VII "WV k$11114) ,VA PUBLISHED 1W !O?.' & Ccf rvvraird*Rtis FRIDAI MORNING:JOS 22, 1819. , Mai 04tarrri . is published arlo•W=o l. Weel .clno Dail_y Is &ion Dollars peranlipNthaTri-Vreo Me Dollars per smog tie Nilitli isTWo,DOlira r Siaasin, saint; • 1416,114.: , k , -, t•- ,-; '• " " t ' t • ETADvicealm aro eaullW *.questottui lomad. In 4 Jaar &Tars Wore iSt.X., . fatly inihedar *a plaotiosola. Advertisements ted fora. odd god, thus will kmariably be 64 ;..d wall . rder. psi VU LADTLPBIA 3:104.7Ei-88EIM10401. licimfins4ata sad nibserieliiit the Ntirtft#met teen asid tritlisd SLAWS Gitzettil t eailadelphis., shMos sad fotwardegroisi this °Med , - . So* a !Mt; Moto; Tal,*"plate Arum Ws LocAl Kamm si4 'pert pogo. itesoluo AND lofino TICKET fitt Roar.c r ,WALKER, of O ° r Otllizo4l,l. JOHN UHLER, of Shoto§sd7lh.:i! • CAtER L,TX of PinnbUT A C' of Loves St,utaii. • chanrgiOHTL37 2* of Pit 4. noncom:4*W GEO-Hrl3, of Hopes NClair. rrsaaost JOHN MORRISON, of 414h00y , ' oxotosio.Oit, JAB. MITCHELL, of minx* liild.Z 4 4ll3luM, of 11"-x"rth ' aruivlV JOAN Akins, of rya? The htkietti , , yedezdet d arelati beCught 1 0 claw lie fn!OnduableartielOnkicti had occupied leadinooltannlv th 4444 prevw*lN at tempting (ek-prove that Geft,Taylorjiad broken his pledgete . . , Wi prethied . tt nne ply and in . re' tended iti*teinernein in thiipevero bul it tina been crowded of tp end We are:requested to s rm a,. ter the Rev. Mr. Pusavarmitheae name it:Otirmi , to to the a d_ vertimotaa4of Dr. Dake,titCeitaber', rmlomn, that he haa no dottrel whataver ni ; `rm , the OholeraHos plat. He toots the broldintandformattes nurses and focal tithe t3anitory .d,hibrnlifeentf Councils; bdt &tenon than this he had. control The Sao , story Corm:able° send 6,4 Patients, appoint the PhYsiohosst:Ond Possess titrmtire .aire.tion of the medical tritartment of the; ablera Hospital. The fent that BH:Passavant, 14 :the betiding to the . F4ansk77 9° ou loateet and {tat he baa his infirmas . is , in enoth,r 744 the . .14;, has led some personaleiuPP2* . erreettirmli,. that be woo ;a terns wat'tainneeted %attic* control. of cholera patted*, ithinh is not I.6*e. , nor. Puss ., vant'a Institution is of api ttly brmermient ammo ter, and is we have reascih/o beam; jadicionely conahtettOli'we hope it via* Wing to receive the liberal sePpert of the pe6rc aluxi , t - stxtvo. l We fur our readers ilitt s et . , atifileiettily awake tattoo iMPOrtencre of a earilfst ettntuaration et the next mums, of the in*,lettlg . .4 especially or the apionhural productif,4 the ;MOM., the mouluittentres, the meeltnniti Ott ~lbe trade end commeree, and le factittoYerfthipg which will go to show the cue watettlthe coanny,in all met. tors conne c ted with its gpii*,ditil ptosperity. The Coitus Board, at zW,i4hittz - tei, is exceed ingly amtronsthetthe futtY,,qtrestlaits ,to be pre pared; shill be asea pet f die hatine of the , gaze will Mimic and it wit s tikeft . truished, by Intelligent 'men, in eam‘y:ittt etiern, ; With ;their vihors es to whit aubjectsalnuthete it:elle:4 to the list. We haveihaeshoGne, direptedthe'fatletitio of our " -citizens *:this matter, 4nd Spin: we. ask their conildszOon of it es a si t liectt.:Of Mere ;than ordi nary inter* A list ofriiestions,',lf proper sag• gestioni are made in , tizte, linty be prepared, which will deVelope the ilittiro ruonrcee, and the wandelful progress of Wiermrn Pennsylvania— add a fidiore to sugger4f any cruse the omission of some very important 4teixie.- LS no; the subject oneof itoilieitnt importaote no attract the attention craw Baird of Trap, velt!Ch is S:erlposed of gen tleman of the swim:m*l*es of par citizens, and poram*ee of which ot a doalitlesimake- BOW a vwy vehinble enggeetiptiL :rho Mani* we un diretenOre soon to his ,'prepared, and:his almost too muchto expect, thp(the se4etary of the Board, otimhom 'the *iterwe_seppthe will prier pally deirelve, can be tioatiteipotent in his know ledge cribs direly= antf,dtreitailed interesta:afthie whinly extended eutualitkaa te 'kzinw what 109 entiannihelag unferttitn#l . ceridleed tethat nem. bet by act of Coatpinte; '4lO *tat lag,) Will be decidetilithe'best. tape, therefore, that our einzecuOvho are all-datily. interested, will eee that in inference to ciT#xt'ititlon; the Ceases Boards* hare avert ,:;tnnieniene. The aetteedingly algtiaratatuter lam/Web the last aeilis was taken, big' diacentaSea many, end preventhhat twang be `s . ,il tithe n by others, which shmald he. Bat this tteitheip hindrance to mo ll''' u"h"N" ha 7 ,012444x4adui. d reason tobellenfrit that the danstWof thOsink will be faith fully cariied inn; effeet,. We Me arytured that thin wilt be the nisei or at*i . enianon, ' be with held for amine perfat*S. r 714 " on will have no rinscors :Iffh Y mi! ,, ttol unding— ao F9z9 , It will enV 3 4:4 0 : 0 perform, It sorer as can be, the d 11041116? wt; they are air • pointed, and tinny diepOnttion g s ' be manifested by any officer toferra slit hiscdutt4 retaining for himself a portion oftKooniPersition, he will ho immethidely removed/ ..rh4e,- therefore, who may 5:4 disposed to tarnish information which will mitt in proutonnennatiantMory and correct enumeration, need nt t*deterled through fear of • careleis discharge ordeties.; .1. al° t 62 '• NtwP 1 .4 , 3; 4 • - late roglith papers state that Prokasor Si?4outaclier, eM4 ocAltone, an- , . nowl, by cirmilaz 4 1 11.0i . .testy, the discovery of smothery:topknot '.' fr,i , 141 . taderved at Naples by Signor Gastrula cid* 4 th _Air& It resem bles a War of the 9thiis lrtentgnitnde, and its MUM was near a etNwhiett_meare on Stein henpeck:stied chart itilVwfd cuceasion, 121 t. gm. 495. and in—lieg. OM;ol4atiii forms No 23,095 in Lelande's estidetterP?:.::The Motion of the planet was retrograde, and li,)tew approitching the equa tor. This is the ninthNur body CinetarliNt planets and satellites) which its 4 been added to the solar ' •';', aystem within the last %it t ryeatt , • , ...blanratnaLlal ex* Souni.—The people of Georgia seem desennia to take the lead in man uthetoring enterprise ti 4 ilieSmith.: Augusta, Co honbnuard'Aittens areilready considerable man. lifietarjai towns, aruirVVEliil the interior districts, In the middle tetantles t weterlients are on foot for the arddltlisinnentortectptificreelis. A late num ber of the "Macon .7.itnotil eay Wei. greuifiecl to stnpeancb that the citizens of blueness at lute , stibstantint evidence of the blame which 'Pet la the establishment of manußctinies: entire anicrent of meek re quisitope the mediation of the the company has been taken. neat:want already subscribed hafs4ooo—s7s,ooo trebitiesus at Macon, and 622,- 000 by:citizens of Ohlt„ wrgid.wouary. From the• feeling which has bda;;Vinattafelkal, We am can& dam that there e,riMffimhpla increasing the subscriptions to a . ,desirable amount. .Accident , airitul Embassy. 1.. • YMMTEMLe.aatiMILMM. Front a letter wrinteo4.l,site of the officers of the EMUS% to a ejde , l,lnf, Wheeling, and dated Ellalstrale tituldi ne l,lne Wain the following particulars pith° diger - Cr . , ',.,, r : The floes of the 041ra Wier nolispsed when that boat woolen oaderrjthev, ~ ts 'Evansville, welding almost one whOwitiatut deck. Astir as can be asOttainisil, there were imam mina fielded, and ce frarev ar .blon overboard.— Taro dame blown ed have since been picked up. Onset OV4 isjohn Myers, tbe black. entith, Who stood at tbf ttenextrd,' engfue, on watch with Ilho Snelmadinc.; • , From the examinePtut made shim the disaster, it appear; that the vv4 1 46 member, of dead and 01.11,- tag is warn . vivzi, , , . Twelve of the dead/were Wien on the 12th [n atant, among them wklit Sohn hirers, who lived • isrentrents hours tackle - watt *carded. OnlyZeur of the g l ee knt or scalded, to wit john Myers, Jert ' irrrpttlw°°°k ,) and two fireaurti. The re tr edam mew nor safe and *II , P e. ,t.i., , • The - letter adds that of refry etteethhi which gym. ray Oad,skill cent N statist, ,were paid to the enifsrers, and gays !ousels, the explosion leepposne, exc epts' et 4lf Ofr.t. in the iron at which , the lion . 'lt Cotter' says, that there Was no blame it.. bed to the engineers who were on watch; as tl4ltnrite plenty of water in the Went and every at/ seemed to be working well 11 milet,ln asiditlectik the tact - that there wee identy 4 water in the*lers,, be eown that thereato - nog too ouch gra4fXretegAtl. " • Mr. raemais says 31 lei k. has an original - - 14 . 1, - efier he isthirtyilllbether 6 discomegingtdeo ' - thit, in Mom , bus of K . 1 , 1,4 Edgewor th , Ott*. lath Ili, _MI6 meatura, 00)421. to Hearten (0( its Inte/lesesl as welt f )is - '-othei. *moat. wrists after weeks dace, Obit!) , before her deathi 'Oar ' ydeeetire* in 10012014 1 1 0 94 4, 1 414 ° 14 4 ° ' = " ms Ira eim. , Lastiat 0 oily lotota vac. ---- - ona Virth 2 l4 - filLod bars UFA root 64 1 hat as =eh ammo:xis LTIO iefq.ofil otegrbaa m any rot to loi .11_4e , ' -T.; '2i *, 2'. r. • • ,- ainctinaniOnciden9es, Which We:4dd each be reinarkable, mitt net be tiered , between even diztant;one &con! the ether,- skere we; in the midst of this busy word, at L i berty to tam over old Teo. cats lit search etprecedent and example, instead of hardly being *let° keep up with the run of events; 111:1111117 1 / 1 1/ 111 they are by the modern ap- P licali b ne , qszets electricity, and other Impul sivelV explosive agents! had the' pleasure of placing before our ' endeill l a few weeks ego, the letter of oar Beare terf_ Lotatale, aireenmeing to Lady Franklin the . ' -deternisinedion ‘.or the Preesient to accede to her ielitteS4 to aid, 'as fir 111 he cupid, the search insti tuted iby the British authorities to ascertain the Went the expedition of discovery tent out by that pemn me nt glider this direction of her husband.— inoni recently had information, through the English neWspapersi of the favorable impres sion which hiabomene and prompt action on the part d( this Goyernment has made open the Gov ernmitrit and phople of that country. Weldare say our good President and his Cabi net, qthey had river heard of it, had not in their mitid4, when they took up and acted upon Lady Franklin's letter, that theris woe to be found on ice- ord ea incident with which this late occurrence is , really coincident, In which our own Franklin acted: a part, la relation to an early and Eamon, Brit* navigator, (the two Governments . being then tat war,); Nor, certainly, had we; hat, in turning over 4 :nutty volume in search of some thing else, we yesterday meet with an account of tkat Incidant; and, believing that it will be as r am?, to oar reidea. as it was to us, we subjoin it far fheir information. They will, if we do not deceive oursolVhs, perceive in the conduct of our Niinfro' gait United States to Franco, seventy genii ago in the case pf Captain Cooke, the iden' *Mali spirit which hem animated the President and Clostrament of the United States at this day, io a casinot altogether, bat yet in 11,50111111 particulano analogous bolt raurt CABXY'S .ssuoucatt netisrun" yea 17'49, (vol.. , 6, wog 430.) A CIRCULA.B. To all Capicass and Commander: of armed slaps aettoglyearamiss ion from the Cancers of tAe Unital,Stalai of America, no to roar with Great Britain. arrruiniane A ship having been fitted out from England, before the commencement of this war; to make discoveries of new countries in unknown sews, tinder ,the conduct of that most celebrated natigabor and discoverer, Captain Cooke--an un deng truly laudable in itself, as the increase of geographical knowledge facilitates the communi oat:ion between distant nations, in the exchange of nselhl products end mauuhictnres, and the exten sick of arts, whereby the common enjoyments of human life are multiplied and augmented, and Witco of other kinds increased, to the benefit of mitt - Idnd is generelt This. is, therefore, most ear netwly to recommend to every one of you that in case the said ship. which is now expected to be won in the Eustipean seas on her return, should happen to fall into your hands, you would not con sider her as an enemy, nor stiffer any plunder to be made of the effects contained in her, nor 01,-- strum her immediate return to England, by detain ing her or sending her into any other part of Eu rope or to Atnertca, but that you would treat the said Captain Cooke and his people with all civility and kindness, affording them, as common friends to mankind, all the assistance in your power which they may happen to stand in need of. In so do. ing you will not only gratify the generosity of pour own dispositions, but there is no doubt of your obtaining the, approbation of the Congress and your tither American owners. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, your mast obedient, km B. FRANKLIN. Minister Ptenipotenttary..from the Congas lila, Oilseed Sudo to the Couit f Prance. AT PAM', KOJI PAWS, ran lOra nil OF Maaca, 1709 This generous proceeding was so well known in E.,giand, (says the Museum.) and the sentiments it manifested so much approved by the Government there, that when.Cooke'e voyage was printed the Admiralty sent to Dr. Franklin a ropy of the same in three quarto volumes, accompanied with the el egant collections of prints appertaining to it, and P very polite letter from Lord Rowe, slguifying that the present wen made with his Majesty's express approbation• end the Royal Society having, in ho nor of that illustroas navigator, (one of their mem bers,) struck some gold medals to be distributed among his friends and the friends of his voyage, one of those medals was also sent to Dr. Franklin, by order of the society, together with a letter from -their worthy President, Sir Joseph Banks, expla big likewise that it was sent with the approbation of his Majeaty. Puerto's &di m Pna..snut..mus.--During an all= of Are an Almon afternoon, the adherents of some of the fire companies came into collision, and a divracefill and bloody riot ensued. The Philadelphia American says— Fitzwater street, at the southern end of Ronald son's Cemetery, was instantly turned into a battle ground, e and the scene that f ensued was a writ!. hundred rioters, on both sides, were en gaged in the melee, and there was a mob of a thou. and persona. Pavements were torn up, Mc air was black with missiles, and fire- arms, the reports of which were followed by shrieks and the falling of the wounded, were discharged in quick succes sion. It was impanel - hie to tell how many were io jativil A young MAO, aged about 21 yeah, an adherent or the Frialin, bawled Alexander Gillis, who lived ih Stewartatorot, sad worked In a brick yard, was shot dead.: A young Imo, residing at the carver of Spofford and dhippen streets. tamed Little Hurst, Well shot lathe eye aid also In the kg. . A led 15 yenta age, named William Lawson, was shot la the shoulder, mid taken to the hos pital. A young man atoned Walter Phillips, living in lionibardstreet,'near Sc.httplkillsth, was shot in the A yourg man residing in Carpenter street bad his arm broken. wale trying to take the carnage of the Franklin. James Widget*, shot in one of his limbs with a pant. ,John Rowland, living in 13th sweet, above Fitz water wee shot In the arm while standing in Ms door tor , the fight it seems, was motioned up k'im artd;r street aster as this point. the case of Gillis, the 0014:111/31,Jary rendered kAerdiet in these word,. "That Alexander Gillis LAO* to hls death, while leading on a mob, in a tint between the Franklin and noyameneng Rose Cnoipaaies,by fire arms, accordingto the evidence, died by a men named Black, and a drayman tin ker:two." Ptt justice to the deceased, it should be elated hat there waa no evidence whatever before the jury, under oath, that Gillis was leading on a mob; ultimate. ri number of persona., including several of the po l ice of Moyamensuig, declare that he was an active rioter, and that he tired a pion( three or Our times before ke was shot. • Tax Scoot= aT Ammma.—The rumors which reached this city by steamboats, of the violent form in which the cholera had appeared at Auro. are confirmed by authentic One death, itseems, had occurred there an the 29th May, another an the 6th June, and a third three days after. This did not create much alarm; but en Monday, 11th last, there were 8 deaths, on Tuesday 8, on Wedaesday 4, and on Thursday 10. This sadden onset, and frightful mortality, struck terror to the hearts of the people, and about one.WA of the families left to take refuge In the country. These carried the disease with them, however, and many of them have doubless Once been attacked. Of two who fled on Tues day, a hatband and wife, the latter was attacked the same day and died that nigh ti the husband was attacked also, but recovered. These were the on ly ones that had been heard from at Aurora. The y.orora Ootrunercial of Saturday, from which we deride these particulars, anys:the total number °fermi there to the auspeasion of the dis ease, was about 100. The number of deaths', we havo seen, was 31. Tits town wits visited bye tremendous thunder storm about .10 o'clock on Thursday night, which seems to have checked the pestilence. No new cases occurred to neon Priday.--Cia. Getz. Prom the WWI° CooMor. The Rey. Dr. Harems • This gentleman, though one of the new school of Presbyterians, appears to belong rather to the old school of divines, as regards hn intellectual munitatlon, habits cll:Andy, &a. Reis certainly • very able the n, and °near the moat powerful Sermonizers ooentry. We notice that, at the late .suutiverearies. In Philadelphia, ha preach. ed a long and elaborate discourse of two and a half hours, in reply to one delivered a few years ago, at the same place, byHev. Dr. BushnelL It is said to have beet: evidently the result ofprolbund study, and to have been u able as it was bog. WHlT:tee bee been far years u the head of his secs—yet ' he still continues one of the closest students In the • country.. A 'correspondent ofthe Mercantile Jour nal, thus writes from Philadelphia about hie litera ry habits • • ' He risesit four o'clock, and keeps a: his books till two. He has a study In hisehureL—The build ing IS setroinided with a high iron fence—the gate Is looked when he enters upon the toils of the day. He locks his chard:door also, and thee across a 'wide Vestibule he miters his room of Ile is beyond adnoyimce. And thew who wish to see him mast'vellien him. at ridiculer hours. When he was Arse nettled in Philadelphia the watchmen thrtorenedrosuiest - hlm. They did not believe that he sips aboit-the,einuth at four o'clock In a win. terlimortilog foi any good purpose; he clergymen • of Philadelphle, they said, were men that kept bet. ter inure, He does net look like a studeuq,be is tall, huge framed, endfnll and ter in the fore, like a man -whassys,to his seal,•take thine ease, eat, drink arid toooterty." , ..'Eleibuno grottoes in the pulpit :ELM the.:occiiionaligisforof one finger In a trtautuittlai# 47 4 l l He Louie. :harvitithe pipit; ahttostiOcihialaii, witk big head' glifttlTiOdthaitlitentAtlats right 'boulder. 'rano MarolutaimMiNieito.incev*ltewes to anal amt tiOnetieiicuifi**kuwititioi. Oa Sabbath night tw keptiOurPt.o4diesloolittll etteallOu to *linkage!. • Flom the Nem .Orleaus Bulletin, Bute IL Late 'iluad ;Important triossiill . 7ll4.f. ARRIVAL cry TH:III4MERWIDST 01 , 114 WITH on ;MILLION OF DOLLARS) GOLD. ha isthmus Clear of Passiners. The fine 'steamer Crescent City Capt. Stoddard,. arrive4yesterdaY afternoon, from , and we are indebted to Mr. Wilkins, her purger, far : the following interesting details. The advice, from San Fnuacisco are to the Ist May inclusive. By the ternetttsfrom the passen gers per steamer Cediftinstn, Capt. Parties, the state• manta respecting the enormous quantities of gold are by no means exaggerated. The Crescent Ci ty brings nearly half a million en gad duo., and specie for freight, and-the passengers on board have nearly a, muds more, which they bring from the mines. Them appears to be no limit to the extent of the gold region. Recent discoveries have proved it to exist in the southward of Santa Barham, and downwards towards the line of Lower California. The asserttons heretofore made respecting the enormously high prices of labor, etc., are beyond a doubt true, and there are now at San Francisco upwards of fifty vessels of different nations, whow crews have deserted them, nor can the inducement of 8100 per month es wages tempt them to return to their duty. The United States ship Warren arrived on the 29th tdt., and fifteen men deserted unthin twenty bur hours after. It is almost impossible to retain men on board the government Teasels. The steamer Calle:min, after innumerable de- lay a, through the untiring exertions of Captain Forbes, succeeded in leaving San Francisco on the let May, at midnight. From the 26th March, to the day of sailing, Capt. F. area occupied in gath ering a crew together, the former having desert ed upon his arrival. The C. arrived at Panama on the Slat of May, having been under canvass above forty-eight hours. The Panama, Lieut. Porter, arrived at Pana ma from New York, on the 6th May, in 55 days and seven hours' running time, arid left on the 11th for San Francisco, with three hundred pas sengers. The Oregon, Capt. Pearson, arrived on the sth May, from San Francisco, and railed May 23d, full of paasengers. The Comte will sail about the 15th June, for San Franciace and the coast. From arrangemenurmade for a supply of coal, there is now no doubt of a regular communica tion between Panama and California- The only difficulty apprehended, 6i the desertion of the crews, but as the company are determined to run the simmers, the difficulty will be overcome by the payment of the high wagearlemanded by sea men. This was done in the case of the Califor nia, and will be resorted to whenever hand no. oratory. Panama wan deadtai: With the exception o a few persons waiting for the California, (to san 00 the 15th.) all had gone up the ecaust, no doubt, "oo their way rejoicing." Panama was healthy. The road from Cruces to Panama is the one now travelled, although the rainy season had not fairly set in, that is it rtnued only occasionally. The Crescent City bring'', (by special order,) three mails, cousisung of fifteen mail bags from California, some of them an far hack so March Inst. The causes of their delay has been the deten tion of the steamer at San Francisco, from want et fuel. and hands, and the want of regularity in the departure of the mail steamers from Chagres.— These mails doubtless will bring corroboratory ev idence of the correctness of the statements respect manta auriferous regions, and ere long the papers *ill be full of letters from "our correspondents in California." The public is much indebted to Mr. Nelson, our Consul at Panama, for his exertions to forward these mails, and it was through his in stance that they were sent by the Crescent City, in order to avoid longer delay. The royal mail steamer Tay, sailed from Cha. Brea on the 30th May, taking eighteen passengers, with 8100,000 gold dust. These persons were bound for the United States, by way of Kingston and Havana, and were apprehensive of a long stay at Chagres. There was only one American vessel at Cha. gres, the schooner lona, of New Orleans, and three small vessels from the Carthagena coast. Mr. M. P. Denny, (passenger) died at sea, on board the C. C., oa the 6th inst. Mr. A was from New Orleans. The C. C. brings 126 passengers Left Cha ves on Monday,4th inst., and arrived on the 10th, 'raking the passage is six days. List of passengers per Crescent City, from Cha- grey for Neer Or!c.a . : Col Mason, U. S A.., Mn Pemifer F Smith, Mn Ogden, Mr Ja► West and lade, Mr Lather, lady and 3 children, Capt Thom., P H Treadway and lady. W W Bryden and set, A L Loring. Mr C L Waller and set, J Lefeere, 0 6 Smith. Al drige 1 Jacobs, Garr C Taylor, W Blivins, Mnr Far Nam rark.—Engineer Gams of Panama Survey—Col Hughes, chief; Gen Norris. General B H &dell. Dr M B Halsted, .1 L Baldwin. W W Ridley, Wm G Norris, W I Gary, G W Brown, Griffith, C 11 Hall, W I Corcoran, .1 I Mayes, Capt Ttlghman—T May, E W Sewell, G Wolcott, H D Stowe, I W Stamp, Dr C Barr, W R Ogden, H H Mauer, J Wright, las Armstrong, ft Pertherbrdge. Wm Hinds, A H Otallaithmt, W Hopper, ft B Jarvis, C H Sherman, J O'Brien, I W, O'Brien, Bem Bums, D Feral, F Z Cole, G Defter, Wm Gordon, and four servants, Captain Wachter, H Wrok, lot officer and 12 of the crew of Bremen ship Humboldt, sold at Panama; Lieut Porter, U S N, late eimmaider steadier Panama; Capt Forbes, late commander steamer California ; Limn Chandler, U S N; Lieot Hall, U S N; Dr Re. denstien. U S N; Lieu! Bonnycestle, U S N; Mr Sinclair, 3 ladies and 2 servants; Mr Ludlum, Captain Thomas, Captain Tucker, late commander of steamship Urns; Mr Osburn, Kr Harm, Mr Ste. venison, Mr Paredes, Master Vallerino, Mr Den. ike, Mr Valentine, Mr Raymond, 23 In the steer rage—total 196. Among the passengers by the Cresent City, it will be seen, err Cot. Hughes, of the Topographi cal Engineers, and his party, who have been ex ploring and surveying different routes fore rail road acmes the isthmus. We learn from Colonel Hughes that he has been successful beyond his most magnate eapeclationa, having ascertained, and fully explored and surveyed a splendid route, from Limon or Navy Bay to Panama, the whole distance of which, from ocean to ocean, is bat for ty ex miles, and the summit elevation only 213 feet above the Pacifio—the greatest grade on the Atlantic slope being only twenty feet her mile, and on the Pacific side foray feet with aboadant of the finest timber and other materials:along the route. Limon Bay i 3 not only free from an bar, but has one of the finest harbors in the world, with abundance of water for the largest ships of war, close op to the shore, where the road will be boa• ted. The work. on the road will be commenced im mediately and completed and in operation within two years. CoL Hughes confirms the information that the la thmns is entirely clear of passengers, at of whom have found means of conveyance to their respec tive destination. We farther learn from Col. Hughes that besides the gold in the Crescent City, two millions more had craned the Isthmus daring the month of May, a portion of it only from California, and the W. ante from the South, though a part of pie latter had no doubt originally oome from Califotnia also. ilCol. Hughes' party are all well except Captain Tilghman, but who is not considered aeriously ill. One of the pazsecgers In the Crescent City (Mr. Janes Sinclair, of New York,) died on board yes terday morning of cholera—he had been a resi dent for 17 years in California, and was returning with his family, having acquired a large furtune during his residence, of which be had 8.93,000 in gold on board the Crescent City. From the New Ortean., Data. We learn from Captain Forbes that the marvel lous stories respecting the abundance ofgold are not at all exaggerated, but on .the contrary fall far then of the reality. The limits of the region in which the precious metal abounds are becoming more ex tended every day by new discovenes. As low down the coast as Santa Pastrara, near the line of Lower California, gold has been found in large quantities. Pisces of gold weighing 80 ounces are not untrequently wen in San Francisco, while specimens weighing from two to four ounces are common. The abundance ofgold, and the facility with which it is accumulated, have very naturally produced the effect of raising the price of labor immensely. San Francisco is crowded with the immigrants, such vest numbers of whom are continually pour ing into the place. The meanest hut or shed, such as here would be considered uninhabitable, cont. mends enormous rent.' Good provisions are al most equally scarce, The coarsest kind of food must be used, as no other can be procured. No name Maya any longer in San Francisco than he can help; bat all who are bosky enough to procure trtursportation, immediately take their departure for the mining districts. When •they arrive there they gad no difficulty in accumulating almost any tunonnt of the precions metal. Three to four ounces is considered • common day's work. /MO than that Induces the digger to move to a richer spot. Muchmore is occasionally gained m a lbw hems as the possessors of the large lumps may at test. There was a great deal of conversation in Cali fornia respecting the establishment of a Provisional Government, bat as yet nothing had been done . — The people were anxiously awaiting news of the action of Congress upon the subject, not having heard of the failure of that body to act upon the rah tem. In the event of nothing being done by Con gress, it wan generally understood that when the miners should return in the fall, a State Govern ment would be established. Capt. Forbes states that travelling over the lath mutt n now comparatively easy. The road from Cruces to Panama Is the one generally travelled. The Union seems to have a lively sense of the °norm= patronage which is lodged in the De partment of the Interior and the General Post Of. ficv This same "encirmoturpaironams" has eslat ed in the Executive Department all along, and yet the Union, we believe, during the administration of Mr. Polk, wee never very much alarmed either at its ere or its abuse. The Executive panonpge is no more now than it has heretentrelarett-Arecause, although the Department of the Interior dividea it with the Stare and Treasury Deptuinients, Its oifirow to be given are ail the same. For our own Pelts, we hope that Congress will, whererverit can, nap off, decree**, oat down thin Executlve nation. ago. The difference betereennsand thelhdon is, that it can only ace and talk akout'enonaons pa. trintage when Its Mends have ism kragne to be. allow r * whilst wet.oven , thongb our own plated Merida: ini4t - kower aad liner Its dlatatrantannt, boldun to bur old forth; and' Mmtandi sive have snow done. kr engin:Mr Intmotbslundruld inaas ofFacustre pora;-.41f0u ' Our very popular and excellent Governor, Wm. F:JOHNST. Micas =awned to visit Pittsbullfhi de ll l4km counsel akin nexttwo or three weeks, ill-Cathpliance With a diziotentleinvitation extend ed to him by the late Whig Nominating Conven tkut, which men In that City. Why can we not have the !tonere( a visit from par Chief Magistrate? He will, no doubt, cheerfully consent to inter— change civilities with the good citizens of our emliehittilf sewn, and the farmers of our wunty.— Gay. J., avalls himself of every opportunity pre sented. for familiarizing himself with the resources of our State, and cultivating an acquaintance with the PeoPle. Washington County has objects claim• tug and deserving the notice and fostering cane of our State Administration, and wo should be great. ly delighted tease the man who has deeply at heart the best interests of all sections of our globous old Commonwealth.—Warkingtowheyorter. Gov. JORlllll.ol.l.—thlf worthy and able State Executive, we see by a late correspondence, is soon to visit Pittsburgh, where arrangements will be made to give him a suitable reception. The Governor is now among his friends in Armstrong and Westmoreland counties. Ilia engagements there yet prevent him from fixing a time for the visit, but be promises to advise she inviting com mittee in due seasm. We should be much grati fied Whit' Excellency would extend his visit to Beaver, see the commercial advantages of our po sition, the vast extent of our water power, our manuactrires, agricultural and mineral resources, and become better acquainted with our people, their interesr, and views of public policy.—Brav er Argue. CLAT.—The Washington "Republic," refer rim; to the speculations on the part , rf the opposi tion preen, as to the attitude which this distinguished statesman will assume toward the Administration fin taking his anal in the Senate, says: "They who predict a factious opposition from hint to the Ad. ministration, measure his spirit by their own. We have reason to know that the cordial relations which subsist between Mr. Clay, Oen. Taylor and his Cabinet, are snob as warrant the belief that the Administration will find in him a cordial and sincere supporter. There is no room to doubt that the greet Republican party will present an unbro ken front to the assailants of the principles upon which it was marshalled at the late canvass." Beta. Gas. J. H. WATSON will be supported for Als r General, nt the ensuing. election Forts lenrsemr. Elisabeth, Jon. 13,40.—dkwidT JOB PRINTING. BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manifeas, 8372 r Lading, Contracts, Law Biwa., giallo:, mu, unman, cznnrlcerno, curer" TolAclEs, Ac. Printed at the ahortest natice, at 100 prices, at the dens tiarrrra Onlcz. Tua. ens.. Improvements In Denthitry. DR. a 0. STEARNS, late of Bottom, is prepared to .ufaeture and set Bt.= TIMITII in whole mut pans ......... . . of sets, upon Suction or Atmospheric Suction TOOTRACEI2 CIIIII9 to /PIZ ■tsuxn, where the nerve is exposed. Office and residence next door to the May or's other, Fourth street., Pittsburgh. Raw en—J. B. It'Faddens, F. 11. Eaton. jail) Pararms Lmecer Eleo•a—Prep•red by J. W. Kelly, William street, N.Y., end for sale by A. J• e; No. 70 Fourth street . This mill be found • delightful aro ele of beverage In families, and parneularly for sick Ilaar.aa Bcong.—An improved Chocolate prepara tion, being a combination of Cocoa out; innocent, us •igoraung a,.d palatable, highly recomoteridedliarric nlarly for invalids. Prepared by W. (faker, Dorches ter, M.S., and (or sale by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin Tea Ettore_ No 70 Fourth at nichl4, W. 511. Wright, MI. u., Mistier. Orrice and residence on Fourth it., *prem. the Pittsburgh Bonk. Office hours from 9 o'clock to 19 A M., end from 2 o'clock to s P. M. se 914-1.1 Fire and illarin• insurance.—Tux Prers. •Roil NAeloarox urn Fula Inatraaaca'emote— banertti ton—continues to insure, upon e'er, de riptioh of property, at as know roue. Oitice, No. 21 Market street. SAMUEL GORMLY, Preet. Router Peortre, Secy. myS:dea, HABSICD, On Thursday morning, 21. t inst., by the Rev. Junes Robertson, INumma C. Ann, of Pittsburgh, to hips Js W. hal., daughter of William Kern., Emi , of Allegheny nry, Pa. For Greenwood, Rosedale, and Pleasant arena, ON IVEDNV.SDAY, JULY FOURTH The splendid fast ramang steamer TEMPINT, Will make revdar trips everr half T, from the foot of Pitt street. to the abcma plate., on the FOURTHShe will land on the Allegheny aide, for the accommoda tion of passenger. N II —Pasties wishing to be conveyed a short ths. lanes down the river, can be &CCM:MO:I3I4W by apply tug tb R. T. WHITE, at the Gazette offtee pathitht UITE GOODS FOR DRESSES—W. R. Murphy lila a /alga 11310TUTLera of above Goods, lately receiver!, such its plislo whim Malls, from lair per yd vp novery doe; plain Swim doi barred a*» do; em broidered do; ratio barred; soft di:asked do; Htin etriPed do; and • generalllllllonl.lllS of White oods, tack as Own and figured Pic k% Laces. Edg ings, tre —ai northeast corner 4th Lod Market sta. Nraoletals Rooms up maim. jat.l GKILIAN CLAY—Arrived al Italthaara, per Gaitar, 75) taus of Clay, *brat we wet receive lo lo a few days per canal, mod far sale by Pal TASSEY tr BEST POT A 1314—10 cots au Uand arid far ash , by Juzl T.11.89EY fr. tli..T - PEARL ABU-19 asks in sure and for solo by TASSEV & DEST SODA ASII-16 -. k . for ado by )6/61 TASSEY & BEST BACON SIDLO--2.300 tbs reed and for sale by pal TANEY & BEST y ARD-0 kegs Leaf Lard, cc" hand and for kale by lel2 . TASSEY it. BEST Titr ) bbl, on bend and for eg y a, BEST WRITE FISH-28 Ws fresh Inspected; 18 hi tails do do; put reed sad for sale by OI F VON BOIVORST & CO CtrEFSE-31 bu pima Cbeese,juat farldhcg and for sale by joVII .7 9 DILWORTH a CO FLOUR—Ioo bbls Flour, for sobs by )a.22 .1 8 DILWORTH S. CO 'DOCKET POWDER-1 bbl for sale by jo2l JS DILWORTH & CO APETI FUSE-5 bbl. Safety Rue, for blasung 0 for sale by AM .1 DILWORTEI & BARLEY—IOO buab today reed and fey sale by ARMSTRONG & CROZER, 25 Market at CfIRAB CIDEE—A bids at very , superior quality for We by mai ARMSTRONG*. CROZER ur - GITY.IIRANS-6 bbla for ..le low by jutt ARMSTRONG k CROZER NOTICEL TN eenforlinity with the Act, nonce is hereby given, that apphcation will be made to the Le tore of Pennsilvanla, at its neat regular simian, for the re newal of the Chatter of the Bank of Pittsburgh; said Bank to be located at Pitt burgh, with a capital of twelve hundred thousand dollars. JOHN ORtsHkM. President jo2eivent.9 PRINI 4 -150 bosh dried Pi:moles; YAP do do Apples, for sue low to close coosigrurtent, by RILEY, DIAIrIIEWS k CO, COTTON-211 bales Baiting Central, per polphfb, for sale by Pal HUEY, MATTHEWS kCO WROUGHT SPLICES -234 ken assorted sLtea for sale low by Jell MIRY, MATTHIMS & CO Q CORCHINO9-43 bbl. to, We by CI AM UHF:Y. MATTHEWS &CO BEANS --45 bbl. White Berm for We by )u2l RIMY, aierritEWs k CO ROCEELLES-150 bags Rio Coffee; 75 packages T. H. Imperial, 0 P and Posschong Teas; 4 bbls Molutes; 1117 do Loaf How, No 4 to 5, with geeeral assortment of Orocenes, for sale by Jai REMY, MATTHEWS & CO TOBACCO -LS kegs No 1 six twist Tabasco, Booth rate's brand, (or sale by ju2l 11HEY, MATTHEW/3 & CO 1117 .2 1 , 1.01/11-6 eases superfine, (or sale by DWILLIA 'I ANDLES-41 bag Sperm; 10 do Stall 10 do Siamioei V for gale by AMI J D WILLIAMS SOAP -05 bow Chllimilbe; 20 do No 1 FloglN 6do Cagule; 2 do Oandld; 2 do Almond, for gale by )221 1 D WILLIAMS ARCII-10 bu Fog's Ciaolnnau, or sale by I D WILLIAMS 'VIAL VAR the Fax West, by (leo. j Fladeric Renton, author of .Adventure. In Alex, co and the Rocky Mountaine," eta Dantal Diet= Comedy, the Inferno. A literal prose translation, with the text of the original collated from the beat edltione, and erolanatott notes, by J. A. Car lyle, M. D. JoilrisTor4 & ST OCKTON. Jai comer Third and Market at. Dollghtful Country Reoldentao Cor Salo, SITU ATE in tho borough of blviehester, about two miles from Nostra*, mid about a sidle from the tlend—very Burke', containing two UT. and &ballot very pleasantly mutated, and folly stocked with a great varlery of tho choicest fruit, dn. The above will ho sold for cash, or eichanged for • good and well situated farm. For particulars, apply at ju2l:dterfsa2t.B THIS OFFICE. Ems=Eso PVC= 01 COMMT WINDOW Gus.— At it meeting of the manufaonarers of Window Glass in this Vicinity, held at the 81. Charles Hotel In this city, tho,follototng list of prices of the various sues Window Ulm was agreed upon. The glass will be left in the hand* of agent here, who am 'hummed not to sell at any less rates than given in the follow ing list:- 8 by 10. 10 by to 0 by 14. 11 by 10 64.75 11 by 17 4.75 IS by 11 4.75 12 by 17 4 5, .75 131 by 113 . 00 41 by 30 7,00 -.3W 3 , 7 4 - 4,60 - 4 , 50 440 10 by 10. 10 by 17 inginhvediod it - A - courE WORKS ON MAN UFACTUAII6,IIA CHINERY, fect.--13cou'e Engineer and Mae Ist Assistant, being a series of plane, sections and °vole a... gotnot Engines, Spinning hiachinee, Mills for Onnding, Tools, /1.0 , in 9 folio vole. Pruned Idecharne and Engineers , Magazine; 0 Tots, Pret o. Canienirg and Joinery, A comprehensive guide book for carpentry and joinery, with mica for every pane( work shoot building, and numerous platen: vols,4m. erasers Eneyolepodla of Civil Engineering, in ore thick vol., Svo. Scott's Eottou Spinner and Mantifacturer, Sao. Trodgold on the strength of "ChM ben: new ed. by frodgkrason to 9 vole, gee. • • • The Steam &gine, by , the Aldan Club: I vol, On. hladie's Surveyor, Eneer and Architect. Ninnies' Mechanic* Drawing Poole tivo. For sale by ~ '..1.11 , /,00111400a, 48 Wood at LlGlnitlirs have resolved a lat of Lamai st aarlotnitdasiand kindsof a new eanstruedon, tjiu'faadat aintpla and compinte—som ornamental. Also, the. Intern to bean in - them called "Banana nald,ot UlornalelLo h has late qualities which. reeatomand 11 to tha anerolon orgasm boat men, hotel Iniapos„and house keepers, foe eleanthsau, eeonmay,' and bitalaWasarpaseei any WAY Yortiolir now in tote._,Parimurtakto *nom call au as 701,1 tteahown tba OWl=o.6ol'oo, mllsui*trq am " rri, Auniscv -Vlr °l ' betweit wool:musts; From the Fittsbore' Dar Wooing Pan. The Cape of the materthitete Tthbette. MI4 -I i Minato an article which ap gowned In the calnanis of your paper. Yeattian. setting Rath the cattle of Mr. L B. Tibbettri death, to the interkrinice era Homceopalhic Physician in the treatment Tr his case I have to sty, is body false. The leading facts in the case are these: On the 13th inst., about half pate two o'clock, P. M., an attendant at Rev. Passavant's liospLtal, called at my office, and stated that Mr. Tibbetts, sick with the Cholera, at the Hospital, desired me to call and see him. Obedient to the call I went. I had teen in the room but a short time, when Ms. T. said "I want you to take right hold and cure rue." I. told hint that I. could not cougar eatly with the regulations of the Hoepitali and the attending physician rho replied, that he could riot be treated there by me--that if he took my treat ment, be mast be removed from the hospital Mr. T. then implored me to remove him; and seemed much agitated. I replied that I had with me no means of conveyance. tuged me then to no, tify his friends, and to see that they removed him, far he wanted no more of the medicine that he had been taking, and did not wish to remain there among strangers. He also begged me to remain with him, which I could not do. I gave him no medicine, and said nothing to influence him not to take the drug does; but . rather endeavored to soothe his troubled and apprehensive mind, by stating that hem his symptoms, in my opinion, ha had no reason to fear; bat, would, doubtless, re cover. According to request, I notified Mr. Rigby, his former employer, of Mr. T.'s situation and wishes. The same day about 8 o'clock in the evening, was directed by reeponaible persona to go imme &suety to the hospital as a permit for me to treat Mr. T. them would be granted by the Sanitary Committee. I went, and alter waiting a few mo ments, was informed that the Committee had sent word by Dr. Morgan, that I could not treat the pa tient there, and furthermore, that he should not be removed from the Hospital I immediately left, having mate no ellen to administer or cause to be administered to him, any Homcepathic medicine. I Daring the ellen:Loon, a room had been procur ed and fitted Up, and arrangements made for re moving him from the Hospital; btu the report from the Sanitary Committee prevented; and thus oblig. ed the afflicted man to remain where be wished not In be; and to receive either what to him were filthy and =iota drugs, a; no treatment at all: Two men, calling themselves members of the Com mittee, called late in the evening at my office and among other things sated that Mr. T. could not be removed until all their charges were paid,where upon an individual standing by remarked, "make out your bill the money is ready.° Bat no bill was made out. Mr. Tibbetts may have had the Chol era—he may have died with that disease—but at 3 delOhe, on the day I saw him, his predominant symptoms were not characteristic of Asiatic Chol era. The dejection from his bowels were of near ly a natural appearance and consistency. He wu wrecking but not vomiting while I was in the room. His head was hot—tongue coveted with thick brawn coating—antra full, hard and rather frequent—feautures full—face flushed; "and there were many other symptoms, none however, any more indicative of Cholera. At 8 o'clock, when I called the second time, the condition of the patient was ... nearly the same, except a stupor which kiwi mysteriously come over him, and from which be aroused at times in a delirous slate. To show that the views which t have expressed are not alto. gather peculiar to myself, I will here introduce • summent given by M. Cote, M. D: "On the 13th inst., between 7 and 8 dclock P. M., I was at the office of Dr. Deka, when two gen tlemen entered with a message from a friend of Mr. Tibbetts, desiring the Doctor to go immediately to REV. Pau:taunt's Hospital, where he would find a permit to treat Mr. T. Dr. Dake invited me to accompany Mos. When we attired, no permit W. hand; bat Instead a message from Dr. Mor gan, stating that Dr. D. would not be allowed to preterite; nor the patient to be sonared. Helene leaving, t approached the bed side of the patient and found lain apparently under the influence of narcotic stimulants. The pulse was strong, full, and rather frequent—the skin hot and dry—face swollen—a general stupor prevailing. He was de , Wow, and evidently had no characteristic iymp tome of common Asiatic Cholera. There was no conversation while I was present, that could in any way affect The patient, fin RCELLIIi CO his injun, MA TE. The following statement, by W. A. Penniman, M. D., will ahoy the nature of the disease and oocalthra suite patient, at a later period: "I hereby certify that I was called upon by the father of L B. Tibbits on Saturday evening butt abent.9 efflock, and requested to visit him—he be ing at that time dangerotudy as represented, of Cholera This I utterly refused to-do, assigning as a reason, that the attending physicians would not listen to any advice that I might offer in the case. But after much Importunity on the part of the latter, I went with him to see his son; who was then laboring under symptoms eiTyphaid fever —via a muttering dffirium—dry, brown and cast !ed tongue--stuall, weak, and quick pulse. The evacuations from the bowels, I was informed by the attending antra ware quite dark, which symp toms are not nece ssarily fatal under proper treat ment. The treatment, however, was stimulant of the most active character—viz: Brandy." W. A. PENNIMAN. Having treated and cured Mr. Tibbita of an in veterate chronic diseasezhat had withstood several years' treatment by lUlnpattito means, be became attached to me as a physician; and it was not strange that he should desire my aid in the hour of peril. He knew in erb4 he had confidence— he wished my treatment. It was denied him.— Tide trampling open his rights as • man, this deni al of his last request—thin severing of the last hope that held him from the embrace of dash:r— and not any thing that I said, distracted his mind and clued him to dash the bowl of hitter drugs from his lips. Long before I saw him lathe Has. pital he was dismantled and wished them to send for me. The suggestion that I should treat him was original with himself. The contraries is • statement, made by Mr. W. F. Jordan, who was in the sick room of Mr. T. about 4 o'cla.k.P. M. on the 13th Inst. "I went to PaaanYnat's Hospital. out ol curiosity to see a man afflicted with the cholera. On are. vat I hood the suffering man to be Mr. Tibbits.— Souse one inquired of him whom he wanted to treat him &sibyl:Wan. He replied "I want Dr. D. M. Duke. " He evinced this desire several times durinethe few moments that I was present. When inquired of, as to his condition, he said "I am very sick.* I was informed by en attendant that he was attacked by the cholera, on the Friday previous,' In Cincinnati. The question was asked, why Dr. Duke was not sent for. The aurae stated that the rules of the Institution prohibited Ham pa m. th% physlclanethat Dr. Lange and Mr.Passavant had recently had an interview in the presence of the sick man, when Dr. Doke was informed of the rates of the Hospital, and told that ha could not be allowed to administer medicine to this, or any other patient in the Hospital. The nurse far ther stated that, the managers had said, that if the sick in the Hospital insbar.4 upon having 'ay other physicians, than those employed by them, they moat leave the Hospital. The sick man cel led for drink, which the nurse refused, but filled a spoon with medicine and placed it to the mouth of tho patient and asked him to drink it. Mr. T. replied, 'I have suffered enough God knotted 6y. tongue is already raw—l do not wish any mare of your medicine." The nurse urged him to take it. With an imploring look he said, "why do you insist on tuytaking it." A friend present ad vised him to take it, muting him that he would be speedily removed. He was exceedingly loos to be removed, although it was regarded by his friends as almost hazardous. It seemed to me very Stange, that a man. struggling with disease, and even looking death in the (nee, could not, to an Institution estabhsheol and sustained by the citizens of Pittsburgh. Homeopathic as well as Allopathic, have hie own physician, and die sale- Bed that be had received the utmost aid of medi cal W. F. JORDAN: With theta facts, I now ask a candid public to Judge, te.liers the interference was—and who may be regarded as censurable for the death of the unfortunate Tibbite—whether a Homeopathic phy. shine who did nothing to or for him, except to evince a dam, to grant his, dying request; or these who leaping the bounds of magnanimity end philanthropy; wrest from his dying hands his dearest rights, and refused his almost final rem quest. INZMI I leave the matter here with the additlotial state: meat, that in, the whole traniaction, I have done nothing bat what I felt bound by God and eon. science to do, for a friend in the homer greatest danger. At another time I would do even mere and rely open efeeling and humane peddle to vin dicate my zeal and the rights of the tmfonnuate an d snoring victim, in the handset such unrektir ing bigotry and usurpation. D. MEI= DAKE,I4I. Jane 19,110—June 2241 t. „ Pittslnugh, A A. MASON &CO. are ZIOW Offeril4 t wide fi r 8 % ; 8 at r t i ti o tths4hedlo i at Ai eta; =mu ate* etr, Lamas go, rut c 073% er r' °u " fUle Batavia Slid MI Mare Wrought • Collat.* sad We; cAstaltAnsiMa &a 41113 9.401.1 114 •myrAs; 314 • • yer; togr emantr; 01 do _for by ; . do D MILLIAMS, 110-Wood ICIINE3-1 emir Gob; !.tt' J D t I doiWoz OLlVEollo.ll4sakaa Muni]las, plat 4, qt du; 9 tio Bardeta9 al da for sale and. wirdiox i co., FEDERAI. mem Roo door bar, Rut Mee, ALLEGMEKtfOrrtri • RESlVEMpinvir nianilabe shit tae} hire MI& XL &magnums by midekthey cm . disposs of Mr sad lboussad dolls oCallesT a_ Piwbi ni b - 83 " 01 404LoY county gogo, sad' fill siren time, tna tleserttion of mongrg.A l ' PA3I, for any articles le their stare. Call 5009, mil soca. a hatpin, 1.11 tberass cabana boa' in this moo , d aember the Place WILSON Two doors below the Post Office, aga of the Shell Cont.. icatsi2t rlm:n-4n boxes Cheese, li:Lst received sad for ale low to close emAskort. mNin.Ess, jai comer Wood sild res ITCH-2 blots for tale low by JAS' KERR Jr. & CO. frIOPSINTERS—Printins Ink, from the =nutlet°. ry of J. D. Wereary,Naw York, in cans and kegs, foam t lb.,unvasda, and IYOM lams. to• 111 par lb. air sts red, blue, green and yellow Inks, in eau MA lb. to 9 lbs. constantly Mr We.. Haying used Mr. breres ryts ink in our office for nine months put, we warrant It equal to any thai la made at any Oder manufactory. Term cash. JOHNSTON & STOCRTON, comer Third and Martin us SODA ASH—in cants and barrebtomrrantad beat quality, far sato by JOHN M'PADEN tr. CO, la2o Canal Basin osiN—A err/Wow:4o strained and fair No 2 Rot., 0 4 4 .ale by 1420 /NO fiI'FADEN :4 CO NO. 2 MACKE:DWI-2 2 bbl* No 2 Muktral, land tog wad for sea low toeloso consign:mu, by JIM /AS DALZELL, 24 Water n BACON -0 osts assorted, now lanifing loom tleannir Dolphin; for sr= fi pr2o DICKEY & CO, Front of L ' 24 bbis No 1 now landing, for sale b A. 20 Al.llll DICKEY ' CO .FEAT HERS-20 met* now Imullur for sale Dr ra2o IfluiLkil DICKEY & CO EDBLICATiONS or THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. —Junes D. Lockwood has for sale the venous ldications of the Protestant Eptseopel Press, ..1111 those of Meows. Stanford k Sword. New York. JAB= D. LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood a. For many years emmeted with Messrs. Wiley k Pummel, and late Mr. John Wiley, New York and London. jun TorUSPRATIEP CHLORIDE OF LIME —A few asks IYI en band and for sale by W M MITCHELTREE in g They still receive trash supplies for the Fill bap 0 !MAD AND MOLASSES-01 Mt& N 0 Sam 0 prinny 563 bbis N 0 Molasses, prime, to %A bblst is Moro and for lee by XXI W & M MITCHEXTREE WHISKEY -600 bbla Milken in atom and fot alga by )1120 W& M MITCLIELTREE VOREION AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS—A gene nl assarunant always on hand and (or gale bz jll2O W & hi MITCRELTRLE Blasprieeta , Patella Beds AM. 1.7 ctltt =Tr °`"aiTrit P`hig'iltVgar° of ELZ e Tb . % bavve , ee im iv r ed lgo c ieee s llefigraLs Biaph en Baldwin, width will salve twit month.— They will .ho receive large similes for the GB trade. /.20 VALUABLE BOOKS ON MACHINERY, de.— „ lie. oi rla Engineer and Medial/is Assistant,' in Holt:aidePa Taming and Mechanical Menfpulailinn 2 rola 8 re. Tredgold on the Strength of Can lron; 9 sots Bvo. SCOW. COIIOII Spinner and MlLllnfaxwer; I vol Oro. Pella:Pe Curiosities of Mau Making; Bvo. The Band Beek of Taming, 19 ma. The Apprentice, by the Artisan Club; vole, tto. Creaara Fctcyelapasdis Civil Engin' ming. Mordieft Surveyor, Digitiser and Architect; eta. Boone Steam EngintN 41a. American Architect; 4 to. For sale by J D LOCKWOOD, 113 Wood at For mu) , yews contracted - with Messrs. Wiley & Putnam, .4 late John Wiley, N. York.___ Y 029 DISE BRICK-0,000 Fire Brick in mare and by X sale by 0119 JA Dflr MUTTON HAMS-3 bra Mutton Barns, ID Istol.o for sale by jail JAMES DALZELL g) "0 bast Pea Na t e, it .anthrpiai JAMES DALZ ELL 4EA re. low by CIH. MOLASSEE-30 Mgrb H Molassar, =store la. and for leo low to Om l 9 oxialoan i nA ti r k zu ju Sant —2ll o e Ilirbar Window Saab, assorfeal sizes, fa stare apd for tale by NU JAS D. ' ALL RAPES-100 mums Crews; tce do medium; 00 do 1 - doable crown Wrapping Paper, in store and for tale low by jal9 /AMES DALZELL MANNERS' ott.—eo bbls Smits' Oil, Landmg from canal and for We by jal9 JAS DALZELL BIATNSWiI CO, CO Miiitat guest, ant offer - - 21. lag their mock eiSilks, Shawls, 'Awns, Lamm and bloathis, at mill greater ratuccd prices. I yard wide beat make black Slits all2O eta; summer Shawls at 73 and 1111,1trik most fashionable Vhdits and Mantil las at SS to ba r Lawns and Malin. 9 and 10 ctg best Merrimack Calicoes at 9 cis, aurally 12e; Calicoes at ee els; Wrought Collars 8 eta; do Capes at St and 82 Plasm* Stud Bonnets, 02 and 75 etN Gloves eta ma Together with a general assortment of goods, at near ly ono half the maid rates. Juts • POll SALLE, , A THREE storied Hurdling House, being the second house from Pe. street, to Snyder's Raw, on H. street, Immediate possession will be given. Enquire of DAVID nrrcinE, Am... 7 at Laar—Crfilelf on Ponsth meet, between Cherry alloy and Grant street jullhdtf GLASS ALlMPAftiffias=tiiiisilleTh atm Making, with details of the procenes and productions of ancient and modern ornamental Glass manufacture, By Apsloy Pollan. In one oat, square 800. Just received and for sale by loth JAB D WC/ MOOD, RI Wood m , Pima, Jane 12,1919. -er 131r1 Ln reply to your re OEM r t rirf tijakawity of your riling Fluid, tool anto that I kayo used it in col LiaLlican of Amman= far nearly a yeari ylierf. am nano but the beet of Ints 1% beZonini a icr — fect black soon after being written with, in for any which of pen, bus more y the metallic pm, does not clog wi it as with common Mir It writes well upon any kind of paper, and on ancient of its fluid property semen better on parchment than any of the common Inks. I perceive what you have made recently is darker le rotor when first stria= with. This is • dace:Nei improvement, pun for book keepers, who have frequently to write= candle light. Your Bed Ink Is decidedly the test of that kind of domestic manufacture that I have tried— It will be fond on trial in every respect opal ur Ar nold's best English marnfacurre. Your Machine Copy Ink leaves a good Ingrregolon, and will be found wor thy of a trial; boil cannon anal( speak oo coldldonly et . Prdnt n ibilt he ac 'he a der, mu having had the came .XPeneZa. 'my respnedally "num P. DUFF, Prinap2l of inatitate of Amts., Pittsburgh. For sale by A A. Pahrustock & Ca, Piusbnro; B. P. Sehmatr l Allegiteny, and by the manufacturer, T. BIDDER K. ODER , Dropout and Mondry comer of Liber ty and Burt Id URDU, Pit:Stlinh. J 0110942• CFLIODIOAL WRITING FLUID. lIIBBERTS SUPERIOR RED INK. tttttt•switttw.+mitkq - : A LL these differ from ollmuy Ink, as they are all chernicel sohnions containing no viscid matter; flow freely from oily kind- of pen—the color deep, bright and durable. If them hove been better Moles made, I here neither seen nor hdard of them. Sam pis bottles can be obtained grlpfs, by the mere-lents generally, from B. A. Petusestock Ss Co , Henry P. Schwerin, Allegheny, or of the fesnufsettuor, HiggERT, and Chemist, corner of Idber ty end Smithfield streets, Plttsburgli, Pa. N. IL—Any bards not g i.'tng complex satisfaction, can be returned end the price mill be refunded. ITHENEOR SALOON, AND BATHING ESTABLINa EDINT. mMeFALL, beta to Info= the Inhatdtanta of Fina -1 bench and vicinity, that he has opened the above nublinment, whoa. every =MI= will be paid to the melba antes* who may fanr him with • ealL Liberty anew, between Seventh and Wood. lee Cream, and all other delien/as of the upon. WATCHES—Just received from Liverpool, direct, • Very line let of Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches, 'made expreuly to ardor, by one of the bat manufacmrin,y establiahments in ingland. Alm, a complete assortment of Geneva and English Gold and Sliver Watches, 810 to 1100. Gold RAM., Keys, Ate. W N, Welch Maker, DAP corner Fourth antriitlarketrata. AC4,1.1*-70 plague. toszaice Tobacco, Ivarious beands, - kir sae by jaa S F VON SONNHOUST & 00 F3o do - 6 — Mi 2 r do; 30 lit do do No do; 30 bids No 1 Baltitooto Horeb? 33 do No 1 Gipped dcg 25 do No 1 uiromed Shad tuis ; odoNo 1 Halmon,l.l rooeived sa=ip 'JOHN WATT CO, MOROAWS WORM KILLER. •Prnormats, June 19,1849. ltr. Jobs Morpn-.Dear Sir. l iyameno teaspoon foil of your Worm Killer to ono amp claim, and in the short time of oar half bons it passed twenty large worms. I feel safe in recommonMn your Vernalftige as die bast medicine that ean ba used for expelling worms. Jaen Mottosm near Nahlesmern. Prepared and add by the proprietor, JOHN A ?JOH GAN, Druggist, ono door below Diamond alloy, Wool Amt. lula NITING-100 bales No 1, far seJe by JILII Juts l3 VON BONNIIORST lc CO OAF SUOMI-30 bbl. Lonkiapo ReHoary, (or mile Li by lull 8 F VON BONNHORSFA. CO WHITE LINEN DRILLINGS-10 44a Atte Bleach. TY a Limn Thills, lust 0p_1132 .E, Tale 8114011LETTdaly IW Wpod at 20til i cutszrzo daa Arta 4 ft., 'Meath* and duke.. Also, tynab and dadnale Beam; Faci n gs, lot oradu and ar 4ada by __ 8 IIILAM.ETT /41VAM_ TRINW - El3-44 bit ina and muse Mond 4...te., 11,1 1021 opened bY late 841ACICLETT a, WHITE DONNE! RIBBONS -20 carom fancy Bonnet Rib- El bans, whits, plaid and bsiaht colors, tut received far summer aideaby lILIACBLEIT & WHITE ripwetis - - EA aoctl saeorrotent on hand and for sale 1 by dttla SHACKLE - TT & WHITE WHITHWADDINFIve bales opened sad for ST lota SHACKLE= I WHITE .1011.1 L L WIL C. MUD. AMOS di VRIEHD, - 'no AT LAW, Fourth itteetMU Onat. ialeaf A j U g ATA jritl6 •1D Was • StOtt , .a. . WEB & Jams, aan•l awn, near Bernath meet SUND9I99I-2 mita Boson Was and tittooldenr, 24 bills Not Lard; Ido 0 "m 33 aka Fallon; 2do Gloms; 9do Flaxseed, to arms; to Side by 1010 - ISAIAH D ICKEY Prom in TDOYYER--3 tibia (nab Stoll taaalag roma caaal boat • cats by Jula Batten 3 kegs do do, at New Brighten and Or &ROBISON & CO, 193 Liberty a D - IN Sate-160 las No Iltosin rao , d and 11. for sale by Jae BROMSONt CO FIECANOPI OW large pang late ado- .• VT 60 Wu assorted lissivrent and dr sale try iste • - R ROBISON k. CO S 941 s ' aie b * lll6 . ROB2SON 4-0734 FO7l-40 Eth4 and Efortintr, hand end Or Isis by thl6 BROWN & CU1J3E17713024 MUSS. d PLY WthlPETS—lteoelved-ttds 4. Nalthnoth's New Cava Wanboast, No 74 north sum; the latest latpronnt pussies of 31117 thertlet- to Willed its Insists the ottontioz et those wisiong to famish Steamboats et Roam, es he tads. smnlned;to e spit as low es :pm bo_ittorehosed'in , ths ..•'5 w IPCLINTOCE' rut.. neaseks very eel sesseasestet Tatman , ilutemill Cli=4 peeps lawn the be bet Lissy et eus sideeoWithisltiseue ead surdas tau imp MsasommutitglguM"L R•VISOND • CO'S EXTENSIVE 13EINO THE LARGEST, ILARPTT COLLICTION OF ; . WI LD BEASTS, 13 ; IRDS AND REPTP;IttiI EVES BEFORE Liiiisu LT , IN ;HE UNITED STATES. W IN PITTSBRGH, cm y, I Thursday U July 3,4, and T 6, uesda fat threo day. only, al. the MANSION HOUSE YARD, Liberty mat. TIME OF EXHIBITION. On Tuesday, July 30, Afternam,from2tos felbek— In the Evening from 7 to 10 o'clock. On Wednesday, Daly 4th, them sill be four distinct Exhibitions, vim—Morning, from 8 to 11 o'clock, end trout li b to IP. 11.,• Afternoon, from to o'clock, and from to 10 elock. ' On Thursday 7, July 4th—Morning, (rpm 9 to IA All temoon, from' to A and Evening from 7 tolo. Among the most conspicuous features of this inter mtißt exhibition, Is the RHINCKTEROS, OR UNI CORN OF HOLY WRlT—the only one in Amadeu sinm The great diffacnity of captormg this huge aryd . aa• vage creature, together With the nopormartirri of keeping him slim in a cllena/e so oneari'd his habits and eonititution, renders the exhibl on of a LIVING RHINOCEROS in the United States, the greaten curiosity In the Animal Kingdom. Foremostm interest, novelty and attraction, are bold and original performances of AUCTION SALES. fly John D. Davi*. Auctioneer. Sada, Paper, Spanish &gars, Watches, In. On Sautrday evening, Rum Zld, at 8 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Room, corner of Weed and dth streets, will be sold— A large collection of valuable books, embracing standard worn in various departments of literature, family and pocket bibles, letter, coca pest, and OW orritingpaper; Mbar Spanish segarsef choice brands; no and second hand watches; double and smile barrel shot guns, pistols, JuZt JOILY D DAVIS, Aunt Peditrr's Wagon at Audio's. On Saturday morning, June 2111, - at 11 o'clock, In front of the Commercial Sales Boom, will be sold one Pedlar's Wagon, imitable for one or two horses, With eases and bores, new and complete. .Paritise Sal se Real Raw. 'This afternoon, at 3 o'clock, on the premises, wpl be add by order of the executors of the late Edward Patehell, dee'd—That large J ohn l let gr of hi otind adloining the property or Mr Seaton, on which is erected balldlngefrontlng 011 the Diamond and De catur street. For particular JOH N hand bills. D DAVIS, And Assignee: Sal. of Dry Goode. On Monday Woman& Jane 23111, at 10 o'clock, at the Common:sal Sales- Rooms, corner of Wood and ralls sires* sill be sold— A large assortment of staple and fancy Dry Goods, consisting of three bales 37 inch alseetlisgs,,l case bleached shirting, 1. Ct. gaper rich style pin* 411- did lawns, bahanne., barages, delsipes, ging braid. , ohawls, bilk* hosiery, - gloves, hob= and bonnets, umbrellas, pusses, table cloths, checkhaa perflna Moths, cassimeres mittntos, tweads, fulr7 vesting., spool cotton, sewing silk, arm • At 2 o'clock, Groceries, Queonsware, Farnham, /se. Young Ry.bu and Imperial teas, Va. manufactured tobacco, axes, hatchets, hoes, shovels, spades, forks, writing and wrapping paper, tronspszems and venbian window blinds, manosl clocks, looking glasses,. glass wore, cooling stove, parlor grate, 3 bbl s v inegar, TI.V.:= ral assortment of and cord gonenew Se - et a eloe A large assortment fashionable. Teal , made I eg, pantaloons, vests, Imo stairs, matte in F C re c t:l; style, variety goods, he. .M22 • Eaxaran's Fat, of Real Baca in di. Sixth Waite • of ths city. On Saturday afte rn oon, June 23d, at 4 o'clock,. Will be sold on the premium, one Lot of Ground, situate Ins Bark Wiry, immediately in the rear of Asbury Chapel, Morns a sem ass feet, and crusading back 45 feet towards Fulton areas, on which is erected a good two szoLtioiek dwelling house. one other lot adjoining the above, boring a Dont o BI Gest, and extending buck 45 feet. Tensor at sale. strs3 D DAVIS, Aunt - - . TOBACCO—WO b....sorted rad obaree brands, on band and for We by Jule BROWN & CULBERTSON rIMAB-140 ;Wrap Young drum, Gunpowder and I. Black Teas, on hand sad for rate be 1.16 BROWN at cufxrarrioN • , ~a - r. OV - ERING'fiR—A fresh uuppli of Lora -14(oe, crulhed and poluerixpil Sums, jut ittod and r sale by jute BRON & CIILBSRTSON TkltnellikrX CASPER'S—The hugest assaMlMM of JP Braises Carpets ever aired Mak dry, for ealA at Ma Neer Camel Warehouse a W. APCliatoek,,No 76 Fourth at, emapriaing the latest and richest 'styles, and at mires lower than ever offered to the market. All who warn Brussels Carpets, should call before purchasing elsewhere. i.-1 6 W AI'CLOTTOCE • A MUNSTER OARPETB—NV. llPCllldoelt, Na 75 41. Fnarth st, ants to purchasers the newest and nehest style Aildwier Carpets ever offered In Ws market, to winch he invites the attention of patches eta WO J. T. DECKER & ROBINSON, LIGHTNING RODS, ON ♦ lIMICIMIIC PICALSPL2. Onion left at the Post Glace, or at Mrs. Ervin'., on Fourth !t, between Market and Ferry, will roteivo prompt attention. Rincummtse—ProL Rotate Wehater,Osnota, N. Y.; ProL Cheiter Danny, D. SA, AL IL, Reelester, N. Y.; I. L. Cassel., and Hamilton L. Bandy Cleveland, 0.1 G. S. Shomberger, J. ilawnhom, Michael Jones, J. C. Williams, and Copt Gookeindnhati inta•Arf . bbN - roie - dl3ll,iost reo'd and for sale by O jall .18 GANSU:LD tl 1 lb aka p e Feather* rest ha MT E mod. (br ale by WESTON BOWEN; 00 Rom st AMATRON to take charge of the Pittsburgh and Allegheny. Orphan Arpin= Testimonial. of good character and qualifications Apply to Mrs. WM. ROUINI3O4 ' 3=I street, or to Mrs. MAJOR WADE, Anderson mmet t Allegheny. relAntile M I INERAL WATER CORKS-10 bales, ildicuu very choice article, received and for ode by BRAUN te REITER re., CORKS-0 bales, large dsa, texed awl &rule • AlB BR&UN & REITER "POTTLE cgags—a bales Plat Bottle Cart% reed LIP Rae. see AT BB.AUN & REITER RYE FLOOR-10 • bls for sale ar Mit B F VON BONNHORSTis CO WINDOW BASH-2000 - 1 sires, a, moaned fr7t • male by 808 F VO. BONNIE:UM k. VELVET COP ILE:TT/err Melt azlsurilrliclrel: V vet Tile Cupets, for ule sttbe Nes Carpet Maio. room, No 7,1 Faurtirstreet, - lumen Weal and Mu tot BreLINTOCE M0248.9E9-250 hbls -and 11:0 half bbls on con Bigamous, for sale_ foltS &rails& & ROE °OTANI-10 e oak' In store, tor see. oLL6 hIVILLS & ROB }WED APPLES—ate bushels, mill bescad low 10 elose so . . at. bate - WOMB ROE * =ER —ea teas wee. lull MM.-1610p No 1 Ult. for salts. L• •-• • r U 6 IWOJLLS tr. ROE 'O"EFRIFITS OF THE GITTARTIOLLOA 4 SLAM 1 WOOD. - I. The Landon Quarterly Ream .' g. The Edinburgh BOOM • co m i n l y. ' 7. The WettIIIKLOCT Perkier, 4. The North British ReTiewr 8. lltaolterood'a Edinburgh hisVible—hteathir, The abate Feriadiesla are =pima% la -Ntw Ye*, ltomedietell am their arrival by the Brum • .0, 0 , 00 1.., in • beantithi char tr2,2 181011,11 1te Plimiriand are laithrei **es altos an e.-Elackwood ei be:Wean mat of the Edinburgh edirn 4 . Thp Floes of the mama ere Ins than we third of those ortbe Oreign copier, and while they ere equally Pail got upohey afford al i that ideentege to the Amer. tern over the Ergltish =ode*. • . Traguk—(Peltent to be :lode in advaaeo4 For any one acute feu Renews, - 011 ai per an. For Ell t" do - For An three dp O). For en lour of the Retests, eOO For Mehl...34We hEriatellee, - 000 . Fos BlEtwotaMilke fen ilvetewf, 18 00 JAMES D. mit:we ' , 00D, fat Fuldlelere, lute CI Wood it e. Is. x•Ila. _ . i. e remise. BAUM) 4 !MaliliEol94 - ::-, - AIVORNENSAND COUNSELLORS. Ai. . WV, Fwah ttexst,. between Sadttfiekd and theu, Itsbarik Ps. N 0. 3 ISACKEREL-20 bbl. (dr Well- ._,-'-' - 1 • , KIER & JONES , Carol Biala, Jas p.m Several stem • 'Oa ACONFIDES I / 2 000 lb, it i ure and 53 . 1 JJ Juts • EWE & JONES ANTON LINSEED 011.-20 bbis Lbuted oi4 pure epd ID,A good order, reed dal . vd a fr g i .atsby .INOLARSES-117bbbi Isssuire arts Zsi saki by_ LTA Alb KIER CIOXES Penney/Iranls Ilan Road Conapasay. . N OTICE Is hereby given, thm the Tenth awd Wt Instalment et Five Dollar. per awe on the Capi tal Stock °tittle Company Lba rearmed m boplld Co or berme the kg darer July nett Instalmenta net paid punctually, milt be select to the penalty of one per coat per month, as repaired by lavr icaldtiv iaEORGet V.llACCN,lreaeurer. • TUFF'S BOOM-KEEPlNG—Blents7tat Wachner .I. l i this work, with the anthaea directions to trac_e. en printed en the eons-A new supply bet "Id fraM New - Stork; and for sale by Ale JOHN if hIELLOA, 61 Wool rrosoßßlM -100,000 Fire Brick forinle.G , Wdein g Wi M lled at the shguit nodes, on lke. Min allow below ib• wry, try j u n 8 W LIARBAUOII Orin yliarl PAlß cts,F a u l feet AO w aes al.. aa. good OeCT, be bold at I D e t ain If application be studs won. Tho tuivecaly Detain ass about te baba. 'For partial - am i w , t i n , or *Mild IL atom, onto. ANoll6.oll)Y tut Az male bY MTV= OLED—I bbt cogyao . l buldua m id - Gar sale by jat4. , RE SELLERS sr,r,4 7 .%rfttr.kilu. 71 , • I I , ii!RWANMOMMIEVEVMOOmnium4p : „ratteu OEM ' • Pasted Man: gi(4 rora tr IE/ i nz a s4, ll4 - The ErMiemr of all the Umits;io.A:::t i e. uI Ileum GU performances direr *thins Ve y i raes " .lr tiirdTWArati MAO TIGERS, LEGPARDSLcoucailswAigusawse: Raba themamblessand'almost supeGi?ittrAS orith which he mete the obadianeoli7 4% = l and mom remorseless tenants *flit and the limple. 1161t14 DRIES NIL Y H/f,..4191 MANY IMITATORS, bit HE H SciEciDatKr HE IS HOMELY ALONE.„ The LIST embraces ell the thirst oft of Wild , TOLL the giaw experience, ramps,of the plapnetors bays matted thentort in one LARGE AND SYLENDIDG4r, O• fall descripdons of the Animals caldt ~aal la SWIM wlll be found In Sautphleta.. ar4 -itido principal Hotels, previous to theMst4 talt:o4 i;taitopt _ • 117. Admi.e. 45 cent'. MOM, Feder 10440 15 cents. , STEAM. ;.ioy FOR SFREMLING .IiNktLNAIIII.. The fiDgi l sitameri7i4 x ; aliWialla; Wan Itsp)n rcrogbly - repalnel;borolintolOar regular trips to the above palm. , :peillestma.lo, Monday Ibt Smash direct For freight OT Panne, IMOon b . .• • • lot l FOR CINCINNATI AND Mlntaa! r,,tr Tiu"u6 WRY aasie w z 6 ,l4l , i &VIPSIIIMIARkt Riese points to a feerdays. . For freight or pasvage, apply ort. - b;„.:.... 1-• P Oil LOUISVILLE, MEMP 4 . - ' ) f. ° . e,; Thum lezuild I AVIA, ,tig ,-,- dove w marrowitiftrizn' 4 , to at to o'clock, Pmki. o 7. ii ‘ . . 12, prb, freight or Puna° On RE:tt 6.4 ~,, &Pcs•AlierS' FOR cuiciriNA:l4, • , 1t The, fizz Mea l i t amer ~., fd . Knarat,rnlitas l .l,./ftr.fin.,____OLthi and ildannaikat,'lMUWl4 this day, ot teclock. P. hi• • ..ii ii- ..n. oi , 0 . 1 4 ‘ Fclf a rght or palsaa , igi n v o 1 3 ; r:, -..,. It 01NCIYINA _. _, _.. _ lAN,' .:.i. The eplendel fel9evadeg. ' m ai m, . A hrGowan. thartAhl, .lesel' ' above and all liolafjnedtils, hie day at 10 o' clock, & A.M. , , , . ii.-„i; Focfrelaht or passage aldttY i- Oa Uid dr to ..:-.7..:_ ja!ll PE.TTIO • 0% 4 71, 0,1 441_ •-.,. -,,, ~..; - . -- 1 , 4'.7 • ,4 . : . = ' ' ' - '' 7g, • DAILY PA 0 K . Elrrit T 1 Vii 1:91 well imam Und et rpletidlCSeenter et* ere to now ,wthaposeel of thethlll4 of "thnuthed. and most Weea water. of the Wett. Even? aite fon that money eon procara, hasWNW ' wagers. The Line tea been in o •ti for ithelsw ..lota earne . d a millthe of people. . the Imam It* ry to their ponces. The boats ..iiek b 4.: is. the. et Wood Street the day previous ta4, for the I t. doe of freight and the entry of non the ter. In all oases the .Ithesea* et .. - , ../0 to, - 1 4 advance. . ~ l-t'l, .1-. - ' .1.4, lIINDAY PACO& The ISAAC NEWTON, lea. Pittsburgh every Sunday *thlt - ri•Agig Wheeling every Sunday eveolngl9.6 May IBC. • 1. , • „ • '4,lg MONDAY. PA.II7 4 4A :* M • • The MONONGAHELA, pagußga;Qvill Danlfitiat burgh every Matidel =mod al*kctl9 lll 4 : 10 # 12 4 . every MondayManua us ID ; The HISEENIANes -erDi leave Pinsbereg tererYl ever, Wheelin Tnesd:=7,74Kliv---,nA The NEW ENGLAND No. Ti:Dapt..ll. Ditigi*D leave Pitubwids :entlerf'WedliettßY :-Itontarg,get ,111 delaski Whe4ag atr Wedaer arg 00-Pl3. The s "ccapt . CilsitrA ,, V9s r i,_4 l 4 ll.4 burgh eirory. In burgh Thursday In WY , ' NISIDA.IIr PAC' The CLIPPER No. S r i:tart-Pr* Pi:rat:hark evuei Maar 'ImthlAPW4ll/"ICP. liar every Rider exams 10r,nr. , ,-.g Sinn EA Azumaraziampyrs Ae f , iCfs!. moriortoAuLAA i g , - 0.1 7 74 Stiles Ottibefi ma geggva., Via Hrowaridlleond CornberianC„' +Us ~ ,I..relattl Pleb' ulelplarat., ... :-; ' ..-,,,,. raplendid and OH natrilf.oJS -2e.ail AThaliTlO, putt J Ferkb2.34l, xuamo, — Erii aeotan LOUIS /PLANE, Cap} ,E Bear„ataccrib.piren 'akj it c arg i aatrakrial l EliZ. - The mamba boat will legathe , Ohnleaft. Wharf, above the Midge, dell_ y 4; Wale* Irw Paasengers will rake SUPp.W.H Chltsiat,Dgebeee.. irilleptt 3 o'clorl, P. la" and theallead4ww. - tfie Halneadra and OHO Bahr O. *II O'clock, A. DL it and gnaws in _ Harm go,. big. in lime fo ," eredthlt 0 .7-j , P:ii t lA* Wsgan" cd7. From l itubergh to BalthiwterOly tlPbewicfa '.. Pare , i t-Illggli - r ~,, From Pinabare; to Ptd r iadelphla,only3o Mae; , -.- Pant ~ tr_, ,_ _,_-.5E40 ' 'I - The craning boaterSl Woe vk,..2r. dna . .. 21 4M f4LISCITIE by p3i.boill will We board In corgartnble Suite lt , ltrava www ever 14, ;ton the toile , y 4.4 Oi c,,, c l r . age d lodge the second tip; Owallods Passers have choice archilw Stetimbtrat had between italtitnore Lod POSalk lbe privge of stopping at Cutpkged and re main the le WWI at pl v Ecrachici obaa. tared to parnerto travel as Mott eaCe-' 'r' - '-^ We make ap the told■ and vaz bilriAmtkettiliaw . in the PhUhergh cake., (In it.MO tit Ore itga we_ arriving at Brownivillej It b 421415t0131 impartabtfor passengers to get their tickets Wire oh , lng call of the boat,at car dile*, Einrailania street, or St Charles Hotel, Wo. et, vanillin 3.-illilqbeat Vittetreezti ds Loulevitg,W eslaw POE CINGINNET/AND-,200 - .4 ~ The eadld .•'. ' p:. - 14.1.,.:.• Haelep,mastavailile*e.tor:itbne lingusami4m" .pc# an Ilflit . nor . day, the 6th taxi, at lb /Planet le-%. et - , -- - For INghtor pe,..*C...eljef 0,,p6,11W ,to. 4,, , , suAniuIXIXON A I it tfoa . ) JCS GEO • II MIL •.--,,, ~ v ITITSIGHiGIi AND L 001544 4. 3 . 4 = ger pia i t ra i l 144; • nen end Lostimlia . u rilt m' *La , 21..-in , o'clock, 4.11. Foe 101 . _.r •Jig " ' - - - • The W IAN itte • muzetyl ;:,>, t b dtaUe ikf;t.',3loq.3 i . f . Forfeerht 9I paygs app ._,_ ,„ is ~- - Low/vine ima st(ill:; . 4.l*aterA laso.. 44.1# REGULAR TUESDAY PA4 4 . .7= The Hee rA • _..- - . mikatFV. 1'41; 1 / 4 „,ialtar• r dui above CaH. pi , ~ . „,,P10 , .. , every Tuesday, at 10 detach el :. . _ i . i ... 4, ', l- ,: . 1 . - , por_freighs or passdp„llepl.r ea.. -. ~ -- inir" , /,. r . - itEouLauseTuaDAN t.4l4Firo)B The flue &a' IMIZIAIW ' `:A. MilPhersite r , .., sherd egat ti rui1. 5 . 1 F10..71,T ry tieuuday, at tO o'clock, r. 0 .;: •• •, , ,....4i ir iit ‘,._ t7 4l _ ht 7 P.l.zar t .. :.i. - 'l , _ ! . kr- , maxadiha •••,. 4 -__IL. al Mt WIN 41 AN - 41 -4 "Tr' 147. i i. Tho _.i4 • r i pid 1 , :WI "...-,k . 1 kik ealtaiurmaiatn. !Walt ,?..,11 0 1gilik 221 Wheefingand bcgArePan- "Prwortinr on %m ona d., in : eanudity4 -.4 ..;: - k.. , ForfreightoTPlUMß aPPI it iii , ' , , --- 711. AMU: l = l r. •/ t . __,.. neitno -t`i , •,' , , 1 , - 4 n altr o r an , 4 %.4 m°,=;;,eig...4 1, „1 1 ,34.r.;?', , ,,;,1, o ...._,_ - -tc 4;Aii - yatytuartlili, - • • -Theill MAO vet t a_lio, • - itcnA wiU toiiiddlusdisenis 'lnd gdoodirtilifi-Mit,wtsisd, It.nulo antre n t ifilet r: or kid 14161' 77. ,-) 1 bea u nsid and back - ,TnitAISTA_ Ost - -I: , aky2l ~, .14 t ~, ~..; ~.•i- , .; • ."`, ',,., r g • . . . - ! ----.- i(Mpl,r - U - ittipp • - - ; t:i . IL ... '''' i. ' '. ' 1 116 itei=OO.O4AVAIW ' ..!#,A4 v e imr. • -.... .... :ate while, swig • ' .• " ..,4 , . - ,t41 . he& Hoagie. .!''' .' ,• ;AT4 • 9 o'cloek, , s wilt .Insons Berm . as IWe '•'," opt.- '.; - - 4 10W6elt.' nue, Twenty.fivg ' , ~. - : .• :: 42,A -•- 4 , )) . Y - Forwardb e it •-• : 'and Bailtlifield.isne, : ; i:',, , :::,•? ,- ,4 4.liiii,i/e il;z4ed to Ntx - "it , r_ Lotil . "ift . t m e3i, or For unpu r -- ~t-k S'Ef7ELI, • 7719' I;muatctapiii, fto 44 , 4,44 . 7447 . of TAxtectung - • PIONO.OI Beralla. .A150 ,,, C44:11.3„Apra-,844 , 411 4 4 _..-7 11 744i Spaßpft- P4l4titii,s* say ^ .„,,...., c i- 1 4 pumx-unesatinsumanirgth ... . s vi 4 0 . - 10 IVA - 4.4i11114 I '' .t ? Tj ----,3----:;-;:41-g--17 rmr. cp*