The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 27, 1849, Image 2

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    Tag PIITBB i t GIUG
PUBLISHED air %vim di co
Pvr ws vacin,
• r.. 1. o-• .2U Prmalraso Duty Gann% Is published
Tn-Weetly, and WeatlTo-trlia Daily la Seven
pain pay ammo; the Tit-Weekly Lie Floe Dorian pay
Imam; the Weekly la Two Man per annum, shinty
'f-10149,41:16 '
...I...AM:MEM Ira cativis w yteluested to hand In
t_ A ir etie f tb ‘ r =TA P.
" ,t " ,. )-
mop flaw w/n i.vanablY be tus t rged until ofr;dereld
.. nr.,
zi Advertisement' and en tsiriiptienem She North Amer
• '., ••ifin =I - United Stigma estitte,Pidiadel pill a, rice's.
• forwarded Crop Wle oftitc,
• t #•• sort Trraphlo Noire.
• -110 or Local Natters:see nowt pogo.
420.111a,50N10 AParl'lrtti 49101KET"
I J. HOST. C. svAxxkit, 01,4124 e in
••• • JOHN ANGLEH, Of Sbapateirib.
mixt) LEN, br pit:ll44h
F .WhL ESPY, of Lower .
cAßTElt t ritris, or pigthirsh.
I ozoizosOicifT, •
VS, of Upper Sr. Clair . •
JOHN RioßirsoN, or J.iiett.cnr
JAS. of Peebles. ;
WM. M. rtirEfUES or PilisbqrA h.
JOHN EVER, of • • :
Inancruatuoit nit! Passinwtz Watintsorart•
tVe were yesterday altoist an engraving, tepre
seining the Inauguration et - Ge4ral ,Wasbington,
as the fins President of [Fib United libelee, before
the American CCII*II, on tte ihef Apti1,1759,
Which, in point of beauty and olegaoe of exeen
,on, hr exceeds arty thing of the kind we have
ever seen. The plate Wel unusually Large size,
being 22 by 29 inches, and printed . on !fine sheet,
b/ 33 inches in Idle, hind pribliOed by John
tleale;B6 Canidne street,.liew 'York York. The
engraving is designed to :initch; or pair with the
taint Prayer in Congress,' the splendid Steel engir
thug which was some t inter since published by
the same war:
We would call the Meehan of our readers to
the Esettluit this valuable is now on tale in
Ilus silty, by the Agent, who will-wilt upon them,
with the pie*, for a-few dap., This , engraving is
splehdid offering for the coining 4th ofluip—re
trashing in our memory—ae it is so well ealenia
-1 to do—the early hittori . vonnueked with our
then infant, but now mightgand happkreputilie.
The Engraving it aceonipaniselly`a-fiey,; ,
the`, - panes and, potiliou of the direreni clews
STIRITAT OP Tilt NoTalti;2ll E 4 .i- The De.
twit Bulletin states that several parties , fitelsttgiug
hs the Topographical Depairittent havf coeunene
Fd the surveys of the Upper -Lakes. survey
ia under the charge of Liank: COL ..Beiiney, who
has hls bead quartets at htietrittio. Lieut. Seam
iuon, with Meant. iloughtoe - and Ilarifing; have
chugs of the North shore, betwkeeta 'Meehan..
rind the river St. Mary. Titeaurvey:of the South
ihore is under dune of Lient Bargeia: •
DRUMM OPT TRH WAllat.—We • see by the
sew Orleans Bulletin, of the /Cabins:l,llnd the
people of that ill fated city am actively eugaced in
i . idding the acacia of the water minsed . hy the Into
'indow from the eremitism'. The experiment
tae •drginieg WI the water tn3lll . a.portioti of, the
Oat hinnicipality,hsts been compietelyeuccessfuL
A small embankment was fumed through the
Osnitte of Basin street, passing , dolma below the
ilea tithe Old Basin, and continued jut Canal at,
and up the latter to the 'required tlatan4. A
Wench was then opened barn the Old Basin, and
all the water within the line of the. above enittank-
Men; ifo r med of in a few tours, intolhe grounds
below tho.Baliti St. John, Where . On 4 the Dr/ill
- machines- keit aitteqdi end wet
t:ty Vera* ova' Into the . ' enraniit.
• • •'.J; . ;leni . 'fa.slothini to prev ent , this . embankment
fitrzp*iricx*lnnid . fron4fartnie street to the
';:hiiehr of the Nets Gene, witich 4thi drain off in
' 4he manner aA the 'water fVhith at pineeet exist.
Ihttl line• ft will, at threaten tee, exclude
stay Anther
_inroads nom the window, m care
'any thing shenid inmate erith tie!, prreent:tavor
' 10e piospette for niceties:The irevaree, am) the
Over shoal again rise. •
In, reference to tlte Inuntanse quantities of filth
~ .and mud left by the rem ritline of the water, the
e", Playune of the 16th state 4, that the anti:macs to
Fiat and Stoma Munleipaldies have prOmpGy
• Ofisnottiled to the wishes 'of the community, by
energetically beginning the , work of notification,
brombets of men were employed in removing the
si` accumulated filth from the Streets end gotten, and
airundanee of lime scattered thereon. The good
Work continued with nrsiUnity, pad there
Will be no evil to health nesultink from thi over
' tow-
. .
• Cormartmt or Ennoxi.—The Editors of the
Congressional Dianiatet Pennaylivutia, re
' i dimly held a Conference in Lewistown, at tvhich
itwu resolved to call an Editoritti &sit; Coven
tipm, tp meet at Itatrisberglyon thhath of Nevem
berm= The object of .the Convention is the
adoption of certain refracts, whith are. deemed
nocessaryto the interests Ofthe niuntry Prem.
;litanuttosna tr Omo.—The tint of hopeave
' meinseents to be truly awakened =mai the peo.
.421, creatural and Eastern Ohio; and *way ac
' 'count finzq 'that quarter brings freak isidenei of
ilia fact. We learn from the . Xenia Torah light
' Sad the Columbus and Xenia Rail Road Is going
oa Well The road immediately east Ol• Xenia la
in, many 'places ready fa 'the timbers and irons,
andif there is n.equal snub offoismoinast at the
*her cmd of the line, it will be fiiinthmi at en aim
3 , nay: It is believed that this toad will be one of
'the best in the United Staten With the exception
elighteurns a short tEstinatt firm Xenia there
ate but three variations born adireitt line between
I. diet town and Columbus, told that', were made f or
the purpose of touching at Mates an the lila The
. l
situne vrork promises to he Merle anktuantial. •
CattsnasM. Max's scer—ii. 031:324217406
iaatate4 in the Cincinnati C,ottimerehil. that ittthe
reeontre las:wean C. M. Clay and AIL Turner, a
, brisker of Turner, rushed to the resew, stabbing
14. Clay, whereupon a son,,agettibout
' 1' 12 atttti , without one moment's delkeitgos, 'rush.
4:- , s4lEcin hislintase• sunder thrpsting a iufe -knik
into him, whom our reads* are aware, it since
kodisia • The link hero alms permitted a pistol lin his
kalturnar, the °nitre had stabbed, bin
the tither who for the monsent was aneeebiess,
heeded not his importutitiel.. •
• .
It . s ot 6 A Comunros.-qho Janina afthe 2&I
rates that !dn. Kinney, the. nurse in tire,utiEmu
-I'l i,',ruOip Luna, afar. Smith, died . of elicit:a on the
-treattnir oftluo 22d. Mr. Win, ilisniadem, who re
oeMly Married to Columba from Cincinnati, sick
ttn4er the InfitionseorChokM . Symkitorrie, ilsodied
. *kg 10 o'clock on the same .day.. Nis. Clark,
willk ofSitzi . act Clark, uras*so attacked bYI.IO
- itMt, and'ults not impacted Miecoettr. Tfiese tre
tkilcolradditional cases which' have onenirnii to
city:from 11 o'ebekfin '2'hursdity to it iivoe.k.
: of last week; , • -
: •
1 . 11:1131 , MINCRIP ALLICOMOI7,--It i s 041 that the
itOrgltany barn been ordered'home, nod she will
praneedtO the navy yard at Washington G?rtheritur
• S 'pc+) of a thorough overheating', and - having Ler
meant submerged propellent changed t/ the side
-114l motion.
"• - i l . •
}jams `lfitrrzo—"—The nape alide,"
excellent paper, which closely preserved
Itil*entrtilny dating the late Piesiriential.COnwn,
!stlat}lwo cannot tell to what party its editor
," 14, dunk expressos Its approval 91t tfle oral.
tans of do "official axe,' ts: wielded by th,? .pres.
~'- e tiCadministration:
"Onus: Hoinsaa —Few things ire moreattrth
puiroktatin these days than , Atte quoer grimaces
glut violent outcries made V_olline holden
;glu44. beads a are eh . opped o °Metal.. axe.
Itoaringe of man ne
ig h = lahr lb3tha= .lll/1 they iti id ei b ed they had Aft) Irate
theattagaesta they have en long ttungopollsed.
Sj Egregionteeg we are glad to see old Zech stifling up
=old] Me; and trout he': will mutt* a Mean
ere the dog days /Mina A
• =nor Sra4a9der—Tfrea New-tn:
aira,:the.Jeit , e meatg at
PAL, harp jast erected. graygogii e
110er0, *fob well was I.e aaaseceaced-01: the
#Pertahlias to 16 - "lcsdigt f4i46. Tee
ce t hd W6616 0 1; 0 13 :#494 11
0n* . 41, wi ll god= th e ei trivaa:cdee sad die.
el feu lh• ceaste!stioa addrese;:,'
f; •
. ,- ,7.-r ,. • f'.IIPRO., illpit* 'YORK., •
' 7 . • :P 0 **id ate . ilt.setirgh•G..eii..
;!. •
i4ivar , , Viipe, Jape 22, 1919.
Tie v*thpr etirsinneti fiercely hot, and the
maga irate mererty . lila iPtiin is rteiug 0 2 4' a ''''"
of tte i . i•ma.t doeti'llpt giee4inuch activity to bust
nark' except toditisiope im'ne new branch. Some
4i fi f 4t colas imp '7i¢ the weather, Kaastationed
ililllol 41 Wall StOet, wit*a large wagon load of
P a ' n i, facts, air Gm 134ie cents. The coasts
(i'''''''!, flii likalthicAll and Shop boys alike furnish
thee! yea with atie of hinge immforiablo armee
datlii.ta l c l alld go fanaiig. theMiedves along the street
mid? the indnetti of Chinamen.
Rid m a nge* hereabouts, complain later.
a ped
ly of ' Ming of travel, and them receipt.—
The': adorn boo en in June only 54100 more
than4dat season, wit Ilk a mach longer rued. This
le a ilitr exhibit of , i ll the Maids, and is rather die
couragink ' The ..Ai* road has made a contract
gm Giidtl tondo( irot laid, down in New York, for
sl2,falto be pliegpr in bonds at par, at 7per
cent;- - This is the 4allett price ever paid for rails
except) in *few i ,n4ncee in 1543. At this price
the 4 lial iron Oters ire willing to contract tor
541436 . I" 4 1 °M. "0 Will 11 . allowed to do so, nor
be loa ed upon wAra muciit envy, to far as profits
are ce corned by,* trat4akltere. '
Geivi Fish has 04appoilti,ed the'curiosay seek
er', b.y'deferring Wit exectsion of the sentence of
death kitipon the ttior lady', who wee to hove
died tot the murdiseef hieteife, by.mizing arsenic
with.: OttekwheatiAlikes: ! For some; time it
has Detail impossilito hatig any but poor men In
this IS, and in f ' Ithorwill be saved through
d i .
the ih'iarcession of' e philanthropic citirens.
Tbetnew loan *Oho changed hands to
consitiarable extent, a t foreign account--
By Molls:ma of thiedtie 3 state pays MT a '7
per drat loan will, Ponds ii at five per cent.—
The e ' item oaNetv is now in the market
forma ey,. and atiltobtaili - ith it needs upna as fa
vocal* terms as'.lfte Stare ,4. done. it requires
much naticlal talerit to hits. even a cam of mon
ey p tably at nettle, antVearita stocks are looked
upon ith ennauftravor.
T . Cluilera miate no pagress among an. The
into n' enta are Erlatten to sixteen per day, and no
one p ys More auxttion toile enbieet, Gartner than
to Mir re What tltday's report is. The city is
cleatia h nd:althongla we have now a tropical cli
mate' e general:lei:llth is equal to former year.—
* repart has been Mrculated that Cholera has bro
ken n#t at Seratga. The story to false in all res
pectes,ino case has Sean seen by the phyaiciao, and
none need be deteeied from a visit to that delight
hal Watering place; which as uncial, remains the
atme4quarters of fashion," in spite of all opposi
uott.l'l , . I ,
... . . ,
On Change affiigs are,'dull is the extreme, and
the adaince agalinal. A fair busiucas is doing
in a torexpOrt with daily miles of 1500 bales_
4 e
Habit of Fkute . getting an advance of s a
perWel will, a mderato and not rapidly increasing
smelt ma Mind. no wheat and corn the demand
is ragiderath, at pgicies favofirfg the buy,. A dull
market fogii`whiskili,al former pneec. In provis
ions :t,lte halm Beira been very email, without
ehatOt ingfuotath.idsi Bettor is dull and lower
prioegilmogld be difeepted. ' Iron is held With wore
&mit but no iilitance can ba quoted. In fill ds
:And i eir thereon considerable movement, end
pricsoigraduatlyolltrancing. Holden are very firm,
and Wuxi to opeinte except on i ad canle on sale
'and ilcortispoodlng rise on the raw maternal.
When the Mamie heat of the prevent week
asses oft' the eify Oaf assume the appearance of P le, odd aOmetllick new occur. At present all .
itglevil in lite extreme. c
'; , r 7.,----
ClaAng to the many erroneous Impressions
brall4, relative itct the sickness sn..l deaths on
'boa:4lle stearnet Wyoming, on her Istr trip trout
4fnu to thiSi.el, we deem .ot necessary to
iglarditrse the putt mind by giving, as near us
':possittle, a atatenient et all t interest to the pub:
tha4 occurred drying the trip. We led St. Lcu
-16 (tufs, 15th, 1414 11 A. M., and when I went
collect (rota the: deck- pansengena round Geo.
:powtibra, of deck paweager, sieb, apps.
;bendy. with the eelad"kra ; and all tile attencton
Our peweewas gieln, until he died—on the to'-
dowhig dal., at cliter,o'clock—and Was hurled at
;Trade:Water, Ki;inkuchl. On that Soy. Mr. W.
trouin's child, inthh cabin, being pre viounly
;ielapeed and died On the 11th. Dr. Combs, in the
lahorin,g4e;der a chronic affection. aloft
'Woks - Mk on and died OP the night of
18t.h.' •
Orpao Stover, a deck hand, was also taken on
the 11th, and died the vane day laelow Co..ver.
port:, These were lthe total number of deaths,
and hciother gland* until we got clove Cloetn•
' At Maysville, slMr. Grayson, of Big Sandy,
.ecitme an board, apparently sick, and under the
inntaidlee of liquor.i, He took a deck passage, and
day in the yawl, * the stern of the boat, until
'about 2 o'clock, A. 01., when he was discovered
to be sick by some of the missengers, and every
latentiOn wasgtvenitim, unnl he died on the morn.
ingot ;the 20th. 04 this day, several complained
Of indisposition, and some of premonitory
tomtit cholera, who were noon relieved by ap..
*keno!' to Drs. Merren and Newton.
Ott ths morning of the 224, Mr. John Sylvey
:was witscked withicholera, and treated by pity.,
cm. and friends without success; he died orrtbe
same evening about 8 o'clock. Mr. Charles; Re
geraiwas taken abilitt the same rime, and 00t1.11.4-
stancting every attention wan paid him, he died
'oboe} 2 o'clock on ihe morning of the 23.1. Syl.
;Voflldeath crestelconsiderside alarm among the
:passengers, and seven.' complained of slight
'disposition. Some Were really sick, bat in very
'few cases were cii4lera • symptoms perceptible ;
'and an cases on board, excepting Rogers and Syl.
;voy, Wisre s pronortneWil to be cholera by the attend
ing phyaistaas. ADAM McKEE,
Cleyb of Steam Boat Wyoming.
Pittinsargh, June M.
dallespon donee 41 the Commercial Advert/ter
• LAO:MON, June S.
Thkgeaend posihon` of slain throughout En.
wipe Mimeos preen* the same as lam week.-
7learaventa, how4ver, which were then looked
for on,lt intermit, hese taken place, namely, the
vemiiiation of the Pt ealiient'a Message andthe*pro-
Mi4ilion of the Garman constitution, concocted
'hy•titellEing of Prussia tit
111 subjoinats nrun of the new French Ministry,
i. COMP you ehoald;.be without your usual letter
from Parte.
Odlon Parrot, PrOident of Ccruncil and Minister
iii4DaLcro, Inttor.
M. do TocquevForeign atrium
Gen: Rulnieres, War.
M. ilet Fallosix,g4truction.
M. Nosy, Knaitoir.
M. ife Tracy, *tine.
M. Lacrosse, Politic Works.
On Me whole, thio seems a respectable combine.
lion, and it Is satisfitytory to observe that it is or
ni more:liberal chanoter than had been anticipated.
M. de Toequeville l weU known in your country,
Where in additon to,srautt he collected on the pen
itentiary system, be toubtleas gained some useful
partial 'mom M. Admire was Minister of
the Interior tinder General Cavoigenc, whom he
strongls' supported ih his contest for the Preanden- ,
try. Puny, the Pinnace Mloitaer, has previous
ly had long experimice in that department. The
hams of Marshal Bukeaud is absent, and it appears
that he:could not beiriduced to , take office while
rieueral Ctuu3garniet, to whom he has an old per
ional dislike, otastintied In command of the army
is The orearatire of t‘e President was to be deliv
ered last Monday, the 4th inst., but it was put gil
from day to day to. undergo emendations, and it
has only made its appearance this morning. It is
rather formidable document reopen to length,
but yetiwill dotibtleek take an opportunity of pub
lishing it entire. It is marked by an elaborate ar
-4.l4W:sent of statietieal infOrmemon and compara
tive absence of dechnnatory stuff, which show that
Lads Napolean has endeavored to profit in some de
gree by the rational' odels firruistied by the
tial pipers of England and America. On foreign
termini however, endespealelly as regards Rome,
(Me grri.." , t point of ctiffosity,) it throws no light.—
The mousy of the course taken by France in the
Lombard war and the Sidion insurrection is plain
rind nfit,inefective, keit the explananon'of the 110-.
men defeat la disingenuous to the last degree.—
With empect to the future, iI that is to be bather-
MI is, thel the final aim of tto enterprize, which
Teo tO , ielliCtiO the Pope, under certain limitations,
and to:Prevent Au4A4 and Naples from setting
up the old rotten pe finest is an unaltered form,
Will still be perservezl in. Of connie nothing is
difere4 to show by what right the French Itepublic
upon herself to'Uttah tier Homan ester, and
isfevWent that thlSlttet is detained to mend out
through all time as thermost impudent and unscru
pulanalltat history hfs recorded. Regent., t h e
Intennenlion of Hassle In Hungary, all that is said
is thatlit hu been tab subject of "several
Aa retards butane* Patio is expected in the
course .4 a few days to become like New Oilcan.
ia AuguilL The ch44ers continues its ravage.,
and a stunt Interval: of intensely warm weather
has elan caused manyludden deaths. All persona.
therefore, who are a ato dorm, am quitting the
city as that ea po ' le. During the week the
calebrateSl Lady
. BI ngton has died suddenly,
of apoplexy. Immediately .her the attack, her
npmeopiathic medical , attendant, Dr. Simon, was
called in, but he at once pronounced it fatal.—
Lindy Blesishigtnn was the daughter of Mr. Ed-
Quad raver, of Currfighean,.Waterford, and eke
nfarried in 1818 the Ea rl of Blessington, who died
iii 1 ea; •
'The draw ht of the ;new conatitatron, published
atillerlin in plata of Ilre Frankfort one, mode it.
appeantnee • few dtir, bock, but appear. to
have eatelted tienherlentbusietim at home nor eon.
llildtmee; 'tread.; Atient, Hanover and Sal
laze 'that powers 4, which it has been fram
'waft has beam transmitted to the other stale.,
taut.. anent shuttling will signify their anltenon
Ib mitirtuovlsiotta are as fa Mimi:-
4111414 ooruaectent with peace, war sod dipla.
aKaGo iWrcourse aro ke centered in the hope- I
litl gytframwt. -
,11u. gave:amens Way cousin of • President of
din Empire and • Coutusil re the Princes The
Presidency is to ber ntld by the King of Prussia
I,‘ -i , ,
Fur the Put.tburgh Gas.ette
NICW tatIMISTILY—"TtIY nistanmarr'e ITE/4-
It Is believed that the delay in the French Pron.
dent's message was chleity caused by the dirlicni
ties oftbe Homan question, and that M. M. Dotal:we
and de Toequevills Insi sted upon some liberal
Modification. Nevertheless of coarse we Pill hear
of °the necessity of redeeming French honor"—
the meaning of this phrase being, That having at
tacked a weaker people without the slightest pro
vocation, and Laving sustained a disagreeable re
poise, they Mull now, is order to cause them to
and his descendants. The Con d( Princes ate
to haeartrix votes, divided as &lows:—
Prussia 1
EaVaria 1
Warternbarg, Baden. &c 1
Saxony and three small duchies.. 1
Hanover, Bninswict, three other
duchies and the Haase towns.... 1
The remaining small slates i
The President will • reside during the meeting
of the het at the seat of the Imperial Govern—
The President will appoint responadde Minis
There are to Gee Senate and n Home of Re
The Senate is to consist of 160 members_ Uf
these Prussia is to nominate 40, Bavaria 20, Sao.
ottY. Hanover, Wurtemburg i dec.. 12 each.
The members of the Senate are to he chosen, one
half by the Government of the gate to which they
belong and one hid by the Legislature (dwelt state.
Ofthe 40 Prussian members, for instance, the King
of Prussia would nominate 20 and the Prussian
Parliament 20.
The Senate will be , chosen for 6 years. Each
member most have attained the age o(30.
The House of Representatives will be chosen
by the people.
The form of election is in direct. Electoral dia
trims will be formed, of 100,000 meas. All the
gnalified voters in these diatricw will choose a
certain number of electors, and these electors will
in their turn choose the Deputies
Every independen German, (that is to any,
every man who pays lazes.) of 25 years of age,
is to possess the right of voting, provided he has
resided in Ina district 3 year., and can show, if re
quired that ho is not in erre.? for lazes.
Every independent German is eligible for the
Hofise of itepreeentatives, who la 30 years of
age and has been 3 years a citizen 01 a German
The House of Representatives is to be chosen
for 4 years.
The President has the right of dissolving the
House of Representatives.
Such is a brief abstract of what in itself is a very
long and by no means lucid document. Its pro
mulgatma,however. mighty an such an event would
seem under ordinary circumstances, has been re
garded, as I hove said, with comparative indiffer
ence. Kings and Democrats alike have so utterly
destroypd all confidence, by their constant appeals
to force and their disregard of paper pledges, that
no one attaches any importance to decrees or reso
lutions on either side. As regards the Kings thin
in especially the case, and the most solemn pro
mise from one of these anointed personages would
now not be relied upon fora single hour. Almost
on the very day when the new consititutioe ma.
mond by the King of Prussia, for the German Em•
pire, a decree was published at Berlin annulling the
most essential features of the constitution which a
few months previously he had voluntarily granted
to the people of hot own dominions.
. .
Pending the time when the Imperial constitution
can be brought Into operation, the three powers
which ata parties to it are to construct n High
Cloud of Appeals, to sit at Erfurt, sod to consist of
Judges, Or whom Proasth appoints 3, Saxony 2,end
Hanover 2.
Meanwhile the members or the Central Parla
ment who still remained at their posts have ad•
jolt rned from Fiatituort to Suiturardt, the capital of
Wurternhurg. In Wurtembunt, it will he remem
bered, the Ministry were favorable to the Punk
tOK .11 , itilllI/011. end the King, after considerable
nonstarter, signaled hot acceptance or it—palpa.
lily intending, of course, to repudiate his accep
tance the moment he could safely do no. That
moment.has not yet arrived, although it n proba
bly ilanCat hand, and us he in still obliged to retain
his liberal Ministers, the Franktiart Deputies will
he received. The vote of adjournment in the
Central Assembly was earned by 71 to Gt. Sub--
sestuentfy there has been a change in the Regent's
Ministry; M. i.lraevell.the premier, having been re.
placed by Prince Wittgenstein. The Archduke
John, it appear, does not at present intend to re
sign the Regency, although Pruena and her col
leagues declare that the Central Parliament is at
an end. • A more complete chaos, thereture, could
not exist. 'Whatever the solution may he, it will
ilonotkiss come in some wholly unexpected way.
No one who has watched the evenu of the lint
IWO peon w il l BOW be in ■ hurry• to venture
on any prophecies regarding the immediate fin
The alteration in the Prussian constitinion, to
which I have already alluded, is with regard to
the hew of election. According to the new decree
none are to vote but those who contribute to the
direct taxation of the country—the ballot is abolish.
ed—and a division of voter, into three classes is
coigns...l, upon an ingenious principle, whieli sett
throw the balance of political power entirely
into the hands of the monied part of the
population. The Chamber is to consist of three
' hundred and fifty dentine. The first class of elec.
tort is to COrltltt of lboso who pay the largest pro
portion of direct Otte* toil wisCISO aggregate OOP
traonron is equal to one third of the whole amount
of such taxes. This class will,, be com
paratively small in number, but will choose one
third of the Demme,. The next class le to consist
of those who pay next in proportion, and IS alto
to include contributors to the direct taxes to the
extent of one third of the total. These, likewise,
are to choose a third of the Deputies Then
comes the last chase, which is to include all the
smaller contributors, down to the lowest, and
which, although it will only represent the same
amount of tuation es that whieli is paid by each
of the other two classes, will doubtless, in NMI
of numbers, exceed them both. This class, how
ever, will only choose one third of the Deputies,
and hence the power oh the greet body orate pop
ulation will beproportionably
Still as a tiro step toward constitutional Govern.
mem, the measure might prove sufficient in the pre.
sent 'untrained state of the Germans. The mis
chief to be anticipatid is, that instead of its renew.
ing a fait trial, the first adverse decision which
even a Parliament so constituted may give, a
&slum some despotic fancy of the King, will be I
followed' by another arbitrary decree for its re-con
Under this law also the elections WO to be indi
rect. There is to be one elector fur every `4lO
All who pays taxes, who are 24 years c age,
and who have resided in their commune G month",
are to yule. The Deputies 'neat be 39 years of
The elections ors fixed for the 17th of July
and the opening of the session for the 7th of Au
The inaurremon in the Duchy of Baden he not
been suppressed, and Me provisional Government
who ware elected after the ignominious flight of the
“Gratod"bulre still bold power. Pit:maim troops,
however; are marching to attack them, and a colk
sion is immediately expected. Some neighboring
provmcei of Bavaria have also participated in the
outbreak; but it is said that Bavaria will not accept
of Prussian oasis - lance It it is to be understood that
by ea doing she recognise! Prussia as the Imperial
head of Germany.
No &Aber news of any decisive chancier has
been received front Hungary;—bot a heavy battle
a supposed to have taken place, the lianians and
Austrians having' commenced their combined
movements. A panic on the Exchange at Vienna,
where rild is upward of 30 per cent premium, tells
the best title as to the apprehensions which exist.
The wretched fear of the Government has also been
shown by a new decree, holding tavern keepers
liable for any political converitulons that may take
place in their houses. General Walden has been
superseded in the command of the army of Hangs.
ry by General Hayman. Walden, it appears, wan
too brutal in his arrogance even for his own of.
litters--it is hinted even that has violence amount
ed to madness, and that his "indisposition" is not
unlike that of Count Stadion, the hue Minister
for Foreign
. Affairs, who is sow in a lunatic asy-
Particulars have bean received of the recent
storming of Buda by the Hungarian., which show
the report al the gammon having ti,:en pet to the
sword to have been only another Austrian fiction.
II impanel that they were removed to Debrevin,
that both Orman and men were tmated with Land
rieu, andthat the commander, Heotzi , who died
of his wotinde wee buried with every clementine,
tion of ily the capture of Übe city the Hun
prima possessed themselves of 130.000 In cash,
b 3 cannon, 1400 cwt. of gunpowder; 21100 cwt. 0(
saltpeter end 14.000 woobels.
Amouree..eut reports it in stud that the Hung.
ries. have captured .lellarhich. This however
is believed to be a mintake, ii bring &brother of the
But that has fallen into their hand.. EVOR that
will be a great advantage for them'.
The Hungarian army is 'how said to roams! of
396,000 argarliaed troops, t 1 which a Fresh les
of 50,009 is to he added. The clergy .1 all trete
are wandering about the country, honing the
people to exterminate the Rusvana.
In Italy Austria still contrives to vent her fury at
her defeaM elsewhere. Haddad:) , has compelled,
the Venetians to evacuate the fort of Ma4hera
which has held out so long, atal she is now Imm
hording the atty. In the Roman states too she is
busy at the same work, Ancona hying likewise
under bombardment.
At Rome the negotiations between the French
and the Raman ipeople have not yet ended in any
thing; the armistice hos been prolonged (41113 time
to time, but some decisive action is expected to
take place boon, and each sticoeeding account is
curious co nseque ntly fea Looked
e i
d tot n
withisto history e
l a lr s e bt e e ' : the te ra
ported madnem of M. Lesseps, the French Envoy.
In the present crisis of Europe, Strawy seems to
be the fate of her en-called atateamen. I have al.
ready alluded to Count:Stadion and General Web
den. M. Von Rockerath, the late Finance Minis.
ter of the Regent at Frankfort, Is also confined inl
an asylum. and the day before yesterday it was
positively announced that M. Limeys was to be
added to the list. It eppears that while In Rome
he wee seized with a morbid fancy that he was
marked out for assassination, which induced him
to leave the city presipitately. Subsequently it
was affirmed that be had written irrelevant
ridiculous letters 'gibe President, Louis Napoleon,
nud findly . it was announced as an official Riot
that he was undisguisedly the victim of mental
derangement. Since them however, these say
ings have been called in question. He has re
turned to Pans, and parties writing thence affirm
that he leas sane as ever he was. Whether this
in to bo received in an equivocal sense I do not
he respected, do twice as much Wrong as they
originally intended. The final instructions sent to
General Oudinot have not transpired, but it is
feared that another snack has been ordered.
There have been rumors bl recriminations be
tween the Pope and his devout min the King of
Naples, who loot his temper alter being chased
out of the Roman Stales by Gsrribaldi. The re
tirement of the Pontiff' to Avignon in Fiance has
consequently been talked ohm a possibility.
In the English house of Commons during the
week the Government have introduced a bill for
the better government of the Assamlien colonies,
the chief feature of which is that Port Philip, hith
erto s district of New South Wales - is to be farm
er into a distinct colony, to be called Viacom.—
There is also to be a federal union of all the set•
Elements in Australia, so far as relates to general
purposes. Aoother proceeding has been the sec
ond reading of the bill to exclude insolvent mem
bers, which was carried by s.'i against 45. A bill
to allow affirmations in place of oaths, on the part
of persons who have conscioutious scruples, has
passed its third reading by 77 to 73 —although,
with the usual inveterate prejudice of the legal
mind, Mr. Law, the Recorder of London, protest.
ed that if the measure were adopted "tee might
almost as well shut up the courts ofjustice, as it
would deprive us of the security of the most solemn
obligations of a witness. A bill called the smoke
prohibition bill, the object of which is to enforce
on the part of manufacturer and others the adop
tion of certain simple measures by which the
smoke of their furnaces may be consumed, instead
of darkening the air, disfiguring the houses, and
poisoning the health of the people, has likewise
passed its second reading by 72 splint 37. Here,
again, however, the invincible prejudice of class
interest with singularly developed, Mr. Bright. one
of the most determined reformers in the House, but
who happens to be a manufacturer, having risen
up to protest against 'the measure, remarking at
the same time "it would be beUer for honorable
members to keep to what they understood than to
engage in such projects of sentimental legis/a
But the chief debate of laterest has been on the
mutual motion of Mr. Home for the extension of
the elective franchise, vote by ballot, and triennial
Parliaments. Lord John Russell, of course, oppos
ed him, in a speech very much resembling those
which, twenty years ago, before the reform bill was
passed, used to be directed against Lord John him
self. He saved his reputation, however, in some
small degree, by expressing on opinton that "the
admission of the working °lases to the franchise
could be still farther extended, and the basis widen
ed upon which the representation rests." It need
scarcely be added that Mr. Home's motion was
defeated. The majority was 265 against E 2. This,
however, shows an improvement on last year,
when It was much more overwhelming, the num
bers being 351 against 84.
Sir Robert Inglis (the very highest of our high
church Tories) has given notice that lie intends to
call the attention of the house to the noble mmdnct
of the American Government, in determining to
send an expedition in search of Sir John Frank•
From Ireland there is nothing of importance,
escept that the statement made by the Protestant
rector of liallitirobe, about a distreased - family
having made a meal otT the heart and liver of a
shipwrecked tailor, turns ant, alter an investiga
tion which was set on foot by the government, to
be another specimen of the creative powers of
Inch narrators. It appears that a poor creature,
afflicted with a canine appetite, nod preferring
carrion to ordinary trod, of which he had a suffi
ciency, cut
. off • portion of a decomposing MOM
which lie hiund on the sea shore, and which he
toot to be the remains of some ace month, int(
upon disCoyerlng it to be • dead body he forthwith
threw away the whole of what he had removed.
The sentence on Smith O'Brian and hi. col
leagues - has been definltt rely commuted to trans
portation for hie. A pennon in their behalf. signed
by Isn WU persons, was presented a hew day.
back to the Lord Lieuteutant at Ltubhu, who gave
however no other than the guarded reply that
"the ih.werninent, in the performance of its duty,
can have no desire but that Justice should be ad
ministered without any severity beyond what the
interests of society demand "
1110,tinr YAP Err AND 03.4.11.C1AL • FFAIRII
Cooled. at weel were °I I. They have sub
sequently touched 921, and they are now again at
911. The President's menage hors France pro
duced not the slightest alteration, Money a shun
dant at 2 per cent, sod gold Is flowing in and like
ly to continue to dow to from all parts. There
are rumors that Roves is seeking to raise a ban
of about 510,u00.000, to which the arrival in Lou
don of Baron Sleights, the Court banker at St
Petersburgh, would seem to give some color.—
There are, however,, small chance. of success for
ham here.
The grain market eenunnea dull, wetiont not•
actual alteration.
The story about the discovery of gold mines at
Port PFultp, Austnba, m apiesremly ccattfirrued by
subsequent leuere. The ircettunts, however, it
present are too vague to be much felted upon, and
farther Inforrnsuou t. looted for with great to
Pregreu of Cholera In the West
The Dayton Journal of Thursday mune* three
more deaths to that nay of Cholera.
The Maysville Herald of Wednesday report*
eight deaths Mare the report of Monday, to that
city, and several canes and one death a short dts ,
tarter up the nver.
The Louisville Femme of Thursday state that
the disease was la creenng in that city, in bath the
nutuber and malignity of the one. Tb• Courier
reports eight deaths l'reen cholera on Wednesday.
In the city of Lexington the disease Is atao spread
ing and becoming more fataL The Reporter of
Wednesday reports nineteen deaths from Samrday
to Tuesday night, making twenty Blur in all sines
the first fatal case outalde of the Lunatic Asylum.
There were sell net...atonal easel in the Asylum.
The Nashvllle. Tree Whig of Tuesday last nays.
'The number of burials at the city grave yard on
Saturday lest was 3S, and on Sunday only 13.—'
The total number of Inmate for the put week
amount. , to 124 in all, 119 of which were reported
as Cholera. There were 11 burial, In the city
grave yard yesterday (Monday). Whether they
were all cases of cholera or not we are unable to
The Memphis Eagle of Saturday last says:—
"There were twenty deaths of.cholera on Thurs
day. They were confined to particular localities
Yesterday there were seven deaths, as far as we
could leant. The victims were chiefly women."
The disease had appeared at several other places
in Tennessee, and was increasing in violence snd
Thn Corydon Gazette reports four deaths by
cholera the past meek to Harrison county, I odaana
The Clermont Opurier of Thursday reports three
more death. in Batavia, Ohio.
BANE Norma—The Constitnion of Pennsylva
nia reqeires that all &Lola desiring an alteration
or renewal of charter, or new banks desiring to be
chartered, shall pabliah a notice of their intention
to apply to the Legislature for such purpose in at
toesone Illirraburghpom, weekly,for six months
Br:roma Its meeting. Som e difficulty was eve.
rienced by mayoral banks last seasion. on account
of neglecting to publish early enough. It may not
be amiss to draw attention to this sulneet.—Ror.
NVIINAT lisavait.—The harvest has already
commenced in the lower portion of the Scioto val
ley, end has been going on briskly for several days.
The crop of wheat is, to general, ready for the
sickle. and if it shall be gathered without accident,
will be vary abundant. There are fears expressed,
however, however, that the crop win suffer by the
rust, as signs of that disease have already made
their appearance, but to what extent we have not
been informed. It is asserted by some writers,that
several crops have been observed to sutler, especi
ally by disease during seasons of cholera, and
wheat among' others. If there is any connecUon
between this unaccountable malady, sa fatal to the
cereal grain, and that which is so de•truc:ive to
human life, it would form en interesting filed for
study and Investigation.
The corn crop in the vallay below, Is said to be
late, sod apparently not very promuung, exhibit.
iog some appearance of &tease—Ohm &au J.,.
Man.featJ, lidlt Lading, Centracu, Lau, Elan!
Juno az.", 4alU, ettulllcaTax, mauls,
roLiellea. ke Re low puree, at tt, tat/anent 134tlee, al ow at it
da Oralvii, 1141. atakaa.
Inapro•enalante to Dentistry,
DR 0. u Yin:SRNS. lam of Homing, tr prepared I.
m.ufacture slut •rt Stern Whole and part
of rata, upon Suction or Arstoosiharte Suction Plato.
Tuultlittelt• 1 . 1 , 14. re FIVIt 111 , 411., where the nerve I
exposed. °thee and renidence nest door to the May
or'. other, Fourin sires,, Piasbnigh.
Raves ao.--J. ti. M'Faddeo, F. H. Fxdon. iaty
Palmitin Lenoir Senate—Prepared by .I.W. Kelly,
Willie= street, N P, and furaale by A. Jaynes, Na.
Founli street. Th,s will be found a delightful amk
Cl. Cl beverage in !auntie*, and pardeolarly for nick
liaaaWs Dimas, —An improved Chocolate prepays
bon, being it eombinatiou of Cocoa nut; innocent, in
vigorating and palatable, highly recommended partic
ularly for invalid.. Prepared by W. Baker, Dorehes.
ter, Masa., and for ante by A. JAYNFS, at the Pekin
Tea Store. So. ;e Fourth sh tachl.l
W. M. Wright, M. M., Donttut,
Orrica And residence un Fourth n,
• °plumate the Yatsburgh Hank. Otto,
„ boors from V o'clock to 12 AM,and
from 2 o'clock toff P.M. aept‘ly
Fire and Marine ***** ce.—Ttia Prrrs-
Mouoir NuvtokMdu too Flit Itellatltit e0141,/a—
-cierlered Ikald—runttnuea to Insure, upon every de.
asnpUon of property, at the towns rears.
Orrtra, No VI Market atreet.
BAIIIIEI. 00111111 N, Pte.'t
ROUT,. Ftram, Scey nlyt. dem
At C/ neigatati, Ohio, of cholera, on Faiday evening
lasi, Coassoa AI. orde of Joseph C. Bin elt, and
daughter of L B. Allaner, Esq., of Detroit, Rich
11:7. Signor Vito Viil's grand eallecuon of the dna
arts will be open for exhibition this day, at Washing
ton Hall, Wood, between Fifth and Sixth streets. the
room win be [gallantly illuminated donna the even-
Par Greenwood, Rosedale, and Pleasant
ON WEDNThElallik..plY,m,dJidULLFo.thUFtTgil...ter
Will make ra m,, tripe even 7 calf
or, from the feet of Phi meet, to
the above places, on the FOURTH °PAW. She
will land on the Alleitheny tilde, for the !tab:tamed.
lion of pasaangers. .
N B.—Pante. wishing to be ootWeyed a ithonidie.
(anal down the Hew, can be ILOCCOLlztotlesedtry apply.
Ir 4 co N. T. warm, as iht Gazette Met.
117 # meeting of ill who ard In favor of the free
tutsvahou Of the Ohio Weer, will be held in the Board
Of '(bode of Pittsburgh, et i past 7 o'clock in the
evening of Thursday, the Bob inst.. to take in eeniti
derdHon the ohntrUction about to be created by the
erection of a bridge at Wheeling. And so determine
what measares mien to be adopted in order to pre
vent the general nom of wade and commerce being
sacrificed for the benefit of a pnvate eorporunon and
local Intereata.
Lorenz, Sterling &Ce Capt. J. C. Wooodward
Clarke & Thaw, do John Klinefeiter,
Wet. P. Volum, do David Caldwell,
Barbridge, Wilsirn & Co. do Standish Peppard,
L.:pp:neon & Ca. do Carol. Dean,
Church, Crrothers aCo Jo Pres It. Duvol,
W. Bomb, do Semi. J. Reno,
D.ll Stone, do B. J. Order,
Bakewell, Pears &Co do R. C. Gray.
B A. Falinestock &Co do James Holmes
11°1`. 1 02: - , : T.' Spang & Co.
A. & W. Nionek,
Simpson & CO. N. iieMpiLid,
King, Pennock 1 Co lu. A. Hutchison & Co
Wallingford & Cu.
Wm. Holmes dr. co Bailey, Brown in ca
Lewis Dairen d. Co
D. Leech K Cc Wood, Edwards & hl Krogh'
P. Molviny, George H Pr, ry,
L S. Waterman, Singer. Nichols.: Sec
1 11. Outhne, Robinson & Mtn,
Henry Woods, R. Townsend 1 Co
Juo. Caldwell, Jr. Forsy-th & Co.
G & J li Shoenberger & Co. R. N. Waterman,
Livingston, flogger ik. Co Win. J Howard
Wood it Violet:. St LOU., J. K. Hersh,
Hardy. Jones & Co' Geo R. :Massey,
G. M. Harton. R. ArCorosick,
Moorhead, Copelmd & Co. Cuddy. Junes te Co
Jones & Quigg, Ly on. Shorb 4. Co 1
C. !Mason. :45,1
LARD 014—lu tibia Lest quality, rot sale by
CUILOBIDE LIME—By the cask and at scull. AIO;
lJ pratt fr. Son's best &snobs, by
S CjV2ll. QU ININE -7U &
F IN i. E4PONGF,--Just received am N d l jo A ral l e t by
XALIC ACID, Chloroform, Caloric Ether, Ilyd rarg
Cum Crete, hlorphlne and Satoh. Potassa. mot
received by J SCIICONMAKER k. CO,
m 27 al Wood it
REV DR UPPOLD.—The Aged Chrisuan's Co,.
to the tm contatning • variety of Essays, adapted
provement, con.lation, and encouragement
of persons advanced to Life. By Rev John Stallion:l,
D. D.. with a memoir of the author, by Rev. George
tlpfold, D. D. Rector of Trinill Church, Pittsburgh.
I vol. iivo. Just received and for sale by
tutß J ASD I.ACKWOOD. 03 Wood st
FISH -60 bib No 1 Mackerel; 30 Mils and 20 bbls
do, just received and for sale lo
turf) JOHN WATT rc CO, Lib rty
PIM( LINEN LUSTTLFZ—A handsome amok for
guts and chtldren's Sack..
Also, Mull and Scotch Medium—For drimse. and
sack.. Also, boned Jackonets, for do. some as low
as lnlcu, 0011ahlti (or ladled wrappers; and a great
randy • (Embroidered Muslin*, tor dresses and seers,
Whllt,pink end blue corded Mort., kg , lately ,cei
old at Dry Goode Horse of W It. MIAPIIV.
northeast nor. 4th and Marcel .is
ALL persons who hare claims agent.: Mr Polite
Of J AMES PHILLIPS, of Robinson towtoop,
deeeueoi, ere required to present their ikeeflUittil, pro.
petty etnitenucated for eettlemeut to) I' ROSs, Ex
reefer; end ell portant , wino kuow iltent.iyee indobt
ed to the gaol Jame. Plot:tpe. dee'd. arc require.: to
rail and retake payment immediately to the lame
tu27rtvGiaT J. P. IftiS4, F.:teeter
tiIIENY COEN FT, at Uctotter TOM, lei& No 'Lk
In the 101$141 . Of the VOlllll.ll, F 4, 11V11111-111ot War
der .heist, a t'a
tinnig, ilartisirish and W V Courtney
And own . , Jima 2.3 d Notice n•viiiK been give
tit the Ylltsburob du - emote and Mercury. lot for
Weeks, of the fitrug of the account. an Inu eseepoon
baiting txest filed (hereto, on motion oi Ali Cuomo. y
theaccount is conhrtned absolutely, end E At!.
on. Esq. appointed Auditor, to audit and Illi,llll the ac
.1.1111 l of creditors, and make iltstr.outiort
them From ttic Record.
IttAhl in ur , Yrothopotacv
Ea" I will attand to dm oi the ••horr apomt•
meta at tny adore in rtnesanyb, on the I7th Ju1y.1,411.
at V o'clov k, r. M aVM K APnTt4 Auditor
11111". pat incratilp heretofore cabling, between Sam
ail B linthlieLl and William B Hat.. itaditc,
under Um firm of 11UHIIFIF.1.1) S liA ICS, has chi. der
co-n dissolved by Wtil.tant H. limp. actinic Lis enure
interest to the Win S B kluthtield All M..?
due the, firm wtll Le collected Ii B. Ituchbeld, eek and
all Jett is due by the tali Brut w I.a palti by the, tame
Sittsburgh. June; S, lisiu S. B
RTNERSIIIP B litarth.LL having net
day Imagined with hemell pia, Miner!
el Bedford. Pa and recently Of the National Hotel
Pemburgh willronunue the Wanness under the fete ,
BUSHFIEI.II.Ie. LEADER at the nut pond N. r.
lAteerty etreet. B
Pot.leurgh, June 1 . 2. 14 If t.E.ADEa
ii•rtne reined Itom the former bustroess, 1 tot
pleasure toreestiomendmg my aheeessore to the pet
'rouge of my customers and the public general y
ga";B. HAY'S
In( 1 LOTS will be offered for sale at Pula , Aar ,
I ULF non, on the THIRD day of JULY near, to the
BOROUGH of TA RE.NTUM, die mast beau,
I.i and dourmaine lowans on the Perthaylvena Canal,
r•duty•toro miles from PsUsburgh, in • most ferule
and rapidly approving country The Canal parses
through the centre, while It lt.. bounded on the tooth
by the Allegheny river, on toe north by the Stare road,
and on the wean by Bull creek, lonuing a swat bettor
lot lumber. be nut nelghborhodf abounds in Cour,
Iron Ore, Water Power, and is celebrated mr Its nu
menu., Salt Works, the most earencre in the •thie
Thera are already reveal Stearn Mill. on theroam
and vicirutyi flee or al/ store., three well hush places
otaraortoip.rd.° public .ebool., mot • populruon or
about 0.1 hundred intitbilmts. There no doubt that
• hundred home.aa world find tenants immediately
There Is every r robadilry or its becoming a sear of
rustier or 0401,1ry learn
Caprtalmus, Manufacturing Anociattons,
at., Mechanics sod inhere seeking stumble locations,
are Matted 10 examine the advantages Mee premortred.
Or Isie, the peter of 100 has been rapidly increasing,
It i• not likely they will ever be purchased a•
cheap hereafter
All titan 14 wanting ie eapaal oral en rerun, to give
it a nip td growth It rs admaably 01044.1 fur en rr) •
log un the le extensive manure turn, which do not
require to he placed
placed tn the great manufartunne reel
tee or Putidoreh The two helm. to, valleys of Big•nd Little BM/ Creeks, openuiff Into the country. ha,-
ni x atrundenee or Water Power, Coal, Imn Ore, oder
many advantages for maisufsieturing estublistimenrs,
among whseb may menuoned the follownly Roil
log Mills, Salt Works, Fensaces, Brick Yards. tare
tonek clay is abundant,) Sone Ware, Seythes, Spades,
Axes; also. Carding Machinery. Woollen reckoner
Turning Leakier Cooperage to all tts branches, Floor
ing Mirls. Wagon and Ploogh making, and many oth
er, watch may be tarried on by or by roo
corporate usoctauous, under the late Act of Arseru
rely, in:coaled tO give a fair trral to 003 great indoor.'
problem of modern tunes, to wit, the aasodatron
Capital and Labor, without, the personal
The sale wilt be In TI/000101, the terms made
known at the time. One-fourth of the lumbago motley
will be In cash, or approved notes or tasty days --_a
credit given for the remainder
jeta.dtarkwltT H. M. BRACKENBIDGF.
S ((PR VITO VIII & SON'S great sale of splendid and unique Marble and Alabaster Statuary, Au.
Moe Vases, Urns and Ornaments rich engraved and
at Bohemian Glass, Frame' China Vases, Candela.
bens, Bronze Figures, Papier a de Marie Tables, and
urr.eatacvesaroinet.6o.f„ryal.eriL, 611141f:1,i startalVe.s.67llll.
me Jail, Wood street, between Fifth and Stub, West
This beautiful assonment courhas an pan of gunne
ry in dark marble: Hercule. throwing Leander from
the Altar, figure of Aristides Hermits Eames, group
of Enea. Statuary in Alabaster Bacchus on the Pan.
ther, birth of Venus, Dancing Girls of Conova, Putts
with Dog, Moms large Eintscad Medici. and Ilebe
Vmes, Agate and Yellow of Sienna Tanon, Bohemian
throw:Mies, Bronze and China Olooks, Ohms flotaglie
Vaser, the Vestal Temple, Lamps and in
Grecian Vases, ruby and blue rich gilt Goblet, ronse
cut Ratter Stand TONIZOi. , Gremlin cut Toilet sell.
2 Papier Marie able, inlaid with mother of pearl, 2
do do Mosaic with marble stands fig..' of Sypelrn
Quperb copy of the Warench Vsee, Plated Ware, /fi.e.
The above collection hu been imported direct from
Vin Italy, Prance, Germany and England, by Slere Vito
& Sons.
The room will be open au Wednesday. the 27th 'tint,
and in the evemag. The ladies sad gentlemen of ,
Pittsburgh are invited to attend and exuntric his
beautiful collectrou.
Terms—All sums under glad, Gash, 'tom 1110 u to
TAM, ninety dayscredit;•above 5201), six months, ler
approved endonsed
102,1 JAMES MICENNA, Auctioneer
No. 222, 254, VA and 258 Pent tintru, (litrocrrn
Fulton el and Burling Shp,) NEW Yoft
ilev, on hand the lurona assortment of
DA". IV MA. kl• Mine
n lite snide of and DRAW ERN .v
keep an endlras variety
Also the moll extensive nanuiseturet. et
Oil Clothing and Covered Hats
lu tOo world.
01 . ell Liodn.
•• • .
%lor•t .em Ity mell Order. promptly
jt‘ltl Nor. =.l, !04, 26, end 9 ?cart rt. N
A TliintilYg V aattiVira L 1 1 14,7 :I I 6 .T:ti m e .hewer
re lee Cream, and all other delicacies of the
rearm.. Every attention paid to the comfort of those
who may favor the shove establishment with a oad.
Judd T. Id'EALL, Pro rotor.
lIITE BEAN. -4311 somakteans,
V V leceiveil and for sale by lpa
pCX WA R APCUTCHEON, 1.4 Liberty It
lIILIESE—em bail prone iVestern Reserve Cheese,
I_, foal received and for slue by
( - 1 SINUS F 2-40 os met reed mitt for sale by
VG Asa •R E SELLLILS. GI Waal at
ALoos — me lb , rna'd . and (or
by_ tattl R h. BELLI:RS
? eachturL'd and for.aitrarl
DRUGS! Dnuosr-0.1 Cohabit, Acetate Potash,
tom Acid, Proem Acid, Cyantaret Potash, just
recd and far sale by jolal E SELLERS
ykrALLISTERII OINTMENT-90 doe for Bale by
111, man RE, SELLERS
A DSLINISTRATOR'S NOTtCE.—Letters of Atinun•
the ..ty nitration have been granted to the subscriber on
Estate of SAMUEL DARPER, late of the city 01
Pittaborgli, deceased All persons knowing them-
Ives Indebted to said Estate will make immediate
payment; and all persona hawing claimsagainst said
En will presentthem pr ope rly
authenticated, for
troulement. SAML . IiAE Administrator,
_South a
log,special and independent work., edited by wri
ter. dlaunginshod In the various departments.
//mode's Dictionary of Science, Literature. and An;
Copland's Dletionary of Pr/C O C/IMedicine; Johnson's
Farmer" Encyclopmdia; Loudon's Ericyclopa.dia of
Gardkring; London's Encycloptedia of Plante; Lou
don*. Eonoioe , . , Do 01 Treat; APCallkhk Diononan
of Commerce; m'Calloch's Dictionary of Geography.
Cr,'. Dkuonary of Arts and Manufactures; hooperk
Medical Dickman; Wateramok Cyclopredia of Com
mad% Political Dictionary, 2 cola. Weimer and
Plutv Encyclopedia Demesne Economy; Anthook
.0 Baikal Dictionary.
"These books are ball of Informal:lna (gibe Gam kind,
arranged and presoutedllo thebert manner. For solo
by • in2fl J AMID; DLOCRWCywood at
ARD—to kosaio. L._ ,_rd matt. and for aahrii
CILAritaCILDtr Tut iOw A b ltb L lAlTlTiOi ' C '' l2o Va Y.
W HITE BEANS-0 bbl. for b
role l love y
A A. MASON & CO. are now offenng I - fair - 17e
brown Muslin at 44 els; blenched do at
very fine n cts; Suminer Stuffa of every variety
Cutlet's, at ei et.; Lawns On. fast colors, warranted:
hoe Deniers 18 and 4cl more Wrought Collars at n
and 10e; Cliemieetustabe i ike. An. peal
RibAISINS-360• - Smyrna; 150 do Layer, SOY PaS
Bunch; CO do do; for sole by
nal J D WILLIAMS, 110 Wood .1
rot i u2 t a.--t conk (rest, in gl".;
piciLE.—i rasa f gal. Gealcirm l do * do do; (o 7
Ude by io2l .1 0 IVILIJAMS
ULIVE 011,--2 baskets Marseille., plot bottles; 2
qk do, 2 do Bordeaux qt do fur sale by
iterl 1 11 WILLI ems
8 41 bbls Wto i l:i i tani: jA for
TOLIA IS kegs No 1 si/ twort Tobacco. Soon
gales brand. for sale by
D cases superfine, for sale by
I IANOLF:B-d Li. Sperm; ludo Sinn 10 do Sicacine;
k.g or gale by 1021 J D WILLIAMS
SI OA e P - nlnx; - sChillroihe X l doo R in; 2 do
do)..tidvd j ..nd,r : r.ale j
07'A F'un's Caiminieu,for saleby
CIIINERI". An -Scott's Engineer anc/Mactunist
Assonant, Leine a sent • of plans, sections and nimbi
... of Steam Engine., Spinning Machine, Mills for
'inviting. Tools, de 9 folio roll.
Precut:al Mecham, and Engineers' Magazine; 6
robs. eui
Ciopcitury and /money: A comprehensive guide
Look for curiontry and Joinery, with odes for every
part of work shout building, rmil numerous
robs, 9tq •
Cresay'a Encyclopedia 0( Civil Engineering, in one
tm+k vol, too
Siott's Conon Spinner and Manufacturer. Son
Tredgold on the siceugth of Clot Iron; new rd. by
ilodg Inman. iv a vole, bro.
Mears Engine, by the Anima Cob. 1 not, 9m.
isludie's Surveyor, Engineer and Archilent.
hinubre l Mechanical Dllll9l[l/4 Book, evo. For sale
J 1) LOCKIVOOO, G 3 Wood st
NE W I,IOIIT- We hare received 11 lot of Lainp
of • anon sea and kinds, of a new construstion,
Ibat Ii voler simple and complete--come ornamental.
Also. the article to burn an Mont called -Horning
Fluid or Enterial On.. It ha. rare qualities which
recommend it to the attention Muer= boatmen, hotel
Seniors, and house keeper, for elemlineas economy ,
and brilliancy. mmaases any Ming portable now m
use. Peouto who please to cad on naval be shown
the pecuhantics dos new compound.
( the Fluid
A c""'"'
‘"P g i jA c iFER ATKirscfir 4..k:?,` by
1021 between Wood and Martel
1 IDF:ESE:-G'l - notes —
Cheese, Just receivedand for
ll sale low to close consiment.
10 9 _1 Carney Wood and Water es
bbl. Pttch. for male low by
jual dtw JAS. & CO.
rriMPRINTERS— rtifio - Ft die amalgam;
ry of .1. D. M'CrearyNew lork,ln cane and keg.,
r um t lb. upwards, and /mm 115 eta Si pa: lb.
Mee, green and yellow Ink.,to crow 0( 1 M. to
k lb.. constantly for sale. Haying need M. k 'Crew.
ry's ink In oar office for nine month. past, we warrant
it equal to any that is made et any other manufactory.
Terme rash. 70/INSTON & STOCKTON,
Mai comer Third and Market ata .
ODA ASH—In casks and bone's, Wiktraated best
• gadfly, for rale by JOHN APPADEN & CO,
allllll BIWA
fajz . MKL l — „ r to bbls NO2 Mackerel, Lila
:l4 JASl3l*AraiVitabr n
.111 congignment eta di, No SI
mk br )1120. JNOMFADEN k. co
rIFICIALS-110 dam Aruftsial Sprigs, {Wachs
and Snubs. elm, 11•11/6 and desirable Bottum
Falls Just *smug and (a s sale
- •
Admission 25 Cents only.
Tlii eharaelerteue features of ilu. treat ertubli3haleat,
which appear to have alAorbed the ruo*t of the novelty
and rechirnit entertamment extant, eon b• only briefly
enumerated In the lunar 0(30 advermernetth
Tha Ar31.1.02.C0N. by for the most stuperstoro musical
Pftlcrt the age, compose] of over Icon dmlnet mns,-
•.1 lost rumen! s, mote powerful thane bend of 50 may
too, and dnrtra by 40 More , to procetsion, will
tute the Orchestre during the enwriamment
An enure and efectle Drarnuer Company, under th.
gunmen of H. F. Proprietor of the Adelphi
Theatre, War/Once, D. C., Ls attached to thei Troupe,
no die purpose of geneg up every night tha'grand Has
ram and Patriotic Spectacle of
rermag reminisce. m of those " iimetlat tried men's
cosh," comment...rig some of the'm stirring lad
Interesting itcrolunonary incidents, the gallant deeds .r
the /keen of la. and concluding with a greed National
Tablets. of Geo, lattshingtos mounted on a noble char
g•r. boom , on
t he.,, or of hes bears coshassuch
The areessont or ARLO TROUPE, under ale
charge of Mr rose /totem Trick Chinos, Signor PILIZ
Ilsatm. known throughout Europe as the man of 1000
Tricks, n e t more renowned probably dam any Swine
tkat.hatt ewer perambulated the country, and
A singularly talented Troupe of Equestrian, in every
department tit the ltusiness, vu : Mew. C. J. R.:lw,
W W Nictiots, E. Pester J. Zderectustn, H. F.
Ntruots, O. 0. Itas.rr, T. Vahan. /...ezese 111 esters
terrustat Can.°. P.., Ctsitsmett, /he.; Madam.
11. F Ntettots, Eirs.rr, Penny, Miss Ditishoul,
kr . altogether rendering this double company as much
in .dunce of all other establishments in be numbers reel
W.II be rxhanted to YITTKAIIRIi 11,.n front
of me AMERICAN iikrr El., Yen. *treat. on (lie :Id,
4m and 6th of JULY.
Fuer performencee ott th• Fourth of 10 A.
, •t t, 4 end N P. M.
ham. D Lortwooh, 03 Wood sreei, has just
revelved some hcaunfully otnantentad GRATE
A PRoNS. ot a variety of patterns and colota, also,
eut Thatu.. Paper lot ornamenting looting groom",
p,cturef mutes, or lump.
xl bird. 11.36, 4a do s
Shoulder., 4% Ileit•c• r Ham:, 1(11711as can•
vatted oil prone nual7ty, In store and lot .ale by
arrm:sultoenber, who hots been on button.
e •atite balloting far 11, lest thortern It.
relent. at Use very lowest pie,
Gold sad Solver Dogtooth Patent Lever Wetelpto
Gold and Diver Det'hd Dover sod Lept oor.l.ll Gold and Silver fluror.ontal and verge Wetehe.
.Gold and Pity, 'wit-prudent ,teron..l Watt-hen
- .
ltmlog horses.
Gold (lazed, mod vest Chains. Gold Speen
Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold rent
ladies• Gold and Stone Bracelets
fluid Lockets. Gold and Silver Moulds.
/barmaid Riots mod You. •;es• and Gentlemen.' Breastpin.
Sterling Silver Spoons, Caps, Forks, dr
Gold Watches an low n 20 to 525 earl,
Watches and Jewelry exchanged
Spoons and Fork. plated on German Silver, • Gne
aniele All watch,. warranted to keep good time or
nue money returned Jewelry repaired and
and repotted in the best manner, at much less
matt the usual puce. GEC/. C ALLEY,
Importer of Watches and Jewelry, wholesale and
retail, hi Wall Street, (up crate.,) NEW Von h
prA's &raw
DRIED REEF —Itt unreel Dried Ikef Round*, to
arrive and lor Bale by
LARD—:O kegs leanly No I Lard, uo store and for
sale by ttedd SELLERS & !COLS
ARD OIL-10 bble Donkllng:s No 1 Lanl CAI, 10
do No Y do, in store and for sate by
QUGAR CURED IiAMS-350 now ready to ophir
V from the smoke hoare of superior q aunty, for
by pal ISAIMeD/CIDEY & CO, From Pt
Apples; to do do reatbea• Jac reed and for dale
n 253 25 Market at
DA.CON—ial F s S4,lc. end Shoulders, to.dar rood.o and lor .3.1 c by ..tIt3IISTRUNG CROZER
ERMAN CLAY—Arneed er Rahn:note, p ship
\..3 Guitar. 3u tons of Clay. asksh we will receive
ui a raw a•ys per canal. and for sale by
pan TMARE't & BEST
OT ASH—IO csks o hand .ad fo r by
pKA j g. ASH-1:1 cats in storo T ar a inia y l u ob& T
~A SH—IC psi:. for sale ti . i ato3Ey a
BACON SIDES-25001b. reed and for sale by__
LARD --G kegs Leaf Lard, ou band and for sale by
1l1&R-11:1 Gbls on hand and for .ale 11 7--
P 92 • TASsEY .t BEST
BITE FISH-2i Dbl. fresh in.peeted; le hi bb.
do do, Joe rood and for sale by
PIHRESF.-31 b. prime Chorat,juot landing and f•
ll gale by par] J S DLLWORTH & CO
I, I IA/IJR—llgt bale Flour, for sate by
r p=a2 .1 9 DILWORTH &CO
I,F OCR - PT POWHEIF,— . 4 bbnir oofe
AFETY bbl. Safety Fuse, for blasting
for sale I , T, J 8 DILWORTH &
B ARLEY -100 burl
RM wA s ai R rAZI ) for,ale by
lut2 Market st
& 0 .
WILD BEAS , T4i. surios AND REP+I ? , FR
TN PITTSBURGH, oa Tuesday, Wednesday and
1 Thursday, July 3, Cand 5, for three days only, at
the MANSION HOUSE YARD, Merry street.
On Tnesday,July 3d, Afternoon, from 2 to 5 o'clock—
In the Evening from 7 to 10 o'clock.
On IVedoesday, Jnly eth, there will be four distinct
J'.shtbo 10, vix ,- -Morning, from Sta 11 o'clock, and
tram 111 tot P.M.4 Allernoon, from l to Screlock, and
evening, from 7 to 10 o'clock.
On Thursday, July s th—Mowing, from 0 to 12; Af
ternoon, from 2 tad, and Evening from 7 to 10.
Among the most conspiruoue features of this inter
esting exhibition, is Me RHINOCEROS, OR UNI
CORN Of HOLY WRlT—the only one In America
since 1830.
The great difficulty ofeaptunuf this huge anAaa
'age emature, togem e
er with almost impossiputry
of keening him ulivo in a cilium* so uncongenial to
ins habits and constitution, Tendon the exhibidon of a
LIVLNO RHINOCEROS in the United Stokes, the
greatest earirattry in the Animal Kingdom.
Foremost in 111/crest, novelty and attract:inn, are
bold and original performances of
By John D. Davis, Auctioneer
Furniture' Furniture!! at Put.Jie Auctions
At the Cabinet ware room of John hlllarland, Third
street, near Market, on Saturday, June 3011 s. at 10
o'clock, A. M .
The undcr.igned will on account of wherri it may
concerti, at the tune and place Mono staled, ail the
rens.ning stock in the ware room lately occupied by
said APPa it and, eun.irtog in pert a. Ibiluwat 9 1*
n splendid mahogany Sonia, 4do do Diva.; 8 Wel.
nisi and mahogany Dressing Bureaus; dor walnut
Chars; t doe mahogany Chairs; 1 mahogany Cord,
Table, 4 do Dimug Table.: 1 do Pier Table, mishit
top, 9 Jo awing, rocking Chain; le dorturalatn. cane
scat Oftec Chairs; 3 mahogany Centre Table.; high
sod low pouted BedstenJi, Cribs, Cradle*. kn. ha. tke.
Sale pi/attire, to close the concern. Terms each,
Pat money. 1u37 JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt.
r — amt Fancy ' .Goa ie , tc.
on Thursday rooming, J e 2811, at 10 o'clock, at
Me Commermal Balm Ro om corner of Wend and
Fifth streets, will be told, le oat reserve, for account
whom it may concern—
A large assornnent of staple and fancy Dry Goods,
mono which are superfine cloths, mummer., sali•
116116,16.6, tweeds, fanny vesting., drilling ,, cotton
lades, 61111111.1 clo th , splendal printed lawns, alsarinsa,
burages, do lain, super prints, gingham, Mewls, silk
lidk is, block ratio, cowing milk, spool cotton ' banana,
comb:, hosiery, braid and leghorn bonnets and hats,
damask limn table cloth, checks, licking,, bleache d
and brown mashes, tissue hats, Ac.
At 2 o'clock
Grocertea, Queensware, Furniture, Sc.
Young Hymn end imperial teas, Va. manufactured
Spanish segara, No I palm Map, writing and wrap.
ping paper, band boxes, shovels, spade*, bees, forks,
wrtung and wrapping paper, [transparent and venitian
window 11111.1, 111611.1 clacks, lookmg glasses, glass
ware, ems, hatchets, parent balances, confectronary,
a e
tdrg and general assortment of new and second
bon household funnture, cooking .IfOre,
I. yge Sue of Gall atol Sitoff TV¢tches, Paris
Clock., !fr.
011 Thursday comma, Jane :MM. sr 8 o'clock, al the
t ' ammereul Sales Room, will be sold, without re
rri superior gold lever and nacre watches;
to lucre cylinder creapemeat and quanier do;
2 splendid Pans clocks, run 15 days.
I do do do black marble case.
The above hare pint been reed from one of Az most
extensive iniporung lionses in the United Suite', arid
afford an opportunity rarely offered of pa eharang •
superior watch or clock. The collection may be ex
amined the day prior to sale, when dealers or gentle
men Wishing 10 purchase for lbeelleiVO. or ladies, are
invited to call. jahl JOLIN D DA.VIS,Auct
rfkli FAR WE-ST.—LI& in the Far Wert, by Geo.
Frederic Raxon, author of . Adventarns in Mexi
co and the Rocky Mountains" etc.
Danie's Divine Comedy, the Inferno. A Banal prose
treaslabon. with the text of the original from
the best editions, and explanatory notea, by 1. A. Car
most corner Third and Market sts
TahicFALL, bets toanform the inhabitants of Pin.
burgh tmd that he has opened the
above mt ti
abinm ent, where every etterlllol2 nen be
paid to the comfort of those who may favor him with
a call. Liberty street, between Seventh and Wood.
lee Creams and all other delicacies of the season.
on hand and for tale by
10:7" They nil! receive fresh supp lies for the Fall
trade. lug
51G.1. 11-. A.VD — MOtmEAl...•4—dt hints N 0 Sager,
nird bble N 0 lilolitema, prime, in oak bbls,
to store and for sale by
WHISKEW—GOO bbls and for
sale by )U 2 ° W & IfIITCHELTREE
Alqp DOME9TId-LIQOORft--.&gene
ml assortment alarays on hand and (or sale by
Dlnspratts , Patent Soda Ash,
1 CASKS, (balance of shiprient per Globe,i stare
1 and ter sale by W 111 MITCHELTREE
10 They have received Invoices by lam steamers
of three. shipments per American, J P Whitney and
Stephen Stildwitt, wine h will arrive nem month.—
They will also receive large supplies for the fall trade.
—James D. Lockwood has for sale the cartons
t k oblications of the Protons= Episcopal Pitsl, and
those of Maim Stanford ft Sword, New York.
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood at.
For canny yews comeoted with Meseta Whey &
Putnam, Ind late Mr. John Wiley, New York and
London. jam
wiirrE LINEN DRILLINGS—IO pro fine R - Tc - ZE
ed Linen Drilla, last opening by
julB SHACELETT & WHITE. 99 Wood at
RUCHES— JOhes fine'and coarse Blond Roaches,
just opened by julB SHACKLETT & WHITE
hand and for sale by
-140paiges Young UpsOn, Gunpowder and
Wank Teas, on hand and for sale try
LOVEiIiNtiqiiCISTAR-7-1 fresh simply of Lover
ing% err:shell and pi:declared Sagan, ian reed
and for sale by 800 BROWN& CULBERTSON
DRUSSELS CARPEll3 — aunmuent of
AJ Hrwirsela Caipets offered in this city, for sale
at the New Carpet Warehooss ef,W. hi'Clintoeh, No
75 Fourth at , comprising the Inteet.. arid richest styles,
sad at prices lower than ever offered in the pocket.'
all who - went Brussels Carpets, should call before i
purchasing elsewhere.. jalo W hIICLINTOCK
. - -
AXBIDPSTER CARPETS—W. :51 , C1Intoek, No 75
Fonts. st, odors to pitychuers dial:elven and
richest. style Axminster Carpets ever ofered in this
market, to which he invites the attention of plebs.
erocianurs, sm-ass
aIA smart.= ralscret.s.
Orders lett at the Post °Mee, or at Mt. Erwin's, On
• Fourth at., between Market and Ferry;'
prompt attend...
RIMEILL.O,2I.—Proi. Horace Webster,Geneva,N.l7:,.
Prof. Chester Dewey, D. ULM Smithhr, N. Y.;
J. Cassel., and Hamilton L.Cledreltind;
I/ Shosoberger, J. Hawthorn, Michael Jone.,l C.
William and Capt Good, Cincinnati. jelleidtf
bbls Linseed Mon,
A: • n'lA: jN
•nd for rote by E.STON BOWEN,
90 Front at
WANTIrdr); --
A MATRuN to Op
charge of the Pittsleuth Alta
Allegheny Orphan Asylinh. Testimonials
gooil character and qualifications requital,
A pply Mrs. WM. ROBINSON, F6ierul street, or
to Mel MAJOR WADE, Anderson meat, AlleglierlY•
Orsci - _
1 yatil . ktlatiTU - N - g -- ---,f,..ertincy Bonnet Bab-
JO4 bans, evdtte, plaid and bright colors, just received
for summer odes hymn SHACHLEITie WHITE
erIYEEDR-A t - ood aisorinenioW-an3 foiaili
ji . v . _ jui st.m. a IvniTE
lit-HITE \ ADD.ING-. - Floe I , Ca '04,4. for
V_l__ 4 lde iaykiIIRII&C, WHITE
+von a. LAIRL
arra e a r iaann.
LABOR tpairarD.
ATTuRNEI - 13 AT 1.1. IY, Feu nit siren t,oear Grans
jallinf b
liSrelic 2- llrraiiii IV - Wri - i - a by i
/046 KIER R JOY/A Eilbal'aLKl4
near Seventh Meet
gENDIffrR.=.7I-RaTillacon BAeiLnd-araiW;
24 bbl, No I Lord; I do Grease; '3, aba Featberai
2do bbl, .; 2do I/weed to anon; for Wei by
________lSAlAll DICEEY & CO, ' , roan at
!lotTalfTlira--.3 bbli(ii - -41 it.ll - W, -, ,,T - ikcg. a7lO.
La7li iv bah, early) boat ite r r o r s t z 4oa t tt ii , , ,l , for
102 Liborry. et
Rosncarait--111-6--u-kvi-aria ---ir,:aiQ
11...4, 4 Tula Ft ROUISON &CO
lI 4 ECANi.SGb -
NVlil,_,. Jain R ROD! ON & tar
I NDOW 0 LARB--Itt bas dales illoliii ari - te,
50 boa assorted ene,, reed and for tale by
_ 1010
11. - ROBISON & CO
S 4 SH—briros Witl7lLar erred =es. eV
an far We by alb R ROBISON &
FlllaP ° l7l"' 11:WaikrikIP.
LNIPRRIAL II PLY CARP .- Elfit - eireri - tias slay
sr W. APRIL/noel% Near CuPel. V"../.3"eyn.,„07,1
ett sleets, th e West abeeb..., n * 4. " . P 1
t r i :rblsilk s be le t v . te u s ,
o rte , est : s ee
tereaned to se ll u low u can be rettlerkVlll
EaSi. f a l6 'CLINTOR/C
00,=,Thlingir'd I 4 4 ( ""debr%'
my 22 ea Stote,7o Pa nb
- u at.
LANE COFFEni—Nea a E rai
k . m b o sod HID CoireelaartrieNl mad for
ADILNS AND FIGS,2OO cightktizs prima
", sad al small &intermit PIA lustracelved
far nte tithe Pekhrrea Sum, WI Palau' weer
. COCOA.-otrin Eil,-13akees
ki ftecupai Nl'Lmociast, kW COecag alta . k
^^ 51,1 1" 4,44 waeolazO, bast reed and for slle si the
___Pekin lea StoreltlFouth et. 133752
—4O d 0 ,„„,„ 11 ,,„ 4 , ---
wit by , I KIDD Iced
'DERR DRTIMBACD / . •,:•• • , 0 , •-•
.e •
. The Emperor of ail the Lions, ia
Bowls. the peVformaneps differ frefriaDottiff!, sot
only in. the. Skill and giuctophich he display 4, pia
exercise: with the TERRMO
Bet in the mateldets and tattiest sues-thubiobtbOOP%ibul
with which hp Anew the obedierie4v,ofribelifier tet
end most remorsilees tenants of the DepPil t h e fotbst
and the Juogle. IDIAR DRDZII4SIAViILeIirE
The .LI3T c . nilirkeissAlf the tinest:tkr4Spatimbits
of . Wild Antatalq
That the freest erperieeee, daterepiw:d4,l t& R IN,
oCthe proprietors have cuabted them.e.o . ls,fir-rgeribrer
full descriptions of the Animals conkineit p
will be found in PamphletgakOilie
principal Hotels, Pee'net!a tO the ,l l th 1 ;A
l av n /dmisslon Z cents. - Childroblud* tit*ib
.?'t •
The splendid Meal:NANO*,
-11v...i t', Hawn., muter, vir*le foe Save
.41 intermediate ;, dot ,v
Inst. a t 10 &clock, A AL ,
For height or pestioge applY on IL , " 7,
The fine light dtaight .
agi n giUer, master. R
wilttert kit Alga fe
ns low water. aaq
these points is a few days d,-•
For freight or:Ramage, apply on bikty, : - fn.
IRIS well known hoe of ago , •
ors in now cOmpoaed of the lartast _ Nsl3„ . _ a
heel and far nhilta4, and moat AKKKI-011 , 10
Kum or Mu Went. Every assorme4alEspotura alga
fort that money can procure, ban hee4grgrir
sena,. The Lane has been In ePa 4M ,
—tins earned • million of 1::y . le taint:lehrt
rryy l" their persons The
non of freight and the entry of pasreagentsm foil MO.
ter la eases the passage otonugarastebatara •
The ISAAC NEWTON, Caputtegforlk. jail
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday marr i r qt. iiirPhil*i
'Wheel:rig every Sunday evening et I tp. e •
htny W,1547
The SIONONCILA, Cape Sairsogtortqamyriam
burgh every Monda y manning at 10 tlt , :oltttelty,
every 'Monday everting at 10 r. -
ilregieVAT kac
The HIBERNIA No. Capt. I *an
leave Patsburgh every Tuesday montlng it. 0 %ft .- kith.
Wheelmg every Tuesday ovealna at 113
WEDAritreir I. AO:WV.
The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, CaWa,, kßitt
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday ;g55..311
cert.!, Wheelm edneadar $ • Ait to, r
The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gun, coot:prep.
burgh every Thursday mooning at ID teilloWNlstraillg
every'narrator everintiat 107. 11.
The CLIPPER N 0.4, Capt. Pear Dor"ssgMHEYletsla
Psuaburgh livery Friday morning at Kolt.„S4a, 'MR*
line every Friday evening at 10 P. K. ,r =
• ;s, , .4t. ;,••••:,
. MONONGAHELA ROI.Tiu, ... -, ~
0 m 1 y 73 111101.• 8114 41- I (Mila , g.S.
Via Broarnsville end Cumberland togu*nott .ti t
Philadelphia. .._!.,:- iii if-, ;-:'
T 1 lendid c an e d ap teel
p run . running U . TM
Jacobs; LO B
. 1 1 1 Copt F.:4l3ggintl4,,V,:i"
makini . don !U m la u t:llAl; ri t eg , : v , .0 4 4 ,
n aT ale BA stso ' will
attitUoti 1 *
passeng "nuur. errbrlll tate S d rPERWCHAAH '" "iFtla — lis- .
z an
!W00d...10410.k, P. id., nod the ilPie*dryleci;T4 4t r a,
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at • • MA - 40
o'clock, A. IL, and VIM. M HAI • • IS
iF.t.lis time for thy the evening line ,to
..„ l iip . d:
FroWn i slitirgh le Haltimore, milikth,Wpg„, 9..; i 4
prom PilL4b.3" Pbl " ./ P 1. A4 64 444 : i i. .• 74
Fare •- ; , c:. y!"-,.
The evenlag boat will leave ai Ceti!,
day evermore • Passengers by vidil bogfilk. ,- i
board in coMfonsble State Regime th , nig
over the mountains the following 4aT Tableri. bill
Quechee andlodge the accord ntgmin,Nee d e.
Passengers Lava choice of BcCur xv
Road between Baltimore and ad i oh,
privilege coi stopeng at Canababli* . enlct. ,
and the seats iu la zt,4, riegehsh:.
toted to s to travel as Wry gil ' ~...: . ve , ,
We make up the loads and way bitl.forectef,i‘aci
es ill the Pi burgh *Hoes, lin order Yg . riecilidle CIA
antring at wasvillo ‘ l It is there**, kyo7ll , Rft, 1 7 6 1.
~,,,,,,,,p re tp get their tickets.Vuoln,pret:boALS
of the boat, tt our cane, Memo He - t.: , t o. WWOC
street, or St phones Hotel, W
m is P r.c ittm A, 1
aP s tdant, J.
Pinsk,* i Louisville IM'
__ 1...;
The Weald new X NI • :•°',.
VELEGELPNW-4. ,_,,,,,
Malty, master, add Irgivti r inr laoesit
interne-Haw pclia 44,Yr00n6 , A
ct,,,,, the tilting, at 10 o'clock a. x. ...i... ) ~ 7, ~,
For yreight'pr pl
itematircribasak,oK v i••
wukso__ 1 , 4
MS ' GEO I/ BiIIANEKAG./.0,,! 1 ... ,
PrrrsEuEda AND LOUISVILLE illfrPle
mat Th e new and mplesd - io .
e r k ALEGR A pii Na 'i . ..t?, nZ
nomner, willie*el Vntiong
nett and . Lonirrille on TheradaY,! Alkl._ elkine*
o'clock, A. M. For freightsoLp envoi A 6.not
to • otranwpor..l zri ?Ai 9 t' ,
oEo B MIL 'RA ~. - i
m ' , , :• ~... ' „(... "-, --")
i _ FOB C , CINNATE A. tUrt ia-7 -7 .=
The llghtdrantat Itekt ,
oN t 41' *-.
LADY altt.
,' '
~1 ;
• 77'...7:331.;' - ', W Herr, muster, will ' Jet 910e..16:
. .-- • •rte this day,aarnle
Fl a rrght or pottage apply I
,47 , 7 t";
Lout/91110 anal St. 7,,enu a g„itek -401lierz
1949. r i,_ ...1 - gm
itiummtrin3sltalt pees= sole-% ' tAtinad
' 4 .7 1, , °, 6"
_.Auttt il l... ,
1 . to.
W. Winks, humor, Aid; 42 , 45-7
7 the above and Enterioetint *
evevy ay, allo otalgek A.A. ' ... ~,.
...F..or „. ay.rght Or pararedz 011 1101197-439 ' •';., '
.7itutri a No'
~ ,
.The Up fektral
t.r,z..•:,;.:f, , , ..A. m aninceousttor ..*/ kf i r foi ,
17 , - --- ,•• .4 above and into ... -go; kro.;."
Saturday at 117 - IVelock, 1+,46. ''. 1 ~. -i. . =,
For freight orpadd E tte , Mal, ,
~,, y- : v e . ..
iii, ,,. , g ....,
FOB% tlhle, GI ANDO r =.• . 1.:-: '''',
The netllanct in. -. •• • • 0;••
air*Ka • NODSO/1
11chrdien ituttter vetkitidy"tri=dkitr.
.1 ...,,
_r sarttlit • Oros eertrem49l.l.ollo7?;-
Wlicelmg and ridgeport She wEll lowa.' yeWrght.:
on Wedge:4day and - Elatn7d4V.
... „ , t - 16:' ' 6.
FIN freight or patgeiattp on, hoard “ -..., 044,,,„"..
Thi brie c lunar = 1,..... l' .
‘-' : cirrouutri4;. r ---
.:. A.,3::::- Orme. Calhoun 'marlef9.jli ti . iisicr
- --
- .. above and in ' teresei , ,Att .Otrz.
blonder. and Thorsdaya, at7o a N ;='•..
For Behlhl cl Passage. aPOI9 ott b0ar4.",4.- - H.77 .',-,.
thitSVEVIRIPPITM4I4, 4 .".. A;
„., The O. 13-11411 thetdier. 44..... r w. 5
I • ~, N 0., ,,,, van leivellm lagitintrn:Nr
v./.O.irS - the Illonongatota 711149, i1yi ir
' ' -,- - • 7 coorroorni. 9 coeloelriArketriet.,,Y,
Ileturiung, er l / 1 armee. at herelocki P. AD_ -... = .t. ~;•
Fare to Beaver and hack, Twenty -HvoiCciA 7 ',„._. `',•,.
-- 0.....3 _
~........, ' :
...... i
11.,iJ - b -- aTULtS WU Iik , AVM t: -.':'. ;'3 ..
, .3=6.- , The warner BEANS* 197 , 1ePre'r''
=.....; `she w h arf, ii oprz the, rostrootget. 'i,
- ' ..4: -!--* •'-' 1 :- .-1, . • ;o'clock:for BeaVeVcrle....-, " " ''''•
will leave Beaver at 1 o'cleek, P. AL, 0,4 ~..jetlij,
4...0'c10ck. Fare, Treary-Ave certta. .." 1- i. - 14444 .-.. r3 ';
.. - gEIIOW-Izz
Gaol,. asilassitoatilat-r
~ a a AGENV. , ~,,_,,6‘. "Z
Fortearerot and ,C oAtrowetio= We. ~..
chant, has reamed lo No t V 47 Front, 14#00 371140 . , ;.,..r.
sodSraierteld vireo. 1
....`, , i it,.4 1 .
VITATCHF:9..y, 4v, 6 r. 4
v y a Ver7 fate lot of Grad end Saver 7460it4.4...,
."...=gt;.etz4Vallt ridaTabgtZ9C 'il 1 '4
5 7 1 61 4 911 4,ata0P.rdeat of Geriaftio.,f%lgla r
cutins:rx.yizia fro: 910 to
WIV 911.1.6117 N Watd.95747 4 .,,i ~'" =! , z
ABB i earner Forah, a lAaa, nd gltkq ,-, a.1
'l"j:, , m y" .°l " 4 o -V ' k.llCl3; I.
. - ;i : ,....-. 1 - 5.
f.'s _ El F VONLIONN7IOI74:ITA , L ,... -
/ I sll-75 W s arge No 3 hiackeret;•3l:7 " - .4'
....' • 47 i 30 hl do c o No 3 do; 30 Writ N 9, i ,Bah /vett
nerringat =do 7.0 1 Gipped. 4. is do NO:lart mplei
Shad; 10 do No 1 moo, just received an{ tor 4 :01:1! ~.
luld. J OHN WATT A I'll. 1:4 be.r...,.. L ...,
3 1 1 01 iNAIV'S ORN KILLER. ."C' ~" n --- .. rt
Prrrescaerr. lolo 7l7; 19, ..1., '3
hfr. John aMo on-Dear thy. I teroViii7t,_ 119,4 t 0 glo p-,
I f t.
fall of your Wea Der to me arty chalted_74 ,- t rm. •
aeration haw or e half hoer 11 parsed 171740. er 't."
worm.,- I feel to tecoormeiraeg yorreVeyy . y. i, ....=
so the
bent tried! As that can be toted fop ! , ~,,,, ....;
MIMIC Atom foram , near Nedif74 '4,
Prepared and r dby de P=APo6o,'"=.lo%tr Too. .;
VAN, Drimiel, door belovr D l / 1 3900tt e • S ~..c. '
DATTING- - * - 100 /AN. 1.1------ e it fo,r et - '' '' ' '.---L- "I j ' VU : : ":'.
__. •61 P VON Et;',,yyyNfrax . tf to :, . i.
L'e"gt.RTVib); , t7..,,,;-hal:::;1NNp. !
;i -- ,-0.-,-.-0,-c.-4111.-.. - 4,-4. , - , :.: i
~ those viabint ~e foralth Steamboats orgirr.t.. g„ r
eery nob ..e:dgior of Tapeary Bruseclar
~,,v.., ....
_,.0. 011 6 io'Lorr than can be had to any of 6.' Itt, - .. ,
x., We 1... kai to call and examine ")9$ ;1,,a...; g
aunrunsal before
__ hrt. Irewhere. ;..., Al
POS ‘Vr C• 1.77448, No 76 Flom:. :6 V..
"•.: ' r - . '
L. :