ems." ~~?~":i`~::,:i";-.ri-~-0Fn:.i..^..4.^A,.',' BY MAGNETIC 'TELEGRAPH. REPORTED &TELEGRAPHED Per eh* PlDiebuligh 04119 PITTSBURGH WATER LOAN. PIII7IIIIELTIM, June 12-9 P. Ten thousand dollars of the Pittsburgh Water Loan of 18.54, have been sold this evening 'at auction for eighty dollara on the hundred. rtituamilmmt, June 12-781 Dales from Domingo to the lot, just re p resent that much ex cat proved' owing an attempt of "ariident& e inem: , to betray tho cointiy. Me hands of Ilnytiens General Stunt Anpa Walt out and drove the Elnytiens, tot in:mover ; without imstedning considerable loss, On r at u i t . ing to the city he was refused entrance by enne sada GmteraLlimibas, mho had attempted loaned the American. ConsuL At net neeOnnta Sant Anna had I aid pe 'city 'under niege. June 12. By dispatches from .Ponisville, ecietim that a severe storm VMS experienced Metropolis, Illinois, an Friday. Both ehimne sof the steam beta Faybona were blown 0 rboard. : Two or three coal boats in tow of the 11, to Nashville, and as many in tow by the Soper were soak. By the =plosion of the Bat y there were thirteen deaths and five missing. he first engin eer, from Steubenville, Ohio, died f his [Diaries. Nearly thirty persons were scalded. The swim= Memphis encountered a Amen gale near Madrid. The pilot house and texas with roof of cabin were torn off. The chbineys were blown down, and the Oleo pilots with the carpenter were blown overboard and drowned, together with some thirteen others. The captain wee blown from the hurricane deck to the force castle, end was seriously injured. The clerk, with his books, papers, and everything, meta lost; also thiasmater ',Portion of the cabin furniture. Than who remained in :he cabia were uninjured. The boat mai - tautly shattered and torn. DREADFUL STEAMBOAT ACCIDENT Cruurromm, Jonol2, 1 P. M. The steam=assy collapsed bath the fittesonter suir binow Gruen ries, on Bettullny inorninin . r ::':it number of the crime and 4 ear - Pallslrlgairt4+ lolled by the explosion, and ashen blown 'overt:TO and drowned. fMenty.eigiat mimes ware seriously scalded. All those who werOulled were deck passenger! or lauds. No one in the cabin anTered any in :101. The number who have lost their lire hat not yet been neer:Mae& The Lon a very much antlered. The . cook was drowned, and the seined etre. Wet bully. scalded. Many of Mc wounded are in an extremely min. cal con:lido:a, and several of them only slight hives are entertained of thou recovery. The shattered remains of the boat were towid. LO Esransvnic. the was bound MS!. Louis from Pittsburgh JAMES K. YOLK. CINCIICIATI, June 124 lstlr. Fait was no better on Friday evening.-- Fie is not, however, ill of the cholera, as was re puted by the Nashville papers, brit merely of se vere diarrhara. Nsw Yozz, June.l2, 3 F.M. Petrel, t Free Sailer,) was yesterday defeated in the Fourth Congressional District of Massachn . - setts. Thompson, (Whig,) was his opponent.— The vote was close. No choice was made. Naar Yowl, June 12 It is stated, on good authority, that Gen. Jesup will be assigned to the command of the military divisive made vacant by the death of Geri. Gaines linothrss report rape that Gen. TvCas will receive the appointment. MINISTER TO ENGLAND. Nnw Yoax, Jane 12. It is stated that Hon. Abbott Lawrence dolmen appointed Minister to England. PRUSSIA POSTAL TREATY. Naar You, Julie 12. We Isamu that the Government of Pmuia has offered to make a Postal Treaty with the United States. CHOLERA IN CINCINNATL 1211i.:1=Art, line 12. Sit cemeteries report 99 deaths an Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, of which sixty.orie We al- Used to have been caused by cholera. CHOLERA. IN NEW YORK. Nrw Yoax, June 12. There mete 36 eases of Cholera and 19 deaths is Weeny, up to mien to day. CHOLERA IN PHILADELPHIA. lone 12. There have been two cases and one death by Cholera, up to noon to-day. CocOman, June 12, 11 P. M. There have been eight deaths from cholera eines yesterday. The weather is cloudy. The markets are not changed to -day in any re. specs worthy of rake. NEW YORK MARKET NOO7I EITCIB.T. June 12. There has been a fair demand lot the Eastern porta, at a alight advance on yesterdiv's prices. Corn—There is a good deal doing in Corn, and hidden are firm. Pork—Mess Pork is held a 310 121 to $1:0 23, Prune 58 2S par bbl. Lard is rather inactive, with only moderate sales at 6107 e. In eat meats, there not much doing. Small saluted dratie [or Shoulders, mud 54/: for Hams. Niw Yosx., Jai'. 12 Flour—We have no alteration to notice in the market Holden are fine, and the demand mod erate. Yesterday's quotations may be resumed for The various descriptions. Wheat-There is nothing doing la Wheat.- Bolden brio put the market up, but buyers are not willing 1, meet them. Corn-A good deal is doing in Corn, and 10d era am firm. Now Orleans damaged has been meld at 500,.and heated at 58c per bu. Sales Northern White and Pound Yellow at Ste per bu. Porte-The market frrild* is firm, and prices have advanced. Mem ettlYt.be quoted -m4lO 124 finlo 25, and Prime en3B‘24BSB 371. Lard sells Ed 7e for prime and 808+0 for Wor. Butter and cheese axe Tobacco-Sales ofIODW,IWIcco 8070 foi Kentucky. ti:fs;;WYgtrw, Cattle-Beeves moarlyrdtillo -$9 23 par 100 lbs . . tattCotton-qhe market andmes dm. t • feebly supported. New Oriesto Mobilcorair may begnoted at 8+ to Bso. Upland middling 7ilr at 7+ to 80 And fair at 8 , 08:. Money blanket--Tile supply of bills of foreign 152theilge is ample, end the demand so far trim been moderate. Stocka-Them was upon the whole some Bros. cam in prices and a better feeling at the Mack board to day, and some tendency to rise. Peeesyleanla Eves, 871; 11. S. Treasury Notes, 1141; U. S. gnu, taw 115. . pgKI TES UTORIL. sabseriber has jest received at the Pakin.Tea hme, 10 Fourth street, a very largo and well s - isetad awn of pare ORKEN AND BLACK TEAS, Erma Nook all of which: has been reunited In tits 00 . 2 trY signet/to first Of February lam, consistingn4 all the dilltrern grades grown In the Celemiti Oar ateek beim: among the Devil in the West, era are trZtr i e r dAtagolaszAe, et: better terms than any other We grocers to call and onosalne inn mot and prices. They can Nava a pia ed 10 I, and ILb paeltagm, 6Lb tin eannisteny or by half chests, to mit their convenunce. Sam r•WDinices vary,for Oolong, Black ten from at as. to W 1,60 per Ik4 Ning Young Smichong. 60 CIS; • 4=l „ and English .Breakfast 60, iol24lii7l.oPj , r and ImperiaL, from as cto. to 8425 par lb. Soulhicare unlawful to send and get rstripko of Thu, and try them bctom ourchmum. my7.onlt.wB A. JAYNES, 10 pontot street TETOITESUCILBS—Lovering's loaf, matted and ivy pulverized Sagarkyust Red end to: sale by the 03 at retail, at the Pekin Tea tUett.,7o a= EVE COFFEES—Mocha, African, 1 ,,.. L. St Darejago and Rio cotrees,jeet teed atirT"rr at therPekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth at" g a _------ - •t- • .E.. WRNS AND FIGS-200 eighth bar plate litai. ~,,,,g , gag SO small dreads (rem Flee, Inn received . " Sad for We at the Penn Tea Stare, 7/ Fourth ete gg i, . MIR i rtuocorderE, COCOA AND DROMA—Daker's (u &ma, Vo 1 Chocolate and Cocoa; idso, - Se Anita m e . i .i.ichimoiato, just reed and for aye at the Pekin Tea /NOM 70 Foorthi Moan Airs WORM RULER is the best Vermilltge MA that anV men can give or use innts family. vp ut ,,,,,, T ou Tit, Westmoreland so. Pa. Malabo D. Morgan. is to certify that I have bean selgag your Vennifoge for time, S.i "OM' ente.. year—and in Mat time I have never known it to to fall bnnging worme away, when tilaymptoras indicated their presence. I had occasion to Moan to tWS VOWS op members of my family; I a nd CAL* of sham oat dome, and one of them passed WO and the WTI.. It is the best Vannifage theta . ny man coo use In ins family._ J.W. Velma rTePIXII4 sad sold by /NO. An ti ORAN; Druggist, amadoevbelow Diamond alley, WOCki .juto "I'4' .IM/ Spts 'Tutplet4l4 just teCtiTed for ate by Pr4P. DaiVni a t Plioo4, COMMERCIAL RECORD: I 1842 i ALIKA4AO4 sun 1 Sun NNEI rises.stra _ 9 Satrday, -- 4 Yo 74D ' 10 Sunday, ,4 29 7 30. 11 Monday, ..... ---- ........ 4 Irl 't 7 311 t~tg zr.jant . .4!S: . 7 31 T 1 93 731 hutsday, 4 Z 731 15 Friday, ... ..... —... 421 73R PITTSBURGH BOARD op ,ThaIDE COMMITTER FOR JOREE. CAluniixts. W. L. CIL. 3. a. MUM. MOVEMENTS OF THE OCEAN STEAM*. Crum, Ltan—Sails for Artistic. . America, Shaman, nrrlioston, May 44. Hibernia, Lang; forltear York, May 31. Pao* kactinti; In. ECtrac Ceicdonia Leitch, HanEorton, June 6. Niagara, Hymn, from Near York, Jane 13. Earva, Lott, from liostod.„.Tane go. Cambria, Shannon, from l Yolk, Joao V. America, Harrison, from poste., amy 4. U. S. Mari. Lem rem Sorritaserog ann Basnact FROMTOM The Hermann, Capt. C oit th e 20th Rule. The Washington, Capt. V. Floyd, on 20th Joly FROM . ' Nt i . The Wtahington, on the Jona. The Hermann on the 15th July. PROM SOUTHAMPTON. Tha Wiishiagum, on [heath ,boon. The Hermann, on the Inah July. REVIEW OF THE • PITTSBIIIIGH RIAILK ET, ron rzts vm xxonta ma 19, 1819. A e we left the make at the time of our lest week!). Remei, to we find it in the present A general quiet. nen heireigued in almost evpiy department of trade, and quotation In general, show linle a any important changi. The weather too, for the most part, has been unseemly unsettled, which has bed its intl.:tea upon buslnela, and, it possible, rendering at mom unsteady than it juight otherwise have been. We have had another fine rise in tie river, and the present stage of water is amply sotholent for all the Purposls of trade, and busikese on ttte. wharf notvelth etendisig the dull semton, has been quite lively. By aliens at our import hats, wwere able to give the tolloiring table of imports by river aiding the weak Jut closed Vicar, bbl. • • hl( do Corn, tka Onto, bbl. kgt ..... • 1.9 bxs 4 Whiskey,. bbl s 903 To laid. • • •909 " b. • • • - ..... .30 ;..nger,bbd. .30 lolassesi bbl. • •• • • • .es Conon. tit!. • •• • 114 Rice, tire' 10 Lead pipe, reels ..... •19 " oaks 3 Oils, Lard, bbls • • • .94 39 .49 " . 255 • BaconAhde • •• • .... -49.5 - Sc. 273 b•xs• •• • t 67 Beef, diied, tce• ..... •111 Lard, btra • • 954 do • 111 kegs • 12;9 Heir, .. •• • .1 1 31 Alcohol, bb • • • , ....... 5 Brwati, don ..... • • • •37 F ore, eke 142 Fore, bee .55 Bags, ks• •• • • ..... -48 1 ...... Ginseng., clue ...... • •• • •11 eke • • • ... 6 , bbl 4 .... ••• .4 b.• • _. . .-• .59 Baffalo tobes, ble 198 spon hogs heir, rolle• • .94 Briatles,•hbls ..... • • •14 Com meld, bbla • , Bei.. frames bells • • •244 Cracklins. cabs • • • • • - •1111 " Linseed, bbls . 33 Cheese, b 33. . 373 Wool, ski . 35i Fierap, b e lt. ...... • • —35 Hide., d 2. 53 14.5 rz.rl4.--..... ....4%1 Peorchino.bbls• . • • . • •10 Pota.ll, cal" 11 Berns,bbls 13 • hlf 1)ble • • • •• 13 Firp brick, No 1400 Window _glass • • 450 Sarsapkrilln, on 100 Flnzwedi bbl.• • • 21 R a id., bbls • . • .10 bbl, • 70 breen App:as, bbla • •Cl • • news very dull for every • o sale% to any large 303101113 t 'ad* our quotation.. las t fdflksj; pearls sVerie. So o, and Peore lungs at 3161, ASila;--Thc season c. thing . under this head, and n Lave transpired We coral week, Si follows. Salerat do Aek 3}1111; Pow 4}04 etruton m figures. Regulus, t s6,sofirsS-50—eaek meldf ALB—We nonce no . $ in Limited quantities APPLES—Oniy a few small lots of Greets Apples have come forward, and the market tirtunly supplied. We hear of no sales worthy of report, but prints rel., higher. BACON—The receipta of the past week have fallen short of those of the preceding ones and u a conic qnenee, supplies have diminished, and pnces have un dergone a (=her alien advance. The article heo been quite brisk, with regular sales lof good Western and City cured in c.a. at, for Shoulder. 5, Sides 6, and Hams at 7c OEr Some s ale. have token place at a in lower than those figures, but 5,11, and 7c are the ru ling Ensures of the market for good qualities- Good Lots of country cured em sold regularly from store at 4i, 5g and din for Shouldera,. Sides and Hams. Sales of Western sugar cured canvassed Barns at 408 c, in BUITER—We notice light reCeipts, moderate mp plies, and a dull market. We may quote roll in bbls a de3l.4—as in quality, and kegs atßh36;c p B. BROOMS—Receipts have been light, and umpire are not more than sufficient to the demand. Pri-ra fo the various qualities range Soil 81,t5082.50 perdu- BEESWAX—Price* are without change, with a inn. dente demand in the market. We may quote moan. rally as Iflerft ► ID: BLOOMS—We notice mrecelpti dunug the week and PO Ca.. 56.501470 tottl Q 6 quality. may I!,e quoted as the ruling figures. . BATTING—Regular sarea'at SiFlik• —.cording to • quality. • It CORDAGE—The following al a Rat of erieee for N. wins articles wale: this head : Manilla rope. by coil, cc; White Rope, by Tarred Pope, by coil,- Packing Yarn, fine,••— do !MD CORDS Mitn4l:ll. 840002,0004,00 V 100. • do # roil; •• •15e lb. Hemp, 151.0.aRi .031,25 dor: do coll, 7 • .10c lb. PLOCCIU J.. 1331. Manilla. St g7lo p dos. COTTON TARNS—We Ltd sm. change In quota bona. Tho following is • IC, of prides • Shon ' No 600 ,, • ... 70 .10 “ 740 410 17 " BM 900, IMO. 0 0 ... d 9 'Coverlet Yarn ♦ m• •21143 loonieslag to 9 GI up No 40. Caron Oulu .200 Long reel 9 dar. Cotton Twine 0 No 800 ...... •••-• • • 09 Candle Wick HO CRACICEILS—Our lasi quotatione are without alter 4e5 to No 10 to 13 won, and sales are regularly cfiented at due following prices ftliTZ l4 " go tarl o ors, ply 1,1: C 9 ESE—The anivals of the week have been ano dert4e when compared with the maple of last week suppilea mere adequate w the demand, with m ch.g. In wpm:ions-, say for emsretba W B COP!lit Cream 70 1, dad Goshen at eritego gs Cr. CbrrON—Receirda heed been light, and rottpltes are.Pknited. We note sales daring the week as fol. lerortt 75 bales at 7e, 52 d. at 70, and one or two mall. et Lots at 640, 4 mos. The two first lot. were of the bottir COTTON 91.1F..ErLNGS=The followtml are the man• each:mars price, for brows aheetaigr ben qualm' No k, 70, common Or Nonagoolr, yard. CAPPER—WO tolllllltle our gammons as follows: Mid Mane copper In cake 'end ingots, 1.90200 . ya lb; Shostalng 27c, sal old nowr er ISc CORN—The renews of Corn haws been light, and supplis tee limited. 'We quote moderate sales fmm dist hands et 33316 c r CORN MEAL—Ve mtice the receipts of 28.9 bbl. during the' week, mostly designed for Eastern ship monL Brand soles frdm store are reported to us at 61 O bbl, for kilo dried. DAMS—Every Wag . n dyl -el farmer prices. We quotations of some of the • • der this head remains etc give the following aorta leading articles: Brimstone. plb • .AO 5 Camphor ref. ' • • •3840413 Choohldeal, .larido hme, . - -50 6 C 1,30201.9) Copperas, ' - •IK O 2 )..iquorice root. • • • -70 9 . - • ball, " • . 20003 • Eat Soda, ' .• - -110 5 Wee, common," • • 11013 E!=101 AIMM. • .n 0 e Mari:mks, Ds •• • -ledP2s , Arrow Root, - -. • I/014 Aqkeforis. “ • • 10211 Lithatge, " • • ,Stdo6l Madder Umbra, D 1201st Colter Oil, bb 1.31:5001,53 Qtddne,Ds. • • 8.1,40 • DRIED FRUIT—The =Met I, unchanged to deem tiotti, but rattler dull. Moderate tales of Peaches at SlitiOBl,23, end of Apples at 60051.,c" tic ba DDIED BEEF—We notice light supplies and • good demOnd in the market, with sales of Last qualities Wiitern and City cured at 6.109 e. FLOUR—The receipts of the pmt week, have fallen_ alt.tH of those of the preceding week, Moat 0= bole, but es the shiptiems Rem have probahls been less, sup plies do not seem to have ditninithert in our market.— Some 1.510 bbls l 0 various l limped lots have been Ms- posed of front heir heads at 83,0408343 IP Ohl. The Wei from more bevestbeen conflned to regular limited tots6tSzkr.ls bbl! FLyFf—For sy thing ,coder this bead, there is a saidy demand !forrner: quotaliirus, my for Salmon 5100; Mackerdl, No 1 819, No 2, 184 5 288, 0 “5id No at 50 y bbli Shad e 8,60, and Herring at BO per hattel. , FEATHERS—The receipts; of, Featherihave fallen Mr" Very materially, but we hen, of no change in quo tatlittut, from our last gaited rates. We note antes in Urged lots at 33034 e 9.9. ' PFLUIT—The market 14 bin lightly suppled with ri4t of the orioles foudd nodes than hoed. We note sale. doting the week of VA boxes Lemons at &MO bell, Of Oranges, the tsfitlust Isalinost entirely bare, the hrtlete is held no $5045,25 Plata. For Almonds, ere quote st 15,417 c, hard 13110140 . Zama Ciiirmts 8,1300; Filberts FOOT, Groundnuts 61207.1 e; Butires Figs I.2}o'Mel BUnch /Wain. stograte per bot. fniEIGHTS—The river I. now Ina fine stage, and h4daven freights are scarce, consequently the rates - are.notreord, end very Jr* •Tes charges on the Ikons caul from this point East. ere .s follOws, for the principal articles of es- BACOLI. Lard Ad Tallow Tebseeo Loaf, Ohio, V 100 do " Ky., a a Feathers and Weed • • Flair and Pe!tries •• • - Hemp, Seeds of all kinds, ••• Whiskey, pet bbl ••• .. . - gilEtaN—The aupplial all ids continuo light, ILO anks aril mostly confined to limited quatuitioe.—• nit 'Out.* and Rye, prides are atuageihar nominal, tlrive being very /11111 ;trued in tee CalllkSt. =damns Sales of Barley u -556 a C. 7" at 370 1-e, and of Oats at 3.525911 c from ware GROCERIES—The Market coatings+ quite steady, with regular sales at fully quoted rates. The receipts of Sagas and Molasses have been very light, but the market is fairly supplied. Regular sales of N 0 Su gar is hhds at 5, 51354, for common fair to prime Saks of N 0 Molasses at 3733 r. Sales of Sugar Houle Main ssss at 40344 e. Y n u. Rio Coffee contin ues steady at 74, 7i2/2r 4 Po. Sales Loaf Sugar. St Loess refined, at 5,5, and 10e Y Bi—according quality RICE may be quoted at 44050 p b. • GLASS—We stoma no chance to priem of Window gluts. Sales of City brands Bby Itt, 84,00; 10 by 12 84 14 to 10 by 2, 1110 4Z :500 12 811 1' Pam p ' Se ala d oof o I :ozin by try manufactured 9 by 10 812.75 10 by 12 8.350083.75 c per boo. GUN POWDER—FPO IS sold at 85,2505855 end Rock Powder at 153,25083,50 P keg. HAY—The market is unchanged; good Timothy is sold from wagon .0 &OS, fa. ton. HEMP—The receipts of Hemp have neon light, and very Male is offered in the market. We may quote wail sales at the rates of 8105 P too. IRON AND NAILS—Salea of bar Iron at 3041, of Sheet el 50 6 4 0 P lb. Sales of Nails at 8340086.50 for 10d to 3d sire. MlGO—Bales of Spaniels et 81018134 of Mal." at 900950 f tb. LUMBER—The market is uncbanged Sales at the neer are usually effected at 890810, bom the yard., sossoned lumber ts aid at SU 0810 p LEAD—Sales of Ittsr at lic p lb. LEAD PIPE—Is sold al a range of Of to lac per foot, according to alto. WHITE LEAD—SaIm of dry at 11064 e p lb. and of pare in oil at SI ,00081.624 c P 89 1• ItIADDER—SaIes of Umbra, at 1201840 P lb. MALT—Moderate ales of Barley Malt from more it 20025 e f NUThIEGS—SoId regularly al 111,1208180 c per lb. OILS—The apply of Linseed 111 very light, with Ranted gala cnly at boo. Sala of No 1 Lard at 53038 e, and of No 2 at 5610 0 gal s. RO4lN—Regular ales at 53,25 P bbl . RAGS—Regular gala of good cleats rotted tram East hands at 310 p b. SEEDS-Bery few ales ore • Makusk, but We may quote mc.ineny at, for Clover, 8875053, Timothy SI, 75052, and Flax at 1.1.50081 SOAP—Sale. of Rosin at 40041 es of variegated at TAR—We not. ales of moderite gautmes at 84 IP barrel. TURPENTINE—SaIsa at 46.0480 t , gall VINEGAR—SaIes of good cider at 90940 kle gall VARNISH—SaIa of Copal at 51,2:10952 it tali, by wholesale. • WOOL—For the •astona grades of Wool, the fol lowing are Ma present buying rates in ads market For Common RSkt P lb. bl d doo o • I do 97c .• In e local Money weaker, owing to the prowlnt gau nt quinine.. ot ail branches of bowlegs, we End ked change. No change hos occurred in drscount, .r in the rate. of exchange on the Suer CM( Clry satr. County Scrtp ts DOM/ takett be the Esc ken at (life discount. AL.29BVii, dune n, lethr BEEF CATTLE—The liamber offered at the yard on Monday, coamprteed about 300 head. Nearly a:I of wtueh ware taken at 4#051e t th nett or 3153 e ♦ en, gross SHEEP—Thorn were offered m Me y•rd, hAU hood of Sheep, most of whirh were of common qualny Some 300 head were sold at pones rustiong secordo,g to quality from Ire6S2 V head. CALVES—Were scamp at Sc rd. net HUGS—Were scarce, and sold es 42141 r V n PORT OF PrITSBURGH. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Comet, Boyd , Zanesville.: Ben West. -, Cm. Chieftain, Peebles Elizabeth. Eclipse, -, Mon. City. DEPARTED. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic,lacob, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkittson, Brownsville. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville Lake Erie, Gordon, Reeser. Pilot No 2, Shank, Galiipobs. Glances, Reno, Cin. Vermont, Hazlett. Louisville. Tux Ftrate.—There Were 6 feet 6 indica io the channel, by pier mark, !rat evening re dusk, and teg• BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Brownsville Packet:, S A. M. and 4 P. M Beaver Packets, 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. St Louis—Brooklyn. • Cincinnati—Co wognee- Nashrille--Cambertand No 2 Brownsville— Elite. Zenesville--Come4 Cineinnatt—base Neviton. lx P th 16c'• rm • 13c Ile ' 12c 10c • 2c POE 1.1113,012-PLIIA. D. Leech & Po's, packet line. 9 P M. Dr. Wlekey's Oelebrated CHOLERA AID DIA@BDBI MEDICINES. 11" E public ate re q uested to read the followin g cer fir/eaten. Thin medicine a exteneirely u awl is all the Southern and Eastern cities. We do eerufy that Dr. Loch Wcarr. of York, Pa took ander his cart and marmireme.st, on or about rae firm of October last, a young loan laboring o..der a severe attack of ...Ciatatte Cholera." That we e tam. turd the said pattern., and found nom to be to the em lapsed state, of that &stasis, with frequent and cnpteu rice water dtacharges. That we pronou,rea it aes of genuine Cholera, and declared moreover that w - befieved the said patient was beyond the hope of nied teal aid. In fact we thought the patient would Me and so declared at the time . We farther seruly that the Laid Loath NVlekey nut turd his own mode of. treatment, and athnututered In Cholera Remedy and effected • core or the pauen We thick infant days thereafter the smd young ma woo al work, and perfect/ y well. inns C DOINIET, Al D. T. 1.1. Uncurl., M. D I certify that I vatted a cue of modified Cholera en der the care of Dr. Lome Wiekey, and that I behev his exedieltie relieved hr. , sigte of Maryland, Washington County, to wit I newly that I em well acquainted with tin gentle men who have signed the within certificate.. of Dr Lade %Vickery ; and they are men of teepee al. ty. In testimony venereal hereunto suneentio my L s name, and alba the seal of toy office, thus four tnenth day of Nervember, eighteen hundred and thirty-three. 0 H. WILLI AhDr_ Clerk Washington County Court, Maryland. I srltnerked Ma administration of Dr. Louis Wick ere prsparrion for Cholera, in the case of an appren. Dee to the plastering business in this town (Hager. town.) Ills ems a well marked miss of Aslnua Ch • lers., with rice water evacuations, cold clammy akin cold to.ipe, email tremulotts putsch—l coraidertd ha situation truly critical and alarming I saw him pre aloes to D r . Wmkey, and was present at the admini tratrOn oldie brat dose of medicine, and saw him re peamdly during the attendance of Dr. Wicker, he rr covered so m to be able to attend to and wart at hi trade in !Kew days. lam atria be tut It none other be die medicine admiumed by Dr. Wiekey. RICHARD W. Dave, VI D. The only true and pentane LA. WICIsT). Choir and Diambosa Medicine la prepmed and sold who: sale and rattail. by JOHN D. MOILLiAN, Drams, juiltdMin one door below Diamond &bey, ,Nood IDITTSBURGII FRENCH BURR MILL sTosr. I and MILL FURNISHING LSTABLISHMENT. Nos. 244 sad old Liberty street, near the Omar. French Burr Mill Stones, of my own manufactitie, made of a new and superior quality of Blocks: Dame • alv care is taken to have the Joints mad., close, and all the blocks In each stone of n uniform quality. The, are warranted 10 be equal to any In the Country, and superior to the great mass of Burrs. whether of foreign or domestic manufacture, and sold at the lowest pri ces. Mill Stones, martufactared in Leaner—a gene ral imsetVnent, at reduced prices, always on hand. Laurel Hill Mill Stones, ell sees. Bolting Cloths, Anchor Stamp, warranted best qual ity, and at Erect ly reduced prices. Mill Spindles, Mill Irons, Screws and Picks, Plat form Sealer, Corn and Cob Grinders; Uric and Saw Mill Castings of all kinds, and Mill Furnishing to gen eral. All orders promptly attended no at 214 and 246 Lib erty street, near the Canal, Pittsburgh. W. W. WALLACE. • Itbbwah eriAt icits 1 'TO. 244 WISP:BTV, opposite Smithfield street.— Marbl e Man ties, Monionents,Tombs,Table Tops, Ice., a large variety of the read beautiful kind, made f the finest quality f foretgn and domestic marble, always on hand or made to order, by the aid of ma. Irunery, on the shortest nonce Pint at the lowest priers. N. 13.—The Country Trade furnished with all kinds of Marble at the lowest rates. All orderspromptly at. tended to 244 Litton'', °UMW'. Smithfield st W W WALLACE SFIIIT MACULA/Gls T LILL'S Patent Stone or French BOIT SU MA j CHINE—Abe best a rt icle of - the kind Im b rue; they run lightAelean fast, do the work well, and will last a life time. About GOO of them are in use, in the best mills in the country, and we been the strongest testi. many of competent persons as their superiority over all other Smut Machines. For farther particulars, ad. dress the subscriber at lid Liberty at, Pittsburgh. terabit:ins . W W WALLACE 0 TEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS-4 , er grist, arm and other mills, slwa,ys on hand, or made to tord•r on very short notice, and at the lowest prices Ail or den promptly attended to at 214 Liberty street, near the Canal. my= W P'" • alanys on band at 044 Liberty at. my2o W W WA I.LArF, VALSI . Ki`r viyo on hand, at 911 JUIL Liberty at. • at, WWA I,LACJiI cues mint iicia; . 15 band at 214 Liberty meet. my3O W W WALLACr, t.l irtare e lf is PATENT DASHER CHURN. 111=1111 COI SI P.c.., IN 5 in 10 1(1011II11110.111 THE attention of the public Is Invited to this very valuable Churn, which has the advantage of aft others In combining the old and new invention. to gether. The utility of thi• inventionis apparent, se by a stm pie proem.t the air is forced beneath the drab, sad doe' away with the necesinty of purchasing anew Cherry u it can be applied to any churn to sae, mai for eon . dollar eon have all the improvements of the age combined with those of gathering the Rutter In the usual way. The pablen are Invited to tall and Judge for them nice. before porehaaing el...here, at 87, corner of Merkel and Fifth emelt, or at i 3 Diamond alley, be tween Wood and Market west., PietalhoTh. ;aril LOLL; NUM= LOCAL MATEIIB. ErrOITZD FOIL VIZ nrrssrunati DAILY GAIXII- Id., Hamm,. RAnt,-9b. ai•ters of Illercy having charge of this charitable institution. finding awn..•lees withent the means to supply the •aunts of the afflicted poor. have) witted their assent to the generous °tier of the ladies of their acquaintance to hold a fair. the of which will be applied of the roller of their I pressing want.. We are informed it veld be held nein weak, in the Lefayette Assembly Rooms, beginning on Monday The announcement i• all that is required to ensure the 1210.1 liberal co-operaeo n of the public in the effort or toe good sisters to furnish a home for the poor it the bony of sickness and allltcton SALE OF Lars is Attinur..trY.—The great sate lots which came off veto rday in our sister city, no event of the mow, gratifying nature, not only to view of the large sum which will be realized to the Treasury of our thriving neighbor, but the :nal-mind umlaut of taxable property which ti at once brings into the aIISCESMCOII of the city, add ing to her income over and above the interest on the nabs, which In itself, will exceed 56,000 per annum, but not less than 53,000 in the way of taxes increasing for all Uwe to come. No property holler be his lot ever so small, caul his house ever so humble, no tradesman, mechanic, or dray man, carter or lorer, but will thus feel the benefit of the sale, not only in the increase of business and population, but in the diminution of The sale has taken piece at an auspicious roo meat, and though it could not be expected that all would harmoniously concur, ea some few whom lots fronted on a 20 foot alley desired to approprit. ate those lots to their advantage and convenience, to which they had not a shadow of claim, wilt necessarily feel somewhat disappointed, yet the grant totercet of all should not yield to a few net fish individuals, m a matter of so much importance to all. .11weuld4tuiy be a,,,Baribthjp,l4. in a country like ours, a Pe`piiiinticitfat litiliftlitiais'ifir twenty three thousand, would have to submit to the dictation of a dozen individuals, and embellish and enhance the value of their property by open public:squares, and the rest of the ottizans pay taxes to keep them up at the public expense, at a cost, ea was ascer tained, of at leant 5100,000, far the benefit of less than a score of property sworn around the square. We learn with unfeigned pleasure, that 21 of the 40 iOl4, brought the handsome sum of 857,442, be sides a ground rent of 5420 per annum, the inter est of 57000, winch makes the net sales of 584,445, Below we give the name, of the purchasers, and the amounts paid. The lots had each a front of 20 feet by a 100, and the terms of payment mere, one third cash, and the residue In cx and waive wombs with Intern: No. I J. T. MoCarioe, O,IEO 2. John Lindsay, 2,420 3. do 2,400 4. John Gebhart, 5. John McGrntiT 6. H. P Swartz, Edward Greer IMM=T! 9. Marshall, Wallace & Cu. 11. John Vickery, " 21. M. Connolly, •- 29. Marshall, Wallace, Sr to 30 do " 31. John Alas.Jer •• 32. do 34 John Horner, 37. John Parker, 39. Alexander King, 10. Mercer dr Robin.a The reme.ining nineteen lots will be sold on Tuesday afternoon, Jane 19th, at 7 o'clock, on the premtset . _ Arr•ca lams • Purrot...—George Bailey ap peared before the Mayor on Monday, and mere that John McGib!. had pointed a loaded pistol toward. him, on the loth of lone, and snapped it at him three lanes. MeGibbin was committed to Cum-ans.—The unwelcome conviction is et last arced upon our minds that the cholera is in our midst, though A has not, as yet nonmed the form of an epidemic_ Several eases have occurred daring the pest few days, and we tear that the nest report of the Sanitary qtnniittee will not lou as favorable na the last. Our esteemed friend, Mr. John 'Murdoch, of Peebles township, was attack ed by th la disease on Monday, and was in great danger, but the malady has taken a favorable turn, and he is now, we believe, fast recovering. Mr. Murdoch is one of our beat bortteulturista, and we aincem:y reysee that a life so valuable has been, in the wisdom of Providence, spared. liscarviao &roum Goont.—Jacob Chamberlain was yeatertlay arrested, charged, on oath of John Atchison, with receiving a lot of stolen pig met• al from a number of boys, and secreting it on his premises. After being examined by the Mayor , he was discharged. Fin—A Coe broke oat yesterday afternoon, in the room of Mr. McTighe, in Market street, be tween Third and Fourth streets. The flames were subdued before much dames° bad been done. AssmULT /Off Barr y.—James Funk yesterday entered a complaint before Alderman Parkinson against lames Cohort, who had, as Funk alleges committed a violent assault mid battery upon iton Cotton was committed to answer the charge it the ensuing term of our criminal Court. The quarrel, we understand, originated ia the pouts smo of some small article, not worth half a dol• Caew,vr. Corner.—On Monday, some of the workman employed m Swan's Quarryokere blast ing, and put :a so heavy a charge of powder, that • large pence of rook, weighing between three and four hundred pounds, was driven by the force of the explosion about three hundred yards, and feb on the roof of a house owned by Mr. N.M. Sand ford, and occupied by a family named Steward. It buret through the roof and fell on abed. Break. ing through the floor, it fell to the cellar, great y injuring the house; but luckily, as all the inmates happened to he out, without dotng any other dam age. Some largo piece. of stone ,were driven by the force of the explosion, upwards of a square distant, as fat as the house of hut Honor Mayor Rush, of isllegbeny. The quarry men should he more careful. . . Cnurnsee.— We yesterday observed a young mau passing over the St. Clem Street Bridger 4~..' smok.mg a rwa. The toll keeper who had been obterving hu M6II(VITICS, rushed after him, and, seising him by the collar, Wet about to convey . from. him to the nearest Magistrate's Moe, but the young fellow begged so pitifully that he was, at gravatea by the use of hey of the common nostrums el the day, that Mete complaints can he redically and deers lest jet off. This to not the foist time that we have mighty cored; he having given his careful tuteirtion to noticed a tootle, occurrence, and we hope aid 1 the eresonent ut of such essees, mut stareeeded hundreds lof Instances curing peen,. of inflartunotion of the smatters will be more cautious in future. I meek of the hloddor, and ktndred disease. whin!) often result from those cases where others hove consigned • _____ _. .. _ . ay- A geatlemao of Pittsburgh, who bad fallen Into I them to hopeless despatr. Ito particutarly invitee suet an open cellar after the *Great Fire s ^ sprained his .- I as have been long and unsucce.fully treated by °then etc ...ever, that he „ h . unable to refrain from on .. ! to consult him, when ovary satisfactlon will be ova. mg out with t tock • Co's Rubcfacienthe path. A friend who hand ad been men eared twee , klurYikont m a n n er , them, end theirn cares er, pointedof t at nance at nhehywhh ,„ gave him what rema i ned in the h oo k, r away, and invesugaton, which It is impossible :or Otos nod although his limb whh greatly swollen, he woo engaged in trenkral practice of medictho to give an completely restored to health In twelve hours and ! .......„..f,arsase freed from pain. This is but one of a great number of I u-r - ......* Rapture.—Dr. Brown elan Invites pert cams which bare come under the observation of the Wax afflicted with Henna to cell, as ho has paid pert.; proprietors. Prepared and said by I alai attention to this thscsse. B A FABNESTOCK a Co, . CANCERS also cured. corner let and Wood; also, Gomm do, and w o od e m I Skin 'diseases; also Pi' s, Palsy, etc., speedily eared ht 8 Charges very low. I N. B.—Patients of cab sex living at a distance, by Wilmot! ‘Voalisl—Various theories hare been start- ! "ill their diocese in writing, fflytult all the sl.ll ed relatoe to the origin of intestinal worms, and yet I tams can obtain medicines with doections for are, by the question is • vexed one among medical .taboo- I eddresshlg T. BROWN, Al. D., poet paid, and cantos, ties Orono fact, however, all are informed, and In , 4 .5,1 foe. which all agree—the fatal warm. of the influence they I omart N o. as, Diamond alley, Opposite the * avert, exert an chtldren. - As this season of the year is one ' 1, .... at which the attacks of worms are most frequent as a...E.T...—Dr.llrow,t's newly docovered remc thatitaintel trouble. It never far's. wd ,!.. maw , Lw3h , ohh, we take great plhasore t „ 6. dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and certain reined tot recline the attention imrtnts to the Vernsifuge of I or. m iti ..ne.. it i . ohe h the .., Oathe and Private Consuming ii.oolNo. 63 Dia tom. ever introduced to the publish and has never ! mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa- The Doctor in always at failed of needs, when tried. For sale at the Drug , home. Atom* throughout the city. myllshkerS it - y- No care nn owe rieel r . . __ ____ 0 eIfTIiWSNEITiIr-c—illidoi Sc Tin e sor.ortoi. for . ... • • sale by nal L S tVATERMAN WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY v ' C i t. ":,, a , . s .l : ,," t f ."'y b , b .',? ' u l'. ). :4"ZtTi r .g;, g ,'N'''' OF PITTSBURGH. ._ . _ ._ C ATITAL $300,U00. ..... sauna. UCAIFE 6 ATKlN'llo'NmeA'''''' , J I• c Pint; Jr.. tinny I 8 .- Minbnu. Jr., Pin' , . Plan sr., ORTWI.EW WoOD ANL MA1..., Pirtrearann, WIII ,wore against all kinds of. ruts, rIONTINEE to Inanniaelme all It oulr of et , I.P1:11, EIRE AND MARINE- I/ TIN AND SHEET 111,,N WA BF'. Al., lha, 1.. A l „ .l,i,c,sees will ha liberally adjusted and promptly smith Worn. ~,, doom Boats bath to order. A bent. intlitution-managed by Directors who are Special attention mon „ non , l i on , work. Dross I well known in the community, .d who on determine : Ilave on blurts a fine ammeter..., or Conlin' , and orasa ed by ProMPumaa and liberality to maintain lb. e on. , t Nantes, Tin Ware, bac. be. steamboat Cooking Stoves, enter which they ham, assumed, as arteriee best I podnain n ag ., cartons store- . ~,,, c 0.,„,..,,,, ... prate.ma to those who deuce to be ',mart a. : uclo for steamboats, California .Itgrants, or rail road Lltascroas-B. Millar, Jr.. G.. Black, J. W Butler„ eoffno.n i en . N. !Jolene*, Jr., Wru. D. Malone., C. Bunsen, GOO. WWe would respeetfblly for. memo boat torn and . I JOOkBOO, %%'lll. M. Lyon, /B. uppincon, Thos. K. I others to call and see Mr articles lOW riff, banter Lltel, James hliAnlay, Alex. Nimialt, Thos. Scott. t, mo k in e i , ni,,,,,,,,,,,i,... ,111' Ureic& No. JD Water street, I warel,o.6 of Bilin l ll I t _ k Co, up suirstlPittabursit. tottdly Cal:1410D. ----- - 1 T UE URESHIIICE-FLOLIBIust-Tea and for sale at plbllc are tautioned arslem purchasi the draft drawn by Richardson h. Gail , on inc. 4 Fa• 1: the Spice and Main." 1' . ..." 1 1,1r,,, e a r o n ' i -1 .. r . t del) it Co. Ind by them ra-elted. fo ' $2lO dated May and Liberty sta. : myls i (SO.SV. 11 90 days alter mg t, and accepted Clay In, IJDFFSW.EiS & MACE-Juat reed tram the 1.4 I 1 912, payebla to the order of drawers, and by them II fresh, and for sale by 'myth JOLIN B BELL endorsed to P. C s ho „ hoo, who has notes that p. 7 . _ _ priTgE/r-10 casks Potash, landing from mow Jae , onall or me same has be. stcpped in the hands of Nelson, and far sale by JAB DALZELL. 1 John IN'Fadan & Co. F. A RICHARDSO. myOt 24 W 141,04 at : moot of Richard.. a GNelb albar purpoeee, c;A : ll.llysi. Hid, 5u , , , ,,u0. _ 25 watt7kavil: , lug. Nrol..ft.fiSES-450 Ma for liolo mTau URIAI7:4 CULIIIERTSON DiL w /aTa I Rl' 217 ". 51 14).14-1° bbl. 6BsSfir i'"" 6 'l o b h 5010162 is :n GREAT SALE OF GOODS ♦T T. ON E PRICE STORE, SO Market street. AA. MASON & CO , inform their patrons and the public', that they will commence the pale of their splendid stock on Friday, June let. and continue Thirty Days. donne whir., nine. the whole of their tm• menu , establishment oi:eluding their five wholesale room.) will be thrown open for retail trade, and for the display of one Of the largest anti most fashionable assortments of FANC I . AND STAPLE GOODS in the country, which have all been marked down, with out regard to cost. Forty 'Thousand Dollar. of their stock, of their latest and nchest styles. have been re. ready purchased at the large peremptory public sale. I in New York, at immense sacrifices. and wdi be found, exazranation, to he nearly one half less thvt usuai pores. They Invite Attention to a portion of their Goods enumerated below, with their prices annexed: Present Uncial Price. Price. MlO yanks French Otnokiams. 121 cta. 101 & it. 000 20. yd. Lawns& Musuns, 10 & 12 cts. 2.3 c. 4000 yd. Moas de Lain., 12 eta. 25e 1500 yard.. &loner... lai cu. 3lc 3)0.0) yds P‘ne Bemires, lel & 25 cu. 3) dr 50c 10.000 yd. Merrimac ClittOCA, I, & 0 eta. 12ee 20.000 yil• Mot col`d - do 01. cu. 1210 25,000 yds Brown Muslin, WI 'crudes, 20 per cent less than usual prices. 100.02 yd. Bleached Muslin, all priers, marked down 10 to 30 per cent. 100 pitwes [Brunet Ribbon, ' 12+ ets. 25n 4011 IVrought Collars, 10 k 12k els. 25c Mel do do SI & 50 rts. 05 & 81,00 300 Ladles Cravat*. 12 c. 25c 100 French ‘l. sal Capes, 41,50 to 3.00 143 to 5.00 144 Lace Caps, 311 cts. 75 to 51.00 700 Linen flood ketclusis. ots. 120 _ . .. . 300 Slandolg Collars, SU eta. 81.00 131 Chemileti, 25 A. 31 cm. 50 A 75e Curinetto us low as Isle, Jean. for 15e. A large stock of Bonnet. [educed Abu , . 3 7 1 per u,. • . - - New style Ores. G.sda, 50 eta 87 to 81.00 White I.+: 05 end 71 an. 37 h 60c Together with the largest neck SILKS. SIIAWLS, and bac DRF,IS uoone, ID to found in thin city. with In OMOGOLO variety of ether good.,—affording to retail purchuers a rare opportunity to °hunting the bent 8 0 . 78 or from 25 to an per cent lent than regular prices. They WOOD WI early call, as many of itteir cheicent Foods will noon Sr bold. (Le' No deyinnott rem the marked price. A A MASON h CO. nty3l 00 Market at. between Third and Fourth JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, many yean connected svoll Magian. Wiley & Putnam, yad late Into. Wney,N,l'orx and London,) FRENCH ' n ' WG ° 4,:R.It O7 N BOOKS N 0.63 coon rraimr, (Nearly opposite the 94. Charles Hotel.l r6I3VROIL 11:71Eaghah, French, and German Reviews and Mairttinei, and Newspapers imported to order, prices of which may be ascertained ou application to Mr L. Catalogue gratis. earn WARTED, ThAILY at the BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, / NEW YORE. BOSroh: iiND NEW ORLFAINII GENERAL AUENCY AND CO , ISIIIISION OFFICE Young MEN in wholesale and retail wows and other respectable business to act as boat-keepers. Sales men, Powers. Bar•keepers, Waiters Fawners, Coach :23M Car Agents. Book end Map Agents, Collectors, Overseers in all branches of busr.ass, Ac. We have at all turma a large number of good situations on hand, which pay from 3Un to 82,000 per annum. Those In want of ntualions 01 any hind would do well to give us a call, as we have agents In each of the a ems cY tim, which will enalie us to place csery applicant sit a suitable sitaauon at Ma shortest ounce. V. have a large acqatuntance r ll the above named clues, wtuch we west WIG enable us to give entire waisfac• win co all who may favor us with a call TAYLOR t TA Y MAN, No. AR Recond between Soon mod Gay N. —Persons Itstra in any part of the U. Stade., acid smiling w obt-on a riosatioo Rehm/ore, or et hane of the shove Cities, will have their seams imme. diately attended to by addressing us a line,(post paid) as by aci dolor they will ',man both trouble and no. pens, Waken they otherianse world incur by coming to the city, and seekusg employment for themselves. Address. reo WK ati TAVNIAN, N 0..331 Second Baltimore. Md DR. P. BIOROW, F New Orleans, would respectfully announce to U the citizens ni Pittsburgh and vielnl.y. that he has located mm-elf on Snavhheld street, between Finn and ffilth, West side, where he will devo.e hrs eaten bon to the treatment of the Cholera, in winch he hasi met with unequalled success, hating treated over three hundred cases during thc last minter and spring, and u e f.iting t smre the patient to • proper state of health he flatter, himself tnat bas a med•• eine surpassed by none In the country. and when peo• perly to/rnottstertoff never Mita to edord relict To per who are travrittic b• wou'd say, his medicate can he pat up so teas wry can ea en ,1 about them tea but little inconsentenre,• and by taking small doses •1 times, it crowd prevent an Inset of the 101 l destroyer lie would recommend to per li son, traveng and to Imnth ffe rs. as being a cheep and ec .' remedy. N Monogr oe found to hi °Mee at all ono" of the day. except ult. out upon proleoconal duty CLINTON PAPER MILL unders..6ne.l bevr tip. day •iscielluttel wader the loupe of Thomp.on Hanna S. Son, for the pur pot w or k. m m anLi;e w p4 l l:7;z ep r. , li . :L xi a ,o t I , h e e , :nipton P.perr eggs of the puhlte, che former custln;ver'e":3li patron ess 0.101141.11.130 f. 'They wet as al. urns. keep on hand genera: as sortment of writing. wrapping. Lea and wit!! papers. bronnet boards. blank books, etc. etc , which they will exchange for eln•n linen and mono rags. Pnaters and Book Publisisors eau be 'applied with every gest ripbon of pruning over at short notice, and at redUCcsi pn ntni TIIUMPSON ISANNA April I.2.l.o—trunitlnta I , .I)NIUND S. HAN • W la Penn. yl v salts Hospital Maid- taiga. ~. Q EALF.I) FROPOSALS will be received by the 1.7 Building i-orumittee. up to the 20th day of JEIVE. lest, hit funnehing :alumna sad treeing the IVeatern I. Pariasylvenvi llowpdal banding., agreeable to lens astd-frptbtfiratione .. Ce e via at 'Wei aßee of . W. Le ~ta aretuircb Fourth atter b after the Ilth i I. BOOM saw pmpuutug for said work, will. ate the itw.,,,,,kgatis amain. of bre enure superstrnegare inn ho rshde - state, and accompany their Wilt witlYthe name. and proposals of their respective undertakers Cr su ia. conuactor • :ii the vericue department. of the budding*. The COMM, le« I, l giro I,ceire to pare` proposal.PlVikelleal rut calm.... measurement , and in l or rate.; in winch ca. , indder• wl.letr, nhe price of The stone maven and en: ibone wink. per perch and trot; brick work per thnue..nd, in roe walla; situ, per square; ;lii•tertair pi r tarn. jam n and utiirr luniner par tholis. and fe e t. hoinl inratii iv carpervnr ,eri. 1 , ..21,11,g. ,jam,:;,,ltr...dr tau n. „ I: , .: , .. , e ,- ,: . ..er cc,,,ng, L.., Iheit re•pert.le The worr. ai. to hr urrirr apertn: I, at ',rat tupotr.r.le.lun.v. appsoLr. red fftr UM. p.r,se ionnntare. Propoial. wl I reteivcd at thr ior ,trnt ,stir!omnc HitApltal Groonla. •cemal• tot to tho p.•n To t..• at Nir Kerr • on:re /MIN /WIN W ti J n " .° " W JTl:dt.net , TNT uAKEWI-.LL Th• Brownsville Waterer., Establish- DR?. BAEI.Z .4. NI ANON, . raturn•ng lbw grate ful acanonelettlerrivnta to the Int.tds of the fustian. teen and to a 0.1•C(1,1 ng pulthe In genettel, for the Itbi Lind patronage hith•rto recelved, atmounce at the same Lane .111 Limy have rued° eaeential Improve ment.. Ote Iritertor is sit 11 ae the eaternar of the as• tabltahme.. duttna feet fall and wt... which toll greatly enhance 11. , ...Vats and amusements of In vades, who untud m vtart tots place dun/4 the eneu -1.0 summe SIL theyrev•ihng diseases are treated belle, and they will endeavor to keep up the r. :wean the establish ment heti won th,o,g,rte west, by strict atisattort to patterns that entreat thereat:lyre under L. care. In order •0 undergo :be tream...l, paler. have to pro•tde ittonortitros woh two woottoo blan[ct% two cotton sheet.. three comfortable. or a hgbt feather bed cad six towels. Term., stz dollars, payable Weekly. juZ4llll2 BEN N ETT Bs BROTHER, QFPX.NrWARE. NI A NUFACTUREHP, Blrminghara, [near Pittsintrgh,l Pa. Wardscrew, N. 137, Wood shee n rinaburgh WILL. consub r k egg on how/ n goods ssort .' meat ot die t of our oven manufacture, nod sopertotenaitt). Wholesale nod wan* Met. churns a, reapectfully olv,ted to earl and ex. amine for themselves. as Vt, arc detOrrnmed to sell cheaper than hos ever before been offered to the pet, irr Orders sent by math eeeornrtee:ed by the cash or rty refereere b. ro.smottr ...mfr.' to. reyld • • — rab, D A statoicat. orrica, No 55, 1/I.IMOND ALLEY. • ••,1 low door,Lehrer Wood street. to! Si , • markah DA. lIILOWN, having tees :el'. regularly educated to the medics `..,;"• ••..; protes•ton, and bum for sante nom •,•• .•• •-'-; In general practice, now coulters 4 his attention to the treatment of ,‘:,•:••••• •• these pnvate and delicate corn) •iak, plaints for which his opportunities • and experience peceliarly qualify him. II years assiduously desalt,' to sway & treatment of those complaintaddunng which ulnae he has had more practice and has cooed more pas dents than can clo.r fall to the lot of any private prae• • •• • ••• • • Littoral . ) amply quadrate Lim to offer 6511111. , ,. of spoedy, permanent, and eadmactory core to all allbeterl with delicate dieeame, and all diseases arising there. DRY & VARIETY GOODS, GREEN CRAPE AND CRAPE LIRE—W FL Mr.. my hos received a supply of white and colored Crape. and Crape Liact—among the latter green and other del...able rotors. Also, whae, pink, end Woe Silk and \Farb Blonds. loii • - TTNRRRINKABLE FLANNEL.9—W. R. Meant invitee the attention of buyera to his umornuent Of above deittrable goods, being the genuine unaltrink • able article. Alto, ored, Cause and Perstan Flannels, of superior qual- iandty; t colmd a fullat northeaut corn er o assortment of commf Fourth and Pannel Marwhite - ket ata jail LINEN TABLE DIAPERS — W. IL 51earna mottos the attention of buyers to his large ax.rtulent of above Goods, at mach lower prices than ever bean. offered. Alas, Linen Diaper Table Cloths, of Varier. aloe; very cheap. hrs FR CRAPH—A lot of above scarce article , for j 2 toweling. received at Dry Goods House of 1115 MURPHY . _ it )1 - OUR:NI:SG ALPACCAR—W. R. hltrarnr has re al. vetoed lbw morning. a few pieces of Black Al pudeas, Bombazine finiao, for mourning drawer., of a very supenor quality. On hand, a full assortment of the different man.s vial! wool black Muslin de Lulus. some as low as 184 els per yd. Also, black Bombazines, of all qualm:es, at north east corner Ith and /ducet sta. lot B L ;u ß st reed b'y Dales4o it iri % Vl H l . 3 r uaps, royfYi 99 Wood m INDMSIVS-7 cams nom style Ballston, Fianna 1,3 and Domestic, Just opened .17 FINGE 81A0piece's eolld, and blitek Sewing Silk and Holden Fringes, jilln opened by myti9 SHACKLETT & WHITE carton. black and colored - mintun Ib and sang Ribbons. Alto, plaid and Gauss, tiro de Nap and &Min Cap and Sooner. Ribbons, a ve ry large Assortment of new spang styles, Joel opened end for sale low by SH ACRLETT A WHITE UfOSIERY—A cotaplete auorlmenl of blk, wa s te .11 nableachtd, called, end colored Cotton Hose opened and for sale by • myla SIIACKLETT kr.. WHITE H OSIERY—Link Ibib an w d n eo s lid i Silk, d biack and . coi'd Hose; arienan . ...47 brown and an t-o d tt ti o llC en:mamas; Gents "haunt., merino and cotton ?Sock, Mr rain wholerale and retail,bs F If -tin rON a. Co, Fourth s; between and Market D ARA SOLS—A small 10t of well se:ected Pameots are offered for sale at reduced prices by my 23 F H EATON A Co, 62 Fourth et GLOVES --A large assortment of ladles and gents Kid, Neapontem and embroidered 3ak, Cob tun, le. rte., of all color, and siaes, Coe men, women and children, can be obtained mho/male or retail, at F it EATON & Co's Trimming Store, m lb 02 Fourth et rIstDIMINGS —Black usd cad Bilk Ince Ftlirsge s e Uttop, Brad, sllCLth....l always for sale at sorts ktATO:4I3, on Fourth st AN fILLAS—F. ki Esron k Co., keep cousuuttly /VA on hand, or make to order, Silk klenttlias of ev ery pattern, end of any color desirable. Also, Man tilla Scarfs, • now style. Embroidering, ocollnping, ruttling, marking, and all kinds of fanny needle - Work executed to order at their more, No ex Fourth street, between Wood gad Market my - Z. NEW DOOL/S—Nowopciang at the One Price Store. ewes and packages 01 new and desirable (roods, coati/mom a large lot of [lnk, Berege, hl de Lune, Thibet. Fancy and otter Shawls, at rounder.. bly reduced prices. 103-01 it A IBASON k Co IgrittralkreOLLAßS, CAPES, •ke —A A. fils • Ty eon le Co. have recd per klrpress. more than LSOU Conan, Capes, Cap., Chen - nuns, Cuffs, fte. so, Ect iongs and lneerung• at half the fur./ prices. snyll pguLK. WILE PARASOLS--W. h ):ur ilty hailuat received an assortment of black Silk Parasol*, red and plain, soota of which are extra woe. Dark timer, Peruols, figured and plain; large one brown do—an assortment received, and offered at low prices. at nontiout corner of 4th and Market nty2:l CIOTTWI 159 N ALlGRal—Yaril ande.=OitebaleWai lJ it, matured at Dry Goods Maar of •" • • SeSnlnitCA•SQd ERES —We have test r received a very handsome lot of French Summer Casannerea, ut • very fine quallty, mtuch we are mi. log at very low prtess, and La widen we would Meru me alienl.on of the gentlemen. I=9 liLt.:N DID CIiANISKABLIS SILKS—Just received, t.. 1 a lot or very handsome changeable Salk,, Including ioeir or • vert iapcnor quarriy, wheat we are so' g r sty inrenor pr:oes Artidh.XAts DER re DAY, raynt Y.l Markel N eor of the Dramood °tlrrE" UO ‘'—— k ' !:4 : h. Nimo;rin g opecnew and handsome 111'rus for In• per Hintze, Molt and Nansook ror dreescf. Also received within a few days, Honor, Rib :eons., Black Siiks, inc , at northeast earner 4th and Market street'. Codutry Merchants replenishing their sloth., will finds choice ..utrunant at lot pnces, in Ntittoiraale Room.. up can, myl9 1.4 A e u as t t ' lo r u n o ß r7ut t ' t..tt °' .l2nd 3 — lts:'' s it e a t • Oir. ' ut " e ' n ' e ' s t " tt ' e r ' a n t: teltion of lathes to at+ exec:lota assortment of the elf , (event styles of Drat. Goods, sellable for the season, wet Plata, Pink, blue .d drab Hateris: Pruned do. rga assortment, silt aria gitren Tissues; wilt and lin en Luswes, linen do, of Tanen. shades; 13ntiati and French pleated Lawnt, ',nue and embroidered Mas. hos,embroidesed Lawns, French (sinqbams—rd, of w bleb will be offered at low pries.. for quality. - Wnolesale Rooms on 2d story. myl7 DRY GOODS AT WHOLE,ALZ. - - - H.. MUltPftk n.itza the auction ni mer. chants n. the large supply of near tiuoals last opened In his wholes., Rhona.. on 21 story, northeast corner Ith and market streets, Pittsburgh. Ms being I. second supply lot Mho spring, he has many kinds of goods at reduced prices, and some steles not to Ita found eleasohere. onvtlhteT p.Ltifi I Iti+l l& 1 Lr.Ps&—w . n. )111610111 garde, to particular stienuun a buyers to his assotunent of fine Bosom Linens. lately received, warranted all dna, and of • superior make. Also, trees 6031. s generally, such as Table Diapers, of of thiferent width., and at uunmrally law prices,— Lilcached Linen Table Cloths, also mesh lower than ever before offered, Luton, Pillow nese Linen, Ina pets end Crash for towelling, he. &c. Also, Ftentreuz Drain, for summer bedspreado; superior colored quilt., low priced do, sad suns Counterpane., of tern low price for Quality—at north revt corner of Ith and Market sta. M. holcsal• Knouts myt'S SFIACKLETT & WHITE. DRY GOODS JOBBERS, ur9 WOOD STRELT, 4RE now receletng a andrwe stack of fresh /1. Lined. of recent purchase unportatten,whieh they will sell to the trade to such prices as cannot fall to else entire eausfaeuon. City and Conran , Merchants are Invited to call and examine oar stank hefore pun towns elnewhero. rnya SIDE STRIPE CASSIMERES-1 ease neat ttyl fanny ...de arse," Oust/sere*, past reed and to C tteu Ou,Bott 48 wood .t handiome &alignment of now an Da beautiful styles Bonnet fliboons,tout rcedand to sale at reduced prmea by MURPHY, WILSON Co & Cq HOWARD DUCK-5 baler heavy Cisme Dee!, ruitable (or vieant boat decks, wagon covet., ao., just received and for sale by mill mutt r UV. WTI dttt`C k re UTNE GOODs—la pr trout apetaoe , og. .L' 6 dna Iheamod Finger Mugs; lu Mumeel Wier, *hell eased; A large ageortmeto of Fens, with fine prunauge also, gold and navel . pit. gdrer Butter Knives; with Kato handles, Gold and 'diver warn Sackles and Slides. AIso—PARASOLS, dark green and other fashlona ble colors. The above goods, with a large ornament of Jewel ry, Fancy Goods. tr-o-, will be sold for acea or othe goad money. u No o: hlotkot 1.1.01,by mill SEM- LON KINSEY TTMI3RELLAS-10 cue. cotton and Fulcra= Urn- Lteltu. Buie and vrbalebene nb., ,ust received and for ilele by SHACKLKIT k WHITE. PARASOLS -45 cases cotton, gingham and silk Parasols, new styles and deigns; green Turn Ht• un, with Ming. and plass banters, .4 beautiful ivo ry and fancy handles, just reed and for sale by myr SHArI. LETT & WHITE CIASSIMERE-4 paceet very fine doe skin (black) reeetved ue • sample direct from the rnattafketti re v for sale by H LEE, Mem' et, ppoeite ieth BUR:..AI' AND WOOL. SACK—On hand at — Tl. tale by rnvtlll I.PP DON N RI 11130 NA— ew at, tee neat,. t00t.... I,j opening at the One Price Store, one lot an low as litg eta tnyal A A MASON A Co VANCIe hTlVe — Tuittio . a r large lot of Fancy Silt Shawk, to which we to vile the attenoon of the ladles rargl A LEXAN DER & DAY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CANAL Lermo.—The under. Zisaiwl. - SDIZIDII signed, Trustees of the Wabab and Erin Canal, hereby give ootice that they will reoetve sealed proposal. at Washington, Dalescounty, Whin, ou tho Zan day of June neat, for the ceni•teliellen ori Oben( twcoty.foor amiss of said Coon eatendtng front the proposed Dom across dm NVe.l fork of White River. neat the South line id listen eutinty. to Maysville. in Davies county. Lin tide pot. uon of line More are to be construct. five Lad Leeks and one (Mad Lock, to be built of timber, a Darn aro.. Alward's Creek, and one or two aaall Aque ducts. together with toe usual ••riety of earth work common to a caosi The line will be divided into ser um. averaging About half a mile in length. dt I the seine ume and place, proposals will be recei ved for building. with cut stone masonry, 1110 piers of the Aqueduct over East fork of White River. The stone for this masonry must he procured (corn the qua. rle• "(durable limestone to be totted an or near either the Fait or West fork of White Ricer, from which point they can be delivered by water. The lino to be placed under Contract, will be ready for timpection wit day. previous to the time of letting, and ud neeeasary 111fOrttitillOtl ref...thereto wdl be given by the Resident lanyneer. CHARLES BUTLER, A. 51. PLIETT, THU. 11. BLAKE. Tomato.' O.IICT, Terre-Hate, April 21,1640. Ma/:boon ; CUE= fl , 1111 eobsertber oilers for sale a large end splendid Banns, of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and without Coleman's celebrated iliotisn Attachment. The above insuummita ans war ranted to be equal to ally mniunaclured In this coun try. and will be told lower th, coy broight item the F. BLUALF, N o 112 wood at. Yd door above Lth N B --Boy Scrip will be taken at par CJI a few be above aaaortmem. nityl F. U. itarrrn dic INFORNI their [wends and the public that they have no loaner any connection with their late establish went to Penn street, known as the Putsburgh Brower having removed their entire business to the POINT iIItRWEICN'. In 1,1• •tr.at tnyll,f yN lI—VO bbl. No i who'd Sba — d; I ToTn nine Miring, tat do No 2 Mar.sereli t 3/ do No 3 do, meet veil and fur .nle by n1y.19 BROWN to CULISERTRY,I abg Tilt; subserieer in Jun receiving an ...uncut of Plumes from the factory of Nun. ft Clark, N. Y welch for cf. eganee of exioner, beauty of finteh and super:rimy or one and tench. surpass anY thing sr. Wrought to this city. !dr. Clark, of the aßova hem, long end most favorably known es the former foreman in the crichreded thane ettabliahreent of liroadwood, Loudon, hen recently Improved and per fected the Plan. of Nunits ik Clark. N. Y.. to en ex tent which, uninestionahly. routes them to the mu tation of befog i to Verj Intl its well . Ile etwapeat Pm. In I.e got in flu.. country. The lot now open• log, coales with the additional ter...laudation Of an ..Prov , ..nt in the st) le and tinteb, which makes them at once the wort elegant and twill thing ever brought out. These inctrumenie, together with the week on hued, farm the most extensive vaned and de sirable assortment ever offered beret .31 of which will he sold at Manufacturers prices, and on accommoda ting tones. 11. KLEStift, •1 J. W Wooderelli, to Third et N —Ths at:lnscriber will be found at the wan ton.. from U to t 9 and 4 to 6 X, KJ* Apo far Mum 4 Oak TRANSPORTATION k,o. EXPRIeSS PACKET LIME, FOR PRILADMPIIIA AND BALTIMORE, &uhasivety for Paricsugen. —The Boats of this Una 'RID legir. na kn..% at 9 e'eioek .t night: Loaitama--Cnpt. J P Thompson, May 31 Indiana—P Barley, Friday, Olio—A Crain, Baaanira, Jane 1 Traby, Sunday, 3. Loannano—J P Thora_pson, Al day, t Indiana—P TamdaY, ot.—A Craig. ednesday, n. Kentucky—H Traby, Thursday, Loumann—J Thompson, Friday, Indiann—P Markey, &Martha, 9. Otnn—Cant A Craig, Swlday, Kentucky—ll Traby, /doadny, 11. Lonimna—J P Thompson, Tuesday, Pi Indiana—P Battey, Wednesday, IS Obto--A Craig, Thursday, 14.. Keauseky—Capt II Traby, le Friday, LS. Luacirm—.l P Thompson, Bamrday., In Indasna—P Berkey, 81mday, 17. For paesege apply to W BUTCH, Monongahela Hon., oty3l or D LEECH & Co. LanalaßaSial mai 1849. Warren eald Cleveland Peaseuirer Llam, Canal Packet—SWALLOW. —OCEAN. QNH of the above Packets leave Beaver every day )Sundays excepted) and arrive next morning It Warren, when they connect with the Mail Stag. fOr Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places before night. One of the packets leave Warren dully at P. M., and arrive at Beaver In time in take the morning boat far Pittsburgh. EP LEFFINGWELL & Co, Warren. / Pro. II TAYLOR, do JOHN co A CAUGHEV I apl3 er Water and Simi/Meld an allig y Mi 1849. jat UNION LINE, ON THE PENN , A AND OHIO CANALS. Caawvorto fr. CILAXIMIII}, Cloveland,O.p me , R G. PA.& Deaver, Pe. 6 Til Llt MR he preys - ed on the open-4g of nevi intim, to tranepori freight and Passengers from PITI'SBURGII and CLEVELAND, to any point on the Cana! and Lake*. The facilities of the Line ma ,natimaased in number, quality and capacity of 80/13, experience of captains, and efficiency of Agents. One Boat leave. Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run. rung to connection with the steamer! LAKE ERIE AND (MICHIGAN Between Pittsburgh and Deaver, and a lima of first alms Steamers, fropellers and Vessels on the Lakes. nostrre—R O Parks, Beaver, P. Jesse Baldwin. Youngstown, Ohio. M B Taylor Warren Z7.i.P . ',,,:t•:. 11 : - '=' , " Crawford n ctiambctlln, Clave Land, sears & Griffith, 13afralo., N. IN JOHN A. CAUGHEV, egad, Office, cor Nadal and Smithfield au, Pittabrugth. rach2l,ly HEAVER PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. 9--Caps. Wooer LABS BRIE, " Gordon. MBE above terabit and well known Beaver Pock ], ets, have commenced making their dolly trips to and from Beaver, and will continue to run between Pin:thumb and Beaver regularly during the sermon, as follows: Michigan No. a leaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 o'clock, A. ALand Beaver at 2 o'clock, F.M. Lake Erie lea vcarearer daily N o'clock, A. AL, and Piusbargh at 3de ck, P AL These .reamers will ran in connection with Rl3..Parks , Express Packet Line, for Erie; Taylor tr. Loiniarrellts Warren Packets; Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland; Clarke &Co's Pittsburgh and Clevelandidne Freight Botts. G Parks daily New Castle Packets. • .. CLARKE, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Apra. JOHN A. CAUGUEY, Agent. Pittsburgh, 0h.% ear Water and Smithfield rot 1849. PIT - TBDURGII AND CLEVELAND IBM ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. THE Proprietors of this old established and peptilm` duly line, <mutating of SIXTEEN first class Canal' Boats, owned by thonselcos and running in connec tion with the room boa. BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for the transportation of freight anid_passertgere, on the: opening of Cmal naviguton, alipoinis On the P.M: sy Irani. and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes. E. M. PITCH A Co Cleveland. BIDWELL A BRdritsit, Agents, Beaver. 3. C. BIDWELL, Agent, mark Water street, Pittsburgh. O. W. C. ICEDWZLL: BIDWELL & BROTHER. Forwarding Remnants, BEAVER, PA., Agora' for the Pittsburgh and Cleveland L. Pitta burgh and Eno Lino via Brie, and for dam &au Bazaar and Catair Cop. Having purchased the large and substantial Wharf Boat rust built for the Monongahela Packets, have with the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ac commodations for receiving and forwarding, and ledge their 01/005l attention, prolnYin , '" de.Pueb gonna “11.11. in teen care, and rely on their friends t or Inst. _mar: -il l y ________ R. k. BRO. For Greenwood Garden. New AELPOSIIIRE—The steamer TIIOS. It COTT, twill commence on Monday, Nay 7, to GM from the Old Greenwood Landing, foot of Pitt at, to the ante en. leaving at 9 o'cLoek, ._ a.. and at each even hoar anal 9 o'clock, r. x., !oat trip from tho Gar den at 10 r. tk The Sal.ns are supplied with el the delicacica Of the aeason. Tea at 0 o'clock. The Garden, with a large collection of Greenhouse P'•uta. Dahlions, An nual Flom. Plante and Shabbery. The oordlortable wharf boat Greenwood, will be placed et the Eits street landing. nye vi DR. D. - 1111151% •,--. fry , Demist. Corner ofFocusl, and Decatur, between itarket and Ferry se eels. sepDdlyirs - - - G. WTEIDDIMr., k1.510V ED to a new three story brick 1 4114.— a z a , on Smithfield street, one door below Sixth street_ Teeth maerted from one entity set, on the [action principle, with a beau- Cal representauon of the natural gum—restoring the rnrinal shape of the face. N. B.—Teeth extracted with hale or no pain. t . Decayed Teeth penfianently saved by ploggrog, noting the tooth ache, which la =tab better than cu ing it though d should be done in fire mintstds, or Tea "...Illy. 'atpitly =m:n==maK).==l2 11;itung nn alphabetteal list of Post Offices through• oat the United States; distances from Washington, D. C., state and territorial capitals respectivilly; aisct ex htbiung the Post Offices in each State, a. well as coun ty, with an appendix of the United States and Width Tuffs. .1113 t reed by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, to • 16 comer 3d and market am Aft.it'S NEW NOVEL—Mordaara Hell; 111. 13( . 1l September Night; by th e mates? of T wo old man's tales." "Emilia Wyndlem," "A Min," eta. Just reed by JOHNSTON & 970 ' CETON, entAdetwT corner Market and 34 am RooAng.--Galva.ll.l Tin Places. liticavertbers hog to call the anontion of Betide's, T Arehitects and O.IICSII of Buildings, to the rutty advantages which these plates possess over all other metallic substances hitherto used for ming, etc, as they possess at once the lightness of Iron !without its liebility Mt, having 0000 been tested for several years m this panteular, both In tins country and in Eu rope. They are less liable to expansion and contme. non from sudden change of the atmosphere, than com mon rio plates, iron, sane, orany other metal now used for roofing, and consequently form a much bettor and tighter roof; requiring far less frequent cerise, whilst the first cost us out a. nide more. A foil supply, of all giros, from 16 to 50 W. G., eon tantly on band •nd for tale by GEO. E. MOREWOOD & CO., 14 and 16 Beaver area, New York. 'The patent nobt for this article homing been secured OT the Umted litotes, all parties infrlnglng atelven, tater by unponatton or otherwise, will be proseco• d. oet9o4&orivT eTHE undersigned have erected works in the etty or New York, for the purpose of Galvanirang H ern. e, of Iron, which it is durable to PROTECT FROM RCS such u Tale ph Wire, Bolts, *pikes, Nail*, Wtre Inc Francs. and any other erten Which nosy be required. For Hoops for Caskaots a substitute for bale Rope; tor Clothes Loos, Lightnlog Rods, end &host of outer applications, it will be bond cheap and durable. They would particularly call anendon to the Galvani zed Wire for (caeca; it requires no paint, and 1%111 not rust. Also to Spikes and Botts, the preservation of winch le of so mach importance, that it will commend Itself to the notice of all thoee interested. . • Gal. D. MOILEVPOOD & CO., Patentee., einno-cLawlyT 14 and 10 Beaver's. N. Pork WALL PAPER WAH/SHOOSE, N 0.17 Afarka arcs, Pittsburgh, P. THOMAS PALMER, ESPECTFULLS annonnees friends and vas- IL tomen, that he has had at no past period so exten sive a Stork as he has at preset. Me een oiler toper chasers, on Pin, moderate terms, at the old establdelt ed Stand On Market street, almost every article to ilia hue—including Connting-rnem, Bed-chamber, Dining room, Parlor and Hall Paper. With Borden', Land nape., Fare-hoard Prune, Paper . and Tnuxrparent Wtadow shadea Bonnet and Binders , Bonds, Wri ting, Wrapping. and Tea Paper, he is ithundatttly sup plied, and requests coons,' merchants and housekeep er! to call and examine kis assortment Rags and Tanners' Scraps taken In trade, at the highext paces. mehal.td.kmatoT NEW H ARDW ARE STORE. MtMMEMI=MI . , Wo. 78 Wood all.ret, Piaastwarich. 1.7 LIER AND LAIMIAN. Imponers and - dealer. lj in foreign und Domestic IddIaDWAR.E., tn all as varieties, are now prepared to sell as low and on as reasonable terms tmean be pureltasedelsettritera We solicit oar friends, and the public generally, to call and examine our stook, which consists in pan of KNIVES and FORKS, PIi.ET and PEN EfsIVM, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Rouse Trimmings, such ae Locke, Latches, /tinges and Serowe, tosether with every article usually kept in Hardware Stores. We invite the attention of Carper4ers and Mechanic. generally to ner ituart...P l Of Tow., which have been 'netted with great care, and iirbkit we are &terrain ed to sell so as to sive satisfaction. arrtdaarT Notice t eod, Datinorrootypo Azaleas. T UST receiv a malt of VOlGinifiENl -0 DEWS: QUICKWOR invoice KING INSTEUSIEM%4— nese conitrocoon. 'These losituplerda possess - great advantages over all others ever made, eofering * 94 sire Plate, reduesng the, time of sitting on e -half, and p m a.,,ng sharper, clearer and better, delisted pie tore. They, therefore, deserve the attendance all dr risu or intending to engage in the business. Prtee for toe Tnbe A general assortment of Volgthiender's teed) , eel*• brined instruments, of all aims, so well as Dagartneo type Materials, at - the lowest, rates. MR PETEIirI Cinch:dull, Ohio, is our au thorised agent for the sale of the above Instruments. A 1...11: of Flues can be obtained by eddiesaing, post paid, W. F. LiSiPiCiENJIY I si r Exchange, Philadelphia, Importers of Clagoetreorypo Malone* and Ocean.] Agents for the sale of Voigithendees Optical (ware men.: roarft.codnin AT Me sign of Ma Plano and e&so, TB Wood street, a complete assortment or Cincinnati Coopers Tools, fur wale b myle }TITER & L.AUFMAN lughest priee in cash • • Mir WI th different grades dales= washed 001, by mylt H LTA Liberty st, opposite 6th A SSORTKD SPlCES—Prari n, for family use, in tin .1 - 1. rens, eitele.d in it slitl lid be containing Mustard. Aleptce, rannamon, Ginger, Cloves, F.P; , nr, Wurranted pure. For enln at the new s la k e an d M. 51.1.41 Factory, conker at Petry & Libeny sta coyly B BELL _ Fisit'and Tar. 4 . '5" 'MM.' mar t 1115' mg r li°4 ' ) 2n. do No 3 tdaecerrel, (*a an inspection I 30 do N C Tar, in prime ords_ med . nod t se. try TAAFFE O . CONNOS, am* Pow oeld Ware as • HOUSES., LOTS, FABAS. kg :1 _ - • TO LEW, • - ja:A TWO STORY Brick •Duselling Raa114.. , ;; pleasantly situated an !smock dreet, AIIe Cam: ny city near the Hand St. Bridge, eostain4f.. us rooms, with a hall, and good leash Musa Pqt' session Enquire o giv f WIL en on the first of Judy, or sooner if requite :I•3_ _ in7r.tf Emir, Marble Works, Liberty at, Plus MS, berik LET, aTHE large three story bnct Warehanse,_rh:q Lth l SC.C uim atl of d street Possession given lat ofialyY. pie BRAOL EY. . - , FOUR near two story Dna Datedlincrioostuf,l well finished and in complete order, on Pelt. Avenue., 712,i Ward PIAIWASiOn 0,01 Inlyttt:f Rent /ow, Enquire of JOHN WATT & CO, iu6 comerof Liberty and Hand Oa FOR SALE, tca TWELVE BUILDING LOTH, situated on the ma,' ride of Pennsylvania Avenue, between atatratiT. and Stevenson atreets. an 4 about three minutes from the New Court Noun. Six of these lots hunt 110. feet 8 inches on the Avenue, and ran back LID hat 20feet alley, and the other sa front the same 'Mail . on Forbes street, (TO feet wide,) and roe beak 97 NV, to the same allay. If the above property is not dlsAssr?. ed of hy privere sale before the th T day of July ne=t s:4 it ll he sold at •lltlifill, at the now Court flo thatday, at 3 o'clock, P. M., to the highest entt bidder. For terms of ute and other particular., 4 0 DAVID D. BRUCE, Arra n ., ... H ... next door to Alderson M'Marter. haSalts • TO Palm Ens AND LI7OIIIBILIKRISIs e. HE undersigned offers for Sale in &Mean eourity Pa.,1803 acre. of well timbered LAND, with ert,Z, excellent Saw Mill nearly new; and two new Frave•, , r Holmes., one 41 feet Rout by 47 haulm the other 32 legi . .2 front by RI back. Also. good new fnam a Run, stows by forty feet. /The mill and land are situated Rate. miles from the Allegheny river. Agramdeal ofTINXI: TIMBER of the best quality, end also • vastga4 oldie very best hemlock. Also, one seem rf the Allegheny, near a cove, most admarshly es for rafting, where lumber eon be tufted on the in winter, and be perfectly safe from all fresitetaZt Price 49,000, or SS en acre. Teems easy. Will tat:4; a yrell cleared small fan; with goool lame and or . <ban upon It, as part payment, allocation Is Mdtahlt and the balance In lumber, or as may be agreed tlits:k. ltb it en excellent opportunity for ineabstinall angs, the probability Is great that in two or three years z t PreYr-rty will double Its value, In =mm leas Of proximity to the New York ens Erie Railroad. bur sufficient to wear out several saw rallis...and real mill sixes on the mean which mannerly tittn.,i the centre of the land. About fifteen acres in grallk : No hill to rise in hauling lumber from mill to dyaQi Trout and game Id abundance. For further lacy ad=itcommild,) P. B. TEHIPL 14, le,, mint& Casette office, Pittatinegb-51 7 .!• clliZi — htslcrir — liitle: • THE subscribers will sell at pmels sals,thosa Mkt, valuable Lots of Oroomb, duottettrori Tomato iht, 'tithe Third Watd of Allegheny City, each having:As! front 010 feet, running back 100 feet in depth to COE , feet alley, upon which Is bulks stone wail, DS bylWz feet, which contains stone enough to braid Millers tgt.,. two comfortable dwelling houses, and in inn than are three Made tmeaof ti years growth, and the Ithlret, walk Is paved with br i ck , all of which will be aolti'etti eeoo. Pitutburgit sad Allegheny, or County will be taken in payment. Ia H PHILLIPS, Na 8 Wood e: or to OPAL BENSON, hou , sd'.'slY 0 1/PmR O 241 / 2 4 torn TO Ligr., jaTHE Doodling ilottooloi Third otrool, BtruthAeld, stemmed by the faddy of the Dr. A. N. WDowelL Yosacaslorr stir= bn pot rely east. Also, soma large lots of gonad in the Ninth Waritc between the Filth Ward and Croghaarride,solialdit for lumber yards. WAL hi. DARLINGTON, mrAtaltf At IL Itarlittron's, Fourth str4 on SALE—Five lots etily slmated in the laai F ishlng sawn of airmlnum. The tote am altakr. tad on Denman street, numbered in F BaganouVa pIIOR 75 , 75 , 50. 81 and es—Lot No 70 Gonling2) lessonMA* ry Ann street, 70 feet deep; the other four 20 feet each, by 80 feet deep. Terms—Greater part of purchase mace' writ main for six years, seesucd by =Marc Imi t tS _4 Wars, impure of 8 4 myl6 110 soras at .., Valuable Coal Land for Bales t - ABOUT four miles above Leek No. 4, at the Mei of Moe Roe, Monongahela River. The Coal , I:: of the very best qualuy, , aud easy of aeossa. AA ... number of acres, from twenty-five to a hundred, isat be obtained. Persons desirous of purebsei ng all on WALKER REED on the pnemises, et W •.• Reed, opposite th e Post Mike, who will give arty 4? formation coneentieg the property. The above Why?, be sold at a great bargain. mylardttmt Home and Lot for Solo MIN A.LLEOHENY CITY.—A neat aid oak ailable brick Dwelling Hooke, and Lot round. (33 feet front by 173 feet deep,' slum* , on tbe bank of the river, near Fahnetunek% lead faA. wry, is offered for sa/a low. Terms easy iad title Lill . darn:liable. Apply to Abraham Faltoo, Illonongiber City, or to)-3Ldtwa .1631E113 BLAKELY, Pltteborgh... . 110 LET—A good brick Dwellingilonse, situate j_ Robinson sweet, Allegheny. Enquire of l• • , myyl sci.omo - N scummy., r ; 1: 7 61 SALE CHEAP FOR SCRIP—A lot of groaktfl I' situate on Webster gues2s feet from High 20 feet front on Webster, by th feet to a Ave Cost —quite close to new snort house. Pees gra& Tentsti:. Iwo cub to hand; balance in one, two, three and fesfr ycara tram the tint ofApril last. County and City taken for cash payment. 0 quire of mylfl S SCHOYEIL Ho second stIT nee, &ores C.O.A La dl our INSIsb, SITUA 11-tat on the Monongahela river,about Ma from I .+ .• orgh and 3 macs above thitd Lock, the immediate neighborhood ablators. Lin & Moat ''., and Mr. John lierroni purchase. This Etna body Cool will be told at the low price of 633 per third In hand, balance in five equal annual mitten without interest. Tule indisputable . Location .. rad—cannot be worpossed. Par farther pardera 1 . . enquire of 8. BALSLEY, who has a draft of riald . perry. Reaidence Sid or, below Perry, Air. Memo' h_ B. Tbmre zs .......lb er magma of-obtai lea tbla about 60 foot above the lower, of excellent q on a s. azietot ib — FilliWaill be, IL TWO story Brick noose, eozdalnint j _Ramo= exclusive of bagger= ealreelba, $ suitable for two families, situated on Liberty orreti L o Allegheny, will be sold low for &rip. Enquire of .-, anytdt.f IL HAYS, Gazelle Mar " 'Valuable lassildlng at. • :Sala ' LIE subsenbers are authorised to egos o Is4q end upon highly favorable terms • ot very valuable Building Lots, coprising. a la portion of the Lots numbered 67, 6t 09 and 70, Woods , General Finn of the City of Piumbur g h, pi 6 ted to the south enmeardlyearter of Penn and W stiwrs, fronting 240 feet on the former, and along the latter .boot GOO feet to the Allegheny del and being a part of the Reel Estate of the WS laai S. Stevenson, Bso., deceased. A plan or subdtvisiou of the ahem. Lots, in eosin oily with which it Is proposed: . 117 be ewe the office tithe undersigned, on F between All 6 km smd Ferry gin 3. .Y 3 ..;.• Valuable Iteal lratatba for Salsa.. r‘t rFOlL'anbseriboryell sell, at private ssie, thst ' I. ble Property, en the }earth street his present resii.Weeetointi give possesaiVireme ly. There are about TEN All OP CHOICE Ina high state of cultism/on. The Improvements a large and well finial:in:l brick DWELLING HOUI ' f a mp.b Ham, and ether out balldings. Adja dwelling is a running Fountain end agood im a wßich faccishes a constant supply of excellent '. There to,. variety of Frith Treassed Shrubbery • the promises. If the aliove described propuly is el sold soon, It will he mated for • than Alto far 1, a Ike LOT, CM Permsylvaailmatuat, at dui If the board walk. Inquire of ' 1 apt dia DAVID. BEELEIf.. Valuable Kul Estate Cog gala. •- r LIIE Trustees of the Western ThooLegfeal Sunli t having decided to wall, on perporasi isms, a phi their property In Allegheny airy, Mr 04 Tel favorable 1C1123, from El to 50 Lots of lib:ream al , A ciarneaus hue oral be. given. Aplan of itho Loa 4-3 be min at No. 10 Wood enact ' t 4 For particelary enquire of either elate. Commune. JOHN T. LOG U S I ALEX. Ltu_,oat.fri ti MA 1,41, 44 siceatcs, _ t , IL CHILDS. • A - sew. Beuzy..- ' i•; • At a wary fan Barn. giA TWO nay Stick Hone, on Mardi one door above the northwest Cann 014 North Common, ASollheZ . — , wide 111 4 - t, dining room and lamb. on the float Fen ipgos on Oct wory, With Me shedattic. Pe..tration to be had Immediately. Inquire of rr, an 1 CEO 11 14.11TENBMOE'S, g 7 Pro= Vainado noel kestala tar Ono. * rifli following property in the dry. of . A. an near the borough of Idae..hottar, on I P aver, is offered for rain on acoommodatiag rehon Lout Inns endiviaion of Let No .400 ht the to of the city of linburgh,) hating 20 feet !mat on 1•• vein street, by OW feet to Strawberry any . r Grant street 10 one nen Lon framing on an Amon, wide, running hom Bann nee to Ohio mina r inning Phillips , ' Oh Clan Fanny. • For, tont, enquire of MAW= HJ SCTILIf or JAMES CVLIAIII4 Barkeql Balidhur, 4th ...1 -.4 ,li r alliblil PpLpirlty Von mare k_est , IN THE NINTH VirARD OF mrssuao i end Lou on Boldnia and Liberty streets, in -ea pw;ti fu d, tit out bypen, and .1410=11 the piqp depot of the Cendrol V.Wrold. For torou bog CHARLES 13-14 CULL - . or JAMES 0 , 11A11.14, ~.,-, =Ltd Barked" Bonding, Mb 1F,4 - TWO HOUSES AND LOTS DOA S on TWO LOTS Beaver street, in Me eh AA. Allegheny, above the upper Onnotons, on it -•th Is erected a frame betiding, two stories bigh, annals for two small tenements. The tots are each Mel Poet In from by one hundred feet deep, and run b b to a street forty feet wide. The buildings on the I . MI, will pay a very handsome Interest oa r`eer, izlt meat, and Me property will be sold cheep for cut Apply' to EL Sproul, Clerk's office, U.S. or to . 1 . novv • KAYA __ _ S Jeoteit Bottom Last 4 fair Bala. MEN ACRES OP LAND.,.itnatcd In Peebles toCo' ship oo the Alonongabele, thee, tallea from Ma. bargh—in lota to exit parebasera For Amhara:We. Wars apt). to Henry Wodda. 2.1 at, or a, A WASHIN_ o -15MON natv•— , dtf tb, above Sftt4f - ta VAREITEWE FOR SALE,Libe sabacovber offers for the three story brick Wanlivise CM Wood meet, occupied j,ry IL Tweet 100, apl7 WM. WILSIMcM. I rd.I..UriBLE HEAL YrirrtiTHON PION V FOR IiAL.E.,—.A. Lai at Ground aitanin E riTP street, between Hay and Mari:no r Itracia, e , No home and tun now occupied by KW.bs. M y baring a front ofd Gan, and in dep th lib :be sold an tamable, usuns. Tido apex aa gnus of C. 0. la'lmr l, l, arb a., near Watt oetal..itt . n Pee A _Lc DEZIBAIILE Daiben In .411sttoon volubly Ike-sad, la sate Woof Warms son, Asia twat be said as accastusodatin tatta. Inquire or , &MI " J D • kis — .z. FOB BENT--A roam Lela : atexasll sla ty cao it.— . Mega Waal meat tinrciwliTrit - 41, - -4a",„ of rte rabacnbers ober On gala a sambet of ON , Lou, alhate In eta Salad Wiltatebbraqtbs scam scatad, ean tams. or „bt W. WK RUBINSON, Ally w 3 et Oar% at of JAB RU, N, Ott Duinatesea. aylast.tyrUT I..ASS—WO bra exto Window Mass; 300 d a r i pta kx den LOG do lesl4 rio do de Mr= drr for .eibl MVO Si P VON BoruindasT & re_ rVO COTTON AND WOOLEN AVINVFARA .I. RERS.— }faring made arrant anientriar a . Nmut mPEdI of FACTORY PINDLIGS, we mill:Sell m kn. prises Calf and Sheep Rona Skins, Lusa Our, Prekeniateeds, &minty Liam Tenon N... 5 to LI Mr Panda., Weimar* .BrAPPlat V IS W . la kr. Pawn Dressar BrarneivlVealreniT . • err &e. • LoGAN, WlLlSCPp i al i ii myi • iM Wood steak j'ANEFURNACR REARM manstraatared ft. a N._, superior ante. of Dou.sr !anthill:: in MTh and for tab h t _IIIRRiRki Mr. W. NV. Wallace haring ant or 'dearth Of rondo and arsordanure Lor tRa pin 94s A ns. , r ,,,,,,.. ,i, supedor to ItiO biont* tglir , i3O. . . . griaraill ‘Oolt tiot MIA af 14 o7aIa.i4#II,RACMGACIIOVIRA, . 7..1 • "'Y? y a.~....
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