The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 25, 1849, Image 1

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1 .q -
end 'Denim ui Piu4o“, . 0 . ~ :AMA.
Vaptinll LEW) & HAYS, - Drs:
GoodA unnerini Boos, Sizoes, Ettsbumh
rinlekS,..* o l lAbertY. , l. • nttl!-
t" tr z h;
rain of
Llbeztriiut pp/ stressfil, Pang,
4 :01/4 . -
*nr -51-;
p, ;ololo , lcEra,,rial4fh 41",
„....--44NFHTECK d o - Co ., Whol.. •• e ° `-.'d i
.'d t.. ,
-.04,-uw-Orlralotartsonteita., ••
(1).161A64Y b. MTH, 'W tirocorAEW
.0 20 Woeslareet.Plushar • ...,
el A. hicANULFY Is Co, F •
mimes Mereltalsts, Canal 1
Thaquevisto•Sprint r ixes r.... _
110LEIKAN; r irammeN & co, isuunsfacthatta •of
~ 1/. ..E .2etiV end l Ellpho Springs, thustraeettlfules,
sad Plough Keel . frost s fha. Waseh , VVlo.on
- Wtkiet and Front &trees% h.
' Also, dealers itel,Cotteh Trimmings and .441eable
Cason' ts.• , , vein
: t. t EIDIUMD:WZGLIONS., -.' •! '
• C oNTENtr}4,u ? auvolfseture MontsmentsZahßld
'halts, Tombs; Head Stoats, Mantel Ples4s,'Ctii-
Amami 'Nei Tbps of fit/reign sod domestic astitble, at
itOpfer snit fair price.
• N. 11.l—Drstoriop for rionamerus, vaults, ate.thrtilth ,
of, of tiny desenption. He solicits a shale 0.,..,Atta1e
' •ahrowe. '
I. mcusat,• /AIM 1. Mara,
7TN13111311-& +BENNETT, (hate .Eaglisty Giatirter
Li 4. Co.) Wholesale Grocers, coosaussiatt sa* yvr.
t=anufactoresNo.etehemy and r
rotL n s P I, bet c =er4
34 meets. •.z . Lvltl
- JitiiEVOCURENand 1.11..
filerthmg, No. 11/ Wing street. PitisbulgtO niyl,
HIII4IILION f3TEWART, otamtfacturer of gleory .
tafinioirs, 'Meeks, Ere., Eteyeets street, kity of
IirIaIIi,.(I.ICCCSILOI to Murphy S Lee,)
ernttd Costunuelon Merehsal, for the Of
itsyetrt"etto Woolens, Liberty, opposite 6th at.
I.BIIrEVOit, A 197 Atar CALLA
A C.lloCilg. OA JOAN A.. svasaws, 5
HEALD ItUCKNOR, Tobacco CoottaiseiotiAret
`eltartts, 41 North Water et, Itl6 North WASTrTeit,
a. 4. num:. s• !0/9'
1.111/WY ZONltd 't 'Co., (successor,. j o agLood,
Jonen'a Co.) Conumsaton and Forasardiatgr.s
whenta dealers). Pittsburgh Manufactured
mum I=ll, ,1[03110,=1106:-*;
ISAIAH MILEY & Co, Whalesale GrocessXoca•
minion Merchants, and dealers In Prcalues,Nos.ls6
. am; and Id 7 Prom Weds, Pitudinsk. diva
1" It. IIAISPIE.L.' LI, OW of Warrsit,(lluo,) CO2rtirlitk ,
sion and Fernasraing Morahan:, and orlietqattle
dealer In Weasel* Reserve llheesie„ BUMF *lt and
Pearl Anh, and Western Prat:nee generally, amt
tram, between Samithdcht and Wird,.Pittsbtargitaapp
TORN Warr , (snectsacrio & cio&n,y
Wholesale Grocer and Conimission Morninint,
dealer in Produce and Pletaburgh glannfaetureVaor•
tier of Liberty , and timid stream; Pittsbarghlla SfiS6'
110 - 1 of tCe ft — n — n of ay
Morahan: Tailor, St. Wades saul4nds,
Third steer, near Wood, Pittabargii.
TAIIE I A. IIUTCSELSON, & Co.---Stromintor: In
Loom Hutchison & CO, COMMIiIII4.OII IiVirCKIII4j
and Agents of the EL LOWS Steam Sugartaarr
N 0.45 Waft, .0454.,fr0m sums, Pinabttret.
tin:LA: 4 ORM ra Co., V2Ola t ria
azrit Powder Commi
Cit. of ,li n iq.=l27 Wig@
- JOHN D. AIORGS3r 7 Materials Drogoln, otoiltk 01 ..
Woodin Aye Stuffs, Pamirs, Varoishes o tet, &MIS
Wood moor, one door South of Dirmond Allcy , pito-
MESH, Jr A Co ., (incases[ toJosepli
Sr Ibis - 124 tiingehruld' lers_26 Water street.
.. 3 173/IN Wholesale and Ruoff
in Music and Mimed bistrunients, Schap' Sqoza,
raper i Maus, tituri Peas, *Rh, Primers' Caniniligia!
Stationary genernily;No. 01 Wood Syliinsbzugtu. ; : • •
CT Rags bought or taken invade.: magi '
11 SCHOONALIKERirCo Wholesale DNA kosor,
4/ I. No. gl Wood strew, Prusbargii.
77 OHN D. DAVIS, Austorikerieornor Oth and!Wood
ourstli, Pittsburgh, • o
VLINSTON •eroch - row,Booksellers, - , Magi_ is
WS and PoperiSionofactorers, No. 44 Market 014 Fula burgh. •
Joan ' Slams FU, L, ,
Is IL' FLOYD, Wholesale (Isom's, comusisOors
tl Aleretiards, and Dealers m Produce, ltsamd•
Church baµdinws, (rooting on Liberty, Wood' luadVski
/vans, PiUbutgls, In, myriq
TAMI . N-1).41.44EL1„ WholesaleGroter, Cr
bleielianc t and - dealer in Produce and /trig,
Idansitimures No.2i Water at, Tixtslitirgh. j ,
174811.4 3OIEIS, Ponrardint and Commis:4lM dMr
ebantsiDeiders lisProduee and Fstusbarga niaMHt. r
(sewed ameles, Canal Liallmnearnti at. ch.A .
pram lima., Pr4"rdSURGH,
superior 44 Bliet
. st, CUM,
Twins and - Baning.
- -
• csomoutAlron War • .
L'lat" l3 "-
janto • 1
8 ' WATE.H.OLAYI. Wholesale . Grocer , Foreraa•
sjogiutdCommiwon Idarchant, Dealr in P.
urghllsnatitetitre;altud.PrOddce,Vist:Z.:Wathr at..;
, :stroler.F.tottrc.. , '• • • -
, T110211.11 . 1301117.1et ia. rtmis it. aSsr) .- a
LsDOKING Maneraeuirent, and Wkidledds;
dealers in foreign and domestic Variety (inertia.
Western merchants, Pedlars and others are invited
to call and calvaries the prices and glaaliry °four stos4.
as with oar present lac reued faoLineatn manaftettart
tag and purchasing, we Mink'swt can oiler as gOld
inducements to boyero Oa any othethouse West of rd
filmotaitts. *O- •
ty •
"Ur MT k EICEEPSON, WnotesaleGrocets,lBd
Imponers orßrandies, Wines ,md
172 and 174, corner of Liberty and Irwin &yams, Pit.
bergh, Pa.
00113 /MIL. .45. D. lecialLY. SI[ALIIIR C. 4.
11 ireGILLS & Wholesale, Grocers and ~ e ntes
411, Mon Elerelattnu, No. 114 Liberty at e Meta,*
MURPIIV, WILSON & CO., Date Jones, talurp — ht,
'Co.) Wholesale Dealers to Dry tioods, N0.,16
Wood street, Fdralmnrh.
ZL . MIMI., Z.
ALLEN A Co., Pocusnesiort m
and Forveardft
a Merchants, Water and Fro am, 1.1V.11.141
1- 1 1 1- 0,...i and Mark et
Ann Rooms, corner of Post .011. Alley an::1
Ponrth street, entrance on 4th near Market.
dect/Atti. „r.
0tA11.:137.c.130N, No. 55 ?dulcet ft., aoc4itt
Niy.door from . corner of Fourth, &aim Forchtra
mita:untie tans of Echang„ tkrtificates of De f. .
it, Rant Notes and Specie.
Er Collections mad on all the principal mires
Clcrongbenn Iho United States.
- - ...„.,
XT BliCKMASTElli_,Amommas-4)flice, Petra ff.,
.A.l ' lturddeorabotre Hielthileld, meth tide. -....- ....
Cal ' veyruseinrofall'ltlads done with the menial
cant and legal acceracY.
Titles to Heel Endo examined, Am. . ocLIO - lij:
11. T. ttebersa t a.
2THALDII IC SITRVEGN, will attend to brae-
O ,
, memo( Iriscases of she Eye.
I.IL It. UM been engaged in this branch of 1119 ;tat.
- cal prolamine for sixteen years, and has conducted dh '
establishment-for the treatment of illacases of Me eos
alone tor`severd yeart. ' • ' ' -* •••••-,"
01303 r. and maiden., torner of Sandusky it aSti
Strawberry alley, Allegheny erty...: . ehtllc" 1
21..16/ilti - Tieds. etTLlZip.r,:ls;lmatl t!
-414 neat Weod-All quantities of Green c 44.
Blaek :Tea5,.401:16 up et gunner, hal; 0d.:!
ode poses packages, ranglag ham so eta - per potied l/ ,
• 111,50. ' • Jya A. Inlifiis,,Am. for Pekin TenCeul
'Dtuiiirr mouRE, Wholelens (mem, R ee wy,, , gg ' ll
itt Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Matudnei I
tarn . and all kinds of Foreign and , M.,,,i 0 Wl4. 1,
andligeors, No. it Liberty' street lin band A vent , ,l
large stock of 'opener old MonnageheM wale
winch will be sold low lon tub, :,; ~:iyuktr.. kmt.
---- -
BOZYNT Itailt63o% surcm a. toslastrz...-
Ti' 110130.80. & Co,N l 7ltolesele Grocers, Pro..ra
. r and Comneasinn Merchants, nedDeMAratePi '
gash Menufketeret, KO. 180 Liberty sL, Pie 0b
FT DALZr.LL in Co, Wholesale GreetcrA,
Coramistion end Forwarding. Murtha:ea, derdgis
ucassud Pinsbargh Itlasiafactems,'Llberns
Pillsball6b,Pu : .
11013 T. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholessue (Stems
Dealer In. Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacturs‘.
o.l44lAberty at WV.,
WZMOUnt • a. 1.
VIEYNOLDS aIIEV, Forwarding end Cmomineide
ALL tderelinmai ( a th e Allegheny Rivet Trod r dela•
cm 610410liett Reduce, Mather& .11fdlndlenenn
emighloride . •
alsehighem prices encash, mthlviillthiniforeeitM,
ma. Comer °lrene end Irtem eta.
16 CilacclAlT, _ : ru4 wei r*
blageeing ipttekr
. Which matterni turbid Tweterpore by
• removin g all sitesranemi namable in
water. Thereetlea timer In N. York,
although cleat .pod puroto the eio, }et
V.... 1
j' ' , het? it Po-wee an hear throe NA
fatettall eoaht Mitems W./algal prhij
=pare oulostancas, ke„
thr , case more Or less WIUt dl hydrant...Mt& -
The Ilk:male Pilferer freent andderable t , Mid 11
erith i tite iromumnielence intlacot Manlter
Titterers It la a estmed witheat tr,ittir}l,,,, Lo l,64l
Ma sestet pipe, lig Inarn4P tat inns the toy •01 land].
Itom onMinde the caber. Br_ this pew.* the
,eoursa of Isamu changed, atul. all setionalagamto
',impute aubstanteel are driven, off Edam* , 140=4
anutreartag the Purer.. It als4'poesehue.
~ ,:tivantge of tieing a me obel6eath.otatty'
be very eaurrotocat and
ltoanbosoubc4 where Ow* attt' a high
tor Wm to ' a oath, mei, tub, lcio.f With eteteirgo be had'
lof the wdeAlle,ot, Nif...loN,
1.- Dart eomer of Minh end idetket sts
Itu`tilart ttifLt=littndsomirei
a=ade i lflitt ctja bra
if, A. , 11...1cm, irtho Laigimp::' •
peels, deed
with Moe cloth I‘htl finitti'etl lit superior
euterter. :; , It in cattily new mold sold'lnt went of use.
gmguirp ALEXAriffEft& DA Y ,
rl' cart 75 liatket N AVelmiter of tbeDiatilland
r ,,,...,etthe lh respotpuil , 11444 to
IL ' falowingcAnthcatea; ; .
13 &EAXItmr - gtomg 145144 • qchotny- of Gold
Ateometer„.l,iftn4 resell proves
ouriuMtullenliturect; and Keocolotaull eft coo of 4
Ito al 04 0:$ 011 :1.4 0 j r... go be4lirTd for ob
itainitrruto Tam' re.".j.. °lt
PituOurtte, Dfe icb fat MIL
ftßOVleri, notofi inS ,
Ulm Ramite-itteerlaar; emuniumgike4egeo
jlimMtri. wenufaettand at To= Welsh 140 r4t .ittt.t&bt
t... oo Ua.nd lt oho use oleo genuem ho
inborn removing to.Callfornia innu;
It giitei a close to - apeetle, grad
t 7 ortnetoi, ftdicsouir
,to itseortain when his placetbklitaZlN
mu% W. WALLACE, Mill stone and 1 : „ 0142 Iroan, racp , 35.4,4. OCK.
it • lag estabblimmoi, No. 244 Lihe rt y-sty f_lllol.llgl itEpt42l,-761,04 Mak ripper, for
µnal. - mkrßY^ 7Vr s yy " tikiN 'M OE & hiCANALWS
" ik' WHITE, Whole;SieDeollKN
1.7 ['amigo ruM Domestic Dry Goods. No. YD WiesiPst
.Peastertgi. ' febUtEr
"TO- .
StdaiL . B#o+ex & co., wnwanie 0n,..r1 . ..
a3474:l7:Zri4.47litiLailFtitAL erect, bctweta: .
7: 4f'•,-
srera. 4'1714777Q - 7. 34111/11 mcnocaoluil Cr..a — a.
. a. , NICOL?, Produre and GenereCtim:
MIIISIOSI Mete-hams, No, 17 •Libedy 1114, ?DAMP
Sperm, Lismealand Lard r Oila. - ' ' - - "
F. VON BONNUORNT et Co., Wh010,1 11 4 07-0 ,
eat*, Forwardie and 6okurdrsiod hlora
IA /12abte W
we* and Wodero-Peo ,
,doc.e l uvro recurs to their oew warehooAld o itik4.
No. • l Corudi of Froat st. and Chtwery Leal. tt:,, •
TROTH a SCOTT, NYholeallh'imd Rtirdeale4 - 0,
o 11=8boea, 'honk', 'Civet yip , ALo v 40 . ir,
th WO emStldleld rw, Puuburah,ya a:r-
-, ENT, Vi/boleeAiliroaeriehert
• sioa hlerehaow and dealer in Prodace. 0,43
ood W.. Piasburfk.
-------- '-''''
• a Al- INerCHEMPA,. Yho tifroec•
yr, Wagging DlA:Wars, and Wine sod !Aar,
mime.: Also. MNoeta of Soda Arland thratt,'
4or Powder, ND. 10 Lmonv .qme, Pinsburgb, pc , •
=a% • • •
• . - - ..y. rtivfn retaar
wieteaaaa. &
Cr wi c k,' wholesale Grocery, Fe:ward:rig amt.
Cozataission PereLaw dewniels LI non, N0N:61144i
4.oltaa Yarns, aild Pluebargb Illanatattares aezterallt
"'Ur OrWooil &WAY awe -meta, PittsbatilL •
3.04W24--Cissuousakos itiane t erV .
alerthant., Pio. 90 From sL between, lat I
larliPMG.Sisl4 — "' Watches, Jeareiry•liiharlfir4
a and MilitariOoode, corner of Maket
ar t
gcreals,:Pistaburgb, Pi, N. 13.—Virate4 .
. luo .
• Valy repaired.
:i ..:, •
—Lo--- --- •
• :- t
. •• - - - --• I.:.• ' • ' q.. HI ` -',
, ' • .
% • - . ''''' ,•
. .., , ,-. •
. .. t . i f „. .
~ •`. .--,.. •
• I
, .
~ .1_ llr • .• • .......
.• _
, r , 1..t1 '.
:.',' --"3' ' , ". :11 . t .'
lA ' o 1.... . 1 , , rx - .• . l o k ,=.. -
. ,
...A.,_ '..‘
I •
' • • -.-. - : , i.
.. • i
17,.. 1: %,... 4.
• ..
. - r , •c"
~..:',.'lli , i? '' ei ' ' 1 ' , If: . .
•-.-.,. • ~r -
'- i. '
i ? .
. ' .0.
----:-lt - -
...' , ,::reklo s:
.. 7 ..Wg. -77- 61 LY L _ 4 , 41- and4felit - Td - aaairin
,y 1r a .rarei 7and - waraeadd lio• Goods, north eau
...on7 or- at and Folinki IRA ":.
- - , ...tia1. Tosillf . . •,. ;• '," od. IL - ram.
19171 t: TO MG & Ca.—Dealers Ro leather budk., &'.
ir 14.7.14 Wag st. , i i : . ,„ J a.4 .
war.- e -, .. ' Y. Iniii:wirmaari.
AA 1 - &:lif,' ON, Matta Orocers.dc.
1 - 1 , a Ida PtddlnO, IN., 1•44 OtLas, and Pitu.
Vt. ~.... r! t r 4 PP F 4n Y , . 01 betty ,n, Pituk
130: - :'W - lk 11, 4 71ealdt Mt, odhas, Jeirrelii
` iTt l i . i:!: • :=7M. 7 ?^Ti Cl 7.. - 9r 4c " lle. 67 ..g a r
-1 d'. . i;-,:., ~,thie: 0 .; •
IPAZEMII.II . in, blaraccoi.
' flhae v Fitti :s - lifia:i HS • . sly "treat, Imvel!
';iisiitr:lhtim"lbZnabtl;{-o.= It , F 16..1;
whieb , S4PsP3,o4xo,crtin!2thioers ;• tnvite . ,
PittabOgh Pa:
• ricivri6liattirkos.,
STEAM 804T , 41.11E Wl'
• a . O - 171.4 asoriat S AL & & Co,
Wilts Sll - ti
THE INSII4ANCE at NOttb Aineriets tviil
. make permanent and limits laserimee on pro
f this sikpictill vicinity, limit* ithlpinenta by
Canal, andr Tge properties of
this Company-Oh well My vi ed, and roxnuit s s avail
able tardier Ms ample ln of
,allt v isons who
desire to be protected by idatuwain.
• • taylB 4/7111. P. JONES, ieaatple .tor at.
Me Frongti;;Ftro inattoor:co'VrierfrjVriladetp/tior,
.1 -- 11REc13Ft.p.—Chorie c fi.BnOcikOzi Thames kip!,
Tobitralt)..aamer, Samna! OnqyZieol, U. bomb,
fico. W Elehi4ls, Mordecai D. Leniri!,, Adolphe E.
Horse; David S."Prown, ArraTia Potiepern.
Casa,to, N. Ilaticatra, President,
Charles C. Pincher, Secretary .
Coafinite toirmhe instranee, perlormai or orated.
no every deset M on of property ;olio or country,
alttaieo e• ICON if are COM/C.l ofi4oecurity.
To Company - hove revolved a large venting rat Find,
which with theal Capital and Premium., safely Invest
ed, !afford =nolo-protection to the assated.
Tbe.assots ofdhe company., on Jaatiary 10,1849, a
pot:dished agreiably to an net of Aliserably, were a
indoors, •
Real .Eatate
Temporary Lonna
Stock. •
Cash, kill,
. t ~ 111,Z18,4E12 71
Since diet, hilerporatton,c perbillif 19 yeas, they
have thud ithorithds of one mtlium oar kandred thous
and dallara.losvm by fire,thereby . x evidence
of the advantage, of inserairee, as( . II as the ability
and dispomtionNis meet velar p sneak ..,..b....
.Jr CIAIIIRNER ,Pl79,•Agent,
marl-dly .: -Wheel N E norimri ood and 3d
ifEir. a 49 V - itargifiVit.lktiglatlitithek - Cti.
to A. MADF3FLA, Agent at Pittinargh for the Dela-
J.. • Ware Mathalflafery Irrattranea cetnpany of Phiel
adelplue. Finaticks upon
Ma r i n e merchandise
of every dasetilltiOn and Marine Rieke pport hulls or
eargnes of ye:QV*, Lima 11.1,0 n the mO4 favorable
fa- omoe is the Warehonee of W.ll.llnlmes it Bro.,
Art 37 Water, near Market balm;rills:lns&
N. E.—Thhsactess of this EntaTanlAinee the estab
lishment of the'ffeeney in Ills eltr th rho prompt
ness mid titterer:Ty with alaiEh eve plat upon them
for lam hes - been adjusted, Itilly to 1 the agent in
inviting the confidence naidpetron D Tethia friends add
the comma:ll7;kt large to th e avrare Al. rt ins t.
ranee Contpany, while it has th e ail Ilinnal advantages
es en institetion Amens this mest flounithing in Plated-el
plati-as having ample minttal, climb by the
operation of ne, vharter is ekinstaal tricienstrig, as
yielding attach `person InAVA 1114 en share of th e
Ponfith of th e CratIPIWY, withdrt inl Vitra : hun in .27
• responsthility orgritever, and therefore as ponsessuig
the Mantel prinhinie divested ,of every obnoxious ma
lure, and in de rifest attractive- form,! 1, no v 4
Filiirklito - 11:1ADA19 - ltilltAtigttEi: —
?TIRE insaranear-ompany or North eFtel,through
1 its duly authr.. ed Agem., the mtuserlber, oilers to
makerpermanent ind limited troatrattde on. property : ut
this coop alai its si....vnity, and: her shdebeath . bY the Ca
did smil'ltiiera. '. :, -vt--
. , . .
. ~• . ;," DM:I7O9M • I
Arthur G Cofful, ,'• , • rhatiks Tiglor,
:Suzan W. Dona ' . Alubitao.Whtte,
nlyszel Smith - ' • Jiff PLTittooss, .
A:8.. 4
,-, .. Jo!..A/turff
John Milo, .: ' : •., Di D. *ood,
Them. Y. Copan .., ‘4 T oluis
• Samuel F. AM11.14 i 'j F Olt.,
Samuel lirooks , s . , S A . tro
• ~.,' •,; ArrilirlA G. FAFFM, Yrasl. '
RX2ailr IVEITISWootai &OF: '
' MA is the ohfit Inintraitie?Compatir io Dm United
tztdsi bating tUfin 'charteird in 1714 ' Itaatdmer is
perpotaal,'Szuffroun as Male uf, u.inclidag u.ap,1 1 ,,,..,
.1 1 . 0 4. 1 0.rousas,and, , avolding ell 1111iL9 of an to haz
ardous elaattei,, la may, he aunsufeied it. offering' sat
iric stourity to takfpulilte.. • 11V. P....10ND.
Al fliG Countias Room of Atwood, ZOncs A/Co.. Wa.
for slid Front streets fhlislutruit. -, ' moys .
i g lnt 4 . I df i re 1 4 fPu l lnl. 2• l'" e Cii'71,71.1;1-t,IiA Agent
Pr 7 . o ,
..d synFluzao FOhVos sad .Boot to tte. 01001 tn3:l2eSii
Orth4 AB.ll4Cii 41;i.h. , :veraretuoir. o, ptlurowl, Spout, d
Co. • " ;LOP: " ' %tar. P. JON Drf, wouor ut
C. s.nsatisnatvaa.
camu.a.s DANE*I/034(KW do, co. `
Ntr. G9.Sonth amid tro.ivdooln3: 'Stater.e
WS 'to )d4rz - k y vi ,, ds..tig • o
,vAth the Virgiutilaantaatdrc
m a tal
and 4117.1i7=rs of
the West. West 2,t4tes, and ottitr plaided, as *ill hear,
a Large Cud edasptit supplythe falborting titescrig•
none of Tobatetklf Wee, tardi o
mkt 12 1. 6 d
modeling teSISIS any *Mei ismde s calf else.
lehertould all irtedSt ordered {lna Mild urap
"rented eviaftereptesentarmar
Havana; BL, Darivingoi 'l;dan., 1 43.4
Varii; POSISMisO; Pim`u4 Leat in
'Cuba; Imaseit Vterida; bides,
I.l.3o—Branch4? celebrated 'Aromatic Stag Caven
dish, strut a lerga misunment at ether Orem . tiraudsi
and qualities of poduds,oo, ils,42r. Ids mid Zni li Lump;
•sd, 0, Bs and 10% flag; Ladiet , ,Tansr, ins,'Cvvist,
tra sweet and pisa, a, viol [and 411 Lidsr4, o.o ood
' toge t h e r with every variety 01 anid,ehelong-
Int to the vain. ;
JVIMIN A. SAAR!, - ? - ?
COMIRMOD Merchant -and IlAtw er,
Particular attention paid to thn , purdaasing of
of any amen of Qfodneeto Ma market. Alio to tho
forwarding.of Goods generally.: Refer
• Ities:ra.
&C. ParkiniFst, Eaq. 4
UPPlacolt ds,Cn,
Rl* to Joan* Pirod4irgh,
English A. flotua ett, ; mutant
salEo,o4? 11814.2g. 1 .
'COnantlaalop And TaorssrairdtagßlerchAnt.
NO. Swoop ST, remain**,
CONTINUES 109117111171.1 a general C4n.mia,fon bust
-1,„) nets, espeetallt in the pureaue aadaale of Amen
an Manufactures and Product . , and 4 . s c cekein g and
forwarding Goods *Wpm, td hie .411 Af1911149,1
41m Manufactures, tie **RI be , constant* sapplied with:
No principal anici c s of ?fusion:rah -Maglifne at 790
knou w
t holesalo. once. Anders adqi consignments
. I_tfully solicited.l97
1;111101s$SALE1 ono * ELS,
.:'/OR,WID110: A till CollllllBsloll' BUCtilit"
Poras/Inliaa cation Ifaar.tus serettutrar g a
211.Aarnajteterrot scone pally, '
11l yiliaa sumer, rimadion,
T. LEE(I.I4,
lovorter.o.od..4.m&-r J.kothau
Saddlery Hardware dr, Carriage Arimmban
t- so. 13 . 3 wood ratobtotwh, Pa.
.11f8 - mop seeriottiOis Spring itopplyi or Gaol* and
11, taunter the =cotton of Baddlera, tittualcra sad
Illicretoupato *Wick. OMu been t a u g ht upon the
"hem roma, from the burr sohmea, a he Poirefore
eeQQV cotadentottietiv able to ` ? Borer Matron-mu to
lam .1* * , O faro! Gam with'. Van cnulnanitnn.
/aL.lnnanata.A3 !nen. nrszaoT77pgp. riToicenws.
'• . 113 Secoutl at tiot,
1 - ••
mcirrutane S LOUIS, MO.
Mfr&Liii d tlraif eih
tO. tat 0 c. m 0.
oc04: do Mae.. Forlau do tiepin Siteriteisi
6 MA.140; ALZ4R, Hatohmtri .tat k. anti ricks,
;EtotioariCittcos, fro{, for mile manolrictureta prices
by Dula
i'ITTB.I3IR - 611 W — Oi. - KS AND SVAING
'Rug oMis, 4
• JorrEs qinoctl
SHO I. !it....
ii/roicroecTuano3 of tittezna hinter smut,
iLL plottirh atool, steel 3400 *toga, coach and etir.2
Plc mum& buouttared Iron - alliiand dpaleretn .3.1,
peabta easthomi, fire engine lamp, Coach Hiram:ma
lona-rally; corner of Hass and rontraoa,..r g o,
Pa.. • '5 • ; fib
- -
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Men on Format acre
' bween Cherry terry and Grew at. my I 11 y
Bolin., Pa
NPLalso attend to calked*ns and all other basi
iess esdnisted to him m Roder and Armstrong
counties. P. Refer to
& R. Find, Liberty sr_
w. Mr: Wallace, do
James Marshall do 'Pittsburgh.
dly '.Ray & Wood cr. J jan7
11 3• SWRITTER, Attorney ea Low, office 3d et,
opposite el. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will oleo
attend,prompay to Collections, in Washington, Fayette
and Cfreenconntles, P,._
IlLtekttook, Hell RI R TO
Church b. Carothers, ,slNitaborigh
DA'. Jiff !Tan i _ J - •
LI J. HENRY, Attorney' nno Co.cellor at
Cincinnati, Ohio. Vollertzeme in Southern
and in Indiana, *lid in Kermrek'y, promptly and
folly attended to. •411ourmisaremer tar the State of l-enn
sylyonos, for taking DepoSitiobs, acknowledgments,
Jsc. aze.
Smrha ro-llon. Wm. Sell t Son, Curti., Church &
Carothers, {hillock Daum. an
rawerrarnior, I. ILA 6.413014
DUNLOP SFAVELL, attorney et Law, Meer on
Smithfield, between ad end 4th ma.
. _ _
41111111 - IC - C - OCllftlific - --
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fourth meet, between
Smithfield and Grant jolfinitlin
WO. H. ROBINSON. Attorney •t Late, hat,ro
. max./140(kt, to the Exchange ButlM,ga, St.
Clair , next door to Alderman John', apl 7ly
21 , 0011. D & Ott.,
18neemisors to hi'Cord es. King)
pa •I. lonabla illattior4,1 Oahner of 011
Woad and Path strer.4.
PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade.
gentlemen Call rely upon getting their Sinai and
Cape from oar establishment atilt UM, vwrsnuLa and
sseomeammante, of the inn:aromas, and at the LONCILST
Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are
rupectfully invited to anti and examine our Stoat; or
we can say with confidenee that as regard" , grain's
and P.M, it will not safer in a comp.-toot, went any
housein Philadelphia.
4•e CALIFORNIA lIATzI--12 dos water proof
. California lints, past received and for nate by
11 , 1h.loRD & Co.
blf7 corner SW and Wood nt.
-.61,017,438 4!
.• 64 7. 1 e.l
• oe,om es
• • LAM 37
AI'CURITS. Co. will introduce oil baler
dAlarch ad, the Sp . :lv stile or 11.Aq'S
rlaCtte in want of neat and superior hat, are tuvited
to call nt corner Of WI mind Wood streets. marl,
has flow open a aupply of spring Bonnet Ribbons,
of new and handsome styles.
Also, bear style fied Netts, bale Laces and
lagsi Lig.Etßagiegai Vi-toria do, plaid afinallea and
JIICORett, embroidered Nwt.s NuAllos, &c , besides n
large ossortreem ofan Goods generally, at north
cast comer 4th Moose, strema.
Whnlemln,Roorn• or stairs st,C
MIEFACIEVT.,-liorses while ruttoing at large
the fields are very apt to brut,e and toture
themselves la many way. ti n y ere 01100 disabled
so as to be useless fee a long time. If immediate use
could be made of B. A. Fahmsinek•lL Co.'s Aubrio.
cient, and the truism:l part well mutramd, sad the
remedy rotated al, it would gtt c relief and ease the
Pain. No farmer should be without this celebrated
medicine, es it is Mike licaltng to man or bent. Pre
pared aid said by B A FAIINI , etTOCK Cc Co.
come/ of Wood c-ud to os, al., corner 6th and
A . 0116.01410 WVitnt Kll.l.E.El.—Another prom
A. the triumphant .cosecs of Morgan. Verunfoge
I s crrattcacu, May lb, lalf).
Mr. John D. Morgani—lf toy numeas of uny us
ihn.. ri...11 ferard to the article
v .n 4 iftlitv, you are pertecUy welcome Logi
ha two children sorely adlieted wan nrlou
came alarmed, and.ael7 nntUF so, what , I ltiva /no
renowned Verna /rage nod naloalstung OT. 11-11, one 0
them re. delivered o'r riLout fifty worm. fifteen menet
long, of the ISOst frlghtful Loud. resclubLueg We
appearance of eels. The other child tons 11,.• rectal
about . .Sa. The shiblauti ace now doing lo ot , You
luny Well be proud of your Wenn
Your?. only Duvati Sin.. Virgin a icy
Prepated and sold wholcanle aunt retool by Ja icy
MORtid N, Lhaugusi, Wood street, one Jour Oelow Ul
u:loud a ley. mi 14
ALLSoutturY CM!, (11 Wur.l
Ar.l 29,
Mr. R. E. Sonora: Rene antlered on root. tow. web
Jr. ugh, which alma so ...yor, 11/ %JAI ilry
dail o y eta aloymeiu. frequedtly alter tougang. 110 r
been ran :ouch ezhnotted. on to t o , Obliged 1.. o f doss.
wad real. Heoring of the good erects produced by
your Cough Syrup, 1 concluded to gave it a trial, nod
anu hap{ y to say at produced the desired ethurt in my
Caro. A .lor osang it one night, the cough urns .0. saint,
and t am now perfectly weal.
Thia pa cannot nod popular Cough Syrup la pay-pared
and told by g SELLERS, .5"; Wood sou, t Sold
also by 1 Tuggusts generally to the two el{le. and vi
§tality. anvil
,AVElfilf:R — ilit=tteliere Vera:Waage a the urn •
.ele. 1......ar0n, V., Jantatlo, 1.40
Wilson—Dear Sin Tho vtal of
Vennanttss I lacanyht from yea tarme time aco bioirgbi
hylattlYW Me".: she . watirrhtiv - o " nhf
very short tune, hot forthia medium.
1111. do:, TY.
Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS. 67Su W.'lll •
.014 also by Drugaisurganarally in the two utio-
lir. Rase's Celebrated Remedies.
DII/ACV.I3 ti. ROSE., the diravivercr end role p •
primor of there st wauint end beneficial en
levies, and also the i nv entor y
at the ceiehrateit "p m are
mem for collating the Lange, in effecting a rare
Chronic. disease.,
art. a •tudsul of that eminent :Jr*,
chin, bun tor Phyuc, min tau graduate of the L nsvnru
ty of remotylvanin, and for dory years Ante. L.. tines
enraged in the turefintabon at disea se, and the appli
C• 0011 ol remeinea thereto.
Througa the tiae of has intlaimg tut,. m connehho
with his Frophylactic Syrup ond other of ins renh-die,
he has !gibed an tmparaielled eminence in 1,11,11
dose dreadful .d fatal trieladic, Tutihreola, t'on
aumption, Lencers, Scrofula, Rocumatimm rt•talon
Fever anal Ague, Fevers of all kind., Chronic Er, upe
lea, and all theme aluctlaute du peculiar in lc
indeed every form of disease mimetic', under the or •
of Ins remedies,to which humanity la heir—not tiy th
sae of one compemod only, for that tin incompatild
with Pliyanalogical Law. but by the use of hi, v•rm.
dies, adapted to and pratcritiett for each peculiar mon
of dues.
Dr. Robe's Tome Alterative Pills, when coed are or.
variably acknowledged to Le superior to aE •
a purgative or liver pill, mairmuch sal they tease gm
bowels perfectly free hoot costive:icon, also lei
Golden Pills is admitted by the (acuity to moat,s peru.
liar properties adapted to female olisra.aca, but being
tatisfied that a pare trial t; suthc/rni to wkut
lia,begn oast in the mends of the meet stein/eat
The Mita:led are invited to cull upon the orient. and
procure ((;ratio) one of the Doctor's pamphlets, gluing
a derailed arcouto of mien reined; and its opplicatzon.
Por sal , ' by the following' ugents, as well an by went
Druggists throughout the couotry:
I deloormsak el' Co, 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh;
ItlTownsend, druggint, 45 barbel et
/.4 A Beckham, " near the P.O. Allegheny city,
Jos Barkley, Darling - too, /3caver coanty, Pa.
/no Elliott, Eamon Valley,
'l' Adams, Mauer,
Jaynes' Expectorant.
BALM Columbiana co., 0., Apr. 21, 1 , 11.
D. JAYNES,: Data Ina.- 1 1 feel bound to you
ad the aillieted public, to avail myself of thre ope
pormitity of giving publieity to the ettrwirdinary effects
of your Expectorant an myself. Raving been alb feted
for riveral years with a severe cough, bectie rover
and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed
to linger oat a short but miserable existence, wail air
fall of MAI, when ' being more severely enrich ed. arid
having resorted 10611 my former remedies, and the pre
scriptions of two of the 1110190 respectable phystemns to
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, Or the
consolanon of stirs - tying but a few days or vreets at
fartheot—when the last gleim of hope was s boot to
vanish. I had recommended to me your Krpect.orant—
and blessed by that Beim who does all Maga It, the
1160 Orde means—arid contrary In the expectations of
my physicians and friends, I was in a few duyr nosed
from my bed, and was enabled by me one of a Is mlo to
attend to my business, enjoying since limier heal th than
I had for ten years preen.s.
Respectfully yours, &e. ' la. W. Forte..
Forrale In Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Yea Store, 72
Fourth street.
J.ll. y minatory, balsamic and tome properties of ties
Vinegar render it for superior to Cologne water for
the ordinary parposeo of t h e toilet, sUrpassing It, lat
ter it,/ ll* rotrbooc. It prevents and removes piropies,
teller and asperity of the Akin, it lerreloot arid 'Alan,.
the shun, rendertug u sob-and smooth. It corrects the
clammy and tinter table of the month, mparting a tress
and pleasant breath. dt eJermsca aged whitens the
teeth, and hardens the gums. Pot all the move pm
ses, tie used with water in such proporuat as limy
be found most agreeable. liy inhaling it and roloong
it on the temples, it will Moto,. larodurltc. II spotted
instantly to It bunt CT braise, a will eventually per: ern
mortification. It correct vitiated al r, and gunman:.
(dm contagion; n is therefore very useful fur ouriiiitig
and perfuming apartments. For sole by
R E SELLERS, Wholesale. Drogglat,
mel4l 17 Wood street, Pabarot nil
Malrane In Tenn
_ .
TUIS Ltoceittfy that I putchauet tate vial of Dr.
MoUtrioNliform Spectf,c, some tworemote 3ro
earl gave to a son of tame, some seven ),11.1.1 old, two
sildiporms fall, Cud although Um tutumat may appear
Lugo, yet I hove oo doubt bet there wet upwuuls ot
.11WO 21121215 tr woatot purred from tun, tnettrofior
hootono 4al4tor of an to two toches lonr.
• Rocos'a Orsok, ennui 00. 'Tenn., Len 27, le-17. purl
S/SLLRR‘' , VERAIIPUtiIi IN frEolttll A.—
Co:tweets, Jou eth, 1 eta.
Mr. R. E, Solleric—Your Vormtbage has mid well,
and has been AMU y spoken of by all who have umd
it.: Prom the stiCeessjittending the ONnlmsuau.,n 01
your Versolfage in oaerrome I have heard of, I nin
confident I can sell more during the commg meso n thou I did lam I will bo glad LO receive Ithollsr .op.
Ply aril or h gross. You., respectfu ay,
lExtmet Rom letter.] It. CARTER.
Prepared and sold by K. F. SELLERS. 57 Wood w,
and sold by dragguts geuerally, in Ponabargli mil Al
TIIE mil/scriber has removed las WholeuUr Grote ,
ry Store to the corner of Hancock street end Aar
pony Wharf; next door to the Petty House.
thett27.du JOHN y P ERRY .
Forelisia and Domestic Liquors.
0001:7 amortment of Foortga stud Lnarestic Im
joIL gnats, always on hand unit for sale in q 1142.1.1
to suit purchasers, by
E Lave en - m — e - 14.1k4P5, Made on ,iitllnProwal
plan, ea so AOl to (lease to the coldest %yawner.
Persona wanting suet, arueles, are invited !bean and
see theta at Merlin.: ts. ATIONSOISCIS,
miers Cs; between Waal Market me
Mresae, rt es.
Baron, entroelbt 8 bbhl FlaSesed; 9 bogs dal 4 da
ruy.p,ssties; do Feathers; 6do Mtnrenp, to arrive,
Tot sale by ISAIAH DIcKEY a Co,
rrunt rt
;00L-4 oks Wool; I do Feathers, larstag room
L Ele We, /As{ for sale hy
y , jab . JAAW DALZELL
El lemeobagbam, I ene•r PI tasbarerh, I Pa.
Warehouse; No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
w 111 coustanuy keep on hand a alio.' m.ur
men, of Were; Of our Own 111211111.11/10, and
supertorqualtty. Wholeeele and country Met.
chant. are reapecnthily invited to call and ea
.:mu for themselves as we are determined Ix oell
cheaper then haaever before Leen offered to the pub-
117. °edam sent by mail, aonomparded by Me cub or
ity reference., art/I be promptly Amended W. mYIO •
Tj ub. 1 . tr. Gelb on Jao, 4
deo & Co. tad by th drown by
em accepted, for ssap, dated May
tO, loaf), or 90 days attar sled, and et:copied May Jr,
1.449, payable to the order or dtawore,: and by thorn
endotmd to P. C. Shannon, who has nonce that pay
ment of the matte ha, been stopped in Molten& of
my2l of 11ieharda0a
. . .
r .r i su E baa7l tie "m rs e , 7n b lt b n ' s7n W et 1f.=,"..17.`,1-1, -
Co., is this day gissolved by mutual consenL eson'
Burke & Barnes will stale the business of Me eon:
cern, for which purpose they are authorised. to use the
none of the concern MATHANIRL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned have this day a.sixiated themselves
in the name of BURKE & ELSISNE9, for the purpose
of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, &e.
e at the stand'of the late firm of Constable. Burke
& (n., where they vrill be pleased to receive - the pa.
tronage of the customers °Mot house and their friends,
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Make k Co;
I ai r
ray pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke fr.
Bernell to the confidence of friends and the purdiu.
partnerahJp of MURPHY b. LEE is ad. day
1 dissolved by mutual cousent. The berme..+ of the
late Gnu will ber settled H. Lee. J. R. MURPHY,
Pittsburgh, Jan. SO, thou. H LEE.
NOTICE—The undersigned wll/ ennt3nue the W
humoeme and attend to the sale of Woolen Gootp
the old stand.
In retiring from the firm of Illarphy & Lee, I take
Treat pleasure in recommending Mk H. Lee to the
tonfidritee of my friends and the - public.
Pinsbnrgli, Jan. an, IM9. J. R. MURPHY.
ripUE subscribers have'hitt day associated tfe[l3 ,
lielVes together for the purpose of trantraeung a
wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocer' Intinft. ll t
at No ktdl Liberty, opposite Seventh scree. under the
sly le and firm of BUSHFIELD & HA 18.
Pittsbutgh, January I, IND.
N. IL—Our old Clistenterl and the politic are invited
to give us e call. tee
- .- •
have entered into partac 'Alma, under the firm of
PE & ATKINSON, and will carry on Use Tio,
Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory.
A Imo. Illackinnithing in all no Itranchew, at tho old
stand of Wm. B. Senile, Bust street, near Wood.
Pin - neut. attennon peon to atatualroat work.
. _
I ILn VV. tins day ussooisiedsritismo in the who's
sole tirocesT, Produee and Commission business
my brother Joseph, under the tiros of J. R IJILWOILTI
January 1.1840
j 10- P AR. TN ERS —Wm. Young haring.
day ...mod with lulu, /oho R. 11I'Cune, att. ,
:her 111 , 1,514 WO/ be.onAcr be cooducie•l touter II!
tin& . & Co
rot many yearn connected with Nlno-rs Wiley tit
u: cant, anc' hue John ncy, N. 1 ort and Land,' n,
FRENCIi A:ND ERMAN )3001i.:3,
No. 01 WooD scaarr,
N'enrly opposite we Si. CharresHotey.
IF, - Engflub. French, and Gorman RLVIOVVII and
M.t.sszitiett, and Nr wspapers Itaportod to Orie T. prle , s
of tyl..elt :nay It< ascertutood on at/p10t...3n to Mr. I.
ClitAtOg tiro gran." tnylh
T .1t..".1) VALUABLE — Dot thl.t
ill 1 —II nta on rultfir Archncetur, prepared. on
"cunt( .31 Bending Corntytthre or
IIaAUICItO, by Hobert Dal. ("wen. 11l large unarto,
tuchantl , primed, with 113 illustrations in the brit
style o( u. 1,1
•een on F4°11013.0, errand edition. revised
and A treader on diseases of the air.pas-
Pager; coinprisay all inquiry into the ingiory, causer,
and treatment of Unwe elfecuotta of the Throat, onled
Bronchi., Chronic Loryngitia, Clorgyrnan's Sore
Throat, inc. he. By llorwe Green, A. M., M. D., hr.
Plate, unproved and carefully colored. ILoya: taro.,
ant top., 3.3.00
Ill.—Now ready, the 4th Ninloll, revised and 011100-
god, with additional illoorations, A 'treatise ou Land
scope Gardening and Kora! Architectnew.
For role by JAMES a lA3CEWL.OII.
BI Wood octet,
For many year. connected enth Me6lllll. Wflo, &
Female, and into John Wiley, New York.
Mr. I. bat litll rcturned from the Eactern Mies.
in the Wood, by .I.T. lleadley, author oi
` . lVlwhinTtrai innl his Oeurrals," etc
'the Lite and Wrumg. of De Witt Clinton, by W.
W. earopbcil, author of - Border Warfare ^ len roe d
by ;u7 & STOCKTON
V . 1.1V 1.;0"h, , ni r% on4r.rful
v „i n,„,„.,_ //1/112CIOLLI eaL:rasings of, .00.1
loca:usbou. or I ,, ctures of au! Arunandher
Cron. lo) Clishries herener Furl IVuyue, huhu... wars
tort uarajur,ory Mrs Iburtel Noy..
Just reed by STOt2 ht UN,
lug sorncr .".43 end Muript rrs
Vnl nn blo Books..
I2LLI(IT h. ENGLISH. IU Wood .In-or I...raveen'
./`4 ew and 1hnen.....) aloy, baste mre.,...1 a 1a..,
supply of 'rbeolog.. ul and whet sort, among as b.,.
are the tollowmg, via , loaeeilisabrous au.)
courses, by Yreasdent BopkiaL MI, Lew and
lioapoi, by Itt 11 'l') [lg. D. I), Lam of 11). Win Vlinma,
havorg warm, at Auterrea, Reptabbeao Claiartantry
by Magoon, Mau Prmievai by Hartle, Phrenology and,
M(1121.1,111 by Itev N. L. Race. D. isupu.ra, Lya
Import oral ' ?lode, by Beeeber, Nineveh and
am.% Mom:tieing of we Ibble, by M'Faxisme; Harneet
Muu.stry sad enema Earnest, by .1.1i...yme,
emsda. works, 4 ' , Au. ocm ed. 1 7 . 44175 1 ,,r,
out and r
ming on Rail - IP Valliss7", Turmalono`a Tn.*
ow" - , Cyclopedia of Aland sod Religion.. hhiecdotea,.
Edinre Nerratlvert at repel7 l .Cbust kteceiMmg Sm
arr, BM., Evadenees fur ine People, by J. eiptuarog. I
Modern 6ociety, Modern Aceoraplistrultuts,'Haldane
on Ramada, Demme) Tionights on Scripture, try Cecil
now firal publishod, Laie of Pollak, Natural Ihstery b l
Entbilamana, Middle Kingdoms, Lectures on ?damn..
PrOVC.. Butcher.
111 Itril ihalumliy, and mw , elpo
rience of late In the p lain. of Lau, With other Al,
Rune, s
by George B. Lime, r, D. D ,wan Porrralt• or
amber A f l ew cup,. rec 'd end for Rale 10
to, 19 I.:Li-1./TT k hoNGLINH.I%. Wood
p_rOkt- . . BOOKS' —Tlae Neve Muumuu liaidener,
'rim Nev. Aluenearr llrebanamt, try oa Kenro•k
lbe Complete Fminer and Rural 1,C01140114. b 7 En,
hr barn .
oder', Dosucsts: Coo,cry, by W A liendroun
ray 14 --- -et;rna; 11Z -------
et and al ..
v, - i:w 44:L14/lOUS WORKe.---Th a t ''''
„LI Prayed., by Senate' 111.111er - . D I; ''
Thoughts on Ferrari Worship, t.) Dorn . e D
s W Alex
ander. JUIII 'metered by
BrN 1K S.-- Agll,ll fOrtil. of Ir.. Ileonne of
Doano life
Ffi.tory of King Churl,* tin- Second, of P.ncland, by
lticot, Abt,ott, with cnaraving• /Ltt recd by
JOHN:7II)N & SII/LIIT,r , t,
loyD corn..r 3tl and Ala rket ala
TAME. , It lAN.N V(N)D, Ilor many Tear. eenn,e't
te ed %levers. IVtley and Putnam. and hue Job,.
t%'.lc), Nen: 1 ork and London,) has established et
13..keetling Moan at No. 6:1 Wood street, between :Id
and Ith etre., where may Lc lound a valuable coLec
limi STANDARD ENULISII and AMEND ANA UTIIOft...I, al price low as in the Ettetura ram:
views, Matta, s, New e,mpe re ac., ita tattled to order .
Cle.:11E8 are e nulled to rename their book) et .
tEr . E11,311.11 and Amrnc skit C 411.110,4 ues tunneled
s to nil monowho de Sire them,„ or ecru per mail to
IX 1. ,vtll alwa). he happy to ex hilat to ',idles and
gentlemen has hoots, and Impart to them nay laarri . .w a&ca ha may poaae.s regurdsm: them. myta
it,TFAV AND vALL A LiLY: %Vt./RIX —Ntaavaxx . ai;a
da RCllluilte, Watt an of a ',tall to t ' °.
ltaialdcall Ulit:M. of Kurdaaaa, and gm Yezedts or
Devil Worahloper,, and all Ingetry onto the snano , rs
a. d acts of Inc anemia Asst' rant; Auaten Waxy
l.xyatd, tAq., L. C.D. Just recd and tor sate.
no 7 JOllNb'rtiN /a XiTIGN:KTON
JAM .Sltoots,l:cr and Impe;riTx
al Fort'ign Books, txt Wood street, has an hand a
valuable caltvellUti of English and Atari - man Book.
tlto diaercut departments of Literature, whir, La w
prcpeirell to veil am iow al they ran be oLtalued in the
ELISIC 1-11/1,
Englab and Cotatitenml Book, fievie,s,
anJ NOTtpviter., tiriportnd to order.
The price ut any Review, MagaLine or ticarrpaPer,
may lor./L2,t(lo.llked on applicatton .Idr
1.a . 111•Ii and American Calaloathe, furni.lied grana.
Par I. tide to ohm the Ertelerli rinrit tit lea/
day, an will 1w happy to oseeote nay ordcro lot
LSCPU[A, 1.0,4111001g0 or atattottcry, at a ainalt adyaireu
on the eon. niy9
Xr - layord'it Nineveh •utt to. Remains,
11 tt tth n., ee,ount of a visit to the ChaldelelJ ell no-
Ugn. nl Ti.rds..on, and the Ye - Luisa, or De yll-Wor.ble
per,awl 1 / 1 41.11 . /hfn in uottore one sr. of d,
swath an Introductory letter by D.
Robin's:az.ern, octavo. 'Alta about IVO illil•traltun.
CIICEVer'A L.r.4 firer on the PrlgrusCe Progress I vol,
UGLIO, Prtco It/Its,d to g.1,U1l
Crude. a Concordance, condaused: redured to Sl To
hlaenulara Metall - of England, Hamer', new ..d,
VOld, octavo -large prim sad fine paper, per vol.
t.e.scnine Hrhrrw nod Lcioron, nrw ed.
Iprovc.l For 1.1til: by H HOPKINS.
myll 4th at, near wood
)00K$ Ilbh.H.S"--Untot; of Church and St., by
/ Rdv 13 NI Neut.
"fbe eborch in Loan , u, Ly Rev .1 Angel hurt,.
AthAce to Young Ntru, by T a Arthur, gilt.
Young Ladle• "
1-sntutio of Ebu—(;hurler Losub.
.• .
k.patantic Cholera. by l'to/ Coventry
i'yolupodta of Moral aro! Reittootts
Curnotett. %York , of Cloif lotto f:Ottiboth, vertil
osr br hot husband. 2 VOl3, .1 00. 1110•trtitett watt
el plates.
Ifirrgon and Cali:LA . om to h y
The lotc Ltiv.tletton to the Dea..l hca.
rinverbn for Inr Peopl, or Illomow.e• of rr. , •nrnl
drauss Iron, iho Liool, 01 W.•dom, 1,1 1. L
t.“.rs hon t, I.y br Wu) land
neirt.L. m Meteurotogy, Ly J Brock teol.y, A M
For meth: by ft Ilt
usy7 Apoilo
MAN PLIJAILVAI.. or TMa en.thution and P.a..
dye condruun 05 the Mouton I.l4lint. A von...
nun to Theological Science, Ity John linms, It. Lt.
I,oeturra m 100111: Men ou o.soo,lisiptorinlitnulr
tens' by II \V Beoeher.
Charroirto Worn, complete.: G
Th, worn I.l'PB Arthur, untforrn ca. IA tot, Jun
reu'd try myll It I.IOPKINtI, 4114 et, near woo.'
WHruills establishment 'Ong
,aml widely known as
bang one of the nioal erunreadroeflb she city of
, alumore, has recently undergone very even
aye alterations nod Improveinents. An enure new
wing hes been added. containing muncrom and airy
sleeping apartments, and eztenatve bathing room.
The Ladles' department Iras also been eidmpletety
reorganized and hued up to a most unique - anti beauti
ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House
hoe been remodeled, with a single eye on the pane!
the proprietors, towards the Comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they confidently named will
challenge conipar:son with any Hotel In the Minn..
Their table will Mar
which the m va be &applied With every soh-
Mental and luxurymarket adorda, served
uD un a supcnor style; while in the wag of Wines, the,
they will not be automated.
In ennolneton the proprietors beg to say. that nothing
will be left undoneon their putt. nadva the pan of these
asst tan, to render this Hotel worthy the cannoned
patronage of their friends and the public gone rally.
The pnees for board have also been reduced to the
followmg rums:
Ladies , Ordinary, • Sly per day.
N. H —The Baggage Wagon of tho flowe will al.
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landinga,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
The subscriber having assumed the manage
ment of this long established nod popular Hotel,
lerpeetfully announces to Travellers and the
Pubbe generally, that he will he at
all thnee prepared
to accommodate them 10 all thing. desirable in a well
regulated Hotel. The Howe Is now being thoroughly
repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no
pall. ail] be apored to make the Exchange one of the
very twin Mode in the country.
The andonogned reapeetfully solicits a continuance
of the very liberal patronage the floutta has heretofore
received. TIIOAL/1.5 OWSTON,
letiPelf Proretor.
Le Als , ruvirrEfifittiiii. ,
warm or Imo.. Ann olurr =urns, rrTnuittena.
it.ME stibcertber respectfully announeea that.
he ho• now opened hie new and excellent Hotel
tor am accommodation of travelers, boardora,
end the public renerally. The hon. and furniture
are entirely near, and Ito painsor reprint hove brain
Tared to render it our of the 111031 comtonable and
Pleasant floods to the nip
The cabserther a determined to deserve, and there
fore tonna.% a share of piddle patronage.
oel l4- dty'JACOB lloUrrH, Proprietor
rinstarr la., 11 MTN.. YOUR= A • I. 1,C7 . 11 ST%
07717 lwe n'4III°.(Pii,TELIGII-"Cl7l:n,''''".
znftr2tl- Vropnetor.
Scrip at Par,
11 . It
0 1 ;r 1;T . ,OER., .am nn elesortt lot
no., r.ttoto at the low., pry, r, for Yttt•lorgh.
Atlegheny ally. and A'ottrury cutopr,c
(rum oto 76111 i 'mere .-.•-ted by Mr Chirk
mat for tht• murk, They are wnrratited to Jr .yowl
to any in the elty, having all the later anprovcrucatn,
weh or rz rrnl wr 'real, etc.
Bayera •r, tnvitad roll prevtaus to rurchaßtntr
ekewltere. and. at., to hung u ith theta •orrir ,nod
Judge. aryl . ..tonal or, to ;udg , of the oitiah
ty of the al.ove Luttromenta
B—W"rturti gun, wore , even with rorh
Ptuoo. r,titling too holaer nrac hang., In you the ot•
torinneut he proved in the tempo ttcrtreottperfret or
faulty. y 11. K
Shaeklett & While,
PUS' GIiODS tIIBERS. It Wood .1000,, a.k the
a•tnittiran of Merchonts to door stock of AitlERI..
t..ANT AN r) FOREIGN DRY, ono , roet.te.nK
direr) from 11,1 bond,
• .
Itoornvtrig re..olor rupplres of firxt rood' , du Tiny tier
Beeson, mud devour, u Iner• uhetre of lhe ..non
to ElnAtern Auettoo they ron.fide,ly
belyon they will al to their tafricut to exult",
thole .tort
!tut rrectivrd. haer irmoirca of twyr st) lc DI,.
Goody Fancy l'nuis. Camsliner., rloth, Sum. r
tioo<l.. tulc
Trlo..ntr.r awl I•rowu and Ulcaubcd ..... , 13ectiog . of van.
u• brood. mart
)loncrn and Antique Furniture,
Kt, Tama Stazrr. hrvierean
_ _
- . .
A large unn
a.tmtrimctit of 7trt
cunaltle rnr ',„tarn!.,..:. -
I.l.ltrio ant
intent t 1111,V 0I non 104, to artitt-
Tint ••eto monk nn Gantt cutatot exec.:!-•1 I• 7
Ltn; nurrnatr maid do vrt-II 1%,v,•i me
aI att. .+lll, rt.) lay prtec• pica.< Part ..!
tnn nto. r 111 •
Tot. I I,'frn lee
Lowee Chew'
Buret I:Logi:a,
qui , u
F rust Ttileis,
1.0 n,• roinnioder,
lirtaisteadis, Piano Ssoo.s,
Aith silufh nth/ I lair-cloW
4i1,11,1 1 . 3 rlor alu am,
:St v
At piss, lAsAan, 4 pair pier Tab.";
15 warble top Lire.isiss Bureaus,
Ile, and Fitiok ear,
.10 marble top ‘Varts i4Usnils;
4 pair
``,eß,~.pa4 fancy Wort Stands;
'larursvrp , Litfoolaseriasishire•nd ether
ir37. farosheil nts We
anAcialbe r
Cbcr.olate, Cocoa,
W Baker's American Ind F.eni u
ed Cog.oa. tiosina Paco. Brom.,
wercbants entioinier, who
I the befit produet• 011'0 , 00. tr.,: ir
more 14 I!! nuto-i. a11104.14 4 / I .i tr n rotfer S tan t/i 4,!
plysed, nner t(V01114/4,141* wove P.
tAinufueldreii by iistustir With
111, Brame and Cinion de!. ole. pasatatile,
and salatary drinks for invalid, con ou,ino-e,h.. and
other, are prenouneed by tne most eminent pir.•s, t.sna
superior in and other preparations fits in on arse reii
are Sims I' , 1, sale. in nap guartisti,. by the most re•
G ers lb.- ! , !r! c , l/C!, ) then
agents, iliswes. rey CAL
no ,of Rosin. Jan,. hi Flow,
rn. Hartford. Omni. Hth.sey NT.. York,
44 - 4.1 ft Sinai, Phinsilelptua. 'rooms* V itrandige, Bal
timore, and heltrigg A Benheu, eines:laza, Ohio
W Al. rER BAKER. LhAcherier Mast.
For sale by aag.ll 11.16A_LEY
Wrought anti Cast Iron
•sstitertben to leave tn inform he punkt- that
T Wry hate ishulned from the East •11 the late and
jaahronntile drstans fur Iron lisuling, both for houses
atm eemeterses
ter son‘ aftstnue In procure hand.
for tne
Itt patterns no, piea-se ens! and eauslosto, and Judge
erninil • nsil he furnished ut short.
est nailer., and in ihe beet manner. at the earner o r
tharg and Allegheny et , ))
auseidtl A 1./thIONT KNOX.
w 11.3 pur , fix,r
3 , . .t her 4ttnn
Itl/11a ta fact orcd Tobacco.
Q RXB4,entry h 110y.a,..1 , opener otareel 5 los
do NI A kla,r,
19 lade Pro , e h Ilaraloara
21 do do
55 do do Pearl k 11 . aropod " 5k lb
11 do J Itrodoo , oot
57 lo( do do
2.1 Jo do 95 ,5 Da, .on
:01 do T
37 do. A rod. , -on
9 do I. T
do ft a
9 do 1ta1 , 1,11
1..1 !nacho, !..lo
:tru.r aid vat d tor eerie
Ir IrLCKNOR .4. h0 CO.
41 noun wa:t t a .lla in o t, r o,
;,(e NUFAA:TI , at II) 11 Itn, N 2111, S
lc Son ••uPP ertor .aryl .1. hint,
,14.•11i.x• Wrto-ter Old .open _<l !,1111pet
25 " •ntry R"vort
21/ lh , ^ont fde Eurr)
tt Lawrence Lottter &Al plug
latilltits from ste.nor, anal (or rude by
II KALD, 111.;t:ICNOR & Co,
11 N 14 - 15/01 . 51 and 1G N v!vtrvet..
-. IV • di - rj. GL Week flinch re.
WW•,., , eatgayrtl tat tam al,ove , , corner
Wm,,l Th,rd tart ets. I'lltnitritla, win.=
we aim prepervd lotto any work an our lane with Jen.
Dpatch. We ett end to nor work porannally, nod onto—
tatu t, 5,011 111 rcg0.55110 na nuance. and*du
Blank 11.01+ ruled In any pattern and hound sob.
stannol.y 'lok •In number,. or old book. booed
fully ot term:red. Nam e% put on book• in vtlt
'lle , e that have 15/olk in our hoe are invitvd to cull
l'ateva lot nayMFll
CALF SIaN.S.---Ju dot 50510. w. 5 , 115110.11 Colt nI ne. n
Gm. article A few dozens Pi tludel duo
Sktnat, You Inc toaxnufn•lnry of II Al Crawford, to
wlooh the to.nuou Or boot maker. 1.111 vited. Juat
emved and for sale by youNt,& cn,
I'l latterly vt
ty VIM: •oltl our roam stock to C. lI.GLANT. vvtil
_ILL a vo. r loaang our old businct s. her...,
I ef t for brathe pa , ronagr of all our friend. and 1 . 1.1
CII GRANT, Whnlegole Groo•r. I'nronu+•inn and
• Fr , rwordroO Mort-bolo. No. 41 K'•irr 011 P.:
A PI: I. TON, Hell and ilragx For,tdrr, has rr
bull and coinlipmeml trumtle.ta at ths t.1.1•1.,h1
where lit- all be pleased to scc L., old, te.ion,
ors and irtetala,
rarer •I. Rtmonboul,Sllllc. ,. • rv , ry. ~ .m
o ill,ollll ^r 11 from imoero. 141 the NM, •
•Ii /11.14i••' N r 10 of wr -
A 1 . .11 , no, proprietor 1.1 'Ott n At. I,:
tom 1
too poAlly oocioltfnuool olor ennitotlion oot
tonol on mos. loincry Iluirn wool ,111,0 , 115011
•sn no tont, ost aiutntooL. I,
THE flub-crtl. , rm huvinF the crcluuvr Ap.itry lot
" ,111 14 114 . 1%4p, nt a
pipe n414t11,1. pity, Alll 1.4 alell I
A-111 o 4l4l v rrti 41pao,.uite
or qt
whirh w odor al tlrn War. rogulux
Any six , or ystll 111111/11111.14,1,1 no order :It
thon It Kt
taadat earlier re nn and Irwin .t. 4
NDIA it MUER CLA)lfil:ita—Jost rrre.rod for the
CalifiarPta Expr.l.uup, arotnplrte am.orttneat of
Gum FAN,' Clutltto.g. at prices ranging from *4,W w St I.W for Nutt of coat, pa., ~p 1 lank Fur +ale at the
!mita Rubber INT., Ni .1 %‘e.0.4 .1
der2o J tr. II PHILLIPS
rttas7.ll/ f..rne; 11•0(0...1 taoaa w )4:trr
LP eels:lvo:cif Jiamot4gb uteri oonalantly he
Lim; Thalberg and au, r great pertureuerx. Macate ,
With a large tumOrtrileill of ro•wwcrod Mid mahogany.
my ow. 'manufacture Th.' aillrUtnent, u re.
warramed la be perlect 111 [Very rravect, and will be
sold low for cool' lILUbIE,
deniti No 119 Wood rt. Ai door trona Oct.
For California.
4 1 11E , gl v ebla n te , d . 1 . 1r.a.: a a ” 12 ,, alo PouNer, kegv,
e , for solo by
J in,woaTit a Ca, 17.11.1041 SI
hl ua .ua - Paedc girds. Ash:
: 200 CASKS )ml received per steatacry J•aubac
aral St Cloud, and for Yale by
11W Liberty at
011,4 u bole in store asul lot lode by
myY ;ors= Libttty .taill=fts
. .
. . .
No. SS IVood Street;
urOULD'eall the attention of the public to their
,r present stock of Paper Hangings, which for vit.
bcodlY of koisholurability and eheapocad, u un
surpinived by any eatalibutuneut in the Goon.
Beside, a large and fuit uvornuctii of pepor or their
own raanufacture, they are now receiving a direct ita
gortation of French and Enghatt styles ol'Taper Hang/
Ings,pnrebnned by Mr. Levi Ilcovera, one of the firm,-
now in Europe, eurunctiou of
Par/alio munifacture, 10.01/0 posoes,
London do 5,000 do
Of their own Inanpfactore they have 100030 tureen
Watt Paper, and 12,U1g) piceiludiri glued Window
Blinds, rte.
Masers. Jane. lioward & Co. have spared neither
expense nor labor in their endeavors to rival the east
ern wall paper establishments. both in quolUY of tr.. -
ufacntre and variety of pattern; and they are warrant
ed In assoring the public that they have succeeded.
The whole assortment foreign and home manufac
ture, will be offered on Milne Cr low as those of
c ta manufacturers and importers. meh27altf
a tv. C. Y. itIMIOI.I4/
Of Pinebu tgh. or Philadelphia.
And General Commission Merchant.,
No. 423 hlazore Bruer between Itleventli and
Twelfth are., PEILLaDELPHIA.
(TildE subsoribers be leave respectfully to acquaint
J their friends and the patio that they have eau,.
muted themselves in Philadelphia, for the purpom of
transacting a General Commission Bustneatt, and trust
that long experience in bunions will secure to them
fair patronage.
Florarculr attention will be gi ven to tales of
nd Produce generally,- and yphases in
the Philadelphia market for We.tem account.
REFERENCES—The merchants o(Putriborgh gen.
•01117; Speutgar & AVlinanitm, !Amer & Andervon,
Cinemnau, Ohio; H D Newcomb W Clifton,
Leiria - Radlert las Todd, Looinville, Ky.; Crow, Mc-
Creary & Bartadida, St (Anis, Mn.; Hewitt, Norton St
Co., W A Violent, New Orleans, Lot Golt, (Stiletto &
Noyes, MV.iregor & Morris, No w Yorks, W R Thomp
lour& Co., John Tiers & Co, Peter Mantillas, B
Jones, Dent , Milligon & Ron, Philad'a. aytn.3m
Met creel—
dna very high book Shell Tont Comb',
3 ". medium "
2 " low
" plain high u
1 narrow beaded lop "
° rotary top Ilarrolo "
10 " pinin
L . ° Gross 0010. Horn; 30 der Abell man, asonsed al
zosi 110 gross cool hors nolo; 11 dna shell &swing do;
10 doe Buffalo do do; 1 do lontalion do do; 10 do beol
English Horn; 6 do S ti 8 hoe Ivory, 00111 0110; 18 do
S S do do, in borer; 10 green S Sinn do tio; I do comb
Cleaners. opl6
r 5.1.11111. mane. MANNA. WX. 11•Irr
(Success°. to Hussey Hanna & Co )
D A NK ERS, EXCHANGE IeROIfk:RS, runt detders
13 in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates
of Dep..... Bank Notes, mid tipccic—Foristii street,
nearly opposite the Hank of Pittsburgh. Current mo
ney received on dein:ate—Sight Checks for sale, a!
collections made on nearly all the principal points in
the United States
Gold -
he ighest premium paid for Foreign and Amertcan
Advances made on const7nments of Produce. ship
ped liaut on liberal terms: opt
Pstiorr mecum. J• 11,1, Is!, 1.4 a.
Palen: rrossJever.extenrurn roam, Sopa, Br, rums,
Book Carer, Wruing
TABLES fat surpassing every other in
venuon (slate kin now extnt_ Tbrr he ex
tended tram ten to twe d
nty-five feet, and when
the leaves are all contained inside; theyare matte to
all s i t es and Knape., and ate adrrurably adapted for
Steaboat.. Hotels, and prie /attunes, form.
tag when closed a complete centre t vat able.
SOFA'S ANT) BUREAUS—These antelea are tnval
made, parnealarly to those who wtm to reono
mote morn, and convert 11eepilif apartment into a
parlor or Jutting room, to they ran be opened and abut
at eonventertec, and when shut, the bedding is enclo,
rd. great beautiful
raving in rm and rent. All the bed
etend. when eloaedlorm a piece of fetraiture
for a parlor or lotting room.
llttOK CASES—A neat and [lreful article for parlor
. .
WRITING D/C.SKS—For lacy offirrs, con nsing room,
and on., ntflent; war, openell n loon eonrea,e is.
or .. vrttrn clotted n perfect [kik end Ltor.try alone
AI me... artsrlea heed rdeommendattort: the
berm, .0 the whole they arc warranted not :r,mt. Ifat
.ot tarth r It will I. for your to:crests to en': and
vrnelot. at the manufacturers atom No.
ta: 'floral 'tract, ll'ittanurgh In additton to the above
- t.J -y ore ?root :tetanal bags.
a. L. 1.7 1.1 w )31)W
IV h i
A c \ ' e r e U r N B fte C .
a l y l s a C c i t .1.1" I K T ' Y I I
tonoonl toy brbtuee. who Mee
on ennsitinption
In Mae01t.1,1.2.1 wnll taint, ate/ . with the etttotionitnion
a t
too mad to.o. roduorot low ortth the
Macaw. mat tor tout yea, I w unable to attend to
Ima,e ant., a: loon,. o ar broad, being lor the
no.o: hate contint, in)) bum; Me armile pm,
od or note, I had eapandd.l tor toadical ..nandsmon
re;olor Yitraretana and med.-tn., to the amount of
*g an, as- hoot trot, v., any benefit th,etrom. In
July. loi 1, eol2l=l[oo , d toting Dr. Jo. ar's Medi
cute, and bare tadtea beta more or less over totem,
and I..citawe that w. per . - mg tu that, use,
that I can 'tow truly aay that I have vomplowly react,
acted tw7 health. I believe that larne's gat•trre Pills
and Expectorant ate dm beet family wallet/les now to
• . •' '
• „
forritiiie ithop
am not urrereiiied In nay inormirr 111 the sll4 of she
toirthetnee, end riche tine eerriGearr troth., ben
efit oi those adhered EATON.
11., nghehl, N V. Scot 16 1 , 4 lay
I J ANITAe-ITRr.I)-('hr
svoirti. ntiention or ciir trade isiol
4/14.1 to orris , . sebich Lela; eo,l(ignrilelits It
reei troy] inuturaeourers he ts enabled to sell at east-
I el I bee R W l'ren.haw
70 Jame. Illadtann fr.
-11 Lamartlitc
.111 Miralmau lcv
le: P Putnam n. and I v.,
Robert. & Sisson 5..
osear Rurl
V I •• John. &t. sore la;
n I %Vara/Irk...yr
4. Henry S Janie, L. IS and v.,
- Pitt Etwchine Work• nod Pauladry. -
1,111.14.1. Pa.
J OHN W RIGHT A. Ca , are.prepared to bud Conon
and Woolen Machinery inevery dellaryhon, .00has Carding Alaeruttes., Spinning Frame., Seeders,
lira wing Frame, Rfulevay Reads, %V /vire, , poolerv,
Dregaing. Yrnute•, Looms. Card Grinder, &.• pl'ro ‘ igt z t
Imo Shafting turned; all 'ter, of Onet Iron, Pul i.e. nod
H anger . of tolent patterna„ glide and hand I.aihea
and tools of all kinds Unsnaps of every deverspoun
turmaLed on short 1101.1 C, Patterns made to order for
f.,:tne. leo. Railing, be. Steam Pty.. tor ile•t
tog Factory., rnc Iron 11,
Sash and lour). ens.
tin:a genteelly. Orders left at th e Watch., of J.
YaTmcr & Co., I.lberty street, %nil ha en prompt atten
Refer to Blarkstock, Boil & Cu., J. K. Moorehead &
, i; El. Warner Jolla Irwin A Sons, P. tlnharch .
1' J A Warner, :.iienhenvine 110,19
Penn Maclaine Shall
WPM NIA N.—Nlunularturer .
kintlot of eat.
Pin and woollen ilidclinirry. Alleglielle city, Pa.
no.,se wort. 1.4.1111ig HOW ul kill 11,1 d ntlcreSbnal op
ei anon PM prepared in execute note, wmi di.patch
lot all kinds prepared
machinery 111 10 y Ann, 'writ willnwx,
sprenders., rude, grinding mardunce, ranways,
drawn., frames, speeder, throsnila, looms, woolen
card., rloutb:e or mock, for mernhant or eriniiiry work,
he., elide and hand lathes and tool. in gen
ral. Alt snid- ni tirade to order, or plans gie
en tor geguing rectories or mille at renennulne charge.
R -Kennedy, Child. A Co., Mar nine . Hell
i'n.. King. Pennock & C4...,Ja, A. (,ray.
AT A 1% I(ITt& l.:(l,r.;:eala reape.etfully inform
otlbile that they have e-rected on
La, °ell, I•et ern Fed.- ral d ~andusly ntrre They
:Ire num' malting and are prepared to reectur ordrr. tor
cvvry et vehicles, Coucht, Ch,rtat.., 111-
roneln,, Boggles. Phetons, &e , ;rem Owls .
lone r a or nenee /it the taantliLLOlLl re of the .tb,,,17 work,
and the taetlatem they have, Ltey teel confident they are
enabled to it work on the MUM reaeonable terms with
W tie waning nrtelra to their hue
. .
Payntg particular attention to the .election of mate
rials,und Ia Vim: none bat competent workmen, they
have no Ileanallon la Warrallllllll 111e0 . vl, k. We
110 0.1 . 0 re a.. 1, the alLeallon 01111, pualle 10 tali Matter.
N It !trimming done in 01c beat tua.nuer, mid On 11/0
1110 , 1 rensOnnWe Wein.. jalttlf
Mollo3lgehoela Livery Stable.
16a, ROBERT it. I.ArmiteuN hat opened
the largo stable on Fll , ll at, running through
to eioeond at. 10 . 1wevn Wood and Smith& Id
04 , 1 we rear of the Monongahela HouAr,
with all ent‘reiy new cock of lioricii. and iNrrtagua of
thii quality and latein ntylet. Horace kept at lise
ry in the heist martin, nldly
Patent rhadttated Gaineraste Battery and Patent
In.rulaud Poles for Modem( and other pfterdettl,
is the only instmeitent of the kind ttIC Ul2ll evt.,
been preamacil m lids country or Europe for nwd
mat purposes, and IS the only one ever known to Man,
which the galvanic fluid ran ho conveyed in the ho.
ti n eye, the ear, the brain, nr to any pan or die hod.,
nom, msrually or Internally, In definite sentie
sin without simeks or pann—with perfect harm y—
and o. 101 l with the happiest erect.
111 important apparatus is now highly approved of
by many of Me most eminent physic.ns of tats con t.
my nun est mpe, to whom the afflicted and other, whom
141.1 root-ern eon bet referred. Raferonce mill also
anyy highly rio pouf:dile etuxrts, woo have
i.• rated toy means of Itkl• most valuable np;.arnas.
ol I.ollli . 111 111 C moat inveterate itervnosdisordet tt which
old .
Aillongothers, it hos tern proved to toe 1
notably adapted lor the cure of the following dioceses,
ste. nervous head tel. and other ditElll.o.l or the ltral,
It in St .:It atm ..,•,,rono•woo Jut the OPCISiaI caa
votive) the 1011111.1. &
MiLh rag, and sorm to the
rya, to restore • •
, tsho.. or Cure tuatzurosat; to the ear to
re-torn hermit's; to the tongue and other orwans, to ro:
store *pooch; and . the vprios• rts Of Ma body, for
we care Of throne rhoissa.m, asthma, nennaiguy Or
doloUroolr, paralysis, or pulay„ FrOyl, OhOrtel Or SL
Vitubi dance, epilepsy, wookoess froal .pronts, me
digest., peculiar to morales. contrOCtio.l tho
14e kyuw, els eta.
Rlghts for suiroundlng counties of WeMorn Pa., and
prrellee., with the instrumenhuttuy be purchased, and
also Imo. for the care al Mimeses.
Pull iluLtuello. will be rya for dot •21.132 (Menu-
Lola to be kleiCdOir V.riatl3 1e..% (.4 the best man
ner for operating forthe cure of those diseases will el
tst be fully crphaned to the purrharer, and pamphlet
putt nto his hands expressly for them pa rpeemst cam
fully prepared by dm mantes. , Fkquins of seirmlly S. IV Vine Ptusburgh.
_ -
11. J. WILL lADIs,
No. P 1 Nocoo Six. Sr.ri, VIBLADELPIIIA.
V ALA N OVACPURER, (Awarded the hr. and high
est Mutate at the Now Volk, Baltimore orid Plaladet
pine kailibilauitt, (or Me saperiorny his/Smits, with
esinfinued confidence in his manutsicturc4 asks the m
istake, of purehiscrs to his aimortntent of Mkt Blind s
of narrow and wide slats, with limey and plain Trim
vilrtbk, at new styles and colors. Also, a large and
general 111.011.01=1 a Transparent WILL4OW abodes,
all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prince.
Old Dands painted and trimmed to look equal to new.
irr DEALERS SUPPLIED on Isberal term,
The eitimu of Allegheny musty art reepeelfalll
acited to call before buying elsewhere—tentacle= of
loan( all. Open fo the =remit enehaatcleeniam
. ,
A rE so ''' reofe ' n ' t onVl:Ovali' em
selected with mole than usual care dohs, l ust ft .
weeks, in the New York cad Philadelphia marten,
and embracing a great variety of alma.: every de
niription of die latest and most fashionable styles, and
portion 0(11 having been bate ht at the EAST.
kaN AUCTIONS at a 'great reducuon from the rep,.
lot rates, we are coedited to offer great induce....
Wes. buyers, either by whol sale or retail. We
;Weald therefore respeovidly isrvito the amid:ton of the
E44r to our Stock, feeling confident of our ability to
ka1n„...... 1 . 0 ost. eScry . tilliele they may wish In
12 ladies we would especially commend
our stock of
Brbahoto Dana Sun, of which ore have a very
large and beautiful assortment of the latest styles and
- moat fashionabk colors.
Lamm Dimas Goons—hintudin de tallies, Poll de
- Cheevre, silk, linen and mohair Lewes, panned
Lawn., gingham Lawns, Pout wds, new style Barer.,
English, French and Scotch Weigher., linen Gnas
hests to peat variety, ho.
.13onmere—New style 13ennets, very cheap.
Bunton an, flowtms—Of the latest styles and sap,
TiOr in quality.
Psassots—A very large and handsome mock of Par
asols, of almost every style awl ue/i9 ,
151141ArLa—A line OaSUSIDICAL of spring and. summer
Shawls, of ail styles and prices.
Fascien CLOTLOL—A geed supply of super French,
English and American Cloths and Cessinterea to which
are wools invite the attention of persons needing such
ALSO—A Coll sad gen e ral =p i ny ocktaxuag
lleirings, brown and bleached Muslin., Table Linens,
Shaetinga, Marron, Cambric., Drilling., sumfttes Goo&
mans' and boys ,- wear, Jaeonets, , Mulls, taldaerNan
woks, Nankin., Prima GingitamkOzape, Crape Lace,
Cravats, Gloves ; Hosiery, salt
,Editis, ice,
Persons wishing to buy by wholesale, atioold Can
and examine oat stock, es oar prices are such as Dv
make it their OTtannat to buy.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 7ts - Market at,
&pal northwest corns, et tbe Diamond
SON es Co, No. 60 Market sisont, have
on hand the largest.. variety of Embroldenes
Which they have ever °demi Their assortment con
sols In part of the following goods, via:
185 rich embroidered Moshe fle, from 61,60 t 05,00
,460 " Col Mrs " ate to MAO
MO crochet Collars, from 7:71 to 76
360 lacy
" . -to 121
700 Gimpore " 6/ t* 101
160 Jenny Lind " " 621 10100
I% muslin Habits, 60 10 1,50
Mai parrs initslle Cana," 37/
Also, lilmmung Collars, from 185 niZo.
Call at the cheep ono price store of A. A. MASON
& Co, No 611 Market st. . rayliJ
GES, Ac.—W. R. hinters has Ibis roormsig
eeivedby Express a lot of handsome VITEVP colored,
green and bine Bonnet Ribbons. Also, glossy black
Silks for dresses, Violas, mannikin, &c.
Bum Sus Laces—A large assortment lately recei
Worse Goons for dresses—each os min awl mall
Nuaneks, Ito Aloe, embroidered mush.
for dresses, all at lowest prices, at northeast corner
Fourth and Mark. must...
Wholesale Roots, up stairs.myld
1 1 11ENC11 LINEN ANDI..INER — Ltie
r R. Ittuarur h. nob open a Cull assortment Or a-
Move ankles, for dresses and .e.—among the lat
ter are some scarce colon, mach as pink, bloc, green,
deed also, pink, blue, green, and mode colon of Cha
meleon lkwns„ and a large assortment of embroider
ed us.lms and Lawns.
- • .
W. R recent purchase is now all reeetwed and
.pen, and persona wanting Dry Goods will do well to
out at los iarme aml fres!, stock before purebsumf—
t northeast corner lth and market sta.
Wholuaale RO6OlB op news. my-2
R riFicIAL , LOWERS—Matarinla for Artilia
it Flowers, viz: Plain tierce paper, sponed do, Car
tie paper far coloring, Pink Saucers, Uares orre
ry ionic, Linda tips, and callows, can be obtainer! or
P II EATON et Co's TriAnning_Store,
Pourlb at
VAIRROMMULY—WorsteII pant:rag for Ononsans,
Paseo Stools, Table Covers, Traveling Bags, with
a PeaVIII.) . of small patunsa. Also, Wonted. of
oil entod and shades., by the pound, ounce, or skein
for sale by opl4 Pll EATON tr. Co, et , Routh rt
ECOND SfiPPLY—M , R Murphy, at northeasit cor
k) or, of 4th and Market streets, has now open los
tarosa supply of spnng and summer Goods, and has
large 3441 , 011MG11{ of Dress Goods of newest styles, and
stastaple Goods of every kind, all of which will lie sold
(2_11111:19 MUSLIN R Murphy has
reeelved the above scarce end desirable article,
of the fashionable slolidei also, Green Barnes upl7
A A. 114,80:i CO,
00 biddy S•nnmr,
A now opemng the =oat extensive and vaned
21 ; awortment of Spring -dd S.ammer Goods ever
exhibited la the Weakru country, comprising upwards
el Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased indigo packa
tis nom the indufactorers, importers, and la rge auc
on sales. by one o' the brut nwilling in Mt.. , l'orir
whoconsminty sembror us the newest and west
le•loonnhla goods They name in part—
Ivo ewes rich Soria{ Prints;l 30 noose M intent
La w and Muslin 33 0 cotton and linen
" blenched (Ankh.,
grades; 35 ° cold Mud.;
40 ° shirring Checks end I " Wok. Conon
domestic Gingham., ads and santipirr Stuffs
0 .d.X0 Brown S 11.1111.;
Al., cases and packages of Bonnets, Flowers, La
ces, Ribbons, Silks, Shawls, Berregc, White Goode,
Millinery Anlclea,Cisitha gad Clasimeres,Litiens, lice
wary and Glove, M. An
Carp auk country merchants Rill Uhl their stocris
lap. and desirable as Eastern weeks, and an egad
nation of their koods and prices cannot fail to con
all that with their undeniable advantage. and
farnlince, they -^^ •
This act has
sthr , l 'will Obi,
/sr. Stork °IF/Lucy and ariety Goods, including
Moe Fs of every variety, gold and silver NVatehes,
Jewelry. Prenck.' Prints. Combs, Hooka and Eyes,
tatotts told limocry. San/coders, Goa Caps, sod all
other articles ta their line—all of which having neen
pnrchneed personally of the manufactu
re. cost, du
rum the last winmr, expressly for the Spring/ trade,
hr sold wholesale' al
a small advance on eoaL
Comtuantly on hand, all descriptions of Looking Glass
es, of our own usanufacturstor. at canteen purrs rahel
ULON KINSEY'S, 67 Market street.
WO prt fine China Vases, asahl; 175 sets twist and
cot velert coat Bums.; 40 fine velvet Carpet Bags; 20
do do gent's traveling; 19/ gross (alley talk Button.,
for dresses; 10 dos Nail Brushes, sse'd; Be gro doe
blt Vest ituitons,./00, 00 do do gilt and plated, do
0 dos runs/wood Hair Bywater, 4do NVestungtoii do;
I do Babe. do, 3 gro Foth Lines; Fish Hooks, Liam/
'lot J.
JEWELRY, be —5O gold lever Watches; 9 0 do de
ached lever Watches; 10 do Lepine 10,• 10 firm dia
mond F.nger Rings; 1 dos tine gold Vest and Fob
Chun.; d do do Goan* Breast Pum, Stinger Lugs,
Ear Rouge, Ace.
OLO% Sec. —203 doe Lodi. Cotton Gloves, sued;
300 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, It/ do gents'
silk Glover, IS do do kid do; 50110 ladles kid, .fird; 10
do do holey top auk.
VA /GREY GOODS-75 pkgs Amene. Pine; 300
ba Cotton Cords; 75 pa raper 51. 5 / 1 ; 6[[l,ol6ribbed
Pe r re.. on Cope; 29/ gee dress Whalebone do; 100 doz
Ivory Cmxtbs; 'Dressing Combs, Back Combs, he. be.
FEN EATON k CO. aro'noar opening their Spring
. mock of Tnmmings, conaiming in part of Miin
nil& and yrtnge.s, (limp., black and noiM Silk
ii'ai Flounce Lace, lauttous, Bride, Bonnet
Trimmings, grim, ladies .1111 children. plain and f.-
ry. Air e for men and tool, Combs, Ivory and
nib, Ern., Yam, Spool Cotton, Needles, Tape., Bob
bin., Pin., kr. fee., which they offer for sale, both
wholesale sod retail Om Trimming Store, at Foorth
street, Leto, en Wood and Market. opld
NEw •
`W RING Mason N. Co.. No.
CO Market street, are now opening 40 mace and
package al tplendiJ SPRING GOODS, compneunt
awne, Minding, ilereges, HI. de Lainea; titnahams,
Ponta. 'Tench Cambrica, Linens, Ribbons, Laces,
cilks, Shawl, Gloves, . Maury, and a general nasort
mem of tioods. ruchl7
D ECE, CCD Ttus DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloths
JA, of u.e latbet and most approved patterns, and at
petrn to suit purchases-a, and cheap 04 ran be par
(-twed in any of the Eastern eltica, coMprueng the fol
lowing vanemw—
Erdra 80, al Velvet Pile Carpota,
aniinister Carpets; any U2e. !tall rooms OT veal
Tapestry do exhale,
Sup Royal Brussels do Tapestry stair carpets;
Extra top J ply do Brussels do do
uperfilk“ du do Chenille Atags;
Extra soplngrain do Tufted do
Superfine do do Brussels do
Pine •do do Clientllc Dm , : Mats;
Couttoon do do Tufted do do
4-4, 3-4 & y Tapestry Adeltud do do
Batumi: do Sheep akin do do
4-4, 3-1 & I twrd Ve- Emb'sed Pima Coven
neon„ de 6-I do Table do
4-0.3-4 A. I plain do do 6-4 wool do do
Cotton Inman, do 6-4 Wo , strld and Note do do
do Venetian tIO Braes Stan' Rods
nmo , - Drugget; 14-I wool crumb cloths
wnwrin do Stole Linen
eO4 do do 0-4 table do
Etionsn Table IA cloths: Diaper do
German do do do do Crash
4-4 Floor Oil clothis Snow-Drop Napktrtai
7.4 do do do- Crimson Plush;
4-4 de do do l'orplo do
fir., do do do Maroon do
4-4 du do do Carpet Binding,
Sherd ail Cloths, of newTratuipfio Window Shades
Tapestry patterns, Cut to fit
I (To the otiose we are constantly rmeiving or Spring
Stool 01 Carpel, tut Cloths and Stearnlinar. Trimmogs,
to which we mem toe ationuon of a/1 who .11113 10 Nr.
HA 01 their houses or steaanweis as we tons be able to
oiler goods 03 low at tl.r y Can be purchased ,11
Nast, ann of the rwheat and late, , tylca. Call owl or
mu our era before purrhaei 3it elsewhere- Ware
No 7:t fourth st nii-h2.3 W. APCLINTOCE.
TIY bar:-,,! I ' , leap:4 and matt Pax/rio . ruilde
of nat,.l., ,a.fapal to Cleattletnata's ~piing and
trata., IYear, tx just ',riving at
WM. Diaavls
fr M.: Proprietor of the above establishment 'mold
..lathy inform his whinrons onworners, that
ho has Just returned from the Eastern miles with the
mow I.iceital wiconment at Ilk his Ime, Mint W.
ever Monett to this city, comprising all that is ace,
fa.hionalde, elegant and Cheep Cloths, Cattail:acres,
Cushattormts, Draft DC Me, and every descriptee ot
Cullen. Wen and woollen Kummer Staffs; Shirts ilra.
vats. &hits, Sticpeuders, h.c., at the newest
which, together with his very large and fashionable
iturli of rwdycnaile Clothi4, he is prepared to offer
at in. usual low prices.
Country Merchant, C43l4factors, aid all who pur
chase largely, are ,mrticularly incited to ex
amine the stock, which decidedly dm largest and
most fashionable in the city, and great attention has
been paid to get it up suitable M the svholesahr trade.
Orders 111 the Tattering Ina execthed is the must
fwluinialile manner. and that nothing may he woutial
to ensure the newest awl bast style of e..11'14; gen•
tleatan who has had great experience it, the Eastern
eines. lin, been added out the elStabllllllll3Blll..
"nay 0001)5. •
Dry Good• Jobb•rs,
xro. woOD.n,agh7—Woain nail the attention
ni of Merchants to their largo monk of Dotnerhe
and Forma n DRY GUOC!"&lottl teeetvinglrom OiChn
arnt Maniac:Aurora, and which they will toll
at very low real for cash or aPpecoicir credit.
Oar stork is now full and cOmpicto," gad well worth
the atteation'orbayorh e. we aro determinett to Ball
si soon oructitely low prices as ono= taillomake it
Wrens aulusemoikki ISlDltalits =ko a bill with
• • •
1.11 R;11 PIM *DA
aELIEP Molt MAIMS. i-,
ITT F. lIAVE ABDOMINAL Wa n'orßnq made.
nui p.
Y V the most approved English pattern, m . •
and recommended - by Thomas Ea.kewell, BA., .„.11z.l.
number ermine= phystatarus being a moat cm 1.7;
cot ePcwronta for the application of strum or ho . ;,:..-
ter to the bowels, in ease of cramps In Cholera 7 Y
every person la sabieet m andthen =tank% no
, rts
should be wohout at Most ona
JO Filet et . between Wood and hiarkek) 1,
Improvement to Plano& .2; 't,' -,
„fiImTHE gulumnberla ,last ereei=ti
assortment of Pia/102 from the
ofNanus t Clark. N. Y, which fork
egartee of exterior beauty et fir s tanc,
ar ul . .Octionly not Wee and touc h.Mlles. ars, lkkqr -,:-
ever brought to thin city. Air. Clark, of the ekatiote
firm, ion and most favorably known as the -forkarlt , -..
foretnau at the celebrated Piano ro establishmenll.-
BadwoodLantbsn, has recently. ialprovcd and re • •
netted the Pianos of Nunn, tr. Clark, N. V., to en ek.'4;
tent which,ontmestenably, entitles them to the reps-.%
union of bemg the very ben.s well es theclasper - Wiz
Pm. to be got in this country. The lot mw o ;4 o '7'
nag, cornea with the additional recommendation ellorti,::
improvement in the style and lialsh, which ma e.,,,.
Ahem at once the Mat decant and testy thqe4Jrct
brought ; out. Theme instruments, t
ogether . wi qt... 1::
mock on hand, form the mom eXtensive, Vaned 5md....4- . FS ,
slrable acsortmentever offered he ell eflarhiell IFIU. : . FE
be Wild at manufacturers prices t. and on acconntutlhe;
Ling Orem ' It KLEBEE, - ,, •..,..,
uJ., NY.Woodwelrs, 63 Third a
N. 12L—The eubteniser will be found at the vraar , !. _
house from It to 12 A:II - wen/IA erS.P. IL ~
pet LL 14 oink agent fig - Ziwpa & Clark; `
THE subset:: riffer.sitriall=rus.piti;:
'm u te d
hums, andwithottk.glnntuaNtlmtlebn*WFi:
,Rata Attachment TEO above toms
mea t s
are war—pi
muted to bei equal to anyntannfaittnroddir this
wri and will be sold towel than any' /Ma& from*. K .
East P. BLUME, Nola wood at,
• DAdoOr above X; ;21
N. R—City Scrip will bq taken pt par ;or a few:of -,
he above ausertlThrot. iny2 P.
JOHN EL elFa 4 ROI W OO 4 42.1 % ,,.
ffiffiliwill ad) Tor Scr atpar, Oa
new tad second Plane 47,
One elegant rosewood 6} odave kg
ono, made by Haber de Raven, N. Y. ...... • • -4139:frilD
0110 do do 61 octavo. —• • • • ....... -- • -• A".
One rosewood 8 octave, Gales Co, N. Y... VA .
One do 8 do do do-- 670•93
One mahogany 6do do nismiY now• • IC* 01. * : •.:,•
One do 6 do Loin/ • • 3 , A98
.O. do sh d o yL0500t,,,,,,,, 100'10 r.
One do 6 do .501 D
One do 51 do R Wrintsna• •-. •
06e. do 6 do English • —••- " " • 3° V,
. • . .Z? rit
TORN FORSYTH, Merchant Tailor, has removsj
tI to No. 34 Market Strom, ono door frt. Secontl
East aide.
Thankful for past favor., ha re. oohetwja
.ntionance of the patronage of his former egedoll3llo, 717.7
and likewise th e 661e0111,611 of as many new on. itia
, •
are of the right stripe. • _ r.
Orders to the Tailoring. line emoted In the magi
fashio.ble mann., and with dispatch.
Also, It tultionable assortment of ready:made . Cti
thing, of all kinds. Cheap for cash, 0f....
Gentlemen,' Famishing Goods in all their variedig
always on h.d, uch as Shin; Bosoms, Cogan,
' Cry
trele, Stocks, Scarfs, Hosiery, Ignandera, rocasy
fiats, Gloves, Drawers, Umbre ll as, Acr. Am dec. • ••Li
1 11 , --'• NY OF HARTFORD, CONN.
Ca.savanum us 1844:
Capital Mock, Animal Receipt% aaQ
surplus nod $1,000,000.
All losseepromptly paid at the General Azeoky Ofs ,
' bee for the Western &cep, located at Mucfrinati 3 Oldei
This Company Is of long standing, and well koala
throughout the United Sista for Ito nohow. nod -
prompt payment of lose:a—having immtaid and est-.
tied, to the satisfaction of all concerned, over 6,0611
Loam, amotiming to the aggregate Zia= anstwo
•or nou.aas, the receipts for which ate an Ma En
the Company at Hartford and Citiedmiard.
Tha Pittsburgh agency of thisoillcovras origiW s''
held by Noses Atwood. Esq., and was inbacquentir •
taxed out of the State, by a laWamoandngto a raki,::
hition of all Forcips Insurance Co:astottitid,Distin Net • 1.,
eon to escape loss by the fire of loth April,lB43. • .
Tan agency to now reorganised under the chargowf
the undersigned, who will motive opplleations
mono Polieros a imILUSSOR DAMAGE BY F/".
on SmrO W Durellingarec.,Wlth th claW.
nets. Alec, on Goods, Wares and Merehan di..
Caron the perils of Mama atm IntamiNaVroarron, aZ
the current rates of pTOMIUM.
Office at M. 11 BROWN A BROTHER'S, No. 127 •r - -•
Wood street FevErrgmtowx, 1: •
Agent Protection Insurance Co, and=
Allegheny CO. an2S:dstmo • • :
/ 17-1 1) 1 11WPtta
t , l
rtit= 10:1;ir4;11M-511 .
A N EAUNMIT and.expertenced Physician from
. t
0(20 years stand rtg, oilers to trat all c 3
of a De l ic ate a Dawn, with promptness and s
Nis eaccess in Buffalo and other largo cities hafn,.''.
been proverbial. Ills charges are moderate, and hitri,'!":
mires permanent. Old cases °Meet, Stricture, Hero..:.
lola, bluer Aibus, Rhountanan, 41.gire,Syphills„or
Chronic or invetarata cam. isoilmted.
icoOr &Uncle&
N. B.— , Dr. A..olioiti the worst cues coWoe •
in Pittointroh to ea_& "4°-.
_ _ .21/
arzzutem awastr, • •
Manufacturer of lizard Water Apparatus?. Zi . •
stun or rat gots= earns .
No. 213 North Seeond •t., above Vine ,•
A N experience of more than twelve years in these manufacturing of Mineola Water apparatus,
the preparation of Mt. sal Waterin Hmicsand
tams, on an extensive scale, with a radenting en 4
tical knowledge of of both braxtelms of brsinem, toge4i, Pte• "=_L.
then with recent improvements in the constrandeu
the Apparatus and the preparing of the Water,
he has nuceeeded adapting since hie visit to Parlat•
and after year. of close stady end practical
Mins as mphed to the arts in Mechanics and Chendsmi
my, enables the subscriber to corns before the publia , ; .,,
with enure confidence, end oder them die best and.
mad APperatas, for the maintfacture of Blia.g
real %Huta Bottles and Fountains, that can be fur. 4
welled in the United Souza
He also Miners himself that the enlarged enaeen he '
has met with, and the present crosnalve and daily fn-„.
creasing amount of his business in both the above del Cr
perm: data threshes the most certvineing prim( of lust4l,'
arm to the auperiority of Apparatus over those 'of
others. and of the panty and salubrity of the %Vatell,..";:f.
prepared therefrom. •
Persona who Order the annexe= Groat a distancei , .
may be assured Mal their untructiorus shall lei
ly complied vrith/And so packed as to 'cam safelyl-,C..:-I
either by laud or water to oar Perleflio l ll , ldtatrs .Z:'
To avoid disappointment, it is recomnrended to those
who Intend supplying themselves the irpproaching
coo, to forward their orders al es early a day as con-,s- •.4
gement. .
' Mineral Water Apptcratt*Getteratotil
Fountains, Ornaments I Cm and Pedestgis for S
Counters and Bars of Hotels, for drawing•_Hydran r. F.l-
Water, together with Corking and Tying. hlachitt%.l
and everything oppertanung to the atahre boalnessi :
constantly on bond, and for sale on the lowest lanne)
for coati,
Diaphragms PLUotr a for Elpdkaist Watere '
*II" THIS la to certify' that 4 have up i •,:,..
pointed 4Jvingsten, Roggen. & 1.; , . ~:
:lola Ar,cots for tho sale of Jemmy's .. •
Patent Diaprahgat Filter, for the etc ....5.
tics of Piusbargh mad Allegheny.
JOHN GUIPSON,A,gent,;;•„.
for Walter M Gibson, 349 Broadway,' . ~7r. :
N. lilil . -., ,
Oct. 10, 3 •
We have been rising one of th e above articles at Ito,. lsj
office of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial, ....;"
and feel perfectly satisfied that ttls a amful invention,' • iil
id eve take pleasure in raeonuneadinx Matz as a ose,,
.ul article to all who love pare water. Orden will be - 5 .
thankfully received and promptly ester-ate&
erne LIVINGSTON, 11060EI &Co '
, - 251:15A - T WhilSTSlahl;:, ..,`
VFACTORY.—Te sobseritmr lakes thie meth - .%.
of informing his friends and the . public In gmteral that ~
' . 7..
he has th e /argue stock of th e following named c
. rt.
elms of his own manufacture to Ibis city,-.Saddles, Han-
~I •
new, Thinks and Whips, all of which he will warn= -., . I,',
lo be made lth best mantrial and by the best mech. •l. . t,.,
aes in Allegheny cowuy. Being dotormined La tell , ' .',"'
• hi s
me n
something lower theta has been hem- 3;
Were so/d by any similar
ne eblindentin the city, - r , .7.'
he would invite persons In ed of -the above named . ; ,•-"T";,'
articles to hi. warehonth, N 0214 Liberty Meet, Opp>. 'l
tits Seventh. Alan, bands made to order for msmlathe- -• ''t, ,
rY. oet3o-Iy.__- . ,0. KERBY. .., .'t
pvrviilltaitTri sEntelar. znimorrtre'L',.:h
THE Second Session of this 'lnstitution, mule; the
n '• 1
rare of Mc and Mrs. 011anolta, for'the Present
academia year, will commence on dm to
of tearoom ,
ry next, in the same buildings Na 52 Ltheny street, .;
' •
Arrangmaenta have been triad& by. which they will
be obi., to furnish young Luken faciliti=ml to i lin r 4. •.,
in the West, for obtaththg a thorough
cal, end Ornamental education. A full opera; of Phi. r.
lisephicial and Chemical Lemmas Will bete/lamed .:, - - IL
Jinring the winter, illustrated by apprumtua The do- 'e E
partments of Vocal and Instrumental Moak, : Modem'? . ..i •
caregca, Drawing and Paindag, willeaCh he =Wee,: .- k ' :
the via competent Professor. Dy glow anention 1
to the moral and unellectall ltapnrrement of their pa-'= ; I
Pile, the Prineiimis hope to meat leeenthaamien of the ~- , '
liberal pummage th ey have bitbarto taijoyed. Porii , .
1,121, 1,, circular or apply to the Principals.
lat93-dtf .., '
RON - ki,DN DRY FQ.It liALE.—A.stitaU ho n Foun-7 ,
dry m 'a llourialccg (ORM, With ?Makkah Toots,i;
&e., ell featly lin bustztel, <To Do otin3 CA aCeOl2l,llO- ,
dad!, ten., Or eiehunge ' for Iron or goat
°aura an excellent opportunity too young mon .-
wan rotxll capital LP CentatellCC UlB Iran IFOUndly it, .
tines, Enquarc of
la dear Wood av
alei; Rio Vas, Gra ea,
MAStefllALly eny WALLACE. h. CO, go Church ,,,.
corner Lib and Weald streets, W
and Mier for male Platform, Floor andUoUnir Scale e., s, • s :
Mune MO% improve -0 quality; Choking Stara, thr sc.d.• •
end coal, 1•Oss Moven a vadmas Urea, Patios lank.;
common Grates, If ollutv 'Wars, &u. &ye TheY
Imiumifearre the Kitchen Range, arkiett hat glean stlati
soneral eaustemnon to
ch thOso against It in use, to all uS;
win they avoid respectfully Malmo tho entention of e tt -
the 0(0000o and the pahlic 'matrons. rmatlfdlf
110iSTENTElLiailLego Lia
autrtmettl of Cornelius &Co's celebrated mane- ••••
facture, and superior to all others ln'uo; adapted 7 1 - , •
churches, steamboa, Culotta, dutalagh, public to .•-
steamboats and
private hails, and to all atheruska where a cheap, Baia and anthem light to' detonate. t i • P ,
A am,ta...oduace,liall Lanterns Canliciabras,thobcs e • E, ;
roods., Wicks, Phannies, Chun, Trunnion, ha. Mao,
uae Chandeliers, ftoinone to lour lights.
dech W/LBuN, 46.markei st - •
ii..."lware..Cheaper than Evora _
r OGAN, Csi., impute. and Who . 7
_La Dealers la Eardyvare, Cutlery and iiiaddlery, No;..
let Wood street, above Fifth, helve now in stoke* Vey/
cheap end well @elected' melt of Hantware,importeC'l ,
nava the decline apnoea in Europe, and leuch May •
ere determined to tell correapanding/y bw. pferehantelr; : v:,
who have been In the baba apples East, are ' parden-711:,',1
lerfy coed to call and look' through Par stock 01,1 .
are c oo odcotly believe they will SENO their eipenees;:, a .
t 4 I
f •
0 Martin Thud peot •
41001 for
BEEF 601*DS—
if and., rul tioe, Jah
. a: