ItiCPOICTIAD 6 Tiazacan,APuto War; thik Pittsburgh Dulls!. a.s.tts. • . IMMENSE MEETING OF THE IP:R/2- Sr. LocrAlantl'2B. - : . Ad iduneise meeting of the mtizeas-of th4eit wailed,' law. night, for the adoption of ateastires for the rilltigation of tbe cholera; The ODD:* - weld /Wee was 'called to the chairiaAer Whieb, . !gaol '' as were pawed, calling epee, thotiontteds ban ' ilie appointment otWartt crll F a. . ld' mitteta 0.4 ' t o the condition of the tie, an . , etsi. semi to ; provide medicine sand heeet*i 0. iga ller.:' so, bit appoint inspectons to enainlge the Itaidtary , adition of the diatridut, and'b?' l muibii i ,h haspitais in Mich, ward, to be tuuiaa:Me.aifperitt. tandem* of tbree physician to each. A reaolutiMiwas then pa ' d eittntatiee of the iintiri, ,if 1170 meeting, to' Ma , Mreet, that If the ecumeila: eaUuld ' deem t ese reemamiadatiorm unadiiiiable,l tbe. Mayor nd. Cannes Should Itt c0vet : L.4404:4 - ;, I . --: , Sr. Loms,..fatus/211. latellsgenee has padeen received Aronifort Chair% Whiclistatcs that ina emigrant named Hid,. l' olas Holammine was ka 6,1 by the premature dia oluugA of hdlinn, whilellrawing it from a wagon, on the 2d of May. . He dlas a moat esteeipcd cit izen id- Pitholcia, Illinois. LI • CIIOLF.R4 Iltr ST. LOUIS. e 1... ii CILIJ e- 26. . EightTerneteries repo ed, yeaterdpy, 110 Inter. menmoif which IS were olem. - The report of Cholera eases during the put week his no[been made out, but It will reach 700 eases of Cholera. Sr. Louis, Jane 28. The river in gradually receding, end the weather very wiinn. No lawment or chalets; cases 'scrag° abon 109 daily. NICW You, June 28 , Theth were 73 cholera cases and ss audit for the twenty thorlionra ending at noon today. There were :4 cholera interments, and 32 of other ()max!, daring the 24 yarn ending at noon to day. The market is without change. NEW YORK MARKET MON IMIPOI7, Flour—The market tido morning was Elm, will' • fair detnand. Saks of common venial' canal brands, at $l of western mixed and =Anon awe brands, 4 24 5g5 end of western nod straight brands, 4 $4 62 per bbL Graitt 4 -7berat in very little eugulied for,' but arias :einem unchanged. Sales of Ohio *hue corn ' at 7 , 3 end of ratted at 550 per bit. trovisOnoThe market to day Waded no change, and en demand was limited. Couon its generally held at advanced rate:Out sales areflimited. Maack Mute( —Traneactiena at- she Stock Board were -limited, but the markat.contfithes firm, and a slight advance woe realised an some cleacriptltna NEW Thar, Juno Flour-;•All ddescriptions have been 'dive to day, and prio4a area shade Neter, but buyers are aloe 'ln giving the priors asked. Sales ofparnmon, at $4 20 . Ifooa quality, at St 62g&1 63; and Mahn . - st former; id Ica. .'Rye flour es at 53 121 par bb'. Grain+Nothing is doing in wheat: • Cord is Iteityy;:but prices are without °beam:yellow la sellistr atglattle, and white ln modesate gnaw/ al. 5.1 c pet tm. Sales of mixed at 5505emper 'ProsiFtons;, There is no movement la any article tO"artylarge extent. Melts pork is hold at " SlO 21;,primii', at 5951 per bbL The hell weather and the preraleoFts of cholera prevent any extensive transactions. • . • LOUIS MARKET. f 4onsoquenee of the p ricee being coca parativelY higher than Flour, the miller:lto* port chase 'Vheat: for the supply of their Immediate wants,,iri Peres, however, have noimaterially: chino 44, Sales ol ZOO by at Scs per biz. the, Coin tretis heavy, and prices have declieed: ze . Oil *1 Ed*el, with sales of Prima', 1/1/liihs sacks 'atllic., 4 arid Prime Yellow u Se l o per tat, i ; to the e*tit of 3,500 be. Flourierhe trade has been light, ntither.intu. , tet doll. Stites of 1500 bbls at $3 .74033 90 per bbl Sat' go4d ca,ehoiee. dull; and offered at $l2O per ton. 7.41u14-: - rThe matket is dokand Pig may bo ted namidallyitt 4e. Lard 4 selling at 5141.6 e. . T0U.......—The market is without material sl terutiom Sales of 100 hhda at SI 7'41-871 par 100 a!0. ! ... Proviablms—Bacon i 5 selling at, for Stumidets 31, Sidesl4l, and Common Hams at Neale per Pa* 4y—'44llcnof . ls6bbla at 16Ic per galL StivirtSnler of Common at 41, and of Fair at soper CATTLE MARKET. Nita , You, Jams 28, P. Mt. Sala o'lsoo bead of Beef Cattle trolly at sld $8 50 perloo lba, 300 head left over, Riga qa-, atlas 'may be considered the fair ruling figure', of the make. ;' qATTLE MARKET. Bazuwas, June 28. Beam :r , -.Thet offerings at the:redas, toeday, were 550 'hee4lsorf which wery driven to RA34B - mid the remaiting4oo sold at 58 50047 "M) 49 per 101:1 tbs. ' floce—§aies et 114 2501 75 per 1011 fo T . ALRAUTY , HI BOOKS ON MACNERY, &M Sc:att.* En gineer and Maelinine Anshan; in -rely • •• lloletardellrynriStig and Meelninienillsniptdatinn; 2,212 BTO. - ,i. • Tned4old onßee Bumph of Cut Irene 2 vole heti &WA Cotton Spinner mid Mannfnetuter,-I val Ono. Petal:Ps torionaienorGlam Mating; 8.0 The Mind Ronk of Turnity, 12 mo. • " Appeendie, by Anima Club; ? yob, 4 to. CresartEneyMmitMdin Civil Stemming. Murdiefienrenyuri Engineer and Archnnen On. Emma OutaneEngme; 40. • Amerienn Artiutee4 4 to. For nals by ' • ••• J D LOCKWOOD,R3 Woad it Vat mit( 'jam =et nted mitli n., nlest Wiley & tpumAnyn lats Tann Wiley, N. Tart. . 100 ' . : ''i 13311011R11 -- CM " . • .- 1119313 "timAitrear. ntrrou.,...,ArEvi risu-, - 1 . W39E, COIIPANF.-ifiehoe. north Roma pr r aps 13x0ran '.Tided street, Fidiadabbi,,,,, . POW Sm-RMlSmds, 3 1erchandloa . bild Mier property toots and tormar, insured *Hind tou or damage Are tar the lowest rate of preandunt.7 • . Mama tins.-They also Mauro Iteeliels, CU , Vet turd Freights, foreign or constwlso, wider openor special poee,-os the amused may desire. ' Imam is.nesoremiron.-They dm Mona Membant , klisa tranaported by Wagons, Railmosi Clusi , ICanal Roma *MI Sitcom Borns, on twerpandlatOs, on the DIRECTORE-josepl 43. Seitif EdIIIIiI2CCEIOI3O.4 • John oDallis, Robert Barton, Job R Penrible, Bann al Edwards, Gee 0 Lelper, Edward Darlington. Dun a Darla, William Falwell, John Newlin, MR Ti Hu. tom, dame, C Hand, Tbeaphilos Padding, 11 Jones Alenoles, Iterssr- Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Serail, spencer Efelbrain, Charles Kelly, - 1 G Johnson, IV* lards Ray, Dr 8 Thomas, John Sellers, Walirßyrey It. . - . D rawivas ,AT PITTSBURGH-D. Ti Nbittia, w.... gsgaley, Dro. l'.. Logan. .., - • -- ' • a MI...LIAIif MARTIN, P re sident.n . Rep= 9. NaWnorm, Secretary. -... • Officeor:the. Company, No. 42 Water onset, ~ ki u g, yin tiWelif P. . MADEIRA. Agent. AminoJournaan, Pon, Hnry, DispittaiChron isle COPY. 11L _ _ - - - . VIRSTIIIII INSURANCE, COIERINI • OPRITTSBURGH.;.;. CAPITAL $300,000. • 4.7reert. Ir., Bent. ,• IL Aorta. Jr, rietrt: Wilpresere agains t' all bids ol &Ls, PIRG AND MARINE. ' • , • k LL tones will be liLerally adjusted sod, pram - oily 444. A luona iiettiiiiion—tunnaged Ly Lateen:la who are well known in the commtletty, ILLIJ who- arestletenalas totem prosupweas and hbantidy us =lnlaid the char. eeteraehla they beve esettweS, as Owin she best proteeeee la those who desire-to be beefed g , _ DMlCnnitt—E; Ritter, Geo./D=4J: W.l3ntler, N.llolwen,' Um. t e,y, :Ww. l eiutee, C. Masai; Geo. W. Jackso o a t ''Um. M. Lyon f Jas. Upodneatb . Um, 11 - Lit* Juana hilcdaYi Nimici, colt.. Omer, No. te,Water strect, Warehouses, Or Spang a Co, e atsdreil Pittsburgh. idtdly Notice IA the Stockholders of thet.htikk• tie wild (fob Telegraph CorapllMlT. Tbe Attielea or Aseociation adopted by the ithrutia ane Ohio Telegraphic Company on the 3d of itily, ilw,gtroviding that the anneal ',menage shall be held .in Meetly of Phllaielplita, on the hrat Wedneulsygt jarte--urblebarticles have been aapeneded tine Adoption of a Chimer passed at the last seashia of lee .I..egishOtre,, which provides for the annual' meellap abet held on the third Thursday of July—d r: iota. •NOTlngls hereby pverithat the annual Mewing og the gtoekholders of maid Company, will be. 6•44. 1 a .the Telegrelph Office, Chesnut streeti on Thursday. the thth day of July ner‘ ollook s A.. 15t, for the traneactlou of such Intainehres may. Men be (old before them, at whlallme,Nitte Di rectors will be elected IC serve (or the ensult*' ; 00 provided for th the Charter. - 'M. MIRE, Secret/Ix, 184 u. Jol3 • /DEIN' •, TOW.NSEND,.Drunist sad Apothecary .Ne.4sllarket et a thm doors above Third tyL Pine burgh, will lavenonstantly on band r well Wetted - tot wartment of the best and hecbeat Atethetuee, which he will anti OU the most reasonable, tonne. clinicians Alrellatut , olders,caill pnimpUy atrended td brad sup. plied with 1 1.4niele.s We may rely npon frestulte. :4.nfietuiens Prescriptions wiU be accurately mod Ptelbtettfrect the best materials , at any hearer( tar utay or u4lll. Abut har ale, large stock of fresh and pod, Feints 4.)F.15• 41 jupuu.bcit quality C013=2013 Hagar?, Ns t,. Jrzeivellgoill,:opramte by • • !kis sets. •- 24 Euuubir, "• ;34 Idatutay, • • Tue emi ft scu y hy, ! • :I ` 7111 w • • 1 7 31 SS ThiridAy, ; . • • 7 34 92 1 ,Friday;: • '42 724 Orrrirautta 1.0 . , SIOVEALENTAI . P THE OCRAN SnahlrEß-4. trookti- tutk—SailOr ! .l. America. America; Menipni for Iso - t, May h. m•na; liang; rat Now Port, Nay 1. ' . nog AK4=4 l kliFtknoett-i . ;l Caleclenis,heitek, from Mitien, .104 agaes.,ll 6 :lBlst New: ork, .fims ia.. !Amps, Loailret Bostons24e 21 1 . Cambria, Atm Ne \i` York, keno 27. Americ a . ih lTlN (Pm /AP)" , J ° } Vf . (.1. S. Matt. Lrim. oil FatITII.WittM, Baca.. Fi t. iiiH .FEve itttllK 11,7 The Ilennaka, C irpralni&7,, on the Math June. The tyallilitato Capt. p . , 41, Floyd, tp 2uth Juty . ' AltaagliPS. ..,,': The Washiiiio o aths 111 June. .4 ,The klernocka oyobo mill2th .my. 4. - Moat AsirroN. - The Watabtakto oh the 20th -June.Ji„ ,The Bennett, no the 20th /qty. ~. :ti , , - i RENITHt VOP THE 71 PITTROVAGII . IR, ARlcribT, Via =aware iworrso re:aged, lEift The week lust elosedlma beets dull,wittOe changes in the general market, worth nodding. Thp wenther, Tor the most part, halt been eittessively ',warm, with cork tittle nsin, and 11 e river is gradually aVproaching the low water mark, with water' mthelen:c however, far the ;Mailer eters boats stilladperfdrm:their regu- Int arrivals end 11ePtu i tores from this city q the vari ous points of trade ot Me river belo w. .1 . The receipts of Bum and Flour dunnoi tithe week, bare been to a fir extent, but the arrivals ,a.,i', other ar nein of Westerti prOduction, bohr been; !extrem e ly light • I •••'' S' i , ' I _ .• • ~• ASHES-The earked, if any. ding, has iiimased in ' .dullness, and seiVecli ant miles - Worthy of tie r nee hove transpired during. did week. We monti*e oar last week's quotationlins &mows:- Saleratit's 6/4.51, Pearl., Sfsdc, Soda Ash. Oat, Pont 44044 e, :did Scorch. ins. 31031 e. , ALE-Regular :11=W sales ore effecte!d by the Brewers at 86,5a11.8.40 for the ditlerent unique., cask tacit/Led. • ~ ; , • BACON-Consi4eraide qttaniltifs are '.eomlng fur. ward from the lower MarVete, but ba the athoimts ship. pug east have beak qhillb,fisll, uhf, .supplies left in our market an Wrenn th4sufficnidto the Omoand, and oar quotations otlTiat ' k have Peen folly stumbled . Sales have been PlowlYar.atefot#:"to brolt;tid lout to the trade at the iollo*lng MOM: Goodpncianati and Coy cured at, for . Shocgderi 4., WO . oc, and Hams at 7e• P v . . Mellow 'Smite*, cured 6lay batatied at .11, 41. and 61,10 r Shogideta,pides and s ' Hams. Cincinnati sugar cored ;nevi:sad llama may be quoted by the Oaten at Ilike,lp E 1 . }373TTER4creing td t h e extreme warm weather, the market to become einitely bare! ,of toll hatter, and We bear of no sales want reportl4. i1L00M13,0 , 44 na the loci hugs of ;water, and the present Ihrtitedsdeinand in mix nearkeM we have hed no reCelps of Rlodma and no (p aa we could learn do sales have tranipitid. .We ray comin4 to quote sansm ir Me, IA the rafting fighter of thermarket. sargyEgGi-We note* no chatty in gees. The regular manuthetiterat pikes range from Spa Ilk P tti for common to best. 1 . BUCKETS TUBS-We totice telpher store Sales of Buckets at ss„Ss,,and of Iftbe at Stris dos, for large elm. : . t . '''. • BRAN AD SHORTS-Recelibt have teen tight, 1 , and supplies ire Ranted. We nottt salesolVm wharf Of MO be* at POI& foi• Bran, and lie for Sltdrata. Sales ar 'alpetta su 20c: tia Ina i •,-• ;•:: .i, BEANS-We nuttmi fall supPllali, with ic dull mar. bet. Small sales ere ledbcted at,,4sdirnic bi.-%.i.i,0-as in quality. ' ..'". T.' I BROOMS--.Regular Liaised saleagoed coftnnon me r. .shamble Brnotrta ht t1i,0011, 37 .01ed of 4.4 , quality . at 52,370112r50 Irdor-•, , ..,.. • , CIiEMIE-41.eceiptahave beets: qunparatbnsly tight, bat there are - fair seppllese. in stoter6wuh aalala of tore n= %V Rat WHO; Of Cream eVaio7.4ild of Go• .14. mHe ir,th. -'. ' , lei aoaN DlEM.Avith ....ti :ittiVres at ...looney we may quote tinned role! al .32 p hid, for kilkilried. DRUGS-The following is a list if prima* some of the moat prominent,etes under ibla head..s. illoes, Els , •• • •-, Ili u ___,,ti t utkilw, p us-',....10 5 Ailma t , . •..,:• . 04,0 •Vamper, ref .. 5 • :2340 Astutetida Di .• • ..,,E.dists Chlorb 0 lime, ~...„ . 5 ,0 n Arioarltoot,4. •• --12 ti 54 Cochineal, ' " . ),.ar , 21,50 Aquefonm. " •• • •'• 100 11 Coppeass, •• ..,• • lidos ItansTgo. 0 • - -.Sabel I.trinorre root r.. •709 Madder Umbro, etch 121 •, k 1...11, , , , .r00ts Callan Oil. bbIsSIL,SOO ,53 Sat Soda; 't ;, • .4aa a 2 4 (Ovine, Its, •- • • • , ..-11 t Dina, intamon,.ri, • • 11615 DRIED REEF-The market is aintosr en rely bare, ' and Mee' bake slig adwmeesseith safes at 9540 ' loo p. lb, Car.Dest Wea'rem eared. ''' r• 1 DRIED FRVIT-414 Market bd . * with4fitall sales ' only of Peaches at (114900111,25,5tM1 of ApOes at 500 65•5 9 ba. - : 6 5 ; ,... ... ', OkrITON SHEMIN The fis*ing atakthe man. at:Limier, Prete& for trzaheigespi: tai totality Noll, Ye cannon or N ,Ral:p yard ! = dattit-Regalailnles of diprd at Si t u( mould at, inkomA of Buis at Sly p to. , , i- - . . COTTON KARNr‘..We find ati, , ehange4 in quota tions. "The folinwieg i 4 a lin of plifas: ?., Shoit reel-:, 1 ' rue 880 ' . : , ... 70 No Su, No ,s 0 r le: " etTO ...... -,;.', • - .601 "11 to 13. •: ••••, • • • M " Mlll, MA (nun. 60 y tot • ' 1.16; Coveriel...Y_ . arab! ;111 • •900 Lacreuing be Plb whip 20. Carpet Chain• -,9 - • •200 i Long reel "'doz. .Conon Twitta -,..;•. • • .230 ;p No 4500 : .i.• a CandloMiek • • •••,;,- • 1.6e1 . CRACKERIeIIt quamicritiu• eitiutat - alter. anon, stud saldsarertgalarly ettool.a .. d. al tkaVollowing " rate; Crosiers, for iiid ir----5,,-63,75 Butter dn " —..,,,-.• • • i. - 4:. 40 rep. do ",` ' -- e' ''. • Creme - men, - June Juno 28-M. .1161 Bread' ' . ;,, :• • ... :,...,.-,-. • - ....,'-: - i:,ii i lilmr °meters, p;r lb •,••• •- • -7 . ' 1,..• 7 i ---- a . ' '.- 7 FLOUR—The too*? 'the furtt. weer:have been ton fair extent, though have• Wan sit*: of those of thorrenedlng Itnalk.l Tito +aura , uts easiby cane/ have been full; but - sr.: , :t,uteis foil kpplies Who mar ket, with a slight dettli prieesV. Sales fosse been eartfinad to limited Ilan roe: rest NA! at 13d,82343,22 , bane. add from gore in druy l ots i:4 twill 1 • 0 3 , 63 6 1 12. 73 c Pat .., FlSH—Supplies ant l'titteerl, and s sees edt*otte ve ry It 6rm—say tor Bah 149,70, 118,30. 41ackessl No i 512,21, Ho 2es and No d'sied dr k.V. Sales of:Herring at SO Plf ". •. I,• TFATLIERS-Won tied a quiet rtazket, trial !ma c& sales aldtdac p ri. 1 v'l__ I. HROCERIES—Tin starkm to girldtrally qUirt , with . IN:felting. in Priem , ' W e COLIALII9I qtrO. of lak . ireak, as fdlloarr °Berardi . dre 110 la hhds N 23 dludassea in oat' Isar VSI4; Sugar Imam cli. dORIIVIo IF gall; Rio' Claifee§frec,- SUt la qoalkyt Loaf Sugar Beloe,', and 'Ride at dieffd . iby the ilierce. GLASS—:9a umii. do, ulmoga input.. d..l".d" ktip... Bales of City: b ands Bby ktri Iltdak7:lo by 12 SSA IS by 1857; ratan: •do itt b IS told by 22 fi, • , 1 t SHIPS/SO fr. box.' 1 • For marry brandd of tlis various l tir - s, the follow kg Is the list of Niue , / *amid tlitabltaltad by the mandraconT.: • I • t' 7 :-,f i , ~ . , i aby i 0 .• ••• • - iszim •11 by - 11 ,'..;- • -$4,75 10 by 12 r : i f s : It by -1 • 1. , :r •• • •4,75 10 by 24 ' 75 12 by Id •••., • IC; ... t 7 50 10 by 15 4 12 by it Ir. •• • • 5 10 'by II ••• • ' .... -400 LI 1:71 • ,-,,, 10-by 17 4,50 SI by '' 0-i •• • •7,07 9RAN—The teclapti o .1.1 kitbrit of Grlds condo m, my Iglo, land 1124110 am ProOrd *Ms =all .. .. sales ably aro may taa s troza oar oblbulone*ifollooro Wheat 150, Ste asp galas 54-Carn, *ma lint bands at. 35, and from cinema 33o/44; sales pc. Oats on the wharf at 1152/30c, dad; from st mt.. at 420/72e per barbel, .... • i • • . . ..... ERIT/T—Th4 matx m ii d s .bat beilßY t.ttPD#d will r , irtent of the articles !fan,_ Mader 11 . 88 bead. 5„. a note t wist of Lemmis at *Mt r btu c0g.4,,, mOl- ket Ls idosoatrtisdrelt bete, the Weir hid 10._ WOW, B:Le box- Fos di soll abelli l bra vs* at 1501 .17e, hard do 110 t to Currasollll l / 4 011seria 8 altd; Groundmibi ' ,Bmyrca Vii:B 1215*, Bunch Itsisirti si,goOt2 p;i. oz. . 4. FILEIGIFIS—Freighta on the rifk r qr frowAlits Rolm west, ate qWto low, oat the eharges i ewertlO and no . The !charge, Int he, Perth. esti from 1011, polN Vag, Oa as follows,. fot the enntlza I artitOs of es. ,port: • _ . t :!..... il• Batter, Baton, La r d and Tallowi, . , - ..,45e Tobacco Leaf, Ohio, 8 , 100 ',Li". .... f...55c 40 `,` EY•i ". " • ••%Ct '''soe ` Feathers cod cv..1;.. ..f..... ....,;, Kt Pars em➢ and fleltries • I ; " r ,11 .! ; . ,':• .... 'elle H . ..!' .1 - -• • Gsle I . 3,70.p. p, ..0f all ip , 2", I `• ' ~ ,•,1 1' - ' rtl''.: Whiskery, par , , GUN POWHER—F}G t. sold t(l 4 3,Z,Vtao , and Hoek Powder iu.1P,4 6 4683/..0 ke1.,.; • HAY—The maskatli otschingedf,:t oosidayi: otby is said:from wagon ax U*Bo r, seeeiptieof Hemp aiti" beeltiaiglu, and !veiy lINa I. °terra inl dee saatkiii,; We t+ quote '.mall!totem at Ike tales 6f sl6 Y too, 1110 N ANDNAll.34Baies of bae,lron 4 4 301 f; of :Sheet i.sect pale. of Haifa 141)0P.50,50 hoc Sato ad site. 4e. INDIGO-84.1es of ffiattLis 1110111,10; 0141mill* ,at yo,o4S‘Se P 111- • - . LEIMBER—The market Es inclsitied. • &des at tie titer ate .nally rind at SSM fgard'tie yard.. lagab see tared dx is i•Eld millet M. .. !Yin- 4 .' a f: i gi t ' d 41° f itr i' 7 .: '• '• LEAD Put—i. Ito! ala rangii'lf GI t 04.24 per coOtow,cordlrsiu. sir , 1 % il: Wig= LEAD—aillis Of dry ai4ldE6iiia tb . .. d of ;purd Ea ail is 111,CS*4:21e ip , 16'4. • "II AIMEE —Sales 9f jUntbro at 140141 e O ILlALT—hrodortuo*osir Baslopihn from corgis . ' • --.'..;,_'. . 4. ' NUTMEOS+SoId riralarly at ilEtaaalAc p er lb, oli-S—Tho Erappti 1' Linseed Wynn , .rata, arEka W asafted sale. oily li:4. Asks offl4 I Laid it tic® So,`isil of mit iu rho 41 , ailion• 'f: 1.10•BILT.4-714, *artet conlinins eery -doll, and the idly alai! we Etaira heard af,dratiair ;Etta want, Won, PI tons of II it Si bat alqinoa r tiff 5) sons 4 . SASlTEliallel4S C0.c.l en, 41=1, 4% I. li ROSIN-1401u i at liax p , - 1 ILLOS--Rogrnlar a• raodellenitnnzsfr. At : Id hands es 310 1 0 ; b. • 1 ' , ~,:, t - . .6 . N. i AIMIPS—Vezy. Ctiir *Jew w xi. ',.':. - ir Norte nominally ay ;for Clorer4 75,2132. !tad Flitz at &keit P b. SOAP—Sales of Rosin at 4241 e, of vartrgatftl ett IDie IP lb. TSB-We note aolos of modemte quonLitioNot p Darrel. TURPENTINE— ' ,SaIee at 40 , 843 e P gall, VINECIAR—Snie+ of good eider at Daik e gnit VAINIIBII--Sales,of Copal 01 t a l .r. ll2 3V.llr i Mi t bl wholesale. Wool,—For the various grades of Wodt, lowing are the present buying rates to this market For Common . Wk. Ip g bl oo d ......................... ; a, ••• •4 d o ..... , ................. soeltg! OP pIi.ADE JUNE: rai CLIO. ALLECIIIILVT, June 27, 1949 U' noi;ce nn change of Unporianre in the C 31.1 purket, since our last, weekly sttnbu. PORT OP PITTSBUIfGH. ARRHAV ED. Michigan No 2; Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jairobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Pnrkinsoir, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Genesee, Moore, Cincinnnti. Friendship, Davis, Cio. Tenipest, -- ,Elizabothtown. E el! Mon. City. DEPARTED. Michigan No 2; Gilson, Beaver. Baltie,..lacob, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Louis McLane • Bennett, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Gordon, ' Beaver. Pilot No 2, Shank, Gallipoli. Wellsville, Wiggins, Sunfish. Fort Pitt, Miller, Clinton. Shenandoah, &Oman, Cincinnati. Tun Ravasz.—There were 3 feet 0 inches in the channel, by metal mark, last evening at dusk and BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Brownaville Pael:cts, S A. M. and 4 P. M. Beaver Packets, 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. Louisville—Vermont But frllll.-ADEOOIIA. D. Leech & co e, packet lice. 9 r M. rat I'IMPOIT. R. S. MOLY h Co'* Canal Packet, 7t o'clock, Dollghtrul Country Resident., for Solo. QITUATE to the borough of Plmicheater. abont two miles from rittsburgli, and about a mrc from the Allegheny market, COMlLialsig two acre. and a half of Land—very ant very and ( ally stocked with a great variety of the chanter frau, &c. The above will be gold (or case. or exchanged for a good and well ululated farm. For particular,apply at THIS OFFICE ju2l:dlw&urdr•S 1)0HITE 6001) FOR y hos a large usortment of above Goods, lately received, tech as plaits white Malls. from lgge Per yd nip to very fine) plant Swiss do; barred t3iviss du; em broidered do; man barred inekonets; soft fintshea co. satin striped do; and a general amortmert of Whas Geods, such s plain and Agured Netm y Litre, Ettg• Ings. dc.—at northeast earner ith and Market Flu Wholesale Rooms up stairs. FIRE BRICK-15,000 Ft re Brick, in .torn and lOr we by JLLII7 JAMES BALZELL ItAXITYIN HAMS-31as Mutton Barna, in atom and .I.YA- tor .100 by Stll l JAMES DALZILL PEA NAT _ -50 bush Pea Nut., In end (0, enlc low by Pn9 JAIIIP-, L1w1.21.11.1. 0 H. MOLASSES-30 bole S :110/assei, in wow la. and for sale low to close sonstanwent by jun JAMES DA.Lz ELI. ASH—Z:OO light, Window Sash, wworted awes, is la store and (or sale by ititti /AS DitLZ lit. PAPER—ICO beams Crhwn, 100 do medrum on do doubler crown Wrapploy Paper. to wore ond for M sale low by 10 AM Eiit DA LZ Tbblo Sir.. Int, laminas from L. canal are for sale by July JAY. DA LZEI.I. 410 — GLITSE. MANIIPACTURERS— Canc.., of j Glass Noting, Ynth desatlf of the processes and prod.:mum:Li of ancient and modem ornamental (ii marmitteture By Armin Pella, In one yol, mum, info. lust yeeeired and for sate by jul9 DASD LOCKWOOD o Wood .t BACON --9 cots yawned. now lauding an.m..1,M1.' Dolphin; or sale by juell 'SALMI DICKEY & CC, Prot.. LARD -11 bbls No boom landnie, for sale by firSl IMAIAD DICKEY ft Co FRUIT -I.`+U bush aried Peaenes; Zll do do Apply. for sale low le Mom ronsfgnment, by aIIEY. AIATTIIEWYy a CI t. joYI Water .1. corrom-23 Lele. .138I1ILIN COllOO. per Po!woo. lor sale Lt pl2l FLIIEV. ATIIIEWS aCr I WROUGHT SPIN lf.l.4—tEro ,„, node low by lull' EMEI. a. Co Q CORCHINLiII-G1 W.. for sole pal jit ifF.Y, MATTHEWS fr p t. ', ROCk rt W; 4 --50 largs Rio Coffee. ;5 paclosers 1 hapeal, Itti P: Poarelson9 , Tos, soo bbo 0 Molasses: Ilu 410 Loa/ Sup, No 4 to a. with geeeral twortment of Ciroteneih for sale by RILEY. MAI - CHF:WS a Co Penney!yawl& Rail Road Company. ‘TOTICIi is hereby veva, that the Tenth and lan IA Instalment of Fin, Dann per share on the Copt. tal Stock of this Company is required m be paid before the fink day of July next. Ltstalments not pant panewalty, will ba attbfret . tk n ie penalty of one per bent per month, us reoutrod hr tiEOAGE. V. BACON, Treasurer. jaamutri IITT7B — ITOOK-KFiPING--Blanks for tooctottg D thia work, with the nothorY dtretuorot to tench. eri printed. the covet,. A new supply pan recei ved from New York. and for sale be juI3JOILN II MELLOR. et WOO 4 w IRS Iffirek: , -lOBMO ktra Itnekfor me, or orders ton be fitted at the ,Ihwtest notice, on Our Ohie river, GO wiles lotion tlie ray, by 1013 83 N HARBALTOI Enfpnea for Sale. ONE PAIR SRL , .121.) lIAND MrliilFS, 10 inch eyandenh I Met woke; 2 Boilers, to Mat inches in diameter, all in rood order, mill he sold ai a bargain, if applienuan be made tom, They have only been in use about 18 months. For particulars, impure ofR. 8, Gazette Lace UG ---- WlL'il.ANT:llll2i.hiDY—For medical purpo ses, forsale by R E SELLERS, Jul 4 Si Wood st -_ _ . 'WHITE GLI/F-1 Cooper's best, mat reedV, for mile try All 11 81 SELLER and S rm. TIIRPENTINR, Ifiniiirand Tanners' Oil, Just O Mild aid Car ante b Jsl4 R E SELLERS ERICAN CAYENNE. PEPPER, warranted pure, Jun received and for sale by R E SEL.I.F.RS (UNARY FEED, (*Eno, Cantbancley, Tarter) , Myrrh, Sperinneet.i, Am. Sadiron. Joel reed and for =lei by Jold H E SELL KIL9 ..... T.ll. 311111/I.rmuirr BAIRD & STERRETT, AMA TTOILNEYS AND •COVNSELLORS Al' LAW. S.a . er meet, bayeeen Smithfield and Want, Pnybrughty. iota N 43. 3 MACKEREL--RD tads Or side by KIEDI & JONES, Canal Rota, luls • ear Seventh street B ACON BiriEs-2o* Rs in store d for stiOty .ißals 1C11:1 an 1 & JONES r k — Avrob . i LoaKEDOIL-7STSLL OntTeedbiLattr7. j_./ ;tad in :goal order,-tend this day and for sale by lal4 SELLERS & NICOLS seta Air the Public, 'ln relation to that unrivalled family Salve, BILLET'S MAGICAL PAIN BATILACTOR. MCONY of a respectable Physician.—R•ad ellowing, addressed to my a,geat, Mr. F. Met , ryweather, Cuitunnatl : ' Comm...ran, Feb. IR, lid. Sin A Sense of dury Compels me to pee my tribute to Halley'. Pain Extremal. Being opposed to mines et', end all nostrums having for theirob t tect ouster utotives—but realism/ much good from e "King of Paiolidlersil—l am induced to tender you this certifi cate. I have used It in thy family. in my practice, and with' all the happy and wonderful effects that could possibly be Imagined. H. J. Baonm, 11 D. Dr. Brodie Is the teeter partner of Brodie h Levi. Druggists. Inflammatory Riuuntationt. The following tesomorlial comes from a source f•- miller to many of those (raveling on our Western wo. taco. Mr. GIB., the well and favorably known pro. ;Printer of die Parkersburg Hotel, Is husband to the lady Whose litter I mine; : P•axamacao, Va., April 13, 1542. To Henry Dailey. Chemist, die.—Sin Having for manly been long afflicted with violent inflammatory whiph appeared so firmly seated Is to defy ail ordinary appliance, to alley the severe pain attending It, I was induced to try your Magical Pain EXtracton and It having effected, almost as if by ma. gig, an immediate relief, and also, to all appearances an endre and perfect cone, I am induced for the bear it °fathers Who may be afflicted with pain, caused by any kind of Inflatimaation, to write to you, deelaring that in myl opinion, Mended on actual experience, Peel Xlitald Pain EntlaetOr Is the most valuable dm. coven. whit present age fur the intmedutte extraction of bodily pain. It is mt almost Immediate and a per. fen Mare for gums and healtht, and all external in flammation llsying meat' sequaintancee formed by ilk,/ Ma" at my husbandle hotel to this place, 1 hero supposed by your eboYnag them these tear Imes, a may portably be of benefit both to Meth and yourself. Kusserrn Gums fl entertain the hope that Mrs 61/1110 wall pardon the publicity 1 O. to her letter, se well Ott the score el humanity as of its bung the latest mode of Imagine it to the tweeter her (belies —lt. Deux, I &lan Cured. Extract or a letter, dated Ilnumont, by Nov. Ch le4?. Mr. H. Dailey: . 1 have tried your rain Extractor in • raw 0( (aleph, in my own family, whirl, it r,lirvtd and cured Ilia very short " 6i hoar, yours re spectfully, ' J. H. Vueric tQ Burni;and Scalds, Pies, Sore Nippier, It Breen, Eruations, sorer, Cuts, Wound., and all thictnation, yields readily to the wonderful protium. ord. unrivalled family - lutlve. But, in the same pro portion that you will receive benefit Item the ea.:flume, you will be injured by the dokleriou, u( the counterfeit salves. CAUTION-11n sore and apply defy to the inventor, DALIXT, 415 Broadway, New York, or to b.. no thorized agents. JOHN D hip /MAN, • General Depot, Pooblereh. Ilenry P. /Lehman', Allegheny, Agent; J. Baker, Wheeling, VII.; James W Johnston, 31sysvelle, ky ., P. Alerrywernher, v e nd nO., General Depot N. B.—ln the serest Burns a Scalds is extraesr the pain in • few minute's—it never fails' lull DRY' GOODS JOBBERS, 99 WOOD STREET, QE Otteivtet a very large stork of fresh • Oneels4 of recent pare !Lase and importulen,which they will sell to the trade at such prices as cannot fall to give entire satisfactiatt. City and Country Merchants are invited to call and eingdrta Out sock before poreluising elsewhere. taytt • - ClDlCSTl4Piragittga.M—reisaniwryle SO fancy “Slde stripe , Cassimeres, jut reed and for sale by aIURIaIIY, WILSON Co, inJ.? l 40 wood et /s COTTON ANIk — WODLEN* nude elra/Veritralta for • cOll - supply, of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell at ow paces Calf and Sheep Role, Sluts, Lena Lea therr,-Rakeirt, Reeds, Shuttles, Hemp Twine Treadles' Na. 6 to Id Ilelt runtime, Wrenches, Strlppi,, e c en t s , 191015 kni {!.alert Otruer Brushes Weavers' Brash • fro. fte. . LOG ANi W I LSON & • my{ ••• 144 Woodstreet, Pitube nth. Diusro QUASSIA=I bbl Justnierand t3lt sib: by -111111 ' 4 . k.4=4:85 Cattle Market. M==M=M LOCAL MATTER& ratebyrti, roa Tme mrszuum Darcy tuzurr. AMERICAN hat, Ilsioah—Mr. H. S. Bosworth, Honorary Secretary of the above Society, has nls• eeived the engraving for the present year, 'Quee. Mary signing the death warrant of Lady Jane Grey, and Illustrations of Rip Van Winkle," for dis tribution among the subscribers. Th.: is a most admirable institution, einxiorag log, as it does, the talents of our' artlsts, and ele vating tiro standard of the public taste. We ob serve that a of an &tone," by our talented Pittsburgh Artist, T. McClurg, was won by David T. Meeker, Brooklyn, New York. Mr. McC. is one of our most talented Artists, anal to a fine natural taste, unites n degree of study and attention which is worthy of a rich reward. By the way, we wonder why Mr. Wall does not seat same landscapes on to the exhibition. Diffi dence is generally a mark of true genius, but Mr. W. names it too far. I/stmt.—Jacob Finley, a lunatic, who was se verely wounded on Monday afternoon, by falling down the hatchway of the Wyoming, died in the eight, at the Rev. Mr. Passavant's hospital, from the enema of the injuries received. A short time after the accident occurred, he was taken to the watch house, and remained there for some hours, until Dr. Doreey, the physician who attended to in/iirmed the authorities that he could not live, if kept there any longer, when a perm it for ;his admission to the above hospital was at last ob tained, and he was taken there to die. Poor fellow' death afforded him that relief which man denied him, and it is better that he should go to a happier world than remain in this, exposed to all the hardships which the want of a suitable asylum entails upon the insane. The Chronicle declares our statement of the manner in which Mr. MoMath was treated by Mr. George H. Bell, keeper of the Perry House, to be incorrect. We will merely ray that we gave the evidence of the petty aggrieved, and his friend Norton, both strangers to us, almost verbatim, mid that their evidence woe uncontradieted by any Opposing testimony. SANATORY COMAIITTFS. —This commutee is act lag with great energy, and several eases of nu sauce are daily brought before Alderman Rhine hart by them. Yesterday five persona were a rented and taken to km office, charged scull thi pfience. They were all discharged, as it was thei first offeeco, on the payment of the Costs. W advise all our edlrens, whose alleys are not at tended to, or who nutter garbage of any hind I. remain about their prem.., to attend to the on. and have the other removed, or they will assured ly not pa. unpurushed. WE are glad to learn that the poor little fel low who was en severely injured by falling from the Nionongshela Bridge, a short time ago, and who was taken to the Rev. Mr. Passavant's hos pital, is slowly recovering. He was horribly man gled and several bones were broken, in addition to his numerous cots and bruises. His wounds were ski!foily dressed by Doctors Dilworth and Wilson, and strong hopes are now entertained of his ultimate recovery. Mayon), Orrlca, P,rresuitou, June 26th —Sev en persons were brougnt before the Mayor this morning, all charged with drunkenness and disor derly conduct. One was committed for thirty days, three or twenty-four hours, two paid their tines, and the remaining customer wan discharg ed. Ilu name was a very singular one,"iindwag Sea Emma," and he stoutly maintained that he had not been drunk, notwithltlprithng the assortfour of the watchman to the contrary. His wife came In dunng the examination, and scolded the Mayor, the ll'aielimen, and all the bystanders. Poor people train l'itermany were treated like dogs here. Fier man belonged to the temperance so ciety. and hat rag Lawn at church lasi night, she was frightened to death at not finding him come home.' The Mayor at an suer - ceded in quieting her, antirwhen rt> hemline convinceil that her lia.:,art I 11,1 leta drunk, she gore luta stittlt sn awful tongue thraehlog,that the Mayortlioneht he wan sutfictently puneshed, and let loin go. DTP. ,C—Tbr member. of the Allegheny Fire I 7.napany, .re. -Jed by a fine buss,. band, sad followed by several othet companies, marched, yesterday evening, loth., canal, and took paimage un a tine boat of Leech . .. line, for Philadelphia.—, We commend them to the kind attention of their brethren there. . . Itianwstr Rounixar—loseph Vail yesterday np speared before the Mayor, and swore that Robert Gardner and John Fax, alias John Arovenee, knocked him down at nine o'clock on the previous night, and 'tiled his pockets of all the money they c..mtained. A live and n three dollar rate on the State Bank or Ohio. The accused were arrested, sod attempted to prove an alibi, but failed. They were held over for further hearing. InmanEsti lloisr_—About a dozen white men and women were yesterday brought to the Mayor's Office, (rani the eighth ward, charged with keeping a disorderly house, and annoying the neighbors by their noise and drunkenness. We were pained to observe among them that poor unfortunate man who is so terribly afflicted Vitus with the Saint dance, and who often exalt." the sympathies of oar citizens while wandering about the streets. A Pithissamarne Move.—At a meeting of the young men of Nashville, held in the City Hall on the fith, for the purpose of totting measures t alleviate the sufferings of the diet reseed and des titute, consequent upon the ravages of cholera, a benevolent society was organised, and the fol lowing, among other resolutions, were adopted. ReAqua, That the chairman of this v meeting ap point a comnottee of five, to be called a Finance Committee, whoao duty it shall be to collect funds to afford relief to these orphan children and others. R.olveJ, That a committee •f twelve be appoint• ed as a Relief Committee, whose duty it shall be to look out and dispense aid to such destitute persons as may require it, end to expend the funds collected by the Fllllnce'conamiurro for that pur pose. Bate. Gen. J. H. Wass°, will be supported for hle for General, St the cueing election. Fosse 13,1, - rx,, June 1.1,49.---d&yrulT Dcasticiamaxx or TUX Lamm. is one of the most com mon, as well as the most formidable diseases known to American physician. It has in no C•• 15 failed to stirsw the elem.t auenoon trom the Faculty in all quarter. of the Union. Still, however, thousand. an nually perish and thousand. [mac are made to feel hie bunienrome by Ibis disease. The proprietors of Al'lxine's Liver Fills feel confident that they offer to the maimed a remedy which time has tested, and has U ~.,,• on Smithfield meet, one door below '"." Sixth street. Teeth Inserted from one to eh entire set, on the suction principle, with a beau tiful represeination of the natural guru' restonng the or ginal shape of the face. N. B. Teeth extracted with little or no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plugging, pre venting the tooth ache, which is much better than cu ring it, though it should be done in five minutes, or even uismntly. apfitly iv. SCAtrit. LW. AULD:SOD. BOAIBE i iI.THINSON • Finer sr arrocun WooD Airs hlsimen, u, CONTINUE to manufacture all kinds lot COPPER, TIN AND SEIEk7F IRON WARE. Also, Black- smith Work. Steam Boats built to order. Special intention given to steam boat work. Have on hands afi unionment of Copp er and Brass Re We. Tirs'W are, A nte. Steamboat Cooking &Mee, Portable Forges, various sires— is very convenient ar hcle for neamboats, California emigrants, or rail road companion would respectfully invite steam boat men end others to call and tee oar articles and prices before purchasing elsewhere. ru7 CON — TirAZTORS. CANAL LETTING,—The under signed, Trustees of the Wabash and Erie Canal, hereb ygive notice that they will receive sealed proposala at Washington, Davies county, Indiana, on the 07th day of June next, for the construction of about twenty-(oar elites of uhd Canal, exunding from the proposed Data aeroas the West fork of White River, near the South line of Ore. county. to klaysville, in Davies comity. this r tion of line there are to be constructed five On Lift Lo po cks and one Guard Lock, to he built of timber, a Dam across Slinkard's Creek, and one or two small Aque ducts. together with the navel variety el earth work common to a canal. The line will be divided into see m,. averaging about half a mile in length. At the same time and place, proposals will be recei ved (or building, with nut atone Masonry, the piers of the Aqueduct over Fast fork of White River. The stone (or this masonry mast be procured from the quar ries of durable limestone to he found on or near either the East or West fork of White River, from which point they can be delivered by water. The line to be placed under contract, will be ready p was to the urea of letting, e (o ' n r de S coon IFTIe" ssti te r; fOl r'' information in n reference thereto will be given by the Resident Engineer. CMAILLES BUTLER, A. M. PUETT, TIIO 11. BLAKE:. Tarsrzszi Ornes, / Trriv-llnute. April V, 1619 5 4:3 EOII.OIL A KNOLL, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market strtel, . , HA VING purchsse.l an ea tense, and carefully se tected stock of Spri4 and Summer Goods, the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, Mai Yet Inc ow preparing to receive and cae ca, their order- with dmpatch, and in the orate m, inust substanual. and fashionable manner. As he as determined to do I,munem en the cash system, he fiat iers i,non tt that he will be able to do work as cheap an n call Inc done at any catabLithiamit in the country. ilia stock is yarned, consisting of CAssitneras, Broad- lochs, Vesbna, he , which his friends are respertfal ty invited to examine for Menithl vas. torti:dd T me nKn of the .. Plane and , Wood C s oo tinq f. ! mole by rigid lit c hiEln. AtPlklAlC',7" WANTED, AIL( at the BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, DOS KIN AND NEW ORLEA N 3 GENERAL AGENCYAND COMMISSION OFFICE. Young MEN In wholesale and retail stores, and other respectable business, to eat es Book-keepers, Sales men, Porters, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmers, Coach ¢, Car Agents. Book and Map . Agents, Collectors, Ov e erseers m all brunches of bummer, &e. We have at all times a large number of good situations on hand, winch pay from Alb to BY per annum Those in want of situations of arty kind would do well to give us a call, an we have agents in each of the amve ci ties. winch will enaba us to place every applicant an a suitable situation at the shortest nonce. We have • :edge acquaintance in all the above named cities, which we trust will eatable us to give enure W.f.- atoll to all Who may favor ns with a call. TAYLOR & TAYMAN, No. 59 Second at, between South and Gay. N. B —Persous living In any part of the U. States, and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei ther of the above cities, will have their wants immo timely attended to by addressing-us a lase, (post-paid) es by so doing Ole,' will curtail both trouble g.O ex pense, winch they otherwise would incur by coming to the city, and seeking employment for themselves. Address, TAILOR A TAYMAN, N 0.59 Second street, Baltimore; Std CLINTON PAPICH MILL. riIHE untlersigned have this day associated under the name of Thompson Hanna & Bon, for the. par pose of mantaientring paper, at the Clinton Paper Mill, where they will be pleas ed to receive the patron age of the public, and the former Customers of the se nior partner. They will at all times keep on hand a general &g -oon:maw of writing, wrapping, tea and wall papers, bonnet boards blank hooka, etc. etc., which they will exchange for clean linen and cotton raga Pnnten and Book Publishers can be supplied with every description of printing paper at shun notice, and at reduced prices. THOMPSON HANNA April 1, Ma—my dons EDMUND FL HAN , • Roortagg...Galwastlzed Tara Plates. THE subsenbers beg to call the attention of Brulders, x.. Architects and owners of Buildings, to the many advantages which these plates possess over all other metallic substances hitherto used far roofing, he., as they possess at once the 14/IPleal of Iron, rialto. its liability to rust. hosing now been tested for severed years in this partmular, both In this corom7 and in Eu rope. They are loss [male to expansion and contrac tion (rota sudden change of the atmosphere, thin com mon ti plates, iron, ranc, or uty other metal now used for roofmg, and consequently form a much better and tighter roof, far less freqaent repairs, whilst the first cost is but a villa more. A full suppl A -of all sines, from 10 to 30 W. 0., con stantly no hand and for sale by OEO. B, MOBEIVOOD is CO., 19 8 Beaver street, New York. The patent right f orti s article hawing been secured for the United Staters, an parties infringing thereon, either by mmortation or otherwise, will be prosecu ted. ocOud&-orlyT RUST PROMS IRON. I M :tre 'l l ' ea ' r r k. " , g t ' o ' r d th h e o p v u e 9 " os " e " ol CM? ' il th 'ng of of iron, watch a is desirable totPRUTECT FROM I RCS r, m Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Phut., WI ea for Fences, and any other article which may be required. For !loops for Cmks, sea substunte for bale Rope; Mr Clothes Liam, Lightning Rods, and a host of other applications, it will be found cheap and durable. They would paniculaily callnuentioa to the Lielvani red Wire for fences; it regains no paint, and will not rust. Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preanevation of which is of so mock Importance, that it will commend ttself to the notice of MI thou intedosted. - ROSEWOOD te CU., Patentee., mt.3o-dtkarlyT and Beaver at.N. York. WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, No. 47 Mediu smut, Pittsburgh, Pa. THOMAS PALBIMR, RESPECTFUL.LY announces to his friends and cos flit tamers, that he has had acne past period to erten- UM a Stock as he has at present. He can offer to par citruses, on moderate terms, eve r old estahßsh ed St aid On Market sweet, almostry article in his line—mcluding Counting-morn, Betbeham mom, Parlor and Hall Paper. With Bor der,de Landsapes, Flre-board Fruits, Paper and Transparent Window Shadnet,.. Bonnet anal Bnders' Boards, Wri ting. Wrapping, and Tea Paper, ho is abundantly sup plied, and requests h i.countr merchants and housekeep eni to call and examine s assortment Rags and Tanners' Scraps taken In trade, at the highest prises. unit NIKW HAHDWA HG STORE • SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, So. 78 Wood tttttt Pittsburgh. USER AND LAUFMAN, intponers and dealers AJ. to Foreign sad Domesuc HARDWARE, In all its ranches, am now prepared to sell as low and ou as reasona ble term], ascent be purchased elsewhere. We .11eil our friends, and the public generally, to call and examine nut noel, which cements m {tart of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET sad PEN SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS., Mime Trournings, each at Loekt, Latebes, Hinges and Scrim., tocether with entry article usually kept in Hardware Mows: W.. myna the attention of Carpenters and Mechanics generally to ma astonment oh Tools winch have been salesLcd with great care, anti which we are deterrent ed to .ell w at 10 give satisfaction. aselud&arT EPRIN . rs . PliE WOOD. I . The Inuidon quarterly Review. 1. Thr Ethnbargh Review, 5, The Westminster Review, i qp.arterly. 4 The North British Review, 5 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine-51.1day. The above Periodicals are reprinted In New York, immediately on their ariiral by the Bride' steamers, in a beattlltal clear iype, on floe white papet A ruid are faithful copies of the ongemlis—lllackwood's aganne being an asset fac-siaule of the Edinburgh edition. The prices of the reprints are lees than one third of those of the foreign copies, and while they are equally well got up, they afford all that advantage to the Amer tern over the English reader. Taame--(Payment to be made in advance.) For any one of the four Reviews, - 00 $3 per an. For any two do - 500 For any three ono - 7 CAI For all tour of the Reviews, - 8 Olt For Blaetwood's hisgatone, - 300 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, in CO JAMES IL LOCKWOOD, Agt for Publisher,a tale - CI Woolf USIIIiIISKABLS FLANNELS—W. Mott= wines U. lineation of buyers to Ids essonment of alarre desirable goods, being the genuine onshrielt• gbh, uncle. Also, Geese and Persian Flannels, of superior quid ond a rod essartmetu of cAmsnon Frannelly White and colored, at northeast corner of Fouttn,„anahlar, Cr! sts. jolt C nES, Jati 4ist. • mut tot sato byi 4 48 °Y1/ 0 ./gZe k • IkUJIkI2.I.N. siirarr A *tried Drain' home Ifrom-I"ann sew, 'ln goe, 011 thq wee, wan wan, of DAVID A L itt Lam-adios on Fourth street, hinwatuche and Grant street. _ : WM ROM% '• -• • '• • 4 ,e.: -114 POUR new Rea gory 13nek DaredUng•Hgel. well dabbed and In cceaptexe orderi on, "• r Avenna, 7th Walt PasseniansivenaVst Rent ow. Enquire or JOHN WA7T•Ia „ ~'": Z • •lod - corner of Libert and %J.:a __ . ~,,,, von sAza, - . ..x TWELVE BUILDING LOTS, elkualedotv thaliil4ll trde of Pennsylvania Avenue, between • tkWe and Stevenson streets, and about three minutre- k from the New Court House. NY of these lots:l!ltml/ ns inches on the Almoner, and inc back. tilly `et! ai feet alley, and Member atx from the sand on Forbes arum ' IM teat widej wad ran back • t to the same alley. If the above property !seer ed of by private sale before the with day of In it will be sold at =tenon, at the new Court Heir hi bidd e t balOttY, et 3 o'clock, P. ~ :tithe highest an Foe rooms.:..we't t)r rooms of vale and other particaharsemeue , . DAVID D. BRUCE, Attu-nay at Law, next ________dottr to Alderman Arm.y..... rirtli iO pr. FR -------- AND 1. , *IV I:aritreigned offers for sale in LAND, , _ ' 01 % , sa,.. ac h r r eat l a t.s f Lill timbered LAND, teß Hansen, one 41 feet front t;pi,...k, °IId thert two i le r r Butt by 2 1 book. Also, good new me DrirMW by forty feet. The mill and lend are sitestedAtt miles from the Allegheny TIMBER Mete best quality, and i t vast of the very best hemlock, Also, one acre on Cr . o a f the Allegheny, near a muve, mow admirably ed fee rafting, where lumber elm be rafted on t . in winter, and be perfectly' safe from all Iteshied4. • Price 63,300, or SS an aciro. Terms eury7 wag a well cleared small farm, whit _good house avAkk °heed urn il, aa put purumt. u ima m is .....„, s ..,..r.irs7ellenitnomprorAgity"fr=vj 1 the probability is great thatin two or Buns yell property will double its value; In conmuu t: proximity te the New York and Erie Railroa d, t. '- ber sulDelent to wear out several saw miller— se era! mill aims on the stream added' tam nearly , the centre of the land. About Men atm id' • No hilt to rise in hauling landthr from Mill to alvV, Trout and game in abundance.. For forth_ or pap late, addle., IPosl•paidd P. B. TE3IPLETOIC ,17 royakdkwdS Gazelle! odice,Fltutt, Tie - is — LT. 4 - ggii - lital e •,717 - 0 THE subscribers will sell atArreateseleuther I valnable Lots of Ground, strutted on Tome's; • in the Third Ward of Allegh-eny Clay, each alley, hartg, ,:. a from fro °MD feet, running back 133 feet la depth ettkf feet upon which is built a stone wall, 1(3 Ittpi . feet, which contains itone enough to WM cal l ow b two comfortable dwelling homes, and in from W, are three shade trees,n f d years growth, and th e . walk is paved with brick ell of which will be .4 $9OO. Pitrabergh cad Allegheny, or County Rit . trkii will he taken in payment. D; • .1 4 H PHILLIPS, Na'S Wood 's ' , or to Wht. BENSON, immediately oPPosile aniddYr .-14, tiTHE Dwelling House on Third meet, at'.y''.tr, Smithfialel, occupied by the funny of the lito': - D. A. N. ArDowell. rosseulon erect orik3he Ist of Icily next. Also, norm large low of ground in the Ninth. W, . , S i between the Filth Ward and Croghananile, 04,1,0 ~,,, e, for lumber yards. mi. M. DARLINGTON; e. 4 ! toMdtf At D. Darlingto2A F0urt.413,,%. F OR BALE—.Five lotseitibly aitinued fit — the - 11,11 t, tad o l : l tgui t own an of G ar. in n At " .", stritie , 73, 70, 00, Ell and 82f -Lot No 73 fronting 20 &mon Viso '',; - ry Ann street, YU feet dperr, the other four .53 feet 404 . ; • each, by fli) feet deep. ,t, Trroas—Greater park of purchase money may' ~,,,,,,,,66,01.6 years, secured by ab nuit_.f or Ps":",.. 0 tilers, inquire of cruYELL, 1, tulle 4106000nd ' :!'t _ Vaal:mkt. Coal Land dbr Bide s ABORT (or miles above LOck No. P., at the rstrieiC of (the very be Pine Run, Monongahela River. The Coarf r, . ost quality, and easy of access. „Oyu.; number of acres, from twenty.five to a bemired, itubla,4& be obtained- Persons desirous of purchasing, call on WALKER REED, on the premi ses, or Why Reed, opposite the Post oMee, who will give any fIW, formation concerning the property, The above erilF.; be Sold at a great Marano. turalitke„ ITICTLEP—AgoaI briegsv Douse mutate • Robinson street, Allegheny. &moire , of tie/1p SOLOMON SZIIO VOR BALE CHEAP FOR ECRIP—A. lot of 1 situate on Webster street, 23 feet from Met • LB feet front on Webster, by SO feet to a five feet IOW: --quite close to new coon house. Price 13933. tersgSg . /. 3= cash in hand; balance in one, to, Woe and years from the first of April last. County and City Dery taken for cash payment. i ee of sure •• 9 SCHOYER,IIO second 283 Aar,. 5:,,,5... galas` 1..1 Q ITUAT4Iion the Monongahela river,aboue*: from en unlit and 3 miles above third the immediate neighborhood of Menara. Lyon t ' Littelg. and Me. John Lierron's punkas. This fine body:cr O !. Coal will be sold at the low price 0(123 per an ••,. thirdin hand, balance In five equal unmet payme ,' without interest Title indisputable. Leaden - e .; good—eannot be s eased. For further partlen4ue,, s ! enquire of 8. Y, who has • draft of asid__Ap.'r . Perry. Reisidenee at et, below Ferry, Mr. AdanteßAlr'n, 1 N. LL . There is another learn of coal on this tuak4 .l. about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality, tfi s . . igtektltt Lli, rti:t 1 Viliiibilittuticitter Mire. j". , -: Ting. subscribers are mthorired to offer at privArV! , . I sale, and upon highly tissorable Lerma a nartMee,`, , 0, very valuable Building Lots, comprising a &s. portion of the Lots numbered 67, Gs, 09 and 7tti;in,;. ,4 W oats' General Plan of the City of Inuatburgh, site.3lP,, led at the south eastwardly corner or Penn and 117a4neh.1 streets, framing WU lemon the former, and amen :irr,-.l' along the linter about 60U feet to the Allegheny rat/. 41^ and beteg a pan of the Real Estate of the Late Jangtot S. Stevenson, Esq,, deceased. A plan or subdivision of the above Lour, In: eon'‘..:`;-; any with which it is proposed to sell, may be seerisAtW the office of the u n dersigned, on Fourth'betWomi hift , V, ket and Ferry .to. W1L14A319 4 KUM - ray 3 - - Vadtsinailit Real S r got Slates tltrribor wilt sell, at private sale, that iika. , ,;:: perty, on me Fourth street road, o af .d ' his present residence., and give-possess/an imetedlide...,:"i' ty. There are about TEN AtiRES OF CHOluzd s npsgso; in a high state of enitiratiod. The Improvements sers::, a tarp and well finished Intel DWELL/pill aOI.IIIIW, Linste . rb litans,and th ae g er p ont. ti l l . ielps. Adirdsuelt*d.: d a geed Partip,,r, wnit: f g nerldes a cesuatant sow!) , of enerdleatWetkpN Them m a misty of Fruit That and liihrabherymteji tho premise. U above ibed preporty.; is sspt! ~. sold soon, it will be rented foraMoe. Aiso,lor stro,r:. l the blarge L OT, oa Fminsylvania Avenue, at Me caut Oft' ; oawall. Inquire of atd3 DAYLD HEEL ELt„I , *1•; QM= 17alusibla gi, . cap mr a.l 0 4 tBE following property in the ally of Pinsheirtf. _ and near the borough of Manchester, on 'the o L;1 ver, is adored for wile on acconintodating terms: •ll 11.7, A Lots (being sob-divirion of Lot No .440 In the plan i . •,, of the city of berth) tossing 03 feet from on -,..e, south &mot, by 910 teat to Strawberry alley nir,ars ' Grant meet ,„„ 11 '2', 10 ono acre Loti fronting on WI AT6MIL. va. %I:, wide, raming , from Beaver road to the Ohio river. ~, , Y . Joking Phillips's 011 Cloth Factory. ' •- - • : 0 0 0 For terms, enquire of CHARLES B. EiCOLLVS: -,':' or JAMES 0 4 / 4 1.11A, .1; ~.::, _feta-all( Botta'. JAlLtrur, 4A 41, •t• , ITHE a IN~TH far all N eral Late on Baldwin - unli Laxly athe UR4 tr,Ail 9th Ward, 94 feet 4 , 100, end *dittoed - the propritg depot of tbo Centred Hairioad , For to in_grutd if t•, , ,,, CHARLES IL SCULLTE, ~, or JAMES MIURA, 1 - - 4 . , marittf Brute's Bailding, 4th ti- ~, i • iTAiri mi 1;.!... h i. TWO LOTS on Beaver sweet, barite eit -.. ~ . ir, . 4 413, Allegheny, abovo the upper Commo t c ss • s:',.;', to erected a Arum betiding, two stories • k,l for two small tenements. Th e lots are. - 1::: , feet in front by ono handled. feet demand' rite ' ~,',', 1 ton street forty feet wide, Tito baltdangs on the. przi,i , , arises will pay livery tiondsobui Interest CIA the ia , 014: nein, mod the property will be sold them, for onnt4 , - Apply to 11. Sproul, Clerk's of ff eel U.S. or to ~, IS norg9 Key A ca. _____----- , -- - , __:...__— .iottonn Land torßal____ _a. -.'- --''' PENAcilha OF LAND, minuted in Peebles tow& ;!' 1 ap, on th e Monongahela, three miles from Pabt, S bargn—in has to mit mehasera FM ,„1, bather pvls , : iti, Wars apply to Henri' Wood.. 34 M. er to A WASHINGTON, ];:,, Arl 4th, above Smithfield at:-: , ...::.> ±1 HCO:18-E — Fsttb sib open for sale the three tagry beak Warehottk. .0 Wood street, occupied by R. Tamar a co. upl.7 WAL WILSON. Juj; TrALuA BLE REAL EZTATE ON PENN errazte4 V FOR tiALE.—A Lot of Oroood situate on Yenta street, between Hoy cad blurbury streets, ltdjoint the house and lot now 4.thapial by Richard Edwardd having a front of feet, and in depth ISO foe; eral bf sold 011 tavorable terms. Tale unexceptionable. kVA, quire ofti-dg C. 0. LOOPILS, st, near Wood.i':„. • , e• oeu Voir 5a10..2•.,-.. A DMIHABLE JEWWhig Loon hi All egbutl any, 4,•• i , ' I& vorpm 7 1,,,:wr.4 la sae about half an aersi. 'Peru/ be sold . acconasnodaling terms. inquire Or wi i. - ; US .1 .0 Liamas, 110 t4woodla — IO mi. KENT—A room In the second story NA: lk:, 161118 Wood atrex. lal4 , T. -,;!. _ :PrOpiiinfy in Allegiliiiiijtiq — rar 1--g-----"''-i..-,. -:i: .111 IE sobscnbers oiler for hate a n... of choice i,, I. Lou, situate Jo the Second Ward, fronting cc. t. 40. ;,.! 9-- f;.CrtagroAM, .4 1 11",:, V, - chir . e, ''.(!' .1,... „. 4 or of JAB ROBINSON. on thapremtses, • :.' it, mrt7:dtcartf•T PIE AL 4 SURGICAL. OFFICE/ , ..'"' g • NO. 63, DIAMOND ALLEY 47.,, 1 1 . few door below Wood street, , •ii V -- DIU BRAWN, booing beitil ' s ' . . . N., regularly educated to the meat, "„ • '.. , - r fession, and been for sort/ 2 1 general practice now c +,..: : ; hls attention to th e teem:Mein a''', • . thme pnvate and delicate coral ..'',-... „a tv . plaint. for which hth opyort o ' ~ i. ro, and experienee peenllarly galling 1'.. , ~. 1, . ~.- ; him. 11 years nasidnously devoi,3 , • to eta • y treatment of throe complaints,feming which :. time he b oo hod more presence and ham eared more mti ~. :„. cents than elm ever fall to the lot of any private p ~ r thinner) amply qualifies him tat oder anurances 1! rpeedy, permanent, and sauslartory one. Of all MI , with delicate diseases, and all diseases arising the ' s from :, 3 Dr. Drown woald Inform those .lEl[4O with cirri ".., tliseme• width have become donuts, by time or •S 1 gravated by the ale of any of the canrendlo nostmota -.., the day, Wm weir complamta can be radica ll y nod died r -'-' aughly cured, he barmy given his eareful attention the treatment of loch easel., and atteeeeded In hundre o 4 0f11,1311U0. 111 cunng persons of inflammation oft; area of the bladder, and kindred diseaaca which o ~--: result front those eases where o th ers have consume, ~.”" them to bopelew despair. lie parttenlarly invites web .? as have been long and onmecesafully treated by othelS to commit him, when every . 11 tilfOCtiOU will be tiv4 ,•'_; theia, and their eases treated In a esrefal,thormag •s• s. thtelligent manner, ranted OWL by a longaipericneo 7, - , study, and invesugauan, whiehst is imposubth for discs engaged in room! presume of medicine to give 8.4 one claw of &masa. Urflenda or Ruptere.--Dr. Drown also brettai N A wits aliened with Serum to call, as ho has paid punt] 11' i Oar attention to this disease. ", o Sr` CANCERS also cured. - - Sant diseases; also Pea, eta" speedily, earea Charges very low. N. 7 11.--Patients of eith sex•tiving at • distaner t. I.f.i• wiling their disease in writing, Nivints.ll the ay was, can obtain medicines *ilk duoetloaa for addressing T. DROWN, h;. D o pan paid, and log a kn. Oleo No. QS, Diamondialayi Oliposita the irrart3 Mum Riprobtrannt.—Dr.Broisa's, newly diseosetod ton* dy for fiheumationa is i speedy and certain =tar 1 05 that paled! usable. It nem • Mee and Prima Oonsalting Rooms, No. OS Dl;g. mood alley, Edalutifit, Pa. The Doetor Spiry; ,d 4 y!•, • boils • I - GEO. , •.42111 , 11116C0i, 7 . !u • INFORM Nair Meads end thOnthkelltaithelihia2l .1 ao tenger nay conanedon wat their late esaththa • mem Penn man, kaceem ith the PilesbariklhmweW keying removed their claire bagbaseree. ea POMP ORRWPMV. Ic Pir u.a.rt •-• reviget C—. 500 lb, on Lund And fat onia J KIDD*. Cakr. I=o ALLUA I -0 ,0 tai, jail MC% wad tor labs by "2: ` t Vii: ~_ 4.. : i _ _ k ``~: j". 'Y! _ ~: IXMLI