BY gAGNETH TELEGRAPH, Per the Pittetutgh Daily Gazette. [Owing to L a heavy [arm in Philadelphia on Saturday evening, we di not receive our Usual telegraphic reports of tht any;, we therefore pre / Lent teem to our readers's], mousing.] PSILADELPIIA MARKET. Floor—Some hoidens udt an advance, but we did not hear of any finless/nerd at former prices. Yesterday's qnotations n;ty therefore be resumed for the various description. Provisions—There is to movement visible in any article.. Money Market—Thee was considerable busi ness done at the board t day, and we note safes of Penney[Minis Fives, oS9, and Sires, at 99j.. 'NEW VOR: MARKET June O. Fiour—The trade in bur has been lively, and the marliet generally :Live and buoyant. \lie note sa l es of 0,000 terra common to good and straight brands, Westerniud Gen at $4 50 to $4 62r. Grain—The receipts o grain o all kinds have been exceedingly light. Gene white wheat may be quoted a 12r, ni southern white at 122 c per bushel. Corn—There is a gooaleal doing in corn, but no marked change in pees. 1114, note sales of road 15,000 bu. of northern yello at 64c per bix and ordinary to the beat upping low of yellow, at forme? quotations. Rye is in active reqiiei and we note moderate . sales at 52c per based. Provisions—Pork—The is a pre ty ripply of pork, and safes were tide at $lO or mess, and SS 25 for prime. Bacon lb in good derma,- but there is no per. ceptible change In prices in rut meats there Is nothing doing. Lard iective nt 6;064 for bar relled, and 7011 for keg. Groceries---Coffee to (good demand, but prices ore unchanged. Sugar—The market I day has Eileen apirited, and we have had sales to fate extent. We note sales of Porto Rico, at 4 glad Cuba and Matanzas at 51; New Orleans at 4 - . • Molasses—Considerah supplies have arrival; and several cargoes. at now landing. Prices, however, are barely snprted. The sales to day comprise Parto Rico, talc, New Orleans, at 220 per Whiskey—Latge sui t 'ic, and limited demand have put pieta down; nes at 201 to 21e pet gal. Cotton—The market roust to day. We quota lair at Sic; uplands Sir. Money Market—Thai was a little more, ani mation In the Mack merit to day. Government ace -mutes were is detmd at improved tales, The market ter solid auks continues good; apd &slates though in less ante demand still maintain , themselves tern. Sales ( Kentucky smes at 09; U. S. sizes ( rm 114 U.S. Treasury Notes at Mt. CHOLERA 4 BOSTON. Bosrax, Jane 9. There were-three eau of Cholera hero to day add one at-ath—that a Mr. Filher, Foriodient Nrw Vona., June 11 The United Mates rte, Listincton, arrived here yostmclay from San Fmmaco, with gni.t to the valueof a quarter of a ollion dollars. Cholera—There trenten deaths from Cholera in the city yesterday. CINCINNATI, June 11. • The Nun , ll paps of Monday say that et Pre dent Pokis dauFronaly iil of Cholera. CHOI - Zan. N CINCINNATL IcCIIATI, lane 11, 7 P.M. Shea Sainrdagom 9th inst., there have been alllttWO eaveS oteblera. and twelve deaths. Tie steamier Namoe has arrived from New Or leans, brinmin; rim hundred passengers, mostly Gesso emcgrants. Theta wore twenty.five ea sew( cholera on bard, cut of which no less than somnteen were fan). . k• Ben West, from Cincinnati to Potshot-o,watt me yesterday, Worn Partersburgh. She had seen cases of chiles's, find two deaths. Taro cf theosses were Mahe nutlet' cabin. privets ileapatith from Evansville soya dint the'Embassy" collapsed her flue, in consequence of vhich neverel persons were very badly Scald. est The partici:tiers have not yet reached as. • Crays/AND, June 11,1519. The :steamers Hudson and Saratoga came in CaIWWI yesterday morning, on Lake Erie, :neat Buffalo, by which the former was &tabled. No lives lost. CHOLERA IN T. LOUIS. There were seventy causal Cholera in this oily during Saturday and Sunday, out thirteen cif elk. 10 Melees. The weather is warm and sultry, and tbariver rising. The Missouri river is very high. PHILADELPHIA., 31111 e 11. The Hon. Augusta,. Porter cited Last night at Niagara Fans. Plll LADELNI IA MARK ET l iltair—The market was extremely inactive to /, . ley. A few sales were made for home use, but no cabers of importance; prices, $4 G2} $5. Wheat—There is good enquiry for wheat, nod ['prices are firm. Sales of white to some extent at ° 0710110 c; red, at 102al 03c per be. - i Com—There is a good deal doing in care,end. i• .Nets are firm We quote yellow at 60 6 1 e r buabeL . iPtutrisiontr-There IS nothing doing in provisions • • •y of notice.. Market steady, but without any -•-• of consequatee• Whiskey—Sales at 2le per gal. • . . Money Mrtrket—A good deal of brininess was one, and the look akead was more encouraging. NEW YORK MARKET NOO3 EXPORT. June 11. - Flour—The markets are active, and prices are favor of the Miller. Sales round hooped Ohio St 681 per bbl. Wheal—Thera is n good inquiry for wfirat, and 'esa ass firm. Cortri—Tbere in a good .shipping enquiry for ~,•na, but prices have no tendency to advance. es of anthem white end mixed as fi9c per be. .; Provisions—The market for provisions exhibits • reportable change; 1.. , u{ if any thing it is rattier 4 ore firm. - Lard is unchanged botlr in price and demand. Whiskey dull, and prices rightly giving way. Cotton—The market hart been quiet, the trans 'one reported not exceeding Ik4) bales, Sales ew Orleans anal Mobile fair at Sle. Money Mantet—Tratemetima at the stock oz . cgs tide morning were not extensive. The • arket, however, was Imo, and a email advance realised imoh mime of the fancy descriptions. New Yeas, June 11-43 P M. Flour—The market is without change. Hold ,..,are firm, and the demand is moderate. Seise ; common State, and mixed w es tern, at SI 5020 i 56; good western and state brands, at II 62; • Genesee, id 8505 121; Ohio, at 61 69 per hbl. Corn Meal is dull at 62 97563 per WA. • Gram—There is a good inquiry for whew, and -- ate irm. • Sales. of Genesee white, at Peia •• good to prime Ohio, at 1028106 c. Sales of • -• • white corn, at 6210 6 4 e; miumern while, • 61=2; had °framed, 588600 per bu. I' cowlick's's—The market for park is unchanged. is hekl, at 610; and prime,at e 925. Lard Is • v. tton—The market to day has been quint, and tmniticticina reported are some 150 bales at le Mr fair. Sales of Ordinary at 61c. , • , ••• • Masker—Transactions at the Stack Ex t4tga • were eat extensive. The market, how ; was fine, and a smell advance has been 1 .4 upon some , of the fancy descripfioni.— , len ofPentia. 5',1 at 89, and of U.. 9. Co' of ' s 9at . ire. PAARKE r. June 11. l o u —The natiket has linen quiet; with o d orid .,l businen doing at 57 '75 per hi.b er . -The demand is can', with sales at. 15* • r gal can :-s a h t e 4 1T5 Wide Shoulders et 4 lc, Willett an advance Ja prices rket in unchanged, eitha In or demand. A gentleman Of Ptuabotah, who-Lad fallen lob en eellar after tie "Urea! Ore," e.p..umd Wa an. . e e,srly that be WOO unable to refrain front cry= • A wit.l the pain. sk (need who had been oriug Fate. Stock Ja Coe Hetbefueleot tmdibeen twee gale hire what rem:Aiwa In the bottle, • •agb Wiz limb Wm greatly ewellen, he ono, way re,tiored, health to twelve hours and trete pain. 'Mattis bet one of a great number of which l e v e e loos ender the ob.erytalon the ignore. prepoctand cola , B*FAETOCKk CO, 1 111 .14.*Vidid;: deo, corner 6th nod Wood ins 1 8 • ' • ' Tim 470:ituiso.—To thom afflicted orish . thal. Col soasuyst licAsacriels, the Liter comidslid;..l.llfi " ° ,74 1. 4 .wis Liver Pills am happy W o vestaiiim once empleW und sok. jt &a 1 triad often so an gluts - al tho coantryt it has Won • a the procaine Of - the moat eminent phy.teians, w.Y S WUh trump it success. in offering.; Pills to theptiblic,•the proririeum. an) Dtuitdad' . desimwalleviathhll6Lan suirernyj,....4.q&T note fot oi o:e of the' E::: s rtible d i me , c li p s co o . OZ -;•,...h0 u w, 4 • 1 #1 . 1 the:eat of a ll . Par %afoot tbo . • .F.,—.4obislor oda 6y. SF VON BON N HORST SO* No. I in.ll4F.llsigned - snd for gala; umo, keg' Roam , APUILLA I KOK 'Ulm mks, l- 'pail • tar • & w COMMPACIAL 'RECORD • JUNEUM 1 ALMANAC. _ I toe . •••e• • • ........ II ilanday, ... , ... ... 13 Wednesday, ...............5... 14 Thbn4ll7, ............... IS Pridari ...... —••- . ... PI BUgOD BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE FOR JUNE. i. totirrtOren. =l4, N. I. c.a... MOFVMENTS OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. cumin Use—Sails (Or America. Amerita, Shanion,for Bostoo, , May May 24. IMMO., Lone for Saw Ydrk 3l Funs Asomica, roaßciare. Celedonia, I..enCli. from Boston, June G. Niagara. Eyrie, from New Vork, lone 13 Eurspa, Lou, from Boston, June M. Cumbria, Shmumi, from New Fork, June 27 America, Harrison. from Beaton, July 4. P. S. Min. 1.131 Poo Soirroaslrron son Ronano. FROM NEW FORK. The Itermioan, Capt. Crabtree, on the 20th June. The Waalungton. Copt. G. W. Floyd, on °Joh July FROM BREMEN. The Washington, on the ISIS June The Hermann on the 156 July. FROM SOUTHAMPTON. The Washington, on the 24th .June. The Hermann, en the Rah July. Orrice, Prrrenteum fiverk-rcq Tuesday Morning, dune 1.2, relit The general tone of Hio market yesterday, prevented no Important change in geolaturne. The market ire, quiet, cud badness mainly confined to homed opera , FLOUR -e-The receipts of Flour yesterday. wer. quite fall, though sales from Lest hands were sot hen icy. We mute the following sales at the river. 100 LOA at the Uppler Wharf at 53,50,21F14-; at the Lowe Wharf, 130 tibia at 83,61, lOU do at Sll,Citt. 10 at 83. and PS arSil i ali Three lota were wade up of lion, gala'. and Shia s f brands. The soles from store wee confined tolunited lots at 63.034511,7511 1 1i1il PROVISIONS—We have no changer to tioncelto der this heal. thteon continues quite active, wttlerll else sales of good Western and City carrel .1, for Shoulders RS. Side. 6, and Hams at Te 4 , Si. Tree ure the ruling Spires of the market, though awe ntosll Sales have °Centred at le. less Claud couslY cured Riicon, in lifiose lots have been cOected (rot store at. far Shoulders 41041, Sides 514051, and Runs at 61c e St. Lard is inartive, and few saleshace.ome to our knowledge. - IWe may quote the article it 1.613 at 6t2 94, and to kegs at 6i6OG/c—as to quotas bilElZE—Considerable 111.11lIalt Ms are or tor. ward from t i e Western Reserve, rid the toarkcl fairly supplied. Wc note sales of lf R common at tlif 001; of Crerim at 72:1e. wettest is selling .ico , !: Si.Zr Sr ROC ERki —IVi th mode rt., rrdp sac no us. NV< con tinue oor quotatioo. n. tdilowsi N 4 t ii4tigar N 4 D . Moluuees 'lrrahN. huger Skits , do pr gall. Loaf Sugar 3391.. RIO C4n, Cf, 7i and xhr hi No change in other Oracles under this bend. . RAGS—The amulet a in et, and but hale ni dome We quote paid dean nulled at ale 4 lb GREEN APPL&L--The luppnes,in .eore bare le. come extremely ulna aule• .to a moderate rt , tent at stAceLor• bbl DRUM FRUIT—We note sadel from .tern. of Pre vb. and oi Opplea at 5005-; et. pe tokuhal ' Spirit at the Demestla Market. Ommo.i.. May 30, 1 , 40 .iTATEU .FINT OF COTTON. Ptc.r.t. on hand Ist B , ptcastrer 19J4, bate• tul Arrived pe.t three Jay, iu7.l Arrived prevdon.t. , 10.-÷".l."l—ltetu4.; .Exported pest three deli Er ported pret,ottle. Stock ott hand and m ship board, hale. 111954 Sugar, LO/lIIVIIIIA—Thera to stall eraly a limited bun -xeas doing jn Mlhe Sugar , mortal, bin the •rnvoll beteg light. pnces are maintained at about othir !Orme, range, alartici:MAy for the Fair to ?Till. gITIVIGS. to which the tatualul meetly confined. The salmi of the past three day. embrace 50me.450 to 500 hhis, At rates whhiu the range of the allowing quotations—tiny for Inferi or '2l 03, Commonll;o3L Pate 3i94, Prime 4;091, Choice '41105, Clarthal b. Molasses—Both the receipts and - sales are limited, the latter lieing about 030 bbls for tint past three days. hot tie range of prices is without maianal change, and are continue in quote the Inferuir p Ordutary 13013. Fair to Prime 14015, rettoiled 1:01.1. the highest rate (or mere retail parcels at choice Tobacco—The business of the paß three days only *Moonlit to shoat 450 WMa at rates within the range of the following . quotations—say for Lifga fatiory,.2:ll3J, Planters' dot/031, Leaf, Inferior id Common, 404 E. Pair to Fine 500, Choice and :detections 6; 071 e per pound. Stock on hand let September, 184e...hhds 14.351 Armed p.m three davit, ;1 , 6 Arneed prevmuel T, Z 124 Exported par three days, Faported preTwuilj, • Stock cal hand sod on ship board, aids 17,Z) The receipts of Flour have canonised on the same limited scale noticed to several previous reviews, and being inadetioate to the costotnery ilkkoand for the con. auutptiou of the city and oesghborhood, prices have hetp cooklastaly tending upward. The soles altogeth er include ZAP bhls at Si,7oaSt,7s•yor Illinois, Ohio koclrsinglar brands, lanchiding Sae of sctl bide I nd- nun on the Levem, at the highest nth and 54ohliakp. 25 for ulna to very...l:aka St Loots Watt.. Gram—td Wheal, we armee a sale of 1300 sacks on the Levee, aro:, r be, an advance. Oats continue scarce,and may be pooled at 42948c;in sacks, accord ittlWsicaestn;'t.T.jPbbdlrad the tr'Oathts', three Wheal. Cleared for New York 51214.F10r1da MT, 1,, Ismael NM wt." Cant —lPnees Centel. CLI, EL Nth, J une • I t 149 Caned Reee,in.s--Wlatakey 2 hbiit; lined fruit WO, Water 179&; baron 2 247,. coal 76.57 bxn-extteardl4l.l, corn 5.;21.V. Alatkata-51.alea 1200 lou nrn 43 0 4 1000 do extra 43; 4WD do 42i;bu wheat 21 . . 1900 ' do '1; 30011 do e 24; 200 60 . ^ dixt 0 . 11 1, 94. 011 ; 300 bide ,alt 81,00: 700 tack. du 12c. Corn from terms, ie. lVool is now coming forward 111 11?rge qu•ntitien Some 12 or is.uou lb) are brought In pally There a, a large number of buyers, and pocceMnge higher tha. lint year, owing to the 4 ipproved froMitton of the woo in wwash i ng aml,peckutg. The arrage price peal flit season, i s about Sir f. 61.—[flerald litst.r mote, thi/b. Cattle—TheadjTly of Beeves at the scales on lest Monday, loannina I and pricm dechned, which erns occasioned by the °tiering of an ihihnor quality of second crop Cattle. Those of a better quality were all sold at the upper &pure. The offerings reached 250 head, of which '5tCl were sob! to city: butchers, and 47 welt left over unsold, Prices mega. from 5244 to E 4,93 on the hoof, equal to 85,25111.52,1pinet, and avers gingB4 prom. ogs—The market was exceedingty dull. We mime (tom 84.2.3 Amencen. .Al market, MO Beef Cattle, including 400 head for New York. 6.2 , Cows and Calves, 400 Hogs and Min Sheep and Lech. Prices—Beef Cattle—No change, .and sales were mostly made at 101,50421P430 ♦ 103 Pos. distint 1.0 head remain unsold Cows and Gabes sold 31 500 $l4 for Mt Court, 0140623 for Spurtifers, and Elea &JO fur Mitch Cows. Hogs are lower, and generally held at siAsintsr• P 1(151 Br. Sheep Sod Lambs were elrlaken el $lOllOO4 each for Sheep, and 5149003 for Lambs, seer/Wing to quality. Irstruitoor., Jun, n, 1119 The invert/one of the week ending on Thorsdny evening toentirike Use following liAn4. and quantiser Bldg: 1111 LW. Howard street, V.B'J7 7 34 City Mille. 3.714" 301 Family,' 2,9, O 4 Sumacbkotti v. • 1,165: no 13513 —/ _ • / 2.7 • Beaulles 73 WA/ and 9 hi( Lble Ryi Floor, 70 lands and IVO Ole Corn lanai-4M. ne [a: CoSIAIERCE OF CLEVELAND The folLorarng table eshibir, the inrouni of Flour Pork, Wheat end Corn, arrived at P.noveland via ill Ohio Canal, in the month of May, for lour ye., 1940. 1947. 1549. 1940. F10tu,61.41.. 10,M11 145.4/C9 1.44X8 ✓,,%41 Zork, . 10,12 u Go]s: 6.333 7... 1 5 Wheal, 1.1.1 ' 9;120 .24354 11C1,Y29 Corn, (4,475 106,0/4 1711,110 116,4:97 Oftweco.--The reeetpts of prodace: , tet Oswego, do ting the part Week, 42)11 the Canister Call Timen, ohmw fr conaderable, falling of m the reCeiPke n 1 IVtiest, da nng the .math of Nlay, es compered ',71111 the cam, pending period of keel Vent The Macerate froportn by lake, however, tor the last Inmate:, ...pipe seen by the reifies below, ?bow a ammeereble increase 'Over say peck.% corresponding &rind, el do also the tkporls by cunt The In:HMIs by lake, from the openlirg of nexigis. Jane Ist, of a few lending rinicjer, lor Iwo wa led., Lave been no follow.- let. J 646. 21,711 SU4G Lumber, feet 7,025457 d U,b05,000 Exports to face twe rectors 12319 1949 75,117 , e 11,042 1144511.1 :$9,04b bbls AVhcat =l= ov tlccvnensv..-I , Tfont's Cammereist Jour nal gives the following statement of the value of El • m r t. from Belantore to Foreign portsluring the month of Mar • 1649. : . I n4d. • Sr- 4 4.r.. •:- ~S7S,C.d, Domestic goodo, Foreign, .datiable, )7,44 ; 2,190 - do ' fr,r, . C 44 5744,811 TheUrowits WaterCuis Establish- menu i) RS. BAELZ t MASON, in ramming their glute tel ‘ek"wiedeFteele to the friends of the lawn.- non and to a discerning public IngereeP i t (en the hi ' Val patronage hitherto reeettre ennounee at the :wane time tout they have made miell4M t re fr ve " "mints In the interior es well a. the egteixte W. the as -litlathinentolaring lasi fall and whirler, which win greedy enhance the comfort. and aninsements of in valids, Rho inland to 1441 tide plaee boring the Casa lii g Yawner. :Alt the prevailing/ are treist;d here, and they will eadeavor•to keep op the matinee the establish- Mani bas wall, Lb/0W.112e west, by atrill auandno to patients that eniy - dal themselves under their ease. 111 order IV undergo lOC treatment, patients have ID provide thetoselym with. two woollen blanacta, two climax sheets. three comforuthls• yr aright feather bed and six towola, Terms, Mx dollars, kyalde weekly. !radial Tti ' r resde . • id Welt . . end 104 Frontal 1 PORT OF ARRRIVED. Michigan No 2, Gilson Beaver Baltic, Jacobs, Brownville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownie Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wei' Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver Beaver, Clark, Beaver. I Highlander,-.St Lot Vermont, Hazlett. Louie' Elite, BOWCIS, Brownire DEPAR Michigan No 2, Gihi sa ver. 1 Baltic, Jacob, Brown e * ,„ Atlantic, jukicneErno ~P , ,la c :r . .k . rdi nso2 ; . .s: t e" L r.: :::: Louis cLane, 841 4 limw caviik Peru, Calhoun, r'"h- Welliville, McrlY'Santl.h. 479 770 4 29 770 429 711 429 73l 4 29 7 31 4 23 779 TH.Bryn.—Tl'e were 7 feet 5 inches in the channel, by pier ork, last evening et dusk, and falling. BoATLEAVING THIS DAY. B eaweee e Packets, n A. M. and 4 P. M Bear Packets, 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. St Louis Brooklyn. th e d en i--Consigne e N e ;,hve—Cumbetland ':'. B mer iville El ty. Whfung and Sunfish—Wellsville. FOR PHILADELPHIA I. Leech S. co' s, packrt line 9 P M IMPORTS UT RIVER. BF-AVER—Per Mlehtgan boar, oosp l'slm• took A co. 94 ho s,. cheese, I Dtrkry S en.l7 •aol, wool, trunks, J A rattuhey. AI I.b cheese. :flyers A, Hunter, dl do do. owner aboard, Id kept butter. (1 M Harlon, 24 lam ellee.r, aboard Mrenadleo, I esk pot ash, W licuderson & rO, 49 boo cheer... E lleszolton; 25 do do, J 13 Cunlieid. ft do do, Itagliey & Smith. 11, elk. potash, 1 A Couple y I bale lonon, d MeCturkan co, In boa choose. J!I CIL.., Gonoror rtavo,„ 40 pots, 49 kettle, 46 door, 49 o•ens, spider, fu' ,op. per boiler., 50 dry pa.,r, .1 I' Porno, 39 b,s threw. Voick A Xlceandle.. HRH:RIF:PORT-I'er NVellsvllie lOU bhd. W Riogbani; A 1,01.1 rak hums. I Ju,.:11. 1,1. flour, k • wool, Clark A. l'how 560 bbl, Hour. 1.411 0001, 2 rata barn,. J Fade, 101 dour 1, W Rhoden 13 Idols tob, J A Rue. 16 , bbl, dour. 1 1,1 bacon 2 4. rues, Tlios Hell Ht /OKINCIPORT—Per lob Jno A Roe. 37 dor broom.. W Wells; 40 laid. lob, II Lereli no, 1d du do, 40 sk. wool, Clark A huN, .II jars Iles butter. A. Roe, 6 hltda 101 P, o%' 11 J. , ltitaloo. J 551. bacon, I boo do, D Slorgan, lihtla lob, Jou 9 Dil worth. 19 .4. wool, NN m Uoignani, 211 out., 4 bbl. ggs..." 1 , 1 , 1. b kr. lard, NV Alc Ker. 26 s 4, wool, S W linriaiugh 105 bit Ort, J 9pruul. I Om. ion SUN FI 4 II Per ohd. lob. 125 bob. dour Clark 5, Thaw. 30 Ithda lob, /114/ A Hoe. 5 Ja do. R Do: , roll, 36 do do, ,k. wool, 1.1 Leerb A ca, ISW on.erd WI, 75 do dour, J thlworth, 15 lind. \li Joan n, d cruet. butter, 2 bid. J II Young 1:;0 i , 9la dour. I Me Fodor, 49 du do. S Mer.orl.o.lo woo, IV Bingham, 45 do do, SI Drum. - 151. dour. Lumber, Slopion. 40 pc , baron. Rbe) Matthew. sco 44 oar.. Steen.. 5, Dixon. I,' tads 1:111, 13 ,•II lead pipe 2 hhd.. n,r Oriental 149 1,1.1. dour t•api I. reel at' air Unruhne, Loihel CINCIPiN.\ Tl.—Prr C0,'... r., Ail, 4heby A rsena: b hlids bat.ut. 1.0, I,:t au lard, d 1 hg• feather, 40 14•14 Leech A bbls 13 kiss lard 10 *ldes. 47 . pyi'• 24 ire,: 12rd oil. hlid• bacon, 12 ire.. hams, Me Eaden 2, co, 7 bhds inb, 17 II i.rair 12 bb:, lard ,aI Bagalev d 1 4 milh. 011 est• hocan. SeNer, WA. NV:1111k O . .1 Parker. 10 11....,ngeed uil .:I,x, melee J Kidd .4. or. 0 likl. ha:us, J Grier 12 t,.cs bdla tree, d bls het,. i.ha. b 1 1I I ,ks buz. Into robes, mr 1/ighlaraler I.IJI ISVILLE Vermont-1,1,1'. 1.. , 03r 1/)• Cr.( hi. utr., IVrn H Ilultnec 2rl .&.• leamers lirow Culbert... 10 blulll..b. ror.VIL & r LW , . 13 WI .10 'ant, 54 csl.. hams. T.l bb,ls iv', 19.•.1. 2L 11,11 t , rack W Hingham. 1 bb. 133.1 oil. 14 laid,. 101, fp 3u. 93 10..1. 2 kg. Isrd. II 4.ra1l n, blo• Ipordun li= PITTSBURCH FRENCH BURR MILL STO \ and MILL FURNISHINII ENTABLISIMEN - I' Nos 241 and 246 Liberty atreet. nen, the Cana, French Burt Stour.. a my own manutnenoe, made of a new and super., enalor of lit nets; titer care ts taken tnave the on. made dor., and all the bloct• el:0 alone ot a uniform gnat., t., are'warranted to he t-,turn in at, In the noontr). and aupettor to the great man.. of Burr, 'ahem, 0 , Itlh-1,11 or dortiesne 11 - ISapltiettltr. and stn.! Al toW,I pt Pc. Mill Stones, uranutacturcd to France•—s gene rat nettortment, at reduced print, a:t.vats o.t Itand Laurel Hill Mitt Stone, a.. wee Bolung Cloths, Anchor Stamp. marrant,l bc.t yus.. sty, and at gsvoll% rcducr.l priers. Mill SpandleA, 'Mtn Irons, Scrrars sod Plat• form B.oes. Corn and Cob tirtodern, .n 481.1..- 211411 Coatings 01101 i..401b , , 1001101111 Fl.oll..oootig 10 Kt n oral All orders promptly attended to at 214 and 246'1.41 erty street. near the Conn!, Fauns:rob nsyttlkdlim W W WALI.ACEs _ . Pittabareb Steam Marble Work. NO. 844 LIBERTY, oppo.D. 5g41,1k6.5.1 !garble Mantles, Monuni , iits,Toittlia,Tnii, Tvp. &c., a large v•tiiity of the moat beautiful a out. nail of the finest quality 41 lorrig. and dOturstc mar4l4. always on hisnd at made to order, by the aid 01 no.. chinery, am shortest notice and at the lowest pricy. K. EL—The Country Trade furnished with ail kind. of /garble at the lowest rate. Ail ardent promptly at tended itt at 244 Liberty, Ofl/0141e ttintilifitaal at thtd . 6in W WALLACE 101.. 'll3l- 2'l4D I=! T Patent Stone or French Barr SMUT MA CIIINE--the best article of the ktud In use the, run:1101. clean fast, do the work welt, aunt aro last • life drug. About WO at thew are vs u a the ho., rallh IA the es:sonn s, y, and we nave the strongest 1011, roody of competent i)ereone as their eupertorny over all other Soto t Machines For further paruestlan. ad dress the oubsenber at 544 Labatt): st. I'ntsburg h. usy.lo:deto 5%' W 1t ALLAFE STRAm KNOINF-4 AND 13011.EltS- For and other mills, alwayson hand, or mode to Gras, on ver7 short nonce. and at the lowe•I pm., Ad den orotund,' utteoded to at 214 I.therry street. near the Canal mylt, IV IV WALLACE.: PLANTER PARIS- lot laml. and other purposes, •Ivvey• n Land at All Litany i LP rill NV t. IVA I ./.At . F. H E y Il • - matt) GRLN Tn i t ' Z ' E ‘ lTe . ;; ' ). " meet";'' uoJ "".' n'''"" inyad W W WALLACE r rUlti.t."..NTIR - r;-.1, 41„. iuriietiuue just received aad ior tale by my'.'BRAUN Jr., RJITIR ' • ' iyire _ " ce pume tbwon, hro og ulta. rt , e'd and for ule by myYA WICK & C I LF;FS'etlF;—t:yob ha. CI ODA ASII-30 casks Soda AAh 4.1 rer'ci and for 0 sale by Isis dt S A W HAMM l'Oli SCRIY of the Iwomacs and county. bought and said by my3l S 6CIIOY/112, 110 Second a I ilik:E:;l6--.50 pa. pr,gon Weanat linsers, Chen.. road and for sale by WA 11 511.1271 - .1111.:ON mylll 152 I.lberty al riftip:b A1•11.--111s DrJed Apples. ten d LI and for isle by my:10 SAW HA RDA UGH L ARD p my. a.—A fen barrels t s rc k 'd l ajni li f; , r n aLe t bz i, LARD lo bbl. 4., Inning and for sal.- by mymi J KIDD 0 c o A 14 ILS--Wrought Iron Ana,lx, from the anceville mocks, warranted, will ha constantly on hand and supo:lcd to order. by myr-o CoCil RAN, 23 Wood •t JOHN HYLIC'S SPOOL SILK. U.KYRI-:SSLY Ft tR tt-EWISf. —The sttenstun I,:j Merchwnt. t‘ tnytted to a hew arnclet SEWINI. BILE put lip Olt spool, manufactured by JOllll it rte. ot Fatten., Nrw Jersey, wthilt trout the many advt., sages lassesover tbr ctt-toninry niuttl, fore long. enttrrly supersede the utt( Thin ..tth tr neatly put in Lo:-t OS oar tintrn Teo, —fifty or a...herb boar.. or 50 doe att .ol• nrr runtainrd in one ease, suttubly SisralrlVii for rottnitne Atitoug many advantne. %1., mode of putting nip Threal pre.,tts. may ltr rietteed or. folhtvrtug L 4 The coos nor ` Ilss 111110 In Wllllllll,-, reeling the s4l‘, tad sutlers 1,, loss tn the Leitrim's st, cununon to Rua nr,ll. while the VC,IIIOI/r Irs4lll, or (I.l.ngsginK the rte rely tivotdrd 31. Ton country stnrokeepc. vv.' hour at tn. rndxl - the year Ins unsoLd in rood rondttion he;ralh., retuning by Use 'kern. bet ttntbs at thr end Sri She Iseitssoll, a larr . l4llllially . 0 111trrI 1 /1, , ,1". Ss , Ss< 1111CIly SVoss‘ls le" 3rd. The Su'<Aug. .n:tend :one. tarry Pan Ca., in anicritile, i•Cfunsi color Irani a pai • eel of a Iput, ad or lOUS, 'Aetna. ri-quife n „atm to th, 0 , ihr shade or coior he la in anottii Of. The quality of this silk equal 10 the Item Mullen the market The 1/1001111) . 00 'poolswatrutite4 011 YeTtIN whirb ti the tote,ttge length of the orchottry eltein, that eutntountb. the ,:one peter the color. se, Kell et.sortell, and eunaot 0.1 to .011 ell porehasrrs, being of the greatest V141CI: For isle only by the rust, cm 50 do, spool. by WM. II HORSTAI ANN a tiON. t N. Nn —, ‘Them ,t Sp' A V"'" myli:d•o•l4., Extension of theailroa Balti d. more and Ohio R 1.1.0M•CY0115 lOU 111IADVATION hOft, VOOKINEIT PROPOSAL!, art' /11VII,1 for the Graduation and Masonry of about 25 nide, more of iill.l road, In rjonsag at a pouts sonic 64 notes Nat, of and eatlb4 at a 110:Ill some 13 aides weal al Chem River, all the 'I eoaoa front No. 04 to No 1.011, nnr l u u veTbn Graduation onnearly all at thew seetions Will be heavy a, a; anti one of conaulerable length and threa uteri oozy . There will be also two Vtadorts or roach= ova. . . Specifications and plans of the work will Le ready for distribution to roomier. by the 111th of lone, Met, at ;he Company's ollice in Cumberland. The propo- sal. will be addressed to the undersigned, and will be received up hi Saturday, July 7th, inclusive, at the mime place Psoriasisace earnestly requeried to ex amine Mr clearly Lidding, and in avail themselves of the amplelimns of inionnation of ;he value oi sunk. velitch will he fonustied them, an ClettleelOt• froth a distance, austomed to snore dif ficult eleavaiszeis than Mo.. to cc Le tam wills on this line, will othelavise be likely in make their estimates too Ituigh The best tellttlitolllele will be required, and aI energeue prosecution of tor work will be necess•• ry. The payments will be Cells, wills the Millet reef 1.- vation of one-fifth till Me theleptellOrt of the contract 13y order of the President and Dire.. HEM. 14 LATROBE, is 7 eoduleA gall. Ant. Chief Engineer. 4nn BUSS. TANNERS' Oil, in liandPoine rmnu VV barrel*. OIL--Consuunly en hand, bicuched and unblench; ed winter and spnng Su e r , m ,:i r.l l, 7pir, i c amd s A uti3l l ; i f h' or fe.i t u t i ' L d s ' " "le PATENT OIL FOR IVACISINEEV—The bent are now prepared to supply 7iesl.4 poem ow in any yononty; machinist., manufacturers, fr.e., are requested to cal .nd examine the article . Certifi cate Of ILO efficacy aniciopertonry over nil other Oils, from severe.' of our most extensive Enimedacturets, arc fn our nusioisslon. ALLEN k NEEDLF4 Aios, 2.1,,j1:13 torah whinnies, near Chestnut st y OsblOeodGm Philadelphia. DRY APPLAS--aal boob Dry Applag, for mile low to dose nonalignment by jai 1 el DILWD4III & Co 11ilrePithIllii—for Baia racelleii - CT.46toniinod 1, Zpinta, biWd wok planna. . A u, o„jd'imd Silver Watches in large variety, Rib , wi f ,.., j e 4rai IT, Llama, Ginutdolee; Table and Pocket Coderkt hillitrar (w i rd., Communion Ware, && W 4 WiLSON, my2(l . earner fel and&larkeens Ata,--p.ney MANI. iale by mrar' PICAYWN & CULgEaTpcoi • RENAUD FOB. Till F 1.1713011011 DAILY was - rm. GREAT SALE OF GOODS LOCAL—Our local editor not striving until a s 'MY late hour last night, our readers must again excuse ONE PRICE STORE, BO Market street. A...?; , f , rk.soN & inforin their patrons and the us. Toamorrow ha will resume his post as usual. A For the Pst.burgb Li aa pu g . I their.sprendid'ettio'actir 'ohneYFr7dnany.'lunelne't.'llhtlecocrtiPact STATISTICAL. PROOFS Thirty Day.. damn., which time, the whole of their no nee erlablialunem lin-'udnag OF THE SUCCESS OF HOIVItEOPATIII" IN rOoms) will be thrown Open . t r h ell r il fir trnde v . b a ' n l :l7:.: THE TREATMENT OF CHOLERA, tha .z. d r igl e %af o r7 ..A nl , :t e largest and most fashionable la TWO :51:31E0‘82—0 \ F. ]..XILIN, 0. at. n. the country. which ha:t e al l l '' ` 'in i; out regard to con. Farty lhousand Dollars of their Recerff' ' Profersor of .111adKezaties in the Unet,rrity stock. of them latest and nehest rtyles, have been re. of Nor Fork. neatly purchased at the large ptiernplory public pule. in New Yoh. at immense sac nfsces. and ',nil be found. . . . .. Clo examination, to he nearly one half leas than usuai A vast number of remedies and modes of allot-- price. They invite attention to a pennon of their pat,,, , treatm e nt have enjoyed ephemeral repass- hoods enumerated below, with their prices annexed: lion, have been lauded, rejected, revived, and Pf2teril ',us ual p„,. p ne , In rejected, This may be portly explained by noun yard. French (itnutatos. 12i els. Iti S. Wm': the fact, that medicines nail method. employed to- MAUI yds l&wria & M uct ma, 11l & Igi CI! ward the clone of the epidemic in any plate, nc- CM) yds Mous de !dune.. IA eta quire an aortae reputation, bacons° the anemic IA 1 5i* yl r . d ,',l i ;', 4 l'7:'• IS. eta. Me usually at that period Jena malignant and fatal.— , p huo l, ) ,,I, m re „.,!,7',,, , ,,, , ,,, , 1 : 1 : t- ', e ", ° , ,' , T.; ' tc i r n e The physician not appreciating this, publiehes his I nom it yds last co:'d do at rte. Ink apecific in good faith; but it utterly falls moth those I 24.'1.00 ph Brown Mualtn all grade.. ...V per Cent lea. who subsequently try it in a different place, in any l than uatual prices. t letbooo ydl , ll . leaLhed &lush, al, priers, marked down stage of the epidemic in which nature is not near ly competent to We mire. There is no plan tic Lo g p i .. e , ia p o ' itiwi P g' i r i ,j,„%t , i ., 4 e ,, 0.., treatment agreed upon, even by one fourth of the too Wrought Collar., 111 & 12i et, 2 - sa, alio-opaline physician., rood very little confidence . rou do do li &50a.77& SI Si in nlhropathle Cholera practice in general, among j i t ,1 t i,!, ° , , d ,,7 i., t ,'," ° , ,:,'“,,"• IS eta, cis. moat of the bent informed of that school. 'Au able I , 44 c,,,.. t t "' ° ° °. " 81 • °t , t 4 ° , , , ' : ::: t ‘,„ ~,,S ah : ° , ;',., allitopathic author, who practised in ISM and 1 ;au Linen ilandk,,h,„,, ' h , f ~,i i '-' Ile I 032 ,in England, where homiropathy VMS then pit Sianding Collars, wei. SIM n nown,, says, .If the balance could be fairly 130 et...t.t.c".. 1 .1, 5 11 Co 50 . 1 / 4 . 75c Knock. ana the exact truth emertalned, I question , C ii r', n 't " i , i. " . c.. .• Pdtr• 5',...., ( °' I tt '• whether wit should had that the average mortality sr e „,,: t ;Ti i l3;, ° ,, t , t ir oo tt r' ttt"tute,'"'°' r i P'' ". all el 7, It, st,uu from Cholera in this country, was any way di.- tVlote Linen. ti.', and 11 cl.. rO. 50e turbed by our craft. Excepting always the canes Toge th er with 1114 . harp'. atoek SILKS. SHAWLS. ih which 1 ,,,, h ,,, hr , e3 „ , hareh „,,,, we ,.. chec k e d , 1 ,,,,, arid tow DRESS GOODS. to be bound in this oily with as many, though not perhapii the very name Ind, 7,, tt r t ,T h r, ° ,... ° °"O tt Y 01 of !;,rods, ll" .ds ' - tt"rtimg to retail .t tare ouportunit . ot obtaining the bent viduala, would, probably, have survived, had 119 goods at tram ZI to au pet rent lea. than regular i rives medicine whatever been pram ised,"• They /11•11 C ail early van. tt. tnart y of Weir ell ' otrest A friend antis me—Flow will you treat the Chol- , goods will woon he sold icr No deVl.lOll from the ere' I answer, itomiliorathically. I perceive ho ' .. ` k r,`, l " tt° ,,,, ~ A A MASON & Cid, almost trembles at the thought, provided he IS a ')-- ' . Lei "" aL b's".'" Thin) and F "" h • new eoll,eft, arid one unacquainted with the ho- JASIES D. LOCK WOOD, mit-opathte history 01 this disease I endeavor to (nor many years connected unth kleasr. kViley & remove his solicitude, by assuring him that there " t°°°, and Join John tViiep, N York and London./ tiascht . AND toPortylat or 13110 Method ortreattnk Cholera which cart be coot- ENtiI , I3II, ' FUENCIi AND t /ERMAN HOOKS, pared with llahnemann's. Ilas it ever b een so ru M otm tr... tried' This question in a very reasonable one— (Nearly opposite the Si Cherie. Hotel.) Thousands 01 A inerionns will ask it, at a time I . ITrt.BUROIi when the Cholera Is afeintachatk then, in a lorm 117 "gir"' French, ""Oenuan Renewsmid as vi uleut as was ever know„ in }:uropri orll ag suer, y Ne,v-pope r• watay pore„ .• A thee th a. if we can Jude.. Ilion the loss ml one otalogues grato half the patients, even tit private practice, by the uRKAT_SALE. European and Arnerienn alloopathot. CITY LOTS Or ALLFROICAY AT SCIILIC ACC I will let statiatics answer Mrs otostton, and show EION the relative results. Whence the horror which the I,•ORTY LOTS on Fr lent , the , ethr , name of this &sense awakens' It comes from the r the coy ot Maine to . end, Vo ler, unto by lOU rn deplorable Jai lure in alocopaihte treatment.learrln to 11 legit ours, 1,11 be offerr.ti at Cut,. Sale The first seven eases which oecursed on board on Tt'lluDAk. Ith dav of JUNK. at :I u chtet, I' M., on the pretui.e.. Thewmut c e ontrol, the vr. heat the packet atop New York. in December.aidtoo ,„ died under calomel treatment. The ship arrived the two cities, and Moat control. to grow in I. aloe to Int the Quarantine at Staten Wand, near New all time to rotor and to copitalotir mu t Irecertsay(l) Sark, on the 'ad 0( Diet - ember and landed the re- stfortl se al•Portutitti for Ma mve•Uneut. motiey. trimmer e:even or twelve patients. who had sue, wberc d - rz e • or nn nnual vived longer tinder a comparatively alert trent. r ,,,, t n r ca„, , utir tarot 0 „ sol ',,, r , a „ n a n c %„„ ap . meal From the statement of the Capt.', and ID Ore ourylwaer• rahrelr Yarll made known the daily published reports 01 the health-office, al ow tune 01 rain A weir ol ore lola can lie cannon eD by persons w Aine imreho.e. At the oh. Itoin December 'tin to tannery th—alien reports ceased to be published—it appears that in the ship eA ?' "" +” hit mul ein belbre her arrival, and in tb< hospitals at the Quar- .1.1117. U DAVIS. Auct unarr since, there had thictirred about ninety-sis WANTED. Onset and tiny-two deaths, trout Cholera • The slt at meI3.II.ItIMoSF., PIIII•AD1-3.1•111A. Qra at the uantine were under the earn .1 1 ) YR oK. Vt it,\A hi U NEW tiNl,l-1k NS . the health-officer hot sell, n shdllul ell.rupathic I,EN FR Al. AI,E.Nt lAN It q M IsSION OFFICE, physician, who, tin - nog the poptilation of the build- N.." MI ' S " E " o l d other tap , under het supervision. had an opponun i ty t at instructing them in regent LP prentrinitary symp- ear, ear Agen t .. Ocak an d Map Ag e nt., I on eette ., toms, and—tt is to be presumed—of treating them Ovcrwerain so branette. 01 bar-,ties.. are We hove man early stage. yet more than one b o ti,u e d .6 66 en a large number at rood sturaitowi. hand, under valomel and tither alleoptithpir. treatment vehtett O tt ' tram '''t° usual pet sot."' 'phase " 'pore a . oo ort record. of Allen mortal.- u per ty among the 'Caine number of persons under hie. p e , tpeh e nave b o w to on t o pi ac , to u. ear e v e , ' ap p.,,, ant to ineornititic treatment, for Choler. or roe any acute a oritathe .ituation at ice thertest nun., e have a tektitenr,in any part tit the world. large acquaintance t oil the above named rote., But as rat cc obtained from large numbers are ',7,:`,,"° •r us‘7,r enure more reliable for showing the true average, I shall N a Tali t, LoR ho A , -1- 4 A " ‘ m . ""' N „ bo ittr confine myself la the t in 031-1,71'2. aetwerit South atirl tray . In 1632. there were to this env—titeluding N Pet/sot . /•wtt ar arty port 01 the t • , •tote.• vile - t 0.23 , 4 into, 01 which 21)31 died, e. near- rind ." 01 " 4, " ' n "' °° ""` r '' I Y One out tit every . 2 . °I. nearl y tort 01 I , Oh perrotts !rented et their a k J / rrorno Lary yr.( r Lro:lr t, to nrol so- Lames, there were cnyerr. c oif whom 9'll died, pen., ut, tit , whet W wo.on lor (or Imp eructing I Wont one in every three rem:is acted i° I A 1 Lott .1. TAI %lAN, In the hostitteht—including rellevue—there were Add,,'.. 21/7/1 roses.gad knit deatli•, No Nt Seeend stret. e. nearly one holt BlStintore, died. Such were the best results Mat erArld obtained hero by alleopathic There is a close DR. IC. MOROW, resemblance between this retail soil that of the ( . ) F "°" ."""“"" we i og l'istireh and vicinity that he present year. as ors, re staled The malignity of hasi Menied Mats,' ott Sam/infield •trert, hetskeen Filth the chsense. and the impotence of alleopathie art, and Sixth. Wet •idr, whew on will devote hie amen remain the same. In Europe la the ;ion iv the tiraingibit of We Choirra, a who, lie ~t ies disease, under alleopathic treatment, we. Mill inure fatal. la the alfeopathic hospitals of Italy and o„,i ooill „.,,tor, thepa a pro„,. Frence, —in 21 ot which 1 have seen the ratio of sta. in hooka; iv dotter. himself mat lie has a card, death sated—the average of the ratios gives 63 ew e eorfianned by w eg e in tan roe whet , Pro deaths out of every lon patients perly adintio•tesell never tails to Afford rent , To persons who orr trase:ing he soy, los The only treatment which proved itrell worthy of any confidence wim the hoinempsiling It is not went wilt l o t ,‘„,l Ivy t tnt:tu [ denied t.y afleoputhwii thenowives.that nS, as the ovan then, ai wee.. ,1 wee pt-vr iii on nii irate the great KILT,. rtial alit inlet) the treat. tilt iie•tre) et II iit "tee , . dd it go per°. meat of Cholera toEurope. that gave Met system """ and "6‘".. the most powerful Impulse that it ha, ever men,- torn,. ww •,,, an ed. Dr. Itattinir,ot Edinburgh, who w opposed to woe. of the day, except isitem oui upon M....swing' the system, writes to la. Forte - , loan mans, In duty• isr.ei th:k , m the following Welds .• lh.trmg :he first op- CLINTON PAPIZIt MILL. pearanee of Ilholem here, the practice of Ito Undreugned wow thm day anew - gated node, meopalby was first introduced, and Cholera.. when l'(11"'"'1"°1' "'"" U". P'r W-1 of m intong paper, ot 'Lie Clinton it came again, renewed the favorable impulse pre- Ma . w h,„ ati theyartari Winilecn, In Paper patron •musly given. as it was through IJr. Flensch- see the poetic, and the wrote, eastarOsini in the an sticrienstul treatment of thin disease, that ioa, the restrictive law• were removed, and homeopa- , They mitt at nu h<ra on nand n as awd.ohnutterd lease to practise and thopou,.erwem of Wr “Mr.• wrucoir. watt rsperi. Loam, hoards, Wank loonk•rt.• wttieh the, will ideas in Austria. Sines. that time, their number „„,,, , has increased more than threefold in Vienna and Printer.. and Koos es. be w.tft Its provinces." lie also soya `No young phyla- i-r 4 01 pr,iling h a: .441, nob., and elan settling in Allstrla—excluding government • ' r"dnA4,lreducedTllooll. lINI If NII 41. iN H lONANNA / offierll4--ran hope to male he , ldend, unless at lewd prepared to treat homeopathwally it request- Un.pla.l Unlist ed In staftsties. I shall mohne imperil to the ems " I's • / ...souse. up in 1., tnni, any 01 JUNK derive oil Nil—l:334' it being the most severe, and Imo and far We•irrn the only line whose shawl, are holerably von, V•mtr in Ma. plete. I,et no one trust his Ide to any vaunted •", '•. , ii.e of I IV. method Of rum which has been tried only on nHeir r'""" kw e,'it patient,, and or lwr. rhy. , tin uns. nr The hoin.pathtt. method has been tried ...b.f.., and .44-ornpan, tn. won inn name, on many thousands of Ci.olern patients, and Willi nod 4 , 4'.” 0. " , un 4, ntn sub a success mmarlahly untlonn in different .von , 'roe sdepttr.r4-.• of Inc butlditte, tries. 51•4 pr0p0.... pt,thealetl on f , in114,0 ..e-avorr mese until's; ante , 3.tet . 13 Cotty.tre the result. Of the two ardent, in in wt.., rut , (udders ws.l mule the Imre ot the none the same Oily. In Vlenra, there were .1.00 pn. Mason and via .tone marl, te, car , end reot. htLek ,rentt treated elleopathieully. of whom 1.360 thee. work per "I ”." Pet `Tu.'. There were s.ti treated homeopathically , of whom ' tlrd "II`" I t <r man. only 40 died. Thin gives 31 per cent_ ..I deaths • met t "N"."t" wort. "t"'". eel vegeAge oil the, te.pert,•.. under the former, and h per rent. under the haler. Hill a Prices. - - The work all to be do,- utiart the .hreetion and Washington National Monument. m(Prcoott tit ca.ral superinietistaiti appotre . ter the per., 1., the Com/tome To the . Prhple of rht United Sthree Propvgah, will also be received et the same time tor Believing, from the Interest ea, tar evinced by Pow,. atod toielontag t.roundt, accord the People of the 1 1 nited States In the erection ofw he in osi io he "" al Vi gerr•. oPorr JOHN GRAHAM, the great National Monument in this coy to the .14,11 N BISSEI.I.. rnem ory tsf the illustrious Father of country, • I V J TOTTEN. Building that no occasion could be more appropriate liar a W ALLACK, Cam “'" r ' TIIUS II AKEWELI. further manifestation ol that interest than the up- 1 . 1 d ' l " 2° proaching Birthday of our Nabonal Independence, BEN NET T 4 BROTH ER. ; the Eon., nr AI Aeatialla OF roe W•SIIINOTON :IoiNV A MANUFACTUREES Navionai. Nlierscne,r :liocurry has instructed me Birmingham, , neer Pittsburgh,) Pa. to request thut 'wherever that day is celebrated, Piareitetate, So. Id 7, Wood street, Pitithurgh. collections may be taken up in aid of the great and WILL enteeseby a say .01 basil a good assoi:- pntnottc obieet, winch all who revere the charac. I meal 01 Ware, of oar own rrinutourturr, nit.l ter and cherish the memory of WAMIOII,3I mils( I *Up, oirountity Wholesale unit count. Nlet • earnestly desire to ace accomplished. It ha. been I chant , . are renpectfaily -lorded in rout and et. emote for thentsc,ven. n• •re drown, meet to Pell mealy observed that men td standing and emi .. escaperln.ricrrr efore been o ik ro d to the pith . nenee throughout every community in our extend- . e ed country were to use their influence to turn the ID' (4,1". rent by 'na a'crtnPod - d by the cash to stream of expenditure. no the ensuing Yotirth D i ProIIIPIIT atlertderil tn. in' Ili July, towards tete hind for this monument, it would a 3IIC WC Ala alt. SUMMIC A L Ufc ply lc, Le n beautiful and appropriate commemoration, No 116, DIAMOND AM streeAX, a w worthy of the People and of the M. doors toque, Woodt, to' to whom the optrket. Nation Is much indebted lot the results mthat BROWN, 111VolF been eventful tiny. Would not each and every one be Pr . . reee , el , Y dueNtod to Me mall , . willing to devote the extra eximuditure usually in- " 1 : 1 ; • 1 , ' , 1 " 1 `"•''"• "" 1 ' mme Idea veered on the AIM V<lllliry to no holy n purr,O.o • h V. 2,Trt„,l,7‘'„" It Is believed that they would, and they are car. roue . 1 10 r and ileivca the Uten'ntimni neatly :naild to do so. The public Preen, it Is :" • • • piaoo. tor whicii Ina opportunities hoped, will aid the costae, and every where re m- •, . ," • tool experienec peculiarly qualtO mend this plan, and the Wives and Danghters ' 1 years aastduously de voted treatment of Muse eumplation.iduring which A inerica arc requested to lend their influence to " her had moor Marti,. and It. eared mote pm the noble underlaimui het the announcetnent of me be h ems Inesew, osier ti , t h e Inn o f an y pity at twoo . nutth a purpose be given some de. previous to the m oan e r ) amply quaiifie. loin to oder assurances of Fourth of July, and cononotees apppointed to re- ; miceqy. permanent, and natonaetory cure to all afflicted emve and truneduit to the 1/eneral Agent of the with donee., sod ull titsenaes arming there, Some y the collections which may then be made. 1 Drown would Inform those ii in tow , d with p inata For the informatton of De Publie. II may be pro-eewe whir l, L ose b ecome e h roit i o by t ime orng s per to Mete that, since the last Fourth of July, gravated by the OS. of any of the comm. nostrums 01 when the corner atone of the Monument was hod, the day, that their eornmaints elm to- radically and thow the worleham been otrailily advent, tm and has . nnehlY cutud; o b i r . ti , N ,, , , , ,L c g . l .o ,, ,,, Z ., 7=a . i , ii , etniii to now reached an elevation about twenty -nix hurt above the surface, will, a It:medal-lon Of solid not. ' neck ne of the bla bl dder, and It/mired diseases whit.), often entry .51 feet square at the bottom, and I . .ie feet 10 I result from those eases where others haver mistgned inches square at the lop, upott whirls the obelisk, farm to hopeless despoil Ile PartmeterlY MVO , es soot. caged with bcautilul white mettle and elevated ••• c 1., • :,,n",., i 7,17„', 1 n d :AM feel, la to he erected. Thy walls el gneiss and : and ‘ their elates treated in every n eureful,Lhorougt and marble are Keen feel in thicker., leaving a tow- . inte ill igen t manner, pointed out by a tong erpe r le nee ity of twenty-five feet square, in winch the stair. study, and tortoni/ration, whirl, it Is in5p....1,1e tor thits ease of iron, a/wending to the summit, will be eatlaq" '" 1 "...` give an cla. of disease, placed, and the whole when liambed, on tri ..,„.. or t w i , loro. —D r mown ale Invite, per: will Lc, it believed, the greatest work ol th - sons aftheied with litonla 10 call, an h it age, reflecting imperishable hem or on the pritriottam j alto attention to th. Mora.. aid gratitude of the American People, by who. ; CANCERS also cored. contributions alone it is expected to be eninpleted. . " km th " ( 74 '"'"" 5 . Pal", etc., 'Prrd , lY cut. GEO E . WATTRBTON, Sor . y IC. N. M. So. I , jlr2Ptlent;of ath sea irony al a distance, Isy II „ The Yobbo Journals throughout the coon- stalmk heir nurses '" writing, Pvt.!! all I" •VmPi try, friendly to the object, are requesied to copy . 0 ••• , • • •" "•‘"'" •• ' 1 1t . ,`, 1 . 11 " 'III 'me , b/ addrewung T. IMO iv ro, hi. D., pun paid, sod end., the above. to a fee. Moe No. 65, Diamond alley, opposite the steely Vll twos theorie• have been too, lion.. el rel.. to Ow origin ot intention, worm., and 'et R oo stsArein —Dr ItrowiC• newly dowevertid mene t. .• vexed tote wooing medical author, dy f Klieumintoon npeedi null rens, dy tor ties e t, however all are informed, and , bl"ever to" which f all, awe 00 13111, nature of the floras they I time e and l ( (" n'' Room , Ne (3 Dia exert on emidiett. 1104 seriaon ell yarn , mend obey, Pittn6urtb, ea. Tun DO.. in always al at who the attack •of worms are niunt Irequeto tome. well as mom amterroun w, take great pleasure 10 di. u Na ears no tar drat.. reett. ettenott or parents 1.. the Vetraitoge el Cv,vriir.PNEATll- , 110 dot Seithe Dr, hi lane. i t. 110 f 01 the most ert oior d oiar y m ed. in ; Ohl S WATERNI AN trot. ever introduced to the public, and has never CLOVE SEED-151 bids gorily prone, Lel bags do do, or .1, by itta I. WATERMAN Stares throughout .he iiiy,ll,ddewte WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY j Jr . I IL hin-Lca. Jr , LV 111 tainuie ogun•r all kinds of FIRE AND MA ILINg. . A LL tom , will he nocraliy adjusted and promptly Aprod A home Int idatitin—nitunnietl by Directors who are well known to the r 0411.r.r.,r1y, and who are dew rnon• ed by protuptncsr mut liberality to rmantani the char /icier wircti they hors aiiumml, ark olrennri the best protect:len to those who desire to be Insured. Utarcroas-11. Miller Jr (leo Mack, J. W Butler, N.Holmes, r . in 11 lionises, C Ihnisett, Geo. NV Jackson, I nk. hi. I.yon. Jaa. Lippincott, Thos. K. Litelt, James kl'Auley, Ales Nimick, Thos. Pooh. Limner., No au Water Street, (warehouse of Spank A Co., up stairsd Pinshbrgb. Jo-tally FRESII RICE FLOUR—Jost recd eilid Ins sam at the Spice and Mustard Factory, censor of Perry and Libeny sta.JOHN 111 BEM. .11ACki—Just feed 'MIA the out, fresh, awl for sale by fmylB JOHN 11 BELL 1101A2111-10 casks Potash, InUOlne from Maar his 1 'Nelson, soil for rale by JAS mr3o 24 4V'ater at LOCAL MATTERS. OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL 000,000. MISCELLANEOUS. WY 11.1.1. /•1011.1 & ATKI NIHON, P ll'am NY Ms RI INsrsauxon cIONTI NU F. m ninitoincturr all kind. of COPPER TIN AND bIiEFN' lILI/N WARE Also, Ulna .none Won, 410•111 {Mats LaWI to order special attent:on p VCII lo.lewo boat Work Ilave on hands • !lOC assortment or Capper and Dress He aide. T.. W am, tcr. hr. Steamboat Cool. Surrey, Portable Forges. venous lir/u.-a very convenient ar ticle for tocantbuate, Califon. entirrante, or mil reed eorripanics! . We would respeerfully norne Meant twat men and others to call end see our me and price. before purehasurg el.:where. 1 drdt drawn by doe & Co. and by them are. pted, for WM doted May i& 1 949, or days alter siva, nod neeepted !day mtu,payable to the order of drawers, qnd by them endorsed to P. C. 'Mattoon, who has nonce Mai pay ment of the same ha• been ',topped in the bands of John &VFatten & Co. y. A.HICHARDSON, , myna of Rishardson it Gen, DUCKI , II , - StrdOs Rosman /Suntans, ..5U do - isii - C ii and small 'I oh', just ron'd and for sale o ' , Wan UltfllVN it CUIittKRTSON R YE4 , 3 tOtlll-11.bbl 4619; u 0 b Itro a c*.zkzEß DRY & VARIETY GOODS. GREEN CRAPE AND CRAPE LISE—W. B. Mos. rut haareceived a supply or white said colored Cmpes and Cropo Lise—among the lanes green and oCher desirable colors. Also, white, pink, surd bloc Silk and {Verb Blonds. jail UNSHRINKABLii FLANNELS—W. R. Molina Invitee the attention or.buyers to his 6 1 / 3 011131.1 de*irubie geode, being tha genuine uruhrin • able article Also, Gauze and Perstan Flamm!, of superior qual ity, and rt full amsortruent of common Fannels, white and colored, at northeast corner of Fourth and Mart ket sts. lull lINF.ti TABLE DIA FERS—W R. fit 21.111" tarts. A attention of buyers to lat. large ¢4.421 . 1111C111 of above Goods, at much lower patters than ever before tottered. Atm. Imp, Dogs, Table Cloths, of various stres, very cheat , alt T, , INF. CRASH—A lot of %bor.. towelling, reretvrd at Dry Good. ii 011.• R MI , RPlir MOURNR , R; ALPACC.“—W. R. Ahem, re• erived thir morning, a cery pieces u, Mark Al pace., Bombazine finien, (or mourning dresses, or a very superror today On hand, a full assortment of the thtierent quinines of all anxn blank Masao de Lams, some 101 low as lei et• per yd. Also, black Bomb.tnes, of all qualmes, at north east 0001100 401 and Market cs. lat DURLA PS-2 bales extra heavy 40 melt Burlaps. .1) just reed by SIIACKLETT & WHITE. tura 91.1 Wood %; INGIIAMS-7 rases 1111 w style Earlstan, Preach 1.5 and Domestic, just opened by mIJ SHACKLETT & WHITE _ 12 12111,riGi--tOri preens Onto, (nue Y col`ri, and blur k Secring Slllt and Buhr. Ertnicert, rust operonl by nry29 SHACKLE:Tr rk WHITE RIBBON! , 1:.0 carrilns black end colored menus and coon Rotator. Alpo, plain and fired unlit, lira do Nap tool `Saco Cop and Bonnet Ribbons, a vr• ry large assortment or new spring •Iyie, Just opened and for sal , low Icy :Ili A CELETI' S W WIT 11 " :n i trie n a l t : 17;d t ,4 ' n ' IT:4 1 17 1' art. r o t l ' or71 opene.l and Icor .alc I•y ney29 SIIACI:I.I7TT H t)sq ERI col'd tlk. I.lack and cord Ingram. black, brown, •Inte and what Cotton Huse; I lA/Wrens' Fancy, W., Sill,, brown nod 1.3, Stock/ape bent. Vlgun, merino and cotton SOV for .tor w ' hoo .nlc and re t 1•, EA FUN s. l'o, Fourth st, tuya; between Wood and Market pA HASOI.S—A lot of well selected Para.ota are offered for sale at reduced pr.. by , m 1 W I , II EATON tc Co, Cl Fourth Al d I LONE.S--A toran 01.gortment of ladles and geno and embroidered walk, Idsle. Cot ton. Ad.Ae au bilit color. and slim (or 1.311, worsen and children, C e obtained wholosale or retail, F II EATON h Co's Too=Ant Store. 6 . 4 Fourth st and nol'd Silk lace Fringe, litrupc'llreld,.d Button., always for sale at in y 25 EATON'S. on Fourth st F:11 EATON & k.p constantly on hatul i sicuanke to order, Silk Thllllllll. of ev ery pattern. and of any color desirable Also. Man tclin Seel,. a new utyle. Embroidering. scolloping. ruining, marking, and all kind. of faze) needle work executed to order at their iclorr, No Oa Fourth street. Into—rn Wood and Aldrket turd& GOODSINow opening Mt the One Price I.S tore, rinses and package. of new and desirable comprising e large lot of Berege, ale Leine, FILM' y and other Shawl., lit Coll.llll[lll. reduced priced, royal A A :SIAN iN &Co R r r u lti r ai u hat '0 I ; L A m n o CAP ES, p,r tnan 13410 Collars, Capes. Cap, Cheuitzells, &e. A:. Falglngi and Inarrungs at half the usual pare,. myth LK. SILK PARASOLS—W.It. Murphy rccerred awirinnicia of black Sill Parasol, and phun. home of which arc extra hut Lkark lirern Para... figured and plain; large rr l,rown do—an aaaortrnont re,eored, and offered at iurr Imre, at nortboa.t corner of 411.1 and Markel au. • m Y *2:l lOTTON OSIVAIIL RU —lard wide—One bole latel k, la recotved at Dry Good. HOY. of I, , ANCY Si. MAIER CASSIAIgRES—We Wore jun r rectivrd a very handsome lot of French Summer t•a•amere,vely floc qoaltiv. %loci. we are ling II var . , aaw prices, and to wtoch we would I n wenttention el tentleuteu layal ALEXANDER A DAY 1•1.. E. DID lIANG EA ULF: rec , .•ed. L .ot of very hat/./oome chang•eablc Sat inewth.g •torte of a vet') •upertor ynalny. Nvbicb we.-I;ing •. pro,•. A 1.1 - AANDF:R A , DAY, • • - idyll ;3 Market. N W eor of the Dwoond N I ORE — NBW (Ot 1)$-'.V. R. ftfthtPut . ha* tins morning up., nem and Itund.aottfr at) Ica Pro. tor prt yd. Mull and Naiwook for Also rece,ed t.,ttott a tray days, Bonnet BlacK northenat corner ith and Mat., vreeti ountrl Nicreh,. replenookung than .10.-ks. 1.4 a chat., 3..•ortiura:. at .ow poet.. In Whmeaule up suyl.9 I IDIKS DitESS ti.ll)s—.W 11. Alcanrt, aorth- L, r m. r or"er FOll , l/1 aud Sark., )..vllmaille newton Of 12.1,41 C, III• rarelinnt ua•ortmeut or the Llii -I,,ent Ica 1,11.1/11ilt. for Ihr seanon. Ur, al Plant. hot, War and drab liarage.. Printed do. a Large assortment. sot and linen T.... 6; :IL and LL n en LusLres. linen do, ur alions shade, British, and printed I. twits. sr bar and embroidered Nfus. eooleted french, Gmahains—ali or w limb win he *tiered at low orrees for qua:rty Wholesa/e Itoonas on Al sloop. "07 DRY GOODS AT WtIOLIC•ALE. to to Ihr l.a ire apply ot lt nr l a' t. . " ; Z: opened In ors wholesale Rooms. 011 . 21.1 story, northeast corner 410 awl :market streets, Pit:shoran TA, being LL. second snooty for tlos spring, he has many kinds or Roods at reduced prices, and some styles not to he found elsewhere. nartz‘lhwT V1 . 41-Ll/11stll W ft. Aluartn in•rte; we P particular attenuon or buyers to his aesortrnentof hne hlosom 'Arlene. late; y rec e I VCII, 14, or ranted all tlax, and 01 a superon moire Also, tnn,ot generally, .ucli as Table Duper, of dtacrent and at unasaally low prteca-- 11 , eaelted Ltnen Table Clans, Mao ;amen lower titan ever nninee. offered, Linen.llow ea, !Allen, DIA • per. and Crash for tnwelltnr. &e ke I'cto ra at Iltwirr. for ...worrier lwalineo4.. •hph.r.or culareJ Qo.ItA. lota priced do. and uume.rpaher, at Vt., low pr.., for litiniltY-• MI Irony rar. corner of try and Market .t. holcrold ROOM, ellyts 1411ACKLETT S wurric, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, WWI", STREET, . , A 11F.revrotong uvet y larße •Inek paretms , .distiportallna,veatch nhes 5e,...441 to the trade ettao. I rrICC% al r.1,,,..0t iise d sre l .811.1aetion an , ountry 31nrrnan9 are inrde.l in rail anti ..Isunkne out as belore pureL elsewhere. 111)0 `IL E STRIPE ca, new rtyle fatiey ttrzw -c Caasmeres, jog reed and lag • C o.• ne.c by WILSON dr. o , nY vrooal •I IfiffirKs.: l 7 bkod.orn. korionrnent of new and Ixtu inn/ .1) . lc. Bonnet 11.1blnmk,Jost reed and lot vale at reduce.' prin., by ml I. NI CRP H Y, WLLS(C.I dr Co.._ 11 OW AHD UCCA bale. heat, y Conon Duck, for .Iclun Inn. deck., wagon corers, Sr , pvtl tree. yr.! and for kale Fr • ' , inyll • MI:W.IIY. WILSON A 1 , 41 Ul NE tiOODS •I. pr 1.0h.1 h‘phetaeles; fine Diamond Finger RIACC In Matateal Bete.. shell cesvg.l. A large a•sorintrot of Fan, svlth hoe rlLlAllflf, also. gold and sitver Saver thluer Kniv Gold RI% t w lll.l 6 C Itbd."Slit MMEM=== • Theae good, with a large aciortment of Jewel ry. Fancy Uoode, &.e • will he gold for itc—i• or other good money. at No 67 Market street, by 'evil ZEIJL'LON KINSF.Y r ' Mlt lli.l.l,As-10 rases anti-ginghamLm cane and whalebone ntia, just received nod for sale I.) Nfl Ai:KLETT 5. MUTH, P wood st I )& /LS- 25 ease., eonon, gingham and silt Parasol., new styles and designs; green 'Pure sn. nib and plain borders, and beautiful tvo• ry and fancy' handles, Just ree'd and to snit, by tors SIIACKL.I.:II' & MUTE MiliMffifeffiNSl • I.ll,erly .t, pposan otla Fil.Al• AND Wl,vl. , A , A—On hand 1.4 (or •:tl.. MN, 11 D ("IN i: Is R I lIIIt , NS—.Ne tatoo...- 111.: , e1.111t the One 1 . 141, :+toTe, one lot as Ipve an 12i et• otoll A A NIASON A. Co ,IIAWL.9--Wr have Ina - opened a r large lot o( Fat r y Stilt Shawl, to when wo it Ole attanuou of the lath, ALEXANDER & DAY _ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CANAL I. Krri NG.—The under . ~ X ITIM2/11 signed, Trustee. heree Watinall 7 0 5.-P.,•••••,,C.7.- and Krie glee nom, that they will receive sealed propusala•i Washthionn, Dav county. Itlian's, on the nib day ol June next, for tee ee con•letiettor, of about tweiny-four miles of said Cartel, extendlng from the proposed Dom across die West fork of White fit ver. near the South hoe of Green county to NI aysviile, to Davies county. On tins por h onn of low there are tu COOSIIIICIed dye 1.41 beaks and one (fumed Lock, to be built of timber, a Dam across Sindiard, Creek, and one or two small Ague due.. together wan the usual variety of earth work common usecanal The line will be divided into see lions averaging about half a mile in length -tr.t the came tone and place, proposals will be recei ved tar building, unit Inaeollll, the piers of Aoyedoel over Vent lurk of White River The stone icor tins masonry rhumb! procured Porn the quer 'leo or durable limestone to lie tound on or near either the K 2, or Went fork it White River, front which point ittes .au be delivered by water. lie lute placed ujuler ..orttract, tell he rally tor in•poct.ort tcn Jaye previous to the now of 1.1111%, .J nereAr , nry :Worm:Allan in relrrenve thereto well i.e given 111 11. c licsuient Fairluccr. • CII,ARLF:S BUTLER A I. ELF:TT, TIIU. 11. BLAKE. Ter iTESZS . Tr April 14,1,49 S my7:tjune27 PiANOISi - •111..ertl.rr oil,. for ..ale largn t sl.lrndrd .tortrronent 0, roArsvoinl PIO 11labOKIII1 grand An -11011 1 . 14 won and wlthout Cultauagigaineletoratert Atllo, taeliturnt 'nit. above ...mourn,. trer Aar ted to I, .wool to any Inattulurtured /II thir coun try. and wilt Ix ..ord thar nny ttrought Iron. the fart r 141.1; AU:. Nu Ily wood at, 2 , 1 tl , rot ahove:oth will oe lOte per Irr u liw of mhove nreunwent 101,1 F B. ago. w. warm a.. co., INFORM Inca (neinla and the publin that they Mort no longer ally connection with their lute y.tabllslt moot In Penn street, known an thy Pitinburalt Drawer h•vineretnoved their entire business to the POINT tiIWAVENV. in Ply mem rovlty.i vft Itili-2tt tibia No I rand Sliad; 20 do No I.Poto p , n „, ifrrr t n l , du No 2 Mackerel, 211 du N. 3 do, ittio reecived and for sale by tnytltt LWOW N & CUIAIEFITSON Improvesnent In Pianos. 'MK subscriber to Jost receiving nn evenrintent of Pianos from the factory of Nunn. 8. Clark. N. Y., urhsch for yb epee° of rili-rior, beauty of finial and sopenonty ut our and ;civet, surpass any ihing tier brought to dos coy. `iir Clark, of the above him, long and in , . fur ornl,ly know, at the former foreman in the eeiyhraied 1.10110 eatablitaiinnot cf BrOnaWOOtt. Loudon, hi- rerently inipecivin and per. ieeted the honos ol Nunos h Clark, N. Y., to in eg• t o whir h, unqueitioutody i entitles them to the repu tation of being Inc lieu best as well as the elteapyst Piano. to be gut in this rousitry. 'Pile lot num open t og, roller wnh Ike additional recommendation of an kmproTemesit in the styli. and finish, which makes thorn at alley the ittuttl clegant and tasty thing ever brought Out. Th. e iintrninentt, tOgether mob the pack on hood, form the moot es - tenet., varied and de idiable assortment ever o ff ered hen; all or which will be sold al nianufaelurers pace; sad on ILCCOMMOd/1- Wig MOM 11. KI.J.KER, .t W00d5.;11, , ..,b Kid N. B — T S I. t'ubte tilt.. %Tat be found to W. wart ktoo•o moo 1,1 to Lte AV, owl 4to 5 ,01.4 1,1 K.. tole Arttl for Nunoli a CIRO • • TRANSPORTATION ilk. /REPRESS PACKET LIRE, Fog PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Exclusively far Pas/tank —The Boma of thisLi, ers. Irmo as folios., m 9 &slu r s of wat t Louisuma--Capt. J P Thompuan, May 31 Indiana—l' Harkey, Friday. June Ohio—A Craig, Saturday, June '2. lientucky—H Troby, Smday. a. Loutstam—/ P Thowson, Monday, I Indiana—P Burney. Tuesday. S. Otuo—A Cruig. WW y, Kentucky-14 Truby, Thursday, 7 Loutanans—/ P Thompaon,lnday, A Indtana—P Mulkey. Saturday, 9. Ohio--Copt A Crug, Sunday, 19. t Kentucky—ll Truby, Monda_y , 11. Ixturstane—.l Thompsou, Tuesday. IS Indima—P Burkey, Wednesday, IS. Olno-4 Crutg, Thursday, 14. Kentocky—Cap4llTmby, Friday. 15. Louisiana—J P Thompono, Saturday, 16. Indicum—P Burkey. !iunday, 17. For passmeltpply to W BUTCH, Monongahela noose or I) LEECH 1c Co. Canal Bonin 1849. is a m Warren and Cleveland Passenger Line. Canal Poek et—SWALLOW. •• —OCEAN. () (Sundays We above Packet. leave Beaver every day excepted) and arrive next morning at NVurren. when they runnect with the Mall Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places before lught. r 'no of the packets leave Warren daily 5 P.M.. and ti AL Seaver In time to take the morning boat lor P ittsburgh ttsburgh C E LEF . FiNGWELI. It Co, Warren ' j 11l It TAYLOR, do s COP 1011:1 A CAUCIIIEY, Agent, apla corner Water and Smithfield ma &ECM 1849 . Nati UNION LINE, • 051 THE PENN'A AND OHIO CANALS. CILVATORD k CltAltelettun,Cleveland,o K. u. l's.aats Beaver, Bw. rrillfr Line will Le prepared on the opening ofnay-- Kation, to transport tr,tight and Passengers from PITY'S and BLit:VI:I.A NI), to any point on the Curial end Lakes. The farthura of the Lute err unsurp tee in number, qualay and capaetty lA.,ata, perteee of captains, and efficiency of Agents. Our Row leaves httsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with the steamers LAKE ERIE AND kIICHIG AN, • Between Poisburitri arid Deaver. and a line of hem ela r ia Steamers. Propellers anal Vessels on the Lakes. Aucarrs—R V Park., Beaver Pn. feat, lialdwm. Youngstown, (thin. AI 0 Taylor. Warren. Cyrus Pramual, Ravenna, '• Wheeler A. Co, Akron, Crawford k. Ithambertin, Cleveland, 0 IZIEEM JOH A. CA UG HEY, Agent, thSee, cot Water and Southfield ste, Pittaborgh. mett2l,ly BEAVER PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. 2—Capt. Gilson. LAKE ERIE, .• Gordon. •• . TIIF. shove regular and well known Beaver Pack• enii, have commenced making their duly trips to and from Beaver, and will continue to run between Plusburgli and Beaver regularly during the season.. follows: Michigan No. 2 leave. Plusburgh duly at 9 o'clock, A Al., and Beaver at 2 o'clock, I'. M. Lake Elle leave* ;leaver daily at 9 o'clock, A. MI, and Pttteburgh at 3 o'clock, P. M. . . Theee alcamera will run in conneetton with Ft CPark., h:iprems eartet lane, for Erte, Taylor & Lethingwell'• Warren Paekets,• I. neon of Freight Boats for Cleveland. C.arke & t'o'e Pt:lat:ugh and Cleveland Lane Freight Boot. R I, Park• daily New Castle Packet, CLARKR, PARKS h. Co, Beaver, Agents. .101i\ A. l'A UGHEY, Agent, Pluaborgh, tuchfil cor Water and Smithfield log ALL 1849 ' Ea= PITTNEUROR AND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA ANDOIHOCANALP, HE Proprietors of this old established and popular daily :one, nonsisting o(SIXTEF:iN first Masi Canal Boars, owned by themselves and runnmg in connec tion iamb the bif ZIII/ heat. BRAVER AND CALEB Con:, me enabwil to offer unequalled facdines for the transportation of ii - eight and pasimigem, on the opening of Canal navigation, to all pointa on the Penn sylvania and Ohio nod N. York canals and the Laker. K. N. FITCH d. Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL A. BROTHER, Agents, Beam, J i C. BIDWELL, Agent, ma 7 Water street, Pitiaburigh. C it.l rg It D. W. C. nrowiu., Heaver. BIDWELL 81. BROTHER Forwarding Illerehanta, itEA ?A . Ageratr thz Put.Lburgh andOesielartil Ling, Pitts burgh and Erre Lane tail En's, and far net= boau &aver and Caleb /lavnig purchased the large and substantial Wharf Boat tun built for the Monongahela Puctets. helve with the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ar rnsmandatlatts for receiving and forwarding, and pledge their utmost anent:ion, promptness and despatch fu soludennients to their cam and rely on their friends ior atrial.y B, /c BRO. Cl==l=2Sl .nr;;:f. A kt , 747:7' — eotn:ut'croesr. Monday, May 7, to run from the Old Greenwond Landing, foot of Vitt at to the Garden. leamng - o'clock, • a., and at each even hour until d o'clock, r Imt tnp from the Gar den at 10 P. ae The Saloons are sllppiled with al the delicacies of the .coon. Tea ate o'clock. The Garden, with a large collietion of Greenhouse Hamm. Dahhons, An wtral Flom Hants and Shubbery. The comfortable harf boat Urcensmood, wdl be placed at the Pm street landing. tayfo DR. D. ELUDT, - Waist. Corner of Pounb and Decatur, between Market and Ferry !meets. sep2-dlylit C. W. BIDDLE, Da utast— It ItVU V ED to • new three !glory bnek OIL Ssuithimid street, one door below -••••• Sixth -tree!. Teeth inserted from one toenure set. on die • iiction prin7sple, with t.! bemo an! represent:mon or the mammal gum—restoring the Origtnnl mhapc col 11, ince h 11 - Teeth extracted with little or no polo Dre.iyed Teeth permanently saved b 1 plugging, pre sag the tooth ache. whtch isuett better than ca nna It, though it should he done I m n live minor, or even instantly np24:ly ritßiinl AY". i+ TABLE iir PINT OFFICKA, eon I taming 011 alplitheural list at Pool Others through. out the Coded States; distances trona Wastonglon,U. t!: state and terntoria: r•pitals respertivel, - , also ex. hibiOng thr Port Others tit ear th State. as well as roun• ty, with tot appendix of the United mates andßrtosh Tarn!. Just ter 'it by JoIINSTON A. STOCKTON, mylccorner itti and 'market ats M .IAO Ntemher EW ) OLE r author o d r nr t hall; . old tnort's tale," Exults - h% yndhatn," "A ngelis," etc. recd by .lOHNSTO:g & STOCb."TON, apltb.d&wT corner Market and II .t. floodng.--Galvanliad TIM Plates. THE substrabers beg to cull the attention of Builders, 1 Architects and owners of Buildings, to the many advantages which these plates possess over all other metallic substances hitherto used for roofing, fir-, 11.5 tViTrto.4ruast,' once having i n g o h w ' Z ' Or f te i rte n d (wo w it hout years in this purncular, both In this country and in Fxr. rope. They are loss liable to expansion and conuac non from suddenchange of the atmosphere, thou com mon no plates, iron, osnc, or any other metal now used for roofing, and consequently form a mach better and tighter roof, requiring far less frequent mown., whilst the fir. cost is hut a trifle more. A full supply, 01 all saes, from 16 to .10 W. G., con stantly on hand and for sale by GEM. 13. 610REWOOD & CO., 14 and 16 Beaver street, New York. The patent rlcht for this smote hammg• been secured for the lin 1.41 States, all parties tufnugum„Mercon, either by Importatiou or otherwise, will be prosecu ted. oet.lo-41&arlYT • ==M IT HE undersigned have erected worts in the etty of New °rt, for the purpose of Galvanizing all arti c len of Iran, which it ts desirable to PROTECT FROM IteST, such As Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spike., Nada, Wire for Fence .. and any other article winch may he required. For I loops for Cooks. as a substitute for bale Rope; for Clothes Lanes. Lightning Rods, and a host of other applwations, it am! be found cheap and durable. Tar y woul particularl attention y cell aention to the Gal vain teil Wire toy !enc.; it require% no paint, and will not rust. Also to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of which Is of 40 much itoportatiee, that it will commend itself to tlie notice of all those interested. - - . (EO. B MOREWLKID &. CO., Patentees, oet3o-d.k wlvT 14 and la Beaver at . N. York. WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, No. CI ;Worker &reed, Pitta4orgk, Pa, TROBIAS PALMER, R'PECTFULLI" stun:nine, to It. (needs and eas terners still he has had at no past period so eaten. sive u Stock as he has at present. He eau oiler to pat chasers, on vast moderato terms, at the old establish ed Mond on Market street, almost every article In Ina Itne--isteluding Couriuna-room, Bed-chamber, IhwuS room, Parlor and Hall Paper. With Borders, Land scapes, Ftre.boant Pnnts, Paper and Transparent ‘N'indovr Shades. Bonnet and Binders' Boards, Wri ting, Wrapping. and Tea Paper, he is abundantly sole plied, end my ni , ts country merchants, andhousekeep ers to cal and enamme lila assortment Rng* •n.l Teener,' Se rap, taken to trade, at the dig heat prtees rnel2lntStwainT NEW lIAILD,WAUE STORE. SInN OF TIIP FLANK AND SA‘N', No. 7X Wood .tract, PlDAborgh. ITUSER AND LA URNI AN, Importers and - dealers in Foreign and Doritesor HARDWARE, in ali tts varieties. are now prepared nas low and on us reasonable terms us earl porchmwdelsewhere. We solicit our friends, and the public generally, 0 call and examine ourstock, whtch corousts in pan of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET' and PEN KNIVES, SCISSORS, SD EARS, RAZORS, Rome Trio:swags, ouch us lock*, Latches, Dinged and Screws, together with every article untally kept ni liardware Stores. We write the attention of Carpenters and Mechanic. generally to our asaortment 01 Tools, which have been oelected with great care. and winch wears determtn ed to sell so as to give sattsfacoon. nelatk.wT to Daguerreotype Artists. UST received, a oxtail invoice of VOIUTI.AP.N -t, YUICKWORKINt; INSTRUALE-Thr new einimiteletion The, Instrument,. linos" great • along e. over ether , ever made, covering 9-3 nu. Plate, reducing the ions of •intur one-hatf, and producing u Phonier, clearer end better defined pic ture. They, ti.rutore. ilet-rec the site:Moil of all Ai nets engaged or intending to engage in the begin.... Pnce tor Me Tutor Pll5 • A geiteral sssuncurrit Vutoltienderhi lostly tirstist 111.(1114,1.. al all vzr., as Well 111111 thastoerreo. %Yr hinter:al., at the lowest rate, hIR PETER +KITH, Ciarinnzs, (gsso s so osso sou. atomised seem tut the sole of the above isparinsolita. A L sooos r.n be plosion! toy aditressinx post. paid, W. it F. LAliilshhiltdl, filaeltange, Plutodelplata, Importer* of Daguerreotype Materials, and General A,stos for the sale of Vithsttortoises Optical Justru• rntut, ratirfthodGm AT the wen orate Plane ionl Sow, 7te Wood street, tontitlete ma'am:mai of Sow ..,/ Coopere Tool., for .111 by royla MIMIC et LAUVAIAN , vv 001.--- . . the d, earnest pnee tit etcco pout Ger on the dliterent grades of eteon washed wool, by oe2l H LC E, Liberty at, oppostre Sat - At- , SORTED SPICEN Put oplfor family ace, in tin ran, traduced in a sliding lid nor., rooter:ling ?if aslard. Alaptee, Cinnamon, Ginger, Clore, Pepper, Wrartnted pare. For tale al the AIM Spied and Mnataed Factory, eranur Cif Ferry dr. Libertretc. onto _ . 3OIIN B BELL _ .. Wish dad T. fiEnS• No I Letting., (Mop ivipteuon.) Sy bb's No YJ do No 3 illsekornl, (Boston invention.) go N C Tar, in pular:order, teed sing (or ndo by TAAFFP. OICONNUit, mei dlet ' comer Paw oil Ware. it, FWMMISMifiIi , 9I HOUSES; LOTS, FARM,' tim TO LET, • aA TWO STORY Brick Dwelling House, les/awry situanso on Lasock street,.Allithe• cim, new the Hand St. Bridge, ciagUiLitinj 1.110 roams, Irak a hall, and good wash noose. ktra sesstan given on Ilia first of July, or sooner it required. Enquire of E. WILIHNB,• in:at - Halle Marble Works, Liberty at, Pittsburgh TO LET, THE large three story brtek Warehouse, NO. 111 Second street. Poosessian given lab ofJ cry. F.nnuins of lu9 A. BRADLEY. FOR RENT, jitrFOUR new [sanitary Brick Dwelling Houses, ell finished. end in cosnplem order, on Center venue, 7th Ward. Poosession given July lat. Rent low. Enquire of JOHN WATT Jr. CO, comer ofLiberty and Hand au_ VOA SALE, TWELVE RUILDLNO LOTS, situated on the tooth side of Pennsylvania Avenue, between MU.. and Stevenson streets, and about three minutes walk from the New Court Hone. Six of these lars front 41 feet b Inches on the AV.., and run back too feet to • 1111 • 01 • 11 • Y. and the other six front the same width on Forbes street, (To wet wide,) and run back 97 feet to the ...nor. If the above property is not dispos ed of by private sale before the 7th day of July next, it will lie sold at auction, •t the new Caen House, on tr that day, at 3 •i••• 1 E. N., to the highest and best bidder. For terms of solo and other particulars, swum of DAVID D. BRUCE:. Attorney al Law, FlAlstreet, ttext door to Alderman Nlllaster juAntts TO PA.1111.1018 AND Liiam Razz - rp HE undersigned offers for sub In M'Keu comity, Pt, 110) acres Or well timbered LANA a nd, an excellent Saar Mill nearlyoew; and two new Prase Homes. one 41 feet front by 47 back; the other Sit feet front by 21 back. Mao, good new frame Barn. thirty by forty feet. The mill and land are situated four miles from the Allegheny over. A great deal of PINE TIMBER of the hest quality, and also a vast quantity of the very best hemlock. Also, one acre on the built oflhe Ancghccli urar a core, moat admirablyadapt ed for rafting, where lumber can be read oa thews in winter, and be perfectly safe from all freshets.— Price So,ooo, or fib an acre. Terms euy. Will take a well cleared small farm, with good house and or- , chard upon It. as pa rt payment, dims/ion is suitable, and the balance ce lumber, or as may be sk=4 on This is an excellen. opportunity for Jumbo , and the probability is great that in two or three yeafll this property will double Ifs Via., it. consequence of Its proximity to the New York and Erie Railroad. Tim her suthmant to wear not several saw mills—sod Rev. oral mill sites on the stream which runs nearly throagra the centre of the land. About fifteen acres in FL. No hill to use in hauling lumber from mill to rimer. Trout and game in abundance. For fondler particu• Ices, address, (Po..Paia,) P. B?PEMPLETON, my24:dtr.wtfri Gazette office, Pittsburgh._ Tiro Lots for 10.. THE subscribers will sell al plume sale, those tuns valuable Lots of around. situated on Tomato SI, ill the Third Ward of Allegheny City, each having • nOlll of at feet, running back PM feet in depth too ell feet alley, upon which is built a stone malt , a 3 by RV feet, which contents stone enough to Ladd cellars for' two comfortable dwelhug houses, and in from there, are three shade trees, of e years growth, OW the side walk ts paved with brick, all of which will be sold at 39(1(1. Pittsburgh and Allegheny. or County &rip, wol be taken in payment. J & H PHILLIPS, No 5 Wood st„ on to ‘VNI. IMNSON, 1111methately oppcnita acid lots olyl9 THE Dsrellut i s House on Third street, above Southfield, occupied by the Comity of the law Dr. A. N. Sl'Dowell. Possession given on the let of J uly nen. Also, stone large lots of ground in the Ninth Ward, between the Filth Ward and Cottgbaturville, imitable Inc lumber yards. NVSI. M. DARLINGTON, mrAS:dtf At D. Darlington's, Fourth st FOB SALE—Five lots eligibly sheeted In the &no tithing town of Birmingham. The lots are sans ted on Denman street, nut:atm:wed in F Butsman's plan 75, 79, SO, St and xl—l..ot No 75 fronting RI kat on illy ry Ann street, 70 feet deep; the other four 20 feet front each, by SO feet deep. Tema—Greater part of yatelionay may Sa main for six years secured by mo , For panic , ars, Impure of myle M i t second s t - Valuable Coal Land tar vale s -- ABOUT four miles above Lock No. 2, at the mouth of Pine Ron, Alononguhela River. The Coal is of the very best qualliy, end ems of ucesa 'Any number of acre., from twenty-five to • hundred, might be obtained. Persons desirous of purchasing, can call on WALKER REED, on the premlwit, or Win. iteml, °pawl. the Post, ottice, who will give any in formation concerning the property. The above will be ,old at o great bargain. myElidOrn. e Rouse and Lot for Sala ILIN A L LEG HEN Y CIT Y.—A neat soul Com. artable brick Dwelling noose, and Lot of rotted. (T.l feet wont by 173 feet deep,) anionic on th e bank of the river. lienr Fahnutoek's lead fee. tory, to offered for wile low. Teo. easy and title in• disposable. Apply to Abraham Fulton, Monongahela City, or JASIES BLAKELY, Pinsbugh. ntr23.12w0 rill) LET—A good brick Incelling House, situate on Robinson street, Allegheny. Rqquire of SOLOMON SCHOYER OR SALE CHEAP FOR SCRIP—A lot of groud L' situate on Webster stn., 25 feet from High strut; 20 feet front on Webster, by SO feet to V. fiVefeel alley —quite close to new court house. Price SOX Terms, cash in hand; balance in one, two, three and fora yenta from the first of April last. County and City Scrip Wren for mesh payment. Is , quit, of myth S SCHOYIGR. 110 second st 7600 Acres 0001 emend tor Oslo, on the hlonongadela river, about lOmilcs S from argil and 3 lulu above %Mid Lock, In the ton:mediate neighborhood of Altura. Ly4m,& Shorn, and hit John Herron'. purchase. nu fine body Of Coal wilt be sold at the to price of CC per acre-me boat in hand, balance in five equal annul paymetits, whbout interest. Title indisputable. Location Very good—cannot be sarpeased. For further particulars enquire of S. BA , who has a draft of said pro perty. Residence 211 st, below Ferry, Mr. Adams , Row. N. B. Them a another seam of coal on this Waal, about 60 feet above the lower, olucellent quality. R. a. ElOrree — imad Lot for Salta tow itertp. Lan4, TWO wary Brick. House, mobbing eight rooms exclusive of basement and cellar, and suitable for two (sambas situated on Liberty inset, Allegheny, will be sold low for Scrip. Enquire of mytiltf_ FL NAYS Gazette °Mee Valliatble Brititilsog Leta far Soli. anbeeribers are mthorized to offer at private T sale, and upon highly favorable terms, a number 01 very valuable kluddlng Loss, comprising a large portton of the Lots numbered 67, en, 00 and 711, an Wanda' Cimwral Plan of she City of Pinattingh, Led at the loath eamaranlly corner of Penn and We s{rret% fronting 640 feet on We former ,and amen along the latter about Grit feet In the Allegheny river, and being a pan of the Reel Finite of the late James S. Stevenson, Ely., deceased. A plan or media - Woo cat the above Lots, In confer aunt with which at in elongated to sell, may be seem at the office of the undersigned, on Fourth, between Mar ket and Ferry as. WILLIAMS KUILN. tray 3 Real Metals for boas. THE subscriber will .11, at private sae, that yarnin bre Property, ou tae Fourth !street read, adjoining his prewnt resrdence, and give prmsession Immediate ly. There are about TEN AGRESOF CHOICE LAND, in a high state or cultivation Thetimprovement• are a large and well finished brick DWELLING HOUSE, a superb haw, and other out building', Adjoining dre dwelling • running Fountain and it pad Pump, which banishes • constant supply of excellent There is a variety of Print Trees and Shrubbery an the premises. If the above described prtrpertp le not sold soon, it will be rented (or a time. Also, for sale, a large LOT, no Pritutsylvmsia Avenue, at the end of the board walk. Inquire of arldaut DAVID BIMMIt. Valuable Real Rotate for Bale. TARE Tnmtees of the Western Theological Bale s having decided to sell, on perpotaal lean., a par ton of their property in Allegheny city, offer on very fevorable terms, from,3o to 50 Lots of different risen_ A svarrestaus title Nair be given. Arden of the lots non bet seen at No. 120 Wood street. For particulars, enquire of either of the undersigned Committee. JOHN T. LOGAN, ALEX. LAUGHLIN, MALCOLM EECH, LL L BAHL. BAILEY. AL very low /30124. aA TWO story Brick Hous, on Fede of ., one door above the northw e ut corner the North Common Allegheny—wide hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on the lint loot. Four rooms rid mory, with a finished sum. on Posses:ton to be had immediately. Inquire of sell ti BO B MILTENBERGER, 87 Front es Unbar ailoitaTil Sala. HE tom:tering properly in the ally of Filotourt 1 endue. theborough over, is offered for sale on acconormaimog Wirer. 3 Lots (being _sub-dt vision of Lan No .060 fa the plan of the oily of Plllabungh,) having 20 Met Gum on So. moth weer, by oil feet to Strawberry alley, rear Grant street. 10 one acre Lots fronting on an Avenue, nt. feet ride, matting from Heaver road to the Ohio riven it 4. doing Phillips's On Cloth Factory. For Mum, couture of CLIARLEZ B. SCULLY, or JAIdhNIPRALLA., florae's Banding. ith tt Valuta - Eke Property tor irate. TN TILE NINTH WARICUOF FIT rsßuDent—Say eral Lots on Baldwin and Liberty streets , in the M W b ard, 24 feet by Imp, and adjacent the proposed depot of the Central Railroad. For tetms inquire of. CHARLES &SCULLY,. or JAMES O'HARA, _mart htf BurkeY Bnßdinß dM sr_ - TWO HOUSES AND LOTS P_OI% SAILIfi pia, TWO LOTS on Beaver street, lam citY o ,LEIL Allegheny, above the upper Coethpubic g lad, is erected a frame building, two strnies lag sahib'," for two small tenements. TM lOU AM sa e twenty feet u, front by no hundred feet deep, and ran bark to a street forty feet wide. The builditiga on the Dye; mows will pay a very handsome intunst on the invest. merit, And lb< propeny will be .old cheep for cash. Apply to it Sproul, Clerk's office; U. S. 9(10 novVi KAY & Co -- Scotch Bottom Lanor ala ryIEN ACRES OF LAND, &Aime d d t in P B eebles town- . l. ship, on the Alonougahela, three miles from Figs. eurgh—nn lots to Mil mule/ben. For further police Mari apply to Henry Woods, ad st, or to A WASHINGTON, nocti-dif 4th, above Smithfiele. kt WARKTHR/SE FOR BALE—Tye saG. etibes offers lot sale the three story brick Wacsho s . g . on Wood street, occupied by 11. Tumo r p,D,x, opt? %VAL 1 Q ILSIJN, Jr. VA LUABLF: REAL ' " eNTATE ON pErizi snit= FUR HALE.—A Lot of firriond simile on Penn freer, between Ilay and Alulrctrystreets, adjoining die house and tot now by Rd*, having a from of V.. feet, and In depth LSO (net, wall lb: sold on favorable terms. 'hate unexceptionable. FAI - gilled 0( C. 11 LOOMIS, 4th et, near %Yoe/4. • oczn-dtt 13111!!!! ADESMABLE Ihnhhag Lot to Allegheny cay, fa e.otubly located, in um about half an acre, and win be sold on accommodating terms. Inquire of kin / D WILLIAMS, flu wood al AtFOR REN't —A roust in the acc3T3d storlT, - W. o; Want etrect labli , Property Lot ALlegbe,ay (Nay tor Salii; rill.: autieenbers oder for eat° a number of done I . Lots, satiate to the Second Wit (rooting tut lb. Common ground, on roof forma. Ins re of W. VII. ROBINSON, Any at Law, St MIN S. or of/ AS ROBINSON, on theDremilles. myl7:dftwtf T _ Lo , Ito tas.,llo Window Glass; NM do Watt Udo; Ito do Itutl 4 do, 40 no nab do; for sale by inyyn 8 P VON BONNEIORST ft Co Ztu conui 'AND WOOLEN MANDFACIII -11F-118.--Hisving mule engagements Gut a con saint supply of FACIORY FINDINGS, we will Ei at low prices Calf nnd Sheep Rola. Skins Lae. Lea ther Pickets, Iteedn, Standen, Hemp Twine Tre,adles.- No. 5 to 14 Belt Punches, Wrenches, ScrippiedCauds, tO to 131 y Patent Dresser Brushes, Weate,re Err.A. &c. Ac. LOGAN, WILSOP.I Wood lame.; Plastunlii. ONE FURNACE LWARTEI, tus„af.dnited *GM . * superior article of Bali tar ps Brick GMTin - wore and Lon nabs by a es & Jambi r Mr. W.W. Wallace h- weda lienaof onOl• quality and inantible.. eigriteennOrp Pwm".". tt sae am heanas now' in Itena two ' syle • • ems FIIS4 wiehl and ar • PAW:Ib-4 - 40 ARIL/ilium 11 cat . OF-Bli 4 0 by min
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers