ESTABLISHED BUSINESS CAlbs: • R. 11. CAJ.I.NALHAN, A TEV FINEY Ar LAW. °Mee on Fourth :cruet, T„.„ ~, Chary idle' nttd_crant at niyl:lly - A - g i th e prowar.taii2Eß,COmmissuto MeSehouts ..bil. sad en U. nut..., No. w nukes, street Putubtrrl , ,_ . _ _. . _ _ __ 1 duce__ s. a. IMIIIIVaD. %V, IL IL. BtiNiii I ELD &HAYS. Who i pale deafen in Dry Glootil ; Groceries, floces, 8 s, Ptusburgh_rearto teetered cracks, /se, No. 24 Liberty atieety fins. be r 3A.L . ~ . .0 4 Mb= a 2 YIUDIM, -- -- . — azq . 11 . :19,1 -_. — f tai. z i _ll- ; f r .. r n 1 Ot.E tneutsfsetuters as CCatch and Eliptto Sprit gm, Hammered -Asks, Spring soul Plough Steel, Inn, Re, Waraboisse on Water and Prom streets, Pinsturgb. also dealers t n: Coach Trimmings and Malleable Cassini. oat= WARBLE WORKS ON LIBERTY i E CIPMSIVE. THE HEAD OP WOOD, prrrsßuno IL EDMUND WILKINS, Corillmit. to manufaemns Monuments, Burial Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones, Memel Pieces, Coss tee and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic romble, at • regular and fair price. N. 31.—Dratongs for monuments, realm, Re. furnish ed, of any description.. He solicits • dere .of public patroasge sougtadtf u..7.r.t.'GTalri f ;or ag Co.) Wholesale Gcers, Cortjasion and r'or 'raiding Merchants, and dealer. in Produce .4 Pins burgh Alautunctures, Nu. 37 Wood st, between td and 3d Strettl. _Reit COCHBAN Co=llll4oll and Forwarding Merohant, No. CO Wood sweat. Pittsburgh tayll . . HOME LEMAUE FACTORS". - HAMILION STEWART, mentitacturce el Heavy Shletteee, Cheek e, tc , Rebecca etre., tin of Allegheny.!' • W•T-EE, 0511Cee1...a w hiarphy fir,ce;) Wool Dial er and Commtssion Merchant, for the vole of American Woolens, Liberty, opptunte fah mt. lett; Ana, ummi,Balamora. A. J. 8t.... Philada:' c.II 7 CISLII., /OBIT.. WAS.S.II, tinLD t BUCIiNOI4, Tobacco Comtbirmon . Rot enntita, 41 North Wawa' North Mitarres, rtui. Govt u• at.t. 'Lahr. __. _____r . . Wht. . /With ,10rAltire, JONES A Co., Isocoossors to .htl4rood, JJI. Jon , . b. Co.) Comuomon andForvetuding)kler. Chants, LiCal.Pll to Pinaborgli blimutocuated '41,W., riftsbarehx . ._____ • ..___ __ _____.. .. . Mr.b27 tra/AZI tannin, In, ISAIAH DICKE); A. Co., Wholesale firocers; (luta snomon Merchant., and deal!, In Produce, N 05.54 ater, cod 107 Feont'streers, Patsburgh : 6.6 13. tiANFIELD, (late of Warren, Otto,) awn and Forwerctog Metchtun, and arholcarda neater ov We Reserve Cheese ; 'Hurter, Pat and Peal -b, and Western Produce generally, Water toot, between atnithlteld end Wood, Pinlburgh.. ap3 JOIIN WATT (succeasor- to Lbws g Gebbart.) IVholeartle firoter and ttouuntssion Merchant. dealer en Produce and Pnretturgh hlanureetures,nor ner of Liberty nod Hand &tree.. etluthurgh Pa. io t a AMES S'McGUIRE, arta , - tiro of Allen nod JMcGaire,) Merchant Tolor, St. Charles Ihrldings, Una! ernes near Wood, Parsourgh. • _ J1.1111.N A. HUTCHISON; k CO.—StroceSeari m Len th !lookout; S Co, Comoz.vion Merchants, and A p eta of di at. Lou. ;loan , Sugar kidipery. Na. 4 3 Rater and WI !tool gavots, Pltistratyt. ' Janl LALWOECI'II tr. Co., V. Outcasts Growers; Pro ftterlu i Pro c! And Powder blercyon? , , and Agents Powder Co. of N. 1., No. 27 Wood ss, rlntsburstt. 1 WIN O. MORGAN, IVlatkaale Druggist, at:ardent- Uar Drothuthi, ion., Otis, Varnis, 0.103 Wood 41.1CC1,0. door South of Diamond Alley, Puts burgh j - Aldb3. KERR, Jr., & Co., Nan err ur Joseph G. Darts ' ) Ship Chuadlors,3o Water street oIIN - -16 - HP , f ILMELLOR, iNitolesalo and Re — ulidealer in Music and Musical illStrumeau, Scheel Boos; aper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Pruners , Cards,. and Stationary generally,No. el Wood st., Pittsburgh. Er Rugs bought or taken in trade. sePIS ' 50111J0.N.M.A. & - Co, Win3liritihs Draygutry U • No. 24 Wood street, Plushurgh. N D. DAVIS, Anononeer, eorner3itrailX V 1 WI meets, Pittsburgh. . °out T3I:iNsToN fr.. STOCKTON itookitellers, ..Printers and Paper Manufacturern, N 0.44 Market qt, Pitts. lob JOHN rlOl/1. Wawa:Ll .F 14.1 T di IL FLOYD, Vtlialesale Graters, Comm..illni ir• iiiereltente, arid Dealers Piodnee, Ronne Cliareb Buildings, fronting on Liberty, Wood and Gib streets, Pittebnityb, Pa tayS Dn I9RI I, Wholesale Grocer, CeramLoma g#trcioutt, and dealer in Products and Pinsbaran Juan L. ; . c ,. :. . ~.,e ~.„.w wi , .. 41 4 - 1 _.._.._ .... ' /USN BULL PlA•reill tilloll, PA. VENN - M:IY, CHIL LS & CC ., Illassfacturers of eery JILL superior 4-1 &cottage, Carpet Chain, Coupe *.tssine and Datung. x 034 • eesivltta Iron Works. T SWIG, D.A.L.ZELL Ik. Co., temulatturers of al! ii ll 1.“ Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron nod Nails of the hen qnslitr. Waretueme, 54 venter and 11.* from n. Janl9 • L,B W AII.P.IIA.N, NV Lalcsale Grocer, Fararard• mg and Commission Merchant, Dealec in Prue. b Maldrfuctares and Produce, Nos. 31 AV rue, it and Cl Front aL. ."' rt[Dtat WOODY 13. JOHN k. as 1V ILIGIIMIEDY G. SAWYER, iIOOICING GLa.96 Manufacturers, and Wholesale dealers in foreign and domestic Variety kloods. inern merchants, Pedlars and others are Man.d to call and examine the prices and quality of oar stock, as with oar present increased facilnies in manafactur ng and purchasing, we think we can offer.. great dabements to buyers us any other house weak of the MOtnitains. • Importers of-Braudies, Wines and Segura., Nos. 172 sad 071, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Plea- Gurgh, P. 249. D. LIVaLL.L. D1.L.L.700 C. ILOD. OGILLS &ROE, Wholesale Grover. and t;omarir -171 Merchants, No. IR laherty at., Pittsburgh yo MuxPll & CO., liMo Janos, Murphy & Co.) Wholesale Dealers to Dry Goods, No. 4o Wood strum, Pittsburgh. norti to Arala, _ ALM. Mince WX. ISIKICX. — NAL/AEI I Co mid I , ormarsang 9 Merchants, iVater end Front eta, berernan M trod Market sts. *MI ATTSIEW WIL , ON, Portrait mid Mimstorepdhs. ANA Um Rooms, comer of Pont Moo &Day and Fourth mew, ensnare on 4th near Market. deo6.4ltf. HOLitES & SON, No. fiC. Marken lA, second' 4,1. 9 L door Dom camer of Fourth, dealers Jr( Forelirn and Dnatenlal Wile of, Corulacotssisf //epos ., all the principal titles dial?. coUrth,,e, theist, south side. door wit the grimiest 'biles to float Uwe examined, &o. oei3o , ly H. 'l.`.illestrests, M. D., • • iArTannic SURGEON. will attend to the Omi t/ enema Diseases et the kye. Dr. D. has beenmimed in this branch of the Medi eaPprofession for dateen years, and hem conartetedan establishment for rh. treatment of Meesees of ine eye alone for several years. terries and residence, corner of Sandusky at and • Strawberry alley, Allegheny_ city, • sietla EIPIIIII.III TAG* eit i riguip,..-_N g . • a., near Wood—All quarguiee of Breen en d Black Teas, done up in quarter, half, and one pOlino packages ringing from su Si" jy4 A. JAI Nl-Z, agt ter Pekin Trice.: .ffOtT hiOuul t Wooielsole Grocer, fieeliyirn g Distil:G,r, dealer m Produce, Pittsburghillanalits taxes arid all kinds of Foreign and Duncan,, Wilma 11.11d1114gars, No. it Liberty street On hand a very large mockoi superior old Monongahela whiskey, which will be sold low for cash. Splfray =WM ? .. T5,130.11,, - sees on. 4 ionntson ROBINSON .c., Wholenzde tirocenr, Prodnee and Conunission Sterehanu, and Wale's idPittip• ores Manufactures, No. hill Liberty at, Pittsburgh. /Wan' rEta DALAILL & Co, Cammiation aad Forwardlng Merchants, dealers Produce and Pittsburgh libutufacturce,.Libe l ytn Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. A, GUN:VIM:IIAM, Wholesale Ginicer Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh filluiviattures, x. 14 9 Liberty at 3. 1. 111,IIIL I,IEYNOLTdr3 /a MEE., Forwardilic and Commission 11., Merchant., for the Allcgiteby Hives Thule, deal er. In Grossites, Product, Pittsburgh Alandraenues and Chloride of Uwe. Ttionlirheasprieos, in mush, paid at all fillet, for rat. Cotner of Pena and Irwin ma, jaw C. loptimarm TROL C. warts & WILITE, Wbbleaule Dealer. In Poaa ar,d Domenic Dry Goods. N 0.911 I=l. chanty e In Plow and Produce generally, and Forwarding Cacosuladon 61i:renews, No. 63 Water at., Pim. burgh. QUM, BASALLY & Co., Wholesale Oroastrand k Prodoee dealers, N0..5.L1 Slakes street,bateven6th S Borth side, Philadelphia- nerd nam2---477M7W XA277.63. NICOLS, Predate and General MU S Sduks //mTbsok, No. 17 Liberty at, Pittsburgh. sperm, Linseed and Laid Oils. EI:VON 80, NNHORSP, & Co, Wholesale Oro. cam Forwarding altd Commission Merchants, In Pittsburgh Manaketures tnd Western Pro- No. a to thth 911,1 waroSoUse,(old stand) corner of Prom at and Chancery Lan& so ' .. ____ ______. _____ . W. j. 111011 t. score. ROTH Ia.SCOTT Wholesale and Retailt: dealerain Treads Carpel Bags, de b IY— o r ciritlitTSmilhtiold su, Pituburgt P " . . ~ a. Ya 3 ' 1,41 -- TE -1 Ortwr, Wholesale Grooms ea-tali:Ma , albs metohants, and dealers in Produce.' .No. - nd sadist., Pittsburgh. • mrd M. ARTCHELTRER, Wriolinialinsee-rs a Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Llano, chants. Also, Importers of Soda Ash and Bleach mg Powder, . No. 100 Liberty strew, Pittsburgh, Pa. - powder, re.-- . WI 11. Wick DAN TD Ira. Inn& "Viz & IirtANDIMS, (mice:nano In L. &J. D Winkl) Whol.nin Gtneem, Fomenting ' ind .........100 blerchants, dealers- In Iron, Nana, Gann Yarns, and Pitaurgh Manufeennes genernny, Romer of Wood and Ulmer -treats, Pituburel, . _ EirifT._ W -1 - - e... - otintinision and s Piriiinitdinn alercbent, NaNo. 90 Frani et. between Woodeinn el atreetn. GAM ___________ ...... -- 7Vlr--"Ur, oduwone ...I hitsl Plums& WI Inestabli.otent, No •N 4 Labcrly ~ near the gent marts z 7 : 4 6 ,,,• : 41 4. 1 : -. . -:- ..f';' ,,, f ,,, 7317<- - . ,,,,,, ,--.., , ,, , ,,,,,,,,,,..,.. ~. .._ ~ - ......... ~ _ - ' • F . i:. , . ... .:, . • ! T TUE ?:". .• . , .. GAZE TE. - . if ix 1786. CARDS. R TitUltPLDiVintolezale and Retail deider in W Foreign and Demesne Dry Goods, north etut ',garner of Market end fourth rt._ _.nrzt TOLNO, ISO. Z. WCIISIL YOUNG it C?-Dealer' in leather hide., it.. V ; 143 Liberty it. an6l LOST. IeCCIOI.II- Ali 7 aA. 6PCIITCf(IDON, Wholesale (ironer. de. >IT T . lent in Produce, Iron, Natl., Was. and Pau. ..eurgh Manufactures generalg, Ikt laberry .4 Pin. .3.‘ irr / v #t_.. l • dee2 ; VAVlLMNXiiiiliele - viilig, — itifc , ci Wire, • and hillltgry Goods, corner of Marketand tth ttl.teets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—Watches and Clocks 1 6arefnily repaired -• dee4 V11.:11.&61 SMITH., Manufacturer of Cotton and .... colored Lineo,Fringes for Dresses, &a; Sewing Bilk and colored COttlgt Prince for silk wid Foghorn 4 ."."- Glory, Mohair, and Silk Bunton Fring 66 , itnade to cagier on the shortest notice. S - ross, comer of Maiden Lane and William, entrance ico 55 Wilt= streclud floor, over Abner & Ely.' grow.. No 65 Maiden L c New York Jr 10 ,lir ty WlLSON,._pealer 10 — Witeficst, Jasvelry t ' Silver Ware, Painitary Goods, &c., No. 57 Aa, Let at n 0167 • , wki.vooNo Not co., EII4ERS IN HIDES AND LEATHER, hloroeert . 4 Shoe Findinas,..te:, No. 143 Liberty street, have st reeeiverl their SPRING STOCK ot Epode, corn tyisiog a lame assortment of articles in their line, to Vellich the attention of purchasers is invited. • le. met 13 „ xis rucw & co., STEAM BOAT AGENTS Orin. Leo. M. Au.r.s & Co, No, 42 Wale r sue, INSURANCE. .• DIRE AND Di,DiNE INSURANCE. TUE INSURANCE CO. of Nonh Amonoa will make permanent and limited Insurance on pm- POSY in this coy and tteinity, and t n shipments by tSnal, Rivera, Lakes, and by Sea The properties of ill, Company are well invested, and famish an avail. able fund for the ample indemnity of all person. who datae to be protected by insurance. myla WM. I'. JONES, Agent, 44 Water at A. From-Can Farr lnissrsacc Ca of Ph 4 2 ,441, 1 4. TVREC:TORE4.--Charlea N..Baricker Thornai Ran, 1./ Tolima Wagner. Stenrel Gnsot,Jacob IL South, Geo. W Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph° E. Scow, David S. Brown, lilorris Patterson. , Cr - minks N. Bancs..ta, President. blades C. Baneker, gp r cruary Einutnue to make insdrance, perpetual or limited, i f on very dercripuon of property la town or country, at: ales as low as are COyallAtellt wnit seeurity. , o Company have reserved a large contrugent Fund, sv eh taut their Capital' and Premiums, suavely mrest e , afford ample protection to the assured. IThe assets of the corollary, on January lit, 1C49. piblialled agreeably to an net of Assembly, were follows, viz ' Mortgages .... • • Real Estate . Temporary 14ans Storks Cash, &r ,4P2 71 Ether thmr utcorporation, a period of e1,.T.. 19 years, they bite pant upwards of one million four hundred thou, and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording . evidence aPtlto advantages of insurance, an well as the ability and disposnion to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GAUDIN ER thliFFEsi, Agent, y 0111 ea N E corner Waal and 311 yt• OrLANtrarK V.ItANCIO CO. 1,) A. MADEIRA, Aisint at Pittsburgh for the Data . ware Mutual Safely Insurance Comp.) of Phial atielpina. Fire Ruts upon buildings and merchittuttac f:hvery dusertfonnu d Mande 1LA1,4 upon bulls or cites of VC•selll, ;Id upon the most favorable te thrice in the Warehouse of W. B Holmes & Bro., Wasr, near Market street, Pitsbureh. N. B.—The success of this Company sinus the Isiah. lishment of UlO Agency ei this city, with the prompt nett and liberality with Which every claim upon them Milos has teen atipusten, fully warrant the agent in brilling the confidence and patronage ofhis friends and thetrunmunity at large to the Delaware M. S. Lau. 1114 Ce Company, while it has the additional advantage. as fin institution among tll# Most flourishing in Pluladel- PidS--as having an ample aid-in iviuch by the operation of us chants Ss constantly increung, as yielding to...each person insured Ms due share of the profits of the company, VlllOlll involving bun in any reslionsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing thnfilenual principle diveited of every ° fea ture, and in is most attractive form nov4 rgN. - Vi rf E C. l atiMilru co :fTgn o t, a jt o e "h in= n be"r 4 o ren g in h mac permanent and housed lutu-sice on property in this city and its vice pity, and on alimments by the Ca nal And Steers. 1 ' DIRECTORS. Arthur G Coen, Charles Taylor • Sam'l W. Jones, Amb rose ' 1 3bat 'e, &warn Sonia Jacob ALThomas, John A. Brown, John R. Neff; John Whim, Richard D. Wood, Thomas P. Cope, , Wm. Welsh, Samuel F. breath . Frames tiosssus, Samuel Brooks, S. Austin Allihnne, ` ARTHUR O. COFFIN, ?reel. Haan D. Poseuccsr., Scc'y. This is the oldest Ltuntrance Company In the IDU.d States, hares- been chartered in 1784. hi teener is perpetual, and from its legit scawing. long experience, ....40 , ......, and avoiding all risk, of au extra hak wl character, a may be considered as offerincam plc _minty to the public . . W. P. .lONF..Z. .4:01e. Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co, Wa• ter khd Front streets Pmeonrelt. mays r[ 1 1:0 - itlitICRLBER has been appal/1161 Agent pro J, lem. of the Insurance Company of North America, a milt-ill moue Policies atidattend to the other business oldie Agoiwy, at the waresoum of Atwood, Jones & Co. `. twit WM. P JONES. water Cl . . - - FORWARDING 4k COMMISSION C. 6 V/I.Blol.3Witt IIYrULDO tuba. nu D&X.B.NTIOWN.O. & CO. EI TOBACCO COMMISSON DIBBCILLBTX, No. 5.1 South NVbarres, n..i No. 117 South Water et. PIIILA lit :LPG IA BEGS to inform the trade natal dealery generally, of pittsburgh, Mat they more Aztec metiers - wiUlthe Vtrginia mansitacturera and the Growers of the West, West Gases, mid other places, as will Insure • a leige and CO.LIIM stuppl• of the following desenp tionsiof Tobacco, vetueb will be gold upon as accom modating terms as any other house us this nay or else whete, and all goods ordeged foam them will be war. rented equal to representation: Havana; St. Domingo; Co. ; Yard; Porto Leo; - Ferns-; Seed Leaf to. Cabe; Igninq d. Florida; bacro; ALSO—Branch's .lebraled Aromatic Stag Cavms dishoroth a huge assort:racist of tuber popular brands, and qualtues of po.ds, ba, tla , 12a, Ito and .275, Lump; ss, 6,8 s and ills Plug; LaMes' Twist; Tapes. Tana, Sze., sweet and plain, m whole and half boxes, wood and do, together with every variety of article belong ing to the trade. selndly JOHN A.• BHA W, • PACKER OF PORK AND BEEF, Commiulon Merchant and Forwarder, NO. 1 CANAL ST., CINCLV.VATI, OHIO. tjp Paructiler attention; paid to the parclutaing of clamp article of Produce id this market. Also to the forwarding of Goods generilly. Refer to . John Suunsef & Co, Nartiu Stodkvrelli-Cinsineten, 0 S. C. P•rtharst, Esq.; Lippincott A Co. 'Kier A Jones, }Pittsburgh, Pa. • i'English A Bennett Entirtt.l6m GEORGE 000M.IIAS. Contra. Wilma and Foirardleta Merchant. do. 26 WOOD irrl, arrnsistraan, (UV - MUM to transact g general Canurtiation bust. L,/ nous, °venially in do parchase and ade of Amer-t -eam Manufactures and Produce, nod in receiving sod forwarding Goods consignee:no his case. As Agent for the iilitru&t. turas, ha will bD constantly supplied watt the principal uncles of Pittlburgh blanufactnrc at the lowest wholesale prices. Order* and cullugilfrieltts are *tactfully salicited. M. E G.lO LF, VPRCILANDISE BROKE& and Chrunossion Mer. /LE. Ghent, No. as South Front street, oreeond story,) PhiLtielpturt. ilg - Goais purchased, peeked, Inaosed, arid dipped to order. Wtsol, Flour, Grubi, Dried Frun tud Cheese received do consignment and star ate, sklth insurance obtained. acturscra--Wm. Bell ik..Son, Mr. 11. Itigby, and Igr. "eves , Chtds, Pittabrath. readdes __ • _ GEORGE A. BERRY, wnoLusiu.v. GROCERS, POMPEDIMI AND 01119118810 M ➢IRACRAAT, AND DEALER IN Nails, Cotton Vinriss 6 Pittsburgh Blinaursotursir goners...lly, 'Las. IO woos nsrst, rtniumbut, ra. : R. T. LEECH, JR,,, Iv:porter and Dealer in Arden and Dorneent Saddlery Hardware & Carriage Trimmings, No. 133 Wood at,Pltilaburgts, Pa. "lint ' tes t M i t v ag g o k ttn OVSWelaP,lCYfint.irtanG=s end nd Merchants to his stock. It has beta bought upon the best [firms, from the best sobrees. and be therefore Cools confident of being able to afiord sensfeetron to all who may favor bran snit k o &IL me 1127:dtim /AL 114'Irtal n. P.. r. PIII . OIA,N. Grp. I. 1011M9011. 43r.A . 111A21r. PITTIIIAN It, co., FOEWAEDINB k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 152 Seeo:od etreet, m027:46m. • ST. LOUIS, MO. -- • 6...!PADkNTSLICPVEI.S, 8..a.-1.50 dos Spades and Rho- IJ 90 do Moose, Forkii st, do Grain Shovels; 00 du Sakai do; dies, IlatchSts, Mattocks and Pieta, Bellosi!s, Vices , tut, for sale at manafacture iv prices: by nests GEO - COCHRAN. 00 wood .1 PITTSBURGH STEEL - 15 1- ofirS ./iAtEr SPRING AND AXLE. PACTORI I:ISAC MILS,Ir. JONES & Quiso, itArAtIPACTURERS of Spring and baster stel plough steel, steel plougp vnugn, comets and , c , 1 , 1 , 0 tic apriiip,hurtmered iron aAles, and dealers in [cable eastutga, fire engine lamps, and coach trimmings gentrally, corner of Ross and Ftbni ass., Pitts bu rgh, reliS Siglisortug FOR PUIIIFYINO WATER, ' • Which renders turbid water pare by removing aubstanoes not soluble to matter. The crown water le N. York, • net clear and pure to the eye, yet non it ring r ptztes A ma g.. llo . ur i throuiLLll2l argo 4 - impure subgenera, worms, Zso7T is the ease more or lest with hydrant water. hat The Reversible Filterer 114.41 and durable, and Is cot attended with the fncoavanience Incident to o th er Inherent, tm It eleansed•without beteg detached from the wafts pipe, by merely MIMI* the key or tussah. from out ado to the other. Ity this emy Process, 'ths ...twig water Is changed, Seld accueuulatians to Iscpure stabstattees are von of almost instaatly, without unscrewing the Met. It Woo possesses the eriv.,m,p, of being estop cock, and as such la many oases Kill be very COUVPILIELLt end ccouoatio•l lieu - be attached where there Is any pressure With or low lo a cask, tank, tab, tee. with ease- To be hat of the sole Agent, o• W. W. WILSON, ontl7 corner of .roarth and Market sts DOH BALE=A ilil — vlioine — Famliy Carriage, for oats or -.ecotone., built m Philadelphia by a celebra ted resestafsentrer. This carting* is in every respect e first Into mimic, made with tell the modem improve. teems, lined with blue Math .and .finished in superior manner. 11 is entirely new, to sold for warn of use. Enquiryf ALkIXANDER DAY, map b Market N W corner of Abe Diamond ltitEari.--100 has ..LIZO beam CheC•ty No reed / and be, sale be .t 111 OA hiIMVI.T U AU—.73 bbd. prime N O Sager, rot male 411 2, : L S WATPanT N LAW OFFICES, WM. TIMALIN, --- ATTonzr}ror AT LAW, Butler, Pa WILL also attend to collections and all other bud ness entrusted to hint in Batter and Armstrong counties, Pa. Ruler to I & R. Floyd, Liberty ot.l W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do / Ptusburgn. dly Ray & Co., Wood st. 1 - - mn7 J. o B p . po S IRT.ZILIA.7ney, L t , haCI;II4 at., lso attend promptly to Colle e cuoTtn ss t as u cuuTusin, r a yttte and Green counties, Pa. FER TO ' Blacknock, Dell & RE Co., Church & Carothers, Pittsburgh. Fl T. Morgan EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Counsellor at Lai . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Oh and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and car fully attended to. Commissioner far the State of Pen syttannin for taking Drpomorts, acknowledgmen. &e. Ran ro—lfon. Wm. Bell A Bon, Curtis. Church A Carousers, Wm. inapt, Esq., Wlllock & Deets. esti ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office removed to Fourth streeL between Smtikbeld and Grant street. Ja3-d3m 1.111 DVILO, 1. ....ON SIR' TA UN LO &S 1 WELL. attorney at Lase, Milken • J.../ Smithfield. ne.veen Jd and 4th ets. JURN If. RANKIN, Anniney and Counsellor at Late and Commissioner ;or the State of Pennsylvania dt. Louts, hlo, (Into of Pittsburgh.) Ravankriecs.—Pittshargh: lion W Forward, Raton. lon dr.. Maier, Ill'eandless Johts P. Parke, Riserlls dt Scrap!, hreord le Kling. )01.1.1y _ . JOIIN T. (Dewitt - lAA. A TTOFLNET AT LAW, Fount, street, liename. Smithfield and Grant. lal2-dtim WIC. C;FTLIEND, A TtORNEY AT LAW, Fourth street. near Grant jal,dly . _ TO. 11. ROBINSON, Attorney at L. has re. . moved his Mime to Me Fselange Buildinp, St. Clair et., next door to Alderman Johns. apPly HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS SPCOILD& CO., ill ) (Su ccew rs to M l Cord & Usk . ) Fashionable Hatter:s,, Oornor of Wow! 4"d 1 , 411: Streets. PARTICULAR attention paid to one Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon gallant their Hats and Caps from our establishment of the sat auras/aka and WOlllfaialis.,, of thn LatnlT antis and at tic LuVirESI Wintry Alerehants,Vorehesing by wholesale, are respectfully melted to sail and canine oar Stock, as Inc can say with confidence that as regards attune and `MUM it will not suffer ins comparison with any house in Philadelphia. CALIFORNIA HATS-12 dor toter pine Canto ruin Hats, last received alit or sale by Wei /RD & Co, corner SW and Wood all 31,917,432 41 94,724 , 0 96,001 es :•1 An 25 Li -454 T r . 2, SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1849. , M'CUKII a. Co. will introduce on Sam, litieday. Marva MI, to, Sprtng , dyl< of HAT. Too.° m want of a nrat audaopertor ham are in,. to call at corner of tala and iVood 'treat, marl BONNET it 'duskily 0 has now open q supply of spring Bonnet liibtionn, of new and handsome styles. Also, new style fig'd Netts; I.isle Limes and Eas ing"; Linen Edgings; Victoria do; plaid Moulins mi.J Jaconets, embroidered Boors filunlins, . i,enotre a large imsortineut of Spring Goods generally , ut north east corner 4th and Market streets. Wholesale Rooms Ur stems, and MEDICAL. CHETACIENT.—IIorses white mantes at large jA, in the fields are retry apt to bruise and injure themselves In many ways They ars ...CT% 41,s:tided 50 .to be aseless for a long umg If trainedtate use could be made of B. A. Fahumatnek S Co.`. ltubefs• clam, and the I rulaed part well saturated, and the remedy rubbed m, it would par relief and ease the pain. No fanner should be <cahoot 0101 celebrated modicum, as it Is abke bootleg to manor beast Pre pared and sold by LS A FAILNE,TOCK dr. C.o. corner of Wood and Ist sty aim, cornernth and Wood. 01117 M o , l t i m G. u. teN 'S p h W R .,; 11 c e e lC . l . L . L f E T L— rg A a n n ot . h , e , r e r .,, roZ g o , f Prresstann, May la, ISO& Mr. John D. Mort-am—lf my name in of any use to the sabring community, nit regard to the article of Mommats Vermlfuge. you ane.perfertly welcome tett. I load two children sorely aLEhtted vet. worms; I be came alarmed, and very Justly so, when I toed your renowned Verunfugg, and altantsning to tell. one of them was delivered of about fifty worms fifteen aches long, of the most frightful kmd, resemblingmore the appearance of eels. The other child was delivered 01 about The children are now doing finely. You may well Se proud of r Worm hiller. Yours truly . D•via Smola, Vtrgin ably Prepared and sold wholesale and retool by JOON D. MORGAN, Druggist., Wood street, our door below A rmond alley. my t 4 Y OUR COUGH It' LIE CljLtp po . , w.,d4 A i IMP _Mr. R. E. Sellers: Being adherenttor some tome wth a rough, winch was so severe as to unfit me Inr any deny employment. Frequently atter coughing. ha, been so much exhausted, as to I.e obitgrd to sit JOWII and rest. Lleartng of the good effects produced by your Cough Syrup, 1 ..cloded ID give it a Mai, art am happy to say rt produced the desired effeet m my ease. Mar slog try onenight, the rough was nbatea, and I am now perfectly well. James .1011,.. This pleasant mud popular Cough So rap ts prepared and sold by R 51 Wood &treat Sold also by Deaggtata genermly to the two cities and vi (iaity. noyl I (L , AV EDIIER LIFE—St Ilcra Vertmfuge u thogarn• CO ale Laustarrm. Va.. Jan 20, 1.41) Mr. J. M. IViison—Dear Sir 'ITe etas of Searm, Vernoluge Imught from you kmm Lmm. ego. from my 'Or. 5 year; o.d, the amotu•hom number of .5 hundred Worm*. I ~e be.a sveuld have a very &barn., Lout for thm IneMeine Nye SHAM' Jr Prepared and &old by R K SELLERS, e, told also by Oraegist• centrally in the, two ernes m, I.IIfPOIIVAN7' TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies. TAB. JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and b . , per, praetor of mese most popul thend beneficial med icines, and also the inventor of celebrated instru ment far inflating the Lungs, to effecting n cure of Chronic diseases, sass a student of that eminent pbre than, Doctor Physic, and is agrade ale of the Univers, ty of Peunsylvunta, and for thirty years store hat been engaged in the investigation of disease, and the appti• cauon of reined.* thereto. Througl the use of his inflating tube, in cormerbon myth his Prophylactic Syrupand other of ho. remedies, he has gained an !move/riled eminence in curthe those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Core gumption, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma Fever and Avis, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Erysipe las, and all those obstinate diseases peculiar to fernalfc Indeed every form or disease vanishes under Mr use of his remedies, to winch humanity is heir—riot by the use of one compound only, for that ismpaulde math Physiological Law, but by the ear oftnco his name dies, adapted to and preseribed for marl, peculiar loon of diseue Dr. Bore'. Tonic Alterative Pills, when used ore in• vanably acknowledged to be aupenor to all other, as a purgative or liner pill. inasmuch w they lee,. the bowel. perfectly free from (tonaveacp, hit Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty to posw a liar properties adapted to female diseases, cot being satisfied thiu a bare trial is guillemot to establish what has been said In the minds of the most skopucal The aflietest are incited to cull upon the agent, end procure (gratis) one of the Doetor's pamphlet,, gong • detailed account of each remedy and its appliestion. For sale by the fob agents, as well wit) the, Drtggisw throughost the country: J Sebooninaker & Ca 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh, J N Townsend, draggist, 42 Market Lea A Beckbani ' ' near the P. O. Allegheny city; Jos Barkley, Dallowton, Beaver COlably, Pa. Join Elliott, Iletion Volley, T Adayavkteave r, y Jaynes , Expeotormert. liamrst, Columbur.aa to., 0., Apr. 21, 1.11 DIL D. JAYNES: Dr,a Ste :- 1 feel bound to ion and the aillietedpub lie, to avail myth( of no. op. ponunity ofgtvntg publicity to the cstraordulary rrlects of your Expectorant on myself. R•vstifbeen for several years with .era te coog bee. - fever and its concomitant illsesmcs, and seenie only doomed to linger out a short but miserable existence, until lie fall of IPIIP, when. being more severely attacked. and having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre senor°. oft w 000 of the Meet leppeClehle physicians in the neighlmthd without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of surviving but a few , days or weeks at farthest—when the last gleam of hope 'ear about to vanish, I had recommended w in. your Expeciorant— and blessed by that Being who does all things in the sae of the means—and contrary to the expectations of my physician, and friends, I was to a few days raised from my bed, and was enabled ley the dm of a bottle, to attend to my brusinem, enjoying cone boner health than I had for ten year. prevtous. Respectful?) yinua, We., ins. W. Ertu..l... For sale in Putaburgh, at the Prim Tea Store, 711 Fourth street mar.* R OUSSEL'S AROMATICK VINEGAR.—The big,b ly sana, balf M amic and ate properties o f mi. Vinegar render tory it far supenor to Cologne water for the ordurary purposes. of the toilet' surpas•ing the lac ter in tts perfume. It prevents and removes punples, letter and asperity of the slab it refreshes and whitens the skin, rendering it soil and smooth. It corrects the clammy and bitter rusts of t h e mouth, imparting a fresh and pleasant breath. It cleanse. andhttena the teeth, and hardens the gums. For all th e w above put. poses, It is Used with water in such proportion as may be found most agreeable. By inhaling it and cabling it on the temples, u will (MOVE headache. If applied manual) to a barn or brutes, it will eventually prevent mortification. It correct vitiated air, and guaranties from contagion; it is therefore very useful for purthing and pertuannp apartment. For sale by R SELWRS,' Wholesale Druggist, mcb3l b 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh - /News In Teem . THIS is to certify that I purchased one ylul of Dr. HaLana's Warm Specific, seine two month!, ego end gave to • son of intri b sorae seven yen. old. two ur rispocas fall, and ale. the amount may appe. largo, yet ‘ I have dou t but there was upwards of MO Maw= won sal passed from him i measuring torn ma quartarcif an inch to two inches ling. W HOLLIDAY. Renur's Crock, Canal co. Tenn, Dec 27, 1047. j 294 S ELLER.Hi Vt.:Min./OF:TS GEORGIA.— COLUMBUS, Jan. K 2, 1150. Mr. R. F.. Sellers:—Your Vennifoge has sold well, and has been hies) , spoken of by all who hays used It. From the nieces. unending the admintstratlon of your Vemtifuge invery true I have heard of, I am confident I eon sel l more daring the coming season than I did last. I will be glad to receive another sup. ply of 4or 5 groat Yours, respectfully, Matra. from letter./ ft CARTER_ Prepared and sold by B. F.. RELL.F I U 57 Wood et, and Bold by druggists generally, la Pittsburgh and Al leghay. fall usralovfa.. rruE .b.riber Ens removed his Wholesale Omen ry Store to the Center of Hancock street and /she glmay Whea t ( / ' =lt door to the Potty House. meh27:d JOHN F. PERRY. • . - ii l oralgn and Domestic I:lotion. A GOOD .11.01101e111 hand Foreign and Porn.lie La soon, always on h nod - for sale in quomittes to etti4robasers, by W k hI MITCHELTREE CITE have some PUMPS, mide on en Improved rY plan, to nor to freeze 1.0 Um coldest weather. Persons waling such articies, are tamed to rail and see there at, SCLIFE & ATKINSONT'S, gar* lel, between Wood Market sit PITTSBURGH. WEDNESDAY MORNING. 0113ZINVM:4411111.1 Tco.partnenthip heminfore existing between the I subscriber', in the name of Friend. Rhey & Co., was thit day dissolved by minion/ consent. Geo. Rhey will settle the business of the concern, for which per. pore he ts authonied to use the name of the firm. PORTER R. FRIEND, JAMES WOOD, GEO. RHEY. Femery 7,1.949. Co-Partnership. The subscribers have this day associated themselves to the name of RHEY, MATTHEWS & Co, for the purpose of transacting a I - vral Grocery, Commission imd Forwarding Rumness, at the stand of the late firm of Friend. !they & Co. where they will be pleased to receive the patronage of the customers of that hoof. and our friends. CEO. RHEY. LEVI MATTHEWS, Whi. EBBS.. February 7, IM9. We tulle pleasure in recommending to the confidence Moor friend. and thaw of Friend, Riley k ( 0., our suecereors iu intone., Riley. Matthew. & Co. PORTER R. FRIEND. JAMES WOODS. . . . T " s E ut , s ' errr ' S.Tl h tTe h r: "' e th o ' : ' LlottCll b e: " Eirrlt ' e th e: Co, is this day dissolved by mutual roes Meant& Burke & Barnes will settle the business of the con cern, for which purpose they are authorised to use the name of the concerts NATHANIEL CONSTABLE., EDMUND BU RE F, THOMAS BARNES The undersigned have this day associated themselves in the name of BURKE & BARNES, for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safea, Vault Doom, Ac. ke., at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burke & Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage oldie customers of that house and their friends. EIMIUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In renting horn the firm of Constable. Burke & Co . I wait sincere pleasure recommend Means. Burke & Mune. to the confidence any friend. and the publte. Feb 9,1E49 NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. tebl9-dtf Diisolation T I INT . '&rd ;c " Plg " ,vrtly ' mtl n i c u' on d :e r n 'h t l ' s fi ci o .rved on the let init. The buaine. will be closed at the old eland by either of us, using the name of the fine for that purpose. Being dense. to have nor bust.. closed anth no little delay at poseible. we would re spectfully segue. those Indebted to rail and settle their o JOHN D. M'CORD, D. KINU. 00-Partate,r.hip. TWIN D. r•PCORD having nammated wnh him Ida brother James ileCord, under the style of liPeord fr- Co., mil continue the Hat, Cap and Fur buxilwess La all no various branches, wholginJe nod rerml, at the uld riajul, earner of Wood and sth streets, where they solicita I•ontman.n of the. patronage so liberally Le o.Ure old boa JOHN . I) SCCORD jrcm JASIC ' i 3. aI'CORD. IN reoiring from the old odd well known boo 01 ItECord King, 1 Most 1,g:4,11111y reeornmend Ilse patronage or the public toy 3oam's, .11eacra. creamt:4...te Cu D KENti DISSOLUTION. TfiF. partnerotmo MURYII tt. LEE to than day du red by mutual consent The bus of Me late linn aril, lon .naiad IL Lco. J. H. NICHEIIV, Etttot ere, .an 30, I- IP 11 . LEE NOTICE—The undersigned will co.]tinue the \V.I businel , . and attend to Lhe sale Cl Woolen Good* Si the old aliurd LEg. retanic from me t, r 7 tnof klutphy Lee. 1 Lake greet pleasure recommending klr 11 Lee TO thy couhdenee ot mends and the public. Pittsburgh, Jan.:at ictst J H MURPHY. kulucribers have Wu - clay associated them ' selves together for the Purpose or trammeling • utholemle and retail Dry (loads and (ironer( bunnies+, at No Wal Liberty, opposite Seventh street, ander the sty IC firm of BUSIIFIELL S/LAYS Pittaturgh. January 1.1849. N B —Our old customers and the public are invited to give us e CO-PARTHERfiIIhIp. Al B. SCAIFE and Capt. JA.SIFJ ATKINSON Ty hove entered into partnership, under the firm of SsiVLIFE fr. ATKINSON. and will carry on the Tin, Copper. and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Also, lilacksauthing in all ths branches., at the old stand of Wm B. Scathe, First street, near Wood. Particular attention given TO steamboat work. occt IRAVE thm day astocialed mull me at We .ale bravery. Produce and Commission butane., lay Id caber Joeepb, under Me firm ofJ. $ DLLWORTH A CA. J S. DILWORTH. January 1,12.49. (10-PARTNEBSILIP—Virm. Yowl/Oaring :Ws day arracta wrus bun, Jon FL fir Cute, the est. tat, I.unneast 00 v 1.1 d herearter be h conducted runder l the firm or 00 sn Young at Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, jatss JNO. R M`CCNN. BOOK TRADE. FTrirrmmlr•mr. . . ULLIVrr E.NtiLL.•ki, 79 Wood street, between ..U.s 4th and Diamond alley, have received a large supply ot Theolowcal andothar work,• saton3etucti are the follow -tar; Visf nfteallaneous Emmy* and Dn. eourxs, oy Resident Hopkins; Christ is All, Law and Gospel' by S It. Tyng, I) D., Late of Lc Witt C.toa, Living Orators at America, Republic. Christianity by Magoon. Man Pnmeval by Hama, Phrenology and Meinnerlidn, by Rev. N. L. Rice. L. !J., Papule, to Import and Mode, by Reacher, Nineveh nod 1.1 Re. Nounttuns the Bible, by MT.lanc, Earnest Ministry and Chutes is Earnest, by J. A. James; EA wards works,4 vats, new ediuon, J. M. Mason's worts comp/cte, Cowper's Lila and NVorlis of Cowper; Fle ming on Rise and Fall of Papacy, Turrethines Meal ugy, Cyclopedia of .Nloral and Religious Anecdotes, hog. s Narrative. al Paper), Chant Receiving Sin t Bible Evnlrnrce Ito the People, by J Cumming, Modern Society. Modern Accomptivlonents. Haitian. on Rannun, Original thoughts on Scripture, by Veen, now first publiened. Lite of Pellet. Neter.: History in E.nittuanunn. lainguonin, Lectures on Vrog , ••, tree c tor r Ildl Difficulty. renal awna rapt. rm,tee• of Kaye ...WI other A., Rorie.. brorge Chiefly., I) 1 , . wtta l'orlran nt A lea .op rec mud for n m, 19 ELI.IUTT f.a. 7tl 1P Lhni .1 Dumi, Ardericun Is:a/dyne', I_,) by Thomas to 1 - Yymfludcd 112 y Nem, Americo , we - I...fist, by Wrn. Kflnrick. Tl.c reulo, add Kuryl Ecollona, b> send., 3luderd bonte•u. Cooltr.ry, by Wm A Rendez,. Just reed I,y 1011N.YrON S en yl4 corner varlet and W tts P.°E\V RELIGIOUS WORKS—Thoughts an Pul.l.e ,j 1 Prayer. oy Samuel Miller. 1) D , L. L. D. ander I boughtlust on Faintly Worship, by Janice Alex receive b y my); JtiIiNSTON k STOCKTO:Ni y,NN' !INMAN—Agues Muth.. or Ito Heroine of 11 Demesne Life Slaw ry of King Charier the 'second. of Engisind, b yJacob Abbott, Wolk engreVloga Just roc aby .ItIH.NO I taCK ON, myln corner J 4 and Market at. AINGLISD AND Allll/011.1CANDOOK.8 AAIES D. I.IJCKWOOD, I(or many year, connect fe, ed Wilt Meter). iley and Putnam, and late fohn NV)ley, New York and London,) has established a Sooksiollina Douse an ,No. to Voce) sheet, between 34 mat 401, streets. where may be round a valuable tollee• non or $ I'ANDARD and AhIF:RICAN AL IlltiftXt. at prices as low as in the Eastern clues 1;3 - ENGLISH and CONTINENTAL ROOK", lie views, Ms gannet, Newspapers, ac., imported Murder . try — lNS CFI trT/ONS Newspaper., INWSKORATLD Ko- CIe.TIEO ars rotund io recelve tow Gook. , duty free fr_rhngOeh and Arnericont-uouogurs turototted yrs- LIS to ell Moir Who desire them, or sent per iimai to anyf. address. D will Mono the happy to eXtubit to la, hes and gentlemen his hooka, and =Wart to Lucia any tiriorma lion watch Its may possess regarding Mean. m•Y of N EW AND VALUALILE %VORA —Nixie.; aml its ReinaJns, wart ati account of • viett to the litunlean Cans:mos of Kurdtstan, and the lesadoN or Dee. Worstuppers, and au inquiry into the moot. vet and acts it: We anemia Assynansj by Austen fie, IT Layard, C D Just reed owl for sale by tit) , 7 JOIINSTON to STOCKTON J A.NIES Li-IAJCKNMIB, Bookseller andln, porter ol Foreign Books, 6:1 %Vocal street, loss on, band valuable volteeison of English and American Koos it, me different departments of Later/14u, whic het. prepare)) to se/. as low as they can be übie,ned ,n the Eastern eitoop. anglitt: end Counnental Book., Reviews, hlaga ruins and Newspapers, truported to order. The price an any Review, Magazine or Newspaper, may he I.certloned on oppltellion to hlr L. Kngiish and American Catalogues furiushed grans. Mr. L. titteroln 10 visit the Eastern eluen in a tew days, and will ho happy to cieente any orders for Books, Engravings or hloalottery, at ontall advance on the co anyti 00 00S—Lnyard's Nineveh and its Romanis, with tot Mee. ut of a visit to the Chaldean Chris tians of Kurdistan, and the l'exidls, or Devtl.Worstnp- A ees and an tnquiry into the manner, and arts of the ncient Asayrums, with an Introductory letter ly D. Rohinson. vole, octavo with about IVO illustrations. Cheaver's Lecture. on the Pllgnm's Progress I vol, 12rne. Knee reduced to 81,00. Cruden's Conconiance, Condensed) reduced to 81,50. Macaulay's History of England, 71arper's new ed. two vols. oetavo—large print and Dm paper, per vol. 75 tents. Gesenlr.,' Hebrew and English Lexicon, new ed. improved. For same by R 110PhINS, mytl 4th oh near wood DOO KS! BOOks::—IOnion of Church an - erState, by JUIIY Rev E W Noel. The Church on Earnest, by Rev J Angel James. Advice to Young Neer, by T e Arthur, pit. Yotmg Ladies ••Eaaays Elia—Charles Lamb. Epidemic Cholera, by Prof Coventry. Cyclopedia of Moral and Religious Asteedows. Complete Work. of Charlotte Elisabeth, wall me. mote by her husbantL 2 cols, boo. Illustrated with steel plate.. Oregon and California In 1848, by Judge Thornton. The late Expedmon to the Dead Sea. Proverbs fur the People; or 111 morationa of Practical Goa/mess drown from the Bonk of Wmdom, by E L ltlagoon. veraity Sermon., by Dr Wayland. E l ometnaMetoorology, by J Broekleaby, A. M. For solo by B HOPKINS, .y 7 Apollo Bui/ding,4th atti NA AN PRIME7AL, or The Coustitutlon and Prow -111. live colidraon of the Human Deiug. A eontobe, don to Theolmaleal Science, by John Hardee, 14 D. I,,, !ter4a to Young Mon 00 various ayboorumi tab teem: by V/ Beecher. Channin g's Works, complete: 8 voln, 12. no. The we rem 11 . T 8 Artpor form ed. 1.1 vols. Hut " 01 by .711 B 4104!KINS, 4th at, i tear woos! 11Venenuen I o M f the A paeIIa ILISOME is nse T pe lCll entat 1r 5. ,9141 to the following certificates: M. S. Essase—llaving tested a quann 13 , 0 r Gold weighed by your Areoraeter, I find the re snip proves your instrument cornet; and recommend II e use of It to thew going to California, as the best well tod for ob. tanner the reel value of COW. nesp. .r. IL DUNLEVY, Gold Dauer. Pittsburgh, Alerch 9, 1649. traish March 7, 1949. hta Eattea—De•• stir. Prrr Havin as g examined, he meter,' manntaci .rod at your rooms, I do or i hesitate to command it to the use of Most, gentleman who are about removing to California in search Of Go W. It gives • close approaintation to the veal. to past ty of metals, and will certainl enable th e a i•Clatarat to ascertain when hi. placer I. yield.* Gold Yriant =ROY. J. 6. eClath !TOGA. G ROUND PEP . P y l l f-70V. c ;t Iltod j S i mfor =1:11:12 HO LIGHT STREETFOUNTAIN BALTIMORE, . EI roma Ann mtrasTon. THIS establishment long .d widely known as beang one of the most commodious in the city of! Haa:lmre, has recently andergone very enen-I sive •Iteranons and improvements. An enure flew Wing has been added, containing numerous and fury' sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Lathes' department has also been completely' reorganised and fined up In a moss unique and beaula -101 style. In fart the whole arrangement of the House has Leen remodeled, with a nuglo eye on the pan o the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure 0 their Griests, and which they confidently assert willl Challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. „Their table will always be supplied with every sub genial and luxury which the market affords, served 0 P 50 a superior style; while in the way of Wines, tcc., they will not be surpassed. lit conelueion the pmprictors begin say. that nothing Will be left undone on their pan, and on the part of their asuman., to render tins Hot 1 worthy the contoured patronage of their friends ant he public generally. The prices for board have No Leen reduced to the folknetng West Ladles' Ordinary, 111,75 per day. Gentlemen's v IJSO N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the 1i.0910 seri! al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings. wLich will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. mar/tf EXCHANGE HOTEL. 00101 . 11 OP PRIV AND ST. CLAIR MS, ITITSSITSIOff, The subscriber having rimmed the manage ment of this long established and popular lintel, respectfullyannouncer In Travellers and the Public generally, that be will be at all times prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well rmoilated Hotel. The lions is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no pante will Ire spate( to make the Exchange one of the very beat Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits • continuance of the very liberal patronage the House Itas heretofore revetved. THOMAS OWSTON, febfidu Proprietor. HOUSE, cow,. or contra too neater names, PITTSBITBOTI. tik.THE ...fiber respectfully announces that he has ROW opened his new and excellent Hotel for the secommodanon'of travelers, boarders, and the public generally, The house and furnimre ere entirety new, and no rosins or expense have been :tspared lender o one of the most comfortable and asant Hotels in the city Tire subscriber is determined to deserve, and there• fore solicits, a share of public patronage. oetl4-rity JACOB HOUGH. Propnetor _ _ UNITED RTATES STICISSOT S =WWI FOOICSII AND PIM gra. (APPOSITE hie Bank of the United States, Phila. delphia M. POPE MITCHELL, martqf _,_ Proprietor. I=== Scrip .t Par, TAKEN FOR CHIC KERINtni PIANOS L s KLEBER,-at Woodwelila. No. FO Third street. jj of for sn'e an elegant lot Chtekeringla Pia • noos (Boston) at the lowest cash price, fur Pittsburgh, Allegheny mt), and llounty natty . They comprise Irota gto 7 octaves. and mere selected by Mr Plitek • string forth. market. Th.v are warranted to ite equal to any to the city, havtog all the i11...a improvements, such as mrcuisr seal, etc. . . Boyer+ are invited to enll prertoom to purchatung lselvhere. end, also. Itrolts woh .b.ttn rolvet 'coal ,udge. or othrrwtse, to Jirdge of the qua!, ty of the .trove tnatrumeta.t. - . . • . iW 11.—Wntlen gurtrulllref will he given with catch Nemo, estuthog ihr ho :der to exchunge , :aso the in !moment hr proved to the least degree 11111Mtfeel. Or foil) toy H. Shaeklett 1 tYhile, DRY' GOODS JOBBERS, 'A Wood otter:, .54 the intononn of hlerolutotn to their .toot of AMER!• CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, nowreeeivolg Went from Lo't hood.. Rece tngregular supplies of first goods during the season. nu 4 devoting a hare anat.< of their mammon to Eastern Auction cairn, they can confidently assure btrlent (hey 'All find it yo their interest to examine Mem stock. J.t received, large Myr.. of new style Dress Goods, 1' icy Prints, Cewimeres, Cloths, 'Summar Hoods, Late., White Goods. Hush Linens, Tailors' Trimming's and brown and bleached Sheeting. of verb o. brands. - /5 mar) . . JROX9 W. wooDwg,LL, Alodern and Antique Furniture, Ea,Tall.,lslllBm, Prrrsarauo. 2r. A large and splendid ....,,,,,,,, , . .somment of Farr:hare, .74 , - , 4'. - _ . '"'A, Hotels for Steamboats, :b ~Vs= " w- ' - ---- "l Hotels and private &ask Hams, constandy on band nnd made to order. "the prasenl stock on hand cannot be exceeded by ally manufactory in the western country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, ski am determined my paces shall plea.. Part of the Cock consists na— Vote a Tate; , Paget Etagete; 3.oais XIV Chairs; Queen Elisabeth chairs, rePtV:lr'.e, Fruit Tables, lamas X V Commode r; roach Mahogany Bedsteads, Piano Stools; .4 80 rof. with Plush and Hair-cloth co v et , ; ~ 7 : so Mahogany Rocking Chain; ty, 40 dot Varier do ...0....". Fu.ry do. 25 centre Tables, 40 pair Ara.; 4 pair pier Tables; 15 marble top Pressing Bureau.: 9 Wardrobes, tt Seeretarie, and Book eases; tht marble top Wash Stands, 4 pair Ortomanii; 8 pair fancy Work Stand.; A very large ...anthem of common chairs and other furniture too numerous to mention. (j 7 Steam Boats furnished on the shortest nonce. and on the most reasonable term, dee IS Chocolate, Cocoa, *.c. W Baker'. American and Freneh Chocolate, Prep.. rd Cocoa. Cocoa Pam, prima, Cocoa , bell.. Sc T V merchatits and coosnmers. who would puremote j . the nest pretlueta of Cocoa, free from attuderstion, more iturramtvi Rao tea or cadre , oul a quail ty an•ur. pameed, the sotee.rieer recommends the :thorn article*, manufactured by Inmself. and stamped with hi. name Ho Itroma and Coma P.m, Rs delicate, palatable, and salutary Pink. for owarids, convalearents, and others, ore pronounced by We moet conrient physiciaus supenor to any other prep•ration. Ilt.thaaalacterea oat always on male, ill any quantity, I.y the most re• speetable erotic. in the eastern soles and by the. agents, Hewes. Bray & en , co Boston, Jim. Al Bunt, A co, Hortlord. Conn. Hume, A Murray. New York: Grant A. :none, Fluladeiplua, Tnon., V Brandure, flab tonere, and kellogg A Bennett. Cincinnati. °hie WALTER BAKER, Dorchester Mass For sale by nugsl BAGALEV A SMITH. Av." Wrotafitit. and Cast Iron Railing . T HE subsc colic. beg Issue to inform the public that they hove elbsonettl from the Boot all the late tour I.Mottoile designs for Pon Railiov, both for houera and cemeteries Pei mto wishing to procure hood some patterns ivi:l please at and examine, tad fudge for themselves Ratting will he furnished at the short est notice, and to we best manner, at the corner of Craig and Fthberea streets, Allegheny cry. .urj_n_elf A. LA kIONT & KNOX. Manufactured Tobacco. A 1) 13X:ft/entry A Royster's supertor sweet 5 (psi "t1..5 ZS do 111 A Butler's lb In b( do Price A Harwood'. " .- 5 21 do do do 26 do do Pearl A Harwood II do J Robinson 67 hf do do tO do do Wm Dawson 11 dr, T Wright's :17 da G Anderson Lt du I, T Dade'. 5 do R Macon, It do Ratellff .., Just hindote from steamer sod packets and for .le by HEALD, BUCKNOR A Co, 41 north water st and 16 north wharves, Jell Philadelphia 8, ANTAfAill'ltiill TOBACC O— no hi At s . .lonce i A Son', ' , ulterior sweet lb lumps 75 ball ho. Webster Old superior sweet. Tempe AI " lawrenee Lower -' At -` 25 b Gentry A. Bower •- a s i 6, on - Lrupent ilk le Easel •• sa .. IV e McLeod 145 " Lawrence Lanier "6.A 6. plug Just landing from steamer, and for sale by II KALIL BUCKNOR A Co 41 N water •i sad Id N wharves, myll l'haaalelph. a - W../.. J. Gli.k..kfil, Ilooleillesdor., ---- WE are null sugaged in the above buninees, corner o( Wood sold Third streets Putsbaralt, where we are prepared to do soy work In our line with de s . patch. We attend to our work personally, and ran.. (nelson will he riven at regard to its neaate•e nod da rn biloy. Illank Hoots ...pled to any pattern and bound rub start holty Books numbers or old bOVIr b 011.1141 e lir- Otv'ep•trrd. Name. put on hooks ut pit letters, Those U. here, warts to our line ere Invited to roll. Prier. low. nty2o3( ALF tan:VS-30 dos stessotne Creech Calf alias, a very fuse smelts.. A few dose. Vistladelphist Blltoo, from the manufactory of H M Crawford, to which the attettuon ni boot makers is invited. Just received and for Aide by w & 143 liberty .1 -Er AVING said our cease sleek to C H Grinrirr i with view us cif:lll.lg our old hostile-, we hereby so. !Wit for him the prom urge of oil our friends rind cus tomers. RU W. POINDEXTER, E!!!!!M!tMiNi n 71. GRANT, Whol.ele Grocer, Corn.esion and Forcverdiug MerebAnt, No. 41 Waterer. 141112 . _ ---.EL..-A...........-p0„...-i-.--- A FULTON, Hell and Braes Fournier, has r si e built end commenced business at his old island, whert he will be pleased to see lac cold eusioin. ars and frleuds. Church, Steamboat, and Bells of every size. from In to 10,000 pounds. east from patterns of the most eons°, - od model., and warranted to Lie of the best materta ls Mineral Water Punips, Counters, Railing Ste., tog,. tiler with every variety or Brims Castings, it rcto, rcti, Inroad and finished in the neatest manner. A F. is the solc srronnetor of RAIINT . II An - In-Arra, won hirrat.. many celebrated far the redeem.° of [nelson to machinery. The lioaea end 'joint:pontoon can be had of him at nil times. nv.Ah.l y PHIN'rINO PAPRIL. MHE subscrtbera hoeing the exclussve Agency for selling the EnnUnic raper ore hew and &rtes.°, paper mill in this rtemicy, will be et all unsex well .up piled with the different suits of paper of superior quali ty, which we oder at the lowest pnces. Ally sine or quality will be manufactured to order at them notsce. REYNOLDS & SEEE, me Out or Penn and Irwnt so _ RiaDER CiaUTDING—Just received for me 1. Conformal kapetration, a complete asoortment of Dora Elastic Clothing, at price. rangtog from - fr 5.55 to 811,50 (or sun of root, pants nod tint_ For .al9 at the India Robber Depot, No 5 Wood Si. decd) J tr. II PHILLIPS SUWWlii—liirAnoro of those so insuY elobcelebratedliambumn Plasma, used coustonity by Taulnerg and Doerr performers, together whit a large assortment of rosewood and mahogany, of toy own manufacture. The above Instruments are warranted is be porferi or every respect, and will be sold low for coati. F BLUME, dectil No Wood 2d door from 5 ib T li k E: , i g e u blate ner ti . Hz n yiLd . Rade Powder, in kegs, hell kitil3 14 nu.s.N.VFI T r=, 27w00d brusipracti.s — Plomslat soda Ash. 200 CAMKS just received per steamers Ivanhoe and St Cloud, and for mild by W &i(1 hILECIIELTREE, oUL:them L INSEEJ) OIL-10 bbts stars salsa sal• by BRAUN k REITER, mill comer IwibenT and St Oak NA L JUNE 13, 1849 HOTELS RSCELLANEOUS. - --r FRESFI - SPIIIN . O - 00008 133113 QM= MISCELLANEOUS. PAPER HANGINGS HOWARD & CO . No. 82 Wood Strut, TOULD call the attention of the public to their present stock of Paper Hangings, which for 'wa rmly. beauty of knish, durabiliry and cheapness, is un surpaamd by any establishtgent in the Baum Beside. a large and fall assortment of paper of their own manufacture, they are now receivum a direct 111). portation of French and English styles of Paper Hang ings, purchased by Mr. Lem Howard, one of the Enn, now in Europe, consisting of Parisian manufacture, 10.003 pieces. London do 5,000 do Of their own manufacture they have 100.,000 piece* Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces satin glazed Wtntlow Blinds, /cr. Messrs. James Howard 2r. Co. have spared neither expense nor labor to their endeavors m rival the east. Cr,, wall paper establishments, both In quality of mull ufacture and variety of paturn; and they are warrant ed assuring the public that they have succeeded. The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac ture, will be offered on terms as low as those of eat en] manufacturers and importers. metal:tit! .W. roconivai, C. itar — iT — ftto of Pittsburgh. of Philadelphia. POINDIUTER k t Blll'l l, l OLDS, FLOUR FACTORS, And General Commission ilterehisists, No. 453 Ma.. Snags', between Eleventh and Twelfth sts., PIiILADELPERA. rr HE subscribers beg leave respectfully to acquaint their friends end the probe that they have esso elated themselves in Philndelphia, for the purpose of transacting a General Communion Business, and nest that long eopertenrc in business will secure to them fair Patronage. 117 - Particular .1.11.1 will be given to sale, of Flour and Produce generally;_ end any purchases in the Philadelphia market for Western account. R. W.'POINDEXTER, C. id. REYNOLDS. RUFERENCE....—The merchants of Pittsburgh gen really, Springer k Whltem., Lehner & /indent., Cmcsanau. D Newcomb W BClifton, Lewis ROITOre JILS Todd, Louisville, Ky.; Crow, Mc- Creery & Barksdale, St Loon, Mo.; Hewitt, Norton Co. W A Violets, New Orleans, L.; Gal, °Wens & Noyes, M'Gregor & Morrie, New York; W Thome. son & Co., Johu Tiers It Co, Peter Alanciiles, B M Jones, Deal, Milligan & Burt, Naiad'. apft3m NEWCOMBS—At ZEBULON KIMSEY S, 67 Mar ket etre.-- f dor very high buck Shell Tuck Combs; med.= ow " • " plain high '•• LI " narrow headed top '• Oil " fancy top Butfatu le pinto " 31/ gross Horn; 30 dos she 10 , 3D grosscon, eons hors 8100; 3 don ll shelloide, dresungnum-led do; 12 dos /Judaio du do; 4 do Inutonon du do, 50 do hest Enrl,sh EOM; 6 do S S S fine loony, extra .roe; 113 du S !I do du, to boles, II gross r; floe do do, 1 do cowl. t..llemoora opla ruos66._ 100004 W. K. 1407 PALMER,.IIANNIt._ ofi., ISuccesaort to Hussey, Ramat & DANKERS, EXCII&NGE BROKERS, soil dealer. 1.3 In Foreign and permute Exchaule, Certificates of Deposac, Bank Notes, and Specte—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Barth a( Pittsburgh. Current mo ney received on deposals—Sight Checks for sale, and collections made Oil neatly all the principal points In the United States. The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold Advances made on consignments of Produce, slap ped Eats on liberal terms. +.4.2 GREAT IN VRY fll33lt—viLuAßLlA,ise:Livkit.f.. I'4 -nun 5ectr...1.10117.411T Irt, 1940 Potent rros..lerer ex:ems-ion Talc', &fit, /lureous, Book Casa, Wraing D 4444. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON_ THE TABLES far surposslng every other m y voodoo of the kind now extant. They can be ex tended front ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves are all contained inside' they are made to all sizes and shapes, and are mbritrably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels. and large pritate famdle•, form ing retain closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These arueles are parucularly to Mows who wish to tenon m, and convert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shut at conventence, and when shut, the bedding is enclos ed. A great savlng to room and rent AU the pied steads when closed form a beauttfal piece of furnharts for a parlor or sitting room. BOOK CASES—A neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DEZiRS—For law offtees, countuig rooms, and other office, when opened a most conventent bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone is 'wails. All these articles need no recommendation: the beauty of the whole is, they aye warranted not to get eut.of repair. It will be for your interest, to call and xtuntne the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No. 03 Third KIM!, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above advamages, they are proof against bugs. mchia JAMES W WOODCVELL. IN Il i A1...1.,17...A111_,E‘',,A. T r,(3,N....,Catr.IFICALT.EusiTyO.I,3I.II, having attended my brother, who died of corns at March. I ti.P.I, I teas taken .i re with the Consumption or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the disease, that forfot, four years I was.unable to attend m fy husinees, either at home or sibroad, being for the clot time confuted to my bed. During the above garb , t] of time, I had expended for medical attendance o regular Physicians and usedicuw.s, to the whoa= of without receiving any benefit therefrom. In uly. IRS, I commenced miring Dr. Jaime's hilizdi- Ines, and ha•e taken them more or less ever am is ; nd believe that it was by persevering in their use, at I can now truly say that I have completely moo, e red my health. I believe that Jetyne's Sanative PilLs nd Expectorant are the best fatuity medicines now in I reside in Sprtngfield, Otsego coimry, N. V.. and harry on a furnace and machine shop in that place, and am no: interested in any manner in the sale of the above medicates, and make lbw certificate ton 'ho ben ch: of rhos,' Idiletrd, ELIJAH F.ATON. Sprinitfic.d, IS 1 , Sefa. le ISIS. tad . .. ..... .. AA AM:FACTURE:I) TOEIACCAThe sub.; - errircr Iwould call theU.lllloll Of the city trade and dea.rrs generally. to the following brand. Tobareos, In otore and to arrive which t , ,:ng consignments di rect !row and is rtiabiol to bell of cast etli prices I Pl I I..ze R Crrnshaw ;II I Alndo.on Lamnruor 3,1 I •• Ilaralmn4 Putnam 5. and In, 15 1 '' Robrtrie k Sopton f /art, Hurt Se; It I Johns tr. NVurwtre mwr 4, Henry ,i.leunes 5e., Is and Se; Irbil I. S , IVATERMAN — Pitt Ittatlittice ViforttsPoutia7ry. Pl,seLlio6ll, . _ . , • JOl 7 , 1 WRIGHT . Co , are prepared to Mold Cotton and Woolen Nlachinery of every descopoon, Ruch as Cur-dote Machines, Spintong Frames, Speeder.. Drawing Frames, Railway Heads. NVorpers, opooters, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card thunders, to. %Vroaght Iron Shaftvig tooled; all sizes of Cam Iron. Ponies and Hanger, of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Cason,* of every description furnished on short nonce. Pettier. made to order for Mill Onnetng, Iron Railing, Ike. Steam Pipe for heat ing Factories, Cast Iron %Void... , Sash sad fancy Cas tings generally. Orde r srd left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer A. Co., Mstreet, will have prompt tole. 11011 Refer to Blackstock, Bell lc Co., J. K. Moorehead & E. Warner, John Irwin & Sons, Pittsburgh ; U. C. le J. It Warner. Stenbenetlle. auto Perm' "Ur WlGHTMAN—blanufacturer orall kinds of cot ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny essy, Pa The above works being now in null and successful op erauon, 1 am prepared to execute orders with dispatch ior al/ kinds of machinery in my line, such sys willows, pickers, spreader., cants, grinding machines, railways, drawing frames, speeders, throsubt, looms, woolen cards, double ormusic, for merchant or country work, mules. Jae k kw, shde and hand lashes and mobs in gen eral. All kinds of shelling made to order, or plane giv en for gearing factories or soil's at reasonable eisurge. Barba To—Kennedy, Childs & Co., Black work, Bell 'c n, King, Pennock &Co., ins. A. (tray. NEW C.IOACII PACTORIii— 50t. L e . A IL„ , ,VI- , 1 , 1 b 1t , , t tna C t O l :r y otd v,. rev e , rzt: l ll , T . i h n o fo o n . i Le. , li.iiteen Federal ard Sandarky streets. 'il P hey me nu v making and are prepared to receive or (or every cecriptien of vehicles, Coaches, Char..., Ha touch si iturgiu Phwtoits, me., kn., which from their long penance in the mtutulaeturc of the above work, and t c fat:nines they have, they feel confident hey try, enabled to do work on the moat reasonable terms with these tvantuig 'lntake m their line. particular attention to the selection of mate. nuts, land having none but competent workmen, they have i no hesitation in warranuisg their work. We the rathre wik the attention of the public to this matter. N l 3 Repairing done in the beet manner, and on the Muni reasonable tonna. Bl°"orm e. ahe/a Livery StabIROSERT 11. PATT 3 3MSON has opened . 1.% the large stable on Fleet it, muting through gum to Second at, between Wood and Southfield sta., in the rear of the Monongahela House, with an eon rely new stock of 1101 . 1., and Carriages of the Lest quality and latest styles. Ilom es kept at live ry in the best manner .L . hula Graduated Gal am; nic - Baur, and Pomp in{rtlated Pala, for Medical and wiser powwow, Ttits to the only monument of the kind that tau eve, blear) prcacntett m tale country or Ithropc for med• teal pit rpooco, end is the only one ever known to man by w tea the galvanic fluid can be convoyed to the h , co. men )e, the ear, the brain, or to any pan of the body, either externally or internally, in a definite gentle stream, without shocks or pans—with perfect salary— and one. wait the happiest effects. This important apparatus Ls now highly approved of by many of the most eminent physicians of ibis nom, try and Europe, to whom the afflicted mad others whom it may concern can be referred. Reference will also be Riven to many rashly respectable cities., who have been cured by means of this tenet valuable apparatus of •0111 C of We must ummeram nervous disorders which could not be removed by any other known means. Among various others, it has been proved to be ad mirably adapted far the cure of the following diseases, vim Dermas headache and other dtheasoa of the brain. It a with this apparatus alone Mat the operator can convey the magnetic fluid with ease and safety to the eye, to restore. sight ,, or cure umaarostm; to the eat to restore heanng; to e tongue and other organs, to re, te r speech; and to the various parts of the toady, to the cure of ch m ronic thimmatism, asthma, deuralgus, or uc dolountamt, paralysm, or palsy, goat, Shore, or St. Vim's dance, epilepsy, weakness from sprain wine diseases pecans, to females, contractlau of te s, a limo s , lockjaw, eta. eta. Rights for surrounding counties of AVeatern P., sail privneges, with the instrument, may he parch..d, and also tested for the core al diseases. Full instruettens will be given for the various ehenth Cale to be used (or venous diseases, and the best 'man ner for operating for the eon" of those diseases will al- so be fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet put into him hands . expressly for these pa . rpthtes, owe ft'llfZErd by s. th ;;vr=ilg,t , lft.,74 Attsbuzgh. 8000 PREMIUM BLINDS. 8..1. WILY! Apts. No. 19 Nolan Start Stamm., PHILADELPHIA. IrENITIAN BLIND AND WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTURER, (Awarded the first and high est Medals at the New York, Baltimore and Philadel phia Ezhtbitioni, for the •uperiority of his Blind with confirroml confidenre to his manufactured asks the at tention of purchasers to hit assortment of 2000 Minds of narrow and wide slins, with fancy and gun Thro. mings, of new styles nod colon. Also, s large and genera] assortment of 'rranaparent Window Shade., all of which he at the lowest gash prirreit Otd.thinda painted-end trimmed to lookerinal to nevi. 117 DEALERS SUPPLIED,on Metal Mao. The enisena of rilleghenYslOunly awe laspeettally avitod to eel before boytgeolsowlitro*conltnt oi lesslni att. Open . jolt* otmattio. melifteidist DRY & VMMTY GOODS. VDESH SPRING GOODS WE are now opening • very lame and choice at form= of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, selected with mom than tonal care during the last fear weeks, in the Nets York and Philadelphia markets, and embracing a - great variety of almost every de scription of the latest and most Sohn:triable styles, and ER .N b*a tton t frora " the the El regu n : tar rates, we are enabled to offer great inducements to cash buyets, either by whelmole or retail We would therefore respectfully invite the attCntien of tba public to our Stook, feeling confident of Our ability to suit buyers in almort every wink they . luny Wiah is our dee. To the ladles me would especially mamma our song of &sm. Dam Baas, of sq.!, are have a esq large and beautiful assortment of din latest .glee and most fashionable colons . . . Lsnras Dues Goons—Monslin de Lenses, Poll do Cheese, silk, lines and moat's Lantos, painted Lawns, gingbant Lawns, Forams:l2,os. style English, French and 'Scotch Gine:tarns, line= hums In greet variety, &o. /km Bosaars—Ness style Bonnets, very cheap. Ronson •XII FLoww—Of the latest styles and supe rior in qiuthry. Pagasims—A very large and handsome stock of Par , mots, of almost every style and girslity.. `Snots—A fine allsoltaletat of spline and summer Shawl, of all styles and prices. PRIM. CIATIZW—A good supply of super French, English and American Clutha and ere. to which we would th e latralliotl of peneons needing inch goods. ALSO—A full and general supplrof Shirting Cheeks, Tickmes, brown amfbleaehed llualinn , Table Unitas, Sheeting's, Diapers, o=bl - tea, Drillings, mummer Goods mem' and boys , wear, daftness, Mulls, Swiss, Nan soot., Nat:duns, Prims, Glnebarns, Crape Crape Lice, ts Crava, Gloves, Hosiery, silk HMG's, Veils, &e.k.a. Persona wishing to buy by wholesale, should tall and examine our stock, as out prices are such as le make It their Lowest to boy. ALEXI...ND/Mt k DAY, 75 Market in, .„ northwestnorthwestcorner of the Diamond AA. MASON k Co., No. 00 Market street, he whir%on 'twit the lesiva vinery of Fstbroideriee they have ever offered Their aasortment ann uals in part of the following goodi IMS rirh embrotdered hfinlen Capes, hoot 151,50 to 0,00 850 " " Collars" 37j to 51,00 600 crochet Collin, from 37j to 15 350 lace 9 to 1.21 700 Gimpave tt " 6t to 12/ 150 Jenny Lind t' 021 to 1,00 • ISO muslin 50 to 1,50 SOO pairs tonal= Cuffs, " 37f to 624 Also, blooming Collars, from II to W..e. Call to the cheap one pane more of A. A. MASON A Co, No 60 Market st. mylb NEN R IBBONS , SILICA - 01U BARA (tES, 4k..e.—W. & Mean' hes this morning re ceived by Express a lot of handsome straw colored, green and blue Bonnet Ribbons. Also, glad,. black Silks for dresses ' Vanes, mantillas, tu• Buca Stu Cr ess—A large lawman:Mal lately mem vcd. %Yuma GOODS for dresses—each vswiss and mull mastuiß Nutrooks, !Le. Also, embroidered madam lor dresses, all •t lowest prices, at northeast Corner Fourth and Market streets. - . Wholesale Boot. up stairs. myl4 - 1211.14NC1A LINEN AND LINEN LUSTKES—W: It Marcus has now opal a fall assortment of tv• above articles, for dresses and sacks—among the lat ter are some settee colors, such as pink, blue, green, also, pink, blue, green, and mode colors of Clot uteleon Lawns, and a large assortment of embroider ed mushns and LaWns. W. It M.'s recent purclusse is now all received and open, and persona wanting Dry Gouda will do well to look at his Huge and fresh stock before purchasint— at northeast corner 4th and wastrel sta. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. my 2 4 R'FIFICIAL PLOWESS—ltlatenals for Artificia. _1 Flower', viz: Plain tarmac paper, spotted do, Car mine paper for coloring, Pink Saucers, Leaves of eve •p corm, Luria , 21, aaLl 7, 11 ,1 .1 v 1 . 0a% can be! obtained ~ • apl4 anlS'ourSjat MBROMERY—Worned pastern* for Ottomans, E FleatiStools Table Covers, Trawling Bags, with a avast variety of anus@ patterns. Also, Worsteds of . 4 colon and ahadeb hy@ltaistrand, ounce, or stain for sale by apt Ftt EATON Co, di Fourth st Q ECOND SUPPLY—W @ Morphy, at northeast tor ne r of 4th and Market streets, has now open his aaoso supply of gonna and summer Goods, and has a lame tusorunen t of Dress Goods of newest styles, and staple trawls of every kind, all of which will he sold low. ap27 R.E.F.N . bIU§L - IN Treceived th e above aurae and desirable article, fihe festuonable shade also, Green Barnes. arts 7 Lir 1101•ELISALD DILLY GOODS. A A. MABOM 1c CD, c.,AI3I—,B,ONERS AND IMPORTERS, 60 Ms.= 8052cr, - ABes now opening the most exte.ive .d Tailed assortment of Spring and S ummer Good. Over exhibited In the Western country, mpriaingapwards of Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased m entire padre ges from the outuallesturera, impanel", and large auc tion sales, by one of the firm residing in New York, who is constantly sending . thy newest and most fashionable goods. They name in pars— on cases rich Sprmg.Pnets;l 30 cases do Leiner, N Lawns.std Muslins 33 " cotton and lin. lx biesched Naslins , ail Oingharas; grade; 30 . eopd Muslins; 40 slnrung Cheeks and I trr " Bipkas Cotton. domestic Cringhams; odes and Yummy Studs 230 . Brown MusllnN. Also, ca . sert end m of Bonnets, Plower., La- Ttlit b u b ers:6l. B e.lac ) =., ` M., 4 ll:: awry and GIOV., On. City and country merchants will find their stook no , ange and desirable a. Eastern stocks, end an exami natters Of their geode and prices Calll2ol. fall to con vince all that midi their undeniable advantages and Winn., May can compete worn an. to Joan. This fret h. been clearly demonstrated to hundreds 6f their patrons who formerly purchased East. Their stock mil always ho found complete. spy NEW 800118, 149. RhirIEDY & SAWYER, cortleiWowi and Parini% street, are now receivtag direct Gorr first hands, a large stock of Fmey and Variety Goods, in.:hiding Clocks of even• vunery, gold and silver Watches, Jewelry, French Punts, Combs, Hooks and Eyes, Gloves and Hosiery, Saspenders, Gm Caps, and all other articles in them line—all of which having teen purchased personalty of the manufacturers east, da ring the last wanes, expreaslly for the Spring trade, will he sold wholesale at a sentOksitivaace on cost. Constantly oo hand, all descriptiotis of Looking Glass es, of our own manathaturina, et eastern prices. tritaG EW FANCY AND VARIETY 41WD:5—At • LB N 1.1.0 N KINSF.Y'S, 67 Market street. 100 pea tine China Foam toed; 175 sots' wilt and rut velvet coat EttittonE 40 foie velvet Carpet 802.1 70 do do gent. traveling; 100 1(11.3 Caney atik Buttons, for drosses; 10 du. hail Bruithes, ailed; 100 gro fine blk Vest Buttons, ased; ON/ do do gilt and elated, dot 75 dot rosewood Hair Brushes; 4 do' Washington 'do; 1 do Barbera do, 3 gro Fob Line.; Flab Hoots, Lime- JEWELRY. Ste --50 gold lever Watches; 50 do de tached lever Watenesi 10 do Lepine do; 10 fine dia mond Finger Rings; 1 doe fine gold Vest and Fob Chains; 2 do do Guards; Ilreast Fina, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, de. GLOVES, &e.-200 dos Ladies Cotton Gloves, used; 300 do do Lislo Thread, fancy top, 10 do pots' silk Gloves; 12 do do kid do; 50 do ladies kid, ass'iii 10 do do fancy lop .11k. VAR/ ETV ISOODS-75 pkgs American PlO.l 300 b. Cotton Canis, 75 ps Paper fdoshn; 500,,C03 ribbed Percussion Caps; 200 gro dress Virlutlebone do; 100 dos Ivory Comb.; Dressing Combs, Back comb% ike. El It EATON k CO. are now opening,theix Spring stook of Trimmings, consisting in perfof and Dress Fringes, lumps , black and cord SID Late., Limit Flounce La Buttons, ,Brids, Bonnet Trtmmings, gents, ladies and ce, ekildrona..plen and lin, ay Hn,iery, t Fans, tnn,l,"7 - go'no'd.b°, BOO! bins, Pins, ke. Re, winch they offer for sale both wholesale and retail, at ear Trimming Store, o .ol4 urns street, between Wood and Market EW SPRING IiiOOCS. - -4-ri. A. h/6661 6 an, NO. N 00 Market street, are now opening 40 eases cod packages of splendid SPRING GOODS, Comprising Lawns, Musllns, Bereges, M. de Laines, Ointment', Prints, Freneh Canatirfes, Linens, Ribbonsi Laces, Silks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, end • general assort mem of Gonda nitch47 CARPETS, OIL OLOTIO4 DECEIVED THIS DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloths JA, of the latest and most approved patternis,, , and at prices to salt purchasers., and cheap an Can be por lchased in any of the Eastern cities, comprising the fol. loungrvarieller Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets; Aurninister Carpenq any size hall 10001 1 1 or eel Tapetiry .do übttlea Sop Royal Brussels do Tapestry stair carpels; Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do Jo Superfine do do Chemile Rugs; Extra cup ingrain do Totted 410 Superfine do do Brussels do Fine do do Chennla Door 111.1.111 Common do do Tatted do do 4-4, 3-4 & I Tapestry Adelnid do do Damask do Sheep skin do do 4-4, 3-4 & I twl'd Ve- 12-4 EmbUd Piano corm ultimo de 6-4 do Table do 4-40-4 & 4 plain do do 6-4 wool do a./ Cotton Ingram do B-4 - worsted and finer, do do do Vetted. do Brum Stair Rod, F-4 cotton Dragger; 164 wool enualiclothr 12-4 woolen do Stair Linen 6-4 do do 6-4 table do Eitglmit Table Oil cloths; Diaper do German do do do do Crash 1-4 Floor Oil ebstlog Snow-Mop Napktns; 7.4 do ao do Crimson Plash; 6-4 do do do Porple do 3-4 do do do Maroon do 4-4 do do do Carpet thndinc Sheet Oil Ciotti', of newTranufed Window Shade. Tapestry patterns, eat to fit I (To the abase we are constantly receivingotir Spring Stock of Curvets, oil Cloths and Steamboat Tlinuninp, to which we invite the attention of all who wish to fur nish their hoisses or steamboats as we will be able to otter goods as low as they can be purchued in the East, and of the richest and latesuytec Call and en me.l3l oar stock before purchuitg tttsewhera Ware house, No 73 Fourth sr toe= W. ISTLINTOCK. The largr.n, Chrojoaa and most Flakioneddo Sark of Goods. eulapead to Gentleasees's Spring and Somoza Wear, tejscet reeeitnesg at WU. DtGUVS CHEAP CUD CLOTHING STORE, 138 LIBERTY STREET. _ . T HE Pregnanr of the above establishment would Wenn hie ruttnerops elletOinern, th at he has putt returned from the Eastern cities with th e most splendid assortment of goods in his line, that was seer brought to this city, comprising all mat le new fashionable, elegant and Cheap in Clinks, Caasimeres, cashmere., Dray De Eon, arsd every description of cotton, boon and woollen Summer Stuffs; Shins, Cr.. vats, Hinds, Suspenders, a.e., of the newest styles; which, together with his very large and fashionable Flock of ready-made Clothing, he to prepared to offer at his usual low once,. . Country Merc ha nts, Contractors, and ail whopur chase largely, are particularly invited to call and cx amine the stock, which a decidedly the largest and most fashionable In the car, and great attention has been paid to get it up saltablecta the wholesale trade. Orders in the Tailoring line executed in the roost fashionable manner. and that nothing may be wanting to ensure the newest and best style of cutting. A gen tleman who inks had great expenenee to the Darwin hoe been added to Si establishment. metal:dam li GOODS. SHACKLETT & WHITE. Dry Good• Jobisor.s, NO.ha WOOD ATREEr—Wordd th e lineation 0.99 of hlerehanta to Mali large mak of Domeatle and Foreign DRY GOODS, Mai receiving frog:rite has. porters and Idannfnanters, and which they will sell sr very low razes for rash or approvednredit Oar Mock is now fall sad opmplete r aml wall Worth the attention of barna Lama ate dater:mined to son al moth ermemelyloor glee:rail cannot Owl b stake It a sumo Wahiawa's,' fir matahanta to Eiakeobßl with au= VOL. XVI. NO. 264. 13 I Kr,. MAO : •.S TORN FORSYTH, a Merah crir azu Tailor, has cameral& 0 to No. t 1 Market greet, etc door NOW Second, East aid. Thankftil for past favors, ho sespeettußrachnlta • m anatrattee of the Patronage otitis ton= eatteubteras and likewise the patronage of as AulllY AeW own " are or the Tight stn Orders in the Tailoring Roe executed in the Mad fashionable manner, .11zsiih dispatch. Also, a fashionable aszonartent of nada. nada Oa) thing s of all klads. Cheap for esala elegem: Gentlemen.' Fu Cicada in all .theis alzrara on hand, inch az Bosoms, Collars. OM . osriotiss vats, Stocks, so.* Hosiary, sasmulaco, rocker !Idea Gloves, Drawers, Umbrellas, dm ke• conloilan •or aslp lial.a.r. IR"JOILN EL M.LLOB,BIWood swat s will sell for Scrip u par, the flakeelng new sad second - hand PLUM: 013.1 elegant ensemood .1* comma Ere ano, made by Bak. & Raven, N. Y .5 3 / 3 OD One do do 61 ottave. • 303 00 One Imewoal d octave, Goje. & Go, N. V... VD 00 One do 0 do , do do. •—. 233 013 Ond 1661 .11 ,16 Y 6 do do neasly DOW" SOO OD One de 0 do Load . • 225 OD One - do 51 do Romnbanen 100 00 One do 6 do Gelman . ..,...-- 60 (XI One Jo 151 do R& W Na m . 90 ce ono do 6 do 'English —.— . 30 00 my 3 -- 11111_ _ t• THE PRI - 11 7 11Vir FEW AND MARINE INSURANCE_ _,SIOMPAt. NY OF HARTFOEtaO 43 T amen Capital Stock, Anneal Remit* arta stuplus t • ,000,000 s All losses promptly paid at - the General Agancylr Ice Cm the Western Buttes, located at CEnctnasa.Oble. This Company is of king standing, and welt.hatown throughout the United f t for Its at:arena) and Protean pays®t of lossao—bseingunarmed ant set tled, to the satisfambon of all oonnerned, oast 4san toasts, amounting in the aggregate toatanT Jl or nevus, the eseelpn fox which area on the Elea of ths Company al blanfard and CinelnualL Ths Poosburith agency of this office Was,ol4le . ? held by Moses Atwood, Es e., and 'MI tnetnall Y toned outer the Staub by allow awoonling a prom binary of Foreign LoserantosCosupaniesjsuo !maca w', to escape lass by the fro of 10th . tegStS, 'Fbe agency is now Olb2/111 of ate et:dentist:lrd, otho r =te d ivo applications and issee Pekoes al= LasSS OR DAMWEE BY FIRE on Stores, Warebonsey Dwellings, A. with the MO. temp. Also, on goods, Wares and Merchandise s exiest the peril. or Uses. sae LICIAAD Mang. rte, the current rates of premium. Oates at M. It BROWN A BROTHER'S, No, 127 Wood meet. FAYETTE BROWN, Agent Protectitm Latta/Wm Co. forlittakergh Lad Allegheny Co. ups t jig 7.A v!L rt r. 1.41....;:i,_;21tAxtin 0 1 -- rinAl-131T tu • II ti A N EMINENT and experienced Phyaman train the .71. East, of 3:1 year. standing, ofen to treat &llama of a Delicate Nature with promptness and eacte. 2 7. Ilis sone.. in Santo other large citle.s has Amon proverbial. His charges are moderate, and,hia cures permanent Old cases of Glom, Sams% Sore fuln, Floor Alb., Rheunisoem dem i Syphilis, or IntY chronic or Invotemie oases solicited. A cure war:tuna or charge refunded. • 01 , 71 C., St. Clair street, edema from the Bridge. Teeth Fa - sorted. Advice to the poor N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the worst cases one" disease in Potsborgh to call. • apltajy 11171LIJAEI HEIM% • MOOnfattOrer of dliflC/111 Water &ppegini, .11:13 07111 E GOLDEN assizes= No. 213 North Second •t. above hoe, riakenEa.peue. A experience of more then twebto yews In the manpfsettuing of Olinaral Water Ammuckis, and the preparation of Atmore! Water in Bottles and F mina on on extensive wale, with* scientila prao• neat knowledge of of both branches, of buboes, tog.. they with recent improvements in the constmcden ef the apparatus and the preparing of the Water, which he has succeeded In adopting since his visit to Pada, and after years of elm study and practical pill:a dore, as applied to the arts In hr hoer • and try, enables the sabecribor to come beeps itis publia with enure confidence,and offer them Bus but sad moat complete Appazatils, for the utruniflatureoillita. oral Water In Bottles and Fountains, that can be fur nished in the 'United Bodes. He also fitment himself that the enlarged =teem he has met with, and the present extensive aud daily In creasing amonut of his businem In both the above de partments, furnishes the most convinebag proof of his claim to the superiority of Apparatus over those of all others, and of the panty and salubrity of the WWI' prepared. therefrom - Perm. who order the Appamtas from a distance, may be assured that their instruction, shall be Wald ly complied with,. and so packed as to carry safely either by land or water to arty part of the U. Bums. To avoid disappointment, Is is recommended In those who Intend supplying themselves the approeching sea. son, to forward their Indere at as early a day. aa verdent. Mineral Water Apparams, Generators,. Pump, and Ponitainy Osearoemel Unts and Ardeatakt.fos Stands, Counters and Bars of Hotels, (lirrawing Hydrant Water, together with Corking and Tying Machlass, aid everything apprnadaMm to the above • business, constancy onhand, tad for sale on the lowest mans for cash, apll9.ll.eodgre ' GROCERIES -100 bre prime OrnakSto Coffee; 75 pekgs Y H , Imperial and G P Tpas; 50 b. t2s,iss - and 5s span Tobacco; 25 bb 1000 O bb ds N 0 Sage s N Oand sagarbouse Molasses; r, 150 bbla Shad, Herrings, Mackerel and Salmon; SO do pure Flaxseed Oth 5000 assorted Cotton Yaru c 75 bales Batting and Candlewick; 20 bge Pepper and filspice; 40 boxes Yowl and Common Stereill 50 do mould and dip'd Candles; 10 do Stu do • 150 do No I. Soap; IMO Sides and Shoulders Haman 75 dozen Gomßroomw In more and for Sale by au JOHN WATT, Co, Liberty et r('HP, nebseribers are receiving low rates as whew., air -100 pankag. Y 11, Imperial andO P Teas 3(e) bits Rio and lava Coffee; 150 Pkg. b. 12 .1 /Mop; le and Pa van Tobacco; CO hives O Sugar; 200 bbl. 0 kledesa.; bbls amorted Nos Loaf Sugar; 15 do Tanners 011; 18 do Lamp Oil; • 1(0 groas Blanking; kleeterel, No 1, 2 and 3, In bbls and hf bids; 300 bas luebee stale Her ri ng; 30 b. white Pipes; t.Z bgs Peeper, CO de Alspiee; S mats Casela; WOO lb. Cotton Yam, au'd Nos; 100 baled Batting; 50 boo Point Soap; 50 do Toilet & Variegateol 26 do &arch; 50 de /ARM 10.01% • 10 bales Almond tal do Palm Nam; 00 do E Walnuts; 20 do Filberts; bge grotend Nuts; 16 boa Spiced Chocolate; 3 cases Liquorice; 15,000 Principe and Regalia Sep.; • 40 grou Calmed Dry Tobaceta 20 doz Bed Cords; 12 b. Rock Candy; 15 has Spann - Candler, 92 do Eltashdata aim 7.7. 1 est Ombre hladder v e caneent 2 cases Chives; 1 do Nuterleg% 10 bobs Whiling; 6 do Chalk; Se do: Buckets; 4002 lha Salerate% bis fine cot Chewing Tobacco, Common and half Spanish lectars.'"'" , 81 1 1OLIBil & BENNETP,I7 Weed it, 1.928 °Make Si Ckarlerkreirl Diaphragm Iltiltar t tor Hydrant WaPara YlliS is to certify that • !bare e reed lA Agenta I ^ ot the sult il l i r Patent 1.07 Miter, for th e el ties of Pi:tabu a nd 6/1,-4emy... JO GI • for Walter It Gibson, Ail Ltrostarig N. e have bete asing _O4O of uto Mora tittles at 'Ms GM. of the Novelty Works for three months, no trial, and feel petthetly ur n in that It is a meth anyeaden, we ere take plaasure in necommandiag theme, i l l article to all who b. yam water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly emitted, eerie LI VINOSTON, ROGGEN &Co S ADDLE TEUit AND V1EW 6.01.. .ri.0. adi, yew .: boo Infore sfrieat ledtle, in eree=.s or t ing he na soot cies of his own manufacture In this cin—Daddlinh Har ness, Trunks and Whip., all of which be will warrant to be made *DM ben mannal and by the best ettent. min in Allegheny comuy. Being detenented to eel hls mannnetares someddng lower than Lae been henry totem sold by any similar establlahMent is tba be would invite person In need of the above rutted articles to his wererrouse, N 0 . 044 Liberty tenet= .ita Seventh. Also, bands made to order for et rY pITTBEI octNaly O. NERD VIOST E milt: Second Benton of this Innittnien, =der the j. cam of Mr and Dire. gammon, for . Maureen:et madman year, will totem. eel on the Ern of peb r .„... ry next, in the game buildings, No. rd Liberty intreirt. A/reinsert:tents have been made by which they Will be able to &min yonng faellittx= l in the West, for obtanung a thorough eel, and Ornamental education. A toll mane of Phi lisophlcal and Chemical Lettere, will be delivered during the winter, Illustrated by apparatus. The de partments of Vocal and instrumental sbsoi,, AL:dem Languages, Drawing and Punting, will each Wander the care of a competent Pretence. By close attention to the moral an mtellectual improvement of theirpar pa., prinemeds hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. "or terms, see clroular et appty to th e Prinelpols.: jaNkltf TTIOWFOUNDIA.L.F...— smell iron Feaa dry in a flourishing town, with ama, Tolls, tee., all ready fo‘hunness, will be sol d o ann memento nuns terms, or exchange for km or pada. Thu otters en excellent opportunity te • niung Man woh smellEm of capital to commence the ken Foundry no . Cans. met EICAIPE • Lt near Wood sum, Sc. Cocllicirettiv ~ deete xi - A 8.811411.1, WALLACE & CO., Bound Church, Al corner Liberty and Wood atreetg, matimem ns and offer for sale Platform, Floor luld,ClOamer Ftildo. of tho mart improved guallt7: Coo llddd Ellattg6CßNsmod and coal; Gregg Stoves of rations alsea, Parlor. add common naws, Hollow Ware, &c, gam , They also manufacture the Sitar. Range, which bugle= nob general satisfaction to Limo litayilv Atitanao, mall of which they would respectfully tante the *Coral= rd . the citizens and the public enerally. ~ "i oennigtf DATENT — SOLIA ,Wl..bllt ek.....A. ext... X assortment of Corfteltna & Co's celebrated cam futon, and :aped/Wall others In .tuar, adapted to churchea,c,•r''be'.' Worries, darelisligs, whit* sad priests halls, and to ether Uses where a cheap, so and brilliant light undeniable. Alsoyairandol troll Untn!ti,.u.,,,,d,„lahrasAllotics; Shadea, Wicks, Ulmuls Cans, ket' Mips I thug Chandeliers, from ens to 4air ii„, . , , . i, deed l'i. W %V 46 rearkst at ardware...Cheaper than Severe LeKiDed"erelfandert C°a&lPaUt4l."'And a=r/.4° LW Wood-a tree ; above OM, bare now. La stew!. cheap anal well selected stook of Barbr; ile since the 'decline orprices ficßiarom aoli alla we delowelned to aa eorresboadlogly kw. , ob. I.e. beta In Wo hablVoljoitiVEse4 Arc aptly*. a d lady-requested to cell and loot Omagh nor mior-kwe we confidently believe they Will savischeit e.1e.10 cool . ~ _ >-1'23~1 IMI~~T'I~ lEl=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers