The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 18, 1849, Image 4

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--p r p r ißmi - 0.1 - 7.4 -- .- -- ..dta... ~.-E%..: ‘ .
ittgaZA 1849.
Old Cri.insihod Lai.. 's '
ON TIM IMIE F.XTFASSION is A NA:. • • ss i 1
Mgt PrqriellOr 0( Cu. ,11 kllOVelt 1. 1, of Osnilitl I
il,. Boa . ts, in nor pre-paled In irrtn-, 1 1- , ,,..., 4.,-i.,,
Mari Ftelfita to all pout , . on thee Ir e Fs .entlieol
York Canals and the Lake, e r,„ ~,.. „
.„, ~,,...a t ...,: 0 ,
terras lad with defeat , tt . .. -
Thu cans In eTrIOC,IOI, ~'ll 1.. ~ ,, n1 tinit f
BEAVER and CAW:Ii Cn ll'F., i.elsi , . . rAtit7 - AIS
and Beaver, C M Reed • btn . Cl -1.- . t• . t.nit,,d...s.
116111 t
Bo a t
toLihe Lake., and 1e Trey 0tt•.1..
Boat e on the Yerk ran,' .
C. NI It VI :), Pi.s(ir. - ••• i s .,IC -ki.
Bidwell & broil, I, A r,r • 1... • ,
W T Mather, Agent n. halm tim• I. is,i •4,6. is I
CVldOnOnmilicla tii,ulG. VW. ,510,.• ....:
AisiGritittS—Vi • C Nino,- ..-_,,,.... J E 8 ilieli,
Sharpsharg; Santa d. botrui.„, ... I Lt PldthMer,..
Wen °neuritic - , Wir k. A or. ti - Zn lo C. Win I# - :;nr is,
glaruderieturts & Moran, Bonet. .., n,et, (~6, 1
Co; fistidat ; ,104 A Arjogrosig, Ltii o , ‘ 'Kirk ,si t lid a .,
Newberry, She.) emu lilseluri. di I, ~, ~,,,, Nr4 ,6,,.„.
kie, Kano, Murray & Dutton, kseto s, Joni, 1.1 g,i0,14,
Minna; A Wheeler A Co, New 'N .61 .1 4
Pitiebiareilt.and BIM my 11Ie Paelset.Litte
* ltitia 1849. 0 - Riciiti
~,,,..i. ere respeetfatly m otmrd that J, ,*.i s Si.
l i MARSHALL a CO. have fitted oat n ' tetur eral
splendid Packet Beats to rua Marin; the seissebi be•
tureen Blruntaille and Pittsburgh—the Ldate tC". th,edw
ed by three hones, and CUM ctiull ma,. . iiCFC.I.
madam passengers. 7
,ewitl,,,= ,— ., B °, '4ll.7illy'ecno,leF.P.;.";,'.l=
e. St. VEOIII Blairsmlle every Mond•y. Wcdo? . ldY ,
Thursday and Satutdas, at 7 o'etock , e et...P d l . E'''''',
az Pubdrargit the 50.0 day. A. two Li.. 11¢6 , 01.113
Indianan:ill meet the bout at Sialisburgl, both ata op•
ward and downward trip—potting I,,iitengem ttoEuts,in
from diet place in One day.
Freight tor the above Idot will Id. receteck. - et the
house of.the Beaune:es Lure, by 71.0. Fartntl4 CO.,
who are our authorimd Agents. An !might t4 . T4itted
tree or commismons. 4' 1.1 MARS lIAIA, A...rii.
.7NO FaftßtlN in Co, Agefit3;
Canal D.., Llttmly st, Putstiiqgh
A Beet leaves Blawsvitle.for Youngstown 3.ra. the
11.1111■1 of the beat—returns to boat in atorttina•Fare
from Pittsburgh to 'ionorndwit $V.— x cocks ed itiufire
of Boatmen's Line through: utYlLi.m
Plttoatrit:GlifetiximAait.-tiiiiii.'i, lAiit.
, .
anEMIIIB49 . r'-7:.f..7'.7:7,:.,.; ..01.:-.,;;,
For theTroasport.auon bf trngla to aiuiggiOni
Tomas BOSSIDG.. rharldalPhqlt,
TAME tt o , Conson, Piturbokb•
old arteblithell Line in full:opera,
r i . Ilea, the propiators are prepared with themnroad
eitensive arras nu to forward more handile, pro
duce, de to from Me shove ports, o n illueffMGCO2l,
with the regularity, despatch and safety .pcenitar to
Melt mode of Intrauon so onstent, Maim mu,-
adrenal' on the wa s avoided. ..,t
ISAR consignments y asd for this hoe recertitt char
repaid, and forwarded to any reirtrOd directions fire
of elisrse for emondulon, admit:radon on- cornea,
NO Interest, Erectly or indireetty. to steembeets.
ALCOmmunieWliomprnatmly encoded to ote*Pplicit .
lion to the follosetiteitentat 7.
lIBLVuhB7B Market ot.Philadelvrpia.
TAAFFE & NOR, Canal Basra, Plunlforgit.
O'CONNOR A Co, North to, Indranore. *Mg
---1170-AllrAl E.'N se 'LIN Sc.': ,„ ' .
.... 5m, , ,k., ,. 011.,,,,, itni,
..i.i.. 1849. .
For the.Ttamportation• of hte."..,:;;;:,
prrrtonntam, PIIILADELPIII.a, &..114.1141M1.titb..
Gonda shipped by dais fine, are carriairitiYout
• • Section Portable Boats. .. . :1.,
roffiliteribeis haring made arrangemenii in ease
- a *ant of Blend Tracks at Columbic,,lo . have
goods forwarded over the Radroads lot Otra so
as to avoid the detention that hoe heremfbreSoccaired
fortberrunt of Treats. Shippers Will find thahlotheir
advantage. No charges made for reccieinVor ship
pingOr for advancing charges . All goodi ion:warded
arniidespeich, and on ea renew - labia terms dialny oth
er Line. ..)0115 FARRE'rii.VoL
. , earner of earnd'and labertyyd, eifhpurgh.
P. K. FRI.T2i,b.I•Co;- •
Mehiltd.lan• Ins Market st,Phifl,ll l phot.
aalkiligir±lll /849 . ..::;g;? .--;!*
- , ,..;:r' -
EILNOWPELgt.PiSPO r ' .'...•••
Paorelerons, . 7 :t . ,
litaintroastr, Taos. BnFottan, L
Wt_ Moans., . 3000 a Dais.;' ' _
Cetuiacted on stct Sabbath-keeping p&etples.
Proprietors of dais old ...Wished One love
rp E ttt then stock in the most complete on*e.,told are
roughly prepared to forward Produce any kterehan•
MU to end from the Eastern clues.
i?. ;4-,
‘l,l7asrast that our long experience In tee Va... tog
boodeess, and zealous attention to the interehd,} or ea.-
hainenl, wilt secure to as a cant...move sod : torte:see
of*. patronage hitherto ertended to iiinghtaim I, no.
peparraligennina will enable us to candy' p,,,,,,
with the utmost despatch. and our prices sgshi alcv tv t
be Callon , as the lowest canard by other rkpoc. , l . ;e.
We been opened an °Mee in No 1:31 . Maiket sue , .
between lth and eth sta Phtlada, for or enliven:sac e
of _ tipper'. _...., .
Produce and Merchandise toil be rceeli ' ell, and 13e
warded, East and West,enthnot any choral . .. tor ~,r•
Alcrdi advancing freight. storage or corainiaunn
Billsn g,
or Lading ,torwarded, and t, ..ety .1.00 , ,an
P attended to. ... ..
7=aa, or apply to WM. RI attended
Canal Basin, nor Liberty & NV o ',or ate. P.ieirnb . h.
illNC.ll.khlti n.0001‘ " ,
No 1 and 274 Market ...te..,1, k , 10:0 ,,,
• 'Amt. - . wn ...,44 ix, 1,,,,t0
No 171 North browaol •tz ecti:ibd;!do..• •
WILL; Ali 'fISON,L t.. itge ,
mobil No t 0 Weil stn el . poi. ', ~
g i', .."." ail — Or Q. ilia ili:4;10.: ~.
• ' .-pressystal Pocket
atisiMi ,L tm
...e. ,
. ;- .
- . „•v
1549. -It.ti.•'t..
fEleladvely forPnefigero
tritnbie are respe4ly o on l
willco ,u : n l oi l
&a throughout tho Season.:
Tits boats are lies, and of a imperils . 0 4t, sop
which will give greater ralpfort.' The
ears arethe Men eothitrueman.
A always be in port, and tratlaers ore ,f•
gliestaittscall and examine them before &ogled-air pon.
l . isewhate.
isuirdnedollets thronglil One:if the boats
tha f
likvlo.l leave the landing topposila V. It.ts
wither ofFenn sweet and Cllll.l. every
ek,Mr - note 3) days. For Inforotanota , ap ply at lie
Mee, Atcmorguhela House, or to Is Ss co
larld7Soviet flosin
IW PORTABLE O POABLE. — SO - A - ..P . 4. EBE.;,
aagallitiaMi laC
• For the Trunepottanou et Freer t to - •
USLNESS on tine , ftnel being • nove"Oicromed, the
B Proprietors of the above Line reepo-ttidly infoint
the peke that they are prepared to receive end ha
ward Freightwith deavatel, and at boWeriCrates.
'They would also esti the attention df 'shippers Fait.
ward to the thetehat the Beats employ:o,k) , them to
transp,thlation, are owned by thorn and corarnondcd...y
expeneneed captain.
Shipper. of Meanth Bulk will find ifiderantaccous
to ISO by thie Line, as the eubseribe. titthp leash, - ar
rangements at Columbia no have such farigh . for 134-
tilmat• banded directly from boats to can t , ereby so.
nnearehouse handling.
Freight to Philadelphia goes clesiihkough in the
boo • ,
Nth. o
charge made for receiving thippirotZt ndintheing
BIER & JONP-S, Prilmetate ,
Es..t, SaVrtakstreet.
AGENTS-John A; Shaer, Cincinnati'. 1,14 luck Mc -
Cullough &Do. Balumom Dr , Steel Philadvi
lthis; Fronds A Thomas, Cot mina
EN Illislif&N CANAL & . .E 0 O,
latiMai lB49. allak
Plttal /WA to Philadelphia and ilialtfaiore.
(Faetusively Passengeta
TilEjlrablie are reepect for kly informed 'that tht, tine
wilrommence running on blonday.,"ketb March.
it. boats of thir Ulna ale of euperifit clatisovith
enlarged cabins, 'chick wilt give gretwei comfort to
A boat will alwayi be in port, and tgaielers aisle
quested to 011 and examine them before:segopit:4l,as
sage by other routes. They will leave - the finding, o p.
poeite the V. S. Hotel, corner Peon tor* and Canal,
every nigkt at9oleleok.
14nge--3* •
House, For ps Iv
N.B...The proprietors of the abolistalitie are ror.v
building an addiaanal Line of Packet-titan:l4o. above
one! about June Ist, In connectionail :the Prowl
's: Wails!' Road from Lewistown to
, tliijadelptila. At
that dmeapacket will every Wasting ond. eveu
log. Time throng:4_9i days. atchlO
For the uonspottation at Ateretranome,
6.00DS carried "on this Lime are. not uanthipried
hetween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being ear
to seatiOn Portable Boats ovisd land waer,-
shippers .of inerchendive. dip:tiring careful
- handling, this Is of importance . Nadkarni made for
readying or shipping, or for ativanciog charges. Ali
goods forwarded with dispatch, and C.L11;..., reasonable
tett& &by any ether Idea
Canal-Rda, Al
J r S Al DA.113,k Co,
marl W Market & et, Phila.
/011.14 McPADEN & Co, Format •
..e,s;sithl Comm
Mon Merchants, Canal Basin, Penn sr.;;PitUttrsh.
• •
• JAIXES Id DAVIS Lc Co, Platt MOS ' COM.,
ston Merchants, /27 Market end eatiuteree
PhiLedelptda. . tnarL
Ur"Adranees mind., by either of tkehlnite on Floor.
Wool and other merchandize eoa 1.
tZ,*?2,; .11Pula
taiiiol 1849
Agalsetsalasa , TrasasportssatezaLlnas
ro Paa.aema..rau /LLVD
Canals and Rail Read, wad
good order, we am pteparesl , :te fr• mud all
ad Marchand= and produce In Philmlelv , in totd
Bedmare, with proMpulest and de ippeN nz,i on n,
good taws as way other Line.
Co.( Basin. Pft2,4-tt. rilOhnreh.
Airsdni—CTIARLES RAYNOR: raladriPh
gaPI ROSE MORRILL h Cd_Ealumom
T WAY vflanciillT LINN.
Pa; latinirille, Johnstown, HuLthhiyahurgh,
all intermediate pleava..
Lim:will continue to cam War sku..l,
E S- WWII:Mit anal despatch, mat
. :;ias but .u.le .1
k. 4
Ilamsra-0. e. StrANISLTV losso, 7 lsittitlaugh.
D B Wakefield, J ohms/Don
John Miner, llollutaYs6Drgh; .
Jordon Smith* SS LIM Dr
Mal riSRL=Ljn.'CLI:,"JkAistY
burgh; John Ivory, Sonny Manallaa & Day, J.
• DriAkDo,Dhansville. meld;
d textreasi q,4keicat i.e.
simrarin . — p 4 , E ms,B e ave.,
mgr., new Cid Addrsild,r"ggra jae„. ;
• Il4•1,1•14:
QUEa" bey,' Ede, h.v.
pars•lc • dal Um L, co „m i ,: dating dao
„Odddsonged"Wggi u ''" ""' - Beaver Sae!
son ank. bo ,ft f y,.. l e
yy■ .llll.lthai rg u l ' inile et toD EAs In e n t f,°rlra°'
II CAc ead a i Ml
lII T - 7-irtO/taSamei - • J
tkriti; CkulelX.
, -
V t liapi CRS. They lb > 0
- 1,) Medicines of th e day."
Giungota-. snow. Oleo Map' 25, load .
6. El Sellars !think it ogle for toe berets of Other•
to elate rattle fans In relni
it, kledierne• ou lo_) our caec ^of au,,
I have tired your Veemi f ege inert, ta my own
in I One [lll nnkinenny lowan rine for ,tpeln ee larve
quadut es (say 1 to Mali worms troe two C4IILIC.
Lay/ 1111.-n nord your p,"rap 0
to, (afar, and Iltry Lave r• c eta r I endue J
Mr ellen destred
A. I ainn aged , eng II 1,411,1 lan able to
fhb I have tto hear ef Lava no ote
Your Inetheincs have been ined .. my • ".". ron of I
' lU:i n tro c iu e
rner'dt:;''s'n'd t O e " .Te.. "' red ' t a u t e
ext.:nen popular ny Fah , " r.-Immtnent
I Prepared nod
by F I.l.Elea. d' eh'
street, and sold by Di ugm•t• generally In t t o . two ~,
krs and s ne,ni
only true and gamuts LIVr -
Fnroar , nlO, Connl) •
March lath, . I
F.. :tellers near 4nr—l oink it y
to you and to the pubic es Ler. I, to state that I nave
b „ tt o gh t med ninth the ix et n. weir Aral lor Lome
tutu, tut so omilY that ober*. (orated assitstos,
yeare lem on' ln 11. Very Iloat
din arn:d u lf “ ei hmg fur sale by Alt
Snaremt an . yatellt:, Dr- It j& s tl ‘ n d I ' ,7lnt•TaZt n e d d ' l l o ;no tibia 6
a fan trial. 1 purchased one oda, hod found therrl to
De put e Let !hey Art recommende THE 8F.5T . 1.1
1 thit b.ll LISFIF, and aloftaldhg mar bole:
and the Stumm ha. entirely !eq me, and I ern lion '
perfectly well. Reqweelfall) 7011 re,
.3+l. bitterly, Match .28,1taa
treaty that lOm Persons [neuter:nal with %H.
Coleman, and can bear tenure:ly to-the truth of tune
above eernarale lt SHARP
The nientune Liver Pll s tin prepared and re...
R vd..I.I,FRa, No 6' M. and .or, rind by dtdeg... , . ,
to the In • n nine{
'TO Tit g .1, milt true and gen.
uine Enver Pills are prepared by I(El:enters ono have
Ms name stamped et blu.k aro the lull,' , a ,
bats, and his signature on tae oueele wrappert-Pall
others ate Colllll,Orfents, or bane donations.
spirt It t. --bliLlatk, Proprietor
lin.. JAY Autivk 11A LS A Its
V RUM the Reif ASA sltl's PI a *AI khow u and pop
ulm Clergy mmoi e Prntsarattt .htethotliEt ChM , b
The undessigised having I.tett afflicted duringthe pain
winter wllh a disease Of the at,•unarb, Solarttint II pre
•doting smat pain In the comacu rotten or twelve hours
without intertrilsalon , and after haven tried v.nurr
tednednes with Mlle rOert, was futniebed With a betty
o(Hr D Jay ncht (Amami's ,. Pa yam rho h... ar
Medals to the directions, and found .era:, an
otethenteelused the ram to atone it, •Un Wu( et . n
ales, and in fifteen or two. .sn ,tr tact
aeneatron ants entirely quic.ce Ole m ed. cin un- an
terwrodsumd whenemr t nitrations of ine at mooch Iv
palowete pereented, and ma pant: V. on suer-carrel ,
ed lit bottomed to tete the ine.,hett , t iner t
and sometimes in the =ruins andPa a ere wesio
health was so (arrests:reed, that the, suet re was .et s 7
ed from a lame amomt of opprealhe. , ~,,, I
far chimuses ofthestosmee and ware's, ASi
Al_legheny city .
For rale in Pittsburgh at the PEMN TEA `TOR
79 Fourth Erna; near Woad, sad elan t thallrug
Store °fill' biIIIW•RTZ. Yrdrnl 'trees. All , g
TES anIIAT 130 , ranT SW.
Consumption, Coughs. Colds Asthma, Bronchitis, Liv
er Complaint, Spoons Blood, Difficulty of Breath
ing, Pain in the Mde and Breast, Palpitate. of
Rae Heart, Inane..., Croup, 13rokeu Coll
aarelllOn, Sore Throat, Nervous Debut
111 ty, Sod all Disease
'V of the Throat,
Breast and Lyme:, ths most e r.
thermal and speedy cure
ever known tor my os
the above disc's..
es, L•
Composund Sy crap of 'Wild Che.rryl
This medicine ts :to longer among thou of doubtful
edgy. It haspusesi away from the thousand.. .daily
launched upon the ode of experiment. and now stands
higher m reputation. end becooneng more extennst.
1p used than ony other Prepares
man. et o r
reduced for the relief of aulienng mass
Rho been introduced very gemta ly through the
United Stale. and Tahnope. and there are few Warn" 01
importance Mit what cotain ., some remarkable evi
dence of Its good effects tor proof of the forecusne
natelnenta, and of the salve and effica...) ot th rot:h
ems, the proprietor walk insert s few on the misty thou
lasensottells wlech have been prelented to horn by
Men of the first respretahthry —men wino have high , t
mews of moral r aponailitlity and tamer, than to v.,-
Illy to tams, because it nil! do another a favor, nod
lhanilLlVell no lajUatiCe teetterlon} proves cos,
elusively, that in earprlslOC eleellener to p roves
by its Intrtooe metal*, and the u nquentonal le at thorn
ty of pubito attention The mate
di rehen it al
fonts, and they othing indurate ditrusrii through the
whole frame b its nee, renders a mon atty.-able
'remedy to the altheted
At:MEM - 6E I V
"When men, acting mom consent, aon. not ,
voluntarily bear leatnnOny me line truer on a at
particular fact, such tesarnonyt being centenary to then r
otldly interests sod 'purposes, roe In es ronvneuon on
In truth, and commends anett in a sperm. name. r In
universal cr.:is:nee Moral
.1.11.1. Alt/TEMA Can t s Or EITLYOIaar
Taere never was a remedy that hen been MA OW r • II
'tidespemio VINCI COnaLiMpnan, as Ur Svt •y he •
rompoUrld 2.jrlap of Wild Cherry, It rtreugthen ,
:y stem, pe to Real the et: on nu long
creating n
ewn and not, blood, power pos:esert lii e
other tnadlein,
-...__ Cumrsa Ca. April 45th. 1514
Di. Somme—Deaf Sir I verily be rove your C.on. I
Pound PI tap of Wildr-Cherry h , as . been the mean., or
.itTl'YlN:yriofrrae ,tainittuw.i% a " . s r e l t d ;e wh e l el ‘ gt, " 4 ",, t
resisted all h e remedies willch I bad recducre to suit
inercamint r Lary ea. exhibited ail the symptom , 01
Pulmonary ristrunnion. Every thing I mod seetiml
to Puerto effect, and my complaint me reared so rdpo • I
ly that friends 11l well is myself, gave up-ill hope. of
my tvecovegf_. A , this lame twos recommended nary 1
your isivaleable medicine: I did to with We own loP
py resells. The firm bottle Ind the etre., to loam the
cough, causing Inc to expectorate freely' and by Pm
ninel bad used six boulev,l. was entirelywekand um
now as hearty a Man as 1 Otto linan to my life, hod
would be hippy to give any informanon re sp ceting my
cue, that Miro! rude rees may derive sli,enefit for
which I mil so grateful. For the truth of the those
statement ,1 refer you ai Peter
Grout, West
chester4tof wbom I purchased meln
Posp . ally >nos s, .- • i501nir.11 , 1.2..m.
WOrtrierfma Cum of. it Iltedwii,* fit*trrsr. - 1
D. Swarm—Dear Sir. I fad a data of gr.ut.dowe '
to you--and o duty to the tainted g enerally, to offer ,
oxy bumble tutimony in favor of your Compoand Sy- I
repo( Wild, Cherry. Some three yeah since I was'
air with cold -raid i ndarnmation of Um I
Longs, Which rots accompitnind with p distrenung
troth, pain in the brawn moil bead, a merry considem r
In aisclarLo of offeuive mucus. nom the, hums, espc-
ciffilY oPearelrange of weather, bateaux - Might At
firetri Centro alarm about uty plea:ion, but was peen y
soon ermshiced MCI wee rapidly going Into coutimp.
daily weaker, and
aboveth was scarce.
r s'l O to Welt a b out, or speak • whisper e such
iiras-theabeediog werdwietleOf,,MYl.4' /1",,q, this
:late l luid.lxied Varier. preparations and presenpuons,
but fodnd err rellef—growingall the time worse. Juni
her lan advised and persuaded by a dear friend in
Wi to make trial olyour Syrup of Wild Cher.
il. I mat confess that pnrriouly I had been mei!,
thud against patent=affiance, end I me still against
those coming out of the hands lat Crape-rt., but under
spmoding your claire" to themerofession an
Factice of
Ihnitlielne,nind having Impl i s in the saying Of my
friends., I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your
agents, a few bottles, amreonduanced its use. hly &l
ease was at that time of Mot IP months' Mending, con.
requently it wee deeply-Ude& I thud, however,
considerable relief from theitzseof the first four pr five
hordes. Din being a publidspeaker, 1 freqttently au
tempted to preach with sat increasing strength, and
thereby pined those vessel thar. had elready ticgen
to haul; in this war, donbtless, my en= was greatly
tetarde.d. In consequence of acting thus imprudently.
I had to itie twelve or fifteen-bottles before I wail per
fectly restored. 1 have no Vernon, a much smaller
number of batiks would listMe made me sound, but for
above Indiscretion. Th.Symprallayed the fever
Mt habiktook aWny the distressing cough, put a stop
to the discharge of matter, from the long. and gnaw
tham udthe entire system good health. I boon defer
red aeries this certificate until nOsle, for the Poe t
of being perfectly utisfied with the pertaaneney e t th e
can e , a la haw that I feel perfectly well I offer n with
Omura. Su. 3. P. Joins-
+- N
N. C.
, --
isergssrtant Coarttov--Seark Read!
There is but one genuine preparauon of Wild Ore wy ,
and that is Dr. Swann', rho first ever offered to the
public, *lnch has been sold largely Umoutent the
United Stales and amen parts of Europe; and all pre
paratious called by the der cover
Wild .Cherry have
been put out since this, under cover of some deceptive
eiretionttallees, in order togweaurrucy 10 their miles.
By a little observatirm, no person need mistake die
genuine from the tem. Each bottle of the genatne in
enveloped with a beautiful steel engraving, with the
likeness of William Penn thereon; also, Dr. Swaync's
signatniet and am feeler security, the portrait of, Dr.
Swayze iwill be added hereafter,. QS to distinguiri
hls preparation froM MI other. Nose, ,i 1 it was not tor
the great emotive properties and knovin virs of Dr.
Sarayries be Syrop_of Wild harry,Cperson ,
would not be endeavoring to give conency to the.,
Che r r y . riutrumsn by Huang the, rams of Wird
Cherry. Remember, always 1.. tn rood' the flame.
of Dr. Swayne, and be not deceived.
Prillelpit Mee, comer of Eighth end Race mum,
Par sale wholesale and retail by OGDEN & SNOW
DEN, tor Rd and Wood stat a A PsiIIfiESWOCP &
Co, nee tat and Wood, and OM and Wood sm WM
PIIORN,-63 Market at; 0 JONES, ICO - lutrorty 010 As
A JONE S , ear liand and Penn suit JOHN kIITCII
- ghen9 oily, and by all respectable dealers in
1117trtONO INLIMNCE that Ltr 'Jets YNEtet FX.
CI. PRCTOR.INT thparior to au other reseed,. for
anight4,l,....uption,Droodlitia,esthma,asel caieePoise,
my that ths cam persons Who eethreeneed the
ass of thin their (unifies to pears Dun , prefer it to an
ether remedies ark. kind; and ethers stills. been induced
to try ether prepositions Miry hare almost invariably berg
ty,:repbtd ilia benefit shirk WY rellarlibll
Caltaraa from she high pliteabestowedhy the proprthers,
sod returned to the use of Jarets'itaurao•roiter,
a remedy that has serer failed to relit. them. ansterkteb
probably never kad assault in arrerting pidemearymeee.....
Prepared oaly 4 by be D. Jim Phiadelphie, strdSoW m
der•lnd&wtf 7h Fourth el
'TT -
Dr. W. P. latland , is Pram rim
DW.V. INLAND, of the Medical College a
bf Ptra.
selelphia, now offers no the puldlo ht. Indian Veg.
Plaster, the acetates of which,
tootanti toted "P"le.lee,bas been satisfuntonly es_
tabtisam. To all women who may Go afflicted nil,
rininputs , Uterin or Fallen Womb, he recommends ',is
plaster, betaranteeneg a sure and speedy cure In 11,
inert apace of from two hithee weeks., If applied
mire and rest—diseardingell the countless Matron; rlslf
Vldi expensive bandages so lung
Conitnialittinv in stating, inalutumb he haa not fa.".:
In one, ease out of three hundred and Gay-three pa•
Alen withhmtism and Weak Dream or Beek, et
tended pain, thorn is nothing its excel this Place,
in *fording render effecting a cum For sale by
L corner of Diamond aruf Market to
Bram & Reiter," Laierty and St. Clair tin
Ur 1 Sargent " Federal at and Diamond, Aii.•
shear eny
Jacques & Co, " Win= and Diamond Dinning.
Imm. • - hat
--• •
6. SKI.LERS, Draggle. No 57 Wood street.
Solo Agent for thosale of Dr. Townsend's Gee.
ruse Sarsaparilla, has just 'received 4W doses 'al !W.
Orval Spring and SumZer Medicine.
Parehascrs !should recollect that R F. Sellers is role
mop for Pittsburgh, and D5l Carry -for Altesheny
etry. 453
EA—Duplex Watches, made try the celebrated
COON . of London, M. .9.lobias I.d•erpool, and 6
targslissolrinent detathad gold and saver Levers.
=dilly the beat Gcrouralnanufatturets
Spectacles of all klculal Communion Ware in sets;
1341.1rftr, /Smelly by large variety; Silver:sr,
[l7" . .Watch repairing execaNd in the best manner.
yV 1 ,9 WILSON,
• In 19 earner Mutat and lin as
... .
gAoki) urs on . .n.prix-Ettipee, aiweaitim,,..
0 } '. nigatiiklV reigr u r
, •-• sat* Nalutizat ?.4 sis
._.....,:'-',..?.;• wir-1..:,----.r. . k
6 1t2.
, 4 .„.1i-1 .
.1 1 v-
~%."-i'l 4 1
47,:,:1i4; i :11 As 4
—,.„.77...,t1, :, ' .... 1..,, 44, .1•:.1"Pril:
IR ;
COIPOMII3 ..x-natT 0,
Woad, els 4 Ritnisig o f
Ttio pest extr.rthaary Zeal.. Is I. World I
Th. Ennia is rat is Quart Betties •It is
;Inn amp, ` hurt 4*, nisi 'cmsat!
',error to sy spa , 10 -Ls inths‘t
••••Stixf, ptFTR: , : t, Otheikumr
or dela', rig ths
The treat beauty end siteelarlty of thie Sarmpetilla
river another medicines tk•• while It era. • the die.
ease. it inviyormee the bily It h one oft. .try best
Yee, known; it net only p es the whole system, and
the perm., het It • 'arm ass, r7O mid reed
lieed s power possmsed by eh other medicine. And is
tdis hen the rend meant of In wonderful nieces. It by
pritirmed within the len two years, mere than 100.0011
mires of caws of disease at least 15,000 were
considered incorablk It tits raved the lives of mom
loon 10.000 children doting the two pest mamma.
10,000 roses •f General Debility and
want of Nervous Spero.
Ilr. Toonsetad's dereaparilla Invigorates th
ou te hole
)•tem permanently. To those who bare l their
mosculat energy by the effects of medicine or indierre.
two committed in youth, or the excessive indulgence of
I. tomatoes, and brought on a pond physical pron. -
of the nervous syetern. lassitude, want of ambltton,
fainting sensations, premature dotty and decline. beau.-
tor toward, Net fatal diem*, Conromption, can be •n.
tarty reetored by this pleasant remedy. Thle RMr
partite ot far superior to any
Invigorating Cordial,
d it rroesta and tollgate.. the system, riv..
th• red strength to the muscular system, Iv •
estrerrthuary degree.
assumption Cured.
C.c.s. mad Strew to Cannaspitas cas 6c rated
Urmakist, Camicamtiss, Lime Comiatst
Oissret, detisso Spittise kr Moat
&mug. in as Chad Mats nut, Bleu
Sonata, Di fficalt ar Invjus Z -74[1a.
~.rtes, Pais is its SO4 tr,
.1 • sin sat sas In noel
!la DrA Jpal SAIDED.
Da. Tartwassio—l rally alias tat yoar Sanaa
tit. ha boa the oars, thrash W0r1d..., of win
in7llr I haa An several years ha • had Cough. It
raw wen. ad warm At la t I &,.d largo vraati.
Da of hawA had sight Daunts, ad as gni
Wad ad ranted, ad did not upset to ha.
oar mai Tar BorsapaiDn • Awl Um, ad taro La
• o atrahl tango boa wrought la ma I ant now al.
art all oar da. I rrAsa Mood, ad my
...a la loft ma. Toa ea wall brae. that I am
Oath] Ihr taro rosslta.
1' tier elrodbeleerraet.
pH.bU$ 1.40 Cebbiseet.
V enable 135.billeb•
Dr. Terrsobad'e Clornaparille is serrerelye etta . 7 l /
it,. far lectS r ot Coloompubt., Iderrelbleee Pr
Ober, .s Fe tter la th e Webb, Cebireaba, Pllee ea.
orthies, or thee ebetreeted orldtbezbrlderatre.
bet, Ineentlesset of Odes, or Involutes, dbeherge
thereof, ud for tbe mend prebroles - ef be masa—
. C.... 7 whether the melt ef [Hemet same or taunt
prodeee <l. d by bregalutry, Mesa it Leaden . bedded
be be one aerpsl4ll4 them It. Isetpreeles elects
ex IT. 111=1. frosts. Pereexe of Irn- ein sad les.
tude, front %akin le al en. bum.. robust od full el
evergy ander lb Lelleceo. It laborfiletely edarberect•
lbs terralsrax am of the female drone, width le the mat
gamic al Berner-cm It win est be exp.eted of us, la
ay., of se dalliers wine, baltblbit 0:
rub performed but be cxx mare the eillered. the ,
bmdrsde of uses hovel:bee repabsd m n. Tbsecand•
if cease where Willies hare boom without eldldror
Lber agog • fee bottlee .1 Ala brrale•bie =ebb
Imre beea blebed with Ise beebbr of•Pexi.
To glotkerro mad Lad&
'Mb - Est:se of Bun
km been taxpe
to rah:rants to &sale emaphdata.
who boas tenon to a - apron aka to &ppma
settles! period, 11l taro of JO.' shoeld
take It, to It Is a mertala peeeselles 6r
noxeneotas an horrible diseases to whieta
üby.* na this doe orig. Ilde peritel
taped/sr .amoral peon ip salty tie
I. It Into raltmble fel those who are app
...hood., no It le calculated to aerial eau
amt the blood sad lneletorating the 07
aids medicine to lovelaabla (be aLI the
ies to which woolen aro sobjeet.
IL braces the whole aystere, ren+
ettert,es. by removing dot
body. ara no fir stimulating as to presto. soh/0.n.0 . .
relaxation which the ea. of
feedlot:me taken
female weakness nod Mamma By es iOf • few lionise ol
thin roatbearte. 7007 Invent and painful surgical opeis
nous may be pretreated.
Grent Blenning is Children.
•It the and most effectual meeiietun h
is purity
inn the •Via and relieving the sufferings attendant
upon child birth ever discovered. suungthem teeth
ihe mother sod child. prevents pain and dieemie.
rms.'s and enrich . food, those •bo have used it
think it m indispensable. It highly useful both heifers
end Om confinement, as it presents dimes. attende.
epos childbirth—ln Corittreuras, Piles, Cramps, Seel/.
u i g Of tha Peet, Despondency, Heartburn, Vornitim,
fats in the Pace and Loin., Pelee Pates, Ilsommhaeu
unit to regulating the eremitic§ and equalg the cir
culation it has nu erpsel The great heady of dile
medicine is, it in al•ays rs. and Om 1:1100 delicate use
tt moat stmcesafully, miry fee Cale• require any other
mealieue, 110000 a tittlP^astor Oft, or Ifiegnevie.
iteefuL Exercise in the al', and Light Reid ueith
thia medicine, Fitt always smear* • bah and rug con.
twat:My wad Health,
Comitedes, Chia. and a irmiety of prepays/now game
rally in use. when applied tn the few, very awe spoil it
of its hominy. Tiny Mow the pores of the Mie arid
check the eireulation iebdch. when nature is not thwart.
eil by die raw or powder, or the Win Milismed by We
used in were hominid. its own productieo to
the -human fees Divine." es well as In the garden el
reit and delicately themd a d varlegmeil Bowen. A
free, active and healthy circulation oR o heguld., or the
roor , Ang of the pure rich blood to extremitioe
that which paints the countenance to W. moat eaqui.
mite beauty. It la Lbw which tummy the Indweribabla
shades and limb. of lowliness Mat ell admire but
0000 100 &writes This hewer la the effapting of on
art—not ace...ceder or eoep. If Mere Is iota free and
healthy c irenlathon, there tan o Weedy. e lady la
fair a. driven .new. If she paint, and ton cosmetic.,
nod the bleed is thlet cold and mipute, she is not beta.
tifOL If We be brows cc
end Mare la pare and
active blood, gives a rich bloom to the cheeks, and a
brilliancy to their epee that is fasetwolog.
This is why tha onetime and especially the Sple
lett ladle., are ea retch admired. Lad si nce e north
/WO take bet little werdee, Or are c to do.
MM.., or hate Mated tlteLr earoplosion by the appli
cation of deleurtwe osistorm , If they wlab to re
solo ehaticity of map, buoyant aplrlts, sparkling eye*
ted heautifld compleximie they Mould tom Dr Tows
sod's Sarsaparilla. Thomas& who tome tried ate
wire than satisfied. era delighted. Ladle. •••sy
stance crowd our MSc* daily.
Notice to the Ladies.
Thos. tnat Imitate Dr. Towuseners Sampan/la, 1t..,
Invenably railed their Muff • great Arstedy for Fr
ad., A, and have °opted MR Mlle co elrolitar
whirl relates to the complaint of woo., 0001 for
—other caw who pat op medicine, have, wince the great
success of Dr. Townsend's Samaparilla le complaint.
Incident to females, receronnended 0.11.11 although pro
Woolly they did not A member of these llSstores,
An, are Insurlow to females; as they esfipsnata
and undermine the constitution Dr. Townamod'e Is the
00/y and best remedy for the xametrom Anode coos.
plaiots—lt randy, if aver fails of effecaml_a permanent
Cum It ma be taken by the want delude fecal.,
in any case, or by thwe co pectleg to become mothers,
with the greatest advantages, ar it the aystem
and preveuts pale or danger, wre=gthew both
mother and Be central to get the genuine
!torments Owed.
Tbh end !loam conclusively proves thn this Sena.
patina bal perfect control ono themon obstinate
ones of the Blood. Three petsun• cured lc orm boon
is unprecedented.
Throe Children.
Ua Toorteessa—Deer Elf t I ban the 0011.11111,11 10
inform yaw thearbree dor ;Wont hero hoe. cored
of the Berolbla by the Dee of your eseelbutt medicine.
Tbey trete aimed nay toverety with bad Bores bar •
taken only four bottle. ; It took the= away, for orbkh
I foal myrelf mule:rine obllptlon.
y"atut 1011Wooetaret.
Opinions of Physichuis.
On Townsend la almost daily remising orders front
Phyeiclanals different parte <tithe Union.
This to to certify that we, the undersigned. Plimicians
of the City of Albany, have ,a numerous cams prsiterilv
ed Dr. Toonseed'a Sarsaparilla, and believe it to b.
mee of the snort mailable prepared°. la hr marten,
R. B. BRIGGIi, M. D.
gamey, Alma t, lan. P. E. ELMEN DORF, t< D
T Owing to tba great *unto. mid immunise wins at Dr
d' r neraaparilla • number of men wbo wer*
formerly our Agent.. have commecmod making Barrow*
dila Extrat, Elixir, Bitters, Extrema of Yellow DOC
ke. They generally put it up in dm sagas tamped but.
ilea and soma of thew bare stole and copied our wive*
timementn—ittoy aro only worthires Indtatloria,
phould be avoided.
Pr!veinal Office, 128 FULTON &sect, Ilan Bundler,
N. Y.; Redding &Co-. 8 Siete street,
; t&
Pon, 139 North Second creel Philadelphia 8. 9
11. r nee, D r ogrut, Baltimore; P. M. Coheth Charleston
Wright & CIA, 151 Chartres Street, N. 0_ 105 Bohth
Pearl Street. Albany; and by ell the pritmtpal,arizta„,:r,alcly.n.thLosiightnit Curisd
iN ti—Persons inquiring. for this inedretne, should
not be induced to take soy ether Druirgists put u;
Sarsapurillsoi, and or enure., prefer their oVVII
De not 'be tleemired by tinr—inquire fer Dr Town
storl'.., and take no other. D- Remember the genii
In< - Townsend's bareepard a," sold by the sole ity,eilts
K. SELLERS, General Wholesale & Retail Agent
No. 57 Weed stern:, end D. hi. CURRY, Allegheit)
Ott . jehri
SO C/inck pulse, harking cough, gcuetal weltne...
restical sleep, variable appetite, mega en bowl.,
pains betweell toe •houlder _lades behind
Itasurste .5T.1,03611 or CONMITTII,3I- -Coughing
night and day, gabby smack., general iletoltty, peat
W0n..., at breath on gulag tap stair., ascending a
hill, or walking but a little fan. pulse alwayo above
one hundred, tor week. together, diettehing told
Meals toWarth IliOrTilfig.
Cotarrhal Consumption cram, on like a common
'march or cold, but shout lan period when that des
ease ontally is es peewit to sulionle, some Alf We spiv
tome are aggravated. The cough la more troubh.
cSpeCluity when lying down. 'niece ut no Es ed
pato la the chest, but dttlicult breathing, ishich is
Worst on lying down The appcarenoct of the eXpr
Wiener., whack is copious, is changed from a thick
yellow mucus, to a duniter substance. It is very ap
ple...l to the patient, and Clllllll an unpleasant smell
wit. burned_ It is of au tunform appearance,. and:n
probably a MISIIITE 01011 and 111.011, At Oil LLIIIIUt t
with water pan sinks and sonnyll diaCJite
may OCCI/Ll,l any habit or age, .d is charac
tensed by the peculianty of the cough.
The B e t o ein of Liverwort effects the cure of tai. 'n.
- disease by espectornoott. south+ and heals the
affected longs. It never fails Wherever this medi
cine hao Item toted, we hear of its sacceso. For air.
teen years it h. been before the public. end boo been
thoroughly troted for all complaints of the Longs, and
has proved aildi superior in mem to any thing in oar
We ought nye hundreds of testimomali from physi
chum, the pry., clergy, and those who have been cu
red, bat all toe dente
to call the attention of the af.
Meted, and Om their own goal they wilt try
Look mu for counterfeit , . I Always observe the sig.
tdaurre,"Geo. Taylor, 111 Ili no the engraved
and prepared at the Wholesale Depot, 73 Beelnnan
wheel, New Vora.
Sold in Ihuibatgh by 1 D Morgan 93 Wood at. 1
Tograsend,4s Market sr; II Srayser, cot Market and
3d air, Henderson A:Co, 5 Liberty at Price reduced
to MAO per bottle. 10019
4 Dr 7 r i 7 i a 7 a i 1
TI undeougned having been appointed Agent of
1 we I.I4.AWAIIi blescsz Savant lASCIIII-ICY COL.
Porn, at the place M . John Finney. Jr., resigned, re
spectfully informs the public and the (tired, and Cus
tomers o. ire Company, list he i.. prepared to take
Marine. Ininrd mid Fire rinks 011 Liberal terms. at thetr
. note, No 37 'Nab, street. P A MADEIRA,
I ntyl- Agent
II 3.13
USI, r1 , 1:::—I met Met 2 in 1 ply India Robber
riil . l4^-111Pi I retired for the Borough of Mum-bea
ter. mloun mill be held to more It, atem day. The
. Devon lb :311:g Company exmrsti a 1.1[414; a , .-tie (or
the Ore 0. partsuents of the cities of Pittsburgh mid Al
legheny to tali and egrunine and snake a trial to them.
The coini ail) . t . a n d
to put 11.111 Is.. an le•I :Le )
nook prover to conclude upon
','". J A. II PHILLIPS, 5 mood •‘
laliOnn Fun lllP. SCISSCRIPTaiN op STO C K
in Om Cullen.' lectrincu Company of Pilmbur 31.
will he oi eneil Its the ROOlll . 01 the Bonnl of l'rtole. on
, MC LI . :1 Nl.radny in November neat, nt 1b....10ci a ,
1 NA m Lanni, Jr Hobert Woods.
1% to It Nl'Clure, Joseph Plummer
S NI liter. Jo.tah King.
Joie. -metal - . A'irl. Roseburg,
and IL. D. King,
LI PARRS has invented a machine for washing
Il 1... id. for which he boa mark application for a
potrill. They are now offered for sale nt the ware.
houee of Parry. Scott St ru., No 101 Wood street,
Adventure , in California are inane.' to rail and ex
e the-0 In:.r-having ntarbuses Tbey are smote
thcir ronstrurumi, easily transported ou the back or
miler or horses, weighing eighty pounds each, and
can be pa, in operation in half an hour They can be
hhed with provisions. It is the °potion of those who
have seen the trial of one oflhese machines of am ine.
sue, that two men will wasn the mineral from IA
bushel, of ,ant or earth in aday. wtthout the low of a
pn sic le of the mineral. They can be tortyivased in 1112 e
and worked by water or mule powr, if - expediert.
The oprrhugh work wlthout going Olin the writer or
tietnix exposed to wet, and enushquently without en-
JaagerliN their health. They will require but a small
•Ireahl 0; Water. aid can he sed the whole season,
and cm lie put into operauon u whew there is not auth.
I cient Wt.., to wash in the usual way.
. _
Prier of •mallest rile 635 Orders from abroad, me
•ornpartieJ by cash, will he promptly filled.
IL PARRY, at Parry, S.con & Co's,
No ICJ Wood et, PittsituriEll .
15fuspratt di. None si,b• A.h.
TII E nLecrtaeraare now receiving their Fall stoc Ir
of the shove article, three ves•els, Ow: the Jurnam,
Medalltoi , and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphus
and lialumore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
Leda. shortly extvectea; they are, therefore, prepared
to receive orders. They will recetve during the win
ter and spring regular supplies via New Orleans.
novl3 W & hi MITCIIELTREF.
ouresr EAGLE 'TRIPOLI—For cleaning SVIT
ILL doss. and lamp glasses, 'liver plate, brass.,
tannin. nod other ware. It rapidly takes out all Imo
and reproduces Hie beautiful and durahl
I Lt.], of new ware. Just reeenved and lot lde, w hot .
redo and retail, by JOHN LI 11OR(ifN.
\)TI H . HAAT~IAN hnrmg cold hi. inter
IV en i n
Co., to the remaining partners. bar Met day retired
tram the hem. Pebruary 19, 1919.1 t
twit 31AM.Fncillte , —Thu under.
signed. Agent for the manufacturers. ha. on hand
11/Id col,nuLly rereiving a full supply of the ann.,.
made In Pittsburgh mud ‘icintty. which he offers for
sale at manufacturers prices. GEO COCHRAN.
feb,lo 213 wood Ft
NDIA It 3 . 1113F:R PASTE-1 gross bottles India Run-
ti er •Pa •m. exrepent article for rendering tmote
and oboes pertectiy wafer proof. and roll as a piece o
cloth. One applvention oftills pasta Is sufficient to
atltake them nymerviou• to water for or 3 Months, an
perfect preventave from the leather cracking.
Reed and for sale at the India Rubber Depot. No
Wood ,r. J A H PHILLIP.
ENTION to 11011clied to no anurety
of RAILINU, mode of wrought iron
nt pealedrods. or wire, arid esp. wig
closing Cottages, Cemeteries, Balm,
winds. Ac., 01 prwes 'sermon from ,s 0
,• h e ,u[milik Mot. it 16 Mode nu panto,
phs io 4 fret lost., v. au wrought awn
square. 0. Mien - C. l g dl3.l:LlTeen of
drum... the panne, cats he modest 133 y
• ronunucnia ;pan! of Rot h./ feet, with or
• osta. No extra charts.. fposts.
nap s
tightness. great strength and du.-
. • the WIRE RAILINts , the beauty ot ua varied
• 3, al designs, together wult the extremely low
• which n w sold, are causing it to supersede
s.t ItOri Rai Illg .heleVer their .mmpararave
„ b out beeno.sted For further particular , hd
NIA RAII. I t. i murrti F:R.
, • .
Agents for Patents..
Diamond stie , near Simthhol,l l'utsburs
)11,CIARVY.r. OM
Cam, front 1.2.1 Vole 1111.nrotti. 0
:t• •,
d..d to ot r..rket poet. meld:44ly
fj FA . EA V I - 1 , ni.; - u:k NTI. the 11;:er Colvc;ilVi'r4.
"..; Fourth street—
h osno cover. Plain Tutkey Clunt7
do do rll.le Flg'd do do do
Wor.teil do do do do Borden.,;
Blue Dan. n-11, Carpet Dind,nr;
I I •en more , n
• ALSIP.— , arnits 'AI..
To du:,
de,,de........ .to do
Ors per. Clo !le,. do no
Ntoochem V,-o, do do
Laflamme.. do do dn
T thos,,.. do do
Cord sod T...k. noters and Slam, Rack Bolls.. Buds,
The above lie,,: , are of the richest and newest
atylea, to which we invite the attention of our (menus
and customers, o_ll those wialung to fummti or re
plenmh steam Lk.. And houses.
7\l4W - CA 11.PET73.-Reeelved this day darted tram .ol the manufacturer—
New myle Tapestry 1 ply CArysets, extra roper,
do do do do super;
do do Brussels Carpets;
do I.lroaselMl, very cheap, do
do rich colors autser Ingram do
4-4, 3-4 and ceavy Venetian
44, 3-4 and ommon do
All of which wit • a sold at a small advance, and
w ill guaraotec ma low as can be purChased In the east
erZ W M'CI.IIVTIoAi.76 Fourth se
FROM the very liberal encourage:
OM, mentthe vabscnber has received since
he hes locales] himself in Allegheny,
has induced him to take a lease, for a
term of peon, on the property he now
=Copies, In-Beaver Street, Srettledielety beside the
Presbyterian Church. From the font experience in the
above business and • dealrete pleaae, he hopes to met
it and receive a shore of public patronage.
Now on hand and brushing to order, Rockaway Rag
gism, open and top Boggles, and every description o
Carriages made to order, from Bevenry-fi•e. dollars •
eighthunaret fsepßedtfl JOHN SOUTH
" -
The Allegheny Cemetery.
AT the annual mecung of the Corporator. held o
the nit ussL,the following pers . onS were !ham
ovally sea:mud V i mea s lo r r a t o‘ tag . c e.,
J. FUMY, Jr.,Sceretary and Treestlyel.
The annual statement presented Me affairs of VI
Company nt • very prosperoos condition. Their orhe
in the city is No. 37 Water street. icle
- - -
Fast side of lite Diamond, where Ventua
lintels of all the different aleslnd rotor
are kept on hand or made to Ord, one
the latest and most approved Eastern lash
fonaat the shortest notice and on the mos
reasonable terms.
Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa
rency and Paper Curtains of all the different eters and
patterns, an hand and for sale low for cash. Old Vent
nein Blinds painted otter and repaired, or taken in part
payment for new B. M WBSTERVELT, ProZn
N. B —All wok- done with the best matoriel and
workmanship, and warranted to plane the most Ins
-1.11110.. angld-dly
Allegheny any, Aug 10, 1810,
Omen •1 the Exchange, Balmore.
It ti
EDUCED FLATEN—The charges lint, been
ced on all Messages b tu or from Baltimore, POI.•
burgh or rt'heelleg, nod a corresponding redertnni
made on all telegraphic despatches forwarded from 11M
onions West or Pumbergh, It.
ft. —The harge for a telegraph despatch to or
front Baltimore, Ntosburgit and IN heeling, ts 4.5 cent,
tor the tint tea word., and cents for each additional
Icy No chug , ' is mede for the address and agna
Until the completion of the Knoll Western Line et
Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn., to New (Olean., des
perches an be forwarded to 31eMptris brthis mete. and
ITIRIIe4 Mr New arleena. lel I
P UvrNrnMEur
AVoolorotrt, for the manufacture of TIN,
AND SIIEET.IRON WARE, on the corner of Robill
-1100 ALIVeI arid the cerwl, In the 11 , 1 Ward, ALL./IFNI
CITI, where , ag.: yreporrti 10 furnish to order,
wholesale nod retail, all articles in their tine woh
I'ollll4y Trimmings, and Carper:Oars' orders are •Di
rioted, whieh will receive Immediate attention.
Coy in Allegheny, Feb. Ide4ii.--stOor
LA N I' A PgR--
1 lel, vrw in the Hattie of Monterey,
r. r. Cerro Gordo;
Feta do Pane;
Chase de Lyon;
tJarde Francais;
" " Col C Auvergne;
The above is suitable for papering large public
rooms Just recd direct from Farts, and for sale at
the simehousd of
f 11 !LIE 8--Chemleal Lapud for washing
1 clothes, carpets, silks, punt and fine furniture—
saving half the labor and dwperising entirely with the
washboard. The finest. Wilton carpets, alter having
been in see eleven years, have been perfectly restor
ed. without the shghtesi injury to the fabric, and with
out removing teem she floor. It will not injure the
cloth. Direcuo. .companying each bottle. Frier
8i emits. For sale by J 801100:16LAKER Is Co,
in VI 17i 'Mad at
• Idorato POtalii, b lb. bottles;
_I_J RI4.- Quin Acid do
If Fpo. Satoh. Soda do
L. Nit SlBroutb do
Craw. do
tirmvillo Lotion do
Chloroform do
Jut racm ced and for de by
& Co
9t.J4 0 71 . 5i
B•n&er•r &4c hangs Brokers.
• • • - -
COLLECTIONSDrafI , Nutr• and Areeptnee•
payable In any part of the lintoo. collar te.l on due most
favorable irrtaa.
EXCHANGF: on New VnOe' rh,..adelphrt and Bal
timore: a w. t ' , atm I.ouot and
Ne•• Orion'n e 1131.131111 1. lOW tn,
RANK Norys a:t wiernt hank. In the
:no rate , Al; Inds
Forelga al,
.llut auJ
or VI,
B i a L g ." :
Arno, Dran• par nide in Oily part or tne Count, ICS,
from 11 io 11OUO, at 11,e ruin or Are 1 .rtertrnn,
ur!hoot deduction or di/count, try Itrelll. A auBiN
BON. //Irony nn arra Gerrersl Agent, adree nth ol le
door ac., of wood. vilea
•.1.1.V.ri ...CUI
K.B.ANIK.II RAILII I I; vr000'0000
13 in For and Doonnaue kills or Etellnitrtc, Ger
uficatra or I)eponne, Batik Non , .cl Coin, corner ..1
11.1 Wood Ktreets, dirt , oppo.tre Sr Charmer, Ho
tel. nny
w — gsV O idlE hm itrvu NUN.—
I .1
Bank Nolen;
purelsased at We lowest rates, be
nerl3 3.5 Niarket .Irret.
()ILLS Or kidlIAN an -Sight Cheri" 0.
Nrw York.
Ptbitulelphi& slut
Con•ttonly (or Salt by N. WANKS & SONS.
sepl3 35 Nlmket aL
BOOKS. ' 6cc
N E D W D B2O 4 I?-- ,. Coniplere Works of John M Mason,
Nlardi and a Viiyage Dither, by Herman Nfelville
Border Wariare or N Nork, by W Campbell.
Heren Little 1111.1 Them a Link. by the tour of
upon Line. end Precept upon Precept.'
Memoirs of my Noah, by All e Laniartnie
Iliustraled Lena of Franklin, part POI, D. received
and for mac by JOHN:MONik...ITYJCICION,
corner Third and Market iits
VEW EfOOKis— lir. Coventry's Work on Epidemic
1.1 Cholera, its Ilittory,Causea. Pattiology mud treat-
Philosophy of Religion. by I D Morelli A Al
Bourne's Catechism of the Steam Engine.
Chamber's Cyclopedia Ma t e s. lign Literature, 2 ehli -:=117..._.--!_-
octavo. tiros
M i se r.edito steel pl M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT
Chambers' cltun y at Useful and Enter:tuning
~,5.,---...),1-..........., CONTAINING N O
Knowledge-In vole, 1 - 2 mo !doomed. , -tt , •.*Pr iW.....i. AIERCURY, or other Min
Advice to Young Alen. by T S Arthur. gilt. .., % a / 4 •-- •,, .F•
end, - It Ana power to
s -. Young Wornen, •• " "
.. -. : •• - i ". Xi fer - ls-V cause all EXTERNAL
Factoring of Alvteorology, by J. IlrockleiLy, M A., ,gfi --", - '.."")-- • BORES, SCROFULOUS
envrag:mg.. r-i, v -n " , ; y.i. - HUMORS, SIGN DIS-
Proverbs for the People, by L S Magoon.
University Sermotii, try Dr Way.. ..y . , ..
-..,.) ...,-- ..'t WOUNDS to discharge
} Holy Holseen Lectures. Mr ls4G-7 -`The fitness ,__- -..'.
ig r " •i k
.:. ...- -_. their utrid matters and
of Holy Scriptures for au:aiding the spistual .tf.. of E: - - -n.. -- " thenbed. them. '
wen • I vol. -vo _. 4 It . rightl) termed
No. M 1 Franklin'. -Life, dlustratesl ... I . . ..- - ..,:_, AI. L g HIOALING. for
Received tuts day by R HOPKINS,
ap24 Apollo Building, rth . ti , ei - i; • • `.... there is scarcely a dis
v -
-- i ) . 1 ,_,,,,, . _,, rue external or internal,
XTEW PUBLICATIONS-Essay on the the Union go).---'i'it7PW.AY.tiii that it will not benefit.
IA of Church and State. by Itapost W. Noel, Al A. -`-....,. ..7.nas.W. I have used tt forte In.
I vol. 12mo.- SI .da. .1n enure edition of th.g work sixteen years n or all diseases of the 0h... involving
tag so'st in one day, ou its pub: mutton in London! the am.. da and responsibility, and I declare
Leaves tram Margaret Stntth'i Journal. In the Pro- before heaven and man, that not in one ease has it
`more of Massachusetts Bay-167.... I vol. 12mo 7bc. lulled to benefit when the piatent was within the reach
lloyt's Poems.-csetc hes of I..fe end Land..., by of mortal means.
Rev. Ralph Hoyt-nets ed iit oats, I hate hod physicians learne e
d in the profession. I
stone. I'2olo SI ditt knave min
ister.s ate gospel, dud gs of the bench, al
-1 A Cateehtsio or me Steam Engine, illustrabve of toe der - nen, lawyers. gentlemen of the Ingham erudition,
"innis'nn...o.... which Ire operation depend., and multitudes of the poor ace It 111 every variety of
and the practical detail. of its structure. iii AP apphi.., way. and I here has been but one voice-one universal
401110 11111101 1 . [Ruth, strain navigation, and mitten,, von, saving -- M'ALLL•rr Ert, YOUR OINTMENT
wash venous suggestions of improvement - by 1130L111e IS GOIIIV"
C. If. I voL 12mo. :Sc. RHEUMATISM -It removes almost immediately
CLeevel'a Lrettirer On the Pdgrou's Tragic i.--11, w thr indatriznalJon and swelltng, when the pain ee1....
ed. litrno, Price reduced to 51 PO t Rend the directions around the box l
•Iltie C. 0... a Handy l'iatUre. l'ait I. I , G. IDEA lb AC II F: 'rho .. re hoe cured pernont Of the
Franklin's Lite. diustromil. Pars It'and V F. '.. head-.rho or twelve years standing, arid who had it
25 resUlti every week so that vaunting mot place. EAR.
Tem..' Historic.; by Prot Tyler-12nio. For sor'e ALLIE. TOOTH-ACHE, and MILE IN THE FACE,
by mcbiLl R HOPKINS. Lb it arc uelped with Id-WelC
- • ••
- • • • SC ALL/ HEAD hove cared cases that actually
Sole A germ y for Nosing & Clark's P i anos, th .„,a . ~ ~,,.,) 1 ~,„,,,,,,,,) well ). , h „t i lli t , of fil..
NMlt-1.5T RECEIVED end W.,. n to en to .writly doctors. Otte in. told .he had Ferro
no. of elegant Pianos, tiro. the Artai on it,. cloulren withou any benefit. when a legs
celebrated factory of N turns Or Civil, b u s, o f ointment cured them.
N. Y., comi t long 0, el and 7 octaves. TETT - Elf-I'4M is rushing better for the cure o
with important Improve" -Nei", both oi mechanism I-4 Tn.,
rWrinr, possessed by no Other, BURN: , II II nut of the best things in the world fa
ALSO-A fine selection of ChlCkering. Pianiusts.i B urnt .
Gto 7 OntuVea. 11. KLFLIE.I(,. t.,1.. AFent., - PILL'S •Thocreands are yearly eared by this Oint.
nil W Wnindini. ' in -fi *Tin " . ronit It act an fwla in riving relief for the Pd..
Nli The-iii ' n ` 'al I.e cord ...........' s Pt./ Li:
n , Around the trod are directions for using Al-A
ce s without any addition for treteht or expense. I /Lie, Oincenssefue Scro/li/ei,Lactr Campluini, Erysips
mar in Journal end Chretucle ropy la.. Team Chilblain, Scald Road, Sore Ryes. Quincy,
PLANOSS. - .5.. , ie Th - oar, 13,11/1.011.1. NeriXoui Aftc.e.Orks, ao. u
A SPLENDID agsonment . eu . ' , , `Po. , 1 4 . 4. u: .M -..,D.1.n. ' En " in.•. '
cony and Rosewood Pianos, ni•t f o . 8r..., Cuss, aU ihiuvri of tar Ski, Sore Lips. Pio,
fenisurd. Them instruments are made./ 7 , ' .I , • , •tesCiwg of the 1 - , .'"• {""''.., n-in. ` .....
lite ...est pattern and len mates.). P..., raid Pert Ciro., Swell. oe BeoLso Began, Topa
and will be gold 10ta for rash by l sir , Alp. in the Pars 4.5. ke.
F BLUAIF- lid Wiwd stabst i it,. FEKI-Liver Complgunt. porn in the Chest
_,,t door above I- idh. snit bid, toning rig of the hue, or the other acconopo-
NB . Thoge who are in 1 /1•1V11 ot. mood Instrument ni, iiiii ton. iThi• Ointment is the true remedy.) it
lire 1,111/1•0013, invited in cr. - tine thege before bus ii .. •ort •..•ii of disease to hove cold met.
i' t... , ol , where. as they cannot be e s eethot .., s r ,- ti:ORNS-Orrssional use of the Ointment will ol
ili , c 00..), and will 1... -Gid ,owrr than 10. y ,r0u,•1.. w.., s kr. ~ 601111: trout People :trod never
(0301 ILI' V-0 1 .1 MKO,, , tvi cited, two mai.. ot Darn. be I. ot . i ienit them tf they use it WegiumirlT
burgh .... l ie. , ...anted to be suites, si wry .. r Its inn tment ig good for .try's par: LI the body
te - t Lt. Elt or _to- s. is airo indsineil In tome cases it rhould be
t A Ll lON-No Ointment will be genutne order. the
tissue 01 JAMES Mc ALLISTER a written o ich a pen
on , very lout I.
For sale by my Agents in all the prinmpol ewes iind
towns in Ili , gaited States.
Sole Prone. , of the above medic..
IT - f- Proloput Other, No lb North Third street, Phil•
Auaregs is ok. Renee, comer of
Liberty and St Clair au. and L Wilcox., Jr, corner of
Market at and the Diamond., also corner of 4th and
Sinithileld vas; J II Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn
ars, 6th ward; WOl/01 1 1 at the bnahsnore In Smithfield
at, Oil door :Tom :nnoad eS in Allegheny city by H P
Schwan , _rid3 Sargent; by J In Smith, Druggist, Dlr.
naught., I/ Argley, Last Liberty; II Rowland, Al,
liresport: 1 Alexander A Son, Monongahela City; N
It Itow inun a tin, and 1T Rogers, Brownsville; John
hotel. -. Leaser, lig, tire wholesale agents.
ter 27 deadly
- ----- -.-
. .. _
'1",,v;:::: - ,', - ,.:Alz,lAtTa.",TN,''gr.° ~ ' ,";!...1 ".!DT.'
tiNS, ...
olaria , ad a!td act porfth 1. d by
N!,...r -
Nltireh A Whoa of Oineintratt Tt, lIKUII, et. 111 1 ,4,4
1.14 extent be my U. lour oollivr, Ales... . St A NS
111 seoor darter atilt OW grim rill de• or demand
Lave ea tend, d the .vale of these instrumaina to 41 maul j
ellt, f, octave. tun. making it yr:ie.:aloe to parlor ut
upon them any stun.. written fur the I mho or Organ 1
Th. e rierior a 1.., kiwi Leen lunch Improved Ly plactug
the body of too luthrnmeni upona cord trot, !runt
heaubfully bronzed and ornamented, rendertng cat
1,113,1, a 11ib1,.1 elegant nod earremsty dc.irable eruct,
The lyric, in poi •o low wi to bring it within the rent
of every row to Lanai. a periect musical inuremen I
and, at the same tune, a most elegant piece 01 turn/-
tale time a companatore Ink. IL KJ-ESER.
At .1 W Woodorely.
USPAT NfUtili,Al. SiiiVF.l.Tl —The aulwetilier
an. , jolt reeeived traid Europe. and fur .4.1. a
l I . lUll ll'y n. w inv.-orlon o 0 Forte. railed the ('A If
IN 3:T NANO FORTE:, which poeswiung more power
and sweenutas than the .quisre I . ltlllo, mr It hut too.
fourth a. much room, and w a natieh 11101 . 1 . showy awl
li•oilsome pieeefpf furniture. It is partietuarty denore
, hie where the saving of apace to stn object, being et
eeedingly heat sod comput, and occupy tag no more
rm than a small side table. The lubscriber has in
hand a truumonatl of it 6 superiority from the cotton,
led vomit, Moschdlea, In la. own hand WITI.Inf,WILII'II
may he invected. 11. Kl.Elih:Fu
nettAt 3 ‘ , l \ Vuottweil•
Chickerines Plano.
fernJUST received And for s
Ylale at man
ufacturers priees,...Parstthri new olla
Fortes, 6, 01 and , octave. of the moat
elegant patient. of fu mita re, 'mid with
the late improved scale.
Also on Land and for sale low. 3 second hand Plan.
Sole Agent for Chtekeringhi Pianos for Western
Pennsylvania, et Wood street. mare
_. .
EW MUSIC lir HENRI llFilik-LThe Low Bow
JA of Summer, with an introduction nod Militant va
riations for the Piano Fort, as performed in ail his
concerts in the l;nitesl States by Henri Hero
hlthinry Polka, by Henn Her;
Comte Polk,
Silver Hell Polka,
/ow received and (or side by
inchl3 JOHN H MELLOR, hi wood st
• - • -
AND SOLFFAiLSIOS, with an xecompentmern for the
Nun-forte, ndapied to the wants of private
or eirases in vocal mote. Selected from - luJian,
French and +estrum composers, by Lowell Mown:
large pages of closely printed mute, contsuning 1.06
aseremes progressively arranged. Pica 75 cents.
Just rectuvesl, a supply of the above, dawn from the
publishers, by JOHN If -MELLOR,
ntchl el wood st
1848 .
Coal Packet—SWALLOW, Cant Ford.
OCEAN, Capt. Walters.
9NE of the above Packets leave Beaver every day.
Ciudday• excepted) and arrive nest morning at
arren, where they ronneet with the Malt Stages for
Akron and Cleveland. striving isi eaek of these places
mime One of the Pockets leave Warren daily.
ms Y. ~d arrive at Beaver in time to tithe the
`f=i`,PirN l G'VVir w-
Al B TAYLOR, „ e°, Proprir rt
s,asal Packet—Prareirttvatna, Capt. Jeffries;
- '•
/all Sala, u Totby;
Pauli:tom, " Sayer.
The above new and splendid Passenger Packets bare
miming between afr:Avlat AN D ,ERIE.
and w•II run regularly during the .coon—one trout
leartng Erte every triurnlng at 8 o'clock, and one lear
n/a ;leaver every evening immediately after the at rt.
gat of die steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh.
boats are new and romfortably formatted, and
win tun throngh m forty hours. Passenger. to any
opinion the Lakes, or to Niagara Palk. will bad ibis
route the most comfortable and expeditions. Tmk
through to all ports on the Lake can be procured by
appsymgdo the propnetors.
BRED, PARKS sk Co. Bearer.
JOHN A CAL/OBEY, Agt Pittsburgh,
cur Water and Smithfield sta.
I'S —Jas C Harmon, Buffulls, N Y
C Al Reed, Erie, Pa.
C C Wick, GreenvilLa L Pat
APParialW and King, Big Rend Pa;
Hays ht Plumb, Sharps burgh, Pa,
W C Malan,Sharan, Pu•
D C Mathews, Pulaski, at
R W Cunningham, New Castle. Pa. Jyy_
ri , HR Propratora of this Lute have pot on New Sloes,
and err prepared to forwoul peek ages or all de.
seripnorw deify, at the lowest WO..
J C. 811.1 W ELI, Agent,
Water Street, Pumborgli.
octal lii South Charles et, Baltimore.
Pa/110SW at and Ualnittaxiee 081
iafrIIANRDEN & CO. continua to bong persons
om my part of England, Inland Scotland or
w o k, upon the most liberat terms, with their
anal punctuality and attenuon to the warms and com
fort of emongrente %ire do not allow our passengers to
be robbed by the ewiedling scamps that Infest the *re
pent', as we take charge of them the moment they re
pon a...pia., and see to their well being, and
apamh them without my detennun by the first ships.
We my this fearlessly, as we defy one of our passen
gers to show that they were detained 48 hours by us in
L onths, iverpool, whilst ftiourands of canon were detained
u ntil they could be sent in some old craft, al
ram, which too frainently proved Moir coffin..
Ve intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost
what it may, and not act as Wall the ease last emown,
with ether oftwera,--vertio either performed not all, or
when it salted thew convenience.
Draft. drawn at Pittsborgb far any ram from
yam, payable at any of the_proYmerel lianas in Ire.
laud, iMglemd, Scotland end Wales.
European and General Agent,
feta Fifth sweet, one door halo. Weed.
YEATELaur itunisoNs—a...ticerainintfebition Kin.
wits, 87 Market meat,
30 pa colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted colors,
30 tt black "
8 " embroidery Gimp; tops wide, Piton, be.
17;W—rrrS 11-17 bbill fr*,llllo Teed 111 — a - 1 TO!
jAki isl 4 1,7 Tort AIIkiiATKUTIG 0119.7 .hit
'ooratuan & ap
ORS, Sc.
~•, ,t,, .euporlanre of the Pain ESITILCtOt 10 every
Fa - rases Omen, Albany, Sept. I
M lint rev My Dear SIr—WIIII reeling , of no 0r
.112n pLett•El re I taddreas you at relation to the btaaetii
I has wee,.r , l aom r 001 invaluable Pain Extract.
lIIN liallOACI, year• old, had ap r
w.:wr turned .ato her bosom; her scream*
e :, rcadful. mat r rowd tustaatly fathered be.
torenoutr tu learn the eau, orate terlibte acreatua
I 10,. r loth, awn under. and wola 'Tread on Your
ht..' She we, ear: t,d and laud upon a Ind- Sae
wta..oon 011 e ved Irma her, and says feel
ti I could laugh." and was won au envnrl ./Cbp. She
Was ..aided to a Under loom the rapro of her shoulder
ore, a tore than hail her chest. and un ututer Ike
:rota On the shoulder arid breast it was veal,
rt morn the tart hour, she complained;l thy when a
ae Jrr•ncd. 'Phu sore healed rapidly, ere it h s
coo , rat,on of We muscles.
SV,th many wisher, my dear ..i . for your sneers
the sa. , 01 this mighty naele,
ain ) o u rs, with respect,
The genuine Dailey, will ever produce the game to.
5111111aiieou+ relief. and soothing. cooling effect, in the
severest eases of Burns. licnikl'h
The Coutiteriens—no natter under what names they
may appear —always irritate, and increase the pain.
I. Edward P Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin flndge,
Commhot roam. N. Y., hove been elllicteil with rhea-
muttonmy breast, feet, and all over thy body, for
s• 1 years, that I could not stand, and was cured Ly
applumuther of Dalley's Alegtcal Pant Extractor
EDWARD P. 1101.11E - .1.
Dane k Su —I —I cut my anger with a copper nail,
pomononti nature of which caused my arm to swell
et rttly, with constant shooting pains up to the
•thiaider. A large swelling taking place at the arms
pt. with knerraa/llg pant, I became tearful of the Loeks
mw. In Om extremity your Pain Extractor was re
rouhneitdeu to me and which I was prevalled upon to
try The consequence was that it afforded me almost
nista in tenet'. and in three days I was completely cu
red JOttEPH HARRISON, New York,
corner Broome and Sullivan 1.1.16 Sept s.lthltl
Hsu.. it the Inventor of this invents
able remedy. and never has and never will communi
ate to any hying sit the secret of its combination!
Ail Extractor, therefore, not made and put up b
him. arc box. COUtlierfeili.
P1101,10.7 . 011 ' 1 1 Davigra--415 Broadway, New York;
Chestnut street. Phila.
JOHN D. MORGAN. General Depot; Dr., IVV,
THORN, Agents for Pittaburgh.
Paltry' r , Amount Galroame
Cures humos, spavin, quitter, grease, nOll 74 ,11
sores, calla, and brumes. Pamphlets, coutamtgg car
liticates at respectable parties, may be had on a?plics
tan to JOHN DMORGAN - ,
Agent, Pittsburgh.
I T r e ' r7 'd iti s t i r t ijit e e a tiO w n i"' lo h to l i d s 's e P OT h nerl Y
has mde
n and astomslung covialve effects or cold water in
Ironic tool team dtseases, when employed after the
rofolool of the. celebrated Priesniu, hart removed from
tie tared in an intelligent alid difleerning public overy
particle oi duabt at to its efficacy, end gained it sot
versal favor. Considering the unsatisfactory results
of 'calcine , heretofore used in the treatment of chronic
complain. iroinplainis, too. which are increasing eV:
cry it mum he a neutral wish to see the success
of n method by winch so many unfortunate suffer..
will he teed from their pains and Infirmities.
suliteriber having pre tined successfully this
method for e'enl years at his Hydropathic eutablish•
mein, which sae been considerably enlarged and un
proved in all Its parts, and in every respect, is now
ready to receive and accommodate patients who may
choose to place themselves under his care, skill and
mtuated upon the left bank of the Ohio,
opposite the mouth of the Bigiteaver, is well known
tar Ito refreshmg and salubrious atmomitierc, its de
lightful quietness and charming natural scenery, oom
bining every reque to render the sojourn of the in.
mind agreeable, and contrtbuting not a little to re-es
tablish unpaired health sad phyateal strength.
The establishment, the first started the United
Slates, contains every thing, both for pleasure and
omfort, calculated to Inanee a speedy and happy mr
miiiatlon of the ailments of the Patient. Persons is:letting to avail themselves of the advanta
ges here offered, Wilt please address the miliacnber
by letter, upon-paid,) stating as near as possible the
nature of tucir coMplaints, in order to decide and ad
vise on their Emma+ and curability by the HyeltoPathic
treatment, and also what will be necessary for them to
take along, for their especial and personal use.
EDWARD ACKER, Al. D. Poprtetor.
Philipsburg, Beaver county, Pc
Rgrearbeas —Reel& Ktllikelly, Armstrong' Y. D.
Clark, Esti do; Hon. Thomas Henry, Beaver Pa..,• Dr.
Batter, do; ProL Ch. Elliot,PlUsburgbir Pa.; , L. C
Perkuni, Esq. Ohio; Rene. S. H. Sneed, New Albany
Rev. Al. ALery PrateelDnii N. Jd
hUm.l' L. Statton, Esq.
New York, On, Cit. Wolter, Philipsburg - , . H. Mc
Cs' inn., Esq. Pittsburgh; A. Bidwell, Eaq., du.
SUNDRII4S--.4C0 packages fresh Tees —Y. Hyatt ,
liunpowder and Imperial;
auti bags prime Green Rio Coffee; 50 do Laghyr
do. 10 do Old Java do;
25 bags black Pepper, 10 do Pimento;
150 Midi new crop N 0 Sugar,
504 bbl, Plantation Molasses;
50 do Sugar Boum do
hi tierces tresh Wee; 150 boo Bunch R1116111f;
ISO la • gnamtlitetured Tobacco, ramous brands;
Itcs, Hedges Uro. 0 Octal Tobacco;
10 " S Herds' "
IU " Pittsburgh plug
0410 Window 141sms; 50 do 10x12 do;
30 Iter• tuborted hail.; 12 rooks Satlermlus,
C• 000 pound• Cotton arts, Ismarted Nos.
Together with a full and general assortment or art
cies in the tlroerry.line, on hands imd (or sale by
J II PL OYD ; Round Church liaildings,
mhlo Fromna on !Ahem Wood and Sixth ara
vnt..AeOHNIA RULIIIKH GOODS—Jest received,
.1. 6 Camp lllankem, ffii officer coma; pr. Pants,
to pun 'leo lined Mining Hornet I, Isthmus Hags, 3
e y e ,.., Tones, 6 and IV galleon, each; 60 canteens, I
gallon race. 1 dor Bucksk.6 Money Helm; Ido oiled
to d•+ do. The above roods lot sale at the
totota omitting I.:establishment- No 5 Wood .t.
inebll4 J! H PHILLIP:6
A. BROWN would reaper ,
ly inwn dm th bs
eps onlb at
hand at his stand on the
et side of the lhamond, /Ole
any city. a complete ...I
nt of Veltman librids; also Vs
en Shutters are made to or
in the best style, warranted
at to any in tho United States.
Blinds con be removed wlth
the aid of a screw driver.
Sing purchased t h e stock,
Is, and wood of the cabinet es
li•brnent of Romsny k Allele].
d, I am prepared to banish
nr old customers, ae
well ns
pubnticy .t larger eery thing s lver hne.
11,0 , 1 C. INZ:
trom the muatfacturers to New ark, Ettiladel
phi• Red Baltimore, a large sod well 'elected 03.11-
meat of all the latest and roust improved sty!. of La
tin, glared and common PAPER HANGINGS, cod-
gilding of
-OMo nte , e. of Parlor and Preftoi
10,COu Hall and Colman;
to,Utn 1)1444 -MK., chamber and aka
Paper—which I would pante:daily Invite the attention
orthotte having house. to paper, to eat apd titmice
at the Paper Warehonsa of S. C. HILL,
apd tf7 wood
ler's edition, COUttilthlir all the smatter, verbalist
et literalist, of Vol.. I and Sof the Landon edition, eat
belltshed Ninth &portrait of the asthisr-9 Vol.. is one.
Prise, esesplate, She. A large supply of the above re.
'4;ritted and for sak by 10Wl arhOPKt
(Th r- ArNST has commenced to receive a
S„_/ s
large usortmeat of Fancy VARIIErY GOODS,
consisting In Part ofAlltifiehdi, Ribbons, Laces, Ho
iery, Gloves, Crape, LeisSe,Cambries, Netting., La.
Yetis' fl
Shawls, Pongee akerchiefs, gents Cravats,
s. tuid coupe Handkerchiefs, corded Skim,
Sewing Silk, Threads, Buttons, Combs, Jewelry, Cut
lery, rte. to. Country and city merchants am res
pectfully Wetted to call and examine his meek, No B 4
Wood street, comer of Diamond alley. meh9ll
- 1, - IXT - IlitCT OF — COPPER—An article .
godly coming into use, as a wholesome, nourishing
nod delicious beveramheing mom pleasam and pal
atable than common Coffee, and far cheaper, ea a small
paper costing only-jen C. 41, Win Ro S 3 flit a 3 four
pounds °Mace. • Manufacture(' by
JOHN 8. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bold at w holesale l by El A PAIINIMPIDICE te Co,
comer of Pint and Wood and Binh and Wood Weals,
Pittaburgh andt
kaofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta
neous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Fate,
I-notches, Niles. Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or
Tenter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pala of the
Bones and Joints, Stubborn Dicers, Syphilitic SYris.O"
toms, Sciatica or Lumbago, and Diseases aing
'row an injudicious use of Mereary, Ascites or Drop.
v. Exposure or. Imprudence in Lite_ Also, Chrome
othututional Disorders.
in this preparation are strongly concentrated all the
Medicine. properties of Sassarsamt.s. combined with
the most simpleseffect the moat salutary productions,
Elie moat potent si Mthe vegetable klngdora,• and
it has been so fully tested, not only by patient. them-
Ives, but also by Physicians, that It has received
their unqualified recommendation .11 the approbation
of Ink public; and has established on Is own merits a
reputation toe value end efficacy far superior to the
venous compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla.
Diseases have been cured, such as are not furnished
in the records of time pun and what it has already
done for the thousands who have used It, it Is capable
of doing for the millions suit suffering and struggling
with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and strengthens
the fountain springs of life, and infuses new vigor tiro'-
sot the whole animalframe.
The following striking and, as will be Sean, panwl
rent cure of an inveterate case of Se rofuln, commends
itself to all similarly efflicted:
Scontroar. on, Jan. 1, 1538.
Messrs. Parfet: Gentlemen—Sympathy for the alt..
ted induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure
effected by your Sarsaparilla in the ease of my wife.
She was severely rankled with the scrofula.. differ
ent parts of the body; the glands .of the neck were
o verned and her limbs much swollen. After
suffenng aver year and finding no relief from the
remcdiu used, the disease attacked one leg, and be.
low the knee suppurated. Her physician advised it
, i
should be laid open, which with done, but withou and
w e benefit In this situation we heard o and
were induced to use Sands . Sarsaparilla Tb fag
bottle produced a decided end favorable effect., Hiv
ing her more than any preset Iption abe bad ever la
ser, and before she had used six bottles, to the aston
ishment and delight of her friend., she found her
health quite restored. It is now over a year since the
ewe was effee•ed, and her health rentalns good, show
ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the
system. Our neighbors are all knowing to these
facts, and dunk very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla
Tours with respect, JULIUS PIKE_
Extract from it letter received from Mr. N. W. Har
ris, a gentleman well known In Louisa county, Vac
-Gentlemen—l have cared a negro boy Mamie with
your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula,
and of a serMalons family.
"Sours truly. N. W. HARRIS.
"Fredericks Hall, Va., July 17, 1811."
.9...:11.' SuillairklllLLa—lt stylus almost doneceashry
to direct attention to 1111 article an well known, and so
deservedly popular, as this preparation, but patients
often who wish to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, are
induced to try wonhleea compounds bearing the name,
but contenting little or none of the virtue of this valu
able root; and we think we cannot confer a greater
benefit on our readers than in directing their attendan
to the advertisement of the Idendla. Sands In another
column. The bottle has recently been enlarged to hold
a quart, and those who wish a really good article will
hind concentrated in this all the medicinal value of the
root. The experience of thousands has premed its ef
ficacy in curing the various diseases for w: ich it is
r. commended; and at the present time more than any
other, perhaps, is this medicine useful, la preparing the
,y OM for la change of neasorn—Rorna .1011111111, Sept.
Prepared mud sold wholesale end rtgail, by A. B. &
D SANDS. 13171n681. and Chemists, lan Felton street,
corner of Wdarn, New York. Sold also by Deeg
an.. of
thmrmhout the United States and Cana
da.. Price Si per Dottie six Battles fm S 5.
For sale in Plusbargh, wholesale end retall,lry
S. A. FAIINTSTOCH, le CO., cornet of Wood and
Front Sri., also, carrier of Sixth and Wood sts; L
WILCOX, Jr, corner of Smithfield and Fourth gas
and also corner of blather rt nod the Diamond, alto,
by EDWARD FENDEFJCH, roe Motional& Roan.
I ;. , : r„ ft! .1 ! 3 sE, Tb s c r.T . FEßl pmce l e G n
;tended the use of the
e! , the various forme which Irritation of the longs !a
tone., has induced tho proprietor egain to call =en
nn to tic.
.71,..g0b1< wencher which Mc. Oilf M. •11 d
wiritel months, is eltregs a (mild source of
These, if neglected, are but the precursors of that fell
The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer to
the Lod? how shall we get clear of our coughs and
oldn' is of vital importance to the public.
will La found in the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this
we have from tune to ume published the certificates of
donna of oar belt known chimes, who have experi
ced Its curative powers. These, with mess of Ms
dummy (rout all sets of the country,--from
Ministers of the Gospel, he., together with copious not
teen from the
we have embodied to pamphlet norm, an map be bee
(rerun on any
HUNDRF rof our age ei OF IJOTTI.Ints throughout Me country.
have , be,en used la duo city.
throughout the United States and Canada, and chit
tango any Mort to point Oat it
a which, when taken according to directions, and b.-
fore the lunge hod become fatally disorganised, it has
seer fatted to
Why, then, need the allicted hesitate! Why resort to
the QUA/.rnhle nostrums, gotten up by and , own individ-
eels u ter the sosnmed Immo of some ea uhratod phy
simian, and puled ow notoriety by certificates ci par
sons Nastily unknown! Whilst medicine 01
U to be had, who. vouchers are at home,—our sal&ti
bore,—many of whom it has
In order that thw insensible medicine may be placed
within the reach of the poor no well the rich, we bast
put the priceat
one half the tlsalilTosi of cough medicines. n
r sale by our agents in nearly every town and village
seer the west, who are pre_pated to give full Informs
non relative to IL T. BALTM, Proprietor
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio:,
- - -
rtintAlrs/MSA_IIeAVKIL Co, rA
DR. EDWARD ACKER, takes this means of re
turning his thanks to hilt friend& and the public
for the extensive patronage he has received, and of in
forming them that-he has lately erected a large and
well constructed building forthe exclusive popeses
location, at Phillipsbergh, Pa., on the Ohio aver, oppo.
site the steamboat landing at Beaver, where he is ready
to receive patients as boarder., and treat theta on By
drepathie principles. In addition to hit long experi
ence, and the great success which has heretofore at
tended his - treatment of patients committed to his oars,
he has now the additional facilities afforded by an ex
tensive building erected expressly for the purpose, con
taining commodious and airy rooms, and fined op with
every necessary apparatus for baMing, and ddminio.
tering the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort
of the patient. Phillipsbunth is a most delightftil and
healthy village, ermy of access by steamboats, and af
rode fine and schOlesOnall Mater. Dr. Acker assures
thous allbeted persons who may place themselves an
der his care, that every attention shall be paid to their
comfort; and its an assurance of the a:Malone/di:nacelle
to be derived, he peons with confidence to the hun
dreds who have been permanently cured his estab
lishment The Water Cure leave. no Injurious effect.
behind, a. is too often the case with thou who have
been treated On the old system. it removed the di.-
sane, mvignsateithe 'ye..., protects from the danger*
enetdent to changes of the weather, Creel. a natural
and .cove appeute, and imparts vigor to the digestive
powers. Terms of treatment and boarding reasetrable.
For further particulars inquire at the eatabliskftuOn, or
address the proprietor at Phiftl,pahurgh. .
DR. .1 kill( ets &Lama:LIVE —
We have been informed by. lilts. Rose of acute per
formed on her by Dr. Jaynes. Alterat/Wer which
prove• it. euperiOnly over every other remedy of the
kind. She has been afflicted for the hat dltetailEars
with N RiCROSI. or WHITE
with ulceration , and enfoliation of various bones, do.
ring which dine many pleceslosvo been discharged from
the rental bone of the craronm, from both her sums,
artists and hands, &edit= both less, and from the left
(car oral bone, and from the right knee besides painful
ulcers on name pan:sof her person, which have baffled
the skill et n number of the most eminent physician/Lot
oar tit, --during moat of the time her nuferings hove
been exerutaxmot and doubtable. About three months
since she was induced to try Di. Jayne's Alterative,
which has had an astmushingly happy effect upon beet
by removing all gam are swellings, and causing th e
ulcers to heal, while at he same Lime her general health
has become completely restored, en that she now weighs
0 les more than slit M. before she commenced the one
of this truly valuable prepauon.--4nat. Eve. Post.
For farther information, inquire of le - v. Rose, No. 128
Filbert at, Philadelphia.
For mile in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
79 Fourth et. near Wood. ' /Y 3
jou received of Dr. Townsend'. Sarsaparilla, the
most esuuordinary medicine In the world: This Es-
Last is put spin quart bottles. It is six time. elteaper,
pleasanter, and warranted aaperior to any sold. It
cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or
debilitating the patient.
Loot our Top laurartom..-llnmiselpied persons have
eopted our labels, and put op medlars, in the aims
abased boule. See that each baths has the mitten net
mare of S. P. Townsend.
R. E. StR.LERS,.Dragth. rt, Wood from. between
Third and Fourth, is Dr. Townsend , a only wholeaate
and retail agent for Pittsbargh, of whom the gesaiint
article man be had.
D. hi. Cum has been appointed thenole ;gem for
Allegheny etty, of whom the genuine article ean be
had. &pi
11. I. Fasomenxa, Pittsburgh.
O. W. Fausmos
Wholotalo Drug Store Da the City of
'- jaw tort&
Tlig slsisisil= l ate sztousively In Um
_s business as No. ab c ri d siseeiln
o city of Net Yeti e em PlZigral om i° p sT a. %)
Dralests sad MUM Taa9Merican gliustery
"' ltalidisr ll ,Nresear
w ig l sa is tmi t ..s i tiL e filaidrrii
seas, of • ~4 . 10 as low as shay lutuami pus!
shaasi 1 o ' l ' T ssblo a 5 ' 7 e"'"' Wifusgrocz &I"
Naos Yorir. E A. .
GFULTMIL for the eery liberal encampment I
have received for to many yean,- I have deter
tweed to emrse my badness 'considerably. Having
a etragetent Foreman, I will be enabled to
ftd all orders armpits, and do the - work In oar usual
style and at lair pricey and ask the attention of mar
emu and citizens to My lam stock of UPHOLSTE
RY WOOS and Beds, slummy and Bedding, Cur.
tato Malaria* ms.4nt }ad Moreeno, Conde., Fain.
gee, Borderinp, Tease* Split end Roller. Mona and
every article usually kept to an establishment of in.
kind. Orders taspemMy whetted sad promptly' as.
tended to.
pl.R.—Carecto Made and put
.; . „ma,
j• 4L,411V1151.;
lIKES. Sr. MISS GILUAND respectfully tuforin
friends and the putslic, dire base procured ant ,
removed their school to a rasuty and convenient hdoSS":
n L inon en / fceet, second dwelt tug east of Feberai stn.;
where they are prepared to take & few hoarder.,
well as a few sport day rehotais. taut where thetpse.u,
b onn be devimr...l in 4
the ordinary ranches of English eduesuon.
ddruncor. ore refetred to ?drWm Ft/ebbe/am, Me
John 11 McFadden and Mr. Eston of Pau/burit,
Mr. PhanA. Phanlnd Mr. Ileorp. Heuer en Alleghen /p
y eIP i Z
apto,lt( •
~~ a
rrilLE grestestand Lem variety everodered Inthis4l
1 before—made on the most apprneed Pastern plar t k o, -
and Walt WISMOIIIb le EiStr lis piLltel a• I.l.lcalami. A
THE CIIRAY ROLL, or rtoCruN BLIND, on baiLif
or made to order of all aizea, and at
Inall prZa..
Country Merchants and other% aro vl 4:realist:A
entwine the slave for thruweive., as will be adM
wholesale or revel, and a liberal deduction wad!
T .
from IM SUBSCRIBERS having removed fro N 0.150
Nos. 172 and 174 Liberty Street, oder for sale gou4s
s follow', in store and now landing, Yu:
350 hap print. Coffee, new ewe, ! 3
40 . old government Jaya Coder; ' 5
the Wats prime Hew Orleans Sugar;
120 hbls Plantation Molasses; '
Its: - tit James Rugar House Molasses; -
"'U R: h( d c o h. ga l. :n u n%W il der
and Imperialluiperial Tea; noSA
au do Chalon Povregiong do Son
TO do by boa V 11 and 0 V do
100 bp white Brasil Suga
00 boo white Havana do, r,
; 1'
40 hgs Pepper, 20 du A li.pice; ! lz •
110 boxes Mustard, In I and I sh roc f. i
too du Malagaalaga Bancounea a4l•ln,
lat do do do do, in layers' i:
; • ,
50 tdbas do Jo do :i; '
50 qr " do do do ; n
PO oaks Zaino Currants; 11l bales Sicily Almo o r
100 boa Richmond TobWeco; ,
50 bankers Bordeaux and Marseilles Mira
200 bbl. and 111.1 bf bbls No 3 logo Mackerel s ..
9 . Honer 1500 lb. Cheese; ? a
WOO galls ammo and spring Sperm Oil; 1 tt
1000 " bleached north west Whale Oil; '. ;':
100 U " crude " " do I 4
300,000 Crns and Sons Principe &czars ! k
WAD Havana
Si hf pipes Cognac Brandy, of various brand(
0 puncheons Jamaica Spans;
3 pipes Holland Choi_
20 quarter cats sup. Temerlffe Wle.c;
10 do Madeira do : a
21.1 du Lisbon doi ~ v
40 do Oran, do ' ''j
lid do Sweet Malaga do , ;
15 Indian Obis do do
lb bads Claret; 20 qr oaks Ham Sautern; ' 1..
40 cases sup Bordeaux Claret;
30 baskets Champagne Wtoe;
, it
2 dot sup, Stomach linters; s q •
200 bids pare Rye Whiskeyfrom I to 5 ycabi, old .
mil 511LL ' ER 6.. RlC___,__ KETTS igt 4
Notlo• to the Public,. • 0
wE hereby notify our (needs and correspoi4ntl.
at home and abroad, that on will notloaa
MCI ctsznatsvarrosa, receive frelharnin any Bo for
which J. Newtho, Jones is agent. , • 1
A — OAELD. !'
TOHN KELLY A CO., (meemsors to Robb,' NcHno
-0 brener A Co., late Merchant Toiler.,)) Nog 1041
ctiEwrNtrr Street, above Third, Phoadelphia4 beg
leave to inform thou friends and paupos ihalhay•
have received the latest SPRING AND SI3I.IoIKR
FASHIONS, with a Lam ilsortment of N Milo
GOODS; comprising Cloths, Camtnieres, Vesting - 4Am
of every del...lotion—all or which are of their osist im
portation, having been anrefally selected to .aria,
London, Az.
!Tr . Sultngers visitinePhiladelphia, are resegidtfol,
4 invited to call and examine thew extantivo eutok.
' TNDIA RUBBER PASTE—Jost receiving, • o%d
j. bottles of Rubber Pane, a surienor article,: ghlY
Important to persons that wish to keep their fcerb,dry.
IFents the leather from cracking, and will We •
' over P. For tale at the India Robber L*Pot,
o 3 Wood creek marl J A H PIIILL?PS
ooLmst Goi.m.tu
HE subscnber, wholesale manufacturer of KEW
EL,Hy mvicek wholonalo dealer. and pedtsl3stra
South and Weet—also , ount[ryry
sold at Me lowest pnces for cash or approved Creep.
maces. Constantly on hand and maunfactlf . c2, a
largo 0.511071.012 l allitabio for city Or sunuT
corner of Fourth and Branch eta, up stitifs,
apt Odom Phtlinfeplina
Paper Ilategglag. • k
101 - AYLNG purchued
(Newe ot largestXact.
„MI nes in tlie East, York, Philadelplal and
Snincrtorto a large assortment elate newest e, most
unproved styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS,
&c-, and made arrangements by which I wilt tie en.
bled to procure an new Patterns, simalumiorls with
their appearance in the Eas.em market, I *meld it.
vile the attention of those desiring to have thelOonses
papered with the Wert styles of paper, icE4ll nth
examine my stock, before purchasing elesartiefe.
I have now on the way mom the East, MAN pbseca
of Gold, Satin Glazed, and common Paper lifuguags,
which i can sell at pnoes rampag from We era Silo ea ti'
piece. mchlS 0 C HILL, l3 l. ! iod at
Hacon smoking.
HA VINO Put complete./ the rebuilding of orco smoke
houses, we are ohm prepared to receill meat,
and smoke nin the mast merchantable termer, .
The houses are hued with all the modem •bpprove•
ments, and are capable of rontaiaing 300,400Thr, each.
KIER It /ONES, Canal
a 4 near Sabinth st
PRINTING PAPER =-1-liiirTg - thTeseluslViaginey .
tat the sale of the{ Mill Grove Printing Poor, (0.
A a P. Markle, Prepriemr.) we will be eruttly
euppiled with ell the dllflarent aloes of super! . stably,
winch we °ger at the lowest regular prises..
fetal j earner Penn and eta
1317iitTEISNE WORECS. - ' , : —
COLEMAN, HAILKLAN & CO. morainal , tpr
facture Small Imo,. Swim and Am. Bliegir Steels
rro i' rftlts, Fo ltl eires sad uc age "" tt!e ' r wnos s Ch *. att ' eflpTic ` •
Springs, ttlf Pat, 'Pepe* and coin= dales. i 1.4 4
Having reduced the pnch of Wrought lean Nam,
engine builders and others using the article, 0.111 bud
it to th eir interest to give this new branch o f ; oshurgts
manufactures their =eaten. '
Conch trimmings aid maluable Iron on litteiliA . tents.
Waren:rose on Water and hount, no • rplailuf
And is now rectiling a BID, assortma§ of
Which he la prepared to make to order
And in the latest Fashisals
tithe general . Boot end Stioo busiers,;iii. 'R'
wholesale add retail, would respee ally - .1
mum Um auention of their triads and theiplilieges• ''''.
wally, to their .plapdni new stock, cormisftg Mumps, .*
women'', boys', trusses , and children' weitf of every .., •-.
variety, imitable for the season, and at pt.' es to Ma
the times. A splendid article of home erode work,
melt as gent/emelt% fine Boot., ladies, inirsea and 'l.' -
e.hildrens fine wort. Please rail and riga:nine for
yoartelves TROTH & Gcorr, ~.
corner 4th and Sur at d all ' 71.
N. 8.-Traveling Trunks, Carpet Hags ' h., si. M ys ea hand and low for mien
C '
ountry merchants would find it to theiOntarelt to i
give as a call when wistungthe sitx: . .
LOGAN. WILSON a ei..c''W i
/"9RTERS and Wholesale Dealers in r orelghtfit.;•,..
Domenic Hardware, Clattery, daddlerl i &c.,ll9 • .
Wood street, Pittsburgh, are now fully p ared wit • 1,,i:
a recently imported stock of Hardware, ery, Rad- 'a
dlery, Carpenters' Tools, &0., to offer reZi great, In- ..
drioements to Western Merchants, ma la - lien to lb.
the many advantage. had by our predelwas, • Mel P
sm. Logan Kennedy, we have greatly • teased our.
facilities, and purchase all our goods rron;filat hand. 7.
on the very best terms. ~, • ..-1,.
Taejon!. members of the firm devote - ilisir whole
. ..t.
s tteetton to sales, and feeling confident oygning rat- it ,
u(*coon, respectfully solicit a cell from ell who may tt.t..
visit this market.
mien.lFO - Witi AI.R. . 4
Tundenigudd offers for wale • sallfipla. oracle "-v
.1. of brick for building, made by his Mom Press, ,
improved machlril for which he has °budged a patent, •
and agrees to vvro.P.rd"... • written dataradneau. , 's,
they aro stronger, hod will resist from andtaref. westh- tpr
er and imbibe leswmoisture or dempeessOin any oth- • 4
er brick, posseuidg greater body and euperior engem '.;
and ranch moot urablo is every respeci, cork firma ,lo
beingsubJected to a pre ssure of several taps, sad Poe- '
sawing* hands° a sm ooth sulfas* arid 41fcri..odgea, ~
they maker Mont cal to the beet front tr.
They have give the 'remelt ratislinti .tnall who 4 .
have parchased • kfincan bonen elm works, and
specimen al the G office.
Those havThPfied themselves ferthar bpildimp,
and wishing e &oat brick, at 4pcnor hard '7. ,
and solid paving rick, can obtain the= ,t..' - - ' .. r
iseep onzacg ' : 1
Illturshism..brue MUM. h • ..1 , •.1. 1 :.
- 11 JEW Finn ". bids No 1 wino:led 6h. ; *half do ::.,i,
1.11 Nu Idh do, bola Not mess do; dd - Nal add- .;
remote Hand*, half do No Ido do, Ms No nV;
hdaukerel; 16 do o I Salmon; Jost arrtven by no-sal 7..,
stod for mile by
er2ll . . SLitir t si. s . Of
.CriPARTNP H IP-1 have ttlistri xi latteistni t'
with me in e wholesale Groccry,, pen and i t /11
Commiwoon Das ess, his Men Wilma; erinedna 4.
of/OHN WATT n.. CU. /Wei 'WATT 71'.
Pittsburgh, April 30, 1840. • l'
CORN BROOMS- 76 do: Corn Flrc o od .„,,,i,,,•
for sale by I •P'M R ROldraON &Co
CON-94Oplanta - firoarlfiliotAii4, — FilUok ',
hew' fors e 1,
by Nl..kCwl ..1..
PULtlattED D4ILY,,TitI-ViritEXL'it j. WELT
4 , a. Oast= trisittlinss, MI st., Kitt tAtiron Q/Poi
BATES 01? it DVE At rictSIJOG.
one Insertion of Mines, or ien5,..4.....j0 &X.."'
Two insertions witboatalteratiaus,..i ...... 0 71L" .. ..
Thee • " —IU 10 e
Om Week ... V I 10..-.
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Irjr Conger advertisements in same7l . Tro'pUtt. reit.
One sqoare,6 mondmorithout
. "13 " " "ti ss. 16 ( . .k ,
Each aaditioaaereqsare for 4 at0ethe........
One square,6 months,tenewable at Os . mnre,.).s 44 /..
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Each Wiliam" equara,6 moat% .„;:, gSa,
vreasue ou I.II , WiIINIT IN DOLT P/Itzlittr,
Onessquare, 3 Insertions, .ajr••B I Pi.
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ivexaress 4 elane.
Fil/enes or Lou, one year. 6
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• ADTINTISSIZILT I LI 1 11111.11/iNifia. -
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Two, " 03" 7 ,14
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