~. ~n k-F 4 7.. ~ i rt' `t ~;. R . ~ - „......._ .. . . - ._. . *UVAL appimizs Wm max spry ..... .Buizau of Conztrueton, Egtripment, and Reprori, Mkt . .?..,I(iid. , . . . .. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed ‘q'tdposals fee naval supplies,. (naming the yard for which the offer is made) will he -received at this Bureau until 3thilock P.M. of the 30th June hest, tot Air nishing and delivering, under contract, at the tea pective Navy Yards hereinafter named,-the seve ral articles specified in. this advertisement, One fourth part of all the articles required et -each of said on yards., comprising a due proportion of each kiffd,roust be delivered on or.before the first of September nem; one other fourth part mon before the fi rat'a December next; one otherfourth part on or before the first of Aprik and the residue on or be. fore the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred sad silty; and, in case of failure to furnish and deliver the articles within the time and in the proportion specified, the Bureau or the respective command ants of said navy yards to have the right' to direct purchases to be made to supply any deficiency, sad the cuturacior and her sureties to be liable in twice the contract price. Proposals must provide for furnishing and de livering, on lake toms and condaimu, nay addition .' quantity Of the articles contracted Mr that may be required at either of the said navy yards he lore the expiration of the fireal,year ending on the said 30th June, 16SO, on fifteen days' preivioue no• lice from the Bureau or the commandant of the yard where the articles are required. Persons offering for more than one pant must make ...Tows and A:emu roporafr for ale SOFA peach, of each, Looping the &lases ankles arpo.a n°e, d t i embracing the whole qua/ ity of all tilCartirk.s minmermed in. the alas. The cost of each item must be distinctly carried oat and the ag gregnte of each claw correctly fo oted up, which is material to a tad comparison of bids. An ermine. 0129 extension, or an erroneous aggregate "Incur.' Notate en informality, and the bid will not be con sidered. No extension iguana for deliveries ander any contract will he granted, and penalties Sit nonful fillment avtli in all cases be rigidly enforced; bidders are theiregme requested to offer for no more' than they are sere they can furnish within theliine specified. All the articles mast be of the very best - quality, conforming to samples which will be exhibited on application tome commandant of the yard at which they are to be delivered. They moat be In good order' and condition, in suitable veseebi or packages, atlhe case may be, all vessels, articles, and packages to be snidest to the inspection of the yard, where they are received, and be in all respects to the sat &action oftbe commanding. Approved sureties in twice the estimated amount will be required in the manner set forth in the form of contract, and ten per centaur in addition will be withheld from the amount Of each ayment as collateral security for the faithful perf ormance of the contract. Ninety per cent. of each delivery will be paid by toe Navy Agent within thirty days alter the presentation of approved. bills ,4 tripli cate, by the oommandtint of the yard in which the deliveries arca:mile. Every offer moat be accompanied by a vrritten guaraaty (the responsibility of the guarantor or guarantors to be certified by a Navy Agent or otre er official person, or by some one knows to the Bureau) thati lithe offer be accepted, the bidder or bidders will, within five days after the receipt of the comma at the pmt office designated, execute the name, with good and sufficient auretiet to fur nish the •articles proposed, agreeably to the terms specified in this tulvettisement, and which-may be embodied it, the contract. The law oflOth August 1816, forbidithe consideration of all proposals not accompanied by such guaramty ; Bidders are particularly motioned to endorse their offers as above required, that they - may he disdrighished from other business letters, in order to prevent their being opened before the proper time. All offers not Emile in etrict conformity with this advertisement In every particular will be rejected as inAirmaL Those whose offers are accepted will be duly notified, and contracts forwanlid with out delay. Persons offering are directed to designate the poet offisis through which they desire to be addres sed middle navy agent to wham the contract shall be sent for execution. . ' FORM OF AN OFFER. Wusnuarraa. May —,1819 I hereby agree to furnish and deliver, at the Na• vy Yard at--, in conformity with the require, menu; of the advertisement from the Bureau of Cousin:whim, Equipment, end Repair of the Mid May, 1849, the several articles embraced io clarin et one awl two for that yard, to wit: Cuss No. 1 —lbs. white lead al—cents -lbs. lampblack al do .. --lbs. red lead at— do .. —lbs. litharge at— do .. No. 2. —galloda sperm 'I at—cent: $ —lbt, sperm camp ant— do .... Very respectfully.. To Corn. Ceeaste W. 6615,131, Chief of the Bureau of Construction, &c., Wash We, the undersigned, residents of in the State of—, hereby guaranty that, In case the foregoing bid of— be accepted,tha6----w dl within live days after the reoeipt of the contract at the post office designated, execute the same, With good and ilia:lent' sureties to fdruish the supplies embraced in said bid in conformity with the terms of the advertisement under which it was made. C. D. I hereby certify that, to the beat of my knowl edge and bellaf, the above named guarantors are good and sufficient E. F. NAVY YARD, climumsTowN, „MASS. Crass No. I—lron. _ . .. .. . 4400 Ors. 11 iaeb round iron per pound 5,000 do 1 do do do 9,000 do Ido do do 3,000 do Ido do do 2,000 do• k do do_ do ~1,000 do 4. do do do .500 dos-16rio do do 300 do Ido do do ' 300 do 3-16 do do , do 2,000 do6by i inch flat do do 2,000 44 by 9 dodo s do 2,000 dcl2l by, do do do 1,000 dr.2 by 1 do do do. 2,000 do 3 by 1 do do do' 2,000 do 21 by Ido do do 1,000 do 1 by 1 do do do 500 do Russia sheet iron do 1,000 do Russia or Swedes nail rode do 1,000 do do do spike rods 1 by 1 inch do - • 36,600zrande l . All ' iron obe of the beet American marM facture. Cues No. 2—Copper. 500 lbii6loz braziers' eap'r greets 0 by 3 lb per lb. 500 "54 oz do do do do 1,000 .34 os do :do "'do 'do 1,000 "32 os do do do do 3,000 pounds 500,sheets 32 cr. hot rolled sheathing eoprer, estimated to weir, 4,700 lbs. •:Perib. 500 illeets 34'oz. hot tplle sheathing .*. copper, estimated to weigh 5,000 lbs. per Lb. 100 sheets 18 oz. hot rolled sheathing copper, estimated to saredgh 500 lbs. -per lb. i 100 sheets 22. m... het rolled sheathing - copper, estimated to weigh 600 lbs. per lb. All the sear copper must have straight edges and square ends and be of parallel widths. • Cum. No. 3—Hardware. • 5 cooper's axes per sample, each 5 cooper'. adzes do do 5 broad axes, handled do do 10 narrow axes, handled do do ' 2 hollow adzes. handled do do 2 carpenters' mixes, handled do do • 25 bradawls, do do • do 25 awls, do do do 3 braces and butts, (48 bills) do do 2 iron do ('M bins) do do sDearborn'm balaacesto weigh trOlbsdo d 6 • 100 M iron brads 114 s, 11 inch do Per M. 22 " itsmdall's patent brads do do 2 setsfirmer chisels I to 2 incites eadh set handled do per set 2 seta socket chisels I to 2 inches each set, hatidled do do 10 carpenters' compasaes do each 2 coopers' callipers do do 2 toast callipers do do. 2 large butchers' cleavers do do 3 small do do • 250 lbs. 1 inch von chain do pal lb. 260 . 7.16 . do do 250 . / " do do 250 " 1 ` do do . 20" I " do do 6 dos. fine saw files, (Greases dt Sons) per dos 12 . 4 inch hood saw film do do , 12 " 6 inch •• do do 12 " 7 inch do do 1 " rat tail tiles do , do 2 seta firmer gouges i to 2 inch, . handled per sample, per set 2 sets socket gouges I to 2 inch, ado 3 do do 3 weel tangoed Leslie do each - 3 bung borers do do 3 tap Moen • • do do 6 dca brass buttons OP plates do per doe fill lbs copper burn • do per lb 50 " eat copper rivet/ do do 10 brais cocks do each 3 cooper crows do do 2 glaring diamonds do • do 3 brass dividers du do 6 dos bempescutcheons, assorted do per 4 2 " spike gimlets do do 2 " nalil gimlets do do 6 fish kettles do each 20 stew-pans, assorted sizes do do ~ 10 filing pans do do 20 bao s .pans, assorted sizes do )lo 20 copper tesekettles, t quart do .de, 20 iron tea kettles do d 0 4carpentenellsOgos do do 100 lbs China glue do per lb. 3,000 tenter hooks. do per It 12 butchers' knlyes,- 12 inch do each 6 cheese '.` . -10 inch do do 100 &hit* kOOklis.iFlo, rled do do • do .do 12 broad/014M -=---- do 24 claw hatoniterte ••• , .z 3 mewl batameiti ' ' - ti -4 dozen pair Ctir iiichheaVY* ll butt 14414 , retitle ihdlinis phis; "... petdos . 3 dos Folir.2 3:21 1 4. 6 beavy.bnuut butt binekruhlibiginsPias - - - . :142' edoz Pair 2 1 2.incht hem brut butt hinges, witlfshilling pips do 8 dos 2x 11 Inch heavy ; bolt hinges do 1 dos 4 loch braze door hook, and eyes per sample, do cdoz 6 inch brain doior hooka and eyes do do 2 dos iron brat- hinges, assorted do do 2 gridirons d o each 5 griddles do do 5 iron ladles do do 2 waffle irons do do '• 2 iron pots do do 1 dos secretary Inzigwkwab s P m g‘ d ~h per dos • 10 tinder boxes and steal do . 1 8 shoe knives do do '6 drawing knivesdo do . 6 pallet knives do do 4 putty knives do do • 2 pitch kettles do do 2 hollowing knivesdo do 2 rounding knives do do 10 sail knives do do 4 grow blank door keys do per gross 2 do blank drawer do do di 12 mortion (lilahus,) whit mineral knobs .; in dozes 3 inch iron tumbler pad lozks,l2 kinds of keys to each -,- dozen dome 3 inch Mao tumbler pad locks, 12 kinds of keys to each dozen dozen 4 inch iron cupboard locks, 12 kinds or keys to each dozen • 1 dozen 6 Wish iron closet locks, • 12 kinds of keys to each dozen do do 25 papers sewing needles, ass'd do per papr 2,0110 lbs iron cut nails,' 4d to 40d, e qual quantities, each size 1,000 lbs wrought trod nails, l'id to 12d, equal quantiLies,each size, du do 600 lbs cot copper netts, 4d to 20d, . equal quantities each size 200 Its, iron finishing wails, Sd and 10d, equal quanta," each size do do 4hi scupper nails. •-• do per M .10 M l clout amts. . do do ; 6 short jointer planes do each ••• 3 long do do do 6 jack planes do do i 3 grooving planes do do 2 pairs match planes do do 3 astrigal planes pet sample, each 4 moulding planes do do ' 4 bead planes do do 3 plow planes do do 3 coopers' block planes , :r•1 coopers' jointer long 1 coopers' jointer short 6 spoke shaves 1 • 3 bucket shaves „ 3 can shaves los s_3 in. shaves : .1 ream sand paper' LO 2 feet ndes, single and double • . jointed do each .10 woad rasp., do do 3 gauging rods do do 4.0 sail rubbers . •• 11 do do 410 poundsiron nvets,assorted sizeado per lb. 10 cast steel shovels • ' do each . 6 spades do do '4 shovels and tongucs do do : 6 Gruber scales 1 . do do • 6 screw drivers . do do 6 steelyards ' ' do do XlO hand Saws „do do -..3 teams saws do do , - 2 sash saws . do do ':2 compass saws do do `2 word saws, framed do do 2 whip saws (pits) : do do - cross cut saws • .do do 2 keyhole and pad saws do do ~2 dovetail saws f.. do -do 1,000 lbs atent deck spites, 4-4 I, 5-51, 6-6 k, 7-74, 8.9 in., eqUal quamitles each kind, . . per sample, per lb. • 4 butchers' steels ; do each 4 trying squares •_ do do 4 iron saws do do , do do 4 SSW . Sal , 4 brass squares I do do ' 4 bread sieves ' do do 4 bread shods •if do du 3 Jarge tm bread scales,with sets weights do ,3* - salt do ,hi do do do ••:3 tL i do dii, do do do 190 M copper tacks l . ,„: t, I, and i inch, equal quantities each slice per M 141) do tinned tacks, i• inch do 100 do inn tacks 4,4, 1, and i inch, equal quail fines-each size ~ per 51 10 boxes XX tin , per box • 2 bench vices, large- per sample, each 2 bench vices, small do do '.2 hand vices, do do ' 1 ..2 cooper's vices .•• do do 4 sets iron weight-1,1 to 4 pounds per set ',4 do do 410 29 pounds do ;4 do kad do lozto I pound do 50b pounds sheet zinc,: per 11 500 pounds pig zinc • do 200 pounds iron sheathing nails do gp gross I inch No. lti iron screws per give •1 • • do I inch No. 13 do de 19 do I 'rich No. • 9 do • LO do I inch No. '9 du 10 do ; inch No - 9 do 10 do 1 i inch No. .6 do 5 do 11 inch No.'. 7 do CLASS No. 4—F7rtcoCr aver, 200 bolts No. 1 daz. canvass , 150 '.do N 0.3 do 50 .do No. S do • do Each bolt to be 40 yitrie • in length arid 20 melt wide, according to sample, and subject to the usu al teat. Curs No. s—..lhip Chandlery. 50 hichory broords ' per sample, each. 00 Corn brooms , do do 00 whitewash brushes • do do 00 paint brushes, No 1 I do do 25 sash tool brushes, do do 50 isomers hair brushes do do 50 hand scrubbing bruakes do do 50 clamp scrubbing bruin/es do do 20 long.latmdle tar brushes do do 20 Maori-handle tar bisiaties do do 10 rolls worsted bindnig*lsort ed colors 1., do do 5 pieces white buntiii, 40 yards in length, 18 inch es wide do per piece. 5 pieces scarlet bunting, 40 yards in length, PS inches ~- wide . do do 5 Pieces blue bunliipg, 40 -, yards in length 1S inches ~ wide do do 1 piece yellow bunting, 40 yards in length 18 inches • wide . do do 5 hives calls a. each 30 yards bleached cotton, 7.8 wide do per yard. 1 set truss hoops do par net 10 pounds curled hair . do per pound 25 sides rigging leather, esti- T'. mated to weigh: 500 . pounds - do do 10 Sides puinp leather, embus :l. ted to weigh 200 pounds do do 25 tildes bellows leather esti. . l' t meted to weigh 175 ; . pounds do do 50 pounds lamp wick do do 5 gloss lamp wick wire do per gross 24 chalk lines do . each 16 milks lime • do do 0 tape lines do do 50 - gallons whale oil - per gallon. 30 gallons tar oil do 10 china latwls for water' clos ets : AK! do sample,ech. 25 fishing lines , 25 Liattndi seine twine do per pound. 25 phttnds whipping twine do do 20 pounds yellow beeswax , do do 20 mounted roping palms do do 20 mounted reaming palotts do do 100 dozen Russia mats, tor cov ering cordage do per dozen. 3 Turkey of stones do each , 3 grind stones, estimated at , • .'2Oll pounds per podnd. 100 arm steel scrapers -t per sample, each 109 oz hides for rope. estimated ... to weigh 10,000 potinds do per pound. 1,0001:-pounds No.l extra soap, do 10 f do thread, assorted -. colors . per sample, per O. 10;.: do shoe thread,- do 200' do tallow 10 L do =pram 22 .bundles mown? Ilagicesll - at 150 pounds or 50 t ide preservers per sample, each. 1 patent log d o do '1 cotton wine and bag, 10 ':fathoms, 18 feet deep do do 1 cotton saline and bag, 60 lathoms,2l feet deep do do 100 feet 3-inch leather bow per foot. 100 feet 21 inch do do , 20 Yards blank cotton vertet .. per yard. .. Cuss No. o—PrifeLi and Oat. do do 8,000 pounds pure dry white lead 1,000 do lamp black 500:: do red lead r 600 do 'charge' 900 , do Venetian red 3,000 do Spanish whiting do zoo ;. do chrome green (woods) do 100 do French yellow core do 75.: do gum shellac' . do 10 -.do Prussian blud do 1,000 'gallons raw Dmch kiseed oil . per gallon. 300. do spirits turpentine do Craw No. 7.....00.1.-um. 10,009poundi oakum, (beat lanky, made from jankjper pound. Ciao No. 9-216imiikt Hemp. 29 lons Manilla Hemp, per ton of 2,240 lbs. Class No 9-- . Btortorsery. 50 Inemoranduin booku.lirge per sample, each do email do do 10 blank books, 2 quirei do do 10 do 3 do do do 20 pieces India rubber per sample, pr piece. 60 half pint bottles blaclOnk do pr bottle. do do do 20 tirlammids , do each. ' 1 Inkstandialt do do 'lO penknives, each 4 Miklos do do 5 seams log paper do per ream 20 foolsap paper do do 10 ;do letter do , do do 5i do envelope do do do 2 'do blotting do i do do ci) cirds steel pens do per card. riliceits drawing paper do per ahem ' 5 pertllSl rulers do each i ) round :uteri' do do 5 flat Mira do do 5 solling rulers Jo do .20 dozers lead pencils , do per dos .5.00 iistk pencils , do pr baud. . - 25 camel's hair pencils do each 2,000 quills do per hund. 10 sandboxes do each 30 pounds sand do per lb 10 double kg slates do each 10 single do do do 2 boxes water colors do do 10 pounds wafers do per lb al papers Ink powder do pee paper 6 boxes end pounce Jo each 4 Gurder's acute, do do 75 bolts red tape do per bull do each 10 1 Cr r m k a l t d b e e n inatical metro. menu do do 10 pounds sealing woo do per lb 20 bolts tame do do C1..11 No. 10-p”el 50 cords mixed oak wood per cord 25 tons red ash coal per too of 2240 lbs. el.oola No. I I - Naval Stutei 1,200 barrels Nuffolk tar 50 do pitch 25 do rosin do Id do turpentine NAVY YARD. BROiiKLYN, N Y. • Cldar No. I - /111/1, p, ;lowa. Round'. Sytsor r. 3,000 Ibs. incli 2 000 lbs. :An ma; 3,000 do 5-16 du :1.000 do 1 do . 3,000 do ; do 4.090 do. 7.16 do 1,500 do 7.16 do 2,000 do. I do. :1,000 Jo do 2,000 do. 9.16 do. 1,000 do 0-16 do 2.000 do. : do. 3,000 do 1 do 2,000 do. 11-16 do. 1,500 do 3-16 do 2.000 do. : do. 2,000 do 11.16 do 2,000 do. I do 4,000 do I do 1.000 do. I: do. 3,000 do 1346 do 2.000 do. I 1 do. 4,000 do . 1,000 do 1i do. 5,000 do I do 2,000 du 2. do 4,000 do 1.16 do 6 000 do 1: do 2,000 do 1 3 16 du 1,000 do 1: ,to 2,000 do I 5-16 do 1,000 do 1 '746 du 2,000 do 1! do 1.000 do 11 do 1,000 do 1 i do 2.000 do 2 do 1,000 do 2/ do 2,000 do 2i do 3,000 dp 3/ do 2,000 do 3/ do 3,000 do 4 do Jo each do per do: do per lb Flat In•• n , pe7 ?mg rid. 1,000 lbs 1 by ! in. 1,000 lbs 3 by i in 1,000 lbs I 1 by / in. 2,000 lbs 31 by 1 in 1,000 lbs ! by 5.1610. 2.000 lb. 3, by 2,000 lbs 11 by in. 2,000 lbs 4 by ! in 1,000 lbs 11 by 1 in. 1,500 lbs 4 by t In 2,000 lbs I! by ! in. 3,000 lbs 41 by : 3,000 lbs 1 I by in. 1,000 lbs 41 by i rn. 1,000 lb. 1 / by 3-16 in. 1,500 lbs 41 by t tn. 1,000 lbs 11 by ! in. 2 ,000 lbs 5 by i 2,000 lbs 11 by : in. 3,000 lbs 5 by 7.16 in. 2,000 lbs I by ! in. 1,000 lbs 5 by 1 in. 3,000 lbs 1: by 1 in. 1,000 lbs 5 by : in. 2,000 lbs 11 by In. 1,000 lbs 51 by in. 2,000 Ibt 2 by in. 1,000 lbs 51 by l to. 2,000 lbs 2 by 1 in. 1,000 lbs 51 by / in. 2,500 lbs 2by in. 1,000 lbs 51 by 1 in. 2,000 lbs 2 by ,ro. 1,000 lbs 6 by t in. 2,000 lb* 2 by 1 in. 1,000 lbs 6 by 1 in. 1,000 lbs 2} by in. 1,000 lbs 7 by / in. 2,000 lbs 2! by I in. 2,000 lb. 9 by I in. 2,000 lbs 2; by I in. - 2,000 lb. 3 by I tn. 71,500 lbs. 2,000 lbs 3 by i in. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do per ream !loop Iron ,50 cwt. 2 inch hoop iron, Na 6, yard gunge p reel 50 do 1 i do whale hoop iron do 65 do II do do do do 60 do 11 do do do do 50 do 11 do do do do 30 do 11 do merchantable hoop iron do 10 do 11 du do do Li.) 30 do 1.1 do do do do 20 do I I do do Jo do 30 do I do do do do 5 do 1 do do du do EZZZS 3 bundles Russia sheet iron, No 16 by the bundle 3 do . do 12 do All the iron to be of the beg American manu facture. CLASS No 2—Copper 250 sheets, say 1000 Ib; 14 ox, hot rolled sheath ing copper per lb 25 sheets, say 100161; 14 oz cold rolled do do 6 do each 20, 24, 26, 215, 30, 32, 31 and 40 lb brazier's copper, say in all 1,572 lbs do 4 do 60 lbs brazier's copper, say 240 lbs do All the.. skeet copper most have ii , raighi edges and square ends and be of parallel width. Ct.sas No 3— Lead and Tins 2 rolls, each 4, 44,5 apd "Ibis, milled stet lead, (way 2,050 lbs 1,1100 lbs India stn perond do 6 boxes I C tin plate 14 by 20 per lio‘ 10 do I X do 10 by II do 0 do S D X do du 6 do DXX do do 3 lengths, each : I, 11, 2. Si inch tallied lead pope, say 315 Itin per , pound CLesallo 4 —Copps, and Coney.. hon Paril.c. 100 pounda 20d copper cut nails per pound 100 do 12d do do do do 000 do 10d Jo do do do 00 do htl J „ du do do 1.00 do rid do do do do • • . .. .. 150 do I o emtro.liou nob dJ 300 do '2 I do do d, do 300 do 3 do .1., 110 Jo 300 do 3/ do do do Jo 00 fiSC t 7by 9 Redford crown glass dou ble this:keens per lord 00 do 9by 10 do do du du 00 do 9by 11 do do do do do 00 do 10 by 12 do do do du do U 0 do 10 by 14 do do do du do 00 do 11 by 15 du do do do do 00 do 12 by 17 du du do do do 00 do 12 by 12 do do do do du 00 do 12 by 1 , 1 du do do do do 00 do 12 by 15 do do do do do 24 lights, !lint glass, fur bowsprit lanterns per patter. 12 patent deck lights, 31 by 9 inches 12 do do du 31 by 10 do 12 do ' do do 31 by 11 do 1 12 inch patent magazine 11 . . inch thick, free from all defects do 4 13 inch do do do 1 k do do do do Cuss No 6—Flax Canvass. GO bolts No 1 tlax canviwi, 20 inches wide, 40 yards long, sample per bolt. GO do do 2 do do do do do do do 50 do do 3 do do do do do do do SO do do S do do do do do do do SO do do 7 do do do do do do do 50 do do O do do do do do do do Cuss No 7—Courni Cons.'s. 10 bolts No 1 cotton canvass, 20 inches wide, 50 yards long, per sample per boll 10 do do 2 do do do do do do do 10 do do 3 do do do do do do do 20 do do 4 do do do do do do do 20 do do 3 do do do do do do do 50 do do 0 do do do do do do do 10 do do 7 do do do do do do do 10 do do 5 do do do do do do do 10 do dab 0 do do do do do do do 10 do cotton canvass for cots, 30 inches wide, 50 yards long do 150 do do hammock staff, 42 inch. wrde,so yards long do do 100 do do bag do 42 do do do do do 30 do Rums duck do do 20 do Ravens do light do do 4000 yards twilled bagging, 39 inch wide do p yd. Ctssa No 8— TWif... 000 lbs flisx sewing twine, 3 thread, sample, per lb 700 do cotton do do 7 do do do 25 do seine do do do 25 do whipping do do do CLASS No 9 —Sperm 0,1 and Candle, 3,000 galls pine winter strained sperm oil per gall. 8000 lbs pure am l candles Tr per lb. 250 cords sound young oak wood CLoo No 11—Cool. 200 tone beat peach orchard Schuylkill coal, broken and acreened 100 do do lump Cumberland coal, per ton of 2,240 lba Clain No 12—rams and Oat. 30,000 pounds pure dry whoa Iced 2,000 do do do red lead 500 do do lamp black 500 do do lohrage 1,500 do do yellow ochre do 50 do do chrome green do 50 do do chrome yellow do 10 do do vermilion do 2,000 gallons, pore linseed oil raw per gallon 750 do *pints turpentine. do 100 do brown lap., do 20 do copol varnish do 30 do harness do do 35 do best coot varnish do 25 do do furniture do do Cum No 13—Lsadier. sides heavy oiled pump leather, say 150 pounds, sample. per pound 25 lbs best qualuy W 0 tanned pump leather, not less than 30 lb. per ode, say 7`50 IL., do do per pound . do 00 Itei rigging leather, 00 do bellows do 10 du buff do 10 do white oak tanned sole leather 20 do hose leather 30 do harness leather, emoted thickness 00 do best quality sheep skins, dressed in the wool . do CL... No 14 —llordieorr. 100 pouudneach 20d 12d, 10d and ad wrought iron nails perpound. 200 do each tld, sd, 4d, and 3d do do 100 do eabh 20d, 12d, lad Ekl and t:d wrought too nail, 100 do (I -inch iron cot spikes 300 do 40d iron cut nails 300 do 30d 100 do 20d 100 do 12d 500 do 10d 100 do ad " 100 do lid " • 300 do 4d " 100 do 3d " " 500 do 12d " brad head nails 200 do 84 " " 100 do lad " " 200 do lid " 100 do 5d " " " 10..b1 1 clout nails, wrought 10 do 1 " " do 1 doll " " 20 doll" " 20. do 11 - 50 11,4 4d " 50 do dd do 6.3 lb., each, Noe 3,5, ti, 7, S, u, 10, 11. 12, 13,14, 15,17, and IS trop wire do 50 Sd / inch copper out tack's 35 do i 15 dot " " 5 dot I dot " " 10 dot 5 do 5 do I 0 do 1 M I " bran trunk nail% aheeta 5r.,,, No 12 " " " 16 4 ' each, Nos 19, 19, ..:0,21 20 At 1 inch iron cut brad., :10 do 11 ` " 29 do 1: " " 20 do t " " 10 M i loch iron out brad, 10 d,/ 1 15 do 3as glmp tazkl no do 5 do trun cut tacks 50 do 10 do do do 10 do 12 do du do 15 do 14 do do do do won tinned rivets, 2/ to 3 :aches sakopb 2 lets 7 inch iron bed serest do 1 do 6 inch • d o 11 NI 31 111 !rut, slieuv4 rivets I per barrel in divan do 1 do 21 in do Jo do 1 do 21 111 du J.. 5-16 do do 5 do 1 La do do I do 11 in do do I do If in d 0 do do 5 pound., each. N, 17, Is and 12 cop per wire, no Ins brass wire, assorted Nor. 1 to 15 12 sets bran. table fastenings .am ple 4 comp'n hasps 2 - elute staples, for arm chairs do 2 sets brasa wheel fix telex, do 1 set do binnacle brace. and fixtures do 1 doz do sub rollers No 4 do 1 do Japanned etubbs and plates du 12 do 3 inch best American iron padlocks. assorted keys do 12 do 21 inch do do do du 6do 7 nch do brass do do 6do 21 inch do du do do 1 do 2 itch do do do do 212 inch stock locks do OEM! No. 1 I 4 I I I I I 1' . 6 ! I I 1! 14. I I , I I; It I I I I : 1•.,11110, 4 11211111 21 1 11 II I I NU, . '1 • . 1.1 I 2! 1 1 I' I . 1 1 11, I .• I 0 2 , 111 I Il I /l• I. I Ih I, I I. / .I I I I:II• II I, .•tl. I • I I I 11 I: I: I, / I • • • • I I I I I , I : I: I I I. I . , I. 2 dot 4 inch iron chest locks, sample per doz 2 - 3 inch Co do do tit - , 1 "2t inch do do do do I " 3 inch do desk locks do do " '24 inch do 1130111C0 closet locks do do 2 •• 1 inch do do do du do 2 •• 5 loch do do do do do •4 “ 4 inch do uu do do to I •• 5 inch double faced cupbontd locks do do I '• I inch upright mortice lueks loch thick, bruits screws for knobs. do do 3 •• 31 Inch upright mintier kicks.; inch thick, brass scrows for knobs, do do " 4 inch mortice knob latches do do " 24 inch cupboard ketches with keys do di I " 21 inch ion drawer locks do do I ' 1 loch do do do do 2 '• 2 inch do do do do 1 ' I ; inch do .11 Jo do I " 3 inch do -do Jo do 2 • 't; inch knots udebusrd looks Jo d., 211 blank comp it ley, do do 30 " do iron drawer lock keys sas'ddo do 2 inch dat escutcheons do Jo 24 inch do do tio "II inch do du th "11 inch Jo do Jo do " 1 inch do du do Jo "I } inch do do do .1 " 4inch brass sash k hobawic h 54,0 , 4'0410 du / inch do iibutter knobs do du ' " loch dit Jo du " 2. Inch 1.1J.40.ny knob. al., Jo 14 " met, tio Jo do Jo IU • II lick Jo Jo do do I 14 in h du do Jo Jo I " non do 413 do do I " 1 inch do Ju do do I . inch do Jo du tly I " inch do do do do pairs 3 inch iron butt hinges do do 4 “ pairs 34 inch do do do du 3 •• paws 4 inch do do do do " pairs 5 inch du do Jo do " pairs 2 inch Jo do Jo do " pairs 34 by 31inch du do Jo do ", pairs 4 by 4 inch do do du do pairs 4 k by 5 inch brass do do do " paws.' by 4 inch do do dd do " pain '3/•by 31 inch do do do du • pairs I 3 inch do do do du " pairs 24 424 inch do do do do " paws 2by 2 inch do do do do '2 “ pans 5 och do do do do I " pairs 41 inch Jo do do do I " pairs 1 inch do do do do 4 " pairs 31 inch du do du do 10 " paws 3 inch du do do 10 pairs 21 inch do do do do 2 " pairs 2 inch do do do do 3 " pairs 11 1.11 do do do do I " pairs 2 by 4 inch dotable hund° do 1 " paws 2; by 5 inch do do do do I " pairs I! by 3i inch do do do do 24 inch brass eyes,with screws do do 1 "2i inch do side hooks& eyes do do 1 " I 1 inch do do do do do 2 •• 3 inch du do do do do 5 " 14 inch do side hooks do do 1 " G inch do cabin door hooks do do I " 4 inch do do do do do I 3 inch do do do do Jo 1 " 24 inch do do do do do 1 ° 3 inch do lamp do do do 1 " 2 inch do du do do do " 5 inch do barrel do do do 1 " I inch do do do do do 1 " 4 inch do do do do do " inch do square nisd bolts do. do 1 " 4 inch do do do do do ; " 5 Inch dostralght squared° do do 1 inch do bulk head do do do 2 " 5 Inch do do do do du 3 " 4 inch do -lo do do do " 3 Inch do dash do do do 2 “ 4 inch do do do do do 2 " 31 inch do do do do do 3 " I inch do curtain rings do do i inch do do du do do 3 “ ;loch do do do' du do " 1 inch do do do do do 1 " Hoch do Gush do Jo do 1 " inch do do do do do 15 yards brass Jack chain No 15 yard I doz II Itch strnight brass castors dozen I set braes escretoire trimmings net 10 pounds best quality vanh cord pound 3 brass bib cocks, I mob, best Americas, each 30 do do do I inch do do • 3 do do do 1 inch do do 3 do stop do 1 inch du 3 do do do 1! Inch do do 3 do do do 2 inch do do 6 dos best C S wood axon. handled,samples each 2 do brad awls handled do do I do carpenters' adzes, handled do do do do hollow do do du I do do broadaxe. du do do / do coopers' do do do do I do do adzes du do do 3 anvils 15 pound .31ron braces, with 20 Litts each do set 1 wood braces, with 45 bats each do do bung borers do each 6 tap borers du do 1 patent balance to weigh 500 ILa in do 2 doe C S carpenters et:lmpasses du tiox. I " " coopers do do do 2 " " firmer chisels, ansil,handiil do do do do 600 pounds white chalk - do q coopers crows do do 3 sets drills, with Loxes and bows do do 2 sets diesdetters and figunfin, I inch do do 3 glaziers' diamonds, Lest quality do each 1 pairs brass dividers, for aao makers& do 1 coopers' from do du 1 dog each 5,10 1l sad 14 is. flat tiles do dose's 1 do 8, V, end 10 m. round do du du I do b, 10,12, and 14 in. half do du do I do 3,4 ft, cod 6m. rat-tail do do do 6Jo whipsaw film do du 2do handsaw do do do 2do crosscut du • du do 2do tine saw do do do 6do nail gimlets, assorted do du 3du spike do do du du .1 do firmer gouges Jo Hand do do Ido socket do du do do do 50 poundv glue, best wake, Cooper's do pound ti carpenters' gauges do each 500 nib hooks, assorted sizes, large, Jo per lOU 3 don best C 3 large hatchets, handl'd do dozen " claw hammers " du do Jo " " saddlers' " do du Jo 1 " " coppering hammers " do do do 1 " " boners' ' do do do per •ide do do do do do do do do Fl:Mri .. .. i " " screw wrench 18 inch" du do 3-cooper.' marking iron, do each 4 " beck irons do do 2 doz. heel quality shoo knives Jo dozen 1 " drawing " do do ” 1 " pallet " do do 1 , putty " do do " 3 glue kettles, copper do each 3 iron Own kettles do do 2 dot beat quality sail knives do dozen do do do do d, each Brats : 4 ,6105, gra,. 9 19;11!I2i14115,16 buys Screws, K. U. 4 10 1 11 ' 1•!14 , butcher knives do de 1 " cheese knives do do 1 " iron casting ladles do do 1 " chalk lines do do " pitch ladles do do 1 " C S placers do do 1 " " [Ayers do do 2 reams snadpaper do ream 12 smoothing planes, double irons do each 6 lack do do a 3pr match " do pair I coopers' long Jointer do do each short " do do do 3 doz. 2 ft. roles. 4 fold do doze 3 ' wood maps, 11 inch 4 gauging rode 6 dos best I' S. shovels ' spades 1 " best bread shovels ' beat C. S. sheep shears pairs brass snuffers 1 " C. S. squares Itt pounds brass solder 2 iron 'lakes 3 inners' edging.stakes 3 planishing stakes 6 small screw plates and taps 2 honers shears hand shears 2 steelyards, to weigh 220 lbs 2 dozen best quality handsaws 2 crosscut sawn, 44 ft. long 3 wool saws nod frames 3 sash saws 6 ,a..nel saws 12 compass saws 2 keyhole saws and pads 12 reran sows 2 dove tail saws 12 spoke shaves, ass'd 3 Turkey oil 'tones 2 grindstones 2 patent saw sets 3 brass squares. for aailrnakers 12 scale beams 6 butcher steels 3 tape lines of 100 0. 24 hand vices 3 small bench vices 2 large bench vices cooper'a vices sets lead weights, 1 or. to 1 ib, 0 sets iron weights. 1 lb to 4 lb. ti do do 4 to 25 12 gridirons 4 griddles 6 iron tea kettles 1 fish kettle 6 frying pans 25 stew pans, assort 6 waffle irons (lass No. I S. - 12 doz best extra whitewash brushes do dozen 2 do long handled Ear do du do 4 do short do do do do d., do varnish do do do I do painters . dusting do do do 2 du hand do do do do 2 do 00000, s paint do do do do 0000 do do do do 4 do 000 do do do du 3 do I.'o du do Jooo 2 it, No. r, sash tool o do do '24 d clamp scrub, handl ddo do do 24 do hand scrub, do do do l • Lant No. IC —Ship Cha.arry. 55 barrels rosin per barrel. 20 poundli copper hose rivet., sample pound 1U do do burrs do Jo 12 pairs magazine sooki, do pair 600 pounds match rope do pound dfi dozen C ' ship iwraP l,ll , iron handles do dozen. 11)1) pounds best quality brown .soup to do .41 aminou is,• do do 1 barrel coal tar barrel 100 barrels bent thin tar du 70 do white turpentine du 75 pounds sewing thread, white, red and blue, do ' pound shoe thread do do 2000 do tallow do do . '7l do thrums do do 7010) qadlefor tubes do M uOO pounds beeswax pound. 10 do Small copper wire, assort do In do black worsted yarn do do 17 ch.na bowls and fixtures for - - - water closet,J o set , 2 dozen consp . o water closet cocks, I inch do dozen 11070 barrel hoop poles, first quality 100 lio bundles coopers' dogs do barrel 4000 ; tn. yellow blue deck plugs do M 20 000 I in. di , do .... do 10 d. 500 l: 0. do do do do do du :, lofts, each I s in. white scarlet, _ and blue bunting Jo do 5 bolts. each I'd in.. white and scar let bunting. do d o :, bolt, each V in., white, scarlet, and blue bunting do do 20 bolt., each 4 in . white and scar . . let hunook , do nOO Lent :illaker euru broom. du Ono do hickory do da lOu Brimol Knelt• 10 pounds heti quality Emile. du dozen rolls tu.sum worsted bind ing do 100 Mthoms t in. short lank prrroi rhino pound. I'm d., :.I • • u. do do do do 130 do 116 an. du du do do I'ls d o .1-16 an. do ti., do du 1U yards bottle green cloth do V tad 4u do 24 inch hair cloth do do 15 du 20 do du do do 15 do 30 do do do du 1U do Zt., do do do au AU pound. .pun colluaa iur calking do pound. 12 bontsteam's silver call, sample each 2 pounds catgut du pound. :25 yards Fearnaught du yard • • -- b 0 do black silk gimp do do 1000 pounds hambroline, do pound. 1000 d.i li useline do do :illl, sheets large middle horn do thee 100 pounds picked curled heir do pound .3 ontuttingilines.bo fathoms I in. do line. 2 dozen cod lines do don. 25 do fishing Imes, 30 fathoms each, assorted do do 500 pounds tarred marline do pound. 500 do white do do do 1000 sailinaker's seaming needles du 100 100 4 thread needles do dI 103 gallons fish oil gallon 4 barrels tar oil barrel. 1101 do pitch do 25 wood hand pumps do each 2 dozen seaming and roping palms mounted do dozen 121-zis No. I. 7 .—Stattonery, expenditure hooka each. .5 letter books, 1 quires, cap size, bound sample each. 2 dozen 2 quire cap blank books do dozen. I do Ido di do do dt do do memorandum do do do do 1 do ivory letter folders do do 3 caws mathematical Mara- ments d , cue G doun ball pint bottles black ink, • Maynard ,k." Noyes dozen 2 do pint bottles do do do Ii do hal(pint do red do do ti do papers ink powder 3 do inkstands, metal, with cov. erl sae, do 3 do pieces India rubber • do mpl do 15 reams foolscap paper, ft. lined do ream 10 do regulation do do do do 10 do letter paper do do do 6 do buff envelope paper di do 2 do blotting do do do 1.3 deli g do do do 00 sheets elephant:drawing paper, Whartmans do sheet. 21 penknives, 4 blades d, each. 1 dozen camel's hair pencils, d, dozen. 500 slate pencils sample, per 100 4 gross lead pearls, A. W. Faber's beat, do per gross. 12 dean li-mes of steel pens, I doz en, and holder in box, sample, pr doe his. I 4 it Ty pounce boxes, tilled with pounce, .ample, each, 6000 quills, No. '5O I, rolling ruler, sample, each. 6 parallel du., 94 inch, do do k round rule., do do 6 flat do. do do iS, dozen hall pint pato," black send dozen 2. do herr a uallty sand boxes, do do II do slates do do II do log slates, do do I d o Gunter a seal., boxwood, do do 12 du pieces red tape, do do 20 rolls silk taste, do per roll it boxer water I . clot., do per box water settle., do each. 12 pounds wafers, du pound. 10 do cooling wax, d, do NAVY YAM.), PHELADELPHIA (Lose No. 1 .—kuu per. it. 9.16 •nelt d•irnoter, 20,04 X/ pound. do do 11 uoo do do d 10,000 do 1 6 do do 10,000 do "; 16 do d., 10,000 do do .1,, 5 ,000 do 0.1,.d0 1,6000 do do do 5,000 do .21 do Jo 2,000 do 21 do do 11,0(0 do :It do Jo 1/,000 do Jo • du 7,001, do Total round Iron, 91,000 pounds. Iby inels, 1.1/0 poooll, by d•• OM do Y by l d o 1 uOu do _I by 111,014/ do 21 by do I.IOIU y 2.1/00 do 44 by I du 2,000 do 2; by do 2.00 d o 2 4 by 1,000 do 9 4 by do 1.0111 do 3 by do 2.0011 do by d , 002 d by do •20 do :I; by I do 2.000 do 34 4y , do 2,1012 du 4 by I I du I "to LI, 41 do 1,1100 du 1 ' 1; Ido 1.510 du 41 by 7-16 do 2,61/0 do 41 by 44 do 101.00 do 44 by D-Iti do 44.0144 d o 4* by 1 do 4.004 do 5 by 1 do 2.1/00 do , sby 7-111 do 2,5 . 03 do 6 by 1 d o %MI do 51 by lt 2.1)30 do G by 21 do 2.200 do ,71 by 11 do xsuu do Total Dii Iron tO.r j- 17'0 poonda. Sheet iro do dolclthieki Periods d„ do a° do 1,000 Toted plate irons' eyanre iron . pm) do dot 4 , pound do d o 4, d do !,000 Total square iron onood. All the iron to aof aro • ii Cr , 00 No. ~_,_Amecan manufacture 'rey per pound. nch diameter 5100 nds I 1.16 do do tb .110 d" 205101, 10 3.1 d d„ odd to do do 5,000 a, I.ld do do tom° d I-- Jo do 10,000 1-Id do do Ammo i d , d " MAUOU 5-10 Jo do 1 5.010 do d.. du 15,010 16 do do itliaai do do do 1.5.1003 .lo 046 do do 111.1001 do do do 10.310 do 11 Ind.) do 5,011 d.. I d" 5,0103 I . do do do ea -17 du dozen do do du do do do do do do do p mad do do do do do do Total halls cooper ?A3 uon pound• 7ial sheets of ounce sheathing copper 1.0011 do lPr du do do Tolo 34 do ' do do Tot al ivrnshi of sheathing copper 111.540 lbs p Ib All the ' , ad copper must have stnught edgas nd quo re cod, unit be of parallel width, • Cuss No. 3.—Hardspart. do each do do do do do dnz•a do each do du do du do do do do do do do do do du do do do pound do do lo each do do do do do do do do do do ylo pond do do do each do set do do do do do each do do do do do do do do do do du do do do '1 doxen 6 knelt knob lock, bra.. works. with screws, exeut chicon. to c; ,nch dead locks, do do 4 do 4 do double toed close, for t., with screws, 2 norm 3 torn. pud do 7 do do tool plye• MlN==l =CZ= ME= eyes cod nerrwt, 4 dncen 31 inch sash sprl.n44 do MZE==I MMIE wrlth strew', Ilse lbs 8-penny blushing nails. per lb. lOU do ...penny do do do Ito do It,peuity do do do 1.100 a pig Icad Ct... No. 4.—Prox Canter. 33 bolts No. 1, 20-in. wide and 40 yards long, by sample per bolt 54 do No. 2, do do do do do 25 do No. 3, dO do do do do 29 do So. 4, do do do do do 30 do No. 5, do do do do do 30 do No. 6, do do do do do 14 do No. 7, do do do do do :12 do No. 5, .lo do do do do CL." No. s.—Cotton Canc., 2 bolts No. 1, 20-men wide, 50 yards long, by sample, por bolt 12 do No. 2, do do do do do 19 do No. 4, do do do do do 12 do No. 5, do do do do do 30 do No. 6, oo do do do do 3 do No. 9, do do do do do 11 do No. 10, do do do do do 14 do cotton hammock stuff, 42 in. wide, 50 yds. long, per bolt 13 do bag do do do do do 1 2 do No. 4, 20 inches wide 1 , 100 yards twdled flat bagging. 30 in. wide per yd. CLASS No. o.—Ship Chandlery. 100 lbs flax twine, per lh. 100 lb. cotton twine, per lb. 25 lbs thrum., per lb. 2 bbls fish oil, per bbl. 20 MA, tar, per bbl, 40 bbls pitch. per bbl. 12 bbls retie, per bbl. 20 bbls clear white turpentine, per 111)L '2.700 lbs clean tallow, per lb. CLkde No. 7.—Ssena Oil. 100 gallons best winter strained sperm oil, in tight vessels, per gallon. NAVY YARD, WASHINGTON. • CLAss No. I.—lron, (Sy Ow pound.) 300 pounds 1-inch round iron per pound, 3000 do ;-inch do do IM:Mr!!=I 4000 do 1 Fula du 4000 do 11-inch do 6000 do I Hoch The bar and plate iron ‘or one camboose for e second class frigate, viz - Plate iron. weighing about 3400 lbs. per pound Bar iron, weighing about 2500 lba . per pound The bar and plate iron tor six cambooses for second class eloops, km- Plate iron, weighing about 9500 lbs. per pound. Bar iron, weighing about 8500 lba per pound. Schedules of the dimensions of the plates and ~ -, bars Mr the slime to be furnished trom the navy ~, ~ ;,' Yard. 4- h , All the iron to be of the best American mane- 2000 poond. , ~d l3, u ueo block tin facture. 1000 do do pig zinc Cuss No. 2.-Copper. 1,1... No ti-G/ass. 30 sheets, or 1200 pounds brazier's copper, 30 by 60 inches and 50 ounces to the foot per pound. 200 feet thick glass, 14 by 32 incees 6 sheets, or 350 pounds brazier's copper, 30 by 300 do do 14 by 16 do 72 inches and 60 ounces la the foot per pound. 3110 do do 12 by 16 do All the rhea copper must have straight edge, 200 do do 10 by 12 do and square ends, and be of parallel widths. CLASS Ng 7-Flax Connors. Ct,. No. 3.-Hardwore, qr. 400 bolts No 1 flax canvass per bah. ~000 1-inch Randafs finishing brads, p er M 200 do 2 do do 4.000 I inch do do do ~„, I d 2111 do 3 do do 0400 1.1.-ipcb do do do pr;, hi 100 do 4 do do l ream sand paper, Nos. 1 and 2, per ream 1 100 do S do do CLASS No. 4. -Lead din! Tin. Lhe bah of to yards to be 20 Mohan wain, per I roll milled sheet lead, 10 pounds to the Mot, say s'amPl• 500 ibs. per pound. (....A!..1 No 9--L'attan Cartra3S. I roll milled sheet lead, 9 pounds to the foot, my 100 bolts No 4 cetton d ,#nvars per boD -400 lbs. per pound. 75 do 5 do I roll dolled sheet lead, 5 pounds to the loot, say 75 do d do do 250 lbs. per pound. ‘.,,, 1 do 9 do do lii,i)oo lbs. English or East India block tin, per lb. .1 do I" do do 4 boxes doul.lr X tin, 131 by 17 inches, by the,box do 3 boxes single X tin, • by the box 75 do hammock- do do Ci-ass Na, 5.-Painis, 4r. The cotton canvass per bolt of 5 , 3 yards, and 20 1,000 pounds pore white lead, (dry i per pound inches wide. Hammock and bag stuff to contain 700 pounds Spanish whiting do do per bolt 50 yards and 42 inches wide-per stuns 1.000 pounds red lead, do din. plc 150 pounds litharge do do CLASS No. 9 -Tici,re. 100 pounds Paris green do do 2000 pounds flax sewing twine 12 pounds chrome green do do 600 do cotton do 300 pounds pare lampblack do do 500 do whipping do 5 pounds Chinese vernailhan do do 300 do seine di 6 pounds Prussian blue do do , CLAS% No. 10.-6'lp Chandlery. 120 gallons best American raw linseed oil per gaL 100 casks Washington lime per cask 30 gallons spirits of turpentine per gallon. ' 200 barrels bright tar per bbL Otass No. 6. - • 100 do black tar . do 50 tons No. I American gray pig iron, per too of . 1.50 do pitch do 2,240 pounds. , 100 do soft turpentine (virgin drip) do NAVY YARD, GOSPORT, Va. 2000 pounds bent clean tallow (in bbls) per pound Cuss Na 1.-Round, Flat, and Simard iron.loo° do 300 do do beeswax do do ' 1,000 pounds 1-inch round iron per pounddo white chalk do 1,500 do 5-10-inch do do Cuss No 11 -Posner, Oils, 4c.. 2.000 do I-Inch do d o 30.000 pounds best dry white lead per pound 2,500 do Hoch do do 5,000 do do red do do 6,000 do s...inch do do 1.000 do do yellow ochre 1,000 do do litharge do ' . ;4,000 •do 11.6-inch do do do 6,000 do 11-inch do do , 9„000 do do pulverised black lead do 3.000 do 21-inch do do : 1,000 do do Spanish brown do 600 do 4 -inch do do , '2O do do Venitian red do 1,000 do 1 by 1 inch flat iron do ; 20 do do Chinese Vermillion do 1,000 do l l. by 1 inch do do 2OO dd chrome green do 1,000 do Ifby 1 inch do do i 20 do Prussian blue do 1,000 do 11 by 1 inch do d o 1,0011 do lampblack do 1,000 do 2by I inch do do . 5,000 do Spanish whiting do 1.000 do 3by I mob do do ; 2.000 gallons pure raw linseed of I per gallon 1,000 do sby 1 inch do do 10 do pate sweet oil do 500 do 6by inch do do 200 do pure neatsfoot oil do 2,000 do II by inch do do 100 do pare tar do 2 000 do 21 by inch do do 300. do pure fish do 2,000 do 24 by Inch do do 1,0019 do pure spirits of turpentine do 2,000 do 21 by inch do do 5 do pure spirits of setae do 3.000 do 3by Inch do do GLASS No. 12-Sperns Oil and Camila. 1,000 do 31 by inch do do 3 000 galls. best winter stra.oed sperm oil,pergalL 3,000 do 31 by inch do do 10,000 lbs best sperm mindles, 6to the lb. per lb. 2,000 do' 4 by * 111 h do do Class No. 13-Betsirp. 3,000 do 4* by 1 Inch do d o • 3,000 lbs. hemp, for wiping stuff, in compact - 500 do 5 by 1 inch dd do bales of 100 lbs. each per lb. 1,500 du ni by I inch do do 1,000 lbs. hemp packing yarn, in compact 1,000 do 6 by 1 inch do do bales of 100 lbs. each 4.000 do 51 by 1 inch do do Cuss No. 14.-Stationery. 1,000 do 34 by I mob do d o . 2 doz. expenditure books, full bound, ..._ . 2,000 do 5 by 1 inch do 1,000 do 51 by 1 inch do 2,000 do 5) by inch do 2,000 do d by / inch do 1.000 do I! by 1 inch do 1,000 do 2 by 1 mob do 1,000 do 31 by 1 inch do 4,000 do 5 by 1 inch do 3000 do 2 by 1 inch do 3,000 do 2! by 1 inch do 4,000 do I by 1 inch do 1,000 do 11 by I mob do 1 000 do 11 by 1! inch do 000 do 1 by I: inch do ikk) do 3 by 11 inch do 1500 do 31411 ma du 2,01/0 do 4 by II inch do 2,00,) do n by 1 i mch do I 000 do 4 by 13 inch do 2001, do 3 by 2 inch do 000 do 31 by 2 inch do 2001 do 41 by 21 inch do 1 000 do 1 inch square iron 1.000 do :1-16 inoh do 0,000 du 7-10 Inch do 0,00() do 0.1 inch d) MEM All the iron to be of the hest Amenenn mono CLAIM N. 2—Plate and Hoop iron 004) pounds 3-16 inch plate iron per pound , 050 pound. 1 inch do do • ,500 pounds 9-15 inch do do 20 pounds iron hoops, 9 feat 7 Inches long, 21 in. wide, and 1 inch thick per pound 20 pounds iron hoops, 10 feet I inch long, 21 inches wide, and 1 inch thick per pound ',OOO pound. hoop iron, 12 inch wide, 1-10 inch • thick, cot l oss then 22 feet long per pound ' 20u pounds hoop iron, 11 inch wide, 4-16 inches thick, not less than 22 ket long per pound i .000 pound. hoop iron, 11 inch wide, 1-16 inch thick, not less than 22 feet long per pountil Ad to be of the beat manufacture. • cuss No. 3. —Bon and Square Copper. 1.10 000 pounds I inch bolt copper per pound pound. inch lots topper do 10 . 000 pounds I I inch bolt copper do 15.000 pounds Ifloch bolt copper do s uo pounds 5.46 inch square copper rods do 54.0 pounds I inch square copper rods do ;100 1 pounds 11 luinch square copper rods do 1 CLAM No 4—llardroars, G =ad anvil., (from 110 to 150 pound. each) per sample. 20 dozes corn brooms, copper wire boned per dozen. 20 do hickory dop. p. doz.g. 12 do 10 knot whitewash brush 's do do 1 do dusting do do do G. do iron bound varnish du do do 12 do 0000paingfinegrounddo do do 12 do 0000 paint, come do do do do 1 I do assorted Bask tool do dd do 12do do eamershair do do do 12 do hand scrubbing . , do do do 6 do clamp do do do do 6 smith's bellows, 2 11. 6 in. wide each. 4 do do 21). 6 do. do 2 do do 311. wide do' 200 Bath bricks per sample. 100 pounds borax per pound -22 dozen plain brass buttons, tor fur niture per doze. 5 pounds, best Russia bristle, p. sarn. p. lb. 100 Mll inch it ri brads, do M. lb. catgut do per N. 10 dozen socket chisels. immerged and haadleJ,) 1 to 3 inches, do per doz 10 do firmer chisels, (assorted and handled,) II tn. and under do do 2 do silver calls do. do 2 Jo carpenters' compasses do do 12 drill boxes and. bows do each 3 dozen binnacle glasses do dos 6 do cast iron grates or drying stoves do do q do 3 square tiles, assorted do do 6 do 4 do do do do do 0 do wood rasp. do do do 0 dozen fishing books, assorted, per sample. 6 do best claw bummers, haodl'd du 1 do du saddler's do do 4 do sail knives do 1 do long batcher's knives do 1 do potent lends, Err'.ction's, do 12 do best iron padlocks, keys to differ do 20 do cotton chalk lines, 100 Reach do 1 do linen tape do do stout tape do ,13 do risking do assorted do 6, do log do do prr, .ample, pr dnx 2 turning lathes and tools, complete do ' dozen glass lamp chimneys do ' do reflecting lamps do ,'-' do life preserv. , do ° lo carpenter's iron knob latches, 4 inch best quality do ~.„,„2 , ,,0 'o sail needles, do „„,,,....'''o Nada 30. i Iron cut nails, best manufacture. ..° 2O 2000 12 " " 2000 • io .. .. 2000 " s v a " 2000 • 6 u u . 20 hl to. Llama clout " 20 do 1, d o " 2 dozen pan pincers per sample. 2 do olyers do 1 dozen ',No. do pick 2 suing nippers do d I do snaoothiar ~ d o 1 do astrigal v ' do 1 do grooving .. do I do sail pickers do 12 do roping palm, mounted do 12 do seaming do do do 6 do surplice pins . do 2 do 2 foot folding rites do 2 do sail rubbers do 4 do iron shovel., do 39 do ship scrapers do n do iron spades, do do Gunter's scales do do steelyards do do spoke shavers do do Nova Scotia grindsionas do do trying squares do do Iron do do rilffl 1 do brass do do 1 do saw seta ' do 2 do large tin bread scales, with beams ~:, o. 2 do small " •• " 2 do list wood meat ' o '° 2 do butcher's steel's per sample. 500 pounds best cast steel, 11 inch and tinder, as sorted assorted 500 do blister do assorted 500 do Germando do 1 dozen rag stones i per sample 1 do sail sod:Mere do 100 pounds brans solder do • I dozen panel saws do 1 do large size bench vices do 1 do small size do do 2 do hand vices 'do 1 do sets zinc weighls, lozto 4 lbs du 2 do screw wrenches, from medium to large size do 12 do brass dash rings, 4 inch dia'ter do 4 do copper ten kettles, do 3 do iron do 2 do fish kettles do 6 do stew pans do 4 do frying" do ti do bake " -. do 2 do gridirons do 2 do griddles do 105 fathoms 3-16 inch chain fur launches do 200 do 4-16 ~ do " ISu do 5-16 •• do Cuss No s—Lead, Tin and Zinc.. S rolls 3 pound sheet lead, say '750 lbs - per lb i 1 - 4 ' ' .. 72u lbs per lb ' - 900 lbs per lb " 1060 lbs per lb 960 lbs per lb per lb per. tamp. p. doz. 2 do 3-quire letter do do do do 1 do 3-quire order do do do do 1 do 4 quire blank do he bound do do 2 do 3-quire blank do do do do 2 do 2-quire blank do do do do 2 do 1 -quire blank do do do do 12 do memorandum do leather backs do do 10 reams blank weekly returns do per ream 3 do blank monthly returns do' do 50 do best ruled foolscap paper di' do 30 do best ruled letter paper do do 5 do best log paper . do do 10 do beet anvekrve paper do Jo 2 do best bkitting.paper do do 100 sheets best drawing paper, double elephaut doper sheet 12 doz. pint bottle black ink do per doz.. 2 do half pint bottles red ink do JD • 2do wood ink stands, 2 holes do do 3 do wood ink stands, 1 hole do do 3 do glass ink stands, 1 hole do do 6do beat qual. penknives, 3,1t4 bl odes do do 200 cards best quality steel pea. do per card 6 gross beet quality black lead pencils do per gross 200 papers black sand, in 1 lb papers do per 100 10 pounds beat wafer. . do per lb. 20 pounds best sealing wax, Irish do per lb. 3 gross beet red take do per gnu 1 gross best silk taste ao per grow lbs. best radio robber, in 1 oz. pieces do per lb. 1 doz. large parallel rules, 24 in. long do per doz. 2 doz.Carrington's rolling rulers, pat. do per doz. 500 slate pendia do per 100 6 dozen camel's hair pencils do per doz. 10 M. best quills, No. 60 dci per M. 1 doz. boxes water colors, complete do per doz. Ido pounce boxes and pounce do Jo I do Bunter's scales do do 2 do ivory paper knives do do 2 do wafer seals d o do 4 do box wood sand bakes d o do 2 do double log dates do do 2 do email log elates do do Cuss No. 15-IVuo.l. 50 cords ben southern bean pine wood tbodltng for steamers) 10 come beat oak wood Cuss No. 16—Bitsratinous Cam', 2,101 tons best Cumberland lump Coal for Alt= era, per ton of 2,210 pounds. CLASS N. 17—Ckarcoa. 0,01.10 bushels best bprut charcoal per hasps.( Class No. 18—Leother, (by th e , ,pou . d.) en too moor boat osty pump leather •• - say I.NIO lb. VA do do bellows do art... , say 2,000 lbs do do do hose do say 710 lbe 200 lades do - nOtlag 110 say 6.,0rk) 12 ski. do buo say 150 lbs CLASS 19—Dry Go a d,, bloc buntin to p do red do g per reaop; dro. per pi , ce • do 50 do while do do do odo yellow do do do do gown do do do 900 yards white =alio, br Sun do per yard 60 dOsen spool cotton, Noa. 12 and 20 do per dos 01/ yards maker do per yard 100 do black hair cloth, 29 in. smile do do 100 do linen oznaborgs . t . . dt 100 do (taw . ,do • 70 do' bit rottort velvet (best crogyido do ' ' poutidserldteseaviag litread,T:o-5 do per poood RS do block do dr 'do do SO do eu.orted • do d do do . • - - • NATY YARD, PE. ...AD . Crass No. I—loot, (by itopoood.) 2,0011 pounds I.lal bus iron, 2 by I torts 2,000 do" do Jo 4by f do .. . .2.,11e0 do do .to 4byl . d 1 1:000 do do do 0 toy 1 4 2,000 do round do 1 . ,dl , .._ 2000 do do - ' do 1 1,000 'do do do 15 t 0 ... 1 .. 1 do So • ' Jo - 11 .5 -.- 1 30 do do do 5-16 d 300 do de do l ' i .I. '. 3 . do sonars do I .1, :::: .-,---.'. 1 . 0 . Jo do do I sh . 30 do do do 21 4 441 ' 50 0 do do Jo 9' do 2.u' do -Itret iron.: tn. 7 ft. 104 DT 2 wide 2.lnnt du boiler ..ron,4 in. think ' • bandit., or 3000 pound, hoops., 1 inch 6 do to 1.3.0 J pounds i Id snob d , do of 4.03 t pounds . o If taro , ?4 ,00 ' Pou.d. it 0 squaw tram for `l 3 "‘ • 2000 do I I.ltl d o do • 1,000 do ‘ do du 1,000 to dot plow dot, : 9 Ity Ila 600 do II Invb mist .lost All the iron :a be of t h e I , alAttivitLa tilarlatlCllMl . ' C 1.2 0 ,3 No. 4 1 .—Copp, 1.000 pounds bolt copper, 4 to 1,000 do do , I tu. ' 1,000 du ' do f In. (01+1 do n. U sheets, 60 lbs.do 1 each, say 1010 Ibs.r e e, en t • ' opper 20a do 34 oz., or c 2,111.10 lbs. coma do do 160 do 31 az., or 1,000 lbs. du ~,, 100 do 2- , oz., or. 000 I bo. du do 100 do 24 oz., or tag) lbs. do. do . 0010 du ft/ Dz., oe 1,100 lbs. tco do s 100 do 10 64., or 1.000 the, a. do , 200 do 14 oz, or 6(10 lb. do do • 203 pounds 11 to. componstion thenttor lath SCO do 6,0 er copp cut nails do 500 do ed do do do 50 M. copper pump lack, i to. per M 50 51. iron locks, from 12 to Ito or. do 50 pounds bran velar per pcsuld 50 M. 1000 brads. from 1 In 11 tn.. per AL 1,000 pounds Iron Cut Od malls per pound 1,000 do do tal not:. do st 14210 do do 'lod orals do 100 do do 20d natl. do "500 do do 404 nails do. 10 do copper bell wire do 250 welded thimbles, 210. diameter per NO 231) do do 21 in du do 250 do do 3 in. do do 250 do do 4lnn. do do 25 pounds 1-12incli brass wore nor pound 05 do 1-10 Inch do do 23 do 1 Inch do do 25 t do 1 inch dr . do A1145h0 shtst copper most have sir4hi edges nod square ends and be?fparallel widths CLAM No. 3—Mitedionses. 1.500 pounds tallow 1,000 gallons sperm nil LW do linseed od 100 do ncolviout 2,600 pounds while lead per ponad 2.000 do black paint do 100 do crome green, in nil do 250 do verdigris. to mi. 4to 6 Ilion, do 50 do borax 250 do roanenneso 1,000 end fish hooks 2,0)0 Limerick trout Loots lassoried) 200 poutds block tin 1 barrel Venetian red idly/ 2 dozen brass padlocks 4 do iron do '2 do cubtaard locks 2 do claw harniners 1 do nectlng hammers 100 pounds do of cal 100 yards green ur baize or) 002 whitewash brushes 100 paint brushes, Mk 100 du Inl 20 sides bellows leather 20 do pump do 20 do rizgoig do dozen sheath knives 2 do butcher do sincalhing plmes 200 corn brooms 260 hickory brooms gross # la iron screws 6 do 1 in. du 6 ds 11 in. do 0 do Ik in. do G do Of in. do Cuss No. 4—Stationcry 10 reams foolscap regulation paper per ream 10 do plain farm-lined . do 20 do Lest quality letter paper, blue nod do 10 gross Chllou's englo steel pens per gross reams best auvolope paper per ream } do n e-quiredoze uire blank books par dozen i 1 do 4-quure do do . ll do 2-quire do do 2 do Immze do , do 0 do memorandum books do 4 do bottles best black ink do 2 do Congress 4 blade ;stoic lures do 1 do 0 pare letter books do 1 do sand boxesdo , mayi.V.--lavr tor PROPOSALS FOR A LOAM,. 716 thirty-eighth section of the eat' of 'Alai General Assembly of this Conintonwealth,euutler..An act to provide for the ordinary expenses of theGovemd meet, the repair of the Cllllll. and Railroads of the Commonweabh, end the payment of other claims due by the some," approved Ole tenth day of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, provides— " That the Governor of the Commonwealth and he is hereby authorized to berrom-,ou the faith of Cam- - ullll. and of Mc revenue hereinafter mentioned, and i;hich it hereby specifically pledged Inc the pay ment of the interest and repayment of the prlnclpal, the into of four hundred thousand dollars, and issue certificates of loan therefor, redeemable to thirty years from date, to be pant into the Internal Improvement fund, and appropriated to the expenditures under this net, the said loan to bear interest at a rate not exceed ing six per cent. per annum, payable hollyeady, in specie, on the first day of January and July, to he term. `ed the Inclined Plane Lo la." it further provide., That there shall be annually set apart by the Com. mimioners of the internal limmvennent fund, oat of the revenue of the pubbe marls, for the payment of the interest and final lamidanon of the debt hereby au thorised, the sum thine thousand dollars per annum, and it shall be the drity,ef the said Gnamissioners, after paying the interest. annually', to Invest thb sur e to together 'alit Id accumulation of interogt, in the laid loun, or in any ether loan of the Commonwealth, • if the stud loan cannot be p.chased at 1.1 par value, the said investment to form risialong fund for the re , dempbon of the prtncipal at maturity." in pursuance of the provlriotis afottisanl, cortex is nantrad ,:IVEN that proposals will be received at the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, until 4 o'clock, P. NI , of Thutaday the shitty-first day of Nay • next, for loaning to the Comnionwmlth, for the pur pose. set forth in the said act, the sum of FOUR HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, at a rata of merest not oxceedlng coo per cont. per annum ' tamable half yearly, In gnome, at the Treasury of the Coalmen. wealth; the mud loan to be redeemable in LIDO years after date. Certificates of sleek for the stud loan. to t h e banal At manner or agreeably to the terms thereof, will be is sued by the Governor, the came being transferable by the owner or owner. on the books of the Auditor (ign ore]. The proposals will he required to state explicitly the amount offered—which Isbell not in any case ha less than noe hundred dollars—the rate of interest not ex ceeding six per rent. and the premium proposed. The State reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the stun offered, unless the proposals stipulate • • , to the contrary. Rids for the loan must be direct and explicit. No couilmonal or hypothetical proposal will. be received. Upon the acceptance of the propmarda,' the money must be paid into the Stuti Treasury, 11l such propottions and at such times, as the Governor shall direct or appoint, mad upon delivery. of the re ceipts therefor from the Treasurer, ceritficates of stock will be issued to such amounts as may be requested by the lenders. per pound The proposnls to be dtrectel under seal to this otlice, endorsed "Proposals for l oon"—they will not be open ed or disclosed until the tinned for remising them boo elapsed, after which no alter anon in the terms will he admitted. Secretary of the Commonbrealth. 00- The Secretary would bring to the notice of those willing to loan to the Cononcinweallt, the fact, that. the $30,000 net upon In the foregoing act, for the pay• meat of interest CM the loan thereto authorized, Is less than the amount now punt annually de the support of the Inclined Inane: and lichee, the appropriation thus made does not ditdmish the anneal resources of the Treasury. ea y7tddiatennay3o GEORGE ARMOR,. MERCHANT TAILOR ) 46 Market street, - ,!, RAVING purchased an extensive and ealethlirse lected stock of Spring end Summer Goads, the s . subsonic, respectfully informs his /needs and the public • that he is now preparing direeeive and exe cute thew oide...with dispatch, and in the neatest, most substantial, and fashionable meaner. As he is determined to do business en the cash system, he flat ters himself that he will be able to do work as cheap as it can be done at any establishment in the coaatry. Ills stook is varied, consisting of Cassimeres g lhotds e laths, Vesting., its., which his friends are respectful ly invited to examine for ItIGIUSEIOOII. myAßdtf GEORGE ARMOR. TO FARMERS AND Lunnisanizx rpliKuadersl g ned otters for sale in hr. Kean cowry, Pa., ISM acre. of well timbered LAND, vriti.aa excellent Saw Nig nearly new; and two new OEM. Houses, one 4l feet front by 47 back; the other st. feet front by gl back. Also, good new Mow Baia, thirty by forty feet. The mill and land:aro situated four tree from the Allegheny river. Atreatdealof?lNE TIMBER of the bent quality and niko a vise mantity of the very beet hemlock. Alto, oneinere on Os bank of the Allegheny. near n cove s mostad.ribly Adapt ed for rafting,where lumber can be rafted on The ice in winter. and be perfectly safe fiem 611 freaßets. Pelee Sii,uun, or SS an none. TOMS eaSy. {VW take a well cleared small farm, with knOli l mtnie End or chard upon it, as part payment, it lete gt is suitable, and the balance in lumber, or as guy be ogeoed oil. This is on excellent opportunity (or tomberlegi and the probabtlay is great that to two or three 'Namibia property wilt double ItA valor, in ersowslneove Of Its proximity to the New York stud Erie Kiniroad. Tim ber sufficient to wear out amoral sate raillp.--nrid see. ernl mill sites on the stream w-hteh ions nearlyikroupls the centre of the land About fifteen .resinligkess. No hill to like I t hauling lumber from mill MI river. Trout nnd gorne to ahundanCo. For faitheispitieu lam, address, iposniutd,) P. Ft. TgMr",MN, Ouse. &Err_ Pittsherith. PEKIN. TEA STORE. has nut reeetved at ther.Pekixt Tea Stor tr e, ;V FOurda stre . et,. a very large suittsyell se lected stock of pare ite.s.N AND BLARE TEAS, from Sr W York, all of which had Leen riceitred in this country tin, She furl of February lest, gonmigun, 01 all the dr/Erroll, [rodeo grown in the CeltStal Empire. Our stye k Dem; Conn the largeat in the West, we ate p,pur...l In wholesale, orr better terms then toy other how. in rho city. We invite -retail grocers to sail and examine oar stock and prises.'. They eon hosetteack. er Its I. I. nod 1 tb pagkager, L lit tut eartrustem or by bra ch.'s.. to spit their convenience . oar retail prices Vary for Oolong, Black Teas (Iran su cu. to 81,he per Mg Ning Young Son:Awns, 6 3 ../ Congo 50, and Englishßreakfavt Eason 07 5, . , Uunpoorder and Imperial, from 35 et.. talt.l..M pe r . Firtntlies are requested to .send and get samp les of of oar TOO.. and try .' 'afore puretw..' OHIOSEILING'S PIANO NOXITZS.' yoHN 11. aniLL,OR. No. 81 Wood nreti, btu the pleasore of annowteirg rho arrival of t new and splendid ewortraciat of nat.., from Alm aig.mfam, of Jonas Cluerering,.Rew ' on—anning.thent cent Rosewood fall Grand Pine n Vane, 7 WI, Also, a superb Kinn Piano Forte, 7 pogyea, caned ragellrOOd , of the style of l ! trais XI V, with 9.vorlory of 7, awl • octaves, to winch the *attention of parch...is -, en ierespeetfolly JOAN H. HELLOS,, Solo - Agent for Chiskeriay's Piano FM" Po Were Oro Penosylvula. - .L.'Er 4:=o*. ..._. _ . , . .. per IleJ Jo ao • per barrel per dozen dam, do do per doyen , do per plane per WO dd per groat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers