rfilE i'1118131)11GH GAZETTE, puotiidso By worrE a co PITTBDUELGUs WEDNESDAY "SOWING, JUNE 13, 1819. • LaßPirrsursou D.Lum li.zrrra u, published i u tWeetlyound Weeol...The Daily is Seven &Mars per annum( the Tri-Weekly is Five Dollars per annum; the Weekly Ls Two Dollars per annum, aria, -rs acmes. 117Anytime:1m are eamealy ramested be band in .11CLI !aeon before Sr. K, and as early in the day as practicable.. Advertisements not insetted for a .peci fled lime mill invaribblytre charged until ordered OM • PWILADELPHLA NORTH AARII.IOASI. Advertisements and sabstriptions to the North Amer Wan and United Buttes Gonne, Philadelphia, received and fonemrded from this office. igiei next page for Telegraphic News. gar 'Lanai Blasters sae ILISIt page. AETIIII.I.BOBII O • AND WIIIG TICKET ♦Eta ELT, ROUT. C. WALKER, of Elizabeth Borough 301E1 MLLES, of Shargsburgh. CALERLEE,of. Pittsburgh. WaL aVY, of Lower St Chu, CARTER CUIdIR, of Pittalmtgb riontirtarali OE9. S. HAVE, of Upper St. Clair =mem, • JOHN MORRISON, of A.ll.guenr Caxamessosra , AtlTCilk.l.l., of Peebls. COION I3I . WM. M. ARTIIITIM of Pitubsush. ACTOION. 3°U141 BVE2S, Of Findlay. EXlllarnos. — Our readers trill learn,by notice m our advertisieg columns, that the' enterprising Horticultural Society of this city au Vieittith Win commence to-day an exhibition or fruits sad dowers. As this is the fuel attempt to, gee up azi exhibition of spring productioas, hope the eociety Will be liberally patronized by the public, and than be encouraged to continue their useful and praise wmly effortt. The exhibition are Philo Hall. Tai Saes.--We hope the Sheriff of the county .. Will 114:13 that the laws of the Commonwealth ate I rigidly enforced in rerence to the races, whieb. am now in full tide in the neighborhood of this oily. We cannot see the utility of enacting hwe;, 'if they are not enforced. Such a course weakens reliance upon all law, and encamps &renders df variant grades to attempt its infraction. It is boar • ingly aaid,that the race. CAZILIOt be stopped, that 7 , --they will go on in spite of penal enactments. We l', - ehiaald like lutes the enestion tried, and to keow laws are such trilling things. Neon vox Yin CALIFOLNIA EYII22IATS — We have had the opPortnalty of reading s letter, dated aiiiftio de Janeiro, April 24," from Mr. J. i.l3enson. '.Whio went from this city, la company sTith several others. for the gold regions, by way of eerie Hera. The company ciasima of Mr. Benson;:lolin Pep pard, A. J. Itoos,W. B. McClatchey, Monk Marti, War. Adorns, and Sohn BreckelL They were all well, end had got along pleasantly, and • were ready lb leave 810 In good spirits B' this time, molt probably,. they are approaching 'the gold regions, on the bosom of the Pacific. 4 ,1 ' A• writer in the Merewy soyi th!ifillew torli mall arrives hem twenty four' tionn. sooner by Baltimore than. by Philadelphia. We were not aware of this befi:my, and far the first time more the change, the.papets, fora wonder, art arrive one day earlier than usual. This certainly is a great convenience,d if an arrangemeat can be made by which the piper bags can be brought on regu larly by way of Baltimore, the change will be one of real utility. We me ready to second and, sup pert every reform which will benefit the Phil& inn we protest against the spirit which seizes up , on every. accident or irregularity, which maystow out of efforts to introduce reforms, as on eseuse for attack upon a public officer. When these regularities become stereotyped, on they were um, der Cave Johnson, we shall not demur at Cl/ Cri• plaint!. Tan Cuemaus„—While this fearful disease lip• pears. to be gaining strength at the West and lipreading Le the North and Eant, our city is ioniady free from It. A few cases have occurred do' ring the last week, but me have heard or only one death. h doss sot exist in an epidemic Lmn, end on danger is incurred by coming here. ; Tax Cermet. R•^ —As we anticipated, out PtidadelphLa friends have subscribed th 6 requis" site amount of cock to complete the road.to Ilcd ildayaburg. From a statement, by J. B. Tyson read at a town meeting, last'vreelt, we learn, that 11500,12.00 have already been obtained, and Spring Garden is ithent to subscribe $200 ,000 moie, end that the Northern Liberties, It is errieeted;Will ina hata the good example. The whole amount will be soon obtained. It is expected that on the 20th of next month, the first locomotive will start from Harrisburg, and pass to the wasters end of the first section, sit Lear istown, a dhttana' of sixty miles. The coninictiOn of the toed to Ifoaldspabarg, in the spring, by means of the Portage, catty cars to-Tohnetewn. at the western base af the mountain, within:seven ty-tear milaSof the city of Pittsburgh. h . • The Western section, it is expected, will he -pet tutdercontract this season. iihuroperan Br e ors We lapin treat our readers with one of the re umbibly story and succinct !edits oif the ' London correspondent of the New york CoMiner etaL We lilts these letters for two important rer =M. First, they give a brief, corrdet, and MOW intelligible account of European Main.- . - Second, they breatlxtce -right spirit, slaw removed from tartlet:a or imdicatism. They evidenoe * love of true and rational liberty on the part of Idd writer, and a hatred of all oPpresaion and eani, - .. wheth'er ado, devit or the snob. The exceeding Importance of the mighty av‘Mnt passing oaths continent of Europe, az the present moment, must be oar excuse for taking upeo snitch apteerielth foreign stairs- We haveoMhingl,nt Imps mica mill begin to compare in iiiMreist with the-news from abroad. The events , lone brill; urt pages In the work of mtiie future historian are parsing bane our eyes. As:we rte , red yesterday, the war between liberty and des— pattern is Waged. #usals, Austria, aria Prot/eta have, without doubt, entered into i league to put 1 down Republicanism in Europe, and it the lin , gime of a cotemporary, melt heart h 4- do-.ire hope, and almostbsliere, that Republiepismisill surely provision mighty for them; inn 4*strirc to . have that lame, trust needs be protrae4 daspla. tins, awful. lithe warriors for the right 4it? entah ed at they will becniatied speedily; it,Oieysti#: the day,itean s oaly, be through a long iunA deape• rate struggle against the strength tithe (*slit* ewntially military powers in Europe. it!„111 rm. yeari we have a chance to deka aload Sot jay over we complete triumph of iftbe aye or even In twenty, we may Kivktbantik rn . the Almighty for a 010143 irradOUS clailliftela then, aa things how are, we have any reason o expect. The ono of roinelphm is to be no efOlO's • ploy, whomever it comes on in ermeat. . The Cincinnati Gazane.states—AWiiAyet , e/.2 Warmed DCa number of eases where been adminEmered to Cholera patlenla.wiln the wow satilfectory melts." The Cincinnati Gazato hae put on n hirevitikl new iirate—so has the Moine:nu('hit.: 4,-41- lent papers, both, and well worthy of the greenest piosperity. It gnniftes us much to see them look sorer thriving. Matta' Enuweern, the celebrated novelle. died an the 21st of May, in her native village, Edgeworthlearn, Longford county, Lratend, aged 83 year'. The thousands' of persona lathe United States, ea° have read and admired her works, will be granted to know that her hot yeah were panned tranquilly. Asscatonat Stames.—Quite a number of alb yea have IMMy ded from Loudon co., (Va,): and when pins of them were arrested they produced - wed mowed free impels, which proved w be forged— Eight mile slaves got off also, front Hampshire Va.,.and were not retaken. Onag*—Tbe /wiry la often made, what, bl meant - ey the term .ozone." In the-Washington I:relpie appear" the following emwer; not a very definite One to the illtlldrY .oitine U formed in the air by deloompositicon of Ite weerithrough 'dliuttbiume ollia electrical taut. I Um " in -Ware and oontpoentone we uncer tain. `lt ILO berelefore ems bdatecbM intim alma* ;doom dicing the pnatalence of epidemics; yirying quenlity with tie violence of thediseese. . , man named James Allison, 4 144p4 * tram Plitsbiugh, Pa., was rannienni near thane Xith ob. A enufbaniedl)a: aoo =done bate Wee, ban been irresiedon:ses. o or biting isomuiltled the deed. --Lou. losf. - • !ROM SEW -vows. ..oorrespoOettee of Me rittsbargb Gs:eon. I Nrw l il ac , lone 9. The asses cholera, reported day, ere only twenty six, or ,iera than half the number tnported on the 9th, with a corresponding decrease in the deaths. Ylrocildgn is reported free, " well 05 Willtamsburghlued J enn y Q t y. The fear of chol era has much diminished, and we begat to hope theta mild visitatfon is all New York to to have. The ravngekof the disease have been constant thus far, as n'peat many of the aCies reported in private PreCLWe were of symptoms•not of the du cat!. • The EuroPa's mail reached due city on Thom 'day atertMon, in eleven days from London, a rate of speed that icon hardly he credited, and what in better, the lettera were planed in the hands of roerebinu the ,name afternoon, an achievement never attempted under the old regime. The new p e stmuter fit/ gone to work in earnest and giv en Thnoffice an energy that is novel as it is agree able, Wain the: druggists make by the cholera our market gardOnera knot, and a good deal more.— Vegetables can scarcely be said 12 bear a price, and a email:um buys a late. atoa... The court., of travel is eyiversed and the corrent site strongly away from pie city. Boats leaving the city are crowded, but on their return have scarcely a hotels are very-thin, and by the Limb the den:text reaches the table the guests have allTininltecf; end not more then thirty per cent. no many stretti:ens are registered an the hotel books as /tat seasaln. The promulgation of the sulphur and charcoal specific for cholera Vie. put the price of crude btlmstone from $29 to $36 per ton, and the new eatnponnd has been wrought Into a very palatable dandy, and is really, medicine mode ° Tie Walker trial has ended and the result, as predicted,;laa acquittal, lifter a short absence by thejury, Who seem to have made up their minds im.fitvor orate prisoner before the evidence far the prvisec"4tton was closed. With abundance ot money thee is perfect safety lathe commtssion of crime herb, and justice never reaches the culprit. Without Money the case in widely different and a poor month a negro is more certain of punish• meat here than In moat cities ot•tne Union. Bain 's telegraph line to,Bostou is nearly reedy for boa:inure, much to thu gratification of those who now'ruffer the it:epos:lmne of the Morse line. This busigess of telegraphing is now eating out the vitals;of some pspem , here. who, by their po sition, are, obliged to go largely into the news, while redily unable to do so. The yearly cost An full SOP° each, a sum equal to the profits of some Joni-lulls before the wires commenced work. ' The leading journals here must soon EltiV3ll. prices, red be diminished In number. An im mense capital m now required to conduct a prom. forint porter. and those of New loch will aeon n- Val their :London neighbors; is every newt of view. Old papers will be more valuable than ever, bat the weal ones will sink to rise no mote . The aungarians continue their meetings and 'have exbited a warm feeling of sympathy on the part of el the foreign population. The Germans, particularly, are much elatedeud now w..tett the arrives Of the steamers with es much, Int ere,' on was shown by the Irishmen 4pring the progress of the monster meetings which nosed at Gloom& HungiViltl a ifi ni ti g st a to r t a a ,, k o e a t a r . , n a e p l a t herb a u a t ag a govern meat -peot . meat ii-supenor to (lint of am other port of En. rot /n matey matters, there a not a shade of change, and (nods abundant beyond ,all demand. hems of the new Pennsylvania B per cents have been sold at 122 c, a price that restores the coadds nee af ea:tie:Mists. The h's clone at b9l, and firm Catnip, since the steamer. a a little cheaper. and t derline has been accepted. In dour, a rood bailee* at full prices. Freights to Europe have adieu did there is 'an increased demand for e s. port. Drain continues ingood request, at full pro ces with a good foreign business. Pork may he 0 0 MetliAd ES,2SaSIO for mime mess T 6 de mand Or Cut Meats has fallen od and lower rates, have biOn accepted. Sales of Ohio Whiskey se 201521 e. There is a speettlative movement Is Clever:Seed, with valeta of 500 bble. Ohio at ble'a fie. Timothy, $120516 pot tierce. Flax. at C SI, 20 Or:gough. . The Elatphne Clare We publish the following wide at the req teat ontof the oldest and ablest physicians of ,Lis city, p gendem.tn who is. not e... 1 5, led away by spe#tis theories, or noir and woodetful disc coverlets: co.e.pondinen Trlbonr Tllfl OHOLBRIL CIIRE. IN CHICAGO IIL June I. Ibl9. Thdßaring hes tat just-opened here away.— &mil weeks o f celd, rainy weather are Jan suc ceeded by warm and clear weather, the first alb(' t sevoiL The cholera,whichha almost brought tit aness to a dead lock, is on the decrease, and thingti generally wear a more promtsoug appear anice.i; Cotaiderable excitement has been occasioned here,tecently, by the discovery of a new and per. fait remedy for the ehora. Dr. I. IL Bird whose name will 110012 be on every tongue, a the discover—he Is a practical physician of tins city.— About six months since his attention was calletl to the subject by reading: no article loom a Ger man chemistry in one of -the medical periodicals, is which it was eoritendeil that Influenza depend ed neon the presence of oleos. and that chemical, analysis proved that the lumber of attack, was always in proportion to the mourn of cane in the atmosphere. Viewing this connection with the fact that cholera a generally preceded 6/ the la !Manta, he come to the conalusion that both disea ses might be dependant upon the same influence, modified in degree according to the greater or less quantity of this deJetincia agent present in the atmosphere at the time. Dr. Bird next set himeelf to`work to escertain what agent would emuldortet the influence and destroy the (teletext otripropertint of ozone- llts ',Opener chemical knolriedge enabled him to suggen the well known substance, sulphur, as poise:ants the proven' , 01 acting upon'it in each a pleasure as to neutralize its itillueace. In his investigation he found that the inhotevihad never preveileld to the vicinity of sulphur springs, or in saustions where sulphur a abundant, hence the conclusion that sulphur might be, and probably is. the antidote Or cholera. Dr. Birds experiments have shown that ozone is pre. eat to the atmosphere at this time, and that the amthint is in proportion rci the severity of the dis - • ease' from time to time. • 41rout a week since, Dr-Bird determined to try rho i.etreer of telpher upon himself and others troutiledviith uneasy censations, slight paths, Sc intro digestive organs. The molt was comely satMfttctory—so much sodet he immediately re. quitted several of the dest physinitus of this cal to test its e ffi cacy in thir practice. They have just, reported that they are convinced of its effica cy. They say "the result of the nse of this remedy is wonderful." Ail the premonitory symptoms of the cholera, such as pith* a tease of mine., on. nst*ral movements, slight diarrhea, dec. have uni formly yielded nt once td a single dose of three to inutErsins of sulphur. "''ln cases where either cramps, diarrhea, or witaitips have been present —cte where they have all existed in COOPIOO.IOO, thekruse of acid her, m the above named dosesevery three or four hours, has lied the effect to ath.chornte the patient's condition tl once, and when used, In s few hours to distillate entirely cholera syinp loan? So far us its efficacy hts been tested to the worst stage of collapse, mast &midterm2r results have been obtained. In two or case. of this kind these effect of the remedy has been to bung brat toe pulse to the wrist, restore warmth to the airfare, and atop the profuse diarrhea and vomiting. • with, the results obtained so far have been such as to convince all in this community who .one witnessed its effects that if any remedy do :nerves the lappets...ion' this it a s pecific fir the • .6.biolein. tt is suggested by Dr. Bird that n combination ofpowdered chnrcoal, ono part to four of aelphur hat seemed to make the remedy morn efficient -1 have devoted the, esnueb space to this subject beeause if thisremedy le what is supposed to be it will instantly attract thoetterition of the whole cm Lilted world. Yours, a , • The Barak, Cowie!, has upija this important si.44ect the 01lowing ethternentg of person. whom the Mots knew to bi of good character and j tidgmenk • • Out informant was by chance in Chicago, Fri day, May g 5, when Dr. Bird first administered his remedy to persons attacked with the cholera— These cases were persons living tweiv,e miles out ' of,thn city, Irish laborers on the Chicago and Ge isha railroad. In coMpany with Dr. Bud and Dr. Itilnick and three other physicians he Visited thern for the purpose of seeing the effects of the e •lg ri an e i n vi t- ng at the inefiion .it watt humid that one ofile five patients was already dead. Of those living, one was a man, two were women, and the remaining one a child tianr or five years of age.— The man was pronounced by the physicians to be in collapsed state. •• Whether tho remainder :were or not, our informant is not positive. In the language of physicianiA the man had "no peke," aka is to say, his pulse was hardly perceptible.— The women were vomiting and purging Cicero sittely. Dr. Bird immediately administered the pills— Itt the eosin of ten minutes be gave one of the snunea three of them. The limited time afforded to the sinners prevented a fair obeervetion of the effects of the medicine. Their stay was limited to three quarters 6f an; boor, the time being the &Uncoil. Upon the Arrival of the cam in Chica go the next morning, the patients were all report ed doing well, with the fairest prospects of rc elven% . The next day, the remedy was tried upon two cases in Chicago: and both recovered from the attack. On Sunday and Monty, a telegraphic despatch was transmitted to New Orleans, advising of the Madre of the temerity, and requesting that it should be tried !moo some of the cases to that city, Which were in t h e most advanced stages of the • 61Pe1• A:reply was received the next day, to the effect Math had been triedoiS our talon:lent understood, upon Persons in the collapsed Wage, and thit the Intalment •thad the dolma effect." The °einem er reenmusmadation of Dr. Bird is that:Many locality whqns the disease is prevalent, West paper preesatinn to take one oldie pills in all MAW:4h and ior those snacked, to take one if*/ twOonre oath keiieu found. Correspondence of the commercial Advertiser. - HT THE "TEAMED. Iit.IIR.OPA. Lornos, May 25, 1845. The Fret & elections are oser.and the number of Socialists returned has caused a fright, which has been mortared by warlike indications on the part of the Assembly, now about to expire. Rome still defies the muted powers. Germany stands where it did. Austria has nothing but the Roa stun army between herself and annihilation—end it is even stud that the Russians have sustained a severe defeat The war in Denmark goes on. — The Punjaub has been annexed to our Indian do minion. Ireland In some districts is suffenng more Severely than ever from disease and famine. Lord Stanley's amendments in the Lords Against Min isters, on the navigation bill, have been rejected. The Canada discusiion was to come on this even ing, but is postponed till the 6th tof plane. There has been a chant attempt by n miserable creature to iwrassinate the Queen. Such is the news of the week. • Ever since the last packet there has been much ex , ntement each day, in connexion with the intel ligence from Parts, rumors cf a military coup dal being rtfe on one side and of a popular intim, reason on the other. The hostility of the Assem bly to the present Ministry has steadily increased. On the question of allowing General Changarnier to continue the double command of the National Guard and of the army of Parts, the Government at the commencement of the week experienced a defeat in which the numbers were 203 against 210. Subserviently, on a motion to avoid the discussion of foreign affairs and to pass to the order of the ;My, they have been beaten by 459 against 53, and lastly General almanac has earned a proposition, to spite of their most strenuous efforts, calling up on them to take measures to protect the interests of Republic during the present events and move ments of troops throughout Europe. This propo sition, which was avowedly directed against Rus so, was carried by 436 against IS4, and strong as it in, it to after all a very mild modificauon of what was proposed by the Mountain party, with, at one time, every prospect of success, and would have been little short 01 a declaration of war. Regnrding the intervention in Rome, M. Dronyn de; boys, the Minoner for Foreign Affairs, has declared in reply in a question. that M. Lessees, the Plenipotentiary despatched thither, has been ordered to conforna to 'the resolin•ons of the As. sembly—so that the hostile attitude of France to her slater Republic may he considered al an end. Regarding the Russians in Hungary, M. Drotiyn de Lhuva also said that remonstrances had been sent to the Cabinets of London, Vienna, Berlin, and St. Prtemburtzh. Among other events in the Assembly, 51.Flocon presented a petition from Rheims, demanding the impeachment of be President and his Ministers. Disturbances of the old character have taken place at Ceue, Montpelier and elsewhere, but not with any scrim,. results. They merely serve to show the conflicting cements that are at work.— One feature of the present restlessness is the ten dency ID Socialism observed among the military.— During these odium however, the President has held a grand review in Perm, of 40,000 men. The result oi the electrons has proved less agree. ibie to the so called friends of order than had been •ntemplated. It is as follows: Moderates— ........ ............ 5 14 Socialists ........ • ......220 unkn0wn.........................10 VA) In the Derartreent o' the 9eioe Lneien illorat DC et the need of the pol l with 131,52:. votes— Lean] Roll,o had 131.5 . 25. und he was moreover GleCted for rive deortrtmerv,.. A iloo.oomrmemon ed officer, tierlerutc-rnerr SJichot, who lately . . , gained notJnety by an mesas in his regiment, which mob in consequence of bis having been locked up for misconduct, also stood high on the'poll, and has;been 'emceed by a greater nun, bee of suffrages than General Bedeau, a marshal of France, wao stands the second below him on the oat. sichot is an unequivocal Socialist. Two carmen at Leona are also among tna part ea elec ed. to the department of the Vara a Socialta: h. been roomed who can anther read nor write The department of Creuse has chosen an opera. t.ve tonson,wno, .1 s mid. may null be seen daily :n Paris at work with h:s tio wet, on a new house :a the neighborhood of the Pantheon. Lemertine. who received. to ISIS, more than IWO millions of votes, was not elected in any quarter—not even in the department of his birth. ?diurnal of the Nottsrial., and Dupont de More, the aged Press- dent of the Provisional Government, as well as many others of the old set, have also been exclud ed. The new 4sernbly is to be convened ou Monday next, the . 28th of May. The foreign discussii,na and the result of the elections bore bad a singular effect on the Bonne, where nn almost unparalleled panic has prevail ed. Donna the week the 5 per cent Reines have experienced n fall of 11 per cent. of which nearly 1 per cent wok place in one day. Subsequently there has been some reacilon and the pnoe has adrumed from 'tit° 05. The Romans still coOnnue to let the world s the basis upon whiten they nand M. Rase. the Foreign Min.", orthe Republic, has addres ed a note to the Catholic powers. in which he puts the question to tin relgiou. character. 'Combated Europe," he palms el:became, to f ere upon three tailbone of men n government they have pronoun ced forever fallen—ix government professing to represent the Urine Master tuba said Ills Steed/An wasmot of tors world, and oa these pewee, will fell, severe and inexorable. toe 3eitzeinent pelt tents. Toe " lie etattnees. eie far more serious than it the party whom lite o trit'untel moo archs of Europe would force upon the Beinans were, like so inane others. the mere vulgar oriel leger. The atia-k tie mg made in the name of the head of the Catho'ir Cherr+, it if calculated to e: ten I.eilt cotl '0 {tad, the religious eche,. 'it. founitaeon. Nlauy been to deed ie a erred which to ,air rice weedy vtewans holiest aepira t ions. wash doeknot neettate to place one pedestal of clay interests Which should have no other objects than meetthes, resignation. and mat subl:me wil dcatsl winch vas made the religion of Christ the rel,gmti of the oppressed Let Europe,' it la add ed, -pause. Tee present is no longer n straggle between one army and another—between man and Loan It is a struggle welch embrace the whole 'moral wotid of idea•--of hopes, of leak , and an echo in the remotest genera boa."' -- The Rectum Monitor also has published an article in which, eller pointing to the combination of Aus tria. France, and Spain, it remind. its readers that behind the bayonets of General Oudinot ate the people of France, that behind Radetsky are the Hungarians and the democracy of Vienna, and that behind the proud Spaniard is a nation demoralized sod feeble. But wi..teeer their power, even if it were as .61., it a doubtful, :he Realatill Neal them without fear. -A people who bean minion to I'lll6ll before bonor and eternal Attlee talallat periela • " The arrival of M. Ltaseps Isom Pans, at Clams Vece2. - ta, pa his way to Rome, in described as hav ing caused cis extreordinary excitement among the French troops, the report rapidly spreading that they were now to deteild the Roman republic against Austria and Naples. An arrangement anticipated forthwith, end it is understood that the French have already interdicted toe Neapolitans tram any farther movement, and that a message to the same effect has been tent to Spate. Among ninny persona a sirong suspicma is en tette ned that the French will yet play the Romans false, and that atter having onjoled so far as to get into the city, the Pope Wel ultimately he restored. The treachery which caaraeter ted their proles coca ell landing at C,vite VCCCiIi• wise they represented that they Coale entirely on a pacific mission, to aid the people. fully juunee this tLe trust, and the Hennes are ev,dently alive to it— At present, however, although such would app.- ready have been the policy of the French Govern• meat, the lona of ;he National Assembly and the elementsof which the new one is composed would make the trick dtrecult. The Romans. meter, , e having their sespirione awakened and hriog flush. ed with victory, wel not be '„ltely to admit Gen. Oudinot to the city oo mere -ague promises and without doe precaution. unginelly they might have done so, hut now nu denim !,,,!„, full o f eo .ft. ! dance, the defences of the city are complete and ' they hove 40,006 men under arms. to my last letter I inentmned web while thee., servative press and Parliament cif I.:netted were beeping Acorn and abuses upon the mernbera if the Boman Government, three parties were in (act' deserving of the highest honor, whatever ought he I the end of the struggle, for the marvellous way in which they had maintained respect for life and property; an: I mentioned at the name time a consequent ba l ls( that iSe leaders must le far in advance of the people with wisoei they have to deal. It now appears that scarcely a single iodic vidual among them in a native of the Roman Staten, the mejtmty being Piedmontese. Under thee* eitermostaamee, it is impossible not to eppre hand tiled, whatever turn the crisis may take, they will be diseppeauled and betrayed in their ultimata efforts. The regeneration of the Raman people must be the work of a long day, for It is the !PVC relit and moat natural coodementle.n of the Gov ernment that has just been overturned, that ,t has rendered its subjects notorious as constituting per. hap*, the moat corrupt and degraded community upon earth. ZOLOGNA AID LSOHORN. The aggression of Austria on the Roman States, and upon Tuscany. and ban thus far been !success ful, and hes not yet received any check from the French. I mentioned in my last that frxhorn had been entered, and according to subsequent account*, the Austrian., had no sooner got posses. ripe than they shot 200 persona without trial, and despite the efforts of the English and French con sul.. Many houses are also were sacked by the soldiery, and a proclamation Is now in force that, if concealed arm* ore found te any hove and the owner cannot be traoed, the landlord of such house is to be idiot within 24 hours. At Florence. the hberly of the press has been suspended, and with his two principal cotes In thin madmen it is now announced that the Grand Duke—the rune. away ruler <if Twomey—is shoot to return to re- Mine his sway. Guerrami, and the late heads of the Frovtlional Government, nre in confinement, l and will be tried by court martial, and, It Is be shot. At. Retains, Is the Roman States, the inhabi tants held out against the Auetrims until the Idth of May. On that day, after c brave defence of eight days. the city capitulated, but strange to say, they obtained a condition that no one should ho ' Mimed; whether thin 'vaulted from haste Ott the part of the Acieriane to be spared. in their present critical positiep, the necessity of prolonging the nine, or from an expectation that if they did not make haste, France =mid interpose between them and thatr prize, cannot be krityWo• 'ilia sat isfactory that the people have obtainad tennis of any land, although we must not rely that faith will to kept with them. A state of singe win be de clued, and then, as at Milan, any obnoxious per son canbe shot upon any pretext whenever it may be coact:mg desirable. hisiumbilit, Its deadly has forwarded the keys of the city to the Holy Father at Gaeta. From Naples there is nothing new. The people are kept in entire ignorance by the Gov ernment et all that is passing in the Roman States, and no sooner was the vanguard of the Neapoli tan army put to flight by Garribaldi than King Ferdinand sent a despatch to his capital, ordering Tr Drams in all the churches for a victory. A imaramine he. been established, professedly on account of the cholera, hot in reality for political purposes. Among the last signs of the times, is the return of Del Carretto, the infamous police minister, who was last year obliged to fly from the fury of the people, and who had ever since been in hiding at Montpelier. He has now returned with more than his old insolence, and I yesterday received a letter from a medical friend, who hap. pened to arrive at Naples at the same time, and who saw an American lady—the With of a naval officer—turned not of her apartment in the hirsu te= to make room for this man's servant. Palermo is now in the hands of the Neapouton troops, and the subjugation of Italy is therefore complete. After the way in which the Palermi tans deceived both friends and foes by their pro. testations of resistance, their fate attracts bat hi- tie sympathy. Nothing could have been more contrary to the expeztations of all who were ac quainted with the population of the two places tout the relative results at Palermo and at Home. Every one believes that the Suuhaus would stand firm even until they were exterminated, and that the Boman. would succumb at the first blow. VUCL Venice still holds out successfully, and the Pro- .ional Government, by frequent sullies from the rtreas of Malghera, inflicts great damages ■nd noovunce upon the Austrian. Elberfeld and other Prue:elan towns lately la re .lt have returned Inqutetneria,under a premien hat a communion is in ;preparation et Bedia for he formation of o Federal Germany and far a Sub sequent union act with Austria, the nature of which I have already detailed. Meanwhile the King of Prussia continued to show that with Mai as well as with the other sovereigns military Circe is stilt the great specific. The army is to be pla ced on the war footing, which will raise it to MMMMMI 00,000 or 450,000 men the order of the day, and also a disregard of for mer popular concession. Under the constitu tion a new chamber should be called within 40 days from the date of the dissolubms of the old 013., but the belief is that thug proviatou mill be "suspeed• At Baden the Provisional Government which as termed when the Grand Doke *bac Inded nth:melt to behave %rah tbo utmost modem tio The army, renaming of 23,000 soldier.. remain o the .tde of the people. Whether the Kola mitre to attack tbem remains uncertain Tar FllkarriatT PeaLLIAVILNT. The new Cabinet of the central Ministry w announced a few days back, as having been termed under a Dr. Graevell end M. Detmold. The announcement was received with Omuta of derision by the Assembly, since neither of them has the slightest weight. They Immediately, how ever, matted a programme, to the cited that they Sttit not tecognize the central power as having any right to enforce the acceptation of the constimbon, but that they are prepared to mediate with the several governments for its recognition—while at the same ume they will oppose all "illegal or vio lent" movements that may arise under pretence c en forcing tt. Upon this M. Wirt.. 4 ev moved a vote of want of confidence, w melt was carried by 191 against 12. The Ministry, however, still refired to resign, and as the moderate members have gradually withdrawn from the Assembly, the proceedings have each day assumed a more egg. ssive elms nioter. A vete for the abolition of the present Regency, and affirming the necessity of appoint ing a Regent who will carry out the constitution, was earned by 126 against 116. The King of Prussia having et:loaned the Prussian deputies, a protest signed by 65 of them was banded in, and a resolution declaring the decree of the King to be illegal was carried be 259 against 2. A similar ordinance from the King of Barony met with a like fate. Subsequently, however, 70 members of the moderate party have retired, with Parma Gagern et their head. after making a dealaration that their withdrawal was owing to the fraistmuon of their hopes by the opposition of tour powerful Sovereign. on one side and the wild outbreak of the republicans on the other. Coder these circumstances the Parliament is every day becoming weaker, but at the ante time more violent. Meanwhile the Regent is under- ' stood to hove sent a pressing request Abbe King of Prussia to assume the direction orgie central power, as he wishes to be relieved of Its responsi bility. Every thing will now depend upon the control .121111lUtiOrl in preparation al Berlin. It is alleged that on all main points .t will resemble the Frank fort one. Whether the Parliament will consent to resign their fonctiona and to permit this eubstituts tor their own work to be raccrinized is egjeemely doubtful—but to the same time the pmssalitlity seems to be that, If the new scheme shohld really apptoach what is desired, the middle damea will generally be glad to accept it, and the parliament will then not be able to raise nay thing liko o na tional opposition. A semi republican obtbreak might take place and be attended with lamentable consequences, but it could only end like all pre. vam• expenments in the same line suarii•. From Austria we leant that outbreaks are still feared at Prague and Vienna. The Vtenna papers have beta warned -for the last time" trot to pub lish any sears of the war, and no great is the alarm with regard to the Htingariau that strong intrenchments ore thrown up around the city to enable it to stand a siege. The Emperor has 1.- stied a ludicrous pruolamation to the fiunganans, ascribing the war to the intrigues of a comical ••foction," and adjuring them to welcome the Ras clans an friends. It is now beyond question that all the Austrian generals, as well as Jellactuch and the Croatians, have been utterly routed. There are strong ru mors too of the Russians having been terribly handled by Bela in the defiles of Rotbenthato.— According to a proclamation,iestaed by Rounth at licbrecrut on the 12th of May, which has since, to a certain extent, been confirmed, GOO cf them had surrendered to Rem at Keivan on the 7th of May, and 30.000 three days anstward at A,nts,their arms, cannon, horses and ismooltion all falling into t the pease's:on at the Hen/erten, Bade, which is to Pestn what Brooklyn or Jersey City in to New York. has also surrendered, and by this they gain 20,000 muskets, 10 batteries and a vast quantity of ammunition, the Hungarian capital and its vicinity are now, therefore, entirely free. The Austrian garrison et Bode, counting of 3000 men, have been marched prisoners to Comoro. The Emperor of FLusitia hos at length shown the cloven foot; he has issued a manifesto of his deter as:nation to put down anarchy "in the West."— At the same ume, however, he was polite enough to announce his intention to recognise the Preach republic. This dextrous game has to a certain extent failed, the one net not having been sufficient to counteract the excitement produced at Perk by the other. Cloupliog the past policy of Louis Na poleon with the present recognition of hint by the Emperor Nicol., it seems very much as if be had been following the old course of Louie Malone, and trying to build up power by the countenance and support of the surrounding despotism. Notwithstanding the general expectation of n week back, that n peace bad been absolutely ar ranged, the blockade of the German ports by the Ganes stilt continues, and within the :eft fhw days hos even been made more strieL At the shale lime, the Prussians are in Jutland, and arer sten dily bomtnading the Danish fortress ofFredenca. The last arrival from ledin announcm the an nexation ofthe Pnejsub. B't thus act 100,000 annum miles and a population of . 3,500,000 an added to the 4rilinh possessions. The net revenue et the Puntaub u snout 4;4300,000 sterling. but it s itxu pation under our wastefol system will taut cao4- altv a much larger sum 23,000 troops ant to OUCUpy the outlaws and 39 004 will be maintained close at hand. The young prince who has been deposed (hot not Unjustly) will receive an alkswance of 2:10,000 per annum. F;-ent ;reined the ectOuuta again resemble these thet were race tied during the pestilence of 1831. At Ballutrobe arid Skibtairessa the t Itt adi med by the central relief committee, far sur pe•ses any thing the country ha. yet endured— The Protestant rector of Ballinrobe, in a letter to Lord John itossell, quotes a case in which, a abipwrecked body having been rest on shore, the Insert and hie: were extracted end eaten by a starving family. He also .ettuona an inr,anco of • girl carrying the deed body of her mother three miles upon her back tattle union, to obtain woof tin end banal. The mother had died of cholera, and the goal also died on the following day. AitheY ov Fonosa.—The Jefferson Inquirer, ;ow the official paper—the Boonville Democrat, and tbo St. T.,011t1 Uhtiht, have taken sides with Col. Benton. sitsoe his spostch qt Jefferson. The Metropolitan and the Glasgow 'Banner hare bung out the flag of opposition, end It is piobable that the sayette Democrat will do likewise. The Platte Argue, before the speech, was evidently disposed to take ground against Col. Benton, and the Louistann Banner denounced the "appeal" in It uroogest terms. In a little while we shall have weir response to the speech itself, and then we shall know bow to „Apia? tbena.—St. Lywur Rep. Corremcmdrotee of the Baltimore Psirios APPOINTMENTS IN WASIIINOTON. Wsanuatroir, Imre 8, 1819. It is ' , sported to day, on what may be regarded as good authority, that the Bev. Th 6121111 of the Baltimore Annual Conference. has been ap pointmed Consul of Cuba. Mt. 8•wirll is a resi dent of Baltimore, and is one of the most' reabsos and useful mon of the Methodist Church- His selection will give great satisfaction to bin many friends is different parta of the country. They will learn with regret, however, that his health is not good, and that he purposed going to Cubs for the benefit of his health. It was this dated:m4 notice which Induced the government to take ad vant.ge of hi■ being there, to give him a public ;sawn. It or also understood, that Col. 4. TF/sahell Yon Allen, of N. Y., has been appointed atite, to the Itepablie of Equador. Oov. Graham, of North Carolina has declined the offer of the Mission to Spain. ioftner, J. f=l7.743l,l„t7,'FP'yd You Irn.inay. Etuabeth, huke . Ll A _.49.—diondT Posts as.) sixt Isyskty, ow. Fame tam correspondent of the St. Louis Republican, writing from Fort Kearney, Nebraska Territory, of date May 18, says that the inundation of the gold diggers is upon them, and passing that Point In one continuous stream. We take the following extract:— vThe last arrival from the frontiers is a solitary foot traveller, who says he has come all the way from Maine, without the assistance of either rail road, stage, steam boat, or telegraph wires. He ia accompanied by a savage looking bull dog, has a long ride over his shoulder, ou the end of which he - carries his baggage, consisting of a small bundle, about the size of your hat. He has DO provisions, hut gets along pretty well by sponging on bis fel low travellers. He says he wants but a hundred meals to carry him through, and he rather guesses he'll find chriatiaus enough on the road to supply him with that number. It is impossible to give the names of the com panies, or the number ot men that pass over the road, hut I think that the ratio between men and wagons, is a three and a half tc. one. Oar old friends, the Pawnees, have had a hard time of it during the past winter. When they re turned from their hunting grounds, their trail could be followed by the dead bodies of those who had starved to death. Children, young men, and women, have shared this tate. Now that spring has arrived, their condition will be improved. They have abandoned their old village 'lli miles below us, on the Platte, and have commenced a new one at the month of the Saline, some SO miles nearer the frontiers of Missouri. Their old ene mies, the Sioux, are pressing them hard. which is probably the cause of thus step. Several war parties of both nations are on the war path, and several scalp have already changed owners. A large party of Stout, a few days since came upon some half dozen Pawnees, and took three scalps and a small boy prisoner. This occurred nine twenty miles from the post, and to the im mediate vicinity of a party of emigrants, who, if report be true, play d any thing but en honorable part in the a ffair. The Pawnees, upon °beery mg the overwhelming force of their enemies, who numbered about two hundred, toot shelter with this train, but the gallant men composing it drove them forth without mercy. There was one squaw in the party, arid the warriors, finding they bad to fight, told her to run for the river, while they threw themselves between her and the Sioux, and died fighting bravely. The Nuevo reached the river and escaped. ass soon as it was known here. Capt. Walker took twenty men, pursued and over tools the Sioux, rescued the prisoner and restored him to him to his mother. These little Indinn fights, which by the way, are of pretty frequent occurrence, and the arrival of enngranui,ba• bro ken in pretty effectually upon the monotony of our prairie life. One of the men with the Mormon mail, is Just from the "digging'," iii California, and is certainly a happy fellow; for he say. that be hes as much gold as he wants. He showed a stocking full is a specimen, and you may well suppose, the en, grants opened their eyes at the sight of the glitter ing maes. I will endeavor to keep you adv ised cl the number of wagons which pass here, and may occasionally had material fur a letter. Your's, Mc., PAWNEE. May 19th. The cry is they come." Yes terday, ISU wagons passed here, making in all an. A can load 01 letters start for the frontiers this morning, and I presume many mothers, wives, and weethearts, will icon be made happy Minutes of a meeting beta the 9th day of June 1949, at Mr. Doony's meeting Louse, at the wain of Deer Creek. Indiana township, for the purpose of °hulloing members to the Allegheny County Agnculuual Society; when Mr. John Boyle was called to the Chi Sit, nod lames Garrard Secre• tray. On motion, the President was requested to rend the address prepared by the committee, arid the Secretary to read the constitution of the said sock, ty, which,after a few remarks by the President, were read. On motion, Mr. Edward Hancock made a few remarks, alter which Mr. John F. Garreed made some very appropriate remarks, and read an ar ticle from the Leaner English Journal on sheep. which was received with great at trillion. On motion of Mr. W. C. Denny, the thanks of the meeting were returned to the officers of the meeting, and also that the meeting adjourn to meet at Mr. Beatty'', sehoel house on Monday, the l lib Inst.,et 7 o'clock, P. M , and that the proceed ine of the meeting be published in all the Pots burgh papers, friendly to the ranee. JOHN BOYLE, Chairman. .1.340 Seoreterg. IV. DI. Wright, 113 - .., Death', Orme and residence on Fourth • opposite the Pttleborgh Bank. Oh 1111.6*.ai h ie7ca n tP;:loCk * ltu d rf l.' " se A pMIS-17 Ftre and Marina leasaranoe.—Terz Pm scrawl NAVIGATION •aa Pfl lava/ant Calera", chartered lxT2—cwwnnno• to 'more. upon every d acrlptlonol property, at du lotrat OrnmOldo. ILaTtet strceL damun , GO/LAMP, Pre: t. Rattan Idtdmar. do,s:denn DEL. DAME, '4141114 141 . I TA Ti c: T Vork.) 17•710,—Strintaicia street, between Seventh ard Strawberry alley. ti —Vacates of the mouth, gaols and teeth treated ti. Ltothwopattheally. Julthtthn illortdouPtazal HahtblttOu. THE Firm Jana taint:two° of Traits, Flower. and Veretanlea of the Pttutburgh liortteattand Soct, sill commence Oita dot. (Wedneaday ,) at Phan Halt, Thin) stmt, at Itt cinek, and <outman ull Frt• Admua 25 rents Portly Unteta, one dol la r - to be had r an the oor jalldtt Panuaylaanla Kali Iload Company. 'motto.: .s Mr. the Tenth nee last 1.1 Instalment of Vise Dollars per share on ate Cap, W Stock. att. Comp.,. is recitured to tn. paid on or Lenore the Mat of of July next Inasiment. not mad punctual , . win M sub,ect to ihe pecalty of one per cent per month, a. mooned by taw DEORtilt. V I.4JLCON, Treasurer. l ui3du 71 DuhFrs. wo —u . ° 4-' ,:ft - ,„ K t E b E e P au il lors ki Ze k t . tioo t T to ". 1;In g el , pruned on the rov• to. A new pply Jo el retes ted from New York. and for ca. b)r iol3 JOHN H NIELLOR. t% ood ft • _ or c Fialet.iLl'feateKd—rt!:"e aL " rte l l " oo k t r icl the Ohio liver. no miles below lie oily, by )013 8 & W HARBAUtiII ba.• pone Wp.tern Roirepre C received and for sale by _yell %V & R MTV fellEoH t Ibi Idbeny at WHITE BEANS-9 LWs tianall pun reed and for male by )013 & k M'CUTCHEON EG A ILt?—lu,otat best qaaltty Common Sagas.. just 0 reeerred and :or sale by lull R bDCI:TC fIEON L.Li:M-4500 lb., ree'd, awl 1 1 snit ID by "D & Co - - OIL VITRIOL -6, 0 M tba on band and far vain lAy ,I.IIJ J KIDD A U. ALLEN'S NERVE. AND ROPE LimmENT--c, grog, )1.1 rend, and lon talc by KIDD A. Co PAINT—No dot Tubes of Paint,just reed cod for sale by J KIDD &C t• • GUM SHELLAD-600 tbs on hand and for sale by - I lul3 d KIDD Co TOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist and Apothecary, I„) No. 41 Market st., three doors above Third 111 Pots burgh, will bare constantly on hand a well selected as sortment of the hest and freshest MOCIACIIICI, which he seal sell en the most reasonable terms. Phi ...we sending orders, will be promptly mounded to, and cop pled with omelet they may rely epos ..genuine. Physicians Prescoptions wW be accurately and neatly PmPand the test materials, at any hell/ of he nay or night. Also for sale, a ergs stock of fresh and good Perfu mery. tut 3 MARTIN LEWIS & CO'S CLOTH HOUSE. FUR THE EXCLUSI VE RALF. OF (MODS ADAPT- E==t= The only Boum of the kind in Beititnota BALTIMORE STREET, onion DOol War op Cestabse cr.,11c91111 ache O(;B preparettoei for the damn! sermon in regard to mock have been very complete. fleeing Ira ported our own goods, 'elected by our own b.... yers grata the best manufactories In Europe, and wito toe facilities to take advantage clever) calor, In our do meant Woollen Moneta we confident!, challenge competition in extent of assortment, choice, taste or prices with the New York, or any other market in the tawdry. Rang very deacons to extend our balance. still more among the Merchants, Clothier. and Merchant Tahors its the South and West. we have paid perimeter at. Minim] 10 the inapormuon and purchase of each kinds and Myles of goods that we know 1,111 Suit their sales. And as It certainly moat be an object to them, to get their good. home as soon as possible and at the cheap est freights. other advantage. being equal, out market ought to come for be fall share of their custom. We aolicit a fair examination of oar stock, and to all caps ill guarfunee costumers rn prittel Intionct 145 North ing canes. Oar Moot consists of Beolea,Platonic, Nelson, Bon mans, Montaguae l s, Wulfutra black and fancy color ed Enema Cures, Donnie" and Cusneenea, plain and fan .y, most of which were imported by ourselves, and which we wilt guarantee to eel! as low as the aecnte, who represent the manufacturers in N York. Fasficu •RD WrmLL.l2l3.—Superior West of F.ogland Cloths ; do do wool blk. Cewitneres; French and Ensile!, Duffle and Pilot Cunha blue, grey and black Fumingly. blue Blankets for coats Arum and Nary Clothe; e. It a.. Tweed amt., Billiard Olmhs. water proof De vermillre Keyser. Done:arm Woomams.—Blaek sod colored Clothe for oVereOata and cane, Inner Casaltrierea, do plan black do; mixed Doeskin Canimeres, army blue easelmeres. 514.X11211Cra and Coon. WOoLLMet —Cues lice, black, mixed and medley Saltine's; do sheep. grey and Tweeds; —do fulled and double milled Louie; a do plain and fancy Tweed., for emits and overcoat.. Vsmince, Yzermos, Yerrisoa—Velvet, natio, Silk, Cashmeres, Toilenet and BeranedOwn Vesting.—an assortment altogether uneqballed by any thing that has ever been adored in this market before, and which coca coo have, except .000 , who like ourselves, buy them on the spot in Europe. Fewer coop.—Scarfs, elevate, Responders, Glove.. li o , j da e redets, and every stiles for gentlemen's ;ei• let, of the latest Paritlattiflytea. Meauso pot Lams gmlere—Together with all Mud o r woollen, COMM and merino Hmfery, for anderdtese Marron Geeslin end Gorman= famished with cloths end uniflutme, ai factory priers, also; Yeah mili tary and naval Trimmings, eatery oesenption. Tpeodualt. - of superior qualities, aim Mk EugUeb Voting; bleok and coltrred Silk If do da sui Series, do do Seen do; do do Alree ..;, a l do; B lum Alpacas and Bombeelnes; SIR Sleeve ' Moe Sowings, Robinaecii(So, black and co Id T se r s j Patent Thread', French Eloak Llnidgs, Hermon. . all kinds, worsted and silk Bindings, Re. &a (,:no. 'Wiggins, white Tsr,%/ZeolA dO. Wadding.. Foa onnstexxlre—Rilver, doh end blue Cloths, drab RUka (or curtains and lining., worsted Damasks, Ihrerraills east_lirab Irn/ygt BMOWIII.— , .CIo and Candour. of the colon for 'gotten, and 1111414 far, black and Co. lo ofthe be,l gonikl- SMerchente, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers tithing We North for purchasers are reapeellhlty bsvirodu, lUatlthle our stock. Whether they intend purcitaxlng our mar ket or not. MAltTri LEWIS t t CO f , 1 GIGOT—too tat pnow Westeu Fttlerre, L la ware and for Ws by DALZEL Co Ezeetttoe , S Notice. ALLPekO77.:debt'd te the EsreMN=F4,la of Upper St Clair township, Allegheny county. &WS, will please make imam-Mate payment no the undersigned, end persona having claims said estate will Foment them. properly smile ntiewed, for settlement JOHN GILFILLAN, Executer . .ISIBOOKS FOR SUMMER READING.— Fox—Eureka, a Prose Poem; ot, the Physical and Metaphystcal Universe, by Edgar A. Poe Lsq handsomely punted, lento. cloth. 75 eta . 'rYe shall be greatly surprised if thin work does not resort a profound sensauon among the literary and smedrifte chums all over the Union, displaying as at does a reasoning power and group of thought winch cannot povsibly fail to excite the 'special wonder' of evenlihe moist camleva reader t—Erpresa Nineveh and its Remains, with an account of a VOW to the CALM.. Christians of Kurdistan, and the Ve• new. or Devil Worshippers, and en inquiry Into the manners and arts of the Anrient Assynana . by Austen Henry Layard, Esq.. D C. L; in 9 rots, with numer ous illustrations One of the moat remarkable works of the ego •—The Tunes, (London.) Feb 0 . The Salamander, a Legion of the Iron Fumeces of Rockland county, N. V., by F. Oakes Smith wish d. lustre ions of Darter, Rd eif 12mo cloth, 73 els J Fennimore Cooper •The Spy, a new and beauti ful edition, revised by the author, with new prelate, tre to he followed by the Pilot, In the same Pyle The Works of Washington triune, revised and en larged by the author, in 13 elegant doodemmo valume6 beanufully printed In new type, and on superior paper, made caveat!), for the purpose . For sale by JA.511 /5 LOCKWOOD. (for mouy 'min connected with Messrs. Wiley A Putnam. and late John Wiley, N 'd 63 Wood at. 103 Mr. I. h_ as last returned from the Eastern cams b RIFF'S BALE, OF .ser M BOAT COMPANION 1) V virtue of n order of the Circlet Severn, Cour, /ID of Laa-an Chancery, for Marshall Co Va , made at the Simile T rot, 1649, of said Court. In the case of Francis II Tay rvs the steam boat Companion, and in other cues stalest the same, I will proceed to odes at public sale, the steam boat Companion, together with tier engine, furniture, tackle and equipment, on Wednesday, i c day of July, ISIS, at the town of Moundsyslle I rind crony of Marshall, between the hours of lb k, A. M. and 4 o'clock, P. M of said rerun or 3343.1-013 e-fourth cash, and the ovules in three equal Instalments at 6, ig and 18 month, with in rest from the day of sale-the purchaser Flatus bond watt good and approved personal seustrity for said de letessi inetedenents. Yersons at a distance destroas of further information it relation to the above sale, can obtain the same by letter addressed to James S. Wheate, Fit/, Wheeling. Va., or to W H. Oldham, at Grave Creek, Marshall Co. Va VOL AI•FARDAND, Deputy for Francis Kolb', S. M C. juildthr—Vateling Gas. • Eatray. CAME to the premises of the untertign residing in Patton toornabip, Allegheny county, near the Nonhens Pile, 144 miles !rum Puntburgh, and 3 from Murrayeville, 0 ,, o • c air , e RED COW, wrrsh a mart -half ' c upper ride of each car, and hes a white spot c 0 (Inc. shape of ir heart . Thy • •Yacr 1 • ry guy 41 • d 10 come forward. prnve pro pY•ty : .. . argy. end Inks her away, otherwise eh w:11 -ro•Yal ef lvothe 1111. , three.. JOHN NIORRISON. Not loe to 9 tookhold•rss . . . F. , TERS ItialJ RANCE CO.—A second hut. 1 V spent of Seven Dollars nod FA) , Cents per sh ou the A•ork of Oos Company, Is rev:tired to he p at •hell aloe. No 39 Water street. Putsbonitt, (seeo son o I fit ! , .fore Monday, the second day of Ju A 1 , 19. Ut order u( the Board of Ethreedora (air did 1 FINNEY Jr., Beery NIII6I.Tp..ARILLTO. Sa.u.dtke.ail tool. a Trimming ior Nlesonic, OdA'ellow: , tuld orb or ktegalln A150—t..0,4 and Sher Studs for embroidering ;old Thread, Spangles, Bullion, Rosette. Stars, /ke !Lc W WILSON, ,012 earner 4th and Market - _ I'ENP—X large and excellent stock of r mum Gold Pens, of we moat approved make ways on hand ,oO W W WILSON - - bilsmprattet Patiehrt Soda Asti. 17 Vll7`,7;;•allqilP4" EITIa They have reeemed Invoices by lam 41<Sn:1CM of Mesa shipasenta per American, .1 P Whitneg and Riephen Fel/eon, wet, k will strive next mouthe. TThh lied] alto receive large supplies for the fall trade. I USPRATTSI CHLORIDE OF LIME—A few nob. en band and for sale by W &hI MITCHFILTREE Ci They will reeeive Hese suppltes for the Fall trade SI:GAR AND NIOI APSEP--tit bads N 0 Rigor, Nat.; CMI bbl. TV 0 Ilolames, prune, in oak bbls; tri store and for sale by iota W S M NIFPCHELTREE LNOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS—A se r rat astoranent always on band and tot lisle by k 31 AUTCLIELTRF.P. OIL GEORGE 111c0006. J ‘ e7erflio n cen " s ' n 6 NWl t er, i' irenn th' ed= " ly oppa ne to Betlegyselrn. lie may bo round at nig4 , SI. Ch. , . Hotel. HERRINtiIe-200 Ls. No I Hamngs; 100 do sod rd, in %ton and lot sans low to dose consign lard by ) , ell JAMES DALZELL. Wand et rinGIIACC6—I6 kegs Gestic's Pio I 6 twist Tobacco Iso.Leg per Nuts Hessburg and for sale by tull JAMES DALLELL - TAISINPF.CTINO SOLVTION OF COLORIDE SO DA.—It decomposes the MOS Or pennant prima. plo of all contayporo &serum. It remotes the danger ous einsiota of mak rooms, Le. By ita tilewming ener gy It relieves ulcers, and intercepts all communicable discs as. whether in men oranimals. 11.. Jost reed and far sale by lull R. K SELLF:R..% 57 Wood it DRUG* , DRUCTI— Cinaott no Chloroform, Ext. Bart Preem. lodade Iron, Nitrate 611 ear, Oil Copaiba, James Powder, Citrto Aeld, Pl:contif Soda, Cattorte Ether, Extract Rhatany, F-ttract (Pram.. Just recd and for told by EbELLEIIB, lull 57 Wood at buts Linseed lItC, just rec j 'd ß ot e ra A t 7 r i f t : D by tot FES . prion; v Festv.. Jaa t jut 90 Front st Li AM. IX cash. Cinctuttatt sago, cured 111 1 / 1 ., ec,.rd and for solo by lall t WESTON BOWEN - ICI- - .NV AND VALUABLE BOOKS.- 1. 1 11 —Hint... Pohl. Architecture, Prettbrod , on twowif of the Building Committee of the Srettbloniste 'noun... by Robert Dale Owen. In large quarto, elegantly. printed, with 113 ilittstmtions in the beat style of the art 11.—Green n Bronch,tiot, second edition, revised and enlarged A treatise or: d441111e• of the au-pos tage.; conlynne.og mcours into the history, causes, ud tun:went of these affections of the throat, called !Ironstone, Chronic Laryngitis. Clergyman's Sore Throat, Ac/!e. By Bootee Green A. M. M. I) , Ac. Flaw. improved and carefully colored. Royal (no., ph tops, F. 3 On. lII. Now reedy. the 4th edition, revised and enlar ged, with addtuenel illustrations. A Treatise on Land wane Gardening Rod Rural Architecture For sale by JAMtS D. LOCKWOOD, to Wood street, For many years eon/tubed with Messrs Wiley Zs Putnam, and late John Wiley, New York. ?It. I. has Jut returned from the Eastern role. Jolt TOWNSEND'S SAHPAPARILLA— . XO f Dr. Townsend'. Genuine SarasparDtd , od for Isle by E SELLEIts, R :l:xela r D jut cc d a. A Wood st 0101 Agent fat Pittsborsts. It; D CL! RRY. Arent tot A ilegh.ny eiry 1:11=3 FULNISHING GOODS. t*- 1 51170; ,, / 403 441 , ci : , :0: ?1 NEW K B* ;11 " -- - , 41.• J0111112,W10,_./ Imp rrrrr Atamaluaturer, and Dealer In SHIRDFL CRAVATS, SCARFS, STOCKS, HO SIERY. •"LOVES, UNDER GARMENTS, SUSPENDERS, BOSEIRIS, COLLARS, DRESSING SORE, SHOULDER DRACIZ, HANDKERCHIEFS, rl ONEV BELTS. MFTALLIC WATER-PROOF COATS, OILED SILKS, &C. TLe • entues of the subscriber for Impornag and mannfe.turtng his roods, enable him m supply hos cue. tomer. t the very lowest market prices; and every ..Sort w 11 be made to render It an object fot merchants ad M. yen loam ry a.etlon of the country to diva him ac•u C. 11 HATCH, tut .1m 97 William rune_ RITE BEAN: 404 for sale by tus F VON BONNHORST CO 111EF-VV—Wbz , Nyzsierp_Rnerwr, (or sale by )04 • 8 V VON noNNuonsT & co lb. for sale by I: pas S F VON BONNNORST tz. CO rl la A P PLES —Z:O bush for sale by J / In 9 S F VON BONNIIORST RCO I_ , 1. , ,b8-600 how 0.01 400 do 10x12; WU do 10x14 A. 3 :Aldo 7:0; for sato by 10 0 F VON BONNHORST 4. CO c. dos ler yalY 'uy F VOryl BONNHORST it CO • I,A4ES--3U dos ( or Yale ' ,ub • 14 F VON BO NEWEST & CO DRIED REEF ROUNDS-10 tierces Rued Beef Rounds, eery bite, Just reed and fur sale by Alb SELLERS & NICOLE_ _ . _ . . MELINA? Yea CRAMPON—___ V . RAVE ABDOMINAL WA:0W.41 , 4 made from A VP f the most •pproTed Knalish 0.t...c famished and moommeadou by Thomas ILlakorsell, Esq a nd a number of eminent physicians: being • most conveni ent apparatus for the application of wean or hot wa ter tolthe bowels, In ease or cramps in Cholera. Al evarlperson is nabjeet le sodden attacks, rr, ;mall shoni be without at taut. one. SC itleE & ATKINSON, Jul flislat, betrweett Wood and 'Market ii.e.lt L/ LE Y 'B - E: NNV WORK—The Adirouback, of Life to the Woods, by I.l'. ItelmlibT, aubtkoy of ..%N agnomen and has Geuerals,u etc, The Lite and Writings of De NTiti Gnomon, by W, W. Campbell. author of "Border Warfare:. Stlat recV by Jul LOANS . & STOCKTON NE`' 130.0Kii—A itimory or Wonderful Invention., with nuroorou. engraving. on wood; 1 vol. muslin. The Inearnabon, or pictured of the Virgin .14 her boa, by Chart. Beecher, Fort Wayne, Indians, with .1111 introductory estay, by Mi.. Harriet gna, Stowe. Jolt rce'd by JOHNSTON & STtICKTON, Jul tomer ad anthhlarket Linseed Oil, Just ree' 0 d itll4l. CA ior sale by NFIELD ‘J iThIL-1 0 bbl _).7 DM . •ON—Y calks Sines and Munn ern, to•day yee'd jo7B &wenn . bolo by • ARMt3TRONO CROZEI_ C 11 1:; "'"- l, "n e Y ' It° bo on banttrX Cq BIV I N—n arno, C SS GRANT rO'n r ,, WAIL ASH—a rair t a l f= it co, Liberty n Q CORCHED BALTS-441 bbIS on bad and for Ws by 'CP Pull a DALZELL aCa 2 7 John D. Drenlos Amckloursom. FOR CLNCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. _ _. _____ The splendid now stouter LYDIA COLLINS', Aciesioutrarors Sal. of Bank Stock. I a 2 M M u o nter, mutrr, will leave for On VlTednesday mre lung, June "Wash, at 10 o'rdock. the above and WA intermatiam ports at the ennunereial Sale. Room, corner of Wood wn.l „ e Th oen d y, the Ilib. at 4 o'clock, P. AL . . Fifth sta , will be sold by order of Thomas Davidson -- c -- „, -- ,„,,d r li - e ,s . apply on board jOLI and Joseph ren notk , I...trointAtrn,ors of Inc late A. 1 ' ---- = i -r-", ( lZact e ' 1 --.-- NNA NI. Horb.h. dceesned— Forty sharer Hank en Plitebare, , Stock Terms cork. rat funds. ... F OR opiondid.stearaer SHENANDOAH, tins . JOHN D DAVIS, Au rt 1 . • _.. - - Eroseman, master, wilt leave for the Lsrgo Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goat. ' o boee and inter - medial. Pons this dal On Thursday morning , .Inno i .141111„ at 10 o'clock, at at In o'clock, A. M. the Commermol Sties 'looms, corner of Wood and For freight on passage WIT on be'l be ta Flair strum, will In sold— r sit I pi:nuncio , a. co, Alp A large assortment of staple and fu _ __.. - my Dry Goods, among which ore splendid printed lawns, hal:wines, baranu, de tarns.. Auper prints, French and kluohe+ ter gingham+, ebawls antrhdkis In great voriety, ho siery, gloves, Leghorn and braid bonnets, parasolens, umbrvilas, table cloth, checks, tickinge, bleuhrd and brown nto•ans, drillings, cattonader, superfine cloths ; cassueren, sinner.. tweeds. Uney vestmgo, tr MWMNII 5 bni(ches. Young liysaa Teo, 15.1mues V 5. man . . afartnred tobacco, 20 yr boxes Spanish vegan, 6 has fine eat chewing tobacco, S bin No 1 palm soap, 6 bbls No I shod, spades, shovel., hers, forks, wrapping pa• per, transparent and vennian wutdow blinds, mallet clocks, looking phase., Yfiranrwarbt Itlfisswarkt tre• A large and goneral sasortment of new and second hand household furniture. ix. Aid o'clock, An invoice of fine cutlery, double and single barrel shot guns, and pistols, lust received from New York, gold and silver watches, boots, shoes, ready made Motion, fancy goods,Atc. laid Banniche and Buggy at auntiort. Oa Thursday afternoon, /urn 11th, at 3 o'clock, in front of the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will he sold, one second band Ras rouche, suitable for one or two horses, well finished, With faring top, in goal order, also, a flood second hand Buggy. jule D DAVIS, /tact Undo-non of Damaged Dry Goa.. On Proles morning, June 13th, el 10 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Filth streets, will be sold far cash carrency— Four casas of assorted foreign and domestir staple and hums Dry Goods, among which are sapc,r black, Lumbers:le, cashmeres. alp•cu, gine,ham; furniture end dress print; linen chambray, painted lawns, ging ham lawns, balsarines, 43 pieces Iloyle's celebrated pants, 0 pieces red flannel; summer clOtkl, coaling", drab d' etc. nc ; p bales Bangor, Conestoga and other sheeting., 3 do neatest. The above have been damaged by wet on the Pa. Canal, and w.ll be opened for examination ou the 14th Inst., to which the locution of dealers is requeated, - as the sic is pOuttee. jolt JOHN D DAVIS, Auct Large Sal, of ihhsrite and Clothing by catalogue. On Wednesday morning, 136 inst., at 10 sieelned at the Commercial Soles Room, corner of Wood and sth streets will he sold. on a or din of ninety days for all sums over 5100, an emensiva invoice of shirts and clothing, comprising fine muslin shins, linen bosoms and collars, super customer made do. yoke neck and French sleeve Merrimac, manners snipe. fanny union check, and hickory shirts; potent lace drill drawers for summer; French elastichispenderct Moth , emni mere. tweed, alpacca and corded dress, frock and rack coam; black and face y French cashmere pants, sat tines dnhl, rotionade and checked do. Catalogues can he obtained and goods examined on Tuesday av JOHSI IYDArlift, duct. Asnpulas Sala of Co acres of areallent Coal, cold 42 ecru yf Lama Oa Wednesday, Jaw 20th, t 0.2 o'clock, P. M., at the Commeressl Sale. Room.; eoruer of Wood ar4l. IPS% streets, will be •old by °vie t of Alex. Mlllas, Esq., At. slgnee el Robb 3molair, forty-five cotes of excellent coal, and about Pony-two acres of land, situated nu the bank of bin Monongahela, oppostte on svinsin is erected II or 10 dWCiiillg hortscri. 2 eofil rail road, iv:: tither Improvements far carrying att the coot business. Terms at sale. 107 JOHN I) DAVIS, /Ludt AMUSEMENTS TH EATRE Lessee and Manager. .•---0. 8. Porter. AZII3IO LCD 414.011MCIAGIV.11 W. 11. CEllr. BENEFIT OF MR. WOOD --OREtT BILL WZDNESto, EV.11,0, inn 12— To comtnetice with the BID OP.'S JOURNEY; oa Tux Strrhn 116.111 to • •• • •• • ............. Wood. Potoche .. Mr Prior. De Gaston Mr. goy. Adelaide Mrs. Mailianno ?attune. Mira Graim. After winch, a Compicaentary Prelentatign ?dz. Wood, by tt s friends and Dance. by Miss Homer. I Dance, by Master Wu td To conclude with the _ . SRIPNCIt ECFIrD SAILOR; of tEI Cotta. tEI Doo •ND tilt MaNWAT. goon lily. Wood. Atuukey M.stor Wood . CLIld )Laster Wood. Conefit. f Aft D-14 Obis No 1; 2 do No 21 now landing from Ls steamer Curnts-Hand No 121 for sale. In 7 NAIAD DICKEY k. CO, Front at ACON-6 111:43 assorted, landiag from soar Cam berlarol, r,or rate Jul" 'DAtAfI DICKEY &CO EATHEIL%-2S bgr now landing from algor Oma r berland No for sale ISAIM; DICKEY.At CO- ~b l b le; 2 elk., landing teem gine P I.ewe for . ale ru7 IdAIM' DIC'KEV de CO FEAT'II,ERS—e snags prime, landing from summer Cumberland and for .abe by 11 A FA11N1d5190.K..!. caso.. sal and Wood ate VLAXBEED-4 oink. tundras tram gamer Coin besland Lad for sale by ju7 B A FAIINESTOCX tc CO_t AMINE—Ito or Fares. just rued mad for sale by lop! ju7 B A FAHNESTOCK lk CO DRIED MAC/IF-S-7 packages unpared Paschen; 1 box pared do; just reed and for 'ale by ju7 C H GRANT INE FLOUR—WO bbbt good quality /Sue Roar, is - V fine order, in store red for sal e by to 7 SELLERS h NICOLE SUGAR CU RED it A filb-20 tierce : Evans A SION brand 40 do Taylor Sr. co', do. put up for family use; for rale by Jul SELLERS A NICOLS DM:ON—llama, Sides and Shoulders, of prime Thal- El tty, always on hand and for sale by Jul SELLERS a. N3COLS T SU bbts No 14 do No 4, in Eno order, AA for safe by ju7 SF.J.LERsIit NICOLS R ICS-10 se+ fresh Bons Cos just ree'd and en:e by rrt7 SELLERS& NICOLE DRI PEACHF3-400 trash DT Peaches, • prrese ante's, Just untt reed end for rale by jet JOHN WATT & CO I . ?lksil—at ht.!. I trimmed Shad; 40 do No 1 Her r rings; i 0 Jo No 1 Salmon; WOO lba Bacon Sides, n store sod for sale by iuO JOHN WATT a. CO CHEESE -100 dz. just ree'd and Cos slide si the W a Bolter nod C.J.re., Depot, and for sole by jut) J SI CANFIELD SCORCHINGS-3 ions, a prime article, for sale by AO J B CANFIELD I.t 011ACCO-50 keg. 6 twist Tobacco, jut' receired per stcaro . er genesee. ar!d for atila h p BUM-MIDGE, NI, it-SON is CO, Water Et ALGOEQL--10 be s w isnme artier, Nal recld • • for sale by AG ft E SELLERS, 67 Wood et DOWD ELM BARK—I bbl rust recd and for sin by jun R E F ELL ERS 'DARN ti REEN-2 canes, in mail ea a, inst reed r and for Ws by nad R E SELLERS SUGARF-3 !ibis double refined entailed; ft& do do Powdered; 3do Refined; sdo Clanked; 10 do as sorted Loaf; just received and for We by It l S D WILLIAMS, 110 Wood at L S and 3 Mackerel; No 1 Salmon; No I Shad and Herring; IN/bones Lobeo sealed ller rnia; for :ale LS D WILLIAMS O ATS -53 Lugs Ova, reed .nd / 116 • 31 Water and di Front al BACON--d,wo Ms Bacon, Shackles , . Sides and _l3 Hams. for sale 11 lu6 L S WATERMAN LOUR-129 bble etipetint s. tine Flour, teed tivi for ule by lab L 9 WATER MAN 42(1 DOZ. Cavan Cradles, a.nd a free dot limy Rakes, N.) 141 llOro VW tor sale by jud L e WATERMAN F l5lll-rviThi,l• laid: .Yo 3 hradaeral, Jr..... „ 30 , fret Husdasd Shad, No ti •J Herr NH, to strive. and W for tale by uo • L S ATERMAN DRIED PEACHES—a: bbia rea'd thie day tad for 11 for tale by _ _ AG TASSEY & BEST —__ BACON—ibexcienr , Sides, reed and for aide 1.7 duff TASSEY k. BEST _ • _ 7OW YARN-3 .k. tu note and for .le by 1. Juo TAYISEY &.11£37 , LARD OIL-10 bble Lard Oil, landing Dora ;Manses Neva England No Y - RT ro Brown & Co's brand,) and for sale low to close conaigWatill by Jos JAblEdi LIALRELI O VN DRIES-2So lb. Calais; 6 Mt chuff Tea; 60 lba Noonan, la las Choolate; 160 lb. Indigo, land ing per canal and for sale by JAMES DA ZELL OOL-3 oko Wool; I do Feathers, lending. Romw L ti &hi Line, and Winkle by 166 JAMI4SIISLZELL TharttiirSugar,uiTee ATIJId fitissla bY itts C GRANT CHEESE --E 9 bas ;Anon, landing (nom Lake Erie and MI. lola.lLtian, and tot aaU by JAMES DALZ ELI TrARNIM-700 tenons Furniture , 2oo do carriage, of Boston mortoractur, and of superior sar,bry, warranted, for sale very low to close constant:tent, by Ins LBAJAH DICKEY to CO. From a - - LARD --o 1) bbls No nova lonamag; for sale by juS LIBLIAN DICKEY it FO I)ACON-14 Elides, ob sell low-, 40,000 la in -Li =olio Loose, too'inly Hams end shouldsrs, read 7 1:x lelieety; wr ode by ISAIAH DIQISIA" to CO PRei, Wry INK jj kqVID"r:JhAr&PCZ; I,U E-60 byylt ;a &Lake; for. sal.e by jo4 3 ACHOON NT • ;Mg 4. CI - 00 bbl. Into? No lb do 4. 10 do do No S? 0 br hbto Non sod 14 .pection, landing awl Inc salt . joy - Nlll,l,Elt & incrersaN, na.a 174 W.cOI3I..tACIS bar pipea vario. IN3aVoTt o , ( } T OV 6:l7,fur VV:r auu.sa G RICIZersoN /111313 R-10 bbls pilaus Ode, just reed *rTdfoi - sile %-1 b 113 , 1 AO VT sfarrn co TT ARM ARD PAPER-100 row best r LI sale by DA Jsctipo: Bcirru CORKS-. 3 bale. by PA J SCIIOOII AKED ACo Q ALTPETRO—LS kerb for Nab by i scHOONMAKER & CO S Ibb TIOCTOP. ROSE'S FAULY I ILEDICINES—A rfi iupply Juat rec , d; fot .4 kt ja4 J SCHOONMalitad CO 021111R.R.8IGNVID eta bet (hued to ihn Alderman A. 0. Reinhart, 10011 the.lohn W Where he will be happy to sea thane Indented to hind After that ties, tuns will 60 httaught acuttut all delinquent. lad A. NITAMItION. rN.:en:WM t.n.lelttli t•yr.t. oestrous. to m..- 11014 inthetnatiro in regard to the number of the thet oeenrin the city weekly,, the eltaractet of the disettazt, toil the ac n e( the persons, ermnd respect- Daily *Mast the Pirratchene to report to them at the OIII>®IIINI geoo4 Ott use on Fade y ning Or 011 A Vitt of JOHN h 1.011.4 eve FOR ST7IS:-IFIR. . "cell,- The splendid steamer J.. 1. CRIITENTIEN. Coles, master, will leave for above and Intr_reledlate.pons Oda day, *t 4 =Mall For freight or pagan . noel y on tioart or LS 1119 PETTIORM &CO,Agts FOR CUOINNATL Ms fine• - sIeSOLT KIT. ;1711.N0s • .. 1: ; 4 %. Komar., Master, Wm lance for Catela ati and intermediate landing. an this day, or 10 o'clock. A. IL For freight orraseage, *PA" on boa:Liked' to jeat— _ CLEO B AIILTENBEAGER, Agt ' ciaitingisrew r. prrTsurnala DAILY PACKET LI N.E. 111.3 well known Ilse of splendid pessentee Steam. era is no composed of the latge s tOonlbed,bas Itshed and furnished, mished, ami most posterful boat" on the W9llOlll 0: the West. Every eseozamodation end Mb fort that money era prorate, has been provided expel. wagers The Line has been in operation for Erre —has carried • milleh of people without the lean Wa ry to their prase= The boats will be at the fora of Wood street the day previous to swam exactly tine of freight and the emir. of passengers= the ter. In elf eases the passage roam gossibb to advance. EIUNDA.III' PA.011.13,T0 The ISAAC NEWTON , - Captain Hemphill,ttrll leave Possburgh every Stuiday Inondng el to cooloall Wheeling event Sunday evening at 10 r. klay Jv, 1817. nolstifirriktiKET. The hIONONOA DELA, Capt arose, will law= burgh every Monday morning at 10 o'clock; every Monday evening at 10 r. 1 74.114110111 JP V. The HIBERNIA N 0.., Capt. L larrxratata. leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning 0.1.0 Volsci; Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 r. x. WEDNUIDAY — PAbIECET. The NEW ENGLAND No. it, Capt. B. . 'An leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday manta W . , 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening • .igo.k. THURSDAY PAORST. The BRILLIANT, Capt. Osac*, will , t ea , burgh every Thursday morui ~ ug at 10 ti.efock; vil mie u gs every Thursday evetung at 10 P. Pa IDAT T .;•Acrig.ET. ,T B . CLLP PER _No 8 , "4apt.. PUS DUVAL, will lean C . • Pit. bittlb every rr.day rimming at I.oo'cloot4 Wbv . .. '..„.: tin. cvnel Friday evening at 10 0. at. LIBIIC/ 'r., NEW N AND PITIEBITREE DAILY ',Ma ''...* OP CANAL AND STEAM PILCBMID .... i .... ....,... I 8 4 0 . (via atasoaw,) .. 'A 1 Lout", elnaburgh datly t at 0 dclocg , A . By, gD g .. .. rive.ye. ''.4 Elanow, ( month ord. Roo' ay and Beaver Ca. A .:) at 3 o' o f and N e v., , ,Li*ho''.l at 11, same night , Leaves New Lisbon at atm" e g, P. gi, (making ma '. • trip canal to the river dun.; 'Ma niabt,) and OLMOW , i at b o'clock, A AL, and are,,,,,,, - p ut a,,,,,f, . P. 3L—Onts making a eurt.r.,..." h,„„i o , cyr r. r i . ett „ n , aangen and fr.gta beroreen A N e w ju g b,,,, i6 g rpm e . .„: bnIIIA, . .b.ri 4 r th d. a. tma.t leas rants Um by any ...- e! , other ote. . . n. pmprietara of thla lam baye the pleasure eh. =.). (=To nu p , r ,r .f t : e " , jt i.nsy hazzLl.ttedaidp two ao miln2 freight, to ran '..onneet oat ion with thg known en sad steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER, end cot:meet ins, at with the Piusbohgh and Cineln adand whs. ; daily heel of steamers down the Ohio and , h , '..i rivers. The tro p ton pledge Nen, to enure no expense or tronble, to Insure ecan fort, esh'sy and dispatch, and ask of theVnbilot share of thou; patronage >z AP EIA TLIORIZED AGENIS. At. RTON, S. W. lIARBAVGH, Piguibiugh. ! • R. HANNA & Co. illef J. IidEBAtfOH 90. NgV L i abaL w ---- NOTICE—The steamer BEAVERS. &Clarke, anus. 4'. , ter, will Mare after this notice, for Wellsville pmts. ~tr ally, et 9 o'clock in the 00113.1.13 g. jell ..• OliiiilB 6l * * M l 4 strataren ARRANGEMENTS fur 1840. , 4, MONONGAHELA ROUTE. r, Only 13 21111 e• If t.gf!ag. ;.,.- Via Brottru.vvllle and Cumberland to .li=erti rig 44 Philadelphh, . . THE splendid and fast running U 8 Mall steam goo• .ATLANTIC, Capt J Parkinson; BALTIC, Cr r e 4 Jacobs; LOUIS AVLANE, Copt E Ben tetn are 'mg.., nicking doable daily tripe between - PITTSBURGH AND BROWNSVILLL 1 The morning boat will leave the Mow gisee e te, ' Wharf, above the Bridge, daily at 8 o'clordt ' A ubrey,' Passengers will take SUPERB COACHES•mgveme.,..-r villa, at a o'clock, P. M., and the splendid teere O r th. 1 1 Baldmore and Ohio Railroad, at Orunkeriseg. ere o'clock, A. M., and &Give in Balibnore tr.,e ameeves t ., ingyln time for the evening Una to Pk.iladtlittda and - Washington city. Prom Pittsburgh to Sable - ow, our( 32 hem . li Pare , Fled. PiLudmolfh lo railadelphio, =haus. .',' The evertrgAteutt. will leave sib O i t=egnigitSnall; boardrallge. P anengen by this heat will lodge GA in comfo , ,,,hi e state Ro oms the int night, roase7 , oeer the moo .stains the following day In Easteln built . • Couln, e'.ol lodge, the second Wght in Cumberland. ' Pusan gets haveehoice of either Steamboat or Roll : Read ',emcee Balmer, and Philadelphia, and the privP.mps of stopping at Cumberland and Baltimore, end rearming their seats at pleasure. Coaches chat tared to parties to travel es they please. We make up the loads and way hills for the Coach es in the Pittsburgh offices, (in order to more dim en arriving at Brosertsvillej tt is therefore Important for passengers to get their ockets before going oa board of the boat, at our office, blonongehela House, Weser street, or St Charles Hotel, Wood et,Pittsburgh. .. p ambdem J. hIPSIKIMEN, Agent Itistrurigh & Louisville Peels' Line FOB CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. The r a vi c uir ic er .. Ilsklep, mantel, *V leave for alums lroansedlato port. on Viredass doto;7 _to.l, .110 o'clock , s or ix 111 pasra= hoard, or GEO B MIL EIERGEEL errrsaunon AND LOUltrall.Lß PACKET LINE The new and aplendld liatpassintr gar paa3a Lvaa No. Mararauter, will leave far end* Iran and Louirrilln on . Thursday, B.a 3d inst., al ..4 'clank, A. M. For f lat or yoursage • ly on bar nuaßlYmog,_wasoWt. GEO B MILW.NBERGEIL azomas wawa racism sareanot PITTSBURGH AND 110CHINIIPUOLT. The steamboat PILOT No e, magLeapt. J. N. Shriek, leave. r „ tt , th , t very Tuesday, at 2 Waled p . for Elizabethtown, Cat:atria, Sunfish, Paoov r . p an ,. Landing, New Mattinsr!lle, Sardis, Siranwrille,lllePs Landing, Matamerns, A. BheoCa Landiag Waitaki°, Newport, Cow Creek, Marietta, rota kersborg, Wore Little Hooking and kl , ....kingpan. , Rte Heektagport vr/17 Thitrudite at 3 o'clock, P. M. Marietta on Prti e dr s y, a , lA. At lan dr egas th on Fr pr iday, haters night. iocipal part of Ow above town* sad By the abovearrangement. ltis boat will be able lay at Pittsburgh on &today., and keep that day as it should be. The puha* muy depend upon Ws boat el:talismans ha is trade dut.eft the low water action. apitsqee L whimrae relesshe O. LOUISI MOAMAR TUESDAY PAcKEF FOR St. The She Cast Innate 4 pessechte weenier ATLANTA ' Geo. W. Wicks, meter wIU have or the above and mt. every Tuesday, et ID o'clock, a. For freight or passafampty or E -C. KIN . No. 103 dorm Bow REGULAR STEM -17 n_ rectum loft 6r. Lour" za 7 lh: line fo G at mply . picssenjor 'A. McPherson, m11;1;7;711, lesisns or ho oho: • .ant Intermediate posse *co. r 7 Parnrcily, at 10 r. cg. For (might or passage o ING, No b ppty an rt or to E. C K I.S oo 3 Com. Raw Louirritte IZEJRUZEMMI The lighttfr4it itieluaei ? MET, ........".; Boyd, muter, yrill leave tot eta 'beau --...r , . and latermedrate pans this day, Tal* any, at 4 o'clock, it. at. For frolrht or Ora.aall, • OPIY " 00004. 0722 EUK ri ME:GUN° ANITURIDUEpORT. The news and substantlal 'UMW • HUDSON, vs&dirMillors, turner will pet for No yr regular rrip4 r kltween fillsbargie Wheeling and Ilridgeport She lea. Pinsbugb on Wednerday and Sato.... _For Irelght or passage, apply 0. Ftiff WHEEIANO ANDS The fine steam. CINDERELLA, George Cullman, sower, will lowa or above and tniennedale Pone o Mondays and Thanduya, at 1.0 a x For Might or passage, apply on board. apt 7 Etrr/Vi:AftZANESVH , LDPACKET. .ciat i s lh ow e l: e im. F4""i tet i' w YND' llt masa.. rev. as woolly _what ben.. Situ, burgh and ZEllelvltaVeS Firtahurgh aver, 'ram day. For freight appIy SAXER tr. FOILSVTD Agtr No 41 Warnat SUNDAY TRIPS TO BEAVER. `The U.S. Mall ateruster an c ragiat No. 1 217: 1 1Ve dw4 Wirbkul y atoning at 9 o'cloe9:, fue Sohear... R .,,,,,u, will gr and as S 'flock, . ~. Fare so Beaver nod back, Tweaty , , t e,, cam. exp.,' SUNDAY TRIPs To :iiriTtlit. *-- ~4 . .... The ster.oax arAve.kr. win lea,*' the wharf, wpotsta the Alonorterty•• hells }foamy *eery Sanday rools4All t o'cleek. for Bever. Taormina', mil leave Beaver at 1 dollek, P. M., w ...M y T , . " .4 o'clock. Fare, Tweraty-Sve Cents. a_ .... ___ ... --1: - --- - -- — l l5l l - tiNtrNIVATI ---- The fast nuentagatranter PENNSYLVANIA, Grantee, Mailer, will leave GM thoe r...d0, at to o'clock, A. and m. interaudiate porta sleety m ak i.. Ear !nista os passage apply onteanl. to WoO4l st FOR BT. . . n..Ploodi4 llit`c dramatis. slows/or BFACON, Codlle.i. master, will leiratilo - ' „'-"--" • :lit.. e day id 4 o'clock, Pat Par =Pi or Pie apply on Dorm!, or to '. Ida PETTIGREW & Co, Arced ORLEANS. • The splendid steamer jr. c r . STORM, Hopkins, ante; 'nu lams f;,i ; tbe r e nod Intermedhoe porn on tis day. at 4 Velma, P. M. Far freight invigilate tool) on bond. ur jos purrinßEW CO- Airsva: MOM - ag i gGEO axn.Tg3Bsß9na rwarEasß. B. AGENT, Fo ortA Coanzusion Gun lsAGEG4s, has resumed G e 7 'MU, *Arra Woo 4 GAi =NM f -n
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