TRADROWEKTION Nam Old Ea niaLbi,a • ON THE ERIE FATE:4B[ON CANAL. TEE Proprietor of this known Line of Coital Boma to now prepared to tremport.Po.ensers stol [eight to en points on. the Erie Estenition, New York Camas end the Lek., ispori the moat favorable tennis srldovith despatch. nig Line runs in don:skim With the steam bona BEAVER and CALEB COPE. - between Pittsburgh' faid,Beaver, C M BesdbMine of swum boats and ves .el. eat the Lakes, mid tbd Troy and bliChigen Lobe Boat Line ou the No Yorkeerfal._ C. M. REED, Parpnetor, Erie, Pa & Brother, daTente, Beaver. W T Mother, Agent IttJ bleekimcnbi P.senger Oficiektnongultela Houtid,.Pittsburth. • CO SIGNEES—W C Mello, Sharon' TE &S Sharpahurr, Saadi & RoWtihrig, .do; JE Pl.r.mer , West Greenville; Wißk, ishlrte & Co, dot Wm Henry, Ha r tstown; Devlsh. Sundp,,Coffelm , Berney Gibbs & Sandueky; J. A ArrestiOng, Detroit; Kirkland & New - Larry, Sheboygan; brelute & Wlhtano, , blilwau kle; Komi, & Murfey Eaton, ittclue; Jelin H Kinzie, M ello; A Whee er Co; New Tort. uP-3 PlitabtakgA Packet 4 • 1840. j okiit t. recedb'lenteldWr"riaL 4 . 2 . 1 splendid Packet OSLI4IO tan during the „ g.° , be ' tweenelnvWe badPittslturgb—the boots rnbe tow ed by three borer and etery cfon made to accom modate paseengets. Dersazzaus.—Boate will lea. Pittsburgh every Monday, Tuesday, , Thoriday end ,EsideY, nt • 'eloek. r.R. From Blatrevillo every , Monday, Wednesday. Thursday and Soundar, al 7 o'dlockt"'" nt , and arriveat Pittsburgh the some day. A two gorse Hitch from Indiana will mem the boat, at Seltsburgh. both on p• ward and downward trip—PattlaPP&" ou g er, through from that place to one day?. Freight for the aboveletpe . oral be received nt the house of the Boaunatt's Lloes by Jon Fatten & 'who are oar authorised Agouti. All freight received free of cazantisoinna al MARSHALL & Co. FARREN q. Co,A gen ts, Canti,Bosia, Liberty at, - Pittsburgh A Back/cam lilturavilln for Youngstown on the arrival of the boot--reuroabto'boot in morning. Fare fromPiusbargit to Youngstobra &^— received at office [.Boatmen's Linath-rouSh: .1 • optilem tilVa — citt agai 1849 F., th• Trarrna eFra g to row PITTSBURGH, IL ADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, N. Y RK, BOSTON, ke. Tansies nalaltd* Philadelphia. naive &O , Ctjamoz, Pittsbargh. ms old established Line hales now in full Oen tkm,, the proprietors ark prepped with their usual eZtettsive ermagemente tolovw.d ennerdi., pro. dace, &a: to and from the above ports, o bend ten., with the regularity, a:kap:itch and safety peculiar to their mode of trameontalon .abvions,. when into. shipment on the wa s avdided. CAB matelgotoonts ruilfor thleline recatveA clutt er-15pda, and forwarded inAny required Mequon. fret Metallic for commission, advancing or etornge. No inter.", directlY or lltairtt4, In steamboats. , 414conanankettimisprorRptlY attended to on applies, lion to the lblietriag agentt: 'PROS. BOIMITO_ EY7SMarketst, Ph il adelphia. TAAPFE tetscoNNOß, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh- O'CONNOR to Co, North at, Baltimore. Tneti'a =l/-6--A.:*SV.l**,!7.l/ s ai s 184• ' • • ,Fer-tho Treasartainti:of Ateromunitso emeen Praseußan, en.i.heugLigiu, tr. BALTlAltifig. Goadiahipped tt), this Pug, are carried in - fan aeettot, Yonable.Boata. 2 111F.sclasextbers baring arrangements in misc. era want of .itate td. rsatk• Colombia, to hove their goods forarrated over the Railroads in cant, Ito to avoid the detection [het has heretofore OCCUUcti tot the seance Trucks. *oppers well find this to then adv. tage. No charge. made for receiving or chip ping, or far advancing charges. "All goods forwr.rth,d WWI da•FSICII,III4 on IRCIVIIIOIIOIIIO tortes as any on,- LAue. • 'JOILN.FAHRF-N d. co. comer of Canill pdd LibetviL.Pitub.rlh . r Kea a. co, Mch24al2nt dGSAldrkeist, Phdodelplao. imamp,w.l49• •:-.;r:5- 7 TILANpPO A PRAVH,MCCan ..16621 !. 'Tto, Drums., Wat. Ettsona.a, ricoe Dom Conducted on strict Sabbrult-ke.tping principles. MBE Proprietors of this •'old established Line hone put Mew stock in.the Wog. complete oiler and s thoranghly prepared to iprirard Pnoltlcr: and AlerCiLni• moo 14 and from the Bassein-dine. We mat that our lone Okitetientr" in thc. buaine.• and zealous silcatiOn to the Illtere.. Cif to,- InneraiWilt secure to net cannoneer , . end increa,e of the patronage hitherto extended t o Bingham '. l doe. Our arrangement. will Onelde ch to carry Freiget With the unmet dielpalethand ciur,Prices shall alwel be so low no the lowest charged by , other reapossib.c Linea. We have opened an othms tea Market sno t. between eth and sus so, Plalsds, for the ault‘'ettiato'e of ebtppers. Produce and Merchandise allt be received and (a warded, East and West, without soy charge tot for warding, ndu•ueing frefebt r alorige or corandsoion. Bills of 1-edurg turwakiled, and every &rec..a promptly attended to. • Aaron, or applyto WM. BINGHAM, Canal Basin, sot Liberty h Wayne ma, Pittsburgh. • - BINDHAMS h DOCh, No Id) smi, = Market street, JAMES WILSON, Agent, Na 1t..2 Nonh Noaranl Street, Dishonor° WllailAhL TYSON, Agent- NA AO West street, New York ninalasyarraaib prearYeat Packet Lame, 1849. FROM PIITSIIUOII TO. ORE PIILDADELPHIA b. BM,. • AM, (Richolvett ibirassengere) THE...public are nespedbfalli informed that this lot, MB tonneense m dn.tho 19th lust, Lod r 0..• Drum throughout tae The boats are new,r=a supefior class, with CI.- larged cab Lent, which oriilgiVe'greater comfort- Tbg Can tie file Wrest COnSUILCUDIt.' About will always,becat port, and travelers are tr uncated to call and ciarejlre them before engaglag pas eaNt:os' ;V e y r jihe dollen fbrough.) One ' of the boats of thls Lino will leave the lend* (opperdse U. S. -I...ten, coiner of Penn Street snit ParaM, every . night at rune o' clack Tin:m.3ldays. inforconnotn apply at the .04ce, Monongahela 40.0, or w D LEECkI a. Co n. 147 1 Canal Basin IBBICEVS PORTABLE S ORT LIES, . num AM For Um Tritasportnimit or got to TO PILILADELPULt , BALTIMORE & NEW YORK BOHINESS 3e Candi being: sow 'resumed, by Prorictors of the above Line respectfully inform the public, that 1104 urry;pstramd to receive and for ward Freightviridsdespstehosnd at lowest rates. They would also mill the.auention of shippern ward to the fact that the ;Beata employed by them in transportadomareoumediby theta and commanded by experienced catain. -1 • •Itildppers at Meat in Bulk will find It advantageous trt ship by this Line; as dui subwribers have made nr rangemonts at Colambitiob have such freight for Bel- Macre handed dirtatty from bona to thereby so. Meg Warehouse handling. • b Freight to Philadelpluli clear through m the NoNo charge rondo fortenelving slapping or advancing charges. SUER it 30NRS, Propnetors, Canal Ravin, Seventh meet_ AGENTS—John A. ShauriCineminad; O.; J.. ele• But Steel A Co., Fltilndel pCtlT=AnTliomaii4-COlumbln. • nsulOt pziginomv&m& c&ati. & ft. sueus, MM . 1849. 'WREN'S FAST i I'ACRET LINE, !eyr • , Pittsburgh to PlidgeFghia and ibaltisnort. O.:Selo-Sleek SOlTPttisengers.) flPHE.public are respeetfutly Informed , ,that Ca. Line J. Will commence nulttlog on Monday, 19th March. The boats of this Lane L ate of a saperfOr class, with enlarged cabins, sarbieh- will give greater comfort to P.maltS 9 m. • A boat will' Wattle be in port, and travelers rca re quested to call and amine them before engaging pre sage by other motets. They atoll leave Meltwater, op. write the U. S. Hotel, cotter Penn street and Cana:, 'every night at 9 o'eleek. FARE—NLNE DOLLARS THROUGH. • Tivie- 4 31 Dar. For itiktrmstion, apply at, Monongahela Ruse, tato D. & Canal Bram. N. kb...The proprleurre!of ;the above Line are nom beading an additional:Liao of Packets, to ran as above on or sit Jane Ist,,ln cunnectlon with the Pennell vents Salt Real from Lewistown to Pluindelphot. At --shaatimmapaekatssill /eaveavery morning and even througbili days.; ' suelatO B0.&T - I.IN kr; ailigiE4 lB49. .A-631 Bk;a veff - ,, th Artit ' FlTM - 1 ' ilagr.'ll43llURGIL CIOODS carried. on lids lane are not trturshipped Uf Demean Pittabutra anaVttilettlelphia, being car ried la four section Portable limits over land and ma tus.--to shiners• of oserchandize re airing cereal handling, the lit of Importance. No charge made for tourivilis or oluppir w it or for adsaboutg charges. Ali goods forwarded dispatch, nod on as roaralkohle =Do as by any other Line. JOHN MTADEN & Co, Canal Ibutin,Penn et, Pittsburgh LIAS al DAVIS fr. Co, marl .57 Market A 64 Commerce at, Phile JoHabIePADEN &Co, :Forwarding rind Comm tdarenanu, Canal Fenn st, Pinaborgis. .tisid:ll3 M DAVIS& Co,'F'Mat Factors and Commie. Flan Merchants, 427 tdarkeiMid St Commerce Street, Ptiitadalphis. . marl __Me "Advances made by either of the atone oc Flour, Wool and ether merchandise consigned to them (or 'Abs. could 1849, eitTal Inershanto , firelinAparlatlon laws. VIA PENNSYLVANIA: CANAL & RAIL. ROADS, To naULTRUnIi. Al= LLTlzOlur- Conala and Ball Haas being now open, and nll rar i erge d fZ e .:llif,d ' lr— d PlCile fi de r gg and Belgnnero, with pronspebese and despeten, one on as good telsOs u toy other thoe A 151eANUL:TY te Co., 't anal Basle, Penn at, Pittsburgh: Aosonso—CIIABLFS . RAYNOR, Philadelphi. Ensit7 aosE & Co, Belilmore. Metal _1849", BLICROHABITIO vorA arniClollT Rot BLirantlle, JOlutoymen, HolLidayshorgh, and all lotermcduiP) place. rip 818 Line wlll continue 10 catty CI Way (Mods wth their usual despatch, and at hot ratrot of Mfigns-0. A. APAIVULTY & Co, Pittsburgh 1) B Wakefield, Johnstown. Jahn Miler. Hollbiayaborga lionalenum—laustus Jordon, Smith & Binrlat: Dr F BhoOldenegne,B. Mourn, Jam Purker, 1' Von Bonn tuns) & Co, Wm behmet lc Co, Jno hPDevitt & Bros, pinabinki John Lug, 811111, Mulbolian & any. Jno Graf k CO, alartille. . tothl7 1849. 9 .,,,„„r -SLAL.PARRE‘BeIier, Yropneta, MBE tteWaad elegant poienger rackets, 1. NIAGARAO - • ; OW It II Jerrie.; PENNSYLVANIA,' H o ffm an; LANE ERIE,2 Thor 4 GREEN CITY.' • J elialt; • • Petering. dilly Lie* benievilteaverand Erie, barn - cesomeneoevonolg6ond:*ti geodone dining the (see eon le make lOaVill Beaver Miler - - -;dse ordvalet the montage*. Orm;Pdtdrergo, , 0 , Wt.** bes....e.wax or op tat gror n •: . : -- :,•2l4.lffith • lusff be grplieszott t 6 JORN'A COLIINEwAgt„ prnet oriand Sadtaeld its GEORGE RECK, Si Charles HOW MEDICAL QQ ELLS S' FAMILY NIEDICINF—..They ve rag lJ lUnlletnea of;the day." Onantau's Srartox, obi.. Slay '25, 1849. R. E. Snltera thdolcit right for the benefit or other, to tarn I'mne fuels in relation to your excellent Front ly Medicines. I have deed your Verreifacc tercel , In .7' own I"'"• Ily. one vial frequently snoweriau for ex PelltuX lure quartuberneaY Ito 500! worms from two ehlturen. boo , .i.Nored Your Lirtir Fills and Gooch Syrup to Iny family, and they hare In every tintance produced the effect deoired. •As I Uri engaged in merchant! isms, I ant able to State than have. yet to hear of the first fat'are where cyour medicines have been used to my eeetton of toe ountry. In ~,,,teaston, I may state that they are ICI llnediCll2e; of thirday, and are claotineal 10 . halve a ,•y extensive poptddrity. Moon, reepreuultv, VV FI. Prtrouu p re and sold by R. E. SELLERS. No 57 Wood street, and sold by Draggtete generally to the two et • Les and • • • • - r(REitT CERg OF LIVER COMPLAINT, by be ur nyiyinal, only true, nod genuine Liver Boo= Com, Ohio county, Va.. r . Alnren trpth,l949. Mr. It. It. &Deis: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe to you anti to the-public tutor. ly, to state that I have boon afflicted with the Liver Complaint fora twig tune, and ho badly that an abeess formed and broke, witlelt left me in a very lone ante. Ha rm ving heard of your OFlebrated Liver Pills being for mile by A R Sharp, In West Liberty, and recommended to nth by my physidian;tlc. E. Smith, I concluded to give wept a fair trill. I purchased one bar, and found them to be just 'allot theyrecommended, THE 13.1 . 1.1 PILL.EVER USED., nod tiller Inking roar boxes I find the ;Incase hos entirely. lea me, and i am no IV perthetly Well. Respectfully yours, If Vc.l Lt` erty, Munch au. loth I certify' that tam personally acquainted watt Mr Coternmodid can bear testirnouy to the truth of too &boar, ceitlficaiti A It SHARI' Tim aernaine laver pal. art prepared and ant , . by E SELLERS, No 37 Wood street, and by d largo Isis in the two cities: TO THE PUBLIC.—The original only true and gen uine Liver. Dale are prepared by It ESeilers, and have his name stamped in black wax upon the lid of euen box, and his site re on the outside seenrper—all others ate etattlerfells, or base imitations. aptO It E SELLERS, Proprie'or DD. JAYS W.S3 04/aILMID ATIV IL BALSAM UOlLthe Rev ASA Sill SN. a Weil Lnolv ti sr: d pot F Mar tlerrnpon of the Protestant hiethopt CLmvu The undcreigned Levine been allele,: during the pest Wittier with a disease of the sometimes re ducing great pain In the stomachlor ten or twes, hours tritatatigngetnianinu, end alter having tried aAi war tereetheasith little eflecf,wasfat nailed wiah a ban, of Dr DJaync's Carminative Relearn, Thisbo used no. eording to the direction., and forted invariably the; it, medlcincEanced the pain to abate in three or four one. idea, apt in filtan or twenty minutes eve .7 0 11 1 01• t r.= was entirely emitted. The was ai heed lagitiotger indications of the approach or palnotera perceived, and vet thereby prevent. ed. Re•continnad m not the medicine every evening and aouthtimes in the morning, and in a tow wee/. health was so CO restored, that the sufferer was entree ed from}} largo amount of oppressive pain. Front es pvrienccitherefOrt, he can confidently reconatne••d L/ Jayne'd Caren native Balsam, so a salutary medic or for diseases of thcatomaci, and bowels. A SHIN ND Allen teeny city . ry:11 For sale in PiLtalaurgh at the PEKIN TEA. STAIR 72 Fourth a'rent, near Wood, and .1..50 at the Drug SOW! of H P SCHWARTZ. Ferierel 'treed. klieg .va --- • I'.ViLLI,/ABLE DISCOVERY I CONSUMPTIVES BE ON TOUR GUARD. - DR COttll'OUND SYRUP OF WILD CUB J Intik aaosr lIIMISDY 906 C'S.".lR..lle,S.lks, Colds, Asthma, er Coopplaint, Bpluteg Blood, Diffieultvßreettl ing,.rain inAhn Sole rod 8re.4.51., Palm...won 0: ea, Ikon, Influenza, Croup, Broken Cow tollution, Bore Throw, rake otoolte th• ty, or.ti of the Throe., Breast, and Bungs; Illy M.... fe.lllll and weekly care ever known tor toy of the strove • R . S tV'sk tk 'S' 001,11400=1d Syrup of Wild Oh•rryt This Medtelue Is int lonxer 01110µRm oug 1[101.3 of uniee. nulny. - .lt hasphased away nom the thousands Mu. y lartrmliert. upon the tide of experiment. and now err+ d.. lusher to reputotion and is becommg more cite inn .e. ly used Man eel other preprartuoa ot nariPetne other crediethe , Cu • trran Co , April 05th , leis Dr. Saisyne—rDear Sin I eerily helmet your Cons • pound Syrup u( Wild CherrY has been Co . mesh* oi Lilyttly life. I caught a revere oohs which Jr grew worse, ...rani with n severe irrugeih. that segued pit the.remethes which I hoot recourre tu. .all Incr.:Mos mtit mTmoo exhibited nil the eymptome t Pulmonary Consomplum Every day I tried Seen3,l to One Ito elfert, oral my compleon incensed so rapid. ly that Spends m well as myself, gave up all hopes ei reco4ery. 'Medic ine umc I Wo3 recommended ui try your Irrealushli medic: I did so with the too, hap py results. first bottle had the effect ro und loosen the cough, an am to expectorate EreelF, sod the liAte usa six hot:deal entirely well,and :klos, hearty 4 man as I ever was mmy Ufe, aid would big happy to give my information respecting my cum, that *Met micron may derive. the hermit for which lam eir. grateilL For the truth of the shore Satcurai t refer you to Peter Hush, Grocer', West Cheme crevettom 1 purchased the medicine. ally youm lure Stances. War,lnjiyl Care of a • Dr. SMayncr-'Dear the: 1 foci a richt of gratitude due to you-Fonda dory to the aelictell generally, to oder hambletestimony in favor of your Compound rt rap ofWiNC.Cherry. Some three years since 1 wax MolontlY satiated with cold and inflionmatiou'of toe Langs,Yvhich ;was accompanied with a dmtmwine, cough, Pain in the brewt and head, a very coustdera • bieablettge *Cott...two:mew front the lunks., rope daily aro change at weather, however tingle A. Snit Ifc no alarm about sot condition, but was pretty soon toininced that I O. rapidly going into census. p• 1A .,. Wily weaker, and at length woo scarce ly able ...Wilmot, or speak above • whisper, such was thee:weeny we of ray lungs Deming titis I Cited triedmar ion. preparations and presertpnow, bat relief—growing all the time worm. Joe here Ises advised and persuaded by a dear friend in Wilosizejton to Make teal of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry. I =Mat to that previously I bad been prem. ihwdagainst patent medicines, and I am we arpormt Mow coming oat of the hanks of eraperica, bar under standint your claims to Me proCessmn and practice or medicine:, and hating implicit faith in the saying of say friends,/ .forthiSith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents, a few Ironic., and commences] to use. My chs• ease seta at that time of 10 or '4 onths' mending, eon. sequesey it was deeply mated m . I found, however. consideitable relief from the use of the Lest Caw or Lee bottles., Bot4iag , : i stl l ic rlo: ro aker , , I f . rnercaly fared those vessels that I 2 alrear ' sere ayere p y bran: to ;.•In thw.way,, my cure was greatly retarded. In censequence of Wong thus Imprudently. had Masa ttrolve or fleeen bottles before I was per = restored: I have no question. haMac. rp o ,ip, eror bottles would have made me sound, hu: f or the Waveindmmonon. The Syrup allayed thy fr hltbil, took early the distressing eough, por n stop to the thscharge of metier from the tongs, nd ste p them and the inane system good health. have defer • red offering this Certlnellte until now, for the red of boinglierfectly satisfied wall the permanency or rue care, knd now 'tiler I feel perfectly well I offer d U to pleaseek Wry J. P. Jew., Dublin eoart4', N. C. • • •larrporient Caution--Rera, There but alto genuine pray WildCfierre, and that Is Dr. ;Swami.% th e hat ever offered to the public, *Mich ism been sold largSlyi throgout the Dated gams .and to pink of klaropt, an pr o . paranoia called by the name of Wild Cite gj . have 0..¢ put dist slate this 4 andel noir efofiaorriti deceptive orrourpotoZooljirS orliO% tCr CoTTCtIty to their sales t3y little &miriade°, pro persorl need nthrotee the gemulue from the false. 'Each banjo of the gemuni. Is enveloped with a brim:Whir other cogniving, with the likenetiorWiDiam Penn thereon; *lin, Dr. Sion:, nc's signature: emir further s ecurity, UM portrait of In. Swayer* will added hereafter, to to to diatinguisir his preparation from all others. Now, II it viol not lot the great curative properties and known virtues of Dr. SwaylePs Compound Syrup of Cherry„perrints %mold not be endeavoong to give en - money to their “fictinotis nostrums" by steahog the name on Wtld Merry. Re:Mg:llser, always bear in mind tie Millie oh Dr. Swayneiirid he nor deceit d. Principal Mee, curare of Eighth and Dam %teem, Padelphirs. Poe onto wholesale and road by 06 DEN st'SNOW• DEN, car nd and Wood stag LI A FAIL:4ES7MA .h l e llOYLN l , o .:37lirlt V e e t a e i t rJUIVS ' , gel ‘‘ l ' e . 7:elt o y hs t, I V .r. ‘ r j r A JONES, cto'rllmd end Penn son JOHN hIITCH. ELL,AI/e,glieny airy, and by all respectable de tiers medicine. 0,11 A -nig° I Pit.k. that nr JA YE. E'n PUY F Dt • 'egeltigtltNT is %opener to all ether thenedi , for o,,,t g ,,teastuiqnkto, Bronchitis, Asthma, sthl other ul sno. easy effeittolso that th e seal. persons eltothounreeed the ow et ttne data freulleetso years ugut te .11 War toitortioa of Ma kind; thee/here any have twit insw.4 to try ether ;freharatious they hare almost invariably been IneprOtedell twelve.' the benefit clo th was reasonably knnespetid front the high psalms bestowed by the 14011( icton, and haverstatned to the use of Javagal EnsacrunstrE natettY that has useef Caned to relieve them, sod cluck had ite meat in arresuolg ponnowiry distows. Proparto calf by Dr D. Jayne rtinettelphia,i.d phi o p lineY h J t.LEX. JelstEtt 71 Fourth et Dr;W.Pr. bolas:Ws Premium Planter. DS. 4 1. F. P.-INLAND, of the Medical College bt 1.411. ,l.illPhilt3tow offers to th e public Ina Incline elapse rromlom Plums, the qualthes of which, aft, Le th aisan c itrleAnfrr w ien om c%hzu b i o treen y etn „ sfae: t r , :l d y rrolapetts Iltetia or Fallen Womb, be rceotrunentle Init plesterc . guanUlteeing a sure and speerly cure in the shorn spree of from two to thee week., if applied wit ease and rest—dineardnig'all the cenntleas to-mouth 11/1 and expenairey.andages no long in use. Floc he feeld ronorrepuoni to tinting, Inasmuch ea he ha/ not foiled In one me not of three hundred and ftfty.three pa tients. Also for Rlsimmatism aSid Weak Breast or Dant, at tended With rain, there is nothing w eseel Oda Pl.ter to affordingmilder silencing a mire. For sale by Wilcox, earner of Diamond and Marker st Braun & Hotter, " Liberty and St Clair ms Dr / Sarg e nt' " Federal sr and Diamond, A Ile pony =IF Jacqu i p 60, " Denman arid Mono.' Dinning lel EBEItEILS, D.tpit, No .57 Wood street, Sole gent for the ludo of Dr. Townsend', Gen- SaNtapittilia, has Just received 200 dowo of this Great sl,ditilind 4 tunEer Medicine. Parehasetsi,ll, . recollect that R E Sellers is 1, agent for Pißtgurg , and D M Curry for Allegheny city •E; aps Fll—Dppinx %Vetches, madiby the celebrated Cooper of Lolidon, J. Tobias or Livrpool, end Large egiortateat ordetached gold end silver L.evers, made by the best Geneva manufacturers. Speets lira!" kindle Common/Da Ware in vets; Gold P ; Jewelry in large variety ; Silver Spoon., Forks, • 0:11 . • Watch repairing executed in the best num.,. . W WILSON, IO corner 'Market aMeth arts , • NACAULILIPS ENGLAND —Huper's Lino aittlon, JY.L 13 TO.. with portram; cloth-73 mos pcir Far ardit-by /WINSTON k OTOCINTON, , corner MsAtet~tlSd 9d as MEDICAL. f---ifr , F i.. 1-- . - , ; L5 _,, - ƒt/_ 44 jLI 'rsf-a44, -!;-1t§9 ~ ,*, i z fi z — , „ k;„.e„ . ~ DII. TOW .4 COIITOCTID • SARSAPARILLA. Wasslrr d Baf Ire. Th. moat artraordlaidryPtlit ol la tiza World I Tiro Ea:tract ir reap /4 /Wars: Haw clover, corms ! prrior aay term /I ars,/ wit,6lll saarltra is , n ro 2 lracitalokr or tla The mar beauty andsufAvlority of thie Sarsaparilla ta , .bge It ;traffics. the dku ease. it inehtormas the him oda of the vary beat SPRING AND =S US. MEDICDIES Erer kuwort ; it det only par' . as the whole system, add sirenythens the person, only It o -airs ass, per ars4 rlrJ Hood: a power puseestad by ob oth.r madicink And in td. the fraud secret of Ito wondartsl vacua. It has performed within the last two years, more than 100,000 corr.. of severe we. of disease; at least 14000 were considered incurable. It has saved the lives of more than 10.000 children daring the two past saws.. 10,000 ernes of General Debility and want of Nervous Energy. Dr. Townend . . Sarsaparilla Invigorates ths 'Mon ern., permanently. To those who hen Inn door muscular comp by the atom of medicine or lodine. non committed in youth, or the •stesair• Indulgence of toe pentane and brought on 'enrol pbyste•l penm non or d. narrots• system, Inaltude, warn of ambition fm ming Reunions. premature d.o•y and decline, haste,. um toward. that fatal does., Consumption, can to ere ,rely restored by tht. plearant remedy. Tn. Sane Is far supanor to any Invigorating Cordial, A. it renews cad lunrorates the system, 0 , •• And ,o 7 r. the Isrtibt. and btrnnfln lo the innecular aystato, la • traurdluary Consumption Cared. ninon. ak Serstornoas Onanroottra as k nusL lirekkina Okrasrptias. Link Okapkon. aadJ. Onsrrh, Oosyr4 *Map ef Mass, &mese. is Ou Clust,Efenielto.4 Iryris kocka, Di jksis rr Prodins ittprak. rodno Paints IL Mats Or., Us. load to In ma. SPITTING BLOOD. Ms York, tpril"Olr . : 4 Dt Toeazzo—l rally haus that you rill. hos boom the =ma; lkshogh Pool'Woos, of co etyliti. I hare Cat amoral ywo hal • bad Comb. I beam* rem oral oreni. Li hot I fluid lame closolti tho. Itool hien Brno, wad ono gosoothr &MU. torod oaf rodueod, and did hot oxpoth to him. '1 Imo ohly V-1 , 11 Toot Busapsollia • Amin tins, awl dose Iwo 111.11/610 obi:arab.n itiontght la lac I .sa alolo woro ono it. - any. Moo 1* blood, hod my sergh 100 1111 coo. Tot eau orolil laughs that I oso thatUd far the.. moth,. MMT4=MI ..... Tetriurmee Burrapartila Is • •••••••11.Lo_d q**.if • luarat Oensamphah Datralutme, rropa. Ul44i, Of F of the Womb, Catlvaaam, Moe uraaa or Whites, ebesraetad midinaalkittemmur • I ustaattnenea al ortaa a lereleetary dlacharge shersseg sad far the Mesa prmstralbta of tb. systam— s manor +holier th• mak af talmesat mum er mum. , /educed by imegalmity, Whom est Lathiest Ploittlag ma Le mass mrprlsily Oka itt lar4oratiag album • the huch• tram. Femme ail eraanme sad Ituni• tele, from uchlug it, at tam baracte reheat ,std fell a energy amass lie Wilma.. loususdiataly alastareste ihe nose 'lcemen of iits female bask kWh Ls gram sue: ct OCITOURIAII. I. *ll3 eat b. azpoesad al at it sorsa cf n dolLaata a tutus, a. asrullattlas el scam I.erformed bat we au assure Lb. ,Flared, AM bemire!. edemas ban bees rspanall to ea Thehmado of mom when familim hare boas without alliktma, crter using • fro battles of tklo luealaalL. medlttlea, U/ co wee bleed kit/ 11., ltmalb7 *c.f.*" To Moth mai Harried Ladle.. Tbds Falcate of Farmyards km bet. expressly pre. pared It raiment. to h 40113pithass. N. (mad. ssu Las mason to Immo aka 1411/I.l.kfill Lb.. mtUcal period, The tem of WV amid esglam t. mt . • It, u it L. • striate preraades dr luny of A. 1.1111.11.61 Lod horrible diseases le cbleb Anal.. as at lid. Mae cent. This palled smog le. Ad -I..crsAl for °sera: pore by asisw the amtimeta N.. le it less valuable far those lobe ar• apprtheklag ..- echoed, m it la thloulalad to saga lumina by quick ening the blood Larigondlog the mum. lotted. Lass mcd.trine is havalaable Pre all the datums dives wt. c, vrb.:l 'enema are nbjmt tor.fll the .bole oyrtsm. reams. parmasmatly lb. by removing tlo Impur:lm of the body. not as far etimulatlng as to prolon aubleavirso releaatetos etch se lb. car of moot medicine* taken fa female , oeakome and dim.. By min a to. boats et this median. many metre and palsfel surgical opera hoes may be p Gress* Blasing to Moan. and Children. t It is as safest ad meet effectual modleinefor partly- Int thet a ., ad rellerring th e arraigns, attendant upon ch id-birth ere, dinovered h aragthene both the mother ad child, pthanth pain ad dlv..a kll - and ark*w the fad, three who hare mod It think it is indirpetteabla It is highly useful both before sad after eontnarnent, a. It prevents diseased anemias upon ehlidthrthas, Catthanths, Piles, Cramps, Beall. ins of the Perk Despondaney, Hearther, Vosedther." Pain in the Bath ad Lola Pulse Paine, Hemorrhay, attil In natal. the at:allow and equallsthe the eir enlace it ha. a equal The pan heath of Hai thediela h. It is alertly. sae ad the sad delicate ae it most enecearelly, ary fee as. require ay other median., in ante a little C•SIZT 011. OT safal. reescia to the Op.. els, ea light food with thy maids., will easy. antra • safe ad easy coo- llamas Beauty mod Ueda. Cease don Chalk. and • variety of reparations gear "Idly to the, wham epode.' to the face, very mom sped n of its beauty. They ethea the pore• of the thin and check the elreulation which when naturals not thwart. rd by disease or prthen or the skin Inflamed by the thitalles 031.11 to wart bowed*. Ith owe preelection le the • human face DIVi11111," as .ell asfn tbe garden of nch and delicately tithed and variegated flowery. A free, aeur. and healthy threcdatioc of the guide, or the thrsier of the porn rich blood to the thrreolltten that which palms the couthetrance to the moo thou, astr beaety tots that winch imperva the todownbabie thadel thet flashes of lamellae. thth all adadre. but those nth dethrtho. This heathy is the offspring of saw twro—not arrester or soap. if sears 6eat o free and healthy art-diadem, titer. Is o• beauty. If the lady la fan ar &inns thew, If the pale; ad nos ceemthista end the blood I. thick, told and impure, she Is not beau. taut If the M brawls er yellow. and than I. pare and thithe blood, to give. • rich bloom to the cheek., and • brillithey to their eyes that I. fasthaating. Tide Ls way the southerly and espaily the Spas laic ladlera the ths ouch admire& Ladles In the earth who take bat little saucily or ere wetland la close roman or kth a evaded their completion by the &pp& canon of deleterious manure; If they wish 10 non eland/sty of then buoys. spirits, sparkllag eye. and thautifel complet n ions. thould new Dr. Town lead's Pansparilla. Thonthath th who bat. Vied it, the more thee autisned, the delighted. Ladles of creed nor odlce Moder to toe Lodi.. T,,0t0 (Inc tmlute Dr. Townsend's SersoparDla hen k.. hl r.llad thair stuff • great Remedy Fr ea.., h., int. and hay. ooptsd ov bills and circular, arinrh Want to the cemplalun of women, .eel to wort —ather men area pat ay medicine, lona noce the great aureate of Dr. Tonueend's Bernaparilts le complaints incident In Menne recomtantund Mein, although pre stoney they did tux A number of thus Matures, % R. , ice are injurious to female.,tut they aggravate disease, and ands.... the couninatioa Dr. Townsend . . le the ouly and but moody Du adYnalfelul (Wana emn. phuose—tt randy, If Nur fails of itfilm a pane... cure. it .0 be taken by the masa d.okala ♂ to any ease, or by thaw erpentag to become soothers, etth the greaten adramagu, h prepare* the mum Ind presence pan or danger, and mungthent both math and child. De wet. to gal the genuine. =121:12= Thu cern fume emseloeively groves that tide gars. earths bes goriest control arm the moat automat dl. of the Flood. Three peroons eared In cue hoes. is nernucodented Three Children. I). Tovnisse—Den Sir I I have the plasma. to Inform you that three of my ehildrsa have hese eared of the gerofule by the em of Yons They were aElleted very severely with badgers. ; here taken only four battles: It took them away. for which feel myself owls, greet obligation. Your*, reapectfally, ISAAC W. CHAIN, 106 ooau et Opinloam ofPhTedniiiiivaia• Ur. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders tram Physician. In ditTorrut parts of tire Onion. This tr to csvufy that we, the undersigned. Pbyalciana a tn. City of Albany, have in netnieroua cues presealtp cl Ur Towneantra liersatrarills, and belly,. It to be one of the moat valuable pre,arations Is lite market' Ile P. PULING st. U. J WILSON, hi. a IL 11. FIBIWIS, K. D. Albany. April 1,1847. P. P. P,I.IIIENDOILP, K. I) Oett, to the great aaccces mod human.. sets of Dr Towneeod's D•raarmrdb, a comber of man who were formerly our Afetas. have commenced nvaltlag Defray.- rd. Earrart, Eltairs. Outer, Feuer-la it Yellow Duct, r. They renerally pea Sr up In the same rbayed bet. dti snot atrmaolf them here Dole and copied our save, tineau—they ere ettly ,eurthlaaa ImisuDuu, end sho am uld be •resded. Principal (Inlet, I4G FULTON Strata, Elva Da'ldiot,. N. Y.; Ito&'lnc d: Co., el State atm., Boston; °you k 172 North Sermid street. YWI 4 Iph4; S. A. Droretst. Baltimore , M. Colic& Charlet.. : Wright & Cu., 151 Chum" Street, N South Ymrl Altreet, Albany; mad by .11 tie tirmciii.l Dr, i i tn.! 'llerdiam• throufboat WPM Indica ant the Cattail. N. 11.-PerSo/11t inquiring for than sortheine, Khould not induced to other Druggists put up Itmparillas, and of emerge prefer selling their own. o out be deceived by anp.jaquire for Dr. Town send's. nand take 110 other. Remember the genu ine. ''rownsand's Sarmpuril a." sold by the wile agents. IL E. SELLERS, General Wholesale & Retell Agent, No. 57 Wood street, and D. CURRY, Allegheny city. jet SPECritl7 - SYMPTONIS OF CONSum ivgit" Quirk pulse, hocking cough, general, restless sleep, vanithle npueiate, irregut sr bowels, pane between the shoulder blades behind 101,11/111.1 1:01,101 . 0.1 OP C-0.1110910rt —1701:10111ff night and day flabby murales, genera: debility, great shortness ot breath on spilt/ p ule 0 ascendant s hill, or walking but a little fast. always above one hundred, for weeks togcumr; drenching told sweats towards morning. Catarrhal Consimiptran come. on like a common cam rrh or cold, but about We period when that di♦ close usually expected to subside, some of We symp toms are aggravated. The cough le more troubl-i- Ao6le, especially when lying down. Tante is no fixed peon in War chest, hut dslleult breathing,. which is worm osi lying down The appearance of the expes. totation, whichcopious, Is changed from a Wirt yellow mucus to r n Witmer substabec. It to very us, pleasant to the pattern, and emits an unpleusan smell when burned. It is of sin uniform appearance, istide probably • mixture of puss and mum., as on mixing with Winer part sink• and part swims. This disease may occur in auy haat ar at oily age, and is chars.- tensed by the pccultanty of the cough. The 14.1sato of Liverwort effects the care of this in sabot. disease by expectoration maths and heals the never lungs. It ver fad sWherever this med.. cwt has beta used, we hear of its success. For thir teen years It hos been before the public, and han been thomeghly rend for nil eoMblatala of We Longs, and brus.:proved itself supenor in merit to any Wong to use. We might pile hundreds of mantas:muds from physl coins, rho press, clergy, and those who have been co red. Inn all we desire hn to tall We attention of the af filmed, andfor their owe good they will try it. Look oat for counterfens : Always observe the sig. aware, "De. Taylor, Al. D.," on the engraved and prepared at the Wholesale Depot, 73 Beekman teem. New York. Bold In Pntaborgh by 7 D Morgan 93 Wood .g .1 Townsend, 46 Alstrket at; II Brayser, cos Market and 9,Litrerty .1 Price redueed to $1,60 per bottle soar/ Nlris Late O. MACKE.Itka.-76 sm u" to — r sale le. w 111004 conslgazierii. leta !Au LLZELL OSREZZI THE undersigned having been appointed Agent of We Dm-amass Mortar. SAncrr lanaiterce Com eas-r, in the place of John Money. Jr, reslmued, spectrally informs the public and the friends and cus tomers of the Company, that he is prepared to take Marine, Inland and Fire risks on !Wend terms, at their office, No. 37 Water street. P. A. MADEIRA, mylEl Agent l_gtiSkj 130at0E1—IIM0 teat 2 in. 3 ply India Rubber JUL Hoee—lust rreeived for We Borough of Manche-- ter, white will be held to store for a feu' days. The Boston Belting Company express a strong desire for the fire departments of the cities of Pittsburgh end Al leg ny to call and examine and Mike • Intl of them. The bo emnpany ts wilting to put them to any teat they think proper to conclude open. elyto J Ir. H PHILLIPS, 5 woad at lith.ihn ttik Tfiff gratgolui , rl7sN or - 11.6c1i the Citizens' Insannue Compwly of Pittsburgh. omit be opened in the Rooms of the Board of lisle, o n the first Monday of November nem, at It/o'clock, •. Wm. Lorimer, Jr Robert Woods. Wm. B. M'Claee, Joseph Plummer, S. H. Kier. Josiah Ring, John Shen Alen. Ftomburg, and H. D. Kinj, arlihdtaovl Commisaionets GOL Da - HsPARRY has itrVented a concha. for washing Gold, for which he has made application for • patent. They are now offered for sale at the ware house of Party, Scott & Co., No. 103 Wood street, Pinsburgh. Adventurers to California are Invited to call and ex amine these labor-saving Machines. They are simple in their construction, easily transported on the back of mules or horses, weighing eighty pounds each, and can be put in operation in half an hour. They can be fined with provisions. It Is the opinion of those who have seen the trial of one of these machine, of smaliest size, that two meal will wash the mineral from IBJ bushels of sand or rank in a day, without the lon of a particle of the mineral. They can be increased In sire and worked by water or mule power, If expediert. The operator. work without going Into the water or being exposed to wet, and consequently without en dangering their health. They will require but a small stream of water, and can be used the whole mason, and can be put into °pennon where there is not suffi cient water to wash in the usual way. Price of smallest tree 1135. Orden from abroad, ac companied by cash, will be promptly Failed. H. PARRY, at Parry, Scott & Co'a, febaldtf No lfff Wood st, Pinsburich. llliwpratt e . Bona MILE .bactibers are now receiving their Fall stock 1. of the above article, three vessel., ell: the Juniata, Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia and Baltimore, arid two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Leila, Monty expected, they are, therefore, prepared to receive orderr.. They will receive during the win ter and sprang regular supplies van New Orleans. novia W & hf hIITCHELTRER OUNI' EAGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning down and 'atop glasses, silver plate, brass, Bri. Fannin., and other ware. It rapidly takes oat all spots stains, and reproduces the beautiful and durable lustre of new ware. Just received and for sale, whole. sale arid retail, by RAIN D MORGAN, _ Druggist. _ . _ ivy R. SAML. H. HARTSIAN hams( sold h. nuer• IT est in the co-partnership of Coleman, Hallman k Co., to the rematntng partners, has this day retired from the brm. February to, 10494 NI. lIMAN IrI'ACTURES. Tim under' signed, Again tor them anufacturerS, has on band and is constantly reeetving a full supply at tha article. made in Plttsburgh and rteinity, which he offers for wti jeerlieTlLL, es eestssses,s. 'ale at inanufaciarers prteett. t IEU COCHRAN. tetttel aroml INDIA lit:lll3ER FAKrE-1 gross bottles India Rub her l'aste. .n excellent •ruele for rend, log twatol• and hoes permetly water proof, and toll as a piece of cloth. One application of au: pasts to anfactent to male We imam Vlol.l. 10 water for 'fur 3 months. and a perfect preveumme front the leather erackutg Deed and for ule at the Ind a Rubber Depot, do I ood at, feb'Zl 1 h 11 3.1111.1.11• S WIRE RAILING. SECURED BY I-MM.:RS PATENT "DUBUC ATTENTION is solicited to in enta,:y I now article 01 RAIL:NG. made oi wroneht iron Lora, and soft annealed roils, or wire and eiprri sly designed for enclosing Cou-agea, Cemeteries, Wilco. nies, liiountla. de , prices varying front Si Louis to 10:1,Uu the run/ I.g foot It is made to panne.. of Viill/111.1 lengths, 2a lo fret high, with wroaght iron pus. inch ihterverong distances of 6 to Di feet It desired, the panitels can be made of (eight, 01 continuous spans of SU to CU feet, with or without pools No extra en•rge for posit The compa.ouve lightnew, grin. strength and dors htitty of the WIRE RAILING, the beauty of Its •arted OrDalllerlllo de.lgns, together with the e.r.wernely lu price et winch it la ...old. arc causing it to supersede the Ca, I u u,. :Corna wherever their commit Of merit• have boen tested For forth.. part)cu lars, ad• dres. hIARSIRA IL at II Hi/ INERS. Agents for Paterswe•, Diamond alley, item Smithfield et, Pittaborch fete., dim ALCOM AND PURE SPIEII3, C.rncr FTUMI Sad Vale suerts, Cinrmn~U, r) dett to at lowest market prtee geTte.4ll: IthOhll Ll THIS DAY, at the neer Carpet-Ware bowie, No 75 Fourth street— The h en...seri Plano covers Plata Turkey red Chuuk do do Table do Itg'd do do do Wooded do do do do Bordering, Blue Darbaek; Carpet Hindishrs; tih-en woreen • ALSO—Camps Geninca Transpvent girt& s, Se I spiare Vie., do do Turicsis d ad do Clone.. do do Drapery Cameos do do .Moonlight Vacs. do do Landscape do do do T I ;prince do do MBilii=3== The ssim•e Good• are of the metseet and neve.. styles. to - .tort: we 0.110 the stlestUon or our friends sod fIIIIIOI.IICM, sod those wishing to furnish or re pleuish stet= hosts and houses rnstr7 IiCOLINTSICK . . . CARPET'S—Received ihts day direct - Irons 11 the mona(aemtar— Ner. style Tapestry 3 ply Carpool, extra super. do do do do super de do Druseels'Cespets, do Ilrussole, very rhup, do do riegrolora super ingrain do 4-4, 3-4 and alperrog Venetian do 4-4. 3-4 and E. galumph do do All of wtach ad re sold at • email adranaa, and wul guarantee az low a tan bepurchased In the a Ott •er,4 W ArCLINTOCK,73Fourth at COACH MAKING. FROM the very liberal eutotirago' gni , meet the subscriber ass received tince he hat located himself in Allegheny, has adored bun to take • 'due, for s term of years, on the property he now occupies, in Beaver street, ironsediately bealde 140 Prpbyten.Chareh. Prom the long expenenue in the above bonnets and a desire to plea., be hopeslo me r it and receive a share of public patronage. Now on hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Rug. ties, open and top Ruggles, and every description of Carriages made to order, from seventy.five dollars to aight bungee% I.D.R.thn JOHN sovni _ Th. Allegheny Cemetery. A'r the annual meeung uf the Corporator. held an the kit illet, th e follo w ing persOna Were Ll/11141- muuly re-elected Managers for the mewing yeas: THOMAS M. HOWE, Prendent _ . .. JOHN BISSELL, JESSE CAROTHERS, NATHANIEL HOLM ES WILSON M 7 CANIJLES JOHN H. SHOENDERJER, /AMPS R. SPEER, J. Furor, Jr., Seeretar7 and Tremorsr. The annual atatemant premnted the affairs of the Courpmy in a very prosperous coedit:tom Their ogles to the eity to No. 37 Water lore.. Jcli *VENITIAN ISLIN MA NU East side of the thunoud, where Venthan Blinds or all the different sixes and colors are kepi on haw' or made to order ails the latest and Moat approved Priatem rash ions, at the shortest notice and on the tool 1=1=12:11 Also, the sheep Boston roll or eplit Blind Transpa- Nency and Paper Cortaths of all the shllitent steer and •rterus, On band and lor gala low for earth. Old yen,. WM Blinds {Minted over and repaired, or taken in part payment lor new II M WIiirTERNELT, PriiPpr N. ft —Ail wth. done will the hear 1111lterlai anil workmanstip, and warranted to please the most nos. udions. astgla-dly Allegheny csty, Aug. 10, lelB. AINICILIC A N TELIDGRAPII COMPANY ski.rimnotzrcrrns.oll AND ununcLlN.l. WITEIIN LINE. Tlee at the Ezehanie,Baltlmore. EDUCEI.I HATES.—The charges have been redu• IL red tin all rilleaasges to or from Baltimore, Pit.. burgh ur Wheeling, and • corresponding redoetiun made on all leingrardue de• patchea forwarded from ltal• uinore West of Pittsburgh, Pa. liar as.—The charge for • telegraph desparch m or fromßaintuure, Pinaburall and NVaneitinr, IA 45 raw, (or the fart ten words, and 3 coma for each additional word. irr No charge, Is made for Me addraes and mane Until the completion of the Pwath Western line of Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn., to New Orleans, dos. patches can be forwarded to Mertmbis by this route, and rnallotl tor Ncv (Means jell A CIIKSON INOODIIMIBE & JOHN WOODHOUSE, H A l: f t .l p ..4 strt 6 it: h rolai d p ' , Y un ' ele ' r *Le fltfith.:nd stly`Teol'777. Woounoust, lor the mat. or TIN, CoP PER AND SII EET. IRON WARE, on the corner of Robin “ni Wert and the Citattl, in the Ist Ward, ALLII.O/ICNT CITY, where 'boy are prepared to famish to order, wholesale anti retail, all artlelem in their line with promptoel . . Foundry Trimmings, and Carpenters' orders are so betted, which will receive Immediate attention. City of Ancahelly, Feb. 1, IBllib-46m. IANDSCAPE PAPER— I_d set, a view of the Battle of hionierey; " Cerro Gordo; " " " " Buena YU.; Chase de Lyon; Garde Frencale; Col C Auvertem The above is suitable for papering large nubile rooms. Just reed direct from Paris, and for gale al the warehouvd of ntnl 9 C HILL F A I ILIK S.—Chemical Liquid for washing clothes, carpets, elite, paint and Etta fermium— laming half labor and &epaulet entirely watt the wasttroad. The finest Wilton carpets, after haying been in eve eleven years, have been perfectly meter ed, without the alighttal Wm to the fabric, and with out removiog trout the door. It will not finer. the loth. Directions accompanying each bottle. Price la cents. For vale by J BCIIOONhIAKEIL at CO, [WI 24 wood st I) RUCS--=ar A c c r d otaah, In Ib2ouJes; Sulph. Soda do Sub Nit.lllentuth do Creosote do GranvilLe Lotion do Chloroform do Just received and tor dale by .13 B A FAHNINTOCE k Co AL SODA-7 oaks lo? We 0 , , m,.6 I BCROONMAKILB t Co P 1051111,41 MllllO =ll3 LOW F.L. L I , LETCII EH, E=r= EXCHANGE BEQU' &c. N. HOLICIeS & some, Blinkers, Exoh•nge Broker•, AND DilLl2l IN. . . NOTES, DRAFTS, ACCEPTA.NCM, GOLD, SILVER AND BANK NOTES.. COLLECTIONS.—Draft., Notes and Acceptances payable in any part of the Mama collected on the most favorable terms. F:XCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal• timore; also, Cincinnati, laoi.vttle, Sault Louis and New Orleans. constantly for sale. BANK NOTES.—Notes on all solvent banks In the United States discounted at the lowest rates. All kinds of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin bought and sold. Office No. 55 Market Were, between 34 lud Ith Pittsburgh, Pa. itettri FOREIGN EXCHANGE DILLS on England, Exchange. and Scotlwld bought oar amount al the Current Rates of change. A , Drafts parable In any part of the Old Countries, from II to .0000, at the rate of 65 to the £ without deduction or rhsconni, by JOSHUA 'RODEN SON, European and General Agent, office hilt at one door west o/ wood. octltht sure sassoca,l_ St/l on H.FLABIZI3. RAH BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BRO • S, dealers in Foceignperni Domestic Bills of Eschange, Cer tificates of Deposits, Mink Notre and Coin, corner of Mend Wood streets, directly opposite Sr. Charles Ho tel. markedly "Wig lirTiank FITLY XI Ohm Kentucky, Missouri, Bank Notes; purchased at the lowest rate., by N. 1101.51134 6. RUNS. sepl3 35 Nlnzkot tuvet. 131Lf.$ UtOttA NOR-84111 Cheeks on Newyork, PhllWclphia, and flatmate, Constantly for gala by N. lIOLISIFS & SONS. itaftl,7 Xi Market 11{. BOOKS USIC, I\TEW BOOKS—Complete Works of John M Mason. D D, in 4 vola. - Mardi and a Voyage Hither, by Itertnan Border Warfare of N York, by NV W Campbell. Here a Linde and There a Little, by the author of Line,"'' V ' ; PdP j e 7 Po r "c' a " Lsoa Youth, Ue net. Illustrated Lite of Franklin, pan bib, dust received and for sale by JOHNSTON di STOCKTON, upS corner Third and Market no 'RJR - kV fIOOKS--15r. Coventry'. Work on Epidemic 11 Cholera, 14 Ilisioly,Catms, Pathology and treat ment. Philosophy of Religion, by J. R Morell i A. Bourne's Catechism of the steam Engine. Chamber's Cyclopedia of Englian Literature, 1 vein. octavo, fine edition, steel plates. Chamber.' Miscellany of Useful end Entertaining Knowledge—lu vain, mo. Illustrated . Advice to Young Men, by 'l'. K. Arthur. gilt. " Young Women, " .". Elements of Meteorology, by I. Brockleaby. M. A., 'n F . Ve ro for the People, by U S. Magoon. Universlry Sermons, by He Waylaiut French , * Holtman Lecture.. for 1, 6-7 —'The hums' , of Holy Scriptures (or uololdmg the ,pnitua; hie of roan ' 1 vol. Pro. Nu 6 Frartalrn'a Ufa, niustrated Reeelved rhea day by R 11011CINS apcl Apollo Iluddluga, 4r1.; at _ _ ENV PL RUC ATioNl4—Eaany un the the Una,ll Church anti State' by Baplart W Noel, 111. A. 1 vol. Itsno.— An Cllll, edition of thl• work was sok( at one day, on as puhlrenuon at „London' (,cave. from Margaret rintathk Journal, in th e Pro s,/tee al Masstchosetta Hey-16)8,1. I vol. Plato 11oYI'd Poems —Sketches of I...rin anal Land-cape. I,j Rev Ralph Hoyt—new rd enlarged--wall ~lustra:,..nts :,..nts Ikon, 61. k., A CutecLoam of the Smom Eqpric,ll:ulirst•ve of 0, ocientrfic principles ~.on ' , inch tr. operation M. pen., anal the praettcal detarls ol tts structure, in its upplica• two to nulls, steam egsvrEstoon. nod taLlors:.•, volt vsnous suggesuons of improvement. by I /Ammo C. PI I no! IProo 75c Cheerer, Lecture. on the P•lg rinss ;ogre,— new ed. 12,n0, rare reduced to IBI.DU 11121====!==3 Frank LW. Lite. I:in...led Par. IV and " F... a 25. Taeltu•' Hrs.:fey, by Prof. Ty 'et-1 . ..m0 For bafe by metP/I It HOPKINS, 416 se Sole Agency for Nunn]. ft Clark , . Platte. feR9ll JUST RECEIVED end png, v new lot ot elegant Panes, from ft, croebraMsl factory of Nunn; h. Cie rI, N. N . ,fflrus 6,6 I and 7 ne 'atilttwo.two...lmprovezdll}R, tsvcs, tilt two... Improve both in mechanism end exterior. pa J by no other:. A 1.....—A Ilna seleetiOn of Chickennp'. Nato., tram 6 to 7 or:tares. 11. KLEIIKIL ..colc Acura, •1 1 W WoodwelPs.2l Third . N 11. The above will he said I. manutacturers pri3 et:, wahout any addluon for Pell. or expensed snarl./ Journal and Chronicle upy PIANOS. Off A SPLENDID ...anent Sant' wut Rowwood Plan., )021 It,. tahed These ...amen. arc made or the latest pattern and he mown,. and wttl be sold low for crash by I BLUME', lit Wood street, 1 , 1 door above Fif{h. N D.—Those who are in want of a good tortrurnent, are respoettully melted to cauntor inc>c before pur ellastng elsewhere,. they tam. be eteelled by any to toe country, and will he sold tower than arty brour tit from the Enet Alsojust received, two planoe burgh manufacture, warranted to he superior to any ever sold us this eountry. oerll F D. THE subeenber has been appointed etole Arent for be sale of CA R HARTS I/11 PROVED MELODE ONS, as masinie,ured and audperfected by Mettsr. March & Whip, of (-Inman. The usual compass and extent being but tour octaves, Meson, N. & to accordance wit. the general desire and demand. have extended the Peale attic. 1. memo to 4t and even tS octave., thus maltirg it precticabk• to perfurnt po them ant tailor written for the Piano or Organ • u rhe'evenor, has been much improved by plaenta the body at' Me instrument upon a rasa trait Dame heaatifully °roused and oniarocated rendering tt at once 11l IDwt elegant and extremely desirable uncle The pnce as put so low a. to bring It within the reach of every one to obtain a perfect =octal instrument, and, at the same time, a man elegant pieta of farm- M.e ha a compararave Dude KLEBRIL, At I AV Wood's,lre RF.AT MUSICAL IshllVVlLTV—"the subscriber kj has just received from Europe, and for cow, an entirely w in•nouon of Piano Forte, culled the t'A ft. o, Er PI A N O FOE E, 'slosh possessing more power and ...acetate Iblll the equate Piano. occupies but our fourth a uch room, and ts • much wore showy and handsome ptece:of !unworn. It it particularly dew.. hie where the teeing of apace as an object.. hemg en• ceedingly neat and compact, and occupying no more room than • .mall aide table. The subserrher has to hand a teaninunial at ds supsrsarity from the celebra ted pianna,llloechelles, at ht, own band renuagovbrei, may be tospeets4l H. KLEttillt„ eKcI7 Al .1 tV Woodw rll't Chlckotrlng.. Pianos. „milllm/ reetnved and for sale •t utan Islam/era prlces. rtuaancrat new Plano Fortes, IL el and 7 octaves, of the moll elegant patterns of furniture, and wab We late unproved scale. Alma on hand and for sale low. 3 second hand Plan. JOHN H MELLAJR, Sole Agent for Chtekertnea Piano* for aVestent Penns,lvan., 01 Wood street. marl NEwMUSIC HY HENRI HERZ —Tile Laat Rose of Soma. r, , ffith an otooducaton and bnlhant •• • nations for the Plano Forte, at performed in all In. colleen. to the Laded Stases by Heart Hera. Mtlnary Polka, by Henn Hera, Comte Polka, laver Hell Polka, " Jost received and for sale by naehl3 JOHN 11 MELLOR, RI wood at Vocal lEzerclaca AND ROLM:DIOS. with so aeconspunruent for the Pusn-forte, adapted to the wants of private pupils, or classes In vocal music. - Selected from Italian. French and (vermin composers, by Lowell Muscat: :if large pyres of closely pouted innate, commune IVO entreats progressarely arranged Price IA cents. Just received. • supply of are above, direct from the publishers, by JOHN It. hIELIA)R, rocti23 et wood set TRANSPORTATION. lUD. PARKS t Go'.. PACKET LINE. Nagai 1848. jai. Canal Parkei—SW ALLOW, (Apt. cord. " Ot'PAN, Capt. Waiter.. "QPIE of the shove Packets leave Beaver every day, (Sundays excepted) and entre next morning al arren, where they connect with the Mail Stages lot Akron and Caevel•nd. amtving at each of dime places oetire night. One et the Packem leave Warren daily, at Y. M., ad •rnve at Beaver in time iu Into the too. ging stearet,oat fur Pittsburgh CI /PPS( LEFFING‘VELL, Warren, 1.1 „ Proprirea . BEATER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. URDU.. TO TILE Lsllllll , l total' IWO SS. •.anal Parker—Pcfcati.vanta, Capt. Jeffries; " 'Fatigued. •• Pollock; Lake Ewe, " Troby; Psnows, Brown; Foassum, " Sayer. The above new and eplendld Passenger Packets have renounced running between BEAVER ANDO.IIIE, nod ve r regularly dunng Or season—one boat le•ving. Erie un every morning at n o'clock, end one loin - ne, Beaver every evening, unniediately eller die sort. vat I the steamboat filichigan from Pittsburgh. 1%., boots are new and comfortably furnished, and win in through In filmy boors. Passengers to any point en the Lakes, or to Niagara Falls, will find this route the moon comfortable and expeditious. Tirkets throueh to all inns an the Labe can be procured by appiy/ng TO the proprietors. REED, PARKS & Co,Beaver. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agt. Pittsburgh, nor. Water and Smithfield cts. IS —Jan C Ilartteon, Bank, N Y. C !II Reed, Erie, Pa. C Wick, Greenville, Pa; Itl'Parland and King, 114 Bend, Pa; Hay. & Plumb, Sharp burgh, Yai lV C Mahin,Sharon, Pa; D C Mathews, Putuki, Pe4 Ft Mr Cunningham, New Castle, Li 11 6 00 , 11 PAST E.1P111059 FOR CUM BERI.AN D, BALTIMORE, AND THE EASTERN CITIES. THE Pto prlelors of this lane have put on New Stock, utd are prepared to forward packages of all de scriptions daily, at the lowest rates. J. C. BIDWELL, Agent, Water street, Saul:meg& ROBINSON & BOEHM, tut% Pd South Charles st, Baltimore. =S=M taz. Pnaa l e a l ° AM :CO. co m ett i n i u t e to e :rin ° g M pe e rs 'h ons om any part of England, Ireland. Scotland or Wale, upon the most liberal terms, ante their usual punatuallty and attennon to the wants end Com fort airemadirmptli We do not allow our passengers to be robbedtry the swiedliug scamps that infest the sea port., as we rase charge of them the moment they TO. port themselves, and see to their well being, and de- Newell them without any detention by the test ships.— We say this fearlessly, as we defy one el our omen ors to show that they wens detained 49 hours by a n in Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained mouths, mttil they could be sent In some old craft, at a chEp e rate, rfo o na rm t m elafr ' ne v t e a d h lb on ei o r tsTl ll' y C ' est what it may, and not act aswge tug ea„,,, last ,canon, with ether °Meetly—who el her performed no, all, of when it stilted their tonvenhmee. Drafts drawn at Ind Pittsburgh far any rum from LI to o, p gisnd, Scotland ayable at any and Wale,. of the ptovincial Banks in JOSHUA. ROBINSON, European and General Areal, rod Mb greaten. door below , Wood; . .. V---__ _..._. ELVET RIBBONS—Just rocelved at &colon iffi• soy's, V Market strew, 30 pa colored VelvetEllepoo, assorted colors; 00 4 black . - • a a mbrajdari Gimp; 10 ps wide Plato,ac deaf BUTtlat-10 Obis frukt, just reed an 4 for IV sills by rabl7 LabLISTROZIO a CEO ZER MEDICAL. DA LLEI'B MAGICAL PAIN EITRACTOE THE following from George E. Pomeroy. Dm., the well known proprietor of the Depress, rpeaks for itself of the importance of tber Pain Eit , marten, to eery parent Hreelap thiTua, Albany, Sept. 1. Ms. Daum_ My Dear Sir—With feelings of no or dinary pleasure I address you in relatiowto the benefit I have received from year invaluable Pain Letractor. Lately, my bole daughter, 0 years old. had a pitcher of boiling water turned inw her bosom; her screams were dreadful. so that a crowd instantly gathered be fore the house to learn the cause of the terrible screams. I tore her clothes asunder, and soon spread On your salve, and she was carried and laid upon a bed. She was won relieved from her twins, and says "Ma, I feel es if I could laugh;" and was soon in sweet sleep. She was scalded to a blister from the top of her shoulder over were than half her chest, and roved under the arms On the shoulder and breast it was very deep, yet from the first hour, she complained oniy when it W. dressed. The sore healed rapidly, and there is no contraction of the muscles With ninny swishes, my dear sir, for your success in the sale of thisstighty article, I am yours, with respect, OPO. E. POMEROY. TEE TEST and NO bus TAKE' The genuine Dailey, anti ever produce the Mlle In. s.a.e.s relief, and soothing, cooling effect, in the mverest cases of Burns, Scalds, Piles, &e. The Counterfeits—non atter under what names they may appear—always Irritate, and increase the pant. TO TILE PUBLIC Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, Melvin Bridge, Columbia county, N. Y., have been ethicted with rhea- ' meat. in my breasts feats and all over my body,. for s. /year. so that I could not stand, and cr u cured by e applications of Dailey's Magical Pain Extractor EDWARD P. HOLMES. Dailey: Sir—l cat my finger with a copper nail, poisouaus nature of which caused my arm to safell rr nsiderably. with constant shooting pains up to the shoulder. A large swelling taking place at the arm pit, with increasing pain, I became fearful of the Lock jaw. In this extremity your Pain Extractor was re commended to me, and which I was prevailed upon to try. 'The consequence was that it afforded me almost instant relief, and in three days I ma. completely cu red. JOSEPH HARRISON, New York, corner Broome and Sullivan ats, Sept S. 1543. NIYI'ICb —H. is the inventor of this invalu able remedy, and never has and never will commuid cote to any living min the Pteret of its combination! ' All F-xtracters, therefore, not made end put up b lulu, are base counterfeits. Plumvistual Dcors-415 Broadway, New York; 235 Chestnut street, Phila. JOHN D. MORGAN, General Depoq Dr. WM/ THORN. Agents for Pittsburgh. I>aliry's Animal Galvanic Cure-All, Cures humors, spavin. quitter, grease, poll-evil, sores, galls, and braises. Pamphlets, vontairusfr titicatesot respectable pleura, may be b.' en nun to JOIIN D. MOD nevlfsdlyis Agent, Pittsburgh. , INTMENT CONTAININO N iRCURY,or other Alin 1. It ha. 140 Vre I' 10 Ise all EXTERNAL /RES, SCROFULOUS :MORS SKIN Ml - 9 ES, POISONOUS SUNDS to discharge it putrid - matters, and It is t heals them littlN:M ed or it ts scarcely se external or internal, a will dot henefit. ive used it for the last et=ll=M g p o natb ty, and I declare before heaven and man, Wat not in one cage has It laded to benefit when the patient au within We reeeli of mortal I Love 115.1 pliystelans learned in We profegmon. hove ministers of the gospel. Judges of the bencb, oh. defiben, lawyer.. gentlemen of the higfirst erudition lii multitude/6 en We poor ase It 111 evei varlet) Of way. mid there hag been bat on voice—one anivergal e YOUR OINTMENT IS RM.! ATISM—it removes almost immediately 111t11.1.16./.011 unit ins:thing when the punt cemiet. Read the itirectiong around We hoz IIEAD-ACHE—The salve Mui eared persona or the heed-eche or twelve years .tending, end who had it regular every week at that vontsung took place EAR. A,IIE, TOOTII-ACHE, mid Ail( E IN FIIE FACE, hie helped with like seeress SCAM/ ItEAD—We have cured cages that actetally dehed every Wing known, SA Nett es the &batty of hien to twenty doctors. One Man told on he had spelt tinni on his children althea any benefit, when a wie bores ot Ointment rural them • TITTER—Theo a no arm, lAnnT for the corn of Tmter BF is out of Me hest things in the world for Bums. pl - Thousand• am yearly cured by this Onst iurot It to:vas fail. in giving relief for the Piles. (D - Around the boo are &rearm. for tartly dl lorWr litarotertills. Scrofula, Lien Corny/otos( Eras'''. Truer, Otablam, &old Herm, Sarr Ewa, tjulucv, Sort Throw. Browarms, Novato Affections, Pam, Du. ra.g of the Sr... Head oche, oshrmes,Droiness. Ear Poke, Burn, Co , ',I. a& !Arrows of bk. Sian. Sari Lirm Pon p.m . of the Lilebi, Rena, anon , trmo, rant Feet Croup. Swatted or Broken Byron, Tooth roar. ..e r u. to Ms Firm 4 , c. te. FEF:T--Liver Complaint. pans In the chest and Side, Sling off of the haw, or the other •ecompa rues cold !err Oiutment is the true remedy I II ID • •Tirr rigo of disease to have cold feet_ CORNS—Occasional oar of the °Torment will al ways keep corns from Peopio need never be troubled with them if they use ir frequently pp This (hatment a good for any part or the body or limbs when inflamed. In some rases it shoold he applied Mien. CALTION—No Omtmont will Ise genuine un' err the oame o/J A :11Fri tvrmen onllr a pen ou every Merl. For rale oyAgent" In all the plumped ewe.. and towns In the Untied :Rarer. . . . . JAMES MeALLISTXR, Pole Proprietor of the •twee medicine. rj" Pnnc.p•l Office, No North Third .trccr, Phil PRICE 23 CF:STS PER 110 Aorvut rx Prmsunton—Brasin It Reiter, corner of Libeny sod Sc Clair sta; tad 1. Vilkol, Jr, corner of ftlarket el abd the Damnond, alm corner of ith sad Southfield sts, J II Cassel, corner of Walnut and Perot us. rub word; and sold at the bookstore in Smithfield st, id door from Second st; in Allegheny city by if P Sat:ruts sod 1 Sargent; by J ti :Muth, Drogglet, Bo =memos, B Negley, East ;Ahem; Rowland, Me- Keespon, J Alexander A. Son, hlommgrthela City; N 0 Booms. & To, and T Lirownsvflle; John Bork,ey. Beaver, Ps, are Wholesale agents. leten.deoilly WATEIL CURE ESTABLISILDIENT, l'101.11•:;LIURG7P., 9,11 F; rapid strides which ilydropathy hes made 1, since its tiatroduenon into this country—tue bril liant and utonishing curative effecta or cold water in chronic and acute diseases, when employed after the method of the celebrated Priennits.have relapsed from the mind of an intelligent and discerning public every particle of alimbt as so its efficacy, and gained it on - rsal favor. Gonsidering the ansanstactory results of remedies heretofore t•sed in tbs....mut of chronic r ompl runt, (complaten , too, which are increnbug ev ery year,) it must ba natural wish to see the alone.. 1/( method by vet.,el no many unfortunate suffers,. anti be freed ems i their pains and infirvuties. The 'absent r baying practised successfully Bus method for eight years et ilysiropathic estaliloh• tnen which has been considerably co aged and im proved in all tie parts, and 111 every respect, is now ready to receive and and patients who may choose to place themselves under his rare, skill and ' rlsatpTurg, situated upon the MB Lank of the Ohio, opposite the mouth of the Big Beaver, t.well Snows fur its refreshing and salubrious atmosphere, its de lightful quietness and elms - ming natural scenery, corn timing every requhuis to render the sojon of the in valid agreeabie, and contributing tint little to rests tablitai unpaired health and physical strength The establishment, the firer started in the United States, contains every Bang, herb for pleasure and comlort, calculated to inlure ape and and happy ter mination of the ailments of the Patient. •. . - - Ytrlollll wishing to need theme•lves of the advanta ges here offered, will plea.e address, the subaoritter by letter, Ipasr-paid,i stating as onto as possible the Rotolo of torir complaint., in order to decade and ad vise on th ink fitness and curability by the Rydsoputhie treatment. and also what will be necessary (or them to talc a 20,,,,• for their especial and personal use. ElltV ARD ACKER, M. D. Proprietor. Philipsburg, Beaver county, Pa. RILTIMUNCI.II—tiev'd. Ellhkelly, Armstrong, Y. D. Clark, Esti do; Hon. Thomas Lleury, Deaver, Pa.; Dr. Ilarker, oo; Prof Cl. Elliot Pittsburgh, Pa., L. C Perkins, Tesq O I hio; Rev. S. I. Sneed, New Albany; Rev. M AFcn, Princeton, N. Li T. L. Station, Esq., New York, Dr. Ch.lYinter, Philipsburg; Wm. ii. Me• Cprinel, F.., Pittsburgh; A. Bidwell, Esq., do. toeleff) • UNDRIKS-400 packages fresh Teu—)777on S Ganpowder and Imperial; :an, bugs pnum Greon Rio Cadet; 60 do Laguyra tied 10 do Old Java do; bags block Pepper; 10 do Pimento; inl 150 hs new crop NO Sag., - 504 bbl. Plantatsou Molamesu bu do Ungar Rhoda do • 30 tierces fresh Rim; 150 bra Bunch Raisins; IN/ bad tonnufartuTed Tobacco, ramous Ma nth, 2u kegs (lodge & Bro. 6 twist Tobacco, 10 Reread•• •• • to " Pittabargh plug 150 bait Oslo Window Glom; 66 do 10111 do; :kat keg• assorted Nrula; 12 cask. Saleralus, LW. pounds Coach 111111, doomed Non. Together with a full nod general assortment of ant e les to dm with line, on hand. uud for sale by J R R FLOYD, Round Crunch Buildings rlk ill 6 Framing on Liberty, Wood and S ixthits I In WhllliN IA RUBLIKK 4001*--Just rece,red, :td Camp Mankato; Wawa: coats; 12 pro Pomo; le pa,m nett toted Mining Boots; 19 Isthmus Liao; d woo, Tonto, d and 12 gollono each; 141 montorno, I gol.on each, I do: Buelmina Money Baits; Ido oiled cambric do do. The .hove goods ini 'ale at the Con form,: enntiong Idstaldmhonent, No 9 Wood . • metal J H PHILLIPS ALLEGHENY vEs - t - TurN A ND CABINET NV AREKUONI. A BROWN would respect / inform the public, that he Ts on hand at ids stand on Mc at aide of the Lrtantoud. Atte ny city, a complete escort it of Venni. Winds; also Ve in libuttert are made to w in the beet style, warranted tat to any in the United States. Blinds cant* removed with the aid of n screw driver. log parchment the !stock, all, and wood et the c•binet es .listneot of Iltioway 1, I am prepared to tarnish oil ousaanters, as well as every [tong to their hue. Arcot, Phisoursh. may, .1. A. BROWN. 112 - APRR fIAN'OINGS--tain recmane, d ie cc rfrom the manuNcluters to Now York, ' , tabu, phia nod Delmore, a large and well selected snort. merit of all the latest awl most unproved stylea of an. on, glamt and common PAPER HANGINGS, eon- sienna Of— 1n,002 pieces of Parlor sod Fresco; 10,1100 "Iloli mud Colman; 1.1,000 " Dinlngwoom, chamber and office Paper—which I Meld partitalarly invite the attention of those hosing houses to paper, to call and examine, at the Paper Wuehousc or a. C. HILL, ao2 tl7 wood at ARBUTHNt. u. Coo2llellotd to receive lam assortment of Fancy VARIETY GOODS, consisting to part of Artificial , abbons, Lotee.a rte., he . w e I . .re r ils . , ( 9l l l7l:lli, C P " OrTse Him " dkerchlefs,. eravata; gingham and cottcsa HandkerchleG, corded Stine, sewing Silk, Threadsuona Combs, Jewelry, Cut lery, d.e. ho. Country , and city merchanu are res pectfully invited to coil and examine his stock, No-St Wml meet, comer of Diamond alley. metal, ETBACT OF COFFEE—An &mete with is ra pidly coming Lino use as o wholegome, nourishing nod delickon beverage, _being mom pleasant sad pal atable than common Coffee, and far cheaper, a. small paper costing only ten cents, will go as far as four pocuul. of Code°. an by JOHN S. MILLER, Plueburrh, Fa Sold as wholesale by D A FA/ME:STOCK k. corner of Firm and Wood and Sixth and Weird aroma' husburgh aptil iCaAtit.ers lIISPORY ENGLAND—Hut .' IVllora edition, containing all the newsy, verbatim et Unman., of Vole, t and 2 of the London edition, Ant, bpi iehpd with apntralz of the aatbor—ll Yob. in one, Priati complete, doc • larfit_lnslffitte sbarer calved and for Bala by /01_ pp 1/1 MELLOR, mchad M WOO 4 MEDICAL. IN QUART BOTTLES FOR THE REMOVAL R. FRED/lAN/DAT CIrRE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN =FMB STATE OF. TILE BLOOD OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZ. Scrofula or King's Era!, Rheumatism, Obstinate CuM neous Erupt ions, Pimples or PUlNoles on the Face, Blotches, tics, Chronic Sore Eyes, Rim Worm or Tette!, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Oren, Syphilitic STMT. loan, Sciatica or Lumba and DUES". 'erasing go, from an injudicious use of Mercury, Ascites or Drop anEmeittonce.loir)lnTerdsence m Life. Also, Chronic In this preparation are strongly concentrated all the Medicine. properues of Slansarcatma, combined with the most eilectaal Inds, the most salutary produedons, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom, and it has been no folly tested, not only by pauents them scq we but also by Phyucians, that it has received their unqualified recommendation and the approbation of the public; and hos established on Is own morns a reputation for value and efficacy Mr superior to the vane. compounds bearing the name of Saraaparilla. Diseases have been cured, such as are not furnished an the records of time past; and what it has already done for the thousands who have used it, it is capable of doing for the millions still suffering and struggling with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and ..n.Ttb.n. the fountain sptii,so or life, and infuses Arm vigor then , out the whole ammtd frame. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The following striking and, as will be seen, perma nent cure of an inveterate ease of Scrofula, commends itself to all similarly afflicted: Sonora:wt. Conn., Jan. I, 184 S. blesses. Seen: Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflic ted taduces me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of my vette. She lons severely 101eled with the scrofula on differ. 0131 parts of the body; the glands of the neck wore greatly enlarged and her limbs much swollen. After sudering over a year and finding no relief from the recuedtes used, the disease attacked one leg, and be. low the knee suppurated. physician advised it :mould be laid open, which was dune, hot without my permanent benefit. In this eltuatiou we heard of, and were induced to one Sands' Sarsaparilla. The firit bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing her more than any prescrtpuon she had eget ta sell, and before she had aged six bottles, to the :won ishruent and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored. it is now over a year since the care was effected, and her health remains good, show ins the disease wets thoroughly eradicated from the aysteru. Our neighbors are all knowing to these feels, and dunk very highly of Sands' Sarastpuill. Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE Hi tract from a knot 'coursed from Mr. N. W. Har ms, a 'tandeman well kuourn in Louisa county, V& -tienticsneu-1 have cured a negro boy of nalnewlth your Sar‘aparida, who was attacked with Somalia, And 0: I serofulous fakruiy . . •)bar• truly N VI. 11A111115. 'Fredertu s N.L. Va., July 17, 194,J.” SAND,' Sassarsetra....-- It seems almost useccerwiry to direct attention to nit article so well known, and so deservedly popular, as this preparation, hot patients Linen who wish to use the extract of Rialsaparilln, aro indwied to try worthles•compininda bearing the nat., but containing little or none of the swine of this valu able root; and we think we cannot hoofer a greater benefit on our readers than In directing their attention to MO advertisement of the Meters. Sands In another column. Thv bottle has recently been enlarged to hold a quart, anal hose who wish a really good article will find concentrated to this all We medtcinal value oldie root. Toe experience of thousands hos proved its of hesey in earn:; he ...ions .112[3t,..1 for which his ri comended; and at the present time more than any other, m perhaps,. dint M 0111.60 useful, is preparing the system (or a i . haage m mason—Home Journal, Sept. Lode. Fri:pas...l and sold wholesale and retail, by A. B. D SANDS. Druggist. and Chemlata,loo Fulton street, cot ner of Wddein New York. sold al. by Drug grata generally throughout the United Statea and Can. day Price SI pet Pottle; six Bottles for SS lU-For sate in Pittsburgh. whplenale and retail, by B A. FA lINP4TOrii, A 00., comer of Wood and Front at., also, corner of ;lath and Wood sls; by L. WILCOX, Jr., comer of SmithErla and Fourth sta. and also earner of hlarket at and the lhanaond; also, by EDWARD FENDBBICII,cor febo-3m cOALTHWIII 'JINSENG PANACEA] 1t Tllte.l.l SUTERINCi WITH DL9SASED unprecedented euccess which has [tended the Use of the a all the voriott• forms witteh irmedion of Umberto some", laws induced the proprietor gain hi call It • 1101% to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The chaugable weather which marks our hll and molter months, to always a fruitful POLIM of . . IMM=M=I rheee, if neglected, are but the greet/non of tlou Loll demotic, The question, then, how elan we alp the destroyer In the hue how shall we got clear of our coughs and Mae i. of vital importance to the public. ' THE tiItEAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found to the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this wi• have front tune to time published the certificates of dozen. of our best k/lONVII cure., who have experi enced in curative powers These, with a mus of les uino. from dl pans of the country —from MEM" ICAL AIEN OF TIIE viltAT STANDING, Ministers of the (Jove', &e., together with copious noj ices from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be dal gran/ of any of our agents throughout the country. HUNDREDS OF EOTII.4 N • Save ter,G stied in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Umted States and Canada, and we eh• lenge any man to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE - - which, when tak e n according io directions, and b. fore the lungs had become fatally disorganized, it la EFFECT A PERFECT CURK Why, the, need the afflicted heoutatel Why resort 10 tae iniv-rable tiOalrutra, gouen up by sma own individ uals u ler the east:mum] name of .ome ea llmsted phy union, and puffed Into notoriety by certificates ct NOY sous equally nnknowni NYtulat a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY la to be had, whose voueltera are at toime,—our bore r .-many or Nottom has IKIATERF2) PROM VIE GRAVE. In order that this Invaluable medicine natty be placed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have put the price el ONLY FIFTY csarrs, jag one half the usual cost of cough medicates. nto . ... . . for dale by our agenta in nearly every town and villits• over the wee., who are prepared to awe full inform% dna relative to u. T. SALTEIR, Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, Milo. II YBROP ATM() ESTABLISHMENT,- :D . ‘ intres i rt e u . xav % ARO tak estits m of re turning his thanks to his friedds and the public PL extensive patronage he has received, and of In forming them that he has latelyerected a large and well constructed building, for the exclusive purposes of his WATER CURE. ESTAIILISIIhIENT sir tits old lyceum, at Phillipsburgh, Pa., on the Ohio over, oppo site the steamboat landing at Deaver, whore he is ready to receive patients as warders, and-treat them on Hy dropaduc principles. In addition to his long experi ence, end the great snores. which ha. heretofore at tended Ms treatment of patients commuted to kw care, he has now the additional facilittes afforded by R. co mma. hulloing erected expressly for the purpose, eon sitting commodious and airy rooms, and fitted up with every necessary apparatus for bathing, and damn.. tertng the uvatment to the utmost benefit end comfort of the patient. Phlllip.burgh is a most delightful and healthy village, easy of acoess by steamboats, and af fords fine soil wholesome water. Dr. Acker assures those maimed prawns who may place themselves an der his care, that every anention shall be paid to their comfort; and as en ...ranee of the substantial benefits in be donned, be points with confidence IA the hue tired. who have been permaitormy cored at his rash tribreent. The Water Cure !epee.. inintiOnl effects behind, is In too often Um ease with those who have been treated OR the old system. It removes the di.- aa invigorains .y tern, protects from the dange Lend rs mncir chanoes of Me weather, creates a natural end active appetite, and imparts vigor to the digestive power.. Terns of treanuent and '.imirdtity rearonable. For further particular inquire at the establishment, or adlress the propnetor at Plullip.bergh. auggrni J v the Rave been informed by Mrs. Rose of a our. Per formed on her by Do. Jayne's ilitcratlV proves it. superionlY Over every other remedy of the kind tILe ha. been militeted fur the last sixteen year. with NRCiIIUSk or WhITE SWkILLINOS, attended 1•111.1 ulcerauon. and enfolimuort of various hones, du ring orb ich Rine many piece° have been discharged from the mantel hone of the cranium, from both her arum, wrists nod handy, and from both legs, end from the left ferment bone, and from the right trace„ henries painful ulcers en other perm of her person, have belled the doll of a number of tire most eminent physicians o/ one city—during R 1.031 of the time her sufferings have been eienllaling and deplorable. About rarer months since she 'ems induced to try Dr. Jayno'a Alterative, which boy had an umenishingly hoppy effect upon her, by removing of Wein and swellings, and causing the ulcers to heal, while same time her general health hm be4:olae eoMpletely teetered, en that she now weigh. xy lba more than she Mid before she commenced the use of this truly 'Mutable prep.., --!Set. Eve. Post. For rather lidonataime, inquire oi Ate. Rase, No. IrS Filbert et, Phlladelphix For sale in PattAburgh, at site PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth or. near Wool. TOWNSENtES — FARSAPARII.L.A.—ZU dozen trot recet wed of Dr. Townsend , . Sarsaparilla, the mon extraordinary meilictsie in the world! This Ri b act is put op la quart bottles. It is six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any gold. It cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. LOW/ non FOR larcenous—Unprincipled persons have copied ow labels, and put up medicine in the same shaped horde. See that each bottle has the written ang nature of S. P. Townsend. EL E.. el EL.L.F.lLS,Druggist, 57 Wood street, bet • Third and Fourth, is Dr.'llownsend`s only what and retail agent for Pitetbargh, of whom the gene article eau be had. D. AL Cum Itna.hem appointed the acile•agent for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine .rude cm In bad. A.Tiamortocs, city Ibna, N. N.Y. D. L. Fammiuna,} Pittsburg h. 13 . W. FAtunsuc_, Wholesale Urair Store to the Oftle of - NOW York. rime. undarelecd oro extenoiroly omptged In Or Wholesolo Dog boldness al No. ID Jotu ofteloo an, s ii i t iA . of e l,e7 . Ztork it end i mpz a rt i o:r&j...o tangly CAle,Wo•olads, Fannin and AnwictuT-Kkuraery, Mangey Nam' r♦ Undoes Changes) a (of Mob you napattailna) . all other ardelet fAllttit that of bust aro, al atoped, rcaolliy as low aa therein began abased In thb or any tartans eft?, Now York , WO A. viarvssTock r A CARD. . aRATEFUL for the vet) dttiocagotacht I have received for so many year., I have dew dw enbmgc my baidnete enasiderably. Having .gaged a competent Foreman; I mill Int enabled to Alrallorders promptly, =I do the mashie one nenal mYta and at fair Wee., and ask the' ane.tion of met dm" 80 d miMem w lofty lane idea of UPHOLSTE RY GOODS tind_Bede,. Maltnieses and Bedding, Cos. talallaterials; .mot trend *omens, Cos - Macs, Frio. ces, Soldesings, Taints, Split and Roller Bands, and aye:Testicle venally ton in an establishment of the kitui. Orders respectfully solicited and prompUy at- 'N. Nr 4 .42Bupau =IL) end. RN% .P4l ftwn WlL NORLN, mismaolkou&; EIDIICIATIOW , .. Wfr.. MISS OILLAND wipe...4.11y inform their ETi'ende and the public, ilie , Nave procured auk 1 removed their school to a roomygneNonvenient house ~, in Laeock street, second datelltng oast et Feberal et. here they are prepared to tato*? 'lfiar boarders, as i well as a few more any seholara,44„ where their ex clusive attention will be devoted' rtopstruetion in all the ordinary branches of Engtish4d,lication. Straesare mj° are referred . t . o Mr; '7ltil - F, Eichbanua, his. John ^ W. I`l.-before--mute onibe&linMP at. exp. MOST irip., 11 and most faikoonable Eastern et p p attrra and colors. Al TILE CHEAP BOLL, or nosr or mode to order of all sixes, and priced. !aer o be :u s and othermiArl.4l lied tO mall and examine the above for tbentaelOal..4:4l will bomdd CI LIND, on band wholesale or retail, and a Ilbvtl ett oo rw r , u ndo m wholesale purchasers. Imlay IvieerERWELIP TilE suascr outiSCBJBERS havirtri'*nivell from N 0.170 Nos. 155 and 174 Liberty strecanderfor sale goods follows, to store and now hataiq sir. az) bags prime Coffee, , neWfml 40 " old government JaVat toffee; 150 bhds prime New Orleanr4sgar, 50 bbl, ?lunation Molassu 1.00 St James Sugar Hou'ai.s%Volatts.; Iw hi eh. Young Ilysou Teal* 40 do thirtpowder and 1 , ...*e1al Tea: 40 do Choi. Poweboag. do crop. 70 do eau,. bag ir 11 muti3t do 100 bgs white Mond Sogarp GO bag white Havua d ; 90 bgs Pepper, 20 do nrunt,‘lV Its/ boxes Mustard, to k afte n arts; 100 do Malaga Bunch 'at.; 30 do do ' do layers; 50 bibs., do do }lo- 2. 50 or do do 20 cobs Zute Currants; 10;corilas Sicily Almonds; 160 bn Richmond TobaocUß y• , 50 bankers Beirdeaux and Meilles Oliaa pa; eJalbbl. and 110 hf bbl , Noll ~itrge Mackerel; " Honey, 1560 lb. Chi4ls6l 2600 galls winter and springltp. talta cou; 1501 bleachadrth weal Vrale l ma ; ItgE " erode " “.;• do 300,000 Curs. and Sons Principle.: • 30,0120 Houma • !M piped COgnao Brandyl Jvarious brands; 5 puncheons Jasnaica 7 quart s ol In 'ls 93 q asks sap. TenerislVNlne; 10 do Madeira a, do 20 do Lisboa ?? , 4•.! do 40 do Oporto ,01 do 55 do Sweet AI do 15 Indian Dhls do - 15 Maio Claret; 20 qt etas, brioralla 40 cases top ßordeaux • 30 baskets Champagne , dos sops Stomach Sanest 600 bbl s pure Rye Whiskek inn Ito years old MlLLar4k RICKMAN Nolte. to therfsibllo. WE hereby notify our frieuctO bed correspoodente at home and abroad, thei&la will not, tuomm AN MT C 15.500.13, receive fn4 Rom any Boat lb , oluell J. Maroon /ones I. afrept. I __apll R110.9 . fr. ALCORN. ----- OW.AUV,.:: YOHN KELLY .k. CO., tsuszla to Robb, Wino. LI braver lc Co., late Mere Trolors,) No. lUll CHESTNUT Street, above "It. Philadelphia, hoe leave to mama their form& Mot, patrons that theY have received the latest SPRIIN, AND SUMMER FASHIONS,:vrith a large 11.6471 . 41611 i of New flrSe GOODS; composing Cloths, CiOtroares, Yutaka, ea of every descoption—all of whtdhfrre of their own im portation, having boat carefully: selected m Par* Loado , fre. (FT Stranger visiting' Philakeip}H la, are respetetfd• ly mated to call and examine I.oe . OZ/011111111stoak. ruch2thdflm INDIA - RITTIFTLftfI,STL—X4 receil oc• Lades of Rabbet Porte, • *Tor artl y Important to pemons that wish fO ' cep their (toot ry. It pICIVCIHS the leather loom cop) r, and will take • polmh over it For ale at thfraire Rubber De t, No 5 Wood street mars 11 H PHILLIPS GOLD( OOLDO 00 I 10 THE subscriber, wholesale - uranium? of JEW. J. ELRY, molt.. wholesale, fri era and pedlars %Ts ang South tmd West—also, adiii .ty mote keepers to calf and examine his stook ofAelfrolry, which Will ha sold at the lowest prices for colt approved ariemp lances. Constantly as head ip menttfactotialb • lerge assortment suitable for offfor eounn7 trade. g,...i. fr.. RARER, corner or Fourth and Month . u, up stairs,' _ aplfrdeos '.. . nitwit' •Itia P b Ilsurge. AVING parchased at tu ts 0.1 the larrest Facto no* io th e Enet, (New , Phi ode Ala Haiiimore.,) a largo assOrilnealit4/01 naleast and etiColl Improved styles of PAPER H.PiGINGIS,I3OII.DERS, —. I. Ac., and mode arrangements Igyuerldch 'will be Oaa. bled to procure all new P► simultancons with their appearance in the Emera9narket, I would in site the attention of those dale M to have their hoagies papered with the latest sty* pf raper, to call and examine my stock, aeons parthusing have now on the way froWtle Zan, 2000 pieces of Gold, Sane Glazed, and cosnr,3on Paper which I can sell at prices ranitagfromllkchll 4ri n piece nichls es BILL, 87 wood st flaccum hang. HAVING Jun completed MI; tfiuilding of our smoke boom., we are now priatured to receive meat., and smoke it in the most tnerio.4lable manner. The boom. are fined with kllolte modem ittOznave. meow, and are capable of contlaa oo , ooo sack. KIER &BA Canal Basin, at near Seventh st 1 PHINTING FATitrt 4 iaTtiLaTeililytt met for the sale of the Mill OfM)eqs Printleg Paper, ( 11. lc a P. Muhl; ProprieterNp?..iu be constantly rmptled with all the dideren strperiorquallry, winch we offer at the lowest rd apnoea .NOLDS a BRIM (abed canter :Emit and Irwin ma - DUQ,LIEBBIe*D it ' Bll.' --- COLE'IIAN, MAILMAN & Ot.s.isondnae to ma.- facture Smalidson, Sprirrg Am . Blister Steel, Plough, Fork and Hoe Steel, 44*ts, Spikes and WWI Iron Nuts, all glees, together Dr 0 Coach and Ellnto Springs, hlf Pat, 'Taper and cmitMon tales. Haste/ redtmed the pricaaiMrought Iron Nuts; engine builders and others usat the article; will find It to their interest to give this I;LW branch of Phil. tmrgh mannfechures the ir attention.:r. roach trumnings and sualeeldi.lron on liberal terms. Warehouse on Water and FO:i_.% SAM A Y, MERCHANT' :TAILOR, J EXCHANGE ageOLGIN G ST. CLALTI. STILELECITITTEO3I7IIOII2, use 1W orrOO,so? nom NEW YORK ANDPIVILADELPHIA, And is now recoiling leloortroont of CLOTIIB, CASSIEBBEi PD VBSTIMOS, OP TIIF. BEST QUALITY X$ LATEST STYLE*, Which he se prepertil4nake to order IN THE BESTaaNNER I And to the I eteaFaahions... msuio head s taartere roerntlnta and hoillse Cooler or Fourth and?Calthileld streets, r TROTH SOTtnc co m ae cad p l y „ the ,e end retail , tb . .l respect:ally boue we attention of their Hauge atul the pribils gen erally, to their splendid neer k, consisting of teens, omens', boys', mils. oulOnidrens wear Or every palmy, suitable for the seasoorand at price. In suit Me ton A splendid aruOelf home made work, snob as gentlemen's fine HAts, ladles, mi.. and childrens fine wore. P/easit 1 and eta.. for rs youelves. • OTH & SCOTT' comer and Staiddield N. B.—Traveling Trunks, 9sqet Bags, &e. the ., al ways on hand and low for cktl4. Country merchant, would lintA it to thelaintareit gone no a call when vita ting)._nellity.• Looms, sitrutfas & Co.( 'IMPORTERS and Whorpaa9sVeidore inForedgn and A Domestic Hardware, tattlittj, Saddlery, La,, 199, Wootton:et, Pittsburgh, areal:TO fully prepared with recently 'mooned stook ofarardwars, Rainy, Sad diary, Carpenters' TooLs,to oder very great in ducements to WestplO blereffsPia, as In iftdon to the many advantages had bit rgs predecessors, Mso- Arc LOOM k Kermedy, we litre - Agreatly increased air facilities, and purchase all Oar .4tu,da Horn firm hands on the very best The junior members of thee Pint devote their:whole attention to sate., end [Candi 41)1111daS reftliing a. sateen., respectflilly 011 from all who Mal visit this market. Mellnt DWCII. PC4.BALIt, TUagverulffr g , I,7==z improved machine, for wlnetelo hasobutbsed•Peerit s and mgr.& to me purettaser.(,swrittengstarannut that they are stronger, and .11 risii4 frost and wet Wes*. and imbibe Ms s moisture sir zpunpness Aso any oth er brick, possessing greater linly and impetiOrreamre sod much more durable in .t.rrnry respne, ea. brick being subject. to • pressurreot. leveret tonsiand= sassing a handsome smooth f_shrface and rets they mule a front equal to tne Nist tiouttoidko They have given the greatielction who have perehased. A kiln c en alnlyworkm, and specimen et the Gazette °Hers. , ' ' Tbose having supplied theO,Aves for their huildlega, end wishing handsome froqt , Arick, or superior hard and soltd paving brick, e. rOnsibn Wets . ISAAC OHBOGGI Birmingham, lme 19 LESti NEW FISII-30 .moaned Shad; 20 halfdo No 1 do do; 6 bbis No Mors do; 60 do Nol.l9d tmore Herring; half do tio . l do dej 29 bbl. No 3 Mackerel; 10 do Na I .Saltualitrat arelvialt Vaal and for sale by JOAN %Vs , COPARTNIOLstiIP-1 hatir,ihnt daY U M " bal with me in the witO/esslO,oo3COry, Plodabe sod Commission Business , Mr. Hialqifilson, =den. Ann ofJOIIN WATT & CO. I",€-: . JOHN WATT. Pittsburgh, April at, 1840.. t.: TORN BROOMS-75 Broom,i rroL4l utd ad for sale by .P 2 B f.i Q RUBISUA tr.Co DAWN - Mu* Hon. 4732toulderi, - E - Vm . ok; house; for sate by IstraX -, i U ILUMSON ls Co PITTSBUROFfkIAZETTE, PUBLInnED DAILY, TIO.:AF.BLY A WEEKLY 0.43$ Belknap, a - AIL swarikiPoslo l m RATES OD' ALUVICRTIBIRIGL One insertion 0f...642 Two insertions wilhoutaltiltrion 0 7o Three " 3e,' 100 One Week 1 60 Two Weeks " ..... .. lEa ..... 3 00 =Sono, .. - 400 Tw0........ 6 oo Three ••..... 760 117 Longer advertisement,: ri po , Pcntir", : One equare,6 months, wit .111 aitaration,.•• 00 18 " • " 16 00 Each additional Benue •••••• 10 5 0 0 CO One equare,6 inonths,reure • a P1e99111-0, 20 1 5 00 00 Each additional 'pare forl l / 9 1911131 10 00 Two aquarea,6 months, rel4o.le at O enure, 50 00 Each additional agave, 6 91:9 1119 , 8 00 arzicr.T on fnp7ssicV4s l unity anssas. Orrquft , e. 3 tcTi 4,l 4;Nll r iiuo iri0.,........ susrsinlins. nee Ones or less, one ....... 6 00 " 1111 MOl3OO 600 one pat tllliirat Weekly 10 00 ce d, 0 SIX 1310liteC'' " 00 ADVEITIZEKSIFIII iZ iWzll42. for 12 lines, or if:4l4Two 0U *talon, Fir. , . 6 - 00 Tire!fitrattli,:.....-- 0 Olt