The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 18, 1849, Image 2

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..... MONTMLY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1849.
Pernortmats M
Du 'C end, Weekly.—Tbe Delly P t=
Cleave per immure tbeTnWeekly is Five Dorton per
411QL664 the Weekly Is two Della. per tmum,
krisdeeetekt' •
BirrADyserencsa ririearnesuy requested to Thud In
.Wr fawns berore N.. and ly i'netedny
prsatieenle AdventrdpellUl run insetted for e aped
led time will herstrittar be ehnrsed until OLniered oat
-,lee mast page for Talegraplao lirtrwm6
• Yew Local Matter. Ice 1110 It pap.
* ,*ll4.iiiABolsl6 AND WHIG TICKET
ROBT. C.. 'WALKER, of Elizabeth 80r44.1,11,
JOON MILLER, if Shupsborgh. ,1 , ,-
~... CALEB LEE, of Pitt•burg ..',
'-, eIN.II. FSPY .of awer St. I tloir. C. '. ' •
' . 1-47.1thri ~,
.t .
O.LETEREUIIVE, a Pailburgh i!.."
1 isiramtrrrart, ...:
. -deo SllikT9, of Upper r . Caw- ..--,-; '. -
127.1.5r1 It, .., -..
. - .
1 . -/OliN IffOERISON, of A leg& ny
'cn..Vnantmo 1.1 a..
.: 4 ' l ' . JAS., NUTCHEL.I., Of Pee ilv, ::4,
.T.: • COItt.Mr i. "-:
1...1 ir: , .Ayst st ARTInthE, of Itsi,.,,L l'•-•-..
.21A •
• • ~. JOHN BYERS, Of•Fittlet . :_,.:,7
kenis up t mu
tamer toad Oen. Taylor, bzi them is t3iog to
!Weald MSaturahy, which we deerul.fitha of
'ttat6 et pretreat, but the colinwing. '
The editor obliges Mr. Collnmer witztUtriort
` 4 llThtilted evety eaiter in the United Stapri.;l , Peas ,
lag.that to taw; tiai • proper person tiZ;
- ;;load Jr.
ta tome' alle roan. w bleb I 1.4 4 4.' dr (6 ail
.ban sangurged itart w fact, and hue made *a theme
, till uit[4l) to spend to emelt ninon ut of 4,.t . litid deo
lautatfou. 'The rumor vans denied at 4e, and
Witty is shown I n the act, that a nor4tr of ed.
•ttiotabtavebeert apptirated to attire to hittrawa
mists that T
Th 6 Mercury editor
_ pers.,. ilea: Tayi.
,rhsgibitoken through, his most solemn pfedges."—
language is as follows:
should like to know what meanie' gthe ed
-lancelltie Gazette attaches to the word& i‘breatipag
t 'pleats." If they mean that a twin inedres asol.
.ezartsromise, to which his credit and bettor are
pledged, and then deliberately violates•that prom.
Ine_fatien General Taylor has done this, and the
bittette'it statenteat foot ours) is false in every
t•PFq • •-
lOliiiprevione article, the Mercury rirtAWkit,that
dio4ii , ple*,;.ie a basenesswhinb. p seriopt
lothiraiandisser mean and discreditiAe in any
**that it roll him of all respect," 44 yet the
Oniti.Y Mittens mid rernateerts this deePkabbilreit
0106. Taylor; and by way of giving ikirei in.the
tOy teiMate alander;declaree that "the pr4efiievery
4 .9,11drie whole tinier% knows it.--EuAlie kerma
lt this proof is so universal, it so mach
the morevery for, the Mercury to giviA and we
:WWII the- editor as a elanderer of great beyond •
Ms reach, if not beyond his coneepticil,:until he
gives the proof. Mere editorial &mei*: will not
do is this case.
• •
.1.4087am0 Eons.—The late accidental by light-
ning, In this city MA vicinity , ahoulli-4mitse oar
citizens to the neer:Alin, of guarding thei4wellinge
tzlldi , no against its fearfrite:decis, by
/162i0)11ff iLEGI of ate means which acienqabas shown
to give protection. The old.fambioned, lightning
rod luis gone into general disuse front.' a belief,
rattly welt-founded, that it gave but little if any
Mahretion,. Science has, however, ditected the
=M., and remedied the defects of lig4niag rod;
and:they are now applied on scientibc.jaineiplee,
so as to giie nearly, if not quite certain security
(rote-the electric fluid. Mesas. Deillel az:Robin.
song who have been engaged in erectiek lightning
rodein many cities 'Abe Union,and who pie.,ent
undoubted testimony from seientifin gentlemen of
the utility and certainty of their plaa, pre now in
thiscity, and are prepared to accommodate those
Whemair Malt for. their services. Their have al
ready contracted Wait some of oar crlizeill, nod
we doubt not they will be extensively !employed,
as their price is extremely low, only pe nce mein.
a Goat for the materiel and erection. See Myer-
00W BOOK TA131.8•41
loUjilits Einincane Cnotaita, by Thome, a
./dhrazeu, , M. D, Professor of the 'Theory . ind
Ilaetien or Medicine In the Philadelfilda Corsage
This lecture was delivered in May Ins:, and
waa published at ,the request oitbe fdetilcal
The authiit haibtought m his task thatfitli
tag and cleat judgment for which he it so jimmy
aidebrated. We have marked iheconeluding rlor.
don in publican.n, and shall give it 4ourita per
to morrow. Enjoying, CO the timbac -caietiedly
does, the cotteidence of the profeosiou,ikonn scarce
ly fail to be insimMive nod useful. '
“Tra. Cl/ AR.ACTLY ur PLIN
—This is the title Gran eiiihrn+ dcliated
the Classical Institute, Grests.hurg , Init)iidge fur
ten. Lisa datett]ee of the great Footer our
State from the atieers of the historiati.laacsolay.—
On many points ledge Patton's de“e: efa quite
eflE.e.tive, and irti less so on otheit it 'sorer
we are sure, front the want of accessiii the proper
doonmeniary eiridenoe. That Peel leas Etgood.
*serail . sea gietit man, it Is Co late strtliie der to
, Tetz garuu. lax Atrruou, u contained irt the
Antoblorgrpithy of Eureka,a MenUatipt Novel
and discovered by J. E. TnelL"
This is the title of a moderate !het pamphlet,
in which the author has placed bid thoughts in
rhyme, bat whether the thought* or the rhyme are
worthy of the lei and paper used, Wixtionfot tayr
not having Fauad heattre, and rather .14kiag- inch.
nation to makelhe examittation 451nrof our
readers have any curiosity to explore its myatCries,
they will find the work for sale at 1.1), Lock
wood's, 63, , iVeUii erect, who has adad received
namberitontrannitwoofDichens'• neW,prork,
eid:C7Parifefili"erhich we venture to Ay le worth
: Tee Dst.sorset Munson bastota,netComrsAr's
adysalsernent vi7l be bind in anotheecolatrinr--
thie Company has promptly dgatdet ell its
see by the Great Fire to St. Louis, atid no
erceitrnt sod'soleent condition, and :itemised to
thke risks as heretofore. Oar eitiseotOsill.find is
Mr. Madeira 116 accommodating Apt, who will
tender all business with the caw as*leaSard
maid be desired.
• Tits Eismcci to rue turn Diem4ornt Mas
ssmatterrse.-The Boston Traveller tints returns
Odra 2.5 towns, which give Thompson%2,l69,
fray 3,056, Robinson 972. In thesetOwns, there
is ainajority against Mr. Palfrey of 93. At the
Minch trial, the Majority against him Was Int.—
relative gem, therefore, is 111. Ile lacked
abont'so%votes arm election in March, and most
gain 400 more ht the towns yet to be4eard 'from
to swum hes election now. This, ofninree, out
of the question; mid again there is Go'qpiee. :The
vote was sturdleOhan at the former trlaL la the
above towns, the diminution was 4551 Mr. Pal
frersi vote is 733 less; Mr. Thompso4a 497 lees,
and Mi.Robinsoit's 442 len. Mv: Ptilfrey:i loss
iseomparatively greater than Mr. Thot4son's, but
Mr. Robinson'ti loss is Mr. Palfrey's
liassnut itainsear.--Sr. Peersbor,ggto AfriOne.
—The . ltadroad ,loansal, of the 2d InA, contains
an secomat of this double railroad, undertaken by
Nicholas, to contra the two chief cites of iter-
Ida. The distend° is 420 miler; the weirk was en
trusted to Col. 9corge W. Whistler, in!Arriericen,
who died recently, alter having acco'Mplislied a
tarp potion of
,the work. The emperor employ
ed another Ametican to complete chit work, on
which Messrs- 41arrison, Eaitwick
have a contract' f mote than four 41:1h1 add
lam They hsie already famished B.b.4iau
manufaCture,lo Locomotive engines,72 'passen
ger can, 2,580 freight oars, and two cOriages, SO
feat knifh for the imperial family. The,whole line
is laid double, and the Journey can 4:reformed
in ten hours, when the road Is corupte4. !Sony
millions of dollars is the estimate Amite willicled
and loaroestivea
ddlosiossn.—Great preparadons are.pakieg for
the November election. The Free Whigs
sense to be trienterred to the Loeo:"queo Oriy,
and hive Called their State Coriventp?n
sante , time and place with their brijhern, the
friends of the adtaisiStratioe, at Jacbon, it4;(10
AA of Jana, when a Governor; and Lanutenouit
Guyer nor, and Stsde Printer are'to be tomintard.
The Adrian Espdsitor is the first 1 71 . 1.0 paper to
express its inferences for Governor, and Endue:ins
Ezra CSeaman i :Esq.ef Detroit, the' att*r of this
vidnable statistical work the "PoserernoiNetLdhe
Got, i iesieph lit Williams. JamesA, lan' DA,
.I . suaptT4iy, - suid*. C. Bates, four vet , ,peittlete
' alsiirbeen .:ism.d as otisidtdateir . for
Gointior.`The Old Honkers denonnee env. niui;
pAbottibiaist and will probebiy l eopa
The kilkiiriei; dele*atod'AMOWlLit to iew -
fr.b'm th e pen of Sere Mt:kissers - ida
- daughter. He has been, kik - seventh letiorebe;
travelling through the Eoutbeki w•tettollia'wmue-,,,
timea putting hiareitectitate on paper. ChStlw '""
of June, he visited Mount - Vernon, and if his
description does not awaken i a reefing el mel
t:le...6olY regret, we „are much mistaken.
"Yeaterday, I visited Mount Vernon, *Mob you
have read About, I (appose, thr it was nate the
home or-Washington, whose - Marketer .1 would
bbnyclitAindy well in come of Poor hooks.
whet/ as was m or e, epee the way of going to
his honaei one passed rome thee Mkt through the
I well cultivated fields of his. plantation,' 'on each
'idea the road, and, at seamy a mile. rom the
bowie, entered the "Mount Vernon gate," betweeh
taro nest little buildings, eatleitgate lodges, where
Lived some old negroes to open the gate, atter old
Eaftlish fsihicm, when gentlemen's houses and
Mille/ were walled in and guarded.
_Prom this
outside gate a bee carriage road led through a son
of wide lawn, or woodland pasture, over hill and
vale, up to the houti - M' The Murano, to this was
tanked by a long rptat of Mick houses log the ser
vants and.otEees tad various I/tine, that gave it a
sort of fortified appearaace; ; Passing .between
these you entered the great void and-kerne to the
house, apt before area. This-hen( wood, two low
stories high, and huill in aid style, hieing a fine
view of the Potomac and across into Maryland,.
Every thing mound wore thearrof warless, tend,
and comfort, and prosperity. Bat oh, how melan
choly n all looks now. s
A.s I entered the premises frcun the "old Altman.
dna road," coming fmm the moth, I pasted
through an old dilapidated pate, and along-no
avenue of brush and briars, grown lip where
was once fences. On - either - aide lie broad waste
fields in parts and part enclosed by a eon of three
raillence, and brush fence, length I came
to the original entrance into the park. Hera still
nand the ledges, without doors or windowsOnid
there hang" the gate, but there is no nee of thdtilitst
a, fir on either side the trauma ale argon., and
the onceinhootb drive up to the house is now full
of mud and gullies, and it is necessary to
leave the old road in places,„ll4d seek anew track
among the trees. %-
As we approach the out mrsta we ft a part of
the roof of the range of out bulidinee Milan le, and
the way choked with rubbish, and duty. they Ile
&roes, listlessly hinging- about, and inside of the
yard thentibery and flower, oh longer reou,ru the
''notice lovisttera" not to touch atom, to lucc pen
once painted upon boatels .ha pbt up ~r outigi
gird, but no long ago that the tole , . 111.0 the 1111
cient glory of the house. of Washington, aro neon'.
all faded away, and gone malt doeversi /lad ,brut
Every thing about looks dingy and time worn,
and fast decaying, and it made such a melancholy
impression upon my mind that I turned about my
banes, and hastened away mires( as I could drive.
The place is still occupiedby one of the old fain-
John A. Washington, hal is a most unde
sirable residence, because every body, like myself,
that careen withi n reach of the home and tomb 01.
the great and good George Washiagtoa, feel, it 1.1
mast a sacred duly to melte a pilgrimage to visit
the sacred spot. The consequence is, that the
house 1* constantly overrun. with visitant;
.1 have
no doubt but that the family are literally "eaten out
of house and home
There has been some talk in former peon of
Congress buying the place. I think it should he
dote--otherwise it most inevitably go to rum. I
think it is a duty tittle grateful and great atom,
can family, who love every thing connected with
the name and memory of their country's father,
that C 00411,51 should boy his old home and tomb;
and pat it in a good atate of repair, and keep it as
Dear exactly an he left it as possible, for coming
ages lalook at and love, without feeling as all do
now whorvisit it, grieved at the thought that un
less the decaying hand of time is immediately Cr.
regled,we shall soon have to mourn overwhat
we:sow:tithe home of Washingtor.
It might be made the home of some old war
worn worthiee, who should live there as pension
ers of the government, and preserve the place in
order, end show it to visitemand from whom a dia.
player hospitaiity would net be expected.
I am sorry to think our government so poor that
they wptuld hesitate to buy il, or .0 careless of the
ilienoory of Washington, as to ace his house be
come the hooting place of owls, or his tomb-left
done—si deserted spot in the wilderness.
It there are any of the American family so wed.
ded to their golden cods that •thetr , would hesitate
on account of cost 1 care not to know them.—
They arelnot congenial spirits with mine."
Ea - piloted Visit of •the Governor
. The Committee, appointed by the late County
Convention, to invite Gov. imams to visit this
city, and to make arrangements for his suitable re
ception, have receivedibe following lever in re
ply to i!‘ note of invitation. :The numerous Wends
of our.Wurthy Chief Magistrate will be pleased to
know that we may look for bins in,a few days.
Kt...sibs Hover, Westmoreland Co.,
June 13,1849. •
To Aleuts. Sastrygr, Scouts', Loomis, Wiggins,
Kelley, O'Kenii, Sattipsem, Shiptcin, Campbell,
Rigby,. Sheriff, Frunklint Bightun, Scully, and
EillkCenusatee of the Letixesottio end Whig
Convention of ittleghenYCoanty
Gwriszsat: I have received your friendly let
ter, Inviting me to myy Allegheny county
Ge nds,, prior to my tet o the sent of Govern
I It will afford me great.pletuawe to comply with
the wishes of the thighig respecubhs Convention
of my fellow citizens, whose hospitable and ftiepd-
Iy feelings are so kincly caressed by their com
The gratification of meeting many esteemed
and kuig tried p 8210.3111 friends, will be enhanced
by the idea, that a Wbig magistrate is - holding com
munion with the people at a bounty
... celebrated
throughout the Union, for their steady and wide,
ating support of the Whig. party, and its leading
measure, the on of the domestic indiutry
of our favored Republie. •
Tbe uncertainty of he-length of my eagle -
maul, will prevent me, at
- present from fi zin
date kir my visit. I shall Mice pleasure in Willi
lag the committee in due time.
With, kind regards to my know' ejtizens of Al
legheny connty,and my cordial thanks to the gen
tlemen of the committee, personally for their
friendship, &c,
I renam, most truly yours,
A stra-axramourrenvx PaJ2lB.—it is customary
to my that the tone of the Oren is that of the com
munity. When the journals of a nation maintain
a high axd elevated tone we expect to find the
people intelligent and mo il!; and rice scrim When
we mould ascertain the picvailiog sentiment of a
peculate .aay given city or. locality, we are apt to
too: carefully, of the journal having there the larg
est circulation, unless we bays !medal knowledge
or Inforination which polite to another course.—
The rule, however, ia far from being of universal
applie.atlon—the test far from being satisfactory.—
Indeed Its general availability is very questionable.
Many things contrflicte to emend the circulation
of a newspaper, extraneoue lo its editorial teach
ings to atl, ica, morals and religitio, 'had these
should be rightly estimated , ,in deciding how far
each ejountal is a repreeenduive of the popular
• These are or maffiellif cheapneis or lowness
of prine such arrmurement of its department as
'makes It of value as a compendium of news; a
pandering to local prejudice* and excitement.; a
boasting tone which deceives the multitude; a thin
ks. slang like style, which tickles the fancy,' but
never Convinces the judgment, mingled with on
unblushing impudence of assertion and a capacity
to blow hot and cold with the same breath; these
and other circumwearce may give tq a local jour
nal a certain notoriety and circulatton. while as a
representative of 'popular sentiment it may be ut
terly irrirthlece That such newspapers exist In
• every Urge city is well knomn. They are to be
found in Paris, in London, in Now York, and Bos
ton. They may be sold to be looked into rather
than lead; they gratify curiosity at ■ trifling ex
pense, kid have therefore a large sec; bat as to
their editorialopinions, no mom of ordinary intelli
gent* has his own views ahekea or strengthened
-by them. No one thinks of referring a second time
to such journals. They serve for half eh hour's
titflation of a morbid cariosity, and are then thrown
1131M:tom worthiuss•
Sometimes the vile purposes to which inch a
press4s perverted, almost provoke extemporane
ous journals Into animadvevalon sod rebuke. To
yteldio inch a feeling, however, would probably
only IncreaSe the evil by feeding the element,
which alone sustains the class of newspapers re
•lerred to; and one is compelled to leave them and
than sentiments to that rsecond thought which
is found In every intelligent commanity, and will
WOW or later turn with disgust from reckless as
sertion and infidel ribaldry. 'We content ourselves
with protesting agaltunumbiournals beiogeonai der
,,ed either as exponents of public opinion, or la any
way the represeatanves ol the popular sentiment,
they might possibly be underibe rule adverted
to at the commencement of the article.—N. Tort;
Extract of '"letter front the California digg gs,"
dated "Valley of the Sucrymeoto, April 20, 1g49,^
from a "Disbanded Volunteer" .
'Meuse quantities of gold, at the very least, has
been sent Main Francisco Ceram= time back, and
as fast as it in got in It is turned into ingots,—
There" cannot epic at the digging,—beta hong
on the 'lightest stispfshdm. Grub is moderate;
door!! of alpiritus eater very dear. All kinds of
*alt *visions is sold for a tong; the tavern keep
ers' nano given 'em away %in order to promote
thirst.' Salt pork is Ws hogsheadoind brandy $t 0
halt pint.---Hows'ever, as gold is plenty, every
Jack has his gaL
,This pats me in mina of the noose by the steam.
er)Californy, that a ship load elf, young wimtnen
Was ii , coming oat on a mamba' spktrelashun, with
pee 11:dra. Farnham as shoopereargo. We look tor
;the 1101:10 anxstiusly. What!' goki—what is pm,
him sips without wimmenl Nothin but vanity
and vemaashon of spirit. Belo= says—l rod it
!tether day on a plan of Pro Verbs I wax again to
rase fOR wadditica,rant Gape a wash's 'amen
to mote mews thin resobles, end in a kuntry
*thing pettyonakime feels the forge of the ruble&
:When a man has wealth he Wants bares to leave
it, to; And in course—no wive* no hares. Yon
irould'Ut seed me out one amid goal I mean a
wlk, not a hare. •If she's Rem pltted with 'the
email-per. even, I woodcut care. The ordlearieat
;IPOOdeles valuable when there is none in the mss ,
bet There'. duszene Lwoodent a looked at in
the States, that. 'us now beothankfutly received
'end norittettions axed. You can any, and truly,
that 14te worth more '613 my weight in 'Major
rye gotiputeke ea tan of It in Mare as Ban Fat,•
cuCe v ttdpii9d4Wl#ilmaolx,.•
Thopersainss war Iltessuar;:f4talas.
central obatpafnail.. -
The Natioruhntelligeacts, of yesterday mark
publishes Secretary Clayton's. Ara despatch,
addressed to Baron V01:1 Roenac, the envoy of the
Central Germanic Powers, relative to the detr-o
tion, by our Government, ofthe mar steamer Uai
ted States, recently fitted out in New York by and
for the use of the Central Government of Germany,
In its war with Denmark.
This official despatch, after stating that on enter
ing upon the Executive office, the President's at
tention was called to the fact that this steamer woo
fitting out at New York, destined for the naval
service of the German Empire, and to be used in
her unfortunate contest with Denmark, proceeds
to describe the neutral position occupied by the
United States, end the imperative dory devolving
on the President, to take care that there shall be
no violation or infringement of our laws, ease ed
expressly for the purpose of enabling as to pre.
serve our cherished relations of amity and good
Understanding with all foreign Powers, and to ful
fil, with strict impartiality, the duties of neutrality,
and all the obligations of oar treaties with these
We make the following extract from the body
of the document
"The enlightened Minister of Germany cannot
be ignorant of the existence of the ors of Congress,
of the 20th April, ISIS, entitled "An act in addition
to the "act for toe' punishment of certain Cilltilee a-
gninst the United Plates," and to repeal the acts
therein mentioned." To the atringent prevail - Ins
of that statute the undersigned hi now Instructed
by the President, to invite your Excellency's spe
cial attention. Its 11th section requires the forci
ble detention of vessels of the character described,
land within its purview comes, unquestionably, the
steamer C. States,) when about to depart under
circumstances which render irprobable that they
. are intended to commit hostilities against a friend
ly Power. Another section, the 3d, impcses a fine
and imprisonment on all persona engaged in such
enterprises, and also the forfeiture of said vessels.
And Its 10th section makes it obligatory on the
owners, dce, of each vessels to, enter into a bond
to the United States MS to commit hostilities a
gainst any nation with which the United Stele*
are at peace. By the Bth section of the not, the
President is fully empowered and required to ex
ecute the law by carrying all its provisions into
"Moreover, you are aware that the Government
of Denmark has entered a formal protest against
the fitting out alibis vessel for the objects alleged.
In answer to the protest, the Danish Minister has
received from the Prpsident the most satisfactory
assurances in referral: to the viewennd feelings
of the American Government, and Mregard to the
course which the latter, under the ell:Cumin:lees,
believe it to be a duty to pursue. Independently,
however, of the consideration just adverted to, tt
is doe to your Excellency to state that the Presi
dent, guided by a sense of justice and good faith,
bad already, before the protest of Denmark was
kid before him, determined that it was his bounden
duty to respect the rights of a friendly power, and,
if absolutely necessary, even to enforce, to the
very letter, all the premiums of our laws which
were passed and intended to protect those rights."
The latter of Mr. Clayton further expresses a
desire on the part of the President, whilst discharg.
log a duty to Denmark, to cultivlite the most car
dial relations of amity nod good will with the Ger
man Government and people, and states that he is
authorized by the President to say to the German
Minister, in all frankness—
, That the m °meat you shall be prepared to
communicate to the undersigned, in writing, the
solemn assurance that the vessel in question Dow
fittingout in the harbor of New Yolk is not design
ed and intended to be, and will not be, employed
by your Government against any Power with
which the United States are sow at peace, snob
nsaurrince on your part will be deemed and taken
by the President as a auffietent pledge and yew.
city to remove all doubts from his mind, and to
jmitifylim in suffering the steamer to qqit the port
of New York, and to proceed, without interruption
or hindrance, to her destination, whatever that
destination may he; It being distinctly understood
that the stud steamer, whilst the pnperty of the
German Government or of her agent, shall thus
proceed in her true character of a German tee.
This oder, adds the Intelhgencer, was accepted,
and the German government has given the bonds
required by our law, and our neutrality has been
maintained without odi•nee to any party, our gov
ernment having received assurances from not on
ly the government of Denmark, but from the gov
ernments of Prussia and the Germanic Power, of
theillientire satisfaction with the COMM pursued
by the President to the aifalr.
The latelligencer further states that, by the or
der. of the Navy Ltepartment, under Secretary
Mason, Com. Perry was engaged to superintend
ing the preparing and fusing out of tan war steam
er, and that ousartmandandant at the navy yard at
New York was lending our assistance in the con
struction of gun-carriages, (or the nee of this
war steamer, until General Taylor countermanded
the order and suspended operations. The reason
given for these orders is that at the time he wait
engaged to titling out the steamer, !nannies be
tween Danmark and Germany had been tempo..
rily suspended by an armistice.—Bait. Son.
It appears, bye recent statistical report, that
one had of the whole property of Providence, R. 1.,
with a population LA IU,IIOO, Iv kit the-.ands of l
individuals. Tat Journal says•
"It be found, on investigation, that the large
estates of me It individuals, who poetess one.
half of the whole property in this city, have been
solely acquired by persevering ddlgence and eco
nomy, rather than by bold enterprises, which,
when anccenaful, induces reckleu habits, like sac.
cue in drawing the prizes in a lottery.
Every one becomes surprised, in examining the
Annuity Tables, in fain:lsar use to the offices of
Life Insurance Companion, at the utonishing ag
gregate amount of the daily expenditures of nail
sums when compounded with the interest, and 6•
pally summed up at the termination of it long life,
as exhibited to the following abstract:
Table ahowtng the naregmte; value; with compound
A maunung,
in 10 in 110 01 30 in 40 10 3(1
Of an expeutimar
year, year.. yrara )eara. years
Of 2.1 e day or $lO y #l3O 21.250 NO 151 u woo
51 to OdO 720 INV 00-0 O
3u 3.0 1010 0700
11 40 570 1410 3160 6160 11.0.10
i3t 00 650 1500 3050. 7700 11.510
271 lOU 1300 36101 7900 15.400 Mum
55 290 2000 700 30,000 00,000
3.0 , 1 IWO 10..300 ti. 700 46.20) 87,000
400 &. 14.400 31.000 01.1100 116,0u0
500 6500 9.503 77,000 145.000
By reference to the preceding table, it appear.
that do laboring man, a mechanic, Unnecessarily
expends 21 cents a day, from the day ha becomes
of age to the time he attains the age of three score
end ten years, the aggregate, with interest, amounts
82900, and a daily expenditure of 271 cents,
amounts to the important sum of 329,000. A eta
cent piece, saved daily, would prove a load of
nearly 87000, sufficient to purchase a fine farm.—
There are few mechanics who cannot save daily
by abstaining from the disgusting use of tobacco,
from ardent spirit., from visiting theatres. arc.,
twice or thrice the above dated amount ore alx
cent piece. The man in trade, who ebb lay by
about one dollar per dny, will find himself similar
=s:ssed of one hundred and sixteen thousand
and number among the 175 nehmen, who
mini one half of the property of the city of Provi
If we examine the particular case to which refe
rence hoe been made, we shall find that this map
now so rich, was once a poor young mon, !thin
thousands who now surround him is the popula
tion of this city, and his extraordinary wealth,
greater, perhaps, than that of any other, man of
New England, is the moult of long and rigid eco
Few persons estimate the large sums to which
the yearly saving in personal and household ex
penses will accumulate. Four thousand dollars a
year is not an uncommon expenditure for mer
chants in this and other. cities Half a centary
ago, lira hundred dollars would have been consid
ered a sufficient expenditure. The difference be.
mean these two sums for fifty years, yvith the an.
cumulation of compound interest, tear-Sea the enor
mous amount of aver one million at dollars. Ex
tend the time eleven years, and this sum, great as
it is, becomes doubled.
Tim preceding calculations ue sufilcient to en
courage hope of eventual success and indepen
dence In the bosom if every young moo, who, on
commencing business, will maintain a determined
resolution to combine indnitry with economy, and
alio :o warn him that without ermiamy,the oppo
site reinh of bankruptcy is frightfully certain.
Buena/ Douce.—Offrazia watessou of kW Lena
r.Ptc3,—A long anueutent, entitled a "Brief Nen
relive," appears In "The Missionary," a peruidi
cal pulished at Burlington, from the M. Rev. Geo.
W. Doane, Bishop of New Jamey, in reference to
his financial didirmities. The embarrestments
which have be,i much commented on by the
press, have been caused, he says, by expenditures
upon St. Mary's Hall and Burlington College, the
two episcopal mentutions at Bnrlington,and not by
private extravagance. The annual receipts of
the two institutions ern stated to be 100.000, but
their establishment hes left him with " en unman.
egeable debt." The Bishop addle
'At a council of his friends, called in consider
what should be done in this state of affairs, the
unanimously advised to matte
an assignment of ell bla Properly for the b m , e g t of
all his creditors; and to arrange Ms the currying
on of thninstitunons, under his own conduct and
supervision, but on the financial responaility and
business direction of otters, as Whore proposed.
This Wm been done. The undersigned gives op
yin property of every form, to men, so far u n
'cony, a debt, not personal to birouslF—his private
'income being more *Us equal to his private eg,
penditureiv—but gousettig out of bis vbature fir
Christian r.ducation, In the two instatians shove
named—and only &lira As time and omortuntsy ta/usia atruottot of deft, in prinsi.
poi and intents.
.Nothing doubted cr duzubragoti by any thlni
rtich has ocomui pg jectiteive& cr
Ithe:titirength cc graciort4 metered to him, to 1 liiiiiiii:GauilittirVam.... l To the Polifellww I
theis°. sacretcanee. So fair= being daunt- - rtfiMia..l. Chiles,of Rte steminert.l3 l - Joseph, we
ed or discouraged, he amides* that the foodation iidebted.for IL - Went:ler Guardian, ,
of his greet work is now tint Made Baer
and be Aar 294 containing news forty. two days from
firmly believes that with the continuance ol the 'tlisaiwat San-Lana, Th e =pri m which brought
riser he
in a bt'm'' k' v m ety few
"nanfe yean, d,
everyarill be formre- /1 met the liret gain of California emigrants 130
seven days on the road.
moved, and two great orstituliona remain, to I miles this side 61 Fort Laramie. There was
he Perpetual blessurgs to the country and the =eh snow in -the mountains, and ihe express
of eloarresm
Church." party brae its way for more than one hundred
A correspondent from Burlington, (N.. 1.) of the I miles through immense fieldsofan' The
Philadelphia Times, it may here be added, states weather was very fine from Fort Laramie until
they reached Fort Chtlds,irter which it was very
that after the voting down of the resolutions olio- rainy a nd cold. The emigrants, after reaching
quiry on this subject in, the Episcopal Coe. the high elevations, had recovered their health,and
vent= of New Jersey, the following
Salt took there was no cholera among l-hem
The people of the valley of the Luke were
clamorous for a settled form of government. Dr.
"Mr. Sherman, one of the delegates, arose and I Bumhyson was to be sent on from he Great Be
stated that be conceived it to be the duty of the sm, as a delegate to Congress, to request the aid
Convention to ascertain what disposalion had been of that body in the furtherance of the wish to es-•
made of the fonds of the Diocese, as no account tablish a territorial government. He was expect
has been rendered for several years past. ed to arrive at Council Bluffs Ly the first of July.
Me. Germain. (thertwirttlitrer) appeared, ind the —Sr.-Levu thrum, SM.
investigation took place. It appeared that the
funds of the Church amounted to about 68,000,
which bad been loaned out to different individuals
on bond and mortgage several years previous to
the appointment of Germain as treasurer. It also
appeared that Bishop DM., et sundry times, be
ing urgently pressed for funds, and not succeeding
elsewhere, went to Germain, who held possession
of these bonds, and obtained them from hint, giv
ing his own bonds la their stead. These bonds
Bishop Donne disposed of, (excepting one, am
ounting to 6V,500, which he did not succeed in
negotiating,) at an enormous discount'
Bishop Doane rose with calmness, and with the
most solemn and impressive language, stated that
ha had been compelled by absolute necessity to take
possession of the church funds, "but recollect,
gentlemen," said he, "1 pledge you my faith, that
if I live, these funds shall be returned to the trea
sury of the church."
This apparently quieted the audience for the
time being. Bat it was succeeded by. stormy
Correspondence of Melt- Loins Republican
Foax KILLIZET, Ntnanzt, May 21, 18d9.
GVITI.MILI. The tide.of emigration towards the
land of promise, via. the South Pass, may now be
considered =having fairly set In. I)aily, handy,
the number of wagons Is increaaing,aail the anxious
faces of cold diggers multiply u to astonishilag.
ly. To day 214 wagons pes his past, rattitlits
in all 1203. This is including a Gowsmtnetit Maid
of 50 wegoni, belonging to the advance guard of
the rifles, under Major Simonson. destined for Beat
River, somewhere in the Happy Valley of the Met.
coons la my last 'believe it was that on an
averages there were three and a half men ton wen
on; it may safely he set down at four, which
would give nearly 5,000 for the number already on
their road to fortune. The reports of persons re
cently Inert the frontiers, represent the whole
country as filled with white top wagons, long rifles,
bowies, and revolvers. Five thousands 'wagon
20,000 to 25.000 men, and 50,000 IMIMEI2III will cross
the plains, or at least will attempt Rover thin route
this season. That there will be great suffering la
the mountains. there cannot be a shadow of doubt.
Many teams have passed here that will never
reach the mountains, much less over them. All
talk of going as far at passible with their wagons,
then abaupon them and pack over. Already sev
eral have been deserted between this point and the
'roatien, and as for provisions, enough have been
thrown sway to feed a small village. Every man
is desirous cl getting to the "diggings" a little a
head of ht. neighb tr., and when be finds he to fall
ing beloul, out goes a aide of bacon, a bag of floor,
or o Int o I coffee and sugar, until he has redueed
Lis rseons to stun a nicety, that he will just about
be mart, I by the time he is where he can set tm
hi. ;old washer The last arrival from the frog
, ter was nu f fellow who swam the Platte a
short &stance root here and was found by some
Indian traders on the b a nk of river in = ex
hausted gate. They wrapped im in some buffa
lo robes, restored hlm to life, an sent him on his
way retmeing. His clothes and 'outfit he placed
nn a log end pushed it ahead of him. lie consid
ered the Pane "a pretty mighty considerable river,"
taking it to be about ten miles wide.
A serious difficulty =Mined a day or two since
between two emigrant. la this vicinity,in which one
of them by the name of Harris Ice/ his lifts h Lp
paws that this man had beau making advannts to. -
wards toe wile of a man by the name of Shield.,
which coming to his (Shields') earn, Induced hha to
lay open his (Harris) head with an axe. He died
meta ntly .
Fifteen Pawnee scalps were taken by the Sic=
• few days ago near the farts of the Platte. The
Pawnees were oa a horse nettling expedition, sad
were surprinal. Yours, drci , PAWNEE.
May 22 —Two hundred and thirty two senora
reached bare yesterday, making 1,435 that have
gone past up to this morning. Besides these
matrons, mortal parties with pack animals have
&ee th P r e i d piion encamped placa w a ntn 'an a 'h mTte af a jle r
Fort last night. He is plashing ahead rapidly. A
large - Mormon emigration is passing along an the
opposite side of thetiver, end also several trains
of Califiuniami, but the water in so high that It a
exceedingly difficult to mom, and I cannot there
fore obtain the number of wagons on that side of
the river.
Many of the rin.grants, I find, are ander the im
prenwoa they have aces tiro of the "elephant" al
ready, and the eonnietion la quite prevalent that
the animal blmiteltWill he gonad lantiplehepa lathe
vicinity of Laramie.
Two men 104 their lives a few days ago on the
St. lowerb U.l. one by a wagon running Weer him,
and the other by the accidental discharge ofa gun .
They both belong to Vie tame train, bat their names
I have not ascertained. P.
To Till vAceirirs.
Thomas M. Footc, of N. Y., to be Marge d'Ai
Calm to Now Grenada, In lion of Benjamin A. Bid
lack, deceased.
Alexmder K. McClung, of Missistippi, ur be
Charge d'Affaires to Bolivia, In lieu of John Apple
ton, resigned.
Charles L Fle..eimumn, of the lastriet ot Cohim•
bla to be Consul nt Stuttgart!, to Wurtemberg, in
lien of Tobias Beal:der, resigned.
Stephen 1). Poole of North Carolina, to be Cote
ml ut Turk's Wend, in lieu of J. T. Pickett, nape
George F. Usher. of Rhode Wand, to be Com•
mercial Agent ut Port au Prince, in ilea of Joseph
C. Luther, resigned.
George P. Kant., of Vermont, to be Minister
Resident at Conntaotinople, in lieu of Dabney S.
Can. recoiled.
Thernu W. Chine, of Lotifaians,to be Charge d'Af•
raves to the Kingdom of the Two &Mike.
• John Trombull Van Alen, of N. Y.,)to be Chang
d'Affaires to the Republic of Ecuador, in lieu of
Van Crugh Livingston recalled.
john C. P. Etavia, oefdassachusetts, to be Seem,
tary of Legation to England.
Loren: Draper, of New York, to be Consul
at liavre de Grace, in lies of Wm- J. Staples re
Edward Kent, of Mane, to be Consul at Rio Ja
neiro, in lieu of Gorham Parka, recalled.
Rev. Thomas Sewall, of Maryland, to be Consul
at St. Jego ee Cuba, in lieu of John W. Holding,
Wm. IL Hayes, of Connecticut, to be Con
ml at Barbadoes, in lieu of Noble Towner, recall
k344.Puytko,of New York, to be Cooaul at Pa
nama in lien of Wi ll iam Nelaoo, recalled.
Charles Benjamin, 01 Couneeticut, be Consul
at Demerara, in hen of Samuel J. Masters, recall
Israel D. Andrews, of Maine, to be Coaaal for
New Brunswick and Canada, in lieu of Collins
Whittaker, recalled.
Bailey M. Edney, of North Carolina, to be Con
sul at Pernambuco, in lien of C. G. Salinas, (a for
eigner,) removed.
Tom, If you Lova ma,; say so.
Dear Tom, my brave, tree hearted lad,
Where'er you go, God bless you!
You'd but ter speak than wish you had
If love for me distress you
To me they my your thoughts incline,
And possibly they may en;
Then once for all, to quiet mine,
Tom, if you love me, my so !
On that sound heart and manly Game,
Sits lightly sport or labor,
Good humored, frank, still the same,
To :burnt. friend, or neighbor;
Then, why postpone your love to own
For me, from day to day, sir,
And kit me whisper still aloe,
Tom, if you love mg, say so'
How oft when I wee sick or sad
With some remembered Billy,
The sight of you boa made me glad—
And then most melancholy;
Ah why will thoughts of one to good
Upon my spirits pray se!
By you It should be understood—.
Tom, if you lova me, say so!
Last Monday, at the cricket match,
No rival stood before you,
In harvest time forquick despatch,
The farmers all adore you,
And evermore your praise they sing,
Though one Iglu you delay Ito
And I sleep nightly murmuring,
Tom. if you love nut, say so I
Whate'er of ours you ctimate to seek,
Almost before you breathe it,
I bring, with blushes on my cheek,
Ana all my soul goes with it ;
Why thank me then, with voice so low,
And faltering, torn sway so
When nest you come, before yo u go,
Tom, if yr love me, say so .
When Jasper Wild, beside the brook,
Ficaimttql mind nab:leered,
I oft recalled that lion look,
That quelled the garage coward.
Bold words and free you uttered than ;
Would they could and their may so!
What these most eyes to plainly mash,
Tom, if you love nee, esy so I
My Biends,2dis Wm, are well to do,
And yonra'are poor sad friendless,
Ah, no, for they are nch in you,
Their happinem is endlesa.
You never let them shed a tear,
Save that on you they weigh no;
There's one who might give better cheer;
Tom, if you love me t say so'
My uoole's legacy In al!
For yqu, Tom, when you choose ii;
In better bads it cannot fall,
Or oeuertuained to use it,
I'll wait for rani, bat let me not
Unwoo'd, naplightml, dray o k
Singe wealth and worth maks gm lot, •
•Tifa, yon tow ;Any so:
Tear•—The advice, from Galveston are to
the 2d inst.
"The cholera bas broken out in New Brannfelr,
12 deaths occurring from IL on the 25th ult. The
people were dying from the town panic—strick
en. n The principal portion of the population of
New Braunfels is composed, of Germans, who by
Mar industry and enterprise have built up a thri
vin town.
At San Antonio the chklets had greatly OA- ,
ted, end cennot longer be said to prevail in an
epidemic form. The deaths were about lour or
five a day.
The disease bad auaoked the 3d Infantry, and
about forty soldiers fell victims to its ravages,
leaving the regiment in a very weak condition.
Bata. GEM 1.11 Wulsom will be supported for Ma
.jor General, at the encl.; election.
Porn b1.f.421111T.
Elisabeth, Jane 13, '49.—.lk.wtdT
- - -
DIL•3I43IIYESS Of THe one of the moll entn•
man, as well as the most formidable di.ease. known
AO A ntennae physicians. It has in do ease failed to
attract the clown attention from the Focally in all
quarter* of the Union. Still, however, thoo.and• an
nually perish, and thonsands mare are made to feel
life burdensome by this disease. The proprietors of Liver Pill* feel confident that they offer to
me afflicted a remedy which limo has levied, and has
never felted of tureen when a fah trial has been gi
ven it. Call and purchase a bas at the Drug Store of
0t14.d.1 offll J ODD A. CO
Bills Lading, Commas, Law Hans le,
1.01-106, &C. Ate.,
Printed at the thorteat notice, av low _price., at the
dew Calms Cl/FILT,
Improvements in Dentistry.
DR. U. 0. STEARNS, late of Boston, is prepared to
maniithcluee and set !halt Tans in whole and pr..
of seta, upon Section or Atmospheric Suction Platos.-t-
exposed. Office and residence next door to the Huy
or's office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
Ecru toil. 8 hPFadden, P. H. Eaten. 11117
Platetru Imam:a Scomx—Prepared by J. W. Hedy,
Witham street, N. Y.. and for sale by A. Jaynes, No.
VU Fourth street. This will be (mind n delighithl ern
ele of beverage in faindiea, and paruculmly tor strk
Bac.% naaw.a.—An improved Chocolate prepara
tion. betug a comblnauon of Cocoa nub Innocent, iii
vigoraUnir and palatable, highly recommended partic
ularly for Pre pared by I%'. linter, Dorelica
ter, Alm-, and for ante by A. JAYNES, at the Peknt
Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth at mobl4
W. M. Wright, M. D, Dentist,
Owns and residence on Fourth it.,
opposite the Pittsburgh Bank. Mae
ISA. si .' sa las m rs 2 ( . 72 . 9
k o' t e o lr i !
Fire and Marine Dasuraktee..—Ttut Puts.
Elton Nay - teeroe .eke Fln ba1e1.1.50.1 COeTeXT—
chartered Ml—continues to insure, upon every de.
Seription 0( property, It ths /owes! rate.
Omer, No. 21 Market street.
Rom Fllallf , Sec.),
Ynierday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, Mr. Tawas.,
Beam, Sr., In the Saida year of his age.
The friends of the family are waited to mend the
fonefal, fronalua fate Midst:tee, earner of Wylie and
Fulton streets, this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
A MATRON to take charge of the Pareburgh gad
Allegheny Orphan Asylum. Teeurnoulals
good character end qualificouoce required.
Apply to Mr. Whl ROBINSON, Federal slreat, or
to Mrs. rdAJUR WARM, Andersoc rove; Aliesherty
.C/LIOMS, /OM Kan - tlll3 Or
cdt • =wreath relater.
Wee's left at the Post Odiee, or at hint. Erwin's. ott
Fourth sc, between Market and Ferry, sect receive
prompt anent oa.
RIIVERTACICR.—Pro , Horace Webewe f rneva, \. V
Prot. Cnelwr Dawr), D D. M D, Rochester. N
J. I. Canals, and flarrultoxs L. Soma. Cleveland, o
G. K. tthoenberger, J Hawthorn, %abaci Jon . I I.
Willtaxas, and Capt. Goal Ciscinnati 111,
hIcFALL, bee to !aorta the tuhatutents of Pius.
I burgh nod vietnity, that he hoe opened the
shorn establishment, where every •nermon writ be
paid to the mean °terve who MOT favor him with
• WI- Liberty Wort, between Seventh and Wood.
Ace Creamy seeidledier deliver:V.* of the season.
WATCHES—Jort received from Liverpool, titter',
very fine lot of Gold and
Patent Lever
Watobet, made elpteuly to Order, by one of Me beet
manufartanng mtklallahmenta in England.
!Liao, c complete IMOrtreeni of Getter. and English
Gold and Silver watches, from fjio to Otto,
Gold Chains, Key.. Scala, etc
W %V Wt 1.41.1 N, Watch Nigher
corner Fourth tau Martel
1" BVERAL WATER CORILB-10 bale, (abo:yl
IR very dmce article, tecelved bud fir able by
xriAL CURlir , —.lbabs, Innis size. ree'd and for zab
by rulfl BRAUN k . REITER
Dorrt.t: CrRKS—V bale. Pict Booße Cork. reed
and :or sate b 7 jay BRAUN A REITER
DYE FLOUR— 10 bble for We by
1 - 11. le
IA TINLR)W RASH-10X1 light,
, amorted we, Cot
VY sale by joie 9 F YON BO's N HORST &CO
rVOBACCOS-70 packages rusbutaclared Tobacco,
wan.s brands, for sale by
FrBa-75 bble Imp No 3 Maekereh 30 do do No 2
do; 3/3 b(do do No .3 dm bbl. No I Baltimore
Berri-op; 35 do No Gipped do; 25 do No I trimmed
Shad; lb do No I Bedroom met rereived nod for tale by
pith JOHN WATT' & CO, Liberty et
Mr. John D Morgan—Dear Sir: I race one tenapoon
full of pair Worm ' , Mier to one of my children, and in
Me short lime of one half bow it passed twenty large
worms. I feel midi in rem:in:mending your Vertnifog•
as the best medicine that can be used for expelling
worm. Jaime MOIGI.I, Me. NOWC10.01•12.
Prepared and twid by the proprietor. JOAN D '4OIE.
OAN, Druggist, one door below Diamond alloy. Wood
rued. 1019
T.Capitalists and nalaufacturers
rpHE.underetrined invites Manufacturers and enter-
pel t ing Caparmsts to call and exittan, this great
improvement. They will find a rare opportunity of
profitably investment.
Dom, duly SOlOOliled by power of Attorney from
the lion. ilorace Greeley, aasiamee orate Patent, and
Clinton 0. Gilroy, Esq., of New York, General Agent
of the United Stales, the undersigned will dispose of
the Patent Right for Pennsylvania, and either or all
of the Western and South Western Stale.. Sham.
High. only will be sold, and • splendid opportunny
fir specalation is presented to purchasers in the rub.
a eke of coontr, IoW9 and special right.. The IV gh ,
will be eonve:dll i mptly from the Hon. FL 0nv0 ., ,,..
The 'Corn Cott no Joint is atknowledr . ,
TOP have ex ed It Jobe the 01.3"tili'mle inechart
learlovention recorded el the P.M . ' Oince for I Wig
tu t u of years; it bits received dr ; ottg . th . d
&the most eminent Ensurers of this COVIII , jI and t.`u
rope, Ito totally al, tOIIOOIO6 of which Palms tare
bdenobtaineda hu been adopted by the Bureau of
Construction, Equipment, and Repairs of the Govern
ment( by C. R. Ceiba., Elm , IA his Stall Steamers,
now m progress of construction: and will ungumnlon
altlrram entirely supereadoall other modes a eon.
neotini and cloning P pea , (.1.44 Minot, gm or ale , )
Hai and cylinder-Lents, cOndonears, step cook., facto.
ry shaftlfig; Ac. P.c.
Subledned is one out of chant , letters teenntootst from
the mat celebrated Engin:Mere and Machin., Sam
ple. orlhe Joint may be corn, end full iofomiadon ob.
mined by application toMACDANIEL.,
Pittsburgh, June 10, to4p. Exchange Hotel. '
emit ag TAO Enougaza.m-Corn, U. S. N•vr,
Washington, C , March te4, 1048.
Igne---tionce riling the `Cum Coormso Jotter' edges.
We IL Thompson, which you have reft,ry,4
to na
for our 01;11010O, we hare to report—
.l hat the de4gn of the itutrumero. hi edict „.„
chanicaleonneolion between the ends of Pipes, the I
curia, Cylinders, POW. Manche; gm.
'That the opequion is effected by lite progressive
, ‘(iivir Or two grooved metalil., clasps, enclosing the Pnrabeilir
surfaces of two small chanter, e terth ,,
nor shown to the ennaxed.dtagram.
In 31. appiGityon, the fallowing clementa are pre
Ist. li dispense% bracing or solderlog, the Mil.
hug of holes Inches, and the um of grummets and
ed. It affords, compared with the ordinary Joint,'l
greater security with leas suatenal.
2d. It reduce. the cost of puttin g , rep...,
curve the material interposed between the taco of the I
Fitments from being 'blown out. ,
4th. it enable. defective portion of a Feed or Blow.
off No to Leo cat Out, and st new piece to be pot in,
embalm irintking the atepprog of the opentuton of the
anaotteS Essig., or sweating the progress of the at. i
Niched nailer.
dth. It reduces the cost and weight of an ordinary
end it occupies los spa., which le an °seminal fen.
tare hilts application to Naval purposes.
We am of the opinion, therefore, that tDo ambles,
tion of .ertitity, etWooMy Or east, weight andspear,
effected by Ude ith toxottwr w Its fooijjty of
.potro, sod adlestments, master Do use at the seven! ,
Naval Stattopq, 1114, ou
t d ail Pablie Vomits,
.hten. Posiidtte . irepoe, mid recommend the
Hoiden to take early Mein to provide for the tight of
application of it to the Engines and Boilers of the tote
Steamers DOW la.prOgrOlt• Or .011wInctioo,
We are, ray reePectlhillt obedient aergants,
CHAS. H. HASWELL. it; tA-Chip; U. S. N.
wILLIAN. SEAVELLi, Chief Engineers n. a n
Com. COLAS. W. SittNNEEL, Chief of Boman of con;
.trotion,Stjuipstionts end Seprdni we:l%o
alao2Esaladreiy for Passanuers,
-The Boats of this Latowlß leave
as farm., at 9 &lout at wirht
ordo-A marl, Moudry, Atm 19.
Kentucky-a Trial, Tit/odu,lll.
Louldans-4 P TholuDron, HsrluhuluY. 00.
assliam-P Malay, Thursday, 2t.
Kowlooki-u Hatardsh
Lounurna-J P Thompsost, Sunday, H.
ludiarta-P Harkey, Monday; 25.
Ohio-Hipt A Crmy,Twesday,
Roptasky-H Train, Wednerday,
Louisiana-I P Throussm, Thursday, N.
Inikam-rP BrukaY, radaY,
Ohio-.A Craig, Saturday, 38
Heutocky-014, a Bmday, July I.
nt Dumf o sP9 I I to ar BUTCH,
Norm= Bow,
Pare or 1) yyjmiiii 364
Al NO-100Wee Ne 1, for We by -
LOAF St:GAR-30 bbl. Loa:Warm &clam, for silo
by jutB 8 F VONMONNHORBT & co
cl Linen Drill, ined opening by
juld SRACKLETT k. WHITE, 99 Wood.
ARTIFICIALS-120 dos /kennels! f3ps, Wreaths
and Bunches. Nags, fresh and desira b le Bonnet
Pamir*, just openlnt and for sale by
ROUCHES -5 0 hes fine and coarse Blood Roaches,
jest opened by HMS SHkOKEETT A WHITE
DONNET RIBBONS—SO cartons fancy Bonnet Rib
.° bons, velure, plaid .d bright colors, Just received
far summer sales by JulB BH aCKLETT & WHITE
TREF.DS—A goad .startment on hand .41 for sale
by juld dIiiiCKLETT & WHITE
IvHI IS WADDING—F . I,e Sales opened and for
min by Joni SHACKLMT t wiirrE
, .
L /UWE & PEllinErD,
A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fauna street, near Grant.
JtiNriWarCßMßiicrs iliaiOnFlTud - for iale
by KIER & JONES, Canal Basin.
Inl6 near Seventh street
SUNDRIES -9 cask. flacon &des and SECuldirs;
24 Ws No I Lard; I do Grease; 37 aka Feathers;
I do Ginseng; 9 do Flaxseed, to arrive; for sale by
joie ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Brent .t
IeoUTTER-3 bbl. fresh 801 l Boner; 3 kegs do do,
1) landing from
.eanal boat Now Brighton and for
gala by R ROBISON & CO,
josh 192 Marty It
RGAIN SOAP—IS 3 bas No 1 Rosin Soap, reed and
for sale by jatel ROBISON & CO
PECANS-6 bbl . large Pecans, recd and for sale
by jole R ROBISON & CO
UTINDOW GLASS—IOO bas Bill Window Glass;
1' 1' CO bra assorted alres, ree'd and for sato+ by
jute ft ROBISON & CO
SASH -50 dos Wad., Sash, maned sHes, reed
sad for sate by 1015 It ROBISON & CO
F sale by bb= ad rl H e rring. sad for
j R RO
FolnOcu—lw1•• asonedlnd ibece binade ia
band and Car see by
EAS-14i) pakges Young Lipson, Ounposeder and
Blnek Teas, on hand and for vale by
jold BROWN /la cuLgErremi
OVERIMPS 81./OAR—A fresh trapily of Loves
iog crashed and pulverised Seams, Jost reed
end foe 's ae by JulB BROWN & CULIIERTSON
T3LPF,TUAL 3 PLY CARPETS—Receivsl tide day
J. at W. APClintoeles New Carpet Wareham:No7s
Fourth street, the lama improved power.. of :ply
Carpets, to which he Invites the attenuon of those
wistaug LO furnish Steamboats or Bonne, as h. is de
lesulned to sell ea low us eau be purchased in too
APESTRY CARPRTS—W. 3PClintock offer, to
those wi.dolg to furnish Steamboats or Houses, •
very rich ...talent of Tapestry Brussels • Carpst
prices lower San can be bad S any of the Esstett
mum We incur all to call ass examine our large
mmsrtment before purchasing elsewhere.
Ala hi'CLINTOCIL No 71 Fessli st
D 1/I.7.4BI.IgCARPETS—The larger alSOIMIellt of
Brussels Carpets ever offered in this city, for sale
et me New Carpet Warehouss of W. fd'Clintnek, No
71 h ourth rt. comprising the latest and richest Ryles,
and at poets, lower than ever offered In the omrkcL
Ail who want Brassels Carpets, should all before
parchartng • '•ewliere. intik W AVCLINTOCK
Chr[VP:W7kPClfn - ibek No 73
/1. Fourth at, offers to purchasers the newest and
richut style Axminster Carpets ever offered in this
market, to which he Invites the intention af purchas
ers. juld
Irb"J.,VET PlLE—Very Web and newest style Vol
V t Pile Carpets, for sale at the New Carpet ware
room, No 75 Fourth street, between Wood and Mar
. _
A4014138E5-250 bbl. sad 10(1 half befe on tote
ugnment, for sale. !'GILLS & ROE
.pOTAB/1-10 enaks in stone, for sale.
DRIEDPPLIN—OCO bushels, will be sold low to
close coonzignment. 1016 WOLILS & ROE
BITETEEt—ta kep and 13eraeka May Bauer,
nom. Ala 34 , GILLS fr. HOE
LARD -I 5 kegs No 1 Lard, for sale. •
e n, WOOD.
l. The London Quarterly Review,
2. The Edinburgh Review, Quarlari
3. The Westminster Review,
4. The North British Review, j
6. Blackworid's Edinburgh Magazine—Monthly.
The above Periodicals are reprinted in New York,
immediately on their arrival by the Millet steamers,
in n beautiful el , ar type, on boa white paper, and are
fat thful copies of the origuuda—Bhelirood's -Magazine
beteg au exact fac-simite of the Edinburgh edition.
The prier, of the reprints ere less than one third of
thole of the foreign copies, and while they are equally
well got up, they afford all that advantage lathe Amer
tern over the English reader
TZ.I.II—(PR7I:II.I w be made in advance !
For any one of the (bar Rcatews, • 83 CO per •
For any two do - d 00
For any three do - 7 00
For 11 , 1 lour of the Reviews, 8 UU
For Blackwood', blagumne, = OUu
For Blackwood and Me four Reviews 11l 00
JANIM D. LOCK WOOD, Art for Publishers.
lute 6 3 Wood et
Fourth street, between larentifield and Grant,
Pittsburgh, Pu. jutb
-N . 3 MACKEREL—SEP bbl P sale by _
KIER & JONM, Canal
Nth near Seventh street
B A CON SIRES-20.009 lb. in store told for sale by
T) nYTOid LINBEEDOII,-20 bbh Linseed Oil, pure
j and in good ord., reel ibis day and for sale by
mowsEs—til , bbLa Mee m i n u tia:l by
Pe n pay/vaal a Sall 'load Own puny
X*OTICE Is hereby peen, the; the Teeth and last
11 Instalment of Five Dollars per share on the Capi
tal .rock of Wm Company relpured to be paid on or
before;he km day or July next
I.l.lalmera• oat paid punctually, will be subject to
the penalty of one per rent. per month il es required by
.•ts, HORUIo V. BAC°. , Treasurer.
BOOK.EREPING—RIankt fortrac bins
D this wort, sunk the anhar's directions to teeni
r printed an the cover. A new supply Jun recei
ved from New York and for sale by
juI3JOHN H MELLOR, et Wonder
IRE BRICK-100,000 Fire Brick for sale, or orders
can b. Oiled .t the shortest notice, ok the Ohio
riser. 00 antes bilitn• the elry, by
OHEESR-100 bus prune Western Reserve Cheese,
received and for sale by
jut 3 W ArCIITCHEON, 151 Liberty st
TlykllTE BEANS-9 bbls sevall, just reed sod for
yy sale by JIM W& R WCUTCHEON
RANCE COMPANY.-00o a llorth Room of the
Exch' 'Jnini street, Martel a.
Free lastrasnos—Bruldings, erohandiso and other
properly In rowit and corny, lamed alainst lose or
damage by are at the lowest tabs of prom una.
Mame Isocasaca—They also insure Yeasels, Car
goes and Freights, foreigner coispribb, under opett or
special pebbles, as the mooed may deaire.
iXL....TICCUPORTA.TION.—Tbey also Manse mareikah
disc transported by Wagons, Railroad 'Cars, Canal
Boat. and Steam Boats, on ran awl /44.11. Oa P .
most liberal Lena.
DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Seal, Ert . ch .
John ellatris, Robert Berton, 49krl
Edwards Geo 0 Leiptt, £41.1%
R Devle, Wdllam Polwell, John M.
,j mac
ton, lames C Hand, TheoPO.l l Wl o, R N
11 . 4 rks, Henry 810 ..t0 1111Idang. 11 Jon.
Ppeneer meThrain, tOntlea, atg, George &will,
Lam Hay. Dr S S ellers,
J Johnom. Wil.
DIRECTORS AT Ar" .413 Sellers, Wm. Eire, Jr.
Wed Ragele7, JuQ,.T .TSBURG/I—D. T. Morgan,
on th.' WILLIAM MARTIN, Proodent.
104k* loamy, Set reidly.
Pot te• 0( Me Cordparty. No. 12 Woo street,
Jour" - Jolt:dr:lV P. A. MADEIRA, Acesa.
In, .al, American, Post, Mercury, Itspated,
- -
Settee to the Stockholders of the Atkin
. tie cad Ohio Telegraph Company.
The Articles of Association adapted by the Atlantic
hod Ohio 'Telegraphic Company on the ad of r o July,
OAS, providing that the annual meeting.. shall be held
to the city of Philadelphia, on the first Wednesday in
Juno—whicharticles have been superseded by the
adoption of a Chaney pursed at the last session o(me
Legislature, which - provides for the 1111.12.1 meetings
barna held on the third Thunday of July—therefore
NOTICE is hereby green, that the annual meeting
of the Stockholders rifiald Company, will be held at
the Telegraph Office, No. lot Chesnut street, Philadel
phia, on Thursday, the 19th day of July nem, at 10
o'clock, A. 11 , for the transaction of snob business as
may then be laid before them, at which time Nine Di
rectors will be elected to acne for the ensuing year,
as provided for in the Chaster.
jald ry
APICES, Secreta.
Philadelphia, Jima • 1840.
far Salo.
cylinders, 4 feet stroke) I 'Loden., 27 feet.lohg, 38
blew. bt dlometer, all in good order, arid be sold at a
bargain, if application be made ly.on.' Tbey bevel:tray
been J.n use about 15 months. For pertic ...quire
of jol4yltf fl. HAYS,4:l=oflice
rieIiEVITSTIA -.I)V-PcirliedieiTgpi.
.I. •es. for sale by li E SELL
67 W et
—_ —_ _.
U 7 1 11T . E . GLVE-1 bbl
I C 4 ooper'e best, lout reed and
_. frs fo
it i i . i , i, l l: _ E ln itot R E SELLERS
S reed and for eel.. by i
ain and Tunnesl/ ja ,
A . FR J . I . C ,A r :i ce, A . ZE . N . I , I ( E or P . E . r e P y R., "rammed purepl4
I lAN AktY NEED, Opium, Canthatides, ?owl /Cap,
Turkey Myrrh, Spermaceti, Am. Saffron ,j reed
end for itaby by Jul 4 R E SELLERS
RA S QUASSIA —L bad itun rao'd and rot fade by
;dal It at SELLERS
00 , R:4' 7 m bna sane and he i tt ... lr i z Es a
p - 431.7-r3-60. trash as atolls and far sabiEl —
Til iiOANS-0 bb!. to-clay reed and to: . .
We by -
RiED APPLES-23 dna. reaM and 10 r sale by
B AC J 4 .2
-4 c milt. re
eiv . • and for sale b?
4 and• r sale by
NEV HERRINo-3o bbl o RIO reed aod for rale
EW Crayon' blisoollany—
comprising The Pre/tle, Abbotsford, Newatead
Complete in one voloine—eleuntly printed.
00r/04—The btooaatrteedtka Luau Pow Sem
A volume Umore than ordinary halms; relating' •
series of most Carious and often amusing advertent.
• • • The field oteupbid by the volume is almost
entirely new.--Commereial Advertiser.
book of outlet:l:lanky,
_Meryl, scholarly interest,
which reminds US 1101 aWU of BeekfirriPe Spanish Ex,
cu ruins, firth. oirld eastern temintseenees of Eotben.,,
.Uterary World.
Cooper—aderer edition of early workai—The Spy,
revised, with now introdoetion and nOlef. Cam.
pkts in I nor Mao= with bullies worts. SIX.
the Soy end the Sketeb-Book were the Arai Aunt.
can books width were inteersally acknowledged M
eolunla a parionsuee as well ae a proadia. We
well remember the embulaam with width Way were
received, and the proud expectations which they
awakened among the liberal minded abroad and hie
patriotio at by me. [Ulna was roan elbowed aNM by
the side of Gobirmith and Addisea, sad Coeur was
translated In every cOnalli of the alancent wham
any interest wee felt In a Unita litenntra—Literary
World. For ula by J D LOCZWO;
. .
Loam. and Manager-
ACMIS ,S 1:. Sv.toa MAn•an
Y. Porter.
Damaged D Goods, ge,
th. ol , i , Alocuig .i tro s ng v l=Stb o , me a; I . o t <4: 4 l=
LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON.-31r. W. 11. Crisp pdtt, tree t a , will be staid without reserea, for-laah
in two character. et:money, on ILCOOOIII Of whom it may co
Ten .e ages of asserted Dry Good. which vreretti..
:damaged by wet on the P. canal, among h
super prints, fornitare chants, gingivitis blii e 4
and brown muslin*, WWI., black and colored,ttAtcrb
16 pas mosquito bat. cheek., ticking. linenrpan
keen., umbrellas, parasol. ladies,, 4...,_/".h t. P . ; , 4‘ 1 ".
fans, CIMiLLIIIIVS. 'Anal aupernne means, &c.
A o'cloc4„
Groceries, Qri narrate, Furniture, die_........'
1 box writing, synappieg and wall paper I.
cap. and booksj 1 &ea
Carpeting: thteaeila
young Hylton Tea, 11 WI Vs matinfactured 14w:co.
window curtains anal fastenings, looking gllte,
queens ware, .shorel.*ndea, hoes, forks. ' ;
A large and general awonmeut of new and eVond
hand household furniture, &a.::'
Al II o'clock, ' ~.?
Heady made clothing, boot . aboes, hardargr6petu
lery, new and second hand amebas, a retnit ilVrelk of
• —'- ''- *1
ROBERT Al ACAIRE, ox rex Tiro Dio■mim
Rosters blaealre, under the assumed name of Red
mood• • • •Mr W H. Crisp, as played by him many
hundred slights In Europa and AMeriCa- maegnes
Strop • • Mr. Brawn. Marie. • :dm. ?dist,
Dance. be Mellor Wood.
To be followed W. H. Crisp's petite oomedy of
_USED Cr, oat `tatme4 Norms* or zr."
Sir ChailFalaitiream•
Mary Mena!
Dance, by Miss flouter.
To conclude with the let act of the
°CFA N CHILDi SILL: 1113 $L'
Ram Helm.. • •Str. Prior. Llfa••• Prior.
.Farts for the Public.
In relation to that unrivalled (aridly Salve,
FVESTIMONY of a reapactalle Yhyclol..—Read
1. Ma rotoorlng, adore-aced to my dirnic, Mr. F. Mer
ry arather, Cincinnati:
Cmainust, Fab. 12, IS4D.
Sir: A sense of dory compels me to give my tribute
to Dallers Pain Extractor. .Doing opposed to muck
ery and ell nostrums having for their object sM.ister
motivea--but manning much good from the .King of
Pala ant induced to tender yea this cerVA
rate. I have used it in my family, In my practice, and
with all the happy and wonderful ho ts than coeld
possibly be Imagined. H.. 1. BZ21:113, M. D.
Dr. goodie is the senior partner of Randle & Levi,
inflammatory Rhsurnatirm
The folloarbag teatlmonial tames from a source fa
miliar in many of those traveling . on our %Went we
tars Mr. Ciliate, the wetland favorably known pro
prietor of the Parkersburg Hotel, is husband to the
lair whose letter I annex:
Peasarignao, Ye , Apr(113,1%9.
To Henry Dailey, Chemist, &c.,---Sin Having for
hien long afflicted with violent inflagemelory
fthenmansui which appeared en firmly seated as to
defy all ordinary iippliances to allay the severe pain
attending It. I was induced to try your Medics/ Mu
Extractor, and It having effected, "Imo& aa if by ma
gic, an Immediate relief, and also, ID all eppearancea
en enure and perfect cure, I am induced for the bene
fit atoll:ere who may be afflicted with pain, cursed by
any kind of inflammation, to writs to you, declaring
that In my opinion founded on actual experience,
yoar Magical Pain k j xtracmr is the most valuable dis
ocral,";" nrni. age
e "t e :7neill i rte ' a l org e tet
tact core for Borne and realds, ' and all external in
assbag many sequsintatuies formed by their visits
as my husband , * hotel in this place, 1 boy. supposed
by your showing them dam fess lines, It may possibly
be of benefit both to them and yonrself.
II cowman t he
r haw that Idea °limo snit pardon the
pohlletty I eto her letter, as well on the shore of
humanity at of u beim; the serest mode of bringing it
to the notice of her frienda—H. Daxas.l
Felon Cured. •
Extract of et leper, dated '
. .
BM -KM, Ky. NOT. 22, ISM
Mr. If. Dailey: 9 have fried your PainSxwaetor In
a ease of felon, in nay own family, which It relieved
and cured in a very then then." In has% yours re.
spectrally, Jaz M' Yon..
liD" Burns and Scalds, Piles, Sore Niles, Broken
Breast, Eruptions , e, Sena, Cats, We and all In.
liatantation, yields readily to the woad properties
of this utuivelled Gustily salsa Buy in the tune pro
mvion that you will melee benefit (rout the LT mauls,
you vrill be Injured by the deleterious effects or the
counterfeit salves.
CAUTION—Be em end apply may to the inventor,
H. Dauxr, lid Broadway, New York { or to his co
thorised agents. JOHN I/ hIOROAN,
Oaminal Depot, Pittsburgh.
Henry P. Schwartz, Allegheny, Age t; J. Baker,
Wheeling, Va.; James W Johnston , Maysville, Hy.;
F. hlrtrywasthes, Cincinnati, O. general Depot.
N. s.—ln the severest Berns add Heald. it °streets
the pain in a few mines—lt never falls! Jutl
MUSPIIkITS , CHLOE= OF Ll3lF.—it few esks
.0.1 on hand and for by
i S• They ill receive fresh supplies for the Fell
0..1.70A1t AND MOLASSES-61 hhd, N 0 Sugar,
prime; 6m bbls N 0 Molasses, penis, in oak Ws;
to store and for sale by
rATAISICEY,--o:o.lllbAlibiskyy,fa wore and fin
1V" „le by jnIS W lIITCHELTHErs
ral gum.= always on hand and Cot eel. b.
Henna to ilterektuolder.... --
W I ;Mf Seven Dollars and nny Cyan par ahaxe
ea the mak of this Company,
at their once, No. 39 Water
tra7.l an dr before UArtdry, the second day of July,
A. ma.— By order of the Board of Directors:
julealtd J. FINNEY Jl., Seal.
GEOIIO 310000 K.
OFFICE, Fourth anew, near Grant, in the room
lately occupied by Alderman Miller, immediate
ly appetite Mr. RakearelPs. He may be found al night
ht N. 71, Bt. Charles Hanel. julitdBm
HERRINGS -200 bzs No I Herrings; 100 do scal
ed, In slain and Mr sale low to clops consign
ment by 101 l JAMES DALZEL %Vann st
MOBACCO-16 kop Dodges No 10 heist Tobacco,
per sunr.Harabarg and for ale b
PAINT -6o dna Tubes of Pant; just reed and for
sale by juld J KIDD &Co.
GUM SIIIMLAC-500 lbs on hand sod for sale by
jal3 .1 . KIDD ik CO.
—•••-- - • -
ILITARY GOODS—Swods, EPardatck Sad*,
IY/ Caps, Plumes, Bono., Laces, Drums, sod all
kinds of Trimming for Masonic, Odd Fellow, and oth
er Liagaba.
.6„lrsold and Silver Esaids for embroideving;
Feld Thread, Spangles, Bedlem, Ras/melt, Stars, le.
jolg earner eiblusdldarket gts
GOLD PENS—A large and excellent stock of Pm-
Ur nil= Gold Pens, of the most approved makers,
lower. on hand. •W VP WILSON
Ilinspratt..Witant Boas Ash.
izI7CASKS ibala:;e of iblptnA Der Gki
nat.;s W
era lr
- They have reeelved Invoices by Isle steamers
of T hey
shipments per Ameriean, I P Whitney and
Wephen haldwm, whi ti Kmiec next month.—
They will also receive large supplies for the fall trade.
SSA ARS-10,000 ben quellry Comuado Sews, put
received and :or male by
jell W & R terCUTCHEON
A LLIAI-1500 lb,, jun reed, and for side by
J611.._1013 J KIDD & Co.
MOI4I3SES-150 not. fox Wm by ,
TARD 01L-10 bbls Na.l; 14 do No t
!rule by 17 SELLER:4A
p ICE—to we fresh Bear, for retail%
11, for sato by JO 861.1
DRY . PEACHE!3,4OD hub.
&ruck, just and reeti •
..d t ads eaches,. by a pima
o r
1 - 1 - 1. - virnWP
pia at
,000 lin on hand and for rah. by
J KIDD & Co.
.—lt decomposes the Tint, or peceant
contaaaros diseases. It removes the danger
effluvia of etch rooms, tze. By its clew:ming suer-
It relieves ulcers, and Intercepts all earrunanleable
diseases, whether In man or animals, itc. Just tee'd
and far tale by Jell R E SELLERS , S7 Wood st
Chino Ulna Chloroform,
Ext. Dark Free* lodide Iron,
Musts Silver, Oil Copaiba,
James Powder, Citric acid,
Chknide Sala Mode Ether,
Romer 10 .uy, Ennuit Quassia
Just seed and for tale by
jolt II E SE I M .
OLL—nullo Ws Linseed OCl,Trai - iFied and for side by
"VEATILIMB—In — s - ET, prime Feathers, fan landing
1: and for sale by WESTON BOWEN,
lull . Od Front at
HAIIIS-13 casks Cincinnati sugar cured llama,
Just tnecived said for sale ky
doses of Dr. Townsend? Gouda., Sursa r rilla,
just reed and for We by R &SELL 8,
CZ' Wood u. only Agent for Pittsburgh.
ke By 3) at army, Agent for Allegheny city
Vir/lITE BEANS--0 DAL for sale by
CEiEESE—So We.tern Marva, (OT Wei by
FATHERS-675 lbs for sale_ by
RV APPLES—BOO Dish for .ale by
LA&S—NXI 8x10; CV 10x1% 100 do 10.111;
60 do 73:9; for oak by
( 1 Crrara SNEATIIB-28dos Gar sale by,
[TAY FLAKEN-30 doz for rale by
DRIED BEEF ROUNDS-10 tlerees Dried Beef
le ßota4 very Rao. Just reed and for stleti
asmnav POR
lr V Me most approved English Palter Ineellstee
.numbermrithy Ttomhs mR, end I
of eminent physizietup twins a most content
ant appararn for the warm Of hat WI.
term the bowelh . M cue at cramps In Cholera. As
ever? penal la subject to sodden ausets, no family
should be without is least one.
AO Fint sr, Acme= Wood and Market
BACON—S auks sow cared Sbe7o --
2 " "
For rale by la H J
D ams;
railifitn• Lamed Ott, jut Awn and for we by
TOBACIXSO ireacco l, Inn 'wand
par "TuTat;=, VgZgr: ja wk.*.
DOVIPD MU BARK-1 bbl josi reed =4 for este
b oe
.pez ti ls ro o r Ing " - 2 .Ise l
N in . stil e cl nazi recV
Great illagthlati Itemnotty.
rConigha Clds, Asthma and Conserminont
, BEAT WiID ONLY lIRFAIEDY forth mmaiddi•
diseases, is the. KUTIOARIAN BALSIJI OF
LIFE, discovered by the o clamed Dr. neeberb at
London, Engiand, mad introduced into the United Otitis
wader the hvmedfate sepeninie edema of the Inca r.
The extraordinary wows of this medicine, tilt,
core of Pittroanary diseases , decco.t. the American
Age= hi soliciting for
the orcni the roe= Feeldde . 7
acs that can be Coned in ea= owl —oesee that k
relief to vain Crow any of dui cournien remedial Of tia
day, and have bean given op to/ 0 ...M
Ph details as warmed and Womble'. Tced
14)lalo mUS eared, mid mill aim ate sii t t i z o ,
of eases. k is no quack ton g
ash medicine, of known and et it turd damn En'
Briny fa=tty in the United States lea be el m ,, L i ed
with linchimii lienginian Dols= Of Ike, aly t o .
mutter= the ecesevesselee o , " 0 ^^0016. pf •
but to be creel to a proventive medicine ha all •
seam, =wise, *MAE of block Pain IO the el& ug
eheie, irritation and , soreness of thet Laos broablzte,
&kindly of liwOfkifl_ ,fi'Vere Mid MOW =Mel.
Stloll MOM, inthr
coot* croup.
lege WWI, Mawr Wale , esiA fell Cm.,
Ode remannionor health.
Plungibletsoolnlng dinars of ID egad end Ono&
Gas eeridthates, ant otDar vette:ma y shot wing tho to•
*Seab waned
ed of maim
Agents. skis gloat ' Rees edy, may De
Fe1b113 , 41. R t Q ).01canars4
ny Jotun D. Davis. AmMielkeer.;"l
19 sylenrYid Baadini Lai in the =hi ~ ,of t r
of eilegiory, at =talon. • .
On Tueaday alternewi r lane 19th, at o='e l It
be fold on the plum* nineteen Teti *nab a 'Mild
mg Leta, having each a front of £0 feet oa F eYille.,
and eztaudin,e back 110 fent to an slier 13 feet s63l*--
subject to a ground rent of 620 per annum. • Thavgges
property =Moses some of the best Monitory,liWpg.
linen houses in the clo•otroTeffere pear butMeWporta
to tome wishing to make a profitable inetstmem.
Terms at sale. ROST. CAhlfillEl
ei t,cl
Chin. of Cft Mgt:,
.Inl4 JOHN D DAVI 0.01
Ads:inset au? a Beek If Bank A
On Wednesday motidng, 111E121 Nth, tlO ck . ,
at the Commercial Sales Banat, career a ' and
Fifth its, will be sold by order of Thom -
and Joseph Yeomen eitmialstrqotp .f
of th r d.
Hatbaoh, deceased-41%11m5. nenn
Stock. Terms cash, par d.. . • ,••••'.
A tuiri er , sao of 4¢acru of ezcalLnt Coxi>anuf
42 arms of land.
On Wednesday,:lone 40th, at Q o'clock, P. 51..,:rj thri
Commereral Sale* Rooms, comer of Wood aortafth
Streela, will he sold by order of Alex. hlll/ar,,Eriv_iAa.
eivsee of Robt. Sinclair, forty-five aorta of amojel' ma
tool, M
and about Cony-two sores of land, sitortibmi
the bank of the onangairela, opposite ar
on which ts erected 0 or l 0 dwelling house; R;
rail roads, and other Imporrements for carryirtil on
the coal business Terms at sale.
For Naaldnair and Basalt 111.. Idataltal.
The splendid sunnier . ;t:
, atictuoLs„.,4
maiCapt. Stewart, will leave CT
r Mackinaw, Sault St. !dad' and
all intermediate pons, on the rtnurrr•mater afJtl
For rmighl or passage ta,72g1117 & CO;Att.i u.
Cleveland, Jane 14—d111 '-----
The splendid fast running Ougat
s aLMliewan, muter, will leave
.i for
above and all intermediate- orm
on Monday, Una leo, at MI o'clock A. M.
For freight or ramp appr r on Itaard, or to -'''
Jule I' .. 'GREW & Co, ea
. ..
The light draugta stet-met : ',. •_ •
rattermeatinte wili nerts Or dlehro '....:;;
iiiall keve
day, at 4 o'clock; I, IL il .. ::,
passage, apply on board. *
. 5 .?.:...;
The splendid netunar - „.'.% ..:a.
EIMEMANIXIAM, ~ ,g , g '
: ~
Bowman, I meeker, WM I'ALVO r. 4n• tthe j. ,
0 and intermediate pot, slit dat
at 10 o'clock, A. M. ~„
For freight or passage apkikt n board, ..n. tOi ',)
p . ril,:ris: OS :-....:'
110 11 Mt. laird_,
P r tlllS well 1:1101•12113. of 19kadi d passengesjtaam.
gten is now e'd me e huge., mreKtes/. 6
shed and lerninA and most proverfal boatran the
waters of the West. Every metnnmadadolt aid new ...
fen that money c an procure. ht. bees pp Paw
angers. The Line has been in ennenn, ger em r em ~...,'
—has earned a million of people without the le. - Wu- -....
ty_in their persona. The beats arill be at 'kg:Yon of z..:.
Wood street the day previous to stooling, for tirt,ter ~.,
Lieu of [might and the entry of paanngers on * I •• ~.
ter. In all eases the passage money must I,oal in
advance. . I, ';':
. . •
The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Hettipbf;, ‘.....
leave pntslaugh every Sunday rooming at 10'. bleat{ v't,
Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 P. IIL it' j.
MST 15i1 Valt
The MONONGAHELA, Cam. Sloan,
Mo eve nday evenin mo gmry Monday rni
10 P ng mlo ceekwit Kaelleg 7.;
The HIBERNIA No ; A . C.4 t. J. Kumasi 14_148
leave Pluebangh every morning al l° to/004
Wheeling every TuesdepevenotB at 10 P. It.:i. ' il,
The NEW ENGLAND No. 8, Capt. & Mu, y, will.
Leave Pipet every Wednesday lllailillo 111 MP ' .i
deloelt; Wheeling every Wednesday evening rO. ity, ,
---- -
Tha BRILLIANT, Caps. (hem, avto lea!i— pjays
bargh every Murata' 0, 001006 0110 o,llooo 4Weeltig
every Tharvday evog. at 10 r. t.
The CLIPPER No. 2, Capt. Pla4 Devaz, , c..ghevcry i i rz s moroleg at Reo'cloeke:-:wtese7
limo every Fridal at 15 r. r. •
„at,,. „......
litgo...miia .5
111123183111 anarseEsrs. ~,r-..,...,,-..4 4, 1. f ..-.
. MONONGAHELA RV „..,..•••••• -•••••••----”
Only 73 IIIII•ii IP '''.... .' .
Via Brownsville and Cumber's" ~ 1 a
i =i • __...
Philadelph` .la 40 ' , lre ... .::.
TITE splendid and fist row ".• • •-•"
ATLANTIC, mot! p o . mug li 8 Mallw *NUM .:,..'
reobin 1131318 Itppfp Almon; BALTICC4 a 6
makini . donble daily w` ' , Capt E Elermetn 4re am
=maw. •4 a between i IT
The morn 's , At • AHD BILOWNSVILV.I. ~ 2 .
wk ri a o t,,, brat will leave the tdatsegelitte r, t --
p.n.., the St ",dge, daily at Sachs* r Ordway. •-,.•-
vidpv• v will Asks,SUPERB COACHHat OS drowns. •. 0
. 3 delOok, P . M., end the splendid eat 4 of the 14.1 1
~more and Ohio Railroad, at Combo* id, at 8 :•:„,
~, e p3A, A.. H-, and errivein Baltimore the we straw ?..
in g, In tin:odor Ow evening line to and "•.,
Wu city. .
Fro=burgh to Baltimore, only 72 luntr.‘ • L' •.•
- 's
Fs Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, oulyrke its. rA,
Faro 812,00 .. li•
The evening boat will leave at 0 Goelebk,eri rptft. ..
day evenings. Passengers by this boat torn - edge on I
board in comfortable ate Roams the firstulAht, jam 'lli
over the momtains th e following day in Emil-+m Milt '
Coaches, end lodge the second night in Ctuntliand. ,
Passempurs have choice of either Ste or 4or ILO .11
Road between Baltimore and Pblisdelphia:(, and aus ;?...
privilege of stopping at Cumberland and njaltinCia, i
and resuming their seam at pleasure. OGassipi ekes. -
teved to puttee mtravel u Nay please. 1 - ,
We make up the loads and way bills for the Comb. t.
es In the Pittsburgh once,, (Warder to sAveliMe or , 4
anteing at Bruntsville,) It is therefore haptrumt I 4,
passenger to get their tickets before gel: j br
.±_'; •,-
of th e boat, at our mace, Monongahela 11 . lr ~,,,..-,
street, or St Charles Hotel, Wood it. Phial) • "er 1,. .'
Wedeln L num
Vises • . h Louisville Pack..
The otandid new air ...,., 5
- RAPP - "5 - ^ 1
imallibillePt miler, will • • Dik:/, :
interwedlste • e t t af lb." •
en, the Erb tan, az ID o'clock 4. r P' 3 ' l6 - T ian"' '.
For to- 5 ,0 101 P =Mgr ig i cg 4 •'.
).5 ow BMU A t qa MTA2 Cs.
ile AND OUP 4v l i7- ~.
~...p Acis. .r ui r ß.... ,
_._ r ..."' sod zylantliti passim. r,
Tr pea Azzo
RAPE Ni(..* • sloly .
mas ; will loom '••• Mahe , -
mai end Laninills an .Tbniedsy, the 3tl el la
o'docl, AM. For freirhi or pieteive annlhon 2 ;
w - BURIIIMXIE, WlLBOMik,a,ai 1•••:
.. GEO A IiULTEtIBERGERi ''' i. •
Louisville and at. Lends Packet Wien
1949. 1444.
The i'rer Cut tanaras
.reamer ATLA.NT/11, 4
Gen VP. Wleks, master, VII lean •
r do above and Ledetrutaa pude
emery Tuesday, olOcPelor le, a
For freight or passage apply or, board. er, es • . 2. 4
4019, No.l6.lCom.:itew, •
maridem /441111x
P sATUaDe y Pewter irOR 7- 1.00 1 P
The fine fin rsionavr lu,.
steamer OEN. +A-
McPherson, master, al re RV ..'''.,,
• above end intsonetilatar act ~ t" ''
ry Saturear, at 10 o'clock, r. at. 11
For Lrelghr or passage Apply on bond, at
..,' i
O. ICING, No 11111 Co" r: r'
co er3-ddm
-,te t '
. t
Tie neat and aubsunt. „ ~,;,..., , t „
mattist. HUDSO -
Idenlen, ot,SSer,..._, .5 . ., r:: rform , :
r tngranr v.— Aen - burgh
Wheeling and Bridgeport. She will 7 LL , -. „, .
. 4 4."
on Wedneal end Stunnlay.
For ( MOO or WWI., .PrO m' Ala ,-4
spill t-,„
FOIriVIIEELINO Atir 4 suN gq" a , i „
The Aro ma Aar . '7 7 7 e i
r ADERFL.L.O' ' tr
Jagger's roan, M 1114 74 trn Wee
r abase' AO interntsdlerCports on -
Blorulayann4 TnarsdarS L , to L .
~,' ~ 4
For might or adage- , sop!, on baud. ,:5 spli 1 ',.•
sUNDALT . AIPS-ltal '.;
•Ar an
ffi".t.l , Z7,T,Lito,r_lii,
. y raonan" at deleei, q Bair,: ..
Itinarnlotr,s_ral Arden al "o'clock, F. 'AL :-, ''e
F... to so." er and bask, Tereruy.Sve Dial& 1. r
'' -
Orin , • ' Talk's Tu • mi. v 'l6l
ot Th . ; 'tamer BEAVER r . !ears
haK apposite
H Ht 14
4 .1. 1 Ha o re v _ %L1:T .16 %H 1 , 0;020elt P. br L.:l
- ..... .„.
. BBMOVAL.• <:
e "°". 7. itreAVV-Gzu P.
Forarierdins sod Consous, hir i•''
eluartto`ula miaowed to No. V Etas; bag" . reo Wood
and Baolthilehl greets
„1 .
. . , FBI TRIA wren..` —
athseriber has Jart.reeeieed st this Min Tao 3 ~
Trhars, 711Frooth street, • slim lik. r ca armArell vs- • , ,;.y.
katsd stock or pm GREEN Ar s,, ISGAOS TEttl,,,,'
from Now 'lath, 11l of which hos h c, coontelild kaktibeir,`
tannin? atm. ths firm of Febtaal7l:4l Gtl.onior o r •:+;
all the damn grades grown is Ott Celesna M na m
Our stock being moos the hatred in the We n o "gz ,
po,paracl to wholesale, oo boo s toms Ott Gyp othi, ',I
hens. In the thy. We laths mall grocers td-111 .1
s '2.
fiXaMiLID our stock and prises. flop can hula put. i'r
in ,*, sod fb pacing% 6lb tot earalistra,
half chests,to snit their Conessusocc.
Oat rstWpcleits no far
_Oolong,._thaek n u fl ii .
~. 4 ,
W acs. to Six par Ihi Niog r emir amount,' co o n --,s;•
Casio 60, sad &Wish Breakfast &I, Youxuray.," TI:
Ounpareder &ref haperial, Ikon 3.1 eta. tat pas 1b , ' ;Cii,"
Partulles are revered „to mad and geWiplaw • `;"'.
act.r Teas, sod try them behsto ouseharlar, 4 - 1 - N.
m 19:4&ws•1/.,1AIMIn 70 PcnoUr t A'e
, OW YARN-0 in WOO soul for • bpi 2:'l
tog ?ABBEY! krIEBT ' "'"
Fos, AN Ng% AN tre-sa4'l:7,„-