 ,, , ,,,y .. ' ... T ,
- 2 17L-1 1-7CA-1"5-Ult-A"-Pfftl'iDILIT.--- I :;.10 " ant . , W. 1./ It/illeht:
pa::,--vritit perfect
IA IL. LION, Be,: and Brass Fouosier has re. „iii.„:„.„ with disc h ai ,,,,,,, ,u„,
built aisd e n...oh " , !"°''''''''' l ' s l ' l. " 4 " t a m . ' 'I
los oapOrtant arparal. is now highly approved of
whore Or will Lc P' e s sc° s° ace kl. '''' c°•°°" " by litany of the most eminent poystmai.s of Liao clan
era and Irtenda. try and Europe., to whom the afflicted and edictal vraorn
Church, Stenin'anti, and 8e.., of overt' .11e, from 10 a tiny tenure, „ can i ai , „i„ vw l . R.,„„„ wi ll .iii„
ts I °-°. P.m°, cant from pattern. °nil° ' 7° "" s • Pl ." '” ' " ! be given to many highly rerpectable c tattoo, sena have
od models. a... 1 warranted is be of tar best materna,. i ~,,„ cured by ~,,,,,,. 01 „,,,,now valuableiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
/Ill.. , • 1 ‘V1. ,,, Pa.P.-C.iltil°,t, Moiling •kl! - togs-1 of woe et the must Inveterate ileinrollathaorders which
the , wILL, ~,7 °l.r." ‘Y ‘°. Br." c.*""e , a r 'l ltl ' e'd, coals , not be removed by sot) other snow. ex.,.
turosti sad fondled In the neatest manner. ! Among vermin, other, it Ism lat. or.. In by ad
s. I , . is the .0.0 OrtlitflolOr oh . AIVII.ArtnI,„, adapted f 0.,. Inc cur g , kg , ~.,,,,,w , ,,g , t.c....
'Poe MM., so mushy celebrated for the redurtato 0 , . 01. „ , „„ gg b, g „,, 0g ,,,, ~.,..,.,, 0 7 ‘,.. ~ : i.-7,
t 'e utbon lit tanchtnery The boons and .:01110.1.11 It , te a g .„„ ,g„ apparatus ~,0 „ ,, u.„, ~,,,,,,,,
c ;;;
es , be hMlerf aim at all arm:.. ( ''''''r cuove) too magnetic dual with ease and sturdy to me
PRINTING PAPER. eke, at ...Wry )'glut., or cure ainauroms, to thr eu
THII sabsenbors having the etclusive Agency for restore lirc ring; to tile long. and Other organ., to r ts
snnurg the Printing Paper of u new nod ',tel.. 1 ....Tenet, nod lo the Carton. parts a: the 40.1), lei
paper nut/ La ibis ylonill , wn-t tool wl tone. we ' nap - the cure et climate iheuniunwio 0•111 ma. ocuralgt.r, or
p.ted with the din :its lso of, uper of sag-triar ‘,..1. 1 ti
% e dolooreuz. paral).., or patsy, go., char ea nt St.
ty, which we rider at 1... rat retga or pr t l er. i tin s tia.e, cpiirpoy, wean ae.• in,. .proitta Rotor
Ally sire or illlidlty on.: be manufactured to order at ! chscoses ponaltat to remulks, contra...l of ta, :mess
short notate. It ElNuLle t t S. bill:I ' , I lockjaw, etc etc
jot Gm corner Peat., and loam aka fUghts nor surrounding conalles of Wester, Pa and
INDIA itil6llitEtflil'llEsti--.1,.. roettiVon tear ate 0n0..., %lilt me instrunienl, may be purehmed,..d
Baliforits• hatosortnin, a compietc al I tli.tole•totl WC ate cafe VI diseases
L... rdaann Biotin,,,, At priors raligl.•l ftum -..!..., :0 I rtln ittaunettoh• will bogus. Inc ate venous Oheral
-1511.50 for auft of co., pants and lost. t or sole al the i cats to be used for venom dniewses, and the Lest main
la.& Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood st l net for operating for tor cure of those diseases real an
der..) .. -. 11c 11 PRILLII'S .c• be inn, exp• Orb , t to thy tonChasnr, louta painplilvt
v , ,
pun trim on, 0.,...1, e5., , t3.3,) tor the. Warw.., Care
-1 lull) prep.. it) tic pale... Kinitine of
• uetiff-d , y A WILLIAMS, VI. en, l'lttchttrah.
Pond. 0,
UST itt;t:tli - ta tattdauturc at aaaa.e
celebrated taluanut a ot Pierre*, uscd costalatilly lay
Lam, Tralborg wad tau at great peruaruutr, wgrLber
wilt a large auuturit u(rubutuotul and ataLogawy,
of owu atenaluatt Ttu. slaw, ann.:taunt* are
warranbetl to be pal. to evert orapeet, and will Le
*old ioor for daub. E WA.
dor1• Rd alum arum lan
1000 Falilillial 111,11118.
N 0.12 Nowth Sam Istsa, 1.1111...1DF1LP111 A.
I/ k-a ITIOA 10.1\U A...! WINDJIV BII.CDF.
- 1 g ISIANUFAI•I• LH ..ti. ~ - orarA in.,. mu'. tog.
For California..
1 , H k E eg o ., e I
g e ,
u ls rate
r d . t . 1 1 a , :a . r a .1 . 5011 , : , 1:0 . 71 , e4 . , La kegs, Is:, I r! 7:,,, M il
. L.' . ..2 , : ! 1 th t, 7 , :: 4 ,.. . , ,, , , • ,,c )
r :::: : : , ;, .! !0 :7,!,:: ; :tL: : ,h . !! ,. ..,.'!,e,!,,-
(chla 1 6 011..%a t .wr 1i k co, 71 , 0.4 . i , eO ,.
.. ^
... _ ,
. 0
”A... 1 1,41CIIY• I. to ni• ii • .pr Inc,. co kts ~ ,
M. an•pr•4l7aqW..As. boa...LA*la. to nartsvg sso vv,...t. s. 0,....-1.1 !....0 and ,oaso 'I ron.
20.) Ca1..h.8 Istal receivul per sicamors Ivanhoe - n ,,,,,,,,, o r 1! ,.„„ „, I , . 0114 C ,1„,„ !
~,,,,. ~, ,
.. ,4
4 cod at Clcoad, .d for sale by 1 gonsoO 2.w:talent of I ra..sparo!!! IV on.lovr ts oa o s .,
W S. 1.1 MI. eIIkILTREEs I ao
aOl .ho. I , or;.I sc .o t..! noaosi ea.a prices.
mahl3 jo,l s l.erty et I 0 a 1 1 110.1. painted ons s mined V, la.. rqual to new
--, ...------
. 1 ",,,,,,, 0 ,, , ,_, L , , , ~, ,o rid , n , ~,,,, , 1
. 1 .-. l ' 0r..k....1.htn 7- I, L'1 . ,..e.1) on 105,1.4.4 toms.
r BRAUN Le Ith:lTEkk, 1 The cshkens of 0.,..cant!0 county ace respect:ally
null Clair alb raChod to cull haksje 1•50.4 elsowlsOzo-sOouhdent Of
- s Oi "1.41 and Ift -- i I.ainng all. Oran in Th. 'vampire. 0 1/2W9 - 44,491
, ..
rPritE - D - STATE4 - 110TEL;
SlF.Sfiall. JAS. ROW A RD & Co.,
. . .
AD. SI %Vaud Street,
W ° P l ' ,l ". T3 ‘ ,, ,‘7tVk be orlki."rit. o n f il'l g 's, r th ' (Or " v * !
[telt, beauty of hoist...durability and cheapness, is an
%art by any establishment in stir U.llOO. •
Besides o large and full assort:nen , of paper of their
own inanufnetrire. they are now receiving n direct un
pormt tin of French and English styles Of - Paper Hang
mg.. purchased by Mr. Levi Howntd, one of the .rM.
00 lir iii Europe, couru.Ung of
Parisian manufacture, to.= pieces.
I..undon do 4.00 D do
Of their own manufacture they Kane Ino,ooo pieces
Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces .aria glared window
Messrs. James Howard tr. Co. lir , . eyaredeither
expense nor labor In their endenXbrs to rthal the east
wall rlol , of establishments, both in quality or m
1161eltlir aiod varlety of'pattent, and they are warrame
ed in assuring the ' , unlit that the, have succeeded.
The whole aasortment, foreign and home manufac
ture, aril! he offered on terms as low as those of qa
rtet manufacturer, and Importers m-h•Y• lir
a. W. PvINITFII . I.. C an •
of i'm.hurgh. of Plailaaolplata_
And General COMMIII,IOII Iderehanes,
No 1:41 , torre SrO9R, bit wren Ileveoth one
Twelfth Ms, PHILA DaL pin A
9'llF. ret ,ritierr beg leave r-talectiully in cells:rani
viror friendm end the perlir ttict they nave
cialed ncemaelvr• Plciudelplun, for the Pur'°'
tielierril Commis,. IhoOIIOA t, and trust
tlici lour experience In Intsinect will Kontre tO thorn
fair cniron.e.
Patneolor attention will be given to Pale. of
Flo and Produce general,. Red any purenosesln
the Naiads!phut morket for We•tern orroorn
REFERRNCES—The metchnnts o:
Springer k Whlteltuto, Lebtact & A/1,1,1.011,
enbclottaut Onto: H D Newcomb & Bro, IV Clifton,
Lewis /loaner, lea Todd, Loutsyttle, Hy; Crow Mr-
Ornery & Hartsdale, SI Loins, Mo , Hewitt, No toa in
Co, tV A. Violett, New (Hiram, I.;st °o
Noyes, lleUresor
in Morn, NOW 1'061; C) It Thomp
son in , John Tier..• CO, Peter Maroeilles.
Jones, Deal, Milligan in Burt. Phtlad'a. at. 3lt
IC . 1V CC) 11 /IS--.11 KIP; L 11,71 E ela
II het street
-1 doe very high bank Shell Took Combs;
lve " s
21 " plain !nigh "
If e' w beetled top '• nerro
SO feney top Buffalo
" plam
10 ! sof con] 30 doe shell ode, nesortod
WI; groty ram horn Side, 3 doz th•Il dreseing do,
12 doe Ifulfato do do Ido Imltat,oti do do; 50 do beml
Engli•h lioro, do S S fine Ivory, extra trao. 19 do
SS do do, In bogeg Id grate S fine do do, Ido comb
Clesietra 9416
a/arena,/ ret.sea Amuse ne.eae- WY. c. Haar
(Sneoe'hors tn Hassey. Han na k co}
Dr , 1 , 4 0 1. V., k•IXCIIANI.4: /41101( Ht. , u c hd th.alen
FL n a l t , td ri t o )o t rn , , ,, ll , e ,d 7 , cl o nt ,e nfl uu Zleatez
of Depo.n e,
nearly oppo.tte the hart offatc.nrrti Curet. ma
nn- recett , d on deplptit•- 9i fht Checks (or sale, end
colltehomt made on nearly all the prtneipal rointa In
Wr lintted .rates.
'Me highest prea.tom ;mid for Poreljn and d.mericem
Advances mode on constgnments of Produce, dup.
pod EAL, on 'thorn', n-rmn opt
f' q r iru -14,1,1 ti Gt. 1&4O
Paten: creu.t-Mer, ex-tension rthlt4. Sofia, Bur.res,
B oo k Caro. t Fritr reg
THE TABLES far e•ery other m
y ve non 01 the iond now eetant They can lye ex
tended Iron, Lenin twen . (••et. and when clued
thel.are ell co, tamed In•tde. iltry are muds to
all Ater ai.d rhope•.•od •rr Ado - untidy adopted (or
Steamt,oatu. Heinle, and large pro . ..te form
tno when c creed A complete cr.,. tilde
SOFAS U BUREA CS—Tbor, mucks are meal•
wad, paritcular:yto toose who wtsh to econo.
romn. Oct convert a ileepins. apartmeut toto
parl.r or -Mina room. no may can benpitied and
whet, shut. Me t)ctlthl.c. im
rd. Aor at i room n, , d rent A 111 r.
fada in net. closed !Om , n treautdol piece of larnstare
:or n par 00 Of mama. room
BOOK vASKS—A n-ut and useful ar,ele or parlor
or 4raarrus room.
wit; L/I-- , KS—For offierg. [0,1,1J, 1, 0 •11
.rot other office, when opeto,l otwo 000veroer,
whcn c.oscsl a pen,: Desk and Labrary altple
All these •rneles needno recommendation. the
beauty of the who, Le, tacy ore warranted not to get
repair It Ibe for ) our t It' rest. to c and
exams,. the a melee. rt , them entifor,tret'. ', ore , N o
11.1..l.trert. I.t.tatmr.rh. In aJthiso.l to the ono.,
•dvatimers thry arc pro.. 1151.., { •
Melo6 IA %I21k1" w
JAVNL.- eertifir,th ,mmediatc.i tt,er
blot, attended my brother. who d ai
i e d of con...motio n
t.. 1 Ilon-11,1,12,1 was learn sick with the Coosump:ton
or I..ver sod vra.,rr,lurro lo.v w to the
dtaca.e, that for our year. I was 1., attend to
rn, hu.,ttee.... elute, at home o‘ broad, lot the
n,•• t in my b, d nt nve pc:l
- urne , 1 hao re o enurd for mediral trtrndarice o
r..ea,ar I it ) •l,2t/t• and trtet
~,,,. to the nom.: 01
,oothout rl crlYthe any br:.eht therriro.r.
Jury, 1 , 4. i. I comnacoced taking Dr .11.yne's Med:-
111 , 00. hoc Lae.. t.,kro I.teen 0,1., or leas crer ruarm.
•nd belteve toot it ore. by per.evering the.r
Iy':.. e•,
that I ran now truly sey toot !nave como'ot,v r--o.
erred my nenith. beLtrve tort /ay oc's tea.netive
end Ito pecmrant aVe the I , est farm:y mcdtet.r, now in
I rtatrie in Spnagueld, coaLty. N. V, and
carry on a Clam., and machine ahoy In lhat p ace.
and amt.. Izacreatcd to any manor 110 axle of
oboe & medi,...a• and mule to, erruhratc •
eli of 1a.,. a.tht..d. ELI.) .111 F.Krt,:,
N 1 1.-t3
woOd g all the , tr::
Llca.rre grncr•i.y. w nie e J....un'lngT
ut.1 , 0..
:10-e .n larrivn on!. C‘ , sighenc.a, li.•
rt., from nianuine.arer, t• enabled to se. at at
1 brs R rrrn.:l%,. 5.,
7 0 1 " Ja.c. Math... 5 ,
'I 1 5•;
WI Putnam 5s and la,
13 Rut,er.
Ikrar Burl 5.,
1 -• & Lew,, I.
31 - Warwick .u; r
11cnry 1 Juan-. 5. Is vul
fct.l I. S %VA I E.H.)1.1N
Pitt ttacltlne W - Ark• an d Patiildry;
1011 N %VkLIG HT tr. , are pr-dared to 1.0,h1 t70 . .t0n
mnd ' , Maclunrry a: est.r• •:,^h
Curding MarOine, rrun,s. Spanner.
Drawing Frntoc.., Rallota) IVon,ern ,poolers,
Drrns.,i; rhinc•,l,ol.ol/IA. Card 1.,r,t01c,, rouzat
Iron Shnitto,, *la, of luu Inn , . Purl,. nod
Hangers of tue lulr.t potwros, aide nod hand 1..:chr...
and too.. of allCastlor. or c,ry ,I,..crtpton ,
lurnothrd on short nonce. l'ett,rns rondo •,0 ocile. !Or
Al,;ll..earmg, Iron I{.rLug. 24. c. Stoma 1 . 121 for neat.
In; Flrtc•rw , . Curt !no, frlncy C/1.-
111,4 frrnermlly. Orders Oft et tna Warrhott, of .1
f . .tancr tr. Co., L.tuorty strect, will sure promp,:ten
rtrlrr to 131ark•Inek 11 , 11 G Co.. I F Moorehrnd
Co .1. L WArto.r, „who P....burgh . (.7
1' 3.J ;1 Warn,
Penn Inoehtneghtilit --
rmAN—Manuturturer 4,1 e.llkmd• of co,
ton woo, cn A, , rgbroy coy. Pe
l'be above work, betnic now in 111.1 ~ree,tool
ermlon Imo prrpor,-,1 to execute oruere wtll, ,It.ratch
for 1.1 11, •Uk
p,ekr r..%prentWrs, eardot. grtutio, pu,..vuys,
qr..Atng :moms. 11tr0..,... woolto
• dont, nr tor ntrrcha,A or co., cry work.
111!Iltak,!Ai . k s. mod hand lull., and too, L.
rru: A! 1, J. ol tnairno; nu.Alc to order, or p.:4 , ,
• +o tc Nrlortr• or
r het or , !y. t',u.o. A . Illnek•lot
• 11 . 3. Co . A t.ray
ALI .1.K51
IA W. fr. (11., A WOU/d rr•peeuul!v inform
tste erce•ed •
I.ctwre. l'r•lern: R. d •Irrylk
Ur.n lnxlng pod •re prepared to rtven•• ordvi .1 tor
tr.p,wn of vehicles, t-ocehrn. Char. he
11,1”:14. ht . ke • whiil€ ir mt their
loot:1111m tor mat...elute of - the ahoy< c.
ll 0..,
iC 1LA . ..4 Mt) 140V1,111() It LI conadeaat they
enabled to work on Laeih reawolatble terma with
too, wanting unities to ihr
parlicithir :o these,ection of Mate
-1.111.1 caving 11011 C but , oinpeteitt workmen, they
co he..Ltaitot, their work We
melt:fore ..ak the Ty r ol
the point, to thia matter.
Henotrlog 00110 In the twat annular. .44 011 la<
molt reasonable 1,n..
Dionoragahelsi - Livery Stible.
2 17, )
Itutik..HT 11. vArr.itzmN toos open.]
the large stable on FlraL at, runolug through
to Second at. between Wood and Soutitlieid
its., in the rear of the Itionoclaaltel• louse,
with a tirely hew coca of I lurace and ifarnhees of
Ilse bc•t quality 'fad 111,1 sty'.es Horse, kept at !toe
r_ufe neat le-honer /Yank
. .
-- -
WE arc
o now 7PNWVDIMUiiti2Og,
selected with more than nausJ tine dr:IA.4 . We fast few
*wink to the New York and PhiladolPht• mutate,
and . embracing a great variety o[tdetkost every de.
emotion of the latest and most fashionable styles, and
aOp portion of it having been bougot Um hi U-
E. AUCTIONS at a great reductuin front the regu
lar rates, we are onahmd to offer rtzs
to cosh buyers, either by who Of MUM. 1.1 e
would therefore respectfully invite the auctinien
public to our Stock, feeling ermfident of out ability to
wait buyers to Wheel every Melo they ay with in
one live. To the ladies we would especially commend
our Cock of
• •
Dam FAL., or whim we have a very
large and beautiful assortment of the latest stylennand
most fashionable color.
.•, . . Daus Goons—Monello de Lalnes, Pod de
Cha.iivre, silk, Inlets and mohair Lustre., punted
Lawns, gingham Lamm, Foulards, new style Barer.,
Ertgllah, French and Smyth Uloghama, horn atop
hams In great variety, &e An.
Boars.—N vo , .1 yle Bonnets, very cheap.
Bienovo vc Finwrimi—Of the latest styles and supe
rior m cleanly.
P ILA If ma—A very large and handsome stock of Par
asols, of almost every style and quality.
Sao/v.—A fine of spring and summer
Shawls. of all pules and Fifteen
Parson Gamma—A rood supply or =per French.
Eogliali and American Cloths and Cusinteres, to winch
woubl invite the attention of personaneeding such
ALSO—A fall and general supply of Shliting Cheeks,
Tirol igs. brown and tileat lied NI u•ltns, Table Linens,
Sheeting, Dn th ogs, slimmer Goods
mans' mod boys . wear, J acooeta, Molt., Sanas, Nan
woks, N ans Ina, Proms, 011uiplarris., Crape, Crape Lace,
Glos. s, Hosiery, via lid.(., An he.
Pertiocs wiiitong to buy by crotch should call
and examine nu sine t, asoar prices are such as to
msba it their Interest to buy.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 Market at,
apt!' northwest corner of the Diamond
AA al e6ON ft Co., No. tin Matter lime,. have
on hand the largest variety of Vtahrotdede•
carnet, they have ever offered . The ir &allotment eon
mots In part of toe follovntig geode, nit
IdS rue embrotdeted Maelin Cape., (Pm 31,30 to WO
fio " Colter. " 37,1 to SIP
WO crochet Collar., from 37{ to 78 •
3411 lace •• 8 to 12
;IN (immure" " 11 to 12
1711/cony lated " 02 to 1,00
11 1 41 must Llt.7rts, " 10 to 1,40
730 pairs maim Cuff., " 37 to of
AISO Mot:ening Collars, from 101 to We.
Cad at the cheap one price store of A. A. MASON
& Co, No Ms !Basket st. mgl9
bsc.—W. R. Pleas. bap dui morning re
cd try &epee. a lot of bandanas .un colored,
greo•t and blue Itonoet litnboas. Also, ;gtOseP black
8:11). for dresses Visite,. mantillas, de. ,
BOA. Sue Loset—A loge essortmentlelely nom
Winos Dome for deeaace—.ooh as aorise and moll
Instals, Nansooks, diso, embroidered muslin.
for dres.c., all at lowest prtees, at northeast coruer
Footle and Market streets
Wnoletale Rooms upstater.
r R Al CSISIIT btu now open a foil assortment of &-
abete article., for dnuc• and seeks—among the let.
b.r are corny ♦carve union, such no pink,' blue, green,
Etc atm, Ong, blue, green, and mat. collard of Cha.
melmin Lawns, and a largo assortment at ambrolder
rdwitoluoi and I...asmts.
NY K M.'s rwent parchaso is now all reCeived and
open. and persons wanting Dry Goods will do well to
look aimns , araa and wash stock twrow pewit... W—
ent nonnown carnal Ith and carket its
lv nowsale Rooms op stews. myl
FLOWERS—Motorbus 'tor Artificial
ft F,onter., Ins: Plain oust , : paper, spotted do, Car
male paper for coloring, Pink Saucer", issa s t. of eve
ry torm, bads, bps, and callows, can be, obtalood at
ii EATON & Cols Trisamilto
•pl 4 611 'punkt 00
RbibiiW:- 7 Worsted parer,. 14
EPiano Stools, Table Covers, Traveling Bags, mob
great •ariery a small patterns. Also, Worsteds of
if colors and shades, by the pound, Donde, or skean
for sale by apt{ FII EATON eh Co, 411 Fourth at
ECOND SUPPLY—w II Murphy, at nairthanat eon
0 err of ith sod Market streets, has doer °pail his
swami supply of spring mid summer Goode, and has a
large asyortnient of Oreas (foods of newest styles. and
staple Bawds of every kind, all of wriiett *lll re sold
, son
hILISL,IN R M.rplay has
received We above ...rev and deeireble article,
of the lutuonlele al., Greco !Image& apt?
ll 0 fL 1.1 AL. ie. I/ it Y Ci OOD B.
A A. MISUA tr. CA.,
00 111AacAT Snono,
ARe: now operung the most extensive and varied
assortment oC Spring and Summer Goods ever
exhibited In use Western country, comprising upward,
et' E..ireit Hundred Case., pure nosed in enure packa
ges from the manofacturerv, importers, ang large ave.
lion sales_ by one of the kern residing ittlitiess York.
who ts constantly sending as the newest and most
fashionable good, They name in part—
tiarbases rich Samna Print% 30 east s da Lame;
.21 ' Lawns and ISldalsns " eolinn ,. and linen
110 blame bed Aluelins,al/ Ging]liasas.
grades, 30 " oal'd rklualuee
Jo " .1. rung Cheek, and 27 " Pipleas Cotton.
domestic Geighanas, rides and summer Stuff;
tin Woven .11trenuse
. .
A.lro, ease. and pack Lysol of Bonnets, Flowers. La
ce, klubons. Silks, Sbnwis, Derr:se , Who Goods,
ry A ruc:e 5, Owes sad eass.nores, laza., Ho
siery and tlinves.
. .
City and country merchant, will find their stock
tali,. end desirable ad Eadtern stocks, and' an elan.-
nattnn of their good, and mood cannot lad to con
rimunit, at, that rim undentahle. arise tage• and
•SGIIIIICS, they ran compett ornru SAT &atria:di...wt.
fact ttas been clearly demonstrated td hundretlr
of near patrons 'rho formerly purchased East. Their
/toes rail always be found complete. tln7
ARVi 1849, ,
EN NED)," Or. SAWYER. corner Wood and Foarth
strcct. err now receiving direct Iron first bends,
r,e stock of Fancy and Vaartety Gouls„ Inc uding
....lock% of every vovied, goad and salve( Watches.
lear , try. Fra•nnh Prints. Conan, Hoek* and Eyes
a, ones taani ltu.ncry.Sucpenderr, (ion Caps, nod nil
s ruder an their lane—an of eshaen having i•esal
thm.ed personally of the manufacturers cost. dtv.
rang the last winter, expressly fur toe Spring trade.
, sold sano:esole ate small advance on east.
IPUZIP • ly oa ta,d, dl de.anpuous of Looklag Gls.
lin our own ndeiinfaemnegi at emblem nrires
Ew FANG 1 , AND VAkl N CAM/ tts —AL 1.E./1
I.ON EINSEY'ri, 07 Start el street.
Ido pr. foie Chlns. Vases. ass'd, 173 sets twist and
velvet coat Raitons; firm velvet 141 - pdt Bags; 20
do (Io gent, traveling: WU groas fancy ant Buttons,
for dreare.; 10 d•r. :sail Brushes, lased: lOdgro fine
nit Veal :VA do do gill an 1 plated,
23 dot ro,g,v , od Bru,nes. 4 Jo Wash/.,gtou do.
I do 9a riers do, 3 gro Fide Lints; Fuse Hooks, Linde.
rick, Ar
/EIVi:LRY. kg —SO gold lever Watches; 60 do de
tadhed :ever W•lcaes; 11l Jo Lepine do; 10 Site Ma
me/oil. Plage r Rule.; t doe fate gold Vern and Fob
do do 1/north; Breast Fins, Finger Rings
Ear Itinax. Ac
—POO dos Ladies Cotton Gloves, avid:
'ko Lode Thread, fancy top. he ; 10 do goo.'
.ok lvlo•na, Id do do kid do; SO do MM. kid, ui d, 111
do do fancy top silk.
V peßiKrr (it/VD:3-7S pkg. American Pins; MX;
n s, Colon cord., 7S pc Pape,. Macho; SOU.Otht ribbed
evrentotton Caps; `DM p . m diem Whalebone do; 1011 dos
Ivory otoom Drevatog Combs, Back Como, kr. ko.
Ii E. lON k Mt nowopening weir Spring
sine Trinainings, cdositung In part of Ma
Ills ond Ur-ss Fringes, 1...n0t, black and co:A stilt
Locos. Week Flounce Lace. Hutton., Brid., Bonnet
rrimmioss. gents. Indies and children.. plain and lan.
c) llo4iery, Shins ior men and boa, Combo It ory and
other Font, Yarn, Spool Cotton. Needles, Tapes, Bob
bins rint, etc. to., which that oiler for sale, both
wholesoe and mod. at this Trimming Store, a 4 Fourth
.mans, h-•twee. %Vona nod 'Optic, •nnt
el'lSlNtt rOC I OM. A .11•30 N
wert, ure now open n 6 40 cases 13,1 d
ct, of opielidid S FRI GOODS,
•Mt,•./.ts, De Kea, M de Lewes, Gi 'Otero:,
Yr.on. Prevell Cerrilott•A, linntons, Lace,
Shaw.., Gloves, Hosiery, and a getter. Roger,
mem of Goode. ,nv-1,7
ittier -A v Et) THIS DAY, Carprunr sad 161 Cloths
of the latest and most approved patterns, and
or.vv• sult purchasers, and cheap as can be pars
em.sed in soy 01 the Eastern UZI., oomprtsing the fol
os, tog Varl.
ittiv a: Velvet Pilo Carpets;
Airmates Carpets, any UM hall room, or yes
Taps. yln do übules.
Bop Royal Brussels do Tapestry stair carpets;
Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do do
Superfias do do Chemist., Rugs'
Extra .up Insrohn do Tutted do
-urn time do do Brussels do
Ems do do Chesnut, Door mots;
Common do do Tufted do do
-4. 3-4 'Tapestry Adelatd do do
'samosa do Ftheep skin do do
4-4, 3-4 tc torPd V. 14-4 gmlettd Piano rove
nestan " 6-4 do Table do
4-1, 3-4 k I plain do do 6-4 wool do do
Cotton Ingram do 6-4 worsted aloft Run do do
do Vett-non do Bran Stan Rods
e onion Braun; 111-I woo! crumb clothe
I*-1 ormition do Mal, Linen
1,4 Co do 6,4 table do
Enctith Tattle Oil clothe; Unite, do
Berman do 00 do dp Crash
e. 4 Floor Oil cloths; Snow-Drop X• 15111.5
7.1 do do do Crunvou rustiS
ti 4 do do do Porpte do
5-4 do do do Maroon do
t-t do -do do Carpet Binding;
C. ( bect (hi CL.ths, of cewTraastild Witolos• shades
Tt(rus•(ry putter., cut to fit
vro me atone we are eonstantly teceivin; our Spring
Stock of C. met, (hi Clot. and Steamboat Trimmuonga,
to which is, torsta trattsat(euuort of all who win to far
•l,tint houses or •
eteambords a. we wilt he abbe to
offer goods us Into as they ran be purchased a 60
East. and of the rtebest and tares styles Call and ex
amine our trots before boron. gtsewhe
re Ware
house, No 75 Fourth et- rocb.lia ISUCLINTOCK
Tkr Largest, Cheap., and most Path-10na:54 Sock
of Gt.., adapted to Gintannre, Spring sad
S rOner Wear, tr part eeirtng
131 utigirry STREET.
9,11 F. Proprietur of the slave establishment would
j rsvp , cimily inform ram tumerous cacom,s, that
be he. nail returned from the blestetu eines with‘ahe
moat spicit.d aortment of goods m his line, that was
ever tirougut to tins City, comprising ral that is now
oviluottaine, eleg - tun and Cnerip to Cloths, gessiacres,
c.isinneren, Deep De E., sod every derthrrthlett of
0.., linen and woollen Summer Stuffs, shins, Cm
veto, IlDtf., Surpendert, to., of the newest styles;
which, together with Ids very large nod farkina,abor
'toe* of ready-made Clothing, he is prepared to offer
One utha low pnees.,
Cuuutry Merchant; all who
chase largely. art particularly touted to c•!1 and ee
l:taunt, the stock, which it dec dedly the largest and
ota-t fashionable In tee city, and great anew:, n uaa
W mitt:LW to get n up suitable to tee who'esale Veda.
Otters in the ['alumni{ Inc •xecuted in •the meat
ltshionn. m
atner. and that nothing truly be wanting
to ensure the newest and best style of cutting. A gee
tlrtuall 'who hat had great eiper tote 111,the Eastern
Uses, h. been added to the establishment
- DON GOODs. • -
D., Goad• tJobb•rit,
NO. Va e% LAW aTiittier—W mad cVi tho attention
o f Z.,,r t aem to their large wavk or Innervate
eta Ferrer DBY trOV IM, jum recanting from the le,
port,' end elrearartarent„ and whtch they wltl sett
at very low rates tor cash or appeared credit.
Oar same to now An. and complete, and well worth
o to attonuon orbeeere, as we are determined to sell
at such ennetnely law antes 113.Caanpt frul to make ti
a Wang '2oo3MM:tied t• Mien a bill with
VOL. XVI. NO. 284.
oong MEN to wholesale and real stores. and orKet
reepeetata business, to set as Boot-tn.:pea 64.01. No".
men, Potteta, trar.teepers, Wad...ra. Farmers, Coardt
an, Car Agents, Book and also Agents, Colleotort.
Overseen in all bnumbe• of 'ensue., aba. We has*
at all bats a large number of good sae alone on hand, • ett,
winch pay from jolt to lath* per annum. Those la
want of saaeons of any lirid would do well to glee
a. • call, u we have man • In each of the a•• oM •--
Um, Watch veal enable as to place every appla ..o ud Is .•;,:
satiable 'amulet, at the shoneat nonce. Ws ' , tan
large amietatatanee in all the above named ° ldea, - a
hich We tray wllbena..4. 5. to giro enure adult..
Lion to all who may favor as with a call
TAYLOR & 'CAYMAN, No 30 lieeond at.
hotween South and Nay.
N. B —Person. living In mu part a( the U. Storni,
and wistung to ornate a situatirin La Ot
her of the aliove rue., will have thrur wants banes .tr,
raillery attended to by addresslng pa a lior.ipost-paidl
as by so data. they will curtail both troth'. and sg
;sense, widish they otherwise we ltd Luca, ey owning
to the vitYgsallid vookillid T .o l lpitatint for ahearnelvos.
N 0.36 Sernadd •
V the moat approved lifigluth panrin, totaushed
and rem:dame tiled - by Thomas Itlagevratt, Kar l " tsu g
number of eminent phystetaum being mom eenvartit
, nt apparatus for the application of mama o• ILA yr. ••
ter to the bowels, tn case of cramp* In Male= AA
every person ts subject to sadden at
, lacks, amar
should be eel/bout at least ono.
$l7 First st, bet
ween Wood and Market •
Improvement In Palings. fir.
THii subseriner It lost receiving WI ~
aestinment of Plan. (torn the factory
of Num. d.. Clark, N y, ' , mien kw el- 7
eiranco of extorter, beauty of Jelin
and superiority oi tone and taunts. mrpus any thing ::
ever brought to this toy. Mr. Giant, of the stags '"
firm, long and moat favorably known an the 'order
foreman in the eeusbratod lie= eitneli.ll.. Of
Hrnadwood. London, has mealy improved and pare
fenced the l'unes of Nunes I Clark, N. 4, to an en i.
mut which, unauestionably, entitles Mint to the repo
tattoo of being tie err/ best an Well . Me cheapest ,i,
Pianos to be Fat in this eduntry. The lot now open-
mg. comes with the additional recommendation , an gt
impromment In the stv Is end intah, whin inakra S
them at once the moat elegant and tasty ming aver ..a.
brongat out. These inotruMerra, together woo no
Hock on hand, ter. the 01 at extensive, varied and do- ':'
Arable assortment ever offered here; all ef which will ;:;,
he sold at manufacturers priests, and ou accout:l.4w .
Ong terms. H. KLKHKW. •.
at J W. WoudarllAr. ell Third sr
AL II —The eabsertbar will be round at the wan•
house from 11 in la A. AL , and 4 to 6 I' .
Tsobaeriber otters Aar aale a large and 0p1e0414
A. assortment of rosewood and nhattogany greed Az-
non Planet, with and wohont Calleanan'• eatta .ransd
Sobers tomato:neat The ammo 111.1.1711616111.5 ore War.
ranted to he equal to any mannteetured t Is 001110.
try, and wilt be sold lower the - any brought from the tr.
East F. BLUME, No lig wood at,
ed doer above oth
K. B —CAty hoop will Oa wham et par fur a few of
no above assortment. plt P.
Par /drip at riir. •-•
vino H . MELI,I,II al Wood area, "i'.,
will sell Mc Scrip et 6ar. the fhl owing ....
new end imeend h.d Piener. . :, •
O. elegem t0...r00d di oetamert•
Imo. made by Baker 6. Kneen, PI Y Giza co
One do do Oloetnee —7OO d 0
One rosewood 6 o.lare; Gales dr. Co, 77. Y.• • 173 03
Doe no a Jo do do . Ma 00
One malopiny 0 do do heart; nom, • 603 CO
One do 6 do 1...1 .. • •41.1.3 DJ ':'
One do Sf do Rom... ...... -- Im , 00'6;,
One do 6 do Go..n. •• • • ..... •• 6. , 00 ''''
Co do 6$ do it a i•il Nan. 0 , MI O.
One do 6 do Fotglisti ........ •• •• • 00 00 f$
my 3
____ .
TOHN FORSYTH, eierohant Trier, ha removed
to No. 31 Market meet, one door from &seen&
C. 1 ,1 side. -j
Thankful for paw favors, he respeettlilly solicits a O.
entinusto^e oftha p•tronaps or his formai- cattrnitata,
and lilteurim the catiodge of as many an min as
are o' the right wipe.
Orders In the Musing Una ariteutod In the man 7
fashionable manner and with dispatch
Also fa•hionaule asuirtausien or ready made 010, E,
thing. of all kinds. Cheep for owth, of course.
Gennomerth' Furnishing Clods in all their varieties
always on hand, slob as Shins, Bosoms, Collars. Cr.. .1:
.sCarra, Howery, SOspenders, Pocked
ddk fa Gloves, Crouton., Unibfullak, &n. to. its.
n iViT il lt I la 0 44
A N EMINENT and eXperlenceut Yhyucteu from the 55
East of 20 years mending, offers to treat all cases .
au • Delicate Nature with prosapomm and secrecy. • )
lits success to BudaM and other largo clues hes
.leers proverbial. His charges ve moderate. and his
:ores permanent Old eases of Glees, Stricture, Sere
lota, Floor tithes, Rheumatism, Ague, IhyptuLts, or Loy -A
thronte or 1.0 vete rate case. tabooed.
- . • .
A care warrattled, or charger-elands&
01171.2, at. Clair taro., 9 door. (EOM the Br dra. •
Teeth Extracted. advlce to the poor grass.
N B.—Or. A. solicits rho worst oases of any disease #C.
Patrborch to call. aprially
flannfactoror of Minera l Oates Apparatus,
SIGN 0121 la .1.11101 Mae. /010.1,10,
0 . 213 North Second It., above Vine;
AA N experience of more than twelve jean An lAN
manufacturing of Masora! Wale( Apparatus, tad
the prepartiton of Mineral Water ill Boat. and Ruins
:sins. on an attentive waits, with • wawa& and pew
al knowiedge of of both unwell.. of bast... toys k r
.her with recent hrtprovelliaint in the 00020111U0 . of
he appall,ua and thepreparing af the Water, sihich
has sac:ceded to adopung unto bJa vita m Paris,
lad allof yeti. of close study and Neededapplies
tiona as applied to the arts hi Meditates and Cherols
- - - •- .. .
.ry, enables die sunsertbar to Come befdre the paulie 0. r
with attire confidence, and oder theta the heat and re 's .
nost complete Apparatus, tor the IllellniaCtlle of Ain- iki,
•-o e.] Pt eler to Sottlen ,LI FosMtillne„ that eall be Mrs as, '.
-tithed to .he I. matt draws. 0. 4
He el. dam. Maisel( that the enlarged Inioceis he b •
uns um with, a..d Me present extensive and dint) in. 'int
creasing amount of h.s busbies, to both the wove to. ti• •
Jarman, turitishas the most convincing Ft of of b4i !
, utut m 4he superiority of Apparatus over i•itissi of all • l,
others, and of We panty and sedubmy of 'Ma t\ Mr 'IA
preuarsd tlierlfo.
Persons who ostler the Apparatus from .4 distatiee t i t
nay be assured that their Instrael.t. shall be 1.141 u- tb
ly uomptted watt. and so putted a. to
either by fund or seats r to ma part at the v, Stall.. ,
TO scold eteappotalMetit it ts re:commutated to ulnae I
who latent! supplying •linearatvei the appra a eot a , sea . , L
...t. to forward tfletr olliel, at . I Slay a. co..- ; •
- I
serum. • ,i
Nil aral Water Appbrattis, Cimaermurs,
.4 , !inapat and
Fount... Vnlattieul'i tiros ant t I
MILfl , 01 Hotels, fa, draa:lng /1 par .nt
Water, lo.,etner win Cora/ag luta Tyicit 4,00, 4
L.l everylluag lapperta/ni•,g u.l the aW,sp.
;onatandy on han..l, awl .or sale *a tau :"}vrea4 We.* I . ' 0
r each, ap4acchVai •
-..--- • .1
Olaphrogro Vlltor, Cro firdrALL4 Watot• t y r
len.'l t rios s to or rttfy trio; L , os , s• ; i
potutott LIVIOIII.I, WISC. .. L•te ' ... .e.
SOIO Age.. for trio selei, Je00.,, , .•
['Alain lhapratorto hada, tur the e 1 4 4; ..
. ttes of PluAlLutsuLLIAI A,,iltb , rt , 1 AF..."
JIMA uItISCIX, &Aria, . 't,
for Wal}et .1i Utbsots t jVA rirLLO.l Amy,
N. Yji
U.. iu, istS. 7 4 a
4, , Dave boon astog our rk Lao aoore amotor AL Leo 1 . ,` 'L
Oleo c: the :"LioraLly Wortr for ILrAA awaits, ou trod,
ALLO Leal portrait) It • usek ot veottoo, ~,,,,:.;
t, dwe trite piessute to recowoncoduis LL 44 t YIN .
oracle to ell Who love part Attoat. I ALA,,. 0 ,,, ~.
thankfully received and promptly eleCute",
wilt' LI VI `L‘LOr , L.'I. KLK A •1,:,, A .,,, A S .t.
Otl AT W las Tarr 31' ,
lIArL‘t.S.I, Ettf...‘ air.? rrLor.!
Ll' ACT uM 1 - roa subs* moot IANOS 01.1 ;
..I,brockking friosaas sod Om ou'qrocta/ .bat
has the laf(SSlkunA of roe icalowiiis :144 , dic.1 a.
dies of kis owl, maziotaco.os id Ink city lar .; liar.
ass., Trivia. add ‘‘'dips, an or Andes 'aiyo. or' r •
be abide of bend ./.0.1.•/,.J ....I or 11.% - 3,111
.1110. In AllAgnelly con-at) daisa d , ccipioa d to
nit manufactures boso ^ touig moos Mimia )t boorri c,,.•
toot auy Jodio•tosianlvankelk.3o cny.4
tie w -: •,
ould iovils persoss Pt .Iced of tae (Oboe cam..!
• to kit VSZA•4O.6O, No. ear Law It:Strom. onn. 7
• Ils•colu Also, bad.* work WordneTor masa.
rT.ouusu I) 1 liF.Fid
11 0 111 - . AC100.14 Acl.µoll el Pas aeder I.4a_?
care el Mr. .10 Ms. r A lilt
roadeurre year, 0.11 aklnuico. on Lim fie, of rebru-se
ry wait, 11l ilia sun,. utoului,,,, o.*. er 401.6411, krect. t • • •••
Arraaiseinaiii.. t.sso tuaos wdiio voola
oa able Ls lona.n youoi
a. LAO %real, It, obtu,oug it ....rough Evisia, 4 ;lassOlf,
cal, and Uroulaciiial athicauon A full emslos al ru..i . N . ?
and Lcuturcs Isossred!
Miring Lac winter, utusirstou toy 5e,...(01,41.. ••
parimsenta of Vocal add I...irbaisota, (ogpa, Moderni
Languor-, Draw., add wol 0 . ..U . 11 no 0..1, •
axe cats ol a Colltpetc.l P U)rom..., , nip.. liietoms!'
aioral sod niunlcol.ll..
• We l'fillClS/00.• nuns lb •Acrll coms4latios of ,Ler. 1 „
ausral parrauarr w w ry a•re 111.4.011. dikplysd. lul
.010 a, flee efreofar apply is the PriodiAifs..
. .
' 110. e IUU
1 - •
110. v IUUN DRY FUR WU...E.- 7 17Z aro..
dry m a dveanswili mer,.. re. rt., vola,(
, reed) for Uussteeel. yeti: eceoumo..nS
dattug terms, or eactiusge or Ire or 041,4.
10,5 ode,. eace..“ upportuost) ran. -
eapical COiltlia".GC ltir • fOl. 2 . 1 . .4.....1.
Eaquae of xG
BCAIFE & A 1ii.1.64.411.
dart I st neat P 41,14.1
Scala., 8.
Boats., tooklng SIOVO•
AH.l eoro ' e " r ILALOUrSt';':..',:lAl'le'''' ,
iut“ odor our dabs etattorm, Floor soil L4i,ltor ctea '
alba moat tsoprovcd4unnty, Llou , lug .1.400 a, tor oroui ,
Sod coal, Fops *tor., 05 vanes ear.or a.ol •
cououun wawa, Hollow %V ans, &O. 14 , The
o...mincLum e. ) Raag aal
getoora/ enustaeLloll to LftOsa 1.11/111, it 41 A —,
0 1 / 4 011 they ortool.l reayecoutly mode lOpz.attootaw o ol
the 1101.cua awo 111 C puut. ge.mrally. •
DA'rENT BoLn it ALkitii
amortumot of Comeglaa k. Co • CC/ -
tisCron, •upznur LO all owe. tafq,: 10,.,41 to_
enurehea. otsamhoou, laeroruy 441411.40 i
prtyala balls, awl to all oilier WOO o=foA of , - , P. 8.141"
sod brillault 46th Lai dgsoeonto.
AlsoMiru,dolea, Looterua‘llauldowtaa,toluOc4i
Abut., W/O/la, talltolulco, Cum, l'irto•Ol. el.of liu •
, :hartdclaera dam , 011010 IVY: 0ir005.,,, ;
W W Onaarlic. pa , '
liarthorwre—c dimewtllia.s.. . •sr I • .
L01.....`t, SY LL.5.4.. O. LAI, to...oners ....1 W ...Boot 't.
Deolers to Hardware, Owlet, wad ea1....41.,), "W. ''. •
I ... Wood street, above Fin be. .mw Welore a .11 ••lt - ' •
cheap and well heteetwd...owt of ttailiwijge, import. 4 1 ,
since the decline of pines tu kois....pc, ..ilh wioct. W f ‘.
~c dein...ea ......e., worwsowodb.gly . lA.. hi. e .,..,,t. . i ...,
I woo have. beet. to We mow .4
a. 6.1 g E.W py,„ c d ...i
icily rev...led w cal) and 100. .1914 ..., 16 4., g{m, .i . , ti
We coluoleuitly Whose We/ vr‘t. save I3td raponecf
~----.. ______!•';_.... _ l ',...
,87 F i tlZA . 9= ti.
and6l .
by B.d `c% ... .,