ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CADS ppyy C. PHIEIVD. EDMIZEMI ~.0, A TTORNF:Yt4 AT LAW, Fourth *dart, nem Greet. '' l , .: Jo IGAI ' AoiihliriiiifNiiiTTßVigii,ddsikm;iii ii;,. .1 .. Deniers to Pr.loco, N. allarkei ees _sburgli. *:••• derB. a atolu ntri.r. At W. & &Ara 8. , .. , I &LD& HAYS, Wholesal&taealers lo Dry: good k uroce no., Boots, Shoes, . ,itrltu*gh .llllll factored • i tick, &r :, No. r.lO Libe I street, yitia borgh. . .'t OA 1143Wal :7 IWALI;iI, .. . a I Ram. DRAW, & HEJTErt, 'Wholesale 'rill Retail D: up . gus, t truer of Liberty taut St. Cte! streets, Dili!t, burgh, re -.,,, muyl4 --• . , DROWI I if• CULBERTSON, Vl' ^A.all. Gil , nral Ai and t. a intniaaion Merchant*, No 45,, PutadsareL. I'. deafly. BA. I'AIINESTOCK I Co Wilitao lice and • Mil Drugguts corner Wo od andOt au. - 11_11.1.UALE'e & shrTIH., Whoiesale 11.Hoccrai ih and „LP 2h Wood street Pittg , Urgi, A. AU:SP:I:LTV & Co., Porairiaing and - Code li-/• mammy Merchant., Canal Ilasin,,d,inabstgb Pa. me hal Magnum. Spring, Altar Bto4 and Iran Works. COLEMAN, /IAILMAN h Co, minduractureu of Coach and Eliptic Springs, Reanimated Azle., Spring and Plough Steel, Iron, •10. ;Warehouse on Water and Front streets, Pittsburg.. :, • Also, deader. inZ Coach Tristmingail:hd Malleable Costutga MARBLE WORKS ST; OPPOSITE • THE. HEAD OF WOoD PIITSBURUH. EDMUND 17V 1145.1.244 CONTINUES to manufacture Monuments, Burial Vaultz, Tombs, Head Slone*, hlaufhi Piece*, Can- Ire and Pur Tops of foreign and domestic marble, al a regular and foss price. N. B.—Drawings for monuments, eau* An. fornlilie ad, of nay dccc npuon. He solicits a idinro of public patronage. 1:: augibillf 11. IGNOLLSH ' tarditait. traStarrr. & 1.31 , 2472 E -Cr. (late Engo.l3a, liallagber t Co.) Wholesale Liman, Cotiontiarion nod' Epr warthog Itlerehants, and dealers in Prodtlee and burgh 31enutac tures, No 37 Wood st between Yd find 3d streets. g_LIAJErilf. Cr/CHUAN, Locums/ionat& ForwordUig, Merchant, No. 20 Wood street. Pi burgh my _i7 HUME LEAGUE FACTINLY. AMILI ON STEWART. manufaetalOr of Berry tildrtlngs, Cheeks, &t., Iteheccaidireet, oily of ititegheni•. ritls-dly• n: LEE, (succes s or to Murphy & Lei' s ) Wool Leni er and Comon.s.nn AIGVVVV.I., to the sale oi American Woolens, Liberty. opposite feti I 7 VV.. LIZAL. •. accacao., nnwaaD UTALD, D. D. w'c.ADADN JUIIN WAD-1101, S f.r . "‘"'"' TjEALD BUCHIo ;H., Tobacco Coi4ka•lotk DIVIDIA, 41 North N% .or 0.4 & I) Nfrith Wkiarvot ouv,Ablf r tonna H AIWY, /ONES & Co., (eueee to Atwood, Jones & Co.) Commission and Forvardmehler. Mutate, dealers ta Putsburgh 3l nuntaCfived Pittsburgh, Pm teat. I 01.1.1 500.4 Mt SAIAH DICKEY & Co., Wholesale {)corm, Com intern., Alerchaste, and dealers in Ply4luce,Nos./41 ater, and 107 Flute streets, PitteblefiLku novn J , (Is Woven , CANFIELDIe 0W0ven , (4)0,)4,/ lion and Furvartang Merchant, mid wholesale dealer in Weetern Reuel,/ Cheese, liatter, Pot and Pearl Ash, and Weetern Produce gentreattr, Water vein, between Smithfield and Wood, PiPatfingh. up 3 JOHN WATT, (successor to Groat{{d Ciebtoun,) Wholemle liroccr and Commissar] Merchant, dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Matuaietures,cor mar of Ltberty_ end Hand streets, Pittabl#lt Pajaytl JA/511,8 8 tact:VIRE, Item or the ltrnisO( Aiaco and McGuire,)Merchant Tailor, St. Charts. Ituddings, TWA stree4 near Wood, lenteburgh. • JAMES A. HUTCIif-JON, & Co.-44Meessor; to H Levis Ilutclumn A Co, Conumasitni: hlerclmts, and Agents of the 81. Louts Steam Sugar Refinery. Na 43 water and 72 front event, t',l3.abwge. J4l. DILIVORTii K. Co., 1r noicsalo Umer's, Pro. • duce and Commission rilercharns;:aud Agrids for the Ilutard Powder co. of N. Y., No:, '27 Wood at, Pittsburgh. 1 ODA D. hltiltilAN, WhoiesaioDruggist, and deal t/ err mDye Staffs, Points, Oils, Vanauditia, rte., N 0.113 Wood street, one door Smith of Dmitiorid.4lley, Pitts torgiL '• JAISIEII KERR, Jr-, C 0..., (inenessof4o o. Davie,)Shlp Chandlers, ad Water strfe4. octl JOHN MELLUS., Wholesiths and lifetail doKlet in Music and Musical Dustrutnents, Qtrod Boors, Iver, Slates, Steel Pens, teuills, PrOttoriPiCanis, and Stationary generally, No. el Wood sb, Pittsburgh. . IRao bought or taken is trade. sepiS CLIOONMAK.V.H. aCo., IVuoles4li Druggpsts, No. 24 Wood street, Piusourgh. 1011 N D. DAVIS, Aucuouocr, anitV4Wil IL) strews, Pittsburgh.oeth ' j`OHNSTON a STOCKTON, Ilooksellets, ?miters and Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market ins burgh. JOlfll Flolo _" .. _ Flit L. & IL FLOYD, Wholesale GrocerNA:ontscussion isj Memnon., and Dealer's in Preitiee, Round LibLeh puddings, isonsing on Liberty, WO./ and pal Meets, l'ittliburgl. P. rrirO JamEs DAI.I4.I—L, Wholesale iirocer,Cestnansion u Merchant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. N 0.2-1 Water et, Pittsburgh. janitt KIE • .& R JONES, Pam yarding and Coraindesiou Mee. enunis,Deelers in Produce and Pinebargit &named unities, Canal Swan, near 7th et!: a2l Pl'2•TnEtUittlig.4 - PA. TrENNEDY, CLIMBS h CO., Mankfactuters of very 11 supenor Sheeungs, Carpet.Cliacirb Cotiod Tonne and Batting. ..01.30.1y • . Vesuvius Iron Work..., ir EMS, OALZELL h Co., trtannianturek of all ai its gar, Skeet, Boller Iron and Nails bf the beat quality. W nrehottae, 54 water nod 105 front st. • janl9 LB WATEILNIANE, huhErale Grocer; Forsuhrd. irEg and Couhria.oon hlrrchunt, Leulet Ea YE.. burgh hluantuctures sad Product:, Nor. 31 ; 1\ rater Ft, 2.1 &I Front s-- 71101(.. [15,1 LI. ill. 1091111. sanit to ILICN &MDT & 1111 ) WERraly T COKING GLASS anlWholesale dealers in foreign and doinestic Variety Goods. NNCalera merchants, Pedlar,. and otherkaro too to call and examine the pricer iron qualitygif our Slack, as with our present were-Aden ininanufnetor leg and p.chuing, we think we can orer as great Inducements to buyers he tiny other trooso''west ot the hlomtarns. tins. ientari, Ponta, c w I.l.lsburgh.. Rrlf ILLEIt h RICKETSON„ hatesareGineers, and at importers or Uri:mama, Wows and *gars, Nos. 17h and 174, corner. of Lanerly imd Irwin idioms, Pat.' !Anil, PA & w r:ll.TC:truTl ' ! .. gu. ' ston Illerchants, No. e' ltn Linett; st4willaborga.. ratl MURPIIY, WILSON A (nod Jonnsillorphy Co.) Wholesale Deniers is hey lr&-ds, No 47 Wood west, Pittsburgh.nort.l . . _ .4.1.1-63, Ai.. IS/ALLEN tr. Co., Counn.sion and Yorwastlang g Merchants, D. tater and Front stl.4, between Wood and hlarlicr eta ran6 Milk:lV WILSON, Portrun runt Matinsturcnan. Me. Rooms, corner or Post Oren Alley and Fourth street, on 4th near Market. : teat-OL V" MIXES tr. SON, \o. dd Morketl4., •econd • door from corner of Fourth, dealers:in Foretgn and /Jmesne UWE of Excha.nge, Certsflenik_soi Depos it, Utak NOl,ll and SpeClc. coli.da. ...I on ell the pnnoiput enles thrudghourpo United Ilustei deell kIVC.I:II.6ITrk;II.., Atoraciun—rithe;TlFourlik • third door above s.lllllilfisid, south stdri. Vortveyaucing of all Mod. doue with the Greatest ears sad legal accuracy. Thies to Heal Estate examined, de. 6030-Iy_ ttcliobar La. a1...D., • • e‘PTHALMIC kttiEUN, will attend Id the treat kJ smut of Diseases old. Lye. in. H. has been eugaiged m uus branch sr:the medi cal profession for stmeen years, nad hns Ms.:looted an calatithihnicut for the Imminent of diseaseitif the eye &lout for would years. 0111 ca. and rewdence, corner of Sandkalry st and Strawberry alley, Allegheny eity. - r isetill risilk•JSJA.l2ll 'FICA riTtaillils—No : Poirrib x L-, near {Good--All quanilues of Qrren and ßlack Tess, done op in quartet half, and One pourni packages, ranging from 1/0 eur..:,yier pound SIPS /11 A. JAINErS, AO. for FekiisTen Co. 'punk:kr fiIOVILE, \liiiiiiessie isincery-l&nlynig J Distiller, dealer In Prix:nee, PitsiburgA Manufse• tares,. and all kinds of Foreign and Soinesuo Wines and Liquors, No.ll Liberty street. On iikinil • utitY large stock of superior old blonengabelis 'squatty, winch will be sold low for cosh. :' aplikly . mik= anitiNson, -'-'7. aura. A. £OOllOl O,. RISSISSON b. Co., Wboleside Uroceek, Produce and CUM/M.lOll Merchrous,nnir Lfriatore In Pais- Milk Idanuiserures, No. lee Liberty st.,:yausburgh. Fa. .;: ion lb_ JELirsitT SA_LZSLL A. Co., Waralesa.4 (Nock., C Coreniisslou rind Forwarding Merchants, dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh.. Alarinfacuires;Aaliertray. Filistitukli, Pa. --''`..-- pill/ST. ellalh I MASA Wholead! OroCe 7 r Alli.Dcaler in Produce and Pittsburgh Allowifactatca, NO. 44 Liberty at. • jot O. E.NOLDS, 31•1- 11,,EYNOLDS fr;SIME, Forwarding unit eortimissiou Ain Merchants, fOr the Allegheny kover:Tinde, deal. Si. in Cisoceries, Produce, ritiaburgli Idintufactureir and Chloride of Larne. • The highest prices, in cash, paid ai all wails (or roan- NS. Corner of Penn and Irwin sta. - . lawn saecKLErr k. WHITE, Wholesale Dealers in p ....F b =n end Domestic Dry Gonda. NckP9 Wood as fcbl7ll Hast_lkutist, Wool !domain:Ss, !Scalers b e In Flow and Produce grocrally, undTorwording and Corrantation Merchants, No. ks 3 Wale, n., burgh. . MITH, ISAGALEY Zs Co, Wholesale, Grocers 11/ d la Produce deniers, No 9.aft Market street,WetweesiMh and.Oth.Boint side, rtul.clph4a. Qa F. T r !,.. ..Itrwotutton• tons menotiTassarLatris P 8 6 NICX)LS, Produce . Id Cm -0 =mason Merchants, Pio. _l7 Libc:rl ' sai.Pataborgb. laperm, Linseed and Lard Chia. 'I F. VON BONNTIU/IYT, fr. Co. Wiiiaeltale Urn ga:`,.`lll = l -.. e ."7.T.7,r0,'"`;'h1q' tg, t3 aire returnee to their new warehouseqolgtandi No. corner of Front It. and Chancery Line rso w. 1. 1111/16. rrIIOTO it SCOTT, Wholesale cmd Refill dealers In flocds, Shoes, Trunks. Carpet kiagoike., S. W. Tad and Somlificid us, t'litaburatr,iP. 1 IASSE'T .i - fsmT, Wl:loin...le Grocers isid Commis. kWh Merchants, and dealers m Prodirde. NO, IS M. hiITCIIRETRCE, Wholen Grocer. Redding Didallars, and ,I•l( sag And 31 11 7. TfilodS. Also, Importers or Soda Astrksnd roLrOardsr, No. lut/ Gil.erty street, Pdschergh, Pa.. DM D. wmi, Da no , ircaDDLiss WM D. APCANDLESS, leaccessort4O L. lc J. D Wiek,) Wholesale Grocert, Foronirding Ind Coscoataloa Aleratnora, dealers in Iron, Nulls, W.., Lorton Yams, non Pitunargh Alanufactores generally, *ogler orWood aud Wart .t vets, Illlabanth. vir W. WALLACE, Mill stn. an Mill Enroish. .. i. • lag establaee t eet, No. 244 Libenyal., neat the , il_mt2.s WIrWilt,7(TN, Watrii - iiTijio•elry_,Er - Wtra, • and Military Goodi, corner of hatkei anct4th •= 1 .4.11, P.. N It —Watettel:tad Ciotti irepat..: , 4004 • • -- vFt e ~._,•________ . ~ T . ... ..,.. 1 :.... . , . . i.:.. .__ ~ i t ,,„,.,„... 1r1 ,,:.. . _ .i. .. , ,,"...1 14. .. 3 . 3 . v _.- 7,4 ,. L T RGH „.,-...--t%4;--14 1 F 44. .....,,. 71; .. ~- ^ . .. ". • . ' 4:.:': kl:- . • ..; • • . •‘..., C AIPS 1172iit ildWiXi----ccOs 1 ittdconiiiiten`s TV Ilerchttt, NASIO Phut; SL risen Wood and MA ' lkit• ! tr r - m• t c• .. / „..., . fent ld • jet D 44 • MURF MiZi o :stiAtilii.a iii;ZWeii Foreign anot bops, north east sernec,.of Market and Foutlyan. 1 ttl • att62l Wit. listrant i IXTIII.. YOUNG it Co— en 111 telpher bide, &e. V V 122 Liberty st. -1 t X ~, • • Crx. 7THoi. '. • 77' -"" aii: ii,,,i,..0ii -1)(a IL smtircti.M.,ii - Whorecinkle Grocers, deo. V V • len ln Produce, Ifs& Naiii i _Olass. and Po.. bargh.llauttfactairea geneitY4 12c4- Latin at. Pius barg2t.' . '• _ i It . , l 2 . ._ecg tY " s retien, Jetretry VV - ..1it.. w - -, N imi '. r ' . ooodt, ' 4e No ST Mar tal .1. ".• i • „ :', ' 5 ; ' * • - . W Pl• VICF I I*.ZT AS ciffsi. TAF.AIsF.RSLN HIDES ANDIXR,,TNER , Morocco, .2-2 Spot FRUlloge.itc•• I , 1411.1bejrty street bore just Mewed their sr ILL OATOCIL of g nod.. ....- onions to large assortment ni - ficleli iR Ihr, line. to which en attention ogpur '0.13 tanginted, tnchlb PE Tlr, ifAttek. & CO., ' . STEAM: . ;AiOA 1',17.,u(i Its rs oarlc*Aima AL a Co. octal. g.R, Pio. p e ts street. —7 . -.1 : INSUR C •OCEi • /FIILE AND PLIARI*Vt, 1193c2LANCE. 1 1 111.7,11711SURANCE CO4 it 7 .7,1 N et:es..Anent:a wt'l • 1 make Pemtettent. entt:Xat led dnturance on pre partyln this city and vlcirttp, orb ri,.., slot nici.ts by .., i , Canal. Amery hen ri s. ad. y. 1.,,, a. iTtre pro;4.rucs of • Rua Conjtany are troll tOVelltdl¢ll.4 limn an ay.:- obit:4min for the ample indipsni y et Ml. ter none who &die to be protected by iiitadra tot ,i nryl9.: ' WM. P. /ON ..1"• ,in gitinti_st r f Water R._ / . 1ND22:412/1 1 2'1A. -o . • TM Fliyta.2-161 Firs hannancri Co: ofFlnholrlyilri.s. lIIREMOR.S.—Chartes 'N;Xlituck,cr`Theinue Ilan, A., Tobias Wagner, SarnauVrans Jacob /L mono Ont. W4ttcharilii, Monica/1 .11 , i , Le.,reti s Adolphe 1.: Rene, Mend S. Ilroarn,lll4rls rtersiet. Cuscts4 24, lanlnia, President ChaelVt. Reactor, SectetArt • y Cottlitille trivial:. insur*co • perkigal or 1117111 rd, on every description of prepetty in atign orcountry. at rates as lois ea are consi • anna.,with accent). To Conpany base reservidiglargentruitoseet Fund, onlelt win itten Capital atltt PAO:warns, sole). in vein ed, inked emple protection { ollid exeunt The Mee. 01 the corepag?-,tion Jepson .14t, 1 on. am publutheli egtecably to of ytrO or Assentilt, were a. Tellovra y `rur. • . . . . • • • ... . .... Moisgage, ' i.. •• • „•31:.1)47,4.1, 41 Real Eltatc ••.• • • i . ii, i•• ~ a4,721 ..J Plpece . . • •• I,- • •41.....• • e ; 51 3 . NC 114 Ckp, stc. ..... . . 4 .. • 4... t • ... • .". .1.3,-ou4 37 . sin" ilnif nicafTinrittona?p ': "Cri t enio l" tl :lL' el 3re " il ' ln. 7l they have paid upwards Mem< crillymir War lindred thous and dollars, lames by bee, t4tegisy. akrogling evidence a the advantages or unsurneee , {vell. as the ablltiy and disposition to meet send/ p} iapthem all babtlitimi J. GARDIN,E,2ICOPIIN, Agent, , Mateo N 4,,ctlicet Wocgi and 3,1 . t.. ISE - LA:IIVA7IIOt, Tu gt/ITAISC le co. D A. MADEIRA, AgenthriAlistitirgliyor die Del.' . A. Mutual Safety htgatff*, e toirtp‘my of Phial. adelptua lire Risks upon buiMiOmihnil- preset:mm.llre of every deienption, and 14,.'141Risilet, upon bulls or carm s. rgoes of vessels, taken Ml' If.Y CCP9t It. arable te Pa- Other in the Wareltostie:gr , V,:i.dllolmes S flro 3: Water, near Market s i trkett ,N. 11.-4%e seeress of thivtAttpater since natal,. Uslneenttf the Agency in tirl,gettyovillt the prompt. • hese and fiber:any with whicS.i'Very, entire upon them for loss has Lich timmed, Autry' warrant the agent In Menem the essifidenee and parrettagmof his friends end din communtry at large to stM". Veldt:cure M S. Insu rance Company, orthle it has tat rulduional advnntkees ga umniuting amoug the M ost laburmtung in Shilade I. plate--a4amegr an ample paM , ..ticaptralj which by the operetta of its charter as AMlstatitry nnetecming, cis yielding to each person rostra; his foe share of tne Norms of the Company, witgirk,tmocilvhrg bun to any responsibility 'whatever,' and lAgrefgrneias possessoig the Mutual prinemle divested teen' Philemon, fea ture, and in Its mast i artriteurelsitt. novd VIE AND BIAILIIVIIIIiVrtANCE. 11111Rlusurturec Company fNettla Ariferma, through us duly authorised Agettl,.ssm att : tmetikr, odes to make permanent and limutedllneltrantie oh, property, ut nal cit y Rive nal jut vtctunTi and , disiahintidata by the Ca rs. otßecrOts. Arthur a Coffin, • :Saltages B,l=4W ` Jones, in" . ._ __ . ,i 2 : ,.... d Smith `ti cou att . rllaoman, ' - John A. Brown, .1 lihimilL7PielF, . John Vane, . claraid:ll. Woos!, Thomas P_ Cope, . 7 "m!Vt'alsh, Samuel F. South, • l • • :t ..4c•Jimike., Samuel Brooks, ,l su Monti Alltbotie t • : A RTIIIIICD. IJOITIN, Pies t . Hann D. Sl:l=mm, beet ~, C ~, • . Tina is the of Insarande lej:ntripanylp the United Swot, htying• been shorter:get in,il7g4. ttts'ehartes is Perpotoold from Its high tatanattog, Jon axperiente. ample moons, and avoiding glii!aisks of lia vxtra hal e:Mous onsgamer, tt may he taoliattdervl il' offering am ple security in the public. 'i ....; ! W.J.F. JONI'S. At the Counting Roam of Aronson, JouFs A. to.. \Va let and Fivim vcreou, Prnalnil#lfg;, •c, nivlrs . jll7slTirdis it tTni*-kaqt.pittotort:itgeat pro tem.:oldie 'noontime CotStuily of Nttrth America, and will I...tue Policies nod .aitcad . an the macs laisinesa of the Agency, at the WArehOILS• Or. AiWtliki. low, & CO. apl2 mratv. JDZO Wt.—trate r at i'OlllV - ARDING Coiikssiq, C. luaraNitoWarrh . Altaa.tuo 011.AIMES B. Dt!LNEN OSTER. & co. TUBWVO GUM! issiltelll,gfaill TB,. NO. 69 SotkWharves, hidc 4 , 44: Warer ' ar. ' PH11....hut1h.1121..a. • BEGS•inforin tho uos,lc arn4Aral ' ore,:tertoraliy . , of Piusharith;that they nalotittle stieh atrongt moots war:Litre Vr.rgloor arsOrfacUrrotp..and 1.114.0ra:re,. of the We., Nitladl m es. mirk arbor/24.qm, arfll truure a large etait Fonstrant armory trerlto fello3ing rieturrp trona of lytheeo, which onti' iold•upwr as nocern morlauox ernu S. fury otherlte frithiC tory or ciao *bore, aolf stir good. orderedfr„ wen, M oil fro war rented eqdrkro represontauom fluvial., - i.t. Domingo, C4i..„; ' ' ' Yen; '' Torso H.., , Penfiny } , ...feral. i.,-.( tr.. eueei `.l; lgfAe/i .; A E1ei1.4.; i her r,.,. , 4. .1150-.,.14-aneh'. celebrated . .y!,0131 lle43114( C.ven -111.11, vrati...riam. akaortment M 'e th er, popylia brands. and qualiiiee.of poundii, 5. 8. felt, le. ne.l:i.m. Lump, Gs, 6, es aria AO. Plug; Ladies '. ' nimt; Virginia "TiumL kri., inveeleend.plam, ii. whybniiii falrfluur., wood and lin t 70.4•4iter with every vanity of utticle letlopg tug to the •ride: .' .-.• • ' JOHN A. tA.OKER OF PORK Br t EF Commigdon Alerehati hil Perwilrder, NO '44:ANAL KT ceIiANNATI, only It 7 Pant Milersittentitin paid to dre porchitying of of arty orurld a Produce in chis mord Aid: to the torwardthd of goods gene relit. Ref. to /Huai. John Swasey & On,} v Martin & moclrogll it . S. C. Porklmrst, Eito • . hippurecobt & Co.k p A locr & irtues, ataburgb, Pa Fogfts& & Bennett, ' -mare dotim Comoslastora and FOrayeMinefg Marc boat. woon rt,xlloscapia, • IONTINVIV-to transact a peititol Ciondwasion bud nese, esimetally in the pared*. odd 0( Amen eon Manufactures and Produce-Zatnd in speeneing and forwarding Goods coningnod to call yes - Agent for the Manufactures, he will be - cudinan oopphod with the potteipul articles of Pittsbuiet Al tknietnre at the loweirt wholesale price.. lol9did .9.6 g. ";I'FeauOY6. .7,4 GEORGE OCR. S t POBWILIJiiiti. MID COMM) ps In$Ullll4T, • ANDLIME, JN Iron, Naillts, 'Cotton Y a:ALISO Pllkiktrorigh llormatiet area stelfeetalty, gi 10. wood 1111 . 1.1 . , IFttißritatp,,, t R. T. L4ECH, •, Imp:trio and Dealer tya Forrftet Owl WhiMote Saddlery' hardware /4 Carridge. Ttimmings, No. 1,33 Wood at, Pltgabosl644., .1 Snow reGovong his Sprang dipply el ...Doody, and dles the at:011ton of Kgadleset, ltYtacittnatertt nod blorrhattl, to tux stock. It has ikon bought upon the best termit,i from the best itcntrOdel., mnd lee therefty,, feels confident of being olato to afford, soisfactuto to all who may favor Wm With a Orli enckntlatti JAL t. Matt.. z. I. PrrittA4- 010 t. a...b.. T =AMMAN, PITT MAN FORWAUffili is COMMISKIIIN 111EILCIIANTS, N. 152 Sec ont4 l , tr 0 CA mcb.27216m• BT . 101118 , S i' verr.,ll ll .rso k2S art'roik '''' s;4t ' o t:i d n e,' Otlrsi h ;s; Soesoidoi Axes., Hatettcts,,alastocti 4 tod Picks. 'Bellows, likes, to., for *ale at &la.nufartikrirs poses Opslo GIX) G'!RABI.Z: wood w prnsuiAtilit erEEL AND SPRING : 3'wt.ND &UP. PAGTORY. mac TOWI, _ soirn P. Gain. JONES * q,V400,.7 V EW T ANEIVREILS of apart . ; mod Mistier steel, OA pleasksteel, steel plough tom., edbilli lond ebb; he springs, launntered iron asici, slid della:a to mai, leuble estektege, fire engem, Itoropo.,ned COY4.I}/MIIIIng. I. enerelly,,bpener of Ross and brunt ate , Pittsburgh, -----itirirerilbleElltelho 0 - 4 - FOR PURIFYING W.A. ER, .„ g°C 4. I Which renders gurbid water pure by .. ,,,v, cy : removing all salmon:co ot soluble in ( ....- 3 , sower . The crObon wetter N. York, „„ olthough clear as-4 pure to the eye, yet ./,.,. when It passerilin hour through tot. ... , fdicring bock, tlidws a large depoon Imam ertbstanatteronne, ke Thu, be the ease won or leas with all by net view The Reirevioble Filtercr I. 1.41 d and durable, and IS not attendee, with the inconveloonce incident to other Poileters,asii to cleansed venholad being detached teem Um water .A let purely torah; the key or hanut, Iron O. ..,o to {0 ale other ay qtta cosy a.rocess, W. ecalSo OrWlillif Is changed, and ;all =calk:Waiter. re impure sabotanees are droveatter ohneot instacuy, without uttstreleang the Fitter. 41 also puenes the advantage tit being estop cock, kW to such to curry cis.* mill be very convenient aria eeoneenical _ 110ou be air/ached where therOs say high or low to lcask, tank, tub, k.c...soith est. To ha hic of tha soleiligeatt, corner of Fo W drth . W ontl W Z U' rsk U e N t 0007 1 4‘li e h r t B- tvir L tro :- rse -A s, b l ' i i tltts ° triat?i o u og o -'.. e . ' Tir e r l o t led tuanuadturer. This'etteris is ever) , respect o Ems rote-Article, made with white to.lefit improve ments, lintdrseith blue 010th sail Wetted do superior ru mmer. .103 en nedr, of .old On AVILLO Or axes Epoutreof • . ALE:KANE/ERA DAY, mitt 75 11102zirst tnitl . W cotrierOlitcpiainiind Alt COD) odirition of this public Isq - sespecutin7 exiled to 1. the tolldwing conihtetissi , 8.—Hisoitig login- n quarnity of Gold 14/our Arcot:wed, 1.4. ad the result proves Vow instrument correct; an al reinlmolcuttllio use of it to thoim g Oqg to Cattier: du. no ibe bog tettititOit to, rairottg thoirsol vol. of Gold. atisp.,roars, rt J. B. DUNEVI, Desna. rittstiorih Muth a, 1849, prcrssetiiirt, Ketch 7,1049. Mu. tets—Deitsflizi.HarliVizainined the "li_reo. moles t ' , merminetured at tour :Gems, 1 elciiiot hesitate twourotind it to the tame( theo gentleman Who sue about =wain to CsUifdrain id.rottrel Ugive"• 6o. ..ppmximaind to the specific grevi of metals, and vent certainlyable the utivcoutrit . 4 4,,oetc.hsveheo his plum tsymlding egall tohotti Yuen, raspy, is li hPCI.I.ITaCIr... 1 I ROUND PE/VE.11,70 boxe4 0.1.4 Poppet, for 4.5 by Loy2l WIQE. & MVANDLESS 'salLlo4.lL-45 blahs prune N 0 6istar'w forXgts ra. A. D. CARNAHAN, A TTORN1:1( AT LAW. naive nn reer betteeea Cherry alley and bre. •1 _ WILL also attend to 9aileezrov, and u., nr , .lntaled to hten 6t Ilutler and A rta , trnqg comtita. Pa. Relee to J. & R Floyd, Lat,cny ) W. W. Wallace, do James Martha,l do I I'LLI.I urr rt Ell y Kayk_Co., Wood J yail7 11" B. swErrzEß, Attorneyat Law. °thee U a oppoaite tct. Charles lloteh Prnsbursh, . moo also attend promptly to Collections, :n Washington. Fayette and Green eontaiess, P REFER TO 'Plackstoek, Pell fr. Co., • Church S. Carothers, IPnrchurr h D T Morgan, • LI J. HEN Altorner su:aue , :or at -AU..I• Clot:1 , 11,ra, Ohio Colley:4w.. i Coann Southern and to Indiaaa. and Kentuc 1,1,- 1011 y attended to COTIIIISA/onrrky. proroptly and (or tollog Sckocrwletirliter.., • RECKA To—lion Wm. I;c;: C 0,... Chum:: Ctirothrm, Wm. Ilay., & . •• • /441.. Irtll,l, /MAILIII,S ffi• (•N .EWE D E rl 1.1. t.,,,,,•&,wE,.._ nor,r, nt 1.11. W. 1. , •• I , t, l'•111/011.Pili. Itrtvrven :14 untl tint. JOHN T. COCHRAN, ATTORNEY AT LA 'X. I'our..l: I,,vren Smatollehl Jll2 11.12 _ R4,HISSt , i y et L .... Law. b.. e 2, et,. 101 , 1 r, 1.1110 St. next loor to A , Arrnia.n y HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, MCORD CO., (Sucre..., to M'Cui.i d Luipi Pet•hlonable Veit sea,. Corner of iroue/en./ Fe,.h . , PARTICULAIN 111 , 11.11 Nll.f 1.1 1.01 114,11 Trude. Grill;ernet] cull rely upo , e•t , s ;et , . a'" , Caps Prom our ...midi-Mr,nl o ht... ha.;71111.1 WGRULCIS/111.. ,T. 711111 tl,lllO 11.14,1, Country Merchant., purchaeone Arc rests:you:ly uevned to col, anal eztlflt,lrl/1..r Stout • 1.• eun ,ay avith reeu.d.,,,urs and PRICE. II watt not .utTer it, . 1 12111,1.-.”. A z.• house In Cheladelpi..n. 11 CALIFORNIA CATS-- te thee 011111,113 lists. lu.t ttc rive.l nod Ct , RD.W leUr norms Stit nnrl k% nn:! - 4SPH.ll 4 itlet FASUIONS VOR I 049. 41 - 54 M'CoRD a. co. ipiroilove on day. Niprill Spr :,11.11 . , 410bc 111 1,1111 11 1/,11 /111. i •upe hic. 1, 0(401 vorner o. N:11 NN •,<•. SPRING Itltt:NS.l7 Ritikte I\<. '0: It Sic rphy s 0pent4,....i!! L et sod hand..., .1., ler -f.Aleto, new .ty'r hoed Nett, th.h•-• .t F...e. itigett L.aed VLI Loy, an. p ersi!trOijrrrd large er•ailutellt col Sprw z.. . ip.ll ea curner ithe and Smarts:.: ehe,.. •, ca rp Reoni!! uo !!!!!!!!!! V.'', the frlJe n;7" -' therntelve• teal, oo as 10 be smelts, ior n ~A could he triode of It A F. 11110., cledl, and 1110 1 ruised phrt remedy rubbedwoud pain. No farmer 4houul VI .111101. .0 • nte , dietste. n. rt to nhkr hca!int. to ma, or 1,34' pared and oold II II A FAIL:\ i comer of Wood and 1.4 4... n .0 W ood M " th ß e U t A rlZ . 4h ‘ a V . L' t•nee l o l.l :i r to . „ o n ' :; '. 7/ t r "( eon. Ala, 10. I - tzt Mr. John D Morgan —ll “Z.llOl 0 1 of an. u•e the suffering community, regard to ine Morg - an'• rimouge. )00 an. I,iee we.eoto. , I had two, children oorely ntlio.trd %Lin 0• 10 1 0-. i east alurmed, and very juoti, when I tn. , : renown,' Vero:wog, and 0.101. ',I, to theM 41. delivesed - of about hny wor,. hnera . •,nr. long, of the moot Ingrate! kind. re., rot row May Nve/1 " tre proud on 3 our urm Kr r Ye. , Ira y Dar:P Vtrrb: Prepared rtnd sod vr:Loie , asiereb, ;1,1 D MORGAN. Drugpst. Wo‘pd 0 rect. e_t.eta.l =road u.i.ey. ~,n I -17 0 COUGII MAN' HE l't RI.D A Lt.eour.., tVrl Wa.LI ) Apr ; 1- C Aft. R. 1.•:. Se ;ere: liernr Oth,r, 1 ,mr.. •n. 1. a rough, eh mtaJr.o u • ••. 0-111 LPL. • e duly emptoymen: Frequent , r...ughLeLz. I been KU much eilaau.ted. ato e .4,e, ord.x rom loom "id, .1 doz •L-II drow.,q do; aoa 11:11,n do do; 1 do loo.,4,1” co do; . ..."dobe florl.ll /Iwo, ti do S S hoe Ivor). extra -ine, 11 do I do do, Lo bole., 12 gr..", : 1 Lon Jo do, 1 do tomi, xpltl PALMY-IL, lIANNA a CO., I,nt.tre•ennor.. & Dill T)ANKERS, F:Xl'/lANUF:III,IOKERS, and dealer, I) Forewt mt.] DonIePLIC F.Z r: anrc. erruhrutes or Derw.te, 11,tak Notes, :tall Srecie—roorth .trees, oppogite the Droll of l'ittnt.utg'l Current eno• otleepon, made ..en ,a I the Eard State bqhrs: prrzmum plud . ." 01 lerr., and Anlcr,ran mwale 011 Ol11,:1111,1, Produr, rhzp L R I:AT VEN —V A LUA ISLE Pie. ,VLIRI" rLt ShrtAli, JANVILAT Ist. 1-49 sr„ eJt,,s.sturi Truk, Sofa, flu t.u., Ccara. Wratng Dru:s. I.E ER OF RI kllolll' IRON TIIE TABLES it, surpassme overy othef n. y vet.t.on ol the km.: now extant. They can he ex• tended ern m try tom-My-five feet. and whey closed the le•r err ai to l enotmled ingylm they err 11121JC 10 1111 .1:c. ald :Mem, and err ndnummy adapted for stramt:ont, Hem, Inrge 14mt:le, !erm ine w hm: o• ml PI romplete centrt telde $1 /FAS A SD BUREAUS—The, article, err loyal: par Orly in 1110, , who wmh to erono ni.e room. and culvert sleeping apartment ,n -o rOr!or or ettme ronm. as ttiey be opened end •hut fi,eonvemenre ft:ld When OW. the hr.ldi:p4 15 m.em!..- t - . 1 A crrikl ..1 Worn .1,1 rcut A ..1..1....1- rad• t , c10.0.t1 to rm n Lrttutalu. o(: . ttruture for plr 4 or or •ntozg room 114 , 1,1( CA,I S-n ne.t uad tt.eful nmarle (or par;or drrowl. room RITINt. For /are office-a.coontrag room, and r veto,: ope..ed amoat ronvenront bed ...lona 0 bet. ',lard p,rfroo Llork and Labrary ..ono Ia A 0 1n.,. 0,10-0, need no roontionendatmn bran: y tar 0 hole .•. arr. ;warranted not to tet ott: u. rr.t..t.r IL nr tor your inn-root. to ea.. and ttsc arne.ra. at In, Inanufaeturer, %tore. No - woe: I'vtabuten adeimoo, Io th, bbuve a, b.ero l ) /A ,W Q)lk 11.11F:0" n o ' „ ' e a l.ll\ I e • mole-, Lny ~ r wito dtrul of . et...5uur,....0n llao b. I I „ a• taken •Lr k 01111 thr Co/001111i111012 r vor Cornp.,..: and 0,- roduood •to love 0,, tun tbat tor four voarr I was unable to auntie, to rbtts, at or abroad. biong fur the tne o..btro 10 nay Int! 100 abut e bte,. I ionl orprinlod for ane,...n.rt: artetnlance o 1,11 Par •Ir . Il• /IAI nol A r . .Ae4 tho antouut of *lnn, any I.or.oht theroikool In 1,1 ~ I rot - m0t...0il boar, Dr Jul,ne . v. Meti, • aint 1.310. 1.01,1 :brm :bore or 1e..4 ever tinbe, 1 ve tn, .ay tLy ILL-rscvcr,nyt Liles; LL I LL•LLL o,ow treLy say Lhat I hay • yohaphatt-', Ireco-. rr.ln Ibr Lhyl Sanuuye PILLa L 1 Fa' ' -flora, ELL, the h.-, tatat.y Lt2le I r• - •. , ^, rottelly, N V, and anil %iltap 111 la, v..: nr•t 1.•1,re,t In Itle 4a,r of :he cn,rtrd EATio, iRI F A. '1:11FF ' 4 -1 - e .1 . • , I), .111 too aoltrce,len t (0 loognmonts dl. no oto Oro ololotoluo,•. Jo . o• ,o.Lorel to vlo al too. R W Cz•-•‘•:LvT Jasne , ro i Plan Irarattni Nl'arw• 1 4- •• Ile•try , N7l ,3 ,‘ A I F.RNI AN ;lac klas Works and Foundry. 11,3111.R"1-1. PA. 11 MN WRIGHT A Co. wro pr.-pared to ['said Colton si nod IN no , on .11orlortery of' r vor Elorripoon...sch nor Cor.loor Nlar : , ionions Promo,. Spoti o,or. Drnwtor ['rano,. Railway firlois. 01 srpr. .r..ns I.ronr. r. 1./ Sc NV rm.,. Ir. Sntottor , ornr.ll. to• of Cn..l Iron. N. and Ilungor. oi pa:terns. riolo and nand 1... tn.,. ort gool• of an toads. Co:trns , or cv , ry de.rrrrooo .orn, oot ~rn ores l'antrror onsde to order for M.: I-oo Ito t.:nr. Ins I,p, lor oo; Facto, Cs.: I; on % s il.o!ot , r lid :nary CA, too.r• ,over ,Ily /rd.,. left st the ‘Varelloto, or .I. ono A. Co . 1.00-rty sirret. srrer prompt Ito:a -tm R, ..., , 1 . 11.ack.Irrk. heir .i. Co . J RMtearenead & „ ~ I. I' tk am.. ..elin Irwlran& So., l'itsburo . t. ‘ . / II tin rit..1.,...,,,., 1,10 Penn Machine Shop. 11. ; l o , ,, , l ,t i n l di 11 ., ?,1 ,0, N ,,7, ,I . llt , ,, , u t, i:a n c r t r a; . t. A r r! , :! , 1 ., 1 ,, ii: . .1 r a ,t 0 r r e l ? a t• ln• ono,. work, bratx now ai lull nod in.reesstul op. ru.., I am prepared to r XeCtlle order. wait diapateh ii,d , i 01 Illat !MO' O i 111 nty ittir, .uch as willow., pieker...prendera. CHIA, prineinig 11141 . &tile, ra, wa, a, dr,iwtez tram., •periter., thro..its, looni, women ard,,:ouhle ~r xengie. for uterenatit or country work, nni e., ote k., Le ....le iind hand lathe* 1 . 1 1 1 110061111 gen , ..L .k.. knot. or abutting mode to order, or plailf gin , n , fartoriee or inil:,. . rennonahle char Fr. I:., era r.- ht.:Tined y, Cllttlirt t CO i HI ne k stock, Ile,' ,\ l'i, ., Penitoek & Co.. Jai, A Gray NEW COACII FACTORY, A 1....6011.1. Ai. A tn kt; . l . ll ,k l;l-; .4.. th., , : t ..l ii zur , l ... :l v, .,:r r o r eT ., i t f . tr . y ~,H , 1 . c 0, r , : n„ at , ~ k, i , etween Federal to d .treet• 'r,ry :tTe now in ik mg and are prepared to receive order• for e'er:: de.eription of velacir., Cunene., Clairton's, Da in, kr.. [loonier. l'hreton, Ice., We, which (torn their long r riter,enee tit the HOMY amore of the above work, and the tacit/Ilea they ha ye. they feet confident they are nalded to do work on the rno.tremotable term, with t,to.r wanting article. it their Inie. Paying particular attention to the .election of mat, tkat , . and having none Out competent workmen, they have no tiraitation at walla/Moir their work. We itirrefore a..k the atMittion of the public to link matter. N It. Repairaig done at the bent manner, and Ott the tlttliit rett.ollltil /V item.. Jalr../.11 _ . . . _ Monongahela — Livery Sta.ble. 6, ROBERT 11. I'ATTKILSOPi hoz opened the large amble on Ft rat at. running through to Second at, between Wood and Southfield 111... at the rear of the Monongahela house, w:th nit enttrely new steel lit 1i0n.... and Carriair.s of tii , quii:,i) and late.l etylrt. liorli, kept at 'we t, 111 the loile manner. ir2dly Porbene Groduatrd Gdueurec Battery and Insulated Pole., for Medical and aner purpose. rl l (IS 1.• the only i auumcm 01210 kind that hah clOl been pre noosed In lbtr country or Europe or rued. At al purprner, and to the only one ever known to noon, by which the garvanie lord can he Conveyed to lhn bus sbonel t tho tar, the bran, or to any pan of sso4y, thber eitstrnally or Infernally,in a tIefIIIILC ..srehsn...ntsiout shocks or pans—with porfort runty and oaten with the napplen CdeCt9. tinpuitititt apparatus is now highly approreit of by inai.i of Uge enitnent physicians ot ULU 0.001.- Iry ,id Furupe, to whom the itlateMd and others whom u. rziwere can lie referral. Reference will MLR° lir zivr, to many highly respectable citizens, wife have rural by means of thi s MOM Tait:able apparatus sotOtt eot the most thvoterate nervous disorders which rouid out he removed by any other known incites. Atnot.ii Varlet. others, It boa licet proved ha lc intratily adapted for me cure of the followtog diseases, vizi nervou, headache and other diseases of the Loam, II aWI.II this apparatus alone that the operator can convey the IllOgltelit, died with coal, and solely 10 the eye, to restore sight-, or cure. nionurosaa, to the oar le te.lore li,orloC 10 the tongueklld Other 01 . '01-.6,10 10 Otor..9lCeelli and to the ramie, liana of the body, rot tr. cure of enrol. 11101101.11101111, asthma, emir:lie", or Vw doloureu, pare!, pis, or palsy, gout, eborea or St. u 's dance, epilepsy, we from awaits, so d, s ea,,,, peculiar to townies,.olltraCl4oll 01 W e .1101 m e, 10eipliV,Cle Malt, lor nut toundlidg countin. of Western Pa and pnvitege.. tatth the taltutent, may be punadded, ova uimo tented for the cute ot cueetanee. - - . Fad oigructiotir Will ire given for the various sheen dl• to Pr used lig VetiOne diseases, sod the beet man ner for °or rating for toe cute of those disease. wid aS en tit fully ropodil ig in the pis censer, and paniphiel pig into 1101 Pamir expresaly for these purport-. 'aru any orroured by dci 'weenie, Enquire or nrg IIJ I y ILLIAMS, Vino et, l'inaburr h 4000 PILF , SIIIIIfI' - BLINDS. 11. J. WILLIAMS, No 11 Noria Stl.oll Stwxe SHADE r, PHILADELPHIA. A. N AN 111. IND AND I ,VINIX)IV V MAN UFACIt Rt.R. iA•v•rii , d trw• fir., and logk e.t Medals at the New 1 urx. Hononore and Pholidei pion Exlit'woon• tor In, •upcnortly of 10,1.1111.4, WWI confirfurcl roulvic;•. 1111111ufacturv,) taoks mn nt. teotton of vorrlthaer.i to 1......wr0ueut of of narrow and wwl, with mats and platn Trio, Dung., of oew Atyle. .001 color, Ako, lure, and geneml n , ...0101001 of Er...parent Window. Slthdeo, col of which Lie will Loe lowest ertxli prlees. o.d Rhode without und!rimturd to loot equal to new. Mr DEALERS ,tirrt.ll.:ll on liberal terms. Tbe caer* of Aneeeeily county era respectfully netted vo eel] before baying elsewhere—confident of leaung all. Wan in the eventing,. I ma:1%4041a DRY & VARIETY GOODS FRESH SPRING GOODS HI lected with more Matt Won! care daring ,the last few weeks. in the New York and Philadelphia markets. and embracing a greet van.). of almost every de. scripuon oldie latest end most fashionable stylep, and a Large portion of a Lama; Leen bought at the M. F.RN AUCTIONS ale great redueuon front the regu lar rates, we on: enabled to offer great indueements to eaalt Layers, either by wholeaale or retail. We would therefore respectfully inane the attention or the public to our Stock, iteling confident at our obtlity to anti buy er. in almost every article they may wish in our line. To the ladies we would eapeetn/ly commend our meet of Srl.ramo Darts 50..., of which wo have a very large and bcaattful assortment of the latest string and moll fashionable . . Lamas Daces tioons—Mooshn de Lamea, Pod de Cheevre, linen and mohair Lustre., painted Lawn, gingham Lawna, Foulards, new style Bareges, English, French and Semen Lin:ghat:es, linen tiling ham, in great variety, the de. Bontrzta—New style Bonnets, very cheap. Riaseha AND FLowasa—Of the latest styles and ape rior in quality. Fannon:LA—A very large and handsome aback of Par tmols, of al moot every style and gnahty. Sitawid—d hoe nasortment of apnng and summer Shawls, of all styles and priers. Fonnert Curtus—.t, rood .apply of super French, Enetisla and AnlerlNUl clothe and t,nssimerea, to which we would invite the attention of persons needing such A I.SO A full and general oueply of Shoning Chocks, Tick tags. brown and blenched Fl sins, rabic lanai., Shooting, Dryer, c4robrics, r, nummer tioodn mon , nod boys' wear, .101Conrtm, S wean, an• ook, Mink ino, ?otos., Ginglosons, Crape. Crape Lace, Cravats, l; loans, Ildt En, Veils, 3c. Sc. Persons wishing to buy by whcOesele, shook' call and nonfat nur stock, no our prices arc such as to took.: 'I interest to buy '' • ' =l= • ap2l nortowest corner orate DlrmMad A A !lASON h IN, No. eh Alartet .treat, have on band the largest ranety of Vatibroiderte which they have ever offered_ Their assortment con• in part of the followtng goods. vie. from I s t i r tt :o B ls.7 , r.Oo , roebet e1d;20 , 1, (tom :171 to 15 .1.50 I tru r.mtp r • I,r, Jenny Li ad Y.nt posra muann Cuffs. 37k to 621 ]looming Conant, from Ink to Rao Cad at the champ ono poet store of A. A. MASON Co, No 611 Market at. n2)12 VFW RIBBONS. BLACK SILKS, BLK. BARA - : .(,E.S. An —W. R. Mcanna has thm morning ro om ved by Kirpreas a Int of hoed some Inman colored, grron and Mon Bonnet Rath., Alm, g torts y Meek Silk.. for dre , nent, Vista, ma mango, fee. MINEIES=I Wnyta Coons for ilresien —sorb as vans. and mull Ne,ooke, !cc An, embroidered muslms or dresions, all at lawest pnens, at nordmatt cdrner Four. and Nlartrt .rams. Who.esale Remus up stairs. rItYI4 , RENCII LINEN AND LINEN Mt aMIT has now open a full assartment of a• tirIICICS, and socks—among the ;at ter are pan p , snare.. enlors, sack az pink. blue. green, , m's, blue. green. and mode colors of Elms me t Lawns and a large assortment of embroider musln.p. and Lawns I; M.'s recent purchase J.. now a!i ,celerd and persons tva.nung Dry Goods .11: do well to look ut lo• arke and trek:: stock before— northeast corner 4.1 a and Market 4.. • Wllomnale Rooms up ' , tan,. tuyl A RTI FICI AL FLU WElli.s—Materma tor Arufieml PA Plower, vu• Plant utlua paper, rpourd do, (.11.1 . • 111,1 C pap, for colormg, Yu: Ir Saucer,. Leoveg evr • ry [oral uuk.: , . up, mud callow's, ran ue olauthrd at II EATON & l'nmuung Slore, r•I I et Fourth at - [, , ,MBRIYIPERIC—Worated patterns or Ottomans, lj rllllO Stotd.. Ted , e Covers, Travellng Bad, Nalth or ...II Pattern.. Mao, Wornteda of all colors and shades, by the pound, owlet, or skein for ...le by upl4 FII EATON & Calk! rourta as QECOND SUPPL.I"—W R Murphy, at nortlea, cor k? of !in and Market str,ds, has now opechin Fuedm..upply of sprdtg and summer Unods, and has a Inree ay”..rtntrat of Dr,. i:100d11 of newes.. and taide Goodl of every ktod. all of which orale 1.0:4 low. ..17 . REF:N l'r+LlN DE I,AINE—W Morph': non kr rdeelved We above ' , carer. and desirable •rtic, o(ibe font/10:1,1W,, shade; also, Green Staruges. add 7 NirllOLEbALti 1./itY GOODS. A A. 311SO:I & CO., )::d...tS.I)NERS AND 131YORTERS, no dloacirr Seazar, A R,' ...... "' „7., ° , 1 7 " . " Np h ; - ,. d 2 e r v " g d r ex !oho,' in the Western country, comprising upwards at Eleven Hundred Caso.P, purchased in enure pack , :PP. front the snantencturcr, importers, and Inngr sue no su,s. by one of the 'lnn ',podia', tirw 1 ork, WIIO t• oncani.y sending us the nesvcal and moot idotwoinide gnosis. Ihry insole in part— nch Sotto, prints; 130 M !wine: ,1 Lawn, and MoAtus - mutton anti ;men 1.0- ',reached Mos'ins.ali Itorl;hate• , 30 eo.'d llaohes; .etrue; Cheeks end` filpkes .I, , Fne,le Gingham., wics 11111 i nUM/lI,ISs Brown Mrodo AL=A, rase. and pmetages Of }Sonnets. Flowers. Sdk.,W.ote Gooll4, Al.l,l:tery A , tic le, Cloth. on.let...liur rt... Lute n. lio- rry L.:even. dex. C:ly COUlnry Enerchsnts will find 6., . . large and desirable as Eastern mocks, and an r.J1.1111- iimwon of r Rooth and pans cantrot -fail to con ' ell that wtth their unarm/nide advantascos and tic.Utics. they can coutpete torrn.L.lT Eas - runv Joan.. act 1..11 been clearly demonstrated to hundreds :heir p.ornes who formerly purchased East. "I hose c.tock wul n.ways he Mond complete. art NEW GOODS, 1619 1:" \ DV &n...WY darn , ' Wntad and Fonfah .t. reeelvina dtrrdt ;runt nral It ,ade. .arze .to.•k Fancy and Narksl;oodn. tne•otttng ;old and StiCUI Watches, r, n Print, Comm, 'looks and Eyes, tituve. an, liumery, Soopendels, lion Caps, anti all in their line—oll of which ham, ern purch,ed personally of the manufactory' , ca..t du rtng the sat widter, expressly Mt me Spr,n; :rode, Ymil lir whommle at a mall advance on • m.t. Conntay•ty on Omni. all descry:Mo. of Loolans lino's -, Ed 011,11,1 Immufacturmsr. nt eastern ',tees mly.rl _ V N EW VANCV AND Aillt,r t.001,--At LEL; KINSEY'e, 67 Markrt .trret. ID. pr. (Ina Clona Yoe.. 175 , et, and cut ,r, coat flutton.; 40 tine. vclvet Carpet rtvl:t •20 do A.o.L raveling, 14Xi fro+b lusicy &alk ;or In d Nail Ilrunue,., ars .1, Ivo g, fine t,.. 250 Co do gilt ttlitl tt , ln: 2.5 dor r0...00/I Hair Itragllct, 4 do do. I .In w pro r:,.11 Hook, LT..- 11, 11.1W1 - 11.RY. 5.c —5O gold love, Walchee; 5 , In de arued ,evrr Wnicloc 10 do !Alone do; 10 i;:0 motrd Fmerr Rdid, I dog line gold VEAt nn.l Poo .0i; 1., 2do do Guards; Brea.t Pats, Ft.:, Ring, Ear Itiner,A, 1.1.11 V! , ,s, ne —2OO dot Ladle, C 1311 0 ,1 Ginve.. ased: asi Ide Insle Thread, rangy iop. he , In do gents . cOr. Wove., t! do de kid do. .50 do ladies hot, ass'il, 10 do do lases top V. l CC - 1‘ COOD?-7: , pkg. ik ts Cottsn CordA; 75 pa Paper Muslirg - Silsl,ooo .Idted l'erCussi , si Cap, `AM Imo di-ess Whit lebnite do: 109 dot Ivory Cum , .!: Dressing Combs, Back Combs, A.c..k.e. apt; 11. 1: 1'1'.11' k Ci n art ow opening tne.r r . ot rnmrma i r., on.isting ;a park Mon sad Frinlies, (mop, Mack •tnd d PLO Lore, block ram., Lace, Bunons, Brnis, Bennet Tlllllllll., Kent, btdres wld alltheliA plain 0119 lan "Aorta lor men and bol s, eoliths. lc or, and oilier Fans, Van, Spool Comm, Needles, TA:I,. Hob. bins. Puts, kr. ke wine, they offer Tor .ale, taah whole•.. tod tr.!. at ilia Trimming Store, (t!Fourth street, t. eer Wood and Martel. soil 1V 1.13019+.—n A. Alassm x w., No I,IIW plat let Street, are now opening 40 cases nod pscienges 0r rplenrll,l SPRING 1;001)0, compri.lng Law., 1I9•.11114, Mercies, M de homes, Gi Omni, Pm.. Freon), Cambric!, Lams, Ribbons, Laces, Si!ks, Shaw,. Gloves, Hosiery, and a generni n•sort merit of I;as!. larhal CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS! 4*.0. T 3 r.f:y.l VED THIS DAY, earprong ood itti C:oths aim, tamr nod roost approved pattern; and at prices to into purchasers, and cheap na n fir por. ehased nay of the F.:astern elves, comprtsing tl.c tovrtne varteues: 4stra Royal Velvet Carpets; Alantituster Carat any sate hall MOMS OT Off/ Tapestry do nbulc, Sup Roy,: Brussels do Tapestry Stan . cat - pct..; Kxtra sap 3 ply do Brussela do do Superfine do do Chanute Ikers, • ES.] sup lOKTOIII JO TURCO tie Supt. r fine de do Brussels do Fine do do Chentdo Door M.% Common do do Tufted do do 44, 3-4 st Tapestry Atklatd do do Damask do Sheep skill do do 1-4,3-4 A 1 told Ye- ifinb'scal Piano raven _ . . nettan do 6 - 4 do Ta/Po Jo 44,3-4 & I pinto do do 6-4 wool do do Cotton In .:root do 11-4 wor.ded nod linen do do do Vonetion do limas State W.I. cotton Druggot; 16-4 wool crumb clothe 12-1 vecu.,,n do Sour lanen 6-4 do do 6-4 table de , KlTloth Tethie 0,1 cloth.; thaper do Gorman do do do do Crash n. 4 Floor 161 cloth.; Snow. Prop Nap k in.; 7.1 do do do Cr, noon Plunh; 0.1 do do do Purple do 5-4 du do do Maroon do I-1 do do do Carpet 13. ndioCt Sheet 00 ciao.. of nowTran..oll Window Shade. "'vestry pattern.. cut to fit I 11'1, the 'thy, wo are I.unotantly receiving. our Spring ..,ttock oil roots, Olt Clow t and St!IIILIDOEkt to telt.ell wc invite thenttettuon of all who wiett to I.6a tlah their tuu-e4 or otesoWoot. ver np!l I.t able to ;tote!. or low a. they eon be pure hosed it the East. nod &the richest rind lutes sty len. Call hod ex amine our ouelt before where. Wow -11011 no, No 73 rourth nt. wcld6l V. MTLINTOCK. The 1-or vest. On ogres and most Fashionable S , OCJi J Gone, admen. la Gentlenun's :Spring a on( :.untotee IVrar, upist raising at DIPLIVIS CHEAP CASE CLOTRIMI STORE, 13/3 LIBERTY STREET. THE I` oprlctor of the above eetablihtnent would rc .r , tutu roof cora/mom that be low pto 7.artted front the Enetern cotes with the inwo.po or , ortment of good. to hi, one, that was ever broogitt to thw city, eoettploaug a!I that now twwtoitalve, elegro.t and Cbo.p Cawrimer,, C.wrottereor , Drap KLe, a:ski every dewrspoon of 011011. 'II and woollen tionorirr Stuff, Shirt., Celt vat, 11-li fr. Stsapeadewt, h.c_ of Inc newe.t ".1)1e.; .. .bleb "Tether with his eery ,nrge nod Notow.nble toric mrdy toade Clothing, he is prepared to otrer : two. low pnees. Comm) hlerehants,Contractors, end all who por ch..., largely, pre particularly Inward to call and ex amine thy , stock, %6¢h it decidedly the largest and most fashmnable In the city, and great •ttennett has been paid to get it up auttattle to we wholosale trade Order, In the Tanana, line executed in the most Mahn:mold- manner, and that notiong may be untoung en.ort. the lICWVII and beet style of coning. A gen tleman who teas had (Mil eXper CLICE to the Eastern COWS, boa m-eit added to the monblishment. v1,621..1'3131 SHACKLETT & WHITE, Dry Goad. Jobbar•, IC - 0 tis tt OOD SlltEhY—Would call the nuenuon of Merchants to their terse cock of Demesne and Foreign DRY GOODS, lust receiving (root the lei. porters and Alwaufacturers, Told which they witl sell at very - low rates (or cash at approved eredit. • Oat coat 1.6 now Gall and complete, and well worth the Ammon of Layers, as we art determined to sell at jock extremely low prices avcannot (ml to make at a Wm; 4,lacerneti fro - marabiara to 000ke a hip with, titottll VOL. XVI. NO. 282. MLSCELIANEOM WANTED, DAILY at the BALTIMOR4 PHILADELPHS4, NEW YORK, BOSTON ANDNEWORLEANIS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE'S Young MILN is wholesale and retail stores, and otlley respectable business, to act a. Boolt-leepers,=. men, Porters, Bar-keepers, Waiters, en, Car Agents, Book and Map . Agernta.7g r ilectrigt. Overseers la all branches of bus iness, An. We hind at all niece a hap number of good nituations orthan4 wtoch pay from 300 to 82,000 per annum. Thosst k in want of enlaatlO. °fluty kind would do well to gin u call, as we have agents in each of the above .4, ae which to place crory agr2lloanth 4 a suitable situation at the shortest optima. to h•re . e large acquaintance In all the above named citlitl which we trust will enable us to give entire sattaftez, tote to all who may favor us with a Bail. TAYLOR ATA YMAN, No. 59 Second at, 1;1 between South and Gay: N. It —Persons living to any rand the U. Stant; and wwhing to obtain a mamma in Baltimbre, or 02 , Cher of ;be above colic, will have their wants lam diutety attended to by addressing us a line, spom-p nn by iv doing they will consul both trouble and st4o, pen.e, which they otherwise would near by comlg In the coy, ad reeking employment for lb.:m.lTO; Adder.., TAN LOR A TAYMAN, No. A 9 Second street, .; Baltimore, Ald ILE,LIE/F FOAL 43BALAIPS• • e ; WE RAVE ABDOMINAL %yARMERS etadoffkg: rmost approved Hagfish pattern, fernothe4i and ' , commended by Thomas Bakewell, Lag., and - Itt , II umber of eminent tillystmana; being a moat eonved.ti eat apparAttia for the application of swarm or hot wisit. ter to the Unwels. in ease of cramps in Cholera. An: every permit a subject to sadden attacks, no farnily should be waning at Least one. i C ACAIFE A ATItIN.4I3N, ja7 Viva at. between Wand and Market Improvement In Pianos. THE subscriber is Jun receiving k ae. tumortment of Pianos from the Isola/ of N anis A. Clark, N. V., which for eye crane° of e.t.a, beauty of Antall,: and superiority at tone and touch, surpass any brougat to this city. Mr Clerk, of the abons kiln, long std mom favorably known as the former? foremento the celebrated Piano cabal:UW=l,-ot an Itroadwood. London, has recently improved and pet , footed the Pianos of Nu n n. A Clark, N. V., In ell