The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 19, 1849, Image 3

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    ff7s , .•1' ,, . '' ' ' --t 4 : ''' '
~ ,,,,,,-„„; ii, n 7 . .., i , 1 41v, : ftT,, : i.T,-ifi.•
— zuwortalexii. & TELAG3 I 4 O O&: P
Par Oke PitOitrurgh Dalir -fiezeit•too.
Crsamuvrt; . :?ct4B 18,
ExpPreiddent • Popc died at Naabrig, O. Fri.
41 1 evening Ingt, 'of:Chronic Dilinticei;!:.
civciNiArr t suni 16.
It is ROW repotted here that Cassini Clay was
not kthad in the 'enemata is Bilediao,AwintY,""
The last intelligence from bite was that MA m ould
probablijeteeove". Turner, hiannunmaqt - tpie dead.
.. , .
Them war a severe tornado al rderep4 . ls yester
day. , Several flat boats were sank, aka Ishe cbio.
ha of the steamer Yazoo was blown . Oft.The r r x,r
of Cook and blereey's commission Ise ' - Was
blown od , end thb roofs of a dumber o f er boil
dingo were severely ;Oared.
-_. ~ .
Crsciavtitt ttAne 18.
Mr. W. E. Blackburn, of Lake Provid4sek, was
killed la en ronrontre with a Mr, Steelest twank
fart on Saturday Ifust. •
The cholera was iloreasinglta Lexiat,tot, Ky.
There were several deaths f m thet dleesa on
Saturday. '
Pm smans,..Hinell
A. severe riot among the firemen tonkipLice in
the Lower part or thecity on lUturday eight ft
was continued all night and ails ey yes:et - day. One
of the firemen was killed, and fifteen its• ttieirty
The contest wan between he Frantic: and
hloyententing Hose Companies, during i .. Zaturday
night. .The Moyameneing Company au4ked the
Frulditt,took their apparatus and threw it into the
Daring the alarm yesterday, the . partiesMet, arm
ed with-guns, pistols, and knivei, attackag.each
other in Military style; discharging guns; dud :using
other weapons, dunng which a Me 13164 of the
Franklin, named aa.,, was killed, whilpiettlibg
hie party. He was seen to fire fottr Limes. An
inquest was held, which Implicated iv:Ole:en for
the murder.
The pollee attempted to quell the tiet,;bot .meni
beaten orr by both pitmen. The streekitt Which
the dght took ;Item arm covered With bchod.
The Sheriff; with lie strong poise, suMieeded ih
venicrieg order legit night Only two arrehaja were
Sr. Loms, 4t6a 10.
Eight CZMlSter . ici report 58 cholera .in,lierrnenta
on Friday at. The Total number et detithe from
Chulere,lar thu et: days ending on ThFfdaymets.
Cutonmett, 3*019.
Then" were 23 doettp.3 fwia cholea ni*takralq,
Oil Saturday Idyl.. • ; 1r
Sz.Loms,l.Onellit: -
Eight eametenes report '72 death's on l'iltturduyi
'of which 62 were of cholera. In the indite ittep
aterias, on Sunday, them were 82 case 4 of riek,
nets, 67 of which were of cholera. 'Fa returns
would be about 100 4ses per day. •
batelligerice from the Plains state Ituasnetry cd
the emigrants are dying with cholera. .
A party from Whee4on . had a fight ta,l4t a par
ts of the Pawnees, at is village on Platte 3rtiOr., '
Five of the Pawnees Were killed andlatuiivinart
ded One of the whites was wounded Middy., -•
The weather is very hot, and boaliaits Mag.
nuilt. The ISlitsonzi Is still rising. : •
Ceiclivisai. 34:4e S.
The fiterinents from cholera, on Sainte.; y, were
20, end 23 Gem other diseases. On Sum!Sy, there
arm oho 20 interments from choreal; ath,23 from
Other &Selma
New Yoric,Juni
The ammbei of near erwea yesterOny 63 - 42
death' 25.
Flourl:--We have rtcj improvement to (mere la
the Market. The demand is mrittly confined to
the home cede. Tun small quhrttillen, Ofrered
causes a quiet market:
Vluakep—&nea atlsl 15io per t.
—EnkeLard a keg 71. (a 71, anet qtbi. 81
. ,
Fm lh.
*cm Expmrr.
Plour—Sales ofOlaid at former Fdices.:.
Grate—There io rattier more irepaity k.7ar Mat,
and prices have elightry advareed;:il
Corn--Thedemacdtor shipmenqims teeitt large
mad are ire provitig.
Peammorm— Sales pt mess Pork i4O 37i.
Sales of prime at SS &2 per btd—Thts *sui ad
Flom—There hay lieep a fair denhanCfcrithe
Eastern ports. Prices are steady. Salti."..tri.corn
mon Western Canal brands St 50 0 - 4 - ‘ , 09 per
MI Sales of common Susie and sulkerk State
Western at $4 56 88 4 629 to 4 88 ad , C7s.oer
bbl. &lead' commonGeriersce
.baoped 0610 4 811 to 5 00 03 s'i2l.' . :4lttei.of
'Orleans at 493® 5 00 per hbl. Sales pate
43eileirtee at $5 129 per bbL •
Cora meal is stationary at S 2 87 , iV.OO per
Grain—There is a good inquiry and (uses are .
tfuso with sales of Genefsee wheat at S21:1 Silos
cdOhio at 1 03 per bushel.
Corn—There as a good deal doice, itt`,.S6ll' wil
ds with tales of mixed at 629 at, 63 e .t - htqlo.o
Southern and Wctrern at 82 per 14i
.proy.'siorts—The market for Pork'•is 'Sholi. but
pl eas we unchanged. Sales of Maas 141aftitee
sajces, ai d :Irmo at S 8 879 per bbL
jard I, qu 'at, with sales at 69 intbLr. ptfd Nip
kegs •
A. A. Petti. g an, C°Dneetidn4 to beAl I
the District of CoMinilictit,
vice Henning Mann, rim iF°„„ed•
• b;
Gootto W. Larkin, of 110 , to
the district or
ney of The United &wester 7:44n.
sin, vice A. Hyatt Smith, rem 'need* •is;
Lanni ONTIci
blerriwether Leans Clarke, Frlaavoiroo be
Surveyor ,flenersl for Illinois a. dMitoolOw ine
Frederick IL Conway, removed. „ „
Panage Pommel' Wisconsin, to ner 4 , Ar
the Land O ffi ce nt Milwaukie, Ilx 3 llollti. Vice
George H. Walker, removed. :
Moses Gibson, of - Wisconsin, to be 1 4 1cOM.Vi or
Palm Honeys at Willow ltiver, Wisner lA - 4, tine
John 0 Floyd, 'Rhode-dines the office: •
Sampson Clayton, ofAlsbama, to be Ex, Vlster of
the Land Mee, at Lebanoo, Alabama, vies: Toth
P. - Caperton. removed
Stephen F. Page, of Michigan, to be Reedit: rot
Publio Money* at lone, Mithigno, vice FiragrOk
Hall, removed.
erradza.or corrals. , -
L s A. Trigg, Collector of the Customs at Web
',Erna, Virglnta, Tice Thomas Nelson, temilfed,
fEura liotehhiss, Surveyor of the - CosteMii at
Nei:Haven, Cormectiour, vice Charles
vis, removed. •
Feanktia iloven t to be toisfstaat TressuEer ut
&stem, hfussachusetts, vice Henry Subtstraiare•
Cbarles H. Delevee, to be Commercial; Agent
to St,Thomes.
Will aoi Henry Peet, to be Collector of ttre our
toms et Fairfield, Connecticut, vice WitlieM S.
Pomeroy, removed.
We learn, unofficially, tal-we believe erect.
12, tkiit Ito Hon. Daniel S.L. Barringer, <North
= ,
has fro a alieronicdy
Spain the the
The Howard comity meeting Pallea ".,„.„....' 91°1194$
deddally approving of Jackson's resoliss.h F 4 a ,
"These WU only Otus Beaton man ill the nrciOi and
bar=ed vo4nd tar his resohininns
e." F. - I.l 4zna was present, issia Made
a ficoring speech, in which haadenouncadlhentoit
as an Abotaionis; Se&—se, 1 4 1.6„.. Rep J a sh 11 .
• h aVre l . l orti n r r j.D re
•••,••••.... as Colios ot 6 7 :11tVat-mult . t.
A s.raln. Monday, Juno 78.
jnymaeky—Ll Frisby, Too•day, IS.. - •
Lontaisma- 4 P Thompson, A odoesday, ny/.
•judiana—P Bonroy, Thursday, M.
Allslo—A Craig, Friday, nn.
Truby, noonday, 7x7.
...Leausions—J P Thompson, tionday, YI. '
,fiallarra—P Barker, Monday, 25 • .-
Ohio—Cope CralgiTuesday, •
Mentneky—ll Than , ' Wednesday, 47. 7; -
Loohdann-4 P Thompson, Tharsda,
Laillaan—P Onskey, Fnday,
Craig, FonajdaY7 , AL •. 7 '.
Rentock - y--401apt H Trllhr, Porulny •,
POI Waage apply to
Monongahel 9o a Rou 3ll se,
JOB • or DLEEbII A. Co. Llanat ityaiu
NOtilDe to Stookholderis
.-4, --
errELY INSURANCE CO—A neeoht lila:AI
. mato( Seven Dollars and Flit) , Gehtiver share
.1". aloS.R.or this Cotkpany, Is required tle paid
M ihail' atliest;,No. 3J Water street , Putt burg . kterand
.. 1,01 /J all or before Monday. We second daPef .1 - 04.,
Aa..2 80 . - .1 1 , order of tho Board of Diroomom , -,
slithdt,d, J. JrFINNEY . Esel`•i .
bblnk Jan ree4t
privoultala BOARD OP. ,, ZRADD
commarrmt FOR JUNE,
r taarkanza. HILL. a milq.
CCVARD LISS—Sail 4 for At:aeries
Amorim,„ Shannon, for Boston, Ntny 23.
Iltbernil, Lang, for New York, May 31
FioX Amantea . roa
Celestahla, Leitch. trom Boston, June G.
['Hama, Hyrid, from New Toil. June 11
Eutipo,Lott, from Boston. June 00
blllllllon, from New York, .Inne.=
AllteFica. Harrison, from Boston, Jury 4.
H. S. Mau Ufa roe Foontaurron son
Thq Hermann, Capt. Crabtree, on the Dith Juno
The Washington, Copt. G. W. Floyd, on 2015 J.,
The Washington, on the lath June.
The Hermann on the 15th July. -
The Washington. on Me 20th June.
The Hermann, on the 20th .1111 y.
0771 a, PrrioncaonerAZZlT6.
Tuesday Morning, Jnne S
The market yesterday wna quiet akroughout, and
nothing was done shaving any material change in the
general quolatioas.
FLOlnt—The memoir, Wen, unusually Light, sod the
market rather doll. The soles on :the whorl' comprised
only 1321 bbis In 3 tots es 83,CO2Siceed 4C - bbl. From
1i3,09473.1.7.5 are, about the rating figures, with
moderato rah,.
aitAlN—Sale of MO ton Wheat of the river at 75e
?-ba. ti'Othirg was done in Bye or Barley, so or ru
we could aseertaic . We note moderate inn, of ruts
from Ent hands at anagne, and or Corn ho.
BACON—Tbe market continues mute Grua, with
rather improving tendency. Sales of 7 MI& Should , .
era, Cincinnati eared, at 50, and of 2do hams at 7e 3•
b. Sugar cared charmed hams have improved, cad
now sell readily at AS (or beat quedity,and fle for com
DRIED BEEF—Sapplies nee gore 110,. :led loaned
sales only are effected aye lb. o Gieh wan improve
DRUZ/ FRUIT—Su:ea of vu bn Idned Apples a.
annije bu, suet. Included Moderate elulee of Yeacbe
StitStSieW ► bo, as an qualny.
.OROCERIES.—The market Is unchanged In every
pm - cicala; with moderate eales only al former quota.
Mne. •
FRATHEss—We mice n fa, eupply mu /
gut, arlth reoulur hmued snlea al bllaa.ibla 13' lb
OILS—Sale, of I aogord nt Mc, of Lard at
gull, and of Tuarcre et 81 7 0SE'10 o 61,1
FISa-e-With regular homed antes, we may pre the
following at alo fate quomtions or the Market S.
C ll . lll l3l.sAP,Al.ckarel No I, $ll, No :I SF,So, and No 3
at SO 9 bbL 'Sake of Stout of 5;,.50, and of iierrlog
SO bbL
BROOMS—SaIes at 81.2503457 for good common
merchantable to beat quality,
BUCKETS—We nor: regular et no tee
s of Patrol
Bearer Buckets at 52,4 and of Tub, huge size, at
Bg V dot.
BENNS-6ie: of pun. ssluie ui 70c, nod o! tm.f.ed
.at ft2O
Caine Elarteta
RALTLY-OIS, Jute 15. 1919
Cattle—The supply of Beeves at the runlet on last
Monday Was small, and ti.e market rather drooping
The offerings reached 3:10 head, of Which 3511 e vre7c
a Id Vicily.baketera, and 49 ve,re driven to Philadelpa
ia. Ppers rialeau tram deal la tralsts a.. the hoot, equal
fddfiPpd,ys net, and sae rafpng ea 75 groat.
Maga—The supply Was small, and g
ore s morass
Wo ovate from P 4 to P.-4,54.-l Amer.
Pmt.anrt.ama, June 11, 15 , 1. J.
114 Offerings tots meek rumor., 1400 head of Beef
Cattle; sdO Cows acid Calrelg 500 Hogs dad Idoo Steep
sad !;ambit
Priets-ießott Catile—Are in (Mr eelsand a: 5.0.9. - ,71
38,50 f 110 to About SOO keen were driven io New
'York - Dry Cobra ruage from 57 m 514, springers 1515 D1M, ant:Mich Cows et,aezio each, Hogs are Jull
at 64,4205 P . It/u 0-; 150 Were len ore, sheep had
jambs are ut fur demand at 5/,5005 , 3 each ii,r the
,latter]Mid 91.05.284 tar the (rimer, as in qualm.
ou Diark • t.
Nrr Hem,RD Jut, II 1.49
maikettuts been quiet f all desertpo.tra In
Sperm,:salett of 500 Ws at SIN gait, ai tvtach
the 04,irket ts•ery firm We have no change to non,
is thornerlteofor Whale, which lemutot Situ tb,
metal advance, and the transaction, ure it ocar
quiao., q.ito Sale. of lOU Obis inier.o; at fLe.
and vl l . sbls good N W Coast at 311,.it ob.:too—Sale of IMO tbs N W l'oost 'au.,
eastl.,l Ship. Lut.
Ortgadm Ban. Ttiecommerce in Of. and 11. r gm.
ported lot° the I oiled triatma during the week encorir
We 1116 inak and stint. the list of January last. has
been to follows.
Sptat. NV hele, t, Li P., n •
6 ' 9 ' l /0,360 31 ,(1,1
51 AU 1,944
Total this yesT
DiassuraMm oy run Lavu. to one or the most con,
coofasts well as thrlyraott formidable Mimeses known
lo American phystmans. It has at. no rase felledto
attract the close attenuant lrom ate Faeta,:y da c.l
quarters of the Unioa Stilt, however, thousaids ma
nually ,perlfta, and thoasande mere are made to feel
late burdensome by Inc. slisettiou The propramtairs of
141 Lane's Liver Pills feel confident that they offer to
the afflicted a remedy which tune has tested, and ham
' never failed of success when a fair Inca has been CO.
ern It. Call end purchase a box at the Drug Store of
jails:d/rawS J KIDD t CU
lir cellarman of Pittaborgh,itcho had fallen brio
an ope aft e r the "Great Par," retained his an.
ale soweverly that ha was unable to refrain from try
ing unit with the, pain. A friend who had been arms
B. A. FehtteXttrek t Co'• Rubefrielent and been cured
of Rheumatism, Bare him what remained in the bottle,
and although his limb was greatly swollen, he was
completely restored to hearth in twelve hours and
freed Bout pain. This is but one of a great number of
cases "'ibikh bare come outer the obeervation of the
proprinuan. Prepared and sold by
cornea tat and Wood; also, conier fah and Weed its
In 8
HAT - 00
- -
Importer, laarraineturer,;ned Dealer to
• • OILED SILKS, at.
The faellitie• 4, the euhseribeK for importing end
suatufttetdrint his Feeds, enable him to avppll hts ca,
'Herten it the very lowest market pewee: and even
effort Will be ro render ,1 an obect tot merchant,
spd dealers from every seCtlen of the country to go,
him I Gni!. . t C It
EHlLlott 17 W,llittrtt pro.,
r .
Nee. 214 and 240 Liberty street, near the Canal.
F r en c h Hort ttliti Stones, of my own manufacture,
;lea of &hew and supertor quality of Blocks: parte.
ease Ia taken to have the joints made close. and
tturbloiks thence stone of a uniform quell ty. They
tie WOraltlitti to 1,, equal to coy in the. country, and
superior to the great maw of Barra wbether of tnewm
or dommatieltainufactate and sold at the tower: pri
ce. bill Stones, manufactured in FT - MOOG—a Ce DO-
M] 111S011111eill, at reduced prices, always L.. hand.
Laurel Hill MIII Stones, all saes.
Bolting Clothe, Anchor Stamp, warranted beet gaal
ity, and atgrettly reduced prices.
Mill Spindles, PIA Irons, Screws and i".cks, Flat
form Seale,. Corn and Cob Grinden: Grist and Caw
Mill Castings bf all kinds, and Mill Fornisbing in gen
All etdela promptly attended to at 914 end Ad Lib
erty street, near the Canal, Pdtsbutan.
myMcdOnt W. %V. WALLACE.
Pittsburgh Steam Itistibli Works.
TU./Hri LihERrY, opposite drnithdcld 'Alter:L—
iMarble !deludes, blonumenucTombs, Table Tops,
de, a loopy Vat] ty of the most beautiful kale, made
Of the attest quality or foreign and domesue marble,
always Da hand or made to order, by the aid of ma
Chasten', Ott the abonest notice angst the lowest p twe'.
N. 11.—The Country Trade furalabeu with all a t m].
Of ilutle at the lowest rates. A. 14 girder, prmuptly a,.
opposite drailbbold it
Mnded to at Ni Ltberty,
my3Cedefto %V W WALLACE.
CCUM Patent Stone or Preterit Bert SMUT MA
CHINE—the test aruele of the kind to pee;
ram light, cleat, fast, do the work well, and Witt lust e a
hie time. Afloat :AS of them use In ore Ln to• hest
Shills the reentry, and we base the ii;to. Fog lest,
men) . of competent persons ea their seperinnty over
all tither Smut Machines. Sof Canker pardeule re, ad
dress the subscriber ea 244 'Ahem et. n,bur.n
cei3CadeM W W WALLACF.
ayTEAM ke.Nall/iEA - iorn
mad other tattle, Oak), on band, or made to order
ou vary Iholll:l4ttee., end at the lowest ponce, A!I or.
ders preroptlVattended to at 213 Liberty ioreet. et ,u the Canal. niyAti W W WALI.A CV.
MY 39 '
MIIVAULitt CEM n uund, to sit
abeati et. say3tl W W WALLACF
G6triDSTONEI , —AII etzezTiral grate, /Own; • Jit
Lend 19 U /Abell,' time.
my W W WA LL,Arr
• OCT= ca] ax rmca•so Ta bar IC .I , T. Faun
T l v E , , t an ua t i li . l , lza h of the e i n c t h ill k e . l c s , ixi . te d d ,n t n e t4 f:4is . 7. , o r ,
others' in tOtobbung the old nod new Invent:cm to•
The iitil*Oiluis invention in appnreri. as hy a ailSll
r- preitesi Alter au In forted buoreoli the'tie,h, sad
does away *hit the neceouity of purehaitunr a 11PW
Churn, au ii can be applied to any chain In us-. red
for one dollar can have all the intorovernents of ihe
Re consbnied with those of gathering the 13at:er
(he ~anal way,:
The penile ate invited to call and judge n r thrm•
coon,before elsewhere, at 87 corner ni
ark et and Ptllh streets, or at 63 Diamond suie y, be•
Marko Wood and Market streets Pittsburgh.
0 117V1b11 " -4,000 lbs on hand and for sale
Jal3 J halm& n.
D-41rieeemperes ;he virai'or peculiar prine
pie don eol.6;toos.eirdres. h removes rho danger.
ova enitivirrof sten rooms, ere, By ris elesidin:
Ry irrellores deers, and intercepts all edereenteabln
add. rholle or. or 110.11liO, ac. Jun reed
pad Itlr nis by R E SELLERS, 67 IVI.!
Nl,chion No 2, inn. Beaver.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
A !but!, Parkinson, Broernsviile.
CdTeb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Beaver. Clark, Beaver.
Wellsville. Wiggins &mush.
Pacific, Campbell, Louisville.
Visiler, Cie,
Mount Vernon, Kenna, Cm.
Mwhigen No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic: Jacob, Brownsville.
Perkini.n, Brownsville.
Louis MeLane, Bennett. Brownsville
Lake Erie. Gordon, Beaver.
Z Tav , nr, Lucas, Cincinnati.
Peru, Calhoun, Sunfish.
North Barr. Dean, Cin,
Well,loe, Wiggins, Sunfish.
Toe Rives.—There were 5 feet 0 inches ta :he
ehanne:, by metal mark, last evening at dusk.
Brownev.lit Packets, 5 A. M. and 4 P. M.
Beaver Packets, 10 A. M. and 4 P. M.
r,aetanati—Mery Ann.
D. Leech & Ws, pocket line. 9 P Af
R c ❑.:c, A Co's email Packet, 7} o'clock. P. a
ms linie..—The Harbor Ain., under the an
ther,: tne Cot; Council, has issued notteen to the
mem.. Of the wreck s o: [Alt. !riot along
to remove the same within ten day*. othertri.e it will
be done b) the cite at their expense —fSt. Loma U
URID(.I . :PORT—Pbr hbls Boos 114
bka wool. runrit e & Tcoor; 3 hlf tub's lard, 1 keg do, I
do butrer. -- It, . flour. isl McCully; 7 bus fled seed,
!lays & Roomer. 7 bz• Furs. 3 his beer akin., II Grout &
h co: :IV ;lour. J Mc Paden & no, J okra. Baker &
Forsyth. 7 bhuls tot.. J A Roe: 5 elks bacon. M Onto,
51 fl our. 17 hhd. to, Wm Tlingit.. 15) do do. II
Lovert Sr to
• ,
4 0. ar hear, 11 Leech h co: It tthls beans, S 1 , Von Bon
to's, ,007 :net J W Woodwell; 72 kg.
hgd., 'oh, 36 Ids w •01, 34 bp. oats.
do dri e d spples. J A 11.11 worth, nbds lob, Wl4 Joh n.
50n...12 t , ls woo.. Il Grail & co. d hbds tob. 3 bls wool,
:et bps on!. tb bbl. slogger, U T Alorgun. hhds tob
J A n,s wool. Clark A Thaw, 5 esks bacon, 10
Lg. 15,,. 51 ro kndey h re. 5 bbl. eggs. 2do butler, 1
boo 10018.5 1,bc.8 1,1,. owners.
PORTr 7 NIUI 7 7'H —Per Lad) 11, r7o-60 bbl, bro.
,ark Thnsw..39 ate harm s. 17 hlf do. W
Bm,, 1707 pea bar iron. C demon,d. or :k7
ax -k, II Coulter, Ido do. Lippincott &
en. 1 1. i hard ~ are L..etngston. Roggen & co. Ok tons
pre Iron. NI Allen no; , I do on, McCtedy'S Loomis.
Wkl'El../ NG AND SUNFISH—Per Pent—l 3 bbls
door N dr Ron: p hbds ton, Clarke & Thaw; 30 do
do. D Lee pr on. 17 do do. J A Roe. 4 nbls da3keed.
'21.11 Ueo A Berry, 130 tibia d .tr. J NleVadeu
& 00 . 11l dud e , k \I, h.:,0 11 r CO, 115 do do, \I Or um
sk. I. %Waterman eo: 12 do do W Rini
bane sks In l bit flour. S n & Dixon: 1 bbl
knct,.. Livingston & Roggen. 1 bbl dour, - 'apt Col.
NASHVILLE—Pot Doipron--.15, td, COOOd b
Pennock, 12.5 no do P AlcCorewct; 33 aka feathers. 7
dO g:rtstlyg. wco. I boo hooks. F'.•rayth & co, 8.1
b o Cott n, licv Alachowa & on, 9 celh. bacbn, 24 bbl.
lard. .k. flaaa, ed. .3 do leather.. I Dickey & co; 42
re I lox hams. 6 Ora wool. A 11,,, & co, 43
b s akto4, A I. ten. 1316 pt. 3000, Fooytb & to
CI•CINNATI Pot Vl4ocr-5 I.oa leather. 32 bble
oaced oil, tid oaks bacon, Wm liolgloon, 124 do do, 22
ho n ds Oa, bi• cotton. H (Half A co. 022 Obis lard,
A Jonas. 6 I.hda lob Gra Was ts, 41 Ida 000ort.
Brown 1e t.llbcrooc 51 Ol• owl. Win Bork., 4a aka
learn-r, jI Go•cn do do, Baker & Forsyth 21 Jo
do, Carlon A Air Kotaht..
Per Zachary Thyto,-15 ka. toy Fr.erol.Rhey d. co.
9/ wens era, Knox 119 hhde bacon,th
• rrs hams, I t,ner. 55 .ho loather, 2(4 bis candle., 9
do mdse, 113 l.chs home.S,icre 3 Moats: 103 :Ale
Toad- S It Cony, r e
To Capitalists and Manntacturere
underalsniad invite. Nlameterntrers nnti enter
. to an!. anJ ea.umlne :tn. arra,
/mptuvemcn: rbry aan., Ind a Aare nppoan.,,,
13:Amt.!. olvt-qui,.
lay nUtll, - tr.c.: 01 Attorney from
c Hon Honor or , eiey ,
of sot Pa ot. ar,el
:n:on ti or Nery Genera: A
the Culled uuder,vted w,ll o,
Potenr • l(ie odor Penn.) i1k..., and either or
e.t.,and Noith \Veot,:t Stater. •irtat.
be tk.:tl and a .p.endid opportunity
I.:1 •pren.unu, I• pre tell purchaser. in the rule
.ale (heel, :o p wn . to
:Ter.,/ rigt, rhe Hight
vet. be convey ed uiy trom th e Hon. H Gree.ey
l't u'inipti rrebg
Jo ot „au C , tuoiteUceil by all
orhei ha, examine , : the mo.t, Ineehan
t e r u.. terorded at :he Patent [)tik e tor • :tinc
term e:irs it has received the unqualified appoint)
of them etnutent Ertein-era of to country and 1.41
rope, on neatly at. countries of . .tirch Pipet.. torte
been obtamee.: ha• be adopted by the Bureau of
Construct:on. Equipmen en
t. and Repairs or the Govern
ment; by t' K Eau, m his Mail Steamers
nosy in prove , . of re...ruction: and wt.: unquestion
ably coon entirely ituperce.le rd. Other mode. of con
necting anti cuoltag Pipes, tatearn. tt wet.
•hi, and ev:lat ler-heat:, condet..ers. vnio cocks, facto
ry- itis:itny, &r:
Submtnnll. ono out of many letters tenumosual tram
o f
1.--nttnr-or. on I r‘arts•
o :no J ,u may be al.O :orruaLon
mod ••. upp co:ion II MAI J , NIEL,
IC. 1 , 77 1..2 , ,,1n10 Hotel.
thrl . er rite E,0121.2-tx-Cttrxr, S. Suet,
Vashlngton 1) C 3leteh
Sia—Cone , rntog the •Chre Cot:rune Joan' of
West A. l'nonap•on. Which you litre t:rottod Lou.
_ .
for our opium:, art oove to report—
• the: tte dea.Gn oi thy tocuumett 14 to erect tar•
el:motet/I conocetton between the ends of P.pes, thy
eyonttertt, Pump Fl•oches, Sc
'That the operataon is edeetee be the proereasive
hlha , li otooced metal.t Most, CrlClWltsql the
Pstraboeu e uct.t.,s of two email ammo., utt r the mar,
oer 4.own to the annexed ttusitrout.
InOs sof/Lc:Won, the fol:osetng elements am pre•
Ist. It dlspen•rs h brast-g or seldersog, the dro
ling of holes in douches, and the use of grummets and
Ili 11 aifor:t. cornprord alto the ordootry Jo.:!
grPatet v less alto
It reelac the f. 5.1
tl., rrpott, tut! •,.
NM, tlte interro•e,trect tate of the
'+arltttont • h 11. 4 .11
It en,o. port.° I of a Food or 13:o
lt lo
O oot, .d wrer ptet to 1. , pm .
,thotat stopplatt of the Pp•rxt.ton
clachrft or arrest., the progt. •• of It, tt,
tat ttertl 80, ,r
5,11. It r,i.e.• ro, sir,d Aeq. or a:. ordinary
Joint trnro l'.l ry F. , Tl•i PER CI. 1
and a oveuhr, ;e•• which I.
tare app ,ratto., Naval porp.“ece,
We aar if 1/, op.n.n. therefore boat rotn. , ,ria •
lion of ••ecur ero..omy of .0 , , weight •par•
rtkv,te.: toget.l/er wtta lta facin:,
r , palre and 0.• , f,t, render ilea at th-
NaviC Matt., az,u •lniJ on board all Pubtie bras, e, a
matter of po , rire =par. - toe, al.d recommend Lae
Bureau to tit early .eps to Koe/de tar Int righ, sal
o. 1, to to, Enemen of in, 'our
,11.011010 110.. proaces• 01 C 0.1.1,1,403
Your o' , ..ftell
I'HAS. ff. oIA.SWELL., ,E,gtileer In•Catet, U S
1 /CI r. , gtneere r
COlll (MA , W. SKINNER, i'Llef of Darman( Co%
elructio, is n pin-lt• and ttrpe.”.
Jr'%/not dria,
13 , t,Yrrmil
`I,VC•. Cc,pa,a,
Jam, l'omdcr. Cltrle Ame.
i' Sono. chlorte I.ther
ILatra-1 Ithatany, Extract
Jual reed ar...1 for sale by R E
lull 07"tbood et
i - OL—tto Lott, Lam:rata Utt.ttart 'sr d for •ole by
ULAI sr a onto.. Ecttcrt. part landing
r and for Kate Ly tVE-4TON BOWEN,
;Litt H Front at
Ij A ma_l.l rap., Cane.noma 'agar eared llama
JLIeL tccc red and (or pale
A RE lawreceiving a vrry tar, kb , ' or fresh
mrate. porchasa on moor. non,er bich
Mc) , wra to the treWc at such i.ccs as ',o n o S a ,
orc soUsfactson.
City andl'ountry Alerchact. aro Invited ta eiJI and
ex:L.:mot on: Jack Wore parchasing,nleawnero.
C.,! IDE .TRIPE CA:ISINIFRE.4-1 aa. new to is
faPC -•.t!rt Cae•onerea, ;LI reel and fur
rule by MURPHY, WILSON te.
45 arOod al
v A7 /IFFE at GA RS—Love ring'n moat, eruaheJ and
po, I.7r.trd hugars, ,tilt reed and for Ito
111 or,t at the Pek 'rea Store, 70 Fourth at
rti, 22
. ..I.OC ne Afriegan. Java. Legus , ..
SI 1.1 , ini060 al.d RIO Cotfeer j.t.l re, d and flr
nuic mek . 1 - en Stu,. TUF at my'l2
AIS;NeI AN)) PIG —kW elglLli biz pm. Ita,
j=k,slu•. u - .):4) small drum. freers Pap, ust receive.)
ant tSe. Pekin 'Pe., Sure 70 Fourth street
ifil 101,11. ATE, , 'OCUA AND II il()11A-13.1 er
itroma. Not Chocolate and (Jaen, al.o. Som.
.pared Choc° ate, juill rec'd and for sale rat the
T. a "fore. 7o Foara, rovta
%RtAi, ts., —Purr. Hed Btu, Chionc Ethel,
j load. YotasH edrycnrobe, jlk:onde Gold, by,
e phur Whi•e ProcHntale, Cy &now to
Potaoh, I. so
ee/ved obd for obit, by tut R E
Ilt/flti.:s Vrtß Af Elt II EA DING
.04 Putt Flare., a Prose Foci,: or. the rhp.tcal
and NIG(m011) verrr. try Edgar A Poe. Esti ,
Itaftrittomety pruned, Iomn moth. CO,
•We .hall to greatly serprtsta tf thta la ode doe. not
crcall profound iCll53l{lOll ong the literary and
all over the Un nrn ton, dotptaying es ti
doer a reavottlag f.ower and grip of thought which
cannot povninly Ito. toearthe the vpeetal wonder' of
evert the Inl are:leas readev'--Etpres,
even nod e an Retort... vtlth aft secoont of a
lo the Chaidut t ~ 1111,04 / 1 , of Kurotatah, artd the Ye
or Dovti Worshippers, and an tequlry into the
manner, and art. of thi Ancleat Away non, by Auatro
Henry Lapsed. Esq.. D. C L to 0 volt, woo unmet •
Oil, I Itua. rattontt
lone n f the trt h et remarkable works of the age --Tb.
'rime, I.ralort , Feb 9
The ,latarnattue L a Legion of the Iron Furnaces ofl
Hot - tie:A councy, N. Y, by F. Oakes Smale. tt.
lu.tra. tons of Dories; ad ed Mao. cloth, 75 cis •
J len'tiowe Cooper: The Spy.' a nt.'s, and beaus..
entiton, resisted by the naittur, with nevr pr•
:tr. to Et followed by the Pilot: In the earns • yle
Thy Works n( Washington Swirly, revised and en.
hayed ty the author. in 13 elegant duodoeluta
6,lLltllll'. prottatl in new type. and on paper
made CXp . fetllii tor the puspote.
For ta eby JANIV, I-OCR - WS - OD. (fur mart'
ytars ewolscled wnit 31,ssrs
,) Wi r le) 1. Psott.on. autt
law John Wt'l!vp N 63
Mr. I. low last returned trout the Ftwern ems.
THE UNDHELSIGNHD enn he found el I:
office of Aldermen A lee.her, unn. the
In-L, weer^ he vIII ha lo ere oh Lewes Inde , e. ,
In hull Aft, that Lon, rune will berauelzi eAoi
N. eennonente. Apt A Ni'CAll , llO
' , lit , . SAN?
~AN.rfillt art..
tuththg iniurmagno %I nqthrd to the number .1
ilral , .lloloccUr in the cuy weelvy. the charaeter 4.,
the dkceees,snd the ago of the person. , would re I..peri•
fully request the-Physteien. to report to them st
.'cutruittec Hoorn, Old Court House, on i ridoy event eg
meek. )1,1 JOHN NrGILI, Chstu
Ptah mad Tar.,
50 13 11,Lil; 1 . 4 ; ° !:'y
. zi do No 7 Mackerel, (Demon itapeetroa.)
50 do N C Tar ' 13 prime order, orec'dyrrd . for
MralAlft .tionact Pena end Wayne ma
Fnua—Our readers will recollect that thelair
far the benefit of the Mercy }invite!, which open
ed yesterday, will continue every day during the
present week. We have no doubt that the
rooms will be crowded.
Court of Quarter Sessions.
MONDAY, June 1
YOILTING 1411.401.1
Present lion. Benjamin Patton, President Judge,
and Witham Ken and Samuel Jones, Associate
The eoun of Quarter Sersions MCI yesterday
morning, and. was occupied during the whole
forenoon in forming the Grand and Petit Juries.
No other bunions of importance war done.
The first case taken op in the afternoon was
that of the Commonwealth vs Wm. Lack—surety
of the Peace. As there were cross actions in this
ease, it was la,tl over.
Commonwealth vs Mn. Whitaker and sun.—
Surety of the Peace. The Court directed each
party to pay then own WltnO6s¢6, and the pro,-
eutor the docket coats.
Commonwealth vs Mary Foremen--surety of
the Peace. Mrs. Starr was the prosesutor in this
ease, and testified that Mrs. Foreman had threat
ened to poison her, by i s . ring her DOG BUTTONS, and
if that did not do, Qu.ssna su - rroms. Poison was
put into Mrs. S.'s milk, and immediately after
drinking a small quantity of it, she was taken un
well, and Fen obliged to mod for the doctor. The
defendant and witness had had some words prior
to the threats which were made In her daughter's
hearing. Col. knack, counsel for the defendant,
cross questioned the wane., and excited her ire
by mtking her some questions about her marriage,
which she refused to answer.
Mos Starr was then sworn, but her evidenoc
was merely corroborative of her mother's state,
MIS, Sutton Sworn—Lives in Anderson's
Court, Letween Mrs. Starr and Mrs. Foremen.—
The day on which Mrs. Starr took sick was Wed
nesday. I was at horns on Tuesday. I was sew
ing at my door, which was open maul 12 o'clock.
1 did not hear any thing said by either join). I
beard no threats, and ,f any had been made at the
time Mrs. S. says they were made, I mast have
heard them. I commenced work at eight, and
cinunued and 12. Mrs. Starr leaves her milk out.
Heard nothing about "two errroris." They had
words about a week before that time.
Mn Sutton sworn—l was at home on Tuesday.
Heard no threats made by Mn. Foreman, who
generally spesks very loud.
The further consuieratton of the cuss was post
pulsed for the present
Commonwealth va Hester Sutton—surety of the
peace. Mn. Starr was the protract:arm, and Swore
that Mrs. Sutton had threatened that 11 she bad
dine notling to her, she would some awe again-
That was the day of the dtffieulnea about the milk'
She did not appear angry, nod has said nothing.
nor given-any trouble since. la thi• case each
party wu aenteaced to pay the costa of their own
witnesses, and the defendant the doaket tees
Commonwealth ve Mdner Hook—surety of the
Antony Hook titan the prosecutor, sod ~wore
that the defendant wan a drunkard, and had teen
sent to jail for that offence several times. He ts
very violent when drunk, and sells ha wile's fur•
'lnure for money to in has debauchenea—
The last tune he was drunk, he auuck at her With
a kn.le, and swore that ,the should not .1,0 like
other people.
Mrs. Hook was sworn, and testified through
Major Ludwig, her inteiprvier, that her husband
was drunk every day, and abuses her. Every
night he pulls her:out of bed, and throws her on the
door. He got a amise tram hn iandnrd to quit the
house oneceount at los bad conduct. He was
bed at the tin, but got up and ran the man
He took h:s belie, and ran It twice ,n:o the wal;;
nweanag that 1 shallld not die ;Je a tIZIP3 but jibe
a beast. He ofien does thin She would not com
plain hot the pcopie said that she mast.
The defendant produced no witnesses, and raid
that he had nothing to say aira...t his wife, say
when he enure home id the end ci the week. the
money gone. The reason of his running the!
kruie into the teal. was ~.runkenfoess.
He won sentenced to enter into recognizences
to keep the peace for two year., in this sum of
5300, to pay the Caste of prtrucutiom and stand
committed dtl the sentence was complied with.
Commonwealth vs. Jacob Garbarb—ludimumeat
Larceny. The defendant was charged with steal
tug a pur of pantaloons—Plea—"Not Outlay."
Jacob Goldstein morn. Keeps a clothing cote .
On the sixth of June caught Garhirk, found the
para.:Goa. behind has vest. They belong to toe•
as I bought them in Pb alade.phia, and they have
my mark nn them. They are worth SII 50 1
to th bead of him, and be tried to leave them an nay
hands I neither mid any of that tort of pante:was
on that day, or lance. I dad not nee hint take them,
but when I ought huh in Smithfield Street they
ase In asa notate...boa. lie was a Mile drunk.—
' no
t: bon to the ]Lyon a office.
Offsher Ilarr sworn While going to mil, the de
fendant trod that he aims toe pantaloons to get to
the Pendeonery, us he had no place lo 11101 W That
,ator rocrtung he was arrested tor stealing Come
hang:small ants I could not my he won drunk
Had had a gam or two.
The jury boaiglit in a verdict of "guilty. -
Golvituoilweelth v. Jacob .arbtcl•—ladwttnent
John Ban ...ssurn. I fund three handkerrinefr
.n the 1,0 , 11C3.1,1 of the dekndant. A drayman
.nformed me that be had son!en them. Mr. Pen
aril came to the Mayor's office sod elaninad the
Poteneli mom. These hazdkerehiers have
my mark. I etmilar ones. Found them at the
Mayor's offiev.
Mr. Joseph Weaver appeared as counsel for the
defendant and made his debut in the Quarter Sea
slow. in a very creditable speech, bat the jury
brought in a verdict of pray
MUTUAL A SNAULT AND Bangor--Martha Mar
bury, and James Little entered crass charges of
Assault and rnttery aga.nat each other, before the
Mayor ua Satorday. They seemed to have he.
come involved in the bickennga which have hero
going on far sonic time between the boys of the
Eighth Ward and Pmetown,land were both hound
over to appear at the next court, though the wlt
°eases on the part of Little toddled very strongly
to the fact of hie having endeavored to allay, rath
er than excite the angry feelings of the combat
ant. L'os of the causes which led to the quarrel,
was stated by Mrs. Marbury to he, that the work
miii oonneeted with Little's brick yard, manic in
the habit of -inking the stopper out of her oven
and attesting the priddins."
Birren or A Loo.—Mrs. Robin:silt appeared
belore the Mayor ol l Allegheny on Saturday, and
eet•tred a complaint against a Mr. RI:611, whose
dog had bitten her little daughter. Tho Mayor
only fined him a dollar, and costa, as he had scut
the dug into the country, as soon as be heard cl
the accident.
.vi t• the uttenkon of purchasers la
the mi,:e of nineteen .plr pd.! Budding Lot, as thAeily
0! A.:rslieny. wiarli is to take More this al , erns”n of
ea, he premises. by .10i111 D. Davis. kur•
a sneer •
shy,... N, d r•. M.. Co. St.( at illettiou
tn Wettneaday morning. Jane Mb. at 10 o'rioe'a
the Comm. Fetal Sales Room, corner of Wood Mid Sth
.tre.••,, 0(11 I.e .old--23 'harem Stock tu the Ptiraturgh
No. 10110/l and Ftire In.arat.en C 4 pmenne
Jule .11 /IVY D DAVIS. Aar
'VIRE 1111117K-150n0 Rntlt. ~ ettr , -nd
.nte L, NIL JAMEY DAL., . J.
1 UTTON tas Mutton llama. in store .nJ
IJEA NEM-50 buxli Pea N. in owe 6ala
low by jul9 JAMES DALZELL
II MOLASSES—TO bnl S Hin 'are
•nd fur male low close enniiinnovni ny
CI ASH —_Kwlightr Window !ua, n•• led sire•, &a
C, •tore and for sale by JAu DALZALL
PA PER —lt. mom. Crown. 100 do mrdiu. ilo
1,01,1, Crown rn
Wrapping Roper, In owe and for
low 45 Jo in JANIFS L41:1.1,
,`., ) !sa L Tlnr bb" : ' t ' ir ' /!: ' k 1 1 ;:a i 2;:1 r ,77
s r ixLk ..n ii: , -lir 4 i , d : : r .i
o . oob . ert , b
ga; Just
11Ly Common Bogart. Jo
_AL1 . ..21-I=i lb., just me n, and igt.r ,k c
pt.. ;wet rre'lL ond If sale by
- - -
('III LESE—ICO kka prose Wir.tern Reserve Chet,
rer , ived and fbr P. 418 by
W k it SVC]: rCIIEON, 15 . 4 Liberty at
c„QDH. W. H. D /ULU,
:: till rilirt a ht. (Late of New Yolk.)
Orstes—Fithlthttald street, between Seventh and
strawberry alley.
N. 11.—Dtgaaio• of the mouth, pun. and teeth resoled
Homeopathically julhata
j . _etit.e.l Ch.M . r. AM, ettart,...le.,--1e et .. e- -
kJ ray kiss reeetied a saaply of w hil e end co l ore d ni
CI ape. and Cinpe Laise—nidniig the latter grrei, and ri „
rune desirable colour. A 14, whin., pink, and Lin,. 1 '
Silk and Warn Blond^. lull
___ . _____ ___
tilf , t , frl ,t it r, lN tb k , A u l.: , !...ii i. FLA n
el et:epee deturnhie good., tnLeg the gen thee unfhtitik
tilde arttele
Alto, Ganae and Per.kan Flannels or coper,or
my and a foil asiotnnent of common I , :emneis,
and colored, at northeast rcraer of Fourth and Lar
ked am. jolt.
the wient,on of ,t/yera TA his 2,,ltnenE of
above Goods, at much ow,
C : ever Orion
otfared Alan, Linen Diaper I'. Lie ,oth, of 0arlou•
stse4 very
ll in cheap_ juS
F INt Alot or abort .cafre art.e, tut
rte - ;red 01 On Goo. lloq,
305 11 11 .MURPHY
ALPACCAs—W K , NlO.lOl ha. T‘' -
.1.11, 00..1 this 'norm.. a tow pier, of Brack Al
p.c.. Bonah.ine Balsa, for mourning, of a
ver ntpertor aloy
011 hand, a J ul
aa.ortrnent of the dlaerent quality.
of all wool black 910stin fie Lama. 4orne w low a. Ir l
em per yd black 13Jrnballoe,, of oil quallt,es,
at norlh ear.l earner 4th and Market ais.
DOR 4.1.1'5-- . J°xi's heavy in fnelk - flurlaps.
L) 1001 rec d uy PiIACKI,ETT & WHITE.
9* Wood at
CLINI,DAN—: ca., new .tyl.• Eurioton. French
and Donic,:e. lull open. d by
myls sllm2.o.Err & w HITE
phiNCES-154 Pieces 1000 Y rot
.d, And Mara
Newlin Silk and Frames, :u: opened
SFIAVICI.F.T . I . h will IT.
1_)111flON,?-1 o cartons b ,,, k told t °lured motua
and actin .121:,0na u. pl,,,tt and tiled
Gro de Nap and 3.ann Cap arid I.,..unnek n vs•
ry large a•t.or of new .piti,g •t) npenod
tad for sa.o low Of 811 II HIT',
USICILV—e, cotapiete a.sortnient of Hit, while
_ unblenel , ed. oozed, and rolore 1 Cotton How,
opened and for gale by
HOSIERY--Blit and eol'd Hllk, blitectinil cold
Ingram, black. brown. slate and white Cotton
Hose; rbildrerte Fancy ; wbite, slate, brown and t..11t
Lientx Vigontaer”lo and cotton bock.,
for sole whole rule andre?tl na , by
'DAR a:SOL-A—A small lot of well selected Parasol,
r are odi'red for rale at reduced pores by
F II EATON A- Co, 02 Fourth st
LOVE3--A large neitorunciii of Iwbes widgem,K G A d, Nevoltian and embrordered sat, Limr. ,
ton. &r. ec., of all Colors and were, for men, women
and children, ran hr obtained wholesale or retail, at
F II EATON A. Co'. Trimming Store,
e1T2.5 Mr Fourth at
• '
f -r i2 L L P ‘l • l li ' r 6 a o
ar. !s i r l ' lutTo ' n d a, c aTor 'd aN i i k „r in a o al r e
ntra, EATON'S, on Fourth at
{,a AN/lEl,ls EAT°, A. do, keep constantly
11 , 1 on hand, or make to order, Hill Nlant,llaa of cv•
erypaitern,'and of auy color desirable. A 1..., Man.
tat Snarls aorta style. ErtOkroidermg, scolloping,
roiling, marking, and ail kind. ,f lane) needle Wolk
renamed to order or their .torc. No ad Fourth street,
between Wood and Al ,rtet nr.6
OTTO N OSNABERG—yard wide—one Intel
ly received at Dry Good. Dom, al
mrel R NICRI'111"
S NIER. i Adai :ur.xo-_+_lta oo ye juii
reeelnod 41 very handwrite lot co! French Summer
Caarim of • arty Inc imalisy. watch we are wi
lt/1g al very erea,
low pncos, and to which we would ,n rite
tha attention of the gentlemen.
WH. t melte. tne attenliod n!roe,
. chant., Inn site auppij of new Good. J.l
opened in W. whoienale Room, on 2d story"tortne•st
corner 4th and nark et went, Prltr!,dren
rh.. belong IL,,t second supply for this he ha. ,
any kind. of good,. at reduved and a
m cme
styles not to he bond
Jaz.l•nslon of the Baltimore need Obi.
to R03:1/1,041. DR RRI.PC•III,I. •
ILWPM3AL, ore Invited to :no It•RrIOX:.”1 and
jMo!Gory a . ,00t Y. 5 mon, morr of in . .• rnn,
glinting al a some 44 MOo• v•r• . l'umberiand
sod arsthng at a po . lll aome 1.1 na..e• ••vel .1 1 0,11
arver embracing Ira Ina Nn .11,.
ot, both inclusiv, Toe lit .4, It, ',vs., • cc
the., *echidna wol to hen'', and ne one
Tunnel a ennad. 'ff g:•1 ,•:••t• RJR,' Dee:ao two V•al. - 1. of 0.0 .10,
Speethranols and pla“• wor. 1
for tharnoutiort proon•co. Ihr 1:::a di Jane in•
at the Company • uffic• l'amberin: .1 To , pm
aola 1,1; 1.. odor•••^.3 to 100 untie; Alf aed, ...AI
0 1 , ` , tor , iv. Jul , 7 h. Loe'oiltd,
a.m . plate Pro,,oscri Or. ••Rl'•••••llVreyur
moult the r Av..;
,Leman van ;Ivo amplelT. - an. of Intdranciton thr
van.. DI the wadn k. wa.,h id:mimed woo, .•
euntradlor• fro.; a n..ruttnme: IV 0,,
b00r,1C11,1.1.11, MI.. AO , . 11, Met Olt I,
Wit: ikoh. , rnlko ••ff.114.`
ton li•th no:.rot ;Pr ,2• 4 0 a..
:an ol.orget/c pol•,,i•o, of Itar wont t,
a on
J.% e0.11, - ...• . Al 3.
Notice so Dag oe reor ypa h r ..... . Ult. P. /MOSCOW,
T UST receiver% a tuaratec of Vint. I LAEN IV New Or can.. woun.l minium., to
DEitr,i leX, I. OR KING INS 7 RI ME:, - J razor in 1.1 l'nuburgh and vicinity, that he
new ifreb' .o•Me./ Stnahfiek street, between Flab • over a, rohr r• ever myl,, a 0... and nex:n, tVc.i side, whore be will devote his eaten
sire red time of sort ne one ha •oit no., h. the Ire-vine. of the Cholera, in erhien he Ares
•hsrP^r. Mrar" , t^t ore,
P ,- o, with unequaled auccess , having treated over
lure •rtiey. iii - re.ore.leaerve the atte...unn eli Ar• a...eared eases during the last winter and spring,
en.zugea • ititeLdiag in envy, ,n , tre hats. .:e and he rase icieng a restore the patient to a proper
Prier tor toe ru *;75.
health he Batter, bunaelf Wm he ham a medi•
A genet , asa"rnt , nt nder , cote surpas•ed I.y anoo ihe country. and when pro.
bratee. Instrument. a. weli as LOtenerr per,y•ered never fails to atford relteL
rype Materi!. .;.e .owesi rases
lo person. who ate traveling he would gay. h.,
MR PEl'r it s Ulill, l.hcotaat,, Ow, our Ca . er Put , n a ,„, ‘
thorl.ed agru, 'or t ss in•iruMett , .neni with b., Attie
o n
41 and by taking
A c, •ms. doses at tunes. a won 41 prevent an attack oi the
paid .S VHI-11N, fell oroyer Ile ...mod r.coutmend .1 tu peroo,
' , Ant'. eh. T , -e and oanai.n.... as oeing cheap and effer-
Importers e , lo,..,er.rotype, and ra.
Axon. lot tn., Vonslarnner . s Opocal N Mnrow will be found in be. afar , . ati
men , m`rd e‘r , l'm ••tr• e• of the day except when Out upon prelesaionto
4 ( . 0 8 b 112 ,; .t - r
. TA N.\ LK> nand,o, ano u , CLINTON' PAPisEt DitLILL.
HE unoersighed have this day associated under
011..--Constanlyon hand. bleached and unblesch: the ha of Raul &Ran, for the por
ed winWr and sprnor Sperm. EirThant urn Whale lb, poeo to•nnfeet . ring paper, kt the CI. 'at Paper
Also, Kehl rornr.d .e.ected IV Coast hare 0..;, where ((Oct will be pleased to receive . patron
suitable for rrela.brie qt r. or Inc public, and the tomer , cretathr.r• the so-
PATF-NT FOR MACHINERY—The sohaeri. nia. partner
hers ae' now p.eparet.. Ir•np;. v rimy at ar: nines keep en *and o general as.
111 nu, (0091. I'. .e Iii:: •. manwer,urers. are ...rnocni urning, wrapplag, ws wel t paper,
requeated , und e tele I cr.h..ate. beene• noards. bank lusok•, ete etc.. which they
~ .4 oer• ~ other' rn n r, from e.r - hang., ler den s 1.11.11 anJ canon rage.
,e em. eo., ve ..• tve ,1”ors. ayot Iholk Pubitahor• nun be supplled with
out ro••ritat, ! r.1 , i.; 4 A rw printtoa o•per nr anon oottee, and
; 1:1/‘111Nli u I/AN ,
r !V. rte Pe:l, Tee
,ow, 7v i t..t• u strrr rk very •ut!
lectetl ttorlt of 'owe t,Rr IVN AND tiLACK TEAS.
1..t0t New Vort, u,t or to" t err rocelvell .•
Vouotry ..awc the o. I r•trourr tat, ecto,.trtt, W eil
all It, trillere rt crutt.t. era., to V, Or'orta. !moo ,
Our •tork unto-, the the t.
whoie.a.te Ottt,r tertr• Ito% t
hoot, to t0...t0, We .ovutt- ',at Ku:ter,. to tr.. t two:
e.orotte our ....A rot or let, ,b1:111,
I. I t r..; Or.,
Ihrt r prr,
p S ..R Tr•a• from
e oslsrr per o(
SOtl<110:, t'
Congo 1,;,nil lirPalrlaarr CO. pup, .1.11), ,, ,P,
uuopowdor and ;root 3.7 r cr, .51,Z1,,er
Fua ar•-• sad ge.
or our Tr.. Rad .r) i.mar
my!. F& , A JAYNES. 70 Fga2r,t) streel
a-fg c
T I.wrdi n,asurr that th, .o , or rib,"
inlnrnith” eitirrna of Pittnburgh and vi
that th , ) have compicl,kl itiraner ,
ruanis with• J. Jen k ma. ot l'a.lade,pbia. recc,ve their •dperior
And wt;' n•malter he kept coniitantly on
hand. They ace near', andput
op metall, pack,. Of and lit, each,
with their pntied card—a:lowing inc kind
of Try. pnce. hanlC of the conerra and
titlnd.lpLin. with an Invitatma to return the
Tea. if not
( Gunpowder
d Under... •
, II yson
We will venern , t all the TEA s w o re equ.,
10.0 not SIT.IrI 10 sr, •o:d !hot CI, rml r hod
then not pro, la..r• - p.l , a 10Mate.
l/tne.l and the 11101,y w. ll.e rel.ded. as It Li Oh.y
t 1
Nel , that Undeestaltno., we .el!
We .. fair 1,11. ilhat the vut...t. ,nej be 0, io
edge bemeen azd thna,
ether eome•rue• t ttt
All lovers or :Alb. reiirviire rod Goo-0 devored
ehnolid give um a
For elle by JU> c N. VOL:NU& t'U.
N'‘. come 414 and Feel
VOL Ng • .4 .
rnyll.dernis S corner 3d end Hn.•
ii , LM rll4ll 1,11,08 r
ELLICOTT'S MILL, {MP i pure 04 E
',DP. TH
co l
Y !I n
A...tted IT many atle Profr.ssor,l and,
V I I ±s " I I: X . t'• . ux'. he 2
' I
then o°
ew , Trar tl, accornmod/t,tl dun, the . itt.l . .
lion with liounl Ole Itt,itute under I top. r •ittitt.r•
or ~ottrot.tion Term• *240, ;or hoard a J o:.
neeet.sttrtet ronttrered t++.lll it owl to:
Uort for tt, svtiot•.m year yr tort; four wer.
tomplishment, r 111:14:114,, nr
wit. extr. ehn,r.e,
ror ar althfillae,• ni Incht.on.l.daalcd oL a
•aiubrtoua retonn.) beauty ,d • aad t...y
ancean for tray.d.cra, tae l'adup,ro Iwolltde Lin.r
Thal .t. walcra .r rul
and •c•0rap.L..11 , 4 eduent.on /I pprec..tect
I. dt.raoa•lrntrd I.N ill rm. aad pfr..,
prOopatit) al% 2 . 1:1 n wtlaap—. gal, Par
pNE C(HiNfict BHA NI.)11.::+-1; !sail piper. vat"... our own Irnportat.un p•t Con,.-ice
(rain Boralraus, nod toon."
lure •i.rd, beaull 1.."...
went of boll,. •4,1 G,,,lnriln Go., Guar.
C ittos, from P."'
Wendllig itlngl nr 11 ear ,old
DALtirD YEAPIII4 , - I trCil gala •
I jut)e t
- - - -
FURSA , :fr. II EA It ments.cNrod
f oupe•tor lit.. ar 1.1, 11,0. 1:10!-
nomakad for ant.. h K;Eit
Str. W W Wu ,a,a • 1•1,14 J' ,.. 11 a olna.
qoalay and maou pan: :a
_ .
TORN M. IOWNSEN(CInitT.gort sad .er.otheeary
No. 45 Market et., three door above Thlot st.
. . .
~ . .. . ...
burgh, wit: ho e , cnn „, q ,,,, n „ han ,, a wa n „,, ~,,..: au,.._ CANA I. LE - CFI:SRL—The under.
sorDnent best the be end neshest Meths-mos n hob ne " eta "' 'ago"• hmaswes of the IV abashwill
teen. l. l l,,
,r,,.. - and I:rte Canal, hereby give :tome
nen a,„, n d er . , w; ; ~,. „ ow n., a ,. nn d e d th , ~,,,i . thn , Ittom airy will erector ',ruled proposals at N% asluogton,
Davies county, Indiana. on the C7th day of June neat,
pded with articles they inn) rely noon no genuine
L - f t hyrietnns Pre.-ertruon, w i ll b,. per,,,t,,y and lot the cott•teuetlon of about twenry.four miles of said
neatly prepared from the best tuaterlate, ta any it•tor of f.^..i.'.''n!h".s from the proposed path 'Lemma's the
\t' fork ot % \ tine River, near the Saudi lire , •I m Cireca
or day or night
Also for sole, a •ar, stock of fresh and good Perfu. gaol” , ma Niar , mh , um Danes ...WS Mm ,f , alla pm'
a , i ,
, la Don 01 line there aro to he constructed Grp Lift Leeks
.gi to be built of unsber, a
i ItiElLoi - ,to Is . prime W, rise, Reserve. nil •inre atti,tnmma.e.nenG,elah:d•at C ree k, a w n ., ', Dan
N../ '''' 1 ." s ,, e 0 ' "l' A " rii• 1 " duel, tchether yeah the usual or trariany t" :l s : a r i th A vt?tra .
WESTERN ItiSl,llA.ti - CE CdilfAllY rnounon to n emool. The line will be &aided um see.
nom nversgunt about half a Mile In length
OF PITTSBURGII. At M. snow tune and place, proposals noun be erect
- ve.t (or holtalug, .nth cht stone masonry, the piers of
CA PI lAL b900,0U0, tti- Aqueduct 0. er East fork of White River. The
1 Final T. Jr ...) I R m il , as , Jr , 1.„,, stone tor thrt .....tuty most be proeured front the guar-
Mt of tlornbie itiornione to be found on or nem either
Will own, 1,,,11 . +i a :1,.• ot rosol,
the s thst or West fork of %Aline River, Dom wench
Filth. AND N e d I! IN Im..
A LL pni lrees will he h..- 'my et'itteted sad promptly.
'''' ' ' Fb ' e ' tn ' e . 'l o " lme b' pl d Le ' dTti d tie b r r eo ss n ' tr ' oe " I. will no ready
. . .
A h ome in , ~,,,,,,,„_,A ., A A, ,A b y Oury„.„ who ore for illepeet.,, len ilay. previous :o tim time of letlitiq.
welt known in the eernanunly. and who are dexarnan• ..ld 3 ' l lo'^all.ltrl l n ( otnlniton at ltnie"ll'''' thereto '''ll
ed by promptness and nneralay to tornotoin ar• char be g' y ' ll 'Y Inc 11 ` ...... ` '''l l "'"'
deter wtoeb they base emanated. . °daring the best CHARLES lICTLEJS,
protection to those wile desire to he insure d. A. Al. i'LIIMT,
Datteroas-11.. ' , ldler. Jr . (see. ((lack,, J. W Tlll3. 11. BLAKE. Butler. ,
N. Holmes, Jr . War D. !loaves, C. Ihmsen, (leo. (V ' T.121 , 11101' 01,1 C;
laCk•011. Win hi. Lyon, Jas. Lippincott, Thos. lit Tetmlinolo• April 9". 1110.4 l.T 7 ltitate27
. _ .
Litc6, James hl'Aulty, Alto Nitarek, The;. Scots. •
0174 - 1, No 39 Witter street. Iwarehourse of Spaog .
' 1711111-50 bhIS No I lammed Skadi 49 do No 1 H.r.
12 ”.6.; it) do No I huhnon, SUCI) Ihs Bacon Sides,
,t Co., op stalm )Pittsbargh atptrdly at store and for sate try atri 30tIN WATT ACO
Notice to Stoelatoldero,
, tiff. Stockholders of the Ohm and Dmuntylvann
EMI Ruud Conthauy are hereby notified to pu
the Ust matalmcut of nue Duller, per shorn, on or be
(urn the 13tt. any of July next.
The Stockholders resiCiek io Peiway 1V01..S torn i.a]
the first instalment to the Preside,. or the fhsccrumy
at the Exchange Bona Of Masher - kb: those in Colum
btana county, Ohio, to the Treasurer al Palms. am
Imese in Stark. Wayne, and ft...bland countiea, to an
',tremorsreaultng Move counties.
By order of the Board of Directors.
DT. Wlokay , . Celebrated
--- - - •
THE public. are requested to read the following eer
tficate• Thu medicio• is ernenatheny usei n n
all the Southern and Eastern elltes.
Vie do cerni) that Dr. Loma Wtegars. of York. Pe
teak under his care and memagenteat. on or about ihn
first of October last, • young man labonng sunder
severe attack of "Amain Cholera.' Thai we exam
Toed the said patient, and found him to be In the col
lapsed nate, of that dlseasne,wub frequent and copiou
rte.' `vat. , dinmhfirirrs• Thai we pronomment it •a cm—
on genius, Cholera, and declared moreover that w.
believed the sand patient was beyond the hopemed
man aid. In iact we thought the pout. would the
and so declared an time
1 1
c further ceroty that the laud Lath, tVtckry P
Ms own mode. of treatment, and admmmtered I.
Cholera k
to Rernudy, and effected a cure of the outlet
11 c :hul four day. thereatter the said young
wag at work. and portrcliy well
I cerufy that I visited n case of modified Cholera un
der Mr care of Dr. Louis Wirkey, and that I believe
hu inedteem relieved him.
I State nt Maryland, Wachlnglon County, to wit
I certify that I ant well acquainted ulth the gentle
meii who have signed the within cerufirates of Dr.
LOUIS Wickey. and they are men of respeciaboity.
In testimony whereof Ihe subscribe my
I L•me, and affix the seal of my office, this four
! me na tal, day of November. elghteen hundred and
thirty-three. 0 II WILLIAMS, Clerk
Wouhington County Court : Maryland.
I wiincased the admmastranon of Dr. Lotus Wick
ey'• prepanclon for Cholera, In the came of an appron
tier to the plaste rang butane.• an this town (Hitizwa
town His was a well ;narked case of Aslatle Ch
le-a with rice Witter evacuation., told clammy skin
cold todgue, small tremulous pulses—l co ordered In
adu•tion truly critical and alarming I saw lona per
VIO. to Dr Warkey. and was pm thiat at tee admin.
trauma of the fast dose of niedierne, and sow him re
pestedly marina the attendance of Dr. Wackey; he re
covered as an he able to attend to and woe, at ha.
trade in a tow days. lam sure he Muir none other bu
the medlar. ado - mused 14 Dr. Wiakey.
RICH/. W. Dam, M. D.
The only true and genuine Da. WroxErs Cholera
and Diarrlarea Mt:Marne as prepared and sold whole
... and rms.' by RAIN D. MORGAN, Drugaist '
autla2in one door below Diamond alley. Wood it
F H EA fON 3 Co Founb
betwren Wood and AlOrkel
DY virtue of an order of tho Circuit Superior Court
L) of Law and Chancery. for Marshall Co. Va, made
at the Spring Term, tS4t, 91 amid Court, in the ease of
Pranet,, B Taylor tr. the steam boar Companion, and
other cases against the same, I wIN proceed to offer
at pato.: lode, then eam hoot Companion, together
wtlo brr eogtnc, CElTllittire, Tackle equipment, on
Wednesday, ltth day of July, 1949, at the town of
hloundscule, to sold ounty of Marshall, hatween the
houro to o Hoek, A M and a o emelt, I' 0. of said
Trans or StLa—Une.foortil'onale, and the rondo[ in thrercyan, :natal:nem% .t 6.12 and 11 mond, and: in•
IC, 31 frOILI Ma day of tale - tor purc prlng frond
with pod and approved personal arcanty :or said de
Ye r•orth at a distarthe destrous of fur, her: nomnabon
In lauon IJ the above sate, eon obtato me ascot ST
lettr addressed to James 8 Wheate, Esq Whee.tha
Va.. e or iv IV It. Oldham, al Grave Creek, dash.!Co V a WM. NITA RLAND,
Depot) . for Francis Keay. S. V. C.
!a/l/Olve Wheelang Oar.
1 oung NIL , : in whole:at/a and retail stores, and other
?correctable Laurie's. to act as Book-keep:, Sales
man. Porters. Bar •keepers, Watts, Farmers, Coach-
Men, Cat Agents. Boos and Map Agents, Collector',
'verse, . ta
all branches of business. Se. We have
a:I arne , iis,rige nand., of good ottuatons on hand.
Whlrli par Bone ~n m 102.1a10 perannum. Those in
want or SilailtiOnig Olany kind would do well to sire
, at. so we havence. , to ca, of the a Oat ei•
1.-., n ca.), 114 to place rvery applicant la
Cillat,a 0101allUa at the shortest mace We have a
.ati;e to
all the atone named cams.
wSieh ue trust itat ,e us to give entire sauslite•
iion to who may Inv. us watt a eall.
'l'.lllA IRA TAYm AN, No 09 Second
lbezweett South .x.O Gay
0 , B . Pers." ..ring In Any purl of the U. States,
%boat.; b, ~ilia la situatii.n in natittnore. Os el.
:Jar ot the above e wtil have their wants inane
••... e..uncial,. Ito t.. it• bite. post - gaaiti
.5 Junta eattall both tratilaa and ex•
t,••v ocnerwire wo tr.,ur by<orninr.
il) e,ty, and •re,liq rutp;oyFnent for thernmeives.
\ I.OR a TAymAs.
W••tern Pennsylvania Hospital Build.
Pit...Pl/SAL. , nal. to received by the
J Rut nit., Comntinee, up to tho 20th day of JUNE:.
, fpr inale• and eretung the Weatern
l'emniy.vania rtai
ncreenb:c .0 Pnni
ind lt•preteratton• to ne .wo at the oitee of J. NV.
Ktir. archaret, Fourth street niter the 1 lth matant
ILirdera to propo,tng for said newt, wit Plate me
ret ate 8111.11.1t0f rite enure mperatructore in a ha.
i‘hed emte. and accompany their bi.ti with the nein,
out propo•ala the, rePpeeto.e undertaken or out,
.m:ra r'tor • materhe various department" of the nuitctin,
I,e etat ale° receive separate propomtn
pr.,ated ertim•te, meenoeinent. btt os raes.
tt, tin... bidder. will ,tote the price of It.. stone
f 11.1,11 end cut stone uteri:, per perch and foot brink
ort ptr otounand. in the uraili, a/ating . per enu•re,
i•o•td , per v•in. Joists cod other lumber per thou..-
.11d I,et, board ineaiture; carpenter work, pamong,
wllO the per tentage on their reapecnve
e•nahnehett Bbl of Price,
wort. a,. to be do, under the d•rectton and
•pomal Inspection oh a eneral •uperlntendant lippolll,
,d for tha purpoao by the CORlMIllee
PrOpONal• It, I also ha roectved at the game time for
fem.". and .•rte:o•mg the Iln•mtal Ground., seen-N
-.lg to the ;matt to be •een at Mr. Kerr • oft,
WM J. TOTTEN. liotiding
a.l.d mrt Tlit I.3IKEW
The Brownsville NI aterCurr I&•t•b4s4-
RAF.t,Z d MA, returntng thriven.,
1.1 at thowledgenent. In tile Pleads of the heron
t,on and to a th•reripitg put itu 111 lor the ler
,. patronage hitherto Vteelred, announce at the
eaTne Lane 1. at the, have made el...canal Improve.
.nenl. In the Interior •• as the rater:or of the e
lahlt•unlettl. dur.n last tall and winter. which wtl s l
Cte•ti y tantune the comforts and on
tueeinents of in
thlertd to VISA thts place during the en.•
1b 11 , 0 1.0, 1
.1, I in, 1.0, I :JO
, he rroooloo,4llseeses err treate4 here, and they
011..100:,, keep up the repotaUan the
t fthroogn or. west, by strurt anentuou to
,“ru•l themselves under then care.
10 ,:der widervo the treatment, pat tents have to
prov,de th,no o s:ves wJth two woollen Nance., two
• .beets three romfortshins or a tight feather Trod
0., 0 Terms. lux dollars, psulable week..
. -
Aarz,:,. ,... =,...;. , _,,,......,....,„iii.21: : 4;•-,
- • "'AV' c,t , :ttt - Z,_"''..... --78: - : 't : - the
i t , 'T. f,
:, ~..
J((11 ( (; , f ,
n ' s
u l
r l e N o I f E . I.L ,,
n O m it ;,,
, N 4.
l t Pe:oo ,,, l v a z ir . c r e . t, u h e t:s the
.pt-,dad a•tortment al Plano, (ruin the manufactory
on Jon • I'e/etc:max, nottnn—amone them a mare (t
-enet oacerontl fall limed Pilo° Forte, 7 oetaves
1 , -t, ...pert. Nue, Piano 1 - arse, 7 oetavett, ear - vett
totete sod. of the ample of Loons XI V, t.ilb a varlet,. on
:. e t rtsd it octave., to whtett the of port,.-
..) as apectiolly .01.. ti.
Agent for Chirkering's Piano Font, for W...
irs?lvaron %Mr:
SCAlrlit / 4,III[I•TEINM,.
rro, r .Irl NV., WOOD 1,(1. AA,. Tr, ‘ITT‘PC•II.n,
l!Ni t.tolsotonottre •11 kind& ot
ANL. -../1E1:1: IRON 11.\141. Al,, Met I•
trlrt Itb and Mork, ttt 'Wm t
sok tioatal.utlt to col,.
11,.N nn i,n nd. a fine 111 .110MRCLII Copper and Male
ett e t, NV at e, Steamboat Cooking Stave.,
motel., I otero.. Ire now, vary cart renient at.
•'. Clllll6/ /114 11.: Wad
ts. .‘• 1,1 re. , pectfully invite .teamboat men and
nther• 1.. end awl ,ce our article. and pnces before
,c 7
JOS. 1. Li - nooks, Tmn,or,
T. B. Docxxn. M. D.
No. 59 second rtreet.,
Ho!tuoore, %LI
,rnuon given to we= boxt work
taXtgatowas auxd New Castle Canal
THEpacket BEAVER. Capt. Stanley, will leave
Beaver regularly on Sletstay. Wednesday and
Friday evenings as 6P. Al an onus aYo
n wa
ext morning at 30 7 ekick—returning. leaves lemurs.
town Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 4
P and reach Beaver in wee for the morning. boat.
ALLEGHENY CLIPPER. unique at Pittsburgh a ,
12 &cheat
The packet HAREMS AV. rapt
.eare Beaver Tuesday, Muncie) and Saturday gym,'
ines at 6 P. M returning, leave New Castle. Monday,
Wedhcaday and Friday evenings et 6 P St alto cm , -
netting with theboat for Pu•s
mog bunsh.
These packets ate fitt rnin ed op in complete order, har
m, fine accommodations for paseengers, and whippers
mac mly onmute punctuelity and greater devotee
than ha. ,een obtatned en these quote..l.l biTCH & Co., Proprietor..
J C Hrdaeelt, Agent, Pittsburgh.
Bra, Beay. ,
A D Jacobs, a Youngstown.
R IV Cuentughazu,"New Gaelic
The elegant stesmer..kLLEGHMGYCLJPPER, will
leave Beaver. duly n - A. and Pittsburgh at 3
running in constectutii math the above boats. jolt
1849. skim
Warren and Cleveland Passenger Lane.
Canal Packet—SWALLOW.
PNB oldie above Packets leave Beaver every day
(Sundays excepted) and arrive next rooming at
erron, when they eenneet with the Mail Stages (or
Akron and Cleveland. arriving at each of there places
lafore tight. One of the packets leave Warren daily
at 3 anti arrive at Hearer in time to take the
morning boat for Pittsburgh.
C H B I.F.FFINGWELL A Co, Warren,)
31 13 TAYLOR, do P "'
apt) W ter anti qmlthfield eta
1849. 4Esit.
Crows°. &
R G. Perms Beaver, Pa I
HIS WIC will be prepa-ed on the opeming of cavi
l_ germs, to traiwport freight and Pessengers from
PITTSBURGH and CLEVLAND, to any point on
the Cimal and Lake..
The facsiities of the Line are unsurpassed in number,
quality Red eapimity of Boats, enpenettee of captains
and edieienc of Agents.
One Boat l e
scris Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily. run
rung in roam:coon with the steamers
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of first class
Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes.
A•urns—R G Parka. Beaver, Pa, Youngstown. Ohio.
Taylor, Warren,
Cyrus Premise, Ravenna,
Wheeler A Co, Akron.
Crawford & Chamberlin, Cleveland, 0
Sears & Griffith, Buffalo, N. Y.
Office, ear Water and Smithfield ma, Pittsburgh.
El:coiner MICHIGAN No. A—Copt. Odeon.
LAKE ERIE. - Gordon.
ahove regular and well known Beaver Pack
ets, nave comencerunktng thei dai tris to
and Front Beavrr, m
and w i ll continue fo r
run , betw p een
Pittshorst] and Braver regularly during the season, as
Meats. No leave. Pitpdrorgh daily at 9 o'eloek.
A M , and Beaver at 2 o'elock, P Lake Erne
`save. Beaver dully at e o'clock, A. Al, and Pittsburgh
3 o'clock. P M.
These steamers will run in COUDCetiOLI with
R 0 Parka' Fs/press Pocket Line, for Erie;
LinoeSingwelle Warren Packets;
Union ol Freight HOZ. for Cleveland;
Clarke & Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Una Freight
R it Parks daily New CI ket.s.
CLARKE, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Aaerto.
JOHN A. CAI:WIRY, Agent, Pittabarrh,
mar 6:11 ear Water er r and Smithfield sta
, thEgie t. 1849. / m ai m
THE Proprsoors of tin. old e4ablisbed popular
dun y Uric. o SI XTEEN first elms Canal
Rout, owned then...lce.. and runrung in rounee
with the cream Lone BEAVER AND CALEB
1 . 1/1"F are ..!Itt biell to oder unequalled facilities lor
vv. yourportaoo.. frrn:ut and tro.gengetra on the
°pent ag of Canal navigation, no all pop:menthe Fenn
• Iva...a and Woo and N. York e.v.ala and the Lakev
E. M FITCH & Co, Cleveland.
Ant, 8e....
J. C. geAgent,
Wafer street, Fittabr
/ steteoto..
faushurgh. D
Forwarding Rierehanta,
Agra:sloe the Pittsburgh asedClenaland Lane,Piete.
burgh and Erse Line nia Erie, and for
low, Beaver and Caleb Cope,
itavug purchased the large and substanual Whsof
Bost ust bode for the Monongahela ?tweet+, have
watt the %allude of a IS . ..rehouse, the most ample ho
m tdationv for recettang and fereraptng, and
pledge 11.etr 0,m0.t attentton, promptness and despatch
To eon as entente to their care, and rely en their friends
tot a tr.,. neaet.aty B . /a BRIT.
Lbr Oreenß ood O~rdew
Nan , Anamommant'-•The ateamrt
TAUS. St' &IT, Long comments nu
Monday, May 7, to run from the Old
Cireentvocul Limning, of at at ,
to the Gat rerrL, learnig nt o'clock. fait
a. . min at each
even hour until g o'clock, r lost nip from the (las.
den at 10 r a.
The Saimaa are supplied with al the delicacies of
the season. Ten at 6 o'clock. The Garden, with a
large collection of Greenhouse Plants, Dahlions, An
nual near Plants and Shubbery. The comfortable
wberf boat Greenwood, will be placed a the Pm
street landing, ntys
DS. D. BUST, .
-le , Dentist. Corner ofFourta
mut Decatur, between
Merl", end Ferry attests. acp9dlyin
0. W. DIDDLE, Despot..
REMOVED to a new three awry bnele
on Sant/the Id street, one door below
rb.rth Street. 'teeth inserted from one
o on enure scl, on the uctron pnnciplr, with a beau-
Cul representansn of the natural gam--restonne
.veinal shape of the (ace.
U.—Tenn extranwd north intle or no run.
Lk-cured Term peruannently saved by ploggrtig, pre
en., e tooth the which to much better than co
ins it, thon, should be done in five mtnmes, or
yen I.v ...rutty 0021,1 v
Itoonng.--Galvsualzed Tin Platen.
advantags• wruelt these plates possess; over all other
ago, to the many
metallic substances bilherto and for roofing, &se , as
they posses• at once. the lightness of Iron, Without as
yearto rust, baring now been tested foe several
years ot gals partseelar, both to des ecomtry and in Eu
ropa They urn less liable to expansion and contrac
tion from sudden change of the atmosphere, than cond.
01011 pines, troll, sun, or nap other metal now and
for roofing. and consequently form a Inaett bettcr and
heater roof; requirtng for less frequent repairs, whilst
the bra, roll is on o texts more.
A foil ninety, or all sires, from 10 to 30 W. G., con
stantly on hand ad for sale by
. 14 andlo Rover street, New York.
The patent right for Las article having. been atteuresl
for the United St.., oil parties ioinaging thereon,
either by impartatnan or otherwise, will be orogen.
ted. °akin-site...l)T
T •
ti F. undersigned haver erected works mthe eng of
New York. or the purpose or fialrani:keg granni
e,: of Iron, which /l Is desirable to PROTECT FROM
RISE, such a, Telegraph Wire Rolm, Spikes, Nads,
Wren for Fenton, and any other ;Miele which may he
required. For. II oups for Casks, as a subsutute for bale
Rope, for Clothes I..tues, Lightoirig Rods, and • host of
other upplle•uorm, herd' be found cheap and durable.
They.o“: , 4 parucularly call attention to the
Wire f or !enc.; It require. no paint, and will not
Also to ;quires runt Bolts, the prrildrv6lloll of
which ts of so roach importance, that it will common,.
to the not,ms of all tense interested.
EU. H MORI:WOOD & CO., Patenters,
out'll , - , 14...x1vT IA and 16 Beaver at. N York
No. 4 7 ,Iforket street, PutsburgA,
D ES' PECTFULLT announce. to hie friends and eat.
11, miners. that he has had at no past period so emeto
chastock as he has at present- He can oder to put
se , ., on roar moderate terms, at the old eztabli.M. -
ad stand on Market street, aline. every article In km
Connung-room, Red-chamber, Dininn..
room, Pa rim end Hall Paper With Borders, Land
scape*, Fire-board Pnine, Paper and Transparent
Window Shad, Bonnet and Binders' 'Mardi., Wei-
Wrapping. and Tea Paper, he in annadmitly sup
plied, and regurkts coutry merchant* and howshkee,
call awl ratnme n hts rumrtment,
Rags and 'Planers , :krapa talon In Vatic at the
tk4he4t prior* mehtlulkalirr
N E NV it AttD W A!1. :.F . 9 E,
No. 7 a Wood Plttobvirgb.
H li:..ti ore A ig N u O2l l . , / o VIA .; 7 ‘: i mporter, and deafen
all its vartettyargi now prepared to sell as low and
callas reasonable yer ms ma can be purchased els...wham
e ' , Mimi oarfrienda, and the public generally. to
c and examine one stork, which Commis in part of
SCISSORS, SHEARS. RAZORS, Haste 'fin/laminas,
tt a, Locks, Lama., Hinges and Scrkrus, topether
Wst.ll,rry nruelc usually kept, to iliadw• - e
We invite the ,unto, or rarpenters and MeeLannis
kenerally to our umiortment of Tools. which have been
eelerted with ghost rare, and whien we see determin
ed to sell m as tollore sallafernon. aptliturT
VR.S. .tl% FLSH'S NEW NOVEre—Mordautit Han;
o September Night; by theaathor of "Two old,
men's Wok . ' •• Emilia Wyndham," „ Angelis," eta . .
Just coed by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, •
ntllantii aT corner Market and 7d sts
`hi:Ali 1 NI e:',3 Ur eltaris, c
1 tat unl an alphenetteat list at' Yon oar...through
0. th- Coned Stales; distances from lYashiiiirlon, D.
C 4 state and trrr.rtai espltal• respectively, also el
lag nee l'o•t Offices in eaeh State, as well sa ecnin
ly. synth tan aft e:,dta 0. tan ['ruled Stales end British
Tsr,ll . .11111 I tr. J./WOO - UN t STOCKTON,
Inylft earner .141 and an stet
No, 46 Market street,
HAVING extensi v e and carefully se.
leaded ot spring and Surmaer 1.00 d., the
sanseriber re.peettally miorme itas (trend, and (be
public. Mat ha Is now preparing to receive and eke.
cote the, order. with dispatch, and m the neatest.
moat rubli.tial, and f.hionable manlier Al be to
deternitacd to do business en the ca.h .y.tera, be dal.
ter. nicaKed that be will be able to do work as cheap
.I can be done at any estabbahment in the eriuntr,.
11.• meek is varied, co.iattng o(Ca,uimeree, Bread.
dome , Vvetinga,lee., which his (hand. are rakpeeitill
iy invited to examine (or themselves.
ID r24.0f • GEORGE AR310514
A T the sign alb.* Plime sod Saw, Ts %Vow*stret,
Cl a complete assortment of Cincoman Cooper*
Tools, for sale by ineld Ht.1E1F.11.4. LA I.:FMAN
IV CHil-L-The higbeftt price in cash pnisrgeuTtile
I , y different v•des of Mean washed wool, by
Mr2l H LEK !alien)/ Cr, opposite sth
AssoarEn hP1CE.... , --Put ups r family um, in tin
miti.. mielaami in a alai., lid ap.e., conmilang
Mumma, Alamo.. •
Cinnamon, Ginger,
Clove., Pepper,
Warranted pit-, For at We new Sp & re and
:t1 waned Fartory, career of Ferry &Liberty ain
4:La11.8--Wrought from th e Temper
ceville works, seurrented; will be coostartUy
oo end supplied to order, h
oso oockaArr, 95 Wood ot
. 1 11 ' :A. TWO BIIITORY Brick Dwellng eimo y
pleasantly 4111113.1 0/1 (-smock street, 2.llelbale'
to city. ticar the Hand St. Bridge. cOVAtnitat
' sir t twill.. 1 41121 • hall, and nod trash bonnet Pah
...ion given on the first of Ju g ly, or sooner tt resnited.
. /21quire of E. W1L8T.111,4
, ja7,tf Eagle Marble Worts, Liberty vs, Pinson:
yik THE Imre thnre story bock Wasehothke, No.
.IILII 2 Seeoed .trees. Possemlion girecildWitly.
Routine of tun A. 8 Y.
_-- - - -
rota RENT, ~.
2 FOUR new two mory Brick Dwelling( . se's,
,cll impel,' end in complete Order, a nter
Avenue, 71h Ward. Pomesaion I,..ven ik r lat.
limit low Knout., of JOHN IVA Ili eliQ
'lin cornered' Liberty and 111 sta
rpwEis BiILDING,LOTS. situated on Wilma
it: l ride of Penerylverua Avenue, between Awing
and tetevenson streets, and about Mom suirtunkparalk
irom the New Coors Home. Six of them bum In
feet S Inches on the Avenue, and ran bank IlDietiet to
a 20 feet alley. and the oiler six front the atmet,arklth
on Forbes street, (70 tees wide) and son blot tiger
to the MO alley. Utile above property iS Old . pee.
id of by private sale before the 7th da7 of Ju1t4.312,
it will be sold at aucon. at hhe new Loon Ho
o n
that day, at 3 oti
'clock. P. M_ to the highest
For terms of sale and other Danie agier* , cof
DAVID a BRUCE, Attorney at L aw, Piftb.9orea.
next door too Aldertnan hUSlmter. 915:4.51
rpHE undersigned Mien for sale In hl l Ettart 099 tels
J . Po, IRO acres of well timbered LAND, utIM en
excellent Sow MB smarty neer and two new Farm
Houses, one 41 feet fr ont by 47 bock; the other 51 feet
front by 21 back. A.Lac, Rood new frame Baru, nirty
by forty ( ..I. The mill and land are tunalerh
wYes from the Allegheny riser. A great deal of9l fb NE ar
TIMBER of the best quality, and also • tram quantity
of the very best hemlock. Also, cm atm on thiLhank
of the Allegheny, near a cove, to, .1 1 ,,,,, I y ~.
ed for rafting, where lumber can be rafted on . e
in unmet. and be perfectly safe from all Om
Price 04100, or 95 an acre. Terms easy.
a well cleared email fine , with good house aos or
chard upon ft, an
.1 pap an payment, tf location la surgable,
and the balance lumber, or as may 4 o
This is an excellent opportunity, for !
the probability is great that In two or thee. ye. 491.
property/will double us value, in cooseluninon ill
prozumlX to the New York and Erie BrWroad.
tier sediment to wear out several saw milla—oukoev
eral mill saes on the stream which runs neatly Ix
the cware of th e land. About fifty,. acres in
N0,,,bi1, to rise in hauling lumber (torn mill 5 e vet,
Trout and genie in abnodance. - For furthsmpoAell
lors, address, frion.paulj P. B. TEISIPLON)
wy.2l,dtewt(S. Gmette Mhos, Pittabluh.
Two Loto far Sall, —
THE mburthers will sell as private sale,tuoaCkant •
valuable Lot. of Ground, taunted on TomaO. is.,
In the Third Ward of Allegheny City, each havglig A
front or 20 feet, wooing back 100 feet In depth 10 20
feet alley, upon which la built a none we/L.95191100
fact, which contains stone enough to build cello )/ for
two comfortable dwelling houses, and in front eiore
walkr slmde ric k, , years growth,
is paved with i ll of which will betn
Imo. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Strip,
will be taken in payment.
J b. H PHILLIPS, Nod Wood th,
mys 9
or to WM- BENSON. uninedtately opponte anullpts.
TO iste.T.
IaTHE Dwelling House on Third street, al4we
Smithfield, occupied by the family of the
Dr. A. N. 31'Dowell. Posses.a given arte
to of Jidy out.
Also, some large lots oP round in the Ninth Med,
between the Filth Ward. and Creihansville, sulepale
for lumber yards. W3l. M. DABLINGTOMJ
myss,dlf At D. Darlirotait's, Fourth: t
LION SALE—Fivalrdseligibly situated la tha
lotting town of Birmingham. The lots urn
ted on Doaman street, numbered to F Baustrwall an
75, 79, 80, 87 and el —Lot No 79 fronting 30 feetonieSa
ry Aan street, 70 feet deep; the other lone 07 fectront
each, by EC feet deep.
Terms—Greater pan of purchase monoz maero
main lose ,
six years, scented by mortgage,. l'orAr
dare, diqulre of S SCHOY
Leyte: 110 isecon
Valuable Coal Laud for Sale, • ij
A BOUT fear miles above Lock Nti, 2, at the m a th of Pine Run, hienongatels River. The COag be
of the very best quality, and eaay of steam <AY
number of aerea from twenty-five to a hundred,ots:
be obtained. Persons desire. of parelorming,
call on WALKER REED on the premises or
Reed, opposite the Post Whim, who will give
. ear:-
gem:moon concerning the property. The abate 11
be mild at a great bargain. tar:edam e
I AO LET—A good brick Dwelling_ Howe, oitaateMee
Robinson street, Allegheny. Enquire of
J.' saran., on Webster wren:, 23 feet from 11i/rh •utoo., 4
:to feet front on VVelister, bye feet to a Aire eat cosy
—quite clime to now court house. hire 5950. Tetras,
52m etch In band; balance in one, two, three Mut
yeßm from the first of April huh ,
County and City derip tat. foe cub P.M.= 7.-
qui re of mita S SCHOVER, 110 Iseeond q
$OO Aervu Coal Jamul tor Salta
0 ITILICI;ao •
on the blenenaultele river,ebout_llWee
O from I pi AG urgh nod It Miles abara third Loelg IA
the immediate neighbotheadoof Mem*. Lioa I alloSti
and Mr. John lierren's
w e This Seep be . Nl ,of
Coal will be sold at the low prieepf 033 pet
third In hand, bnianee in five equal suoilnol pa
without humeri Tida.indirpotable. Le/cattal u 417
good—cannot be ouTarmed. Fee %Aber e- -- '- "
nquire of S. BALSLEY, " -
perry. Residence 21st, t
N. H. There to amber
about 60 feet above the Itto
- - v. - i - ..i.biii It wti,.._
TH E mbscribers are authors,— __ _ _ .....,
vale, and upon highly favorable totem,'
os very valnahle Busldolg Lora, comprivang r ' A'ss
portion of the Lots numbered a, 08, 69 and *,
Woods' General Plan of the a* of Pittsburgh,
ted at [he soma eastarardly corner of Pentland Way'
somata. fronting 2.10 tent on the former, and enendi,
along the la:ter shout 601) feet to the Allegheny dew.
and bung a part piffle Real Rstate of the late Jut,
I t.
s stevenson, Evn.. dee...telt
A plan.ol. MN:di/WWI of the shove Lora, IA
may with which h a ;impaled to roll, may be " iseen 4 a;
the orbes of the tandentarn on Penult, between U
het and Perry ate • WILLIAMS it WEIN,
Notate far galls i.
lie .o buriber will sell, at priva te sale s that arda;l-
1 ade Propene, on me Fourth street road,' adjellint
his present residence, and give posseneion amm
I). There are about TEN ACRES OFCHOICE LANA,
in a high state of cultivation. The Improvements Aft
a large and wall finished brick DWELLING 1101.1ffyg,
dwsuperb Born. and ether out handing., Adjoining
eiling is a running Fountain and • good
which littnistics a constant wpply of exmallent tlZt
There'. a sanely of Finn Trees and shrubbery do
Olin ppnauce Wale above described property Ls rOt
tcIJ soon, a will be Kurd for a MD. Alan t tor sap,
a lame LOT, wi Pennsylvania Beaune, at the end*
tee board walk. inquire of
Vallanbi• heal idarawbo mar /Alla
f t i zw;t h i r ig b f , rope t r:y or itec o l , “ ity . o , f o titral
neer, is offered far sale on ace.11011:41014 tamer
3 Late (brut{ wb-divisian of Let No 4M In the of Am
that city of Pittreurned having 20 feet front on al
•rn,k, .tract, u) 040 o . ot to etrawbeny alley . Mfg .
Urant street.
10 one acre lota frontons 0 41 no Avenge,
wide, running from Hoaxer road to the Ohio elver, a,
innunte rhilltpa's Oi Cloth Factory.
For term, enquire of I:IIA.RISEts. ECULLYOI
febietf or JAMES conAltA,
Barlmaa Baildint. ditt;:.
Valuable Property for 5.1 Sfi
ern) Lota on and Übe:lW suneti, In ON
ON Ward, 21 feet by 100, and odium% the. prame
&1.. arum Coolral Railroad. For terms limorre_„l(
nmr12.21 Llartes Building, Cher;
Till ,l oififitikiltßT6SOaitirMlll. Mr
TWO LOTS on Beaver street, in the oily
VID Allegheny, above the upper Comoro one
ts erected a framer butlding, two stories Wg eahallio
(or two muall tenentenDt The lots ma CAC
frt to front by one Itmadred feet deep, and nun " 117
to g a street forty feet wide. The boards/sq. on the p
mates seta pay a very handsome internal on the DM
Melia, and the property wBl be sold cheap for muthl - 1 1
Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk's office, U nn v„J. 8. sr ze
RAF 6 Cat,
TEN &mink. cost°. baria — for Salo.
ACR./.. OF LAND, eituated in Peebles iot
ship, on the Monongahela, three miles from Pitzp..
humh—in 10. colt pa/Th..4CM. For farther pareg•
elan apply to Henry Woods, 34 at, or to
nordBdt( 4th, above Satithfieldshi
Miens for sale the three rare belch
- - WarcltOon Wood street, occapled . by R. Tanner &
ant': Wat. WILSON, J r r
V Pull SALE —A Lot or Gronnd sintsto on Pegs
mreet, itetween Hay and Allarbury erten, adlolnliAt
the bnuse and lot now ocropted by Richard Ederard#,
boring a front co Cs feet, and In depth lAD feet, inn bet
sold 011 favorable Win, Title =exceptionable. F. •
quire of C.O. LOOMIS, Ch at, neer % r ook - ,
A DF.SIBABLE Bonding Lot in Allegheny eity,
11 rorably located, 10 sihe•hotti loaf a.; akg
writ ..old on .casninodining semi. Ingolre of iH
• fel& 1 B WILLIAMS, 1 - 10 wood tr.
RE:cr.), r;nr, in the second inet — lgic
nittii Wood wont hog
- .
Gl..AefitO b. tl.lO Wouitass Ulask :Arno WOO
do fro de 10114 do; SO do 21130 Mk, drr sale *
myle 8 I° VON BONNHORSI' & Co
1 RERSt—Havine made anangemenbt fox a ona.
otant .apply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will 4
n rs
lOW prone. Calf and Sheep Ritter Shut% Twee
Treescr. cke. Reeds, &mules, Hemp Twine Treadle,
No 3 te IS Belt Poncho., Wrenches, &tipping earth
w /r , in in; Patent Drama, 13,113he1a IVeavers' Idritad.
, &c. de LOGAN, WILSON & CO., -..
my.' On Wend meet, Fittabenti. •
N 0.68 , DU:SONO ALLRIC, , a
.. '......i - ....- frar loom below %Vocal streectd .
.• .....1, mazkeL
• . - 4 : - DU. 13n.owar, hawing beis
.• ~ 7,..... regularly edtrealed to the meah4.
~ • , . ~. proreralon, and been for wan r
tt , ~- tot ge neral prartice, now
;.,.• t.. hla ttention to the teem:ten - 11i
.. • , phomt. fee which d o oppnernrata r ,
,i. : . :::7.,,,L •nd expenettoa penal/arty quaky
te• , turn. 11 years us/dom./1y dertstrl
10 MRI 1 & treatment of them eomplainta,(dering
time be has had more prarnee and haa cured morel pa t :
denim than can ever MI to the lot of any prnratc itni;.
t ni,,,,, e ) Leapt ) gaoling. him to offer ..rtntneehit
fro„,,, romanent, and Parl.fartory earn to all •dPicp,_
wt. , . delteare e.0.m.., and .3 dmenaca aromn , the ti
Dr. Brown would inform nose adileted with pnvata
diseases wineh have became chronie by time or at
~seated by the masa any of the common Weir imstreunst44
the day, that eir eomplaints e. be radically and I/qv.
„, r ody eared; he having given his cared] attention k,
the treatment of such eaves, sad anereesied in hundrela
of Lastaneer la curing P. 61.01. of dlllaskolation of It. neck of the bladder, ant kindred diseases which oftais
result from those ones where minim have conegnila
them to hopeless despair. Ile panicniarly invites sub
ta have been long cad unsucecufelly treated by otititri
to opottoJt h im, wt.-It every sallstitelloa will harp
them, and their e2.teh treated 1.0 lelrefill;tbonthy:
inteligent stainer, pointed out by a long expeiriee e
study, and aresugshon. which it tslinpdadible for •
c o u n nydi m ot Le.. , ne ,. r4.1 prsouct of medicine to give
..Ell,l w.=t D r ,o c n1171.1::::11Z741
ulcer attention to this disease.
CANCERS al. eared
Skin diseases; also PP a, Palsy, etc ., speedily cuktio
Charges very low.
N.ll.—Pstionot of mai sek living at a distantiat:o4
-mating their disease in writing, giving al/ Shd ay e
toms, can obtain medicines with directions for use, '4ly
addressing T. DROWN, M. D., post /midi and 0-0011/wi
_ i ISO a Z . No 03, Diamond alley, opposite Mln
e ' tILR: Y.
__, V
anUltaltarbsta.—Dr. Drown', newly airwaves - au Riney ,
dy for Ithesunatind, I, a •peady and certain remody a r
thE i gnfal trouble. It never fail,
Privateand l . ,ansnlttng Rooms, No. o. . .
mond a
alley, Pinsanrik. Yd. The Doctor la always •gt
Mr. No own no pni
14. . .- - e
, 1
4I 0 t