~nc . ..:e,<.,c~w~.~- e.~- YonnCatowotiyai b . Mr Catde cinst • Paelects: , - t -; • . , P441t41 B6l' k, t4t: Bta44lay, satlFliasi Mare: re:Nl:44ly : ata ..Mo ta Jay. Prettat,dar abd r rt day evetataga and-rrive nen falartliag at S &cloak-1..14111ln; tteavea Youno• Loam Taeitiay,Tbara4ait taut -Nuurttay eventaas ut 4 P. anduattch Beaver fa law, for litrltmoriloA ALLEGHENY CLIPPatt; atnartal 8i Pataltomh at 12 o'clock. • - . _ . The_faiket AV, le Ye Torsday, Tlit3milsy Sstaardai v.P C. at P . retn(l.ll,4, Nen - pNe, Ni..nday Mednetsd,r and Friday .‘ven4T•gat , G M Eltgung win, mOrniai l'Afslvalry'h Tbraepa..• Etutil yp lii i•ainpli.l. - order h. , trig ”< - 1a010 , 1 , 1 pay,,Se. Is ar,d •ropper may rely dm more Fit, tanntj alt.! drelvalell a. , h. , Pl‘•- :•• Fro•F ( 4-. ri,porin , t 8,1 :1 8 lint+, • A iT Jotrour, i R. 'V iktte..toileatit The elegant itettrnez,Al.l.lsJrtt , N". erst leave Bearer . Onily . nt I A . m ; e• I . ll,.rstnning in connection %Will, ohne , t.mi~ el 5 • .184 9: . . 4 4 4 , --- J •=!.. ~.. _ ......„,..4€4.-„„ Waiver! And Clialreltklild Pasamaics •a. " C I22I 4 I Paekek—SWAL,LOW, . . .. " ---OCLAN.. almt ri /ANN of the e Pieta& leake Deaver every dal NJ (Sanditywea pied).kall taxi. ton .2._ kr..S.kr IV inert, when tb zahnekkerith (IA Vail kkar. 0 . , Akron il.Cieve add, artlllheta cad, of the. tAseea before nig it 0 Of ihepaekeke leave Warren dairy al SP. 8C.,„ and ve - at , ffeaker In dale ID take We taamitAbcskaappitketal.,•co, w „ .„.., n. , pro la Evrey4,op., • • •-•,- , d. 4 • ... : • : • JOHN' A cuivingx, Agent, Ku" eoreetleeteravd SeatbEeld .to slaidgEk I 84 0; - UNION L INE , oa THE PENN% AND 01/10 CANALS. CIUMTWID causmaxttralevdszd, Propen IL G. EOM,' . Pa. reTHIS Lew will be prepamd on the opening of nevi gationteo transport/Might and Passengers . hoes rerranuttoli cLUVELAND, to toty point on the canal andLaken f The facilities of the Line Ere tinattipansed in clamber, quality end capacity of. Bonny ffispentate of capuilos, and efficiency & Apnea °°` Bee ' 1- '' v " rlu.barth and Cleveland dotty, ma rling in 'connection with the /runners, I.IIIM ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Between Pittsborgh andßeaver,aridailinc of first class Steamers, Propelkri add Vessels on ffielakea. Asorm—lt O Parks e ßeffirer, Pe. - Jesse Baldwin, Youngstoorri, Ohio. .t B Thy* yinnea, Cyrus Freeman Raffinate, WheelerO, Aktvey. • " Crawford 0 . Chamberlin; Cleveland, 0 Sean doGridosk thffiralo,N,T. 4011 N A-CAMS:EY, Agcal4 Office, em Weser and Smithfield ex, Pittsbargh. meta:ly , n Eat ms. Steamer MICHIGAN No. r UME EMS; T IC iffixtVe regular and knotim .* ll ' enver Pack codet ham croamencedentikrog daily trips to rude Elcaver, and esfll continue to true became* Piusburgh bud Beaver regular!): kering* season, as ffibchigan N 0.2 ease riusburgh. daily o'clock, A- ht., arid Beaver It dlnothick, r. NC Lake Erie leaves Seaver daily iffitto'blocki A. M., and Pittsburgh at 3 &cinch, P.N. Theie summers WEI pin to mffinectinn with R 0 Parks , Ewen k•acket Llne; tor Eric; Taylor Ai LeiSingtirelPs %Pastan Packets; Union/beef Frenstrßoars Or Cleveland; Clarke Ic Cop ElasEaugli and Cleveland Lino Fretght Boffin . . , R 0 Parts daily Nam Canto ii?eket., !! ' CLARKS, PXRIES .2 E.o, neater, Agar.. !OILY A. CAVORRY, ge,ant.'nusburch, luth ' . Or Wu., and 644 field ~,. m ai 1 849.: . PITMEGLAND CLEVEIAND LINE ON THE i'FIVNSYLVANIA.ANDOTI.tOCANAIA TITIDE Proprtetors of gurold esbabligbedland popnlat 1 daily line, consisting orb - MM.:IN 4 rs7 ea-$."02110 Bonts,peonesl by themseivin 414 rennint in eannee• ton with the steam boats • DEAVER AND CALEB cOPE, ore enabled to Ibtreteneqnn.liedilneilittee tat the transpoitation of fretsbi. and yaffenners, on the opening pi - Canal oarigaupn,lue altpolne*tn the Penn, •yttiusaiii Ohio and Zil:ch chalk 44.1 the Lake, E.. M. P ~Y.oI TCH & Co Cleveland. 111DIVELIA4 DEO : VILER, .. Agenti, Beaver. J. C. El ox#pd., &keen, marlWo.ter strtel, ritoburigh I c. arovram, • U. unx. morscu t Bl rgir Putsbo. - peoccr. DW EL L & !MOT ER, Forwardingletthants, 8EAV.F.44 , M., Agents far thePittshurglillisscPlessiststd - 1471 , , burgh and Erse -Las: via!Zrie, boats : !laving Oiircbtied:.tholiki - gt: 41i1.d e.Liottai . Wlx,f Boat Jun' Wilt the thgClagoatyllhele. with um addition of ii.tiVaietiou.sa, the moat commodatifiiis tot - ietrivi4g::aijd plate their.lltthona',OolloatpiOaPu.'i.'6.l4,.l... to congsworotrto that: anw, • thrirfnem, for a that: , •• ' uttrVelly .l ' 1. 3:l BRA • PlT'Vfilßol36ll _ • - • 1S49:•• • • A*, Otd Ecahiiilted,l . ..ne. ON TILE ERIE k.3."..11''..31UN C "CNA! Ewa, now my... 4 to .11.1,1.1 , . I t'a and Fkeightz all pants on the L. H.. r York Canals and th e Lakes, me* ihe to Vut aba terms and with duped, • Thin Union s in connection L BP.AVINS .0d CALEB and Beaver, gleiteedkline or,itenin be s, dir • ir,, sets on the Lakes, and the Trey told el,c'ng au • -; - Boot Lino, the New Yott cattEl.. ••• C. Pd.REED, liopraetor., Brie, Fa Bidsre II & Brother, Agents; Hoover. w A_gcafat .T,Ftes baled, Ps dfeng,. Office..MistionattlaelaltOuni, Tittabdralt. .cogsunim—lv C Malan, Sharon; J F. &S Stiantsburg;.; Smith & DOweitin' do, Pluirunei , Nest Gnecisville; NVIcC, Achre_H&Co,do; ;Wm Henry Haristolavis lk Se Beano: Danny, Gibb, A Cin Sand , Jas A Armstrong,tretroil; :Kirkland A.' Newberry, eboygna; lirChtle k Milwao kin, Knop, harfer & Dattert, Racine; Rlome;.• Chicago; A ;kliluseler d: Co, flear,Turk. spa Plttabigehoisid - BlisliiviMe Pastime Lilac /3 / 19,;.. fifta THAMIN & ""P jet. 'ihr etediti th z now and aptendid Packet Boats to rust doing: : the 0C114.013, be tween Steinman and PinsbUlTh—the boats to be tow ed by three hones, ea cyan , efturt , ,made to amens modate passel - igen. Dzeiornmss.--Boata *lll leare male:ugh every Monday, Tuesday, Thsusday anil:Pliday, tit 7 o'clock. P.n. From Blairsville every Monday, Wednesday, TbsisdaY 51=411 ad o'cleclr o so, and arrive. at PltubuTh the same day. A ten hese-Hack from Indiana arM meet the boat at . Sahibs' h, both on op. ward and downward trip—prifileg paisengers through from that place to one day. Freight (brew above Line received m the booze of the Boatmen's Line, by Jac. Forien to Co.. , who are oar amhcrrised Agents. Alt freight received free at costensalons. JIB MARSHALL to Co. JNO FARREN &Co, Agents, - Canal Basin, Liberty et, Plushargh A Back leaves Blairsville for Tologstowe on the antral of the boar—rensue tel bootie morning. Fare from Pittsburgh to Yomtptowe Si—seeened at office Of BoatnieValJno through. melons klTTSltlinicili pun:2%ll4m itsucr. Lan labil=lB49 Far tits rnramponation mg to and rum ITTTABORGII, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIM RE, N. YORK, BOSTON,Aa. TatmusSosstooa,Philadelphm. Turks 3 O'Comins., Prasterrel rPHIB old established Line tieing nis: tajelf open; • .I. don, the Preitiieot... Impart* with- their ...I enentive artangentents to forward retoutdise, pro , duce, &c. to and from the above portly on Mend terms, with the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar to their mode d( transportation to °beton, when mut drett ondhe waysts avoided. , wignmants mad for thhOli re reatsved, char rirretaiktrasarded in any moaned dttpeiions (nee Of c ergo for commission, advancing or storage. No Interrini diztetly co:indirectly, antrinboata commenicollonspteMptly attended Wan applies.. lion m thefolmagentat THOS. BO E. r 2713 Mgket et,.llll4elphon. TAAFFE& 'NOR, Cktol Basin, nittbargh. OVONNOB le Co, Notlh at; Baltimore.,? mch24 I °l atzWrimisairio : • "7.;' . - unt.npus i : num Briatuw, r .00.1.1tironeat, nnsinuat, ' • .I , a - c,os Wan. Conducted on strict fiabboth-keapiag . p . rciplcu Proprietor. of this old established Lino ha. I t rit theirstock to the tuoitoolioNcto er,and mighty prUparod to forward produce a Y hfercha. Waitron. that our long experience ifi the carrying business, and•ealoas attention to Ow teteriste of crr teener', viii secure to ea • eontiann.ney awl li:femme of the plaronage hitherto 011=10 to Ilhigh•ca's Line. Unz arracorenitentx will enable the to purse Freight with &o'er:meet derpotch, and tor prices Wall always be se low es the lowest charged by other terponeible Linen We have opened sn'orlice in Pid lad Market sweet, between 4th and 6th Maeda, for .itte cencerdbco Wipppcts .: co and Merchandise will be received,. rand fors wardesli,Dist Mid West, without ire for , tors atvencing freight, suiregeor eentretiesion.. Mlle - of Lading forwkstlert, aid ey.l direction promptly atteilisdto. •Addrua, or kpply_to ittrictuar, . Canal Babe, Cot 11:ta y11.01 siSl Ptitsinnir, DINGI 11.01.1 • , • • io IM and MC Marko suest?Plln JAMI.I FLSON,',A grafi 12.? North lroward :meet, iialtiueora WILLWI TPSON, ;Am., Mel& No 10 Wetrt 7.7.11:E7ey s'ork -- - - o lat r agb 1849 . ". 211orelutaatie VrokiisprtrAlop A., lAA.: VIA PRINSTJ,VAIVIA (14N..4.10 RAH; _, _To kiASA.nO,PuLL Am, rRsE Caul*, Rad Rua FiAis be Pi . pod it °tier; 7 - 6 aro rcpariii to ill a meretAnchne oxid prOincu.to FL,i.,.(efyluu and ..dMares-witAisiontotrelli niv.l ah. as lOW 'AP= I n m any other line. ' , C, A :le/SIXTY h. Co., ' Canal atisio, A•7OI7IO—CRARLYS RAYNOR, 012tIntIcIplo,. ma?. ROM lITORIULL .:a. • #I„III,FSWRAIOOLA Canal Al /LAO '2l,Asal •Line, &AEI 1849.. FROM . I , ITD3DIJOII TO P 1 IDADF2:I93IA & DAL ! • ! Otee*vtly for Paseeoger34 , mug ma,llegre 4reeijectfolly Informed thoS tripe 'swig coscuoctoo ninaus et, ibeito mute wet eoe untie Werkshatif tee Season. Coats we MIT, and of a inporior elial, wit,, tn. ! t arjedeit e ntt,rrltie lateat c tidDr : e t. - grealer .eosabrt. :I'he Abair:loM bo ! pert,: it 4 tOrrelics akte quepedite end exeminii ttte r tg berqrF "ta6 l Pel.. - enly,nliteilainthi4o: **ladle bola o e will leave he m 4 'Wet wren ofTenti street and eiery eight4tniqe to! clock ' , TOM:4IOM For o i r ti t tfmatter ttib Dike, klosompala Masai D I 0. • toehl7 !.' • y.._.....~... ~.. ~ _ ~~ , TB: ON t . 1it,16,1 rpAti" , : • tBOAT.LINIFt., " • PIE r thgTrastepoftalioncgtt 'f ew t, to * . WM/As DIAET/NIDRE & NEIV 1 , ORE i4USIN on the Caned tetga now resumed, the - prop etonlidftheabove•Lalir reKpeerfially "trona ' th itathel amt ill , 40 *4 , P11 1 ,11.1 to recckte mad for-, r w rad Fre i ht with espachh: soda , lowe,t,rawa. Choy yr Id alma call ddl: 6111ilinn of ghippera East: w2srd totlic fact that or IBoattaemployed by 1d tri trepuporterlion.'arti osetiedby IV!. and contna.ded by .elpenenckd captains. ; . A • ,Iltipperilof Meat in:llubli willihn.l at advantageous to.khip byllita Line, as ID; aubsuitbers have made ar - I:Ovum* at Coluntkla to haugutelt 1,10, fur 101- re Ladled dit case al d lEtwan bod . i. , ac I. gra, thereby au • 'i ge;lll. o Philadelp . " Li goeAc/ear through an the htiats. i ; b -: ;No chair chstlelovergieingittpping or advanclng largos. kr•- 82 , 1 4. 10 kr., Proprietors, , ~' Canal Efirl, Seventh street 25,6124-John A• s L., ,, .., Ci innatt, 0 ; Joe. hlc edu,o,o 'c...ll3 . al . tuukieg ... ,lalc „iael &Co ~ ,,r , t ia l riel".., ".., Pea a A TOOMMI, Mill*l4l. SINS Litlailtr p .t .1 7 17 - 194 ea R. lbt.ll 1 4 9 . 1 0. Aga t v . r. - ;46..1, Pi PAPP PAI:MIT LINE, 4 , 3. saola Al; g Put.r4rgh'to Ph - lb:Oat tad ailetnwr, , ti (Excllttaively of Pidl,tengera 1 ' ftE puklie are respaclullygg l ionned that tau Line will cintornekce minimal oti onday, It Nivel, • boats of this Low doe or 3 superior [DUI., with ettarged clibuia, which nIllI gill. gremter comfort to Ps4cogorg, . . ~...ti 2 ' 1. boat skill always De Ili porAtand travelers are ru q,1,6t.1 tOfr..l nod examide thels before engaging bas in.? by miler routes. 'Ply waleave the ig, O ppojlte the V. S - Motet:Corner iin street an d Canal, eV , ,ry aight at 9 o'clock. ' •?, -F 4E—NINE 4.AM TIIROUIi IL Thrie-Qj Dwyg :For infotontion, apply at thlk,odlac, Monongahela 1/..EC IC& Co, Canal Baal, ft I)..L$ EC t i rtre proprietors 0 Oh/above Line are now balding tigt additional Liqe of Irk ketakso run as above oal - or about JIM, lit, tat cdnnectton with the Penney'. nitt‘la Rairlßoad from Letkiatorgh to Philadelphia. At Mit tame clawk et will Neve ovary morning and even id. Tinpl through t 2l.doks. b tnehl6 tidffia - AiRdIG , P4SI - 31*LTLetiili5TT . Lirik, ittliWi . 184 - 4, 9"411 •• FOll the tranapaeta..on ~ 41.1.Clelleltallte, . BETNVEFX PIIIELAIDELPIII4,AND PITTSM RCM GOODS:learned on .this 1...f1t, aro not trartvhipped betavtleTh Pittsburgh and Phfladelphia. being car ried in foot rectiOn . Portable Boats over land and ay.- teg--to shipper. of 'mere . requirmg careful hPtidliog, dos Is of Imps riot. -No charge mule Tor reivutg.tir shipping, or r ad„tancing charges. Alt goad' fortgarded with disPatch,,fad on as reasonable tetras as by any otter Llign. 30113.3IPPADEN & Co. i .. Canal:Dash Peon at, Pittaborgh • k J 11l DAVIS A Co, ;nazi f - en Market & sleonaenerce at, Phila. JOHN McFADEN &Cif, Forwarding and Commis n Merettanu r Cattalaalpin, Bean at, Piurborgh. . _ itADEES itl DAVIS & ' Di, Flour Factors and 011211111.- oian Merchants, ahrr hlorkht and'M Commerce street, fx:yir . delphia. . marl Addinces =de hy Tither hf the abort on Floor, Wool and Sather nlercOssdiin Vnurned to them for We. - _ cranri: labMi . lB'49 ~ - Mani' fixaCUILATe k . WAY wiLISJGHT LIN lE. Par Blairisvale ,robxneoten, ILillidayaburgh, and 1 all foterradhrto pliwea oIIS Ldire wilt tenth:me 10 eArry all Way Goode udik. BlPar ..5 , 4 1 d.P.Meb, bud at rai, rate, of L t .4 • lzer. A. ItPANCIeTY &Co, Pittaburgb. ::.11) B IY . #ege.l4,3o.4ittown. s iii ta l. ' Miller: , Plolllds4'shorgh„ .. , ,_ ansot Jotdon, Bluth & Si ncl ai r Dr F Slejenbergir, ft Alborg, Jan Parker, S F Von Bonn. hotel A CoiThst Letunpy Co, :lan M'Bevat A Bros, PittabnoghrJohn Ivory . , Sfuult, Molhollan & Ray, Jon Osiff & goiplairsyille., . meh27 _ ii.,l3r.D, Pesitici A tioN. i".I.CILET LINE. .. , ilaftial ' -'.;. tWs., ' . s ai l Bt"Vlat AND CLEVgLAND lAN& vta WARREN. 'Canal PitekeiSWALLOW, Capt. Ford. OCEAN, Capt. Mt atter. ViE of die above Palatka leave Beaver every day, (Stuttlata exteredi i t next r u ng at I% . rven., whore they et:mui-with the Marl Stages for Akrert and Olive/m.14 artfing attach of these places 0e0,4e night: One of the Preekeweave Warren dwly, ..1,,,....P• IL, abd term at' Beiver in tune to take We ategrobaat for PIITS:42IIIL MWF.'234k B B E LEFFINOW.I.,L,earren. i I.rop ~,,,, &YLOR, ' • ; -: .`• f. BEA litlft AND ERIK PECKF:I' LINK .;'' wnipttmtletvutlrtax ti lorry nor.. ....nol Pot ket—Psknirdo.6lo,•Capl Jodrws " A 'Fmk,Aura, .. ' Pollock, y " ,'. LeAlt Elms, .. " Trilby; A . 1., Pretend., ~ " rown, • le " A•• F.kethtlo, l'',.. ~ S ay. r rAe abovittew sod apkowittl Partencer Peck:oak hoc, ccortlycneekruittunit betterkitt Br.P. Vial AND (LW h., .rulowAll nrh regularly' 'defog thr roown—one boat leeihing End every coo rout, al 6 Akolock wal one lone I.l.rver every overno,kironkrowiNetely ever the alp vikh I the ateumbOat htlichAart Crthw Plushorgh 'V.., tohattpre new tunit etyrefortahts torttoettod, and r,..i......-,:e7.m:,.."grttu g zi 11-,:mr, It:, ....,; root. the unket con:dots...lAl* und pprAkuoo.A. 1.. kr. tbrokorkt weft pons on VeteLAke epto t- too et d tt, 1:y0w - tog to Ilte propm, tars, t tIMD, PAWS A. Co hies ver kilN A etWORE) ; Agt rittsburko /, ' etit. Nater' tud Scoltlthriti ..t. In -- - ,las gol d, rttj littlrtikt, .tt 1 I • kf Roo E.lft Pa. • . C C Wick, G“..lkrille' Pa, , 1.l FarlatAd ..AlOlrog,lhg Bend. Pa • ft 14 e .k. Pldnbe - ABbakiirAL..i an, Pe, r, lk C Mau, Sharon, , 'r P C kindle nt,Enda.k , Ps, -)..,- ft W Cuantash4ne, Pt..... Castir, 1•e. 0 I a- ..- ill UELECE O. COI FAS' e IIIIPII ES t... t e IN:M l'Ort CI'AIiSk:III..AND, arkLATIIIOII.E, AND TUFA 1 1 : 913 r . roi ., ...Lo p ra P tr d oftb , : fu Lane C h r a e l tel c A k to " o::‘ , 7: i r t o 7l, l. : tett.Uot, dolly, .1 theirritl.3l ha t . I JeC, B 'WELL, Agent., Wtlle ttreet PtUartur k h 110 . 1hiN .tfir a. liphlWll, RIN . 92 $4,61 . E. Cliq ey _ _ ItAEN4EN gr. apt grue l Osts and ai '‘Ehatkiktra lo ca tkettca. ItDEN & CD.. ..I,lthly] I, rj,,, per,,,,,, M any lout of Ermlandi, rebind. Scotland or ale, upon the most [Arced terms, with then usail4lttncluitlity end at to' the wants and eons. fori r germuigrants We ¬ Wow ourpassencer. to I. bad by the sericdligg;sekropg that Infest the sea poll as we ke !barge Offbeat 'the moment they re port hemmed e% end !tee; tti their: well being - , and de ;VW yttUt tufeJlit ‘Y ai d let n it i e ' f; b o y ne th o e f lea one t p ps en 7 . i 1 Kerala show4hat they wcsede.taled 49 hours by as m LiVehlellg, lig thousatirly ef others were detained months, until they .cguld•be sent tkeenne old clan, at a chorate, winch toff frequently. pebved their coffin.. ~--- i ntend•to perform oar .etentructs honorably, cost what it may and.nag act teams th e ease last season, witE s her affirarafrwho•iither performed not all, or whew it suited their emsedince. ~ • 5 • De•ati draWn at rim, fotginty sum from it leo 110t,P.i.ta. at .AY °NIA. ra ,'e-Me-m.l Banks in lee lan i„Fhigierl Berglund taut ale; JEIENU.,44OBENSON, 5 i • klitrurent nmi r enerni Aent, fat/ • rim air m. onsgeh s or beJevs Wood. BLIND, ,--E-1,4t011, ra. 'BB,OWN would reaper,- float, the public, that he in heal at his stand on the le o ..lhe Ramona, &He e ,' g. c omplete assort. At Brlnds. also Ye ars., .41 , made to or ulhe feel elite, warranted .E . , Idie , rfis the United &wen. =Mu Cah be *moved wub the ithr e)f n seem dove, .;:ioneATlnseg' t he mock, nil .6i of the cabinet of ii#nt taßomsay & hrClel. tub• Prepared to furnish Alit tegument, In well furnish ,ritthltig in their line. 4 : rialurgh. ..1. A. BROWN. 11)IgilrER lIIINGING=airm nz:N! recmving, duc e 1 Rem the mannlactures •in New York, Phtladel phiatud Baltimore, a large amd eqUseleetedassort. =Mktg all the latest arid Mott IMS:tosed styles of sa tiau,thtlaced end =Melon r&PER4I4ANGINGS, can n Vol— • . . i; JAM pieces of rarloi and leresto; _ IA? ." net ..., coluti. - ; IA? i 'n oidni.... ofii:u.be, and office repet—whlch I would peuhirlyiervihe die anenuon of tn.* having becalm to gaper, erica and exasume,. at q Taper Week/Mute 01 , i ht. C- 1.11111., '7_ l 'il , r . ; ,87 word st CI Was •tentq t e i t&4 receive a.-14 :;larke assortment errancy . Y GOODS, con* nog in part of Attlkelais, Ribbons, Laces, Ho ei73/411even, Lciace,'Cambeca, Nettings, Lace Yet Cfßiarals, Pongee. ilitadlreve.b.Rl, gents Cravats, •gingEam and cotton Harakerchiat's, carded Skirts, Silk, Threat% Bodoni, Ccditbs, Jewelry, Cot 13r fr. e• ColnaT7 end city perch.. are re.- „pee y invited to.call I.N is los stock, No 04 W rrow,. come.Y•or - DianOnd oDrY ..h29 ',Tiff/7 t TRACT eCT„...OngFtOP trdo .FO., - • ....an JJ bw and !,,elicionte bevern &e, kink 'neoriteriont and pa! .atablP•ttreto eonnonort Gotteciand Tut . 3 .. 0 ,11 !papelkie.ostlng only tort tbdts, will go ea far an four 'pouati of COnibt. Manufnerneed by!. JOHN Pittsburgh, Pa , ynt wholesale by 111 A. PairbillsTOCK & co, f .!eorn Sabf eof FiZal and : ood And Biethland Wood streets, , ,iPittseArgh. CVPFORNIA lIMITIL`HoGorts_ . Csn p Blanked' teentioaer eelate; 1.2 pre Pmts; paygy snot tinted lilialogitlata; u s , 4 tattlar7,Tanks; sod 12 bail 20 Yawl..., irellakt &eh; I don Bowes 0171olonici Bette; i °Se r i Aanebile do do. The above geode far sale at the Cab . fornlAZSlting Fatiohnehoeleet. Nd $ Wood et. J•lt H PHILLIPS A 14 .19RTEldliPi - CES. —rat op for - fairnly use, on ton A enedosed !in slidnig lid boo. conlmnst, Mestare. - AlN:rite, :slXonarnon, ':Gingato elneenC Pepper, Proeipooned pore, For laija at the no. , Sao, and eland Factory, career of Ferry er:Lberly ' ! JOHN B BELL 1 ". •, • , ought trog ti - J.l v‘ls7l 7 r7,ib lbo Trnopcs Il 4rev,ne nnerteetled; will be constuntir lino hokg sod saystiad taonler, by • • 41.0 CICICHILAN, Wood at 7TivertliNktlg4ilZAkrii; majoinketared from a V 1 not oulicle 01 *ollvar Eire Brook Clay, JO • 0(01, for tale by , )4IEa & joNEdA , Wo Waßerre barbel` used ot.' Hearth of .111., :qoalitLaad mannfrictats paet;elgoteen munit, 0, !pro. eta it irigniior to 111 A burunalloW on gnu., el w. ;. • _ Meld HBANHlllti—.27!lean popee 1' Stltngea, nom o , f l o . u . r .r n o r , r d r 4 h lront r a rah .030 ty,o; riJog • '• MI tbER IiJeKETtioN ,ab—difrialii-rliiiiiii4i-oZciTr&fful mum, IXJ Inent of ladle. otral::lgenthetnelle G old Guard 'Omni, from elO In 115DoOthwtom Prkee Ala, WWeddingElddloho caratioldi o l iyottl Pclarda [lnas 'lliny,s , ,Eay Baty, Breast Pxnf, ntaileta Gold Bens, Welcioa, ote. k • V WILSON, pad •• ' _venter eth•:and Market Al. 17 1.1 ..VILTRIBitlittecelvyll at %anneal 4s, 67 blaykat runes; colored a Velvet Ribbon, m cd color.; . 2V , , ck • ' Btl eaktmcd4ory Qi . toinfigips Lett Plain, &c. • riSSEISAVISS'S TABLE UP PlterPidEs,on wiring Er alphabotieallit of Par Offieee th mogh out tholhutoti Stases; distress. frd*Washolgton, D. aL; ssairi assi territorial *spittle reWx: kireir also es- Po 4 Veliketill each :as asses, arimaorippetidix alba -Vatted and Brithia Taritrai: Jpst recd byJOIRSSTON :STOCKTON, srY.DS Solaer market as • r.Q.ELIERS' FAIITILY AIErn6NE..-- , ney rue the et the day." o StallaltlaSZLTlON, Ohio, Alay 4 Hat 9. R Sellers: (Slunk it right fatale betteßlolothent to , ate mime rams hiregatiollebil VOISZ caeoltellt Musa. ly Medicine.. I 1,11 r unr d your Vermifuge largely iainyown fam ily, one vial frequently answering for expelling lane quantitiea (say Ito TOO) wort. from two children. I hat, also used your lever ftlta anti Coogb Syrup In my raw y, and they have in every Modancepeoduced the effect desired.. As I um engaged in merchandising, I am able to ,late. that I bare yet to bear of The brat Callum where your medicine, have been axed to my. section of the country le condom. I may hilt, that they are the tnedirines id the day, and ore demisted Ea Lave a very extensive popularity. VDUs). respectfully. Sy.ll.Posirsed Pupated and sold by R SELLERS, No 57 Wood atreel, and sold by Druggists generally hi the' two ci ties and v./rutty. meal avilit-co.vrgarap,- try rj original, only true, and genuine laver PIIL Stoat Maims, Ohio County, V. Mr R Eviler,: Dear Sir_ Min Match k it a duty I owe to you and to the public r-tiera ly, to mate that I have been Whirled with the Liner Complaint for a long tune, and en badly that so slices. Merited and broke, which left me in a very low mate. Having !leant of your celebrated Liver Pilla bring for sale by A R Sharp, in Wen Liberty, and recommended to me by mT plipticiatt Dr E. Smith, I concluded to gave them a fair trial. pianhued one bos, and found them to be pat what they are recommended, TIIE BEST 1.1-VER VER PILL Eillaß USED; and after taking four Maas I find the Mamma has rottenly lett me, sad I am now perfeetly well. Respectfully yoltra, D U COLEMAN. West Liberty, March WI, Ina. . b. Co l le:m: n an, c i e f : u an fi th d c a . :l , : . l n tm lbear Pe le7tlrti "j orry ly " to q 7 A br: d mp: j u ar th ßp th hi e The gentime Liver Pills are prepared and sold by E Sa.LERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists m the two eines. TV THE PUBLIC.—The original, only we and gen uine Liver Pills us prepared by REOellers, and have U. name ramped in black wax upon the bd of sash box. and hot µTamar< on th e outside' wrapper—all others are counterfeits, or bass imitations. spin R E SELLERS, Proprietor big:JAY X AC'S OAIi➢IIAATIV& BALSA /11 VROES the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop r star Clergvman of the ProtestentMethodist Cherub The underagned having been efflicialdnring the put winter with n dsewe of the stomach, anaetimee pro ducing greet pain in the stomach for tenor twelve hours without Intermission, and after having tried canons remedies with hale effect, was furnished with a bottle of Dr DJ synes Carminative Balsam: This he used ac cording to the directions, and found invariably that this medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four min. rues, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every uneasy oknoation was entirely quieted. The medicine was af. aromas used whenever indica:owe( the approach of pain were perceived, stud the pain was thereby prevent. ed. He continued to use the medicine every evening and sometimes in the morning, and in • few weeks health was ro far restored, that the sufferer was relies ed from n large amount of oppreseive pain. From ex patience, therefore, he can confidently recommend D D Jayne , . Carminative Balsam, as . salutary =Boit , (or diu•ses of thestomwb and bowels. A 811INND For tale In Pituburgh at the Mgr 7 7 F.1 t STOR 72 Fourth street, near Weed, and also at thaDrug Store of H I' SCHWARTZ, Federal street. Allegueey VALUABLE DISCOVERVI CONSUAiPTIVES, BR ON YOUR GUARD. DH. SWAYNE'S COMPOOND . BYROP OF WILD CHEM TUF. seam FOR Comumption, Coupe, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liv er Complaint, Spitting Wood, Difficulty of Breath. Mg, Pain in the Side nod Breast, PaleJuno° of the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken Con stitution, Sore Throat. Nervous ty, and al: Diwaseg of the Throat, Bremt tied Image; the mom ef (mural and speedy core ever known tor any of the above Mae.- es, is DR. SWAYNF.`tip • . composuad Syrup of Wild Charryt This metheina is no longer among those of doubtful minty. It his passed away from the thousands daily mouthed upon the tide or experiment, and now stands higher In reputation, and is becoming more extensive ly used than any other preparation of medicine ever produced for the relief of suffering man. It has been introduced very generally through the United States and Eames, and there are few towns of Importance hut what contain some remarkable evt• dence of 113 goal effects. For proof of the foregoing statements, and of the calm and efficacy of this VElttil• eine, the proprietor will insert a few of the moo thou sand testimonials which have been presented to him by mesa of the first respectability—men who have higher Tienns of moral responsibility and jll3l.leG, than to err lily to theta became it will do another a favor, and themselves no injustice. Such testimony proves eon elusively, that its surprising e xeellence to established by It. intrlu.ic merit}, and the unquestionable authon ry of public opium The Instantaneous retie( it af fords, and the soothing induence /dazed through the whole frame by as ore, renders at a most agreeable remedy far the hlitirtoti. REMEfifiIF.R! "Wheat torn, acting from eminclenriOnr unpulses, roldnthanly Lear leflanOny to the truth of a thing, or particular fart, such testimony, being contrary to their ercoadt 'lnterests sad purposes, coerces conalcoon of trotits , and commend: itself in a 'peels/ simmer to universal credepec."—O'llogan's Moral Masons. RF-AD Tlfif 110?itE CERTIFICATFS. Ant, ANOrtri. CIVUE Or IftlitoNn.llT CoNSCMI7IO,I: There Ilterf war remedy Mat has Leon an sirCrensful derperare case. of Csposuntpuon, as Dr. Snraync's Compound rtyrnp of Wild Cherry, It strengthen s Wu ayntenn, and appe•rn w heal the ulcers an We lunge, creating oesc and den blood, poser possessed Lt as oWea ihrdteln, Dl. : . ..arayll ,- Dear Sir 1 verily Geneve your Cam pound dyrop at Wid Cherry has been the means oi luring my toe I caught a severe cold, which grado tily worse. attended .ntha revere cough, Mitt resisted .11 Ow reined. , which I bad recourse to, soh Incrusting until tuy ease exhibited ail the tympana,. or Pultuonury Conseuntmon. Every Ming I tried seemed to have tie efl-mt, nod all rtimplamtniersased so rapid ly that friends or well as toy "elf, gave up till hopes of toy recently At this tone I was reeamenentled to try your medicine: I did to with the most hap py mroßs. Thy first bottle had the effect to loosen the csugh, 6..e.ding toe to expectorate frneiy, and ty Use nate 1 hod voted six hottles,l watt comely well, end am now int helots a Man set ever was in my life, and would tit happy to glee toy tolormation ram_euni mute, that other 'offerer' may derive t h e Leonia toe which I ant to grateful For the truth of the above statement I infer you to ?met Rnah, GrOaCI. Watt OthesterAcof wham I putchased the ussilluitto Key If yours, low= lawman Wonderful Care of a Aidlcahn Mamas,. Dr. Sleep:m-lam , Sir: I feel ci debt of gratitude due a you—end eduly to the afflicted generally, to offer my humble tecumony In favor of your Compound Sy rup of Wild Cherry. some three years since I was violently stirmtted with cold and mdanntorition el the Lungs, winch was accompanied with • 'distremlog cough, plan in the breast and head, a very considera ble discharge of sirensive miens from the lungs, cope. Many upiou chabge of weather, however slight- At fin! i felt no alum about my condition, but W. pretty Mom COW/Me. ] Mad WAS rapidly going IMO eo.l.lnp dm 1 gr e w daily weaker, and at length was scarce ly able to walk about, or speak above a whisper, such was the exceeding oreaknem of my tangs. Durtng . thu time I had tried various preparations and presenpUons, but found no relief—growing all the tune wars, Jost here I was advised and persuadal by a dear Blend in Wilnungton to make trial of yoar Syrup of Wild Cher , ry. I mast confess that previously I had been prem.- diced agamst patient medicines, and I am Mill against those coming out of the hands o f moped., bat ender standing your claims to the profession and pr. hem of medicine, and having implicit faith in the saying of my friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Skew, one of your agents, a few bottles, and coinnumeed its use. My di.- ease was at that time of 20 or 25 months' standing, coa -1 sequently t taus deeply seated. I found, however, considerable relief from the use of the first four or five betties. But being a public . spenker, I frequently at, tempted to preach with my alma:mingstrength, and thereby ruptured those vessels that had already w i nce, is heal; in this way, doubtless, ray core wa.o greatly retarded. In committeeee of acting thus imprudently, i had to use twelve or fifteen bottles before I wtine per ra"dle'r bottles l w h o ' ll n hoh or rr . ; l e u' m ' a i' de n' m a e wood, muchs b t ' re e f the above induicreuon. The Syrup allayed the fever ash habit, matt away the distressing cough, put o stop to the discharge of matter from the lungs, and gave them and the enure system good health. I have defer red offering Mrs ceruficate until now, for the parposc of being perfectly wished with the permanency of the cure, and now that I feel perfectly well 1 offer it with pleasure. Ray. J. P. Joanms. comty, N. G =tffi Important Cannon—Read' Rua , Thera is but one gramme preparation of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. Swarm's, the tint ever offered to the public, which has been sold largely throughout the Caked States and some parts of Europe; and all pos paragons, called by the name of Wild Cherry have been p u s eel since this, under cover of come deceptive circumstances, in order memo currency to their sales. Ely a Little observation, no perms need uuntake the gamin: from the false. Erich bottle of the genuine is enveloped with a beautifel steel engraving, with the likeness of William Penn thereon; also, Dr. Swayne's signature: and as further security, the portrait of Dr. Swayne will be added herealter, so as to distinguish his preparation from all others. Now, it it was not for the great curative properties and known VIM. of Dr. Sway - nal Compomd Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons would not be endeavoring to giveeumincy to their "fictitlom nostrums" by riealtng the name of Wild Cherry. Remember, always bony in mind the name of Dr. Swain and be not deceived. Principal Office, corner of Eighth sod Race sweets, Philadelphia. For sale wholesale and retail by OGDEN & SNOW DEN, roe ad and Wood ets; B A FAIINESTOCK & nor Ist and Wood, and oth and Wood ins; WM .TROILN,L3 Market sk 9 JONES, 180 Liberty se JAS A JONES, cot Hand and P.M at.; JOHN MITCH ELL, Allegheny eity,m.nd by all respectable dealers in medicine. min ASTRONG EVIDENCE that Dr /A YNY'S KE PECTORANT is sopenor to all other remedies for hioghs,ConsampUon, Bronchitis, Asthma, told other Pulmo nu Grath:en, is that the Gros persona who otantneneed the Ise of S is their (Gatlin tau)am ago, styli prefer It to all other remediee ofthe kind, and where any have been todeoed to try Mims. repulsions they bar. shimmt ineanably been =Gd resoling thefit bene which was rnatinably twl from the high praises bestowed by the proprietors, eat have retort:m.l to the use of Jae ' Pariscronerr, am a rowdy dud hay never fatied to robe. them, and which probably nom had it, goal Iv arredirtg pulmonary disuses. Prapared only by Dt D. hype Ptoladelphia, and yold an b 7 ALEX". JA day...YU/owl( 79 Fourth al • Dr. - W. P.Diland , s Premium Plaat.er. TIR. W. P. INLAND, at the Medical College lit Phil ailetplita., non oder. to Hot pahlic his Indian Veg. Kahle Premium Plater, the qualities of which, oiler long and tried experience, ha been saunfactonly es fabGeked. To all women who may be afflicted wilt Prolopaus Vieux or Fallen Womb, he recommends his {dewier, guaranteeing a rare and speedy . core In the short apace of from two to th ee week., it applied with rare and reel --itiretti ding all the manners instroment. and experierne bandages an long in use. This he feel. oionaclenuou• w .mums, inasmuch US he not failed to one ,ase out at three towered and fitly three pa. ueou. Also rot ftleuratiosin.li Weak Breast o/ Rack, at• tended wilt pain, dada IS nothing to excel Lire Plaster di affording relief or effecting a cure For sale by I, Wilcox, cornet of Diamond and lilarket ae Braun r . Liberty and Sn Clair au Dr 1 Sargent .• Federal hi and Diamond, Alla gbeny eity Jacgoea / Co, Seaman and Diamond Banning. RE. SELLER-4. Druggist , No 37 Wood street, Sole Agent for the sale °l'Dr. Towavend's lien ohm Sarsaparilin. hs Aim received MU dozen of this Great Spring and SuittEer Medicine • Patehsters sboold recollect that R E Sellers ',sole agent for Plushorgb Mid It M Curry for Allegheny aps city OLD AND SILVER PATENT:LEIFER W A.TClJ rs,—Deplexx Watches, made by - the celebrated Cooper of Landon, M. J. TOW. 01 Liverpool, and a large assortment of - detached gold and silver Levers, modeiby rite best Geneva manufacturers. Specutclea of all kinds; Communion Wan In seta; Gold Penal Jewelry in large variety; Silver spe ar , Forks, ter. MP. Watch repairing executed in the best answer W WILSON, MOD corner Market sod eth eta MAcAta„Ars ENGLAND—Harper'. finwedliktn, B,a, with Nirvana, cloth-75 For solo by JoILNSTON &OCKTON, M 7 aantar Markel aad aw Ervunoo 6. PATENT DASHER CHURN. bun • tUOCCltrib C.f 5 or IR= Nrsr I friFit.nuon of the public la invitell to this very cohabit, Chum, whkh has the 114VIIMArf, of all Wet* in eon:aunts:4r the old and new invention to gether The utility of Chia invention in apparent, as by a sins: ple process he air is forced beneath the dash, and does away with the necessity urchasing a new Churn, on it c an be applied to n a ychurn in are, and Tor one dolls, Can have all the improvements of the age cratnbinedowith those of gathering the Bonet In the usual tray. The pulthe are invited to call and judge for them selves before porehnalog elsewhere, at 87, cornet of Market and Falb streets, or at Cu Diamond alley , tweell Wood and Market streets, Ehrtsldarah. =Y:9 SAUL• IIRO&IEttl . THE undersigned having been appourted Agent of the Datkwom Nam,. [tarn , . lastrisuca Co/4- PLAT. in the place ot John Finney, Jr., resigned re. speetfully itiforms the perdu. and the friends arid cue. lumen of dm Company, that he is prepared to lake Marine. Inland and Fire rut. un Liberal terms,ai their office, No. Z . Woe.. street. P A MADEIRA, mylg Agent. jOSE . OSEO-IOLU ran 2 m. 9 ply India Rubber _IA fl Hose—put received minor.or the rough of blanches. er, which will be held f or a few days The Roston Betties Company express a strong deure the Mc departments of the eines of Pittsburgh and Al. X he:y to p e „ ril y l.awnduehtsum.npe.antal, makem :s o asotrusty teol(lthztl; think proper to concluSe upon: 10110 J A H PHILLIPS, d &nod at frOTticS TWIFRUBS - ORlFTlBriniir - g - IFOCK ni the Cunene' Insurance Company of Pinaborgh, wilt be opened in the Rooms of the Board of Trade, on the first Monday of November next, at Iftdelork, a. m Wm. Lorimer, Jr. Robert Woods, Wm. R. firClurc, J oseph Plarmner, S. M. Kier, onah King, John Shera, Ales. Roseburg, Itlzltvavl and H. D. ring, COlkusussioners,_ GOLD LT PARRY has Invented &machine for washing Gold, for which he has made opplitiallonfor a patent. They are now offered for sale at the ware houPrnsbargh.se of ,Bcott & Co., No. 103 Wood street, Parry Adventurers to California are 'netted to call and ea amine these labor-seeing machines. They are simple in their construction, easily transported on the back of moles or horses, reclean eighty pounds each, and can be pot in operation in half m hoar. They cm be filled with provisions. It is the opinion of those who hove men the tnal of one of them machines atm:tallest e., that two men will wash the mineral from 150 bushels of sand or earth toe day, without the ion of a particle of the mineral. They one he increased in sine and worked by water or mule power, if expedient. The operators week enthout going into the water or being eposd to wet, and consequently without en-. dangeug the m ir hetrith. They will regime bat a mall cream of water, and con be umd the whole season, mid can be p moo operation where there to not enth cunt water to wash in the usual way. Price of smallest size SU. Orden from abroad, ac companied by sash, will be promptly Ped IL PARRY, at Parry, Scott h No HO Wood at, Pivabaria. Bluspratt & Rona , Elodetta. THE suluenbers are now receive - tit their Pall stock of the above article, three vessels, cur Ma Juatatm Medallion and Lydna having ,roved at Philadelphia and Italumore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Lou., shortly experted, ei they are, therefore, reared to receiver order. They will receive during p the p win ter and spring reader supplies ma Now Oriems. - - -00013 -- - - - IN &AL bIITCHELTUE •- MOUNT EAGLE TRIPOLP-For eleanlng.wan dows and lamp pluses, silver plate, brass, Eln• tanida, and other ware. Itraptdly takes out all spots and stains, and reproduces the beautiful and durable lustre of new ware. Just received and for sale, whole sale and retail, by JOHN 1) MORGA.N, - )nom Druggist. NOTICE. ASH. RAML. H. HARTMAN having sold his inter- ILL eat in the eceparthcralup of Calemaa, Hallman & Co., to the remaining parties, has eke day retired from the firm. February la, 15111-tr MFNIMRtiH biA,III:FAeFFRER The under and an. Agent fora the maniacturers, has on hand d.n reving a upply oldie articles made is Pittsburgh and vicinity. which he offers (or rale et manufacturer% prices. GEO COCHRAN, feb2o 20 wood at yNDI A Rl' BEIER PASTE--I avow ber ratee. N DI A Rl' BOER PASTE—I gross bottles India Rib -1 tier Pas,. an excellent etude for rendering boots and shoes perfectly water proof, and soft as • piece of cloth. One application of dus puns I. stulcieut to make them anperemus to water for 3 or 3 months, and a perfect preventauve from the leather cracking. Rechi and for ask at the India Robber Depot, No S (Oen 1 Ic R Ptin,ups ALCOHOL AND PURR SPIRITS, Corucr From and Vine sneers, Cincinnati, 0. Co.wrsoL Co. AprO =th, MO , dr& to at loWest 11/2 r Ire pHs,. mehls:tily RFZEI To It TiTS - DAY, at the news Cayprt Warr house. No. 75 Fourth Mow-- Rich embossed Piano rovers Phut Turkey Ted Clout; do do Tstde do Ftts . 4 de oto de Worsted do Jo d.. do Etobletang, blur I.r.task, Carpet Ettndobt•. ntren Mores. ALSO—Cativs Gothic. Trim's' tictipiaito Views do do Turkish do do do Chiness do do do Drapery Chine.. do do Moonlight Views do do Landscape do de do T tionto.. do do Corti and 'rascals, notes. and Slats, flack Rolm Ends The above Good& are of the rteheit and newts styles, to which we invite the attention of oar friend and camp:nets, dtnd those wishing to fursh furnish or re plentah steamboats and bosses. I►i IW CARPEllilesietheil this day direct ItC . , 11 the thithathatiarar— New style Tapestry du ly a3ll. do do do import do do BrussalzCarpet do Drasi.els, very cheap, do do rich cotora impel Inignsto do 4-4, 3-4 and 4-8 heavy Venetran do 4-4, 3-4 and Sri common do do AU of winch wilt lie sold at a mall advance, and will guarantee as low as can heyurchased In the east •e >G W WeLINTOCK,73 Fourth at COACH MAKING. FROM the very liberal encourage OWment the sabacriber has received stnshe has located himse-I f In Allegheny, has tadaced hit to take a lease, for a term of years, on the property he now occupie , s, to Beaver street, mmedimely beside the Presbyter. Church. From the long experience in the above Gasmen and a desire to please, he hopes to mer it and receive a Mare of publm patronage. Now on hand and.finiabing to order, Rockaway Ong- E:. ‘, .. n. i, ogn and lop Hawes, and every •deseriptton of • mae to order, from seventy-flee dollars to mabthenams racp.SKltli JOHN SOUTH. . . TM. Allegheny Cemetery. AT the anneal mee of the Corporatms, held on the MIL ins* the wing persons were mum. mouldy reelected hlanams for the enssdng year JOHN BISSELL THO , MAS M. HOWE, Preasdent. JESSE CAROMPEt x NATHANIEL HO WILSON SITANDLES }Managers. JOHN IL SHOENBE JAMES IL SPEER, J. Fireas, Jr., Secretary and Treasarer. The annnel statement presented the affairs of the Company in • very prosperous condition. Their office In the city ts No. 37 Water meet. Jell Tux. EMAIL OP TOE WEST A* VENITIAN BLIND ALANUFAC7DRY East tilde of Uke Diamond, where Vanden Blinds of all the different sixes and colors ate kept on band or Made to order afle the latest and most approved Eastern task , lona, at the 511011. t nod= and ou the otos reasonable terrna Also, the cheap Boston roll or anal Blind Transpa rency and Paper Curtains of all the different sues and pattern*, on hand and for sale low for cash. Old Van, run Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in pan payment for new M WESTERVELT, Pro'pr. N. B —All "rot. done with the best material and workmanship, and warranted to pleue the most fas tidious. Allegheny etty, Aug. 10, AMR ADIEHICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. BILLIMIO/1; 11,2117101.1 aro WEIMILLNO. WESTERN LINE Om.. at th• Exchange, Baltimore. REDUCED RATES.—The charges hare been redo ced on oil Messages to or from Baltimore, Pitta. humh or Wheeling, and a corresponding reduction made on MI telegraphic despatches forwarded from Pal. =ore West of Pittsburgh, Pa. Barra—The charge for a telegraph despatch to or from Baltimore, Ptuslourgh and Wheeling, a 45 cents for the first ton words, and 3 cents for each additional word. 11:1" N. charge is made for the address and eight. tore. Until the completion of the Booth Western Line of Telegroph from Memphis, Tenn., to New Orleans, des. patches can be forwarded to hlethpblß by this mote, and moited nor New Orleans. - ACIIMON WOODHOU & SE JOHN WOODHOUSE, Lir A VINO tbs. day aotoeitited thetnanlvea together ,n 11.„ in partnered', under the bon and al) le of A. d.. 1 Wooodorse, tor the roaanfacitore of TIN, COPPER AND MEET-IRON WARE, on the corner of Robot. Inn Street and rho Canal, in the let Ward, er', where they are prepared to turmoil to order, arliolenale add retail, all article,. in their tin, with pnrrapule. roundry rricatiLligis, end Carpet,t e ri . onler• tire to. Melted, seinen will receiediate attention Cif) of Allegheny, Feb.ve Inacit I, 1,40 ANDSCAPE PAPEIt. - J WI. a sten of •.. •• • • Buena Yuan, • Fen da • •• Chase de Lyon; •• • • Larde Francais; •• . Cul C Auvergne; The above is suitable for papennglarge public. rooms. Just reedthrect Irons Pans, and for sale at the srarehousd of aped 8 C HILL ------ _ _relo P tl A ier M e l a L spet E s, silk; h li " t u!d . d 'q' tr j use rn fit c rt h' re r" saving half the labor and ' dispensing entirely with this washboard The finest %Mon carpets, anew having been to rthe eleven years, have beau perfectly tenor. ed, without the slightest minty to the fabric, and with out removing ITOMmoor. It will not lOittrO the cloth. Directions accompanying each bottle. Price YS COOLS- For sale by J SC/IWNhieirEß G Co, soya el wood at ylllGS—%lt c rat i P d otaah, 111 ;lo botdes, • hypo. Sulph. Soda do Sob NIL Bismuth du Cramoto do Granville Lotion do chloroform • do Just received and for ode by roy3 8 A PANNE:STOCK & Co AY HA dale 6) IoS S P VON BONSWORST t CO - I,\LA XI:WED-4 CAA! Madmg from &comer Cvm berland and for solo by jo7 U A FALINESTOCH & CO . _ LOW ELL FLETCIIEI/.. XANCI//1,711.1 or =11112:1 P ARPIN ERR' I P iminsugra w ril N. 11 lei BOMB, Bankers, Exchange Brokers, N icDDrALZIth OTES, DRAFTS i ,ACCEPTANCES GOLD,SILYES, lONS. RANK NOTE. COLLECTIO.—Drafta, Notes gm! Ae-Gerotaller_v payable to any part of the tleuon,aolleeterl Oa the molt Wearable lemma. gXIC/lANCIP on Nato Sort, Philadelphia and Pal dinar!: ulna. einetnnata. Lotanvilln, Sault Louia and New thlreusronntantly for Pale. RANK NOTS.—atotea on all solvent banks in the United Slat, (1.r00m...1 at lila lowest rateP ♦l' of Porelgn and Amenran (told end :Atli-et Coln niaztit and sold thler. N. 55 AI rkr t %tre,t, hetvr,,, 7.1 nntl 4th Putt ttlt rglt, 1.14. toe= • FORM,IIS I / 4 hCXCHAINGid. Bon England, Ireland, and Scodahrt Longo, any amount et the ("wren: itoten of rxrhoole. Also, Tirana ftwrable in any pan of the Old rneat, re., From XI to .00W, It the rate of 115 to the I 4 1,1,1 1 , without deduction or discount, hy JUtillUd RUIN N. dooSON. European nor fienercl Agent. olEer 001 , q r wen of wood °rum: stun Lasitits_t_t lanweso ha dal KZ/AMID:I. AC 11,A11111, BAN - KERS AND EXCHANOP. BROKERS. d.,lcts to Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer.. amazes of Deposita., Rani Note. and Coot, vorner of ad and Wood streets, direcUy opponte St. Chant, Ha ta+ li Uhm, ladmn•,_ Kerne try, 1111•10l111, dank Norm; purchased at the lowest rains, by N. HOLMIM At SONS, septa 35 Market street, BIZ trg.ittlitiLlSTGlL-1 - Etight Checks on Neu York, Philadelphia, end Coustaritly !or vela by N. italumore, eepll inzirs & SONS. Alarket Boo Ks. m usic, &c, NEW WOKS FOR :SUMMER READINti Pot— Eurska, a Prose Poem. or, the Physical hMetaphysical Universe, by Edgar A. Poe. Erg.; ndSomely primed, Miro. cloth. 75 cis. 'We shall be greatly surprssed if this neck does not erearl • profound sensation among the literary and seiodufie dosses all over the Union, displaying as it does a geasoning power and grasp of thought which corm.; possibly fail to excite the •special wonder' of e ven the most careless reader.'—Expresit. Nioeveh and Its Remains; with an account of • visit to the Chairing. Christians of Kurdistan, and the Te vreis, or Devil Worshippers; and an inquiry Into the manners and arts of the Ancient Assynans, by Austen Henry Layard, Esq., H. C. L; iv 2 vole, with numer ous illiutrations. -One of the most remarkable works of the age:—The Times, (London.) Peb. P. The Salamander; a Legton of the Iron Furnaces of llookland county, N. Y., by K Oakes dindb. with IL lastarions of Dailey; lid ed nnto. cloth, 75 cu .1. Fenimore Coupon 'The :Any,' o env and beauti ful edition, revised by the author, with new preface, ac., to be followed by the Pilot, in the Fame style. The Works of Washington lrtmgl tensed and en larged by the author, in 13 elegant duodecimo volumes( beautifully printed In new type, and on superior paper, made expressly for the purpose. For sale by JAIIIDS D. LOCKWOOD. (for many years connected with :Messrs. Wiley A Penni. and late John Wiley, N. Y.) q Wood AL 1013 Mr. L. nosiest returned from the Kasten eines. NEVAIDOOKL9—Ining—The Crayon Miseollany— computing The Prairie, Abbotsford, Newstend Abbey. Complete In one volume—elegantly printed. Curzon—The Monasteries of the Levant. Post Ivo; illuarated. A volume of more than ordinary interest, relating Santo of moat canon and often amusing adventure. • • • The held occupied by the volume is almost entirely new.—Commercial Advertiser. A book of gentlemanly, scholarly Interest, which reminds as not li ttle of Beckford's Spanish F.r• cordons, ei the 'NM eastern reminiscences of Flothett. Literary World Gooper—(New edition of early worker)—TMs Spy. contend, Le,, with new introducnon and notes. Com plete, it I vol. Ur ifs= =la living's works. 151,2.5. The Spy cad the Sketch-Book were the first Ameri can beaks which whim =vernally acknowledged to cool= a performance as well its a promise. We well remember the mthusiosm with winch they were recetved, and the proud expectauons which they awakened among the !Moral minded abroad and the patrunie et home. Irving wan soon allowed a neat by the side of Goldsmith and Addison, and Cooper war translated in every country of the conunent whom any interest wan felt tu a foreign hterature.—Literary World. For sale by J D LOCKWOOIi, bid IKI Wned .t I\ - TISW BOOSL..amplete Works of John Al Mason, 1.11 DTI, in vela Mardi and a Voyage Hither, by Herman Melville. Borger Warfare of N York, by W W Campbell. Here a Little and There a Little, by the author of "Line upon Line, and Precept upon Precept." Memoirs of my Ymarb, by A De Lamarune. ISuatruted Lise of Frankho part Soh, lust received and for sale by JOHNSiON L STOCKTON, op% corner Tturd and Market ors 4 I\TKW oventry's Work on EpitiCllll. IN Cholera, us Ilislory, Cause, Patholog, and troo , 111. Phflosophy of Religion, LT J D. Morel. A. AI Bourne' s Caseettlem oldie Steam Engine. Chamber's C,fflopetius ofEnglisu Larruture, 4 roll. Woo, fine rduson. steel plates. Chambers' Affseelieny of 11 , efut and lintenuffum., " vets. 12 mo. Illustromd. AdTece co Vuong Alrn, by T S Amur, ma. . 1 ounc Women, Etrrusfa• 01 'II r teo solos s, byl Broek...shy. 3„1. A Prove..b. for atr People, by F. S. ]le o 0 I rdverrry .s.rrrntrnA, by Dr W•ylead Vreityr.'.lrean Lecturer, for -'the C.•:s, •1 ItoIT Strirsurrs wr ufalo/dlrrg re. el, maw No. 6 Fre:Alma Lilo, lit traieJ Received U. day ti, If 111/PKIN:' optl Apollo Illuidinrt, 4th .‘ NT !'V PCIII.ICATIA)Nri--Esalay on the the I hinl. di of Chalet. and State: I.y Rapttei St' Npri, AL A l vol 1 'Jan.-11.25. An enure edition of mi. n oil i.irnta editi 10 one duy, 00 119 habituation in 14,iido, y... 1 het 0.1 from tdargatct Smith'. Journal. is Me Pro- Vint , ' I Alaae....huseina Buy-167..3 9. I vol 12nio 7fic Ho Poems .—Sketchea of Life and Lam/mope, by Rim ph lloyt—new oil. enlarged—with illusira. .0.. M.% CPO. A Uiteehitra of the Sloan. Fdlipne.illtiazrauve of the Wienntic prtnetplat upon winch it. °pontoon dapenilA and the ptueura/ detains 01 Its atrueture, in im applica• Po. to wit.., nulls, strain navigation. and rallwayr with carious auggeshons of improvement, by J bourne C. E. loot. 12nto. 75c. . - . Cbeeaer's Lectures on the Pilgron . . Progress— n ed. lama, Psi, seduced to 51,00. The Cartons, a Mundy ?atom. 'Pori I ISe. rrankito's I.de, illustrated. Pam: IV am/ V. r •- lirstoriet; by Prof. Tyler--41..bn0. For oud by tabb4l RIIOPKINS,CI sr. 011ICIAIIRINOM PIANO FORTES. JOHN ii. AIELLOR, No. SI Wood street, h. the pleasure of announcing the arrival of a new and splendid a.ortment of Pianos., from the mannfactory of Jon. Chtekenng,Boston—arnong them a mogul& cent Rosewood full Grand Piano Forte. 7 octaves. Also, a superb square Piano Forte, 7 octaves, carved rosewood, of the style of Louis XI V, with a variety of 7, de and 5 catavez, to which the 011t0t1011 of porch.. en Is rewetfully solicited. JOHN If. MELLOR, Sole Agent for Chickering's Piano Pones for Wen ern Pennsylvania_ a p 23 bole Agency for Alums t Clark,. Plano. JUST RECEIVED and opening. liffilif new lot of elegant Pianos, from Ur celebrated factory of Nouns Jr Clark N. Y., otgag.ing 6,6 i and 7 octave with important improve both in mechanism and exterior, possessed by no others. ALSO—A fine selection of Cbickeringhi Pianos, Irons 8 to 7 octaves. H. KI.ERER, Hole Agent, at J. W. Woodwell`a, Si Third sk N. R. The above will be sold at manufacturers pri I net, without any addition for frellit or expensing marlo Journal and Chnnucle copy. PIANOS. IMlllf A SPLENDID assortment gany ud Rose...NA Ptuos, Jut tb• . imbed. Th ese instruments WV made Of the latest pattern and best matertat s and will bo sold ow for euh by F. DLUME,II2 Wood sueet, Si door above Filth. N. D.—Those who are In want of a good instrument, are respectfully turned to examine these before pur chasing elsewhere, so they cannot be excelled by nay in the country, and will be sold lower than any brought from the East. A/sobist rceetved, two pianos of I lam burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior to any ever sold In this country. onto F. B. -,•-•-•-• • ..,.... TILE 4 , :fITIII3II poop NTs subscriber has been pouste.lB3d Sole Agent for the sale of CARILARTS IMPROVED MELODE ONS, as manufactured and and perfected by Messrs. March & White, of Cincinnati. The usual comptus mid extent being but four octaves, Aleuts. 51. & W., in accordance with the general desire nod demand, have extended the scale