EPITEBURGH POLIMED sir um= k co ' vvrozasuitaus TIAZDAY MORNING, JUNE 12, IMTme Plum:man Mar o.Azress ta - TPublisb. l- -Dun Tri-Weekly, wed Weekly ‹ —The Daily ht Berea °plisse per annum; the Trl-Weekly u Flee Mars per annum; the Weekly is Two Dollars per annum, siTial advent& I:l;rAnviarissaa are earnestly molested to band in Aar favors before b 0. is, and as early intbeday ar practicable. Advertisements at inserted for i .peel fled time will invariably he .barged until ordered our • : AD • , Advertise Menus and mbsatipoons to the North Amer icas, sod Stated States (Marne, Philadelphia, received sal forwarded from this office. See next page tor To/egraphio Norm War Local Matters see next page. ANTIKASONIC AND NVIIIO TICKET asazacaar, ROM. C. WALKER, of Elizabeth Borough. JOHN MILLER, of Sharprburt. CALVOLEE, of Piusbargh. FSEY, of Lower SL CI r auserrr, f CARTER CURTIS, of Paisbiljrigh 111.0TIIONOT•10. 6EO. S. HAYS, of Upper 31 Clur. 71.6•11 JOHN MORRISON, of All ghtny. JAS. MITCHELL, of Pee je. tulanE VIM. M. ARTHIJR-9, of Picofnurgh • •UDITOR, JOHN DYERS, of Findlay Oast? SALE or Lost—This afternoon, at ttio o'clock, the sale of the valuable property in the Diamond, Allegheny, is to take place on tbe . pre awes. This boycied dispute, the most -valnable unimproved property which lam been offered for sale about these cities for a long time. it It tight in the heart of a large and growing city, in the centre of business, and' incomparable ibt the re tail trade. SNOB persons have tried to throw a doubt over the title of the city to this property, but all kitten* this subject have been rot at rag, by an ordinance of the councils whah authorises the Committee to give deeds with a genernl warranty of tale, sad with special warranty pledging the Csith.and property of the city for all improvements upon the property. There can be no fears about the title, and as the property can be, paid for in scrip of the city, now at a heavy discount, we ex pert to see a warm contest for it at the tale. The Races—Duty of Police Meters A friend informs on that the races in the neigh borhood of this city, on Judge Wilkins' place; ore to come od this week. Nest week the Grand Jury holds its sessions. What connection exists between the two Simply this: lb, is made the duty, by the laws of this State, of ill constable and police officers generally, end they are soleffinly bound by their oaths, to return to the Grand Jury,. the names of all persons engaged in-violating the laws. of the State, by horse racing, gambling, an,l other unlawfal pursuits, by which the peace and welfare of society are Jeopardised. We trust th, hint will be sufficient as a spur to ditty. TUN NAILS The Mercury, of yesterday, has another of interminable articles in relation to the Main, con tabling the usual amount of slut., rf the l'oatma, ter Genial and his anhord;milea, al which broadly Insinuated that Mr rollarner is unlit fur his office, and that he bad Lauer gn hack 1. , 'VS, moot, and that the people would to better served had the old Postmasters retained t heir The excuse far this, which we believe is ti t third, nun& of the Mercury upou the Poet Maxie General, ia, that the papers from Now York hay, lately arrived very irrecultuly; and on Saturnia) night three paper mails from that city arrived .e once. . As the Mercury has seen proper to assail air Post Muter General for these irregularities, 11 becomes our duty to tell the whole truth In the pre mises, and if we tread on the corns of some o the Mercury's Locrofoco friends, the erfi tor of the: paper has himself only to blame. It is well known to the Mercury, and if it Is net it ought to be, that every thing connected w.rth the tnummiesion of the mails i 3 confided to the charge of the First Assistant Postmaster General, over which bureau Mr. Debbie, a well known Losof co,who held office under Cave Johnson, presides Some two or three weeks ago, Judge Jwoo, of this city, of the Mereury's own party, wrote to Mr Hobble, to have the New York mail soot by way cc DSitiMPTOPAke,I 4 a -Phibtai'llig : The object , eras sq serve Mr- ilidipidtkrypectatielltr, „ eh:vete; who, in his business as ittgttker,ltra an extensive ' correspondence. As the Baltimore mull arrives about 8 o'clock in the evening, some Der or rive hours belie the Philadelphia mail, Mr. RM, 1 having a, box, with a key, could time , get his let ters in the evening, while the rest of, the conunu. nip would receive theirs at the 'meal boor in the morning. Mr. Hobble acceded to Mr. Jones' re quest, Without even coesulting the Penman here, and the consequence is, the jrregtilarity m the newspaper mail of which the Me retry earn- . ' plains. The same attempt wan made some two years piawith similar resultpj and we hope r Judge Collinter, who probably khaws nothing al ' the change, will order things bank to their old channel, the convenience of Itidge4anes to the contrary notwithManding. ''' The of the Mercury to =twt VD:Coilamer,' we doubt not, originated solely diMtn'tt desire to propitiate the Lxofiseo . party, by appearing: reel- one us attaching the administru!ion,WMicuit oar ing much whether its assaults axe ktunded ill jus tice or not. It has not the diseermient to me that its attacks fall upon the heads of its own 'pans, almost exclusively, far it in well known that no removals or changes have been meda its the Post Office Department, except that of Mr. Beswo, the 2d Assistant. All the causes of complaint of which the Mercury has availed itself, have origi nated in the offices and bureaus held by the old incumbents, appointed by Cave Johnson. Luca in the Pittsburgh office, which theldercuig imp c F d , in its insinuations, the mailing. clerks are t game as those employed by Mr. , Mltheen, ' a who, we have reason to ...,,s,,t . strive to do their duty faithfully. f '' -- It seems to its, that the bee way for Mr..Colla mer to remedy these evils, is to tam out. rili these Locofimo heat:UM Bureaus and Chief chitin, and pat good active Whigs la their pli§es,.. As. ta stopping the makings of the !dewing — , that is net to be expected. It has a purpose idseresof more interest to It than the regularity of the made; and abuse of the Post Master General Fleapits inner- =II Every arrival adds to the ,Intenao interest of European affairs. It is now a little more than a year since the quiet and pence of the nations of Western Europe were disturbed by the ,alltbrealt in Pane' , followed by those in Vienne, ihiples,.. Lombardy, Berlin, and other SCCiIOIIII, and there, seems to be now haw probabllity-of berg: won restated then .151P7... , The anitgoniatimil powers of freedom and d'4'sivaticm ma gradually preparing fora contest on a more &gentle and ex tended scale than has Lerelefin , lotteti witnessed In the warl,l'a history. Present events indicate that the struggle is no longer to be conducted in cities and isolated Novice:et, without definite ote ject, or the anticipation of any very definite m ath, but that it WM be waged by the people of Europe against their oppmsors.. At the head of the despne winds the imperial monarch of Ros alie, who hat .already marched into Aneana with an Immense army, leaving powerful reserve carpi; lamming CM the frontiers. France well probahly,notwithstandltig her dies pecan position at Rome, lead the armies of the friends of liberty. The news by the Europa show. that ft will ha almost imptisailde to prevent the French people from engaging in this coolest, and thus bringing about a general continental war. The recent elections have resulted in the choice of 210 Socialise and Red Repablleww, a number fir greater than was anticipated ; and, although the friends of peace and order have a huge ma jority, yet being composed of various parties and sections of panics, the danger is alwayv Immi nent of a spark igniting the magazine of eombue. Shies. This in rendered sufficiently evident by sin Important debate which lock place on the 92d of May, of which the following is a vynop- .The affairs of kaly being leader consideration, M. BUMS said, in regard to the Husain inter . warm, !hareem one knew the ambition of the 1 Cabinet of St. Petersburgh, as 'well as the spirit which guides il. This interventiori was n blow at 1 European principlea, and chledy at those which at present regulate France; it is saMcieith in order 10 OMR the fitter's inemitions, to read his lath man ifesto, which wan a declaration of waraigainat all democratic interests. . If to that document ware joined the declaration .. . of the King of Prussia to his army, no doubt could I ;. .. be entertained respecting ti combination orall iu , istocracka Whist democracy. It was the; the Irma* Gemßttil of 1.47,000 men elthold be solely an. the rob or lionguT — Eleitdee this number, there wee retell , . of 180,- KOM011;01114Stga total 011500 who hdd been cal. lea to mut. - -/tonsntfwes itinote pretext. • The tenationOrlkone wee agaiOatmed, and he now wanted-to know what would : be the pohcy of the French Government. The Minister of Foreign faralre, in reply. nald that, with regard to Italian adinra, the Assembly bad manifested ils wi➢. and !hat on the morrow of lts having done so, en egint had been etnit to Ludy, bearing a detailed aced:lnt of the dehbera lion, and orders to execute the tri,nea of the At sembly, He would not reihrri 1.0 a d,,,eussion which bad been closed. With regard to Hunga- ry, sametkung has already-been said fff/M She tri bune. He had already acid that what took place in Hungary had excited the 'iliediritude of govern ment, which had written abont it to St. Peter, b.43,lSandon, Vienna, and Berlin. It Find been said thht the time kir negoatiott was past; but as for them (meaning govenubent) they continued to negotiate." M. Jolt' said be preferred war to the humil iation of Franc.; and Sinti,A viou• to tent the sense of the Assembly upon the subject under con sideration, be proposed the Irjgh'iving order of the "The National Assembly cijasiders that the man. iksto of the Emperor of ltutitti end the treaties passed between him and t 4 angs of Prussia and Austria are a blow too principles of the French comultution And Site _las of nations, and contrary to the resolutionloKte Natfunal du. Alter a speech from M. Maittium, Gen. Cavaignac ascended the tribune, 1111 d offered the flillowmg resolution : "The National Assembly 411 s serlon, attention to the:events and movementtor troopo to ktng place in Europe, and seeing in Mk state of affairs den gets for liberty and for the Republic. recommends the government to take erbirgeor measures for their protection." General Cavaignae said thou;ht 'this resole . lion would have the eirec(•.of not engaging me Republic in a recognition "Ouch it couldnot ac cept, yet of showing that the; Aecembly felt what a eeriona matter were the events which were now occurring in Europe. M. Joie objected to Gen..Gavaignac'e motion as 110 L aa tllcientiretrong, and declared he should ad here to Ina own. 0. -Barrett Bald it was neceaanry• to reflec SMMESSI= M. Ledru Rollin urged" the more stringent reso lution of M. July. He considered the manifesto 01 the Emperor of Russia is o declaration of war against the French Repubite. When a quest.° wan placed on such ground,; the only answer to it was a counter manifesto; to say France would dokind herself. It woa thelletv of the Apsembl to declare itself in answer the Emperor of Re Then turning to the parttiol. the right, M. i dra Bailin concluded by any nt, '• 1 know tr that you wish not to reply do not sob to a sumo on yoursitires a terrrtle responsibtl ty. ydu wish to prevent el,' )ear, you limn energ lastly and promptly answer this defiance." • - plunge on the left.) M. Odilton Ramat again ecieended the tribune to answer the demoontic leader, and, niter a speech of considerable length, roacluded by calling the simple order of :be day. M. Cremieux followed, :and spoke La the 1111, of an uproar scarcely surpassed is the annals of the Assembly. At the termination o( his speech, the voting commenced unola the proposal to pass to the simple order of the dal.. Al 7 o'clock• tae voting •urrot closed when the numbers were, for the simple order, o—agn.npi It. 459—majortty, 409. The' discussion on foreizn intervention was resumed; at the conclusion of which • vote of the its4-erribly for Gen. Cavaig• noes proposition was tak/rit, and resulted in: AA adoption." From this debate, it wilebe reed that an .mme dinte declaration of war . urns urged with grist real and kith powerful repno,, and Ilk: ruJduwd resolution of Gan. Cavaiglioc. Istilett won violent- ty opposed by (Ise !Lintel, Y', and pesed Lyn v of 4315 to I - 94, iv suffielentii of the to per of the French ',mule regard lo It u..sine I== In the meantime, ail is tainfinnan and tic meat in Germany. The ttentral Parlament Frankfort, having pre:waled the Staten or Germ with a constitution which the Princes have ref ed to accept, outbreak. hive oceurted and aro Jt sorting continually. To nettle the dolleulty, tit King of Prussia, who pi dist.thard by the Repot.,li cane and Nat,onalistr• has withdrawn the Pros,. deputies from Frank:or', and Las undertaken th formation of a counter-cone:out:on to the Frank fort one. To perform this great work, he Las in vited the plenipotennaries of n few df the Germs. Governments mincer at Berlin. The mates repre rented. ore Austria, Reverie, Saxony, Hancrve and Mecklenburg. The other states hove ilechn ed tb send delegates, no they Lave already recoy nixed unconditionally the constitatian na voted by the central power. lt is said the proceedings Ihn far beveled to en agreement on the part of Au. tritt to con, at to it CIOSer union of the other Ger. eshay eihtea, lamps ottar distinct a~ lance shall ezist beistreen herself and" union to formed. The King , of Prussia has i 00.. a M.mllesto, r•.- fared to In the French debate, noticed aleve, in which he says be will shortly submit a i.onaolo. timisancticuled bribe other governments, winch shall have unityforOA basis, and will guarantee to Germany its liberty - and a free =presentation of the people. In conclosion the King uys;rif my peo ple will stand by me, ns I will stand by my people, faittabily and with confidence, with God's blessing a &noes victory will out be wanting tons" What confidence CAR 'the friends of liberty in Gennany put in a coaelittition thee presented to them by an iessociationC of Kings and Princes, whose object into grant the smallest amount of liberty possible to preserve . peace nod quiet' Not mach, we should thinit,:whenj simultaneourty, with the King's uranifembpnblic notices were pub fished, announcing that tfia state of siege at Perlin was prolonged with inergased vigor, suspending for the time the ordinary courts, and estabhshlng martini law to all itaj farce. Another notice suspended the publicatioi of the ultra democratic Journal, the Now.= 1. • Another intiml will piobably bring us the pub lication of this conatitatioiKas well as the announce meat of other important vent.. • DANE. Our latest accounts fri:m Rome are to the 15th of May. On the 13th, the French having attempt ed to cram the Tiber at the blelvian Bridge, a wee blown up to prevent them—leaving the French forces on the banks of The Tiber, between Palo and Rome. Tho van grafted of the French, on the 1 5 5th, was four miles froti the city , that of the Ne apolitans twelve miles, and the Spanish, in a smell body, Were, all inimcinc& .Ifie French, in their' disgraceful nand: upon the Repubhcans of Ittini.r, suffered more severely than the Paris joarnala ere willing to admit, dove 'can credit the Roman .4MM:int , The official re port of the' latter, gives. the lore of the French troops, at 1100 in killed', wounded, and priaoners, and that of the Romans at f 4 killed and 200 wounded. The Romaareport concluder with the statement, that vile wounded French, before ex expremed their Barlow Mt having fonght agfiiinst then republican; brethren." Other rubs of The sort have also appear.) in abundance. In rine Entfletaltriarinti, it visa oteirvefd, 'General Oudisitit 0rie1:V.4340 pay Far eveo thing. Let him pay for We plegtres of Raphaelor;rforared by French huh .41Xi: . ..Sitehis the love a the French Cioverruneut trialfilletre,lhat they dish to destroy it' - TbitOMP.lla have han equally anciessfifl in defeating the King of Npplee, who in log bigoted and blood thirsty zeal ifir the Pope, hod marvltett into the Roman Stale? with hOOO men As file unity advanced tbrough!he country toward Picini', the King deposed the talthOritien at the var.nx places; and put priests in their steed. The win) , also assumed the cheracier,of crusaders, each std. dler wearing the crop al, a sign of the holy woe in which he is engaged. 'lhe pr o m King has, how ever, already been trio4ley adfernity, and although by has two regiments V owns with him, who, thanke to his operatlonflfgainst hie own subjects, have had nu lack Jf pr,Setice in fighting with Intl iana, he has seen his vanguard of 2000 men put to glgbt, with a lost of 41 prasonarr, wine amuni lion wagons, and, it is said, two mecca of cannon. This affair occurred tibo4l ten miles from Rome.— When the Neapolitan thvesion wus ascertained, the commission of bare l ades leaned n proclama tion that "the King BOmbarder" (no nicknamed aver since his bombarnMent of his capital on the 15th May Nat year) lend come to ettlenninate thew," and urging the organization of penile par• Ilea, to ham= him at Ayery step. At the same time, the Roman Clue(..Aiarribitlili, sallied forth, with some thousand MO, and felling in with the firadetachment of the:trusaders, fell upon them suddenly daring a bivOac, and: served them an had been described. Nainlianeoenly with the Ne apolitan arrival, the Atiantry has also been . dad by a Spanish army,rn ; the full belie', doubtless, as one writer remarluOhat the nation will gain holiness enough by a fraftj k of such warfare to ex onerate them for havintiteHnorselessly cheated nil their creditors throlikhott Europe, far a period of thirty years. In the mean time, thcfl world stands astonished *tee order, aniet anddem d i splayed by the Ro man Government and pfnple. With the armies of three - nektons upon theitterritory„ with the. unjust tuidtintletteons attempt to restore a despotic eceles. sinalleal govemment, which the people twee repu diated, the provisional government has preserved order and peace within the city, and repelled its foes without. Such a people ought to be free; h&i cause they give evidence of being able to 'ppm ciate nod enjoy it. The fiiJowing remarks of the London Correspondent of pe • New York Com mercial, will be read with retest in this connee. 110 n The most surprisingnure of the present business at Rome is the or er and good faith which have been maintained; and 'so far from the govern. rent being hit at as anarchists, they deserve the highest honor for having kept the people within bounds. No one acquainted with the depth of degradation to which the population eil" the Papal .states hue been brought by the mode of govern ment whirl, it is now sought to restore, could have believed that for live months a system of universal sulliagn and of popular rule could have been . . =untamed, WlLhollt being inevitably accompanied by the most frightful excesses. On the contrary, however, property has been respected, foreigners treated wtth forbearance, and street riots suppress ed. As.sassmations have been reported, but al though the utmost noise has been made about them, they:appeir to have been less in number than we have attributed to Rome in her normal dayaMnd the murder of the minister Rossi, unlike the mur der of Robert Blum at Vienna, was a private act, and was utterly denounced by every member of the government. So strange is all this, and so contrary to what even the best friend of the liber al canes could have anticipated, that the difficulty LA to account for it—and the best solution must be Wund in the supposaion that the present triumvirs are far in advance of their countrymen, and that having lived out of Italy (Maxlini was for many years in England) they have learned t:.° import ance of straining every nerve to prevent the na tional cause from being stained by excesses and crushed on that pretext by surrounding pow- That they ran dually succeed in this comae is even now to my mind almost an impossibility-- Had they been aided as they ought to have been by every civilized government, the task would mill have been nearly hopeless: hut watched on all aides by malignmitlkings and diplomatists, every• proclamation made the subject of a taunt, every eb hart to raise a Inc cited as spoliation, and every ac cidental disturbance amoag a population of 200 000 nouneed es the commencement of a reign n terror, there can be little chance but they roust fall. Nay, exaggeration is not enough, and in the Brit ish House Of Lords night after night denunciations have been!poureil fourth against the trittnavtrate for plundering the museum and offering for sale the works of art—denunciations which, being wholly unwarranted, showed an unscrupulousness on our part which would have dtsgraced the very Ro mans we were abusing, but which have heverthe. less been nerUnneously reproduced in the leading articles of our daily papers. yiovemente of the Democracy Thu rather remarkable chsoges now going on among the Democrats, of all stripes and Isms, is worthy of the notice of the politician, and the intelli gent reader. In the north there is an attempt to fuse the various discordant, and yet, iu some respects omogeneou• material* at ( tld if aa k er i, m , Ba r wrriert..m, Freest:id/gm, Laeoioemsm. and radien m 01 01100,1 every 1.4 , 40,1;0001, into one grand hole—but ot what parncular Airipe and color the etc party :4 tit he Nrkli depend upon ctrcumstan en. The, Littiontore American Lev the following marl. appropo to the ttul , t eet "The two wow, of Hunker and Barnburning d , onrenv have united in oonvennon. in Vern]Ory loon tne ultra basis of the Wisconsin platform.— I n Connecticnt the union orale sections took place ,ust.before the Cougretononal elertion, by wtoch Democracy in the Stole has added an extreme abolittomst to os representattves in Congress. lu alluslon to the combination now elected in rutonc. the New l'orlt Conner recapitulates the similar movements in Wisconinn, Connecticut, New Vork,nnd elsewhere.. and intimateathat there is now no doubt whatever of the tact that the Caftans, Can Eurenites. Polkiter, and all other fragments oratnnily tOrni.ng the lately or skirts of the, party whion called itself democratic, have erotic to an andel . ..en% In unite upon the ultra rroima Pi Cie Woteonain platform -At the end of two year.. if not stoner, " say the Conner, 'we proem.e that in New York. Ohio, Pennsylvania. New England and the whole West, the tree soil and Menlo," parties wall have become one. They will unite ur, a emotion candidate tar the Pm ideney in I.aUl. and will bring to his support a most powerful Vote: This orgatt:ral,n of a party upon sectional grounds, array.. one portion alb.. Uatm against ano her, will present the curious aopret of • party onenutrated upon an issue whlch will ha re p ad away. Iteihre two yeara are over the, .very prohnbt:av that the que.hvn ni slavery liir lerruorte. will I.e ro.ttlati tnher adjunct brought together to porch Up the platform of Rh new Democracy, %101 l tisane abolition of allon pOSl duties and a resort to direct taxes fur ravens Ue. tocether with the Sul.—Treioiury, and the doc trine at internal int lieiVernents. no °Janis to the old democracy of blrict construction ore kept some what in the back ground os p-t lint they moo constitute air reit: basis of the new organization so far as mei:numb of policy are concerned. How the Soutnern t.,Oroon at ilia all pany faze hA this d,vaaa at den.writte - - not underake to conjecture. The name itse!f mill l,abdiLß-,a F it-ti. tSv do ~T he - , :.ierrioczary" cow claims to be north of Mayon and liixon's hoe.— It affects a cool climate, nud i. oropinion that a cannot enjoy good i1t,844 1., a tobin•ao growinz country or aniaw nod ,tr , lt.n litivag_thercfore caught fevers and clink from the South eery frequently. so oftea indeed that a got io haven bilious kiwi..., with a strong ten dency to jaundice, "the Democracy' now gives up its Soratern fraternization and routines itselt to local and neighborhood enseerns. In some portions of the South, experiaily in the ancient State of Virginia, the idea bail prevailed, the same being artfully inculcated by editors nod politicians, that the supporters Van Boren, Polk and Cass in the old Domonon constituted not only * portion of -the Democracy; but that-they were in fact the chosen legionaries of that array. the foremost disciplines of that school. It will dis tress many, who Love given away to tho delusion, no discover suddenly their extraordinary mistake. To some the catastrophe may be serious." .The-Louisville Journal is of opinion that there is a deep genie playing in the Democratic party. both North end SLuth—that the ultras of the South have au understanding with the ultras of the North. These latter me waking a terrible outcry about slavery in the free termer., of New Mean• co and Conforms, when they know there is nit the slightest danger of such en event taking place. "Fly abuse and defamation of the South, and to} appeals to the prejudice,. of Northern men, these destening politunans nave succeeded in de taching n conoderuble number in several States, (earn their old political relations. and now they are attemritintr to turn them all over in a body to the Lac,foco party. In the mean time, the Landisoo party in the South ere assuming to be the chief ha ters of Frees.lion, and the main support of slavery. If they can gain credit for sincerity in the Sonth, while they ere sweeping the North by mean, of Froesoilism, the result will he that they will be thrown into power, and then, a •cording to the law of honesty among thieve.. there will be an equitable division of the spoils ol a victory gilled by a double treachery.' Says the :intim:U. further "Thule who attach any greater importance than this to the Free,il movement, and to the counter threat, of dissolution in the South, are very great ly deceived. It boa 'his complexion and none oth er, and the sooner iols seen in its true light the better fur the country. These secret aloes, bat open enemies in the tinrth and the South, have on. ly to be understood 'to he check mated. They have no idea at dissolving the Union. but only wish to divide the opeit.i. Thou, in the North who cry the Wilmot Proviso or dtpudution„ and those in the South who cry no Proviro or diaroluCou, understand rock other. Burke of the Northein party has recently become co-editor of the Union with Rdehie of the Southern party, and when the Presidential election COM , " , on we shall hod the Southern pro alavout . LogolOcin end the Northern free voter worlancArairether'of kindly as if they hod neve• afrinvine the greatest scoun drels outside of pandemonium.' " Wr ronfei.s we look upon all the spe, ~. pro. feationa of oppaut ion to Slavery, by the Northern Democrat. with immiiroon. Their conversion la 10 Jniidden and causeless. We cannot forget that James Buchanan said, !hat the Democracy 01 the Ni r h was the natural ally of slavery—, sentiment which has been exemplified by the conduct of its presses it, convendils, and its leading men, since the Jaya of Jackson. We cannot forget that it is *My a few days, as it were, slice the whole pow er of Northern lioncieracy wan brought into use for the annexation of Tesas,lty which several new slave elates were added to the Uion, and the slave power vastly strengthened. We mistrust Such men. We c Innot cams le in them. Their but of power, and of the spoil, of office., is an m ord/nate, that they will stop at no scheme of des ceptnni which bas the prestige of stweers How ridiculous do those Ineonsiderate whigs, of the I i.ddings stump, who have been lured nun theme toils of I., , ,fimmain mate themselves. How fierce will be the wrath of the rank and file against their leaders, when their eye, are opened to discover that they have been caught by a Loco kmeepro-slavery hook, baited with Free-andism. Mrsanctiri Armen. — .The Missionary Society of the Methodist Eptseopal Church having determin ed that it was espedient . to continue o white pup. erintendent over their miesion to Liberia, the Bi shop having charge of the foreign missions has ap pointed to that office the Rev. Nicholas S. Bastian, of the Illinois Conference. This (Ills the vacancy °tensioned by the return of the Rev. Mr. Benham in consequence of impaired health. Since Ike return of Mr. Benham the mission has been in_ charge of one of the colored clergymen. The N. V. Tribune establishment, it is said, is ntniv a mint stock coimern, divided into 100 shores 0151000 each, which are owned as well by the employees of the old firm as by the principals, Messrs. Ureeley 6s:ldcElnith. Truzammao Convmacm..—We learn from the Columbus State lottimal, that a Convention of the stitch holden of the pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Louisville Telegraphic Company was held in that city last week. Delegwes were in attendance froth Loahnolle, Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Zanesville, Steubenville, and Pittsburgh. Busi ness of interest to the proprietors of the line occue pied the attention 01 the Convention. Among other business, was the adoption of a code of Bye Laws for the government of the Company, and other steps preparatory to a thorough on gunisation of the Company. The Convention brought its proceedings to a close by the election of a Board of thirteen Directors, upon whom is devolved the future earn and management of the line of telegraphic operations from Pitts burgh to Louisville. One of three Directors is landed at each station, eleepl. Pittsburgh, at loch point a majority of the share. of the pital Klock is held, and at which place, five of he Board of Directors, as well an the principal ,Nice of the Company, as hooka, 5.1,3., are atio locaresi. The folering is the first Board of Di rectors, chosen for the Company, viz: DArcuors—R. 11. Wootfolk, Louisville; E. G. Whitney, Madison; J. C. Hall, Cincinnati; J. D. Phillips. Dayton; Thomas Moodie, Columbus D. H. Lyman, Zanesville; J. C. Wylie, Wheeling; E. M. Stanton, Steubenville; J. K. Morehead, Joshua Hanna, Tncs Bakewell, Charles Avery, and Lewis Hutchinson, Pittsburgh. The Dlreetora, immediately after the adloarn eat of the Convention, held a meeting, and pro- ceeded to organize the Company, (which was done under authority derived from a charier granted or that purpose by the Legislaiure of bulimia.) by he choice of the follawing officers and agents, viz Gen. JAMES K. MOREHEAD, President. !own:A HANNA, Treasurer. J. D. 11.6113, SuperintendenL JOStItA. HANNA, Secretary. PROM NEW YORK Correspondence of the Ptenttorg6 Its:sec Naw YORK, June 7, 1519. The Cholera has obtained quite a firm hold here, and the newleases, reported yesterday, reached aixty,with ten deaths. In the hospitals the mortal ity is much greater than in private practice, a fact that proves conclusively that the melody is under the control of phyk mums, when the patient has not been a notoriously intemperate liver, before his attack. No pains are spared to clean the city, and preserve the general health. Vet this doe. not keep down the panic, and much elacm exists.— Our markets swarm w,th vegitables, and lire sold at prices that will not pay the growers fur gather ing the ,rep. Vet no customers are found, and loads drr thrown into the river. The Europa and Hermann 's new., exude. hole remark, not being of n cliaractei-toetreCt our mar ket. at all, which 0. the only point where New York can be influenced Some editors get inio a phrensy at each arrival, end Bee the dawn of a dozen republics in each not in an European city, but the enthuanum does not extend to people gen erally bore, who care little about the people oil' Eu rope, farther than to supply their wants at a high pe.e. and to buy their nannutacyrr s cheap Pennsylvania Stocks continue to advance, and close at 90 cash, the highest point they have numb_ ed since th • suspension of interest. At this ,ranee there is a good demand tram abroad, nod at no time was tae current of American Securities stronger toward. Enron., than at present. For United State. r.'s I il l elm be had, bat there are low sellers. Money gee. begging et acorn per cent. and many Merchants are anticipating their payments at five and six per cent. The tameus society, known a. the "New York Historical." has become alarmed at the undiamth ed appearance the Republic makes, with .ts ple beian tole of tlu United States, and means to have relornied at once, and have the country re-chrtst ened. Tau preterit plan is to call the republic I - Virginia," and the matter has been referred to a i committee with favor' The name of the old heal must now go by the board, and the next mesalpe of Zachary Taylor will be mailed, Pre-.,dent of Vir gina, laze the United States 0' Amer..- Virgrole cannot Ito leas than to give her little god chin, a pap spoon, and set hint down for something band . t c in her will. at least (or enough to hay loather medals fir the:that...rival Society'. members. Mr. Webster Laa poised through town, on knit way to Wa.iiingt.in, to advocate sane large elan.* before the Mexican Comminnon. The amount of clams; it la estimated, will exceed the appropria. tion al Congress, &km or 'cma million• of donors. which will make farther action by Coogren s- canary, as the treaty stipulate?, that all the claim. .bait be met by the United Stales. Several municipal elections have:been held in Connecticut within a day or two, resulting with out exception in the tureenof the %lug., who have been (ally soused by the defeat at the lane Mate Cmoyan.s. Since our municipal eleCtion, nothing has been heard of the great democratic party. except the groans of an old hanker, us lie forced Irani the public crib. where he ha. fatten• ad for twenty year.. 'rimy bold on with Lho tena city or eytiatiers, and part from their . bortice wnh infinite grief. la the Cotton market, the Steamer's newt t has produced BO change. la flour, the sales are large. and to a good extent for export at former figures. say 4.56614 69 Lir choice State brands. and ra• ,12 4 for pare Gene,. Wheat is firm, with an upward tendency. Ziooo bu Ohio 10163103, and %Viscous/a 61109.0 cta. Corn, under the newa, haiimproved full I cent on a bushel. Southern sehlie 5 , 4459. mixed 593150: Rye 3735 Er Pork is firm, a11b,2.50 $9,57461540,124 Prime and Mess. Prime beef la hatherciales of city at 59: of cut metro large sale. MO packages at 4 / ; all for shoulders, and 5: for hams. Ohio Whiskey 20321:. There is a good deal of speculation in Scotch pig iron, sales at 19/61 191 cash, and 520, 6 mos. Sales English bars at 340010.25 per ton, tl mos. All kinds olGroceries are doll and few buyers in Market. The greater part attic importations are placed La bond. C. For the Putebtergh Gazette The Ceneue of 1815 e. Ma. Eorroa—There is no event which ought to more deeply Interest a nation than the enume non of its inhabitants, in connection with lb wealth and venous pursuits; and as the time near when that most important matter is to be exhibited, it becomes the duty of those having charge of .t to cease no effort unmade to lay before the nation a correct return. tt Is universally act. novrledged I believe that the last census was a moat imperfect affair—so much so, that but little re liance has or can be placed upon it. It. imperfect ness, however, did not result from any difficulty in the aubject itself, but in the ern performance of duty Its not to be supposed that a correct ex hibit can be made by nay man as to anotber's business. dog., as wall as be can himself; yet how notonous n it, in mast aectiona of the country, that thaw who took the census neglected or overlooked many of the inhabitants' Nay, sir, I doubt not bat that many tiersons, even in Allegheny county, could be found who never saw the marshal or his deputies.—li I understand the matter, it is made the duty of those who take the census to cull civic initabstarst—and not tate the say so of n neighbor, beeaoso the location of a citi zen Ile. in a bye path—nor should tax /Isis and other such sources be allowed as authority in a cane of this kind. A fair compensation is allowed, and a rigid enforcement of duty should therefore be demanded; and it us to be hoped that three basing chariot:WlWl., matter will see lo It In Melt Instruc tion. to manhals in the various sections of the 17. Staten. X. New 0111.r.arra.—By mail we have New Chicane paper, of the morning of the 31 at ult. The Chart., h.O Courier hu. account/1 a day later, by telegraph, of the f..llowmg diecouragmg purport • Too Cor,ASSE Amu FLOOD •r New Oyu.. Ne t : — The intellbgettee from New urleana Is 01 a moat d/SlLMMUD*ltnraeler. Capt. Grant, charged with the duty of checking the WHIM that were pouring through the SIMVP crevasse, has raid to the city authontiea,'•l neatly acknowledge toy failure. I have exhausted my talent and energy, andlouud theta inadequate. There to very little, if any hope, that the main crevasse can be Lopped." The Juno rise of the river is touch dreaded. The Picayune Bays the overflow will reach Camp ert. The yulue of property has been sensibly affected, .end touch apprehension for the health of the city is entertained, when ever the waive, s h a ll e nbside, gbm the tilth and allele that has accumulated, which will rover the streets. Theereet, eat , at Tuuis, on the opposite side of tin river, Is nl,ll open, nod nu win understand, ne penton is ellempllng to atop IL I f allowed to. take Im course, many Gee plantaintione will be ruined. beau, ANI.UI has recently tulminated from his retreat at Kingston, Jamaica, en elaborate reply, to a volume of three hundred pages, to the semi -8111101111 of treason brought against him Is the Mex ican Coopers. The ex-President makes out, as usual a good case, and shows apparently that his effort, during the recent war were fruitless, owing {{pp the want of co-operation on the part of the Gov ellument. the lack of funds, cireemstnnees over which he had no control, eic. He enter. into an autobiographical account of all his exploits, hard ship., and rev e rsal, and evidently aims more at malting an impression for the future than it vindi cating the past. We °Mani this infounatien of the contents of SANTA Arota's Manifesto from the New Orleans Delta. No copy of the publication itself has yet come with!a our reach. Whenever it does, we shall look through It with cariosity, in the antieipa uon of its probably shedding light on some things which are yet veiled is darkness pertaining to the history of our War with Mexico, and especially the particulate of the negotiation at Havana be tween the late Administration and Bath's Amu, and the character ofthe uodemanding alleged to have existed between that Administration and the same General op to the battle of Buena Vida , the event of which battle was at the time openly al leged to have disappointed the calculations of the Administration.—Nat. bad. APPOINTMENTS Hi THE PRESIDENT. COLLECTOR. OF TEE cosr.ms. Samuel Cooper, Midi"lame, Cotineeticui, V' William)). Starr, removed. SERVITORS OF TES CUSTOMS. Penfield &Goodsell, Hartford,Conneetieut, 'nee Seth &Idea, removed. Allea Putnam, Salem, Massachusetts, vice N - tharacl Hawthorne, removed. A.PPRALIELIT. of NISACIIANDINS. Mathias R. Edgar, New York, vice George F. Thomson, removed. Alexander M. Mitzhell, of Ohio, to be Marshal of the trotted State, for the Territory of Mt need.. John W. Twienell, of Missouri, to be Marshal of the United States fur the district of Missouri, vice Robert C. Ewing, removed. BY THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. Charles Fit; of Yaw Orleans, Louisiana, to he Pemion Agent at that place, 'vice MaunselWhne, who declines the otßee. James Ruske, Fayetteville, North Carolina, to Ise Pension Agent at that place, vice George McNeill, removed. —Nist. Intel. of Friday. DrlprOvamant/ In Dentfinry. DR. U. U. STF.AFLYS, late of Boston, i. ,prepared to manalacture and set Btocx Tara a whole and parts of lei*, upon Suction or Atmospheric Suction Plates— Toonueuaneaun IM nva nnexern, where the nerve to exposed. Mee and restdence next door to the May ors °Mee, Fourth street, Pittsbargh. or R eo-.t. R. RVFadden, F. R. Eaton. 1.19 Pavillon Lenin Straus.—Prepared by J W. Kelly Pt7,l, N. V.. and for gala by A. Jaynes. No U Fourth m. 0.. Ttus will be found a delightful aro . - - of beverage in families, and particularly for sock art's Boots —An improved Chocolate prepnra• •n, being a combination of Cocoa nut; innocent, in morating and palatable, highly recommended partic• only far invallds. Prepared by W. Baker, Dorcher r, blase, and for sale by A. JAYNES, at the Yakut et Store, No. 70 Fourth at tuella W. M. Wright, M. D., Dentist, °Mai and residence on Fourth aL, opposne the Pitniburgh flank. Office Iliolra2 o ' clock 9 o'clock to la- A M . and from •l Fire and Marine Lokanzanee.—Tug Pins email NATIOATION ♦ru Fier DucaAnca ttoaraar— bartered lerkd—coulattues to invorr, upon every tle notion of property, Ea the totem rota. Orrin. No. 21 Market euret_ SAMUEL GrOJIMLY, Presl. mys-xlErn JOB PRINTING. RILL lIF.ADS. CARDS, CIRCULARS. Manifrsos, Bills La-hng, Contracts, Law ItJanis KANO BILL, 4811./6 C1M7171.1,TE0. ro.cum, tte. ht., Prtoted It the shortest ttouce, nt low mere, at the de..9 li•zurrs Orelca, 'lmiro !room, DR. W. 11. DAK IrKN'II,T, w 1 orl prorcr—Strothbelo 4111,1, L`CIVit,C.I Seven:a and Straotherry alley. N. B —Dorease. of the mouth gums and ocelli irrated Eiunuropathteully jua..l3in 113- Folly apiGlldid ROA valuable bnddista tot. I.IIUS. an the centre of the cm's' of Allegheny. n•u he sold on the p , en,ses by John D Duvis, Auctlunce this afternoon si 3 u clock. to which we would tnvne particular attenuott. they hems among tne most dean sti:e property ever offered at 'Rita.. ••le in Mut t Lit ED. tV. would invite the attention 01 purr baton to the ssla 01 that, valuable proper, stitottunv Johnu ton, on the Diamond.whlch is to be so'd by John D Danis Mot afternoon al 3 o'clock, on the premises. L.: order Draw Erevan,a of the late Putebeli. tle [Cal • ed. Notice to Stockholder• 0„ utt ,tock of his Company, is "Lured Iv par! N,, 39 •wer I'maburgA, k on on or beo•.re Month,. the aeronol Jay o. Jul) ' A, I , 1,-V.l Hyorder of the Honed f Directors CElatil3 hero v ;iv,•• thr tul.‘ci r tt.c/ ha...ka.• • 1 , am Ittatstc; ,ALC{(I,OII4 C1.11i1), Ls/10,11 , .1,11 n.stilotrat.o.. .e k:At tie of VALE I THEVI jaw 61 Itorou,h of Stnexpebeta. decease., And pr,torl• JPidel , • to 1.14 estate ere hereby resitot -1 to tn.., anted., peynteitt,aed havtllF err requested to pre.ent them, ditty tor rey• cent to :3.1.11A II TRENT, Admi as. r et 0.1 ;ul2 wJt• r _ . II ILITARY I.ooaS—syrorda. Ermakite., ' , AA., n Cap.. Haws, Ration*, Laces. Drunu, and &Ai k1:11110/ TIIMI6II§4S /0/ . Masontr, 0.14 Fallow, and o:h• cr Alat.--4:01.1 mad Stlyer Ural& for r rnana.dertug. Thrred. Lla:Lon Stara, d. W W WILSON. ,[ll,l cora., Itlz azul Market PKNY , A :arr. and exce,legit +lock al Pre 1,7 cuurn tio,d Pres. at the mayt approved mult , r. aivays on ca•td ,al2 W 3C♦ Dlnspratta• Patent Soda A•h. 17 `'A`AS, •,•,al. n ,ul thtpin.l per tr lobe,) and lIPT tale by WA M MITCHKLJREE 11 . 7 . They hay, ree•ived lIIVINCYOI lure Of thlwe einpidents pee Ante n. J ‘Vhitney and btopnen wank w.il 4IIIVC next !numb TLer - will al. a receive large «applies far :be fall ti rade 1412 0/' feu, r mks NI/ 7 " k AI MITCIIELTKER CI 'they recur., fresh supplies for t 3 te lo Pall r oi/GAB ANSI MOLASSES—Ca IsOds U &tsar, (EP prima: neTlltls 0 Molasses, prlnfe, In oak liblc siarr and fur sale ti lull W & U MITCHELTRLE \‘•ltig , Y.Ev—mo lobb. Wh.key, to ...re and fo W k M NIITVHELTR \ ABU I>t , 11R..4T1C 1.14110 gene ral ...ono, nt .a/ ways on band cool foe sale tty M Mrreti DR. GOORGIE McCOOK NFFICE, Fourth ttreet, nomr 6runt, id the room Latoty oceupted by Aldenitan MIL/CT, Arumethate fou.ll.‘ n 1 ! '4 l:l ' 7:: ' 4l . _ l l7h li aVY.7 . l t o l. te . l m" )1311 dGua ITERRINGS—AW boo No I IlerTtng•, WO do seal. ed,....re and lot sole low to eta,. constgo. meal by !oil JAMES DAI—ZELL, Wait, It TtißACCO—dia keg. Geilue'• No 16 Pin. Tobacco, binding per atmr Hamburg and for 'Ale by ItII /ANTES DALZF.LL D DAN rEcri Nu SOLUTION OF CIIL.ORIDF. SO deconinme. the vi re. or peccmt pram, pie c I ail contagious Comm... It remove. the danger. atlio via of rack room, itc HI 11l daunting crier. gy it renal,. ulcers, and intercept. all communicable dam. ma, whether in aunt or animal, &a Just rec'il mud for sale by all R E SELLERS, ri; Wood at DitUGS - DRUGS"— Claws.lnc, Est But ProcJit. Nitrata James Powder, Chloride Fitroot !nasally, Iwo recd arra for sale by ull _ _ Chloroform, ludule Infn, Oil Copatba, Citric Acid. CI;lock Ekbor, Extraci I.tuataio_ It 1.: Wood *1 C.fitsceil Oil. ;Ott reed and lor rale by 1 .111 J H CANFIELD LW-ITHEIt.—It bk. prime Faulk,. ;mit lando.f and for talc by WE TON BOIVEN, PO Front bi 11.11MS - 11 casks Sag. cored 11•110, last receive) and for sale by ;sII WEATON BOWEN tBIYx AND VAIXAHLE: BOOKS I 1 —lion. 011 ?lathe Architecture. prepared o behalf el the Building Committee of the Stutthooniat, n Inentlition by Rotten Dale (lien. In large quattA. elegantly pained, woh 113 illustrations in the neet atyle e ( the an —Urecti on Bronelnns, recond edtunn. rrve.ed and en'arged A treatise on diseases of the •r .pa. rages, comprising an inquiry into the hirroty, eatteea, and treatatent ot those allertions of the throat, evird litanctults. Chronic Larylognta Clergyman's Sore Throat s Inc he 13y Horace Green A RI.. RI D. k, Plate. unproved and carefully entered. Royal rya gilt taps, $3 1.10 111 Mow lendy, Om Hu edition, reveted and en,ar red, watt addiuntiel illustratrane A Treatise no Laud .cape Hardanlng and Hang Architecture For .are by JAMES D. LOCK WuOL/ OS Wood wee:. For many years connected won Meows Wdey & Fornans, and late John Riley, New• York. 11rn1 u.a.n.lbllT?fi.flnr4lJjlllll 11 - 111. R. if TMVNSENDS SARSAPARILLA—&U if dozen of Dr TownscntE. (igoomP Sezrapa3Loa.. )ort fee- d and for rel. by R E SELLER!, . S Wood .1, only Arent for Plltsbur.o, H. 1J NI el; KB Afoot for Ailegbeny cow GEITLICDIEN , N FURNISHING GOODS \b-\ hett/011 . 0 ) *EN YORK JOHN satilklDElLPs' 41, Importer, Man ufnet urer, and Dealer In SHIRTS. CRAVATS. SCARFS. STooKs, HO. SIERT'. GLOVES, UNDER GARMENTs, SUsPENIIRRS, D040N123, COLLARs, 0RE...3.401G HODEs, SHOULDER BRACES, HAN DIZERc olErs. MONEY BELTS, META MAE wATER.PED , or co AT,‘, OILED SILKs, The facilities of the subccriber for importing end ~...u f „„m„, hi. roods, enable him to supply hie r touters et the very lowest market oilers; end every effort will be made to render it al. oh!ect lot merehains and dealers from every section of the country to five him a cell C. EL HATCH, 57 Wiliam meet. *3O HEW Ann .12 STOLEN from the subscriber, home m Indiana county, P., un Tuesday, be Sth tam— a OREN HORSE, with Saddle and Martingales; about 17 hands high, nnd 7 years old; with white mane and nol—heavy I,,ww. The above reward will be paid for the recovery of S horse and thief, or WU for the horse. JAMES WCALIP, West Lebanon P. 0., luDislartwit•S lndiana co. _Pa ___ •_. W H L T S E BEAN VFIOI , 7 " I3 . OVriOILsT & Cn k1.F.V31..-1,0 Lan Westen) Reacnre, for male by C $ F VON BONNNORST a co FRATIIERS-575 Ibs ( or sale by nth B F VON BONNHORST & CO DRY APPLES—Z/0 bush for We by 10 B F VON BONNUORST & CO GLASS—bou b.. taxi% 400 do tOxIA 100 do 10214, bo do 729; for We by VON BONNHORST b CO SCYTHE SNEATHS-45 dos for sale by jui S F VON BONNUMIST 1 , 0 H A T., ILAKES-30 dmfo, solo by F VON BONNIIORST & CO DRIED BEEF ROERDS-10 — tieWes Rounds, very fine , Just reed and for Laic by la y SELLERS & NICOLSO --_ RELIES VOR casmrs. TATE HAVE ABDOMINAL WARP ERS made from T V the most approved English pattern, furnished and teeognmeaded by. Thomas Bakewell, and e number of eminent physician s being a most conveni ent apparatus for the applicegion of warm or hot mu ter to the bowels. In ease 01 cramps in Cholera. A. every person Is oulueet to sudden attacks, no family should be althoun at leas/ one. BOMBE& ATKINSON. First st, between Wood mod Market HiEALE'S NEW \YOhe Arock. or t i n in Y the Woods, lay RK—T J. T. Headlediy, rib author of “Washington and his Generala,^ eta. The Lite 11/11i NYnunpi of Do Will Clinton, by W W Campbell. author of l 'llordor Warfare' Jam recd by tu7 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON XTEW BOOKI-A History of Wonderful Invention., ilinatroled with numerous engravings on wood, 1 vol. moans. The Incarnation, or pitmen, of the Virgin Mid Ivry Boa, by Charles Beecher, Fort Warne, Indian. with no introductory essay, by Mr. Hornet Beecher Stowe. Just reed by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, uy corner :Id and Market at, OIL -10 lAN Linseed Od, past re 'd and for sale of jo7 1 LI CANFIELD BACON -7 erica Sides and Shoulders, io-day teed and for rale by ARMSTRONG & CROZEit • j ARD—I4 bbls No I, ndo No [dug landlng from .L.J steamer Cumberland No d for sale. )u7 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, From st BAbc.°N.Ti! ihoh,do DoCmK mkcer - F F. , .. , t7: 1. 11 , j1 R „ 1- ; : to br . 12 1 :7 luzsimg from sunr Cum -147 ISAIAH DICKEY A. CO Tj ORBIIEADS—i7 this; 2 c‘lis, !guiding from stun Lowell, for rale by IRAIAH DICKEY & co FEATIIERS—a racks prime, lauding from viriarber .12 Cumberland and for sale by B A FAIINESTOCK!. CO, corner m and Wood ate I . , , LANSEED—I casks latultng from steamer Clun k' berland and for sale by At; B A FAHNFSTOCK A CO CININE-00 no Farr's, just yacht atul far sale by B A FAHNESTOCK & CO DRIED PEACHES-7 packages ktapared Peaches; I boo pared do; Just me'd and for sale by tu7 C H GRANT I,llsiE FLOUR-200 bids good quality fine Flora, in fine order, In store and for sale by la? SELLERS to NICOLS SCant CURD. tiale4S-9Rna rare Evans &Suites brand 48 do Taylor& Carif 10, sp for faintly use; :or sole by A: SELLERS & NICOLS LAk f)i—Hans, Sides sod Shoulders, of prune quiff 11 by, ors, yr on hind and for sale by , 017 SELLERS & NICOL. L 1 IRD I.MA No 1: 14 do No 2: in fine order j 10: sale by JO SELLERS & NICOLS RICE—Li tea freett Beat, tor retatlmg. mst 'dn ree err, to 1,1 Iu7 SELLERS & NICOLS r o r r y .rz a t tes. a {lran y lod JORN WATT & CO t,fil. Not trimmed Shad 40 do No 1 Ile 1' ran '0 No 1 inlmon; 6000 56. Bacon Sale ,nre at,a for saki by 106 JORN WATV &CO lEFSE-160 bin Wilt reed and for role at tile \V Bolt, and alt.,. Depot, au.l for safe by , a 6 J 6 CANFIELD s c NrlS-4 tam, • Mme 7 1, 8 . 4 /•, , 4 0 r .tuby rpi4I.6CCO-6o Legs 6 twist Tobacco, rinn received 1 per lit elm.. Genesee, and for sale by ,s 6 RURBRIDO E. LL'IL.MON tr. CO, Water cc A I .AHIO 1.-10 tiols In prime order ' AM read and tar mite by toe E SELLERS, .5: Wood m p t 1) ELM BARK—I btal past recd end for sale toe R E SELLERS P ft , l n tl%flß 51EN-2 eases, in small eon s ., just reed ‘1 r t ale by .111 _ R E 9.1.ER9 I CA Rll-5 bbls double refined Cruthed; 5 do do do S Potederod, 1 do Stained; sdo Clarified; 10 do an ,or Lott; ,1111 received nod for sale I,a J D WILLIAOI9. 110 Wood t I =ll--Noo 1. 2 and 3 Idadtemi; No 1 Salmon; N and Ileningi Ri box. Lubec sealed Iler for by JO J U WILLIAMS 0--" , °"" - rtia;'41,11AN. 31 Watar and el From n B ACON-z.OUO lb. Bacon, Shoulder., Saes and Hum., for bah, by LS WATER.M A N abls sapenor r flat Floor, reed and (or %ale by Jaa L 8 WATERALAN • 1 , , 0 ,, Z ,.. 11 . aa j Oraill .. s t ,.a u n y d a few do, Hay Rake jut LS 'WATER:RA.% M;EMENIM Rl=l=sl Y+ Harting, Lc. arpvr• and for sale by LA WATERMAN ‘ItIED bbls Oh. day a)ld f• JL./ lad TASSEY tr. HEST r..) ACON—lek/ clear Aide, ree'darid (or rale by rua TASSEY r' , ' , 4)W 1 N—3 dam note and for sale by ,o 6 TA SS.P.I' a FIFST A RU tibia Lord Ott, tending from etrartvr IA New Entdolid No U, %V et ttroton & Co', and for i.oh low to close consignment by joo /AMES DALZELI Wale, et itiThilel—tvi bales Cotton, in atom end for sale Ly kj ton JAhIES DAL.ICII.. 5 , 1 (;sofa, cheat, Tea; b. indigo, land 18afy pan :" canal 10e este by JAMF.S DALZELL - 7 VCY;3s.4"3.4AVDroinlersbyAtinernlehateri Tv IT E 111 Llee, eon roy ogle by rue JA311:3 DA LZEL Dr. WlekeVe Celebrated CHOLERA AND O'lElOl6l MEDICINES l'eqd,te.l to ,ad tt, tollow,gre :.honien tned,eina czh.n./vety ta nod •.I the Southern and 1-*.a.tern \t ado eurtify that In. Loss, Wtmtity. of York, Pt, wok outlet ht• rate sod 131/1165V.MC.A. On or about the lint o(th-tuber lion, a yoann an laboring order a usedattact of - Aslant' Cholera ;' lhat we slant. We said pat.eut, and found tom to be to the rot. lapsed state, of dal dinars, testis fresuent and cocoon nce water dowharges That we? ronounced tt e . ,entone Cholera, and dectaced moreover that yr betievcd the rata putttnt wtha beyond the hope armed cot aids In fact we thought We pollens would the and so declared at the time. We farther eertlfy that the laid Lents Wlekey par e ale own mode of treatment, and ndmmirtered htr Cholera Rernedy,lead effected a enre of the pauent_ We .411 a an four day, thereafter the said young man was at work, and perfectly well. Joue C Dorn,. M. D. T. D. Daccrrr, M. D. I cent fl. that I vtrited a case of modified Cholera der the care of Dr Loot. U ickey, and that I bel his medicine relieved him. State of Maryland, Washlngton County, to ern I e entry that I am well acquainted with the gentle- Louwho have signed the within cerufiegnee of Dr. ts Wick ey, and they are men of retainer abthty. In testimony whereof I hereunto subaembe my name, and a. 61 the seal of my peke. Una four esum dry of November, eighteen hundred and thirty-three. 0. IVILLIAMS, Clerk IVasholgton County Court. Maryland. I witnessed the edministration of Dr. Louis Wick ey s prepare ion for Cholera, in the raze of an appre, glee to Ch ili. lastrg business in this town (lingers town was a well marked case of Asiatic Ch. le-a, with rim water eracututon,h cold clammy skin cold to tom. small :raninioue pulsea.-1 considered hi intitionlra:, critical and alarming I saw him pre mous to Dr Wickey, nod was present at the admino tuition of the ti r.t dose of medicine, and saw lum re peateilly sr, during the attendance of Dr. Wlckey; be re covered as to he able to attend to and weirs at hi trade in a tow days. I ant care he lm k none other ho the medietne ad:mooed by Dr. Wickey. alellAYD W. Darts, NI D. The only true and gromne Do. NV/eaves ehole and ItArrhato bled/moo Ul prepared and gold whol tnt , nee I. by JOIIPI DI. DOROAN. Drettyabc, dmit nor door below Dtomorld alley, Wood TEAS! TILAIIIII TEAS!!! I r I. with pietisme that the subscribers „II inform the ettizens of Pittsbarrti and rit• nae kd finny thatw nh th ;l y e st a r ' e s completed ienkln "' ;• o. of Philadelphia, to receive their superior PACKED TEAS, 'I And will hereafter be kept constantly on hand. Ther are neatly and s . c t rotely put M ' 22, iTST re a d ` 0 k a . ;:3 1 -kho n er o in l g the kind of Ten, price, name of the concern end dep. t.r • Ittintlclphin, svlth St incitation to return the Tea, ,1 not )11“411. tlonpowdei • • •n2i 75 I.CW 1.24 140 ; 50 75 1,00 1,25 1,50 ' II vson •• • • • .50 654 75 1,00 1,25 . ....50 52* 75 1,1%) 1.25 1,50 Mack •• • • .27} 50 Vir, and ertre Fine. '0 I ,o 0 7,x,,5 . .) tV, warren, nil the TEAS we sell to be equal sUrvAtioht 1.3 any sold in this city. and .hnuld b , / I,m prove acceplltUle to the I.le, till y Can be re. n.rne.l, and the inoney will be refunded, us it is only • ..h that UndetolOnditl4 we sell. ata a fair trial, that the public may be able In seder ~ ..zween our Tea. and those heretofore road hy tribal ~nupsal..l .11 this city A !Over%ot reel, delietous •nd go tlavaind Tr A •hou' , l u• call Fu; •ale L JOS S M. YOUNG & N W corner 4th and Ferry woos, land E. YOUNG tr. CO. W corner 3d and Rm. met. n ) I. d trtiril PEKIN TEA STORE THE subscriber h. rust received •t the Pekin Tea Stare, NJ Fourth .tre•t, very large and well sr leeted •toek of purr GIiKEN AND BLACK TEAS, from New Vert, all of which has been received to thr• country shore the One of February last, roasistlng at nil the rhtterent grades grown in the Celestial Emptre Our Clock hems among the lateral to the hVest, WI! prepared to wholesale, ou better tenon then any other !mu.u the city. We invite retail grocers to call sod run.. our stork and prices. They ca. Lava it puck rd end 1 lb purkageu, 5 lb t/lICUIIILIAIVT, or to hall ciieuto, to nuit their couranienee. , . • . . Our retail prices cozy for Oolong. Black Teas from (0 eta. to 81,50 per lb.; Ming Young Sone hung. 00 r b.; tlongo 31.1, and English breakfast fstt, Young 111.00, litsupourder and Imperial, from 35 cis. to $1,25 per 11. Females are requeated to send and got sampler of of our Tear, and try theta before purchatung. y 11nd/cwt.' A J A YNY.S, 70 Fourth street WJISITE SIJUA itS.—luveriug'. loaf, crushed mud V V pelverireAl Sugars, just reed end for rale by the bbl or et ;veil, at the ?chit Tee thorc,7o Fourth at. otrEt 12171 ti COPS 7:o4—Moetta, A Meant Java, Lagutra, 12 St Domingo and Thu Coffee., lust too'd and for tale at the Pektn 'fey Stole, 70 Fourth at. tarp AININS AND FIDS-400 etßht bxa prime Rar• sits, and 50 .mall drums (rest, Fttr, (list r e ceived and for sale at Ott Patin Ted :Store, 70 Fourth strati lor4 - - - - CHOCOLATE', COCOA ANH HHOHA—Hitkef Prom, No 1 Ch.olute and Cocoa' also, &hen sweet spiced Chooonne, Just reed tind for saleat th • Pekin Tea Stem, lo Fourth et- aI N,TORGAN'S WORM HILLER lathe beat Vermlfuge that any anti elm give or use in his family. WaszallaioN Tp., Westmoreland no. Pa. Mr. Jelin D. 'Ming.: —This la to certify that I hare been selling your Vero:drop for some time. an, about one yea andin that time I have never knocya it to to fail in bnnging worms away when the syrimtoma indicated their presence. I had occuion to glint it to two grown up members of my family; I gave each of theta one dose, and one of Mein passed MO and the oth er over 250 worms. It is the beat Veretifoge that say man can are chic (amity. J. W. Prepared and sold by INO. IL aIORBAN, Droowlat, vac Rom below Diamond alley, Ott Wow! el. lan AUCTION SALES FOR citicinrcrkti.. . The spla s nd il i EN d skilin uo cr il, Lam go Stock of .gore, and Furry Dry Goodt, H osi o r .n, roaster, on. leave for the On lharsday snorting, Jour. lilt, at 10 &clock, at bove sad inter . ..district. this day rho Gonwnercrat Sales Rooms, corner of Woo 4 awl .! 10 0 .,652.1c, At Frflb nicety, will be •oh.l For freight or passage apply on Ward, or to A large aasortment stnple end fancy Dri. Ropla, PETTIGREW & (X), Aats ! ..t I arnong which are spb.nitdrusvus, ba.rannes, bsragee, de lain., super Nulls, Fisnela nod Manches ter clog/tams, ehnwle end hdkto in greet •ariety. gloves, legbot:l and braid bonnets, per•sosette, mbre,l. s, table cheek, ttklng. bleached 114/1•1:11, asltmes. rottoonde•, superfine casurneres, +atillellT, tweeds, hum) , vrwlngs, ,R-s• at John D. Davis. Anotlossear Dried Yee( MWM=I M=ME=Me!f=ol ufartured loliacco. no yr : , oxes Summon ensure. 0 bx* tine rut ..bowing witer°, a hi. Not poi. eciap.ti ibis No I .had, entities, .noi via, hoer., forks, wrapptax pa per. iransparent and ATIIILIaIi window Winds, mantel . cla• k looking gla..rt, queentware. glasgvrare. trs A large and grnetal arnotua,, of urar and tecoti.l band i.auseLAd liirnaurr..te Ai -o'clock, Au invoice ni line cutlery. double and single barrel shot guns, and pirwl•. just received row New Vast, gold and silver wnwhes, boors, shorn. reedy made dolling. fancy goods. ite. gal liarouche anti Buggy at auction. tin Thuradajt tnternoon, Jane 14th,•a1 a o'clock, in of Use Commercial Soles Dooms. corner of Wood d Dinh streets, will be sold, one second hand Do uche, stumble for one or two horses, well finished. :tit falling top, in good order; also, • good secoud d Buggy. path JOHN D DAVIS, Auct Undenorit,'J Sale of Damaged Dry Goods. Ott Friday mamma, Lune 15th, at 10 o'clock. at the Commercial Sale% Rooms, corner of Wood and Filth tweet., will be .old for oath currency— - _ Four cases of assorted foreign and domestic staple and fancy Dry Good., among which arc super black. bombazine, cashmere.. alpacas, gingham., titmouse and dress prints, linen cbanibraY, painted Mane, ging ham lawns, hal:urines, 43 pieces lloyle's celebrated prints. b pieces red flannel., summer cloths, coating., drab d' etc. de ; 9 hales Bangor, Conestoga and other sheeting., 3 do ticking.. The above have been damaged by wet on the Pa. Canal. and will be opened for examination on the 14th nst., to which the attention of dealers in requemed, as the sae Is pastors. tun JOHN D DAVIS, duct Large Salo of Skirts stud ea:thing by rufalogrue. On Wednesday morning, tath lose, a t 0 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Room, corner of Wood and Sth streets. will be sold, ono credit of vinery days for all rums over E4OO, an extensive invoice of shirts and clothing, comprismg fine muslin shirt's,- been begonia and collars, super customer made do, yoke neck and French sleeve Merrimac, mariners stripe, fancy union check. and hickory' Duns; patent lace drill debater* for summer French •10. lie anspenders,• cloth, mam re l me. rwde tilpacta and evaded dmta, frock tad rack dents; blob sod num, French oasalmere pates, sat. liner dull, cottondde end checked do. Catalogues can be obtumed and goods examined on Tuesday. M 9 JOliN D DAVIS, Aoer. • As -.gum Sods of - 45 acyro f croollent C,d, and 42 acre. ff Land On Wedn,,day, J ane 20th, et 2 o'clock, I'. M.. et the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of IVood und thilh tweet.. will be twirl by order of Abe Millar, Esq., As stun, of Rota Sinciair, forty-live acre. of ortrelleot rind. trot about fortyttuto acres of land, situated oa the bank of the Monongahela, opposite 111 . 11:eesporr, on which sr erected 9 or 10 &vetting houses, 2 coal roil roods. and other itoproyemente for carrying on the coal Lot.ibetta Tema at Me, JOHN D DAVIS, Altai ITM73InI THEATRE Lessee and Manager • • • •C. S. Porter. Amu% •Yn Sties Matson• •• • ••W. H. Caw. TICKET NIGIIT. GOOD BILL Tteshey ErMee, lver 12 To commence with the //man of the FLOATING BEACON. ttr' a k ..:• :.. .. ......... Marlette Mr. Mettlieott LANCE, by Mies Homer. To be. IMlowed by she RIVAL. PAGES. DACE, by - Mmter Wool To “.no:ode with 1021 OR THE SOLDIER OF TILE REVOLUTION Ilr Weonesday—Mr. Wood's Benefit. 5 1;41 . A R-9I hada N jr, t , ; „ Sagar, jam read u atii (.01 C I ( .. fint . 29 , =.: form Lake Erie ju4 JA MU:3 DALze.u., Water at VISII-7A gado. Furnitnrei :NO do carriage, V of Dorton mortaraciorc, and or .4,p, warranted, for sale very low to close enosigronent, by ISAIAH DICFCEI S CU. Front et Lr ARD—YOU bbl, No I, now !Rodin', for sale by InsISAIAH DICKEY & CO I lACON-14 casks Sulks, to sett 0001 40,U0U lbs El smoke house, mostly limas tuid Shoulders, ready for dellsery; for sale by' ISAIAH DICKEY is CO Irsl4-10 kegs eve.. inkut wore and for sale by Jo, HARDY, JON &CU ATI - WE—GO bbisTn eao hu4 J SClWrills MAKER £ CO, Y 4 Wood at 1..1.1. large Isa 3, 10 do JO No I; tt, d t dU Nu 2; . ..a/ hf hhls Nos I and 2, Mu. In •peettaa. tamhag 3.1 fat hy MILLEIt k R1CK1 , 71`3012, ,u 4 1711 and 174 Liborty It XINAC BRANDIEs-:—V7 half pipes various I liN vin E ns%;es, of our own ilopertanon per Commerce rum Bomesus. jart reed and :or sale by (111313R-1D blas ynme CAder flirt reed awl for tale by jui (0.4) %V Sarni re CO jj AEI/WAHL , PAYER—!Lo rm bort quolity, tor Il lurk by jot J SCIJUONNIANEH) orria: CUB. 5--7 bale or WO ATAI A Aker 04LTPE71112.-1. - + kegs for talc by 0 .orr J 80HUOINIMAXER &CO DOCTOIt FAMILY 3IEDICLNES—A full supply itzi ret"d; fur sale by _ . _ UUDERSIGNED , can be roundat the °nice o( Amerman A. G. Balaban, nad the Ilan tvhere 4a will be happy to ace an those indebted to him. Ailer that time. sat. trio be brought against all dellettueom. jut A. M CA.ALMON. ',it beNni CUAltsts rtif.e. oestrous of oh tutnol iniurmutaust refried to the number of dear, to al occur In the city weehJy. the character co the dieeases., sod the ashad:Le persons, would respect fully request Ore Phy'4l.3ll. to report to them at the Commute,. Room. Old Court House, ou Ftsday evening of each week. Ad JOVIN Ck'rn. DRUGS. Re. Re —Pure Red Bark. CbLorie Ether, lodide Potash... Strychnine, chloride Gold, Liver cropbur, Mine Precipitate. Cyanurer Potash, Ayr re cerred and for side by Jog R E SELLERS Lr STVICII-10 brs (or A DO Wood st • IyUTITR—I Ltd nutter:or, 2tors (amily, for solo by 1) ju'r J D WILLIAAIS DEA.NS-20 bblii mall white, lir j ecd p e w liy iulAms 2 B ACUN-lca!ks sugar cured i loulders; For by At 2 J D WILLIAMS 'DEA CIIES-5I bush ext. (salty, Car sale by J D WILLIAMS UNDRIHS-14 bbla No 1 Lard; 2 do firearm; 6 r 424 Bacon, assorted; 6 bbl, nutted; 0 bergs do; 4 do Dry Pertedev; 26 do Female.; 6 do (hose2g, to arrive; for tole by ISAIAH DICKE2 id Co, IkiEESE--110i bx% oil hand: for /Ale by Vi jai ISAIAH D!CKEY 3, CA A CON-2 k r , lineal, reed and for wale by I) 102 Cli ()RANT pEARL ‘l9ll—d c s4a for sale by It DALZELL h Co; Liberty . QCORelibilDsAurs—tibble an bad antfor side by Jut It D. II.LF.LI & Co CHEESE--2un bra prone lVcstcro Reserre, to store and for solo by jut R DALZELL & Co PLES—,:u LW, brme, sor rak by TASSFX a BEST ()byTS— 400 usL, la arrive in a Is3[l: days, for sale C A AVANULTY A. Co, c.nal Basin aoW..ot): sod Coooty Scnp purchased by loyal N HOLMEN t SONS ULOUR—L% bell Flour. rued and for .Jrs by I: loyal ARMSTRONG fr. CREIZER GOLD C A INS--/em recei cod, • beautlfel assort ment of ladle. and kr ntleinens' Gold (heard Chun., from SIO to SW each, eastern prices Mae, Weeding Row. Cl 42 0.0 gold, gold Pencils, (Sager Rings, Ear Rmg., Oreaat Pols, Precede., Gold Pens, Waited. W WILSON, earner 4th mid Market ins .I)A i Rr PEACHES-1 sack reVliztivlat ß b yyT tt Astl-4 esti in kW IC 111 A d s l . 4 7:cr;l: SODA C. 43. on MM. , - ar ,, k i s r: :. l . s.laby ssT JuY T ' BY k 11 I . ) ICE—lo cot, rot sale by It nll TASS.EV fr. BEST fsll--9 elks o more and Ifrr sale by rASSEN fr. BEST QOAP- 4/1 bye Ciu. Soap. for sale love for rub, by Ll jar_ TASSEY G BR ST . _ (11L ,, SASSAFRAS rrr ree t a. E. ;,;,1 vale by i 2 Wood rt ClfEriblE YELLOW-9 rases just recd end for rale by Ju9 _ R E SELLERS (,KEEN-9 eases jam reed and for rale lJ by JO. R bl SELLERS bbls Erdree'alitia — fer rale by k, pre SELLERS 11 111:U11U itokrr - 4 ease Just rre'd and for art l / 7 Jul R E SELLERS BATH It RIC k—l case too ICt'd and for sale by 11/1 Jr- II E SELLERS C;1.A . 1 ;, ( . ./3 1 1 . 1.11,, H yd. SutOoned—gri Illy i er t ;t . r s rM and for tu.l ltir ULA.S.S y ES-L:0614y (or yule by .i.ri Jul J S DILWORTH_ .k. Co , - - -•- L," LaJURI.I.O LLD 81,1 laadmg and (or sale by ___ __ P tny3l J S DILWORTH it CO r 1 t. - A H-31/ , 1.•41.N C Tar, tus j tAnvmml i tr a roc o.l by 1 tnyal v r AC K ERE L— :ttl bblr No 3 large Mackerel, In store DI and fur male 6 , 7 my:II J S DtLwotrril /r. CO I) 1/.LB OP EACH ANGEr-itTeks at Slght on New Pluladelphot. and Holutuore, in .aanttl 10 cull purchars., or sale by m 713 N HOLMES Ilc SONS SeGAR-73 lardy porno N O.Sugar for rale by mr26 TT( Cet3l LE tsLABB--rfatnple bo2c• Or 11. ro ll parlor brand window than resolved, and order , 'nil be promptly tilled by S dr IV ii A RitArt:ll m 716 21117RDOCI ,PATENT DASHER CHURN ourrsn uv 13 le h 10.71211 IN 9 or 10 litx,r , Roy THE attention of the public se 10V /tett to thor very valuable Churn, whseh hnn the advantssge of all others an combining the old and new tnventloats to gether. 'fhe utility of duo invention at apparent, by a sim pie process the air is forced beneath the dash, and does away arch the neee.mtly of purchasing a new Chum, as it can be applied to any chum is use end for one dollar can have all the improvements or the age combined with those of gathering the Battey in the usual way. The public are invited to call and jutb,e for them selves before purcnatiagelseerh;ro, at 87, cornet-0 Mattel •nd streets, 01. at, eta Eb,„ nou d e.. mewed Wood and Itjexket . sitsets, Pittantro. . myri SAUL. YROEffP,4. STEAM BOATS. FOR .41% LOUT 3. N The paiendhl rteamer I. J. J. CRITMXPEN, • .T.43.,.... 4 .1. Cale., Muter, will leave for above ...,..... 4-- -,, .- and latarinediala Iron• this day', at I l' M. For frt. ley or pa.Yage apply to uv PETTIGH & •, Ili, bee passenger steamer i&agi n VKIKKON, , . ... Koontz, master, will leave far Gleam Mai and intermediate latictiols .1 tin• day, of to o'clock. A. IL For freight or pansane. apply on board, Of to ' ,119 080 Li SuLTTaCIIERGER AL, FORWINCINNATI. uThe splendid reamer • I. ZACHARY TAYR, . Lucas, ouster. will Leave LO fot above •- - t - r•••• - • , •••••+••- • and intermediate ports this day: For freight Or pulage._ply an bawl Jan 9 CINCINNATI & PITTRIMMER °4 •- : - 4 ;: , - , Late gi at DAILY. PACKET LII4E. ins well known line of splendidpusertgetqlteaM• is now composed of Me hugest, mitten, boa Tatted and furalaheil, and most powerful boats am the waters of 50 West_ Every aecommodatimii %ad era, fort that money can procure, has been provided (or pas. Imagers. The Line ho. been in operation for Eire yam —has earned a million of people scithoat the least MM. op to their persons. The host.. ttll ha at the toot o Wood street ntn day prrviou. io starting, for the recap. Lion of freight and Sr entry of passemaers on the nacte• ter. In all eases the passage money most be pale lti advance. SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain Ile 111, wO leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at Is chloollq Wheeling every Sunday evening nt See. ML Nay J, ISO. The MONONGAHELA, Capt. Suomi, will leave Mr. burgh every Monday morning 10 10 Went k; W 1 te!llnig .refy Monday evening at 00 P. Pt. VeksboNt Tee HIDERS:LC No. 2 Copt J. KLISWIXTI3. *at l'iusburgh every Tuesday swoons at 1U o'clock' %nooks' ovary Tuesday cyclacig at 10 P. 11. WIEDNgSDAY PACKET. The NEW ENOL.h.ND N,:t. 2, Capt. S. 1) it, seal lease Pittsburgh every Wednesday 010T0 1 / 1 jlll 14 n'erdeh; 'Wheeling every Wed:ludas' evening t. . . . The BRILLIANT, Capt. Guam will terra Mt*. burgh every Tharsday morning at tuo'clocti Whet Lag Every Thureday everting at lb P. St. The CLIPPER No. 14 ens. Pnw Duval., will lean, Pu.bargb crrrp Friday [l3ollllllg at 104eclock; Whoa I , "' ov ,, Y Friday evewng et Id r RiiiiEithi:CASitrifersltiiii3ll DAILY OF CANAL AND STEAM PAD/a:ITS, EI mg' iitidal (via su-ssuore,) Leaves Pittsburgh dully, at 9 o'clock, A. ND; and .sr tires at Carolow, (mouth of the Bandy and Beaver Ca nolo at a A ior k end New Lisbon at IL fume night, Leaves New Lisbon at 0 o'etock, (making this trip canal to the river daring the night,) and Menus as 9 o'clock, A. AL, and arnves at Pittsburgh at - 3 M.—thus making a continuous line fer envying per. longer* and freight between New Lisbon arid Pals .burgh, in shorter time and at leas rates than by any other route. rue proprietors adds Una have the pleasure af be ton:rung the pubfie that they have fined up two first elan Canal Bouts, for the accommodation of passengers and height, to run in connection with the well Isugem au:outer, CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and eotaneet, ins, at Ohnigoor, with the Pittsburgh and Cisterns nett and other daily lines or steamers down the Ohio anti Mississippi rivers. The proprietors pledge theaS• selves to spare no ersoor trouble mar, eom f e e i r e s u. ak p. .ty m end dispa , and ask sl p, b chars ' AUTHORIZED AGENTS. G. M. BARYON, 8. & HARBAUGH, I PiWitru g b " • R. HANNA, & Co. oryilrtf J. ItABBACG II & Co. Nra NOTICE—The istentoor DEA.M.S. E. Clarks,w ter, will leave after thio notice, for WolLsoillopancta. 1111 1 11 D o'clock in the morainE . Ol2 smog=Alltß ON AINGI E MEN 8 ROUTE_ L A for 1849. MONGAH Only 73 BIlle• Stetsjlnff. Via Broantsville and Combatland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. 1111 splendid and fast roman U S NMI steamer' ATLANTIC, Capt Parkinson; BALTIC, Capt A obe; LOUIS bULANE, Cara E Bennett; aro low making double daily trips between T1T1103113.03 AND BROWNSVILLE. The rooming boat will leave the Monsuarihela ~ Wharf, above the Bridge, daily et 8 o'clock precisety.• 7 Passenger will take SUPRRU COACHES atllnrwrtw v ill a , a t 3 welook, P. al, and the; splendid cars of the Bolunaire and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at 3 o'clock, A. M., and arrive Iwllaltimare the wane evert.. Mg, fn time for the evening line to Philadelphia and Wasktington city. From Pittabiligh to Baltimore, only 39 hour. Fare • 310.00 From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 boom, Fans The evening boatwill/ease at IS o'clock. , ~,,4 0 . k w. day evenings. Panengeta by r ay p a ...., boned in contromabla State Roma ttefi r . „,:',',..""'" over the: mountains the following ~,,q, L . ta i lAT En Coached, tohltudao th " ewnd knighl in Carnberland.' ,Paruengetsbave .elthiCait eatterSteamboat arliall ;Road between 13. 1 0 . 10 AP and Philarlelphilw end the 4trivilege of stopping' at - geisha:habit and Rithimare' hAlPesafidis . F. o. l.ofAggh%utiatatheuesat:-. mita si pethSSIB• 'MA We make dp the loads and mo p blllefor the Coach. es in the Pittsburgh office., (in order to save time on arriving at Brownsville / it to therefore ,important for • passengers to get Brett. Uekets before going on board, of the Lout, at our offtee, Monongahela House Water sweet, or et Clutrlei Hotel, Woo_d_St, Filattheran apSalum J. A.MaSIDMEN, Afoot Pittsburgh as Loutsville Packet Liam FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. m ai st..a The splendid new steamer TELIPGRAPIL No. 1, Unstop, mast lutennedia er, te will leave Inc lawill • d pone on 'Medea.- dal:,;:hfer,•tlt loot, et 10 o'clock . .. a. "eP”numt lt=Nw&C.o. GEO It MILTENBERGER. 'URGII I ' .ACKET ' ME= - AND LOUISVILLE PACL.T LINE 74e new and splendid Mei pawn_ matimans pack&EGRAPII No. 2, Mason, master, will leave for Cincin nati and Louisville on Tharscipy, the .11 inn., en 10 o'clock, A. Al. LT frett Ta l mxply . n board, to. : Co,, Or GEO El MILTENBERGER- • __. isUGL•III WOALY PACILET at: WW PITTSBURGH ra,)11) BOCEINGPORT. The steamboat PILOT No. , Capt. N. Shank, /eaves Pittabor ll, gh very Tues at o'clock, P. L, for Elizabethtown, Cantina, da Su y, nfish, Proctor, Bare's Note Martinuillo,Sardie Slums - vine, Teel'. Landing, Matamoros, A. Sheet's Landing, Vanelow, Newport, Cow Creek, Marietta, Point !firma:, Par kersburg, Belpre, Little Hocking and Hockiffport. HockturpoM e,verY Tnnn•fia_ at 3 o'c l ock, P. M. Marlene on Paid y, et OA. M., pawing the principal put of the above towns and landings an Fddal, hen'. meld. Bythe above quwenlallt, this boat Will be able to lay .0 Piasbureh on Sundays, and keep shoe day as It should be. The public may depend upon this tam eoptiansag In the Indy darjng 11,1 - c.ar water season. apErclm . Lelalsville and St. Lolalls Packet 1412 e. 1949. • 1949. REGULAR TUEADAT PACKET FOR . ST, LOUIS The fine fast unmans passenge steamer ATLANTIS, Geo. IV. Meta, 'never, will leave r the above and imermedlata port. every 'Tuesday, at le o'clock, A. is For freight or pm esage apply on board, or to F. C. KiNte, No. 1.53 Cons. Row, mar.S-dGm LoalsvOta REOU , AT, SATIJKLAI e UR ST. LOINS The fine fast ronoteir pa”ertra. steamer OEN. LANK d. :ttcPberson t totviterwill leave for above and Intennediate porta ent ry Saturday, at 10 o'clock, r. n. Per frets ht or paces eII6OAIIIt lo , ; K , :% nR om lauiatrtile -- - 'rho fight dtanght mew., CO - MET, Boyd, muter, will learn for the ahoy* t.• and nuennediate poru tab. day, Tu.- d.Y. u 4 o'clock, A. Y. For fuuln or naanaye, apply on board run ~, rthed.lNU AN u BluDGEroter, The Oral and atabattattakatetemee HUDSON, 1.1.494.1:. 4 : Medlillen, [neater, aria'v e , (et, in •......, ^.:-..-- r regular hips ber0,,,,, phybgrag, Whamming ned Bridgeport She ort',l l e ., ° pin i a gz it, an Wedneaday sad Saturday . . For f r eight or passage, efitry on board. ago - FOR - WHEELINO AND SUNFISH. T t' , The Erie steamer 1 I • CINDERELLA, • • Ar4gtit:4 George Calhoun, matter, will leave , ~..•.., • - ,• or above and intermediate pond on Monday. oral Thursdays , 14 10 a at For freight or paasage, apply on board. ap47 REOULAREANFSTAIE PACRET. . saliti.The Inc steamer ' JENNY DYND C Gallager, Inviter, will ma sia • rep lar weekly packet +craven Fine lough and ZIMINIVIHE--leaver, rittabaorti were Taal. day. For freight apply to BAKER d, FOl*WTll,__Agia, aps3l No it Water at it BEAVER. htI.NDA Th Y T o H u t er s ! . ;ll .. No.? will lease the tending opposlas he hionottgehela llouse, every au.- . ' morning et 9 o'elowk, for Beseer. .r , , look P. M. • al J 0 r , 1ten..n, t... "1 '''"' ...boot 'twenty-five Cerits..4 Fans Co steaver and , NUNDA V Tal VS TO BEAVER. 'Ft. washer LIRAVER "rill leave pima, opporlie the Monersoop 11- 4 hz 1 a G 00... every butrday monastic 19 o'clock, fok Beiaver. Returning. •Nvdl leers heaver al l o'clock, P. 111, and arilVe at 4 o'clock. Fare, Twenty-Arc Cent. I eiNei&NATI. G EN The fag rualsaog atelmer YNSIIII. G lA, Greenlee, litilnlcr, m e,, leave (or the bore and intermediate puma every . Ttleadoy, as ID o'clark, La Al. For , r.istn or paasoFe apply' on hoard. ray?, F641 - GT. I.6IJfS. - - am4:l4, 11 splendid light draught s' tAir. i:Connerl, EA 4 UN : ove "nos day ,•11 paG._ p assage For Re , ght or aMI.7 on bno,,,i 00 .3 F. M. o,r - 11c:fumy ,Of 10 4 .„;* 'rd., splendid 444 ., 4 ...444447.'fi1ina.:-.:rirr()%'..7.11;.11; 11sttht, For freight or poop , . NAVlRVA'''tkni'C(7.,Uiaaant ;FEW:. lig ingIirEIIWAR. rorin.vti, 324 • INlnaloissiiiiti.tar. chant, ha. texsovedlo No. Er 7 Foca, etwo,a Woo 4 wad atoulfiele strocte. TiItiILSDAY PACKET. PI7.IDAT PACKET ga==oMl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers